diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5003052
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MusicBeeInterface.cs b/MusicBeeInterface.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a672b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MusicBeeInterface.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,825 @@
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+namespace MusicBeePlugin
+ public partial class Plugin
+ {
+ public const short PluginInfoVersion = 1;
+ public const short MinInterfaceVersion = 36;
+ public const short MinApiRevision = 48;
+ [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
+ public struct MusicBeeApiInterface
+ {
+ public void Initialise(IntPtr apiInterfacePtr)
+ {
+ CopyMemory(ref this, apiInterfacePtr, 4);
+ if (MusicBeeVersion == MusicBeeVersion.v2_0)
+ // MusicBee version 2.0 - Api methods > revision 25 are not available
+ CopyMemory(ref this, apiInterfacePtr, 456);
+ else if (MusicBeeVersion == MusicBeeVersion.v2_1)
+ CopyMemory(ref this, apiInterfacePtr, 516);
+ else if (MusicBeeVersion == MusicBeeVersion.v2_2)
+ CopyMemory(ref this, apiInterfacePtr, 584);
+ else if (MusicBeeVersion == MusicBeeVersion.v2_3)
+ CopyMemory(ref this, apiInterfacePtr, 596);
+ else if (MusicBeeVersion == MusicBeeVersion.v2_4)
+ CopyMemory(ref this, apiInterfacePtr, 604);
+ else if (MusicBeeVersion == MusicBeeVersion.v2_5)
+ CopyMemory(ref this, apiInterfacePtr, 648);
+ else
+ CopyMemory(ref this, apiInterfacePtr, Marshal.SizeOf(this));
+ }
+ public MusicBeeVersion MusicBeeVersion
+ {
+ get {
+ if (ApiRevision <= 25)
+ return MusicBeeVersion.v2_0;
+ else if (ApiRevision <= 31)
+ return MusicBeeVersion.v2_1;
+ else if (ApiRevision <= 33)
+ return MusicBeeVersion.v2_2;
+ else if (ApiRevision <= 38)
+ return MusicBeeVersion.v2_3;
+ else if (ApiRevision <= 43)
+ return MusicBeeVersion.v2_4;
+ else if (ApiRevision <= 47)
+ return MusicBeeVersion.v2_5;
+ else
+ return MusicBeeVersion.v3_0;
+ }
+ }
+ public short InterfaceVersion;
+ public short ApiRevision;
+ public MB_ReleaseStringDelegate MB_ReleaseString;
+ public MB_TraceDelegate MB_Trace;
+ public Setting_GetPersistentStoragePathDelegate Setting_GetPersistentStoragePath;
+ public Setting_GetSkinDelegate Setting_GetSkin;
+ public Setting_GetSkinElementColourDelegate Setting_GetSkinElementColour;
+ public Setting_IsWindowBordersSkinnedDelegate Setting_IsWindowBordersSkinned;
+ public Library_GetFilePropertyDelegate Library_GetFileProperty;
+ public Library_GetFileTagDelegate Library_GetFileTag;
+ public Library_SetFileTagDelegate Library_SetFileTag;
+ public Library_CommitTagsToFileDelegate Library_CommitTagsToFile;
+ public Library_GetLyricsDelegate Library_GetLyrics;
+ [Obsolete("Use Library_GetArtworkEx")]
+ public Library_GetArtworkDelegate Library_GetArtwork;
+ public Library_QueryFilesDelegate Library_QueryFiles;
+ public Library_QueryGetNextFileDelegate Library_QueryGetNextFile;
+ public Player_GetPositionDelegate Player_GetPosition;
+ public Player_SetPositionDelegate Player_SetPosition;
+ public Player_GetPlayStateDelegate Player_GetPlayState;
+ public Player_ActionDelegate Player_PlayPause;
+ public Player_ActionDelegate Player_Stop;
+ public Player_ActionDelegate Player_StopAfterCurrent;
+ public Player_ActionDelegate Player_PlayPreviousTrack;
+ public Player_ActionDelegate Player_PlayNextTrack;
+ public Player_ActionDelegate Player_StartAutoDj;
+ public Player_ActionDelegate Player_EndAutoDj;
+ public Player_GetVolumeDelegate Player_GetVolume;
+ public Player_SetVolumeDelegate Player_SetVolume;
+ public Player_GetMuteDelegate Player_GetMute;
+ public Player_SetMuteDelegate Player_SetMute;
+ public Player_GetShuffleDelegate Player_GetShuffle;
+ public Player_SetShuffleDelegate Player_SetShuffle;
+ public Player_GetRepeatDelegate Player_GetRepeat;
+ public Player_SetRepeatDelegate Player_SetRepeat;
+ public Player_GetEqualiserEnabledDelegate Player_GetEqualiserEnabled;
+ public Player_SetEqualiserEnabledDelegate Player_SetEqualiserEnabled;
+ public Player_GetDspEnabledDelegate Player_GetDspEnabled;
+ public Player_SetDspEnabledDelegate Player_SetDspEnabled;
+ public Player_GetScrobbleEnabledDelegate Player_GetScrobbleEnabled;
+ public Player_SetScrobbleEnabledDelegate Player_SetScrobbleEnabled;
+ public NowPlaying_GetFileUrlDelegate NowPlaying_GetFileUrl;
+ public NowPlaying_GetDurationDelegate NowPlaying_GetDuration;
+ public NowPlaying_GetFilePropertyDelegate NowPlaying_GetFileProperty;
+ public NowPlaying_GetFileTagDelegate NowPlaying_GetFileTag;
+ public NowPlaying_GetLyricsDelegate NowPlaying_GetLyrics;
+ public NowPlaying_GetArtworkDelegate NowPlaying_GetArtwork;
+ public NowPlayingList_ActionDelegate NowPlayingList_Clear;
+ public Library_QueryFilesDelegate NowPlayingList_QueryFiles;
+ public Library_QueryGetNextFileDelegate NowPlayingList_QueryGetNextFile;
+ public NowPlayingList_FileActionDelegate NowPlayingList_PlayNow;
+ public NowPlayingList_FileActionDelegate NowPlayingList_QueueNext;
+ public NowPlayingList_FileActionDelegate NowPlayingList_QueueLast;
