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Releases: laurencee/Livestream.Monitor

Twitch oauth & game listing

02 Sep 00:44
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  • The oauth token saved by the user is now used for querying the twitch api if available
  • The game column is once again populated for twitch streams


  • Fixed some duplicate key exceptions when importing/adding twitch streams with data that was already cached

The initial refresh of streams suffers a bit due to the extra initialization needed to cache some game name/user info for twitch since not all the needed data is available from querying online streams.

Twitch top streams fixes

01 Sep 12:17
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  • Fixed all the functions on top streams page for twitch

New features

  • Added a copy stream url context option to top streams tiles

Twitch fixes

01 Sep 03:40
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  • Fixed importing follows from a twitch user
  • Fixed adding/removing channels for twitch user by username

Previous release notes here:

Twitch helix api

31 Aug 16:37
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Major change

  • #34 Most of the twitch related functions now uses the helix twitch api. The main exclusion here is the games searching functionality on top streams page.
  • The livestreams.json file has been migrated to a new format, your existing file will be backed up during the process in case something goes wrong or you want to go back to the previous version.
  • .NET version required updated to 4.7.2

New features

  • #49 New setting to allow disabling display of stream refresh error dialogs
  • New setting to disable checking for new versions

Missing things

  • No support for showing the game for twitch streams, will require additional work as the newer api does not provide this information in a single call

There were a large amount of changes needed to get this version working so let me know if you run into any new issues.

Fix `hide stream output on load` not working for some users

21 Jun 03:04
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  • Fix #43 - 'Hide stream output on load' stopped working when the console output from streamlink changed. Made the logic for this more flexible.

Youtube streams back online!

01 Dec 10:09
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  • Fixed an issue where youtube streams weren't showing notification popups as they came online #40
  • Fixed an issue where youtube streams weren't being shown in the list sometimes when offline

Minor change

  • Removed some code that dealt with the twitch api being flakey.

Previously if no online streams came back from the api, we'd try again 2 more times. Fairly often this would result in the expected online streams appearing in the response. Without that code those streams would incorrectly show as offline in the client.

Hopefully whatever caused that from twitch's API has been sorted out by now but if anyone runs into this type of issue again just create an issue for it and I can put that workaround back in.

Custom quality screen changes

22 Nov 08:42
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Minor changes

  • Prompt on exit of quality options screen if there are unsaved changes
  • Added some tooltips and extra description to help clarify that quality priority options are applied from top to bottom (so top is tried first)

Allow adding youtube channels by channelid

19 Nov 06:45
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#35 Small modification to the last release to allow adding youtube channels by channel id instead of just having to use the username.

There's a minor bug with the way this is done in that if you happened to add channels where their username starts with UC/HC then it will fail to find the channel. If this happens to be the case, the channel can still be added by the channel id instead.

See for the new stream qualities feature details

Stream quality favorites

19 Nov 05:57
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New feature

  • #33 A new screen has been created to allow saving favorite stream quality options on a per-api basis.

By default this will always have a fallback quality of "Best" which can be configured to "Worst" per-api if you want.
These will be passed in from top to bottom to streamlink/livestreamer when you load a stream/vod from that api.


Bug fix - prevent auto grid row selection at startup

01 Oct 11:51
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  • The livestream grid was auto-selecting a row on startup which was undesirable/could cause some invalid state #32
  • Ensure that a stream quality is always set when launching a stream (so things at least still work if we get into the above situation again in the future)
  • Removed focus from the toggle online streams button after clicking (it looks nicer this way)