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This is a repository for the Fall 2022 Erdos institute project.

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How much will your prescription drugs cost? - Predicting copayments with machine learning

This is a repository that hosts the executive summary and code for the Fall 2022 Erdos Institute Bootcamp project.



Project Description

When a patient is prescribed medication from healthcare providers, their net copayment at the end of the transaction is determined by a complex system involving specific drug treatments, insurance, and other pharmaceutical factors. Currently, patients and doctors do not have a method of checking expected costs before prescribing medication. Machine learning presents considerable opportunities to improve patient-facing drug recommendations. In this project, we survey many regressors for predicting copayment costs based on patient insurance plans, available pharmacies, and the nature of possible medication details. With this, we hope to build the foundations for future systems that will inform doctors and patients about potential costs of medication before prescription to help patients work with doctors to find affordable treatment for their condition(s)medication. Details are documented here.

The Dataset (provided by CoverMyMed)

The dataset is composed of simulated transactions (n = 13910244) from different pharmacies that were taken across a single year. It includes the following features:

  • 'tx_date': the date on which the pharmacy transaction was attempted
  • 'pharmacy': the particular pharmacy where the transaction was attempted
  • 'diagnosis': the diagnosis of the patient associated with the transaction
  • 'drug': the drug that the patient was prescribed that the pharmacy is attempting to bill
  • 'bin': the broadest identifier of a patient’s insurance plan (banking identification number)
  • 'pcn': an identifier that more narrowly specifies a plan underneath the broader "bin"
  • 'group': another identifier that more narrowly specifies a plan underneath the broader "bin"
  • 'rejected': whether the billing transaction was rejected by the plan
  • 'patient_pay': the amount of copayment for which the patient is responsible

Technical Overview

  • Explortatory data analysis and Pre-processing
  • Feature Engineering
  • Regressor testing
  • Evaluation (RMSE and RMLSE)


The Jupyter Notebook is written in Python (3.x. version required).

The main packages include the following: numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, scikit-learn, GridSearchCV, DecisionTreeRegressor, RandomForestRegressor, AdaBoostRegressor, GradientBoostingRegressor, PolynomialFeatures, and LinearRegression



Random Forest Errors:



Will Hardt:

Karan Srivastava:

Christine Sun:

Funing Tian:


This is a repository for the Fall 2022 Erdos institute project.






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