| keys_map.json
| main.ipynb
| readme.md
| utils.py
| | covered_bolero.mp4
| |
| +---audio
| | covered_bolero.m4a
| | unet_bolero.m4a
| |
| +---json
| | covered_bolero.json
| | unet_bolero.json
| |
| +---midi
| | covered_bolero.mid
| | unet_bolero.mid
| |
| \---videos_w_detected_keys
| covered_bolero.mp4
| unet_bolero.mp4
| F05_Paesano_Hu.pdf
| F05_Paesano_Hu.pptx
| | segmentation_unet.ipynb
| |
| +---processed_training_labels
| | aboveall__6000.0.png
| | ...
| | piano_bolero__960.0.png
| | ...
| |
| +---training_data
| | aboveall__6000.0.png
| | ...
| | piano_bolero__960.0.png
| | ...
| |
| \---UNet_3_classes
| | keras_metadata.pb
| | saved_model.pb
| |
| +---assets
| \---variables
| variables.data-00000-of-00001
| variables.index
The main.ipynb notebook can be executed all to test on covered_bolero.mp4. Cells are titled according to the operations that are being performed, it's advisable to execute cells one by one, the following cells are alternative to the other: "Automatic" and "Manual" under the Keyboard rectification
The main.ipynb notebook uses:
- The functions defined in utils.py and will save the results in the folder where the input video is located (so for our example it will save in
) - The file keys_map.json which contains midi keys ids
The segmentation_unet.ipynb notebook trains a U-Net network aimed at segmentation.
The train set is divided into the original frames and the corresponding masks, located respectively in segmentation\training_data
and segmentation\processed_training_labels
The notebook has already been run and the model has already been trained, specifically it is saved in the segmentation/UNet_3_classes
folder and it is imported into the main.ipynb notebook by:
import tensorflow as tf
tfk = tf.keras
tfkl = tf.keras.layers
model = tfk.models.load_model('segmentation/UNet_3_classes', custom_objects={'UpdatedMeanIoU': tf.keras.metrics.MeanIoU})
The experimental results were all moved into the final_results
folder: the notebook outputs the detected keys in a .json
file and then in a .mid
and by configuring the function
utils.playVideo(..., save_video=True, video_name=..., ...)
the notebook will also generate an output video with the detected pressed keys bounding boxes drawn, an example:
The pdf report and the ppt presentation are located in pdf_ppt
, the F05_Paesano_Hu.pdf explains in detail the algorithm and reasoning applied