sh <(curl -L
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
mkdir ~/GitHub/ && cd ~/GitHub
In System Settings change hostname to one of the specified in
nix --extra-experimental-features "nix-command flakes" run nix-darwin -- switch --flake .
darwin-rebuild switch --flake .
- Remove everything from Dock:
defaults write "" "persistent-apps" -array killall Dock
. - Terminal:
- Install theme by opening
file and setting it as default profile. - Change font to JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Regular 12pt.
- Install theme by opening
- KeePassXC:
- browser integration
- ssh agent
- minimize instead of exit
- minimize to system tray
- Firefox:
- KeePassXC-Browser, uBlock Origin, SponsorBlock, Kill Sticky
- disable password saving
- disable picture-in-picture
- Open and configure Mos.
- Open and configure Monitor Control.
- Open and configure Proxy Audio Device.
- Install printer/scanner drivers.
- Setup backup script using Platypus.
- Install Stillcolor
- Change default browser to Firefox.
- Select Spotlight search results.
- Enable storing Documents and Desktop in iCloud.
- Keyboard:
- disable 🌐 key
- turn backlight off after 10 seconds
- Mouse:
- disable pointer acceleration
- Enable window tiling