Hi there !
Run ./gradlew testDebugUnitTestCoverage to run the unit tests and produce the coverage report
you can open the html with the following commands :
open ./app/build/reports/jacoco/testDebugUnitTestCoverage/html/index.html
Json used to populate the data:
Project details:
- MVVM architecture
- Libs used Dagger2, RxJava2, Retrofit2
- Testing tools, Junit, Mockito and Jacoco for coverage
- Security, basic proguard rule and fake debug keystore for signing to make it more production ready
I didn't exggarated the amount of unit testing in every class, but I think I wrote enough unit tests to demostrate my skills in writing basic unit tests and for RXjava code unit tests.
More than happy to have a pair programming session at the interview to take it further.