+ public NowPlayingList_ActionDelegate NowPlayingList_PlayLibraryShuffled;
+ public Playlist_QueryPlaylistsDelegate Playlist_QueryPlaylists;
+ public Playlist_QueryGetNextPlaylistDelegate Playlist_QueryGetNextPlaylist;
+ public Playlist_GetTypeDelegate Playlist_GetType;
+ public Playlist_QueryFilesDelegate Playlist_QueryFiles;
+ public Library_QueryGetNextFileDelegate Playlist_QueryGetNextFile;
+ public MB_WindowHandleDelegate MB_GetWindowHandle;
+ public MB_RefreshPanelsDelegate MB_RefreshPanels;
+ public MB_SendNotificationDelegate MB_SendNotification;
+ public MB_AddMenuItemDelegate MB_AddMenuItem;
+ public Setting_GetFieldNameDelegate Setting_GetFieldName;
+ [Obsolete("Use Library_QueryFilesEx", true)]
+ public Library_QueryGetAllFilesDelegate Library_QueryGetAllFiles;
+ [Obsolete("Use NowPlayingList_QueryFilesEx", true)]
+ public Library_QueryGetAllFilesDelegate NowPlayingList_QueryGetAllFiles;
+ [Obsolete("Use Playlist_QueryFilesEx", true)]
+ public Library_QueryGetAllFilesDelegate Playlist_QueryGetAllFiles;
+ public MB_CreateBackgroundTaskDelegate MB_CreateBackgroundTask;
+ public MB_SetBackgroundTaskMessageDelegate MB_SetBackgroundTaskMessage;
+ public MB_RegisterCommandDelegate MB_RegisterCommand;
+ public Setting_GetDefaultFontDelegate Setting_GetDefaultFont;
+ public Player_GetShowTimeRemainingDelegate Player_GetShowTimeRemaining;
+ public NowPlayingList_GetCurrentIndexDelegate NowPlayingList_GetCurrentIndex;
+ public NowPlayingList_GetFileUrlDelegate NowPlayingList_GetListFileUrl;
+ public NowPlayingList_GetFilePropertyDelegate NowPlayingList_GetFileProperty;
+ public NowPlayingList_GetFileTagDelegate NowPlayingList_GetFileTag;
+ public NowPlaying_GetSpectrumDataDelegate NowPlaying_GetSpectrumData;
+ public NowPlaying_GetSoundGraphDelegate NowPlaying_GetSoundGraph;
+ public MB_GetPanelBoundsDelegate MB_GetPanelBounds;
+ public MB_AddPanelDelegate MB_AddPanel;
+ public MB_RemovePanelDelegate MB_RemovePanel;
+ public MB_GetLocalisationDelegate MB_GetLocalisation;
+ public NowPlayingList_IsAnyPriorTracksDelegate NowPlayingList_IsAnyPriorTracks;
+ public NowPlayingList_IsAnyFollowingTracksDelegate NowPlayingList_IsAnyFollowingTracks;
+ public Player_ShowEqualiserDelegate Player_ShowEqualiser;
+ public Player_GetAutoDjEnabledDelegate Player_GetAutoDjEnabled;
+ public Player_GetStopAfterCurrentEnabledDelegate Player_GetStopAfterCurrentEnabled;
+ public Player_GetCrossfadeDelegate Player_GetCrossfade;
+ public Player_SetCrossfadeDelegate Player_SetCrossfade;
+ public Player_GetReplayGainModeDelegate Player_GetReplayGainMode;
+ public Player_SetReplayGainModeDelegate Player_SetReplayGainMode;
+ public Player_QueueRandomTracksDelegate Player_QueueRandomTracks;
+ public Setting_GetDataTypeDelegate Setting_GetDataType;
+ public NowPlayingList_GetNextIndexDelegate NowPlayingList_GetNextIndex;
+ public NowPlaying_GetArtistPictureDelegate NowPlaying_GetArtistPicture;
+ public NowPlaying_GetArtworkDelegate NowPlaying_GetDownloadedArtwork;
+ // api version 16
+ public MB_ShowNowPlayingAssistantDelegate MB_ShowNowPlayingAssistant;
+ // api version 17
+ public NowPlaying_GetLyricsDelegate NowPlaying_GetDownloadedLyrics;
+ // api version 18
+ public Player_GetShowRatingTrackDelegate Player_GetShowRatingTrack;
+ public Player_GetShowRatingLoveDelegate Player_GetShowRatingLove;
+ // api version 19
+ public MB_CreateParameterisedBackgroundTaskDelegate MB_CreateParameterisedBackgroundTask;
+ public Setting_GetLastFmUserIdDelegate Setting_GetLastFmUserId;
+ public Playlist_GetNameDelegate Playlist_GetName;
+ public Playlist_CreatePlaylistDelegate Playlist_CreatePlaylist;
+ public Playlist_SetFilesDelegate Playlist_SetFiles;
+ public Library_QuerySimilarArtistsDelegate Library_QuerySimilarArtists;
+ public Library_QueryLookupTableDelegate Library_QueryLookupTable;
+ public Library_QueryGetLookupTableValueDelegate Library_QueryGetLookupTableValue;
+ public NowPlayingList_FilesActionDelegate NowPlayingList_QueueFilesNext;
+ public NowPlayingList_FilesActionDelegate NowPlayingList_QueueFilesLast;
+ // api version 20
+ public Setting_GetWebProxyDelegate Setting_GetWebProxy;
+ // api version 21
+ public NowPlayingList_RemoveAtDelegate NowPlayingList_RemoveAt;
+ // api version 22
+ public Playlist_RemoveAtDelegate Playlist_RemoveAt;
+ // api version 23
+ public MB_SetPanelScrollableAreaDelegate MB_SetPanelScrollableArea;
+ // api version 24
+ public MB_InvokeCommandDelegate MB_InvokeCommand;
+ public MB_OpenFilterInTabDelegate MB_OpenFilterInTab;
+ // api version 25
+ public MB_SetWindowSizeDelegate MB_SetWindowSize;
+ public Library_GetArtistPictureDelegate Library_GetArtistPicture;
+ public Pending_GetFileUrlDelegate Pending_GetFileUrl;
+ public Pending_GetFilePropertyDelegate Pending_GetFileProperty;
+ public Pending_GetFileTagDelegate Pending_GetFileTag;
+ // api version 26
+ public Player_GetButtonEnabledDelegate Player_GetButtonEnabled;
+ // api version 27
+ public NowPlayingList_MoveFilesDelegate NowPlayingList_MoveFiles;
+ // api version 28
+ public Library_GetArtworkDelegate Library_GetArtworkUrl;
