Releases: laurencee/Livestream.Monitor
Releases · laurencee/Livestream.Monitor
2.8.0 - Twitch api fixes
New Feature
- A new setting has been added to allow livestreamer to launch streams without having to add the oauth token to your livestreamerrc file.*"Bypass Livestreamer Auth to twitch"
Please note this might not work forever, you should add the OAuth token to your livestreamerrc file following this guide:
Bug Fix
- Client-Id is provided to twitch for all requests which will stop the 400 errors from refreshing/getting stream information - #21
2.7.0 - Beam.Pro support
New Feature
- Support for Beam.Pro streams #20
I don't think the released version of Livestreamer actually supports Beam.Pro at this time (v1.12.2) but there was a pull request to add support for it.
2.6.2 - Bug fix twitch streams
Bug Fix
- Twitch streams would disappear from the livestream list when they go from online -> offline and would not appear again until the stream came online or the app was restarted
2.6.1 - Stream quality on top streams screen
Bug fix/Feature
- Added quality selection option to Top Streams screen, previously an online stream would have to be selected on the main screen before opening a stream from top streams screen
2.6.0 - Custom stream qualities
New Feature
- The stream quality dropdown now allows custom text entry so you can type in any stream quality you want
2.5.2 - Misc Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes
- Attempted fix for #19 - it may have been possible for application to continue to refresh the livestreams even when not on the home screen
- Imported By field was not being populated in livestreams.json when being written to disk
- Exception messages returned from attempting to start livestreamer were not being shown in the output message box so a user would have no idea why livestreamer didn't start
2.5.1 - Fix duplicate display channels on multiple imports
Bug Fix
- Fixed duplicate channels displaying when running the import multiple times (these were not persisted, they would clear on app restart)
2.5.0 - Option to auto-close stream output on stream load
New Feature
- New option to auto-close the stream output message box upon successful stream load
- The top streams screen during loading now auto-populates the game name drop down with the most popular games on twitch
2.4.4 - Youtube monitoring fix
Bug Fix
- Youtube channels weren't being queried properly preventing them from being added/monitored
2.4.3 - Bug fix for the bug fix
Bug Fix
- Fixed copy paste error that resulted in the livestreams.json file not being written after importing livestreams, closes issue #18