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Added tmux configuration
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lianhao committed Dec 15, 2015
1 parent 2a41a42 commit 07d20e0
Showing 1 changed file with 50 additions and 0 deletions.
50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions tmux/.tmux.conf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# My Simple tmux cheat sheet
# Session Control:
# C-b d detach current session
# C-b D choose which session to detach
# tmux ls list all sessions
# tmux attach [-t 0] attach to session 0
# tmux attach -t db attach to named session db
# tmux new -s db create a new session with name db
# tmux rename -t 0 db rename session 0 with name db
# Pane Control:
# C-b " split window vertically
# C-b % split window horizontally
# C-b <arrow key> switch to different pane
# C-d or exit close current pane
# C-b z toggle pane full screeen
# C-b C-<arrow key> resize current pane
# Window Control:
# C-b c create a new window
# C-b p switch to previous window
# C-b n switch to next window
# C-b <num> swtich to window #
# C-b , rename current window

# 256 colors for vim
set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"

# Start window numbering at 1
set-option -g base-index 1
set-window-option -g pane-base-index 1

# Cycle panes with C-b C-b
unbind ^B
bind ^B select-pane -t :.+

# Bind a reload key
bind-key r source-file ~/.tmux.conf \; display "Config reloaded."

# Mouse works as expected
set -g mode-mouse on
set -g mouse-select-pane on
set -g mouse-resize-pane on
set -g mouse-select-window on

# Use vim keybindings in copy mode
setw -g mode-keys vi

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