+ public Library_GetArtistPictureThumbDelegate Library_GetArtistPictureThumb;
+ public NowPlaying_GetArtworkDelegate NowPlaying_GetArtworkUrl;
+ public NowPlaying_GetArtworkDelegate NowPlaying_GetDownloadedArtworkUrl;
+ public NowPlaying_GetArtistPictureThumbDelegate NowPlaying_GetArtistPictureThumb;
+ // api version 29
+ public Playlist_IsInListDelegate Playlist_IsInList;
+ // api version 30
+ public Library_GetArtistPictureUrlsDelegate Library_GetArtistPictureUrls;
+ public NowPlaying_GetArtistPictureUrlsDelegate NowPlaying_GetArtistPictureUrls;
+ // api version 31
+ public Playlist_AddFilesDelegate Playlist_AppendFiles;
+ // api version 32
+ public Sync_FileStartDelegate Sync_FileStart;
+ public Sync_FileEndDelegate Sync_FileEnd;
+ // api version 33
+ public Library_QueryFilesExDelegate Library_QueryFilesEx;
+ public Library_QueryFilesExDelegate NowPlayingList_QueryFilesEx;
+ public Playlist_QueryFilesExDelegate Playlist_QueryFilesEx;
+ public Playlist_MoveFilesDelegate Playlist_MoveFiles;
+ public Playlist_PlayNowDelegate Playlist_PlayNow;
+ public NowPlaying_IsSoundtrackDelegate NowPlaying_IsSoundtrack;
+ public NowPlaying_GetArtistPictureUrlsDelegate NowPlaying_GetSoundtrackPictureUrls;
+ public Library_GetDevicePersistentIdDelegate Library_GetDevicePersistentId;
+ public Library_SetDevicePersistentIdDelegate Library_SetDevicePersistentId;
+ public Library_FindDevicePersistentIdDelegate Library_FindDevicePersistentId;
+ public Setting_GetValueDelegate Setting_GetValue;
+ public Library_AddFileToLibraryDelegate Library_AddFileToLibrary;
+ public Playlist_DeletePlaylistDelegate Playlist_DeletePlaylist;
+ public Library_GetSyncDeltaDelegate Library_GetSyncDelta;
+ // api version 35
+ public Library_GetFileTagsDelegate Library_GetFileTags;
+ public NowPlaying_GetFileTagsDelegate NowPlaying_GetFileTags;
+ public NowPlayingList_GetFileTagsDelegate NowPlayingList_GetFileTags;
+ // api version 43
+ public MB_AddTreeNodeDelegate MB_AddTreeNode;
+ public MB_DownloadFileDelegate MB_DownloadFile;
+ // api version 47
+ public Setting_GetFileConvertCommandLineDelegate Setting_GetFileConvertCommandLine;
+ public Player_OpenStreamHandleDelegate Player_OpenStreamHandle;
+ public Player_UpdatePlayStatisticsDelegate Player_UpdatePlayStatistics;
+ public Library_GetArtworkExDelegate Library_GetArtworkEx;
+ public Library_SetArtworkExDelegate Library_SetArtworkEx;
+ public MB_GetVisualiserInformationDelegate MB_GetVisualiserInformation;
+ public MB_ShowVisualiserDelegate MB_ShowVisualiser;
+ public MB_GetPluginViewInformationDelegate MB_GetPluginViewInformation;
+ public MB_ShowPluginViewDelegate MB_ShowPluginView;
+ public Player_GetOutputDevicesDelegate Player_GetOutputDevices;
+ public Player_SetOutputDeviceDelegate Player_SetOutputDevice;
+ // api version 48
+ public MB_UninistallPluginDelegate MB_UninstallPlugin;
+ }
+ public enum MusicBeeVersion
+ {
+ v2_0 = 0,
+ v2_1 = 1,
+ v2_2 = 2,
+ v2_3 = 3,
+ v2_4 = 4,
+ v2_5 = 5,
+ v3_0 = 6
+ }
+ public enum PluginType
+ {
+ Unknown = 0,
+ General = 1,
+ LyricsRetrieval = 2,
+ ArtworkRetrieval = 3,
+ PanelView = 4,
+ DataStream = 5,
+ InstantMessenger = 6,
+ Storage = 7,
+ VideoPlayer = 8,
+ DSP = 9,
+ TagRetrieval = 10,
+ TagOrArtworkRetrieval = 11,
+ Upnp = 12
+ }
+ [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
+ public class PluginInfo
+ {
+ public short PluginInfoVersion;
+ public PluginType Type;
+ public string Name;
+ public string Description;
+ public string Author;
+ public string TargetApplication;
+ public short VersionMajor;
+ public short VersionMinor;
+ public short Revision;
+ public short MinInterfaceVersion;
+ public short MinApiRevision;
+ public ReceiveNotificationFlags ReceiveNotifications;
+ public int ConfigurationPanelHeight;
+ }
+ [Flags()]
+ public enum ReceiveNotificationFlags
+ {
+ StartupOnly = 0x0,
+ PlayerEvents = 0x1,
+ DataStreamEvents = 0x2,
+ TagEvents = 0x04,
+ DownloadEvents = 0x08
+ }
+ public enum NotificationType
+ {
+ PluginStartup = 0, // notification sent after successful initialisation for an enabled plugin
+ TrackChanging = 16,
+ TrackChanged = 1,
+ PlayStateChanged = 2,
+ AutoDjStarted = 3,
+ AutoDjStopped = 4,
+ VolumeMuteChanged = 5,
+ VolumeLevelChanged = 6,
+ NowPlayingListChanged = 7,
+ NowPlayingListEnded = 18,
+ NowPlayingArtworkReady = 8,
+ NowPlayingLyricsReady = 9,
+ TagsChanging = 10,
+ TagsChanged = 11,
+ RatingChanging = 15,
+ RatingChanged = 12,
+ PlayCountersChanged = 13,
+ ScreenSaverActivating = 14,
+ ShutdownStarted = 17,
+ EmbedInPanel = 19,
+ PlayerRepeatChanged = 20,
+ PlayerShuffleChanged = 21,
+ PlayerEqualiserOnOffChanged = 22,
+ PlayerScrobbleChanged = 23,
+ ReplayGainChanged = 24,
+ FileDeleting = 25,
+ FileDeleted = 26,
+ ApplicationWindowChanged = 27,
+ StopAfterCurrentChanged = 28,
+ LibrarySwitched = 29,
+ FileAddedToLibrary = 30,
+ FileAddedToInbox = 31,
+ SynchCompleted = 32,
+ DownloadCompleted = 33,
+ MusicBeeStarted = 34
+ }
+ public enum PluginCloseReason
+ {
+ MusicBeeClosing = 1,
+ UserDisabled = 2,
+ StopNoUnload = 3
+ }
