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v0.14.3-0.20230601165947-6ce0bf390ce3 h1:W6cLQc5pnqM7vh3b7HvGNfXrJ/xL6BDMS0v1V/HHg5U= -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml v0.14.3-0.20230601165947-6ce0bf390ce3/go.mod h1:JWP1Fj0VWGHyw3YUPjXSQnRnrwezrZSrApfX5S0nIag= sigs.k8s.io/structured-merge-diff/v4 v4.4.1 h1:150L+0vs/8DA78h1u02ooW1/fFq/Lwr+sGiqlzvrtq4= sigs.k8s.io/structured-merge-diff/v4 v4.4.1/go.mod h1:N8hJocpFajUSSeSJ9bOZ77VzejKZaXsTtZo4/u7Io08= sigs.k8s.io/yaml v1.4.0 h1:Mk1wCc2gy/F0THH0TAp1QYyJNzRm2KCLy3o5ASXVI5E= diff --git a/pkg/agent/controller/managedclusterrole_controller.go b/pkg/agent/controller/managedclusterrole_controller.go index ff504efb..4f1ec8af 100644 --- a/pkg/agent/controller/managedclusterrole_controller.go +++ b/pkg/agent/controller/managedclusterrole_controller.go @@ -59,7 +59,8 @@ func (r *ManagedClusterRoleReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req ctrl.R // create clusterRole in spoke cluster cr := &rbac.ClusterRole{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ - Name: managedClusterRole.Name, + Name: managedClusterRole.Name, + Labels: managedClusterRole.Labels, }, Rules: managedClusterRole.Rules, } diff --git a/pkg/agent/controller/managedclusterrolebinding_controller.go b/pkg/agent/controller/managedclusterrolebinding_controller.go index 9660e1d6..76e86ef4 100644 --- a/pkg/agent/controller/managedclusterrolebinding_controller.go +++ b/pkg/agent/controller/managedclusterrolebinding_controller.go @@ -18,14 +18,20 @@ package controller import ( "context" + "fmt" authzv1alpah1 "github.com/kluster-manager/cluster-auth/apis/authorization/v1alpha1" + "github.com/kluster-manager/cluster-auth/pkg/common" + "github.com/kluster-manager/cluster-auth/pkg/utils" rbac "k8s.io/api/rbac/v1" metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" + "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/labels" + "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/rand" cu "kmodules.xyz/client-go/client" ctrl "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime" "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/client" + "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/controller/controllerutil" "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/handler" "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/log" "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/reconcile" @@ -58,13 +64,35 @@ func (r *ManagedClusterRoleBindingReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req if err := r.HubClient.Get(ctx, req.NamespacedName, &managedCRB); err != nil { return reconcile.Result{}, err } - + _, hubOwnerID := utils.GetUserIDAndHubOwnerIDFromLabelValues(&managedCRB) userName := managedCRB.Subjects[0].Name + // Check if the managedCRB is marked for deletion + if managedCRB.GetDeletionTimestamp() != nil { + if controllerutil.ContainsFinalizer(&managedCRB, common.SpokeAuthorizationFinalizer) { + // Perform cleanup logic, e.g., delete related resources + if err := r.deleteAssociatedResources(&managedCRB); err != nil { + return reconcile.Result{}, err + } + // Remove the finalizer + controllerutil.RemoveFinalizer(&managedCRB, common.SpokeAuthorizationFinalizer) + if err := r.HubClient.Update(context.TODO(), &managedCRB); err != nil { + return reconcile.Result{}, err + } + } + return reconcile.Result{}, nil + } + + // Add finalizer if not present + if err := r.addFinalizerIfNeeded(&managedCRB); err != nil { + return reconcile.Result{}, err + } + // impersonate clusterRole - clusterRole := &rbac.ClusterRole{ + cr := rbac.ClusterRole{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ - Name: "impersonate-" + userName, + Name: fmt.Sprintf("impersonate-%s-%s-%s", userName, hubOwnerID, rand.String(7)), + Labels: managedCRB.Labels, }, Rules: []rbac.PolicyRule{ { @@ -76,9 +104,18 @@ func (r *ManagedClusterRoleBindingReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req }, } - _, err := cu.CreateOrPatch(context.Background(), r.SpokeClient, clusterRole, func(obj client.Object, createOp bool) client.Object { + crList := &rbac.ClusterRoleList{} + _ = r.SpokeClient.List(ctx, crList, client.MatchingLabelsSelector{ + Selector: labels.SelectorFromSet(managedCRB.Labels), + }) + + if len(crList.Items) > 0 { + cr = crList.Items[0] + } + + _, err := cu.CreateOrPatch(context.Background(), r.SpokeClient, &cr, func(obj client.Object, createOp bool) client.Object { in := obj.(*rbac.ClusterRole) - in.Rules = clusterRole.Rules + in.Rules = cr.Rules return in }) if err != nil { @@ -86,9 +123,10 @@ func (r *ManagedClusterRoleBindingReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req } // this clusterRoleBinding will give permission to the user - crb := &rbac.ClusterRoleBinding{ + crb := rbac.ClusterRoleBinding{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ - Name: "impersonate-" + userName + "-rolebinding", + Name: cr.Name, + Labels: managedCRB.Labels, }, Subjects: []rbac.Subject{ { @@ -101,11 +139,20 @@ func (r *ManagedClusterRoleBindingReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req RoleRef: rbac.RoleRef{ APIGroup: rbac.GroupName, Kind: "ClusterRole", - Name: "impersonate-" + userName, + Name: cr.Name, }, } - _, err = cu.CreateOrPatch(context.Background(), r.SpokeClient, crb, func(obj client.Object, createOp bool) client.Object { + crbList := &rbac.ClusterRoleBindingList{} + _ = r.SpokeClient.List(ctx, crbList, client.MatchingLabelsSelector{ + Selector: labels.SelectorFromSet(managedCRB.Labels), + }) + + if len(crbList.Items) > 0 { + crb = crbList.Items[0] + } + + _, err = cu.CreateOrPatch(context.Background(), r.SpokeClient, &crb, func(obj client.Object, createOp bool) client.Object { in := obj.(*rbac.ClusterRoleBinding) in.Subjects = crb.Subjects in.RoleRef = crb.RoleRef @@ -115,6 +162,7 @@ func (r *ManagedClusterRoleBindingReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req return reconcile.Result{}, err } + // now give actual permission to the User sub := []rbac.Subject{ { APIGroup: "", @@ -130,10 +178,8 @@ func (r *ManagedClusterRoleBindingReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req Kind: "ClusterRoleBinding", }, ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ - Name: managedCRB.Name, - Labels: map[string]string{ - "authentication.k8s.appscode.com/username": managedCRB.Subjects[0].Name, - }, + Name: managedCRB.Name, + Labels: managedCRB.Labels, }, Subjects: sub, RoleRef: rbac.RoleRef{ @@ -142,7 +188,6 @@ func (r *ManagedClusterRoleBindingReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req Name: managedCRB.RoleRef.Name, }, } - _, err = cu.CreateOrPatch(context.Background(), r.SpokeClient, givenClusterRolebinding, func(obj client.Object, createOp bool) client.Object { in := obj.(*rbac.ClusterRoleBinding) in.Subjects = givenClusterRolebinding.Subjects @@ -153,39 +198,90 @@ func (r *ManagedClusterRoleBindingReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req return reconcile.Result{}, err } } else { - givenRolebinding := &rbac.RoleBinding{ - TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{ - APIVersion: rbac.SchemeGroupVersion.String(), - Kind: "RoleBinding", - }, - ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ - Name: managedCRB.Name, - Namespace: managedCRB.Namespace, - Labels: map[string]string{ - "authentication.k8s.appscode.com/username": managedCRB.Subjects[0].Name, + for _, ns := range managedCRB.RoleRef.Namespaces { + givenRolebinding := &rbac.RoleBinding{ + TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{ + APIVersion: rbac.SchemeGroupVersion.String(), + Kind: "RoleBinding", }, - }, - Subjects: sub, - RoleRef: rbac.RoleRef{ - APIGroup: rbac.GroupName, - Kind: "Role", - Name: managedCRB.RoleRef.Name, - }, - } + ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ + Name: managedCRB.Name, + Namespace: ns, + Labels: managedCRB.Labels, + }, + Subjects: sub, + RoleRef: rbac.RoleRef{ + APIGroup: rbac.GroupName, + Kind: "Role", + Name: managedCRB.RoleRef.Name, + }, + } - _, err = cu.CreateOrPatch(context.Background(), r.SpokeClient, givenRolebinding, func(obj client.Object, createOp bool) client.Object { - in := obj.(*rbac.RoleBinding) - in.Subjects = givenRolebinding.Subjects - in.RoleRef = givenRolebinding.RoleRef - return in - }) - if err != nil { - return reconcile.Result{}, err + _, err = cu.CreateOrPatch(context.Background(), r.SpokeClient, givenRolebinding, func(obj client.Object, createOp bool) client.Object { + in := obj.(*rbac.RoleBinding) + in.Subjects = givenRolebinding.Subjects + in.RoleRef = givenRolebinding.RoleRef + return in + }) + if err != nil { + return reconcile.Result{}, err + } } } return reconcile.Result{}, nil } +// AddFinalizerIfNeeded adds a finalizer to the CRD instance if it doesn't already have one +func (r *ManagedClusterRoleBindingReconciler) addFinalizerIfNeeded(managedCRB *authzv1alpah1.ManagedClusterRoleBinding) error { + if !controllerutil.ContainsFinalizer(managedCRB, common.SpokeAuthorizationFinalizer) { + controllerutil.AddFinalizer(managedCRB, common.SpokeAuthorizationFinalizer) + if err := r.HubClient.Update(context.TODO(), managedCRB); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil +} + +func (r *ManagedClusterRoleBindingReconciler) deleteAssociatedResources(managedCRB *authzv1alpah1.ManagedClusterRoleBinding) error { + crList := rbac.ClusterRoleList{} + err := r.SpokeClient.List(context.TODO(), &crList, client.MatchingLabelsSelector{ + Selector: labels.SelectorFromSet(managedCRB.Labels), + }) + if err == nil { + for _, cr := range crList.Items { + if err := r.SpokeClient.Delete(context.TODO(), &cr); err != nil { + return err + } + } + } + + crbList := rbac.ClusterRoleBindingList{} + err = r.SpokeClient.List(context.TODO(), &crbList, client.MatchingLabelsSelector{ + Selector: labels.SelectorFromSet(managedCRB.Labels), + }) + if err == nil { + for _, crb := range crbList.Items { + if err := r.SpokeClient.Delete(context.TODO(), &crb); err != nil { + return err + } + } + } + + rbList := rbac.RoleBindingList{} + err = r.SpokeClient.List(context.TODO(), &rbList, client.MatchingLabelsSelector{ + Selector: labels.SelectorFromSet(managedCRB.Labels), + }) + if err == nil { + for _, rb := range rbList.Items { + if err := r.SpokeClient.Delete(context.TODO(), &rb); err != nil { + return err + } + } + } + + return nil +} + // SetupWithManager sets up the controller with the Manager. func (r *ManagedClusterRoleBindingReconciler) SetupWithManager(mgr ctrl.Manager) error { return ctrl.NewControllerManagedBy(mgr). diff --git a/pkg/common/constants.go b/pkg/common/constants.go index 7c3395a0..80b26206 100644 --- a/pkg/common/constants.go +++ b/pkg/common/constants.go @@ -17,10 +17,15 @@ limitations under the License. package common const ( - AddonName = "cluster-auth" - AgentName = "cluster-auth" - AddonAgentInstallNamespace = "open-cluster-management-" + AddonName - AgentManifestsDir = "agent-manifests/" + AddonName - GatewayProxyClusterRole = "open-cluster-management:cluster-gateway:proxy" - HubKubeconfigSecretName = "cluster-auth-hub-kubeconfig" + AddonName = "cluster-auth" + AgentName = "cluster-auth" + AddonAgentInstallNamespace = "open-cluster-management-" + AddonName + AgentManifestsDir = "agent-manifests/" + AddonName + GatewayProxyClusterRole = "open-cluster-management:cluster-gateway:proxy" + HubKubeconfigSecretName = "cluster-auth-hub-kubeconfig" + HubAuthorizationFinalizer = "authorization.hub.appscode.com" + SpokeAuthorizationFinalizer = "authorization.spoke.appscode.com" + UserAuthLabel = "authentication.k8s.appscode.com/user" + HubOwnerLabel = "authentication.k8s.appscode.com/hub-owner" + HubClusterIdLabel = "cluster.k8s.appscode.com/cluster-id" ) diff --git a/pkg/manager/controller/authorization/managedclusterrolebinding_controller.go b/pkg/manager/controller/authorization/managedclusterrolebinding_controller.go index 6ce60e07..b6333f12 100644 --- a/pkg/manager/controller/authorization/managedclusterrolebinding_controller.go +++ b/pkg/manager/controller/authorization/managedclusterrolebinding_controller.go @@ -18,21 +18,24 @@ package authorization import ( "context" + "errors" + "fmt" - authenticationv1alpha1 "github.com/kluster-manager/cluster-auth/apis/authentication/v1alpha1" authorizationv1alpha1 "github.com/kluster-manager/cluster-auth/apis/authorization/v1alpha1" "github.com/kluster-manager/cluster-auth/pkg/common" + "github.com/kluster-manager/cluster-auth/pkg/utils" core "k8s.io/api/core/v1" rbac "k8s.io/api/rbac/v1" metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" + "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/labels" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/types" - "k8s.io/client-go/rest" + "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/rand" cu "kmodules.xyz/client-go/client" - "kmodules.xyz/client-go/tools/clientcmd" ctrl "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime" "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/client" + "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/controller/controllerutil" "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/handler" "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/log" "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/reconcile" @@ -54,54 +57,45 @@ func (r *ManagedClusterRoleBindingReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req return reconcile.Result{}, err } + // Check if the managedCRB is marked for deletion + if managedCRB.GetDeletionTimestamp() != nil { + if controllerutil.ContainsFinalizer(managedCRB, common.HubAuthorizationFinalizer) { + // Perform cleanup logic, e.g., delete related resources + if err := r.deleteAssociatedResources(managedCRB); err != nil { + return reconcile.Result{}, err + } + // Remove the finalizer + controllerutil.RemoveFinalizer(managedCRB, common.HubAuthorizationFinalizer) + if err := r.Client.Update(context.TODO(), managedCRB); err != nil { + return reconcile.Result{}, err + } + } + return reconcile.Result{}, nil + } + + // Add finalizer if not present + if err := r.addFinalizerIfNeeded(managedCRB); err != nil { + return reconcile.Result{}, err + } + // create a service account for user - if err = createServiceAccountForUser(ctx, r.Client, managedCRB); err != nil { + if err = r.createServiceAccountForUser(ctx, managedCRB); err != nil { return reconcile.Result{}, err } // give user the gateway permission - if err = createClusterRoleBindingForUser(ctx, r.Client, managedCRB); err != nil { + if err = r.createClusterRoleBindingForUser(ctx, managedCRB); err != nil { return reconcile.Result{}, err } - if err = createClusterRoleAndClusterRoleBindingToImpersonate(ctx, r.Client, managedCRB); err != nil { + if err = r.createClusterRoleAndClusterRoleBindingToImpersonate(ctx, managedCRB); err != nil { return reconcile.Result{}, err } return reconcile.Result{}, nil } -func createClusterRoleBindingForUser(ctx context.Context, c client.Client, managedCRB *authorizationv1alpha1.ManagedClusterRoleBinding) error { - crb := &rbac.ClusterRoleBinding{ - ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ - Name: managedCRB.Subjects[0].Name + "-gatewaybinding", - }, - Subjects: []rbac.Subject{ - { - APIGroup: "", - Kind: "User", - Name: managedCRB.Subjects[0].Name, - }, - }, - RoleRef: rbac.RoleRef{ - APIGroup: rbac.GroupName, - Kind: "ClusterRole", - Name: common.GatewayProxyClusterRole, - }, - } - _, err := cu.CreateOrPatch(ctx, c, crb, func(obj client.Object, createOp bool) client.Object { - in := obj.(*rbac.ClusterRoleBinding) - in.Subjects = crb.Subjects - in.RoleRef = crb.RoleRef - return in - }) - if err != nil { - return err - } - return nil -} - -func createServiceAccountForUser(ctx context.Context, c client.Client, managedCRB *authorizationv1alpha1.ManagedClusterRoleBinding) error { +func (r *ManagedClusterRoleBindingReconciler) createServiceAccountForUser(ctx context.Context, managedCRB *authorizationv1alpha1.ManagedClusterRoleBinding) error { // create ns to store service-accounts and tokens of users ns := &core.Namespace{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ @@ -109,7 +103,7 @@ func createServiceAccountForUser(ctx context.Context, c client.Client, managedCR }, } - _, err := cu.CreateOrPatch(context.Background(), c, ns, func(obj client.Object, createOp bool) client.Object { + _, err := cu.CreateOrPatch(context.Background(), r.Client, ns, func(obj client.Object, createOp bool) client.Object { in := obj.(*core.Namespace) in.ObjectMeta = ns.ObjectMeta return in @@ -118,93 +112,92 @@ func createServiceAccountForUser(ctx context.Context, c client.Client, managedCR return err } - // create sa for user - sa := &core.ServiceAccount{ - ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ - Name: "ace-sa-" + managedCRB.Subjects[0].Name, - Namespace: common.AddonAgentInstallNamespace, - }, - } - _, err = cu.CreateOrPatch(context.Background(), c, sa, func(obj client.Object, createOp bool) client.Object { - in := obj.(*core.ServiceAccount) - in.ObjectMeta = sa.ObjectMeta - return in + // create service-account for user + var saList core.ServiceAccountList + _ = r.Client.List(ctx, &saList, client.MatchingLabelsSelector{ + Selector: labels.SelectorFromSet(managedCRB.Labels), }) - if err != nil { - return err - } - secret, err := cu.GetServiceAccountTokenSecret(c, types.NamespacedName{Name: sa.Name, Namespace: sa.Namespace}) - if err != nil { - return err + sa := core.ServiceAccount{} + if len(saList.Items) == 0 { + sa.Name = "ace-sa-" + rand.String(7) + sa.Namespace = common.AddonAgentInstallNamespace + sa.Labels = managedCRB.Labels + } else { + sa = saList.Items[0] } - // TODO: remove this part - // create a ns to save the kubeconfig - ns = &core.Namespace{ - ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ - Name: "kc-ns", - }, - } - _, err = cu.CreateOrPatch(context.Background(), c, ns, func(obj client.Object, createOp bool) client.Object { - in := obj.(*core.Namespace) - in.ObjectMeta = ns.ObjectMeta + _, err = cu.CreateOrPatch(context.Background(), r.Client, &sa, func(obj client.Object, createOp bool) client.Object { + in := obj.(*core.ServiceAccount) + in.ObjectMeta = sa.ObjectMeta return in }) if err != nil { return err } - token := string(secret.Data["token"]) - restConfig, err := rest.InClusterConfig() - if err != nil { - return err - } - restConfig.BearerToken = token + _, err = cu.GetServiceAccountTokenSecret(r.Client, types.NamespacedName{Name: sa.Name, Namespace: sa.Namespace}) if err != nil { return err } - usr := &authenticationv1alpha1.User{} - if err = c.Get(ctx, types.NamespacedName{Name: managedCRB.Subjects[0].Name}, usr); err != nil { - return err - } + return nil +} - restConfig.Impersonate = rest.ImpersonationConfig{ - UserName: usr.Name, - } - configBytes, err := clientcmd.BuildKubeConfigBytes(restConfig, "") - if err != nil { - return err - } +func (r *ManagedClusterRoleBindingReconciler) createClusterRoleBindingForUser(ctx context.Context, managedCRB *authorizationv1alpha1.ManagedClusterRoleBinding) error { + userID, hubOwnerID := utils.GetUserIDAndHubOwnerIDFromLabelValues(managedCRB) - sec := &core.Secret{ + // name: userID-hubOwnerID-gatewaybinding + crb := rbac.ClusterRoleBinding{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ - Name: managedCRB.Subjects[0].Name + "-kc", - Namespace: ns.Name, + Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-gatewaybinding", userID, hubOwnerID), + Labels: map[string]string{ + common.UserAuthLabel: userID, // TODO: remove this cluster-rolebinding when user object is deleted from hub + }, }, - Data: map[string][]byte{ - "kubeconfig": configBytes, + Subjects: []rbac.Subject{ + { + APIGroup: "", + Kind: "User", + Name: managedCRB.Subjects[0].Name, + }, + }, + RoleRef: rbac.RoleRef{ + APIGroup: rbac.GroupName, + Kind: "ClusterRole", + Name: common.GatewayProxyClusterRole, }, } - _, err = cu.CreateOrPatch(context.Background(), c, sec, func(obj client.Object, createOp bool) client.Object { - in := obj.(*core.Secret) - in.Data = sec.Data - return in + + crbList := &rbac.ClusterRoleBindingList{} + _ = r.Client.List(ctx, crbList, client.MatchingLabelsSelector{ + Selector: labels.SelectorFromSet(managedCRB.Labels), }) + if len(crbList.Items) > 0 { + crb = crbList.Items[0] + } + _, err := cu.CreateOrPatch(ctx, r.Client, &crb, func(obj client.Object, createOp bool) client.Object { + in := obj.(*rbac.ClusterRoleBinding) + in.Subjects = crb.Subjects + in.RoleRef = crb.RoleRef + return in + }) if err != nil { return err } return nil } -func createClusterRoleAndClusterRoleBindingToImpersonate(ctx context.Context, c client.Client, managedCRB *authorizationv1alpha1.ManagedClusterRoleBinding) error { +func (r *ManagedClusterRoleBindingReconciler) createClusterRoleAndClusterRoleBindingToImpersonate(ctx context.Context, managedCRB *authorizationv1alpha1.ManagedClusterRoleBinding) error { + userID, hubOwnerID := utils.GetUserIDAndHubOwnerIDFromLabelValues(managedCRB) userName := managedCRB.Subjects[0].Name + // name: userID-hubOwnerID-randomString // impersonate clusterRole - cr := &rbac.ClusterRole{ + cr := rbac.ClusterRole{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ - Name: "ace-user-" + userName, + Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s", userID, hubOwnerID, rand.String(7)), + Labels: managedCRB.Labels, }, Rules: []rbac.PolicyRule{ { @@ -216,8 +209,17 @@ func createClusterRoleAndClusterRoleBindingToImpersonate(ctx context.Context, c }, } - _, err := cu.CreateOrPatch(ctx, c, cr, func(obj client.Object, createOp bool) client.Object { + crList := &rbac.ClusterRoleList{} + _ = r.Client.List(ctx, crList, client.MatchingLabelsSelector{ + Selector: labels.SelectorFromSet(managedCRB.Labels), + }) + + if len(crList.Items) > 0 { + cr = crList.Items[0] + } + _, err := cu.CreateOrPatch(ctx, r.Client, &cr, func(obj client.Object, createOp bool) client.Object { in := obj.(*rbac.ClusterRole) + in.ObjectMeta = cr.ObjectMeta in.Rules = cr.Rules return in }) @@ -226,17 +228,27 @@ func createClusterRoleAndClusterRoleBindingToImpersonate(ctx context.Context, c } // now give the service-account permission to impersonate user + var saList core.ServiceAccountList + _ = r.Client.List(ctx, &saList, client.MatchingLabelsSelector{ + Selector: labels.SelectorFromSet(managedCRB.Labels), + }) + + if len(saList.Items) == 0 { + return errors.New("service account not found") + } sub := []rbac.Subject{ { APIGroup: "", Kind: "ServiceAccount", - Name: "ace-sa-" + userName, + Name: saList.Items[0].Name, Namespace: common.AddonAgentInstallNamespace, }, } - crb := &rbac.ClusterRoleBinding{ + + crb := rbac.ClusterRoleBinding{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ - Name: "ace-user-" + userName, + Name: cr.Name, // creating cluster-rolebinding name with the same name of cluster-role + Labels: managedCRB.Labels, }, Subjects: sub, RoleRef: rbac.RoleRef{ @@ -246,8 +258,18 @@ func createClusterRoleAndClusterRoleBindingToImpersonate(ctx context.Context, c }, } - _, err = cu.CreateOrPatch(context.Background(), c, crb, func(obj client.Object, createOp bool) client.Object { + crbList := &rbac.ClusterRoleBindingList{} + _ = r.Client.List(ctx, crbList, client.MatchingLabelsSelector{ + Selector: labels.SelectorFromSet(managedCRB.Labels), + }) + + if len(crbList.Items) > 0 { + crb = crbList.Items[0] + } + + _, err = cu.CreateOrPatch(context.Background(), r.Client, &crb, func(obj client.Object, createOp bool) client.Object { in := obj.(*rbac.ClusterRoleBinding) + in.ObjectMeta = crb.ObjectMeta in.Subjects = crb.Subjects in.RoleRef = crb.RoleRef return in @@ -259,6 +281,57 @@ func createClusterRoleAndClusterRoleBindingToImpersonate(ctx context.Context, c return nil } +// AddFinalizerIfNeeded adds a finalizer to the CRD instance if it doesn't already have one +func (r *ManagedClusterRoleBindingReconciler) addFinalizerIfNeeded(managedCRB *authorizationv1alpha1.ManagedClusterRoleBinding) error { + if !controllerutil.ContainsFinalizer(managedCRB, common.HubAuthorizationFinalizer) { + controllerutil.AddFinalizer(managedCRB, common.HubAuthorizationFinalizer) + if err := r.Client.Update(context.TODO(), managedCRB); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil +} + +func (r *ManagedClusterRoleBindingReconciler) deleteAssociatedResources(managedCRB *authorizationv1alpha1.ManagedClusterRoleBinding) error { + saList := core.ServiceAccountList{} + err := r.Client.List(context.TODO(), &saList, client.MatchingLabelsSelector{ + Selector: labels.SelectorFromSet(managedCRB.Labels), + }) + if err == nil { + for _, sa := range saList.Items { + if err := r.Client.Delete(context.TODO(), &sa); err != nil { + return err + } + } + } + + crList := rbac.ClusterRoleList{} + err = r.Client.List(context.TODO(), &crList, client.MatchingLabelsSelector{ + Selector: labels.SelectorFromSet(managedCRB.Labels), + }) + if err == nil { + for _, cr := range crList.Items { + if err := r.Client.Delete(context.TODO(), &cr); err != nil { + return err + } + } + } + + crbList := rbac.ClusterRoleBindingList{} + err = r.Client.List(context.TODO(), &crbList, client.MatchingLabelsSelector{ + Selector: labels.SelectorFromSet(managedCRB.Labels), + }) + if err == nil { + for _, crb := range crbList.Items { + if err := r.Client.Delete(context.TODO(), &crb); err != nil { + return err + } + } + } + + return nil +} + // SetupWithManager sets up the controller with the Manager. func (r *ManagedClusterRoleBindingReconciler) SetupWithManager(mgr ctrl.Manager) error { return ctrl.NewControllerManagedBy(mgr). diff --git a/pkg/manager/controller/authorization/managedclustersetrolebinding_controller.go b/pkg/manager/controller/authorization/managedclustersetrolebinding_controller.go index b172bdbd..1f90a0c2 100644 --- a/pkg/manager/controller/authorization/managedclustersetrolebinding_controller.go +++ b/pkg/manager/controller/authorization/managedclustersetrolebinding_controller.go @@ -81,9 +81,7 @@ func (r *ManagedClusterSetRoleBindingReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: managedCSRB.Name + "-" + cluster.Name, Namespace: cluster.Name, - Labels: map[string]string{ - "authentication.k8s.appscode.com/user": managedCSRB.Subjects[0].Name, - }, + Labels: managedCSRB.Labels, }, Subjects: managedCSRB.Subjects, RoleRef: authorizationv1alpha1.ClusterRoleRef(managedCSRB.RoleRef), diff --git a/pkg/manager/rbac/rbac.go b/pkg/manager/rbac/rbac.go index 6fad28e7..9e8628d0 100644 --- a/pkg/manager/rbac/rbac.go +++ b/pkg/manager/rbac/rbac.go @@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ func SetupPermission(kubeConfig *rest.Config, agentName string) agent.Permission Rules: []rbacv1.PolicyRule{ { APIGroups: []string{"authorization.k8s.appscode.com"}, - Verbs: []string{"get", "list", "watch"}, + Verbs: []string{"get", "list", "watch", "create", "update", "delete", "patch"}, Resources: []string{"managedclusterrolebindings"}, }, { APIGroups: []string{"authorization.k8s.appscode.com"}, - Verbs: []string{"get", "list", "watch"}, + Verbs: []string{"get", "list", "watch", "create", "update", "delete", "patch"}, Resources: []string{"managedclusterroles"}, }, }, diff --git a/pkg/utils/util.go b/pkg/utils/util.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8c38c12e --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/utils/util.go @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +/* +Copyright AppsCode Inc. and Contributors. + +Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + +Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +limitations under the License. +*/ + +package utils + +import ( + authorizationv1alpha1 "github.com/kluster-manager/cluster-auth/apis/authorization/v1alpha1" +) + +func GetUserIDAndHubOwnerIDFromLabelValues(object *authorizationv1alpha1.ManagedClusterRoleBinding) (string, string) { + labels := object.GetLabels() + + userID, hubOwnerID := "", "" + if labelValue, ok := labels["authentication.k8s.appscode.com/user"]; ok { + userID = labelValue + } + if labelValue, ok := labels["authentication.k8s.appscode.com/hub-owner"]; ok { + hubOwnerID = labelValue + } + + return userID, hubOwnerID +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index e3d9a64d..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -The MIT License (MIT) - -Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in -all copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN -THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/README.md b/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index 261c041e..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -# go-ansiterm - -This is a cross platform Ansi Terminal Emulation library. It reads a stream of Ansi characters and produces the appropriate function calls. The results of the function calls are platform dependent. - -For example the parser might receive "ESC, [, A" as a stream of three characters. This is the code for Cursor Up (http://www.vt100.net/docs/vt510-rm/CUU). The parser then calls the cursor up function (CUU()) on an event handler. The event handler determines what platform specific work must be done to cause the cursor to move up one position. - -The parser (parser.go) is a partial implementation of this state machine (http://vt100.net/emu/vt500_parser.png). There are also two event handler implementations, one for tests (test_event_handler.go) to validate that the expected events are being produced and called, the other is a Windows implementation (winterm/win_event_handler.go). - -See parser_test.go for examples exercising the state machine and generating appropriate function calls. - ------ -This project has adopted the [Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/). For more information see the [Code of Conduct FAQ](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/faq/) or contact [opencode@microsoft.com](mailto:opencode@microsoft.com) with any additional questions or comments. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/constants.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/constants.go deleted file mode 100644 index 96504a33..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/constants.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,188 +0,0 @@ -package ansiterm - -const LogEnv = "DEBUG_TERMINAL" - -// ANSI constants -// References: -// -- http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-048.htm -// -- http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man4/console_codes.4.html -// -- http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/intrepid/man4/console_codes.4.html -// -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code -// -- http://vt100.net/emu/dec_ansi_parser -// -- http://vt100.net/emu/vt500_parser.svg -// -- http://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html -// -- http://www.inwap.com/pdp10/ansicode.txt -const ( - // ECMA-48 Set Graphics Rendition - // Note: - // -- Constants leading with an underscore (e.g., _ANSI_xxx) are unsupported or reserved - // -- Fonts could possibly be supported via SetCurrentConsoleFontEx - // -- Windows does not expose the per-window cursor (i.e., caret) blink times - ANSI_SGR_RESET = 0 - ANSI_SGR_BOLD = 1 - ANSI_SGR_DIM = 2 - _ANSI_SGR_ITALIC = 3 - ANSI_SGR_UNDERLINE = 4 - _ANSI_SGR_BLINKSLOW = 5 - _ANSI_SGR_BLINKFAST = 6 - ANSI_SGR_REVERSE = 7 - _ANSI_SGR_INVISIBLE = 8 - _ANSI_SGR_LINETHROUGH = 9 - _ANSI_SGR_FONT_00 = 10 - _ANSI_SGR_FONT_01 = 11 - _ANSI_SGR_FONT_02 = 12 - _ANSI_SGR_FONT_03 = 13 - _ANSI_SGR_FONT_04 = 14 - _ANSI_SGR_FONT_05 = 15 - _ANSI_SGR_FONT_06 = 16 - _ANSI_SGR_FONT_07 = 17 - _ANSI_SGR_FONT_08 = 18 - _ANSI_SGR_FONT_09 = 19 - _ANSI_SGR_FONT_10 = 20 - _ANSI_SGR_DOUBLEUNDERLINE = 21 - ANSI_SGR_BOLD_DIM_OFF = 22 - _ANSI_SGR_ITALIC_OFF = 23 - ANSI_SGR_UNDERLINE_OFF = 24 - _ANSI_SGR_BLINK_OFF = 25 - _ANSI_SGR_RESERVED_00 = 26 - ANSI_SGR_REVERSE_OFF = 27 - _ANSI_SGR_INVISIBLE_OFF = 28 - _ANSI_SGR_LINETHROUGH_OFF = 29 - ANSI_SGR_FOREGROUND_BLACK = 30 - ANSI_SGR_FOREGROUND_RED = 31 - ANSI_SGR_FOREGROUND_GREEN = 32 - ANSI_SGR_FOREGROUND_YELLOW = 33 - ANSI_SGR_FOREGROUND_BLUE = 34 - ANSI_SGR_FOREGROUND_MAGENTA = 35 - ANSI_SGR_FOREGROUND_CYAN = 36 - ANSI_SGR_FOREGROUND_WHITE = 37 - _ANSI_SGR_RESERVED_01 = 38 - ANSI_SGR_FOREGROUND_DEFAULT = 39 - ANSI_SGR_BACKGROUND_BLACK = 40 - ANSI_SGR_BACKGROUND_RED = 41 - ANSI_SGR_BACKGROUND_GREEN = 42 - ANSI_SGR_BACKGROUND_YELLOW = 43 - ANSI_SGR_BACKGROUND_BLUE = 44 - ANSI_SGR_BACKGROUND_MAGENTA = 45 - ANSI_SGR_BACKGROUND_CYAN = 46 - ANSI_SGR_BACKGROUND_WHITE = 47 - _ANSI_SGR_RESERVED_02 = 48 - ANSI_SGR_BACKGROUND_DEFAULT = 49 - // 50 - 65: Unsupported - - ANSI_MAX_CMD_LENGTH = 4096 - - MAX_INPUT_EVENTS = 128 - DEFAULT_WIDTH = 80 - DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 24 - - ANSI_BEL = 0x07 - ANSI_BACKSPACE = 0x08 - ANSI_TAB = 0x09 - ANSI_LINE_FEED = 0x0A - ANSI_VERTICAL_TAB = 0x0B - ANSI_FORM_FEED = 0x0C - ANSI_CARRIAGE_RETURN = 0x0D - ANSI_ESCAPE_PRIMARY = 0x1B - ANSI_ESCAPE_SECONDARY = 0x5B - ANSI_OSC_STRING_ENTRY = 0x5D - ANSI_COMMAND_FIRST = 0x40 - ANSI_COMMAND_LAST = 0x7E - DCS_ENTRY = 0x90 - CSI_ENTRY = 0x9B - OSC_STRING = 0x9D - ANSI_PARAMETER_SEP = ";" - ANSI_CMD_G0 = '(' - ANSI_CMD_G1 = ')' - ANSI_CMD_G2 = '*' - ANSI_CMD_G3 = '+' - ANSI_CMD_DECPNM = '>' - ANSI_CMD_DECPAM = '=' - ANSI_CMD_OSC = ']' - ANSI_CMD_STR_TERM = '\\' - - KEY_CONTROL_PARAM_2 = ";2" - KEY_CONTROL_PARAM_3 = ";3" - KEY_CONTROL_PARAM_4 = ";4" - KEY_CONTROL_PARAM_5 = ";5" - KEY_CONTROL_PARAM_6 = ";6" - KEY_CONTROL_PARAM_7 = ";7" - KEY_CONTROL_PARAM_8 = ";8" - KEY_ESC_CSI = "\x1B[" - KEY_ESC_N = "\x1BN" - KEY_ESC_O = "\x1BO" - - FILL_CHARACTER = ' ' -) - -func getByteRange(start byte, end byte) []byte { - bytes := make([]byte, 0, 32) - for i := start; i <= end; i++ { - bytes = append(bytes, byte(i)) - } - - return bytes -} - -var toGroundBytes = getToGroundBytes() -var executors = getExecuteBytes() - -// SPACE 20+A0 hex Always and everywhere a blank space -// Intermediate 20-2F hex !"#$%&'()*+,-./ -var intermeds = getByteRange(0x20, 0x2F) - -// Parameters 30-3F hex 0123456789:;<=>? -// CSI Parameters 30-39, 3B hex 0123456789; -var csiParams = getByteRange(0x30, 0x3F) - -var csiCollectables = append(getByteRange(0x30, 0x39), getByteRange(0x3B, 0x3F)...) - -// Uppercase 40-5F hex @ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_ -var upperCase = getByteRange(0x40, 0x5F) - -// Lowercase 60-7E hex `abcdefghijlkmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ -var lowerCase = getByteRange(0x60, 0x7E) - -// Alphabetics 40-7E hex (all of upper and lower case) -var alphabetics = append(upperCase, lowerCase...) - -var printables = getByteRange(0x20, 0x7F) - -var escapeIntermediateToGroundBytes = getByteRange(0x30, 0x7E) -var escapeToGroundBytes = getEscapeToGroundBytes() - -// See http://www.vt100.net/emu/vt500_parser.png for description of the complex -// byte ranges below - -func getEscapeToGroundBytes() []byte { - escapeToGroundBytes := getByteRange(0x30, 0x4F) - escapeToGroundBytes = append(escapeToGroundBytes, getByteRange(0x51, 0x57)...) - escapeToGroundBytes = append(escapeToGroundBytes, 0x59) - escapeToGroundBytes = append(escapeToGroundBytes, 0x5A) - escapeToGroundBytes = append(escapeToGroundBytes, 0x5C) - escapeToGroundBytes = append(escapeToGroundBytes, getByteRange(0x60, 0x7E)...) - return escapeToGroundBytes -} - -func getExecuteBytes() []byte { - executeBytes := getByteRange(0x00, 0x17) - executeBytes = append(executeBytes, 0x19) - executeBytes = append(executeBytes, getByteRange(0x1C, 0x1F)...) - return executeBytes -} - -func getToGroundBytes() []byte { - groundBytes := []byte{0x18} - groundBytes = append(groundBytes, 0x1A) - groundBytes = append(groundBytes, getByteRange(0x80, 0x8F)...) - groundBytes = append(groundBytes, getByteRange(0x91, 0x97)...) - groundBytes = append(groundBytes, 0x99) - groundBytes = append(groundBytes, 0x9A) - groundBytes = append(groundBytes, 0x9C) - return groundBytes -} - -// Delete 7F hex Always and everywhere ignored -// C1 Control 80-9F hex 32 additional control characters -// G1 Displayable A1-FE hex 94 additional displayable characters -// Special A0+FF hex Same as SPACE and DELETE diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/context.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/context.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8d66e777..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/context.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -package ansiterm - -type ansiContext struct { - currentChar byte - paramBuffer []byte - interBuffer []byte -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/csi_entry_state.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/csi_entry_state.go deleted file mode 100644 index bcbe00d0..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/csi_entry_state.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -package ansiterm - -type csiEntryState struct { - baseState -} - -func (csiState csiEntryState) Handle(b byte) (s state, e error) { - csiState.parser.logf("CsiEntry::Handle %#x", b) - - nextState, err := csiState.baseState.Handle(b) - if nextState != nil || err != nil { - return nextState, err - } - - switch { - case sliceContains(alphabetics, b): - return csiState.parser.ground, nil - case sliceContains(csiCollectables, b): - return csiState.parser.csiParam, nil - case sliceContains(executors, b): - return csiState, csiState.parser.execute() - } - - return csiState, nil -} - -func (csiState csiEntryState) Transition(s state) error { - csiState.parser.logf("CsiEntry::Transition %s --> %s", csiState.Name(), s.Name()) - csiState.baseState.Transition(s) - - switch s { - case csiState.parser.ground: - return csiState.parser.csiDispatch() - case csiState.parser.csiParam: - switch { - case sliceContains(csiParams, csiState.parser.context.currentChar): - csiState.parser.collectParam() - case sliceContains(intermeds, csiState.parser.context.currentChar): - csiState.parser.collectInter() - } - } - - return nil -} - -func (csiState csiEntryState) Enter() error { - csiState.parser.clear() - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/csi_param_state.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/csi_param_state.go deleted file mode 100644 index 7ed5e01c..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/csi_param_state.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -package ansiterm - -type csiParamState struct { - baseState -} - -func (csiState csiParamState) Handle(b byte) (s state, e error) { - csiState.parser.logf("CsiParam::Handle %#x", b) - - nextState, err := csiState.baseState.Handle(b) - if nextState != nil || err != nil { - return nextState, err - } - - switch { - case sliceContains(alphabetics, b): - return csiState.parser.ground, nil - case sliceContains(csiCollectables, b): - csiState.parser.collectParam() - return csiState, nil - case sliceContains(executors, b): - return csiState, csiState.parser.execute() - } - - return csiState, nil -} - -func (csiState csiParamState) Transition(s state) error { - csiState.parser.logf("CsiParam::Transition %s --> %s", csiState.Name(), s.Name()) - csiState.baseState.Transition(s) - - switch s { - case csiState.parser.ground: - return csiState.parser.csiDispatch() - } - - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/escape_intermediate_state.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/escape_intermediate_state.go deleted file mode 100644 index 1c719db9..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/escape_intermediate_state.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -package ansiterm - -type escapeIntermediateState struct { - baseState -} - -func (escState escapeIntermediateState) Handle(b byte) (s state, e error) { - escState.parser.logf("escapeIntermediateState::Handle %#x", b) - nextState, err := escState.baseState.Handle(b) - if nextState != nil || err != nil { - return nextState, err - } - - switch { - case sliceContains(intermeds, b): - return escState, escState.parser.collectInter() - case sliceContains(executors, b): - return escState, escState.parser.execute() - case sliceContains(escapeIntermediateToGroundBytes, b): - return escState.parser.ground, nil - } - - return escState, nil -} - -func (escState escapeIntermediateState) Transition(s state) error { - escState.parser.logf("escapeIntermediateState::Transition %s --> %s", escState.Name(), s.Name()) - escState.baseState.Transition(s) - - switch s { - case escState.parser.ground: - return escState.parser.escDispatch() - } - - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/escape_state.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/escape_state.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6390abd2..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/escape_state.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -package ansiterm - -type escapeState struct { - baseState -} - -func (escState escapeState) Handle(b byte) (s state, e error) { - escState.parser.logf("escapeState::Handle %#x", b) - nextState, err := escState.baseState.Handle(b) - if nextState != nil || err != nil { - return nextState, err - } - - switch { - case b == ANSI_ESCAPE_SECONDARY: - return escState.parser.csiEntry, nil - case b == ANSI_OSC_STRING_ENTRY: - return escState.parser.oscString, nil - case sliceContains(executors, b): - return escState, escState.parser.execute() - case sliceContains(escapeToGroundBytes, b): - return escState.parser.ground, nil - case sliceContains(intermeds, b): - return escState.parser.escapeIntermediate, nil - } - - return escState, nil -} - -func (escState escapeState) Transition(s state) error { - escState.parser.logf("Escape::Transition %s --> %s", escState.Name(), s.Name()) - escState.baseState.Transition(s) - - switch s { - case escState.parser.ground: - return escState.parser.escDispatch() - case escState.parser.escapeIntermediate: - return escState.parser.collectInter() - } - - return nil -} - -func (escState escapeState) Enter() error { - escState.parser.clear() - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/event_handler.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/event_handler.go deleted file mode 100644 index 98087b38..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/event_handler.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ -package ansiterm - -type AnsiEventHandler interface { - // Print - Print(b byte) error - - // Execute C0 commands - Execute(b byte) error - - // CUrsor Up - CUU(int) error - - // CUrsor Down - CUD(int) error - - // CUrsor Forward - CUF(int) error - - // CUrsor Backward - CUB(int) error - - // Cursor to Next Line - CNL(int) error - - // Cursor to Previous Line - CPL(int) error - - // Cursor Horizontal position Absolute - CHA(int) error - - // Vertical line Position Absolute - VPA(int) error - - // CUrsor Position - CUP(int, int) error - - // Horizontal and Vertical Position (depends on PUM) - HVP(int, int) error - - // Text Cursor Enable Mode - DECTCEM(bool) error - - // Origin Mode - DECOM(bool) error - - // 132 Column Mode - DECCOLM(bool) error - - // Erase in Display - ED(int) error - - // Erase in Line - EL(int) error - - // Insert Line - IL(int) error - - // Delete Line - DL(int) error - - // Insert Character - ICH(int) error - - // Delete Character - DCH(int) error - - // Set Graphics Rendition - SGR([]int) error - - // Pan Down - SU(int) error - - // Pan Up - SD(int) error - - // Device Attributes - DA([]string) error - - // Set Top and Bottom Margins - DECSTBM(int, int) error - - // Index - IND() error - - // Reverse Index - RI() error - - // Flush updates from previous commands - Flush() error -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/ground_state.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/ground_state.go deleted file mode 100644 index 52451e94..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/ground_state.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -package ansiterm - -type groundState struct { - baseState -} - -func (gs groundState) Handle(b byte) (s state, e error) { - gs.parser.context.currentChar = b - - nextState, err := gs.baseState.Handle(b) - if nextState != nil || err != nil { - return nextState, err - } - - switch { - case sliceContains(printables, b): - return gs, gs.parser.print() - - case sliceContains(executors, b): - return gs, gs.parser.execute() - } - - return gs, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/osc_string_state.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/osc_string_state.go deleted file mode 100644 index 593b10ab..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/osc_string_state.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ -package ansiterm - -type oscStringState struct { - baseState -} - -func (oscState oscStringState) Handle(b byte) (s state, e error) { - oscState.parser.logf("OscString::Handle %#x", b) - nextState, err := oscState.baseState.Handle(b) - if nextState != nil || err != nil { - return nextState, err - } - - switch { - case isOscStringTerminator(b): - return oscState.parser.ground, nil - } - - return oscState, nil -} - -// See below for OSC string terminators for linux -// http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man4/console_codes.4.html -func isOscStringTerminator(b byte) bool { - - if b == ANSI_BEL || b == 0x5C { - return true - } - - return false -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/parser.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/parser.go deleted file mode 100644 index 03cec7ad..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/parser.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,151 +0,0 @@ -package ansiterm - -import ( - "errors" - "log" - "os" -) - -type AnsiParser struct { - currState state - eventHandler AnsiEventHandler - context *ansiContext - csiEntry state - csiParam state - dcsEntry state - escape state - escapeIntermediate state - error state - ground state - oscString state - stateMap []state - - logf func(string, ...interface{}) -} - -type Option func(*AnsiParser) - -func WithLogf(f func(string, ...interface{})) Option { - return func(ap *AnsiParser) { - ap.logf = f - } -} - -func CreateParser(initialState string, evtHandler AnsiEventHandler, opts ...Option) *AnsiParser { - ap := &AnsiParser{ - eventHandler: evtHandler, - context: &ansiContext{}, - } - for _, o := range opts { - o(ap) - } - - if isDebugEnv := os.Getenv(LogEnv); isDebugEnv == "1" { - logFile, _ := os.Create("ansiParser.log") - logger := log.New(logFile, "", log.LstdFlags) - if ap.logf != nil { - l := ap.logf - ap.logf = func(s string, v ...interface{}) { - l(s, v...) - logger.Printf(s, v...) - } - } else { - ap.logf = logger.Printf - } - } - - if ap.logf == nil { - ap.logf = func(string, ...interface{}) {} - } - - ap.csiEntry = csiEntryState{baseState{name: "CsiEntry", parser: ap}} - ap.csiParam = csiParamState{baseState{name: "CsiParam", parser: ap}} - ap.dcsEntry = dcsEntryState{baseState{name: "DcsEntry", parser: ap}} - ap.escape = escapeState{baseState{name: "Escape", parser: ap}} - ap.escapeIntermediate = escapeIntermediateState{baseState{name: "EscapeIntermediate", parser: ap}} - ap.error = errorState{baseState{name: "Error", parser: ap}} - ap.ground = groundState{baseState{name: "Ground", parser: ap}} - ap.oscString = oscStringState{baseState{name: "OscString", parser: ap}} - - ap.stateMap = []state{ - ap.csiEntry, - ap.csiParam, - ap.dcsEntry, - ap.escape, - ap.escapeIntermediate, - ap.error, - ap.ground, - ap.oscString, - } - - ap.currState = getState(initialState, ap.stateMap) - - ap.logf("CreateParser: parser %p", ap) - return ap -} - -func getState(name string, states []state) state { - for _, el := range states { - if el.Name() == name { - return el - } - } - - return nil -} - -func (ap *AnsiParser) Parse(bytes []byte) (int, error) { - for i, b := range bytes { - if err := ap.handle(b); err != nil { - return i, err - } - } - - return len(bytes), ap.eventHandler.Flush() -} - -func (ap *AnsiParser) handle(b byte) error { - ap.context.currentChar = b - newState, err := ap.currState.Handle(b) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - if newState == nil { - ap.logf("WARNING: newState is nil") - return errors.New("New state of 'nil' is invalid.") - } - - if newState != ap.currState { - if err := ap.changeState(newState); err != nil { - return err - } - } - - return nil -} - -func (ap *AnsiParser) changeState(newState state) error { - ap.logf("ChangeState %s --> %s", ap.currState.Name(), newState.Name()) - - // Exit old state - if err := ap.currState.Exit(); err != nil { - ap.logf("Exit state '%s' failed with : '%v'", ap.currState.Name(), err) - return err - } - - // Perform transition action - if err := ap.currState.Transition(newState); err != nil { - ap.logf("Transition from '%s' to '%s' failed with: '%v'", ap.currState.Name(), newState.Name, err) - return err - } - - // Enter new state - if err := newState.Enter(); err != nil { - ap.logf("Enter state '%s' failed with: '%v'", newState.Name(), err) - return err - } - - ap.currState = newState - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/parser_action_helpers.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/parser_action_helpers.go deleted file mode 100644 index de0a1f9c..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/parser_action_helpers.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,99 +0,0 @@ -package ansiterm - -import ( - "strconv" -) - -func parseParams(bytes []byte) ([]string, error) { - paramBuff := make([]byte, 0, 0) - params := []string{} - - for _, v := range bytes { - if v == ';' { - if len(paramBuff) > 0 { - // Completed parameter, append it to the list - s := string(paramBuff) - params = append(params, s) - paramBuff = make([]byte, 0, 0) - } - } else { - paramBuff = append(paramBuff, v) - } - } - - // Last parameter may not be terminated with ';' - if len(paramBuff) > 0 { - s := string(paramBuff) - params = append(params, s) - } - - return params, nil -} - -func parseCmd(context ansiContext) (string, error) { - return string(context.currentChar), nil -} - -func getInt(params []string, dflt int) int { - i := getInts(params, 1, dflt)[0] - return i -} - -func getInts(params []string, minCount int, dflt int) []int { - ints := []int{} - - for _, v := range params { - i, _ := strconv.Atoi(v) - // Zero is mapped to the default value in VT100. - if i == 0 { - i = dflt - } - ints = append(ints, i) - } - - if len(ints) < minCount { - remaining := minCount - len(ints) - for i := 0; i < remaining; i++ { - ints = append(ints, dflt) - } - } - - return ints -} - -func (ap *AnsiParser) modeDispatch(param string, set bool) error { - switch param { - case "?3": - return ap.eventHandler.DECCOLM(set) - case "?6": - return ap.eventHandler.DECOM(set) - case "?25": - return ap.eventHandler.DECTCEM(set) - } - return nil -} - -func (ap *AnsiParser) hDispatch(params []string) error { - if len(params) == 1 { - return ap.modeDispatch(params[0], true) - } - - return nil -} - -func (ap *AnsiParser) lDispatch(params []string) error { - if len(params) == 1 { - return ap.modeDispatch(params[0], false) - } - - return nil -} - -func getEraseParam(params []string) int { - param := getInt(params, 0) - if param < 0 || 3 < param { - param = 0 - } - - return param -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/parser_actions.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/parser_actions.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0bb5e51e..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/parser_actions.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,119 +0,0 @@ -package ansiterm - -func (ap *AnsiParser) collectParam() error { - currChar := ap.context.currentChar - ap.logf("collectParam %#x", currChar) - ap.context.paramBuffer = append(ap.context.paramBuffer, currChar) - return nil -} - -func (ap *AnsiParser) collectInter() error { - currChar := ap.context.currentChar - ap.logf("collectInter %#x", currChar) - ap.context.paramBuffer = append(ap.context.interBuffer, currChar) - return nil -} - -func (ap *AnsiParser) escDispatch() error { - cmd, _ := parseCmd(*ap.context) - intermeds := ap.context.interBuffer - ap.logf("escDispatch currentChar: %#x", ap.context.currentChar) - ap.logf("escDispatch: %v(%v)", cmd, intermeds) - - switch cmd { - case "D": // IND - return ap.eventHandler.IND() - case "E": // NEL, equivalent to CRLF - err := ap.eventHandler.Execute(ANSI_CARRIAGE_RETURN) - if err == nil { - err = ap.eventHandler.Execute(ANSI_LINE_FEED) - } - return err - case "M": // RI - return ap.eventHandler.RI() - } - - return nil -} - -func (ap *AnsiParser) csiDispatch() error { - cmd, _ := parseCmd(*ap.context) - params, _ := parseParams(ap.context.paramBuffer) - ap.logf("Parsed params: %v with length: %d", params, len(params)) - - ap.logf("csiDispatch: %v(%v)", cmd, params) - - switch cmd { - case "@": - return ap.eventHandler.ICH(getInt(params, 1)) - case "A": - return ap.eventHandler.CUU(getInt(params, 1)) - case "B": - return ap.eventHandler.CUD(getInt(params, 1)) - case "C": - return ap.eventHandler.CUF(getInt(params, 1)) - case "D": - return ap.eventHandler.CUB(getInt(params, 1)) - case "E": - return ap.eventHandler.CNL(getInt(params, 1)) - case "F": - return ap.eventHandler.CPL(getInt(params, 1)) - case "G": - return ap.eventHandler.CHA(getInt(params, 1)) - case "H": - ints := getInts(params, 2, 1) - x, y := ints[0], ints[1] - return ap.eventHandler.CUP(x, y) - case "J": - param := getEraseParam(params) - return ap.eventHandler.ED(param) - case "K": - param := getEraseParam(params) - return ap.eventHandler.EL(param) - case "L": - return ap.eventHandler.IL(getInt(params, 1)) - case "M": - return ap.eventHandler.DL(getInt(params, 1)) - case "P": - return ap.eventHandler.DCH(getInt(params, 1)) - case "S": - return ap.eventHandler.SU(getInt(params, 1)) - case "T": - return ap.eventHandler.SD(getInt(params, 1)) - case "c": - return ap.eventHandler.DA(params) - case "d": - return ap.eventHandler.VPA(getInt(params, 1)) - case "f": - ints := getInts(params, 2, 1) - x, y := ints[0], ints[1] - return ap.eventHandler.HVP(x, y) - case "h": - return ap.hDispatch(params) - case "l": - return ap.lDispatch(params) - case "m": - return ap.eventHandler.SGR(getInts(params, 1, 0)) - case "r": - ints := getInts(params, 2, 1) - top, bottom := ints[0], ints[1] - return ap.eventHandler.DECSTBM(top, bottom) - default: - ap.logf("ERROR: Unsupported CSI command: '%s', with full context: %v", cmd, ap.context) - return nil - } - -} - -func (ap *AnsiParser) print() error { - return ap.eventHandler.Print(ap.context.currentChar) -} - -func (ap *AnsiParser) clear() error { - ap.context = &ansiContext{} - return nil -} - -func (ap *AnsiParser) execute() error { - return ap.eventHandler.Execute(ap.context.currentChar) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/states.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/states.go deleted file mode 100644 index f2ea1fcd..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/states.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ -package ansiterm - -type stateID int - -type state interface { - Enter() error - Exit() error - Handle(byte) (state, error) - Name() string - Transition(state) error -} - -type baseState struct { - name string - parser *AnsiParser -} - -func (base baseState) Enter() error { - return nil -} - -func (base baseState) Exit() error { - return nil -} - -func (base baseState) Handle(b byte) (s state, e error) { - - switch { - case b == CSI_ENTRY: - return base.parser.csiEntry, nil - case b == DCS_ENTRY: - return base.parser.dcsEntry, nil - case b == ANSI_ESCAPE_PRIMARY: - return base.parser.escape, nil - case b == OSC_STRING: - return base.parser.oscString, nil - case sliceContains(toGroundBytes, b): - return base.parser.ground, nil - } - - return nil, nil -} - -func (base baseState) Name() string { - return base.name -} - -func (base baseState) Transition(s state) error { - if s == base.parser.ground { - execBytes := []byte{0x18} - execBytes = append(execBytes, 0x1A) - execBytes = append(execBytes, getByteRange(0x80, 0x8F)...) - execBytes = append(execBytes, getByteRange(0x91, 0x97)...) - execBytes = append(execBytes, 0x99) - execBytes = append(execBytes, 0x9A) - - if sliceContains(execBytes, base.parser.context.currentChar) { - return base.parser.execute() - } - } - - return nil -} - -type dcsEntryState struct { - baseState -} - -type errorState struct { - baseState -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/utilities.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/utilities.go deleted file mode 100644 index 39211449..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/utilities.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -package ansiterm - -import ( - "strconv" -) - -func sliceContains(bytes []byte, b byte) bool { - for _, v := range bytes { - if v == b { - return true - } - } - - return false -} - -func convertBytesToInteger(bytes []byte) int { - s := string(bytes) - i, _ := strconv.Atoi(s) - return i -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/winterm/ansi.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/winterm/ansi.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5599082a..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/winterm/ansi.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,196 +0,0 @@ -// +build windows - -package winterm - -import ( - "fmt" - "os" - "strconv" - "strings" - "syscall" - - "github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm" - windows "golang.org/x/sys/windows" -) - -// Windows keyboard constants -// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd375731(v=vs.85).aspx. -const ( - VK_PRIOR = 0x21 // PAGE UP key - VK_NEXT = 0x22 // PAGE DOWN key - VK_END = 0x23 // END key - VK_HOME = 0x24 // HOME key - VK_LEFT = 0x25 // LEFT ARROW key - VK_UP = 0x26 // UP ARROW key - VK_RIGHT = 0x27 // RIGHT ARROW key - VK_DOWN = 0x28 // DOWN ARROW key - VK_SELECT = 0x29 // SELECT key - VK_PRINT = 0x2A // PRINT key - VK_EXECUTE = 0x2B // EXECUTE key - VK_SNAPSHOT = 0x2C // PRINT SCREEN key - VK_INSERT = 0x2D // INS key - VK_DELETE = 0x2E // DEL key - VK_HELP = 0x2F // HELP key - VK_F1 = 0x70 // F1 key - VK_F2 = 0x71 // F2 key - VK_F3 = 0x72 // F3 key - VK_F4 = 0x73 // F4 key - VK_F5 = 0x74 // F5 key - VK_F6 = 0x75 // F6 key - VK_F7 = 0x76 // F7 key - VK_F8 = 0x77 // F8 key - VK_F9 = 0x78 // F9 key - VK_F10 = 0x79 // F10 key - VK_F11 = 0x7A // F11 key - VK_F12 = 0x7B // F12 key - - RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED = 0x0001 - LEFT_ALT_PRESSED = 0x0002 - RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED = 0x0004 - LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED = 0x0008 - SHIFT_PRESSED = 0x0010 - NUMLOCK_ON = 0x0020 - SCROLLLOCK_ON = 0x0040 - CAPSLOCK_ON = 0x0080 - ENHANCED_KEY = 0x0100 -) - -type ansiCommand struct { - CommandBytes []byte - Command string - Parameters []string - IsSpecial bool -} - -func newAnsiCommand(command []byte) *ansiCommand { - - if isCharacterSelectionCmdChar(command[1]) { - // Is Character Set Selection commands - return &ansiCommand{ - CommandBytes: command, - Command: string(command), - IsSpecial: true, - } - } - - // last char is command character - lastCharIndex := len(command) - 1 - - ac := &ansiCommand{ - CommandBytes: command, - Command: string(command[lastCharIndex]), - IsSpecial: false, - } - - // more than a single escape - if lastCharIndex != 0 { - start := 1 - // skip if double char escape sequence - if command[0] == ansiterm.ANSI_ESCAPE_PRIMARY && command[1] == ansiterm.ANSI_ESCAPE_SECONDARY { - start++ - } - // convert this to GetNextParam method - ac.Parameters = strings.Split(string(command[start:lastCharIndex]), ansiterm.ANSI_PARAMETER_SEP) - } - - return ac -} - -func (ac *ansiCommand) paramAsSHORT(index int, defaultValue int16) int16 { - if index < 0 || index >= len(ac.Parameters) { - return defaultValue - } - - param, err := strconv.ParseInt(ac.Parameters[index], 10, 16) - if err != nil { - return defaultValue - } - - return int16(param) -} - -func (ac *ansiCommand) String() string { - return fmt.Sprintf("0x%v \"%v\" (\"%v\")", - bytesToHex(ac.CommandBytes), - ac.Command, - strings.Join(ac.Parameters, "\",\"")) -} - -// isAnsiCommandChar returns true if the passed byte falls within the range of ANSI commands. -// See http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/intrepid/man4/console_codes.4.html. -func isAnsiCommandChar(b byte) bool { - switch { - case ansiterm.ANSI_COMMAND_FIRST <= b && b <= ansiterm.ANSI_COMMAND_LAST && b != ansiterm.ANSI_ESCAPE_SECONDARY: - return true - case b == ansiterm.ANSI_CMD_G1 || b == ansiterm.ANSI_CMD_OSC || b == ansiterm.ANSI_CMD_DECPAM || b == ansiterm.ANSI_CMD_DECPNM: - // non-CSI escape sequence terminator - return true - case b == ansiterm.ANSI_CMD_STR_TERM || b == ansiterm.ANSI_BEL: - // String escape sequence terminator - return true - } - return false -} - -func isXtermOscSequence(command []byte, current byte) bool { - return (len(command) >= 2 && command[0] == ansiterm.ANSI_ESCAPE_PRIMARY && command[1] == ansiterm.ANSI_CMD_OSC && current != ansiterm.ANSI_BEL) -} - -func isCharacterSelectionCmdChar(b byte) bool { - return (b == ansiterm.ANSI_CMD_G0 || b == ansiterm.ANSI_CMD_G1 || b == ansiterm.ANSI_CMD_G2 || b == ansiterm.ANSI_CMD_G3) -} - -// bytesToHex converts a slice of bytes to a human-readable string. -func bytesToHex(b []byte) string { - hex := make([]string, len(b)) - for i, ch := range b { - hex[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%X", ch) - } - return strings.Join(hex, "") -} - -// ensureInRange adjusts the passed value, if necessary, to ensure it is within -// the passed min / max range. -func ensureInRange(n int16, min int16, max int16) int16 { - if n < min { - return min - } else if n > max { - return max - } else { - return n - } -} - -func GetStdFile(nFile int) (*os.File, uintptr) { - var file *os.File - - // syscall uses negative numbers - // windows package uses very big uint32 - // Keep these switches split so we don't have to convert ints too much. - switch uint32(nFile) { - case windows.STD_INPUT_HANDLE: - file = os.Stdin - case windows.STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE: - file = os.Stdout - case windows.STD_ERROR_HANDLE: - file = os.Stderr - default: - switch nFile { - case syscall.STD_INPUT_HANDLE: - file = os.Stdin - case syscall.STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE: - file = os.Stdout - case syscall.STD_ERROR_HANDLE: - file = os.Stderr - default: - panic(fmt.Errorf("Invalid standard handle identifier: %v", nFile)) - } - } - - fd, err := syscall.GetStdHandle(nFile) - if err != nil { - panic(fmt.Errorf("Invalid standard handle identifier: %v -- %v", nFile, err)) - } - - return file, uintptr(fd) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/winterm/api.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/winterm/api.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6055e33b..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/winterm/api.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,327 +0,0 @@ -// +build windows - -package winterm - -import ( - "fmt" - "syscall" - "unsafe" -) - -//=========================================================================================================== -// IMPORTANT NOTE: -// -// The methods below make extensive use of the "unsafe" package to obtain the required pointers. -// Beginning in Go 1.3, the garbage collector may release local variables (e.g., incoming arguments, stack -// variables) the pointers reference *before* the API completes. -// -// As a result, in those cases, the code must hint that the variables remain in active by invoking the -// dummy method "use" (see below). Newer versions of Go are planned to change the mechanism to no longer -// require unsafe pointers. -// -// If you add or modify methods, ENSURE protection of local variables through the "use" builtin to inform -// the garbage collector the variables remain in use if: -// -// -- The value is not a pointer (e.g., int32, struct) -// -- The value is not referenced by the method after passing the pointer to Windows -// -// See http://golang.org/doc/go1.3. -//=========================================================================================================== - -var ( - kernel32DLL = syscall.NewLazyDLL("kernel32.dll") - - getConsoleCursorInfoProc = kernel32DLL.NewProc("GetConsoleCursorInfo") - setConsoleCursorInfoProc = kernel32DLL.NewProc("SetConsoleCursorInfo") - setConsoleCursorPositionProc = kernel32DLL.NewProc("SetConsoleCursorPosition") - setConsoleModeProc = kernel32DLL.NewProc("SetConsoleMode") - getConsoleScreenBufferInfoProc = kernel32DLL.NewProc("GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo") - setConsoleScreenBufferSizeProc = kernel32DLL.NewProc("SetConsoleScreenBufferSize") - scrollConsoleScreenBufferProc = kernel32DLL.NewProc("ScrollConsoleScreenBufferA") - setConsoleTextAttributeProc = kernel32DLL.NewProc("SetConsoleTextAttribute") - setConsoleWindowInfoProc = kernel32DLL.NewProc("SetConsoleWindowInfo") - writeConsoleOutputProc = kernel32DLL.NewProc("WriteConsoleOutputW") - readConsoleInputProc = kernel32DLL.NewProc("ReadConsoleInputW") - waitForSingleObjectProc = kernel32DLL.NewProc("WaitForSingleObject") -) - -// Windows Console constants -const ( - // Console modes - // See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms686033(v=vs.85).aspx. - ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT = 0x0001 - ENABLE_LINE_INPUT = 0x0002 - ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT = 0x0004 - ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT = 0x0008 - ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT = 0x0010 - ENABLE_INSERT_MODE = 0x0020 - ENABLE_QUICK_EDIT_MODE = 0x0040 - ENABLE_EXTENDED_FLAGS = 0x0080 - ENABLE_AUTO_POSITION = 0x0100 - ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_INPUT = 0x0200 - - ENABLE_PROCESSED_OUTPUT = 0x0001 - ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT = 0x0002 - ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING = 0x0004 - DISABLE_NEWLINE_AUTO_RETURN = 0x0008 - ENABLE_LVB_GRID_WORLDWIDE = 0x0010 - - // Character attributes - // Note: - // -- The attributes are combined to produce various colors (e.g., Blue + Green will create Cyan). - // Clearing all foreground or background colors results in black; setting all creates white. - // See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms682088(v=vs.85).aspx#_win32_character_attributes. - FOREGROUND_BLUE uint16 = 0x0001 - FOREGROUND_GREEN uint16 = 0x0002 - FOREGROUND_RED uint16 = 0x0004 - FOREGROUND_INTENSITY uint16 = 0x0008 - FOREGROUND_MASK uint16 = 0x000F - - BACKGROUND_BLUE uint16 = 0x0010 - BACKGROUND_GREEN uint16 = 0x0020 - BACKGROUND_RED uint16 = 0x0040 - BACKGROUND_INTENSITY uint16 = 0x0080 - BACKGROUND_MASK uint16 = 0x00F0 - - COMMON_LVB_MASK uint16 = 0xFF00 - COMMON_LVB_REVERSE_VIDEO uint16 = 0x4000 - COMMON_LVB_UNDERSCORE uint16 = 0x8000 - - // Input event types - // See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms683499(v=vs.85).aspx. - KEY_EVENT = 0x0001 - MOUSE_EVENT = 0x0002 - WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE_EVENT = 0x0004 - MENU_EVENT = 0x0008 - FOCUS_EVENT = 0x0010 - - // WaitForSingleObject return codes - WAIT_ABANDONED = 0x00000080 - WAIT_FAILED = 0xFFFFFFFF - WAIT_SIGNALED = 0x0000000 - WAIT_TIMEOUT = 0x00000102 - - // WaitForSingleObject wait duration - WAIT_INFINITE = 0xFFFFFFFF - WAIT_ONE_SECOND = 1000 - WAIT_HALF_SECOND = 500 - WAIT_QUARTER_SECOND = 250 -) - -// Windows API Console types -// -- See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms682101(v=vs.85).aspx for Console specific types (e.g., COORD) -// -- See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa296569(v=vs.60).aspx for comments on alignment -type ( - CHAR_INFO struct { - UnicodeChar uint16 - Attributes uint16 - } - - CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO struct { - Size uint32 - Visible int32 - } - - CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO struct { - Size COORD - CursorPosition COORD - Attributes uint16 - Window SMALL_RECT - MaximumWindowSize COORD - } - - COORD struct { - X int16 - Y int16 - } - - SMALL_RECT struct { - Left int16 - Top int16 - Right int16 - Bottom int16 - } - - // INPUT_RECORD is a C/C++ union of which KEY_EVENT_RECORD is one case, it is also the largest - // See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms683499(v=vs.85).aspx. - INPUT_RECORD struct { - EventType uint16 - KeyEvent KEY_EVENT_RECORD - } - - KEY_EVENT_RECORD struct { - KeyDown int32 - RepeatCount uint16 - VirtualKeyCode uint16 - VirtualScanCode uint16 - UnicodeChar uint16 - ControlKeyState uint32 - } - - WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE struct { - Size COORD - } -) - -// boolToBOOL converts a Go bool into a Windows int32. -func boolToBOOL(f bool) int32 { - if f { - return int32(1) - } else { - return int32(0) - } -} - -// GetConsoleCursorInfo retrieves information about the size and visiblity of the console cursor. -// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms683163(v=vs.85).aspx. -func GetConsoleCursorInfo(handle uintptr, cursorInfo *CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO) error { - r1, r2, err := getConsoleCursorInfoProc.Call(handle, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(cursorInfo)), 0) - return checkError(r1, r2, err) -} - -// SetConsoleCursorInfo sets the size and visiblity of the console cursor. -// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms686019(v=vs.85).aspx. -func SetConsoleCursorInfo(handle uintptr, cursorInfo *CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO) error { - r1, r2, err := setConsoleCursorInfoProc.Call(handle, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(cursorInfo)), 0) - return checkError(r1, r2, err) -} - -// SetConsoleCursorPosition location of the console cursor. -// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms686025(v=vs.85).aspx. -func SetConsoleCursorPosition(handle uintptr, coord COORD) error { - r1, r2, err := setConsoleCursorPositionProc.Call(handle, coordToPointer(coord)) - use(coord) - return checkError(r1, r2, err) -} - -// GetConsoleMode gets the console mode for given file descriptor -// See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms683167(v=vs.85).aspx. -func GetConsoleMode(handle uintptr) (mode uint32, err error) { - err = syscall.GetConsoleMode(syscall.Handle(handle), &mode) - return mode, err -} - -// SetConsoleMode sets the console mode for given file descriptor -// See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms686033(v=vs.85).aspx. -func SetConsoleMode(handle uintptr, mode uint32) error { - r1, r2, err := setConsoleModeProc.Call(handle, uintptr(mode), 0) - use(mode) - return checkError(r1, r2, err) -} - -// GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo retrieves information about the specified console screen buffer. -// See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms683171(v=vs.85).aspx. -func GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(handle uintptr) (*CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO, error) { - info := CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO{} - err := checkError(getConsoleScreenBufferInfoProc.Call(handle, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&info)), 0)) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return &info, nil -} - -func ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer(handle uintptr, scrollRect SMALL_RECT, clipRect SMALL_RECT, destOrigin COORD, char CHAR_INFO) error { - r1, r2, err := scrollConsoleScreenBufferProc.Call(handle, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&scrollRect)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&clipRect)), coordToPointer(destOrigin), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&char))) - use(scrollRect) - use(clipRect) - use(destOrigin) - use(char) - return checkError(r1, r2, err) -} - -// SetConsoleScreenBufferSize sets the size of the console screen buffer. -// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms686044(v=vs.85).aspx. -func SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(handle uintptr, coord COORD) error { - r1, r2, err := setConsoleScreenBufferSizeProc.Call(handle, coordToPointer(coord)) - use(coord) - return checkError(r1, r2, err) -} - -// SetConsoleTextAttribute sets the attributes of characters written to the -// console screen buffer by the WriteFile or WriteConsole function. -// See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms686047(v=vs.85).aspx. -func SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle uintptr, attribute uint16) error { - r1, r2, err := setConsoleTextAttributeProc.Call(handle, uintptr(attribute), 0) - use(attribute) - return checkError(r1, r2, err) -} - -// SetConsoleWindowInfo sets the size and position of the console screen buffer's window. -// Note that the size and location must be within and no larger than the backing console screen buffer. -// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms686125(v=vs.85).aspx. -func SetConsoleWindowInfo(handle uintptr, isAbsolute bool, rect SMALL_RECT) error { - r1, r2, err := setConsoleWindowInfoProc.Call(handle, uintptr(boolToBOOL(isAbsolute)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&rect))) - use(isAbsolute) - use(rect) - return checkError(r1, r2, err) -} - -// WriteConsoleOutput writes the CHAR_INFOs from the provided buffer to the active console buffer. -// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms687404(v=vs.85).aspx. -func WriteConsoleOutput(handle uintptr, buffer []CHAR_INFO, bufferSize COORD, bufferCoord COORD, writeRegion *SMALL_RECT) error { - r1, r2, err := writeConsoleOutputProc.Call(handle, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&buffer[0])), coordToPointer(bufferSize), coordToPointer(bufferCoord), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(writeRegion))) - use(buffer) - use(bufferSize) - use(bufferCoord) - return checkError(r1, r2, err) -} - -// ReadConsoleInput reads (and removes) data from the console input buffer. -// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms684961(v=vs.85).aspx. -func ReadConsoleInput(handle uintptr, buffer []INPUT_RECORD, count *uint32) error { - r1, r2, err := readConsoleInputProc.Call(handle, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&buffer[0])), uintptr(len(buffer)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(count))) - use(buffer) - return checkError(r1, r2, err) -} - -// WaitForSingleObject waits for the passed handle to be signaled. -// It returns true if the handle was signaled; false otherwise. -// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms687032(v=vs.85).aspx. -func WaitForSingleObject(handle uintptr, msWait uint32) (bool, error) { - r1, _, err := waitForSingleObjectProc.Call(handle, uintptr(uint32(msWait))) - switch r1 { - case WAIT_ABANDONED, WAIT_TIMEOUT: - return false, nil - case WAIT_SIGNALED: - return true, nil - } - use(msWait) - return false, err -} - -// String helpers -func (info CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO) String() string { - return fmt.Sprintf("Size(%v) Cursor(%v) Window(%v) Max(%v)", info.Size, info.CursorPosition, info.Window, info.MaximumWindowSize) -} - -func (coord COORD) String() string { - return fmt.Sprintf("%v,%v", coord.X, coord.Y) -} - -func (rect SMALL_RECT) String() string { - return fmt.Sprintf("(%v,%v),(%v,%v)", rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Right, rect.Bottom) -} - -// checkError evaluates the results of a Windows API call and returns the error if it failed. -func checkError(r1, r2 uintptr, err error) error { - // Windows APIs return non-zero to indicate success - if r1 != 0 { - return nil - } - - // Return the error if provided, otherwise default to EINVAL - if err != nil { - return err - } - return syscall.EINVAL -} - -// coordToPointer converts a COORD into a uintptr (by fooling the type system). -func coordToPointer(c COORD) uintptr { - // Note: This code assumes the two SHORTs are correctly laid out; the "cast" to uint32 is just to get a pointer to pass. - return uintptr(*((*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(&c)))) -} - -// use is a no-op, but the compiler cannot see that it is. -// Calling use(p) ensures that p is kept live until that point. -func use(p interface{}) {} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/winterm/attr_translation.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/winterm/attr_translation.go deleted file mode 100644 index cbec8f72..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/winterm/attr_translation.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,100 +0,0 @@ -// +build windows - -package winterm - -import "github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm" - -const ( - FOREGROUND_COLOR_MASK = FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_BLUE - BACKGROUND_COLOR_MASK = BACKGROUND_RED | BACKGROUND_GREEN | BACKGROUND_BLUE -) - -// collectAnsiIntoWindowsAttributes modifies the passed Windows text mode flags to reflect the -// request represented by the passed ANSI mode. -func collectAnsiIntoWindowsAttributes(windowsMode uint16, inverted bool, baseMode uint16, ansiMode int16) (uint16, bool) { - switch ansiMode { - - // Mode styles - case ansiterm.ANSI_SGR_BOLD: - windowsMode = windowsMode | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY - - case ansiterm.ANSI_SGR_DIM, ansiterm.ANSI_SGR_BOLD_DIM_OFF: - windowsMode &^= FOREGROUND_INTENSITY - - case ansiterm.ANSI_SGR_UNDERLINE: - windowsMode = windowsMode | COMMON_LVB_UNDERSCORE - - case ansiterm.ANSI_SGR_REVERSE: - inverted = true - - case ansiterm.ANSI_SGR_REVERSE_OFF: - inverted = false - - case ansiterm.ANSI_SGR_UNDERLINE_OFF: - windowsMode &^= COMMON_LVB_UNDERSCORE - - // Foreground colors - case ansiterm.ANSI_SGR_FOREGROUND_DEFAULT: - windowsMode = (windowsMode &^ FOREGROUND_MASK) | (baseMode & FOREGROUND_MASK) - - case ansiterm.ANSI_SGR_FOREGROUND_BLACK: - windowsMode = (windowsMode &^ FOREGROUND_COLOR_MASK) - - case ansiterm.ANSI_SGR_FOREGROUND_RED: - windowsMode = (windowsMode &^ FOREGROUND_COLOR_MASK) | FOREGROUND_RED - - case ansiterm.ANSI_SGR_FOREGROUND_GREEN: - windowsMode = (windowsMode &^ FOREGROUND_COLOR_MASK) | FOREGROUND_GREEN - - case ansiterm.ANSI_SGR_FOREGROUND_YELLOW: - windowsMode = (windowsMode &^ FOREGROUND_COLOR_MASK) | FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_GREEN - - case ansiterm.ANSI_SGR_FOREGROUND_BLUE: - windowsMode = (windowsMode &^ FOREGROUND_COLOR_MASK) | FOREGROUND_BLUE - - case ansiterm.ANSI_SGR_FOREGROUND_MAGENTA: - windowsMode = (windowsMode &^ FOREGROUND_COLOR_MASK) | FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_BLUE - - case ansiterm.ANSI_SGR_FOREGROUND_CYAN: - windowsMode = (windowsMode &^ FOREGROUND_COLOR_MASK) | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_BLUE - - case ansiterm.ANSI_SGR_FOREGROUND_WHITE: - windowsMode = (windowsMode &^ FOREGROUND_COLOR_MASK) | FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_BLUE - - // Background colors - case ansiterm.ANSI_SGR_BACKGROUND_DEFAULT: - // Black with no intensity - windowsMode = (windowsMode &^ BACKGROUND_MASK) | (baseMode & BACKGROUND_MASK) - - case ansiterm.ANSI_SGR_BACKGROUND_BLACK: - windowsMode = (windowsMode &^ BACKGROUND_COLOR_MASK) - - case ansiterm.ANSI_SGR_BACKGROUND_RED: - windowsMode = (windowsMode &^ BACKGROUND_COLOR_MASK) | BACKGROUND_RED - - case ansiterm.ANSI_SGR_BACKGROUND_GREEN: - windowsMode = (windowsMode &^ BACKGROUND_COLOR_MASK) | BACKGROUND_GREEN - - case ansiterm.ANSI_SGR_BACKGROUND_YELLOW: - windowsMode = (windowsMode &^ BACKGROUND_COLOR_MASK) | BACKGROUND_RED | BACKGROUND_GREEN - - case ansiterm.ANSI_SGR_BACKGROUND_BLUE: - windowsMode = (windowsMode &^ BACKGROUND_COLOR_MASK) | BACKGROUND_BLUE - - case ansiterm.ANSI_SGR_BACKGROUND_MAGENTA: - windowsMode = (windowsMode &^ BACKGROUND_COLOR_MASK) | BACKGROUND_RED | BACKGROUND_BLUE - - case ansiterm.ANSI_SGR_BACKGROUND_CYAN: - windowsMode = (windowsMode &^ BACKGROUND_COLOR_MASK) | BACKGROUND_GREEN | BACKGROUND_BLUE - - case ansiterm.ANSI_SGR_BACKGROUND_WHITE: - windowsMode = (windowsMode &^ BACKGROUND_COLOR_MASK) | BACKGROUND_RED | BACKGROUND_GREEN | BACKGROUND_BLUE - } - - return windowsMode, inverted -} - -// invertAttributes inverts the foreground and background colors of a Windows attributes value -func invertAttributes(windowsMode uint16) uint16 { - return (COMMON_LVB_MASK & windowsMode) | ((FOREGROUND_MASK & windowsMode) << 4) | ((BACKGROUND_MASK & windowsMode) >> 4) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/winterm/cursor_helpers.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/winterm/cursor_helpers.go deleted file mode 100644 index 3ee06ea7..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/winterm/cursor_helpers.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,101 +0,0 @@ -// +build windows - -package winterm - -const ( - horizontal = iota - vertical -) - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) getCursorWindow(info *CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO) SMALL_RECT { - if h.originMode { - sr := h.effectiveSr(info.Window) - return SMALL_RECT{ - Top: sr.top, - Bottom: sr.bottom, - Left: 0, - Right: info.Size.X - 1, - } - } else { - return SMALL_RECT{ - Top: info.Window.Top, - Bottom: info.Window.Bottom, - Left: 0, - Right: info.Size.X - 1, - } - } -} - -// setCursorPosition sets the cursor to the specified position, bounded to the screen size -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) setCursorPosition(position COORD, window SMALL_RECT) error { - position.X = ensureInRange(position.X, window.Left, window.Right) - position.Y = ensureInRange(position.Y, window.Top, window.Bottom) - err := SetConsoleCursorPosition(h.fd, position) - if err != nil { - return err - } - h.logf("Cursor position set: (%d, %d)", position.X, position.Y) - return err -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) moveCursorVertical(param int) error { - return h.moveCursor(vertical, param) -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) moveCursorHorizontal(param int) error { - return h.moveCursor(horizontal, param) -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) moveCursor(moveMode int, param int) error { - info, err := GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h.fd) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - position := info.CursorPosition - switch moveMode { - case horizontal: - position.X += int16(param) - case vertical: - position.Y += int16(param) - } - - if err = h.setCursorPosition(position, h.getCursorWindow(info)); err != nil { - return err - } - - return nil -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) moveCursorLine(param int) error { - info, err := GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h.fd) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - position := info.CursorPosition - position.X = 0 - position.Y += int16(param) - - if err = h.setCursorPosition(position, h.getCursorWindow(info)); err != nil { - return err - } - - return nil -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) moveCursorColumn(param int) error { - info, err := GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h.fd) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - position := info.CursorPosition - position.X = int16(param) - 1 - - if err = h.setCursorPosition(position, h.getCursorWindow(info)); err != nil { - return err - } - - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/winterm/erase_helpers.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/winterm/erase_helpers.go deleted file mode 100644 index 244b5fa2..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/winterm/erase_helpers.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ -// +build windows - -package winterm - -import "github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm" - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) clearRange(attributes uint16, fromCoord COORD, toCoord COORD) error { - // Ignore an invalid (negative area) request - if toCoord.Y < fromCoord.Y { - return nil - } - - var err error - - var coordStart = COORD{} - var coordEnd = COORD{} - - xCurrent, yCurrent := fromCoord.X, fromCoord.Y - xEnd, yEnd := toCoord.X, toCoord.Y - - // Clear any partial initial line - if xCurrent > 0 { - coordStart.X, coordStart.Y = xCurrent, yCurrent - coordEnd.X, coordEnd.Y = xEnd, yCurrent - - err = h.clearRect(attributes, coordStart, coordEnd) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - xCurrent = 0 - yCurrent += 1 - } - - // Clear intervening rectangular section - if yCurrent < yEnd { - coordStart.X, coordStart.Y = xCurrent, yCurrent - coordEnd.X, coordEnd.Y = xEnd, yEnd-1 - - err = h.clearRect(attributes, coordStart, coordEnd) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - xCurrent = 0 - yCurrent = yEnd - } - - // Clear remaining partial ending line - coordStart.X, coordStart.Y = xCurrent, yCurrent - coordEnd.X, coordEnd.Y = xEnd, yEnd - - err = h.clearRect(attributes, coordStart, coordEnd) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - return nil -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) clearRect(attributes uint16, fromCoord COORD, toCoord COORD) error { - region := SMALL_RECT{Top: fromCoord.Y, Left: fromCoord.X, Bottom: toCoord.Y, Right: toCoord.X} - width := toCoord.X - fromCoord.X + 1 - height := toCoord.Y - fromCoord.Y + 1 - size := uint32(width) * uint32(height) - - if size <= 0 { - return nil - } - - buffer := make([]CHAR_INFO, size) - - char := CHAR_INFO{ansiterm.FILL_CHARACTER, attributes} - for i := 0; i < int(size); i++ { - buffer[i] = char - } - - err := WriteConsoleOutput(h.fd, buffer, COORD{X: width, Y: height}, COORD{X: 0, Y: 0}, ®ion) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/winterm/scroll_helper.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/winterm/scroll_helper.go deleted file mode 100644 index 2d27fa1d..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/winterm/scroll_helper.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,118 +0,0 @@ -// +build windows - -package winterm - -// effectiveSr gets the current effective scroll region in buffer coordinates -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) effectiveSr(window SMALL_RECT) scrollRegion { - top := addInRange(window.Top, h.sr.top, window.Top, window.Bottom) - bottom := addInRange(window.Top, h.sr.bottom, window.Top, window.Bottom) - if top >= bottom { - top = window.Top - bottom = window.Bottom - } - return scrollRegion{top: top, bottom: bottom} -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) scrollUp(param int) error { - info, err := GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h.fd) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - sr := h.effectiveSr(info.Window) - return h.scroll(param, sr, info) -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) scrollDown(param int) error { - return h.scrollUp(-param) -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) deleteLines(param int) error { - info, err := GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h.fd) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - start := info.CursorPosition.Y - sr := h.effectiveSr(info.Window) - // Lines cannot be inserted or deleted outside the scrolling region. - if start >= sr.top && start <= sr.bottom { - sr.top = start - return h.scroll(param, sr, info) - } else { - return nil - } -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) insertLines(param int) error { - return h.deleteLines(-param) -} - -// scroll scrolls the provided scroll region by param lines. The scroll region is in buffer coordinates. -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) scroll(param int, sr scrollRegion, info *CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO) error { - h.logf("scroll: scrollTop: %d, scrollBottom: %d", sr.top, sr.bottom) - h.logf("scroll: windowTop: %d, windowBottom: %d", info.Window.Top, info.Window.Bottom) - - // Copy from and clip to the scroll region (full buffer width) - scrollRect := SMALL_RECT{ - Top: sr.top, - Bottom: sr.bottom, - Left: 0, - Right: info.Size.X - 1, - } - - // Origin to which area should be copied - destOrigin := COORD{ - X: 0, - Y: sr.top - int16(param), - } - - char := CHAR_INFO{ - UnicodeChar: ' ', - Attributes: h.attributes, - } - - if err := ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer(h.fd, scrollRect, scrollRect, destOrigin, char); err != nil { - return err - } - return nil -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) deleteCharacters(param int) error { - info, err := GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h.fd) - if err != nil { - return err - } - return h.scrollLine(param, info.CursorPosition, info) -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) insertCharacters(param int) error { - return h.deleteCharacters(-param) -} - -// scrollLine scrolls a line horizontally starting at the provided position by a number of columns. -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) scrollLine(columns int, position COORD, info *CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO) error { - // Copy from and clip to the scroll region (full buffer width) - scrollRect := SMALL_RECT{ - Top: position.Y, - Bottom: position.Y, - Left: position.X, - Right: info.Size.X - 1, - } - - // Origin to which area should be copied - destOrigin := COORD{ - X: position.X - int16(columns), - Y: position.Y, - } - - char := CHAR_INFO{ - UnicodeChar: ' ', - Attributes: h.attributes, - } - - if err := ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer(h.fd, scrollRect, scrollRect, destOrigin, char); err != nil { - return err - } - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/winterm/utilities.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/winterm/utilities.go deleted file mode 100644 index afa7635d..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/winterm/utilities.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -// +build windows - -package winterm - -// AddInRange increments a value by the passed quantity while ensuring the values -// always remain within the supplied min / max range. -func addInRange(n int16, increment int16, min int16, max int16) int16 { - return ensureInRange(n+increment, min, max) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/winterm/win_event_handler.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/winterm/win_event_handler.go deleted file mode 100644 index 2d40fb75..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/winterm/win_event_handler.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,743 +0,0 @@ -// +build windows - -package winterm - -import ( - "bytes" - "log" - "os" - "strconv" - - "github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm" -) - -type windowsAnsiEventHandler struct { - fd uintptr - file *os.File - infoReset *CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO - sr scrollRegion - buffer bytes.Buffer - attributes uint16 - inverted bool - wrapNext bool - drewMarginByte bool - originMode bool - marginByte byte - curInfo *CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO - curPos COORD - logf func(string, ...interface{}) -} - -type Option func(*windowsAnsiEventHandler) - -func WithLogf(f func(string, ...interface{})) Option { - return func(w *windowsAnsiEventHandler) { - w.logf = f - } -} - -func CreateWinEventHandler(fd uintptr, file *os.File, opts ...Option) ansiterm.AnsiEventHandler { - infoReset, err := GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(fd) - if err != nil { - return nil - } - - h := &windowsAnsiEventHandler{ - fd: fd, - file: file, - infoReset: infoReset, - attributes: infoReset.Attributes, - } - for _, o := range opts { - o(h) - } - - if isDebugEnv := os.Getenv(ansiterm.LogEnv); isDebugEnv == "1" { - logFile, _ := os.Create("winEventHandler.log") - logger := log.New(logFile, "", log.LstdFlags) - if h.logf != nil { - l := h.logf - h.logf = func(s string, v ...interface{}) { - l(s, v...) - logger.Printf(s, v...) - } - } else { - h.logf = logger.Printf - } - } - - if h.logf == nil { - h.logf = func(string, ...interface{}) {} - } - - return h -} - -type scrollRegion struct { - top int16 - bottom int16 -} - -// simulateLF simulates a LF or CR+LF by scrolling if necessary to handle the -// current cursor position and scroll region settings, in which case it returns -// true. If no special handling is necessary, then it does nothing and returns -// false. -// -// In the false case, the caller should ensure that a carriage return -// and line feed are inserted or that the text is otherwise wrapped. -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) simulateLF(includeCR bool) (bool, error) { - if h.wrapNext { - if err := h.Flush(); err != nil { - return false, err - } - h.clearWrap() - } - pos, info, err := h.getCurrentInfo() - if err != nil { - return false, err - } - sr := h.effectiveSr(info.Window) - if pos.Y == sr.bottom { - // Scrolling is necessary. Let Windows automatically scroll if the scrolling region - // is the full window. - if sr.top == info.Window.Top && sr.bottom == info.Window.Bottom { - if includeCR { - pos.X = 0 - h.updatePos(pos) - } - return false, nil - } - - // A custom scroll region is active. Scroll the window manually to simulate - // the LF. - if err := h.Flush(); err != nil { - return false, err - } - h.logf("Simulating LF inside scroll region") - if err := h.scrollUp(1); err != nil { - return false, err - } - if includeCR { - pos.X = 0 - if err := SetConsoleCursorPosition(h.fd, pos); err != nil { - return false, err - } - } - return true, nil - - } else if pos.Y < info.Window.Bottom { - // Let Windows handle the LF. - pos.Y++ - if includeCR { - pos.X = 0 - } - h.updatePos(pos) - return false, nil - } else { - // The cursor is at the bottom of the screen but outside the scroll - // region. Skip the LF. - h.logf("Simulating LF outside scroll region") - if includeCR { - if err := h.Flush(); err != nil { - return false, err - } - pos.X = 0 - if err := SetConsoleCursorPosition(h.fd, pos); err != nil { - return false, err - } - } - return true, nil - } -} - -// executeLF executes a LF without a CR. -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) executeLF() error { - handled, err := h.simulateLF(false) - if err != nil { - return err - } - if !handled { - // Windows LF will reset the cursor column position. Write the LF - // and restore the cursor position. - pos, _, err := h.getCurrentInfo() - if err != nil { - return err - } - h.buffer.WriteByte(ansiterm.ANSI_LINE_FEED) - if pos.X != 0 { - if err := h.Flush(); err != nil { - return err - } - h.logf("Resetting cursor position for LF without CR") - if err := SetConsoleCursorPosition(h.fd, pos); err != nil { - return err - } - } - } - return nil -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) Print(b byte) error { - if h.wrapNext { - h.buffer.WriteByte(h.marginByte) - h.clearWrap() - if _, err := h.simulateLF(true); err != nil { - return err - } - } - pos, info, err := h.getCurrentInfo() - if err != nil { - return err - } - if pos.X == info.Size.X-1 { - h.wrapNext = true - h.marginByte = b - } else { - pos.X++ - h.updatePos(pos) - h.buffer.WriteByte(b) - } - return nil -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) Execute(b byte) error { - switch b { - case ansiterm.ANSI_TAB: - h.logf("Execute(TAB)") - // Move to the next tab stop, but preserve auto-wrap if already set. - if !h.wrapNext { - pos, info, err := h.getCurrentInfo() - if err != nil { - return err - } - pos.X = (pos.X + 8) - pos.X%8 - if pos.X >= info.Size.X { - pos.X = info.Size.X - 1 - } - if err := h.Flush(); err != nil { - return err - } - if err := SetConsoleCursorPosition(h.fd, pos); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil - - case ansiterm.ANSI_BEL: - h.buffer.WriteByte(ansiterm.ANSI_BEL) - return nil - - case ansiterm.ANSI_BACKSPACE: - if h.wrapNext { - if err := h.Flush(); err != nil { - return err - } - h.clearWrap() - } - pos, _, err := h.getCurrentInfo() - if err != nil { - return err - } - if pos.X > 0 { - pos.X-- - h.updatePos(pos) - h.buffer.WriteByte(ansiterm.ANSI_BACKSPACE) - } - return nil - - case ansiterm.ANSI_VERTICAL_TAB, ansiterm.ANSI_FORM_FEED: - // Treat as true LF. - return h.executeLF() - - case ansiterm.ANSI_LINE_FEED: - // Simulate a CR and LF for now since there is no way in go-ansiterm - // to tell if the LF should include CR (and more things break when it's - // missing than when it's incorrectly added). - handled, err := h.simulateLF(true) - if handled || err != nil { - return err - } - return h.buffer.WriteByte(ansiterm.ANSI_LINE_FEED) - - case ansiterm.ANSI_CARRIAGE_RETURN: - if h.wrapNext { - if err := h.Flush(); err != nil { - return err - } - h.clearWrap() - } - pos, _, err := h.getCurrentInfo() - if err != nil { - return err - } - if pos.X != 0 { - pos.X = 0 - h.updatePos(pos) - h.buffer.WriteByte(ansiterm.ANSI_CARRIAGE_RETURN) - } - return nil - - default: - return nil - } -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) CUU(param int) error { - if err := h.Flush(); err != nil { - return err - } - h.logf("CUU: [%v]", []string{strconv.Itoa(param)}) - h.clearWrap() - return h.moveCursorVertical(-param) -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) CUD(param int) error { - if err := h.Flush(); err != nil { - return err - } - h.logf("CUD: [%v]", []string{strconv.Itoa(param)}) - h.clearWrap() - return h.moveCursorVertical(param) -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) CUF(param int) error { - if err := h.Flush(); err != nil { - return err - } - h.logf("CUF: [%v]", []string{strconv.Itoa(param)}) - h.clearWrap() - return h.moveCursorHorizontal(param) -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) CUB(param int) error { - if err := h.Flush(); err != nil { - return err - } - h.logf("CUB: [%v]", []string{strconv.Itoa(param)}) - h.clearWrap() - return h.moveCursorHorizontal(-param) -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) CNL(param int) error { - if err := h.Flush(); err != nil { - return err - } - h.logf("CNL: [%v]", []string{strconv.Itoa(param)}) - h.clearWrap() - return h.moveCursorLine(param) -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) CPL(param int) error { - if err := h.Flush(); err != nil { - return err - } - h.logf("CPL: [%v]", []string{strconv.Itoa(param)}) - h.clearWrap() - return h.moveCursorLine(-param) -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) CHA(param int) error { - if err := h.Flush(); err != nil { - return err - } - h.logf("CHA: [%v]", []string{strconv.Itoa(param)}) - h.clearWrap() - return h.moveCursorColumn(param) -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) VPA(param int) error { - if err := h.Flush(); err != nil { - return err - } - h.logf("VPA: [[%d]]", param) - h.clearWrap() - info, err := GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h.fd) - if err != nil { - return err - } - window := h.getCursorWindow(info) - position := info.CursorPosition - position.Y = window.Top + int16(param) - 1 - return h.setCursorPosition(position, window) -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) CUP(row int, col int) error { - if err := h.Flush(); err != nil { - return err - } - h.logf("CUP: [[%d %d]]", row, col) - h.clearWrap() - info, err := GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h.fd) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - window := h.getCursorWindow(info) - position := COORD{window.Left + int16(col) - 1, window.Top + int16(row) - 1} - return h.setCursorPosition(position, window) -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) HVP(row int, col int) error { - if err := h.Flush(); err != nil { - return err - } - h.logf("HVP: [[%d %d]]", row, col) - h.clearWrap() - return h.CUP(row, col) -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) DECTCEM(visible bool) error { - if err := h.Flush(); err != nil { - return err - } - h.logf("DECTCEM: [%v]", []string{strconv.FormatBool(visible)}) - h.clearWrap() - return nil -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) DECOM(enable bool) error { - if err := h.Flush(); err != nil { - return err - } - h.logf("DECOM: [%v]", []string{strconv.FormatBool(enable)}) - h.clearWrap() - h.originMode = enable - return h.CUP(1, 1) -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) DECCOLM(use132 bool) error { - if err := h.Flush(); err != nil { - return err - } - h.logf("DECCOLM: [%v]", []string{strconv.FormatBool(use132)}) - h.clearWrap() - if err := h.ED(2); err != nil { - return err - } - info, err := GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h.fd) - if err != nil { - return err - } - targetWidth := int16(80) - if use132 { - targetWidth = 132 - } - if info.Size.X < targetWidth { - if err := SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(h.fd, COORD{targetWidth, info.Size.Y}); err != nil { - h.logf("set buffer failed: %v", err) - return err - } - } - window := info.Window - window.Left = 0 - window.Right = targetWidth - 1 - if err := SetConsoleWindowInfo(h.fd, true, window); err != nil { - h.logf("set window failed: %v", err) - return err - } - if info.Size.X > targetWidth { - if err := SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(h.fd, COORD{targetWidth, info.Size.Y}); err != nil { - h.logf("set buffer failed: %v", err) - return err - } - } - return SetConsoleCursorPosition(h.fd, COORD{0, 0}) -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) ED(param int) error { - if err := h.Flush(); err != nil { - return err - } - h.logf("ED: [%v]", []string{strconv.Itoa(param)}) - h.clearWrap() - - // [J -- Erases from the cursor to the end of the screen, including the cursor position. - // [1J -- Erases from the beginning of the screen to the cursor, including the cursor position. - // [2J -- Erases the complete display. The cursor does not move. - // Notes: - // -- Clearing the entire buffer, versus just the Window, works best for Windows Consoles - - info, err := GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h.fd) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - var start COORD - var end COORD - - switch param { - case 0: - start = info.CursorPosition - end = COORD{info.Size.X - 1, info.Size.Y - 1} - - case 1: - start = COORD{0, 0} - end = info.CursorPosition - - case 2: - start = COORD{0, 0} - end = COORD{info.Size.X - 1, info.Size.Y - 1} - } - - err = h.clearRange(h.attributes, start, end) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - // If the whole buffer was cleared, move the window to the top while preserving - // the window-relative cursor position. - if param == 2 { - pos := info.CursorPosition - window := info.Window - pos.Y -= window.Top - window.Bottom -= window.Top - window.Top = 0 - if err := SetConsoleCursorPosition(h.fd, pos); err != nil { - return err - } - if err := SetConsoleWindowInfo(h.fd, true, window); err != nil { - return err - } - } - - return nil -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) EL(param int) error { - if err := h.Flush(); err != nil { - return err - } - h.logf("EL: [%v]", strconv.Itoa(param)) - h.clearWrap() - - // [K -- Erases from the cursor to the end of the line, including the cursor position. - // [1K -- Erases from the beginning of the line to the cursor, including the cursor position. - // [2K -- Erases the complete line. - - info, err := GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h.fd) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - var start COORD - var end COORD - - switch param { - case 0: - start = info.CursorPosition - end = COORD{info.Size.X, info.CursorPosition.Y} - - case 1: - start = COORD{0, info.CursorPosition.Y} - end = info.CursorPosition - - case 2: - start = COORD{0, info.CursorPosition.Y} - end = COORD{info.Size.X, info.CursorPosition.Y} - } - - err = h.clearRange(h.attributes, start, end) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - return nil -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) IL(param int) error { - if err := h.Flush(); err != nil { - return err - } - h.logf("IL: [%v]", strconv.Itoa(param)) - h.clearWrap() - return h.insertLines(param) -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) DL(param int) error { - if err := h.Flush(); err != nil { - return err - } - h.logf("DL: [%v]", strconv.Itoa(param)) - h.clearWrap() - return h.deleteLines(param) -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) ICH(param int) error { - if err := h.Flush(); err != nil { - return err - } - h.logf("ICH: [%v]", strconv.Itoa(param)) - h.clearWrap() - return h.insertCharacters(param) -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) DCH(param int) error { - if err := h.Flush(); err != nil { - return err - } - h.logf("DCH: [%v]", strconv.Itoa(param)) - h.clearWrap() - return h.deleteCharacters(param) -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) SGR(params []int) error { - if err := h.Flush(); err != nil { - return err - } - strings := []string{} - for _, v := range params { - strings = append(strings, strconv.Itoa(v)) - } - - h.logf("SGR: [%v]", strings) - - if len(params) <= 0 { - h.attributes = h.infoReset.Attributes - h.inverted = false - } else { - for _, attr := range params { - - if attr == ansiterm.ANSI_SGR_RESET { - h.attributes = h.infoReset.Attributes - h.inverted = false - continue - } - - h.attributes, h.inverted = collectAnsiIntoWindowsAttributes(h.attributes, h.inverted, h.infoReset.Attributes, int16(attr)) - } - } - - attributes := h.attributes - if h.inverted { - attributes = invertAttributes(attributes) - } - err := SetConsoleTextAttribute(h.fd, attributes) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - return nil -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) SU(param int) error { - if err := h.Flush(); err != nil { - return err - } - h.logf("SU: [%v]", []string{strconv.Itoa(param)}) - h.clearWrap() - return h.scrollUp(param) -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) SD(param int) error { - if err := h.Flush(); err != nil { - return err - } - h.logf("SD: [%v]", []string{strconv.Itoa(param)}) - h.clearWrap() - return h.scrollDown(param) -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) DA(params []string) error { - h.logf("DA: [%v]", params) - // DA cannot be implemented because it must send data on the VT100 input stream, - // which is not available to go-ansiterm. - return nil -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) DECSTBM(top int, bottom int) error { - if err := h.Flush(); err != nil { - return err - } - h.logf("DECSTBM: [%d, %d]", top, bottom) - - // Windows is 0 indexed, Linux is 1 indexed - h.sr.top = int16(top - 1) - h.sr.bottom = int16(bottom - 1) - - // This command also moves the cursor to the origin. - h.clearWrap() - return h.CUP(1, 1) -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) RI() error { - if err := h.Flush(); err != nil { - return err - } - h.logf("RI: []") - h.clearWrap() - - info, err := GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h.fd) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - sr := h.effectiveSr(info.Window) - if info.CursorPosition.Y == sr.top { - return h.scrollDown(1) - } - - return h.moveCursorVertical(-1) -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) IND() error { - h.logf("IND: []") - return h.executeLF() -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) Flush() error { - h.curInfo = nil - if h.buffer.Len() > 0 { - h.logf("Flush: [%s]", h.buffer.Bytes()) - if _, err := h.buffer.WriteTo(h.file); err != nil { - return err - } - } - - if h.wrapNext && !h.drewMarginByte { - h.logf("Flush: drawing margin byte '%c'", h.marginByte) - - info, err := GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h.fd) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - charInfo := []CHAR_INFO{{UnicodeChar: uint16(h.marginByte), Attributes: info.Attributes}} - size := COORD{1, 1} - position := COORD{0, 0} - region := SMALL_RECT{Left: info.CursorPosition.X, Top: info.CursorPosition.Y, Right: info.CursorPosition.X, Bottom: info.CursorPosition.Y} - if err := WriteConsoleOutput(h.fd, charInfo, size, position, ®ion); err != nil { - return err - } - h.drewMarginByte = true - } - return nil -} - -// cacheConsoleInfo ensures that the current console screen information has been queried -// since the last call to Flush(). It must be called before accessing h.curInfo or h.curPos. -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) getCurrentInfo() (COORD, *CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO, error) { - if h.curInfo == nil { - info, err := GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h.fd) - if err != nil { - return COORD{}, nil, err - } - h.curInfo = info - h.curPos = info.CursorPosition - } - return h.curPos, h.curInfo, nil -} - -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) updatePos(pos COORD) { - if h.curInfo == nil { - panic("failed to call getCurrentInfo before calling updatePos") - } - h.curPos = pos -} - -// clearWrap clears the state where the cursor is in the margin -// waiting for the next character before wrapping the line. This must -// be done before most operations that act on the cursor. -func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) clearWrap() { - h.wrapNext = false - h.drewMarginByte = false -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-errors/errors/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/go-errors/errors/.travis.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 77a6bccf..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-errors/errors/.travis.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -language: go - -go: - - "1.8.x" - - "1.10.x" - - "1.13.x" - - "1.14.x" - - "1.16.x" diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-errors/errors/LICENSE.MIT b/vendor/github.com/go-errors/errors/LICENSE.MIT deleted file mode 100644 index c9a5b2ee..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-errors/errors/LICENSE.MIT +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -Copyright (c) 2015 Conrad Irwin - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-errors/errors/README.md b/vendor/github.com/go-errors/errors/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3d785259..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-errors/errors/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ -go-errors/errors -================ - -[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/go-errors/errors.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/go-errors/errors) - -Package errors adds stacktrace support to errors in go. - -This is particularly useful when you want to understand the state of execution -when an error was returned unexpectedly. - -It provides the type \*Error which implements the standard golang error -interface, so you can use this library interchangably with code that is -expecting a normal error return. - -Usage ------ - -Full documentation is available on -[godoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/go-errors/errors), but here's a simple -example: - -```go -package crashy - -import "github.com/go-errors/errors" - -var Crashed = errors.Errorf("oh dear") - -func Crash() error { - return errors.New(Crashed) -} -``` - -This can be called as follows: - -```go -package main - -import ( - "crashy" - "fmt" - "github.com/go-errors/errors" -) - -func main() { - err := crashy.Crash() - if err != nil { - if errors.Is(err, crashy.Crashed) { - fmt.Println(err.(*errors.Error).ErrorStack()) - } else { - panic(err) - } - } -} -``` - -Meta-fu -------- - -This package was original written to allow reporting to -[Bugsnag](https://bugsnag.com/) from -[bugsnag-go](https://github.com/bugsnag/bugsnag-go), but after I found similar -packages by Facebook and Dropbox, it was moved to one canonical location so -everyone can benefit. - -This package is licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE.MIT for details. - - -## Changelog -* v1.1.0 updated to use go1.13's standard-library errors.Is method instead of == in errors.Is -* v1.2.0 added `errors.As` from the standard library. -* v1.3.0 *BREAKING* updated error methods to return `error` instead of `*Error`. -> Code that needs access to the underlying `*Error` can use the new errors.AsError(e) -> ``` -> // before -> errors.New(err).ErrorStack() -> // after ->. errors.AsError(errors.Wrap(err)).ErrorStack() -> ``` -* v1.4.0 *BREAKING* v1.4.0 reverted all changes from v1.3.0 and is identical to v1.2.0 -* v1.4.1 no code change, but now without an unnecessary cover.out file. -* v1.4.2 performance improvement to ErrorStack() to avoid unnecessary work https://github.com/go-errors/errors/pull/40 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-errors/errors/error.go b/vendor/github.com/go-errors/errors/error.go deleted file mode 100644 index ccbc2e42..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-errors/errors/error.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,209 +0,0 @@ -// Package errors provides errors that have stack-traces. -// -// This is particularly useful when you want to understand the -// state of execution when an error was returned unexpectedly. -// -// It provides the type *Error which implements the standard -// golang error interface, so you can use this library interchangably -// with code that is expecting a normal error return. -// -// For example: -// -// package crashy -// -// import "github.com/go-errors/errors" -// -// var Crashed = errors.Errorf("oh dear") -// -// func Crash() error { -// return errors.New(Crashed) -// } -// -// This can be called as follows: -// -// package main -// -// import ( -// "crashy" -// "fmt" -// "github.com/go-errors/errors" -// ) -// -// func main() { -// err := crashy.Crash() -// if err != nil { -// if errors.Is(err, crashy.Crashed) { -// fmt.Println(err.(*errors.Error).ErrorStack()) -// } else { -// panic(err) -// } -// } -// } -// -// This package was original written to allow reporting to Bugsnag, -// but after I found similar packages by Facebook and Dropbox, it -// was moved to one canonical location so everyone can benefit. -package errors - -import ( - "bytes" - "fmt" - "reflect" - "runtime" -) - -// The maximum number of stackframes on any error. -var MaxStackDepth = 50 - -// Error is an error with an attached stacktrace. It can be used -// wherever the builtin error interface is expected. -type Error struct { - Err error - stack []uintptr - frames []StackFrame - prefix string -} - -// New makes an Error from the given value. If that value is already an -// error then it will be used directly, if not, it will be passed to -// fmt.Errorf("%v"). The stacktrace will point to the line of code that -// called New. -func New(e interface{}) *Error { - var err error - - switch e := e.(type) { - case error: - err = e - default: - err = fmt.Errorf("%v", e) - } - - stack := make([]uintptr, MaxStackDepth) - length := runtime.Callers(2, stack[:]) - return &Error{ - Err: err, - stack: stack[:length], - } -} - -// Wrap makes an Error from the given value. If that value is already an -// error then it will be used directly, if not, it will be passed to -// fmt.Errorf("%v"). The skip parameter indicates how far up the stack -// to start the stacktrace. 0 is from the current call, 1 from its caller, etc. -func Wrap(e interface{}, skip int) *Error { - if e == nil { - return nil - } - - var err error - - switch e := e.(type) { - case *Error: - return e - case error: - err = e - default: - err = fmt.Errorf("%v", e) - } - - stack := make([]uintptr, MaxStackDepth) - length := runtime.Callers(2+skip, stack[:]) - return &Error{ - Err: err, - stack: stack[:length], - } -} - -// WrapPrefix makes an Error from the given value. If that value is already an -// error then it will be used directly, if not, it will be passed to -// fmt.Errorf("%v"). The prefix parameter is used to add a prefix to the -// error message when calling Error(). The skip parameter indicates how far -// up the stack to start the stacktrace. 0 is from the current call, -// 1 from its caller, etc. -func WrapPrefix(e interface{}, prefix string, skip int) *Error { - if e == nil { - return nil - } - - err := Wrap(e, 1+skip) - - if err.prefix != "" { - prefix = fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", prefix, err.prefix) - } - - return &Error{ - Err: err.Err, - stack: err.stack, - prefix: prefix, - } - -} - -// Errorf creates a new error with the given message. You can use it -// as a drop-in replacement for fmt.Errorf() to provide descriptive -// errors in return values. -func Errorf(format string, a ...interface{}) *Error { - return Wrap(fmt.Errorf(format, a...), 1) -} - -// Error returns the underlying error's message. -func (err *Error) Error() string { - - msg := err.Err.Error() - if err.prefix != "" { - msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", err.prefix, msg) - } - - return msg -} - -// Stack returns the callstack formatted the same way that go does -// in runtime/debug.Stack() -func (err *Error) Stack() []byte { - buf := bytes.Buffer{} - - for _, frame := range err.StackFrames() { - buf.WriteString(frame.String()) - } - - return buf.Bytes() -} - -// Callers satisfies the bugsnag ErrorWithCallerS() interface -// so that the stack can be read out. -func (err *Error) Callers() []uintptr { - return err.stack -} - -// ErrorStack returns a string that contains both the -// error message and the callstack. -func (err *Error) ErrorStack() string { - return err.TypeName() + " " + err.Error() + "\n" + string(err.Stack()) -} - -// StackFrames returns an array of frames containing information about the -// stack. -func (err *Error) StackFrames() []StackFrame { - if err.frames == nil { - err.frames = make([]StackFrame, len(err.stack)) - - for i, pc := range err.stack { - err.frames[i] = NewStackFrame(pc) - } - } - - return err.frames -} - -// TypeName returns the type this error. e.g. *errors.stringError. -func (err *Error) TypeName() string { - if _, ok := err.Err.(uncaughtPanic); ok { - return "panic" - } - return reflect.TypeOf(err.Err).String() -} - -// Return the wrapped error (implements api for As function). -func (err *Error) Unwrap() error { - return err.Err -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-errors/errors/error_1_13.go b/vendor/github.com/go-errors/errors/error_1_13.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0af2fc80..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-errors/errors/error_1_13.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ -// +build go1.13 - -package errors - -import ( - baseErrors "errors" -) - -// find error in any wrapped error -func As(err error, target interface{}) bool { - return baseErrors.As(err, target) -} - -// Is detects whether the error is equal to a given error. Errors -// are considered equal by this function if they are matched by errors.Is -// or if their contained errors are matched through errors.Is -func Is(e error, original error) bool { - if baseErrors.Is(e, original) { - return true - } - - if e, ok := e.(*Error); ok { - return Is(e.Err, original) - } - - if original, ok := original.(*Error); ok { - return Is(e, original.Err) - } - - return false -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-errors/errors/error_backward.go b/vendor/github.com/go-errors/errors/error_backward.go deleted file mode 100644 index 80b0695e..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-errors/errors/error_backward.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -// +build !go1.13 - -package errors - -import ( - "reflect" -) - -type unwrapper interface { - Unwrap() error -} - -// As assigns error or any wrapped error to the value target points -// to. If there is no value of the target type of target As returns -// false. -func As(err error, target interface{}) bool { - targetType := reflect.TypeOf(target) - - for { - errType := reflect.TypeOf(err) - - if errType == nil { - return false - } - - if reflect.PtrTo(errType) == targetType { - reflect.ValueOf(target).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(err)) - return true - } - - wrapped, ok := err.(unwrapper) - if ok { - err = wrapped.Unwrap() - } else { - return false - } - } -} - -// Is detects whether the error is equal to a given error. Errors -// are considered equal by this function if they are the same object, -// or if they both contain the same error inside an errors.Error. -func Is(e error, original error) bool { - if e == original { - return true - } - - if e, ok := e.(*Error); ok { - return Is(e.Err, original) - } - - if original, ok := original.(*Error); ok { - return Is(e, original.Err) - } - - return false -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go b/vendor/github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go deleted file mode 100644 index cc37052d..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,127 +0,0 @@ -package errors - -import ( - "strconv" - "strings" -) - -type uncaughtPanic struct{ message string } - -func (p uncaughtPanic) Error() string { - return p.message -} - -// ParsePanic allows you to get an error object from the output of a go program -// that panicked. This is particularly useful with https://github.com/mitchellh/panicwrap. -func ParsePanic(text string) (*Error, error) { - lines := strings.Split(text, "\n") - - state := "start" - - var message string - var stack []StackFrame - - for i := 0; i < len(lines); i++ { - line := lines[i] - - if state == "start" { - if strings.HasPrefix(line, "panic: ") { - message = strings.TrimPrefix(line, "panic: ") - state = "seek" - } else { - return nil, Errorf("bugsnag.panicParser: Invalid line (no prefix): %s", line) - } - - } else if state == "seek" { - if strings.HasPrefix(line, "goroutine ") && strings.HasSuffix(line, "[running]:") { - state = "parsing" - } - - } else if state == "parsing" { - if line == "" { - state = "done" - break - } - createdBy := false - if strings.HasPrefix(line, "created by ") { - line = strings.TrimPrefix(line, "created by ") - createdBy = true - } - - i++ - - if i >= len(lines) { - return nil, Errorf("bugsnag.panicParser: Invalid line (unpaired): %s", line) - } - - frame, err := parsePanicFrame(line, lines[i], createdBy) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - stack = append(stack, *frame) - if createdBy { - state = "done" - break - } - } - } - - if state == "done" || state == "parsing" { - return &Error{Err: uncaughtPanic{message}, frames: stack}, nil - } - return nil, Errorf("could not parse panic: %v", text) -} - -// The lines we're passing look like this: -// -// main.(*foo).destruct(0xc208067e98) -// /0/go/src/github.com/bugsnag/bugsnag-go/pan/main.go:22 +0x151 -func parsePanicFrame(name string, line string, createdBy bool) (*StackFrame, error) { - idx := strings.LastIndex(name, "(") - if idx == -1 && !createdBy { - return nil, Errorf("bugsnag.panicParser: Invalid line (no call): %s", name) - } - if idx != -1 { - name = name[:idx] - } - pkg := "" - - if lastslash := strings.LastIndex(name, "/"); lastslash >= 0 { - pkg += name[:lastslash] + "/" - name = name[lastslash+1:] - } - if period := strings.Index(name, "."); period >= 0 { - pkg += name[:period] - name = name[period+1:] - } - - name = strings.Replace(name, "·", ".", -1) - - if !strings.HasPrefix(line, "\t") { - return nil, Errorf("bugsnag.panicParser: Invalid line (no tab): %s", line) - } - - idx = strings.LastIndex(line, ":") - if idx == -1 { - return nil, Errorf("bugsnag.panicParser: Invalid line (no line number): %s", line) - } - file := line[1:idx] - - number := line[idx+1:] - if idx = strings.Index(number, " +"); idx > -1 { - number = number[:idx] - } - - lno, err := strconv.ParseInt(number, 10, 32) - if err != nil { - return nil, Errorf("bugsnag.panicParser: Invalid line (bad line number): %s", line) - } - - return &StackFrame{ - File: file, - LineNumber: int(lno), - Package: pkg, - Name: name, - }, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-errors/errors/stackframe.go b/vendor/github.com/go-errors/errors/stackframe.go deleted file mode 100644 index ef4a8b3f..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-errors/errors/stackframe.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,122 +0,0 @@ -package errors - -import ( - "bufio" - "bytes" - "fmt" - "os" - "runtime" - "strings" -) - -// A StackFrame contains all necessary information about to generate a line -// in a callstack. -type StackFrame struct { - // The path to the file containing this ProgramCounter - File string - // The LineNumber in that file - LineNumber int - // The Name of the function that contains this ProgramCounter - Name string - // The Package that contains this function - Package string - // The underlying ProgramCounter - ProgramCounter uintptr -} - -// NewStackFrame popoulates a stack frame object from the program counter. -func NewStackFrame(pc uintptr) (frame StackFrame) { - - frame = StackFrame{ProgramCounter: pc} - if frame.Func() == nil { - return - } - frame.Package, frame.Name = packageAndName(frame.Func()) - - // pc -1 because the program counters we use are usually return addresses, - // and we want to show the line that corresponds to the function call - frame.File, frame.LineNumber = frame.Func().FileLine(pc - 1) - return - -} - -// Func returns the function that contained this frame. -func (frame *StackFrame) Func() *runtime.Func { - if frame.ProgramCounter == 0 { - return nil - } - return runtime.FuncForPC(frame.ProgramCounter) -} - -// String returns the stackframe formatted in the same way as go does -// in runtime/debug.Stack() -func (frame *StackFrame) String() string { - str := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d (0x%x)\n", frame.File, frame.LineNumber, frame.ProgramCounter) - - source, err := frame.sourceLine() - if err != nil { - return str - } - - return str + fmt.Sprintf("\t%s: %s\n", frame.Name, source) -} - -// SourceLine gets the line of code (from File and Line) of the original source if possible. -func (frame *StackFrame) SourceLine() (string, error) { - source, err := frame.sourceLine() - if err != nil { - return source, New(err) - } - return source, err -} - -func (frame *StackFrame) sourceLine() (string, error) { - if frame.LineNumber <= 0 { - return "???", nil - } - - file, err := os.Open(frame.File) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - defer file.Close() - - scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file) - currentLine := 1 - for scanner.Scan() { - if currentLine == frame.LineNumber { - return string(bytes.Trim(scanner.Bytes(), " \t")), nil - } - currentLine++ - } - if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil { - return "", err - } - - return "???", nil -} - -func packageAndName(fn *runtime.Func) (string, string) { - name := fn.Name() - pkg := "" - - // The name includes the path name to the package, which is unnecessary - // since the file name is already included. Plus, it has center dots. - // That is, we see - // runtime/debug.*T·ptrmethod - // and want - // *T.ptrmethod - // Since the package path might contains dots (e.g. code.google.com/...), - // we first remove the path prefix if there is one. - if lastslash := strings.LastIndex(name, "/"); lastslash >= 0 { - pkg += name[:lastslash] + "/" - name = name[lastslash+1:] - } - if period := strings.Index(name, "."); period >= 0 { - pkg += name[:period] - name = name[period+1:] - } - - name = strings.Replace(name, "·", ".", -1) - return pkg, name -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/btree/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/google/btree/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index d6456956..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/google/btree/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,202 +0,0 @@ - - Apache License - Version 2.0, January 2004 - http://www.apache.org/licenses/ - - TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION - - 1. Definitions. - - "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, - and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. - - "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by - the copyright owner that is granting the License. - - "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all - other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common - control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, - "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the - direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or - otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the - outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. - - "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity - exercising permissions granted by this License. - - "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, - including but not limited to software source code, documentation - source, and configuration files. - - "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical - transformation or translation of a Source form, including but - not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, - and conversions to other media types. - - "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or - Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a - copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work - (an example is provided in the Appendix below). - - "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object - form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the - editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications - represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes - of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain - separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, - the Work and Derivative Works thereof. - - "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including - the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions - to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally - submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner - or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of - the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" - means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent - to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to - communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, - and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the - Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but - excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise - designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." - - "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity - on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and - subsequently incorporated within the Work. - - 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of - this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, - worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable - copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, - publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the - Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. - - 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of - this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, - worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable - (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, - use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, - where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable - by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their - Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) - with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You - institute patent litigation against any entity (including a - cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work - or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct - or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses - granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate - as of the date such litigation is filed. - - 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the - Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without - modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You - meet the following conditions: - - (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or - Derivative Works a copy of this License; and - - (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices - stating that You changed the files; and - - (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works - that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and - attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, - excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of - the Derivative Works; and - - (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its - distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must - include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained - within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not - pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one - of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed - as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or - documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, - within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and - wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents - of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and - do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution - notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside - or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided - that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed - as modifying the License. - - You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and - may provide additional or different license terms and conditions - for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or - for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, - reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with - the conditions stated in this License. - - 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, - any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work - by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of - this License, without any additional terms or conditions. - Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify - the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed - with Licensor regarding such Contributions. - - 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade - names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, - except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the - origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. - - 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or - agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each - Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or - implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions - of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A - PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the - appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any - risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. - - 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, - whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, - unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly - negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be - liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, - incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a - result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the - Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, - work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all - other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor - has been advised of the possibility of such damages. - - 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing - the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, - and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, - or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this - License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only - on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf - of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, - defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability - incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason - of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. - - END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS - - APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work. - - To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following - boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" - replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include - the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate - comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a - file or class name and description of purpose be included on the - same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier - identification within third-party archives. - - Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] - - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/btree/README.md b/vendor/github.com/google/btree/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index eab5dbf7..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/google/btree/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -# BTree implementation for Go - -This package provides an in-memory B-Tree implementation for Go, useful as -an ordered, mutable data structure. - -The API is based off of the wonderful -http://godoc.org/github.com/petar/GoLLRB/llrb, and is meant to allow btree to -act as a drop-in replacement for gollrb trees. - -See http://godoc.org/github.com/google/btree for documentation. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/btree/btree.go b/vendor/github.com/google/btree/btree.go deleted file mode 100644 index 969b910d..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/google/btree/btree.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,893 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. - -//go:build !go1.18 -// +build !go1.18 - -// Package btree implements in-memory B-Trees of arbitrary degree. -// -// btree implements an in-memory B-Tree for use as an ordered data structure. -// It is not meant for persistent storage solutions. -// -// It has a flatter structure than an equivalent red-black or other binary tree, -// which in some cases yields better memory usage and/or performance. -// See some discussion on the matter here: -// http://google-opensource.blogspot.com/2013/01/c-containers-that-save-memory-and-time.html -// Note, though, that this project is in no way related to the C++ B-Tree -// implementation written about there. -// -// Within this tree, each node contains a slice of items and a (possibly nil) -// slice of children. For basic numeric values or raw structs, this can cause -// efficiency differences when compared to equivalent C++ template code that -// stores values in arrays within the node: -// * Due to the overhead of storing values as interfaces (each -// value needs to be stored as the value itself, then 2 words for the -// interface pointing to that value and its type), resulting in higher -// memory use. -// * Since interfaces can point to values anywhere in memory, values are -// most likely not stored in contiguous blocks, resulting in a higher -// number of cache misses. -// These issues don't tend to matter, though, when working with strings or other -// heap-allocated structures, since C++-equivalent structures also must store -// pointers and also distribute their values across the heap. -// -// This implementation is designed to be a drop-in replacement to gollrb.LLRB -// trees, (http://github.com/petar/gollrb), an excellent and probably the most -// widely used ordered tree implementation in the Go ecosystem currently. -// Its functions, therefore, exactly mirror those of -// llrb.LLRB where possible. Unlike gollrb, though, we currently don't -// support storing multiple equivalent values. -package btree - -import ( - "fmt" - "io" - "sort" - "strings" - "sync" -) - -// Item represents a single object in the tree. -type Item interface { - // Less tests whether the current item is less than the given argument. - // - // This must provide a strict weak ordering. - // If !a.Less(b) && !b.Less(a), we treat this to mean a == b (i.e. we can only - // hold one of either a or b in the tree). - Less(than Item) bool -} - -const ( - DefaultFreeListSize = 32 -) - -var ( - nilItems = make(items, 16) - nilChildren = make(children, 16) -) - -// FreeList represents a free list of btree nodes. By default each -// BTree has its own FreeList, but multiple BTrees can share the same -// FreeList. -// Two Btrees using the same freelist are safe for concurrent write access. -type FreeList struct { - mu sync.Mutex - freelist []*node -} - -// NewFreeList creates a new free list. -// size is the maximum size of the returned free list. -func NewFreeList(size int) *FreeList { - return &FreeList{freelist: make([]*node, 0, size)} -} - -func (f *FreeList) newNode() (n *node) { - f.mu.Lock() - index := len(f.freelist) - 1 - if index < 0 { - f.mu.Unlock() - return new(node) - } - n = f.freelist[index] - f.freelist[index] = nil - f.freelist = f.freelist[:index] - f.mu.Unlock() - return -} - -// freeNode adds the given node to the list, returning true if it was added -// and false if it was discarded. -func (f *FreeList) freeNode(n *node) (out bool) { - f.mu.Lock() - if len(f.freelist) < cap(f.freelist) { - f.freelist = append(f.freelist, n) - out = true - } - f.mu.Unlock() - return -} - -// ItemIterator allows callers of Ascend* to iterate in-order over portions of -// the tree. When this function returns false, iteration will stop and the -// associated Ascend* function will immediately return. -type ItemIterator func(i Item) bool - -// New creates a new B-Tree with the given degree. -// -// New(2), for example, will create a 2-3-4 tree (each node contains 1-3 items -// and 2-4 children). -func New(degree int) *BTree { - return NewWithFreeList(degree, NewFreeList(DefaultFreeListSize)) -} - -// NewWithFreeList creates a new B-Tree that uses the given node free list. -func NewWithFreeList(degree int, f *FreeList) *BTree { - if degree <= 1 { - panic("bad degree") - } - return &BTree{ - degree: degree, - cow: ©OnWriteContext{freelist: f}, - } -} - -// items stores items in a node. -type items []Item - -// insertAt inserts a value into the given index, pushing all subsequent values -// forward. -func (s *items) insertAt(index int, item Item) { - *s = append(*s, nil) - if index < len(*s) { - copy((*s)[index+1:], (*s)[index:]) - } - (*s)[index] = item -} - -// removeAt removes a value at a given index, pulling all subsequent values -// back. -func (s *items) removeAt(index int) Item { - item := (*s)[index] - copy((*s)[index:], (*s)[index+1:]) - (*s)[len(*s)-1] = nil - *s = (*s)[:len(*s)-1] - return item -} - -// pop removes and returns the last element in the list. -func (s *items) pop() (out Item) { - index := len(*s) - 1 - out = (*s)[index] - (*s)[index] = nil - *s = (*s)[:index] - return -} - -// truncate truncates this instance at index so that it contains only the -// first index items. index must be less than or equal to length. -func (s *items) truncate(index int) { - var toClear items - *s, toClear = (*s)[:index], (*s)[index:] - for len(toClear) > 0 { - toClear = toClear[copy(toClear, nilItems):] - } -} - -// find returns the index where the given item should be inserted into this -// list. 'found' is true if the item already exists in the list at the given -// index. -func (s items) find(item Item) (index int, found bool) { - i := sort.Search(len(s), func(i int) bool { - return item.Less(s[i]) - }) - if i > 0 && !s[i-1].Less(item) { - return i - 1, true - } - return i, false -} - -// children stores child nodes in a node. -type children []*node - -// insertAt inserts a value into the given index, pushing all subsequent values -// forward. -func (s *children) insertAt(index int, n *node) { - *s = append(*s, nil) - if index < len(*s) { - copy((*s)[index+1:], (*s)[index:]) - } - (*s)[index] = n -} - -// removeAt removes a value at a given index, pulling all subsequent values -// back. -func (s *children) removeAt(index int) *node { - n := (*s)[index] - copy((*s)[index:], (*s)[index+1:]) - (*s)[len(*s)-1] = nil - *s = (*s)[:len(*s)-1] - return n -} - -// pop removes and returns the last element in the list. -func (s *children) pop() (out *node) { - index := len(*s) - 1 - out = (*s)[index] - (*s)[index] = nil - *s = (*s)[:index] - return -} - -// truncate truncates this instance at index so that it contains only the -// first index children. index must be less than or equal to length. -func (s *children) truncate(index int) { - var toClear children - *s, toClear = (*s)[:index], (*s)[index:] - for len(toClear) > 0 { - toClear = toClear[copy(toClear, nilChildren):] - } -} - -// node is an internal node in a tree. -// -// It must at all times maintain the invariant that either -// * len(children) == 0, len(items) unconstrained -// * len(children) == len(items) + 1 -type node struct { - items items - children children - cow *copyOnWriteContext -} - -func (n *node) mutableFor(cow *copyOnWriteContext) *node { - if n.cow == cow { - return n - } - out := cow.newNode() - if cap(out.items) >= len(n.items) { - out.items = out.items[:len(n.items)] - } else { - out.items = make(items, len(n.items), cap(n.items)) - } - copy(out.items, n.items) - // Copy children - if cap(out.children) >= len(n.children) { - out.children = out.children[:len(n.children)] - } else { - out.children = make(children, len(n.children), cap(n.children)) - } - copy(out.children, n.children) - return out -} - -func (n *node) mutableChild(i int) *node { - c := n.children[i].mutableFor(n.cow) - n.children[i] = c - return c -} - -// split splits the given node at the given index. The current node shrinks, -// and this function returns the item that existed at that index and a new node -// containing all items/children after it. -func (n *node) split(i int) (Item, *node) { - item := n.items[i] - next := n.cow.newNode() - next.items = append(next.items, n.items[i+1:]...) - n.items.truncate(i) - if len(n.children) > 0 { - next.children = append(next.children, n.children[i+1:]...) - n.children.truncate(i + 1) - } - return item, next -} - -// maybeSplitChild checks if a child should be split, and if so splits it. -// Returns whether or not a split occurred. -func (n *node) maybeSplitChild(i, maxItems int) bool { - if len(n.children[i].items) < maxItems { - return false - } - first := n.mutableChild(i) - item, second := first.split(maxItems / 2) - n.items.insertAt(i, item) - n.children.insertAt(i+1, second) - return true -} - -// insert inserts an item into the subtree rooted at this node, making sure -// no nodes in the subtree exceed maxItems items. Should an equivalent item be -// be found/replaced by insert, it will be returned. -func (n *node) insert(item Item, maxItems int) Item { - i, found := n.items.find(item) - if found { - out := n.items[i] - n.items[i] = item - return out - } - if len(n.children) == 0 { - n.items.insertAt(i, item) - return nil - } - if n.maybeSplitChild(i, maxItems) { - inTree := n.items[i] - switch { - case item.Less(inTree): - // no change, we want first split node - case inTree.Less(item): - i++ // we want second split node - default: - out := n.items[i] - n.items[i] = item - return out - } - } - return n.mutableChild(i).insert(item, maxItems) -} - -// get finds the given key in the subtree and returns it. -func (n *node) get(key Item) Item { - i, found := n.items.find(key) - if found { - return n.items[i] - } else if len(n.children) > 0 { - return n.children[i].get(key) - } - return nil -} - -// min returns the first item in the subtree. -func min(n *node) Item { - if n == nil { - return nil - } - for len(n.children) > 0 { - n = n.children[0] - } - if len(n.items) == 0 { - return nil - } - return n.items[0] -} - -// max returns the last item in the subtree. -func max(n *node) Item { - if n == nil { - return nil - } - for len(n.children) > 0 { - n = n.children[len(n.children)-1] - } - if len(n.items) == 0 { - return nil - } - return n.items[len(n.items)-1] -} - -// toRemove details what item to remove in a node.remove call. -type toRemove int - -const ( - removeItem toRemove = iota // removes the given item - removeMin // removes smallest item in the subtree - removeMax // removes largest item in the subtree -) - -// remove removes an item from the subtree rooted at this node. -func (n *node) remove(item Item, minItems int, typ toRemove) Item { - var i int - var found bool - switch typ { - case removeMax: - if len(n.children) == 0 { - return n.items.pop() - } - i = len(n.items) - case removeMin: - if len(n.children) == 0 { - return n.items.removeAt(0) - } - i = 0 - case removeItem: - i, found = n.items.find(item) - if len(n.children) == 0 { - if found { - return n.items.removeAt(i) - } - return nil - } - default: - panic("invalid type") - } - // If we get to here, we have children. - if len(n.children[i].items) <= minItems { - return n.growChildAndRemove(i, item, minItems, typ) - } - child := n.mutableChild(i) - // Either we had enough items to begin with, or we've done some - // merging/stealing, because we've got enough now and we're ready to return - // stuff. - if found { - // The item exists at index 'i', and the child we've selected can give us a - // predecessor, since if we've gotten here it's got > minItems items in it. - out := n.items[i] - // We use our special-case 'remove' call with typ=maxItem to pull the - // predecessor of item i (the rightmost leaf of our immediate left child) - // and set it into where we pulled the item from. - n.items[i] = child.remove(nil, minItems, removeMax) - return out - } - // Final recursive call. Once we're here, we know that the item isn't in this - // node and that the child is big enough to remove from. - return child.remove(item, minItems, typ) -} - -// growChildAndRemove grows child 'i' to make sure it's possible to remove an -// item from it while keeping it at minItems, then calls remove to actually -// remove it. -// -// Most documentation says we have to do two sets of special casing: -// 1) item is in this node -// 2) item is in child -// In both cases, we need to handle the two subcases: -// A) node has enough values that it can spare one -// B) node doesn't have enough values -// For the latter, we have to check: -// a) left sibling has node to spare -// b) right sibling has node to spare -// c) we must merge -// To simplify our code here, we handle cases #1 and #2 the same: -// If a node doesn't have enough items, we make sure it does (using a,b,c). -// We then simply redo our remove call, and the second time (regardless of -// whether we're in case 1 or 2), we'll have enough items and can guarantee -// that we hit case A. -func (n *node) growChildAndRemove(i int, item Item, minItems int, typ toRemove) Item { - if i > 0 && len(n.children[i-1].items) > minItems { - // Steal from left child - child := n.mutableChild(i) - stealFrom := n.mutableChild(i - 1) - stolenItem := stealFrom.items.pop() - child.items.insertAt(0, n.items[i-1]) - n.items[i-1] = stolenItem - if len(stealFrom.children) > 0 { - child.children.insertAt(0, stealFrom.children.pop()) - } - } else if i < len(n.items) && len(n.children[i+1].items) > minItems { - // steal from right child - child := n.mutableChild(i) - stealFrom := n.mutableChild(i + 1) - stolenItem := stealFrom.items.removeAt(0) - child.items = append(child.items, n.items[i]) - n.items[i] = stolenItem - if len(stealFrom.children) > 0 { - child.children = append(child.children, stealFrom.children.removeAt(0)) - } - } else { - if i >= len(n.items) { - i-- - } - child := n.mutableChild(i) - // merge with right child - mergeItem := n.items.removeAt(i) - mergeChild := n.children.removeAt(i + 1) - child.items = append(child.items, mergeItem) - child.items = append(child.items, mergeChild.items...) - child.children = append(child.children, mergeChild.children...) - n.cow.freeNode(mergeChild) - } - return n.remove(item, minItems, typ) -} - -type direction int - -const ( - descend = direction(-1) - ascend = direction(+1) -) - -// iterate provides a simple method for iterating over elements in the tree. -// -// When ascending, the 'start' should be less than 'stop' and when descending, -// the 'start' should be greater than 'stop'. Setting 'includeStart' to true -// will force the iterator to include the first item when it equals 'start', -// thus creating a "greaterOrEqual" or "lessThanEqual" rather than just a -// "greaterThan" or "lessThan" queries. -func (n *node) iterate(dir direction, start, stop Item, includeStart bool, hit bool, iter ItemIterator) (bool, bool) { - var ok, found bool - var index int - switch dir { - case ascend: - if start != nil { - index, _ = n.items.find(start) - } - for i := index; i < len(n.items); i++ { - if len(n.children) > 0 { - if hit, ok = n.children[i].iterate(dir, start, stop, includeStart, hit, iter); !ok { - return hit, false - } - } - if !includeStart && !hit && start != nil && !start.Less(n.items[i]) { - hit = true - continue - } - hit = true - if stop != nil && !n.items[i].Less(stop) { - return hit, false - } - if !iter(n.items[i]) { - return hit, false - } - } - if len(n.children) > 0 { - if hit, ok = n.children[len(n.children)-1].iterate(dir, start, stop, includeStart, hit, iter); !ok { - return hit, false - } - } - case descend: - if start != nil { - index, found = n.items.find(start) - if !found { - index = index - 1 - } - } else { - index = len(n.items) - 1 - } - for i := index; i >= 0; i-- { - if start != nil && !n.items[i].Less(start) { - if !includeStart || hit || start.Less(n.items[i]) { - continue - } - } - if len(n.children) > 0 { - if hit, ok = n.children[i+1].iterate(dir, start, stop, includeStart, hit, iter); !ok { - return hit, false - } - } - if stop != nil && !stop.Less(n.items[i]) { - return hit, false // continue - } - hit = true - if !iter(n.items[i]) { - return hit, false - } - } - if len(n.children) > 0 { - if hit, ok = n.children[0].iterate(dir, start, stop, includeStart, hit, iter); !ok { - return hit, false - } - } - } - return hit, true -} - -// Used for testing/debugging purposes. -func (n *node) print(w io.Writer, level int) { - fmt.Fprintf(w, "%sNODE:%v\n", strings.Repeat(" ", level), n.items) - for _, c := range n.children { - c.print(w, level+1) - } -} - -// BTree is an implementation of a B-Tree. -// -// BTree stores Item instances in an ordered structure, allowing easy insertion, -// removal, and iteration. -// -// Write operations are not safe for concurrent mutation by multiple -// goroutines, but Read operations are. -type BTree struct { - degree int - length int - root *node - cow *copyOnWriteContext -} - -// copyOnWriteContext pointers determine node ownership... a tree with a write -// context equivalent to a node's write context is allowed to modify that node. -// A tree whose write context does not match a node's is not allowed to modify -// it, and must create a new, writable copy (IE: it's a Clone). -// -// When doing any write operation, we maintain the invariant that the current -// node's context is equal to the context of the tree that requested the write. -// We do this by, before we descend into any node, creating a copy with the -// correct context if the contexts don't match. -// -// Since the node we're currently visiting on any write has the requesting -// tree's context, that node is modifiable in place. Children of that node may -// not share context, but before we descend into them, we'll make a mutable -// copy. -type copyOnWriteContext struct { - freelist *FreeList -} - -// Clone clones the btree, lazily. Clone should not be called concurrently, -// but the original tree (t) and the new tree (t2) can be used concurrently -// once the Clone call completes. -// -// The internal tree structure of b is marked read-only and shared between t and -// t2. Writes to both t and t2 use copy-on-write logic, creating new nodes -// whenever one of b's original nodes would have been modified. Read operations -// should have no performance degredation. Write operations for both t and t2 -// will initially experience minor slow-downs caused by additional allocs and -// copies due to the aforementioned copy-on-write logic, but should converge to -// the original performance characteristics of the original tree. -func (t *BTree) Clone() (t2 *BTree) { - // Create two entirely new copy-on-write contexts. - // This operation effectively creates three trees: - // the original, shared nodes (old b.cow) - // the new b.cow nodes - // the new out.cow nodes - cow1, cow2 := *t.cow, *t.cow - out := *t - t.cow = &cow1 - out.cow = &cow2 - return &out -} - -// maxItems returns the max number of items to allow per node. -func (t *BTree) maxItems() int { - return t.degree*2 - 1 -} - -// minItems returns the min number of items to allow per node (ignored for the -// root node). -func (t *BTree) minItems() int { - return t.degree - 1 -} - -func (c *copyOnWriteContext) newNode() (n *node) { - n = c.freelist.newNode() - n.cow = c - return -} - -type freeType int - -const ( - ftFreelistFull freeType = iota // node was freed (available for GC, not stored in freelist) - ftStored // node was stored in the freelist for later use - ftNotOwned // node was ignored by COW, since it's owned by another one -) - -// freeNode frees a node within a given COW context, if it's owned by that -// context. It returns what happened to the node (see freeType const -// documentation). -func (c *copyOnWriteContext) freeNode(n *node) freeType { - if n.cow == c { - // clear to allow GC - n.items.truncate(0) - n.children.truncate(0) - n.cow = nil - if c.freelist.freeNode(n) { - return ftStored - } else { - return ftFreelistFull - } - } else { - return ftNotOwned - } -} - -// ReplaceOrInsert adds the given item to the tree. If an item in the tree -// already equals the given one, it is removed from the tree and returned. -// Otherwise, nil is returned. -// -// nil cannot be added to the tree (will panic). -func (t *BTree) ReplaceOrInsert(item Item) Item { - if item == nil { - panic("nil item being added to BTree") - } - if t.root == nil { - t.root = t.cow.newNode() - t.root.items = append(t.root.items, item) - t.length++ - return nil - } else { - t.root = t.root.mutableFor(t.cow) - if len(t.root.items) >= t.maxItems() { - item2, second := t.root.split(t.maxItems() / 2) - oldroot := t.root - t.root = t.cow.newNode() - t.root.items = append(t.root.items, item2) - t.root.children = append(t.root.children, oldroot, second) - } - } - out := t.root.insert(item, t.maxItems()) - if out == nil { - t.length++ - } - return out -} - -// Delete removes an item equal to the passed in item from the tree, returning -// it. If no such item exists, returns nil. -func (t *BTree) Delete(item Item) Item { - return t.deleteItem(item, removeItem) -} - -// DeleteMin removes the smallest item in the tree and returns it. -// If no such item exists, returns nil. -func (t *BTree) DeleteMin() Item { - return t.deleteItem(nil, removeMin) -} - -// DeleteMax removes the largest item in the tree and returns it. -// If no such item exists, returns nil. -func (t *BTree) DeleteMax() Item { - return t.deleteItem(nil, removeMax) -} - -func (t *BTree) deleteItem(item Item, typ toRemove) Item { - if t.root == nil || len(t.root.items) == 0 { - return nil - } - t.root = t.root.mutableFor(t.cow) - out := t.root.remove(item, t.minItems(), typ) - if len(t.root.items) == 0 && len(t.root.children) > 0 { - oldroot := t.root - t.root = t.root.children[0] - t.cow.freeNode(oldroot) - } - if out != nil { - t.length-- - } - return out -} - -// AscendRange calls the iterator for every value in the tree within the range -// [greaterOrEqual, lessThan), until iterator returns false. -func (t *BTree) AscendRange(greaterOrEqual, lessThan Item, iterator ItemIterator) { - if t.root == nil { - return - } - t.root.iterate(ascend, greaterOrEqual, lessThan, true, false, iterator) -} - -// AscendLessThan calls the iterator for every value in the tree within the range -// [first, pivot), until iterator returns false. -func (t *BTree) AscendLessThan(pivot Item, iterator ItemIterator) { - if t.root == nil { - return - } - t.root.iterate(ascend, nil, pivot, false, false, iterator) -} - -// AscendGreaterOrEqual calls the iterator for every value in the tree within -// the range [pivot, last], until iterator returns false. -func (t *BTree) AscendGreaterOrEqual(pivot Item, iterator ItemIterator) { - if t.root == nil { - return - } - t.root.iterate(ascend, pivot, nil, true, false, iterator) -} - -// Ascend calls the iterator for every value in the tree within the range -// [first, last], until iterator returns false. -func (t *BTree) Ascend(iterator ItemIterator) { - if t.root == nil { - return - } - t.root.iterate(ascend, nil, nil, false, false, iterator) -} - -// DescendRange calls the iterator for every value in the tree within the range -// [lessOrEqual, greaterThan), until iterator returns false. -func (t *BTree) DescendRange(lessOrEqual, greaterThan Item, iterator ItemIterator) { - if t.root == nil { - return - } - t.root.iterate(descend, lessOrEqual, greaterThan, true, false, iterator) -} - -// DescendLessOrEqual calls the iterator for every value in the tree within the range -// [pivot, first], until iterator returns false. -func (t *BTree) DescendLessOrEqual(pivot Item, iterator ItemIterator) { - if t.root == nil { - return - } - t.root.iterate(descend, pivot, nil, true, false, iterator) -} - -// DescendGreaterThan calls the iterator for every value in the tree within -// the range [last, pivot), until iterator returns false. -func (t *BTree) DescendGreaterThan(pivot Item, iterator ItemIterator) { - if t.root == nil { - return - } - t.root.iterate(descend, nil, pivot, false, false, iterator) -} - -// Descend calls the iterator for every value in the tree within the range -// [last, first], until iterator returns false. -func (t *BTree) Descend(iterator ItemIterator) { - if t.root == nil { - return - } - t.root.iterate(descend, nil, nil, false, false, iterator) -} - -// Get looks for the key item in the tree, returning it. It returns nil if -// unable to find that item. -func (t *BTree) Get(key Item) Item { - if t.root == nil { - return nil - } - return t.root.get(key) -} - -// Min returns the smallest item in the tree, or nil if the tree is empty. -func (t *BTree) Min() Item { - return min(t.root) -} - -// Max returns the largest item in the tree, or nil if the tree is empty. -func (t *BTree) Max() Item { - return max(t.root) -} - -// Has returns true if the given key is in the tree. -func (t *BTree) Has(key Item) bool { - return t.Get(key) != nil -} - -// Len returns the number of items currently in the tree. -func (t *BTree) Len() int { - return t.length -} - -// Clear removes all items from the btree. If addNodesToFreelist is true, -// t's nodes are added to its freelist as part of this call, until the freelist -// is full. Otherwise, the root node is simply dereferenced and the subtree -// left to Go's normal GC processes. -// -// This can be much faster -// than calling Delete on all elements, because that requires finding/removing -// each element in the tree and updating the tree accordingly. It also is -// somewhat faster than creating a new tree to replace the old one, because -// nodes from the old tree are reclaimed into the freelist for use by the new -// one, instead of being lost to the garbage collector. -// -// This call takes: -// O(1): when addNodesToFreelist is false, this is a single operation. -// O(1): when the freelist is already full, it breaks out immediately -// O(freelist size): when the freelist is empty and the nodes are all owned -// by this tree, nodes are added to the freelist until full. -// O(tree size): when all nodes are owned by another tree, all nodes are -// iterated over looking for nodes to add to the freelist, and due to -// ownership, none are. -func (t *BTree) Clear(addNodesToFreelist bool) { - if t.root != nil && addNodesToFreelist { - t.root.reset(t.cow) - } - t.root, t.length = nil, 0 -} - -// reset returns a subtree to the freelist. It breaks out immediately if the -// freelist is full, since the only benefit of iterating is to fill that -// freelist up. Returns true if parent reset call should continue. -func (n *node) reset(c *copyOnWriteContext) bool { - for _, child := range n.children { - if !child.reset(c) { - return false - } - } - return c.freeNode(n) != ftFreelistFull -} - -// Int implements the Item interface for integers. -type Int int - -// Less returns true if int(a) < int(b). -func (a Int) Less(b Item) bool { - return a < b.(Int) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/btree/btree_generic.go b/vendor/github.com/google/btree/btree_generic.go deleted file mode 100644 index e44a0f48..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/google/btree/btree_generic.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1083 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2014-2022 Google Inc. -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. - -//go:build go1.18 -// +build go1.18 - -// In Go 1.18 and beyond, a BTreeG generic is created, and BTree is a specific -// instantiation of that generic for the Item interface, with a backwards- -// compatible API. Before go1.18, generics are not supported, -// and BTree is just an implementation based around the Item interface. - -// Package btree implements in-memory B-Trees of arbitrary degree. -// -// btree implements an in-memory B-Tree for use as an ordered data structure. -// It is not meant for persistent storage solutions. -// -// It has a flatter structure than an equivalent red-black or other binary tree, -// which in some cases yields better memory usage and/or performance. -// See some discussion on the matter here: -// http://google-opensource.blogspot.com/2013/01/c-containers-that-save-memory-and-time.html -// Note, though, that this project is in no way related to the C++ B-Tree -// implementation written about there. -// -// Within this tree, each node contains a slice of items and a (possibly nil) -// slice of children. For basic numeric values or raw structs, this can cause -// efficiency differences when compared to equivalent C++ template code that -// stores values in arrays within the node: -// * Due to the overhead of storing values as interfaces (each -// value needs to be stored as the value itself, then 2 words for the -// interface pointing to that value and its type), resulting in higher -// memory use. -// * Since interfaces can point to values anywhere in memory, values are -// most likely not stored in contiguous blocks, resulting in a higher -// number of cache misses. -// These issues don't tend to matter, though, when working with strings or other -// heap-allocated structures, since C++-equivalent structures also must store -// pointers and also distribute their values across the heap. -// -// This implementation is designed to be a drop-in replacement to gollrb.LLRB -// trees, (http://github.com/petar/gollrb), an excellent and probably the most -// widely used ordered tree implementation in the Go ecosystem currently. -// Its functions, therefore, exactly mirror those of -// llrb.LLRB where possible. Unlike gollrb, though, we currently don't -// support storing multiple equivalent values. -// -// There are two implementations; those suffixed with 'G' are generics, usable -// for any type, and require a passed-in "less" function to define their ordering. -// Those without this prefix are specific to the 'Item' interface, and use -// its 'Less' function for ordering. -package btree - -import ( - "fmt" - "io" - "sort" - "strings" - "sync" -) - -// Item represents a single object in the tree. -type Item interface { - // Less tests whether the current item is less than the given argument. - // - // This must provide a strict weak ordering. - // If !a.Less(b) && !b.Less(a), we treat this to mean a == b (i.e. we can only - // hold one of either a or b in the tree). - Less(than Item) bool -} - -const ( - DefaultFreeListSize = 32 -) - -// FreeListG represents a free list of btree nodes. By default each -// BTree has its own FreeList, but multiple BTrees can share the same -// FreeList, in particular when they're created with Clone. -// Two Btrees using the same freelist are safe for concurrent write access. -type FreeListG[T any] struct { - mu sync.Mutex - freelist []*node[T] -} - -// NewFreeListG creates a new free list. -// size is the maximum size of the returned free list. -func NewFreeListG[T any](size int) *FreeListG[T] { - return &FreeListG[T]{freelist: make([]*node[T], 0, size)} -} - -func (f *FreeListG[T]) newNode() (n *node[T]) { - f.mu.Lock() - index := len(f.freelist) - 1 - if index < 0 { - f.mu.Unlock() - return new(node[T]) - } - n = f.freelist[index] - f.freelist[index] = nil - f.freelist = f.freelist[:index] - f.mu.Unlock() - return -} - -func (f *FreeListG[T]) freeNode(n *node[T]) (out bool) { - f.mu.Lock() - if len(f.freelist) < cap(f.freelist) { - f.freelist = append(f.freelist, n) - out = true - } - f.mu.Unlock() - return -} - -// ItemIteratorG allows callers of {A/De}scend* to iterate in-order over portions of -// the tree. When this function returns false, iteration will stop and the -// associated Ascend* function will immediately return. -type ItemIteratorG[T any] func(item T) bool - -// Ordered represents the set of types for which the '<' operator work. -type Ordered interface { - ~int | ~int8 | ~int16 | ~int32 | ~int64 | ~uint | ~uint8 | ~uint16 | ~uint32 | ~uint64 | ~float32 | ~float64 | ~string -} - -// Less[T] returns a default LessFunc that uses the '<' operator for types that support it. -func Less[T Ordered]() LessFunc[T] { - return func(a, b T) bool { return a < b } -} - -// NewOrderedG creates a new B-Tree for ordered types. -func NewOrderedG[T Ordered](degree int) *BTreeG[T] { - return NewG[T](degree, Less[T]()) -} - -// NewG creates a new B-Tree with the given degree. -// -// NewG(2), for example, will create a 2-3-4 tree (each node contains 1-3 items -// and 2-4 children). -// -// The passed-in LessFunc determines how objects of type T are ordered. -func NewG[T any](degree int, less LessFunc[T]) *BTreeG[T] { - return NewWithFreeListG(degree, less, NewFreeListG[T](DefaultFreeListSize)) -} - -// NewWithFreeListG creates a new B-Tree that uses the given node free list. -func NewWithFreeListG[T any](degree int, less LessFunc[T], f *FreeListG[T]) *BTreeG[T] { - if degree <= 1 { - panic("bad degree") - } - return &BTreeG[T]{ - degree: degree, - cow: ©OnWriteContext[T]{freelist: f, less: less}, - } -} - -// items stores items in a node. -type items[T any] []T - -// insertAt inserts a value into the given index, pushing all subsequent values -// forward. -func (s *items[T]) insertAt(index int, item T) { - var zero T - *s = append(*s, zero) - if index < len(*s) { - copy((*s)[index+1:], (*s)[index:]) - } - (*s)[index] = item -} - -// removeAt removes a value at a given index, pulling all subsequent values -// back. -func (s *items[T]) removeAt(index int) T { - item := (*s)[index] - copy((*s)[index:], (*s)[index+1:]) - var zero T - (*s)[len(*s)-1] = zero - *s = (*s)[:len(*s)-1] - return item -} - -// pop removes and returns the last element in the list. -func (s *items[T]) pop() (out T) { - index := len(*s) - 1 - out = (*s)[index] - var zero T - (*s)[index] = zero - *s = (*s)[:index] - return -} - -// truncate truncates this instance at index so that it contains only the -// first index items. index must be less than or equal to length. -func (s *items[T]) truncate(index int) { - var toClear items[T] - *s, toClear = (*s)[:index], (*s)[index:] - var zero T - for i := 0; i < len(toClear); i++ { - toClear[i] = zero - } -} - -// find returns the index where the given item should be inserted into this -// list. 'found' is true if the item already exists in the list at the given -// index. -func (s items[T]) find(item T, less func(T, T) bool) (index int, found bool) { - i := sort.Search(len(s), func(i int) bool { - return less(item, s[i]) - }) - if i > 0 && !less(s[i-1], item) { - return i - 1, true - } - return i, false -} - -// node is an internal node in a tree. -// -// It must at all times maintain the invariant that either -// * len(children) == 0, len(items) unconstrained -// * len(children) == len(items) + 1 -type node[T any] struct { - items items[T] - children items[*node[T]] - cow *copyOnWriteContext[T] -} - -func (n *node[T]) mutableFor(cow *copyOnWriteContext[T]) *node[T] { - if n.cow == cow { - return n - } - out := cow.newNode() - if cap(out.items) >= len(n.items) { - out.items = out.items[:len(n.items)] - } else { - out.items = make(items[T], len(n.items), cap(n.items)) - } - copy(out.items, n.items) - // Copy children - if cap(out.children) >= len(n.children) { - out.children = out.children[:len(n.children)] - } else { - out.children = make(items[*node[T]], len(n.children), cap(n.children)) - } - copy(out.children, n.children) - return out -} - -func (n *node[T]) mutableChild(i int) *node[T] { - c := n.children[i].mutableFor(n.cow) - n.children[i] = c - return c -} - -// split splits the given node at the given index. The current node shrinks, -// and this function returns the item that existed at that index and a new node -// containing all items/children after it. -func (n *node[T]) split(i int) (T, *node[T]) { - item := n.items[i] - next := n.cow.newNode() - next.items = append(next.items, n.items[i+1:]...) - n.items.truncate(i) - if len(n.children) > 0 { - next.children = append(next.children, n.children[i+1:]...) - n.children.truncate(i + 1) - } - return item, next -} - -// maybeSplitChild checks if a child should be split, and if so splits it. -// Returns whether or not a split occurred. -func (n *node[T]) maybeSplitChild(i, maxItems int) bool { - if len(n.children[i].items) < maxItems { - return false - } - first := n.mutableChild(i) - item, second := first.split(maxItems / 2) - n.items.insertAt(i, item) - n.children.insertAt(i+1, second) - return true -} - -// insert inserts an item into the subtree rooted at this node, making sure -// no nodes in the subtree exceed maxItems items. Should an equivalent item be -// be found/replaced by insert, it will be returned. -func (n *node[T]) insert(item T, maxItems int) (_ T, _ bool) { - i, found := n.items.find(item, n.cow.less) - if found { - out := n.items[i] - n.items[i] = item - return out, true - } - if len(n.children) == 0 { - n.items.insertAt(i, item) - return - } - if n.maybeSplitChild(i, maxItems) { - inTree := n.items[i] - switch { - case n.cow.less(item, inTree): - // no change, we want first split node - case n.cow.less(inTree, item): - i++ // we want second split node - default: - out := n.items[i] - n.items[i] = item - return out, true - } - } - return n.mutableChild(i).insert(item, maxItems) -} - -// get finds the given key in the subtree and returns it. -func (n *node[T]) get(key T) (_ T, _ bool) { - i, found := n.items.find(key, n.cow.less) - if found { - return n.items[i], true - } else if len(n.children) > 0 { - return n.children[i].get(key) - } - return -} - -// min returns the first item in the subtree. -func min[T any](n *node[T]) (_ T, found bool) { - if n == nil { - return - } - for len(n.children) > 0 { - n = n.children[0] - } - if len(n.items) == 0 { - return - } - return n.items[0], true -} - -// max returns the last item in the subtree. -func max[T any](n *node[T]) (_ T, found bool) { - if n == nil { - return - } - for len(n.children) > 0 { - n = n.children[len(n.children)-1] - } - if len(n.items) == 0 { - return - } - return n.items[len(n.items)-1], true -} - -// toRemove details what item to remove in a node.remove call. -type toRemove int - -const ( - removeItem toRemove = iota // removes the given item - removeMin // removes smallest item in the subtree - removeMax // removes largest item in the subtree -) - -// remove removes an item from the subtree rooted at this node. -func (n *node[T]) remove(item T, minItems int, typ toRemove) (_ T, _ bool) { - var i int - var found bool - switch typ { - case removeMax: - if len(n.children) == 0 { - return n.items.pop(), true - } - i = len(n.items) - case removeMin: - if len(n.children) == 0 { - return n.items.removeAt(0), true - } - i = 0 - case removeItem: - i, found = n.items.find(item, n.cow.less) - if len(n.children) == 0 { - if found { - return n.items.removeAt(i), true - } - return - } - default: - panic("invalid type") - } - // If we get to here, we have children. - if len(n.children[i].items) <= minItems { - return n.growChildAndRemove(i, item, minItems, typ) - } - child := n.mutableChild(i) - // Either we had enough items to begin with, or we've done some - // merging/stealing, because we've got enough now and we're ready to return - // stuff. - if found { - // The item exists at index 'i', and the child we've selected can give us a - // predecessor, since if we've gotten here it's got > minItems items in it. - out := n.items[i] - // We use our special-case 'remove' call with typ=maxItem to pull the - // predecessor of item i (the rightmost leaf of our immediate left child) - // and set it into where we pulled the item from. - var zero T - n.items[i], _ = child.remove(zero, minItems, removeMax) - return out, true - } - // Final recursive call. Once we're here, we know that the item isn't in this - // node and that the child is big enough to remove from. - return child.remove(item, minItems, typ) -} - -// growChildAndRemove grows child 'i' to make sure it's possible to remove an -// item from it while keeping it at minItems, then calls remove to actually -// remove it. -// -// Most documentation says we have to do two sets of special casing: -// 1) item is in this node -// 2) item is in child -// In both cases, we need to handle the two subcases: -// A) node has enough values that it can spare one -// B) node doesn't have enough values -// For the latter, we have to check: -// a) left sibling has node to spare -// b) right sibling has node to spare -// c) we must merge -// To simplify our code here, we handle cases #1 and #2 the same: -// If a node doesn't have enough items, we make sure it does (using a,b,c). -// We then simply redo our remove call, and the second time (regardless of -// whether we're in case 1 or 2), we'll have enough items and can guarantee -// that we hit case A. -func (n *node[T]) growChildAndRemove(i int, item T, minItems int, typ toRemove) (T, bool) { - if i > 0 && len(n.children[i-1].items) > minItems { - // Steal from left child - child := n.mutableChild(i) - stealFrom := n.mutableChild(i - 1) - stolenItem := stealFrom.items.pop() - child.items.insertAt(0, n.items[i-1]) - n.items[i-1] = stolenItem - if len(stealFrom.children) > 0 { - child.children.insertAt(0, stealFrom.children.pop()) - } - } else if i < len(n.items) && len(n.children[i+1].items) > minItems { - // steal from right child - child := n.mutableChild(i) - stealFrom := n.mutableChild(i + 1) - stolenItem := stealFrom.items.removeAt(0) - child.items = append(child.items, n.items[i]) - n.items[i] = stolenItem - if len(stealFrom.children) > 0 { - child.children = append(child.children, stealFrom.children.removeAt(0)) - } - } else { - if i >= len(n.items) { - i-- - } - child := n.mutableChild(i) - // merge with right child - mergeItem := n.items.removeAt(i) - mergeChild := n.children.removeAt(i + 1) - child.items = append(child.items, mergeItem) - child.items = append(child.items, mergeChild.items...) - child.children = append(child.children, mergeChild.children...) - n.cow.freeNode(mergeChild) - } - return n.remove(item, minItems, typ) -} - -type direction int - -const ( - descend = direction(-1) - ascend = direction(+1) -) - -type optionalItem[T any] struct { - item T - valid bool -} - -func optional[T any](item T) optionalItem[T] { - return optionalItem[T]{item: item, valid: true} -} -func empty[T any]() optionalItem[T] { - return optionalItem[T]{} -} - -// iterate provides a simple method for iterating over elements in the tree. -// -// When ascending, the 'start' should be less than 'stop' and when descending, -// the 'start' should be greater than 'stop'. Setting 'includeStart' to true -// will force the iterator to include the first item when it equals 'start', -// thus creating a "greaterOrEqual" or "lessThanEqual" rather than just a -// "greaterThan" or "lessThan" queries. -func (n *node[T]) iterate(dir direction, start, stop optionalItem[T], includeStart bool, hit bool, iter ItemIteratorG[T]) (bool, bool) { - var ok, found bool - var index int - switch dir { - case ascend: - if start.valid { - index, _ = n.items.find(start.item, n.cow.less) - } - for i := index; i < len(n.items); i++ { - if len(n.children) > 0 { - if hit, ok = n.children[i].iterate(dir, start, stop, includeStart, hit, iter); !ok { - return hit, false - } - } - if !includeStart && !hit && start.valid && !n.cow.less(start.item, n.items[i]) { - hit = true - continue - } - hit = true - if stop.valid && !n.cow.less(n.items[i], stop.item) { - return hit, false - } - if !iter(n.items[i]) { - return hit, false - } - } - if len(n.children) > 0 { - if hit, ok = n.children[len(n.children)-1].iterate(dir, start, stop, includeStart, hit, iter); !ok { - return hit, false - } - } - case descend: - if start.valid { - index, found = n.items.find(start.item, n.cow.less) - if !found { - index = index - 1 - } - } else { - index = len(n.items) - 1 - } - for i := index; i >= 0; i-- { - if start.valid && !n.cow.less(n.items[i], start.item) { - if !includeStart || hit || n.cow.less(start.item, n.items[i]) { - continue - } - } - if len(n.children) > 0 { - if hit, ok = n.children[i+1].iterate(dir, start, stop, includeStart, hit, iter); !ok { - return hit, false - } - } - if stop.valid && !n.cow.less(stop.item, n.items[i]) { - return hit, false // continue - } - hit = true - if !iter(n.items[i]) { - return hit, false - } - } - if len(n.children) > 0 { - if hit, ok = n.children[0].iterate(dir, start, stop, includeStart, hit, iter); !ok { - return hit, false - } - } - } - return hit, true -} - -// print is used for testing/debugging purposes. -func (n *node[T]) print(w io.Writer, level int) { - fmt.Fprintf(w, "%sNODE:%v\n", strings.Repeat(" ", level), n.items) - for _, c := range n.children { - c.print(w, level+1) - } -} - -// BTreeG is a generic implementation of a B-Tree. -// -// BTreeG stores items of type T in an ordered structure, allowing easy insertion, -// removal, and iteration. -// -// Write operations are not safe for concurrent mutation by multiple -// goroutines, but Read operations are. -type BTreeG[T any] struct { - degree int - length int - root *node[T] - cow *copyOnWriteContext[T] -} - -// LessFunc[T] determines how to order a type 'T'. It should implement a strict -// ordering, and should return true if within that ordering, 'a' < 'b'. -type LessFunc[T any] func(a, b T) bool - -// copyOnWriteContext pointers determine node ownership... a tree with a write -// context equivalent to a node's write context is allowed to modify that node. -// A tree whose write context does not match a node's is not allowed to modify -// it, and must create a new, writable copy (IE: it's a Clone). -// -// When doing any write operation, we maintain the invariant that the current -// node's context is equal to the context of the tree that requested the write. -// We do this by, before we descend into any node, creating a copy with the -// correct context if the contexts don't match. -// -// Since the node we're currently visiting on any write has the requesting -// tree's context, that node is modifiable in place. Children of that node may -// not share context, but before we descend into them, we'll make a mutable -// copy. -type copyOnWriteContext[T any] struct { - freelist *FreeListG[T] - less LessFunc[T] -} - -// Clone clones the btree, lazily. Clone should not be called concurrently, -// but the original tree (t) and the new tree (t2) can be used concurrently -// once the Clone call completes. -// -// The internal tree structure of b is marked read-only and shared between t and -// t2. Writes to both t and t2 use copy-on-write logic, creating new nodes -// whenever one of b's original nodes would have been modified. Read operations -// should have no performance degredation. Write operations for both t and t2 -// will initially experience minor slow-downs caused by additional allocs and -// copies due to the aforementioned copy-on-write logic, but should converge to -// the original performance characteristics of the original tree. -func (t *BTreeG[T]) Clone() (t2 *BTreeG[T]) { - // Create two entirely new copy-on-write contexts. - // This operation effectively creates three trees: - // the original, shared nodes (old b.cow) - // the new b.cow nodes - // the new out.cow nodes - cow1, cow2 := *t.cow, *t.cow - out := *t - t.cow = &cow1 - out.cow = &cow2 - return &out -} - -// maxItems returns the max number of items to allow per node. -func (t *BTreeG[T]) maxItems() int { - return t.degree*2 - 1 -} - -// minItems returns the min number of items to allow per node (ignored for the -// root node). -func (t *BTreeG[T]) minItems() int { - return t.degree - 1 -} - -func (c *copyOnWriteContext[T]) newNode() (n *node[T]) { - n = c.freelist.newNode() - n.cow = c - return -} - -type freeType int - -const ( - ftFreelistFull freeType = iota // node was freed (available for GC, not stored in freelist) - ftStored // node was stored in the freelist for later use - ftNotOwned // node was ignored by COW, since it's owned by another one -) - -// freeNode frees a node within a given COW context, if it's owned by that -// context. It returns what happened to the node (see freeType const -// documentation). -func (c *copyOnWriteContext[T]) freeNode(n *node[T]) freeType { - if n.cow == c { - // clear to allow GC - n.items.truncate(0) - n.children.truncate(0) - n.cow = nil - if c.freelist.freeNode(n) { - return ftStored - } else { - return ftFreelistFull - } - } else { - return ftNotOwned - } -} - -// ReplaceOrInsert adds the given item to the tree. If an item in the tree -// already equals the given one, it is removed from the tree and returned, -// and the second return value is true. Otherwise, (zeroValue, false) -// -// nil cannot be added to the tree (will panic). -func (t *BTreeG[T]) ReplaceOrInsert(item T) (_ T, _ bool) { - if t.root == nil { - t.root = t.cow.newNode() - t.root.items = append(t.root.items, item) - t.length++ - return - } else { - t.root = t.root.mutableFor(t.cow) - if len(t.root.items) >= t.maxItems() { - item2, second := t.root.split(t.maxItems() / 2) - oldroot := t.root - t.root = t.cow.newNode() - t.root.items = append(t.root.items, item2) - t.root.children = append(t.root.children, oldroot, second) - } - } - out, outb := t.root.insert(item, t.maxItems()) - if !outb { - t.length++ - } - return out, outb -} - -// Delete removes an item equal to the passed in item from the tree, returning -// it. If no such item exists, returns (zeroValue, false). -func (t *BTreeG[T]) Delete(item T) (T, bool) { - return t.deleteItem(item, removeItem) -} - -// DeleteMin removes the smallest item in the tree and returns it. -// If no such item exists, returns (zeroValue, false). -func (t *BTreeG[T]) DeleteMin() (T, bool) { - var zero T - return t.deleteItem(zero, removeMin) -} - -// DeleteMax removes the largest item in the tree and returns it. -// If no such item exists, returns (zeroValue, false). -func (t *BTreeG[T]) DeleteMax() (T, bool) { - var zero T - return t.deleteItem(zero, removeMax) -} - -func (t *BTreeG[T]) deleteItem(item T, typ toRemove) (_ T, _ bool) { - if t.root == nil || len(t.root.items) == 0 { - return - } - t.root = t.root.mutableFor(t.cow) - out, outb := t.root.remove(item, t.minItems(), typ) - if len(t.root.items) == 0 && len(t.root.children) > 0 { - oldroot := t.root - t.root = t.root.children[0] - t.cow.freeNode(oldroot) - } - if outb { - t.length-- - } - return out, outb -} - -// AscendRange calls the iterator for every value in the tree within the range -// [greaterOrEqual, lessThan), until iterator returns false. -func (t *BTreeG[T]) AscendRange(greaterOrEqual, lessThan T, iterator ItemIteratorG[T]) { - if t.root == nil { - return - } - t.root.iterate(ascend, optional[T](greaterOrEqual), optional[T](lessThan), true, false, iterator) -} - -// AscendLessThan calls the iterator for every value in the tree within the range -// [first, pivot), until iterator returns false. -func (t *BTreeG[T]) AscendLessThan(pivot T, iterator ItemIteratorG[T]) { - if t.root == nil { - return - } - t.root.iterate(ascend, empty[T](), optional(pivot), false, false, iterator) -} - -// AscendGreaterOrEqual calls the iterator for every value in the tree within -// the range [pivot, last], until iterator returns false. -func (t *BTreeG[T]) AscendGreaterOrEqual(pivot T, iterator ItemIteratorG[T]) { - if t.root == nil { - return - } - t.root.iterate(ascend, optional[T](pivot), empty[T](), true, false, iterator) -} - -// Ascend calls the iterator for every value in the tree within the range -// [first, last], until iterator returns false. -func (t *BTreeG[T]) Ascend(iterator ItemIteratorG[T]) { - if t.root == nil { - return - } - t.root.iterate(ascend, empty[T](), empty[T](), false, false, iterator) -} - -// DescendRange calls the iterator for every value in the tree within the range -// [lessOrEqual, greaterThan), until iterator returns false. -func (t *BTreeG[T]) DescendRange(lessOrEqual, greaterThan T, iterator ItemIteratorG[T]) { - if t.root == nil { - return - } - t.root.iterate(descend, optional[T](lessOrEqual), optional[T](greaterThan), true, false, iterator) -} - -// DescendLessOrEqual calls the iterator for every value in the tree within the range -// [pivot, first], until iterator returns false. -func (t *BTreeG[T]) DescendLessOrEqual(pivot T, iterator ItemIteratorG[T]) { - if t.root == nil { - return - } - t.root.iterate(descend, optional[T](pivot), empty[T](), true, false, iterator) -} - -// DescendGreaterThan calls the iterator for every value in the tree within -// the range [last, pivot), until iterator returns false. -func (t *BTreeG[T]) DescendGreaterThan(pivot T, iterator ItemIteratorG[T]) { - if t.root == nil { - return - } - t.root.iterate(descend, empty[T](), optional[T](pivot), false, false, iterator) -} - -// Descend calls the iterator for every value in the tree within the range -// [last, first], until iterator returns false. -func (t *BTreeG[T]) Descend(iterator ItemIteratorG[T]) { - if t.root == nil { - return - } - t.root.iterate(descend, empty[T](), empty[T](), false, false, iterator) -} - -// Get looks for the key item in the tree, returning it. It returns -// (zeroValue, false) if unable to find that item. -func (t *BTreeG[T]) Get(key T) (_ T, _ bool) { - if t.root == nil { - return - } - return t.root.get(key) -} - -// Min returns the smallest item in the tree, or (zeroValue, false) if the tree is empty. -func (t *BTreeG[T]) Min() (_ T, _ bool) { - return min(t.root) -} - -// Max returns the largest item in the tree, or (zeroValue, false) if the tree is empty. -func (t *BTreeG[T]) Max() (_ T, _ bool) { - return max(t.root) -} - -// Has returns true if the given key is in the tree. -func (t *BTreeG[T]) Has(key T) bool { - _, ok := t.Get(key) - return ok -} - -// Len returns the number of items currently in the tree. -func (t *BTreeG[T]) Len() int { - return t.length -} - -// Clear removes all items from the btree. If addNodesToFreelist is true, -// t's nodes are added to its freelist as part of this call, until the freelist -// is full. Otherwise, the root node is simply dereferenced and the subtree -// left to Go's normal GC processes. -// -// This can be much faster -// than calling Delete on all elements, because that requires finding/removing -// each element in the tree and updating the tree accordingly. It also is -// somewhat faster than creating a new tree to replace the old one, because -// nodes from the old tree are reclaimed into the freelist for use by the new -// one, instead of being lost to the garbage collector. -// -// This call takes: -// O(1): when addNodesToFreelist is false, this is a single operation. -// O(1): when the freelist is already full, it breaks out immediately -// O(freelist size): when the freelist is empty and the nodes are all owned -// by this tree, nodes are added to the freelist until full. -// O(tree size): when all nodes are owned by another tree, all nodes are -// iterated over looking for nodes to add to the freelist, and due to -// ownership, none are. -func (t *BTreeG[T]) Clear(addNodesToFreelist bool) { - if t.root != nil && addNodesToFreelist { - t.root.reset(t.cow) - } - t.root, t.length = nil, 0 -} - -// reset returns a subtree to the freelist. It breaks out immediately if the -// freelist is full, since the only benefit of iterating is to fill that -// freelist up. Returns true if parent reset call should continue. -func (n *node[T]) reset(c *copyOnWriteContext[T]) bool { - for _, child := range n.children { - if !child.reset(c) { - return false - } - } - return c.freeNode(n) != ftFreelistFull -} - -// Int implements the Item interface for integers. -type Int int - -// Less returns true if int(a) < int(b). -func (a Int) Less(b Item) bool { - return a < b.(Int) -} - -// BTree is an implementation of a B-Tree. -// -// BTree stores Item instances in an ordered structure, allowing easy insertion, -// removal, and iteration. -// -// Write operations are not safe for concurrent mutation by multiple -// goroutines, but Read operations are. -type BTree BTreeG[Item] - -var itemLess LessFunc[Item] = func(a, b Item) bool { - return a.Less(b) -} - -// New creates a new B-Tree with the given degree. -// -// New(2), for example, will create a 2-3-4 tree (each node contains 1-3 items -// and 2-4 children). -func New(degree int) *BTree { - return (*BTree)(NewG[Item](degree, itemLess)) -} - -// FreeList represents a free list of btree nodes. By default each -// BTree has its own FreeList, but multiple BTrees can share the same -// FreeList. -// Two Btrees using the same freelist are safe for concurrent write access. -type FreeList FreeListG[Item] - -// NewFreeList creates a new free list. -// size is the maximum size of the returned free list. -func NewFreeList(size int) *FreeList { - return (*FreeList)(NewFreeListG[Item](size)) -} - -// NewWithFreeList creates a new B-Tree that uses the given node free list. -func NewWithFreeList(degree int, f *FreeList) *BTree { - return (*BTree)(NewWithFreeListG[Item](degree, itemLess, (*FreeListG[Item])(f))) -} - -// ItemIterator allows callers of Ascend* to iterate in-order over portions of -// the tree. When this function returns false, iteration will stop and the -// associated Ascend* function will immediately return. -type ItemIterator ItemIteratorG[Item] - -// Clone clones the btree, lazily. Clone should not be called concurrently, -// but the original tree (t) and the new tree (t2) can be used concurrently -// once the Clone call completes. -// -// The internal tree structure of b is marked read-only and shared between t and -// t2. Writes to both t and t2 use copy-on-write logic, creating new nodes -// whenever one of b's original nodes would have been modified. Read operations -// should have no performance degredation. Write operations for both t and t2 -// will initially experience minor slow-downs caused by additional allocs and -// copies due to the aforementioned copy-on-write logic, but should converge to -// the original performance characteristics of the original tree. -func (t *BTree) Clone() (t2 *BTree) { - return (*BTree)((*BTreeG[Item])(t).Clone()) -} - -// Delete removes an item equal to the passed in item from the tree, returning -// it. If no such item exists, returns nil. -func (t *BTree) Delete(item Item) Item { - i, _ := (*BTreeG[Item])(t).Delete(item) - return i -} - -// DeleteMax removes the largest item in the tree and returns it. -// If no such item exists, returns nil. -func (t *BTree) DeleteMax() Item { - i, _ := (*BTreeG[Item])(t).DeleteMax() - return i -} - -// DeleteMin removes the smallest item in the tree and returns it. -// If no such item exists, returns nil. -func (t *BTree) DeleteMin() Item { - i, _ := (*BTreeG[Item])(t).DeleteMin() - return i -} - -// Get looks for the key item in the tree, returning it. It returns nil if -// unable to find that item. -func (t *BTree) Get(key Item) Item { - i, _ := (*BTreeG[Item])(t).Get(key) - return i -} - -// Max returns the largest item in the tree, or nil if the tree is empty. -func (t *BTree) Max() Item { - i, _ := (*BTreeG[Item])(t).Max() - return i -} - -// Min returns the smallest item in the tree, or nil if the tree is empty. -func (t *BTree) Min() Item { - i, _ := (*BTreeG[Item])(t).Min() - return i -} - -// Has returns true if the given key is in the tree. -func (t *BTree) Has(key Item) bool { - return (*BTreeG[Item])(t).Has(key) -} - -// ReplaceOrInsert adds the given item to the tree. If an item in the tree -// already equals the given one, it is removed from the tree and returned. -// Otherwise, nil is returned. -// -// nil cannot be added to the tree (will panic). -func (t *BTree) ReplaceOrInsert(item Item) Item { - i, _ := (*BTreeG[Item])(t).ReplaceOrInsert(item) - return i -} - -// AscendRange calls the iterator for every value in the tree within the range -// [greaterOrEqual, lessThan), until iterator returns false. -func (t *BTree) AscendRange(greaterOrEqual, lessThan Item, iterator ItemIterator) { - (*BTreeG[Item])(t).AscendRange(greaterOrEqual, lessThan, (ItemIteratorG[Item])(iterator)) -} - -// AscendLessThan calls the iterator for every value in the tree within the range -// [first, pivot), until iterator returns false. -func (t *BTree) AscendLessThan(pivot Item, iterator ItemIterator) { - (*BTreeG[Item])(t).AscendLessThan(pivot, (ItemIteratorG[Item])(iterator)) -} - -// AscendGreaterOrEqual calls the iterator for every value in the tree within -// the range [pivot, last], until iterator returns false. -func (t *BTree) AscendGreaterOrEqual(pivot Item, iterator ItemIterator) { - (*BTreeG[Item])(t).AscendGreaterOrEqual(pivot, (ItemIteratorG[Item])(iterator)) -} - -// Ascend calls the iterator for every value in the tree within the range -// [first, last], until iterator returns false. -func (t *BTree) Ascend(iterator ItemIterator) { - (*BTreeG[Item])(t).Ascend((ItemIteratorG[Item])(iterator)) -} - -// DescendRange calls the iterator for every value in the tree within the range -// [lessOrEqual, greaterThan), until iterator returns false. -func (t *BTree) DescendRange(lessOrEqual, greaterThan Item, iterator ItemIterator) { - (*BTreeG[Item])(t).DescendRange(lessOrEqual, greaterThan, (ItemIteratorG[Item])(iterator)) -} - -// DescendLessOrEqual calls the iterator for every value in the tree within the range -// [pivot, first], until iterator returns false. -func (t *BTree) DescendLessOrEqual(pivot Item, iterator ItemIterator) { - (*BTreeG[Item])(t).DescendLessOrEqual(pivot, (ItemIteratorG[Item])(iterator)) -} - -// DescendGreaterThan calls the iterator for every value in the tree within -// the range [last, pivot), until iterator returns false. -func (t *BTree) DescendGreaterThan(pivot Item, iterator ItemIterator) { - (*BTreeG[Item])(t).DescendGreaterThan(pivot, (ItemIteratorG[Item])(iterator)) -} - -// Descend calls the iterator for every value in the tree within the range -// [last, first], until iterator returns false. -func (t *BTree) Descend(iterator ItemIterator) { - (*BTreeG[Item])(t).Descend((ItemIteratorG[Item])(iterator)) -} - -// Len returns the number of items currently in the tree. -func (t *BTree) Len() int { - return (*BTreeG[Item])(t).Len() -} - -// Clear removes all items from the btree. If addNodesToFreelist is true, -// t's nodes are added to its freelist as part of this call, until the freelist -// is full. Otherwise, the root node is simply dereferenced and the subtree -// left to Go's normal GC processes. -// -// This can be much faster -// than calling Delete on all elements, because that requires finding/removing -// each element in the tree and updating the tree accordingly. It also is -// somewhat faster than creating a new tree to replace the old one, because -// nodes from the old tree are reclaimed into the freelist for use by the new -// one, instead of being lost to the garbage collector. -// -// This call takes: -// O(1): when addNodesToFreelist is false, this is a single operation. -// O(1): when the freelist is already full, it breaks out immediately -// O(freelist size): when the freelist is empty and the nodes are all owned -// by this tree, nodes are added to the freelist until full. -// O(tree size): when all nodes are owned by another tree, all nodes are -// iterated over looking for nodes to add to the freelist, and due to -// ownership, none are. -func (t *BTree) Clear(addNodesToFreelist bool) { - (*BTreeG[Item])(t).Clear(addNodesToFreelist) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/shlex/COPYING b/vendor/github.com/google/shlex/COPYING deleted file mode 100644 index d6456956..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/google/shlex/COPYING +++ /dev/null @@ -1,202 +0,0 @@ - - Apache License - Version 2.0, January 2004 - http://www.apache.org/licenses/ - - TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION - - 1. Definitions. - - "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, - and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. - - "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by - the copyright owner that is granting the License. - - "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all - other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common - control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, - "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the - direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or - otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the - outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. - - "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity - exercising permissions granted by this License. - - "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, - including but not limited to software source code, documentation - source, and configuration files. - - "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical - transformation or translation of a Source form, including but - not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, - and conversions to other media types. - - "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or - Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a - copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work - (an example is provided in the Appendix below). - - "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object - form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the - editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications - represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes - of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain - separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, - the Work and Derivative Works thereof. - - "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including - the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions - to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally - submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner - or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of - the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" - means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent - to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to - communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, - and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the - Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but - excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise - designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." - - "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity - on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and - subsequently incorporated within the Work. - - 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of - this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, - worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable - copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, - publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the - Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. - - 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of - this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, - worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable - (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, - use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, - where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable - by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their - Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) - with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You - institute patent litigation against any entity (including a - cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work - or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct - or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses - granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate - as of the date such litigation is filed. - - 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the - Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without - modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You - meet the following conditions: - - (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or - Derivative Works a copy of this License; and - - (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices - stating that You changed the files; and - - (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works - that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and - attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, - excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of - the Derivative Works; and - - (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its - distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must - include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained - within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not - pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one - of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed - as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or - documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, - within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and - wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents - of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and - do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution - notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside - or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided - that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed - as modifying the License. - - You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and - may provide additional or different license terms and conditions - for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or - for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, - reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with - the conditions stated in this License. - - 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, - any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work - by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of - this License, without any additional terms or conditions. - Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify - the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed - with Licensor regarding such Contributions. - - 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade - names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, - except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the - origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. - - 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or - agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each - Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or - implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions - of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A - PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the - appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any - risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. - - 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, - whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, - unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly - negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be - liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, - incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a - result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the - Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, - work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all - other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor - has been advised of the possibility of such damages. - - 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing - the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, - and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, - or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this - License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only - on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf - of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, - defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability - incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason - of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. - - END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS - - APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work. - - To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following - boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" - replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include - the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate - comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a - file or class name and description of purpose be included on the - same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier - identification within third-party archives. - - Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] - - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/shlex/README b/vendor/github.com/google/shlex/README deleted file mode 100644 index c86bcc06..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/google/shlex/README +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -go-shlex is a simple lexer for go that supports shell-style quoting, -commenting, and escaping. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/shlex/shlex.go b/vendor/github.com/google/shlex/shlex.go deleted file mode 100644 index d98308bc..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/google/shlex/shlex.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,416 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -/* -Package shlex implements a simple lexer which splits input in to tokens using -shell-style rules for quoting and commenting. - -The basic use case uses the default ASCII lexer to split a string into sub-strings: - - shlex.Split("one \"two three\" four") -> []string{"one", "two three", "four"} - -To process a stream of strings: - - l := NewLexer(os.Stdin) - for ; token, err := l.Next(); err != nil { - // process token - } - -To access the raw token stream (which includes tokens for comments): - - t := NewTokenizer(os.Stdin) - for ; token, err := t.Next(); err != nil { - // process token - } - -*/ -package shlex - -import ( - "bufio" - "fmt" - "io" - "strings" -) - -// TokenType is a top-level token classification: A word, space, comment, unknown. -type TokenType int - -// runeTokenClass is the type of a UTF-8 character classification: A quote, space, escape. -type runeTokenClass int - -// the internal state used by the lexer state machine -type lexerState int - -// Token is a (type, value) pair representing a lexographical token. -type Token struct { - tokenType TokenType - value string -} - -// Equal reports whether tokens a, and b, are equal. -// Two tokens are equal if both their types and values are equal. A nil token can -// never be equal to another token. -func (a *Token) Equal(b *Token) bool { - if a == nil || b == nil { - return false - } - if a.tokenType != b.tokenType { - return false - } - return a.value == b.value -} - -// Named classes of UTF-8 runes -const ( - spaceRunes = " \t\r\n" - escapingQuoteRunes = `"` - nonEscapingQuoteRunes = "'" - escapeRunes = `\` - commentRunes = "#" -) - -// Classes of rune token -const ( - unknownRuneClass runeTokenClass = iota - spaceRuneClass - escapingQuoteRuneClass - nonEscapingQuoteRuneClass - escapeRuneClass - commentRuneClass - eofRuneClass -) - -// Classes of lexographic token -const ( - UnknownToken TokenType = iota - WordToken - SpaceToken - CommentToken -) - -// Lexer state machine states -const ( - startState lexerState = iota // no runes have been seen - inWordState // processing regular runes in a word - escapingState // we have just consumed an escape rune; the next rune is literal - escapingQuotedState // we have just consumed an escape rune within a quoted string - quotingEscapingState // we are within a quoted string that supports escaping ("...") - quotingState // we are within a string that does not support escaping ('...') - commentState // we are within a comment (everything following an unquoted or unescaped # -) - -// tokenClassifier is used for classifying rune characters. -type tokenClassifier map[rune]runeTokenClass - -func (typeMap tokenClassifier) addRuneClass(runes string, tokenType runeTokenClass) { - for _, runeChar := range runes { - typeMap[runeChar] = tokenType - } -} - -// newDefaultClassifier creates a new classifier for ASCII characters. -func newDefaultClassifier() tokenClassifier { - t := tokenClassifier{} - t.addRuneClass(spaceRunes, spaceRuneClass) - t.addRuneClass(escapingQuoteRunes, escapingQuoteRuneClass) - t.addRuneClass(nonEscapingQuoteRunes, nonEscapingQuoteRuneClass) - t.addRuneClass(escapeRunes, escapeRuneClass) - t.addRuneClass(commentRunes, commentRuneClass) - return t -} - -// ClassifyRune classifiees a rune -func (t tokenClassifier) ClassifyRune(runeVal rune) runeTokenClass { - return t[runeVal] -} - -// Lexer turns an input stream into a sequence of tokens. Whitespace and comments are skipped. -type Lexer Tokenizer - -// NewLexer creates a new lexer from an input stream. -func NewLexer(r io.Reader) *Lexer { - - return (*Lexer)(NewTokenizer(r)) -} - -// Next returns the next word, or an error. If there are no more words, -// the error will be io.EOF. -func (l *Lexer) Next() (string, error) { - for { - token, err := (*Tokenizer)(l).Next() - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - switch token.tokenType { - case WordToken: - return token.value, nil - case CommentToken: - // skip comments - default: - return "", fmt.Errorf("Unknown token type: %v", token.tokenType) - } - } -} - -// Tokenizer turns an input stream into a sequence of typed tokens -type Tokenizer struct { - input bufio.Reader - classifier tokenClassifier -} - -// NewTokenizer creates a new tokenizer from an input stream. -func NewTokenizer(r io.Reader) *Tokenizer { - input := bufio.NewReader(r) - classifier := newDefaultClassifier() - return &Tokenizer{ - input: *input, - classifier: classifier} -} - -// scanStream scans the stream for the next token using the internal state machine. -// It will panic if it encounters a rune which it does not know how to handle. -func (t *Tokenizer) scanStream() (*Token, error) { - state := startState - var tokenType TokenType - var value []rune - var nextRune rune - var nextRuneType runeTokenClass - var err error - - for { - nextRune, _, err = t.input.ReadRune() - nextRuneType = t.classifier.ClassifyRune(nextRune) - - if err == io.EOF { - nextRuneType = eofRuneClass - err = nil - } else if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - switch state { - case startState: // no runes read yet - { - switch nextRuneType { - case eofRuneClass: - { - return nil, io.EOF - } - case spaceRuneClass: - { - } - case escapingQuoteRuneClass: - { - tokenType = WordToken - state = quotingEscapingState - } - case nonEscapingQuoteRuneClass: - { - tokenType = WordToken - state = quotingState - } - case escapeRuneClass: - { - tokenType = WordToken - state = escapingState - } - case commentRuneClass: - { - tokenType = CommentToken - state = commentState - } - default: - { - tokenType = WordToken - value = append(value, nextRune) - state = inWordState - } - } - } - case inWordState: // in a regular word - { - switch nextRuneType { - case eofRuneClass: - { - token := &Token{ - tokenType: tokenType, - value: string(value)} - return token, err - } - case spaceRuneClass: - { - token := &Token{ - tokenType: tokenType, - value: string(value)} - return token, err - } - case escapingQuoteRuneClass: - { - state = quotingEscapingState - } - case nonEscapingQuoteRuneClass: - { - state = quotingState - } - case escapeRuneClass: - { - state = escapingState - } - default: - { - value = append(value, nextRune) - } - } - } - case escapingState: // the rune after an escape character - { - switch nextRuneType { - case eofRuneClass: - { - err = fmt.Errorf("EOF found after escape character") - token := &Token{ - tokenType: tokenType, - value: string(value)} - return token, err - } - default: - { - state = inWordState - value = append(value, nextRune) - } - } - } - case escapingQuotedState: // the next rune after an escape character, in double quotes - { - switch nextRuneType { - case eofRuneClass: - { - err = fmt.Errorf("EOF found after escape character") - token := &Token{ - tokenType: tokenType, - value: string(value)} - return token, err - } - default: - { - state = quotingEscapingState - value = append(value, nextRune) - } - } - } - case quotingEscapingState: // in escaping double quotes - { - switch nextRuneType { - case eofRuneClass: - { - err = fmt.Errorf("EOF found when expecting closing quote") - token := &Token{ - tokenType: tokenType, - value: string(value)} - return token, err - } - case escapingQuoteRuneClass: - { - state = inWordState - } - case escapeRuneClass: - { - state = escapingQuotedState - } - default: - { - value = append(value, nextRune) - } - } - } - case quotingState: // in non-escaping single quotes - { - switch nextRuneType { - case eofRuneClass: - { - err = fmt.Errorf("EOF found when expecting closing quote") - token := &Token{ - tokenType: tokenType, - value: string(value)} - return token, err - } - case nonEscapingQuoteRuneClass: - { - state = inWordState - } - default: - { - value = append(value, nextRune) - } - } - } - case commentState: // in a comment - { - switch nextRuneType { - case eofRuneClass: - { - token := &Token{ - tokenType: tokenType, - value: string(value)} - return token, err - } - case spaceRuneClass: - { - if nextRune == '\n' { - state = startState - token := &Token{ - tokenType: tokenType, - value: string(value)} - return token, err - } else { - value = append(value, nextRune) - } - } - default: - { - value = append(value, nextRune) - } - } - } - default: - { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unexpected state: %v", state) - } - } - } -} - -// Next returns the next token in the stream. -func (t *Tokenizer) Next() (*Token, error) { - return t.scanStream() -} - -// Split partitions a string into a slice of strings. -func Split(s string) ([]string, error) { - l := NewLexer(strings.NewReader(s)) - subStrings := make([]string, 0) - for { - word, err := l.Next() - if err != nil { - if err == io.EOF { - return subStrings, nil - } - return subStrings, err - } - subStrings = append(subStrings, word) - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gregjones/httpcache/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/gregjones/httpcache/.travis.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 597bc999..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/gregjones/httpcache/.travis.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -sudo: false -language: go -matrix: - allow_failures: - - go: master - fast_finish: true - include: - - go: 1.10.x - - go: 1.11.x - env: GOFMT=1 - - go: master -install: - - # Do nothing. This is needed to prevent default install action "go get -t -v ./..." from happening here (we want it to happen inside script step). -script: - - go get -t -v ./... - - if test -n "${GOFMT}"; then gofmt -w -s . && git diff --exit-code; fi - - go tool vet . - - go test -v -race ./... diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gregjones/httpcache/LICENSE.txt b/vendor/github.com/gregjones/httpcache/LICENSE.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 81316beb..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/gregjones/httpcache/LICENSE.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -Copyright © 2012 Greg Jones (greg.jones@gmail.com) - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Softwareâ€), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS ISâ€, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gregjones/httpcache/README.md b/vendor/github.com/gregjones/httpcache/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index 51e7d23d..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/gregjones/httpcache/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -httpcache -========= - -[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/gregjones/httpcache.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/gregjones/httpcache) [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/gregjones/httpcache?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/gregjones/httpcache) - -Package httpcache provides a http.RoundTripper implementation that works as a mostly [RFC 7234](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7234) compliant cache for http responses. - -It is only suitable for use as a 'private' cache (i.e. for a web-browser or an API-client and not for a shared proxy). - -This project isn't actively maintained; it works for what I, and seemingly others, want to do with it, and I consider it "done". That said, if you find any issues, please open a Pull Request and I will try to review it. Any changes now that change the public API won't be considered. - -Cache Backends --------------- - -- The built-in 'memory' cache stores responses in an in-memory map. -- [`github.com/gregjones/httpcache/diskcache`](https://github.com/gregjones/httpcache/tree/master/diskcache) provides a filesystem-backed cache using the [diskv](https://github.com/peterbourgon/diskv) library. -- [`github.com/gregjones/httpcache/memcache`](https://github.com/gregjones/httpcache/tree/master/memcache) provides memcache implementations, for both App Engine and 'normal' memcache servers. -- [`sourcegraph.com/sourcegraph/s3cache`](https://sourcegraph.com/github.com/sourcegraph/s3cache) uses Amazon S3 for storage. -- [`github.com/gregjones/httpcache/leveldbcache`](https://github.com/gregjones/httpcache/tree/master/leveldbcache) provides a filesystem-backed cache using [leveldb](https://github.com/syndtr/goleveldb/leveldb). -- [`github.com/die-net/lrucache`](https://github.com/die-net/lrucache) provides an in-memory cache that will evict least-recently used entries. -- [`github.com/die-net/lrucache/twotier`](https://github.com/die-net/lrucache/tree/master/twotier) allows caches to be combined, for example to use lrucache above with a persistent disk-cache. -- [`github.com/birkelund/boltdbcache`](https://github.com/birkelund/boltdbcache) provides a BoltDB implementation (based on the [bbolt](https://github.com/coreos/bbolt) fork). - -If you implement any other backend and wish it to be linked here, please send a PR editing this file. - -License -------- - -- [MIT License](LICENSE.txt) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gregjones/httpcache/httpcache.go b/vendor/github.com/gregjones/httpcache/httpcache.go deleted file mode 100644 index b41a63d1..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/gregjones/httpcache/httpcache.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,551 +0,0 @@ -// Package httpcache provides a http.RoundTripper implementation that works as a -// mostly RFC-compliant cache for http responses. -// -// It is only suitable for use as a 'private' cache (i.e. for a web-browser or an API-client -// and not for a shared proxy). -// -package httpcache - -import ( - "bufio" - "bytes" - "errors" - "io" - "io/ioutil" - "net/http" - "net/http/httputil" - "strings" - "sync" - "time" -) - -const ( - stale = iota - fresh - transparent - // XFromCache is the header added to responses that are returned from the cache - XFromCache = "X-From-Cache" -) - -// A Cache interface is used by the Transport to store and retrieve responses. -type Cache interface { - // Get returns the []byte representation of a cached response and a bool - // set to true if the value isn't empty - Get(key string) (responseBytes []byte, ok bool) - // Set stores the []byte representation of a response against a key - Set(key string, responseBytes []byte) - // Delete removes the value associated with the key - Delete(key string) -} - -// cacheKey returns the cache key for req. -func cacheKey(req *http.Request) string { - if req.Method == http.MethodGet { - return req.URL.String() - } else { - return req.Method + " " + req.URL.String() - } -} - -// CachedResponse returns the cached http.Response for req if present, and nil -// otherwise. -func CachedResponse(c Cache, req *http.Request) (resp *http.Response, err error) { - cachedVal, ok := c.Get(cacheKey(req)) - if !ok { - return - } - - b := bytes.NewBuffer(cachedVal) - return http.ReadResponse(bufio.NewReader(b), req) -} - -// MemoryCache is an implemtation of Cache that stores responses in an in-memory map. -type MemoryCache struct { - mu sync.RWMutex - items map[string][]byte -} - -// Get returns the []byte representation of the response and true if present, false if not -func (c *MemoryCache) Get(key string) (resp []byte, ok bool) { - c.mu.RLock() - resp, ok = c.items[key] - c.mu.RUnlock() - return resp, ok -} - -// Set saves response resp to the cache with key -func (c *MemoryCache) Set(key string, resp []byte) { - c.mu.Lock() - c.items[key] = resp - c.mu.Unlock() -} - -// Delete removes key from the cache -func (c *MemoryCache) Delete(key string) { - c.mu.Lock() - delete(c.items, key) - c.mu.Unlock() -} - -// NewMemoryCache returns a new Cache that will store items in an in-memory map -func NewMemoryCache() *MemoryCache { - c := &MemoryCache{items: map[string][]byte{}} - return c -} - -// Transport is an implementation of http.RoundTripper that will return values from a cache -// where possible (avoiding a network request) and will additionally add validators (etag/if-modified-since) -// to repeated requests allowing servers to return 304 / Not Modified -type Transport struct { - // The RoundTripper interface actually used to make requests - // If nil, http.DefaultTransport is used - Transport http.RoundTripper - Cache Cache - // If true, responses returned from the cache will be given an extra header, X-From-Cache - MarkCachedResponses bool -} - -// NewTransport returns a new Transport with the -// provided Cache implementation and MarkCachedResponses set to true -func NewTransport(c Cache) *Transport { - return &Transport{Cache: c, MarkCachedResponses: true} -} - -// Client returns an *http.Client that caches responses. -func (t *Transport) Client() *http.Client { - return &http.Client{Transport: t} -} - -// varyMatches will return false unless all of the cached values for the headers listed in Vary -// match the new request -func varyMatches(cachedResp *http.Response, req *http.Request) bool { - for _, header := range headerAllCommaSepValues(cachedResp.Header, "vary") { - header = http.CanonicalHeaderKey(header) - if header != "" && req.Header.Get(header) != cachedResp.Header.Get("X-Varied-"+header) { - return false - } - } - return true -} - -// RoundTrip takes a Request and returns a Response -// -// If there is a fresh Response already in cache, then it will be returned without connecting to -// the server. -// -// If there is a stale Response, then any validators it contains will be set on the new request -// to give the server a chance to respond with NotModified. If this happens, then the cached Response -// will be returned. -func (t *Transport) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (resp *http.Response, err error) { - cacheKey := cacheKey(req) - cacheable := (req.Method == "GET" || req.Method == "HEAD") && req.Header.Get("range") == "" - var cachedResp *http.Response - if cacheable { - cachedResp, err = CachedResponse(t.Cache, req) - } else { - // Need to invalidate an existing value - t.Cache.Delete(cacheKey) - } - - transport := t.Transport - if transport == nil { - transport = http.DefaultTransport - } - - if cacheable && cachedResp != nil && err == nil { - if t.MarkCachedResponses { - cachedResp.Header.Set(XFromCache, "1") - } - - if varyMatches(cachedResp, req) { - // Can only use cached value if the new request doesn't Vary significantly - freshness := getFreshness(cachedResp.Header, req.Header) - if freshness == fresh { - return cachedResp, nil - } - - if freshness == stale { - var req2 *http.Request - // Add validators if caller hasn't already done so - etag := cachedResp.Header.Get("etag") - if etag != "" && req.Header.Get("etag") == "" { - req2 = cloneRequest(req) - req2.Header.Set("if-none-match", etag) - } - lastModified := cachedResp.Header.Get("last-modified") - if lastModified != "" && req.Header.Get("last-modified") == "" { - if req2 == nil { - req2 = cloneRequest(req) - } - req2.Header.Set("if-modified-since", lastModified) - } - if req2 != nil { - req = req2 - } - } - } - - resp, err = transport.RoundTrip(req) - if err == nil && req.Method == "GET" && resp.StatusCode == http.StatusNotModified { - // Replace the 304 response with the one from cache, but update with some new headers - endToEndHeaders := getEndToEndHeaders(resp.Header) - for _, header := range endToEndHeaders { - cachedResp.Header[header] = resp.Header[header] - } - resp = cachedResp - } else if (err != nil || (cachedResp != nil && resp.StatusCode >= 500)) && - req.Method == "GET" && canStaleOnError(cachedResp.Header, req.Header) { - // In case of transport failure and stale-if-error activated, returns cached content - // when available - return cachedResp, nil - } else { - if err != nil || resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK { - t.Cache.Delete(cacheKey) - } - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - } else { - reqCacheControl := parseCacheControl(req.Header) - if _, ok := reqCacheControl["only-if-cached"]; ok { - resp = newGatewayTimeoutResponse(req) - } else { - resp, err = transport.RoundTrip(req) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - } - - if cacheable && canStore(parseCacheControl(req.Header), parseCacheControl(resp.Header)) { - for _, varyKey := range headerAllCommaSepValues(resp.Header, "vary") { - varyKey = http.CanonicalHeaderKey(varyKey) - fakeHeader := "X-Varied-" + varyKey - reqValue := req.Header.Get(varyKey) - if reqValue != "" { - resp.Header.Set(fakeHeader, reqValue) - } - } - switch req.Method { - case "GET": - // Delay caching until EOF is reached. - resp.Body = &cachingReadCloser{ - R: resp.Body, - OnEOF: func(r io.Reader) { - resp := *resp - resp.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(r) - respBytes, err := httputil.DumpResponse(&resp, true) - if err == nil { - t.Cache.Set(cacheKey, respBytes) - } - }, - } - default: - respBytes, err := httputil.DumpResponse(resp, true) - if err == nil { - t.Cache.Set(cacheKey, respBytes) - } - } - } else { - t.Cache.Delete(cacheKey) - } - return resp, nil -} - -// ErrNoDateHeader indicates that the HTTP headers contained no Date header. -var ErrNoDateHeader = errors.New("no Date header") - -// Date parses and returns the value of the Date header. -func Date(respHeaders http.Header) (date time.Time, err error) { - dateHeader := respHeaders.Get("date") - if dateHeader == "" { - err = ErrNoDateHeader - return - } - - return time.Parse(time.RFC1123, dateHeader) -} - -type realClock struct{} - -func (c *realClock) since(d time.Time) time.Duration { - return time.Since(d) -} - -type timer interface { - since(d time.Time) time.Duration -} - -var clock timer = &realClock{} - -// getFreshness will return one of fresh/stale/transparent based on the cache-control -// values of the request and the response -// -// fresh indicates the response can be returned -// stale indicates that the response needs validating before it is returned -// transparent indicates the response should not be used to fulfil the request -// -// Because this is only a private cache, 'public' and 'private' in cache-control aren't -// signficant. Similarly, smax-age isn't used. -func getFreshness(respHeaders, reqHeaders http.Header) (freshness int) { - respCacheControl := parseCacheControl(respHeaders) - reqCacheControl := parseCacheControl(reqHeaders) - if _, ok := reqCacheControl["no-cache"]; ok { - return transparent - } - if _, ok := respCacheControl["no-cache"]; ok { - return stale - } - if _, ok := reqCacheControl["only-if-cached"]; ok { - return fresh - } - - date, err := Date(respHeaders) - if err != nil { - return stale - } - currentAge := clock.since(date) - - var lifetime time.Duration - var zeroDuration time.Duration - - // If a response includes both an Expires header and a max-age directive, - // the max-age directive overrides the Expires header, even if the Expires header is more restrictive. - if maxAge, ok := respCacheControl["max-age"]; ok { - lifetime, err = time.ParseDuration(maxAge + "s") - if err != nil { - lifetime = zeroDuration - } - } else { - expiresHeader := respHeaders.Get("Expires") - if expiresHeader != "" { - expires, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, expiresHeader) - if err != nil { - lifetime = zeroDuration - } else { - lifetime = expires.Sub(date) - } - } - } - - if maxAge, ok := reqCacheControl["max-age"]; ok { - // the client is willing to accept a response whose age is no greater than the specified time in seconds - lifetime, err = time.ParseDuration(maxAge + "s") - if err != nil { - lifetime = zeroDuration - } - } - if minfresh, ok := reqCacheControl["min-fresh"]; ok { - // the client wants a response that will still be fresh for at least the specified number of seconds. - minfreshDuration, err := time.ParseDuration(minfresh + "s") - if err == nil { - currentAge = time.Duration(currentAge + minfreshDuration) - } - } - - if maxstale, ok := reqCacheControl["max-stale"]; ok { - // Indicates that the client is willing to accept a response that has exceeded its expiration time. - // If max-stale is assigned a value, then the client is willing to accept a response that has exceeded - // its expiration time by no more than the specified number of seconds. - // If no value is assigned to max-stale, then the client is willing to accept a stale response of any age. - // - // Responses served only because of a max-stale value are supposed to have a Warning header added to them, - // but that seems like a hassle, and is it actually useful? If so, then there needs to be a different - // return-value available here. - if maxstale == "" { - return fresh - } - maxstaleDuration, err := time.ParseDuration(maxstale + "s") - if err == nil { - currentAge = time.Duration(currentAge - maxstaleDuration) - } - } - - if lifetime > currentAge { - return fresh - } - - return stale -} - -// Returns true if either the request or the response includes the stale-if-error -// cache control extension: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5861 -func canStaleOnError(respHeaders, reqHeaders http.Header) bool { - respCacheControl := parseCacheControl(respHeaders) - reqCacheControl := parseCacheControl(reqHeaders) - - var err error - lifetime := time.Duration(-1) - - if staleMaxAge, ok := respCacheControl["stale-if-error"]; ok { - if staleMaxAge != "" { - lifetime, err = time.ParseDuration(staleMaxAge + "s") - if err != nil { - return false - } - } else { - return true - } - } - if staleMaxAge, ok := reqCacheControl["stale-if-error"]; ok { - if staleMaxAge != "" { - lifetime, err = time.ParseDuration(staleMaxAge + "s") - if err != nil { - return false - } - } else { - return true - } - } - - if lifetime >= 0 { - date, err := Date(respHeaders) - if err != nil { - return false - } - currentAge := clock.since(date) - if lifetime > currentAge { - return true - } - } - - return false -} - -func getEndToEndHeaders(respHeaders http.Header) []string { - // These headers are always hop-by-hop - hopByHopHeaders := map[string]struct{}{ - "Connection": {}, - "Keep-Alive": {}, - "Proxy-Authenticate": {}, - "Proxy-Authorization": {}, - "Te": {}, - "Trailers": {}, - "Transfer-Encoding": {}, - "Upgrade": {}, - } - - for _, extra := range strings.Split(respHeaders.Get("connection"), ",") { - // any header listed in connection, if present, is also considered hop-by-hop - if strings.Trim(extra, " ") != "" { - hopByHopHeaders[http.CanonicalHeaderKey(extra)] = struct{}{} - } - } - endToEndHeaders := []string{} - for respHeader := range respHeaders { - if _, ok := hopByHopHeaders[respHeader]; !ok { - endToEndHeaders = append(endToEndHeaders, respHeader) - } - } - return endToEndHeaders -} - -func canStore(reqCacheControl, respCacheControl cacheControl) (canStore bool) { - if _, ok := respCacheControl["no-store"]; ok { - return false - } - if _, ok := reqCacheControl["no-store"]; ok { - return false - } - return true -} - -func newGatewayTimeoutResponse(req *http.Request) *http.Response { - var braw bytes.Buffer - braw.WriteString("HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Timeout\r\n\r\n") - resp, err := http.ReadResponse(bufio.NewReader(&braw), req) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return resp -} - -// cloneRequest returns a clone of the provided *http.Request. -// The clone is a shallow copy of the struct and its Header map. -// (This function copyright goauth2 authors: https://code.google.com/p/goauth2) -func cloneRequest(r *http.Request) *http.Request { - // shallow copy of the struct - r2 := new(http.Request) - *r2 = *r - // deep copy of the Header - r2.Header = make(http.Header) - for k, s := range r.Header { - r2.Header[k] = s - } - return r2 -} - -type cacheControl map[string]string - -func parseCacheControl(headers http.Header) cacheControl { - cc := cacheControl{} - ccHeader := headers.Get("Cache-Control") - for _, part := range strings.Split(ccHeader, ",") { - part = strings.Trim(part, " ") - if part == "" { - continue - } - if strings.ContainsRune(part, '=') { - keyval := strings.Split(part, "=") - cc[strings.Trim(keyval[0], " ")] = strings.Trim(keyval[1], ",") - } else { - cc[part] = "" - } - } - return cc -} - -// headerAllCommaSepValues returns all comma-separated values (each -// with whitespace trimmed) for header name in headers. According to -// Section 4.2 of the HTTP/1.1 spec -// (http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec4.html#sec4.2), -// values from multiple occurrences of a header should be concatenated, if -// the header's value is a comma-separated list. -func headerAllCommaSepValues(headers http.Header, name string) []string { - var vals []string - for _, val := range headers[http.CanonicalHeaderKey(name)] { - fields := strings.Split(val, ",") - for i, f := range fields { - fields[i] = strings.TrimSpace(f) - } - vals = append(vals, fields...) - } - return vals -} - -// cachingReadCloser is a wrapper around ReadCloser R that calls OnEOF -// handler with a full copy of the content read from R when EOF is -// reached. -type cachingReadCloser struct { - // Underlying ReadCloser. - R io.ReadCloser - // OnEOF is called with a copy of the content of R when EOF is reached. - OnEOF func(io.Reader) - - buf bytes.Buffer // buf stores a copy of the content of R. -} - -// Read reads the next len(p) bytes from R or until R is drained. The -// return value n is the number of bytes read. If R has no data to -// return, err is io.EOF and OnEOF is called with a full copy of what -// has been read so far. -func (r *cachingReadCloser) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) { - n, err = r.R.Read(p) - r.buf.Write(p[:n]) - if err == io.EOF { - r.OnEOF(bytes.NewReader(r.buf.Bytes())) - } - return n, err -} - -func (r *cachingReadCloser) Close() error { - return r.R.Close() -} - -// NewMemoryCacheTransport returns a new Transport using the in-memory cache implementation -func NewMemoryCacheTransport() *Transport { - c := NewMemoryCache() - t := NewTransport(c) - return t -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/liggitt/tabwriter/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/liggitt/tabwriter/.travis.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 2768dc07..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/liggitt/tabwriter/.travis.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -language: go - -go: - - "1.8" - - "1.9" - - "1.10" - - "1.11" - - "1.12" - - master - -script: go test -v ./... diff --git a/vendor/github.com/liggitt/tabwriter/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/liggitt/tabwriter/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index 6a66aea5..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/liggitt/tabwriter/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -Copyright (c) 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. - -Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -met: - - * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above -copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer -in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -distribution. - * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its -contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -this software without specific prior written permission. - -THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -"AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/liggitt/tabwriter/README.md b/vendor/github.com/liggitt/tabwriter/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index e75d3567..