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File metadata and controls

226 lines (172 loc) · 7.21 KB

CUT&RUN Analysis Pipeline

This repository contains a Snakemake pipeline for CUT&RUN data processing and analysis, including quality control, mapping, peak calling, and data visualization.

📖 Overview

This pipeline automates the steps involved in CUT&RUN data analysis, covering data preparation, alignment, peak calling, and quality control reporting.

1. Data Preparation and Quality Control

  • Adapter trimming using trim_galore to remove sequencing adapters and low-quality bases.
  • Quality control of raw and trimmed reads using FastQC.

2. Alignment and BAM Processing

  • Read alignment with bowtie2.
  • BAM file sorting and indexing using samtools.
  • Quality metrics generation with samtools idxstats, flagstat, and stats.
  • Duplicate marking and removal using picard.

3. Peak Calling and Signal Processing

  • Peak calling with MACS3 and SEACR for identifying enriched regions.
  • Signal normalization and BigWig generation using bedtools and bedGraphToBigWig.

4. Data Visualization

  • Quality metrics visualization using deeptools.
  • Fingerprint Plots: Assess library complexity and duplication.
  • PCA (Principal Component Analysis): Visualize global sample similarity.
  • Correlation Matrix: Heatmap representation of sample correlations.

5. Quality Control (QC) Metrics and Reporting

FastQC Reports

  • Evaluates sequence quality, GC content, and potential contaminants for both raw and trimmed reads.

Trimgalore Reports

  • Provides adapter trimming efficiency metrics and post-trimming quality scores.

Samtools Metrics

  • flagstat: Provides summary alignment statistics for raw, filtered, and deduplicated BAM files.
  • idxstats: Reports per-chromosome read distribution.
  • stats: Generates detailed alignment metrics across multiple processing stages.

Picard Metrics

  • MarkDuplicates: Reports the number of duplicate reads detected and removed during BAM processing.

DeepTools Metrics

  • Fingerprint Plots: Assess library complexity and sequencing bias.
  • PCA (Principal Component Analysis): Displays global similarity between samples.
  • Correlation Matrix: Provides a heatmap showing correlations across samples.

FRIP (Fraction of Reads in Peaks)

  • FRIP Score Calculation: Fraction of reads overlapping identified peaks.
  • Number of Peaks: Total number of peaks identified during peak calling.
  • Median Fragment Length: Estimates fragment size distribution in the BAM files.

MultiQC Reporting

  • Centralized Quality Control Report: All QC metrics are compiled into a single, interactive MultiQC HTML report for streamlined data interpretation.

📦 Requirements


  • Python (3.x)
  • Snakemake
  • Bowtie2
  • Samtools
  • Picard
  • MACS3
  • Bedtools
  • DeepTools
  • TrimGalore

Python Packages:

  • pandas
  • pysam

Ensure all tools are properly installed and available in your system path.

📂 Folder Structure

├── config/
│   └── config.yaml         # Configuration file for the pipeline
├── rules/                  # Snakemake rules for each step
│   ├── common.smk
│   ├── trim.smk
│   ├── align.smk
│   ├── peak.smk
│   ├── qc.smk
│   └── deeptools.smk
├── data/                   # Raw sequencing data files (not included)
├── results/                # Output results directory
├── qc/                     # Quality control outputs
└── Snakefile               # Main entry point for the pipeline

📜 Input File

The pipeline requires a sample metadata file in TSV format. Below is an example:

Name Unit Fastq1 Fastq2 Control
MGG152 KDM_KO_igg /groups/lackgrp/projects/col-cutandrun-tbo/rawdata/30-1110336138/00_fastq/C10_R1_001.fastq.gz /groups/lackgrp/projects/col-cutandrun-tbo/rawdata/30-1110336138/00_fastq/C10_R2_001.fastq.gz -
MGG152 KDM_KO_H3K27me3 /groups/lackgrp/projects/col-cutandrun-tbo/rawdata/30-1110336138/00_fastq/C11_R1_001.fastq.gz /groups/lackgrp/projects/col-cutandrun-tbo/rawdata/30-1110336138/00_fastq/C11_R2_001.fastq.gz MGG152.KDM_KO_igg
  • Name: Group name.
  • Unit: Unit or replicate identifier.
  • Fastq1: Path to raw FASTQ file (Forward Pair).
  • Fastq2: Path to raw FASTQ file (Reverse Pair).
  • Control: "<Name>.<Unit>" of the sample.

🎛️ Configurations

The configuration file (config/config.yaml) specifies pipeline parameters. Below is an example:

SAMPLES: config/samples.tsv

    REF: hg38
        QC: True
        PEAKS: True
        BWS: True
        - stringent
        - relaxed

# Reference Genome Settings
        FA: /groups/lackgrp/genomeAnnotations/hg38/hg38.fa
        BWA_IDX: /groups/lackgrp/genomeAnnotations/hg38/hg38.bwa.idx
        BOWTIE2_IDX: /groups/lackgrp/genomeAnnotations/hg38/hg38.bowtie2.idx/hg38
        CHROM_SIZES: /groups/lackgrp/genomeAnnotations/hg38/hg38.chrom.sizes
        BLACKLIST: /groups/lackgrp/genomeAnnotations/hg38/hg38-blacklist.v2.bed

▶️ Running the Pipeline

1. Configure the Pipeline

Edit the config/config.yaml file to specify:

  • Reference genome details.
  • Output directory structure.
  • Flags to enable or disable specific steps (e.g., QC, peak calling, BigWig normalization).

Ensure that the config/samples.tsv file is properly formatted with the sample information.

2. Slurm Profile

The pipeline uses a Slurm cluster via the profile/ directory. The config.yaml for the Slurm profile should include the following:

  mkdir -p logs/{rule} &&
  - partition=normal,big-mem,long,express
  - mem_mb=700000
  - disk_mb=1024000
restart-times: 1
max-jobs-per-second: 10
max-status-checks-per-second: 1
local-cores: 1
latency-wait: 60
jobs: 12
keep-going: True
rerun-incomplete: True
printshellcmds: True
scheduler: greedy
use-conda: True
  • Cluster Resources: Adjust memory (mem_mb), disk (disk_mb), and partition names according to your Slurm setup.
  • Logging: Logs for each rule are stored in logs/{rule}/.

3. Submission Script

Use the following script to submit the pipeline to the Slurm cluster. The script activates the required conda environment and runs Snakemake with the specified profile.

#SBATCH -c 64
#SBATCH --mem 720GB
#SBATCH -p long,big-mem,normal,express

source ~/.bashrc
conda activate cutandrun

snakemake --profile profile/

4. Submit the Pipeline

Run the following command to execute the pipeline:


This will:

  • Automatically submit jobs to the Slurm cluster.
  • Use the configuration specified in the profile/config.yaml file.
  • Execute all defined rules in the pipeline.