+ public enum CallbackType
+ {
+ SettingsUpdated = 1,
+ StorageReady = 2,
+ StorageFailed = 3,
+ FilesRetrievedChanged = 4,
+ FilesRetrievedNoChange = 5,
+ FilesRetrievedFail = 6,
+ LyricsDownloaded = 7,
+ StorageEject = 8,
+ SuspendPlayCounters = 9,
+ ResumePlayCounters = 10,
+ EnablePlugin = 11,
+ DisablePlugin = 12,
+ RenderingDevicesChanged = 13,
+ FullscreenOn = 14,
+ FullscreenOff = 15
+ }
+ public enum FilePropertyType
+ {
+ Url = 2,
+ Kind = 4,
+ Format = 5,
+ Size = 7,
+ Channels = 8,
+ SampleRate = 9,
+ Bitrate = 10,
+ DateModified = 11,
+ DateAdded = 12,
+ LastPlayed = 13,
+ PlayCount = 14,
+ SkipCount = 15,
+ Duration = 16,
+ Status = 21,
+ NowPlayingListIndex = 78, // only has meaning when called from NowPlayingList_* commands
+ ReplayGainTrack = 94,
+ ReplayGainAlbum = 95
+ }
+ public enum MetaDataType
+ {
+ TrackTitle = 65,
+ Album = 30,
+ AlbumArtist = 31, // displayed album artist
+ AlbumArtistRaw = 34, // stored album artist
+ Artist = 32, // displayed artist
+ MultiArtist = 33, // individual artists, separated by a null char
+ PrimaryArtist = 19, // first artist from multi-artist tagged file, otherwise displayed artist
+ Artists = 144,
+ ArtistsWithArtistRole = 145,
+ ArtistsWithPerformerRole = 146,
+ ArtistsWithGuestRole = 147,
+ ArtistsWithRemixerRole = 148,
+ Artwork = 40,
+ BeatsPerMin = 41,
+ Composer = 43, // displayed composer
+ MultiComposer = 89, // individual composers, separated by a null char
+ Comment = 44,
+ Conductor = 45,
+ Custom1 = 46,
+ Custom2 = 47,
+ Custom3 = 48,
+ Custom4 = 49,
+ Custom5 = 50,
+ Custom6 = 96,
+ Custom7 = 97,
+ Custom8 = 98,
+ Custom9 = 99,
+ Custom10 = 128,
+ Custom11 = 129,
+ Custom12 = 130,
+ Custom13 = 131,
+ Custom14 = 132,
+ Custom15 = 133,
+ Custom16 = 134,
+ DiscNo = 52,
+ DiscCount = 54,
+ Encoder = 55,
+ Genre = 59,
+ Genres = 143,
+ GenreCategory = 60,
+ Grouping = 61,
+ Keywords = 84,
+ HasLyrics = 63,
+ Lyricist = 62,
+ Lyrics = 114,
+ Mood = 64,
+ Occasion = 66,
+ Origin = 67,
+ Publisher = 73,
+ Quality = 74,
+ Rating = 75,
+ RatingLove = 76,
+ RatingAlbum = 104,
+ Tempo = 85,
+ TrackNo = 86,
+ TrackCount = 87,
+ Virtual1 = 109,
+ Virtual2 = 110,
+ Virtual3 = 111,
+ Virtual4 = 112,
+ Virtual5 = 113,
+ Virtual6 = 122,
+ Virtual7 = 123,
+ Virtual8 = 124,
+ Virtual9 = 125,
+ Virtual10 = 135,
+ Virtual11 = 136,
+ Virtual12 = 137,
+ Virtual13 = 138,
+ Virtual14 = 139,
+ Virtual15 = 140,
+ Virtual16 = 141,
+ Year = 88
+ }
+ public enum FileCodec
+ {
+ Unknown = -1,
+ Mp3 = 1,
+ Aac = 2,
+ Flac = 3,
+ Ogg = 4,
+ WavPack = 5,
+ Wma = 6,
+ Tak = 7,
+ Mpc = 8,
+ Wave = 9,
+ Asx = 10,
+ Alac = 11,
+ Aiff = 12,
+ Pcm = 13,
+ Opus = 15,
+ Spx = 16,
+ Dsd = 17,
+ AacNoContainer = 18
+ }
+ public enum EncodeQuality
+ {
+ SmallSize = 1,
+ Portable = 2,
+ HighQuality = 3,
+ Archiving = 4
+ }
+ [Flags()]
+ public enum LibraryCategory
+ {
+ Music = 0,
+ Audiobook = 1,
+ Video = 2,
+ Inbox = 4
+ }
+ public enum DeviceIdType
+ {
+ GooglePlay = 1,
+ AppleDevice = 2,
+ GooglePlay2 = 3,
+ AppleDevice2 = 4
+ }
+ public enum DataType
+ {
+ String = 0,
+ Number = 1,
+ DateTime = 2,
+ Rating = 3
+ }
+ public enum SettingId
+ {
+ CompactPlayerFlickrEnabled = 1,
+ FileTaggingPreserveModificationTime = 2,
+ LastDownloadFolder = 3,
+ ArtistGenresOnly = 4,
+ IgnoreNamePrefixes = 5,
+ IgnoreNameChars = 6,
+ PlayCountTriggerPercent = 7,
+ PlayCountTriggerSeconds = 8,
+ SkipCountTriggerPercent = 9,
+ SkipCountTriggerSeconds = 10,
+ CustomWebLinkName1 = 11,
+ CustomWebLinkName2 = 12,
+ CustomWebLinkName3 = 13,
+ CustomWebLinkName4 = 14,
+ CustomWebLinkName5 = 15,
+ CustomWebLinkName6 = 16,
+ CustomWebLink1 = 17,
+ CustomWebLink2 = 18,
+ CustomWebLink3 = 19,
+ CustomWebLink4 = 20,
+ CustomWebLink5 = 21,
+ CustomWebLink6 = 22,
+ CustomWebLinkNowPlaying1 = 23,
+ CustomWebLinkNowPlaying2 = 24,
+ CustomWebLinkNowPlaying3 = 25,
+ CustomWebLinkNowPlaying4 = 26,
+ CustomWebLinkNowPlaying5 = 27,
+ CustomWebLinkNowPlaying6 = 28
+ }
+ public enum ComparisonType
+ {
+ Is = 0,
+ IsSimilar = 20
+ }
+ public enum LyricsType
+ {
+ NotSpecified = 0,
+ Synchronised = 1,
+ UnSynchronised = 2
+ }
+ public enum PlayState
+ {
+ Undefined = 0,
+ Loading = 1,
+ Playing = 3,
+ Paused = 6,
+ Stopped = 7
+ }
+ public enum RepeatMode
+ {
+ None = 0,
+ All = 1,
+ One = 2
+ }
+ public enum PlayButtonType
+ {
+ PreviousTrack = 0,
+ PlayPause = 1,
+ NextTrack = 2,
+ Stop = 3
+ }
+ public enum PlaylistFormat
+ {
+ Unknown = 0,
+ M3u = 1,
+ Xspf = 2,
+ Asx = 3,
+ Wpl = 4,
+ Pls = 5,
+ Auto = 7,
+ M3uAscii = 8,
+ AsxFile = 9,
+ Radio = 10,
+ M3uExtended = 11,
+ Mbp = 12
+ }
+ public enum SkinElement
+ {
+ SkinInputControl = 7,
+ SkinInputPanel = 10,
+ SkinInputPanelLabel = 14,
+ SkinTrackAndArtistPanel = -1
+ }
+ public enum ElementState
+ {
+ ElementStateDefault = 0,
+ ElementStateModified = 6
+ }
+ public enum ElementComponent
+ {
+ ComponentBorder = 0,
+ ComponentBackground = 1,
+ ComponentForeground = 3
+ }
+ public enum PluginPanelDock
+ {
+ ApplicationWindow = 0,
+ TrackAndArtistPanel = 1,
+ TextBox = 3,
+ ComboBox = 4,
+ MainPanel = 5
+ }
+ public enum ReplayGainMode
