To check configuration settings create a file info.php and upload to your server
When visiting the info.php file on your web server ( you will see a page that displays details on the PHP environment, OS version, paths, and values of configuration settings. The file to the right of the Loaded Configuration File line shows the location of php.ini to edit in order to update your PHP settings.
Lines that begin with ; are comments.
Edit the lines that you want to change , save the file and restart webserver.
By changing .htaccess (with a leading dot) in the server document root folder on an Apache server. Configuration directives that set a value are preceded by php_value. Directives that turn a setting on or off are preceded by php_flag.
php_value error_reporting 32767
php_flag display_errors on
By setting values in your config php application
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
ini_set('display_errors', '1');
// Time zone needs to be set only when using date-related functions
If your server supports .user.ini files, save this file as .user.ini (with a leading dot) in the server document root. The configuration directives use the same syntax as php.ini. Lines beginning with a semicolon are ignored.
error_reporting E_ALL
display_errors = on
; Time zone setting for US West Coast
date.timezone = America/Los_Angeles
- Prefix $
- Start with a letter or an underscore
- Only letters, numbers and underscores
- Case sensitive
- String
- Integers
- floats
- Booleans
- Arrays
- Objects
- Resource
$output = 'Hello World!';
$num1 = 4;
$num2 = 10;
$sum = $num1 + $num2;
$string1 = 'Hello';
$string2 = 'World';
$greeting = $string1 .' '. $string2.'!';
$greeting2 = "$string1 $string2";
$string3 = "They\"re Here";
$float1 = 4.4;
$bool1 = true;
define('GREETING', 'Hello Everyone');
- Indexed
- Associative
- Multi-dimensional
// Indexed
$people = array('Kevin', 'Jeremy', 'Sara');
$ids = array(23, 55, 12);
$cars = ['Honda', 'Toyota', 'Ford'];
$cars[3] = 'Chevy';
$cars[] = 'BMW';
//echo count($cars);
//echo $people[3];
//echo $ids[2];
//echo $cars[4];
// Associative arrays
$people = array('Brad' => 35, 'Jose' => 32, 'William' => 37);
$ids = [22 => 'Brad', 44 => 'Jose', 63 => 'William'];
//echo $people['Brad'];
//echo $ids[22];
$people['Jill'] = 42;
//echo $people['Jill'];
$cars = array(
array('Honda', 20, 10),
array('Toyota', 30, 20),
array('Ford', 23, 12)
echo $cars[1][2];