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fix coat for non-square input
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leondgarse committed May 10, 2022
1 parent 1d3207f commit 3442b1f
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Showing 4 changed files with 52 additions and 39 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion keras_cv_attention_models/coat/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
# [(None, 784, 216), (None, 196, 216), (None, 49, 216)]
Set `use_shared_cpe=False, use_shared_crpe=False` to disable using shared `ConvPositionalEncoding` and `ConvRelativePositionalEncoding` blocks. will have a better structure view using `netron` or other visualization tools.
Set `use_shared_cpe=False, use_shared_crpe=False` to disable using shared `ConvPositionalEncoding` and `ConvRelativePositionalEncoding` blocks. will have a better structure view using `netron` or other visualization tools. Note it's for checking model architecture only, keep input_shape `height == width` if set False.
mm = coat.CoaTMini(pretrained="imagenet", classifier_activation=None, input_shape=(224, 224, 3))
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79 changes: 42 additions & 37 deletions keras_cv_attention_models/coat/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,14 +23,16 @@ def mlp_block(inputs, hidden_dim, activation="gelu", name=None):

class ConvPositionalEncoding(keras.layers.Layer):
def __init__(self, kernel_size=3, **kwargs):
def __init__(self, kernel_size=3, input_height=-1, **kwargs):
super(ConvPositionalEncoding, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.kernel_size = kernel_size
self.kernel_size, self.input_height = kernel_size, input_height
self.pad = [[0, 0], [kernel_size // 2, kernel_size // 2], [kernel_size // 2, kernel_size // 2], [0, 0]]
self.supports_masking = False

def build(self, input_shape):
self.height = self.width = int(tf.math.sqrt(float(input_shape[1] - 1))) # assume hh == ww
self.height = self.input_height if self.input_height > 0 else int(tf.math.sqrt(float(input_shape[1] - 1)))
self.width = (input_shape[1] - 1) // self.height = input_shape[-1]
# Conv2D with
self.dconv = keras.layers.DepthwiseConv2D(
Expand All @@ -54,20 +56,21 @@ def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape):

def get_config(self):
base_config = super(ConvPositionalEncoding, self).get_config()
base_config.update({"kernel_size": self.kernel_size})
base_config.update({"kernel_size": self.kernel_size, "input_height": self.input_height})
return base_config

class ConvRelativePositionalEncoding(keras.layers.Layer):
def __init__(self, head_splits=[2, 3, 3], head_kernel_size=[3, 5, 7], **kwargs):
def __init__(self, head_splits=[2, 3, 3], head_kernel_size=[3, 5, 7], input_height=-1, **kwargs):
super(ConvRelativePositionalEncoding, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.head_splits, self.head_kernel_size = head_splits, head_kernel_size
self.head_splits, self.head_kernel_size, self.input_height = head_splits, head_kernel_size, input_height
self.supports_masking = False

def build(self, query_shape):
# print(query_shape)
self.height = self.width = int(tf.math.sqrt(float(query_shape[2] - 1))) # assume hh == ww
self.height = self.input_height if self.input_height > 0 else int(tf.math.sqrt(float(query_shape[2] - 1)))
self.width = (query_shape[2] - 1) // self.height
self.num_heads, self.query_dim = query_shape[1], query_shape[-1]
self.channel_splits = [ii * self.query_dim for ii in self.head_splits]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -104,7 +107,7 @@ def call(self, query, value, **kwargs):

def get_config(self):
base_config = super(ConvRelativePositionalEncoding, self).get_config()
base_config.update({"head_splits": self.head_splits, "head_kernel_size": self.head_kernel_size})
base_config.update({"head_splits": self.head_splits, "head_kernel_size": self.head_kernel_size, "input_height": self.input_height})
return base_config

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -185,39 +188,35 @@ def serial_block(inputs, embed_dim, shared_cpe=None, shared_crpe=None, num_heads
return out

def resample(image, class_token=None, factor=1):
out_hh, out_ww = int(image.shape[1] * factor), int(image.shape[2] * factor)
out_image = tf.cast(tf.image.resize(image, [out_hh, out_ww], method="bilinear"), image.dtype)
# if factor > 1:
# out_image = keras.layers.UpSampling2D(factor, interpolation='bilinear')(image)
# elif factor == 1:
# out_image = image
# else:
# size = int(1 / factor)
# out_image = keras.layers.AvgPool2D(size, strides=size)(image)
def resample(image, target_shape, class_token=None):
out_image = tf.cast(tf.image.resize(image, target_shape, method="bilinear"), image.dtype)

