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2019 ECP Annual Meeting BEE Tutorial Proposal

Patricia Grubel edited this page Oct 25, 2018 · 24 revisions

Instructions from the submission site

Enter information about your paper. You can make changes until the deadline, but thereafter incomplete submissions will not be considered. The deadline is 5 Nov 2018 11:59pm EST (Monday 5 Nov 2018 9:59pm your time).

This is an invitation for you to submit a proposal for a 60 (1 hr), 90 (1.5 hr), 180 (3 hr), and 360 (6 hr) time slot during the 2019 ECP Annual Meeting for which you or a team you lead would organize and host a session. Tutorials will be scheduled Monday through Thursday. Please list your date preference(s) and/or potential travel conflicts that may have an impact in the schedule of your Tutorial. If you plan to submit or already submitted a Breakout Session too, please mention that in the text box below to avoid scheduling conflicts.

A key goal of the 2019 ECP Annual Meeting is to engage ECP researchers and other stakeholders more deeply with the broad range of research and development activities taking place project wide. To this end, in addition to plenary and breakout sessions, the Workshop Organizing Committee invites proposals from the ECP community for Tutorial Sessions on any topic of interest to members of ECP. Proposers should emphasize the relevance of the topic to the ECP community. All proposals will undergo peer review before final consideration by the committee. Eligible to submit proposals are individuals or groups that receive ECP funding, staff from DOE high-performance computing facilities, vendors affiliated with ECP PathForward projects and from those who supply software and tools of interest to members of ECP.

The deadline for proposal submission is Monday, November 5th, 2018. Decisions about acceptance of proposals will be made by Friday, November 30th 2018.


A Hands-on Introduction to the BEE Workflow Engine - Tim Would adding "using Containerized Images" make it too long? - Pat

Author list (alphabetical)

  1. Paul Bryant - New Mexico Consortium -
  2. Jieyang Chen - University of California Riverside -
  3. Pat Grubel - Los Alamos National Laboratory -
  4. Qiang Guan - Kent State University -
  5. Li-Ta (Ollie) Lo - Los Alamos National Laboratory -
  6. Al McPherson - Los Alamos National Laboratory -
  7. Tim Randles - Los Alamos National Laboratory -



  • BEE workflows
  • containers
  • cloud
  • high performance computing

Tutorial Leaders

  1. Paul Bryant - New Mexico Consortium -
  2. Jieyang Chen - University of California Riverside -
  3. Pat Grubel - Los Alamos National Laboratory - - Postdoctoral Research Associate
  4. Qiang Guan - Kent State University -
  5. Li-Ta (Ollie) Lo - Los Alamos National Laboratory -
  6. Tim Randles - Los Alamos National Laboratory - - HPC Systems Engineer

Author Bio (200 words max for each author)

  1. Tim Randles has been working in scientific, research, and high performance computing for nearly 2 decades with the last 6 years being at LANL. His current work is focused on the convergence of the high performance and cloud computing worlds.

  2. Pat Grubel is a postdoctoral research associate in the Co-design Team. She has a background in electrical and computer engineering, future architectures, and performance analysis of task basked runtime systems. Her current interests lie in characterization of task based runtime systems, cloud computing technologies, and benchmarking and profiling scientific applications on new architectures.

Length (vote for one of the possible values: 1hr, 1.5hr, 3hr, 6hr)

  • 3hr

Level (vote for one of the possible values: beginner, intermediate, advanced)

  • beginner

Date (vote for one of the possible values: Mon 1/14, Tue 1/15, Wed 1/16, Thur 1/17)

  • Mon-Thur is fine

Format and Requested Resources

By default, all rooms will have a projector, podium, and two hand-held microphones. Please specify if you have additional resource requirements (for example, if this is a panel format, do you require table and chairs in the front of the room?)

  • A table and several chairs at the front would be useful but not required.
  • water and glasses
  • good wireless networking - this is a hands-on tutorial
  • Please do not put this tutorial in conflict with any containers tutorial

PC conflicts (Please state if you have a conflict with the committee members. This includes past advisors and students, people with the same affiliation, and any recent (~2 years) coauthors and collaborators.)

Ashley Barker - ORNL * Marta Garcia - ANL * Osni Marques - LBL

  • No conflicts - Tim
  • No conflicts - Ollie
  • No conflicts - Pat

The submission process also requires the following uploads. We will link to them once they are produced and added to the BEE_Private repository.

Submission (PDF, 15MB max)

Additional Slides or Material from Tutorial (15MB max)