Batches I made implementing custom ffmpeg and yt-dlp commands
Quite the spaghetti code, mostly for personal archive
Prerequisities: ffmpeg and yt-dlp, preferably added to path
# Create a frames folder containing all frames of the video
C:\folder>frames "video"
# Uses -f concat -safe to join all the videos/audios in the selected folder, default extension .mp4
C:\folder>joiner "folder_name" [.ext]
# In a folder with various subfolders of the beforementioned kind, joins all videos/audios of subfolders creating videos/audios for each subfolders
# Cuts a video file according to timestamps specified in a .txt file, splitter -h for more info
C:\folder>splitter -h
# Spawns 0 parallel processes and cuts video.mp4 according to timestamps in splitter.txt, timestamps specified in [hh:]mm:ss-[hh:]mm:ss or in, with -c copy
C:\folder>splitter -r 0 "video.mp4" splitter.txt
# Spawns 2 parallel processes and cuts video.mp4 according to timestamps in splitter.txt, with -preset veryfast, -c:v libx264 and -c:a aac
C:\folder>splitter -p 2 "video.mp4" splitter.txt veryfast
Requires the beforementioned splitter and joiner
# Removes all video parts with audio below a certain threshold, needs splitter and joiner in path, silencer -h for more info
C:\folder>silencer -h
# Removes all moments with audio below -10dB and duration of at least 2 seconds, traslating the removing startpoint 0.5 seconds before the original startpoint the removing endpoint 0.7 seconds after the original endpoint
C:\folder>silencer -t "video.mp4" -10dB 2 0.6-0.7
# Sums all times or timestamps in a .txt file, timesum -h for more info
C:\folder>timesum -h
# Downloads directly the clips specified by a .txt file from a downloadable video with yt-dlp, timestamps specified in [hh:]mm:ss-[hh:]mm:ss
C:\folder>ytsplitter "video_url" "timestamps.txt"
# Downloads file with aria2c by specifying only yt-dlp options
C:\folder>zaria2c "-f 248+140 video_url"
# Batch for elgato 60HD recording/streaming, elgato -h for more info
C:\folder>elgato -h