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/liggitt/tabwriter/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -This repo is a drop-in replacement for the golang [text/tabwriter](https://golang.org/pkg/text/tabwriter/) package. - -It is based on that package at [cf2c2ea8](https://github.com/golang/go/tree/cf2c2ea89d09d486bb018b1817c5874388038c3a/src/text/tabwriter) and inherits its license. - -The following additional features are supported: -* `RememberWidths` flag allows remembering maximum widths seen per column even after Flush() is called. -* `RememberedWidths() []int` and `SetRememberedWidths([]int) *Writer` allows obtaining and transferring remembered column width between writers. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/liggitt/tabwriter/tabwriter.go b/vendor/github.com/liggitt/tabwriter/tabwriter.go deleted file mode 100644 index fd3431fb..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/liggitt/tabwriter/tabwriter.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,637 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -// Package tabwriter implements a write filter (tabwriter.Writer) that -// translates tabbed columns in input into properly aligned text. -// -// It is a drop-in replacement for the golang text/tabwriter package (https://golang.org/pkg/text/tabwriter), -// based on that package at https://github.com/golang/go/tree/cf2c2ea89d09d486bb018b1817c5874388038c3a -// with support for additional features. -// -// The package is using the Elastic Tabstops algorithm described at -// http://nickgravgaard.com/elastictabstops/index.html. -package tabwriter - -import ( - "io" - "unicode/utf8" -) - -// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Filter implementation - -// A cell represents a segment of text terminated by tabs or line breaks. -// The text itself is stored in a separate buffer; cell only describes the -// segment's size in bytes, its width in runes, and whether it's an htab -// ('\t') terminated cell. -// -type cell struct { - size int // cell size in bytes - width int // cell width in runes - htab bool // true if the cell is terminated by an htab ('\t') -} - -// A Writer is a filter that inserts padding around tab-delimited -// columns in its input to align them in the output. -// -// The Writer treats incoming bytes as UTF-8-encoded text consisting -// of cells terminated by horizontal ('\t') or vertical ('\v') tabs, -// and newline ('\n') or formfeed ('\f') characters; both newline and -// formfeed act as line breaks. -// -// Tab-terminated cells in contiguous lines constitute a column. The -// Writer inserts padding as needed to make all cells in a column have -// the same width, effectively aligning the columns. It assumes that -// all characters have the same width, except for tabs for which a -// tabwidth must be specified. Column cells must be tab-terminated, not -// tab-separated: non-tab terminated trailing text at the end of a line -// forms a cell but that cell is not part of an aligned column. -// For instance, in this example (where | stands for a horizontal tab): -// -// aaaa|bbb|d -// aa |b |dd -// a | -// aa |cccc|eee -// -// the b and c are in distinct columns (the b column is not contiguous -// all the way). The d and e are not in a column at all (there's no -// terminating tab, nor would the column be contiguous). -// -// The Writer assumes that all Unicode code points have the same width; -// this may not be true in some fonts or if the string contains combining -// characters. -// -// If DiscardEmptyColumns is set, empty columns that are terminated -// entirely by vertical (or "soft") tabs are discarded. Columns -// terminated by horizontal (or "hard") tabs are not affected by -// this flag. -// -// If a Writer is configured to filter HTML, HTML tags and entities -// are passed through. The widths of tags and entities are -// assumed to be zero (tags) and one (entities) for formatting purposes. -// -// A segment of text may be escaped by bracketing it with Escape -// characters. The tabwriter passes escaped text segments through -// unchanged. In particular, it does not interpret any tabs or line -// breaks within the segment. If the StripEscape flag is set, the -// Escape characters are stripped from the output; otherwise they -// are passed through as well. For the purpose of formatting, the -// width of the escaped text is always computed excluding the Escape -// characters. -// -// The formfeed character acts like a newline but it also terminates -// all columns in the current line (effectively calling Flush). Tab- -// terminated cells in the next line start new columns. Unless found -// inside an HTML tag or inside an escaped text segment, formfeed -// characters appear as newlines in the output. -// -// The Writer must buffer input internally, because proper spacing -// of one line may depend on the cells in future lines. Clients must -// call Flush when done calling Write. -// -type Writer struct { - // configuration - output io.Writer - minwidth int - tabwidth int - padding int - padbytes [8]byte - flags uint - - // current state - buf []byte // collected text excluding tabs or line breaks - pos int // buffer position up to which cell.width of incomplete cell has been computed - cell cell // current incomplete cell; cell.width is up to buf[pos] excluding ignored sections - endChar byte // terminating char of escaped sequence (Escape for escapes, '>', ';' for HTML tags/entities, or 0) - lines [][]cell // list of lines; each line is a list of cells - widths []int // list of column widths in runes - re-used during formatting - - maxwidths []int // list of max column widths in runes -} - -// addLine adds a new line. -// flushed is a hint indicating whether the underlying writer was just flushed. -// If so, the previous line is not likely to be a good indicator of the new line's cells. -func (b *Writer) addLine(flushed bool) { - // Grow slice instead of appending, - // as that gives us an opportunity - // to re-use an existing []cell. - if n := len(b.lines) + 1; n <= cap(b.lines) { - b.lines = b.lines[:n] - b.lines[n-1] = b.lines[n-1][:0] - } else { - b.lines = append(b.lines, nil) - } - - if !flushed { - // The previous line is probably a good indicator - // of how many cells the current line will have. - // If the current line's capacity is smaller than that, - // abandon it and make a new one. - if n := len(b.lines); n >= 2 { - if prev := len(b.lines[n-2]); prev > cap(b.lines[n-1]) { - b.lines[n-1] = make([]cell, 0, prev) - } - } - } -} - -// Reset the current state. -func (b *Writer) reset() { - b.buf = b.buf[:0] - b.pos = 0 - b.cell = cell{} - b.endChar = 0 - b.lines = b.lines[0:0] - b.widths = b.widths[0:0] - b.addLine(true) -} - -// Internal representation (current state): -// -// - all text written is appended to buf; tabs and line breaks are stripped away -// - at any given time there is a (possibly empty) incomplete cell at the end -// (the cell starts after a tab or line break) -// - cell.size is the number of bytes belonging to the cell so far -// - cell.width is text width in runes of that cell from the start of the cell to -// position pos; html tags and entities are excluded from this width if html -// filtering is enabled -// - the sizes and widths of processed text are kept in the lines list -// which contains a list of cells for each line -// - the widths list is a temporary list with current widths used during -// formatting; it is kept in Writer because it's re-used -// -// |<---------- size ---------->| -// | | -// |<- width ->|<- ignored ->| | -// | | | | -// [---processed---tab------------......] -// ^ ^ ^ -// | | | -// buf start of incomplete cell pos - -// Formatting can be controlled with these flags. -const ( - // Ignore html tags and treat entities (starting with '&' - // and ending in ';') as single characters (width = 1). - FilterHTML uint = 1 << iota - - // Strip Escape characters bracketing escaped text segments - // instead of passing them through unchanged with the text. - StripEscape - - // Force right-alignment of cell content. - // Default is left-alignment. - AlignRight - - // Handle empty columns as if they were not present in - // the input in the first place. - DiscardEmptyColumns - - // Always use tabs for indentation columns (i.e., padding of - // leading empty cells on the left) independent of padchar. - TabIndent - - // Print a vertical bar ('|') between columns (after formatting). - // Discarded columns appear as zero-width columns ("||"). - Debug - - // Remember maximum widths seen per column even after Flush() is called. - RememberWidths -) - -// A Writer must be initialized with a call to Init. The first parameter (output) -// specifies the filter output. The remaining parameters control the formatting: -// -// minwidth minimal cell width including any padding -// tabwidth width of tab characters (equivalent number of spaces) -// padding padding added to a cell before computing its width -// padchar ASCII char used for padding -// if padchar == '\t', the Writer will assume that the -// width of a '\t' in the formatted output is tabwidth, -// and cells are left-aligned independent of align_left -// (for correct-looking results, tabwidth must correspond -// to the tab width in the viewer displaying the result) -// flags formatting control -// -func (b *Writer) Init(output io.Writer, minwidth, tabwidth, padding int, padchar byte, flags uint) *Writer { - if minwidth < 0 || tabwidth < 0 || padding < 0 { - panic("negative minwidth, tabwidth, or padding") - } - b.output = output - b.minwidth = minwidth - b.tabwidth = tabwidth - b.padding = padding - for i := range b.padbytes { - b.padbytes[i] = padchar - } - if padchar == '\t' { - // tab padding enforces left-alignment - flags &^= AlignRight - } - b.flags = flags - - b.reset() - - return b -} - -// debugging support (keep code around) -func (b *Writer) dump() { - pos := 0 - for i, line := range b.lines { - print("(", i, ") ") - for _, c := range line { - print("[", string(b.buf[pos:pos+c.size]), "]") - pos += c.size - } - print("\n") - } - print("\n") -} - -// local error wrapper so we can distinguish errors we want to return -// as errors from genuine panics (which we don't want to return as errors) -type osError struct { - err error -} - -func (b *Writer) write0(buf []byte) { - n, err := b.output.Write(buf) - if n != len(buf) && err == nil { - err = io.ErrShortWrite - } - if err != nil { - panic(osError{err}) - } -} - -func (b *Writer) writeN(src []byte, n int) { - for n > len(src) { - b.write0(src) - n -= len(src) - } - b.write0(src[0:n]) -} - -var ( - newline = []byte{'\n'} - tabs = []byte("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t") -) - -func (b *Writer) writePadding(textw, cellw int, useTabs bool) { - if b.padbytes[0] == '\t' || useTabs { - // padding is done with tabs - if b.tabwidth == 0 { - return // tabs have no width - can't do any padding - } - // make cellw the smallest multiple of b.tabwidth - cellw = (cellw + b.tabwidth - 1) / b.tabwidth * b.tabwidth - n := cellw - textw // amount of padding - if n < 0 { - panic("internal error") - } - b.writeN(tabs, (n+b.tabwidth-1)/b.tabwidth) - return - } - - // padding is done with non-tab characters - b.writeN(b.padbytes[0:], cellw-textw) -} - -var vbar = []byte{'|'} - -func (b *Writer) writeLines(pos0 int, line0, line1 int) (pos int) { - pos = pos0 - for i := line0; i < line1; i++ { - line := b.lines[i] - - // if TabIndent is set, use tabs to pad leading empty cells - useTabs := b.flags&TabIndent != 0 - - for j, c := range line { - if j > 0 && b.flags&Debug != 0 { - // indicate column break - b.write0(vbar) - } - - if c.size == 0 { - // empty cell - if j < len(b.widths) { - b.writePadding(c.width, b.widths[j], useTabs) - } - } else { - // non-empty cell - useTabs = false - if b.flags&AlignRight == 0 { // align left - b.write0(b.buf[pos : pos+c.size]) - pos += c.size - if j < len(b.widths) { - b.writePadding(c.width, b.widths[j], false) - } - } else { // align right - if j < len(b.widths) { - b.writePadding(c.width, b.widths[j], false) - } - b.write0(b.buf[pos : pos+c.size]) - pos += c.size - } - } - } - - if i+1 == len(b.lines) { - // last buffered line - we don't have a newline, so just write - // any outstanding buffered data - b.write0(b.buf[pos : pos+b.cell.size]) - pos += b.cell.size - } else { - // not the last line - write newline - b.write0(newline) - } - } - return -} - -// Format the text between line0 and line1 (excluding line1); pos -// is the buffer position corresponding to the beginning of line0. -// Returns the buffer position corresponding to the beginning of -// line1 and an error, if any. -// -func (b *Writer) format(pos0 int, line0, line1 int) (pos int) { - pos = pos0 - column := len(b.widths) - for this := line0; this < line1; this++ { - line := b.lines[this] - - if column >= len(line)-1 { - continue - } - // cell exists in this column => this line - // has more cells than the previous line - // (the last cell per line is ignored because cells are - // tab-terminated; the last cell per line describes the - // text before the newline/formfeed and does not belong - // to a column) - - // print unprinted lines until beginning of block - pos = b.writeLines(pos, line0, this) - line0 = this - - // column block begin - width := b.minwidth // minimal column width - discardable := true // true if all cells in this column are empty and "soft" - for ; this < line1; this++ { - line = b.lines[this] - if column >= len(line)-1 { - break - } - // cell exists in this column - c := line[column] - // update width - if w := c.width + b.padding; w > width { - width = w - } - // update discardable - if c.width > 0 || c.htab { - discardable = false - } - } - // column block end - - // discard empty columns if necessary - if discardable && b.flags&DiscardEmptyColumns != 0 { - width = 0 - } - - if b.flags&RememberWidths != 0 { - if len(b.maxwidths) < len(b.widths) { - b.maxwidths = append(b.maxwidths, b.widths[len(b.maxwidths):]...) - } - - switch { - case len(b.maxwidths) == len(b.widths): - b.maxwidths = append(b.maxwidths, width) - case b.maxwidths[len(b.widths)] > width: - width = b.maxwidths[len(b.widths)] - case b.maxwidths[len(b.widths)] < width: - b.maxwidths[len(b.widths)] = width - } - } - - // format and print all columns to the right of this column - // (we know the widths of this column and all columns to the left) - b.widths = append(b.widths, width) // push width - pos = b.format(pos, line0, this) - b.widths = b.widths[0 : len(b.widths)-1] // pop width - line0 = this - } - - // print unprinted lines until end - return b.writeLines(pos, line0, line1) -} - -// Append text to current cell. -func (b *Writer) append(text []byte) { - b.buf = append(b.buf, text...) - b.cell.size += len(text) -} - -// Update the cell width. -func (b *Writer) updateWidth() { - b.cell.width += utf8.RuneCount(b.buf[b.pos:]) - b.pos = len(b.buf) -} - -// To escape a text segment, bracket it with Escape characters. -// For instance, the tab in this string "Ignore this tab: \xff\t\xff" -// does not terminate a cell and constitutes a single character of -// width one for formatting purposes. -// -// The value 0xff was chosen because it cannot appear in a valid UTF-8 sequence. -// -const Escape = '\xff' - -// Start escaped mode. -func (b *Writer) startEscape(ch byte) { - switch ch { - case Escape: - b.endChar = Escape - case '<': - b.endChar = '>' - case '&': - b.endChar = ';' - } -} - -// Terminate escaped mode. If the escaped text was an HTML tag, its width -// is assumed to be zero for formatting purposes; if it was an HTML entity, -// its width is assumed to be one. In all other cases, the width is the -// unicode width of the text. -// -func (b *Writer) endEscape() { - switch b.endChar { - case Escape: - b.updateWidth() - if b.flags&StripEscape == 0 { - b.cell.width -= 2 // don't count the Escape chars - } - case '>': // tag of zero width - case ';': - b.cell.width++ // entity, count as one rune - } - b.pos = len(b.buf) - b.endChar = 0 -} - -// Terminate the current cell by adding it to the list of cells of the -// current line. Returns the number of cells in that line. -// -func (b *Writer) terminateCell(htab bool) int { - b.cell.htab = htab - line := &b.lines[len(b.lines)-1] - *line = append(*line, b.cell) - b.cell = cell{} - return len(*line) -} - -func handlePanic(err *error, op string) { - if e := recover(); e != nil { - if nerr, ok := e.(osError); ok { - *err = nerr.err - return - } - panic("tabwriter: panic during " + op) - } -} - -// RememberedWidths returns a copy of the remembered per-column maximum widths. -// Requires use of the RememberWidths flag, and is not threadsafe. -func (b *Writer) RememberedWidths() []int { - retval := make([]int, len(b.maxwidths)) - copy(retval, b.maxwidths) - return retval -} - -// SetRememberedWidths sets the remembered per-column maximum widths. -// Requires use of the RememberWidths flag, and is not threadsafe. -func (b *Writer) SetRememberedWidths(widths []int) *Writer { - b.maxwidths = make([]int, len(widths)) - copy(b.maxwidths, widths) - return b -} - -// Flush should be called after the last call to Write to ensure -// that any data buffered in the Writer is written to output. Any -// incomplete escape sequence at the end is considered -// complete for formatting purposes. -func (b *Writer) Flush() error { - return b.flush() -} - -func (b *Writer) flush() (err error) { - defer b.reset() // even in the presence of errors - defer handlePanic(&err, "Flush") - - // add current cell if not empty - if b.cell.size > 0 { - if b.endChar != 0 { - // inside escape - terminate it even if incomplete - b.endEscape() - } - b.terminateCell(false) - } - - // format contents of buffer - b.format(0, 0, len(b.lines)) - return nil -} - -var hbar = []byte("---\n") - -// Write writes buf to the writer b. -// The only errors returned are ones encountered -// while writing to the underlying output stream. -// -func (b *Writer) Write(buf []byte) (n int, err error) { - defer handlePanic(&err, "Write") - - // split text into cells - n = 0 - for i, ch := range buf { - if b.endChar == 0 { - // outside escape - switch ch { - case '\t', '\v', '\n', '\f': - // end of cell - b.append(buf[n:i]) - b.updateWidth() - n = i + 1 // ch consumed - ncells := b.terminateCell(ch == '\t') - if ch == '\n' || ch == '\f' { - // terminate line - b.addLine(ch == '\f') - if ch == '\f' || ncells == 1 { - // A '\f' always forces a flush. Otherwise, if the previous - // line has only one cell which does not have an impact on - // the formatting of the following lines (the last cell per - // line is ignored by format()), thus we can flush the - // Writer contents. - if err = b.Flush(); err != nil { - return - } - if ch == '\f' && b.flags&Debug != 0 { - // indicate section break - b.write0(hbar) - } - } - } - - case Escape: - // start of escaped sequence - b.append(buf[n:i]) - b.updateWidth() - n = i - if b.flags&StripEscape != 0 { - n++ // strip Escape - } - b.startEscape(Escape) - - case '<', '&': - // possibly an html tag/entity - if b.flags&FilterHTML != 0 { - // begin of tag/entity - b.append(buf[n:i]) - b.updateWidth() - n = i - b.startEscape(ch) - } - } - - } else { - // inside escape - if ch == b.endChar { - // end of tag/entity - j := i + 1 - if ch == Escape && b.flags&StripEscape != 0 { - j = i // strip Escape - } - b.append(buf[n:j]) - n = i + 1 // ch consumed - b.endEscape() - } - } - } - - // append leftover text - b.append(buf[n:]) - n = len(buf) - return -} - -// NewWriter allocates and initializes a new tabwriter.Writer. -// The parameters are the same as for the Init function. -// -func NewWriter(output io.Writer, minwidth, tabwidth, padding int, padchar byte, flags uint) *Writer { - return new(Writer).Init(output, minwidth, tabwidth, padding, padchar, flags) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index b0747ff0..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -# if you want to ignore files created by your editor/tools, consider using a -# global .gitignore or .git/info/exclude see https://help.github.com/articles/ignoring-files -.* -!.github -!.gitignore -profile.out -# support running go modules in vendor mode for local development -vendor/ diff --git a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index 6d8d58fb..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,191 +0,0 @@ - - Apache License - Version 2.0, January 2004 - https://www.apache.org/licenses/ - - TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION - - 1. Definitions. - - "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, - and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. - - "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by - the copyright owner that is granting the License. - - "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all - other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common - control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, - "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the - direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or - otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the - outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. - - "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity - exercising permissions granted by this License. - - "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, - including but not limited to software source code, documentation - source, and configuration files. - - "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical - transformation or translation of a Source form, including but - not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, - and conversions to other media types. - - "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or - Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a - copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work - (an example is provided in the Appendix below). - - "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object - form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the - editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications - represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes - of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain - separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, - the Work and Derivative Works thereof. - - "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including - the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions - to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally - submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner - or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of - the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" - means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent - to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to - communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, - and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the - Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but - excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise - designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." - - "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity - on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and - subsequently incorporated within the Work. - - 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of - this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, - worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable - copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, - publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the - Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. - - 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of - this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, - worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable - (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, - use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, - where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable - by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their - Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) - with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You - institute patent litigation against any entity (including a - cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work - or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct - or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses - granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate - as of the date such litigation is filed. - - 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the - Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without - modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You - meet the following conditions: - - (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or - Derivative Works a copy of this License; and - - (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices - stating that You changed the files; and - - (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works - that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and - attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, - excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of - the Derivative Works; and - - (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its - distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must - include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained - within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not - pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one - of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed - as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or - documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, - within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and - wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents - of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and - do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution - notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside - or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided - that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed - as modifying the License. - - You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and - may provide additional or different license terms and conditions - for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or - for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, - reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with - the conditions stated in this License. - - 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, - any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work - by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of - this License, without any additional terms or conditions. - Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify - the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed - with Licensor regarding such Contributions. - - 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade - names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, - except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the - origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. - - 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or - agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each - Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or - implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions - of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A - PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the - appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any - risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. - - 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, - whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, - unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly - negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be - liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, - incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a - result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the - Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, - work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all - other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor - has been advised of the possibility of such damages. - - 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing - the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, - and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, - or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this - License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only - on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf - of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, - defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability - incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason - of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. - - END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS - - Copyright 2013-2018 Docker, Inc. - - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - You may obtain a copy of the License at - - https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/README.md b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index 0ce92cc3..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -# term - utilities for dealing with terminals - -![Test](https://github.com/moby/term/workflows/Test/badge.svg) [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/moby/term?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/moby/term) [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/moby/term)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/moby/term) - -term provides structures and helper functions to work with terminal (state, sizes). - -#### Using term - -```go -package main - -import ( - "log" - "os" - - "github.com/moby/term" -) - -func main() { - fd := os.Stdin.Fd() - if term.IsTerminal(fd) { - ws, err := term.GetWinsize(fd) - if err != nil { - log.Fatalf("term.GetWinsize: %s", err) - } - log.Printf("%d:%d\n", ws.Height, ws.Width) - } -} -``` - -## Contributing - -Want to hack on term? [Docker's contributions guidelines](https://github.com/docker/docker/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) apply. - -## Copyright and license -Code and documentation copyright 2015 Docker, inc. Code released under the Apache 2.0 license. Docs released under Creative commons. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/ascii.go b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/ascii.go deleted file mode 100644 index 55873c05..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/ascii.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -package term - -import ( - "fmt" - "strings" -) - -// ASCII list the possible supported ASCII key sequence -var ASCII = []string{ - "ctrl-@", - "ctrl-a", - "ctrl-b", - "ctrl-c", - "ctrl-d", - "ctrl-e", - "ctrl-f", - "ctrl-g", - "ctrl-h", - "ctrl-i", - "ctrl-j", - "ctrl-k", - "ctrl-l", - "ctrl-m", - "ctrl-n", - "ctrl-o", - "ctrl-p", - "ctrl-q", - "ctrl-r", - "ctrl-s", - "ctrl-t", - "ctrl-u", - "ctrl-v", - "ctrl-w", - "ctrl-x", - "ctrl-y", - "ctrl-z", - "ctrl-[", - "ctrl-\\", - "ctrl-]", - "ctrl-^", - "ctrl-_", -} - -// ToBytes converts a string representing a suite of key-sequence to the corresponding ASCII code. -func ToBytes(keys string) ([]byte, error) { - codes := []byte{} -next: - for _, key := range strings.Split(keys, ",") { - if len(key) != 1 { - for code, ctrl := range ASCII { - if ctrl == key { - codes = append(codes, byte(code)) - continue next - } - } - if key == "DEL" { - codes = append(codes, 127) - } else { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown character: '%s'", key) - } - } else { - codes = append(codes, key[0]) - } - } - return codes, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index c9bc0324..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -// Package term provides structures and helper functions to work with -// terminal (state, sizes). -package term diff --git a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/proxy.go b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/proxy.go deleted file mode 100644 index c47756b8..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/proxy.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,88 +0,0 @@ -package term - -import ( - "io" -) - -// EscapeError is special error which returned by a TTY proxy reader's Read() -// method in case its detach escape sequence is read. -type EscapeError struct{} - -func (EscapeError) Error() string { - return "read escape sequence" -} - -// escapeProxy is used only for attaches with a TTY. It is used to proxy -// stdin keypresses from the underlying reader and look for the passed in -// escape key sequence to signal a detach. -type escapeProxy struct { - escapeKeys []byte - escapeKeyPos int - r io.Reader - buf []byte -} - -// NewEscapeProxy returns a new TTY proxy reader which wraps the given reader -// and detects when the specified escape keys are read, in which case the Read -// method will return an error of type EscapeError. -func NewEscapeProxy(r io.Reader, escapeKeys []byte) io.Reader { - return &escapeProxy{ - escapeKeys: escapeKeys, - r: r, - } -} - -func (r *escapeProxy) Read(buf []byte) (n int, err error) { - if len(r.escapeKeys) > 0 && r.escapeKeyPos == len(r.escapeKeys) { - return 0, EscapeError{} - } - - if len(r.buf) > 0 { - n = copy(buf, r.buf) - r.buf = r.buf[n:] - } - - nr, err := r.r.Read(buf[n:]) - n += nr - if len(r.escapeKeys) == 0 { - return n, err - } - - for i := 0; i < n; i++ { - if buf[i] == r.escapeKeys[r.escapeKeyPos] { - r.escapeKeyPos++ - - // Check if the full escape sequence is matched. - if r.escapeKeyPos == len(r.escapeKeys) { - n = i + 1 - r.escapeKeyPos - if n < 0 { - n = 0 - } - return n, EscapeError{} - } - continue - } - - // If we need to prepend a partial escape sequence from the previous - // read, make sure the new buffer size doesn't exceed len(buf). - // Otherwise, preserve any extra data in a buffer for the next read. - if i < r.escapeKeyPos { - preserve := make([]byte, 0, r.escapeKeyPos+n) - preserve = append(preserve, r.escapeKeys[:r.escapeKeyPos]...) - preserve = append(preserve, buf[:n]...) - n = copy(buf, preserve) - i += r.escapeKeyPos - r.buf = append(r.buf, preserve[n:]...) - } - r.escapeKeyPos = 0 - } - - // If we're in the middle of reading an escape sequence, make sure we don't - // let the caller read it. If later on we find that this is not the escape - // sequence, we'll prepend it back to buf. - n -= r.escapeKeyPos - if n < 0 { - n = 0 - } - return n, err -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/term.go b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/term.go deleted file mode 100644 index f9d8988e..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/term.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,85 +0,0 @@ -package term - -import "io" - -// State holds the platform-specific state / console mode for the terminal. -type State terminalState - -// Winsize represents the size of the terminal window. -type Winsize struct { - Height uint16 - Width uint16 - - // Only used on Unix - x uint16 - y uint16 -} - -// StdStreams returns the standard streams (stdin, stdout, stderr). -// -// On Windows, it attempts to turn on VT handling on all std handles if -// supported, or falls back to terminal emulation. On Unix, this returns -// the standard [os.Stdin], [os.Stdout] and [os.Stderr]. -func StdStreams() (stdIn io.ReadCloser, stdOut, stdErr io.Writer) { - return stdStreams() -} - -// GetFdInfo returns the file descriptor for an os.File and indicates whether the file represents a terminal. -func GetFdInfo(in interface{}) (fd uintptr, isTerminal bool) { - return getFdInfo(in) -} - -// GetWinsize returns the window size based on the specified file descriptor. -func GetWinsize(fd uintptr) (*Winsize, error) { - return getWinsize(fd) -} - -// SetWinsize tries to set the specified window size for the specified file -// descriptor. It is only implemented on Unix, and returns an error on Windows. -func SetWinsize(fd uintptr, ws *Winsize) error { - return setWinsize(fd, ws) -} - -// IsTerminal returns true if the given file descriptor is a terminal. -func IsTerminal(fd uintptr) bool { - return isTerminal(fd) -} - -// RestoreTerminal restores the terminal connected to the given file descriptor -// to a previous state. -func RestoreTerminal(fd uintptr, state *State) error { - return restoreTerminal(fd, state) -} - -// SaveState saves the state of the terminal connected to the given file descriptor. -func SaveState(fd uintptr) (*State, error) { - return saveState(fd) -} - -// DisableEcho applies the specified state to the terminal connected to the file -// descriptor, with echo disabled. -func DisableEcho(fd uintptr, state *State) error { - return disableEcho(fd, state) -} - -// SetRawTerminal puts the terminal connected to the given file descriptor into -// raw mode and returns the previous state. On UNIX, this is the equivalent of -// [MakeRaw], and puts both the input and output into raw mode. On Windows, it -// only puts the input into raw mode. -func SetRawTerminal(fd uintptr) (previousState *State, err error) { - return setRawTerminal(fd) -} - -// SetRawTerminalOutput puts the output of terminal connected to the given file -// descriptor into raw mode. On UNIX, this does nothing and returns nil for the -// state. On Windows, it disables LF -> CRLF translation. -func SetRawTerminalOutput(fd uintptr) (previousState *State, err error) { - return setRawTerminalOutput(fd) -} - -// MakeRaw puts the terminal (Windows Console) connected to the -// given file descriptor into raw mode and returns the previous state of -// the terminal so that it can be restored. -func MakeRaw(fd uintptr) (previousState *State, err error) { - return makeRaw(fd) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/term_unix.go b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/term_unix.go deleted file mode 100644 index 2ec7706a..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/term_unix.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,98 +0,0 @@ -//go:build !windows -// +build !windows - -package term - -import ( - "errors" - "io" - "os" - - "golang.org/x/sys/unix" -) - -// ErrInvalidState is returned if the state of the terminal is invalid. -// -// Deprecated: ErrInvalidState is no longer used. -var ErrInvalidState = errors.New("Invalid terminal state") - -// terminalState holds the platform-specific state / console mode for the terminal. -type terminalState struct { - termios unix.Termios -} - -func stdStreams() (stdIn io.ReadCloser, stdOut, stdErr io.Writer) { - return os.Stdin, os.Stdout, os.Stderr -} - -func getFdInfo(in interface{}) (uintptr, bool) { - var inFd uintptr - var isTerminalIn bool - if file, ok := in.(*os.File); ok { - inFd = file.Fd() - isTerminalIn = isTerminal(inFd) - } - return inFd, isTerminalIn -} - -func getWinsize(fd uintptr) (*Winsize, error) { - uws, err := unix.IoctlGetWinsize(int(fd), unix.TIOCGWINSZ) - ws := &Winsize{Height: uws.Row, Width: uws.Col, x: uws.Xpixel, y: uws.Ypixel} - return ws, err -} - -func setWinsize(fd uintptr, ws *Winsize) error { - return unix.IoctlSetWinsize(int(fd), unix.TIOCSWINSZ, &unix.Winsize{ - Row: ws.Height, - Col: ws.Width, - Xpixel: ws.x, - Ypixel: ws.y, - }) -} - -func isTerminal(fd uintptr) bool { - _, err := tcget(fd) - return err == nil -} - -func restoreTerminal(fd uintptr, state *State) error { - if state == nil { - return errors.New("invalid terminal state") - } - return tcset(fd, &state.termios) -} - -func saveState(fd uintptr) (*State, error) { - termios, err := tcget(fd) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return &State{termios: *termios}, nil -} - -func disableEcho(fd uintptr, state *State) error { - newState := state.termios - newState.Lflag &^= unix.ECHO - - return tcset(fd, &newState) -} - -func setRawTerminal(fd uintptr) (*State, error) { - return makeRaw(fd) -} - -func setRawTerminalOutput(fd uintptr) (*State, error) { - return nil, nil -} - -func tcget(fd uintptr) (*unix.Termios, error) { - p, err := unix.IoctlGetTermios(int(fd), getTermios) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return p, nil -} - -func tcset(fd uintptr, p *unix.Termios) error { - return unix.IoctlSetTermios(int(fd), setTermios, p) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/term_windows.go b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/term_windows.go deleted file mode 100644 index 81ccff04..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/term_windows.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,176 +0,0 @@ -package term - -import ( - "fmt" - "io" - "os" - "os/signal" - - windowsconsole "github.com/moby/term/windows" - "golang.org/x/sys/windows" -) - -// terminalState holds the platform-specific state / console mode for the terminal. -type terminalState struct { - mode uint32 -} - -// vtInputSupported is true if winterm.ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_INPUT is supported by the console -var vtInputSupported bool - -func stdStreams() (stdIn io.ReadCloser, stdOut, stdErr io.Writer) { - // Turn on VT handling on all std handles, if possible. This might - // fail, in which case we will fall back to terminal emulation. - var ( - emulateStdin, emulateStdout, emulateStderr bool - - mode uint32 - ) - - fd := windows.Handle(os.Stdin.Fd()) - if err := windows.GetConsoleMode(fd, &mode); err == nil { - // Validate that winterm.ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_INPUT is supported, but do not set it. - if err = windows.SetConsoleMode(fd, mode|windows.ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_INPUT); err != nil { - emulateStdin = true - } else { - vtInputSupported = true - } - // Unconditionally set the console mode back even on failure because SetConsoleMode - // remembers invalid bits on input handles. - _ = windows.SetConsoleMode(fd, mode) - } - - fd = windows.Handle(os.Stdout.Fd()) - if err := windows.GetConsoleMode(fd, &mode); err == nil { - // Validate winterm.DISABLE_NEWLINE_AUTO_RETURN is supported, but do not set it. - if err = windows.SetConsoleMode(fd, mode|windows.ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING|windows.DISABLE_NEWLINE_AUTO_RETURN); err != nil { - emulateStdout = true - } else { - _ = windows.SetConsoleMode(fd, mode|windows.ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING) - } - } - - fd = windows.Handle(os.Stderr.Fd()) - if err := windows.GetConsoleMode(fd, &mode); err == nil { - // Validate winterm.DISABLE_NEWLINE_AUTO_RETURN is supported, but do not set it. - if err = windows.SetConsoleMode(fd, mode|windows.ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING|windows.DISABLE_NEWLINE_AUTO_RETURN); err != nil { - emulateStderr = true - } else { - _ = windows.SetConsoleMode(fd, mode|windows.ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING) - } - } - - if emulateStdin { - h := uint32(windows.STD_INPUT_HANDLE) - stdIn = windowsconsole.NewAnsiReader(int(h)) - } else { - stdIn = os.Stdin - } - - if emulateStdout { - h := uint32(windows.STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) - stdOut = windowsconsole.NewAnsiWriter(int(h)) - } else { - stdOut = os.Stdout - } - - if emulateStderr { - h := uint32(windows.STD_ERROR_HANDLE) - stdErr = windowsconsole.NewAnsiWriter(int(h)) - } else { - stdErr = os.Stderr - } - - return stdIn, stdOut, stdErr -} - -func getFdInfo(in interface{}) (uintptr, bool) { - return windowsconsole.GetHandleInfo(in) -} - -func getWinsize(fd uintptr) (*Winsize, error) { - var info windows.ConsoleScreenBufferInfo - if err := windows.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(windows.Handle(fd), &info); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - winsize := &Winsize{ - Width: uint16(info.Window.Right - info.Window.Left + 1), - Height: uint16(info.Window.Bottom - info.Window.Top + 1), - } - - return winsize, nil -} - -func setWinsize(fd uintptr, ws *Winsize) error { - return fmt.Errorf("not implemented on Windows") -} - -func isTerminal(fd uintptr) bool { - var mode uint32 - err := windows.GetConsoleMode(windows.Handle(fd), &mode) - return err == nil -} - -func restoreTerminal(fd uintptr, state *State) error { - return windows.SetConsoleMode(windows.Handle(fd), state.mode) -} - -func saveState(fd uintptr) (*State, error) { - var mode uint32 - - if err := windows.GetConsoleMode(windows.Handle(fd), &mode); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - return &State{mode: mode}, nil -} - -func disableEcho(fd uintptr, state *State) error { - // See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms683462(v=vs.85).aspx - mode := state.mode - mode &^= windows.ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT - mode |= windows.ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT | windows.ENABLE_LINE_INPUT - err := windows.SetConsoleMode(windows.Handle(fd), mode) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - // Register an interrupt handler to catch and restore prior state - restoreAtInterrupt(fd, state) - return nil -} - -func setRawTerminal(fd uintptr) (*State, error) { - oldState, err := MakeRaw(fd) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - // Register an interrupt handler to catch and restore prior state - restoreAtInterrupt(fd, oldState) - return oldState, err -} - -func setRawTerminalOutput(fd uintptr) (*State, error) { - oldState, err := saveState(fd) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - // Ignore failures, since winterm.DISABLE_NEWLINE_AUTO_RETURN might not be supported on this - // version of Windows. - _ = windows.SetConsoleMode(windows.Handle(fd), oldState.mode|windows.DISABLE_NEWLINE_AUTO_RETURN) - return oldState, err -} - -func restoreAtInterrupt(fd uintptr, state *State) { - sigchan := make(chan os.Signal, 1) - signal.Notify(sigchan, os.Interrupt) - - go func() { - _ = <-sigchan - _ = RestoreTerminal(fd, state) - os.Exit(0) - }() -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/termios_bsd.go b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/termios_bsd.go deleted file mode 100644 index 45f77e03..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/termios_bsd.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -//go:build darwin || freebsd || openbsd || netbsd -// +build darwin freebsd openbsd netbsd - -package term - -import ( - "golang.org/x/sys/unix" -) - -const ( - getTermios = unix.TIOCGETA - setTermios = unix.TIOCSETA -) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/termios_nonbsd.go b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/termios_nonbsd.go deleted file mode 100644 index 88b7b215..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/termios_nonbsd.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -//go:build !darwin && !freebsd && !netbsd && !openbsd && !windows -// +build !darwin,!freebsd,!netbsd,!openbsd,!windows - -package term - -import ( - "golang.org/x/sys/unix" -) - -const ( - getTermios = unix.TCGETS - setTermios = unix.TCSETS -) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/termios_unix.go b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/termios_unix.go deleted file mode 100644 index 60c82378..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/termios_unix.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -//go:build !windows -// +build !windows - -package term - -import ( - "golang.org/x/sys/unix" -) - -// Termios is the Unix API for terminal I/O. -// -// Deprecated: use [unix.Termios]. -type Termios = unix.Termios - -func makeRaw(fd uintptr) (*State, error) { - termios, err := tcget(fd) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - oldState := State{termios: *termios} - - termios.Iflag &^= unix.IGNBRK | unix.BRKINT | unix.PARMRK | unix.ISTRIP | unix.INLCR | unix.IGNCR | unix.ICRNL | unix.IXON - termios.Oflag &^= unix.OPOST - termios.Lflag &^= unix.ECHO | unix.ECHONL | unix.ICANON | unix.ISIG | unix.IEXTEN - termios.Cflag &^= unix.CSIZE | unix.PARENB - termios.Cflag |= unix.CS8 - termios.Cc[unix.VMIN] = 1 - termios.Cc[unix.VTIME] = 0 - - if err := tcset(fd, termios); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return &oldState, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/termios_windows.go b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/termios_windows.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5be4e760..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/termios_windows.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -package term - -import "golang.org/x/sys/windows" - -func makeRaw(fd uintptr) (*State, error) { - state, err := SaveState(fd) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - mode := state.mode - - // See - // -- https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms686033(v=vs.85).aspx - // -- https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms683462(v=vs.85).aspx - - // Disable these modes - mode &^= windows.ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT - mode &^= windows.ENABLE_LINE_INPUT - mode &^= windows.ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT - mode &^= windows.ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT - mode &^= windows.ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT - - // Enable these modes - mode |= windows.ENABLE_EXTENDED_FLAGS - mode |= windows.ENABLE_INSERT_MODE - mode |= windows.ENABLE_QUICK_EDIT_MODE - if vtInputSupported { - mode |= windows.ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_INPUT - } - - err = windows.SetConsoleMode(windows.Handle(fd), mode) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return state, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/windows/ansi_reader.go b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/windows/ansi_reader.go deleted file mode 100644 index fb34c547..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/windows/ansi_reader.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,252 +0,0 @@ -//go:build windows -// +build windows - -package windowsconsole - -import ( - "bytes" - "errors" - "fmt" - "io" - "os" - "strings" - "unsafe" - - ansiterm "github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm" - "github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/winterm" -) - -const ( - escapeSequence = ansiterm.KEY_ESC_CSI -) - -// ansiReader wraps a standard input file (e.g., os.Stdin) providing ANSI sequence translation. -type ansiReader struct { - file *os.File - fd uintptr - buffer []byte - cbBuffer int - command []byte -} - -// NewAnsiReader returns an io.ReadCloser that provides VT100 terminal emulation on top of a -// Windows console input handle. -func NewAnsiReader(nFile int) io.ReadCloser { - file, fd := winterm.GetStdFile(nFile) - return &ansiReader{ - file: file, - fd: fd, - command: make([]byte, 0, ansiterm.ANSI_MAX_CMD_LENGTH), - buffer: make([]byte, 0), - } -} - -// Close closes the wrapped file. -func (ar *ansiReader) Close() (err error) { - return ar.file.Close() -} - -// Fd returns the file descriptor of the wrapped file. -func (ar *ansiReader) Fd() uintptr { - return ar.fd -} - -// Read reads up to len(p) bytes of translated input events into p. -func (ar *ansiReader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) { - if len(p) == 0 { - return 0, nil - } - - // Previously read bytes exist, read as much as we can and return - if len(ar.buffer) > 0 { - originalLength := len(ar.buffer) - copiedLength := copy(p, ar.buffer) - - if copiedLength == originalLength { - ar.buffer = make([]byte, 0, len(p)) - } else { - ar.buffer = ar.buffer[copiedLength:] - } - - return copiedLength, nil - } - - // Read and translate key events - events, err := readInputEvents(ar, len(p)) - if err != nil { - return 0, err - } else if len(events) == 0 { - return 0, nil - } - - keyBytes := translateKeyEvents(events, []byte(escapeSequence)) - - // Save excess bytes and right-size keyBytes - if len(keyBytes) > len(p) { - ar.buffer = keyBytes[len(p):] - keyBytes = keyBytes[:len(p)] - } else if len(keyBytes) == 0 { - return 0, nil - } - - copiedLength := copy(p, keyBytes) - if copiedLength != len(keyBytes) { - return 0, errors.New("unexpected copy length encountered") - } - - return copiedLength, nil -} - -// readInputEvents polls until at least one event is available. -func readInputEvents(ar *ansiReader, maxBytes int) ([]winterm.INPUT_RECORD, error) { - // Determine the maximum number of records to retrieve - // -- Cast around the type system to obtain the size of a single INPUT_RECORD. - // unsafe.Sizeof requires an expression vs. a type-reference; the casting - // tricks the type system into believing it has such an expression. - recordSize := int(unsafe.Sizeof(*((*winterm.INPUT_RECORD)(unsafe.Pointer(&maxBytes))))) - countRecords := maxBytes / recordSize - if countRecords > ansiterm.MAX_INPUT_EVENTS { - countRecords = ansiterm.MAX_INPUT_EVENTS - } else if countRecords == 0 { - countRecords = 1 - } - - // Wait for and read input events - events := make([]winterm.INPUT_RECORD, countRecords) - nEvents := uint32(0) - eventsExist, err := winterm.WaitForSingleObject(ar.fd, winterm.WAIT_INFINITE) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - if eventsExist { - err = winterm.ReadConsoleInput(ar.fd, events, &nEvents) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - - // Return a slice restricted to the number of returned records - return events[:nEvents], nil -} - -// KeyEvent Translation Helpers - -var arrowKeyMapPrefix = map[uint16]string{ - winterm.VK_UP: "%s%sA", - winterm.VK_DOWN: "%s%sB", - winterm.VK_RIGHT: "%s%sC", - winterm.VK_LEFT: "%s%sD", -} - -var keyMapPrefix = map[uint16]string{ - winterm.VK_UP: "\x1B[%sA", - winterm.VK_DOWN: "\x1B[%sB", - winterm.VK_RIGHT: "\x1B[%sC", - winterm.VK_LEFT: "\x1B[%sD", - winterm.VK_HOME: "\x1B[1%s~", // showkey shows ^[[1 - winterm.VK_END: "\x1B[4%s~", // showkey shows ^[[4 - winterm.VK_INSERT: "\x1B[2%s~", - winterm.VK_DELETE: "\x1B[3%s~", - winterm.VK_PRIOR: "\x1B[5%s~", - winterm.VK_NEXT: "\x1B[6%s~", - winterm.VK_F1: "", - winterm.VK_F2: "", - winterm.VK_F3: "\x1B[13%s~", - winterm.VK_F4: "\x1B[14%s~", - winterm.VK_F5: "\x1B[15%s~", - winterm.VK_F6: "\x1B[17%s~", - winterm.VK_F7: "\x1B[18%s~", - winterm.VK_F8: "\x1B[19%s~", - winterm.VK_F9: "\x1B[20%s~", - winterm.VK_F10: "\x1B[21%s~", - winterm.VK_F11: "\x1B[23%s~", - winterm.VK_F12: "\x1B[24%s~", -} - -// translateKeyEvents converts the input events into the appropriate ANSI string. -func translateKeyEvents(events []winterm.INPUT_RECORD, escapeSequence []byte) []byte { - var buffer bytes.Buffer - for _, event := range events { - if event.EventType == winterm.KEY_EVENT && event.KeyEvent.KeyDown != 0 { - buffer.WriteString(keyToString(&event.KeyEvent, escapeSequence)) - } - } - - return buffer.Bytes() -} - -// keyToString maps the given input event record to the corresponding string. -func keyToString(keyEvent *winterm.KEY_EVENT_RECORD, escapeSequence []byte) string { - if keyEvent.UnicodeChar == 0 { - return formatVirtualKey(keyEvent.VirtualKeyCode, keyEvent.ControlKeyState, escapeSequence) - } - - _, alt, control := getControlKeys(keyEvent.ControlKeyState) - if control { - // TODO(azlinux): Implement following control sequences - // -D Signals the end of input from the keyboard; also exits current shell. - // -H Deletes the first character to the left of the cursor. Also called the ERASE key. - // -Q Restarts printing after it has been stopped with -s. - // -S Suspends printing on the screen (does not stop the program). - // -U Deletes all characters on the current line. Also called the KILL key. - // -E Quits current command and creates a core - } - - // +Key generates ESC N Key - if !control && alt { - return ansiterm.KEY_ESC_N + strings.ToLower(string(rune(keyEvent.UnicodeChar))) - } - - return string(rune(keyEvent.UnicodeChar)) -} - -// formatVirtualKey converts a virtual key (e.g., up arrow) into the appropriate ANSI string. -func formatVirtualKey(key uint16, controlState uint32, escapeSequence []byte) string { - shift, alt, control := getControlKeys(controlState) - modifier := getControlKeysModifier(shift, alt, control) - - if format, ok := arrowKeyMapPrefix[key]; ok { - return fmt.Sprintf(format, escapeSequence, modifier) - } - - if format, ok := keyMapPrefix[key]; ok { - return fmt.Sprintf(format, modifier) - } - - return "" -} - -// getControlKeys extracts the shift, alt, and ctrl key states. -func getControlKeys(controlState uint32) (shift, alt, control bool) { - shift = 0 != (controlState & winterm.SHIFT_PRESSED) - alt = 0 != (controlState & (winterm.LEFT_ALT_PRESSED | winterm.RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED)) - control = 0 != (controlState & (winterm.LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED | winterm.RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED)) - return shift, alt, control -} - -// getControlKeysModifier returns the ANSI modifier for the given combination of control keys. -func getControlKeysModifier(shift, alt, control bool) string { - if shift && alt && control { - return ansiterm.KEY_CONTROL_PARAM_8 - } - if alt && control { - return ansiterm.KEY_CONTROL_PARAM_7 - } - if shift && control { - return ansiterm.KEY_CONTROL_PARAM_6 - } - if control { - return ansiterm.KEY_CONTROL_PARAM_5 - } - if shift && alt { - return ansiterm.KEY_CONTROL_PARAM_4 - } - if alt { - return ansiterm.KEY_CONTROL_PARAM_3 - } - if shift { - return ansiterm.KEY_CONTROL_PARAM_2 - } - return "" -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/windows/ansi_writer.go b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/windows/ansi_writer.go deleted file mode 100644 index 4243307f..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/windows/ansi_writer.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -//go:build windows -// +build windows - -package windowsconsole - -import ( - "io" - "os" - - ansiterm "github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm" - "github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/winterm" -) - -// ansiWriter wraps a standard output file (e.g., os.Stdout) providing ANSI sequence translation. -type ansiWriter struct { - file *os.File - fd uintptr - infoReset *winterm.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO - command []byte - escapeSequence []byte - inAnsiSequence bool - parser *ansiterm.AnsiParser -} - -// NewAnsiWriter returns an io.Writer that provides VT100 terminal emulation on top of a -// Windows console output handle. -func NewAnsiWriter(nFile int) io.Writer { - file, fd := winterm.GetStdFile(nFile) - info, err := winterm.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(fd) - if err != nil { - return nil - } - - parser := ansiterm.CreateParser("Ground", winterm.CreateWinEventHandler(fd, file)) - - return &ansiWriter{ - file: file, - fd: fd, - infoReset: info, - command: make([]byte, 0, ansiterm.ANSI_MAX_CMD_LENGTH), - escapeSequence: []byte(ansiterm.KEY_ESC_CSI), - parser: parser, - } -} - -func (aw *ansiWriter) Fd() uintptr { - return aw.fd -} - -// Write writes len(p) bytes from p to the underlying data stream. -func (aw *ansiWriter) Write(p []byte) (total int, err error) { - if len(p) == 0 { - return 0, nil - } - - return aw.parser.Parse(p) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/windows/console.go b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/windows/console.go deleted file mode 100644 index 21e57bd5..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/windows/console.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -//go:build windows -// +build windows - -package windowsconsole - -import ( - "os" - - "golang.org/x/sys/windows" -) - -// GetHandleInfo returns file descriptor and bool indicating whether the file is a console. -func GetHandleInfo(in interface{}) (uintptr, bool) { - switch t := in.(type) { - case *ansiReader: - return t.Fd(), true - case *ansiWriter: - return t.Fd(), true - } - - var inFd uintptr - var isTerminal bool - - if file, ok := in.(*os.File); ok { - inFd = file.Fd() - isTerminal = isConsole(inFd) - } - return inFd, isTerminal -} - -// IsConsole returns true if the given file descriptor is a Windows Console. -// The code assumes that GetConsoleMode will return an error for file descriptors that are not a console. -// -// Deprecated: use [windows.GetConsoleMode] or [golang.org/x/term.IsTerminal]. -func IsConsole(fd uintptr) bool { - return isConsole(fd) -} - -func isConsole(fd uintptr) bool { - var mode uint32 - err := windows.GetConsoleMode(windows.Handle(fd), &mode) - return err == nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/windows/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/windows/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 54265fff..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/windows/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -// These files implement ANSI-aware input and output streams for use by the Docker Windows client. -// When asked for the set of standard streams (e.g., stdin, stdout, stderr), the code will create -// and return pseudo-streams that convert ANSI sequences to / from Windows Console API calls. - -package windowsconsole diff --git a/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/.travis.yml deleted file mode 100644 index b06a36a4..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/.travis.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -language: go -go: - - 1.14.x - - master -script: - - go test -v ./... diff --git a/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index 91b84e92..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -The MIT License (MIT) - -Copyright (c) [2015] [go-gitignore] - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all -copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -SOFTWARE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/README.md b/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index 51a48074..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,95 +0,0 @@ -# go-gitignore [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/monochromegane/go-gitignore.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/monochromegane/go-gitignore) - -A fast gitignore matching library for Go. - -This library use simple tree index for matching, so keep fast if gitignore file has many pattern. - -## Usage - -```go -gitignore, _ := gitignore.NewGitIgnore("/path/to/gitignore") - -path := "/path/to/file" -isDir := false -gitignore.Match(path, isDir) -``` - -### Specify base directory - -go-gitignore treat `path` as a base directory. -If you want to specify other base (e.g. current directory and Global gitignore), you can like the following. - -```go -gitignore, _ := gitignore.NewGitIgnore("/home/you/.gitignore", ".") -``` - -### From io.Reader - -go-gitignore can initialize from io.Reader. - -```go -gitignore, _ := gitignore.NewGitIgnoreFromReader(base, reader) -``` - -## Simple tree index - -go-gitignore parse gitignore file, and generate a simple tree index for matching like the following. - -``` -. -├── accept -│   ├── absolute -│   │   └── depth -│   │   ├── initial -│   │   └── other -│   └── relative -│   └── depth -│   ├── initial -│   └── other -└── ignore - ├── absolute - │   └── depth - │   ├── initial - │   └── other - └── relative - └── depth - ├── initial - └── other -``` - -## Features - -- Support absolute path (/path/to/ignore) -- Support relative path (path/to/ignore) -- Support accept pattern (!path/to/accept) -- Support directory pattern (path/to/directory/) -- Support glob pattern (path/to/\*.txt) - -*note: glob pattern* - -go-gitignore use [filepath.Match](https://golang.org/pkg/path/filepath/#Match) for matching meta char pattern, so not support recursive pattern (path/`**`/file). - -## Installation - -```sh -$ go get github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore -``` - -## Contribution - -1. Fork it -2. Create a feature branch -3. Commit your changes -4. Rebase your local changes against the master branch -5. Run test suite with the `go test ./...` command and confirm that it passes -6. Run `gofmt -s` -7. Create new Pull Request - -## License - -[MIT](https://github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/blob/master/LICENSE) - -## Author - -[monochromegane](https://github.com/monochromegane) - diff --git a/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/depth_holder.go b/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/depth_holder.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9805b325..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/depth_holder.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ -package gitignore - -import "strings" - -const ( - asc = iota - desc -) - -type depthPatternHolder struct { - patterns depthPatterns - order int -} - -func newDepthPatternHolder(order int) depthPatternHolder { - return depthPatternHolder{ - patterns: depthPatterns{m: map[int]initialPatternHolder{}}, - order: order, - } -} - -func (h *depthPatternHolder) add(pattern string) { - count := strings.Count(strings.Trim(pattern, "/"), "/") - h.patterns.set(count+1, pattern) -} - -func (h depthPatternHolder) match(path string, isDir bool) bool { - if h.patterns.size() == 0 { - return false - } - - for depth := 1; ; depth++ { - var part string - var isLast, isDirCurrent bool - if h.order == asc { - part, isLast = cutN(path, depth) - if isLast { - isDirCurrent = isDir - } else { - isDirCurrent = false - } - } else { - part, isLast = cutLastN(path, depth) - isDirCurrent = isDir - } - if patterns, ok := h.patterns.get(depth); ok { - if patterns.match(part, isDirCurrent) { - return true - } - } - if isLast { - break - } - } - return false -} - -type depthPatterns struct { - m map[int]initialPatternHolder -} - -func (p *depthPatterns) set(depth int, pattern string) { - if ps, ok := p.m[depth]; ok { - ps.add(pattern) - } else { - holder := newInitialPatternHolder() - holder.add(pattern) - p.m[depth] = holder - } -} - -func (p depthPatterns) get(depth int) (initialPatternHolder, bool) { - patterns, ok := p.m[depth] - return patterns, ok -} - -func (p depthPatterns) size() int { - return len(p.m) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/full_scan_patterns.go b/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/full_scan_patterns.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8c04ef3a..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/full_scan_patterns.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ -package gitignore - -import "strings" - -// Only benchmark use -type fullScanPatterns struct { - absolute patterns - relative patterns -} - -func newFullScanPatterns() *fullScanPatterns { - return &fullScanPatterns{ - absolute: patterns{}, - relative: patterns{}, - } -} - -func (ps *fullScanPatterns) add(pattern string) { - if strings.HasPrefix(pattern, "/") { - ps.absolute.add(newPattern(pattern)) - } else { - ps.relative.add(newPattern(pattern)) - } -} - -func (ps fullScanPatterns) match(path string, isDir bool) bool { - if ps.absolute.match(path, isDir) { - return true - } - return ps.relative.match(path, isDir) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/gitignore.go b/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/gitignore.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9c719a6c..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/gitignore.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ -package gitignore - -import ( - "bufio" - "io" - "os" - "path/filepath" - "strings" -) - -type IgnoreMatcher interface { - Match(path string, isDir bool) bool -} - -type DummyIgnoreMatcher bool - -func (d DummyIgnoreMatcher) Match(path string, isDir bool) bool { - return bool(d) -} - -type gitIgnore struct { - ignorePatterns scanStrategy - acceptPatterns scanStrategy - path string -} - -func NewGitIgnore(gitignore string, base ...string) (IgnoreMatcher, error) { - var path string - if len(base) > 0 { - path = base[0] - } else { - path = filepath.Dir(gitignore) - } - - file, err := os.Open(gitignore) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - defer file.Close() - - return NewGitIgnoreFromReader(path, file), nil -} - -func NewGitIgnoreFromReader(path string, r io.Reader) IgnoreMatcher { - g := gitIgnore{ - ignorePatterns: newIndexScanPatterns(), - acceptPatterns: newIndexScanPatterns(), - path: path, - } - scanner := bufio.NewScanner(r) - for scanner.Scan() { - line := strings.Trim(scanner.Text(), " ") - if len(line) == 0 || strings.HasPrefix(line, "#") { - continue - } - if strings.HasPrefix(line, `\#`) { - line = strings.TrimPrefix(line, `\`) - } - - if strings.HasPrefix(line, "!") { - g.acceptPatterns.add(strings.TrimPrefix(line, "!")) - } else { - g.ignorePatterns.add(line) - } - } - return g -} - -func (g gitIgnore) Match(path string, isDir bool) bool { - relativePath, err := filepath.Rel(g.path, path) - if err != nil { - return false - } - relativePath = filepath.ToSlash(relativePath) - - if g.acceptPatterns.match(relativePath, isDir) { - return false - } - return g.ignorePatterns.match(relativePath, isDir) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/index_scan_patterns.go b/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/index_scan_patterns.go deleted file mode 100644 index 882280e9..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/index_scan_patterns.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -package gitignore - -import "strings" - -type indexScanPatterns struct { - absolute depthPatternHolder - relative depthPatternHolder -} - -func newIndexScanPatterns() *indexScanPatterns { - return &indexScanPatterns{ - absolute: newDepthPatternHolder(asc), - relative: newDepthPatternHolder(desc), - } -} - -func (ps *indexScanPatterns) add(pattern string) { - if strings.HasPrefix(pattern, "/") { - ps.absolute.add(pattern) - } else { - ps.relative.add(pattern) - } -} - -func (ps indexScanPatterns) match(path string, isDir bool) bool { - if ps.absolute.match(path, isDir) { - return true - } - return ps.relative.match(path, isDir) -} - -type scanStrategy interface { - add(pattern string) - match(path string, isDir bool) bool -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/initial_holder.go b/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/initial_holder.go deleted file mode 100644 index 86f0bfee..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/initial_holder.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -package gitignore - -import "strings" - -const initials = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ." - -type initialPatternHolder struct { - patterns initialPatterns - otherPatterns *patterns -} - -func newInitialPatternHolder() initialPatternHolder { - return initialPatternHolder{ - patterns: initialPatterns{m: map[byte]*patterns{}}, - otherPatterns: &patterns{}, - } -} - -func (h *initialPatternHolder) add(pattern string) { - trimedPattern := strings.TrimPrefix(pattern, "/") - if strings.IndexAny(trimedPattern[0:1], initials) != -1 { - h.patterns.set(trimedPattern[0], newPatternForEqualizedPath(pattern)) - } else { - h.otherPatterns.add(newPatternForEqualizedPath(pattern)) - } -} - -func (h initialPatternHolder) match(path string, isDir bool) bool { - if h.patterns.size() == 0 && h.otherPatterns.size() == 0 { - return false - } - if patterns, ok := h.patterns.get(path[0]); ok { - if patterns.match(path, isDir) { - return true - } - } - return h.otherPatterns.match(path, isDir) -} - -type initialPatterns struct { - m map[byte]*patterns -} - -func (p *initialPatterns) set(initial byte, pattern pattern) { - if ps, ok := p.m[initial]; ok { - ps.add(pattern) - } else { - patterns := &patterns{} - patterns.add(pattern) - p.m[initial] = patterns - - } -} - -func (p initialPatterns) get(initial byte) (*patterns, bool) { - patterns, ok := p.m[initial] - return patterns, ok -} - -func (p initialPatterns) size() int { - return len(p.m) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/match.go b/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/match.go deleted file mode 100644 index 4140a9bd..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/match.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -package gitignore - -import "path/filepath" - -type pathMatcher interface { - match(path string) bool -} - -type simpleMatcher struct { - path string -} - -func (m simpleMatcher) match(path string) bool { - return m.path == path -} - -type filepathMatcher struct { - path string -} - -func (m filepathMatcher) match(path string) bool { - match, _ := filepath.Match(m.path, path) - return match -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/pattern.go b/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/pattern.go deleted file mode 100644 index 93adbf76..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/pattern.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ -package gitignore - -import ( - "path/filepath" - "strings" -) - -var Separator = string(filepath.Separator) - -type pattern struct { - hasRootPrefix bool - hasDirSuffix bool - pathDepth int - matcher pathMatcher - onlyEqualizedPath bool -} - -func newPattern(path string) pattern { - hasRootPrefix := path[0] == '/' - hasDirSuffix := path[len(path)-1] == '/' - - var pathDepth int - if !hasRootPrefix { - pathDepth = strings.Count(path, "/") - } - - var matcher pathMatcher - matchingPath := strings.Trim(path, "/") - if hasMeta(path) { - matcher = filepathMatcher{path: matchingPath} - } else { - matcher = simpleMatcher{path: matchingPath} - } - - return pattern{ - hasRootPrefix: hasRootPrefix, - hasDirSuffix: hasDirSuffix, - pathDepth: pathDepth, - matcher: matcher, - } -} - -func newPatternForEqualizedPath(path string) pattern { - pattern := newPattern(path) - pattern.onlyEqualizedPath = true - return pattern -} - -func (p pattern) match(path string, isDir bool) bool { - - if p.hasDirSuffix && !isDir { - return false - } - - var targetPath string - if p.hasRootPrefix || p.onlyEqualizedPath { - // absolute pattern or only equalized path mode - targetPath = path - } else { - // relative pattern - targetPath = p.equalizeDepth(path) - } - return p.matcher.match(targetPath) -} - -func (p pattern) equalizeDepth(path string) string { - equalizedPath, _ := cutLastN(path, p.pathDepth+1) - return equalizedPath -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/patterns.go b/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/patterns.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6770fb46..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/patterns.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -package gitignore - -type patterns struct { - patterns []pattern -} - -func (ps *patterns) add(pattern pattern) { - ps.patterns = append(ps.patterns, pattern) -} - -func (ps *patterns) size() int { - return len(ps.patterns) -} - -func (ps patterns) match(path string, isDir bool) bool { - for _, p := range ps.patterns { - if match := p.match(path, isDir); match { - return true - } - } - return false -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/util.go b/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/util.go deleted file mode 100644 index b5ab9bbf..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore/util.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ -package gitignore - -import ( - "os" - "strings" -) - -func cutN(path string, n int) (string, bool) { - isLast := true - - var i, count int - for i < len(path)-1 { - if os.IsPathSeparator(path[i]) { - count++ - if count >= n { - isLast = false - break - } - } - i++ - } - return path[:i+1], isLast -} - -func cutLastN(path string, n int) (string, bool) { - isLast := true - i := len(path) - 1 - - var count int - for i >= 0 { - if os.IsPathSeparator(path[i]) { - count++ - if count >= n { - isLast = false - break - } - } - i-- - } - return path[i+1:], isLast -} - -func hasMeta(path string) bool { - return strings.IndexAny(path, "*?[") >= 0 -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/peterbourgon/diskv/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/peterbourgon/diskv/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index 41ce7f16..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/peterbourgon/diskv/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Peter Bourgon - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in -all copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN -THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/peterbourgon/diskv/README.md b/vendor/github.com/peterbourgon/diskv/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3474739e..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/peterbourgon/diskv/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,141 +0,0 @@ -# What is diskv? - -Diskv (disk-vee) is a simple, persistent key-value store written in the Go -language. It starts with an incredibly simple API for storing arbitrary data on -a filesystem by key, and builds several layers of performance-enhancing -abstraction on top. The end result is a conceptually simple, but highly -performant, disk-backed storage system. - -[![Build Status][1]][2] - -[1]: https://drone.io/github.com/peterbourgon/diskv/status.png -[2]: https://drone.io/github.com/peterbourgon/diskv/latest - - -# Installing - -Install [Go 1][3], either [from source][4] or [with a prepackaged binary][5]. -Then, - -```bash -$ go get github.com/peterbourgon/diskv -``` - -[3]: http://golang.org -[4]: http://golang.org/doc/install/source -[5]: http://golang.org/doc/install - - -# Usage - -```go -package main - -import ( - "fmt" - "github.com/peterbourgon/diskv" -) - -func main() { - // Simplest transform function: put all the data files into the base dir. - flatTransform := func(s string) []string { return []string{} } - - // Initialize a new diskv store, rooted at "my-data-dir", with a 1MB cache. - d := diskv.New(diskv.Options{ - BasePath: "my-data-dir", - Transform: flatTransform, - CacheSizeMax: 1024 * 1024, - }) - - // Write three bytes to the key "alpha". - key := "alpha" - d.Write(key, []byte{'1', '2', '3'}) - - // Read the value back out of the store. - value, _ := d.Read(key) - fmt.Printf("%v\n", value) - - // Erase the key+value from the store (and the disk). - d.Erase(key) -} -``` - -More complex examples can be found in the "examples" subdirectory. - - -# Theory - -## Basic idea - -At its core, diskv is a map of a key (`string`) to arbitrary data (`[]byte`). -The data is written to a single file on disk, with the same name as the key. -The key determines where that file will be stored, via a user-provided -`TransformFunc`, which takes a key and returns a slice (`[]string`) -corresponding to a path list where the key file will be stored. The simplest -TransformFunc, - -```go -func SimpleTransform (key string) []string { - return []string{} -} -``` - -will place all keys in the same, base directory. The design is inspired by -[Redis diskstore][6]; a TransformFunc which emulates the default diskstore -behavior is available in the content-addressable-storage example. - -[6]: http://groups.google.com/group/redis-db/browse_thread/thread/d444bc786689bde9?pli=1 - -**Note** that your TransformFunc should ensure that one valid key doesn't -transform to a subset of another valid key. That is, it shouldn't be possible -to construct valid keys that resolve to directory names. As a concrete example, -if your TransformFunc splits on every 3 characters, then - -```go -d.Write("abcabc", val) // OK: written to /abc/abc/abcabc -d.Write("abc", val) // Error: attempted write to /abc/abc, but it's a directory -``` - -This will be addressed in an upcoming version of diskv. - -Probably the most important design principle behind diskv is that your data is -always flatly available on the disk. diskv will never do anything that would -prevent you from accessing, copying, backing up, or otherwise interacting with -your data via common UNIX commandline tools. - -## Adding a cache - -An in-memory caching layer is provided by combining the BasicStore -functionality with a simple map structure, and keeping it up-to-date as -appropriate. Since the map structure in Go is not threadsafe, it's combined -with a RWMutex to provide safe concurrent access. - -## Adding order - -diskv is a key-value store and therefore inherently unordered. An ordering -system can be injected into the store by passing something which satisfies the -diskv.Index interface. (A default implementation, using Google's -[btree][7] package, is provided.) Basically, diskv keeps an ordered (by a -user-provided Less function) index of the keys, which can be queried. - -[7]: https://github.com/google/btree - -## Adding compression - -Something which implements the diskv.Compression interface may be passed -during store creation, so that all Writes and Reads are filtered through -a compression/decompression pipeline. Several default implementations, -using stdlib compression algorithms, are provided. Note that data is cached -compressed; the cost of decompression is borne with each Read. - -## Streaming - -diskv also now provides ReadStream and WriteStream methods, to allow very large -data to be handled efficiently. - - -# Future plans - - * Needs plenty of robust testing: huge datasets, etc... - * More thorough benchmarking - * Your suggestions for use-cases I haven't thought of diff --git a/vendor/github.com/peterbourgon/diskv/compression.go b/vendor/github.com/peterbourgon/diskv/compression.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5192b027..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/peterbourgon/diskv/compression.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ -package diskv - -import ( - "compress/flate" - "compress/gzip" - "compress/zlib" - "io" -) - -// Compression is an interface that Diskv uses to implement compression of -// data. Writer takes a destination io.Writer and returns a WriteCloser that -// compresses all data written through it. Reader takes a source io.Reader and -// returns a ReadCloser that decompresses all data read through it. You may -// define these methods on your own type, or use one of the NewCompression -// helpers. -type Compression interface { - Writer(dst io.Writer) (io.WriteCloser, error) - Reader(src io.Reader) (io.ReadCloser, error) -} - -// NewGzipCompression returns a Gzip-based Compression. -func NewGzipCompression() Compression { - return NewGzipCompressionLevel(flate.DefaultCompression) -} - -// NewGzipCompressionLevel returns a Gzip-based Compression with the given level. -func NewGzipCompressionLevel(level int) Compression { - return &genericCompression{ - wf: func(w io.Writer) (io.WriteCloser, error) { return gzip.NewWriterLevel(w, level) }, - rf: func(r io.Reader) (io.ReadCloser, error) { return gzip.NewReader(r) }, - } -} - -// NewZlibCompression returns a Zlib-based Compression. -func NewZlibCompression() Compression { - return NewZlibCompressionLevel(flate.DefaultCompression) -} - -// NewZlibCompressionLevel returns a Zlib-based Compression with the given level. -func NewZlibCompressionLevel(level int) Compression { - return NewZlibCompressionLevelDict(level, nil) -} - -// NewZlibCompressionLevelDict returns a Zlib-based Compression with the given -// level, based on the given dictionary. -func NewZlibCompressionLevelDict(level int, dict []byte) Compression { - return &genericCompression{ - func(w io.Writer) (io.WriteCloser, error) { return zlib.NewWriterLevelDict(w, level, dict) }, - func(r io.Reader) (io.ReadCloser, error) { return zlib.NewReaderDict(r, dict) }, - } -} - -type genericCompression struct { - wf func(w io.Writer) (io.WriteCloser, error) - rf func(r io.Reader) (io.ReadCloser, error) -} - -func (g *genericCompression) Writer(dst io.Writer) (io.WriteCloser, error) { - return g.wf(dst) -} - -func (g *genericCompression) Reader(src io.Reader) (io.ReadCloser, error) { - return g.rf(src) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/peterbourgon/diskv/diskv.go b/vendor/github.com/peterbourgon/diskv/diskv.go deleted file mode 100644 index 524dc0a6..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/peterbourgon/diskv/diskv.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,624 +0,0 @@ -// Diskv (disk-vee) is a simple, persistent, key-value store. -// It stores all data flatly on the filesystem. - -package diskv - -import ( - "bytes" - "errors" - "fmt" - "io" - "io/ioutil" - "os" - "path/filepath" - "strings" - "sync" - "syscall" -) - -const ( - defaultBasePath = "diskv" - defaultFilePerm os.FileMode = 0666 - defaultPathPerm os.FileMode = 0777 -) - -var ( - defaultTransform = func(s string) []string { return []string{} } - errCanceled = errors.New("canceled") - errEmptyKey = errors.New("empty key") - errBadKey = errors.New("bad key") - errImportDirectory = errors.New("can't import a directory") -) - -// TransformFunction transforms a key into a slice of strings, with each -// element in the slice representing a directory in the file path where the -// key's entry will eventually be stored. -// -// For example, if TransformFunc transforms "abcdef" to ["ab", "cde", "f"], -// the final location of the data file will be /ab/cde/f/abcdef -type TransformFunction func(s string) []string - -// Options define a set of properties that dictate Diskv behavior. -// All values are optional. -type Options struct { - BasePath string - Transform TransformFunction - CacheSizeMax uint64 // bytes - PathPerm os.FileMode - FilePerm os.FileMode - // If TempDir is set, it will enable filesystem atomic writes by - // writing temporary files to that location before being moved - // to BasePath. - // Note that TempDir MUST be on the same device/partition as - // BasePath. - TempDir string - - Index Index - IndexLess LessFunction - - Compression Compression -} - -// Diskv implements the Diskv interface. You shouldn't construct Diskv -// structures directly; instead, use the New constructor. -type Diskv struct { - Options - mu sync.RWMutex - cache map[string][]byte - cacheSize uint64 -} - -// New returns an initialized Diskv structure, ready to use. -// If the path identified by baseDir already contains data, -// it will be accessible, but not yet cached. -func New(o Options) *Diskv { - if o.BasePath == "" { - o.BasePath = defaultBasePath - } - if o.Transform == nil { - o.Transform = defaultTransform - } - if o.PathPerm == 0 { - o.PathPerm = defaultPathPerm - } - if o.FilePerm == 0 { - o.FilePerm = defaultFilePerm - } - - d := &Diskv{ - Options: o, - cache: map[string][]byte{}, - cacheSize: 0, - } - - if d.Index != nil && d.IndexLess != nil { - d.Index.Initialize(d.IndexLess, d.Keys(nil)) - } - - return d -} - -// Write synchronously writes the key-value pair to disk, making it immediately -// available for reads. Write relies on the filesystem to perform an eventual -// sync to physical media. If you need stronger guarantees, see WriteStream. -func (d *Diskv) Write(key string, val []byte) error { - return d.WriteStream(key, bytes.NewBuffer(val), false) -} - -// WriteStream writes the data represented by the io.Reader to the disk, under -// the provided key. If sync is true, WriteStream performs an explicit sync on -// the file as soon as it's written. -// -// bytes.Buffer provides io.Reader semantics for basic data types. -func (d *Diskv) WriteStream(key string, r io.Reader, sync bool) error { - if len(key) <= 0 { - return errEmptyKey - } - - d.mu.Lock() - defer d.mu.Unlock() - - return d.writeStreamWithLock(key, r, sync) -} - -// createKeyFileWithLock either creates the key file directly, or -// creates a temporary file in TempDir if it is set. -func (d *Diskv) createKeyFileWithLock(key string) (*os.File, error) { - if d.TempDir != "" { - if err := os.MkdirAll(d.TempDir, d.PathPerm); err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("temp mkdir: %s", err) - } - f, err := ioutil.TempFile(d.TempDir, "") - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("temp file: %s", err) - } - - if err := f.Chmod(d.FilePerm); err != nil { - f.Close() // error deliberately ignored - os.Remove(f.Name()) // error deliberately ignored - return nil, fmt.Errorf("chmod: %s", err) - } - return f, nil - } - - mode := os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREATE | os.O_TRUNC // overwrite if exists - f, err := os.OpenFile(d.completeFilename(key), mode, d.FilePerm) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("open file: %s", err) - } - return f, nil -} - -// writeStream does no input validation checking. -func (d *Diskv) writeStreamWithLock(key string, r io.Reader, sync bool) error { - if err := d.ensurePathWithLock(key); err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("ensure path: %s", err) - } - - f, err := d.createKeyFileWithLock(key) - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("create key file: %s", err) - } - - wc := io.WriteCloser(&nopWriteCloser{f}) - if d.Compression != nil { - wc, err = d.Compression.Writer(f) - if err != nil { - f.Close() // error deliberately ignored - os.Remove(f.Name()) // error deliberately ignored - return fmt.Errorf("compression writer: %s", err) - } - } - - if _, err := io.Copy(wc, r); err != nil { - f.Close() // error deliberately ignored - os.Remove(f.Name()) // error deliberately ignored - return fmt.Errorf("i/o copy: %s", err) - } - - if err := wc.Close(); err != nil { - f.Close() // error deliberately ignored - os.Remove(f.Name()) // error deliberately ignored - return fmt.Errorf("compression close: %s", err) - } - - if sync { - if err := f.Sync(); err != nil { - f.Close() // error deliberately ignored - os.Remove(f.Name()) // error deliberately ignored - return fmt.Errorf("file sync: %s", err) - } - } - - if err := f.Close(); err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("file close: %s", err) - } - - if f.Name() != d.completeFilename(key) { - if err := os.Rename(f.Name(), d.completeFilename(key)); err != nil { - os.Remove(f.Name()) // error deliberately ignored - return fmt.Errorf("rename: %s", err) - } - } - - if d.Index != nil { - d.Index.Insert(key) - } - - d.bustCacheWithLock(key) // cache only on read - - return nil -} - -// Import imports the source file into diskv under the destination key. If the -// destination key already exists, it's overwritten. If move is true, the -// source file is removed after a successful import. -func (d *Diskv) Import(srcFilename, dstKey string, move bool) (err error) { - if dstKey == "" { - return errEmptyKey - } - - if fi, err := os.Stat(srcFilename); err != nil { - return err - } else if fi.IsDir() { - return errImportDirectory - } - - d.mu.Lock() - defer d.mu.Unlock() - - if err := d.ensurePathWithLock(dstKey); err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("ensure path: %s", err) - } - - if move { - if err := syscall.Rename(srcFilename, d.completeFilename(dstKey)); err == nil { - d.bustCacheWithLock(dstKey) - return nil - } else if err != syscall.EXDEV { - // If it failed due to being on a different device, fall back to copying - return err - } - } - - f, err := os.Open(srcFilename) - if err != nil { - return err - } - defer f.Close() - err = d.writeStreamWithLock(dstKey, f, false) - if err == nil && move { - err = os.Remove(srcFilename) - } - return err -} - -// Read reads the key and returns the value. -// If the key is available in the cache, Read won't touch the disk. -// If the key is not in the cache, Read will have the side-effect of -// lazily caching the value. -func (d *Diskv) Read(key string) ([]byte, error) { - rc, err := d.ReadStream(key, false) - if err != nil { - return []byte{}, err - } - defer rc.Close() - return ioutil.ReadAll(rc) -} - -// ReadStream reads the key and returns the value (data) as an io.ReadCloser. -// If the value is cached from a previous read, and direct is false, -// ReadStream will use the cached value. Otherwise, it will return a handle to -// the file on disk, and cache the data on read. -// -// If direct is true, ReadStream will lazily delete any cached value for the -// key, and return a direct handle to the file on disk. -// -// If compression is enabled, ReadStream taps into the io.Reader stream prior -// to decompression, and caches the compressed data. -func (d *Diskv) ReadStream(key string, direct bool) (io.ReadCloser, error) { - d.mu.RLock() - defer d.mu.RUnlock() - - if val, ok := d.cache[key]; ok { - if !direct { - buf := bytes.NewBuffer(val) - if d.Compression != nil { - return d.Compression.Reader(buf) - } - return ioutil.NopCloser(buf), nil - } - - go func() { - d.mu.Lock() - defer d.mu.Unlock() - d.uncacheWithLock(key, uint64(len(val))) - }() - } - - return d.readWithRLock(key) -} - -// read ignores the cache, and returns an io.ReadCloser representing the -// decompressed data for the given key, streamed from the disk. Clients should -// acquire a read lock on the Diskv and check the cache themselves before -// calling read. -func (d *Diskv) readWithRLock(key string) (io.ReadCloser, error) { - filename := d.completeFilename(key) - - fi, err := os.Stat(filename) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if fi.IsDir() { - return nil, os.ErrNotExist - } - - f, err := os.Open(filename) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - var r io.Reader - if d.CacheSizeMax > 0 { - r = newSiphon(f, d, key) - } else { - r = &closingReader{f} - } - - var rc = io.ReadCloser(ioutil.NopCloser(r)) - if d.Compression != nil { - rc, err = d.Compression.Reader(r) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - - return rc, nil -} - -// closingReader provides a Reader that automatically closes the -// embedded ReadCloser when it reaches EOF -type closingReader struct { - rc io.ReadCloser -} - -func (cr closingReader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) { - n, err := cr.rc.Read(p) - if err == io.EOF { - if closeErr := cr.rc.Close(); closeErr != nil { - return n, closeErr // close must succeed for Read to succeed - } - } - return n, err -} - -// siphon is like a TeeReader: it copies all data read through it to an -// internal buffer, and moves that buffer to the cache at EOF. -type siphon struct { - f *os.File - d *Diskv - key string - buf *bytes.Buffer -} - -// newSiphon constructs a siphoning reader that represents the passed file. -// When a successful series of reads ends in an EOF, the siphon will write -// the buffered data to Diskv's cache under the given key. -func newSiphon(f *os.File, d *Diskv, key string) io.Reader { - return &siphon{ - f: f, - d: d, - key: key, - buf: &bytes.Buffer{}, - } -} - -// Read implements the io.Reader interface for siphon. -func (s *siphon) Read(p []byte) (int, error) { - n, err := s.f.Read(p) - - if err == nil { - return s.buf.Write(p[0:n]) // Write must succeed for Read to succeed - } - - if err == io.EOF { - s.d.cacheWithoutLock(s.key, s.buf.Bytes()) // cache may fail - if closeErr := s.f.Close(); closeErr != nil { - return n, closeErr // close must succeed for Read to succeed - } - return n, err - } - - return n, err -} - -// Erase synchronously erases the given key from the disk and the cache. -func (d *Diskv) Erase(key string) error { - d.mu.Lock() - defer d.mu.Unlock() - - d.bustCacheWithLock(key) - - // erase from index - if d.Index != nil { - d.Index.Delete(key) - } - - // erase from disk - filename := d.completeFilename(key) - if s, err := os.Stat(filename); err == nil { - if s.IsDir() { - return errBadKey - } - if err = os.Remove(filename); err != nil { - return err - } - } else { - // Return err as-is so caller can do os.IsNotExist(err). - return err - } - - // clean up and return - d.pruneDirsWithLock(key) - return nil -} - -// EraseAll will delete all of the data from the store, both in the cache and on -// the disk. Note that EraseAll doesn't distinguish diskv-related data from non- -// diskv-related data. Care should be taken to always specify a diskv base -// directory that is exclusively for diskv data. -func (d *Diskv) EraseAll() error { - d.mu.Lock() - defer d.mu.Unlock() - d.cache = make(map[string][]byte) - d.cacheSize = 0 - if d.TempDir != "" { - os.RemoveAll(d.TempDir) // errors ignored - } - return os.RemoveAll(d.BasePath) -} - -// Has returns true if the given key exists. -func (d *Diskv) Has(key string) bool { - d.mu.Lock() - defer d.mu.Unlock() - - if _, ok := d.cache[key]; ok { - return true - } - - filename := d.completeFilename(key) - s, err := os.Stat(filename) - if err != nil { - return false - } - if s.IsDir() { - return false - } - - return true -} - -// Keys returns a channel that will yield every key accessible by the store, -// in undefined order. If a cancel channel is provided, closing it will -// terminate and close the keys channel. -func (d *Diskv) Keys(cancel <-chan struct{}) <-chan string { - return d.KeysPrefix("", cancel) -} - -// KeysPrefix returns a channel that will yield every key accessible by the -// store with the given prefix, in undefined order. If a cancel channel is -// provided, closing it will terminate and close the keys channel. If the -// provided prefix is the empty string, all keys will be yielded. -func (d *Diskv) KeysPrefix(prefix string, cancel <-chan struct{}) <-chan string { - var prepath string - if prefix == "" { - prepath = d.BasePath - } else { - prepath = d.pathFor(prefix) - } - c := make(chan string) - go func() { - filepath.Walk(prepath, walker(c, prefix, cancel)) - close(c) - }() - return c -} - -// walker returns a function which satisfies the filepath.WalkFunc interface. -// It sends every non-directory file entry down the channel c. -func walker(c chan<- string, prefix string, cancel <-chan struct{}) filepath.WalkFunc { - return func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error { - if err != nil { - return err - } - - if info.IsDir() || !strings.HasPrefix(info.Name(), prefix) { - return nil // "pass" - } - - select { - case c <- info.Name(): - case <-cancel: - return errCanceled - } - - return nil - } -} - -// pathFor returns the absolute path for location on the filesystem where the -// data for the given key will be stored. -func (d *Diskv) pathFor(key string) string { - return filepath.Join(d.BasePath, filepath.Join(d.Transform(key)...)) -} - -// ensurePathWithLock is a helper function that generates all necessary -// directories on the filesystem for the given key. -func (d *Diskv) ensurePathWithLock(key string) error { - return os.MkdirAll(d.pathFor(key), d.PathPerm) -} - -// completeFilename returns the absolute path to the file for the given key. -func (d *Diskv) completeFilename(key string) string { - return filepath.Join(d.pathFor(key), key) -} - -// cacheWithLock attempts to cache the given key-value pair in the store's -// cache. It can fail if the value is larger than the cache's maximum size. -func (d *Diskv) cacheWithLock(key string, val []byte) error { - valueSize := uint64(len(val)) - if err := d.ensureCacheSpaceWithLock(valueSize); err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("%s; not caching", err) - } - - // be very strict about memory guarantees - if (d.cacheSize + valueSize) > d.CacheSizeMax { - panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to make room for value (%d/%d)", valueSize, d.CacheSizeMax)) - } - - d.cache[key] = val - d.cacheSize += valueSize - return nil -} - -// cacheWithoutLock acquires the store's (write) mutex and calls cacheWithLock. -func (d *Diskv) cacheWithoutLock(key string, val []byte) error { - d.mu.Lock() - defer d.mu.Unlock() - return d.cacheWithLock(key, val) -} - -func (d *Diskv) bustCacheWithLock(key string) { - if val, ok := d.cache[key]; ok { - d.uncacheWithLock(key, uint64(len(val))) - } -} - -func (d *Diskv) uncacheWithLock(key string, sz uint64) { - d.cacheSize -= sz - delete(d.cache, key) -} - -// pruneDirsWithLock deletes empty directories in the path walk leading to the -// key k. Typically this function is called after an Erase is made. -func (d *Diskv) pruneDirsWithLock(key string) error { - pathlist := d.Transform(key) - for i := range pathlist { - dir := filepath.Join(d.BasePath, filepath.Join(pathlist[:len(pathlist)-i]...)) - - // thanks to Steven Blenkinsop for this snippet - switch fi, err := os.Stat(dir); true { - case err != nil: - return err - case !fi.IsDir(): - panic(fmt.Sprintf("corrupt dirstate at %s", dir)) - } - - nlinks, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(dir, "*")) - if err != nil { - return err - } else if len(nlinks) > 0 { - return nil // has subdirs -- do not prune - } - if err = os.Remove(dir); err != nil { - return err - } - } - - return nil -} - -// ensureCacheSpaceWithLock deletes entries from the cache in arbitrary order -// until the cache has at least valueSize bytes available. -func (d *Diskv) ensureCacheSpaceWithLock(valueSize uint64) error { - if valueSize > d.CacheSizeMax { - return fmt.Errorf("value size (%d bytes) too large for cache (%d bytes)", valueSize, d.CacheSizeMax) - } - - safe := func() bool { return (d.cacheSize + valueSize) <= d.CacheSizeMax } - - for key, val := range d.cache { - if safe() { - break - } - - d.uncacheWithLock(key, uint64(len(val))) - } - - if !safe() { - panic(fmt.Sprintf("%d bytes still won't fit in the cache! (max %d bytes)", valueSize, d.CacheSizeMax)) - } - - return nil -} - -// nopWriteCloser wraps an io.Writer and provides a no-op Close method to -// satisfy the io.WriteCloser interface. -type nopWriteCloser struct { - io.Writer -} - -func (wc *nopWriteCloser) Write(p []byte) (int, error) { return wc.Writer.Write(p) } -func (wc *nopWriteCloser) Close() error { return nil } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/peterbourgon/diskv/index.go b/vendor/github.com/peterbourgon/diskv/index.go deleted file mode 100644 index 96fee515..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/peterbourgon/diskv/index.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,115 +0,0 @@ -package diskv - -import ( - "sync" - - "github.com/google/btree" -) - -// Index is a generic interface for things that can -// provide an ordered list of keys. -type Index interface { - Initialize(less LessFunction, keys <-chan string) - Insert(key string) - Delete(key string) - Keys(from string, n int) []string -} - -// LessFunction is used to initialize an Index of keys in a specific order. -type LessFunction func(string, string) bool - -// btreeString is a custom data type that satisfies the BTree Less interface, -// making the strings it wraps sortable by the BTree package. -type btreeString struct { - s string - l LessFunction -} - -// Less satisfies the BTree.Less interface using the btreeString's LessFunction. -func (s btreeString) Less(i btree.Item) bool { - return s.l(s.s, i.(btreeString).s) -} - -// BTreeIndex is an implementation of the Index interface using google/btree. -type BTreeIndex struct { - sync.RWMutex - LessFunction - *btree.BTree -} - -// Initialize populates the BTree tree with data from the keys channel, -// according to the passed less function. It's destructive to the BTreeIndex. -func (i *BTreeIndex) Initialize(less LessFunction, keys <-chan string) { - i.Lock() - defer i.Unlock() - i.LessFunction = less - i.BTree = rebuild(less, keys) -} - -// Insert inserts the given key (only) into the BTree tree. -func (i *BTreeIndex) Insert(key string) { - i.Lock() - defer i.Unlock() - if i.BTree == nil || i.LessFunction == nil { - panic("uninitialized index") - } - i.BTree.ReplaceOrInsert(btreeString{s: key, l: i.LessFunction}) -} - -// Delete removes the given key (only) from the BTree tree. -func (i *BTreeIndex) Delete(key string) { - i.Lock() - defer i.Unlock() - if i.BTree == nil || i.LessFunction == nil { - panic("uninitialized index") - } - i.BTree.Delete(btreeString{s: key, l: i.LessFunction}) -} - -// Keys yields a maximum of n keys in order. If the passed 'from' key is empty, -// Keys will return the first n keys. If the passed 'from' key is non-empty, the -// first key in the returned slice will be the key that immediately follows the -// passed key, in key order. -func (i *BTreeIndex) Keys(from string, n int) []string { - i.RLock() - defer i.RUnlock() - - if i.BTree == nil || i.LessFunction == nil { - panic("uninitialized index") - } - - if i.BTree.Len() <= 0 { - return []string{} - } - - btreeFrom := btreeString{s: from, l: i.LessFunction} - skipFirst := true - if len(from) <= 0 || !i.BTree.Has(btreeFrom) { - // no such key, so fabricate an always-smallest item - btreeFrom = btreeString{s: "", l: func(string, string) bool { return true }} - skipFirst = false - } - - keys := []string{} - iterator := func(i btree.Item) bool { - keys = append(keys, i.(btreeString).s) - return len(keys) < n - } - i.BTree.AscendGreaterOrEqual(btreeFrom, iterator) - - if skipFirst && len(keys) > 0 { - keys = keys[1:] - } - - return keys -} - -// rebuildIndex does the work of regenerating the index -// with the given keys. -func rebuild(less LessFunction, keys <-chan string) *btree.BTree { - tree := btree.New(2) - for key := range keys { - tree.ReplaceOrInsert(btreeString{s: key, l: less}) - } - return tree -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/xlab/treeprint/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/xlab/treeprint/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index 7c9305d6..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/xlab/treeprint/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -vendor/** -.idea -**/**.iml diff --git a/vendor/github.com/xlab/treeprint/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/xlab/treeprint/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index 5ab533ad..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/xlab/treeprint/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright © 2016 Maxim Kupriianov - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -of this software and associated documentation files (the “Softwareâ€), to deal -in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in -all copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS ISâ€, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN -THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/xlab/treeprint/README.md b/vendor/github.com/xlab/treeprint/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index 59fb121f..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/xlab/treeprint/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,154 +0,0 @@ -treeprint [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/xlab/treeprint?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/xlab/treeprint) ![test coverage](https://img.shields.io/badge/coverage-68.6%25-green.svg) -========= - -Package `treeprint` provides a simple ASCII tree composing tool. - -SYSTEME FIGURE - -If you are familiar with the [tree](http://mama.indstate.edu/users/ice/tree/) utility that is a recursive directory listing command that produces a depth indented listing of files, then you have the idea of what it would look like. - -On my system the command yields the following - -``` - $ tree -. -├── LICENSE -├── README.md -├── treeprint.go -└── treeprint_test.go - -0 directories, 4 files -``` - -and I'd like to have the same format for my Go data structures when I print them. - -## Installation - -``` -$ go get github.com/xlab/treeprint -``` - -## Concept of work - -The general idea is that you initialise a new tree with `treeprint.New()` and then add nodes and -branches into it. Use `AddNode()` when you want add a node on the same level as the target or -use `AddBranch()` when you want to go a level deeper. So `tree.AddBranch().AddNode().AddNode()` would -create a new level with two distinct nodes on it. So `tree.AddNode().AddNode()` is a flat thing and -`tree.AddBranch().AddBranch().AddBranch()` is a high thing. Use `String()` or `Bytes()` on a branch -to render a subtree, or use it on the root to print the whole tree. - -The utility will yield Unicode-friendly trees. The output is predictable and there is no platform-dependent exceptions, so if you have issues with displaying the tree in the console, all platform-related transformations can be done after the tree has been rendered: [an example](https://github.com/xlab/treeprint/issues/2#issuecomment-324944141) for Asian locales. - -## Use cases - -### When you want to render a complex data structure: - -```go -func main() { - // to add a custom root name use `treeprint.NewWithRoot()` instead - tree := treeprint.New() - - // create a new branch in the root - one := tree.AddBranch("one") - - // add some nodes - one.AddNode("subnode1").AddNode("subnode2") - - // create a new sub-branch - one.AddBranch("two"). - AddNode("subnode1").AddNode("subnode2"). // add some nodes - AddBranch("three"). // add a new sub-branch - AddNode("subnode1").AddNode("subnode2") // add some nodes too - - // add one more node that should surround the inner branch - one.AddNode("subnode3") - - // add a new node to the root - tree.AddNode("outernode") - - fmt.Println(tree.String()) -} -``` - -Will give you: - -``` -. -├── one -│   ├── subnode1 -│   ├── subnode2 -│   ├── two -│   │   ├── subnode1 -│   │   ├── subnode2 -│   │   └── three -│   │   ├── subnode1 -│   │   └── subnode2 -│   └── subnode3 -└── outernode -``` - -### Another case, when you have to make a tree where any leaf may have some meta-data (as `tree` is capable of it): - -```go -func main { - // to add a custom root name use `treeprint.NewWithRoot()` instead - tree := treeprint.New() - - tree.AddNode("Dockerfile") - tree.AddNode("Makefile") - tree.AddNode("aws.sh") - tree.AddMetaBranch(" 204", "bin"). - AddNode("dbmaker").AddNode("someserver").AddNode("testtool") - tree.AddMetaBranch(" 374", "deploy"). - AddNode("Makefile").AddNode("bootstrap.sh") - tree.AddMetaNode("122K", "testtool.a") - - fmt.Println(tree.String()) -} -``` - -Output: - -``` -. -├── Dockerfile -├── Makefile -├── aws.sh -├── [ 204] bin -│   ├── dbmaker -│   ├── someserver -│   └── testtool -├── [ 374] deploy -│   ├── Makefile -│   └── bootstrap.sh -└── [122K] testtool.a -``` - -### Iterating over the tree nodes - -```go -tree := New() - -one := tree.AddBranch("one") -one.AddNode("one-subnode1").AddNode("one-subnode2") -one.AddBranch("two").AddNode("two-subnode1").AddNode("two-subnode2"). - AddBranch("three").AddNode("three-subnode1").AddNode("three-subnode2") -tree.AddNode("outernode") - -// if you need to iterate over the whole tree -// call `VisitAll` from your top root node. -tree.VisitAll(func(item *node) { - if len(item.Nodes) > 0 { - // branch nodes - fmt.Println(item.Value) // will output one, two, three - } else { - // leaf nodes - fmt.Println(item.Value) // will output one-*, two-*, three-* and outernode - } -}) - -``` -Yay! So it works. - -## License -MIT diff --git a/vendor/github.com/xlab/treeprint/helpers.go b/vendor/github.com/xlab/treeprint/helpers.go deleted file mode 100644 index a091a5a0..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/xlab/treeprint/helpers.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -package treeprint - -import ( - "reflect" - "strings" -) - -func isEmpty(v *reflect.Value) bool { - switch v.Kind() { - case reflect.Array, reflect.Map, reflect.Slice, reflect.String: - return v.Len() == 0 - case reflect.Bool: - return !v.Bool() - case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: - return v.Int() == 0 - case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr: - return v.Uint() == 0 - case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: - return v.Float() == 0 - case reflect.Interface, reflect.Ptr: - return v.IsNil() - } - return false -} - -func tagSpec(tag string) (name string, omit bool) { - parts := strings.Split(tag, ",") - if len(parts) < 2 { - return tag, false - } - if parts[1] == "omitempty" { - return parts[0], true - } - return parts[0], false -} - -func filterTags(tag reflect.StructTag) string { - tags := strings.Split(string(tag), " ") - filtered := make([]string, 0, len(tags)) - for i := range tags { - if strings.HasPrefix(tags[i], "tree:") { - continue - } - filtered = append(filtered, tags[i]) - } - return strings.Join(filtered, " ") -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/xlab/treeprint/struct.go b/vendor/github.com/xlab/treeprint/struct.go deleted file mode 100644 index 4d5cc825..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/xlab/treeprint/struct.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,322 +0,0 @@ -package treeprint - -import ( - "fmt" - "reflect" - "strings" -) - -type StructTreeOption int - -const ( - StructNameTree StructTreeOption = iota - StructValueTree - StructTagTree - StructTypeTree - StructTypeSizeTree -) - -func FromStruct(v interface{}, opt ...StructTreeOption) (Tree, error) { - var treeOpt StructTreeOption - if len(opt) > 0 { - treeOpt = opt[0] - } - switch treeOpt { - case StructNameTree: - tree := New() - err := nameTree(tree, v) - return tree, err - case StructValueTree: - tree := New() - err := valueTree(tree, v) - return tree, err - case StructTagTree: - tree := New() - err := tagTree(tree, v) - return tree, err - case StructTypeTree: - tree := New() - err := typeTree(tree, v) - return tree, err - case StructTypeSizeTree: - tree := New() - err := typeSizeTree(tree, v) - return tree, err - default: - err := fmt.Errorf("treeprint: invalid StructTreeOption %v", treeOpt) - return nil, err - } -} - -type FmtFunc func(name string, v interface{}) (string, bool) - -func FromStructWithMeta(v interface{}, fmtFunc FmtFunc) (Tree, error) { - if fmtFunc == nil { - tree := New() - err := nameTree(tree, v) - return tree, err - } - tree := New() - err := metaTree(tree, v, fmtFunc) - return tree, err -} - -func Repr(v interface{}) string { - tree := New() - vType := reflect.TypeOf(v) - vValue := reflect.ValueOf(v) - _, val, isStruct := getValue(vType, &vValue) - if !isStruct { - return fmt.Sprintf("%+v", val.Interface()) - } - err := valueTree(tree, val.Interface()) - if err != nil { - return err.Error() - } - return tree.String() -} - -func nameTree(tree Tree, v interface{}) error { - typ, val, err := checkType(v) - if err != nil { - return err - } - fields := typ.NumField() - for i := 0; i < fields; i++ { - field := typ.Field(i) - fieldValue := val.Field(i) - name, skip, omit := getMeta(field.Name, field.Tag) - if skip || omit && isEmpty(&fieldValue) { - continue - } - typ, val, isStruct := getValue(field.Type, &fieldValue) - if !isStruct { - tree.AddNode(name) - continue - } else if subNum := typ.NumField(); subNum == 0 { - tree.AddNode(name) - continue - } - branch := tree.AddBranch(name) - if err := nameTree(branch, val.Interface()); err != nil { - err := fmt.Errorf("%v on struct branch %s", err, name) - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -func getMeta(fieldName string, tag reflect.StructTag) (name string, skip, omit bool) { - if tagStr := tag.Get("tree"); len(tagStr) > 0 { - name, omit = tagSpec(tagStr) - } - if name == "-" { - return fieldName, true, omit - } - if len(name) == 0 { - name = fieldName - } else if trimmed := strings.TrimSpace(name); len(trimmed) == 0 { - name = fieldName - } - return -} - -func valueTree(tree Tree, v interface{}) error { - typ, val, err := checkType(v) - if err != nil { - return err - } - fields := typ.NumField() - for i := 0; i < fields; i++ { - field := typ.Field(i) - fieldValue := val.Field(i) - name, skip, omit := getMeta(field.Name, field.Tag) - if skip || omit && isEmpty(&fieldValue) { - continue - } - typ, val, isStruct := getValue(field.Type, &fieldValue) - if !isStruct { - tree.AddMetaNode(val.Interface(), name) - continue - } else if subNum := typ.NumField(); subNum == 0 { - tree.AddMetaNode(val.Interface(), name) - continue - } - branch := tree.AddBranch(name) - if err := valueTree(branch, val.Interface()); err != nil { - err := fmt.Errorf("%v on struct branch %s", err, name) - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -func tagTree(tree Tree, v interface{}) error { - typ, val, err := checkType(v) - if err != nil { - return err - } - fields := typ.NumField() - for i := 0; i < fields; i++ { - field := typ.Field(i) - fieldValue := val.Field(i) - name, skip, omit := getMeta(field.Name, field.Tag) - if skip || omit && isEmpty(&fieldValue) { - continue - } - filteredTag := filterTags(field.Tag) - typ, val, isStruct := getValue(field.Type, &fieldValue) - if !isStruct { - tree.AddMetaNode(filteredTag, name) - continue - } else if subNum := typ.NumField(); subNum == 0 { - tree.AddMetaNode(filteredTag, name) - continue - } - branch := tree.AddMetaBranch(filteredTag, name) - if err := tagTree(branch, val.Interface()); err != nil { - err := fmt.Errorf("%v on struct branch %s", err, name) - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -func typeTree(tree Tree, v interface{}) error { - typ, val, err := checkType(v) - if err != nil { - return err - } - fields := typ.NumField() - for i := 0; i < fields; i++ { - field := typ.Field(i) - fieldValue := val.Field(i) - name, skip, omit := getMeta(field.Name, field.Tag) - if skip || omit && isEmpty(&fieldValue) { - continue - } - typ, val, isStruct := getValue(field.Type, &fieldValue) - typename := fmt.Sprintf("%T", val.Interface()) - if !isStruct { - tree.AddMetaNode(typename, name) - continue - } else if subNum := typ.NumField(); subNum == 0 { - tree.AddMetaNode(typename, name) - continue - } - branch := tree.AddMetaBranch(typename, name) - if err := typeTree(branch, val.Interface()); err != nil { - err := fmt.Errorf("%v on struct branch %s", err, name) - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -func typeSizeTree(tree Tree, v interface{}) error { - typ, val, err := checkType(v) - if err != nil { - return err - } - fields := typ.NumField() - for i := 0; i < fields; i++ { - field := typ.Field(i) - fieldValue := val.Field(i) - name, skip, omit := getMeta(field.Name, field.Tag) - if skip || omit && isEmpty(&fieldValue) { - continue - } - typ, val, isStruct := getValue(field.Type, &fieldValue) - typesize := typ.Size() - if !isStruct { - tree.AddMetaNode(typesize, name) - continue - } else if subNum := typ.NumField(); subNum == 0 { - tree.AddMetaNode(typesize, name) - continue - } - branch := tree.AddMetaBranch(typesize, name) - if err := typeSizeTree(branch, val.Interface()); err != nil { - err := fmt.Errorf("%v on struct branch %s", err, name) - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -func metaTree(tree Tree, v interface{}, fmtFunc FmtFunc) error { - typ, val, err := checkType(v) - if err != nil { - return err - } - fields := typ.NumField() - for i := 0; i < fields; i++ { - field := typ.Field(i) - fieldValue := val.Field(i) - name, skip, omit := getMeta(field.Name, field.Tag) - if skip || omit && isEmpty(&fieldValue) { - continue - } - typ, val, isStruct := getValue(field.Type, &fieldValue) - formatted, show := fmtFunc(name, val.Interface()) - if !isStruct { - if show { - tree.AddMetaNode(formatted, name) - continue - } - tree.AddNode(name) - continue - } else if subNum := typ.NumField(); subNum == 0 { - if show { - tree.AddMetaNode(formatted, name) - continue - } - tree.AddNode(name) - continue - } - var branch Tree - if show { - branch = tree.AddMetaBranch(formatted, name) - } else { - branch = tree.AddBranch(name) - } - if err := metaTree(branch, val.Interface(), fmtFunc); err != nil { - err := fmt.Errorf("%v on struct branch %s", err, name) - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -func getValue(typ reflect.Type, val *reflect.Value) (reflect.Type, *reflect.Value, bool) { - switch typ.Kind() { - case reflect.Ptr: - typ = typ.Elem() - if typ.Kind() == reflect.Struct { - elem := val.Elem() - return typ, &elem, true - } - case reflect.Struct: - return typ, val, true - } - return typ, val, false -} - -func checkType(v interface{}) (reflect.Type, *reflect.Value, error) { - typ := reflect.TypeOf(v) - val := reflect.ValueOf(v) - switch typ.Kind() { - case reflect.Ptr: - typ = typ.Elem() - if typ.Kind() != reflect.Struct { - err := fmt.Errorf("treeprint: %T is not a struct we could work with", v) - return nil, nil, err - } - val = val.Elem() - case reflect.Struct: - default: - err := fmt.Errorf("treeprint: %T is not a struct we could work with", v) - return nil, nil, err - } - return typ, &val, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/xlab/treeprint/treeprint.go b/vendor/github.com/xlab/treeprint/treeprint.go deleted file mode 100644 index fc8204b7..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/xlab/treeprint/treeprint.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,294 +0,0 @@ -// Package treeprint provides a simple ASCII tree composing tool. -package treeprint - -import ( - "bytes" - "fmt" - "io" - "reflect" - "strings" -) - -// Value defines any value -type Value interface{} - -// MetaValue defines any meta value -type MetaValue interface{} - -// NodeVisitor function type for iterating over nodes -type NodeVisitor func(item *Node) - -// Tree represents a tree structure with leaf-nodes and branch-nodes. -type Tree interface { - // AddNode adds a new Node to a branch. - AddNode(v Value) Tree - // AddMetaNode adds a new Node with meta value provided to a branch. - AddMetaNode(meta MetaValue, v Value) Tree - // AddBranch adds a new branch Node (a level deeper). - AddBranch(v Value) Tree - // AddMetaBranch adds a new branch Node (a level deeper) with meta value provided. - AddMetaBranch(meta MetaValue, v Value) Tree - // Branch converts a leaf-Node to a branch-Node, - // applying this on a branch-Node does no effect. - Branch() Tree - // FindByMeta finds a Node whose meta value matches the provided one by reflect.DeepEqual, - // returns nil if not found. - FindByMeta(meta MetaValue) Tree - // FindByValue finds a Node whose value matches the provided one by reflect.DeepEqual, - // returns nil if not found. - FindByValue(value Value) Tree - // returns the last Node of a tree - FindLastNode() Tree - // String renders the tree or subtree as a string. - String() string - // Bytes renders the tree or subtree as byteslice. - Bytes() []byte - - SetValue(value Value) - SetMetaValue(meta MetaValue) - - // VisitAll iterates over the tree, branches and nodes. - // If need to iterate over the whole tree, use the root Node. - // Note this method uses a breadth-first approach. - VisitAll(fn NodeVisitor) -} - -type Node struct { - Root *Node - Meta MetaValue - Value Value - Nodes []*Node -} - -func (n *Node) FindLastNode() Tree { - ns := n.Nodes - if len(ns) == 0 { - return nil - } - return ns[len(ns)-1] -} - -func (n *Node) AddNode(v Value) Tree { - n.Nodes = append(n.Nodes, &Node{ - Root: n, - Value: v, - }) - return n -} - -func (n *Node) AddMetaNode(meta MetaValue, v Value) Tree { - n.Nodes = append(n.Nodes, &Node{ - Root: n, - Meta: meta, - Value: v, - }) - return n -} - -func (n *Node) AddBranch(v Value) Tree { - branch := &Node{ - Root: n, - Value: v, - } - n.Nodes = append(n.Nodes, branch) - return branch -} - -func (n *Node) AddMetaBranch(meta MetaValue, v Value) Tree { - branch := &Node{ - Root: n, - Meta: meta, - Value: v, - } - n.Nodes = append(n.Nodes, branch) - return branch -} - -func (n *Node) Branch() Tree { - n.Root = nil - return n -} - -func (n *Node) FindByMeta(meta MetaValue) Tree { - for _, node := range n.Nodes { - if reflect.DeepEqual(node.Meta, meta) { - return node - } - if v := node.FindByMeta(meta); v != nil { - return v - } - } - return nil -} - -func (n *Node) FindByValue(value Value) Tree { - for _, node := range n.Nodes { - if reflect.DeepEqual(node.Value, value) { - return node - } - if v := node.FindByMeta(value); v != nil { - return v - } - } - return nil -} - -func (n *Node) Bytes() []byte { - buf := new(bytes.Buffer) - level := 0 - var levelsEnded []int - if n.Root == nil { - if n.Meta != nil { - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("[%v] %v", n.Meta, n.Value)) - } else { - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", n.Value)) - } - buf.WriteByte('\n') - } else { - edge := EdgeTypeMid - if len(n.Nodes) == 0 { - edge = EdgeTypeEnd - levelsEnded = append(levelsEnded, level) - } - printValues(buf, 0, levelsEnded, edge, n) - } - if len(n.Nodes) > 0 { - printNodes(buf, level, levelsEnded, n.Nodes) - } - return buf.Bytes() -} - -func (n *Node) String() string { - return string(n.Bytes()) -} - -func (n *Node) SetValue(value Value) { - n.Value = value -} - -func (n *Node) SetMetaValue(meta MetaValue) { - n.Meta = meta -} - -func (n *Node) VisitAll(fn NodeVisitor) { - for _, node := range n.Nodes { - fn(node) - - if len(node.Nodes) > 0 { - node.VisitAll(fn) - continue - } - } -} - -func printNodes(wr io.Writer, - level int, levelsEnded []int, nodes []*Node) { - - for i, node := range nodes { - edge := EdgeTypeMid - if i == len(nodes)-1 { - levelsEnded = append(levelsEnded, level) - edge = EdgeTypeEnd - } - printValues(wr, level, levelsEnded, edge, node) - if len(node.Nodes) > 0 { - printNodes(wr, level+1, levelsEnded, node.Nodes) - } - } -} - -func printValues(wr io.Writer, - level int, levelsEnded []int, edge EdgeType, node *Node) { - - for i := 0; i < level; i++ { - if isEnded(levelsEnded, i) { - fmt.Fprint(wr, strings.Repeat(" ", IndentSize+1)) - continue - } - fmt.Fprintf(wr, "%s%s", EdgeTypeLink, strings.Repeat(" ", IndentSize)) - } - - val := renderValue(level, node) - meta := node.Meta - - if meta != nil { - fmt.Fprintf(wr, "%s [%v] %v\n", edge, meta, val) - return - } - fmt.Fprintf(wr, "%s %v\n", edge, val) -} - -func isEnded(levelsEnded []int, level int) bool { - for _, l := range levelsEnded { - if l == level { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -func renderValue(level int, node *Node) Value { - lines := strings.Split(fmt.Sprintf("%v", node.Value), "\n") - - // If value does not contain multiple lines, return itself. - if len(lines) < 2 { - return node.Value - } - - // If value contains multiple lines, - // generate a padding and prefix each line with it. - pad := padding(level, node) - - for i := 1; i < len(lines); i++ { - lines[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", pad, lines[i]) - } - - return strings.Join(lines, "\n") -} - -// padding returns a padding for the multiline values with correctly placed link edges. -// It is generated by traversing the tree upwards (from leaf to the root of the tree) -// and, on each level, checking if the Node the last one of its siblings. -// If a Node is the last one, the padding on that level should be empty (there's nothing to link to below it). -// If a Node is not the last one, the padding on that level should be the link edge so the sibling below is correctly connected. -func padding(level int, node *Node) string { - links := make([]string, level+1) - - for node.Root != nil { - if isLast(node) { - links[level] = strings.Repeat(" ", IndentSize+1) - } else { - links[level] = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", EdgeTypeLink, strings.Repeat(" ", IndentSize)) - } - level-- - node = node.Root - } - - return strings.Join(links, "") -} - -// isLast checks if the Node is the last one in the slice of its parent children -func isLast(n *Node) bool { - return n == n.Root.FindLastNode() -} - -type EdgeType string - -var ( - EdgeTypeLink EdgeType = "│" - EdgeTypeMid EdgeType = "├──" - EdgeTypeEnd EdgeType = "└──" -) - -// IndentSize is the number of spaces per tree level. -var IndentSize = 3 - -// New Generates new tree -func New() Tree { - return &Node{Value: "."} -} - -// NewWithRoot Generates new tree with the given root value -func NewWithRoot(root Value) Tree { - return &Node{Value: root} -} diff --git a/vendor/go.starlark.net/LICENSE b/vendor/go.starlark.net/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index a6609a14..00000000 --- a/vendor/go.starlark.net/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -Copyright (c) 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. - -Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -met: - -1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - -2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the - documentation and/or other materials provided with the - distribution. - -3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its - contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - from this software without specific prior written permission. - -THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -"AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. diff --git a/vendor/go.starlark.net/internal/compile/compile.go b/vendor/go.starlark.net/internal/compile/compile.go deleted file mode 100644 index 888d95c5..00000000 --- a/vendor/go.starlark.net/internal/compile/compile.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1924 +0,0 @@ -// Package compile defines the Starlark bytecode compiler. -// It is an internal package of the Starlark interpreter and is not directly accessible to clients. -// -// The compiler generates byte code with optional uint32 operands for a -// virtual machine with the following components: -// - a program counter, which is an index into the byte code array. -// - an operand stack, whose maximum size is computed for each function by the compiler. -// - an stack of active iterators. -// - an array of local variables. -// The number of local variables and their indices are computed by the resolver. -// Locals (possibly including parameters) that are shared with nested functions -// are 'cells': their locals array slot will contain a value of type 'cell', -// an indirect value in a box that is explicitly read/updated by instructions. -// - an array of free variables, for nested functions. -// Free variables are a subset of the ancestors' cell variables. -// As with locals and cells, these are computed by the resolver. -// - an array of global variables, shared among all functions in the same module. -// All elements are initially nil. -// - two maps of predeclared and universal identifiers. -// -// Each function has a line number table that maps each program counter -// offset to a source position, including the column number. -// -// Operands, logically uint32s, are encoded using little-endian 7-bit -// varints, the top bit indicating that more bytes follow. -// -package compile // import "go.starlark.net/internal/compile" - -import ( - "bytes" - "fmt" - "log" - "os" - "path/filepath" - "strconv" - "strings" - "sync" - - "go.starlark.net/resolve" - "go.starlark.net/syntax" -) - -// Disassemble causes the assembly code for each function -// to be printed to stderr as it is generated. -var Disassemble = false - -const debug = false // make code generation verbose, for debugging the compiler - -// Increment this to force recompilation of saved bytecode files. -const Version = 13 - -type Opcode uint8 - -// "x DUP x x" is a "stack picture" that describes the state of the -// stack before and after execution of the instruction. -// -// OP indicates an immediate operand that is an index into the -// specified table: locals, names, freevars, constants. -const ( - NOP Opcode = iota // - NOP - - - // stack operations - DUP // x DUP x x - DUP2 // x y DUP2 x y x y - POP // x POP - - EXCH // x y EXCH y x - - // binary comparisons - // (order must match Token) - LT - GT - GE - LE - EQL - NEQ - - // binary arithmetic - // (order must match Token) - PLUS - MINUS - STAR - SLASH - SLASHSLASH - PERCENT - AMP - PIPE - CIRCUMFLEX - LTLT - GTGT - - IN - - // unary operators - UPLUS // x UPLUS x - UMINUS // x UMINUS -x - TILDE // x TILDE ~x - - NONE // - NONE None - TRUE // - TRUE True - FALSE // - FALSE False - MANDATORY // - MANDATORY Mandatory [sentinel value for required kwonly args] - - ITERPUSH // iterable ITERPUSH - [pushes the iterator stack] - ITERPOP // - ITERPOP - [pops the iterator stack] - NOT // value NOT bool - RETURN // value RETURN - - SETINDEX // a i new SETINDEX - - INDEX // a i INDEX elem - SETDICT // dict key value SETDICT - - SETDICTUNIQ // dict key value SETDICTUNIQ - - APPEND // list elem APPEND - - SLICE // x lo hi step SLICE slice - INPLACE_ADD // x y INPLACE_ADD z where z is x+y or x.extend(y) - INPLACE_PIPE // x y INPLACE_PIPE z where z is x|y - MAKEDICT // - MAKEDICT dict - - // --- opcodes with an argument must go below this line --- - - // control flow - JMP // - JMP - - CJMP // cond CJMP - - ITERJMP // - ITERJMP elem (and fall through) [acts on topmost iterator] - // or: - ITERJMP - (and jump) - - CONSTANT // - CONSTANT value - MAKETUPLE // x1 ... xn MAKETUPLE tuple - MAKELIST // x1 ... xn MAKELIST list - MAKEFUNC // defaults+freevars MAKEFUNC fn - LOAD // from1 ... fromN module LOAD v1 ... vN - SETLOCAL // value SETLOCAL - - SETGLOBAL // value SETGLOBAL - - LOCAL // - LOCAL value - FREE // - FREE cell - FREECELL // - FREECELL value (content of FREE cell) - LOCALCELL // - LOCALCELL value (content of LOCAL cell) - SETLOCALCELL // value SETLOCALCELL - (set content of LOCAL cell) - GLOBAL // - GLOBAL value - PREDECLARED // - PREDECLARED value - UNIVERSAL // - UNIVERSAL value - ATTR // x ATTR y y = x.name - SETFIELD // x y SETFIELD - x.name = y - UNPACK // iterable UNPACK vn ... v1 - - // n>>8 is #positional args and n&0xff is #named args (pairs). - CALL // fn positional named CALL result - CALL_VAR // fn positional named *args CALL_VAR result - CALL_KW // fn positional named **kwargs CALL_KW result - CALL_VAR_KW // fn positional named *args **kwargs CALL_VAR_KW result - - OpcodeArgMin = JMP - OpcodeMax = CALL_VAR_KW -) - -// TODO(adonovan): add dynamic checks for missing opcodes in the tables below. - -var opcodeNames = [...]string{ - AMP: "amp", - APPEND: "append", - ATTR: "attr", - CALL: "call", - CALL_KW: "call_kw ", - CALL_VAR: "call_var", - CALL_VAR_KW: "call_var_kw", - CIRCUMFLEX: "circumflex", - CJMP: "cjmp", - CONSTANT: "constant", - DUP2: "dup2", - DUP: "dup", - EQL: "eql", - EXCH: "exch", - FALSE: "false", - FREE: "free", - FREECELL: "freecell", - GE: "ge", - GLOBAL: "global", - GT: "gt", - GTGT: "gtgt", - IN: "in", - INDEX: "index", - INPLACE_ADD: "inplace_add", - INPLACE_PIPE: "inplace_pipe", - ITERJMP: "iterjmp", - ITERPOP: "iterpop", - ITERPUSH: "iterpush", - JMP: "jmp", - LE: "le", - LOAD: "load", - LOCAL: "local", - LOCALCELL: "localcell", - LT: "lt", - LTLT: "ltlt", - MAKEDICT: "makedict", - MAKEFUNC: "makefunc", - MAKELIST: "makelist", - MAKETUPLE: "maketuple", - MANDATORY: "mandatory", - MINUS: "minus", - NEQ: "neq", - NONE: "none", - NOP: "nop", - NOT: "not", - PERCENT: "percent", - PIPE: "pipe", - PLUS: "plus", - POP: "pop", - PREDECLARED: "predeclared", - RETURN: "return", - SETDICT: "setdict", - SETDICTUNIQ: "setdictuniq", - SETFIELD: "setfield", - SETGLOBAL: "setglobal", - SETINDEX: "setindex", - SETLOCAL: "setlocal", - SETLOCALCELL: "setlocalcell", - SLASH: "slash", - SLASHSLASH: "slashslash", - SLICE: "slice", - STAR: "star", - TILDE: "tilde", - TRUE: "true", - UMINUS: "uminus", - UNIVERSAL: "universal", - UNPACK: "unpack", - UPLUS: "uplus", -} - -const variableStackEffect = 0x7f - -// stackEffect records the effect on the size of the operand stack of -// each kind of instruction. For some instructions this requires computation. -var stackEffect = [...]int8{ - AMP: -1, - APPEND: -2, - ATTR: 0, - CALL: variableStackEffect, - CALL_KW: variableStackEffect, - CALL_VAR: variableStackEffect, - CALL_VAR_KW: variableStackEffect, - CIRCUMFLEX: -1, - CJMP: -1, - CONSTANT: +1, - DUP2: +2, - DUP: +1, - EQL: -1, - FALSE: +1, - FREE: +1, - FREECELL: +1, - GE: -1, - GLOBAL: +1, - GT: -1, - GTGT: -1, - IN: -1, - INDEX: -1, - INPLACE_ADD: -1, - INPLACE_PIPE: -1, - ITERJMP: variableStackEffect, - ITERPOP: 0, - ITERPUSH: -1, - JMP: 0, - LE: -1, - LOAD: -1, - LOCAL: +1, - LOCALCELL: +1, - LT: -1, - LTLT: -1, - MAKEDICT: +1, - MAKEFUNC: 0, - MAKELIST: variableStackEffect, - MAKETUPLE: variableStackEffect, - MANDATORY: +1, - MINUS: -1, - NEQ: -1, - NONE: +1, - NOP: 0, - NOT: 0, - PERCENT: -1, - PIPE: -1, - PLUS: -1, - POP: -1, - PREDECLARED: +1, - RETURN: -1, - SETLOCALCELL: -1, - SETDICT: -3, - SETDICTUNIQ: -3, - SETFIELD: -2, - SETGLOBAL: -1, - SETINDEX: -3, - SETLOCAL: -1, - SLASH: -1, - SLASHSLASH: -1, - SLICE: -3, - STAR: -1, - TRUE: +1, - UMINUS: 0, - UNIVERSAL: +1, - UNPACK: variableStackEffect, - UPLUS: 0, -} - -func (op Opcode) String() string { - if op < OpcodeMax { - if name := opcodeNames[op]; name != "" { - return name - } - } - return fmt.Sprintf("illegal op (%d)", op) -} - -// A Program is a Starlark file in executable form. -// -// Programs are serialized by the Program.Encode method, -// which must be updated whenever this declaration is changed. -type Program struct { - Loads []Binding // name (really, string) and position of each load stmt - Names []string // names of attributes and predeclared variables - Constants []interface{} // = string | int64 | float64 | *big.Int | Bytes - Functions []*Funcode - Globals []Binding // for error messages and tracing - Toplevel *Funcode // module initialization function -} - -// The type of a bytes literal value, to distinguish from text string. -type Bytes string - -// A Funcode is the code of a compiled Starlark function. -// -// Funcodes are serialized by the encoder.function method, -// which must be updated whenever this declaration is changed. -type Funcode struct { - Prog *Program - Pos syntax.Position // position of def or lambda token - Name string // name of this function - Doc string // docstring of this function - Code []byte // the byte code - pclinetab []uint16 // mapping from pc to linenum - Locals []Binding // locals, parameters first - Cells []int // indices of Locals that require cells - Freevars []Binding // for tracing - MaxStack int - NumParams int - NumKwonlyParams int - HasVarargs, HasKwargs bool - - // -- transient state -- - - lntOnce sync.Once - lnt []pclinecol // decoded line number table -} - -type pclinecol struct { - pc uint32 - line, col int32 -} - -// A Binding is the name and position of a binding identifier. -type Binding struct { - Name string - Pos syntax.Position -} - -// A pcomp holds the compiler state for a Program. -type pcomp struct { - prog *Program // what we're building - - names map[string]uint32 - constants map[interface{}]uint32 - functions map[*Funcode]uint32 -} - -// An fcomp holds the compiler state for a Funcode. -type fcomp struct { - fn *Funcode // what we're building - - pcomp *pcomp - pos syntax.Position // current position of generated code - loops []loop - block *block -} - -type loop struct { - break_, continue_ *block -} - -type block struct { - insns []insn - - // If the last insn is a RETURN, jmp and cjmp are nil. - // If the last insn is a CJMP or ITERJMP, - // cjmp and jmp are the "true" and "false" successors. - // Otherwise, jmp is the sole successor. - jmp, cjmp *block - - initialstack int // for stack depth computation - - // Used during encoding - index int // -1 => not encoded yet - addr uint32 -} - -type insn struct { - op Opcode - arg uint32 - line, col int32 -} - -// Position returns the source position for program counter pc. -func (fn *Funcode) Position(pc uint32) syntax.Position { - fn.lntOnce.Do(fn.decodeLNT) - - // Binary search to find last LNT entry not greater than pc. - // To avoid dynamic dispatch, this is a specialization of - // sort.Search using this predicate: - // !(i < len(fn.lnt)-1 && fn.lnt[i+1].pc <= pc) - n := len(fn.lnt) - i, j := 0, n - for i < j { - h := int(uint(i+j) >> 1) - if !(h >= n-1 || fn.lnt[h+1].pc > pc) { - i = h + 1 - } else { - j = h - } - } - - var line, col int32 - if i < n { - line = fn.lnt[i].line - col = fn.lnt[i].col - } - - pos := fn.Pos // copy the (annoyingly inaccessible) filename - pos.Col = col - pos.Line = line - return pos -} - -// decodeLNT decodes the line number table and populates fn.lnt. -// It is called at most once. -func (fn *Funcode) decodeLNT() { - // Conceptually the table contains rows of the form - // (pc uint32, line int32, col int32), sorted by pc. - // We use a delta encoding, since the differences - // between successive pc, line, and column values - // are typically small and positive (though line and - // especially column differences may be negative). - // The delta encoding starts from - // {pc: 0, line: fn.Pos.Line, col: fn.Pos.Col}. - // - // Each entry is packed into one or more 16-bit values: - // Δpc uint4 - // Δline int5 - // Δcol int6 - // incomplete uint1 - // The top 4 bits are the unsigned delta pc. - // The next 5 bits are the signed line number delta. - // The next 6 bits are the signed column number delta. - // The bottom bit indicates that more rows follow because - // one of the deltas was maxed out. - // These field widths were chosen from a sample of real programs, - // and allow >97% of rows to be encoded in a single uint16. - - fn.lnt = make([]pclinecol, 0, len(fn.pclinetab)) // a minor overapproximation - entry := pclinecol{ - pc: 0, - line: fn.Pos.Line, - col: fn.Pos.Col, - } - for _, x := range fn.pclinetab { - entry.pc += uint32(x) >> 12 - entry.line += int32((int16(x) << 4) >> (16 - 5)) // sign extend Δline - entry.col += int32((int16(x) << 9) >> (16 - 6)) // sign extend Δcol - if (x & 1) == 0 { - fn.lnt = append(fn.lnt, entry) - } - } -} - -// bindings converts resolve.Bindings to compiled form. -func bindings(bindings []*resolve.Binding) []Binding { - res := make([]Binding, len(bindings)) - for i, bind := range bindings { - res[i].Name = bind.First.Name - res[i].Pos = bind.First.NamePos - } - return res -} - -// Expr compiles an expression to a program whose toplevel function evaluates it. -func Expr(expr syntax.Expr, name string, locals []*resolve.Binding) *Program { - pos := syntax.Start(expr) - stmts := []syntax.Stmt{&syntax.ReturnStmt{Result: expr}} - return File(stmts, pos, name, locals, nil) -} - -// File compiles the statements of a file into a program. -func File(stmts []syntax.Stmt, pos syntax.Position, name string, locals, globals []*resolve.Binding) *Program { - pcomp := &pcomp{ - prog: &Program{ - Globals: bindings(globals), - }, - names: make(map[string]uint32), - constants: make(map[interface{}]uint32), - functions: make(map[*Funcode]uint32), - } - pcomp.prog.Toplevel = pcomp.function(name, pos, stmts, locals, nil) - - return pcomp.prog -} - -func (pcomp *pcomp) function(name string, pos syntax.Position, stmts []syntax.Stmt, locals, freevars []*resolve.Binding) *Funcode { - fcomp := &fcomp{ - pcomp: pcomp, - pos: pos, - fn: &Funcode{ - Prog: pcomp.prog, - Pos: pos, - Name: name, - Doc: docStringFromBody(stmts), - Locals: bindings(locals), - Freevars: bindings(freevars), - }, - } - - // Record indices of locals that require cells. - for i, local := range locals { - if local.Scope == resolve.Cell { - fcomp.fn.Cells = append(fcomp.fn.Cells, i) - } - } - - if debug { - fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "start function(%s @ %s)\n", name, pos) - } - - // Convert AST to a CFG of instructions. - entry := fcomp.newBlock() - fcomp.block = entry - fcomp.stmts(stmts) - if fcomp.block != nil { - fcomp.emit(NONE) - fcomp.emit(RETURN) - } - - var oops bool // something bad happened - - setinitialstack := func(b *block, depth int) { - if b.initialstack == -1 { - b.initialstack = depth - } else if b.initialstack != depth { - fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%d: setinitialstack: depth mismatch: %d vs %d\n", - b.index, b.initialstack, depth) - oops = true - } - } - - // Linearize the CFG: - // compute order, address, and initial - // stack depth of each reachable block. - var pc uint32 - var blocks []*block - var maxstack int - var visit func(b *block) - visit = func(b *block) { - if b.index >= 0 { - return // already visited - } - b.index = len(blocks) - b.addr = pc - blocks = append(blocks, b) - - stack := b.initialstack - if debug { - fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s block %d: (stack = %d)\n", name, b.index, stack) - } - var cjmpAddr *uint32 - var isiterjmp int - for i, insn := range b.insns { - pc++ - - // Compute size of argument. - if insn.op >= OpcodeArgMin { - switch insn.op { - case ITERJMP: - isiterjmp = 1 - fallthrough - case CJMP: - cjmpAddr = &b.insns[i].arg - pc += 4 - default: - pc += uint32(argLen(insn.arg)) - } - } - - // Compute effect on stack. - se := insn.stackeffect() - if debug { - fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "\t", insn.op, stack, stack+se) - } - stack += se - if stack < 0 { - fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "After pc=%d: stack underflow\n", pc) - oops = true - } - if stack+isiterjmp > maxstack { - maxstack = stack + isiterjmp - } - } - - if debug { - fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "successors of block %d (start=%d):\n", - b.addr, b.index) - if b.jmp != nil { - fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "jmp to %d\n", b.jmp.index) - } - if b.cjmp != nil { - fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "cjmp to %d\n", b.cjmp.index) - } - } - - // Place the jmp block next. - if b.jmp != nil { - // jump threading (empty cycles are impossible) - for b.jmp.insns == nil { - b.jmp = b.jmp.jmp - } - - setinitialstack(b.jmp, stack+isiterjmp) - if b.jmp.index < 0 { - // Successor is not yet visited: - // place it next and fall through. - visit(b.jmp) - } else { - // Successor already visited; - // explicit backward jump required. - pc += 5 - } - } - - // Then the cjmp block. - if b.cjmp != nil { - // jump threading (empty cycles are impossible) - for b.cjmp.insns == nil { - b.cjmp = b.cjmp.jmp - } - - setinitialstack(b.cjmp, stack) - visit(b.cjmp) - - // Patch the CJMP/ITERJMP, if present. - if cjmpAddr != nil { - *cjmpAddr = b.cjmp.addr - } - } - } - setinitialstack(entry, 0) - visit(entry) - - fn := fcomp.fn - fn.MaxStack = maxstack - - // Emit bytecode (and position table). - if Disassemble { - fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Function %s: (%d blocks, %d bytes)\n", name, len(blocks), pc) - } - fcomp.generate(blocks, pc) - - if debug { - fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "code=%d maxstack=%d\n", fn.Code, fn.MaxStack) - } - - // Don't panic until we've completed printing of the function. - if oops { - panic("internal error") - } - - if debug { - fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "end function(%s @ %s)\n", name, pos) - } - - return fn -} - -func docStringFromBody(body []syntax.Stmt) string { - if len(body) == 0 { - return "" - } - expr, ok := body[0].(*syntax.ExprStmt) - if !ok { - return "" - } - lit, ok := expr.X.(*syntax.Literal) - if !ok { - return "" - } - if lit.Token != syntax.STRING { - return "" - } - return lit.Value.(string) -} - -func (insn *insn) stackeffect() int { - se := int(stackEffect[insn.op]) - if se == variableStackEffect { - arg := int(insn.arg) - switch insn.op { - case CALL, CALL_KW, CALL_VAR, CALL_VAR_KW: - se = -int(2*(insn.arg&0xff) + insn.arg>>8) - if insn.op != CALL { - se-- - } - if insn.op == CALL_VAR_KW { - se-- - } - case ITERJMP: - // Stack effect differs by successor: - // +1 for jmp/false/ok - // 0 for cjmp/true/exhausted - // Handled specially in caller. - se = 0 - case MAKELIST, MAKETUPLE: - se = 1 - arg - case UNPACK: - se = arg - 1 - default: - panic(insn.op) - } - } - return se -} - -// generate emits the linear instruction stream from the CFG, -// and builds the PC-to-line number table. -func (fcomp *fcomp) generate(blocks []*block, codelen uint32) { - code := make([]byte, 0, codelen) - var pclinetab []uint16 - prev := pclinecol{ - pc: 0, - line: fcomp.fn.Pos.Line, - col: fcomp.fn.Pos.Col, - } - - for _, b := range blocks { - if Disassemble { - fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%d:\n", b.index) - } - pc := b.addr - for _, insn := range b.insns { - if insn.line != 0 { - // Instruction has a source position. Delta-encode it. - // See Funcode.Position for the encoding. - for { - var incomplete uint16 - - // Δpc, uint4 - deltapc := pc - prev.pc - if deltapc > 0x0f { - deltapc = 0x0f - incomplete = 1 - } - prev.pc += deltapc - - // Δline, int5 - deltaline, ok := clip(insn.line-prev.line, -0x10, 0x0f) - if !ok { - incomplete = 1 - } - prev.line += deltaline - - // Δcol, int6 - deltacol, ok := clip(insn.col-prev.col, -0x20, 0x1f) - if !ok { - incomplete = 1 - } - prev.col += deltacol - - entry := uint16(deltapc<<12) | uint16(deltaline&0x1f)<<7 | uint16(deltacol&0x3f)<<1 | incomplete - pclinetab = append(pclinetab, entry) - if incomplete == 0 { - break - } - } - - if Disassemble { - fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\t\t\t\t\t; %s:%d:%d\n", - filepath.Base(fcomp.fn.Pos.Filename()), insn.line, insn.col) - } - } - if Disassemble { - PrintOp(fcomp.fn, pc, insn.op, insn.arg) - } - code = append(code, byte(insn.op)) - pc++ - if insn.op >= OpcodeArgMin { - if insn.op == CJMP || insn.op == ITERJMP { - code = addUint32(code, insn.arg, 4) // pad arg to 4 bytes - } else { - code = addUint32(code, insn.arg, 0) - } - pc = uint32(len(code)) - } - } - - if b.jmp != nil && b.jmp.index != b.index+1 { - addr := b.jmp.addr - if Disassemble { - fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\t%d\tjmp\t\t%d\t; block %d\n", - pc, addr, b.jmp.index) - } - code = append(code, byte(JMP)) - code = addUint32(code, addr, 4) - } - } - if len(code) != int(codelen) { - panic("internal error: wrong code length") - } - - fcomp.fn.pclinetab = pclinetab - fcomp.fn.Code = code -} - -// clip returns the value nearest x in the range [min...max], -// and whether it equals x. -func clip(x, min, max int32) (int32, bool) { - if x > max { - return max, false - } else if x < min { - return min, false - } else { - return x, true - } -} - -// addUint32 encodes x as 7-bit little-endian varint. -// TODO(adonovan): opt: steal top two bits of opcode -// to encode the number of complete bytes that follow. -func addUint32(code []byte, x uint32, min int) []byte { - end := len(code) + min - for x >= 0x80 { - code = append(code, byte(x)|0x80) - x >>= 7 - } - code = append(code, byte(x)) - // Pad the operand with NOPs to exactly min bytes. - for len(code) < end { - code = append(code, byte(NOP)) - } - return code -} - -func argLen(x uint32) int { - n := 0 - for x >= 0x80 { - n++ - x >>= 7 - } - return n + 1 -} - -// PrintOp prints an instruction. -// It is provided for debugging. -func PrintOp(fn *Funcode, pc uint32, op Opcode, arg uint32) { - if op < OpcodeArgMin { - fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\t%d\t%s\n", pc, op) - return - } - - var comment string - switch op { - case CONSTANT: - switch x := fn.Prog.Constants[arg].(type) { - case string: - comment = strconv.Quote(x) - case Bytes: - comment = "b" + strconv.Quote(string(x)) - default: - comment = fmt.Sprint(x) - } - case MAKEFUNC: - comment = fn.Prog.Functions[arg].Name - case SETLOCAL, LOCAL: - comment = fn.Locals[arg].Name - case SETGLOBAL, GLOBAL: - comment = fn.Prog.Globals[arg].Name - case ATTR, SETFIELD, PREDECLARED, UNIVERSAL: - comment = fn.Prog.Names[arg] - case FREE: - comment = fn.Freevars[arg].Name - case CALL, CALL_VAR, CALL_KW, CALL_VAR_KW: - comment = fmt.Sprintf("%d pos, %d named", arg>>8, arg&0xff) - default: - // JMP, CJMP, ITERJMP, MAKETUPLE, MAKELIST, LOAD, UNPACK: - // arg is just a number - } - var buf bytes.Buffer - fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "\t%d\t%-10s\t%d", pc, op, arg) - if comment != "" { - fmt.Fprint(&buf, "\t; ", comment) - } - fmt.Fprintln(&buf) - os.Stderr.Write(buf.Bytes()) -} - -// newBlock returns a new block. -func (fcomp) newBlock() *block { - return &block{index: -1, initialstack: -1} -} - -// emit emits an instruction to the current block. -func (fcomp *fcomp) emit(op Opcode) { - if op >= OpcodeArgMin { - panic("missing arg: " + op.String()) - } - insn := insn{op: op, line: fcomp.pos.Line, col: fcomp.pos.Col} - fcomp.block.insns = append(fcomp.block.insns, insn) - fcomp.pos.Line = 0 - fcomp.pos.Col = 0 -} - -// emit1 emits an instruction with an immediate operand. -func (fcomp *fcomp) emit1(op Opcode, arg uint32) { - if op < OpcodeArgMin { - panic("unwanted arg: " + op.String()) - } - insn := insn{op: op, arg: arg, line: fcomp.pos.Line, col: fcomp.pos.Col} - fcomp.block.insns = append(fcomp.block.insns, insn) - fcomp.pos.Line = 0 - fcomp.pos.Col = 0 -} - -// jump emits a jump to the specified block. -// On return, the current block is unset. -func (fcomp *fcomp) jump(b *block) { - if b == fcomp.block { - panic("self-jump") // unreachable: Starlark has no arbitrary looping constructs - } - fcomp.block.jmp = b - fcomp.block = nil -} - -// condjump emits a conditional jump (CJMP or ITERJMP) -// to the specified true/false blocks. -// (For ITERJMP, the cases are jmp/f/ok and cjmp/t/exhausted.) -// On return, the current block is unset. -func (fcomp *fcomp) condjump(op Opcode, t, f *block) { - if !(op == CJMP || op == ITERJMP) { - panic("not a conditional jump: " + op.String()) - } - fcomp.emit1(op, 0) // fill in address later - fcomp.block.cjmp = t - fcomp.jump(f) -} - -// nameIndex returns the index of the specified name -// within the name pool, adding it if necessary. -func (pcomp *pcomp) nameIndex(name string) uint32 { - index, ok := pcomp.names[name] - if !ok { - index = uint32(len(pcomp.prog.Names)) - pcomp.names[name] = index - pcomp.prog.Names = append(pcomp.prog.Names, name) - } - return index -} - -// constantIndex returns the index of the specified constant -// within the constant pool, adding it if necessary. -func (pcomp *pcomp) constantIndex(v interface{}) uint32 { - index, ok := pcomp.constants[v] - if !ok { - index = uint32(len(pcomp.prog.Constants)) - pcomp.constants[v] = index - pcomp.prog.Constants = append(pcomp.prog.Constants, v) - } - return index -} - -// functionIndex returns the index of the specified function -// AST the nestedfun pool, adding it if necessary. -func (pcomp *pcomp) functionIndex(fn *Funcode) uint32 { - index, ok := pcomp.functions[fn] - if !ok { - index = uint32(len(pcomp.prog.Functions)) - pcomp.functions[fn] = index - pcomp.prog.Functions = append(pcomp.prog.Functions, fn) - } - return index -} - -// string emits code to push the specified string. -func (fcomp *fcomp) string(s string) { - fcomp.emit1(CONSTANT, fcomp.pcomp.constantIndex(s)) -} - -// setPos sets the current source position. -// It should be called prior to any operation that can fail dynamically. -// All positions are assumed to belong to the same file. -func (fcomp *fcomp) setPos(pos syntax.Position) { - fcomp.pos = pos -} - -// set emits code to store the top-of-stack value -// to the specified local, cell, or global variable. -func (fcomp *fcomp) set(id *syntax.Ident) { - bind := id.Binding.(*resolve.Binding) - switch bind.Scope { - case resolve.Local: - fcomp.emit1(SETLOCAL, uint32(bind.Index)) - case resolve.Cell: - fcomp.emit1(SETLOCALCELL, uint32(bind.Index)) - case resolve.Global: - fcomp.emit1(SETGLOBAL, uint32(bind.Index)) - default: - log.Panicf("%s: set(%s): not global/local/cell (%d)", id.NamePos, id.Name, bind.Scope) - } -} - -// lookup emits code to push the value of the specified variable. -func (fcomp *fcomp) lookup(id *syntax.Ident) { - bind := id.Binding.(*resolve.Binding) - if bind.Scope != resolve.Universal { // (universal lookup can't fail) - fcomp.setPos(id.NamePos) - } - switch bind.Scope { - case resolve.Local: - fcomp.emit1(LOCAL, uint32(bind.Index)) - case resolve.Free: - fcomp.emit1(FREECELL, uint32(bind.Index)) - case resolve.Cell: - fcomp.emit1(LOCALCELL, uint32(bind.Index)) - case resolve.Global: - fcomp.emit1(GLOBAL, uint32(bind.Index)) - case resolve.Predeclared: - fcomp.emit1(PREDECLARED, fcomp.pcomp.nameIndex(id.Name)) - case resolve.Universal: - fcomp.emit1(UNIVERSAL, fcomp.pcomp.nameIndex(id.Name)) - default: - log.Panicf("%s: compiler.lookup(%s): scope = %d", id.NamePos, id.Name, bind.Scope) - } -} - -func (fcomp *fcomp) stmts(stmts []syntax.Stmt) { - for _, stmt := range stmts { - fcomp.stmt(stmt) - } -} - -func (fcomp *fcomp) stmt(stmt syntax.Stmt) { - switch stmt := stmt.(type) { - case *syntax.ExprStmt: - if _, ok := stmt.X.(*syntax.Literal); ok { - // Opt: don't compile doc comments only to pop them. - return - } - fcomp.expr(stmt.X) - fcomp.emit(POP) - - case *syntax.BranchStmt: - // Resolver invariant: break/continue appear only within loops. - switch stmt.Token { - case syntax.PASS: - // no-op - case syntax.BREAK: - b := fcomp.loops[len(fcomp.loops)-1].break_ - fcomp.jump(b) - fcomp.block = fcomp.newBlock() // dead code - case syntax.CONTINUE: - b := fcomp.loops[len(fcomp.loops)-1].continue_ - fcomp.jump(b) - fcomp.block = fcomp.newBlock() // dead code - } - - case *syntax.IfStmt: - // Keep consistent with CondExpr. - t := fcomp.newBlock() - f := fcomp.newBlock() - done := fcomp.newBlock() - - fcomp.ifelse(stmt.Cond, t, f) - - fcomp.block = t - fcomp.stmts(stmt.True) - fcomp.jump(done) - - fcomp.block = f - fcomp.stmts(stmt.False) - fcomp.jump(done) - - fcomp.block = done - - case *syntax.AssignStmt: - switch stmt.Op { - case syntax.EQ: - // simple assignment: x = y - fcomp.expr(stmt.RHS) - fcomp.assign(stmt.OpPos, stmt.LHS) - - case syntax.PLUS_EQ, - syntax.MINUS_EQ, - syntax.STAR_EQ, - syntax.SLASH_EQ, - syntax.SLASHSLASH_EQ, - syntax.PERCENT_EQ, - syntax.AMP_EQ, - syntax.PIPE_EQ, - syntax.CIRCUMFLEX_EQ, - syntax.LTLT_EQ, - syntax.GTGT_EQ: - // augmented assignment: x += y - - var set func() - - // Evaluate "address" of x exactly once to avoid duplicate side-effects. - switch lhs := unparen(stmt.LHS).(type) { - case *syntax.Ident: - // x = ... - fcomp.lookup(lhs) - set = func() { - fcomp.set(lhs) - } - - case *syntax.IndexExpr: - // x[y] = ... - fcomp.expr(lhs.X) - fcomp.expr(lhs.Y) - fcomp.emit(DUP2) - fcomp.setPos(lhs.Lbrack) - fcomp.emit(INDEX) - set = func() { - fcomp.setPos(lhs.Lbrack) - fcomp.emit(SETINDEX) - } - - case *syntax.DotExpr: - // x.f = ... - fcomp.expr(lhs.X) - fcomp.emit(DUP) - name := fcomp.pcomp.nameIndex(lhs.Name.Name) - fcomp.setPos(lhs.Dot) - fcomp.emit1(ATTR, name) - set = func() { - fcomp.setPos(lhs.Dot) - fcomp.emit1(SETFIELD, name) - } - - default: - panic(lhs) - } - - fcomp.expr(stmt.RHS) - - // In-place x+=y and x|=y have special semantics: - // the resulting x aliases the original x. - switch stmt.Op { - case syntax.PLUS_EQ: - fcomp.setPos(stmt.OpPos) - fcomp.emit(INPLACE_ADD) - case syntax.PIPE_EQ: - fcomp.setPos(stmt.OpPos) - fcomp.emit(INPLACE_PIPE) - default: - fcomp.binop(stmt.OpPos, stmt.Op-syntax.PLUS_EQ+syntax.PLUS) - } - set() - } - - case *syntax.DefStmt: - fcomp.function(stmt.Function.(*resolve.Function)) - fcomp.set(stmt.Name) - - case *syntax.ForStmt: - // Keep consistent with ForClause. - head := fcomp.newBlock() - body := fcomp.newBlock() - tail := fcomp.newBlock() - - fcomp.expr(stmt.X) - fcomp.setPos(stmt.For) - fcomp.emit(ITERPUSH) - fcomp.jump(head) - - fcomp.block = head - fcomp.condjump(ITERJMP, tail, body) - - fcomp.block = body - fcomp.assign(stmt.For, stmt.Vars) - fcomp.loops = append(fcomp.loops, loop{break_: tail, continue_: head}) - fcomp.stmts(stmt.Body) - fcomp.loops = fcomp.loops[:len(fcomp.loops)-1] - fcomp.jump(head) - - fcomp.block = tail - fcomp.emit(ITERPOP) - - case *syntax.WhileStmt: - head := fcomp.newBlock() - body := fcomp.newBlock() - done := fcomp.newBlock() - - fcomp.jump(head) - fcomp.block = head - fcomp.ifelse(stmt.Cond, body, done) - - fcomp.block = body - fcomp.loops = append(fcomp.loops, loop{break_: done, continue_: head}) - fcomp.stmts(stmt.Body) - fcomp.loops = fcomp.loops[:len(fcomp.loops)-1] - fcomp.jump(head) - - fcomp.block = done - - case *syntax.ReturnStmt: - if stmt.Result != nil { - fcomp.expr(stmt.Result) - } else { - fcomp.emit(NONE) - } - fcomp.emit(RETURN) - fcomp.block = fcomp.newBlock() // dead code - - case *syntax.LoadStmt: - for i := range stmt.From { - fcomp.string(stmt.From[i].Name) - } - module := stmt.Module.Value.(string) - fcomp.pcomp.prog.Loads = append(fcomp.pcomp.prog.Loads, Binding{ - Name: module, - Pos: stmt.Module.TokenPos, - }) - fcomp.string(module) - fcomp.setPos(stmt.Load) - fcomp.emit1(LOAD, uint32(len(stmt.From))) - for i := range stmt.To { - fcomp.set(stmt.To[len(stmt.To)-1-i]) - } - - default: - start, _ := stmt.Span() - log.Panicf("%s: exec: unexpected statement %T", start, stmt) - } -} - -// assign implements lhs = rhs for arbitrary expressions lhs. -// RHS is on top of stack, consumed. -func (fcomp *fcomp) assign(pos syntax.Position, lhs syntax.Expr) { - switch lhs := lhs.(type) { - case *syntax.ParenExpr: - // (lhs) = rhs - fcomp.assign(pos, lhs.X) - - case *syntax.Ident: - // x = rhs - fcomp.set(lhs) - - case *syntax.TupleExpr: - // x, y = rhs - fcomp.assignSequence(pos, lhs.List) - - case *syntax.ListExpr: - // [x, y] = rhs - fcomp.assignSequence(pos, lhs.List) - - case *syntax.IndexExpr: - // x[y] = rhs - fcomp.expr(lhs.X) - fcomp.emit(EXCH) - fcomp.expr(lhs.Y) - fcomp.emit(EXCH) - fcomp.setPos(lhs.Lbrack) - fcomp.emit(SETINDEX) - - case *syntax.DotExpr: - // x.f = rhs - fcomp.expr(lhs.X) - fcomp.emit(EXCH) - fcomp.setPos(lhs.Dot) - fcomp.emit1(SETFIELD, fcomp.pcomp.nameIndex(lhs.Name.Name)) - - default: - panic(lhs) - } -} - -func (fcomp *fcomp) assignSequence(pos syntax.Position, lhs []syntax.Expr) { - fcomp.setPos(pos) - fcomp.emit1(UNPACK, uint32(len(lhs))) - for i := range lhs { - fcomp.assign(pos, lhs[i]) - } -} - -func (fcomp *fcomp) expr(e syntax.Expr) { - switch e := e.(type) { - case *syntax.ParenExpr: - fcomp.expr(e.X) - - case *syntax.Ident: - fcomp.lookup(e) - - case *syntax.Literal: - // e.Value is int64, float64, *bigInt, string - v := e.Value - if e.Token == syntax.BYTES { - v = Bytes(v.(string)) - } - fcomp.emit1(CONSTANT, fcomp.pcomp.constantIndex(v)) - - case *syntax.ListExpr: - for _, x := range e.List { - fcomp.expr(x) - } - fcomp.emit1(MAKELIST, uint32(len(e.List))) - - case *syntax.CondExpr: - // Keep consistent with IfStmt. - t := fcomp.newBlock() - f := fcomp.newBlock() - done := fcomp.newBlock() - - fcomp.ifelse(e.Cond, t, f) - - fcomp.block = t - fcomp.expr(e.True) - fcomp.jump(done) - - fcomp.block = f - fcomp.expr(e.False) - fcomp.jump(done) - - fcomp.block = done - - case *syntax.IndexExpr: - fcomp.expr(e.X) - fcomp.expr(e.Y) - fcomp.setPos(e.Lbrack) - fcomp.emit(INDEX) - - case *syntax.SliceExpr: - fcomp.setPos(e.Lbrack) - fcomp.expr(e.X) - if e.Lo != nil { - fcomp.expr(e.Lo) - } else { - fcomp.emit(NONE) - } - if e.Hi != nil { - fcomp.expr(e.Hi) - } else { - fcomp.emit(NONE) - } - if e.Step != nil { - fcomp.expr(e.Step) - } else { - fcomp.emit(NONE) - } - fcomp.emit(SLICE) - - case *syntax.Comprehension: - if e.Curly { - fcomp.emit(MAKEDICT) - } else { - fcomp.emit1(MAKELIST, 0) - } - fcomp.comprehension(e, 0) - - case *syntax.TupleExpr: - fcomp.tuple(e.List) - - case *syntax.DictExpr: - fcomp.emit(MAKEDICT) - for _, entry := range e.List { - entry := entry.(*syntax.DictEntry) - fcomp.emit(DUP) - fcomp.expr(entry.Key) - fcomp.expr(entry.Value) - fcomp.setPos(entry.Colon) - fcomp.emit(SETDICTUNIQ) - } - - case *syntax.UnaryExpr: - fcomp.expr(e.X) - fcomp.setPos(e.OpPos) - switch e.Op { - case syntax.MINUS: - fcomp.emit(UMINUS) - case syntax.PLUS: - fcomp.emit(UPLUS) - case syntax.NOT: - fcomp.emit(NOT) - case syntax.TILDE: - fcomp.emit(TILDE) - default: - log.Panicf("%s: unexpected unary op: %s", e.OpPos, e.Op) - } - - case *syntax.BinaryExpr: - switch e.Op { - // short-circuit operators - // TODO(adonovan): use ifelse to simplify conditions. - case syntax.OR: - // x or y => if x then x else y - done := fcomp.newBlock() - y := fcomp.newBlock() - - fcomp.expr(e.X) - fcomp.emit(DUP) - fcomp.condjump(CJMP, done, y) - - fcomp.block = y - fcomp.emit(POP) // discard X - fcomp.expr(e.Y) - fcomp.jump(done) - - fcomp.block = done - - case syntax.AND: - // x and y => if x then y else x - done := fcomp.newBlock() - y := fcomp.newBlock() - - fcomp.expr(e.X) - fcomp.emit(DUP) - fcomp.condjump(CJMP, y, done) - - fcomp.block = y - fcomp.emit(POP) // discard X - fcomp.expr(e.Y) - fcomp.jump(done) - - fcomp.block = done - - case syntax.PLUS: - fcomp.plus(e) - - default: - // all other strict binary operator (includes comparisons) - fcomp.expr(e.X) - fcomp.expr(e.Y) - fcomp.binop(e.OpPos, e.Op) - } - - case *syntax.DotExpr: - fcomp.expr(e.X) - fcomp.setPos(e.Dot) - fcomp.emit1(ATTR, fcomp.pcomp.nameIndex(e.Name.Name)) - - case *syntax.CallExpr: - fcomp.call(e) - - case *syntax.LambdaExpr: - fcomp.function(e.Function.(*resolve.Function)) - - default: - start, _ := e.Span() - log.Panicf("%s: unexpected expr %T", start, e) - } -} - -type summand struct { - x syntax.Expr - plusPos syntax.Position -} - -// plus emits optimized code for ((a+b)+...)+z that avoids naive -// quadratic behavior for strings, tuples, and lists, -// and folds together adjacent literals of the same type. -func (fcomp *fcomp) plus(e *syntax.BinaryExpr) { - // Gather all the right operands of the left tree of plusses. - // A tree (((a+b)+c)+d) becomes args=[a +b +c +d]. - args := make([]summand, 0, 2) // common case: 2 operands - for plus := e; ; { - args = append(args, summand{unparen(plus.Y), plus.OpPos}) - left := unparen(plus.X) - x, ok := left.(*syntax.BinaryExpr) - if !ok || x.Op != syntax.PLUS { - args = append(args, summand{x: left}) - break - } - plus = x - } - // Reverse args to syntactic order. - for i, n := 0, len(args)/2; i < n; i++ { - j := len(args) - 1 - i - args[i], args[j] = args[j], args[i] - } - - // Fold sums of adjacent literals of the same type: ""+"", []+[], ()+(). - out := args[:0] // compact in situ - for i := 0; i < len(args); { - j := i + 1 - if code := addable(args[i].x); code != 0 { - for j < len(args) && addable(args[j].x) == code { - j++ - } - if j > i+1 { - args[i].x = add(code, args[i:j]) - } - } - out = append(out, args[i]) - i = j - } - args = out - - // Emit code for an n-ary sum (n > 0). - fcomp.expr(args[0].x) - for _, summand := range args[1:] { - fcomp.expr(summand.x) - fcomp.setPos(summand.plusPos) - fcomp.emit(PLUS) - } - - // If len(args) > 2, use of an accumulator instead of a chain of - // PLUS operations may be more efficient. - // However, no gain was measured on a workload analogous to Bazel loading; - // TODO(adonovan): opt: re-evaluate on a Bazel analysis-like workload. - // - // We cannot use a single n-ary SUM operation - // a b c SUM<3> - // because we need to report a distinct error for each - // individual '+' operation, so three additional operations are - // needed: - // - // ACCSTART => create buffer and append to it - // ACCUM => append to buffer - // ACCEND => get contents of buffer - // - // For string, list, and tuple values, the interpreter can - // optimize these operations by using a mutable buffer. - // For all other types, ACCSTART and ACCEND would behave like - // the identity function and ACCUM behaves like PLUS. - // ACCUM must correctly support user-defined operations - // such as list+foo. - // - // fcomp.emit(ACCSTART) - // for _, summand := range args[1:] { - // fcomp.expr(summand.x) - // fcomp.setPos(summand.plusPos) - // fcomp.emit(ACCUM) - // } - // fcomp.emit(ACCEND) -} - -// addable reports whether e is a statically addable -// expression: a [s]tring, [b]ytes, [l]ist, or [t]uple. -func addable(e syntax.Expr) rune { - switch e := e.(type) { - case *syntax.Literal: - // TODO(adonovan): opt: support INT/FLOAT/BIGINT constant folding. - switch e.Token { - case syntax.STRING: - return 's' - case syntax.BYTES: - return 'b' - } - case *syntax.ListExpr: - return 'l' - case *syntax.TupleExpr: - return 't' - } - return 0 -} - -// add returns an expression denoting the sum of args, -// which are all addable values of the type indicated by code. -// The resulting syntax is degenerate, lacking position, etc. -func add(code rune, args []summand) syntax.Expr { - switch code { - case 's', 'b': - var buf strings.Builder - for _, arg := range args { - buf.WriteString(arg.x.(*syntax.Literal).Value.(string)) - } - tok := syntax.STRING - if code == 'b' { - tok = syntax.BYTES - } - return &syntax.Literal{Token: tok, Value: buf.String()} - case 'l': - var elems []syntax.Expr - for _, arg := range args { - elems = append(elems, arg.x.(*syntax.ListExpr).List...) - } - return &syntax.ListExpr{List: elems} - case 't': - var elems []syntax.Expr - for _, arg := range args { - elems = append(elems, arg.x.(*syntax.TupleExpr).List...) - } - return &syntax.TupleExpr{List: elems} - } - panic(code) -} - -func unparen(e syntax.Expr) syntax.Expr { - if p, ok := e.(*syntax.ParenExpr); ok { - return unparen(p.X) - } - return e -} - -func (fcomp *fcomp) binop(pos syntax.Position, op syntax.Token) { - // TODO(adonovan): simplify by assuming syntax and compiler constants align. - fcomp.setPos(pos) - switch op { - // arithmetic - case syntax.PLUS: - fcomp.emit(PLUS) - case syntax.MINUS: - fcomp.emit(MINUS) - case syntax.STAR: - fcomp.emit(STAR) - case syntax.SLASH: - fcomp.emit(SLASH) - case syntax.SLASHSLASH: - fcomp.emit(SLASHSLASH) - case syntax.PERCENT: - fcomp.emit(PERCENT) - case syntax.AMP: - fcomp.emit(AMP) - case syntax.PIPE: - fcomp.emit(PIPE) - case syntax.CIRCUMFLEX: - fcomp.emit(CIRCUMFLEX) - case syntax.LTLT: - fcomp.emit(LTLT) - case syntax.GTGT: - fcomp.emit(GTGT) - case syntax.IN: - fcomp.emit(IN) - case syntax.NOT_IN: - fcomp.emit(IN) - fcomp.emit(NOT) - - // comparisons - case syntax.EQL, - syntax.NEQ, - syntax.GT, - syntax.LT, - syntax.LE, - syntax.GE: - fcomp.emit(Opcode(op-syntax.EQL) + EQL) - - default: - log.Panicf("%s: unexpected binary op: %s", pos, op) - } -} - -func (fcomp *fcomp) call(call *syntax.CallExpr) { - // TODO(adonovan): opt: Use optimized path for calling methods - // of built-ins: x.f(...) to avoid materializing a closure. - // if dot, ok := call.Fcomp.(*syntax.DotExpr); ok { - // fcomp.expr(dot.X) - // fcomp.args(call) - // fcomp.emit1(CALL_ATTR, fcomp.name(dot.Name.Name)) - // return - // } - - // usual case - fcomp.expr(call.Fn) - op, arg := fcomp.args(call) - fcomp.setPos(call.Lparen) - fcomp.emit1(op, arg) -} - -// args emits code to push a tuple of positional arguments -// and a tuple of named arguments containing alternating keys and values. -// Either or both tuples may be empty (TODO(adonovan): optimize). -func (fcomp *fcomp) args(call *syntax.CallExpr) (op Opcode, arg uint32) { - var callmode int - // Compute the number of each kind of parameter. - var p, n int // number of positional, named arguments - var varargs, kwargs syntax.Expr - for _, arg := range call.Args { - if binary, ok := arg.(*syntax.BinaryExpr); ok && binary.Op == syntax.EQ { - - // named argument (name, value) - fcomp.string(binary.X.(*syntax.Ident).Name) - fcomp.expr(binary.Y) - n++ - continue - } - if unary, ok := arg.(*syntax.UnaryExpr); ok { - if unary.Op == syntax.STAR { - callmode |= 1 - varargs = unary.X - continue - } else if unary.Op == syntax.STARSTAR { - callmode |= 2 - kwargs = unary.X - continue - } - } - - // positional argument - fcomp.expr(arg) - p++ - } - - // Python2 and Python3 both permit named arguments - // to appear both before and after a *args argument: - // f(1, 2, x=3, *[4], y=5, **dict(z=6)) - // - // They also differ in their evaluation order: - // Python2: 1 2 3 5 4 6 (*args and **kwargs evaluated last) - // Python3: 1 2 4 3 5 6 (positional args evaluated before named args) - // Starlark-in-Java historically used a third order: - // Lexical: 1 2 3 4 5 6 (all args evaluated left-to-right) - // - // After discussion in github.com/bazelbuild/starlark#13, the - // spec now requires Starlark to statically reject named - // arguments after *args (e.g. y=5), and to use Python2-style - // evaluation order. This is both easy to implement and - // consistent with lexical order: - // - // f(1, 2, x=3, *[4], **dict(z=6)) # 1 2 3 4 6 - - // *args - if varargs != nil { - fcomp.expr(varargs) - } - - // **kwargs - if kwargs != nil { - fcomp.expr(kwargs) - } - - // TODO(adonovan): avoid this with a more flexible encoding. - if p >= 256 || n >= 256 { - // resolve already checked this; should be unreachable - panic("too many arguments in call") - } - - return CALL + Opcode(callmode), uint32(p<<8 | n) -} - -func (fcomp *fcomp) tuple(elems []syntax.Expr) { - for _, elem := range elems { - fcomp.expr(elem) - } - fcomp.emit1(MAKETUPLE, uint32(len(elems))) -} - -func (fcomp *fcomp) comprehension(comp *syntax.Comprehension, clauseIndex int) { - if clauseIndex == len(comp.Clauses) { - fcomp.emit(DUP) // accumulator - if comp.Curly { - // dict: {k:v for ...} - // Parser ensures that body is of form k:v. - // Python-style set comprehensions {body for vars in x} - // are not supported. - entry := comp.Body.(*syntax.DictEntry) - fcomp.expr(entry.Key) - fcomp.expr(entry.Value) - fcomp.setPos(entry.Colon) - fcomp.emit(SETDICT) - } else { - // list: [body for vars in x] - fcomp.expr(comp.Body) - fcomp.emit(APPEND) - } - return - } - - clause := comp.Clauses[clauseIndex] - switch clause := clause.(type) { - case *syntax.IfClause: - t := fcomp.newBlock() - done := fcomp.newBlock() - fcomp.ifelse(clause.Cond, t, done) - - fcomp.block = t - fcomp.comprehension(comp, clauseIndex+1) - fcomp.jump(done) - - fcomp.block = done - return - - case *syntax.ForClause: - // Keep consistent with ForStmt. - head := fcomp.newBlock() - body := fcomp.newBlock() - tail := fcomp.newBlock() - - fcomp.expr(clause.X) - fcomp.setPos(clause.For) - fcomp.emit(ITERPUSH) - fcomp.jump(head) - - fcomp.block = head - fcomp.condjump(ITERJMP, tail, body) - - fcomp.block = body - fcomp.assign(clause.For, clause.Vars) - fcomp.comprehension(comp, clauseIndex+1) - fcomp.jump(head) - - fcomp.block = tail - fcomp.emit(ITERPOP) - return - } - - start, _ := clause.Span() - log.Panicf("%s: unexpected comprehension clause %T", start, clause) -} - -func (fcomp *fcomp) function(f *resolve.Function) { - // Evaluation of the defaults may fail, so record the position. - fcomp.setPos(f.Pos) - - // To reduce allocation, we emit a combined tuple - // for the defaults and the freevars. - // The function knows where to split it at run time. - - // Generate tuple of parameter defaults. For: - // def f(p1, p2=dp2, p3=dp3, *, k1, k2=dk2, k3, **kwargs) - // the tuple is: - // (dp2, dp3, MANDATORY, dk2, MANDATORY). - ndefaults := 0 - seenStar := false - for _, param := range f.Params { - switch param := param.(type) { - case *syntax.BinaryExpr: - fcomp.expr(param.Y) - ndefaults++ - case *syntax.UnaryExpr: - seenStar = true // * or *args (also **kwargs) - case *syntax.Ident: - if seenStar { - fcomp.emit(MANDATORY) - ndefaults++ - } - } - } - - // Capture the cells of the function's - // free variables from the lexical environment. - for _, freevar := range f.FreeVars { - // Don't call fcomp.lookup because we want - // the cell itself, not its content. - switch freevar.Scope { - case resolve.Free: - fcomp.emit1(FREE, uint32(freevar.Index)) - case resolve.Cell: - fcomp.emit1(LOCAL, uint32(freevar.Index)) - } - } - - fcomp.emit1(MAKETUPLE, uint32(ndefaults+len(f.FreeVars))) - - funcode := fcomp.pcomp.function(f.Name, f.Pos, f.Body, f.Locals, f.FreeVars) - - if debug { - // TODO(adonovan): do compilations sequentially not as a tree, - // to make the log easier to read. - // Simplify by identifying Toplevel and functionIndex 0. - fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "resuming %s @ %s\n", fcomp.fn.Name, fcomp.pos) - } - - // def f(a, *, b=1) has only 2 parameters. - numParams := len(f.Params) - if f.NumKwonlyParams > 0 && !f.HasVarargs { - numParams-- - } - - funcode.NumParams = numParams - funcode.NumKwonlyParams = f.NumKwonlyParams - funcode.HasVarargs = f.HasVarargs - funcode.HasKwargs = f.HasKwargs - fcomp.emit1(MAKEFUNC, fcomp.pcomp.functionIndex(funcode)) -} - -// ifelse emits a Boolean control flow decision. -// On return, the current block is unset. -func (fcomp *fcomp) ifelse(cond syntax.Expr, t, f *block) { - switch cond := cond.(type) { - case *syntax.UnaryExpr: - if cond.Op == syntax.NOT { - // if not x then goto t else goto f - // => - // if x then goto f else goto t - fcomp.ifelse(cond.X, f, t) - return - } - - case *syntax.BinaryExpr: - switch cond.Op { - case syntax.AND: - // if x and y then goto t else goto f - // => - // if x then ifelse(y, t, f) else goto f - fcomp.expr(cond.X) - y := fcomp.newBlock() - fcomp.condjump(CJMP, y, f) - - fcomp.block = y - fcomp.ifelse(cond.Y, t, f) - return - - case syntax.OR: - // if x or y then goto t else goto f - // => - // if x then goto t else ifelse(y, t, f) - fcomp.expr(cond.X) - y := fcomp.newBlock() - fcomp.condjump(CJMP, t, y) - - fcomp.block = y - fcomp.ifelse(cond.Y, t, f) - return - case syntax.NOT_IN: - // if x not in y then goto t else goto f - // => - // if x in y then goto f else goto t - copy := *cond - copy.Op = syntax.IN - fcomp.expr(©) - fcomp.condjump(CJMP, f, t) - return - } - } - - // general case - fcomp.expr(cond) - fcomp.condjump(CJMP, t, f) -} diff --git a/vendor/go.starlark.net/internal/compile/serial.go b/vendor/go.starlark.net/internal/compile/serial.go deleted file mode 100644 index adadabfc..00000000 --- a/vendor/go.starlark.net/internal/compile/serial.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,395 +0,0 @@ -package compile - -// This file defines functions to read and write a compile.Program to a file. -// -// It is the client's responsibility to avoid version skew between the -// compiler used to produce a file and the interpreter that consumes it. -// The version number is provided as a constant. -// Incompatible protocol changes should also increment the version number. -// -// Encoding -// -// Program: -// "sky!" [4]byte # magic number -// str uint32le # offset of section -// version varint # must match Version -// filename string -// numloads varint -// loads []Ident -// numnames varint -// names []string -// numconsts varint -// consts []Constant -// numglobals varint -// globals []Ident -// toplevel Funcode -// numfuncs varint -// funcs []Funcode -// []byte # concatenation of all referenced strings -// EOF -// -// Funcode: -// id Ident -// code []byte -// pclinetablen varint -// pclinetab []varint -// numlocals varint -// locals []Ident -// numcells varint -// cells []int -// numfreevars varint -// freevar []Ident -// maxstack varint -// numparams varint -// numkwonlyparams varint -// hasvarargs varint (0 or 1) -// haskwargs varint (0 or 1) -// -// Ident: -// filename string -// line, col varint -// -// Constant: # type data -// type varint # 0=string string -// data ... # 1=bytes string -// # 2=int varint -// # 3=float varint (bits as uint64) -// # 4=bigint string (decimal ASCII text) -// -// The encoding starts with a four-byte magic number. -// The next four bytes are a little-endian uint32 -// that provides the offset of the string section -// at the end of the file, which contains the ordered -// concatenation of all strings referenced by the -// program. This design permits the decoder to read -// the first and second parts of the file into different -// memory allocations: the first (the encoded program) -// is transient, but the second (the strings) persists -// for the life of the Program. -// -// Within the encoded program, all strings are referred -// to by their length. As the encoder and decoder process -// the entire file sequentially, they are in lock step, -// so the start offset of each string is implicit. -// -// Program.Code is represented as a []byte slice to permit -// modification when breakpoints are set. All other strings -// are represented as strings. They all (unsafely) share the -// same backing byte slice. -// -// Aside from the str field, all integers are encoded as varints. - -import ( - "encoding/binary" - "fmt" - "math" - "math/big" - debugpkg "runtime/debug" - "unsafe" - - "go.starlark.net/syntax" -) - -const magic = "!sky" - -// Encode encodes a compiled Starlark program. -func (prog *Program) Encode() []byte { - var e encoder - e.p = append(e.p, magic...) - e.p = append(e.p, "????"...) // string data offset; filled in later - e.int(Version) - e.string(prog.Toplevel.Pos.Filename()) - e.bindings(prog.Loads) - e.int(len(prog.Names)) - for _, name := range prog.Names { - e.string(name) - } - e.int(len(prog.Constants)) - for _, c := range prog.Constants { - switch c := c.(type) { - case string: - e.int(0) - e.string(c) - case Bytes: - e.int(1) - e.string(string(c)) - case int64: - e.int(2) - e.int64(c) - case float64: - e.int(3) - e.uint64(math.Float64bits(c)) - case *big.Int: - e.int(4) - e.string(c.Text(10)) - } - } - e.bindings(prog.Globals) - e.function(prog.Toplevel) - e.int(len(prog.Functions)) - for _, fn := range prog.Functions { - e.function(fn) - } - - // Patch in the offset of the string data section. - binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(e.p[4:8], uint32(len(e.p))) - - return append(e.p, e.s...) -} - -type encoder struct { - p []byte // encoded program - s []byte // strings - tmp [binary.MaxVarintLen64]byte -} - -func (e *encoder) int(x int) { - e.int64(int64(x)) -} - -func (e *encoder) int64(x int64) { - n := binary.PutVarint(e.tmp[:], x) - e.p = append(e.p, e.tmp[:n]...) -} - -func (e *encoder) uint64(x uint64) { - n := binary.PutUvarint(e.tmp[:], x) - e.p = append(e.p, e.tmp[:n]...) -} - -func (e *encoder) string(s string) { - e.int(len(s)) - e.s = append(e.s, s...) -} - -func (e *encoder) bytes(b []byte) { - e.int(len(b)) - e.s = append(e.s, b...) -} - -func (e *encoder) binding(bind Binding) { - e.string(bind.Name) - e.int(int(bind.Pos.Line)) - e.int(int(bind.Pos.Col)) -} - -func (e *encoder) bindings(binds []Binding) { - e.int(len(binds)) - for _, bind := range binds { - e.binding(bind) - } -} - -func (e *encoder) function(fn *Funcode) { - e.binding(Binding{fn.Name, fn.Pos}) - e.string(fn.Doc) - e.bytes(fn.Code) - e.int(len(fn.pclinetab)) - for _, x := range fn.pclinetab { - e.int64(int64(x)) - } - e.bindings(fn.Locals) - e.int(len(fn.Cells)) - for _, index := range fn.Cells { - e.int(index) - } - e.bindings(fn.Freevars) - e.int(fn.MaxStack) - e.int(fn.NumParams) - e.int(fn.NumKwonlyParams) - e.int(b2i(fn.HasVarargs)) - e.int(b2i(fn.HasKwargs)) -} - -func b2i(b bool) int { - if b { - return 1 - } else { - return 0 - } -} - -// DecodeProgram decodes a compiled Starlark program from data. -func DecodeProgram(data []byte) (_ *Program, err error) { - if len(data) < len(magic) { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("not a compiled module: no magic number") - } - if got := string(data[:4]); got != magic { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("not a compiled module: got magic number %q, want %q", - got, magic) - } - defer func() { - if x := recover(); x != nil { - debugpkg.PrintStack() - err = fmt.Errorf("internal error while decoding program: %v", x) - } - }() - - offset := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data[4:8]) - d := decoder{ - p: data[8:offset], - s: append([]byte(nil), data[offset:]...), // allocate a copy, which will persist - } - - if v := d.int(); v != Version { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("version mismatch: read %d, want %d", v, Version) - } - - filename := d.string() - d.filename = &filename - - loads := d.bindings() - - names := make([]string, d.int()) - for i := range names { - names[i] = d.string() - } - - // constants - constants := make([]interface{}, d.int()) - for i := range constants { - var c interface{} - switch d.int() { - case 0: - c = d.string() - case 1: - c = Bytes(d.string()) - case 2: - c = d.int64() - case 3: - c = math.Float64frombits(d.uint64()) - case 4: - c, _ = new(big.Int).SetString(d.string(), 10) - } - constants[i] = c - } - - globals := d.bindings() - toplevel := d.function() - funcs := make([]*Funcode, d.int()) - for i := range funcs { - funcs[i] = d.function() - } - - prog := &Program{ - Loads: loads, - Names: names, - Constants: constants, - Globals: globals, - Functions: funcs, - Toplevel: toplevel, - } - toplevel.Prog = prog - for _, f := range funcs { - f.Prog = prog - } - - if len(d.p)+len(d.s) > 0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("internal error: unconsumed data during decoding") - } - - return prog, nil -} - -type decoder struct { - p []byte // encoded program - s []byte // strings - filename *string // (indirect to avoid keeping decoder live) -} - -func (d *decoder) int() int { - return int(d.int64()) -} - -func (d *decoder) int64() int64 { - x, len := binary.Varint(d.p[:]) - d.p = d.p[len:] - return x -} - -func (d *decoder) uint64() uint64 { - x, len := binary.Uvarint(d.p[:]) - d.p = d.p[len:] - return x -} - -func (d *decoder) string() (s string) { - if slice := d.bytes(); len(slice) > 0 { - // Avoid a memory allocation for each string - // by unsafely aliasing slice. - type string struct { - data *byte - len int - } - ptr := (*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&s)) - ptr.data = &slice[0] - ptr.len = len(slice) - } - return s -} - -func (d *decoder) bytes() []byte { - len := d.int() - r := d.s[:len:len] - d.s = d.s[len:] - return r -} - -func (d *decoder) binding() Binding { - name := d.string() - line := int32(d.int()) - col := int32(d.int()) - return Binding{Name: name, Pos: syntax.MakePosition(d.filename, line, col)} -} - -func (d *decoder) bindings() []Binding { - bindings := make([]Binding, d.int()) - for i := range bindings { - bindings[i] = d.binding() - } - return bindings -} - -func (d *decoder) ints() []int { - ints := make([]int, d.int()) - for i := range ints { - ints[i] = d.int() - } - return ints -} - -func (d *decoder) bool() bool { return d.int() != 0 } - -func (d *decoder) function() *Funcode { - id := d.binding() - doc := d.string() - code := d.bytes() - pclinetab := make([]uint16, d.int()) - for i := range pclinetab { - pclinetab[i] = uint16(d.int()) - } - locals := d.bindings() - cells := d.ints() - freevars := d.bindings() - maxStack := d.int() - numParams := d.int() - numKwonlyParams := d.int() - hasVarargs := d.int() != 0 - hasKwargs := d.int() != 0 - return &Funcode{ - // Prog is filled in later. - Pos: id.Pos, - Name: id.Name, - Doc: doc, - Code: code, - pclinetab: pclinetab, - Locals: locals, - Cells: cells, - Freevars: freevars, - MaxStack: maxStack, - NumParams: numParams, - NumKwonlyParams: numKwonlyParams, - HasVarargs: hasVarargs, - HasKwargs: hasKwargs, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/go.starlark.net/internal/spell/spell.go b/vendor/go.starlark.net/internal/spell/spell.go deleted file mode 100644 index 7739faba..00000000 --- a/vendor/go.starlark.net/internal/spell/spell.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,115 +0,0 @@ -// Package spell file defines a simple spelling checker for use in attribute errors -// such as "no such field .foo; did you mean .food?". -package spell - -import ( - "strings" - "unicode" -) - -// Nearest returns the element of candidates -// nearest to x using the Levenshtein metric, -// or "" if none were promising. -func Nearest(x string, candidates []string) string { - // Ignore underscores and case when matching. - fold := func(s string) string { - return strings.Map(func(r rune) rune { - if r == '_' { - return -1 - } - return unicode.ToLower(r) - }, s) - } - - x = fold(x) - - var best string - bestD := (len(x) + 1) / 2 // allow up to 50% typos - for _, c := range candidates { - d := levenshtein(x, fold(c), bestD) - if d < bestD { - bestD = d - best = c - } - } - return best -} - -// levenshtein returns the non-negative Levenshtein edit distance -// between the byte strings x and y. -// -// If the computed distance exceeds max, -// the function may return early with an approximate value > max. -func levenshtein(x, y string, max int) int { - // This implementation is derived from one by Laurent Le Brun in - // Bazel that uses the single-row space efficiency trick - // described at bitbucket.org/clearer/iosifovich. - - // Let x be the shorter string. - if len(x) > len(y) { - x, y = y, x - } - - // Remove common prefix. - for i := 0; i < len(x); i++ { - if x[i] != y[i] { - x = x[i:] - y = y[i:] - break - } - } - if x == "" { - return len(y) - } - - if d := abs(len(x) - len(y)); d > max { - return d // excessive length divergence - } - - row := make([]int, len(y)+1) - for i := range row { - row[i] = i - } - - for i := 1; i <= len(x); i++ { - row[0] = i - best := i - prev := i - 1 - for j := 1; j <= len(y); j++ { - a := prev + b2i(x[i-1] != y[j-1]) // substitution - b := 1 + row[j-1] // deletion - c := 1 + row[j] // insertion - k := min(a, min(b, c)) - prev, row[j] = row[j], k - best = min(best, k) - } - if best > max { - return best - } - } - return row[len(y)] -} - -func b2i(b bool) int { - if b { - return 1 - } else { - return 0 - } -} - -func min(x, y int) int { - if x < y { - return x - } else { - return y - } -} - -func abs(x int) int { - if x >= 0 { - return x - } else { - return -x - } -} diff --git a/vendor/go.starlark.net/resolve/binding.go b/vendor/go.starlark.net/resolve/binding.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6b99f4b9..00000000 --- a/vendor/go.starlark.net/resolve/binding.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,74 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -package resolve - -import "go.starlark.net/syntax" - -// This file defines resolver data types saved in the syntax tree. -// We cannot guarantee API stability for these types -// as they are closely tied to the implementation. - -// A Binding contains resolver information about an identifer. -// The resolver populates the Binding field of each syntax.Identifier. -// The Binding ties together all identifiers that denote the same variable. -type Binding struct { - Scope Scope - - // Index records the index into the enclosing - // - {DefStmt,File}.Locals, if Scope==Local - // - DefStmt.FreeVars, if Scope==Free - // - File.Globals, if Scope==Global. - // It is zero if Scope is Predeclared, Universal, or Undefined. - Index int - - First *syntax.Ident // first binding use (iff Scope==Local/Free/Global) -} - -// The Scope of Binding indicates what kind of scope it has. -type Scope uint8 - -const ( - Undefined Scope = iota // name is not defined - Local // name is local to its function or file - Cell // name is function-local but shared with a nested function - Free // name is cell of some enclosing function - Global // name is global to module - Predeclared // name is predeclared for this module (e.g. glob) - Universal // name is universal (e.g. len) -) - -var scopeNames = [...]string{ - Undefined: "undefined", - Local: "local", - Cell: "cell", - Free: "free", - Global: "global", - Predeclared: "predeclared", - Universal: "universal", -} - -func (scope Scope) String() string { return scopeNames[scope] } - -// A Module contains resolver information about a file. -// The resolver populates the Module field of each syntax.File. -type Module struct { - Locals []*Binding // the file's (comprehension-)local variables - Globals []*Binding // the file's global variables -} - -// A Function contains resolver information about a named or anonymous function. -// The resolver populates the Function field of each syntax.DefStmt and syntax.LambdaExpr. -type Function struct { - Pos syntax.Position // of DEF or LAMBDA - Name string // name of def, or "lambda" - Params []syntax.Expr // param = ident | ident=expr | * | *ident | **ident - Body []syntax.Stmt // contains synthetic 'return expr' for lambda - - HasVarargs bool // whether params includes *args (convenience) - HasKwargs bool // whether params includes **kwargs (convenience) - NumKwonlyParams int // number of keyword-only optional parameters - Locals []*Binding // this function's local/cell variables, parameters first - FreeVars []*Binding // enclosing cells to capture in closure -} diff --git a/vendor/go.starlark.net/resolve/resolve.go b/vendor/go.starlark.net/resolve/resolve.go deleted file mode 100644 index 09b9acde..00000000 --- a/vendor/go.starlark.net/resolve/resolve.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,969 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -// Package resolve defines a name-resolution pass for Starlark abstract -// syntax trees. -// -// The resolver sets the Locals and FreeVars arrays of each DefStmt and -// the LocalIndex field of each syntax.Ident that refers to a local or -// free variable. It also sets the Locals array of a File for locals -// bound by top-level comprehensions and load statements. -// Identifiers for global variables do not get an index. -package resolve // import "go.starlark.net/resolve" - -// All references to names are statically resolved. Names may be -// predeclared, global, or local to a function or file. -// File-local variables include those bound by top-level comprehensions -// and by load statements. ("Top-level" means "outside of any function".) -// The resolver maps each global name to a small integer and each local -// name to a small integer; these integers enable a fast and compact -// representation of globals and locals in the evaluator. -// -// As an optimization, the resolver classifies each predeclared name as -// either universal (e.g. None, len) or per-module (e.g. glob in Bazel's -// build language), enabling the evaluator to share the representation -// of the universal environment across all modules. -// -// The lexical environment is a tree of blocks with the file block at -// its root. The file's child blocks may be of two kinds: functions -// and comprehensions, and these may have further children of either -// kind. -// -// Python-style resolution requires multiple passes because a name is -// determined to be local to a function only if the function contains a -// "binding" use of it; similarly, a name is determined to be global (as -// opposed to predeclared) if the module contains a top-level binding use. -// Unlike ordinary top-level assignments, the bindings created by load -// statements are local to the file block. -// A non-binding use may lexically precede the binding to which it is resolved. -// In the first pass, we inspect each function, recording in -// 'uses' each identifier and the environment block in which it occurs. -// If a use of a name is binding, such as a function parameter or -// assignment, we add the name to the block's bindings mapping and add a -// local variable to the enclosing function. -// -// As we finish resolving each function, we inspect all the uses within -// that function and discard ones that were found to be function-local. The -// remaining ones must be either free (local to some lexically enclosing -// function), or top-level (global, predeclared, or file-local), but we cannot tell -// which until we have finished inspecting the outermost enclosing -// function. At that point, we can distinguish local from top-level names -// (and this is when Python would compute free variables). -// -// However, Starlark additionally requires that all references to global -// names are satisfied by some declaration in the current module; -// Starlark permits a function to forward-reference a global or file-local -// that has not -// been declared yet so long as it is declared before the end of the -// module. So, instead of re-resolving the unresolved references after -// each top-level function, we defer this until the end of the module -// and ensure that all such references are satisfied by some definition. -// -// At the end of the module, we visit each of the nested function blocks -// in bottom-up order, doing a recursive lexical lookup for each -// unresolved name. If the name is found to be local to some enclosing -// function, we must create a DefStmt.FreeVar (capture) parameter for -// each intervening function. We enter these synthetic bindings into -// the bindings map so that we create at most one freevar per name. If -// the name was not local, we check that it was defined at module level. -// -// We resolve all uses of locals in the module (due to load statements -// and comprehensions) in a similar way and compute the file's set of -// local variables. -// -// Starlark enforces that all global names are assigned at most once on -// all control flow paths by forbidding if/else statements and loops at -// top level. A global may be used before it is defined, leading to a -// dynamic error. However, the AllowGlobalReassign flag (really: allow -// top-level reassign) makes the resolver allow multiple to a variable -// at top-level. It also allows if-, for-, and while-loops at top-level, -// which in turn may make the evaluator dynamically assign multiple -// values to a variable at top-level. (These two roles should be separated.) - -import ( - "fmt" - "log" - "sort" - "strings" - - "go.starlark.net/internal/spell" - "go.starlark.net/syntax" -) - -const debug = false -const doesnt = "this Starlark dialect does not " - -// global options -// These features are either not standard Starlark (yet), or deprecated -// features of the BUILD language, so we put them behind flags. -var ( - AllowSet = false // allow the 'set' built-in - AllowGlobalReassign = false // allow reassignment to top-level names; also, allow if/for/while at top-level - AllowRecursion = false // allow while statements and recursive functions - LoadBindsGlobally = false // load creates global not file-local bindings (deprecated) - - // obsolete flags for features that are now standard. No effect. - AllowNestedDef = true - AllowLambda = true - AllowFloat = true - AllowBitwise = true -) - -// File resolves the specified file and records information about the -// module in file.Module. -// -// The isPredeclared and isUniversal predicates report whether a name is -// a pre-declared identifier (visible in the current module) or a -// universal identifier (visible in every module). -// Clients should typically pass predeclared.Has for the first and -// starlark.Universe.Has for the second, where predeclared is the -// module's StringDict of predeclared names and starlark.Universe is the -// standard set of built-ins. -// The isUniverse predicate is supplied a parameter to avoid a cyclic -// dependency upon starlark.Universe, not because users should ever need -// to redefine it. -func File(file *syntax.File, isPredeclared, isUniversal func(name string) bool) error { - return REPLChunk(file, nil, isPredeclared, isUniversal) -} - -// REPLChunk is a generalization of the File function that supports a -// non-empty initial global block, as occurs in a REPL. -func REPLChunk(file *syntax.File, isGlobal, isPredeclared, isUniversal func(name string) bool) error { - r := newResolver(isGlobal, isPredeclared, isUniversal) - r.stmts(file.Stmts) - - r.env.resolveLocalUses() - - // At the end of the module, resolve all non-local variable references, - // computing closures. - // Function bodies may contain forward references to later global declarations. - r.resolveNonLocalUses(r.env) - - file.Module = &Module{ - Locals: r.moduleLocals, - Globals: r.moduleGlobals, - } - - if len(r.errors) > 0 { - return r.errors - } - return nil -} - -// Expr resolves the specified expression. -// It returns the local variables bound within the expression. -// -// The isPredeclared and isUniversal predicates behave as for the File function. -func Expr(expr syntax.Expr, isPredeclared, isUniversal func(name string) bool) ([]*Binding, error) { - r := newResolver(nil, isPredeclared, isUniversal) - r.expr(expr) - r.env.resolveLocalUses() - r.resolveNonLocalUses(r.env) // globals & universals - if len(r.errors) > 0 { - return nil, r.errors - } - return r.moduleLocals, nil -} - -// An ErrorList is a non-empty list of resolver error messages. -type ErrorList []Error // len > 0 - -func (e ErrorList) Error() string { return e[0].Error() } - -// An Error describes the nature and position of a resolver error. -type Error struct { - Pos syntax.Position - Msg string -} - -func (e Error) Error() string { return e.Pos.String() + ": " + e.Msg } - -func newResolver(isGlobal, isPredeclared, isUniversal func(name string) bool) *resolver { - file := new(block) - return &resolver{ - file: file, - env: file, - isGlobal: isGlobal, - isPredeclared: isPredeclared, - isUniversal: isUniversal, - globals: make(map[string]*Binding), - predeclared: make(map[string]*Binding), - } -} - -type resolver struct { - // env is the current local environment: - // a linked list of blocks, innermost first. - // The tail of the list is the file block. - env *block - file *block // file block (contains load bindings) - - // moduleLocals contains the local variables of the module - // (due to load statements and comprehensions outside any function). - // moduleGlobals contains the global variables of the module. - moduleLocals []*Binding - moduleGlobals []*Binding - - // globals maps each global name in the module to its binding. - // predeclared does the same for predeclared and universal names. - globals map[string]*Binding - predeclared map[string]*Binding - - // These predicates report whether a name is - // pre-declared, either in this module or universally, - // or already declared in the module globals (as in a REPL). - // isGlobal may be nil. - isGlobal, isPredeclared, isUniversal func(name string) bool - - loops int // number of enclosing for/while loops - ifstmts int // number of enclosing if statements loops - - errors ErrorList -} - -// container returns the innermost enclosing "container" block: -// a function (function != nil) or file (function == nil). -// Container blocks accumulate local variable bindings. -func (r *resolver) container() *block { - for b := r.env; ; b = b.parent { - if b.function != nil || b == r.file { - return b - } - } -} - -func (r *resolver) push(b *block) { - r.env.children = append(r.env.children, b) - b.parent = r.env - r.env = b -} - -func (r *resolver) pop() { r.env = r.env.parent } - -type block struct { - parent *block // nil for file block - - // In the file (root) block, both these fields are nil. - function *Function // only for function blocks - comp *syntax.Comprehension // only for comprehension blocks - - // bindings maps a name to its binding. - // A local binding has an index into its innermost enclosing container's locals array. - // A free binding has an index into its innermost enclosing function's freevars array. - bindings map[string]*Binding - - // children records the child blocks of the current one. - children []*block - - // uses records all identifiers seen in this container (function or file), - // and a reference to the environment in which they appear. - // As we leave each container block, we resolve them, - // so that only free and global ones remain. - // At the end of each top-level function we compute closures. - uses []use -} - -func (b *block) bind(name string, bind *Binding) { - if b.bindings == nil { - b.bindings = make(map[string]*Binding) - } - b.bindings[name] = bind -} - -func (b *block) String() string { - if b.function != nil { - return "function block at " + fmt.Sprint(b.function.Pos) - } - if b.comp != nil { - return "comprehension block at " + fmt.Sprint(b.comp.Span()) - } - return "file block" -} - -func (r *resolver) errorf(posn syntax.Position, format string, args ...interface{}) { - r.errors = append(r.errors, Error{posn, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)}) -} - -// A use records an identifier and the environment in which it appears. -type use struct { - id *syntax.Ident - env *block -} - -// bind creates a binding for id: a global (not file-local) -// binding at top-level, a local binding otherwise. -// At top-level, it reports an error if a global or file-local -// binding already exists, unless AllowGlobalReassign. -// It sets id.Binding to the binding (whether old or new), -// and returns whether a binding already existed. -func (r *resolver) bind(id *syntax.Ident) bool { - // Binding outside any local (comprehension/function) block? - if r.env == r.file { - bind, ok := r.file.bindings[id.Name] - if !ok { - bind, ok = r.globals[id.Name] - if !ok { - // first global binding of this name - bind = &Binding{ - First: id, - Scope: Global, - Index: len(r.moduleGlobals), - } - r.globals[id.Name] = bind - r.moduleGlobals = append(r.moduleGlobals, bind) - } - } - if ok && !AllowGlobalReassign { - r.errorf(id.NamePos, "cannot reassign %s %s declared at %s", - bind.Scope, id.Name, bind.First.NamePos) - } - id.Binding = bind - return ok - } - - return r.bindLocal(id) -} - -func (r *resolver) bindLocal(id *syntax.Ident) bool { - // Mark this name as local to current block. - // Assign it a new local (positive) index in the current container. - _, ok := r.env.bindings[id.Name] - if !ok { - var locals *[]*Binding - if fn := r.container().function; fn != nil { - locals = &fn.Locals - } else { - locals = &r.moduleLocals - } - bind := &Binding{ - First: id, - Scope: Local, - Index: len(*locals), - } - r.env.bind(id.Name, bind) - *locals = append(*locals, bind) - } - - r.use(id) - return ok -} - -func (r *resolver) use(id *syntax.Ident) { - use := use{id, r.env} - - // The spec says that if there is a global binding of a name - // then all references to that name in that block refer to the - // global, even if the use precedes the def---just as for locals. - // For example, in this code, - // - // print(len); len=1; print(len) - // - // both occurrences of len refer to the len=1 binding, which - // completely shadows the predeclared len function. - // - // The rationale for these semantics, which differ from Python, - // is that the static meaning of len (a reference to a global) - // does not change depending on where it appears in the file. - // Of course, its dynamic meaning does change, from an error - // into a valid reference, so it's not clear these semantics - // have any practical advantage. - // - // In any case, the Bazel implementation lags behind the spec - // and follows Python behavior, so the first use of len refers - // to the predeclared function. This typically used in a BUILD - // file that redefines a predeclared name half way through, - // for example: - // - // proto_library(...) # built-in rule - // load("myproto.bzl", "proto_library") - // proto_library(...) # user-defined rule - // - // We will piggyback support for the legacy semantics on the - // AllowGlobalReassign flag, which is loosely related and also - // required for Bazel. - if AllowGlobalReassign && r.env == r.file { - r.useToplevel(use) - return - } - - b := r.container() - b.uses = append(b.uses, use) -} - -// useToplevel resolves use.id as a reference to a name visible at top-level. -// The use.env field captures the original environment for error reporting. -func (r *resolver) useToplevel(use use) (bind *Binding) { - id := use.id - - if prev, ok := r.file.bindings[id.Name]; ok { - // use of load-defined name in file block - bind = prev - } else if prev, ok := r.globals[id.Name]; ok { - // use of global declared by module - bind = prev - } else if r.isGlobal != nil && r.isGlobal(id.Name) { - // use of global defined in a previous REPL chunk - bind = &Binding{ - First: id, // wrong: this is not even a binding use - Scope: Global, - Index: len(r.moduleGlobals), - } - r.globals[id.Name] = bind - r.moduleGlobals = append(r.moduleGlobals, bind) - } else if prev, ok := r.predeclared[id.Name]; ok { - // repeated use of predeclared or universal - bind = prev - } else if r.isPredeclared(id.Name) { - // use of pre-declared name - bind = &Binding{Scope: Predeclared} - r.predeclared[id.Name] = bind // save it - } else if r.isUniversal(id.Name) { - // use of universal name - if !AllowSet && id.Name == "set" { - r.errorf(id.NamePos, doesnt+"support sets") - } - bind = &Binding{Scope: Universal} - r.predeclared[id.Name] = bind // save it - } else { - bind = &Binding{Scope: Undefined} - var hint string - if n := r.spellcheck(use); n != "" { - hint = fmt.Sprintf(" (did you mean %s?)", n) - } - r.errorf(id.NamePos, "undefined: %s%s", id.Name, hint) - } - id.Binding = bind - return bind -} - -// spellcheck returns the most likely misspelling of -// the name use.id in the environment use.env. -func (r *resolver) spellcheck(use use) string { - var names []string - - // locals - for b := use.env; b != nil; b = b.parent { - for name := range b.bindings { - names = append(names, name) - } - } - - // globals - // - // We have no way to enumerate the sets whose membership - // tests are isPredeclared, isUniverse, and isGlobal, - // which includes prior names in the REPL session. - for _, bind := range r.moduleGlobals { - names = append(names, bind.First.Name) - } - - sort.Strings(names) - return spell.Nearest(use.id.Name, names) -} - -// resolveLocalUses is called when leaving a container (function/module) -// block. It resolves all uses of locals/cells within that block. -func (b *block) resolveLocalUses() { - unresolved := b.uses[:0] - for _, use := range b.uses { - if bind := lookupLocal(use); bind != nil && (bind.Scope == Local || bind.Scope == Cell) { - use.id.Binding = bind - } else { - unresolved = append(unresolved, use) - } - } - b.uses = unresolved -} - -func (r *resolver) stmts(stmts []syntax.Stmt) { - for _, stmt := range stmts { - r.stmt(stmt) - } -} - -func (r *resolver) stmt(stmt syntax.Stmt) { - switch stmt := stmt.(type) { - case *syntax.ExprStmt: - r.expr(stmt.X) - - case *syntax.BranchStmt: - if r.loops == 0 && (stmt.Token == syntax.BREAK || stmt.Token == syntax.CONTINUE) { - r.errorf(stmt.TokenPos, "%s not in a loop", stmt.Token) - } - - case *syntax.IfStmt: - if !AllowGlobalReassign && r.container().function == nil { - r.errorf(stmt.If, "if statement not within a function") - } - r.expr(stmt.Cond) - r.ifstmts++ - r.stmts(stmt.True) - r.stmts(stmt.False) - r.ifstmts-- - - case *syntax.AssignStmt: - r.expr(stmt.RHS) - isAugmented := stmt.Op != syntax.EQ - r.assign(stmt.LHS, isAugmented) - - case *syntax.DefStmt: - r.bind(stmt.Name) - fn := &Function{ - Name: stmt.Name.Name, - Pos: stmt.Def, - Params: stmt.Params, - Body: stmt.Body, - } - stmt.Function = fn - r.function(fn, stmt.Def) - - case *syntax.ForStmt: - if !AllowGlobalReassign && r.container().function == nil { - r.errorf(stmt.For, "for loop not within a function") - } - r.expr(stmt.X) - const isAugmented = false - r.assign(stmt.Vars, isAugmented) - r.loops++ - r.stmts(stmt.Body) - r.loops-- - - case *syntax.WhileStmt: - if !AllowRecursion { - r.errorf(stmt.While, doesnt+"support while loops") - } - if !AllowGlobalReassign && r.container().function == nil { - r.errorf(stmt.While, "while loop not within a function") - } - r.expr(stmt.Cond) - r.loops++ - r.stmts(stmt.Body) - r.loops-- - - case *syntax.ReturnStmt: - if r.container().function == nil { - r.errorf(stmt.Return, "return statement not within a function") - } - if stmt.Result != nil { - r.expr(stmt.Result) - } - - case *syntax.LoadStmt: - // A load statement may not be nested in any other statement. - if r.container().function != nil { - r.errorf(stmt.Load, "load statement within a function") - } else if r.loops > 0 { - r.errorf(stmt.Load, "load statement within a loop") - } else if r.ifstmts > 0 { - r.errorf(stmt.Load, "load statement within a conditional") - } - - for i, from := range stmt.From { - if from.Name == "" { - r.errorf(from.NamePos, "load: empty identifier") - continue - } - if from.Name[0] == '_' { - r.errorf(from.NamePos, "load: names with leading underscores are not exported: %s", from.Name) - } - - id := stmt.To[i] - if LoadBindsGlobally { - r.bind(id) - } else if r.bindLocal(id) && !AllowGlobalReassign { - // "Global" in AllowGlobalReassign is a misnomer for "toplevel". - // Sadly we can't report the previous declaration - // as id.Binding may not be set yet. - r.errorf(id.NamePos, "cannot reassign top-level %s", id.Name) - } - } - - default: - log.Panicf("unexpected stmt %T", stmt) - } -} - -func (r *resolver) assign(lhs syntax.Expr, isAugmented bool) { - switch lhs := lhs.(type) { - case *syntax.Ident: - // x = ... - r.bind(lhs) - - case *syntax.IndexExpr: - // x[i] = ... - r.expr(lhs.X) - r.expr(lhs.Y) - - case *syntax.DotExpr: - // x.f = ... - r.expr(lhs.X) - - case *syntax.TupleExpr: - // (x, y) = ... - if isAugmented { - r.errorf(syntax.Start(lhs), "can't use tuple expression in augmented assignment") - } - for _, elem := range lhs.List { - r.assign(elem, isAugmented) - } - - case *syntax.ListExpr: - // [x, y, z] = ... - if isAugmented { - r.errorf(syntax.Start(lhs), "can't use list expression in augmented assignment") - } - for _, elem := range lhs.List { - r.assign(elem, isAugmented) - } - - case *syntax.ParenExpr: - r.assign(lhs.X, isAugmented) - - default: - name := strings.ToLower(strings.TrimPrefix(fmt.Sprintf("%T", lhs), "*syntax.")) - r.errorf(syntax.Start(lhs), "can't assign to %s", name) - } -} - -func (r *resolver) expr(e syntax.Expr) { - switch e := e.(type) { - case *syntax.Ident: - r.use(e) - - case *syntax.Literal: - - case *syntax.ListExpr: - for _, x := range e.List { - r.expr(x) - } - - case *syntax.CondExpr: - r.expr(e.Cond) - r.expr(e.True) - r.expr(e.False) - - case *syntax.IndexExpr: - r.expr(e.X) - r.expr(e.Y) - - case *syntax.DictEntry: - r.expr(e.Key) - r.expr(e.Value) - - case *syntax.SliceExpr: - r.expr(e.X) - if e.Lo != nil { - r.expr(e.Lo) - } - if e.Hi != nil { - r.expr(e.Hi) - } - if e.Step != nil { - r.expr(e.Step) - } - - case *syntax.Comprehension: - // The 'in' operand of the first clause (always a ForClause) - // is resolved in the outer block; consider: [x for x in x]. - clause := e.Clauses[0].(*syntax.ForClause) - r.expr(clause.X) - - // A list/dict comprehension defines a new lexical block. - // Locals defined within the block will be allotted - // distinct slots in the locals array of the innermost - // enclosing container (function/module) block. - r.push(&block{comp: e}) - - const isAugmented = false - r.assign(clause.Vars, isAugmented) - - for _, clause := range e.Clauses[1:] { - switch clause := clause.(type) { - case *syntax.IfClause: - r.expr(clause.Cond) - case *syntax.ForClause: - r.assign(clause.Vars, isAugmented) - r.expr(clause.X) - } - } - r.expr(e.Body) // body may be *DictEntry - r.pop() - - case *syntax.TupleExpr: - for _, x := range e.List { - r.expr(x) - } - - case *syntax.DictExpr: - for _, entry := range e.List { - entry := entry.(*syntax.DictEntry) - r.expr(entry.Key) - r.expr(entry.Value) - } - - case *syntax.UnaryExpr: - r.expr(e.X) - - case *syntax.BinaryExpr: - r.expr(e.X) - r.expr(e.Y) - - case *syntax.DotExpr: - r.expr(e.X) - // ignore e.Name - - case *syntax.CallExpr: - r.expr(e.Fn) - var seenVarargs, seenKwargs bool - var seenName map[string]bool - var n, p int - for _, arg := range e.Args { - pos, _ := arg.Span() - if unop, ok := arg.(*syntax.UnaryExpr); ok && unop.Op == syntax.STARSTAR { - // **kwargs - if seenKwargs { - r.errorf(pos, "multiple **kwargs not allowed") - } - seenKwargs = true - r.expr(arg) - } else if ok && unop.Op == syntax.STAR { - // *args - if seenKwargs { - r.errorf(pos, "*args may not follow **kwargs") - } else if seenVarargs { - r.errorf(pos, "multiple *args not allowed") - } - seenVarargs = true - r.expr(arg) - } else if binop, ok := arg.(*syntax.BinaryExpr); ok && binop.Op == syntax.EQ { - // k=v - n++ - if seenKwargs { - r.errorf(pos, "keyword argument may not follow **kwargs") - } else if seenVarargs { - r.errorf(pos, "keyword argument may not follow *args") - } - x := binop.X.(*syntax.Ident) - if seenName[x.Name] { - r.errorf(x.NamePos, "keyword argument %q is repeated", x.Name) - } else { - if seenName == nil { - seenName = make(map[string]bool) - } - seenName[x.Name] = true - } - r.expr(binop.Y) - } else { - // positional argument - p++ - if seenVarargs { - r.errorf(pos, "positional argument may not follow *args") - } else if seenKwargs { - r.errorf(pos, "positional argument may not follow **kwargs") - } else if len(seenName) > 0 { - r.errorf(pos, "positional argument may not follow named") - } - r.expr(arg) - } - } - - // Fail gracefully if compiler-imposed limit is exceeded. - if p >= 256 { - pos, _ := e.Span() - r.errorf(pos, "%v positional arguments in call, limit is 255", p) - } - if n >= 256 { - pos, _ := e.Span() - r.errorf(pos, "%v keyword arguments in call, limit is 255", n) - } - - case *syntax.LambdaExpr: - fn := &Function{ - Name: "lambda", - Pos: e.Lambda, - Params: e.Params, - Body: []syntax.Stmt{&syntax.ReturnStmt{Result: e.Body}}, - } - e.Function = fn - r.function(fn, e.Lambda) - - case *syntax.ParenExpr: - r.expr(e.X) - - default: - log.Panicf("unexpected expr %T", e) - } -} - -func (r *resolver) function(function *Function, pos syntax.Position) { - // Resolve defaults in enclosing environment. - for _, param := range function.Params { - if binary, ok := param.(*syntax.BinaryExpr); ok { - r.expr(binary.Y) - } - } - - // Enter function block. - b := &block{function: function} - r.push(b) - - var seenOptional bool - var star *syntax.UnaryExpr // * or *args param - var starStar *syntax.Ident // **kwargs ident - var numKwonlyParams int - for _, param := range function.Params { - switch param := param.(type) { - case *syntax.Ident: - // e.g. x - if starStar != nil { - r.errorf(param.NamePos, "required parameter may not follow **%s", starStar.Name) - } else if star != nil { - numKwonlyParams++ - } else if seenOptional { - r.errorf(param.NamePos, "required parameter may not follow optional") - } - if r.bind(param) { - r.errorf(param.NamePos, "duplicate parameter: %s", param.Name) - } - - case *syntax.BinaryExpr: - // e.g. y=dflt - if starStar != nil { - r.errorf(param.OpPos, "optional parameter may not follow **%s", starStar.Name) - } else if star != nil { - numKwonlyParams++ - } - if id := param.X.(*syntax.Ident); r.bind(id) { - r.errorf(param.OpPos, "duplicate parameter: %s", id.Name) - } - seenOptional = true - - case *syntax.UnaryExpr: - // * or *args or **kwargs - if param.Op == syntax.STAR { - if starStar != nil { - r.errorf(param.OpPos, "* parameter may not follow **%s", starStar.Name) - } else if star != nil { - r.errorf(param.OpPos, "multiple * parameters not allowed") - } else { - star = param - } - } else { - if starStar != nil { - r.errorf(param.OpPos, "multiple ** parameters not allowed") - } - starStar = param.X.(*syntax.Ident) - } - } - } - - // Bind the *args and **kwargs parameters at the end, - // so that regular parameters a/b/c are contiguous and - // there is no hole for the "*": - // def f(a, b, *args, c=0, **kwargs) - // def f(a, b, *, c=0, **kwargs) - if star != nil { - if id, _ := star.X.(*syntax.Ident); id != nil { - // *args - if r.bind(id) { - r.errorf(id.NamePos, "duplicate parameter: %s", id.Name) - } - function.HasVarargs = true - } else if numKwonlyParams == 0 { - r.errorf(star.OpPos, "bare * must be followed by keyword-only parameters") - } - } - if starStar != nil { - if r.bind(starStar) { - r.errorf(starStar.NamePos, "duplicate parameter: %s", starStar.Name) - } - function.HasKwargs = true - } - - function.NumKwonlyParams = numKwonlyParams - r.stmts(function.Body) - - // Resolve all uses of this function's local vars, - // and keep just the remaining uses of free/global vars. - b.resolveLocalUses() - - // Leave function block. - r.pop() - - // References within the function body to globals are not - // resolved until the end of the module. -} - -func (r *resolver) resolveNonLocalUses(b *block) { - // First resolve inner blocks. - for _, child := range b.children { - r.resolveNonLocalUses(child) - } - for _, use := range b.uses { - use.id.Binding = r.lookupLexical(use, use.env) - } -} - -// lookupLocal looks up an identifier within its immediately enclosing function. -func lookupLocal(use use) *Binding { - for env := use.env; env != nil; env = env.parent { - if bind, ok := env.bindings[use.id.Name]; ok { - if bind.Scope == Free { - // shouldn't exist till later - log.Panicf("%s: internal error: %s, %v", use.id.NamePos, use.id.Name, bind) - } - return bind // found - } - if env.function != nil { - break - } - } - return nil // not found in this function -} - -// lookupLexical looks up an identifier use.id within its lexically enclosing environment. -// The use.env field captures the original environment for error reporting. -func (r *resolver) lookupLexical(use use, env *block) (bind *Binding) { - if debug { - fmt.Printf("lookupLexical %s in %s = ...\n", use.id.Name, env) - defer func() { fmt.Printf("= %v\n", bind) }() - } - - // Is this the file block? - if env == r.file { - return r.useToplevel(use) // file-local, global, predeclared, or not found - } - - // Defined in this block? - bind, ok := env.bindings[use.id.Name] - if !ok { - // Defined in parent block? - bind = r.lookupLexical(use, env.parent) - if env.function != nil && (bind.Scope == Local || bind.Scope == Free || bind.Scope == Cell) { - // Found in parent block, which belongs to enclosing function. - // Add the parent's binding to the function's freevars, - // and add a new 'free' binding to the inner function's block, - // and turn the parent's local into cell. - if bind.Scope == Local { - bind.Scope = Cell - } - index := len(env.function.FreeVars) - env.function.FreeVars = append(env.function.FreeVars, bind) - bind = &Binding{ - First: bind.First, - Scope: Free, - Index: index, - } - if debug { - fmt.Printf("creating freevar %v in function at %s: %s\n", - len(env.function.FreeVars), env.function.Pos, use.id.Name) - } - } - - // Memoize, to avoid duplicate free vars - // and redundant global (failing) lookups. - env.bind(use.id.Name, bind) - } - return bind -} diff --git a/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlark/debug.go b/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlark/debug.go deleted file mode 100644 index 22a21240..00000000 --- a/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlark/debug.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -package starlark - -import "go.starlark.net/syntax" - -// This file defines an experimental API for the debugging tools. -// Some of these declarations expose details of internal packages. -// (The debugger makes liberal use of exported fields of unexported types.) -// Breaking changes may occur without notice. - -// Local returns the value of the i'th local variable. -// It may be nil if not yet assigned. -// -// Local may be called only for frames whose Callable is a *Function (a -// function defined by Starlark source code), and only while the frame -// is active; it will panic otherwise. -// -// This function is provided only for debugging tools. -// -// THIS API IS EXPERIMENTAL AND MAY CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. -func (fr *frame) Local(i int) Value { return fr.locals[i] } - -// DebugFrame is the debugger API for a frame of the interpreter's call stack. -// -// Most applications have no need for this API; use CallFrame instead. -// -// Clients must not retain a DebugFrame nor call any of its methods once -// the current built-in call has returned or execution has resumed -// after a breakpoint as this may have unpredictable effects, including -// but not limited to retention of object that would otherwise be garbage. -type DebugFrame interface { - Callable() Callable // returns the frame's function - Local(i int) Value // returns the value of the (Starlark) frame's ith local variable - Position() syntax.Position // returns the current position of execution in this frame -} - -// DebugFrame returns the debugger interface for -// the specified frame of the interpreter's call stack. -// Frame numbering is as for Thread.CallFrame. -// -// This function is intended for use in debugging tools. -// Most applications should have no need for it; use CallFrame instead. -func (thread *Thread) DebugFrame(depth int) DebugFrame { return thread.frameAt(depth) } diff --git a/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlark/empty.s b/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlark/empty.s deleted file mode 100644 index 3b821699..00000000 --- a/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlark/empty.s +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -// The presence of this file allows the package to use the -// "go:linkname" hack to call non-exported functions in the -// Go runtime, such as hardware-accelerated string hashing. diff --git a/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlark/eval.go b/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlark/eval.go deleted file mode 100644 index 949cb934..00000000 --- a/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlark/eval.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1648 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -package starlark - -import ( - "fmt" - "io" - "io/ioutil" - "log" - "math/big" - "sort" - "strings" - "sync/atomic" - "time" - "unicode" - "unicode/utf8" - "unsafe" - - "go.starlark.net/internal/compile" - "go.starlark.net/internal/spell" - "go.starlark.net/resolve" - "go.starlark.net/syntax" -) - -// A Thread contains the state of a Starlark thread, -// such as its call stack and thread-local storage. -// The Thread is threaded throughout the evaluator. -type Thread struct { - // Name is an optional name that describes the thread, for debugging. - Name string - - // stack is the stack of (internal) call frames. - stack []*frame - - // Print is the client-supplied implementation of the Starlark - // 'print' function. If nil, fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, msg) is - // used instead. - Print func(thread *Thread, msg string) - - // Load is the client-supplied implementation of module loading. - // Repeated calls with the same module name must return the same - // module environment or error. - // The error message need not include the module name. - // - // See example_test.go for some example implementations of Load. - Load func(thread *Thread, module string) (StringDict, error) - - // OnMaxSteps is called when the thread reaches the limit set by SetMaxExecutionSteps. - // The default behavior is to call thread.Cancel("too many steps"). - OnMaxSteps func(thread *Thread) - - // Steps a count of abstract computation steps executed - // by this thread. It is incremented by the interpreter. It may be used - // as a measure of the approximate cost of Starlark execution, by - // computing the difference in its value before and after a computation. - // - // The precise meaning of "step" is not specified and may change. - Steps, maxSteps uint64 - - // cancelReason records the reason from the first call to Cancel. - cancelReason *string - - // locals holds arbitrary "thread-local" Go values belonging to the client. - // They are accessible to the client but not to any Starlark program. - locals map[string]interface{} - - // proftime holds the accumulated execution time since the last profile event. - proftime time.Duration -} - -// ExecutionSteps returns the current value of Steps. -func (thread *Thread) ExecutionSteps() uint64 { - return thread.Steps -} - -// SetMaxExecutionSteps sets a limit on the number of Starlark -// computation steps that may be executed by this thread. If the -// thread's step counter exceeds this limit, the interpreter calls -// the optional OnMaxSteps function or the default behavior -// of calling thread.Cancel("too many steps"). -func (thread *Thread) SetMaxExecutionSteps(max uint64) { - thread.maxSteps = max -} - -// Uncancel resets the cancellation state. -// -// Unlike most methods of Thread, it is safe to call Uncancel from any -// goroutine, even if the thread is actively executing. -func (thread *Thread) Uncancel() { - atomic.StorePointer((*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&thread.cancelReason)), nil) -} - -// Cancel causes execution of Starlark code in the specified thread to -// promptly fail with an EvalError that includes the specified reason. -// There may be a delay before the interpreter observes the cancellation -// if the thread is currently in a call to a built-in function. -// -// Call [Uncancel] to reset the cancellation state. -// -// Unlike most methods of Thread, it is safe to call Cancel from any -// goroutine, even if the thread is actively executing. -func (thread *Thread) Cancel(reason string) { - // Atomically set cancelReason, preserving earlier reason if any. - atomic.CompareAndSwapPointer((*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&thread.cancelReason)), nil, unsafe.Pointer(&reason)) -} - -// SetLocal sets the thread-local value associated with the specified key. -// It must not be called after execution begins. -func (thread *Thread) SetLocal(key string, value interface{}) { - if thread.locals == nil { - thread.locals = make(map[string]interface{}) - } - thread.locals[key] = value -} - -// Local returns the thread-local value associated with the specified key. -func (thread *Thread) Local(key string) interface{} { - return thread.locals[key] -} - -// CallFrame returns a copy of the specified frame of the callstack. -// It should only be used in built-ins called from Starlark code. -// Depth 0 means the frame of the built-in itself, 1 is its caller, and so on. -// -// It is equivalent to CallStack().At(depth), but more efficient. -func (thread *Thread) CallFrame(depth int) CallFrame { - return thread.frameAt(depth).asCallFrame() -} - -func (thread *Thread) frameAt(depth int) *frame { - return thread.stack[len(thread.stack)-1-depth] -} - -// CallStack returns a new slice containing the thread's stack of call frames. -func (thread *Thread) CallStack() CallStack { - frames := make([]CallFrame, len(thread.stack)) - for i, fr := range thread.stack { - frames[i] = fr.asCallFrame() - } - return frames -} - -// CallStackDepth returns the number of frames in the current call stack. -func (thread *Thread) CallStackDepth() int { return len(thread.stack) } - -// A StringDict is a mapping from names to values, and represents -// an environment such as the global variables of a module. -// It is not a true starlark.Value. -type StringDict map[string]Value - -// Keys returns a new sorted slice of d's keys. -func (d StringDict) Keys() []string { - names := make([]string, 0, len(d)) - for name := range d { - names = append(names, name) - } - sort.Strings(names) - return names -} - -func (d StringDict) String() string { - buf := new(strings.Builder) - buf.WriteByte('{') - sep := "" - for _, name := range d.Keys() { - buf.WriteString(sep) - buf.WriteString(name) - buf.WriteString(": ") - writeValue(buf, d[name], nil) - sep = ", " - } - buf.WriteByte('}') - return buf.String() -} - -func (d StringDict) Freeze() { - for _, v := range d { - v.Freeze() - } -} - -// Has reports whether the dictionary contains the specified key. -func (d StringDict) Has(key string) bool { _, ok := d[key]; return ok } - -// A frame records a call to a Starlark function (including module toplevel) -// or a built-in function or method. -type frame struct { - callable Callable // current function (or toplevel) or built-in - pc uint32 // program counter (Starlark frames only) - locals []Value // local variables (Starlark frames only) - spanStart int64 // start time of current profiler span -} - -// Position returns the source position of the current point of execution in this frame. -func (fr *frame) Position() syntax.Position { - switch c := fr.callable.(type) { - case *Function: - // Starlark function - return c.funcode.Position(fr.pc) - case callableWithPosition: - // If a built-in Callable defines - // a Position method, use it. - return c.Position() - } - return syntax.MakePosition(&builtinFilename, 0, 0) -} - -var builtinFilename = "" - -// Function returns the frame's function or built-in. -func (fr *frame) Callable() Callable { return fr.callable } - -// A CallStack is a stack of call frames, outermost first. -type CallStack []CallFrame - -// At returns a copy of the frame at depth i. -// At(0) returns the topmost frame. -func (stack CallStack) At(i int) CallFrame { return stack[len(stack)-1-i] } - -// Pop removes and returns the topmost frame. -func (stack *CallStack) Pop() CallFrame { - last := len(*stack) - 1 - top := (*stack)[last] - *stack = (*stack)[:last] - return top -} - -// String returns a user-friendly description of the stack. -func (stack CallStack) String() string { - out := new(strings.Builder) - if len(stack) > 0 { - fmt.Fprintf(out, "Traceback (most recent call last):\n") - } - for _, fr := range stack { - fmt.Fprintf(out, " %s: in %s\n", fr.Pos, fr.Name) - } - return out.String() -} - -// An EvalError is a Starlark evaluation error and -// a copy of the thread's stack at the moment of the error. -type EvalError struct { - Msg string - CallStack CallStack - cause error -} - -// A CallFrame represents the function name and current -// position of execution of an enclosing call frame. -type CallFrame struct { - Name string - Pos syntax.Position -} - -func (fr *frame) asCallFrame() CallFrame { - return CallFrame{ - Name: fr.Callable().Name(), - Pos: fr.Position(), - } -} - -func (thread *Thread) evalError(err error) *EvalError { - return &EvalError{ - Msg: err.Error(), - CallStack: thread.CallStack(), - cause: err, - } -} - -func (e *EvalError) Error() string { return e.Msg } - -// Backtrace returns a user-friendly error message describing the stack -// of calls that led to this error. -func (e *EvalError) Backtrace() string { - // If the topmost stack frame is a built-in function, - // remove it from the stack and add print "Error in fn:". - stack := e.CallStack - suffix := "" - if last := len(stack) - 1; last >= 0 && stack[last].Pos.Filename() == builtinFilename { - suffix = " in " + stack[last].Name - stack = stack[:last] - } - return fmt.Sprintf("%sError%s: %s", stack, suffix, e.Msg) -} - -func (e *EvalError) Unwrap() error { return e.cause } - -// A Program is a compiled Starlark program. -// -// Programs are immutable, and contain no Values. -// A Program may be created by parsing a source file (see SourceProgram) -// or by loading a previously saved compiled program (see CompiledProgram). -type Program struct { - compiled *compile.Program -} - -// CompilerVersion is the version number of the protocol for compiled -// files. Applications must not run programs compiled by one version -// with an interpreter at another version, and should thus incorporate -// the compiler version into the cache key when reusing compiled code. -const CompilerVersion = compile.Version - -// Filename returns the name of the file from which this program was loaded. -func (prog *Program) Filename() string { return prog.compiled.Toplevel.Pos.Filename() } - -func (prog *Program) String() string { return prog.Filename() } - -// NumLoads returns the number of load statements in the compiled program. -func (prog *Program) NumLoads() int { return len(prog.compiled.Loads) } - -// Load(i) returns the name and position of the i'th module directly -// loaded by this one, where 0 <= i < NumLoads(). -// The name is unresolved---exactly as it appears in the source. -func (prog *Program) Load(i int) (string, syntax.Position) { - id := prog.compiled.Loads[i] - return id.Name, id.Pos -} - -// WriteTo writes the compiled module to the specified output stream. -func (prog *Program) Write(out io.Writer) error { - data := prog.compiled.Encode() - _, err := out.Write(data) - return err -} - -// ExecFile parses, resolves, and executes a Starlark file in the -// specified global environment, which may be modified during execution. -// -// Thread is the state associated with the Starlark thread. -// -// The filename and src parameters are as for syntax.Parse: -// filename is the name of the file to execute, -// and the name that appears in error messages; -// src is an optional source of bytes to use -// instead of filename. -// -// predeclared defines the predeclared names specific to this module. -// Execution does not modify this dictionary, though it may mutate -// its values. -// -// If ExecFile fails during evaluation, it returns an *EvalError -// containing a backtrace. -func ExecFile(thread *Thread, filename string, src interface{}, predeclared StringDict) (StringDict, error) { - // Parse, resolve, and compile a Starlark source file. - _, mod, err := SourceProgram(filename, src, predeclared.Has) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - g, err := mod.Init(thread, predeclared) - g.Freeze() - return g, err -} - -// SourceProgram produces a new program by parsing, resolving, -// and compiling a Starlark source file. -// On success, it returns the parsed file and the compiled program. -// The filename and src parameters are as for syntax.Parse. -// -// The isPredeclared predicate reports whether a name is -// a pre-declared identifier of the current module. -// Its typical value is predeclared.Has, -// where predeclared is a StringDict of pre-declared values. -func SourceProgram(filename string, src interface{}, isPredeclared func(string) bool) (*syntax.File, *Program, error) { - f, err := syntax.Parse(filename, src, 0) - if err != nil { - return nil, nil, err - } - prog, err := FileProgram(f, isPredeclared) - return f, prog, err -} - -// FileProgram produces a new program by resolving, -// and compiling the Starlark source file syntax tree. -// On success, it returns the compiled program. -// -// Resolving a syntax tree mutates it. -// Do not call FileProgram more than once on the same file. -// -// The isPredeclared predicate reports whether a name is -// a pre-declared identifier of the current module. -// Its typical value is predeclared.Has, -// where predeclared is a StringDict of pre-declared values. -func FileProgram(f *syntax.File, isPredeclared func(string) bool) (*Program, error) { - if err := resolve.File(f, isPredeclared, Universe.Has); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - var pos syntax.Position - if len(f.Stmts) > 0 { - pos = syntax.Start(f.Stmts[0]) - } else { - pos = syntax.MakePosition(&f.Path, 1, 1) - } - - module := f.Module.(*resolve.Module) - compiled := compile.File(f.Stmts, pos, "", module.Locals, module.Globals) - - return &Program{compiled}, nil -} - -// CompiledProgram produces a new program from the representation -// of a compiled program previously saved by Program.Write. -func CompiledProgram(in io.Reader) (*Program, error) { - data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(in) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - compiled, err := compile.DecodeProgram(data) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return &Program{compiled}, nil -} - -// Init creates a set of global variables for the program, -// executes the toplevel code of the specified program, -// and returns a new, unfrozen dictionary of the globals. -func (prog *Program) Init(thread *Thread, predeclared StringDict) (StringDict, error) { - toplevel := makeToplevelFunction(prog.compiled, predeclared) - - _, err := Call(thread, toplevel, nil, nil) - - // Convert the global environment to a map. - // We return a (partial) map even in case of error. - return toplevel.Globals(), err -} - -// ExecREPLChunk compiles and executes file f in the specified thread -// and global environment. This is a variant of ExecFile specialized to -// the needs of a REPL, in which a sequence of input chunks, each -// syntactically a File, manipulates the same set of module globals, -// which are not frozen after execution. -// -// This function is intended to support only go.starlark.net/repl. -// Its API stability is not guaranteed. -func ExecREPLChunk(f *syntax.File, thread *Thread, globals StringDict) error { - var predeclared StringDict - - // -- variant of FileProgram -- - - if err := resolve.REPLChunk(f, globals.Has, predeclared.Has, Universe.Has); err != nil { - return err - } - - var pos syntax.Position - if len(f.Stmts) > 0 { - pos = syntax.Start(f.Stmts[0]) - } else { - pos = syntax.MakePosition(&f.Path, 1, 1) - } - - module := f.Module.(*resolve.Module) - compiled := compile.File(f.Stmts, pos, "", module.Locals, module.Globals) - prog := &Program{compiled} - - // -- variant of Program.Init -- - - toplevel := makeToplevelFunction(prog.compiled, predeclared) - - // Initialize module globals from parameter. - for i, id := range prog.compiled.Globals { - if v := globals[id.Name]; v != nil { - toplevel.module.globals[i] = v - } - } - - _, err := Call(thread, toplevel, nil, nil) - - // Reflect changes to globals back to parameter, even after an error. - for i, id := range prog.compiled.Globals { - if v := toplevel.module.globals[i]; v != nil { - globals[id.Name] = v - } - } - - return err -} - -func makeToplevelFunction(prog *compile.Program, predeclared StringDict) *Function { - // Create the Starlark value denoted by each program constant c. - constants := make([]Value, len(prog.Constants)) - for i, c := range prog.Constants { - var v Value - switch c := c.(type) { - case int64: - v = MakeInt64(c) - case *big.Int: - v = MakeBigInt(c) - case string: - v = String(c) - case compile.Bytes: - v = Bytes(c) - case float64: - v = Float(c) - default: - log.Panicf("unexpected constant %T: %v", c, c) - } - constants[i] = v - } - - return &Function{ - funcode: prog.Toplevel, - module: &module{ - program: prog, - predeclared: predeclared, - globals: make([]Value, len(prog.Globals)), - constants: constants, - }, - } -} - -// Eval parses, resolves, and evaluates an expression within the -// specified (predeclared) environment. -// -// Evaluation cannot mutate the environment dictionary itself, -// though it may modify variables reachable from the dictionary. -// -// The filename and src parameters are as for syntax.Parse. -// -// If Eval fails during evaluation, it returns an *EvalError -// containing a backtrace. -func Eval(thread *Thread, filename string, src interface{}, env StringDict) (Value, error) { - expr, err := syntax.ParseExpr(filename, src, 0) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - f, err := makeExprFunc(expr, env) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return Call(thread, f, nil, nil) -} - -// EvalExpr resolves and evaluates an expression within the -// specified (predeclared) environment. -// Evaluating a comma-separated list of expressions yields a tuple value. -// -// Resolving an expression mutates it. -// Do not call EvalExpr more than once for the same expression. -// -// Evaluation cannot mutate the environment dictionary itself, -// though it may modify variables reachable from the dictionary. -// -// If Eval fails during evaluation, it returns an *EvalError -// containing a backtrace. -func EvalExpr(thread *Thread, expr syntax.Expr, env StringDict) (Value, error) { - fn, err := makeExprFunc(expr, env) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return Call(thread, fn, nil, nil) -} - -// ExprFunc returns a no-argument function -// that evaluates the expression whose source is src. -func ExprFunc(filename string, src interface{}, env StringDict) (*Function, error) { - expr, err := syntax.ParseExpr(filename, src, 0) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return makeExprFunc(expr, env) -} - -// makeExprFunc returns a no-argument function whose body is expr. -func makeExprFunc(expr syntax.Expr, env StringDict) (*Function, error) { - locals, err := resolve.Expr(expr, env.Has, Universe.Has) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - return makeToplevelFunction(compile.Expr(expr, "", locals), env), nil -} - -// The following functions are primitive operations of the byte code interpreter. - -// list += iterable -func listExtend(x *List, y Iterable) { - if ylist, ok := y.(*List); ok { - // fast path: list += list - x.elems = append(x.elems, ylist.elems...) - } else { - iter := y.Iterate() - defer iter.Done() - var z Value - for iter.Next(&z) { - x.elems = append(x.elems, z) - } - } -} - -// getAttr implements x.dot. -func getAttr(x Value, name string) (Value, error) { - hasAttr, ok := x.(HasAttrs) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s has no .