if class_token is not None:
out_image = tf.reshape(out_image, [-1, out_hh * out_ww, out_image.shape[-1]])
out_image = tf.reshape(out_image, [-1, out_image.shape[1] * out_image.shape[2], out_image.shape[-1]])
return tf.concat([class_token, out_image], axis=1)
return out_image

def parallel_block(inputs, shared_cpes=None, shared_crpes=None, num_heads=8, mlp_ratios=[], drop_rate=0, activation="gelu", name=""):
def parallel_block(inputs, shared_cpes=None, shared_crpes=None, block_heights=[], num_heads=8, mlp_ratios=[], drop_rate=0, activation="gelu", name=""):
# Conv-Attention.
cpe_outs, crpe_outs, crpe_images = [], [], []
# print(f">>>> {block_heights = }")
cpe_outs, crpe_outs, crpe_images, resample_shapes = [], [], [], []
block_heights = block_heights[1:]
for id, (xx, shared_cpe, shared_crpe) in enumerate(zip(inputs[1:], shared_cpes[1:], shared_crpes[1:])):
cur_name = name + "{}_".format(id + 2)
cpe_out, crpe_out = __cpe_norm_crpe__(xx, shared_cpe, shared_crpe, num_heads, name=cur_name)
hh = ww = int(tf.math.sqrt(float(crpe_out.shape[1] - 1))) # assume hh == ww
crpe_images.append(tf.reshape(crpe_out[:, 1:, :], [-1, hh, ww, crpe_out.shape[-1]]))
height = block_heights[id] if len(block_heights) > id else int(tf.math.sqrt(float(crpe_out.shape[1] - 1)))
width = (crpe_out.shape[1] - 1) // height
crpe_images.append(tf.reshape(crpe_out[:, 1:, :], [-1, height, width, crpe_out.shape[-1]]))
resample_shapes.append([height, width])
# print(f">>>> {crpe_out.shape = }, {crpe_images[-1].shape = }")
crpe_stack = [ # [[None, 28, 28, 152], [None, 14, 14, 152], [None, 7, 7, 152]]
crpe_outs[0] + resample(crpe_images[1], crpe_outs[1][:, :1], factor=2) + resample(crpe_images[2], crpe_outs[2][:, :1], factor=4),
crpe_outs[1] + resample(crpe_images[2], crpe_outs[2][:, :1], factor=2) + resample(crpe_images[0], crpe_outs[0][:, :1], factor=1 / 2),
crpe_outs[2] + resample(crpe_images[1], crpe_outs[1][:, :1], factor=1 / 2) + resample(crpe_images[0], crpe_outs[0][:, :1], factor=1 / 4),
crpe_outs[0] + resample(crpe_images[1], resample_shapes[0], crpe_outs[1][:, :1]) + resample(crpe_images[2], resample_shapes[0], crpe_outs[2][:, :1]),
crpe_outs[1] + resample(crpe_images[2], resample_shapes[1], crpe_outs[2][:, :1]) + resample(crpe_images[0], resample_shapes[1], crpe_outs[0][:, :1]),
crpe_outs[2] + resample(crpe_images[1], resample_shapes[2], crpe_outs[1][:, :1]) + resample(crpe_images[0], resample_shapes[2], crpe_outs[0][:, :1]),

Expand All @@ -229,14 +228,16 @@ def parallel_block(inputs, shared_cpes=None, shared_crpes=None, num_heads=8, mlp
return inputs[:1] + outs # inputs[0] directly out

def patch_embed(inputs, embed_dim, patch_size=2, name=""):
def patch_embed(inputs, embed_dim, patch_size=2, input_height=-1, name=""):
if len(inputs.shape) == 3:
height = width = int(tf.math.sqrt(float(inputs.shape[1]))) # assume hh == ww
inputs = keras.layers.Reshape([height, width, inputs.shape[-1]])(inputs)
nn = conv2d_no_bias(inputs, embed_dim, kernel_size=patch_size, strides=patch_size, use_bias=True, name=name) # Try with Conv1D
input_height = input_height if input_height > 0 else int(tf.math.sqrt(float(inputs.shape[1])))
input_width = inputs.shape[1] // input_height
inputs = keras.layers.Reshape([input_height, input_width, inputs.shape[-1]])(inputs)
nn = conv2d_no_bias(inputs, embed_dim, kernel_size=patch_size, strides=patch_size, use_bias=True, name=name)
block_height = nn.shape[1]
nn = keras.layers.Reshape([nn.shape[1] * nn.shape[2], nn.shape[-1]])(nn) # flatten(2)
nn = layer_norm(nn, name=name)
return nn
return nn, block_height

