- optimize code using re module
- add theme to gui
- make new screenshot of main window
- add Error - hamachid is not running
- add deleting of files to core.py(Mana)
- add button to gui that will delete all files
- add button to gui that will stop working of hamachid
- formalize README.md
- complete status
- complete nickname
- complete client id
- complete address
- complete to join
- make scretch of ui/ux
- make exception if user run script on the Windows
- undrestand how user can interact with cli of hamachi
- add `hamachi login`
- add `hamachi set-nick <nickname>`
- add `hamachi join <networ id>`
- add 'hamachi list`
- get type of os
- type of arhitecre
- choose toolkit for creating of gui --> Gtk