This project is done in scope of my preparation to the AZ-204 exam, its main aim is to collect most important info in terms of azure storage queues and express it as simple as possible.
The key components are:
- Azure storage account (General purpose v2)
- Azure storage queue
- Message sender application (.NET)
- Message consumer application (.NET)
Obviously, we have to maintain a basic azure infrastructure such as azure storage account + queue. Let's perform it using azure CLI following the commands
az login
az account set --subscription <id or name>
az group create --name "storage-queue-demo-rg" --location "westus"
az storage account create --name "pkolosovstorage" --resource-group "storage-queue-demo-rg"
az storage queue create --name "pkolosov-storage-queue" --account-name "pkolosovstorage"
So the infrastructure is utilized.
To install: dotnet add package Azure.Storage.Queues
Both apps, consumer and sender must have azure storage account connection string of the following format
- Set it as environment variable using
$env:AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUT = 'DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=pkolosovstorage;AccountKey=;'
It could be checked at azure portal at: storage accout -> access keys
as per screenshot below