The plan path function creates a set of waypoints from start to goal. This function creates the grid and defines the start position as the map center and goal position as a location 10 m north and 10 m east of map center. The path is calculated using a-star algorithm and then send to the simulator. In the backyard flyer, the path is a square shape.
Read the first line of the collider.csv using csv module and then removed the string literal to convert the values in floating point.
I took the values from self._longitude, self._latitude and self._altitude converted from using function global_to_local and getting global_home from self.global_home.
Currently, current position is set as map center.
I have hardcorded goal location at far place behind building then converted the latitude and longitude of goal position to NED frame position.
Added diagonal motion as NORTH_WEST, NORTH_EAST, SOUTH_WEST and SOUTH_EAST to A* implementation with a cost of sqrt(2) in .
The implementation this algorithm is in file. In this method, we map the optimal path by generating Rapidly-exploring Random Tree from both start position and goal position. This approach is based on the below mentioned papers. Also, you can find a PBRTT.ipynb ipython notebook containing the graphs of RRT, RRT* and BiRRT* for your reference.
In this step, collinearity check is used to prune the path. This removes unnecessary waypoints from the path.