document type: cmdlet external help file: pocof-Help.xml HelpUri: Locale: en-US Module Name: pocof 02-01-2025 PlatyPS schema version: 2024-05-01 title: Select-Pocof
Selects objects from a collection based on interactive query.
Select-Pocof [[-InputObject] <PSObject[]>] [-Query <String>] [-Matcher <String>]
[-Operator <String>] [-CaseSensitive] [-InvertQuery] [-NonInteractive] [-SuppressProperties]
[-Prompt <String>] [-Layout <String>] [-Keymaps <Hashtable>] [<CommonParameters>]
Select-Pocof [[-Query] <string>] [-InputObject <psobject[]>] [-Matcher <string>]
[-Operator <string>] [-CaseSensitive] [-InvertQuery] [-NonInteractive] [-SuppressProperties]
[-Unique] [-Prompt <string>] [-Layout <string>] [-Keymaps <hashtable>] [-WordDelimiters <string>]
The Select-Pocof
cmdlet selects objects from a collection based on interactive query.
For example, you can use the Select-Pocof
cmdlet to select files that located current directory with interactive window.
You can use 3 matching mode Match
, Like
or Eq
and can use 3 operator mode And
or Or
By default, the query matches to the stringified object.
A query starting with a colon, such as :property-name
, indicates a property query.
In a property query, you can specify the property value using the format :property-name property-value
If you use a property query, the query will match to the specified object properties.
Recommend using $PSDefaultParameterValues
if you want to use a specific option.
For example Layout
, Prompt
and so on.
$PSDefaultParameterValues = @{'Select-Pocof:Layout' = 'TopDownHalf'; 'Select-Pocof:Prompt'= ''}
PS C:\> Get-ChildItem | Select-Pocof
Interactively filter the output of Get-ChildItem
PS C:\> Get-ChildItem | Select-Pocof -CaseSensitive -Query 'docs md' | Invoke-Item
Interactively filter the output of Get-ChildItem
with an initial case-sensitive query.
And performs the default action on the filtered items.
PS C:\> Get-ChildItem | Select-Pocof -NonInteractive -Query ':Name foo'
Interactively filter the output of Get-ChildItem
using a property query.
The property name in the query starts with :
followed by a space, and then the filter value. The format is as follows.
PS C:\> @{foo=100; bar=101; foobar=102} | Select-Pocof -NonInteractive -Query ':key foo' | % -Begin {$x = @{}} {$x[$_.Key]= $_.Value} -End {$x}
Interactively filter hashtable and create new hashtable from filtered items.
Filtering in case-sensitive.
Type: System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter
DefaultValue: False
SupportsWildcards: false
ParameterValue: []
Aliases: []
- Name: (All)
Position: Named
IsRequired: false
ValueFromPipeline: false
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName: false
ValueFromRemainingArguments: false
DontShow: false
AcceptedValues: []
HelpMessage: ""
Specifies the objects to filter. You can also pipe the objects to Select-Pocof
Type: System.Management.Automation.PSObject[]
DefaultValue: None
SupportsWildcards: false
ParameterValue: []
Aliases: []
- Name: (All)
Position: Named
IsRequired: false
ValueFromPipeline: true
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName: true
ValueFromRemainingArguments: false
DontShow: false
AcceptedValues: []
HelpMessage: ""
Enabling InvertQuery
will invert the filtering output.
Type: System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter
DefaultValue: False
SupportsWildcards: false
ParameterValue: []
Aliases: []
- Name: (All)
Position: Named
IsRequired: false
ValueFromPipeline: false
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName: false
ValueFromRemainingArguments: false
DontShow: false
AcceptedValues: []
HelpMessage: ""
Specifies the custom key bindings. Custom keymaps overrides default keymaps. Default keymaps are following.
Action | Keybinding | Note |
Cancel | Escape |
Cancel | Ctrl + C |
Finish | Enter |
BackwardChar | LeftArrow |
ForwardChar | RightArrow |
BeginningOfLine | Home |
EndOfLine | End |
DeleteBackwardChar | Backspace |
DeleteForwardChar | Delete |
DeleteBackwardInput | Ctrl + Home |
DeleteForwardInput | Ctrl + End |
SelectBackwardChar | Shift + LeftArrow |
SelectForwardChar | Shift + RightArrow |
SelectToBeginningOfLine | Shift + Home |
SelectToEndOfLine | Shift + End |
RotateMatcher | Alt + R |
RotateOperator | Alt + L |
ToggleCaseSensitive | Alt + C |
ToggleInvertFilter | Alt + I |
ToggleSuppressProperties | Ctrl + Spacebar |
SelectLineUp | UpArrow |
Not implemented yet. |
SelectLineDown | DownArrow |
Not implemented yet. |
ScrollPageUp | PageUp |
Not implemented yet. |
ScrollPageDown | PageDown |
Not implemented yet. |
CompleteProperty | Tab |
Type: System.Collections.Hashtable
DefaultValue: None
SupportsWildcards: false
ParameterValue: []
Aliases: []
- Name: (All)
Position: Named
IsRequired: false
ValueFromPipeline: false
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName: false
ValueFromRemainingArguments: false
DontShow: false
AcceptedValues: []
HelpMessage: ""
Select the layout: TopDown, TopDownHalf, BottomUp or BottomUpHalf.
