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a service to manage the content of semantic form instances in a generic fashion

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Form Content Service

This is a service that manages the contents of instances created through semantic forms. The definitions of forms are not (currently?) managed by this service.


This service is under construction and is not ready to be used in a production environment

Local Development

To build this service, first user docker build, e.g.

docker build -t local-form-manager .

Then run it by running e.g.:

docker run --rm -it -p 9229:9229 -p 8081:80 -e NODE_ENV=development local-form-manager

Running it in development mode and exposing port 9229 allows you to connect your debugger to the docker.

Project Structure

The project follows the Model-view-controller (MVC) architecture.

  • Routing and anything Express related resides in /controllers. The routes should be simple methods that call services.
  • Services reside in /services. This is where the business logic and validations are.
  • Querries for the database or Comunica go in /domain/data-access. These query methods should only contain the means to query or mutate the data, and return the result in a format that the service understands.
  • Helpers reside in /helpers and contain functionality that is used in multiple services or querries.


This service follows the semantic forms model and to that end uses the ember-submission-form-fields package. However, some extensions are needed and they may not have made it into the form spec yet. The main extensions are: listing form instance, defining the uri prefix for form instances, linking to other types (possibly forms) using dropdowns etc.

Listing Form Instances

Listing of form instances is done based on a the form definition. The form definition specifies the type of instances it acts on and the way these instances are to be rendered using form:targetType and form:targetLabel respectively. The targetLabel specifies the predicate to be used to fetch a label to use when rendering the form instance. In the future this can be extended to multiple paths to render different labels. Form instances are paginated, with a default of 20 instances per page. Pagination is controlled through a ?limit and ?offset query parameter. The total number of instances is returned in the x-total-count header.

Defining the URI prefix for form instances

The URI prefix of a form instance can be specified in the form.ttl file. This can be done by adding a triple of the following form: ext:form ext:prefix <prefix>. The prefix is a variable and should be a string, but otherwise there are no restrictions. If no prefix is defined, the following prefix will be used by default:

Links to other types

To link to instances of another type, the form needs to be able to:

  • search instances based on a string
  • visualize instances using some string (form:instanceLabelProperty)
  • fetch instances based on their uri (form:instanceApiUrl)

All of these capabilities are supported by resources, BUT since we will need to support custom forms as well in the future and users may want to link to those forms, we will need to be slightly more general. We cannot assume that the instances of these forms will be represented in resources. Therefore, we will allow links to form instances to define a base url where to fetch the instances and a property to use as a label to render the result. The service handling requests to this base url MUST therefore follow the resources input and JSON-API response format.

If a form field with uri field:1 represents a link to another instance, it MUST use the triple field:1 form:displayType displayTypes:instanceSelector . or a single instance selector OR field:1 form:displayType displayTypes:instanceMultiSelector . for a multi-instance selector. For fields with this display type, the field MUST define the base url to fetch instances using field:1 form:instanceApiUrl "" OR field:1 form:instanceApiUrl "/path/with/hops". The url here can be either a fully qualified domain OR an url relative to where the frontend is running. We will call the endpoint running at this url the instance endpoint below. Furthermore, fields with this display type MUST define the property used to render options using field:1 form:instanceLabelProperty "propertyName" and this property MUST be a property returned in the JSON api response of the endpoint. This is the poperty/attribute of the instance that will be displayed to represent the instance in the dropdown of the corresponding component of this form field.

The instance endpoint MUST only ever return instances that can be connected to the form instance through the form field that specifies it. It MUST support search by adding a?filter=search string query parameter to the url. If such a string is passed in, it MUST return all instances that contain this string (case-insensitive) in any property.

The endpoint MUST follow the JSONAPI spec when returning instances and MAY support pagination using the page[number] and page[size] variant.

The endpoint MUST allow fetching a specific instance using a query parameter ?filter[:uri:]=http://myinstanceuri. That representation MUST then return the JSONAPI representation of this instance if it exists and include the form:instanceLabelProperty property in its response. If it doesn't exist it MUST return an empty list.

The specification above for the instance endpoint is a subset of the specification for mu-cl-resources. So using a resources endpoint will always be a correct value for the instance endpoint. It is allowed to define your own endpoint as long as you follow this spec though. This is useful in case your instances cannot be fetched through resources for instance, e.g. for custom forms created by the form builder.

Nested Fields

In case of nested fields, e.g.

    a form:Field;
    form:displayType displayTypes:dateTime;
    sh:group ext:persoonPG;
    sh:name "Geboortedatum";
    sh:order 6;
    sh:path ( persoon:heeftGeboorte persoon:datum ).

The corresponding form:Generator should be modified to also generate a type and UUID for the nested field, as otherwise the data would not be processable by mu-auth and resources respectively:

ext:personG a form:Generator;
  form:prototype [
    form:shape [
      a person:Person;
      persoon:heeftGeboorte [
        a persoon:Geboorte
  form:dataGenerator form:addMuUuid.

Deleting form instances

When a form instance is deleted, a tombstone is erected for every uri where a triple was removed that expresses the type for that uri. E.g. if on delete of a form instance, the following triple is removed

  ext:1 a foaf:Person .

Then the following data is inserted in the store:

  ext:1 a as:Tombstone ;
        as:formerType foaf:Person ;
        as:deleted "thetimeofdelete"^^xsd:dateTime  .

Tracking history

Form definitions can specify that their history should be tracked by adding a triple <formDefinitionUri> ext:withHistory "true"^^xsd:boolean. When an instance of such a form is created or updated, the new triples of the form instance after that operation are written to a new graph with an auto-generated uri, e.g. <>. Let's call the URI of this graph the historyInstanceUri. At the end of this operation, that graph contains all triples that would normally be returned when fetching the form instance using the form definition used to update it.

