Automatic classification of citizens' appeals.
The task from was the following: based on text (appeal from citizen) define category, theme and executor of the service.
Naive Bayes classifier was used to create 3 models (category, theme and executor) using Spark MLlib, TF-IDF feature vectorization method was used to define the importance of terms.
git clone
- start
- start using console: wth installed sbt 1.2.8 go to project folder and type
sbt run
- alternatively start main method in IDE
- start using console: wth installed sbt 1.2.8 go to project folder and type
- after successful start you should see in logs
REST interface bound to /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:8080
- to check the service use get request that returns project name
Using curl (or any other client like Postman) send request to server
curl -H 'Content-Type:multipart/form-data' -F text="на улице не горит фонарь"
"на улице не горит фонарь" = "a lantern is not working on the street"
The first request may take 30 seconds, the rest no more than 2 seconds.
Response example
{"category":"Городская территория","executor":"Управление благоустройства города","theme":"Не работает уличное освещение"}
"Городская территория" = "Territory of the city", "Управление благоустройства города" = "Department of city development", "Не работает уличное освещение" = "Street lighting doesn't work"
Source json file used for training model is not attached.