EPL Team Search App V2 (React, Redux, Webpack 4, The SportsDB API, Reactstrap, SASS and Autoprefixer)
This is V2 of my EPL Team Search App. This version uses a Redux store with middleware rather local state to pass data to components
Redux with middleware is used to record actions and dispatch relevant data to components
This is already configured to compile SASS to CSS and to apply autoprefixing to the CSS
Implementation of reactstrap for a responsive layout
Integration of the SportsDB Football API. Includes a search and selection of a current English Premier League team. The result then provides details such as club location, manager, basic history etc. Under the Match History section, a user can select a particular opponent team which produces a list of dates and results between the teams.
A simple dropdown that is populated with EPL football team data from the API
Based on the selected team's associated ID, detail about a particular team are produced and displayed. Under Match History anotehr dropdown can be selected that allows an opponent to be selected
A component called FontAwesome where cool icons can be specified via an object through props from it's massive library
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Serve on localhost:3000
npm run dev
# Build for production
npm run build
Kyri Kyriacou
This project is licensed under the MIT License