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Wordle Server

Docker Build

Also see wordle-ui-vue


Logic 🧠

  • Each event should be in a particular format, server/<action> and client/<action>. The former describes actions sent to the server, while the latter describes actions sent to the client.

  • If the game has ended:

    • Frontend should display results
  • Else:

Data πŸ—ƒ

  • The game requires two memory areas. (Permanent) and (Temporary)

Permanent (SQL)

  • The permanent area stores the list of players and the list of games / rooms.
  • Rooms can only write twice to the permanent area (beginning – to fixate the users playing this game and at the end- to store the final results of the game).
  • When the results of a game are written to the permanent area, it becomes Read ONLY

Temporary (In-memory/NoSQL)

  • It is a hot write area i.e. number of writes >> number of reads.
  • It stores the ongoing game session
  • It performs the write to the permanent storage when the game has ended.

Struct πŸ’Ύ

  • Session: contains the progress for a single user in a game (session ended means I am done with the current game, **BUT **others might still be playing)
    • Username
    • Max Guessed letters >
    • Used trails >
    • Submission time of max Guessed letters
  • Game: contains the progress of everyone in the game

Endpoints 🌐

[POST] /login πŸšͺ

  • Login to an existing user
  "username": "username", 
  "password": "password" 
    "message": "Login successful",

[POST] /register πŸ“

  • Creates a new user
  "username": "username", 
  "password": "password"
    "message": "Registration successful"

[POST] /create/room πŸ”’

  • Creates a new room returning the id of this new room
  "id": "58dbe7f6-9d5c-4d48-8eac-73db92d4437d"

[GET] /join/room/{id} πŸ”’

  • Creates a new unique token for this (user & room)
  • Notice that the token is the same for each(user & room) pair, so requesting a token for the same (user & room) pair will return the same token.
  "token": "cb6fddb2f88acfcbbdc6c9900510"

[GET] /room/ πŸ”’

  • Return list of all games played by the user
    "created_at": "2023-06-19T19:51:58.802+03:00",
    "started_at": "2023-06-19T19:53:02.886447+03:00",
    "ended_at": "2023-06-19T19:51:58.802+03:00",
    "creator": "username",
    "correct_word": "FOLKS",
    "id": "58dbe7f6-9d5c-4d48-8eac-73db92d4437d"

[GET] /room/{roomID} πŸ”’

  • Return all the information about a specific game
    "created_at": "2023-06-19T19:51:58.802+03:00",
    "started_at": "2023-06-19T19:53:02.886447+03:00",
    "ended_at": "2023-06-19T19:51:58.802+03:00",
    "creator": "username",
    "correct_word": "FOLKS",
    "guesses": [
            "word": "FOLKS",
            "played_at": "2023-06-19T16:53:27.581099801Z",
            "status": [3,3,3,3,3]
    "game_performance": [
            "rank": 0,
            "username": "escalopa",
            "best": {
                "played_at": "2023-06-19T16:53:27.581099801Z",
                "status": [3,3,3,3,3]
            "words_played": 3,
    "id": "58dbe7f6-9d5c-4d48-8eac-73db92d4437d"

Websockets πŸš€

[WS] /live?token=XXXXX

  • Connects to the game's room

  • The token provied can be obtained from the join room endpoint

  • Once connected you will be able to send and receive messages from the server, messages have two types

    • [WSE] server/xxx means client => server
    • [WSE] client/xxx means server => client
  • Requests object struct

  "event": "event_name",
  "data": "object(can be anything)", 

[WSE] server/message

  • Broadcasts a message to everyone in the lobby
  "data": "Hello World"

[WSE] client/message

  • Server sends a message to all clients in the lobby (client should listen to this event to update the message box)
  "data": "Hello World",
  "from": "username"

[WSE] server/play

  • Sends a word to the server to be played
  "event": "server/play",
  "data": "FOLKS"

[WSE] client/play

  • When a player submits a word, other users are notified about the status of the leaderboard after the user's attempt.
  • The status is an array of 5 numbers, each number represents the status of the letter in the same position in the word.
    • 3 => correct letter and position
    • 2 => correct letter but wrong position
    • 1 => wrong letter
    "event": "client/play",
    "data": {
        "rank_offset": 0,
        "result": {
            "played_at": "2023-06-19T19:16:36.715290087Z",
            "status": [1,2,2,1,3] 
        "leaderboard": [
            "rank": 0,
            "best": [3,3,3,1,3],
            "username": "other",
            "words_played": 2
    "from": "escalopa"

[WSE] server/start

  • Send a signal to mark the game as started and the server should now notify other players in the game about the event.
  "event": "server/start",

[WSE] client/start

  • Notify users that the game has started, Now they can submit words using /play
  "event": "server/start",
  "data": "Game has started"",

[WSE] client/data

  • Returns the current game data, it is sent to the user when
    • The user joins the game
    • The game is started
    "event": "client/data",
    "data": {
        "created_at": "2023-06-19T19:16:36.715290087Z",
        "started_at": "2023-06-19T19:16:36.715290087Z"
        "creator": "someone",
        "id": "...",
        "guesses": [
                "word": "FOLKS",
                "played_at": "2023-06-19T19:16:36.715290087Z",
                "status": [1,2,2,1,3]
        "active": true,
        "leaderboard": [
    "from": "" 

Future Game Modes ✨

  • Sprint mode: Unlimited trials (shortest time to guess a word is only used to determine the winner of this game mode)
  • Wizard mode: (the smallest trials to guess a word wins, when there is a tie, the first to get the smallest trials win).