First, install packages using:
pnpm install
Then you can run the dev server using:
pnpm dev
Open http://localhost:4000 with your browser to see the result.
- user should be able to login/signup and logout
- user should be able to create tasks and mark them as important and/or urgent
- user should be able to manage account details and logout
- user should be able to view all tasks
- user should be able to mark task as done
- user should be able to filter by: do, schedule, delegate, delete
- user should be able to delete tasks
- user should be able to edit tasks
- user should be able to schedule task
- user should be able to link calendar to show scheduled tasks
- user should be able to view all tasks for today (important & urgent, due date is today)
- implement planetscale mysql database with prisma
- implement fixed sidebar on desktop
- date-picker not working in dialog on safari
- sign-up and sign-in page layout is incorrect