- Greenville, SC
- 12h behind - in/kushalhebbar
kushalhebbar.github.io Public
Repository consisting of code for portfolio website
UpdatedSep 2, 2021 -
A predictive market based on Augur's framework hence facilitating software security
UpdatedJan 2, 2019 -
Yolo_Object_detection Public
Setting up Yolo object detection and performing certain tasks on a set of images
UpdatedJan 2, 2019 -
Sniffing-and-Spoofing Public
This repository consists of solutions to the tasks present here: http://www.cis.syr.edu/~wedu/seed/Labs/Sniffing_Spoofing/
UpdatedJan 2, 2019 -
Book-recommendation-system Public
User rating based book recommendation system that considers network properties such as shortest path and similar neighbors to produce recommendations
PowerLaw-computation Public
Cumulative degree distribution, degree distribution and computation of power law parameters are a vital part of network analysis.
R UpdatedDec 24, 2018 -
GameScaping Public
An Aritificial Intelligence project with an objective of building an object detector, collision detector and a self-driving AI using tensorflow and Alexnet
Cloud-computing-with-AWS Public
This repository consists of a poster with an interactive alexa skill and a real-world application of services provided by AWS
UpdatedDec 24, 2018 -
Data driven 2-Dimensional game constructed using C++ constructs, SDL and powerful design patterns
Quantitative_Finance Public
A Data Science project using Python in order to predict whether an equity in the IT sector has a positive growth or a negative growth with the use of technical indicators concluding with a comparat…
Big-data-project Public
Optimizing the storage capability of HDFS and HBase through data size factor with integrated security feature
UpdatedNov 8, 2017 -
Implementing Stack data structure using OpenGL library