This nodemcu-firmware module adds software uart support on any pin with esp8266.
- Download and install docker ( -> Get Docker)
- Do following commands to build firmware with built-in software UART module:
pip install esptool # if you already have esptool, just skip this step
git clone # clone nodemcu-firmware repository
git clone # clone this repository
cp nodemcu-suart-module/app/modules/suart.c nodemcu-firmware/app/modules/suart.c # copy module source code
cd nodemcu-firmware # change directory to nodemcu firmware src
docker run --rm -ti -v `pwd`:/opt/nodemcu-firmware marcelstoer/nodemcu-build # run firmware build with docker
ls bin # list binary files for flashing on esp8266
export FRM_FILE="bin/nodemcu_integer_master_20171125-2047.bin" # choose integer build
export ESP_DEV="/dev/tty.wchusbserial1d170" # choose esp8266 device for flashing --port $ESP_DEV erase_flash # erase flash. NOTE: previous UART connection must be closed! All esp8266 data will be erased! --port $ESP_DEV write_flash -fm dio 0x00000 $FRM_FILE # flash new firmware
- Connect to your esp8266 with esplorer and follow software UART module instructions: In esplorer console:
local RX_PIN=1
local TX_PIN=2
local BAUD_RATE=9600
suart.setup(RX_PIN, TX_PIN, BAUD_RATE)
suart.on("data", STR_TERMINATOR, function(data)
print("Received data: "
- Connect another esp8266 or arduino: TX pin to D1, RX pin to D2
- Send string data terminated by dollar sign ("$")
- You must see "Received data: Hello, World!" in your esplorer lua console
WARNING! Currently stable work on 9600 baud rate 115200 baud rate make undefined behaviour and much data loss
Contributors are welcome!