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Add stub implementation of emit
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koba-e964 committed Nov 17, 2019
1 parent f121170 commit f7656dd
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Showing 2 changed files with 395 additions and 0 deletions.
394 changes: 394 additions & 0 deletions src/x86/
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@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
use std::collections::HashSet;

use id;
use id::IdGen;
use std::io::Write;
use syntax::Type;
use x86::asm;
use x86::asm::{Asm, Exp, Fundef, IdOrImm, Prog};

open Asm
external gethi : float -> int32 = "gethi"
external getlo : float -> int32 = "getlo"
let stackset = ref S.empty (* すでにSaveされた変数の集合 (caml2html: emit_stackset) *)
let stackmap = ref [] (* Saveされた変数の、スタックにおける位置 (caml2html: emit_stackmap) *)

type StackSet = HashSet<String>;
type StackMap = Vec<String>;
fn save(x: &str, stackset: &mut StackSet, stackmap: &mut StackMap) {
if stackmap.iter().all(|y| x != y) {

fn savef(x: &str, stackset: &mut StackSet, stackmap: &mut StackMap, id_gen: &mut IdGen) {
if stackmap.iter().all(|y| x != y) {
if stackmap.len() % 2 == 1 {

fn offset(x: &str, stackmap: &StackMap) -> i32 {
4 * stackmap.iter().position(|y| x == y).unwrap() as i32

fn stacksize(stackmap: &StackMap) -> i32 {
asm::align(4 * stackmap.len() as i32)

fn pp_id_or_imm(value: &IdOrImm) -> String {
match value {
IdOrImm::V(ref x) => x.clone(),
IdOrImm::C(i) => format!("${}", i),

/// 関数呼び出しのために引数を並べ替える(register shuffling) (caml2html: emit_shuffle)
fn shuffle(sw: &str, xys: &[(String, String)]) -> Vec<(String, String)> {
let rec shuffle sw xys =
(* remove identical moves *)
let _, xys = List.partition (fun (x, y) -> x = y) xys in
(* find acyclic moves *)
match List.partition (fun (_, y) -> List.mem_assoc y xys) xys with
| [], [] -> []
| (x, y) :: xys, [] -> (* no acyclic moves; resolve a cyclic move *)
(y, sw) :: (x, y) :: shuffle sw (
| (y', z) when y = y' -> (sw, z)
| yz -> yz)
| xys, acyc -> acyc @ shuffle sw xys

