Lib | Snake | Kebab | Pascal Case | Camel Case |
GooID | - | - | - | - |
ettle/strcase | goo_id | goo-id | GooId | gooId |
gobeam/stringy | Goo_ID | Goo-ID | GooID | |
stoewer/go-strcase | goo_id | goo-id | GooId | gooId |
iancoleman/strcase | goo_id | goo-id | GooID | gooID |
pascaldekloe/name | goo_ID | GooID | gooID | |
nikitaksv/strcase | goo_id | goo-id | GooId | gooId |
mantidtech/wordcase | goo_id | goo-id | GooID | gooID |
dc0d/caseconv | goo_id | goo-id | GooId | gooId |
parithiban/stringcases | goo_i_d | goo-i-d | GooID | gooID |
HTTPStatusCode | - | - | - | - |
ettle/strcase | http_status_code | http-status-code | HttpStatusCode | httpStatusCode |
gobeam/stringy | HTTPStatus_Code | HTTPStatus-Code | HTTPStatusCode | |
stoewer/go-strcase | http_status_code | http-status-code | HttpstatusCode | httpstatusCode |
iancoleman/strcase | http_status_code | http-status-code | HTTPStatusCode | hTTPStatusCode |
pascaldekloe/name | HTTP_status_code | HTTPStatusCode | hTTPStatusCode | |
nikitaksv/strcase | httpstatus_code | httpstatus-code | HttpstatusCode | httpstatusCode |
mantidtech/wordcase | http_status_code | http-status-code | HTTPStatusCode | httpStatusCode |
dc0d/caseconv | http_status_code | http-status-code | HttpStatusCode | httpStatusCode |
parithiban/stringcases | h_t_t_p_status_code | h-t-t-p-status-code | HTTPStatusCode | hTTPStatusCode |
FooBAR | - | - | - | - |
ettle/strcase | foo_bar | foo-bar | FooBar | fooBar |
gobeam/stringy | Foo_BAR | Foo-BAR | FooBAR | |
stoewer/go-strcase | foo_bar | foo-bar | FooBar | fooBar |
iancoleman/strcase | foo_bar | foo-bar | FooBAR | fooBAR |
pascaldekloe/name | foo_BAR | FooBAR | fooBAR | |
nikitaksv/strcase | foo_bar | foo-bar | FooBar | fooBar |
mantidtech/wordcase | foo_bar | foo-bar | FooBar | fooBar |
dc0d/caseconv | foo_bar | foo-bar | FooBar | fooBar |
parithiban/stringcases | foo_b_a_r | foo-b-a-r | FooBAR | fooBAR |
URL | - | - | - | - |
ettle/strcase | url | url | Url | url |
gobeam/stringy | URL | URL | URL | |
stoewer/go-strcase | url | url | Url | url |
iancoleman/strcase | url | url | URL | uRL |
pascaldekloe/name | URL | URL | uRL | |
nikitaksv/strcase | url | url | Url | url |
mantidtech/wordcase | url | url | URL | url |
dc0d/caseconv | url | url | Url | url |
parithiban/stringcases | u_r_l | u-r-l | URL | uRL |
ID | - | - | - | - |
ettle/strcase | id | id | Id | id |
gobeam/stringy | ID | ID | ID | |
stoewer/go-strcase | id | id | Id | id |
iancoleman/strcase | id | id | Id | id |
pascaldekloe/name | ID | ID | iD | |
nikitaksv/strcase | id | id | Id | id |
mantidtech/wordcase | id | id | ID | id |
dc0d/caseconv | id | id | Id | id |
parithiban/stringcases | i_d | i-d | ID | iD |
hostIP | - | - | - | - |
ettle/strcase | host_ip | host-ip | HostIp | hostIp |
gobeam/stringy | host_IP | host-IP | HostIP | |
stoewer/go-strcase | host_ip | host-ip | HostIp | hostIp |
iancoleman/strcase | host_ip | host-ip | HostIP | hostIP |
pascaldekloe/name | host_IP | HostIP | hostIP | |
nikitaksv/strcase | host_ip | host-ip | HostIp | hostIp |
mantidtech/wordcase | host_ip | host-ip | HostIP | hostIP |
dc0d/caseconv | host_ip | host-ip | HostIp | hostIp |
parithiban/stringcases | host_i_p | host-i-p | HostIP | hostIP |
JSON | - | - | - | - |
ettle/strcase | json | json | Json | json |
gobeam/stringy | JSON | JSON | JSON | |
stoewer/go-strcase | json | json | Json | json |
iancoleman/strcase | json | json | JSON | jSON |
pascaldekloe/name | JSON | JSON | jSON | |
nikitaksv/strcase | json | json | Json | json |
mantidtech/wordcase | json | json | JSON | json |
dc0d/caseconv | json | json | Json | json |
