A web application that allows company employees to create and manage job opportunities and find candidates interested in them.
✅ Features
- Employee creates account using corporate email, creating company
- Employee fills in the company data, if he/she is the first person in the company to join
- Visitor views registered companies
- Visitor sees job opportunities
- Guest creates candidate account to confirm registration
- Company employee sees incoming applications
- Visitors, employees and candidates search for job opportunities by name and by company
- Company employee makes a job offer to a candidate
- The candidate sees the proposals received
- The candidate can accept or reject the proposal
- Employee approves/disapproves candidate application
- The job opportunity is deactivated when the required number of applicants is approved
- System sends email when Application Form is accepted
- Candidate has profile page with their skills, experiences, degrees, links etc.
- Ruby 3.3.6
- Rails 7.2.2
with Docker 🐳
If you have Docker installed, try this:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/leticiaoliveira5/jobs.git
In the project directory:
docker-compose build
Setup the database:
docker-compose run --rm web bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate db:seed RAILS_ENV=development
And then:
docker-compose up
Now you can access the application at http://localhost:3000/
without Docker 👀
- Ruby 3.3.6
- Node.js
- Postgres
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/leticiaoliveira5/jobs.git
In the project folder, install dependencies:
bundle install
Set up and populate the database:
rake db:setup
Start the application:
rails server
Now you can access the application at http://localhost:3000/
- candidate => email: candidate@email.com, password: 123456
- employee => email: admin@jobs.com, password: 123456
Simply run
bundle exec rspec