Releases: laurencee/Livestream.Monitor
2.0.0 - Youtube stream support
This release has a large amount of changes under the covers to allow easy support for new stream providers as they become available, the first new one implemented in Livestream Monitor being YouTube.
New Features
- Support for monitoring YouTube streams (Issue #3)
- Support for opening chat for YouTube streams (has a small catch listed below)
- New right click option on monitored streams/top streams to open vod viewer for that stream
- Top Streams/Vod Viewer buttons moved into the title bar, theme configuration moved into settings
Bug Fixes
- Some broadcast language flags weren't shown in Top Streams due to a format mismatch between the twitch broadcast language and the country flag id's (may not accommodate all languages but it appears to cover the majority from my testing)
How to add YouTube streams
To add YouTube streams you need to copy the video id into the "add new livestream..." textbox and make sure the dropdown says youtube instead of twitchtv.
(The video id is after 'watch?v=' e.g. for url the id is 'knUZi4NkduA')
Youtube Chat Issue - If the stream has chat disabled then the page then opening chat for that stream will go to an error page.
Currently I do not know how to find out if chat is enabled/disabled for a youtube stream through their API.
1.9.1 - Allow chrome to be optional in settings screen
Bug fix
- Chrome was not allowed as an optional value in the settings screen even though the open chat button allowed that setting to be optional. (Issue #4)
You can now clear out the chrome location value in settings and save.
1.9.0 - Language flags on top streams
New Feature
- Language flags are now displayed on top streams (Issue #2)
1.8.6 - No more notifications for streams currently being watched
Bug fix (feature?)
- We now keep track of what streams are being watched right now to avoid showing notifications for those streams
1.8.5 - More fixes using Id rather than the display name of a stream
Bug fixes
The following functions were incorrectly using the display name of a stream instead of the id of a stream
- Copy stream url
- Vod viewer filter & query
- Open twitch chat feature
Riot's stream appears to be one of the few who have a space in their display name which is how this was found. :)
1.8.4 - Stream launch args fix
Bug Fix
The stream was launched using the display name of the stream rather than the id. The args are now printed in the messagebox window to more easily see what is going on.
1.8.3 - Optimization and UI fix
- Now we only query offline channels one time at the start of the application, online channels will (including newly online channels) are queried the same as before. This saves a huge amount of resources over the lifetime of the application.
- There was a bug introduced in the last patch due to upgrading a 3rd party framework that made some of the windows that popup have an empty background as they appeared on screen (most notably the message box with the text output from livestreamer when you launched a stream)
1.8.2 - Popular streams ignoring disabled stream notification
Bug fix
- Popular stream notifications were being naughty and ignoring "disable notifications" settings for individual streams
1.8.1 - Small bug fix
Small bug fix for disable/enable of individual stream notifications not persisting through application restarts.
1.8.0 - Disable notifications option
The only change in this release is a new settings option to globally disable notifications.