%s field or method", x.Type(), name) - } - - var errmsg string - v, err := hasAttr.Attr(name) - if err == nil { - if v != nil { - return v, nil // success - } - // (nil, nil) => generic error - errmsg = fmt.Sprintf("%s has no .%s field or method", x.Type(), name) - } else if nsa, ok := err.(NoSuchAttrError); ok { - errmsg = string(nsa) - } else { - return nil, err // return error as is - } - - // add spelling hint - if n := spell.Nearest(name, hasAttr.AttrNames()); n != "" { - errmsg = fmt.Sprintf("%s (did you mean .%s?)", errmsg, n) - } - - return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s", errmsg) -} - -// setField implements x.name = y. -func setField(x Value, name string, y Value) error { - if x, ok := x.(HasSetField); ok { - err := x.SetField(name, y) - if _, ok := err.(NoSuchAttrError); ok { - // No such field: check spelling. - if n := spell.Nearest(name, x.AttrNames()); n != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("%s (did you mean .%s?)", err, n) - } - } - return err - } - - return fmt.Errorf("can't assign to .%s field of %s", name, x.Type()) -} - -// getIndex implements x[y]. -func getIndex(x, y Value) (Value, error) { - switch x := x.(type) { - case Mapping: // dict - z, found, err := x.Get(y) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if !found { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("key %v not in %s", y, x.Type()) - } - return z, nil - - case Indexable: // string, list, tuple - n := x.Len() - i, err := AsInt32(y) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s index: %s", x.Type(), err) - } - origI := i - if i < 0 { - i += n - } - if i < 0 || i >= n { - return nil, outOfRange(origI, n, x) - } - return x.Index(i), nil - } - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unhandled index operation %s[%s]", x.Type(), y.Type()) -} - -func outOfRange(i, n int, x Value) error { - if n == 0 { - return fmt.Errorf("index %d out of range: empty %s", i, x.Type()) - } else { - return fmt.Errorf("%s index %d out of range [%d:%d]", x.Type(), i, -n, n-1) - } -} - -// setIndex implements x[y] = z. -func setIndex(x, y, z Value) error { - switch x := x.(type) { - case HasSetKey: - if err := x.SetKey(y, z); err != nil { - return err - } - - case HasSetIndex: - n := x.Len() - i, err := AsInt32(y) - if err != nil { - return err - } - origI := i - if i < 0 { - i += n - } - if i < 0 || i >= n { - return outOfRange(origI, n, x) - } - return x.SetIndex(i, z) - - default: - return fmt.Errorf("%s value does not support item assignment", x.Type()) - } - return nil -} - -// Unary applies a unary operator (+, -, ~, not) to its operand. -func Unary(op syntax.Token, x Value) (Value, error) { - // The NOT operator is not customizable. - if op == syntax.NOT { - return !x.Truth(), nil - } - - // Int, Float, and user-defined types - if x, ok := x.(HasUnary); ok { - // (nil, nil) => unhandled - y, err := x.Unary(op) - if y != nil || err != nil { - return y, err - } - } - - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown unary op: %s %s", op, x.Type()) -} - -// Binary applies a strict binary operator (not AND or OR) to its operands. -// For equality tests or ordered comparisons, use Compare instead. -func Binary(op syntax.Token, x, y Value) (Value, error) { - switch op { - case syntax.PLUS: - switch x := x.(type) { - case String: - if y, ok := y.(String); ok { - return x + y, nil - } - case Int: - switch y := y.(type) { - case Int: - return x.Add(y), nil - case Float: - xf, err := x.finiteFloat() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return xf + y, nil - } - case Float: - switch y := y.(type) { - case Float: - return x + y, nil - case Int: - yf, err := y.finiteFloat() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return x + yf, nil - } - case *List: - if y, ok := y.(*List); ok { - z := make([]Value, 0, x.Len()+y.Len()) - z = append(z, x.elems...) - z = append(z, y.elems...) - return NewList(z), nil - } - case Tuple: - if y, ok := y.(Tuple); ok { - z := make(Tuple, 0, len(x)+len(y)) - z = append(z, x...) - z = append(z, y...) - return z, nil - } - } - - case syntax.MINUS: - switch x := x.(type) { - case Int: - switch y := y.(type) { - case Int: - return x.Sub(y), nil - case Float: - xf, err := x.finiteFloat() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return xf - y, nil - } - case Float: - switch y := y.(type) { - case Float: - return x - y, nil - case Int: - yf, err := y.finiteFloat() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return x - yf, nil - } - } - - case syntax.STAR: - switch x := x.(type) { - case Int: - switch y := y.(type) { - case Int: - return x.Mul(y), nil - case Float: - xf, err := x.finiteFloat() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return xf * y, nil - case String: - return stringRepeat(y, x) - case Bytes: - return bytesRepeat(y, x) - case *List: - elems, err := tupleRepeat(Tuple(y.elems), x) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return NewList(elems), nil - case Tuple: - return tupleRepeat(y, x) - } - case Float: - switch y := y.(type) { - case Float: - return x * y, nil - case Int: - yf, err := y.finiteFloat() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return x * yf, nil - } - case String: - if y, ok := y.(Int); ok { - return stringRepeat(x, y) - } - case Bytes: - if y, ok := y.(Int); ok { - return bytesRepeat(x, y) - } - case *List: - if y, ok := y.(Int); ok { - elems, err := tupleRepeat(Tuple(x.elems), y) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return NewList(elems), nil - } - case Tuple: - if y, ok := y.(Int); ok { - return tupleRepeat(x, y) - } - - } - - case syntax.SLASH: - switch x := x.(type) { - case Int: - xf, err := x.finiteFloat() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - switch y := y.(type) { - case Int: - yf, err := y.finiteFloat() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if yf == 0.0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("floating-point division by zero") - } - return xf / yf, nil - case Float: - if y == 0.0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("floating-point division by zero") - } - return xf / y, nil - } - case Float: - switch y := y.(type) { - case Float: - if y == 0.0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("floating-point division by zero") - } - return x / y, nil - case Int: - yf, err := y.finiteFloat() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if yf == 0.0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("floating-point division by zero") - } - return x / yf, nil - } - } - - case syntax.SLASHSLASH: - switch x := x.(type) { - case Int: - switch y := y.(type) { - case Int: - if y.Sign() == 0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("floored division by zero") - } - return x.Div(y), nil - case Float: - xf, err := x.finiteFloat() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if y == 0.0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("floored division by zero") - } - return floor(xf / y), nil - } - case Float: - switch y := y.(type) { - case Float: - if y == 0.0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("floored division by zero") - } - return floor(x / y), nil - case Int: - yf, err := y.finiteFloat() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if yf == 0.0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("floored division by zero") - } - return floor(x / yf), nil - } - } - - case syntax.PERCENT: - switch x := x.(type) { - case Int: - switch y := y.(type) { - case Int: - if y.Sign() == 0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("integer modulo by zero") - } - return x.Mod(y), nil - case Float: - xf, err := x.finiteFloat() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if y == 0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("floating-point modulo by zero") - } - return xf.Mod(y), nil - } - case Float: - switch y := y.(type) { - case Float: - if y == 0.0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("floating-point modulo by zero") - } - return x.Mod(y), nil - case Int: - if y.Sign() == 0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("floating-point modulo by zero") - } - yf, err := y.finiteFloat() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return x.Mod(yf), nil - } - case String: - return interpolate(string(x), y) - } - - case syntax.NOT_IN: - z, err := Binary(syntax.IN, x, y) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return !z.Truth(), nil - - case syntax.IN: - switch y := y.(type) { - case *List: - for _, elem := range y.elems { - if eq, err := Equal(elem, x); err != nil { - return nil, err - } else if eq { - return True, nil - } - } - return False, nil - case Tuple: - for _, elem := range y { - if eq, err := Equal(elem, x); err != nil { - return nil, err - } else if eq { - return True, nil - } - } - return False, nil - case Mapping: // e.g. dict - // Ignore error from Get as we cannot distinguish true - // errors (value cycle, type error) from "key not found". - _, found, _ := y.Get(x) - return Bool(found), nil - case *Set: - ok, err := y.Has(x) - return Bool(ok), err - case String: - needle, ok := x.(String) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("'in ' requires string as left operand, not %s", x.Type()) - } - return Bool(strings.Contains(string(y), string(needle))), nil - case Bytes: - switch needle := x.(type) { - case Bytes: - return Bool(strings.Contains(string(y), string(needle))), nil - case Int: - var b byte - if err := AsInt(needle, &b); err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("int in bytes: %s", err) - } - return Bool(strings.IndexByte(string(y), b) >= 0), nil - default: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("'in bytes' requires bytes or int as left operand, not %s", x.Type()) - } - case rangeValue: - i, err := NumberToInt(x) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("'in ' requires integer as left operand, not %s", x.Type()) - } - return Bool(y.contains(i)), nil - } - - case syntax.PIPE: - switch x := x.(type) { - case Int: - if y, ok := y.(Int); ok { - return x.Or(y), nil - } - - case *Dict: // union - if y, ok := y.(*Dict); ok { - return x.Union(y), nil - } - - case *Set: // union - if y, ok := y.(*Set); ok { - iter := Iterate(y) - defer iter.Done() - return x.Union(iter) - } - } - - case syntax.AMP: - switch x := x.(type) { - case Int: - if y, ok := y.(Int); ok { - return x.And(y), nil - } - case *Set: // intersection - if y, ok := y.(*Set); ok { - set := new(Set) - if x.Len() > y.Len() { - x, y = y, x // opt: range over smaller set - } - for xe := x.ht.head; xe != nil; xe = xe.next { - // Has, Insert cannot fail here. - if found, _ := y.Has(xe.key); found { - set.Insert(xe.key) - } - } - return set, nil - } - } - - case syntax.CIRCUMFLEX: - switch x := x.(type) { - case Int: - if y, ok := y.(Int); ok { - return x.Xor(y), nil - } - case *Set: // symmetric difference - if y, ok := y.(*Set); ok { - set := new(Set) - for xe := x.ht.head; xe != nil; xe = xe.next { - if found, _ := y.Has(xe.key); !found { - set.Insert(xe.key) - } - } - for ye := y.ht.head; ye != nil; ye = ye.next { - if found, _ := x.Has(ye.key); !found { - set.Insert(ye.key) - } - } - return set, nil - } - } - - case syntax.LTLT, syntax.GTGT: - if x, ok := x.(Int); ok { - y, err := AsInt32(y) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if y < 0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("negative shift count: %v", y) - } - if op == syntax.LTLT { - if y >= 512 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("shift count too large: %v", y) - } - return x.Lsh(uint(y)), nil - } else { - return x.Rsh(uint(y)), nil - } - } - - default: - // unknown operator - goto unknown - } - - // user-defined types - // (nil, nil) => unhandled - if x, ok := x.(HasBinary); ok { - z, err := x.Binary(op, y, Left) - if z != nil || err != nil { - return z, err - } - } - if y, ok := y.(HasBinary); ok { - z, err := y.Binary(op, x, Right) - if z != nil || err != nil { - return z, err - } - } - - // unsupported operand types -unknown: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown binary op: %s %s %s", x.Type(), op, y.Type()) -} - -// It's always possible to overeat in small bites but we'll -// try to stop someone swallowing the world in one gulp. -const maxAlloc = 1 << 30 - -func tupleRepeat(elems Tuple, n Int) (Tuple, error) { - if len(elems) == 0 { - return nil, nil - } - i, err := AsInt32(n) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("repeat count %s too large", n) - } - if i < 1 { - return nil, nil - } - // Inv: i > 0, len > 0 - sz := len(elems) * i - if sz < 0 || sz >= maxAlloc { // sz < 0 => overflow - // Don't print sz. - return nil, fmt.Errorf("excessive repeat (%d * %d elements)", len(elems), i) - } - res := make([]Value, sz) - // copy elems into res, doubling each time - x := copy(res, elems) - for x < len(res) { - copy(res[x:], res[:x]) - x *= 2 - } - return res, nil -} - -func bytesRepeat(b Bytes, n Int) (Bytes, error) { - res, err := stringRepeat(String(b), n) - return Bytes(res), err -} - -func stringRepeat(s String, n Int) (String, error) { - if s == "" { - return "", nil - } - i, err := AsInt32(n) - if err != nil { - return "", fmt.Errorf("repeat count %s too large", n) - } - if i < 1 { - return "", nil - } - // Inv: i > 0, len > 0 - sz := len(s) * i - if sz < 0 || sz >= maxAlloc { // sz < 0 => overflow - // Don't print sz. - return "", fmt.Errorf("excessive repeat (%d * %d elements)", len(s), i) - } - return String(strings.Repeat(string(s), i)), nil -} - -// Call calls the function fn with the specified positional and keyword arguments. -func Call(thread *Thread, fn Value, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - c, ok := fn.(Callable) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid call of non-function (%s)", fn.Type()) - } - - // Allocate and push a new frame. - var fr *frame - // Optimization: use slack portion of thread.stack - // slice as a freelist of empty frames. - if n := len(thread.stack); n < cap(thread.stack) { - fr = thread.stack[n : n+1][0] - } - if fr == nil { - fr = new(frame) - } - - if thread.stack == nil { - // one-time initialization of thread - if thread.maxSteps == 0 { - thread.maxSteps-- // (MaxUint64) - } - } - - thread.stack = append(thread.stack, fr) // push - - fr.callable = c - - thread.beginProfSpan() - - // Use defer to ensure that panics from built-ins - // pass through the interpreter without leaving - // it in a bad state. - defer func() { - thread.endProfSpan() - - // clear out any references - // TODO(adonovan): opt: zero fr.Locals and - // reuse it if it is large enough. - *fr = frame{} - - thread.stack = thread.stack[:len(thread.stack)-1] // pop - }() - - result, err := c.CallInternal(thread, args, kwargs) - - // Sanity check: nil is not a valid Starlark value. - if result == nil && err == nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("internal error: nil (not None) returned from %s", fn) - } - - // Always return an EvalError with an accurate frame. - if err != nil { - if _, ok := err.(*EvalError); !ok { - err = thread.evalError(err) - } - } - - return result, err -} - -func slice(x, lo, hi, step_ Value) (Value, error) { - sliceable, ok := x.(Sliceable) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid slice operand %s", x.Type()) - } - - n := sliceable.Len() - step := 1 - if step_ != None { - var err error - step, err = AsInt32(step_) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid slice step: %s", err) - } - if step == 0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("zero is not a valid slice step") - } - } - - // TODO(adonovan): opt: preallocate result array. - - var start, end int - if step > 0 { - // positive stride - // default indices are [0:n]. - var err error - start, end, err = indices(lo, hi, n) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - if end < start { - end = start // => empty result - } - } else { - // negative stride - // default indices are effectively [n-1:-1], though to - // get this effect using explicit indices requires - // [n-1:-1-n:-1] because of the treatment of -ve values. - start = n - 1 - if err := asIndex(lo, n, &start); err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid start index: %s", err) - } - if start >= n { - start = n - 1 - } - - end = -1 - if err := asIndex(hi, n, &end); err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid end index: %s", err) - } - if end < -1 { - end = -1 - } - - if start < end { - start = end // => empty result - } - } - - return sliceable.Slice(start, end, step), nil -} - -// From Hacker's Delight, section 2.8. -func signum64(x int64) int { return int(uint64(x>>63) | uint64(-x)>>63) } -func signum(x int) int { return signum64(int64(x)) } - -// indices converts start_ and end_ to indices in the range [0:len]. -// The start index defaults to 0 and the end index defaults to len. -// An index -len < i < 0 is treated like i+len. -// All other indices outside the range are clamped to the nearest value in the range. -// Beware: start may be greater than end. -// This function is suitable only for slices with positive strides. -func indices(start_, end_ Value, len int) (start, end int, err error) { - start = 0 - if err := asIndex(start_, len, &start); err != nil { - return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid start index: %s", err) - } - // Clamp to [0:len]. - if start < 0 { - start = 0 - } else if start > len { - start = len - } - - end = len - if err := asIndex(end_, len, &end); err != nil { - return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid end index: %s", err) - } - // Clamp to [0:len]. - if end < 0 { - end = 0 - } else if end > len { - end = len - } - - return start, end, nil -} - -// asIndex sets *result to the integer value of v, adding len to it -// if it is negative. If v is nil or None, *result is unchanged. -func asIndex(v Value, len int, result *int) error { - if v != nil && v != None { - var err error - *result, err = AsInt32(v) - if err != nil { - return err - } - if *result < 0 { - *result += len - } - } - return nil -} - -// setArgs sets the values of the formal parameters of function fn in -// based on the actual parameter values in args and kwargs. -func setArgs(locals []Value, fn *Function, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) error { - - // This is the general schema of a function: - // - // def f(p1, p2=dp2, p3=dp3, *args, k1, k2=dk2, k3, **kwargs) - // - // The p parameters are non-kwonly, and may be specified positionally. - // The k parameters are kwonly, and must be specified by name. - // The defaults tuple is (dp2, dp3, mandatory, dk2, mandatory). - // - // Arguments are processed as follows: - // - positional arguments are bound to a prefix of [p1, p2, p3]. - // - surplus positional arguments are bound to *args. - // - keyword arguments are bound to any of {p1, p2, p3, k1, k2, k3}; - // duplicate bindings are rejected. - // - surplus keyword arguments are bound to **kwargs. - // - defaults are bound to each parameter from p2 to k3 if no value was set. - // default values come from the tuple above. - // It is an error if the tuple entry for an unset parameter is 'mandatory'. - - // Nullary function? - if fn.NumParams() == 0 { - if nactual := len(args) + len(kwargs); nactual > 0 { - return fmt.Errorf("function %s accepts no arguments (%d given)", fn.Name(), nactual) - } - return nil - } - - cond := func(x bool, y, z interface{}) interface{} { - if x { - return y - } - return z - } - - // nparams is the number of ordinary parameters (sans *args and **kwargs). - nparams := fn.NumParams() - var kwdict *Dict - if fn.HasKwargs() { - nparams-- - kwdict = new(Dict) - locals[nparams] = kwdict - } - if fn.HasVarargs() { - nparams-- - } - - // nonkwonly is the number of non-kwonly parameters. - nonkwonly := nparams - fn.NumKwonlyParams() - - // Too many positional args? - n := len(args) - if len(args) > nonkwonly { - if !fn.HasVarargs() { - return fmt.Errorf("function %s accepts %s%d positional argument%s (%d given)", - fn.Name(), - cond(len(fn.defaults) > fn.NumKwonlyParams(), "at most ", ""), - nonkwonly, - cond(nonkwonly == 1, "", "s"), - len(args)) - } - n = nonkwonly - } - - // Bind positional arguments to non-kwonly parameters. - for i := 0; i < n; i++ { - locals[i] = args[i] - } - - // Bind surplus positional arguments to *args parameter. - if fn.HasVarargs() { - tuple := make(Tuple, len(args)-n) - for i := n; i < len(args); i++ { - tuple[i-n] = args[i] - } - locals[nparams] = tuple - } - - // Bind keyword arguments to parameters. - paramIdents := fn.funcode.Locals[:nparams] - for _, pair := range kwargs { - k, v := pair[0].(String), pair[1] - if i := findParam(paramIdents, string(k)); i >= 0 { - if locals[i] != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("function %s got multiple values for parameter %s", fn.Name(), k) - } - locals[i] = v - continue - } - if kwdict == nil { - return fmt.Errorf("function %s got an unexpected keyword argument %s", fn.Name(), k) - } - oldlen := kwdict.Len() - kwdict.SetKey(k, v) - if kwdict.Len() == oldlen { - return fmt.Errorf("function %s got multiple values for parameter %s", fn.Name(), k) - } - } - - // Are defaults required? - if n < nparams || fn.NumKwonlyParams() > 0 { - m := nparams - len(fn.defaults) // first default - - // Report errors for missing required arguments. - var missing []string - var i int - for i = n; i < m; i++ { - if locals[i] == nil { - missing = append(missing, paramIdents[i].Name) - } - } - - // Bind default values to parameters. - for ; i < nparams; i++ { - if locals[i] == nil { - dflt := fn.defaults[i-m] - if _, ok := dflt.(mandatory); ok { - missing = append(missing, paramIdents[i].Name) - continue - } - locals[i] = dflt - } - } - - if missing != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("function %s missing %d argument%s (%s)", - fn.Name(), len(missing), cond(len(missing) > 1, "s", ""), strings.Join(missing, ", ")) - } - } - return nil -} - -func findParam(params []compile.Binding, name string) int { - for i, param := range params { - if param.Name == name { - return i - } - } - return -1 -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#string-interpolation -func interpolate(format string, x Value) (Value, error) { - buf := new(strings.Builder) - index := 0 - nargs := 1 - if tuple, ok := x.(Tuple); ok { - nargs = len(tuple) - } - for { - i := strings.IndexByte(format, '%') - if i < 0 { - buf.WriteString(format) - break - } - buf.WriteString(format[:i]) - format = format[i+1:] - - if format != "" && format[0] == '%' { - buf.WriteByte('%') - format = format[1:] - continue - } - - var arg Value - if format != "" && format[0] == '(' { - // keyword argument: %(name)s. - format = format[1:] - j := strings.IndexByte(format, ')') - if j < 0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("incomplete format key") - } - key := format[:j] - if dict, ok := x.(Mapping); !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("format requires a mapping") - } else if v, found, _ := dict.Get(String(key)); found { - arg = v - } else { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("key not found: %s", key) - } - format = format[j+1:] - } else { - // positional argument: %s. - if index >= nargs { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("not enough arguments for format string") - } - if tuple, ok := x.(Tuple); ok { - arg = tuple[index] - } else { - arg = x - } - } - - // NOTE: Starlark does not support any of these optional Python features: - // - optional conversion flags: [#0- +], etc. - // - optional minimum field width (number or *). - // - optional precision (.123 or *) - // - optional length modifier - - // conversion type - if format == "" { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("incomplete format") - } - switch c := format[0]; c { - case 's', 'r': - if str, ok := AsString(arg); ok && c == 's' { - buf.WriteString(str) - } else { - writeValue(buf, arg, nil) - } - case 'd', 'i', 'o', 'x', 'X': - i, err := NumberToInt(arg) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("%%%c format requires integer: %v", c, err) - } - switch c { - case 'd', 'i': - fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%d", i) - case 'o': - fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%o", i) - case 'x': - fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%x", i) - case 'X': - fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%X", i) - } - case 'e', 'f', 'g', 'E', 'F', 'G': - f, ok := AsFloat(arg) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("%%%c format requires float, not %s", c, arg.Type()) - } - Float(f).format(buf, c) - case 'c': - switch arg := arg.(type) { - case Int: - // chr(int) - r, err := AsInt32(arg) - if err != nil || r < 0 || r > unicode.MaxRune { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("%%c format requires a valid Unicode code point, got %s", arg) - } - buf.WriteRune(rune(r)) - case String: - r, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(string(arg)) - if size != len(arg) || len(arg) == 0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("%%c format requires a single-character string") - } - buf.WriteRune(r) - default: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("%%c format requires int or single-character string, not %s", arg.Type()) - } - case '%': - buf.WriteByte('%') - default: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown conversion %%%c", c) - } - format = format[1:] - index++ - } - - if index < nargs { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("too many arguments for format string") - } - - return String(buf.String()), nil -} diff --git a/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlark/hashtable.go b/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlark/hashtable.go deleted file mode 100644 index 252d21d1..00000000 --- a/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlark/hashtable.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,390 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -package starlark - -import ( - "fmt" - _ "unsafe" // for go:linkname hack -) - -// hashtable is used to represent Starlark dict and set values. -// It is a hash table whose key/value entries form a doubly-linked list -// in the order the entries were inserted. -// -// Initialized instances of hashtable must not be copied. -type hashtable struct { - table []bucket // len is zero or a power of two - bucket0 [1]bucket // inline allocation for small maps. - len uint32 - itercount uint32 // number of active iterators (ignored if frozen) - head *entry // insertion order doubly-linked list; may be nil - tailLink **entry // address of nil link at end of list (perhaps &head) - frozen bool - - _ noCopy // triggers vet copylock check on this type. -} - -// noCopy is zero-sized type that triggers vet's copylock check. -// See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/8005#issuecomment-190753527. -type noCopy struct{} - -func (*noCopy) Lock() {} -func (*noCopy) Unlock() {} - -const bucketSize = 8 - -type bucket struct { - entries [bucketSize]entry - next *bucket // linked list of buckets -} - -type entry struct { - hash uint32 // nonzero => in use - key, value Value - next *entry // insertion order doubly-linked list; may be nil - prevLink **entry // address of link to this entry (perhaps &head) -} - -func (ht *hashtable) init(size int) { - if size < 0 { - panic("size < 0") - } - nb := 1 - for overloaded(size, nb) { - nb = nb << 1 - } - if nb < 2 { - ht.table = ht.bucket0[:1] - } else { - ht.table = make([]bucket, nb) - } - ht.tailLink = &ht.head -} - -func (ht *hashtable) freeze() { - if !ht.frozen { - ht.frozen = true - for e := ht.head; e != nil; e = e.next { - e.key.Freeze() - e.value.Freeze() - } - } -} - -func (ht *hashtable) insert(k, v Value) error { - if err := ht.checkMutable("insert into"); err != nil { - return err - } - if ht.table == nil { - ht.init(1) - } - h, err := k.Hash() - if err != nil { - return err - } - if h == 0 { - h = 1 // zero is reserved - } - -retry: - var insert *entry - - // Inspect each bucket in the bucket list. - p := &ht.table[h&(uint32(len(ht.table)-1))] - for { - for i := range p.entries { - e := &p.entries[i] - if e.hash != h { - if e.hash == 0 { - // Found empty entry; make a note. - insert = e - } - continue - } - if eq, err := Equal(k, e.key); err != nil { - return err // e.g. excessively recursive tuple - } else if !eq { - continue - } - // Key already present; update value. - e.value = v - return nil - } - if p.next == nil { - break - } - p = p.next - } - - // Key not found. p points to the last bucket. - - // Does the number of elements exceed the buckets' load factor? - if overloaded(int(ht.len), len(ht.table)) { - ht.grow() - goto retry - } - - if insert == nil { - // No space in existing buckets. Add a new one to the bucket list. - b := new(bucket) - p.next = b - insert = &b.entries[0] - } - - // Insert key/value pair. - insert.hash = h - insert.key = k - insert.value = v - - // Append entry to doubly-linked list. - insert.prevLink = ht.tailLink - *ht.tailLink = insert - ht.tailLink = &insert.next - - ht.len++ - - return nil -} - -func overloaded(elems, buckets int) bool { - const loadFactor = 6.5 // just a guess - return elems >= bucketSize && float64(elems) >= loadFactor*float64(buckets) -} - -func (ht *hashtable) grow() { - // Double the number of buckets and rehash. - // - // Even though this makes reentrant calls to ht.insert, - // calls Equals unnecessarily (since there can't be duplicate keys), - // and recomputes the hash unnecessarily, the gains from - // avoiding these steps were found to be too small to justify - // the extra logic: -2% on hashtable benchmark. - ht.table = make([]bucket, len(ht.table)<<1) - oldhead := ht.head - ht.head = nil - ht.tailLink = &ht.head - ht.len = 0 - for e := oldhead; e != nil; e = e.next { - ht.insert(e.key, e.value) - } - ht.bucket0[0] = bucket{} // clear out unused initial bucket -} - -func (ht *hashtable) lookup(k Value) (v Value, found bool, err error) { - h, err := k.Hash() - if err != nil { - return nil, false, err // unhashable - } - if h == 0 { - h = 1 // zero is reserved - } - if ht.table == nil { - return None, false, nil // empty - } - - // Inspect each bucket in the bucket list. - for p := &ht.table[h&(uint32(len(ht.table)-1))]; p != nil; p = p.next { - for i := range p.entries { - e := &p.entries[i] - if e.hash == h { - if eq, err := Equal(k, e.key); err != nil { - return nil, false, err // e.g. excessively recursive tuple - } else if eq { - return e.value, true, nil // found - } - } - } - } - return None, false, nil // not found -} - -// Items returns all the items in the map (as key/value pairs) in insertion order. -func (ht *hashtable) items() []Tuple { - items := make([]Tuple, 0, ht.len) - array := make([]Value, ht.len*2) // allocate a single backing array - for e := ht.head; e != nil; e = e.next { - pair := Tuple(array[:2:2]) - array = array[2:] - pair[0] = e.key - pair[1] = e.value - items = append(items, pair) - } - return items -} - -func (ht *hashtable) first() (Value, bool) { - if ht.head != nil { - return ht.head.key, true - } - return None, false -} - -func (ht *hashtable) keys() []Value { - keys := make([]Value, 0, ht.len) - for e := ht.head; e != nil; e = e.next { - keys = append(keys, e.key) - } - return keys -} - -func (ht *hashtable) delete(k Value) (v Value, found bool, err error) { - if err := ht.checkMutable("delete from"); err != nil { - return nil, false, err - } - if ht.table == nil { - return None, false, nil // empty - } - h, err := k.Hash() - if err != nil { - return nil, false, err // unhashable - } - if h == 0 { - h = 1 // zero is reserved - } - - // Inspect each bucket in the bucket list. - for p := &ht.table[h&(uint32(len(ht.table)-1))]; p != nil; p = p.next { - for i := range p.entries { - e := &p.entries[i] - if e.hash == h { - if eq, err := Equal(k, e.key); err != nil { - return nil, false, err - } else if eq { - // Remove e from doubly-linked list. - *e.prevLink = e.next - if e.next == nil { - ht.tailLink = e.prevLink // deletion of last entry - } else { - e.next.prevLink = e.prevLink - } - - v := e.value - *e = entry{} - ht.len-- - return v, true, nil // found - } - } - } - } - - // TODO(adonovan): opt: remove completely empty bucket from bucket list. - - return None, false, nil // not found -} - -// checkMutable reports an error if the hash table should not be mutated. -// verb+" dict" should describe the operation. -func (ht *hashtable) checkMutable(verb string) error { - if ht.frozen { - return fmt.Errorf("cannot %s frozen hash table", verb) - } - if ht.itercount > 0 { - return fmt.Errorf("cannot %s hash table during iteration", verb) - } - return nil -} - -func (ht *hashtable) clear() error { - if err := ht.checkMutable("clear"); err != nil { - return err - } - if ht.table != nil { - for i := range ht.table { - ht.table[i] = bucket{} - } - } - ht.head = nil - ht.tailLink = &ht.head - ht.len = 0 - return nil -} - -func (ht *hashtable) addAll(other *hashtable) error { - for e := other.head; e != nil; e = e.next { - if err := ht.insert(e.key, e.value); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -// dump is provided as an aid to debugging. -func (ht *hashtable) dump() { - fmt.Printf("hashtable %p len=%d head=%p tailLink=%p", - ht, ht.len, ht.head, ht.tailLink) - if ht.tailLink != nil { - fmt.Printf(" *tailLink=%p", *ht.tailLink) - } - fmt.Println() - for j := range ht.table { - fmt.Printf("bucket chain %d\n", j) - for p := &ht.table[j]; p != nil; p = p.next { - fmt.Printf("bucket %p\n", p) - for i := range p.entries { - e := &p.entries[i] - fmt.Printf("\tentry %d @ %p hash=%d key=%v value=%v\n", - i, e, e.hash, e.key, e.value) - fmt.Printf("\t\tnext=%p &next=%p prev=%p", - e.next, &e.next, e.prevLink) - if e.prevLink != nil { - fmt.Printf(" *prev=%p", *e.prevLink) - } - fmt.Println() - } - } - } -} - -func (ht *hashtable) iterate() *keyIterator { - if !ht.frozen { - ht.itercount++ - } - return &keyIterator{ht: ht, e: ht.head} -} - -type keyIterator struct { - ht *hashtable - e *entry -} - -func (it *keyIterator) Next(k *Value) bool { - if it.e != nil { - *k = it.e.key - it.e = it.e.next - return true - } - return false -} - -func (it *keyIterator) Done() { - if !it.ht.frozen { - it.ht.itercount-- - } -} - -// TODO(adonovan): use go1.19's maphash.String. - -// hashString computes the hash of s. -func hashString(s string) uint32 { - if len(s) >= 12 { - // Call the Go runtime's optimized hash implementation, - // which uses the AESENC instruction on amd64 machines. - return uint32(goStringHash(s, 0)) - } - return softHashString(s) -} - -//go:linkname goStringHash runtime.stringHash -func goStringHash(s string, seed uintptr) uintptr - -// softHashString computes the 32-bit FNV-1a hash of s in software. -func softHashString(s string) uint32 { - var h uint32 = 2166136261 - for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { - h ^= uint32(s[i]) - h *= 16777619 - } - return h -} diff --git a/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlark/int.go b/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlark/int.go deleted file mode 100644 index a264e9d2..00000000 --- a/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlark/int.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,452 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -package starlark - -import ( - "fmt" - "math" - "math/big" - "reflect" - "strconv" - - "go.starlark.net/syntax" -) - -// Int is the type of a Starlark int. -// -// The zero value is not a legal value; use MakeInt(0). -type Int struct{ impl intImpl } - -// --- high-level accessors --- - -// MakeInt returns a Starlark int for the specified signed integer. -func MakeInt(x int) Int { return MakeInt64(int64(x)) } - -// MakeInt64 returns a Starlark int for the specified int64. -func MakeInt64(x int64) Int { - if math.MinInt32 <= x && x <= math.MaxInt32 { - return makeSmallInt(x) - } - return makeBigInt(big.NewInt(x)) -} - -// MakeUint returns a Starlark int for the specified unsigned integer. -func MakeUint(x uint) Int { return MakeUint64(uint64(x)) } - -// MakeUint64 returns a Starlark int for the specified uint64. -func MakeUint64(x uint64) Int { - if x <= math.MaxInt32 { - return makeSmallInt(int64(x)) - } - return makeBigInt(new(big.Int).SetUint64(x)) -} - -// MakeBigInt returns a Starlark int for the specified big.Int. -// The new Int value will contain a copy of x. The caller is safe to modify x. -func MakeBigInt(x *big.Int) Int { - if isSmall(x) { - return makeSmallInt(x.Int64()) - } - z := new(big.Int).Set(x) - return makeBigInt(z) -} - -func isSmall(x *big.Int) bool { - n := x.BitLen() - return n < 32 || n == 32 && x.Int64() == math.MinInt32 -} - -var ( - zero, one = makeSmallInt(0), makeSmallInt(1) - oneBig = big.NewInt(1) - - _ HasUnary = Int{} -) - -// Unary implements the operations +int, -int, and ~int. -func (i Int) Unary(op syntax.Token) (Value, error) { - switch op { - case syntax.MINUS: - return zero.Sub(i), nil - case syntax.PLUS: - return i, nil - case syntax.TILDE: - return i.Not(), nil - } - return nil, nil -} - -// Int64 returns the value as an int64. -// If it is not exactly representable the result is undefined and ok is false. -func (i Int) Int64() (_ int64, ok bool) { - iSmall, iBig := i.get() - if iBig != nil { - x, acc := bigintToInt64(iBig) - if acc != big.Exact { - return // inexact - } - return x, true - } - return iSmall, true -} - -// BigInt returns a new big.Int with the same value as the Int. -func (i Int) BigInt() *big.Int { - iSmall, iBig := i.get() - if iBig != nil { - return new(big.Int).Set(iBig) - } - return big.NewInt(iSmall) -} - -// bigInt returns the value as a big.Int. -// It differs from BigInt in that this method returns the actual -// reference and any modification will change the state of i. -func (i Int) bigInt() *big.Int { - iSmall, iBig := i.get() - if iBig != nil { - return iBig - } - return big.NewInt(iSmall) -} - -// Uint64 returns the value as a uint64. -// If it is not exactly representable the result is undefined and ok is false. -func (i Int) Uint64() (_ uint64, ok bool) { - iSmall, iBig := i.get() - if iBig != nil { - x, acc := bigintToUint64(iBig) - if acc != big.Exact { - return // inexact - } - return x, true - } - if iSmall < 0 { - return // inexact - } - return uint64(iSmall), true -} - -// The math/big API should provide this function. -func bigintToInt64(i *big.Int) (int64, big.Accuracy) { - sign := i.Sign() - if sign > 0 { - if i.Cmp(maxint64) > 0 { - return math.MaxInt64, big.Below - } - } else if sign < 0 { - if i.Cmp(minint64) < 0 { - return math.MinInt64, big.Above - } - } - return i.Int64(), big.Exact -} - -// The math/big API should provide this function. -func bigintToUint64(i *big.Int) (uint64, big.Accuracy) { - sign := i.Sign() - if sign > 0 { - if i.BitLen() > 64 { - return math.MaxUint64, big.Below - } - } else if sign < 0 { - return 0, big.Above - } - return i.Uint64(), big.Exact -} - -var ( - minint64 = new(big.Int).SetInt64(math.MinInt64) - maxint64 = new(big.Int).SetInt64(math.MaxInt64) -) - -func (i Int) Format(s fmt.State, ch rune) { - iSmall, iBig := i.get() - if iBig != nil { - iBig.Format(s, ch) - return - } - big.NewInt(iSmall).Format(s, ch) -} -func (i Int) String() string { - iSmall, iBig := i.get() - if iBig != nil { - return iBig.Text(10) - } - return strconv.FormatInt(iSmall, 10) -} -func (i Int) Type() string { return "int" } -func (i Int) Freeze() {} // immutable -func (i Int) Truth() Bool { return i.Sign() != 0 } -func (i Int) Hash() (uint32, error) { - iSmall, iBig := i.get() - var lo big.Word - if iBig != nil { - lo = iBig.Bits()[0] - } else { - lo = big.Word(iSmall) - } - return 12582917 * uint32(lo+3), nil -} - -// Required by the TotallyOrdered interface -func (x Int) Cmp(v Value, depth int) (int, error) { - y := v.(Int) - xSmall, xBig := x.get() - ySmall, yBig := y.get() - if xBig != nil || yBig != nil { - return x.bigInt().Cmp(y.bigInt()), nil - } - return signum64(xSmall - ySmall), nil // safe: int32 operands -} - -// Float returns the float value nearest i. -func (i Int) Float() Float { - iSmall, iBig := i.get() - if iBig != nil { - // Fast path for hardware int-to-float conversions. - if iBig.IsUint64() { - return Float(iBig.Uint64()) - } else if iBig.IsInt64() { - return Float(iBig.Int64()) - } - - f, _ := new(big.Float).SetInt(iBig).Float64() - return Float(f) - } - return Float(iSmall) -} - -// finiteFloat returns the finite float value nearest i, -// or an error if the magnitude is too large. -func (i Int) finiteFloat() (Float, error) { - f := i.Float() - if math.IsInf(float64(f), 0) { - return 0, fmt.Errorf("int too large to convert to float") - } - return f, nil -} - -func (x Int) Sign() int { - xSmall, xBig := x.get() - if xBig != nil { - return xBig.Sign() - } - return signum64(xSmall) -} - -func (x Int) Add(y Int) Int { - xSmall, xBig := x.get() - ySmall, yBig := y.get() - if xBig != nil || yBig != nil { - return MakeBigInt(new(big.Int).Add(x.bigInt(), y.bigInt())) - } - return MakeInt64(xSmall + ySmall) -} -func (x Int) Sub(y Int) Int { - xSmall, xBig := x.get() - ySmall, yBig := y.get() - if xBig != nil || yBig != nil { - return MakeBigInt(new(big.Int).Sub(x.bigInt(), y.bigInt())) - } - return MakeInt64(xSmall - ySmall) -} -func (x Int) Mul(y Int) Int { - xSmall, xBig := x.get() - ySmall, yBig := y.get() - if xBig != nil || yBig != nil { - return MakeBigInt(new(big.Int).Mul(x.bigInt(), y.bigInt())) - } - return MakeInt64(xSmall * ySmall) -} -func (x Int) Or(y Int) Int { - xSmall, xBig := x.get() - ySmall, yBig := y.get() - if xBig != nil || yBig != nil { - return MakeBigInt(new(big.Int).Or(x.bigInt(), y.bigInt())) - } - return makeSmallInt(xSmall | ySmall) -} -func (x Int) And(y Int) Int { - xSmall, xBig := x.get() - ySmall, yBig := y.get() - if xBig != nil || yBig != nil { - return MakeBigInt(new(big.Int).And(x.bigInt(), y.bigInt())) - } - return makeSmallInt(xSmall & ySmall) -} -func (x Int) Xor(y Int) Int { - xSmall, xBig := x.get() - ySmall, yBig := y.get() - if xBig != nil || yBig != nil { - return MakeBigInt(new(big.Int).Xor(x.bigInt(), y.bigInt())) - } - return makeSmallInt(xSmall ^ ySmall) -} -func (x Int) Not() Int { - xSmall, xBig := x.get() - if xBig != nil { - return MakeBigInt(new(big.Int).Not(xBig)) - } - return makeSmallInt(^xSmall) -} -func (x Int) Lsh(y uint) Int { return MakeBigInt(new(big.Int).Lsh(x.bigInt(), y)) } -func (x Int) Rsh(y uint) Int { return MakeBigInt(new(big.Int).Rsh(x.bigInt(), y)) } - -// Precondition: y is nonzero. -func (x Int) Div(y Int) Int { - xSmall, xBig := x.get() - ySmall, yBig := y.get() - // http://python-history.blogspot.com/2010/08/why-pythons-integer-division-floors.html - if xBig != nil || yBig != nil { - xb, yb := x.bigInt(), y.bigInt() - - var quo, rem big.Int - quo.QuoRem(xb, yb, &rem) - if (xb.Sign() < 0) != (yb.Sign() < 0) && rem.Sign() != 0 { - quo.Sub(&quo, oneBig) - } - return MakeBigInt(&quo) - } - quo := xSmall / ySmall - rem := xSmall % ySmall - if (xSmall < 0) != (ySmall < 0) && rem != 0 { - quo -= 1 - } - return MakeInt64(quo) -} - -// Precondition: y is nonzero. -func (x Int) Mod(y Int) Int { - xSmall, xBig := x.get() - ySmall, yBig := y.get() - if xBig != nil || yBig != nil { - xb, yb := x.bigInt(), y.bigInt() - - var quo, rem big.Int - quo.QuoRem(xb, yb, &rem) - if (xb.Sign() < 0) != (yb.Sign() < 0) && rem.Sign() != 0 { - rem.Add(&rem, yb) - } - return MakeBigInt(&rem) - } - rem := xSmall % ySmall - if (xSmall < 0) != (ySmall < 0) && rem != 0 { - rem += ySmall - } - return makeSmallInt(rem) -} - -func (i Int) rational() *big.Rat { - iSmall, iBig := i.get() - if iBig != nil { - return new(big.Rat).SetInt(iBig) - } - return new(big.Rat).SetInt64(iSmall) -} - -// AsInt32 returns the value of x if is representable as an int32. -func AsInt32(x Value) (int, error) { - i, ok := x.(Int) - if !ok { - return 0, fmt.Errorf("got %s, want int", x.Type()) - } - iSmall, iBig := i.get() - if iBig != nil { - return 0, fmt.Errorf("%s out of range", i) - } - return int(iSmall), nil -} - -// AsInt sets *ptr to the value of Starlark int x, if it is exactly representable, -// otherwise it returns an error. -// The type of ptr must be one of the pointer types *int, *int8, *int16, *int32, or *int64, -// or one of their unsigned counterparts including *uintptr. -func AsInt(x Value, ptr interface{}) error { - xint, ok := x.(Int) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("got %s, want int", x.Type()) - } - - bits := reflect.TypeOf(ptr).Elem().Size() * 8 - switch ptr.(type) { - case *int, *int8, *int16, *int32, *int64: - i, ok := xint.Int64() - if !ok || bits < 64 && !(-1<<(bits-1) <= i && i < 1<<(bits-1)) { - return fmt.Errorf("%s out of range (want value in signed %d-bit range)", xint, bits) - } - switch ptr := ptr.(type) { - case *int: - *ptr = int(i) - case *int8: - *ptr = int8(i) - case *int16: - *ptr = int16(i) - case *int32: - *ptr = int32(i) - case *int64: - *ptr = int64(i) - } - - case *uint, *uint8, *uint16, *uint32, *uint64, *uintptr: - i, ok := xint.Uint64() - if !ok || bits < 64 && i >= 1< value is not representable as int32 -} - -// --- low-level accessors --- - -// get returns the small and big components of the Int. -// small is defined only if big is nil. -// small is sign-extended to 64 bits for ease of subsequent arithmetic. -func (i Int) get() (small int64, big *big.Int) { - return i.impl.small_, i.impl.big_ -} - -// Precondition: math.MinInt32 <= x && x <= math.MaxInt32 -func makeSmallInt(x int64) Int { - return Int{intImpl{small_: x}} -} - -// Precondition: x cannot be represented as int32. -func makeBigInt(x *big.Int) Int { - return Int{intImpl{big_: x}} -} diff --git a/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlark/int_posix64.go b/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlark/int_posix64.go deleted file mode 100644 index 2ab0beda..00000000 --- a/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlark/int_posix64.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,91 +0,0 @@ -//go:build (linux || darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || netbsd || solaris) && (amd64 || arm64 || mips64x || ppc64x || loong64) -// +build linux darwin dragonfly freebsd netbsd solaris -// +build amd64 arm64 mips64x ppc64x loong64 - -package starlark - -// This file defines an optimized Int implementation for 64-bit machines -// running POSIX. It reserves a 4GB portion of the address space using -// mmap and represents int32 values as addresses within that range. This -// disambiguates int32 values from *big.Int pointers, letting all Int -// values be represented as an unsafe.Pointer, so that Int-to-Value -// interface conversion need not allocate. - -// Although iOS (which, like macOS, appears as darwin/arm64) is -// POSIX-compliant, it limits each process to about 700MB of virtual -// address space, which defeats the optimization. Similarly, -// OpenBSD's default ulimit for virtual memory is a measly GB or so. -// On both those platforms the attempted optimization will fail and -// fall back to the slow implementation. - -// An alternative approach to this optimization would be to embed the -// int32 values in pointers using odd values, which can be distinguished -// from (even) *big.Int pointers. However, the Go runtime does not allow -// user programs to manufacture pointers to arbitrary locations such as -// within the zero page, or non-span, non-mmap, non-stack locations, -// and it may panic if it encounters them; see Issue #382. - -import ( - "log" - "math" - "math/big" - "unsafe" - - "golang.org/x/sys/unix" -) - -// intImpl represents a union of (int32, *big.Int) in a single pointer, -// so that Int-to-Value conversions need not allocate. -// -// The pointer is either a *big.Int, if the value is big, or a pointer into a -// reserved portion of the address space (smallints), if the value is small -// and the address space allocation succeeded. -// -// See int_generic.go for the basic representation concepts. -type intImpl unsafe.Pointer - -// get returns the (small, big) arms of the union. -func (i Int) get() (int64, *big.Int) { - if smallints == 0 { - // optimization disabled - if x := (*big.Int)(i.impl); isSmall(x) { - return x.Int64(), nil - } else { - return 0, x - } - } - - if ptr := uintptr(i.impl); ptr >= smallints && ptr < smallints+1<<32 { - return math.MinInt32 + int64(ptr-smallints), nil - } - return 0, (*big.Int)(i.impl) -} - -// Precondition: math.MinInt32 <= x && x <= math.MaxInt32 -func makeSmallInt(x int64) Int { - if smallints == 0 { - // optimization disabled - return Int{intImpl(big.NewInt(x))} - } - - return Int{intImpl(uintptr(x-math.MinInt32) + smallints)} -} - -// Precondition: x cannot be represented as int32. -func makeBigInt(x *big.Int) Int { return Int{intImpl(x)} } - -// smallints is the base address of a 2^32 byte memory region. -// Pointers to addresses in this region represent int32 values. -// We assume smallints is not at the very top of the address space. -// -// Zero means the optimization is disabled and all Ints allocate a big.Int. -var smallints = reserveAddresses(1 << 32) - -func reserveAddresses(len int) uintptr { - b, err := unix.Mmap(-1, 0, len, unix.PROT_READ, unix.MAP_PRIVATE|unix.MAP_ANON) - if err != nil { - log.Printf("Starlark failed to allocate 4GB address space: %v. Integer performance may suffer.", err) - return 0 // optimization disabled - } - return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0])) -} diff --git a/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlark/interp.go b/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlark/interp.go deleted file mode 100644 index b41905a0..00000000 --- a/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlark/interp.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,705 +0,0 @@ -package starlark - -// This file defines the bytecode interpreter. - -import ( - "fmt" - "os" - "sync/atomic" - "unsafe" - - "go.starlark.net/internal/compile" - "go.starlark.net/internal/spell" - "go.starlark.net/resolve" - "go.starlark.net/syntax" -) - -const vmdebug = false // TODO(adonovan): use a bitfield of specific kinds of error. - -// TODO(adonovan): -// - optimize position table. -// - opt: record MaxIterStack during compilation and preallocate the stack. - -func (fn *Function) CallInternal(thread *Thread, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - // Postcondition: args is not mutated. This is stricter than required by Callable, - // but allows CALL to avoid a copy. - - if !resolve.AllowRecursion { - // detect recursion - for _, fr := range thread.stack[:len(thread.stack)-1] { - // We look for the same function code, - // not function value, otherwise the user could - // defeat the check by writing the Y combinator. - if frfn, ok := fr.Callable().(*Function); ok && frfn.funcode == fn.funcode { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("function %s called recursively", fn.Name()) - } - } - } - - f := fn.funcode - fr := thread.frameAt(0) - - // Allocate space for stack and locals. - // Logically these do not escape from this frame - // (See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/20533.) - // - // This heap allocation looks expensive, but I was unable to get - // more than 1% real time improvement in a large alloc-heavy - // benchmark (in which this alloc was 8% of alloc-bytes) - // by allocating space for 8 Values in each frame, or - // by allocating stack by slicing an array held by the Thread - // that is expanded in chunks of min(k, nspace), for k=256 or 1024. - nlocals := len(f.Locals) - nspace := nlocals + f.MaxStack - space := make([]Value, nspace) - locals := space[:nlocals:nlocals] // local variables, starting with parameters - stack := space[nlocals:] // operand stack - - // Digest arguments and set parameters. - err := setArgs(locals, fn, args, kwargs) - if err != nil { - return nil, thread.evalError(err) - } - - fr.locals = locals - - if vmdebug { - fmt.Printf("Entering %s @ %s\n", f.Name, f.Position(0)) - fmt.Printf("%d stack, %d locals\n", len(stack), len(locals)) - defer fmt.Println("Leaving ", f.Name) - } - - // Spill indicated locals to cells. - // Each cell is a separate alloc to avoid spurious liveness. - for _, index := range f.Cells { - locals[index] = &cell{locals[index]} - } - - // TODO(adonovan): add static check that beneath this point - // - there is exactly one return statement - // - there is no redefinition of 'err'. - - var iterstack []Iterator // stack of active iterators - - // Use defer so that application panics can pass through - // interpreter without leaving thread in a bad state. - defer func() { - // ITERPOP the rest of the iterator stack. - for _, iter := range iterstack { - iter.Done() - } - - fr.locals = nil - }() - - sp := 0 - var pc uint32 - var result Value - code := f.Code -loop: - for { - thread.Steps++ - if thread.Steps >= thread.maxSteps { - if thread.OnMaxSteps != nil { - thread.OnMaxSteps(thread) - } else { - thread.Cancel("too many steps") - } - } - if reason := atomic.LoadPointer((*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&thread.cancelReason))); reason != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("Starlark computation cancelled: %s", *(*string)(reason)) - break loop - } - - fr.pc = pc - - op := compile.Opcode(code[pc]) - pc++ - var arg uint32 - if op >= compile.OpcodeArgMin { - // TODO(adonovan): opt: profile this. - // Perhaps compiling big endian would be less work to decode? - for s := uint(0); ; s += 7 { - b := code[pc] - pc++ - arg |= uint32(b&0x7f) << s - if b < 0x80 { - break - } - } - } - if vmdebug { - fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, stack[:sp]) // very verbose! - compile.PrintOp(f, fr.pc, op, arg) - } - - switch op { - case compile.NOP: - // nop - - case compile.DUP: - stack[sp] = stack[sp-1] - sp++ - - case compile.DUP2: - stack[sp] = stack[sp-2] - stack[sp+1] = stack[sp-1] - sp += 2 - - case compile.POP: - sp-- - - case compile.EXCH: - stack[sp-2], stack[sp-1] = stack[sp-1], stack[sp-2] - - case compile.EQL, compile.NEQ, compile.GT, compile.LT, compile.LE, compile.GE: - op := syntax.Token(op-compile.EQL) + syntax.EQL - y := stack[sp-1] - x := stack[sp-2] - sp -= 2 - ok, err2 := Compare(op, x, y) - if err2 != nil { - err = err2 - break loop - } - stack[sp] = Bool(ok) - sp++ - - case compile.PLUS, - compile.MINUS, - compile.STAR, - compile.SLASH, - compile.SLASHSLASH, - compile.PERCENT, - compile.AMP, - compile.PIPE, - compile.CIRCUMFLEX, - compile.LTLT, - compile.GTGT, - compile.IN: - binop := syntax.Token(op-compile.PLUS) + syntax.PLUS - if op == compile.IN { - binop = syntax.IN // IN token is out of order - } - y := stack[sp-1] - x := stack[sp-2] - sp -= 2 - z, err2 := Binary(binop, x, y) - if err2 != nil { - err = err2 - break loop - } - stack[sp] = z - sp++ - - case compile.UPLUS, compile.UMINUS, compile.TILDE: - var unop syntax.Token - if op == compile.TILDE { - unop = syntax.TILDE - } else { - unop = syntax.Token(op-compile.UPLUS) + syntax.PLUS - } - x := stack[sp-1] - y, err2 := Unary(unop, x) - if err2 != nil { - err = err2 - break loop - } - stack[sp-1] = y - - case compile.INPLACE_ADD: - y := stack[sp-1] - x := stack[sp-2] - sp -= 2 - - // It's possible that y is not Iterable but - // nonetheless defines x+y, in which case we - // should fall back to the general case. - var z Value - if xlist, ok := x.(*List); ok { - if yiter, ok := y.(Iterable); ok { - if err = xlist.checkMutable("apply += to"); err != nil { - break loop - } - listExtend(xlist, yiter) - z = xlist - } - } - if z == nil { - z, err = Binary(syntax.PLUS, x, y) - if err != nil { - break loop - } - } - - stack[sp] = z - sp++ - - case compile.INPLACE_PIPE: - y := stack[sp-1] - x := stack[sp-2] - sp -= 2 - - // It's possible that y is not Dict but - // nonetheless defines x|y, in which case we - // should fall back to the general case. - var z Value - if xdict, ok := x.(*Dict); ok { - if ydict, ok := y.(*Dict); ok { - if err = xdict.ht.checkMutable("apply |= to"); err != nil { - break loop - } - xdict.ht.addAll(&ydict.ht) // can't fail - z = xdict - } - } - if z == nil { - z, err = Binary(syntax.PIPE, x, y) - if err != nil { - break loop - } - } - - stack[sp] = z - sp++ - - case compile.NONE: - stack[sp] = None - sp++ - - case compile.TRUE: - stack[sp] = True - sp++ - - case compile.FALSE: - stack[sp] = False - sp++ - - case compile.MANDATORY: - stack[sp] = mandatory{} - sp++ - - case compile.JMP: - pc = arg - - case compile.CALL, compile.CALL_VAR, compile.CALL_KW, compile.CALL_VAR_KW: - var kwargs Value - if op == compile.CALL_KW || op == compile.CALL_VAR_KW { - kwargs = stack[sp-1] - sp-- - } - - var args Value - if op == compile.CALL_VAR || op == compile.CALL_VAR_KW { - args = stack[sp-1] - sp-- - } - - // named args (pairs) - var kvpairs []Tuple - if nkvpairs := int(arg & 0xff); nkvpairs > 0 { - kvpairs = make([]Tuple, 0, nkvpairs) - kvpairsAlloc := make(Tuple, 2*nkvpairs) // allocate a single backing array - sp -= 2 * nkvpairs - for i := 0; i < nkvpairs; i++ { - pair := kvpairsAlloc[:2:2] - kvpairsAlloc = kvpairsAlloc[2:] - pair[0] = stack[sp+2*i] // name - pair[1] = stack[sp+2*i+1] // value - kvpairs = append(kvpairs, pair) - } - } - if kwargs != nil { - // Add key/value items from **kwargs dictionary. - dict, ok := kwargs.(IterableMapping) - if !ok { - err = fmt.Errorf("argument after ** must be a mapping, not %s", kwargs.Type()) - break loop - } - items := dict.Items() - for _, item := range items { - if _, ok := item[0].(String); !ok { - err = fmt.Errorf("keywords must be strings, not %s", item[0].Type()) - break loop - } - } - if len(kvpairs) == 0 { - kvpairs = items - } else { - kvpairs = append(kvpairs, items...) - } - } - - // positional args - var positional Tuple - if npos := int(arg >> 8); npos > 0 { - positional = stack[sp-npos : sp] - sp -= npos - - // Copy positional arguments into a new array, - // unless the callee is another Starlark function, - // in which case it can be trusted not to mutate them. - if _, ok := stack[sp-1].(*Function); !ok || args != nil { - positional = append(Tuple(nil), positional...) - } - } - if args != nil { - // Add elements from *args sequence. - iter := Iterate(args) - if iter == nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("argument after * must be iterable, not %s", args.Type()) - break loop - } - var elem Value - for iter.Next(&elem) { - positional = append(positional, elem) - } - iter.Done() - } - - function := stack[sp-1] - - if vmdebug { - fmt.Printf("VM call %s args=%s kwargs=%s @%s\n", - function, positional, kvpairs, f.Position(fr.pc)) - } - - thread.endProfSpan() - z, err2 := Call(thread, function, positional, kvpairs) - thread.beginProfSpan() - if err2 != nil { - err = err2 - break loop - } - if vmdebug { - fmt.Printf("Resuming %s @ %s\n", f.Name, f.Position(0)) - } - stack[sp-1] = z - - case compile.ITERPUSH: - x := stack[sp-1] - sp-- - iter := Iterate(x) - if iter == nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("%s value is not iterable", x.Type()) - break loop - } - iterstack = append(iterstack, iter) - - case compile.ITERJMP: - iter := iterstack[len(iterstack)-1] - if iter.Next(&stack[sp]) { - sp++ - } else { - pc = arg - } - - case compile.ITERPOP: - n := len(iterstack) - 1 - iterstack[n].Done() - iterstack = iterstack[:n] - - case compile.NOT: - stack[sp-1] = !stack[sp-1].Truth() - - case compile.RETURN: - result = stack[sp-1] - break loop - - case compile.SETINDEX: - z := stack[sp-1] - y := stack[sp-2] - x := stack[sp-3] - sp -= 3 - err = setIndex(x, y, z) - if err != nil { - break loop - } - - case compile.INDEX: - y := stack[sp-1] - x := stack[sp-2] - sp -= 2 - z, err2 := getIndex(x, y) - if err2 != nil { - err = err2 - break loop - } - stack[sp] = z - sp++ - - case compile.ATTR: - x := stack[sp-1] - name := f.Prog.Names[arg] - y, err2 := getAttr(x, name) - if err2 != nil { - err = err2 - break loop - } - stack[sp-1] = y - - case compile.SETFIELD: - y := stack[sp-1] - x := stack[sp-2] - sp -= 2 - name := f.Prog.Names[arg] - if err2 := setField(x, name, y); err2 != nil { - err = err2 - break loop - } - - case compile.MAKEDICT: - stack[sp] = new(Dict) - sp++ - - case compile.SETDICT, compile.SETDICTUNIQ: - dict := stack[sp-3].(*Dict) - k := stack[sp-2] - v := stack[sp-1] - sp -= 3 - oldlen := dict.Len() - if err2 := dict.SetKey(k, v); err2 != nil { - err = err2 - break loop - } - if op == compile.SETDICTUNIQ && dict.Len() == oldlen { - err = fmt.Errorf("duplicate key: %v", k) - break loop - } - - case compile.APPEND: - elem := stack[sp-1] - list := stack[sp-2].(*List) - sp -= 2 - list.elems = append(list.elems, elem) - - case compile.SLICE: - x := stack[sp-4] - lo := stack[sp-3] - hi := stack[sp-2] - step := stack[sp-1] - sp -= 4 - res, err2 := slice(x, lo, hi, step) - if err2 != nil { - err = err2 - break loop - } - stack[sp] = res - sp++ - - case compile.UNPACK: - n := int(arg) - iterable := stack[sp-1] - sp-- - iter := Iterate(iterable) - if iter == nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("got %s in sequence assignment", iterable.Type()) - break loop - } - i := 0 - sp += n - for i < n && iter.Next(&stack[sp-1-i]) { - i++ - } - var dummy Value - if iter.Next(&dummy) { - // NB: Len may return -1 here in obscure cases. - err = fmt.Errorf("too many values to unpack (got %d, want %d)", Len(iterable), n) - break loop - } - iter.Done() - if i < n { - err = fmt.Errorf("too few values to unpack (got %d, want %d)", i, n) - break loop - } - - case compile.CJMP: - if stack[sp-1].Truth() { - pc = arg - } - sp-- - - case compile.CONSTANT: - stack[sp] = fn.module.constants[arg] - sp++ - - case compile.MAKETUPLE: - n := int(arg) - tuple := make(Tuple, n) - sp -= n - copy(tuple, stack[sp:]) - stack[sp] = tuple - sp++ - - case compile.MAKELIST: - n := int(arg) - elems := make([]Value, n) - sp -= n - copy(elems, stack[sp:]) - stack[sp] = NewList(elems) - sp++ - - case compile.MAKEFUNC: - funcode := f.Prog.Functions[arg] - tuple := stack[sp-1].(Tuple) - n := len(tuple) - len(funcode.Freevars) - defaults := tuple[:n:n] - freevars := tuple[n:] - stack[sp-1] = &Function{ - funcode: funcode, - module: fn.module, - defaults: defaults, - freevars: freevars, - } - - case compile.LOAD: - n := int(arg) - module := string(stack[sp-1].(String)) - sp-- - - if thread.Load == nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("load not implemented by this application") - break loop - } - - thread.endProfSpan() - dict, err2 := thread.Load(thread, module) - thread.beginProfSpan() - if err2 != nil { - err = wrappedError{ - msg: fmt.Sprintf("cannot load %s: %v", module, err2), - cause: err2, - } - break loop - } - - for i := 0; i < n; i++ { - from := string(stack[sp-1-i].(String)) - v, ok := dict[from] - if !ok { - err = fmt.Errorf("load: name %s not found in module %s", from, module) - if n := spell.Nearest(from, dict.Keys()); n != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("%s (did you mean %s?)", err, n) - } - break loop - } - stack[sp-1-i] = v - } - - case compile.SETLOCAL: - locals[arg] = stack[sp-1] - sp-- - - case compile.SETLOCALCELL: - locals[arg].(*cell).v = stack[sp-1] - sp-- - - case compile.SETGLOBAL: - fn.module.globals[arg] = stack[sp-1] - sp-- - - case compile.LOCAL: - x := locals[arg] - if x == nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("local variable %s referenced before assignment", f.Locals[arg].Name) - break loop - } - stack[sp] = x - sp++ - - case compile.FREE: - stack[sp] = fn.freevars[arg] - sp++ - - case compile.LOCALCELL: - v := locals[arg].(*cell).v - if v == nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("local variable %s referenced before assignment", f.Locals[arg].Name) - break loop - } - stack[sp] = v - sp++ - - case compile.FREECELL: - v := fn.freevars[arg].(*cell).v - if v == nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("local variable %s referenced before assignment", f.Freevars[arg].Name) - break loop - } - stack[sp] = v - sp++ - - case compile.GLOBAL: - x := fn.module.globals[arg] - if x == nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("global variable %s referenced before assignment", f.Prog.Globals[arg].Name) - break loop - } - stack[sp] = x - sp++ - - case compile.PREDECLARED: - name := f.Prog.Names[arg] - x := fn.module.predeclared[name] - if x == nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("internal error: predeclared variable %s is uninitialized", name) - break loop - } - stack[sp] = x - sp++ - - case compile.UNIVERSAL: - stack[sp] = Universe[f.Prog.Names[arg]] - sp++ - - default: - err = fmt.Errorf("unimplemented: %s", op) - break loop - } - } - // (deferred cleanup runs here) - return result, err -} - -type wrappedError struct { - msg string - cause error -} - -func (e wrappedError) Error() string { - return e.msg -} - -// Implements the xerrors.Wrapper interface -// https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/xerrors#Wrapper -func (e wrappedError) Unwrap() error { - return e.cause -} - -// mandatory is a sentinel value used in a function's defaults tuple -// to indicate that a (keyword-only) parameter is mandatory. -type mandatory struct{} - -func (mandatory) String() string { return "mandatory" } -func (mandatory) Type() string { return "mandatory" } -func (mandatory) Freeze() {} // immutable -func (mandatory) Truth() Bool { return False } -func (mandatory) Hash() (uint32, error) { return 0, nil } - -// A cell is a box containing a Value. -// Local variables marked as cells hold their value indirectly -// so that they may be shared by outer and inner nested functions. -// Cells are always accessed using indirect {FREE,LOCAL,SETLOCAL}CELL instructions. -// The FreeVars tuple contains only cells. -// The FREE instruction always yields a cell. -type cell struct{ v Value } - -func (c *cell) String() string { return "cell" } -func (c *cell) Type() string { return "cell" } -func (c *cell) Freeze() { - if c.v != nil { - c.v.Freeze() - } -} -func (c *cell) Truth() Bool { panic("unreachable") } -func (c *cell) Hash() (uint32, error) { panic("unreachable") } diff --git a/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlark/library.go b/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlark/library.go deleted file mode 100644 index 1c801be6..00000000 --- a/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlark/library.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2289 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -package starlark - -// This file defines the library of built-ins. -// -// Built-ins must explicitly check the "frozen" flag before updating -// mutable types such as lists and dicts. - -import ( - "errors" - "fmt" - "math" - "math/big" - "os" - "sort" - "strconv" - "strings" - "unicode" - "unicode/utf16" - "unicode/utf8" - - "go.starlark.net/syntax" -) - -// Universe defines the set of universal built-ins, such as None, True, and len. -// -// The Go application may add or remove items from the -// universe dictionary before Starlark evaluation begins. -// All values in the dictionary must be immutable. -// Starlark programs cannot modify the dictionary. -var Universe StringDict - -func init() { - // https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#built-in-constants-and-functions - Universe = StringDict{ - "None": None, - "True": True, - "False": False, - "abs": NewBuiltin("abs", abs), - "any": NewBuiltin("any", any), - "all": NewBuiltin("all", all), - "bool": NewBuiltin("bool", bool_), - "bytes": NewBuiltin("bytes", bytes_), - "chr": NewBuiltin("chr", chr), - "dict": NewBuiltin("dict", dict), - "dir": NewBuiltin("dir", dir), - "enumerate": NewBuiltin("enumerate", enumerate), - "fail": NewBuiltin("fail", fail), - "float": NewBuiltin("float", float), - "getattr": NewBuiltin("getattr", getattr), - "hasattr": NewBuiltin("hasattr", hasattr), - "hash": NewBuiltin("hash", hash), - "int": NewBuiltin("int", int_), - "len": NewBuiltin("len", len_), - "list": NewBuiltin("list", list), - "max": NewBuiltin("max", minmax), - "min": NewBuiltin("min", minmax), - "ord": NewBuiltin("ord", ord), - "print": NewBuiltin("print", print), - "range": NewBuiltin("range", range_), - "repr": NewBuiltin("repr", repr), - "reversed": NewBuiltin("reversed", reversed), - "set": NewBuiltin("set", set), // requires resolve.AllowSet - "sorted": NewBuiltin("sorted", sorted), - "str": NewBuiltin("str", str), - "tuple": NewBuiltin("tuple", tuple), - "type": NewBuiltin("type", type_), - "zip": NewBuiltin("zip", zip), - } -} - -// methods of built-in types -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#built-in-methods -var ( - bytesMethods = map[string]*Builtin{ - "elems": NewBuiltin("elems", bytes_elems), - } - - dictMethods = map[string]*Builtin{ - "clear": NewBuiltin("clear", dict_clear), - "get": NewBuiltin("get", dict_get), - "items": NewBuiltin("items", dict_items), - "keys": NewBuiltin("keys", dict_keys), - "pop": NewBuiltin("pop", dict_pop), - "popitem": NewBuiltin("popitem", dict_popitem), - "setdefault": NewBuiltin("setdefault", dict_setdefault), - "update": NewBuiltin("update", dict_update), - "values": NewBuiltin("values", dict_values), - } - - listMethods = map[string]*Builtin{ - "append": NewBuiltin("append", list_append), - "clear": NewBuiltin("clear", list_clear), - "extend": NewBuiltin("extend", list_extend), - "index": NewBuiltin("index", list_index), - "insert": NewBuiltin("insert", list_insert), - "pop": NewBuiltin("pop", list_pop), - "remove": NewBuiltin("remove", list_remove), - } - - stringMethods = map[string]*Builtin{ - "capitalize": NewBuiltin("capitalize", string_capitalize), - "codepoint_ords": NewBuiltin("codepoint_ords", string_iterable), - "codepoints": NewBuiltin("codepoints", string_iterable), // sic - "count": NewBuiltin("count", string_count), - "elem_ords": NewBuiltin("elem_ords", string_iterable), - "elems": NewBuiltin("elems", string_iterable), // sic - "endswith": NewBuiltin("endswith", string_startswith), // sic - "find": NewBuiltin("find", string_find), - "format": NewBuiltin("format", string_format), - "index": NewBuiltin("index", string_index), - "isalnum": NewBuiltin("isalnum", string_isalnum), - "isalpha": NewBuiltin("isalpha", string_isalpha), - "isdigit": NewBuiltin("isdigit", string_isdigit), - "islower": NewBuiltin("islower", string_islower), - "isspace": NewBuiltin("isspace", string_isspace), - "istitle": NewBuiltin("istitle", string_istitle), - "isupper": NewBuiltin("isupper", string_isupper), - "join": NewBuiltin("join", string_join), - "lower": NewBuiltin("lower", string_lower), - "lstrip": NewBuiltin("lstrip", string_strip), // sic - "partition": NewBuiltin("partition", string_partition), - "removeprefix": NewBuiltin("removeprefix", string_removefix), - "removesuffix": NewBuiltin("removesuffix", string_removefix), - "replace": NewBuiltin("replace", string_replace), - "rfind": NewBuiltin("rfind", string_rfind), - "rindex": NewBuiltin("rindex", string_rindex), - "rpartition": NewBuiltin("rpartition", string_partition), // sic - "rsplit": NewBuiltin("rsplit", string_split), // sic - "rstrip": NewBuiltin("rstrip", string_strip), // sic - "split": NewBuiltin("split", string_split), - "splitlines": NewBuiltin("splitlines", string_splitlines), - "startswith": NewBuiltin("startswith", string_startswith), - "strip": NewBuiltin("strip", string_strip), - "title": NewBuiltin("title", string_title), - "upper": NewBuiltin("upper", string_upper), - } - - setMethods = map[string]*Builtin{ - "union": NewBuiltin("union", set_union), - } -) - -func builtinAttr(recv Value, name string, methods map[string]*Builtin) (Value, error) { - b := methods[name] - if b == nil { - return nil, nil // no such method - } - return b.BindReceiver(recv), nil -} - -func builtinAttrNames(methods map[string]*Builtin) []string { - names := make([]string, 0, len(methods)) - for name := range methods { - names = append(names, name) - } - sort.Strings(names) - return names -} - -// ---- built-in functions ---- - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#abs -func abs(thread *Thread, _ *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - var x Value - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs("abs", args, kwargs, 1, &x); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - switch x := x.(type) { - case Float: - return Float(math.Abs(float64(x))), nil - case Int: - if x.Sign() >= 0 { - return x, nil - } - return zero.Sub(x), nil - default: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("got %s, want int or float", x.Type()) - } -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#all -func all(thread *Thread, _ *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - var iterable Iterable - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs("all", args, kwargs, 1, &iterable); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - iter := iterable.Iterate() - defer iter.Done() - var x Value - for iter.Next(&x) { - if !x.Truth() { - return False, nil - } - } - return True, nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#any -func any(thread *Thread, _ *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - var iterable Iterable - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs("any", args, kwargs, 1, &iterable); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - iter := iterable.Iterate() - defer iter.Done() - var x Value - for iter.Next(&x) { - if x.Truth() { - return True, nil - } - } - return False, nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#bool -func bool_(thread *Thread, _ *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - var x Value = False - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs("bool", args, kwargs, 0, &x); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return x.Truth(), nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#bytes -func bytes_(thread *Thread, _ *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - if len(kwargs) > 0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("bytes does not accept keyword arguments") - } - if len(args) != 1 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("bytes: got %d arguments, want exactly 1", len(args)) - } - switch x := args[0].(type) { - case Bytes: - return x, nil - case String: - // Invalid encodings are replaced by that of U+FFFD. - return Bytes(utf8Transcode(string(x))), nil - case Iterable: - // iterable of numeric byte values - var buf strings.Builder - if n := Len(x); n >= 0 { - // common case: known length - buf.Grow(n) - } - iter := x.Iterate() - defer iter.Done() - var elem Value - var b byte - for i := 0; iter.Next(&elem); i++ { - if err := AsInt(elem, &b); err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("bytes: at index %d, %s", i, err) - } - buf.WriteByte(b) - } - return Bytes(buf.String()), nil - - default: - // Unlike string(foo), which stringifies it, bytes(foo) is an error. - return nil, fmt.Errorf("bytes: got %s, want string, bytes, or iterable of ints", x.Type()) - } -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#chr -func chr(thread *Thread, _ *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - if len(kwargs) > 0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("chr does not accept keyword arguments") - } - if len(args) != 1 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("chr: got %d arguments, want 1", len(args)) - } - i, err := AsInt32(args[0]) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("chr: %s", err) - } - if i < 0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("chr: Unicode code point %d out of range (<0)", i) - } - if i > unicode.MaxRune { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("chr: Unicode code point U+%X out of range (>0x10FFFF)", i) - } - return String(string(rune(i))), nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#dict -func dict(thread *Thread, _ *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - if len(args) > 1 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("dict: got %d arguments, want at most 1", len(args)) - } - dict := new(Dict) - if err := updateDict(dict, args, kwargs); err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("dict: %v", err) - } - return dict, nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#dir -func dir(thread *Thread, _ *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - if len(kwargs) > 0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("dir does not accept keyword arguments") - } - if len(args) != 1 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("dir: got %d arguments, want 1", len(args)) - } - - var names []string - if x, ok := args[0].(HasAttrs); ok { - names = x.AttrNames() - } - sort.Strings(names) - elems := make([]Value, len(names)) - for i, name := range names { - elems[i] = String(name) - } - return NewList(elems), nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#enumerate -func enumerate(thread *Thread, _ *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - var iterable Iterable - var start int - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs("enumerate", args, kwargs, 1, &iterable, &start); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - iter := iterable.Iterate() - defer iter.Done() - - var pairs []Value - var x Value - - if n := Len(iterable); n >= 0 { - // common case: known length - pairs = make([]Value, 0, n) - array := make(Tuple, 2*n) // allocate a single backing array - for i := 0; iter.Next(&x); i++ { - pair := array[:2:2] - array = array[2:] - pair[0] = MakeInt(start + i) - pair[1] = x - pairs = append(pairs, pair) - } - } else { - // non-sequence (unknown length) - for i := 0; iter.Next(&x); i++ { - pair := Tuple{MakeInt(start + i), x} - pairs = append(pairs, pair) - } - } - - return NewList(pairs), nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#fail -func fail(thread *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - sep := " " - if err := UnpackArgs("fail", nil, kwargs, "sep?", &sep); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - buf := new(strings.Builder) - buf.WriteString("fail: ") - for i, v := range args { - if i > 0 { - buf.WriteString(sep) - } - if s, ok := AsString(v); ok { - buf.WriteString(s) - } else { - writeValue(buf, v, nil) - } - } - - return nil, errors.New(buf.String()) -} - -func float(thread *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - if len(kwargs) > 0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("float does not accept keyword arguments") - } - if len(args) == 0 { - return Float(0.0), nil - } - if len(args) != 1 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("float got %d arguments, wants 1", len(args)) - } - switch x := args[0].(type) { - case Bool: - if x { - return Float(1.0), nil - } else { - return Float(0.0), nil - } - case Int: - return x.finiteFloat() - case Float: - return x, nil - case String: - if x == "" { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("float: empty string") - } - // +/- NaN or Inf or Infinity (case insensitive)? - s := string(x) - switch x[len(x)-1] { - case 'y', 'Y': - if strings.EqualFold(s, "infinity") || strings.EqualFold(s, "+infinity") { - return inf, nil - } else if strings.EqualFold(s, "-infinity") { - return neginf, nil - } - case 'f', 'F': - if strings.EqualFold(s, "inf") || strings.EqualFold(s, "+inf") { - return inf, nil - } else if strings.EqualFold(s, "-inf") { - return neginf, nil - } - case 'n', 'N': - if strings.EqualFold(s, "nan") || strings.EqualFold(s, "+nan") || strings.EqualFold(s, "-nan") { - return nan, nil - } - } - f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64) - if math.IsInf(f, 0) { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("floating-point number too large") - } - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid float literal: %s", s) - } - return Float(f), nil - default: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("float got %s, want number or string", x.Type()) - } -} - -var ( - inf = Float(math.Inf(+1)) - neginf = Float(math.Inf(-1)) - nan = Float(math.NaN()) -) - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#getattr -func getattr(thread *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - var object, dflt Value - var name string - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs("getattr", args, kwargs, 2, &object, &name, &dflt); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if object, ok := object.(HasAttrs); ok { - v, err := object.Attr(name) - if err != nil { - // An error could mean the field doesn't exist, - // or it exists but could not be computed. - if dflt != nil { - return dflt, nil - } - return nil, nameErr(b, err) - } - if v != nil { - return v, nil - } - // (nil, nil) => no such field - } - if dflt != nil { - return dflt, nil - } - return nil, fmt.Errorf("getattr: %s has no .%s field or method", object.Type(), name) -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#hasattr -func hasattr(thread *Thread, _ *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - var object Value - var name string - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs("hasattr", args, kwargs, 2, &object, &name); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if object, ok := object.(HasAttrs); ok { - v, err := object.Attr(name) - if err == nil { - return Bool(v != nil), nil - } - - // An error does not conclusively indicate presence or - // absence of a field: it could occur while computing - // the value of a present attribute, or it could be a - // "no such attribute" error with details. - for _, x := range object.AttrNames() { - if x == name { - return True, nil - } - } - } - return False, nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#hash -func hash(thread *Thread, _ *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - var x Value - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs("hash", args, kwargs, 1, &x); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - var h int64 - switch x := x.(type) { - case String: - // The Starlark spec requires that the hash function be - // deterministic across all runs, motivated by the need - // for reproducibility of builds. Thus we cannot call - // String.Hash, which uses the fastest implementation - // available, because as varies across process restarts, - // and may evolve with the implementation. - h = int64(javaStringHash(string(x))) - case Bytes: - h = int64(softHashString(string(x))) // FNV32 - default: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("hash: got %s, want string or bytes", x.Type()) - } - return MakeInt64(h), nil -} - -// javaStringHash returns the same hash as would be produced by -// java.lang.String.hashCode. This requires transcoding the string to -// UTF-16; transcoding may introduce Unicode replacement characters -// U+FFFD if s does not contain valid UTF-8. -func javaStringHash(s string) (h int32) { - for _, r := range s { - if utf16.IsSurrogate(r) { - c1, c2 := utf16.EncodeRune(r) - h = 31*h + c1 - h = 31*h + c2 - } else { - h = 31*h + r // r may be U+FFFD - } - } - return h -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#int -func int_(thread *Thread, _ *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - var x Value = zero - var base Value - if err := UnpackArgs("int", args, kwargs, "x", &x, "base?", &base); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - if s, ok := AsString(x); ok { - b := 10 - if base != nil { - var err error - b, err = AsInt32(base) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("int: for base, got %s, want int", base.Type()) - } - if b != 0 && (b < 2 || b > 36) { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("int: base must be an integer >= 2 && <= 36") - } - } - res := parseInt(s, b) - if res == nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("int: invalid literal with base %d: %s", b, s) - } - return res, nil - } - - if base != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("int: can't convert non-string with explicit base") - } - - if b, ok := x.(Bool); ok { - if b { - return one, nil - } else { - return zero, nil - } - } - - i, err := NumberToInt(x) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("int: %s", err) - } - return i, nil -} - -// parseInt defines the behavior of int(string, base=int). It returns nil on error. -func parseInt(s string, base int) Value { - // remove sign - var neg bool - if s != "" { - if s[0] == '+' { - s = s[1:] - } else if s[0] == '-' { - neg = true - s = s[1:] - } - } - - // remove optional base prefix - baseprefix := 0 - if len(s) > 1 && s[0] == '0' { - if len(s) > 2 { - switch s[1] { - case 'o', 'O': - baseprefix = 8 - case 'x', 'X': - baseprefix = 16 - case 'b', 'B': - baseprefix = 2 - } - } - if baseprefix != 0 { - // Remove the base prefix if it matches - // the explicit base, or if base=0. - if base == 0 || baseprefix == base { - base = baseprefix - s = s[2:] - } - } else { - // For automatic base detection, - // a string starting with zero - // must be all zeros. - // Thus we reject int("0755", 0). - if base == 0 { - for i := 1; i < len(s); i++ { - if s[i] != '0' { - return nil - } - } - return zero - } - } - } - if base == 0 { - base = 10 - } - - // we explicitly handled sign above. - // if a sign remains, it is invalid. - if s != "" && (s[0] == '-' || s[0] == '+') { - return nil - } - - // s has no sign or base prefix. - if i, ok := new(big.Int).SetString(s, base); ok { - res := MakeBigInt(i) - if neg { - res = zero.Sub(res) - } - return res - } - - return nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#len -func len_(thread *Thread, _ *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - var x Value - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs("len", args, kwargs, 1, &x); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - len := Len(x) - if len < 0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("len: value of type %s has no len", x.Type()) - } - return MakeInt(len), nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#list -func list(thread *Thread, _ *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - var iterable Iterable - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs("list", args, kwargs, 0, &iterable); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - var elems []Value - if iterable != nil { - iter := iterable.Iterate() - defer iter.Done() - if n := Len(iterable); n > 0 { - elems = make([]Value, 0, n) // preallocate if length known - } - var x Value - for iter.Next(&x) { - elems = append(elems, x) - } - } - return NewList(elems), nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#min -func minmax(thread *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - if len(args) == 0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s requires at least one positional argument", b.Name()) - } - var keyFunc Callable - if err := UnpackArgs(b.Name(), nil, kwargs, "key?", &keyFunc); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - var op syntax.Token - if b.Name() == "max" { - op = syntax.GT - } else { - op = syntax.LT - } - var iterable Value - if len(args) == 1 { - iterable = args[0] - } else { - iterable = args - } - iter := Iterate(iterable) - if iter == nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %s value is not iterable", b.Name(), iterable.Type()) - } - defer iter.Done() - var extremum Value - if !iter.Next(&extremum) { - return nil, nameErr(b, "argument is an empty sequence") - } - - var extremeKey Value - var keyargs Tuple - if keyFunc == nil { - extremeKey = extremum - } else { - keyargs = Tuple{extremum} - res, err := Call(thread, keyFunc, keyargs, nil) - if err != nil { - return nil, err // to preserve backtrace, don't modify error - } - extremeKey = res - } - - var x Value - for iter.Next(&x) { - var key Value - if keyFunc == nil { - key = x - } else { - keyargs[0] = x - res, err := Call(thread, keyFunc, keyargs, nil) - if err != nil { - return nil, err // to preserve backtrace, don't modify error - } - key = res - } - - if ok, err := Compare(op, key, extremeKey); err != nil { - return nil, nameErr(b, err) - } else if ok { - extremum = x - extremeKey = key - } - } - return extremum, nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#ord -func ord(thread *Thread, _ *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - if len(kwargs) > 0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("ord does not accept keyword arguments") - } - if len(args) != 1 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("ord: got %d arguments, want 1", len(args)) - } - switch x := args[0].(type) { - case String: - // ord(string) returns int value of sole rune. - s := string(x) - r, sz := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s) - if sz == 0 || sz != len(s) { - n := utf8.RuneCountInString(s) - return nil, fmt.Errorf("ord: string encodes %d Unicode code points, want 1", n) - } - return MakeInt(int(r)), nil - - case Bytes: - // ord(bytes) returns int value of sole byte. - if len(x) != 1 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("ord: bytes has length %d, want 1", len(x)) - } - return MakeInt(int(x[0])), nil - default: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("ord: got %s, want string or bytes", x.Type()) - } -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#print -func print(thread *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - sep := " " - if err := UnpackArgs("print", nil, kwargs, "sep?", &sep); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - buf := new(strings.Builder) - for i, v := range args { - if i > 0 { - buf.WriteString(sep) - } - if s, ok := AsString(v); ok { - buf.WriteString(s) - } else if b, ok := v.(Bytes); ok { - buf.WriteString(string(b)) - } else { - writeValue(buf, v, nil) - } - } - - s := buf.String() - if thread.Print != nil { - thread.Print(thread, s) - } else { - fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, s) - } - return None, nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#range -func range_(thread *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - var start, stop, step int - step = 1 - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs("range", args, kwargs, 1, &start, &stop, &step); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - if len(args) == 1 { - // range(stop) - start, stop = 0, start - } - if step == 0 { - // we were given range(start, stop, 0) - return nil, nameErr(b, "step argument must not be zero") - } - - return rangeValue{start: start, stop: stop, step: step, len: rangeLen(start, stop, step)}, nil -} - -// A rangeValue is a comparable, immutable, indexable sequence of integers -// defined by the three parameters to a range(...) call. -// Invariant: step != 0. -type rangeValue struct{ start, stop, step, len int } - -var ( - _ Indexable = rangeValue{} - _ Sequence = rangeValue{} - _ Comparable = rangeValue{} - _ Sliceable = rangeValue{} -) - -func (r rangeValue) Len() int { return r.len } -func (r rangeValue) Index(i int) Value { return MakeInt(r.start + i*r.step) } -func (r rangeValue) Iterate() Iterator { return &rangeIterator{r, 0} } - -// rangeLen calculates the length of a range with the provided start, stop, and step. -// caller must ensure that step is non-zero. -func rangeLen(start, stop, step int) int { - switch { - case step > 0: - if stop > start { - return (stop-1-start)/step + 1 - } - case step < 0: - if start > stop { - return (start-1-stop)/-step + 1 - } - default: - panic("rangeLen: zero step") - } - return 0 -} - -func (r rangeValue) Slice(start, end, step int) Value { - newStart := r.start + r.step*start - newStop := r.start + r.step*end - newStep := r.step * step - return rangeValue{ - start: newStart, - stop: newStop, - step: newStep, - len: rangeLen(newStart, newStop, newStep), - } -} - -func (r rangeValue) Freeze() {} // immutable -func (r rangeValue) String() string { - if r.step != 1 { - return fmt.Sprintf("range(%d, %d, %d)", r.start, r.stop, r.step) - } else if r.start != 0 { - return fmt.Sprintf("range(%d, %d)", r.start, r.stop) - } else { - return fmt.Sprintf("range(%d)", r.stop) - } -} -func (r rangeValue) Type() string { return "range" } -func (r rangeValue) Truth() Bool { return r.len > 0 } -func (r rangeValue) Hash() (uint32, error) { return 0, fmt.Errorf("unhashable: range") } - -func (x rangeValue) CompareSameType(op syntax.Token, y_ Value, depth int) (bool, error) { - y := y_.(rangeValue) - switch op { - case syntax.EQL: - return rangeEqual(x, y), nil - case syntax.NEQ: - return !rangeEqual(x, y), nil - default: - return false, fmt.Errorf("%s %s %s not implemented", x.Type(), op, y.Type()) - } -} - -func rangeEqual(x, y rangeValue) bool { - // Two ranges compare equal if they denote the same sequence. - if x.len != y.len { - return false // sequences differ in length - } - if x.len == 0 { - return true // both sequences are empty - } - if x.start != y.start { - return false // first element differs - } - return x.len == 1 || x.step == y.step -} - -func (r rangeValue) contains(x Int) bool { - x32, err := AsInt32(x) - if err != nil { - return false // out of range - } - delta := x32 - r.start - quo, rem := delta/r.step, delta%r.step - return rem == 0 && 0 <= quo && quo < r.len -} - -type rangeIterator struct { - r rangeValue - i int -} - -func (it *rangeIterator) Next(p *Value) bool { - if it.i < it.r.len { - *p = it.r.Index(it.i) - it.i++ - return true - } - return false -} -func (*rangeIterator) Done() {} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#repr -func repr(thread *Thread, _ *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - var x Value - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs("repr", args, kwargs, 1, &x); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return String(x.String()), nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#reversed -func reversed(thread *Thread, _ *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - var iterable Iterable - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs("reversed", args, kwargs, 1, &iterable); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - iter := iterable.Iterate() - defer iter.Done() - var elems []Value - if n := Len(args[0]); n >= 0 { - elems = make([]Value, 0, n) // preallocate if length known - } - var x Value - for iter.Next(&x) { - elems = append(elems, x) - } - n := len(elems) - for i := 0; i < n>>1; i++ { - elems[i], elems[n-1-i] = elems[n-1-i], elems[i] - } - return NewList(elems), nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#set -func set(thread *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - var iterable Iterable - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs("set", args, kwargs, 0, &iterable); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - set := new(Set) - if iterable != nil { - iter := iterable.Iterate() - defer iter.Done() - var x Value - for iter.Next(&x) { - if err := set.Insert(x); err != nil { - return nil, nameErr(b, err) - } - } - } - return set, nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#sorted -func sorted(thread *Thread, _ *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - // Oddly, Python's sorted permits all arguments to be positional, thus so do we. - var iterable Iterable - var key Callable - var reverse bool - if err := UnpackArgs("sorted", args, kwargs, - "iterable", &iterable, - "key?", &key, - "reverse?", &reverse, - ); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - iter := iterable.Iterate() - defer iter.Done() - var values []Value - if n := Len(iterable); n > 0 { - values = make(Tuple, 0, n) // preallocate if length is known - } - var x Value - for iter.Next(&x) { - values = append(values, x) - } - - // Derive keys from values by applying key function. - var keys []Value - if key != nil { - keys = make([]Value, len(values)) - for i, v := range values { - k, err := Call(thread, key, Tuple{v}, nil) - if err != nil { - return nil, err // to preserve backtrace, don't modify error - } - keys[i] = k - } - } - - slice := &sortSlice{keys: keys, values: values} - if reverse { - sort.Stable(sort.Reverse(slice)) - } else { - sort.Stable(slice) - } - return NewList(slice.values), slice.err -} - -type sortSlice struct { - keys []Value // nil => values[i] is key - values []Value - err error -} - -func (s *sortSlice) Len() int { return len(s.values) } -func (s *sortSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { - keys := s.keys - if s.keys == nil { - keys = s.values - } - ok, err := Compare(syntax.LT, keys[i], keys[j]) - if err != nil { - s.err = err - } - return ok -} -func (s *sortSlice) Swap(i, j int) { - if s.keys != nil { - s.keys[i], s.keys[j] = s.keys[j], s.keys[i] - } - s.values[i], s.values[j] = s.values[j], s.values[i] -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#str -func str(thread *Thread, _ *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - if len(kwargs) > 0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("str does not accept keyword arguments") - } - if len(args) != 1 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("str: got %d arguments, want exactly 1", len(args)) - } - switch x := args[0].(type) { - case String: - return x, nil - case Bytes: - // Invalid encodings are replaced by that of U+FFFD. - return String(utf8Transcode(string(x))), nil - default: - return String(x.String()), nil - } -} - -// utf8Transcode returns the UTF-8-to-UTF-8 transcoding of s. -// The effect is that each code unit that is part of an -// invalid sequence is replaced by U+FFFD. -func utf8Transcode(s string) string { - if utf8.ValidString(s) { - return s - } - var out strings.Builder - for _, r := range s { - out.WriteRune(r) - } - return out.String() -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#tuple -func tuple(thread *Thread, _ *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - var iterable Iterable - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs("tuple", args, kwargs, 0, &iterable); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if len(args) == 0 { - return Tuple(nil), nil - } - iter := iterable.Iterate() - defer iter.Done() - var elems Tuple - if n := Len(iterable); n > 0 { - elems = make(Tuple, 0, n) // preallocate if length is known - } - var x Value - for iter.Next(&x) { - elems = append(elems, x) - } - return elems, nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#type -func type_(thread *Thread, _ *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - if len(kwargs) > 0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("type does not accept keyword arguments") - } - if len(args) != 1 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("type: got %d arguments, want exactly 1", len(args)) - } - return String(args[0].Type()), nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#zip -func zip(thread *Thread, _ *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - if len(kwargs) > 0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("zip does not accept keyword arguments") - } - rows, cols := 0, len(args) - iters := make([]Iterator, cols) - defer func() { - for _, iter := range iters { - if iter != nil { - iter.Done() - } - } - }() - for i, seq := range args { - it := Iterate(seq) - if it == nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("zip: argument #%d is not iterable: %s", i+1, seq.Type()) - } - iters[i] = it - n := Len(seq) - if i == 0 || n < rows { - rows = n // possibly -1 - } - } - var result []Value - if rows >= 0 { - // length known - result = make([]Value, rows) - array := make(Tuple, cols*rows) // allocate a single backing array - for i := 0; i < rows; i++ { - tuple := array[:cols:cols] - array = array[cols:] - for j, iter := range iters { - iter.Next(&tuple[j]) - } - result[i] = tuple - } - } else { - // length not known - outer: - for { - tuple := make(Tuple, cols) - for i, iter := range iters { - if !iter.Next(&tuple[i]) { - break outer - } - } - result = append(result, tuple) - } - } - return NewList(result), nil -} - -// ---- methods of built-in types --- - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#dict·get -func dict_get(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - var key, dflt Value - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 1, &key, &dflt); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if v, ok, err := b.Receiver().(*Dict).Get(key); err != nil { - return nil, nameErr(b, err) - } else if ok { - return v, nil - } else if dflt != nil { - return dflt, nil - } - return None, nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#dict·clear -func dict_clear(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 0); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return None, b.Receiver().(*Dict).Clear() -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#dict·items -func dict_items(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 0); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - items := b.Receiver().(*Dict).Items() - res := make([]Value, len(items)) - for i, item := range items { - res[i] = item // convert [2]Value to Value - } - return NewList(res), nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#dict·keys -func dict_keys(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 0); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return NewList(b.Receiver().(*Dict).Keys()), nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#dict·pop -func dict_pop(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - var k, d Value - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 1, &k, &d); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if v, found, err := b.Receiver().(*Dict).Delete(k); err != nil { - return nil, nameErr(b, err) // dict is frozen or key is unhashable - } else if found { - return v, nil - } else if d != nil { - return d, nil - } - return nil, nameErr(b, "missing key") -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#dict·popitem -func dict_popitem(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 0); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - recv := b.Receiver().(*Dict) - k, ok := recv.ht.first() - if !ok { - return nil, nameErr(b, "empty dict") - } - v, _, err := recv.Delete(k) - if err != nil { - return nil, nameErr(b, err) // dict is frozen - } - return Tuple{k, v}, nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#dict·setdefault -func dict_setdefault(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - var key, dflt Value = nil, None - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 1, &key, &dflt); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - dict := b.Receiver().(*Dict) - if v, ok, err := dict.Get(key); err != nil { - return nil, nameErr(b, err) - } else if ok { - return v, nil - } else if err := dict.SetKey(key, dflt); err != nil { - return nil, nameErr(b, err) - } else { - return dflt, nil - } -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#dict·update -func dict_update(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - if len(args) > 1 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("update: got %d arguments, want at most 1", len(args)) - } - if err := updateDict(b.Receiver().(*Dict), args, kwargs); err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("update: %v", err) - } - return None, nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#dict·update -func dict_values(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 0); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - items := b.Receiver().(*Dict).Items() - res := make([]Value, len(items)) - for i, item := range items { - res[i] = item[1] - } - return NewList(res), nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#list·append -func list_append(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - var object Value - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 1, &object); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - recv := b.Receiver().(*List) - if err := recv.checkMutable("append to"); err != nil { - return nil, nameErr(b, err) - } - recv.elems = append(recv.elems, object) - return None, nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#list·clear -func list_clear(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 0); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if err := b.Receiver().(*List).Clear(); err != nil { - return nil, nameErr(b, err) - } - return None, nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#list·extend -func list_extend(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - recv := b.Receiver().(*List) - var iterable Iterable - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 1, &iterable); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if err := recv.checkMutable("extend"); err != nil { - return nil, nameErr(b, err) - } - listExtend(recv, iterable) - return None, nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#list·index -func list_index(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - var value, start_, end_ Value - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 1, &value, &start_, &end_); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - recv := b.Receiver().(*List) - start, end, err := indices(start_, end_, recv.Len()) - if err != nil { - return nil, nameErr(b, err) - } - - for i := start; i < end; i++ { - if eq, err := Equal(recv.elems[i], value); err != nil { - return nil, nameErr(b, err) - } else if eq { - return MakeInt(i), nil - } - } - return nil, nameErr(b, "value not in list") -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#list·insert -func list_insert(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - recv := b.Receiver().(*List) - var index int - var object Value - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 2, &index, &object); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if err := recv.checkMutable("insert into"); err != nil { - return nil, nameErr(b, err) - } - - if index < 0 { - index += recv.Len() - } - - if index >= recv.Len() { - // end - recv.elems = append(recv.elems, object) - } else { - if index < 0 { - index = 0 // start - } - recv.elems = append(recv.elems, nil) - copy(recv.elems[index+1:], recv.elems[index:]) // slide up one - recv.elems[index] = object - } - return None, nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#list·remove -func list_remove(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - recv := b.Receiver().(*List) - var value Value - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 1, &value); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if err := recv.checkMutable("remove from"); err != nil { - return nil, nameErr(b, err) - } - for i, elem := range recv.elems { - if eq, err := Equal(elem, value); err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("remove: %v", err) - } else if eq { - recv.elems = append(recv.elems[:i], recv.elems[i+1:]...) - return None, nil - } - } - return nil, fmt.Errorf("remove: element not found") -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#list·pop -func list_pop(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - recv := b.Receiver() - list := recv.(*List) - n := list.Len() - i := n - 1 - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 0, &i); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - origI := i - if i < 0 { - i += n - } - if i < 0 || i >= n { - return nil, nameErr(b, outOfRange(origI, n, list)) - } - if err := list.checkMutable("pop from"); err != nil { - return nil, nameErr(b, err) - } - res := list.elems[i] - list.elems = append(list.elems[:i], list.elems[i+1:]...) - return res, nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#string·capitalize -func string_capitalize(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 0); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - s := string(b.Receiver().(String)) - res := new(strings.Builder) - res.Grow(len(s)) - for i, r := range s { - if i == 0 { - r = unicode.ToTitle(r) - } else { - r = unicode.ToLower(r) - } - res.WriteRune(r) - } - return String(res.String()), nil -} - -// string_iterable returns an unspecified iterable value whose iterator yields: -// - elems: successive 1-byte substrings -// - codepoints: successive substrings that encode a single Unicode code point. -// - elem_ords: numeric values of successive bytes -// - codepoint_ords: numeric values of successive Unicode code points -func string_iterable(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 0); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - s := b.Receiver().(String) - ords := b.Name()[len(b.Name())-2] == 'd' - codepoints := b.Name()[0] == 'c' - if codepoints { - return stringCodepoints{s, ords}, nil - } else { - return stringElems{s, ords}, nil - } -} - -// bytes_elems returns an unspecified iterable value whose -// iterator yields the int values of successive elements. -func bytes_elems(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 0); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return bytesIterable{b.Receiver().(Bytes)}, nil -} - -// A bytesIterable is an iterable returned by bytes.elems(), -// whose iterator yields a sequence of numeric bytes values. -type bytesIterable struct{ bytes Bytes } - -var _ Iterable = (*bytesIterable)(nil) - -func (bi bytesIterable) String() string { return bi.bytes.String() + ".elems()" } -func (bi bytesIterable) Type() string { return "bytes.elems" } -func (bi bytesIterable) Freeze() {} // immutable -func (bi bytesIterable) Truth() Bool { return True } -func (bi bytesIterable) Hash() (uint32, error) { return 0, fmt.Errorf("unhashable: %s", bi.Type()) } -func (bi bytesIterable) Iterate() Iterator { return &bytesIterator{bi.bytes} } - -type bytesIterator struct{ bytes Bytes } - -func (it *bytesIterator) Next(p *Value) bool { - if it.bytes == "" { - return false - } - *p = MakeInt(int(it.bytes[0])) - it.bytes = it.bytes[1:] - return true -} - -func (*bytesIterator) Done() {} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#string·count -func string_count(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - var sub string - var start_, end_ Value - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 1, &sub, &start_, &end_); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - recv := string(b.Receiver().(String)) - start, end, err := indices(start_, end_, len(recv)) - if err != nil { - return nil, nameErr(b, err) - } - - var slice string - if start < end { - slice = recv[start:end] - } - return MakeInt(strings.Count(slice, sub)), nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#string·isalnum -func string_isalnum(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 0); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - recv := string(b.Receiver().(String)) - for _, r := range recv { - if !unicode.IsLetter(r) && !unicode.IsDigit(r) { - return False, nil - } - } - return Bool(recv != ""), nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#string·isalpha -func string_isalpha(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 0); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - recv := string(b.Receiver().(String)) - for _, r := range recv { - if !unicode.IsLetter(r) { - return False, nil - } - } - return Bool(recv != ""), nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#string·isdigit -func string_isdigit(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 0); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - recv := string(b.Receiver().(String)) - for _, r := range recv { - if !unicode.IsDigit(r) { - return False, nil - } - } - return Bool(recv != ""), nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#string·islower -func string_islower(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 0); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - recv := string(b.Receiver().(String)) - return Bool(isCasedString(recv) && recv == strings.ToLower(recv)), nil -} - -// isCasedString reports whether its argument contains any cased code points. -func isCasedString(s string) bool { - for _, r := range s { - if isCasedRune(r) { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -func isCasedRune(r rune) bool { - // It's unclear what the correct behavior is for a rune such as 'ffi', - // a lowercase letter with no upper or title case and no SimpleFold. - return 'a' <= r && r <= 'z' || 'A' <= r && r <= 'Z' || unicode.SimpleFold(r) != r -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#string·isspace -func string_isspace(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 0); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - recv := string(b.Receiver().(String)) - for _, r := range recv { - if !unicode.IsSpace(r) { - return False, nil - } - } - return Bool(recv != ""), nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#string·istitle -func string_istitle(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 0); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - recv := string(b.Receiver().(String)) - - // Python semantics differ from x==strings.{To,}Title(x) in Go: - // "uppercase characters may only follow uncased characters and - // lowercase characters only cased ones." - var cased, prevCased bool - for _, r := range recv { - if 'A' <= r && r <= 'Z' || unicode.IsTitle(r) { // e.g. "Ç…" - if prevCased { - return False, nil - } - prevCased = true - cased = true - } else if unicode.IsLower(r) { - if !prevCased { - return False, nil - } - prevCased = true - cased = true - } else if unicode.IsUpper(r) { - return False, nil - } else { - prevCased = false - } - } - return Bool(cased), nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#string·isupper -func string_isupper(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 0); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - recv := string(b.Receiver().(String)) - return Bool(isCasedString(recv) && recv == strings.ToUpper(recv)), nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#string·find -func string_find(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - return string_find_impl(b, args, kwargs, true, false) -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#string·format -func string_format(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - format := string(b.Receiver().(String)) - var auto, manual bool // kinds of positional indexing used - buf := new(strings.Builder) - index := 0 - for { - literal := format - i := strings.IndexByte(format, '{') - if i >= 0 { - literal = format[:i] - } - - // Replace "}}" with "}" in non-field portion, rejecting a lone '}'. - for { - j := strings.IndexByte(literal, '}') - if j < 0 { - buf.WriteString(literal) - break - } - if len(literal) == j+1 || literal[j+1] != '}' { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("format: single '}' in format") - } - buf.WriteString(literal[:j+1]) - literal = literal[j+2:] - } - - if i < 0 { - break // end of format string - } - - if i+1 < len(format) && format[i+1] == '{' { - // "{{" means a literal '{' - buf.WriteByte('{') - format = format[i+2:] - continue - } - - format = format[i+1:] - i = strings.IndexByte(format, '}') - if i < 0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("format: unmatched '{' in format") - } - - var arg Value - conv := "s" - var spec string - - field := format[:i] - format = format[i+1:] - - var name string - if i := strings.IndexByte(field, '!'); i < 0 { - // "name" or "name:spec" - if i := strings.IndexByte(field, ':'); i < 0 { - name = field - } else { - name = field[:i] - spec = field[i+1:] - } - } else { - // "name!conv" or "name!conv:spec" - name = field[:i] - field = field[i+1:] - // "conv" or "conv:spec" - if i := strings.IndexByte(field, ':'); i < 0 { - conv = field - } else { - conv = field[:i] - spec = field[i+1:] - } - } - - if name == "" { - // "{}": automatic indexing - if manual { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("format: cannot switch from manual field specification to automatic field numbering") - } - auto = true - if index >= len(args) { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("format: tuple index out of range") - } - arg = args[index] - index++ - } else if num, ok := decimal(name); ok { - // positional argument - if auto { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("format: cannot switch from automatic field numbering to manual field specification") - } - manual = true - if num >= len(args) { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("format: tuple index out of range") - } else { - arg = args[num] - } - } else { - // keyword argument - for _, kv := range kwargs { - if string(kv[0].(String)) == name { - arg = kv[1] - break - } - } - if arg == nil { - // Starlark does not support Python's x.y or a[i] syntaxes, - // or nested use of {...}. - if strings.Contains(name, ".") { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("format: attribute syntax x.y is not supported in replacement fields: %s", name) - } - if strings.Contains(name, "[") { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("format: element syntax a[i] is not supported in replacement fields: %s", name) - } - if strings.Contains(name, "{") { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("format: nested replacement fields not supported") - } - return nil, fmt.Errorf("format: keyword %s not found", name) - } - } - - if spec != "" { - // Starlark does not support Python's format_spec features. - return nil, fmt.Errorf("format spec features not supported in replacement fields: %s", spec) - } - - switch conv { - case "s": - if str, ok := AsString(arg); ok { - buf.WriteString(str) - } else { - writeValue(buf, arg, nil) - } - case "r": - writeValue(buf, arg, nil) - default: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("format: unknown conversion %q", conv) - } - } - return String(buf.String()), nil -} - -// decimal interprets s as a sequence of decimal digits. -func decimal(s string) (x int, ok bool) { - n := len(s) - for i := 0; i < n; i++ { - digit := s[i] - '0' - if digit > 9 { - return 0, false - } - x = x*10 + int(digit) - if x < 0 { - return 0, false // underflow - } - } - return x, true -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#string·index -func string_index(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - return string_find_impl(b, args, kwargs, false, false) -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#string·join -func string_join(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - recv := string(b.Receiver().(String)) - var iterable Iterable - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 1, &iterable); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - iter := iterable.Iterate() - defer iter.Done() - buf := new(strings.Builder) - var x Value - for i := 0; iter.Next(&x); i++ { - if i > 0 { - buf.WriteString(recv) - } - s, ok := AsString(x) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("join: in list, want string, got %s", x.Type()) - } - buf.WriteString(s) - } - return String(buf.String()), nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#string·lower -func string_lower(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 0); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return String(strings.ToLower(string(b.Receiver().(String)))), nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#string·partition -func string_partition(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - recv := string(b.Receiver().(String)) - var sep string - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 1, &sep); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if sep == "" { - return nil, nameErr(b, "empty separator") - } - var i int - if b.Name()[0] == 'p' { - i = strings.Index(recv, sep) // partition - } else { - i = strings.LastIndex(recv, sep) // rpartition - } - tuple := make(Tuple, 0, 3) - if i < 0 { - if b.Name()[0] == 'p' { - tuple = append(tuple, String(recv), String(""), String("")) - } else { - tuple = append(tuple, String(""), String(""), String(recv)) - } - } else { - tuple = append(tuple, String(recv[:i]), String(sep), String(recv[i+len(sep):])) - } - return tuple, nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#string·removeprefix -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#string·removesuffix -func string_removefix(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - recv := string(b.Receiver().(String)) - var fix string - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 1, &fix); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if b.name[len("remove")] == 'p' { - recv = strings.TrimPrefix(recv, fix) - } else { - recv = strings.TrimSuffix(recv, fix) - } - return String(recv), nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#string·replace -func string_replace(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - recv := string(b.Receiver().(String)) - var old, new string - count := -1 - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 2, &old, &new, &count); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return String(strings.Replace(recv, old, new, count)), nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#string·rfind -func string_rfind(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - return string_find_impl(b, args, kwargs, true, true) -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#string·rindex -func string_rindex(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - return string_find_impl(b, args, kwargs, false, true) -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/starlark/blob/master/doc/spec.md#string·startswith -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/starlark/blob/master/doc/spec.md#string·endswith -func string_startswith(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - var x Value - var start, end Value = None, None - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 1, &x, &start, &end); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - // compute effective substring. - s := string(b.Receiver().(String)) - if start, end, err := indices(start, end, len(s)); err != nil { - return nil, nameErr(b, err) - } else { - if end < start { - end = start // => empty result - } - s = s[start:end] - } - - f := strings.HasPrefix - if b.Name()[0] == 'e' { // endswith - f = strings.HasSuffix - } - - switch x := x.(type) { - case Tuple: - for i, x := range x { - prefix, ok := AsString(x) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: want string, got %s, for element %d", - b.Name(), x.Type(), i) - } - if f(s, prefix) { - return True, nil - } - } - return False, nil - case String: - return Bool(f(s, string(x))), nil - } - return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: got %s, want string or tuple of string", b.Name(), x.Type()) -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#string·strip -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#string·lstrip -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#string·rstrip -func string_strip(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - var chars string - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 0, &chars); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - recv := string(b.Receiver().(String)) - var s string - switch b.Name()[0] { - case 's': // strip - if chars != "" { - s = strings.Trim(recv, chars) - } else { - s = strings.TrimSpace(recv) - } - case 'l': // lstrip - if chars != "" { - s = strings.TrimLeft(recv, chars) - } else { - s = strings.TrimLeftFunc(recv, unicode.IsSpace) - } - case 'r': // rstrip - if chars != "" { - s = strings.TrimRight(recv, chars) - } else { - s = strings.TrimRightFunc(recv, unicode.IsSpace) - } - } - return String(s), nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#string·title -func string_title(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 0); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - s := string(b.Receiver().(String)) - - // Python semantics differ from x==strings.{To,}Title(x) in Go: - // "uppercase characters may only follow uncased characters and - // lowercase characters only cased ones." - buf := new(strings.Builder) - buf.Grow(len(s)) - var prevCased bool - for _, r := range s { - if prevCased { - r = unicode.ToLower(r) - } else { - r = unicode.ToTitle(r) - } - prevCased = isCasedRune(r) - buf.WriteRune(r) - } - return String(buf.String()), nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#string·upper -func string_upper(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 0); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return String(strings.ToUpper(string(b.Receiver().(String)))), nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#string·split -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#string·rsplit -func string_split(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - recv := string(b.Receiver().(String)) - var sep_ Value - maxsplit := -1 - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 0, &sep_, &maxsplit); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - var res []string - - if sep_ == nil || sep_ == None { - // special case: split on whitespace - if maxsplit < 0 { - res = strings.Fields(recv) - } else if b.Name() == "split" { - res = splitspace(recv, maxsplit) - } else { // rsplit - res = rsplitspace(recv, maxsplit) - } - - } else if sep, ok := AsString(sep_); ok { - if sep == "" { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("split: empty separator") - } - // usual case: split on non-empty separator - if maxsplit < 0 { - res = strings.Split(recv, sep) - } else if b.Name() == "split" { - res = strings.SplitN(recv, sep, maxsplit+1) - } else { // rsplit - res = strings.Split(recv, sep) - if excess := len(res) - maxsplit; excess > 0 { - res[0] = strings.Join(res[:excess], sep) - res = append(res[:1], res[excess:]...) - } - } - - } else { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("split: got %s for separator, want string", sep_.Type()) - } - - list := make([]Value, len(res)) - for i, x := range res { - list[i] = String(x) - } - return NewList(list), nil -} - -// Precondition: max >= 0. -func rsplitspace(s string, max int) []string { - res := make([]string, 0, max+1) - end := -1 // index of field end, or -1 in a region of spaces. - for i := len(s); i > 0; { - r, sz := utf8.DecodeLastRuneInString(s[:i]) - if unicode.IsSpace(r) { - if end >= 0 { - if len(res) == max { - break // let this field run to the start - } - res = append(res, s[i:end]) - end = -1 - } - } else if end < 0 { - end = i - } - i -= sz - } - if end >= 0 { - res = append(res, s[:end]) - } - - resLen := len(res) - for i := 0; i < resLen/2; i++ { - res[i], res[resLen-1-i] = res[resLen-1-i], res[i] - } - - return res -} - -// Precondition: max >= 0. -func splitspace(s string, max int) []string { - var res []string - start := -1 // index of field start, or -1 in a region of spaces - for i, r := range s { - if unicode.IsSpace(r) { - if start >= 0 { - if len(res) == max { - break // let this field run to the end - } - res = append(res, s[start:i]) - start = -1 - } - } else if start == -1 { - start = i - } - } - if start >= 0 { - res = append(res, s[start:]) - } - return res -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#string·splitlines -func string_splitlines(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - var keepends bool - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 0, &keepends); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - var lines []string - if s := string(b.Receiver().(String)); s != "" { - // TODO(adonovan): handle CRLF correctly. - if keepends { - lines = strings.SplitAfter(s, "\n") - } else { - lines = strings.Split(s, "\n") - } - if strings.HasSuffix(s, "\n") { - lines = lines[:len(lines)-1] - } - } - list := make([]Value, len(lines)) - for i, x := range lines { - list[i] = String(x) - } - return NewList(list), nil -} - -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#set·union. -func set_union(_ *Thread, b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - var iterable Iterable - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 0, &iterable); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - iter := iterable.Iterate() - defer iter.Done() - union, err := b.Receiver().(*Set).Union(iter) - if err != nil { - return nil, nameErr(b, err) - } - return union, nil -} - -// Common implementation of string_{r}{find,index}. -func string_find_impl(b *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple, allowError, last bool) (Value, error) { - var sub string - var start_, end_ Value - if err := UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, kwargs, 1, &sub, &start_, &end_); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - s := string(b.Receiver().(String)) - start, end, err := indices(start_, end_, len(s)) - if err != nil { - return nil, nameErr(b, err) - } - var slice string - if start < end { - slice = s[start:end] - } - - var i int - if last { - i = strings.LastIndex(slice, sub) - } else { - i = strings.Index(slice, sub) - } - if i < 0 { - if !allowError { - return nil, nameErr(b, "substring not found") - } - return MakeInt(-1), nil - } - return MakeInt(i + start), nil -} - -// Common implementation of builtin dict function and dict.update method. -// Precondition: len(updates) == 0 or 1. -func updateDict(dict *Dict, updates Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) error { - if len(updates) == 1 { - switch updates := updates[0].(type) { - case IterableMapping: - // Iterate over dict's key/value pairs, not just keys. - for _, item := range updates.Items() { - if err := dict.SetKey(item[0], item[1]); err != nil { - return err // dict is frozen - } - } - default: - // all other sequences - iter := Iterate(updates) - if iter == nil { - return fmt.Errorf("got %s, want iterable", updates.Type()) - } - defer iter.Done() - var pair Value - for i := 0; iter.Next(&pair); i++ { - iter2 := Iterate(pair) - if iter2 == nil { - return fmt.Errorf("dictionary update sequence element #%d is not iterable (%s)", i, pair.Type()) - - } - defer iter2.Done() - len := Len(pair) - if len < 0 { - return fmt.Errorf("dictionary update sequence element #%d has unknown length (%s)", i, pair.Type()) - } else if len != 2 { - return fmt.Errorf("dictionary update sequence element #%d has length %d, want 2", i, len) - } - var k, v Value - iter2.Next(&k) - iter2.Next(&v) - if err := dict.SetKey(k, v); err != nil { - return err - } - } - } - } - - // Then add the kwargs. - before := dict.Len() - for _, pair := range kwargs { - if err := dict.SetKey(pair[0], pair[1]); err != nil { - return err // dict is frozen - } - } - // In the common case, each kwarg will add another dict entry. - // If that's not so, check whether it is because there was a duplicate kwarg. - if dict.Len() < before+len(kwargs) { - keys := make(map[String]bool, len(kwargs)) - for _, kv := range kwargs { - k := kv[0].(String) - if keys[k] { - return fmt.Errorf("duplicate keyword arg: %v", k) - } - keys[k] = true - } - } - - return nil -} - -// nameErr returns an error message of the form "name: msg" -// where name is b.Name() and msg is a string or error. -func nameErr(b *Builtin, msg interface{}) error { - return fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", b.Name(), msg) -} diff --git a/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlark/profile.go b/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlark/profile.go deleted file mode 100644 index 38da2b2e..00000000 --- a/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlark/profile.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,449 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -package starlark - -// This file defines a simple execution-time profiler for Starlark. -// It measures the wall time spent executing Starlark code, and emits a -// gzipped protocol message in pprof format (github.com/google/pprof). -// -// When profiling is enabled, the interpreter calls the profiler to -// indicate the start and end of each "span" or time interval. A leaf -// function (whether Go or Starlark) has a single span. A function that -// calls another function has spans for each interval in which it is the -// top of the stack. (A LOAD instruction also ends a span.) -// -// At the start of a span, the interpreter records the current time in -// the thread's topmost frame. At the end of the span, it obtains the -// time again and subtracts the span start time. The difference is added -// to an accumulator variable in the thread. If the accumulator exceeds -// some fixed quantum (10ms, say), the profiler records the current call -// stack and sends it to the profiler goroutine, along with the number -// of quanta, which are subtracted. For example, if the accumulator -// holds 3ms and then a completed span adds 25ms to it, its value is 28ms, -// which exceeeds 10ms. The profiler records a stack with the value 20ms -// (2 quanta), and the accumulator is left with 8ms. -// -// The profiler goroutine converts the stacks into the pprof format and -// emits a gzip-compressed protocol message to the designated output -// file. We use a hand-written streaming proto encoder to avoid -// dependencies on pprof and proto, and to avoid the need to -// materialize the profile data structure in memory. -// -// A limitation of this profiler is that it measures wall time, which -// does not necessarily correspond to CPU time. A CPU profiler requires -// that only running (not runnable) threads are sampled; this is -// commonly achieved by having the kernel deliver a (PROF) signal to an -// arbitrary running thread, through setitimer(2). The CPU profiler in the -// Go runtime uses this mechanism, but it is not possible for a Go -// application to register a SIGPROF handler, nor is it possible for a -// Go handler for some other signal to read the stack pointer of -// the interrupted thread. -// -// Two caveats: -// (1) it is tempting to send the leaf Frame directly to the profiler -// goroutine instead of making a copy of the stack, since a Frame is a -// spaghetti stack--a linked list. However, as soon as execution -// resumes, the stack's Frame.pc values may be mutated, so Frames are -// not safe to share with the asynchronous profiler goroutine. -// (2) it is tempting to use Callables as keys in a map when tabulating -// the pprof protocols's Function entities. However, we cannot assume -// that Callables are valid map keys, and furthermore we must not -// pin function values in memory indefinitely as this may cause lambda -// values to keep their free variables live much longer than necessary. - -// TODO(adonovan): -// - make Start/Stop fully thread-safe. -// - fix the pc hack. -// - experiment with other values of quantum. - -import ( - "bufio" - "bytes" - "compress/gzip" - "encoding/binary" - "fmt" - "io" - "log" - "reflect" - "sync/atomic" - "time" - "unsafe" - - "go.starlark.net/syntax" -) - -// StartProfile enables time profiling of all Starlark threads, -// and writes a profile in pprof format to w. -// It must be followed by a call to StopProfiler to stop -// the profiler and finalize the profile. -// -// StartProfile returns an error if profiling was already enabled. -// -// StartProfile must not be called concurrently with Starlark execution. -func StartProfile(w io.Writer) error { - if !atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&profiler.on, 0, 1) { - return fmt.Errorf("profiler already running") - } - - // TODO(adonovan): make the API fully concurrency-safe. - // The main challenge is racy reads/writes of profiler.events, - // and of send/close races on the channel it refers to. - // It's easy to solve them with a mutex but harder to do - // it efficiently. - - profiler.events = make(chan *profEvent, 1) - profiler.done = make(chan error) - - go profile(w) - - return nil -} - -// StopProfiler stops the profiler started by a prior call to -// StartProfile and finalizes the profile. It returns an error if the -// profile could not be completed. -// -// StopProfiler must not be called concurrently with Starlark execution. -func StopProfile() error { - // Terminate the profiler goroutine and get its result. - close(profiler.events) - err := <-profiler.done - - profiler.done = nil - profiler.events = nil - atomic.StoreUint32(&profiler.on, 0) - - return err -} - -// globals -var profiler struct { - on uint32 // nonzero => profiler running - events chan *profEvent // profile events from interpreter threads - done chan error // indicates profiler goroutine is ready -} - -func (thread *Thread) beginProfSpan() { - if profiler.events == nil { - return // profiling not enabled - } - - thread.frameAt(0).spanStart = nanotime() -} - -// TODO(adonovan): experiment with smaller values, -// which trade space and time for greater precision. -const quantum = 10 * time.Millisecond - -func (thread *Thread) endProfSpan() { - if profiler.events == nil { - return // profiling not enabled - } - - // Add the span to the thread's accumulator. - thread.proftime += time.Duration(nanotime() - thread.frameAt(0).spanStart) - if thread.proftime < quantum { - return - } - - // Only record complete quanta. - n := thread.proftime / quantum - thread.proftime -= n * quantum - - // Copy the stack. - // (We can't save thread.frame because its pc will change.) - ev := &profEvent{ - thread: thread, - time: n * quantum, - } - ev.stack = ev.stackSpace[:0] - for i := range thread.stack { - fr := thread.frameAt(i) - ev.stack = append(ev.stack, profFrame{ - pos: fr.Position(), - fn: fr.Callable(), - pc: fr.pc, - }) - } - - profiler.events <- ev -} - -type profEvent struct { - thread *Thread // currently unused - time time.Duration - stack []profFrame - stackSpace [8]profFrame // initial space for stack -} - -type profFrame struct { - fn Callable // don't hold this live for too long (prevents GC of lambdas) - pc uint32 // program counter (Starlark frames only) - pos syntax.Position // position of pc within this frame -} - -// profile is the profiler goroutine. -// It runs until StopProfiler is called. -func profile(w io.Writer) { - // Field numbers from pprof protocol. - // See https://github.com/google/pprof/blob/master/proto/profile.proto - const ( - Profile_sample_type = 1 // repeated ValueType - Profile_sample = 2 // repeated Sample - Profile_mapping = 3 // repeated Mapping - Profile_location = 4 // repeated Location - Profile_function = 5 // repeated Function - Profile_string_table = 6 // repeated string - Profile_time_nanos = 9 // int64 - Profile_duration_nanos = 10 // int64 - Profile_period_type = 11 // ValueType - Profile_period = 12 // int64 - - ValueType_type = 1 // int64 - ValueType_unit = 2 // int64 - - Sample_location_id = 1 // repeated uint64 - Sample_value = 2 // repeated int64 - Sample_label = 3 // repeated Label - - Label_key = 1 // int64 - Label_str = 2 // int64 - Label_num = 3 // int64 - Label_num_unit = 4 // int64 - - Location_id = 1 // uint64 - Location_mapping_id = 2 // uint64 - Location_address = 3 // uint64 - Location_line = 4 // repeated Line - - Line_function_id = 1 // uint64 - Line_line = 2 // int64 - - Function_id = 1 // uint64 - Function_name = 2 // int64 - Function_system_name = 3 // int64 - Function_filename = 4 // int64 - Function_start_line = 5 // int64 - ) - - bufw := bufio.NewWriter(w) // write file in 4KB (not 240B flate-sized) chunks - gz := gzip.NewWriter(bufw) - enc := protoEncoder{w: gz} - - // strings - stringIndex := make(map[string]int64) - str := func(s string) int64 { - i, ok := stringIndex[s] - if !ok { - i = int64(len(stringIndex)) - enc.string(Profile_string_table, s) - stringIndex[s] = i - } - return i - } - str("") // entry 0 - - // functions - // - // function returns the ID of a Callable for use in Line.FunctionId. - // The ID is the same as the function's logical address, - // which is supplied by the caller to avoid the need to recompute it. - functionId := make(map[uintptr]uint64) - function := func(fn Callable, addr uintptr) uint64 { - id, ok := functionId[addr] - if !ok { - id = uint64(addr) - - var pos syntax.Position - if fn, ok := fn.(callableWithPosition); ok { - pos = fn.Position() - } - - name := fn.Name() - if name == "" { - name = pos.Filename() - } - - nameIndex := str(name) - - fun := new(bytes.Buffer) - funenc := protoEncoder{w: fun} - funenc.uint(Function_id, id) - funenc.int(Function_name, nameIndex) - funenc.int(Function_system_name, nameIndex) - funenc.int(Function_filename, str(pos.Filename())) - funenc.int(Function_start_line, int64(pos.Line)) - enc.bytes(Profile_function, fun.Bytes()) - - functionId[addr] = id - } - return id - } - - // locations - // - // location returns the ID of the location denoted by fr. - // For Starlark frames, this is the Frame pc. - locationId := make(map[uintptr]uint64) - location := func(fr profFrame) uint64 { - fnAddr := profFuncAddr(fr.fn) - - // For Starlark functions, the frame position - // represents the current PC value. - // Mix it into the low bits of the address. - // This is super hacky and may result in collisions - // in large functions or if functions are numerous. - // TODO(adonovan): fix: try making this cleaner by treating - // each bytecode segment as a Profile.Mapping. - pcAddr := fnAddr - if _, ok := fr.fn.(*Function); ok { - pcAddr = (pcAddr << 16) ^ uintptr(fr.pc) - } - - id, ok := locationId[pcAddr] - if !ok { - id = uint64(pcAddr) - - line := new(bytes.Buffer) - lineenc := protoEncoder{w: line} - lineenc.uint(Line_function_id, function(fr.fn, fnAddr)) - lineenc.int(Line_line, int64(fr.pos.Line)) - loc := new(bytes.Buffer) - locenc := protoEncoder{w: loc} - locenc.uint(Location_id, id) - locenc.uint(Location_address, uint64(pcAddr)) - locenc.bytes(Location_line, line.Bytes()) - enc.bytes(Profile_location, loc.Bytes()) - - locationId[pcAddr] = id - } - return id - } - - wallNanos := new(bytes.Buffer) - wnenc := protoEncoder{w: wallNanos} - wnenc.int(ValueType_type, str("wall")) - wnenc.int(ValueType_unit, str("nanoseconds")) - - // informational fields of Profile - enc.bytes(Profile_sample_type, wallNanos.Bytes()) - enc.int(Profile_period, quantum.Nanoseconds()) // magnitude of sampling period - enc.bytes(Profile_period_type, wallNanos.Bytes()) // dimension and unit of period - enc.int(Profile_time_nanos, time.Now().UnixNano()) // start (real) time of profile - - startNano := nanotime() - - // Read profile events from the channel - // until it is closed by StopProfiler. - for e := range profiler.events { - sample := new(bytes.Buffer) - sampleenc := protoEncoder{w: sample} - sampleenc.int(Sample_value, e.time.Nanoseconds()) // wall nanoseconds - for _, fr := range e.stack { - sampleenc.uint(Sample_location_id, location(fr)) - } - enc.bytes(Profile_sample, sample.Bytes()) - } - - endNano := nanotime() - enc.int(Profile_duration_nanos, endNano-startNano) - - err := gz.Close() // Close reports any prior write error - if flushErr := bufw.Flush(); err == nil { - err = flushErr - } - profiler.done <- err -} - -// nanotime returns the time in nanoseconds since epoch. -// It is implemented by runtime.nanotime using the linkname hack; -// runtime.nanotime is defined for all OSs/ARCHS and uses the -// monotonic system clock, which there is no portable way to access. -// Should that function ever go away, these alternatives exist: -// -// // POSIX only. REALTIME not MONOTONIC. 17ns. -// var tv syscall.Timeval -// syscall.Gettimeofday(&tv) // can't fail -// return tv.Nano() -// -// // Portable. REALTIME not MONOTONIC. 46ns. -// return time.Now().Nanoseconds() -// -// // POSIX only. Adds a dependency. -// import "golang.org/x/sys/unix" -// var ts unix.Timespec -// unix.ClockGettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts) // can't fail -// return unix.TimespecToNsec(ts) -// -//go:linkname nanotime runtime.nanotime -func nanotime() int64 - -// profFuncAddr returns the canonical "address" -// of a Callable for use by the profiler. -func profFuncAddr(fn Callable) uintptr { - switch fn := fn.(type) { - case *Builtin: - return reflect.ValueOf(fn.fn).Pointer() - case *Function: - return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fn.funcode)) - } - - // User-defined callable types are typically of - // of kind pointer-to-struct. Handle them specially. - if v := reflect.ValueOf(fn); v.Type().Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - return v.Pointer() - } - - // Address zero is reserved by the protocol. - // Use 1 for callables we don't recognize. - log.Printf("Starlark profiler: no address for Callable %T", fn) - return 1 -} - -// We encode the protocol message by hand to avoid making -// the interpreter depend on both github.com/google/pprof -// and github.com/golang/protobuf. -// -// This also avoids the need to materialize a protocol message object -// tree of unbounded size and serialize it all at the end. -// The pprof format appears to have been designed to -// permit streaming implementations such as this one. -// -// See https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/encoding. -type protoEncoder struct { - w io.Writer // *bytes.Buffer or *gzip.Writer - tmp [binary.MaxVarintLen64]byte -} - -func (e *protoEncoder) uvarint(x uint64) { - n := binary.PutUvarint(e.tmp[:], x) - e.w.Write(e.tmp[:n]) -} - -func (e *protoEncoder) tag(field, wire uint) { - e.uvarint(uint64(field<<3 | wire)) -} - -func (e *protoEncoder) string(field uint, s string) { - e.tag(field, 2) // length-delimited - e.uvarint(uint64(len(s))) - io.WriteString(e.w, s) -} - -func (e *protoEncoder) bytes(field uint, b []byte) { - e.tag(field, 2) // length-delimited - e.uvarint(uint64(len(b))) - e.w.Write(b) -} - -func (e *protoEncoder) uint(field uint, x uint64) { - e.tag(field, 0) // varint - e.uvarint(x) -} - -func (e *protoEncoder) int(field uint, x int64) { - e.tag(field, 0) // varint - e.uvarint(uint64(x)) -} diff --git a/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlark/unpack.go b/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlark/unpack.go deleted file mode 100644 index 31685899..00000000 --- a/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlark/unpack.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,355 +0,0 @@ -package starlark - -// This file defines the Unpack helper functions used by -// built-in functions to interpret their call arguments. - -import ( - "fmt" - "log" - "reflect" - "strings" - - "go.starlark.net/internal/spell" -) - -// An Unpacker defines custom argument unpacking behavior. -// See UnpackArgs. -type Unpacker interface { - Unpack(v Value) error -} - -// UnpackArgs unpacks the positional and keyword arguments into the -// supplied parameter variables. pairs is an alternating list of names -// and pointers to variables. -// -// If the variable is a bool, integer, string, *List, *Dict, Callable, -// Iterable, or user-defined implementation of Value, -// UnpackArgs performs the appropriate type check. -// Predeclared Go integer types uses the AsInt check. -// -// If the parameter name ends with "?", it is optional. -// -// If the parameter name ends with "??", it is optional and treats the None value -// as if the argument was absent. -// -// If a parameter is marked optional, then all following parameters are -// implicitly optional where or not they are marked. -// -// If the variable implements Unpacker, its Unpack argument -// is called with the argument value, allowing an application -// to define its own argument validation and conversion. -// -// If the variable implements Value, UnpackArgs may call -// its Type() method while constructing the error message. -// -// Examples: -// -// var ( -// a Value -// b = MakeInt(42) -// c Value = starlark.None -// ) -// -// // 1. mixed parameters, like def f(a, b=42, c=None). -// err := UnpackArgs("f", args, kwargs, "a", &a, "b?", &b, "c?", &c) -// -// // 2. keyword parameters only, like def f(*, a, b, c=None). -// if len(args) > 0 { -// return fmt.Errorf("f: unexpected positional arguments") -// } -// err := UnpackArgs("f", args, kwargs, "a", &a, "b?", &b, "c?", &c) -// -// // 3. positional parameters only, like def f(a, b=42, c=None, /) in Python 3.8. -// err := UnpackPositionalArgs("f", args, kwargs, 1, &a, &b, &c) -// -// More complex forms such as def f(a, b=42, *args, c, d=123, **kwargs) -// require additional logic, but their need in built-ins is exceedingly rare. -// -// In the examples above, the declaration of b with type Int causes UnpackArgs -// to require that b's argument value, if provided, is also an int. -// To allow arguments of any type, while retaining the default value of 42, -// declare b as a Value: -// -// var b Value = MakeInt(42) -// -// The zero value of a variable of type Value, such as 'a' in the -// examples above, is not a valid Starlark value, so if the parameter is -// optional, the caller must explicitly handle the default case by -// interpreting nil as None or some computed default. The same is true -// for the zero values of variables of type *List, *Dict, Callable, or -// Iterable. For example: -// -// // def myfunc(d=None, e=[], f={}) -// var ( -// d Value -// e *List -// f *Dict -// ) -// err := UnpackArgs("myfunc", args, kwargs, "d?", &d, "e?", &e, "f?", &f) -// if d == nil { d = None; } -// if e == nil { e = new(List); } -// if f == nil { f = new(Dict); } -// -func UnpackArgs(fnname string, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple, pairs ...interface{}) error { - nparams := len(pairs) / 2 - var defined intset - defined.init(nparams) - - paramName := func(x interface{}) (name string, skipNone bool) { // (no free variables) - name = x.(string) - if strings.HasSuffix(name, "??") { - name = strings.TrimSuffix(name, "??") - skipNone = true - } else if name[len(name)-1] == '?' { - name = name[:len(name)-1] - } - - return name, skipNone - } - - // positional arguments - if len(args) > nparams { - return fmt.Errorf("%s: got %d arguments, want at most %d", - fnname, len(args), nparams) - } - for i, arg := range args { - defined.set(i) - name, skipNone := paramName(pairs[2*i]) - if skipNone { - if _, isNone := arg.(NoneType); isNone { - continue - } - } - if err := unpackOneArg(arg, pairs[2*i+1]); err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("%s: for parameter %s: %s", fnname, name, err) - } - } - - // keyword arguments -kwloop: - for _, item := range kwargs { - name, arg := item[0].(String), item[1] - for i := 0; i < nparams; i++ { - pName, skipNone := paramName(pairs[2*i]) - if pName == string(name) { - // found it - if defined.set(i) { - return fmt.Errorf("%s: got multiple values for keyword argument %s", - fnname, name) - } - - if skipNone { - if _, isNone := arg.(NoneType); isNone { - continue kwloop - } - } - - ptr := pairs[2*i+1] - if err := unpackOneArg(arg, ptr); err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("%s: for parameter %s: %s", fnname, name, err) - } - continue kwloop - } - } - err := fmt.Errorf("%s: unexpected keyword argument %s", fnname, name) - names := make([]string, 0, nparams) - for i := 0; i < nparams; i += 2 { - param, _ := paramName(pairs[i]) - names = append(names, param) - } - if n := spell.Nearest(string(name), names); n != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("%s (did you mean %s?)", err.Error(), n) - } - return err - } - - // Check that all non-optional parameters are defined. - // (We needn't check the first len(args).) - for i := len(args); i < nparams; i++ { - name := pairs[2*i].(string) - if strings.HasSuffix(name, "?") { - break // optional - } - if !defined.get(i) { - return fmt.Errorf("%s: missing argument for %s", fnname, name) - } - } - - return nil -} - -// UnpackPositionalArgs unpacks the positional arguments into -// corresponding variables. Each element of vars is a pointer; see -// UnpackArgs for allowed types and conversions. -// -// UnpackPositionalArgs reports an error if the number of arguments is -// less than min or greater than len(vars), if kwargs is nonempty, or if -// any conversion fails. -// -// See UnpackArgs for general comments. -func UnpackPositionalArgs(fnname string, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple, min int, vars ...interface{}) error { - if len(kwargs) > 0 { - return fmt.Errorf("%s: unexpected keyword arguments", fnname) - } - max := len(vars) - if len(args) < min { - var atleast string - if min < max { - atleast = "at least " - } - return fmt.Errorf("%s: got %d arguments, want %s%d", fnname, len(args), atleast, min) - } - if len(args) > max { - var atmost string - if max > min { - atmost = "at most " - } - return fmt.Errorf("%s: got %d arguments, want %s%d", fnname, len(args), atmost, max) - } - for i, arg := range args { - if err := unpackOneArg(arg, vars[i]); err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("%s: for parameter %d: %s", fnname, i+1, err) - } - } - return nil -} - -func unpackOneArg(v Value, ptr interface{}) error { - // On failure, don't clobber *ptr. - switch ptr := ptr.(type) { - case Unpacker: - return ptr.Unpack(v) - case *Value: - *ptr = v - case *string: - s, ok := AsString(v) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("got %s, want string", v.Type()) - } - *ptr = s - case *bool: - b, ok := v.(Bool) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("got %s, want bool", v.Type()) - } - *ptr = bool(b) - case *int, *int8, *int16, *int32, *int64, - *uint, *uint8, *uint16, *uint32, *uint64, *uintptr: - return AsInt(v, ptr) - case *float64: - f, ok := v.(Float) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("got %s, want float", v.Type()) - } - *ptr = float64(f) - case **List: - list, ok := v.(*List) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("got %s, want list", v.Type()) - } - *ptr = list - case **Dict: - dict, ok := v.(*Dict) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("got %s, want dict", v.Type()) - } - *ptr = dict - case *Callable: - f, ok := v.(Callable) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("got %s, want callable", v.Type()) - } - *ptr = f - case *Iterable: - it, ok := v.(Iterable) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("got %s, want iterable", v.Type()) - } - *ptr = it - default: - // v must have type *V, where V is some subtype of starlark.Value. - ptrv := reflect.ValueOf(ptr) - if ptrv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { - log.Panicf("internal error: not a pointer: %T", ptr) - } - paramVar := ptrv.Elem() - if !reflect.TypeOf(v).AssignableTo(paramVar.Type()) { - // The value is not assignable to the variable. - - // Detect a possible bug in the Go program that called Unpack: - // If the variable *ptr is not a subtype of Value, - // no value of v can possibly work. - if !paramVar.Type().AssignableTo(reflect.TypeOf(new(Value)).Elem()) { - log.Panicf("pointer element type does not implement Value: %T", ptr) - } - - // Report Starlark dynamic type error. - // - // We prefer the Starlark Value.Type name over - // its Go reflect.Type name, but calling the - // Value.Type method on the variable is not safe - // in general. If the variable is an interface, - // the call will fail. Even if the variable has - // a concrete type, it might not be safe to call - // Type() on a zero instance. Thus we must use - // recover. - - // Default to Go reflect.Type name - paramType := paramVar.Type().String() - - // Attempt to call Value.Type method. - func() { - defer func() { recover() }() - if typer, _ := paramVar.Interface().(interface{ Type() string }); typer != nil { - paramType = typer.Type() - } - }() - return fmt.Errorf("got %s, want %s", v.Type(), paramType) - } - paramVar.Set(reflect.ValueOf(v)) - } - return nil -} - -type intset struct { - small uint64 // bitset, used if n < 64 - large map[int]bool // set, used if n >= 64 -} - -func (is *intset) init(n int) { - if n >= 64 { - is.large = make(map[int]bool) - } -} - -func (is *intset) set(i int) (prev bool) { - if is.large == nil { - prev = is.small&(1< Hash(x) == Hash(y). - // Hash may fail if the value's type is not hashable, or if the value - // contains a non-hashable value. The hash is used only by dictionaries and - // is not exposed to the Starlark program. - Hash() (uint32, error) -} - -// A Comparable is a value that defines its own equivalence relation and -// perhaps ordered comparisons. -type Comparable interface { - Value - // CompareSameType compares one value to another of the same Type(). - // The comparison operation must be one of EQL, NEQ, LT, LE, GT, or GE. - // CompareSameType returns an error if an ordered comparison was - // requested for a type that does not support it. - // - // Implementations that recursively compare subcomponents of - // the value should use the CompareDepth function, not Compare, to - // avoid infinite recursion on cyclic structures. - // - // The depth parameter is used to bound comparisons of cyclic - // data structures. Implementations should decrement depth - // before calling CompareDepth and should return an error if depth - // < 1. - // - // Client code should not call this method. Instead, use the - // standalone Compare or Equals functions, which are defined for - // all pairs of operands. - CompareSameType(op syntax.Token, y Value, depth int) (bool, error) -} - -// A TotallyOrdered is a type whose values form a total order: -// if x and y are of the same TotallyOrdered type, then x must be less than y, -// greater than y, or equal to y. -// -// It is simpler than Comparable and should be preferred in new code, -// but if a type implements both interfaces, Comparable takes precedence. -type TotallyOrdered interface { - Value - // Cmp compares two values x and y of the same totally ordered type. - // It returns negative if x < y, positive if x > y, and zero if the values are equal. - // - // Implementations that recursively compare subcomponents of - // the value should use the CompareDepth function, not Cmp, to - // avoid infinite recursion on cyclic structures. - // - // The depth parameter is used to bound comparisons of cyclic - // data structures. Implementations should decrement depth - // before calling CompareDepth and should return an error if depth - // < 1. - // - // Client code should not call this method. Instead, use the - // standalone Compare or Equals functions, which are defined for - // all pairs of operands. - Cmp(y Value, depth int) (int, error) -} - -var ( - _ TotallyOrdered = Int{} - _ TotallyOrdered = Float(0) - _ Comparable = False - _ Comparable = String("") - _ Comparable = (*Dict)(nil) - _ Comparable = (*List)(nil) - _ Comparable = Tuple(nil) - _ Comparable = (*Set)(nil) -) - -// A Callable value f may be the operand of a function call, f(x). -// -// Clients should use the Call function, never the CallInternal method. -type Callable interface { - Value - Name() string - CallInternal(thread *Thread, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) -} - -type callableWithPosition interface { - Callable - Position() syntax.Position -} - -var ( - _ Callable = (*Builtin)(nil) - _ Callable = (*Function)(nil) - _ callableWithPosition = (*Function)(nil) -) - -// An Iterable abstracts a sequence of values. -// An iterable value may be iterated over by a 'for' loop or used where -// any other Starlark iterable is allowed. Unlike a Sequence, the length -// of an Iterable is not necessarily known in advance of iteration. -type Iterable interface { - Value - Iterate() Iterator // must be followed by call to Iterator.Done -} - -// A Sequence is a sequence of values of known length. -type Sequence interface { - Iterable - Len() int -} - -var ( - _ Sequence = (*Dict)(nil) - _ Sequence = (*Set)(nil) -) - -// An Indexable is a sequence of known length that supports efficient random access. -// It is not necessarily iterable. -type Indexable interface { - Value - Index(i int) Value // requires 0 <= i < Len() - Len() int -} - -// A Sliceable is a sequence that can be cut into pieces with the slice operator (x[i:j:step]). -// -// All native indexable objects are sliceable. -// This is a separate interface for backwards-compatibility. -type Sliceable interface { - Indexable - // For positive strides (step > 0), 0 <= start <= end <= n. - // For negative strides (step < 0), -1 <= end <= start < n. - // The caller must ensure that the start and end indices are valid - // and that step is non-zero. - Slice(start, end, step int) Value -} - -// A HasSetIndex is an Indexable value whose elements may be assigned (x[i] = y). -// -// The implementation should not add Len to a negative index as the -// evaluator does this before the call. -type HasSetIndex interface { - Indexable - SetIndex(index int, v Value) error -} - -var ( - _ HasSetIndex = (*List)(nil) - _ Indexable = Tuple(nil) - _ Indexable = String("") - _ Sliceable = Tuple(nil) - _ Sliceable = String("") - _ Sliceable = (*List)(nil) -) - -// An Iterator provides a sequence of values to the caller. -// -// The caller must call Done when the iterator is no longer needed. -// Operations that modify a sequence will fail if it has active iterators. -// -// Example usage: -// -// iter := iterable.Iterator() -// defer iter.Done() -// var x Value -// for iter.Next(&x) { -// ... -// } -type Iterator interface { - // If the iterator is exhausted, Next returns false. - // Otherwise it sets *p to the current element of the sequence, - // advances the iterator, and returns true. - Next(p *Value) bool - Done() -} - -// A Mapping is a mapping from keys to values, such as a dictionary. -// -// If a type satisfies both Mapping and Iterable, the iterator yields -// the keys of the mapping. -type Mapping interface { - Value - // Get returns the value corresponding to the specified key, - // or !found if the mapping does not contain the key. - // - // Get also defines the behavior of "v in mapping". - // The 'in' operator reports the 'found' component, ignoring errors. - Get(Value) (v Value, found bool, err error) -} - -// An IterableMapping is a mapping that supports key enumeration. -type IterableMapping interface { - Mapping - Iterate() Iterator // see Iterable interface - Items() []Tuple // a new slice containing all key/value pairs -} - -var _ IterableMapping = (*Dict)(nil) - -// A HasSetKey supports map update using x[k]=v syntax, like a dictionary. -type HasSetKey interface { - Mapping - SetKey(k, v Value) error -} - -var _ HasSetKey = (*Dict)(nil) - -// A HasBinary value may be used as either operand of these binary operators: -// + - * / // % in not in | & ^ << >> -// -// The Side argument indicates whether the receiver is the left or right operand. -// -// An implementation may decline to handle an operation by returning (nil, nil). -// For this reason, clients should always call the standalone Binary(op, x, y) -// function rather than calling the method directly. -type HasBinary interface { - Value - Binary(op syntax.Token, y Value, side Side) (Value, error) -} - -type Side bool - -const ( - Left Side = false - Right Side = true -) - -// A HasUnary value may be used as the operand of these unary operators: -// + - ~ -// -// An implementation may decline to handle an operation by returning (nil, nil). -// For this reason, clients should always call the standalone Unary(op, x) -// function rather than calling the method directly. -type HasUnary interface { - Value - Unary(op syntax.Token) (Value, error) -} - -// A HasAttrs value has fields or methods that may be read by a dot expression (y = x.f). -// Attribute names may be listed using the built-in 'dir' function. -// -// For implementation convenience, a result of (nil, nil) from Attr is -// interpreted as a "no such field or method" error. Implementations are -// free to return a more precise error. -type HasAttrs interface { - Value - Attr(name string) (Value, error) // returns (nil, nil) if attribute not present - AttrNames() []string // callers must not modify the result. -} - -var ( - _ HasAttrs = String("") - _ HasAttrs = new(List) - _ HasAttrs = new(Dict) - _ HasAttrs = new(Set) -) - -// A HasSetField value has fields that may be written by a dot expression (x.f = y). -// -// An implementation of SetField may return a NoSuchAttrError, -// in which case the runtime may augment the error message to -// warn of possible misspelling. -type HasSetField interface { - HasAttrs - SetField(name string, val Value) error -} - -// A NoSuchAttrError may be returned by an implementation of -// HasAttrs.Attr or HasSetField.SetField to indicate that no such field -// exists. In that case the runtime may augment the error message to -// warn of possible misspelling. -type NoSuchAttrError string - -func (e NoSuchAttrError) Error() string { return string(e) } - -// NoneType is the type of None. Its only legal value is None. -// (We represent it as a number, not struct{}, so that None may be constant.) -type NoneType byte - -const None = NoneType(0) - -func (NoneType) String() string { return "None" } -func (NoneType) Type() string { return "NoneType" } -func (NoneType) Freeze() {} // immutable -func (NoneType) Truth() Bool { return False } -func (NoneType) Hash() (uint32, error) { return 0, nil } - -// Bool is the type of a Starlark bool. -type Bool bool - -const ( - False Bool = false - True Bool = true -) - -func (b Bool) String() string { - if b { - return "True" - } else { - return "False" - } -} -func (b Bool) Type() string { return "bool" } -func (b Bool) Freeze() {} // immutable -func (b Bool) Truth() Bool { return b } -func (b Bool) Hash() (uint32, error) { return uint32(b2i(bool(b))), nil } -func (x Bool) CompareSameType(op syntax.Token, y_ Value, depth int) (bool, error) { - y := y_.(Bool) - return threeway(op, b2i(bool(x))-b2i(bool(y))), nil -} - -// Float is the type of a Starlark float. -type Float float64 - -func (f Float) String() string { - var buf strings.Builder - f.format(&buf, 'g') - return buf.String() -} - -func (f Float) format(buf *strings.Builder, conv byte) { - ff := float64(f) - if !isFinite(ff) { - if math.IsInf(ff, +1) { - buf.WriteString("+inf") - } else if math.IsInf(ff, -1) { - buf.WriteString("-inf") - } else { - buf.WriteString("nan") - } - return - } - - // %g is the default format used by str. - // It uses the minimum precision to avoid ambiguity, - // and always includes a '.' or an 'e' so that the value - // is self-evidently a float, not an int. - if conv == 'g' || conv == 'G' { - s := strconv.FormatFloat(ff, conv, -1, 64) - buf.WriteString(s) - // Ensure result always has a decimal point if no exponent. - // "123" -> "123.0" - if strings.IndexByte(s, conv-'g'+'e') < 0 && strings.IndexByte(s, '.') < 0 { - buf.WriteString(".0") - } - return - } - - // %[eEfF] use 6-digit precision - buf.WriteString(strconv.FormatFloat(ff, conv, 6, 64)) -} - -func (f Float) Type() string { return "float" } -func (f Float) Freeze() {} // immutable -func (f Float) Truth() Bool { return f != 0.0 } -func (f Float) Hash() (uint32, error) { - // Equal float and int values must yield the same hash. - // TODO(adonovan): opt: if f is non-integral, and thus not equal - // to any Int, we can avoid the Int conversion and use a cheaper hash. - if isFinite(float64(f)) { - return finiteFloatToInt(f).Hash() - } - return 1618033, nil // NaN, +/-Inf -} - -func floor(f Float) Float { return Float(math.Floor(float64(f))) } - -// isFinite reports whether f represents a finite rational value. -// It is equivalent to !math.IsNan(f) && !math.IsInf(f, 0). -func isFinite(f float64) bool { - return math.Abs(f) <= math.MaxFloat64 -} - -func (x Float) Cmp(y_ Value, depth int) (int, error) { - y := y_.(Float) - return floatCmp(x, y), nil -} - -// floatCmp performs a three-valued comparison on floats, -// which are totally ordered with NaN > +Inf. -func floatCmp(x, y Float) int { - if x > y { - return +1 - } else if x < y { - return -1 - } else if x == y { - return 0 - } - - // At least one operand is NaN. - if x == x { - return -1 // y is NaN - } else if y == y { - return +1 // x is NaN - } - return 0 // both NaN -} - -func (f Float) rational() *big.Rat { return new(big.Rat).SetFloat64(float64(f)) } - -// AsFloat returns the float64 value closest to x. -// The f result is undefined if x is not a float or Int. -// The result may be infinite if x is a very large Int. -func AsFloat(x Value) (f float64, ok bool) { - switch x := x.(type) { - case Float: - return float64(x), true - case Int: - return float64(x.Float()), true - } - return 0, false -} - -func (x Float) Mod(y Float) Float { - z := Float(math.Mod(float64(x), float64(y))) - if (x < 0) != (y < 0) && z != 0 { - z += y - } - return z -} - -// Unary implements the operations +float and -float. -func (f Float) Unary(op syntax.Token) (Value, error) { - switch op { - case syntax.MINUS: - return -f, nil - case syntax.PLUS: - return +f, nil - } - return nil, nil -} - -// String is the type of a Starlark text string. -// -// A String encapsulates an an immutable sequence of bytes, -// but strings are not directly iterable. Instead, iterate -// over the result of calling one of these four methods: -// codepoints, codepoint_ords, elems, elem_ords. -// -// Strings typically contain text; use Bytes for binary strings. -// The Starlark spec defines text strings as sequences of UTF-k -// codes that encode Unicode code points. In this Go implementation, -// k=8, whereas in a Java implementation, k=16. For portability, -// operations on strings should aim to avoid assumptions about -// the value of k. -// -// Warning: the contract of the Value interface's String method is that -// it returns the value printed in Starlark notation, -// so s.String() or fmt.Sprintf("%s", s) returns a quoted string. -// Use string(s) or s.GoString() or fmt.Sprintf("%#v", s) to obtain the raw contents -// of a Starlark string as a Go string. -type String string - -func (s String) String() string { return syntax.Quote(string(s), false) } -func (s String) GoString() string { return string(s) } -func (s String) Type() string { return "string" } -func (s String) Freeze() {} // immutable -func (s String) Truth() Bool { return len(s) > 0 } -func (s String) Hash() (uint32, error) { return hashString(string(s)), nil } -func (s String) Len() int { return len(s) } // bytes -func (s String) Index(i int) Value { return s[i : i+1] } - -func (s String) Slice(start, end, step int) Value { - if step == 1 { - return s[start:end] - } - - sign := signum(step) - var str []byte - for i := start; signum(end-i) == sign; i += step { - str = append(str, s[i]) - } - return String(str) -} - -func (s String) Attr(name string) (Value, error) { return builtinAttr(s, name, stringMethods) } -func (s String) AttrNames() []string { return builtinAttrNames(stringMethods) } - -func (x String) CompareSameType(op syntax.Token, y_ Value, depth int) (bool, error) { - y := y_.(String) - return threeway(op, strings.Compare(string(x), string(y))), nil -} - -func AsString(x Value) (string, bool) { v, ok := x.(String); return string(v), ok } - -// A stringElems is an iterable whose iterator yields a sequence of -// elements (bytes), either numerically or as successive substrings. -// It is an indexable sequence. -type stringElems struct { - s String - ords bool -} - -var ( - _ Iterable = (*stringElems)(nil) - _ Indexable = (*stringElems)(nil) -) - -func (si stringElems) String() string { - if si.ords { - return si.s.String() + ".elem_ords()" - } else { - return si.s.String() + ".elems()" - } -} -func (si stringElems) Type() string { return "string.elems" } -func (si stringElems) Freeze() {} // immutable -func (si stringElems) Truth() Bool { return True } -func (si stringElems) Hash() (uint32, error) { return 0, fmt.Errorf("unhashable: %s", si.Type()) } -func (si stringElems) Iterate() Iterator { return &stringElemsIterator{si, 0} } -func (si stringElems) Len() int { return len(si.s) } -func (si stringElems) Index(i int) Value { - if si.ords { - return MakeInt(int(si.s[i])) - } else { - // TODO(adonovan): opt: preallocate canonical 1-byte strings - // to avoid interface allocation. - return si.s[i : i+1] - } -} - -type stringElemsIterator struct { - si stringElems - i int -} - -func (it *stringElemsIterator) Next(p *Value) bool { - if it.i == len(it.si.s) { - return false - } - *p = it.si.Index(it.i) - it.i++ - return true -} - -func (*stringElemsIterator) Done() {} - -// A stringCodepoints is an iterable whose iterator yields a sequence of -// Unicode code points, either numerically or as successive substrings. -// It is not indexable. -type stringCodepoints struct { - s String - ords bool -} - -var _ Iterable = (*stringCodepoints)(nil) - -func (si stringCodepoints) String() string { - if si.ords { - return si.s.String() + ".codepoint_ords()" - } else { - return si.s.String() + ".codepoints()" - } -} -func (si stringCodepoints) Type() string { return "string.codepoints" } -func (si stringCodepoints) Freeze() {} // immutable -func (si stringCodepoints) Truth() Bool { return True } -func (si stringCodepoints) Hash() (uint32, error) { return 0, fmt.Errorf("unhashable: %s", si.Type()) } -func (si stringCodepoints) Iterate() Iterator { return &stringCodepointsIterator{si, 0} } - -type stringCodepointsIterator struct { - si stringCodepoints - i int -} - -func (it *stringCodepointsIterator) Next(p *Value) bool { - s := it.si.s[it.i:] - if s == "" { - return false - } - r, sz := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(string(s)) - if !it.si.ords { - if r == utf8.RuneError { - *p = String(r) - } else { - *p = s[:sz] - } - } else { - *p = MakeInt(int(r)) - } - it.i += sz - return true -} - -func (*stringCodepointsIterator) Done() {} - -// A Function is a function defined by a Starlark def statement or lambda expression. -// The initialization behavior of a Starlark module is also represented by a Function. -type Function struct { - funcode *compile.Funcode - module *module - defaults Tuple - freevars Tuple -} - -// A module is the dynamic counterpart to a Program. -// All functions in the same program share a module. -type module struct { - program *compile.Program - predeclared StringDict - globals []Value - constants []Value -} - -// makeGlobalDict returns a new, unfrozen StringDict containing all global -// variables so far defined in the module. -func (m *module) makeGlobalDict() StringDict { - r := make(StringDict, len(m.program.Globals)) - for i, id := range m.program.Globals { - if v := m.globals[i]; v != nil { - r[id.Name] = v - } - } - return r -} - -func (fn *Function) Name() string { return fn.funcode.Name } // "lambda" for anonymous functions -func (fn *Function) Doc() string { return fn.funcode.Doc } -func (fn *Function) Hash() (uint32, error) { return hashString(fn.funcode.Name), nil } -func (fn *Function) Freeze() { fn.defaults.Freeze(); fn.freevars.Freeze() } -func (fn *Function) String() string { return toString(fn) } -func (fn *Function) Type() string { return "function" } -func (fn *Function) Truth() Bool { return true } - -// Globals returns a new, unfrozen StringDict containing all global -// variables so far defined in the function's module. -func (fn *Function) Globals() StringDict { return fn.module.makeGlobalDict() } - -func (fn *Function) Position() syntax.Position { return fn.funcode.Pos } -func (fn *Function) NumParams() int { return fn.funcode.NumParams } -func (fn *Function) NumKwonlyParams() int { return fn.funcode.NumKwonlyParams } - -// Param returns the name and position of the ith parameter, -// where 0 <= i < NumParams(). -// The *args and **kwargs parameters are at the end -// even if there were optional parameters after *args. -func (fn *Function) Param(i int) (string, syntax.Position) { - if i >= fn.NumParams() { - panic(i) - } - id := fn.funcode.Locals[i] - return id.Name, id.Pos -} - -// ParamDefault returns the default value of the specified parameter -// (0 <= i < NumParams()), or nil if the parameter is not optional. -func (fn *Function) ParamDefault(i int) Value { - if i < 0 || i >= fn.NumParams() { - panic(i) - } - - // fn.defaults omits all required params up to the first optional param. It - // also does not include *args or **kwargs at the end. - firstOptIdx := fn.NumParams() - len(fn.defaults) - if fn.HasVarargs() { - firstOptIdx-- - } - if fn.HasKwargs() { - firstOptIdx-- - } - if i < firstOptIdx || i >= firstOptIdx+len(fn.defaults) { - return nil - } - - dflt := fn.defaults[i-firstOptIdx] - if _, ok := dflt.(mandatory); ok { - return nil - } - return dflt -} - -func (fn *Function) HasVarargs() bool { return fn.funcode.HasVarargs } -func (fn *Function) HasKwargs() bool { return fn.funcode.HasKwargs } - -// A Builtin is a function implemented in Go. -type Builtin struct { - name string - fn func(thread *Thread, fn *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) - recv Value // for bound methods (e.g. "".startswith) -} - -func (b *Builtin) Name() string { return b.name } -func (b *Builtin) Freeze() { - if b.recv != nil { - b.recv.Freeze() - } -} -func (b *Builtin) Hash() (uint32, error) { - h := hashString(b.name) - if b.recv != nil { - h ^= 5521 - } - return h, nil -} -func (b *Builtin) Receiver() Value { return b.recv } -func (b *Builtin) String() string { return toString(b) } -func (b *Builtin) Type() string { return "builtin_function_or_method" } -func (b *Builtin) CallInternal(thread *Thread, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) { - return b.fn(thread, b, args, kwargs) -} -func (b *Builtin) Truth() Bool { return true } - -// NewBuiltin returns a new 'builtin_function_or_method' value with the specified name -// and implementation. It compares unequal with all other values. -func NewBuiltin(name string, fn func(thread *Thread, fn *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error)) *Builtin { - return &Builtin{name: name, fn: fn} -} - -// BindReceiver returns a new Builtin value representing a method -// closure, that is, a built-in function bound to a receiver value. -// -// In the example below, the value of f is the string.index -// built-in method bound to the receiver value "abc": -// -// f = "abc".index; f("a"); f("b") -// -// In the common case, the receiver is bound only during the call, -// but this still results in the creation of a temporary method closure: -// -// "abc".index("a") -func (b *Builtin) BindReceiver(recv Value) *Builtin { - return &Builtin{name: b.name, fn: b.fn, recv: recv} -} - -// A *Dict represents a Starlark dictionary. -// The zero value of Dict is a valid empty dictionary. -// If you know the exact final number of entries, -// it is more efficient to call NewDict. -type Dict struct { - ht hashtable -} - -// NewDict returns a set with initial space for -// at least size insertions before rehashing. -func NewDict(size int) *Dict { - dict := new(Dict) - dict.ht.init(size) - return dict -} - -func (d *Dict) Clear() error { return d.ht.clear() } -func (d *Dict) Delete(k Value) (v Value, found bool, err error) { return d.ht.delete(k) } -func (d *Dict) Get(k Value) (v Value, found bool, err error) { return d.ht.lookup(k) } -func (d *Dict) Items() []Tuple { return d.ht.items() } -func (d *Dict) Keys() []Value { return d.ht.keys() } -func (d *Dict) Len() int { return int(d.ht.len) } -func (d *Dict) Iterate() Iterator { return d.ht.iterate() } -func (d *Dict) SetKey(k, v Value) error { return d.ht.insert(k, v) } -func (d *Dict) String() string { return toString(d) } -func (d *Dict) Type() string { return "dict" } -func (d *Dict) Freeze() { d.ht.freeze() } -func (d *Dict) Truth() Bool { return d.Len() > 0 } -func (d *Dict) Hash() (uint32, error) { return 0, fmt.Errorf("unhashable type: dict") } - -func (x *Dict) Union(y *Dict) *Dict { - z := new(Dict) - z.ht.init(x.Len()) // a lower bound - z.ht.addAll(&x.ht) // can't fail - z.ht.addAll(&y.ht) // can't fail - return z -} - -func (d *Dict) Attr(name string) (Value, error) { return builtinAttr(d, name, dictMethods) } -func (d *Dict) AttrNames() []string { return builtinAttrNames(dictMethods) } - -func (x *Dict) CompareSameType(op syntax.Token, y_ Value, depth int) (bool, error) { - y := y_.(*Dict) - switch op { - case syntax.EQL: - ok, err := dictsEqual(x, y, depth) - return ok, err - case syntax.NEQ: - ok, err := dictsEqual(x, y, depth) - return !ok, err - default: - return false, fmt.Errorf("%s %s %s not implemented", x.Type(), op, y.Type()) - } -} - -func dictsEqual(x, y *Dict, depth int) (bool, error) { - if x.Len() != y.Len() { - return false, nil - } - for e := x.ht.head; e != nil; e = e.next { - key, xval := e.key, e.value - - if yval, found, _ := y.Get(key); !found { - return false, nil - } else if eq, err := EqualDepth(xval, yval, depth-1); err != nil { - return false, err - } else if !eq { - return false, nil - } - } - return true, nil -} - -// A *List represents a Starlark list value. -type List struct { - elems []Value - frozen bool - itercount uint32 // number of active iterators (ignored if frozen) -} - -// NewList returns a list containing the specified elements. -// Callers should not subsequently modify elems. -func NewList(elems []Value) *List { return &List{elems: elems} } - -func (l *List) Freeze() { - if !l.frozen { - l.frozen = true - for _, elem := range l.elems { - elem.Freeze() - } - } -} - -// checkMutable reports an error if the list should not be mutated. -// verb+" list" should describe the operation. -func (l *List) checkMutable(verb string) error { - if l.frozen { - return fmt.Errorf("cannot %s frozen list", verb) - } - if l.itercount > 0 { - return fmt.Errorf("cannot %s list during iteration", verb) - } - return nil -} - -func (l *List) String() string { return toString(l) } -func (l *List) Type() string { return "list" } -func (l *List) Hash() (uint32, error) { return 0, fmt.Errorf("unhashable type: list") } -func (l *List) Truth() Bool { return l.Len() > 0 } -func (l *List) Len() int { return len(l.elems) } -func (l *List) Index(i int) Value { return l.elems[i] } - -func (l *List) Slice(start, end, step int) Value { - if step == 1 { - elems := append([]Value{}, l.elems[start:end]...) - return NewList(elems) - } - - sign := signum(step) - var list []Value - for i := start; signum(end-i) == sign; i += step { - list = append(list, l.elems[i]) - } - return NewList(list) -} - -func (l *List) Attr(name string) (Value, error) { return builtinAttr(l, name, listMethods) } -func (l *List) AttrNames() []string { return builtinAttrNames(listMethods) } - -func (l *List) Iterate() Iterator { - if !l.frozen { - l.itercount++ - } - return &listIterator{l: l} -} - -func (x *List) CompareSameType(op syntax.Token, y_ Value, depth int) (bool, error) { - y := y_.(*List) - // It's tempting to check x == y as an optimization here, - // but wrong because a list containing NaN is not equal to itself. - return sliceCompare(op, x.elems, y.elems, depth) -} - -func sliceCompare(op syntax.Token, x, y []Value, depth int) (bool, error) { - // Fast path: check length. - if len(x) != len(y) && (op == syntax.EQL || op == syntax.NEQ) { - return op == syntax.NEQ, nil - } - - // Find first element that is not equal in both lists. - for i := 0; i < len(x) && i < len(y); i++ { - if eq, err := EqualDepth(x[i], y[i], depth-1); err != nil { - return false, err - } else if !eq { - switch op { - case syntax.EQL: - return false, nil - case syntax.NEQ: - return true, nil - default: - return CompareDepth(op, x[i], y[i], depth-1) - } - } - } - - return threeway(op, len(x)-len(y)), nil -} - -type listIterator struct { - l *List - i int -} - -func (it *listIterator) Next(p *Value) bool { - if it.i < it.l.Len() { - *p = it.l.elems[it.i] - it.i++ - return true - } - return false -} - -func (it *listIterator) Done() { - if !it.l.frozen { - it.l.itercount-- - } -} - -func (l *List) SetIndex(i int, v Value) error { - if err := l.checkMutable("assign to element of"); err != nil { - return err - } - l.elems[i] = v - return nil -} - -func (l *List) Append(v Value) error { - if err := l.checkMutable("append to"); err != nil { - return err - } - l.elems = append(l.elems, v) - return nil -} - -func (l *List) Clear() error { - if err := l.checkMutable("clear"); err != nil { - return err - } - for i := range l.elems { - l.elems[i] = nil // aid GC - } - l.elems = l.elems[:0] - return nil -} - -// A Tuple represents a Starlark tuple value. -type Tuple []Value - -func (t Tuple) Len() int { return len(t) } -func (t Tuple) Index(i int) Value { return t[i] } - -func (t Tuple) Slice(start, end, step int) Value { - if step == 1 { - return t[start:end] - } - - sign := signum(step) - var tuple Tuple - for i := start; signum(end-i) == sign; i += step { - tuple = append(tuple, t[i]) - } - return tuple -} - -func (t Tuple) Iterate() Iterator { return &tupleIterator{elems: t} } -func (t Tuple) Freeze() { - for _, elem := range t { - elem.Freeze() - } -} -func (t Tuple) String() string { return toString(t) } -func (t Tuple) Type() string { return "tuple" } -func (t Tuple) Truth() Bool { return len(t) > 0 } - -func (x Tuple) CompareSameType(op syntax.Token, y_ Value, depth int) (bool, error) { - y := y_.(Tuple) - return sliceCompare(op, x, y, depth) -} - -func (t Tuple) Hash() (uint32, error) { - // Use same algorithm as Python. - var x, mult uint32 = 0x345678, 1000003 - for _, elem := range t { - y, err := elem.Hash() - if err != nil { - return 0, err - } - x = x ^ y*mult - mult += 82520 + uint32(len(t)+len(t)) - } - return x, nil -} - -type tupleIterator struct{ elems Tuple } - -func (it *tupleIterator) Next(p *Value) bool { - if len(it.elems) > 0 { - *p = it.elems[0] - it.elems = it.elems[1:] - return true - } - return false -} - -func (it *tupleIterator) Done() {} - -// A Set represents a Starlark set value. -// The zero value of Set is a valid empty set. -// If you know the exact final number of elements, -// it is more efficient to call NewSet. -type Set struct { - ht hashtable // values are all None -} - -// NewSet returns a dictionary with initial space for -// at least size insertions before rehashing. -func NewSet(size int) *Set { - set := new(Set) - set.ht.init(size) - return set -} - -func (s *Set) Delete(k Value) (found bool, err error) { _, found, err = s.ht.delete(k); return } -func (s *Set) Clear() error { return s.ht.clear() } -func (s *Set) Has(k Value) (found bool, err error) { _, found, err = s.ht.lookup(k); return } -func (s *Set) Insert(k Value) error { return s.ht.insert(k, None) } -func (s *Set) Len() int { return int(s.ht.len) } -func (s *Set) Iterate() Iterator { return s.ht.iterate() } -func (s *Set) String() string { return toString(s) } -func (s *Set) Type() string { return "set" } -func (s *Set) Freeze() { s.ht.freeze() } -func (s *Set) Hash() (uint32, error) { return 0, fmt.Errorf("unhashable type: set") } -func (s *Set) Truth() Bool { return s.Len() > 0 } - -func (s *Set) Attr(name string) (Value, error) { return builtinAttr(s, name, setMethods) } -func (s *Set) AttrNames() []string { return builtinAttrNames(setMethods) } - -func (x *Set) CompareSameType(op syntax.Token, y_ Value, depth int) (bool, error) { - y := y_.(*Set) - switch op { - case syntax.EQL: - ok, err := setsEqual(x, y, depth) - return ok, err - case syntax.NEQ: - ok, err := setsEqual(x, y, depth) - return !ok, err - default: - return false, fmt.Errorf("%s %s %s not implemented", x.Type(), op, y.Type()) - } -} - -func setsEqual(x, y *Set, depth int) (bool, error) { - if x.Len() != y.Len() { - return false, nil - } - for e := x.ht.head; e != nil; e = e.next { - if found, _ := y.Has(e.key); !found { - return false, nil - } - } - return true, nil -} - -func (s *Set) Union(iter Iterator) (Value, error) { - set := new(Set) - for e := s.ht.head; e != nil; e = e.next { - set.Insert(e.key) // can't fail - } - var x Value - for iter.Next(&x) { - if err := set.Insert(x); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - return set, nil -} - -// toString returns the string form of value v. -// It may be more efficient than v.String() for larger values. -func toString(v Value) string { - buf := new(strings.Builder) - writeValue(buf, v, nil) - return buf.String() -} - -// writeValue writes x to out. -// -// path is used to detect cycles. -// It contains the list of *List and *Dict values we're currently printing. -// (These are the only potentially cyclic structures.) -// Callers should generally pass nil for path. -// It is safe to re-use the same path slice for multiple calls. -func writeValue(out *strings.Builder, x Value, path []Value) { - switch x := x.(type) { - case nil: - out.WriteString("") // indicates a bug - - // These four cases are duplicates of T.String(), for efficiency. - case NoneType: - out.WriteString("None") - - case Int: - out.WriteString(x.String()) - - case Bool: - if x { - out.WriteString("True") - } else { - out.WriteString("False") - } - - case String: - out.WriteString(syntax.Quote(string(x), false)) - - case *List: - out.WriteByte('[') - if pathContains(path, x) { - out.WriteString("...") // list contains itself - } else { - for i, elem := range x.elems { - if i > 0 { - out.WriteString(", ") - } - writeValue(out, elem, append(path, x)) - } - } - out.WriteByte(']') - - case Tuple: - out.WriteByte('(') - for i, elem := range x { - if i > 0 { - out.WriteString(", ") - } - writeValue(out, elem, path) - } - if len(x) == 1 { - out.WriteByte(',') - } - out.WriteByte(')') - - case *Function: - fmt.Fprintf(out, "", x.Name()) - - case *Builtin: - if x.recv != nil { - fmt.Fprintf(out, "", x.Name(), x.recv.Type()) - } else { - fmt.Fprintf(out, "", x.Name()) - } - - case *Dict: - out.WriteByte('{') - if pathContains(path, x) { - out.WriteString("...") // dict contains itself - } else { - sep := "" - for e := x.ht.head; e != nil; e = e.next { - k, v := e.key, e.value - out.WriteString(sep) - writeValue(out, k, path) - out.WriteString(": ") - writeValue(out, v, append(path, x)) // cycle check - sep = ", " - } - } - out.WriteByte('}') - - case *Set: - out.WriteString("set([") - for e := x.ht.head; e != nil; e = e.next { - if e != x.ht.head { - out.WriteString(", ") - } - writeValue(out, e.key, path) - } - out.WriteString("])") - - default: - out.WriteString(x.String()) - } -} - -func pathContains(path []Value, x Value) bool { - for _, y := range path { - if x == y { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -// CompareLimit is the depth limit on recursive comparison operations such as == and <. -// Comparison of data structures deeper than this limit may fail. -var CompareLimit = 10 - -// Equal reports whether two Starlark values are equal. -func Equal(x, y Value) (bool, error) { - if x, ok := x.(String); ok { - return x == y, nil // fast path for an important special case - } - return EqualDepth(x, y, CompareLimit) -} - -// EqualDepth reports whether two Starlark values are equal. -// -// Recursive comparisons by implementations of Value.CompareSameType -// should use EqualDepth to prevent infinite recursion. -func EqualDepth(x, y Value, depth int) (bool, error) { - return CompareDepth(syntax.EQL, x, y, depth) -} - -// Compare compares two Starlark values. -// The comparison operation must be one of EQL, NEQ, LT, LE, GT, or GE. -// Compare returns an error if an ordered comparison was -// requested for a type that does not support it. -// -// Recursive comparisons by implementations of Value.CompareSameType -// should use CompareDepth to prevent infinite recursion. -func Compare(op syntax.Token, x, y Value) (bool, error) { - return CompareDepth(op, x, y, CompareLimit) -} - -// CompareDepth compares two Starlark values. -// The comparison operation must be one of EQL, NEQ, LT, LE, GT, or GE. -// CompareDepth returns an error if an ordered comparison was -// requested for a pair of values that do not support it. -// -// The depth parameter limits the maximum depth of recursion -// in cyclic data structures. -func CompareDepth(op syntax.Token, x, y Value, depth int) (bool, error) { - if depth < 1 { - return false, fmt.Errorf("comparison exceeded maximum recursion depth") - } - if sameType(x, y) { - if xcomp, ok := x.(Comparable); ok { - return xcomp.CompareSameType(op, y, depth) - } - - if xcomp, ok := x.(TotallyOrdered); ok { - t, err := xcomp.Cmp(y, depth) - if err != nil { - return false, err - } - return threeway(op, t), nil - } - - // use identity comparison - switch op { - case syntax.EQL: - return x == y, nil - case syntax.NEQ: - return x != y, nil - } - return false, fmt.Errorf("%s %s %s not implemented", x.Type(), op, y.Type()) - } - - // different types - - // int/float ordered comparisons - switch x := x.(type) { - case Int: - if y, ok := y.(Float); ok { - var cmp int - if y != y { - cmp = -1 // y is NaN - } else if !math.IsInf(float64(y), 0) { - cmp = x.rational().Cmp(y.rational()) // y is finite - } else if y > 0 { - cmp = -1 // y is +Inf - } else { - cmp = +1 // y is -Inf - } - return threeway(op, cmp), nil - } - case Float: - if y, ok := y.(Int); ok { - var cmp int - if x != x { - cmp = +1 // x is NaN - } else if !math.IsInf(float64(x), 0) { - cmp = x.rational().Cmp(y.rational()) // x is finite - } else if x > 0 { - cmp = +1 // x is +Inf - } else { - cmp = -1 // x is -Inf - } - return threeway(op, cmp), nil - } - } - - // All other values of different types compare unequal. - switch op { - case syntax.EQL: - return false, nil - case syntax.NEQ: - return true, nil - } - return false, fmt.Errorf("%s %s %s not implemented", x.Type(), op, y.Type()) -} - -func sameType(x, y Value) bool { - return reflect.TypeOf(x) == reflect.TypeOf(y) || x.Type() == y.Type() -} - -// threeway interprets a three-way comparison value cmp (-1, 0, +1) -// as a boolean comparison (e.g. x < y). -func threeway(op syntax.Token, cmp int) bool { - switch op { - case syntax.EQL: - return cmp == 0 - case syntax.NEQ: - return cmp != 0 - case syntax.LE: - return cmp <= 0 - case syntax.LT: - return cmp < 0 - case syntax.GE: - return cmp >= 0 - case syntax.GT: - return cmp > 0 - } - panic(op) -} - -func b2i(b bool) int { - if b { - return 1 - } else { - return 0 - } -} - -// Len returns the length of a string or sequence value, -// and -1 for all others. -// -// Warning: Len(x) >= 0 does not imply Iterate(x) != nil. -// A string has a known length but is not directly iterable. -func Len(x Value) int { - switch x := x.(type) { - case String: - return x.Len() - case Indexable: - return x.Len() - case Sequence: - return x.Len() - } - return -1 -} - -// Iterate return a new iterator for the value if iterable, nil otherwise. -// If the result is non-nil, the caller must call Done when finished with it. -// -// Warning: Iterate(x) != nil does not imply Len(x) >= 0. -// Some iterables may have unknown length. -func Iterate(x Value) Iterator { - if x, ok := x.(Iterable); ok { - return x.Iterate() - } - return nil -} - -// Bytes is the type of a Starlark binary string. -// -// A Bytes encapsulates an immutable sequence of bytes. -// It is comparable, indexable, and sliceable, but not direcly iterable; -// use bytes.elems() for an iterable view. -// -// In this Go implementation, the elements of 'string' and 'bytes' are -// both bytes, but in other implementations, notably Java, the elements -// of a 'string' are UTF-16 codes (Java chars). The spec abstracts text -// strings as sequences of UTF-k codes that encode Unicode code points, -// and operations that convert from text to binary incur UTF-k-to-UTF-8 -// transcoding; conversely, conversion from binary to text incurs -// UTF-8-to-UTF-k transcoding. Because k=8 for Go, these operations -// are the identity function, at least for valid encodings of text. -type Bytes string - -var ( - _ Comparable = Bytes("") - _ Sliceable = Bytes("") - _ Indexable = Bytes("") -) - -func (b Bytes) String() string { return syntax.Quote(string(b), true) } -func (b Bytes) Type() string { return "bytes" } -func (b Bytes) Freeze() {} // immutable -func (b Bytes) Truth() Bool { return len(b) > 0 } -func (b Bytes) Hash() (uint32, error) { return String(b).Hash() } -func (b Bytes) Len() int { return len(b) } -func (b Bytes) Index(i int) Value { return b[i : i+1] } - -func (b Bytes) Attr(name string) (Value, error) { return builtinAttr(b, name, bytesMethods) } -func (b Bytes) AttrNames() []string { return builtinAttrNames(bytesMethods) } - -func (b Bytes) Slice(start, end, step int) Value { - if step == 1 { - return b[start:end] - } - - sign := signum(step) - var str []byte - for i := start; signum(end-i) == sign; i += step { - str = append(str, b[i]) - } - return Bytes(str) -} - -func (x Bytes) CompareSameType(op syntax.Token, y_ Value, depth int) (bool, error) { - y := y_.(Bytes) - return threeway(op, strings.Compare(string(x), string(y))), nil -} diff --git a/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlarkstruct/module.go b/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlarkstruct/module.go deleted file mode 100644 index 735c98ae..00000000 --- a/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlarkstruct/module.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -package starlarkstruct - -import ( - "fmt" - - "go.starlark.net/starlark" -) - -// A Module is a named collection of values, -// typically a suite of functions imported by a load statement. -// -// It differs from Struct primarily in that its string representation -// does not enumerate its fields. -type Module struct { - Name string - Members starlark.StringDict -} - -var _ starlark.HasAttrs = (*Module)(nil) - -func (m *Module) Attr(name string) (starlark.Value, error) { return m.Members[name], nil } -func (m *Module) AttrNames() []string { return m.Members.Keys() } -func (m *Module) Freeze() { m.Members.Freeze() } -func (m *Module) Hash() (uint32, error) { return 0, fmt.Errorf("unhashable: %s", m.Type()) } -func (m *Module) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("", m.Name) } -func (m *Module) Truth() starlark.Bool { return true } -func (m *Module) Type() string { return "module" } - -// MakeModule may be used as the implementation of a Starlark built-in -// function, module(name, **kwargs). It returns a new module with the -// specified name and members. -func MakeModule(thread *starlark.Thread, b *starlark.Builtin, args starlark.Tuple, kwargs []starlark.Tuple) (starlark.Value, error) { - var name string - if err := starlark.UnpackPositionalArgs(b.Name(), args, nil, 1, &name); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - members := make(starlark.StringDict, len(kwargs)) - for _, kwarg := range kwargs { - k := string(kwarg[0].(starlark.String)) - members[k] = kwarg[1] - } - return &Module{name, members}, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlarkstruct/struct.go b/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlarkstruct/struct.go deleted file mode 100644 index ea2b1f63..00000000 --- a/vendor/go.starlark.net/starlarkstruct/struct.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,282 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -// Package starlarkstruct defines the Starlark types 'struct' and -// 'module', both optional language extensions. -// -package starlarkstruct // import "go.starlark.net/starlarkstruct" - -// It is tempting to introduce a variant of Struct that is a wrapper -// around a Go struct value, for stronger typing guarantees and more -// efficient and convenient field lookup. However: -// 1) all fields of Starlark structs are optional, so we cannot represent -// them using more specific types such as String, Int, *Depset, and -// *File, as such types give no way to represent missing fields. -// 2) the efficiency gain of direct struct field access is rather -// marginal: finding the index of a field by binary searching on the -// sorted list of field names is quite fast compared to the other -// overheads. -// 3) the gains in compactness and spatial locality are also rather -// marginal: the array behind the []entry slice is (due to field name -// strings) only a factor of 2 larger than the corresponding Go struct -// would be, and, like the Go struct, requires only a single allocation. - -import ( - "fmt" - "sort" - "strings" - - "go.starlark.net/starlark" - "go.starlark.net/syntax" -) - -// Make is the implementation of a built-in function that instantiates -// an immutable struct from the specified keyword arguments. -// -// An application can add 'struct' to the Starlark environment like so: -// -// globals := starlark.StringDict{ -// "struct": starlark.NewBuiltin("struct", starlarkstruct.Make), -// } -// -func Make(_ *starlark.Thread, _ *starlark.Builtin, args starlark.Tuple, kwargs []starlark.Tuple) (starlark.Value, error) { - if len(args) > 0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("struct: unexpected positional arguments") - } - return FromKeywords(Default, kwargs), nil -} - -// FromKeywords returns a new struct instance whose fields are specified by the -// key/value pairs in kwargs. (Each kwargs[i][0] must be a starlark.String.) -func FromKeywords(constructor starlark.Value, kwargs []starlark.Tuple) *Struct { - if constructor == nil { - panic("nil constructor") - } - s := &Struct{ - constructor: constructor, - entries: make(entries, 0, len(kwargs)), - } - for _, kwarg := range kwargs { - k := string(kwarg[0].(starlark.String)) - v := kwarg[1] - s.entries = append(s.entries, entry{k, v}) - } - sort.Sort(s.entries) - return s -} - -// FromStringDict returns a new struct instance whose elements are those of d. -// The constructor parameter specifies the constructor; use Default for an ordinary struct. -func FromStringDict(constructor starlark.Value, d starlark.StringDict) *Struct { - if constructor == nil { - panic("nil constructor") - } - s := &Struct{ - constructor: constructor, - entries: make(entries, 0, len(d)), - } - for k, v := range d { - s.entries = append(s.entries, entry{k, v}) - } - sort.Sort(s.entries) - return s -} - -// Struct is an immutable Starlark type that maps field names to values. -// It is not iterable and does not support len. -// -// A struct has a constructor, a distinct value that identifies a class -// of structs, and which appears in the struct's string representation. -// -// Operations such as x+y fail if the constructors of the two operands -// are not equal. -// -// The default constructor, Default, is the string "struct", but -// clients may wish to 'brand' structs for their own purposes. -// The constructor value appears in the printed form of the value, -// and is accessible using the Constructor method. -// -// Use Attr to access its fields and AttrNames to enumerate them. -type Struct struct { - constructor starlark.Value - entries entries // sorted by name -} - -// Default is the default constructor for structs. -// It is merely the string "struct". -const Default = starlark.String("struct") - -type entries []entry - -func (a entries) Len() int { return len(a) } -func (a entries) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].name < a[j].name } -func (a entries) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] } - -type entry struct { - name string - value starlark.Value -} - -var ( - _ starlark.HasAttrs = (*Struct)(nil) - _ starlark.HasBinary = (*Struct)(nil) -) - -// ToStringDict adds a name/value entry to d for each field of the struct. -func (s *Struct) ToStringDict(d starlark.StringDict) { - for _, e := range s.entries { - d[e.name] = e.value - } -} - -func (s *Struct) String() string { - buf := new(strings.Builder) - switch constructor := s.constructor.(type) { - case starlark.String: - // NB: The Java implementation always prints struct - // even for Bazel provider instances. - buf.WriteString(constructor.GoString()) // avoid String()'s quotation - default: - buf.WriteString(s.constructor.String()) - } - buf.WriteByte('(') - for i, e := range s.entries { - if i > 0 { - buf.WriteString(", ") - } - buf.WriteString(e.name) - buf.WriteString(" = ") - buf.WriteString(e.value.String()) - } - buf.WriteByte(')') - return buf.String() -} - -// Constructor returns the constructor used to create this struct. -func (s *Struct) Constructor() starlark.Value { return s.constructor } - -func (s *Struct) Type() string { return "struct" } -func (s *Struct) Truth() starlark.Bool { return true } // even when empty -func (s *Struct) Hash() (uint32, error) { - // Same algorithm as Tuple.hash, but with different primes. - var x, m uint32 = 8731, 9839 - for _, e := range s.entries { - namehash, _ := starlark.String(e.name).Hash() - x = x ^ 3*namehash - y, err := e.value.Hash() - if err != nil { - return 0, err - } - x = x ^ y*m - m += 7349 - } - return x, nil -} -func (s *Struct) Freeze() { - for _, e := range s.entries { - e.value.Freeze() - } -} - -func (x *Struct) Binary(op syntax.Token, y starlark.Value, side starlark.Side) (starlark.Value, error) { - if y, ok := y.(*Struct); ok && op == syntax.PLUS { - if side == starlark.Right { - x, y = y, x - } - - if eq, err := starlark.Equal(x.constructor, y.constructor); err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("in %s + %s: error comparing constructors: %v", - x.constructor, y.constructor, err) - } else if !eq { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot add structs of different constructors: %s + %s", - x.constructor, y.constructor) - } - - z := make(starlark.StringDict, x.len()+y.len()) - for _, e := range x.entries { - z[e.name] = e.value - } - for _, e := range y.entries { - z[e.name] = e.value - } - - return FromStringDict(x.constructor, z), nil - } - return nil, nil // unhandled -} - -// Attr returns the value of the specified field. -func (s *Struct) Attr(name string) (starlark.Value, error) { - // Binary search the entries. - // This implementation is a specialization of - // sort.Search that avoids dynamic dispatch. - n := len(s.entries) - i, j := 0, n - for i < j { - h := int(uint(i+j) >> 1) - if s.entries[h].name < name { - i = h + 1 - } else { - j = h - } - } - if i < n && s.entries[i].name == name { - return s.entries[i].value, nil - } - - var ctor string - if s.constructor != Default { - ctor = s.constructor.String() + " " - } - return nil, starlark.NoSuchAttrError( - fmt.Sprintf("%sstruct has no .%s attribute", ctor, name)) -} - -func (s *Struct) len() int { return len(s.entries) } - -// AttrNames returns a new sorted list of the struct fields. -func (s *Struct) AttrNames() []string { - names := make([]string, len(s.entries)) - for i, e := range s.entries { - names[i] = e.name - } - return names -} - -func (x *Struct) CompareSameType(op syntax.Token, y_ starlark.Value, depth int) (bool, error) { - y := y_.(*Struct) - switch op { - case syntax.EQL: - return structsEqual(x, y, depth) - case syntax.NEQ: - eq, err := structsEqual(x, y, depth) - return !eq, err - default: - return false, fmt.Errorf("%s %s %s not implemented", x.Type(), op, y.Type()) - } -} - -func structsEqual(x, y *Struct, depth int) (bool, error) { - if x.len() != y.len() { - return false, nil - } - - if eq, err := starlark.Equal(x.constructor, y.constructor); err != nil { - return false, fmt.Errorf("error comparing struct constructors %v and %v: %v", - x.constructor, y.constructor, err) - } else if !eq { - return false, nil - } - - for i, n := 0, x.len(); i < n; i++ { - if x.entries[i].name != y.entries[i].name { - return false, nil - } else if eq, err := starlark.EqualDepth(x.entries[i].value, y.entries[i].value, depth-1); err != nil { - return false, err - } else if !eq { - return false, nil - } - } - return true, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/go.starlark.net/syntax/grammar.txt b/vendor/go.starlark.net/syntax/grammar.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 7f5dfc81..00000000 --- a/vendor/go.starlark.net/syntax/grammar.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,129 +0,0 @@ - -Grammar of Starlark -================== - -File = {Statement | newline} eof . - -Statement = DefStmt | IfStmt | ForStmt | WhileStmt | SimpleStmt . - -DefStmt = 'def' identifier '(' [Parameters [',']] ')' ':' Suite . - -Parameters = Parameter {',' Parameter}. - -Parameter = identifier | identifier '=' Test | '*' | '*' identifier | '**' identifier . - -IfStmt = 'if' Test ':' Suite {'elif' Test ':' Suite} ['else' ':' Suite] . - -ForStmt = 'for' LoopVariables 'in' Expression ':' Suite . - -WhileStmt = 'while' Test ':' Suite . - -Suite = [newline indent {Statement} outdent] | SimpleStmt . - -SimpleStmt = SmallStmt {';' SmallStmt} [';'] '\n' . -# NOTE: '\n' optional at EOF - -SmallStmt = ReturnStmt - | BreakStmt | ContinueStmt | PassStmt - | AssignStmt - | ExprStmt - | LoadStmt - . - -ReturnStmt = 'return' [Expression] . -BreakStmt = 'break' . -ContinueStmt = 'continue' . -PassStmt = 'pass' . -AssignStmt = Expression ('=' | '+=' | '-=' | '*=' | '/=' | '//=' | '%=' | '&=' | '|=' | '^=' | '<<=' | '>>=') Expression . -ExprStmt = Expression . - -LoadStmt = 'load' '(' string {',' [identifier '='] string} [','] ')' . - -Test = LambdaExpr - | IfExpr - | PrimaryExpr - | UnaryExpr - | BinaryExpr - . - -LambdaExpr = 'lambda' [Parameters] ':' Test . - -IfExpr = Test 'if' Test 'else' Test . - -PrimaryExpr = Operand - | PrimaryExpr DotSuffix - | PrimaryExpr CallSuffix - | PrimaryExpr SliceSuffix - . - -Operand = identifier - | int | float | string - | ListExpr | ListComp - | DictExpr | DictComp - | '(' [Expression [',']] ')' - | ('-' | '+') PrimaryExpr - . - -DotSuffix = '.' identifier . -CallSuffix = '(' [Arguments [',']] ')' . -SliceSuffix = '[' [Expression] [':' Test [':' Test]] ']' . - -Arguments = Argument {',' Argument} . -Argument = Test | identifier '=' Test | '*' Test | '**' Test . - -ListExpr = '[' [Expression [',']] ']' . -ListComp = '[' Test {CompClause} ']'. - -DictExpr = '{' [Entries [',']] '}' . -DictComp = '{' Entry {CompClause} '}' . -Entries = Entry {',' Entry} . -Entry = Test ':' Test . - -CompClause = 'for' LoopVariables 'in' Test | 'if' Test . - -UnaryExpr = 'not' Test . - -BinaryExpr = Test {Binop Test} . - -Binop = 'or' - | 'and' - | '==' | '!=' | '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' | 'in' | 'not' 'in' - | '|' - | '^' - | '&' - | '-' | '+' - | '*' | '%' | '/' | '//' - . - -Expression = Test {',' Test} . -# NOTE: trailing comma permitted only when within [...] or (...). - -LoopVariables = PrimaryExpr {',' PrimaryExpr} . - - -# Notation (similar to Go spec): -- lowercase and 'quoted' items are lexical tokens. -- Capitalized names denote grammar productions. -- (...) implies grouping -- x | y means either x or y. -- [x] means x is optional -- {x} means x is repeated zero or more times -- The end of each declaration is marked with a period. - -# Tokens -- spaces: newline, eof, indent, outdent. -- identifier. -- literals: string, int, float. -- plus all quoted tokens such as '+=', 'return'. - -# Notes: -- Ambiguity is resolved using operator precedence. -- The grammar does not enforce the legal order of params and args, - nor that the first compclause must be a 'for'. - -TODO: -- explain how the lexer generates indent, outdent, and newline tokens. -- why is unary NOT separated from unary - and +? -- the grammar is (mostly) in LL(1) style so, for example, - dot expressions are formed suffixes, not complete expressions, - which makes the spec harder to read. Reorganize into non-LL(1) form? diff --git a/vendor/go.starlark.net/syntax/parse.go b/vendor/go.starlark.net/syntax/parse.go deleted file mode 100644 index f4c8fff4..00000000 --- a/vendor/go.starlark.net/syntax/parse.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1028 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -package syntax - -// This file defines a recursive-descent parser for Starlark. -// The LL(1) grammar of Starlark and the names of many productions follow Python 2.7. -// -// TODO(adonovan): use syntax.Error more systematically throughout the -// package. Verify that error positions are correct using the -// chunkedfile mechanism. - -import "log" - -// Enable this flag to print the token stream and log.Fatal on the first error. -const debug = false - -// A Mode value is a set of flags (or 0) that controls optional parser functionality. -type Mode uint - -const ( - RetainComments Mode = 1 << iota // retain comments in AST; see Node.Comments -) - -// Parse parses the input data and returns the corresponding parse tree. -// -// If src != nil, ParseFile parses the source from src and the filename -// is only used when recording position information. -// The type of the argument for the src parameter must be string, -// []byte, io.Reader, or FilePortion. -// If src == nil, ParseFile parses the file specified by filename. -func Parse(filename string, src interface{}, mode Mode) (f *File, err error) { - in, err := newScanner(filename, src, mode&RetainComments != 0) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - p := parser{in: in} - defer p.in.recover(&err) - - p.nextToken() // read first lookahead token - f = p.parseFile() - if f != nil { - f.Path = filename - } - p.assignComments(f) - return f, nil -} - -// ParseCompoundStmt parses a single compound statement: -// a blank line, a def, for, while, or if statement, or a -// semicolon-separated list of simple statements followed -// by a newline. These are the units on which the REPL operates. -// ParseCompoundStmt does not consume any following input. -// The parser calls the readline function each -// time it needs a new line of input. -func ParseCompoundStmt(filename string, readline func() ([]byte, error)) (f *File, err error) { - in, err := newScanner(filename, readline, false) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - p := parser{in: in} - defer p.in.recover(&err) - - p.nextToken() // read first lookahead token - - var stmts []Stmt - switch p.tok { - case DEF, IF, FOR, WHILE: - stmts = p.parseStmt(stmts) - case NEWLINE: - // blank line - default: - stmts = p.parseSimpleStmt(stmts, false) - // Require but don't consume newline, to avoid blocking again. - if p.tok != NEWLINE { - p.in.errorf(p.in.pos, "invalid syntax") - } - } - - return &File{Path: filename, Stmts: stmts}, nil -} - -// ParseExpr parses a Starlark expression. -// A comma-separated list of expressions is parsed as a tuple. -// See Parse for explanation of parameters. -func ParseExpr(filename string, src interface{}, mode Mode) (expr Expr, err error) { - in, err := newScanner(filename, src, mode&RetainComments != 0) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - p := parser{in: in} - defer p.in.recover(&err) - - p.nextToken() // read first lookahead token - - // Use parseExpr, not parseTest, to permit an unparenthesized tuple. - expr = p.parseExpr(false) - - // A following newline (e.g. "f()\n") appears outside any brackets, - // on a non-blank line, and thus results in a NEWLINE token. - if p.tok == NEWLINE { - p.nextToken() - } - - if p.tok != EOF { - p.in.errorf(p.in.pos, "got %#v after expression, want EOF", p.tok) - } - p.assignComments(expr) - return expr, nil -} - -type parser struct { - in *scanner - tok Token - tokval tokenValue -} - -// nextToken advances the scanner and returns the position of the -// previous token. -func (p *parser) nextToken() Position { - oldpos := p.tokval.pos - p.tok = p.in.nextToken(&p.tokval) - // enable to see the token stream - if debug { - log.Printf("nextToken: %-20s%+v\n", p.tok, p.tokval.pos) - } - return oldpos -} - -// file_input = (NEWLINE | stmt)* EOF -func (p *parser) parseFile() *File { - var stmts []Stmt - for p.tok != EOF { - if p.tok == NEWLINE { - p.nextToken() - continue - } - stmts = p.parseStmt(stmts) - } - return &File{Stmts: stmts} -} - -func (p *parser) parseStmt(stmts []Stmt) []Stmt { - if p.tok == DEF { - return append(stmts, p.parseDefStmt()) - } else if p.tok == IF { - return append(stmts, p.parseIfStmt()) - } else if p.tok == FOR { - return append(stmts, p.parseForStmt()) - } else if p.tok == WHILE { - return append(stmts, p.parseWhileStmt()) - } - return p.parseSimpleStmt(stmts, true) -} - -func (p *parser) parseDefStmt() Stmt { - defpos := p.nextToken() // consume DEF - id := p.parseIdent() - p.consume(LPAREN) - params := p.parseParams() - p.consume(RPAREN) - p.consume(COLON) - body := p.parseSuite() - return &DefStmt{ - Def: defpos, - Name: id, - Params: params, - Body: body, - } -} - -func (p *parser) parseIfStmt() Stmt { - ifpos := p.nextToken() // consume IF - cond := p.parseTest() - p.consume(COLON) - body := p.parseSuite() - ifStmt := &IfStmt{ - If: ifpos, - Cond: cond, - True: body, - } - tail := ifStmt - for p.tok == ELIF { - elifpos := p.nextToken() // consume ELIF - cond := p.parseTest() - p.consume(COLON) - body := p.parseSuite() - elif := &IfStmt{ - If: elifpos, - Cond: cond, - True: body, - } - tail.ElsePos = elifpos - tail.False = []Stmt{elif} - tail = elif - } - if p.tok == ELSE { - tail.ElsePos = p.nextToken() // consume ELSE - p.consume(COLON) - tail.False = p.parseSuite() - } - return ifStmt -} - -func (p *parser) parseForStmt() Stmt { - forpos := p.nextToken() // consume FOR - vars := p.parseForLoopVariables() - p.consume(IN) - x := p.parseExpr(false) - p.consume(COLON) - body := p.parseSuite() - return &ForStmt{ - For: forpos, - Vars: vars, - X: x, - Body: body, - } -} - -func (p *parser) parseWhileStmt() Stmt { - whilepos := p.nextToken() // consume WHILE - cond := p.parseTest() - p.consume(COLON) - body := p.parseSuite() - return &WhileStmt{ - While: whilepos, - Cond: cond, - Body: body, - } -} - -// Equivalent to 'exprlist' production in Python grammar. -// -// loop_variables = primary_with_suffix (COMMA primary_with_suffix)* COMMA? -func (p *parser) parseForLoopVariables() Expr { - // Avoid parseExpr because it would consume the IN token - // following x in "for x in y: ...". - v := p.parsePrimaryWithSuffix() - if p.tok != COMMA { - return v - } - - list := []Expr{v} - for p.tok == COMMA { - p.nextToken() - if terminatesExprList(p.tok) { - break - } - list = append(list, p.parsePrimaryWithSuffix()) - } - return &TupleExpr{List: list} -} - -// simple_stmt = small_stmt (SEMI small_stmt)* SEMI? NEWLINE -// In REPL mode, it does not consume the NEWLINE. -func (p *parser) parseSimpleStmt(stmts []Stmt, consumeNL bool) []Stmt { - for { - stmts = append(stmts, p.parseSmallStmt()) - if p.tok != SEMI { - break - } - p.nextToken() // consume SEMI - if p.tok == NEWLINE || p.tok == EOF { - break - } - } - // EOF without NEWLINE occurs in `if x: pass`, for example. - if p.tok != EOF && consumeNL { - p.consume(NEWLINE) - } - - return stmts -} - -// small_stmt = RETURN expr? -// | PASS | BREAK | CONTINUE -// | LOAD ... -// | expr ('=' | '+=' | '-=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | '&=' | '|=' | '^=' | '<<=' | '>>=') expr // assign -// | expr -func (p *parser) parseSmallStmt() Stmt { - switch p.tok { - case RETURN: - pos := p.nextToken() // consume RETURN - var result Expr - if p.tok != EOF && p.tok != NEWLINE && p.tok != SEMI { - result = p.parseExpr(false) - } - return &ReturnStmt{Return: pos, Result: result} - - case BREAK, CONTINUE, PASS: - tok := p.tok - pos := p.nextToken() // consume it - return &BranchStmt{Token: tok, TokenPos: pos} - - case LOAD: - return p.parseLoadStmt() - } - - // Assignment - x := p.parseExpr(false) - switch p.tok { - case EQ, PLUS_EQ, MINUS_EQ, STAR_EQ, SLASH_EQ, SLASHSLASH_EQ, PERCENT_EQ, AMP_EQ, PIPE_EQ, CIRCUMFLEX_EQ, LTLT_EQ, GTGT_EQ: - op := p.tok - pos := p.nextToken() // consume op - rhs := p.parseExpr(false) - return &AssignStmt{OpPos: pos, Op: op, LHS: x, RHS: rhs} - } - - // Expression statement (e.g. function call, doc string). - return &ExprStmt{X: x} -} - -// stmt = LOAD '(' STRING {',' (IDENT '=')? STRING} [','] ')' -func (p *parser) parseLoadStmt() *LoadStmt { - loadPos := p.nextToken() // consume LOAD - lparen := p.consume(LPAREN) - - if p.tok != STRING { - p.in.errorf(p.in.pos, "first operand of load statement must be a string literal") - } - module := p.parsePrimary().(*Literal) - - var from, to []*Ident - for p.tok != RPAREN && p.tok != EOF { - p.consume(COMMA) - if p.tok == RPAREN { - break // allow trailing comma - } - switch p.tok { - case STRING: - // load("module", "id") - // To name is same as original. - lit := p.parsePrimary().(*Literal) - id := &Ident{ - NamePos: lit.TokenPos.add(`"`), - Name: lit.Value.(string), - } - to = append(to, id) - from = append(from, id) - - case IDENT: - // load("module", to="from") - id := p.parseIdent() - to = append(to, id) - if p.tok != EQ { - p.in.errorf(p.in.pos, `load operand must be "%[1]s" or %[1]s="originalname" (want '=' after %[1]s)`, id.Name) - } - p.consume(EQ) - if p.tok != STRING { - p.in.errorf(p.in.pos, `original name of loaded symbol must be quoted: %s="originalname"`, id.Name) - } - lit := p.parsePrimary().(*Literal) - from = append(from, &Ident{ - NamePos: lit.TokenPos.add(`"`), - Name: lit.Value.(string), - }) - - case RPAREN: - p.in.errorf(p.in.pos, "trailing comma in load statement") - - default: - p.in.errorf(p.in.pos, `load operand must be "name" or localname="name" (got %#v)`, p.tok) - } - } - rparen := p.consume(RPAREN) - - if len(to) == 0 { - p.in.errorf(lparen, "load statement must import at least 1 symbol") - } - return &LoadStmt{ - Load: loadPos, - Module: module, - To: to, - From: from, - Rparen: rparen, - } -} - -// suite is typically what follows a COLON (e.g. after DEF or FOR). -// suite = simple_stmt | NEWLINE INDENT stmt+ OUTDENT -func (p *parser) parseSuite() []Stmt { - if p.tok == NEWLINE { - p.nextToken() // consume NEWLINE - p.consume(INDENT) - var stmts []Stmt - for p.tok != OUTDENT && p.tok != EOF { - stmts = p.parseStmt(stmts) - } - p.consume(OUTDENT) - return stmts - } - - return p.parseSimpleStmt(nil, true) -} - -func (p *parser) parseIdent() *Ident { - if p.tok != IDENT { - p.in.error(p.in.pos, "not an identifier") - } - id := &Ident{ - NamePos: p.tokval.pos, - Name: p.tokval.raw, - } - p.nextToken() - return id -} - -func (p *parser) consume(t Token) Position { - if p.tok != t { - p.in.errorf(p.in.pos, "got %#v, want %#v", p.tok, t) - } - return p.nextToken() -} - -// params = (param COMMA)* param COMMA? -// | -// -// param = IDENT -// | IDENT EQ test -// | STAR -// | STAR IDENT -// | STARSTAR IDENT -// -// parseParams parses a parameter list. The resulting expressions are of the form: -// -// *Ident x -// *Binary{Op: EQ, X: *Ident, Y: Expr} x=y -// *Unary{Op: STAR} * -// *Unary{Op: STAR, X: *Ident} *args -// *Unary{Op: STARSTAR, X: *Ident} **kwargs -func (p *parser) parseParams() []Expr { - var params []Expr - for p.tok != RPAREN && p.tok != COLON && p.tok != EOF { - if len(params) > 0 { - p.consume(COMMA) - } - if p.tok == RPAREN { - break - } - - // * or *args or **kwargs - if p.tok == STAR || p.tok == STARSTAR { - op := p.tok - pos := p.nextToken() - var x Expr - if op == STARSTAR || p.tok == IDENT { - x = p.parseIdent() - } - params = append(params, &UnaryExpr{ - OpPos: pos, - Op: op, - X: x, - }) - continue - } - - // IDENT - // IDENT = test - id := p.parseIdent() - if p.tok == EQ { // default value - eq := p.nextToken() - dflt := p.parseTest() - params = append(params, &BinaryExpr{ - X: id, - OpPos: eq, - Op: EQ, - Y: dflt, - }) - continue - } - - params = append(params, id) - } - return params -} - -// parseExpr parses an expression, possible consisting of a -// comma-separated list of 'test' expressions. -// -// In many cases we must use parseTest to avoid ambiguity such as -// f(x, y) vs. f((x, y)). -func (p *parser) parseExpr(inParens bool) Expr { - x := p.parseTest() - if p.tok != COMMA { - return x - } - - // tuple - exprs := p.parseExprs([]Expr{x}, inParens) - return &TupleExpr{List: exprs} -} - -// parseExprs parses a comma-separated list of expressions, starting with the comma. -// It is used to parse tuples and list elements. -// expr_list = (',' expr)* ','? -func (p *parser) parseExprs(exprs []Expr, allowTrailingComma bool) []Expr { - for p.tok == COMMA { - pos := p.nextToken() - if terminatesExprList(p.tok) { - if !allowTrailingComma { - p.in.error(pos, "unparenthesized tuple with trailing comma") - } - break - } - exprs = append(exprs, p.parseTest()) - } - return exprs -} - -// parseTest parses a 'test', a single-component expression. -func (p *parser) parseTest() Expr { - if p.tok == LAMBDA { - return p.parseLambda(true) - } - - x := p.parseTestPrec(0) - - // conditional expression (t IF cond ELSE f) - if p.tok == IF { - ifpos := p.nextToken() - cond := p.parseTestPrec(0) - if p.tok != ELSE { - p.in.error(ifpos, "conditional expression without else clause") - } - elsepos := p.nextToken() - else_ := p.parseTest() - return &CondExpr{If: ifpos, Cond: cond, True: x, ElsePos: elsepos, False: else_} - } - - return x -} - -// parseTestNoCond parses a a single-component expression without -// consuming a trailing 'if expr else expr'. -func (p *parser) parseTestNoCond() Expr { - if p.tok == LAMBDA { - return p.parseLambda(false) - } - return p.parseTestPrec(0) -} - -// parseLambda parses a lambda expression. -// The allowCond flag allows the body to be an 'a if b else c' conditional. -func (p *parser) parseLambda(allowCond bool) Expr { - lambda := p.nextToken() - var params []Expr - if p.tok != COLON { - params = p.parseParams() - } - p.consume(COLON) - - var body Expr - if allowCond { - body = p.parseTest() - } else { - body = p.parseTestNoCond() - } - - return &LambdaExpr{ - Lambda: lambda, - Params: params, - Body: body, - } -} - -func (p *parser) parseTestPrec(prec int) Expr { - if prec >= len(preclevels) { - return p.parsePrimaryWithSuffix() - } - - // expr = NOT expr - if p.tok == NOT && prec == int(precedence[NOT]) { - pos := p.nextToken() - x := p.parseTestPrec(prec) - return &UnaryExpr{ - OpPos: pos, - Op: NOT, - X: x, - } - } - - return p.parseBinopExpr(prec) -} - -// expr = test (OP test)* -// Uses precedence climbing; see http://www.engr.mun.ca/~theo/Misc/exp_parsing.htm#climbing. -func (p *parser) parseBinopExpr(prec int) Expr { - x := p.parseTestPrec(prec + 1) - for first := true; ; first = false { - if p.tok == NOT { - p.nextToken() // consume NOT - // In this context, NOT must be followed by IN. - // Replace NOT IN by a single NOT_IN token. - if p.tok != IN { - p.in.errorf(p.in.pos, "got %#v, want in", p.tok) - } - p.tok = NOT_IN - } - - // Binary operator of specified precedence? - opprec := int(precedence[p.tok]) - if opprec < prec { - return x - } - - // Comparisons are non-associative. - if !first && opprec == int(precedence[EQL]) { - p.in.errorf(p.in.pos, "%s does not associate with %s (use parens)", - x.(*BinaryExpr).Op, p.tok) - } - - op := p.tok - pos := p.nextToken() - y := p.parseTestPrec(opprec + 1) - x = &BinaryExpr{OpPos: pos, Op: op, X: x, Y: y} - } -} - -// precedence maps each operator to its precedence (0-7), or -1 for other tokens. -var precedence [maxToken]int8 - -// preclevels groups operators of equal precedence. -// Comparisons are nonassociative; other binary operators associate to the left. -// Unary MINUS, unary PLUS, and TILDE have higher precedence so are handled in parsePrimary. -// See https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#binary-operators -var preclevels = [...][]Token{ - {OR}, // or - {AND}, // and - {NOT}, // not (unary) - {EQL, NEQ, LT, GT, LE, GE, IN, NOT_IN}, // == != < > <= >= in not in - {PIPE}, // | - {CIRCUMFLEX}, // ^ - {AMP}, // & - {LTLT, GTGT}, // << >> - {MINUS, PLUS}, // - - {STAR, PERCENT, SLASH, SLASHSLASH}, // * % / // -} - -func init() { - // populate precedence table - for i := range precedence { - precedence[i] = -1 - } - for level, tokens := range preclevels { - for _, tok := range tokens { - precedence[tok] = int8(level) - } - } -} - -// primary_with_suffix = primary -// | primary '.' IDENT -// | primary slice_suffix -// | primary call_suffix -func (p *parser) parsePrimaryWithSuffix() Expr { - x := p.parsePrimary() - for { - switch p.tok { - case DOT: - dot := p.nextToken() - id := p.parseIdent() - x = &DotExpr{Dot: dot, X: x, Name: id} - case LBRACK: - x = p.parseSliceSuffix(x) - case LPAREN: - x = p.parseCallSuffix(x) - default: - return x - } - } -} - -// slice_suffix = '[' expr? ':' expr? ':' expr? ']' -func (p *parser) parseSliceSuffix(x Expr) Expr { - lbrack := p.nextToken() - var lo, hi, step Expr - if p.tok != COLON { - y := p.parseExpr(false) - - // index x[y] - if p.tok == RBRACK { - rbrack := p.nextToken() - return &IndexExpr{X: x, Lbrack: lbrack, Y: y, Rbrack: rbrack} - } - - lo = y - } - - // slice or substring x[lo:hi:step] - if p.tok == COLON { - p.nextToken() - if p.tok != COLON && p.tok != RBRACK { - hi = p.parseTest() - } - } - if p.tok == COLON { - p.nextToken() - if p.tok != RBRACK { - step = p.parseTest() - } - } - rbrack := p.consume(RBRACK) - return &SliceExpr{X: x, Lbrack: lbrack, Lo: lo, Hi: hi, Step: step, Rbrack: rbrack} -} - -// call_suffix = '(' arg_list? ')' -func (p *parser) parseCallSuffix(fn Expr) Expr { - lparen := p.consume(LPAREN) - var rparen Position - var args []Expr - if p.tok == RPAREN { - rparen = p.nextToken() - } else { - args = p.parseArgs() - rparen = p.consume(RPAREN) - } - return &CallExpr{Fn: fn, Lparen: lparen, Args: args, Rparen: rparen} -} - -// parseArgs parses a list of actual parameter values (arguments). -// It mirrors the structure of parseParams. -// arg_list = ((arg COMMA)* arg COMMA?)? -func (p *parser) parseArgs() []Expr { - var args []Expr - for p.tok != RPAREN && p.tok != EOF { - if len(args) > 0 { - p.consume(COMMA) - } - if p.tok == RPAREN { - break - } - - // *args or **kwargs - if p.tok == STAR || p.tok == STARSTAR { - op := p.tok - pos := p.nextToken() - x := p.parseTest() - args = append(args, &UnaryExpr{ - OpPos: pos, - Op: op, - X: x, - }) - continue - } - - // We use a different strategy from Bazel here to stay within LL(1). - // Instead of looking ahead two tokens (IDENT, EQ) we parse - // 'test = test' then check that the first was an IDENT. - x := p.parseTest() - - if p.tok == EQ { - // name = value - if _, ok := x.(*Ident); !ok { - p.in.errorf(p.in.pos, "keyword argument must have form name=expr") - } - eq := p.nextToken() - y := p.parseTest() - x = &BinaryExpr{ - X: x, - OpPos: eq, - Op: EQ, - Y: y, - } - } - - args = append(args, x) - } - return args -} - -// primary = IDENT -// | INT | FLOAT | STRING | BYTES -// | '[' ... // list literal or comprehension -// | '{' ... // dict literal or comprehension -// | '(' ... // tuple or parenthesized expression -// | ('-'|'+'|'~') primary_with_suffix -func (p *parser) parsePrimary() Expr { - switch p.tok { - case IDENT: - return p.parseIdent() - - case INT, FLOAT, STRING, BYTES: - var val interface{} - tok := p.tok - switch tok { - case INT: - if p.tokval.bigInt != nil { - val = p.tokval.bigInt - } else { - val = p.tokval.int - } - case FLOAT: - val = p.tokval.float - case STRING, BYTES: - val = p.tokval.string - } - raw := p.tokval.raw - pos := p.nextToken() - return &Literal{Token: tok, TokenPos: pos, Raw: raw, Value: val} - - case LBRACK: - return p.parseList() - - case LBRACE: - return p.parseDict() - - case LPAREN: - lparen := p.nextToken() - if p.tok == RPAREN { - // empty tuple - rparen := p.nextToken() - return &TupleExpr{Lparen: lparen, Rparen: rparen} - } - e := p.parseExpr(true) // allow trailing comma - rparen := p.consume(RPAREN) - return &ParenExpr{ - Lparen: lparen, - X: e, - Rparen: rparen, - } - - case MINUS, PLUS, TILDE: // unary - tok := p.tok - pos := p.nextToken() - x := p.parsePrimaryWithSuffix() - return &UnaryExpr{ - OpPos: pos, - Op: tok, - X: x, - } - } - p.in.errorf(p.in.pos, "got %#v, want primary expression", p.tok) - panic("unreachable") -} - -// list = '[' ']' -// | '[' expr ']' -// | '[' expr expr_list ']' -// | '[' expr (FOR loop_variables IN expr)+ ']' -func (p *parser) parseList() Expr { - lbrack := p.nextToken() - if p.tok == RBRACK { - // empty List - rbrack := p.nextToken() - return &ListExpr{Lbrack: lbrack, Rbrack: rbrack} - } - - x := p.parseTest() - - if p.tok == FOR { - // list comprehension - return p.parseComprehensionSuffix(lbrack, x, RBRACK) - } - - exprs := []Expr{x} - if p.tok == COMMA { - // multi-item list literal - exprs = p.parseExprs(exprs, true) // allow trailing comma - } - - rbrack := p.consume(RBRACK) - return &ListExpr{Lbrack: lbrack, List: exprs, Rbrack: rbrack} -} - -// dict = '{' '}' -// | '{' dict_entry_list '}' -// | '{' dict_entry FOR loop_variables IN expr '}' -func (p *parser) parseDict() Expr { - lbrace := p.nextToken() - if p.tok == RBRACE { - // empty dict - rbrace := p.nextToken() - return &DictExpr{Lbrace: lbrace, Rbrace: rbrace} - } - - x := p.parseDictEntry() - - if p.tok == FOR { - // dict comprehension - return p.parseComprehensionSuffix(lbrace, x, RBRACE) - } - - entries := []Expr{x} - for p.tok == COMMA { - p.nextToken() - if p.tok == RBRACE { - break - } - entries = append(entries, p.parseDictEntry()) - } - - rbrace := p.consume(RBRACE) - return &DictExpr{Lbrace: lbrace, List: entries, Rbrace: rbrace} -} - -// dict_entry = test ':' test -func (p *parser) parseDictEntry() *DictEntry { - k := p.parseTest() - colon := p.consume(COLON) - v := p.parseTest() - return &DictEntry{Key: k, Colon: colon, Value: v} -} - -// comp_suffix = FOR loopvars IN expr comp_suffix -// | IF expr comp_suffix -// | ']' or ')' (end) -// -// There can be multiple FOR/IF clauses; the first is always a FOR. -func (p *parser) parseComprehensionSuffix(lbrace Position, body Expr, endBrace Token) Expr { - var clauses []Node - for p.tok != endBrace { - if p.tok == FOR { - pos := p.nextToken() - vars := p.parseForLoopVariables() - in := p.consume(IN) - // Following Python 3, the operand of IN cannot be: - // - a conditional expression ('x if y else z'), - // due to conflicts in Python grammar - // ('if' is used by the comprehension); - // - a lambda expression - // - an unparenthesized tuple. - x := p.parseTestPrec(0) - clauses = append(clauses, &ForClause{For: pos, Vars: vars, In: in, X: x}) - } else if p.tok == IF { - pos := p.nextToken() - cond := p.parseTestNoCond() - clauses = append(clauses, &IfClause{If: pos, Cond: cond}) - } else { - p.in.errorf(p.in.pos, "got %#v, want '%s', for, or if", p.tok, endBrace) - } - } - rbrace := p.nextToken() - - return &Comprehension{ - Curly: endBrace == RBRACE, - Lbrack: lbrace, - Body: body, - Clauses: clauses, - Rbrack: rbrace, - } -} - -func terminatesExprList(tok Token) bool { - switch tok { - case EOF, NEWLINE, EQ, RBRACE, RBRACK, RPAREN, SEMI: - return true - } - return false -} - -// Comment assignment. -// We build two lists of all subnodes, preorder and postorder. -// The preorder list is ordered by start location, with outer nodes first. -// The postorder list is ordered by end location, with outer nodes last. -// We use the preorder list to assign each whole-line comment to the syntax -// immediately following it, and we use the postorder list to assign each -// end-of-line comment to the syntax immediately preceding it. - -// flattenAST returns the list of AST nodes, both in prefix order and in postfix -// order. -func flattenAST(root Node) (pre, post []Node) { - stack := []Node{} - Walk(root, func(n Node) bool { - if n != nil { - pre = append(pre, n) - stack = append(stack, n) - } else { - post = append(post, stack[len(stack)-1]) - stack = stack[:len(stack)-1] - } - return true - }) - return pre, post -} - -// assignComments attaches comments to nearby syntax. -func (p *parser) assignComments(n Node) { - // Leave early if there are no comments - if len(p.in.lineComments)+len(p.in.suffixComments) == 0 { - return - } - - pre, post := flattenAST(n) - - // Assign line comments to syntax immediately following. - line := p.in.lineComments - for _, x := range pre { - start, _ := x.Span() - - switch x.(type) { - case *File: - continue - } - - for len(line) > 0 && !start.isBefore(line[0].Start) { - x.AllocComments() - x.Comments().Before = append(x.Comments().Before, line[0]) - line = line[1:] - } - } - - // Remaining line comments go at end of file. - if len(line) > 0 { - n.AllocComments() - n.Comments().After = append(n.Comments().After, line...) - } - - // Assign suffix comments to syntax immediately before. - suffix := p.in.suffixComments - for i := len(post) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { - x := post[i] - - // Do not assign suffix comments to file - switch x.(type) { - case *File: - continue - } - - _, end := x.Span() - if len(suffix) > 0 && end.isBefore(suffix[len(suffix)-1].Start) { - x.AllocComments() - x.Comments().Suffix = append(x.Comments().Suffix, suffix[len(suffix)-1]) - suffix = suffix[:len(suffix)-1] - } - } -} diff --git a/vendor/go.starlark.net/syntax/quote.go b/vendor/go.starlark.net/syntax/quote.go deleted file mode 100644 index 741e106a..00000000 --- a/vendor/go.starlark.net/syntax/quote.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,309 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -package syntax - -// Starlark quoted string utilities. - -import ( - "fmt" - "strconv" - "strings" - "unicode" - "unicode/utf8" -) - -// unesc maps single-letter chars following \ to their actual values. -var unesc = [256]byte{ - 'a': '\a', - 'b': '\b', - 'f': '\f', - 'n': '\n', - 'r': '\r', - 't': '\t', - 'v': '\v', - '\\': '\\', - '\'': '\'', - '"': '"', -} - -// esc maps escape-worthy bytes to the char that should follow \. -var esc = [256]byte{ - '\a': 'a', - '\b': 'b', - '\f': 'f', - '\n': 'n', - '\r': 'r', - '\t': 't', - '\v': 'v', - '\\': '\\', - '\'': '\'', - '"': '"', -} - -// unquote unquotes the quoted string, returning the actual -// string value, whether the original was triple-quoted, -// whether it was a byte string, and an error describing invalid input. -func unquote(quoted string) (s string, triple, isByte bool, err error) { - // Check for raw prefix: means don't interpret the inner \. - raw := false - if strings.HasPrefix(quoted, "r") { - raw = true - quoted = quoted[1:] - } - // Check for bytes prefix. - if strings.HasPrefix(quoted, "b") { - isByte = true - quoted = quoted[1:] - } - - if len(quoted) < 2 { - err = fmt.Errorf("string literal too short") - return - } - - if quoted[0] != '"' && quoted[0] != '\'' || quoted[0] != quoted[len(quoted)-1] { - err = fmt.Errorf("string literal has invalid quotes") - return - } - - // Check for triple quoted string. - quote := quoted[0] - if len(quoted) >= 6 && quoted[1] == quote && quoted[2] == quote && quoted[:3] == quoted[len(quoted)-3:] { - triple = true - quoted = quoted[3 : len(quoted)-3] - } else { - quoted = quoted[1 : len(quoted)-1] - } - - // Now quoted is the quoted data, but no quotes. - // If we're in raw mode or there are no escapes or - // carriage returns, we're done. - var unquoteChars string - if raw { - unquoteChars = "\r" - } else { - unquoteChars = "\\\r" - } - if !strings.ContainsAny(quoted, unquoteChars) { - s = quoted - return - } - - // Otherwise process quoted string. - // Each iteration processes one escape sequence along with the - // plain text leading up to it. - buf := new(strings.Builder) - for { - // Remove prefix before escape sequence. - i := strings.IndexAny(quoted, unquoteChars) - if i < 0 { - i = len(quoted) - } - buf.WriteString(quoted[:i]) - quoted = quoted[i:] - - if len(quoted) == 0 { - break - } - - // Process carriage return. - if quoted[0] == '\r' { - buf.WriteByte('\n') - if len(quoted) > 1 && quoted[1] == '\n' { - quoted = quoted[2:] - } else { - quoted = quoted[1:] - } - continue - } - - // Process escape sequence. - if len(quoted) == 1 { - err = fmt.Errorf(`truncated escape sequence \`) - return - } - - switch quoted[1] { - default: - // In Starlark, like Go, a backslash must escape something. - // (Python still treats unnecessary backslashes literally, - // but since 3.6 has emitted a deprecation warning.) - err = fmt.Errorf("invalid escape sequence \\%c", quoted[1]) - return - - case '\n': - // Ignore the escape and the line break. - quoted = quoted[2:] - - case 'a', 'b', 'f', 'n', 'r', 't', 'v', '\\', '\'', '"': - // One-char escape. - // Escapes are allowed for both kinds of quotation - // mark, not just the kind in use. - buf.WriteByte(unesc[quoted[1]]) - quoted = quoted[2:] - - case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7': - // Octal escape, up to 3 digits, \OOO. - n := int(quoted[1] - '0') - quoted = quoted[2:] - for i := 1; i < 3; i++ { - if len(quoted) == 0 || quoted[0] < '0' || '7' < quoted[0] { - break - } - n = n*8 + int(quoted[0]-'0') - quoted = quoted[1:] - } - if !isByte && n > 127 { - err = fmt.Errorf(`non-ASCII octal escape \%o (use \u%04X for the UTF-8 encoding of U+%04X)`, n, n, n) - return - } - if n >= 256 { - // NOTE: Python silently discards the high bit, - // so that '\541' == '\141' == 'a'. - // Let's see if we can avoid doing that in BUILD files. - err = fmt.Errorf(`invalid escape sequence \%03o`, n) - return - } - buf.WriteByte(byte(n)) - - case 'x': - // Hexadecimal escape, exactly 2 digits, \xXX. [0-127] - if len(quoted) < 4 { - err = fmt.Errorf(`truncated escape sequence %s`, quoted) - return - } - n, err1 := strconv.ParseUint(quoted[2:4], 16, 0) - if err1 != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf(`invalid escape sequence %s`, quoted[:4]) - return - } - if !isByte && n > 127 { - err = fmt.Errorf(`non-ASCII hex escape %s (use \u%04X for the UTF-8 encoding of U+%04X)`, - quoted[:4], n, n) - return - } - buf.WriteByte(byte(n)) - quoted = quoted[4:] - - case 'u', 'U': - // Unicode code point, 4 (\uXXXX) or 8 (\UXXXXXXXX) hex digits. - sz := 6 - if quoted[1] == 'U' { - sz = 10 - } - if len(quoted) < sz { - err = fmt.Errorf(`truncated escape sequence %s`, quoted) - return - } - n, err1 := strconv.ParseUint(quoted[2:sz], 16, 0) - if err1 != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf(`invalid escape sequence %s`, quoted[:sz]) - return - } - if n > unicode.MaxRune { - err = fmt.Errorf(`code point out of range: %s (max \U%08x)`, - quoted[:sz], n) - return - } - // As in Go, surrogates are disallowed. - if 0xD800 <= n && n < 0xE000 { - err = fmt.Errorf(`invalid Unicode code point U+%04X`, n) - return - } - buf.WriteRune(rune(n)) - quoted = quoted[sz:] - } - } - - s = buf.String() - return -} - -// indexByte returns the index of the first instance of b in s, or else -1. -func indexByte(s string, b byte) int { - for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { - if s[i] == b { - return i - } - } - return -1 -} - -// Quote returns a Starlark literal that denotes s. -// If b, it returns a bytes literal. -func Quote(s string, b bool) string { - const hex = "0123456789abcdef" - var runeTmp [utf8.UTFMax]byte - - buf := make([]byte, 0, 3*len(s)/2) - if b { - buf = append(buf, 'b') - } - buf = append(buf, '"') - for width := 0; len(s) > 0; s = s[width:] { - r := rune(s[0]) - width = 1 - if r >= utf8.RuneSelf { - r, width = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s) - } - if width == 1 && r == utf8.RuneError { - // String (!b) literals accept \xXX escapes only for ASCII, - // but we must use them here to represent invalid bytes. - // The result is not a legal literal. - buf = append(buf, `\x`...) - buf = append(buf, hex[s[0]>>4]) - buf = append(buf, hex[s[0]&0xF]) - continue - } - if r == '"' || r == '\\' { // always backslashed - buf = append(buf, '\\') - buf = append(buf, byte(r)) - continue - } - if strconv.IsPrint(r) { - n := utf8.EncodeRune(runeTmp[:], r) - buf = append(buf, runeTmp[:n]...) - continue - } - switch r { - case '\a': - buf = append(buf, `\a`...) - case '\b': - buf = append(buf, `\b`...) - case '\f': - buf = append(buf, `\f`...) - case '\n': - buf = append(buf, `\n`...) - case '\r': - buf = append(buf, `\r`...) - case '\t': - buf = append(buf, `\t`...) - case '\v': - buf = append(buf, `\v`...) - default: - switch { - case r < ' ' || r == 0x7f: - buf = append(buf, `\x`...) - buf = append(buf, hex[byte(r)>>4]) - buf = append(buf, hex[byte(r)&0xF]) - case r > utf8.MaxRune: - r = 0xFFFD - fallthrough - case r < 0x10000: - buf = append(buf, `\u`...) - for s := 12; s >= 0; s -= 4 { - buf = append(buf, hex[r>>uint(s)&0xF]) - } - default: - buf = append(buf, `\U`...) - for s := 28; s >= 0; s -= 4 { - buf = append(buf, hex[r>>uint(s)&0xF]) - } - } - } - } - buf = append(buf, '"') - return string(buf) -} diff --git a/vendor/go.starlark.net/syntax/scan.go b/vendor/go.starlark.net/syntax/scan.go deleted file mode 100644 index bb4165e9..00000000 --- a/vendor/go.starlark.net/syntax/scan.