This package generates random fragments of k length from a larger sequences in FASTA format without overlap
- In Debian/Ubuntu:
apt install libgzstream-dev
devtools::install_github ("")
- Biostrings (Bioconductor)
- stringr
If you have any queries or find a bug, please submit an issue on GitHub or email
This pipeline was developed by Andrade, AAS ( and Brustolini, Otávio at the National Laboratory for Scientific Computing - Bioinformatic Laboratory (LABINFO), with contributions from Grivet, Marco., Schrago, Carlos G, and Vasconcelos, ATR.
Andrade AAS, Brustolini O, Grivet M, Schrago C, and Vasconcelos, ATR. Predicting novel mosquito-associated viruses from metatranscriptomic dark matter. (in press)