All notable changes to toolbox
will be documented in this file.
- add
composer package - add
to phpstan.neon.stub - add
to rector.php.stub
- rename deprecated set
on rector.php.stub - temporarily disable
on rector.php.stub - fix PhpMD badge in
- add driftingly/rector-laravel and update rector configuration file
- add schedule run on PHPMD workflow
- change .editorconfig file
- change
section on composer.json
- remove laravel/sail (it is always required in a fresh new Laravel installation)
- add ide-helper custom configuration file
- add Laravel Pint custom configuration
- change required minimum PHP version to ^8.1
- update .gitignore stub
- update rector configuration file
- update php-stan configuration file
- update test helpers
- update Pest configuration
- remove friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer
- remove nunomaduro/laravel-mojito
- remove phpstan/extension-installer
- remove double helper function
- use infection/infection -> dev-master branch
- add support and suggest sections to composer.json
- update Pest configuration
- update .php-cs-fixer.php stub file. Now it uses rulesets @PSR12 and @PHP81Migration
- add laravel 9 support
- add new packages:
- barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper
- infection/infection
- roave/security-advisories
- remove packages:
- fakerphp/faker
- jasonmccreary/laravel-test-assertions
- mheap/phpunit-github-actions-printer
- mockery/mockery
- orchestra/testbench
- nunomaduro/collision
- phpunit/phpunit
- add pestphp/pest-plugin-parallel
- fix test stubs
- add --test-suites option to toolbox:install command
- add --only option to toolbox:install command
- update php-cs-fixer
- update phpunit-speedtrap
- add test stubs
- add .env.dusk.stub
- update phpstan.neon.stub
- update PublishCommand.php
- initial release