Application for 3D reconstruction of foam
Dependencies: vtk-python
The code depends on third-party applications, all must be callable from python/shell, place their executables for example to /usr/local/bin:
for tessellation (
for modifying foam structure, converting geo to Surface Evolver format, analyzing tools (
for converting between stl and ply format (
for generating voxel structure from ply format (
for filling empty holes in foam structure in voxel formatevolver
for structure relaxation (
for dense sphere packing (
Example configuration files are located in examples
Try run:
python -c examples/example_sp1.json -gra
#Generate spherical packing, anneal the foam structure and optimize strut content and porosity
python -c examples/example_el1.json -gd
#Generate anisotropic packing, anneal the dry foam structure