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1123 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -package syntax - -// A lexical scanner for Starlark. - -import ( - "fmt" - "io" - "io/ioutil" - "log" - "math/big" - "os" - "strconv" - "strings" - "unicode" - "unicode/utf8" -) - -// A Token represents a Starlark lexical token. -type Token int8 - -const ( - ILLEGAL Token = iota - EOF - - NEWLINE - INDENT - OUTDENT - - // Tokens with values - IDENT // x - INT // 123 - FLOAT // 1.23e45 - STRING // "foo" or 'foo' or '''foo''' or r'foo' or r"foo" - BYTES // b"foo", etc - - // Punctuation - PLUS // + - MINUS // - - STAR // * - SLASH // / - SLASHSLASH // // - PERCENT // % - AMP // & - PIPE // | - CIRCUMFLEX // ^ - LTLT // << - GTGT // >> - TILDE // ~ - DOT // . - COMMA // , - EQ // = - SEMI // ; - COLON // : - LPAREN // ( - RPAREN // ) - LBRACK // [ - RBRACK // ] - LBRACE // { - RBRACE // } - LT // < - GT // > - GE // >= - LE // <= - EQL // == - NEQ // != - PLUS_EQ // += (keep order consistent with PLUS..GTGT) - MINUS_EQ // -= - STAR_EQ // *= - SLASH_EQ // /= - SLASHSLASH_EQ // //= - PERCENT_EQ // %= - AMP_EQ // &= - PIPE_EQ // |= - CIRCUMFLEX_EQ // ^= - LTLT_EQ // <<= - GTGT_EQ // >>= - STARSTAR // ** - - // Keywords - AND - BREAK - CONTINUE - DEF - ELIF - ELSE - FOR - IF - IN - LAMBDA - LOAD - NOT - NOT_IN // synthesized by parser from NOT IN - OR - PASS - RETURN - WHILE - - maxToken -) - -func (tok Token) String() string { return tokenNames[tok] } - -// GoString is like String but quotes punctuation tokens. -// Use Sprintf("%#v", tok) when constructing error messages. -func (tok Token) GoString() string { - if tok >= PLUS && tok <= STARSTAR { - return "'" + tokenNames[tok] + "'" - } - return tokenNames[tok] -} - -var tokenNames = [...]string{ - ILLEGAL: "illegal token", - EOF: "end of file", - NEWLINE: "newline", - INDENT: "indent", - OUTDENT: "outdent", - IDENT: "identifier", - INT: "int literal", - FLOAT: "float literal", - STRING: "string literal", - PLUS: "+", - MINUS: "-", - STAR: "*", - SLASH: "/", - SLASHSLASH: "//", - PERCENT: "%", - AMP: "&", - PIPE: "|", - CIRCUMFLEX: "^", - LTLT: "<<", - GTGT: ">>", - TILDE: "~", - DOT: ".", - COMMA: ",", - EQ: "=", - SEMI: ";", - COLON: ":", - LPAREN: "(", - RPAREN: ")", - LBRACK: "[", - RBRACK: "]", - LBRACE: "{", - RBRACE: "}", - LT: "<", - GT: ">", - GE: ">=", - LE: "<=", - EQL: "==", - NEQ: "!=", - PLUS_EQ: "+=", - MINUS_EQ: "-=", - STAR_EQ: "*=", - SLASH_EQ: "/=", - SLASHSLASH_EQ: "//=", - PERCENT_EQ: "%=", - AMP_EQ: "&=", - PIPE_EQ: "|=", - CIRCUMFLEX_EQ: "^=", - LTLT_EQ: "<<=", - GTGT_EQ: ">>=", - STARSTAR: "**", - AND: "and", - BREAK: "break", - CONTINUE: "continue", - DEF: "def", - ELIF: "elif", - ELSE: "else", - FOR: "for", - IF: "if", - IN: "in", - LAMBDA: "lambda", - LOAD: "load", - NOT: "not", - NOT_IN: "not in", - OR: "or", - PASS: "pass", - RETURN: "return", - WHILE: "while", -} - -// A FilePortion describes the content of a portion of a file. -// Callers may provide a FilePortion for the src argument of Parse -// when the desired initial line and column numbers are not (1, 1), -// such as when an expression is parsed from within larger file. -type FilePortion struct { - Content []byte - FirstLine, FirstCol int32 -} - -// A Position describes the location of a rune of input. -type Position struct { - file *string // filename (indirect for compactness) - Line int32 // 1-based line number; 0 if line unknown - Col int32 // 1-based column (rune) number; 0 if column unknown -} - -// IsValid reports whether the position is valid. -func (p Position) IsValid() bool { return p.file != nil } - -// Filename returns the name of the file containing this position. -func (p Position) Filename() string { - if p.file != nil { - return *p.file - } - return "" -} - -// MakePosition returns position with the specified components. -func MakePosition(file *string, line, col int32) Position { return Position{file, line, col} } - -// add returns the position at the end of s, assuming it starts at p. -func (p Position) add(s string) Position { - if n := strings.Count(s, "\n"); n > 0 { - p.Line += int32(n) - s = s[strings.LastIndex(s, "\n")+1:] - p.Col = 1 - } - p.Col += int32(utf8.RuneCountInString(s)) - return p -} - -func (p Position) String() string { - file := p.Filename() - if p.Line > 0 { - if p.Col > 0 { - return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d:%d", file, p.Line, p.Col) - } - return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", file, p.Line) - } - return file -} - -func (p Position) isBefore(q Position) bool { - if p.Line != q.Line { - return p.Line < q.Line - } - return p.Col < q.Col -} - -// An scanner represents a single input file being parsed. -type scanner struct { - rest []byte // rest of input (in REPL, a line of input) - token []byte // token being scanned - pos Position // current input position - depth int // nesting of [ ] { } ( ) - indentstk []int // stack of indentation levels - dents int // number of saved INDENT (>0) or OUTDENT (<0) tokens to return - lineStart bool // after NEWLINE; convert spaces to indentation tokens - keepComments bool // accumulate comments in slice - lineComments []Comment // list of full line comments (if keepComments) - suffixComments []Comment // list of suffix comments (if keepComments) - - readline func() ([]byte, error) // read next line of input (REPL only) -} - -func newScanner(filename string, src interface{}, keepComments bool) (*scanner, error) { - var firstLine, firstCol int32 = 1, 1 - if portion, ok := src.(FilePortion); ok { - firstLine, firstCol = portion.FirstLine, portion.FirstCol - } - sc := &scanner{ - pos: MakePosition(&filename, firstLine, firstCol), - indentstk: make([]int, 1, 10), // []int{0} + spare capacity - lineStart: true, - keepComments: keepComments, - } - sc.readline, _ = src.(func() ([]byte, error)) // ParseCompoundStmt (REPL) only - if sc.readline == nil { - data, err := readSource(filename, src) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - sc.rest = data - } - return sc, nil -} - -func readSource(filename string, src interface{}) ([]byte, error) { - switch src := src.(type) { - case string: - return []byte(src), nil - case []byte: - return src, nil - case io.Reader: - data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(src) - if err != nil { - err = &os.PathError{Op: "read", Path: filename, Err: err} - return nil, err - } - return data, nil - case FilePortion: - return src.Content, nil - case nil: - return ioutil.ReadFile(filename) - default: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid source: %T", src) - } -} - -// An Error describes the nature and position of a scanner or parser error. -type Error struct { - Pos Position - Msg string -} - -func (e Error) Error() string { return e.Pos.String() + ": " + e.Msg } - -// errorf is called to report an error. -// errorf does not return: it panics. -func (sc *scanner) error(pos Position, s string) { - panic(Error{pos, s}) -} - -func (sc *scanner) errorf(pos Position, format string, args ...interface{}) { - sc.error(pos, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)) -} - -func (sc *scanner) recover(err *error) { - // The scanner and parser panic both for routine errors like - // syntax errors and for programmer bugs like array index - // errors. Turn both into error returns. Catching bug panics - // is especially important when processing many files. - switch e := recover().(type) { - case nil: - // no panic - case Error: - *err = e - default: - *err = Error{sc.pos, fmt.Sprintf("internal error: %v", e)} - if debug { - log.Fatal(*err) - } - } -} - -// eof reports whether the input has reached end of file. -func (sc *scanner) eof() bool { - return len(sc.rest) == 0 && !sc.readLine() -} - -// readLine attempts to read another line of input. -// Precondition: len(sc.rest)==0. -func (sc *scanner) readLine() bool { - if sc.readline != nil { - var err error - sc.rest, err = sc.readline() - if err != nil { - sc.errorf(sc.pos, "%v", err) // EOF or ErrInterrupt - } - return len(sc.rest) > 0 - } - return false -} - -// peekRune returns the next rune in the input without consuming it. -// Newlines in Unix, DOS, or Mac format are treated as one rune, '\n'. -func (sc *scanner) peekRune() rune { - // TODO(adonovan): opt: measure and perhaps inline eof. - if sc.eof() { - return 0 - } - - // fast path: ASCII - if b := sc.rest[0]; b < utf8.RuneSelf { - if b == '\r' { - return '\n' - } - return rune(b) - } - - r, _ := utf8.DecodeRune(sc.rest) - return r -} - -// readRune consumes and returns the next rune in the input. -// Newlines in Unix, DOS, or Mac format are treated as one rune, '\n'. -func (sc *scanner) readRune() rune { - // eof() has been inlined here, both to avoid a call - // and to establish len(rest)>0 to avoid a bounds check. - if len(sc.rest) == 0 { - if !sc.readLine() { - sc.error(sc.pos, "internal scanner error: readRune at EOF") - } - // Redundant, but eliminates the bounds-check below. - if len(sc.rest) == 0 { - return 0 - } - } - - // fast path: ASCII - if b := sc.rest[0]; b < utf8.RuneSelf { - r := rune(b) - sc.rest = sc.rest[1:] - if r == '\r' { - if len(sc.rest) > 0 && sc.rest[0] == '\n' { - sc.rest = sc.rest[1:] - } - r = '\n' - } - if r == '\n' { - sc.pos.Line++ - sc.pos.Col = 1 - } else { - sc.pos.Col++ - } - return r - } - - r, size := utf8.DecodeRune(sc.rest) - sc.rest = sc.rest[size:] - sc.pos.Col++ - return r -} - -// tokenValue records the position and value associated with each token. -type tokenValue struct { - raw string // raw text of token - int int64 // decoded int - bigInt *big.Int // decoded integers > int64 - float float64 // decoded float - string string // decoded string or bytes - pos Position // start position of token -} - -// startToken marks the beginning of the next input token. -// It must be followed by a call to endToken once the token has -// been consumed using readRune. -func (sc *scanner) startToken(val *tokenValue) { - sc.token = sc.rest - val.raw = "" - val.pos = sc.pos -} - -// endToken marks the end of an input token. -// It records the actual token string in val.raw if the caller -// has not done that already. -func (sc *scanner) endToken(val *tokenValue) { - if val.raw == "" { - val.raw = string(sc.token[:len(sc.token)-len(sc.rest)]) - } -} - -// nextToken is called by the parser to obtain the next input token. -// It returns the token value and sets val to the data associated with -// the token. -// -// For all our input tokens, the associated data is val.pos (the -// position where the token begins), val.raw (the input string -// corresponding to the token). For string and int tokens, the string -// and int fields additionally contain the token's interpreted value. -func (sc *scanner) nextToken(val *tokenValue) Token { - - // The following distribution of tokens guides case ordering: - // - // COMMA 27 % - // STRING 23 % - // IDENT 15 % - // EQL 11 % - // LBRACK 5.5 % - // RBRACK 5.5 % - // NEWLINE 3 % - // LPAREN 2.9 % - // RPAREN 2.9 % - // INT 2 % - // others < 1 % - // - // Although NEWLINE tokens are infrequent, and lineStart is - // usually (~97%) false on entry, skipped newlines account for - // about 50% of all iterations of the 'start' loop. - -start: - var c rune - - // Deal with leading spaces and indentation. - blank := false - savedLineStart := sc.lineStart - if sc.lineStart { - sc.lineStart = false - col := 0 - for { - c = sc.peekRune() - if c == ' ' { - col++ - sc.readRune() - } else if c == '\t' { - const tab = 8 - col += int(tab - (sc.pos.Col-1)%tab) - sc.readRune() - } else { - break - } - } - - // The third clause matches EOF. - if c == '#' || c == '\n' || c == 0 { - blank = true - } - - // Compute indentation level for non-blank lines not - // inside an expression. This is not the common case. - if !blank && sc.depth == 0 { - cur := sc.indentstk[len(sc.indentstk)-1] - if col > cur { - // indent - sc.dents++ - sc.indentstk = append(sc.indentstk, col) - } else if col < cur { - // outdent(s) - for len(sc.indentstk) > 0 && col < sc.indentstk[len(sc.indentstk)-1] { - sc.dents-- - sc.indentstk = sc.indentstk[:len(sc.indentstk)-1] // pop - } - if col != sc.indentstk[len(sc.indentstk)-1] { - sc.error(sc.pos, "unindent does not match any outer indentation level") - } - } - } - } - - // Return saved indentation tokens. - if sc.dents != 0 { - sc.startToken(val) - sc.endToken(val) - if sc.dents < 0 { - sc.dents++ - return OUTDENT - } else { - sc.dents-- - return INDENT - } - } - - // start of line proper - c = sc.peekRune() - - // Skip spaces. - for c == ' ' || c == '\t' { - sc.readRune() - c = sc.peekRune() - } - - // comment - if c == '#' { - if sc.keepComments { - sc.startToken(val) - } - // Consume up to newline (included). - for c != 0 && c != '\n' { - sc.readRune() - c = sc.peekRune() - } - if sc.keepComments { - sc.endToken(val) - if blank { - sc.lineComments = append(sc.lineComments, Comment{val.pos, val.raw}) - } else { - sc.suffixComments = append(sc.suffixComments, Comment{val.pos, val.raw}) - } - } - } - - // newline - if c == '\n' { - sc.lineStart = true - - // Ignore newlines within expressions (common case). - if sc.depth > 0 { - sc.readRune() - goto start - } - - // Ignore blank lines, except in the REPL, - // where they emit OUTDENTs and NEWLINE. - if blank { - if sc.readline == nil { - sc.readRune() - goto start - } else if len(sc.indentstk) > 1 { - sc.dents = 1 - len(sc.indentstk) - sc.indentstk = sc.indentstk[:1] - goto start - } - } - - // At top-level (not in an expression). - sc.startToken(val) - sc.readRune() - val.raw = "\n" - return NEWLINE - } - - // end of file - if c == 0 { - // Emit OUTDENTs for unfinished indentation, - // preceded by a NEWLINE if we haven't just emitted one. - if len(sc.indentstk) > 1 { - if savedLineStart { - sc.dents = 1 - len(sc.indentstk) - sc.indentstk = sc.indentstk[:1] - goto start - } else { - sc.lineStart = true - sc.startToken(val) - val.raw = "\n" - return NEWLINE - } - } - - sc.startToken(val) - sc.endToken(val) - return EOF - } - - // line continuation - if c == '\\' { - sc.readRune() - if sc.peekRune() != '\n' { - sc.errorf(sc.pos, "stray backslash in program") - } - sc.readRune() - goto start - } - - // start of the next token - sc.startToken(val) - - // comma (common case) - if c == ',' { - sc.readRune() - sc.endToken(val) - return COMMA - } - - // string literal - if c == '"' || c == '\'' { - return sc.scanString(val, c) - } - - // identifier or keyword - if isIdentStart(c) { - if (c == 'r' || c == 'b') && len(sc.rest) > 1 && (sc.rest[1] == '"' || sc.rest[1] == '\'') { - // r"..." - // b"..." - sc.readRune() - c = sc.peekRune() - return sc.scanString(val, c) - } else if c == 'r' && len(sc.rest) > 2 && sc.rest[1] == 'b' && (sc.rest[2] == '"' || sc.rest[2] == '\'') { - // rb"..." - sc.readRune() - sc.readRune() - c = sc.peekRune() - return sc.scanString(val, c) - } - - for isIdent(c) { - sc.readRune() - c = sc.peekRune() - } - sc.endToken(val) - if k, ok := keywordToken[val.raw]; ok { - return k - } - - return IDENT - } - - // brackets - switch c { - case '[', '(', '{': - sc.depth++ - sc.readRune() - sc.endToken(val) - switch c { - case '[': - return LBRACK - case '(': - return LPAREN - case '{': - return LBRACE - } - panic("unreachable") - - case ']', ')', '}': - if sc.depth == 0 { - sc.errorf(sc.pos, "unexpected %q", c) - } else { - sc.depth-- - } - sc.readRune() - sc.endToken(val) - switch c { - case ']': - return RBRACK - case ')': - return RPAREN - case '}': - return RBRACE - } - panic("unreachable") - } - - // int or float literal, or period - if isdigit(c) || c == '.' { - return sc.scanNumber(val, c) - } - - // other punctuation - defer sc.endToken(val) - switch c { - case '=', '<', '>', '!', '+', '-', '%', '/', '&', '|', '^': // possibly followed by '=' - start := sc.pos - sc.readRune() - if sc.peekRune() == '=' { - sc.readRune() - switch c { - case '<': - return LE - case '>': - return GE - case '=': - return EQL - case '!': - return NEQ - case '+': - return PLUS_EQ - case '-': - return MINUS_EQ - case '/': - return SLASH_EQ - case '%': - return PERCENT_EQ - case '&': - return AMP_EQ - case '|': - return PIPE_EQ - case '^': - return CIRCUMFLEX_EQ - } - } - switch c { - case '=': - return EQ - case '<': - if sc.peekRune() == '<' { - sc.readRune() - if sc.peekRune() == '=' { - sc.readRune() - return LTLT_EQ - } else { - return LTLT - } - } - return LT - case '>': - if sc.peekRune() == '>' { - sc.readRune() - if sc.peekRune() == '=' { - sc.readRune() - return GTGT_EQ - } else { - return GTGT - } - } - return GT - case '!': - sc.error(start, "unexpected input character '!'") - case '+': - return PLUS - case '-': - return MINUS - case '/': - if sc.peekRune() == '/' { - sc.readRune() - if sc.peekRune() == '=' { - sc.readRune() - return SLASHSLASH_EQ - } else { - return SLASHSLASH - } - } - return SLASH - case '%': - return PERCENT - case '&': - return AMP - case '|': - return PIPE - case '^': - return CIRCUMFLEX - } - panic("unreachable") - - case ':', ';', '~': // single-char tokens (except comma) - sc.readRune() - switch c { - case ':': - return COLON - case ';': - return SEMI - case '~': - return TILDE - } - panic("unreachable") - - case '*': // possibly followed by '*' or '=' - sc.readRune() - switch sc.peekRune() { - case '*': - sc.readRune() - return STARSTAR - case '=': - sc.readRune() - return STAR_EQ - } - return STAR - } - - sc.errorf(sc.pos, "unexpected input character %#q", c) - panic("unreachable") -} - -func (sc *scanner) scanString(val *tokenValue, quote rune) Token { - start := sc.pos - triple := len(sc.rest) >= 3 && sc.rest[0] == byte(quote) && sc.rest[1] == byte(quote) && sc.rest[2] == byte(quote) - sc.readRune() - - // String literals may contain escaped or unescaped newlines, - // causing them to span multiple lines (gulps) of REPL input; - // they are the only such token. Thus we cannot call endToken, - // as it assumes sc.rest is unchanged since startToken. - // Instead, buffer the token here. - // TODO(adonovan): opt: buffer only if we encounter a newline. - raw := new(strings.Builder) - - // Copy the prefix, e.g. r' or " (see startToken). - raw.Write(sc.token[:len(sc.token)-len(sc.rest)]) - - if !triple { - // single-quoted string literal - for { - if sc.eof() { - sc.error(val.pos, "unexpected EOF in string") - } - c := sc.readRune() - raw.WriteRune(c) - if c == quote { - break - } - if c == '\n' { - sc.error(val.pos, "unexpected newline in string") - } - if c == '\\' { - if sc.eof() { - sc.error(val.pos, "unexpected EOF in string") - } - c = sc.readRune() - raw.WriteRune(c) - } - } - } else { - // triple-quoted string literal - sc.readRune() - raw.WriteRune(quote) - sc.readRune() - raw.WriteRune(quote) - - quoteCount := 0 - for { - if sc.eof() { - sc.error(val.pos, "unexpected EOF in string") - } - c := sc.readRune() - raw.WriteRune(c) - if c == quote { - quoteCount++ - if quoteCount == 3 { - break - } - } else { - quoteCount = 0 - } - if c == '\\' { - if sc.eof() { - sc.error(val.pos, "unexpected EOF in string") - } - c = sc.readRune() - raw.WriteRune(c) - } - } - } - val.raw = raw.String() - - s, _, isByte, err := unquote(val.raw) - if err != nil { - sc.error(start, err.Error()) - } - val.string = s - if isByte { - return BYTES - } else { - return STRING - } -} - -func (sc *scanner) scanNumber(val *tokenValue, c rune) Token { - // https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#lexical-elements - // - // Python features not supported: - // - integer literals of >64 bits of precision - // - 123L or 123l long suffix - // - traditional octal: 0755 - // https://docs.python.org/2/reference/lexical_analysis.html#integer-and-long-integer-literals - - start := sc.pos - fraction, exponent := false, false - - if c == '.' { - // dot or start of fraction - sc.readRune() - c = sc.peekRune() - if !isdigit(c) { - sc.endToken(val) - return DOT - } - fraction = true - } else if c == '0' { - // hex, octal, binary or float - sc.readRune() - c = sc.peekRune() - - if c == '.' { - fraction = true - } else if c == 'x' || c == 'X' { - // hex - sc.readRune() - c = sc.peekRune() - if !isxdigit(c) { - sc.error(start, "invalid hex literal") - } - for isxdigit(c) { - sc.readRune() - c = sc.peekRune() - } - } else if c == 'o' || c == 'O' { - // octal - sc.readRune() - c = sc.peekRune() - if !isodigit(c) { - sc.error(sc.pos, "invalid octal literal") - } - for isodigit(c) { - sc.readRune() - c = sc.peekRune() - } - } else if c == 'b' || c == 'B' { - // binary - sc.readRune() - c = sc.peekRune() - if !isbdigit(c) { - sc.error(sc.pos, "invalid binary literal") - } - for isbdigit(c) { - sc.readRune() - c = sc.peekRune() - } - } else { - // float (or obsolete octal "0755") - allzeros, octal := true, true - for isdigit(c) { - if c != '0' { - allzeros = false - } - if c > '7' { - octal = false - } - sc.readRune() - c = sc.peekRune() - } - if c == '.' { - fraction = true - } else if c == 'e' || c == 'E' { - exponent = true - } else if octal && !allzeros { - sc.endToken(val) - sc.errorf(sc.pos, "obsolete form of octal literal; use 0o%s", val.raw[1:]) - } - } - } else { - // decimal - for isdigit(c) { - sc.readRune() - c = sc.peekRune() - } - - if c == '.' { - fraction = true - } else if c == 'e' || c == 'E' { - exponent = true - } - } - - if fraction { - sc.readRune() // consume '.' - c = sc.peekRune() - for isdigit(c) { - sc.readRune() - c = sc.peekRune() - } - - if c == 'e' || c == 'E' { - exponent = true - } - } - - if exponent { - sc.readRune() // consume [eE] - c = sc.peekRune() - if c == '+' || c == '-' { - sc.readRune() - c = sc.peekRune() - if !isdigit(c) { - sc.error(sc.pos, "invalid float literal") - } - } - for isdigit(c) { - sc.readRune() - c = sc.peekRune() - } - } - - sc.endToken(val) - if fraction || exponent { - var err error - val.float, err = strconv.ParseFloat(val.raw, 64) - if err != nil { - sc.error(sc.pos, "invalid float literal") - } - return FLOAT - } else { - var err error - s := val.raw - val.bigInt = nil - if len(s) > 2 && s[0] == '0' && (s[1] == 'o' || s[1] == 'O') { - val.int, err = strconv.ParseInt(s[2:], 8, 64) - } else if len(s) > 2 && s[0] == '0' && (s[1] == 'b' || s[1] == 'B') { - val.int, err = strconv.ParseInt(s[2:], 2, 64) - } else { - val.int, err = strconv.ParseInt(s, 0, 64) - if err != nil { - num := new(big.Int) - var ok bool - val.bigInt, ok = num.SetString(s, 0) - if ok { - err = nil - } - } - } - if err != nil { - sc.error(start, "invalid int literal") - } - return INT - } -} - -// isIdent reports whether c is an identifier rune. -func isIdent(c rune) bool { - return isdigit(c) || isIdentStart(c) -} - -func isIdentStart(c rune) bool { - return 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' || - 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' || - c == '_' || - unicode.IsLetter(c) -} - -func isdigit(c rune) bool { return '0' <= c && c <= '9' } -func isodigit(c rune) bool { return '0' <= c && c <= '7' } -func isxdigit(c rune) bool { return isdigit(c) || 'A' <= c && c <= 'F' || 'a' <= c && c <= 'f' } -func isbdigit(c rune) bool { return '0' == c || c == '1' } - -// keywordToken records the special tokens for -// strings that should not be treated as ordinary identifiers. -var keywordToken = map[string]Token{ - "and": AND, - "break": BREAK, - "continue": CONTINUE, - "def": DEF, - "elif": ELIF, - "else": ELSE, - "for": FOR, - "if": IF, - "in": IN, - "lambda": LAMBDA, - "load": LOAD, - "not": NOT, - "or": OR, - "pass": PASS, - "return": RETURN, - "while": WHILE, - - // reserved words: - "as": ILLEGAL, - // "assert": ILLEGAL, // heavily used by our tests - "class": ILLEGAL, - "del": ILLEGAL, - "except": ILLEGAL, - "finally": ILLEGAL, - "from": ILLEGAL, - "global": ILLEGAL, - "import": ILLEGAL, - "is": ILLEGAL, - "nonlocal": ILLEGAL, - "raise": ILLEGAL, - "try": ILLEGAL, - "with": ILLEGAL, - "yield": ILLEGAL, -} diff --git a/vendor/go.starlark.net/syntax/syntax.go b/vendor/go.starlark.net/syntax/syntax.go deleted file mode 100644 index 37566375..00000000 --- a/vendor/go.starlark.net/syntax/syntax.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,525 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -// Package syntax provides a Starlark parser and abstract syntax tree. -package syntax // import "go.starlark.net/syntax" - -// A Node is a node in a Starlark syntax tree. -type Node interface { - // Span returns the start and end position of the expression. - Span() (start, end Position) - - // Comments returns the comments associated with this node. - // It returns nil if RetainComments was not specified during parsing, - // or if AllocComments was not called. - Comments() *Comments - - // AllocComments allocates a new Comments node if there was none. - // This makes possible to add new comments using Comments() method. - AllocComments() -} - -// A Comment represents a single # comment. -type Comment struct { - Start Position - Text string // without trailing newline -} - -// Comments collects the comments associated with an expression. -type Comments struct { - Before []Comment // whole-line comments before this expression - Suffix []Comment // end-of-line comments after this expression (up to 1) - - // For top-level expressions only, After lists whole-line - // comments following the expression. - After []Comment -} - -// A commentsRef is a possibly-nil reference to a set of comments. -// A commentsRef is embedded in each type of syntax node, -// and provides its Comments and AllocComments methods. -type commentsRef struct{ ref *Comments } - -// Comments returns the comments associated with a syntax node, -// or nil if AllocComments has not yet been called. -func (cr commentsRef) Comments() *Comments { return cr.ref } - -// AllocComments enables comments to be associated with a syntax node. -func (cr *commentsRef) AllocComments() { - if cr.ref == nil { - cr.ref = new(Comments) - } -} - -// Start returns the start position of the expression. -func Start(n Node) Position { - start, _ := n.Span() - return start -} - -// End returns the end position of the expression. -func End(n Node) Position { - _, end := n.Span() - return end -} - -// A File represents a Starlark file. -type File struct { - commentsRef - Path string - Stmts []Stmt - - Module interface{} // a *resolve.Module, set by resolver -} - -func (x *File) Span() (start, end Position) { - if len(x.Stmts) == 0 { - return - } - start, _ = x.Stmts[0].Span() - _, end = x.Stmts[len(x.Stmts)-1].Span() - return start, end -} - -// A Stmt is a Starlark statement. -type Stmt interface { - Node - stmt() -} - -func (*AssignStmt) stmt() {} -func (*BranchStmt) stmt() {} -func (*DefStmt) stmt() {} -func (*ExprStmt) stmt() {} -func (*ForStmt) stmt() {} -func (*WhileStmt) stmt() {} -func (*IfStmt) stmt() {} -func (*LoadStmt) stmt() {} -func (*ReturnStmt) stmt() {} - -// An AssignStmt represents an assignment: -// x = 0 -// x, y = y, x -// x += 1 -type AssignStmt struct { - commentsRef - OpPos Position - Op Token // = EQ | {PLUS,MINUS,STAR,PERCENT}_EQ - LHS Expr - RHS Expr -} - -func (x *AssignStmt) Span() (start, end Position) { - start, _ = x.LHS.Span() - _, end = x.RHS.Span() - return -} - -// A DefStmt represents a function definition. -type DefStmt struct { - commentsRef - Def Position - Name *Ident - Params []Expr // param = ident | ident=expr | * | *ident | **ident - Body []Stmt - - Function interface{} // a *resolve.Function, set by resolver -} - -func (x *DefStmt) Span() (start, end Position) { - _, end = x.Body[len(x.Body)-1].Span() - return x.Def, end -} - -// An ExprStmt is an expression evaluated for side effects. -type ExprStmt struct { - commentsRef - X Expr -} - -func (x *ExprStmt) Span() (start, end Position) { - return x.X.Span() -} - -// An IfStmt is a conditional: If Cond: True; else: False. -// 'elseif' is desugared into a chain of IfStmts. -type IfStmt struct { - commentsRef - If Position // IF or ELIF - Cond Expr - True []Stmt - ElsePos Position // ELSE or ELIF - False []Stmt // optional -} - -func (x *IfStmt) Span() (start, end Position) { - body := x.False - if body == nil { - body = x.True - } - _, end = body[len(body)-1].Span() - return x.If, end -} - -// A LoadStmt loads another module and binds names from it: -// load(Module, "x", y="foo"). -// -// The AST is slightly unfaithful to the concrete syntax here because -// Starlark's load statement, so that it can be implemented in Python, -// binds some names (like y above) with an identifier and some (like x) -// without. For consistency we create fake identifiers for all the -// strings. -type LoadStmt struct { - commentsRef - Load Position - Module *Literal // a string - From []*Ident // name defined in loading module - To []*Ident // name in loaded module - Rparen Position -} - -func (x *LoadStmt) Span() (start, end Position) { - return x.Load, x.Rparen -} - -// ModuleName returns the name of the module loaded by this statement. -func (x *LoadStmt) ModuleName() string { return x.Module.Value.(string) } - -// A BranchStmt changes the flow of control: break, continue, pass. -type BranchStmt struct { - commentsRef - Token Token // = BREAK | CONTINUE | PASS - TokenPos Position -} - -func (x *BranchStmt) Span() (start, end Position) { - return x.TokenPos, x.TokenPos.add(x.Token.String()) -} - -// A ReturnStmt returns from a function. -type ReturnStmt struct { - commentsRef - Return Position - Result Expr // may be nil -} - -func (x *ReturnStmt) Span() (start, end Position) { - if x.Result == nil { - return x.Return, x.Return.add("return") - } - _, end = x.Result.Span() - return x.Return, end -} - -// An Expr is a Starlark expression. -type Expr interface { - Node - expr() -} - -func (*BinaryExpr) expr() {} -func (*CallExpr) expr() {} -func (*Comprehension) expr() {} -func (*CondExpr) expr() {} -func (*DictEntry) expr() {} -func (*DictExpr) expr() {} -func (*DotExpr) expr() {} -func (*Ident) expr() {} -func (*IndexExpr) expr() {} -func (*LambdaExpr) expr() {} -func (*ListExpr) expr() {} -func (*Literal) expr() {} -func (*ParenExpr) expr() {} -func (*SliceExpr) expr() {} -func (*TupleExpr) expr() {} -func (*UnaryExpr) expr() {} - -// An Ident represents an identifier. -type Ident struct { - commentsRef - NamePos Position - Name string - - Binding interface{} // a *resolver.Binding, set by resolver -} - -func (x *Ident) Span() (start, end Position) { - return x.NamePos, x.NamePos.add(x.Name) -} - -// A Literal represents a literal string or number. -type Literal struct { - commentsRef - Token Token // = STRING | BYTES | INT | FLOAT - TokenPos Position - Raw string // uninterpreted text - Value interface{} // = string | int64 | *big.Int | float64 -} - -func (x *Literal) Span() (start, end Position) { - return x.TokenPos, x.TokenPos.add(x.Raw) -} - -// A ParenExpr represents a parenthesized expression: (X). -type ParenExpr struct { - commentsRef - Lparen Position - X Expr - Rparen Position -} - -func (x *ParenExpr) Span() (start, end Position) { - return x.Lparen, x.Rparen.add(")") -} - -// A CallExpr represents a function call expression: Fn(Args). -type CallExpr struct { - commentsRef - Fn Expr - Lparen Position - Args []Expr // arg = expr | ident=expr | *expr | **expr - Rparen Position -} - -func (x *CallExpr) Span() (start, end Position) { - start, _ = x.Fn.Span() - return start, x.Rparen.add(")") -} - -// A DotExpr represents a field or method selector: X.Name. -type DotExpr struct { - commentsRef - X Expr - Dot Position - NamePos Position - Name *Ident -} - -func (x *DotExpr) Span() (start, end Position) { - start, _ = x.X.Span() - _, end = x.Name.Span() - return -} - -// A Comprehension represents a list or dict comprehension: -// [Body for ... if ...] or {Body for ... if ...} -type Comprehension struct { - commentsRef - Curly bool // {x:y for ...} or {x for ...}, not [x for ...] - Lbrack Position - Body Expr - Clauses []Node // = *ForClause | *IfClause - Rbrack Position -} - -func (x *Comprehension) Span() (start, end Position) { - return x.Lbrack, x.Rbrack.add("]") -} - -// A ForStmt represents a loop: for Vars in X: Body. -type ForStmt struct { - commentsRef - For Position - Vars Expr // name, or tuple of names - X Expr - Body []Stmt -} - -func (x *ForStmt) Span() (start, end Position) { - _, end = x.Body[len(x.Body)-1].Span() - return x.For, end -} - -// A WhileStmt represents a while loop: while X: Body. -type WhileStmt struct { - commentsRef - While Position - Cond Expr - Body []Stmt -} - -func (x *WhileStmt) Span() (start, end Position) { - _, end = x.Body[len(x.Body)-1].Span() - return x.While, end -} - -// A ForClause represents a for clause in a list comprehension: for Vars in X. -type ForClause struct { - commentsRef - For Position - Vars Expr // name, or tuple of names - In Position - X Expr -} - -func (x *ForClause) Span() (start, end Position) { - _, end = x.X.Span() - return x.For, end -} - -// An IfClause represents an if clause in a list comprehension: if Cond. -type IfClause struct { - commentsRef - If Position - Cond Expr -} - -func (x *IfClause) Span() (start, end Position) { - _, end = x.Cond.Span() - return x.If, end -} - -// A DictExpr represents a dictionary literal: { List }. -type DictExpr struct { - commentsRef - Lbrace Position - List []Expr // all *DictEntrys - Rbrace Position -} - -func (x *DictExpr) Span() (start, end Position) { - return x.Lbrace, x.Rbrace.add("}") -} - -// A DictEntry represents a dictionary entry: Key: Value. -// Used only within a DictExpr. -type DictEntry struct { - commentsRef - Key Expr - Colon Position - Value Expr -} - -func (x *DictEntry) Span() (start, end Position) { - start, _ = x.Key.Span() - _, end = x.Value.Span() - return start, end -} - -// A LambdaExpr represents an inline function abstraction. -type LambdaExpr struct { - commentsRef - Lambda Position - Params []Expr // param = ident | ident=expr | * | *ident | **ident - Body Expr - - Function interface{} // a *resolve.Function, set by resolver -} - -func (x *LambdaExpr) Span() (start, end Position) { - _, end = x.Body.Span() - return x.Lambda, end -} - -// A ListExpr represents a list literal: [ List ]. -type ListExpr struct { - commentsRef - Lbrack Position - List []Expr - Rbrack Position -} - -func (x *ListExpr) Span() (start, end Position) { - return x.Lbrack, x.Rbrack.add("]") -} - -// CondExpr represents the conditional: X if COND else ELSE. -type CondExpr struct { - commentsRef - If Position - Cond Expr - True Expr - ElsePos Position - False Expr -} - -func (x *CondExpr) Span() (start, end Position) { - start, _ = x.True.Span() - _, end = x.False.Span() - return start, end -} - -// A TupleExpr represents a tuple literal: (List). -type TupleExpr struct { - commentsRef - Lparen Position // optional (e.g. in x, y = 0, 1), but required if List is empty - List []Expr - Rparen Position -} - -func (x *TupleExpr) Span() (start, end Position) { - if x.Lparen.IsValid() { - return x.Lparen, x.Rparen - } else { - return Start(x.List[0]), End(x.List[len(x.List)-1]) - } -} - -// A UnaryExpr represents a unary expression: Op X. -// -// As a special case, UnaryOp{Op:Star} may also represent -// the star parameter in def f(*args) or def f(*, x). -type UnaryExpr struct { - commentsRef - OpPos Position - Op Token - X Expr // may be nil if Op==STAR -} - -func (x *UnaryExpr) Span() (start, end Position) { - if x.X != nil { - _, end = x.X.Span() - } else { - end = x.OpPos.add("*") - } - return x.OpPos, end -} - -// A BinaryExpr represents a binary expression: X Op Y. -// -// As a special case, BinaryExpr{Op:EQ} may also -// represent a named argument in a call f(k=v) -// or a named parameter in a function declaration -// def f(param=default). -type BinaryExpr struct { - commentsRef - X Expr - OpPos Position - Op Token - Y Expr -} - -func (x *BinaryExpr) Span() (start, end Position) { - start, _ = x.X.Span() - _, end = x.Y.Span() - return start, end -} - -// A SliceExpr represents a slice or substring expression: X[Lo:Hi:Step]. -type SliceExpr struct { - commentsRef - X Expr - Lbrack Position - Lo, Hi, Step Expr // all optional - Rbrack Position -} - -func (x *SliceExpr) Span() (start, end Position) { - start, _ = x.X.Span() - return start, x.Rbrack -} - -// An IndexExpr represents an index expression: X[Y]. -type IndexExpr struct { - commentsRef - X Expr - Lbrack Position - Y Expr - Rbrack Position -} - -func (x *IndexExpr) Span() (start, end Position) { - start, _ = x.X.Span() - return start, x.Rbrack -} diff --git a/vendor/go.starlark.net/syntax/walk.go b/vendor/go.starlark.net/syntax/walk.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5e6c805c..00000000 --- a/vendor/go.starlark.net/syntax/walk.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,161 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -package syntax - -// Walk traverses a syntax tree in depth-first order. -// It starts by calling f(n); n must not be nil. -// If f returns true, Walk calls itself -// recursively for each non-nil child of n. -// Walk then calls f(nil). -func Walk(n Node, f func(Node) bool) { - if n == nil { - panic("nil") - } - if !f(n) { - return - } - - // TODO(adonovan): opt: order cases using profile data. - switch n := n.(type) { - case *File: - walkStmts(n.Stmts, f) - - case *ExprStmt: - Walk(n.X, f) - - case *BranchStmt: - // no-op - - case *IfStmt: - Walk(n.Cond, f) - walkStmts(n.True, f) - walkStmts(n.False, f) - - case *AssignStmt: - Walk(n.LHS, f) - Walk(n.RHS, f) - - case *DefStmt: - Walk(n.Name, f) - for _, param := range n.Params { - Walk(param, f) - } - walkStmts(n.Body, f) - - case *ForStmt: - Walk(n.Vars, f) - Walk(n.X, f) - walkStmts(n.Body, f) - - case *ReturnStmt: - if n.Result != nil { - Walk(n.Result, f) - } - - case *LoadStmt: - Walk(n.Module, f) - for _, from := range n.From { - Walk(from, f) - } - for _, to := range n.To { - Walk(to, f) - } - - case *Ident, *Literal: - // no-op - - case *ListExpr: - for _, x := range n.List { - Walk(x, f) - } - - case *ParenExpr: - Walk(n.X, f) - - case *CondExpr: - Walk(n.Cond, f) - Walk(n.True, f) - Walk(n.False, f) - - case *IndexExpr: - Walk(n.X, f) - Walk(n.Y, f) - - case *DictEntry: - Walk(n.Key, f) - Walk(n.Value, f) - - case *SliceExpr: - Walk(n.X, f) - if n.Lo != nil { - Walk(n.Lo, f) - } - if n.Hi != nil { - Walk(n.Hi, f) - } - if n.Step != nil { - Walk(n.Step, f) - } - - case *Comprehension: - Walk(n.Body, f) - for _, clause := range n.Clauses { - Walk(clause, f) - } - - case *IfClause: - Walk(n.Cond, f) - - case *ForClause: - Walk(n.Vars, f) - Walk(n.X, f) - - case *TupleExpr: - for _, x := range n.List { - Walk(x, f) - } - - case *DictExpr: - for _, entry := range n.List { - Walk(entry, f) - } - - case *UnaryExpr: - if n.X != nil { - Walk(n.X, f) - } - - case *BinaryExpr: - Walk(n.X, f) - Walk(n.Y, f) - - case *DotExpr: - Walk(n.X, f) - Walk(n.Name, f) - - case *CallExpr: - Walk(n.Fn, f) - for _, arg := range n.Args { - Walk(arg, f) - } - - case *LambdaExpr: - for _, param := range n.Params { - Walk(param, f) - } - Walk(n.Body, f) - - default: - panic(n) - } - - f(nil) -} - -func walkStmts(stmts []Stmt, f func(Node) bool) { - for _, stmt := range stmts { - Walk(stmt, f) - } -} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/LICENSE b/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index 6a66aea5..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -Copyright (c) 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. - -Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -met: - - * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above -copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer -in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -distribution. - * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its -contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -this software without specific prior written permission. - -THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -"AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/PATENTS b/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/PATENTS deleted file mode 100644 index 73309904..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/PATENTS +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -Additional IP Rights Grant (Patents) - -"This implementation" means the copyrightable works distributed by -Google as part of the Go project. - -Google hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, -no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) -patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, -transfer and otherwise run, modify and propagate the contents of this -implementation of Go, where such license applies only to those patent -claims, both currently owned or controlled by Google and acquired in -the future, licensable by Google that are necessarily infringed by this -implementation of Go. This grant does not include claims that would be -infringed only as a consequence of further modification of this -implementation. If you or your agent or exclusive licensee institute or -order or agree to the institution of patent litigation against any -entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging -that this implementation of Go or any code incorporated within this -implementation of Go constitutes direct or contributory patent -infringement, or inducement of patent infringement, then any patent -rights granted to you under this License for this implementation of Go -shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/errgroup/errgroup.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/errgroup/errgroup.go deleted file mode 100644 index b18efb74..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/errgroup/errgroup.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,132 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -// Package errgroup provides synchronization, error propagation, and Context -// cancelation for groups of goroutines working on subtasks of a common task. -package errgroup - -import ( - "context" - "fmt" - "sync" -) - -type token struct{} - -// A Group is a collection of goroutines working on subtasks that are part of -// the same overall task. -// -// A zero Group is valid, has no limit on the number of active goroutines, -// and does not cancel on error. -type Group struct { - cancel func(error) - - wg sync.WaitGroup - - sem chan token - - errOnce sync.Once - err error -} - -func (g *Group) done() { - if g.sem != nil { - <-g.sem - } - g.wg.Done() -} - -// WithContext returns a new Group and an associated Context derived from ctx. -// -// The derived Context is canceled the first time a function passed to Go -// returns a non-nil error or the first time Wait returns, whichever occurs -// first. -func WithContext(ctx context.Context) (*Group, context.Context) { - ctx, cancel := withCancelCause(ctx) - return &Group{cancel: cancel}, ctx -} - -// Wait blocks until all function calls from the Go method have returned, then -// returns the first non-nil error (if any) from them. -func (g *Group) Wait() error { - g.wg.Wait() - if g.cancel != nil { - g.cancel(g.err) - } - return g.err -} - -// Go calls the given function in a new goroutine. -// It blocks until the new goroutine can be added without the number of -// active goroutines in the group exceeding the configured limit. -// -// The first call to return a non-nil error cancels the group's context, if the -// group was created by calling WithContext. The error will be returned by Wait. -func (g *Group) Go(f func() error) { - if g.sem != nil { - g.sem <- token{} - } - - g.wg.Add(1) - go func() { - defer g.done() - - if err := f(); err != nil { - g.errOnce.Do(func() { - g.err = err - if g.cancel != nil { - g.cancel(g.err) - } - }) - } - }() -} - -// TryGo calls the given function in a new goroutine only if the number of -// active goroutines in the group is currently below the configured limit. -// -// The return value reports whether the goroutine was started. -func (g *Group) TryGo(f func() error) bool { - if g.sem != nil { - select { - case g.sem <- token{}: - // Note: this allows barging iff channels in general allow barging. - default: - return false - } - } - - g.wg.Add(1) - go func() { - defer g.done() - - if err := f(); err != nil { - g.errOnce.Do(func() { - g.err = err - if g.cancel != nil { - g.cancel(g.err) - } - }) - } - }() - return true -} - -// SetLimit limits the number of active goroutines in this group to at most n. -// A negative value indicates no limit. -// -// Any subsequent call to the Go method will block until it can add an active -// goroutine without exceeding the configured limit. -// -// The limit must not be modified while any goroutines in the group are active. -func (g *Group) SetLimit(n int) { - if n < 0 { - g.sem = nil - return - } - if len(g.sem) != 0 { - panic(fmt.Errorf("errgroup: modify limit while %v goroutines in the group are still active", len(g.sem))) - } - g.sem = make(chan token, n) -} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/errgroup/go120.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/errgroup/go120.go deleted file mode 100644 index f93c740b..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/errgroup/go120.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -//go:build go1.20 - -package errgroup - -import "context" - -func withCancelCause(parent context.Context) (context.Context, func(error)) { - return context.WithCancelCause(parent) -} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/errgroup/pre_go120.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/errgroup/pre_go120.go deleted file mode 100644 index 88ce3343..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/errgroup/pre_go120.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -//go:build !go1.20 - -package errgroup - -import "context" - -func withCancelCause(parent context.Context) (context.Context, func(error)) { - ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(parent) - return ctx, func(error) { cancel() } -} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/encoding.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/encoding.go deleted file mode 100644 index a0bd7cd4..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/encoding.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,335 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -// Package encoding defines an interface for character encodings, such as Shift -// JIS and Windows 1252, that can convert to and from UTF-8. -// -// Encoding implementations are provided in other packages, such as -// golang.org/x/text/encoding/charmap and -// golang.org/x/text/encoding/japanese. -package encoding // import "golang.org/x/text/encoding" - -import ( - "errors" - "io" - "strconv" - "unicode/utf8" - - "golang.org/x/text/encoding/internal/identifier" - "golang.org/x/text/transform" -) - -// TODO: -// - There seems to be some inconsistency in when decoders return errors -// and when not. Also documentation seems to suggest they shouldn't return -// errors at all (except for UTF-16). -// - Encoders seem to rely on or at least benefit from the input being in NFC -// normal form. Perhaps add an example how users could prepare their output. - -// Encoding is a character set encoding that can be transformed to and from -// UTF-8. -type Encoding interface { - // NewDecoder returns a Decoder. - NewDecoder() *Decoder - - // NewEncoder returns an Encoder. - NewEncoder() *Encoder -} - -// A Decoder converts bytes to UTF-8. It implements transform.Transformer. -// -// Transforming source bytes that are not of that encoding will not result in an -// error per se. Each byte that cannot be transcoded will be represented in the -// output by the UTF-8 encoding of '\uFFFD', the replacement rune. -type Decoder struct { - transform.Transformer - - // This forces external creators of Decoders to use names in struct - // initializers, allowing for future extendibility without having to break - // code. - _ struct{} -} - -// Bytes converts the given encoded bytes to UTF-8. It returns the converted -// bytes or nil, err if any error occurred. -func (d *Decoder) Bytes(b []byte) ([]byte, error) { - b, _, err := transform.Bytes(d, b) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return b, nil -} - -// String converts the given encoded string to UTF-8. It returns the converted -// string or "", err if any error occurred. -func (d *Decoder) String(s string) (string, error) { - s, _, err := transform.String(d, s) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - return s, nil -} - -// Reader wraps another Reader to decode its bytes. -// -// The Decoder may not be used for any other operation as long as the returned -// Reader is in use. -func (d *Decoder) Reader(r io.Reader) io.Reader { - return transform.NewReader(r, d) -} - -// An Encoder converts bytes from UTF-8. It implements transform.Transformer. -// -// Each rune that cannot be transcoded will result in an error. In this case, -// the transform will consume all source byte up to, not including the offending -// rune. Transforming source bytes that are not valid UTF-8 will be replaced by -// `\uFFFD`. To return early with an error instead, use transform.Chain to -// preprocess the data with a UTF8Validator. -type Encoder struct { - transform.Transformer - - // This forces external creators of Encoders to use names in struct - // initializers, allowing for future extendibility without having to break - // code. - _ struct{} -} - -// Bytes converts bytes from UTF-8. It returns the converted bytes or nil, err if -// any error occurred. -func (e *Encoder) Bytes(b []byte) ([]byte, error) { - b, _, err := transform.Bytes(e, b) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return b, nil -} - -// String converts a string from UTF-8. It returns the converted string or -// "", err if any error occurred. -func (e *Encoder) String(s string) (string, error) { - s, _, err := transform.String(e, s) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - return s, nil -} - -// Writer wraps another Writer to encode its UTF-8 output. -// -// The Encoder may not be used for any other operation as long as the returned -// Writer is in use. -func (e *Encoder) Writer(w io.Writer) io.Writer { - return transform.NewWriter(w, e) -} - -// ASCIISub is the ASCII substitute character, as recommended by -// https://unicode.org/reports/tr36/#Text_Comparison -const ASCIISub = '\x1a' - -// Nop is the nop encoding. Its transformed bytes are the same as the source -// bytes; it does not replace invalid UTF-8 sequences. -var Nop Encoding = nop{} - -type nop struct{} - -func (nop) NewDecoder() *Decoder { - return &Decoder{Transformer: transform.Nop} -} -func (nop) NewEncoder() *Encoder { - return &Encoder{Transformer: transform.Nop} -} - -// Replacement is the replacement encoding. Decoding from the replacement -// encoding yields a single '\uFFFD' replacement rune. Encoding from UTF-8 to -// the replacement encoding yields the same as the source bytes except that -// invalid UTF-8 is converted to '\uFFFD'. -// -// It is defined at http://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/#replacement -var Replacement Encoding = replacement{} - -type replacement struct{} - -func (replacement) NewDecoder() *Decoder { - return &Decoder{Transformer: replacementDecoder{}} -} - -func (replacement) NewEncoder() *Encoder { - return &Encoder{Transformer: replacementEncoder{}} -} - -func (replacement) ID() (mib identifier.MIB, other string) { - return identifier.Replacement, "" -} - -type replacementDecoder struct{ transform.NopResetter } - -func (replacementDecoder) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { - if len(dst) < 3 { - return 0, 0, transform.ErrShortDst - } - if atEOF { - const fffd = "\ufffd" - dst[0] = fffd[0] - dst[1] = fffd[1] - dst[2] = fffd[2] - nDst = 3 - } - return nDst, len(src), nil -} - -type replacementEncoder struct{ transform.NopResetter } - -func (replacementEncoder) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { - r, size := rune(0), 0 - - for ; nSrc < len(src); nSrc += size { - r = rune(src[nSrc]) - - // Decode a 1-byte rune. - if r < utf8.RuneSelf { - size = 1 - - } else { - // Decode a multi-byte rune. - r, size = utf8.DecodeRune(src[nSrc:]) - if size == 1 { - // All valid runes of size 1 (those below utf8.RuneSelf) were - // handled above. We have invalid UTF-8 or we haven't seen the - // full character yet. - if !atEOF && !utf8.FullRune(src[nSrc:]) { - err = transform.ErrShortSrc - break - } - r = '\ufffd' - } - } - - if nDst+utf8.RuneLen(r) > len(dst) { - err = transform.ErrShortDst - break - } - nDst += utf8.EncodeRune(dst[nDst:], r) - } - return nDst, nSrc, err -} - -// HTMLEscapeUnsupported wraps encoders to replace source runes outside the -// repertoire of the destination encoding with HTML escape sequences. -// -// This wrapper exists to comply to URL and HTML forms requiring a -// non-terminating legacy encoder. The produced sequences may lead to data -// loss as they are indistinguishable from legitimate input. To avoid this -// issue, use UTF-8 encodings whenever possible. -func HTMLEscapeUnsupported(e *Encoder) *Encoder { - return &Encoder{Transformer: &errorHandler{e, errorToHTML}} -} - -// ReplaceUnsupported wraps encoders to replace source runes outside the -// repertoire of the destination encoding with an encoding-specific -// replacement. -// -// This wrapper is only provided for backwards compatibility and legacy -// handling. Its use is strongly discouraged. Use UTF-8 whenever possible. -func ReplaceUnsupported(e *Encoder) *Encoder { - return &Encoder{Transformer: &errorHandler{e, errorToReplacement}} -} - -type errorHandler struct { - *Encoder - handler func(dst []byte, r rune, err repertoireError) (n int, ok bool) -} - -// TODO: consider making this error public in some form. -type repertoireError interface { - Replacement() byte -} - -func (h errorHandler) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { - nDst, nSrc, err = h.Transformer.Transform(dst, src, atEOF) - for err != nil { - rerr, ok := err.(repertoireError) - if !ok { - return nDst, nSrc, err - } - r, sz := utf8.DecodeRune(src[nSrc:]) - n, ok := h.handler(dst[nDst:], r, rerr) - if !ok { - return nDst, nSrc, transform.ErrShortDst - } - err = nil - nDst += n - if nSrc += sz; nSrc < len(src) { - var dn, sn int - dn, sn, err = h.Transformer.Transform(dst[nDst:], src[nSrc:], atEOF) - nDst += dn - nSrc += sn - } - } - return nDst, nSrc, err -} - -func errorToHTML(dst []byte, r rune, err repertoireError) (n int, ok bool) { - buf := [8]byte{} - b := strconv.AppendUint(buf[:0], uint64(r), 10) - if n = len(b) + len("&#;"); n >= len(dst) { - return 0, false - } - dst[0] = '&' - dst[1] = '#' - dst[copy(dst[2:], b)+2] = ';' - return n, true -} - -func errorToReplacement(dst []byte, r rune, err repertoireError) (n int, ok bool) { - if len(dst) == 0 { - return 0, false - } - dst[0] = err.Replacement() - return 1, true -} - -// ErrInvalidUTF8 means that a transformer encountered invalid UTF-8. -var ErrInvalidUTF8 = errors.New("encoding: invalid UTF-8") - -// UTF8Validator is a transformer that returns ErrInvalidUTF8 on the first -// input byte that is not valid UTF-8. -var UTF8Validator transform.Transformer = utf8Validator{} - -type utf8Validator struct{ transform.NopResetter } - -func (utf8Validator) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { - n := len(src) - if n > len(dst) { - n = len(dst) - } - for i := 0; i < n; { - if c := src[i]; c < utf8.RuneSelf { - dst[i] = c - i++ - continue - } - _, size := utf8.DecodeRune(src[i:]) - if size == 1 { - // All valid runes of size 1 (those below utf8.RuneSelf) were - // handled above. We have invalid UTF-8 or we haven't seen the - // full character yet. - err = ErrInvalidUTF8 - if !atEOF && !utf8.FullRune(src[i:]) { - err = transform.ErrShortSrc - } - return i, i, err - } - if i+size > len(dst) { - return i, i, transform.ErrShortDst - } - for ; size > 0; size-- { - dst[i] = src[i] - i++ - } - } - if len(src) > len(dst) { - err = transform.ErrShortDst - } - return n, n, err -} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/internal/identifier/identifier.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/internal/identifier/identifier.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5c9b85c2..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/internal/identifier/identifier.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -//go:generate go run gen.go - -// Package identifier defines the contract between implementations of Encoding -// and Index by defining identifiers that uniquely identify standardized coded -// character sets (CCS) and character encoding schemes (CES), which we will -// together refer to as encodings, for which Encoding implementations provide -// converters to and from UTF-8. This package is typically only of concern to -// implementers of Indexes and Encodings. -// -// One part of the identifier is the MIB code, which is defined by IANA and -// uniquely identifies a CCS or CES. Each code is associated with data that -// references authorities, official documentation as well as aliases and MIME -// names. -// -// Not all CESs are covered by the IANA registry. The "other" string that is -// returned by ID can be used to identify other character sets or versions of -// existing ones. -// -// It is recommended that each package that provides a set of Encodings provide -// the All and Common variables to reference all supported encodings and -// commonly used subset. This allows Index implementations to include all -// available encodings without explicitly referencing or knowing about them. -package identifier - -// Note: this package is internal, but could be made public if there is a need -// for writing third-party Indexes and Encodings. - -// References: -// - http://source.icu-project.org/repos/icu/icu/trunk/source/data/mappings/convrtrs.txt -// - http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets/character-sets.xhtml -// - http://www.iana.org/assignments/ianacharset-mib/ianacharset-mib -// - http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2978.txt -// - https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr22/ -// - http://www.w3.org/TR/encoding/ -// - https://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/ -// - https://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/encodings.json -// - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6657#section-5 - -// Interface can be implemented by Encodings to define the CCS or CES for which -// it implements conversions. -type Interface interface { - // ID returns an encoding identifier. Exactly one of the mib and other - // values should be non-zero. - // - // In the usual case it is only necessary to indicate the MIB code. The - // other string can be used to specify encodings for which there is no MIB, - // such as "x-mac-dingbat". - // - // The other string may only contain the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, - and _. - ID() (mib MIB, other string) - - // NOTE: the restrictions on the encoding are to allow extending the syntax - // with additional information such as versions, vendors and other variants. -} - -// A MIB identifies an encoding. It is derived from the IANA MIB codes and adds -// some identifiers for some encodings that are not covered by the IANA -// standard. -// -// See http://www.iana.org/assignments/ianacharset-mib. -type MIB uint16 - -// These additional MIB types are not defined in IANA. They are added because -// they are common and defined within the text repo. -const ( - // Unofficial marks the start of encodings not registered by IANA. - Unofficial MIB = 10000 + iota - - // Replacement is the WhatWG replacement encoding. - Replacement - - // XUserDefined is the code for x-user-defined. - XUserDefined - - // MacintoshCyrillic is the code for x-mac-cyrillic. - MacintoshCyrillic -) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/internal/identifier/mib.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/internal/identifier/mib.go deleted file mode 100644 index 351fb86e..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/internal/identifier/mib.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1627 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. - -package identifier - -const ( - // ASCII is the MIB identifier with IANA name US-ASCII (MIME: US-ASCII). - // - // ANSI X3.4-1986 - // Reference: RFC2046 - ASCII MIB = 3 - - // ISOLatin1 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-1:1987 (MIME: ISO-8859-1). - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISOLatin1 MIB = 4 - - // ISOLatin2 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-2:1987 (MIME: ISO-8859-2). - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISOLatin2 MIB = 5 - - // ISOLatin3 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-3:1988 (MIME: ISO-8859-3). - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISOLatin3 MIB = 6 - - // ISOLatin4 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-4:1988 (MIME: ISO-8859-4). - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISOLatin4 MIB = 7 - - // ISOLatinCyrillic is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-5:1988 (MIME: ISO-8859-5). - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISOLatinCyrillic MIB = 8 - - // ISOLatinArabic is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-6:1987 (MIME: ISO-8859-6). - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISOLatinArabic MIB = 9 - - // ISOLatinGreek is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-7:1987 (MIME: ISO-8859-7). - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1947 - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISOLatinGreek MIB = 10 - - // ISOLatinHebrew is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-8:1988 (MIME: ISO-8859-8). - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISOLatinHebrew MIB = 11 - - // ISOLatin5 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-9:1989 (MIME: ISO-8859-9). - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISOLatin5 MIB = 12 - - // ISOLatin6 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-8859-10 (MIME: ISO-8859-10). - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISOLatin6 MIB = 13 - - // ISOTextComm is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_6937-2-add. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences and ISO 6937-2:1983 - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISOTextComm MIB = 14 - - // HalfWidthKatakana is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_X0201. - // - // JIS X 0201-1976. One byte only, this is equivalent to - // JIS/Roman (similar to ASCII) plus eight-bit half-width - // Katakana - // Reference: RFC1345 - HalfWidthKatakana MIB = 15 - - // JISEncoding is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_Encoding. - // - // JIS X 0202-1991. Uses ISO 2022 escape sequences to - // shift code sets as documented in JIS X 0202-1991. - JISEncoding MIB = 16 - - // ShiftJIS is the MIB identifier with IANA name Shift_JIS (MIME: Shift_JIS). - // - // This charset is an extension of csHalfWidthKatakana by - // adding graphic characters in JIS X 0208. The CCS's are - // JIS X0201:1997 and JIS X0208:1997. The - // complete definition is shown in Appendix 1 of JIS - // X0208:1997. - // This charset can be used for the top-level media type "text". - ShiftJIS MIB = 17 - - // EUCPkdFmtJapanese is the MIB identifier with IANA name Extended_UNIX_Code_Packed_Format_for_Japanese (MIME: EUC-JP). - // - // Standardized by OSF, UNIX International, and UNIX Systems - // Laboratories Pacific. Uses ISO 2022 rules to select - // code set 0: US-ASCII (a single 7-bit byte set) - // code set 1: JIS X0208-1990 (a double 8-bit byte set) - // restricted to A0-FF in both bytes - // code set 2: Half Width Katakana (a single 7-bit byte set) - // requiring SS2 as the character prefix - // code set 3: JIS X0212-1990 (a double 7-bit byte set) - // restricted to A0-FF in both bytes - // requiring SS3 as the character prefix - EUCPkdFmtJapanese MIB = 18 - - // EUCFixWidJapanese is the MIB identifier with IANA name Extended_UNIX_Code_Fixed_Width_for_Japanese. - // - // Used in Japan. Each character is 2 octets. - // code set 0: US-ASCII (a single 7-bit byte set) - // 1st byte = 00 - // 2nd byte = 20-7E - // code set 1: JIS X0208-1990 (a double 7-bit byte set) - // restricted to A0-FF in both bytes - // code set 2: Half Width Katakana (a single 7-bit byte set) - // 1st byte = 00 - // 2nd byte = A0-FF - // code set 3: JIS X0212-1990 (a double 7-bit byte set) - // restricted to A0-FF in - // the first byte - // and 21-7E in the second byte - EUCFixWidJapanese MIB = 19 - - // ISO4UnitedKingdom is the MIB identifier with IANA name BS_4730. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO4UnitedKingdom MIB = 20 - - // ISO11SwedishForNames is the MIB identifier with IANA name SEN_850200_C. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO11SwedishForNames MIB = 21 - - // ISO15Italian is the MIB identifier with IANA name IT. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO15Italian MIB = 22 - - // ISO17Spanish is the MIB identifier with IANA name ES. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO17Spanish MIB = 23 - - // ISO21German is the MIB identifier with IANA name DIN_66003. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO21German MIB = 24 - - // ISO60Norwegian1 is the MIB identifier with IANA name NS_4551-1. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO60Norwegian1 MIB = 25 - - // ISO69French is the MIB identifier with IANA name NF_Z_62-010. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO69French MIB = 26 - - // ISO10646UTF1 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-10646-UTF-1. - // - // Universal Transfer Format (1), this is the multibyte - // encoding, that subsets ASCII-7. It does not have byte - // ordering issues. - ISO10646UTF1 MIB = 27 - - // ISO646basic1983 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_646.basic:1983. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO646basic1983 MIB = 28 - - // INVARIANT is the MIB identifier with IANA name INVARIANT. - // - // Reference: RFC1345 - INVARIANT MIB = 29 - - // ISO2IntlRefVersion is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_646.irv:1983. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO2IntlRefVersion MIB = 30 - - // NATSSEFI is the MIB identifier with IANA name NATS-SEFI. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - NATSSEFI MIB = 31 - - // NATSSEFIADD is the MIB identifier with IANA name NATS-SEFI-ADD. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - NATSSEFIADD MIB = 32 - - // NATSDANO is the MIB identifier with IANA name NATS-DANO. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - NATSDANO MIB = 33 - - // NATSDANOADD is the MIB identifier with IANA name NATS-DANO-ADD. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - NATSDANOADD MIB = 34 - - // ISO10Swedish is the MIB identifier with IANA name SEN_850200_B. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO10Swedish MIB = 35 - - // KSC56011987 is the MIB identifier with IANA name KS_C_5601-1987. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - KSC56011987 MIB = 36 - - // ISO2022KR is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-2022-KR (MIME: ISO-2022-KR). - // - // rfc1557 (see also KS_C_5601-1987) - // Reference: RFC1557 - ISO2022KR MIB = 37 - - // EUCKR is the MIB identifier with IANA name EUC-KR (MIME: EUC-KR). - // - // rfc1557 (see also KS_C_5861-1992) - // Reference: RFC1557 - EUCKR MIB = 38 - - // ISO2022JP is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-2022-JP (MIME: ISO-2022-JP). - // - // rfc1468 (see also rfc2237 ) - // Reference: RFC1468 - ISO2022JP MIB = 39 - - // ISO2022JP2 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-2022-JP-2 (MIME: ISO-2022-JP-2). - // - // rfc1554 - // Reference: RFC1554 - ISO2022JP2 MIB = 40 - - // ISO13JISC6220jp is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_C6220-1969-jp. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO13JISC6220jp MIB = 41 - - // ISO14JISC6220ro is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_C6220-1969-ro. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO14JISC6220ro MIB = 42 - - // ISO16Portuguese is the MIB identifier with IANA name PT. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO16Portuguese MIB = 43 - - // ISO18Greek7Old is the MIB identifier with IANA name greek7-old. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO18Greek7Old MIB = 44 - - // ISO19LatinGreek is the MIB identifier with IANA name latin-greek. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO19LatinGreek MIB = 45 - - // ISO25French is the MIB identifier with IANA name NF_Z_62-010_(1973). - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO25French MIB = 46 - - // ISO27LatinGreek1 is the MIB identifier with IANA name Latin-greek-1. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO27LatinGreek1 MIB = 47 - - // ISO5427Cyrillic is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_5427. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO5427Cyrillic MIB = 48 - - // ISO42JISC62261978 is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_C6226-1978. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO42JISC62261978 MIB = 49 - - // ISO47BSViewdata is the MIB identifier with IANA name BS_viewdata. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO47BSViewdata MIB = 50 - - // ISO49INIS is the MIB identifier with IANA name INIS. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO49INIS MIB = 51 - - // ISO50INIS8 is the MIB identifier with IANA name INIS-8. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO50INIS8 MIB = 52 - - // ISO51INISCyrillic is the MIB identifier with IANA name INIS-cyrillic. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO51INISCyrillic MIB = 53 - - // ISO54271981 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_5427:1981. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO54271981 MIB = 54 - - // ISO5428Greek is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_5428:1980. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO5428Greek MIB = 55 - - // ISO57GB1988 is the MIB identifier with IANA name GB_1988-80. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO57GB1988 MIB = 56 - - // ISO58GB231280 is the MIB identifier with IANA name GB_2312-80. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO58GB231280 MIB = 57 - - // ISO61Norwegian2 is the MIB identifier with IANA name NS_4551-2. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO61Norwegian2 MIB = 58 - - // ISO70VideotexSupp1 is the MIB identifier with IANA name videotex-suppl. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO70VideotexSupp1 MIB = 59 - - // ISO84Portuguese2 is the MIB identifier with IANA name PT2. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO84Portuguese2 MIB = 60 - - // ISO85Spanish2 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ES2. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO85Spanish2 MIB = 61 - - // ISO86Hungarian is the MIB identifier with IANA name MSZ_7795.3. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO86Hungarian MIB = 62 - - // ISO87JISX0208 is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_C6226-1983. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO87JISX0208 MIB = 63 - - // ISO88Greek7 is the MIB identifier with IANA name greek7. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO88Greek7 MIB = 64 - - // ISO89ASMO449 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ASMO_449. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO89ASMO449 MIB = 65 - - // ISO90 is the MIB identifier with IANA name iso-ir-90. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO90 MIB = 66 - - // ISO91JISC62291984a is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_C6229-1984-a. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO91JISC62291984a MIB = 67 - - // ISO92JISC62991984b is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_C6229-1984-b. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO92JISC62991984b MIB = 68 - - // ISO93JIS62291984badd is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_C6229-1984-b-add. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO93JIS62291984badd MIB = 69 - - // ISO94JIS62291984hand is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_C6229-1984-hand. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO94JIS62291984hand MIB = 70 - - // ISO95JIS62291984handadd is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_C6229-1984-hand-add. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO95JIS62291984handadd MIB = 71 - - // ISO96JISC62291984kana is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_C6229-1984-kana. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO96JISC62291984kana MIB = 72 - - // ISO2033 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_2033-1983. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO2033 MIB = 73 - - // ISO99NAPLPS is the MIB identifier with IANA name ANSI_X3.110-1983. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO99NAPLPS MIB = 74 - - // ISO102T617bit is the MIB identifier with IANA name T.61-7bit. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO102T617bit MIB = 75 - - // ISO103T618bit is the MIB identifier with IANA name T.61-8bit. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO103T618bit MIB = 76 - - // ISO111ECMACyrillic is the MIB identifier with IANA name ECMA-cyrillic. - // - // ISO registry - ISO111ECMACyrillic MIB = 77 - - // ISO121Canadian1 is the MIB identifier with IANA name CSA_Z243.4-1985-1. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO121Canadian1 MIB = 78 - - // ISO122Canadian2 is the MIB identifier with IANA name CSA_Z243.4-1985-2. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO122Canadian2 MIB = 79 - - // ISO123CSAZ24341985gr is the MIB identifier with IANA name CSA_Z243.4-1985-gr. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO123CSAZ24341985gr MIB = 80 - - // ISO88596E is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-6-E (MIME: ISO-8859-6-E). - // - // rfc1556 - // Reference: RFC1556 - ISO88596E MIB = 81 - - // ISO88596I is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-6-I (MIME: ISO-8859-6-I). - // - // rfc1556 - // Reference: RFC1556 - ISO88596I MIB = 82 - - // ISO128T101G2 is the MIB identifier with IANA name T.101-G2. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO128T101G2 MIB = 83 - - // ISO88598E is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-8-E (MIME: ISO-8859-8-E). - // - // rfc1556 - // Reference: RFC1556 - ISO88598E MIB = 84 - - // ISO88598I is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-8-I (MIME: ISO-8859-8-I). - // - // rfc1556 - // Reference: RFC1556 - ISO88598I MIB = 85 - - // ISO139CSN369103 is the MIB identifier with IANA name CSN_369103. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO139CSN369103 MIB = 86 - - // ISO141JUSIB1002 is the MIB identifier with IANA name JUS_I.B1.002. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO141JUSIB1002 MIB = 87 - - // ISO143IECP271 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IEC_P27-1. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO143IECP271 MIB = 88 - - // ISO146Serbian is the MIB identifier with IANA name JUS_I.B1.003-serb. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO146Serbian MIB = 89 - - // ISO147Macedonian is the MIB identifier with IANA name JUS_I.B1.003-mac. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO147Macedonian MIB = 90 - - // ISO150GreekCCITT is the MIB identifier with IANA name greek-ccitt. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO150GreekCCITT MIB = 91 - - // ISO151Cuba is the MIB identifier with IANA name NC_NC00-10:81. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO151Cuba MIB = 92 - - // ISO6937Add is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_6937-2-25. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO6937Add MIB = 93 - - // ISO153GOST1976874 is the MIB identifier with IANA name GOST_19768-74. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO153GOST1976874 MIB = 94 - - // ISO8859Supp is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-supp. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO8859Supp MIB = 95 - - // ISO10367Box is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_10367-box. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO10367Box MIB = 96 - - // ISO158Lap is the MIB identifier with IANA name latin-lap. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO158Lap MIB = 97 - - // ISO159JISX02121990 is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_X0212-1990. - // - // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences - // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan. - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO159JISX02121990 MIB = 98 - - // ISO646Danish is the MIB identifier with IANA name DS_2089. - // - // Danish Standard, DS 2089, February 1974 - // Reference: RFC1345 - ISO646Danish MIB = 99 - - // USDK is the MIB identifier with IANA name us-dk. - // - // Reference: RFC1345 - USDK MIB = 100 - - // DKUS is the MIB identifier with IANA name dk-us. - // - // Reference: RFC1345 - DKUS MIB = 101 - - // KSC5636 is the MIB identifier with IANA name KSC5636. - // - // Reference: RFC1345 - KSC5636 MIB = 102 - - // Unicode11UTF7 is the MIB identifier with IANA name UNICODE-1-1-UTF-7. - // - // rfc1642 - // Reference: RFC1642 - Unicode11UTF7 MIB = 103 - - // ISO2022CN is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-2022-CN. - // - // rfc1922 - // Reference: RFC1922 - ISO2022CN MIB = 104 - - // ISO2022CNEXT is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-2022-CN-EXT. - // - // rfc1922 - // Reference: RFC1922 - ISO2022CNEXT MIB = 105 - - // UTF8 is the MIB identifier with IANA name UTF-8. - // - // rfc3629 - // Reference: RFC3629 - UTF8 MIB = 106 - - // ISO885913 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-8859-13. - // - // ISO See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/ISO-8859-13 https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/ISO-8859-13 - ISO885913 MIB = 109 - - // ISO885914 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-8859-14. - // - // ISO See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/ISO-8859-14 - ISO885914 MIB = 110 - - // ISO885915 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-8859-15. - // - // ISO - // Please see: https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/ISO-8859-15 - ISO885915 MIB = 111 - - // ISO885916 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-8859-16. - // - // ISO - ISO885916 MIB = 112 - - // GBK is the MIB identifier with IANA name GBK. - // - // Chinese IT Standardization Technical Committee - // Please see: https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/GBK - GBK MIB = 113 - - // GB18030 is the MIB identifier with IANA name GB18030. - // - // Chinese IT Standardization Technical Committee - // Please see: https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/GB18030 - GB18030 MIB = 114 - - // OSDEBCDICDF0415 is the MIB identifier with IANA name OSD_EBCDIC_DF04_15. - // - // Fujitsu-Siemens standard mainframe EBCDIC encoding - // Please see: https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/OSD-EBCDIC-DF04-15 - OSDEBCDICDF0415 MIB = 115 - - // OSDEBCDICDF03IRV is the MIB identifier with IANA name OSD_EBCDIC_DF03_IRV. - // - // Fujitsu-Siemens standard mainframe EBCDIC encoding - // Please see: https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/OSD-EBCDIC-DF03-IRV - OSDEBCDICDF03IRV MIB = 116 - - // OSDEBCDICDF041 is the MIB identifier with IANA name OSD_EBCDIC_DF04_1. - // - // Fujitsu-Siemens standard mainframe EBCDIC encoding - // Please see: https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/OSD-EBCDIC-DF04-1 - OSDEBCDICDF041 MIB = 117 - - // ISO115481 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-11548-1. - // - // See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/ISO-11548-1 - ISO115481 MIB = 118 - - // KZ1048 is the MIB identifier with IANA name KZ-1048. - // - // See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/KZ-1048 - KZ1048 MIB = 119 - - // Unicode is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-10646-UCS-2. - // - // the 2-octet Basic Multilingual Plane, aka Unicode - // this needs to specify network byte order: the standard - // does not specify (it is a 16-bit integer space) - Unicode MIB = 1000 - - // UCS4 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-10646-UCS-4. - // - // the full code space. (same comment about byte order, - // these are 31-bit numbers. - UCS4 MIB = 1001 - - // UnicodeASCII is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-10646-UCS-Basic. - // - // ASCII subset of Unicode. Basic Latin = collection 1 - // See ISO 10646, Appendix A - UnicodeASCII MIB = 1002 - - // UnicodeLatin1 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-10646-Unicode-Latin1. - // - // ISO Latin-1 subset of Unicode. Basic Latin and Latin-1 - // Supplement = collections 1 and 2. See ISO 10646, - // Appendix A. See rfc1815 . - UnicodeLatin1 MIB = 1003 - - // UnicodeJapanese is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-10646-J-1. - // - // ISO 10646 Japanese, see rfc1815 . - UnicodeJapanese MIB = 1004 - - // UnicodeIBM1261 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-Unicode-IBM-1261. - // - // IBM Latin-2, -3, -5, Extended Presentation Set, GCSGID: 1261 - UnicodeIBM1261 MIB = 1005 - - // UnicodeIBM1268 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-Unicode-IBM-1268. - // - // IBM Latin-4 Extended Presentation Set, GCSGID: 1268 - UnicodeIBM1268 MIB = 1006 - - // UnicodeIBM1276 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-Unicode-IBM-1276. - // - // IBM Cyrillic Greek Extended Presentation Set, GCSGID: 1276 - UnicodeIBM1276 MIB = 1007 - - // UnicodeIBM1264 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-Unicode-IBM-1264. - // - // IBM Arabic Presentation Set, GCSGID: 1264 - UnicodeIBM1264 MIB = 1008 - - // UnicodeIBM1265 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-Unicode-IBM-1265. - // - // IBM Hebrew Presentation Set, GCSGID: 1265 - UnicodeIBM1265 MIB = 1009 - - // Unicode11 is the MIB identifier with IANA name UNICODE-1-1. - // - // rfc1641 - // Reference: RFC1641 - Unicode11 MIB = 1010 - - // SCSU is the MIB identifier with IANA name SCSU. - // - // SCSU See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/SCSU - SCSU MIB = 1011 - - // UTF7 is the MIB identifier with IANA name UTF-7. - // - // rfc2152 - // Reference: RFC2152 - UTF7 MIB = 1012 - - // UTF16BE is the MIB identifier with IANA name UTF-16BE. - // - // rfc2781 - // Reference: RFC2781 - UTF16BE MIB = 1013 - - // UTF16LE is the MIB identifier with IANA name UTF-16LE. - // - // rfc2781 - // Reference: RFC2781 - UTF16LE MIB = 1014 - - // UTF16 is the MIB identifier with IANA name UTF-16. - // - // rfc2781 - // Reference: RFC2781 - UTF16 MIB = 1015 - - // CESU8 is the MIB identifier with IANA name CESU-8. - // - // https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr26 - CESU8 MIB = 1016 - - // UTF32 is the MIB identifier with IANA name UTF-32. - // - // https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr19/ - UTF32 MIB = 1017 - - // UTF32BE is the MIB identifier with IANA name UTF-32BE. - // - // https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr19/ - UTF32BE MIB = 1018 - - // UTF32LE is the MIB identifier with IANA name UTF-32LE. - // - // https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr19/ - UTF32LE MIB = 1019 - - // BOCU1 is the MIB identifier with IANA name BOCU-1. - // - // https://www.unicode.org/notes/tn6/ - BOCU1 MIB = 1020 - - // UTF7IMAP is the MIB identifier with IANA name UTF-7-IMAP. - // - // Note: This charset is used to encode Unicode in IMAP mailbox names; - // see section 5.1.3 of rfc3501 . It should never be used - // outside this context. A name has been assigned so that charset processing - // implementations can refer to it in a consistent way. - UTF7IMAP MIB = 1021 - - // Windows30Latin1 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-8859-1-Windows-3.0-Latin-1. - // - // Extended ISO 8859-1 Latin-1 for Windows 3.0. - // PCL Symbol Set id: 9U - Windows30Latin1 MIB = 2000 - - // Windows31Latin1 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-8859-1-Windows-3.1-Latin-1. - // - // Extended ISO 8859-1 Latin-1 for Windows 3.1. - // PCL Symbol Set id: 19U - Windows31Latin1 MIB = 2001 - - // Windows31Latin2 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-8859-2-Windows-Latin-2. - // - // Extended ISO 8859-2. Latin-2 for Windows 3.1. - // PCL Symbol Set id: 9E - Windows31Latin2 MIB = 2002 - - // Windows31Latin5 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-8859-9-Windows-Latin-5. - // - // Extended ISO 8859-9. Latin-5 for Windows 3.1 - // PCL Symbol Set id: 5T - Windows31Latin5 MIB = 2003 - - // HPRoman8 is the MIB identifier with IANA name hp-roman8. - // - // LaserJet IIP Printer User's Manual, - // HP part no 33471-90901, Hewlet-Packard, June 1989. - // Reference: RFC1345 - HPRoman8 MIB = 2004 - - // AdobeStandardEncoding is the MIB identifier with IANA name Adobe-Standard-Encoding. - // - // PostScript Language Reference Manual - // PCL Symbol Set id: 10J - AdobeStandardEncoding MIB = 2005 - - // VenturaUS is the MIB identifier with IANA name Ventura-US. - // - // Ventura US. ASCII plus characters typically used in - // publishing, like pilcrow, copyright, registered, trade mark, - // section, dagger, and double dagger in the range A0 (hex) - // to FF (hex). - // PCL Symbol Set id: 14J - VenturaUS MIB = 2006 - - // VenturaInternational is the MIB identifier with IANA name Ventura-International. - // - // Ventura International. ASCII plus coded characters similar - // to Roman8. - // PCL Symbol Set id: 13J - VenturaInternational MIB = 2007 - - // DECMCS is the MIB identifier with IANA name DEC-MCS. - // - // VAX/VMS User's Manual, - // Order Number: AI-Y517A-TE, April 1986. - // Reference: RFC1345 - DECMCS MIB = 2008 - - // PC850Multilingual is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM850. - // - // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - PC850Multilingual MIB = 2009 - - // PC8DanishNorwegian is the MIB identifier with IANA name PC8-Danish-Norwegian. - // - // PC Danish Norwegian - // 8-bit PC set for Danish Norwegian - // PCL Symbol Set id: 11U - PC8DanishNorwegian MIB = 2012 - - // PC862LatinHebrew is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM862. - // - // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - PC862LatinHebrew MIB = 2013 - - // PC8Turkish is the MIB identifier with IANA name PC8-Turkish. - // - // PC Latin Turkish. PCL Symbol Set id: 9T - PC8Turkish MIB = 2014 - - // IBMSymbols is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM-Symbols. - // - // Presentation Set, CPGID: 259 - IBMSymbols MIB = 2015 - - // IBMThai is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM-Thai. - // - // Presentation Set, CPGID: 838 - IBMThai MIB = 2016 - - // HPLegal is the MIB identifier with IANA name HP-Legal. - // - // PCL 5 Comparison Guide, Hewlett-Packard, - // HP part number 5961-0510, October 1992 - // PCL Symbol Set id: 1U - HPLegal MIB = 2017 - - // HPPiFont is the MIB identifier with IANA name HP-Pi-font. - // - // PCL 5 Comparison Guide, Hewlett-Packard, - // HP part number 5961-0510, October 1992 - // PCL Symbol Set id: 15U - HPPiFont MIB = 2018 - - // HPMath8 is the MIB identifier with IANA name HP-Math8. - // - // PCL 5 Comparison Guide, Hewlett-Packard, - // HP part number 5961-0510, October 1992 - // PCL Symbol Set id: 8M - HPMath8 MIB = 2019 - - // HPPSMath is the MIB identifier with IANA name Adobe-Symbol-Encoding. - // - // PostScript Language Reference Manual - // PCL Symbol Set id: 5M - HPPSMath MIB = 2020 - - // HPDesktop is the MIB identifier with IANA name HP-DeskTop. - // - // PCL 5 Comparison Guide, Hewlett-Packard, - // HP part number 5961-0510, October 1992 - // PCL Symbol Set id: 7J - HPDesktop MIB = 2021 - - // VenturaMath is the MIB identifier with IANA name Ventura-Math. - // - // PCL 5 Comparison Guide, Hewlett-Packard, - // HP part number 5961-0510, October 1992 - // PCL Symbol Set id: 6M - VenturaMath MIB = 2022 - - // MicrosoftPublishing is the MIB identifier with IANA name Microsoft-Publishing. - // - // PCL 5 Comparison Guide, Hewlett-Packard, - // HP part number 5961-0510, October 1992 - // PCL Symbol Set id: 6J - MicrosoftPublishing MIB = 2023 - - // Windows31J is the MIB identifier with IANA name Windows-31J. - // - // Windows Japanese. A further extension of Shift_JIS - // to include NEC special characters (Row 13), NEC - // selection of IBM extensions (Rows 89 to 92), and IBM - // extensions (Rows 115 to 119). The CCS's are - // JIS X0201:1997, JIS X0208:1997, and these extensions. - // This charset can be used for the top-level media type "text", - // but it is of limited or specialized use (see rfc2278 ). - // PCL Symbol Set id: 19K - Windows31J MIB = 2024 - - // GB2312 is the MIB identifier with IANA name GB2312 (MIME: GB2312). - // - // Chinese for People's Republic of China (PRC) mixed one byte, - // two byte set: - // 20-7E = one byte ASCII - // A1-FE = two byte PRC Kanji - // See GB 2312-80 - // PCL Symbol Set Id: 18C - GB2312 MIB = 2025 - - // Big5 is the MIB identifier with IANA name Big5 (MIME: Big5). - // - // Chinese for Taiwan Multi-byte set. - // PCL Symbol Set Id: 18T - Big5 MIB = 2026 - - // Macintosh is the MIB identifier with IANA name macintosh. - // - // The Unicode Standard ver1.0, ISBN 0-201-56788-1, Oct 1991 - // Reference: RFC1345 - Macintosh MIB = 2027 - - // IBM037 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM037. - // - // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM037 MIB = 2028 - - // IBM038 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM038. - // - // IBM 3174 Character Set Ref, GA27-3831-02, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM038 MIB = 2029 - - // IBM273 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM273. - // - // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM273 MIB = 2030 - - // IBM274 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM274. - // - // IBM 3174 Character Set Ref, GA27-3831-02, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM274 MIB = 2031 - - // IBM275 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM275. - // - // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM275 MIB = 2032 - - // IBM277 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM277. - // - // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM277 MIB = 2033 - - // IBM278 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM278. - // - // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM278 MIB = 2034 - - // IBM280 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM280. - // - // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM280 MIB = 2035 - - // IBM281 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM281. - // - // IBM 3174 Character Set Ref, GA27-3831-02, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM281 MIB = 2036 - - // IBM284 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM284. - // - // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM284 MIB = 2037 - - // IBM285 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM285. - // - // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM285 MIB = 2038 - - // IBM290 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM290. - // - // IBM 3174 Character Set Ref, GA27-3831-02, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM290 MIB = 2039 - - // IBM297 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM297. - // - // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM297 MIB = 2040 - - // IBM420 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM420. - // - // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990, - // IBM NLS RM p 11-11 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM420 MIB = 2041 - - // IBM423 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM423. - // - // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM423 MIB = 2042 - - // IBM424 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM424. - // - // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM424 MIB = 2043 - - // PC8CodePage437 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM437. - // - // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - PC8CodePage437 MIB = 2011 - - // IBM500 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM500. - // - // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM500 MIB = 2044 - - // IBM851 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM851. - // - // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM851 MIB = 2045 - - // PCp852 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM852. - // - // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - PCp852 MIB = 2010 - - // IBM855 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM855. - // - // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM855 MIB = 2046 - - // IBM857 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM857. - // - // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM857 MIB = 2047 - - // IBM860 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM860. - // - // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM860 MIB = 2048 - - // IBM861 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM861. - // - // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM861 MIB = 2049 - - // IBM863 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM863. - // - // IBM Keyboard layouts and code pages, PN 07G4586 June 1991 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM863 MIB = 2050 - - // IBM864 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM864. - // - // IBM Keyboard layouts and code pages, PN 07G4586 June 1991 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM864 MIB = 2051 - - // IBM865 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM865. - // - // IBM DOS 3.3 Ref (Abridged), 94X9575 (Feb 1987) - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM865 MIB = 2052 - - // IBM868 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM868. - // - // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM868 MIB = 2053 - - // IBM869 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM869. - // - // IBM Keyboard layouts and code pages, PN 07G4586 June 1991 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM869 MIB = 2054 - - // IBM870 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM870. - // - // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM870 MIB = 2055 - - // IBM871 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM871. - // - // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM871 MIB = 2056 - - // IBM880 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM880. - // - // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM880 MIB = 2057 - - // IBM891 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM891. - // - // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM891 MIB = 2058 - - // IBM903 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM903. - // - // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM903 MIB = 2059 - - // IBBM904 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM904. - // - // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBBM904 MIB = 2060 - - // IBM905 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM905. - // - // IBM 3174 Character Set Ref, GA27-3831-02, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM905 MIB = 2061 - - // IBM918 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM918. - // - // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM918 MIB = 2062 - - // IBM1026 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM1026. - // - // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBM1026 MIB = 2063 - - // IBMEBCDICATDE is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-AT-DE. - // - // IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987 - // Reference: RFC1345 - IBMEBCDICATDE MIB = 2064 - - // EBCDICATDEA is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-AT-DE-A. - // - // IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987 - // Reference: RFC1345 - EBCDICATDEA MIB = 2065 - - // EBCDICCAFR is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-CA-FR. - // - // IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987 - // Reference: RFC1345 - EBCDICCAFR MIB = 2066 - - // EBCDICDKNO is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-DK-NO. - // - // IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987 - // Reference: RFC1345 - EBCDICDKNO MIB = 2067 - - // EBCDICDKNOA is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-DK-NO-A. - // - // IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987 - // Reference: RFC1345 - EBCDICDKNOA MIB = 2068 - - // EBCDICFISE is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-FI-SE. - // - // IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987 - // Reference: RFC1345 - EBCDICFISE MIB = 2069 - - // EBCDICFISEA is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-FI-SE-A. - // - // IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987 - // Reference: RFC1345 - EBCDICFISEA MIB = 2070 - - // EBCDICFR is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-FR. - // - // IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987 - // Reference: RFC1345 - EBCDICFR MIB = 2071 - - // EBCDICIT is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-IT. - // - // IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987 - // Reference: RFC1345 - EBCDICIT MIB = 2072 - - // EBCDICPT is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-PT. - // - // IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987 - // Reference: RFC1345 - EBCDICPT MIB = 2073 - - // EBCDICES is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-ES. - // - // IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987 - // Reference: RFC1345 - EBCDICES MIB = 2074 - - // EBCDICESA is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-ES-A. - // - // IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987 - // Reference: RFC1345 - EBCDICESA MIB = 2075 - - // EBCDICESS is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-ES-S. - // - // IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987 - // Reference: RFC1345 - EBCDICESS MIB = 2076 - - // EBCDICUK is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-UK. - // - // IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987 - // Reference: RFC1345 - EBCDICUK MIB = 2077 - - // EBCDICUS is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-US. - // - // IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987 - // Reference: RFC1345 - EBCDICUS MIB = 2078 - - // Unknown8BiT is the MIB identifier with IANA name UNKNOWN-8BIT. - // - // Reference: RFC1428 - Unknown8BiT MIB = 2079 - - // Mnemonic is the MIB identifier with IANA name MNEMONIC. - // - // rfc1345 , also known as "mnemonic+ascii+38" - // Reference: RFC1345 - Mnemonic MIB = 2080 - - // Mnem is the MIB identifier with IANA name MNEM. - // - // rfc1345 , also known as "mnemonic+ascii+8200" - // Reference: RFC1345 - Mnem MIB = 2081 - - // VISCII is the MIB identifier with IANA name VISCII. - // - // rfc1456 - // Reference: RFC1456 - VISCII MIB = 2082 - - // VIQR is the MIB identifier with IANA name VIQR. - // - // rfc1456 - // Reference: RFC1456 - VIQR MIB = 2083 - - // KOI8R is the MIB identifier with IANA name KOI8-R (MIME: KOI8-R). - // - // rfc1489 , based on GOST-19768-74, ISO-6937/8, - // INIS-Cyrillic, ISO-5427. - // Reference: RFC1489 - KOI8R MIB = 2084 - - // HZGB2312 is the MIB identifier with IANA name HZ-GB-2312. - // - // rfc1842 , rfc1843 rfc1843 rfc1842 - HZGB2312 MIB = 2085 - - // IBM866 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM866. - // - // IBM NLDG Volume 2 (SE09-8002-03) August 1994 - IBM866 MIB = 2086 - - // PC775Baltic is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM775. - // - // HP PCL 5 Comparison Guide (P/N 5021-0329) pp B-13, 1996 - PC775Baltic MIB = 2087 - - // KOI8U is the MIB identifier with IANA name KOI8-U. - // - // rfc2319 - // Reference: RFC2319 - KOI8U MIB = 2088 - - // IBM00858 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM00858. - // - // IBM See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/IBM00858 - IBM00858 MIB = 2089 - - // IBM00924 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM00924. - // - // IBM See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/IBM00924 - IBM00924 MIB = 2090 - - // IBM01140 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM01140. - // - // IBM See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/IBM01140 - IBM01140 MIB = 2091 - - // IBM01141 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM01141. - // - // IBM See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/IBM01141 - IBM01141 MIB = 2092 - - // IBM01142 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM01142. - // - // IBM See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/IBM01142 - IBM01142 MIB = 2093 - - // IBM01143 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM01143. - // - // IBM See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/IBM01143 - IBM01143 MIB = 2094 - - // IBM01144 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM01144. - // - // IBM See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/IBM01144 - IBM01144 MIB = 2095 - - // IBM01145 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM01145. - // - // IBM See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/IBM01145 - IBM01145 MIB = 2096 - - // IBM01146 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM01146. - // - // IBM See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/IBM01146 - IBM01146 MIB = 2097 - - // IBM01147 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM01147. - // - // IBM See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/IBM01147 - IBM01147 MIB = 2098 - - // IBM01148 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM01148. - // - // IBM See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/IBM01148 - IBM01148 MIB = 2099 - - // IBM01149 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM01149. - // - // IBM See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/IBM01149 - IBM01149 MIB = 2100 - - // Big5HKSCS is the MIB identifier with IANA name Big5-HKSCS. - // - // See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/Big5-HKSCS - Big5HKSCS MIB = 2101 - - // IBM1047 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM1047. - // - // IBM1047 (EBCDIC Latin 1/Open Systems) https://www-1.ibm.com/servers/eserver/iseries/software/globalization/pdf/cp01047z.pdf - IBM1047 MIB = 2102 - - // PTCP154 is the MIB identifier with IANA name PTCP154. - // - // See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/PTCP154 - PTCP154 MIB = 2103 - - // Amiga1251 is the MIB identifier with IANA name Amiga-1251. - // - // See https://www.amiga.ultranet.ru/Amiga-1251.html - Amiga1251 MIB = 2104 - - // KOI7switched is the MIB identifier with IANA name KOI7-switched. - // - // See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/KOI7-switched - KOI7switched MIB = 2105 - - // BRF is the MIB identifier with IANA name BRF. - // - // See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/BRF - BRF MIB = 2106 - - // TSCII is the MIB identifier with IANA name TSCII. - // - // See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/TSCII - TSCII MIB = 2107 - - // CP51932 is the MIB identifier with IANA name CP51932. - // - // See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/CP51932 - CP51932 MIB = 2108 - - // Windows874 is the MIB identifier with IANA name windows-874. - // - // See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/windows-874 - Windows874 MIB = 2109 - - // Windows1250 is the MIB identifier with IANA name windows-1250. - // - // Microsoft https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/windows-1250 - Windows1250 MIB = 2250 - - // Windows1251 is the MIB identifier with IANA name windows-1251. - // - // Microsoft https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/windows-1251 - Windows1251 MIB = 2251 - - // Windows1252 is the MIB identifier with IANA name windows-1252. - // - // Microsoft https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/windows-1252 - Windows1252 MIB = 2252 - - // Windows1253 is the MIB identifier with IANA name windows-1253. - // - // Microsoft https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/windows-1253 - Windows1253 MIB = 2253 - - // Windows1254 is the MIB identifier with IANA name windows-1254. - // - // Microsoft https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/windows-1254 - Windows1254 MIB = 2254 - - // Windows1255 is the MIB identifier with IANA name windows-1255. - // - // Microsoft https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/windows-1255 - Windows1255 MIB = 2255 - - // Windows1256 is the MIB identifier with IANA name windows-1256. - // - // Microsoft https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/windows-1256 - Windows1256 MIB = 2256 - - // Windows1257 is the MIB identifier with IANA name windows-1257. - // - // Microsoft https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/windows-1257 - Windows1257 MIB = 2257 - - // Windows1258 is the MIB identifier with IANA name windows-1258. - // - // Microsoft https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/windows-1258 - Windows1258 MIB = 2258 - - // TIS620 is the MIB identifier with IANA name TIS-620. - // - // Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI) - TIS620 MIB = 2259 - - // CP50220 is the MIB identifier with IANA name CP50220. - // - // See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/CP50220 - CP50220 MIB = 2260 -) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/internal/internal.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/internal/internal.go deleted file mode 100644 index 413e6fc6..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/internal/internal.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -// Package internal contains code that is shared among encoding implementations. -package internal - -import ( - "golang.org/x/text/encoding" - "golang.org/x/text/encoding/internal/identifier" - "golang.org/x/text/transform" -) - -// Encoding is an implementation of the Encoding interface that adds the String -// and ID methods to an existing encoding. -type Encoding struct { - encoding.Encoding - Name string - MIB identifier.MIB -} - -// _ verifies that Encoding implements identifier.Interface. -var _ identifier.Interface = (*Encoding)(nil) - -func (e *Encoding) String() string { - return e.Name -} - -func (e *Encoding) ID() (mib identifier.MIB, other string) { - return e.MIB, "" -} - -// SimpleEncoding is an Encoding that combines two Transformers. -type SimpleEncoding struct { - Decoder transform.Transformer - Encoder transform.Transformer -} - -func (e *SimpleEncoding) NewDecoder() *encoding.Decoder { - return &encoding.Decoder{Transformer: e.Decoder} -} - -func (e *SimpleEncoding) NewEncoder() *encoding.Encoder { - return &encoding.Encoder{Transformer: e.Encoder} -} - -// FuncEncoding is an Encoding that combines two functions returning a new -// Transformer. -type FuncEncoding struct { - Decoder func() transform.Transformer - Encoder func() transform.Transformer -} - -func (e FuncEncoding) NewDecoder() *encoding.Decoder { - return &encoding.Decoder{Transformer: e.Decoder()} -} - -func (e FuncEncoding) NewEncoder() *encoding.Encoder { - return &encoding.Encoder{Transformer: e.Encoder()} -} - -// A RepertoireError indicates a rune is not in the repertoire of a destination -// encoding. It is associated with an encoding-specific suggested replacement -// byte. -type RepertoireError byte - -// Error implements the error interface. -func (r RepertoireError) Error() string { - return "encoding: rune not supported by encoding." -} - -// Replacement returns the replacement string associated with this error. -func (r RepertoireError) Replacement() byte { return byte(r) } - -var ErrASCIIReplacement = RepertoireError(encoding.ASCIISub) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/unicode/override.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/unicode/override.go deleted file mode 100644 index 35d62fcc..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/unicode/override.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -package unicode - -import ( - "golang.org/x/text/transform" -) - -// BOMOverride returns a new decoder transformer that is identical to fallback, -// except that the presence of a Byte Order Mark at the start of the input -// causes it to switch to the corresponding Unicode decoding. It will only -// consider BOMs for UTF-8, UTF-16BE, and UTF-16LE. -// -// This differs from using ExpectBOM by allowing a BOM to switch to UTF-8, not -// just UTF-16 variants, and allowing falling back to any encoding scheme. -// -// This technique is recommended by the W3C for use in HTML 5: "For -// compatibility with deployed content, the byte order mark (also known as BOM) -// is considered more authoritative than anything else." -// http://www.w3.org/TR/encoding/#specification-hooks -// -// Using BOMOverride is mostly intended for use cases where the first characters -// of a fallback encoding are known to not be a BOM, for example, for valid HTML -// and most encodings. -func BOMOverride(fallback transform.Transformer) transform.Transformer { - // TODO: possibly allow a variadic argument of unicode encodings to allow - // specifying details of which fallbacks are supported as well as - // specifying the details of the implementations. This would also allow for - // support for UTF-32, which should not be supported by default. - return &bomOverride{fallback: fallback} -} - -type bomOverride struct { - fallback transform.Transformer - current transform.Transformer -} - -func (d *bomOverride) Reset() { - d.current = nil - d.fallback.Reset() -} - -var ( - // TODO: we could use decode functions here, instead of allocating a new - // decoder on every NewDecoder as IgnoreBOM decoders can be stateless. - utf16le = UTF16(LittleEndian, IgnoreBOM) - utf16be = UTF16(BigEndian, IgnoreBOM) -) - -const utf8BOM = "\ufeff" - -func (d *bomOverride) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { - if d.current != nil { - return d.current.Transform(dst, src, atEOF) - } - if len(src) < 3 && !atEOF { - return 0, 0, transform.ErrShortSrc - } - d.current = d.fallback - bomSize := 0 - if len(src) >= 2 { - if src[0] == 0xFF && src[1] == 0xFE { - d.current = utf16le.NewDecoder() - bomSize = 2 - } else if src[0] == 0xFE && src[1] == 0xFF { - d.current = utf16be.NewDecoder() - bomSize = 2 - } else if len(src) >= 3 && - src[0] == utf8BOM[0] && - src[1] == utf8BOM[1] && - src[2] == utf8BOM[2] { - d.current = transform.Nop - bomSize = 3 - } - } - if bomSize < len(src) { - nDst, nSrc, err = d.current.Transform(dst, src[bomSize:], atEOF) - } - return nDst, nSrc + bomSize, err -} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/unicode/unicode.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/unicode/unicode.go deleted file mode 100644 index dd99ad14..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/unicode/unicode.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,512 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -// Package unicode provides Unicode encodings such as UTF-16. -package unicode // import "golang.org/x/text/encoding/unicode" - -import ( - "bytes" - "errors" - "unicode/utf16" - "unicode/utf8" - - "golang.org/x/text/encoding" - "golang.org/x/text/encoding/internal" - "golang.org/x/text/encoding/internal/identifier" - "golang.org/x/text/internal/utf8internal" - "golang.org/x/text/runes" - "golang.org/x/text/transform" -) - -// TODO: I think the Transformers really should return errors on unmatched -// surrogate pairs and odd numbers of bytes. This is not required by RFC 2781, -// which leaves it open, but is suggested by WhatWG. It will allow for all error -// modes as defined by WhatWG: fatal, HTML and Replacement. This would require -// the introduction of some kind of error type for conveying the erroneous code -// point. - -// UTF8 is the UTF-8 encoding. It neither removes nor adds byte order marks. -var UTF8 encoding.Encoding = utf8enc - -// UTF8BOM is an UTF-8 encoding where the decoder strips a leading byte order -// mark while the encoder adds one. -// -// Some editors add a byte order mark as a signature to UTF-8 files. Although -// the byte order mark is not useful for detecting byte order in UTF-8, it is -// sometimes used as a convention to mark UTF-8-encoded files. This relies on -// the observation that the UTF-8 byte order mark is either an illegal or at -// least very unlikely sequence in any other character encoding. -var UTF8BOM encoding.Encoding = utf8bomEncoding{} - -type utf8bomEncoding struct{} - -func (utf8bomEncoding) String() string { - return "UTF-8-BOM" -} - -func (utf8bomEncoding) ID() (identifier.MIB, string) { - return identifier.Unofficial, "x-utf8bom" -} - -func (utf8bomEncoding) NewEncoder() *encoding.Encoder { - return &encoding.Encoder{ - Transformer: &utf8bomEncoder{t: runes.ReplaceIllFormed()}, - } -} - -func (utf8bomEncoding) NewDecoder() *encoding.Decoder { - return &encoding.Decoder{Transformer: &utf8bomDecoder{}} -} - -var utf8enc = &internal.Encoding{ - &internal.SimpleEncoding{utf8Decoder{}, runes.ReplaceIllFormed()}, - "UTF-8", - identifier.UTF8, -} - -type utf8bomDecoder struct { - checked bool -} - -func (t *utf8bomDecoder) Reset() { - t.checked = false -} - -func (t *utf8bomDecoder) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { - if !t.checked { - if !atEOF && len(src) < len(utf8BOM) { - if len(src) == 0 { - return 0, 0, nil - } - return 0, 0, transform.ErrShortSrc - } - if bytes.HasPrefix(src, []byte(utf8BOM)) { - nSrc += len(utf8BOM) - src = src[len(utf8BOM):] - } - t.checked = true - } - nDst, n, err := utf8Decoder.Transform(utf8Decoder{}, dst[nDst:], src, atEOF) - nSrc += n - return nDst, nSrc, err -} - -type utf8bomEncoder struct { - written bool - t transform.Transformer -} - -func (t *utf8bomEncoder) Reset() { - t.written = false - t.t.Reset() -} - -func (t *utf8bomEncoder) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { - if !t.written { - if len(dst) < len(utf8BOM) { - return nDst, 0, transform.ErrShortDst - } - nDst = copy(dst, utf8BOM) - t.written = true - } - n, nSrc, err := utf8Decoder.Transform(utf8Decoder{}, dst[nDst:], src, atEOF) - nDst += n - return nDst, nSrc, err -} - -type utf8Decoder struct{ transform.NopResetter } - -func (utf8Decoder) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { - var pSrc int // point from which to start copy in src - var accept utf8internal.AcceptRange - - // The decoder can only make the input larger, not smaller. - n := len(src) - if len(dst) < n { - err = transform.ErrShortDst - n = len(dst) - atEOF = false - } - for nSrc < n { - c := src[nSrc] - if c < utf8.RuneSelf { - nSrc++ - continue - } - first := utf8internal.First[c] - size := int(first & utf8internal.SizeMask) - if first == utf8internal.FirstInvalid { - goto handleInvalid // invalid starter byte - } - accept = utf8internal.AcceptRanges[first>>utf8internal.AcceptShift] - if nSrc+size > n { - if !atEOF { - // We may stop earlier than necessary here if the short sequence - // has invalid bytes. Not checking for this simplifies the code - // and may avoid duplicate computations in certain conditions. - if err == nil { - err = transform.ErrShortSrc - } - break - } - // Determine the maximal subpart of an ill-formed subsequence. - switch { - case nSrc+1 >= n || src[nSrc+1] < accept.Lo || accept.Hi < src[nSrc+1]: - size = 1 - case nSrc+2 >= n || src[nSrc+2] < utf8internal.LoCB || utf8internal.HiCB < src[nSrc+2]: - size = 2 - default: - size = 3 // As we are short, the maximum is 3. - } - goto handleInvalid - } - if c = src[nSrc+1]; c < accept.Lo || accept.Hi < c { - size = 1 - goto handleInvalid // invalid continuation byte - } else if size == 2 { - } else if c = src[nSrc+2]; c < utf8internal.LoCB || utf8internal.HiCB < c { - size = 2 - goto handleInvalid // invalid continuation byte - } else if size == 3 { - } else if c = src[nSrc+3]; c < utf8internal.LoCB || utf8internal.HiCB < c { - size = 3 - goto handleInvalid // invalid continuation byte - } - nSrc += size - continue - - handleInvalid: - // Copy the scanned input so far. - nDst += copy(dst[nDst:], src[pSrc:nSrc]) - - // Append RuneError to the destination. - const runeError = "\ufffd" - if nDst+len(runeError) > len(dst) { - return nDst, nSrc, transform.ErrShortDst - } - nDst += copy(dst[nDst:], runeError) - - // Skip the maximal subpart of an ill-formed subsequence according to - // the W3C standard way instead of the Go way. This Transform is - // probably the only place in the text repo where it is warranted. - nSrc += size - pSrc = nSrc - - // Recompute the maximum source length. - if sz := len(dst) - nDst; sz < len(src)-nSrc { - err = transform.ErrShortDst - n = nSrc + sz - atEOF = false - } - } - return nDst + copy(dst[nDst:], src[pSrc:nSrc]), nSrc, err -} - -// UTF16 returns a UTF-16 Encoding for the given default endianness and byte -// order mark (BOM) policy. -// -// When decoding from UTF-16 to UTF-8, if the BOMPolicy is IgnoreBOM then -// neither BOMs U+FEFF nor noncharacters U+FFFE in the input stream will affect -// the endianness used for decoding, and will instead be output as their -// standard UTF-8 encodings: "\xef\xbb\xbf" and "\xef\xbf\xbe". If the BOMPolicy -// is UseBOM or ExpectBOM a staring BOM is not written to the UTF-8 output. -// Instead, it overrides the default endianness e for the remainder of the -// transformation. Any subsequent BOMs U+FEFF or noncharacters U+FFFE will not -// affect the endianness used, and will instead be output as their standard -// UTF-8 encodings. For UseBOM, if there is no starting BOM, it will proceed -// with the default Endianness. For ExpectBOM, in that case, the transformation -// will return early with an ErrMissingBOM error. -// -// When encoding from UTF-8 to UTF-16, a BOM will be inserted at the start of -// the output if the BOMPolicy is UseBOM or ExpectBOM. Otherwise, a BOM will not -// be inserted. The UTF-8 input does not need to contain a BOM. -// -// There is no concept of a 'native' endianness. If the UTF-16 data is produced -// and consumed in a greater context that implies a certain endianness, use -// IgnoreBOM. Otherwise, use ExpectBOM and always produce and consume a BOM. -// -// In the language of https://www.unicode.org/faq/utf_bom.html#bom10, IgnoreBOM -// corresponds to "Where the precise type of the data stream is known... the -// BOM should not be used" and ExpectBOM corresponds to "A particular -// protocol... may require use of the BOM". -func UTF16(e Endianness, b BOMPolicy) encoding.Encoding { - return utf16Encoding{config{e, b}, mibValue[e][b&bomMask]} -} - -// mibValue maps Endianness and BOMPolicy settings to MIB constants. Note that -// some configurations map to the same MIB identifier. RFC 2781 has requirements -// and recommendations. Some of the "configurations" are merely recommendations, -// so multiple configurations could match. -var mibValue = map[Endianness][numBOMValues]identifier.MIB{ - BigEndian: [numBOMValues]identifier.MIB{ - IgnoreBOM: identifier.UTF16BE, - UseBOM: identifier.UTF16, // BigEnding default is preferred by RFC 2781. - // TODO: acceptBOM | strictBOM would map to UTF16BE as well. - }, - LittleEndian: [numBOMValues]identifier.MIB{ - IgnoreBOM: identifier.UTF16LE, - UseBOM: identifier.UTF16, // LittleEndian default is allowed and preferred on Windows. - // TODO: acceptBOM | strictBOM would map to UTF16LE as well. - }, - // ExpectBOM is not widely used and has no valid MIB identifier. -} - -// All lists a configuration for each IANA-defined UTF-16 variant. -var All = []encoding.Encoding{ - UTF8, - UTF16(BigEndian, UseBOM), - UTF16(BigEndian, IgnoreBOM), - UTF16(LittleEndian, IgnoreBOM), -} - -// BOMPolicy is a UTF-16 encoding's byte order mark policy. -type BOMPolicy uint8 - -const ( - writeBOM BOMPolicy = 0x01 - acceptBOM BOMPolicy = 0x02 - requireBOM BOMPolicy = 0x04 - bomMask BOMPolicy = 0x07 - - // HACK: numBOMValues == 8 triggers a bug in the 1.4 compiler (cannot have a - // map of an array of length 8 of a type that is also used as a key or value - // in another map). See golang.org/issue/11354. - // TODO: consider changing this value back to 8 if the use of 1.4.* has - // been minimized. - numBOMValues = 8 + 1 - - // IgnoreBOM means to ignore any byte order marks. - IgnoreBOM BOMPolicy = 0 - // Common and RFC 2781-compliant interpretation for UTF-16BE/LE. - - // UseBOM means that the UTF-16 form may start with a byte order mark, which - // will be used to override the default encoding. - UseBOM BOMPolicy = writeBOM | acceptBOM - // Common and RFC 2781-compliant interpretation for UTF-16. - - // ExpectBOM means that the UTF-16 form must start with a byte order mark, - // which will be used to override the default encoding. - ExpectBOM BOMPolicy = writeBOM | acceptBOM | requireBOM - // Used in Java as Unicode (not to be confused with Java's UTF-16) and - // ICU's UTF-16,version=1. Not compliant with RFC 2781. - - // TODO (maybe): strictBOM: BOM must match Endianness. This would allow: - // - UTF-16(B|L)E,version=1: writeBOM | acceptBOM | requireBOM | strictBOM - // (UnicodeBig and UnicodeLittle in Java) - // - RFC 2781-compliant, but less common interpretation for UTF-16(B|L)E: - // acceptBOM | strictBOM (e.g. assigned to CheckBOM). - // This addition would be consistent with supporting ExpectBOM. -) - -// Endianness is a UTF-16 encoding's default endianness. -type Endianness bool - -const ( - // BigEndian is UTF-16BE. - BigEndian Endianness = false - // LittleEndian is UTF-16LE. - LittleEndian Endianness = true -) - -// ErrMissingBOM means that decoding UTF-16 input with ExpectBOM did not find a -// starting byte order mark. -var ErrMissingBOM = errors.New("encoding: missing byte order mark") - -type utf16Encoding struct { - config - mib identifier.MIB -} - -type config struct { - endianness Endianness - bomPolicy BOMPolicy -} - -func (u utf16Encoding) NewDecoder() *encoding.Decoder { - return &encoding.Decoder{Transformer: &utf16Decoder{ - initial: u.config, - current: u.config, - }} -} - -func (u utf16Encoding) NewEncoder() *encoding.Encoder { - return &encoding.Encoder{Transformer: &utf16Encoder{ - endianness: u.endianness, - initialBOMPolicy: u.bomPolicy, - currentBOMPolicy: u.bomPolicy, - }} -} - -func (u utf16Encoding) ID() (mib identifier.MIB, other string) { - return u.mib, "" -} - -func (u utf16Encoding) String() string { - e, b := "B", "" - if u.endianness == LittleEndian { - e = "L" - } - switch u.bomPolicy { - case ExpectBOM: - b = "Expect" - case UseBOM: - b = "Use" - case IgnoreBOM: - b = "Ignore" - } - return "UTF-16" + e + "E (" + b + " BOM)" -} - -type utf16Decoder struct { - initial config - current config -} - -func (u *utf16Decoder) Reset() { - u.current = u.initial -} - -func (u *utf16Decoder) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { - if len(src) < 2 && atEOF && u.current.bomPolicy&requireBOM != 0 { - return 0, 0, ErrMissingBOM - } - if len(src) == 0 { - return 0, 0, nil - } - if len(src) >= 2 && u.current.bomPolicy&acceptBOM != 0 { - switch { - case src[0] == 0xfe && src[1] == 0xff: - u.current.endianness = BigEndian - nSrc = 2 - case src[0] == 0xff && src[1] == 0xfe: - u.current.endianness = LittleEndian - nSrc = 2 - default: - if u.current.bomPolicy&requireBOM != 0 { - return 0, 0, ErrMissingBOM - } - } - u.current.bomPolicy = IgnoreBOM - } - - var r rune - var dSize, sSize int - for nSrc < len(src) { - if nSrc+1 < len(src) { - x := uint16(src[nSrc+0])<<8 | uint16(src[nSrc+1]) - if u.current.endianness == LittleEndian { - x = x>>8 | x<<8 - } - r, sSize = rune(x), 2 - if utf16.IsSurrogate(r) { - if nSrc+3 < len(src) { - x = uint16(src[nSrc+2])<<8 | uint16(src[nSrc+3]) - if u.current.endianness == LittleEndian { - x = x>>8 | x<<8 - } - // Save for next iteration if it is not a high surrogate. - if isHighSurrogate(rune(x)) { - r, sSize = utf16.DecodeRune(r, rune(x)), 4 - } - } else if !atEOF { - err = transform.ErrShortSrc - break - } - } - if dSize = utf8.RuneLen(r); dSize < 0 { - r, dSize = utf8.RuneError, 3 - } - } else if atEOF { - // Single trailing byte. - r, dSize, sSize = utf8.RuneError, 3, 1 - } else { - err = transform.ErrShortSrc - break - } - if nDst+dSize > len(dst) { - err = transform.ErrShortDst - break - } - nDst += utf8.EncodeRune(dst[nDst:], r) - nSrc += sSize - } - return nDst, nSrc, err -} - -func isHighSurrogate(r rune) bool { - return 0xDC00 <= r && r <= 0xDFFF -} - -type utf16Encoder struct { - endianness Endianness - initialBOMPolicy BOMPolicy - currentBOMPolicy BOMPolicy -} - -func (u *utf16Encoder) Reset() { - u.currentBOMPolicy = u.initialBOMPolicy -} - -func (u *utf16Encoder) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { - if u.currentBOMPolicy&writeBOM != 0 { - if len(dst) < 2 { - return 0, 0, transform.ErrShortDst - } - dst[0], dst[1] = 0xfe, 0xff - u.currentBOMPolicy = IgnoreBOM - nDst = 2 - } - - r, size := rune(0), 0 - for nSrc < len(src) { - r = rune(src[nSrc]) - - // Decode a 1-byte rune. - if r < utf8.RuneSelf { - size = 1 - - } else { - // Decode a multi-byte rune. - r, size = utf8.DecodeRune(src[nSrc:]) - if size == 1 { - // All valid runes of size 1 (those below utf8.RuneSelf) were - // handled above. We have invalid UTF-8 or we haven't seen the - // full character yet. - if !atEOF && !utf8.FullRune(src[nSrc:]) { - err = transform.ErrShortSrc - break - } - } - } - - if r <= 0xffff { - if nDst+2 > len(dst) { - err = transform.ErrShortDst - break - } - dst[nDst+0] = uint8(r >> 8) - dst[nDst+1] = uint8(r) - nDst += 2 - } else { - if nDst+4 > len(dst) { - err = transform.ErrShortDst - break - } - r1, r2 := utf16.EncodeRune(r) - dst[nDst+0] = uint8(r1 >> 8) - dst[nDst+1] = uint8(r1) - dst[nDst+2] = uint8(r2 >> 8) - dst[nDst+3] = uint8(r2) - nDst += 4 - } - nSrc += size - } - - if u.endianness == LittleEndian { - for i := 0; i < nDst; i += 2 { - dst[i], dst[i+1] = dst[i+1], dst[i] - } - } - return nDst, nSrc, err -} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/utf8internal/utf8internal.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/utf8internal/utf8internal.go deleted file mode 100644 index e5c53b1b..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/utf8internal/utf8internal.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,87 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -// Package utf8internal contains low-level utf8-related constants, tables, etc. -// that are used internally by the text package. -package utf8internal - -// The default lowest and highest continuation byte. -const ( - LoCB = 0x80 // 1000 0000 - HiCB = 0xBF // 1011 1111 -) - -// Constants related to getting information of first bytes of UTF-8 sequences. -const ( - // ASCII identifies a UTF-8 byte as ASCII. - ASCII = as - - // FirstInvalid indicates a byte is invalid as a first byte of a UTF-8 - // sequence. - FirstInvalid = xx - - // SizeMask is a mask for the size bits. Use use x&SizeMask to get the size. - SizeMask = 7 - - // AcceptShift is the right-shift count for the first byte info byte to get - // the index into the AcceptRanges table. See AcceptRanges. - AcceptShift = 4 - - // The names of these constants are chosen to give nice alignment in the - // table below. The first nibble is an index into acceptRanges or F for - // special one-byte cases. The second nibble is the Rune length or the - // Status for the special one-byte case. - xx = 0xF1 // invalid: size 1 - as = 0xF0 // ASCII: size 1 - s1 = 0x02 // accept 0, size 2 - s2 = 0x13 // accept 1, size 3 - s3 = 0x03 // accept 0, size 3 - s4 = 0x23 // accept 2, size 3 - s5 = 0x34 // accept 3, size 4 - s6 = 0x04 // accept 0, size 4 - s7 = 0x44 // accept 4, size 4 -) - -// First is information about the first byte in a UTF-8 sequence. -var First = [256]uint8{ - // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F - as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, // 0x00-0x0F - as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, // 0x10-0x1F - as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, // 0x20-0x2F - as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, // 0x30-0x3F - as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, // 0x40-0x4F - as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, // 0x50-0x5F - as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, // 0x60-0x6F - as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, // 0x70-0x7F - // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F - xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, // 0x80-0x8F - xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, // 0x90-0x9F - xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, // 0xA0-0xAF - xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, // 0xB0-0xBF - xx, xx, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, // 0xC0-0xCF - s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, // 0xD0-0xDF - s2, s3, s3, s3, s3, s3, s3, s3, s3, s3, s3, s3, s3, s4, s3, s3, // 0xE0-0xEF - s5, s6, s6, s6, s7, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, // 0xF0-0xFF -} - -// AcceptRange gives the range of valid values for the second byte in a UTF-8 -// sequence for any value for First that is not ASCII or FirstInvalid. -type AcceptRange struct { - Lo uint8 // lowest value for second byte. - Hi uint8 // highest value for second byte. -} - -// AcceptRanges is a slice of AcceptRange values. For a given byte sequence b -// -// AcceptRanges[First[b[0]]>>AcceptShift] -// -// will give the value of AcceptRange for the multi-byte UTF-8 sequence starting -// at b[0]. -var AcceptRanges = [...]AcceptRange{ - 0: {LoCB, HiCB}, - 1: {0xA0, HiCB}, - 2: {LoCB, 0x9F}, - 3: {0x90, HiCB}, - 4: {LoCB, 0x8F}, -} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/runes/cond.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/runes/cond.go deleted file mode 100644 index df7aa02d..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/runes/cond.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,187 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -package runes - -import ( - "unicode/utf8" - - "golang.org/x/text/transform" -) - -// Note: below we pass invalid UTF-8 to the tIn and tNotIn transformers as is. -// This is done for various reasons: -// - To retain the semantics of the Nop transformer: if input is passed to a Nop -// one would expect it to be unchanged. -// - It would be very expensive to pass a converted RuneError to a transformer: -// a transformer might need more source bytes after RuneError, meaning that -// the only way to pass it safely is to create a new buffer and manage the -// intermingling of RuneErrors and normal input. -// - Many transformers leave ill-formed UTF-8 as is, so this is not -// inconsistent. Generally ill-formed UTF-8 is only replaced if it is a -// logical consequence of the operation (as for Map) or if it otherwise would -// pose security concerns (as for Remove). -// - An alternative would be to return an error on ill-formed UTF-8, but this -// would be inconsistent with other operations. - -// If returns a transformer that applies tIn to consecutive runes for which -// s.Contains(r) and tNotIn to consecutive runes for which !s.Contains(r). Reset -// is called on tIn and tNotIn at the start of each run. A Nop transformer will -// substitute a nil value passed to tIn or tNotIn. Invalid UTF-8 is translated -// to RuneError to determine which transformer to apply, but is passed as is to -// the respective transformer. -func If(s Set, tIn, tNotIn transform.Transformer) Transformer { - if tIn == nil && tNotIn == nil { - return Transformer{transform.Nop} - } - if tIn == nil { - tIn = transform.Nop - } - if tNotIn == nil { - tNotIn = transform.Nop - } - sIn, ok := tIn.(transform.SpanningTransformer) - if !ok { - sIn = dummySpan{tIn} - } - sNotIn, ok := tNotIn.(transform.SpanningTransformer) - if !ok { - sNotIn = dummySpan{tNotIn} - } - - a := &cond{ - tIn: sIn, - tNotIn: sNotIn, - f: s.Contains, - } - a.Reset() - return Transformer{a} -} - -type dummySpan struct{ transform.Transformer } - -func (d dummySpan) Span(src []byte, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) { - return 0, transform.ErrEndOfSpan -} - -type cond struct { - tIn, tNotIn transform.SpanningTransformer - f func(rune) bool - check func(rune) bool // current check to perform - t transform.SpanningTransformer // current transformer to use -} - -// Reset implements transform.Transformer. -func (t *cond) Reset() { - t.check = t.is - t.t = t.tIn - t.t.Reset() // notIn will be reset on first usage. -} - -func (t *cond) is(r rune) bool { - if t.f(r) { - return true - } - t.check = t.isNot - t.t = t.tNotIn - t.tNotIn.Reset() - return false -} - -func (t *cond) isNot(r rune) bool { - if !t.f(r) { - return true - } - t.check = t.is - t.t = t.tIn - t.tIn.Reset() - return false -} - -// This implementation of Span doesn't help all too much, but it needs to be -// there to satisfy this package's Transformer interface. -// TODO: there are certainly room for improvements, though. For example, if -// t.t == transform.Nop (which will a common occurrence) it will save a bundle -// to special-case that loop. -func (t *cond) Span(src []byte, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) { - p := 0 - for n < len(src) && err == nil { - // Don't process too much at a time as the Spanner that will be - // called on this block may terminate early. - const maxChunk = 4096 - max := len(src) - if v := n + maxChunk; v < max { - max = v - } - atEnd := false - size := 0 - current := t.t - for ; p < max; p += size { - r := rune(src[p]) - if r < utf8.RuneSelf { - size = 1 - } else if r, size = utf8.DecodeRune(src[p:]); size == 1 { - if !atEOF && !utf8.FullRune(src[p:]) { - err = transform.ErrShortSrc - break - } - } - if !t.check(r) { - // The next rune will be the start of a new run. - atEnd = true - break - } - } - n2, err2 := current.Span(src[n:p], atEnd || (atEOF && p == len(src))) - n += n2 - if err2 != nil { - return n, err2 - } - // At this point either err != nil or t.check will pass for the rune at p. - p = n + size - } - return n, err -} - -func (t *cond) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { - p := 0 - for nSrc < len(src) && err == nil { - // Don't process too much at a time, as the work might be wasted if the - // destination buffer isn't large enough to hold the result or a - // transform returns an error early. - const maxChunk = 4096 - max := len(src) - if n := nSrc + maxChunk; n < len(src) { - max = n - } - atEnd := false - size := 0 - current := t.t - for ; p < max; p += size { - r := rune(src[p]) - if r < utf8.RuneSelf { - size = 1 - } else if r, size = utf8.DecodeRune(src[p:]); size == 1 { - if !atEOF && !utf8.FullRune(src[p:]) { - err = transform.ErrShortSrc - break - } - } - if !t.check(r) { - // The next rune will be the start of a new run. - atEnd = true - break - } - } - nDst2, nSrc2, err2 := current.Transform(dst[nDst:], src[nSrc:p], atEnd || (atEOF && p == len(src))) - nDst += nDst2 - nSrc += nSrc2 - if err2 != nil { - return nDst, nSrc, err2 - } - // At this point either err != nil or t.check will pass for the rune at p. - p = nSrc + size - } - return nDst, nSrc, err -} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/runes/runes.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/runes/runes.go deleted file mode 100644 index 930e87fe..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/runes/runes.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,355 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -// Package runes provide transforms for UTF-8 encoded text. -package runes // import "golang.org/x/text/runes" - -import ( - "unicode" - "unicode/utf8" - - "golang.org/x/text/transform" -) - -// A Set is a collection of runes. -type Set interface { - // Contains returns true if r is contained in the set. - Contains(r rune) bool -} - -type setFunc func(rune) bool - -func (s setFunc) Contains(r rune) bool { - return s(r) -} - -// Note: using funcs here instead of wrapping types result in cleaner -// documentation and a smaller API. - -// In creates a Set with a Contains method that returns true for all runes in -// the given RangeTable. -func In(rt *unicode.RangeTable) Set { - return setFunc(func(r rune) bool { return unicode.Is(rt, r) }) -} - -// NotIn creates a Set with a Contains method that returns true for all runes not -// in the given RangeTable. -func NotIn(rt *unicode.RangeTable) Set { - return setFunc(func(r rune) bool { return !unicode.Is(rt, r) }) -} - -// Predicate creates a Set with a Contains method that returns f(r). -func Predicate(f func(rune) bool) Set { - return setFunc(f) -} - -// Transformer implements the transform.Transformer interface. -type Transformer struct { - t transform.SpanningTransformer -} - -func (t Transformer) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { - return t.t.Transform(dst, src, atEOF) -} - -func (t Transformer) Span(b []byte, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) { - return t.t.Span(b, atEOF) -} - -func (t Transformer) Reset() { t.t.Reset() } - -// Bytes returns a new byte slice with the result of converting b using t. It -// calls Reset on t. It returns nil if any error was found. This can only happen -// if an error-producing Transformer is passed to If. -func (t Transformer) Bytes(b []byte) []byte { - b, _, err := transform.Bytes(t, b) - if err != nil { - return nil - } - return b -} - -// String returns a string with the result of converting s using t. It calls -// Reset on t. It returns the empty string if any error was found. This can only -// happen if an error-producing Transformer is passed to If. -func (t Transformer) String(s string) string { - s, _, err := transform.String(t, s) - if err != nil { - return "" - } - return s -} - -// TODO: -// - Copy: copying strings and bytes in whole-rune units. -// - Validation (maybe) -// - Well-formed-ness (maybe) - -const runeErrorString = string(utf8.RuneError) - -// Remove returns a Transformer that removes runes r for which s.Contains(r). -// Illegal input bytes are replaced by RuneError before being passed to f. -func Remove(s Set) Transformer { - if f, ok := s.(setFunc); ok { - // This little trick cuts the running time of BenchmarkRemove for sets - // created by Predicate roughly in half. - // TODO: special-case RangeTables as well. - return Transformer{remove(f)} - } - return Transformer{remove(s.Contains)} -} - -// TODO: remove transform.RemoveFunc. - -type remove func(r rune) bool - -func (remove) Reset() {} - -// Span implements transform.Spanner. -func (t remove) Span(src []byte, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) { - for r, size := rune(0), 0; n < len(src); { - if r = rune(src[n]); r < utf8.RuneSelf { - size = 1 - } else if r, size = utf8.DecodeRune(src[n:]); size == 1 { - // Invalid rune. - if !atEOF && !utf8.FullRune(src[n:]) { - err = transform.ErrShortSrc - } else { - err = transform.ErrEndOfSpan - } - break - } - if t(r) { - err = transform.ErrEndOfSpan - break - } - n += size - } - return -} - -// Transform implements transform.Transformer. -func (t remove) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { - for r, size := rune(0), 0; nSrc < len(src); { - if r = rune(src[nSrc]); r < utf8.RuneSelf { - size = 1 - } else if r, size = utf8.DecodeRune(src[nSrc:]); size == 1 { - // Invalid rune. - if !atEOF && !utf8.FullRune(src[nSrc:]) { - err = transform.ErrShortSrc - break - } - // We replace illegal bytes with RuneError. Not doing so might - // otherwise turn a sequence of invalid UTF-8 into valid UTF-8. - // The resulting byte sequence may subsequently contain runes - // for which t(r) is true that were passed unnoticed. - if !t(utf8.RuneError) { - if nDst+3 > len(dst) { - err = transform.ErrShortDst - break - } - dst[nDst+0] = runeErrorString[0] - dst[nDst+1] = runeErrorString[1] - dst[nDst+2] = runeErrorString[2] - nDst += 3 - } - nSrc++ - continue - } - if t(r) { - nSrc += size - continue - } - if nDst+size > len(dst) { - err = transform.ErrShortDst - break - } - for i := 0; i < size; i++ { - dst[nDst] = src[nSrc] - nDst++ - nSrc++ - } - } - return -} - -// Map returns a Transformer that maps the runes in the input using the given -// mapping. Illegal bytes in the input are converted to utf8.RuneError before -// being passed to the mapping func. -func Map(mapping func(rune) rune) Transformer { - return Transformer{mapper(mapping)} -} - -type mapper func(rune) rune - -func (mapper) Reset() {} - -// Span implements transform.Spanner. -func (t mapper) Span(src []byte, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) { - for r, size := rune(0), 0; n < len(src); n += size { - if r = rune(src[n]); r < utf8.RuneSelf { - size = 1 - } else if r, size = utf8.DecodeRune(src[n:]); size == 1 { - // Invalid rune. - if !atEOF && !utf8.FullRune(src[n:]) { - err = transform.ErrShortSrc - } else { - err = transform.ErrEndOfSpan - } - break - } - if t(r) != r { - err = transform.ErrEndOfSpan - break - } - } - return n, err -} - -// Transform implements transform.Transformer. -func (t mapper) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { - var replacement rune - var b [utf8.UTFMax]byte - - for r, size := rune(0), 0; nSrc < len(src); { - if r = rune(src[nSrc]); r < utf8.RuneSelf { - if replacement = t(r); replacement < utf8.RuneSelf { - if nDst == len(dst) { - err = transform.ErrShortDst - break - } - dst[nDst] = byte(replacement) - nDst++ - nSrc++ - continue - } - size = 1 - } else if r, size = utf8.DecodeRune(src[nSrc:]); size == 1 { - // Invalid rune. - if !atEOF && !utf8.FullRune(src[nSrc:]) { - err = transform.ErrShortSrc - break - } - - if replacement = t(utf8.RuneError); replacement == utf8.RuneError { - if nDst+3 > len(dst) { - err = transform.ErrShortDst - break - } - dst[nDst+0] = runeErrorString[0] - dst[nDst+1] = runeErrorString[1] - dst[nDst+2] = runeErrorString[2] - nDst += 3 - nSrc++ - continue - } - } else if replacement = t(r); replacement == r { - if nDst+size > len(dst) { - err = transform.ErrShortDst - break - } - for i := 0; i < size; i++ { - dst[nDst] = src[nSrc] - nDst++ - nSrc++ - } - continue - } - - n := utf8.EncodeRune(b[:], replacement) - - if nDst+n > len(dst) { - err = transform.ErrShortDst - break - } - for i := 0; i < n; i++ { - dst[nDst] = b[i] - nDst++ - } - nSrc += size - } - return -} - -// ReplaceIllFormed returns a transformer that replaces all input bytes that are -// not part of a well-formed UTF-8 code sequence with utf8.RuneError. -func ReplaceIllFormed() Transformer { - return Transformer{&replaceIllFormed{}} -} - -type replaceIllFormed struct{ transform.NopResetter } - -func (t replaceIllFormed) Span(src []byte, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) { - for n < len(src) { - // ASCII fast path. - if src[n] < utf8.RuneSelf { - n++ - continue - } - - r, size := utf8.DecodeRune(src[n:]) - - // Look for a valid non-ASCII rune. - if r != utf8.RuneError || size != 1 { - n += size - continue - } - - // Look for short source data. - if !atEOF && !utf8.FullRune(src[n:]) { - err = transform.ErrShortSrc - break - } - - // We have an invalid rune. - err = transform.ErrEndOfSpan - break - } - return n, err -} - -func (t replaceIllFormed) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { - for nSrc < len(src) { - // ASCII fast path. - if r := src[nSrc]; r < utf8.RuneSelf { - if nDst == len(dst) { - err = transform.ErrShortDst - break - } - dst[nDst] = r - nDst++ - nSrc++ - continue - } - - // Look for a valid non-ASCII rune. - if _, size := utf8.DecodeRune(src[nSrc:]); size != 1 { - if size != copy(dst[nDst:], src[nSrc:nSrc+size]) { - err = transform.ErrShortDst - break - } - nDst += size - nSrc += size - continue - } - - // Look for short source data. - if !atEOF && !utf8.FullRune(src[nSrc:]) { - err = transform.ErrShortSrc - break - } - - // We have an invalid rune. - if nDst+3 > len(dst) { - err = transform.ErrShortDst - break - } - dst[nDst+0] = runeErrorString[0] - dst[nDst+1] = runeErrorString[1] - dst[nDst+2] = runeErrorString[2] - nDst += 3 - nSrc++ - } - return nDst, nSrc, err -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1/unstructured/unstructuredscheme/scheme.go b/vendor/k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1/unstructured/unstructuredscheme/scheme.go deleted file mode 100644 index cff91d3d..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1/unstructured/unstructuredscheme/scheme.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,129 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package unstructuredscheme - -import ( - "fmt" - - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1/unstructured" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/schema" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/serializer/json" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/serializer/versioning" -) - -var scheme = runtime.NewScheme() - -// NewUnstructuredNegotiatedSerializer returns a simple, negotiated serializer -func NewUnstructuredNegotiatedSerializer() runtime.NegotiatedSerializer { - return unstructuredNegotiatedSerializer{ - scheme: scheme, - typer: NewUnstructuredObjectTyper(), - creator: NewUnstructuredCreator(), - } -} - -type unstructuredNegotiatedSerializer struct { - scheme *runtime.Scheme - typer runtime.ObjectTyper - creator runtime.ObjectCreater -} - -func (s unstructuredNegotiatedSerializer) SupportedMediaTypes() []runtime.SerializerInfo { - return []runtime.SerializerInfo{ - { - MediaType: "application/json", - MediaTypeType: "application", - MediaTypeSubType: "json", - EncodesAsText: true, - Serializer: json.NewSerializer(json.DefaultMetaFactory, s.creator, s.typer, false), - PrettySerializer: json.NewSerializer(json.DefaultMetaFactory, s.creator, s.typer, true), - StreamSerializer: &runtime.StreamSerializerInfo{ - EncodesAsText: true, - Serializer: json.NewSerializer(json.DefaultMetaFactory, s.creator, s.typer, false), - Framer: json.Framer, - }, - }, - { - MediaType: "application/yaml", - MediaTypeType: "application", - MediaTypeSubType: "yaml", - EncodesAsText: true, - Serializer: json.NewYAMLSerializer(json.DefaultMetaFactory, s.creator, s.typer), - }, - } -} - -func (s unstructuredNegotiatedSerializer) EncoderForVersion(encoder runtime.Encoder, gv runtime.GroupVersioner) runtime.Encoder { - return versioning.NewDefaultingCodecForScheme(s.scheme, encoder, nil, gv, nil) -} - -func (s unstructuredNegotiatedSerializer) DecoderToVersion(decoder runtime.Decoder, gv runtime.GroupVersioner) runtime.Decoder { - return versioning.NewDefaultingCodecForScheme(s.scheme, nil, decoder, nil, gv) -} - -type unstructuredObjectTyper struct { -} - -// NewUnstructuredObjectTyper returns an object typer that can deal with unstructured things -func NewUnstructuredObjectTyper() runtime.ObjectTyper { - return unstructuredObjectTyper{} -} - -func (t unstructuredObjectTyper) ObjectKinds(obj runtime.Object) ([]schema.GroupVersionKind, bool, error) { - // Delegate for things other than Unstructured. - if _, ok := obj.(runtime.Unstructured); !ok { - return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("cannot type %T", obj) - } - gvk := obj.GetObjectKind().GroupVersionKind() - if len(gvk.Kind) == 0 { - return nil, false, runtime.NewMissingKindErr("object has no kind field ") - } - if len(gvk.Version) == 0 { - return nil, false, runtime.NewMissingVersionErr("object has no apiVersion field") - } - - return []schema.GroupVersionKind{obj.GetObjectKind().GroupVersionKind()}, false, nil -} - -func (t unstructuredObjectTyper) Recognizes(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind) bool { - return true -} - -type unstructuredCreator struct{} - -// NewUnstructuredCreator returns a simple object creator that always returns an unstructured -func NewUnstructuredCreator() runtime.ObjectCreater { - return unstructuredCreator{} -} - -func (c unstructuredCreator) New(kind schema.GroupVersionKind) (runtime.Object, error) { - ret := &unstructured.Unstructured{} - ret.SetGroupVersionKind(kind) - return ret, nil -} - -type unstructuredDefaulter struct { -} - -// NewUnstructuredDefaulter returns defaulter suitable for unstructured types that doesn't default anything -func NewUnstructuredDefaulter() runtime.ObjectDefaulter { - return unstructuredDefaulter{} -} - -func (d unstructuredDefaulter) Default(in runtime.Object) { -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/duration/duration.go b/vendor/k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/duration/duration.go deleted file mode 100644 index a20136a4..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/duration/duration.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,93 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package duration - -import ( - "fmt" - "time" -) - -// ShortHumanDuration returns a succinct representation of the provided duration -// with limited precision for consumption by humans. -func ShortHumanDuration(d time.Duration) string { - // Allow deviation no more than 2 seconds(excluded) to tolerate machine time - // inconsistence, it can be considered as almost now. - if seconds := int(d.Seconds()); seconds < -1 { - return "" - } else if seconds < 0 { - return "0s" - } else if seconds < 60 { - return fmt.Sprintf("%ds", seconds) - } else if minutes := int(d.Minutes()); minutes < 60 { - return fmt.Sprintf("%dm", minutes) - } else if hours := int(d.Hours()); hours < 24 { - return fmt.Sprintf("%dh", hours) - } else if hours < 24*365 { - return fmt.Sprintf("%dd", hours/24) - } - return fmt.Sprintf("%dy", int(d.Hours()/24/365)) -} - -// HumanDuration returns a succinct representation of the provided duration -// with limited precision for consumption by humans. It provides ~2-3 significant -// figures of duration. -func HumanDuration(d time.Duration) string { - // Allow deviation no more than 2 seconds(excluded) to tolerate machine time - // inconsistence, it can be considered as almost now. - if seconds := int(d.Seconds()); seconds < -1 { - return "" - } else if seconds < 0 { - return "0s" - } else if seconds < 60*2 { - return fmt.Sprintf("%ds", seconds) - } - minutes := int(d / time.Minute) - if minutes < 10 { - s := int(d/time.Second) % 60 - if s == 0 { - return fmt.Sprintf("%dm", minutes) - } - return fmt.Sprintf("%dm%ds", minutes, s) - } else if minutes < 60*3 { - return fmt.Sprintf("%dm", minutes) - } - hours := int(d / time.Hour) - if hours < 8 { - m := int(d/time.Minute) % 60 - if m == 0 { - return fmt.Sprintf("%dh", hours) - } - return fmt.Sprintf("%dh%dm", hours, m) - } else if hours < 48 { - return fmt.Sprintf("%dh", hours) - } else if hours < 24*8 { - h := hours % 24 - if h == 0 { - return fmt.Sprintf("%dd", hours/24) - } - return fmt.Sprintf("%dd%dh", hours/24, h) - } else if hours < 24*365*2 { - return fmt.Sprintf("%dd", hours/24) - } else if hours < 24*365*8 { - dy := int(hours/24) % 365 - if dy == 0 { - return fmt.Sprintf("%dy", hours/24/365) - } - return fmt.Sprintf("%dy%dd", hours/24/365, dy) - } - return fmt.Sprintf("%dy", int(hours/24/365)) -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/LICENSE b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index d6456956..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,202 +0,0 @@ - - Apache License - Version 2.0, January 2004 - http://www.apache.org/licenses/ - - TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION - - 1. Definitions. - - "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, - and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. - - "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by - the copyright owner that is granting the License. - - "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all - other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common - control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, - "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the - direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or - otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the - outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. - - "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity - exercising permissions granted by this License. - - "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, - including but not limited to software source code, documentation - source, and configuration files. - - "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical - transformation or translation of a Source form, including but - not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, - and conversions to other media types. - - "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or - Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a - copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work - (an example is provided in the Appendix below). - - "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object - form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the - editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications - represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes - of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain - separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, - the Work and Derivative Works thereof. - - "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including - the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions - to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally - submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner - or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of - the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" - means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent - to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to - communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, - and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the - Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but - excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise - designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." - - "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity - on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and - subsequently incorporated within the Work. - - 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of - this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, - worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable - copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, - publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the - Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. - - 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of - this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, - worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable - (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, - use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, - where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable - by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their - Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) - with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You - institute patent litigation against any entity (including a - cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work - or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct - or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses - granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate - as of the date such litigation is filed. - - 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the - Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without - modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You - meet the following conditions: - - (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or - Derivative Works a copy of this License; and - - (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices - stating that You changed the files; and - - (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works - that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and - attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, - excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of - the Derivative Works; and - - (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its - distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must - include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained - within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not - pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one - of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed - as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or - documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, - within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and - wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents - of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and - do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution - notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside - or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided - that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed - as modifying the License. - - You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and - may provide additional or different license terms and conditions - for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or - for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, - reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with - the conditions stated in this License. - - 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, - any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work - by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of - this License, without any additional terms or conditions. - Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify - the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed - with Licensor regarding such Contributions. - - 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade - names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, - except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the - origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. - - 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or - agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each - Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or - implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions - of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A - PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the - appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any - risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. - - 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, - whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, - unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly - negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be - liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, - incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a - result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the - Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, - work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all - other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor - has been advised of the possibility of such damages. - - 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing - the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, - and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, - or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this - License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only - on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf - of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, - defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability - incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason - of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. - - END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS - - APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work. - - To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following - boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" - replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include - the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate - comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a - file or class name and description of purpose be included on the - same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier - identification within third-party archives. - - Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] - - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/builder_flags.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/builder_flags.go deleted file mode 100644 index acf576a3..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/builder_flags.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,231 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package genericclioptions - -import ( - "github.com/spf13/pflag" - - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" - "k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource" -) - -// ResourceBuilderFlags are flags for finding resources -// TODO(juanvallejo): wire --local flag from commands through -type ResourceBuilderFlags struct { - FileNameFlags *FileNameFlags - - LabelSelector *string - FieldSelector *string - AllNamespaces *bool - All *bool - Local *bool - - Scheme *runtime.Scheme - Latest bool - StopOnFirstError bool -} - -// NewResourceBuilderFlags returns a default ResourceBuilderFlags -func NewResourceBuilderFlags() *ResourceBuilderFlags { - filenames := []string{} - - return &ResourceBuilderFlags{ - FileNameFlags: &FileNameFlags{ - Usage: "identifying the resource.", - Filenames: &filenames, - Recursive: boolPtr(true), - }, - } -} - -// WithFile sets the FileNameFlags. -// If recurse is set, it will process directory recursively. Useful when you want to manage related manifests -// organized within the same directory. -func (o *ResourceBuilderFlags) WithFile(recurse bool, files ...string) *ResourceBuilderFlags { - o.FileNameFlags = &FileNameFlags{ - Usage: "identifying the resource.", - Filenames: &files, - Recursive: boolPtr(recurse), - } - - return o -} - -// WithLabelSelector sets the LabelSelector flag -func (o *ResourceBuilderFlags) WithLabelSelector(selector string) *ResourceBuilderFlags { - o.LabelSelector = &selector - return o -} - -// WithFieldSelector sets the FieldSelector flag -func (o *ResourceBuilderFlags) WithFieldSelector(selector string) *ResourceBuilderFlags { - o.FieldSelector = &selector - return o -} - -// WithAllNamespaces sets the AllNamespaces flag -func (o *ResourceBuilderFlags) WithAllNamespaces(defaultVal bool) *ResourceBuilderFlags { - o.AllNamespaces = &defaultVal - return o -} - -// WithAll sets the All flag -func (o *ResourceBuilderFlags) WithAll(defaultVal bool) *ResourceBuilderFlags { - o.All = &defaultVal - return o -} - -// WithLocal sets the Local flag -func (o *ResourceBuilderFlags) WithLocal(defaultVal bool) *ResourceBuilderFlags { - o.Local = &defaultVal - return o -} - -// WithScheme sets the Scheme flag -func (o *ResourceBuilderFlags) WithScheme(scheme *runtime.Scheme) *ResourceBuilderFlags { - o.Scheme = scheme - return o -} - -// WithLatest sets the Latest flag -func (o *ResourceBuilderFlags) WithLatest() *ResourceBuilderFlags { - o.Latest = true - return o -} - -// StopOnError sets the StopOnFirstError flag -func (o *ResourceBuilderFlags) StopOnError() *ResourceBuilderFlags { - o.StopOnFirstError = true - return o -} - -// AddFlags registers flags for finding resources -func (o *ResourceBuilderFlags) AddFlags(flagset *pflag.FlagSet) { - o.FileNameFlags.AddFlags(flagset) - - if o.LabelSelector != nil { - flagset.StringVarP(o.LabelSelector, "selector", "l", *o.LabelSelector, "Selector (label query) to filter on, supports '=', '==', and '!='.(e.g. -l key1=value1,key2=value2)") - } - if o.FieldSelector != nil { - flagset.StringVar(o.FieldSelector, "field-selector", *o.FieldSelector, "Selector (field query) to filter on, supports '=', '==', and '!='.(e.g. --field-selector key1=value1,key2=value2). The server only supports a limited number of field queries per type.") - } - if o.AllNamespaces != nil { - flagset.BoolVarP(o.AllNamespaces, "all-namespaces", "A", *o.AllNamespaces, "If present, list the requested object(s) across all namespaces. Namespace in current context is ignored even if specified with --namespace.") - } - if o.All != nil { - flagset.BoolVar(o.All, "all", *o.All, "Select all resources in the namespace of the specified resource types") - } - if o.Local != nil { - flagset.BoolVar(o.Local, "local", *o.Local, "If true, annotation will NOT contact api-server but run locally.") - } -} - -// ToBuilder gives you back a resource finder to visit resources that are located -func (o *ResourceBuilderFlags) ToBuilder(restClientGetter RESTClientGetter, resources []string) ResourceFinder { - namespace, enforceNamespace, namespaceErr := restClientGetter.ToRawKubeConfigLoader().Namespace() - - builder := resource.NewBuilder(restClientGetter). - NamespaceParam(namespace).DefaultNamespace() - - if o.AllNamespaces != nil { - builder.AllNamespaces(*o.AllNamespaces) - } - - if o.Scheme != nil { - builder.WithScheme(o.Scheme, o.Scheme.PrioritizedVersionsAllGroups()...) - } else { - builder.Unstructured() - } - - if o.FileNameFlags != nil { - opts := o.FileNameFlags.ToOptions() - builder.FilenameParam(enforceNamespace, &opts) - } - - if o.Local == nil || !*o.Local { - // resource type/name tuples only work non-local - if o.All != nil { - builder.ResourceTypeOrNameArgs(*o.All, resources...) - } else { - builder.ResourceTypeOrNameArgs(false, resources...) - } - // label selectors only work non-local (for now) - if o.LabelSelector != nil { - builder.LabelSelectorParam(*o.LabelSelector) - } - // field selectors only work non-local (forever) - if o.FieldSelector != nil { - builder.FieldSelectorParam(*o.FieldSelector) - } - // latest only works non-local (forever) - if o.Latest { - builder.Latest() - } - - } else { - builder.Local() - - if len(resources) > 0 { - builder.AddError(resource.LocalResourceError) - } - } - - if !o.StopOnFirstError { - builder.ContinueOnError() - } - - return &ResourceFindBuilderWrapper{ - builder: builder. - Flatten(). // I think we're going to recommend this everywhere - AddError(namespaceErr), - } -} - -// ResourceFindBuilderWrapper wraps a builder in an interface -type ResourceFindBuilderWrapper struct { - builder *resource.Builder -} - -// Do finds you resources to check -func (b *ResourceFindBuilderWrapper) Do() resource.Visitor { - return b.builder.Do() -} - -// ResourceFinder allows mocking the resource builder -// TODO resource builders needs to become more interfacey -type ResourceFinder interface { - Do() resource.Visitor -} - -// ResourceFinderFunc is a handy way to make a ResourceFinder -type ResourceFinderFunc func() resource.Visitor - -// Do implements ResourceFinder -func (fn ResourceFinderFunc) Do() resource.Visitor { - return fn() -} - -// ResourceFinderForResult skins a visitor for re-use as a ResourceFinder -func ResourceFinderForResult(result resource.Visitor) ResourceFinder { - return ResourceFinderFunc(func() resource.Visitor { - return result - }) -} - -func boolPtr(val bool) *bool { - return &val -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/builder_flags_fake.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/builder_flags_fake.go deleted file mode 100644 index d43b0c25..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/builder_flags_fake.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package genericclioptions - -import ( - "k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource" -) - -// NewSimpleFakeResourceFinder builds a super simple ResourceFinder that just iterates over the objects you provided -func NewSimpleFakeResourceFinder(infos ...*resource.Info) ResourceFinder { - return &fakeResourceFinder{ - Infos: infos, - } -} - -type fakeResourceFinder struct { - Infos []*resource.Info -} - -// Do implements the interface -func (f *fakeResourceFinder) Do() resource.Visitor { - return &fakeResourceResult{ - Infos: f.Infos, - } -} - -type fakeResourceResult struct { - Infos []*resource.Info -} - -// Visit just iterates over info -func (r *fakeResourceResult) Visit(fn resource.VisitorFunc) error { - for _, info := range r.Infos { - err := fn(info, nil) - if err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/client_config.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/client_config.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0e22d714..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/client_config.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package genericclioptions - -import ( - restclient "k8s.io/client-go/rest" - "k8s.io/client-go/tools/clientcmd" - clientcmdapi "k8s.io/client-go/tools/clientcmd/api" -) - -var ( - // ErrEmptyConfig is the error message to be displayed if the configuration info is missing or incomplete - ErrEmptyConfig = clientcmd.NewEmptyConfigError(`Missing or incomplete configuration info. Please point to an existing, complete config file: - - - 1. Via the command-line flag --kubeconfig - 2. Via the KUBECONFIG environment variable - 3. In your home directory as ~/.kube/config - -To view or setup config directly use the 'config' command.`) -) - -var _ = clientcmd.ClientConfig(&clientConfig{}) - -type clientConfig struct { - defaultClientConfig clientcmd.ClientConfig -} - -func (c *clientConfig) RawConfig() (clientcmdapi.Config, error) { - config, err := c.defaultClientConfig.RawConfig() - // replace client-go's ErrEmptyConfig error with our custom, more verbose version - if clientcmd.IsEmptyConfig(err) { - return config, ErrEmptyConfig - } - return config, err -} - -func (c *clientConfig) ClientConfig() (*restclient.Config, error) { - config, err := c.defaultClientConfig.ClientConfig() - // replace client-go's ErrEmptyConfig error with our custom, more verbose version - if clientcmd.IsEmptyConfig(err) { - return config, ErrEmptyConfig - } - return config, err -} - -func (c *clientConfig) Namespace() (string, bool, error) { - namespace, ok, err := c.defaultClientConfig.Namespace() - // replace client-go's ErrEmptyConfig error with our custom, more verbose version - if clientcmd.IsEmptyConfig(err) { - return namespace, ok, ErrEmptyConfig - } - return namespace, ok, err -} - -func (c *clientConfig) ConfigAccess() clientcmd.ConfigAccess { - return c.defaultClientConfig.ConfigAccess() -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/command_headers.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/command_headers.go deleted file mode 100644 index ed47e999..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/command_headers.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,94 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2021 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package genericclioptions - -import ( - "net/http" - "strings" - - "github.com/google/uuid" - "github.com/spf13/cobra" -) - -const ( - kubectlCommandHeader = "Kubectl-Command" - kubectlSessionHeader = "Kubectl-Session" -) - -// CommandHeaderRoundTripper adds a layer around the standard -// round tripper to add Request headers before delegation. Implements -// the go standard library "http.RoundTripper" interface. -type CommandHeaderRoundTripper struct { - Delegate http.RoundTripper - Headers map[string]string -} - -// CommandHeaderRoundTripper adds Request headers before delegating to standard -// round tripper. These headers are kubectl command headers which -// detail the kubectl command. See SIG CLI KEP 859: -// -// https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/tree/master/keps/sig-cli/859-kubectl-headers -func (c *CommandHeaderRoundTripper) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - for header, value := range c.Headers { - req.Header.Set(header, value) - } - return c.Delegate.RoundTrip(req) -} - -// ParseCommandHeaders fills in a map of custom headers into the CommandHeaderRoundTripper. These -// headers are then filled into each request. For details on the custom headers see: -// -// https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/tree/master/keps/sig-cli/859-kubectl-headers -// -// Each call overwrites the previously parsed command headers (not additive). -// TODO(seans3): Parse/add flags removing PII from flag values. -func (c *CommandHeaderRoundTripper) ParseCommandHeaders(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { - if cmd == nil { - return - } - // Overwrites previously parsed command headers (headers not additive). - c.Headers = map[string]string{} - // Session identifier to aggregate multiple Requests from single kubectl command. - uid := uuid.New().String() - c.Headers[kubectlSessionHeader] = uid - // Iterate up the hierarchy of commands from the leaf command to create - // the full command string. Example: kubectl create secret generic - cmdStrs := []string{} - for cmd.HasParent() { - parent := cmd.Parent() - currName := strings.TrimSpace(cmd.Name()) - cmdStrs = append([]string{currName}, cmdStrs...) - cmd = parent - } - currName := strings.TrimSpace(cmd.Name()) - cmdStrs = append([]string{currName}, cmdStrs...) - if len(cmdStrs) > 0 { - c.Headers[kubectlCommandHeader] = strings.Join(cmdStrs, " ") - } -} - -// CancelRequest is propagated to the Delegate RoundTripper within -// if the wrapped RoundTripper implements this function. -func (c *CommandHeaderRoundTripper) CancelRequest(req *http.Request) { - type canceler interface { - CancelRequest(*http.Request) - } - // If possible, call "CancelRequest" on the wrapped Delegate RoundTripper. - if cr, ok := c.Delegate.(canceler); ok { - cr.CancelRequest(req) - } -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/config_flags.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/config_flags.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9c168350..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/config_flags.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,491 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package genericclioptions - -import ( - "os" - "path/filepath" - "regexp" - "strings" - "sync" - "time" - - "github.com/spf13/pflag" - - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/meta" - "k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericiooptions" - "k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers" - "k8s.io/client-go/discovery" - diskcached "k8s.io/client-go/discovery/cached/disk" - "k8s.io/client-go/rest" - "k8s.io/client-go/restmapper" - "k8s.io/client-go/tools/clientcmd" - "k8s.io/client-go/util/homedir" - utilpointer "k8s.io/utils/pointer" -) - -const ( - flagClusterName = "cluster" - flagAuthInfoName = "user" - flagContext = "context" - flagNamespace = "namespace" - flagAPIServer = "server" - flagTLSServerName = "tls-server-name" - flagInsecure = "insecure-skip-tls-verify" - flagCertFile = "client-certificate" - flagKeyFile = "client-key" - flagCAFile = "certificate-authority" - flagBearerToken = "token" - flagImpersonate = "as" - flagImpersonateUID = "as-uid" - flagImpersonateGroup = "as-group" - flagUsername = "username" - flagPassword = "password" - flagTimeout = "request-timeout" - flagCacheDir = "cache-dir" - flagDisableCompression = "disable-compression" -) - -// RESTClientGetter is an interface that the ConfigFlags describe to provide an easier way to mock for commands -// and eliminate the direct coupling to a struct type. Users may wish to duplicate this type in their own packages -// as per the golang type overlapping. -type RESTClientGetter interface { - // ToRESTConfig returns restconfig - ToRESTConfig() (*rest.Config, error) - // ToDiscoveryClient returns discovery client - ToDiscoveryClient() (discovery.CachedDiscoveryInterface, error) - // ToRESTMapper returns a restmapper - ToRESTMapper() (meta.RESTMapper, error) - // ToRawKubeConfigLoader return kubeconfig loader as-is - ToRawKubeConfigLoader() clientcmd.ClientConfig -} - -var _ RESTClientGetter = &ConfigFlags{} - -// ConfigFlags composes the set of values necessary -// for obtaining a REST client config -type ConfigFlags struct { - CacheDir *string - KubeConfig *string - - // config flags - ClusterName *string - AuthInfoName *string - Context *string - Namespace *string - APIServer *string - TLSServerName *string - Insecure *bool - CertFile *string - KeyFile *string - CAFile *string - BearerToken *string - Impersonate *string - ImpersonateUID *string - ImpersonateGroup *[]string - Username *string - Password *string - Timeout *string - DisableCompression *bool - // If non-nil, wrap config function can transform the Config - // before it is returned in ToRESTConfig function. - WrapConfigFn func(*rest.Config) *rest.Config - - clientConfig clientcmd.ClientConfig - clientConfigLock sync.Mutex - - restMapper meta.RESTMapper - restMapperLock sync.Mutex - - discoveryClient discovery.CachedDiscoveryInterface - discoveryClientLock sync.Mutex - - // If set to true, will use persistent client config, rest mapper, discovery client, and - // propagate them to the places that need them, rather than - // instantiating them multiple times. - usePersistentConfig bool - // Allows increasing burst used for discovery, this is useful - // in clusters with many registered resources - discoveryBurst int - // Allows increasing qps used for discovery, this is useful - // in clusters with many registered resources - discoveryQPS float32 - // Allows all possible warnings are printed in a standardized - // format. - warningPrinter *printers.WarningPrinter -} - -// ToRESTConfig implements RESTClientGetter. -// Returns a REST client configuration based on a provided path -// to a .kubeconfig file, loading rules, and config flag overrides. -// Expects the AddFlags method to have been called. If WrapConfigFn -// is non-nil this function can transform config before return. -func (f *ConfigFlags) ToRESTConfig() (*rest.Config, error) { - c, err := f.ToRawKubeConfigLoader().ClientConfig() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if f.WrapConfigFn != nil { - return f.WrapConfigFn(c), nil - } - return c, nil -} - -// ToRawKubeConfigLoader binds config flag values to config overrides -// Returns an interactive clientConfig if the password flag is enabled, -// or a non-interactive clientConfig otherwise. -func (f *ConfigFlags) ToRawKubeConfigLoader() clientcmd.ClientConfig { - if f.usePersistentConfig { - return f.toRawKubePersistentConfigLoader() - } - return f.toRawKubeConfigLoader() -} - -func (f *ConfigFlags) toRawKubeConfigLoader() clientcmd.ClientConfig { - loadingRules := clientcmd.NewDefaultClientConfigLoadingRules() - // use the standard defaults for this client command - // DEPRECATED: remove and replace with something more accurate - loadingRules.DefaultClientConfig = &clientcmd.DefaultClientConfig - - if f.KubeConfig != nil { - loadingRules.ExplicitPath = *f.KubeConfig - } - - overrides := &clientcmd.ConfigOverrides{ClusterDefaults: clientcmd.ClusterDefaults} - - // bind auth info flag values to overrides - if f.CertFile != nil { - overrides.AuthInfo.ClientCertificate = *f.CertFile - } - if f.KeyFile != nil { - overrides.AuthInfo.ClientKey = *f.KeyFile - } - if f.BearerToken != nil { - overrides.AuthInfo.Token = *f.BearerToken - } - if f.Impersonate != nil { - overrides.AuthInfo.Impersonate = *f.Impersonate - } - if f.ImpersonateUID != nil { - overrides.AuthInfo.ImpersonateUID = *f.ImpersonateUID - } - if f.ImpersonateGroup != nil { - overrides.AuthInfo.ImpersonateGroups = *f.ImpersonateGroup - } - if f.Username != nil { - overrides.AuthInfo.Username = *f.Username - } - if f.Password != nil { - overrides.AuthInfo.Password = *f.Password - } - - // bind cluster flags - if f.APIServer != nil { - overrides.ClusterInfo.Server = *f.APIServer - } - if f.TLSServerName != nil { - overrides.ClusterInfo.TLSServerName = *f.TLSServerName - } - if f.CAFile != nil { - overrides.ClusterInfo.CertificateAuthority = *f.CAFile - } - if f.Insecure != nil { - overrides.ClusterInfo.InsecureSkipTLSVerify = *f.Insecure - } - if f.DisableCompression != nil { - overrides.ClusterInfo.DisableCompression = *f.DisableCompression - } - - // bind context flags - if f.Context != nil { - overrides.CurrentContext = *f.Context - } - if f.ClusterName != nil { - overrides.Context.Cluster = *f.ClusterName - } - if f.AuthInfoName != nil { - overrides.Context.AuthInfo = *f.AuthInfoName - } - if f.Namespace != nil { - overrides.Context.Namespace = *f.Namespace - } - - if f.Timeout != nil { - overrides.Timeout = *f.Timeout - } - - // we only have an interactive prompt when a password is allowed - if f.Password == nil { - return &clientConfig{clientcmd.NewNonInteractiveDeferredLoadingClientConfig(loadingRules, overrides)} - } - return &clientConfig{clientcmd.NewInteractiveDeferredLoadingClientConfig(loadingRules, overrides, os.Stdin)} -} - -// toRawKubePersistentConfigLoader binds config flag values to config overrides -// Returns a persistent clientConfig for propagation. -func (f *ConfigFlags) toRawKubePersistentConfigLoader() clientcmd.ClientConfig { - f.clientConfigLock.Lock() - defer f.clientConfigLock.Unlock() - - if f.clientConfig == nil { - f.clientConfig = f.toRawKubeConfigLoader() - } - - return f.clientConfig -} - -// ToDiscoveryClient implements RESTClientGetter. -// Expects the AddFlags method to have been called. -// Returns a CachedDiscoveryInterface using a computed RESTConfig. -func (f *ConfigFlags) ToDiscoveryClient() (discovery.CachedDiscoveryInterface, error) { - if f.usePersistentConfig { - return f.toPersistentDiscoveryClient() - } - return f.toDiscoveryClient() -} - -func (f *ConfigFlags) toPersistentDiscoveryClient() (discovery.CachedDiscoveryInterface, error) { - f.discoveryClientLock.Lock() - defer f.discoveryClientLock.Unlock() - - if f.discoveryClient == nil { - discoveryClient, err := f.toDiscoveryClient() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - f.discoveryClient = discoveryClient - } - return f.discoveryClient, nil -} - -func (f *ConfigFlags) toDiscoveryClient() (discovery.CachedDiscoveryInterface, error) { - config, err := f.ToRESTConfig() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - config.Burst = f.discoveryBurst - config.QPS = f.discoveryQPS - - cacheDir := getDefaultCacheDir() - - // retrieve a user-provided value for the "cache-dir" - // override httpCacheDir and discoveryCacheDir if user-value is given. - // user-provided value has higher precedence than default - // and KUBECACHEDIR environment variable. - if f.CacheDir != nil && *f.CacheDir != "" && *f.CacheDir != getDefaultCacheDir() { - cacheDir = *f.CacheDir - } - - httpCacheDir := filepath.Join(cacheDir, "http") - discoveryCacheDir := computeDiscoverCacheDir(filepath.Join(cacheDir, "discovery"), config.Host) - - return diskcached.NewCachedDiscoveryClientForConfig(config, discoveryCacheDir, httpCacheDir, time.Duration(6*time.Hour)) -} - -// getDefaultCacheDir returns default caching directory path. -// it first looks at KUBECACHEDIR env var if it is set, otherwise -// it returns standard kube cache dir. -func getDefaultCacheDir() string { - if kcd := os.Getenv("KUBECACHEDIR"); kcd != "" { - return kcd - } - - return filepath.Join(homedir.HomeDir(), ".kube", "cache") -} - -// ToRESTMapper returns a mapper. -func (f *ConfigFlags) ToRESTMapper() (meta.RESTMapper, error) { - if f.usePersistentConfig { - return f.toPersistentRESTMapper() - } - return f.toRESTMapper() -} - -func (f *ConfigFlags) toPersistentRESTMapper() (meta.RESTMapper, error) { - f.restMapperLock.Lock() - defer f.restMapperLock.Unlock() - - if f.restMapper == nil { - restMapper, err := f.toRESTMapper() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - f.restMapper = restMapper - } - return f.restMapper, nil -} - -func (f *ConfigFlags) toRESTMapper() (meta.RESTMapper, error) { - discoveryClient, err := f.ToDiscoveryClient() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - mapper := restmapper.NewDeferredDiscoveryRESTMapper(discoveryClient) - expander := restmapper.NewShortcutExpander(mapper, discoveryClient, func(a string) { - if f.warningPrinter != nil { - f.warningPrinter.Print(a) - } - }) - return expander, nil -} - -// AddFlags binds client configuration flags to a given flagset -func (f *ConfigFlags) AddFlags(flags *pflag.FlagSet) { - if f.KubeConfig != nil { - flags.StringVar(f.KubeConfig, "kubeconfig", *f.KubeConfig, "Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests.") - } - if f.CacheDir != nil { - flags.StringVar(f.CacheDir, flagCacheDir, *f.CacheDir, "Default cache directory") - } - - // add config options - if f.CertFile != nil { - flags.StringVar(f.CertFile, flagCertFile, *f.CertFile, "Path to a client certificate file for TLS") - } - if f.KeyFile != nil { - flags.StringVar(f.KeyFile, flagKeyFile, *f.KeyFile, "Path to a client key file for TLS") - } - if f.BearerToken != nil { - flags.StringVar(f.BearerToken, flagBearerToken, *f.BearerToken, "Bearer token for authentication to the API server") - } - if f.Impersonate != nil { - flags.StringVar(f.Impersonate, flagImpersonate, *f.Impersonate, "Username to impersonate for the operation. User could be a regular user or a service account in a namespace.") - } - if f.ImpersonateUID != nil { - flags.StringVar(f.ImpersonateUID, flagImpersonateUID, *f.ImpersonateUID, "UID to impersonate for the operation.") - } - if f.ImpersonateGroup != nil { - flags.StringArrayVar(f.ImpersonateGroup, flagImpersonateGroup, *f.ImpersonateGroup, "Group to impersonate for the operation, this flag can be repeated to specify multiple groups.") - } - if f.Username != nil { - flags.StringVar(f.Username, flagUsername, *f.Username, "Username for basic authentication to the API server") - } - if f.Password != nil { - flags.StringVar(f.Password, flagPassword, *f.Password, "Password for basic authentication to the API server") - } - if f.ClusterName != nil { - flags.StringVar(f.ClusterName, flagClusterName, *f.ClusterName, "The name of the kubeconfig cluster to use") - } - if f.AuthInfoName != nil { - flags.StringVar(f.AuthInfoName, flagAuthInfoName, *f.AuthInfoName, "The name of the kubeconfig user to use") - } - if f.Namespace != nil { - flags.StringVarP(f.Namespace, flagNamespace, "n", *f.Namespace, "If present, the namespace scope for this CLI request") - } - if f.Context != nil { - flags.StringVar(f.Context, flagContext, *f.Context, "The name of the kubeconfig context to use") - } - - if f.APIServer != nil { - flags.StringVarP(f.APIServer, flagAPIServer, "s", *f.APIServer, "The address and port of the Kubernetes API server") - } - if f.TLSServerName != nil { - flags.StringVar(f.TLSServerName, flagTLSServerName, *f.TLSServerName, "Server name to use for server certificate validation. If it is not provided, the hostname used to contact the server is used") - } - if f.Insecure != nil { - flags.BoolVar(f.Insecure, flagInsecure, *f.Insecure, "If true, the server's certificate will not be checked for validity. This will make your HTTPS connections insecure") - } - if f.CAFile != nil { - flags.StringVar(f.CAFile, flagCAFile, *f.CAFile, "Path to a cert file for the certificate authority") - } - if f.Timeout != nil { - flags.StringVar(f.Timeout, flagTimeout, *f.Timeout, "The length of time to wait before giving up on a single server request. Non-zero values should contain a corresponding time unit (e.g. 1s, 2m, 3h). A value of zero means don't timeout requests.") - } - if f.DisableCompression != nil { - flags.BoolVar(f.DisableCompression, flagDisableCompression, *f.DisableCompression, "If true, opt-out of response compression for all requests to the server") - } -} - -// WithDeprecatedPasswordFlag enables the username and password config flags -func (f *ConfigFlags) WithDeprecatedPasswordFlag() *ConfigFlags { - f.Username = utilpointer.String("") - f.Password = utilpointer.String("") - return f -} - -// WithDiscoveryBurst sets the RESTClient burst for discovery. -func (f *ConfigFlags) WithDiscoveryBurst(discoveryBurst int) *ConfigFlags { - f.discoveryBurst = discoveryBurst - return f -} - -// WithDiscoveryQPS sets the RESTClient QPS for discovery. -func (f *ConfigFlags) WithDiscoveryQPS(discoveryQPS float32) *ConfigFlags { - f.discoveryQPS = discoveryQPS - return f -} - -// WithWrapConfigFn allows providing a wrapper function for the client Config. -func (f *ConfigFlags) WithWrapConfigFn(wrapConfigFn func(*rest.Config) *rest.Config) *ConfigFlags { - f.WrapConfigFn = wrapConfigFn - return f -} - -// WithWarningPrinter initializes WarningPrinter with the given IOStreams -func (f *ConfigFlags) WithWarningPrinter(ioStreams genericiooptions.IOStreams) *ConfigFlags { - f.warningPrinter = printers.NewWarningPrinter(ioStreams.ErrOut, printers.WarningPrinterOptions{Color: printers.AllowsColorOutput(ioStreams.ErrOut)}) - return f -} - -// NewConfigFlags returns ConfigFlags with default values set -func NewConfigFlags(usePersistentConfig bool) *ConfigFlags { - impersonateGroup := []string{} - insecure := false - disableCompression := false - - return &ConfigFlags{ - Insecure: &insecure, - Timeout: utilpointer.String("0"), - KubeConfig: utilpointer.String(""), - - CacheDir: utilpointer.String(getDefaultCacheDir()), - ClusterName: utilpointer.String(""), - AuthInfoName: utilpointer.String(""), - Context: utilpointer.String(""), - Namespace: utilpointer.String(""), - APIServer: utilpointer.String(""), - TLSServerName: utilpointer.String(""), - CertFile: utilpointer.String(""), - KeyFile: utilpointer.String(""), - CAFile: utilpointer.String(""), - BearerToken: utilpointer.String(""), - Impersonate: utilpointer.String(""), - ImpersonateUID: utilpointer.String(""), - ImpersonateGroup: &impersonateGroup, - DisableCompression: &disableCompression, - - usePersistentConfig: usePersistentConfig, - // The more groups you have, the more discovery requests you need to make. - // with a burst of 300, we will not be rate-limiting for most clusters but - // the safeguard will still be here. This config is only used for discovery. - discoveryBurst: 300, - } -} - -// overlyCautiousIllegalFileCharacters matches characters that *might* not be supported. Windows is really restrictive, so this is really restrictive -var overlyCautiousIllegalFileCharacters = regexp.MustCompile(`[^(\w/.)]`) - -// computeDiscoverCacheDir takes the parentDir and the host and comes up with a "usually non-colliding" name. -func computeDiscoverCacheDir(parentDir, host string) string { - // strip the optional scheme from host if its there: - schemelessHost := strings.Replace(strings.Replace(host, "https://", "", 1), "http://", "", 1) - // now do a simple collapse of non-AZ09 characters. Collisions are possible but unlikely. Even if we do collide the problem is short lived - safeHost := overlyCautiousIllegalFileCharacters.ReplaceAllString(schemelessHost, "_") - return filepath.Join(parentDir, safeHost) -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/config_flags_fake.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/config_flags_fake.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9bb5e28c..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/config_flags_fake.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,127 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package genericclioptions - -import ( - "fmt" - - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/meta" - "k8s.io/client-go/discovery" - "k8s.io/client-go/rest" - "k8s.io/client-go/restmapper" - "k8s.io/client-go/tools/clientcmd" - clientcmdapi "k8s.io/client-go/tools/clientcmd/api" -) - -// TestConfigFlags contains clientConfig struct -// and interfaces that implements RESTClientGetter -type TestConfigFlags struct { - clientConfig clientcmd.ClientConfig - discoveryClient discovery.CachedDiscoveryInterface - restMapper meta.RESTMapper -} - -// ToRawKubeConfigLoader implements RESTClientGetter -// Returns a clientconfig if it's set -func (f *TestConfigFlags) ToRawKubeConfigLoader() clientcmd.ClientConfig { - if f.clientConfig == nil { - panic("attempt to obtain a test RawKubeConfigLoader with no clientConfig specified") - } - return f.clientConfig -} - -// ToRESTConfig implements RESTClientGetter. -// Returns a REST client configuration based on a provided path -// to a .kubeconfig file, loading rules, and config flag overrides. -// Expects the AddFlags method to have been called. -func (f *TestConfigFlags) ToRESTConfig() (*rest.Config, error) { - return f.ToRawKubeConfigLoader().ClientConfig() -} - -// ToDiscoveryClient implements RESTClientGetter. -// Returns a CachedDiscoveryInterface -func (f *TestConfigFlags) ToDiscoveryClient() (discovery.CachedDiscoveryInterface, error) { - return f.discoveryClient, nil -} - -// ToRESTMapper implements RESTClientGetter. -// Returns a mapper. -func (f *TestConfigFlags) ToRESTMapper() (meta.RESTMapper, error) { - if f.restMapper != nil { - return f.restMapper, nil - } - if f.discoveryClient != nil { - mapper := restmapper.NewDeferredDiscoveryRESTMapper(f.discoveryClient) - expander := restmapper.NewShortcutExpander(mapper, f.discoveryClient, nil) - return expander, nil - } - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no restmapper") -} - -// WithClientConfig sets the clientConfig flag -func (f *TestConfigFlags) WithClientConfig(clientConfig clientcmd.ClientConfig) *TestConfigFlags { - f.clientConfig = clientConfig - return f -} - -// WithRESTMapper sets the restMapper flag -func (f *TestConfigFlags) WithRESTMapper(mapper meta.RESTMapper) *TestConfigFlags { - f.restMapper = mapper - return f -} - -// WithDiscoveryClient sets the discoveryClient flag -func (f *TestConfigFlags) WithDiscoveryClient(c discovery.CachedDiscoveryInterface) *TestConfigFlags { - f.discoveryClient = c - return f -} - -// WithNamespace sets the clientConfig flag by modifying delagate and namespace -func (f *TestConfigFlags) WithNamespace(ns string) *TestConfigFlags { - if f.clientConfig == nil { - panic("attempt to obtain a test RawKubeConfigLoader with no clientConfig specified") - } - f.clientConfig = &namespacedClientConfig{ - delegate: f.clientConfig, - namespace: ns, - } - return f -} - -// NewTestConfigFlags builds a TestConfigFlags struct to test ConfigFlags -func NewTestConfigFlags() *TestConfigFlags { - return &TestConfigFlags{} -} - -type namespacedClientConfig struct { - delegate clientcmd.ClientConfig - namespace string -} - -func (c *namespacedClientConfig) Namespace() (string, bool, error) { - return c.namespace, len(c.namespace) > 0, nil -} - -func (c *namespacedClientConfig) RawConfig() (clientcmdapi.Config, error) { - return c.delegate.RawConfig() -} -func (c *namespacedClientConfig) ClientConfig() (*rest.Config, error) { - return c.delegate.ClientConfig() -} -func (c *namespacedClientConfig) ConfigAccess() clientcmd.ConfigAccess { - return c.delegate.ConfigAccess() -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/doc.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 303da330..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -// Package genericclioptions contains flags which can be added to your command, bound, completed, and produce -// useful helper functions. Nothing in this package can depend on kube/kube -package genericclioptions // import "k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions" diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/filename_flags.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/filename_flags.go deleted file mode 100644 index 74259e41..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/filename_flags.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package genericclioptions - -import ( - "strings" - - "github.com/spf13/cobra" - "github.com/spf13/pflag" - - "k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource" -) - -// FileNameFlags are flags for processing files. -// Usage of this struct by itself is discouraged. -// These flags are composed by ResourceBuilderFlags -// which should be used instead. -type FileNameFlags struct { - Usage string - - Filenames *[]string - Kustomize *string - Recursive *bool -} - -// ToOptions creates a new FileNameOptions struct and sets FilenameOptions based on FileNameflags -func (o *FileNameFlags) ToOptions() resource.FilenameOptions { - options := resource.FilenameOptions{} - - if o == nil { - return options - } - - if o.Recursive != nil { - options.Recursive = *o.Recursive - } - if o.Filenames != nil { - options.Filenames = *o.Filenames - } - if o.Kustomize != nil { - options.Kustomize = *o.Kustomize - } - - return options -} - -// AddFlags binds file name flags to a given flagset -func (o *FileNameFlags) AddFlags(flags *pflag.FlagSet) { - if o == nil { - return - } - - if o.Recursive != nil { - flags.BoolVarP(o.Recursive, "recursive", "R", *o.Recursive, "Process the directory used in -f, --filename recursively. Useful when you want to manage related manifests organized within the same directory.") - } - if o.Filenames != nil { - flags.StringSliceVarP(o.Filenames, "filename", "f", *o.Filenames, o.Usage) - annotations := make([]string, 0, len(resource.FileExtensions)) - for _, ext := range resource.FileExtensions { - annotations = append(annotations, strings.TrimLeft(ext, ".")) - } - flags.SetAnnotation("filename", cobra.BashCompFilenameExt, annotations) - } - if o.Kustomize != nil { - flags.StringVarP(o.Kustomize, "kustomize", "k", *o.Kustomize, - "Process a kustomization directory. This flag can't be used together with -f or -R.") - } -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/io_options.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/io_options.go deleted file mode 100644 index b8313513..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/io_options.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package genericclioptions - -import ( - "bytes" - "io" - - "k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericiooptions" -) - -// IOStreams provides the standard names for iostreams. This is useful for embedding and for unit testing. -// Inconsistent and different names make it hard to read and review code -// DEPRECATED: use genericiooptions.IOStreams -type IOStreams = genericiooptions.IOStreams - -// NewTestIOStreams returns a valid IOStreams and in, out, errout buffers for unit tests -// DEPRECATED: use genericiooptions.NewTestIOStreams -func NewTestIOStreams() (genericiooptions.IOStreams, *bytes.Buffer, *bytes.Buffer, *bytes.Buffer) { - in := &bytes.Buffer{} - out := &bytes.Buffer{} - errOut := &bytes.Buffer{} - - return IOStreams{ - In: in, - Out: out, - ErrOut: errOut, - }, in, out, errOut -} - -// NewTestIOStreamsDiscard returns a valid IOStreams that just discards -// DEPRECATED: use genericiooptions.NewTestIOStreamsDiscard -func NewTestIOStreamsDiscard() genericiooptions.IOStreams { - in := &bytes.Buffer{} - return IOStreams{ - In: in, - Out: io.Discard, - ErrOut: io.Discard, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/json_yaml_flags.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/json_yaml_flags.go deleted file mode 100644 index ea878961..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/json_yaml_flags.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package genericclioptions - -import ( - "strings" - - "github.com/spf13/cobra" - - "k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers" -) - -// AllowedFormats returns slice of string of allowed JSONYaml printing format -func (f *JSONYamlPrintFlags) AllowedFormats() []string { - if f == nil { - return []string{} - } - return []string{"json", "yaml"} -} - -// JSONYamlPrintFlags provides default flags necessary for json/yaml printing. -// Given the following flag values, a printer can be requested that knows -// how to handle printing based on these values. -type JSONYamlPrintFlags struct { - ShowManagedFields bool -} - -// ToPrinter receives an outputFormat and returns a printer capable of -// handling --output=(yaml|json) printing. -// Returns false if the specified outputFormat does not match a supported format. -// Supported Format types can be found in pkg/printers/printers.go -func (f *JSONYamlPrintFlags) ToPrinter(outputFormat string) (printers.ResourcePrinter, error) { - var printer printers.ResourcePrinter - - outputFormat = strings.ToLower(outputFormat) - switch outputFormat { - case "json": - printer = &printers.JSONPrinter{} - case "yaml": - printer = &printers.YAMLPrinter{} - default: - return nil, NoCompatiblePrinterError{OutputFormat: &outputFormat, AllowedFormats: f.AllowedFormats()} - } - - if !f.ShowManagedFields { - printer = &printers.OmitManagedFieldsPrinter{Delegate: printer} - } - return printer, nil -} - -// AddFlags receives a *cobra.Command reference and binds -// flags related to JSON or Yaml printing to it -func (f *JSONYamlPrintFlags) AddFlags(c *cobra.Command) { - if f == nil { - return - } - - c.Flags().BoolVar(&f.ShowManagedFields, "show-managed-fields", f.ShowManagedFields, "If true, keep the managedFields when printing objects in JSON or YAML format.") -} - -// NewJSONYamlPrintFlags returns flags associated with -// yaml or json printing, with default values set. -func NewJSONYamlPrintFlags() *JSONYamlPrintFlags { - return &JSONYamlPrintFlags{} -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/jsonpath_flags.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/jsonpath_flags.go deleted file mode 100644 index a3d86d76..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/jsonpath_flags.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,137 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package genericclioptions - -import ( - "fmt" - "os" - "sort" - "strings" - - "github.com/spf13/cobra" - - "k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers" -) - -// templates are logically optional for specifying a format. -// this allows a user to specify a template format value -// as --output=jsonpath= -var jsonFormats = map[string]bool{ - "jsonpath": true, - "jsonpath-file": true, - "jsonpath-as-json": true, -} - -// JSONPathPrintFlags provides default flags necessary for template printing. -// Given the following flag values, a printer can be requested that knows -// how to handle printing based on these values. -type JSONPathPrintFlags struct { - // indicates if it is OK to ignore missing keys for rendering - // an output template. - AllowMissingKeys *bool - TemplateArgument *string -} - -// AllowedFormats returns slice of string of allowed JSONPath printing format -func (f *JSONPathPrintFlags) AllowedFormats() []string { - formats := make([]string, 0, len(jsonFormats)) - for format := range jsonFormats { - formats = append(formats, format) - } - sort.Strings(formats) - return formats -} - -// ToPrinter receives an templateFormat and returns a printer capable of -// handling --template format printing. -// Returns false if the specified templateFormat does not match a template format. -func (f *JSONPathPrintFlags) ToPrinter(templateFormat string) (printers.ResourcePrinter, error) { - if (f.TemplateArgument == nil || len(*f.TemplateArgument) == 0) && len(templateFormat) == 0 { - return nil, NoCompatiblePrinterError{Options: f, OutputFormat: &templateFormat} - } - - templateValue := "" - - if f.TemplateArgument == nil || len(*f.TemplateArgument) == 0 { - for format := range jsonFormats { - format = format + "=" - if strings.HasPrefix(templateFormat, format) { - templateValue = templateFormat[len(format):] - templateFormat = format[:len(format)-1] - break - } - } - } else { - templateValue = *f.TemplateArgument - } - - if _, supportedFormat := jsonFormats[templateFormat]; !supportedFormat { - return nil, NoCompatiblePrinterError{OutputFormat: &templateFormat, AllowedFormats: f.AllowedFormats()} - } - - if len(templateValue) == 0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("template format specified but no template given") - } - - if templateFormat == "jsonpath-file" { - data, err := os.ReadFile(templateValue) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("error reading --template %s, %v", templateValue, err) - } - - templateValue = string(data) - } - - p, err := printers.NewJSONPathPrinter(templateValue) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("error parsing jsonpath %s, %v", templateValue, err) - } - - allowMissingKeys := true - if f.AllowMissingKeys != nil { - allowMissingKeys = *f.AllowMissingKeys - } - - p.AllowMissingKeys(allowMissingKeys) - - if templateFormat == "jsonpath-as-json" { - p.EnableJSONOutput(true) - } - - return p, nil -} - -// AddFlags receives a *cobra.Command reference and binds -// flags related to template printing to it -func (f *JSONPathPrintFlags) AddFlags(c *cobra.Command) { - if f.TemplateArgument != nil { - c.Flags().StringVar(f.TemplateArgument, "template", *f.TemplateArgument, "Template string or path to template file to use when --output=jsonpath, --output=jsonpath-file.") - c.MarkFlagFilename("template") - } - if f.AllowMissingKeys != nil { - c.Flags().BoolVar(f.AllowMissingKeys, "allow-missing-template-keys", *f.AllowMissingKeys, "If true, ignore any errors in templates when a field or map key is missing in the template. Only applies to golang and jsonpath output formats.") - } -} - -// NewJSONPathPrintFlags returns flags associated with -// --template printing, with default values set. -func NewJSONPathPrintFlags(templateValue string, allowMissingKeys bool) *JSONPathPrintFlags { - return &JSONPathPrintFlags{ - TemplateArgument: &templateValue, - AllowMissingKeys: &allowMissingKeys, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/kube_template_flags.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/kube_template_flags.go deleted file mode 100644 index 518a20ac..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/kube_template_flags.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,94 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package genericclioptions - -import ( - "github.com/spf13/cobra" - - "k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers" -) - -// KubeTemplatePrintFlags composes print flags that provide both a JSONPath and a go-template printer. -// This is necessary if dealing with cases that require support both both printers, since both sets of flags -// require overlapping flags. -type KubeTemplatePrintFlags struct { - GoTemplatePrintFlags *GoTemplatePrintFlags - JSONPathPrintFlags *JSONPathPrintFlags - - AllowMissingKeys *bool - TemplateArgument *string -} - -// AllowedFormats returns slice of string of allowed GoTemplete and JSONPathPrint printing formats -func (f *KubeTemplatePrintFlags) AllowedFormats() []string { - if f == nil { - return []string{} - } - return append(f.GoTemplatePrintFlags.AllowedFormats(), f.JSONPathPrintFlags.AllowedFormats()...) -} - -// ToPrinter receives an outputFormat and returns a printer capable of -// handling --template printing. -// Returns false if the specified outputFormat does not match a supported format. -// Supported Format types can be found in pkg/printers/printers.go -func (f *KubeTemplatePrintFlags) ToPrinter(outputFormat string) (printers.ResourcePrinter, error) { - if f == nil { - return nil, NoCompatiblePrinterError{} - } - - if p, err := f.JSONPathPrintFlags.ToPrinter(outputFormat); !IsNoCompatiblePrinterError(err) { - return p, err - } - return f.GoTemplatePrintFlags.ToPrinter(outputFormat) -} - -// AddFlags receives a *cobra.Command reference and binds -// flags related to template printing to it -func (f *KubeTemplatePrintFlags) AddFlags(c *cobra.Command) { - if f == nil { - return - } - - if f.TemplateArgument != nil { - c.Flags().StringVar(f.TemplateArgument, "template", *f.TemplateArgument, "Template string or path to template file to use when -o=go-template, -o=go-template-file. The template format is golang templates [http://golang.org/pkg/text/template/#pkg-overview].") - c.MarkFlagFilename("template") - } - if f.AllowMissingKeys != nil { - c.Flags().BoolVar(f.AllowMissingKeys, "allow-missing-template-keys", *f.AllowMissingKeys, "If true, ignore any errors in templates when a field or map key is missing in the template. Only applies to golang and jsonpath output formats.") - } -} - -// NewKubeTemplatePrintFlags returns flags associated with -// --template printing, with default values set. -func NewKubeTemplatePrintFlags() *KubeTemplatePrintFlags { - allowMissingKeysPtr := true - templateArgPtr := "" - - return &KubeTemplatePrintFlags{ - GoTemplatePrintFlags: &GoTemplatePrintFlags{ - TemplateArgument: &templateArgPtr, - AllowMissingKeys: &allowMissingKeysPtr, - }, - JSONPathPrintFlags: &JSONPathPrintFlags{ - TemplateArgument: &templateArgPtr, - AllowMissingKeys: &allowMissingKeysPtr, - }, - - TemplateArgument: &templateArgPtr, - AllowMissingKeys: &allowMissingKeysPtr, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/name_flags.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/name_flags.go deleted file mode 100644 index 16bf4226..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/name_flags.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,83 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package genericclioptions - -import ( - "fmt" - "strings" - - "github.com/spf13/cobra" - - "k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers" -) - -// NamePrintFlags provides default flags necessary for printing -// a resource's fully-qualified Kind.group/name, or a successful -// message about that resource if an Operation is provided. -type NamePrintFlags struct { - // Operation describes the name of the action that - // took place on an object, to be included in the - // finalized "successful" message. - Operation string -} - -// Complete sets NamePrintFlags operation flag from successTemplate -func (f *NamePrintFlags) Complete(successTemplate string) error { - f.Operation = fmt.Sprintf(successTemplate, f.Operation) - return nil -} - -// AllowedFormats returns slice of string of allowed Name printing format -func (f *NamePrintFlags) AllowedFormats() []string { - if f == nil { - return []string{} - } - return []string{"name"} -} - -// ToPrinter receives an outputFormat and returns a printer capable of -// handling --output=name printing. -// Returns false if the specified outputFormat does not match a supported format. -// Supported format types can be found in pkg/printers/printers.go -func (f *NamePrintFlags) ToPrinter(outputFormat string) (printers.ResourcePrinter, error) { - namePrinter := &printers.NamePrinter{ - Operation: f.Operation, - } - - outputFormat = strings.ToLower(outputFormat) - switch outputFormat { - case "name": - namePrinter.ShortOutput = true - fallthrough - case "": - return namePrinter, nil - default: - return nil, NoCompatiblePrinterError{OutputFormat: &outputFormat, AllowedFormats: f.AllowedFormats()} - } -} - -// AddFlags receives a *cobra.Command reference and binds -// flags related to name printing to it -func (f *NamePrintFlags) AddFlags(c *cobra.Command) {} - -// NewNamePrintFlags returns flags associated with -// --name printing, with default values set. -func NewNamePrintFlags(operation string) *NamePrintFlags { - return &NamePrintFlags{ - Operation: operation, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/print_flags.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/print_flags.go deleted file mode 100644 index 815f19bb..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/print_flags.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,171 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package genericclioptions - -import ( - "fmt" - "sort" - "strings" - - "github.com/spf13/cobra" - - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" - "k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers" -) - -// NoCompatiblePrinterError is a struct that contains error information. -// It will be constructed when a invalid printing format is provided -type NoCompatiblePrinterError struct { - OutputFormat *string - AllowedFormats []string - Options interface{} -} - -func (e NoCompatiblePrinterError) Error() string { - output := "" - if e.OutputFormat != nil { - output = *e.OutputFormat - } - - sort.Strings(e.AllowedFormats) - return fmt.Sprintf("unable to match a printer suitable for the output format %q, allowed formats are: %s", output, strings.Join(e.AllowedFormats, ",")) -} - -// IsNoCompatiblePrinterError returns true if it is a not a compatible printer -// otherwise it will return false -func IsNoCompatiblePrinterError(err error) bool { - if err == nil { - return false - } - - _, ok := err.(NoCompatiblePrinterError) - return ok -} - -// PrintFlags composes common printer flag structs -// used across all commands, and provides a method -// of retrieving a known printer based on flag values provided. -type PrintFlags struct { - JSONYamlPrintFlags *JSONYamlPrintFlags - NamePrintFlags *NamePrintFlags - TemplatePrinterFlags *KubeTemplatePrintFlags - - TypeSetterPrinter *printers.TypeSetterPrinter - - OutputFormat *string - - // OutputFlagSpecified indicates whether the user specifically requested a certain kind of output. - // Using this function allows a sophisticated caller to change the flag binding logic if they so desire. - OutputFlagSpecified func() bool -} - -// Complete sets NamePrintFlags operation flag from successTemplate -func (f *PrintFlags) Complete(successTemplate string) error { - return f.NamePrintFlags.Complete(successTemplate) -} - -// AllowedFormats returns slice of string of allowed JSONYaml/Name/Template printing format -func (f *PrintFlags) AllowedFormats() []string { - ret := []string{} - ret = append(ret, f.JSONYamlPrintFlags.AllowedFormats()...) - ret = append(ret, f.NamePrintFlags.AllowedFormats()...) - ret = append(ret, f.TemplatePrinterFlags.AllowedFormats()...) - return ret -} - -// ToPrinter returns a printer capable of -// handling --output or --template printing. -// Returns false if the specified outputFormat does not match a supported format. -// Supported format types can be found in pkg/printers/printers.go -func (f *PrintFlags) ToPrinter() (printers.ResourcePrinter, error) { - outputFormat := "" - if f.OutputFormat != nil { - outputFormat = *f.OutputFormat - } - // For backwards compatibility we want to support a --template argument given, even when no --output format is provided. - // If no explicit output format has been provided via the --output flag, fallback - // to honoring the --template argument. - templateFlagSpecified := f.TemplatePrinterFlags != nil && - f.TemplatePrinterFlags.TemplateArgument != nil && - len(*f.TemplatePrinterFlags.TemplateArgument) > 0 - outputFlagSpecified := f.OutputFlagSpecified != nil && f.OutputFlagSpecified() - if templateFlagSpecified && !outputFlagSpecified { - outputFormat = "go-template" - } - - if f.JSONYamlPrintFlags != nil { - if p, err := f.JSONYamlPrintFlags.ToPrinter(outputFormat); !IsNoCompatiblePrinterError(err) { - return f.TypeSetterPrinter.WrapToPrinter(p, err) - } - } - - if f.NamePrintFlags != nil { - if p, err := f.NamePrintFlags.ToPrinter(outputFormat); !IsNoCompatiblePrinterError(err) { - return f.TypeSetterPrinter.WrapToPrinter(p, err) - } - } - - if f.TemplatePrinterFlags != nil { - if p, err := f.TemplatePrinterFlags.ToPrinter(outputFormat); !IsNoCompatiblePrinterError(err) { - return f.TypeSetterPrinter.WrapToPrinter(p, err) - } - } - - return nil, NoCompatiblePrinterError{OutputFormat: f.OutputFormat, AllowedFormats: f.AllowedFormats()} -} - -// AddFlags receives a *cobra.Command reference and binds -// flags related to JSON/Yaml/Name/Template printing to it -func (f *PrintFlags) AddFlags(cmd *cobra.Command) { - f.JSONYamlPrintFlags.AddFlags(cmd) - f.NamePrintFlags.AddFlags(cmd) - f.TemplatePrinterFlags.AddFlags(cmd) - - if f.OutputFormat != nil { - cmd.Flags().StringVarP(f.OutputFormat, "output", "o", *f.OutputFormat, fmt.Sprintf(`Output format. One of: (%s).`, strings.Join(f.AllowedFormats(), ", "))) - if f.OutputFlagSpecified == nil { - f.OutputFlagSpecified = func() bool { - return cmd.Flag("output").Changed - } - } - } -} - -// WithDefaultOutput sets a default output format if one is not provided through a flag value -func (f *PrintFlags) WithDefaultOutput(output string) *PrintFlags { - f.OutputFormat = &output - return f -} - -// WithTypeSetter sets a wrapper than will surround the returned printer with a printer to type resources -func (f *PrintFlags) WithTypeSetter(scheme *runtime.Scheme) *PrintFlags { - f.TypeSetterPrinter = printers.NewTypeSetter(scheme) - return f -} - -// NewPrintFlags returns a default *PrintFlags -func NewPrintFlags(operation string) *PrintFlags { - outputFormat := "" - - return &PrintFlags{ - OutputFormat: &outputFormat, - - JSONYamlPrintFlags: NewJSONYamlPrintFlags(), - NamePrintFlags: NewNamePrintFlags(operation), - TemplatePrinterFlags: NewKubeTemplatePrintFlags(), - } -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/record_flags.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/record_flags.go deleted file mode 100644 index a5f307de..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/record_flags.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,201 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package genericclioptions - -import ( - "os" - "path/filepath" - "strings" - - jsonpatch "github.com/evanphx/json-patch" - "github.com/spf13/cobra" - "github.com/spf13/pflag" - - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/meta" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/json" -) - -// ChangeCauseAnnotation is the annotation indicating a guess at "why" something was changed -const ChangeCauseAnnotation = "kubernetes.io/change-cause" - -// RecordFlags contains all flags associated with the "--record" operation -type RecordFlags struct { - // Record indicates the state of the recording flag. It is a pointer so a caller can opt out or rebind - Record *bool - - changeCause string -} - -// ToRecorder returns a ChangeCause recorder if --record=false was not -// explicitly given by the user -func (f *RecordFlags) ToRecorder() (Recorder, error) { - if f == nil { - return NoopRecorder{}, nil - } - - shouldRecord := false - if f.Record != nil { - shouldRecord = *f.Record - } - - // if flag was explicitly set to false by the user, - // do not record - if !shouldRecord { - return NoopRecorder{}, nil - } - - return &ChangeCauseRecorder{ - changeCause: f.changeCause, - }, nil -} - -// Complete is called before the command is run, but after it is invoked to finish the state of the struct before use. -func (f *RecordFlags) Complete(cmd *cobra.Command) error { - if f == nil { - return nil - } - - f.changeCause = parseCommandArguments(cmd) - return nil -} - -// CompleteWithChangeCause alters changeCause value with a new cause -func (f *RecordFlags) CompleteWithChangeCause(cause string) error { - if f == nil { - return nil - } - - f.changeCause = cause - return nil -} - -// AddFlags binds the requested flags to the provided flagset -// TODO have this only take a flagset -func (f *RecordFlags) AddFlags(cmd *cobra.Command) { - if f == nil { - return - } - - if f.Record != nil { - cmd.Flags().BoolVar(f.Record, "record", *f.Record, "Record current kubectl command in the resource annotation. If set to false, do not record the command. If set to true, record the command. If not set, default to updating the existing annotation value only if one already exists.") - cmd.Flags().MarkDeprecated("record", "--record will be removed in the future") - } -} - -// NewRecordFlags provides a RecordFlags with reasonable default values set for use -func NewRecordFlags() *RecordFlags { - record := false - - return &RecordFlags{ - Record: &record, - } -} - -// Recorder is used to record why a runtime.Object was changed in an annotation. -type Recorder interface { - // Record records why a runtime.Object was changed in an annotation. - Record(runtime.Object) error - MakeRecordMergePatch(runtime.Object) ([]byte, error) -} - -// NoopRecorder does nothing. It is a "do nothing" that can be returned so code doesn't switch on it. -type NoopRecorder struct{} - -// Record implements Recorder -func (r NoopRecorder) Record(obj runtime.Object) error { - return nil -} - -// MakeRecordMergePatch implements Recorder -func (r NoopRecorder) MakeRecordMergePatch(obj runtime.Object) ([]byte, error) { - return nil, nil -} - -// ChangeCauseRecorder annotates a "change-cause" to an input runtime object -type ChangeCauseRecorder struct { - changeCause string -} - -// Record annotates a "change-cause" to a given info if either "shouldRecord" is true, -// or the resource info previously contained a "change-cause" annotation. -func (r *ChangeCauseRecorder) Record(obj runtime.Object) error { - accessor, err := meta.Accessor(obj) - if err != nil { - return err - } - annotations := accessor.GetAnnotations() - if annotations == nil { - annotations = make(map[string]string) - } - annotations[ChangeCauseAnnotation] = r.changeCause - accessor.SetAnnotations(annotations) - return nil -} - -// MakeRecordMergePatch produces a merge patch for updating the recording annotation. -func (r *ChangeCauseRecorder) MakeRecordMergePatch(obj runtime.Object) ([]byte, error) { - // copy so we don't mess with the original - objCopy := obj.DeepCopyObject() - if err := r.Record(objCopy); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - oldData, err := json.Marshal(obj) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - newData, err := json.Marshal(objCopy) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - return jsonpatch.CreateMergePatch(oldData, newData) -} - -// parseCommandArguments will stringify and return all environment arguments ie. a command run by a client -// using the factory. -// Set showSecrets false to filter out stuff like secrets. -func parseCommandArguments(cmd *cobra.Command) string { - if len(os.Args) == 0 { - return "" - } - - flags := "" - parseFunc := func(flag *pflag.Flag, value string) error { - flags = flags + " --" + flag.Name - if set, ok := flag.Annotations["classified"]; !ok || len(set) == 0 { - flags = flags + "=" + value - } else { - flags = flags + "=CLASSIFIED" - } - return nil - } - var err error - err = cmd.Flags().ParseAll(os.Args[1:], parseFunc) - if err != nil || !cmd.Flags().Parsed() { - return "" - } - - args := "" - if arguments := cmd.Flags().Args(); len(arguments) > 0 { - args = " " + strings.Join(arguments, " ") - } - - base := filepath.Base(os.Args[0]) - return base + args + flags -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/template_flags.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/template_flags.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9d670daa..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions/template_flags.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,136 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package genericclioptions - -import ( - "fmt" - "os" - "sort" - "strings" - - "github.com/spf13/cobra" - - "k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers" -) - -// templates are logically optional for specifying a format. -// this allows a user to specify a template format value -// as --output=go-template= -var templateFormats = map[string]bool{ - "template": true, - "go-template": true, - "go-template-file": true, - "templatefile": true, -} - -// GoTemplatePrintFlags provides default flags necessary for template printing. -// Given the following flag values, a printer can be requested that knows -// how to handle printing based on these values. -type GoTemplatePrintFlags struct { - // indicates if it is OK to ignore missing keys for rendering - // an output template. - AllowMissingKeys *bool - TemplateArgument *string -} - -// AllowedFormats returns slice of string of allowed GoTemplatePrint printing format -func (f *GoTemplatePrintFlags) AllowedFormats() []string { - formats := make([]string, 0, len(templateFormats)) - for format := range templateFormats { - formats = append(formats, format) - } - sort.Strings(formats) - return formats -} - -// ToPrinter receives an templateFormat and returns a printer capable of -// handling --template format printing. -// Returns false if the specified templateFormat does not match a template format. -func (f *GoTemplatePrintFlags) ToPrinter(templateFormat string) (printers.ResourcePrinter, error) { - if (f.TemplateArgument == nil || len(*f.TemplateArgument) == 0) && len(templateFormat) == 0 { - return nil, NoCompatiblePrinterError{Options: f, OutputFormat: &templateFormat} - } - - templateValue := "" - - if f.TemplateArgument == nil || len(*f.TemplateArgument) == 0 { - for format := range templateFormats { - format = format + "=" - if strings.HasPrefix(templateFormat, format) { - templateValue = templateFormat[len(format):] - templateFormat = format[:len(format)-1] - break - } - } - } else { - templateValue = *f.TemplateArgument - } - - if _, supportedFormat := templateFormats[templateFormat]; !supportedFormat { - return nil, NoCompatiblePrinterError{OutputFormat: &templateFormat, AllowedFormats: f.AllowedFormats()} - } - - if len(templateValue) == 0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("template format specified but no template given") - } - - if templateFormat == "templatefile" || templateFormat == "go-template-file" { - data, err := os.ReadFile(templateValue) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("error reading --template %s, %v", templateValue, err) - } - - templateValue = string(data) - } - - p, err := printers.NewGoTemplatePrinter([]byte(templateValue)) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("error parsing template %s, %v", templateValue, err) - } - - allowMissingKeys := true - if f.AllowMissingKeys != nil { - allowMissingKeys = *f.AllowMissingKeys - } - - p.AllowMissingKeys(allowMissingKeys) - return p, nil -} - -// AddFlags receives a *cobra.Command reference and binds -// flags related to template printing to it -func (f *GoTemplatePrintFlags) AddFlags(c *cobra.Command) { - if f.TemplateArgument != nil { - c.Flags().StringVar(f.TemplateArgument, "template", *f.TemplateArgument, "Template string or path to template file to use when -o=go-template, -o=go-template-file. The template format is golang templates [http://golang.org/pkg/text/template/#pkg-overview].") - c.MarkFlagFilename("template") - } - if f.AllowMissingKeys != nil { - c.Flags().BoolVar(f.AllowMissingKeys, "allow-missing-template-keys", *f.AllowMissingKeys, "If true, ignore any errors in templates when a field or map key is missing in the template. Only applies to golang and jsonpath output formats.") - } -} - -// NewGoTemplatePrintFlags returns flags associated with -// --template printing, with default values set. -func NewGoTemplatePrintFlags() *GoTemplatePrintFlags { - allowMissingKeysPtr := true - templateValuePtr := "" - - return &GoTemplatePrintFlags{ - TemplateArgument: &templateValuePtr, - AllowMissingKeys: &allowMissingKeysPtr, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericiooptions/io_options.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericiooptions/io_options.go deleted file mode 100644 index 247b1c2e..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericiooptions/io_options.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2023 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package genericiooptions - -import ( - "bytes" - "io" -) - -// IOStreams provides the standard names for iostreams. This is useful for embedding and for unit testing. -// Inconsistent and different names make it hard to read and review code -type IOStreams struct { - // In think, os.Stdin - In io.Reader - // Out think, os.Stdout - Out io.Writer - // ErrOut think, os.Stderr - ErrOut io.Writer -} - -// NewTestIOStreams returns a valid IOStreams and in, out, errout buffers for unit tests -func NewTestIOStreams() (IOStreams, *bytes.Buffer, *bytes.Buffer, *bytes.Buffer) { - in := &bytes.Buffer{} - out := &bytes.Buffer{} - errOut := &bytes.Buffer{} - - return IOStreams{ - In: in, - Out: out, - ErrOut: errOut, - }, in, out, errOut -} - -// NewTestIOStreamsDiscard returns a valid IOStreams that just discards -func NewTestIOStreamsDiscard() IOStreams { - in := &bytes.Buffer{} - return IOStreams{ - In: in, - Out: io.Discard, - ErrOut: io.Discard, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/discard.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/discard.go deleted file mode 100644 index cd934976..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/discard.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package printers - -import ( - "io" - - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" -) - -// NewDiscardingPrinter is a printer that discards all objects -func NewDiscardingPrinter() ResourcePrinterFunc { - return ResourcePrinterFunc(func(runtime.Object, io.Writer) error { - return nil - }) -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/doc.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index ee205371..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -// Package printers is helper for formatting and printing runtime objects into -// primitives io.writer. -package printers // import "k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers" diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/interface.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/interface.go deleted file mode 100644 index e88ff63a..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/interface.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package printers - -import ( - "io" - - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/schema" -) - -// ResourcePrinterFunc is a function that can print objects -type ResourcePrinterFunc func(runtime.Object, io.Writer) error - -// PrintObj implements ResourcePrinter -func (fn ResourcePrinterFunc) PrintObj(obj runtime.Object, w io.Writer) error { - return fn(obj, w) -} - -// ResourcePrinter is an interface that knows how to print runtime objects. -type ResourcePrinter interface { - // PrintObj receives a runtime object, formats it and prints it to a writer. - PrintObj(runtime.Object, io.Writer) error -} - -// PrintOptions struct defines a struct for various print options -type PrintOptions struct { - NoHeaders bool - WithNamespace bool - WithKind bool - Wide bool - ShowLabels bool - Kind schema.GroupKind - ColumnLabels []string - - SortBy string - - // indicates if it is OK to ignore missing keys for rendering an output template. - AllowMissingKeys bool -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/json.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/json.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8ab2235f..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/json.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package printers - -import ( - "bytes" - "encoding/json" - "fmt" - "io" - "reflect" - - metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" -) - -// JSONPrinter is an implementation of ResourcePrinter which outputs an object as JSON. -type JSONPrinter struct{} - -// PrintObj is an implementation of ResourcePrinter.PrintObj which simply writes the object to the Writer. -func (p *JSONPrinter) PrintObj(obj runtime.Object, w io.Writer) error { - // we use reflect.Indirect here in order to obtain the actual value from a pointer. - // we need an actual value in order to retrieve the package path for an object. - // using reflect.Indirect indiscriminately is valid here, as all runtime.Objects are supposed to be pointers. - if InternalObjectPreventer.IsForbidden(reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(obj)).Type().PkgPath()) { - return fmt.Errorf(InternalObjectPrinterErr) - } - - switch obj := obj.(type) { - case *metav1.WatchEvent: - if InternalObjectPreventer.IsForbidden(reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(obj.Object.Object)).Type().PkgPath()) { - return fmt.Errorf(InternalObjectPrinterErr) - } - data, err := json.Marshal(obj) - if err != nil { - return err - } - _, err = w.Write(data) - if err != nil { - return err - } - _, err = w.Write([]byte{'\n'}) - return err - case *runtime.Unknown: - var buf bytes.Buffer - err := json.Indent(&buf, obj.Raw, "", " ") - if err != nil { - return err - } - buf.WriteRune('\n') - _, err = buf.WriteTo(w) - return err - } - - if obj.GetObjectKind().GroupVersionKind().Empty() { - return fmt.Errorf("missing apiVersion or kind; try GetObjectKind().SetGroupVersionKind() if you know the type") - } - - data, err := json.MarshalIndent(obj, "", " ") - if err != nil { - return err - } - data = append(data, '\n') - _, err = w.Write(data) - return err -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/jsonpath.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/jsonpath.go deleted file mode 100644 index 769960d6..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/jsonpath.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,147 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package printers - -import ( - "bytes" - "encoding/json" - "fmt" - "io" - "reflect" - - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" - "k8s.io/client-go/util/jsonpath" -) - -// exists returns true if it would be possible to call the index function -// with these arguments. -// -// TODO: how to document this for users? -// -// index returns the result of indexing its first argument by the following -// arguments. Thus "index x 1 2 3" is, in Go syntax, x[1][2][3]. Each -// indexed item must be a map, slice, or array. -func exists(item interface{}, indices ...interface{}) bool { - v := reflect.ValueOf(item) - for _, i := range indices { - index := reflect.ValueOf(i) - var isNil bool - if v, isNil = indirect(v); isNil { - return false - } - switch v.Kind() { - case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice, reflect.String: - var x int64 - switch index.Kind() { - case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: - x = index.Int() - case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr: - x = int64(index.Uint()) - default: - return false - } - if x < 0 || x >= int64(v.Len()) { - return false - } - v = v.Index(int(x)) - case reflect.Map: - if !index.IsValid() { - index = reflect.Zero(v.Type().Key()) - } - if !index.Type().AssignableTo(v.Type().Key()) { - return false - } - if x := v.MapIndex(index); x.IsValid() { - v = x - } else { - v = reflect.Zero(v.Type().Elem()) - } - default: - return false - } - } - if _, isNil := indirect(v); isNil { - return false - } - return true -} - -// stolen from text/template -// indirect returns the item at the end of indirection, and a bool to indicate if it's nil. -// We indirect through pointers and empty interfaces (only) because -// non-empty interfaces have methods we might need. -func indirect(v reflect.Value) (rv reflect.Value, isNil bool) { - for ; v.Kind() == reflect.Pointer || v.Kind() == reflect.Interface; v = v.Elem() { - if v.IsNil() { - return v, true - } - if v.Kind() == reflect.Interface && v.NumMethod() > 0 { - break - } - } - return v, false -} - -// JSONPathPrinter is an implementation of ResourcePrinter which formats data with jsonpath expression. -type JSONPathPrinter struct { - rawTemplate string - *jsonpath.JSONPath -} - -func NewJSONPathPrinter(tmpl string) (*JSONPathPrinter, error) { - j := jsonpath.New("out") - if err := j.Parse(tmpl); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return &JSONPathPrinter{ - rawTemplate: tmpl, - JSONPath: j, - }, nil -} - -// PrintObj formats the obj with the JSONPath Template. -func (j *JSONPathPrinter) PrintObj(obj runtime.Object, w io.Writer) error { - // we use reflect.Indirect here in order to obtain the actual value from a pointer. - // we need an actual value in order to retrieve the package path for an object. - // using reflect.Indirect indiscriminately is valid here, as all runtime.Objects are supposed to be pointers. - if InternalObjectPreventer.IsForbidden(reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(obj)).Type().PkgPath()) { - return fmt.Errorf(InternalObjectPrinterErr) - } - - var queryObj interface{} = obj - if unstructured, ok := obj.(runtime.Unstructured); ok { - queryObj = unstructured.UnstructuredContent() - } else { - data, err := json.Marshal(obj) - if err != nil { - return err - } - queryObj = map[string]interface{}{} - if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &queryObj); err != nil { - return err - } - } - - if err := j.JSONPath.Execute(w, queryObj); err != nil { - buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) - fmt.Fprintf(buf, "Error executing template: %v. Printing more information for debugging the template:\n", err) - fmt.Fprintf(buf, "\ttemplate was:\n\t\t%v\n", j.rawTemplate) - fmt.Fprintf(buf, "\tobject given to jsonpath engine was:\n\t\t%#v\n\n", queryObj) - return fmt.Errorf("error executing jsonpath %q: %v\n", j.rawTemplate, buf.String()) - } - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/managedfields.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/managedfields.go deleted file mode 100644 index cab54d05..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/managedfields.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2021 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package printers - -import ( - "io" - - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/meta" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" -) - -// OmitManagedFieldsPrinter wraps an existing printer and omits the managed fields from the object -// before printing it. -type OmitManagedFieldsPrinter struct { - Delegate ResourcePrinter -} - -var _ ResourcePrinter = (*OmitManagedFieldsPrinter)(nil) - -func omitManagedFields(o runtime.Object) runtime.Object { - a, err := meta.Accessor(o) - if err != nil { - // The object is not a `metav1.Object`, ignore it. - return o - } - a.SetManagedFields(nil) - return o -} - -// PrintObj copies the object and omits the managed fields from the copied object before printing it. -func (p *OmitManagedFieldsPrinter) PrintObj(obj runtime.Object, w io.Writer) error { - if obj == nil { - return p.Delegate.PrintObj(obj, w) - } - if meta.IsListType(obj) { - obj = obj.DeepCopyObject() - _ = meta.EachListItem(obj, func(item runtime.Object) error { - omitManagedFields(item) - return nil - }) - } else if _, err := meta.Accessor(obj); err == nil { - obj = omitManagedFields(obj.DeepCopyObject()) - } - return p.Delegate.PrintObj(obj, w) -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/name.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/name.go deleted file mode 100644 index 086166af..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/name.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,130 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package printers - -import ( - "fmt" - "io" - "reflect" - "strings" - - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/meta" - metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1/unstructured" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/schema" -) - -// NamePrinter is an implementation of ResourcePrinter which outputs "resource/name" pair of an object. -type NamePrinter struct { - // ShortOutput indicates whether an operation should be - // printed along side the "resource/name" pair for an object. - ShortOutput bool - // Operation describes the name of the action that - // took place on an object, to be included in the - // finalized "successful" message. - Operation string -} - -// PrintObj is an implementation of ResourcePrinter.PrintObj which decodes the object -// and print "resource/name" pair. If the object is a List, print all items in it. -func (p *NamePrinter) PrintObj(obj runtime.Object, w io.Writer) error { - switch castObj := obj.(type) { - case *metav1.WatchEvent: - obj = castObj.Object.Object - } - - // we use reflect.Indirect here in order to obtain the actual value from a pointer. - // using reflect.Indirect indiscriminately is valid here, as all runtime.Objects are supposed to be pointers. - // we need an actual value in order to retrieve the package path for an object. - if InternalObjectPreventer.IsForbidden(reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(obj)).Type().PkgPath()) { - return fmt.Errorf(InternalObjectPrinterErr) - } - - if meta.IsListType(obj) { - // we allow unstructured lists for now because they always contain the GVK information. We should chase down - // callers and stop them from passing unflattened lists - // TODO chase the caller that is setting this and remove it. - if _, ok := obj.(*unstructured.UnstructuredList); !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("list types are not supported by name printing: %T", obj) - } - - items, err := meta.ExtractList(obj) - if err != nil { - return err - } - for _, obj := range items { - if err := p.PrintObj(obj, w); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil - } - - if obj.GetObjectKind().GroupVersionKind().Empty() { - return fmt.Errorf("missing apiVersion or kind; try GetObjectKind().SetGroupVersionKind() if you know the type") - } - - name := "" - if acc, err := meta.Accessor(obj); err == nil { - if n := acc.GetName(); len(n) > 0 { - name = n - } - } - - return printObj(w, name, p.Operation, p.ShortOutput, GetObjectGroupKind(obj)) -} - -func GetObjectGroupKind(obj runtime.Object) schema.GroupKind { - if obj == nil { - return schema.GroupKind{Kind: ""} - } - groupVersionKind := obj.GetObjectKind().GroupVersionKind() - if len(groupVersionKind.Kind) > 0 { - return groupVersionKind.GroupKind() - } - - if uns, ok := obj.(*unstructured.Unstructured); ok { - if len(uns.GroupVersionKind().Kind) > 0 { - return uns.GroupVersionKind().GroupKind() - } - } - - return schema.GroupKind{Kind: ""} -} - -func printObj(w io.Writer, name string, operation string, shortOutput bool, groupKind schema.GroupKind) error { - if len(groupKind.Kind) == 0 { - return fmt.Errorf("missing kind for resource with name %v", name) - } - - if len(operation) > 0 { - operation = " " + operation - } - - if shortOutput { - operation = "" - } - - if len(groupKind.Group) == 0 { - fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s/%s%s\n", strings.ToLower(groupKind.Kind), name, operation) - return nil - } - - fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s.