These files are the ones I use to set up my shell environment for the two primary shells that I use, tcsh and bash. Bash is now the primary shell of choice.
Many of the cshell aliases needed to be converted to bash functions.
Some of the alias commands are from a time when I was doing more system administration work.
This repository installs as the directory "setups" which I clone into my ${HOME}. From my user root directory, I then link the appropriate file and replace the current dot-file equivalent.
ln -s ${HOME}/setups/bash_profile ${HOME}/.bash_profile
From the bash_profile, I then source the bash_alias and bash_function files.
I execute the script to download and install the git_prompt and git_complete program and most recently bash-git (which I believe are now included in current versions of git2.x). I like having tab complete with git and also seeing what branch I may be working with as part of my prompt.