The pharos
CLI tool can read information from Terraform JSON output. In this scenario cluster.yml
contents can be partially read from a Terraform JSON output file.
Terraform output JSON integration can be enabled with --tf-json
option, for example:
$ terraform apply
$ terraform output -json > tf.json
$ pharos up -c cluster.yml --tf-json tf.json
This example can be also executed as a single step:
$ pharos tf apply -c cluster.yml
To tear-down cluster:
$ pharos tf destroy
This output format works only with Terraform >= 0.12.
Full cluster.yml configuration can be generated via pharos_cluster
output. It's also possible to generate partial configuration which is then merged to cluster.yml
contents (using deep-merge).
output "pharos_cluster" {
value = {
hosts = [
for host in concat(aws_instance.pharos_master, aws_instance.pharos_worker) : {
address = host.public_ip
private_address = host.private_ip
role = host.tags["role"]
user = "root"
container_runtime = "${var.container_runtime}"
addons = {
ingress-nginx = {
enabled = true