TK Read is an application for renting e-books.
As a User, I want to rent books that I'm interested.
As a User, I must return books I rent on due date.
As a User, I must waiting for queues when another user doesn't return the book that I want to rent.
As an Admin, I can add new book data to the application.
As an Admin, I can update an information of the book on the application.
As an Admin, I can remove books from the application.
As a User, I can search the book I want by word and matching to books that include the word on its name.
- User ID: unsigned integer
- Username: string
- Display Name: string
- Profile Image: string (Image URL)
- Date of User Created: datetime
- Book Renting Lists: BookSchema[]
- Book ID: unsigned integer
- Book Name: string
- Book Author: string
- Book Description: string (optional)
- Book Renting Duration: datetime