Just enough yt-dlp for TVer.jp
By removing all extractors that are irrelevant to TVer.jp, yt-dlp-tver not only achieved a reduction of approximately 82% in the size of the library but, more importantly, significantly minimized the frequency of necessary changes downstream.
If this approach ultimately proves to be a poor decision, I can still take solace in the fact that I gained valuable knowledge about GitHub Actions along the way.
Besides removing all extractors that aren't necessary for extracting a valid stream manifest URL from TVer.jp, there had to be made some minor changes to _extractors.py and youtube.py.
yt-dlp is an enourmous project supporting an ever growing list of streaming websites. As a direct result of this there is hardly ever a day without multiple changes being pushed to master.
update yt_dlp for TVer update.yml
An hourly cron job triggers this Github Action, which utilizes git Sparse Checkout to selectively checkout and push only the needed parts of yt-dlp to yt-dlp-tver.
test TVer extraction test.yml
This Github Action is triggered on every push to the /lib/yt-dlp/ path of this repository. It executes a pytest unit test that (optimistically) checks the TVer.jp extractor.
distribute library distribute.yml
Triggered by a successful unit test of the TVer.jp extractor, this Github Action distributes the latest version of yt-dlp-tver downstream.