+ {
+ Off = 0,
+ Track = 1,
+ Album = 2,
+ Smart = 3
+ }
+ public enum PlayStatisticType
+ {
+ NoChange = 0,
+ IncreasePlayCount = 1,
+ IncreaseSkipCount = 2
+ }
+ public enum Command
+ {
+ NavigateTo = 1
+ }
+ public enum DownloadTarget
+ {
+ Inbox = 0,
+ MusicLibrary = 1,
+ SpecificFolder = 3
+ }
+ [Flags()]
+ public enum PictureLocations: byte
+ {
+ None = 0,
+ EmbedInFile = 1,
+ LinkToOrganisedCopy = 2,
+ LinkToSource = 4,
+ FolderThumb = 8
+ }
+ public enum WindowState
+ {
+ Off = -1,
+ Normal = 0,
+ Fullscreen = 1,
+ Desktop = 2
+ }
+ public delegate void MB_ReleaseStringDelegate(string p1);
+ public delegate void MB_TraceDelegate(string p1);
+ public delegate IntPtr MB_WindowHandleDelegate();
+ public delegate void MB_RefreshPanelsDelegate();
+ public delegate void MB_SendNotificationDelegate(CallbackType type);
+ public delegate System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem MB_AddMenuItemDelegate(string menuPath, string hotkeyDescription, EventHandler handler);
+ public delegate bool MB_AddTreeNodeDelegate(string treePath, string name, System.Drawing.Bitmap icon, EventHandler openHandler, EventHandler closeHandler);
+ public delegate void MB_RegisterCommandDelegate(string command, EventHandler handler);
+ public delegate void MB_CreateBackgroundTaskDelegate(System.Threading.ThreadStart taskCallback, System.Windows.Forms.Form owner);
+ public delegate void MB_CreateParameterisedBackgroundTaskDelegate(System.Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart taskCallback, object parameters, System.Windows.Forms.Form owner);
+ public delegate void MB_SetBackgroundTaskMessageDelegate(string message);
+ public delegate System.Drawing.Rectangle MB_GetPanelBoundsDelegate(PluginPanelDock dock);
+ public delegate bool MB_SetPanelScrollableAreaDelegate(System.Windows.Forms.Control panel, System.Drawing.Size scrollArea, bool alwaysShowScrollBar);
+ public delegate System.Windows.Forms.Control MB_AddPanelDelegate(System.Windows.Forms.Control panel, PluginPanelDock dock);
+ public delegate void MB_RemovePanelDelegate(System.Windows.Forms.Control panel);
+ public delegate string MB_GetLocalisationDelegate(string id, string defaultText);
+ public delegate bool MB_ShowNowPlayingAssistantDelegate();
+ public delegate bool MB_InvokeCommandDelegate(Command command, object parameter);
+ public delegate bool MB_OpenFilterInTabDelegate(MetaDataType field1, ComparisonType comparison1, string value1, MetaDataType field2, ComparisonType comparison2, string value2);
+ public delegate bool MB_SetWindowSizeDelegate(int width, int height);
+ public delegate bool MB_DownloadFileDelegate(string url, DownloadTarget target, string targetFolder, bool cancelDownload);
+ public delegate bool MB_GetVisualiserInformationDelegate(out string[] visualiserNames, out string defaultVisualiserName, out WindowState defaultState, out WindowState currentState);
+ public delegate bool MB_ShowVisualiserDelegate(string visualiserName, WindowState state);
+ public delegate bool MB_GetPluginViewInformationDelegate(string pluginFilename, out string[] viewNames, out string defaultViewName, out WindowState defaultState, out WindowState currentState);
+ public delegate bool MB_ShowPluginViewDelegate(string pluginFilename, string viewName, WindowState state);
+ public delegate bool MB_UninistallPluginDelegate(string pluginFilename, string password);
+ public delegate string Setting_GetFieldNameDelegate(MetaDataType field);
+ public delegate string Setting_GetPersistentStoragePathDelegate();
+ public delegate string Setting_GetSkinDelegate();
+ public delegate int Setting_GetSkinElementColourDelegate(SkinElement element, ElementState state, ElementComponent component);
+ public delegate bool Setting_IsWindowBordersSkinnedDelegate();
+ public delegate System.Drawing.Font Setting_GetDefaultFontDelegate();
+ public delegate DataType Setting_GetDataTypeDelegate(MetaDataType field);
+ public delegate string Setting_GetLastFmUserIdDelegate();
+ public delegate string Setting_GetWebProxyDelegate();
+ public delegate bool Setting_GetValueDelegate(SettingId settingId, ref object value);
+ public delegate string Setting_GetFileConvertCommandLineDelegate(FileCodec codec, EncodeQuality encodeQuality);
+ public delegate string Library_GetFilePropertyDelegate(string sourceFileUrl, FilePropertyType type);
+ public delegate string Library_GetFileTagDelegate(string sourceFileUrl, MetaDataType field);
+ public delegate bool Library_GetFileTagsDelegate(string sourceFileUrl, MetaDataType[] fields, ref string[] results);
+ public delegate bool Library_SetFileTagDelegate(string sourceFileUrl, MetaDataType field, string value);
+ public delegate string Library_GetDevicePersistentIdDelegate(string sourceFileUrl, DeviceIdType idType);
+ public delegate bool Library_SetDevicePersistentIdDelegate(string sourceFileUrl, DeviceIdType idType, string value);
+ public delegate bool Library_FindDevicePersistentIdDelegate(DeviceIdType idType, string[] ids, ref string[] values);
+ public delegate bool Library_CommitTagsToFileDelegate(string sourceFileUrl);
