The SleepQualityTracker app is a an app that helps you collect information about your sleep.
- Start time
- End time
- Quality
- Time slept
The following required functionality is completed:
- User can click on stat button to start recording current system time. End button gets enabled
- User clicks on end button when they are done. it takes user to sleep quality screen, where user can select sleep quality from 0-5
- updates database with data and displays overview of all sleeps recorded so far on home screen
- User can clear their data from database at any time. User gets to see a message upon clearing data.
This app demonstrates the following views and techniques:
- Room database
- Coroutines
- Transformation map
- Data Binding in XML files
- ViewModel Factory
- Using Backing Properties to protect MutableLiveData
- Observable state LiveData variables to trigger navigation