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wip: traverse state for manuals & html
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david-christiansen committed Jan 19, 2024
1 parent a02f17f commit eaf9786
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Showing 5 changed files with 242 additions and 12 deletions.
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@

echo "Building the user's guide as TeX"
echo "Building the user's guide as TeX and HTML"
lake exe usersguide

echo "Building the user's guide as PDF"
Expand All @@ -12,3 +12,6 @@ popd

echo "User's guide PDF is at:"
readlink -f _out/tex/main.pdf

echo "HTML is at:"
readlink -f _out/html-single/index.html
174 changes: 163 additions & 11 deletions src/verso-manual/Verso/Genre/Manual.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,34 +1,121 @@
import Verso.Doc
import Verso.Doc.Concrete
import Verso.Doc.TeX
import Verso.Doc.Html
import Verso.Output.TeX
import Verso.Output.Html
import Verso.Doc.Lsp
import Verso.Doc.Elab

import Verso.Genre.Manual.Slug
import Verso.Genre.Manual.TeX
import Verso.Genre.Manual.Html

open Lean (Name NameMap Json ToJson FromJson)

open Verso.Doc Elab

open Verso.Genre.Manual.TeX

namespace Verso.Genre

structure Manual.PartMetadata where
namespace Manual

inductive Output where
| /-- LaTeX -/
| /-- HTML - one page per part at the given depth -/
html (depth : Nat)
deriving DecidableEq, BEq, Hashable

abbrev Path := Array String

structure TraverseContext where
/-- The current URL path - will be [] for non-HTML output or in the root -/
path : Path := #[]

def TraverseContext.inFile (self : TraverseContext) (file : String) : TraverseContext :=
{self with path := self.path.push file}

Tags are used to refer to parts through tables of contents, cross-references,
and the like.
During the traverse pass, the following steps occur:
1. user-provided tags are made globally unique, and saved as xref targets
2. internal tags are heuristically assigned to parts based on their section
3. internal tags are converted to unique external tags, but not provided for
user-written xrefs (needed for automatic linking, e.g. in a table of
inductive PartTag where
| /-- A user-provided tag - respect this if possible -/ provided (name : String)
| /-- A unique tag, suitable for inclusion in a document -/ private external (name : String)
| /-- A machine-assigned tag -/ private internal (name : String)

instance : Coe String PartTag where
coe := .provided

structure PartMetadata where
authors : List String := []
date : Option String := none
tag : Option PartTag := none

inductive Manual.Block where
inductive Block where
| paragraph

structure TraverseState where
partSlugs : Lean.HashMap Slug Path := {}
private contents : NameMap Json := {}

defmethod Lean.HashMap.all [BEq α] [Hashable α] (hm : Lean.HashMap α β) (p : α → β → Bool) : Bool :=
hm.fold (fun prev k v => prev && p k v) true

instance : BEq TraverseState where
beq x y :=
x.partSlugs.size == y.partSlugs.size &&
(x.partSlugs.all fun k v =>
match y.partSlugs.find? k with
| none => false
| some v' => v == v'
) &&
x.contents.size == y.contents.size &&
x.contents.all fun k v =>
match y.contents.find? k with
| none => false
| some v' => v == v'

namespace TraverseState

def set [ToJson α] (state : TraverseState) (name : Name) (value : α) : TraverseState :=
{state with contents := state.contents.insert name (ToJson.toJson value)}

def get? [FromJson α] (state : TraverseState) (name : Name) : Except String α :=
state.contents.find? name |>.map FromJson.fromJson? |>.getD (.error s!"No state entry for '{name}'")

end TraverseState
end Manual

def Manual : Genre where
PartMetadata := Manual.PartMetadata
Block := Manual.Block
Inline := Empty
TraverseContext := Unit
TraverseState := Unit
TraverseContext := Manual.TraverseContext
TraverseState := Manual.TraverseState