+ public delegate string Library_AddFileToLibraryDelegate(string sourceFileUrl, LibraryCategory category);
+ public delegate bool Library_GetSyncDeltaDelegate(string[] cachedFiles, DateTime updatedSince, LibraryCategory categories, ref string[] newFiles, ref string[] updatedFiles, ref string[] deletedFiles);
+ public delegate string Library_GetLyricsDelegate(string sourceFileUrl, LyricsType type);
+ public delegate string Library_GetArtworkDelegate(string sourceFileUrl, int index);
+ public delegate bool Library_GetArtworkExDelegate(string sourceFileUrl, int index, bool retrievePictureData, ref PictureLocations pictureLocations, ref string pictureUrl, ref byte[] imageData);
+ public delegate bool Library_SetArtworkExDelegate(string sourceFileUrl, int index, byte[] imageData);
+ public delegate string Library_GetArtistPictureDelegate(string artistName, int fadingPercent, int fadingColor);
+ public delegate bool Library_GetArtistPictureUrlsDelegate(string artistName, bool localOnly, ref string[] urls);
+ public delegate string Library_GetArtistPictureThumbDelegate(string artistName);
+ public delegate bool Library_QueryFilesDelegate(string query);
+ public delegate string Library_QueryGetNextFileDelegate();
+ public delegate string Library_QueryGetAllFilesDelegate();
+ public delegate bool Library_QueryFilesExDelegate(string query, ref string[] files);
+ public delegate string Library_QuerySimilarArtistsDelegate(string artistName, double minimumArtistSimilarityRating);
+ public delegate bool Library_QueryLookupTableDelegate(string keyTags, string valueTags, string query);
+ public delegate string Library_QueryGetLookupTableValueDelegate(string key);
+ public delegate int Player_GetPositionDelegate();
+ public delegate bool Player_SetPositionDelegate(int position);
+ public delegate PlayState Player_GetPlayStateDelegate();
+ public delegate bool Player_GetButtonEnabledDelegate(PlayButtonType button);
+ public delegate bool Player_ActionDelegate();
+ public delegate int Player_QueueRandomTracksDelegate(int count);
+ public delegate float Player_GetVolumeDelegate();
+ public delegate bool Player_SetVolumeDelegate(float volume);
+ public delegate bool Player_GetMuteDelegate();
+ public delegate bool Player_SetMuteDelegate(bool mute);
+ public delegate bool Player_GetShuffleDelegate();
+ public delegate bool Player_SetShuffleDelegate(bool shuffle);
+ public delegate RepeatMode Player_GetRepeatDelegate();
+ public delegate bool Player_SetRepeatDelegate(RepeatMode repeat);
+ public delegate bool Player_GetEqualiserEnabledDelegate();
+ public delegate bool Player_SetEqualiserEnabledDelegate(bool enabled);
+ public delegate bool Player_GetDspEnabledDelegate();
+ public delegate bool Player_SetDspEnabledDelegate(bool enabled);
+ public delegate bool Player_GetScrobbleEnabledDelegate();
+ public delegate bool Player_SetScrobbleEnabledDelegate(bool enabled);
+ public delegate bool Player_GetShowTimeRemainingDelegate();
+ public delegate bool Player_GetShowRatingTrackDelegate();
+ public delegate bool Player_GetShowRatingLoveDelegate();
+ public delegate bool Player_ShowEqualiserDelegate();
+ public delegate bool Player_GetAutoDjEnabledDelegate();
+ public delegate bool Player_GetStopAfterCurrentEnabledDelegate();
+ public delegate bool Player_GetCrossfadeDelegate();
+ public delegate bool Player_SetCrossfadeDelegate(bool crossfade);
+ public delegate ReplayGainMode Player_GetReplayGainModeDelegate();
+ public delegate bool Player_SetReplayGainModeDelegate(ReplayGainMode mode);
+ public delegate int Player_OpenStreamHandleDelegate(string url, bool useMusicBeeSettings, bool enableDsp, ReplayGainMode gainType);
+ public delegate bool Player_UpdatePlayStatisticsDelegate(string url, PlayStatisticType countType, bool disableScrobble);
+ public delegate bool Player_GetOutputDevicesDelegate(out string[] deviceNames, out string activeDeviceName);
+ public delegate bool Player_SetOutputDeviceDelegate(string deviceName);
+ public delegate string NowPlaying_GetFileUrlDelegate();
+ public delegate int NowPlaying_GetDurationDelegate();
+ public delegate string NowPlaying_GetFilePropertyDelegate(FilePropertyType type);
+ public delegate string NowPlaying_GetFileTagDelegate(MetaDataType field);
+ public delegate bool NowPlaying_GetFileTagsDelegate(MetaDataType[] fields, ref string[] results);
+ public delegate string NowPlaying_GetLyricsDelegate();
+ public delegate string NowPlaying_GetArtworkDelegate();
+ public delegate string NowPlaying_GetArtistPictureDelegate(int fadingPercent);
+ public delegate bool NowPlaying_GetArtistPictureUrlsDelegate(bool localOnly, ref string[] urls);
+ public delegate string NowPlaying_GetArtistPictureThumbDelegate();
+ public delegate bool NowPlaying_IsSoundtrackDelegate();
+ public delegate int NowPlaying_GetSpectrumDataDelegate(float[] fftData);
+ public delegate bool NowPlaying_GetSoundGraphDelegate(float[] graphData);
+ public delegate int NowPlayingList_GetCurrentIndexDelegate();
+ public delegate int NowPlayingList_GetNextIndexDelegate(int offset);
