This is the easiest way to set up and run all components of the application. You will need:
- Docker Desktop (Windows / macOS) or Docker Engine (Linux)
- Docker Compose (Already included in Docker Desktop in Windows / macOS)
Clone the git repo and cd into it.
git clone && cd LibraryDB-Project
Build and run all docker containers with docker-compose. Then wait until all containers have started.
docker-compose up --build
Open the UI by visiting
in a browser.- Log in using any of the following usernames. The password is
for all of these accounts.- librarian1
- student1
- student2
- You can also create more student accounts with the "Register Student" button.
- Log in using any of the following usernames. The password is
Stop all containers by doing either:
- Ctrl+C in the same terminal you ran step 2.
to theLibraryDB-Project
folder and rundocker-compose down
There are README's in every folder containing setup instructions. To get the system running, set up and run the components in the following order:
- database
- server
- client