Sometimes it is necessary to phase out an API endpoint (or version), for instance, if a field is no longer supported in the result or a whole business functionality behind an endpoint has to be shut down. There are many other reasons as well. As long as these endpoints are still used by consumers these are breaking changes and not allowed. Deprecation rules have to be applied to make sure that necessary consumer changes are aligned and deprecated endpoints are not used before API changes are deployed.
Before shutting down an API (or version of an API) the producer must make sure, that all clients have given their consent to shut down the endpoint. Producers should help consumers to migrate to a potential new endpoint (i.e. by providing a migration manual). After all clients are migrated, the producer may shut down the deprecated API.
If the API is consumed by any external partner, the producer must define a reasonable timespan that the API will be maintained after the producer has announced deprecation. The external partner (client) must agree to this minimum after-deprecation-lifespan before he starts using the API.
API deprecation must be part of the OpenAPI definition. If a method on a
path, a whole path or even a whole API endpoint (multiple paths) should
be deprecated, the producers must set deprecated=true
on each method /
path element that will be deprecated (OpenAPI 2.0 only allows you to
define deprecation on this level). If deprecation should happen on a
more fine grained level (i.e. query parameter, payload etc.), the
producer should set deprecated=true
on the affected method / path
element and add further explanation to the description
If deprecated
is set to true
, the producer must describe what
clients should use instead and when the API will be shut down in the
section of the API definition.
Owners of APIs used in production must monitor usage of deprecated APIs until the API can be shut down in order to align deprecation and avoid uncontrolled breaking effects. See also the [193].
During deprecation phase, the producer should add a Warning
(see RFC 7234 - Warning
header) field. When adding the Warning
header, the warn-code
be 299
and the warn-text
should be in form of "The
path/operation/parameter/… {name} is deprecated and will be removed
by {date}. Please see {link} for details." with a link to a
documentation describing why the API is no longer supported in the
current form and what clients should do about it. Adding the Warning
header is not sufficient to gain client consent to shut down an API.
Clients should monitor the Warning
header in HTTP responses to see if
an API will be deprecated in future.