/// 末尾かどうかを表すデータ型 (caml2html: emit_dest)
enum Dest {

fn g(output: &mut Write, asm: Asm) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
let rec g oc = function (* 命令列のアセンブリ生成 (caml2html: emit_g) *)
| dest, Ans(exp) -> g' oc (dest, exp)
| dest, Let((x, t), exp, e) ->
g' oc (NonTail(x), exp);
g oc (dest, e)
fn g_exp(output: &mut Write, exp: Exp) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
and g' oc = function (* 各命令のアセンブリ生成 (caml2html: emit_gprime) *)
(* 末尾でなかったら計算結果をdestにセット (caml2html: emit_nontail) *)
| NonTail(_), Nop -> ()
| NonTail(x), Set(i) -> Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovl\t$%d, %s\n" i x
| NonTail(x), SetL(Id.L(y)) -> Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovl\t$%s, %s\n" y x
| NonTail(x), Mov(y) ->
if x <> y then Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovl\t%s, %s\n" y x
| NonTail(x), Neg(y) ->
if x <> y then Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovl\t%s, %s\n" y x;
Printf.fprintf oc "\tnegl\t%s\n" x
| NonTail(x), Add(y, z') ->
if V(x) = z' then
Printf.fprintf oc "\taddl\t%s, %s\n" y x
(if x <> y then Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovl\t%s, %s\n" y x;
Printf.fprintf oc "\taddl\t%s, %s\n" (pp_id_or_imm z') x)
| NonTail(x), Sub(y, z') ->
if V(x) = z' then
(Printf.fprintf oc "\tsubl\t%s, %s\n" y x;
Printf.fprintf oc "\tnegl\t%s\n" x)
(if x <> y then Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovl\t%s, %s\n" y x;
Printf.fprintf oc "\tsubl\t%s, %s\n" (pp_id_or_imm z') x)
| NonTail(x), Ld(y, V(z), i) -> Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovl\t(%s,%s,%d), %s\n" y z i x
| NonTail(x), Ld(y, C(j), i) -> Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovl\t%d(%s), %s\n" (j * i) y x
| NonTail(_), St(x, y, V(z), i) -> Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovl\t%s, (%s,%s,%d)\n" x y z i
| NonTail(_), St(x, y, C(j), i) -> Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovl\t%s, %d(%s)\n" x (j * i) y
| NonTail(x), FMovD(y) ->
if x <> y then Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovsd\t%s, %s\n" y x
| NonTail(x), FNegD(y) ->
if x <> y then Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovsd\t%s, %s\n" y x;
Printf.fprintf oc "\txorpd\tmin_caml_fnegd, %s\n" x
| NonTail(x), FAddD(y, z) ->
if x = z then
Printf.fprintf oc "\taddsd\t%s, %s\n" y x
(if x <> y then Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovsd\t%s, %s\n" y x;
Printf.fprintf oc "\taddsd\t%s, %s\n" z x)
| NonTail(x), FSubD(y, z) ->
if x = z then (* [XXX] ugly *)
let ss = stacksize () in
Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovsd\t%s, %d(%s)\n" z ss reg_sp;
if x <> y then Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovsd\t%s, %s\n" y x;
Printf.fprintf oc "\tsubsd\t%d(%s), %s\n" ss reg_sp x
(if x <> y then Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovsd\t%s, %s\n" y x;
Printf.fprintf oc "\tsubsd\t%s, %s\n" z x)
| NonTail(x), FMulD(y, z) ->
if x = z then
Printf.fprintf oc "\tmulsd\t%s, %s\n" y x
(if x <> y then Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovsd\t%s, %s\n" y x;
Printf.fprintf oc "\tmulsd\t%s, %s\n" z x)
| NonTail(x), FDivD(y, z) ->
if x = z then (* [XXX] ugly *)
let ss = stacksize () in
Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovsd\t%s, %d(%s)\n" z ss reg_sp;
if x <> y then Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovsd\t%s, %s\n" y x;
Printf.fprintf oc "\tdivsd\t%d(%s), %s\n" ss reg_sp x
(if x <> y then Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovsd\t%s, %s\n" y x;
Printf.fprintf oc "\tdivsd\t%s, %s\n" z x)
| NonTail(x), LdDF(y, V(z), i) -> Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovsd\t(%s,%s,%d), %s\n" y z i x
| NonTail(x), LdDF(y, C(j), i) -> Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovsd\t%d(%s), %s\n" (j * i) y x
| NonTail(_), StDF(x, y, V(z), i) -> Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovsd\t%s, (%s,%s,%d)\n" x y z i
| NonTail(_), StDF(x, y, C(j), i) -> Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovsd\t%s, %d(%s)\n" x (j * i) y
| NonTail(_), Comment(s) -> Printf.fprintf oc "\t# %s\n" s
(* 退避の仮想命令の実装 (caml2html: emit_save) *)
| NonTail(_), Save(x, y) when List.mem x allregs && not (S.mem y !stackset) ->
save y;
Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovl\t%s, %d(%s)\n" x (offset y) reg_sp
| NonTail(_), Save(x, y) when List.mem x allfregs && not (S.mem y !stackset) ->
savef y;
Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovsd\t%s, %d(%s)\n" x (offset y) reg_sp
| NonTail(_), Save(x, y) -> assert (S.mem y !stackset); ()
(* 復帰の仮想命令の実装 (caml2html: emit_restore) *)
| NonTail(x), Restore(y) when List.mem x allregs ->
Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovl\t%d(%s), %s\n" (offset y) reg_sp x
| NonTail(x), Restore(y) ->
assert (List.mem x allfregs);
Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovsd\t%d(%s), %s\n" (offset y) reg_sp x
(* 末尾だったら計算結果を第一レジスタにセットしてret (caml2html: emit_tailret) *)
| Tail, (Nop | St _ | StDF _ | Comment _ | Save _ as exp) ->
g' oc (NonTail(Id.gentmp Type.Unit), exp);
Printf.fprintf oc "\tret\n";
| Tail, (Set _ | SetL _ | Mov _ | Neg _ | Add _ | Sub _ | Ld _ as exp) ->
g' oc (NonTail(regs.(0)), exp);
Printf.fprintf oc "\tret\n";
| Tail, (FMovD _ | FNegD _ | FAddD _ | FSubD _ | FMulD _ | FDivD _ | LdDF _ as exp) ->
g' oc (NonTail(fregs.(0)), exp);
Printf.fprintf oc "\tret\n";
| Tail, (Restore(x) as exp) ->
(match locate x with
| [i] -> g' oc (NonTail(regs.(0)), exp)
| [i; j] when i + 1 = j -> g' oc (NonTail(fregs.(0)), exp)
| _ -> assert false);
Printf.fprintf oc "\tret\n";
| Tail, IfEq(x, y', e1, e2) ->
Printf.fprintf oc "\tcmpl\t%s, %s\n" (pp_id_or_imm y') x;
g'_tail_if oc e1 e2 "je" "jne"
| Tail, IfLE(x, y', e1, e2) ->
Printf.fprintf oc "\tcmpl\t%s, %s\n" (pp_id_or_imm y') x;
g'_tail_if oc e1 e2 "jle" "jg"
| Tail, IfGE(x, y', e1, e2) ->
Printf.fprintf oc "\tcmpl\t%s, %s\n" (pp_id_or_imm y') x;
g'_tail_if oc e1 e2 "jge" "jl"
| Tail, IfFEq(x, y, e1, e2) ->
Printf.fprintf oc "\tcomisd\t%s, %s\n" y x;
g'_tail_if oc e1 e2 "je" "jne"
| Tail, IfFLE(x, y, e1, e2) ->
Printf.fprintf oc "\tcomisd\t%s, %s\n" y x;
g'_tail_if oc e1 e2 "jbe" "ja"
| NonTail(z), IfEq(x, y', e1, e2) ->
Printf.fprintf oc "\tcmpl\t%s, %s\n" (pp_id_or_imm y') x;
g'_non_tail_if oc (NonTail(z)) e1 e2 "je" "jne"
| NonTail(z), IfLE(x, y', e1, e2) ->
Printf.fprintf oc "\tcmpl\t%s, %s\n" (pp_id_or_imm y') x;
g'_non_tail_if oc (NonTail(z)) e1 e2 "jle" "jg"
| NonTail(z), IfGE(x, y', e1, e2) ->
Printf.fprintf oc "\tcmpl\t%s, %s\n" (pp_id_or_imm y') x;
g'_non_tail_if oc (NonTail(z)) e1 e2 "jge" "jl"
| NonTail(z), IfFEq(x, y, e1, e2) ->
Printf.fprintf oc "\tcomisd\t%s, %s\n" y x;
g'_non_tail_if oc (NonTail(z)) e1 e2 "je" "jne"
| NonTail(z), IfFLE(x, y, e1, e2) ->
Printf.fprintf oc "\tcomisd\t%s, %s\n" y x;
g'_non_tail_if oc (NonTail(z)) e1 e2 "jbe" "ja"
(* 関数呼び出しの仮想命令の実装 (caml2html: emit_call) *)
| Tail, CallCls(x, ys, zs) -> (* 末尾呼び出し (caml2html: emit_tailcall) *)
g'_args oc [(x, reg_cl)] ys zs;
Printf.fprintf oc "\tjmp\t*(%s)\n" reg_cl;
| Tail, CallDir(Id.L(x), ys, zs) -> (* 末尾呼び出し *)
g'_args oc [] ys zs;
Printf.fprintf oc "\tjmp\t%s\n" x;
| NonTail(a), CallCls(x, ys, zs) ->
g'_args oc [(x, reg_cl)] ys zs;
let ss = stacksize () in
if ss > 0 then Printf.fprintf oc "\taddl\t$%d, %s\n" ss reg_sp;
Printf.fprintf oc "\tcall\t*(%s)\n" reg_cl;
if ss > 0 then Printf.fprintf oc "\tsubl\t$%d, %s\n" ss reg_sp;
if List.mem a allregs && a <> regs.(0) then
Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovl\t%s, %s\n" regs.(0) a
else if List.mem a allfregs && a <> fregs.(0) then
Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovsd\t%s, %s\n" fregs.(0) a
| NonTail(a), CallDir(Id.L(x), ys, zs) ->
g'_args oc [] ys zs;
let ss = stacksize () in
if ss > 0 then Printf.fprintf oc "\taddl\t$%d, %s\n" ss reg_sp;
Printf.fprintf oc "\tcall\t%s\n" x;
if ss > 0 then Printf.fprintf oc "\tsubl\t$%d, %s\n" ss reg_sp;
if List.mem a allregs && a <> regs.(0) then
Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovl\t%s, %s\n" regs.(0) a
else if List.mem a allfregs && a <> fregs.(0) then
Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovsd\t%s, %s\n" fregs.(0) a