%s/%s%s\n", strings.ToLower(groupKind.Kind), groupKind.Group, name, operation) - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/sourcechecker.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/sourcechecker.go deleted file mode 100644 index e360c8fe..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/sourcechecker.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package printers - -import ( - "strings" -) - -var ( - InternalObjectPrinterErr = "a versioned object must be passed to a printer" - - // disallowedPackagePrefixes contains regular expression templates - // for object package paths that are not allowed by printers. - disallowedPackagePrefixes = []string{ - "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/", - } -) - -var InternalObjectPreventer = &illegalPackageSourceChecker{disallowedPackagePrefixes} - -func IsInternalObjectError(err error) bool { - if err == nil { - return false - } - - return err.Error() == InternalObjectPrinterErr -} - -// illegalPackageSourceChecker compares a given -// object's package path, and determines if the -// object originates from a disallowed source. -type illegalPackageSourceChecker struct { - // disallowedPrefixes is a slice of disallowed package path - // prefixes for a given runtime.Object that we are printing. - disallowedPrefixes []string -} - -func (c *illegalPackageSourceChecker) IsForbidden(pkgPath string) bool { - for _, forbiddenPrefix := range c.disallowedPrefixes { - if strings.HasPrefix(pkgPath, forbiddenPrefix) || strings.Contains(pkgPath, "/vendor/"+forbiddenPrefix) { - return true - } - } - - return false -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/tableprinter.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/tableprinter.go deleted file mode 100644 index 54859665..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/tableprinter.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,589 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package printers - -import ( - "fmt" - "io" - "reflect" - "strings" - "time" - - "github.com/liggitt/tabwriter" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/meta" - metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/labels" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/duration" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/watch" -) - -var _ ResourcePrinter = &HumanReadablePrinter{} - -type printHandler struct { - columnDefinitions []metav1.TableColumnDefinition - printFunc reflect.Value -} - -var ( - statusHandlerEntry = &printHandler{ - columnDefinitions: statusColumnDefinitions, - printFunc: reflect.ValueOf(printStatus), - } - - statusColumnDefinitions = []metav1.TableColumnDefinition{ - {Name: "Status", Type: "string"}, - {Name: "Reason", Type: "string"}, - {Name: "Message", Type: "string"}, - } - - defaultHandlerEntry = &printHandler{ - columnDefinitions: objectMetaColumnDefinitions, - printFunc: reflect.ValueOf(printObjectMeta), - } - - objectMetaColumnDefinitions = []metav1.TableColumnDefinition{ - {Name: "Name", Type: "string", Format: "name", Description: metav1.ObjectMeta{}.SwaggerDoc()["name"]}, - {Name: "Age", Type: "string", Description: metav1.ObjectMeta{}.SwaggerDoc()["creationTimestamp"]}, - } - - withEventTypePrefixColumns = []string{"EVENT"} - withNamespacePrefixColumns = []string{"NAMESPACE"} // TODO(erictune): print cluster name too. -) - -// HumanReadablePrinter is an implementation of ResourcePrinter which attempts to provide -// more elegant output. It is not threadsafe, but you may call PrintObj repeatedly; headers -// will only be printed if the object type changes. This makes it useful for printing items -// received from watches. -type HumanReadablePrinter struct { - options PrintOptions - lastType interface{} - lastColumns []metav1.TableColumnDefinition - printedHeaders bool -} - -// NewTablePrinter creates a printer suitable for calling PrintObj(). -func NewTablePrinter(options PrintOptions) ResourcePrinter { - printer := &HumanReadablePrinter{ - options: options, - } - return printer -} - -func printHeader(columnNames []string, w io.Writer) error { - if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n", strings.Join(columnNames, "\t")); err != nil { - return err - } - return nil -} - -// PrintObj prints the obj in a human-friendly format according to the type of the obj. -func (h *HumanReadablePrinter) PrintObj(obj runtime.Object, output io.Writer) error { - - if _, found := output.(*tabwriter.Writer); !found { - w := GetNewTabWriter(output) - output = w - defer w.Flush() - } - - var eventType string - if event, isEvent := obj.(*metav1.WatchEvent); isEvent { - eventType = event.Type - obj = event.Object.Object - } - - // Parameter "obj" is a table from server; print it. - // display tables following the rules of options - if table, ok := obj.(*metav1.Table); ok { - // Do not print headers if this table has no column definitions, or they are the same as the last ones we printed - localOptions := h.options - if h.printedHeaders && (len(table.ColumnDefinitions) == 0 || reflect.DeepEqual(table.ColumnDefinitions, h.lastColumns)) { - localOptions.NoHeaders = true - } - - if len(table.ColumnDefinitions) == 0 { - // If this table has no column definitions, use the columns from the last table we printed for decoration and layout. - // This is done when receiving tables in watch events to save bandwidth. - table.ColumnDefinitions = h.lastColumns - } else if !reflect.DeepEqual(table.ColumnDefinitions, h.lastColumns) { - // If this table has column definitions, remember them for future use. - h.lastColumns = table.ColumnDefinitions - h.printedHeaders = false - } - - if len(table.Rows) > 0 { - h.printedHeaders = true - } - - if err := decorateTable(table, localOptions); err != nil { - return err - } - if len(eventType) > 0 { - if err := addColumns(beginning, table, - []metav1.TableColumnDefinition{{Name: "Event", Type: "string"}}, - []cellValueFunc{func(metav1.TableRow) (interface{}, error) { return formatEventType(eventType), nil }}, - ); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return printTable(table, output, localOptions) - } - - // Could not find print handler for "obj"; use the default or status print handler. - // Print with the default or status handler, and use the columns from the last time - var handler *printHandler - if _, isStatus := obj.(*metav1.Status); isStatus { - handler = statusHandlerEntry - } else { - handler = defaultHandlerEntry - } - - includeHeaders := h.lastType != handler && !h.options.NoHeaders - - if h.lastType != nil && h.lastType != handler && !h.options.NoHeaders { - fmt.Fprintln(output) - } - - if err := printRowsForHandlerEntry(output, handler, eventType, obj, h.options, includeHeaders); err != nil { - return err - } - h.lastType = handler - - return nil -} - -// printTable prints a table to the provided output respecting the filtering rules for options -// for wide columns and filtered rows. It filters out rows that are Completed. You should call -// decorateTable if you receive a table from a remote server before calling printTable. -func printTable(table *metav1.Table, output io.Writer, options PrintOptions) error { - if !options.NoHeaders { - // avoid printing headers if we have no rows to display - if len(table.Rows) == 0 { - return nil - } - - first := true - for _, column := range table.ColumnDefinitions { - if !options.Wide && column.Priority != 0 { - continue - } - if first { - first = false - } else { - fmt.Fprint(output, "\t") - } - fmt.Fprint(output, strings.ToUpper(column.Name)) - } - fmt.Fprintln(output) - } - for _, row := range table.Rows { - first := true - for i, cell := range row.Cells { - if i >= len(table.ColumnDefinitions) { - // https://issue.k8s.io/66379 - // don't panic in case of bad output from the server, with more cells than column definitions - break - } - column := table.ColumnDefinitions[i] - if !options.Wide && column.Priority != 0 { - continue - } - if first { - first = false - } else { - fmt.Fprint(output, "\t") - } - if cell != nil { - switch val := cell.(type) { - case string: - print := val - truncated := false - // Truncate at the first newline, carriage return or formfeed - // (treated as a newline by tabwriter). - breakchar := strings.IndexAny(print, "\f\n\r") - if breakchar >= 0 { - truncated = true - print = print[:breakchar] - } - WriteEscaped(output, print) - if truncated { - fmt.Fprint(output, "...") - } - default: - WriteEscaped(output, fmt.Sprint(val)) - } - } - } - fmt.Fprintln(output) - } - return nil -} - -type cellValueFunc func(metav1.TableRow) (interface{}, error) - -type columnAddPosition int - -const ( - beginning columnAddPosition = 1 - end columnAddPosition = 2 -) - -func addColumns(pos columnAddPosition, table *metav1.Table, columns []metav1.TableColumnDefinition, valueFuncs []cellValueFunc) error { - if len(columns) != len(valueFuncs) { - return fmt.Errorf("cannot prepend columns, unmatched value functions") - } - if len(columns) == 0 { - return nil - } - - // Compute the new rows - newRows := make([][]interface{}, len(table.Rows)) - for i := range table.Rows { - newCells := make([]interface{}, 0, len(columns)+len(table.Rows[i].Cells)) - - if pos == end { - // If we're appending, start with the existing cells, - // then add nil cells to match the number of columns - newCells = append(newCells, table.Rows[i].Cells...) - for len(newCells) < len(table.ColumnDefinitions) { - newCells = append(newCells, nil) - } - } - - // Compute cells for new columns - for _, f := range valueFuncs { - newCell, err := f(table.Rows[i]) - if err != nil { - return err - } - newCells = append(newCells, newCell) - } - - if pos == beginning { - // If we're prepending, add existing cells - newCells = append(newCells, table.Rows[i].Cells...) - } - - // Remember the new cells for this row - newRows[i] = newCells - } - - // All cells successfully computed, now replace columns and rows - newColumns := make([]metav1.TableColumnDefinition, 0, len(columns)+len(table.ColumnDefinitions)) - switch pos { - case beginning: - newColumns = append(newColumns, columns...) - newColumns = append(newColumns, table.ColumnDefinitions...) - case end: - newColumns = append(newColumns, table.ColumnDefinitions...) - newColumns = append(newColumns, columns...) - default: - return fmt.Errorf("invalid column add position: %v", pos) - } - table.ColumnDefinitions = newColumns - for i := range table.Rows { - table.Rows[i].Cells = newRows[i] - } - - return nil -} - -// decorateTable takes a table and attempts to add label columns and the -// namespace column. It will fill empty columns with nil (if the object -// does not expose metadata). It returns an error if the table cannot -// be decorated. -func decorateTable(table *metav1.Table, options PrintOptions) error { - width := len(table.ColumnDefinitions) + len(options.ColumnLabels) - if options.WithNamespace { - width++ - } - if options.ShowLabels { - width++ - } - - columns := table.ColumnDefinitions - - nameColumn := -1 - if options.WithKind && !options.Kind.Empty() { - for i := range columns { - if columns[i].Format == "name" && columns[i].Type == "string" { - nameColumn = i - break - } - } - } - - if width != len(table.ColumnDefinitions) { - columns = make([]metav1.TableColumnDefinition, 0, width) - if options.WithNamespace { - columns = append(columns, metav1.TableColumnDefinition{ - Name: "Namespace", - Type: "string", - }) - } - columns = append(columns, table.ColumnDefinitions...) - for _, label := range formatLabelHeaders(options.ColumnLabels) { - columns = append(columns, metav1.TableColumnDefinition{ - Name: label, - Type: "string", - }) - } - if options.ShowLabels { - columns = append(columns, metav1.TableColumnDefinition{ - Name: "Labels", - Type: "string", - }) - } - } - - rows := table.Rows - - includeLabels := len(options.ColumnLabels) > 0 || options.ShowLabels - if includeLabels || options.WithNamespace || nameColumn != -1 { - for i := range rows { - row := rows[i] - - if nameColumn != -1 { - row.Cells[nameColumn] = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", strings.ToLower(options.Kind.String()), row.Cells[nameColumn]) - } - - var m metav1.Object - if obj := row.Object.Object; obj != nil { - if acc, err := meta.Accessor(obj); err == nil { - m = acc - } - } - // if we can't get an accessor, fill out the appropriate columns with empty spaces - if m == nil { - if options.WithNamespace { - r := make([]interface{}, 1, width) - row.Cells = append(r, row.Cells...) - } - for j := 0; j < width-len(row.Cells); j++ { - row.Cells = append(row.Cells, nil) - } - rows[i] = row - continue - } - - if options.WithNamespace { - r := make([]interface{}, 1, width) - r[0] = m.GetNamespace() - row.Cells = append(r, row.Cells...) - } - if includeLabels { - row.Cells = appendLabelCells(row.Cells, m.GetLabels(), options) - } - rows[i] = row - } - } - - table.ColumnDefinitions = columns - table.Rows = rows - return nil -} - -// printRowsForHandlerEntry prints the incremental table output (headers if the current type is -// different from lastType) including all the rows in the object. It returns the current type -// or an error, if any. -func printRowsForHandlerEntry(output io.Writer, handler *printHandler, eventType string, obj runtime.Object, options PrintOptions, includeHeaders bool) error { - var results []reflect.Value - - args := []reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(obj), reflect.ValueOf(options)} - results = handler.printFunc.Call(args) - if !results[1].IsNil() { - return results[1].Interface().(error) - } - - if includeHeaders { - var headers []string - for _, column := range handler.columnDefinitions { - if column.Priority != 0 && !options.Wide { - continue - } - headers = append(headers, strings.ToUpper(column.Name)) - } - headers = append(headers, formatLabelHeaders(options.ColumnLabels)...) - // LABELS is always the last column. - headers = append(headers, formatShowLabelsHeader(options.ShowLabels)...) - // prepend namespace header - if options.WithNamespace { - headers = append(withNamespacePrefixColumns, headers...) - } - // prepend event type header - if len(eventType) > 0 { - headers = append(withEventTypePrefixColumns, headers...) - } - printHeader(headers, output) - } - - if results[1].IsNil() { - rows := results[0].Interface().([]metav1.TableRow) - printRows(output, eventType, rows, options) - return nil - } - return results[1].Interface().(error) -} - -var formattedEventType = map[string]string{ - string(watch.Added): "ADDED ", - string(watch.Modified): "MODIFIED", - string(watch.Deleted): "DELETED ", - string(watch.Error): "ERROR ", -} - -func formatEventType(eventType string) string { - if formatted, ok := formattedEventType[eventType]; ok { - return formatted - } - return eventType -} - -// printRows writes the provided rows to output. -func printRows(output io.Writer, eventType string, rows []metav1.TableRow, options PrintOptions) { - for _, row := range rows { - if len(eventType) > 0 { - fmt.Fprint(output, formatEventType(eventType)) - fmt.Fprint(output, "\t") - } - if options.WithNamespace { - if obj := row.Object.Object; obj != nil { - if m, err := meta.Accessor(obj); err == nil { - fmt.Fprint(output, m.GetNamespace()) - } - } - fmt.Fprint(output, "\t") - } - - for i, cell := range row.Cells { - if i != 0 { - fmt.Fprint(output, "\t") - } else { - // TODO: remove this once we drop the legacy printers - if options.WithKind && !options.Kind.Empty() { - fmt.Fprintf(output, "%s/%s", strings.ToLower(options.Kind.String()), cell) - continue - } - } - fmt.Fprint(output, cell) - } - - hasLabels := len(options.ColumnLabels) > 0 - if obj := row.Object.Object; obj != nil && (hasLabels || options.ShowLabels) { - if m, err := meta.Accessor(obj); err == nil { - for _, value := range labelValues(m.GetLabels(), options) { - output.Write([]byte("\t")) - output.Write([]byte(value)) - } - } - } - - output.Write([]byte("\n")) - } -} - -func formatLabelHeaders(columnLabels []string) []string { - formHead := make([]string, len(columnLabels)) - for i, l := range columnLabels { - p := strings.Split(l, "/") - formHead[i] = strings.ToUpper(p[len(p)-1]) - } - return formHead -} - -// headers for --show-labels=true -func formatShowLabelsHeader(showLabels bool) []string { - if showLabels { - return []string{"LABELS"} - } - return nil -} - -// labelValues returns a slice of value columns matching the requested print options. -func labelValues(itemLabels map[string]string, opts PrintOptions) []string { - var values []string - for _, key := range opts.ColumnLabels { - values = append(values, itemLabels[key]) - } - if opts.ShowLabels { - values = append(values, labels.FormatLabels(itemLabels)) - } - return values -} - -// appendLabelCells returns a slice of value columns matching the requested print options. -// Intended for use with tables. -func appendLabelCells(values []interface{}, itemLabels map[string]string, opts PrintOptions) []interface{} { - for _, key := range opts.ColumnLabels { - values = append(values, itemLabels[key]) - } - if opts.ShowLabels { - values = append(values, labels.FormatLabels(itemLabels)) - } - return values -} - -func printStatus(obj runtime.Object, options PrintOptions) ([]metav1.TableRow, error) { - status, ok := obj.(*metav1.Status) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected *v1.Status, got %T", obj) - } - return []metav1.TableRow{{ - Object: runtime.RawExtension{Object: obj}, - Cells: []interface{}{status.Status, status.Reason, status.Message}, - }}, nil -} - -func printObjectMeta(obj runtime.Object, options PrintOptions) ([]metav1.TableRow, error) { - if meta.IsListType(obj) { - rows := make([]metav1.TableRow, 0, 16) - err := meta.EachListItem(obj, func(obj runtime.Object) error { - nestedRows, err := printObjectMeta(obj, options) - if err != nil { - return err - } - rows = append(rows, nestedRows...) - return nil - }) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return rows, nil - } - - rows := make([]metav1.TableRow, 0, 1) - m, err := meta.Accessor(obj) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - row := metav1.TableRow{ - Object: runtime.RawExtension{Object: obj}, - } - row.Cells = append(row.Cells, m.GetName(), translateTimestampSince(m.GetCreationTimestamp())) - rows = append(rows, row) - return rows, nil -} - -// translateTimestampSince returns the elapsed time since timestamp in -// human-readable approximation. -func translateTimestampSince(timestamp metav1.Time) string { - if timestamp.IsZero() { - return "" - } - - return duration.HumanDuration(time.Since(timestamp.Time)) -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/tabwriter.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/tabwriter.go deleted file mode 100644 index 21d60e1c..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/tabwriter.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package printers - -import ( - "io" - - "github.com/liggitt/tabwriter" -) - -const ( - tabwriterMinWidth = 6 - tabwriterWidth = 4 - tabwriterPadding = 3 - tabwriterPadChar = ' ' - tabwriterFlags = tabwriter.RememberWidths -) - -// GetNewTabWriter returns a tabwriter that translates tabbed columns in input into properly aligned text. -func GetNewTabWriter(output io.Writer) *tabwriter.Writer { - return tabwriter.NewWriter(output, tabwriterMinWidth, tabwriterWidth, tabwriterPadding, tabwriterPadChar, tabwriterFlags) -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/template.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/template.go deleted file mode 100644 index ccff5422..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/template.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,118 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package printers - -import ( - "encoding/base64" - "fmt" - "io" - "reflect" - "text/template" - - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/json" -) - -// GoTemplatePrinter is an implementation of ResourcePrinter which formats data with a Go Template. -type GoTemplatePrinter struct { - rawTemplate string - template *template.Template -} - -func NewGoTemplatePrinter(tmpl []byte) (*GoTemplatePrinter, error) { - t, err := template.New("output"). - Funcs(template.FuncMap{ - "exists": exists, - "base64decode": base64decode, - }). - Parse(string(tmpl)) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return &GoTemplatePrinter{ - rawTemplate: string(tmpl), - template: t, - }, nil -} - -// AllowMissingKeys tells the template engine if missing keys are allowed. -func (p *GoTemplatePrinter) AllowMissingKeys(allow bool) { - if allow { - p.template.Option("missingkey=default") - } else { - p.template.Option("missingkey=error") - } -} - -// PrintObj formats the obj with the Go Template. -func (p *GoTemplatePrinter) PrintObj(obj runtime.Object, w io.Writer) error { - if InternalObjectPreventer.IsForbidden(reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(obj)).Type().PkgPath()) { - return fmt.Errorf(InternalObjectPrinterErr) - } - - var data []byte - var err error - data, err = json.Marshal(obj) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - out := map[string]interface{}{} - if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &out); err != nil { - return err - } - if err = p.safeExecute(w, out); err != nil { - // It is way easier to debug this stuff when it shows up in - // stdout instead of just stdin. So in addition to returning - // a nice error, also print useful stuff with the writer. - fmt.Fprintf(w, "Error executing template: %v. Printing more information for debugging the template:\n", err) - fmt.Fprintf(w, "\ttemplate was:\n\t\t%v\n", p.rawTemplate) - fmt.Fprintf(w, "\traw data was:\n\t\t%v\n", string(data)) - fmt.Fprintf(w, "\tobject given to template engine was:\n\t\t%+v\n\n", out) - return fmt.Errorf("error executing template %q: %v", p.rawTemplate, err) - } - return nil -} - -// safeExecute tries to execute the template, but catches panics and returns an error -// should the template engine panic. -func (p *GoTemplatePrinter) safeExecute(w io.Writer, obj interface{}) error { - var panicErr error - // Sorry for the double anonymous function. There's probably a clever way - // to do this that has the defer'd func setting the value to be returned, but - // that would be even less obvious. - retErr := func() error { - defer func() { - if x := recover(); x != nil { - panicErr = fmt.Errorf("caught panic: %+v", x) - } - }() - return p.template.Execute(w, obj) - }() - if panicErr != nil { - return panicErr - } - return retErr -} - -func base64decode(v string) (string, error) { - data, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(v) - if err != nil { - return "", fmt.Errorf("base64 decode failed: %v", err) - } - return string(data), nil -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/terminal.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/terminal.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9dc904e5..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/terminal.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2022 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package printers - -import ( - "io" - "os" - "runtime" - "strings" - - "github.com/moby/term" -) - -// terminalEscaper replaces ANSI escape sequences and other terminal special -// characters to avoid terminal escape character attacks (issue #101695). -var terminalEscaper = strings.NewReplacer("\x1b", "^[", "\r", "\\r") - -// WriteEscaped replaces unsafe terminal characters with replacement strings -// and writes them to the given writer. -func WriteEscaped(writer io.Writer, output string) error { - _, err := terminalEscaper.WriteString(writer, output) - return err -} - -// EscapeTerminal escapes terminal special characters in a human readable (but -// non-reversible) format. -func EscapeTerminal(in string) string { - return terminalEscaper.Replace(in) -} - -// IsTerminal returns whether the passed object is a terminal or not -func IsTerminal(i interface{}) bool { - _, terminal := term.GetFdInfo(i) - return terminal -} - -// AllowsColorOutput returns true if the specified writer is a terminal and -// the process environment indicates color output is supported and desired. -func AllowsColorOutput(w io.Writer) bool { - if !IsTerminal(w) { - return false - } - - // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_terminal#Dumb_terminals - if os.Getenv("TERM") == "dumb" { - return false - } - - // https://no-color.org/ - if _, nocolor := os.LookupEnv("NO_COLOR"); nocolor { - return false - } - - // On Windows WT_SESSION is set by the modern terminal component. - // Older terminals have poor support for UTF-8, VT escape codes, etc. - if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && os.Getenv("WT_SESSION") == "" { - return false - } - - return true -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/typesetter.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/typesetter.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8d2d9b56..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/typesetter.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,95 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package printers - -import ( - "fmt" - "io" - - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/schema" -) - -// TypeSetterPrinter is an implementation of ResourcePrinter wraps another printer with types set on the objects -type TypeSetterPrinter struct { - Delegate ResourcePrinter - - Typer runtime.ObjectTyper -} - -// NewTypeSetter constructs a wrapping printer with required params -func NewTypeSetter(typer runtime.ObjectTyper) *TypeSetterPrinter { - return &TypeSetterPrinter{Typer: typer} -} - -// PrintObj is an implementation of ResourcePrinter.PrintObj which sets type information on the obj for the duration -// of printing. It is NOT threadsafe. -func (p *TypeSetterPrinter) PrintObj(obj runtime.Object, w io.Writer) error { - if obj == nil { - return p.Delegate.PrintObj(obj, w) - } - if !obj.GetObjectKind().GroupVersionKind().Empty() { - return p.Delegate.PrintObj(obj, w) - } - - // we were empty coming in, make sure we're empty going out. This makes the call thread-unsafe - defer func() { - obj.GetObjectKind().SetGroupVersionKind(schema.GroupVersionKind{}) - }() - - gvks, _, err := p.Typer.ObjectKinds(obj) - if err != nil { - // printers wrapped by us expect to find the type information present - return fmt.Errorf("missing apiVersion or kind and cannot assign it; %v", err) - } - - for _, gvk := range gvks { - if len(gvk.Kind) == 0 { - continue - } - if len(gvk.Version) == 0 || gvk.Version == runtime.APIVersionInternal { - continue - } - obj.GetObjectKind().SetGroupVersionKind(gvk) - break - } - - return p.Delegate.PrintObj(obj, w) -} - -// ToPrinter returns a printer (not threadsafe!) that has been wrapped -func (p *TypeSetterPrinter) ToPrinter(delegate ResourcePrinter) ResourcePrinter { - if p == nil { - return delegate - } - - p.Delegate = delegate - return p -} - -// WrapToPrinter wraps the common ToPrinter method -func (p *TypeSetterPrinter) WrapToPrinter(delegate ResourcePrinter, err error) (ResourcePrinter, error) { - if err != nil { - return delegate, err - } - if p == nil { - return delegate, nil - } - - p.Delegate = delegate - return p, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/warningprinter.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/warningprinter.go deleted file mode 100644 index b3a8264f..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/warningprinter.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2022 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package printers - -import ( - "fmt" - "io" -) - -const ( - yellowColor = "\u001b[33;1m" - resetColor = "\u001b[0m" -) - -type WarningPrinter struct { - // out is the writer to output warnings to - out io.Writer - // opts contains options controlling warning output - opts WarningPrinterOptions -} - -// WarningPrinterOptions controls the behavior of a WarningPrinter constructed using NewWarningPrinter() -type WarningPrinterOptions struct { - // Color indicates that warning output can include ANSI color codes - Color bool -} - -// NewWarningPrinter returns an implementation of warningPrinter that outputs warnings to the specified writer. -func NewWarningPrinter(out io.Writer, opts WarningPrinterOptions) *WarningPrinter { - h := &WarningPrinter{out: out, opts: opts} - return h -} - -// Print prints warnings to the configured writer. -func (w *WarningPrinter) Print(message string) { - if w.opts.Color { - fmt.Fprintf(w.out, "%sWarning:%s %s\n", yellowColor, resetColor, message) - } else { - fmt.Fprintf(w.out, "Warning: %s\n", message) - } -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/yaml.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/yaml.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9c444bdc..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers/yaml.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,85 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2021 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package printers - -import ( - "fmt" - "io" - "reflect" - "sync/atomic" - - "sigs.k8s.io/yaml" - - metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" -) - -// YAMLPrinter is an implementation of ResourcePrinter which outputs an object as YAML. -// The input object is assumed to be in the internal version of an API and is converted -// to the given version first. -// If PrintObj() is called multiple times, objects are separated with a '---' separator. -type YAMLPrinter struct { - printCount int64 -} - -// PrintObj prints the data as YAML. -func (p *YAMLPrinter) PrintObj(obj runtime.Object, w io.Writer) error { - // we use reflect.Indirect here in order to obtain the actual value from a pointer. - // we need an actual value in order to retrieve the package path for an object. - // using reflect.Indirect indiscriminately is valid here, as all runtime.Objects are supposed to be pointers. - if InternalObjectPreventer.IsForbidden(reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(obj)).Type().PkgPath()) { - return fmt.Errorf(InternalObjectPrinterErr) - } - - count := atomic.AddInt64(&p.printCount, 1) - if count > 1 { - if _, err := w.Write([]byte("---\n")); err != nil { - return err - } - } - - switch obj := obj.(type) { - case *metav1.WatchEvent: - if InternalObjectPreventer.IsForbidden(reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(obj.Object.Object)).Type().PkgPath()) { - return fmt.Errorf(InternalObjectPrinterErr) - } - data, err := yaml.Marshal(obj) - if err != nil { - return err - } - _, err = w.Write(data) - return err - case *runtime.Unknown: - data, err := yaml.JSONToYAML(obj.Raw) - if err != nil { - return err - } - _, err = w.Write(data) - return err - } - - if obj.GetObjectKind().GroupVersionKind().Empty() { - return fmt.Errorf("missing apiVersion or kind; try GetObjectKind().SetGroupVersionKind() if you know the type") - } - - output, err := yaml.Marshal(obj) - if err != nil { - return err - } - _, err = fmt.Fprint(w, string(output)) - return err -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/builder.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/builder.go deleted file mode 100644 index 47ec83bb..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/builder.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1259 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package resource - -import ( - "errors" - "fmt" - "io" - "net/url" - "os" - "path/filepath" - "strings" - "sync" - - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/meta" - metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1/unstructured" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1/unstructured/unstructuredscheme" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/labels" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/schema" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/serializer" - utilerrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/errors" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/sets" - "k8s.io/client-go/discovery" - "k8s.io/client-go/rest" - "k8s.io/client-go/restmapper" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys" -) - -var FileExtensions = []string{".json", ".yaml", ".yml"} -var InputExtensions = append(FileExtensions, "stdin") - -const defaultHttpGetAttempts = 3 -const pathNotExistError = "the path %q does not exist" - -// Builder provides convenience functions for taking arguments and parameters -// from the command line and converting them to a list of resources to iterate -// over using the Visitor interface. -type Builder struct { - categoryExpanderFn CategoryExpanderFunc - - // mapper is set explicitly by resource builders - mapper *mapper - - // clientConfigFn is a function to produce a client, *if* you need one - clientConfigFn ClientConfigFunc - - restMapperFn RESTMapperFunc - - // objectTyper is statically determinant per-command invocation based on your internal or unstructured choice - // it does not ever need to rely upon discovery. - objectTyper runtime.ObjectTyper - - // codecFactory describes which codecs you want to use - negotiatedSerializer runtime.NegotiatedSerializer - - // local indicates that we cannot make server calls - local bool - - errs []error - - paths []Visitor - stream bool - stdinInUse bool - dir bool - - visitorConcurrency int - - labelSelector *string - fieldSelector *string - selectAll bool - limitChunks int64 - requestTransforms []RequestTransform - - resources []string - subresource string - - namespace string - allNamespace bool - names []string - - resourceTuples []resourceTuple - - defaultNamespace bool - requireNamespace bool - - flatten bool - latest bool - - requireObject bool - - singleResourceType bool - continueOnError bool - - singleItemImplied bool - - schema ContentValidator - - // fakeClientFn is used for testing - fakeClientFn FakeClientFunc -} - -var missingResourceError = fmt.Errorf(`You must provide one or more resources by argument or filename. -Example resource specifications include: - '-f rsrc.yaml' - '--filename=rsrc.json' - ' ' - ''`) - -var LocalResourceError = errors.New(`error: you must specify resources by --filename when --local is set. -Example resource specifications include: - '-f rsrc.yaml' - '--filename=rsrc.json'`) - -var StdinMultiUseError = errors.New("standard input cannot be used for multiple arguments") - -// TODO: expand this to include other errors. -func IsUsageError(err error) bool { - if err == nil { - return false - } - return err == missingResourceError -} - -type FilenameOptions struct { - Filenames []string - Kustomize string - Recursive bool -} - -func (o *FilenameOptions) validate() []error { - var errs []error - if len(o.Filenames) > 0 && len(o.Kustomize) > 0 { - errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("only one of -f or -k can be specified")) - } - if len(o.Kustomize) > 0 && o.Recursive { - errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("the -k flag can't be used with -f or -R")) - } - return errs -} - -func (o *FilenameOptions) RequireFilenameOrKustomize() error { - if len(o.Filenames) == 0 && len(o.Kustomize) == 0 { - return fmt.Errorf("must specify one of -f and -k") - } - return nil -} - -type resourceTuple struct { - Resource string - Name string -} - -type FakeClientFunc func(version schema.GroupVersion) (RESTClient, error) - -func NewFakeBuilder(fakeClientFn FakeClientFunc, restMapper RESTMapperFunc, categoryExpander CategoryExpanderFunc) *Builder { - ret := newBuilder(nil, restMapper, categoryExpander) - ret.fakeClientFn = fakeClientFn - return ret -} - -// NewBuilder creates a builder that operates on generic objects. At least one of -// internal or unstructured must be specified. -// TODO: Add versioned client (although versioned is still lossy) -// TODO remove internal and unstructured mapper and instead have them set the negotiated serializer for use in the client -func newBuilder(clientConfigFn ClientConfigFunc, restMapper RESTMapperFunc, categoryExpander CategoryExpanderFunc) *Builder { - return &Builder{ - clientConfigFn: clientConfigFn, - restMapperFn: restMapper, - categoryExpanderFn: categoryExpander, - requireObject: true, - } -} - -// noopClientGetter implements RESTClientGetter returning only errors. -// used as a dummy getter in a local-only builder. -type noopClientGetter struct{} - -func (noopClientGetter) ToRESTConfig() (*rest.Config, error) { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("local operation only") -} -func (noopClientGetter) ToDiscoveryClient() (discovery.CachedDiscoveryInterface, error) { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("local operation only") -} -func (noopClientGetter) ToRESTMapper() (meta.RESTMapper, error) { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("local operation only") -} - -// NewLocalBuilder returns a builder that is configured not to create REST clients and avoids asking the server for results. -func NewLocalBuilder() *Builder { - return NewBuilder(noopClientGetter{}).Local() -} - -func NewBuilder(restClientGetter RESTClientGetter) *Builder { - categoryExpanderFn := func() (restmapper.CategoryExpander, error) { - discoveryClient, err := restClientGetter.ToDiscoveryClient() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return restmapper.NewDiscoveryCategoryExpander(discoveryClient), err - } - - return newBuilder( - restClientGetter.ToRESTConfig, - restClientGetter.ToRESTMapper, - (&cachingCategoryExpanderFunc{delegate: categoryExpanderFn}).ToCategoryExpander, - ) -} - -func (b *Builder) Schema(schema ContentValidator) *Builder { - b.schema = schema - return b -} - -func (b *Builder) AddError(err error) *Builder { - if err == nil { - return b - } - b.errs = append(b.errs, err) - return b -} - -// VisitorConcurrency sets the number of concurrent visitors to use when -// visiting lists. -func (b *Builder) VisitorConcurrency(concurrency int) *Builder { - b.visitorConcurrency = concurrency - return b -} - -// FilenameParam groups input in two categories: URLs and files (files, directories, STDIN) -// If enforceNamespace is false, namespaces in the specs will be allowed to -// override the default namespace. If it is true, namespaces that don't match -// will cause an error. -// If ContinueOnError() is set prior to this method, objects on the path that are not -// recognized will be ignored (but logged at V(2)). -func (b *Builder) FilenameParam(enforceNamespace bool, filenameOptions *FilenameOptions) *Builder { - if errs := filenameOptions.validate(); len(errs) > 0 { - b.errs = append(b.errs, errs...) - return b - } - recursive := filenameOptions.Recursive - paths := filenameOptions.Filenames - for _, s := range paths { - switch { - case s == "-": - b.Stdin() - case strings.Index(s, "http://") == 0 || strings.Index(s, "https://") == 0: - url, err := url.Parse(s) - if err != nil { - b.errs = append(b.errs, fmt.Errorf("the URL passed to filename %q is not valid: %v", s, err)) - continue - } - b.URL(defaultHttpGetAttempts, url) - default: - matches, err := expandIfFilePattern(s) - if err != nil { - b.errs = append(b.errs, err) - continue - } - if !recursive && len(matches) == 1 { - b.singleItemImplied = true - } - b.Path(recursive, matches...) - } - } - if filenameOptions.Kustomize != "" { - b.paths = append( - b.paths, - &KustomizeVisitor{ - mapper: b.mapper, - dirPath: filenameOptions.Kustomize, - schema: b.schema, - fSys: filesys.MakeFsOnDisk(), - }) - } - - if enforceNamespace { - b.RequireNamespace() - } - - return b -} - -// Unstructured updates the builder so that it will request and send unstructured -// objects. Unstructured objects preserve all fields sent by the server in a map format -// based on the object's JSON structure which means no data is lost when the client -// reads and then writes an object. Use this mode in preference to Internal unless you -// are working with Go types directly. -func (b *Builder) Unstructured() *Builder { - if b.mapper != nil { - b.errs = append(b.errs, fmt.Errorf("another mapper was already selected, cannot use unstructured types")) - return b - } - b.objectTyper = unstructuredscheme.NewUnstructuredObjectTyper() - b.mapper = &mapper{ - localFn: b.isLocal, - restMapperFn: b.restMapperFn, - clientFn: b.getClient, - decoder: &metadataValidatingDecoder{unstructured.UnstructuredJSONScheme}, - } - - return b -} - -// WithScheme uses the scheme to manage typing, conversion (optional), and decoding. If decodingVersions -// is empty, then you can end up with internal types. You have been warned. -func (b *Builder) WithScheme(scheme *runtime.Scheme, decodingVersions ...schema.GroupVersion) *Builder { - if b.mapper != nil { - b.errs = append(b.errs, fmt.Errorf("another mapper was already selected, cannot use internal types")) - return b - } - b.objectTyper = scheme - codecFactory := serializer.NewCodecFactory(scheme) - negotiatedSerializer := runtime.NegotiatedSerializer(codecFactory) - // if you specified versions, you're specifying a desire for external types, which you don't want to round-trip through - // internal types - if len(decodingVersions) > 0 { - negotiatedSerializer = codecFactory.WithoutConversion() - } - b.negotiatedSerializer = negotiatedSerializer - - b.mapper = &mapper{ - localFn: b.isLocal, - restMapperFn: b.restMapperFn, - clientFn: b.getClient, - decoder: codecFactory.UniversalDecoder(decodingVersions...), - } - - return b -} - -// LocalParam calls Local() if local is true. -func (b *Builder) LocalParam(local bool) *Builder { - if local { - b.Local() - } - return b -} - -// Local will avoid asking the server for results. -func (b *Builder) Local() *Builder { - b.local = true - return b -} - -func (b *Builder) isLocal() bool { - return b.local -} - -// Mapper returns a copy of the current mapper. -func (b *Builder) Mapper() *mapper { - mapper := *b.mapper - return &mapper -} - -// URL accepts a number of URLs directly. -func (b *Builder) URL(httpAttemptCount int, urls ...*url.URL) *Builder { - for _, u := range urls { - b.paths = append(b.paths, &URLVisitor{ - URL: u, - StreamVisitor: NewStreamVisitor(nil, b.mapper, u.String(), b.schema), - HttpAttemptCount: httpAttemptCount, - }) - } - return b -} - -// Stdin will read objects from the standard input. If ContinueOnError() is set -// prior to this method being called, objects in the stream that are unrecognized -// will be ignored (but logged at V(2)). If StdinInUse() is set prior to this method -// being called, an error will be recorded as there are multiple entities trying to use -// the single standard input stream. -func (b *Builder) Stdin() *Builder { - b.stream = true - if b.stdinInUse { - b.errs = append(b.errs, StdinMultiUseError) - } - b.stdinInUse = true - b.paths = append(b.paths, FileVisitorForSTDIN(b.mapper, b.schema)) - return b -} - -// StdinInUse will mark standard input as in use by this Builder, and therefore standard -// input should not be used by another entity. If Stdin() is set prior to this method -// being called, an error will be recorded as there are multiple entities trying to use -// the single standard input stream. -func (b *Builder) StdinInUse() *Builder { - if b.stdinInUse { - b.errs = append(b.errs, StdinMultiUseError) - } - b.stdinInUse = true - return b -} - -// Stream will read objects from the provided reader, and if an error occurs will -// include the name string in the error message. If ContinueOnError() is set -// prior to this method being called, objects in the stream that are unrecognized -// will be ignored (but logged at V(2)). -func (b *Builder) Stream(r io.Reader, name string) *Builder { - b.stream = true - b.paths = append(b.paths, NewStreamVisitor(r, b.mapper, name, b.schema)) - return b -} - -// Path accepts a set of paths that may be files, directories (all can containing -// one or more resources). Creates a FileVisitor for each file and then each -// FileVisitor is streaming the content to a StreamVisitor. If ContinueOnError() is set -// prior to this method being called, objects on the path that are unrecognized will be -// ignored (but logged at V(2)). -func (b *Builder) Path(recursive bool, paths ...string) *Builder { - for _, p := range paths { - _, err := os.Stat(p) - if os.IsNotExist(err) { - b.errs = append(b.errs, fmt.Errorf(pathNotExistError, p)) - continue - } - if err != nil { - b.errs = append(b.errs, fmt.Errorf("the path %q cannot be accessed: %v", p, err)) - continue - } - - visitors, err := ExpandPathsToFileVisitors(b.mapper, p, recursive, FileExtensions, b.schema) - if err != nil { - b.errs = append(b.errs, fmt.Errorf("error reading %q: %v", p, err)) - } - if len(visitors) > 1 { - b.dir = true - } - - b.paths = append(b.paths, visitors...) - } - if len(b.paths) == 0 && len(b.errs) == 0 { - b.errs = append(b.errs, fmt.Errorf("error reading %v: recognized file extensions are %v", paths, FileExtensions)) - } - return b -} - -// ResourceTypes is a list of types of resources to operate on, when listing objects on -// the server or retrieving objects that match a selector. -func (b *Builder) ResourceTypes(types ...string) *Builder { - b.resources = append(b.resources, types...) - return b -} - -// ResourceNames accepts a default type and one or more names, and creates tuples of -// resources -func (b *Builder) ResourceNames(resource string, names ...string) *Builder { - for _, name := range names { - // See if this input string is of type/name format - tuple, ok, err := splitResourceTypeName(name) - if err != nil { - b.errs = append(b.errs, err) - return b - } - - if ok { - b.resourceTuples = append(b.resourceTuples, tuple) - continue - } - if len(resource) == 0 { - b.errs = append(b.errs, fmt.Errorf("the argument %q must be RESOURCE/NAME", name)) - continue - } - - // Use the given default type to create a resource tuple - b.resourceTuples = append(b.resourceTuples, resourceTuple{Resource: resource, Name: name}) - } - return b -} - -// LabelSelectorParam defines a selector that should be applied to the object types to load. -// This will not affect files loaded from disk or URL. If the parameter is empty it is -// a no-op - to select all resources invoke `b.LabelSelector(labels.Everything.String)`. -func (b *Builder) LabelSelectorParam(s string) *Builder { - selector := strings.TrimSpace(s) - if len(selector) == 0 { - return b - } - if b.selectAll { - b.errs = append(b.errs, fmt.Errorf("found non-empty label selector %q with previously set 'all' parameter. ", s)) - return b - } - return b.LabelSelector(selector) -} - -// LabelSelector accepts a selector directly and will filter the resulting list by that object. -// Use LabelSelectorParam instead for user input. -func (b *Builder) LabelSelector(selector string) *Builder { - if len(selector) == 0 { - return b - } - - b.labelSelector = &selector - return b -} - -// FieldSelectorParam defines a selector that should be applied to the object types to load. -// This will not affect files loaded from disk or URL. If the parameter is empty it is -// a no-op - to select all resources. -func (b *Builder) FieldSelectorParam(s string) *Builder { - s = strings.TrimSpace(s) - if len(s) == 0 { - return b - } - if b.selectAll { - b.errs = append(b.errs, fmt.Errorf("found non-empty field selector %q with previously set 'all' parameter. ", s)) - return b - } - b.fieldSelector = &s - return b -} - -// NamespaceParam accepts the namespace that these resources should be -// considered under from - used by DefaultNamespace() and RequireNamespace() -func (b *Builder) NamespaceParam(namespace string) *Builder { - b.namespace = namespace - return b -} - -// DefaultNamespace instructs the builder to set the namespace value for any object found -// to NamespaceParam() if empty. -func (b *Builder) DefaultNamespace() *Builder { - b.defaultNamespace = true - return b -} - -// AllNamespaces instructs the builder to metav1.NamespaceAll as a namespace to request resources -// across all of the namespace. This overrides the namespace set by NamespaceParam(). -func (b *Builder) AllNamespaces(allNamespace bool) *Builder { - if allNamespace { - b.namespace = metav1.NamespaceAll - } - b.allNamespace = allNamespace - return b -} - -// RequireNamespace instructs the builder to set the namespace value for any object found -// to NamespaceParam() if empty, and if the value on the resource does not match -// NamespaceParam() an error will be returned. -func (b *Builder) RequireNamespace() *Builder { - b.requireNamespace = true - return b -} - -// RequestChunksOf attempts to load responses from the server in batches of size limit -// to avoid long delays loading and transferring very large lists. If unset defaults to -// no chunking. -func (b *Builder) RequestChunksOf(chunkSize int64) *Builder { - b.limitChunks = chunkSize - return b -} - -// TransformRequests alters API calls made by clients requested from this builder. Pass -// an empty list to clear modifiers. -func (b *Builder) TransformRequests(opts ...RequestTransform) *Builder { - b.requestTransforms = opts - return b -} - -// Subresource instructs the builder to retrieve the object at the -// subresource path instead of the main resource path. -func (b *Builder) Subresource(subresource string) *Builder { - b.subresource = subresource - return b -} - -// SelectEverythingParam -func (b *Builder) SelectAllParam(selectAll bool) *Builder { - if selectAll && (b.labelSelector != nil || b.fieldSelector != nil) { - b.errs = append(b.errs, fmt.Errorf("setting 'all' parameter but found a non empty selector. ")) - return b - } - b.selectAll = selectAll - return b -} - -// ResourceTypeOrNameArgs indicates that the builder should accept arguments -// of the form `([,,...]| [,,...])`. When one argument is -// received, the types provided will be retrieved from the server (and be comma delimited). -// When two or more arguments are received, they must be a single type and resource name(s). -// The allowEmptySelector permits to select all the resources (via Everything func). -func (b *Builder) ResourceTypeOrNameArgs(allowEmptySelector bool, args ...string) *Builder { - args = normalizeMultipleResourcesArgs(args) - if ok, err := hasCombinedTypeArgs(args); ok { - if err != nil { - b.errs = append(b.errs, err) - return b - } - for _, s := range args { - tuple, ok, err := splitResourceTypeName(s) - if err != nil { - b.errs = append(b.errs, err) - return b - } - if ok { - b.resourceTuples = append(b.resourceTuples, tuple) - } - } - return b - } - if len(args) > 0 { - // Try replacing aliases only in types - args[0] = b.ReplaceAliases(args[0]) - } - switch { - case len(args) > 2: - b.names = append(b.names, args[1:]...) - b.ResourceTypes(SplitResourceArgument(args[0])...) - case len(args) == 2: - b.names = append(b.names, args[1]) - b.ResourceTypes(SplitResourceArgument(args[0])...) - case len(args) == 1: - b.ResourceTypes(SplitResourceArgument(args[0])...) - if b.labelSelector == nil && allowEmptySelector { - selector := labels.Everything().String() - b.labelSelector = &selector - } - case len(args) == 0: - default: - b.errs = append(b.errs, fmt.Errorf("arguments must consist of a resource or a resource and name")) - } - return b -} - -// ReplaceAliases accepts an argument and tries to expand any existing -// aliases found in it -func (b *Builder) ReplaceAliases(input string) string { - replaced := []string{} - for _, arg := range strings.Split(input, ",") { - if b.categoryExpanderFn == nil { - continue - } - categoryExpander, err := b.categoryExpanderFn() - if err != nil { - b.AddError(err) - continue - } - - if resources, ok := categoryExpander.Expand(arg); ok { - asStrings := []string{} - for _, resource := range resources { - if len(resource.Group) == 0 { - asStrings = append(asStrings, resource.Resource) - continue - } - asStrings = append(asStrings, resource.Resource+"."+resource.Group) - } - arg = strings.Join(asStrings, ",") - } - replaced = append(replaced, arg) - } - return strings.Join(replaced, ",") -} - -func hasCombinedTypeArgs(args []string) (bool, error) { - hasSlash := 0 - for _, s := range args { - if strings.Contains(s, "/") { - hasSlash++ - } - } - switch { - case hasSlash > 0 && hasSlash == len(args): - return true, nil - case hasSlash > 0 && hasSlash != len(args): - baseCmd := "cmd" - if len(os.Args) > 0 { - baseCmdSlice := strings.Split(os.Args[0], "/") - baseCmd = baseCmdSlice[len(baseCmdSlice)-1] - } - return true, fmt.Errorf("there is no need to specify a resource type as a separate argument when passing arguments in resource/name form (e.g. '%s get resource/' instead of '%s get resource resource/'", baseCmd, baseCmd) - default: - return false, nil - } -} - -// Normalize args convert multiple resources to resource tuples, a,b,c d -// as a transform to a/d b/d c/d -func normalizeMultipleResourcesArgs(args []string) []string { - if len(args) >= 2 { - resources := []string{} - resources = append(resources, SplitResourceArgument(args[0])...) - if len(resources) > 1 { - names := []string{} - names = append(names, args[1:]...) - newArgs := []string{} - for _, resource := range resources { - for _, name := range names { - newArgs = append(newArgs, strings.Join([]string{resource, name}, "/")) - } - } - return newArgs - } - } - return args -} - -// splitResourceTypeName handles type/name resource formats and returns a resource tuple -// (empty or not), whether it successfully found one, and an error -func splitResourceTypeName(s string) (resourceTuple, bool, error) { - if !strings.Contains(s, "/") { - return resourceTuple{}, false, nil - } - seg := strings.Split(s, "/") - if len(seg) != 2 { - return resourceTuple{}, false, fmt.Errorf("arguments in resource/name form may not have more than one slash") - } - resource, name := seg[0], seg[1] - if len(resource) == 0 || len(name) == 0 || len(SplitResourceArgument(resource)) != 1 { - return resourceTuple{}, false, fmt.Errorf("arguments in resource/name form must have a single resource and name") - } - return resourceTuple{Resource: resource, Name: name}, true, nil -} - -// Flatten will convert any objects with a field named "Items" that is an array of runtime.Object -// compatible types into individual entries and give them their own items. The original object -// is not passed to any visitors. -func (b *Builder) Flatten() *Builder { - b.flatten = true - return b -} - -// Latest will fetch the latest copy of any objects loaded from URLs or files from the server. -func (b *Builder) Latest() *Builder { - b.latest = true - return b -} - -// RequireObject ensures that resulting infos have an object set. If false, resulting info may not have an object set. -func (b *Builder) RequireObject(require bool) *Builder { - b.requireObject = require - return b -} - -// ContinueOnError will attempt to load and visit as many objects as possible, even if some visits -// return errors or some objects cannot be loaded. The default behavior is to terminate after -// the first error is returned from a VisitorFunc. -func (b *Builder) ContinueOnError() *Builder { - b.continueOnError = true - return b -} - -// SingleResourceType will cause the builder to error if the user specifies more than a single type -// of resource. -func (b *Builder) SingleResourceType() *Builder { - b.singleResourceType = true - return b -} - -// mappingFor returns the RESTMapping for the Kind given, or the Kind referenced by the resource. -// Prefers a fully specified GroupVersionResource match. If one is not found, we match on a fully -// specified GroupVersionKind, or fallback to a match on GroupKind. -func (b *Builder) mappingFor(resourceOrKindArg string) (*meta.RESTMapping, error) { - fullySpecifiedGVR, groupResource := schema.ParseResourceArg(resourceOrKindArg) - gvk := schema.GroupVersionKind{} - restMapper, err := b.restMapperFn() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - if fullySpecifiedGVR != nil { - gvk, _ = restMapper.KindFor(*fullySpecifiedGVR) - } - if gvk.Empty() { - gvk, _ = restMapper.KindFor(groupResource.WithVersion("")) - } - if !gvk.Empty() { - return restMapper.RESTMapping(gvk.GroupKind(), gvk.Version) - } - - fullySpecifiedGVK, groupKind := schema.ParseKindArg(resourceOrKindArg) - if fullySpecifiedGVK == nil { - gvk := groupKind.WithVersion("") - fullySpecifiedGVK = &gvk - } - - if !fullySpecifiedGVK.Empty() { - if mapping, err := restMapper.RESTMapping(fullySpecifiedGVK.GroupKind(), fullySpecifiedGVK.Version); err == nil { - return mapping, nil - } - } - - mapping, err := restMapper.RESTMapping(groupKind, gvk.Version) - if err != nil { - // if we error out here, it is because we could not match a resource or a kind - // for the given argument. To maintain consistency with previous behavior, - // announce that a resource type could not be found. - // if the error is _not_ a *meta.NoKindMatchError, then we had trouble doing discovery, - // so we should return the original error since it may help a user diagnose what is actually wrong - if meta.IsNoMatchError(err) { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("the server doesn't have a resource type %q", groupResource.Resource) - } - return nil, err - } - - return mapping, nil -} - -func (b *Builder) resourceMappings() ([]*meta.RESTMapping, error) { - if len(b.resources) > 1 && b.singleResourceType { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("you may only specify a single resource type") - } - mappings := []*meta.RESTMapping{} - seen := map[schema.GroupVersionKind]bool{} - for _, r := range b.resources { - mapping, err := b.mappingFor(r) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - // This ensures the mappings for resources(shortcuts, plural) unique - if seen[mapping.GroupVersionKind] { - continue - } - seen[mapping.GroupVersionKind] = true - - mappings = append(mappings, mapping) - } - return mappings, nil -} - -func (b *Builder) resourceTupleMappings() (map[string]*meta.RESTMapping, error) { - mappings := make(map[string]*meta.RESTMapping) - canonical := make(map[schema.GroupVersionResource]struct{}) - for _, r := range b.resourceTuples { - if _, ok := mappings[r.Resource]; ok { - continue - } - mapping, err := b.mappingFor(r.Resource) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - mappings[r.Resource] = mapping - canonical[mapping.Resource] = struct{}{} - } - if len(canonical) > 1 && b.singleResourceType { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("you may only specify a single resource type") - } - return mappings, nil -} - -func (b *Builder) visitorResult() *Result { - if len(b.errs) > 0 { - return &Result{err: utilerrors.NewAggregate(b.errs)} - } - - if b.selectAll { - selector := labels.Everything().String() - b.labelSelector = &selector - } - - // visit items specified by paths - if len(b.paths) != 0 { - return b.visitByPaths() - } - - // visit selectors - if b.labelSelector != nil || b.fieldSelector != nil { - return b.visitBySelector() - } - - // visit items specified by resource and name - if len(b.resourceTuples) != 0 { - return b.visitByResource() - } - - // visit items specified by name - if len(b.names) != 0 { - return b.visitByName() - } - - if len(b.resources) != 0 { - for _, r := range b.resources { - _, err := b.mappingFor(r) - if err != nil { - return &Result{err: err} - } - } - return &Result{err: fmt.Errorf("resource(s) were provided, but no name was specified")} - } - return &Result{err: missingResourceError} -} - -func (b *Builder) visitBySelector() *Result { - result := &Result{ - targetsSingleItems: false, - } - - if len(b.names) != 0 { - return result.withError(fmt.Errorf("name cannot be provided when a selector is specified")) - } - if len(b.resourceTuples) != 0 { - return result.withError(fmt.Errorf("selectors and the all flag cannot be used when passing resource/name arguments")) - } - if len(b.resources) == 0 { - return result.withError(fmt.Errorf("at least one resource must be specified to use a selector")) - } - if len(b.subresource) != 0 { - return result.withError(fmt.Errorf("subresource cannot be used when bulk resources are specified")) - } - - mappings, err := b.resourceMappings() - if err != nil { - result.err = err - return result - } - - var labelSelector, fieldSelector string - if b.labelSelector != nil { - labelSelector = *b.labelSelector - } - if b.fieldSelector != nil { - fieldSelector = *b.fieldSelector - } - - visitors := []Visitor{} - for _, mapping := range mappings { - client, err := b.getClient(mapping.GroupVersionKind.GroupVersion()) - if err != nil { - result.err = err - return result - } - selectorNamespace := b.namespace - if mapping.Scope.Name() != meta.RESTScopeNameNamespace { - selectorNamespace = "" - } - visitors = append(visitors, NewSelector(client, mapping, selectorNamespace, labelSelector, fieldSelector, b.limitChunks)) - } - if b.continueOnError { - result.visitor = EagerVisitorList(visitors) - } else { - result.visitor = VisitorList(visitors) - } - result.sources = visitors - return result -} - -func (b *Builder) getClient(gv schema.GroupVersion) (RESTClient, error) { - var ( - client RESTClient - err error - ) - - switch { - case b.fakeClientFn != nil: - client, err = b.fakeClientFn(gv) - case b.negotiatedSerializer != nil: - client, err = b.clientConfigFn.withStdinUnavailable(b.stdinInUse).clientForGroupVersion(gv, b.negotiatedSerializer) - default: - client, err = b.clientConfigFn.withStdinUnavailable(b.stdinInUse).unstructuredClientForGroupVersion(gv) - } - - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - return NewClientWithOptions(client, b.requestTransforms...), nil -} - -func (b *Builder) visitByResource() *Result { - // if b.singleItemImplied is false, this could be by default, so double-check length - // of resourceTuples to determine if in fact it is singleItemImplied or not - isSingleItemImplied := b.singleItemImplied - if !isSingleItemImplied { - isSingleItemImplied = len(b.resourceTuples) == 1 - } - - result := &Result{ - singleItemImplied: isSingleItemImplied, - targetsSingleItems: true, - } - - if len(b.resources) != 0 { - return result.withError(fmt.Errorf("you may not specify individual resources and bulk resources in the same call")) - } - - // retrieve one client for each resource - mappings, err := b.resourceTupleMappings() - if err != nil { - result.err = err - return result - } - clients := make(map[string]RESTClient) - for _, mapping := range mappings { - s := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", mapping.GroupVersionKind.GroupVersion().String(), mapping.Resource.Resource) - if _, ok := clients[s]; ok { - continue - } - client, err := b.getClient(mapping.GroupVersionKind.GroupVersion()) - if err != nil { - result.err = err - return result - } - clients[s] = client - } - - items := []Visitor{} - for _, tuple := range b.resourceTuples { - mapping, ok := mappings[tuple.Resource] - if !ok { - return result.withError(fmt.Errorf("resource %q is not recognized: %v", tuple.Resource, mappings)) - } - s := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", mapping.GroupVersionKind.GroupVersion().String(), mapping.Resource.Resource) - client, ok := clients[s] - if !ok { - return result.withError(fmt.Errorf("could not find a client for resource %q", tuple.Resource)) - } - - selectorNamespace := b.namespace - if mapping.Scope.Name() != meta.RESTScopeNameNamespace { - selectorNamespace = "" - } else { - if len(b.namespace) == 0 { - errMsg := "namespace may not be empty when retrieving a resource by name" - if b.allNamespace { - errMsg = "a resource cannot be retrieved by name across all namespaces" - } - return result.withError(fmt.Errorf(errMsg)) - } - } - - info := &Info{ - Client: client, - Mapping: mapping, - Namespace: selectorNamespace, - Name: tuple.Name, - Subresource: b.subresource, - } - items = append(items, info) - } - - var visitors Visitor - if b.continueOnError { - visitors = EagerVisitorList(items) - } else { - visitors = VisitorList(items) - } - result.visitor = visitors - result.sources = items - return result -} - -func (b *Builder) visitByName() *Result { - result := &Result{ - singleItemImplied: len(b.names) == 1, - targetsSingleItems: true, - } - - if len(b.paths) != 0 { - return result.withError(fmt.Errorf("when paths, URLs, or stdin is provided as input, you may not specify a resource by arguments as well")) - } - if len(b.resources) == 0 { - return result.withError(fmt.Errorf("you must provide a resource and a resource name together")) - } - if len(b.resources) > 1 { - return result.withError(fmt.Errorf("you must specify only one resource")) - } - - mappings, err := b.resourceMappings() - if err != nil { - result.err = err - return result - } - mapping := mappings[0] - - client, err := b.getClient(mapping.GroupVersionKind.GroupVersion()) - if err != nil { - result.err = err - return result - } - - selectorNamespace := b.namespace - if mapping.Scope.Name() != meta.RESTScopeNameNamespace { - selectorNamespace = "" - } else { - if len(b.namespace) == 0 { - errMsg := "namespace may not be empty when retrieving a resource by name" - if b.allNamespace { - errMsg = "a resource cannot be retrieved by name across all namespaces" - } - return result.withError(fmt.Errorf(errMsg)) - } - } - - visitors := []Visitor{} - for _, name := range b.names { - info := &Info{ - Client: client, - Mapping: mapping, - Namespace: selectorNamespace, - Name: name, - Subresource: b.subresource, - } - visitors = append(visitors, info) - } - result.visitor = VisitorList(visitors) - result.sources = visitors - return result -} - -func (b *Builder) visitByPaths() *Result { - result := &Result{ - singleItemImplied: !b.dir && !b.stream && len(b.paths) == 1, - targetsSingleItems: true, - } - - if len(b.resources) != 0 { - return result.withError(fmt.Errorf("when paths, URLs, or stdin is provided as input, you may not specify resource arguments as well")) - } - if len(b.names) != 0 { - return result.withError(fmt.Errorf("name cannot be provided when a path is specified")) - } - if len(b.resourceTuples) != 0 { - return result.withError(fmt.Errorf("resource/name arguments cannot be provided when a path is specified")) - } - - var visitors Visitor - if b.continueOnError { - visitors = EagerVisitorList(b.paths) - } else { - visitors = ConcurrentVisitorList{ - visitors: b.paths, - concurrency: b.visitorConcurrency, - } - } - - if b.flatten { - visitors = NewFlattenListVisitor(visitors, b.objectTyper, b.mapper) - } - - // only items from disk can be refetched - if b.latest { - // must set namespace prior to fetching - if b.defaultNamespace { - visitors = NewDecoratedVisitor(visitors, SetNamespace(b.namespace)) - } - visitors = NewDecoratedVisitor(visitors, RetrieveLatest) - } - if b.labelSelector != nil { - selector, err := labels.Parse(*b.labelSelector) - if err != nil { - return result.withError(fmt.Errorf("the provided selector %q is not valid: %v", *b.labelSelector, err)) - } - visitors = NewFilteredVisitor(visitors, FilterByLabelSelector(selector)) - } - result.visitor = visitors - result.sources = b.paths - return result -} - -// Do returns a Result object with a Visitor for the resources identified by the Builder. -// The visitor will respect the error behavior specified by ContinueOnError. Note that stream -// inputs are consumed by the first execution - use Infos() or Object() on the Result to capture a list -// for further iteration. -func (b *Builder) Do() *Result { - r := b.visitorResult() - r.mapper = b.Mapper() - if r.err != nil { - return r - } - if b.flatten { - r.visitor = NewFlattenListVisitor(r.visitor, b.objectTyper, b.mapper) - } - helpers := []VisitorFunc{} - if b.defaultNamespace { - helpers = append(helpers, SetNamespace(b.namespace)) - } - if b.requireNamespace { - helpers = append(helpers, RequireNamespace(b.namespace)) - } - helpers = append(helpers, FilterNamespace) - if b.requireObject { - helpers = append(helpers, RetrieveLazy) - } - if b.continueOnError { - r.visitor = ContinueOnErrorVisitor{Visitor: r.visitor} - } - r.visitor = NewDecoratedVisitor(r.visitor, helpers...) - return r -} - -// SplitResourceArgument splits the argument with commas and returns unique -// strings in the original order. -func SplitResourceArgument(arg string) []string { - out := []string{} - set := sets.NewString() - for _, s := range strings.Split(arg, ",") { - if set.Has(s) { - continue - } - set.Insert(s) - out = append(out, s) - } - return out -} - -// HasNames returns true if the provided args contain resource names -func HasNames(args []string) (bool, error) { - args = normalizeMultipleResourcesArgs(args) - hasCombinedTypes, err := hasCombinedTypeArgs(args) - if err != nil { - return false, err - } - return hasCombinedTypes || len(args) > 1, nil -} - -// expandIfFilePattern returns all the filenames that match the input pattern -// or the filename if it is a specific filename and not a pattern. -// If the input is a pattern and it yields no result it will result in an error. -func expandIfFilePattern(pattern string) ([]string, error) { - if _, err := os.Stat(pattern); os.IsNotExist(err) { - matches, err := filepath.Glob(pattern) - if err == nil && len(matches) == 0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf(pathNotExistError, pattern) - } - if err == filepath.ErrBadPattern { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("pattern %q is not valid: %v", pattern, err) - } - return matches, err - } - return []string{pattern}, nil -} - -type cachingCategoryExpanderFunc struct { - delegate CategoryExpanderFunc - - lock sync.Mutex - cached restmapper.CategoryExpander -} - -func (c *cachingCategoryExpanderFunc) ToCategoryExpander() (restmapper.CategoryExpander, error) { - c.lock.Lock() - defer c.lock.Unlock() - if c.cached != nil { - return c.cached, nil - } - - ret, err := c.delegate() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - c.cached = ret - return c.cached, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/client.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/client.go deleted file mode 100644 index cd52c304..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/client.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package resource - -import ( - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/schema" - "k8s.io/client-go/rest" -) - -// TODO require negotiatedSerializer. leaving it optional lets us plumb current behavior and deal with the difference after major plumbing is complete -func (clientConfigFn ClientConfigFunc) clientForGroupVersion(gv schema.GroupVersion, negotiatedSerializer runtime.NegotiatedSerializer) (RESTClient, error) { - cfg, err := clientConfigFn() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if negotiatedSerializer != nil { - cfg.ContentConfig.NegotiatedSerializer = negotiatedSerializer - } - cfg.GroupVersion = &gv - if len(gv.Group) == 0 { - cfg.APIPath = "/api" - } else { - cfg.APIPath = "/apis" - } - - return rest.RESTClientFor(cfg) -} - -func (clientConfigFn ClientConfigFunc) unstructuredClientForGroupVersion(gv schema.GroupVersion) (RESTClient, error) { - cfg, err := clientConfigFn() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - cfg.ContentConfig = UnstructuredPlusDefaultContentConfig() - cfg.GroupVersion = &gv - if len(gv.Group) == 0 { - cfg.APIPath = "/api" - } else { - cfg.APIPath = "/apis" - } - - return rest.RESTClientFor(cfg) -} - -func (clientConfigFn ClientConfigFunc) withStdinUnavailable(stdinUnavailable bool) ClientConfigFunc { - return func() (*rest.Config, error) { - cfg, err := clientConfigFn() - if stdinUnavailable && cfg != nil && cfg.ExecProvider != nil { - cfg.ExecProvider.StdinUnavailable = stdinUnavailable - cfg.ExecProvider.StdinUnavailableMessage = "used by stdin resource manifest reader" - } - return cfg, err - } -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/crd_finder.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/crd_finder.go deleted file mode 100644 index 4694f779..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/crd_finder.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,110 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package resource - -import ( - "context" - "fmt" - "reflect" - - metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1/unstructured" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/schema" - "k8s.io/client-go/dynamic" -) - -// CRDGetter is a function that can download the list of GVK for all -// CRDs. -type CRDGetter func() ([]schema.GroupKind, error) - -func CRDFromDynamic(client dynamic.Interface) CRDGetter { - return func() ([]schema.GroupKind, error) { - list, err := client.Resource(schema.GroupVersionResource{ - Group: "apiextensions.k8s.io", - Version: "v1", - Resource: "customresourcedefinitions", - }).List(context.TODO(), metav1.ListOptions{}) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to list CRDs: %v", err) - } - if list == nil { - return nil, nil - } - - gks := []schema.GroupKind{} - - // We need to parse the list to get the gvk, I guess that's fine. - for _, crd := range (*list).Items { - // Look for group, version, and kind - group, _, _ := unstructured.NestedString(crd.Object, "spec", "group") - kind, _, _ := unstructured.NestedString(crd.Object, "spec", "names", "kind") - - gks = append(gks, schema.GroupKind{ - Group: group, - Kind: kind, - }) - } - - return gks, nil - } -} - -// CRDFinder keeps a cache of known CRDs and finds a given GVK in the -// list. -type CRDFinder interface { - HasCRD(gvk schema.GroupKind) (bool, error) -} - -func NewCRDFinder(getter CRDGetter) CRDFinder { - return &crdFinder{ - getter: getter, - } -} - -type crdFinder struct { - getter CRDGetter - cache *[]schema.GroupKind -} - -func (f *crdFinder) cacheCRDs() error { - if f.cache != nil { - return nil - } - - list, err := f.getter() - if err != nil { - return err - } - f.cache = &list - return nil -} - -func (f *crdFinder) findCRD(gvk schema.GroupKind) bool { - for _, crd := range *f.cache { - if reflect.DeepEqual(gvk, crd) { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -func (f *crdFinder) HasCRD(gvk schema.GroupKind) (bool, error) { - if err := f.cacheCRDs(); err != nil { - return false, err - } - return f.findCRD(gvk), nil -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/doc.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index f83fdcbf..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -// Package resource assists clients in dealing with RESTful objects that match the -// Kubernetes API conventions. The Helper object provides simple CRUD operations -// on resources. The Visitor interface makes it easy to deal with multiple resources -// in bulk for retrieval and operation. The Builder object simplifies converting -// standard command line arguments and parameters into a Visitor that can iterate -// over all of the identified resources, whether on the server or on the local -// filesystem. -package resource // import "k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource" diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/fake.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/fake.go deleted file mode 100644 index 276c343e..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/fake.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package resource - -import ( - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/schema" - "k8s.io/client-go/restmapper" -) - -// FakeCategoryExpander is for testing only -var FakeCategoryExpander restmapper.CategoryExpander = restmapper.SimpleCategoryExpander{ - Expansions: map[string][]schema.GroupResource{ - "all": { - {Group: "", Resource: "pods"}, - {Group: "", Resource: "replicationcontrollers"}, - {Group: "", Resource: "services"}, - {Group: "apps", Resource: "statefulsets"}, - {Group: "autoscaling", Resource: "horizontalpodautoscalers"}, - {Group: "batch", Resource: "jobs"}, - {Group: "batch", Resource: "cronjobs"}, - {Group: "extensions", Resource: "daemonsets"}, - {Group: "extensions", Resource: "deployments"}, - {Group: "extensions", Resource: "replicasets"}, - }, - }, -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/fallback_query_param_verifier.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/fallback_query_param_verifier.go deleted file mode 100644 index 05418801..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/fallback_query_param_verifier.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2023 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package resource - -import ( - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/schema" - "k8s.io/klog/v2" -) - -// fallbackQueryParamVerifier encapsulates the primary Verifier that -// is invoked, and the secondary/fallback Verifier. -type fallbackQueryParamVerifier struct { - primary Verifier - secondary Verifier -} - -var _ Verifier = &fallbackQueryParamVerifier{} - -// NewFallbackQueryParamVerifier returns a new Verifier which will invoke the -// initial/primary Verifier. If the primary Verifier is "NotFound", then the -// secondary Verifier is invoked as a fallback. -func NewFallbackQueryParamVerifier(primary Verifier, secondary Verifier) Verifier { - return &fallbackQueryParamVerifier{ - primary: primary, - secondary: secondary, - } -} - -// HasSupport returns an error if the passed GVK does not support the -// query param (fieldValidation), as determined by the primary and -// secondary OpenAPI endpoints. The primary endoint is checked first, -// but if there is an error retrieving the OpenAPI V3 document, the -// secondary attempts to determine support. If the GVK supports the query param, -// nil is returned. -func (f *fallbackQueryParamVerifier) HasSupport(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind) error { - err := f.primary.HasSupport(gvk) - // If an error was returned from the primary OpenAPI endpoint, - // we fallback to check the secondary OpenAPI endpoint for - // any error *except* "paramUnsupportedError". - if err != nil && !IsParamUnsupportedError(err) { - klog.V(7).Infof("openapi v3 error...falling back to legacy: %s", err) - err = f.secondary.HasSupport(gvk) - } - return err -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/helper.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/helper.go deleted file mode 100644 index aa400ae0..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/helper.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,321 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package resource - -import ( - "context" - "fmt" - - apierrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/meta" - metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" - - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/fields" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/types" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/watch" -) - -var metadataAccessor = meta.NewAccessor() - -// Helper provides methods for retrieving or mutating a RESTful -// resource. -type Helper struct { - // The name of this resource as the server would recognize it - Resource string - // The name of the subresource as the server would recognize it - Subresource string - // A RESTClient capable of mutating this resource. - RESTClient RESTClient - // True if the resource type is scoped to namespaces - NamespaceScoped bool - // If true, then use server-side dry-run to not persist changes to storage - // for verbs and resources that support server-side dry-run. - // - // Note this should only be used against an apiserver with dry-run enabled, - // and on resources that support dry-run. If the apiserver or the resource - // does not support dry-run, then the change will be persisted to storage. - ServerDryRun bool - - // FieldManager is the name associated with the actor or entity that is making - // changes. - FieldManager string - - // FieldValidation is the directive used to indicate how the server should perform - // field validation (Ignore, Warn, or Strict) - FieldValidation string -} - -// NewHelper creates a Helper from a ResourceMapping -func NewHelper(client RESTClient, mapping *meta.RESTMapping) *Helper { - return &Helper{ - Resource: mapping.Resource.Resource, - RESTClient: client, - NamespaceScoped: mapping.Scope.Name() == meta.RESTScopeNameNamespace, - } -} - -// DryRun, if true, will use server-side dry-run to not persist changes to storage. -// Otherwise, changes will be persisted to storage. -func (m *Helper) DryRun(dryRun bool) *Helper { - m.ServerDryRun = dryRun - return m -} - -// WithFieldManager sets the field manager option to indicate the actor or entity -// that is making changes in a create or update operation. -func (m *Helper) WithFieldManager(fieldManager string) *Helper { - m.FieldManager = fieldManager - return m -} - -// WithFieldValidation sets the field validation option to indicate -// how the server should perform field validation (Ignore, Warn, or Strict). -func (m *Helper) WithFieldValidation(validationDirective string) *Helper { - m.FieldValidation = validationDirective - return m -} - -// Subresource sets the helper to access (/[ns//]/) -func (m *Helper) WithSubresource(subresource string) *Helper { - m.Subresource = subresource - return m -} - -func (m *Helper) Get(namespace, name string) (runtime.Object, error) { - req := m.RESTClient.Get(). - NamespaceIfScoped(namespace, m.NamespaceScoped). - Resource(m.Resource). - Name(name). - SubResource(m.Subresource) - return req.Do(context.TODO()).Get() -} - -func (m *Helper) List(namespace, apiVersion string, options *metav1.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error) { - req := m.RESTClient.Get(). - NamespaceIfScoped(namespace, m.NamespaceScoped). - Resource(m.Resource). - VersionedParams(options, metav1.ParameterCodec) - return req.Do(context.TODO()).Get() -} - -// FollowContinue handles the continue parameter returned by the API server when using list -// chunking. To take advantage of this, the initial ListOptions provided by the consumer -// should include a non-zero Limit parameter. -func FollowContinue(initialOpts *metav1.ListOptions, - listFunc func(metav1.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error)) error { - opts := initialOpts - for { - list, err := listFunc(*opts) - if err != nil { - return err - } - nextContinueToken, _ := metadataAccessor.Continue(list) - if len(nextContinueToken) == 0 { - return nil - } - opts.Continue = nextContinueToken - } -} - -// EnhanceListError augments errors typically returned by List operations with additional context, -// making sure to retain the StatusError type when applicable. -func EnhanceListError(err error, opts metav1.ListOptions, subj string) error { - if apierrors.IsResourceExpired(err) { - return err - } - if apierrors.IsBadRequest(err) || apierrors.IsNotFound(err) { - if se, ok := err.(*apierrors.StatusError); ok { - // modify the message without hiding this is an API error - if len(opts.LabelSelector) == 0 && len(opts.FieldSelector) == 0 { - se.ErrStatus.Message = fmt.Sprintf("Unable to list %q: %v", subj, - se.ErrStatus.Message) - } else { - se.ErrStatus.Message = fmt.Sprintf( - "Unable to find %q that match label selector %q, field selector %q: %v", subj, - opts.LabelSelector, - opts.FieldSelector, se.ErrStatus.Message) - } - return se - } - if len(opts.LabelSelector) == 0 && len(opts.FieldSelector) == 0 { - return fmt.Errorf("Unable to list %q: %v", subj, err) - } - return fmt.Errorf("Unable to find %q that match label selector %q, field selector %q: %v", - subj, opts.LabelSelector, opts.FieldSelector, err) - } - return err -} - -func (m *Helper) Watch(namespace, apiVersion string, options *metav1.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) { - options.Watch = true - return m.RESTClient.Get(). - NamespaceIfScoped(namespace, m.NamespaceScoped). - Resource(m.Resource). - VersionedParams(options, metav1.ParameterCodec). - Watch(context.TODO()) -} - -func (m *Helper) WatchSingle(namespace, name, resourceVersion string) (watch.Interface, error) { - return m.RESTClient.Get(). - NamespaceIfScoped(namespace, m.NamespaceScoped). - Resource(m.Resource). - VersionedParams(&metav1.ListOptions{ - ResourceVersion: resourceVersion, - Watch: true, - FieldSelector: fields.OneTermEqualSelector("metadata.name", name).String(), - }, metav1.ParameterCodec). - Watch(context.TODO()) -} - -func (m *Helper) Delete(namespace, name string) (runtime.Object, error) { - return m.DeleteWithOptions(namespace, name, nil) -} - -func (m *Helper) DeleteWithOptions(namespace, name string, options *metav1.DeleteOptions) (runtime.Object, error) { - if options == nil { - options = &metav1.DeleteOptions{} - } - if m.ServerDryRun { - options.DryRun = []string{metav1.DryRunAll} - } - - return m.RESTClient.Delete(). - NamespaceIfScoped(namespace, m.NamespaceScoped). - Resource(m.Resource). - Name(name). - Body(options). - Do(context.TODO()). - Get() -} - -func (m *Helper) Create(namespace string, modify bool, obj runtime.Object) (runtime.Object, error) { - return m.CreateWithOptions(namespace, modify, obj, nil) -} - -func (m *Helper) CreateWithOptions(namespace string, modify bool, obj runtime.Object, options *metav1.CreateOptions) (runtime.Object, error) { - if options == nil { - options = &metav1.CreateOptions{} - } - if m.ServerDryRun { - options.DryRun = []string{metav1.DryRunAll} - } - if m.FieldManager != "" { - options.FieldManager = m.FieldManager - } - if m.FieldValidation != "" { - options.FieldValidation = m.FieldValidation - } - if modify { - // Attempt to version the object based on client logic. - version, err := metadataAccessor.ResourceVersion(obj) - if err != nil { - // We don't know how to clear the version on this object, so send it to the server as is - return m.createResource(m.RESTClient, m.Resource, namespace, obj, options) - } - if version != "" { - if err := metadataAccessor.SetResourceVersion(obj, ""); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - } - - return m.createResource(m.RESTClient, m.Resource, namespace, obj, options) -} - -func (m *Helper) createResource(c RESTClient, resource, namespace string, obj runtime.Object, options *metav1.CreateOptions) (runtime.Object, error) { - return c.Post(). - NamespaceIfScoped(namespace, m.NamespaceScoped). - Resource(resource). - VersionedParams(options, metav1.ParameterCodec). - Body(obj). - Do(context.TODO()). - Get() -} -func (m *Helper) Patch(namespace, name string, pt types.PatchType, data []byte, options *metav1.PatchOptions) (runtime.Object, error) { - if options == nil { - options = &metav1.PatchOptions{} - } - if m.ServerDryRun { - options.DryRun = []string{metav1.DryRunAll} - } - if m.FieldManager != "" { - options.FieldManager = m.FieldManager - } - if m.FieldValidation != "" { - options.FieldValidation = m.FieldValidation - } - return m.RESTClient.Patch(pt). - NamespaceIfScoped(namespace, m.NamespaceScoped). - Resource(m.Resource). - Name(name). - SubResource(m.Subresource). - VersionedParams(options, metav1.ParameterCodec). - Body(data). - Do(context.TODO()). - Get() -} - -func (m *Helper) Replace(namespace, name string, overwrite bool, obj runtime.Object) (runtime.Object, error) { - c := m.RESTClient - var options = &metav1.UpdateOptions{} - if m.ServerDryRun { - options.DryRun = []string{metav1.DryRunAll} - } - if m.FieldManager != "" { - options.FieldManager = m.FieldManager - } - if m.FieldValidation != "" { - options.FieldValidation = m.FieldValidation - } - - // Attempt to version the object based on client logic. - version, err := metadataAccessor.ResourceVersion(obj) - if err != nil { - // We don't know how to version this object, so send it to the server as is - return m.replaceResource(c, m.Resource, namespace, name, obj, options) - } - if version == "" && overwrite { - // Retrieve the current version of the object to overwrite the server object - serverObj, err := c.Get().NamespaceIfScoped(namespace, m.NamespaceScoped).Resource(m.Resource).Name(name).SubResource(m.Subresource).Do(context.TODO()).Get() - if err != nil { - // The object does not exist, but we want it to be created - return m.replaceResource(c, m.Resource, namespace, name, obj, options) - } - serverVersion, err := metadataAccessor.ResourceVersion(serverObj) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if err := metadataAccessor.SetResourceVersion(obj, serverVersion); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - - return m.replaceResource(c, m.Resource, namespace, name, obj, options) -} - -func (m *Helper) replaceResource(c RESTClient, resource, namespace, name string, obj runtime.Object, options *metav1.UpdateOptions) (runtime.Object, error) { - return c.Put(). - NamespaceIfScoped(namespace, m.NamespaceScoped). - Resource(resource). - Name(name). - SubResource(m.Subresource). - VersionedParams(options, metav1.ParameterCodec). - Body(obj). - Do(context.TODO()). - Get() -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/interfaces.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/interfaces.go deleted file mode 100644 index 29d7b34a..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/interfaces.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,103 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package resource - -import ( - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/meta" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/types" - "k8s.io/client-go/discovery" - "k8s.io/client-go/rest" - "k8s.io/client-go/restmapper" -) - -type RESTClientGetter interface { - ToRESTConfig() (*rest.Config, error) - ToDiscoveryClient() (discovery.CachedDiscoveryInterface, error) - ToRESTMapper() (meta.RESTMapper, error) -} - -type ClientConfigFunc func() (*rest.Config, error) -type RESTMapperFunc func() (meta.RESTMapper, error) -type CategoryExpanderFunc func() (restmapper.CategoryExpander, error) - -// RESTClient is a client helper for dealing with RESTful resources -// in a generic way. -type RESTClient interface { - Get() *rest.Request - Post() *rest.Request - Patch(types.PatchType) *rest.Request - Delete() *rest.Request - Put() *rest.Request -} - -// RequestTransform is a function that is given a chance to modify the outgoing request. -type RequestTransform func(*rest.Request) - -// NewClientWithOptions wraps the provided RESTClient and invokes each transform on each -// newly created request. -func NewClientWithOptions(c RESTClient, transforms ...RequestTransform) RESTClient { - if len(transforms) == 0 { - return c - } - return &clientOptions{c: c, transforms: transforms} -} - -type clientOptions struct { - c RESTClient - transforms []RequestTransform -} - -func (c *clientOptions) modify(req *rest.Request) *rest.Request { - for _, transform := range c.transforms { - transform(req) - } - return req -} - -func (c *clientOptions) Get() *rest.Request { - return c.modify(c.c.Get()) -} - -func (c *clientOptions) Post() *rest.Request { - return c.modify(c.c.Post()) -} -func (c *clientOptions) Patch(t types.PatchType) *rest.Request { - return c.modify(c.c.Patch(t)) -} -func (c *clientOptions) Delete() *rest.Request { - return c.modify(c.c.Delete()) -} -func (c *clientOptions) Put() *rest.Request { - return c.modify(c.c.Put()) -} - -// ContentValidator is an interface that knows how to validate an API object serialized to a byte array. -type ContentValidator interface { - ValidateBytes(data []byte) error -} - -// Visitor lets clients walk a list of resources. -type Visitor interface { - Visit(VisitorFunc) error -} - -// VisitorFunc implements the Visitor interface for a matching function. -// If there was a problem walking a list of resources, the incoming error -// will describe the problem and the function can decide how to handle that error. -// A nil returned indicates to accept an error to continue loops even when errors happen. -// This is useful for ignoring certain kinds of errors or aggregating errors in some way. -type VisitorFunc func(*Info, error) error diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/kustomizevisitor.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/kustomizevisitor.go deleted file mode 100644 index 32895ea4..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/kustomizevisitor.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package resource - -import ( - "bytes" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/krusty" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys" -) - -// KustomizeVisitor handles kustomization.yaml files. -type KustomizeVisitor struct { - mapper *mapper - schema ContentValidator - // Directory expected to contain a kustomization file. - dirPath string - // File system containing dirPath. - fSys filesys.FileSystem - // Holds result of kustomize build, retained for tests. - yml []byte -} - -// Visit passes the result of a kustomize build to a StreamVisitor. -func (v *KustomizeVisitor) Visit(fn VisitorFunc) error { - kOpts := krusty.MakeDefaultOptions() - kOpts.Reorder = krusty.ReorderOptionLegacy - k := krusty.MakeKustomizer(kOpts) - m, err := k.Run(v.fSys, v.dirPath) - if err != nil { - return err - } - v.yml, err = m.AsYaml() - if err != nil { - return err - } - sv := NewStreamVisitor( - bytes.NewReader(v.yml), v.mapper, v.dirPath, v.schema) - return sv.Visit(fn) -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/mapper.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/mapper.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5180610e..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/mapper.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,166 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package resource - -import ( - "fmt" - "reflect" - - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/meta" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/schema" -) - -// Mapper is a convenience struct for holding references to the interfaces -// needed to create Info for arbitrary objects. -type mapper struct { - // localFn indicates the call can't make server requests - localFn func() bool - - restMapperFn RESTMapperFunc - clientFn func(version schema.GroupVersion) (RESTClient, error) - decoder runtime.Decoder -} - -// InfoForData creates an Info object for the given data. An error is returned -// if any of the decoding or client lookup steps fail. Name and namespace will be -// set into Info if the mapping's MetadataAccessor can retrieve them. -func (m *mapper) infoForData(data []byte, source string) (*Info, error) { - obj, gvk, err := m.decoder.Decode(data, nil, nil) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to decode %q: %v", source, err) - } - - name, _ := metadataAccessor.Name(obj) - namespace, _ := metadataAccessor.Namespace(obj) - resourceVersion, _ := metadataAccessor.ResourceVersion(obj) - - ret := &Info{ - Source: source, - Namespace: namespace, - Name: name, - ResourceVersion: resourceVersion, - - Object: obj, - } - - if m.localFn == nil || !m.localFn() { - restMapper, err := m.restMapperFn() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - mapping, err := restMapper.RESTMapping(gvk.GroupKind(), gvk.Version) - if err != nil { - if _, ok := err.(*meta.NoKindMatchError); ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("resource mapping not found for name: %q namespace: %q from %q: %v\nensure CRDs are installed first", - name, namespace, source, err) - } - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to recognize %q: %v", source, err) - } - ret.Mapping = mapping - - client, err := m.clientFn(gvk.GroupVersion()) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to connect to a server to handle %q: %v", mapping.Resource, err) - } - ret.Client = client - } - - return ret, nil -} - -// InfoForObject creates an Info object for the given Object. An error is returned -// if the object cannot be introspected. Name and namespace will be set into Info -// if the mapping's MetadataAccessor can retrieve them. -func (m *mapper) infoForObject(obj runtime.Object, typer runtime.ObjectTyper, preferredGVKs []schema.GroupVersionKind) (*Info, error) { - groupVersionKinds, _, err := typer.ObjectKinds(obj) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to get type info from the object %q: %v", reflect.TypeOf(obj), err) - } - - gvk := groupVersionKinds[0] - if len(groupVersionKinds) > 1 && len(preferredGVKs) > 0 { - gvk = preferredObjectKind(groupVersionKinds, preferredGVKs) - } - - name, _ := metadataAccessor.Name(obj) - namespace, _ := metadataAccessor.Namespace(obj) - resourceVersion, _ := metadataAccessor.ResourceVersion(obj) - ret := &Info{ - Namespace: namespace, - Name: name, - ResourceVersion: resourceVersion, - - Object: obj, - } - - if m.localFn == nil || !m.localFn() { - restMapper, err := m.restMapperFn() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - mapping, err := restMapper.RESTMapping(gvk.GroupKind(), gvk.Version) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to recognize %v", err) - } - ret.Mapping = mapping - - client, err := m.clientFn(gvk.GroupVersion()) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to connect to a server to handle %q: %v", mapping.Resource, err) - } - ret.Client = client - } - - return ret, nil -} - -// preferredObjectKind picks the possibility that most closely matches the priority list in this order: -// GroupVersionKind matches (exact match) -// GroupKind matches -// Group matches -func preferredObjectKind(possibilities []schema.GroupVersionKind, preferences []schema.GroupVersionKind) schema.GroupVersionKind { - // Exact match - for _, priority := range preferences { - for _, possibility := range possibilities { - if possibility == priority { - return possibility - } - } - } - - // GroupKind match - for _, priority := range preferences { - for _, possibility := range possibilities { - if possibility.GroupKind() == priority.GroupKind() { - return possibility - } - } - } - - // Group match - for _, priority := range preferences { - for _, possibility := range possibilities { - if possibility.Group == priority.Group { - return possibility - } - } - } - - // Just pick the first - return possibilities[0] -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/metadata_decoder.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/metadata_decoder.go deleted file mode 100644 index d688c3a0..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/metadata_decoder.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package resource - -import ( - metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/schema" - utiljson "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/json" -) - -// metadataValidatingDecoder wraps a decoder and additionally ensures metadata schema fields decode before returning an unstructured object -type metadataValidatingDecoder struct { - decoder runtime.Decoder -} - -func (m *metadataValidatingDecoder) Decode(data []byte, defaults *schema.GroupVersionKind, into runtime.Object) (runtime.Object, *schema.GroupVersionKind, error) { - obj, gvk, err := m.decoder.Decode(data, defaults, into) - - // if we already errored, return - if err != nil { - return obj, gvk, err - } - - // if we're not unstructured, return - if _, isUnstructured := obj.(runtime.Unstructured); !isUnstructured { - return obj, gvk, err - } - - // make sure the data can decode into ObjectMeta before we return, - // so we don't silently truncate schema errors in metadata later with accesser get/set calls - v := &metadataOnlyObject{} - if typedErr := utiljson.Unmarshal(data, v); typedErr != nil { - return obj, gvk, typedErr - } - return obj, gvk, err -} - -type metadataOnlyObject struct { - metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"` - metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"` -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/query_param_verifier.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/query_param_verifier.go deleted file mode 100644 index b9000a08..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/query_param_verifier.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,176 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package resource - -import ( - "errors" - "fmt" - - openapi_v2 "github.com/google/gnostic-models/openapiv2" - yaml "gopkg.in/yaml.v2" - - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/schema" - "k8s.io/client-go/discovery" - "k8s.io/client-go/dynamic" -) - -func NewQueryParamVerifier(dynamicClient dynamic.Interface, openAPIGetter discovery.OpenAPISchemaInterface, queryParam VerifiableQueryParam) *QueryParamVerifier { - return &QueryParamVerifier{ - finder: NewCRDFinder(CRDFromDynamic(dynamicClient)), - openAPIGetter: openAPIGetter, - queryParam: queryParam, - } -} - -// QueryParamVerifier verifies if a given group-version-kind supports a -// given VerifiableQueryParam against the current server. -// -// Currently supported query params are: fieldValidation -// -// Support for each of these query params needs to be verified because -// we determine whether or not to perform server-side or client-side -// schema validation based on whether the fieldValidation query param is -// supported or not. -// -// It reads the OpenAPI to see if the given GVK supports the given query param. -// If the GVK can not be found, we assume that CRDs will have the same level of -// support as "namespaces", and non-CRDs will not be supported. We -// delay the check for CRDs as much as possible though, since it -// requires an extra round-trip to the server. -type QueryParamVerifier struct { - finder CRDFinder - openAPIGetter discovery.OpenAPISchemaInterface - queryParam VerifiableQueryParam -} - -// Verifier is the generic verifier interface used for testing QueryParamVerifier -type Verifier interface { - HasSupport(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind) error -} - -// VerifiableQueryParam is a query parameter who's enablement on the -// apiserver can be determined by evaluating the OpenAPI for a specific -// GVK. -type VerifiableQueryParam string - -const ( - QueryParamFieldValidation VerifiableQueryParam = "fieldValidation" -) - -// HasSupport checks if the given gvk supports the query param configured on v -func (v *QueryParamVerifier) HasSupport(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind) error { - if (gvk == schema.GroupVersionKind{Version: "v1", Kind: "List"}) { - return NewParamUnsupportedError(gvk, v.queryParam) - } - - oapi, err := v.openAPIGetter.OpenAPISchema() - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("failed to download openapi: %v", err) - } - supports, err := supportsQueryParam(oapi, gvk, v.queryParam) - if err != nil { - // We assume that we couldn't find the type, then check for namespace: - supports, _ = supportsQueryParam(oapi, schema.GroupVersionKind{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: "Namespace"}, v.queryParam) - // If namespace supports the query param, then we will support the query param for CRDs only. - if supports { - supports, err = v.finder.HasCRD(gvk.GroupKind()) - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("failed to check CRD: %v", err) - } - } - } - if !supports { - return NewParamUnsupportedError(gvk, v.queryParam) - } - return nil -} - -type paramUnsupportedError struct { - gvk schema.GroupVersionKind - param VerifiableQueryParam -} - -func NewParamUnsupportedError(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, param VerifiableQueryParam) error { - return ¶mUnsupportedError{ - gvk: gvk, - param: param, - } -} - -func (e *paramUnsupportedError) Error() string { - return fmt.Sprintf("%v doesn't support %s", e.gvk, e.param) -} - -func IsParamUnsupportedError(err error) bool { - if err == nil { - return false - } - _, ok := err.(*paramUnsupportedError) - return ok -} - -func hasGVKExtension(extensions []*openapi_v2.NamedAny, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind) bool { - for _, extension := range extensions { - if extension.GetValue().GetYaml() == "" || - extension.GetName() != "x-kubernetes-group-version-kind" { - continue - } - var value map[string]string - err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(extension.GetValue().GetYaml()), &value) - if err != nil { - continue - } - - if value["group"] == gvk.Group && value["kind"] == gvk.Kind && value["version"] == gvk.Version { - return true - } - return false - } - return false -} - -// supportsQueryParam is a method that let's us look in the OpenAPI if the -// specific group-version-kind supports the specific query parameter for -// the PATCH end-point. -func supportsQueryParam(doc *openapi_v2.Document, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, queryParam VerifiableQueryParam) (bool, error) { - globalParams := map[string]*openapi_v2.NamedParameter{} - for _, p := range doc.GetParameters().GetAdditionalProperties() { - globalParams["#/parameters/"+p.GetName()] = p - } - - for _, path := range doc.GetPaths().GetPath() { - // Is this describing the gvk we're looking for? - if !hasGVKExtension(path.GetValue().GetPatch().GetVendorExtension(), gvk) { - continue - } - for _, param := range path.GetValue().GetPatch().GetParameters() { - if param.GetParameter().GetNonBodyParameter().GetQueryParameterSubSchema().GetName() == string(queryParam) { - return true, nil - } - - // lookup global parameters - if ref := param.GetJsonReference().GetXRef(); ref != "" { - if globalParam, ok := globalParams[ref]; ok && globalParam != nil && globalParam.GetValue().GetNonBodyParameter().GetQueryParameterSubSchema().GetName() == string(queryParam) { - return true, nil - } - } - } - return false, nil - } - - return false, errors.New("couldn't find GVK in openapi") -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/query_param_verifier_v3.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/query_param_verifier_v3.go deleted file mode 100644 index 7183ea09..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/query_param_verifier_v3.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,145 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2023 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package resource - -import ( - "fmt" - "strings" - - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/schema" - "k8s.io/client-go/dynamic" - "k8s.io/client-go/openapi" - "k8s.io/client-go/openapi3" - "k8s.io/kube-openapi/pkg/spec3" - "k8s.io/kube-openapi/pkg/validation/spec" -) - -var _ Verifier = &queryParamVerifierV3{} - -// NewQueryParamVerifierV3 returns a pointer to the created queryParamVerifier3 struct, -// which implements the Verifier interface. The caching characteristics of the -// OpenAPI V3 specs are determined by the passed oapiClient. For memory caching, the -// client should be wrapped beforehand as: cached.NewClient(oapiClient). The disk -// caching is determined by the discovery client the oapiClient is created from. -func NewQueryParamVerifierV3(dynamicClient dynamic.Interface, oapiClient openapi.Client, queryParam VerifiableQueryParam) Verifier { - return &queryParamVerifierV3{ - finder: NewCRDFinder(CRDFromDynamic(dynamicClient)), - root: openapi3.NewRoot(oapiClient), - queryParam: queryParam, - } -} - -// queryParamVerifierV3 encapsulates info necessary to determine if -// the queryParam is a parameter for the Patch endpoint for a -// passed GVK. -type queryParamVerifierV3 struct { - finder CRDFinder - root openapi3.Root - queryParam VerifiableQueryParam -} - -var namespaceGVK = schema.GroupVersionKind{Group: "", Version: "v1", Kind: "Namespace"} - -// HasSupport returns nil error if the passed GVK supports the parameter -// (stored in struct; usually "fieldValidation") for Patch endpoint. -// Returns an error if the passed GVK does not support the query param, -// or if another error occurred. If the Open API V3 spec for a CRD is not -// found, then the spec for Namespace is checked for query param support instead. -func (v *queryParamVerifierV3) HasSupport(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind) error { - if (gvk == schema.GroupVersionKind{Version: "v1", Kind: "List"}) { - return NewParamUnsupportedError(gvk, v.queryParam) - } - gvSpec, err := v.root.GVSpec(gvk.GroupVersion()) - if err == nil { - return supportsQueryParamV3(gvSpec, gvk, v.queryParam) - } - if _, isErr := err.(*openapi3.GroupVersionNotFoundError); !isErr { - return err - } - // If the spec for the passed GVK is not found, then check if it is a CRD. - // For CRD's substitute Namespace OpenAPI V3 spec to check if query param is supported. - if found, _ := v.finder.HasCRD(gvk.GroupKind()); found { - namespaceSpec, err := v.root.GVSpec(namespaceGVK.GroupVersion()) - if err != nil { - // If error retrieving Namespace spec, propagate error. - return err - } - return supportsQueryParamV3(namespaceSpec, namespaceGVK, v.queryParam) - } - return NewParamUnsupportedError(gvk, v.queryParam) -} - -// hasGVKExtensionV3 returns true if the passed OpenAPI extensions map contains -// the passed GVK; false otherwise. -func hasGVKExtensionV3(extensions spec.Extensions, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind) bool { - var oapiGVK map[string]string - err := extensions.GetObject("x-kubernetes-group-version-kind", &oapiGVK) - if err != nil { - return false - } - if oapiGVK["group"] == gvk.Group && - oapiGVK["version"] == gvk.Version && - oapiGVK["kind"] == gvk.Kind { - return true - } - return false -} - -// supportsQueryParam is a method that let's us look in the OpenAPI if the -// specific group-version-kind supports the specific query parameter for -// the PATCH end-point. Returns nil if the passed GVK supports the passed -// query parameter; otherwise, a "paramUnsupportedError" is returned (except -// when an invalid document error is returned when an invalid OpenAPI V3 -// is passed in). -func supportsQueryParamV3(doc *spec3.OpenAPI, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, queryParam VerifiableQueryParam) error { - if doc == nil || doc.Paths == nil { - return fmt.Errorf("Invalid OpenAPI V3 document") - } - for _, path := range doc.Paths.Paths { - // If operation is not PATCH, then continue. - if path == nil { - continue - } - op := path.PathProps.Patch - if op == nil { - continue - } - // Is this PATCH operation for the passed GVK? - if !hasGVKExtensionV3(op.VendorExtensible.Extensions, gvk) { - continue - } - // Now look for the query parameter among the parameters - // for the PATCH operation. - for _, param := range op.OperationProps.Parameters { - if param.ParameterProps.Name == string(queryParam) && param.In == "query" { - return nil - } - - // lookup global parameters - if ref := param.Refable.Ref.Ref.String(); strings.HasPrefix(ref, "#/parameters/") && doc.Components != nil { - k := strings.TrimPrefix(ref, "#/parameters/") - if globalParam, ok := doc.Components.Parameters[k]; ok && globalParam != nil { - if globalParam.In == "query" && globalParam.Name == string(queryParam) { - return nil - } - } - } - } - return NewParamUnsupportedError(gvk, queryParam) - } - return fmt.Errorf("Path not found for GVK (%s) in OpenAPI V3 doc", gvk) -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/result.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/result.go deleted file mode 100644 index b8722afe..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/result.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,242 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package resource - -import ( - "fmt" - "reflect" - - "k8s.io/api/core/v1" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/meta" - metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/schema" - utilerrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/errors" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/sets" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/watch" -) - -// ErrMatchFunc can be used to filter errors that may not be true failures. -type ErrMatchFunc func(error) bool - -// Result contains helper methods for dealing with the outcome of a Builder. -type Result struct { - err error - visitor Visitor - - sources []Visitor - singleItemImplied bool - targetsSingleItems bool - - mapper *mapper - ignoreErrors []utilerrors.Matcher - - // populated by a call to Infos - info []*Info -} - -// withError allows a fluent style for internal result code. -func (r *Result) withError(err error) *Result { - r.err = err - return r -} - -// TargetsSingleItems returns true if any of the builder arguments pointed -// to non-list calls (if the user explicitly asked for any object by name). -// This includes directories, streams, URLs, and resource name tuples. -func (r *Result) TargetsSingleItems() bool { - return r.targetsSingleItems -} - -// IgnoreErrors will filter errors that occur when by visiting the result -// (but not errors that occur by creating the result in the first place), -// eliminating any that match fns. This is best used in combination with -// Builder.ContinueOnError(), where the visitors accumulate errors and return -// them after visiting as a slice of errors. If no errors remain after -// filtering, the various visitor methods on Result will return nil for -// err. -func (r *Result) IgnoreErrors(fns ...ErrMatchFunc) *Result { - for _, fn := range fns { - r.ignoreErrors = append(r.ignoreErrors, utilerrors.Matcher(fn)) - } - return r -} - -// Mapper returns a copy of the builder's mapper. -func (r *Result) Mapper() *mapper { - return r.mapper -} - -// Err returns one or more errors (via a util.ErrorList) that occurred prior -// to visiting the elements in the visitor. To see all errors including those -// that occur during visitation, invoke Infos(). -func (r *Result) Err() error { - return r.err -} - -// Visit implements the Visitor interface on the items described in the Builder. -// Note that some visitor sources are not traversable more than once, or may -// return different results. If you wish to operate on the same set of resources -// multiple times, use the Infos() method. -func (r *Result) Visit(fn VisitorFunc) error { - if r.err != nil { - return r.err - } - err := r.visitor.Visit(fn) - return utilerrors.FilterOut(err, r.ignoreErrors...) -} - -// IntoSingleItemImplied sets the provided boolean pointer to true if the Builder input -// implies a single item, or multiple. -func (r *Result) IntoSingleItemImplied(b *bool) *Result { - *b = r.singleItemImplied - return r -} - -// Infos returns an array of all of the resource infos retrieved via traversal. -// Will attempt to traverse the entire set of visitors only once, and will return -// a cached list on subsequent calls. -func (r *Result) Infos() ([]*Info, error) { - if r.err != nil { - return nil, r.err - } - if r.info != nil { - return r.info, nil - } - - infos := []*Info{} - err := r.visitor.Visit(func(info *Info, err error) error { - if err != nil { - return err - } - infos = append(infos, info) - return nil - }) - err = utilerrors.FilterOut(err, r.ignoreErrors...) - - r.info, r.err = infos, err - return infos, err -} - -// Object returns a single object representing the output of a single visit to all -// found resources. If the Builder was a singular context (expected to return a -// single resource by user input) and only a single resource was found, the resource -// will be returned as is. Otherwise, the returned resources will be part of an -// v1.List. The ResourceVersion of the v1.List will be set only if it is identical -// across all infos returned. -func (r *Result) Object() (runtime.Object, error) { - infos, err := r.Infos() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - versions := sets.String{} - objects := []runtime.Object{} - for _, info := range infos { - if info.Object != nil { - objects = append(objects, info.Object) - versions.Insert(info.ResourceVersion) - } - } - - if len(objects) == 1 { - if r.singleItemImplied { - return objects[0], nil - } - // if the item is a list already, don't create another list - if meta.IsListType(objects[0]) { - return objects[0], nil - } - } - - version := "" - if len(versions) == 1 { - version = versions.List()[0] - } - - return toV1List(objects, version), err -} - -// Compile time check to enforce that list implements the necessary interface -var _ metav1.ListInterface = &v1.List{} -var _ metav1.ListMetaAccessor = &v1.List{} - -// toV1List takes a slice of Objects + their version, and returns -// a v1.List Object containing the objects in the Items field -func toV1List(objects []runtime.Object, version string) runtime.Object { - raw := []runtime.RawExtension{} - for _, o := range objects { - raw = append(raw, runtime.RawExtension{Object: o}) - } - return &v1.List{ - ListMeta: metav1.ListMeta{ - ResourceVersion: version, - }, - Items: raw, - } -} - -// ResourceMapping returns a single meta.RESTMapping representing the -// resources located by the builder, or an error if more than one -// mapping was found. -func (r *Result) ResourceMapping() (*meta.RESTMapping, error) { - if r.err != nil { - return nil, r.err - } - mappings := map[schema.GroupVersionResource]*meta.RESTMapping{} - for i := range r.sources { - m, ok := r.sources[i].(ResourceMapping) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("a resource mapping could not be loaded from %v", reflect.TypeOf(r.sources[i])) - } - mapping := m.ResourceMapping() - mappings[mapping.Resource] = mapping - } - if len(mappings) != 1 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected only a single resource type") - } - for _, mapping := range mappings { - return mapping, nil - } - return nil, nil -} - -// Watch retrieves changes that occur on the server to the specified resource. -// It currently supports watching a single source - if the resource source -// (selectors or pure types) can be watched, they will be, otherwise the list -// will be visited (equivalent to the Infos() call) and if there is a single -// resource present, it will be watched, otherwise an error will be returned. -func (r *Result) Watch(resourceVersion string) (watch.Interface, error) { - if r.err != nil { - return nil, r.err - } - if len(r.sources) != 1 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("you may only watch a single resource or type of resource at a time") - } - w, ok := r.sources[0].(Watchable) - if !ok { - info, err := r.Infos() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if len(info) != 1 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("watch is only supported on individual resources and resource collections - %d resources were found", len(info)) - } - return info[0].Watch(resourceVersion) - } - return w.Watch(resourceVersion) -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/scheme.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/scheme.go deleted file mode 100644 index 858a4620..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/scheme.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package resource - -import ( - "encoding/json" - "io" - "strings" - - metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1/unstructured" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/schema" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/serializer" - "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/scheme" - "k8s.io/client-go/rest" -) - -// dynamicCodec is a codec that wraps the standard unstructured codec -// with special handling for Status objects. -// Deprecated only used by test code and its wrong -type dynamicCodec struct{} - -func (dynamicCodec) Decode(data []byte, gvk *schema.GroupVersionKind, obj runtime.Object) (runtime.Object, *schema.GroupVersionKind, error) { - obj, gvk, err := unstructured.UnstructuredJSONScheme.Decode(data, gvk, obj) - if err != nil { - return nil, nil, err - } - - if strings.EqualFold(gvk.Kind, "status") && gvk.Version == "v1" && (gvk.Group == "" || gvk.Group == "meta.k8s.io") { - if _, ok := obj.(*metav1.Status); !ok { - obj = &metav1.Status{} - err := json.Unmarshal(data, obj) - if err != nil { - return nil, nil, err - } - } - } - - return obj, gvk, nil -} - -func (dynamicCodec) Encode(obj runtime.Object, w io.Writer) error { - // There is no need to handle runtime.CacheableObject, as we only - // fallback to other encoders here. - return unstructured.UnstructuredJSONScheme.Encode(obj, w) -} - -// Identifier implements runtime.Encoder interface. -func (dynamicCodec) Identifier() runtime.Identifier { - return unstructured.UnstructuredJSONScheme.Identifier() -} - -// UnstructuredPlusDefaultContentConfig returns a rest.ContentConfig for dynamic types. It includes enough codecs to act as a "normal" -// serializer for the rest.client with options, status and the like. -func UnstructuredPlusDefaultContentConfig() rest.ContentConfig { - // TODO: scheme.Codecs here should become "pkg/apis/server/scheme" which is the minimal core you need - // to talk to a kubernetes server - jsonInfo, _ := runtime.SerializerInfoForMediaType(scheme.Codecs.SupportedMediaTypes(), runtime.ContentTypeJSON) - - jsonInfo.Serializer = dynamicCodec{} - jsonInfo.PrettySerializer = nil - return rest.ContentConfig{ - AcceptContentTypes: runtime.ContentTypeJSON, - ContentType: runtime.ContentTypeJSON, - NegotiatedSerializer: serializer.NegotiatedSerializerWrapper(jsonInfo), - } -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/selector.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/selector.go deleted file mode 100644 index 2a283d4e..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/selector.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,92 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package resource - -import ( - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/meta" - metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/watch" -) - -// Selector is a Visitor for resources that match a label selector. -type Selector struct { - Client RESTClient - Mapping *meta.RESTMapping - Namespace string - LabelSelector string - FieldSelector string - LimitChunks int64 -} - -// NewSelector creates a resource selector which hides details of getting items by their label selector. -func NewSelector(client RESTClient, mapping *meta.RESTMapping, namespace, labelSelector, fieldSelector string, limitChunks int64) *Selector { - return &Selector{ - Client: client, - Mapping: mapping, - Namespace: namespace, - LabelSelector: labelSelector, - FieldSelector: fieldSelector, - LimitChunks: limitChunks, - } -} - -// Visit implements Visitor and uses request chunking by default. -func (r *Selector) Visit(fn VisitorFunc) error { - helper := NewHelper(r.Client, r.Mapping) - initialOpts := metav1.ListOptions{ - LabelSelector: r.LabelSelector, - FieldSelector: r.FieldSelector, - Limit: r.LimitChunks, - } - return FollowContinue(&initialOpts, func(options metav1.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error) { - list, err := helper.List( - r.Namespace, - r.ResourceMapping().GroupVersionKind.GroupVersion().String(), - &options, - ) - if err != nil { - return nil, EnhanceListError(err, options, r.Mapping.Resource.String()) - } - resourceVersion, _ := metadataAccessor.ResourceVersion(list) - - info := &Info{ - Client: r.Client, - Mapping: r.Mapping, - - Namespace: r.Namespace, - ResourceVersion: resourceVersion, - - Object: list, - } - - if err := fn(info, nil); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return list, nil - }) -} - -func (r *Selector) Watch(resourceVersion string) (watch.Interface, error) { - return NewHelper(r.Client, r.Mapping).Watch(r.Namespace, r.ResourceMapping().GroupVersionKind.GroupVersion().String(), - &metav1.ListOptions{ResourceVersion: resourceVersion, LabelSelector: r.LabelSelector, FieldSelector: r.FieldSelector}) -} - -// ResourceMapping returns the mapping for this resource and implements ResourceMapping -func (r *Selector) ResourceMapping() *meta.RESTMapping { - return r.Mapping -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/visitor.go b/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/visitor.go deleted file mode 100644 index 76cfbbda..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/visitor.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,770 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package resource - -import ( - "bytes" - "context" - "fmt" - "io" - "net/http" - "net/url" - "os" - "path/filepath" - "strings" - "time" - - "golang.org/x/sync/errgroup" - "golang.org/x/text/encoding/unicode" - "golang.org/x/text/transform" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/meta" - metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/labels" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/schema" - utilerrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/errors" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/yaml" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/watch" -) - -const ( - constSTDINstr = "STDIN" - stopValidateMessage = "if you choose to ignore these errors, turn validation off with --validate=false" -) - -// Watchable describes a resource that can be watched for changes that occur on the server, -// beginning after the provided resource version. -type Watchable interface { - Watch(resourceVersion string) (watch.Interface, error) -} - -// ResourceMapping allows an object to return the resource mapping associated with -// the resource or resources it represents. -type ResourceMapping interface { - ResourceMapping() *meta.RESTMapping -} - -// Info contains temporary info to execute a REST call, or show the results -// of an already completed REST call. -type Info struct { - // Client will only be present if this builder was not local - Client RESTClient - // Mapping will only be present if this builder was not local - Mapping *meta.RESTMapping - - // Namespace will be set if the object is namespaced and has a specified value. - Namespace string - Name string - - // Optional, Source is the filename or URL to template file (.json or .yaml), - // or stdin to use to handle the resource - Source string - // Optional, this is the most recent value returned by the server if available. It will - // typically be in unstructured or internal forms, depending on how the Builder was - // defined. If retrieved from the server, the Builder expects the mapping client to - // decide the final form. Use the AsVersioned, AsUnstructured, and AsInternal helpers - // to alter the object versions. - // If Subresource is specified, this will be the object for the subresource. - Object runtime.Object - // Optional, this is the most recent resource version the server knows about for - // this type of resource. It may not match the resource version of the object, - // but if set it should be equal to or newer than the resource version of the - // object (however the server defines resource version). - ResourceVersion string - // Optional, if specified, the object is the most recent value of the subresource - // returned by the server if available. - Subresource string -} - -// Visit implements Visitor -func (i *Info) Visit(fn VisitorFunc) error { - return fn(i, nil) -} - -// Get retrieves the object from the Namespace and Name fields -func (i *Info) Get() (err error) { - obj, err := NewHelper(i.Client, i.Mapping).WithSubresource(i.Subresource).Get(i.Namespace, i.Name) - if err != nil { - if errors.IsNotFound(err) && len(i.Namespace) > 0 && i.Namespace != metav1.NamespaceDefault && i.Namespace != metav1.NamespaceAll { - err2 := i.Client.Get().AbsPath("api", "v1", "namespaces", i.Namespace).Do(context.TODO()).Error() - if err2 != nil && errors.IsNotFound(err2) { - return err2 - } - } - return err - } - i.Object = obj - i.ResourceVersion, _ = metadataAccessor.ResourceVersion(obj) - return nil -} - -// Refresh updates the object with another object. If ignoreError is set -// the Object will be updated even if name, namespace, or resourceVersion -// attributes cannot be loaded from the object. -func (i *Info) Refresh(obj runtime.Object, ignoreError bool) error { - name, err := metadataAccessor.Name(obj) - if err != nil { - if !ignoreError { - return err - } - } else { - i.Name = name - } - namespace, err := metadataAccessor.Namespace(obj) - if err != nil { - if !ignoreError { - return err - } - } else { - i.Namespace = namespace - } - version, err := metadataAccessor.ResourceVersion(obj) - if err != nil { - if !ignoreError { - return err - } - } else { - i.ResourceVersion = version - } - i.Object = obj - return nil -} - -// ObjectName returns an approximate form of the resource's kind/name. -func (i *Info) ObjectName() string { - if i.Mapping != nil { - return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", i.Mapping.Resource.Resource, i.Name) - } - gvk := i.Object.GetObjectKind().GroupVersionKind() - if len(gvk.Group) == 0 { - return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", strings.ToLower(gvk.Kind), i.Name) - } - return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s/%s\n", strings.ToLower(gvk.Kind), gvk.Group, i.Name) -} - -// String returns the general purpose string representation -func (i *Info) String() string { - basicInfo := fmt.Sprintf("Name: %q, Namespace: %q", i.Name, i.Namespace) - if i.Mapping != nil { - mappingInfo := fmt.Sprintf("Resource: %q, GroupVersionKind: %q", i.Mapping.Resource.String(), - i.Mapping.GroupVersionKind.String()) - return fmt.Sprint(mappingInfo, "\n", basicInfo) - } - return basicInfo -} - -// Namespaced returns true if the object belongs to a namespace -func (i *Info) Namespaced() bool { - if i.Mapping != nil { - // if we have RESTMapper info, use it - return i.Mapping.Scope.Name() == meta.RESTScopeNameNamespace - } - // otherwise, use the presence of a namespace in the info as an indicator - return len(i.Namespace) > 0 -} - -// Watch returns server changes to this object after it was retrieved. -func (i *Info) Watch(resourceVersion string) (watch.Interface, error) { - return NewHelper(i.Client, i.Mapping).WatchSingle(i.Namespace, i.Name, resourceVersion) -} - -// ResourceMapping returns the mapping for this resource and implements ResourceMapping -func (i *Info) ResourceMapping() *meta.RESTMapping { - return i.Mapping -} - -// VisitorList implements Visit for the sub visitors it contains. The first error -// returned from a child Visitor will terminate iteration. -type VisitorList []Visitor - -// Visit implements Visitor -func (l VisitorList) Visit(fn VisitorFunc) error { - for i := range l { - if err := l[i].Visit(fn); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -type ConcurrentVisitorList struct { - visitors []Visitor - concurrency int -} - -func (l ConcurrentVisitorList) Visit(fn VisitorFunc) error { - g := errgroup.Group{} - - // Concurrency 1 just runs the visitors sequentially, this is the default - // as it preserves the previous behavior, but allows components to opt into - // concurrency. - concurrency := 1 - if l.concurrency > concurrency { - concurrency = l.concurrency - } - g.SetLimit(concurrency) - - for i := range l.visitors { - i := i - g.Go(func() error { - return l.visitors[i].Visit(fn) - }) - } - - return g.Wait() -} - -// EagerVisitorList implements Visit for the sub visitors it contains. All errors -// will be captured and returned at the end of iteration. -type EagerVisitorList []Visitor - -// Visit implements Visitor, and gathers errors that occur during processing until -// all sub visitors have been visited. -func (l EagerVisitorList) Visit(fn VisitorFunc) error { - var errs []error - for i := range l { - err := l[i].Visit(func(info *Info, err error) error { - if err != nil { - errs = append(errs, err) - return nil - } - if err := fn(info, nil); err != nil { - errs = append(errs, err) - } - return nil - }) - if err != nil { - errs = append(errs, err) - } - } - return utilerrors.NewAggregate(errs) -} - -func ValidateSchema(data []byte, schema ContentValidator) error { - if schema == nil { - return nil - } - if err := schema.ValidateBytes(data); err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("error validating data: %v; %s", err, stopValidateMessage) - } - return nil -} - -// URLVisitor downloads the contents of a URL, and if successful, returns -// an info object representing the downloaded object. -type URLVisitor struct { - URL *url.URL - *StreamVisitor - HttpAttemptCount int -} - -func (v *URLVisitor) Visit(fn VisitorFunc) error { - body, err := readHttpWithRetries(httpgetImpl, time.Second, v.URL.String(), v.HttpAttemptCount) - if err != nil { - return err - } - defer body.Close() - v.StreamVisitor.Reader = body - return v.StreamVisitor.Visit(fn) -} - -// readHttpWithRetries tries to http.Get the v.URL retries times before giving up. -func readHttpWithRetries(get httpget, duration time.Duration, u string, attempts int) (io.ReadCloser, error) { - var err error - if attempts <= 0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("http attempts must be greater than 0, was %d", attempts) - } - for i := 0; i < attempts; i++ { - var ( - statusCode int - status string - body io.ReadCloser - ) - if i > 0 { - time.Sleep(duration) - } - - // Try to get the URL - statusCode, status, body, err = get(u) - - // Retry Errors - if err != nil { - continue - } - - if statusCode == http.StatusOK { - return body, nil - } - body.Close() - // Error - Set the error condition from the StatusCode - err = fmt.Errorf("unable to read URL %q, server reported %s, status code=%d", u, status, statusCode) - - if statusCode >= 500 && statusCode < 600 { - // Retry 500's - continue - } else { - // Don't retry other StatusCodes - break - } - } - return nil, err -} - -// httpget Defines function to retrieve a url and return the results. Exists for unit test stubbing. -type httpget func(url string) (int, string, io.ReadCloser, error) - -// httpgetImpl Implements a function to retrieve a url and return the results. -func httpgetImpl(url string) (int, string, io.ReadCloser, error) { - resp, err := http.Get(url) - if err != nil { - return 0, "", nil, err - } - return resp.StatusCode, resp.Status, resp.Body, nil -} - -// DecoratedVisitor will invoke the decorators in order prior to invoking the visitor function -// passed to Visit. An error will terminate the visit. -type DecoratedVisitor struct { - visitor Visitor - decorators []VisitorFunc -} - -// NewDecoratedVisitor will create a visitor that invokes the provided visitor functions before -// the user supplied visitor function is invoked, giving them the opportunity to mutate the Info -// object or terminate early with an error. -func NewDecoratedVisitor(v Visitor, fn ...VisitorFunc) Visitor { - if len(fn) == 0 { - return v - } - return DecoratedVisitor{v, fn} -} - -// Visit implements Visitor -func (v DecoratedVisitor) Visit(fn VisitorFunc) error { - return v.visitor.Visit(func(info *Info, err error) error { - if err != nil { - return err - } - for i := range v.decorators { - if err := v.decorators[i](info, nil); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return fn(info, nil) - }) -} - -// ContinueOnErrorVisitor visits each item and, if an error occurs on -// any individual item, returns an aggregate error after all items -// are visited. -type ContinueOnErrorVisitor struct { - Visitor -} - -// Visit returns nil if no error occurs during traversal, a regular -// error if one occurs, or if multiple errors occur, an aggregate -// error. If the provided visitor fails on any individual item it -// will not prevent the remaining items from being visited. An error -// returned by the visitor directly may still result in some items -// not being visited. -func (v ContinueOnErrorVisitor) Visit(fn VisitorFunc) error { - var errs []error - err := v.Visitor.Visit(func(info *Info, err error) error { - if err != nil { - errs = append(errs, err) - return nil - } - if err := fn(info, nil); err != nil { - errs = append(errs, err) - } - return nil - }) - if err != nil { - errs = append(errs, err) - } - if len(errs) == 1 { - return errs[0] - } - return utilerrors.NewAggregate(errs) -} - -// FlattenListVisitor flattens any objects that runtime.ExtractList recognizes as a list -// - has an "Items" public field that is a slice of runtime.Objects or objects satisfying -// that interface - into multiple Infos. Returns nil in the case of no errors. -// When an error is hit on sub items (for instance, if a List contains an object that does -// not have a registered client or resource), returns an aggregate error. -type FlattenListVisitor struct { - visitor Visitor - typer runtime.ObjectTyper - mapper *mapper -} - -// NewFlattenListVisitor creates a visitor that will expand list style runtime.Objects -// into individual items and then visit them individually. -func NewFlattenListVisitor(v Visitor, typer runtime.ObjectTyper, mapper *mapper) Visitor { - return FlattenListVisitor{v, typer, mapper} -} - -func (v FlattenListVisitor) Visit(fn VisitorFunc) error { - return v.visitor.Visit(func(info *Info, err error) error { - if err != nil { - return err - } - if info.Object == nil { - return fn(info, nil) - } - if !meta.IsListType(info.Object) { - return fn(info, nil) - } - - items := []runtime.Object{} - itemsToProcess := []runtime.Object{info.Object} - - for i := 0; i < len(itemsToProcess); i++ { - currObj := itemsToProcess[i] - if !meta.IsListType(currObj) { - items = append(items, currObj) - continue - } - - currItems, err := meta.ExtractList(currObj) - if err != nil { - return err - } - if errs := runtime.DecodeList(currItems, v.mapper.decoder); len(errs) > 0 { - return utilerrors.NewAggregate(errs) - } - itemsToProcess = append(itemsToProcess, currItems...) - } - - // If we have a GroupVersionKind on the list, prioritize that when asking for info on the objects contained in the list - var preferredGVKs []schema.GroupVersionKind - if info.Mapping != nil && !info.Mapping.GroupVersionKind.Empty() { - preferredGVKs = append(preferredGVKs, info.Mapping.GroupVersionKind) - } - var errs []error - for i := range items { - item, err := v.mapper.infoForObject(items[i], v.typer, preferredGVKs) - if err != nil { - errs = append(errs, err) - continue - } - if len(info.ResourceVersion) != 0 { - item.ResourceVersion = info.ResourceVersion - } - // propagate list source to items source - if len(info.Source) != 0 { - item.Source = info.Source - } - if err := fn(item, nil); err != nil { - errs = append(errs, err) - } - } - return utilerrors.NewAggregate(errs) - }) -} - -func ignoreFile(path string, extensions []string) bool { - if len(extensions) == 0 { - return false - } - ext := filepath.Ext(path) - for _, s := range extensions { - if s == ext { - return false - } - } - return true -} - -// FileVisitorForSTDIN return a special FileVisitor just for STDIN -func FileVisitorForSTDIN(mapper *mapper, schema ContentValidator) Visitor { - return &FileVisitor{ - Path: constSTDINstr, - StreamVisitor: NewStreamVisitor(nil, mapper, constSTDINstr, schema), - } -} - -// ExpandPathsToFileVisitors will return a slice of FileVisitors that will handle files from the provided path. -// After FileVisitors open the files, they will pass an io.Reader to a StreamVisitor to do the reading. (stdin -// is also taken care of). Paths argument also accepts a single file, and will return a single visitor -func ExpandPathsToFileVisitors(mapper *mapper, paths string, recursive bool, extensions []string, schema ContentValidator) ([]Visitor, error) { - var visitors []Visitor - err := filepath.Walk(paths, func(path string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error { - if err != nil { - return err - } - - if fi.IsDir() { - if path != paths && !recursive { - return filepath.SkipDir - } - return nil - } - // Don't check extension if the filepath was passed explicitly - if path != paths && ignoreFile(path, extensions) { - return nil - } - - visitor := &FileVisitor{ - Path: path, - StreamVisitor: NewStreamVisitor(nil, mapper, path, schema), - } - - visitors = append(visitors, visitor) - return nil - }) - - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return visitors, nil -} - -// FileVisitor is wrapping around a StreamVisitor, to handle open/close files -type FileVisitor struct { - Path string - *StreamVisitor -} - -// Visit in a FileVisitor is just taking care of opening/closing files -func (v *FileVisitor) Visit(fn VisitorFunc) error { - var f *os.File - if v.Path == constSTDINstr { - f = os.Stdin - } else { - var err error - f, err = os.Open(v.Path) - if err != nil { - return err - } - defer f.Close() - } - - // TODO: Consider adding a flag to force to UTF16, apparently some - // Windows tools don't write the BOM - utf16bom := unicode.BOMOverride(unicode.UTF8.NewDecoder()) - v.StreamVisitor.Reader = transform.NewReader(f, utf16bom) - - return v.StreamVisitor.Visit(fn) -} - -// StreamVisitor reads objects from an io.Reader and walks them. A stream visitor can only be -// visited once. -// TODO: depends on objects being in JSON format before being passed to decode - need to implement -// a stream decoder method on runtime.Codec to properly handle this. -type StreamVisitor struct { - io.Reader - *mapper - - Source string - Schema ContentValidator -} - -// NewStreamVisitor is a helper function that is useful when we want to change the fields of the struct but keep calls the same. -func NewStreamVisitor(r io.Reader, mapper *mapper, source string, schema ContentValidator) *StreamVisitor { - return &StreamVisitor{ - Reader: r, - mapper: mapper, - Source: source, - Schema: schema, - } -} - -// Visit implements Visitor over a stream. StreamVisitor is able to distinct multiple resources in one stream. -func (v *StreamVisitor) Visit(fn VisitorFunc) error { - d := yaml.NewYAMLOrJSONDecoder(v.Reader, 4096) - for { - ext := runtime.RawExtension{} - if err := d.Decode(&ext); err != nil { - if err == io.EOF { - return nil - } - return fmt.Errorf("error parsing %s: %v", v.Source, err) - } - // TODO: This needs to be able to handle object in other encodings and schemas. - ext.Raw = bytes.TrimSpace(ext.Raw) - if len(ext.Raw) == 0 || bytes.Equal(ext.Raw, []byte("null")) { - continue - } - if err := ValidateSchema(ext.Raw, v.Schema); err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("error validating %q: %v", v.Source, err) - } - info, err := v.infoForData(ext.Raw, v.Source) - if err != nil { - if fnErr := fn(info, err); fnErr != nil { - return fnErr - } - continue - } - if err := fn(info, nil); err != nil { - return err - } - } -} - -func UpdateObjectNamespace(info *Info, err error) error { - if err != nil { - return err - } - if info.Object != nil { - return metadataAccessor.SetNamespace(info.Object, info.Namespace) - } - return nil -} - -// FilterNamespace omits the namespace if the object is not namespace scoped -func FilterNamespace(info *Info, err error) error { - if err != nil { - return err - } - if !info.Namespaced() { - info.Namespace = "" - UpdateObjectNamespace(info, nil) - } - return nil -} - -// SetNamespace ensures that every Info object visited will have a namespace -// set. If info.Object is set, it will be mutated as well. -func SetNamespace(namespace string) VisitorFunc { - return func(info *Info, err error) error { - if err != nil { - return err - } - if !info.Namespaced() { - return nil - } - if len(info.Namespace) == 0 { - info.Namespace = namespace - UpdateObjectNamespace(info, nil) - } - return nil - } -} - -// RequireNamespace will either set a namespace if none is provided on the -// Info object, or if the namespace is set and does not match the provided -// value, returns an error. This is intended to guard against administrators -// accidentally operating on resources outside their namespace. -func RequireNamespace(namespace string) VisitorFunc { - return func(info *Info, err error) error { - if err != nil { - return err - } - if !info.Namespaced() { - return nil - } - if len(info.Namespace) == 0 { - info.Namespace = namespace - UpdateObjectNamespace(info, nil) - return nil - } - if info.Namespace != namespace { - return fmt.Errorf("the namespace from the provided object %q does not match the namespace %q. You must pass '--namespace=%s' to perform this operation.", info.Namespace, namespace, info.Namespace) - } - return nil - } -} - -// RetrieveLatest updates the Object on each Info by invoking a standard client -// Get. -func RetrieveLatest(info *Info, err error) error { - if err != nil { - return err - } - if meta.IsListType(info.Object) { - return fmt.Errorf("watch is only supported on individual resources and resource collections, but a list of resources is found") - } - if len(info.Name) == 0 { - return nil - } - if info.Namespaced() && len(info.Namespace) == 0 { - return fmt.Errorf("no namespace set on resource %s %q", info.Mapping.Resource, info.Name) - } - return info.Get() -} - -// RetrieveLazy updates the object if it has not been loaded yet. -func RetrieveLazy(info *Info, err error) error { - if err != nil { - return err - } - if info.Object == nil { - return info.Get() - } - return nil -} - -type FilterFunc func(info *Info, err error) (bool, error) - -type FilteredVisitor struct { - visitor Visitor - filters []FilterFunc -} - -func NewFilteredVisitor(v Visitor, fn ...FilterFunc) Visitor { - if len(fn) == 0 { - return v - } - return FilteredVisitor{v, fn} -} - -func (v FilteredVisitor) Visit(fn VisitorFunc) error { - return v.visitor.Visit(func(info *Info, err error) error { - if err != nil { - return err - } - for _, filter := range v.filters { - ok, err := filter(info, nil) - if err != nil { - return err - } - if !ok { - return nil - } - } - return fn(info, nil) - }) -} - -func FilterByLabelSelector(s labels.Selector) FilterFunc { - return func(info *Info, err error) (bool, error) { - if err != nil { - return false, err - } - a, err := meta.Accessor(info.Object) - if err != nil { - return false, err - } - if !s.Matches(labels.Set(a.GetLabels())) { - return false, nil - } - return true, nil - } -} - -type InfoListVisitor []*Info - -func (infos InfoListVisitor) Visit(fn VisitorFunc) error { - var err error - for _, i := range infos { - err = fn(i, err) - } - return err -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/discovery/cached/disk/cached_discovery.go b/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/discovery/cached/disk/cached_discovery.go deleted file mode 100644 index 158810ee..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/discovery/cached/disk/cached_discovery.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,325 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package disk - -import ( - "errors" - "io" - "net/http" - "os" - "path/filepath" - "sync" - "time" - - openapi_v2 "github.com/google/gnostic-models/openapiv2" - "k8s.io/klog/v2" - - metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/version" - "k8s.io/client-go/discovery" - "k8s.io/client-go/discovery/cached/memory" - "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/scheme" - "k8s.io/client-go/openapi" - cachedopenapi "k8s.io/client-go/openapi/cached" - restclient "k8s.io/client-go/rest" -) - -// CachedDiscoveryClient implements the functions that discovery server-supported API groups, -// versions and resources. -type CachedDiscoveryClient struct { - delegate discovery.DiscoveryInterface - - // cacheDirectory is the directory where discovery docs are held. It must be unique per host:port combination to work well. - cacheDirectory string - - // ttl is how long the cache should be considered valid - ttl time.Duration - - // mutex protects the variables below - mutex sync.Mutex - - // ourFiles are all filenames of cache files created by this process - ourFiles map[string]struct{} - // invalidated is true if all cache files should be ignored that are not ours (e.g. after Invalidate() was called) - invalidated bool - // fresh is true if all used cache files were ours - fresh bool - - // caching openapi v3 client which wraps the delegate's client - openapiClient openapi.Client -} - -var _ discovery.CachedDiscoveryInterface = &CachedDiscoveryClient{} - -// ServerResourcesForGroupVersion returns the supported resources for a group and version. -func (d *CachedDiscoveryClient) ServerResourcesForGroupVersion(groupVersion string) (*metav1.APIResourceList, error) { - filename := filepath.Join(d.cacheDirectory, groupVersion, "serverresources.json") - cachedBytes, err := d.getCachedFile(filename) - // don't fail on errors, we either don't have a file or won't be able to run the cached check. Either way we can fallback. - if err == nil { - cachedResources := &metav1.APIResourceList{} - if err := runtime.DecodeInto(scheme.Codecs.UniversalDecoder(), cachedBytes, cachedResources); err == nil { - klog.V(10).Infof("returning cached discovery info from %v", filename) - return cachedResources, nil - } - } - - liveResources, err := d.delegate.ServerResourcesForGroupVersion(groupVersion) - if err != nil { - klog.V(3).Infof("skipped caching discovery info due to %v", err) - return liveResources, err - } - if liveResources == nil || len(liveResources.APIResources) == 0 { - klog.V(3).Infof("skipped caching discovery info, no resources found") - return liveResources, err - } - - if err := d.writeCachedFile(filename, liveResources); err != nil { - klog.V(1).Infof("failed to write cache to %v due to %v", filename, err) - } - - return liveResources, nil -} - -// ServerGroupsAndResources returns the supported groups and resources for all groups and versions. -func (d *CachedDiscoveryClient) ServerGroupsAndResources() ([]*metav1.APIGroup, []*metav1.APIResourceList, error) { - return discovery.ServerGroupsAndResources(d) -} - -// ServerGroups returns the supported groups, with information like supported versions and the -// preferred version. -func (d *CachedDiscoveryClient) ServerGroups() (*metav1.APIGroupList, error) { - filename := filepath.Join(d.cacheDirectory, "servergroups.json") - cachedBytes, err := d.getCachedFile(filename) - // don't fail on errors, we either don't have a file or won't be able to run the cached check. Either way we can fallback. - if err == nil { - cachedGroups := &metav1.APIGroupList{} - if err := runtime.DecodeInto(scheme.Codecs.UniversalDecoder(), cachedBytes, cachedGroups); err == nil { - klog.V(10).Infof("returning cached discovery info from %v", filename) - return cachedGroups, nil - } - } - - liveGroups, err := d.delegate.ServerGroups() - if err != nil { - klog.V(3).Infof("skipped caching discovery info due to %v", err) - return liveGroups, err - } - if liveGroups == nil || len(liveGroups.Groups) == 0 { - klog.V(3).Infof("skipped caching discovery info, no groups found") - return liveGroups, err - } - - if err := d.writeCachedFile(filename, liveGroups); err != nil { - klog.V(1).Infof("failed to write cache to %v due to %v", filename, err) - } - - return liveGroups, nil -} - -func (d *CachedDiscoveryClient) getCachedFile(filename string) ([]byte, error) { - // after invalidation ignore cache files not created by this process - d.mutex.Lock() - _, ourFile := d.ourFiles[filename] - if d.invalidated && !ourFile { - d.mutex.Unlock() - return nil, errors.New("cache invalidated") - } - d.mutex.Unlock() - - file, err := os.Open(filename) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - defer file.Close() - - fileInfo, err := file.Stat() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - if time.Now().After(fileInfo.ModTime().Add(d.ttl)) { - return nil, errors.New("cache expired") - } - - // the cache is present and its valid. Try to read and use it. - cachedBytes, err := io.ReadAll(file) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - d.mutex.Lock() - defer d.mutex.Unlock() - d.fresh = d.fresh && ourFile - - return cachedBytes, nil -} - -func (d *CachedDiscoveryClient) writeCachedFile(filename string, obj runtime.Object) error { - if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(filename), 0750); err != nil { - return err - } - - bytes, err := runtime.Encode(scheme.Codecs.LegacyCodec(), obj) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - f, err := os.CreateTemp(filepath.Dir(filename), filepath.Base(filename)+".") - if err != nil { - return err - } - defer os.Remove(f.Name()) - _, err = f.Write(bytes) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - err = os.Chmod(f.Name(), 0660) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - name := f.Name() - err = f.Close() - if err != nil { - return err - } - - // atomic rename - d.mutex.Lock() - defer d.mutex.Unlock() - err = os.Rename(name, filename) - if err == nil { - d.ourFiles[filename] = struct{}{} - } - return err -} - -// RESTClient returns a RESTClient that is used to communicate with API server -// by this client implementation. -func (d *CachedDiscoveryClient) RESTClient() restclient.Interface { - return d.delegate.RESTClient() -} - -// ServerPreferredResources returns the supported resources with the version preferred by the -// server. -func (d *CachedDiscoveryClient) ServerPreferredResources() ([]*metav1.APIResourceList, error) { - return discovery.ServerPreferredResources(d) -} - -// ServerPreferredNamespacedResources returns the supported namespaced resources with the -// version preferred by the server. -func (d *CachedDiscoveryClient) ServerPreferredNamespacedResources() ([]*metav1.APIResourceList, error) { - return discovery.ServerPreferredNamespacedResources(d) -} - -// ServerVersion retrieves and parses the server's version (git version). -func (d *CachedDiscoveryClient) ServerVersion() (*version.Info, error) { - return d.delegate.ServerVersion() -} - -// OpenAPISchema retrieves and parses the swagger API schema the server supports. -func (d *CachedDiscoveryClient) OpenAPISchema() (*openapi_v2.Document, error) { - return d.delegate.OpenAPISchema() -} - -// OpenAPIV3 retrieves and parses the OpenAPIV3 specs exposed by the server -func (d *CachedDiscoveryClient) OpenAPIV3() openapi.Client { - // Must take lock since Invalidate call may modify openapiClient - d.mutex.Lock() - defer d.mutex.Unlock() - - if d.openapiClient == nil { - // Delegate is discovery client created with special HTTP client which - // respects E-Tag cache responses to serve cache from disk. - d.openapiClient = cachedopenapi.NewClient(d.delegate.OpenAPIV3()) - } - - return d.openapiClient -} - -// Fresh is supposed to tell the caller whether or not to retry if the cache -// fails to find something (false = retry, true = no need to retry). -func (d *CachedDiscoveryClient) Fresh() bool { - d.mutex.Lock() - defer d.mutex.Unlock() - - return d.fresh -} - -// Invalidate enforces that no cached data is used in the future that is older than the current time. -func (d *CachedDiscoveryClient) Invalidate() { - d.mutex.Lock() - defer d.mutex.Unlock() - - d.ourFiles = map[string]struct{}{} - d.fresh = true - d.invalidated = true - d.openapiClient = nil - if ad, ok := d.delegate.(discovery.CachedDiscoveryInterface); ok { - ad.Invalidate() - } -} - -// WithLegacy returns current cached discovery client; -// current client does not support legacy-only discovery. -func (d *CachedDiscoveryClient) WithLegacy() discovery.DiscoveryInterface { - return d -} - -// NewCachedDiscoveryClientForConfig creates a new DiscoveryClient for the given config, and wraps -// the created client in a CachedDiscoveryClient. The provided configuration is updated with a -// custom transport that understands cache responses. -// We receive two distinct cache directories for now, in order to preserve old behavior -// which makes use of the --cache-dir flag value for storing cache data from the CacheRoundTripper, -// and makes use of the hardcoded destination (~/.kube/cache/discovery/...) for storing -// CachedDiscoveryClient cache data. If httpCacheDir is empty, the restconfig's transport will not -// be updated with a roundtripper that understands cache responses. -// If discoveryCacheDir is empty, cached server resource data will be looked up in the current directory. -func NewCachedDiscoveryClientForConfig(config *restclient.Config, discoveryCacheDir, httpCacheDir string, ttl time.Duration) (*CachedDiscoveryClient, error) { - if len(httpCacheDir) > 0 { - // update the given restconfig with a custom roundtripper that - // understands how to handle cache responses. - config = restclient.CopyConfig(config) - config.Wrap(func(rt http.RoundTripper) http.RoundTripper { - return newCacheRoundTripper(httpCacheDir, rt) - }) - } - - discoveryClient, err := discovery.NewDiscoveryClientForConfig(config) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - // The delegate caches the discovery groups and resources (memcache). "ServerGroups", - // which usually only returns (and caches) the groups, can now store the resources as - // well if the server supports the newer aggregated discovery format. - return newCachedDiscoveryClient(memory.NewMemCacheClient(discoveryClient), discoveryCacheDir, ttl), nil -} - -// NewCachedDiscoveryClient creates a new DiscoveryClient. cacheDirectory is the directory where discovery docs are held. It must be unique per host:port combination to work well. -func newCachedDiscoveryClient(delegate discovery.DiscoveryInterface, cacheDirectory string, ttl time.Duration) *CachedDiscoveryClient { - return &CachedDiscoveryClient{ - delegate: delegate, - cacheDirectory: cacheDirectory, - ttl: ttl, - ourFiles: map[string]struct{}{}, - fresh: true, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/discovery/cached/disk/round_tripper.go b/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/discovery/cached/disk/round_tripper.go deleted file mode 100644 index f3a4b294..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/discovery/cached/disk/round_tripper.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,120 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package disk - -import ( - "bytes" - "crypto/sha256" - "fmt" - "net/http" - "os" - "path/filepath" - - "github.com/gregjones/httpcache" - "github.com/peterbourgon/diskv" - "k8s.io/klog/v2" -) - -type cacheRoundTripper struct { - rt *httpcache.Transport -} - -// newCacheRoundTripper creates a roundtripper that reads the ETag on -// response headers and send the If-None-Match header on subsequent -// corresponding requests. -func newCacheRoundTripper(cacheDir string, rt http.RoundTripper) http.RoundTripper { - d := diskv.New(diskv.Options{ - PathPerm: os.FileMode(0750), - FilePerm: os.FileMode(0660), - BasePath: cacheDir, - TempDir: filepath.Join(cacheDir, ".diskv-temp"), - }) - t := httpcache.NewTransport(&sumDiskCache{disk: d}) - t.Transport = rt - - return &cacheRoundTripper{rt: t} -} - -func (rt *cacheRoundTripper) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return rt.rt.RoundTrip(req) -} - -func (rt *cacheRoundTripper) CancelRequest(req *http.Request) { - type canceler interface { - CancelRequest(*http.Request) - } - if cr, ok := rt.rt.Transport.(canceler); ok { - cr.CancelRequest(req) - } else { - klog.Errorf("CancelRequest not implemented by %T", rt.rt.Transport) - } -} - -func (rt *cacheRoundTripper) WrappedRoundTripper() http.RoundTripper { return rt.rt.Transport } - -// A sumDiskCache is a cache backend for github.com/gregjones/httpcache. It is -// similar to httpcache's diskcache package, but uses SHA256 sums to ensure -// cache integrity at read time rather than fsyncing each cache entry to -// increase the likelihood they will be persisted at write time. This avoids -// significant performance degradation on MacOS. -// -// See https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/110753 for more. -type sumDiskCache struct { - disk *diskv.Diskv -} - -// Get the requested key from the cache on disk. If Get encounters an error, or -// the returned value is not a SHA256 sum followed by bytes with a matching -// checksum it will return false to indicate a cache miss. -func (c *sumDiskCache) Get(key string) ([]byte, bool) { - b, err := c.disk.Read(sanitize(key)) - if err != nil || len(b) < sha256.Size { - return []byte{}, false - } - - response := b[sha256.Size:] - want := b[:sha256.Size] // The first 32 bytes of the file should be the SHA256 sum. - got := sha256.Sum256(response) - if !bytes.Equal(want, got[:]) { - return []byte{}, false - } - - return response, true -} - -// Set writes the response to a file on disk. The filename will be the SHA256 -// sum of the key. The file will contain a SHA256 sum of the response bytes, -// followed by said response bytes. -func (c *sumDiskCache) Set(key string, response []byte) { - s := sha256.Sum256(response) - _ = c.disk.Write(sanitize(key), append(s[:], response...)) // Nothing we can do with this error. -} - -func (c *sumDiskCache) Delete(key string) { - _ = c.disk.Erase(sanitize(key)) // Nothing we can do with this error. -} - -// Sanitize an httpcache key such that it can be used as a diskv key, which must -// be a valid filename. The httpcache key will either be the requested URL (if -// the request method was GET) or " " for other methods, per the -// httpcache.cacheKey function. -func sanitize(key string) string { - // These keys are not sensitive. We use sha256 to avoid a (potentially - // malicious) collision causing the wrong cache data to be written or - // accessed. - return fmt.Sprintf("%x", sha256.Sum256([]byte(key))) -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/openapi3/root.go b/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/openapi3/root.go deleted file mode 100644 index 4333e862..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/openapi3/root.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,182 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2023 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package openapi3 - -import ( - "encoding/json" - "fmt" - "sort" - "strings" - - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/schema" - "k8s.io/client-go/openapi" - "k8s.io/kube-openapi/pkg/spec3" -) - -// Root interface defines functions implemented against the root -// OpenAPI V3 document. The root OpenAPI V3 document maps the -// API Server relative url for all GroupVersions to the relative -// url for the OpenAPI relative url. Example for single GroupVersion -// apps/v1: -// -// "apis/apps/v1": { -// "ServerRelativeURL": "/openapi/v3/apis/apps/v1?hash=" -// } -type Root interface { - // GroupVersions returns every GroupVersion for which there is an - // OpenAPI V3 GroupVersion document. Returns an error for problems - // retrieving or parsing the OpenAPI V3 root document. - GroupVersions() ([]schema.GroupVersion, error) - // GVSpec returns the specification for all the resources in a - // GroupVersion as a pointer to a spec3.OpenAPI struct. - // Returns an error for problems retrieving or parsing the root - // document or GroupVersion OpenAPI V3 document. - GVSpec(gv schema.GroupVersion) (*spec3.OpenAPI, error) - // GVSpecAsMap returns the specification for all the resources in a - // GroupVersion as unstructured bytes. Returns an error for - // problems retrieving or parsing the root or GroupVersion - // OpenAPI V3 document. - GVSpecAsMap(gv schema.GroupVersion) (map[string]interface{}, error) -} - -// root implements the Root interface, and encapsulates the -// fields to retrieve, store the parsed OpenAPI V3 root document. -type root struct { - // OpenAPI client to retrieve the OpenAPI V3 documents. - client openapi.Client -} - -// Validate root implements the Root interface. -var _ Root = &root{} - -// NewRoot returns a structure implementing the Root interface, -// created with the passed rest client. -func NewRoot(client openapi.Client) Root { - return &root{client: client} -} - -func (r *root) GroupVersions() ([]schema.GroupVersion, error) { - paths, err := r.client.Paths() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - // Example GroupVersion API path: "apis/apps/v1" - gvs := make([]schema.GroupVersion, 0, len(paths)) - for gvAPIPath := range paths { - gv, err := pathToGroupVersion(gvAPIPath) - if err != nil { - // Ignore paths which do not parse to GroupVersion - continue - } - gvs = append(gvs, gv) - } - // Sort GroupVersions alphabetically - sort.Slice(gvs, func(i, j int) bool { - return gvs[i].String() < gvs[j].String() - }) - return gvs, nil -} - -func (r *root) GVSpec(gv schema.GroupVersion) (*spec3.OpenAPI, error) { - openAPISchemaBytes, err := r.retrieveGVBytes(gv) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - // Unmarshal the downloaded Group/Version bytes into the spec3.OpenAPI struct. - var parsedV3Schema spec3.OpenAPI - err = json.Unmarshal(openAPISchemaBytes, &parsedV3Schema) - return &parsedV3Schema, err -} - -func (r *root) GVSpecAsMap(gv schema.GroupVersion) (map[string]interface{}, error) { - gvOpenAPIBytes, err := r.retrieveGVBytes(gv) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - // GroupVersion bytes into unstructured map[string] -> empty interface. - var gvMap map[string]interface{} - err = json.Unmarshal(gvOpenAPIBytes, &gvMap) - return gvMap, err -} - -// retrieveGVBytes returns the schema for a passed GroupVersion as an -// unstructured slice of bytes or an error if there is a problem downloading -// or if the passed GroupVersion is not supported. -func (r *root) retrieveGVBytes(gv schema.GroupVersion) ([]byte, error) { - paths, err := r.client.Paths() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - apiPath := gvToAPIPath(gv) - gvOpenAPI, found := paths[apiPath] - if !found { - return nil, &GroupVersionNotFoundError{gv: gv} - } - return gvOpenAPI.Schema(runtime.ContentTypeJSON) -} - -// gvToAPIPath maps the passed GroupVersion to a relative api -// server url. Example: -// -// GroupVersion{Group: "apps", Version: "v1"} -> "apis/apps/v1". -func gvToAPIPath(gv schema.GroupVersion) string { - var resourcePath string - if len(gv.Group) == 0 { - resourcePath = fmt.Sprintf("api/%s", gv.Version) - } else { - resourcePath = fmt.Sprintf("apis/%s/%s", gv.Group, gv.Version) - } - return resourcePath -} - -// pathToGroupVersion is a helper function parsing the passed relative -// url into a GroupVersion. -// -// Example: apis/apps/v1 -> GroupVersion{Group: "apps", Version: "v1"} -// Example: api/v1 -> GroupVersion{Group: "", Version: "v1"} -func pathToGroupVersion(path string) (schema.GroupVersion, error) { - var gv schema.GroupVersion - parts := strings.Split(path, "/") - if len(parts) < 2 { - return gv, fmt.Errorf("Unable to parse api relative path: %s", path) - } - apiPrefix := parts[0] - if apiPrefix == "apis" { - // Example: apis/apps (without version) - if len(parts) < 3 { - return gv, fmt.Errorf("Group without Version not allowed") - } - gv.Group = parts[1] - gv.Version = parts[2] - } else if apiPrefix == "api" { - gv.Version = parts[1] - } else { - return gv, fmt.Errorf("Unable to parse api relative path: %s", path) - } - return gv, nil -} - -// Encapsulates GroupVersion not found as one of the paths -// at OpenAPI V3 endpoint. -type GroupVersionNotFoundError struct { - gv schema.GroupVersion -} - -func (r *GroupVersionNotFoundError) Error() string { - return fmt.Sprintf("GroupVersion (%v) not found as OpenAPI V3 path", r.gv) -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/third_party/forked/golang/LICENSE b/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/third_party/forked/golang/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index 6a66aea5..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/third_party/forked/golang/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -Copyright (c) 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. - -Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -met: - - * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above -copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer -in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -distribution. - * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its -contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -this software without specific prior written permission. - -THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -"AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/third_party/forked/golang/PATENTS b/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/third_party/forked/golang/PATENTS deleted file mode 100644 index 73309904..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/third_party/forked/golang/PATENTS +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -Additional IP Rights Grant (Patents) - -"This implementation" means the copyrightable works distributed by -Google as part of the Go project. - -Google hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, -no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) -patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, -transfer and otherwise run, modify and propagate the contents of this -implementation of Go, where such license applies only to those patent -claims, both currently owned or controlled by Google and acquired in -the future, licensable by Google that are necessarily infringed by this -implementation of Go. This grant does not include claims that would be -infringed only as a consequence of further modification of this -implementation. If you or your agent or exclusive licensee institute or -order or agree to the institution of patent litigation against any -entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging -that this implementation of Go or any code incorporated within this -implementation of Go constitutes direct or contributory patent -infringement, or inducement of patent infringement, then any patent -rights granted to you under this License for this implementation of Go -shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed. diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/third_party/forked/golang/template/exec.go b/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/third_party/forked/golang/template/exec.go deleted file mode 100644 index 7cf29524..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/third_party/forked/golang/template/exec.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ -//This package is copied from Go library text/template. -//The original private functions indirect and printableValue -//are exported as public functions. -package template - -import ( - "fmt" - "reflect" -) - -var ( - errorType = reflect.TypeOf((*error)(nil)).Elem() - fmtStringerType = reflect.TypeOf((*fmt.Stringer)(nil)).Elem() -) - -// Indirect returns the item at the end of indirection, and a bool to indicate if it's nil. -// We indirect through pointers and empty interfaces (only) because -// non-empty interfaces have methods we might need. -func Indirect(v reflect.Value) (rv reflect.Value, isNil bool) { - for ; v.Kind() == reflect.Pointer || v.Kind() == reflect.Interface; v = v.Elem() { - if v.IsNil() { - return v, true - } - if v.Kind() == reflect.Interface && v.NumMethod() > 0 { - break - } - } - return v, false -} - -// PrintableValue returns the, possibly indirected, interface value inside v that -// is best for a call to formatted printer. -func PrintableValue(v reflect.Value) (interface{}, bool) { - if v.Kind() == reflect.Pointer { - v, _ = Indirect(v) // fmt.Fprint handles nil. - } - if !v.IsValid() { - return "", true - } - - if !v.Type().Implements(errorType) && !v.Type().Implements(fmtStringerType) { - if v.CanAddr() && (reflect.PointerTo(v.Type()).Implements(errorType) || reflect.PointerTo(v.Type()).Implements(fmtStringerType)) { - v = v.Addr() - } else { - switch v.Kind() { - case reflect.Chan, reflect.Func: - return nil, false - } - } - } - return v.Interface(), true -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/third_party/forked/golang/template/funcs.go b/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/third_party/forked/golang/template/funcs.go deleted file mode 100644 index f0c8e712..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/third_party/forked/golang/template/funcs.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,177 +0,0 @@ -//This package is copied from Go library text/template. -//The original private functions eq, ge, gt, le, lt, and ne -//are exported as public functions. -package template - -import ( - "errors" - "reflect" -) - -var ( - errBadComparisonType = errors.New("invalid type for comparison") - errBadComparison = errors.New("incompatible types for comparison") - errNoComparison = errors.New("missing argument for comparison") -) - -type kind int - -const ( - invalidKind kind = iota - boolKind - complexKind - intKind - floatKind - integerKind - stringKind - uintKind -) - -func basicKind(v reflect.Value) (kind, error) { - switch v.Kind() { - case reflect.Bool: - return boolKind, nil - case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: - return intKind, nil - case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr: - return uintKind, nil - case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: - return floatKind, nil - case reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128: - return complexKind, nil - case reflect.String: - return stringKind, nil - } - return invalidKind, errBadComparisonType -} - -// Equal evaluates the comparison a == b || a == c || ... -func Equal(arg1 interface{}, arg2 ...interface{}) (bool, error) { - v1 := reflect.ValueOf(arg1) - k1, err := basicKind(v1) - if err != nil { - return false, err - } - if len(arg2) == 0 { - return false, errNoComparison - } - for _, arg := range arg2 { - v2 := reflect.ValueOf(arg) - k2, err := basicKind(v2) - if err != nil { - return false, err - } - truth := false - if k1 != k2 { - // Special case: Can compare integer values regardless of type's sign. - switch { - case k1 == intKind && k2 == uintKind: - truth = v1.Int() >= 0 && uint64(v1.Int()) == v2.Uint() - case k1 == uintKind && k2 == intKind: - truth = v2.Int() >= 0 && v1.Uint() == uint64(v2.Int()) - default: - return false, errBadComparison - } - } else { - switch k1 { - case boolKind: - truth = v1.Bool() == v2.Bool() - case complexKind: - truth = v1.Complex() == v2.Complex() - case floatKind: - truth = v1.Float() == v2.Float() - case intKind: - truth = v1.Int() == v2.Int() - case stringKind: - truth = v1.String() == v2.String() - case uintKind: - truth = v1.Uint() == v2.Uint() - default: - panic("invalid kind") - } - } - if truth { - return true, nil - } - } - return false, nil -} - -// NotEqual evaluates the comparison a != b. -func NotEqual(arg1, arg2 interface{}) (bool, error) { - // != is the inverse of ==. - equal, err := Equal(arg1, arg2) - return !equal, err -} - -// Less evaluates the comparison a < b. -func Less(arg1, arg2 interface{}) (bool, error) { - v1 := reflect.ValueOf(arg1) - k1, err := basicKind(v1) - if err != nil { - return false, err - } - v2 := reflect.ValueOf(arg2) - k2, err := basicKind(v2) - if err != nil { - return false, err - } - truth := false - if k1 != k2 { - // Special case: Can compare integer values regardless of type's sign. - switch { - case k1 == intKind && k2 == uintKind: - truth = v1.Int() < 0 || uint64(v1.Int()) < v2.Uint() - case k1 == uintKind && k2 == intKind: - truth = v2.Int() >= 0 && v1.Uint() < uint64(v2.Int()) - default: - return false, errBadComparison - } - } else { - switch k1 { - case boolKind, complexKind: - return false, errBadComparisonType - case floatKind: - truth = v1.Float() < v2.Float() - case intKind: - truth = v1.Int() < v2.Int() - case stringKind: - truth = v1.String() < v2.String() - case uintKind: - truth = v1.Uint() < v2.Uint() - default: - panic("invalid kind") - } - } - return truth, nil -} - -// LessEqual evaluates the comparison <= b. -func LessEqual(arg1, arg2 interface{}) (bool, error) { - // <= is < or ==. - lessThan, err := Less(arg1, arg2) - if lessThan || err != nil { - return lessThan, err - } - return Equal(arg1, arg2) -} - -// Greater evaluates the comparison a > b. -func Greater(arg1, arg2 interface{}) (bool, error) { - // > is the inverse of <=. - lessOrEqual, err := LessEqual(arg1, arg2) - if err != nil { - return false, err - } - return !lessOrEqual, nil -} - -// GreaterEqual evaluates the comparison a >= b. -func GreaterEqual(arg1, arg2 interface{}) (bool, error) { - // >= is the inverse of <. - lessThan, err := Less(arg1, arg2) - if err != nil { - return false, err - } - return !lessThan, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/util/jsonpath/doc.go b/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/util/jsonpath/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0effb15c..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/util/jsonpath/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -// package jsonpath is a template engine using jsonpath syntax, -// which can be seen at http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/. -// In addition, it has {range} {end} function to iterate list and slice. -package jsonpath // import "k8s.io/client-go/util/jsonpath" diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/util/jsonpath/jsonpath.go b/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/util/jsonpath/jsonpath.go deleted file mode 100644 index 86a3d6dd..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/util/jsonpath/jsonpath.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,582 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package jsonpath - -import ( - "bytes" - "encoding/json" - "fmt" - "io" - "reflect" - "strings" - - "k8s.io/client-go/third_party/forked/golang/template" -) - -type JSONPath struct { - name string - parser *Parser - beginRange int - inRange int - endRange int - - lastEndNode *Node - - allowMissingKeys bool - outputJSON bool -} - -// New creates a new JSONPath with the given name. -func New(name string) *JSONPath { - return &JSONPath{ - name: name, - beginRange: 0, - inRange: 0, - endRange: 0, - } -} - -// AllowMissingKeys allows a caller to specify whether they want an error if a field or map key -// cannot be located, or simply an empty result. The receiver is returned for chaining. -func (j *JSONPath) AllowMissingKeys(allow bool) *JSONPath { - j.allowMissingKeys = allow - return j -} - -// Parse parses the given template and returns an error. -func (j *JSONPath) Parse(text string) error { - var err error - j.parser, err = Parse(j.name, text) - return err -} - -// Execute bounds data into template and writes the result. -func (j *JSONPath) Execute(wr io.Writer, data interface{}) error { - fullResults, err := j.FindResults(data) - if err != nil { - return err - } - for ix := range fullResults { - if err := j.PrintResults(wr, fullResults[ix]); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -func (j *JSONPath) FindResults(data interface{}) ([][]reflect.Value, error) { - if j.parser == nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s is an incomplete jsonpath template", j.name) - } - - cur := []reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(data)} - nodes := j.parser.Root.Nodes - fullResult := [][]reflect.Value{} - for i := 0; i < len(nodes); i++ { - node := nodes[i] - results, err := j.walk(cur, node) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - // encounter an end node, break the current block - if j.endRange > 0 && j.endRange <= j.inRange { - j.endRange-- - j.lastEndNode = &nodes[i] - break - } - // encounter a range node, start a range loop - if j.beginRange > 0 { - j.beginRange-- - j.inRange++ - if len(results) > 0 { - for _, value := range results { - j.parser.Root.Nodes = nodes[i+1:] - nextResults, err := j.FindResults(value.Interface()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - fullResult = append(fullResult, nextResults...) - } - } else { - // If the range has no results, we still need to process the nodes within the range - // so the position will advance to the end node - j.parser.Root.Nodes = nodes[i+1:] - _, err := j.FindResults(nil) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - j.inRange-- - - // Fast forward to resume processing after the most recent end node that was encountered - for k := i + 1; k < len(nodes); k++ { - if &nodes[k] == j.lastEndNode { - i = k - break - } - } - continue - } - fullResult = append(fullResult, results) - } - return fullResult, nil -} - -// EnableJSONOutput changes the PrintResults behavior to return a JSON array of results -func (j *JSONPath) EnableJSONOutput(v bool) { - j.outputJSON = v -} - -// PrintResults writes the results into writer -func (j *JSONPath) PrintResults(wr io.Writer, results []reflect.Value) error { - if j.outputJSON { - // convert the []reflect.Value to something that json - // will be able to marshal - r := make([]interface{}, 0, len(results)) - for i := range results { - r = append(r, results[i].Interface()) - } - results = []reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(r)} - } - for i, r := range results { - var text []byte - var err error - outputJSON := true - kind := r.Kind() - if kind == reflect.Interface { - kind = r.Elem().Kind() - } - switch kind { - case reflect.Map: - case reflect.Array: - case reflect.Slice: - case reflect.Struct: - default: - outputJSON = false - } - switch { - case outputJSON || j.outputJSON: - if j.outputJSON { - text, err = json.MarshalIndent(r.Interface(), "", " ") - text = append(text, '\n') - } else { - text, err = json.Marshal(r.Interface()) - } - default: - text, err = j.evalToText(r) - } - if err != nil { - return err - } - if i != len(results)-1 { - text = append(text, ' ') - } - if _, err = wr.Write(text); err != nil { - return err - } - } - - return nil - -} - -// walk visits tree rooted at the given node in DFS order -func (j *JSONPath) walk(value []reflect.Value, node Node) ([]reflect.Value, error) { - switch node := node.(type) { - case *ListNode: - return j.evalList(value, node) - case *TextNode: - return []reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(node.Text)}, nil - case *FieldNode: - return j.evalField(value, node) - case *ArrayNode: - return j.evalArray(value, node) - case *FilterNode: - return j.evalFilter(value, node) - case *IntNode: - return j.evalInt(value, node) - case *BoolNode: - return j.evalBool(value, node) - case *FloatNode: - return j.evalFloat(value, node) - case *WildcardNode: - return j.evalWildcard(value, node) - case *RecursiveNode: - return j.evalRecursive(value, node) - case *UnionNode: - return j.evalUnion(value, node) - case *IdentifierNode: - return j.evalIdentifier(value, node) - default: - return value, fmt.Errorf("unexpected Node %v", node) - } -} - -// evalInt evaluates IntNode -func (j *JSONPath) evalInt(input []reflect.Value, node *IntNode) ([]reflect.Value, error) { - result := make([]reflect.Value, len(input)) - for i := range input { - result[i] = reflect.ValueOf(node.Value) - } - return result, nil -} - -// evalFloat evaluates FloatNode -func (j *JSONPath) evalFloat(input []reflect.Value, node *FloatNode) ([]reflect.Value, error) { - result := make([]reflect.Value, len(input)) - for i := range input { - result[i] = reflect.ValueOf(node.Value) - } - return result, nil -} - -// evalBool evaluates BoolNode -func (j *JSONPath) evalBool(input []reflect.Value, node *BoolNode) ([]reflect.Value, error) { - result := make([]reflect.Value, len(input)) - for i := range input { - result[i] = reflect.ValueOf(node.Value) - } - return result, nil -} - -// evalList evaluates ListNode -func (j *JSONPath) evalList(value []reflect.Value, node *ListNode) ([]reflect.Value, error) { - var err error - curValue := value - for _, node := range node.Nodes { - curValue, err = j.walk(curValue, node) - if err != nil { - return curValue, err - } - } - return curValue, nil -} - -// evalIdentifier evaluates IdentifierNode -func (j *JSONPath) evalIdentifier(input []reflect.Value, node *IdentifierNode) ([]reflect.Value, error) { - results := []reflect.Value{} - switch node.Name { - case "range": - j.beginRange++ - results = input - case "end": - if j.inRange > 0 { - j.endRange++ - } else { - return results, fmt.Errorf("not in range, nothing to end") - } - default: - return input, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized identifier %v", node.Name) - } - return results, nil -} - -// evalArray evaluates ArrayNode -func (j *JSONPath) evalArray(input []reflect.Value, node *ArrayNode) ([]reflect.Value, error) { - result := []reflect.Value{} - for _, value := range input { - - value, isNil := template.Indirect(value) - if isNil { - continue - } - if value.Kind() != reflect.Array && value.Kind() != reflect.Slice { - return input, fmt.Errorf("%v is not array or slice", value.Type()) - } - params := node.Params - if !params[0].Known { - params[0].Value = 0 - } - if params[0].Value < 0 { - params[0].Value += value.Len() - } - if !params[1].Known { - params[1].Value = value.Len() - } - - if params[1].Value < 0 || (params[1].Value == 0 && params[1].Derived) { - params[1].Value += value.Len() - } - sliceLength := value.Len() - if params[1].Value != params[0].Value { // if you're requesting zero elements, allow it through. - if params[0].Value >= sliceLength || params[0].Value < 0 { - return input, fmt.Errorf("array index out of bounds: index %d, length %d", params[0].Value, sliceLength) - } - if params[1].Value > sliceLength || params[1].Value < 0 { - return input, fmt.Errorf("array index out of bounds: index %d, length %d", params[1].Value-1, sliceLength) - } - if params[0].Value > params[1].Value { - return input, fmt.Errorf("starting index %d is greater than ending index %d", params[0].Value, params[1].Value) - } - } else { - return result, nil - } - - value = value.Slice(params[0].Value, params[1].Value) - - step := 1 - if params[2].Known { - if params[2].Value <= 0 { - return input, fmt.Errorf("step must be > 0") - } - step = params[2].Value - } - for i := 0; i < value.Len(); i += step { - result = append(result, value.Index(i)) - } - } - return result, nil -} - -// evalUnion evaluates UnionNode -func (j *JSONPath) evalUnion(input []reflect.Value, node *UnionNode) ([]reflect.Value, error) { - result := []reflect.Value{} - for _, listNode := range node.Nodes { - temp, err := j.evalList(input, listNode) - if err != nil { - return input, err - } - result = append(result, temp...) - } - return result, nil -} - -func (j *JSONPath) findFieldInValue(value *reflect.Value, node *FieldNode) (reflect.Value, error) { - t := value.Type() - var inlineValue *reflect.Value - for ix := 0; ix < t.NumField(); ix++ { - f := t.Field(ix) - jsonTag := f.Tag.Get("json") - parts := strings.Split(jsonTag, ",") - if len(parts) == 0 { - continue - } - if parts[0] == node.Value { - return value.Field(ix), nil - } - if len(parts[0]) == 0 { - val := value.Field(ix) - inlineValue = &val - } - } - if inlineValue != nil { - if inlineValue.Kind() == reflect.Struct { - // handle 'inline' - match, err := j.findFieldInValue(inlineValue, node) - if err != nil { - return reflect.Value{}, err - } - if match.IsValid() { - return match, nil - } - } - } - return value.FieldByName(node.Value), nil -} - -// evalField evaluates field of struct or key of map. -func (j *JSONPath) evalField(input []reflect.Value, node *FieldNode) ([]reflect.Value, error) { - results := []reflect.Value{} - // If there's no input, there's no output - if len(input) == 0 { - return results, nil - } - for _, value := range input { - var result reflect.Value - value, isNil := template.Indirect(value) - if isNil { - continue - } - - if value.Kind() == reflect.Struct { - var err error - if result, err = j.findFieldInValue(&value, node); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } else if value.Kind() == reflect.Map { - mapKeyType := value.Type().Key() - nodeValue := reflect.ValueOf(node.Value) - // node value type must be convertible to map key type - if !nodeValue.Type().ConvertibleTo(mapKeyType) { - return results, fmt.Errorf("%s is not convertible to %s", nodeValue, mapKeyType) - } - result = value.MapIndex(nodeValue.Convert(mapKeyType)) - } - if result.IsValid() { - results = append(results, result) - } - } - if len(results) == 0 { - if j.allowMissingKeys { - return results, nil - } - return results, fmt.Errorf("%s is not found", node.Value) - } - return results, nil -} - -// evalWildcard extracts all contents of the given value -func (j *JSONPath) evalWildcard(input []reflect.Value, node *WildcardNode) ([]reflect.Value, error) { - results := []reflect.Value{} - for _, value := range input { - value, isNil := template.Indirect(value) - if isNil { - continue - } - - kind := value.Kind() - if kind == reflect.Struct { - for i := 0; i < value.NumField(); i++ { - results = append(results, value.Field(i)) - } - } else if kind == reflect.Map { - for _, key := range value.MapKeys() { - results = append(results, value.MapIndex(key)) - } - } else if kind == reflect.Array || kind == reflect.Slice || kind == reflect.String { - for i := 0; i < value.Len(); i++ { - results = append(results, value.Index(i)) - } - } - } - return results, nil -} - -// evalRecursive visits the given value recursively and pushes all of them to result -func (j *JSONPath) evalRecursive(input []reflect.Value, node *RecursiveNode) ([]reflect.Value, error) { - result := []reflect.Value{} - for _, value := range input { - results := []reflect.Value{} - value, isNil := template.Indirect(value) - if isNil { - continue - } - - kind := value.Kind() - if kind == reflect.Struct { - for i := 0; i < value.NumField(); i++ { - results = append(results, value.Field(i)) - } - } else if kind == reflect.Map { - for _, key := range value.MapKeys() { - results = append(results, value.MapIndex(key)) - } - } else if kind == reflect.Array || kind == reflect.Slice || kind == reflect.String { - for i := 0; i < value.Len(); i++ { - results = append(results, value.Index(i)) - } - } - if len(results) != 0 { - result = append(result, value) - output, err := j.evalRecursive(results, node) - if err != nil { - return result, err - } - result = append(result, output...) - } - } - return result, nil -} - -// evalFilter filters array according to FilterNode -func (j *JSONPath) evalFilter(input []reflect.Value, node *FilterNode) ([]reflect.Value, error) { - results := []reflect.Value{} - for _, value := range input { - value, _ = template.Indirect(value) - - if value.Kind() != reflect.Array && value.Kind() != reflect.Slice { - return input, fmt.Errorf("%v is not array or slice and cannot be filtered", value) - } - for i := 0; i < value.Len(); i++ { - temp := []reflect.Value{value.Index(i)} - lefts, err := j.evalList(temp, node.Left) - - //case exists - if node.Operator == "exists" { - if len(lefts) > 0 { - results = append(results, value.Index(i)) - } - continue - } - - if err != nil { - return input, err - } - - var left, right interface{} - switch { - case len(lefts) == 0: - continue - case len(lefts) > 1: - return input, fmt.Errorf("can only compare one element at a time") - } - left = lefts[0].Interface() - - rights, err := j.evalList(temp, node.Right) - if err != nil { - return input, err - } - switch { - case len(rights) == 0: - continue - case len(rights) > 1: - return input, fmt.Errorf("can only compare one element at a time") - } - right = rights[0].Interface() - - pass := false - switch node.Operator { - case "<": - pass, err = template.Less(left, right) - case ">": - pass, err = template.Greater(left, right) - case "==": - pass, err = template.Equal(left, right) - case "!=": - pass, err = template.NotEqual(left, right) - case "<=": - pass, err = template.LessEqual(left, right) - case ">=": - pass, err = template.GreaterEqual(left, right) - default: - return results, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized filter operator %s", node.Operator) - } - if err != nil { - return results, err - } - if pass { - results = append(results, value.Index(i)) - } - } - } - return results, nil -} - -// evalToText translates reflect value to corresponding text -func (j *JSONPath) evalToText(v reflect.Value) ([]byte, error) { - iface, ok := template.PrintableValue(v) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't print type %s", v.Type()) - } - if iface == nil { - return []byte("null"), nil - } - var buffer bytes.Buffer - fmt.Fprint(&buffer, iface) - return buffer.Bytes(), nil -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/util/jsonpath/node.go b/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/util/jsonpath/node.go deleted file mode 100644 index 83abe8b0..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/util/jsonpath/node.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,256 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package jsonpath - -import "fmt" - -// NodeType identifies the type of a parse tree node. -type NodeType int - -// Type returns itself and provides an easy default implementation -func (t NodeType) Type() NodeType { - return t -} - -func (t NodeType) String() string { - return NodeTypeName[t] -} - -const ( - NodeText NodeType = iota - NodeArray - NodeList - NodeField - NodeIdentifier - NodeFilter - NodeInt - NodeFloat - NodeWildcard - NodeRecursive - NodeUnion - NodeBool -) - -var NodeTypeName = map[NodeType]string{ - NodeText: "NodeText", - NodeArray: "NodeArray", - NodeList: "NodeList", - NodeField: "NodeField", - NodeIdentifier: "NodeIdentifier", - NodeFilter: "NodeFilter", - NodeInt: "NodeInt", - NodeFloat: "NodeFloat", - NodeWildcard: "NodeWildcard", - NodeRecursive: "NodeRecursive", - NodeUnion: "NodeUnion", - NodeBool: "NodeBool", -} - -type Node interface { - Type() NodeType - String() string -} - -// ListNode holds a sequence of nodes. -type ListNode struct { - NodeType - Nodes []Node // The element nodes in lexical order. -} - -func newList() *ListNode { - return &ListNode{NodeType: NodeList} -} - -func (l *ListNode) append(n Node) { - l.Nodes = append(l.Nodes, n) -} - -func (l *ListNode) String() string { - return l.Type().String() -} - -// TextNode holds plain text. -type TextNode struct { - NodeType - Text string // The text; may span newlines. -} - -func newText(text string) *TextNode { - return &TextNode{NodeType: NodeText, Text: text} -} - -func (t *TextNode) String() string { - return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", t.Type(), t.Text) -} - -// FieldNode holds field of struct -type FieldNode struct { - NodeType - Value string -} - -func newField(value string) *FieldNode { - return &FieldNode{NodeType: NodeField, Value: value} -} - -func (f *FieldNode) String() string { - return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", f.Type(), f.Value) -} - -// IdentifierNode holds an identifier -type IdentifierNode struct { - NodeType - Name string -} - -func newIdentifier(value string) *IdentifierNode { - return &IdentifierNode{ - NodeType: NodeIdentifier, - Name: value, - } -} - -func (f *IdentifierNode) String() string { - return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", f.Type(), f.Name) -} - -// ParamsEntry holds param information for ArrayNode -type ParamsEntry struct { - Value int - Known bool // whether the value is known when parse it - Derived bool -} - -// ArrayNode holds start, end, step information for array index selection -type ArrayNode struct { - NodeType - Params [3]ParamsEntry // start, end, step -} - -func newArray(params [3]ParamsEntry) *ArrayNode { - return &ArrayNode{ - NodeType: NodeArray, - Params: params, - } -} - -func (a *ArrayNode) String() string { - return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %v", a.Type(), a.Params) -} - -// FilterNode holds operand and operator information for filter -type FilterNode struct { - NodeType - Left *ListNode - Right *ListNode - Operator string -} - -func newFilter(left, right *ListNode, operator string) *FilterNode { - return &FilterNode{ - NodeType: NodeFilter, - Left: left, - Right: right, - Operator: operator, - } -} - -func (f *FilterNode) String() string { - return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s %s %s", f.Type(), f.Left, f.Operator, f.Right) -} - -// IntNode holds integer value -type IntNode struct { - NodeType - Value int -} - -func newInt(num int) *IntNode { - return &IntNode{NodeType: NodeInt, Value: num} -} - -func (i *IntNode) String() string { - return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %d", i.Type(), i.Value) -} - -// FloatNode holds float value -type FloatNode struct { - NodeType - Value float64 -} - -func newFloat(num float64) *FloatNode { - return &FloatNode{NodeType: NodeFloat, Value: num} -} - -func (i *FloatNode) String() string { - return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %f", i.Type(), i.Value) -} - -// WildcardNode means a wildcard -type WildcardNode struct { - NodeType -} - -func newWildcard() *WildcardNode { - return &WildcardNode{NodeType: NodeWildcard} -} - -func (i *WildcardNode) String() string { - return i.Type().String() -} - -// RecursiveNode means a recursive descent operator -type RecursiveNode struct { - NodeType -} - -func newRecursive() *RecursiveNode { - return &RecursiveNode{NodeType: NodeRecursive} -} - -func (r *RecursiveNode) String() string { - return r.Type().String() -} - -// UnionNode is union of ListNode -type UnionNode struct { - NodeType - Nodes []*ListNode -} - -func newUnion(nodes []*ListNode) *UnionNode { - return &UnionNode{NodeType: NodeUnion, Nodes: nodes} -} - -func (u *UnionNode) String() string { - return u.Type().String() -} - -// BoolNode holds bool value -type BoolNode struct { - NodeType - Value bool -} - -func newBool(value bool) *BoolNode { - return &BoolNode{NodeType: NodeBool, Value: value} -} - -func (b *BoolNode) String() string { - return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %t", b.Type(), b.Value) -} diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/util/jsonpath/parser.go b/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/util/jsonpath/parser.go deleted file mode 100644 index 40bab188..00000000 --- a/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/util/jsonpath/parser.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,527 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package jsonpath - -import ( - "errors" - "fmt" - "regexp" - "strconv" - "strings" - "unicode" - "unicode/utf8" -) - -const eof = -1 - -const ( - leftDelim = "{" - rightDelim = "}" -) - -type Parser struct { - Name string - Root *ListNode - input string - pos int - start int - width int -} - -var ( - ErrSyntax = errors.New("invalid syntax") - dictKeyRex = regexp.MustCompile(`^'([^']*)'$`) - sliceOperatorRex = regexp.MustCompile(`^(-?[\d]*)(:-?[\d]*)?(:-?[\d]*)?$`) -) - -// Parse parsed the given text and return a node Parser. -// If an error is encountered, parsing stops and an empty -// Parser is returned with the error -func Parse(name, text string) (*Parser, error) { - p := NewParser(name) - err := p.Parse(text) - if err != nil { - p = nil - } - return p, err -} - -func NewParser(name string) *Parser { - return &Parser{ - Name: name, - } -} - -// parseAction parsed the expression inside delimiter -func parseAction(name, text string) (*Parser, error) { - p, err := Parse(name, fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", leftDelim, text, rightDelim)) - // when error happens, p will be nil, so we need to return here - if err != nil { - return p, err - } - p.Root = p.Root.Nodes[0].(*ListNode) - return p, nil -} - -func (p *Parser) Parse(text string) error { - p.input = text - p.Root = newList() - p.pos = 0 - return p.parseText(p.Root) -} - -// consumeText return the parsed text since last cosumeText -func (p *Parser) consumeText() string { - value := p.input[p.start:p.pos] - p.start = p.pos - return value -} - -// next returns the next rune in the input. -func (p *Parser) next() rune { - if p.pos >= len(p.input) { - p.width = 0 - return eof - } - r, w := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(p.input[p.pos:]) - p.width = w - p.pos += p.width - return r -} - -// peek returns but does not consume the next rune in the input. -func (p *Parser) peek() rune { - r := p.next() - p.backup() - return r -} - -// backup steps back one rune. Can only be called once per call of next. -func (p *Parser) backup() { - p.pos -= p.width -} - -func (p *Parser) parseText(cur *ListNode) error { - for { - if strings.HasPrefix(p.input[p.pos:], leftDelim) { - if p.pos > p.start { - cur.append(newText(p.consumeText())) - } - return p.parseLeftDelim(cur) - } - if p.next() == eof { - break - } - } - // Correctly reached EOF. - if p.pos > p.start { - cur.append(newText(p.consumeText())) - } - return nil -} - -// parseLeftDelim scans the left delimiter, which is known to be present. -func (p *Parser) parseLeftDelim(cur *ListNode) error { - p.pos += len(leftDelim) - p.consumeText() - newNode := newList() - cur.append(newNode) - cur = newNode - return p.parseInsideAction(cur) -} - -func (p *Parser) parseInsideAction(cur *ListNode) error { - prefixMap := map[string]func(*ListNode) error{ - rightDelim: p.parseRightDelim, - "[?(": p.parseFilter, - "..": p.parseRecursive, - } - for prefix, parseFunc := range prefixMap { - if strings.HasPrefix(p.input[p.pos:], prefix) { - return parseFunc(cur) - } - } - - switch r := p.next(); { - case r == eof || isEndOfLine(r): - return fmt.Errorf("unclosed action") - case r == ' ': - p.consumeText() - case r == '@' || r == '$': //the current object, just pass it - p.consumeText() - case r == '[': - return p.parseArray(cur) - case r == '"' || r == '\'': - return p.parseQuote(cur, r) - case r == '.': - return p.parseField(cur) - case r == '+' || r == '-' || unicode.IsDigit(r): - p.backup() - return p.parseNumber(cur) - case isAlphaNumeric(r): - p.backup() - return p.parseIdentifier(cur) - default: - return fmt.Errorf("unrecognized character in action: %#U", r) - } - return p.parseInsideAction(cur) -} - -// parseRightDelim scans the right delimiter, which is known to be present. -func (p *Parser) parseRightDelim(cur *ListNode) error { - p.pos += len(rightDelim) - p.consumeText() - return p.parseText(p.Root) -} - -// parseIdentifier scans build-in keywords, like "range" "end" -func (p *Parser) parseIdentifier(cur *ListNode) error { - var r rune - for { - r = p.next() - if isTerminator(r) { - p.backup() - break - } - } - value := p.consumeText() - - if isBool(value) { - v, err := strconv.ParseBool(value) - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("can not parse bool '%s': %s", value, err.Error()) - } - - cur.append(newBool(v)) - } else { - cur.append(newIdentifier(value)) - } - - return p.parseInsideAction(cur) -} - -// parseRecursive scans the recursive descent operator .. -func (p *Parser) parseRecursive(cur *ListNode) error { - if lastIndex := len(cur.Nodes) - 1; lastIndex >= 0 && cur.Nodes[lastIndex].Type() == NodeRecursive { - return fmt.Errorf("invalid multiple recursive descent") - } - p.pos += len("..") - p.consumeText() - cur.append(newRecursive()) - if r := p.peek(); isAlphaNumeric(r) { - return p.parseField(cur) - } - return p.parseInsideAction(cur) -} - -// parseNumber scans number -func (p *Parser) parseNumber(cur *ListNode) error { - r := p.peek() - if r == '+' || r == '-' { - p.next() - } - for { - r = p.next() - if r != '.' && !unicode.IsDigit(r) { - p.backup() - break - } - } - value := p.consumeText() - i, err := strconv.Atoi(value) - if err == nil { - cur.append(newInt(i)) - return p.parseInsideAction(cur) - } - d, err := strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64) - if err == nil { - cur.append(newFloat(d)) - return p.parseInsideAction(cur) - } - return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse number %s", value) -} - -// parseArray scans array index selection -func (p *Parser) parseArray(cur *ListNode) error { -Loop: - for { - switch p.next() { - case eof, '\n': - return fmt.Errorf("unterminated array") - case ']': - break Loop - } - } - text := p.consumeText() - text = text[1 : len(text)-1] - if text == "*" { - text = ":" - } - - //union operator - strs := strings.Split(text, ",") - if len(strs) > 1 { - union := []*ListNode{} - for _, str := range strs { - parser, err := parseAction("union", fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", strings.Trim(str, " "))) - if err != nil { - return err - } - union = append(union, parser.Root) - } - cur.append(newUnion(union)) - return p.parseInsideAction(cur) - } - - // dict key - value := dictKeyRex.FindStringSubmatch(text) - if value != nil { - parser, err := parseAction("arraydict", fmt.Sprintf(".%s", value[1])) - if err != nil { - return err - } - for _, node := range parser.Root.Nodes { - cur.append(node) - } - return p.parseInsideAction(cur) - } - - //slice operator - value = sliceOperatorRex.FindStringSubmatch(text) - if value == nil { - return fmt.Errorf("invalid array index %s", text) - } - value = value[1:] - params := [3]ParamsEntry{} - for i := 0; i < 3; i++ { - if value[i] != "" { - if i > 0 { - value[i] = value[i][1:] - } - if i > 0 && value[i] == "" { - params[i].Known = false - } else { - var err error - params[i].Known = true - params[i].Value, err = strconv.Atoi(value[i]) - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("array index %s is not a number", value[i]) - } - } - } else { - if i == 1 { - params[i].Known = true - params[i].Value = params[0].Value + 1 - params[i].Derived = true - } else { - params[i].Known = false - params[i].Value = 0 - } - } - } - cur.append(newArray(params)) - return p.parseInsideAction(cur) -} - -// parseFilter scans filter inside array selection -func (p *Parser) parseFilter(cur *ListNode) error { - p.pos += len("[?(") - p.consumeText() - begin := false - end := false - var pair rune - -Loop: - for { - r := p.next() - switch r { - case eof, '\n': - return fmt.Errorf("unterminated filter") - case '"', '\'': - if begin == false { - //save the paired rune - begin = true - pair = r - continue - } - //only add when met paired rune - if p.input[p.pos-2] != '\\' && r == pair { - end = true - } - case ')': - //in rightParser below quotes only appear zero or once - //and must be paired at the beginning and end - if begin == end { - break Loop - } - } - } - if p.next() != ']' { - return fmt.Errorf("unclosed array expect ]") - } - reg := regexp.MustCompile(`^([^!<>=]+)([!<>=]+)(.+?)$`) - text := p.consumeText() - text = text[:len(text)-2] - value := reg.FindStringSubmatch(text) - if value == nil { - parser, err := parseAction("text", text) - if err != nil { - return err - } - cur.append(newFilter(parser.Root, newList(), "exists")) - } else { - leftParser, err := parseAction("left", value[1]) - if err != nil { - return err - } - rightParser, err := parseAction("right", value[3]) - if err != nil { - return err - } - cur.append(newFilter(leftParser.Root, rightParser.Root, value[2])) - } - return p.parseInsideAction(cur) -} - -// parseQuote unquotes string inside double or single quote -func (p *Parser) parseQuote(cur *ListNode, end rune) error { -Loop: - for { - switch p.next() { - case eof, '\n': - return fmt.Errorf("unterminated quoted string") - case end: - //if it's not escape break the Loop - if p.input[p.pos-2] != '\\' { - break Loop - } - } - } - value := p.consumeText() - s, err := UnquoteExtend(value) - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("unquote string %s error %v", value, err) - } - cur.append(newText(s)) - return p.parseInsideAction(cur) -} - -// parseField scans a field until a terminator -func (p *Parser) parseField(cur *ListNode) error { - p.consumeText() - for p.advance() { - } - value := p.consumeText() - if value == "*" { - cur.append(newWildcard()) - } else { - cur.append(newField(strings.Replace(value, "\\", "", -1))) - } - return p.parseInsideAction(cur) -} - -// advance scans until next non-escaped terminator -func (p *Parser) advance() bool { - r := p.next() - if r == '\\' { - p.next() - } else if isTerminator(r) { - p.backup() - return false - } - return true -} - -// isTerminator reports whether the input is at valid termination character to appear after an identifier. -func isTerminator(r rune) bool { - if isSpace(r) || isEndOfLine(r) { - return true - } - switch r { - case eof, '.', ',', '[', ']', '$', '@', '{', '}': - return true - } - return false -} - -// isSpace reports whether r is a space character. -func isSpace(r rune) bool { - return r == ' ' || r == '\t' -} - -// isEndOfLine reports whether r is an end-of-line character. -func isEndOfLine(r rune) bool { - return r == '\r' || r == '\n' -} - -// isAlphaNumeric reports whether r is an alphabetic, digit, or underscore. -func isAlphaNumeric(r rune) bool { - return r == '_' || unicode.IsLetter(r) || unicode.IsDigit(r) -} - -// isBool reports whether s is a boolean value. -func isBool(s string) bool { - return s == "true" || s == "false" -} - -// UnquoteExtend is almost same as strconv.Unquote(), but it support parse single quotes as a string -func UnquoteExtend(s string) (string, error) { - n := len(s) - if n < 2 { - return "", ErrSyntax - } - quote := s[0] - if quote != s[n-1] { - return "", ErrSyntax - } - s = s[1 : n-1] - - if quote != '"' && quote != '\'' { - return "", ErrSyntax - } - - // Is it trivial? Avoid allocation. - if !contains(s, '\\') && !contains(s, quote) { - return s, nil - } - - var runeTmp [utf8.UTFMax]byte - buf := make([]byte, 0, 3*len(s)/2) // Try to avoid more allocations. - for len(s) > 0 { - c, multibyte, ss, err := strconv.UnquoteChar(s, quote) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - s = ss - if c < utf8.RuneSelf || !multibyte { - buf = append(buf, byte(c)) - } else { - n := utf8.EncodeRune(runeTmp[:], c) - buf = append(buf, runeTmp[:n]...) - } - } - return string(buf), nil -} - -func contains(s string, c byte) bool { - for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { - if s[i] == c { - return true - } - } - return false -} diff --git a/vendor/kmodules.xyz/client-go/tools/clientcmd/client_config.go b/vendor/kmodules.xyz/client-go/tools/clientcmd/client_config.go deleted file mode 100644 index 47e7ef4c..00000000 --- a/vendor/kmodules.xyz/client-go/tools/clientcmd/client_config.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,136 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright AppsCode Inc. and Contributors - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package clientcmd - -import ( - "net" - "os" - - "kmodules.xyz/client-go/meta" - - "github.com/pkg/errors" - "github.com/spf13/pflag" - "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes" - _ "k8s.io/client-go/plugin/pkg/client/auth" - "k8s.io/client-go/rest" - "k8s.io/client-go/tools/clientcmd" - "k8s.io/klog/v2" -) - -// BuildConfigFromFlags is a helper function that builds configs from a master -// url or a kubeconfig filepath. These are passed in as command line flags for cluster -// components. Warnings should reflect this usage. If neither masterUrl or kubeconfigPath -// are passed in we fallback to inClusterConfig. If inClusterConfig fails, we fallback -// to the default config. -func BuildConfigFromFlags(masterUrl, kubeconfigPath string) (*rest.Config, error) { - return fix(clientcmd.BuildConfigFromFlags(masterUrl, kubeconfigPath)) -} - -// BuildConfigFromKubeconfigGetter is a helper function that builds configs from a master -// url and a kubeconfigGetter. -func BuildConfigFromKubeconfigGetter(masterUrl string, kubeconfigGetter clientcmd.KubeconfigGetter) (*rest.Config, error) { - return fix(clientcmd.BuildConfigFromKubeconfigGetter(masterUrl, kubeconfigGetter)) -} - -func BuildConfigFromContext(kubeconfigPath, contextName string) (*rest.Config, error) { - var loader clientcmd.ClientConfigLoader - if kubeconfigPath == "" { - if meta.PossiblyInCluster() { - return rest.InClusterConfig() - } - rules := clientcmd.NewDefaultClientConfigLoadingRules() - rules.DefaultClientConfig = &clientcmd.DefaultClientConfig - loader = rules - } else { - loader = &clientcmd.ClientConfigLoadingRules{ExplicitPath: kubeconfigPath} - } - overrides := &clientcmd.ConfigOverrides{ - CurrentContext: contextName, - } - return fix(clientcmd.NewNonInteractiveDeferredLoadingClientConfig(loader, overrides).ClientConfig()) -} - -func ClientFromContext(kubeconfigPath, contextName string) (kubernetes.Interface, error) { - cfg, err := BuildConfigFromContext(kubeconfigPath, contextName) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return kubernetes.NewForConfig(cfg) -} - -func NamespaceFromContext(kubeconfigPath, contextName string) (string, error) { - kConfig, err := clientcmd.LoadFromFile(kubeconfigPath) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - ctx, found := kConfig.Contexts[contextName] - if !found { - return "", errors.Errorf("context %s not found in kubeconfig file %s", contextName, kubeconfigPath) - } - return ctx.Namespace, nil -} - -func fix(cfg *rest.Config, err error) (*rest.Config, error) { - return Fix(cfg), err -} - -var fixAKS = true - -func init() { - pflag.BoolVar(&fixAKS, "use-kubeapiserver-fqdn-for-aks", fixAKS, "if true, uses kube-apiserver FQDN for AKS cluster to workaround https://github.com/Azure/AKS/issues/522") -} - -func UseKubeAPIServerFQDNForAKS() bool { - return fixAKS -} - -// FixAKS uses kube-apiserver FQDN for AKS cluster to workaround https://github.com/Azure/AKS/issues/522 -func Fix(cfg *rest.Config) *rest.Config { - if cfg == nil || !fixAKS { - return cfg - } - - // ref: https://github.com/kubernetes/client-go/blob/kubernetes-1.11.3/rest/config.go#L309 - host, port := os.Getenv("KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST"), os.Getenv("KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT") - if len(host) > 0 && - len(port) > 0 && - in(cfg.Host, "https://"+net.JoinHostPort(host, port), "https://kubernetes.default.svc", "https://kubernetes.default.svc:443") { - // uses service ip or cluster dns - - if cert, err := meta.APIServerCertificate(cfg); err == nil { - // kube-apiserver cert found - - if host, err := meta.TestAKS(cert); err == nil { - // AKS cluster - - h := "https://" + host - klog.Infof("resetting Kubeconfig host to %s from %s for AKS to workaround https://github.com/Azure/AKS/issues/522", h, cfg.Host) - cfg.Host = h - } - } - } - return cfg -} - -func in(x string, a ...string) bool { - for _, v := range a { - if x == v { - return true - } - } - return false -} diff --git a/vendor/kmodules.xyz/client-go/tools/clientcmd/client_getter.go b/vendor/kmodules.xyz/client-go/tools/clientcmd/client_getter.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9defadd8..00000000 --- a/vendor/kmodules.xyz/client-go/tools/clientcmd/client_getter.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright AppsCode Inc. and Contributors - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package clientcmd - -import ( - "github.com/spf13/pflag" - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/meta" - "k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions" - "k8s.io/client-go/discovery" - "k8s.io/client-go/discovery/cached/memory" - "k8s.io/client-go/rest" - "k8s.io/client-go/tools/clientcmd" - clientcmdapi "k8s.io/client-go/tools/clientcmd/api" - "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/client/apiutil" -) - -type restClientGetter struct { - config *clientcmdapi.Config -} - -var _ genericclioptions.RESTClientGetter = restClientGetter{} - -func (r restClientGetter) ToRESTConfig() (*rest.Config, error) { - return r.ToRawKubeConfigLoader().ClientConfig() -} - -func (r restClientGetter) ToDiscoveryClient() (discovery.CachedDiscoveryInterface, error) { - config, err := r.ToRESTConfig() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - // Don't use disk based cache as that makes it unsafe for multi-tenant backend servers - discoveryClient, err := discovery.NewDiscoveryClientForConfig(config) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return memory.NewMemCacheClient(discoveryClient), nil -} - -func (r restClientGetter) ToRESTMapper() (meta.RESTMapper, error) { - config, err := r.ToRESTConfig() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - hc, err := rest.HTTPClientFor(config) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return apiutil.NewDynamicRESTMapper(config, hc) -} - -func (r restClientGetter) ToRawKubeConfigLoader() clientcmd.ClientConfig { - return clientcmd.NewDefaultClientConfig(*r.config, &clientcmd.ConfigOverrides{}) -} - -func NewClientGetter(config *clientcmdapi.Config) genericclioptions.RESTClientGetter { - return &restClientGetter{config} -} - -func NewClientGetterFromFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) genericclioptions.RESTClientGetter { - client := genericclioptions.NewConfigFlags(true) - if fs != nil { - client.AddFlags(fs) - } - return client -} diff --git a/vendor/kmodules.xyz/client-go/tools/clientcmd/rest_config.go b/vendor/kmodules.xyz/client-go/tools/clientcmd/rest_config.go deleted file mode 100644 index 417565fc..00000000 --- a/vendor/kmodules.xyz/client-go/tools/clientcmd/rest_config.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright AppsCode Inc. and Contributors - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package clientcmd - -import ( - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" - "k8s.io/client-go/rest" - clientcmdapi "k8s.io/client-go/tools/clientcmd/api" - clientcmdlatest "k8s.io/client-go/tools/clientcmd/api/latest" -) - -// https://github.com/kubernetes/client-go/issues/711#issuecomment-730112049 -func BuildKubeConfig(cfg *rest.Config, namespace string) (*clientcmdapi.Config, error) { - if err := rest.LoadTLSFiles(cfg); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - clusters := make(map[string]*clientcmdapi.Cluster) - clusters["default-cluster"] = &clientcmdapi.Cluster{ - Server: cfg.Host, - CertificateAuthorityData: cfg.CAData, - } - - contexts := make(map[string]*clientcmdapi.Context) - contexts["default-context"] = &clientcmdapi.Context{ - Cluster: "default-cluster", - Namespace: namespace, - AuthInfo: "default-user", - } - - authinfos := make(map[string]*clientcmdapi.AuthInfo) - authinfos["default-user"] = &clientcmdapi.AuthInfo{ - LocationOfOrigin: "", - ClientCertificate: "", - ClientCertificateData: cfg.CertData, - ClientKey: "", - ClientKeyData: cfg.KeyData, - Token: cfg.BearerToken, - TokenFile: "", - Impersonate: cfg.Impersonate.UserName, - ImpersonateUID: cfg.Impersonate.UID, - ImpersonateGroups: cfg.Impersonate.Groups, - ImpersonateUserExtra: cfg.Impersonate.Extra, - Username: cfg.Username, - Password: cfg.Password, - AuthProvider: cfg.AuthProvider, - Exec: cfg.ExecProvider, - Extensions: nil, - } - - return &clientcmdapi.Config{ - Kind: "Config", - APIVersion: "v1", - Clusters: clusters, - Contexts: contexts, - CurrentContext: "default-context", - AuthInfos: authinfos, - }, nil -} - -func BuildKubeConfigBytes(cfg *rest.Config, namespace string) ([]byte, error) { - clientConfig, err := BuildKubeConfig(cfg, namespace) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return runtime.Encode(clientcmdlatest.Codec, clientConfig) -} diff --git a/vendor/modules.txt b/vendor/modules.txt index 1b6a0776..16f90f85 100644 --- a/vendor/modules.txt +++ b/vendor/modules.txt @@ -1,7 +1,3 @@ -# github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm v0.0.0-20210617225240-d185dfc1b5a1 -## explicit; go 1.16 -github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm -github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/winterm # github.com/BurntSushi/toml v1.3.2 ## explicit; go 1.16 github.com/BurntSushi/toml @@ -53,9 +49,6 @@ github.com/fatih/structs # github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify v1.7.0 ## explicit; go 1.17 github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify -# github.com/go-errors/errors v1.4.2 -## explicit; go 1.14 -github.com/go-errors/errors # github.com/go-logr/logr v1.4.1 ## explicit; go 1.18 github.com/go-logr/logr @@ -97,9 +90,6 @@ github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/any github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/duration github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/timestamp -# github.com/google/btree v1.1.2 -## explicit; go 1.18 -github.com/google/btree # github.com/google/gnostic-models v0.6.8 ## explicit; go 1.18 github.com/google/gnostic-models/compiler @@ -123,15 +113,9 @@ github.com/google/gofuzz github.com/google/gofuzz/bytesource # github.com/google/pprof v0.0.0-20221118152302-e6195bd50e26 ## explicit; go 1.18 -# github.com/google/shlex v0.0.0-20191202100458-e7afc7fbc510 -## explicit; go 1.13 -github.com/google/shlex # github.com/google/uuid v1.6.0 ## explicit github.com/google/uuid -# github.com/gregjones/httpcache v0.0.0-20190611155906-901d90724c79 -## explicit -github.com/gregjones/httpcache # github.com/huandu/xstrings v1.4.0 ## explicit; go 1.12 github.com/huandu/xstrings @@ -150,9 +134,6 @@ github.com/json-iterator/go # github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2 v2.0.9 ## explicit; go 1.13 github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2 -# github.com/liggitt/tabwriter v0.0.0-20181228230101-89fcab3d43de -## explicit -github.com/liggitt/tabwriter # github.com/mailru/easyjson v0.7.7 ## explicit; go 1.12 github.com/mailru/easyjson/buffer @@ -170,19 +151,12 @@ github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure # github.com/mitchellh/reflectwalk v1.0.2 ## explicit github.com/mitchellh/reflectwalk -# github.com/moby/term v0.5.0 -## explicit; go 1.18 -github.com/moby/term -github.com/moby/term/windows # github.com/modern-go/concurrent v0.0.0-20180306012644-bacd9c7ef1dd ## explicit github.com/modern-go/concurrent # github.com/modern-go/reflect2 v1.0.2 ## explicit; go 1.12 github.com/modern-go/reflect2 -# github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore v0.0.0-20200626010858-205db1a8cc00 -## explicit -github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore # github.com/munnerz/goautoneg v0.0.0-20191010083416-a7dc8b61c822 ## explicit github.com/munnerz/goautoneg @@ -191,9 +165,6 @@ github.com/munnerz/goautoneg # github.com/opencontainers/go-digest v1.0.0 ## explicit; go 1.13 github.com/opencontainers/go-digest -# github.com/peterbourgon/diskv v2.0.1+incompatible -## explicit -github.com/peterbourgon/diskv # github.com/pkg/errors v0.9.1 ## explicit github.com/pkg/errors @@ -246,9 +217,6 @@ github.com/xeipuuv/gojsonreference # github.com/xeipuuv/gojsonschema v1.2.0 ## explicit github.com/xeipuuv/gojsonschema -# github.com/xlab/treeprint v1.2.0 -## explicit; go 1.13 -github.com/xlab/treeprint # github.com/yudai/gojsondiff v1.0.0 ## explicit github.com/yudai/gojsondiff @@ -263,14 +231,6 @@ github.com/zeebo/xxh3 ## explicit; go 1.21 go.bytebuilders.dev/license-verifier/apis/licenses go.bytebuilders.dev/license-verifier/info -# go.starlark.net v0.0.0-20230525235612-a134d8f9ddca -## explicit; go 1.16 -go.starlark.net/internal/compile -go.starlark.net/internal/spell -go.starlark.net/resolve -go.starlark.net/starlark -go.starlark.net/starlarkstruct -go.starlark.net/syntax # go.uber.org/multierr v1.11.0 ## explicit; go 1.19 go.uber.org/multierr @@ -304,9 +264,6 @@ golang.org/x/net/idna ## explicit; go 1.18 golang.org/x/oauth2 golang.org/x/oauth2/internal -# golang.org/x/sync v0.5.0 -## explicit; go 1.18 -golang.org/x/sync/errgroup # golang.org/x/sys v0.18.0 ## explicit; go 1.18 golang.org/x/sys/plan9 @@ -317,12 +274,6 @@ golang.org/x/sys/windows golang.org/x/term # golang.org/x/text v0.14.0 ## explicit; go 1.18 -golang.org/x/text/encoding -golang.org/x/text/encoding/internal -golang.org/x/text/encoding/internal/identifier -golang.org/x/text/encoding/unicode -golang.org/x/text/internal/utf8internal -golang.org/x/text/runes golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule golang.org/x/text/transform golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi @@ -502,7 +453,6 @@ k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/internalversion k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/internalversion/scheme k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1 k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1/unstructured -k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1/unstructured/unstructuredscheme k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1/validation k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1beta1 k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/conversion @@ -522,7 +472,6 @@ k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/types k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/cache k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/diff k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/dump -k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/duration k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/errors k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/framer k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/intstr @@ -558,12 +507,6 @@ k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/endpoints/request k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/endpoints/responsewriter k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/server/healthz k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/server/httplog -# k8s.io/cli-runtime v0.29.2 -## explicit; go 1.21 -k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions -k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericiooptions -k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers -k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource # k8s.io/client-go v0.29.2 ## explicit; go 1.21 k8s.io/client-go/applyconfigurations/admissionregistration/v1 @@ -615,7 +558,6 @@ k8s.io/client-go/applyconfigurations/storage/v1 k8s.io/client-go/applyconfigurations/storage/v1alpha1 k8s.io/client-go/applyconfigurations/storage/v1beta1 k8s.io/client-go/discovery -k8s.io/client-go/discovery/cached/disk k8s.io/client-go/discovery/cached/memory k8s.io/client-go/discovery/fake k8s.io/client-go/dynamic @@ -842,7 +784,6 @@ k8s.io/client-go/listers/storage/v1beta1 k8s.io/client-go/metadata k8s.io/client-go/openapi k8s.io/client-go/openapi/cached -k8s.io/client-go/openapi3 k8s.io/client-go/pkg/apis/clientauthentication k8s.io/client-go/pkg/apis/clientauthentication/install k8s.io/client-go/pkg/apis/clientauthentication/v1 @@ -858,7 +799,6 @@ k8s.io/client-go/rest/fake k8s.io/client-go/rest/watch k8s.io/client-go/restmapper k8s.io/client-go/testing -k8s.io/client-go/third_party/forked/golang/template k8s.io/client-go/tools/auth k8s.io/client-go/tools/cache k8s.io/client-go/tools/cache/synctrack @@ -879,7 +819,6 @@ k8s.io/client-go/util/cert k8s.io/client-go/util/connrotation k8s.io/client-go/util/flowcontrol k8s.io/client-go/util/homedir -k8s.io/client-go/util/jsonpath k8s.io/client-go/util/keyutil k8s.io/client-go/util/workqueue # k8s.io/component-base v0.29.2 @@ -931,7 +870,6 @@ kmodules.xyz/client-go/client kmodules.xyz/client-go/client/apiutil kmodules.xyz/client-go/core/v1 kmodules.xyz/client-go/meta -kmodules.xyz/client-go/tools/clientcmd # open-cluster-management.io/addon-framework v0.9.1-0.20240402013859-be542a6d0a9c ## explicit; go 1.21 open-cluster-management.io/addon-framework/pkg/addonfactory @@ -1052,89 +990,6 @@ sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/webhook/internal/metrics ## explicit; go 1.18 sigs.k8s.io/json sigs.k8s.io/json/internal/golang/encoding/json -# sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api v0.13.5-0.20230601165947-6ce0bf390ce3 -## explicit; go 1.19 -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/annotations -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/fieldspec -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/filtersutil -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/fsslice -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/iampolicygenerator -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/imagetag -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/labels -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/nameref -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/namespace -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/patchjson6902 -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/patchstrategicmerge -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/prefix -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/refvar -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/replacement -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/replicacount -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/suffix -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/valueadd -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/hasher -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/ifc -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/image -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/accumulator -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/generators -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/git -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/kusterr -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/builtinconfig -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/builtinhelpers -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/execplugin -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/fnplugin -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/loader -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/utils -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/target -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/utils -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/validate -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/krusty -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/kv -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/loader -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/provenance -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/provider -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resource -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types -# sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml v0.14.3-0.20230601165947-6ce0bf390ce3 -## explicit; go 1.19 -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/comments -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/ext -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fieldmeta -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/container -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/exec -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/runtimeutil -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/starlark -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/qri-io/starlib/util -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/filters -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/kioutil -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi/kubernetesapi -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi/kubernetesapi/v1_21_2 -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi/kustomizationapi -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/order -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/resid -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/runfn -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/sets -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/sliceutil -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/utils -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/labels -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/selection -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/util/errors -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/util/sets -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/util/validation -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/util/validation/field -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/merge2 -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/merge3 -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/schema -sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/walk # sigs.k8s.io/structured-merge-diff/v4 v4.4.1 ## explicit; go 1.13 sigs.k8s.io/structured-merge-diff/v4/fieldpath diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/LICENSE b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index 8dada3ed..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,201 +0,0 @@ - Apache License - Version 2.0, January 2004 - http://www.apache.org/licenses/ - - TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION - - 1. Definitions. - - "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, - and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. - - "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by - the copyright owner that is granting the License. - - "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all - other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common - control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, - "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the - direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or - otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the - outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. - - "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity - exercising permissions granted by this License. - - "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, - including but not limited to software source code, documentation - source, and configuration files. - - "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical - transformation or translation of a Source form, including but - not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, - and conversions to other media types. - - "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or - Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a - copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work - (an example is provided in the Appendix below). - - "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object - form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the - editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications - represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes - of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain - separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, - the Work and Derivative Works thereof. - - "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including - the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions - to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally - submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner - or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of - the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" - means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent - to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to - communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, - and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the - Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but - excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise - designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." - - "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity - on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and - subsequently incorporated within the Work. - - 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of - this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, - worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable - copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, - publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the - Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. - - 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of - this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, - worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable - (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, - use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, - where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable - by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their - Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) - with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You - institute patent litigation against any entity (including a - cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work - or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct - or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses - granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate - as of the date such litigation is filed. - - 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the - Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without - modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You - meet the following conditions: - - (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or - Derivative Works a copy of this License; and - - (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices - stating that You changed the files; and - - (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works - that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and - attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, - excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of - the Derivative Works; and - - (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its - distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must - include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained - within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not - pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one - of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed - as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or - documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, - within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and - wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents - of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and - do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution - notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside - or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided - that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed - as modifying the License. - - You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and - may provide additional or different license terms and conditions - for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or - for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, - reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with - the conditions stated in this License. - - 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, - any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work - by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of - this License, without any additional terms or conditions. - Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify - the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed - with Licensor regarding such Contributions. - - 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade - names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, - except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the - origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. - - 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or - agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each - Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or - implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions - of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A - PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the - appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any - risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. - - 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, - whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, - unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly - negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be - liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, - incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a - result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the - Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, - work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all - other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor - has been advised of the possibility of such damages. - - 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing - the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, - and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, - or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this - License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only - on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf - of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, - defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability - incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason - of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. - - END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS - - APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work. - - To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following - boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "{}" - replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include - the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate - comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a - file or class name and description of purpose be included on the - same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier - identification within third-party archives. - - Copyright {yyyy} {name of copyright owner} - - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/annotations/annotations.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/annotations/annotations.go deleted file mode 100644 index 4998f5a3..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/annotations/annotations.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package annotations - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/filtersutil" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/fsslice" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -type annoMap map[string]string - -type Filter struct { - // Annotations is the set of annotations to apply to the inputs - Annotations annoMap `yaml:"annotations,omitempty"` - - // FsSlice contains the FieldSpecs to locate the namespace field - FsSlice types.FsSlice - - trackableSetter filtersutil.TrackableSetter -} - -var _ kio.Filter = Filter{} -var _ kio.TrackableFilter = &Filter{} - -// WithMutationTracker registers a callback which will be invoked each time a field is mutated -func (f *Filter) WithMutationTracker(callback func(key, value, tag string, node *yaml.RNode)) { - f.trackableSetter.WithMutationTracker(callback) -} - -func (f Filter) Filter(nodes []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - keys := yaml.SortedMapKeys(f.Annotations) - _, err := kio.FilterAll(yaml.FilterFunc( - func(node *yaml.RNode) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - for _, k := range keys { - if err := node.PipeE(fsslice.Filter{ - FsSlice: f.FsSlice, - SetValue: f.trackableSetter.SetEntry( - k, f.Annotations[k], yaml.NodeTagString), - CreateKind: yaml.MappingNode, // Annotations are MappingNodes. - CreateTag: yaml.NodeTagMap, - }); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - return node, nil - })).Filter(nodes) - return nodes, err -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/annotations/doc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/annotations/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index b1f6a0b6..