Meta information about this update is written to a specific graph <>. This meta information describes the historyInstanceUri and is made up of the following triples:

  @prefix dc: <>.
  @prefix dct: <>.
  @prefix xsd: <>.
  @prefix ext: <>.

  <historyInstanceUri> dct:isVersionOf <formInstanceUri> ;
                       dct:issued "2024-03-12T12:29:00.000Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
                       dct:creator <uriOfCreatorUser> ;
                       ext:createdByForm <uriOfFormDefinition> ;
                       dc:description "updated the name of the organization" .

In this data, the graph containing the history information is used as the subject. It refers to the form instance it's a history entry of using dct:IsVersionOf. The time at which the version was created is stored using dct:issued. The user that created the instance can be found by following the dct:creator predicate. The uri of the form definition of the form used to create this content is added as well so that if the instance can be modified by different forms, the user can find the form that made this change (e.g. when trying to restore the instance to this version). Finally, a dc:description can be provided (optionally) that contains a free form text description of the change.


Careful: a form instance can possibly be updated through different form definitions, each with their own fields. A history item will ONLY keep track of the properties that are controlled by their own (that is ext:createdByForm) form definition. E.g. if you have a form that controls only the end date of an event and a form that controls all properties of the event (e.g. name), the history item linked to updating only the end date through the specialized form will only contain the triples related to the end date and NOT the name. If you'd want to restore such an item, you'd have to restore the version of the item from before the end time update (if any) and then restore the triples referring only to the end time.

Extending Forms

Predicates and Types

Use the same model as regular forms, with the following differences:

  • To connect a field/section to a section of the owning form, use ext:extendsGroup instead of sh:group.
  • If you want to introduce a new section in your extension, still use sh:group.
  • Use ext:extendsForm to connect to the URI of the form being extended.

An extension (type: form:Extension) is represented by

<extensionUri> a form:Extension ;
               form:includes <fieldUri> ;
               ext:extendsForm <formUri> ;
               mu:uuid "b5a86f3a-aac8-4911-a3fb-37f9f194b58e" .

Note that if you want to add a field to an existing Section, there is no need to define that section again using a sh:group from the extension to the section. This link is already specified in the original form. You only need to add a link like this for entirely new sections that you create.


We want fields to be added to the original form in a specific order, intermixed with the existing fields (before, after, between). Unfortunately, the order property is an integer and loses float/double precision if it is added to it. Therefore we should leave gaps of e.g. 100 between the order properties of our forms.

Extending the form with direct properties

In an extension, we should be able to specify the same direct properties that we use in a regular form. In that case, we should define them on the form:Extension, instead of on the form:Form, using the same predicates as the ones used on the form:Form. The form-content service will take the form:Extension instance and transform it into a form:Form instance that contains the combination of the new properties and the properties that exist on the form that is being extended. The properties form:targetType, form:targetLabel and ext:prefix, can be reconfigured, if they are defined in the form extension, this new value is used. If they are not defined in the extension, the ones value the base form is used. The property mu:uuid should be defined in the form extension and the old value overwritten. Other properties are taken from both, and are combined.

Transparency of form:Extensions

To clients of the form-content service, instances of the form:Extension class will be presented as instances of the form:Form class. To the client, the only difference is the existence of the extra form:Extension class, which they should be able to ignore.

Recursive Extension

Because a form extension is translated directly into a regular form, it is straight forward to create an extension of an extension. In that case, the form:extends predicate points to the URI of another form:Extension. The translation to a form follows the following algorithm:

def extension_to_form(uri):
  extended = get_extended(uri)
  if is_extension(extended):
    extended_as_form = extension_to_form(extended)
    return merge_into_form(extended_as_form, uri)
    return merge_into_form(extended, uri)


No Generator Shape Paths

Currently, this service only supports generators with simple paths and with nested types in their shape, e.g.

ext:mandatarisG a form:Generator;
  form:prototype [
    form:shape [
      a ns:Mandataris
  form:dataGenerator form:addMuUuid.


ext:personG a form:Generator;
  form:prototype [
    form:shape [
      a person:Person;
      persoon:heeftGeboorte [
        a persoon:Geboorte
  form:dataGenerator form:addMuUuid.

This generator's shape only has direct attributes (a ns:Mandataris) and nested types without modifiers, like sh:inversePath. Anything more complicated will not be handled by this service yet.

For instance, this shape is not supported:

ext:mandatarisG a form:Generator;
  form:prototype [
    form:shape [
      a ns:Mandataris
      mandaat:isBestuurlijkeAliasVan / foaf:name "De Grote Smurf"
  form:dataGenerator form:addMuUuid.

No Modified Simple Paths in fields or generator scopes

Fields and Generators can each define a scope. This service supports simple paths (e.g. foaf:name) and complex paths (e.g. ( [ sh:inversePath mandaat:isAangesteldAls ] foaf:name )). However, modified simple paths are not supported (e.g. [ sh:inversePath mandaat:isAangesteldAls ]). Luckily, these can always be written in their complex form, which IS supported: ( [ sh:inversePath mandaat:isAangesteldAls ] ) (note the wrapping brackets in this case, signifying a linked list in RDF).

Lenient Form Validity Checks

The validity of all forms is checked at startup, but the parsing library that we currently use (N3) is lenient and will sometimes still parse a form, even if it uses unknown prefixes. Therefore the full validity of the forms at runtime cannot be guaranteed, they just pass through a best effort check.


a service to manage the content of semantic form instances in a generic fashion






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