fn g_exp_tail_if(
output: &mut Write,
e1: Exp,
e2: Exp,
b: &str,
bn: &str,
) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
and g'_tail_if oc e1 e2 b bn =
let b_else = Id.genid (b ^ "_else") in
Printf.fprintf oc "\t%s\t%s\n" bn b_else;
let stackset_back = !stackset in
g oc (Tail, e1);
Printf.fprintf oc "%s:\n" b_else;
stackset := stackset_back;
g oc (Tail, e2)
fn g_exp_non_tail_if(
output: &mut Write,
dest: Dest,
e1: Exp,
e2: Exp,
b: &str,
bn: &str,
) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
and g'_non_tail_if oc dest e1 e2 b bn =
let b_else = Id.genid (b ^ "_else") in
let b_cont = Id.genid (b ^ "_cont") in
Printf.fprintf oc "\t%s\t%s\n" bn b_else;
let stackset_back = !stackset in
g oc (dest, e1);
let stackset1 = !stackset in
Printf.fprintf oc "\tjmp\t%s\n" b_cont;
Printf.fprintf oc "%s:\n" b_else;
stackset := stackset_back;
g oc (dest, e2);
Printf.fprintf oc "%s:\n" b_cont;
let stackset2 = !stackset in
stackset := S.inter stackset1 stackset2
fn g_exp_args(
output: &mut Write,
x_reg_cl: String,
ys: Vec<String>,
zs: Vec<String>,
) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
and g'_args oc x_reg_cl ys zs =
assert (List.length ys <= Array.length regs - List.length x_reg_cl);
assert (List.length zs <= Array.length fregs);
let sw = Printf.sprintf "%d(%s)" (stacksize ()) reg_sp in
let (i, yrs) =
(fun (i, yrs) y -> (i + 1, (y, regs.(i)) :: yrs))
(0, x_reg_cl)
ys in
(fun (y, r) -> Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovl\t%s, %s\n" y r)
(shuffle sw yrs);
let (d, zfrs) =
(fun (d, zfrs) z -> (d + 1, (z, fregs.(d)) :: zfrs))
(0, [])
zs in
(fun (z, fr) -> Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovsd\t%s, %s\n" z fr)
(shuffle sw zfrs)