Type: System.String
DefaultValue: TopDown
SupportsWildcards: false
ParameterValue: []
Aliases: []
- Name: (All)
Position: Named
IsRequired: false
ValueFromPipeline: false
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName: false
ValueFromRemainingArguments: false
DontShow: false
- TopDown
- TopDownHalf
- BottomUp
- BottomUpHalf
HelpMessage: ""
Select the matching mode. You can use Match
, Like
or Eq
provides regular expression matchingLike
provides wildcard matchingEq
provides exact matching
Type: System.String
DefaultValue: Match
SupportsWildcards: false
ParameterValue: []
Aliases: []
- Name: (All)
Position: Named
IsRequired: false
ValueFromPipeline: false
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName: false
ValueFromRemainingArguments: false
DontShow: false
- Match
- Like
- Eq
HelpMessage: ""
Enabling NonInteractive
starts the application in non-interactive mode.
Mainly used for testing purposes.
Type: System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter
DefaultValue: False
SupportsWildcards: false
ParameterValue: []
Aliases: []
- Name: (All)
Position: Named
IsRequired: false
ValueFromPipeline: false
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName: false
ValueFromRemainingArguments: false
DontShow: false
AcceptedValues: []
HelpMessage: ""
Select the logical operator to use when specifying query strings.
You can use And
or Or
provides logical "And" to multi query generated from splitting query by whitespaceOr
provides logical "Or" to multi query generated from splitting query by whitespace
Type: System.String
DefaultValue: And
SupportsWildcards: false
ParameterValue: []
Aliases: []
- Name: (All)
Position: Named
IsRequired: false
ValueFromPipeline: false
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName: false
ValueFromRemainingArguments: false
DontShow: false
- And
- Or
HelpMessage: ""
Specifies the prompt that appears before the query input space.
Type: System.String
DefaultValue: query
SupportsWildcards: false
ParameterValue: []
Aliases: []
- Name: (All)
Position: Named
IsRequired: false
ValueFromPipeline: false
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName: false
ValueFromRemainingArguments: false
DontShow: false
AcceptedValues: []
HelpMessage: ""
Specifies the initial query string.
The syntax of the query is simple. You separate the values you want to filter with a space.
Value1 Value2 Value3
The property query is a combination of the property name and the filtering value.
The property name in the query starts with :
followed by a space, and then the filter value like following.
:PropertyName FilteringValue
You can also combine normal filtering with property queries.
Value1 Value2 :PropertyName Value3
Type: System.String
DefaultValue: None
SupportsWildcards: false
ParameterValue: []
Aliases: []
- Name: (All)
Position: 0
IsRequired: false
ValueFromPipeline: false
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName: false
ValueFromRemainingArguments: false
DontShow: false
AcceptedValues: []
HelpMessage: ""
Enabling SuppressProperties
will disable the display of properties under the query input.
Type: System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter
DefaultValue: False
SupportsWildcards: false
ParameterValue: []
Aliases: []
- Name: (All)
Position: Named
IsRequired: false
ValueFromPipeline: false
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName: false
ValueFromRemainingArguments: false
DontShow: false
AcceptedValues: []
HelpMessage: ""
Enabling Unique
will exclude duplicates in InputObject
maintains the order of InputObject after excluding duplicates.
uses the Equals
and GetHashCode
methods of InputObject
to check for equality.
Type: System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter
DefaultValue: False
SupportsWildcards: false
ParameterValue: []
Aliases: []
- Name: (All)
Position: Named
IsRequired: false
ValueFromPipeline: false
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName: false
ValueFromRemainingArguments: false
DontShow: false
AcceptedValues: []
HelpMessage: ""
Specifies the characters that delimit words for word-based cursor movement, selection or deletion functions.
Type: System.String
DefaultValue: ;:,.[]{}()/\\|!?^&*-=+'\"–—―
SupportsWildcards: false
ParameterValue: []
Aliases: []
- Name: (All)
Position: Named
IsRequired: false
ValueFromPipeline: false
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName: false
ValueFromRemainingArguments: false
DontShow: false
AcceptedValues: []
HelpMessage: ""
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutBuffer, -OutVariable, -PipelineVariable, -ProgressAction, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.
Includes the following aliases for Select-Pocof
{{ Fill in the related links here }}