+ public delegate bool NowPlayingList_IsAnyPriorTracksDelegate();
+ public delegate bool NowPlayingList_IsAnyFollowingTracksDelegate();
+ public delegate string NowPlayingList_GetFileUrlDelegate(int index);
+ public delegate string NowPlayingList_GetFilePropertyDelegate(int index, FilePropertyType type);
+ public delegate string NowPlayingList_GetFileTagDelegate(int index, MetaDataType field);
+ public delegate bool NowPlayingList_GetFileTagsDelegate(int index, MetaDataType[] fields, ref string[] results);
+ public delegate bool NowPlayingList_ActionDelegate();
+ public delegate bool NowPlayingList_FileActionDelegate(string sourceFileUrl);
+ public delegate bool NowPlayingList_FilesActionDelegate(string[] sourceFileUrl);
+ public delegate bool NowPlayingList_RemoveAtDelegate(int index);
+ public delegate bool NowPlayingList_MoveFilesDelegate(int[] fromIndices, int toIndex);
+ public delegate string Playlist_GetNameDelegate(string playlistUrl);
+ public delegate PlaylistFormat Playlist_GetTypeDelegate(string playlistUrl);
+ public delegate bool Playlist_QueryPlaylistsDelegate();
+ public delegate string Playlist_QueryGetNextPlaylistDelegate();
+ public delegate bool Playlist_IsInListDelegate(string playlistUrl, string filename);
+ public delegate bool Playlist_QueryFilesDelegate(string playlistUrl);
+ public delegate bool Playlist_QueryFilesExDelegate(string playlistUrl, ref string[] filenames);
+ public delegate string Playlist_CreatePlaylistDelegate(string folderName, string playlistName, string[] filenames);
+ public delegate bool Playlist_DeletePlaylistDelegate(string playlistUrl);
+ public delegate bool Playlist_SetFilesDelegate(string playlistUrl, string[] filenames);
+ public delegate bool Playlist_AddFilesDelegate(string playlistUrl, string[] filenames);
+ public delegate bool Playlist_RemoveAtDelegate(string playlistUrl, int index);
+ public delegate bool Playlist_MoveFilesDelegate(string playlistUrl, int[] fromIndices, int toIndex);
+ public delegate bool Playlist_PlayNowDelegate(string playlistUrl);
+ public delegate string Pending_GetFileUrlDelegate();
+ public delegate string Pending_GetFilePropertyDelegate(FilePropertyType field);
+ public delegate string Pending_GetFileTagDelegate(MetaDataType field);
+ public delegate string Sync_FileStartDelegate(string filename);
+ public delegate void Sync_FileEndDelegate(string filename, bool success, string errorMessage);
+ [System.Security.SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity()]
+ [DllImport("kernel32.dll")]
+ private static extern void CopyMemory(ref MusicBeeApiInterface mbApiInterface, IntPtr src, int length);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PetitLyrics.csproj b/PetitLyrics.csproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af8ce35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PetitLyrics.csproj
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+ Debug
+ AnyCPU
+ 9.0.30729
+ 2.0
+ {F5D46BA1-6F21-40EF-9695-46105CCACD08}
+ Library
+ Properties
+ MusicBeePlugin
+ mb_PetitLyrics
+ v4.7.2
+ 512
+ 3.5
+ publish\
+ true
+ Disk
+ false
+ Foreground
+ 7
+ Days
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ 0
+ 1.0.0.%2a
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ full
+ false
+ bin\Debug\
+ prompt
+ 4
+ MinimumRecommendedRules.ruleset
+ false
+ pdbonly
+ true
+ bin\Release\
+ prompt
+ 4
+ false
+ true
+ bin\x86\Debug\
+ full
+ x86
+ prompt
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ bin\x86\Release\
+ true
+ pdbonly
+ x86
+ prompt
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ False
+ Microsoft .NET Framework 4 %28x86 and x64%29
+ true
+ False
+ .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Client Profile
+ false
+ False
+ .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
+ false
+ False
+ Windows Installer 3.1
+ true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PetitLyrics.sln b/PetitLyrics.sln
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db974fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PetitLyrics.sln
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
+# Visual Studio Version 16
+VisualStudioVersion = 16.0.30517.126
+MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
+Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "PetitLyrics", "PetitLyrics.csproj", "{F5D46BA1-6F21-40EF-9695-46105CCACD08}"
+ GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
+ Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
+ Debug|x86 = Debug|x86
+ Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU
+ Release|x86 = Release|x86
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
+ {F5D46BA1-6F21-40EF-9695-46105CCACD08}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {F5D46BA1-6F21-40EF-9695-46105CCACD08}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
+ {F5D46BA1-6F21-40EF-9695-46105CCACD08}.Debug|x86.ActiveCfg = Debug|x86
+ {F5D46BA1-6F21-40EF-9695-46105CCACD08}.Debug|x86.Build.0 = Debug|x86
