title | description | image | authorUsername |
GPT-3 tutorial: Trip Scheduler |
In this tutorial we will prepare Streamlip app that will use GPT-3 to generate trip schedule. |
jakub.misilo |
In this tutoial we will create simple GPT-3 powered Streamlit service for trip scheduling. We will use GPT-3 to generate trip schedule based on user input. We will use Streamlit to create simple UI for our app.
First, we need to install the necessary libraries:
!pip install openai
!pip install streamlit
!pip install python-dotenv
Now we can create .env
file and add our OpenAI API key:
OPENAI_API_KEY=<your api key>
Last thing we need to do is to create main.py
file, import all necessary libraries and load our API key from .env
import os
import random
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import openai
import streamlit as st
from dotenv import load_dotenv
openai.api_key = os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY')
Now we can create our Streamlit app. First, we need to create a functions that will generate prompt and trip schedule based on user input:
example_destinations = ['Paris', 'London', 'New York', 'Tokyo', 'Sydney', 'Hong Kong', 'Singapore', 'Warsaw', 'Mexico City', 'Palermo']
random_destination = random.choice(example_destinations)
now_date = datetime.now()
# round to nearest 15 minutes
now_date = now_date.replace(minute=now_date.minute // 15 * 15, second=0, microsecond=0)
# split into date and time objects
now_time = now_date.time()
now_date = now_date.date() + timedelta(days=1)
def generate_prompt(destination, arrival_to, arrival_date, arrival_time, departure_from, departure_date, departure_time, additional_information, **kwargs):
return f'''
Prepare trip schedule for {destination}, based on the following information:
* Arrival To: {arrival_to}
* Arrival Date: {arrival_date}
* Arrival Time: {arrival_time}
* Departure From: {departure_from}
* Departure Date: {departure_date}
* Departure Time: {departure_time}
* Additional Notes: {additional_information}
def submit():
prompt = generate_prompt(**st.session_state)
# generate output
output = openai.Completion.create(
st.session_state['output'] = output['choices'][0]['text']
Now we can create UI for our app with Streamlit:
# Initialization
if 'output' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state['output'] = '--'
st.title('GPT-3 Trip Scheduler')
st.subheader('Let us plan your trip!')
Let's create form for user input:
with st.form(key='trip_form'):
c1, c2, c3 = st.columns(3)
with c1:
origin = st.text_input('Destination', value=random_destination, key='destination')
st.form_submit_button('Submit', on_click=submit)
with c2:
st.selectbox('Arrival To', ('Airport', 'Train Station', 'Bus Station', 'Ferry Terminal', 'Port', 'Other'), key='arrival_to')
st.date_input('Arrival Date', value=now_date, key='arrival_date')
st.time_input('Arrival Time', value=now_time, key='arrival_time')
with c3:
st.selectbox('Departure From', ('Airport', 'Train Station', 'Bus Station', 'Ferry Terminal', 'Port', 'Other'), key='departure_from')
st.date_input('Departure Date', value=now_date + timedelta(days=1), key='departure_date')
st.time_input('Departure Time', value=now_time, key='departure_time')
st.text_area('Additional Information', height=200, value='I want to visit as many places as possible! (respect time)', key='additional_information')
And finally, we can display generated trip schedule:
st.subheader('Trip Schedule')
Now we can run our app:
!streamlit run main.py
And let's check results!