namespace Manual
abbrev TraverseM := ReaderT Manual.TraverseContext (StateT Manual.TraverseState IO)

instance : Traverse Manual Manual.TraverseM where
part _ := pure ()
block _ := pure ()
inline _ := pure ()
| {authors := _, date := _, slug := _}, _ => pure none
| .paragraph, _ => pure none
genreInline i := nomatch i

open Verso.Output.TeX in
instance : TeX.GenreTeX Manual IO where
Expand All @@ -39,6 +126,13 @@ instance : TeX.GenreTeX Manual IO where
pure <| .seq #[← go b, .raw "\n"]
inline _go i _txt := nomatch i

open Verso.Output.Html in
instance : Html.GenreHtml Manual IO where
part go meta txt := go txt
block go
| .paragraph, content => do
pure <| {{<div class="paragraph">{{← content.mapM go}}</div>}}
inline _go i _txt := nomatch i

@[directive_expander paragraph]
def paragraph : DirectiveExpander
Expand All @@ -51,20 +145,39 @@ def paragraph : DirectiveExpander

structure Config where
destination : System.FilePath := "_out"
maxTraversals : Nat := 20

def ensureDir (dir : System.FilePath) : IO Unit := do
if !(← dir.pathExists) then
IO.FS.createDirAll dir
if !(← dir.isDir) then
throw (↑ s!"Not a directory: {dir}")

def traverse (text : Part Manual) (config : Config) : IO (Part Manual × TraverseState) := do
let topCtxt := {}
let mut state : Manual.TraverseState := {}
let mut text := text
for _ in [0:config.maxTraversals] do
let (text', state') ← ( (Genre.traverse Manual text) topCtxt) state
if state' == state then
return (text', state')
state := state'
text := text'
return (text, state)

open IO.FS in
def emitTeX (logError : String → IO Unit) (config : Config) (text : Part Manual) : IO Unit := do
let opts : TeX.Options Manual IO := {headerLevels := #["chapter", "section", "subsection", "subsubsection", "paragraph"], headerLevel := some ⟨0, by simp_arith [Array.size, List.length]⟩, logError := logError}
def emitTeX (logError : String → IO Unit) (config : Config) (state : TraverseState) (text : Part Manual) : IO Unit := do
let opts : TeX.Options Manual IO := {
headerLevels := #["chapter", "section", "subsection", "subsubsection", "paragraph"],
headerLevel := some ⟨0, by simp_arith [Array.size, List.length]⟩,
logError := logError
let authors := (·.authors) |>.getD []
let date := text.metadata.bind (·.date) |>.getD ""
let frontMatter ← text.content.mapM (·.toTeX (opts, (), ()))
let chapters ← text.subParts.mapM (·.toTeX (opts, (), ()))
let ctxt := {}
let frontMatter ← text.content.mapM (·.toTeX (opts, ctxt, state))
let chapters ← text.subParts.mapM (·.toTeX (opts, ctxt, state))
let dir := config.destination.join "tex"
ensureDir dir
withFile (dir.join "main.tex") .write fun h => do
Expand All @@ -75,13 +188,52 @@ def emitTeX (logError : String → IO Unit) (config : Config) (text : Part Manua
h.putStrLn c.asString
h.putStrLn postamble

open Verso.Output (Html)

def emitHtmlSingle (logError : String → IO Unit) (config : Config) (state : TraverseState) (text : Part Manual) : IO Unit := do
let authors := (·.authors) |>.getD []
let date := text.metadata.bind (·.date) |>.getD ""
let opts := {logError := logError}
let ctxt := {}
let titleHtml ← Html.seq <$> text.title.mapM (Manual.toHtml opts ctxt state)
let contents ← Manual.toHtml opts ctxt state text
let dir := config.destination.join "html-single"
ensureDir dir
IO.FS.withFile (dir.join "index.html") .write fun h => do
h.putStrLn Html.doctype
h.putStrLn ( text.titleString (Html.titlePage titleHtml authors ++ contents)).asString