def CoaT(
Expand All @@ -248,8 +249,8 @@ def CoaT(
head_splits=[2, 3, 3],
head_kernel_size=[3, 5, 7],
use_shared_cpe=True, # For checking model architecture only, keep input_shape height == width if set False
use_shared_crpe=True, # For checking model architecture only, keep input_shape height == width if set False
input_shape=(224, 224, 3),
Expand All @@ -267,14 +268,18 @@ def CoaT(
classfier_outs = []
shared_cpes = []
shared_crpes = []
block_heights = []
for sid, (depth, embed_dim, mlp_ratio) in enumerate(zip(serial_depths, embed_dims, mlp_ratios)):
name = "serial{}_".format(sid + 1)
patch_size = patch_size if sid == 0 else 2
patch_input_height = -1 if sid == 0 else block_heights[-1]
# print(f">>>> {nn.shape = }")
nn = patch_embed(nn, embed_dim, patch_size=patch_size, name=name + "patch_")
nn, block_height = patch_embed(nn, embed_dim, patch_size=patch_size, input_height=patch_input_height, name=name + "patch_")
# print(f">>>> {nn.shape = }, {block_height = }")
nn = ClassToken(name=name + "class_token")(nn)
shared_cpe = ConvPositionalEncoding(kernel_size=3, name="cpe_" + str(sid + 1)) if use_shared_cpe else None
shared_crpe = ConvRelativePositionalEncoding(head_splits, head_kernel_size, name="crpe_" + str(sid + 1)) if use_shared_crpe else None
shared_cpe = ConvPositionalEncoding(kernel_size=3, input_height=block_height, name="cpe_" + str(sid + 1)) if use_shared_cpe else None
shared_crpe = ConvRelativePositionalEncoding(head_splits, head_kernel_size, block_height, name="crpe_" + str(sid + 1)) if use_shared_crpe else None
for bid in range(depth):
block_name = name + "block{}_".format(bid + 1)
nn = serial_block(nn, embed_dim, shared_cpe, shared_crpe, num_heads, mlp_ratio, activation=activation, name=block_name)
Expand All @@ -286,7 +291,7 @@ def CoaT(
# Parallel blocks.
for pid in range(parallel_depth):
name = "parallel{}_".format(pid + 1)
classfier_outs = parallel_block(classfier_outs, shared_cpes, shared_crpes, num_heads, mlp_ratios, activation=activation, name=name)
classfier_outs = parallel_block(classfier_outs, shared_cpes, shared_crpes, block_heights, num_heads, mlp_ratios, activation=activation, name=name)

if out_features is not None: # Return intermediate features (for down-stream tasks).
nn = [classfier_outs[id][:, 1:, :] for id in out_features]
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion keras_cv_attention_models/coco/
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Expand Up @@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ def build(self, input_shape, output_shape):
num_anchors = anchors_func.NUM_ANCHORS.get(self.anchors_mode, 9)
pyramid_levels = anchors_func.get_pyramid_levels_by_anchors(input_shape, total_anchors=output_shape[1], num_anchors=num_anchors)
print(">>>> [COCOEvalCallback] input_shape: {}, pyramid_levels: {}, anchors_mode: {}".format(input_shape, pyramid_levels, self.anchors_mode))
print("\n>>>> [COCOEvalCallback] input_shape: {}, pyramid_levels: {}, anchors_mode: {}".format(input_shape, pyramid_levels, self.anchors_mode))
# print(">>>>", self.dataset_kwargs)
# print(">>>>", self.nms_kwargs)
self.pred_decoder = DecodePredictions(input_shape, pyramid_levels, self.anchors_mode, anchor_scale=self.anchor_scale)
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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -221,6 +221,14 @@ def test_CMTTiny_new_shape_predict():
assert out[1] == "Egyptian_cat"

def test_CoaT_new_shape_predict():
mm = keras_cv_attention_models.coat.CoaTLiteMini(input_shape=(193, 117, 3), pretrained="imagenet")
pred = mm(mm.preprocess_input(chelsea())) # Chelsea the cat
out = mm.decode_predictions(pred)[0][0]

assert out[1] == "Egyptian_cat"

def test_CoAtNet_new_shape_predict():
mm = keras_cv_attention_models.coatnet.CoAtNet0(input_shape=(320, 320, 3), pretrained="imagenet")
pred = mm(mm.preprocess_input(chelsea())) # Chelsea the cat
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