NAToRA toolkit consists of a series of scripts to execute kinship control analyses as described in the manuscript by Leal et al. 2022 (, entitled "NAToRA, a relatedness-pruning method to minimize the loss of dataset size in genetic and omics analyses"
NAToRA toolkit was implemented using two programming languages:
- Perl
- Python3
- NetworkX 2.5
Besides having both of the languages installed, it is necessary to install python’s library NetworkX as well. An installation guide is present in [NetworkX] website.(
In this section we are going to present all the scripts and provide execution examples. We are going to utilize the file Datasets/Test.txt in the examples.
These are the main scripts in the kinship control analyses execution. In order to allow the utilization of any kinship analysis software (PLINK, REAP, Matriz G, etc), we utilize a 3 column input:
IND1 IND2 Coefficient
In the toolkit, we provide three scripts to convert PLINK, KING and REAP files to this column format (, and, respectively). The parameters are described below:
usage: [-h] -i INPUT -o OUTPUT [-c CUTOFF] [-v VALUEMIN] [-V VALUEMAX] [-e ELIMINATION] [-t] [-m MAX] [-k] [-d DEGREE]
NAToRA: Network Algorithm To Relatedness Analysis
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Required arguments:
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
Input file in NAToRA format (indx indy kinship)
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output file. NAToRA will creates two files: <output>_familyList.txt and <output>_toRemove.txt
Optional arguments:
-c CUTOFF, --cutoff CUTOFF
Cutoff value that defines the minimum value for two individuals to be considered related (optional if --kinship)
Minimum value in tiebreaker (default = 0)
Maximum value in tiebreaker (default = highest kinship value of the input)
Elimination method (default= NAToRA choose based on network).1- Heuristic based on node centrality degree 2- Optimal algorithm (based on clique)
-t, --test Estimation of how many samples will be lost. The algorithm requires the --max
-m MAX, --max MAX Maximum possible value of metric
-k, --kinship Signals that the file uses kinship coefficient.This allows to NAToRA use the flag --degree to set --cutoff, --valueMin and --valueMax based on kinship degree or
make --test showing the regions of each degree
-d DEGREE, --degree DEGREE
Flag used with --kinship to set automatically the --cutoff based on kinship coefficient.0 = Self degree (-c 0.3535) 1 = First degree (-c 0.1768) 2 = Second degree
(-c 0.0884) 3 = Third degree (-c 0.0442) 4 = Fourth degree (-c 0.0221)
-s, --sets Create independent sets
Execution example
python --input Datasets/Test.txt -o Out -c 0.08
This script was conceived in order to convert REAP output into NAToRA’s model.
--input ou -i REAP output file
--output ou -o File name in NAToRA’s format
Execution example:
perl -i <output REAP> -o <file name>
This script was conceived in order to convert PLINK output (--genome) into NAToRA’s model.
--input ou -i PLINK output file
--output ou -o File name in NAToRA’s format
Execution example:
perl -i <output PLINK> -o <file name>
This script was conceived in order to convert KiING .kin0 into NAToRA’s model.
--input ou -i Input file from KING (.kin file)
--output ou -o File name in NAToRA’s format
Execution example:
perl -i <output KING> -o <file name>
This script was made to convert data in PLINK, REAP or NAToRA format to GML (compatible with most complex network softwares and libraries). In simpler plots, we recommend the utilization of the software yED.
-corte cut value (α value)
-lista List containing excluded individuals
-input File containing the kinship matrix
-output GML output file name
-plink Signals that it’s a PLINK’s file
-reap Signals that it’s a REAP’s file
-default Signals that it’s NAToRA’s model file
-split splits ID by _ in order to decrease the label
-h Shows this message
Execution example:
perl --input Datasets/Test.txt -c 0.1 -out Test.gml --default
Given these parameters, the software will open the file teste.txt and insert only links in which the edge value (or kinship value) are bigger than 0.1 (parameter -c). The cut value was implemented because it enables plotting with different kinship degrees.
The parameter -lista is used to remove some individual(s) of the plot without modifying the source file.
We made this gif using the biggest family in Bambuí dataset data with relationship inferred by PLINK (Datasets/PLINK/BAMBUI_PLINK_IDChanged.genome.gz). In this representation, we show in red the edges that will be removed after the exclusion of the individual with highest node degree centrality
Main developer of standalone version: Thiago Peixoto Leal
Main developer of online version: Vinicius Furlan
Quality assurance team: Julia Maria Saraiva Duarte, Rafael Tou
Conceptualization: Thiago Peixoto Leal, Mateus Henriquei Gouveia, Gilderlanio Santana de Araujo