Erg - vast area of shifting sand dunes within a desert, also called a sand sea. Ergs are found in places like the Sahara Desert
Library that implements part of the HTTP/1.1 standard from scratch with practically zero dependencies, offering a lightweight API for clients
This project was built to learn OCaml and HTTP, it literally has no tests
Do not use it in any real software
- Persistent TCP connections
- Multithreading
- Simple routing
Library is not distributed via opam deliberately
- This is a learning project, it barely provides any value to anyone, but me
- I wouldn't maintain it
- Erg is a cool name and I don't want to take it
Instead of installing it with opam you'll need to do it manually
Assuming you created have some dune project, all you need to do is clone the erg to lib/erg
like so
git clone lib/erg
Then just add it to the dune file under the libraries stanza like so
(public_name your_project_name)
(name main)
(libraries erg))
You can access Erg
module in your code now
Simple example that shows most of the Erg features:
(* Define function that transform HTTP request to HTTP resposne *)
let process_hello req =
(* Read query parameter `name` from the URL *)
let name =
match Erg.Http_request.get_param req "name" with
| None -> "World"
| Some n -> n
|> Erg.Http_response.set_status_code Erg.Status_code.OK
|> Erg.Http_response.set_header (Erg.Http_header.ContentType "text/plain")
(* Create response body based on the `name` parameter *)
|> Erg.Http_response.set_response_body ("Hello, " ^ name ^ "!")
(* Create handler for GET request on the `/hello` URL *)
let hello_handler = Erg.create_handler Erg.Http_method.Get "/hello" process_hello in
(* Add `hello_handler` to the Erg handlers *)
let handlers =
Erg.empty_handlers ()
|> Erg.add_handler handler
(* Start Erg on the port 8080 *)
Erg.start 8080 handlers
Contents of the Erg.mli
module Http_method : sig
type t =
| Get
| Post
| Put
| Delete
module Http_header : sig
type t =
(* General Headers *)
| CacheControl of string
| Connection of string
| Date of string
| Pragma of string
| Trailer of string
| TransferEncoding of string
| Upgrade of string
| Via of string
| Warning of string
(* Request Headers *)
| Accept of string
| AcceptCharset of string
| AcceptEncoding of string
| AcceptLanguage of string
| Authorization of string
| Expect of string
| From of string
| Host of string
| IfMatch of string
| IfModifiedSince of string
| IfNoneMatch of string
| IfRange of string
| IfUnmodifiedSince of string
| MaxForwards of string
| ProxyAuthorization of string
| Range of string
| Referer of string
| TE of string
| UserAgent of string
(* Entity Headers *)
| Allow of string
| ContentEncoding of string
| ContentLanguage of string
| ContentLength of string
| ContentLocation of string
| ContentMD5 of string
| ContentRange of string
| ContentType of string
| Expires of string
| LastModified of string
module Status_code : sig
type t =
| Continue (** 100 *)
| Switching_Protocols (** 101 *)
| OK (** 200 *)
| Created (** 201 *)
| Accepted (** 202 *)
| Non_Authoritative_Information (** 203 *)
| No_Content (** 204 *)
| Reset_Content (** 205 *)
| Partial_Content (** 206 *)
| Multiple_Choices (** 300 *)
| Moved_Permanently (** 301 *)
| Found (** 302 *)
| See_Other (** 303 *)
| Not_Modified (** 304 *)
| Use_Proxy (** 305 *)
| Temporary_Redirect (** 307 *)
| Bad_Request (** 400 *)
| Unauthorized (** 401 *)
| Payment_Required (** 402 *)
| Forbidden (** 403 *)
| Not_Found (** 404 *)
| Method_Not_Allowed (** 405 *)
| Not_Acceptable (** 406 *)
| Proxy_Authentication_Required (** 407 *)
| Request_Timeout (** 408 *)
| Conflict (** 409 *)
| Gone (** 410 *)
| Length_Required (** 411 *)
| Precondition_Failed (** 412 *)
| Request_Entity_Too_Large (** 413 *)
| Request_URI_Too_Long (** 414 *)
| Unsupported_Media_Type (** 415 *)
| Requested_Range_Not_Satisfiable (** 416 *)
| Expectation_Failed (** 417 *)
| Internal_Server_Error (** 500 *)
| Not_Implemented (** 501 *)
| Bad_Gateway (** 502 *)
| Service_Unavailable (** 503 *)
| Gateway_Timeout (** 504 *)
| HTTP_Version_Not_Supported (** 505 *)
module Http_response : sig
type t
(** [empty] Returns "empty" HTTP response that must be filled with at least status code *)
val empty : t
(** [set_headers res h_list] Sets specified headers to the response, returns response with headers *)
val set_headers : Http_header.t list -> t -> t
(** [set_header res h] Sets specified header to the response, returns response with header *)
val set_header : Http_header.t -> t -> t
(** [set_response_body res body] Sets response body to the response, returns response with a body *)
val set_response_body : string -> t -> t
(** [set_status_code res code] Sets status code for the response, returns response with specified status code *)
val set_status_code : Status_code.t -> t -> t
module Http_request : sig
type t
(** [get_param req param] Retrieves the optional GET parameter from the request's query *)
val get_param : t -> string -> string option
(** [get_headers req] Retrieves all headers from the request *)
val get_headers : t -> Http_header.t list
(** [get_body req] Retrieves untrimmed body of the request as a string *)
val get_body : t -> string
type handler
type handlers
(** [empty_handlers] Returns empty handlers that should be filled with handlers with [add_handler] *)
val empty_handlers : unit -> handlers
(** [add_handler h handlers] Adds the specified handler to the handlers *)
val add_handler : handler -> handlers -> handlers
(** [create_handler m uri req -> res]
Creates the [handler] for the specified HTTP method on the [uri]
with function that transforms [http_request] to [http_response] *)
val create_handler
: Http_method.t
-> string
-> (Http_request.t -> Http_response.t)
-> handler
(** [start port handlers] Starts the server listening on the specified port with specified handlers *)
val start : int -> handlers -> unit