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/annotations/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package annotations contains a kio.Filter implementation of the kustomize -// annotations transformer. -package annotations diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/fieldspec/doc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/fieldspec/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6f643630..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/fieldspec/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package fieldspec contains a yaml.Filter to modify a resource -// that matches the FieldSpec. -package fieldspec diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/fieldspec/fieldspec.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/fieldspec/fieldspec.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8e4e78ca..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/fieldspec/fieldspec.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,182 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package fieldspec - -import ( - "fmt" - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/filtersutil" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/resid" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/utils" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -var _ yaml.Filter = Filter{} - -// Filter possibly mutates its object argument using a FieldSpec. -// If the object matches the FieldSpec, and the node found -// by following the fieldSpec's path is non-null, this filter calls -// the setValue function on the node at the end of the path. -// If any part of the path doesn't exist, the filter returns -// without doing anything and without error, unless it was set -// to create the path. If set to create, it creates a tree of maps -// along the path, and the leaf node gets the setValue called on it. -// Error on GVK mismatch, empty or poorly formed path. -// Filter expect kustomize style paths, not JSON paths. -// Filter stores internal state and should not be reused -type Filter struct { - // FieldSpec contains the path to the value to set. - FieldSpec types.FieldSpec `yaml:"fieldSpec"` - - // Set the field using this function - SetValue filtersutil.SetFn - - // CreateKind defines the type of node to create if the field is not found - CreateKind yaml.Kind - - CreateTag string - - // path keeps internal state about the current path - path []string -} - -func (fltr Filter) Filter(obj *yaml.RNode) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - // check if the FieldSpec applies to the object - if match := isMatchGVK(fltr.FieldSpec, obj); !match { - return obj, nil - } - fltr.path = utils.PathSplitter(fltr.FieldSpec.Path, "/") - if err := fltr.filter(obj); err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, - "considering field '%s' of object %s", fltr.FieldSpec.Path, resid.FromRNode(obj)) - } - return obj, nil -} - -// Recursively called. -func (fltr Filter) filter(obj *yaml.RNode) error { - if len(fltr.path) == 0 { - // found the field -- set its value - return fltr.SetValue(obj) - } - if obj.IsTaggedNull() || obj.IsNil() { - return nil - } - switch obj.YNode().Kind { - case yaml.SequenceNode: - return fltr.handleSequence(obj) - case yaml.MappingNode: - return fltr.handleMap(obj) - case yaml.AliasNode: - return fltr.filter(yaml.NewRNode(obj.YNode().Alias)) - default: - return errors.Errorf("expected sequence or mapping node") - } -} - -// handleMap calls filter on the map field matching the next path element -func (fltr Filter) handleMap(obj *yaml.RNode) error { - fieldName, isSeq := isSequenceField(fltr.path[0]) - if fieldName == "" { - return fmt.Errorf("cannot set or create an empty field name") - } - // lookup the field matching the next path element - var operation yaml.Filter - var kind yaml.Kind - tag := yaml.NodeTagEmpty - switch { - case !fltr.FieldSpec.CreateIfNotPresent || fltr.CreateKind == 0 || isSeq: - // don't create the field if we don't find it - operation = yaml.Lookup(fieldName) - if isSeq { - // The query path thinks this field should be a sequence; - // accept this hint for use later if the tag is NodeTagNull. - kind = yaml.SequenceNode - } - case len(fltr.path) <= 1: - // create the field if it is missing: use the provided node kind - operation = yaml.LookupCreate(fltr.CreateKind, fieldName) - kind = fltr.CreateKind - tag = fltr.CreateTag - default: - // create the field if it is missing: must be a mapping node - operation = yaml.LookupCreate(yaml.MappingNode, fieldName) - kind = yaml.MappingNode - tag = yaml.NodeTagMap - } - - // locate (or maybe create) the field - field, err := obj.Pipe(operation) - if err != nil { - return errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "fieldName: %s", fieldName) - } - if field == nil { - // No error if field not found. - return nil - } - - // if the value exists, but is null and kind is set, - // then change it to the creation type - // TODO: update yaml.LookupCreate to support this - if field.YNode().Tag == yaml.NodeTagNull && yaml.IsCreate(kind) { - field.YNode().Kind = kind - field.YNode().Tag = tag - } - - // copy the current fltr and change the path on the copy - var next = fltr - // call filter for the next path element on the matching field - next.path = fltr.path[1:] - return next.filter(field) -} - -// seq calls filter on all sequence elements -func (fltr Filter) handleSequence(obj *yaml.RNode) error { - if err := obj.VisitElements(func(node *yaml.RNode) error { - // set an accurate FieldPath for nested elements - node.AppendToFieldPath(obj.FieldPath()...) - // recurse on each element -- re-allocating a Filter is - // not strictly required, but is more consistent with field - // and less likely to have side effects - // keep the entire path -- it does not contain parts for sequences - return fltr.filter(node) - }); err != nil { - return errors.WrapPrefixf(err, - "visit traversal on path: %v", fltr.path) - } - return nil -} - -// isSequenceField returns true if the path element is for a sequence field. -// isSequence also returns the path element with the '[]' suffix trimmed -func isSequenceField(name string) (string, bool) { - shorter := strings.TrimSuffix(name, "[]") - return shorter, shorter != name -} - -// isMatchGVK returns true if the fs.GVK matches the obj GVK. -func isMatchGVK(fs types.FieldSpec, obj *yaml.RNode) bool { - if kind := obj.GetKind(); fs.Kind != "" && fs.Kind != kind { - // kind doesn't match - return false - } - - // parse the group and version from the apiVersion field - group, version := resid.ParseGroupVersion(obj.GetApiVersion()) - - if fs.Group != "" && fs.Group != group { - // group doesn't match - return false - } - - if fs.Version != "" && fs.Version != version { - // version doesn't match - return false - } - - return true -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/filtersutil/setters.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/filtersutil/setters.go deleted file mode 100644 index f7766678..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/filtersutil/setters.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,105 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2022 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package filtersutil - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// SetFn is a function that accepts an RNode to possibly modify. -type SetFn func(*yaml.RNode) error - -// SetScalar returns a SetFn to set a scalar value -func SetScalar(value string) SetFn { - return SetEntry("", value, yaml.NodeTagEmpty) -} - -// SetEntry returns a SetFn to set a field or a map entry to a value. -// It can be used with an empty name to set both a value and a tag on a scalar node. -// When setting only a value on a scalar node, use SetScalar instead. -func SetEntry(name, value, tag string) SetFn { - n := &yaml.Node{ - Kind: yaml.ScalarNode, - Value: value, - Tag: tag, - } - return func(node *yaml.RNode) error { - return node.PipeE(yaml.FieldSetter{ - Name: name, - Value: yaml.NewRNode(n), - }) - } -} - -type TrackableSetter struct { - // SetValueCallback will be invoked each time a field is set - setValueCallback func(name, value, tag string, node *yaml.RNode) -} - -// WithMutationTracker registers a callback which will be invoked each time a field is mutated -func (s *TrackableSetter) WithMutationTracker(callback func(key, value, tag string, node *yaml.RNode)) *TrackableSetter { - s.setValueCallback = callback - return s -} - -// SetScalar returns a SetFn to set a scalar value. -// if a mutation tracker has been registered, the tracker will be invoked each -// time a scalar is set -func (s TrackableSetter) SetScalar(value string) SetFn { - return s.SetEntry("", value, yaml.NodeTagEmpty) -} - -// SetScalarIfEmpty returns a SetFn to set a scalar value only if it isn't already set. -// If a mutation tracker has been registered, the tracker will be invoked each -// time a scalar is actually set. -func (s TrackableSetter) SetScalarIfEmpty(value string) SetFn { - return s.SetEntryIfEmpty("", value, yaml.NodeTagEmpty) -} - -// SetEntry returns a SetFn to set a field or a map entry to a value. -// It can be used with an empty name to set both a value and a tag on a scalar node. -// When setting only a value on a scalar node, use SetScalar instead. -// If a mutation tracker has been registered, the tracker will be invoked each -// time an entry is set. -func (s TrackableSetter) SetEntry(name, value, tag string) SetFn { - origSetEntry := SetEntry(name, value, tag) - return func(node *yaml.RNode) error { - if s.setValueCallback != nil { - s.setValueCallback(name, value, tag, node) - } - return origSetEntry(node) - } -} - -// SetEntryIfEmpty returns a SetFn to set a field or a map entry to a value only if it isn't already set. -// It can be used with an empty name to set both a value and a tag on a scalar node. -// When setting only a value on a scalar node, use SetScalar instead. -// If a mutation tracker has been registered, the tracker will be invoked each -// time an entry is actually set. -func (s TrackableSetter) SetEntryIfEmpty(key, value, tag string) SetFn { - origSetEntry := SetEntry(key, value, tag) - return func(node *yaml.RNode) error { - if hasExistingValue(node, key) { - return nil - } - if s.setValueCallback != nil { - s.setValueCallback(key, value, tag, node) - } - return origSetEntry(node) - } -} - -func hasExistingValue(node *yaml.RNode, key string) bool { - if node.IsNilOrEmpty() { - return false - } - if err := yaml.ErrorIfInvalid(node, yaml.ScalarNode); err == nil { - return yaml.GetValue(node) != "" - } - entry := node.Field(key) - if entry.IsNilOrEmpty() { - return false - } - return yaml.GetValue(entry.Value) != "" -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/fsslice/doc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/fsslice/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index b0f19772..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/fsslice/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package fsslice contains a yaml.Filter to modify a resource if -// it matches one or more FieldSpec entries. -package fsslice diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/fsslice/fsslice.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/fsslice/fsslice.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9eb5c131..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/fsslice/fsslice.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package fsslice - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/fieldspec" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/filtersutil" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -var _ yaml.Filter = Filter{} - -// Filter ranges over an FsSlice to modify fields on a single object. -// An FsSlice is a range of FieldSpecs. A FieldSpec is a GVK plus a path. -type Filter struct { - // FieldSpecList list of FieldSpecs to set - FsSlice types.FsSlice `yaml:"fsSlice"` - - // SetValue is called on each field that matches one of the FieldSpecs - SetValue filtersutil.SetFn - - // CreateKind is used to create fields that do not exist - CreateKind yaml.Kind - - // CreateTag is used to set the tag if encountering a null field - CreateTag string -} - -func (fltr Filter) Filter(obj *yaml.RNode) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - for i := range fltr.FsSlice { - // apply this FieldSpec - // create a new filter for each iteration because they - // store internal state about the field paths - _, err := (&fieldspec.Filter{ - FieldSpec: fltr.FsSlice[i], - SetValue: fltr.SetValue, - CreateKind: fltr.CreateKind, - CreateTag: fltr.CreateTag, - }).Filter(obj) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - return obj, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/iampolicygenerator/doc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/iampolicygenerator/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 3fe20a6d..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/iampolicygenerator/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2022 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package gkesagenerator contains a kio.Filter that that generates a -// iampolicy-related resources for a given cloud provider -package iampolicygenerator diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/iampolicygenerator/iampolicygenerator.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/iampolicygenerator/iampolicygenerator.go deleted file mode 100644 index 97ea3169..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/iampolicygenerator/iampolicygenerator.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2021 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package iampolicygenerator - -import ( - "fmt" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -type Filter struct { - IAMPolicyGenerator types.IAMPolicyGeneratorArgs `json:",inline,omitempty" yaml:",inline,omitempty"` -} - -// Filter adds a GKE service account object to nodes -func (f Filter) Filter(nodes []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - switch f.IAMPolicyGenerator.Cloud { - case types.GKE: - IAMPolicyResources, err := f.generateGkeIAMPolicyResources() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - nodes = append(nodes, IAMPolicyResources...) - default: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("cloud provider %s not supported yet", f.IAMPolicyGenerator.Cloud) - } - return nodes, nil -} - -func (f Filter) generateGkeIAMPolicyResources() ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - var result []*yaml.RNode - input := fmt.Sprintf(` -apiVersion: v1 -kind: ServiceAccount -metadata: - annotations: - iam.gke.io/gcp-service-account: %s@%s.iam.gserviceaccount.com - name: %s -`, f.IAMPolicyGenerator.ServiceAccount.Name, - f.IAMPolicyGenerator.ProjectId, - f.IAMPolicyGenerator.KubernetesService.Name) - - if f.IAMPolicyGenerator.Namespace != "" { - input += fmt.Sprintf("\n namespace: %s", f.IAMPolicyGenerator.Namespace) - } - - sa, err := yaml.Parse(input) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - return append(result, sa), nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/imagetag/doc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/imagetag/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index d919491d..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/imagetag/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package imagetag contains two kio.Filter implementations to cover the -// functionality of the kustomize imagetag transformer. -// -// Filter updates fields based on a FieldSpec and an ImageTag. -// -// LegacyFilter doesn't use a FieldSpec, and instead only updates image -// references if the field is name image and it is underneath a field called -// either containers or initContainers. -package imagetag diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/imagetag/imagetag.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/imagetag/imagetag.go deleted file mode 100644 index 24ab99f7..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/imagetag/imagetag.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package imagetag - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/filtersutil" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/fsslice" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// Filter modifies an "image tag", the value used to specify the -// name, tag, version digest etc. of (docker) container images -// used by a pod template. -type Filter struct { - // imageTag is the tag we want to apply to the inputs - // The name of the image is used as a key, and other fields - // can specify a new name, tag, etc. - ImageTag types.Image `json:"imageTag,omitempty" yaml:"imageTag,omitempty"` - - // FsSlice contains the FieldSpecs to locate an image field, - // e.g. Path: "spec/myContainers[]/image" - FsSlice types.FsSlice `json:"fieldSpecs,omitempty" yaml:"fieldSpecs,omitempty"` - - trackableSetter filtersutil.TrackableSetter -} - -var _ kio.Filter = Filter{} -var _ kio.TrackableFilter = &Filter{} - -// WithMutationTracker registers a callback which will be invoked each time a field is mutated -func (f *Filter) WithMutationTracker(callback func(key, value, tag string, node *yaml.RNode)) { - f.trackableSetter.WithMutationTracker(callback) -} - -func (f Filter) Filter(nodes []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - _, err := kio.FilterAll(yaml.FilterFunc(f.filter)).Filter(nodes) - return nodes, err -} - -func (f Filter) filter(node *yaml.RNode) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - // FsSlice is an allowlist, not a denyList, so to deny - // something via configuration a new config mechanism is - // needed. Until then, hardcode it. - if f.isOnDenyList(node) { - return node, nil - } - if err := node.PipeE(fsslice.Filter{ - FsSlice: f.FsSlice, - SetValue: imageTagUpdater{ - ImageTag: f.ImageTag, - trackableSetter: f.trackableSetter, - }.SetImageValue, - }); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return node, nil -} - -func (f Filter) isOnDenyList(node *yaml.RNode) bool { - meta, err := node.GetMeta() - if err != nil { - // A missing 'meta' field will cause problems elsewhere; - // ignore it here to keep the signature simple. - return false - } - // Ignore CRDs - // https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/issues/890 - return meta.Kind == `CustomResourceDefinition` -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/imagetag/legacy.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/imagetag/legacy.go deleted file mode 100644 index d6f5b33f..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/imagetag/legacy.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,104 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package imagetag - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/utils" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// LegacyFilter is an implementation of the kio.Filter interface -// that scans through the provided kyaml data structure and updates -// any values of any image fields that is inside a sequence under -// a field called either containers or initContainers. The field is only -// update if it has a value that matches and image reference and the name -// of the image is a match with the provided ImageTag. -type LegacyFilter struct { - ImageTag types.Image `json:"imageTag,omitempty" yaml:"imageTag,omitempty"` -} - -var _ kio.Filter = LegacyFilter{} - -func (lf LegacyFilter) Filter(nodes []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - return kio.FilterAll(yaml.FilterFunc(lf.filter)).Filter(nodes) -} - -func (lf LegacyFilter) filter(node *yaml.RNode) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - meta, err := node.GetMeta() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - // We do not make any changes if the type of the resource - // is CustomResourceDefinition. - if meta.Kind == `CustomResourceDefinition` { - return node, nil - } - - fff := findFieldsFilter{ - fields: []string{"containers", "initContainers"}, - fieldCallback: checkImageTagsFn(lf.ImageTag), - } - if err := node.PipeE(fff); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return node, nil -} - -type fieldCallback func(node *yaml.RNode) error - -// findFieldsFilter is an implementation of the kio.Filter -// interface. It will walk the data structure and look for fields -// that matches the provided list of field names. For each match, -// the value of the field will be passed in as a parameter to the -// provided fieldCallback. -// TODO: move this to kyaml/filterutils -type findFieldsFilter struct { - fields []string - - fieldCallback fieldCallback -} - -func (f findFieldsFilter) Filter(obj *yaml.RNode) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - return obj, f.walk(obj) -} - -func (f findFieldsFilter) walk(node *yaml.RNode) error { - switch node.YNode().Kind { - case yaml.MappingNode: - return node.VisitFields(func(n *yaml.MapNode) error { - err := f.walk(n.Value) - if err != nil { - return err - } - key := n.Key.YNode().Value - if utils.StringSliceContains(f.fields, key) { - return f.fieldCallback(n.Value) - } - return nil - }) - case yaml.SequenceNode: - return errors.Wrap(node.VisitElements(f.walk)) - } - return nil -} - -func checkImageTagsFn(imageTag types.Image) fieldCallback { - return func(node *yaml.RNode) error { - if node.YNode().Kind != yaml.SequenceNode { - return nil - } - - return node.VisitElements(func(n *yaml.RNode) error { - // Look up any fields on the provided node that is named - // image. - return n.PipeE(yaml.Get("image"), imageTagUpdater{ - ImageTag: imageTag, - }) - }) - } -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/imagetag/updater.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/imagetag/updater.go deleted file mode 100644 index d2a72849..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/imagetag/updater.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package imagetag - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/filtersutil" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/image" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// imageTagUpdater is an implementation of the kio.Filter interface -// that will update the value of the yaml node based on the provided -// ImageTag if the current value matches the format of an image reference. -type imageTagUpdater struct { - Kind string `yaml:"kind,omitempty"` - ImageTag types.Image `yaml:"imageTag,omitempty"` - trackableSetter filtersutil.TrackableSetter -} - -func (u imageTagUpdater) SetImageValue(rn *yaml.RNode) error { - if err := yaml.ErrorIfInvalid(rn, yaml.ScalarNode); err != nil { - return err - } - - value := rn.YNode().Value - - if !image.IsImageMatched(value, u.ImageTag.Name) { - return nil - } - - name, tag, digest := image.Split(value) - if u.ImageTag.NewName != "" { - name = u.ImageTag.NewName - } - - // overriding tag or digest will replace both original tag and digest values - switch { - case u.ImageTag.NewTag != "" && u.ImageTag.Digest != "": - tag = u.ImageTag.NewTag - digest = u.ImageTag.Digest - case u.ImageTag.NewTag != "": - tag = u.ImageTag.NewTag - digest = "" - case u.ImageTag.Digest != "": - tag = "" - digest = u.ImageTag.Digest - case u.ImageTag.TagSuffix != "": - tag += u.ImageTag.TagSuffix - digest = "" - } - - // build final image name - if tag != "" { - name += ":" + tag - } - if digest != "" { - name += "@" + digest - } - - return u.trackableSetter.SetScalar(name)(rn) -} - -func (u imageTagUpdater) Filter(rn *yaml.RNode) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - if err := u.SetImageValue(rn); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return rn, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/labels/doc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/labels/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 978033c7..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/labels/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package labels contains a kio.Filter implementation of the kustomize -// labels transformer. -package labels diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/labels/labels.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/labels/labels.go deleted file mode 100644 index b67d4d4b..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/labels/labels.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package labels - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/filtersutil" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/fsslice" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -type labelMap map[string]string - -// Filter sets labels. -type Filter struct { - // Labels is the set of labels to apply to the inputs - Labels labelMap `yaml:"labels,omitempty"` - - // FsSlice identifies the label fields. - FsSlice types.FsSlice - - trackableSetter filtersutil.TrackableSetter -} - -var _ kio.Filter = Filter{} -var _ kio.TrackableFilter = &Filter{} - -// WithMutationTracker registers a callback which will be invoked each time a field is mutated -func (f *Filter) WithMutationTracker(callback func(key, value, tag string, node *yaml.RNode)) { - f.trackableSetter.WithMutationTracker(callback) -} - -func (f Filter) Filter(nodes []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - keys := yaml.SortedMapKeys(f.Labels) - _, err := kio.FilterAll(yaml.FilterFunc( - func(node *yaml.RNode) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - for _, k := range keys { - if err := node.PipeE(fsslice.Filter{ - FsSlice: f.FsSlice, - SetValue: f.trackableSetter.SetEntry( - k, f.Labels[k], yaml.NodeTagString), - CreateKind: yaml.MappingNode, // Labels are MappingNodes. - CreateTag: yaml.NodeTagMap, - }); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - return node, nil - })).Filter(nodes) - return nodes, err -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/nameref/doc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/nameref/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 78f93893..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/nameref/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2022 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package nameref contains a kio.Filter implementation of the kustomize -// name reference transformer. -package nameref diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/nameref/nameref.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/nameref/nameref.go deleted file mode 100644 index 4815f10a..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/nameref/nameref.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,413 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2022 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package nameref - -import ( - "fmt" - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/fieldspec" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resource" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/resid" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// Filter updates a name references. -type Filter struct { - // Referrer refers to another resource X by X's name. - // E.g. A Deployment can refer to a ConfigMap. - // The Deployment is the Referrer, - // the ConfigMap is the ReferralTarget. - // This filter seeks to repair the reference in Deployment, given - // that the ConfigMap's name may have changed. - Referrer *resource.Resource - - // NameFieldToUpdate is the field in the Referrer - // that holds the name requiring an update. - // This is the field to write. - NameFieldToUpdate types.FieldSpec - - // ReferralTarget is the source of the new value for - // the name, always in the 'metadata/name' field. - // This is the field to read. - ReferralTarget resid.Gvk - - // Set of resources to scan to find the ReferralTarget. - ReferralCandidates resmap.ResMap -} - -// At time of writing, in practice this is called with a slice with only -// one entry, the node also referred to be the resource in the Referrer field. -func (f Filter) Filter(nodes []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - return kio.FilterAll(yaml.FilterFunc(f.run)).Filter(nodes) -} - -// The node passed in here is the same node as held in Referrer; -// that's how the referrer's name field is updated. -// Currently, however, this filter still needs the extra methods on Referrer -// to consult things like the resource Id, its namespace, etc. -// TODO(3455): No filter should use the Resource api; all information -// about names should come from annotations, with helper methods -// on the RNode object. Resource should get stupider, RNode smarter. -func (f Filter) run(node *yaml.RNode) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - if err := f.confirmNodeMatchesReferrer(node); err != nil { - // sanity check. - return nil, err - } - f.NameFieldToUpdate.Gvk = f.Referrer.GetGvk() - if err := node.PipeE(fieldspec.Filter{ - FieldSpec: f.NameFieldToUpdate, - SetValue: f.set, - }); err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf( - err, "updating name reference in '%s' field of '%s'", - f.NameFieldToUpdate.Path, f.Referrer.CurId().String()) - } - return node, nil -} - -// This function is called on the node found at FieldSpec.Path. -// It's some node in the Referrer. -func (f Filter) set(node *yaml.RNode) error { - if yaml.IsMissingOrNull(node) { - return nil - } - switch node.YNode().Kind { - case yaml.ScalarNode: - return f.setScalar(node) - case yaml.MappingNode: - return f.setMapping(node) - case yaml.SequenceNode: - return applyFilterToSeq(seqFilter{ - setScalarFn: f.setScalar, - setMappingFn: f.setMapping, - }, node) - default: - return fmt.Errorf("node must be a scalar, sequence or map") - } -} - -// This method used when NameFieldToUpdate doesn't lead to -// one scalar field (typically called 'name'), but rather -// leads to a map field (called anything). In this case we -// must complete the field path, looking for both a 'name' -// and a 'namespace' field to help select the proper -// ReferralTarget to read the name and namespace from. -func (f Filter) setMapping(node *yaml.RNode) error { - if node.YNode().Kind != yaml.MappingNode { - return fmt.Errorf("expect a mapping node") - } - nameNode, err := node.Pipe(yaml.FieldMatcher{Name: "name"}) - if err != nil { - return errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "trying to match 'name' field") - } - if nameNode == nil { - // This is a _configuration_ error; the field path - // specified in NameFieldToUpdate.Path doesn't resolve - // to a map with a 'name' field, so we have no idea what - // field to update with a new name. - return fmt.Errorf("path config error; no 'name' field in node") - } - candidates, err := f.filterMapCandidatesByNamespace(node) - if err != nil { - return err - } - oldName := nameNode.YNode().Value - // use allNamesAndNamespacesAreTheSame to compare referral candidates for functional identity, - // because we source both name and namespace values from the referral in this case. - referral, err := f.selectReferral(oldName, candidates, allNamesAndNamespacesAreTheSame) - if err != nil || referral == nil { - // Nil referral means nothing to do. - return err - } - f.recordTheReferral(referral) - if referral.GetName() == oldName && referral.GetNamespace() == "" { - // The name has not changed, nothing to do. - return nil - } - if err = node.PipeE(yaml.FieldSetter{ - Name: "name", - StringValue: referral.GetName(), - }); err != nil { - return err - } - if referral.GetNamespace() == "" { - // Don't write an empty string into the namespace field, as - // it should not replace the value "default". The empty - // string is handled as a wild card here, not as an implicit - // specification of the "default" k8s namespace. - return nil - } - return node.PipeE(yaml.FieldSetter{ - Name: "namespace", - StringValue: referral.GetNamespace(), - }) -} - -func (f Filter) filterMapCandidatesByNamespace( - node *yaml.RNode) ([]*resource.Resource, error) { - namespaceNode, err := node.Pipe(yaml.FieldMatcher{Name: "namespace"}) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "trying to match 'namespace' field") - } - if namespaceNode == nil { - return f.ReferralCandidates.Resources(), nil - } - namespace := namespaceNode.YNode().Value - nsMap := f.ReferralCandidates.GroupedByOriginalNamespace() - if candidates, ok := nsMap[namespace]; ok { - return candidates, nil - } - nsMap = f.ReferralCandidates.GroupedByCurrentNamespace() - // This could be nil, or an empty list. - return nsMap[namespace], nil -} - -func (f Filter) setScalar(node *yaml.RNode) error { - // use allNamesAreTheSame to compare referral candidates for functional identity, - // because we only source the name from the referral in this case. - referral, err := f.selectReferral( - node.YNode().Value, f.ReferralCandidates.Resources(), allNamesAreTheSame) - if err != nil || referral == nil { - // Nil referral means nothing to do. - return err - } - f.recordTheReferral(referral) - if referral.GetName() == node.YNode().Value { - // The name has not changed, nothing to do. - return nil - } - return node.PipeE(yaml.FieldSetter{StringValue: referral.GetName()}) -} - -// In the resource, make a note that it is referred to by the Referrer. -func (f Filter) recordTheReferral(referral *resource.Resource) { - referral.AppendRefBy(f.Referrer.CurId()) -} - -// getRoleRefGvk returns a Gvk in the roleRef field. Return error -// if the roleRef, roleRef/apiGroup or roleRef/kind is missing. -func getRoleRefGvk(n *resource.Resource) (*resid.Gvk, error) { - roleRef, err := n.Pipe(yaml.Lookup("roleRef")) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if roleRef.IsNil() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("roleRef cannot be found in %s", n.MustString()) - } - apiGroup, err := roleRef.Pipe(yaml.Lookup("apiGroup")) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if apiGroup.IsNil() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf( - "apiGroup cannot be found in roleRef %s", roleRef.MustString()) - } - kind, err := roleRef.Pipe(yaml.Lookup("kind")) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if kind.IsNil() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf( - "kind cannot be found in roleRef %s", roleRef.MustString()) - } - return &resid.Gvk{ - Group: apiGroup.YNode().Value, - Kind: kind.YNode().Value, - }, nil -} - -// sieveFunc returns true if the resource argument satisfies some criteria. -type sieveFunc func(*resource.Resource) bool - -// doSieve uses a function to accept or ignore resources from a list. -// If list is nil, returns immediately. -// It's a filter obviously, but that term is overloaded here. -func doSieve(list []*resource.Resource, fn sieveFunc) (s []*resource.Resource) { - for _, r := range list { - if fn(r) { - s = append(s, r) - } - } - return -} - -func acceptAll(r *resource.Resource) bool { - return true -} - -func previousNameMatches(name string) sieveFunc { - return func(r *resource.Resource) bool { - for _, id := range r.PrevIds() { - if id.Name == name { - return true - } - } - return false - } -} - -func previousIdSelectedByGvk(gvk *resid.Gvk) sieveFunc { - return func(r *resource.Resource) bool { - for _, id := range r.PrevIds() { - if id.IsSelected(gvk) { - return true - } - } - return false - } -} - -// If the we are updating a 'roleRef/name' field, the 'apiGroup' and 'kind' -// fields in the same 'roleRef' map must be considered. -// If either object is cluster-scoped, there can be a referral. -// E.g. a RoleBinding (which exists in a namespace) can refer -// to a ClusterRole (cluster-scoped) object. -// https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/rbac/#role-and-clusterrole -// Likewise, a ClusterRole can refer to a Secret (in a namespace). -// Objects in different namespaces generally cannot refer to other -// with some exceptions (e.g. RoleBinding and ServiceAccount are both -// namespaceable, but the former can refer to accounts in other namespaces). -func (f Filter) roleRefFilter() sieveFunc { - if !strings.HasSuffix(f.NameFieldToUpdate.Path, "roleRef/name") { - return acceptAll - } - roleRefGvk, err := getRoleRefGvk(f.Referrer) - if err != nil { - return acceptAll - } - return previousIdSelectedByGvk(roleRefGvk) -} - -func prefixSuffixEquals(other resource.ResCtx) sieveFunc { - return func(r *resource.Resource) bool { - return r.PrefixesSuffixesEquals(other) - } -} - -func (f Filter) sameCurrentNamespaceAsReferrer() sieveFunc { - referrerCurId := f.Referrer.CurId() - if referrerCurId.IsClusterScoped() { - // If the referrer is cluster-scoped, let anything through. - return acceptAll - } - return func(r *resource.Resource) bool { - if r.CurId().IsClusterScoped() { - // Allow cluster-scoped through. - return true - } - if r.GetKind() == "ServiceAccount" { - // Allow service accounts through, even though they - // are in a namespace. A RoleBinding in another namespace - // can reference them. - return true - } - return referrerCurId.IsNsEquals(r.CurId()) - } -} - -// selectReferral picks the best referral from a list of candidates. -func (f Filter) selectReferral( - // The name referral that may need to be updated. - oldName string, - candidates []*resource.Resource, - // function that returns whether two referrals are identical for the purposes of the transformation - candidatesIdentical func(resources []*resource.Resource) bool) (*resource.Resource, error) { - candidates = doSieve(candidates, previousNameMatches(oldName)) - candidates = doSieve(candidates, previousIdSelectedByGvk(&f.ReferralTarget)) - candidates = doSieve(candidates, f.roleRefFilter()) - candidates = doSieve(candidates, f.sameCurrentNamespaceAsReferrer()) - if len(candidates) == 1 { - return candidates[0], nil - } - candidates = doSieve(candidates, prefixSuffixEquals(f.Referrer)) - if len(candidates) == 1 { - return candidates[0], nil - } - if len(candidates) == 0 { - return nil, nil - } - if candidatesIdentical(candidates) { - // Just take the first one. - return candidates[0], nil - } - ids := getIds(candidates) - return nil, fmt.Errorf("found multiple possible referrals: %s\n%s", ids, f.failureDetails(candidates)) -} - -func (f Filter) failureDetails(resources []*resource.Resource) string { - msg := strings.Builder{} - msg.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\n**** Too many possible referral targets to referrer:\n%s\n", f.Referrer.MustYaml())) - for i, r := range resources { - msg.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("--- possible referral %d:\n%s\n", i, r.MustYaml())) - } - return msg.String() -} - -func allNamesAreTheSame(resources []*resource.Resource) bool { - name := resources[0].GetName() - for i := 1; i < len(resources); i++ { - if name != resources[i].GetName() { - return false - } - } - return true -} - -func allNamesAndNamespacesAreTheSame(resources []*resource.Resource) bool { - name := resources[0].GetName() - namespace := resources[0].GetNamespace() - for i := 1; i < len(resources); i++ { - if name != resources[i].GetName() || namespace != resources[i].GetNamespace() { - return false - } - } - return true -} - -func getIds(rs []*resource.Resource) string { - var result []string - for _, r := range rs { - result = append(result, r.CurId().String()) - } - return strings.Join(result, ", ") -} - -func checkEqual(k, a, b string) error { - if a != b { - return fmt.Errorf( - "node-referrerOriginal '%s' mismatch '%s' != '%s'", - k, a, b) - } - return nil -} - -func (f Filter) confirmNodeMatchesReferrer(node *yaml.RNode) error { - meta, err := node.GetMeta() - if err != nil { - return err - } - gvk := f.Referrer.GetGvk() - if err = checkEqual( - "APIVersion", meta.APIVersion, gvk.ApiVersion()); err != nil { - return err - } - if err = checkEqual( - "Kind", meta.Kind, gvk.Kind); err != nil { - return err - } - if err = checkEqual( - "Name", meta.Name, f.Referrer.GetName()); err != nil { - return err - } - if err = checkEqual( - "Namespace", meta.Namespace, f.Referrer.GetNamespace()); err != nil { - return err - } - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/nameref/seqfilter.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/nameref/seqfilter.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0caab4c9..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/nameref/seqfilter.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2022 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package nameref - -import ( - "fmt" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -type setFn func(*yaml.RNode) error - -type seqFilter struct { - setScalarFn setFn - setMappingFn setFn -} - -func (sf seqFilter) Filter(node *yaml.RNode) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - if yaml.IsMissingOrNull(node) { - return node, nil - } - switch node.YNode().Kind { - case yaml.ScalarNode: - // Kind: Role/ClusterRole - // FieldSpec is rules.resourceNames - err := sf.setScalarFn(node) - return node, err - case yaml.MappingNode: - // Kind: RoleBinding/ClusterRoleBinding - // FieldSpec is subjects - // Note: The corresponding fieldSpec had been changed from - // from path: subjects/name to just path: subjects. This is - // what get mutatefield to request the mapping of the whole - // map containing namespace and name instead of just a simple - // string field containing the name - err := sf.setMappingFn(node) - return node, err - default: - return node, fmt.Errorf( - "%#v is expected to be either a string or a map of string", node) - } -} - -// applyFilterToSeq will apply the filter to each element in the sequence node -func applyFilterToSeq(filter yaml.Filter, node *yaml.RNode) error { - if node.YNode().Kind != yaml.SequenceNode { - return fmt.Errorf("expect a sequence node but got %v", node.YNode().Kind) - } - - for _, elem := range node.Content() { - rnode := yaml.NewRNode(elem) - err := rnode.PipeE(filter) - if err != nil { - return err - } - } - - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/namespace/doc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/namespace/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 539758b2..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/namespace/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package namespace contains a kio.Filter implementation of the kustomize -// namespace transformer. -// -// Special cases for known Kubernetes resources have been hardcoded in addition -// to those defined by the FsSlice. -package namespace diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/namespace/namespace.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/namespace/namespace.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9279abb9..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/namespace/namespace.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,217 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package namespace - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/filtersutil" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/fsslice" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/resid" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -type Filter struct { - // Namespace is the namespace to apply to the inputs - Namespace string `yaml:"namespace,omitempty"` - - // FsSlice contains the FieldSpecs to locate the namespace field - FsSlice types.FsSlice `json:"fieldSpecs,omitempty" yaml:"fieldSpecs,omitempty"` - - // UnsetOnly means only blank namespace fields will be set - UnsetOnly bool `json:"unsetOnly" yaml:"unsetOnly"` - - // SetRoleBindingSubjects determines which subject fields in RoleBinding and ClusterRoleBinding - // objects will have their namespace fields set. Overrides field specs provided for these types, if any. - // - defaultOnly (default): namespace will be set only on subjects named "default". - // - allServiceAccounts: namespace will be set on all subjects with "kind: ServiceAccount" - // - none: all subjects will be skipped. - SetRoleBindingSubjects RoleBindingSubjectMode `json:"setRoleBindingSubjects" yaml:"setRoleBindingSubjects"` - - trackableSetter filtersutil.TrackableSetter -} - -type RoleBindingSubjectMode string - -const ( - DefaultSubjectsOnly RoleBindingSubjectMode = "defaultOnly" - SubjectModeUnspecified RoleBindingSubjectMode = "" - AllServiceAccountSubjects RoleBindingSubjectMode = "allServiceAccounts" - NoSubjects RoleBindingSubjectMode = "none" -) - -var _ kio.Filter = Filter{} -var _ kio.TrackableFilter = &Filter{} - -// WithMutationTracker registers a callback which will be invoked each time a field is mutated -func (ns *Filter) WithMutationTracker(callback func(key, value, tag string, node *yaml.RNode)) { - ns.trackableSetter.WithMutationTracker(callback) -} - -func (ns Filter) Filter(nodes []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - return kio.FilterAll(yaml.FilterFunc(ns.run)).Filter(nodes) -} - -// Run runs the filter on a single node rather than a slice -func (ns Filter) run(node *yaml.RNode) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - // Special handling for metadata.namespace and metadata.name -- :( - // never let SetEntry handle metadata.namespace--it will incorrectly include cluster-scoped resources - // only update metadata.name if api version is expected one--so-as it leaves other resources of kind namespace alone - apiVersion := node.GetApiVersion() - ns.FsSlice = ns.removeUnneededMetaFieldSpecs(apiVersion, ns.FsSlice) - gvk := resid.GvkFromNode(node) - if err := ns.metaNamespaceHack(node, gvk); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - // Special handling for (cluster) role binding subjects -- :( - if isRoleBinding(gvk.Kind) { - ns.FsSlice = ns.removeRoleBindingSubjectFieldSpecs(ns.FsSlice) - if err := ns.roleBindingHack(node); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - - // transformations based on data -- :) - err := node.PipeE(fsslice.Filter{ - FsSlice: ns.FsSlice, - SetValue: ns.fieldSetter(), - CreateKind: yaml.ScalarNode, // Namespace is a ScalarNode - CreateTag: yaml.NodeTagString, - }) - invalidKindErr := &yaml.InvalidNodeKindError{} - if err != nil && errors.As(err, &invalidKindErr) && invalidKindErr.ActualNodeKind() != yaml.ScalarNode { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "namespace field specs must target scalar nodes") - } - return node, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "namespace transformation failed") -} - -// metaNamespaceHack is a hack for implementing the namespace transform -// for the metadata.namespace field on namespace scoped resources. -func (ns Filter) metaNamespaceHack(obj *yaml.RNode, gvk resid.Gvk) error { - if gvk.IsClusterScoped() { - return nil - } - f := fsslice.Filter{ - FsSlice: []types.FieldSpec{ - {Path: types.MetadataNamespacePath, CreateIfNotPresent: true}, - }, - SetValue: ns.fieldSetter(), - CreateKind: yaml.ScalarNode, // Namespace is a ScalarNode - } - _, err := f.Filter(obj) - return err -} - -// roleBindingHack is a hack for implementing the transformer's SetRoleBindingSubjects option -// for RoleBinding and ClusterRoleBinding resource types. -// -// In NoSubjects mode, it does nothing. -// -// In AllServiceAccountSubjects mode, it sets the namespace on subjects with "kind: ServiceAccount". -// -// In DefaultSubjectsOnly mode (default mode), RoleBinding and ClusterRoleBinding have namespace set on -// elements of the "subjects" field if and only if the subject elements -// "name" is "default". Otherwise the namespace is not set. -// Example: -// -// kind: RoleBinding -// subjects: -// - name: "default" # this will have the namespace set -// ... -// - name: "something-else" # this will not have the namespace set -// ... -func (ns Filter) roleBindingHack(obj *yaml.RNode) error { - var visitor filtersutil.SetFn - switch ns.SetRoleBindingSubjects { - case NoSubjects: - return nil - case DefaultSubjectsOnly, SubjectModeUnspecified: - visitor = ns.setSubjectsNamedDefault - case AllServiceAccountSubjects: - visitor = ns.setServiceAccountNamespaces - default: - return errors.Errorf("invalid value %q for setRoleBindingSubjects: "+ - "must be one of %q, %q or %q", ns.SetRoleBindingSubjects, - DefaultSubjectsOnly, NoSubjects, AllServiceAccountSubjects) - } - - // Lookup the subjects field on all elements. - obj, err := obj.Pipe(yaml.Lookup(subjectsField)) - if err != nil || yaml.IsMissingOrNull(obj) { - return err - } - // Use the appropriate visitor to set the namespace field on the correct subset of subjects - return errors.WrapPrefixf(obj.VisitElements(visitor), "setting namespace on (cluster)role binding subjects") -} - -func isRoleBinding(kind string) bool { - return kind == roleBindingKind || kind == clusterRoleBindingKind -} - -func (ns Filter) setServiceAccountNamespaces(o *yaml.RNode) error { - name, err := o.Pipe(yaml.Lookup("kind"), yaml.Match("ServiceAccount")) - if err != nil || yaml.IsMissingOrNull(name) { - return errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "looking up kind on (cluster)role binding subject") - } - return setNamespaceField(o, ns.fieldSetter()) -} - -func (ns Filter) setSubjectsNamedDefault(o *yaml.RNode) error { - name, err := o.Pipe(yaml.Lookup("name"), yaml.Match("default")) - if err != nil || yaml.IsMissingOrNull(name) { - return errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "looking up name on (cluster)role binding subject") - } - return setNamespaceField(o, ns.fieldSetter()) -} - -func setNamespaceField(node *yaml.RNode, setter filtersutil.SetFn) error { - node, err := node.Pipe(yaml.LookupCreate(yaml.ScalarNode, "namespace")) - if err != nil { - return errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "setting namespace field on (cluster)role binding subject") - } - return setter(node) -} - -// removeRoleBindingSubjectFieldSpecs removes from the list fieldspecs that -// have hardcoded implementations -func (ns Filter) removeRoleBindingSubjectFieldSpecs(fs types.FsSlice) types.FsSlice { - var val types.FsSlice - for i := range fs { - if isRoleBinding(fs[i].Kind) && fs[i].Path == subjectsNamespacePath { - continue - } - val = append(val, fs[i]) - } - return val -} - -func (ns Filter) removeUnneededMetaFieldSpecs(apiVersion string, fs types.FsSlice) types.FsSlice { - var val types.FsSlice - for i := range fs { - if fs[i].Path == types.MetadataNamespacePath { - continue - } - if apiVersion != types.MetadataNamespaceApiVersion && fs[i].Path == types.MetadataNamePath { - continue - } - val = append(val, fs[i]) - } - return val -} - -func (ns *Filter) fieldSetter() filtersutil.SetFn { - if ns.UnsetOnly { - return ns.trackableSetter.SetEntryIfEmpty("", ns.Namespace, yaml.NodeTagString) - } - return ns.trackableSetter.SetEntry("", ns.Namespace, yaml.NodeTagString) -} - -const ( - subjectsField = "subjects" - subjectsNamespacePath = "subjects/namespace" - roleBindingKind = "RoleBinding" - clusterRoleBindingKind = "ClusterRoleBinding" -) diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/patchjson6902/doc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/patchjson6902/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index ec4cfa82..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/patchjson6902/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package namespace contains a kio.Filter implementation of the kustomize -// patchjson6902 transformer -package patchjson6902 diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/patchjson6902/patchjson6902.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/patchjson6902/patchjson6902.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5749d6dd..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/patchjson6902/patchjson6902.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package patchjson6902 - -import ( - "strings" - - jsonpatch "github.com/evanphx/json-patch" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" - k8syaml "sigs.k8s.io/yaml" -) - -type Filter struct { - Patch string - - decodedPatch jsonpatch.Patch -} - -var _ kio.Filter = Filter{} - -func (pf Filter) Filter(nodes []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - decodedPatch, err := pf.decodePatch() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - pf.decodedPatch = decodedPatch - return kio.FilterAll(yaml.FilterFunc(pf.run)).Filter(nodes) -} - -func (pf Filter) decodePatch() (jsonpatch.Patch, error) { - patch := pf.Patch - // If the patch doesn't look like a JSON6902 patch, we - // try to parse it to json. - if !strings.HasPrefix(pf.Patch, "[") { - p, err := k8syaml.YAMLToJSON([]byte(patch)) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - patch = string(p) - } - decodedPatch, err := jsonpatch.DecodePatch([]byte(patch)) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return decodedPatch, nil -} - -func (pf Filter) run(node *yaml.RNode) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - // We don't actually use the kyaml library for manipulating the - // yaml here. We just marshal it to json and rely on the - // jsonpatch library to take care of applying the patch. - // This means ordering might not be preserved with this filter. - b, err := node.MarshalJSON() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - res, err := pf.decodedPatch.Apply(b) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - err = node.UnmarshalJSON(res) - return node, err -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/patchstrategicmerge/doc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/patchstrategicmerge/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 1733fd8a..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/patchstrategicmerge/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package patchstrategicmerge contains a kio.Filter implementation of the -// kustomize strategic merge patch transformer. -package patchstrategicmerge diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/patchstrategicmerge/patchstrategicmerge.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/patchstrategicmerge/patchstrategicmerge.go deleted file mode 100644 index 1a70d19a..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/patchstrategicmerge/patchstrategicmerge.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package patchstrategicmerge - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/merge2" -) - -type Filter struct { - Patch *yaml.RNode -} - -var _ kio.Filter = Filter{} - -// Filter does a strategic merge patch, which can delete nodes. -func (pf Filter) Filter(nodes []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - var result []*yaml.RNode - for i := range nodes { - r, err := merge2.Merge( - pf.Patch, nodes[i], - yaml.MergeOptions{ - ListIncreaseDirection: yaml.MergeOptionsListPrepend, - }, - ) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if r != nil { - result = append(result, r) - } - } - return result, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/prefix/doc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/prefix/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 95236859..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/prefix/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package prefix contains a kio.Filter implementation of the kustomize -// PrefixTransformer. -package prefix diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/prefix/prefix.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/prefix/prefix.go deleted file mode 100644 index daa375d1..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/prefix/prefix.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package prefix - -import ( - "fmt" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/fieldspec" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/filtersutil" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// Filter applies resource name prefix's using the fieldSpecs -type Filter struct { - Prefix string `json:"prefix,omitempty" yaml:"prefix,omitempty"` - - FieldSpec types.FieldSpec `json:"fieldSpec,omitempty" yaml:"fieldSpec,omitempty"` - - trackableSetter filtersutil.TrackableSetter -} - -var _ kio.Filter = Filter{} -var _ kio.TrackableFilter = &Filter{} - -// WithMutationTracker registers a callback which will be invoked each time a field is mutated -func (f *Filter) WithMutationTracker(callback func(key, value, tag string, node *yaml.RNode)) { - f.trackableSetter.WithMutationTracker(callback) -} - -func (f Filter) Filter(nodes []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - return kio.FilterAll(yaml.FilterFunc(f.run)).Filter(nodes) -} - -func (f Filter) run(node *yaml.RNode) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - err := node.PipeE(fieldspec.Filter{ - FieldSpec: f.FieldSpec, - SetValue: f.evaluateField, - CreateKind: yaml.ScalarNode, // Name is a ScalarNode - CreateTag: yaml.NodeTagString, - }) - return node, err -} - -func (f Filter) evaluateField(node *yaml.RNode) error { - return f.trackableSetter.SetScalar(fmt.Sprintf( - "%s%s", f.Prefix, node.YNode().Value))(node) -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/refvar/doc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/refvar/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index e3071987..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/refvar/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2022 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package refvar contains a kio.Filter implementation of the kustomize -// refvar transformer (find and replace $(FOO) style variables in strings). -package refvar diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/refvar/expand.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/refvar/expand.go deleted file mode 100644 index 3bcbd7a5..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/refvar/expand.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,147 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package refvar - -import ( - "fmt" - "log" - "strings" -) - -const ( - operator = '$' - referenceOpener = '(' - referenceCloser = ')' -) - -// syntaxWrap returns the input string wrapped by the expansion syntax. -func syntaxWrap(input string) string { - var sb strings.Builder - sb.WriteByte(operator) - sb.WriteByte(referenceOpener) - sb.WriteString(input) - sb.WriteByte(referenceCloser) - return sb.String() -} - -// MappingFunc maps a string to anything. -type MappingFunc func(string) interface{} - -// MakePrimitiveReplacer returns a MappingFunc that uses a map to do -// replacements, and a histogram to count map hits. -// -// Func behavior: -// -// If the input key is NOT found in the map, the key is wrapped up as -// as a variable declaration string and returned, e.g. key FOO becomes $(FOO). -// This string is presumably put back where it was found, and might get replaced -// later. -// -// If the key is found in the map, the value is returned if it is a primitive -// type (string, bool, number), and the hit is counted. -// -// If it's not a primitive type (e.g. a map, struct, func, etc.) then this -// function doesn't know what to do with it and it returns the key wrapped up -// again as if it had not been replaced. This should probably be an error. -func MakePrimitiveReplacer( - counts map[string]int, someMap map[string]interface{}) MappingFunc { - return func(key string) interface{} { - if value, ok := someMap[key]; ok { - switch typedV := value.(type) { - case string, int, int32, int64, float32, float64, bool: - counts[key]++ - return typedV - default: - // If the value is some complicated type (e.g. a map or struct), - // this function doesn't know how to jam it into a string, - // so just pretend it was a cache miss. - // Likely this should be an error instead of a silent failure, - // since the programmer passed an impossible value. - log.Printf( - "MakePrimitiveReplacer: bad replacement type=%T val=%v", - typedV, typedV) - return syntaxWrap(key) - } - } - // If unable to return the mapped variable, return it - // as it was found, and a later mapping might be able to - // replace it. - return syntaxWrap(key) - } -} - -// DoReplacements replaces variable references in the input string -// using the mapping function. -func DoReplacements(input string, mapping MappingFunc) interface{} { - var buf strings.Builder - checkpoint := 0 - for cursor := 0; cursor < len(input); cursor++ { - if input[cursor] == operator && cursor+1 < len(input) { - // Copy the portion of the input string since the last - // checkpoint into the buffer - buf.WriteString(input[checkpoint:cursor]) - - // Attempt to read the variable name as defined by the - // syntax from the input string - read, isVar, advance := tryReadVariableName(input[cursor+1:]) - - if isVar { - // We were able to read a variable name correctly; - // apply the mapping to the variable name and copy the - // bytes into the buffer - mapped := mapping(read) - if input == syntaxWrap(read) { - // Preserve the type of variable - return mapped - } - - // Variable is used in a middle of a string - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", mapped)) - } else { - // Not a variable name; copy the read bytes into the buffer - buf.WriteString(read) - } - - // Advance the cursor in the input string to account for - // bytes consumed to read the variable name expression - cursor += advance - - // Advance the checkpoint in the input string - checkpoint = cursor + 1 - } - } - - // Return the buffer and any remaining unwritten bytes in the - // input string. - return buf.String() + input[checkpoint:] -} - -// tryReadVariableName attempts to read a variable name from the input -// string and returns the content read from the input, whether that content -// represents a variable name to perform mapping on, and the number of bytes -// consumed in the input string. -// -// The input string is assumed not to contain the initial operator. -func tryReadVariableName(input string) (string, bool, int) { - switch input[0] { - case operator: - // Escaped operator; return it. - return input[0:1], false, 1 - case referenceOpener: - // Scan to expression closer - for i := 1; i < len(input); i++ { - if input[i] == referenceCloser { - return input[1:i], true, i + 1 - } - } - - // Incomplete reference; return it. - return string(operator) + string(referenceOpener), false, 1 - default: - // Not the beginning of an expression, ie, an operator - // that doesn't begin an expression. Return the operator - // and the first rune in the string. - return string(operator) + string(input[0]), false, 1 - } -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/refvar/refvar.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/refvar/refvar.go deleted file mode 100644 index e00afafd..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/refvar/refvar.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,113 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2022 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package refvar - -import ( - "fmt" - "strconv" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/fieldspec" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// Filter updates $(VAR) style variables with values. -// The fieldSpecs are the places to look for occurrences of $(VAR). -type Filter struct { - MappingFunc MappingFunc `json:"mappingFunc,omitempty" yaml:"mappingFunc,omitempty"` - FieldSpec types.FieldSpec `json:"fieldSpec,omitempty" yaml:"fieldSpec,omitempty"` -} - -func (f Filter) Filter(nodes []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - return kio.FilterAll(yaml.FilterFunc(f.run)).Filter(nodes) -} - -func (f Filter) run(node *yaml.RNode) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - err := node.PipeE(fieldspec.Filter{ - FieldSpec: f.FieldSpec, - SetValue: f.set, - }) - return node, err -} - -func (f Filter) set(node *yaml.RNode) error { - if yaml.IsMissingOrNull(node) { - return nil - } - switch node.YNode().Kind { - case yaml.ScalarNode: - return f.setScalar(node) - case yaml.MappingNode: - return f.setMap(node) - case yaml.SequenceNode: - return f.setSeq(node) - default: - return fmt.Errorf("invalid type encountered %v", node.YNode().Kind) - } -} - -func updateNodeValue(node *yaml.Node, newValue interface{}) { - switch newValue := newValue.(type) { - case int: - node.Value = strconv.FormatInt(int64(newValue), 10) - node.Tag = yaml.NodeTagInt - case int32: - node.Value = strconv.FormatInt(int64(newValue), 10) - node.Tag = yaml.NodeTagInt - case int64: - node.Value = strconv.FormatInt(newValue, 10) - node.Tag = yaml.NodeTagInt - case bool: - node.SetString(strconv.FormatBool(newValue)) - node.Tag = yaml.NodeTagBool - case float32: - node.SetString(strconv.FormatFloat(float64(newValue), 'f', -1, 32)) - node.Tag = yaml.NodeTagFloat - case float64: - node.SetString(strconv.FormatFloat(newValue, 'f', -1, 64)) - node.Tag = yaml.NodeTagFloat - default: - node.SetString(newValue.(string)) - node.Tag = yaml.NodeTagString - } - node.Style = 0 -} - -func (f Filter) setScalar(node *yaml.RNode) error { - if !yaml.IsYNodeString(node.YNode()) { - return nil - } - v := DoReplacements(node.YNode().Value, f.MappingFunc) - updateNodeValue(node.YNode(), v) - return nil -} - -func (f Filter) setMap(node *yaml.RNode) error { - contents := node.YNode().Content - for i := 0; i < len(contents); i += 2 { - if !yaml.IsYNodeString(contents[i]) { - return fmt.Errorf( - "invalid map key: value='%s', tag='%s'", - contents[i].Value, contents[i].Tag) - } - if !yaml.IsYNodeString(contents[i+1]) { - continue - } - newValue := DoReplacements(contents[i+1].Value, f.MappingFunc) - updateNodeValue(contents[i+1], newValue) - } - return nil -} - -func (f Filter) setSeq(node *yaml.RNode) error { - for _, item := range node.YNode().Content { - if !yaml.IsYNodeString(item) { - return fmt.Errorf("invalid value type expect a string") - } - newValue := DoReplacements(item.Value, f.MappingFunc) - updateNodeValue(item, newValue) - } - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/replacement/doc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/replacement/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 667c9289..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/replacement/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2022 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package replacement contains a kio.Filter implementation of the kustomize -// replacement transformer (accepts sources and looks for targets to replace -// their values with values from the sources). -package replacement diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/replacement/replacement.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/replacement/replacement.go deleted file mode 100644 index d4fea260..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/replacement/replacement.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,244 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2021 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package replacement - -import ( - "fmt" - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/utils" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resource" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/resid" - kyaml_utils "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/utils" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -type Filter struct { - Replacements []types.Replacement `json:"replacements,omitempty" yaml:"replacements,omitempty"` -} - -// Filter replaces values of targets with values from sources -func (f Filter) Filter(nodes []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - for i, r := range f.Replacements { - if r.Source == nil || r.Targets == nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("replacements must specify a source and at least one target") - } - value, err := getReplacement(nodes, &f.Replacements[i]) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - nodes, err = applyReplacement(nodes, value, r.Targets) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - return nodes, nil -} - -func getReplacement(nodes []*yaml.RNode, r *types.Replacement) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - source, err := selectSourceNode(nodes, r.Source) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - if r.Source.FieldPath == "" { - r.Source.FieldPath = types.DefaultReplacementFieldPath - } - fieldPath := kyaml_utils.SmarterPathSplitter(r.Source.FieldPath, ".") - - rn, err := source.Pipe(yaml.Lookup(fieldPath...)) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("error looking up replacement source: %w", err) - } - if rn.IsNilOrEmpty() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("fieldPath `%s` is missing for replacement source %s", r.Source.FieldPath, r.Source.ResId) - } - - return getRefinedValue(r.Source.Options, rn) -} - -// selectSourceNode finds the node that matches the selector, returning -// an error if multiple or none are found -func selectSourceNode(nodes []*yaml.RNode, selector *types.SourceSelector) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - var matches []*yaml.RNode - for _, n := range nodes { - ids, err := utils.MakeResIds(n) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting node IDs: %w", err) - } - for _, id := range ids { - if id.IsSelectedBy(selector.ResId) { - if len(matches) > 0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf( - "multiple matches for selector %s", selector) - } - matches = append(matches, n) - break - } - } - } - if len(matches) == 0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("nothing selected by %s", selector) - } - return matches[0], nil -} - -func getRefinedValue(options *types.FieldOptions, rn *yaml.RNode) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - if options == nil || options.Delimiter == "" { - return rn, nil - } - if rn.YNode().Kind != yaml.ScalarNode { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("delimiter option can only be used with scalar nodes") - } - value := strings.Split(yaml.GetValue(rn), options.Delimiter) - if options.Index >= len(value) || options.Index < 0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("options.index %d is out of bounds for value %s", options.Index, yaml.GetValue(rn)) - } - n := rn.Copy() - n.YNode().Value = value[options.Index] - return n, nil -} - -func applyReplacement(nodes []*yaml.RNode, value *yaml.RNode, targetSelectors []*types.TargetSelector) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - for _, selector := range targetSelectors { - if selector.Select == nil { - return nil, errors.Errorf("target must specify resources to select") - } - if len(selector.FieldPaths) == 0 { - selector.FieldPaths = []string{types.DefaultReplacementFieldPath} - } - for _, possibleTarget := range nodes { - ids, err := utils.MakeResIds(possibleTarget) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - // filter targets by label and annotation selectors - selectByAnnoAndLabel, err := selectByAnnoAndLabel(possibleTarget, selector) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if !selectByAnnoAndLabel { - continue - } - - // filter targets by matching resource IDs - for i, id := range ids { - if id.IsSelectedBy(selector.Select.ResId) && !rejectId(selector.Reject, &ids[i]) { - err := copyValueToTarget(possibleTarget, value, selector) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - break - } - } - } - } - return nodes, nil -} - -func selectByAnnoAndLabel(n *yaml.RNode, t *types.TargetSelector) (bool, error) { - if matchesSelect, err := matchesAnnoAndLabelSelector(n, t.Select); !matchesSelect || err != nil { - return false, err - } - for _, reject := range t.Reject { - if reject.AnnotationSelector == "" && reject.LabelSelector == "" { - continue - } - if m, err := matchesAnnoAndLabelSelector(n, reject); m || err != nil { - return false, err - } - } - return true, nil -} - -func matchesAnnoAndLabelSelector(n *yaml.RNode, selector *types.Selector) (bool, error) { - r := resource.Resource{RNode: *n} - annoMatch, err := r.MatchesAnnotationSelector(selector.AnnotationSelector) - if err != nil { - return false, err - } - labelMatch, err := r.MatchesLabelSelector(selector.LabelSelector) - if err != nil { - return false, err - } - return annoMatch && labelMatch, nil -} - -func rejectId(rejects []*types.Selector, id *resid.ResId) bool { - for _, r := range rejects { - if !r.ResId.IsEmpty() && id.IsSelectedBy(r.ResId) { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -func copyValueToTarget(target *yaml.RNode, value *yaml.RNode, selector *types.TargetSelector) error { - for _, fp := range selector.FieldPaths { - createKind := yaml.Kind(0) // do not create - if selector.Options != nil && selector.Options.Create { - createKind = value.YNode().Kind - } - targetFieldList, err := target.Pipe(&yaml.PathMatcher{ - Path: kyaml_utils.SmarterPathSplitter(fp, "."), - Create: createKind}) - if err != nil { - return errors.WrapPrefixf(err, fieldRetrievalError(fp, createKind != 0)) - } - targetFields, err := targetFieldList.Elements() - if err != nil { - return errors.WrapPrefixf(err, fieldRetrievalError(fp, createKind != 0)) - } - if len(targetFields) == 0 { - return errors.Errorf(fieldRetrievalError(fp, createKind != 0)) - } - - for _, t := range targetFields { - if err := setFieldValue(selector.Options, t, value); err != nil { - return err - } - } - } - return nil -} - -func fieldRetrievalError(fieldPath string, isCreate bool) string { - if isCreate { - return fmt.Sprintf("unable to find or create field %q in replacement target", fieldPath) - } - return fmt.Sprintf("unable to find field %q in replacement target", fieldPath) -} - -func setFieldValue(options *types.FieldOptions, targetField *yaml.RNode, value *yaml.RNode) error { - value = value.Copy() - if options != nil && options.Delimiter != "" { - if targetField.YNode().Kind != yaml.ScalarNode { - return fmt.Errorf("delimiter option can only be used with scalar nodes") - } - tv := strings.Split(targetField.YNode().Value, options.Delimiter) - v := yaml.GetValue(value) - // TODO: Add a way to remove an element - switch { - case options.Index < 0: // prefix - tv = append([]string{v}, tv...) - case options.Index >= len(tv): // suffix - tv = append(tv, v) - default: // replace an element - tv[options.Index] = v - } - value.YNode().Value = strings.Join(tv, options.Delimiter) - } - - if targetField.YNode().Kind == yaml.ScalarNode { - // For scalar, only copy the value (leave any type intact to auto-convert int->string or string->int) - targetField.YNode().Value = value.YNode().Value - } else { - targetField.SetYNode(value.YNode()) - } - - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/replicacount/doc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/replicacount/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index a22d1303..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/replicacount/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package replicacount contains a kio.Filter implementation of the kustomize -// ReplicaCountTransformer. -package replicacount diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/replicacount/replicacount.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/replicacount/replicacount.go deleted file mode 100644 index ea5351f9..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/replicacount/replicacount.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2022 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package replicacount - -import ( - "strconv" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/fieldspec" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/filtersutil" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// Filter updates/sets replicas fields using the fieldSpecs -type Filter struct { - Replica types.Replica `json:"replica,omitempty" yaml:"replica,omitempty"` - FieldSpec types.FieldSpec `json:"fieldSpec,omitempty" yaml:"fieldSpec,omitempty"` - - trackableSetter filtersutil.TrackableSetter -} - -var _ kio.Filter = Filter{} -var _ kio.TrackableFilter = &Filter{} - -// WithMutationTracker registers a callback which will be invoked each time a field is mutated -func (rc *Filter) WithMutationTracker(callback func(key, value, tag string, node *yaml.RNode)) { - rc.trackableSetter.WithMutationTracker(callback) -} - -func (rc Filter) Filter(nodes []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - return kio.FilterAll(yaml.FilterFunc(rc.run)).Filter(nodes) -} - -func (rc Filter) run(node *yaml.RNode) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - err := node.PipeE(fieldspec.Filter{ - FieldSpec: rc.FieldSpec, - SetValue: rc.set, - CreateKind: yaml.ScalarNode, // replicas is a ScalarNode - CreateTag: yaml.NodeTagInt, - }) - return node, err -} - -func (rc Filter) set(node *yaml.RNode) error { - return rc.trackableSetter.SetEntry("", strconv.FormatInt(rc.Replica.Count, 10), yaml.NodeTagInt)(node) -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/suffix/doc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/suffix/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 18be62df..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/suffix/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2021 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package suffix contains a kio.Filter implementation of the kustomize -// SuffixTransformer. -package suffix diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/suffix/suffix.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/suffix/suffix.go deleted file mode 100644 index babc257b..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/suffix/suffix.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2021 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package suffix - -import ( - "fmt" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/fieldspec" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/filtersutil" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// Filter applies resource name suffix's using the fieldSpecs -type Filter struct { - Suffix string `json:"suffix,omitempty" yaml:"suffix,omitempty"` - - FieldSpec types.FieldSpec `json:"fieldSpec,omitempty" yaml:"fieldSpec,omitempty"` - - trackableSetter filtersutil.TrackableSetter -} - -var _ kio.Filter = Filter{} -var _ kio.TrackableFilter = &Filter{} - -// WithMutationTracker registers a callback which will be invoked each time a field is mutated -func (f *Filter) WithMutationTracker(callback func(key, value, tag string, node *yaml.RNode)) { - f.trackableSetter.WithMutationTracker(callback) -} - -func (f Filter) Filter(nodes []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - return kio.FilterAll(yaml.FilterFunc(f.run)).Filter(nodes) -} - -func (f Filter) run(node *yaml.RNode) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - err := node.PipeE(fieldspec.Filter{ - FieldSpec: f.FieldSpec, - SetValue: f.evaluateField, - CreateKind: yaml.ScalarNode, // Name is a ScalarNode - CreateTag: yaml.NodeTagString, - }) - return node, err -} - -func (f Filter) evaluateField(node *yaml.RNode) error { - return f.trackableSetter.SetScalar(fmt.Sprintf( - "%s%s", node.YNode().Value, f.Suffix))(node) -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/valueadd/valueadd.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/valueadd/valueadd.go deleted file mode 100644 index f8e6b2f8..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/valueadd/valueadd.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,134 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package valueadd - -import ( - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// An 'Add' operation aspiring to IETF RFC 6902 JSON. -// -// The filter tries to add a value to a node at a particular field path. -// -// Kinds of target fields: -// -// - Non-existent target field. -// -// The field will be added and the value inserted. -// -// - Existing field, scalar or map. -// -// E.g. 'spec/template/spec/containers/[name:nginx]/image' -// -// This behaves like an IETF RFC 6902 Replace operation would; -// the existing value is replaced without complaint, even though -// this is an Add operation. In contrast, a Replace operation -// must fail (report an error) if the field doesn't exist. -// -// - Existing field, list (array) -// Not supported yet. -// TODO: Honor fields with RFC-6902-style array indices -// TODO: like 'spec/template/spec/containers/2' -// TODO: Modify kyaml/yaml/PathGetter to allow this. -// The value will be inserted into the array at the given position, -// shifting other contents. To instead replace an array entry, use -// an implementation of an IETF RFC 6902 Replace operation. -// -// For the common case of a filepath in the field value, and a desire -// to add the value to the filepath (rather than replace the filepath), -// use a non-zero value of FilePathPosition (see below). -type Filter struct { - // Value is the value to add. - // - // Empty values are disallowed, i.e. this filter isn't intended - // for use in erasing or removing fields. For that, use a filter - // more aligned with the IETF RFC 6902 JSON Remove operation. - // - // At the time of writing, Value's value should be a simple string, - // not a JSON document. This particular filter focuses on easing - // injection of a single-sourced cloud project and/or cluster name - // into various fields, especially namespace and various filepath - // specifications. - Value string - - // FieldPath is a JSON-style path to the field intended to hold the value. - FieldPath string - - // FilePathPosition is a filepath field index. - // - // Call the value of this field _i_. - // - // If _i_ is zero, negative or unspecified, this field has no effect. - // - // If _i_ is > 0, then it's assumed that - // - 'Value' is a string that can work as a directory or file name, - // - the field value intended for replacement holds a filepath. - // - // The filepath is split into a string slice, the value is inserted - // at position [i-1], shifting the rest of the path to the right. - // A value of i==1 puts the new value at the start of the path. - // This change never converts an absolute path to a relative path, - // meaning adding a new field at position i==1 will preserve a - // leading slash. E.g. if Value == 'PEACH' - // - // OLD : NEW : FilePathPosition - // -------------------------------------------------------- - // {empty} : PEACH : irrelevant - // / : /PEACH : irrelevant - // pie : PEACH/pie : 1 (or less to prefix) - // /pie : /PEACH/pie : 1 (or less to prefix) - // raw : raw/PEACH : 2 (or more to postfix) - // /raw : /raw/PEACH : 2 (or more to postfix) - // a/nice/warm/pie : a/nice/warm/PEACH/pie : 4 - // /a/nice/warm/pie : /a/nice/warm/PEACH/pie : 4 - // - // For robustness (liberal input, conservative output) FilePathPosition - // values that that are too large to index the split filepath result in a - // postfix rather than an error. So use 1 to prefix, 9999 to postfix. - FilePathPosition int `json:"filePathPosition,omitempty" yaml:"filePathPosition,omitempty"` -} - -var _ kio.Filter = Filter{} - -func (f Filter) Filter(nodes []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - _, err := kio.FilterAll(yaml.FilterFunc( - func(node *yaml.RNode) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - var fields []string - // if there is forward slash '/' in the field name, a back slash '\' - // will be used to escape it. - for _, f := range strings.Split(f.FieldPath, "/") { - if len(fields) > 0 && strings.HasSuffix(fields[len(fields)-1], "\\") { - concatField := strings.TrimSuffix(fields[len(fields)-1], "\\") + "/" + f - fields = append(fields[:len(fields)-1], concatField) - } else { - fields = append(fields, f) - } - } - // TODO: support SequenceNode. - // Presumably here one could look for array indices (digits) at - // the end of the field path (as described in IETF RFC 6902 JSON), - // and if found, take it as a signal that this should be a - // SequenceNode instead of a ScalarNode, and insert the value - // into the proper slot, shifting every over. - n, err := node.Pipe(yaml.LookupCreate(yaml.ScalarNode, fields...)) - if err != nil { - return node, err - } - // TODO: allow more kinds - if err := yaml.ErrorIfInvalid(n, yaml.ScalarNode); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - newValue := f.Value - if f.FilePathPosition > 0 { - newValue = filesys.InsertPathPart( - n.YNode().Value, f.FilePathPosition-1, newValue) - } - return n.Pipe(yaml.FieldSetter{StringValue: newValue}) - })).Filter(nodes) - return nodes, err -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/hasher/hasher.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/hasher/hasher.go deleted file mode 100644 index aef436d9..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/hasher/hasher.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,155 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package hasher - -import ( - "crypto/sha256" - "encoding/json" - "fmt" - "sort" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// SortArrayAndComputeHash sorts a string array and -// returns a hash for it -func SortArrayAndComputeHash(s []string) (string, error) { - sort.Strings(s) - data, err := json.Marshal(s) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - return encode(hex256(string(data))) -} - -// Copied from https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes -// /blob/master/pkg/kubectl/util/hash/hash.go -func encode(hex string) (string, error) { - if len(hex) < 10 { - return "", fmt.Errorf( - "input length must be at least 10") - } - enc := []rune(hex[:10]) - for i := range enc { - switch enc[i] { - case '0': - enc[i] = 'g' - case '1': - enc[i] = 'h' - case '3': - enc[i] = 'k' - case 'a': - enc[i] = 'm' - case 'e': - enc[i] = 't' - } - } - return string(enc), nil -} - -// hex256 returns the hex form of the sha256 of the argument. -func hex256(data string) string { - return fmt.Sprintf("%x", sha256.Sum256([]byte(data))) -} - -// Hasher computes the hash of an RNode. -type Hasher struct{} - -// Hash returns a hash of the argument. -func (h *Hasher) Hash(node *yaml.RNode) (r string, err error) { - var encoded string - switch node.GetKind() { - case "ConfigMap": - encoded, err = encodeConfigMap(node) - case "Secret": - encoded, err = encodeSecret(node) - default: - var encodedBytes []byte - encodedBytes, err = json.Marshal(node.YNode()) - encoded = string(encodedBytes) - } - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - return encode(hex256(encoded)) -} - -func getNodeValues( - node *yaml.RNode, paths []string) (map[string]interface{}, error) { - values := make(map[string]interface{}) - for _, p := range paths { - vn, err := node.Pipe(yaml.Lookup(p)) - if err != nil { - return map[string]interface{}{}, err - } - if vn == nil { - values[p] = "" - continue - } - if vn.YNode().Kind != yaml.ScalarNode { - vs, err := vn.MarshalJSON() - if err != nil { - return map[string]interface{}{}, err - } - // data, binaryData and stringData are all maps - var v map[string]interface{} - json.Unmarshal(vs, &v) - values[p] = v - } else { - values[p] = vn.YNode().Value - } - } - return values, nil -} - -// encodeConfigMap encodes a ConfigMap. -// Data, Kind, and Name are taken into account. -// BinaryData is included if it's not empty to avoid useless key in output. -func encodeConfigMap(node *yaml.RNode) (string, error) { - // get fields - paths := []string{"metadata/name", "data", "binaryData"} - values, err := getNodeValues(node, paths) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - m := map[string]interface{}{ - "kind": "ConfigMap", - "name": values["metadata/name"], - "data": values["data"], - } - if _, ok := values["binaryData"].(map[string]interface{}); ok { - m["binaryData"] = values["binaryData"] - } - - // json.Marshal sorts the keys in a stable order in the encoding - data, err := json.Marshal(m) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - return string(data), nil -} - -// encodeSecret encodes a Secret. -// Data, Kind, Name, and Type are taken into account. -// StringData is included if it's not empty to avoid useless key in output. -func encodeSecret(node *yaml.RNode) (string, error) { - // get fields - paths := []string{"type", "metadata/name", "data", "stringData"} - values, err := getNodeValues(node, paths) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - m := map[string]interface{}{"kind": "Secret", "type": values["type"], - "name": values["metadata/name"], "data": values["data"]} - if _, ok := values["stringData"].(map[string]interface{}); ok { - m["stringData"] = values["stringData"] - } - - // json.Marshal sorts the keys in a stable order in the encoding - data, err := json.Marshal(m) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - return string(data), nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/ifc/ifc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/ifc/ifc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 4cd62dd5..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/ifc/ifc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package ifc holds miscellaneous interfaces used by kustomize. -package ifc - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// Validator provides functions to validate annotations and labels -type Validator interface { - MakeAnnotationValidator() func(map[string]string) error - MakeAnnotationNameValidator() func([]string) error - MakeLabelValidator() func(map[string]string) error - MakeLabelNameValidator() func([]string) error - ValidateNamespace(string) []string - ErrIfInvalidKey(string) error - IsEnvVarName(k string) error -} - -// KvLoader reads and validates KV pairs. -type KvLoader interface { - Validator() Validator - Load(args types.KvPairSources) (all []types.Pair, err error) -} - -// Loader interface exposes methods to read bytes. -type Loader interface { - - // Repo returns the repo location if this Loader was created from a url - // or the empty string otherwise. - Repo() string - - // Root returns the root location for this Loader. - Root() string - - // New returns Loader located at newRoot. - New(newRoot string) (Loader, error) - - // Load returns the bytes read from the location or an error. - Load(location string) ([]byte, error) - - // Cleanup cleans the loader - Cleanup() error -} - -// KustHasher returns a hash of the argument -// or an error. -type KustHasher interface { - Hash(*yaml.RNode) (string, error) -} - -// See core.v1.SecretTypeOpaque -const SecretTypeOpaque = "Opaque" diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/image/image.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/image/image.go deleted file mode 100644 index 4a88050b..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/image/image.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package image - -import ( - "regexp" - "strings" -) - -// IsImageMatched returns true if the value of t is identical to the -// image name in the full image name and tag as given by s. -func IsImageMatched(s, t string) bool { - // Tag values are limited to [a-zA-Z0-9_.{}-]. - // Some tools like Bazel rules_k8s allow tag patterns with {} characters. - // More info: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_k8s/pull/423 - pattern, _ := regexp.Compile("^" + t + "(:[a-zA-Z0-9_.{}-]*)?(@sha256:[a-zA-Z0-9_.{}-]*)?$") - return pattern.MatchString(s) -} - -// Split separates and returns the name and tag parts -// from the image string using either colon `:` or at `@` separators. -// image reference pattern: [[host[:port]/]component/]component[:tag][@digest] -func Split(imageName string) (name string, tag string, digest string) { - // check if image name contains a domain - // if domain is present, ignore domain and check for `:` - searchName := imageName - slashIndex := strings.Index(imageName, "/") - if slashIndex > 0 { - searchName = imageName[slashIndex:] - } else { - slashIndex = 0 - } - - id := strings.Index(searchName, "@") - ic := strings.Index(searchName, ":") - - // no tag or digest - if ic < 0 && id < 0 { - return imageName, "", "" - } - - // digest only - if id >= 0 && (id < ic || ic < 0) { - id += slashIndex - name = imageName[:id] - digest = strings.TrimPrefix(imageName[id:], "@") - return name, "", digest - } - - // tag and digest - if id >= 0 && ic >= 0 { - id += slashIndex - ic += slashIndex - name = imageName[:ic] - tag = strings.TrimPrefix(imageName[ic:id], ":") - digest = strings.TrimPrefix(imageName[id:], "@") - return name, tag, digest - } - - // tag only - ic += slashIndex - name = imageName[:ic] - tag = strings.TrimPrefix(imageName[ic:], ":") - return name, tag, "" -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/accumulator/loadconfigfromcrds.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/accumulator/loadconfigfromcrds.go deleted file mode 100644 index afe6da2e..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/accumulator/loadconfigfromcrds.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,198 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package accumulator - -import ( - "encoding/json" - "strings" - - "k8s.io/kube-openapi/pkg/validation/spec" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/ifc" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/builtinconfig" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/resid" - "sigs.k8s.io/yaml" -) - -// OpenAPIDefinition describes single type. -// Normally these definitions are auto-generated using gen-openapi. -// Same as in k8s.io / kube-openapi / pkg / common. -type OpenAPIDefinition struct { - Schema spec.Schema - Dependencies []string -} - -type myProperties = map[string]spec.Schema -type nameToApiMap map[string]OpenAPIDefinition - -// LoadConfigFromCRDs parse CRD schemas from paths into a TransformerConfig -func LoadConfigFromCRDs( - ldr ifc.Loader, paths []string) (*builtinconfig.TransformerConfig, error) { - tc := builtinconfig.MakeEmptyConfig() - for _, path := range paths { - content, err := ldr.Load(path) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - m, err := makeNameToApiMap(content) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "unable to parse open API definition from '%s'", path) - } - otherTc, err := makeConfigFromApiMap(m) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - tc, err = tc.Merge(otherTc) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - return tc, nil -} - -func makeNameToApiMap(content []byte) (result nameToApiMap, err error) { - if content[0] == '{' { - err = json.Unmarshal(content, &result) - } else { - err = yaml.Unmarshal(content, &result) - } - return -} - -func makeConfigFromApiMap(m nameToApiMap) (*builtinconfig.TransformerConfig, error) { - result := builtinconfig.MakeEmptyConfig() - for name, api := range m { - if !looksLikeAk8sType(api.Schema.SchemaProps.Properties) { - continue - } - tc := builtinconfig.MakeEmptyConfig() - err := loadCrdIntoConfig( - tc, makeGvkFromTypeName(name), m, name, []string{}) - if err != nil { - return result, err - } - result, err = result.Merge(tc) - if err != nil { - return result, err - } - } - return result, nil -} - -// TODO: Get Group and Version for CRD from the -// openAPI definition once -// "x-kubernetes-group-version-kind" is available in CRD -func makeGvkFromTypeName(n string) resid.Gvk { - names := strings.Split(n, filesys.SelfDir) - kind := names[len(names)-1] - return resid.Gvk{Kind: kind} -} - -func looksLikeAk8sType(properties myProperties) bool { - _, ok := properties["kind"] - if !ok { - return false - } - _, ok = properties["apiVersion"] - if !ok { - return false - } - _, ok = properties["metadata"] - return ok -} - -const ( - // "x-kubernetes-annotation": "" - xAnnotation = "x-kubernetes-annotation" - - // "x-kubernetes-label-selector": "" - xLabelSelector = "x-kubernetes-label-selector" - - // "x-kubernetes-identity": "" - xIdentity = "x-kubernetes-identity" - - // "x-kubernetes-object-ref-api-version": - xVersion = "x-kubernetes-object-ref-api-version" - - // "x-kubernetes-object-ref-kind": - xKind = "x-kubernetes-object-ref-kind" - - // "x-kubernetes-object-ref-name-key": "name" - // default is "name" - xNameKey = "x-kubernetes-object-ref-name-key" -) - -// loadCrdIntoConfig loads a CRD spec into a TransformerConfig -func loadCrdIntoConfig( - theConfig *builtinconfig.TransformerConfig, theGvk resid.Gvk, theMap nameToApiMap, - typeName string, path []string) (err error) { - api, ok := theMap[typeName] - if !ok { - return nil - } - for propName, property := range api.Schema.SchemaProps.Properties { - _, annotate := property.Extensions.GetString(xAnnotation) - if annotate { - err = theConfig.AddAnnotationFieldSpec( - makeFs(theGvk, append(path, propName))) - if err != nil { - return - } - } - _, label := property.Extensions.GetString(xLabelSelector) - if label { - err = theConfig.AddLabelFieldSpec( - makeFs(theGvk, append(path, propName))) - if err != nil { - return - } - } - _, identity := property.Extensions.GetString(xIdentity) - if identity { - err = theConfig.AddPrefixFieldSpec( - makeFs(theGvk, append(path, propName))) - if err != nil { - return - } - } - version, ok := property.Extensions.GetString(xVersion) - if ok { - kind, ok := property.Extensions.GetString(xKind) - if ok { - nameKey, ok := property.Extensions.GetString(xNameKey) - if !ok { - nameKey = "name" - } - err = theConfig.AddNamereferenceFieldSpec( - builtinconfig.NameBackReferences{ - Gvk: resid.Gvk{Kind: kind, Version: version}, - Referrers: []types.FieldSpec{ - makeFs(theGvk, append(path, propName, nameKey))}, - }) - if err != nil { - return - } - } - } - if property.Ref.GetURL() != nil { - err = loadCrdIntoConfig( - theConfig, theGvk, theMap, - property.Ref.String(), append(path, propName)) - if err != nil { - return - } - } - } - return nil -} - -func makeFs(in resid.Gvk, path []string) types.FieldSpec { - return types.FieldSpec{ - CreateIfNotPresent: false, - Gvk: in, - Path: strings.Join(path, "/"), - } -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/accumulator/namereferencetransformer.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/accumulator/namereferencetransformer.go deleted file mode 100644 index f8f12b4f..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/accumulator/namereferencetransformer.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,164 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package accumulator - -import ( - "fmt" - "log" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/nameref" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/builtinconfig" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resource" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/resid" -) - -type nameReferenceTransformer struct { - backRefs []builtinconfig.NameBackReferences -} - -const doDebug = false - -var _ resmap.Transformer = &nameReferenceTransformer{} - -type filterMap map[*resource.Resource][]nameref.Filter - -// newNameReferenceTransformer constructs a nameReferenceTransformer -// with a given slice of NameBackReferences. -func newNameReferenceTransformer( - br []builtinconfig.NameBackReferences) resmap.Transformer { - if br == nil { - log.Fatal("backrefs not expected to be nil") - } - return &nameReferenceTransformer{backRefs: br} -} - -// Transform updates name references in resource A that -// refer to resource B, given that B's name may have -// changed. -// -// For example, a HorizontalPodAutoscaler (HPA) -// necessarily refers to a Deployment, the thing that -// an HPA scales. In this case: -// -// - the HPA instance is the Referrer, -// - the Deployment instance is the ReferralTarget. -// -// If the Deployment's name changes, e.g. a prefix is added, -// then the HPA's reference to the Deployment must be fixed. -// -func (t *nameReferenceTransformer) Transform(m resmap.ResMap) error { - fMap := t.determineFilters(m.Resources()) - debug(fMap) - for r, fList := range fMap { - c, err := m.SubsetThatCouldBeReferencedByResource(r) - if err != nil { - return err - } - for _, f := range fList { - f.Referrer = r - f.ReferralCandidates = c - if err := f.Referrer.ApplyFilter(f); err != nil { - return err - } - } - } - return nil -} - -func debug(fMap filterMap) { - if !doDebug { - return - } - fmt.Printf("filterMap has %d entries:\n", len(fMap)) - rCount := 0 - for r, fList := range fMap { - yml, _ := r.AsYAML() - rCount++ - fmt.Printf(` ----- %3d. possible referrer ------------- -%s ----------`, rCount, string(yml), - ) - for i, f := range fList { - fmt.Printf(` -%3d/%3d update: %s - from: %s -`, rCount, i+1, f.NameFieldToUpdate.Path, f.ReferralTarget, - ) - } - } -} - -// Produce a map from referrer resources that might need to be fixed -// to filters that might fix them. The keys to this map are potential -// referrers, so won't include resources like ConfigMap or Secret. -// -// In the inner loop over the resources below, say we -// encounter an HPA instance. Then, in scanning the set -// of all known backrefs, we encounter an entry like -// -// - kind: Deployment -// fieldSpecs: -// - kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -// path: spec/scaleTargetRef/name -// -// This entry says that an HPA, via its -// 'spec/scaleTargetRef/name' field, may refer to a -// Deployment. -// -// This means that a filter will need to hunt for the right Deployment, -// obtain it's new name, and write that name into the HPA's -// 'spec/scaleTargetRef/name' field. Return a filter that can do that. -func (t *nameReferenceTransformer) determineFilters( - resources []*resource.Resource) (fMap filterMap) { - // We cache the resource OrgId values because they don't change and otherwise are very visible in a memory pprof - resourceOrgIds := make([]resid.ResId, len(resources)) - for i, resource := range resources { - resourceOrgIds[i] = resource.OrgId() - } - - fMap = make(filterMap) - for _, backReference := range t.backRefs { - for _, referrerSpec := range backReference.Referrers { - for i, res := range resources { - if resourceOrgIds[i].IsSelected(&referrerSpec.Gvk) { - // If this is true, the res might be a referrer, and if - // so, the name reference it holds might need an update. - if resHasField(res, referrerSpec.Path) { - // Optimization - the referrer has the field - // that might need updating. - fMap[res] = append(fMap[res], nameref.Filter{ - // Name field to write in the Referrer. - // If the path specified here isn't found in - // the Referrer, nothing happens (no error, - // no field creation). - NameFieldToUpdate: referrerSpec, - // Specification of object class to read from. - // Always read from metadata/name field. - ReferralTarget: backReference.Gvk, - }) - } - } - } - } - } - return fMap -} - -// TODO: check res for field existence here to avoid extra work. -// res.GetFieldValue, which uses yaml.Lookup under the hood, doesn't know -// how to parse fieldspec-style paths that make no distinction -// between maps and sequences. This means it cannot lookup commonly -// used "indeterminate" paths like -// spec/containers/env/valueFrom/configMapKeyRef/name -// ('containers' is a list, not a map). -// However, the fieldspec filter does know how to handle this; -// extract that code and call it here? -func resHasField(res *resource.Resource, path string) bool { - return true - // fld := strings.Join(utils.PathSplitter(path), ".") - // _, e := res.GetFieldValue(fld) - // return e == nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/accumulator/refvartransformer.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/accumulator/refvartransformer.go deleted file mode 100644 index a02edc4f..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/accumulator/refvartransformer.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package accumulator - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/refvar" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" -) - -type refVarTransformer struct { - varMap map[string]interface{} - replacementCounts map[string]int - fieldSpecs []types.FieldSpec -} - -// newRefVarTransformer returns a new refVarTransformer -// that replaces $(VAR) style variables with values. -// The fieldSpecs are the places to look for occurrences of $(VAR). -func newRefVarTransformer( - varMap map[string]interface{}, fs []types.FieldSpec) *refVarTransformer { - return &refVarTransformer{ - varMap: varMap, - fieldSpecs: fs, - } -} - -// UnusedVars returns slice of Var names that were unused -// after a Transform run. -func (rv *refVarTransformer) UnusedVars() []string { - var unused []string - for k := range rv.varMap { - if _, ok := rv.replacementCounts[k]; !ok { - unused = append(unused, k) - } - } - return unused -} - -// Transform replaces $(VAR) style variables with values. -func (rv *refVarTransformer) Transform(m resmap.ResMap) error { - rv.replacementCounts = make(map[string]int) - mf := refvar.MakePrimitiveReplacer(rv.replacementCounts, rv.varMap) - for _, res := range m.Resources() { - for _, fieldSpec := range rv.fieldSpecs { - err := res.ApplyFilter(refvar.Filter{ - MappingFunc: mf, - FieldSpec: fieldSpec, - }) - if err != nil { - return err - } - } - } - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/accumulator/resaccumulator.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/accumulator/resaccumulator.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0f4008c9..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/accumulator/resaccumulator.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,190 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package accumulator - -import ( - "fmt" - "log" - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/builtinconfig" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/resid" -) - -// ResAccumulator accumulates resources and the rules -// used to customize those resources. It's a ResMap -// plus stuff needed to modify the ResMap. -type ResAccumulator struct { - resMap resmap.ResMap - tConfig *builtinconfig.TransformerConfig - varSet types.VarSet -} - -func MakeEmptyAccumulator() *ResAccumulator { - ra := &ResAccumulator{} - ra.resMap = resmap.New() - ra.tConfig = &builtinconfig.TransformerConfig{} - ra.varSet = types.NewVarSet() - return ra -} - -// ResMap returns a copy of the internal resMap. -func (ra *ResAccumulator) ResMap() resmap.ResMap { - return ra.resMap.ShallowCopy() -} - -// Vars returns a copy of underlying vars. -func (ra *ResAccumulator) Vars() []types.Var { - return ra.varSet.AsSlice() -} - -func (ra *ResAccumulator) AppendAll(resources resmap.ResMap) error { - return ra.resMap.AppendAll(resources) -} - -func (ra *ResAccumulator) AbsorbAll(resources resmap.ResMap) error { - return ra.resMap.AbsorbAll(resources) -} - -func (ra *ResAccumulator) MergeConfig( - tConfig *builtinconfig.TransformerConfig) (err error) { - ra.tConfig, err = ra.tConfig.Merge(tConfig) - return err -} - -func (ra *ResAccumulator) GetTransformerConfig() *builtinconfig.TransformerConfig { - return ra.tConfig -} - -// MergeVars accumulates vars into ResAccumulator. -// A Var is a tuple of name, object reference and field reference. -// This func takes a list of vars from the current kustomization file and -// annotates the accumulated resources with the names of the vars that match -// those resources. E.g. if there's a var named "sam" that wants to get -// its data from a ConfigMap named "james", and the resource list contains a -// ConfigMap named "james", then that ConfigMap will be annotated with the -// var name "sam". Later this annotation is used to find the data for "sam" -// by digging into a particular fieldpath of "james". -func (ra *ResAccumulator) MergeVars(incoming []types.Var) error { - for _, v := range incoming { - targetId := resid.NewResIdWithNamespace(v.ObjRef.GVK(), v.ObjRef.Name, v.ObjRef.Namespace) - idMatcher := targetId.GvknEquals - if targetId.Namespace != "" || targetId.IsClusterScoped() { - // Preserve backward compatibility. An empty namespace means - // wildcard search on the namespace hence we still use GvknEquals - idMatcher = targetId.Equals - } - matched := ra.resMap.GetMatchingResourcesByAnyId(idMatcher) - if len(matched) > 1 { - return fmt.Errorf( - "found %d resId matches for var %s "+ - "(unable to disambiguate)", - len(matched), v) - } - if len(matched) == 1 { - matched[0].AppendRefVarName(v) - } - } - return ra.varSet.MergeSlice(incoming) -} - -func (ra *ResAccumulator) MergeAccumulator(other *ResAccumulator) (err error) { - err = ra.AppendAll(other.resMap) - if err != nil { - return err - } - err = ra.MergeConfig(other.tConfig) - if err != nil { - return err - } - return ra.varSet.MergeSet(other.varSet) -} - -func (ra *ResAccumulator) findVarValueFromResources(v types.Var) (interface{}, error) { - for _, res := range ra.resMap.Resources() { - for _, varName := range res.GetRefVarNames() { - if varName == v.Name { - s, err := res.GetFieldValue(v.FieldRef.FieldPath) - if err != nil { - return "", fmt.Errorf( - "field specified in var '%v' "+ - "not found in corresponding resource", v) - } - return s, nil - } - } - } - return "", fmt.Errorf( - "var '%v' cannot be mapped to a field "+ - "in the set of known resources", v) -} - -// makeVarReplacementMap returns a map of Var names to -// their final values. The values are strings intended -// for substitution wherever the $(var.Name) occurs. -func (ra *ResAccumulator) makeVarReplacementMap() (map[string]interface{}, error) { - result := map[string]interface{}{} - for _, v := range ra.Vars() { - s, err := ra.findVarValueFromResources(v) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - result[v.Name] = s - } - return result, nil -} - -func (ra *ResAccumulator) Transform(t resmap.Transformer) error { - return t.Transform(ra.resMap) -} - -func (ra *ResAccumulator) ResolveVars() error { - replacementMap, err := ra.makeVarReplacementMap() - if err != nil { - return err - } - if len(replacementMap) == 0 { - return nil - } - t := newRefVarTransformer( - replacementMap, ra.tConfig.VarReference) - err = ra.Transform(t) - if len(t.UnusedVars()) > 0 { - log.Printf( - "well-defined vars that were never replaced: %s\n", - strings.Join(t.UnusedVars(), ",")) - } - return err -} - -func (ra *ResAccumulator) FixBackReferences() (err error) { - if ra.tConfig.NameReference == nil { - return nil - } - return ra.Transform( - newNameReferenceTransformer(ra.tConfig.NameReference)) -} - -// Intersection drops the resources which "other" does not have. -func (ra *ResAccumulator) Intersection(other resmap.ResMap) error { - otherIds := other.AllIds() - for _, curId := range ra.resMap.AllIds() { - toDelete := true - for _, otherId := range otherIds { - if otherId == curId { - toDelete = false - break - } - } - if toDelete { - err := ra.resMap.Remove(curId) - if err != nil { - return err - } - } - } - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/AnnotationsTransformer.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/AnnotationsTransformer.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0910c472..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/AnnotationsTransformer.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by pluginator on AnnotationsTransformer; DO NOT EDIT. -// pluginator {(devel) unknown } - -package builtins - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/annotations" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/yaml" -) - -// Add the given annotations to the given field specifications. -type AnnotationsTransformerPlugin struct { - Annotations map[string]string `json:"annotations,omitempty" yaml:"annotations,omitempty"` - FieldSpecs []types.FieldSpec `json:"fieldSpecs,omitempty" yaml:"fieldSpecs,omitempty"` -} - -func (p *AnnotationsTransformerPlugin) Config( - _ *resmap.PluginHelpers, c []byte) (err error) { - p.Annotations = nil - p.FieldSpecs = nil - return yaml.Unmarshal(c, p) -} - -func (p *AnnotationsTransformerPlugin) Transform(m resmap.ResMap) error { - if len(p.Annotations) == 0 { - return nil - } - return m.ApplyFilter(annotations.Filter{ - Annotations: p.Annotations, - FsSlice: p.FieldSpecs, - }) -} - -func NewAnnotationsTransformerPlugin() resmap.TransformerPlugin { - return &AnnotationsTransformerPlugin{} -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/ConfigMapGenerator.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/ConfigMapGenerator.go deleted file mode 100644 index dc18bce8..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/ConfigMapGenerator.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by pluginator on ConfigMapGenerator; DO NOT EDIT. -// pluginator {(devel) unknown } - -package builtins - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/kv" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/yaml" -) - -type ConfigMapGeneratorPlugin struct { - h *resmap.PluginHelpers - types.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty" yaml:"metadata,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=metadata"` - types.ConfigMapArgs -} - -func (p *ConfigMapGeneratorPlugin) Config(h *resmap.PluginHelpers, config []byte) (err error) { - p.ConfigMapArgs = types.ConfigMapArgs{} - err = yaml.Unmarshal(config, p) - if p.ConfigMapArgs.Name == "" { - p.ConfigMapArgs.Name = p.Name - } - if p.ConfigMapArgs.Namespace == "" { - p.ConfigMapArgs.Namespace = p.Namespace - } - p.h = h - return -} - -func (p *ConfigMapGeneratorPlugin) Generate() (resmap.ResMap, error) { - return p.h.ResmapFactory().FromConfigMapArgs( - kv.NewLoader(p.h.Loader(), p.h.Validator()), p.ConfigMapArgs) -} - -func NewConfigMapGeneratorPlugin() resmap.GeneratorPlugin { - return &ConfigMapGeneratorPlugin{} -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/HashTransformer.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/HashTransformer.go deleted file mode 100644 index ec233126..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/HashTransformer.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by pluginator on HashTransformer; DO NOT EDIT. -// pluginator {(devel) unknown } - -package builtins - -import ( - "fmt" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/ifc" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap" -) - -type HashTransformerPlugin struct { - hasher ifc.KustHasher -} - -func (p *HashTransformerPlugin) Config( - h *resmap.PluginHelpers, _ []byte) (err error) { - p.hasher = h.ResmapFactory().RF().Hasher() - return nil -} - -// Transform appends hash to generated resources. -func (p *HashTransformerPlugin) Transform(m resmap.ResMap) error { - for _, res := range m.Resources() { - if res.NeedHashSuffix() { - h, err := res.Hash(p.hasher) - if err != nil { - return err - } - res.StorePreviousId() - res.SetName(fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", res.GetName(), h)) - } - } - return nil -} - -func NewHashTransformerPlugin() resmap.TransformerPlugin { - return &HashTransformerPlugin{} -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/HelmChartInflationGenerator.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/HelmChartInflationGenerator.go deleted file mode 100644 index 113f56ea..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/HelmChartInflationGenerator.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,329 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by pluginator on HelmChartInflationGenerator; DO NOT EDIT. -// pluginator {(devel) unknown } - -package builtins - -import ( - "bytes" - "fmt" - "os" - "os/exec" - "path/filepath" - "regexp" - "strings" - - "github.com/imdario/mergo" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio" - "sigs.k8s.io/yaml" -) - -// Generate resources from a remote or local helm chart. -type HelmChartInflationGeneratorPlugin struct { - h *resmap.PluginHelpers - types.HelmGlobals - types.HelmChart - tmpDir string -} - -const ( - valuesMergeOptionMerge = "merge" - valuesMergeOptionOverride = "override" - valuesMergeOptionReplace = "replace" -) - -var legalMergeOptions = []string{ - valuesMergeOptionMerge, - valuesMergeOptionOverride, - valuesMergeOptionReplace, -} - -// Config uses the input plugin configurations `config` to setup the generator -// options -func (p *HelmChartInflationGeneratorPlugin) Config( - h *resmap.PluginHelpers, config []byte) (err error) { - if h.GeneralConfig() == nil { - return fmt.Errorf("unable to access general config") - } - if !h.GeneralConfig().HelmConfig.Enabled { - return fmt.Errorf("must specify --enable-helm") - } - if h.GeneralConfig().HelmConfig.Command == "" { - return fmt.Errorf("must specify --helm-command") - } - p.h = h - if err = yaml.Unmarshal(config, p); err != nil { - return - } - return p.validateArgs() -} - -// This uses the real file system since tmpDir may be used -// by the helm subprocess. Cannot use a chroot jail or fake -// filesystem since we allow the user to use previously -// downloaded charts. This is safe since this plugin is -// owned by kustomize. -func (p *HelmChartInflationGeneratorPlugin) establishTmpDir() (err error) { - if p.tmpDir != "" { - // already done. - return nil - } - p.tmpDir, err = os.MkdirTemp("", "kustomize-helm-") - return err -} - -func (p *HelmChartInflationGeneratorPlugin) validateArgs() (err error) { - if p.Name == "" { - return fmt.Errorf("chart name cannot be empty") - } - - // ChartHome might be consulted by the plugin (to read - // values files below it), so it must be located under - // the loader root (unless root restrictions are - // disabled, in which case this can be an absolute path). - if p.ChartHome == "" { - p.ChartHome = types.HelmDefaultHome - } - - // The ValuesFile(s) may be consulted by the plugin, so it must - // be under the loader root (unless root restrictions are - // disabled). - if p.ValuesFile == "" { - p.ValuesFile = filepath.Join(p.ChartHome, p.Name, "values.yaml") - } - for i, file := range p.AdditionalValuesFiles { - // use Load() to enforce root restrictions - if _, err := p.h.Loader().Load(file); err != nil { - return errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "could not load additionalValuesFile") - } - // the additional values filepaths must be relative to the kust root - p.AdditionalValuesFiles[i] = filepath.Join(p.h.Loader().Root(), file) - } - - if err = p.errIfIllegalValuesMerge(); err != nil { - return err - } - - // ConfigHome is not loaded by the plugin, and can be located anywhere. - if p.ConfigHome == "" { - if err = p.establishTmpDir(); err != nil { - return errors.WrapPrefixf( - err, "unable to create tmp dir for HELM_CONFIG_HOME") - } - p.ConfigHome = filepath.Join(p.tmpDir, "helm") - } - return nil -} - -func (p *HelmChartInflationGeneratorPlugin) errIfIllegalValuesMerge() error { - if p.ValuesMerge == "" { - // Use the default. - p.ValuesMerge = valuesMergeOptionOverride - return nil - } - for _, opt := range legalMergeOptions { - if p.ValuesMerge == opt { - return nil - } - } - return fmt.Errorf("valuesMerge must be one of %v", legalMergeOptions) -} - -func (p *HelmChartInflationGeneratorPlugin) absChartHome() string { - if filepath.IsAbs(p.ChartHome) { - return p.ChartHome - } - return filepath.Join(p.h.Loader().Root(), p.ChartHome) -} - -func (p *HelmChartInflationGeneratorPlugin) runHelmCommand( - args []string) ([]byte, error) { - stdout := new(bytes.Buffer) - stderr := new(bytes.Buffer) - cmd := exec.Command(p.h.GeneralConfig().HelmConfig.Command, args...) - cmd.Stdout = stdout - cmd.Stderr = stderr - env := []string{ - fmt.Sprintf("HELM_CONFIG_HOME=%s", p.ConfigHome), - fmt.Sprintf("HELM_CACHE_HOME=%s/.cache", p.ConfigHome), - fmt.Sprintf("HELM_DATA_HOME=%s/.data", p.ConfigHome)} - cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), env...) - err := cmd.Run() - if err != nil { - helm := p.h.GeneralConfig().HelmConfig.Command - err = errors.WrapPrefixf( - fmt.Errorf( - "unable to run: '%s %s' with env=%s (is '%s' installed?): %w", - helm, strings.Join(args, " "), env, helm, err), - stderr.String(), - ) - } - return stdout.Bytes(), err -} - -// createNewMergedValuesFile replaces/merges original values file with ValuesInline. -func (p *HelmChartInflationGeneratorPlugin) createNewMergedValuesFile() ( - path string, err error) { - if p.ValuesMerge == valuesMergeOptionMerge || - p.ValuesMerge == valuesMergeOptionOverride { - if err = p.replaceValuesInline(); err != nil { - return "", err - } - } - var b []byte - b, err = yaml.Marshal(p.ValuesInline) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - return p.writeValuesBytes(b) -} - -func (p *HelmChartInflationGeneratorPlugin) replaceValuesInline() error { - pValues, err := p.h.Loader().Load(p.ValuesFile) - if err != nil { - return err - } - chValues := make(map[string]interface{}) - if err = yaml.Unmarshal(pValues, &chValues); err != nil { - return err - } - switch p.ValuesMerge { - case valuesMergeOptionOverride: - err = mergo.Merge( - &chValues, p.ValuesInline, mergo.WithOverride) - case valuesMergeOptionMerge: - err = mergo.Merge(&chValues, p.ValuesInline) - } - p.ValuesInline = chValues - return err -} - -// copyValuesFile to avoid branching. TODO: get rid of this. -func (p *HelmChartInflationGeneratorPlugin) copyValuesFile() (string, error) { - b, err := p.h.Loader().Load(p.ValuesFile) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - return p.writeValuesBytes(b) -} - -// Write a absolute path file in the tmp file system. -func (p *HelmChartInflationGeneratorPlugin) writeValuesBytes( - b []byte) (string, error) { - if err := p.establishTmpDir(); err != nil { - return "", fmt.Errorf("cannot create tmp dir to write helm values") - } - path := filepath.Join(p.tmpDir, p.Name+"-kustomize-values.yaml") - return path, errors.WrapPrefixf(os.WriteFile(path, b, 0644), "failed to write values file") -} - -func (p *HelmChartInflationGeneratorPlugin) cleanup() { - if p.tmpDir != "" { - os.RemoveAll(p.tmpDir) - } -} - -// Generate implements generator -func (p *HelmChartInflationGeneratorPlugin) Generate() (rm resmap.ResMap, err error) { - defer p.cleanup() - if err = p.checkHelmVersion(); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if path, exists := p.chartExistsLocally(); !exists { - if p.Repo == "" { - return nil, fmt.Errorf( - "no repo specified for pull, no chart found at '%s'", path) - } - if _, err := p.runHelmCommand(p.pullCommand()); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - if len(p.ValuesInline) > 0 { - p.ValuesFile, err = p.createNewMergedValuesFile() - } else { - p.ValuesFile, err = p.copyValuesFile() - } - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - var stdout []byte - stdout, err = p.runHelmCommand(p.AsHelmArgs(p.absChartHome())) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - rm, resMapErr := p.h.ResmapFactory().NewResMapFromBytes(stdout) - if resMapErr == nil { - return rm, nil - } - // try to remove the contents before first "---" because - // helm may produce messages to stdout before it - r := &kio.ByteReader{Reader: bytes.NewBufferString(string(stdout)), OmitReaderAnnotations: true} - nodes, err := r.Read() - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("error reading helm output: %w", err) - } - - if len(nodes) != 0 { - rm, err = p.h.ResmapFactory().NewResMapFromRNodeSlice(nodes) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not parse rnode slice into resource map: %w", err) - } - return rm, nil - } - return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not parse bytes into resource map: %w", resMapErr) -} - -func (p *HelmChartInflationGeneratorPlugin) pullCommand() []string { - args := []string{ - "pull", - "--untar", - "--untardir", p.absChartHome(), - "--repo", p.Repo, - p.Name} - if p.Version != "" { - args = append(args, "--version", p.Version) - } - return args -} - -// chartExistsLocally will return true if the chart does exist in -// local chart home. -func (p *HelmChartInflationGeneratorPlugin) chartExistsLocally() (string, bool) { - path := filepath.Join(p.absChartHome(), p.Name) - s, err := os.Stat(path) - if err != nil { - return "", false - } - return path, s.IsDir() -} - -// checkHelmVersion will return an error if the helm version is not V3 -func (p *HelmChartInflationGeneratorPlugin) checkHelmVersion() error { - stdout, err := p.runHelmCommand([]string{"version", "-c", "--short"}) - if err != nil { - return err - } - r, err := regexp.Compile(`v?\d+(\.\d+)+`) - if err != nil { - return err - } - v := r.FindString(string(stdout)) - if v == "" { - return fmt.Errorf("cannot find version string in %s", string(stdout)) - } - if v[0] == 'v' { - v = v[1:] - } - majorVersion := strings.Split(v, ".")[0] - if majorVersion != "3" { - return fmt.Errorf("this plugin requires helm V3 but got v%s", v) - } - return nil -} - -func NewHelmChartInflationGeneratorPlugin() resmap.GeneratorPlugin { - return &HelmChartInflationGeneratorPlugin{} -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/IAMPolicyGenerator.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/IAMPolicyGenerator.go deleted file mode 100644 index cfb1fa81..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/IAMPolicyGenerator.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by pluginator on IAMPolicyGenerator; DO NOT EDIT. -// pluginator {(devel) unknown } - -package builtins - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/iampolicygenerator" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/yaml" -) - -type IAMPolicyGeneratorPlugin struct { - types.IAMPolicyGeneratorArgs -} - -func (p *IAMPolicyGeneratorPlugin) Config(h *resmap.PluginHelpers, config []byte) (err error) { - p.IAMPolicyGeneratorArgs = types.IAMPolicyGeneratorArgs{} - err = yaml.Unmarshal(config, p) - return -} - -func (p *IAMPolicyGeneratorPlugin) Generate() (resmap.ResMap, error) { - r := resmap.New() - err := r.ApplyFilter(iampolicygenerator.Filter{ - IAMPolicyGenerator: p.IAMPolicyGeneratorArgs, - }) - return r, err -} - -func NewIAMPolicyGeneratorPlugin() resmap.GeneratorPlugin { - return &IAMPolicyGeneratorPlugin{} -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/ImageTagTransformer.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/ImageTagTransformer.go deleted file mode 100644 index ffde73a7..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/ImageTagTransformer.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by pluginator on ImageTagTransformer; DO NOT EDIT. -// pluginator {(devel) unknown } - -package builtins - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/imagetag" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/yaml" -) - -// Find matching image declarations and replace -// the name, tag and/or digest. -type ImageTagTransformerPlugin struct { - ImageTag types.Image `json:"imageTag,omitempty" yaml:"imageTag,omitempty"` - FieldSpecs []types.FieldSpec `json:"fieldSpecs,omitempty" yaml:"fieldSpecs,omitempty"` -} - -func (p *ImageTagTransformerPlugin) Config( - _ *resmap.PluginHelpers, c []byte) (err error) { - p.ImageTag = types.Image{} - p.FieldSpecs = nil - return yaml.Unmarshal(c, p) -} - -func (p *ImageTagTransformerPlugin) Transform(m resmap.ResMap) error { - if err := m.ApplyFilter(imagetag.LegacyFilter{ - ImageTag: p.ImageTag, - }); err != nil { - return err - } - return m.ApplyFilter(imagetag.Filter{ - ImageTag: p.ImageTag, - FsSlice: p.FieldSpecs, - }) -} - -func NewImageTagTransformerPlugin() resmap.TransformerPlugin { - return &ImageTagTransformerPlugin{} -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/LabelTransformer.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/LabelTransformer.go deleted file mode 100644 index c45731b5..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/LabelTransformer.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by pluginator on LabelTransformer; DO NOT EDIT. -// pluginator {(devel) unknown } - -package builtins - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/labels" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/yaml" -) - -// Add the given labels to the given field specifications. -type LabelTransformerPlugin struct { - Labels map[string]string `json:"labels,omitempty" yaml:"labels,omitempty"` - FieldSpecs []types.FieldSpec `json:"fieldSpecs,omitempty" yaml:"fieldSpecs,omitempty"` -} - -func (p *LabelTransformerPlugin) Config( - _ *resmap.PluginHelpers, c []byte) (err error) { - p.Labels = nil - p.FieldSpecs = nil - return yaml.Unmarshal(c, p) -} - -func (p *LabelTransformerPlugin) Transform(m resmap.ResMap) error { - if len(p.Labels) == 0 { - return nil - } - return m.ApplyFilter(labels.Filter{ - Labels: p.Labels, - FsSlice: p.FieldSpecs, - }) -} - -func NewLabelTransformerPlugin() resmap.TransformerPlugin { - return &LabelTransformerPlugin{} -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/NamespaceTransformer.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/NamespaceTransformer.go deleted file mode 100644 index 30a88340..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/NamespaceTransformer.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,74 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by pluginator on NamespaceTransformer; DO NOT EDIT. -// pluginator {(devel) unknown } - -package builtins - -import ( - "fmt" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/namespace" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/yaml" -) - -// Change or set the namespace of non-cluster level resources. -type NamespaceTransformerPlugin struct { - types.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty" yaml:"metadata,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=metadata"` - FieldSpecs []types.FieldSpec `json:"fieldSpecs,omitempty" yaml:"fieldSpecs,omitempty"` - UnsetOnly bool `json:"unsetOnly" yaml:"unsetOnly"` - SetRoleBindingSubjects namespace.RoleBindingSubjectMode `json:"setRoleBindingSubjects" yaml:"setRoleBindingSubjects"` -} - -func (p *NamespaceTransformerPlugin) Config( - _ *resmap.PluginHelpers, c []byte) (err error) { - p.Namespace = "" - p.FieldSpecs = nil - if err := yaml.Unmarshal(c, p); err != nil { - return errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "unmarshalling NamespaceTransformer config") - } - switch p.SetRoleBindingSubjects { - case namespace.AllServiceAccountSubjects, namespace.DefaultSubjectsOnly, namespace.NoSubjects: - // valid - case namespace.SubjectModeUnspecified: - p.SetRoleBindingSubjects = namespace.DefaultSubjectsOnly - default: - return errors.Errorf("invalid value %q for setRoleBindingSubjects: "+ - "must be one of %q, %q or %q", p.SetRoleBindingSubjects, - namespace.DefaultSubjectsOnly, namespace.NoSubjects, namespace.AllServiceAccountSubjects) - } - - return nil -} - -func (p *NamespaceTransformerPlugin) Transform(m resmap.ResMap) error { - if len(p.Namespace) == 0 { - return nil - } - for _, r := range m.Resources() { - if r.IsNilOrEmpty() { - // Don't mutate empty objects? - continue - } - r.StorePreviousId() - if err := r.ApplyFilter(namespace.Filter{ - Namespace: p.Namespace, - FsSlice: p.FieldSpecs, - SetRoleBindingSubjects: p.SetRoleBindingSubjects, - UnsetOnly: p.UnsetOnly, - }); err != nil { - return err - } - matches := m.GetMatchingResourcesByCurrentId(r.CurId().Equals) - if len(matches) != 1 { - return fmt.Errorf( - "namespace transformation produces ID conflict: %+v", matches) - } - } - return nil -} - -func NewNamespaceTransformerPlugin() resmap.TransformerPlugin { - return &NamespaceTransformerPlugin{} -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/PatchJson6902Transformer.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/PatchJson6902Transformer.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5ee5353f..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/PatchJson6902Transformer.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,105 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by pluginator on PatchJson6902Transformer; DO NOT EDIT. -// pluginator {(devel) unknown } - -package builtins - -import ( - "fmt" - - jsonpatch "github.com/evanphx/json-patch" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/patchjson6902" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/ifc" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/kioutil" - "sigs.k8s.io/yaml" -) - -type PatchJson6902TransformerPlugin struct { - ldr ifc.Loader - decodedPatch jsonpatch.Patch - Target *types.Selector `json:"target,omitempty" yaml:"target,omitempty"` - Path string `json:"path,omitempty" yaml:"path,omitempty"` - JsonOp string `json:"jsonOp,omitempty" yaml:"jsonOp,omitempty"` -} - -func (p *PatchJson6902TransformerPlugin) Config( - h *resmap.PluginHelpers, c []byte) (err error) { - p.ldr = h.Loader() - err = yaml.Unmarshal(c, p) - if err != nil { - return err - } - if p.Target.Name == "" { - return fmt.Errorf("must specify the target name") - } - if p.Path == "" && p.JsonOp == "" { - return fmt.Errorf("empty file path and empty jsonOp") - } - if p.Path != "" { - if p.JsonOp != "" { - return fmt.Errorf("must specify a file path or jsonOp, not both") - } - rawOp, err := p.ldr.Load(p.Path) - if err != nil { - return err - } - p.JsonOp = string(rawOp) - if p.JsonOp == "" { - return fmt.Errorf("patch file '%s' empty seems to be empty", p.Path) - } - } - if p.JsonOp[0] != '[' { - // if it doesn't seem to be JSON, imagine - // it is YAML, and convert to JSON. - op, err := yaml.YAMLToJSON([]byte(p.JsonOp)) - if err != nil { - return err - } - p.JsonOp = string(op) - } - p.decodedPatch, err = jsonpatch.DecodePatch([]byte(p.JsonOp)) - if err != nil { - return errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "decoding %s", p.JsonOp) - } - if len(p.decodedPatch) == 0 { - return fmt.Errorf( - "patch appears to be empty; file=%s, JsonOp=%s", p.Path, p.JsonOp) - } - return err -} - -func (p *PatchJson6902TransformerPlugin) Transform(m resmap.ResMap) error { - if p.Target == nil { - return fmt.Errorf("must specify a target for patch %s", p.JsonOp) - } - resources, err := m.Select(*p.Target) - if err != nil { - return err - } - for _, res := range resources { - internalAnnotations := kioutil.GetInternalAnnotations(&res.RNode) - - err = res.ApplyFilter(patchjson6902.Filter{ - Patch: p.JsonOp, - }) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - annotations := res.GetAnnotations() - for key, value := range internalAnnotations { - annotations[key] = value - } - err = res.SetAnnotations(annotations) - if err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -func NewPatchJson6902TransformerPlugin() resmap.TransformerPlugin { - return &PatchJson6902TransformerPlugin{} -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/PatchStrategicMergeTransformer.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/PatchStrategicMergeTransformer.go deleted file mode 100644 index d68f2425..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/PatchStrategicMergeTransformer.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,89 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by pluginator on PatchStrategicMergeTransformer; DO NOT EDIT. -// pluginator {(devel) unknown } - -package builtins - -import ( - "fmt" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resource" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/yaml" -) - -type PatchStrategicMergeTransformerPlugin struct { - loadedPatches []*resource.Resource - Paths []types.PatchStrategicMerge `json:"paths,omitempty" yaml:"paths,omitempty"` - Patches string `json:"patches,omitempty" yaml:"patches,omitempty"` -} - -func (p *PatchStrategicMergeTransformerPlugin) Config( - h *resmap.PluginHelpers, c []byte) (err error) { - err = yaml.Unmarshal(c, p) - if err != nil { - return err - } - if len(p.Paths) == 0 && p.Patches == "" { - return fmt.Errorf("empty file path and empty patch content") - } - if len(p.Paths) != 0 { - patches, err := loadFromPaths(h, p.Paths) - if err != nil { - return err - } - p.loadedPatches = append(p.loadedPatches, patches...) - } - if p.Patches != "" { - patches, err := h.ResmapFactory().RF().SliceFromBytes([]byte(p.Patches)) - if err != nil { - return err - } - p.loadedPatches = append(p.loadedPatches, patches...) - } - if len(p.loadedPatches) == 0 { - return fmt.Errorf( - "patch appears to be empty; files=%v, Patch=%s", p.Paths, p.Patches) - } - return nil -} - -func loadFromPaths( - h *resmap.PluginHelpers, - paths []types.PatchStrategicMerge) ( - result []*resource.Resource, err error) { - var patches []*resource.Resource - for _, path := range paths { - // For legacy reasons, attempt to treat the path string as - // actual patch content. - patches, err = h.ResmapFactory().RF().SliceFromBytes([]byte(path)) - if err != nil { - // Failing that, treat it as a file path. - patches, err = h.ResmapFactory().RF().SliceFromPatches( - h.Loader(), []types.PatchStrategicMerge{path}) - if err != nil { - return - } - } - result = append(result, patches...) - } - return -} - -func (p *PatchStrategicMergeTransformerPlugin) Transform(m resmap.ResMap) error { - for _, patch := range p.loadedPatches { - target, err := m.GetById(patch.OrgId()) - if err != nil { - return err - } - if err = m.ApplySmPatch( - resource.MakeIdSet([]*resource.Resource{target}), patch); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -func NewPatchStrategicMergeTransformerPlugin() resmap.TransformerPlugin { - return &PatchStrategicMergeTransformerPlugin{} -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/PatchTransformer.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/PatchTransformer.go deleted file mode 100644 index 45be1ef2..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/PatchTransformer.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,153 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by pluginator on PatchTransformer; DO NOT EDIT. -// pluginator {(devel) unknown } - -package builtins - -import ( - "fmt" - "strings" - - jsonpatch "github.com/evanphx/json-patch" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/patchjson6902" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resource" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/kioutil" - "sigs.k8s.io/yaml" -) - -type PatchTransformerPlugin struct { - loadedPatch *resource.Resource - decodedPatch jsonpatch.Patch - Path string `json:"path,omitempty" yaml:"path,omitempty"` - Patch string `json:"patch,omitempty" yaml:"patch,omitempty"` - Target *types.Selector `json:"target,omitempty" yaml:"target,omitempty"` - Options map[string]bool `json:"options,omitempty" yaml:"options,omitempty"` -} - -func (p *PatchTransformerPlugin) Config( - h *resmap.PluginHelpers, c []byte) error { - err := yaml.Unmarshal(c, p) - if err != nil { - return err - } - p.Patch = strings.TrimSpace(p.Patch) - if p.Patch == "" && p.Path == "" { - return fmt.Errorf( - "must specify one of patch and path in\n%s", string(c)) - } - if p.Patch != "" && p.Path != "" { - return fmt.Errorf( - "patch and path can't be set at the same time\n%s", string(c)) - } - if p.Path != "" { - loaded, loadErr := h.Loader().Load(p.Path) - if loadErr != nil { - return loadErr - } - p.Patch = string(loaded) - } - - patchSM, errSM := h.ResmapFactory().RF().FromBytes([]byte(p.Patch)) - patchJson, errJson := jsonPatchFromBytes([]byte(p.Patch)) - if (errSM == nil && errJson == nil) || - (patchSM != nil && patchJson != nil) { - return fmt.Errorf( - "illegally qualifies as both an SM and JSON patch: [%v]", - p.Patch) - } - if errSM != nil && errJson != nil { - return fmt.Errorf( - "unable to parse SM or JSON patch from [%v]", p.Patch) - } - if errSM == nil { - p.loadedPatch = patchSM - if p.Options["allowNameChange"] { - p.loadedPatch.AllowNameChange() - } - if p.Options["allowKindChange"] { - p.loadedPatch.AllowKindChange() - } - } else { - p.decodedPatch = patchJson - } - return nil -} - -func (p *PatchTransformerPlugin) Transform(m resmap.ResMap) error { - if p.loadedPatch == nil { - return p.transformJson6902(m, p.decodedPatch) - } - // The patch was a strategic merge patch - return p.transformStrategicMerge(m, p.loadedPatch) -} - -// transformStrategicMerge applies the provided strategic merge patch -// to all the resources in the ResMap that match either the Target or -// the identifier of the patch. -func (p *PatchTransformerPlugin) transformStrategicMerge(m resmap.ResMap, patch *resource.Resource) error { - if p.Target == nil { - target, err := m.GetById(patch.OrgId()) - if err != nil { - return err - } - return target.ApplySmPatch(patch) - } - selected, err := m.Select(*p.Target) - if err != nil { - return err - } - return m.ApplySmPatch(resource.MakeIdSet(selected), patch) -} - -// transformJson6902 applies the provided json6902 patch -// to all the resources in the ResMap that match the Target. -func (p *PatchTransformerPlugin) transformJson6902(m resmap.ResMap, patch jsonpatch.Patch) error { - if p.Target == nil { - return fmt.Errorf("must specify a target for patch %s", p.Patch) - } - resources, err := m.Select(*p.Target) - if err != nil { - return err - } - for _, res := range resources { - res.StorePreviousId() - internalAnnotations := kioutil.GetInternalAnnotations(&res.RNode) - err = res.ApplyFilter(patchjson6902.Filter{ - Patch: p.Patch, - }) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - annotations := res.GetAnnotations() - for key, value := range internalAnnotations { - annotations[key] = value - } - err = res.SetAnnotations(annotations) - } - return nil -} - -// jsonPatchFromBytes loads a Json 6902 patch from -// a bytes input -func jsonPatchFromBytes( - in []byte) (jsonpatch.Patch, error) { - ops := string(in) - if ops == "" { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("empty json patch operations") - } - - if ops[0] != '[' { - jsonOps, err := yaml.YAMLToJSON(in) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - ops = string(jsonOps) - } - return jsonpatch.DecodePatch([]byte(ops)) -} - -func NewPatchTransformerPlugin() resmap.TransformerPlugin { - return &PatchTransformerPlugin{} -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/PrefixTransformer.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/PrefixTransformer.go deleted file mode 100644 index 33700bb4..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/PrefixTransformer.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,96 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by pluginator on PrefixTransformer; DO NOT EDIT. -// pluginator {(devel) unknown } - -package builtins - -import ( - "errors" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/prefix" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/resid" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// Add the given prefix to the field -type PrefixTransformerPlugin struct { - Prefix string `json:"prefix,omitempty" yaml:"prefix,omitempty"` - FieldSpecs types.FsSlice `json:"fieldSpecs,omitempty" yaml:"fieldSpecs,omitempty"` -} - -// TODO: Make this gvk skip list part of the config. -var prefixFieldSpecsToSkip = types.FsSlice{ - {Gvk: resid.Gvk{Kind: "CustomResourceDefinition"}}, - {Gvk: resid.Gvk{Group: "apiregistration.k8s.io", Kind: "APIService"}}, - {Gvk: resid.Gvk{Kind: "Namespace"}}, -} - -func (p *PrefixTransformerPlugin) Config( - _ *resmap.PluginHelpers, c []byte) (err error) { - p.Prefix = "" - p.FieldSpecs = nil - err = yaml.Unmarshal(c, p) - if err != nil { - return - } - if p.FieldSpecs == nil { - return errors.New("fieldSpecs is not expected to be nil") - } - return -} - -func (p *PrefixTransformerPlugin) Transform(m resmap.ResMap) error { - // Even if the Prefix is empty we want to proceed with the - // transformation. This allows to add contextual information - // to the resources (AddNamePrefix). - for _, r := range m.Resources() { - // TODO: move this test into the filter (i.e. make a better filter) - if p.shouldSkip(r.OrgId()) { - continue - } - id := r.OrgId() - // current default configuration contains - // only one entry: "metadata/name" with no GVK - for _, fs := range p.FieldSpecs { - // TODO: this is redundant to filter (but needed for now) - if !id.IsSelected(&fs.Gvk) { - continue - } - // TODO: move this test into the filter. - if fs.Path == "metadata/name" { - // "metadata/name" is the only field. - // this will add a prefix to the resource - // even if it is empty - - r.AddNamePrefix(p.Prefix) - if p.Prefix != "" { - // TODO: There are multiple transformers that can change a resource's name, and each makes a call to - // StorePreviousID(). We should make it so that we only call StorePreviousID once per kustomization layer - // to avoid storing intermediate names between transformations, to prevent intermediate name conflicts. - r.StorePreviousId() - } - } - if err := r.ApplyFilter(prefix.Filter{ - Prefix: p.Prefix, - FieldSpec: fs, - }); err != nil { - return err - } - } - } - return nil -} - -func (p *PrefixTransformerPlugin) shouldSkip(id resid.ResId) bool { - for _, path := range prefixFieldSpecsToSkip { - if id.IsSelected(&path.Gvk) { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -func NewPrefixTransformerPlugin() resmap.TransformerPlugin { - return &PrefixTransformerPlugin{} -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/ReplacementTransformer.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/ReplacementTransformer.go deleted file mode 100644 index 02cb1927..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/ReplacementTransformer.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by pluginator on ReplacementTransformer; DO NOT EDIT. -// pluginator {(devel) unknown } - -package builtins - -import ( - "fmt" - "reflect" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/replacement" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/yaml" -) - -// Replace values in targets with values from a source -type ReplacementTransformerPlugin struct { - ReplacementList []types.ReplacementField `json:"replacements,omitempty" yaml:"replacements,omitempty"` - Replacements []types.Replacement `json:"omitempty" yaml:"omitempty"` -} - -func (p *ReplacementTransformerPlugin) Config( - h *resmap.PluginHelpers, c []byte) (err error) { - p.ReplacementList = []types.ReplacementField{} - if err := yaml.Unmarshal(c, p); err != nil { - return err - } - - for _, r := range p.ReplacementList { - if r.Path != "" && (r.Source != nil || len(r.Targets) != 0) { - return fmt.Errorf("cannot specify both path and inline replacement") - } - if r.Path != "" { - // load the replacement from the path - content, err := h.Loader().Load(r.Path) - if err != nil { - return err - } - // find if the path contains a a list of replacements or a single replacement - var replacement interface{} - err = yaml.Unmarshal(content, &replacement) - if err != nil { - return err - } - items := reflect.ValueOf(replacement) - switch items.Kind() { - case reflect.Slice: - repl := []types.Replacement{} - if err := yaml.Unmarshal(content, &repl); err != nil { - return err - } - p.Replacements = append(p.Replacements, repl...) - case reflect.Map: - repl := types.Replacement{} - if err := yaml.Unmarshal(content, &repl); err != nil { - return err - } - p.Replacements = append(p.Replacements, repl) - default: - return fmt.Errorf("unsupported replacement type encountered within replacement path: %v", items.Kind()) - } - } else { - // replacement information is already loaded - p.Replacements = append(p.Replacements, r.Replacement) - } - } - return nil -} - -func (p *ReplacementTransformerPlugin) Transform(m resmap.ResMap) (err error) { - return m.ApplyFilter(replacement.Filter{ - Replacements: p.Replacements, - }) -} - -func NewReplacementTransformerPlugin() resmap.TransformerPlugin { - return &ReplacementTransformerPlugin{} -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/ReplicaCountTransformer.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/ReplicaCountTransformer.go deleted file mode 100644 index c87d6425..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/ReplicaCountTransformer.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,73 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by pluginator on ReplicaCountTransformer; DO NOT EDIT. -// pluginator {(devel) unknown } - -package builtins - -import ( - "fmt" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/replicacount" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/resid" - "sigs.k8s.io/yaml" -) - -// Find matching replicas declarations and replace the count. -// Eases the kustomization configuration of replica changes. -type ReplicaCountTransformerPlugin struct { - Replica types.Replica `json:"replica,omitempty" yaml:"replica,omitempty"` - FieldSpecs []types.FieldSpec `json:"fieldSpecs,omitempty" yaml:"fieldSpecs,omitempty"` -} - -func (p *ReplicaCountTransformerPlugin) Config( - _ *resmap.PluginHelpers, c []byte) (err error) { - p.Replica = types.Replica{} - p.FieldSpecs = nil - return yaml.Unmarshal(c, p) -} - -func (p *ReplicaCountTransformerPlugin) Transform(m resmap.ResMap) error { - found := false - for _, fs := range p.FieldSpecs { - matcher := p.createMatcher(fs) - resList := m.GetMatchingResourcesByAnyId(matcher) - if len(resList) > 0 { - found = true - for _, r := range resList { - // There are redundant checks in the filter - // that we'll live with until resolution of - // https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/issues/2506 - err := r.ApplyFilter(replicacount.Filter{ - Replica: p.Replica, - FieldSpec: fs, - }) - if err != nil { - return err - } - } - } - } - - if !found { - gvks := make([]string, len(p.FieldSpecs)) - for i, replicaSpec := range p.FieldSpecs { - gvks[i] = replicaSpec.Gvk.String() - } - return fmt.Errorf("resource with name %s does not match a config with the following GVK %v", - p.Replica.Name, gvks) - } - - return nil -} - -// Match Replica.Name and FieldSpec -func (p *ReplicaCountTransformerPlugin) createMatcher(fs types.FieldSpec) resmap.IdMatcher { - return func(r resid.ResId) bool { - return r.Name == p.Replica.Name && r.Gvk.IsSelected(&fs.Gvk) - } -} - -func NewReplicaCountTransformerPlugin() resmap.TransformerPlugin { - return &ReplicaCountTransformerPlugin{} -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/SecretGenerator.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/SecretGenerator.go deleted file mode 100644 index 2a4ef1c9..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/SecretGenerator.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by pluginator on SecretGenerator; DO NOT EDIT. -// pluginator {(devel) unknown } - -package builtins - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/kv" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/yaml" -) - -type SecretGeneratorPlugin struct { - h *resmap.PluginHelpers - types.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty" yaml:"metadata,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=metadata"` - types.SecretArgs -} - -func (p *SecretGeneratorPlugin) Config(h *resmap.PluginHelpers, config []byte) (err error) { - p.SecretArgs = types.SecretArgs{} - err = yaml.Unmarshal(config, p) - if p.SecretArgs.Name == "" { - p.SecretArgs.Name = p.Name - } - if p.SecretArgs.Namespace == "" { - p.SecretArgs.Namespace = p.Namespace - } - p.h = h - return -} - -func (p *SecretGeneratorPlugin) Generate() (resmap.ResMap, error) { - return p.h.ResmapFactory().FromSecretArgs( - kv.NewLoader(p.h.Loader(), p.h.Validator()), p.SecretArgs) -} - -func NewSecretGeneratorPlugin() resmap.GeneratorPlugin { - return &SecretGeneratorPlugin{} -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/SortOrderTransformer.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/SortOrderTransformer.go deleted file mode 100644 index 687f21a6..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/SortOrderTransformer.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,244 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by pluginator on SortOrderTransformer; DO NOT EDIT. -// pluginator {(devel) unknown } - -package builtins - -import ( - "sort" - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resource" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/resid" - "sigs.k8s.io/yaml" -) - -// Sort the resources using a customizable ordering based of Kind. -// Defaults to the ordering of the GVK struct, which puts cluster-wide basic -// resources with no dependencies (like Namespace, StorageClass, etc.) first, -// and resources with a high number of dependencies -// (like ValidatingWebhookConfiguration) last. -type SortOrderTransformerPlugin struct { - SortOptions *types.SortOptions `json:"sortOptions,omitempty" yaml:"sortOptions,omitempty"` -} - -func (p *SortOrderTransformerPlugin) Config( - _ *resmap.PluginHelpers, c []byte) error { - return errors.WrapPrefixf(yaml.Unmarshal(c, p), "Failed to unmarshal SortOrderTransformer config") -} - -func (p *SortOrderTransformerPlugin) applyDefaults() { - // Default to FIFO sort, aka no-op. - if p.SortOptions == nil { - p.SortOptions = &types.SortOptions{ - Order: types.FIFOSortOrder, - } - } - - // If legacy sort is selected and no options are given, default to - // hardcoded order. - if p.SortOptions.Order == types.LegacySortOrder && p.SortOptions.LegacySortOptions == nil { - p.SortOptions.LegacySortOptions = &types.LegacySortOptions{ - OrderFirst: defaultOrderFirst, - OrderLast: defaultOrderLast, - } - } -} - -func (p *SortOrderTransformerPlugin) validate() error { - // Check valid values for SortOrder - if p.SortOptions.Order != types.FIFOSortOrder && p.SortOptions.Order != types.LegacySortOrder { - return errors.Errorf("the field 'sortOptions.order' must be one of [%s, %s]", - types.FIFOSortOrder, types.LegacySortOrder) - } - - // Validate that the only options set are the ones corresponding to the - // selected sort order. - if p.SortOptions.Order == types.FIFOSortOrder && - p.SortOptions.LegacySortOptions != nil { - return errors.Errorf("the field 'sortOptions.legacySortOptions' is"+ - " set but the selected sort order is '%v', not 'legacy'", - p.SortOptions.Order) - } - return nil -} - -func (p *SortOrderTransformerPlugin) Transform(m resmap.ResMap) (err error) { - p.applyDefaults() - err = p.validate() - if err != nil { - return err - } - - // Sort - if p.SortOptions.Order == types.LegacySortOrder { - s := newLegacyIDSorter(m.AllIds(), p.SortOptions.LegacySortOptions) - sort.Sort(s) - err = applyOrdering(m, s.resids) - if err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -// applyOrdering takes resources (given in ResMap) and a desired ordering given -// as a sequence of ResIds, and updates the ResMap's resources to match the -// ordering. -func applyOrdering(m resmap.ResMap, ordering []resid.ResId) error { - var err error - resources := make([]*resource.Resource, m.Size()) - // Clear and refill with the correct order - for i, id := range ordering { - resources[i], err = m.GetByCurrentId(id) - if err != nil { - return errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "expected match for sorting") - } - } - m.Clear() - for _, r := range resources { - err = m.Append(r) - if err != nil { - return errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "SortOrderTransformer: Failed to append to resources") - } - } - return nil -} - -// Code for legacy sorting. -// Legacy sorting is a "fixed" order sorting maintained for backwards -// compatibility. - -// legacyIDSorter sorts resources based on two priority lists: -// - orderFirst: Resources that should be placed in the start, in the given order. -// - orderLast: Resources that should be placed in the end, in the given order. -type legacyIDSorter struct { - // resids only stores the metadata of the object. This is an optimization as - // it's expensive to compute these again and again during ordering. - resids []resid.ResId - typeOrders map[string]int -} - -func newLegacyIDSorter( - resids []resid.ResId, - options *types.LegacySortOptions) *legacyIDSorter { - // Precalculate a resource ranking based on the priority lists. - var typeOrders = func() map[string]int { - m := map[string]int{} - for i, n := range options.OrderFirst { - m[n] = -len(options.OrderFirst) + i - } - for i, n := range options.OrderLast { - m[n] = 1 + i - } - return m - }() - return &legacyIDSorter{ - resids: resids, - typeOrders: typeOrders, - } -} - -var _ sort.Interface = legacyIDSorter{} - -func (a legacyIDSorter) Len() int { return len(a.resids) } -func (a legacyIDSorter) Swap(i, j int) { - a.resids[i], a.resids[j] = a.resids[j], a.resids[i] -} -func (a legacyIDSorter) Less(i, j int) bool { - if !a.resids[i].Gvk.Equals(a.resids[j].Gvk) { - return gvkLessThan(a.resids[i].Gvk, a.resids[j].Gvk, a.typeOrders) - } - return legacyResIDSortString(a.resids[i]) < legacyResIDSortString(a.resids[j]) -} - -func gvkLessThan(gvk1, gvk2 resid.Gvk, typeOrders map[string]int) bool { - index1 := typeOrders[gvk1.Kind] - index2 := typeOrders[gvk2.Kind] - if index1 != index2 { - return index1 < index2 - } - return legacyGVKSortString(gvk1) < legacyGVKSortString(gvk2) -} - -// legacyGVKSortString returns a string representation of given GVK used for -// stable sorting. -func legacyGVKSortString(x resid.Gvk) string { - legacyNoGroup := "~G" - legacyNoVersion := "~V" - legacyNoKind := "~K" - legacyFieldSeparator := "_" - - g := x.Group - if g == "" { - g = legacyNoGroup - } - v := x.Version - if v == "" { - v = legacyNoVersion - } - k := x.Kind - if k == "" { - k = legacyNoKind - } - return strings.Join([]string{g, v, k}, legacyFieldSeparator) -} - -// legacyResIDSortString returns a string representation of given ResID used for -// stable sorting. -func legacyResIDSortString(id resid.ResId) string { - legacyNoNamespace := "~X" - legacyNoName := "~N" - legacySeparator := "|" - - ns := id.Namespace - if ns == "" { - ns = legacyNoNamespace - } - nm := id.Name - if nm == "" { - nm = legacyNoName - } - return strings.Join( - []string{id.Gvk.String(), ns, nm}, legacySeparator) -} - -// DO NOT CHANGE! -// Final legacy ordering provided as a default by kustomize. -// Originally an attempt to apply resources in the correct order, an effort -// which later proved impossible as not all types are known beforehand. -// See: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/issues/3913 -var defaultOrderFirst = []string{ //nolint:gochecknoglobals - "Namespace", - "ResourceQuota", - "StorageClass", - "CustomResourceDefinition", - "ServiceAccount", - "PodSecurityPolicy", - "Role", - "ClusterRole", - "RoleBinding", - "ClusterRoleBinding", - "ConfigMap", - "Secret", - "Endpoints", - "Service", - "LimitRange", - "PriorityClass", - "PersistentVolume", - "PersistentVolumeClaim", - "Deployment", - "StatefulSet", - "CronJob", - "PodDisruptionBudget", -} -var defaultOrderLast = []string{ //nolint:gochecknoglobals - "MutatingWebhookConfiguration", - "ValidatingWebhookConfiguration", -} - -func NewSortOrderTransformerPlugin() resmap.TransformerPlugin { - return &SortOrderTransformerPlugin{} -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/SuffixTransformer.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/SuffixTransformer.go deleted file mode 100644 index 31b5b8fe..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/SuffixTransformer.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,96 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by pluginator on SuffixTransformer; DO NOT EDIT. -// pluginator {(devel) unknown } - -package builtins - -import ( - "errors" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/suffix" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/resid" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// Add the given suffix to the field -type SuffixTransformerPlugin struct { - Suffix string `json:"suffix,omitempty" yaml:"suffix,omitempty"` - FieldSpecs types.FsSlice `json:"fieldSpecs,omitempty" yaml:"fieldSpecs,omitempty"` -} - -// TODO: Make this gvk skip list part of the config. -var suffixFieldSpecsToSkip = types.FsSlice{ - {Gvk: resid.Gvk{Kind: "CustomResourceDefinition"}}, - {Gvk: resid.Gvk{Group: "apiregistration.k8s.io", Kind: "APIService"}}, - {Gvk: resid.Gvk{Kind: "Namespace"}}, -} - -func (p *SuffixTransformerPlugin) Config( - _ *resmap.PluginHelpers, c []byte) (err error) { - p.Suffix = "" - p.FieldSpecs = nil - err = yaml.Unmarshal(c, p) - if err != nil { - return - } - if p.FieldSpecs == nil { - return errors.New("fieldSpecs is not expected to be nil") - } - return -} - -func (p *SuffixTransformerPlugin) Transform(m resmap.ResMap) error { - // Even if the Suffix is empty we want to proceed with the - // transformation. This allows to add contextual information - // to the resources (AddNameSuffix). - for _, r := range m.Resources() { - // TODO: move this test into the filter (i.e. make a better filter) - if p.shouldSkip(r.OrgId()) { - continue - } - id := r.OrgId() - // current default configuration contains - // only one entry: "metadata/name" with no GVK - for _, fs := range p.FieldSpecs { - // TODO: this is redundant to filter (but needed for now) - if !id.IsSelected(&fs.Gvk) { - continue - } - // TODO: move this test into the filter. - if fs.Path == "metadata/name" { - // "metadata/name" is the only field. - // this will add a suffix to the resource - // even if it is empty - - r.AddNameSuffix(p.Suffix) - if p.Suffix != "" { - // TODO: There are multiple transformers that can change a resource's name, and each makes a call to - // StorePreviousID(). We should make it so that we only call StorePreviousID once per kustomization layer - // to avoid storing intermediate names between transformations, to prevent intermediate name conflicts. - r.StorePreviousId() - } - } - if err := r.ApplyFilter(suffix.Filter{ - Suffix: p.Suffix, - FieldSpec: fs, - }); err != nil { - return err - } - } - } - return nil -} - -func (p *SuffixTransformerPlugin) shouldSkip(id resid.ResId) bool { - for _, path := range suffixFieldSpecsToSkip { - if id.IsSelected(&path.Gvk) { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -func NewSuffixTransformerPlugin() resmap.TransformerPlugin { - return &SuffixTransformerPlugin{} -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/ValueAddTransformer.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/ValueAddTransformer.go deleted file mode 100644 index 1d70c98c..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/ValueAddTransformer.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,141 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by pluginator on ValueAddTransformer; DO NOT EDIT. -// pluginator {(devel) unknown } - -package builtins - -import ( - "fmt" - "path/filepath" - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/namespace" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/valueadd" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resource" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/yaml" -) - -// An 'Add' transformer inspired by the IETF RFC 6902 JSON spec Add operation. -type ValueAddTransformerPlugin struct { - // Value is the value to add. - // Defaults to base name of encompassing kustomization root. - Value string `json:"value,omitempty" yaml:"value,omitempty"` - - // Targets is a slice of targets that should have the value added. - Targets []Target `json:"targets,omitempty" yaml:"targets,omitempty"` - - // TargetFilePath is a file path. If specified, the file will be parsed into - // a slice of Target, and appended to anything that was specified in the - // Targets field. This is just a means to share common target specifications. - TargetFilePath string `json:"targetFilePath,omitempty" yaml:"targetFilePath,omitempty"` -} - -// Target describes where to put the value. -type Target struct { - // Selector selects the resources to modify. - Selector *types.Selector `json:"selector,omitempty" yaml:"selector,omitempty"` - - // NotSelector selects the resources to exclude - // from those included by overly broad selectors. - // TODO: implement this? - // NotSelector *types.Selector `json:"notSelector,omitempty" yaml:"notSelector,omitempty"` - - // FieldPath is a JSON-style path to the field intended to hold the value. - FieldPath string `json:"fieldPath,omitempty" yaml:"fieldPath,omitempty"` - - // FilePathPosition is passed to the filter directly. Look there for doc. - FilePathPosition int `json:"filePathPosition,omitempty" yaml:"filePathPosition,omitempty"` -} - -func (p *ValueAddTransformerPlugin) Config(h *resmap.PluginHelpers, c []byte) error { - err := yaml.Unmarshal(c, p) - if err != nil { - return err - } - p.Value = strings.TrimSpace(p.Value) - if p.Value == "" { - p.Value = filepath.Base(h.Loader().Root()) - } - if p.TargetFilePath != "" { - bytes, err := h.Loader().Load(p.TargetFilePath) - if err != nil { - return err - } - var targets struct { - Targets []Target `json:"targets,omitempty" yaml:"targets,omitempty"` - } - err = yaml.Unmarshal(bytes, &targets) - if err != nil { - return err - } - p.Targets = append(p.Targets, targets.Targets...) - } - if len(p.Targets) == 0 { - return fmt.Errorf("must specify at least one target") - } - for _, target := range p.Targets { - if err = validateSelector(target.Selector); err != nil { - return err - } - // TODO: call validateSelector(target.NotSelector) if field added. - if err = validateJsonFieldPath(target.FieldPath); err != nil { - return err - } - if target.FilePathPosition < 0 { - return fmt.Errorf( - "value of FilePathPosition (%d) cannot be negative", - target.FilePathPosition) - } - } - return nil -} - -// TODO: implement -func validateSelector(_ *types.Selector) error { - return nil -} - -// TODO: Enforce RFC 6902? -func validateJsonFieldPath(p string) error { - if len(p) == 0 { - return fmt.Errorf("fieldPath cannot be empty") - } - return nil -} - -func (p *ValueAddTransformerPlugin) Transform(m resmap.ResMap) (err error) { - for _, t := range p.Targets { - var resources []*resource.Resource - if t.Selector == nil { - resources = m.Resources() - } else { - resources, err = m.Select(*t.Selector) - if err != nil { - return err - } - } - // TODO: consider t.NotSelector if implemented - for _, res := range resources { - if t.FieldPath == types.MetadataNamespacePath { - err = res.ApplyFilter(namespace.Filter{ - Namespace: p.Value, - }) - } else { - err = res.ApplyFilter(valueadd.Filter{ - Value: p.Value, - FieldPath: t.FieldPath, - FilePathPosition: t.FilePathPosition, - }) - } - if err != nil { - return err - } - } - } - return nil -} - -func NewValueAddTransformerPlugin() resmap.TransformerPlugin { - return &ValueAddTransformerPlugin{} -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/doc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 37a8dc6e..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package builtins holds code generated from the builtin plugins. -// The "builtin" plugins are written as normal plugins and can -// be used as such, but they are also used to generate the code -// in this package so they can be statically linked to client code. -package builtins diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/generators/configmap.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/generators/configmap.go deleted file mode 100644 index 47498aaa..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/generators/configmap.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package generators - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/ifc" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// MakeConfigMap makes a configmap. -// -// ConfigMap: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.19/#configmap-v1-core -// -// ConfigMaps and Secrets are similar. -// -// Both objects have a `data` field, which contains a map from keys to -// values that must be UTF-8 valid strings. Such data might be simple text, -// or whoever made the data may have done so by performing a base64 encoding -// on binary data. Regardless, k8s has no means to know this, so it treats -// the data field as a string. -// -// The ConfigMap has an additional field `binaryData`, also a map, but its -// values are _intended_ to be interpreted as a base64 encoding of []byte, -// by whatever makes use of the ConfigMap. -// -// In a ConfigMap, any key used in `data` cannot also be used in `binaryData` -// and vice-versa. A key must be unique across both maps. -func MakeConfigMap( - ldr ifc.KvLoader, args *types.ConfigMapArgs) (rn *yaml.RNode, err error) { - rn, err = makeBaseNode("ConfigMap", args.Name, args.Namespace) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - m, err := makeValidatedDataMap(ldr, args.Name, args.KvPairSources) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if err = rn.LoadMapIntoConfigMapData(m); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - err = copyLabelsAndAnnotations(rn, args.Options) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - err = setImmutable(rn, args.Options) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return rn, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/generators/secret.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/generators/secret.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9afaff15..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/generators/secret.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package generators - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/ifc" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// MakeSecret makes a kubernetes Secret. -// -// Secret: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.19/#secret-v1-core -// -// ConfigMaps and Secrets are similar. -// -// Like a ConfigMap, a Secret has a `data` field, but unlike a ConfigMap it has -// no `binaryData` field. -// -// All of a Secret's data is assumed to be opaque in nature, and assumed to be -// base64 encoded from its original representation, regardless of whether the -// original data was UTF-8 text or binary. -// -// This encoding provides no secrecy. It's just a neutral, common means to -// represent opaque text and binary data. Beneath the base64 encoding -// is presumably further encoding under control of the Secret's consumer. -// -// A Secret has string field `type` which holds an identifier, used by the -// client, to choose the algorithm to interpret the `data` field. Kubernetes -// cannot make use of this data; it's up to a controller or some pod's service -// to interpret the value, using `type` as a clue as to how to do this. -func MakeSecret( - ldr ifc.KvLoader, args *types.SecretArgs) (rn *yaml.RNode, err error) { - rn, err = makeBaseNode("Secret", args.Name, args.Namespace) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - t := "Opaque" - if args.Type != "" { - t = args.Type - } - if _, err := rn.Pipe( - yaml.FieldSetter{ - Name: "type", - Value: yaml.NewStringRNode(t)}); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - m, err := makeValidatedDataMap(ldr, args.Name, args.KvPairSources) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if err = rn.LoadMapIntoSecretData(m); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - copyLabelsAndAnnotations(rn, args.Options) - setImmutable(rn, args.Options) - return rn, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/generators/utils.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/generators/utils.go deleted file mode 100644 index b570c7e9..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/generators/utils.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package generators - -import ( - "fmt" - "path" - "strings" - - "github.com/go-errors/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/ifc" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -func makeBaseNode(kind, name, namespace string) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - rn, err := yaml.Parse(fmt.Sprintf(` -apiVersion: v1 -kind: %s -`, kind)) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if name == "" { - return nil, errors.Errorf("a configmap must have a name") - } - if _, err := rn.Pipe(yaml.SetK8sName(name)); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if namespace != "" { - if _, err := rn.Pipe(yaml.SetK8sNamespace(namespace)); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - return rn, nil -} - -func makeValidatedDataMap( - ldr ifc.KvLoader, name string, sources types.KvPairSources) (map[string]string, error) { - pairs, err := ldr.Load(sources) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefix(err, "loading KV pairs", 0) - } - knownKeys := make(map[string]string) - for _, p := range pairs { - // legal key: alphanumeric characters, '-', '_' or '.' - if err := ldr.Validator().ErrIfInvalidKey(p.Key); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if _, ok := knownKeys[p.Key]; ok { - return nil, errors.Errorf( - "configmap %s illegally repeats the key `%s`", name, p.Key) - } - knownKeys[p.Key] = p.Value - } - return knownKeys, nil -} - -// copyLabelsAndAnnotations copies labels and annotations from -// GeneratorOptions into the given object. -func copyLabelsAndAnnotations( - rn *yaml.RNode, opts *types.GeneratorOptions) error { - if opts == nil { - return nil - } - for _, k := range yaml.SortedMapKeys(opts.Labels) { - v := opts.Labels[k] - if _, err := rn.Pipe(yaml.SetLabel(k, v)); err != nil { - return err - } - } - for _, k := range yaml.SortedMapKeys(opts.Annotations) { - v := opts.Annotations[k] - if _, err := rn.Pipe(yaml.SetAnnotation(k, v)); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -func setImmutable( - rn *yaml.RNode, opts *types.GeneratorOptions) error { - if opts == nil { - return nil - } - if opts.Immutable { - n := &yaml.Node{ - Kind: yaml.ScalarNode, - Value: "true", - Tag: yaml.NodeTagBool, - } - if _, err := rn.Pipe(yaml.FieldSetter{Name: "immutable", Value: yaml.NewRNode(n)}); err != nil { - return err - } - } - - return nil -} - -// ParseFileSource parses the source given. -// -// Acceptable formats include: -// 1. source-path: the basename will become the key name -// 2. source-name=source-path: the source-name will become the key name and -// source-path is the path to the key file. -// -// Key names cannot include '='. -func ParseFileSource(source string) (keyName, filePath string, err error) { - numSeparators := strings.Count(source, "=") - switch { - case numSeparators == 0: - return path.Base(source), source, nil - case numSeparators == 1 && strings.HasPrefix(source, "="): - return "", "", errors.Errorf("missing key name for file path %q in source %q", strings.TrimPrefix(source, "="), source) - case numSeparators == 1 && strings.HasSuffix(source, "="): - return "", "", errors.Errorf("missing file path for key name %q in source %q", strings.TrimSuffix(source, "="), source) - case numSeparators > 1: - return "", "", errors.Errorf("source %q key name or file path contains '='", source) - default: - components := strings.Split(source, "=") - return components[0], components[1], nil - } -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/git/cloner.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/git/cloner.go deleted file mode 100644 index d15fa759..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/git/cloner.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package git - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys" -) - -// Cloner is a function that can clone a git repo. -type Cloner func(repoSpec *RepoSpec) error - -// ClonerUsingGitExec uses a local git install, as opposed -// to say, some remote API, to obtain a local clone of -// a remote repo. -func ClonerUsingGitExec(repoSpec *RepoSpec) error { - r, err := newCmdRunner(repoSpec.Timeout) - if err != nil { - return err - } - repoSpec.Dir = r.dir - if err = r.run("init"); err != nil { - return err - } - ref := "HEAD" - if repoSpec.Ref != "" { - ref = repoSpec.Ref - } - if err = r.run("fetch", "--depth=1", repoSpec.CloneSpec(), ref); err != nil { - return err - } - if err = r.run("checkout", "FETCH_HEAD"); err != nil { - return err - } - if repoSpec.Submodules { - return r.run("submodule", "update", "--init", "--recursive") - } - return nil -} - -// DoNothingCloner returns a cloner that only sets -// cloneDir field in the repoSpec. It's assumed that -// the cloneDir is associated with some fake filesystem -// used in a test. -func DoNothingCloner(dir filesys.ConfirmedDir) Cloner { - return func(rs *RepoSpec) error { - rs.Dir = dir - return nil - } -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/git/gitrunner.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/git/gitrunner.go deleted file mode 100644 index 134eb41c..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/git/gitrunner.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package git - -import ( - "os/exec" - "time" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/utils" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys" -) - -// gitRunner runs the external git binary. -type gitRunner struct { - gitProgram string - duration time.Duration - dir filesys.ConfirmedDir -} - -// newCmdRunner returns a gitRunner if it can find the binary. -// It also creats a temp directory for cloning repos. -func newCmdRunner(timeout time.Duration) (*gitRunner, error) { - gitProgram, err := exec.LookPath("git") - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "no 'git' program on path") - } - dir, err := filesys.NewTmpConfirmedDir() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return &gitRunner{ - gitProgram: gitProgram, - duration: timeout, - dir: dir, - }, nil -} - -// run a command with a timeout. -func (r gitRunner) run(args ...string) error { - //nolint: gosec - cmd := exec.Command(r.gitProgram, args...) - cmd.Dir = r.dir.String() - return utils.TimedCall( - cmd.String(), - r.duration, - func() error { - out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput() - if err != nil { - return errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "failed to run '%s': %s", cmd.String(), string(out)) - } - return err - }) -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/git/repospec.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/git/repospec.go deleted file mode 100644 index ba6156cc..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/git/repospec.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,387 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package git - -import ( - "fmt" - "log" - "net/url" - "path/filepath" - "regexp" - "strconv" - "strings" - "time" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys" -) - -// Used as a temporary non-empty occupant of the cloneDir -// field, as something distinguishable from the empty string -// in various outputs (especially tests). Not using an -// actual directory name here, as that's a temporary directory -// with a unique name that isn't created until clone time. -const notCloned = filesys.ConfirmedDir("/notCloned") - -// RepoSpec specifies a git repository and a branch and path therein. -type RepoSpec struct { - // Raw, original spec, used to look for cycles. - // TODO(monopole): Drop raw, use processed fields instead. - raw string - - // Host, e.g. https://github.com/ - Host string - - // RepoPath name (Path to repository), - // e.g. kubernetes-sigs/kustomize - RepoPath string - - // Dir is where the repository is cloned to. - Dir filesys.ConfirmedDir - - // Relative path in the repository, and in the cloneDir, - // to a Kustomization. - KustRootPath string - - // Branch or tag reference. - Ref string - - // Submodules indicates whether or not to clone git submodules. - Submodules bool - - // Timeout is the maximum duration allowed for execing git commands. - Timeout time.Duration -} - -// CloneSpec returns a string suitable for "git clone {spec}". -func (x *RepoSpec) CloneSpec() string { - return x.Host + x.RepoPath -} - -func (x *RepoSpec) CloneDir() filesys.ConfirmedDir { - return x.Dir -} - -func (x *RepoSpec) Raw() string { - return x.raw -} - -func (x *RepoSpec) AbsPath() string { - return x.Dir.Join(x.KustRootPath) -} - -func (x *RepoSpec) Cleaner(fSys filesys.FileSystem) func() error { - return func() error { return fSys.RemoveAll(x.Dir.String()) } -} - -const ( - refQuery = "?ref=" - gitSuffix = ".git" - gitRootDelimiter = "_git/" - pathSeparator = "/" // do not use filepath.Separator, as this is a URL -) - -// NewRepoSpecFromURL parses git-like urls. -// From strings like git@github.com:someOrg/someRepo.git or -// https://github.com/someOrg/someRepo?ref=someHash, extract -// the different parts of URL, set into a RepoSpec object and return RepoSpec object. -// It MUST return an error if the input is not a git-like URL, as this is used by some code paths -// to distinguish between local and remote paths. -// -// In particular, NewRepoSpecFromURL separates the URL used to clone the repo from the -// elements Kustomize uses for other purposes (e.g. query params that turn into args, and -// the path to the kustomization root within the repo). -func NewRepoSpecFromURL(n string) (*RepoSpec, error) { - repoSpec := &RepoSpec{raw: n, Dir: notCloned, Timeout: defaultTimeout, Submodules: defaultSubmodules} - if filepath.IsAbs(n) { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("uri looks like abs path: %s", n) - } - - // Parse the query first. This is safe because according to rfc3986 "?" is only allowed in the - // query and is not recognized %-encoded. - // Note that parseQuery returns default values for empty parameters. - n, query, _ := strings.Cut(n, "?") - repoSpec.Ref, repoSpec.Timeout, repoSpec.Submodules = parseQuery(query) - - var err error - - // Parse the host (e.g. scheme, username, domain) segment. - repoSpec.Host, n, err = extractHost(n) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - // In some cases, we're given a path to a git repo + a path to the kustomization root within - // that repo. We need to split them so that we can ultimately give the repo only to the cloner. - repoSpec.RepoPath, repoSpec.KustRootPath, err = parsePathParts(n, defaultRepoPathLength(repoSpec.Host)) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - return repoSpec, nil -} - -const allSegments = -999999 -const orgRepoSegments = 2 - -func defaultRepoPathLength(host string) int { - if strings.HasPrefix(host, fileScheme) { - return allSegments - } - return orgRepoSegments -} - -// parsePathParts splits the repo path that will ultimately be passed to git to clone the -// repo from the kustomization root path, which Kustomize will execute the build in after the repo -// is cloned. -// -// We first try to do this based on explicit markers in the URL (e.g. _git, .git or //). -// If none are present, we try to apply a historical default repo path length that is derived from -// Github URLs. If there aren't enough segments, we have historically considered the URL invalid. -func parsePathParts(n string, defaultSegmentLength int) (string, string, error) { - repoPath, kustRootPath, success := tryExplicitMarkerSplit(n) - if !success { - repoPath, kustRootPath, success = tryDefaultLengthSplit(n, defaultSegmentLength) - } - - // Validate the result - if !success || len(repoPath) == 0 { - return "", "", fmt.Errorf("failed to parse repo path segment") - } - if kustRootPathExitsRepo(kustRootPath) { - return "", "", fmt.Errorf("url path exits repo: %s", n) - } - - return repoPath, strings.TrimPrefix(kustRootPath, pathSeparator), nil -} - -func tryExplicitMarkerSplit(n string) (string, string, bool) { - // Look for the _git delimiter, which by convention is expected to be ONE directory above the repo root. - // If found, split on the NEXT path element, which is the repo root. - // Example: https://username@dev.azure.com/org/project/_git/repo/path/to/kustomization/root - if gitRootIdx := strings.Index(n, gitRootDelimiter); gitRootIdx >= 0 { - gitRootPath := n[:gitRootIdx+len(gitRootDelimiter)] - subpathSegments := strings.Split(n[gitRootIdx+len(gitRootDelimiter):], pathSeparator) - return gitRootPath + subpathSegments[0], strings.Join(subpathSegments[1:], pathSeparator), true - - // Look for a double-slash in the path, which if present separates the repo root from the kust path. - // It is a convention, not a real path element, so do not preserve it in the returned value. - // Example: https://github.com/org/repo//path/to/kustomozation/root - } else if repoRootIdx := strings.Index(n, "//"); repoRootIdx >= 0 { - return n[:repoRootIdx], n[repoRootIdx+2:], true - - // Look for .git in the path, which if present is part of the directory name of the git repo. - // This means we want to grab everything up to and including that suffix - // Example: https://github.com/org/repo.git/path/to/kustomozation/root - } else if gitSuffixIdx := strings.Index(n, gitSuffix); gitSuffixIdx >= 0 { - upToGitSuffix := n[:gitSuffixIdx+len(gitSuffix)] - afterGitSuffix := n[gitSuffixIdx+len(gitSuffix):] - return upToGitSuffix, afterGitSuffix, true - } - return "", "", false -} - -func tryDefaultLengthSplit(n string, defaultSegmentLength int) (string, string, bool) { - // If the default is to take all segments, do so. - if defaultSegmentLength == allSegments { - return n, "", true - - // If the default is N segments, make sure we have at least that many and take them if so. - // If we have less than N, we have historically considered the URL invalid. - } else if segments := strings.Split(n, pathSeparator); len(segments) >= defaultSegmentLength { - firstNSegments := strings.Join(segments[:defaultSegmentLength], pathSeparator) - rest := strings.Join(segments[defaultSegmentLength:], pathSeparator) - return firstNSegments, rest, true - } - return "", "", false -} - -func kustRootPathExitsRepo(kustRootPath string) bool { - cleanedPath := filepath.Clean(strings.TrimPrefix(kustRootPath, string(filepath.Separator))) - pathElements := strings.Split(cleanedPath, string(filepath.Separator)) - return len(pathElements) > 0 && - pathElements[0] == filesys.ParentDir -} - -// Clone git submodules by default. -const defaultSubmodules = true - -// Arbitrary, but non-infinite, timeout for running commands. -const defaultTimeout = 27 * time.Second - -func parseQuery(query string) (string, time.Duration, bool) { - values, err := url.ParseQuery(query) - // in event of parse failure, return defaults - if err != nil { - return "", defaultTimeout, defaultSubmodules - } - - // ref is the desired git ref to target. Can be specified by in a git URL - // with ?ref= or ?version=, although ref takes precedence. - ref := values.Get("version") - if queryValue := values.Get("ref"); queryValue != "" { - ref = queryValue - } - - // depth is the desired git exec timeout. Can be specified by in a git URL - // with ?timeout=. - duration := defaultTimeout - if queryValue := values.Get("timeout"); queryValue != "" { - // Attempt to first parse as a number of integer seconds (like "61"), - // and then attempt to parse as a suffixed duration (like "61s"). - if intValue, err := strconv.Atoi(queryValue); err == nil && intValue > 0 { - duration = time.Duration(intValue) * time.Second - } else if durationValue, err := time.ParseDuration(queryValue); err == nil && durationValue > 0 { - duration = durationValue - } - } - - // submodules indicates if git submodule cloning is desired. Can be - // specified by in a git URL with ?submodules=. - submodules := defaultSubmodules - if queryValue := values.Get("submodules"); queryValue != "" { - if boolValue, err := strconv.ParseBool(queryValue); err == nil { - submodules = boolValue - } - } - - return ref, duration, submodules -} - -func extractHost(n string) (string, string, error) { - n = ignoreForcedGitProtocol(n) - scheme, n := extractScheme(n) - username, n := extractUsername(n) - stdGithub := isStandardGithubHost(n) - acceptSCP := acceptSCPStyle(scheme, username, stdGithub) - - // Validate the username and scheme before attempting host/path parsing, because if the parsing - // so far has not succeeded, we will not be able to extract the host and path correctly. - if err := validateScheme(scheme, acceptSCP); err != nil { - return "", "", err - } - - // Now that we have extracted a valid scheme+username, we can parse host itself. - - // The file protocol specifies an absolute path to a local git repo. - // Everything after the scheme (including any 'username' we found) is actually part of that path. - if scheme == fileScheme { - return scheme, username + n, nil - } - var host, rest = n, "" - if sepIndex := findPathSeparator(n, acceptSCP); sepIndex >= 0 { - host, rest = n[:sepIndex+1], n[sepIndex+1:] - } - - // Github URLs are strictly normalized in a way that may discard scheme and username components. - if stdGithub { - scheme, username, host = normalizeGithubHostParts(scheme, username) - } - - // Host is required, so do not concat the scheme and username if we didn't find one. - if host == "" { - return "", "", errors.Errorf("failed to parse host segment") - } - return scheme + username + host, rest, nil -} - -// ignoreForcedGitProtocol strips the "git::" prefix from URLs. -// We used to use go-getter to handle our urls: https://github.com/hashicorp/go-getter. -// The git:: prefix signaled go-getter to use the git protocol to fetch the url's contents. -// We silently strip this prefix to allow these go-getter-style urls to continue to work, -// although the git protocol (which is insecure and unsupported on many platforms, including Github) -// will not actually be used as intended. -func ignoreForcedGitProtocol(n string) string { - n, found := trimPrefixIgnoreCase(n, "git::") - if found { - log.Println("Warning: Forcing the git protocol using the 'git::' URL prefix is not supported. " + - "Kustomize currently strips this invalid prefix, but will stop doing so in a future release. " + - "Please remove the 'git::' prefix from your configuration.") - } - return n -} - -// acceptSCPStyle returns true if the scheme and username indicate potential use of an SCP-style URL. -// With this style, the scheme is not explicit and the path is delimited by a colon. -// Strictly speaking the username is optional in SCP-like syntax, but Kustomize has always -// required it for non-Github URLs. -// Example: user@host.xz:path/to/repo.git/ -func acceptSCPStyle(scheme, username string, isGithubURL bool) bool { - return scheme == "" && (username != "" || isGithubURL) -} - -func validateScheme(scheme string, acceptSCPStyle bool) error { - // see https://git-scm.com/docs/git-fetch#_git_urls for info relevant to these validations - switch scheme { - case "": - // Empty scheme is only ok if it's a Github URL or if it looks like SCP-style syntax - if !acceptSCPStyle { - return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse scheme") - } - case sshScheme, fileScheme, httpsScheme, httpScheme: - // These are all supported schemes - default: - // At time of writing, we should never end up here because we do not parse out - // unsupported schemes to begin with. - return fmt.Errorf("unsupported scheme %q", scheme) - } - return nil -} - -const fileScheme = "file://" -const httpScheme = "http://" -const httpsScheme = "https://" -const sshScheme = "ssh://" - -func extractScheme(s string) (string, string) { - for _, prefix := range []string{sshScheme, httpsScheme, httpScheme, fileScheme} { - if rest, found := trimPrefixIgnoreCase(s, prefix); found { - return prefix, rest - } - } - return "", s -} - -func extractUsername(s string) (string, string) { - var userRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)@`) - if m := userRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(s); m != nil { - username := m[1] + "@" - return username, s[len(username):] - } - return "", s -} - -func isStandardGithubHost(s string) bool { - lowerCased := strings.ToLower(s) - return strings.HasPrefix(lowerCased, "github.com/") || - strings.HasPrefix(lowerCased, "github.com:") -} - -// trimPrefixIgnoreCase returns the rest of s and true if prefix, ignoring case, prefixes s. -// Otherwise, trimPrefixIgnoreCase returns s and false. -func trimPrefixIgnoreCase(s, prefix string) (string, bool) { - if len(prefix) <= len(s) && strings.ToLower(s[:len(prefix)]) == prefix { - return s[len(prefix):], true - } - return s, false -} - -func findPathSeparator(hostPath string, acceptSCP bool) int { - sepIndex := strings.Index(hostPath, pathSeparator) - if acceptSCP { - colonIndex := strings.Index(hostPath, ":") - // The colon acts as a delimiter in scp-style ssh URLs only if not prefixed by '/'. - if sepIndex == -1 || (colonIndex > 0 && colonIndex < sepIndex) { - sepIndex = colonIndex - } - } - return sepIndex -} - -func normalizeGithubHostParts(scheme, username string) (string, string, string) { - if strings.HasPrefix(scheme, sshScheme) || username != "" { - return "", username, "github.com:" - } - return httpsScheme, "", "github.com/" -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/kusterr/yamlformaterror.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/kusterr/yamlformaterror.go deleted file mode 100644 index aa76d1dd..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/kusterr/yamlformaterror.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package error has contextual error types. -package kusterr - -import ( - "fmt" - "strings" -) - -// YamlFormatError represents error with yaml file name where json/yaml format error happens. -type YamlFormatError struct { - Path string - ErrorMsg string -} - -func (e YamlFormatError) Error() string { - return fmt.Sprintf("YAML file [%s] encounters a format error.\n%s\n", e.Path, e.ErrorMsg) -} - -// MalformedYamlError represents an error that occurred while trying to decode a given YAML. -type MalformedYamlError struct { - Path string - ErrorMsg string -} - -func (e MalformedYamlError) Error() string { - return fmt.Sprintf("%s in File: %s", e.ErrorMsg, e.Path) -} - -// Handler handles YamlFormatError -func Handler(e error, path string) error { - if isYAMLSyntaxError(e) { - return YamlFormatError{ - Path: path, - ErrorMsg: e.Error(), - } - } - if IsMalformedYAMLError(e) { - return MalformedYamlError{ - Path: path, - ErrorMsg: e.Error(), - } - } - return e -} - -func isYAMLSyntaxError(e error) bool { - return strings.Contains(e.Error(), "error converting YAML to JSON") || strings.Contains(e.Error(), "error unmarshaling JSON") -} - -func IsMalformedYAMLError(e error) bool { - return strings.Contains(e.Error(), "MalformedYAMLError") -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/builtinconfig/doc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/builtinconfig/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index f41f79b0..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/builtinconfig/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package builtinconfig provides legacy methods for -// configuring builtin plugins from a common config file. -// As a user, its best to configure plugins individually -// with plugin config files specified in the `transformers:` -// or `generators:` field, than to use this legacy -// configuration technique. -package builtinconfig diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/builtinconfig/loaddefaultconfig.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/builtinconfig/loaddefaultconfig.go deleted file mode 100644 index bf5e3f8a..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/builtinconfig/loaddefaultconfig.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package builtinconfig - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/ifc" - "sigs.k8s.io/yaml" -) - -// loadDefaultConfig returns a TranformerConfig -// object from a list of files. -func loadDefaultConfig( - ldr ifc.Loader, paths []string) (*TransformerConfig, error) { - result := &TransformerConfig{} - for _, path := range paths { - data, err := ldr.Load(path) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - t, err := makeTransformerConfigFromBytes(data) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - result, err = result.Merge(t) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - return result, nil -} - -// makeTransformerConfigFromBytes returns a TransformerConfig object from bytes -func makeTransformerConfigFromBytes(data []byte) (*TransformerConfig, error) { - var t TransformerConfig - err := yaml.Unmarshal(data, &t) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - t.sortFields() - return &t, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/builtinconfig/namebackreferences.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/builtinconfig/namebackreferences.go deleted file mode 100644 index 36ef42c2..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/builtinconfig/namebackreferences.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,99 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package builtinconfig - -import ( - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/resid" -) - -// NameBackReferences is an association between a gvk.GVK (a ReferralTarget) -// and a list of Referrers that could refer to it. -// -// It is used to handle name changes, and can be thought of as a -// a contact list. If you change your own contact info (name, -// phone number, etc.), you must tell your contacts or they won't -// know about the change. -// -// For example, ConfigMaps can be used by Pods and everything that -// contains a Pod; Deployment, Job, StatefulSet, etc. -// The ConfigMap is the ReferralTarget, the others are Referrers. -// -// If the name of a ConfigMap instance changed from 'alice' to 'bob', -// one must -// - visit all objects that could refer to the ConfigMap (the Referrers) -// - see if they mention 'alice', -// - if so, change the Referrer's name reference to 'bob'. -// -// The NameBackReferences instance to aid in this could look like -// { -// kind: ConfigMap -// version: v1 -// fieldSpecs: -// - kind: Pod -// version: v1 -// path: spec/volumes/configMap/name -// - kind: Deployment -// path: spec/template/spec/volumes/configMap/name -// - kind: Job -// path: spec/template/spec/volumes/configMap/name -// (etc.) -// } -type NameBackReferences struct { - resid.Gvk `json:",inline,omitempty" yaml:",inline,omitempty"` - // TODO: rename json 'fieldSpecs' to 'referrers' for clarity. - // This will, however, break anyone using a custom config. - Referrers types.FsSlice `json:"fieldSpecs,omitempty" yaml:"fieldSpecs,omitempty"` -} - -func (n NameBackReferences) String() string { - var r []string - for _, f := range n.Referrers { - r = append(r, f.String()) - } - return n.Gvk.String() + ": (\n" + - strings.Join(r, "\n") + "\n)" -} - -type nbrSlice []NameBackReferences - -func (s nbrSlice) Len() int { return len(s) } -func (s nbrSlice) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] } -func (s nbrSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { - return s[i].Gvk.IsLessThan(s[j].Gvk) -} - -func (s nbrSlice) mergeAll(o nbrSlice) (result nbrSlice, err error) { - result = s - for _, r := range o { - result, err = result.mergeOne(r) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - return result, nil -} - -func (s nbrSlice) mergeOne(other NameBackReferences) (nbrSlice, error) { - var result nbrSlice - var err error - found := false - for _, c := range s { - if c.Gvk.Equals(other.Gvk) { - c.Referrers, err = c.Referrers.MergeAll(other.Referrers) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - found = true - } - result = append(result, c) - } - - if !found { - result = append(result, other) - } - return result, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/builtinconfig/transformerconfig.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/builtinconfig/transformerconfig.go deleted file mode 100644 index 69b8bd4f..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/builtinconfig/transformerconfig.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,156 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package builtinconfig - -import ( - "log" - "sort" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/ifc" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" -) - -// TransformerConfig holds the data needed to perform transformations. -type TransformerConfig struct { - NamePrefix types.FsSlice `json:"namePrefix,omitempty" yaml:"namePrefix,omitempty"` - NameSuffix types.FsSlice `json:"nameSuffix,omitempty" yaml:"nameSuffix,omitempty"` - NameSpace types.FsSlice `json:"namespace,omitempty" yaml:"namespace,omitempty"` - CommonLabels types.FsSlice `json:"commonLabels,omitempty" yaml:"commonLabels,omitempty"` - TemplateLabels types.FsSlice `json:"templateLabels,omitempty" yaml:"templateLabels,omitempty"` - CommonAnnotations types.FsSlice `json:"commonAnnotations,omitempty" yaml:"commonAnnotations,omitempty"` - NameReference nbrSlice `json:"nameReference,omitempty" yaml:"nameReference,omitempty"` - VarReference types.FsSlice `json:"varReference,omitempty" yaml:"varReference,omitempty"` - Images types.FsSlice `json:"images,omitempty" yaml:"images,omitempty"` - Replicas types.FsSlice `json:"replicas,omitempty" yaml:"replicas,omitempty"` -} - -// MakeEmptyConfig returns an empty TransformerConfig object -func MakeEmptyConfig() *TransformerConfig { - return &TransformerConfig{} -} - -// MakeDefaultConfig returns a default TransformerConfig. -func MakeDefaultConfig() *TransformerConfig { - c, err := makeTransformerConfigFromBytes( - builtinpluginconsts.GetDefaultFieldSpecs()) - if err != nil { - log.Fatalf("Unable to make default transformconfig: %v", err) - } - return c -} - -// MakeTransformerConfig returns a merger of custom config, -// if any, with default config. -func MakeTransformerConfig( - ldr ifc.Loader, paths []string) (*TransformerConfig, error) { - t1 := MakeDefaultConfig() - if len(paths) == 0 { - return t1, nil - } - t2, err := loadDefaultConfig(ldr, paths) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return t1.Merge(t2) -} - -// sortFields provides determinism in logging, tests, etc. -func (t *TransformerConfig) sortFields() { - sort.Sort(t.NamePrefix) - sort.Sort(t.NameSuffix) - sort.Sort(t.NameSpace) - sort.Sort(t.CommonLabels) - sort.Sort(t.TemplateLabels) - sort.Sort(t.CommonAnnotations) - sort.Sort(t.NameReference) - sort.Sort(t.VarReference) - sort.Sort(t.Images) - sort.Sort(t.Replicas) -} - -// AddPrefixFieldSpec adds a FieldSpec to NamePrefix -func (t *TransformerConfig) AddPrefixFieldSpec(fs types.FieldSpec) (err error) { - t.NamePrefix, err = t.NamePrefix.MergeOne(fs) - return err -} - -// AddSuffixFieldSpec adds a FieldSpec to NameSuffix -func (t *TransformerConfig) AddSuffixFieldSpec(fs types.FieldSpec) (err error) { - t.NameSuffix, err = t.NameSuffix.MergeOne(fs) - return err -} - -// AddLabelFieldSpec adds a FieldSpec to CommonLabels -func (t *TransformerConfig) AddLabelFieldSpec(fs types.FieldSpec) (err error) { - t.CommonLabels, err = t.CommonLabels.MergeOne(fs) - return err -} - -// AddAnnotationFieldSpec adds a FieldSpec to CommonAnnotations -func (t *TransformerConfig) AddAnnotationFieldSpec(fs types.FieldSpec) (err error) { - t.CommonAnnotations, err = t.CommonAnnotations.MergeOne(fs) - return err -} - -// AddNamereferenceFieldSpec adds a NameBackReferences to NameReference -func (t *TransformerConfig) AddNamereferenceFieldSpec( - nbrs NameBackReferences) (err error) { - t.NameReference, err = t.NameReference.mergeOne(nbrs) - return err -} - -// Merge merges two TransformerConfigs objects into -// a new TransformerConfig object -func (t *TransformerConfig) Merge(input *TransformerConfig) ( - merged *TransformerConfig, err error) { - if input == nil { - return t, nil - } - merged = &TransformerConfig{} - merged.NamePrefix, err = t.NamePrefix.MergeAll(input.NamePrefix) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "failed to merge NamePrefix fieldSpec") - } - merged.NameSuffix, err = t.NameSuffix.MergeAll(input.NameSuffix) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "failed to merge NameSuffix fieldSpec") - } - merged.NameSpace, err = t.NameSpace.MergeAll(input.NameSpace) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "failed to merge NameSpace fieldSpec") - } - merged.CommonAnnotations, err = t.CommonAnnotations.MergeAll( - input.CommonAnnotations) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "failed to merge CommonAnnotations fieldSpec") - } - merged.CommonLabels, err = t.CommonLabels.MergeAll(input.CommonLabels) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "failed to merge CommonLabels fieldSpec") - } - merged.TemplateLabels, err = t.TemplateLabels.MergeAll(input.TemplateLabels) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "failed to merge TemplateLabels fieldSpec") - } - merged.VarReference, err = t.VarReference.MergeAll(input.VarReference) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "failed to merge VarReference fieldSpec") - } - merged.NameReference, err = t.NameReference.mergeAll(input.NameReference) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "failed to merge NameReference fieldSpec") - } - merged.Images, err = t.Images.MergeAll(input.Images) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "failed to merge Images fieldSpec") - } - merged.Replicas, err = t.Replicas.MergeAll(input.Replicas) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "failed to merge Replicas fieldSpec") - } - merged.sortFields() - return merged, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/builtinhelpers/builtinplugintype_string.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/builtinhelpers/builtinplugintype_string.go deleted file mode 100644 index ddcfcc19..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/builtinhelpers/builtinplugintype_string.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by "stringer -type=BuiltinPluginType"; DO NOT EDIT. - -package builtinhelpers - -import "strconv" - -func _() { - // An "invalid array index" compiler error signifies that the constant values have changed. - // Re-run the stringer command to generate them again. - var x [1]struct{} - _ = x[Unknown-0] - _ = x[AnnotationsTransformer-1] - _ = x[ConfigMapGenerator-2] - _ = x[IAMPolicyGenerator-3] - _ = x[HashTransformer-4] - _ = x[ImageTagTransformer-5] - _ = x[LabelTransformer-6] - _ = x[NamespaceTransformer-7] - _ = x[PatchJson6902Transformer-8] - _ = x[PatchStrategicMergeTransformer-9] - _ = x[PatchTransformer-10] - _ = x[PrefixSuffixTransformer-11] - _ = x[PrefixTransformer-12] - _ = x[SuffixTransformer-13] - _ = x[ReplicaCountTransformer-14] - _ = x[SecretGenerator-15] - _ = x[ValueAddTransformer-16] - _ = x[HelmChartInflationGenerator-17] - _ = x[ReplacementTransformer-18] -} - -const _BuiltinPluginType_name = "UnknownAnnotationsTransformerConfigMapGeneratorIAMPolicyGeneratorHashTransformerImageTagTransformerLabelTransformerNamespaceTransformerPatchJson6902TransformerPatchStrategicMergeTransformerPatchTransformerPrefixSuffixTransformerPrefixTransformerSuffixTransformerReplicaCountTransformerSecretGeneratorValueAddTransformerHelmChartInflationGeneratorReplacementTransformer" - -var _BuiltinPluginType_index = [...]uint16{0, 7, 29, 47, 65, 80, 99, 115, 135, 159, 189, 205, 228, 245, 262, 285, 300, 319, 346, 368} - -func (i BuiltinPluginType) String() string { - if i < 0 || i >= BuiltinPluginType(len(_BuiltinPluginType_index)-1) { - return "BuiltinPluginType(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")" - } - return _BuiltinPluginType_name[_BuiltinPluginType_index[i]:_BuiltinPluginType_index[i+1]] -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/builtinhelpers/builtins.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/builtinhelpers/builtins.go deleted file mode 100644 index a98a23d3..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/builtinhelpers/builtins.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,115 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package builtinhelpers - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap" -) - -//go:generate stringer -type=BuiltinPluginType -type BuiltinPluginType int - -const ( - Unknown BuiltinPluginType = iota - AnnotationsTransformer - ConfigMapGenerator - IAMPolicyGenerator - HashTransformer - ImageTagTransformer - LabelTransformer - NamespaceTransformer - PatchJson6902Transformer - PatchStrategicMergeTransformer - PatchTransformer - PrefixSuffixTransformer - PrefixTransformer - SuffixTransformer - ReplicaCountTransformer - SecretGenerator - ValueAddTransformer - HelmChartInflationGenerator - ReplacementTransformer -) - -var stringToBuiltinPluginTypeMap map[string]BuiltinPluginType - -func init() { //nolint:gochecknoinits - stringToBuiltinPluginTypeMap = makeStringToBuiltinPluginTypeMap() -} - -func makeStringToBuiltinPluginTypeMap() (result map[string]BuiltinPluginType) { - result = make(map[string]BuiltinPluginType, 23) - for k := range GeneratorFactories { - result[k.String()] = k - } - for k := range TransformerFactories { - result[k.String()] = k - } - return -} - -func GetBuiltinPluginType(n string) BuiltinPluginType { - result, ok := stringToBuiltinPluginTypeMap[n] - if ok { - return result - } - return Unknown -} - -var GeneratorFactories = map[BuiltinPluginType]func() resmap.GeneratorPlugin{ - ConfigMapGenerator: builtins.NewConfigMapGeneratorPlugin, - IAMPolicyGenerator: builtins.NewIAMPolicyGeneratorPlugin, - SecretGenerator: builtins.NewSecretGeneratorPlugin, - HelmChartInflationGenerator: builtins.NewHelmChartInflationGeneratorPlugin, -} - -type MultiTransformer struct { - transformers []resmap.TransformerPlugin -} - -func (t *MultiTransformer) Transform(m resmap.ResMap) error { - for _, transformer := range t.transformers { - if err := transformer.Transform(m); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -func (t *MultiTransformer) Config(h *resmap.PluginHelpers, b []byte) error { - for _, transformer := range t.transformers { - if err := transformer.Config(h, b); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -func NewMultiTransformer() resmap.TransformerPlugin { - return &MultiTransformer{[]resmap.TransformerPlugin{ - builtins.NewPrefixTransformerPlugin(), - builtins.NewSuffixTransformerPlugin(), - }} -} - -var TransformerFactories = map[BuiltinPluginType]func() resmap.TransformerPlugin{ - AnnotationsTransformer: builtins.NewAnnotationsTransformerPlugin, - HashTransformer: builtins.NewHashTransformerPlugin, - ImageTagTransformer: builtins.NewImageTagTransformerPlugin, - LabelTransformer: builtins.NewLabelTransformerPlugin, - NamespaceTransformer: builtins.NewNamespaceTransformerPlugin, - PatchJson6902Transformer: builtins.NewPatchJson6902TransformerPlugin, - PatchStrategicMergeTransformer: builtins.NewPatchStrategicMergeTransformerPlugin, - PatchTransformer: builtins.NewPatchTransformerPlugin, - PrefixSuffixTransformer: NewMultiTransformer, - PrefixTransformer: builtins.NewPrefixTransformerPlugin, - SuffixTransformer: builtins.NewSuffixTransformerPlugin, - ReplacementTransformer: builtins.NewReplacementTransformerPlugin, - ReplicaCountTransformer: builtins.NewReplicaCountTransformerPlugin, - ValueAddTransformer: builtins.NewValueAddTransformerPlugin, - // Do not wired SortOrderTransformer as a builtin plugin. - // We only want it to be available in the top-level kustomization. - // See: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/issues/3913 -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/execplugin/execplugin.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/execplugin/execplugin.go deleted file mode 100644 index 001731f7..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/execplugin/execplugin.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,191 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package execplugin - -import ( - "bytes" - "fmt" - "os" - "os/exec" - "runtime" - "strings" - - "github.com/google/shlex" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/utils" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/yaml" -) - -const ( - tmpConfigFilePrefix = "kust-plugin-config-" -) - -// ExecPlugin record the name and args of an executable -// It triggers the executable generator and transformer -type ExecPlugin struct { - // absolute path of the executable - path string - - // Optional command line arguments to the executable - // pulled from specially named fields in cfg. - // This is for executables that don't want to parse YAML. - args []string - - // Plugin configuration data. - cfg []byte - - // PluginHelpers - h *resmap.PluginHelpers -} - -func NewExecPlugin(p string) *ExecPlugin { - return &ExecPlugin{path: p} -} - -func (p *ExecPlugin) ErrIfNotExecutable() error { - f, err := os.Stat(p.path) - if err != nil { - return err - } - // In Windows, it is not possible to determine whether a - // file is executable through file mode. - // TODO: provide for setting the executable FileMode bit on Windows - // The (fs *fileStat) Mode() (m FileMode) {} function in - // https://golang.org/src/os/types_windows.go - // lacks the ability to set the FileMode executable bit in response - // to file data on Windows. - if f.Mode()&0111 == 0000 && runtime.GOOS != "windows" { - return fmt.Errorf("unexecutable plugin at: %s", p.path) - } - return nil -} - -func (p *ExecPlugin) Path() string { - return p.path -} - -func (p *ExecPlugin) Args() []string { - return p.args -} - -func (p *ExecPlugin) Cfg() []byte { - return p.cfg -} - -func (p *ExecPlugin) Config(h *resmap.PluginHelpers, config []byte) error { - p.h = h - p.cfg = config - return p.processOptionalArgsFields() -} - -type argsConfig struct { - ArgsOneLiner string `json:"argsOneLiner,omitempty" yaml:"argsOneLiner,omitempty"` - ArgsFromFile string `json:"argsFromFile,omitempty" yaml:"argsFromFile,omitempty"` -} - -func (p *ExecPlugin) processOptionalArgsFields() error { - var c argsConfig - err := yaml.Unmarshal(p.cfg, &c) - if err != nil { - return err - } - if c.ArgsOneLiner != "" { - p.args, _ = shlex.Split(c.ArgsOneLiner) - } - if c.ArgsFromFile != "" { - content, err := p.h.Loader().Load(c.ArgsFromFile) - if err != nil { - return err - } - for _, x := range strings.Split(string(content), "\n") { - x := strings.TrimLeft(x, " ") - if x != "" { - p.args = append(p.args, x) - } - } - } - return nil -} - -func (p *ExecPlugin) Generate() (resmap.ResMap, error) { - output, err := p.invokePlugin(nil) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - rm, err := p.h.ResmapFactory().NewResMapFromBytes(output) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return utils.UpdateResourceOptions(rm) -} - -func (p *ExecPlugin) Transform(rm resmap.ResMap) error { - // add ResIds as annotations to all objects so that we can add them back - inputRM, err := utils.GetResMapWithIDAnnotation(rm) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - // encode the ResMap so it can be fed to the plugin - resources, err := inputRM.AsYaml() - if err != nil { - return err - } - - // invoke the plugin with resources as the input - output, err := p.invokePlugin(resources) - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("%v %s", err, string(output)) - } - - // update the original ResMap based on the output - return utils.UpdateResMapValues(p.path, p.h, output, rm) -} - -// invokePlugin writes plugin config to a temp file, then -// passes the full temp file path as the first arg to a process -// running the plugin binary. Process output is returned. -func (p *ExecPlugin) invokePlugin(input []byte) ([]byte, error) { - f, err := os.CreateTemp("", tmpConfigFilePrefix) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf( - err, "creating tmp plugin config file") - } - _, err = f.Write(p.cfg) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf( - err, "writing plugin config to "+f.Name()) - } - err = f.Close() - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf( - err, "closing plugin config file "+f.Name()) - } - //nolint:gosec - cmd := exec.Command( - p.path, append([]string{f.Name()}, p.args...)...) - cmd.Env = p.getEnv() - cmd.Stdin = bytes.NewReader(input) - cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr - if _, err := os.Stat(p.h.Loader().Root()); err == nil { - cmd.Dir = p.h.Loader().Root() - } - result, err := cmd.Output() - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf( - err, "failure in plugin configured via %s; %v", - f.Name(), err.Error()) - } - return result, os.Remove(f.Name()) -} - -func (p *ExecPlugin) getEnv() []string { - env := os.Environ() - env = append(env, - "KUSTOMIZE_PLUGIN_CONFIG_STRING="+string(p.cfg), - "KUSTOMIZE_PLUGIN_CONFIG_ROOT="+p.h.Loader().Root()) - return env -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/fnplugin/fnplugin.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/fnplugin/fnplugin.go deleted file mode 100644 index 3a033d72..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/fnplugin/fnplugin.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,202 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package fnplugin - -import ( - "bytes" - "fmt" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/utils" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resource" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/runtimeutil" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/runfn" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// FnPlugin is the struct to hold function information -type FnPlugin struct { - // Function runner - runFns runfn.RunFns - - // Plugin configuration data. - cfg []byte - - // Plugin name cache for error output - pluginName string - - // PluginHelpers - h *resmap.PluginHelpers -} - -func bytesToRNode(yml []byte) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - rnode, err := yaml.Parse(string(yml)) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return rnode, nil -} - -func resourceToRNode(res *resource.Resource) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - yml, err := res.AsYAML() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - return bytesToRNode(yml) -} - -// GetFunctionSpec return function spec is there is. Otherwise return nil -func GetFunctionSpec(res *resource.Resource) (*runtimeutil.FunctionSpec, error) { - rnode, err := resourceToRNode(res) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not convert resource to RNode: %w", err) - } - functionSpec, err := runtimeutil.GetFunctionSpec(rnode) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get FunctionSpec: %w", err) - } - return functionSpec, nil -} - -func toStorageMounts(mounts []string) []runtimeutil.StorageMount { - var sms []runtimeutil.StorageMount - for _, mount := range mounts { - sms = append(sms, runtimeutil.StringToStorageMount(mount)) - } - return sms -} - -// NewFnPlugin creates a FnPlugin struct -func NewFnPlugin(o *types.FnPluginLoadingOptions) *FnPlugin { - return &FnPlugin{ - runFns: runfn.RunFns{ - Functions: []*yaml.RNode{}, - Network: o.Network, - EnableStarlark: o.EnableStar, - EnableExec: o.EnableExec, - StorageMounts: toStorageMounts(o.Mounts), - Env: o.Env, - AsCurrentUser: o.AsCurrentUser, - WorkingDir: o.WorkingDir, - }, - } -} - -// Cfg returns function config -func (p *FnPlugin) Cfg() []byte { - return p.cfg -} - -// Config is called by kustomize to pass-in config information -func (p *FnPlugin) Config(h *resmap.PluginHelpers, config []byte) error { - p.h = h - p.cfg = config - - fn, err := bytesToRNode(p.cfg) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - meta, err := fn.GetMeta() - if err != nil { - return err - } - - p.pluginName = fmt.Sprintf("api: %s, kind: %s, name: %s", - meta.APIVersion, meta.Kind, meta.Name) - - return nil -} - -// Generate is called when run as generator -func (p *FnPlugin) Generate() (resmap.ResMap, error) { - output, err := p.invokePlugin(nil) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - rm, err := p.h.ResmapFactory().NewResMapFromBytes(output) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return utils.UpdateResourceOptions(rm) -} - -// Transform is called when run as transformer -func (p *FnPlugin) Transform(rm resmap.ResMap) error { - // add ResIds as annotations to all objects so that we can add them back - inputRM, err := utils.GetResMapWithIDAnnotation(rm) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - // encode the ResMap so it can be fed to the plugin - resources, err := inputRM.AsYaml() - if err != nil { - return err - } - - // invoke the plugin with resources as the input - output, err := p.invokePlugin(resources) - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("%v %s", err, string(output)) - } - - // update the original ResMap based on the output - return utils.UpdateResMapValues(p.pluginName, p.h, output, rm) -} - -func injectAnnotation(input *yaml.RNode, k, v string) error { - err := input.PipeE(yaml.SetAnnotation(k, v)) - if err != nil { - return err - } - return nil -} - -// invokePlugin uses Function runner to run function as plugin -func (p *FnPlugin) invokePlugin(input []byte) ([]byte, error) { - // get function config rnode - functionConfig, err := bytesToRNode(p.cfg) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - // This annotation will let kustomize ingnore this item in output - err = injectAnnotation(functionConfig, "config.kubernetes.io/local-config", "true") - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - // we need to add config as input for generators. Some of them don't work with FunctionConfig - // and in addition kio.Pipeline won't create anything if there are no objects - // see https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/blob/master/kyaml/kio/kio.go#L93 - // Since we added `local-config` annotation so it will be ignored in generator output - // TODO(donnyxia): This is actually not used by generator and only used to bypass a kio limitation. - // Need better solution. - if input == nil { - yml, err := functionConfig.String() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - input = []byte(yml) - } - - // Configure and Execute Fn. We don't need to convert resources to ResourceList here - // because function runtime will do that. See kyaml/fn/runtime/runtimeutil/runtimeutil.go - var ouputBuffer bytes.Buffer - p.runFns.Input = bytes.NewReader(input) - p.runFns.Functions = append(p.runFns.Functions, functionConfig) - p.runFns.Output = &ouputBuffer - - err = p.runFns.Execute() - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf( - err, "couldn't execute function") - } - - return ouputBuffer.Bytes(), nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/loader/loader.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/loader/loader.go deleted file mode 100644 index 1758e5cf..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/loader/loader.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,332 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package loader - -import ( - "fmt" - "log" - "os" - "path/filepath" - "plugin" - "reflect" - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/ifc" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/builtinhelpers" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/execplugin" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/fnplugin" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/utils" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resource" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/resid" -) - -// Loader loads plugins using a file loader (a different loader). -type Loader struct { - pc *types.PluginConfig - rf *resmap.Factory - fs filesys.FileSystem - - // absolutePluginHome caches the location of a valid plugin root directory. - // It should only be set once the directory's existence has been confirmed. - absolutePluginHome string -} - -func NewLoader( - pc *types.PluginConfig, rf *resmap.Factory, fs filesys.FileSystem) *Loader { - return &Loader{pc: pc, rf: rf, fs: fs} -} - -// LoaderWithWorkingDir returns loader after setting its working directory. -// NOTE: This is not really a new loader since some of the Loader struct fields are pointers. -func (l *Loader) LoaderWithWorkingDir(wd string) *Loader { - lpc := &types.PluginConfig{ - PluginRestrictions: l.pc.PluginRestrictions, - BpLoadingOptions: l.pc.BpLoadingOptions, - FnpLoadingOptions: l.pc.FnpLoadingOptions, - HelmConfig: l.pc.HelmConfig, - } - lpc.FnpLoadingOptions.WorkingDir = wd - return &Loader{pc: lpc, rf: l.rf, fs: l.fs} -} - -// Config provides the global (not plugin specific) PluginConfig data. -func (l *Loader) Config() *types.PluginConfig { - return l.pc -} - -func (l *Loader) LoadGenerators( - ldr ifc.Loader, v ifc.Validator, rm resmap.ResMap) ( - result []*resmap.GeneratorWithProperties, err error) { - for _, res := range rm.Resources() { - g, err := l.LoadGenerator(ldr, v, res) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to load generator: %w", err) - } - generatorOrigin, err := resource.OriginFromCustomPlugin(res) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get origin from CustomPlugin: %w", err) - } - result = append(result, &resmap.GeneratorWithProperties{Generator: g, Origin: generatorOrigin}) - } - return result, nil -} - -func (l *Loader) LoadGenerator( - ldr ifc.Loader, v ifc.Validator, res *resource.Resource) (resmap.Generator, error) { - c, err := l.loadAndConfigurePlugin(ldr, v, res) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - g, ok := c.(resmap.Generator) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("plugin %s not a generator", res.OrgId()) - } - return g, nil -} - -func (l *Loader) LoadTransformers( - ldr ifc.Loader, v ifc.Validator, rm resmap.ResMap) ([]*resmap.TransformerWithProperties, error) { - var result []*resmap.TransformerWithProperties - for _, res := range rm.Resources() { - t, err := l.LoadTransformer(ldr, v, res) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - transformerOrigin, err := resource.OriginFromCustomPlugin(res) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - result = append(result, &resmap.TransformerWithProperties{Transformer: t, Origin: transformerOrigin}) - } - return result, nil -} - -func (l *Loader) LoadTransformer( - ldr ifc.Loader, v ifc.Validator, res *resource.Resource) (*resmap.TransformerWithProperties, error) { - c, err := l.loadAndConfigurePlugin(ldr, v, res) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - t, ok := c.(resmap.Transformer) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("plugin %s not a transformer", res.OrgId()) - } - return &resmap.TransformerWithProperties{Transformer: t}, nil -} - -func relativePluginPath(id resid.ResId) string { - return filepath.Join( - id.Group, - id.Version, - strings.ToLower(id.Kind)) -} - -func (l *Loader) AbsolutePluginPath(id resid.ResId) (string, error) { - pluginHome, err := l.absPluginHome() - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - return filepath.Join(pluginHome, relativePluginPath(id), id.Kind), nil -} - -// absPluginHome is the home of kustomize Exec and Go plugins. -// Kustomize plugin configuration files are k8s-style objects -// containing the fields 'apiVersion' and 'kind', e.g. -// -// apiVersion: apps/v1 -// kind: Deployment -// -// kustomize reads plugin configuration data from a file path -// specified in the 'generators:' or 'transformers:' field of a -// kustomization file. For Exec and Go plugins, kustomize -// uses this data to both locate the plugin and configure it. -// Each Exec or Go plugin (its code, its tests, its supporting data -// files, etc.) must be housed in its own directory at -// -// ${absPluginHome}/${pluginApiVersion}/LOWERCASE(${pluginKind}) -// -// where -// - ${absPluginHome} is an absolute path, defined below. -// - ${pluginApiVersion} is taken from the plugin config file. -// - ${pluginKind} is taken from the plugin config file. -func (l *Loader) absPluginHome() (string, error) { - // External plugins are disabled--return the dummy plugin root. - if l.pc.PluginRestrictions != types.PluginRestrictionsNone { - return konfig.NoPluginHomeSentinal, nil - } - // We've already determined plugin home--use the cached value. - if l.absolutePluginHome != "" { - return l.absolutePluginHome, nil - } - - // Check default locations for a valid plugin root, and cache it if found. - dir, err := konfig.DefaultAbsPluginHome(l.fs) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - l.absolutePluginHome = dir - return l.absolutePluginHome, nil -} - -func isBuiltinPlugin(res *resource.Resource) bool { - // TODO: the special string should appear in Group, not Version. - return res.GetGvk().Group == "" && - res.GetGvk().Version == konfig.BuiltinPluginApiVersion -} - -func (l *Loader) loadAndConfigurePlugin( - ldr ifc.Loader, - v ifc.Validator, - res *resource.Resource) (c resmap.Configurable, err error) { - if isBuiltinPlugin(res) { - switch l.pc.BpLoadingOptions { - case types.BploLoadFromFileSys: - c, err = l.loadPlugin(res) - case types.BploUseStaticallyLinked: - // Instead of looking for and loading a .so file, - // instantiate the plugin from a generated factory - // function (see "pluginator"). Being able to do this - // is what makes a plugin "builtin". - c, err = l.makeBuiltinPlugin(res.GetGvk()) - default: - err = fmt.Errorf( - "unknown plugin loader behavior specified: %v", - l.pc.BpLoadingOptions) - } - } else { - switch l.pc.PluginRestrictions { - case types.PluginRestrictionsNone: - c, err = l.loadPlugin(res) - case types.PluginRestrictionsBuiltinsOnly: - err = types.NewErrOnlyBuiltinPluginsAllowed(res.OrgId().Kind) - default: - err = fmt.Errorf( - "unknown plugin restriction specified: %v", - l.pc.PluginRestrictions) - } - } - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - yaml, err := res.AsYAML() - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "marshalling yaml from res %s", res.OrgId()) - } - err = c.Config(resmap.NewPluginHelpers(ldr, v, l.rf, l.pc), yaml) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf( - err, "plugin %s fails configuration", res.OrgId()) - } - return c, nil -} - -func (l *Loader) makeBuiltinPlugin(r resid.Gvk) (resmap.Configurable, error) { - bpt := builtinhelpers.GetBuiltinPluginType(r.Kind) - if f, ok := builtinhelpers.GeneratorFactories[bpt]; ok { - return f(), nil - } - if f, ok := builtinhelpers.TransformerFactories[bpt]; ok { - return f(), nil - } - return nil, errors.Errorf("unable to load builtin %s", r) -} - -func (l *Loader) loadPlugin(res *resource.Resource) (resmap.Configurable, error) { - spec, err := fnplugin.GetFunctionSpec(res) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("loader: %w", err) - } - if spec != nil { - // validation check that function mounts are under the current kustomization directory - for _, mount := range spec.Container.StorageMounts { - if filepath.IsAbs(mount.Src) { - return nil, errors.Errorf("plugin %s with mount path '%s' is not permitted; "+ - "mount paths must be relative to the current kustomization directory", res.OrgId(), mount.Src) - } - if strings.HasPrefix(filepath.Clean(mount.Src), "../") { - return nil, errors.Errorf("plugin %s with mount path '%s' is not permitted; "+ - "mount paths must be under the current kustomization directory", res.OrgId(), mount.Src) - } - } - return fnplugin.NewFnPlugin(&l.pc.FnpLoadingOptions), nil - } - return l.loadExecOrGoPlugin(res.OrgId()) -} - -func (l *Loader) loadExecOrGoPlugin(resId resid.ResId) (resmap.Configurable, error) { - absPluginPath, err := l.AbsolutePluginPath(resId) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - // First try to load the plugin as an executable. - p := execplugin.NewExecPlugin(absPluginPath) - if err = p.ErrIfNotExecutable(); err == nil { - return p, nil - } - if !os.IsNotExist(err) { - // The file exists, but something else is wrong, - // likely it's not executable. - // Assume the user forgot to set the exec bit, - // and return an error, rather than adding ".so" - // to the name and attempting to load it as a Go - // plugin, which will likely fail and result - // in an obscure message. - return nil, err - } - // Failing the above, try loading it as a Go plugin. - c, err := l.loadGoPlugin(resId, absPluginPath+".so") - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return c, nil -} - -// registry is a means to avoid trying to load the same .so file -// into memory more than once, which results in an error. -// Each test makes its own loader, and tries to load its own plugins, -// but the loaded .so files are in shared memory, so one will get -// "this plugin already loaded" errors if the registry is maintained -// as a Loader instance variable. So make it a package variable. -var registry = make(map[string]resmap.Configurable) - -func (l *Loader) loadGoPlugin(id resid.ResId, absPath string) (resmap.Configurable, error) { - regId := relativePluginPath(id) - if c, ok := registry[regId]; ok { - return copyPlugin(c), nil - } - if !utils.FileExists(absPath) { - return nil, fmt.Errorf( - "expected file with Go object code at: %s", absPath) - } - log.Printf("Attempting plugin load from '%s'", absPath) - p, err := plugin.Open(absPath) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "plugin %s fails to load", absPath) - } - symbol, err := p.Lookup(konfig.PluginSymbol) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf( - err, "plugin %s doesn't have symbol %s", - regId, konfig.PluginSymbol) - } - c, ok := symbol.(resmap.Configurable) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("plugin '%s' not configurable", regId) - } - registry[regId] = c - return copyPlugin(c), nil -} - -func copyPlugin(c resmap.Configurable) resmap.Configurable { - indirect := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(c)) - newIndirect := reflect.New(indirect.Type()) - newIndirect.Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(indirect.Interface())) - newNamed := newIndirect.Interface() - return newNamed.(resmap.Configurable) -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/utils/utils.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/utils/utils.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8182f203..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/utils/utils.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,240 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package utils - -import ( - "encoding/json" - "fmt" - "os" - "path/filepath" - "runtime" - "strconv" - "time" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resource" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys" - "sigs.k8s.io/yaml" -) - -const ( - idAnnotation = "kustomize.config.k8s.io/id" - HashAnnotation = "kustomize.config.k8s.io/needs-hash" - BehaviorAnnotation = "kustomize.config.k8s.io/behavior" -) - -func GoBin() string { - return filepath.Join(runtime.GOROOT(), "bin", "go") -} - -// DeterminePluginSrcRoot guesses where the user -// has her ${g}/${v}/$lower(${k})/${k}.go files. -func DeterminePluginSrcRoot(fSys filesys.FileSystem) (string, error) { - return konfig.FirstDirThatExistsElseError( - "plugin src root", fSys, []konfig.NotedFunc{ - { - Note: "relative to unit test", - F: func() string { - return filepath.Clean( - filepath.Join( - os.Getenv("PWD"), - "..", "..", - konfig.RelPluginHome)) - }, - }, - { - Note: "relative to unit test (internal pkg)", - F: func() string { - return filepath.Clean( - filepath.Join( - os.Getenv("PWD"), - "..", "..", "..", "..", - konfig.RelPluginHome)) - }, - }, - { - Note: "relative to api package", - F: func() string { - return filepath.Clean( - filepath.Join( - os.Getenv("PWD"), - "..", "..", "..", - konfig.RelPluginHome)) - }, - }, - { - Note: "old style $GOPATH", - F: func() string { - return filepath.Join( - os.Getenv("GOPATH"), - "src", konfig.DomainName, - konfig.ProgramName, konfig.RelPluginHome) - }, - }, - { - Note: "HOME with literal 'gopath'", - F: func() string { - return filepath.Join( - konfig.HomeDir(), "gopath", - "src", konfig.DomainName, - konfig.ProgramName, konfig.RelPluginHome) - }, - }, - { - Note: "home directory", - F: func() string { - return filepath.Join( - konfig.HomeDir(), konfig.DomainName, - konfig.ProgramName, konfig.RelPluginHome) - }, - }, - }) -} - -// FileYoungerThan returns true if the file both exists and has an -// age is <= the Duration argument. -func FileYoungerThan(path string, d time.Duration) bool { - fi, err := os.Stat(path) - if err != nil { - if os.IsNotExist(err) { - return false - } - } - return time.Since(fi.ModTime()) <= d -} - -// FileModifiedAfter returns true if the file both exists and was -// modified after the given time.. -func FileModifiedAfter(path string, t time.Time) bool { - fi, err := os.Stat(path) - if err != nil { - if os.IsNotExist(err) { - return false - } - } - return fi.ModTime().After(t) -} - -func FileExists(path string) bool { - if _, err := os.Stat(path); err != nil { - if os.IsNotExist(err) { - return false - } - } - return true -} - -// GetResMapWithIDAnnotation returns a new copy of the given ResMap with the ResIds annotated in each Resource -func GetResMapWithIDAnnotation(rm resmap.ResMap) (resmap.ResMap, error) { - inputRM := rm.DeepCopy() - for _, r := range inputRM.Resources() { - idString, err := yaml.Marshal(r.CurId()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - annotations := r.GetAnnotations() - annotations[idAnnotation] = string(idString) - if err = r.SetAnnotations(annotations); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - return inputRM, nil -} - -// UpdateResMapValues updates the Resource value in the given ResMap -// with the emitted Resource values in output. -func UpdateResMapValues(pluginName string, h *resmap.PluginHelpers, output []byte, rm resmap.ResMap) error { - mapFactory := h.ResmapFactory() - resFactory := mapFactory.RF() - resources, err := resFactory.SliceFromBytes(output) - if err != nil { - return err - } - // Don't use resources here, or error message will be unfriendly to plugin builders - newMap, err := mapFactory.NewResMapFromBytes([]byte{}) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - for _, r := range resources { - // stale--not manipulated by plugin transformers - if err = removeIDAnnotation(r); err != nil { - return err - } - - // Add to the new map, checking for duplicates - if err := newMap.Append(r); err != nil { - prettyID, err := json.Marshal(r.CurId()) - if err != nil { - prettyID = []byte(r.CurId().String()) - } - return fmt.Errorf("plugin %s generated duplicate resource: %s", pluginName, prettyID) - } - - // Add to or update the old map - oldIdx, err := rm.GetIndexOfCurrentId(r.CurId()) - if err != nil { - return err - } - if oldIdx != -1 { - rm.GetByIndex(oldIdx).ResetRNode(r) - } else { - if err := rm.Append(r); err != nil { - return err - } - } - } - - // Remove items the transformer deleted from the old map - for _, id := range rm.AllIds() { - newIdx, _ := newMap.GetIndexOfCurrentId(id) - if newIdx == -1 { - if err = rm.Remove(id); err != nil { - return err - } - } - } - - return nil -} - -func removeIDAnnotation(r *resource.Resource) error { - // remove the annotation set by Kustomize to track the resource - annotations := r.GetAnnotations() - delete(annotations, idAnnotation) - return r.SetAnnotations(annotations) -} - -// UpdateResourceOptions updates the generator options for each resource in the -// given ResMap based on plugin provided annotations. -func UpdateResourceOptions(rm resmap.ResMap) (resmap.ResMap, error) { - for _, r := range rm.Resources() { - // Disable name hashing by default and require plugin to explicitly - // request it for each resource. - annotations := r.GetAnnotations() - behavior := annotations[BehaviorAnnotation] - var needsHash bool - if val, ok := annotations[HashAnnotation]; ok { - b, err := strconv.ParseBool(val) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf( - "the annotation %q contains an invalid value (%q)", - HashAnnotation, val) - } - needsHash = b - } - delete(annotations, HashAnnotation) - delete(annotations, BehaviorAnnotation) - if err := r.SetAnnotations(annotations); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if needsHash { - r.EnableHashSuffix() - } - r.SetBehavior(types.NewGenerationBehavior(behavior)) - } - return rm, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/target/errmissingkustomization.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/target/errmissingkustomization.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8b939db1..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/target/errmissingkustomization.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package target - -import ( - "fmt" - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" -) - -type errMissingKustomization struct { - path string -} - -func (e *errMissingKustomization) Error() string { - return fmt.Sprintf( - "unable to find one of %v in directory '%s'", - commaOr(quoted(konfig.RecognizedKustomizationFileNames())), - e.path) -} - -func IsMissingKustomizationFileError(err error) bool { - e := &errMissingKustomization{} - return errors.As(err, &e) -} - -func NewErrMissingKustomization(p string) *errMissingKustomization { - return &errMissingKustomization{path: p} -} - -func quoted(l []string) []string { - r := make([]string, len(l)) - for i, v := range l { - r[i] = "'" + v + "'" - } - return r -} - -func commaOr(q []string) string { - return strings.Join(q[:len(q)-1], ", ") + " or " + q[len(q)-1] -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/target/kusttarget.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/target/kusttarget.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6e06a14b..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/target/kusttarget.