+ {F5D46BA1-6F21-40EF-9695-46105CCACD08}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {F5D46BA1-6F21-40EF-9695-46105CCACD08}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
+ {F5D46BA1-6F21-40EF-9695-46105CCACD08}.Release|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|x86
+ {F5D46BA1-6F21-40EF-9695-46105CCACD08}.Release|x86.Build.0 = Release|x86
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
+ HideSolutionNode = FALSE
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(ExtensibilityGlobals) = postSolution
+ SolutionGuid = {C6CCD493-AB7E-4884-B23B-44D60934BA4A}
+ EndGlobalSection
diff --git a/Plugin.cs b/Plugin.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff1a9ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Plugin.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+using System;
+using System.Net;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+namespace MusicBeePlugin
+ public partial class Plugin
+ {
+ private MusicBeeApiInterface mbApiInterface;
+ private PluginInfo about = new PluginInfo();
+ private const string Provider = "プチリリ";
+ private static readonly string[] Providers = { Provider };
+ private const string petitClientAppId = "p1110417";
+ public PluginInfo Initialise(IntPtr apiInterfacePtr)
+ {
+ mbApiInterface = new MusicBeeApiInterface();
+ mbApiInterface.Initialise(apiInterfacePtr);
+ about.PluginInfoVersion = PluginInfoVersion;
+ about.Name = $"{Provider}";
+ about.Description = $"{Provider}から歌詞を取得します";
+ about.Author = "kokarare1212";
+ about.TargetApplication = "";
+ about.Type = PluginType.LyricsRetrieval;
+ about.VersionMajor = 1;
+ about.VersionMinor = 0;
+ about.Revision = 0;
+ about.MinInterfaceVersion = MinInterfaceVersion;
+ about.MinApiRevision = MinApiRevision;
+ about.ReceiveNotifications = (ReceiveNotificationFlags.PlayerEvents | ReceiveNotificationFlags.TagEvents);
+ about.ConfigurationPanelHeight = 0;
+ return about;
+ }
+ public bool Configure(IntPtr panelHandle)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ public void SaveSettings()
+ {
+ }
+ public void Close(PluginCloseReason reason)
+ {
+ }
+ public void Uninstall()
+ {
+ }
+ public void ReceiveNotification(string sourceFileUrl, NotificationType type)
+ {
+ }
+ public string[] GetProviders()
+ {
+ return Providers;
+ }
+ public string RetrieveLyrics(string sourceFileUrl, string artist, string trackTitle, string album, bool synchronisedPreferred, string provider)
+ {
+ switch (provider)
+ {
+ case Provider:
+ return GetLyricsByMetadata(artist, trackTitle, album);
+ default:
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ public string RetrieveArtwork(string sourceFileUrl, string albumArtist, string album, string provider)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ private string GetLyricsByMetadata(string artist, string trackTitle, string album)
+ {
+ var client = new WebClient();
+ client.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
+ byte[] postData = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($"clientAppId={petitClientAppId}&lyricsType=1&terminalType=10&key_artist={artist}&key_title={trackTitle}&key_album={album}");
+ var resp = client.UploadData("https://p1.petitlyrics.com/api/GetPetitLyricsData.php", postData);
+ var musicMetadataStr = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(resp);
+ var lyrics = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(
+ Convert.FromBase64String(
+ Regex.Match(musicMetadataStr, "(?.*)")
+ .Groups["lyrics"].Value
+ )
+ );
+ return lyrics;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs b/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8460b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+using System.Reflection;
+using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following
+// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information
+// associated with an assembly.
+[assembly: AssemblyTitle("mb_PetitLyrics")]
+[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyProduct("mb_PetitLyrics")]
+[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2020 kokarare1212 All rights reserved.")]
+[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")]
+// Setting ComVisible to false makes the types in this assembly not visible
+// to COM components. If you need to access a type in this assembly from
+// COM, set the ComVisible attribute to true on that type.
+[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
+// The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this project is exposed to COM
+[assembly: Guid("99C58F98-9C72-4793-AB47-E4DC90C338BC")]
+// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values:
+// Major Version
+// Minor Version
+// Build Number
+// Revision
+// You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers
+// by using the '*' as shown below:
+// [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]
+[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
diff --git a/app.config b/app.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0cd953
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app.config
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@