Neuroscience research tools for Nokia's lab. Free for non-commercial use. Remember to share your forks.
Arduino codes - codes for diy experiment devices.
BatchKlusta - Windows batch script for running KlustaKwik in batches.
KiloSort-master-ephy-fixed - KiloSort fork with fixed OpenEphy import and added common average filtering to preprocessing (applyCARtoDat.m is from Cortex lab's Github).
hdf5_to_raw_binary_converter - Simple Multi Channel Systems (MCS) HDF5 file to raw binary coverter, loader and remapper. Initial versio. Needs MCS own HDF5 Matlab extension.
kilosort_project_configs - Research project configs and channel maps for KiloSort.
loadMCDtoMatlab - Scripts for loading and processing old MCD file format in Matlab. Uses MC_Rack's extension (datastrm) for Matlab. It is now recommended to use HDF5 converter (Multi Channel DataManager) by MCS.
readMCDRabbitCombo_v1 - Out dated and made for special purpose.
cluNkwikSync.m - Converts some clu file values.