Lab. de Diversidade Genética Humana (LDGH)
- Institute of Biological Sciences - UFMG (Brasil)
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NAToRA_Public PublicNAToRA toolkit consists of a series of scripts to execute kinship control analyses as described in the manuscript by Leal et al. 2022, entitled "NAToRA, a relatedness-pruning method to minimize the…
Genotype-Imputation-public PublicPublic description of LDGH Genotype Imputation v.2. pipeline developed in Phyton by Thiago Peixoto Leal, with the collaboration by Nathalia M. Araujo, Marilia Scliar and Ricardo Lyra. The user may …
MosaiQC-public Public templateSmartCleaning (now called MosaiQC) is a script developed by Thiago Peixoto Leal to clean and perform QC of genotyping array data using PLINK. It automates the different steps. If interested in usin…
- MosaiQC-public Public template
SmartCleaning (now called MosaiQC) is a script developed by Thiago Peixoto Leal to clean and perform QC of genotyping array data using PLINK. It automates the different steps. If interested in using SmartCleaning, contact the LDGH/Mosaico Translational Genomics team ( )
ldgh/MosaiQC-public’s past year of commit activity - NAToRA_Public Public
NAToRA toolkit consists of a series of scripts to execute kinship control analyses as described in the manuscript by Leal et al. 2022, entitled "NAToRA, a relatedness-pruning method to minimize the loss of dataset size in genetic and omics analyses"
ldgh/NAToRA_Public’s past year of commit activity - Genotype-Imputation-public Public
Public description of LDGH Genotype Imputation v.2. pipeline developed in Phyton by Thiago Peixoto Leal, with the collaboration by Nathalia M. Araujo, Marilia Scliar and Ricardo Lyra. The user may choose to use SHAPEIT2 or SHAPEIT4 for haplotype inferences, and IMPUTE2 or IMPUTE4 for imputation. For further details or if you are interested in us…
ldgh/Genotype-Imputation-public’s past year of commit activity - NAToRASimulator Public
ldgh/NAToRASimulator’s past year of commit activity - Genotype_Correction Public
ldgh/Genotype_Correction’s past year of commit activity