diff --git a/docs/driver-parameters.md b/docs/driver-parameters.md
index a5d6ee3f5..159204065 100644
--- a/docs/driver-parameters.md
+++ b/docs/driver-parameters.md
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ Name | Meaning | Example | Mandatory | Default value
skuName | Azure storage account type (alias: `storageAccountType`) | `Standard_LRS`, `Premium_LRS`, `Standard_GRS`, `Standard_RAGRS`, `Standard_ZRS`, `Premium_ZRS` | No | `Standard_LRS`
location | Azure location | `eastus`, `westus`, etc. | No | if empty, driver will use the same location name as current k8s cluster
resourceGroup | Azure resource group name | existing resource group name | No | if empty, driver will use the same resource group name as current k8s cluster
+subscriptionID | specify Azure subscription ID in which blob storage directory will be created | Azure subscription ID | No | if not empty, `resourceGroup` must be provided
storageAccount | specify Azure storage account name| STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME | No | When a specific storage account name is not provided, the driver will look for a suitable storage account that matches the account settings within the same resource group. If it fails to find a matching storage account, it will create a new one. However, if a storage account name is specified, the storage account must already exist.
protocol | specify blobfuse, blobfuse2 or NFSv3 mount | `fuse`, `fuse2`, `nfs` | No | `fuse`
networkEndpointType | specify network endpoint type for the storage account created by driver. If `privateEndpoint` is specified, a private endpoint will be created for the storage account. For other cases, a service endpoint will be created for `nfs` protocol by default. | "",`privateEndpoint` | No | ``
for AKS cluster, make sure cluster Control plane identity (that is, your AKS cluster name) is added to the Contributor role in the resource group hosting the VNet
@@ -54,7 +55,6 @@ tags | [tags](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/mana
matchTags | whether matching tags when driver tries to find a suitable storage account | `true`,`false` | No | `false`
useDataPlaneAPI | specify whether use data plane API for blob container create/delete, this could solve the SRP API throttling issue since data plane API has almost no limit, while it would fail when there is firewall or vnet setting on storage account | `true`,`false` | No | `false`
--- | **Following parameters are only for blobfuse** | --- | --- |
-subscriptionID | specify Azure subscription ID in which blob storage directory will be created | Azure subscription ID | No | if not empty, `resourceGroup` must be provided
storeAccountKey | Should the storage account key be stored in a Kubernetes secret
(Note: if set to `false`, the driver will use the kubelet identity to obtain the account key) | `true`,`false` | No | `true`
getLatestAccountKey | whether getting the latest account key based on the creation time, this driver would get the first key by default | `true`,`false` | No | `false`
secretName | specify secret name to store account key | | No |