MosaiQC automates the complete LDGH cleaning pipeline, including the steps:
- Remove chr 0
- Remove duplicate data
- Remove missing data
- Infer individual sex
- Remove A|T and C|G variants
- Remove 100% heterozygotes variants
- Anotate the variants for DBSNP ID
- LiftOver
Users: Mateus Gouveia (Rotimi's group, NHGRI/NIH), Esteban Parra group (University of Toronto), Marilia Scliar (Mayana Zatz group, University of Sao Paulo), Ignacio Mata Lab at the Genomic Medicine Institute (Cleveland Clinics, OH, US)
Smart Cleaning script was implemented using python language. But the following programs are required:
- Plink
File with the description of the databases that will be cleaning. This file contains five columns separated by \t. The columns are:
- Population name (posteriorly will be used in the final file name)
- plink bfile input location
- first chromosome in the file
- last chromosome in the file
- input file genome version
#POP Grupo Caminho ChrInicial ChrFinal build
M1 /home/thiago/Testes_ABC/SUDAN_extraido 1 1 37
File with the path of reference files. This file contains two columns separated by \t. The columns are:
- Name of reference dataset
- Path to the reference file Example:
DBSNP /media/thiago/Data/Unificado/Ref/dbSNP_HG38_HG37_last_version_chr*_corrected.txt.gz
KGP /media/thiago/Data/Unificado/Ref/HumanOmni5Exome-4-v1-1-B-auxilliary-file.txt
File with the path to the programs used. This file contains two columns separated by \t. The columns are:
- Name of program
- Path to the program Example:
plink /home/thiago/Programs/plink
--programs or -p File with the path to the programs used
--reference or -r File with the path of reference files
--database or -d File with the description of the databases
--folder or -f Folder to store the intermediary files and output files
--change or -c Change the genome version for that choosed by the user
--chromosomeX or -x Set the program make sexual chromosome steps. If you select, you have to put the genome version -see:
--steps or -s Steps to be performed ant their respective parameters
--lastautossomal or -l Number of the last autosomal chromosome (default 22)
python3 -d database.txt -r reference.txt -p programas.txt -c 37 -f /media/DadosCongelados/DadosLimpos/