We assume that installation (including the interfaces) was successful and all dependencies are installed. See INSTALL.md.
Note that setting some of the environmental variables should not be necessary in case you installed Shogun to the default folder or installed it from a binary package.
All interfaces require the Shogun library to be visible to your system.
You can prepend the folder (!=full filename) of libshogun.*
to an environmental variable.
On Linux, this is done with
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="path/to/directory-with-libshogun.so:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
On MacOS
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="path/to/directory-with-libshogun.dylib:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"
Note that libshogun.*
was copied to path/to/shogun-install/lib/
when running make install
You can also make it point to the build directory path/to/build/src/shogun/
to make it available after a successful make
All subsequent settings can be set to the build dir or the installation dir.
We now describe how to run code that uses Shogun in all interfaces. For language specific defails on how to import and use Shogun in all interfaces, see the examples on our website.
Make sure you read up on how to compile C/C++ code.
Compilation requires the Shogun headers path, i.e. the path where for example shogun/base/init.h
is located.
This is either in path/to/src/shogun/
or in path/to/shogun-install/include/shogun/
and is specified via the -I
Linking requires the -lshogun
flag, which either needs the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
set up as described above, or preferably passed via the -L
Compiling and linking code with gcc
works as
gcc path/to/native_example.cpp -o native_example -I/path/to/headers -lshogun -L/path/to/libshogun.*
Running it:
This needs shogun.py
to be visible, which is either in path/to/build/src/interfaces/python_modular/
or in something similar to path/to/shogun-install/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/
export PYTHONPATH="path/to/shogun.py:$PYTHONPATH"
Running an example:
python path/to/python_example.py
This needs shogun.oct
to be visible, which is either in path/to/build/src/interfaces/octave_modular/
or in something similar to path/to/shogun-install/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/octave/site/oct/api-v50+/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/shogun/
export OCTAVE_PATH="path/to/shogun.oct:$OCTAVE_PATH"
Running an example:
octave path/to/octave_example.m
This needs shogun.rb
to be visible, which is either in path/to/build/src/interfaces/ruby_modular/
or in something similar to path/to/shogun-install/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/site_ruby
export RUBYLIB="path/to/shogun.rb:$RUBYLIB"
Running an example:
ruby path/to/ruby_example.rb
This needs shogun.R
to be visible, which is either in path/to/build/src/interfaces/r_modular/
or in something similar to path/to/shogun-install/lib/R/site-library
export R_LIBS_USER="path/to/shogun.R:$R_LIBS_USER"
Running an example:
R --no-restore --no-save --no-readline --slave -f path/to/r_example.r
This needs libshogun.so
(this is the interface file, not the shared library file libshogun.so
) to be visible, which is either in path/to/build/src/interfaces/lua_modular/
or in something similar to path/to/shogun-install/lib/lua/5.1/
export LUA_CPATH="path/to/libshogun.so:$LUA_CPATH"
Running an example:
lua path/to/lua_example.lua
This needs shogun.dll
to be visible, which is either in path/to/build/src/interfaces/csharp_modular
or in something similar to path/to/shogun-install/lib/cli/shogun/
Compiling code works with the mono C# compiler and passing location of the above file
mcs path/to/csharp_example.cs /lib:path/to/shogun.dll/r:shogun -out:csharp_example.exe
Running requires setting the mono path
export MONO_PATH=/home/heiko/git/shogun/shogun_develop/shogun/build/src/interfaces/csharp_modular:$MONO_PATH
Running it:
mono csharp_example
This needs shogun.jar
to be visible, which is either in path/to/build/src/interfaces/java_modular/
or in something similar to path/to/shogun-install/share/java/
In addition, the location of the external dependency jblas.jar
is needed,
usually in /usr/share/java/
Compiling code works with the java compiler and passing location of shogun.jar
, and the example itself in the class path
javac -cp /path/to/jblas.jar:/path/to/shogun.jar:path/to/java_example.java -d /path/to/output/ /path/to/java_example.java
Running it again requires the above class path and some more options
java -Xmx1024m -cp /path/to/jblas.jar:/path/to/shogun.jar:path/to/java_example.java -Djava.library.path=/path/to/shogun.jar java_example
Stand-alone, executable code for all interface examples on our website (and more) can be generated locally, see INSTALL.md.
As the examples load data files, they requires the shogun-data
submodule to be checked out.
All examples should be run in the respective folder they are located in, for example (assuming that all described variables are set)
cd /path/to/shogun-install/examples/meta/python/regression/
python linear_ridge_regression.py
Or, for a compiled language with a manually compiled, not yet installed Shogun, running directly from the source tree
cd /path/to/shogun-source/build/examples/meta/csharp/regression/
mono linear_ridge_regression.cs