fn h(
output: &mut Write,
Fundef {
name: id::L(x),
args: ys,
fargs: zs,
body: e,
ret: t,
}: Fundef,
id_gen: &mut IdGen,
) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
let h oc { name = Id.L(x); args = _; fargs = _; body = e; ret = _ } =
Printf.fprintf oc "%s:\n" x;
stackset := S.empty;
stackmap := [];
g oc (Tail, e)

pub fn f(
output: &mut Write,
Prog(data, fundefs, e): Prog,
id_gen: &mut IdGen,
) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
let f oc (Prog(data, fundefs, e)) =
Format.eprintf "generating assembly...@.";
Printf.fprintf oc ".data\n";
Printf.fprintf oc ".balign\t8\n";
(fun (Id.L(x), d) ->
Printf.fprintf oc "%s:\t# %f\n" x d;
Printf.fprintf oc "\t.long\t0x%lx\n" (gethi d);
Printf.fprintf oc "\t.long\t0x%lx\n" (getlo d))
Printf.fprintf oc ".text\n";
List.iter (fun fundef -> h oc fundef) fundefs;
Printf.fprintf oc ".globl\tmin_caml_start\n";
Printf.fprintf oc "min_caml_start:\n";
Printf.fprintf oc ".globl\t_min_caml_start\n";
Printf.fprintf oc "_min_caml_start: # for cygwin\n";
Printf.fprintf oc "\tpushl\t%%eax\n";
Printf.fprintf oc "\tpushl\t%%ebx\n";
Printf.fprintf oc "\tpushl\t%%ecx\n";
Printf.fprintf oc "\tpushl\t%%edx\n";
Printf.fprintf oc "\tpushl\t%%esi\n";
Printf.fprintf oc "\tpushl\t%%edi\n";
Printf.fprintf oc "\tpushl\t%%ebp\n";
Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovl\t32(%%esp),%s\n" reg_sp;
Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovl\t36(%%esp),%s\n" regs.(0);
Printf.fprintf oc "\tmovl\t%s,%s\n" regs.(0) reg_hp;
stackset := S.empty;
stackmap := [];
g oc (NonTail(regs.(0)), e);
Printf.fprintf oc "\tpopl\t%%ebp\n";
Printf.fprintf oc "\tpopl\t%%edi\n";
Printf.fprintf oc "\tpopl\t%%esi\n";
Printf.fprintf oc "\tpopl\t%%edx\n";
Printf.fprintf oc "\tpopl\t%%ecx\n";
Printf.fprintf oc "\tpopl\t%%ebx\n";
Printf.fprintf oc "\tpopl\t%%eax\n";
Printf.fprintf oc "\tret\n";

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