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,574 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package target - -import ( - "encoding/json" - "fmt" - "os" - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/ifc" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/accumulator" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/kusterr" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/builtinconfig" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/builtinhelpers" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/loader" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/utils" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig" - load "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/loader" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resource" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi" - "sigs.k8s.io/yaml" -) - -// KustTarget encapsulates the entirety of a kustomization build. -type KustTarget struct { - kustomization *types.Kustomization - kustFileName string - ldr ifc.Loader - validator ifc.Validator - rFactory *resmap.Factory - pLdr *loader.Loader - origin *resource.Origin -} - -// NewKustTarget returns a new instance of KustTarget. -func NewKustTarget( - ldr ifc.Loader, - validator ifc.Validator, - rFactory *resmap.Factory, - pLdr *loader.Loader) *KustTarget { - return &KustTarget{ - ldr: ldr, - validator: validator, - rFactory: rFactory, - pLdr: pLdr.LoaderWithWorkingDir(ldr.Root()), - } -} - -// Load attempts to load the target's kustomization file. -func (kt *KustTarget) Load() error { - content, kustFileName, err := LoadKustFile(kt.ldr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - var k types.Kustomization - if err := k.Unmarshal(content); err != nil { - return err - } - - // show warning message when using deprecated fields. - if warningMessages := k.CheckDeprecatedFields(); warningMessages != nil { - for _, msg := range *warningMessages { - fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", msg) - } - } - - k.FixKustomization() - - // check that Kustomization is empty - if err := k.CheckEmpty(); err != nil { - return err - } - - errs := k.EnforceFields() - if len(errs) > 0 { - return fmt.Errorf( - "Failed to read kustomization file under %s:\n"+ - strings.Join(errs, "\n"), kt.ldr.Root()) - } - kt.kustomization = &k - kt.kustFileName = kustFileName - return nil -} - -// Kustomization returns a copy of the immutable, internal kustomization object. -func (kt *KustTarget) Kustomization() types.Kustomization { - var result types.Kustomization - b, _ := json.Marshal(*kt.kustomization) - json.Unmarshal(b, &result) - return result -} - -func LoadKustFile(ldr ifc.Loader) ([]byte, string, error) { - var content []byte - match := 0 - var kustFileName string - for _, kf := range konfig.RecognizedKustomizationFileNames() { - c, err := ldr.Load(kf) - if err == nil { - match += 1 - content = c - kustFileName = kf - } - } - switch match { - case 0: - return nil, "", NewErrMissingKustomization(ldr.Root()) - case 1: - return content, kustFileName, nil - default: - return nil, "", fmt.Errorf( - "Found multiple kustomization files under: %s\n", ldr.Root()) - } -} - -// MakeCustomizedResMap creates a fully customized ResMap -// per the instructions contained in its kustomization instance. -func (kt *KustTarget) MakeCustomizedResMap() (resmap.ResMap, error) { - return kt.makeCustomizedResMap() -} - -func (kt *KustTarget) makeCustomizedResMap() (resmap.ResMap, error) { - var origin *resource.Origin - if len(kt.kustomization.BuildMetadata) != 0 { - origin = &resource.Origin{} - } - kt.origin = origin - ra, err := kt.AccumulateTarget() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - // The following steps must be done last, not as part of - // the recursion implicit in AccumulateTarget. - - err = kt.addHashesToNames(ra) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - // Given that names have changed (prefixs/suffixes added), - // fix all the back references to those names. - err = ra.FixBackReferences() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - // With all the back references fixed, it's OK to resolve Vars. - err = ra.ResolveVars() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - err = kt.IgnoreLocal(ra) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - return ra.ResMap(), nil -} - -func (kt *KustTarget) addHashesToNames( - ra *accumulator.ResAccumulator) error { - p := builtins.NewHashTransformerPlugin() - err := kt.configureBuiltinPlugin(p, nil, builtinhelpers.HashTransformer) - if err != nil { - return err - } - return ra.Transform(p) -} - -// AccumulateTarget returns a new ResAccumulator, -// holding customized resources and the data/rules used -// to do so. The name back references and vars are -// not yet fixed. -// The origin parameter is used through the recursive calls -// to annotate each resource with information about where -// the resource came from, e.g. the file and/or the repository -// it originated from. -// As an entrypoint, one can pass an empty resource.Origin object to -// AccumulateTarget. As AccumulateTarget moves recursively -// through kustomization directories, it updates `origin.path` -// accordingly. When a remote base is found, it updates `origin.repo` -// and `origin.ref` accordingly. -func (kt *KustTarget) AccumulateTarget() ( - ra *accumulator.ResAccumulator, err error) { - return kt.accumulateTarget(accumulator.MakeEmptyAccumulator()) -} - -// ra should be empty when this KustTarget is a Kustomization, or the ra of the parent if this KustTarget is a Component -// (or empty if the Component does not have a parent). -func (kt *KustTarget) accumulateTarget(ra *accumulator.ResAccumulator) ( - resRa *accumulator.ResAccumulator, err error) { - ra, err = kt.accumulateResources(ra, kt.kustomization.Resources) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "accumulating resources") - } - ra, err = kt.accumulateComponents(ra, kt.kustomization.Components) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "accumulating components") - } - tConfig, err := builtinconfig.MakeTransformerConfig( - kt.ldr, kt.kustomization.Configurations) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - err = ra.MergeConfig(tConfig) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf( - err, "merging config %v", tConfig) - } - crdTc, err := accumulator.LoadConfigFromCRDs(kt.ldr, kt.kustomization.Crds) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf( - err, "loading CRDs %v", kt.kustomization.Crds) - } - err = ra.MergeConfig(crdTc) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf( - err, "merging CRDs %v", crdTc) - } - err = kt.runGenerators(ra) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - err = kt.runTransformers(ra) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - err = kt.runValidators(ra) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - err = ra.MergeVars(kt.kustomization.Vars) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf( - err, "merging vars %v", kt.kustomization.Vars) - } - return ra, nil -} - -// IgnoreLocal drops the local resource by checking the annotation "config.kubernetes.io/local-config". -func (kt *KustTarget) IgnoreLocal(ra *accumulator.ResAccumulator) error { - rf := kt.rFactory.RF() - if rf.IncludeLocalConfigs { - return nil - } - remainRes, err := rf.DropLocalNodes(ra.ResMap().ToRNodeSlice()) - if err != nil { - return err - } - return ra.Intersection(kt.rFactory.FromResourceSlice(remainRes)) -} - -func (kt *KustTarget) runGenerators( - ra *accumulator.ResAccumulator) error { - var generators []*resmap.GeneratorWithProperties - gs, err := kt.configureBuiltinGenerators() - if err != nil { - return err - } - generators = append(generators, gs...) - - gs, err = kt.configureExternalGenerators() - if err != nil { - return errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "loading generator plugins") - } - generators = append(generators, gs...) - for i, g := range generators { - resMap, err := g.Generate() - if err != nil { - return err - } - if resMap != nil { - err = resMap.AddOriginAnnotation(generators[i].Origin) - if err != nil { - return errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "adding origin annotations for generator %v", g) - } - } - err = ra.AbsorbAll(resMap) - if err != nil { - return errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "merging from generator %v", g) - } - } - return nil -} - -func (kt *KustTarget) configureExternalGenerators() ( - []*resmap.GeneratorWithProperties, error) { - ra := accumulator.MakeEmptyAccumulator() - var generatorPaths []string - for _, p := range kt.kustomization.Generators { - // handle inline generators - rm, err := kt.rFactory.NewResMapFromBytes([]byte(p)) - if err != nil { - // not an inline config - generatorPaths = append(generatorPaths, p) - continue - } - // inline config, track the origin - if kt.origin != nil { - resources := rm.Resources() - for _, r := range resources { - r.SetOrigin(kt.origin.Append(kt.kustFileName)) - rm.Replace(r) - } - } - if err = ra.AppendAll(rm); err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "configuring external generator") - } - } - ra, err := kt.accumulateResources(ra, generatorPaths) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return kt.pLdr.LoadGenerators(kt.ldr, kt.validator, ra.ResMap()) -} - -func (kt *KustTarget) runTransformers(ra *accumulator.ResAccumulator) error { - var r []*resmap.TransformerWithProperties - tConfig := ra.GetTransformerConfig() - lts, err := kt.configureBuiltinTransformers(tConfig) - if err != nil { - return err - } - r = append(r, lts...) - lts, err = kt.configureExternalTransformers(kt.kustomization.Transformers) - if err != nil { - return err - } - r = append(r, lts...) - return ra.Transform(newMultiTransformer(r)) -} - -func (kt *KustTarget) configureExternalTransformers(transformers []string) ([]*resmap.TransformerWithProperties, error) { - ra := accumulator.MakeEmptyAccumulator() - var transformerPaths []string - for _, p := range transformers { - // handle inline transformers - rm, err := kt.rFactory.NewResMapFromBytes([]byte(p)) - if err != nil { - // not an inline config - transformerPaths = append(transformerPaths, p) - continue - } - // inline config, track the origin - if kt.origin != nil { - resources := rm.Resources() - for _, r := range resources { - r.SetOrigin(kt.origin.Append(kt.kustFileName)) - rm.Replace(r) - } - } - - if err = ra.AppendAll(rm); err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "configuring external transformer") - } - } - ra, err := kt.accumulateResources(ra, transformerPaths) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return kt.pLdr.LoadTransformers(kt.ldr, kt.validator, ra.ResMap()) -} - -func (kt *KustTarget) runValidators(ra *accumulator.ResAccumulator) error { - validators, err := kt.configureExternalTransformers(kt.kustomization.Validators) - if err != nil { - return err - } - for _, v := range validators { - // Validators shouldn't modify the resource map - orignal := ra.ResMap().DeepCopy() - err = v.Transform(ra.ResMap()) - if err != nil { - return err - } - newMap := ra.ResMap().DeepCopy() - if err = kt.removeValidatedByLabel(newMap); err != nil { - return err - } - if err = orignal.ErrorIfNotEqualSets(newMap); err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("validator shouldn't modify the resource map: %v", err) - } - } - return nil -} - -func (kt *KustTarget) removeValidatedByLabel(rm resmap.ResMap) error { - resources := rm.Resources() - for _, r := range resources { - labels := r.GetLabels() - if _, found := labels[konfig.ValidatedByLabelKey]; !found { - continue - } - delete(labels, konfig.ValidatedByLabelKey) - if err := r.SetLabels(labels); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -// accumulateResources fills the given resourceAccumulator -// with resources read from the given list of paths. -func (kt *KustTarget) accumulateResources( - ra *accumulator.ResAccumulator, paths []string) (*accumulator.ResAccumulator, error) { - for _, path := range paths { - // try loading resource as file then as base (directory or git repository) - if errF := kt.accumulateFile(ra, path); errF != nil { - // not much we can do if the error is an HTTP error so we bail out - if errors.Is(errF, load.ErrHTTP) { - return nil, errF - } - ldr, err := kt.ldr.New(path) - if err != nil { - if kusterr.IsMalformedYAMLError(errF) { // Some error occurred while tyring to decode YAML file - return nil, errF - } - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf( - err, "accumulation err='%s'", errF.Error()) - } - // store the origin, we'll need it later - origin := kt.origin.Copy() - if kt.origin != nil { - kt.origin = kt.origin.Append(path) - ra, err = kt.accumulateDirectory(ra, ldr, false) - // after we are done recursing through the directory, reset the origin - kt.origin = &origin - } else { - ra, err = kt.accumulateDirectory(ra, ldr, false) - } - if err != nil { - if kusterr.IsMalformedYAMLError(errF) { // Some error occurred while tyring to decode YAML file - return nil, errF - } - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf( - err, "accumulation err='%s'", errF.Error()) - } - } - } - return ra, nil -} - -// accumulateResources fills the given resourceAccumulator -// with resources read from the given list of paths. -func (kt *KustTarget) accumulateComponents( - ra *accumulator.ResAccumulator, paths []string) (*accumulator.ResAccumulator, error) { - for _, path := range paths { - // Components always refer to directories - ldr, errL := kt.ldr.New(path) - if errL != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("loader.New %q", errL) - } - var errD error - // store the origin, we'll need it later - origin := kt.origin.Copy() - if kt.origin != nil { - kt.origin = kt.origin.Append(path) - ra, errD = kt.accumulateDirectory(ra, ldr, true) - // after we are done recursing through the directory, reset the origin - kt.origin = &origin - } else { - ra, errD = kt.accumulateDirectory(ra, ldr, true) - } - if errD != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("accumulateDirectory: %q", errD) - } - } - return ra, nil -} - -func (kt *KustTarget) accumulateDirectory( - ra *accumulator.ResAccumulator, ldr ifc.Loader, isComponent bool) (*accumulator.ResAccumulator, error) { - defer ldr.Cleanup() - subKt := NewKustTarget(ldr, kt.validator, kt.rFactory, kt.pLdr) - err := subKt.Load() - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf( - err, "couldn't make target for path '%s'", ldr.Root()) - } - subKt.kustomization.BuildMetadata = kt.kustomization.BuildMetadata - subKt.origin = kt.origin - var bytes []byte - if openApiPath, exists := subKt.Kustomization().OpenAPI["path"]; exists { - bytes, err = ldr.Load(openApiPath) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - err = openapi.SetSchema(subKt.Kustomization().OpenAPI, bytes, false) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if isComponent && subKt.kustomization.Kind != types.ComponentKind { - return nil, fmt.Errorf( - "expected kind '%s' for path '%s' but got '%s'", types.ComponentKind, ldr.Root(), subKt.kustomization.Kind) - } else if !isComponent && subKt.kustomization.Kind == types.ComponentKind { - return nil, fmt.Errorf( - "expected kind != '%s' for path '%s'", types.ComponentKind, ldr.Root()) - } - - var subRa *accumulator.ResAccumulator - if isComponent { - // Components don't create a new accumulator: the kustomization directives are added to the current accumulator - subRa, err = subKt.accumulateTarget(ra) - ra = accumulator.MakeEmptyAccumulator() - } else { - // Child Kustomizations create a new accumulator which resolves their kustomization directives, which will later - // be merged into the current accumulator. - subRa, err = subKt.AccumulateTarget() - } - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf( - err, "recursed accumulation of path '%s'", ldr.Root()) - } - err = ra.MergeAccumulator(subRa) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf( - err, "recursed merging from path '%s'", ldr.Root()) - } - return ra, nil -} - -func (kt *KustTarget) accumulateFile( - ra *accumulator.ResAccumulator, path string) error { - resources, err := kt.rFactory.FromFile(kt.ldr, path) - if err != nil { - return errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "accumulating resources from '%s'", path) - } - if kt.origin != nil { - originAnno, err := kt.origin.Append(path).String() - if err != nil { - return errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "cannot add path annotation for '%s'", path) - } - err = resources.AnnotateAll(utils.OriginAnnotationKey, originAnno) - if err != nil || originAnno == "" { - return errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "cannot add path annotation for '%s'", path) - } - } - err = ra.AppendAll(resources) - if err != nil { - return errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "merging resources from '%s'", path) - } - return nil -} - -func (kt *KustTarget) configureBuiltinPlugin( - p resmap.Configurable, c interface{}, bpt builtinhelpers.BuiltinPluginType) (err error) { - var y []byte - if c != nil { - y, err = yaml.Marshal(c) - if err != nil { - return errors.WrapPrefixf( - err, "builtin %s marshal", bpt) - } - } - err = p.Config( - resmap.NewPluginHelpers( - kt.ldr, kt.validator, kt.rFactory, kt.pLdr.Config()), - y) - if err != nil { - return errors.WrapPrefixf( - err, "trouble configuring builtin %s with config: `\n%s`", bpt, string(y)) - } - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/target/kusttarget_configplugin.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/target/kusttarget_configplugin.go deleted file mode 100644 index b589961e..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/target/kusttarget_configplugin.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,446 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package target - -import ( - "fmt" - "path/filepath" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/builtinconfig" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/builtinhelpers" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resource" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// Functions dedicated to configuring the builtin -// transformer and generator plugins using config data -// read from a kustomization file and from the -// config.TransformerConfig, whose data may be a -// mix of hardcoded values and data read from file. -// -// Non-builtin plugins will get their configuration -// from their own dedicated structs and YAML files. -// -// There are some loops in the functions below because -// the kustomization file would, say, allow someone to -// request multiple secrets be made, or run multiple -// image tag transforms. In these cases, we'll need -// N plugin instances with differing configurations. - -func (kt *KustTarget) configureBuiltinGenerators() ( - result []*resmap.GeneratorWithProperties, err error) { - for _, bpt := range []builtinhelpers.BuiltinPluginType{ - builtinhelpers.ConfigMapGenerator, - builtinhelpers.SecretGenerator, - builtinhelpers.HelmChartInflationGenerator, - } { - r, err := generatorConfigurators[bpt]( - kt, bpt, builtinhelpers.GeneratorFactories[bpt]) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - var generatorOrigin *resource.Origin - if kt.origin != nil { - generatorOrigin = &resource.Origin{ - Repo: kt.origin.Repo, - Ref: kt.origin.Ref, - ConfiguredIn: filepath.Join(kt.origin.Path, kt.kustFileName), - ConfiguredBy: yaml.ResourceIdentifier{ - TypeMeta: yaml.TypeMeta{ - APIVersion: "builtin", - Kind: bpt.String(), - }, - }, - } - } - - for i := range r { - result = append(result, &resmap.GeneratorWithProperties{Generator: r[i], Origin: generatorOrigin}) - } - } - return result, nil -} - -func (kt *KustTarget) configureBuiltinTransformers( - tc *builtinconfig.TransformerConfig) ( - result []*resmap.TransformerWithProperties, err error) { - for _, bpt := range []builtinhelpers.BuiltinPluginType{ - builtinhelpers.PatchStrategicMergeTransformer, - builtinhelpers.PatchTransformer, - builtinhelpers.NamespaceTransformer, - builtinhelpers.PrefixTransformer, - builtinhelpers.SuffixTransformer, - builtinhelpers.LabelTransformer, - builtinhelpers.AnnotationsTransformer, - builtinhelpers.PatchJson6902Transformer, - builtinhelpers.ReplicaCountTransformer, - builtinhelpers.ImageTagTransformer, - builtinhelpers.ReplacementTransformer, - } { - r, err := transformerConfigurators[bpt]( - kt, bpt, builtinhelpers.TransformerFactories[bpt], tc) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - var transformerOrigin *resource.Origin - if kt.origin != nil { - transformerOrigin = &resource.Origin{ - Repo: kt.origin.Repo, - Ref: kt.origin.Ref, - ConfiguredIn: filepath.Join(kt.origin.Path, kt.kustFileName), - ConfiguredBy: yaml.ResourceIdentifier{ - TypeMeta: yaml.TypeMeta{ - APIVersion: "builtin", - Kind: bpt.String(), - }, - }, - } - } - for i := range r { - result = append(result, &resmap.TransformerWithProperties{Transformer: r[i], Origin: transformerOrigin}) - } - } - return result, nil -} - -type gFactory func() resmap.GeneratorPlugin - -var generatorConfigurators = map[builtinhelpers.BuiltinPluginType]func( - kt *KustTarget, - bpt builtinhelpers.BuiltinPluginType, - factory gFactory) (result []resmap.Generator, err error){ - builtinhelpers.SecretGenerator: func(kt *KustTarget, bpt builtinhelpers.BuiltinPluginType, f gFactory) ( - result []resmap.Generator, err error) { - var c struct { - types.SecretArgs - } - for _, args := range kt.kustomization.SecretGenerator { - c.SecretArgs = args - c.SecretArgs.Options = types.MergeGlobalOptionsIntoLocal( - c.SecretArgs.Options, kt.kustomization.GeneratorOptions) - p := f() - err := kt.configureBuiltinPlugin(p, c, bpt) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - result = append(result, p) - } - return - }, - - builtinhelpers.ConfigMapGenerator: func(kt *KustTarget, bpt builtinhelpers.BuiltinPluginType, f gFactory) ( - result []resmap.Generator, err error) { - var c struct { - types.ConfigMapArgs - } - for _, args := range kt.kustomization.ConfigMapGenerator { - c.ConfigMapArgs = args - c.ConfigMapArgs.Options = types.MergeGlobalOptionsIntoLocal( - c.ConfigMapArgs.Options, kt.kustomization.GeneratorOptions) - p := f() - err := kt.configureBuiltinPlugin(p, c, bpt) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - result = append(result, p) - } - return - }, - - builtinhelpers.HelmChartInflationGenerator: func( - kt *KustTarget, bpt builtinhelpers.BuiltinPluginType, f gFactory) ( - result []resmap.Generator, err error) { - var c struct { - types.HelmGlobals - types.HelmChart - } - var globals types.HelmGlobals - if kt.kustomization.HelmGlobals != nil { - globals = *kt.kustomization.HelmGlobals - } - for _, chart := range kt.kustomization.HelmCharts { - c.HelmGlobals = globals - c.HelmChart = chart - p := f() - if err = kt.configureBuiltinPlugin(p, c, bpt); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - result = append(result, p) - } - return - }, -} - -type tFactory func() resmap.TransformerPlugin - -var transformerConfigurators = map[builtinhelpers.BuiltinPluginType]func( - kt *KustTarget, - bpt builtinhelpers.BuiltinPluginType, - f tFactory, - tc *builtinconfig.TransformerConfig) (result []resmap.Transformer, err error){ - builtinhelpers.NamespaceTransformer: func( - kt *KustTarget, bpt builtinhelpers.BuiltinPluginType, f tFactory, tc *builtinconfig.TransformerConfig) ( - result []resmap.Transformer, err error) { - if kt.kustomization.Namespace == "" { - return - } - var c struct { - types.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty" yaml:"metadata,omitempty"` - FieldSpecs []types.FieldSpec - } - c.Namespace = kt.kustomization.Namespace - c.FieldSpecs = tc.NameSpace - p := f() - err = kt.configureBuiltinPlugin(p, c, bpt) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - result = append(result, p) - return - }, - - builtinhelpers.PatchJson6902Transformer: func( - kt *KustTarget, bpt builtinhelpers.BuiltinPluginType, f tFactory, _ *builtinconfig.TransformerConfig) ( - result []resmap.Transformer, err error) { - var c struct { - Target *types.Selector `json:"target,omitempty" yaml:"target,omitempty"` - Path string `json:"path,omitempty" yaml:"path,omitempty"` - JsonOp string `json:"jsonOp,omitempty" yaml:"jsonOp,omitempty"` - } - for _, args := range kt.kustomization.PatchesJson6902 { - c.Target = args.Target - c.Path = args.Path - c.JsonOp = args.Patch - p := f() - err = kt.configureBuiltinPlugin(p, c, bpt) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - result = append(result, p) - } - return - }, - builtinhelpers.PatchStrategicMergeTransformer: func( - kt *KustTarget, bpt builtinhelpers.BuiltinPluginType, f tFactory, _ *builtinconfig.TransformerConfig) ( - result []resmap.Transformer, err error) { - if len(kt.kustomization.PatchesStrategicMerge) == 0 { - return - } - var c struct { - Paths []types.PatchStrategicMerge `json:"paths,omitempty" yaml:"paths,omitempty"` - } - c.Paths = kt.kustomization.PatchesStrategicMerge - p := f() - err = kt.configureBuiltinPlugin(p, c, bpt) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - result = append(result, p) - return - }, - builtinhelpers.PatchTransformer: func( - kt *KustTarget, bpt builtinhelpers.BuiltinPluginType, f tFactory, _ *builtinconfig.TransformerConfig) ( - result []resmap.Transformer, err error) { - if len(kt.kustomization.Patches) == 0 { - return - } - var c struct { - Path string `json:"path,omitempty" yaml:"path,omitempty"` - Patch string `json:"patch,omitempty" yaml:"patch,omitempty"` - Target *types.Selector `json:"target,omitempty" yaml:"target,omitempty"` - Options map[string]bool `json:"options,omitempty" yaml:"options,omitempty"` - } - for _, pc := range kt.kustomization.Patches { - c.Target = pc.Target - c.Patch = pc.Patch - c.Path = pc.Path - c.Options = pc.Options - p := f() - err = kt.configureBuiltinPlugin(p, c, bpt) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - result = append(result, p) - } - return - }, - builtinhelpers.LabelTransformer: func( - kt *KustTarget, bpt builtinhelpers.BuiltinPluginType, f tFactory, tc *builtinconfig.TransformerConfig) ( - result []resmap.Transformer, err error) { - if len(kt.kustomization.Labels) == 0 && len(kt.kustomization.CommonLabels) == 0 { - return - } - for _, label := range kt.kustomization.Labels { - var c struct { - Labels map[string]string - FieldSpecs []types.FieldSpec - } - c.Labels = label.Pairs - fss := types.FsSlice(label.FieldSpecs) - // merge the custom fieldSpecs with the default - if label.IncludeSelectors { - fss, err = fss.MergeAll(tc.CommonLabels) - } else { - // merge spec/template/metadata fieldSpecs if includeTemplate flag is true - if label.IncludeTemplates { - fss, err = fss.MergeAll(tc.TemplateLabels) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "failed to merge template fieldSpec") - } - } - // only add to metadata by default - fss, err = fss.MergeOne(types.FieldSpec{Path: "metadata/labels", CreateIfNotPresent: true}) - } - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - c.FieldSpecs = fss - p := f() - err = kt.configureBuiltinPlugin(p, c, bpt) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - result = append(result, p) - } - var c struct { - Labels map[string]string - FieldSpecs []types.FieldSpec - } - c.Labels = kt.kustomization.CommonLabels - c.FieldSpecs = tc.CommonLabels - p := f() - err = kt.configureBuiltinPlugin(p, c, bpt) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - result = append(result, p) - return - }, - builtinhelpers.AnnotationsTransformer: func( - kt *KustTarget, bpt builtinhelpers.BuiltinPluginType, f tFactory, tc *builtinconfig.TransformerConfig) ( - result []resmap.Transformer, err error) { - if len(kt.kustomization.CommonAnnotations) == 0 { - return - } - var c struct { - Annotations map[string]string - FieldSpecs []types.FieldSpec - } - c.Annotations = kt.kustomization.CommonAnnotations - c.FieldSpecs = tc.CommonAnnotations - p := f() - err = kt.configureBuiltinPlugin(p, c, bpt) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - result = append(result, p) - return - }, - builtinhelpers.PrefixTransformer: func( - kt *KustTarget, bpt builtinhelpers.BuiltinPluginType, f tFactory, tc *builtinconfig.TransformerConfig) ( - result []resmap.Transformer, err error) { - if kt.kustomization.NamePrefix == "" { - return - } - var c struct { - Prefix string `json:"prefix,omitempty" yaml:"prefix,omitempty"` - FieldSpecs []types.FieldSpec `json:"fieldSpecs,omitempty" yaml:"fieldSpecs,omitempty"` - } - c.Prefix = kt.kustomization.NamePrefix - c.FieldSpecs = tc.NamePrefix - p := f() - err = kt.configureBuiltinPlugin(p, c, bpt) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - result = append(result, p) - return - }, - builtinhelpers.SuffixTransformer: func( - kt *KustTarget, bpt builtinhelpers.BuiltinPluginType, f tFactory, tc *builtinconfig.TransformerConfig) ( - result []resmap.Transformer, err error) { - if kt.kustomization.NameSuffix == "" { - return - } - var c struct { - Suffix string `json:"suffix,omitempty" yaml:"suffix,omitempty"` - FieldSpecs []types.FieldSpec `json:"fieldSpecs,omitempty" yaml:"fieldSpecs,omitempty"` - } - c.Suffix = kt.kustomization.NameSuffix - c.FieldSpecs = tc.NameSuffix - p := f() - err = kt.configureBuiltinPlugin(p, c, bpt) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - result = append(result, p) - return - }, - builtinhelpers.ImageTagTransformer: func( - kt *KustTarget, bpt builtinhelpers.BuiltinPluginType, f tFactory, tc *builtinconfig.TransformerConfig) ( - result []resmap.Transformer, err error) { - var c struct { - ImageTag types.Image - FieldSpecs []types.FieldSpec - } - for _, args := range kt.kustomization.Images { - c.ImageTag = args - c.FieldSpecs = tc.Images - p := f() - err = kt.configureBuiltinPlugin(p, c, bpt) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - result = append(result, p) - } - return - }, - builtinhelpers.ReplacementTransformer: func( - kt *KustTarget, bpt builtinhelpers.BuiltinPluginType, f tFactory, _ *builtinconfig.TransformerConfig) ( - result []resmap.Transformer, err error) { - if len(kt.kustomization.Replacements) == 0 { - return - } - var c struct { - Replacements []types.ReplacementField - } - c.Replacements = kt.kustomization.Replacements - p := f() - err = kt.configureBuiltinPlugin(p, c, bpt) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - result = append(result, p) - return result, nil - }, - builtinhelpers.ReplicaCountTransformer: func( - kt *KustTarget, bpt builtinhelpers.BuiltinPluginType, f tFactory, tc *builtinconfig.TransformerConfig) ( - result []resmap.Transformer, err error) { - var c struct { - Replica types.Replica - FieldSpecs []types.FieldSpec - } - for _, args := range kt.kustomization.Replicas { - c.Replica = args - c.FieldSpecs = tc.Replicas - p := f() - err = kt.configureBuiltinPlugin(p, c, bpt) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - result = append(result, p) - } - return - }, - // No kustomization file keyword for this yet. - builtinhelpers.ValueAddTransformer: func( - kt *KustTarget, bpt builtinhelpers.BuiltinPluginType, f tFactory, tc *builtinconfig.TransformerConfig) ( - result []resmap.Transformer, err error) { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("valueadd keyword not yet defined") - }, -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/target/multitransformer.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/target/multitransformer.go deleted file mode 100644 index 3bc0a871..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/target/multitransformer.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package target - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap" -) - -// multiTransformer contains a list of transformers. -type multiTransformer struct { - transformers []*resmap.TransformerWithProperties -} - -var _ resmap.Transformer = &multiTransformer{} - -// newMultiTransformer constructs a multiTransformer. -func newMultiTransformer(t []*resmap.TransformerWithProperties) resmap.Transformer { - r := &multiTransformer{ - transformers: make([]*resmap.TransformerWithProperties, len(t)), - } - copy(r.transformers, t) - return r -} - -// Transform applies the member transformers in order to the resources, -// optionally detecting and erroring on commutation conflict. -func (o *multiTransformer) Transform(m resmap.ResMap) error { - for _, t := range o.transformers { - if err := t.Transform(m); err != nil { - return err - } - if t.Origin != nil { - if err := m.AddTransformerAnnotation(t.Origin); err != nil { - return err - } - } - m.DropEmpties() - } - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/utils/annotations.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/utils/annotations.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8a2d5bb4..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/utils/annotations.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2022 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package utils - -import "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig" - -const ( - // build annotations - BuildAnnotationPreviousKinds = konfig.ConfigAnnoDomain + "/previousKinds" - BuildAnnotationPreviousNames = konfig.ConfigAnnoDomain + "/previousNames" - BuildAnnotationPrefixes = konfig.ConfigAnnoDomain + "/prefixes" - BuildAnnotationSuffixes = konfig.ConfigAnnoDomain + "/suffixes" - BuildAnnotationPreviousNamespaces = konfig.ConfigAnnoDomain + "/previousNamespaces" - BuildAnnotationsRefBy = konfig.ConfigAnnoDomain + "/refBy" - BuildAnnotationsGenBehavior = konfig.ConfigAnnoDomain + "/generatorBehavior" - BuildAnnotationsGenAddHashSuffix = konfig.ConfigAnnoDomain + "/needsHashSuffix" - - // the following are only for patches, to specify whether they can change names - // and kinds of their targets - BuildAnnotationAllowNameChange = konfig.ConfigAnnoDomain + "/allowNameChange" - BuildAnnotationAllowKindChange = konfig.ConfigAnnoDomain + "/allowKindChange" - - // for keeping track of origin and transformer data - OriginAnnotationKey = "config.kubernetes.io/origin" - TransformerAnnotationKey = "alpha.config.kubernetes.io/transformations" - - Enabled = "enabled" -) diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/utils/errtimeout.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/utils/errtimeout.go deleted file mode 100644 index c1761d2c..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/utils/errtimeout.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package utils - -import ( - "fmt" - "time" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" -) - -type errTimeOut struct { - duration time.Duration - cmd string -} - -func NewErrTimeOut(d time.Duration, c string) errTimeOut { - return errTimeOut{duration: d, cmd: c} -} - -func (e errTimeOut) Error() string { - return fmt.Sprintf("hit %s timeout running '%s'", e.duration, e.cmd) -} - -func IsErrTimeout(err error) bool { - e := &errTimeOut{} - return errors.As(err, &e) -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/utils/makeResIds.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/utils/makeResIds.go deleted file mode 100644 index ec7320c4..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/utils/makeResIds.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,68 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2022 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package utils - -import ( - "fmt" - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/resid" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// MakeResIds returns all of an RNode's current and previous Ids -func MakeResIds(n *yaml.RNode) ([]resid.ResId, error) { - var result []resid.ResId - apiVersion := n.Field(yaml.APIVersionField) - var group, version string - if apiVersion != nil { - group, version = resid.ParseGroupVersion(yaml.GetValue(apiVersion.Value)) - } - result = append(result, resid.NewResIdWithNamespace( - resid.Gvk{Group: group, Version: version, Kind: n.GetKind()}, n.GetName(), n.GetNamespace()), - ) - prevIds, err := PrevIds(n) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - result = append(result, prevIds...) - return result, nil -} - -// PrevIds returns all of an RNode's previous Ids -func PrevIds(n *yaml.RNode) ([]resid.ResId, error) { - var ids []resid.ResId - // TODO: merge previous names and namespaces into one list of - // pairs on one annotation so there is no chance of error - annotations := n.GetAnnotations( - BuildAnnotationPreviousNames, - BuildAnnotationPreviousNamespaces, - BuildAnnotationPreviousKinds) - if _, ok := annotations[BuildAnnotationPreviousNames]; !ok { - return nil, nil - } - names := strings.Split(annotations[BuildAnnotationPreviousNames], ",") - ns := strings.Split(annotations[BuildAnnotationPreviousNamespaces], ",") - kinds := strings.Split(annotations[BuildAnnotationPreviousKinds], ",") - // This should never happen - if len(names) != len(ns) || len(names) != len(kinds) { - return nil, fmt.Errorf( - "number of previous names, " + - "number of previous namespaces, " + - "number of previous kinds not equal") - } - apiVersion := n.GetApiVersion() - group, version := resid.ParseGroupVersion(apiVersion) - ids = make([]resid.ResId, 0, len(names)) - for i := range names { - gvk := resid.Gvk{ - Group: group, - Version: version, - Kind: kinds[i], - } - ids = append(ids, resid.NewResIdWithNamespace( - gvk, names[i], ns[i])) - } - return ids, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/utils/stringslice.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/utils/stringslice.go deleted file mode 100644 index 3dc42272..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/utils/stringslice.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package utils - -// StringSliceIndex returns the index of the str, else -1. -func StringSliceIndex(slice []string, str string) int { - for i := range slice { - if slice[i] == str { - return i - } - } - return -1 -} - -// StringSliceContains returns true if the slice has the string. -func StringSliceContains(slice []string, str string) bool { - for _, s := range slice { - if s == str { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -// SameEndingSubSlice returns true if the slices end the same way, e.g. -// {"a", "b", "c"}, {"b", "c"} => true -// {"a", "b", "c"}, {"a", "b"} => false -// If one slice is empty and the other is not, return false. -func SameEndingSubSlice(shortest, longest []string) bool { - if len(shortest) > len(longest) { - longest, shortest = shortest, longest - } - diff := len(longest) - len(shortest) - if len(shortest) == 0 { - return diff == 0 - } - for i := len(shortest) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { - if longest[i+diff] != shortest[i] { - return false - } - } - return true -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/utils/timedcall.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/utils/timedcall.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0afadd0c..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/utils/timedcall.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package utils - -import ( - "time" -) - -// TimedCall runs fn, failing if it doesn't complete in the given duration. -// The description is used in the timeout error message. -func TimedCall(description string, d time.Duration, fn func() error) error { - done := make(chan error) - timer := time.NewTimer(d) - defer timer.Stop() - go func() { done <- fn() }() - select { - case err := <-done: - return err - case <-timer.C: - return NewErrTimeOut(d, description) - } -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/validate/fieldvalidator.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/validate/fieldvalidator.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5ccfc3ce..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/validate/fieldvalidator.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,68 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package validate - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/ifc" -) - -// FieldValidator implements ifc.Validator to check -// the values of various KRM string fields, -// e.g. labels, annotations, names, namespaces. -// -// TODO: Have this use kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/labels -// which has label and annotation validation code, but is internal -// so this impl would need to move to kyaml (a fine idea). -type FieldValidator struct { -} - -var _ ifc.Validator = (*FieldValidator)(nil) - -func NewFieldValidator() *FieldValidator { - return &FieldValidator{} -} - -// TODO(#FieldValidator): implement MakeAnnotationValidator -func (f FieldValidator) MakeAnnotationValidator() func(map[string]string) error { - return func(x map[string]string) error { - return nil - } -} - -// TODO(#FieldValidator): implement MakeAnnotationNameValidator -func (f FieldValidator) MakeAnnotationNameValidator() func([]string) error { - return func(x []string) error { - return nil - } -} - -// TODO(#FieldValidator): implement MakeLabelValidator -func (f FieldValidator) MakeLabelValidator() func(map[string]string) error { - return func(x map[string]string) error { - return nil - } -} - -// TODO(#FieldValidator): implement MakeLabelNameValidator -func (f FieldValidator) MakeLabelNameValidator() func([]string) error { - return func(x []string) error { - return nil - } -} - -// TODO(#FieldValidator): implement ValidateNamespace -func (f FieldValidator) ValidateNamespace(s string) []string { - var errs []string - return errs -} - -// TODO(#FieldValidator): implement ErrIfInvalidKey -func (f FieldValidator) ErrIfInvalidKey(s string) error { - return nil -} - -// TODO(#FieldValidator): implement IsEnvVarName -func (f FieldValidator) IsEnvVarName(k string) error { - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/commonannotations.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/commonannotations.go deleted file mode 100644 index 97c1d6b2..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/commonannotations.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package builtinpluginconsts - -const commonAnnotationFieldSpecs = ` -commonAnnotations: -- path: metadata/annotations - create: true - -- path: spec/template/metadata/annotations - create: true - version: v1 - kind: ReplicationController - -- path: spec/template/metadata/annotations - create: true - kind: Deployment - -- path: spec/template/metadata/annotations - create: true - kind: ReplicaSet - -- path: spec/template/metadata/annotations - create: true - kind: DaemonSet - -- path: spec/template/metadata/annotations - create: true - kind: StatefulSet - -- path: spec/template/metadata/annotations - create: true - group: batch - kind: Job - -- path: spec/jobTemplate/metadata/annotations - create: true - group: batch - kind: CronJob - -- path: spec/jobTemplate/spec/template/metadata/annotations - create: true - group: batch - kind: CronJob - -` diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/commonlabels.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/commonlabels.go deleted file mode 100644 index b2a78f56..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/commonlabels.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,113 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package builtinpluginconsts - -const commonLabelFieldSpecs = ` -commonLabels: -- path: spec/selector - create: true - version: v1 - kind: Service - -- path: spec/selector - create: true - version: v1 - kind: ReplicationController -- path: spec/selector/matchLabels - create: true - kind: Deployment - -- path: spec/template/spec/affinity/podAffinity/preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution/podAffinityTerm/labelSelector/matchLabels - create: false - group: apps - kind: Deployment - -- path: spec/template/spec/affinity/podAffinity/requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution/labelSelector/matchLabels - create: false - group: apps - kind: Deployment - -- path: spec/template/spec/affinity/podAntiAffinity/preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution/podAffinityTerm/labelSelector/matchLabels - create: false - group: apps - kind: Deployment - -- path: spec/template/spec/affinity/podAntiAffinity/requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution/labelSelector/matchLabels - create: false - group: apps - kind: Deployment - -- path: spec/template/spec/topologySpreadConstraints/labelSelector/matchLabels - create: false - group: apps - kind: Deployment - -- path: spec/selector/matchLabels - create: true - kind: ReplicaSet - -- path: spec/selector/matchLabels - create: true - kind: DaemonSet - -- path: spec/selector/matchLabels - create: true - group: apps - kind: StatefulSet - -- path: spec/template/spec/affinity/podAffinity/preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution/podAffinityTerm/labelSelector/matchLabels - create: false - group: apps - kind: StatefulSet - -- path: spec/template/spec/affinity/podAffinity/requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution/labelSelector/matchLabels - create: false - group: apps - kind: StatefulSet - -- path: spec/template/spec/affinity/podAntiAffinity/preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution/podAffinityTerm/labelSelector/matchLabels - create: false - group: apps - kind: StatefulSet - -- path: spec/template/spec/affinity/podAntiAffinity/requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution/labelSelector/matchLabels - create: false - group: apps - kind: StatefulSet - -- path: spec/template/spec/topologySpreadConstraints/labelSelector/matchLabels - create: false - group: apps - kind: StatefulSet - -- path: spec/selector/matchLabels - create: false - group: batch - kind: Job - -- path: spec/jobTemplate/spec/selector/matchLabels - create: false - group: batch - kind: CronJob - -- path: spec/selector/matchLabels - create: false - group: policy - kind: PodDisruptionBudget - -- path: spec/podSelector/matchLabels - create: false - group: networking.k8s.io - kind: NetworkPolicy - -- path: spec/ingress/from/podSelector/matchLabels - create: false - group: networking.k8s.io - kind: NetworkPolicy - -- path: spec/egress/to/podSelector/matchLabels - create: false - group: networking.k8s.io - kind: NetworkPolicy -` + metadataLabelsFieldSpecs diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/defaultconfig.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/defaultconfig.go deleted file mode 100644 index 2f220cb2..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/defaultconfig.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package builtinpluginconsts - -import ( - "bytes" -) - -// GetDefaultFieldSpecs returns default fieldSpecs. -func GetDefaultFieldSpecs() []byte { - configData := [][]byte{ - []byte(namePrefixFieldSpecs), - []byte(nameSuffixFieldSpecs), - []byte(commonLabelFieldSpecs), - []byte(templateLabelFieldSpecs), - []byte(commonAnnotationFieldSpecs), - []byte(namespaceFieldSpecs), - []byte(varReferenceFieldSpecs), - []byte(nameReferenceFieldSpecs), - []byte(imagesFieldSpecs), - []byte(replicasFieldSpecs), - } - return bytes.Join(configData, []byte("\n")) -} - -// GetDefaultFieldSpecsAsMap returns default fieldSpecs -// as a string->string map. -func GetDefaultFieldSpecsAsMap() map[string]string { - result := make(map[string]string) - result["nameprefix"] = namePrefixFieldSpecs - result["namesuffix"] = nameSuffixFieldSpecs - result["commonlabels"] = commonLabelFieldSpecs - result["templatelabels"] = templateLabelFieldSpecs - result["commonannotations"] = commonAnnotationFieldSpecs - result["namespace"] = namespaceFieldSpecs - result["varreference"] = varReferenceFieldSpecs - result["namereference"] = nameReferenceFieldSpecs - result["images"] = imagesFieldSpecs - result["replicas"] = replicasFieldSpecs - return result -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/doc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 4b7b5faa..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package builtinpluginconsts provides builtin plugin -// configuration data. Builtin plugins can also be -// configured individually with plugin config files, -// in which case the constants in this package are ignored. -package builtinpluginconsts diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/images.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/images.go deleted file mode 100644 index b8d8bf1e..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/images.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package builtinpluginconsts - -const ( - imagesFieldSpecs = ` -images: -- path: spec/containers[]/image - create: true -- path: spec/initContainers[]/image - create: true -- path: spec/template/spec/containers[]/image - create: true -- path: spec/template/spec/initContainers[]/image - create: true -` -) diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/metadatalabels.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/metadatalabels.go deleted file mode 100644 index d070cca4..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/metadatalabels.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package builtinpluginconsts - -const metadataLabelsFieldSpecs = ` -- path: metadata/labels - create: true - -- path: spec/template/metadata/labels - create: true - version: v1 - kind: ReplicationController - -- path: spec/template/metadata/labels - create: true - kind: Deployment - -- path: spec/template/metadata/labels - create: true - kind: ReplicaSet - -- path: spec/template/metadata/labels - create: true - kind: DaemonSet - -- path: spec/template/metadata/labels - create: true - group: apps - kind: StatefulSet - -- path: spec/volumeClaimTemplates[]/metadata/labels - create: true - group: apps - kind: StatefulSet - -- path: spec/template/metadata/labels - create: true - group: batch - kind: Job - -- path: spec/jobTemplate/metadata/labels - create: true - group: batch - kind: CronJob - -- path: spec/jobTemplate/spec/template/metadata/labels - create: true - group: batch - kind: CronJob -` diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/nameprefix.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/nameprefix.go deleted file mode 100644 index 59a25a61..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/nameprefix.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package builtinpluginconsts - -const ( - namePrefixFieldSpecs = ` -namePrefix: -- path: metadata/name -` -) diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/namereference.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/namereference.go deleted file mode 100644 index 658b0c34..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/namereference.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,427 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package builtinpluginconsts - -// LINT.IfChange -const ( - nameReferenceFieldSpecs = ` -nameReference: -- kind: Deployment - fieldSpecs: - - path: spec/scaleTargetRef/name - kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler - -- kind: ReplicationController - fieldSpecs: - - path: spec/scaleTargetRef/name - kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler - -- kind: ReplicaSet - fieldSpecs: - - path: spec/scaleTargetRef/name - kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler - -- kind: StatefulSet - fieldSpecs: - - path: spec/scaleTargetRef/name - kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler - -- kind: ConfigMap - version: v1 - fieldSpecs: - - path: spec/volumes/configMap/name - version: v1 - kind: Pod - - path: spec/containers/env/valueFrom/configMapKeyRef/name - version: v1 - kind: Pod - - path: spec/initContainers/env/valueFrom/configMapKeyRef/name - version: v1 - kind: Pod - - path: spec/containers/envFrom/configMapRef/name - version: v1 - kind: Pod - - path: spec/initContainers/envFrom/configMapRef/name - version: v1 - kind: Pod - - path: spec/volumes/projected/sources/configMap/name - version: v1 - kind: Pod - - path: template/spec/volumes/configMap/name - kind: PodTemplate - - path: template/spec/containers/env/valueFrom/configMapKeyRef/name - kind: PodTemplate - - path: template/spec/initContainers/env/valueFrom/configMapKeyRef/name - kind: PodTemplate - - path: template/spec/containers/envFrom/configMapRef/name - kind: PodTemplate - - path: template/spec/initContainers/envFrom/configMapRef/name - kind: PodTemplate - - path: template/spec/volumes/projected/sources/configMap/name - kind: PodTemplate - - path: spec/template/spec/volumes/configMap/name - kind: Deployment - - path: spec/template/spec/containers/env/valueFrom/configMapKeyRef/name - kind: Deployment - - path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/env/valueFrom/configMapKeyRef/name - kind: Deployment - - path: spec/template/spec/containers/envFrom/configMapRef/name - kind: Deployment - - path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/envFrom/configMapRef/name - kind: Deployment - - path: spec/template/spec/volumes/projected/sources/configMap/name - kind: Deployment - - path: spec/template/spec/volumes/configMap/name - kind: ReplicaSet - - path: spec/template/spec/containers/env/valueFrom/configMapKeyRef/name - kind: ReplicaSet - - path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/env/valueFrom/configMapKeyRef/name - kind: ReplicaSet - - path: spec/template/spec/containers/envFrom/configMapRef/name - kind: ReplicaSet - - path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/envFrom/configMapRef/name - kind: ReplicaSet - - path: spec/template/spec/volumes/projected/sources/configMap/name - kind: ReplicaSet - - path: spec/template/spec/volumes/configMap/name - kind: DaemonSet - - path: spec/template/spec/containers/env/valueFrom/configMapKeyRef/name - kind: DaemonSet - - path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/env/valueFrom/configMapKeyRef/name - kind: DaemonSet - - path: spec/template/spec/containers/envFrom/configMapRef/name - kind: DaemonSet - - path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/envFrom/configMapRef/name - kind: DaemonSet - - path: spec/template/spec/volumes/projected/sources/configMap/name - kind: DaemonSet - - path: spec/template/spec/volumes/configMap/name - kind: StatefulSet - - path: spec/template/spec/containers/env/valueFrom/configMapKeyRef/name - kind: StatefulSet - - path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/env/valueFrom/configMapKeyRef/name - kind: StatefulSet - - path: spec/template/spec/containers/envFrom/configMapRef/name - kind: StatefulSet - - path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/envFrom/configMapRef/name - kind: StatefulSet - - path: spec/template/spec/volumes/projected/sources/configMap/name - kind: StatefulSet - - path: spec/template/spec/volumes/configMap/name - kind: Job - - path: spec/template/spec/containers/env/valueFrom/configMapKeyRef/name - kind: Job - - path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/env/valueFrom/configMapKeyRef/name - kind: Job - - path: spec/template/spec/containers/envFrom/configMapRef/name - kind: Job - - path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/envFrom/configMapRef/name - kind: Job - - path: spec/template/spec/volumes/projected/sources/configMap/name - kind: Job - - path: spec/jobTemplate/spec/template/spec/volumes/configMap/name - kind: CronJob - - path: spec/jobTemplate/spec/template/spec/volumes/projected/sources/configMap/name - kind: CronJob - - path: spec/jobTemplate/spec/template/spec/containers/env/valueFrom/configMapKeyRef/name - kind: CronJob - - path: spec/jobTemplate/spec/template/spec/initContainers/env/valueFrom/configMapKeyRef/name - kind: CronJob - - path: spec/jobTemplate/spec/template/spec/containers/envFrom/configMapRef/name - kind: CronJob - - path: spec/jobTemplate/spec/template/spec/initContainers/envFrom/configMapRef/name - kind: CronJob - - path: spec/configSource/configMap - kind: Node - - path: rules/resourceNames - kind: Role - - path: rules/resourceNames - kind: ClusterRole - - path: metadata/annotations/nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io\/fastcgi-params-configmap - kind: Ingress - -- kind: Secret - version: v1 - fieldSpecs: - - path: spec/volumes/secret/secretName - version: v1 - kind: Pod - - path: spec/containers/env/valueFrom/secretKeyRef/name - version: v1 - kind: Pod - - path: spec/initContainers/env/valueFrom/secretKeyRef/name - version: v1 - kind: Pod - - path: spec/containers/envFrom/secretRef/name - version: v1 - kind: Pod - - path: spec/initContainers/envFrom/secretRef/name - version: v1 - kind: Pod - - path: spec/imagePullSecrets/name - version: v1 - kind: Pod - - path: spec/volumes/projected/sources/secret/name - version: v1 - kind: Pod - - path: template/spec/volumes/secret/secretName - kind: PodTemplate - - path: template/spec/containers/env/valueFrom/secretKeyRef/name - kind: PodTemplate - - path: template/spec/initContainers/env/valueFrom/secretKeyRef/name - kind: PodTemplate - - path: template/spec/containers/envFrom/secretRef/name - kind: PodTemplate - - path: template/spec/initContainers/envFrom/secretRef/name - kind: PodTemplate - - path: template/spec/imagePullSecrets/name - kind: PodTemplate - - path: template/spec/volumes/projected/sources/secret/name - kind: PodTemplate - - path: spec/template/spec/volumes/secret/secretName - kind: Deployment - - path: spec/template/spec/containers/env/valueFrom/secretKeyRef/name - kind: Deployment - - path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/env/valueFrom/secretKeyRef/name - kind: Deployment - - path: spec/template/spec/containers/envFrom/secretRef/name - kind: Deployment - - path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/envFrom/secretRef/name - kind: Deployment - - path: spec/template/spec/imagePullSecrets/name - kind: Deployment - - path: spec/template/spec/volumes/projected/sources/secret/name - kind: Deployment - - path: spec/template/spec/volumes/secret/secretName - kind: ReplicaSet - - path: spec/template/spec/containers/env/valueFrom/secretKeyRef/name - kind: ReplicaSet - - path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/env/valueFrom/secretKeyRef/name - kind: ReplicaSet - - path: spec/template/spec/containers/envFrom/secretRef/name - kind: ReplicaSet - - path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/envFrom/secretRef/name - kind: ReplicaSet - - path: spec/template/spec/imagePullSecrets/name - kind: ReplicaSet - - path: spec/template/spec/volumes/projected/sources/secret/name - kind: ReplicaSet - - path: spec/template/spec/volumes/secret/secretName - kind: DaemonSet - - path: spec/template/spec/containers/env/valueFrom/secretKeyRef/name - kind: DaemonSet - - path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/env/valueFrom/secretKeyRef/name - kind: DaemonSet - - path: spec/template/spec/containers/envFrom/secretRef/name - kind: DaemonSet - - path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/envFrom/secretRef/name - kind: DaemonSet - - path: spec/template/spec/imagePullSecrets/name - kind: DaemonSet - - path: spec/template/spec/volumes/projected/sources/secret/name - kind: DaemonSet - - path: spec/template/spec/volumes/secret/secretName - kind: StatefulSet - - path: spec/template/spec/containers/env/valueFrom/secretKeyRef/name - kind: StatefulSet - - path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/env/valueFrom/secretKeyRef/name - kind: StatefulSet - - path: spec/template/spec/containers/envFrom/secretRef/name - kind: StatefulSet - - path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/envFrom/secretRef/name - kind: StatefulSet - - path: spec/template/spec/imagePullSecrets/name - kind: StatefulSet - - path: spec/template/spec/volumes/projected/sources/secret/name - kind: StatefulSet - - path: spec/template/spec/volumes/secret/secretName - kind: Job - - path: spec/template/spec/containers/env/valueFrom/secretKeyRef/name - kind: Job - - path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/env/valueFrom/secretKeyRef/name - kind: Job - - path: spec/template/spec/containers/envFrom/secretRef/name - kind: Job - - path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/envFrom/secretRef/name - kind: Job - - path: spec/template/spec/imagePullSecrets/name - kind: Job - - path: spec/template/spec/volumes/projected/sources/secret/name - kind: Job - - path: spec/jobTemplate/spec/template/spec/volumes/secret/secretName - kind: CronJob - - path: spec/jobTemplate/spec/template/spec/volumes/projected/sources/secret/name - kind: CronJob - - path: spec/jobTemplate/spec/template/spec/containers/env/valueFrom/secretKeyRef/name - kind: CronJob - - path: spec/jobTemplate/spec/template/spec/initContainers/env/valueFrom/secretKeyRef/name - kind: CronJob - - path: spec/jobTemplate/spec/template/spec/containers/envFrom/secretRef/name - kind: CronJob - - path: spec/jobTemplate/spec/template/spec/initContainers/envFrom/secretRef/name - kind: CronJob - - path: spec/jobTemplate/spec/template/spec/imagePullSecrets/name - kind: CronJob - - path: spec/tls/secretName - kind: Ingress - - path: metadata/annotations/ingress.kubernetes.io\/auth-secret - kind: Ingress - - path: metadata/annotations/nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io\/auth-secret - kind: Ingress - - path: metadata/annotations/nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io\/auth-tls-secret - kind: Ingress - - path: spec/tls/secretName - kind: Ingress - - path: imagePullSecrets/name - kind: ServiceAccount - - path: parameters/secretName - kind: StorageClass - - path: parameters/adminSecretName - kind: StorageClass - - path: parameters/userSecretName - kind: StorageClass - - path: parameters/secretRef - kind: StorageClass - - path: rules/resourceNames - kind: Role - - path: rules/resourceNames - kind: ClusterRole - - path: spec/template/spec/containers/env/valueFrom/secretKeyRef/name - kind: Service - group: serving.knative.dev - version: v1 - - path: spec/azureFile/secretName - kind: PersistentVolume - -- kind: Service - version: v1 - fieldSpecs: - - path: spec/serviceName - kind: StatefulSet - group: apps - - path: spec/rules/http/paths/backend/serviceName - kind: Ingress - - path: spec/backend/serviceName - kind: Ingress - - path: spec/rules/http/paths/backend/service/name - kind: Ingress - - path: spec/defaultBackend/service/name - kind: Ingress - - path: spec/service/name - kind: APIService - group: apiregistration.k8s.io - - path: webhooks/clientConfig/service - kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration - group: admissionregistration.k8s.io - - path: webhooks/clientConfig/service - kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration - group: admissionregistration.k8s.io - -- kind: Role - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io - fieldSpecs: - - path: roleRef/name - kind: RoleBinding - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io - -- kind: ClusterRole - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io - fieldSpecs: - - path: roleRef/name - kind: RoleBinding - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io - - path: roleRef/name - kind: ClusterRoleBinding - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io - -- kind: ServiceAccount - version: v1 - fieldSpecs: - - path: subjects - kind: RoleBinding - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io - - path: subjects - kind: ClusterRoleBinding - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io - - path: spec/serviceAccountName - kind: Pod - - path: spec/template/spec/serviceAccountName - kind: StatefulSet - - path: spec/template/spec/serviceAccountName - kind: Deployment - - path: spec/template/spec/serviceAccountName - kind: ReplicationController - - path: spec/jobTemplate/spec/template/spec/serviceAccountName - kind: CronJob - - path: spec/template/spec/serviceAccountName - kind: Job - - path: spec/template/spec/serviceAccountName - kind: DaemonSet - -- kind: PersistentVolumeClaim - version: v1 - fieldSpecs: - - path: spec/volumes/persistentVolumeClaim/claimName - kind: Pod - - path: spec/template/spec/volumes/persistentVolumeClaim/claimName - kind: StatefulSet - - path: spec/template/spec/volumes/persistentVolumeClaim/claimName - kind: Deployment - - path: spec/template/spec/volumes/persistentVolumeClaim/claimName - kind: ReplicationController - - path: spec/jobTemplate/spec/template/spec/volumes/persistentVolumeClaim/claimName - kind: CronJob - - path: spec/template/spec/volumes/persistentVolumeClaim/claimName - kind: Job - - path: spec/template/spec/volumes/persistentVolumeClaim/claimName - kind: DaemonSet - -- kind: PersistentVolume - version: v1 - fieldSpecs: - - path: spec/volumeName - kind: PersistentVolumeClaim - - path: rules/resourceNames - kind: ClusterRole - -- kind: StorageClass - version: v1 - group: storage.k8s.io - fieldSpecs: - - path: spec/storageClassName - kind: PersistentVolume - - path: spec/storageClassName - kind: PersistentVolumeClaim - - path: spec/volumeClaimTemplates/spec/storageClassName - kind: StatefulSet - -- kind: PriorityClass - version: v1 - group: scheduling.k8s.io - fieldSpecs: - - path: spec/priorityClassName - kind: Pod - - path: spec/template/spec/priorityClassName - kind: StatefulSet - - path: spec/template/spec/priorityClassName - kind: Deployment - - path: spec/template/spec/priorityClassName - kind: ReplicationController - - path: spec/jobTemplate/spec/template/spec/priorityClassName - kind: CronJob - - path: spec/template/spec/priorityClassName - kind: Job - - path: spec/template/spec/priorityClassName - kind: DaemonSet - -- kind: IngressClass - version: v1 - group: networking.k8s.io/v1 - fieldSpecs: - - path: spec/ingressClassName - kind: Ingress -` -) - -// LINT.ThenChange(/examples/transformerconfigs/README.md) diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/namespace.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/namespace.go deleted file mode 100644 index 35774a7d..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/namespace.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package builtinpluginconsts - -const ( - namespaceFieldSpecs = ` -namespace: -- path: metadata/name - kind: Namespace - create: true -- path: spec/service/namespace - group: apiregistration.k8s.io - kind: APIService - create: true -- path: spec/conversion/webhook/clientConfig/service/namespace - group: apiextensions.k8s.io - kind: CustomResourceDefinition -` -) diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/namesuffix.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/namesuffix.go deleted file mode 100644 index 11592bd2..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/namesuffix.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package builtinpluginconsts - -const ( - nameSuffixFieldSpecs = ` -nameSuffix: -- path: metadata/name -` -) diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/replicas.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/replicas.go deleted file mode 100644 index 76549c21..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/replicas.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package builtinpluginconsts - -const replicasFieldSpecs = ` -replicas: -- path: spec/replicas - create: true - kind: Deployment - -- path: spec/replicas - create: true - kind: ReplicationController - -- path: spec/replicas - create: true - kind: ReplicaSet - -- path: spec/replicas - create: true - kind: StatefulSet -` diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/templatelabels.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/templatelabels.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5d3c9c19..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/templatelabels.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package builtinpluginconsts - -const templateLabelFieldSpecs = ` -templateLabels: -` + metadataLabelsFieldSpecs diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/varreference.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/varreference.go deleted file mode 100644 index f4011d82..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/builtinpluginconsts/varreference.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package builtinpluginconsts - -const ( - varReferenceFieldSpecs = ` -varReference: -- path: spec/jobTemplate/spec/template/spec/containers/args - kind: CronJob - -- path: spec/jobTemplate/spec/template/spec/containers/command - kind: CronJob - -- path: spec/jobTemplate/spec/template/spec/containers/env/value - kind: CronJob - -- path: spec/jobTemplate/spec/template/spec/containers/volumeMounts/mountPath - kind: CronJob - -- path: spec/jobTemplate/spec/template/spec/initContainers/args - kind: CronJob - -- path: spec/jobTemplate/spec/template/spec/initContainers/command - kind: CronJob - -- path: spec/jobTemplate/spec/template/spec/initContainers/env/value - kind: CronJob - -- path: spec/jobTemplate/spec/template/spec/initContainers/volumeMounts/mountPath - kind: CronJob - -- path: spec/jobTemplate/spec/template/volumes/nfs/server - kind: CronJob - -- path: spec/template/spec/containers/args - kind: DaemonSet - -- path: spec/template/spec/containers/command - kind: DaemonSet - -- path: spec/template/spec/containers/env/value - kind: DaemonSet - -- path: spec/template/spec/containers/volumeMounts/mountPath - kind: DaemonSet - -- path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/args - kind: DaemonSet - -- path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/command - kind: DaemonSet - -- path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/env/value - kind: DaemonSet - -- path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/volumeMounts/mountPath - kind: DaemonSet - -- path: spec/template/spec/volumes/nfs/server - kind: DaemonSet - -- path: spec/template/spec/containers/args - kind: Deployment - -- path: spec/template/spec/containers/command - kind: Deployment - -- path: spec/template/spec/containers/env/value - kind: Deployment - -- path: spec/template/spec/containers/volumeMounts/mountPath - kind: Deployment - -- path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/args - kind: Deployment - -- path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/command - kind: Deployment - -- path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/env/value - kind: Deployment - -- path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/volumeMounts/mountPath - kind: Deployment - -- path: spec/template/spec/volumes/nfs/server - kind: Deployment - -- path: spec/template/metadata/annotations - kind: Deployment - -- path: spec/rules/host - kind: Ingress - -- path: spec/tls/hosts - kind: Ingress - -- path: spec/tls/secretName - kind: Ingress - -- path: spec/template/spec/containers/args - kind: Job - -- path: spec/template/spec/containers/command - kind: Job - -- path: spec/template/spec/containers/env/value - kind: Job - -- path: spec/template/spec/containers/volumeMounts/mountPath - kind: Job - -- path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/args - kind: Job - -- path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/command - kind: Job - -- path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/env/value - kind: Job - -- path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/volumeMounts/mountPath - kind: Job - -- path: spec/template/spec/volumes/nfs/server - kind: Job - -- path: spec/containers/args - kind: Pod - -- path: spec/containers/command - kind: Pod - -- path: spec/containers/env/value - kind: Pod - -- path: spec/containers/volumeMounts/mountPath - kind: Pod - -- path: spec/initContainers/args - kind: Pod - -- path: spec/initContainers/command - kind: Pod - -- path: spec/initContainers/env/value - kind: Pod - -- path: spec/initContainers/volumeMounts/mountPath - kind: Pod - -- path: spec/volumes/nfs/server - kind: Pod - -- path: spec/template/spec/containers/args - kind: ReplicaSet - -- path: spec/template/spec/containers/command - kind: ReplicaSet - -- path: spec/template/spec/containers/env/value - kind: ReplicaSet - -- path: spec/template/spec/containers/volumeMounts/mountPath - kind: ReplicaSet - -- path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/args - kind: ReplicaSet - -- path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/command - kind: ReplicaSet - -- path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/env/value - kind: ReplicaSet - -- path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/volumeMounts/mountPath - kind: ReplicaSet - -- path: spec/template/spec/volumes/nfs/server - kind: ReplicaSet - -- path: spec/ports/port - kind: Service - -- path: spec/ports/targetPort - kind: Service - -- path: spec/template/spec/containers/args - kind: StatefulSet - -- path: spec/template/spec/containers/command - kind: StatefulSet - -- path: spec/template/spec/containers/env/value - kind: StatefulSet - -- path: spec/template/spec/containers/volumeMounts/mountPath - kind: StatefulSet - -- path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/args - kind: StatefulSet - -- path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/command - kind: StatefulSet - -- path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/env/value - kind: StatefulSet - -- path: spec/template/spec/initContainers/volumeMounts/mountPath - kind: StatefulSet - -- path: spec/volumeClaimTemplates/spec/nfs/server - kind: StatefulSet - -- path: spec/nfs/server - kind: PersistentVolume - -- path: metadata/labels - -- path: metadata/annotations -` -) diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/doc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8c5f8f2c..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package konfig provides configuration methods and constants -// for the kustomize API, e.g. the set of file names to look for -// to identify a kustomization root. -package konfig diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/general.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/general.go deleted file mode 100644 index 712bfe78..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/general.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package konfig - -// RecognizedKustomizationFileNames is a list of file names -// that kustomize recognizes. -// To avoid ambiguity, a kustomization directory may not -// contain more than one match to this list. -func RecognizedKustomizationFileNames() []string { - return []string{ - "kustomization.yaml", - "kustomization.yml", - "Kustomization", - } -} - -func DefaultKustomizationFileName() string { - return RecognizedKustomizationFileNames()[0] -} - -const ( - // An environment variable to consult for kustomization - // configuration data. See: - // https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html - XdgConfigHomeEnv = "XDG_CONFIG_HOME" - - // Use this when XdgConfigHomeEnv not defined. - XdgConfigHomeEnvDefault = ".config" - - // A program name, for use in help, finding the XDG_CONFIG_DIR, etc. - ProgramName = "kustomize" - - // ConfigAnnoDomain is internal configuration-related annotation namespace. - // See https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/blob/master/cmd/config/docs/api-conventions/functions-spec.md. - ConfigAnnoDomain = "internal.config.kubernetes.io" - - // If a resource has this annotation, kustomize will drop it. - IgnoredByKustomizeAnnotation = "config.kubernetes.io/local-config" - - // Label key that indicates the resources are built from Kustomize - ManagedbyLabelKey = "app.kubernetes.io/managed-by" - - // An environment variable to turn on/off adding the ManagedByLabelKey - EnableManagedbyLabelEnv = "KUSTOMIZE_ENABLE_MANAGEDBY_LABEL" - - // Label key that indicates the resources are validated by a validator - ValidatedByLabelKey = "validated-by" -) diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/plugins.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/plugins.go deleted file mode 100644 index 30bd3b6e..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig/plugins.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,138 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package konfig - -import ( - "os" - "path/filepath" - "runtime" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys" -) - -const ( - // Symbol that must be used inside Go plugins. - PluginSymbol = "KustomizePlugin" - - // Name of environment variable used to set AbsPluginHome. - // See that variable for an explanation. - KustomizePluginHomeEnv = "KUSTOMIZE_PLUGIN_HOME" - - // Relative path below XDG_CONFIG_HOME/kustomize to find plugins. - // e.g. AbsPluginHome = XDG_CONFIG_HOME/kustomize/plugin - RelPluginHome = "plugin" - - // Location of builtin plugins below AbsPluginHome. - BuiltinPluginPackage = "builtin" - - // The value of kubernetes ApiVersion to use in configuration - // files for builtin plugins. - // The value for non-builtins can be anything. - BuiltinPluginApiVersion = BuiltinPluginPackage - - // Domain from which kustomize code is imported, for locating - // plugin source code under $GOPATH when GOPATH is defined. - DomainName = "sigs.k8s.io" - - // Injected into plugin paths when plugins are disabled. - // Provides a clue in flows that shouldn't happen. - NoPluginHomeSentinal = "/No/non-builtin/plugins!" -) - -type NotedFunc struct { - Note string - F func() string -} - -// DefaultAbsPluginHome returns the absolute path in the given file -// system to first directory that looks like a good candidate for -// the home of kustomize plugins. -func DefaultAbsPluginHome(fSys filesys.FileSystem) (string, error) { - return FirstDirThatExistsElseError( - "plugin root", fSys, []NotedFunc{ - { - Note: "homed in $" + KustomizePluginHomeEnv, - F: func() string { - return os.Getenv(KustomizePluginHomeEnv) - }, - }, - { - Note: "homed in $" + XdgConfigHomeEnv, - F: func() string { - if root := os.Getenv(XdgConfigHomeEnv); root != "" { - return filepath.Join(root, ProgramName, RelPluginHome) - } - // do not look in "kustomize/plugin" if XdgConfigHomeEnv is unset - return "" - }, - }, - { - Note: "homed in default value of $" + XdgConfigHomeEnv, - F: func() string { - return filepath.Join( - HomeDir(), XdgConfigHomeEnvDefault, - ProgramName, RelPluginHome) - }, - }, - { - Note: "homed in home directory", - F: func() string { - return filepath.Join( - HomeDir(), ProgramName, RelPluginHome) - }, - }, - }) -} - -// FirstDirThatExistsElseError tests different path functions for -// existence, returning the first that works, else error if all fail. -func FirstDirThatExistsElseError( - what string, - fSys filesys.FileSystem, - pathFuncs []NotedFunc) (string, error) { - var nope []types.Pair - for _, dt := range pathFuncs { - if dir := dt.F(); dir != "" { - if fSys.Exists(dir) { - return dir, nil - } - nope = append(nope, types.Pair{Key: dt.Note, Value: dir}) - } else { - nope = append(nope, types.Pair{Key: dt.Note, Value: ""}) - } - } - return "", types.NewErrUnableToFind(what, nope) -} - -func HomeDir() string { - home := os.Getenv(homeEnv()) - if len(home) > 0 { - return home - } - return "~" -} - -func homeEnv() string { - if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { - return "USERPROFILE" - } - return "HOME" -} - -func CurrentWorkingDir() string { - // Try for full path first to be explicit. - pwd := os.Getenv(pwdEnv()) - if len(pwd) > 0 { - return pwd - } - return filesys.SelfDir -} - -func pwdEnv() string { - if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { - return "CD" - } - return "PWD" -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/krusty/doc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/krusty/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index bf516ca9..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/krusty/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package krusty is intended as the entry point package -// for those seeking to add kustomize ability to other -// programs. -// -// To use, follow the example of the kustomize CLI's 'build' -// command. Also, see the high level tests in this package, -// which serve a dual purpose as examples. -package krusty diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/krusty/kustomizer.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/krusty/kustomizer.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8c768405..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/krusty/kustomizer.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,163 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package krusty - -import ( - "fmt" - "log" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/builtins" - pLdr "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/loader" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/target" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/utils" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig" - fLdr "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/loader" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/provenance" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/provider" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi" -) - -// Kustomizer performs kustomizations. -// -// It's meant to behave similarly to the kustomize CLI, and can be -// used instead of performing an exec to a kustomize CLI subprocess. -// To use, load a filesystem with kustomization files (any -// number of overlays and bases), then make a Kustomizer -// injected with the given filesystem, then call Run. -type Kustomizer struct { - options *Options - depProvider *provider.DepProvider -} - -// MakeKustomizer returns an instance of Kustomizer. -func MakeKustomizer(o *Options) *Kustomizer { - return &Kustomizer{ - options: o, - depProvider: provider.NewDepProvider(), - } -} - -// Run performs a kustomization. -// -// It reads given path from the given file system, interprets it as -// a kustomization.yaml file, perform the kustomization it represents, -// and return the resulting resources. -// -// Any files referenced by the kustomization must be present on the -// filesystem. One may call Run any number of times, on any number -// of internal paths (e.g. the filesystem may contain multiple overlays, -// and Run can be called on each of them). -func (b *Kustomizer) Run( - fSys filesys.FileSystem, path string) (resmap.ResMap, error) { - resmapFactory := resmap.NewFactory(b.depProvider.GetResourceFactory()) - lr := fLdr.RestrictionNone - if b.options.LoadRestrictions == types.LoadRestrictionsRootOnly { - lr = fLdr.RestrictionRootOnly - } - ldr, err := fLdr.NewLoader(lr, path, fSys) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - defer ldr.Cleanup() - kt := target.NewKustTarget( - ldr, - b.depProvider.GetFieldValidator(), - resmapFactory, - // The plugin configs are always located on disk, regardless of the fSys passed in - pLdr.NewLoader(b.options.PluginConfig, resmapFactory, filesys.MakeFsOnDisk()), - ) - err = kt.Load() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - var bytes []byte - if openApiPath, exists := kt.Kustomization().OpenAPI["path"]; exists { - bytes, err = ldr.Load(openApiPath) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - err = openapi.SetSchema(kt.Kustomization().OpenAPI, bytes, true) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - var m resmap.ResMap - m, err = kt.MakeCustomizedResMap() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - err = b.applySortOrder(m, kt) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if b.options.AddManagedbyLabel || utils.StringSliceContains(kt.Kustomization().BuildMetadata, types.ManagedByLabelOption) { - t := builtins.LabelTransformerPlugin{ - Labels: map[string]string{ - konfig.ManagedbyLabelKey: fmt.Sprintf("kustomize-%s", provenance.GetProvenance().Semver()), - }, - FieldSpecs: []types.FieldSpec{{ - Path: "metadata/labels", - CreateIfNotPresent: true, - }}, - } - err = t.Transform(m) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - m.RemoveBuildAnnotations() - if !utils.StringSliceContains(kt.Kustomization().BuildMetadata, types.OriginAnnotations) { - err = m.RemoveOriginAnnotations() - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "failed to clean up origin tracking annotations") - } - } - if !utils.StringSliceContains(kt.Kustomization().BuildMetadata, types.TransformerAnnotations) { - err = m.RemoveTransformerAnnotations() - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "failed to clean up transformer annotations") - } - } - return m, nil -} - -func (b *Kustomizer) applySortOrder(m resmap.ResMap, kt *target.KustTarget) error { - // Sort order can be defined in two places: - // - (new) kustomization file - // - (old) CLI flag - // - // We want the kustomization file to take precedence over the CLI flag. - // Eventually, we may want to move away from having a CLI flag altogether: - // https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/issues/3947 - - // Case 1: Sort order set in kustomization file. - if kt.Kustomization().SortOptions != nil { - // If set in CLI flag too, warn the user. - if b.options.Reorder != ReorderOptionUnspecified { - log.Println("Warning: Sorting order is set both in 'kustomization.yaml'" + - " ('sortOptions') and in a CLI flag ('--reorder'). Using the" + - " kustomization file over the CLI flag.") - } - pl := &builtins.SortOrderTransformerPlugin{ - SortOptions: kt.Kustomization().SortOptions, - } - err := pl.Transform(m) - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - } else if b.options.Reorder == ReorderOptionLegacy || b.options.Reorder == ReorderOptionUnspecified { - // Case 2: Sort order set in CLI flag only or not at all. - pl := &builtins.SortOrderTransformerPlugin{ - SortOptions: &types.SortOptions{ - Order: types.LegacySortOrder, - }, - } - return errors.Wrap(pl.Transform(m)) - } - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/krusty/options.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/krusty/options.go deleted file mode 100644 index 086242c8..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/krusty/options.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package krusty - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/plugins/builtinhelpers" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" -) - -type ReorderOption string - -const ( - ReorderOptionLegacy ReorderOption = "legacy" - ReorderOptionNone ReorderOption = "none" - ReorderOptionUnspecified ReorderOption = "unspecified" -) - -// Options holds high-level kustomize configuration options, -// e.g. are plugins enabled, should the loader be restricted -// to the kustomization root, etc. -type Options struct { - // When true, sort the resources before emitting them, - // per a particular sort order. When false, don't do the - // sort, and instead respect the depth-first resource input - // order as specified by the kustomization file(s). - - // Sort the resources before emitting them. Possible values: - // - "legacy": Use a fixed order that kustomize provides for backwards - // compatibility. - // - "none": Respect the depth-first resource input order as specified by the - // kustomization file. - // - "unspecified": The user didn't specify any preference. Kustomize will - // select the appropriate default. - Reorder ReorderOption - - // When true, a label - // app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: kustomize- - // is added to all the resources in the build out. - AddManagedbyLabel bool - - // Restrictions on what can be loaded from the file system. - // See type definition. - LoadRestrictions types.LoadRestrictions - - // Options related to kustomize plugins. - PluginConfig *types.PluginConfig -} - -// MakeDefaultOptions returns a default instance of Options. -func MakeDefaultOptions() *Options { - return &Options{ - Reorder: ReorderOptionNone, - AddManagedbyLabel: false, - LoadRestrictions: types.LoadRestrictionsRootOnly, - PluginConfig: types.DisabledPluginConfig(), - } -} - -// GetBuiltinPluginNames returns a list of builtin plugin names -func GetBuiltinPluginNames() []string { - var ret []string - for k := range builtinhelpers.GeneratorFactories { - ret = append(ret, k.String()) - } - for k := range builtinhelpers.TransformerFactories { - ret = append(ret, k.String()) - } - return ret -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/kv/kv.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/kv/kv.go deleted file mode 100644 index 61a0463c..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/kv/kv.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,197 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package kv - -import ( - "bufio" - "bytes" - "fmt" - "strings" - "unicode" - "unicode/utf8" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/ifc" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/generators" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" -) - -var utf8bom = []byte{0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF} - -// loader reads and validates KV pairs. -type loader struct { - // Used to read the filesystem. - ldr ifc.Loader - - // Used to validate various k8s data fields. - validator ifc.Validator -} - -func NewLoader(ldr ifc.Loader, v ifc.Validator) ifc.KvLoader { - return &loader{ldr: ldr, validator: v} -} - -func (kvl *loader) Validator() ifc.Validator { - return kvl.validator -} - -func (kvl *loader) Load( - args types.KvPairSources) (all []types.Pair, err error) { - pairs, err := kvl.keyValuesFromEnvFiles(args.EnvSources) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, - "env source files: %v", - args.EnvSources) - } - all = append(all, pairs...) - - pairs, err = keyValuesFromLiteralSources(args.LiteralSources) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, - "literal sources %v", args.LiteralSources) - } - all = append(all, pairs...) - - pairs, err = kvl.keyValuesFromFileSources(args.FileSources) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, - "file sources: %v", args.FileSources) - } - return append(all, pairs...), nil -} - -func keyValuesFromLiteralSources(sources []string) ([]types.Pair, error) { - var kvs []types.Pair - for _, s := range sources { - k, v, err := parseLiteralSource(s) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - kvs = append(kvs, types.Pair{Key: k, Value: v}) - } - return kvs, nil -} - -func (kvl *loader) keyValuesFromFileSources(sources []string) ([]types.Pair, error) { - var kvs []types.Pair - for _, s := range sources { - k, fPath, err := generators.ParseFileSource(s) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - content, err := kvl.ldr.Load(fPath) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - kvs = append(kvs, types.Pair{Key: k, Value: string(content)}) - } - return kvs, nil -} - -func (kvl *loader) keyValuesFromEnvFiles(paths []string) ([]types.Pair, error) { - var kvs []types.Pair - for _, p := range paths { - content, err := kvl.ldr.Load(p) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - more, err := kvl.keyValuesFromLines(content) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - kvs = append(kvs, more...) - } - return kvs, nil -} - -// keyValuesFromLines parses given content in to a list of key-value pairs. -func (kvl *loader) keyValuesFromLines(content []byte) ([]types.Pair, error) { - var kvs []types.Pair - - scanner := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(content)) - currentLine := 0 - for scanner.Scan() { - // Process the current line, retrieving a key/value pair if - // possible. - scannedBytes := scanner.Bytes() - kv, err := kvl.keyValuesFromLine(scannedBytes, currentLine) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - currentLine++ - - if len(kv.Key) == 0 { - // no key means line was empty or a comment - continue - } - - kvs = append(kvs, kv) - } - return kvs, nil -} - -// KeyValuesFromLine returns a kv with blank key if the line is empty or a comment. -func (kvl *loader) keyValuesFromLine(line []byte, currentLine int) (types.Pair, error) { - kv := types.Pair{} - - if !utf8.Valid(line) { - return kv, fmt.Errorf("line %d has invalid utf8 bytes : %v", line, string(line)) - } - - // We trim UTF8 BOM from the first line of the file but no others - if currentLine == 0 { - line = bytes.TrimPrefix(line, utf8bom) - } - - // trim the line from all leading whitespace first - line = bytes.TrimLeftFunc(line, unicode.IsSpace) - - // If the line is empty or a comment, we return a blank key/value pair. - if len(line) == 0 || line[0] == '#' { - return kv, nil - } - - data := strings.SplitN(string(line), "=", 2) - key := data[0] - if err := kvl.validator.IsEnvVarName(key); err != nil { - return kv, err - } - - if len(data) == 2 { - kv.Value = data[1] - } else { - // If there is no value (no `=` in the line), we set the value to an empty string - kv.Value = "" - } - kv.Key = key - return kv, nil -} - -// ParseLiteralSource parses the source key=val pair into its component pieces. -// This functionality is distinguished from strings.SplitN(source, "=", 2) since -// it returns an error in the case of empty keys, values, or a missing equals sign. -func parseLiteralSource(source string) (keyName, value string, err error) { - // leading equal is invalid - if strings.Index(source, "=") == 0 { - return "", "", fmt.Errorf("invalid literal source %v, expected key=value", source) - } - // split after the first equal (so values can have the = character) - items := strings.SplitN(source, "=", 2) - if len(items) != 2 { - return "", "", fmt.Errorf("invalid literal source %v, expected key=value", source) - } - return items[0], removeQuotes(items[1]), nil -} - -// removeQuotes removes the surrounding quotes from the provided string only if it is surrounded on both sides -// rather than blindly trimming all quotation marks on either side. -func removeQuotes(str string) string { - if len(str) < 2 || str[0] != str[len(str)-1] { - return str - } - if str[0] == '"' || str[0] == '\'' { - return str[1 : len(str)-1] - } - return str -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/loader/errors.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/loader/errors.go deleted file mode 100644 index 2463debd..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/loader/errors.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2022 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package loader - -import "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - -var ( - ErrHTTP = errors.Errorf("HTTP Error") - ErrRtNotDir = errors.Errorf("must build at directory") -) diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/loader/fileloader.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/loader/fileloader.go deleted file mode 100644 index 672ca29b..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/loader/fileloader.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,349 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package loader - -import ( - "fmt" - "io" - "log" - "net/http" - "net/url" - "path/filepath" - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/ifc" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/git" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys" -) - -// IsRemoteFile returns whether path has a url scheme that kustomize allows for -// remote files. See https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/blob/master/examples/remoteBuild.md -func IsRemoteFile(path string) bool { - u, err := url.Parse(path) - return err == nil && (u.Scheme == "http" || u.Scheme == "https") -} - -// fileLoader is a kustomization's interface to files. -// -// The directory in which a kustomization file sits -// is referred to below as the kustomization's _root_. -// -// An instance of fileLoader has an immutable root, -// and offers a `New` method returning a new loader -// with a new root. -// -// A kustomization file refers to two kinds of files: -// -// * supplemental data paths -// -// `Load` is used to visit these paths. -// -// These paths refer to resources, patches, -// data for ConfigMaps and Secrets, etc. -// -// The loadRestrictor may disallow certain paths -// or classes of paths. -// -// * bases (other kustomizations) -// -// `New` is used to load bases. -// -// A base can be either a remote git repo URL, or -// a directory specified relative to the current -// root. In the former case, the repo is locally -// cloned, and the new loader is rooted on a path -// in that clone. -// -// As loaders create new loaders, a root history -// is established, and used to disallow: -// -// - A base that is a repository that, in turn, -// specifies a base repository seen previously -// in the loading stack (a cycle). -// -// - An overlay depending on a base positioned at -// or above it. I.e. '../foo' is OK, but '.', -// '..', '../..', etc. are disallowed. Allowing -// such a base has no advantages and encourages -// cycles, particularly if some future change -// were to introduce globbing to file -// specifications in the kustomization file. -// -// These restrictions assure that kustomizations -// are self-contained and relocatable, and impose -// some safety when relying on remote kustomizations, -// e.g. a remotely loaded ConfigMap generator specified -// to read from /etc/passwd will fail. -// -type fileLoader struct { - // Loader that spawned this loader. - // Used to avoid cycles. - referrer *fileLoader - - // An absolute, cleaned path to a directory. - // The Load function will read non-absolute - // paths relative to this directory. - root filesys.ConfirmedDir - - // Restricts behavior of Load function. - loadRestrictor LoadRestrictorFunc - - // If this is non-nil, the files were - // obtained from the given repository. - repoSpec *git.RepoSpec - - // File system utilities. - fSys filesys.FileSystem - - // Used to load from HTTP - http *http.Client - - // Used to clone repositories. - cloner git.Cloner - - // Used to clean up, as needed. - cleaner func() error -} - -// NewFileLoaderAtCwd returns a loader that loads from PWD. -// A convenience for kustomize edit commands. -func NewFileLoaderAtCwd(fSys filesys.FileSystem) *fileLoader { - return newLoaderOrDie( - RestrictionRootOnly, fSys, filesys.SelfDir) -} - -// NewFileLoaderAtRoot returns a loader that loads from "/". -// A convenience for tests. -func NewFileLoaderAtRoot(fSys filesys.FileSystem) *fileLoader { - return newLoaderOrDie( - RestrictionRootOnly, fSys, filesys.Separator) -} - -// Repo returns the absolute path to the repo that contains Root if this fileLoader was created from a url -// or the empty string otherwise. -func (fl *fileLoader) Repo() string { - if fl.repoSpec != nil { - return fl.repoSpec.Dir.String() - } - return "" -} - -// Root returns the absolute path that is prepended to any -// relative paths used in Load. -func (fl *fileLoader) Root() string { - return fl.root.String() -} - -func newLoaderOrDie( - lr LoadRestrictorFunc, - fSys filesys.FileSystem, path string) *fileLoader { - root, err := filesys.ConfirmDir(fSys, path) - if err != nil { - log.Fatalf("unable to make loader at '%s'; %v", path, err) - } - return newLoaderAtConfirmedDir( - lr, root, fSys, nil, git.ClonerUsingGitExec) -} - -// newLoaderAtConfirmedDir returns a new fileLoader with given root. -func newLoaderAtConfirmedDir( - lr LoadRestrictorFunc, - root filesys.ConfirmedDir, fSys filesys.FileSystem, - referrer *fileLoader, cloner git.Cloner) *fileLoader { - return &fileLoader{ - loadRestrictor: lr, - root: root, - referrer: referrer, - fSys: fSys, - cloner: cloner, - cleaner: func() error { return nil }, - } -} - -// New returns a new Loader, rooted relative to current loader, -// or rooted in a temp directory holding a git repo clone. -func (fl *fileLoader) New(path string) (ifc.Loader, error) { - if path == "" { - return nil, errors.Errorf("new root cannot be empty") - } - - repoSpec, err := git.NewRepoSpecFromURL(path) - if err == nil { - // Treat this as git repo clone request. - if err = fl.errIfRepoCycle(repoSpec); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return newLoaderAtGitClone( - repoSpec, fl.fSys, fl, fl.cloner) - } - - if filepath.IsAbs(path) { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("new root '%s' cannot be absolute", path) - } - root, err := filesys.ConfirmDir(fl.fSys, fl.root.Join(path)) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, ErrRtNotDir.Error()) - } - if err = fl.errIfGitContainmentViolation(root); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if err = fl.errIfArgEqualOrHigher(root); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return newLoaderAtConfirmedDir( - fl.loadRestrictor, root, fl.fSys, fl, fl.cloner), nil -} - -// newLoaderAtGitClone returns a new Loader pinned to a temporary -// directory holding a cloned git repo. -func newLoaderAtGitClone( - repoSpec *git.RepoSpec, fSys filesys.FileSystem, - referrer *fileLoader, cloner git.Cloner) (ifc.Loader, error) { - cleaner := repoSpec.Cleaner(fSys) - err := cloner(repoSpec) - if err != nil { - cleaner() - return nil, err - } - root, f, err := fSys.CleanedAbs(repoSpec.AbsPath()) - if err != nil { - cleaner() - return nil, err - } - // We don't know that the path requested in repoSpec - // is a directory until we actually clone it and look - // inside. That just happened, hence the error check - // is here. - if f != "" { - cleaner() - return nil, fmt.Errorf( - "'%s' refers to file '%s'; expecting directory", - repoSpec.AbsPath(), f) - } - // Path in repo can contain symlinks that exit repo. We can only - // check for this after cloning repo. - if !root.HasPrefix(repoSpec.CloneDir()) { - _ = cleaner() - return nil, fmt.Errorf("%q refers to directory outside of repo %q", repoSpec.AbsPath(), - repoSpec.CloneDir()) - } - return &fileLoader{ - // Clones never allowed to escape root. - loadRestrictor: RestrictionRootOnly, - root: root, - referrer: referrer, - repoSpec: repoSpec, - fSys: fSys, - cloner: cloner, - cleaner: cleaner, - }, nil -} - -func (fl *fileLoader) errIfGitContainmentViolation( - base filesys.ConfirmedDir) error { - containingRepo := fl.containingRepo() - if containingRepo == nil { - return nil - } - if !base.HasPrefix(containingRepo.CloneDir()) { - return fmt.Errorf( - "security; bases in kustomizations found in "+ - "cloned git repos must be within the repo, "+ - "but base '%s' is outside '%s'", - base, containingRepo.CloneDir()) - } - return nil -} - -// Looks back through referrers for a git repo, returning nil -// if none found. -func (fl *fileLoader) containingRepo() *git.RepoSpec { - if fl.repoSpec != nil { - return fl.repoSpec - } - if fl.referrer == nil { - return nil - } - return fl.referrer.containingRepo() -} - -// errIfArgEqualOrHigher tests whether the argument, -// is equal to or above the root of any ancestor. -func (fl *fileLoader) errIfArgEqualOrHigher( - candidateRoot filesys.ConfirmedDir) error { - if fl.root.HasPrefix(candidateRoot) { - return fmt.Errorf( - "cycle detected: candidate root '%s' contains visited root '%s'", - candidateRoot, fl.root) - } - if fl.referrer == nil { - return nil - } - return fl.referrer.errIfArgEqualOrHigher(candidateRoot) -} - -// TODO(monopole): Distinguish branches? -// I.e. Allow a distinction between git URI with -// path foo and tag bar and a git URI with the same -// path but a different tag? -func (fl *fileLoader) errIfRepoCycle(newRepoSpec *git.RepoSpec) error { - // TODO(monopole): Use parsed data instead of Raw(). - if fl.repoSpec != nil && - strings.HasPrefix(fl.repoSpec.Raw(), newRepoSpec.Raw()) { - return fmt.Errorf( - "cycle detected: URI '%s' referenced by previous URI '%s'", - newRepoSpec.Raw(), fl.repoSpec.Raw()) - } - if fl.referrer == nil { - return nil - } - return fl.referrer.errIfRepoCycle(newRepoSpec) -} - -// Load returns the content of file at the given path, -// else an error. Relative paths are taken relative -// to the root. -func (fl *fileLoader) Load(path string) ([]byte, error) { - if IsRemoteFile(path) { - return fl.httpClientGetContent(path) - } - if !filepath.IsAbs(path) { - path = fl.root.Join(path) - } - path, err := fl.loadRestrictor(fl.fSys, fl.root, path) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return fl.fSys.ReadFile(path) -} - -func (fl *fileLoader) httpClientGetContent(path string) ([]byte, error) { - var hc *http.Client - if fl.http != nil { - hc = fl.http - } else { - hc = &http.Client{} - } - resp, err := hc.Get(path) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.Wrap(err) - } - defer resp.Body.Close() - // response unsuccessful - if resp.StatusCode < 200 || resp.StatusCode > 299 { - _, err = git.NewRepoSpecFromURL(path) - if err == nil { - return nil, errors.Errorf("URL is a git repository") - } - return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: status code %d (%s)", ErrHTTP, resp.StatusCode, http.StatusText(resp.StatusCode)) - } - content, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body) - return content, errors.Wrap(err) -} - -// Cleanup runs the cleaner. -func (fl *fileLoader) Cleanup() error { - return fl.cleaner() -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/loader/loader.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/loader/loader.go deleted file mode 100644 index e10885b9..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/loader/loader.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package loader has a data loading interface and various implementations. -package loader - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/ifc" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/git" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys" -) - -// NewLoader returns a Loader pointed at the given target. -// If the target is remote, the loader will be restricted -// to the root and below only. If the target is local, the -// loader will have the restrictions passed in. Regardless, -// if a local target attempts to transitively load remote bases, -// the remote bases will all be root-only restricted. -func NewLoader( - lr LoadRestrictorFunc, - target string, fSys filesys.FileSystem) (ifc.Loader, error) { - repoSpec, err := git.NewRepoSpecFromURL(target) - if err == nil { - // The target qualifies as a remote git target. - return newLoaderAtGitClone( - repoSpec, fSys, nil, git.ClonerUsingGitExec) - } - root, err := filesys.ConfirmDir(fSys, target) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, ErrRtNotDir.Error()) - } - return newLoaderAtConfirmedDir( - lr, root, fSys, nil, git.ClonerUsingGitExec), nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/loader/loadrestrictions.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/loader/loadrestrictions.go deleted file mode 100644 index a016a962..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/loader/loadrestrictions.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package loader - -import ( - "fmt" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys" -) - -type LoadRestrictorFunc func( - filesys.FileSystem, filesys.ConfirmedDir, string) (string, error) - -func RestrictionRootOnly( - fSys filesys.FileSystem, root filesys.ConfirmedDir, path string) (string, error) { - d, f, err := fSys.CleanedAbs(path) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - if f == "" { - return "", fmt.Errorf("'%s' must resolve to a file", path) - } - if !d.HasPrefix(root) { - return "", fmt.Errorf( - "security; file '%s' is not in or below '%s'", - path, root) - } - return d.Join(f), nil -} - -func RestrictionNone( - _ filesys.FileSystem, _ filesys.ConfirmedDir, path string) (string, error) { - return path, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/provenance/provenance.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/provenance/provenance.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0e24fc36..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/provenance/provenance.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package provenance - -import ( - "fmt" - "runtime" - "runtime/debug" - "strings" -) - -// These variables are set at build time using ldflags. -// -//nolint:gochecknoglobals -var ( - // During a release, this will be set to the release tag, e.g. "kustomize/v4.5.7" - version = developmentVersion - // build date in ISO8601 format, output of $(date -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') - buildDate = "unknown" -) - -// This default value, (devel), matches -// the value debug.BuildInfo uses for an unset main module version. -const developmentVersion = "(devel)" - -// Provenance holds information about the build of an executable. -type Provenance struct { - // Version of the kustomize binary. - Version string `json:"version,omitempty" yaml:"version,omitempty"` - // GitCommit is a git commit - GitCommit string `json:"gitCommit,omitempty" yaml:"gitCommit,omitempty"` - // BuildDate is date of the build. - BuildDate string `json:"buildDate,omitempty" yaml:"buildDate,omitempty"` - // GoOs holds OS name. - GoOs string `json:"goOs,omitempty" yaml:"goOs,omitempty"` - // GoArch holds architecture name. - GoArch string `json:"goArch,omitempty" yaml:"goArch,omitempty"` - // GoVersion holds Go version. - GoVersion string `json:"goVersion,omitempty" yaml:"goVersion,omitempty"` -} - -// GetProvenance returns an instance of Provenance. -func GetProvenance() Provenance { - p := Provenance{ - BuildDate: buildDate, - Version: version, - GitCommit: "unknown", - GoOs: runtime.GOOS, - GoArch: runtime.GOARCH, - GoVersion: runtime.Version(), - } - info, ok := debug.ReadBuildInfo() - if !ok { - return p - } - - for _, setting := range info.Settings { - // For now, the git commit is the only information of interest. - // We could consider adding other info such as the commit date in the future. - if setting.Key == "vcs.revision" { - p.GitCommit = setting.Value - } - } - return p -} - -// Short returns the shortened provenance stamp. -func (v Provenance) Short() string { - return fmt.Sprintf( - "%v", - Provenance{ - Version: v.Version, - BuildDate: v.BuildDate, - }) -} - -// Semver returns the semantic version of kustomize. -// kustomize version is set in format "kustomize/vX.X.X" in every release. -// X.X.X is a semver. If the version string is not in this format, -// return the original version string -func (v Provenance) Semver() string { - return strings.TrimPrefix(v.Version, "kustomize/") -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/provider/depprovider.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/provider/depprovider.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0102c89c..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/provider/depprovider.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package provider - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/hasher" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/ifc" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/validate" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resource" -) - -// DepProvider is a dependency provider, injecting different -// implementations depending on the context. -type DepProvider struct { - resourceFactory *resource.Factory - // implemented by api/internal/validate.FieldValidator - // See TODO inside the validator for status. - // At time of writing, this is a do-nothing - // validator as it's not critical to kustomize function. - fieldValidator ifc.Validator -} - -func NewDepProvider() *DepProvider { - rf := resource.NewFactory(&hasher.Hasher{}) - return &DepProvider{ - resourceFactory: rf, - fieldValidator: validate.NewFieldValidator(), - } -} - -func NewDefaultDepProvider() *DepProvider { - return NewDepProvider() -} - -func (dp *DepProvider) GetResourceFactory() *resource.Factory { - return dp.resourceFactory -} - -func (dp *DepProvider) GetFieldValidator() ifc.Validator { - return dp.fieldValidator -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap/factory.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap/factory.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9cc86074..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap/factory.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,145 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package resmap - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/ifc" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/kusterr" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resource" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// Factory makes instances of ResMap. -type Factory struct { - // Makes resources. - resF *resource.Factory -} - -// NewFactory returns a new resmap.Factory. -func NewFactory(rf *resource.Factory) *Factory { - return &Factory{resF: rf} -} - -// RF returns a resource.Factory. -func (rmF *Factory) RF() *resource.Factory { - return rmF.resF -} - -func New() ResMap { - return newOne() -} - -// FromResource returns a ResMap with one entry. -func (rmF *Factory) FromResource(res *resource.Resource) ResMap { - m, err := newResMapFromResourceSlice([]*resource.Resource{res}) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return m -} - -// FromResourceSlice returns a ResMap with a slice of resources. -func (rmF *Factory) FromResourceSlice(ress []*resource.Resource) ResMap { - m, err := newResMapFromResourceSlice(ress) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return m -} - -// FromFile returns a ResMap given a resource path. -func (rmF *Factory) FromFile( - loader ifc.Loader, path string) (ResMap, error) { - content, err := loader.Load(path) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - m, err := rmF.NewResMapFromBytes(content) - if err != nil { - return nil, kusterr.Handler(err, path) - } - return m, nil -} - -// NewResMapFromBytes decodes a list of objects in byte array format. -func (rmF *Factory) NewResMapFromBytes(b []byte) (ResMap, error) { - resources, err := rmF.resF.SliceFromBytes(b) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return newResMapFromResourceSlice(resources) -} - -// NewResMapFromConfigMapArgs returns a Resource slice given -// a configmap metadata slice from kustomization file. -func (rmF *Factory) NewResMapFromConfigMapArgs( - kvLdr ifc.KvLoader, argList []types.ConfigMapArgs) (ResMap, error) { - var resources []*resource.Resource - for i := range argList { - res, err := rmF.resF.MakeConfigMap(kvLdr, &argList[i]) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "NewResMapFromConfigMapArgs") - } - resources = append(resources, res) - } - return newResMapFromResourceSlice(resources) -} - -// FromConfigMapArgs creates a new ResMap containing one ConfigMap. -func (rmF *Factory) FromConfigMapArgs( - kvLdr ifc.KvLoader, args types.ConfigMapArgs) (ResMap, error) { - res, err := rmF.resF.MakeConfigMap(kvLdr, &args) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return rmF.FromResource(res), nil -} - -// NewResMapFromSecretArgs takes a SecretArgs slice, generates -// secrets from each entry, and accumulates them in a ResMap. -func (rmF *Factory) NewResMapFromSecretArgs( - kvLdr ifc.KvLoader, argsList []types.SecretArgs) (ResMap, error) { - var resources []*resource.Resource - for i := range argsList { - res, err := rmF.resF.MakeSecret(kvLdr, &argsList[i]) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "NewResMapFromSecretArgs") - } - resources = append(resources, res) - } - return newResMapFromResourceSlice(resources) -} - -// FromSecretArgs creates a new ResMap containing one secret. -func (rmF *Factory) FromSecretArgs( - kvLdr ifc.KvLoader, args types.SecretArgs) (ResMap, error) { - res, err := rmF.resF.MakeSecret(kvLdr, &args) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return rmF.FromResource(res), nil -} - -func newResMapFromResourceSlice( - resources []*resource.Resource) (ResMap, error) { - result := New() - for _, res := range resources { - err := result.Append(res) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - return result, nil -} - -// NewResMapFromRNodeSlice returns a ResMap from a slice of RNodes -func (rmF *Factory) NewResMapFromRNodeSlice(s []*yaml.RNode) (ResMap, error) { - rs, err := rmF.resF.ResourcesFromRNodes(s) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return newResMapFromResourceSlice(rs) -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap/resmap.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap/resmap.go deleted file mode 100644 index ea913ba6..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap/resmap.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,333 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package resmap implements a map from ResId to Resource that -// tracks all resources in a kustomization. -package resmap - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/ifc" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resource" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/resid" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// A Transformer modifies an instance of ResMap. -type Transformer interface { - // Transform modifies data in the argument, - // e.g. adding labels to resources that can be labelled. - Transform(m ResMap) error -} - -// A TransformerWithProperties contains a Transformer and stores -// some of its properties -type TransformerWithProperties struct { - Transformer - Origin *resource.Origin -} - -// A Generator creates an instance of ResMap. -type Generator interface { - Generate() (ResMap, error) -} - -// A GeneratorWithProperties contains a Generator and stores -// some of its properties -type GeneratorWithProperties struct { - Generator - Origin *resource.Origin -} - -// Something that's configurable accepts an -// instance of PluginHelpers and a raw config -// object (YAML in []byte form). -type Configurable interface { - Config(h *PluginHelpers, config []byte) error -} - -// NewPluginHelpers makes an instance of PluginHelpers. -func NewPluginHelpers( - ldr ifc.Loader, v ifc.Validator, rf *Factory, - pc *types.PluginConfig) *PluginHelpers { - return &PluginHelpers{ldr: ldr, v: v, rf: rf, pc: pc} -} - -// PluginHelpers holds things that any or all plugins might need. -// This should be available to each plugin, in addition to -// any plugin-specific configuration. -type PluginHelpers struct { - ldr ifc.Loader - v ifc.Validator - rf *Factory - pc *types.PluginConfig -} - -func (c *PluginHelpers) GeneralConfig() *types.PluginConfig { - return c.pc -} - -func (c *PluginHelpers) Loader() ifc.Loader { - return c.ldr -} - -func (c *PluginHelpers) ResmapFactory() *Factory { - return c.rf -} - -func (c *PluginHelpers) Validator() ifc.Validator { - return c.v -} - -type GeneratorPlugin interface { - Generator - Configurable -} - -type TransformerPlugin interface { - Transformer - Configurable -} - -// ResMap is an interface describing operations on the -// core kustomize data structure, a list of Resources. -// -// Every Resource has two ResIds: OrgId and CurId. -// -// In a ResMap, no two resources may have the same CurId, -// but they may have the same OrgId. The latter can happen -// when mixing two or more different overlays apply different -// transformations to a common base. When looking for a -// resource to transform, try the OrgId first, and if this -// fails or finds too many, it might make sense to then try -// the CurrId. Depends on the situation. -// -// TODO: get rid of this interface (use bare resWrangler). -// There aren't multiple implementations any more. -type ResMap interface { - // Size reports the number of resources. - Size() int - - // Resources provides a discardable slice - // of resource pointers, returned in the order - // as appended. - Resources() []*resource.Resource - - // Append adds a Resource. Error on CurId collision. - // - // A class invariant of ResMap is that all of its - // resources must differ in their value of - // CurId(), aka current Id. The Id is the tuple - // of {namespace, group, version, kind, name} - // (see ResId). - // - // This invariant reflects the invariant of a - // kubernetes cluster, where if one tries to add - // a resource to the cluster whose Id matches - // that of a resource already in the cluster, - // only two outcomes are allowed. Either the - // incoming resource is _merged_ into the existing - // one, or the incoming resource is rejected. - // One cannot end up with two resources - // in the cluster with the same Id. - Append(*resource.Resource) error - - // AppendAll appends another ResMap to self, - // failing on any CurId collision. - AppendAll(ResMap) error - - // AbsorbAll appends, replaces or merges the contents - // of another ResMap into self, - // allowing and sometimes demanding ID collisions. - // A collision would be demanded, say, when a generated - // ConfigMap has the "replace" option in its generation - // instructions, meaning it _must_ replace - // something in the known set of resources. - // If a resource id for resource X is found to already - // be in self, then the behavior field for X must - // be BehaviorMerge or BehaviorReplace. If X is not in - // self, then its behavior _cannot_ be merge or replace. - AbsorbAll(ResMap) error - - // AddOriginAnnotation will add the provided origin as - // an origin annotation to all resources in the ResMap, if - // the origin is not nil. - AddOriginAnnotation(origin *resource.Origin) error - - // RemoveOriginAnnotation will remove the origin annotation - // from all resources in the ResMap - RemoveOriginAnnotations() error - - // AddTransformerAnnotation will add the provided origin as - // an origin annotation if the resource doesn't have one; a - // transformer annotation otherwise; to all resources in - // ResMap - AddTransformerAnnotation(origin *resource.Origin) error - - // RemoveTransformerAnnotation will remove the transformer annotation - // from all resources in the ResMap - RemoveTransformerAnnotations() error - - // AnnotateAll annotates all resources in the ResMap with - // the provided key value pair. - AnnotateAll(key string, value string) error - - // AsYaml returns the yaml form of resources. - AsYaml() ([]byte, error) - - // GetByIndex returns a resource at the given index, - // nil if out of range. - GetByIndex(int) *resource.Resource - - // GetIndexOfCurrentId returns the index of the resource - // with the given CurId. - // Returns error if there is more than one match. - // Returns (-1, nil) if there is no match. - GetIndexOfCurrentId(id resid.ResId) (int, error) - - // GetMatchingResourcesByCurrentId returns the resources - // who's CurId is matched by the argument. - GetMatchingResourcesByCurrentId(matches IdMatcher) []*resource.Resource - - // GetMatchingResourcesByAnyId returns the resources - // who's current or previous IDs is matched by the argument. - GetMatchingResourcesByAnyId(matches IdMatcher) []*resource.Resource - - // GetByCurrentId is shorthand for calling - // GetMatchingResourcesByCurrentId with a matcher requiring - // an exact match, returning an error on multiple or no matches. - GetByCurrentId(resid.ResId) (*resource.Resource, error) - - // GetById is shorthand for calling - // GetMatchingResourcesByAnyId with a matcher requiring - // an exact match, returning an error on multiple or no matches. - GetById(resid.ResId) (*resource.Resource, error) - - // GroupedByCurrentNamespace returns a map of namespace - // to a slice of *Resource in that namespace. - // Cluster-scoped Resources are not included (see ClusterScoped). - // Resources with an empty namespace are placed - // in the resid.DefaultNamespace entry. - GroupedByCurrentNamespace() map[string][]*resource.Resource - - // GroupedByOriginalNamespace performs as GroupByNamespace - // but use the original namespace instead of the current - // one to perform the grouping. - GroupedByOriginalNamespace() map[string][]*resource.Resource - - // ClusterScoped returns a slice of resources that - // cannot be placed in a namespace, e.g. - // Node, ClusterRole, Namespace itself, etc. - ClusterScoped() []*resource.Resource - - // AllIds returns all CurrentIds. - AllIds() []resid.ResId - - // Replace replaces the resource with the matching CurId. - // Error if there's no match or more than one match. - // Returns the index where the replacement happened. - Replace(*resource.Resource) (int, error) - - // Remove removes the resource whose CurId matches the argument. - // Error if not found. - Remove(resid.ResId) error - - // Clear removes all resources and Ids. - Clear() - - // DropEmpties drops empty resources from the ResMap. - DropEmpties() - - // SubsetThatCouldBeReferencedByResource returns a ResMap subset - // of self with resources that could be referenced by the - // resource argument. - // This is a filter; it excludes things that cannot be - // referenced by the resource, e.g. objects in other - // namespaces. Cluster wide objects are never excluded. - SubsetThatCouldBeReferencedByResource(*resource.Resource) (ResMap, error) - - // DeAnchor replaces YAML aliases with structured data copied from anchors. - // This cannot be undone; if desired, call DeepCopy first. - // Subsequent marshalling to YAML will no longer have anchor - // definitions ('&') or aliases ('*'). - // - // Anchors are not expected to work across YAML 'documents'. - // If three resources are loaded from one file containing three YAML docs: - // - // {resourceA} - // --- - // {resourceB} - // --- - // {resourceC} - // - // then anchors defined in A cannot be seen from B and C and vice versa. - // OTOH, cross-resource links (a field in B referencing fields in A) will - // work if the resources are gathered in a ResourceList: - // - // apiVersion: config.kubernetes.io/v1 - // kind: ResourceList - // metadata: - // name: someList - // items: - // - {resourceA} - // - {resourceB} - // - {resourceC} - // - DeAnchor() error - - // DeepCopy copies the ResMap and underlying resources. - DeepCopy() ResMap - - // ShallowCopy copies the ResMap but - // not the underlying resources. - ShallowCopy() ResMap - - // ErrorIfNotEqualSets returns an error if the - // argument doesn't have the same resources as self. - // Ordering is _not_ taken into account, - // as this function was solely used in tests written - // before internal resource order was maintained, - // and those tests are initialized with maps which - // by definition have random ordering, and will - // fail spuriously. - // TODO: modify tests to not use resmap.FromMap, - // TODO: - and replace this with a stricter equals. - ErrorIfNotEqualSets(ResMap) error - - // ErrorIfNotEqualLists returns an error if the - // argument doesn't have the resource objects - // data as self, in the same order. - // Meta information is ignored; this is similar - // to comparing the AsYaml() strings, but allows - // for more informed errors on not equals. - ErrorIfNotEqualLists(ResMap) error - - // Debug prints the ResMap. - Debug(title string) - - // Select returns a list of resources that - // are selected by a Selector - Select(types.Selector) ([]*resource.Resource, error) - - // ToRNodeSlice returns a copy of the resources as RNodes. - ToRNodeSlice() []*yaml.RNode - - // ApplySmPatch applies a strategic-merge patch to the - // selected set of resources. - ApplySmPatch( - selectedSet *resource.IdSet, patch *resource.Resource) error - - // RemoveBuildAnnotations removes annotations created by the build process. - RemoveBuildAnnotations() - - // ApplyFilter applies an RNode filter to all Resources in the ResMap. - // TODO: Send/recover ancillary Resource data to/from subprocesses. - // Assure that the ancillary data in Resource (everything not in the RNode) - // is sent to and re-captured from transformer subprocess (as the process - // might edit that information). One way to do this would be to solely use - // RNode metadata annotation reading and writing instead of using Resource - // struct data members, i.e. the Resource struct is replaced by RNode - // and use of (slow) k8s metadata annotations inside the RNode. - ApplyFilter(f kio.Filter) error -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap/reswrangler.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap/reswrangler.go deleted file mode 100644 index 411e4e81..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap/reswrangler.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,764 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package resmap - -import ( - "bytes" - "fmt" - "reflect" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/annotations" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resource" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/resid" - kyaml "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// resWrangler implements ResMap. -type resWrangler struct { - // Resource list maintained in load (append) order. - // This is important for transformers, which must - // be performed in a specific order, and for users - // who for whatever reasons wish the order they - // specify in kustomizations to be maintained and - // available as an option for final YAML rendering. - rList []*resource.Resource -} - -func newOne() *resWrangler { - result := &resWrangler{} - result.Clear() - return result -} - -// Clear implements ResMap. -func (m *resWrangler) Clear() { - m.rList = nil -} - -// DropEmpties quickly drops empty resources. -// It doesn't use Append, which checks for Id collisions. -func (m *resWrangler) DropEmpties() { - var rList []*resource.Resource - for _, r := range m.rList { - if !r.IsNilOrEmpty() { - rList = append(rList, r) - } - } - m.rList = rList -} - -// Size implements ResMap. -func (m *resWrangler) Size() int { - return len(m.rList) -} - -func (m *resWrangler) indexOfResource(other *resource.Resource) int { - for i, r := range m.rList { - if r == other { - return i - } - } - return -1 -} - -// Resources implements ResMap. -func (m *resWrangler) Resources() []*resource.Resource { - tmp := make([]*resource.Resource, len(m.rList)) - copy(tmp, m.rList) - return tmp -} - -// Append implements ResMap. -func (m *resWrangler) Append(res *resource.Resource) error { - id := res.CurId() - if r := m.GetMatchingResourcesByCurrentId(id.Equals); len(r) > 0 { - return fmt.Errorf( - "may not add resource with an already registered id: %s", id) - } - m.append(res) - return nil -} - -// append appends without performing an Id check -func (m *resWrangler) append(res *resource.Resource) { - m.rList = append(m.rList, res) -} - -// Remove implements ResMap. -func (m *resWrangler) Remove(adios resid.ResId) error { - var rList []*resource.Resource - for _, r := range m.rList { - if r.CurId() != adios { - rList = append(rList, r) - } - } - if len(rList) != m.Size()-1 { - return fmt.Errorf("id %s not found in removal", adios) - } - m.rList = rList - return nil -} - -// Replace implements ResMap. -func (m *resWrangler) Replace(res *resource.Resource) (int, error) { - id := res.CurId() - i, err := m.GetIndexOfCurrentId(id) - if err != nil { - return -1, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "in Replace") - } - if i < 0 { - return -1, fmt.Errorf("cannot find resource with id %s to replace", id) - } - m.rList[i] = res - return i, nil -} - -// AllIds implements ResMap. -func (m *resWrangler) AllIds() (ids []resid.ResId) { - ids = make([]resid.ResId, m.Size()) - for i, r := range m.rList { - ids[i] = r.CurId() - } - return -} - -// Debug implements ResMap. -func (m *resWrangler) Debug(title string) { - fmt.Println("--------------------------- " + title) - firstObj := true - for i, r := range m.rList { - if firstObj { - firstObj = false - } else { - fmt.Println("---") - } - fmt.Printf("# %d %s\n%s\n", i, r.OrgId(), r.String()) - } -} - -type IdMatcher func(resid.ResId) bool - -// GetByIndex implements ResMap. -func (m *resWrangler) GetByIndex(i int) *resource.Resource { - if i < 0 || i >= m.Size() { - return nil - } - return m.rList[i] -} - -// GetIndexOfCurrentId implements ResMap. -func (m *resWrangler) GetIndexOfCurrentId(id resid.ResId) (int, error) { - count := 0 - result := -1 - for i, r := range m.rList { - if id.Equals(r.CurId()) { - count++ - result = i - } - } - if count > 1 { - return -1, fmt.Errorf("id matched %d resources", count) - } - return result, nil -} - -type IdFromResource func(r *resource.Resource) resid.ResId - -func GetCurrentId(r *resource.Resource) resid.ResId { return r.CurId() } - -// GetMatchingResourcesByCurrentId implements ResMap. -func (m *resWrangler) GetMatchingResourcesByCurrentId( - matches IdMatcher) []*resource.Resource { - return m.filteredById(matches, GetCurrentId) -} - -// GetMatchingResourcesByAnyId implements ResMap. -func (m *resWrangler) GetMatchingResourcesByAnyId( - matches IdMatcher) []*resource.Resource { - var result []*resource.Resource - for _, r := range m.rList { - for _, id := range append(r.PrevIds(), r.CurId()) { - if matches(id) { - result = append(result, r) - break - } - } - } - return result -} - -func (m *resWrangler) filteredById( - matches IdMatcher, idGetter IdFromResource) []*resource.Resource { - var result []*resource.Resource - for _, r := range m.rList { - if matches(idGetter(r)) { - result = append(result, r) - } - } - return result -} - -// GetByCurrentId implements ResMap. -func (m *resWrangler) GetByCurrentId( - id resid.ResId) (*resource.Resource, error) { - return demandOneMatch(m.GetMatchingResourcesByCurrentId, id, "Current") -} - -// GetById implements ResMap. -func (m *resWrangler) GetById( - id resid.ResId) (*resource.Resource, error) { - r, err := demandOneMatch(m.GetMatchingResourcesByAnyId, id, "Id") - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf( - "%s; failed to find unique target for patch %s", - err.Error(), id.String()) - } - return r, nil -} - -type resFinder func(IdMatcher) []*resource.Resource - -func demandOneMatch( - f resFinder, id resid.ResId, s string) (*resource.Resource, error) { - r := f(id.Equals) - if len(r) == 1 { - return r[0], nil - } - if len(r) > 1 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("multiple matches for %s %s", s, id) - } - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no matches for %s %s", s, id) -} - -// GroupedByCurrentNamespace implements ResMap. -func (m *resWrangler) GroupedByCurrentNamespace() map[string][]*resource.Resource { - items := m.groupedByCurrentNamespace() - delete(items, resid.TotallyNotANamespace) - return items -} - -// ClusterScoped implements ResMap. -func (m *resWrangler) ClusterScoped() []*resource.Resource { - return m.groupedByCurrentNamespace()[resid.TotallyNotANamespace] -} - -func (m *resWrangler) groupedByCurrentNamespace() map[string][]*resource.Resource { - byNamespace := make(map[string][]*resource.Resource) - for _, res := range m.rList { - namespace := res.CurId().EffectiveNamespace() - if _, found := byNamespace[namespace]; !found { - byNamespace[namespace] = []*resource.Resource{} - } - byNamespace[namespace] = append(byNamespace[namespace], res) - } - return byNamespace -} - -// GroupedByOriginalNamespace implements ResMap. -func (m *resWrangler) GroupedByOriginalNamespace() map[string][]*resource.Resource { - items := m.groupedByOriginalNamespace() - delete(items, resid.TotallyNotANamespace) - return items -} - -func (m *resWrangler) groupedByOriginalNamespace() map[string][]*resource.Resource { - byNamespace := make(map[string][]*resource.Resource) - for _, res := range m.rList { - namespace := res.OrgId().EffectiveNamespace() - if _, found := byNamespace[namespace]; !found { - byNamespace[namespace] = []*resource.Resource{} - } - byNamespace[namespace] = append(byNamespace[namespace], res) - } - return byNamespace -} - -// AsYaml implements ResMap. -func (m *resWrangler) AsYaml() ([]byte, error) { - firstObj := true - var b []byte - buf := bytes.NewBuffer(b) - for _, res := range m.rList { - out, err := res.AsYAML() - if err != nil { - m, _ := res.Map() - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "%#v", m) - } - if firstObj { - firstObj = false - } else { - if _, err = buf.WriteString("---\n"); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - if _, err = buf.Write(out); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - return buf.Bytes(), nil -} - -// ErrorIfNotEqualSets implements ResMap. -func (m *resWrangler) ErrorIfNotEqualSets(other ResMap) error { - m2, ok := other.(*resWrangler) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("bad cast to resWrangler 1") - } - if m.Size() != m2.Size() { - return fmt.Errorf( - "lists have different number of entries: %#v doesn't equal %#v", - m.rList, m2.rList) - } - seen := make(map[int]bool) - for _, r1 := range m.rList { - id := r1.CurId() - others := m2.GetMatchingResourcesByCurrentId(id.Equals) - if len(others) == 0 { - return fmt.Errorf( - "id in self missing from other; id: %s", id) - } - if len(others) > 1 { - return fmt.Errorf( - "id in self matches %d in other; id: %s", len(others), id) - } - r2 := others[0] - if !reflect.DeepEqual(r1.RNode, r2.RNode) { - return fmt.Errorf( - "nodes unequal: \n -- %s,\n -- %s\n\n--\n%#v\n------\n%#v\n", - r1, r2, r1, r2) - } - seen[m2.indexOfResource(r2)] = true - } - if len(seen) != m.Size() { - return fmt.Errorf("counting problem %d != %d", len(seen), m.Size()) - } - return nil -} - -// ErrorIfNotEqualLists implements ResMap. -func (m *resWrangler) ErrorIfNotEqualLists(other ResMap) error { - m2, ok := other.(*resWrangler) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("bad cast to resWrangler 2") - } - if m.Size() != m2.Size() { - return fmt.Errorf( - "lists have different number of entries: %#v doesn't equal %#v", - m.rList, m2.rList) - } - for i, r1 := range m.rList { - r2 := m2.rList[i] - if err := r1.ErrIfNotEquals(r2); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -type resCopier func(r *resource.Resource) *resource.Resource - -// ShallowCopy implements ResMap. -func (m *resWrangler) ShallowCopy() ResMap { - return m.makeCopy( - func(r *resource.Resource) *resource.Resource { - return r - }) -} - -// DeepCopy implements ResMap. -func (m *resWrangler) DeepCopy() ResMap { - return m.makeCopy( - func(r *resource.Resource) *resource.Resource { - return r.DeepCopy() - }) -} - -// makeCopy copies the ResMap. -func (m *resWrangler) makeCopy(copier resCopier) ResMap { - result := &resWrangler{} - result.rList = make([]*resource.Resource, m.Size()) - for i, r := range m.rList { - result.rList[i] = copier(r) - } - return result -} - -// SubsetThatCouldBeReferencedByResource implements ResMap. -func (m *resWrangler) SubsetThatCouldBeReferencedByResource( - referrer *resource.Resource) (ResMap, error) { - referrerId := referrer.CurId() - if referrerId.IsClusterScoped() { - // A cluster scoped resource can refer to anything. - return m, nil - } - result := newOne() - roleBindingNamespaces, err := getNamespacesForRoleBinding(referrer) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - for _, possibleTarget := range m.rList { - id := possibleTarget.CurId() - if id.IsClusterScoped() { - // A cluster-scoped resource can be referred to by anything. - result.append(possibleTarget) - continue - } - if id.IsNsEquals(referrerId) { - // The two objects are in the same namespace. - result.append(possibleTarget) - continue - } - // The two objects are namespaced (not cluster-scoped), AND - // are in different namespaces. - // There's still a chance they can refer to each other. - if roleBindingNamespaces[possibleTarget.GetNamespace()] { - result.append(possibleTarget) - } - } - return result, nil -} - -// getNamespacesForRoleBinding returns referenced ServiceAccount namespaces -// if the resource is a RoleBinding -func getNamespacesForRoleBinding(r *resource.Resource) (map[string]bool, error) { - result := make(map[string]bool) - if r.GetKind() != "RoleBinding" { - return result, nil - } - subjects, err := r.GetSlice("subjects") - if err != nil || subjects == nil { - return result, nil - } - for _, s := range subjects { - subject := s.(map[string]interface{}) - if ns, ok1 := subject["namespace"]; ok1 { - if kind, ok2 := subject["kind"]; ok2 { - if kind.(string) == "ServiceAccount" { - if n, ok3 := ns.(string); ok3 { - result[n] = true - } else { - return nil, errors.Errorf("Invalid Input: namespace is blank for resource %q\n", r.CurId()) - } - } - } - } - } - return result, nil -} - -// AppendAll implements ResMap. -func (m *resWrangler) AppendAll(other ResMap) error { - if other == nil { - return nil - } - m2, ok := other.(*resWrangler) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("bad cast to resWrangler 3") - } - return m.appendAll(m2.rList) -} - -// appendAll appends all the resources, error on Id collision. -func (m *resWrangler) appendAll(list []*resource.Resource) error { - for _, res := range list { - if err := m.Append(res); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -// AbsorbAll implements ResMap. -func (m *resWrangler) AbsorbAll(other ResMap) error { - if other == nil { - return nil - } - m2, ok := other.(*resWrangler) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("bad cast to resWrangler 4") - } - for _, r := range m2.rList { - err := m.appendReplaceOrMerge(r) - if err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -// AddOriginAnnotation implements ResMap. -func (m *resWrangler) AddOriginAnnotation(origin *resource.Origin) error { - if origin == nil { - return nil - } - for _, res := range m.rList { - or, err := res.GetOrigin() - if or != nil || err != nil { - // if any resources already have an origin annotation, - // skip it - continue - } - if err := res.SetOrigin(origin); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -// RemoveOriginAnnotation implements ResMap -func (m *resWrangler) RemoveOriginAnnotations() error { - for _, res := range m.rList { - if err := res.SetOrigin(nil); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -// AddTransformerAnnotation implements ResMap -func (m *resWrangler) AddTransformerAnnotation(origin *resource.Origin) error { - for _, res := range m.rList { - or, err := res.GetOrigin() - if err != nil { - return err - } - if or == nil { - // the resource does not have an origin annotation, so - // we assume that the transformer generated the resource - // rather than modifying it - err = res.SetOrigin(origin) - } else { - // the resource already has an origin annotation, so we - // record the provided origin as a transformation - err = res.AddTransformation(origin) - } - if err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -// RemoveTransformerAnnotations implements ResMap -func (m *resWrangler) RemoveTransformerAnnotations() error { - for _, res := range m.rList { - if err := res.ClearTransformations(); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -func (m *resWrangler) appendReplaceOrMerge(res *resource.Resource) error { - id := res.CurId() - matches := m.GetMatchingResourcesByAnyId(id.Equals) - switch len(matches) { - case 0: - switch res.Behavior() { - case types.BehaviorMerge, types.BehaviorReplace: - return fmt.Errorf( - "id %#v does not exist; cannot merge or replace", id) - default: - // presumably types.BehaviorCreate - return m.Append(res) - } - case 1: - old := matches[0] - if old == nil { - return fmt.Errorf("id lookup failure") - } - index := m.indexOfResource(old) - if index < 0 { - return fmt.Errorf("indexing problem") - } - switch res.Behavior() { - case types.BehaviorReplace: - res.CopyMergeMetaDataFieldsFrom(old) - case types.BehaviorMerge: - // ensure the origin annotation doesn't get overwritten - orig, err := old.GetOrigin() - if err != nil { - return err - } - res.CopyMergeMetaDataFieldsFrom(old) - res.MergeDataMapFrom(old) - res.MergeBinaryDataMapFrom(old) - if orig != nil { - res.SetOrigin(orig) - } - - default: - return fmt.Errorf( - "id %#v exists; behavior must be merge or replace", id) - } - i, err := m.Replace(res) - if err != nil { - return err - } - if i != index { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected target index in replacement") - } - return nil - default: - return fmt.Errorf( - "found multiple objects %v that could accept merge of %v", - matches, id) - } -} - -// AnnotateAll implements ResMap -func (m *resWrangler) AnnotateAll(key string, value string) error { - return m.ApplyFilter(annotations.Filter{ - Annotations: map[string]string{ - key: value, - }, - FsSlice: []types.FieldSpec{{ - Path: "metadata/annotations", - CreateIfNotPresent: true, - }}, - }) -} - -// Select returns a list of resources that -// are selected by a Selector -func (m *resWrangler) Select(s types.Selector) ([]*resource.Resource, error) { - var result []*resource.Resource - sr, err := types.NewSelectorRegex(&s) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - for _, r := range m.rList { - curId := r.CurId() - orgId := r.OrgId() - - // It first tries to match with the original namespace - // then matches with the current namespace - if !sr.MatchNamespace(orgId.EffectiveNamespace()) && - !sr.MatchNamespace(curId.EffectiveNamespace()) { - continue - } - - // It first tries to match with the original name - // then matches with the current name - if !sr.MatchName(orgId.Name) && - !sr.MatchName(curId.Name) { - continue - } - - // matches the GVK - if !sr.MatchGvk(r.GetGvk()) { - continue - } - - // matches the label selector - matched, err := r.MatchesLabelSelector(s.LabelSelector) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if !matched { - continue - } - - // matches the annotation selector - matched, err = r.MatchesAnnotationSelector(s.AnnotationSelector) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if !matched { - continue - } - result = append(result, r) - } - return result, nil -} - -// ToRNodeSlice returns a copy of the resources as RNodes. -func (m *resWrangler) ToRNodeSlice() []*kyaml.RNode { - result := make([]*kyaml.RNode, len(m.rList)) - for i := range m.rList { - result[i] = m.rList[i].Copy() - } - return result -} - -// DeAnchor implements ResMap. -func (m *resWrangler) DeAnchor() (err error) { - for i := range m.rList { - if err = m.rList[i].DeAnchor(); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -// ApplySmPatch applies the patch, and errors on Id collisions. -func (m *resWrangler) ApplySmPatch( - selectedSet *resource.IdSet, patch *resource.Resource) error { - var list []*resource.Resource - for _, res := range m.rList { - if selectedSet.Contains(res.CurId()) { - patchCopy := patch.DeepCopy() - patchCopy.CopyMergeMetaDataFieldsFrom(patch) - patchCopy.SetGvk(res.GetGvk()) - patchCopy.SetKind(patch.GetKind()) - if err := res.ApplySmPatch(patchCopy); err != nil { - return err - } - } - if !res.IsNilOrEmpty() { - list = append(list, res) - } - } - m.Clear() - return m.appendAll(list) -} - -func (m *resWrangler) RemoveBuildAnnotations() { - for _, r := range m.rList { - r.RemoveBuildAnnotations() - } -} - -// ApplyFilter implements ResMap. -func (m *resWrangler) ApplyFilter(f kio.Filter) error { - reverseLookup := make(map[*kyaml.RNode]*resource.Resource, len(m.rList)) - nodes := make([]*kyaml.RNode, len(m.rList)) - for i, r := range m.rList { - ptr := &(r.RNode) - nodes[i] = ptr - reverseLookup[ptr] = r - } - // The filter can modify nodes, but also delete and create them. - // The filtered list might be smaller or larger than the nodes list. - filtered, err := f.Filter(nodes) - if err != nil { - return err - } - // Rebuild the resmap from the filtered RNodes. - var nRList []*resource.Resource - for _, rn := range filtered { - if rn.IsNilOrEmpty() { - // A node might make it through the filter as an object, - // but still be empty. Drop such entries. - continue - } - res, ok := reverseLookup[rn] - if !ok { - // A node was created; make a Resource to wrap it. - res = &resource.Resource{ - RNode: *rn, - // Leave remaining fields empty. - // At at time of writing, seeking to eliminate those fields. - // Alternatively, could just return error on creation attempt - // until remaining fields eliminated. - } - } - nRList = append(nRList, res) - } - m.rList = nRList - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resource/doc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resource/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 32d34b16..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resource/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package resource implements representations of k8s API resources. -package resource diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resource/factory.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resource/factory.go deleted file mode 100644 index cbda8723..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resource/factory.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,293 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package resource - -import ( - "encoding/json" - "fmt" - "log" - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/ifc" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/generators" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/kusterr" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/konfig" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/resid" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// Factory makes instances of Resource. -type Factory struct { - hasher ifc.KustHasher - - // When set to true, IncludeLocalConfigs indicates - // that Factory should include resources with the - // annotation 'config.kubernetes.io/local-config'. - // By default these resources are ignored. - IncludeLocalConfigs bool -} - -// NewFactory makes an instance of Factory. -func NewFactory(h ifc.KustHasher) *Factory { - return &Factory{hasher: h} -} - -// Hasher returns an ifc.KustHasher -func (rf *Factory) Hasher() ifc.KustHasher { - return rf.hasher -} - -// FromMap returns a new instance of Resource. -func (rf *Factory) FromMap(m map[string]interface{}) *Resource { - return rf.FromMapAndOption(m, nil) -} - -// FromMapWithName returns a new instance with the given "original" name. -func (rf *Factory) FromMapWithName(n string, m map[string]interface{}) *Resource { - return rf.FromMapWithNamespaceAndName(resid.DefaultNamespace, n, m) -} - -// FromMapWithNamespaceAndName returns a new instance with the given "original" namespace. -func (rf *Factory) FromMapWithNamespaceAndName(ns string, n string, m map[string]interface{}) *Resource { - r := rf.FromMapAndOption(m, nil) - return r.setPreviousId(ns, n, r.GetKind()) -} - -// FromMapAndOption returns a new instance of Resource with given options. -func (rf *Factory) FromMapAndOption( - m map[string]interface{}, args *types.GeneratorArgs) *Resource { - n, err := yaml.FromMap(m) - if err != nil { - // TODO: return err instead of log. - log.Fatal(err) - } - return rf.makeOne(n, args) -} - -// makeOne returns a new instance of Resource. -func (rf *Factory) makeOne(rn *yaml.RNode, o *types.GeneratorArgs) *Resource { - if rn == nil { - log.Fatal("RNode must not be null") - } - resource := &Resource{RNode: *rn} - if o != nil { - if o.Options == nil || !o.Options.DisableNameSuffixHash { - resource.EnableHashSuffix() - } - resource.SetBehavior(types.NewGenerationBehavior(o.Behavior)) - } - - return resource -} - -// SliceFromPatches returns a slice of resources given a patch path -// slice from a kustomization file. -func (rf *Factory) SliceFromPatches( - ldr ifc.Loader, paths []types.PatchStrategicMerge) ([]*Resource, error) { - var result []*Resource - for _, path := range paths { - content, err := ldr.Load(string(path)) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - res, err := rf.SliceFromBytes(content) - if err != nil { - return nil, kusterr.Handler(err, string(path)) - } - result = append(result, res...) - } - return result, nil -} - -// FromBytes unmarshalls bytes into one Resource. -func (rf *Factory) FromBytes(in []byte) (*Resource, error) { - result, err := rf.SliceFromBytes(in) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if len(result) != 1 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf( - "expected 1 resource, found %d in %v", len(result), in) - } - return result[0], nil -} - -// SliceFromBytes unmarshals bytes into a Resource slice. -func (rf *Factory) SliceFromBytes(in []byte) ([]*Resource, error) { - nodes, err := rf.RNodesFromBytes(in) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return rf.resourcesFromRNodes(nodes), nil -} - -// DropLocalNodes removes the local nodes by default. Local nodes are detected via the annotation `config.kubernetes.io/local-config: "true"` -func (rf *Factory) DropLocalNodes(nodes []*yaml.RNode) ([]*Resource, error) { - var result []*yaml.RNode - for _, node := range nodes { - if node.IsNilOrEmpty() { - continue - } - md, err := node.GetValidatedMetadata() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - if rf.IncludeLocalConfigs { - result = append(result, node) - continue - } - localConfig, exist := md.ObjectMeta.Annotations[konfig.IgnoredByKustomizeAnnotation] - if !exist || localConfig == "false" { - result = append(result, node) - } - } - return rf.resourcesFromRNodes(result), nil -} - -// ResourcesFromRNodes converts RNodes to Resources. -func (rf *Factory) ResourcesFromRNodes( - nodes []*yaml.RNode) (result []*Resource, err error) { - return rf.DropLocalNodes(nodes) -} - -// resourcesFromRNode assumes all nodes are good. -func (rf *Factory) resourcesFromRNodes( - nodes []*yaml.RNode) (result []*Resource) { - for _, n := range nodes { - result = append(result, rf.makeOne(n, nil)) - } - return -} - -func (rf *Factory) RNodesFromBytes(b []byte) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - nodes, err := kio.FromBytes(b) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - nodes, err = rf.dropBadNodes(nodes) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return rf.inlineAnyEmbeddedLists(nodes) -} - -// inlineAnyEmbeddedLists scans the RNode slice for nodes named FooList. -// Such nodes are expected to be lists of resources, each of type Foo. -// These lists are replaced in the result by their inlined resources. -func (rf *Factory) inlineAnyEmbeddedLists( - nodes []*yaml.RNode) (result []*yaml.RNode, err error) { - var n0 *yaml.RNode - for len(nodes) > 0 { - n0, nodes = nodes[0], nodes[1:] - kind := n0.GetKind() - if !strings.HasSuffix(kind, "List") { - result = append(result, n0) - continue - } - // Convert a FooList into a slice of Foo. - var m map[string]interface{} - m, err = n0.Map() - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("trouble expanding list of %s; %w", kind, err) - } - items, ok := m["items"] - if !ok { - // treat as an empty list - continue - } - slice, ok := items.([]interface{}) - if !ok { - if items == nil { - // an empty list - continue - } - return nil, fmt.Errorf( - "expected array in %s/items, but found %T", kind, items) - } - innerNodes, err := rf.convertObjectSliceToNodeSlice(slice) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - nodes = append(nodes, innerNodes...) - } - return result, nil -} - -// convertObjectSlice converts a list of objects to a list of RNode. -func (rf *Factory) convertObjectSliceToNodeSlice( - objects []interface{}) (result []*yaml.RNode, err error) { - var bytes []byte - var nodes []*yaml.RNode - for _, obj := range objects { - bytes, err = json.Marshal(obj) - if err != nil { - return - } - nodes, err = kio.FromBytes(bytes) - if err != nil { - return - } - nodes, err = rf.dropBadNodes(nodes) - if err != nil { - return - } - result = append(result, nodes...) - } - return -} - -// dropBadNodes may drop some nodes from its input argument. -func (rf *Factory) dropBadNodes(nodes []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - var result []*yaml.RNode - for _, n := range nodes { - if n.IsNilOrEmpty() { - continue - } - if _, err := n.GetValidatedMetadata(); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if foundNil, path := n.HasNilEntryInList(); foundNil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("empty item at %v in object %v", path, n) - } - result = append(result, n) - } - return result, nil -} - -// SliceFromBytesWithNames unmarshals bytes into a Resource slice with specified original -// name. -func (rf *Factory) SliceFromBytesWithNames(names []string, in []byte) ([]*Resource, error) { - result, err := rf.SliceFromBytes(in) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if len(names) != len(result) { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("number of names doesn't match number of resources") - } - for i, res := range result { - res.setPreviousId(resid.DefaultNamespace, names[i], res.GetKind()) - } - return result, nil -} - -// MakeConfigMap makes an instance of Resource for ConfigMap -func (rf *Factory) MakeConfigMap(kvLdr ifc.KvLoader, args *types.ConfigMapArgs) (*Resource, error) { - rn, err := generators.MakeConfigMap(kvLdr, args) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return rf.makeOne(rn, &args.GeneratorArgs), nil -} - -// MakeSecret makes an instance of Resource for Secret -func (rf *Factory) MakeSecret(kvLdr ifc.KvLoader, args *types.SecretArgs) (*Resource, error) { - rn, err := generators.MakeSecret(kvLdr, args) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return rf.makeOne(rn, &args.GeneratorArgs), nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resource/idset.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resource/idset.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5d6bd63e..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resource/idset.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package resource - -import "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/resid" - -type IdSet struct { - ids map[resid.ResId]bool -} - -func MakeIdSet(slice []*Resource) *IdSet { - set := make(map[resid.ResId]bool) - for _, r := range slice { - id := r.CurId() - if _, ok := set[id]; !ok { - set[id] = true - } - } - return &IdSet{ids: set} -} - -func (s IdSet) Contains(id resid.ResId) bool { - _, ok := s.ids[id] - return ok -} - -func (s IdSet) Size() int { - return len(s.ids) -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resource/origin.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resource/origin.go deleted file mode 100644 index f0a4ae75..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resource/origin.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,106 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package resource - -import ( - "path/filepath" - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/git" - kyaml "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// Origin retains information about the origin of resources and transformer configs -// that contributed to the output of `kustomize build` -type Origin struct { - // Path is the path to the resource. If a local resource, this path is - // rooted from the directory upon which `kustomize build` was invoked. If a - // remote resource, this path is rooted from the root of the remote repo. - Path string `json:"path,omitempty" yaml:"path,omitempty"` - - // Repo is the remote repository that the resource or transformer originated from if it is - // not from a local file - Repo string `json:"repo,omitempty" yaml:"repo,omitempty"` - - // Ref is the ref of the remote repository that the resource or transformer originated from - // if it is not from a local file - Ref string `json:"ref,omitempty" yaml:"ref,omitempty"` - - // The following fields only apply to resources that have been - // generated by fields other than the `resources` field, or to transformer - // configs. - - // ConfiguredIn is the file path to the generator or transformer config that created the - // resource - ConfiguredIn string `json:"configuredIn,omitempty" yaml:"configuredIn,omitempty"` - - // ConfiguredBy is the ObjectReference of the generator or transformer config - ConfiguredBy kyaml.ResourceIdentifier `json:"configuredBy,omitempty" yaml:"configuredBy,omitempty"` -} - -// Copy returns a copy of origin -func (origin *Origin) Copy() Origin { - if origin == nil { - return Origin{} - } - return *origin -} - -// Append returns a copy of origin with a path appended to it -func (origin *Origin) Append(path string) *Origin { - originCopy := origin.Copy() - repoSpec, err := git.NewRepoSpecFromURL(path) - if err == nil { - originCopy.Repo = repoSpec.CloneSpec() - absPath := repoSpec.AbsPath() - path = absPath[strings.Index(absPath[1:], "/")+1:][1:] - originCopy.Path = "" - originCopy.Ref = repoSpec.Ref - } - originCopy.Path = filepath.Join(originCopy.Path, path) - return &originCopy -} - -// String returns a string version of origin -func (origin *Origin) String() (string, error) { - anno, err := kyaml.Marshal(origin) - return string(anno), err -} - -// Transformations is a list of Origin -type Transformations []*Origin - -// String returns a string version of Transformations -func (transformations *Transformations) String() (string, error) { - anno, err := kyaml.Marshal(transformations) - return string(anno), err -} - -// OriginFromCustomPlugin takes a custom plugin defined as a resource -// and returns an origin object to describe it -func OriginFromCustomPlugin(res *Resource) (*Origin, error) { - origin, err := res.GetOrigin() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - var result *Origin - if origin != nil { - result = &Origin{ - Repo: origin.Repo, - Ref: origin.Ref, - ConfiguredIn: origin.Path, - ConfiguredBy: kyaml.ResourceIdentifier{ - TypeMeta: kyaml.TypeMeta{ - APIVersion: res.GetApiVersion(), - Kind: res.GetKind(), - }, - NameMeta: kyaml.NameMeta{ - Name: res.GetName(), - Namespace: res.GetNamespace(), - }, - }, - } - } - return result, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resource/resource.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resource/resource.go deleted file mode 100644 index ae1a98be..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resource/resource.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,534 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package resource - -import ( - "fmt" - "log" - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/filters/patchstrategicmerge" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/ifc" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/internal/utils" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/kioutil" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/resid" - kyaml "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" - "sigs.k8s.io/yaml" -) - -// Resource is an RNode, representing a Kubernetes Resource Model object, -// paired with metadata used by kustomize. -type Resource struct { - kyaml.RNode - refVarNames []string -} - -var BuildAnnotations = []string{ - utils.BuildAnnotationPreviousKinds, - utils.BuildAnnotationPreviousNames, - utils.BuildAnnotationPrefixes, - utils.BuildAnnotationSuffixes, - utils.BuildAnnotationPreviousNamespaces, - utils.BuildAnnotationAllowNameChange, - utils.BuildAnnotationAllowKindChange, - utils.BuildAnnotationsRefBy, - utils.BuildAnnotationsGenBehavior, - utils.BuildAnnotationsGenAddHashSuffix, - - kioutil.PathAnnotation, - kioutil.IndexAnnotation, - kioutil.SeqIndentAnnotation, - kioutil.IdAnnotation, - kioutil.InternalAnnotationsMigrationResourceIDAnnotation, - - kioutil.LegacyPathAnnotation, - kioutil.LegacyIndexAnnotation, - kioutil.LegacyIdAnnotation, -} - -func (r *Resource) ResetRNode(incoming *Resource) { - r.RNode = *incoming.Copy() -} - -func (r *Resource) GetGvk() resid.Gvk { - return resid.GvkFromNode(&r.RNode) -} - -func (r *Resource) Hash(h ifc.KustHasher) (string, error) { - return h.Hash(&r.RNode) -} - -func (r *Resource) SetGvk(gvk resid.Gvk) { - r.SetKind(gvk.Kind) - r.SetApiVersion(gvk.ApiVersion()) -} - -func (r *Resource) GetOrigin() (*Origin, error) { - annotations := r.GetAnnotations() - originAnnotations, ok := annotations[utils.OriginAnnotationKey] - if !ok { - return nil, nil - } - var origin Origin - if err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(originAnnotations), &origin); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return &origin, nil -} - -func (r *Resource) SetOrigin(origin *Origin) error { - annotations := r.GetAnnotations() - if origin == nil { - delete(annotations, utils.OriginAnnotationKey) - } else { - originStr, err := origin.String() - if err != nil { - return err - } - annotations[utils.OriginAnnotationKey] = originStr - } - return r.SetAnnotations(annotations) -} - -func (r *Resource) GetTransformations() (Transformations, error) { - annotations := r.GetAnnotations() - transformerAnnotations, ok := annotations[utils.TransformerAnnotationKey] - if !ok { - return nil, nil - } - var transformations Transformations - if err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(transformerAnnotations), &transformations); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return transformations, nil -} - -func (r *Resource) AddTransformation(origin *Origin) error { - annotations := r.GetAnnotations() - transformations, err := r.GetTransformations() - if err != nil { - return err - } - if transformations == nil { - transformations = Transformations{} - } - transformations = append(transformations, origin) - transformationStr, err := transformations.String() - if err != nil { - return err - } - annotations[utils.TransformerAnnotationKey] = transformationStr - return r.SetAnnotations(annotations) -} - -func (r *Resource) ClearTransformations() error { - annotations := r.GetAnnotations() - delete(annotations, utils.TransformerAnnotationKey) - return r.SetAnnotations(annotations) -} - -// ResCtx is an interface describing the contextual added -// kept kustomize in the context of each Resource object. -// Currently mainly the name prefix and name suffix are added. -type ResCtx interface { - AddNamePrefix(p string) - AddNameSuffix(s string) - GetNamePrefixes() []string - GetNameSuffixes() []string -} - -// ResCtxMatcher returns true if two Resources are being -// modified in the same kustomize context. -type ResCtxMatcher func(ResCtx) bool - -// DeepCopy returns a new copy of resource -func (r *Resource) DeepCopy() *Resource { - rc := &Resource{ - RNode: *r.Copy(), - } - rc.copyKustomizeSpecificFields(r) - return rc -} - -// CopyMergeMetaDataFieldsFrom copies everything but the non-metadata in -// the resource. -// TODO: move to RNode, use GetMeta to improve performance. -// TODO: make a version of mergeStringMaps that is build-annotation aware -// to avoid repeatedly setting refby and genargs annotations -// Must remove the kustomize bit at the end. -func (r *Resource) CopyMergeMetaDataFieldsFrom(other *Resource) error { - if err := r.SetLabels( - mergeStringMaps(other.GetLabels(), r.GetLabels())); err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("copyMerge cannot set labels - %w", err) - } - - ra := r.GetAnnotations() - _, enableNameSuffixHash := ra[utils.BuildAnnotationsGenAddHashSuffix] - merged := mergeStringMapsWithBuildAnnotations(other.GetAnnotations(), ra) - if !enableNameSuffixHash { - delete(merged, utils.BuildAnnotationsGenAddHashSuffix) - } - if err := r.SetAnnotations(merged); err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("copyMerge cannot set annotations - %w", err) - } - - if err := r.SetName(other.GetName()); err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("copyMerge cannot set name - %w", err) - } - if err := r.SetNamespace(other.GetNamespace()); err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("copyMerge cannot set namespace - %w", err) - } - r.copyKustomizeSpecificFields(other) - return nil -} - -func (r *Resource) copyKustomizeSpecificFields(other *Resource) { - r.refVarNames = copyStringSlice(other.refVarNames) -} - -func (r *Resource) MergeDataMapFrom(o *Resource) { - r.SetDataMap(mergeStringMaps(o.GetDataMap(), r.GetDataMap())) -} - -func (r *Resource) MergeBinaryDataMapFrom(o *Resource) { - r.SetBinaryDataMap(mergeStringMaps(o.GetBinaryDataMap(), r.GetBinaryDataMap())) -} - -func (r *Resource) ErrIfNotEquals(o *Resource) error { - meYaml, err := r.AsYAML() - if err != nil { - return err - } - otherYaml, err := o.AsYAML() - if err != nil { - return err - } - if !r.ReferencesEqual(o) { - return fmt.Errorf( - `unequal references - self: -%sreferenced by: %s ---- other: -%sreferenced by: %s -`, meYaml, r.GetRefBy(), otherYaml, o.GetRefBy()) - } - if string(meYaml) != string(otherYaml) { - return fmt.Errorf(`--- self: -%s ---- other: -%s -`, meYaml, otherYaml) - } - return nil -} - -func (r *Resource) ReferencesEqual(other *Resource) bool { - setSelf := make(map[resid.ResId]bool) - setOther := make(map[resid.ResId]bool) - for _, ref := range other.GetRefBy() { - setOther[ref] = true - } - for _, ref := range r.GetRefBy() { - if _, ok := setOther[ref]; !ok { - return false - } - setSelf[ref] = true - } - return len(setSelf) == len(setOther) -} - -func copyStringSlice(s []string) []string { - if s == nil { - return nil - } - c := make([]string, len(s)) - copy(c, s) - return c -} - -// Implements ResCtx AddNamePrefix -func (r *Resource) AddNamePrefix(p string) { - r.appendCsvAnnotation(utils.BuildAnnotationPrefixes, p) -} - -// Implements ResCtx AddNameSuffix -func (r *Resource) AddNameSuffix(s string) { - r.appendCsvAnnotation(utils.BuildAnnotationSuffixes, s) -} - -func (r *Resource) appendCsvAnnotation(name, value string) { - if value == "" { - return - } - currentValue := r.getCsvAnnotation(name) - newValue := strings.Join(append(currentValue, value), ",") - if err := r.RNode.PipeE(kyaml.SetAnnotation(name, newValue)); err != nil { - panic(err) - } -} - -// Implements ResCtx GetNamePrefixes -func (r *Resource) GetNamePrefixes() []string { - return r.getCsvAnnotation(utils.BuildAnnotationPrefixes) -} - -// Implements ResCtx GetNameSuffixes -func (r *Resource) GetNameSuffixes() []string { - return r.getCsvAnnotation(utils.BuildAnnotationSuffixes) -} - -func (r *Resource) getCsvAnnotation(name string) []string { - annotations := r.GetAnnotations() - if _, ok := annotations[name]; !ok { - return nil - } - return strings.Split(annotations[name], ",") -} - -// PrefixesSuffixesEquals is conceptually doing the same task -// as OutermostPrefixSuffix but performs a deeper comparison -// of the suffix and prefix slices. -func (r *Resource) PrefixesSuffixesEquals(o ResCtx) bool { - return utils.SameEndingSubSlice(r.GetNamePrefixes(), o.GetNamePrefixes()) && - utils.SameEndingSubSlice(r.GetNameSuffixes(), o.GetNameSuffixes()) -} - -// RemoveBuildAnnotations removes annotations created by the build process. -// These are internal-only to kustomize, added to the data pipeline to -// track name changes so name references can be fixed. -func (r *Resource) RemoveBuildAnnotations() { - annotations := r.GetAnnotations() - if len(annotations) == 0 { - return - } - for _, a := range BuildAnnotations { - delete(annotations, a) - } - if err := r.SetAnnotations(annotations); err != nil { - panic(err) - } -} - -func (r *Resource) setPreviousId(ns string, n string, k string) *Resource { - r.appendCsvAnnotation(utils.BuildAnnotationPreviousNames, n) - r.appendCsvAnnotation(utils.BuildAnnotationPreviousNamespaces, ns) - r.appendCsvAnnotation(utils.BuildAnnotationPreviousKinds, k) - return r -} - -// AllowNameChange allows name changes to the resource. -func (r *Resource) AllowNameChange() { - r.enable(utils.BuildAnnotationAllowNameChange) -} - -// NameChangeAllowed checks if a patch resource is allowed to change another resource's name. -func (r *Resource) NameChangeAllowed() bool { - return r.isEnabled(utils.BuildAnnotationAllowNameChange) -} - -// AllowKindChange allows kind changes to the resource. -func (r *Resource) AllowKindChange() { - r.enable(utils.BuildAnnotationAllowKindChange) -} - -// KindChangeAllowed checks if a patch resource is allowed to change another resource's kind. -func (r *Resource) KindChangeAllowed() bool { - return r.isEnabled(utils.BuildAnnotationAllowKindChange) -} - -func (r *Resource) isEnabled(annoKey string) bool { - annotations := r.GetAnnotations() - v, ok := annotations[annoKey] - return ok && v == utils.Enabled -} - -func (r *Resource) enable(annoKey string) { - annotations := r.GetAnnotations() - annotations[annoKey] = utils.Enabled - if err := r.SetAnnotations(annotations); err != nil { - panic(err) - } -} - -// String returns resource as JSON. -func (r *Resource) String() string { - bs, err := r.MarshalJSON() - if err != nil { - return "<" + err.Error() + ">" - } - return strings.TrimSpace(string(bs)) -} - -// AsYAML returns the resource in Yaml form. -// Easier to read than JSON. -func (r *Resource) AsYAML() ([]byte, error) { - json, err := r.MarshalJSON() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return yaml.JSONToYAML(json) -} - -// MustYaml returns YAML or panics. -func (r *Resource) MustYaml() string { - yml, err := r.AsYAML() - if err != nil { - log.Fatal(err) - } - return string(yml) -} - -// Behavior returns the behavior for the resource. -func (r *Resource) Behavior() types.GenerationBehavior { - annotations := r.GetAnnotations() - if v, ok := annotations[utils.BuildAnnotationsGenBehavior]; ok { - return types.NewGenerationBehavior(v) - } - return types.NewGenerationBehavior("") -} - -// SetBehavior sets the behavior for the resource. -func (r *Resource) SetBehavior(behavior types.GenerationBehavior) { - annotations := r.GetAnnotations() - annotations[utils.BuildAnnotationsGenBehavior] = behavior.String() - if err := r.SetAnnotations(annotations); err != nil { - panic(err) - } -} - -// NeedHashSuffix returns true if a resource content -// hash should be appended to the name of the resource. -func (r *Resource) NeedHashSuffix() bool { - return r.isEnabled(utils.BuildAnnotationsGenAddHashSuffix) -} - -// EnableHashSuffix marks the resource as needing a content -// hash to be appended to the name of the resource. -func (r *Resource) EnableHashSuffix() { - r.enable(utils.BuildAnnotationsGenAddHashSuffix) -} - -// OrgId returns the original, immutable ResId for the resource. -// This doesn't have to be unique in a ResMap. -func (r *Resource) OrgId() resid.ResId { - ids := r.PrevIds() - if len(ids) > 0 { - return ids[0] - } - return r.CurId() -} - -// PrevIds returns a list of ResIds that includes every -// previous ResId the resource has had through all of its -// GVKN transformations, in the order that it had that ID. -// I.e. the oldest ID is first. -// The returned array does not include the resource's current -// ID. If there are no previous IDs, this will return nil. -func (r *Resource) PrevIds() []resid.ResId { - prevIds, err := utils.PrevIds(&r.RNode) - if err != nil { - // this should never happen - panic(err) - } - return prevIds -} - -// StorePreviousId stores the resource's current ID via build annotations. -func (r *Resource) StorePreviousId() { - id := r.CurId() - r.setPreviousId(id.EffectiveNamespace(), id.Name, id.Kind) -} - -// CurId returns a ResId for the resource using the -// mutable parts of the resource. -// This should be unique in any ResMap. -func (r *Resource) CurId() resid.ResId { - return resid.NewResIdWithNamespace( - r.GetGvk(), r.GetName(), r.GetNamespace()) -} - -// GetRefBy returns the ResIds that referred to current resource -func (r *Resource) GetRefBy() []resid.ResId { - var resIds []resid.ResId - asStrings := r.getCsvAnnotation(utils.BuildAnnotationsRefBy) - for _, s := range asStrings { - resIds = append(resIds, resid.FromString(s)) - } - return resIds -} - -// AppendRefBy appends a ResId into the refBy list -// Using any type except fmt.Stringer here results in a compilation error -func (r *Resource) AppendRefBy(id fmt.Stringer) { - r.appendCsvAnnotation(utils.BuildAnnotationsRefBy, id.String()) -} - -// GetRefVarNames returns vars that refer to current resource -func (r *Resource) GetRefVarNames() []string { - return r.refVarNames -} - -// AppendRefVarName appends a name of a var into the refVar list -func (r *Resource) AppendRefVarName(variable types.Var) { - r.refVarNames = append(r.refVarNames, variable.Name) -} - -// ApplySmPatch applies the provided strategic merge patch. -func (r *Resource) ApplySmPatch(patch *Resource) error { - n, ns, k := r.GetName(), r.GetNamespace(), r.GetKind() - if patch.NameChangeAllowed() || patch.KindChangeAllowed() { - r.StorePreviousId() - } - if err := r.ApplyFilter(patchstrategicmerge.Filter{ - Patch: &patch.RNode, - }); err != nil { - return err - } - if r.IsNilOrEmpty() { - return nil - } - if !patch.KindChangeAllowed() { - r.SetKind(k) - } - if !patch.NameChangeAllowed() { - r.SetName(n) - } - r.SetNamespace(ns) - return nil -} - -func (r *Resource) ApplyFilter(f kio.Filter) error { - l, err := f.Filter([]*kyaml.RNode{&r.RNode}) - if len(l) == 0 { - // The node was deleted, which means the entire resource - // must be deleted. Signal that via the following: - r.SetYNode(nil) - } - return err -} - -func mergeStringMaps(maps ...map[string]string) map[string]string { - result := map[string]string{} - for _, m := range maps { - for key, value := range m { - result[key] = value - } - } - return result -} - -func mergeStringMapsWithBuildAnnotations(maps ...map[string]string) map[string]string { - result := mergeStringMaps(maps...) - for i := range BuildAnnotations { - if len(maps) > 0 { - if v, ok := maps[0][BuildAnnotations[i]]; ok { - result[BuildAnnotations[i]] = v - continue - } - } - delete(result, BuildAnnotations[i]) - } - return result -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/builtinpluginloadingoptions_string.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/builtinpluginloadingoptions_string.go deleted file mode 100644 index 033a4512..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/builtinpluginloadingoptions_string.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by "stringer -type=BuiltinPluginLoadingOptions"; DO NOT EDIT. - -package types - -import "strconv" - -func _() { - // An "invalid array index" compiler error signifies that the constant values have changed. - // Re-run the stringer command to generate them again. - var x [1]struct{} - _ = x[BploUndefined-0] - _ = x[BploUseStaticallyLinked-1] - _ = x[BploLoadFromFileSys-2] -} - -const _BuiltinPluginLoadingOptions_name = "BploUndefinedBploUseStaticallyLinkedBploLoadFromFileSys" - -var _BuiltinPluginLoadingOptions_index = [...]uint8{0, 13, 36, 55} - -func (i BuiltinPluginLoadingOptions) String() string { - if i < 0 || i >= BuiltinPluginLoadingOptions(len(_BuiltinPluginLoadingOptions_index)-1) { - return "BuiltinPluginLoadingOptions(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")" - } - return _BuiltinPluginLoadingOptions_name[_BuiltinPluginLoadingOptions_index[i]:_BuiltinPluginLoadingOptions_index[i+1]] -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/configmapargs.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/configmapargs.go deleted file mode 100644 index 69877769..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/configmapargs.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package types - -// ConfigMapArgs contains the metadata of how to generate a configmap. -type ConfigMapArgs struct { - // GeneratorArgs for the configmap. - GeneratorArgs `json:",inline,omitempty" yaml:",inline,omitempty"` -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/doc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 22c38a65..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package types holds the definition of the kustomization struct and -// supporting structs. It's the k8s API conformant object that describes -// a set of generation and transformation operations to create and/or -// modify k8s resources. -// A kustomization file is a serialization of this struct. -package types diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/erronlybuiltinpluginsallowed.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/erronlybuiltinpluginsallowed.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9e6ffacf..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/erronlybuiltinpluginsallowed.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package types - -import ( - "fmt" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" -) - -type errOnlyBuiltinPluginsAllowed struct { - name string -} - -func (e *errOnlyBuiltinPluginsAllowed) Error() string { - return fmt.Sprintf( - "external plugins disabled; unable to load external plugin '%s'", - e.name) -} - -func NewErrOnlyBuiltinPluginsAllowed(n string) *errOnlyBuiltinPluginsAllowed { - return &errOnlyBuiltinPluginsAllowed{name: n} -} - -func IsErrOnlyBuiltinPluginsAllowed(err error) bool { - e := &errOnlyBuiltinPluginsAllowed{} - return errors.As(err, &e) -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/errunabletofind.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/errunabletofind.go deleted file mode 100644 index b91bb68f..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/errunabletofind.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package types - -import ( - "fmt" - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" -) - -type errUnableToFind struct { - // What are we unable to find? - what string - // What things did we try? - attempts []Pair -} - -func (e *errUnableToFind) Error() string { - var m []string - for _, p := range e.attempts { - m = append(m, "('"+p.Value+"'; "+p.Key+")") - } - return fmt.Sprintf( - "unable to find %s - tried: %s", e.what, strings.Join(m, ", ")) -} - -func NewErrUnableToFind(w string, a []Pair) *errUnableToFind { - return &errUnableToFind{what: w, attempts: a} -} - -func IsErrUnableToFind(err error) bool { - e := &errUnableToFind{} - return errors.As(err, &e) -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/fieldspec.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/fieldspec.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8d357954..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/fieldspec.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,91 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package types - -import ( - "fmt" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/resid" -) - -// FieldSpec completely specifies a kustomizable field in a k8s API object. -// It helps define the operands of transformations. -// -// For example, a directive to add a common label to objects -// will need to know that a 'Deployment' object (in API group -// 'apps', any version) can have labels at field path -// 'spec/template/metadata/labels', and further that it is OK -// (or not OK) to add that field path to the object if the -// field path doesn't exist already. -// -// This would look like -// { -// group: apps -// kind: Deployment -// path: spec/template/metadata/labels -// create: true -// } -type FieldSpec struct { - resid.Gvk `json:",inline,omitempty" yaml:",inline,omitempty"` - Path string `json:"path,omitempty" yaml:"path,omitempty"` - CreateIfNotPresent bool `json:"create,omitempty" yaml:"create,omitempty"` -} - -func (fs FieldSpec) String() string { - return fmt.Sprintf( - "%s:%v:%s", fs.Gvk.String(), fs.CreateIfNotPresent, fs.Path) -} - -// If true, the primary key is the same, but other fields might not be. -func (fs FieldSpec) effectivelyEquals(other FieldSpec) bool { - return fs.IsSelected(&other.Gvk) && fs.Path == other.Path -} - -type FsSlice []FieldSpec - -func (s FsSlice) Len() int { return len(s) } -func (s FsSlice) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] } -func (s FsSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { - return s[i].Gvk.IsLessThan(s[j].Gvk) -} - -// MergeAll merges the argument into this, returning the result. -// Items already present are ignored. -// Items that conflict (primary key matches, but remain data differs) -// result in an error. -func (s FsSlice) MergeAll(incoming FsSlice) (result FsSlice, err error) { - result = s - for _, x := range incoming { - result, err = result.MergeOne(x) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - return result, nil -} - -// MergeOne merges the argument into this, returning the result. -// If the item's primary key is already present, and there are no -// conflicts, it is ignored (we don't want duplicates). -// If there is a conflict, the merge fails. -func (s FsSlice) MergeOne(x FieldSpec) (FsSlice, error) { - i := s.index(x) - if i > -1 { - // It's already there. - if s[i].CreateIfNotPresent != x.CreateIfNotPresent { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("conflicting fieldspecs") - } - return s, nil - } - return append(s, x), nil -} - -func (s FsSlice) index(fs FieldSpec) int { - for i, x := range s { - if x.effectivelyEquals(fs) { - return i - } - } - return -1 -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/generationbehavior.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/generationbehavior.go deleted file mode 100644 index f8f36278..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/generationbehavior.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package types - -// GenerationBehavior specifies generation behavior of configmaps, secrets and maybe other resources. -type GenerationBehavior int - -const ( - // BehaviorUnspecified is an Unspecified behavior; typically treated as a Create. - BehaviorUnspecified GenerationBehavior = iota - // BehaviorCreate makes a new resource. - BehaviorCreate - // BehaviorReplace replaces a resource. - BehaviorReplace - // BehaviorMerge attempts to merge a new resource with an existing resource. - BehaviorMerge -) - -// String converts a GenerationBehavior to a string. -func (b GenerationBehavior) String() string { - switch b { - case BehaviorReplace: - return "replace" - case BehaviorMerge: - return "merge" - case BehaviorCreate: - return "create" - default: - return "unspecified" - } -} - -// NewGenerationBehavior converts a string to a GenerationBehavior. -func NewGenerationBehavior(s string) GenerationBehavior { - switch s { - case "replace": - return BehaviorReplace - case "merge": - return BehaviorMerge - case "create": - return BehaviorCreate - default: - return BehaviorUnspecified - } -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/generatorargs.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/generatorargs.go deleted file mode 100644 index a4145db3..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/generatorargs.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package types - -// GeneratorArgs contains arguments common to ConfigMap and Secret generators. -type GeneratorArgs struct { - // Namespace for the configmap, optional - Namespace string `json:"namespace,omitempty" yaml:"namespace,omitempty"` - - // Name - actually the partial name - of the generated resource. - // The full name ends up being something like - // NamePrefix + this.Name + hash(content of generated resource). - Name string `json:"name,omitempty" yaml:"name,omitempty"` - - // Behavior of generated resource, must be one of: - // 'create': create a new one - // 'replace': replace the existing one - // 'merge': merge with the existing one - Behavior string `json:"behavior,omitempty" yaml:"behavior,omitempty"` - - // KvPairSources for the generator. - KvPairSources `json:",inline,omitempty" yaml:",inline,omitempty"` - - // Local overrides to global generatorOptions field. - Options *GeneratorOptions `json:"options,omitempty" yaml:"options,omitempty"` -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/generatoroptions.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/generatoroptions.go deleted file mode 100644 index 683d89bf..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/generatoroptions.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package types - -// GeneratorOptions modify behavior of all ConfigMap and Secret generators. -type GeneratorOptions struct { - // Labels to add to all generated resources. - Labels map[string]string `json:"labels,omitempty" yaml:"labels,omitempty"` - - // Annotations to add to all generated resources. - Annotations map[string]string `json:"annotations,omitempty" yaml:"annotations,omitempty"` - - // DisableNameSuffixHash if true disables the default behavior of adding a - // suffix to the names of generated resources that is a hash of the - // resource contents. - DisableNameSuffixHash bool `json:"disableNameSuffixHash,omitempty" yaml:"disableNameSuffixHash,omitempty"` - - // Immutable if true add to all generated resources. - Immutable bool `json:"immutable,omitempty" yaml:"immutable,omitempty"` -} - -// MergeGlobalOptionsIntoLocal merges two instances of GeneratorOptions. -// Values in the first 'local' argument cannot be overridden by the second -// 'global' argument, except in the case of booleans. -// -// With booleans, there's no way to distinguish an 'intentional' -// false from 'default' false. So the rule is, if the global value -// of the value of a boolean is true, i.e. disable, it trumps the -// local value. If the global value is false, then the local value is -// respected. Bottom line: a local false cannot override a global true. -// -// boolean fields are always a bad idea; should always use enums instead. -func MergeGlobalOptionsIntoLocal( - localOpts *GeneratorOptions, - globalOpts *GeneratorOptions) *GeneratorOptions { - if globalOpts == nil { - return localOpts - } - if localOpts == nil { - localOpts = &GeneratorOptions{} - } - overrideMap(&localOpts.Labels, globalOpts.Labels) - overrideMap(&localOpts.Annotations, globalOpts.Annotations) - if globalOpts.DisableNameSuffixHash { - localOpts.DisableNameSuffixHash = true - } - if globalOpts.Immutable { - localOpts.Immutable = true - } - return localOpts -} - -func overrideMap(localMap *map[string]string, globalMap map[string]string) { - if *localMap == nil { - if globalMap != nil { - *localMap = CopyMap(globalMap) - } - return - } - for k, v := range globalMap { - _, ok := (*localMap)[k] - if !ok { - (*localMap)[k] = v - } - } -} - -// CopyMap copies a map. -func CopyMap(in map[string]string) map[string]string { - out := make(map[string]string) - for k, v := range in { - out[k] = v - } - return out -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/helmchartargs.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/helmchartargs.go deleted file mode 100644 index 15ea7178..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/helmchartargs.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,185 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package types - -import "path/filepath" - -const HelmDefaultHome = "charts" - -type HelmGlobals struct { - // ChartHome is a file path, relative to the kustomization root, - // to a directory containing a subdirectory for each chart to be - // included in the kustomization. - // The default value of this field is "charts". - // So, for example, kustomize looks for the minecraft chart - // at {kustomizationRoot}/{ChartHome}/minecraft. - // If the chart is there at build time, kustomize will use it as found, - // and not check version numbers or dates. - // If the chart is not there, kustomize will attempt to pull it - // using the version number specified in the kustomization file, - // and put it there. To suppress the pull attempt, simply assure - // that the chart is already there. - ChartHome string `json:"chartHome,omitempty" yaml:"chartHome,omitempty"` - - // ConfigHome defines a value that kustomize should pass to helm via - // the HELM_CONFIG_HOME environment variable. kustomize doesn't attempt - // to read or write this directory. - // If omitted, {tmpDir}/helm is used, where {tmpDir} is some temporary - // directory created by kustomize for the benefit of helm. - // Likewise, kustomize sets - // HELM_CACHE_HOME={ConfigHome}/.cache - // HELM_DATA_HOME={ConfigHome}/.data - // for the helm subprocess. - ConfigHome string `json:"configHome,omitempty" yaml:"configHome,omitempty"` -} - -type HelmChart struct { - // Name is the name of the chart, e.g. 'minecraft'. - Name string `json:"name,omitempty" yaml:"name,omitempty"` - - // Version is the version of the chart, e.g. '3.1.3' - Version string `json:"version,omitempty" yaml:"version,omitempty"` - - // Repo is a URL locating the chart on the internet. - // This is the argument to helm's `--repo` flag, e.g. - // `https://itzg.github.io/minecraft-server-charts`. - Repo string `json:"repo,omitempty" yaml:"repo,omitempty"` - - // ReleaseName replaces RELEASE-NAME in chart template output, - // making a particular inflation of a chart unique with respect to - // other inflations of the same chart in a cluster. It's the first - // argument to the helm `install` and `template` commands, i.e. - // helm install {RELEASE-NAME} {chartName} - // helm template {RELEASE-NAME} {chartName} - // If omitted, the flag --generate-name is passed to 'helm template'. - ReleaseName string `json:"releaseName,omitempty" yaml:"releaseName,omitempty"` - - // Namespace set the target namespace for a release. It is .Release.Namespace - // in the helm template - Namespace string `json:"namespace,omitempty" yaml:"namespace,omitempty"` - - // AdditionalValuesFiles are local file paths to values files to be used in - // addition to either the default values file or the values specified in ValuesFile. - AdditionalValuesFiles []string `json:"additionalValuesFiles,omitempty" yaml:"additionalValuesFiles,omitempty"` - - // ValuesFile is a local file path to a values file to use _instead of_ - // the default values that accompanied the chart. - // The default values are in '{ChartHome}/{Name}/values.yaml'. - ValuesFile string `json:"valuesFile,omitempty" yaml:"valuesFile,omitempty"` - - // ValuesInline holds value mappings specified directly, - // rather than in a separate file. - ValuesInline map[string]interface{} `json:"valuesInline,omitempty" yaml:"valuesInline,omitempty"` - - // ValuesMerge specifies how to treat ValuesInline with respect to Values. - // Legal values: 'merge', 'override', 'replace'. - // Defaults to 'override'. - ValuesMerge string `json:"valuesMerge,omitempty" yaml:"valuesMerge,omitempty"` - - // IncludeCRDs specifies if Helm should also generate CustomResourceDefinitions. - // Defaults to 'false'. - IncludeCRDs bool `json:"includeCRDs,omitempty" yaml:"includeCRDs,omitempty"` //nolint: tagliatelle - - // SkipHooks sets the --no-hooks flag when calling helm template. This prevents - // helm from erroneously rendering test templates. - SkipHooks bool `json:"skipHooks,omitempty" yaml:"skipHooks,omitempty"` - - // ApiVersions is the kubernetes apiversions used for Capabilities.APIVersions - ApiVersions []string `json:"apiVersions,omitempty" yaml:"apiVersions,omitempty"` - - // NameTemplate is for specifying the name template used to name the release. - NameTemplate string `json:"nameTemplate,omitempty" yaml:"nameTemplate,omitempty"` - - // SkipTests skips tests from templated output. - SkipTests bool `json:"skipTests,omitempty" yaml:"skipTests,omitempty"` -} - -// HelmChartArgs contains arguments to helm. -// Deprecated. Use HelmGlobals and HelmChart instead. -type HelmChartArgs struct { - ChartName string `json:"chartName,omitempty" yaml:"chartName,omitempty"` - ChartVersion string `json:"chartVersion,omitempty" yaml:"chartVersion,omitempty"` - ChartRepoURL string `json:"chartRepoUrl,omitempty" yaml:"chartRepoUrl,omitempty"` - ChartHome string `json:"chartHome,omitempty" yaml:"chartHome,omitempty"` - ChartRepoName string `json:"chartRepoName,omitempty" yaml:"chartRepoName,omitempty"` - HelmBin string `json:"helmBin,omitempty" yaml:"helmBin,omitempty"` - HelmHome string `json:"helmHome,omitempty" yaml:"helmHome,omitempty"` - Values string `json:"values,omitempty" yaml:"values,omitempty"` - ValuesLocal map[string]interface{} `json:"valuesLocal,omitempty" yaml:"valuesLocal,omitempty"` - ValuesMerge string `json:"valuesMerge,omitempty" yaml:"valuesMerge,omitempty"` - ReleaseName string `json:"releaseName,omitempty" yaml:"releaseName,omitempty"` - ReleaseNamespace string `json:"releaseNamespace,omitempty" yaml:"releaseNamespace,omitempty"` - ExtraArgs []string `json:"extraArgs,omitempty" yaml:"extraArgs,omitempty"` -} - -// SplitHelmParameters splits helm parameters into -// per-chart params and global chart-independent parameters. -func SplitHelmParameters( - oldArgs []HelmChartArgs) (charts []HelmChart, globals HelmGlobals) { - for i, old := range oldArgs { - charts = append(charts, makeHelmChartFromHca(&oldArgs[i])) - if old.HelmHome != "" { - // last non-empty wins - globals.ConfigHome = old.HelmHome - } - if old.ChartHome != "" { - // last non-empty wins - globals.ChartHome = old.ChartHome - } - } - return charts, globals -} - -func makeHelmChartFromHca(old *HelmChartArgs) (c HelmChart) { - c.Name = old.ChartName - c.Version = old.ChartVersion - c.Repo = old.ChartRepoURL - c.ValuesFile = old.Values - c.ValuesInline = old.ValuesLocal - c.ValuesMerge = old.ValuesMerge - c.ReleaseName = old.ReleaseName - return -} - -func (h HelmChart) AsHelmArgs(absChartHome string) []string { - args := []string{"template"} - if h.ReleaseName != "" { - args = append(args, h.ReleaseName) - } else { - // AFAICT, this doesn't work as intended due to a bug in helm. - // See https://github.com/helm/helm/issues/6019 - // I've tried placing the flag before and after the name argument. - args = append(args, "--generate-name") - } - if h.Name != "" { - args = append(args, filepath.Join(absChartHome, h.Name)) - } - if h.Namespace != "" { - args = append(args, "--namespace", h.Namespace) - } - if h.NameTemplate != "" { - args = append(args, "--name-template", h.NameTemplate) - } - - if h.ValuesFile != "" { - args = append(args, "-f", h.ValuesFile) - } - for _, valuesFile := range h.AdditionalValuesFiles { - args = append(args, "-f", valuesFile) - } - - for _, apiVer := range h.ApiVersions { - args = append(args, "--api-versions", apiVer) - } - if h.IncludeCRDs { - args = append(args, "--include-crds") - } - if h.SkipTests { - args = append(args, "--skip-tests") - } - if h.SkipHooks { - args = append(args, "--no-hooks") - } - return args -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/iampolicygenerator.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/iampolicygenerator.go deleted file mode 100644 index f1d27ba7..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/iampolicygenerator.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package types - -type Cloud string - -const GKE Cloud = "gke" - -// IAMPolicyGeneratorArgs contains arguments to generate a GKE service account resource. -type IAMPolicyGeneratorArgs struct { - // which cloud provider to generate for (e.g. "gke") - Cloud `json:"cloud" yaml:"cloud"` - - // information about the kubernetes cluster for this object - KubernetesService `json:"kubernetesService" yaml:"kubernetesService"` - - // information about the service account and project - ServiceAccount `json:"serviceAccount" yaml:"serviceAccount"` -} - -type KubernetesService struct { - // the name used for the Kubernetes service account - Name string `json:"name" yaml:"name"` - - // the name of the Kubernetes namespace for this object - Namespace string `json:"namespace,omitempty" yaml:"namespace,omitempty"` -} - -type ServiceAccount struct { - // the name of the new cloud provider service account - Name string `json:"name" yaml:"name"` - - // The ID of the project - ProjectId string `json:"projectId" yaml:"projectId"` -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/image.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/image.go deleted file mode 100644 index e40ed324..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/image.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package types - -// Image contains an image name, a new name, a new tag or digest, -// which will replace the original name and tag. -type Image struct { - // Name is a tag-less image name. - Name string `json:"name,omitempty" yaml:"name,omitempty"` - - // NewName is the value used to replace the original name. - NewName string `json:"newName,omitempty" yaml:"newName,omitempty"` - - // TagSuffix is the value used to suffix the original tag - // If Digest and NewTag is present an error is thrown - TagSuffix string `json:"tagSuffix,omitempty" yaml:"tagSuffix,omitempty"` - - // NewTag is the value used to replace the original tag. - NewTag string `json:"newTag,omitempty" yaml:"newTag,omitempty"` - - // Digest is the value used to replace the original image tag. - // If digest is present NewTag value is ignored. - Digest string `json:"digest,omitempty" yaml:"digest,omitempty"` -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/kustomization.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/kustomization.go deleted file mode 100644 index 41376bed..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/kustomization.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,351 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package types - -import ( - "bytes" - "encoding/json" - "fmt" - "reflect" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys" - "sigs.k8s.io/yaml" -) - -const ( - KustomizationVersion = "kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1" - KustomizationKind = "Kustomization" - ComponentVersion = "kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1alpha1" - ComponentKind = "Component" - MetadataNamespacePath = "metadata/namespace" - MetadataNamespaceApiVersion = "v1" - MetadataNamePath = "metadata/name" - - OriginAnnotations = "originAnnotations" - TransformerAnnotations = "transformerAnnotations" - ManagedByLabelOption = "managedByLabel" -) - -var BuildMetadataOptions = []string{OriginAnnotations, TransformerAnnotations, ManagedByLabelOption} - -// Kustomization holds the information needed to generate customized k8s api resources. -type Kustomization struct { - TypeMeta `json:",inline" yaml:",inline"` - - // MetaData is a pointer to avoid marshalling empty struct - MetaData *ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty" yaml:"metadata,omitempty"` - - // OpenAPI contains information about what kubernetes schema to use. - OpenAPI map[string]string `json:"openapi,omitempty" yaml:"openapi,omitempty"` - - // - // Operators - what kustomize can do. - // - - // NamePrefix will prefix the names of all resources mentioned in the kustomization - // file including generated configmaps and secrets. - NamePrefix string `json:"namePrefix,omitempty" yaml:"namePrefix,omitempty"` - - // NameSuffix will suffix the names of all resources mentioned in the kustomization - // file including generated configmaps and secrets. - NameSuffix string `json:"nameSuffix,omitempty" yaml:"nameSuffix,omitempty"` - - // Namespace to add to all objects. - Namespace string `json:"namespace,omitempty" yaml:"namespace,omitempty"` - - // CommonLabels to add to all objects and selectors. - CommonLabels map[string]string `json:"commonLabels,omitempty" yaml:"commonLabels,omitempty"` - - // Labels to add to all objects but not selectors. - Labels []Label `json:"labels,omitempty" yaml:"labels,omitempty"` - - // CommonAnnotations to add to all objects. - CommonAnnotations map[string]string `json:"commonAnnotations,omitempty" yaml:"commonAnnotations,omitempty"` - - // Deprecated: Use the Patches field instead, which provides a superset of the functionality of PatchesStrategicMerge. - // PatchesStrategicMerge specifies the relative path to a file - // containing a strategic merge patch. Format documented at - // https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/sig-api-machinery/strategic-merge-patch.md - // URLs and globs are not supported. - PatchesStrategicMerge []PatchStrategicMerge `json:"patchesStrategicMerge,omitempty" yaml:"patchesStrategicMerge,omitempty"` - - // Deprecated: Use the Patches field instead, which provides a superset of the functionality of JSONPatches. - // JSONPatches is a list of JSONPatch for applying JSON patch. - // Format documented at https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902 - // and http://jsonpatch.com - PatchesJson6902 []Patch `json:"patchesJson6902,omitempty" yaml:"patchesJson6902,omitempty"` - - // Patches is a list of patches, where each one can be either a - // Strategic Merge Patch or a JSON patch. - // Each patch can be applied to multiple target objects. - Patches []Patch `json:"patches,omitempty" yaml:"patches,omitempty"` - - // Images is a list of (image name, new name, new tag or digest) - // for changing image names, tags or digests. This can also be achieved with a - // patch, but this operator is simpler to specify. - Images []Image `json:"images,omitempty" yaml:"images,omitempty"` - - // Deprecated: Use the Images field instead. - ImageTags []Image `json:"imageTags,omitempty" yaml:"imageTags,omitempty"` - - // Replacements is a list of replacements, which will copy nodes from a - // specified source to N specified targets. - Replacements []ReplacementField `json:"replacements,omitempty" yaml:"replacements,omitempty"` - - // Replicas is a list of {resourcename, count} that allows for simpler replica - // specification. This can also be done with a patch. - Replicas []Replica `json:"replicas,omitempty" yaml:"replicas,omitempty"` - - // Deprecated: Vars will be removed in future release. Migrate to Replacements instead. - // Vars allow things modified by kustomize to be injected into a - // kubernetes object specification. A var is a name (e.g. FOO) associated - // with a field in a specific resource instance. The field must - // contain a value of type string/bool/int/float, and defaults to the name field - // of the instance. Any appearance of "$(FOO)" in the object - // spec will be replaced at kustomize build time, after the final - // value of the specified field has been determined. - Vars []Var `json:"vars,omitempty" yaml:"vars,omitempty"` - - // SortOptions change the order that kustomize outputs resources. - SortOptions *SortOptions `json:"sortOptions,omitempty" yaml:"sortOptions,omitempty"` - - // - // Operands - what kustomize operates on. - // - - // Resources specifies relative paths to files holding YAML representations - // of kubernetes API objects, or specifications of other kustomizations - // via relative paths, absolute paths, or URLs. - Resources []string `json:"resources,omitempty" yaml:"resources,omitempty"` - - // Components specifies relative paths to specifications of other Components - // via relative paths, absolute paths, or URLs. - Components []string `json:"components,omitempty" yaml:"components,omitempty"` - - // Crds specifies relative paths to Custom Resource Definition files. - // This allows custom resources to be recognized as operands, making - // it possible to add them to the Resources list. - // CRDs themselves are not modified. - Crds []string `json:"crds,omitempty" yaml:"crds,omitempty"` - - // Deprecated: Anything that would have been specified here should be specified in the Resources field instead. - Bases []string `json:"bases,omitempty" yaml:"bases,omitempty"` - - // - // Generators (operators that create operands) - // - - // ConfigMapGenerator is a list of configmaps to generate from - // local data (one configMap per list item). - // The resulting resource is a normal operand, subject to - // name prefixing, patching, etc. By default, the name of - // the map will have a suffix hash generated from its contents. - ConfigMapGenerator []ConfigMapArgs `json:"configMapGenerator,omitempty" yaml:"configMapGenerator,omitempty"` - - // SecretGenerator is a list of secrets to generate from - // local data (one secret per list item). - // The resulting resource is a normal operand, subject to - // name prefixing, patching, etc. By default, the name of - // the map will have a suffix hash generated from its contents. - SecretGenerator []SecretArgs `json:"secretGenerator,omitempty" yaml:"secretGenerator,omitempty"` - - // HelmGlobals contains helm configuration that isn't chart specific. - HelmGlobals *HelmGlobals `json:"helmGlobals,omitempty" yaml:"helmGlobals,omitempty"` - - // HelmCharts is a list of helm chart configuration instances. - HelmCharts []HelmChart `json:"helmCharts,omitempty" yaml:"helmCharts,omitempty"` - - // HelmChartInflationGenerator is a list of helm chart configurations. - // Deprecated. Auto-converted to HelmGlobals and HelmCharts. - HelmChartInflationGenerator []HelmChartArgs `json:"helmChartInflationGenerator,omitempty" yaml:"helmChartInflationGenerator,omitempty"` - - // GeneratorOptions modify behavior of all ConfigMap and Secret generators. - GeneratorOptions *GeneratorOptions `json:"generatorOptions,omitempty" yaml:"generatorOptions,omitempty"` - - // Configurations is a list of transformer configuration files - Configurations []string `json:"configurations,omitempty" yaml:"configurations,omitempty"` - - // Generators is a list of files containing custom generators - Generators []string `json:"generators,omitempty" yaml:"generators,omitempty"` - - // Transformers is a list of files containing transformers - Transformers []string `json:"transformers,omitempty" yaml:"transformers,omitempty"` - - // Validators is a list of files containing validators - Validators []string `json:"validators,omitempty" yaml:"validators,omitempty"` - - // BuildMetadata is a list of strings used to toggle different build options - BuildMetadata []string `json:"buildMetadata,omitempty" yaml:"buildMetadata,omitempty"` -} - -const ( - deprecatedWarningToRunEditFix = "Run 'kustomize edit fix' to update your Kustomization automatically." - deprecatedWarningToRunEditFixExperimential = "[EXPERIMENTAL] Run 'kustomize edit fix' to update your Kustomization automatically." - deprecatedBaseWarningMessage = "# Warning: 'bases' is deprecated. Please use 'resources' instead." + " " + deprecatedWarningToRunEditFix - deprecatedImageTagsWarningMessage = "# Warning: 'imageTags' is deprecated. Please use 'images' instead." + " " + deprecatedWarningToRunEditFix - deprecatedPatchesJson6902Message = "# Warning: 'patchesJson6902' is deprecated. Please use 'patches' instead." + " " + deprecatedWarningToRunEditFix - deprecatedPatchesStrategicMergeMessage = "# Warning: 'patchesStrategicMerge' is deprecated. Please use 'patches' instead." + " " + deprecatedWarningToRunEditFix - deprecatedVarsMessage = "# Warning: 'vars' is deprecated. Please use 'replacements' instead." + " " + deprecatedWarningToRunEditFixExperimential -) - -// CheckDeprecatedFields check deprecated field is used or not. -func (k *Kustomization) CheckDeprecatedFields() *[]string { - var warningMessages []string - if k.Bases != nil { - warningMessages = append(warningMessages, deprecatedBaseWarningMessage) - } - if k.ImageTags != nil { - warningMessages = append(warningMessages, deprecatedImageTagsWarningMessage) - } - if k.PatchesJson6902 != nil { - warningMessages = append(warningMessages, deprecatedPatchesJson6902Message) - } - if k.PatchesStrategicMerge != nil { - warningMessages = append(warningMessages, deprecatedPatchesStrategicMergeMessage) - } - if k.Vars != nil { - warningMessages = append(warningMessages, deprecatedVarsMessage) - } - return &warningMessages -} - -// FixKustomization fixes things -// like empty fields that should not be empty, or -// moving content of deprecated fields to newer -// fields. -func (k *Kustomization) FixKustomization() { - if k.Kind == "" { - k.Kind = KustomizationKind - } - if k.APIVersion == "" { - if k.Kind == ComponentKind { - k.APIVersion = ComponentVersion - } else { - k.APIVersion = KustomizationVersion - } - } - - // 'bases' field was deprecated in favor of the 'resources' field. - k.Resources = append(k.Resources, k.Bases...) - k.Bases = nil - - // 'imageTags' field was deprecated in favor of the 'images' field. - k.Images = append(k.Images, k.ImageTags...) - k.ImageTags = nil - - for i, g := range k.ConfigMapGenerator { - if g.EnvSource != "" { - k.ConfigMapGenerator[i].EnvSources = - append(g.EnvSources, g.EnvSource) //nolint:gocritic - k.ConfigMapGenerator[i].EnvSource = "" - } - } - for i, g := range k.SecretGenerator { - if g.EnvSource != "" { - k.SecretGenerator[i].EnvSources = - append(g.EnvSources, g.EnvSource) //nolint:gocritic - k.SecretGenerator[i].EnvSource = "" - } - } - charts, globals := SplitHelmParameters(k.HelmChartInflationGenerator) - if k.HelmGlobals == nil { - if globals.ChartHome != "" || globals.ConfigHome != "" { - k.HelmGlobals = &globals - } - } - k.HelmCharts = append(k.HelmCharts, charts...) - // Wipe it for the fix command. - k.HelmChartInflationGenerator = nil -} - -// FixKustomizationPreMarshalling fixes things -// that should occur after the kustomization file -// has been processed. -func (k *Kustomization) FixKustomizationPreMarshalling(fSys filesys.FileSystem) error { - // PatchesJson6902 should be under the Patches field. - k.Patches = append(k.Patches, k.PatchesJson6902...) - k.PatchesJson6902 = nil - - if k.PatchesStrategicMerge != nil { - for _, patchStrategicMerge := range k.PatchesStrategicMerge { - // check this patch is file path select. - if _, err := fSys.ReadFile(string(patchStrategicMerge)); err == nil { - // path patch - k.Patches = append(k.Patches, Patch{Path: string(patchStrategicMerge)}) - } else { - // inline string patch - k.Patches = append(k.Patches, Patch{Patch: string(patchStrategicMerge)}) - } - } - k.PatchesStrategicMerge = nil - } - - // this fix is not in FixKustomizationPostUnmarshalling because - // it will break some commands like `create` and `add`. those - // commands depend on 'commonLabels' field - if cl := labelFromCommonLabels(k.CommonLabels); cl != nil { - // check conflicts between commonLabels and labels - for _, l := range k.Labels { - for k := range l.Pairs { - if _, exist := cl.Pairs[k]; exist { - return fmt.Errorf("label name '%s' exists in both commonLabels and labels", k) - } - } - } - k.Labels = append(k.Labels, *cl) - k.CommonLabels = nil - } - - return nil -} - -func (k *Kustomization) CheckEmpty() error { - // generate empty Kustomization - emptyKustomization := &Kustomization{} - - // k.TypeMeta is metadata. It Isn't related to whether empty or not. - emptyKustomization.TypeMeta = k.TypeMeta - - if reflect.DeepEqual(k, emptyKustomization) { - return fmt.Errorf("kustomization.yaml is empty") - } - - return nil -} - -func (k *Kustomization) EnforceFields() []string { - var errs []string - if k.Kind != "" && k.Kind != KustomizationKind && k.Kind != ComponentKind { - errs = append(errs, "kind should be "+KustomizationKind+" or "+ComponentKind) - } - requiredVersion := KustomizationVersion - if k.Kind == ComponentKind { - requiredVersion = ComponentVersion - } - if k.APIVersion != "" && k.APIVersion != requiredVersion { - errs = append(errs, "apiVersion for "+k.Kind+" should be "+requiredVersion) - } - return errs -} - -// Unmarshal replace k with the content in YAML input y -func (k *Kustomization) Unmarshal(y []byte) error { - // TODO: switch to strict decoding to catch duplicate keys. - // We can't do so until there is a yaml decoder that supports anchors AND case-insensitive keys. - // See https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/issues/5061 - j, err := yaml.YAMLToJSON(y) - if err != nil { - return errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "invalid Kustomization") - } - dec := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(j)) - dec.DisallowUnknownFields() - var nk Kustomization - err = dec.Decode(&nk) - if err != nil { - return errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "invalid Kustomization") - } - *k = nk - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/kvpairsources.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/kvpairsources.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9898defa..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/kvpairsources.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package types - -// KvPairSources defines places to obtain key value pairs. -type KvPairSources struct { - // LiteralSources is a list of literal - // pair sources. Each literal source should - // be a key and literal value, e.g. `key=value` - LiteralSources []string `json:"literals,omitempty" yaml:"literals,omitempty"` - - // FileSources is a list of file "sources" to - // use in creating a list of key, value pairs. - // A source takes the form: [{key}=]{path} - // If the "key=" part is missing, the key is the - // path's basename. If they "key=" part is present, - // it becomes the key (replacing the basename). - // In either case, the value is the file contents. - // Specifying a directory will iterate each named - // file in the directory whose basename is a - // valid configmap key. - FileSources []string `json:"files,omitempty" yaml:"files,omitempty"` - - // EnvSources is a list of file paths. - // The contents of each file should be one - // key=value pair per line, e.g. a Docker - // or npm ".env" file or a ".ini" file - // (wikipedia.org/wiki/INI_file) - EnvSources []string `json:"envs,omitempty" yaml:"envs,omitempty"` - - // Older, singular form of EnvSources. - // On edits (e.g. `kustomize fix`) this is merged into the plural form - // for consistency with LiteralSources and FileSources. - EnvSource string `json:"env,omitempty" yaml:"env,omitempty"` -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/labels.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/labels.go deleted file mode 100644 index 05ba890f..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/labels.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package types - -type Label struct { - // Pairs contains the key-value pairs for labels to add - Pairs map[string]string `json:"pairs,omitempty" yaml:"pairs,omitempty"` - // IncludeSelectors inidicates should transformer include the - // fieldSpecs for selectors. Custom fieldSpecs specified by - // FieldSpecs will be merged with builtin fieldSpecs if this - // is true. - IncludeSelectors bool `json:"includeSelectors,omitempty" yaml:"includeSelectors,omitempty"` - // IncludeTemplates inidicates should transformer include the - // spec/template/metadata fieldSpec. Custom fieldSpecs specified by - // FieldSpecs will be merged with spec/template/metadata fieldSpec if this - // is true. If IncludeSelectors is true, IncludeTemplates is not needed. - IncludeTemplates bool `json:"includeTemplates,omitempty" yaml:"includeTemplates,omitempty"` - FieldSpecs []FieldSpec `json:"fields,omitempty" yaml:"fields,omitempty"` -} - -func labelFromCommonLabels(commonLabels map[string]string) *Label { - if len(commonLabels) == 0 { - return nil - } - return &Label{ - Pairs: commonLabels, - IncludeSelectors: true, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/loadrestrictions.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/loadrestrictions.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6617abda..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/loadrestrictions.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package types - -// Restrictions on what things can be referred to -// in a kustomization file. -// -//go:generate stringer -type=LoadRestrictions -type LoadRestrictions int - -const ( - LoadRestrictionsUnknown LoadRestrictions = iota - - // Files referenced by a kustomization file must be in - // or under the directory holding the kustomization - // file itself. - LoadRestrictionsRootOnly - - // The kustomization file may specify absolute or - // relative paths to patch or resources files outside - // its own tree. - LoadRestrictionsNone -) diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/loadrestrictions_string.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/loadrestrictions_string.go deleted file mode 100644 index d2355950..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/loadrestrictions_string.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by "stringer -type=LoadRestrictions"; DO NOT EDIT. - -package types - -import "strconv" - -func _() { - // An "invalid array index" compiler error signifies that the constant values have changed. - // Re-run the stringer command to generate them again. - var x [1]struct{} - _ = x[LoadRestrictionsUnknown-0] - _ = x[LoadRestrictionsRootOnly-1] - _ = x[LoadRestrictionsNone-2] -} - -const _LoadRestrictions_name = "LoadRestrictionsUnknownLoadRestrictionsRootOnlyLoadRestrictionsNone" - -var _LoadRestrictions_index = [...]uint8{0, 23, 47, 67} - -func (i LoadRestrictions) String() string { - if i < 0 || i >= LoadRestrictions(len(_LoadRestrictions_index)-1) { - return "LoadRestrictions(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")" - } - return _LoadRestrictions_name[_LoadRestrictions_index[i]:_LoadRestrictions_index[i+1]] -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/objectmeta.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/objectmeta.go deleted file mode 100644 index 4f5d41f4..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/objectmeta.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package types - -// ObjectMeta partially copies apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1.ObjectMeta -// No need for a direct dependence; the fields are stable. -type ObjectMeta struct { - Name string `json:"name,omitempty" yaml:"name,omitempty"` - Namespace string `json:"namespace,omitempty" yaml:"namespace,omitempty"` - Labels map[string]string `json:"labels,omitempty" yaml:"labels,omitempty"` - Annotations map[string]string `json:"annotations,omitempty" yaml:"annotations,omitempty"` -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/pair.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/pair.go deleted file mode 100644 index 63cfb776..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/pair.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package types - -// Pair is a key value pair. -type Pair struct { - Key string - Value string -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/patch.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/patch.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5310a6e6..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/patch.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package types - -import "reflect" - -// Patch represent either a Strategic Merge Patch or a JSON patch -// and its targets. -// The content of the patch can either be from a file -// or from an inline string. -type Patch struct { - // Path is a relative file path to the patch file. - Path string `json:"path,omitempty" yaml:"path,omitempty"` - - // Patch is the content of a patch. - Patch string `json:"patch,omitempty" yaml:"patch,omitempty"` - - // Target points to the resources that the patch is applied to - Target *Selector `json:"target,omitempty" yaml:"target,omitempty"` - - // Options is a list of options for the patch - Options map[string]bool `json:"options,omitempty" yaml:"options,omitempty"` -} - -// Equals return true if p equals o. -func (p *Patch) Equals(o Patch) bool { - targetEqual := (p.Target == o.Target) || - (p.Target != nil && o.Target != nil && *p.Target == *o.Target) - return p.Path == o.Path && - p.Patch == o.Patch && - targetEqual && - reflect.DeepEqual(p.Options, o.Options) -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/patchstrategicmerge.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/patchstrategicmerge.go deleted file mode 100644 index 81a5ba45..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/patchstrategicmerge.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package types - -// PatchStrategicMerge represents a relative path to a -// stategic merge patch with the format -// https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/sig-api-machinery/strategic-merge-patch.md -type PatchStrategicMerge string diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/pluginconfig.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/pluginconfig.go deleted file mode 100644 index 741e5deb..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/pluginconfig.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package types - -type HelmConfig struct { - Enabled bool - Command string -} - -// PluginConfig holds plugin configuration. -type PluginConfig struct { - // PluginRestrictions distinguishes plugin restrictions. - PluginRestrictions PluginRestrictions - - // BpLoadingOptions distinguishes builtin plugin behaviors. - BpLoadingOptions BuiltinPluginLoadingOptions - - // FnpLoadingOptions sets the way function-based plugin behaviors. - FnpLoadingOptions FnPluginLoadingOptions - - // HelmConfig contains metadata needed for allowing and running helm. - HelmConfig HelmConfig -} - -func EnabledPluginConfig(b BuiltinPluginLoadingOptions) (pc *PluginConfig) { - pc = MakePluginConfig(PluginRestrictionsNone, b) - pc.FnpLoadingOptions.EnableStar = true - pc.HelmConfig.Enabled = true - // If this command is not on PATH, tests needing it should skip. - pc.HelmConfig.Command = "helmV3" - return -} - -func DisabledPluginConfig() *PluginConfig { - return MakePluginConfig( - PluginRestrictionsBuiltinsOnly, - BploUseStaticallyLinked) -} - -func MakePluginConfig(pr PluginRestrictions, - b BuiltinPluginLoadingOptions) *PluginConfig { - return &PluginConfig{ - PluginRestrictions: pr, - BpLoadingOptions: b, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/pluginrestrictions.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/pluginrestrictions.go deleted file mode 100644 index 88b03b3f..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/pluginrestrictions.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package types - -// Some plugin classes -// - builtin: plugins defined in the kustomize repo. -// May be freely used and re-configured. -// - local: plugins that aren't builtin but are -// locally defined (presumably by the user), meaning -// the kustomization refers to them via a relative -// file path, not a URL. -// - remote: require a build-time download to obtain. -// Unadvised, unless one controls the -// serving site. -// -//go:generate stringer -type=PluginRestrictions -type PluginRestrictions int - -const ( - PluginRestrictionsUnknown PluginRestrictions = iota - - // Non-builtin plugins completely disabled. - PluginRestrictionsBuiltinsOnly - - // No restrictions, do whatever you want. - PluginRestrictionsNone -) - -// BuiltinPluginLoadingOptions distinguish ways in which builtin plugins are used. -//go:generate stringer -type=BuiltinPluginLoadingOptions -type BuiltinPluginLoadingOptions int - -const ( - BploUndefined BuiltinPluginLoadingOptions = iota - - // Desired in production use for performance. - BploUseStaticallyLinked - - // Desired in testing and development cycles where it's undesirable - // to generate static code. - BploLoadFromFileSys -) - -// FnPluginLoadingOptions set way functions-based plugins are restricted -type FnPluginLoadingOptions struct { - // Allow to run executables - EnableExec bool - // Allow to run starlark - EnableStar bool - // Allow container access to network - Network bool - NetworkName string - // list of mounts - Mounts []string - // list of env variables to pass to fn - Env []string - // Run as uid and gid of the command executor - AsCurrentUser bool - // Run in this working directory - WorkingDir string -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/pluginrestrictions_string.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/pluginrestrictions_string.go deleted file mode 100644 index b9dba7df..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/pluginrestrictions_string.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by "stringer -type=PluginRestrictions"; DO NOT EDIT. - -package types - -import "strconv" - -func _() { - // An "invalid array index" compiler error signifies that the constant values have changed. - // Re-run the stringer command to generate them again. - var x [1]struct{} - _ = x[PluginRestrictionsUnknown-0] - _ = x[PluginRestrictionsBuiltinsOnly-1] - _ = x[PluginRestrictionsNone-2] -} - -const _PluginRestrictions_name = "PluginRestrictionsUnknownPluginRestrictionsBuiltinsOnlyPluginRestrictionsNone" - -var _PluginRestrictions_index = [...]uint8{0, 25, 55, 77} - -func (i PluginRestrictions) String() string { - if i < 0 || i >= PluginRestrictions(len(_PluginRestrictions_index)-1) { - return "PluginRestrictions(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")" - } - return _PluginRestrictions_name[_PluginRestrictions_index[i]:_PluginRestrictions_index[i+1]] -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/replacement.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/replacement.go deleted file mode 100644 index cb416342..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/replacement.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,87 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2021 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package types - -import ( - "fmt" - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/resid" -) - -const DefaultReplacementFieldPath = "metadata.name" - -// Replacement defines how to perform a substitution -// where it is from and where it is to. -type Replacement struct { - // The source of the value. - Source *SourceSelector `json:"source,omitempty" yaml:"source,omitempty"` - - // The N fields to write the value to. - Targets []*TargetSelector `json:"targets,omitempty" yaml:"targets,omitempty"` -} - -// SourceSelector is the source of the replacement transformer. -type SourceSelector struct { - // A specific object to read it from. - resid.ResId `json:",inline,omitempty" yaml:",inline,omitempty"` - - // Structured field path expected in the allowed object. - FieldPath string `json:"fieldPath,omitempty" yaml:"fieldPath,omitempty"` - - // Used to refine the interpretation of the field. - Options *FieldOptions `json:"options,omitempty" yaml:"options,omitempty"` -} - -func (s *SourceSelector) String() string { - if s == nil { - return "" - } - result := []string{s.ResId.String()} - if s.FieldPath != "" { - result = append(result, s.FieldPath) - } - if opts := s.Options.String(); opts != "" { - result = append(result, opts) - } - return strings.Join(result, ":") -} - -// TargetSelector specifies fields in one or more objects. -type TargetSelector struct { - // Include objects that match this. - Select *Selector `json:"select" yaml:"select"` - - // From the allowed set, remove objects that match this. - Reject []*Selector `json:"reject,omitempty" yaml:"reject,omitempty"` - - // Structured field paths expected in each allowed object. - FieldPaths []string `json:"fieldPaths,omitempty" yaml:"fieldPaths,omitempty"` - - // Used to refine the interpretation of the field. - Options *FieldOptions `json:"options,omitempty" yaml:"options,omitempty"` -} - -// FieldOptions refine the interpretation of FieldPaths. -type FieldOptions struct { - // Used to split/join the field. - Delimiter string `json:"delimiter,omitempty" yaml:"delimiter,omitempty"` - - // Which position in the split to consider. - Index int `json:"index,omitempty" yaml:"index,omitempty"` - - // TODO (#3492): Implement use of this option - // None, Base64, URL, Hex, etc - Encoding string `json:"encoding,omitempty" yaml:"encoding,omitempty"` - - // If field missing, add it. - Create bool `json:"create,omitempty" yaml:"create,omitempty"` -} - -func (fo *FieldOptions) String() string { - if fo == nil || (fo.Delimiter == "" && !fo.Create) { - return "" - } - return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%d), create=%t", fo.Delimiter, fo.Index, fo.Create) -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/replacementfield.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/replacementfield.go deleted file mode 100644 index 303e5c9e..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/replacementfield.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2022 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package types - -type ReplacementField struct { - Replacement `json:",inline,omitempty" yaml:",inline,omitempty"` - Path string `json:"path,omitempty" yaml:"path,omitempty"` -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/replica.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/replica.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8267366b..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/replica.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package types - -// Replica specifies a modification to a replica config. -// The number of replicas of a resource whose name matches will be set to count. -// This struct is used by the ReplicaCountTransform, and is meant to supplement -// the existing patch functionality with a simpler syntax for replica configuration. -type Replica struct { - // The name of the resource to change the replica count - Name string `json:"name,omitempty" yaml:"name,omitempty"` - - // The number of replicas required. - Count int64 `json:"count" yaml:"count"` -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/secretargs.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/secretargs.go deleted file mode 100644 index 62dbe26a..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/secretargs.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package types - -// SecretArgs contains the metadata of how to generate a secret. -type SecretArgs struct { - // GeneratorArgs for the secret. - GeneratorArgs `json:",inline,omitempty" yaml:",inline,omitempty"` - - // Type of the secret. - // - // This is the same field as the secret type field in v1/Secret: - // It can be "Opaque" (default), or "kubernetes.io/tls". - // - // If type is "kubernetes.io/tls", then "literals" or "files" must have exactly two - // keys: "tls.key" and "tls.crt" - Type string `json:"type,omitempty" yaml:"type,omitempty"` -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/selector.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/selector.go deleted file mode 100644 index 2c07f0b0..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/selector.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package types - -import ( - "fmt" - "regexp" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/resid" -) - -// Selector specifies a set of resources. -// Any resource that matches intersection of all conditions -// is included in this set. -type Selector struct { - // ResId refers to a GVKN/Ns of a resource. - resid.ResId `json:",inline,omitempty" yaml:",inline,omitempty"` - - // AnnotationSelector is a string that follows the label selection expression - // https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/#api - // It matches with the resource annotations. - AnnotationSelector string `json:"annotationSelector,omitempty" yaml:"annotationSelector,omitempty"` - - // LabelSelector is a string that follows the label selection expression - // https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/#api - // It matches with the resource labels. - LabelSelector string `json:"labelSelector,omitempty" yaml:"labelSelector,omitempty"` -} - -func (s *Selector) Copy() Selector { - return *s -} - -func (s *Selector) String() string { - return fmt.Sprintf( - "%s:a=%s:l=%s", s.ResId, s.AnnotationSelector, s.LabelSelector) -} - -// SelectorRegex is a Selector with regex in GVK -// Any resource that matches intersection of all conditions -// is included in this set. -type SelectorRegex struct { - selector *Selector - groupRegex *regexp.Regexp - versionRegex *regexp.Regexp - kindRegex *regexp.Regexp - nameRegex *regexp.Regexp - namespaceRegex *regexp.Regexp -} - -// NewSelectorRegex returns a pointer to a new SelectorRegex -// which uses the same condition as s. -func NewSelectorRegex(s *Selector) (*SelectorRegex, error) { - sr := new(SelectorRegex) - var err error - sr.selector = s - sr.groupRegex, err = regexp.Compile(anchorRegex(s.Gvk.Group)) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - sr.versionRegex, err = regexp.Compile(anchorRegex(s.Gvk.Version)) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - sr.kindRegex, err = regexp.Compile(anchorRegex(s.Gvk.Kind)) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - sr.nameRegex, err = regexp.Compile(anchorRegex(s.Name)) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - sr.namespaceRegex, err = regexp.Compile(anchorRegex(s.Namespace)) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return sr, nil -} - -func anchorRegex(pattern string) string { - if pattern == "" { - return pattern - } - return "^(?:" + pattern + ")$" -} - -// MatchGvk return true if gvk can be matched by s. -func (s *SelectorRegex) MatchGvk(gvk resid.Gvk) bool { - if len(s.selector.Gvk.Group) > 0 { - if !s.groupRegex.MatchString(gvk.Group) { - return false - } - } - if len(s.selector.Gvk.Version) > 0 { - if !s.versionRegex.MatchString(gvk.Version) { - return false - } - } - if len(s.selector.Gvk.Kind) > 0 { - if !s.kindRegex.MatchString(gvk.Kind) { - return false - } - } - return true -} - -// MatchName returns true if the name in selector is -// empty or the n can be matches by the name in selector -func (s *SelectorRegex) MatchName(n string) bool { - if s.selector.Name == "" { - return true - } - return s.nameRegex.MatchString(n) -} - -// MatchNamespace returns true if the namespace in selector is -// empty or the ns can be matches by the namespace in selector -func (s *SelectorRegex) MatchNamespace(ns string) bool { - if s.selector.Namespace == "" { - return true - } - return s.namespaceRegex.MatchString(ns) -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/sortoptions.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/sortoptions.go deleted file mode 100644 index 64dd4880..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/sortoptions.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2021 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package types - -// SortOptions defines the order that kustomize outputs resources. -type SortOptions struct { - // Order selects the ordering strategy. - Order SortOrder `json:"order,omitempty" yaml:"order,omitempty"` - // LegacySortOptions tweaks the sorting for the "legacy" sort ordering - // strategy. - LegacySortOptions *LegacySortOptions `json:"legacySortOptions,omitempty" yaml:"legacySortOptions,omitempty"` -} - -// SortOrder defines different ordering strategies. -type SortOrder string - -const LegacySortOrder SortOrder = "legacy" -const FIFOSortOrder SortOrder = "fifo" - -// LegacySortOptions define various options for tweaking the "legacy" ordering -// strategy. -type LegacySortOptions struct { - // OrderFirst selects the resource kinds to order first. - OrderFirst []string `json:"orderFirst" yaml:"orderFirst"` - // OrderLast selects the resource kinds to order last. - OrderLast []string `json:"orderLast" yaml:"orderLast"` -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/typemeta.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/typemeta.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0ddafd3d..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/typemeta.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package types - -// TypeMeta partially copies apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1.TypeMeta -// No need for a direct dependence; the fields are stable. -type TypeMeta struct { - Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty" yaml:"kind,omitempty"` - APIVersion string `json:"apiVersion,omitempty" yaml:"apiVersion,omitempty"` -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/var.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/var.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0ca5579c..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types/var.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,211 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package types - -import ( - "fmt" - "reflect" - "sort" - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/resid" -) - -// Var represents a variable whose value will be sourced -// from a field in a Kubernetes object. -type Var struct { - // Value of identifier name e.g. FOO used in container args, annotations - // Appears in pod template as $(FOO) - Name string `json:"name" yaml:"name"` - - // ObjRef must refer to a Kubernetes resource under the - // purview of this kustomization. ObjRef should use the - // raw name of the object (the name specified in its YAML, - // before addition of a namePrefix and a nameSuffix). - ObjRef Target `json:"objref" yaml:"objref"` - - // FieldRef refers to the field of the object referred to by - // ObjRef whose value will be extracted for use in - // replacing $(FOO). - // If unspecified, this defaults to fieldPath: $defaultFieldPath - FieldRef FieldSelector `json:"fieldref,omitempty" yaml:"fieldref,omitempty"` -} - -// Target refers to a kubernetes object by Group, Version, Kind and Name -// gvk.Gvk contains Group, Version and Kind -// APIVersion is added to keep the backward compatibility of using ObjectReference -// for Var.ObjRef -type Target struct { - APIVersion string `json:"apiVersion,omitempty" yaml:"apiVersion,omitempty"` - resid.Gvk `json:",inline,omitempty" yaml:",inline,omitempty"` - Name string `json:"name" yaml:"name"` - Namespace string `json:"namespace,omitempty" yaml:"namespace,omitempty"` -} - -// GVK returns the Gvk object in Target -func (t *Target) GVK() resid.Gvk { - if t.APIVersion == "" { - return t.Gvk - } - versions := strings.Split(t.APIVersion, "/") - if len(versions) == 2 { - t.Group = versions[0] - t.Version = versions[1] - } - if len(versions) == 1 { - t.Version = versions[0] - } - return t.Gvk -} - -// FieldSelector contains the fieldPath to an object field. -// This struct is added to keep the backward compatibility of using ObjectFieldSelector -// for Var.FieldRef -type FieldSelector struct { - FieldPath string `json:"fieldPath,omitempty" yaml:"fieldPath,omitempty"` -} - -// defaulting sets reference to field used by default. -func (v *Var) Defaulting() { - if v.FieldRef.FieldPath == "" { - v.FieldRef.FieldPath = DefaultReplacementFieldPath - } - v.ObjRef.GVK() -} - -// DeepEqual returns true if var a and b are Equals. -// Note 1: The objects are unchanged by the VarEqual -// Note 2: Should be normalize be FieldPath before doing -// the DeepEqual. spec.a[b] is supposed to be the same -// as spec.a.b -func (v Var) DeepEqual(other Var) bool { - v.Defaulting() - other.Defaulting() - return reflect.DeepEqual(v, other) -} - -// VarSet is a set of Vars where no var.Name is repeated. -type VarSet struct { - set map[string]Var -} - -// NewVarSet returns an initialized VarSet -func NewVarSet() VarSet { - return VarSet{set: map[string]Var{}} -} - -// AsSlice returns the vars as a slice. -func (vs *VarSet) AsSlice() []Var { - s := make([]Var, len(vs.set)) - i := 0 - for _, v := range vs.set { - s[i] = v - i++ - } - sort.Sort(byName(s)) - return s -} - -// Copy returns a copy of the var set. -func (vs *VarSet) Copy() VarSet { - newSet := make(map[string]Var, len(vs.set)) - for k, v := range vs.set { - newSet[k] = v - } - return VarSet{set: newSet} -} - -// MergeSet absorbs other vars with error on name collision. -func (vs *VarSet) MergeSet(incoming VarSet) error { - for _, incomingVar := range incoming.set { - if err := vs.Merge(incomingVar); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -// MergeSlice absorbs a Var slice with error on name collision. -// Empty fields in incoming vars are defaulted. -func (vs *VarSet) MergeSlice(incoming []Var) error { - for _, v := range incoming { - if err := vs.Merge(v); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -// Merge absorbs another Var with error on name collision. -// Empty fields in incoming Var is defaulted. -func (vs *VarSet) Merge(v Var) error { - if vs.Contains(v) { - return fmt.Errorf( - "var '%s' already encountered", v.Name) - } - v.Defaulting() - vs.set[v.Name] = v - return nil -} - -// AbsorbSet absorbs other vars with error on (name,value) collision. -func (vs *VarSet) AbsorbSet(incoming VarSet) error { - for _, v := range incoming.set { - if err := vs.Absorb(v); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -// AbsorbSlice absorbs a Var slice with error on (name,value) collision. -// Empty fields in incoming vars are defaulted. -func (vs *VarSet) AbsorbSlice(incoming []Var) error { - for _, v := range incoming { - if err := vs.Absorb(v); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -// Absorb absorbs another Var with error on (name,value) collision. -// Empty fields in incoming Var is defaulted. -func (vs *VarSet) Absorb(v Var) error { - conflicting := vs.Get(v.Name) - if conflicting == nil { - // no conflict. The var is valid. - v.Defaulting() - vs.set[v.Name] = v - return nil - } - - if !reflect.DeepEqual(v, *conflicting) { - // two vars with the same name are pointing at two - // different resources. - return fmt.Errorf( - "var '%s' already encountered", v.Name) - } - return nil -} - -// Contains is true if the set has the other var. -func (vs *VarSet) Contains(other Var) bool { - return vs.Get(other.Name) != nil -} - -// Get returns the var with the given name, else nil. -func (vs *VarSet) Get(name string) *Var { - if v, found := vs.set[name]; found { - return &v - } - return nil -} - -// byName is a sort interface which sorts Vars by name alphabetically -type byName []Var - -func (v byName) Len() int { return len(v) } -func (v byName) Swap(i, j int) { v[i], v[j] = v[j], v[i] } -func (v byName) Less(i, j int) bool { return v[i].Name < v[j].Name } diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/LICENSE b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index 8dada3ed..