def emitHtmlMulti
(depth : Nat) (logError : String → IO Unit) (config : Config)
(state : TraverseState)
(text : Part Manual) : IO Unit := do
let authors := (·.authors) |>.getD []
let date := text.metadata.bind (·.date) |>.getD ""
let ctxt := {}
let opts := {logError := logError}
let titleHtml ← Html.seq <$> text.title.mapM (Manual.toHtml opts ctxt state)
let frontMatter ← text.content.mapM (Manual.toHtml opts ctxt state)
let mut chapters : Array (Slug × Part Manual):= #[]
let dir := config.destination.join "html-multi"
ensureDir dir
IO.FS.withFile (dir.join "index.html") .write fun h => do
h.putStrLn ( text.titleString (Html.titlePage titleHtml authors)).asString
h.putStrLn (preamble text.titleString authors date)
for b in frontMatter do
h.putStrLn b.asString
for (s, _c) in chapters do
IO.FS.withFile (dir.join s.toString |>.join "index.html") .write fun h => do
h.putStrLn "not yet"

def manualMain (text : Part Manual) (options : List String) : IO UInt32 := do
let hasError ← IO.mkRef false
let logError msg := do hasError.set true; IO.eprintln msg
let cfg ← opts {} options

-- TODO xrefs
emitTeX logError cfg text
let (text, state) ← traverse text cfg
emitTeX logError cfg state text
emitHtmlSingle logError cfg state text
emitHtmlMulti 2 logError cfg state text

if (← hasError.get) then
IO.eprintln "Errors were encountered!"
Expand Down
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions src/verso-manual/Verso/Genre/Manual/Html.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
import Verso.Output.Html

namespace Verso.Genre.Manual.Html
open Verso.Output Html

def titlePage (title : Html) (authors : List String) : Html := {{
<div class="authors">
{{ ({{ <span class="author">{{Coe.coe ·}}</span> }})}}

def page (textTitle : String) (contents : Html) : Html := {{
49 changes: 49 additions & 0 deletions src/verso-manual/Verso/Genre/Manual/Slug.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
import Lean
import Verso.Method

namespace Verso.Genre.Manual
open Verso.Method

structure Slug where
toString : String
deriving BEq, Hashable, DecidableEq, Ord

namespace Slug

instance : LT Slug where
lt := (·.toString < ·.toString)

instance : DecidableRel ( Slug _) := fun s1 s2 =>
if h : s1.toString < s2.toString then .isTrue h else .isFalse h

instance : LE Slug where
le s1 s2 := s1 = s2 ∨ s1 < s2

instance : DecidableRel (@LE.le Slug _) := fun s1 s2 =>
if h : s1 = s2 then .isTrue (.inl h)
else if h' : s1.toString < s2.toString then .isTrue (.inr h')
else .isFalse <| by intro nope; cases nope <;> contradiction

instance : Coe String Slug where
coe := (⟨·⟩)

defmethod String.sluggify (str : String) : Slug := do
let mut s := ""
for c in do
if c.isAlpha then
s := s.push c.toLower
else if c.isDigit then
s := s.push c
else if c == ' ' || c == '-' then
s := s.push '-'

partial def unique (used : Lean.HashSet Slug) (slug : Slug) : Slug :=
if !(used.contains slug) then slug
let rec attempt (i : Nat) :=
let slug' := s!"{slug.toString}{i}"
if !(used.contains slug') then slug'
else attempt (i + 1)
attempt 1
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/verso/Verso/Output/Html.lean
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Expand Up @@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ termination_by

namespace Html

def doctype := "<!DOCTYPE html>"

/-- Visit the entire tree, applying rewrites in some monad. Return `none` to signal that no rewrites are to be performed. -/
partial def visitM [Monad m]
(text : (escape : Bool) → String → m (Option Html) := (fun _ _ => pure none))
Expand Down

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