parithiban/stringcases | j_s_o_n | j-s-o-n | JSON | jSON |
JSONName | - | - | - | - |
ettle/strcase | json_name | json-name | JsonName | jsonName |
gobeam/stringy | JSONName | JSONName | JSONName | |
stoewer/go-strcase | json_name | json-name | Jsonname | jsonname |
iancoleman/strcase | json_name | json-name | JSONName | jSONName |
pascaldekloe/name | JSON_name | JSONName | jSONName | |
nikitaksv/strcase | jsonname | jsonname | Jsonname | jsonname |
mantidtech/wordcase | json_name | json-name | JSONName | jsonName |
dc0d/caseconv | json_name | json-name | JsonName | jsonName |
parithiban/stringcases | j_s_o_n_name | j-s-o-n-name | JSONName | jSONName |
NameJSON | - | - | - | - |
ettle/strcase | name_json | name-json | NameJson | nameJson |
gobeam/stringy | Name_JSON | Name-JSON | NameJSON | |
stoewer/go-strcase | name_json | name-json | NameJson | nameJson |
iancoleman/strcase | name_json | name-json | NameJSON | nameJSON |
pascaldekloe/name | name_JSON | NameJSON | nameJSON | |
nikitaksv/strcase | name_json | name-json | NameJson | nameJson |
mantidtech/wordcase | name_json | name-json | NameJSON | nameJSON |
dc0d/caseconv | name_json | name-json | NameJson | nameJson |
parithiban/stringcases | name_j_s_o_n | name-j-s-o-n | NameJSON | nameJSON |
UneTête | - | - | - | - |
ettle/strcase | une_tête | une-tête | UneTête | uneTête |
gobeam/stringy | Une_Tête | Une-Tête | UneTête | |
stoewer/go-strcase | une_tête | une-tête | UneTête | uneTête |
iancoleman/strcase | une_tête | une-tête | UneTte | uneTte |
pascaldekloe/name | une_tête | UneTête | uneTête | |
nikitaksv/strcase | une_tête | une-tête | UneTête | uneTête |
mantidtech/wordcase | une_tête | une-tête | UneTête | uneTête |
dc0d/caseconv | une_tête | une-tête | UneTête | uneTête |
parithiban/stringcases | une_tête | une-tête | UneTête | uneTête |
Source | Snake | Kebab | Pascal Case | Camel Case |
GooID | goo_id | goo-id | GooId | gooId |
HTTPStatusCode | http_status_code | http-status-code | HttpStatusCode | httpStatusCode |
FooBAR | foo_bar | foo-bar | FooBar | fooBar |
URL | url | url | Url | url |
ID | id | id | Id | id |
hostIP | host_ip | host-ip | HostIp | hostIp |
JSON | json | json | Json | json |
JSONName | json_name | json-name | JsonName | jsonName |
NameJSON | name_json | name-json | NameJson | nameJson |
UneTête | une_tête | une-tête | UneTête | uneTête |
Source | Snake | Kebab | Pascal Case | Camel Case |
GooID | Goo_ID | Goo-ID | GooID | |
HTTPStatusCode | HTTPStatus_Code | HTTPStatus-Code | HTTPStatusCode | |
FooBAR | Foo_BAR | Foo-BAR | FooBAR | |
URL | URL | URL | URL | |
ID | ID | ID | ID | |
hostIP | host_IP | host-IP | HostIP | |
JSONName | JSONName | JSONName | JSONName | |
NameJSON | Name_JSON | Name-JSON | NameJSON | |
UneTête | Une_Tête | Une-Tête | UneTête |
Source | Snake | Kebab | Pascal Case | Camel Case |
GooID | goo_id | goo-id | GooId | gooId |
HTTPStatusCode | http_status_code | http-status-code | HttpstatusCode | httpstatusCode |
FooBAR | foo_bar | foo-bar | FooBar | fooBar |
URL | url | url | Url | url |
ID | id | id | Id | id |
hostIP | host_ip | host-ip | HostIp | hostIp |
JSON | json | json | Json | json |
JSONName | json_name | json-name | Jsonname | jsonname |
NameJSON | name_json | name-json | NameJson | nameJson |
UneTête | une_tête | une-tête | UneTête | uneTête |
Source | Snake | Kebab | Pascal Case | Camel Case |
GooID | goo_id | goo-id | GooID | gooID |
HTTPStatusCode | http_status_code | http-status-code | HTTPStatusCode | hTTPStatusCode |
FooBAR | foo_bar | foo-bar | FooBAR | fooBAR |
URL | url | url | URL | uRL |
ID | id | id | Id | id |
hostIP | host_ip | host-ip | HostIP | hostIP |
JSON | json | json | JSON | jSON |
JSONName | json_name | json-name | JSONName | jSONName |
NameJSON | name_json | name-json | NameJSON | nameJSON |
UneTête | une_tête | une-tête | UneTte | uneTte |
Source | Snake | Kebab | Pascal Case | Camel Case |
GooID | goo_ID | GooID | gooID | |
HTTPStatusCode | HTTP_status_code | HTTPStatusCode | hTTPStatusCode | |
FooBAR | foo_BAR | FooBAR | fooBAR | |
URL | URL | URL | uRL | |
ID | ID | ID | iD | |
hostIP | host_IP | HostIP | hostIP | |
JSONName | JSON_name | JSONName | jSONName | |
NameJSON | name_JSON | NameJSON | nameJSON | |
UneTête | une_tête | UneTête | uneTête |
Source | Snake | Kebab | Pascal Case | Camel Case |
GooID | goo_id | goo-id | GooId | gooId |
HTTPStatusCode | httpstatus_code | httpstatus-code | HttpstatusCode | httpstatusCode |
FooBAR | foo_bar | foo-bar | FooBar | fooBar |
URL | url | url | Url | url |
ID | id | id | Id | id |
hostIP | host_ip | host-ip | HostIp | hostIp |
JSON | json | json | Json | json |
JSONName | jsonname | jsonname | Jsonname | jsonname |
NameJSON | name_json | name-json | NameJson | nameJson |
UneTête | une_tête | une-tête | UneTête | uneTête |
Source | Snake | Kebab | Pascal Case | Camel Case |
GooID | goo_id | goo-id | GooID | gooID |
HTTPStatusCode | http_status_code | http-status-code | HTTPStatusCode | httpStatusCode |
FooBAR | foo_bar | foo-bar | FooBar | fooBar |
URL | url | url | URL | url |
ID | id | id | ID | id |
hostIP | host_ip | host-ip | HostIP | hostIP |
JSON | json | json | JSON | json |
JSONName | json_name | json-name | JSONName | jsonName |
NameJSON | name_json | name-json | NameJSON | nameJSON |
UneTête | une_tête | une-tête | UneTête | uneTête |
Source | Snake | Kebab | Pascal Case | Camel Case |
GooID | goo_id | goo-id | GooId | gooId |
HTTPStatusCode | http_status_code | http-status-code | HttpStatusCode | httpStatusCode |
FooBAR | foo_bar | foo-bar | FooBar | fooBar |
URL | url | url | Url | url |
ID | id | id | Id | id |
hostIP | host_ip | host-ip | HostIp | hostIp |
JSON | json | json | Json | json |
JSONName | json_name | json-name | JsonName | jsonName |
NameJSON | name_json | name-json | NameJson | nameJson |
UneTête | une_tête | une-tête | UneTête | uneTête |
Source | Snake | Kebab | Pascal Case | Camel Case |
GooID | goo_i_d | goo-i-d | GooID | gooID |
HTTPStatusCode | h_t_t_p_status_code | h-t-t-p-status-code | HTTPStatusCode | hTTPStatusCode |
FooBAR | foo_b_a_r | foo-b-a-r | FooBAR | fooBAR |
URL | u_r_l | u-r-l | URL | uRL |
ID | i_d | i-d | ID | iD |
hostIP | host_i_p | host-i-p | HostIP | hostIP |
JSON | j_s_o_n | j-s-o-n | JSON | jSON |
JSONName | j_s_o_n_name | j-s-o-n-name | JSONName | jSONName |
NameJSON | name_j_s_o_n | name-j-s-o-n | NameJSON | nameJSON |
UneTête | une_tête | une-tête | UneTête | uneTête |
- is able to create names with "Golint Initialisms".
- panics with empty string and a string with only special characters. seems to be the library with the best and largest possibilities, at least for my use case.
var commonInitialisms = map[string]bool{
"ACL": true,
"API": true,
"ASCII": true,
"CPU": true,
"CSS": true,
"DNS": true,
"EOF": true,
"GUID": true,
"HTML": true,
"HTTP": true,
"HTTPS": true,
"ID": true,
"IP": true,
"JSON": true,
"LHS": true,
"QPS": true,
"RAM": true,
"RHS": true,
"RPC": true,
"SLA": true,
"SMTP": true,
"SQL": true,
"SSH": true,
"TCP": true,
"TLS": true,
"TTL": true,
"UDP": true,
"UI": true,
"UID": true,
"UUID": true,
"URI": true,
"URL": true,
"UTF8": true,
"VM": true,
"XML": true,
"XMPP": true,
"XSRF": true,
"XSS": true,