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,201 +0,0 @@ - Apache License - Version 2.0, January 2004 - http://www.apache.org/licenses/ - - TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION - - 1. Definitions. - - "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, - and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. - - "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by - the copyright owner that is granting the License. - - "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all - other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common - control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, - "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the - direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or - otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the - outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. - - "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity - exercising permissions granted by this License. - - "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, - including but not limited to software source code, documentation - source, and configuration files. - - "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical - transformation or translation of a Source form, including but - not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, - and conversions to other media types. - - "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or - Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a - copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work - (an example is provided in the Appendix below). - - "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object - form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the - editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications - represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes - of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain - separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, - the Work and Derivative Works thereof. - - "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including - the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions - to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally - submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner - or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of - the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" - means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent - to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to - communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, - and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the - Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but - excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise - designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." - - "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity - on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and - subsequently incorporated within the Work. - - 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of - this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, - worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable - copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, - publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the - Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. - - 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of - this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, - worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable - (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, - use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, - where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable - by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their - Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) - with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You - institute patent litigation against any entity (including a - cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work - or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct - or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses - granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate - as of the date such litigation is filed. - - 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the - Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without - modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You - meet the following conditions: - - (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or - Derivative Works a copy of this License; and - - (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices - stating that You changed the files; and - - (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works - that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and - attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, - excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of - the Derivative Works; and - - (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its - distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must - include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained - within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not - pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one - of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed - as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or - documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, - within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and - wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents - of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and - do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution - notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside - or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided - that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed - as modifying the License. - - You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and - may provide additional or different license terms and conditions - for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or - for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, - reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with - the conditions stated in this License. - - 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, - any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work - by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of - this License, without any additional terms or conditions. - Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify - the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed - with Licensor regarding such Contributions. - - 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade - names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, - except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the - origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. - - 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or - agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each - Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or - implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions - of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A - PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the - appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any - risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. - - 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, - whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, - unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly - negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be - liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, - incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a - result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the - Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, - work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all - other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor - has been advised of the possibility of such damages. - - 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing - the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, - and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, - or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this - License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only - on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf - of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, - defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability - incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason - of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. - - END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS - - APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work. - - To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following - boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "{}" - replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include - the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate - comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a - file or class name and description of purpose be included on the - same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier - identification within third-party archives. - - Copyright {yyyy} {name of copyright owner} - - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/comments/comments.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/comments/comments.go deleted file mode 100644 index 97334d0f..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/comments/comments.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,83 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package comments - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/walk" -) - -// CopyComments recursively copies the comments on fields in from to fields in to -func CopyComments(from, to *yaml.RNode) error { - // from node should not be modified, it should be just used as a reference - fromCopy := from.Copy() - copyFieldComments(fromCopy, to) - // walk the fields copying comments - _, err := walk.Walker{ - Sources: []*yaml.RNode{fromCopy, to}, - Visitor: &copier{}, - VisitKeysAsScalars: true}.Walk() - return err -} - -// copier implements walk.Visitor, and copies comments to fields shared between 2 instances -// of a resource -type copier struct{} - -func (c *copier) VisitMap(s walk.Sources, _ *openapi.ResourceSchema) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - copyFieldComments(s.Dest(), s.Origin()) - return s.Dest(), nil -} - -func (c *copier) VisitScalar(s walk.Sources, _ *openapi.ResourceSchema) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - to := s.Origin() - // TODO: File a bug with upstream yaml to handle comments for FoldedStyle scalar nodes - // Hack: convert FoldedStyle scalar node to DoubleQuotedStyle as the line comments are - // being serialized without space - // https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/kpt/issues/766 - if to != nil && to.Document().Style == yaml.FoldedStyle { - to.Document().Style = yaml.DoubleQuotedStyle - } - - copyFieldComments(s.Dest(), to) - return s.Dest(), nil -} - -func (c *copier) VisitList(s walk.Sources, _ *openapi.ResourceSchema, _ walk.ListKind) ( - *yaml.RNode, error) { - copyFieldComments(s.Dest(), s.Origin()) - destItems := s.Dest().Content() - originItems := s.Origin().Content() - - for i := 0; i < len(destItems) && i < len(originItems); i++ { - dest := destItems[i] - origin := originItems[i] - - if dest.Value == origin.Value { - // We copy the comments recursively on each node in the list. - if err := CopyComments(yaml.NewRNode(dest), yaml.NewRNode(origin)); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - } - - return s.Dest(), nil -} - -// copyFieldComments copies the comment from one field to another -func copyFieldComments(from, to *yaml.RNode) { - if from == nil || to == nil { - return - } - if to.Document().LineComment == "" { - to.Document().LineComment = from.Document().LineComment - } - if to.Document().HeadComment == "" { - to.Document().HeadComment = from.Document().HeadComment - } - if to.Document().FootComment == "" { - to.Document().FootComment = from.Document().FootComment - } -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors/errors.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors/errors.go deleted file mode 100644 index c292d7c6..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors/errors.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package errors provides libraries for working with the go-errors/errors library. -package errors - -import ( - "fmt" - - goerrors "github.com/go-errors/errors" -) - -// Wrap returns err wrapped in a go-error. If err is nil, returns nil. -func Wrap(err interface{}) error { - if err == nil { - return nil - } - return goerrors.Wrap(err, 1) -} - -// WrapPrefixf returns err wrapped in a go-error with a message prefix. If err is nil, returns nil. -func WrapPrefixf(err interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) error { - if err == nil { - return nil - } - return goerrors.WrapPrefix(err, fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...), 1) -} - -// Errorf returns a new go-error. -func Errorf(msg string, args ...interface{}) error { - return goerrors.Wrap(fmt.Errorf(msg, args...), 1) -} - -// As finds the targeted error in any wrapped error. -func As(err error, target interface{}) bool { - return goerrors.As(err, target) -} - -// Is detects whether the error is equal to a given error. -func Is(err error, target error) bool { - return goerrors.Is(err, target) -} - -// GetStack returns a stack trace for the error if it has one -func GetStack(err error) string { - if e, ok := err.(*goerrors.Error); ok { - return string(e.Stack()) - } - return "" -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/ext/ext.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/ext/ext.go deleted file mode 100644 index c946577c..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/ext/ext.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package ext - -// IgnoreFileName returns the name for ignore files in -// packages. It can be overridden by tools using this library. -var IgnoreFileName = func() string { - return ".krmignore" -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fieldmeta/fieldmeta.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fieldmeta/fieldmeta.go deleted file mode 100644 index c537c337..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fieldmeta/fieldmeta.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package fieldmeta - -import ( - "encoding/json" - "fmt" - "reflect" - "strconv" - "strings" - - "k8s.io/kube-openapi/pkg/validation/spec" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// FieldMeta contains metadata that may be attached to fields as comments -type FieldMeta struct { - Schema spec.Schema - - Extensions XKustomize - - SettersSchema *spec.Schema -} - -type XKustomize struct { - SetBy string `yaml:"setBy,omitempty" json:"setBy,omitempty"` - PartialFieldSetters []PartialFieldSetter `yaml:"partialSetters,omitempty" json:"partialSetters,omitempty"` - FieldSetter *PartialFieldSetter `yaml:"setter,omitempty" json:"setter,omitempty"` -} - -// PartialFieldSetter defines how to set part of a field rather than the full field -// value. e.g. the tag part of an image field -type PartialFieldSetter struct { - // Name is the name of this setter. - Name string `yaml:"name" json:"name"` - - // Value is the current value that has been set. - Value string `yaml:"value" json:"value"` -} - -// IsEmpty returns true if the FieldMeta has any empty Schema -func (fm *FieldMeta) IsEmpty() bool { - if fm == nil { - return true - } - return reflect.DeepEqual(fm.Schema, spec.Schema{}) -} - -// Read reads the FieldMeta from a node -func (fm *FieldMeta) Read(n *yaml.RNode) error { - // check for metadata on head and line comments - comments := []string{n.YNode().LineComment, n.YNode().HeadComment} - for _, c := range comments { - if c == "" { - continue - } - c := strings.TrimLeft(c, "#") - - // check for new short hand notation or fall back to openAPI ref format - if !fm.processShortHand(c) { - // if it doesn't Unmarshal that is fine, it means there is no metadata - // other comments are valid, they just don't parse - // TODO: consider more sophisticated parsing techniques similar to what is used - // for go struct tags. - if err := fm.Schema.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(c)); err != nil { - // note: don't return an error if the comment isn't a fieldmeta struct - return nil - } - } - fe := fm.Schema.VendorExtensible.Extensions["x-kustomize"] - if fe == nil { - return nil - } - b, err := json.Marshal(fe) - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - return json.Unmarshal(b, &fm.Extensions) - } - return nil -} - -// processShortHand parses the comment for short hand ref, loads schema to fm -// and returns true if successful, returns false for any other cases and not throw -// error, as the comment might not be a setter ref -func (fm *FieldMeta) processShortHand(comment string) bool { - input := map[string]string{} - err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(comment), &input) - if err != nil { - return false - } - name := input[shortHandRef] - if name == "" { - return false - } - - // check if setter with the name exists, else check for a substitution - // setter and substitution can't have same name in shorthand - - setterRef, err := spec.NewRef(DefinitionsPrefix + SetterDefinitionPrefix + name) - if err != nil { - return false - } - - setterRefBytes, err := setterRef.MarshalJSON() - if err != nil { - return false - } - - if _, err := openapi.Resolve(&setterRef, fm.SettersSchema); err == nil { - setterErr := fm.Schema.UnmarshalJSON(setterRefBytes) - return setterErr == nil - } - - substRef, err := spec.NewRef(DefinitionsPrefix + SubstitutionDefinitionPrefix + name) - if err != nil { - return false - } - - substRefBytes, err := substRef.MarshalJSON() - if err != nil { - return false - } - - if _, err := openapi.Resolve(&substRef, fm.SettersSchema); err == nil { - substErr := fm.Schema.UnmarshalJSON(substRefBytes) - return substErr == nil - } - return false -} - -func isExtensionEmpty(x XKustomize) bool { - if x.FieldSetter != nil { - return false - } - if x.SetBy != "" { - return false - } - if len(x.PartialFieldSetters) > 0 { - return false - } - return true -} - -// Write writes the FieldMeta to a node -func (fm *FieldMeta) Write(n *yaml.RNode) error { - if !isExtensionEmpty(fm.Extensions) { - return fm.WriteV1Setters(n) - } - - // Ref is removed when a setter is deleted, so the Ref string could be empty. - if fm.Schema.Ref.String() != "" { - // Ex: {"$ref":"#/definitions/io.k8s.cli.setters.replicas"} should be converted to - // {"$openAPI":"replicas"} and added to the line comment - ref := fm.Schema.Ref.String() - var shortHandRefValue string - switch { - case strings.HasPrefix(ref, DefinitionsPrefix+SetterDefinitionPrefix): - shortHandRefValue = strings.TrimPrefix(ref, DefinitionsPrefix+SetterDefinitionPrefix) - case strings.HasPrefix(ref, DefinitionsPrefix+SubstitutionDefinitionPrefix): - shortHandRefValue = strings.TrimPrefix(ref, DefinitionsPrefix+SubstitutionDefinitionPrefix) - default: - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected ref format: %s", ref) - } - n.YNode().LineComment = fmt.Sprintf(`{"%s":"%s"}`, shortHandRef, - shortHandRefValue) - } else { - n.YNode().LineComment = "" - } - - return nil -} - -// WriteV1Setters is the v1 setters way of writing setter definitions -// TODO: pmarupaka - remove this method after migration -func (fm *FieldMeta) WriteV1Setters(n *yaml.RNode) error { - fm.Schema.VendorExtensible.AddExtension("x-kustomize", fm.Extensions) - b, err := json.Marshal(fm.Schema) - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - n.YNode().LineComment = string(b) - return nil -} - -// FieldValueType defines the type of input to register -type FieldValueType string - -const ( - // String defines a string flag - String FieldValueType = "string" - // Bool defines a bool flag - Bool = "boolean" - // Int defines an int flag - Int = "integer" -) - -func (it FieldValueType) String() string { - if it == "" { - return "string" - } - return string(it) -} - -func (it FieldValueType) Validate(value string) error { - switch it { - case Int: - if _, err := strconv.Atoi(value); err != nil { - return errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "value must be an int") - } - case Bool: - if _, err := strconv.ParseBool(value); err != nil { - return errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "value must be a bool") - } - } - return nil -} - -func (it FieldValueType) Tag() string { - switch it { - case String: - return yaml.NodeTagString - case Bool: - return yaml.NodeTagBool - case Int: - return yaml.NodeTagInt - } - return "" -} - -func (it FieldValueType) TagForValue(value string) string { - switch it { - case String: - return yaml.NodeTagString - case Bool: - if _, err := strconv.ParseBool(string(it)); err != nil { - return "" - } - return yaml.NodeTagBool - case Int: - if _, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(it), 0, 32); err != nil { - return "" - } - return yaml.NodeTagInt - } - return "" -} - -const ( - // CLIDefinitionsPrefix is the prefix for cli definition keys. - CLIDefinitionsPrefix = "io.k8s.cli." - - // SetterDefinitionPrefix is the prefix for setter definition keys. - SetterDefinitionPrefix = CLIDefinitionsPrefix + "setters." - - // SubstitutionDefinitionPrefix is the prefix for substitution definition keys. - SubstitutionDefinitionPrefix = CLIDefinitionsPrefix + "substitutions." - - // DefinitionsPrefix is the prefix used to reference definitions in the OpenAPI - DefinitionsPrefix = "#/definitions/" -) - -// shortHandRef is the shorthand reference to setters and substitutions -var shortHandRef = "$openapi" - -func SetShortHandRef(ref string) { - shortHandRef = ref -} - -func ShortHandRef() string { - return shortHandRef -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys/confirmeddir.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys/confirmeddir.go deleted file mode 100644 index ea6eff90..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys/confirmeddir.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package filesys - -import ( - "os" - "path/filepath" - "strings" -) - -// ConfirmedDir is a clean, absolute, delinkified path -// that was confirmed to point to an existing directory. -type ConfirmedDir string - -// NewTmpConfirmedDir returns a temporary dir, else error. -// The directory is cleaned, no symlinks, etc. so it's -// returned as a ConfirmedDir. -func NewTmpConfirmedDir() (ConfirmedDir, error) { - n, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "kustomize-") - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - - // In MacOs `os.MkdirTemp` creates a directory - // with root in the `/var` folder, which is in turn - // a symlinked path to `/private/var`. - // Function `filepath.EvalSymlinks`is used to - // resolve the real absolute path. - deLinked, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(n) - return ConfirmedDir(deLinked), err -} - -// HasPrefix returns true if the directory argument -// is a prefix of self (d) from the point of view of -// a file system. -// -// I.e., it's true if the argument equals or contains -// self (d) in a file path sense. -// -// HasPrefix emulates the semantics of strings.HasPrefix -// such that the following are true: -// -// strings.HasPrefix("foobar", "foobar") -// strings.HasPrefix("foobar", "foo") -// strings.HasPrefix("foobar", "") -// -// d := fSys.ConfirmDir("/foo/bar") -// d.HasPrefix("/foo/bar") -// d.HasPrefix("/foo") -// d.HasPrefix("/") -// -// Not contacting a file system here to check for -// actual path existence. -// -// This is tested on linux, but will have trouble -// on other operating systems. -// TODO(monopole) Refactor when #golang/go/18358 closes. -// See also: -// https://github.com/golang/go/issues/18358 -// https://github.com/golang/dep/issues/296 -// https://github.com/golang/dep/blob/master/internal/fs/fs.go#L33 -// https://codereview.appspot.com/5712045 -func (d ConfirmedDir) HasPrefix(path ConfirmedDir) bool { - if path.String() == string(filepath.Separator) || path == d { - return true - } - return strings.HasPrefix( - string(d), - string(path)+string(filepath.Separator)) -} - -func (d ConfirmedDir) Join(path string) string { - return filepath.Join(string(d), path) -} - -func (d ConfirmedDir) String() string { - return string(d) -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys/doc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index bd396344..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package filesys provides a file system abstraction, -// a subset of that provided by golang.org/pkg/os, -// with an on-disk and in-memory representation. -package filesys diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys/file.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys/file.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5044c653..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys/file.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package filesys - -import ( - "io" - "os" -) - -// File groups the basic os.File methods. -type File interface { - io.ReadWriteCloser - Stat() (os.FileInfo, error) -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys/fileinfo.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys/fileinfo.go deleted file mode 100644 index 57646d24..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys/fileinfo.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package filesys - -import ( - "os" - "time" -) - -var _ os.FileInfo = fileInfo{} - -// fileInfo implements os.FileInfo for a fileInMemory instance. -type fileInfo struct { - node *fsNode -} - -// Name returns the name of the file -func (fi fileInfo) Name() string { return fi.node.Name() } - -// Size returns the size of the file -func (fi fileInfo) Size() int64 { return fi.node.Size() } - -// Mode returns the file mode -func (fi fileInfo) Mode() os.FileMode { return 0777 } - -// ModTime returns a bogus time -func (fi fileInfo) ModTime() time.Time { return time.Time{} } - -// IsDir returns true if it is a directory -func (fi fileInfo) IsDir() bool { return fi.node.isNodeADir() } - -// Sys should return underlying data source, but it now returns nil -func (fi fileInfo) Sys() interface{} { return nil } diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys/fileondisk.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys/fileondisk.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8ed92d90..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys/fileondisk.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package filesys - -import ( - "os" -) - -var _ File = &fileOnDisk{} - -// fileOnDisk implements File using the local filesystem. -type fileOnDisk struct { - file *os.File -} - -// Close closes a file. -func (f *fileOnDisk) Close() error { return f.file.Close() } - -// Read reads a file's content. -func (f *fileOnDisk) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) { return f.file.Read(p) } - -// Write writes bytes to a file -func (f *fileOnDisk) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) { return f.file.Write(p) } - -// Stat returns an interface which has all the information regarding the file. -func (f *fileOnDisk) Stat() (os.FileInfo, error) { return f.file.Stat() } diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys/filesystem.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys/filesystem.go deleted file mode 100644 index 79dfc53b..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys/filesystem.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,153 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package filesys - -import ( - "fmt" - "path/filepath" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" -) - -const ( - Separator = string(filepath.Separator) - SelfDir = "." - ParentDir = ".." -) - -// FileSystem groups basic os filesystem methods. -// It's supposed be functional subset of https://golang.org/pkg/os -type FileSystem interface { - - // Create a file. - Create(path string) (File, error) - - // MkDir makes a directory. - Mkdir(path string) error - - // MkDirAll makes a directory path, creating intervening directories. - MkdirAll(path string) error - - // RemoveAll removes path and any children it contains. - RemoveAll(path string) error - - // Open opens the named file for reading. - Open(path string) (File, error) - - // IsDir returns true if the path is a directory. - IsDir(path string) bool - - // ReadDir returns a list of files and directories within a directory. - ReadDir(path string) ([]string, error) - - // CleanedAbs converts the given path into a - // directory and a file name, where the directory - // is represented as a ConfirmedDir and all that implies. - // If the entire path is a directory, the file component - // is an empty string. - CleanedAbs(path string) (ConfirmedDir, string, error) - - // Exists is true if the path exists in the file system. - Exists(path string) bool - - // Glob returns the list of matching files, - // emulating https://golang.org/pkg/path/filepath/#Glob - Glob(pattern string) ([]string, error) - - // ReadFile returns the contents of the file at the given path. - ReadFile(path string) ([]byte, error) - - // WriteFile writes the data to a file at the given path, - // overwriting anything that's already there. - WriteFile(path string, data []byte) error - - // Walk walks the file system with the given WalkFunc. - Walk(path string, walkFn filepath.WalkFunc) error -} - -// ConfirmDir returns an error if the user-specified path is not an existing directory on fSys. -// Otherwise, ConfirmDir returns path, which can be relative, as a ConfirmedDir and all that implies. -func ConfirmDir(fSys FileSystem, path string) (ConfirmedDir, error) { - if path == "" { - return "", errors.Errorf("directory path cannot be empty") - } - - d, f, err := fSys.CleanedAbs(path) - if err != nil { - return "", errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "not a valid directory") - } - if f != "" { - return "", errors.WrapPrefixf(errors.Errorf("file is not directory"), fmt.Sprintf("'%s'", path)) - } - return d, nil -} - -// FileSystemOrOnDisk satisfies the FileSystem interface by forwarding -// all of its method calls to the given FileSystem whenever it's not nil. -// If it's nil, the call is forwarded to the OS's underlying file system. -type FileSystemOrOnDisk struct { - FileSystem FileSystem -} - -// Set sets the given FileSystem as the target for all the FileSystem method calls. -func (fs *FileSystemOrOnDisk) Set(f FileSystem) { fs.FileSystem = f } - -func (fs FileSystemOrOnDisk) fs() FileSystem { - if fs.FileSystem != nil { - return fs.FileSystem - } - return MakeFsOnDisk() -} - -func (fs FileSystemOrOnDisk) Create(path string) (File, error) { - return fs.fs().Create(path) -} - -func (fs FileSystemOrOnDisk) Mkdir(path string) error { - return fs.fs().Mkdir(path) -} - -func (fs FileSystemOrOnDisk) MkdirAll(path string) error { - return fs.fs().MkdirAll(path) -} - -func (fs FileSystemOrOnDisk) RemoveAll(path string) error { - return fs.fs().RemoveAll(path) -} - -func (fs FileSystemOrOnDisk) Open(path string) (File, error) { - return fs.fs().Open(path) -} - -func (fs FileSystemOrOnDisk) IsDir(path string) bool { - return fs.fs().IsDir(path) -} - -func (fs FileSystemOrOnDisk) ReadDir(path string) ([]string, error) { - return fs.fs().ReadDir(path) -} - -func (fs FileSystemOrOnDisk) CleanedAbs(path string) (ConfirmedDir, string, error) { - return fs.fs().CleanedAbs(path) -} - -func (fs FileSystemOrOnDisk) Exists(path string) bool { - return fs.fs().Exists(path) -} - -func (fs FileSystemOrOnDisk) Glob(pattern string) ([]string, error) { - return fs.fs().Glob(pattern) -} - -func (fs FileSystemOrOnDisk) ReadFile(path string) ([]byte, error) { - return fs.fs().ReadFile(path) -} - -func (fs FileSystemOrOnDisk) WriteFile(path string, data []byte) error { - return fs.fs().WriteFile(path, data) -} - -func (fs FileSystemOrOnDisk) Walk(path string, walkFn filepath.WalkFunc) error { - return fs.fs().Walk(path, walkFn) -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys/fsnode.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys/fsnode.go deleted file mode 100644 index 608b8e38..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys/fsnode.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,647 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package filesys - -import ( - "bytes" - "fmt" - "io" - "log" - "os" - "path/filepath" - "regexp" - "sort" - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" -) - -var _ File = &fsNode{} -var _ FileSystem = &fsNode{} - -// fsNode is either a file or a directory. -type fsNode struct { - // What node owns me? - parent *fsNode - - // Value to return as the Name() when the - // parent is nil. - nilParentName string - - // A directory mapping names to nodes. - // If dir is nil, then self node is a file. - // If dir is non-nil, then self node is a directory, - // albeit possibly an empty directory. - dir map[string]*fsNode - - // if this node is a file, this is the content. - content []byte - - // if offset is not nil the file is open and it tracks - // the current file offset. - offset *int -} - -// MakeEmptyDirInMemory returns an empty directory. -// The paths of nodes in this object will never -// report a leading Separator, meaning they -// aren't "absolute" in the sense defined by -// https://golang.org/pkg/path/filepath/#IsAbs. -func MakeEmptyDirInMemory() *fsNode { - return &fsNode{ - dir: make(map[string]*fsNode), - } -} - -// MakeFsInMemory returns an empty 'file system'. -// The paths of nodes in this object will always -// report a leading Separator, meaning they -// are "absolute" in the sense defined by -// https://golang.org/pkg/path/filepath/#IsAbs. -// This is a relevant difference when using Walk, -// Glob, Match, etc. -func MakeFsInMemory() FileSystem { - return &fsNode{ - nilParentName: Separator, - dir: make(map[string]*fsNode), - } -} - -// Name returns the name of the node. -func (n *fsNode) Name() string { - if n.parent == nil { - // Unable to lookup name in parent. - return n.nilParentName - } - if !n.parent.isNodeADir() { - log.Fatal("parent not a dir") - } - for key, value := range n.parent.dir { - if value == n { - return key - } - } - log.Fatal("unable to find fsNode name") - return "" -} - -// Path returns the full path to the node. -func (n *fsNode) Path() string { - if n.parent == nil { - return n.nilParentName - } - if !n.parent.isNodeADir() { - log.Fatal("parent not a dir, structural error") - } - return filepath.Join(n.parent.Path(), n.Name()) -} - -// mySplit trims trailing separators from the directory -// result of filepath.Split. -func mySplit(s string) (string, string) { - dName, fName := filepath.Split(s) - return StripTrailingSeps(dName), fName -} - -func (n *fsNode) addFile(name string, c []byte) (result *fsNode, err error) { - parent := n - dName, fileName := mySplit(name) - if dName != "" { - parent, err = parent.addDir(dName) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - if !isLegalFileNameForCreation(fileName) { - return nil, fmt.Errorf( - "illegal name '%s' in file creation", fileName) - } - result, ok := parent.dir[fileName] - if ok { - // File already exists; overwrite it. - if result.offset != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot add already opened file '%s'", n.Path()) - } - result.content = append(result.content[:0], c...) - return result, nil - } - result = &fsNode{ - content: append([]byte(nil), c...), - parent: parent, - } - parent.dir[fileName] = result - return result, nil -} - -// Create implements FileSystem. -// Create makes an empty file. -func (n *fsNode) Create(path string) (result File, err error) { - f, err := n.AddFile(path, nil) - if err != nil { - return f, err - } - f.offset = new(int) - return f, nil -} - -// WriteFile implements FileSystem. -func (n *fsNode) WriteFile(path string, d []byte) error { - _, err := n.AddFile(path, d) - return err -} - -// AddFile adds a file and any necessary containing -// directories to the node. -func (n *fsNode) AddFile( - name string, c []byte) (result *fsNode, err error) { - if n.dir == nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf( - "cannot add a file to a non-directory '%s'", n.Name()) - } - return n.addFile(cleanQueryPath(name), c) -} - -func (n *fsNode) addDir(path string) (result *fsNode, err error) { - parent := n - dName, subDirName := mySplit(path) - if dName != "" { - parent, err = n.addDir(dName) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - switch subDirName { - case "", SelfDir: - return n, nil - case ParentDir: - if n.parent == nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf( - "cannot add a directory above '%s'", n.Path()) - } - return n.parent, nil - default: - if !isLegalFileNameForCreation(subDirName) { - return nil, fmt.Errorf( - "illegal name '%s' in directory creation", subDirName) - } - result, ok := parent.dir[subDirName] - if ok { - if result.isNodeADir() { - // it's already there. - return result, nil - } - return nil, fmt.Errorf( - "cannot make dir '%s'; a file of that name already exists in '%s'", - subDirName, parent.Name()) - } - result = &fsNode{ - dir: make(map[string]*fsNode), - parent: parent, - } - parent.dir[subDirName] = result - return result, nil - } -} - -// Mkdir implements FileSystem. -// Mkdir creates a directory. -func (n *fsNode) Mkdir(path string) error { - _, err := n.AddDir(path) - return err -} - -// MkdirAll implements FileSystem. -// MkdirAll creates a directory. -func (n *fsNode) MkdirAll(path string) error { - _, err := n.AddDir(path) - return err -} - -// AddDir adds a directory to the node, not complaining -// if it is already there. -func (n *fsNode) AddDir(path string) (result *fsNode, err error) { - if n.dir == nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf( - "cannot add a directory to file node '%s'", n.Name()) - } - return n.addDir(cleanQueryPath(path)) -} - -// CleanedAbs implements FileSystem. -func (n *fsNode) CleanedAbs(path string) (ConfirmedDir, string, error) { - node, err := n.Find(path) - if err != nil { - return "", "", errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "unable to clean") - } - if node == nil { - return "", "", notExistError(path) - } - if node.isNodeADir() { - return ConfirmedDir(node.Path()), "", nil - } - return ConfirmedDir(node.parent.Path()), node.Name(), nil -} - -// Exists implements FileSystem. -// Exists returns true if the path exists. -func (n *fsNode) Exists(path string) bool { - if !n.isNodeADir() { - return n.Name() == path - } - result, err := n.Find(path) - if err != nil { - return false - } - return result != nil -} - -func cleanQueryPath(path string) string { - // Always ignore leading separator? - // Remember that filepath.Clean returns "." if - // given an empty string argument. - return filepath.Clean(StripLeadingSeps(path)) -} - -// Find finds the given node, else nil if not found. -// Return error on structural/argument errors. -func (n *fsNode) Find(path string) (*fsNode, error) { - if !n.isNodeADir() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("can only find inside a dir") - } - if path == "" { - // Special case; check *before* cleaning and *before* - // comparison to nilParentName. - return nil, nil - } - if (n.parent == nil && path == n.nilParentName) || path == SelfDir { - // Special case - return n, nil - } - return n.findIt(cleanQueryPath(path)) -} - -func (n *fsNode) findIt(path string) (result *fsNode, err error) { - parent := n - dName, item := mySplit(path) - if dName != "" { - parent, err = n.findIt(dName) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if parent == nil { - // all done, target doesn't exist. - return nil, nil - } - } - if !parent.isNodeADir() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("'%s' is not a directory", parent.Path()) - } - return parent.dir[item], nil -} - -// RemoveAll implements FileSystem. -// RemoveAll removes an item and everything it contains. -func (n *fsNode) RemoveAll(path string) error { - result, err := n.Find(path) - if err != nil { - return err - } - if result == nil { - // If the path doesn't exist, no need to remove anything. - return nil - } - return result.Remove() -} - -// Remove drop the node, and everything it contains, from its parent. -func (n *fsNode) Remove() error { - if n.parent == nil { - return fmt.Errorf("cannot remove a root node") - } - if !n.parent.isNodeADir() { - log.Fatal("parent not a dir") - } - for key, value := range n.parent.dir { - if value == n { - delete(n.parent.dir, key) - return nil - } - } - log.Fatal("unable to find self in parent") - return nil -} - -// isNodeADir returns true if the node is a directory. -// Cannot collide with the poorly named "IsDir". -func (n *fsNode) isNodeADir() bool { - return n.dir != nil -} - -// IsDir implements FileSystem. -// IsDir returns true if the argument resolves -// to a directory rooted at the node. -func (n *fsNode) IsDir(path string) bool { - result, err := n.Find(path) - if err != nil || result == nil { - return false - } - return result.isNodeADir() -} - -// ReadDir implements FileSystem. -func (n *fsNode) ReadDir(path string) ([]string, error) { - if !n.Exists(path) { - return nil, notExistError(path) - } - if !n.IsDir(path) { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s is not a directory", path) - } - - dir, err := n.Find(path) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if dir == nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not find directory %s", path) - } - - keys := make([]string, len(dir.dir)) - i := 0 - for k := range dir.dir { - keys[i] = k - i++ - } - return keys, nil -} - -// Size returns the size of the node. -func (n *fsNode) Size() int64 { - if n.isNodeADir() { - return int64(len(n.dir)) - } - return int64(len(n.content)) -} - -// Open implements FileSystem. -// Open opens the node in read-write mode and sets the offset its start. -// Writing right after opening the file will replace the original content -// and move the offset forward, as with a file opened with O_RDWR | O_CREATE. -// -// As an example, let's consider a file with content "content": -// - open: sets offset to start, content is "content" -// - write "@": offset increases by one, the content is now "@ontent" -// - read the rest: since offset is 1, the read operation returns "ontent" -// - write "$": offset is at EOF, so "$" is appended and content is now "@ontent$" -// - read the rest: returns 0 bytes and EOF -// - close: the content is still "@ontent$" -func (n *fsNode) Open(path string) (File, error) { - result, err := n.Find(path) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if result == nil { - return nil, notExistError(path) - } - if result.offset != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot open previously opened file '%s'", path) - } - result.offset = new(int) - return result, nil -} - -// Close marks the node closed. -func (n *fsNode) Close() error { - if n.offset == nil { - return fmt.Errorf("cannot close already closed file '%s'", n.Path()) - } - n.offset = nil - return nil -} - -// ReadFile implements FileSystem. -func (n *fsNode) ReadFile(path string) (c []byte, err error) { - result, err := n.Find(path) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if result == nil { - return nil, notExistError(path) - } - if result.isNodeADir() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot read content from non-file '%s'", n.Path()) - } - c = make([]byte, len(result.content)) - copy(c, result.content) - return c, nil -} - -// Read returns the content of the file node. -func (n *fsNode) Read(d []byte) (c int, err error) { - if n.isNodeADir() { - return 0, fmt.Errorf( - "cannot read content from non-file '%s'", n.Path()) - } - if n.offset == nil { - return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot read from closed file '%s'", n.Path()) - } - - rest := n.content[*n.offset:] - if len(d) < len(rest) { - rest = rest[:len(d)] - } else { - err = io.EOF - } - copy(d, rest) - *n.offset += len(rest) - return len(rest), err -} - -// Write saves the contents of the argument to the file node. -func (n *fsNode) Write(p []byte) (c int, err error) { - if n.isNodeADir() { - return 0, fmt.Errorf( - "cannot write content to non-file '%s'", n.Path()) - } - if n.offset == nil { - return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot write to closed file '%s'", n.Path()) - } - n.content = append(n.content[:*n.offset], p...) - *n.offset = len(n.content) - return len(p), nil -} - -// ContentMatches returns true if v matches fake file's content. -func (n *fsNode) ContentMatches(v []byte) bool { - return bytes.Equal(v, n.content) -} - -// GetContent the content of a fake file. -func (n *fsNode) GetContent() []byte { - return n.content -} - -// Stat returns an instance of FileInfo. -func (n *fsNode) Stat() (os.FileInfo, error) { - return fileInfo{node: n}, nil -} - -// Walk implements FileSystem. -func (n *fsNode) Walk(path string, walkFn filepath.WalkFunc) error { - result, err := n.Find(path) - if err != nil { - return err - } - if result == nil { - return notExistError(path) - } - return result.WalkMe(walkFn) -} - -// Walk runs the given walkFn on each node. -func (n *fsNode) WalkMe(walkFn filepath.WalkFunc) error { - fi, err := n.Stat() - // always visit self first - err = walkFn(n.Path(), fi, err) - if !n.isNodeADir() { - // it's a file, so nothing more to do - return err - } - // process self as a directory - if err == filepath.SkipDir { - return nil - } - // Walk is supposed to visit in lexical order. - for _, k := range n.sortedDirEntries() { - if err := n.dir[k].WalkMe(walkFn); err != nil { - if err == filepath.SkipDir { - // stop processing this directory - break - } - // bail out completely - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -func (n *fsNode) sortedDirEntries() []string { - keys := make([]string, len(n.dir)) - i := 0 - for k := range n.dir { - keys[i] = k - i++ - } - sort.Strings(keys) - return keys -} - -// FileCount returns a count of files. -// Directories, empty or otherwise, not counted. -func (n *fsNode) FileCount() int { - count := 0 - n.WalkMe(func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error { - if err != nil { - return err - } - if !info.IsDir() { - count++ - } - return nil - }) - return count -} - -func (n *fsNode) DebugPrint() { - n.WalkMe(func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error { - if err != nil { - fmt.Printf("err '%v' at path %q\n", err, path) - return nil - } - if info.IsDir() { - if info.Size() == 0 { - fmt.Println("empty dir: " + path) - } - } else { - fmt.Println(" file: " + path) - } - return nil - }) -} - -var legalFileNamePattern = regexp.MustCompile("^[a-zA-Z0-9-_.:]+$") - -// This rules enforced here should be simpler and tighter -// than what's allowed on a real OS. -// Should be fine for testing or in-memory purposes. -func isLegalFileNameForCreation(n string) bool { - if n == "" || n == SelfDir || !legalFileNamePattern.MatchString(n) { - return false - } - return !strings.Contains(n, ParentDir) -} - -// RegExpGlob returns a list of file paths matching the regexp. -// Excludes directories. -func (n *fsNode) RegExpGlob(pattern string) ([]string, error) { - var result []string - var expression = regexp.MustCompile(pattern) - err := n.WalkMe(func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error { - if err != nil { - return err - } - if !info.IsDir() { - if expression.MatchString(path) { - result = append(result, path) - } - } - return nil - }) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - sort.Strings(result) - return result, nil -} - -// Glob implements FileSystem. -// Glob returns the list of file paths matching -// per filepath.Match semantics, i.e. unlike RegExpGlob, -// Match("foo/a*") will not match sub-sub directories of foo. -// This is how /bin/ls behaves. -func (n *fsNode) Glob(pattern string) ([]string, error) { - var result []string - var allFiles []string - err := n.WalkMe(func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error { - if err != nil { - return err - } - if !info.IsDir() { - match, err := filepath.Match(pattern, path) - if err != nil { - return err - } - if match { - allFiles = append(allFiles, path) - } - } - return nil - }) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if IsHiddenFilePath(pattern) { - result = allFiles - } else { - result = RemoveHiddenFiles(allFiles) - } - sort.Strings(result) - return result, nil -} - -// notExistError indicates that a file or directory does not exist. -// Unwrapping returns os.ErrNotExist so errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) works correctly. -type notExistError string - -func (err notExistError) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("'%s' doesn't exist", string(err)) } -func (err notExistError) Unwrap() error { return os.ErrNotExist } diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys/fsondisk.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys/fsondisk.go deleted file mode 100644 index 10ce83f1..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys/fsondisk.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,141 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package filesys - -import ( - "fmt" - "log" - "os" - "path/filepath" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" -) - -var _ FileSystem = fsOnDisk{} - -// fsOnDisk implements FileSystem using the local filesystem. -type fsOnDisk struct{} - -// MakeFsOnDisk makes an instance of fsOnDisk. -func MakeFsOnDisk() FileSystem { - return fsOnDisk{} -} - -// Create delegates to os.Create. -func (fsOnDisk) Create(name string) (File, error) { return os.Create(name) } - -// Mkdir delegates to os.Mkdir. -func (fsOnDisk) Mkdir(name string) error { - return os.Mkdir(name, 0777|os.ModeDir) -} - -// MkdirAll delegates to os.MkdirAll. -func (fsOnDisk) MkdirAll(name string) error { - return os.MkdirAll(name, 0777|os.ModeDir) -} - -// RemoveAll delegates to os.RemoveAll. -func (fsOnDisk) RemoveAll(name string) error { - return os.RemoveAll(name) -} - -// Open delegates to os.Open. -func (fsOnDisk) Open(name string) (File, error) { return os.Open(name) } - -// CleanedAbs converts the given path into a -// directory and a file name, where the directory -// is represented as a ConfirmedDir and all that implies. -// If the entire path is a directory, the file component -// is an empty string. -func (x fsOnDisk) CleanedAbs( - path string) (ConfirmedDir, string, error) { - absRoot, err := filepath.Abs(path) - if err != nil { - return "", "", fmt.Errorf( - "abs path error on '%s' : %v", path, err) - } - deLinked, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(absRoot) - if err != nil { - return "", "", fmt.Errorf( - "evalsymlink failure on '%s' : %w", path, err) - } - if x.IsDir(deLinked) { - return ConfirmedDir(deLinked), "", nil - } - d := filepath.Dir(deLinked) - if !x.IsDir(d) { - // Programmer/assumption error. - log.Fatalf("first part of '%s' not a directory", deLinked) - } - if d == deLinked { - // Programmer/assumption error. - log.Fatalf("d '%s' should be a subset of deLinked", d) - } - f := filepath.Base(deLinked) - if filepath.Join(d, f) != deLinked { - // Programmer/assumption error. - log.Fatalf("these should be equal: '%s', '%s'", - filepath.Join(d, f), deLinked) - } - return ConfirmedDir(d), f, nil -} - -// Exists returns true if os.Stat succeeds. -func (fsOnDisk) Exists(name string) bool { - _, err := os.Stat(name) - return err == nil -} - -// Glob returns the list of matching files -func (fsOnDisk) Glob(pattern string) ([]string, error) { - var result []string - allFilePaths, err := filepath.Glob(pattern) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if IsHiddenFilePath(pattern) { - result = allFilePaths - } else { - result = RemoveHiddenFiles(allFilePaths) - } - return result, nil -} - -// IsDir delegates to os.Stat and FileInfo.IsDir -func (fsOnDisk) IsDir(name string) bool { - info, err := os.Stat(name) - if err != nil { - return false - } - return info.IsDir() -} - -// ReadDir delegates to os.ReadDir -func (fsOnDisk) ReadDir(name string) ([]string, error) { - dirEntries, err := os.ReadDir(name) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - result := make([]string, len(dirEntries)) - for i := range dirEntries { - result[i] = dirEntries[i].Name() - } - return result, nil -} - -// ReadFile delegates to os.ReadFile. -func (fsOnDisk) ReadFile(name string) ([]byte, error) { - content, err := os.ReadFile(name) - return content, errors.Wrap(err) -} - -// WriteFile delegates to os.WriteFile with read/write permissions. -func (fsOnDisk) WriteFile(name string, c []byte) error { - return errors.Wrap(os.WriteFile(name, c, 0666)) //nolint:gosec -} - -// Walk delegates to filepath.Walk. -func (fsOnDisk) Walk(path string, walkFn filepath.WalkFunc) error { - return filepath.Walk(path, walkFn) -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys/fsondisk_unix.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys/fsondisk_unix.go deleted file mode 100644 index 15935a46..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys/fsondisk_unix.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2022 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -//go:build !windows -// +build !windows - -package filesys - -import ( - "path/filepath" -) - -func getOSRoot() (string, error) { - return string(filepath.Separator), nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys/fsondisk_windows.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys/fsondisk_windows.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8c8a33c4..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys/fsondisk_windows.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2022 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package filesys - -import ( - "path/filepath" - - "golang.org/x/sys/windows" -) - -func getOSRoot() (string, error) { - sysDir, err := windows.GetSystemDirectory() - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - return filepath.VolumeName(sysDir) + `\`, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys/util.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys/util.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0713ffe2..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys/util.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,143 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package filesys - -import ( - "os" - "path/filepath" - "strings" -) - -// RootedPath returns a rooted path, e.g. "/foo/bar" as -// opposed to "foo/bar". -func RootedPath(elem ...string) string { - return Separator + filepath.Join(elem...) -} - -// StripTrailingSeps trims trailing filepath separators from input. -func StripTrailingSeps(s string) string { - k := len(s) - for k > 0 && s[k-1] == filepath.Separator { - k-- - } - return s[:k] -} - -// StripLeadingSeps trims leading filepath separators from input. -func StripLeadingSeps(s string) string { - k := 0 - for k < len(s) && s[k] == filepath.Separator { - k++ - } - return s[k:] -} - -// PathSplit converts a file path to a slice of string. -// If the path is absolute (if the path has a leading slash), -// then the first entry in the result is an empty string. -// Desired: path == PathJoin(PathSplit(path)) -func PathSplit(incoming string) []string { - if incoming == "" { - return []string{} - } - dir, path := filepath.Split(incoming) - if dir == string(os.PathSeparator) { - if path == "" { - return []string{""} - } - return []string{"", path} - } - dir = strings.TrimSuffix(dir, string(os.PathSeparator)) - if dir == "" { - return []string{path} - } - return append(PathSplit(dir), path) -} - -// PathJoin converts a slice of string to a file path. -// If the first entry is an empty string, then the returned -// path is absolute (it has a leading slash). -// Desired: path == PathJoin(PathSplit(path)) -func PathJoin(incoming []string) string { - if len(incoming) == 0 { - return "" - } - if incoming[0] == "" { - return string(os.PathSeparator) + filepath.Join(incoming[1:]...) - } - return filepath.Join(incoming...) -} - -// InsertPathPart inserts 'part' at position 'pos' in the given filepath. -// The first position is 0. -// -// E.g. if part == 'PEACH' -// -// OLD : NEW : POS -// -------------------------------------------------------- -// {empty} : PEACH : irrelevant -// / : /PEACH : irrelevant -// pie : PEACH/pie : 0 (or negative) -// /pie : /PEACH/pie : 0 (or negative) -// raw : raw/PEACH : 1 (or larger) -// /raw : /raw/PEACH : 1 (or larger) -// a/nice/warm/pie : a/nice/warm/PEACH/pie : 3 -// /a/nice/warm/pie : /a/nice/warm/PEACH/pie : 3 -// -// * An empty part results in no change. -// -// - Absolute paths get their leading '/' stripped, treated like -// relative paths, and the leading '/' is re-added on output. -// The meaning of pos is intentionally the same in either absolute or -// relative paths; if it weren't, this function could convert absolute -// paths to relative paths, which is not desirable. -// -// - For robustness (liberal input, conservative output) Pos values -// that are too small (large) to index the split filepath result in a -// prefix (postfix) rather than an error. Use extreme position values -// to assure a prefix or postfix (e.g. 0 will always prefix, and -// 9999 will presumably always postfix). -func InsertPathPart(path string, pos int, part string) string { - if part == "" { - return path - } - parts := PathSplit(path) - if pos < 0 { - pos = 0 - } else if pos > len(parts) { - pos = len(parts) - } - if len(parts) > 0 && parts[0] == "" && pos < len(parts) { - // An empty string at 0 indicates an absolute path, and means - // we must increment pos. This change means that a position - // specification has the same meaning in relative and absolute paths. - // E.g. in either the path 'a/b/c' or the path '/a/b/c', - // 'a' is at 0, 'b' is at 1 and 'c' is at 2, and inserting at - // zero means a new first field _without_ changing an absolute - // path to a relative path. - pos++ - } - result := make([]string, len(parts)+1) - copy(result, parts[0:pos]) - result[pos] = part - return PathJoin(append(result, parts[pos:]...)) //nolint: makezero -} - -func IsHiddenFilePath(pattern string) bool { - return strings.HasPrefix(filepath.Base(pattern), ".") -} - -// Removes paths containing hidden files/folders from a list of paths -func RemoveHiddenFiles(paths []string) []string { - if len(paths) == 0 { - return paths - } - var result []string - for _, path := range paths { - if !IsHiddenFilePath(path) { - result = append(result, path) - } - } - return result -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/container/container.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/container/container.go deleted file mode 100644 index 76b51a8c..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/container/container.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,208 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package container - -import ( - "fmt" - "os" - "path/filepath" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - runtimeexec "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/exec" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/runtimeutil" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// Filter filters Resources using a container image. -// The container must start a process that reads the list of -// input Resources from stdin, reads the Configuration from the env -// API_CONFIG, and writes the filtered Resources to stdout. -// If there is a error or validation failure, the process must exit -// non-zero. -// The full set of environment variables from the parent process -// are passed to the container. -// -// Function Scoping: -// Filter applies the function only to Resources to which it is scoped. -// -// Resources are scoped to a function if any of the following are true: -// - the Resource were read from the same directory as the function config -// - the Resource were read from a subdirectory of the function config directory -// - the function config is in a directory named "functions" and -// they were read from a subdirectory of "functions" parent -// - the function config doesn't have a path annotation (considered globally scoped) -// - the Filter has GlobalScope == true -// -// In Scope Examples: -// -// Example 1: deployment.yaml and service.yaml in function.yaml scope -// same directory as the function config directory -// . -// ├── function.yaml -// ├── deployment.yaml -// └── service.yaml -// -// Example 2: apps/deployment.yaml and apps/service.yaml in function.yaml scope -// subdirectory of the function config directory -// . -// ├── function.yaml -// └── apps -//    ├── deployment.yaml -//    └── service.yaml -// -// Example 3: apps/deployment.yaml and apps/service.yaml in functions/function.yaml scope -// function config is in a directory named "functions" -// . -// ├── functions -// │   └── function.yaml -// └── apps -//    ├── deployment.yaml -//    └── service.yaml -// -// Out of Scope Examples: -// -// Example 1: apps/deployment.yaml and apps/service.yaml NOT in stuff/function.yaml scope -// . -// ├── stuff -// │   └── function.yaml -// └── apps -//    ├── deployment.yaml -//    └── service.yaml -// -// Example 2: apps/deployment.yaml and apps/service.yaml NOT in stuff/functions/function.yaml scope -// . -// ├── stuff -// │   └── functions -// │    └── function.yaml -// └── apps -//    ├── deployment.yaml -//    └── service.yaml -// -// Default Paths: -// Resources emitted by functions will have default path applied as annotations -// if none is present. -// The default path will be the function-dir/ (or parent directory in the case of "functions") -// + function-file-name/ + namespace/ + kind_name.yaml -// -// Example 1: Given a function in fn.yaml that produces a Deployment name foo and a Service named bar -// dir -// └── fn.yaml -// -// Would default newly generated Resources to: -// -// dir -// ├── fn.yaml -// └── fn -//    ├── deployment_foo.yaml -//    └── service_bar.yaml -// -// Example 2: Given a function in functions/fn.yaml that produces a Deployment name foo and a Service named bar -// dir -// └── fn.yaml -// -// Would default newly generated Resources to: -// -// dir -// ├── functions -// │   └── fn.yaml -// └── fn -//    ├── deployment_foo.yaml -//    └── service_bar.yaml -// -// Example 3: Given a function in fn.yaml that produces a Deployment name foo, namespace baz and a Service named bar namespace baz -// dir -// └── fn.yaml -// -// Would default newly generated Resources to: -// -// dir -// ├── fn.yaml -// └── fn -// └── baz -//    ├── deployment_foo.yaml -//    └── service_bar.yaml -type Filter struct { - runtimeutil.ContainerSpec `json:",inline" yaml:",inline"` - - Exec runtimeexec.Filter - - UIDGID string -} - -func (c Filter) String() string { - if c.Exec.DeferFailure { - return fmt.Sprintf("%s deferFailure: %v", c.Image, c.Exec.DeferFailure) - } - return c.Image -} -func (c Filter) GetExit() error { - return c.Exec.GetExit() -} - -func (c *Filter) Filter(nodes []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - if err := c.setupExec(); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return c.Exec.Filter(nodes) -} - -func (c *Filter) setupExec() error { - // don't init 2x - if c.Exec.Path != "" { - return nil - } - - if c.Exec.WorkingDir == "" { - wd, err := os.Getwd() - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - c.Exec.WorkingDir = wd - } - - path, args := c.getCommand() - c.Exec.Path = path - c.Exec.Args = args - return nil -} - -// getArgs returns the command + args to run to spawn the container -func (c *Filter) getCommand() (string, []string) { - network := runtimeutil.NetworkNameNone - if c.ContainerSpec.Network { - network = runtimeutil.NetworkNameHost - } - // run the container using docker. this is simpler than using the docker - // libraries, and ensures things like auth work the same as if the container - // was run from the cli. - args := []string{"run", - "--rm", // delete the container afterward - "-i", "-a", "STDIN", "-a", "STDOUT", "-a", "STDERR", // attach stdin, stdout, stderr - "--network", string(network), - - // added security options - "--user", c.UIDGID, - "--security-opt=no-new-privileges", // don't allow the user to escalate privileges - // note: don't make fs readonly because things like heredoc rely on writing tmp files - } - - for _, storageMount := range c.StorageMounts { - // convert declarative relative paths to absolute (otherwise docker will throw an error) - if !filepath.IsAbs(storageMount.Src) { - storageMount.Src = filepath.Join(c.Exec.WorkingDir, storageMount.Src) - } - args = append(args, "--mount", storageMount.String()) - } - - args = append(args, runtimeutil.NewContainerEnvFromStringSlice(c.Env).GetDockerFlags()...) - a := append(args, c.Image) //nolint:gocritic - return "docker", a -} - -// NewContainer returns a new container filter -func NewContainer(spec runtimeutil.ContainerSpec, uidgid string) Filter { - f := Filter{ContainerSpec: spec, UIDGID: uidgid} - - return f -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/exec/doc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/exec/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 2747a96f..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/exec/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package exec contains the exec function implementation. -package exec diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/exec/exec.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/exec/exec.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8bb3fe12..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/exec/exec.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package exec - -import ( - "io" - "os" - "os/exec" - "path/filepath" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/runtimeutil" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -type Filter struct { - // Path is the path to the executable to run - Path string `yaml:"path,omitempty"` - - // Args are the arguments to the executable - Args []string `yaml:"args,omitempty"` - - // WorkingDir is the working directory that the executable - // should run in - WorkingDir string - - runtimeutil.FunctionFilter -} - -func (c *Filter) Filter(nodes []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - c.FunctionFilter.Run = c.Run - return c.FunctionFilter.Filter(nodes) -} - -func (c *Filter) Run(reader io.Reader, writer io.Writer) error { - cmd := exec.Command(c.Path, c.Args...) //nolint:gosec - cmd.Stdin = reader - cmd.Stdout = writer - cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr - if c.WorkingDir == "" { - return errors.Errorf("no working directory set for exec function") - } - if !filepath.IsAbs(c.WorkingDir) { - return errors.Errorf( - "relative working directory %s not allowed", c.WorkingDir) - } - if c.WorkingDir == "/" { - return errors.Errorf( - "root working directory '/' not allowed") - } - cmd.Dir = c.WorkingDir - return cmd.Run() -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/runtimeutil/doc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/runtimeutil/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 89f9036a..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/runtimeutil/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package runtimeutil contains libraries for implementing function runtimes. -package runtimeutil diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/runtimeutil/functiontypes.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/runtimeutil/functiontypes.go deleted file mode 100644 index f0448ea2..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/runtimeutil/functiontypes.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,312 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package runtimeutil - -import ( - "fmt" - "os" - "sort" - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" - k8syaml "sigs.k8s.io/yaml" -) - -const ( - FunctionAnnotationKey = "config.kubernetes.io/function" - oldFunctionAnnotationKey = "config.k8s.io/function" -) - -var functionAnnotationKeys = []string{FunctionAnnotationKey, oldFunctionAnnotationKey} - -// ContainerNetworkName is a type for network name used in container -type ContainerNetworkName string - -const ( - NetworkNameNone ContainerNetworkName = "none" - NetworkNameHost ContainerNetworkName = "host" -) -const defaultEnvValue string = "true" - -// ContainerEnv defines the environment present in a container. -type ContainerEnv struct { - // EnvVars is a key-value map that will be set as env in container - EnvVars map[string]string - - // VarsToExport are only env key. Value will be the value in the host system - VarsToExport []string -} - -// GetDockerFlags returns docker run style env flags -func (ce *ContainerEnv) GetDockerFlags() []string { - envs := ce.EnvVars - if envs == nil { - envs = make(map[string]string) - } - - flags := []string{} - // return in order to keep consistent among different runs - keys := []string{} - for k := range envs { - keys = append(keys, k) - } - sort.Strings(keys) - for _, key := range keys { - flags = append(flags, "-e", key+"="+envs[key]) - } - - for _, key := range ce.VarsToExport { - flags = append(flags, "-e", key) - } - - return flags -} - -// AddKeyValue adds a key-value pair into the envs -func (ce *ContainerEnv) AddKeyValue(key, value string) { - if ce.EnvVars == nil { - ce.EnvVars = make(map[string]string) - } - ce.EnvVars[key] = value -} - -// HasExportedKey returns true if the key is a exported key -func (ce *ContainerEnv) HasExportedKey(key string) bool { - for _, k := range ce.VarsToExport { - if k == key { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -// AddKey adds a key into the envs -func (ce *ContainerEnv) AddKey(key string) { - if !ce.HasExportedKey(key) { - ce.VarsToExport = append(ce.VarsToExport, key) - } -} - -// Raw returns a slice of string which represents the envs. -// Example: [foo=bar, baz] -func (ce *ContainerEnv) Raw() []string { - var ret []string - for k, v := range ce.EnvVars { - ret = append(ret, k+"="+v) - } - - ret = append(ret, ce.VarsToExport...) - return ret -} - -// NewContainerEnv returns a pointer to a new ContainerEnv -func NewContainerEnv() *ContainerEnv { - var ce ContainerEnv - ce.EnvVars = make(map[string]string) - // default envs - ce.EnvVars["LOG_TO_STDERR"] = defaultEnvValue - ce.EnvVars["STRUCTURED_RESULTS"] = defaultEnvValue - return &ce -} - -// NewContainerEnvFromStringSlice returns a new ContainerEnv pointer with parsing -// input envStr. envStr example: ["foo=bar", "baz"] -func NewContainerEnvFromStringSlice(envStr []string) *ContainerEnv { - ce := NewContainerEnv() - for _, e := range envStr { - parts := strings.SplitN(e, "=", 2) - if len(parts) == 1 { - ce.AddKey(e) - } else { - ce.AddKeyValue(parts[0], parts[1]) - } - } - return ce -} - -// FunctionSpec defines a spec for running a function -type FunctionSpec struct { - DeferFailure bool `json:"deferFailure,omitempty" yaml:"deferFailure,omitempty"` - - // Container is the spec for running a function as a container - Container ContainerSpec `json:"container,omitempty" yaml:"container,omitempty"` - - // Starlark is the spec for running a function as a starlark script - Starlark StarlarkSpec `json:"starlark,omitempty" yaml:"starlark,omitempty"` - - // ExecSpec is the spec for running a function as an executable - Exec ExecSpec `json:"exec,omitempty" yaml:"exec,omitempty"` -} - -type ExecSpec struct { - Path string `json:"path,omitempty" yaml:"path,omitempty"` -} - -// ContainerSpec defines a spec for running a function as a container -type ContainerSpec struct { - // Image is the container image to run - Image string `json:"image,omitempty" yaml:"image,omitempty"` - - // Network defines network specific configuration - Network bool `json:"network,omitempty" yaml:"network,omitempty"` - - // Mounts are the storage or directories to mount into the container - StorageMounts []StorageMount `json:"mounts,omitempty" yaml:"mounts,omitempty"` - - // Env is a slice of env string that will be exposed to container - Env []string `json:"envs,omitempty" yaml:"envs,omitempty"` -} - -// StarlarkSpec defines how to run a function as a starlark program -type StarlarkSpec struct { - Name string `json:"name,omitempty" yaml:"name,omitempty"` - - // Path specifies a path to a starlark script - Path string `json:"path,omitempty" yaml:"path,omitempty"` - - // URL specifies a url containing a starlark script - URL string `json:"url,omitempty" yaml:"url,omitempty"` -} - -// StorageMount represents a container's mounted storage option(s) -type StorageMount struct { - // Type of mount e.g. bind mount, local volume, etc. - MountType string `json:"type,omitempty" yaml:"type,omitempty"` - - // Source for the storage to be mounted. - // For named volumes, this is the name of the volume. - // For anonymous volumes, this field is omitted (empty string). - // For bind mounts, this is the path to the file or directory on the host. - Src string `json:"src,omitempty" yaml:"src,omitempty"` - - // The path where the file or directory is mounted in the container. - DstPath string `json:"dst,omitempty" yaml:"dst,omitempty"` - - // Mount in ReadWrite mode if it's explicitly configured - // See https://docs.docker.com/storage/bind-mounts/#use-a-read-only-bind-mount - ReadWriteMode bool `json:"rw,omitempty" yaml:"rw,omitempty"` -} - -func (s *StorageMount) String() string { - mode := "" - if !s.ReadWriteMode { - mode = ",readonly" - } - return fmt.Sprintf("type=%s,source=%s,target=%s%s", s.MountType, s.Src, s.DstPath, mode) -} - -// GetFunctionSpec returns the FunctionSpec for a resource. Returns -// nil if the resource does not have a FunctionSpec. -// -// The FunctionSpec is read from the resource metadata.annotation -// "config.kubernetes.io/function" -func GetFunctionSpec(n *yaml.RNode) (*FunctionSpec, error) { - meta, err := n.GetMeta() - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get ResourceMeta: %w", err) - } - - fn, err := getFunctionSpecFromAnnotation(n, meta) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if fn != nil { - return fn, nil - } - - // legacy function specification for backwards compatibility - container := meta.Annotations["config.kubernetes.io/container"] - if container != "" { - return &FunctionSpec{Container: ContainerSpec{Image: container}}, nil - } - return nil, nil -} - -// getFunctionSpecFromAnnotation parses the config function from an annotation -// if it is found -func getFunctionSpecFromAnnotation(n *yaml.RNode, meta yaml.ResourceMeta) (*FunctionSpec, error) { - var fs FunctionSpec - for _, s := range functionAnnotationKeys { - fn := meta.Annotations[s] - if fn != "" { - if err := k8syaml.UnmarshalStrict([]byte(fn), &fs); err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s unmarshal error: %w", s, err) - } - return &fs, nil - } - } - n, err := n.Pipe(yaml.Lookup("metadata", "configFn")) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to look up metadata.configFn: %w", err) - } - if yaml.IsMissingOrNull(n) { - return nil, nil - } - s, err := n.String() - if err != nil { - fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "configFn parse error: %v\n", err) - return nil, fmt.Errorf("configFn parse error: %w", err) - } - if err := k8syaml.UnmarshalStrict([]byte(s), &fs); err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s unmarshal error: %w", "configFn", err) - } - return &fs, nil -} - -func StringToStorageMount(s string) StorageMount { - m := make(map[string]string) - options := strings.Split(s, ",") - for _, option := range options { - keyVal := strings.SplitN(option, "=", 2) - if len(keyVal) == 2 { - m[keyVal[0]] = keyVal[1] - } - } - var sm StorageMount - for key, value := range m { - switch { - case key == "type": - sm.MountType = value - case key == "src" || key == "source": - sm.Src = value - case key == "dst" || key == "target": - sm.DstPath = value - case key == "rw" && value == "true": - sm.ReadWriteMode = true - } - } - return sm -} - -// IsReconcilerFilter filters Resources based on whether or not they are Reconciler Resource. -// Resources with an apiVersion starting with '*.gcr.io', 'gcr.io' or 'docker.io' are considered -// Reconciler Resources. -type IsReconcilerFilter struct { - // ExcludeReconcilers if set to true, then Reconcilers will be excluded -- e.g. - // Resources with a reconcile container through the apiVersion (gcr.io prefix) or - // through the annotations - ExcludeReconcilers bool `yaml:"excludeReconcilers,omitempty"` - - // IncludeNonReconcilers if set to true, the NonReconciler will be included. - IncludeNonReconcilers bool `yaml:"includeNonReconcilers,omitempty"` -} - -// Filter implements kio.Filter -func (c *IsReconcilerFilter) Filter(inputs []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - var out []*yaml.RNode - for i := range inputs { - functionSpec, err := GetFunctionSpec(inputs[i]) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - isFnResource := functionSpec != nil - if isFnResource && !c.ExcludeReconcilers { - out = append(out, inputs[i]) - } - if !isFnResource && c.IncludeNonReconcilers { - out = append(out, inputs[i]) - } - } - return out, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/runtimeutil/runtimeutil.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/runtimeutil/runtimeutil.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6a06b81c..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/runtimeutil/runtimeutil.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,281 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package runtimeutil - -import ( - "bytes" - "fmt" - "io" - "os" - "path" - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/comments" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/kioutil" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/order" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// FunctionFilter wraps another filter to be invoked in the context of a function. -// FunctionFilter manages scoping the function, deferring failures, and saving results -// to files. -type FunctionFilter struct { - // Run implements the function. - Run func(reader io.Reader, writer io.Writer) error - - // FunctionConfig is passed to the function through ResourceList.functionConfig. - FunctionConfig *yaml.RNode `yaml:"functionConfig,omitempty"` - - // GlobalScope explicitly scopes the function to all input resources rather than only those - // resources scoped to it by path. - GlobalScope bool - - // ResultsFile is the file to write function ResourceList.results to. - // If unset, results will not be written. - ResultsFile string - - // DeferFailure will cause the Filter to return a nil error even if Run returns an error. - // The Run error will be available through GetExit(). - DeferFailure bool - - // results saves the results emitted from Run - Results *yaml.RNode - - // exit saves the error returned from Run - exit error - - ids map[string]*yaml.RNode -} - -// GetExit returns the error from Run -func (c FunctionFilter) GetExit() error { - return c.exit -} - -// functionsDirectoryName is keyword directory name for functions scoped 1 directory higher -const functionsDirectoryName = "functions" - -// getFunctionScope returns the path of the directory containing the function config, -// or its parent directory if the base directory is named "functions" -func (c *FunctionFilter) getFunctionScope() (string, error) { - m, err := c.FunctionConfig.GetMeta() - if err != nil { - return "", errors.Wrap(err) - } - var p string - var found bool - p, found = m.Annotations[kioutil.PathAnnotation] - if !found { - p, found = m.Annotations[kioutil.LegacyPathAnnotation] - if !found { - return "", nil - } - } - - functionDir := path.Clean(path.Dir(p)) - - if path.Base(functionDir) == functionsDirectoryName { - // the scope of functions in a directory called "functions" is 1 level higher - // this is similar to how the golang "internal" directory scoping works - functionDir = path.Dir(functionDir) - } - return functionDir, nil -} - -// scope partitions the input nodes into 2 slices. The first slice contains only Resources -// which are scoped under dir, and the second slice contains the Resources which are not. -func (c *FunctionFilter) scope(dir string, nodes []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, []*yaml.RNode, error) { - // scope container filtered Resources to Resources under that directory - var input, saved []*yaml.RNode - if c.GlobalScope { - return nodes, nil, nil - } - - // global function - if dir == "" || dir == "." { - return nodes, nil, nil - } - - // identify Resources read from directories under the function configuration - for i := range nodes { - m, err := nodes[i].GetMeta() - if err != nil { - return nil, nil, err - } - var p string - var found bool - p, found = m.Annotations[kioutil.PathAnnotation] - if !found { - p, found = m.Annotations[kioutil.LegacyPathAnnotation] - if !found { - // this Resource isn't scoped under the function -- don't know where it came from - // consider it out of scope - saved = append(saved, nodes[i]) - continue - } - } - - resourceDir := path.Clean(path.Dir(p)) - if path.Base(resourceDir) == functionsDirectoryName { - // Functions in the `functions` directory are scoped to - // themselves, and should see themselves as input - resourceDir = path.Dir(resourceDir) - } - if !strings.HasPrefix(resourceDir, dir) { - // this Resource doesn't fall under the function scope if it - // isn't in a subdirectory of where the function lives - saved = append(saved, nodes[i]) - continue - } - - // this input is scoped under the function - input = append(input, nodes[i]) - } - - return input, saved, nil -} - -func (c *FunctionFilter) Filter(nodes []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - in := &bytes.Buffer{} - out := &bytes.Buffer{} - - // only process Resources scoped to this function, save the others - functionDir, err := c.getFunctionScope() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - input, saved, err := c.scope(functionDir, nodes) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - // set ids on each input so it is possible to copy comments from inputs back to outputs - if err := c.setIds(input); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - // write the input - err = kio.ByteWriter{ - WrappingAPIVersion: kio.ResourceListAPIVersion, - WrappingKind: kio.ResourceListKind, - Writer: in, - KeepReaderAnnotations: true, - FunctionConfig: c.FunctionConfig}.Write(input) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - // capture the command stdout for the return value - r := &kio.ByteReader{Reader: out} - - // don't exit immediately if the function fails -- write out the validation - c.exit = c.Run(in, out) - - output, err := r.Read() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - // copy the comments and sync the order of fields from the inputs to the outputs - if err := c.copyCommentsAndSyncOrder(output); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - if err := c.doResults(r); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - if c.exit != nil && !c.DeferFailure { - return append(output, saved...), c.exit - } - - // annotate any generated Resources with a path and index if they don't already have one - if err := kioutil.DefaultPathAnnotation(functionDir, output); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - // emit both the Resources output from the function, and the out-of-scope Resources - // which were not provided to the function - return append(output, saved...), nil -} - -func (c *FunctionFilter) setIds(nodes []*yaml.RNode) error { - // set the id on each node to map inputs to outputs - var id int - c.ids = map[string]*yaml.RNode{} - for i := range nodes { - id++ - idStr := fmt.Sprintf("%v", id) - err := nodes[i].PipeE(yaml.SetAnnotation(kioutil.IdAnnotation, idStr)) - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - err = nodes[i].PipeE(yaml.SetAnnotation(kioutil.LegacyIdAnnotation, idStr)) - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - c.ids[idStr] = nodes[i] - } - return nil -} - -func (c *FunctionFilter) copyCommentsAndSyncOrder(nodes []*yaml.RNode) error { - for i := range nodes { - node := nodes[i] - anID, err := node.Pipe(yaml.GetAnnotation(kioutil.IdAnnotation)) - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - if anID == nil { - anID, err = node.Pipe(yaml.GetAnnotation(kioutil.LegacyIdAnnotation)) - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - if anID == nil { - continue - } - } - - var in *yaml.RNode - var found bool - if in, found = c.ids[anID.YNode().Value]; !found { - continue - } - if err := comments.CopyComments(in, node); err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - if err := order.SyncOrder(in, node); err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - if err := node.PipeE(yaml.ClearAnnotation(kioutil.IdAnnotation)); err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - if err := node.PipeE(yaml.ClearAnnotation(kioutil.LegacyIdAnnotation)); err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - } - return nil -} - -func (c *FunctionFilter) doResults(r *kio.ByteReader) error { - // Write the results to a file if configured to do so - if c.ResultsFile != "" && r.Results != nil { - results, err := r.Results.String() - if err != nil { - return err - } - err = os.WriteFile(c.ResultsFile, []byte(results), 0600) - if err != nil { - return err - } - } - - if r.Results != nil { - c.Results = r.Results - } - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/runtimeutil/types.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/runtimeutil/types.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5edc4ebc..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/runtimeutil/types.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package runtimeutil - -type DeferFailureFunction interface { - GetExit() error -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/starlark/context.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/starlark/context.go deleted file mode 100644 index bbf07f66..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/starlark/context.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package starlark - -import ( - "encoding/json" - "os" - "strings" - - "go.starlark.net/starlark" - "go.starlark.net/starlarkstruct" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/qri-io/starlib/util" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -type Context struct { - resourceList starlark.Value -} - -func (c *Context) predeclared() (starlark.StringDict, error) { - e, err := env() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - oa, err := oa() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - dict := starlark.StringDict{ - "resource_list": c.resourceList, - "open_api": oa, - "environment": e, - } - - return starlark.StringDict{ - "ctx": starlarkstruct.FromStringDict(starlarkstruct.Default, dict), - }, nil -} - -func oa() (starlark.Value, error) { - return interfaceToValue(openapi.Schema()) -} - -func env() (starlark.Value, error) { - env := map[string]interface{}{} - for _, e := range os.Environ() { - pair := strings.SplitN(e, "=", 2) - if len(pair) < 2 { - continue - } - env[pair[0]] = pair[1] - } - value, err := util.Marshal(env) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.Wrap(err) - } - return value, nil -} - -func interfaceToValue(i interface{}) (starlark.Value, error) { - b, err := json.Marshal(i) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - var in map[string]interface{} - if err := yaml.Unmarshal(b, &in); err != nil { - return nil, errors.Wrap(err) - } - - value, err := util.Marshal(in) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.Wrap(err) - } - return value, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/starlark/doc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/starlark/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 70f0a2c7..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/starlark/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package starlark contains a kio.Filter which can be applied to resources to transform -// them through starlark program. -// -// Starlark has become a popular runtime embedding in go programs, especially for Kubernetes -// and data processing. -// Examples: https://github.com/cruise-automation/isopod, https://qri.io/docs/starlark/starlib, -// https://github.com/stripe/skycfg, https://github.com/k14s/ytt -// -// The resources are provided to the starlark program through the global variable "resourceList". -// "resourceList" is a dictionary containing an "items" field with a list of resources. -// The starlark modified "resourceList" is the Filter output. -// -// After being run through the starlark program, the filter will copy the comments from the input -// resources to restore them -- due to them being dropped as a result of serializing the resources -// as starlark values. -// -// "resourceList" may also contain a "functionConfig" entry to configure the starlark script itself. -// Changes made by the starlark program to the "functionConfig" will be reflected in the -// Filter.FunctionConfig value. -// -// The Filter will also format the output so that output has the preferred field ordering -// rather than an alphabetical field ordering. -// -// The resourceList variable adheres to the kustomize function spec as specified by: -// https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/blob/master/cmd/config/docs/api-conventions/functions-spec.md -// -// All items in the resourceList are resources represented as starlark dictionaries/ -// The items in the resourceList respect the io spec specified by: -// https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/blob/master/cmd/config/docs/api-conventions/config-io.md -// -// The starlark language spec can be found here: -// https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md -package starlark diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/starlark/starlark.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/starlark/starlark.go deleted file mode 100644 index aeeeb81e..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/starlark/starlark.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,180 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package starlark - -import ( - "bytes" - "fmt" - "io" - "net/http" - "os" - - "go.starlark.net/starlark" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/runtimeutil" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/qri-io/starlib/util" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/filters" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// Filter transforms a set of resources through the provided program -type Filter struct { - Name string - - // Program is a starlark script which will be run against the resources - Program string - - // URL is the url of a starlark program to fetch and run - URL string - - // Path is the path to a starlark program to read and run - Path string - - runtimeutil.FunctionFilter -} - -func (sf *Filter) String() string { - return fmt.Sprintf( - "name: %v path: %v url: %v program: %v", sf.Name, sf.Path, sf.URL, sf.Program) -} - -func (sf *Filter) Filter(nodes []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - if err := sf.setup(); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - sf.FunctionFilter.Run = sf.Run - - return sf.FunctionFilter.Filter(nodes) -} - -func (sf *Filter) setup() error { - if (sf.URL != "" && sf.Path != "") || - (sf.URL != "" && sf.Program != "") || - (sf.Path != "" && sf.Program != "") { - return errors.Errorf("Filter Path, Program and URL are mutually exclusive") - } - - // read the program from a file - if sf.Path != "" { - b, err := os.ReadFile(sf.Path) - if err != nil { - return err - } - sf.Program = string(b) - } - - // read the program from a URL - if sf.URL != "" { - err := func() error { - resp, err := http.Get(sf.URL) - if err != nil { - return err - } - defer resp.Body.Close() - b, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body) - if err != nil { - return err - } - sf.Program = string(b) - return nil - }() - if err != nil { - return err - } - } - - return nil -} - -func (sf *Filter) Run(reader io.Reader, writer io.Writer) error { - // retain map of inputs to outputs by id so if the name is changed by the - // starlark program, we are able to match the same resources - value, err := sf.readResourceList(reader) - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - - // run the starlark as program as transformation function - thread := &starlark.Thread{Name: sf.Name} - - ctx := &Context{resourceList: value} - pd, err := ctx.predeclared() - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - _, err = starlark.ExecFile(thread, sf.Name, sf.Program, pd) - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - - return sf.writeResourceList(value, writer) -} - -// inputToResourceList transforms input into a starlark.Value -func (sf *Filter) readResourceList(reader io.Reader) (starlark.Value, error) { - // read and parse the inputs - rl := bytes.Buffer{} - _, err := rl.ReadFrom(reader) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.Wrap(err) - } - rn, err := yaml.Parse(rl.String()) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.Wrap(err) - } - - // convert to a starlark value - b, err := yaml.Marshal(rn.Document()) // convert to bytes - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.Wrap(err) - } - var in map[string]interface{} - err = yaml.Unmarshal(b, &in) // convert to map[string]interface{} - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.Wrap(err) - } - return util.Marshal(in) // convert to starlark value -} - -// resourceListToOutput converts the output of the starlark program to the filter output -func (sf *Filter) writeResourceList(value starlark.Value, writer io.Writer) error { - // convert the modified resourceList back into a slice of RNodes - // by first converting to a map[string]interface{} - out, err := util.Unmarshal(value) - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - b, err := yaml.Marshal(out) - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - - rl, err := yaml.Parse(string(b)) - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - - // preserve the comments from the input - items, err := rl.Pipe(yaml.Lookup("items")) - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - err = items.VisitElements(func(node *yaml.RNode) error { - // starlark will serialize the resources sorting the fields alphabetically, - // format them to have a better ordering - _, err := filters.FormatFilter{}.Filter([]*yaml.RNode{node}) - return err - }) - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - - s, err := rl.String() - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - - _, err = writer.Write([]byte(s)) - return err -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/LICENSE b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index 2683e4bb..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ - -This project is covered by two different licenses: MIT and Apache. - -#### MIT License #### - -The following files were ported to Go from C files of libyaml, and thus -are still covered by their original MIT license, with the additional -copyright staring in 2011 when the project was ported over: - - apic.go emitterc.go parserc.go readerc.go scannerc.go - writerc.go yamlh.go yamlprivateh.go - -Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Kirill Simonov -Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Kirill Simonov - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of -this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in -the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to -use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies -of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do -so, subject to the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all -copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -SOFTWARE. - -### Apache License ### - -All the remaining project files are covered by the Apache license: - -Copyright (c) 2011-2019 Canonical Ltd - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/NOTICE b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/NOTICE deleted file mode 100644 index 866d74a7..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/NOTICE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -Copyright 2011-2016 Canonical Ltd. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/README.md b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index 08eb1bab..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,150 +0,0 @@ -# YAML support for the Go language - -Introduction ------------- - -The yaml package enables Go programs to comfortably encode and decode YAML -values. It was developed within [Canonical](https://www.canonical.com) as -part of the [juju](https://juju.ubuntu.com) project, and is based on a -pure Go port of the well-known [libyaml](http://pyyaml.org/wiki/LibYAML) -C library to parse and generate YAML data quickly and reliably. - -Compatibility -------------- - -The yaml package supports most of YAML 1.2, but preserves some behavior -from 1.1 for backwards compatibility. - -Specifically, as of v3 of the yaml package: - - - YAML 1.1 bools (_yes/no, on/off_) are supported as long as they are being - decoded into a typed bool value. Otherwise they behave as a string. Booleans - in YAML 1.2 are _true/false_ only. - - Octals encode and decode as _0777_ per YAML 1.1, rather than _0o777_ - as specified in YAML 1.2, because most parsers still use the old format. - Octals in the _0o777_ format are supported though, so new files work. - - Does not support base-60 floats. These are gone from YAML 1.2, and were - actually never supported by this package as it's clearly a poor choice. - -and offers backwards -compatibility with YAML 1.1 in some cases. -1.2, including support for -anchors, tags, map merging, etc. Multi-document unmarshalling is not yet -implemented, and base-60 floats from YAML 1.1 are purposefully not -supported since they're a poor design and are gone in YAML 1.2. - -Installation and usage ----------------------- - -The import path for the package is *gopkg.in/yaml.v3*. - -To install it, run: - - go get gopkg.in/yaml.v3 - -API documentation ------------------ - -If opened in a browser, the import path itself leads to the API documentation: - - - [https://gopkg.in/yaml.v3](https://gopkg.in/yaml.v3) - -API stability -------------- - -The package API for yaml v3 will remain stable as described in [gopkg.in](https://gopkg.in). - - -License -------- - -The yaml package is licensed under the MIT and Apache License 2.0 licenses. -Please see the LICENSE file for details. - - -Example -------- - -```Go -package main - -import ( - "fmt" - "log" - - "gopkg.in/yaml.v3" -) - -var data = ` -a: Easy! -b: - c: 2 - d: [3, 4] -` - -// Note: struct fields must be public in order for unmarshal to -// correctly populate the data. -type T struct { - A string - B struct { - RenamedC int `yaml:"c"` - D []int `yaml:",flow"` - } -} - -func main() { - t := T{} - - err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(data), &t) - if err != nil { - log.Fatalf("error: %v", err) - } - fmt.Printf("--- t:\n%v\n\n", t) - - d, err := yaml.Marshal(&t) - if err != nil { - log.Fatalf("error: %v", err) - } - fmt.Printf("--- t dump:\n%s\n\n", string(d)) - - m := make(map[interface{}]interface{}) - - err = yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(data), &m) - if err != nil { - log.Fatalf("error: %v", err) - } - fmt.Printf("--- m:\n%v\n\n", m) - - d, err = yaml.Marshal(&m) - if err != nil { - log.Fatalf("error: %v", err) - } - fmt.Printf("--- m dump:\n%s\n\n", string(d)) -} -``` - -This example will generate the following output: - -``` ---- t: -{Easy! {2 [3 4]}} - ---- t dump: -a: Easy! -b: - c: 2 - d: [3, 4] - - ---- m: -map[a:Easy! b:map[c:2 d:[3 4]]] - ---- m dump: -a: Easy! -b: - c: 2 - d: - - 3 - - 4 -``` - diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/apic.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/apic.go deleted file mode 100644 index ae7d049f..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/apic.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,747 +0,0 @@ -// -// Copyright (c) 2011-2019 Canonical Ltd -// Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Kirill Simonov -// -// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of -// this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in -// the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to -// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies -// of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do -// so, subject to the following conditions: -// -// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all -// copies or substantial portions of the Software. -// -// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -// SOFTWARE. - -package yaml - -import ( - "io" -) - -func yaml_insert_token(parser *yaml_parser_t, pos int, token *yaml_token_t) { - //fmt.Println("yaml_insert_token", "pos:", pos, "typ:", token.typ, "head:", parser.tokens_head, "len:", len(parser.tokens)) - - // Check if we can move the queue at the beginning of the buffer. - if parser.tokens_head > 0 && len(parser.tokens) == cap(parser.tokens) { - if parser.tokens_head != len(parser.tokens) { - copy(parser.tokens, parser.tokens[parser.tokens_head:]) - } - parser.tokens = parser.tokens[:len(parser.tokens)-parser.tokens_head] - parser.tokens_head = 0 - } - parser.tokens = append(parser.tokens, *token) - if pos < 0 { - return - } - copy(parser.tokens[parser.tokens_head+pos+1:], parser.tokens[parser.tokens_head+pos:]) - parser.tokens[parser.tokens_head+pos] = *token -} - -// Create a new parser object. -func yaml_parser_initialize(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool { - *parser = yaml_parser_t{ - raw_buffer: make([]byte, 0, input_raw_buffer_size), - buffer: make([]byte, 0, input_buffer_size), - } - return true -} - -// Destroy a parser object. -func yaml_parser_delete(parser *yaml_parser_t) { - *parser = yaml_parser_t{} -} - -// String read handler. -func yaml_string_read_handler(parser *yaml_parser_t, buffer []byte) (n int, err error) { - if parser.input_pos == len(parser.input) { - return 0, io.EOF - } - n = copy(buffer, parser.input[parser.input_pos:]) - parser.input_pos += n - return n, nil -} - -// Reader read handler. -func yaml_reader_read_handler(parser *yaml_parser_t, buffer []byte) (n int, err error) { - return parser.input_reader.Read(buffer) -} - -// Set a string input. -func yaml_parser_set_input_string(parser *yaml_parser_t, input []byte) { - if parser.read_handler != nil { - panic("must set the input source only once") - } - parser.read_handler = yaml_string_read_handler - parser.input = input - parser.input_pos = 0 -} - -// Set a file input. -func yaml_parser_set_input_reader(parser *yaml_parser_t, r io.Reader) { - if parser.read_handler != nil { - panic("must set the input source only once") - } - parser.read_handler = yaml_reader_read_handler - parser.input_reader = r -} - -// Set the source encoding. -func yaml_parser_set_encoding(parser *yaml_parser_t, encoding yaml_encoding_t) { - if parser.encoding != yaml_ANY_ENCODING { - panic("must set the encoding only once") - } - parser.encoding = encoding -} - -// Create a new emitter object. -func yaml_emitter_initialize(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) { - *emitter = yaml_emitter_t{ - buffer: make([]byte, output_buffer_size), - raw_buffer: make([]byte, 0, output_raw_buffer_size), - states: make([]yaml_emitter_state_t, 0, initial_stack_size), - events: make([]yaml_event_t, 0, initial_queue_size), - best_width: -1, - } -} - -// Destroy an emitter object. -func yaml_emitter_delete(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) { - *emitter = yaml_emitter_t{} -} - -// String write handler. -func yaml_string_write_handler(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, buffer []byte) error { - *emitter.output_buffer = append(*emitter.output_buffer, buffer...) - return nil -} - -// yaml_writer_write_handler uses emitter.output_writer to write the -// emitted text. -func yaml_writer_write_handler(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, buffer []byte) error { - _, err := emitter.output_writer.Write(buffer) - return err -} - -// Set a string output. -func yaml_emitter_set_output_string(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, output_buffer *[]byte) { - if emitter.write_handler != nil { - panic("must set the output target only once") - } - emitter.write_handler = yaml_string_write_handler - emitter.output_buffer = output_buffer -} - -// Set a file output. -func yaml_emitter_set_output_writer(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, w io.Writer) { - if emitter.write_handler != nil { - panic("must set the output target only once") - } - emitter.write_handler = yaml_writer_write_handler - emitter.output_writer = w -} - -// Set the output encoding. -func yaml_emitter_set_encoding(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, encoding yaml_encoding_t) { - if emitter.encoding != yaml_ANY_ENCODING { - panic("must set the output encoding only once") - } - emitter.encoding = encoding -} - -// Set the canonical output style. -func yaml_emitter_set_canonical(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, canonical bool) { - emitter.canonical = canonical -} - -// Set the indentation increment. -func yaml_emitter_set_indent(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, indent int) { - if indent < 2 || indent > 9 { - indent = 2 - } - emitter.best_indent = indent -} - -// Set the preferred line width. -func yaml_emitter_set_width(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, width int) { - if width < 0 { - width = -1 - } - emitter.best_width = width -} - -// Set if unescaped non-ASCII characters are allowed. -func yaml_emitter_set_unicode(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, unicode bool) { - emitter.unicode = unicode -} - -// Set the preferred line break character. -func yaml_emitter_set_break(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, line_break yaml_break_t) { - emitter.line_break = line_break -} - -///* -// * Destroy a token object. -// */ -// -//YAML_DECLARE(void) -//yaml_token_delete(yaml_token_t *token) -//{ -// assert(token); // Non-NULL token object expected. -// -// switch (token.type) -// { -// case YAML_TAG_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN: -// yaml_free(token.data.tag_directive.handle); -// yaml_free(token.data.tag_directive.prefix); -// break; -// -// case YAML_ALIAS_TOKEN: -// yaml_free(token.data.alias.value); -// break; -// -// case YAML_ANCHOR_TOKEN: -// yaml_free(token.data.anchor.value); -// break; -// -// case YAML_TAG_TOKEN: -// yaml_free(token.data.tag.handle); -// yaml_free(token.data.tag.suffix); -// break; -// -// case YAML_SCALAR_TOKEN: -// yaml_free(token.data.scalar.value); -// break; -// -// default: -// break; -// } -// -// memset(token, 0, sizeof(yaml_token_t)); -//} -// -///* -// * Check if a string is a valid UTF-8 sequence. -// * -// * Check 'reader.c' for more details on UTF-8 encoding. -// */ -// -//static int -//yaml_check_utf8(yaml_char_t *start, size_t length) -//{ -// yaml_char_t *end = start+length; -// yaml_char_t *pointer = start; -// -// while (pointer < end) { -// unsigned char octet; -// unsigned int width; -// unsigned int value; -// size_t k; -// -// octet = pointer[0]; -// width = (octet & 0x80) == 0x00 ? 1 : -// (octet & 0xE0) == 0xC0 ? 2 : -// (octet & 0xF0) == 0xE0 ? 3 : -// (octet & 0xF8) == 0xF0 ? 4 : 0; -// value = (octet & 0x80) == 0x00 ? octet & 0x7F : -// (octet & 0xE0) == 0xC0 ? octet & 0x1F : -// (octet & 0xF0) == 0xE0 ? octet & 0x0F : -// (octet & 0xF8) == 0xF0 ? octet & 0x07 : 0; -// if (!width) return 0; -// if (pointer+width > end) return 0; -// for (k = 1; k < width; k ++) { -// octet = pointer[k]; -// if ((octet & 0xC0) != 0x80) return 0; -// value = (value << 6) + (octet & 0x3F); -// } -// if (!((width == 1) || -// (width == 2 && value >= 0x80) || -// (width == 3 && value >= 0x800) || -// (width == 4 && value >= 0x10000))) return 0; -// -// pointer += width; -// } -// -// return 1; -//} -// - -// Create STREAM-START. -func yaml_stream_start_event_initialize(event *yaml_event_t, encoding yaml_encoding_t) { - *event = yaml_event_t{ - typ: yaml_STREAM_START_EVENT, - encoding: encoding, - } -} - -// Create STREAM-END. -func yaml_stream_end_event_initialize(event *yaml_event_t) { - *event = yaml_event_t{ - typ: yaml_STREAM_END_EVENT, - } -} - -// Create DOCUMENT-START. -func yaml_document_start_event_initialize( - event *yaml_event_t, - version_directive *yaml_version_directive_t, - tag_directives []yaml_tag_directive_t, - implicit bool, -) { - *event = yaml_event_t{ - typ: yaml_DOCUMENT_START_EVENT, - version_directive: version_directive, - tag_directives: tag_directives, - implicit: implicit, - } -} - -// Create DOCUMENT-END. -func yaml_document_end_event_initialize(event *yaml_event_t, implicit bool) { - *event = yaml_event_t{ - typ: yaml_DOCUMENT_END_EVENT, - implicit: implicit, - } -} - -// Create ALIAS. -func yaml_alias_event_initialize(event *yaml_event_t, anchor []byte) bool { - *event = yaml_event_t{ - typ: yaml_ALIAS_EVENT, - anchor: anchor, - } - return true -} - -// Create SCALAR. -func yaml_scalar_event_initialize(event *yaml_event_t, anchor, tag, value []byte, plain_implicit, quoted_implicit bool, style yaml_scalar_style_t) bool { - *event = yaml_event_t{ - typ: yaml_SCALAR_EVENT, - anchor: anchor, - tag: tag, - value: value, - implicit: plain_implicit, - quoted_implicit: quoted_implicit, - style: yaml_style_t(style), - } - return true -} - -// Create SEQUENCE-START. -func yaml_sequence_start_event_initialize(event *yaml_event_t, anchor, tag []byte, implicit bool, style yaml_sequence_style_t) bool { - *event = yaml_event_t{ - typ: yaml_SEQUENCE_START_EVENT, - anchor: anchor, - tag: tag, - implicit: implicit, - style: yaml_style_t(style), - } - return true -} - -// Create SEQUENCE-END. -func yaml_sequence_end_event_initialize(event *yaml_event_t) bool { - *event = yaml_event_t{ - typ: yaml_SEQUENCE_END_EVENT, - } - return true -} - -// Create MAPPING-START. -func yaml_mapping_start_event_initialize(event *yaml_event_t, anchor, tag []byte, implicit bool, style yaml_mapping_style_t) { - *event = yaml_event_t{ - typ: yaml_MAPPING_START_EVENT, - anchor: anchor, - tag: tag, - implicit: implicit, - style: yaml_style_t(style), - } -} - -// Create MAPPING-END. -func yaml_mapping_end_event_initialize(event *yaml_event_t) { - *event = yaml_event_t{ - typ: yaml_MAPPING_END_EVENT, - } -} - -// Destroy an event object. -func yaml_event_delete(event *yaml_event_t) { - *event = yaml_event_t{} -} - -///* -// * Create a document object. -// */ -// -//YAML_DECLARE(int) -//yaml_document_initialize(document *yaml_document_t, -// version_directive *yaml_version_directive_t, -// tag_directives_start *yaml_tag_directive_t, -// tag_directives_end *yaml_tag_directive_t, -// start_implicit int, end_implicit int) -//{ -// struct { -// error yaml_error_type_t -// } context -// struct { -// start *yaml_node_t -// end *yaml_node_t -// top *yaml_node_t -// } nodes = { NULL, NULL, NULL } -// version_directive_copy *yaml_version_directive_t = NULL -// struct { -// start *yaml_tag_directive_t -// end *yaml_tag_directive_t -// top *yaml_tag_directive_t -// } tag_directives_copy = { NULL, NULL, NULL } -// value yaml_tag_directive_t = { NULL, NULL } -// mark yaml_mark_t = { 0, 0, 0 } -// -// assert(document) // Non-NULL document object is expected. -// assert((tag_directives_start && tag_directives_end) || -// (tag_directives_start == tag_directives_end)) -// // Valid tag directives are expected. -// -// if (!STACK_INIT(&context, nodes, INITIAL_STACK_SIZE)) goto error -// -// if (version_directive) { -// version_directive_copy = yaml_malloc(sizeof(yaml_version_directive_t)) -// if (!version_directive_copy) goto error -// version_directive_copy.major = version_directive.major -// version_directive_copy.minor = version_directive.minor -// } -// -// if (tag_directives_start != tag_directives_end) { -// tag_directive *yaml_tag_directive_t -// if (!STACK_INIT(&context, tag_directives_copy, INITIAL_STACK_SIZE)) -// goto error -// for (tag_directive = tag_directives_start -// tag_directive != tag_directives_end; tag_directive ++) { -// assert(tag_directive.handle) -// assert(tag_directive.prefix) -// if (!yaml_check_utf8(tag_directive.handle, -// strlen((char *)tag_directive.handle))) -// goto error -// if (!yaml_check_utf8(tag_directive.prefix, -// strlen((char *)tag_directive.prefix))) -// goto error -// value.handle = yaml_strdup(tag_directive.handle) -// value.prefix = yaml_strdup(tag_directive.prefix) -// if (!value.handle || !value.prefix) goto error -// if (!PUSH(&context, tag_directives_copy, value)) -// goto error -// value.handle = NULL -// value.prefix = NULL -// } -// } -// -// DOCUMENT_INIT(*document, nodes.start, nodes.end, version_directive_copy, -// tag_directives_copy.start, tag_directives_copy.top, -// start_implicit, end_implicit, mark, mark) -// -// return 1 -// -//error: -// STACK_DEL(&context, nodes) -// yaml_free(version_directive_copy) -// while (!STACK_EMPTY(&context, tag_directives_copy)) { -// value yaml_tag_directive_t = POP(&context, tag_directives_copy) -// yaml_free(value.handle) -// yaml_free(value.prefix) -// } -// STACK_DEL(&context, tag_directives_copy) -// yaml_free(value.handle) -// yaml_free(value.prefix) -// -// return 0 -//} -// -///* -// * Destroy a document object. -// */ -// -//YAML_DECLARE(void) -//yaml_document_delete(document *yaml_document_t) -//{ -// struct { -// error yaml_error_type_t -// } context -// tag_directive *yaml_tag_directive_t -// -// context.error = YAML_NO_ERROR // Eliminate a compiler warning. -// -// assert(document) // Non-NULL document object is expected. -// -// while (!STACK_EMPTY(&context, document.nodes)) { -// node yaml_node_t = POP(&context, document.nodes) -// yaml_free(node.tag) -// switch (node.type) { -// case YAML_SCALAR_NODE: -// yaml_free(node.data.scalar.value) -// break -// case YAML_SEQUENCE_NODE: -// STACK_DEL(&context, node.data.sequence.items) -// break -// case YAML_MAPPING_NODE: -// STACK_DEL(&context, node.data.mapping.pairs) -// break -// default: -// assert(0) // Should not happen. -// } -// } -// STACK_DEL(&context, document.nodes) -// -// yaml_free(document.version_directive) -// for (tag_directive = document.tag_directives.start -// tag_directive != document.tag_directives.end -// tag_directive++) { -// yaml_free(tag_directive.handle) -// yaml_free(tag_directive.prefix) -// } -// yaml_free(document.tag_directives.start) -// -// memset(document, 0, sizeof(yaml_document_t)) -//} -// -///** -// * Get a document node. -// */ -// -//YAML_DECLARE(yaml_node_t *) -//yaml_document_get_node(document *yaml_document_t, index int) -//{ -// assert(document) // Non-NULL document object is expected. -// -// if (index > 0 && document.nodes.start + index <= document.nodes.top) { -// return document.nodes.start + index - 1 -// } -// return NULL -//} -// -///** -// * Get the root object. -// */ -// -//YAML_DECLARE(yaml_node_t *) -//yaml_document_get_root_node(document *yaml_document_t) -//{ -// assert(document) // Non-NULL document object is expected. -// -// if (document.nodes.top != document.nodes.start) { -// return document.nodes.start -// } -// return NULL -//} -// -///* -// * Add a scalar node to a document. -// */ -// -//YAML_DECLARE(int) -//yaml_document_add_scalar(document *yaml_document_t, -// tag *yaml_char_t, value *yaml_char_t, length int, -// style yaml_scalar_style_t) -//{ -// struct { -// error yaml_error_type_t -// } context -// mark yaml_mark_t = { 0, 0, 0 } -// tag_copy *yaml_char_t = NULL -// value_copy *yaml_char_t = NULL -// node yaml_node_t -// -// assert(document) // Non-NULL document object is expected. -// assert(value) // Non-NULL value is expected. -// -// if (!tag) { -// tag = (yaml_char_t *)YAML_DEFAULT_SCALAR_TAG -// } -// -// if (!yaml_check_utf8(tag, strlen((char *)tag))) goto error -// tag_copy = yaml_strdup(tag) -// if (!tag_copy) goto error -// -// if (length < 0) { -// length = strlen((char *)value) -// } -// -// if (!yaml_check_utf8(value, length)) goto error -// value_copy = yaml_malloc(length+1) -// if (!value_copy) goto error -// memcpy(value_copy, value, length) -// value_copy[length] = '\0' -// -// SCALAR_NODE_INIT(node, tag_copy, value_copy, length, style, mark, mark) -// if (!PUSH(&context, document.nodes, node)) goto error -// -// return document.nodes.top - document.nodes.start -// -//error: -// yaml_free(tag_copy) -// yaml_free(value_copy) -// -// return 0 -//} -// -///* -// * Add a sequence node to a document. -// */ -// -//YAML_DECLARE(int) -//yaml_document_add_sequence(document *yaml_document_t, -// tag *yaml_char_t, style yaml_sequence_style_t) -//{ -// struct { -// error yaml_error_type_t -// } context -// mark yaml_mark_t = { 0, 0, 0 } -// tag_copy *yaml_char_t = NULL -// struct { -// start *yaml_node_item_t -// end *yaml_node_item_t -// top *yaml_node_item_t -// } items = { NULL, NULL, NULL } -// node yaml_node_t -// -// assert(document) // Non-NULL document object is expected. -// -// if (!tag) { -// tag = (yaml_char_t *)YAML_DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_TAG -// } -// -// if (!yaml_check_utf8(tag, strlen((char *)tag))) goto error -// tag_copy = yaml_strdup(tag) -// if (!tag_copy) goto error -// -// if (!STACK_INIT(&context, items, INITIAL_STACK_SIZE)) goto error -// -// SEQUENCE_NODE_INIT(node, tag_copy, items.start, items.end, -// style, mark, mark) -// if (!PUSH(&context, document.nodes, node)) goto error -// -// return document.nodes.top - document.nodes.start -// -//error: -// STACK_DEL(&context, items) -// yaml_free(tag_copy) -// -// return 0 -//} -// -///* -// * Add a mapping node to a document. -// */ -// -//YAML_DECLARE(int) -//yaml_document_add_mapping(document *yaml_document_t, -// tag *yaml_char_t, style yaml_mapping_style_t) -//{ -// struct { -// error yaml_error_type_t -// } context -// mark yaml_mark_t = { 0, 0, 0 } -// tag_copy *yaml_char_t = NULL -// struct { -// start *yaml_node_pair_t -// end *yaml_node_pair_t -// top *yaml_node_pair_t -// } pairs = { NULL, NULL, NULL } -// node yaml_node_t -// -// assert(document) // Non-NULL document object is expected. -// -// if (!tag) { -// tag = (yaml_char_t *)YAML_DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG -// } -// -// if (!yaml_check_utf8(tag, strlen((char *)tag))) goto error -// tag_copy = yaml_strdup(tag) -// if (!tag_copy) goto error -// -// if (!STACK_INIT(&context, pairs, INITIAL_STACK_SIZE)) goto error -// -// MAPPING_NODE_INIT(node, tag_copy, pairs.start, pairs.end, -// style, mark, mark) -// if (!PUSH(&context, document.nodes, node)) goto error -// -// return document.nodes.top - document.nodes.start -// -//error: -// STACK_DEL(&context, pairs) -// yaml_free(tag_copy) -// -// return 0 -//} -// -///* -// * Append an item to a sequence node. -// */ -// -//YAML_DECLARE(int) -//yaml_document_append_sequence_item(document *yaml_document_t, -// sequence int, item int) -//{ -// struct { -// error yaml_error_type_t -// } context -// -// assert(document) // Non-NULL document is required. -// assert(sequence > 0 -// && document.nodes.start + sequence <= document.nodes.top) -// // Valid sequence id is required. -// assert(document.nodes.start[sequence-1].type == YAML_SEQUENCE_NODE) -// // A sequence node is required. -// assert(item > 0 && document.nodes.start + item <= document.nodes.top) -// // Valid item id is required. -// -// if (!PUSH(&context, -// document.nodes.start[sequence-1].data.sequence.items, item)) -// return 0 -// -// return 1 -//} -// -///* -// * Append a pair of a key and a value to a mapping node. -// */ -// -//YAML_DECLARE(int) -//yaml_document_append_mapping_pair(document *yaml_document_t, -// mapping int, key int, value int) -//{ -// struct { -// error yaml_error_type_t -// } context -// -// pair yaml_node_pair_t -// -// assert(document) // Non-NULL document is required. -// assert(mapping > 0 -// && document.nodes.start + mapping <= document.nodes.top) -// // Valid mapping id is required. -// assert(document.nodes.start[mapping-1].type == YAML_MAPPING_NODE) -// // A mapping node is required. -// assert(key > 0 && document.nodes.start + key <= document.nodes.top) -// // Valid key id is required. -// assert(value > 0 && document.nodes.start + value <= document.nodes.top) -// // Valid value id is required. -// -// pair.key = key -// pair.value = value -// -// if (!PUSH(&context, -// document.nodes.start[mapping-1].data.mapping.pairs, pair)) -// return 0 -// -// return 1 -//} -// -// diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/decode.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/decode.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0173b698..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/decode.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1000 +0,0 @@ -// -// Copyright (c) 2011-2019 Canonical Ltd -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. - -package yaml - -import ( - "encoding" - "encoding/base64" - "fmt" - "io" - "math" - "reflect" - "strconv" - "time" -) - -// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Parser, produces a node tree out of a libyaml event stream. - -type parser struct { - parser yaml_parser_t - event yaml_event_t - doc *Node - anchors map[string]*Node - doneInit bool - textless bool -} - -func newParser(b []byte) *parser { - p := parser{} - if !yaml_parser_initialize(&p.parser) { - panic("failed to initialize YAML emitter") - } - if len(b) == 0 { - b = []byte{'\n'} - } - yaml_parser_set_input_string(&p.parser, b) - return &p -} - -func newParserFromReader(r io.Reader) *parser { - p := parser{} - if !yaml_parser_initialize(&p.parser) { - panic("failed to initialize YAML emitter") - } - yaml_parser_set_input_reader(&p.parser, r) - return &p -} - -func (p *parser) init() { - if p.doneInit { - return - } - p.anchors = make(map[string]*Node) - p.expect(yaml_STREAM_START_EVENT) - p.doneInit = true -} - -func (p *parser) destroy() { - if p.event.typ != yaml_NO_EVENT { - yaml_event_delete(&p.event) - } - yaml_parser_delete(&p.parser) -} - -// expect consumes an event from the event stream and -// checks that it's of the expected type. -func (p *parser) expect(e yaml_event_type_t) { - if p.event.typ == yaml_NO_EVENT { - if !yaml_parser_parse(&p.parser, &p.event) { - p.fail() - } - } - if p.event.typ == yaml_STREAM_END_EVENT { - failf("attempted to go past the end of stream; corrupted value?") - } - if p.event.typ != e { - p.parser.problem = fmt.Sprintf("expected %s event but got %s", e, p.event.typ) - p.fail() - } - yaml_event_delete(&p.event) - p.event.typ = yaml_NO_EVENT -} - -// peek peeks at the next event in the event stream, -// puts the results into p.event and returns the event type. -func (p *parser) peek() yaml_event_type_t { - if p.event.typ != yaml_NO_EVENT { - return p.event.typ - } - // It's curious choice from the underlying API to generally return a - // positive result on success, but on this case return true in an error - // scenario. This was the source of bugs in the past (issue #666). - if !yaml_parser_parse(&p.parser, &p.event) || p.parser.error != yaml_NO_ERROR { - p.fail() - } - return p.event.typ -} - -func (p *parser) fail() { - var where string - var line int - if p.parser.context_mark.line != 0 { - line = p.parser.context_mark.line - // Scanner errors don't iterate line before returning error - if p.parser.error == yaml_SCANNER_ERROR { - line++ - } - } else if p.parser.problem_mark.line != 0 { - line = p.parser.problem_mark.line - // Scanner errors don't iterate line before returning error - if p.parser.error == yaml_SCANNER_ERROR { - line++ - } - } - if line != 0 { - where = "line " + strconv.Itoa(line) + ": " - } - var msg string - if len(p.parser.problem) > 0 { - msg = p.parser.problem - } else { - msg = "unknown problem parsing YAML content" - } - failf("%s%s", where, msg) -} - -func (p *parser) anchor(n *Node, anchor []byte) { - if anchor != nil { - n.Anchor = string(anchor) - p.anchors[n.Anchor] = n - } -} - -func (p *parser) parse() *Node { - p.init() - switch p.peek() { - case yaml_SCALAR_EVENT: - return p.scalar() - case yaml_ALIAS_EVENT: - return p.alias() - case yaml_MAPPING_START_EVENT: - return p.mapping() - case yaml_SEQUENCE_START_EVENT: - return p.sequence() - case yaml_DOCUMENT_START_EVENT: - return p.document() - case yaml_STREAM_END_EVENT: - // Happens when attempting to decode an empty buffer. - return nil - case yaml_TAIL_COMMENT_EVENT: - panic("internal error: unexpected tail comment event (please report)") - default: - panic("internal error: attempted to parse unknown event (please report): " + p.event.typ.String()) - } -} - -func (p *parser) node(kind Kind, defaultTag, tag, value string) *Node { - var style Style - if tag != "" && tag != "!" { - tag = shortTag(tag) - style = TaggedStyle - } else if defaultTag != "" { - tag = defaultTag - } else if kind == ScalarNode { - tag, _ = resolve("", value) - } - n := &Node{ - Kind: kind, - Tag: tag, - Value: value, - Style: style, - } - if !p.textless { - n.Line = p.event.start_mark.line + 1 - n.Column = p.event.start_mark.column + 1 - n.HeadComment = string(p.event.head_comment) - n.LineComment = string(p.event.line_comment) - n.FootComment = string(p.event.foot_comment) - } - return n -} - -func (p *parser) parseChild(parent *Node) *Node { - child := p.parse() - parent.Content = append(parent.Content, child) - return child -} - -func (p *parser) document() *Node { - n := p.node(DocumentNode, "", "", "") - p.doc = n - p.expect(yaml_DOCUMENT_START_EVENT) - p.parseChild(n) - if p.peek() == yaml_DOCUMENT_END_EVENT { - n.FootComment = string(p.event.foot_comment) - } - p.expect(yaml_DOCUMENT_END_EVENT) - return n -} - -func (p *parser) alias() *Node { - n := p.node(AliasNode, "", "", string(p.event.anchor)) - n.Alias = p.anchors[n.Value] - if n.Alias == nil { - failf("unknown anchor '%s' referenced", n.Value) - } - p.expect(yaml_ALIAS_EVENT) - return n -} - -func (p *parser) scalar() *Node { - var parsedStyle = p.event.scalar_style() - var nodeStyle Style - switch { - case parsedStyle&yaml_DOUBLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE != 0: - nodeStyle = DoubleQuotedStyle - case parsedStyle&yaml_SINGLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE != 0: - nodeStyle = SingleQuotedStyle - case parsedStyle&yaml_LITERAL_SCALAR_STYLE != 0: - nodeStyle = LiteralStyle - case parsedStyle&yaml_FOLDED_SCALAR_STYLE != 0: - nodeStyle = FoldedStyle - } - var nodeValue = string(p.event.value) - var nodeTag = string(p.event.tag) - var defaultTag string - if nodeStyle == 0 { - if nodeValue == "<<" { - defaultTag = mergeTag - } - } else { - defaultTag = strTag - } - n := p.node(ScalarNode, defaultTag, nodeTag, nodeValue) - n.Style |= nodeStyle - p.anchor(n, p.event.anchor) - p.expect(yaml_SCALAR_EVENT) - return n -} - -func (p *parser) sequence() *Node { - n := p.node(SequenceNode, seqTag, string(p.event.tag), "") - if p.event.sequence_style()&yaml_FLOW_SEQUENCE_STYLE != 0 { - n.Style |= FlowStyle - } - p.anchor(n, p.event.anchor) - p.expect(yaml_SEQUENCE_START_EVENT) - for p.peek() != yaml_SEQUENCE_END_EVENT { - p.parseChild(n) - } - n.LineComment = string(p.event.line_comment) - n.FootComment = string(p.event.foot_comment) - p.expect(yaml_SEQUENCE_END_EVENT) - return n -} - -func (p *parser) mapping() *Node { - n := p.node(MappingNode, mapTag, string(p.event.tag), "") - block := true - if p.event.mapping_style()&yaml_FLOW_MAPPING_STYLE != 0 { - block = false - n.Style |= FlowStyle - } - p.anchor(n, p.event.anchor) - p.expect(yaml_MAPPING_START_EVENT) - for p.peek() != yaml_MAPPING_END_EVENT { - k := p.parseChild(n) - if block && k.FootComment != "" { - // Must be a foot comment for the prior value when being dedented. - if len(n.Content) > 2 { - n.Content[len(n.Content)-3].FootComment = k.FootComment - k.FootComment = "" - } - } - v := p.parseChild(n) - if k.FootComment == "" && v.FootComment != "" { - k.FootComment = v.FootComment - v.FootComment = "" - } - if p.peek() == yaml_TAIL_COMMENT_EVENT { - if k.FootComment == "" { - k.FootComment = string(p.event.foot_comment) - } - p.expect(yaml_TAIL_COMMENT_EVENT) - } - } - n.LineComment = string(p.event.line_comment) - n.FootComment = string(p.event.foot_comment) - if n.Style&FlowStyle == 0 && n.FootComment != "" && len(n.Content) > 1 { - n.Content[len(n.Content)-2].FootComment = n.FootComment - n.FootComment = "" - } - p.expect(yaml_MAPPING_END_EVENT) - return n -} - -// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Decoder, unmarshals a node into a provided value. - -type decoder struct { - doc *Node - aliases map[*Node]bool - terrors []string - - stringMapType reflect.Type - generalMapType reflect.Type - - knownFields bool - uniqueKeys bool - decodeCount int - aliasCount int - aliasDepth int - - mergedFields map[interface{}]bool -} - -var ( - nodeType = reflect.TypeOf(Node{}) - durationType = reflect.TypeOf(time.Duration(0)) - stringMapType = reflect.TypeOf(map[string]interface{}{}) - generalMapType = reflect.TypeOf(map[interface{}]interface{}{}) - ifaceType = generalMapType.Elem() - timeType = reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}) - ptrTimeType = reflect.TypeOf(&time.Time{}) -) - -func newDecoder() *decoder { - d := &decoder{ - stringMapType: stringMapType, - generalMapType: generalMapType, - uniqueKeys: true, - } - d.aliases = make(map[*Node]bool) - return d -} - -func (d *decoder) terror(n *Node, tag string, out reflect.Value) { - if n.Tag != "" { - tag = n.Tag - } - value := n.Value - if tag != seqTag && tag != mapTag { - if len(value) > 10 { - value = " `" + value[:7] + "...`" - } else { - value = " `" + value + "`" - } - } - d.terrors = append(d.terrors, fmt.Sprintf("line %d: cannot unmarshal %s%s into %s", n.Line, shortTag(tag), value, out.Type())) -} - -func (d *decoder) callUnmarshaler(n *Node, u Unmarshaler) (good bool) { - err := u.UnmarshalYAML(n) - if e, ok := err.(*TypeError); ok { - d.terrors = append(d.terrors, e.Errors...) - return false - } - if err != nil { - fail(err) - } - return true -} - -func (d *decoder) callObsoleteUnmarshaler(n *Node, u obsoleteUnmarshaler) (good bool) { - terrlen := len(d.terrors) - err := u.UnmarshalYAML(func(v interface{}) (err error) { - defer handleErr(&err) - d.unmarshal(n, reflect.ValueOf(v)) - if len(d.terrors) > terrlen { - issues := d.terrors[terrlen:] - d.terrors = d.terrors[:terrlen] - return &TypeError{issues} - } - return nil - }) - if e, ok := err.(*TypeError); ok { - d.terrors = append(d.terrors, e.Errors...) - return false - } - if err != nil { - fail(err) - } - return true -} - -// d.prepare initializes and dereferences pointers and calls UnmarshalYAML -// if a value is found to implement it. -// It returns the initialized and dereferenced out value, whether -// unmarshalling was already done by UnmarshalYAML, and if so whether -// its types unmarshalled appropriately. -// -// If n holds a null value, prepare returns before doing anything. -func (d *decoder) prepare(n *Node, out reflect.Value) (newout reflect.Value, unmarshaled, good bool) { - if n.ShortTag() == nullTag { - return out, false, false - } - again := true - for again { - again = false - if out.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - if out.IsNil() { - out.Set(reflect.New(out.Type().Elem())) - } - out = out.Elem() - again = true - } - if out.CanAddr() { - outi := out.Addr().Interface() - if u, ok := outi.(Unmarshaler); ok { - good = d.callUnmarshaler(n, u) - return out, true, good - } - if u, ok := outi.(obsoleteUnmarshaler); ok { - good = d.callObsoleteUnmarshaler(n, u) - return out, true, good - } - } - } - return out, false, false -} - -func (d *decoder) fieldByIndex(n *Node, v reflect.Value, index []int) (field reflect.Value) { - if n.ShortTag() == nullTag { - return reflect.Value{} - } - for _, num := range index { - for { - if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - if v.IsNil() { - v.Set(reflect.New(v.Type().Elem())) - } - v = v.Elem() - continue - } - break - } - v = v.Field(num) - } - return v -} - -const ( - // 400,000 decode operations is ~500kb of dense object declarations, or - // ~5kb of dense object declarations with 10000% alias expansion - alias_ratio_range_low = 400000 - - // 4,000,000 decode operations is ~5MB of dense object declarations, or - // ~4.5MB of dense object declarations with 10% alias expansion - alias_ratio_range_high = 4000000 - - // alias_ratio_range is the range over which we scale allowed alias ratios - alias_ratio_range = float64(alias_ratio_range_high - alias_ratio_range_low) -) - -func allowedAliasRatio(decodeCount int) float64 { - switch { - case decodeCount <= alias_ratio_range_low: - // allow 99% to come from alias expansion for small-to-medium documents - return 0.99 - case decodeCount >= alias_ratio_range_high: - // allow 10% to come from alias expansion for very large documents - return 0.10 - default: - // scale smoothly from 99% down to 10% over the range. - // this maps to 396,000 - 400,000 allowed alias-driven decodes over the range. - // 400,000 decode operations is ~100MB of allocations in worst-case scenarios (single-item maps). - return 0.99 - 0.89*(float64(decodeCount-alias_ratio_range_low)/alias_ratio_range) - } -} - -func (d *decoder) unmarshal(n *Node, out reflect.Value) (good bool) { - d.decodeCount++ - if d.aliasDepth > 0 { - d.aliasCount++ - } - if d.aliasCount > 100 && d.decodeCount > 1000 && float64(d.aliasCount)/float64(d.decodeCount) > allowedAliasRatio(d.decodeCount) { - failf("document contains excessive aliasing") - } - if out.Type() == nodeType { - out.Set(reflect.ValueOf(n).Elem()) - return true - } - switch n.Kind { - case DocumentNode: - return d.document(n, out) - case AliasNode: - return d.alias(n, out) - } - out, unmarshaled, good := d.prepare(n, out) - if unmarshaled { - return good - } - switch n.Kind { - case ScalarNode: - good = d.scalar(n, out) - case MappingNode: - good = d.mapping(n, out) - case SequenceNode: - good = d.sequence(n, out) - case 0: - if n.IsZero() { - return d.null(out) - } - fallthrough - default: - failf("cannot decode node with unknown kind %d", n.Kind) - } - return good -} - -func (d *decoder) document(n *Node, out reflect.Value) (good bool) { - if len(n.Content) == 1 { - d.doc = n - d.unmarshal(n.Content[0], out) - return true - } - return false -} - -func (d *decoder) alias(n *Node, out reflect.Value) (good bool) { - if d.aliases[n] { - // TODO this could actually be allowed in some circumstances. - failf("anchor '%s' value contains itself", n.Value) - } - d.aliases[n] = true - d.aliasDepth++ - good = d.unmarshal(n.Alias, out) - d.aliasDepth-- - delete(d.aliases, n) - return good -} - -var zeroValue reflect.Value - -func resetMap(out reflect.Value) { - for _, k := range out.MapKeys() { - out.SetMapIndex(k, zeroValue) - } -} - -func (d *decoder) null(out reflect.Value) bool { - if out.CanAddr() { - switch out.Kind() { - case reflect.Interface, reflect.Ptr, reflect.Map, reflect.Slice: - out.Set(reflect.Zero(out.Type())) - return true - } - } - return false -} - -func (d *decoder) scalar(n *Node, out reflect.Value) bool { - var tag string - var resolved interface{} - if n.indicatedString() { - tag = strTag - resolved = n.Value - } else { - tag, resolved = resolve(n.Tag, n.Value) - if tag == binaryTag { - data, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(resolved.(string)) - if err != nil { - failf("!!binary value contains invalid base64 data") - } - resolved = string(data) - } - } - if resolved == nil { - return d.null(out) - } - if resolvedv := reflect.ValueOf(resolved); out.Type() == resolvedv.Type() { - // We've resolved to exactly the type we want, so use that. - out.Set(resolvedv) - return true - } - // Perhaps we can use the value as a TextUnmarshaler to - // set its value. - if out.CanAddr() { - u, ok := out.Addr().Interface().(encoding.TextUnmarshaler) - if ok { - var text []byte - if tag == binaryTag { - text = []byte(resolved.(string)) - } else { - // We let any value be unmarshaled into TextUnmarshaler. - // That might be more lax than we'd like, but the - // TextUnmarshaler itself should bowl out any dubious values. - text = []byte(n.Value) - } - err := u.UnmarshalText(text) - if err != nil { - fail(err) - } - return true - } - } - switch out.Kind() { - case reflect.String: - if tag == binaryTag { - out.SetString(resolved.(string)) - return true - } - out.SetString(n.Value) - return true - case reflect.Interface: - out.Set(reflect.ValueOf(resolved)) - return true - case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: - // This used to work in v2, but it's very unfriendly. - isDuration := out.Type() == durationType - - switch resolved := resolved.(type) { - case int: - if !isDuration && !out.OverflowInt(int64(resolved)) { - out.SetInt(int64(resolved)) - return true - } - case int64: - if !isDuration && !out.OverflowInt(resolved) { - out.SetInt(resolved) - return true - } - case uint64: - if !isDuration && resolved <= math.MaxInt64 && !out.OverflowInt(int64(resolved)) { - out.SetInt(int64(resolved)) - return true - } - case float64: - if !isDuration && resolved <= math.MaxInt64 && !out.OverflowInt(int64(resolved)) { - out.SetInt(int64(resolved)) - return true - } - case string: - if out.Type() == durationType { - d, err := time.ParseDuration(resolved) - if err == nil { - out.SetInt(int64(d)) - return true - } - } - } - case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr: - switch resolved := resolved.(type) { - case int: - if resolved >= 0 && !out.OverflowUint(uint64(resolved)) { - out.SetUint(uint64(resolved)) - return true - } - case int64: - if resolved >= 0 && !out.OverflowUint(uint64(resolved)) { - out.SetUint(uint64(resolved)) - return true - } - case uint64: - if !out.OverflowUint(uint64(resolved)) { - out.SetUint(uint64(resolved)) - return true - } - case float64: - if resolved <= math.MaxUint64 && !out.OverflowUint(uint64(resolved)) { - out.SetUint(uint64(resolved)) - return true - } - } - case reflect.Bool: - switch resolved := resolved.(type) { - case bool: - out.SetBool(resolved) - return true - case string: - // This offers some compatibility with the 1.1 spec (https://yaml.org/type/bool.html). - // It only works if explicitly attempting to unmarshal into a typed bool value. - switch resolved { - case "y", "Y", "yes", "Yes", "YES", "on", "On", "ON": - out.SetBool(true) - return true - case "n", "N", "no", "No", "NO", "off", "Off", "OFF": - out.SetBool(false) - return true - } - } - case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: - switch resolved := resolved.(type) { - case int: - out.SetFloat(float64(resolved)) - return true - case int64: - out.SetFloat(float64(resolved)) - return true - case uint64: - out.SetFloat(float64(resolved)) - return true - case float64: - out.SetFloat(resolved) - return true - } - case reflect.Struct: - if resolvedv := reflect.ValueOf(resolved); out.Type() == resolvedv.Type() { - out.Set(resolvedv) - return true - } - case reflect.Ptr: - panic("yaml internal error: please report the issue") - } - d.terror(n, tag, out) - return false -} - -func settableValueOf(i interface{}) reflect.Value { - v := reflect.ValueOf(i) - sv := reflect.New(v.Type()).Elem() - sv.Set(v) - return sv -} - -func (d *decoder) sequence(n *Node, out reflect.Value) (good bool) { - l := len(n.Content) - - var iface reflect.Value - switch out.Kind() { - case reflect.Slice: - out.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(out.Type(), l, l)) - case reflect.Array: - if l != out.Len() { - failf("invalid array: want %d elements but got %d", out.Len(), l) - } - case reflect.Interface: - // No type hints. Will have to use a generic sequence. - iface = out - out = settableValueOf(make([]interface{}, l)) - default: - d.terror(n, seqTag, out) - return false - } - et := out.Type().Elem() - - j := 0 - for i := 0; i < l; i++ { - e := reflect.New(et).Elem() - if ok := d.unmarshal(n.Content[i], e); ok { - out.Index(j).Set(e) - j++ - } - } - if out.Kind() != reflect.Array { - out.Set(out.Slice(0, j)) - } - if iface.IsValid() { - iface.Set(out) - } - return true -} - -func (d *decoder) mapping(n *Node, out reflect.Value) (good bool) { - l := len(n.Content) - if d.uniqueKeys { - nerrs := len(d.terrors) - for i := 0; i < l; i += 2 { - ni := n.Content[i] - for j := i + 2; j < l; j += 2 { - nj := n.Content[j] - if ni.Kind == nj.Kind && ni.Value == nj.Value { - d.terrors = append(d.terrors, fmt.Sprintf("line %d: mapping key %#v already defined at line %d", nj.Line, nj.Value, ni.Line)) - } - } - } - if len(d.terrors) > nerrs { - return false - } - } - switch out.Kind() { - case reflect.Struct: - return d.mappingStruct(n, out) - case reflect.Map: - // okay - case reflect.Interface: - iface := out - if isStringMap(n) { - out = reflect.MakeMap(d.stringMapType) - } else { - out = reflect.MakeMap(d.generalMapType) - } - iface.Set(out) - default: - d.terror(n, mapTag, out) - return false - } - - outt := out.Type() - kt := outt.Key() - et := outt.Elem() - - stringMapType := d.stringMapType - generalMapType := d.generalMapType - if outt.Elem() == ifaceType { - if outt.Key().Kind() == reflect.String { - d.stringMapType = outt - } else if outt.Key() == ifaceType { - d.generalMapType = outt - } - } - - mergedFields := d.mergedFields - d.mergedFields = nil - - var mergeNode *Node - - mapIsNew := false - if out.IsNil() { - out.Set(reflect.MakeMap(outt)) - mapIsNew = true - } - for i := 0; i < l; i += 2 { - if isMerge(n.Content[i]) { - mergeNode = n.Content[i+1] - continue - } - k := reflect.New(kt).Elem() - if d.unmarshal(n.Content[i], k) { - if mergedFields != nil { - ki := k.Interface() - if mergedFields[ki] { - continue - } - mergedFields[ki] = true - } - kkind := k.Kind() - if kkind == reflect.Interface { - kkind = k.Elem().Kind() - } - if kkind == reflect.Map || kkind == reflect.Slice { - failf("invalid map key: %#v", k.Interface()) - } - e := reflect.New(et).Elem() - if d.unmarshal(n.Content[i+1], e) || n.Content[i+1].ShortTag() == nullTag && (mapIsNew || !out.MapIndex(k).IsValid()) { - out.SetMapIndex(k, e) - } - } - } - - d.mergedFields = mergedFields - if mergeNode != nil { - d.merge(n, mergeNode, out) - } - - d.stringMapType = stringMapType - d.generalMapType = generalMapType - return true -} - -func isStringMap(n *Node) bool { - if n.Kind != MappingNode { - return false - } - l := len(n.Content) - for i := 0; i < l; i += 2 { - shortTag := n.Content[i].ShortTag() - if shortTag != strTag && shortTag != mergeTag { - return false - } - } - return true -} - -func (d *decoder) mappingStruct(n *Node, out reflect.Value) (good bool) { - sinfo, err := getStructInfo(out.Type()) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - - var inlineMap reflect.Value - var elemType reflect.Type - if sinfo.InlineMap != -1 { - inlineMap = out.Field(sinfo.InlineMap) - elemType = inlineMap.Type().Elem() - } - - for _, index := range sinfo.InlineUnmarshalers { - field := d.fieldByIndex(n, out, index) - d.prepare(n, field) - } - - mergedFields := d.mergedFields - d.mergedFields = nil - var mergeNode *Node - var doneFields []bool - if d.uniqueKeys { - doneFields = make([]bool, len(sinfo.FieldsList)) - } - name := settableValueOf("") - l := len(n.Content) - for i := 0; i < l; i += 2 { - ni := n.Content[i] - if isMerge(ni) { - mergeNode = n.Content[i+1] - continue - } - if !d.unmarshal(ni, name) { - continue - } - sname := name.String() - if mergedFields != nil { - if mergedFields[sname] { - continue - } - mergedFields[sname] = true - } - if info, ok := sinfo.FieldsMap[sname]; ok { - if d.uniqueKeys { - if doneFields[info.Id] { - d.terrors = append(d.terrors, fmt.Sprintf("line %d: field %s already set in type %s", ni.Line, name.String(), out.Type())) - continue - } - doneFields[info.Id] = true - } - var field reflect.Value - if info.Inline == nil { - field = out.Field(info.Num) - } else { - field = d.fieldByIndex(n, out, info.Inline) - } - d.unmarshal(n.Content[i+1], field) - } else if sinfo.InlineMap != -1 { - if inlineMap.IsNil() { - inlineMap.Set(reflect.MakeMap(inlineMap.Type())) - } - value := reflect.New(elemType).Elem() - d.unmarshal(n.Content[i+1], value) - inlineMap.SetMapIndex(name, value) - } else if d.knownFields { - d.terrors = append(d.terrors, fmt.Sprintf("line %d: field %s not found in type %s", ni.Line, name.String(), out.Type())) - } - } - - d.mergedFields = mergedFields - if mergeNode != nil { - d.merge(n, mergeNode, out) - } - return true -} - -func failWantMap() { - failf("map merge requires map or sequence of maps as the value") -} - -func (d *decoder) merge(parent *Node, merge *Node, out reflect.Value) { - mergedFields := d.mergedFields - if mergedFields == nil { - d.mergedFields = make(map[interface{}]bool) - for i := 0; i < len(parent.Content); i += 2 { - k := reflect.New(ifaceType).Elem() - if d.unmarshal(parent.Content[i], k) { - d.mergedFields[k.Interface()] = true - } - } - } - - switch merge.Kind { - case MappingNode: - d.unmarshal(merge, out) - case AliasNode: - if merge.Alias != nil && merge.Alias.Kind != MappingNode { - failWantMap() - } - d.unmarshal(merge, out) - case SequenceNode: - for i := 0; i < len(merge.Content); i++ { - ni := merge.Content[i] - if ni.Kind == AliasNode { - if ni.Alias != nil && ni.Alias.Kind != MappingNode { - failWantMap() - } - } else if ni.Kind != MappingNode { - failWantMap() - } - d.unmarshal(ni, out) - } - default: - failWantMap() - } - - d.mergedFields = mergedFields -} - -func isMerge(n *Node) bool { - return n.Kind == ScalarNode && n.Value == "<<" && (n.Tag == "" || n.Tag == "!" || shortTag(n.Tag) == mergeTag) -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/emitterc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/emitterc.go deleted file mode 100644 index f0f3d186..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/emitterc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2028 +0,0 @@ -// -// Copyright (c) 2011-2019 Canonical Ltd -// Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Kirill Simonov -// -// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of -// this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in -// the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to -// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies -// of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do -// so, subject to the following conditions: -// -// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all -// copies or substantial portions of the Software. -// -// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -// SOFTWARE. - -package yaml - -import ( - "bytes" - "fmt" -) - -// Flush the buffer if needed. -func flush(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) bool { - if emitter.buffer_pos+5 >= len(emitter.buffer) { - return yaml_emitter_flush(emitter) - } - return true -} - -// Put a character to the output buffer. -func put(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, value byte) bool { - if emitter.buffer_pos+5 >= len(emitter.buffer) && !yaml_emitter_flush(emitter) { - return false - } - emitter.buffer[emitter.buffer_pos] = value - emitter.buffer_pos++ - emitter.column++ - return true -} - -// Put a line break to the output buffer. -func put_break(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) bool { - if emitter.buffer_pos+5 >= len(emitter.buffer) && !yaml_emitter_flush(emitter) { - return false - } - switch emitter.line_break { - case yaml_CR_BREAK: - emitter.buffer[emitter.buffer_pos] = '\r' - emitter.buffer_pos += 1 - case yaml_LN_BREAK: - emitter.buffer[emitter.buffer_pos] = '\n' - emitter.buffer_pos += 1 - case yaml_CRLN_BREAK: - emitter.buffer[emitter.buffer_pos+0] = '\r' - emitter.buffer[emitter.buffer_pos+1] = '\n' - emitter.buffer_pos += 2 - default: - panic("unknown line break setting") - } - if emitter.column == 0 { - emitter.space_above = true - } - emitter.column = 0 - emitter.line++ - // [Go] Do this here and below and drop from everywhere else (see commented lines). - emitter.indention = true - return true -} - -// Copy a character from a string into buffer. -func write(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, s []byte, i *int) bool { - if emitter.buffer_pos+5 >= len(emitter.buffer) && !yaml_emitter_flush(emitter) { - return false - } - p := emitter.buffer_pos - w := width(s[*i]) - switch w { - case 4: - emitter.buffer[p+3] = s[*i+3] - fallthrough - case 3: - emitter.buffer[p+2] = s[*i+2] - fallthrough - case 2: - emitter.buffer[p+1] = s[*i+1] - fallthrough - case 1: - emitter.buffer[p+0] = s[*i+0] - default: - panic("unknown character width") - } - emitter.column++ - emitter.buffer_pos += w - *i += w - return true -} - -// Write a whole string into buffer. -func write_all(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, s []byte) bool { - for i := 0; i < len(s); { - if !write(emitter, s, &i) { - return false - } - } - return true -} - -// Copy a line break character from a string into buffer. -func write_break(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, s []byte, i *int) bool { - if s[*i] == '\n' { - if !put_break(emitter) { - return false - } - *i++ - } else { - if !write(emitter, s, i) { - return false - } - if emitter.column == 0 { - emitter.space_above = true - } - emitter.column = 0 - emitter.line++ - // [Go] Do this here and above and drop from everywhere else (see commented lines). - emitter.indention = true - } - return true -} - -// Set an emitter error and return false. -func yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, problem string) bool { - emitter.error = yaml_EMITTER_ERROR - emitter.problem = problem - return false -} - -// Emit an event. -func yaml_emitter_emit(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool { - emitter.events = append(emitter.events, *event) - for !yaml_emitter_need_more_events(emitter) { - event := &emitter.events[emitter.events_head] - if !yaml_emitter_analyze_event(emitter, event) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_state_machine(emitter, event) { - return false - } - yaml_event_delete(event) - emitter.events_head++ - } - return true -} - -// Check if we need to accumulate more events before emitting. -// -// We accumulate extra -// - 1 event for DOCUMENT-START -// - 2 events for SEQUENCE-START -// - 3 events for MAPPING-START -// -func yaml_emitter_need_more_events(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) bool { - if emitter.events_head == len(emitter.events) { - return true - } - var accumulate int - switch emitter.events[emitter.events_head].typ { - case yaml_DOCUMENT_START_EVENT: - accumulate = 1 - break - case yaml_SEQUENCE_START_EVENT: - accumulate = 2 - break - case yaml_MAPPING_START_EVENT: - accumulate = 3 - break - default: - return false - } - if len(emitter.events)-emitter.events_head > accumulate { - return false - } - var level int - for i := emitter.events_head; i < len(emitter.events); i++ { - switch emitter.events[i].typ { - case yaml_STREAM_START_EVENT, yaml_DOCUMENT_START_EVENT, yaml_SEQUENCE_START_EVENT, yaml_MAPPING_START_EVENT: - level++ - case yaml_STREAM_END_EVENT, yaml_DOCUMENT_END_EVENT, yaml_SEQUENCE_END_EVENT, yaml_MAPPING_END_EVENT: - level-- - } - if level == 0 { - return false - } - } - return true -} - -// Append a directive to the directives stack. -func yaml_emitter_append_tag_directive(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, value *yaml_tag_directive_t, allow_duplicates bool) bool { - for i := 0; i < len(emitter.tag_directives); i++ { - if bytes.Equal(value.handle, emitter.tag_directives[i].handle) { - if allow_duplicates { - return true - } - return yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter, "duplicate %TAG directive") - } - } - - // [Go] Do we actually need to copy this given garbage collection - // and the lack of deallocating destructors? - tag_copy := yaml_tag_directive_t{ - handle: make([]byte, len(value.handle)), - prefix: make([]byte, len(value.prefix)), - } - copy(tag_copy.handle, value.handle) - copy(tag_copy.prefix, value.prefix) - emitter.tag_directives = append(emitter.tag_directives, tag_copy) - return true -} - -// Increase the indentation level. -func yaml_emitter_increase_indent(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, flow, indentless bool, compact_seq bool) bool { - emitter.indents = append(emitter.indents, emitter.indent) - if emitter.indent < 0 { - if flow { - emitter.indent = emitter.best_indent - } else { - emitter.indent = 0 - } - } else if !indentless { - // [Go] This was changed so that indentations are more regular. - if emitter.states[len(emitter.states)-1] == yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_ITEM_STATE { - // The first indent inside a sequence will just skip the "- " indicator. - emitter.indent += 2 - } else { - // Everything else aligns to the chosen indentation. - emitter.indent = emitter.best_indent*((emitter.indent+emitter.best_indent)/emitter.best_indent) - } - if compact_seq { - emitter.indent = emitter.indent - 2 - } - } - return true -} - -// State dispatcher. -func yaml_emitter_state_machine(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool { - switch emitter.state { - default: - case yaml_EMIT_STREAM_START_STATE: - return yaml_emitter_emit_stream_start(emitter, event) - - case yaml_EMIT_FIRST_DOCUMENT_START_STATE: - return yaml_emitter_emit_document_start(emitter, event, true) - - case yaml_EMIT_DOCUMENT_START_STATE: - return yaml_emitter_emit_document_start(emitter, event, false) - - case yaml_EMIT_DOCUMENT_CONTENT_STATE: - return yaml_emitter_emit_document_content(emitter, event) - - case yaml_EMIT_DOCUMENT_END_STATE: - return yaml_emitter_emit_document_end(emitter, event) - - case yaml_EMIT_FLOW_SEQUENCE_FIRST_ITEM_STATE: - return yaml_emitter_emit_flow_sequence_item(emitter, event, true, false) - - case yaml_EMIT_FLOW_SEQUENCE_TRAIL_ITEM_STATE: - return yaml_emitter_emit_flow_sequence_item(emitter, event, false, true) - - case yaml_EMIT_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ITEM_STATE: - return yaml_emitter_emit_flow_sequence_item(emitter, event, false, false) - - case yaml_EMIT_FLOW_MAPPING_FIRST_KEY_STATE: - return yaml_emitter_emit_flow_mapping_key(emitter, event, true, false) - - case yaml_EMIT_FLOW_MAPPING_TRAIL_KEY_STATE: - return yaml_emitter_emit_flow_mapping_key(emitter, event, false, true) - - case yaml_EMIT_FLOW_MAPPING_KEY_STATE: - return yaml_emitter_emit_flow_mapping_key(emitter, event, false, false) - - case yaml_EMIT_FLOW_MAPPING_SIMPLE_VALUE_STATE: - return yaml_emitter_emit_flow_mapping_value(emitter, event, true) - - case yaml_EMIT_FLOW_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE: - return yaml_emitter_emit_flow_mapping_value(emitter, event, false) - - case yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_FIRST_ITEM_STATE: - return yaml_emitter_emit_block_sequence_item(emitter, event, true) - - case yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_ITEM_STATE: - return yaml_emitter_emit_block_sequence_item(emitter, event, false) - - case yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_MAPPING_FIRST_KEY_STATE: - return yaml_emitter_emit_block_mapping_key(emitter, event, true) - - case yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_MAPPING_KEY_STATE: - return yaml_emitter_emit_block_mapping_key(emitter, event, false) - - case yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_MAPPING_SIMPLE_VALUE_STATE: - return yaml_emitter_emit_block_mapping_value(emitter, event, true) - - case yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE: - return yaml_emitter_emit_block_mapping_value(emitter, event, false) - - case yaml_EMIT_END_STATE: - return yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter, "expected nothing after STREAM-END") - } - panic("invalid emitter state") -} - -// Expect STREAM-START. -func yaml_emitter_emit_stream_start(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool { - if event.typ != yaml_STREAM_START_EVENT { - return yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter, "expected STREAM-START") - } - if emitter.encoding == yaml_ANY_ENCODING { - emitter.encoding = event.encoding - if emitter.encoding == yaml_ANY_ENCODING { - emitter.encoding = yaml_UTF8_ENCODING - } - } - if emitter.best_indent < 2 || emitter.best_indent > 9 { - emitter.best_indent = 2 - } - if emitter.best_width >= 0 && emitter.best_width <= emitter.best_indent*2 { - emitter.best_width = 80 - } - if emitter.best_width < 0 { - emitter.best_width = 1<<31 - 1 - } - if emitter.line_break == yaml_ANY_BREAK { - emitter.line_break = yaml_LN_BREAK - } - - emitter.indent = -1 - emitter.line = 0 - emitter.column = 0 - emitter.whitespace = true - emitter.indention = true - emitter.space_above = true - emitter.foot_indent = -1 - - if emitter.encoding != yaml_UTF8_ENCODING { - if !yaml_emitter_write_bom(emitter) { - return false - } - } - emitter.state = yaml_EMIT_FIRST_DOCUMENT_START_STATE - return true -} - -// Expect DOCUMENT-START or STREAM-END. -func yaml_emitter_emit_document_start(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t, first bool) bool { - - if event.typ == yaml_DOCUMENT_START_EVENT { - - if event.version_directive != nil { - if !yaml_emitter_analyze_version_directive(emitter, event.version_directive) { - return false - } - } - - for i := 0; i < len(event.tag_directives); i++ { - tag_directive := &event.tag_directives[i] - if !yaml_emitter_analyze_tag_directive(emitter, tag_directive) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_append_tag_directive(emitter, tag_directive, false) { - return false - } - } - - for i := 0; i < len(default_tag_directives); i++ { - tag_directive := &default_tag_directives[i] - if !yaml_emitter_append_tag_directive(emitter, tag_directive, true) { - return false - } - } - - implicit := event.implicit - if !first || emitter.canonical { - implicit = false - } - - if emitter.open_ended && (event.version_directive != nil || len(event.tag_directives) > 0) { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte("..."), true, false, false) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) { - return false - } - } - - if event.version_directive != nil { - implicit = false - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte("%YAML"), true, false, false) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte("1.1"), true, false, false) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) { - return false - } - } - - if len(event.tag_directives) > 0 { - implicit = false - for i := 0; i < len(event.tag_directives); i++ { - tag_directive := &event.tag_directives[i] - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte("%TAG"), true, false, false) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_write_tag_handle(emitter, tag_directive.handle) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_write_tag_content(emitter, tag_directive.prefix, true) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) { - return false - } - } - } - - if yaml_emitter_check_empty_document(emitter) { - implicit = false - } - if !implicit { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte("---"), true, false, false) { - return false - } - if emitter.canonical || true { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) { - return false - } - } - } - - if len(emitter.head_comment) > 0 { - if !yaml_emitter_process_head_comment(emitter) { - return false - } - if !put_break(emitter) { - return false - } - } - - emitter.state = yaml_EMIT_DOCUMENT_CONTENT_STATE - return true - } - - if event.typ == yaml_STREAM_END_EVENT { - if emitter.open_ended { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte("..."), true, false, false) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) { - return false - } - } - if !yaml_emitter_flush(emitter) { - return false - } - emitter.state = yaml_EMIT_END_STATE - return true - } - - return yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter, "expected DOCUMENT-START or STREAM-END") -} - -// Expect the root node. -func yaml_emitter_emit_document_content(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool { - emitter.states = append(emitter.states, yaml_EMIT_DOCUMENT_END_STATE) - - if !yaml_emitter_process_head_comment(emitter) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_emit_node(emitter, event, true, false, false, false) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_process_line_comment(emitter, false) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_process_foot_comment(emitter) { - return false - } - return true -} - -// Expect DOCUMENT-END. -func yaml_emitter_emit_document_end(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool { - if event.typ != yaml_DOCUMENT_END_EVENT { - return yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter, "expected DOCUMENT-END") - } - // [Go] Force document foot separation. - emitter.foot_indent = 0 - if !yaml_emitter_process_foot_comment(emitter) { - return false - } - emitter.foot_indent = -1 - if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) { - return false - } - if !event.implicit { - // [Go] Allocate the slice elsewhere. - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte("..."), true, false, false) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) { - return false - } - } - if !yaml_emitter_flush(emitter) { - return false - } - emitter.state = yaml_EMIT_DOCUMENT_START_STATE - emitter.tag_directives = emitter.tag_directives[:0] - return true -} - -// Expect a flow item node. -func yaml_emitter_emit_flow_sequence_item(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t, first, trail bool) bool { - if first { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{'['}, true, true, false) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_increase_indent(emitter, true, false, false) { - return false - } - emitter.flow_level++ - } - - if event.typ == yaml_SEQUENCE_END_EVENT { - if emitter.canonical && !first && !trail { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{','}, false, false, false) { - return false - } - } - emitter.flow_level-- - emitter.indent = emitter.indents[len(emitter.indents)-1] - emitter.indents = emitter.indents[:len(emitter.indents)-1] - if emitter.column == 0 || emitter.canonical && !first { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) { - return false - } - } - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{']'}, false, false, false) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_process_line_comment(emitter, false) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_process_foot_comment(emitter) { - return false - } - emitter.state = emitter.states[len(emitter.states)-1] - emitter.states = emitter.states[:len(emitter.states)-1] - - return true - } - - if !first && !trail { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{','}, false, false, false) { - return false - } - } - - if !yaml_emitter_process_head_comment(emitter) { - return false - } - if emitter.column == 0 { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) { - return false - } - } - - if emitter.canonical || emitter.column > emitter.best_width { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) { - return false - } - } - if len(emitter.line_comment)+len(emitter.foot_comment)+len(emitter.tail_comment) > 0 { - emitter.states = append(emitter.states, yaml_EMIT_FLOW_SEQUENCE_TRAIL_ITEM_STATE) - } else { - emitter.states = append(emitter.states, yaml_EMIT_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ITEM_STATE) - } - if !yaml_emitter_emit_node(emitter, event, false, true, false, false) { - return false - } - if len(emitter.line_comment)+len(emitter.foot_comment)+len(emitter.tail_comment) > 0 { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{','}, false, false, false) { - return false - } - } - if !yaml_emitter_process_line_comment(emitter, false) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_process_foot_comment(emitter) { - return false - } - return true -} - -// Expect a flow key node. -func yaml_emitter_emit_flow_mapping_key(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t, first, trail bool) bool { - if first { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{'{'}, true, true, false) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_increase_indent(emitter, true, false, false) { - return false - } - emitter.flow_level++ - } - - if event.typ == yaml_MAPPING_END_EVENT { - if (emitter.canonical || len(emitter.head_comment)+len(emitter.foot_comment)+len(emitter.tail_comment) > 0) && !first && !trail { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{','}, false, false, false) { - return false - } - } - if !yaml_emitter_process_head_comment(emitter) { - return false - } - emitter.flow_level-- - emitter.indent = emitter.indents[len(emitter.indents)-1] - emitter.indents = emitter.indents[:len(emitter.indents)-1] - if emitter.canonical && !first { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) { - return false - } - } - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{'}'}, false, false, false) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_process_line_comment(emitter, false) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_process_foot_comment(emitter) { - return false - } - emitter.state = emitter.states[len(emitter.states)-1] - emitter.states = emitter.states[:len(emitter.states)-1] - return true - } - - if !first && !trail { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{','}, false, false, false) { - return false - } - } - - if !yaml_emitter_process_head_comment(emitter) { - return false - } - - if emitter.column == 0 { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) { - return false - } - } - - if emitter.canonical || emitter.column > emitter.best_width { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) { - return false - } - } - - if !emitter.canonical && yaml_emitter_check_simple_key(emitter) { - emitter.states = append(emitter.states, yaml_EMIT_FLOW_MAPPING_SIMPLE_VALUE_STATE) - return yaml_emitter_emit_node(emitter, event, false, false, true, true) - } - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{'?'}, true, false, false) { - return false - } - emitter.states = append(emitter.states, yaml_EMIT_FLOW_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE) - return yaml_emitter_emit_node(emitter, event, false, false, true, false) -} - -// Expect a flow value node. -func yaml_emitter_emit_flow_mapping_value(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t, simple bool) bool { - if simple { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{':'}, false, false, false) { - return false - } - } else { - if emitter.canonical || emitter.column > emitter.best_width { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) { - return false - } - } - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{':'}, true, false, false) { - return false - } - } - if len(emitter.line_comment)+len(emitter.foot_comment)+len(emitter.tail_comment) > 0 { - emitter.states = append(emitter.states, yaml_EMIT_FLOW_MAPPING_TRAIL_KEY_STATE) - } else { - emitter.states = append(emitter.states, yaml_EMIT_FLOW_MAPPING_KEY_STATE) - } - if !yaml_emitter_emit_node(emitter, event, false, false, true, false) { - return false - } - if len(emitter.line_comment)+len(emitter.foot_comment)+len(emitter.tail_comment) > 0 { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{','}, false, false, false) { - return false - } - } - if !yaml_emitter_process_line_comment(emitter, false) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_process_foot_comment(emitter) { - return false - } - return true -} - -// Expect a block item node. -func yaml_emitter_emit_block_sequence_item(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t, first bool) bool { - if first { - seq := emitter.mapping_context && (emitter.column == 0 || !emitter.indention) && - emitter.compact_sequence_indent - if !yaml_emitter_increase_indent(emitter, false, false, seq){ - return false - } - } - if event.typ == yaml_SEQUENCE_END_EVENT { - emitter.indent = emitter.indents[len(emitter.indents)-1] - emitter.indents = emitter.indents[:len(emitter.indents)-1] - emitter.state = emitter.states[len(emitter.states)-1] - emitter.states = emitter.states[:len(emitter.states)-1] - return true - } - if !yaml_emitter_process_head_comment(emitter) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{'-'}, true, false, true) { - return false - } - emitter.states = append(emitter.states, yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_ITEM_STATE) - if !yaml_emitter_emit_node(emitter, event, false, true, false, false) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_process_line_comment(emitter, false) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_process_foot_comment(emitter) { - return false - } - return true -} - -// Expect a block key node. -func yaml_emitter_emit_block_mapping_key(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t, first bool) bool { - if first { - if !yaml_emitter_increase_indent(emitter, false, false, false) { - return false - } - } - if !yaml_emitter_process_head_comment(emitter) { - return false - } - if event.typ == yaml_MAPPING_END_EVENT { - emitter.indent = emitter.indents[len(emitter.indents)-1] - emitter.indents = emitter.indents[:len(emitter.indents)-1] - emitter.state = emitter.states[len(emitter.states)-1] - emitter.states = emitter.states[:len(emitter.states)-1] - return true - } - if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) { - return false - } - if len(emitter.line_comment) > 0 { - // [Go] A line comment was provided for the key. That's unusual as the - // scanner associates line comments with the value. Either way, - // save the line comment and render it appropriately later. - emitter.key_line_comment = emitter.line_comment - emitter.line_comment = nil - } - if yaml_emitter_check_simple_key(emitter) { - emitter.states = append(emitter.states, yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_MAPPING_SIMPLE_VALUE_STATE) - return yaml_emitter_emit_node(emitter, event, false, false, true, true) - } - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{'?'}, true, false, true) { - return false - } - emitter.states = append(emitter.states, yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE) - return yaml_emitter_emit_node(emitter, event, false, false, true, false) -} - -// Expect a block value node. -func yaml_emitter_emit_block_mapping_value(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t, simple bool) bool { - if simple { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{':'}, false, false, false) { - return false - } - } else { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{':'}, true, false, true) { - return false - } - } - if len(emitter.key_line_comment) > 0 { - // [Go] Line comments are generally associated with the value, but when there's - // no value on the same line as a mapping key they end up attached to the - // key itself. - if event.typ == yaml_SCALAR_EVENT { - if len(emitter.line_comment) == 0 { - // A scalar is coming and it has no line comments by itself yet, - // so just let it handle the line comment as usual. If it has a - // line comment, we can't have both so the one from the key is lost. - emitter.line_comment = emitter.key_line_comment - emitter.key_line_comment = nil - } - } else if event.sequence_style() != yaml_FLOW_SEQUENCE_STYLE && (event.typ == yaml_MAPPING_START_EVENT || event.typ == yaml_SEQUENCE_START_EVENT) { - // An indented block follows, so write the comment right now. - emitter.line_comment, emitter.key_line_comment = emitter.key_line_comment, emitter.line_comment - if !yaml_emitter_process_line_comment(emitter, false) { - return false - } - emitter.line_comment, emitter.key_line_comment = emitter.key_line_comment, emitter.line_comment - } - } - emitter.states = append(emitter.states, yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_MAPPING_KEY_STATE) - if !yaml_emitter_emit_node(emitter, event, false, false, true, false) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_process_line_comment(emitter, false) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_process_foot_comment(emitter) { - return false - } - return true -} - -func yaml_emitter_silent_nil_event(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool { - return event.typ == yaml_SCALAR_EVENT && event.implicit && !emitter.canonical && len(emitter.scalar_data.value) == 0 -} - -// Expect a node. -func yaml_emitter_emit_node(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t, - root bool, sequence bool, mapping bool, simple_key bool) bool { - - emitter.root_context = root - emitter.sequence_context = sequence - emitter.mapping_context = mapping - emitter.simple_key_context = simple_key - - switch event.typ { - case yaml_ALIAS_EVENT: - return yaml_emitter_emit_alias(emitter, event) - case yaml_SCALAR_EVENT: - return yaml_emitter_emit_scalar(emitter, event) - case yaml_SEQUENCE_START_EVENT: - return yaml_emitter_emit_sequence_start(emitter, event) - case yaml_MAPPING_START_EVENT: - return yaml_emitter_emit_mapping_start(emitter, event) - default: - return yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter, - fmt.Sprintf("expected SCALAR, SEQUENCE-START, MAPPING-START, or ALIAS, but got %v", event.typ)) - } -} - -// Expect ALIAS. -func yaml_emitter_emit_alias(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool { - if !yaml_emitter_process_anchor(emitter) { - return false - } - emitter.state = emitter.states[len(emitter.states)-1] - emitter.states = emitter.states[:len(emitter.states)-1] - return true -} - -// Expect SCALAR. -func yaml_emitter_emit_scalar(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool { - if !yaml_emitter_select_scalar_style(emitter, event) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_process_anchor(emitter) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_process_tag(emitter) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_increase_indent(emitter, true, false, false) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_process_scalar(emitter) { - return false - } - emitter.indent = emitter.indents[len(emitter.indents)-1] - emitter.indents = emitter.indents[:len(emitter.indents)-1] - emitter.state = emitter.states[len(emitter.states)-1] - emitter.states = emitter.states[:len(emitter.states)-1] - return true -} - -// Expect SEQUENCE-START. -func yaml_emitter_emit_sequence_start(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool { - if !yaml_emitter_process_anchor(emitter) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_process_tag(emitter) { - return false - } - if emitter.flow_level > 0 || emitter.canonical || event.sequence_style() == yaml_FLOW_SEQUENCE_STYLE || - yaml_emitter_check_empty_sequence(emitter) { - emitter.state = yaml_EMIT_FLOW_SEQUENCE_FIRST_ITEM_STATE - } else { - emitter.state = yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_FIRST_ITEM_STATE - } - return true -} - -// Expect MAPPING-START. -func yaml_emitter_emit_mapping_start(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool { - if !yaml_emitter_process_anchor(emitter) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_process_tag(emitter) { - return false - } - if emitter.flow_level > 0 || emitter.canonical || event.mapping_style() == yaml_FLOW_MAPPING_STYLE || - yaml_emitter_check_empty_mapping(emitter) { - emitter.state = yaml_EMIT_FLOW_MAPPING_FIRST_KEY_STATE - } else { - emitter.state = yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_MAPPING_FIRST_KEY_STATE - } - return true -} - -// Check if the document content is an empty scalar. -func yaml_emitter_check_empty_document(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) bool { - return false // [Go] Huh? -} - -// Check if the next events represent an empty sequence. -func yaml_emitter_check_empty_sequence(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) bool { - if len(emitter.events)-emitter.events_head < 2 { - return false - } - return emitter.events[emitter.events_head].typ == yaml_SEQUENCE_START_EVENT && - emitter.events[emitter.events_head+1].typ == yaml_SEQUENCE_END_EVENT -} - -// Check if the next events represent an empty mapping. -func yaml_emitter_check_empty_mapping(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) bool { - if len(emitter.events)-emitter.events_head < 2 { - return false - } - return emitter.events[emitter.events_head].typ == yaml_MAPPING_START_EVENT && - emitter.events[emitter.events_head+1].typ == yaml_MAPPING_END_EVENT -} - -// Check if the next node can be expressed as a simple key. -func yaml_emitter_check_simple_key(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) bool { - length := 0 - switch emitter.events[emitter.events_head].typ { - case yaml_ALIAS_EVENT: - length += len(emitter.anchor_data.anchor) - case yaml_SCALAR_EVENT: - if emitter.scalar_data.multiline { - return false - } - length += len(emitter.anchor_data.anchor) + - len(emitter.tag_data.handle) + - len(emitter.tag_data.suffix) + - len(emitter.scalar_data.value) - case yaml_SEQUENCE_START_EVENT: - if !yaml_emitter_check_empty_sequence(emitter) { - return false - } - length += len(emitter.anchor_data.anchor) + - len(emitter.tag_data.handle) + - len(emitter.tag_data.suffix) - case yaml_MAPPING_START_EVENT: - if !yaml_emitter_check_empty_mapping(emitter) { - return false - } - length += len(emitter.anchor_data.anchor) + - len(emitter.tag_data.handle) + - len(emitter.tag_data.suffix) - default: - return false - } - return length <= 128 -} - -// Determine an acceptable scalar style. -func yaml_emitter_select_scalar_style(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool { - - no_tag := len(emitter.tag_data.handle) == 0 && len(emitter.tag_data.suffix) == 0 - if no_tag && !event.implicit && !event.quoted_implicit { - return yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter, "neither tag nor implicit flags are specified") - } - - style := event.scalar_style() - if style == yaml_ANY_SCALAR_STYLE { - style = yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE - } - if emitter.canonical { - style = yaml_DOUBLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE - } - if emitter.simple_key_context && emitter.scalar_data.multiline { - style = yaml_DOUBLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE - } - - if style == yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE { - if emitter.flow_level > 0 && !emitter.scalar_data.flow_plain_allowed || - emitter.flow_level == 0 && !emitter.scalar_data.block_plain_allowed { - style = yaml_SINGLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE - } - if len(emitter.scalar_data.value) == 0 && (emitter.flow_level > 0 || emitter.simple_key_context) { - style = yaml_SINGLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE - } - if no_tag && !event.implicit { - style = yaml_SINGLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE - } - } - if style == yaml_SINGLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE { - if !emitter.scalar_data.single_quoted_allowed { - style = yaml_DOUBLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE - } - } - if style == yaml_LITERAL_SCALAR_STYLE || style == yaml_FOLDED_SCALAR_STYLE { - if !emitter.scalar_data.block_allowed || emitter.flow_level > 0 || emitter.simple_key_context { - style = yaml_DOUBLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE - } - } - - if no_tag && !event.quoted_implicit && style != yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE { - emitter.tag_data.handle = []byte{'!'} - } - emitter.scalar_data.style = style - return true -} - -// Write an anchor. -func yaml_emitter_process_anchor(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) bool { - if emitter.anchor_data.anchor == nil { - return true - } - c := []byte{'&'} - if emitter.anchor_data.alias { - c[0] = '*' - } - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, c, true, false, false) { - return false - } - return yaml_emitter_write_anchor(emitter, emitter.anchor_data.anchor) -} - -// Write a tag. -func yaml_emitter_process_tag(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) bool { - if len(emitter.tag_data.handle) == 0 && len(emitter.tag_data.suffix) == 0 { - return true - } - if len(emitter.tag_data.handle) > 0 { - if !yaml_emitter_write_tag_handle(emitter, emitter.tag_data.handle) { - return false - } - if len(emitter.tag_data.suffix) > 0 { - if !yaml_emitter_write_tag_content(emitter, emitter.tag_data.suffix, false) { - return false - } - } - } else { - // [Go] Allocate these slices elsewhere. - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte("!<"), true, false, false) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_write_tag_content(emitter, emitter.tag_data.suffix, false) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{'>'}, false, false, false) { - return false - } - } - return true -} - -// Write a scalar. -func yaml_emitter_process_scalar(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) bool { - switch emitter.scalar_data.style { - case yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE: - return yaml_emitter_write_plain_scalar(emitter, emitter.scalar_data.value, !emitter.simple_key_context) - - case yaml_SINGLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE: - return yaml_emitter_write_single_quoted_scalar(emitter, emitter.scalar_data.value, !emitter.simple_key_context) - - case yaml_DOUBLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE: - return yaml_emitter_write_double_quoted_scalar(emitter, emitter.scalar_data.value, !emitter.simple_key_context) - - case yaml_LITERAL_SCALAR_STYLE: - return yaml_emitter_write_literal_scalar(emitter, emitter.scalar_data.value) - - case yaml_FOLDED_SCALAR_STYLE: - return yaml_emitter_write_folded_scalar(emitter, emitter.scalar_data.value) - } - panic("unknown scalar style") -} - -// Write a head comment. -func yaml_emitter_process_head_comment(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) bool { - if len(emitter.tail_comment) > 0 { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_write_comment(emitter, emitter.tail_comment) { - return false - } - emitter.tail_comment = emitter.tail_comment[:0] - emitter.foot_indent = emitter.indent - if emitter.foot_indent < 0 { - emitter.foot_indent = 0 - } - } - - if len(emitter.head_comment) == 0 { - return true - } - if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_write_comment(emitter, emitter.head_comment) { - return false - } - emitter.head_comment = emitter.head_comment[:0] - return true -} - -// Write an line comment. -func yaml_emitter_process_line_comment(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, linebreak bool) bool { - if len(emitter.line_comment) == 0 { - if linebreak && !put_break(emitter) { - return false - } - return true - } - if !emitter.whitespace { - if !put(emitter, ' ') { - return false - } - } - if !yaml_emitter_write_comment(emitter, emitter.line_comment) { - return false - } - emitter.line_comment = emitter.line_comment[:0] - return true -} - -// Write a foot comment. -func yaml_emitter_process_foot_comment(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) bool { - if len(emitter.foot_comment) == 0 { - return true - } - if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_write_comment(emitter, emitter.foot_comment) { - return false - } - emitter.foot_comment = emitter.foot_comment[:0] - emitter.foot_indent = emitter.indent - if emitter.foot_indent < 0 { - emitter.foot_indent = 0 - } - return true -} - -// Check if a %YAML directive is valid. -func yaml_emitter_analyze_version_directive(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, version_directive *yaml_version_directive_t) bool { - if version_directive.major != 1 || version_directive.minor != 1 { - return yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter, "incompatible %YAML directive") - } - return true -} - -// Check if a %TAG directive is valid. -func yaml_emitter_analyze_tag_directive(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, tag_directive *yaml_tag_directive_t) bool { - handle := tag_directive.handle - prefix := tag_directive.prefix - if len(handle) == 0 { - return yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter, "tag handle must not be empty") - } - if handle[0] != '!' { - return yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter, "tag handle must start with '!'") - } - if handle[len(handle)-1] != '!' { - return yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter, "tag handle must end with '!'") - } - for i := 1; i < len(handle)-1; i += width(handle[i]) { - if !is_alpha(handle, i) { - return yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter, "tag handle must contain alphanumerical characters only") - } - } - if len(prefix) == 0 { - return yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter, "tag prefix must not be empty") - } - return true -} - -// Check if an anchor is valid. -func yaml_emitter_analyze_anchor(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, anchor []byte, alias bool) bool { - if len(anchor) == 0 { - problem := "anchor value must not be empty" - if alias { - problem = "alias value must not be empty" - } - return yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter, problem) - } - for i := 0; i < len(anchor); i += width(anchor[i]) { - if !is_alpha(anchor, i) { - problem := "anchor value must contain alphanumerical characters only" - if alias { - problem = "alias value must contain alphanumerical characters only" - } - return yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter, problem) - } - } - emitter.anchor_data.anchor = anchor - emitter.anchor_data.alias = alias - return true -} - -// Check if a tag is valid. -func yaml_emitter_analyze_tag(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, tag []byte) bool { - if len(tag) == 0 { - return yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter, "tag value must not be empty") - } - for i := 0; i < len(emitter.tag_directives); i++ { - tag_directive := &emitter.tag_directives[i] - if bytes.HasPrefix(tag, tag_directive.prefix) { - emitter.tag_data.handle = tag_directive.handle - emitter.tag_data.suffix = tag[len(tag_directive.prefix):] - return true - } - } - emitter.tag_data.suffix = tag - return true -} - -// Check if a scalar is valid. -func yaml_emitter_analyze_scalar(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, value []byte) bool { - var ( - block_indicators = false - flow_indicators = false - line_breaks = false - special_characters = false - tab_characters = false - - leading_space = false - leading_break = false - trailing_space = false - trailing_break = false - break_space = false - space_break = false - - preceded_by_whitespace = false - followed_by_whitespace = false - previous_space = false - previous_break = false - ) - - emitter.scalar_data.value = value - - if len(value) == 0 { - emitter.scalar_data.multiline = false - emitter.scalar_data.flow_plain_allowed = false - emitter.scalar_data.block_plain_allowed = true - emitter.scalar_data.single_quoted_allowed = true - emitter.scalar_data.block_allowed = false - return true - } - - if len(value) >= 3 && ((value[0] == '-' && value[1] == '-' && value[2] == '-') || (value[0] == '.' && value[1] == '.' && value[2] == '.')) { - block_indicators = true - flow_indicators = true - } - - preceded_by_whitespace = true - for i, w := 0, 0; i < len(value); i += w { - w = width(value[i]) - followed_by_whitespace = i+w >= len(value) || is_blank(value, i+w) - - if i == 0 { - switch value[i] { - case '#', ',', '[', ']', '{', '}', '&', '*', '!', '|', '>', '\'', '"', '%', '@', '`': - flow_indicators = true - block_indicators = true - case '?', ':': - flow_indicators = true - if followed_by_whitespace { - block_indicators = true - } - case '-': - if followed_by_whitespace { - flow_indicators = true - block_indicators = true - } - } - } else { - switch value[i] { - case ',', '?', '[', ']', '{', '}': - flow_indicators = true - case ':': - flow_indicators = true - if followed_by_whitespace { - block_indicators = true - } - case '#': - if preceded_by_whitespace { - flow_indicators = true - block_indicators = true - } - } - } - - if value[i] == '\t' { - tab_characters = true - } else if !is_printable(value, i) || !is_ascii(value, i) && !emitter.unicode { - special_characters = true - } - if is_space(value, i) { - if i == 0 { - leading_space = true - } - if i+width(value[i]) == len(value) { - trailing_space = true - } - if previous_break { - break_space = true - } - previous_space = true - previous_break = false - } else if is_break(value, i) { - line_breaks = true - if i == 0 { - leading_break = true - } - if i+width(value[i]) == len(value) { - trailing_break = true - } - if previous_space { - space_break = true - } - previous_space = false - previous_break = true - } else { - previous_space = false - previous_break = false - } - - // [Go]: Why 'z'? Couldn't be the end of the string as that's the loop condition. - preceded_by_whitespace = is_blankz(value, i) - } - - emitter.scalar_data.multiline = line_breaks - emitter.scalar_data.flow_plain_allowed = true - emitter.scalar_data.block_plain_allowed = true - emitter.scalar_data.single_quoted_allowed = true - emitter.scalar_data.block_allowed = true - - if leading_space || leading_break || trailing_space || trailing_break { - emitter.scalar_data.flow_plain_allowed = false - emitter.scalar_data.block_plain_allowed = false - } - if trailing_space { - emitter.scalar_data.block_allowed = false - } - if break_space { - emitter.scalar_data.flow_plain_allowed = false - emitter.scalar_data.block_plain_allowed = false - emitter.scalar_data.single_quoted_allowed = false - } - if space_break || tab_characters || special_characters { - emitter.scalar_data.flow_plain_allowed = false - emitter.scalar_data.block_plain_allowed = false - emitter.scalar_data.single_quoted_allowed = false - } - if space_break || special_characters { - emitter.scalar_data.block_allowed = false - } - if line_breaks { - emitter.scalar_data.flow_plain_allowed = false - emitter.scalar_data.block_plain_allowed = false - } - if flow_indicators { - emitter.scalar_data.flow_plain_allowed = false - } - if block_indicators { - emitter.scalar_data.block_plain_allowed = false - } - return true -} - -// Check if the event data is valid. -func yaml_emitter_analyze_event(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool { - - emitter.anchor_data.anchor = nil - emitter.tag_data.handle = nil - emitter.tag_data.suffix = nil - emitter.scalar_data.value = nil - - if len(event.head_comment) > 0 { - emitter.head_comment = event.head_comment - } - if len(event.line_comment) > 0 { - emitter.line_comment = event.line_comment - } - if len(event.foot_comment) > 0 { - emitter.foot_comment = event.foot_comment - } - if len(event.tail_comment) > 0 { - emitter.tail_comment = event.tail_comment - } - - switch event.typ { - case yaml_ALIAS_EVENT: - if !yaml_emitter_analyze_anchor(emitter, event.anchor, true) { - return false - } - - case yaml_SCALAR_EVENT: - if len(event.anchor) > 0 { - if !yaml_emitter_analyze_anchor(emitter, event.anchor, false) { - return false - } - } - if len(event.tag) > 0 && (emitter.canonical || (!event.implicit && !event.quoted_implicit)) { - if !yaml_emitter_analyze_tag(emitter, event.tag) { - return false - } - } - if !yaml_emitter_analyze_scalar(emitter, event.value) { - return false - } - - case yaml_SEQUENCE_START_EVENT: - if len(event.anchor) > 0 { - if !yaml_emitter_analyze_anchor(emitter, event.anchor, false) { - return false - } - } - if len(event.tag) > 0 && (emitter.canonical || !event.implicit) { - if !yaml_emitter_analyze_tag(emitter, event.tag) { - return false - } - } - - case yaml_MAPPING_START_EVENT: - if len(event.anchor) > 0 { - if !yaml_emitter_analyze_anchor(emitter, event.anchor, false) { - return false - } - } - if len(event.tag) > 0 && (emitter.canonical || !event.implicit) { - if !yaml_emitter_analyze_tag(emitter, event.tag) { - return false - } - } - } - return true -} - -// Write the BOM character. -func yaml_emitter_write_bom(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) bool { - if !flush(emitter) { - return false - } - pos := emitter.buffer_pos - emitter.buffer[pos+0] = '\xEF' - emitter.buffer[pos+1] = '\xBB' - emitter.buffer[pos+2] = '\xBF' - emitter.buffer_pos += 3 - return true -} - -func yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) bool { - indent := emitter.indent - if indent < 0 { - indent = 0 - } - if !emitter.indention || emitter.column > indent || (emitter.column == indent && !emitter.whitespace) { - if !put_break(emitter) { - return false - } - } - if emitter.foot_indent == indent { - if !put_break(emitter) { - return false - } - } - for emitter.column < indent { - if !put(emitter, ' ') { - return false - } - } - emitter.whitespace = true - //emitter.indention = true - emitter.space_above = false - emitter.foot_indent = -1 - return true -} - -func yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, indicator []byte, need_whitespace, is_whitespace, is_indention bool) bool { - if need_whitespace && !emitter.whitespace { - if !put(emitter, ' ') { - return false - } - } - if !write_all(emitter, indicator) { - return false - } - emitter.whitespace = is_whitespace - emitter.indention = (emitter.indention && is_indention) - emitter.open_ended = false - return true -} - -func yaml_emitter_write_anchor(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, value []byte) bool { - if !write_all(emitter, value) { - return false - } - emitter.whitespace = false - emitter.indention = false - return true -} - -func yaml_emitter_write_tag_handle(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, value []byte) bool { - if !emitter.whitespace { - if !put(emitter, ' ') { - return false - } - } - if !write_all(emitter, value) { - return false - } - emitter.whitespace = false - emitter.indention = false - return true -} - -func yaml_emitter_write_tag_content(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, value []byte, need_whitespace bool) bool { - if need_whitespace && !emitter.whitespace { - if !put(emitter, ' ') { - return false - } - } - for i := 0; i < len(value); { - var must_write bool - switch value[i] { - case ';', '/', '?', ':', '@', '&', '=', '+', '$', ',', '_', '.', '~', '*', '\'', '(', ')', '[', ']': - must_write = true - default: - must_write = is_alpha(value, i) - } - if must_write { - if !write(emitter, value, &i) { - return false - } - } else { - w := width(value[i]) - for k := 0; k < w; k++ { - octet := value[i] - i++ - if !put(emitter, '%') { - return false - } - - c := octet >> 4 - if c < 10 { - c += '0' - } else { - c += 'A' - 10 - } - if !put(emitter, c) { - return false - } - - c = octet & 0x0f - if c < 10 { - c += '0' - } else { - c += 'A' - 10 - } - if !put(emitter, c) { - return false - } - } - } - } - emitter.whitespace = false - emitter.indention = false - return true -} - -func yaml_emitter_write_plain_scalar(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, value []byte, allow_breaks bool) bool { - if len(value) > 0 && !emitter.whitespace { - if !put(emitter, ' ') { - return false - } - } - - spaces := false - breaks := false - for i := 0; i < len(value); { - if is_space(value, i) { - if allow_breaks && !spaces && emitter.column > emitter.best_width && !is_space(value, i+1) { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) { - return false - } - i += width(value[i]) - } else { - if !write(emitter, value, &i) { - return false - } - } - spaces = true - } else if is_break(value, i) { - if !breaks && value[i] == '\n' { - if !put_break(emitter) { - return false - } - } - if !write_break(emitter, value, &i) { - return false - } - //emitter.indention = true - breaks = true - } else { - if breaks { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) { - return false - } - } - if !write(emitter, value, &i) { - return false - } - emitter.indention = false - spaces = false - breaks = false - } - } - - if len(value) > 0 { - emitter.whitespace = false - } - emitter.indention = false - if emitter.root_context { - emitter.open_ended = true - } - - return true -} - -func yaml_emitter_write_single_quoted_scalar(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, value []byte, allow_breaks bool) bool { - - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{'\''}, true, false, false) { - return false - } - - spaces := false - breaks := false - for i := 0; i < len(value); { - if is_space(value, i) { - if allow_breaks && !spaces && emitter.column > emitter.best_width && i > 0 && i < len(value)-1 && !is_space(value, i+1) { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) { - return false - } - i += width(value[i]) - } else { - if !write(emitter, value, &i) { - return false - } - } - spaces = true - } else if is_break(value, i) { - if !breaks && value[i] == '\n' { - if !put_break(emitter) { - return false - } - } - if !write_break(emitter, value, &i) { - return false - } - //emitter.indention = true - breaks = true - } else { - if breaks { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) { - return false - } - } - if value[i] == '\'' { - if !put(emitter, '\'') { - return false - } - } - if !write(emitter, value, &i) { - return false - } - emitter.indention = false - spaces = false - breaks = false - } - } - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{'\''}, false, false, false) { - return false - } - emitter.whitespace = false - emitter.indention = false - return true -} - -func yaml_emitter_write_double_quoted_scalar(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, value []byte, allow_breaks bool) bool { - spaces := false - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{'"'}, true, false, false) { - return false - } - - for i := 0; i < len(value); { - if !is_printable(value, i) || (!emitter.unicode && !is_ascii(value, i)) || - is_bom(value, i) || is_break(value, i) || - value[i] == '"' || value[i] == '\\' { - - octet := value[i] - - var w int - var v rune - switch { - case octet&0x80 == 0x00: - w, v = 1, rune(octet&0x7F) - case octet&0xE0 == 0xC0: - w, v = 2, rune(octet&0x1F) - case octet&0xF0 == 0xE0: - w, v = 3, rune(octet&0x0F) - case octet&0xF8 == 0xF0: - w, v = 4, rune(octet&0x07) - } - for k := 1; k < w; k++ { - octet = value[i+k] - v = (v << 6) + (rune(octet) & 0x3F) - } - i += w - - if !put(emitter, '\\') { - return false - } - - var ok bool - switch v { - case 0x00: - ok = put(emitter, '0') - case 0x07: - ok = put(emitter, 'a') - case 0x08: - ok = put(emitter, 'b') - case 0x09: - ok = put(emitter, 't') - case 0x0A: - ok = put(emitter, 'n') - case 0x0b: - ok = put(emitter, 'v') - case 0x0c: - ok = put(emitter, 'f') - case 0x0d: - ok = put(emitter, 'r') - case 0x1b: - ok = put(emitter, 'e') - case 0x22: - ok = put(emitter, '"') - case 0x5c: - ok = put(emitter, '\\') - case 0x85: - ok = put(emitter, 'N') - case 0xA0: - ok = put(emitter, '_') - case 0x2028: - ok = put(emitter, 'L') - case 0x2029: - ok = put(emitter, 'P') - default: - if v <= 0xFF { - ok = put(emitter, 'x') - w = 2 - } else if v <= 0xFFFF { - ok = put(emitter, 'u') - w = 4 - } else { - ok = put(emitter, 'U') - w = 8 - } - for k := (w - 1) * 4; ok && k >= 0; k -= 4 { - digit := byte((v >> uint(k)) & 0x0F) - if digit < 10 { - ok = put(emitter, digit+'0') - } else { - ok = put(emitter, digit+'A'-10) - } - } - } - if !ok { - return false - } - spaces = false - } else if is_space(value, i) { - if allow_breaks && !spaces && emitter.column > emitter.best_width && i > 0 && i < len(value)-1 { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) { - return false - } - if is_space(value, i+1) { - if !put(emitter, '\\') { - return false - } - } - i += width(value[i]) - } else if !write(emitter, value, &i) { - return false - } - spaces = true - } else { - if !write(emitter, value, &i) { - return false - } - spaces = false - } - } - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{'"'}, false, false, false) { - return false - } - emitter.whitespace = false - emitter.indention = false - return true -} - -func yaml_emitter_write_block_scalar_hints(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, value []byte) bool { - if is_space(value, 0) || is_break(value, 0) { - indent_hint := []byte{'0' + byte(emitter.best_indent)} - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, indent_hint, false, false, false) { - return false - } - } - - emitter.open_ended = false - - var chomp_hint [1]byte - if len(value) == 0 { - chomp_hint[0] = '-' - } else { - i := len(value) - 1 - for value[i]&0xC0 == 0x80 { - i-- - } - if !is_break(value, i) { - chomp_hint[0] = '-' - } else if i == 0 { - chomp_hint[0] = '+' - emitter.open_ended = true - } else { - i-- - for value[i]&0xC0 == 0x80 { - i-- - } - if is_break(value, i) { - chomp_hint[0] = '+' - emitter.open_ended = true - } - } - } - if chomp_hint[0] != 0 { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, chomp_hint[:], false, false, false) { - return false - } - } - return true -} - -func yaml_emitter_write_literal_scalar(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, value []byte) bool { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{'|'}, true, false, false) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_write_block_scalar_hints(emitter, value) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_process_line_comment(emitter, true) { - return false - } - //emitter.indention = true - emitter.whitespace = true - breaks := true - for i := 0; i < len(value); { - if is_break(value, i) { - if !write_break(emitter, value, &i) { - return false - } - //emitter.indention = true - breaks = true - } else { - if breaks { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) { - return false - } - } - if !write(emitter, value, &i) { - return false - } - emitter.indention = false - breaks = false - } - } - - return true -} - -func yaml_emitter_write_folded_scalar(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, value []byte) bool { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{'>'}, true, false, false) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_write_block_scalar_hints(emitter, value) { - return false - } - if !yaml_emitter_process_line_comment(emitter, true) { - return false - } - - //emitter.indention = true - emitter.whitespace = true - - breaks := true - leading_spaces := true - for i := 0; i < len(value); { - if is_break(value, i) { - if !breaks && !leading_spaces && value[i] == '\n' { - k := 0 - for is_break(value, k) { - k += width(value[k]) - } - if !is_blankz(value, k) { - if !put_break(emitter) { - return false - } - } - } - if !write_break(emitter, value, &i) { - return false - } - //emitter.indention = true - breaks = true - } else { - if breaks { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) { - return false - } - leading_spaces = is_blank(value, i) - } - if !breaks && is_space(value, i) && !is_space(value, i+1) && emitter.column > emitter.best_width { - if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) { - return false - } - i += width(value[i]) - } else { - if !write(emitter, value, &i) { - return false - } - } - emitter.indention = false - breaks = false - } - } - return true -} - -func yaml_emitter_write_comment(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, comment []byte) bool { - breaks := false - pound := false - for i := 0; i < len(comment); { - if is_break(comment, i) { - if !write_break(emitter, comment, &i) { - return false - } - //emitter.indention = true - breaks = true - pound = false - } else { - if breaks && !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) { - return false - } - if !pound { - if comment[i] != '#' && (!put(emitter, '#') || !put(emitter, ' ')) { - return false - } - pound = true - } - if !write(emitter, comment, &i) { - return false - } - emitter.indention = false - breaks = false - } - } - if !breaks && !put_break(emitter) { - return false - } - - emitter.whitespace = true - //emitter.indention = true - return true -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/encode.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/encode.go deleted file mode 100644 index de9e72a3..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/encode.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,577 +0,0 @@ -// -// Copyright (c) 2011-2019 Canonical Ltd -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. - -package yaml - -import ( - "encoding" - "fmt" - "io" - "reflect" - "regexp" - "sort" - "strconv" - "strings" - "time" - "unicode/utf8" -) - -type encoder struct { - emitter yaml_emitter_t - event yaml_event_t - out []byte - flow bool - indent int - doneInit bool -} - -func newEncoder() *encoder { - e := &encoder{} - yaml_emitter_initialize(&e.emitter) - yaml_emitter_set_output_string(&e.emitter, &e.out) - yaml_emitter_set_unicode(&e.emitter, true) - return e -} - -func newEncoderWithWriter(w io.Writer) *encoder { - e := &encoder{} - yaml_emitter_initialize(&e.emitter) - yaml_emitter_set_output_writer(&e.emitter, w) - yaml_emitter_set_unicode(&e.emitter, true) - return e -} - -func (e *encoder) init() { - if e.doneInit { - return - } - if e.indent == 0 { - e.indent = 4 - } - e.emitter.best_indent = e.indent - yaml_stream_start_event_initialize(&e.event, yaml_UTF8_ENCODING) - e.emit() - e.doneInit = true -} - -func (e *encoder) finish() { - e.emitter.open_ended = false - yaml_stream_end_event_initialize(&e.event) - e.emit() -} - -func (e *encoder) destroy() { - yaml_emitter_delete(&e.emitter) -} - -func (e *encoder) emit() { - // This will internally delete the e.event value. - e.must(yaml_emitter_emit(&e.emitter, &e.event)) -} - -func (e *encoder) must(ok bool) { - if !ok { - msg := e.emitter.problem - if msg == "" { - msg = "unknown problem generating YAML content" - } - failf("%s", msg) - } -} - -func (e *encoder) marshalDoc(tag string, in reflect.Value) { - e.init() - var node *Node - if in.IsValid() { - node, _ = in.Interface().(*Node) - } - if node != nil && node.Kind == DocumentNode { - e.nodev(in) - } else { - yaml_document_start_event_initialize(&e.event, nil, nil, true) - e.emit() - e.marshal(tag, in) - yaml_document_end_event_initialize(&e.event, true) - e.emit() - } -} - -func (e *encoder) marshal(tag string, in reflect.Value) { - tag = shortTag(tag) - if !in.IsValid() || in.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && in.IsNil() { - e.nilv() - return - } - iface := in.Interface() - switch value := iface.(type) { - case *Node: - e.nodev(in) - return - case Node: - if !in.CanAddr() { - var n = reflect.New(in.Type()).Elem() - n.Set(in) - in = n - } - e.nodev(in.Addr()) - return - case time.Time: - e.timev(tag, in) - return - case *time.Time: - e.timev(tag, in.Elem()) - return - case time.Duration: - e.stringv(tag, reflect.ValueOf(value.String())) - return - case Marshaler: - v, err := value.MarshalYAML() - if err != nil { - fail(err) - } - if v == nil { - e.nilv() - return - } - e.marshal(tag, reflect.ValueOf(v)) - return - case encoding.TextMarshaler: - text, err := value.MarshalText() - if err != nil { - fail(err) - } - in = reflect.ValueOf(string(text)) - case nil: - e.nilv() - return - } - switch in.Kind() { - case reflect.Interface: - e.marshal(tag, in.Elem()) - case reflect.Map: - e.mapv(tag, in) - case reflect.Ptr: - e.marshal(tag, in.Elem()) - case reflect.Struct: - e.structv(tag, in) - case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array: - e.slicev(tag, in) - case reflect.String: - e.stringv(tag, in) - case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: - e.intv(tag, in) - case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr: - e.uintv(tag, in) - case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: - e.floatv(tag, in) - case reflect.Bool: - e.boolv(tag, in) - default: - panic("cannot marshal type: " + in.Type().String()) - } -} - -func (e *encoder) mapv(tag string, in reflect.Value) { - e.mappingv(tag, func() { - keys := keyList(in.MapKeys()) - sort.Sort(keys) - for _, k := range keys { - e.marshal("", k) - e.marshal("", in.MapIndex(k)) - } - }) -} - -func (e *encoder) fieldByIndex(v reflect.Value, index []int) (field reflect.Value) { - for _, num := range index { - for { - if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - if v.IsNil() { - return reflect.Value{} - } - v = v.Elem() - continue - } - break - } - v = v.Field(num) - } - return v -} - -func (e *encoder) structv(tag string, in reflect.Value) { - sinfo, err := getStructInfo(in.Type()) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - e.mappingv(tag, func() { - for _, info := range sinfo.FieldsList { - var value reflect.Value - if info.Inline == nil { - value = in.Field(info.Num) - } else { - value = e.fieldByIndex(in, info.Inline) - if !value.IsValid() { - continue - } - } - if info.OmitEmpty && isZero(value) { - continue - } - e.marshal("", reflect.ValueOf(info.Key)) - e.flow = info.Flow - e.marshal("", value) - } - if sinfo.InlineMap >= 0 { - m := in.Field(sinfo.InlineMap) - if m.Len() > 0 { - e.flow = false - keys := keyList(m.MapKeys()) - sort.Sort(keys) - for _, k := range keys { - if _, found := sinfo.FieldsMap[k.String()]; found { - panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot have key %q in inlined map: conflicts with struct field", k.String())) - } - e.marshal("", k) - e.flow = false - e.marshal("", m.MapIndex(k)) - } - } - } - }) -} - -func (e *encoder) mappingv(tag string, f func()) { - implicit := tag == "" - style := yaml_BLOCK_MAPPING_STYLE - if e.flow { - e.flow = false - style = yaml_FLOW_MAPPING_STYLE - } - yaml_mapping_start_event_initialize(&e.event, nil, []byte(tag), implicit, style) - e.emit() - f() - yaml_mapping_end_event_initialize(&e.event) - e.emit() -} - -func (e *encoder) slicev(tag string, in reflect.Value) { - implicit := tag == "" - style := yaml_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_STYLE - if e.flow { - e.flow = false - style = yaml_FLOW_SEQUENCE_STYLE - } - e.must(yaml_sequence_start_event_initialize(&e.event, nil, []byte(tag), implicit, style)) - e.emit() - n := in.Len() - for i := 0; i < n; i++ { - e.marshal("", in.Index(i)) - } - e.must(yaml_sequence_end_event_initialize(&e.event)) - e.emit() -} - -// isBase60 returns whether s is in base 60 notation as defined in YAML 1.1. -// -// The base 60 float notation in YAML 1.1 is a terrible idea and is unsupported -// in YAML 1.2 and by this package, but these should be marshalled quoted for -// the time being for compatibility with other parsers. -func isBase60Float(s string) (result bool) { - // Fast path. - if s == "" { - return false - } - c := s[0] - if !(c == '+' || c == '-' || c >= '0' && c <= '9') || strings.IndexByte(s, ':') < 0 { - return false - } - // Do the full match. - return base60float.MatchString(s) -} - -// From http://yaml.org/type/float.html, except the regular expression there -// is bogus. In practice parsers do not enforce the "\.[0-9_]*" suffix. -var base60float = regexp.MustCompile(`^[-+]?[0-9][0-9_]*(?::[0-5]?[0-9])+(?:\.[0-9_]*)?$`) - -// isOldBool returns whether s is bool notation as defined in YAML 1.1. -// -// We continue to force strings that YAML 1.1 would interpret as booleans to be -// rendered as quotes strings so that the marshalled output valid for YAML 1.1 -// parsing. -func isOldBool(s string) (result bool) { - switch s { - case "y", "Y", "yes", "Yes", "YES", "on", "On", "ON", - "n", "N", "no", "No", "NO", "off", "Off", "OFF": - return true - default: - return false - } -} - -func (e *encoder) stringv(tag string, in reflect.Value) { - var style yaml_scalar_style_t - s := in.String() - canUsePlain := true - switch { - case !utf8.ValidString(s): - if tag == binaryTag { - failf("explicitly tagged !!binary data must be base64-encoded") - } - if tag != "" { - failf("cannot marshal invalid UTF-8 data as %s", shortTag(tag)) - } - // It can't be encoded directly as YAML so use a binary tag - // and encode it as base64. - tag = binaryTag - s = encodeBase64(s) - case tag == "": - // Check to see if it would resolve to a specific - // tag when encoded unquoted. If it doesn't, - // there's no need to quote it. - rtag, _ := resolve("", s) - canUsePlain = rtag == strTag && !(isBase60Float(s) || isOldBool(s)) - } - // Note: it's possible for user code to emit invalid YAML - // if they explicitly specify a tag and a string containing - // text that's incompatible with that tag. - switch { - case strings.Contains(s, "\n"): - if e.flow { - style = yaml_DOUBLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE - } else { - style = yaml_LITERAL_SCALAR_STYLE - } - case canUsePlain: - style = yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE - default: - style = yaml_DOUBLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE - } - e.emitScalar(s, "", tag, style, nil, nil, nil, nil) -} - -func (e *encoder) boolv(tag string, in reflect.Value) { - var s string - if in.Bool() { - s = "true" - } else { - s = "false" - } - e.emitScalar(s, "", tag, yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE, nil, nil, nil, nil) -} - -func (e *encoder) intv(tag string, in reflect.Value) { - s := strconv.FormatInt(in.Int(), 10) - e.emitScalar(s, "", tag, yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE, nil, nil, nil, nil) -} - -func (e *encoder) uintv(tag string, in reflect.Value) { - s := strconv.FormatUint(in.Uint(), 10) - e.emitScalar(s, "", tag, yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE, nil, nil, nil, nil) -} - -func (e *encoder) timev(tag string, in reflect.Value) { - t := in.Interface().(time.Time) - s := t.Format(time.RFC3339Nano) - e.emitScalar(s, "", tag, yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE, nil, nil, nil, nil) -} - -func (e *encoder) floatv(tag string, in reflect.Value) { - // Issue #352: When formatting, use the precision of the underlying value - precision := 64 - if in.Kind() == reflect.Float32 { - precision = 32 - } - - s := strconv.FormatFloat(in.Float(), 'g', -1, precision) - switch s { - case "+Inf": - s = ".inf" - case "-Inf": - s = "-.inf" - case "NaN": - s = ".nan" - } - e.emitScalar(s, "", tag, yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE, nil, nil, nil, nil) -} - -func (e *encoder) nilv() { - e.emitScalar("null", "", "", yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE, nil, nil, nil, nil) -} - -func (e *encoder) emitScalar(value, anchor, tag string, style yaml_scalar_style_t, head, line, foot, tail []byte) { - // TODO Kill this function. Replace all initialize calls by their underlining Go literals. - implicit := tag == "" - if !implicit { - tag = longTag(tag) - } - e.must(yaml_scalar_event_initialize(&e.event, []byte(anchor), []byte(tag), []byte(value), implicit, implicit, style)) - e.event.head_comment = head - e.event.line_comment = line - e.event.foot_comment = foot - e.event.tail_comment = tail - e.emit() -} - -func (e *encoder) nodev(in reflect.Value) { - e.node(in.Interface().(*Node), "") -} - -func (e *encoder) node(node *Node, tail string) { - // Zero nodes behave as nil. - if node.Kind == 0 && node.IsZero() { - e.nilv() - return - } - - // If the tag was not explicitly requested, and dropping it won't change the - // implicit tag of the value, don't include it in the presentation. - var tag = node.Tag - var stag = shortTag(tag) - var forceQuoting bool - if tag != "" && node.Style&TaggedStyle == 0 { - if node.Kind == ScalarNode { - if stag == strTag && node.Style&(SingleQuotedStyle|DoubleQuotedStyle|LiteralStyle|FoldedStyle) != 0 { - tag = "" - } else { - rtag, _ := resolve("", node.Value) - if rtag == stag { - tag = "" - } else if stag == strTag { - tag = "" - forceQuoting = true - } - } - } else { - var rtag string - switch node.Kind { - case MappingNode: - rtag = mapTag - case SequenceNode: - rtag = seqTag - } - if rtag == stag { - tag = "" - } - } - } - - switch node.Kind { - case DocumentNode: - yaml_document_start_event_initialize(&e.event, nil, nil, true) - e.event.head_comment = []byte(node.HeadComment) - e.emit() - for _, node := range node.Content { - e.node(node, "") - } - yaml_document_end_event_initialize(&e.event, true) - e.event.foot_comment = []byte(node.FootComment) - e.emit() - - case SequenceNode: - style := yaml_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_STYLE - if node.Style&FlowStyle != 0 { - style = yaml_FLOW_SEQUENCE_STYLE - } - e.must(yaml_sequence_start_event_initialize(&e.event, []byte(node.Anchor), []byte(longTag(tag)), tag == "", style)) - e.event.head_comment = []byte(node.HeadComment) - e.emit() - for _, node := range node.Content { - e.node(node, "") - } - e.must(yaml_sequence_end_event_initialize(&e.event)) - e.event.line_comment = []byte(node.LineComment) - e.event.foot_comment = []byte(node.FootComment) - e.emit() - - case MappingNode: - style := yaml_BLOCK_MAPPING_STYLE - if node.Style&FlowStyle != 0 { - style = yaml_FLOW_MAPPING_STYLE - } - yaml_mapping_start_event_initialize(&e.event, []byte(node.Anchor), []byte(longTag(tag)), tag == "", style) - e.event.tail_comment = []byte(tail) - e.event.head_comment = []byte(node.HeadComment) - e.emit() - - // The tail logic below moves the foot comment of prior keys to the following key, - // since the value for each key may be a nested structure and the foot needs to be - // processed only the entirety of the value is streamed. The last tail is processed - // with the mapping end event. - var tail string - for i := 0; i+1 < len(node.Content); i += 2 { - k := node.Content[i] - foot := k.FootComment - if foot != "" { - kopy := *k - kopy.FootComment = "" - k = &kopy - } - e.node(k, tail) - tail = foot - - v := node.Content[i+1] - e.node(v, "") - } - - yaml_mapping_end_event_initialize(&e.event) - e.event.tail_comment = []byte(tail) - e.event.line_comment = []byte(node.LineComment) - e.event.foot_comment = []byte(node.FootComment) - e.emit() - - case AliasNode: - yaml_alias_event_initialize(&e.event, []byte(node.Value)) - e.event.head_comment = []byte(node.HeadComment) - e.event.line_comment = []byte(node.LineComment) - e.event.foot_comment = []byte(node.FootComment) - e.emit() - - case ScalarNode: - value := node.Value - if !utf8.ValidString(value) { - if stag == binaryTag { - failf("explicitly tagged !!binary data must be base64-encoded") - } - if stag != "" { - failf("cannot marshal invalid UTF-8 data as %s", stag) - } - // It can't be encoded directly as YAML so use a binary tag - // and encode it as base64. - tag = binaryTag - value = encodeBase64(value) - } - - style := yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE - switch { - case node.Style&DoubleQuotedStyle != 0: - style = yaml_DOUBLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE - case node.Style&SingleQuotedStyle != 0: - style = yaml_SINGLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE - case node.Style&LiteralStyle != 0: - style = yaml_LITERAL_SCALAR_STYLE - case node.Style&FoldedStyle != 0: - style = yaml_FOLDED_SCALAR_STYLE - case strings.Contains(value, "\n"): - style = yaml_LITERAL_SCALAR_STYLE - case forceQuoting: - style = yaml_DOUBLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE - } - - e.emitScalar(value, node.Anchor, tag, style, []byte(node.HeadComment), []byte(node.LineComment), []byte(node.FootComment), []byte(tail)) - default: - failf("cannot encode node with unknown kind %d", node.Kind) - } -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/parserc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/parserc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 268558a0..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/parserc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1258 +0,0 @@ -// -// Copyright (c) 2011-2019 Canonical Ltd -// Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Kirill Simonov -// -// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of -// this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in -// the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to -// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies -// of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do -// so, subject to the following conditions: -// -// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all -// copies or substantial portions of the Software. -// -// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -// SOFTWARE. - -package yaml - -import ( - "bytes" -) - -// The parser implements the following grammar: -// -// stream ::= STREAM-START implicit_document? explicit_document* STREAM-END -// implicit_document ::= block_node DOCUMENT-END* -// explicit_document ::= DIRECTIVE* DOCUMENT-START block_node? DOCUMENT-END* -// block_node_or_indentless_sequence ::= -// ALIAS -// | properties (block_content | indentless_block_sequence)? -// | block_content -// | indentless_block_sequence -// block_node ::= ALIAS -// | properties block_content? -// | block_content -// flow_node ::= ALIAS -// | properties flow_content? -// | flow_content -// properties ::= TAG ANCHOR? | ANCHOR TAG? -// block_content ::= block_collection | flow_collection | SCALAR -// flow_content ::= flow_collection | SCALAR -// block_collection ::= block_sequence | block_mapping -// flow_collection ::= flow_sequence | flow_mapping -// block_sequence ::= BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START (BLOCK-ENTRY block_node?)* BLOCK-END -// indentless_sequence ::= (BLOCK-ENTRY block_node?)+ -// block_mapping ::= BLOCK-MAPPING_START -// ((KEY block_node_or_indentless_sequence?)? -// (VALUE block_node_or_indentless_sequence?)?)* -// BLOCK-END -// flow_sequence ::= FLOW-SEQUENCE-START -// (flow_sequence_entry FLOW-ENTRY)* -// flow_sequence_entry? -// FLOW-SEQUENCE-END -// flow_sequence_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)? -// flow_mapping ::= FLOW-MAPPING-START -// (flow_mapping_entry FLOW-ENTRY)* -// flow_mapping_entry? -// FLOW-MAPPING-END -// flow_mapping_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)? - -// Peek the next token in the token queue. -func peek_token(parser *yaml_parser_t) *yaml_token_t { - if parser.token_available || yaml_parser_fetch_more_tokens(parser) { - token := &parser.tokens[parser.tokens_head] - yaml_parser_unfold_comments(parser, token) - return token - } - return nil -} - -// yaml_parser_unfold_comments walks through the comments queue and joins all -// comments behind the position of the provided token into the respective -// top-level comment slices in the parser. -func yaml_parser_unfold_comments(parser *yaml_parser_t, token *yaml_token_t) { - for parser.comments_head < len(parser.comments) && token.start_mark.index >= parser.comments[parser.comments_head].token_mark.index { - comment := &parser.comments[parser.comments_head] - if len(comment.head) > 0 { - if token.typ == yaml_BLOCK_END_TOKEN { - // No heads on ends, so keep comment.head for a follow up token. - break - } - if len(parser.head_comment) > 0 { - parser.head_comment = append(parser.head_comment, '\n') - } - parser.head_comment = append(parser.head_comment, comment.head...) - } - if len(comment.foot) > 0 { - if len(parser.foot_comment) > 0 { - parser.foot_comment = append(parser.foot_comment, '\n') - } - parser.foot_comment = append(parser.foot_comment, comment.foot...) - } - if len(comment.line) > 0 { - if len(parser.line_comment) > 0 { - parser.line_comment = append(parser.line_comment, '\n') - } - parser.line_comment = append(parser.line_comment, comment.line...) - } - *comment = yaml_comment_t{} - parser.comments_head++ - } -} - -// Remove the next token from the queue (must be called after peek_token). -func skip_token(parser *yaml_parser_t) { - parser.token_available = false - parser.tokens_parsed++ - parser.stream_end_produced = parser.tokens[parser.tokens_head].typ == yaml_STREAM_END_TOKEN - parser.tokens_head++ -} - -// Get the next event. -func yaml_parser_parse(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool { - // Erase the event object. - *event = yaml_event_t{} - - // No events after the end of the stream or error. - if parser.stream_end_produced || parser.error != yaml_NO_ERROR || parser.state == yaml_PARSE_END_STATE { - return true - } - - // Generate the next event. - return yaml_parser_state_machine(parser, event) -} - -// Set parser error. -func yaml_parser_set_parser_error(parser *yaml_parser_t, problem string, problem_mark yaml_mark_t) bool { - parser.error = yaml_PARSER_ERROR - parser.problem = problem - parser.problem_mark = problem_mark - return false -} - -func yaml_parser_set_parser_error_context(parser *yaml_parser_t, context string, context_mark yaml_mark_t, problem string, problem_mark yaml_mark_t) bool { - parser.error = yaml_PARSER_ERROR - parser.context = context - parser.context_mark = context_mark - parser.problem = problem - parser.problem_mark = problem_mark - return false -} - -// State dispatcher. -func yaml_parser_state_machine(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool { - //trace("yaml_parser_state_machine", "state:", parser.state.String()) - - switch parser.state { - case yaml_PARSE_STREAM_START_STATE: - return yaml_parser_parse_stream_start(parser, event) - - case yaml_PARSE_IMPLICIT_DOCUMENT_START_STATE: - return yaml_parser_parse_document_start(parser, event, true) - - case yaml_PARSE_DOCUMENT_START_STATE: - return yaml_parser_parse_document_start(parser, event, false) - - case yaml_PARSE_DOCUMENT_CONTENT_STATE: - return yaml_parser_parse_document_content(parser, event) - - case yaml_PARSE_DOCUMENT_END_STATE: - return yaml_parser_parse_document_end(parser, event) - - case yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_NODE_STATE: - return yaml_parser_parse_node(parser, event, true, false) - - case yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_NODE_OR_INDENTLESS_SEQUENCE_STATE: - return yaml_parser_parse_node(parser, event, true, true) - - case yaml_PARSE_FLOW_NODE_STATE: - return yaml_parser_parse_node(parser, event, false, false) - - case yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_FIRST_ENTRY_STATE: - return yaml_parser_parse_block_sequence_entry(parser, event, true) - - case yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_STATE: - return yaml_parser_parse_block_sequence_entry(parser, event, false) - - case yaml_PARSE_INDENTLESS_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_STATE: - return yaml_parser_parse_indentless_sequence_entry(parser, event) - - case yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_MAPPING_FIRST_KEY_STATE: - return yaml_parser_parse_block_mapping_key(parser, event, true) - - case yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_MAPPING_KEY_STATE: - return yaml_parser_parse_block_mapping_key(parser, event, false) - - case yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE: - return yaml_parser_parse_block_mapping_value(parser, event) - - case yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_FIRST_ENTRY_STATE: - return yaml_parser_parse_flow_sequence_entry(parser, event, true) - - case yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_STATE: - return yaml_parser_parse_flow_sequence_entry(parser, event, false) - - case yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_MAPPING_KEY_STATE: - return yaml_parser_parse_flow_sequence_entry_mapping_key(parser, event) - - case yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE: - return yaml_parser_parse_flow_sequence_entry_mapping_value(parser, event) - - case yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_MAPPING_END_STATE: - return yaml_parser_parse_flow_sequence_entry_mapping_end(parser, event) - - case yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_FIRST_KEY_STATE: - return yaml_parser_parse_flow_mapping_key(parser, event, true) - - case yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_KEY_STATE: - return yaml_parser_parse_flow_mapping_key(parser, event, false) - - case yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE: - return yaml_parser_parse_flow_mapping_value(parser, event, false) - - case yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_EMPTY_VALUE_STATE: - return yaml_parser_parse_flow_mapping_value(parser, event, true) - - default: - panic("invalid parser state") - } -} - -// Parse the production: -// stream ::= STREAM-START implicit_document? explicit_document* STREAM-END -// ************ -func yaml_parser_parse_stream_start(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool { - token := peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - if token.typ != yaml_STREAM_START_TOKEN { - return yaml_parser_set_parser_error(parser, "did not find expected ", token.start_mark) - } - parser.state = yaml_PARSE_IMPLICIT_DOCUMENT_START_STATE - *event = yaml_event_t{ - typ: yaml_STREAM_START_EVENT, - start_mark: token.start_mark, - end_mark: token.end_mark, - encoding: token.encoding, - } - skip_token(parser) - return true -} - -// Parse the productions: -// implicit_document ::= block_node DOCUMENT-END* -// * -// explicit_document ::= DIRECTIVE* DOCUMENT-START block_node? DOCUMENT-END* -// ************************* -func yaml_parser_parse_document_start(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t, implicit bool) bool { - - token := peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - - // Parse extra document end indicators. - if !implicit { - for token.typ == yaml_DOCUMENT_END_TOKEN { - skip_token(parser) - token = peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - } - } - - if implicit && token.typ != yaml_VERSION_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN && - token.typ != yaml_TAG_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN && - token.typ != yaml_DOCUMENT_START_TOKEN && - token.typ != yaml_STREAM_END_TOKEN { - // Parse an implicit document. - if !yaml_parser_process_directives(parser, nil, nil) { - return false - } - parser.states = append(parser.states, yaml_PARSE_DOCUMENT_END_STATE) - parser.state = yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_NODE_STATE - - var head_comment []byte - if len(parser.head_comment) > 0 { - // [Go] Scan the header comment backwards, and if an empty line is found, break - // the header so the part before the last empty line goes into the - // document header, while the bottom of it goes into a follow up event. - for i := len(parser.head_comment) - 1; i > 0; i-- { - if parser.head_comment[i] == '\n' { - if i == len(parser.head_comment)-1 { - head_comment = parser.head_comment[:i] - parser.head_comment = parser.head_comment[i+1:] - break - } else if parser.head_comment[i-1] == '\n' { - head_comment = parser.head_comment[:i-1] - parser.head_comment = parser.head_comment[i+1:] - break - } - } - } - } - - *event = yaml_event_t{ - typ: yaml_DOCUMENT_START_EVENT, - start_mark: token.start_mark, - end_mark: token.end_mark, - - head_comment: head_comment, - } - - } else if token.typ != yaml_STREAM_END_TOKEN { - // Parse an explicit document. - var version_directive *yaml_version_directive_t - var tag_directives []yaml_tag_directive_t - start_mark := token.start_mark - if !yaml_parser_process_directives(parser, &version_directive, &tag_directives) { - return false - } - token = peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - if token.typ != yaml_DOCUMENT_START_TOKEN { - yaml_parser_set_parser_error(parser, - "did not find expected ", token.start_mark) - return false - } - parser.states = append(parser.states, yaml_PARSE_DOCUMENT_END_STATE) - parser.state = yaml_PARSE_DOCUMENT_CONTENT_STATE - end_mark := token.end_mark - - *event = yaml_event_t{ - typ: yaml_DOCUMENT_START_EVENT, - start_mark: start_mark, - end_mark: end_mark, - version_directive: version_directive, - tag_directives: tag_directives, - implicit: false, - } - skip_token(parser) - - } else { - // Parse the stream end. - parser.state = yaml_PARSE_END_STATE - *event = yaml_event_t{ - typ: yaml_STREAM_END_EVENT, - start_mark: token.start_mark, - end_mark: token.end_mark, - } - skip_token(parser) - } - - return true -} - -// Parse the productions: -// explicit_document ::= DIRECTIVE* DOCUMENT-START block_node? DOCUMENT-END* -// *********** -// -func yaml_parser_parse_document_content(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool { - token := peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - - if token.typ == yaml_VERSION_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN || - token.typ == yaml_TAG_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN || - token.typ == yaml_DOCUMENT_START_TOKEN || - token.typ == yaml_DOCUMENT_END_TOKEN || - token.typ == yaml_STREAM_END_TOKEN { - parser.state = parser.states[len(parser.states)-1] - parser.states = parser.states[:len(parser.states)-1] - return yaml_parser_process_empty_scalar(parser, event, - token.start_mark) - } - return yaml_parser_parse_node(parser, event, true, false) -} - -// Parse the productions: -// implicit_document ::= block_node DOCUMENT-END* -// ************* -// explicit_document ::= DIRECTIVE* DOCUMENT-START block_node? DOCUMENT-END* -// -func yaml_parser_parse_document_end(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool { - token := peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - - start_mark := token.start_mark - end_mark := token.start_mark - - implicit := true - if token.typ == yaml_DOCUMENT_END_TOKEN { - end_mark = token.end_mark - skip_token(parser) - implicit = false - } - - parser.tag_directives = parser.tag_directives[:0] - - parser.state = yaml_PARSE_DOCUMENT_START_STATE - *event = yaml_event_t{ - typ: yaml_DOCUMENT_END_EVENT, - start_mark: start_mark, - end_mark: end_mark, - implicit: implicit, - } - yaml_parser_set_event_comments(parser, event) - if len(event.head_comment) > 0 && len(event.foot_comment) == 0 { - event.foot_comment = event.head_comment - event.head_comment = nil - } - return true -} - -func yaml_parser_set_event_comments(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t) { - event.head_comment = parser.head_comment - event.line_comment = parser.line_comment - event.foot_comment = parser.foot_comment - parser.head_comment = nil - parser.line_comment = nil - parser.foot_comment = nil - parser.tail_comment = nil - parser.stem_comment = nil -} - -// Parse the productions: -// block_node_or_indentless_sequence ::= -// ALIAS -// ***** -// | properties (block_content | indentless_block_sequence)? -// ********** * -// | block_content | indentless_block_sequence -// * -// block_node ::= ALIAS -// ***** -// | properties block_content? -// ********** * -// | block_content -// * -// flow_node ::= ALIAS -// ***** -// | properties flow_content? -// ********** * -// | flow_content -// * -// properties ::= TAG ANCHOR? | ANCHOR TAG? -// ************************* -// block_content ::= block_collection | flow_collection | SCALAR -// ****** -// flow_content ::= flow_collection | SCALAR -// ****** -func yaml_parser_parse_node(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t, block, indentless_sequence bool) bool { - //defer trace("yaml_parser_parse_node", "block:", block, "indentless_sequence:", indentless_sequence)() - - token := peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - - if token.typ == yaml_ALIAS_TOKEN { - parser.state = parser.states[len(parser.states)-1] - parser.states = parser.states[:len(parser.states)-1] - *event = yaml_event_t{ - typ: yaml_ALIAS_EVENT, - start_mark: token.start_mark, - end_mark: token.end_mark, - anchor: token.value, - } - yaml_parser_set_event_comments(parser, event) - skip_token(parser) - return true - } - - start_mark := token.start_mark - end_mark := token.start_mark - - var tag_token bool - var tag_handle, tag_suffix, anchor []byte - var tag_mark yaml_mark_t - if token.typ == yaml_ANCHOR_TOKEN { - anchor = token.value - start_mark = token.start_mark - end_mark = token.end_mark - skip_token(parser) - token = peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - if token.typ == yaml_TAG_TOKEN { - tag_token = true - tag_handle = token.value - tag_suffix = token.suffix - tag_mark = token.start_mark - end_mark = token.end_mark - skip_token(parser) - token = peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - } - } else if token.typ == yaml_TAG_TOKEN { - tag_token = true - tag_handle = token.value - tag_suffix = token.suffix - start_mark = token.start_mark - tag_mark = token.start_mark - end_mark = token.end_mark - skip_token(parser) - token = peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - if token.typ == yaml_ANCHOR_TOKEN { - anchor = token.value - end_mark = token.end_mark - skip_token(parser) - token = peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - } - } - - var tag []byte - if tag_token { - if len(tag_handle) == 0 { - tag = tag_suffix - tag_suffix = nil - } else { - for i := range parser.tag_directives { - if bytes.Equal(parser.tag_directives[i].handle, tag_handle) { - tag = append([]byte(nil), parser.tag_directives[i].prefix...) - tag = append(tag, tag_suffix...) - break - } - } - if len(tag) == 0 { - yaml_parser_set_parser_error_context(parser, - "while parsing a node", start_mark, - "found undefined tag handle", tag_mark) - return false - } - } - } - - implicit := len(tag) == 0 - if indentless_sequence && token.typ == yaml_BLOCK_ENTRY_TOKEN { - end_mark = token.end_mark - parser.state = yaml_PARSE_INDENTLESS_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_STATE - *event = yaml_event_t{ - typ: yaml_SEQUENCE_START_EVENT, - start_mark: start_mark, - end_mark: end_mark, - anchor: anchor, - tag: tag, - implicit: implicit, - style: yaml_style_t(yaml_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_STYLE), - } - return true - } - if token.typ == yaml_SCALAR_TOKEN { - var plain_implicit, quoted_implicit bool - end_mark = token.end_mark - if (len(tag) == 0 && token.style == yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE) || (len(tag) == 1 && tag[0] == '!') { - plain_implicit = true - } else if len(tag) == 0 { - quoted_implicit = true - } - parser.state = parser.states[len(parser.states)-1] - parser.states = parser.states[:len(parser.states)-1] - - *event = yaml_event_t{ - typ: yaml_SCALAR_EVENT, - start_mark: start_mark, - end_mark: end_mark, - anchor: anchor, - tag: tag, - value: token.value, - implicit: plain_implicit, - quoted_implicit: quoted_implicit, - style: yaml_style_t(token.style), - } - yaml_parser_set_event_comments(parser, event) - skip_token(parser) - return true - } - if token.typ == yaml_FLOW_SEQUENCE_START_TOKEN { - // [Go] Some of the events below can be merged as they differ only on style. - end_mark = token.end_mark - parser.state = yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_FIRST_ENTRY_STATE - *event = yaml_event_t{ - typ: yaml_SEQUENCE_START_EVENT, - start_mark: start_mark, - end_mark: end_mark, - anchor: anchor, - tag: tag, - implicit: implicit, - style: yaml_style_t(yaml_FLOW_SEQUENCE_STYLE), - } - yaml_parser_set_event_comments(parser, event) - return true - } - if token.typ == yaml_FLOW_MAPPING_START_TOKEN { - end_mark = token.end_mark - parser.state = yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_FIRST_KEY_STATE - *event = yaml_event_t{ - typ: yaml_MAPPING_START_EVENT, - start_mark: start_mark, - end_mark: end_mark, - anchor: anchor, - tag: tag, - implicit: implicit, - style: yaml_style_t(yaml_FLOW_MAPPING_STYLE), - } - yaml_parser_set_event_comments(parser, event) - return true - } - if block && token.typ == yaml_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_START_TOKEN { - end_mark = token.end_mark - parser.state = yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_FIRST_ENTRY_STATE - *event = yaml_event_t{ - typ: yaml_SEQUENCE_START_EVENT, - start_mark: start_mark, - end_mark: end_mark, - anchor: anchor, - tag: tag, - implicit: implicit, - style: yaml_style_t(yaml_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_STYLE), - } - if parser.stem_comment != nil { - event.head_comment = parser.stem_comment - parser.stem_comment = nil - } - return true - } - if block && token.typ == yaml_BLOCK_MAPPING_START_TOKEN { - end_mark = token.end_mark - parser.state = yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_MAPPING_FIRST_KEY_STATE - *event = yaml_event_t{ - typ: yaml_MAPPING_START_EVENT, - start_mark: start_mark, - end_mark: end_mark, - anchor: anchor, - tag: tag, - implicit: implicit, - style: yaml_style_t(yaml_BLOCK_MAPPING_STYLE), - } - if parser.stem_comment != nil { - event.head_comment = parser.stem_comment - parser.stem_comment = nil - } - return true - } - if len(anchor) > 0 || len(tag) > 0 { - parser.state = parser.states[len(parser.states)-1] - parser.states = parser.states[:len(parser.states)-1] - - *event = yaml_event_t{ - typ: yaml_SCALAR_EVENT, - start_mark: start_mark, - end_mark: end_mark, - anchor: anchor, - tag: tag, - implicit: implicit, - quoted_implicit: false, - style: yaml_style_t(yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE), - } - return true - } - - context := "while parsing a flow node" - if block { - context = "while parsing a block node" - } - yaml_parser_set_parser_error_context(parser, context, start_mark, - "did not find expected node content", token.start_mark) - return false -} - -// Parse the productions: -// block_sequence ::= BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START (BLOCK-ENTRY block_node?)* BLOCK-END -// ******************** *********** * ********* -// -func yaml_parser_parse_block_sequence_entry(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t, first bool) bool { - if first { - token := peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - parser.marks = append(parser.marks, token.start_mark) - skip_token(parser) - } - - token := peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - - if token.typ == yaml_BLOCK_ENTRY_TOKEN { - mark := token.end_mark - prior_head_len := len(parser.head_comment) - skip_token(parser) - yaml_parser_split_stem_comment(parser, prior_head_len) - token = peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - if token.typ != yaml_BLOCK_ENTRY_TOKEN && token.typ != yaml_BLOCK_END_TOKEN { - parser.states = append(parser.states, yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_STATE) - return yaml_parser_parse_node(parser, event, true, false) - } else { - parser.state = yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_STATE - return yaml_parser_process_empty_scalar(parser, event, mark) - } - } - if token.typ == yaml_BLOCK_END_TOKEN { - parser.state = parser.states[len(parser.states)-1] - parser.states = parser.states[:len(parser.states)-1] - parser.marks = parser.marks[:len(parser.marks)-1] - - *event = yaml_event_t{ - typ: yaml_SEQUENCE_END_EVENT, - start_mark: token.start_mark, - end_mark: token.end_mark, - } - - skip_token(parser) - return true - } - - context_mark := parser.marks[len(parser.marks)-1] - parser.marks = parser.marks[:len(parser.marks)-1] - return yaml_parser_set_parser_error_context(parser, - "while parsing a block collection", context_mark, - "did not find expected '-' indicator", token.start_mark) -} - -// Parse the productions: -// indentless_sequence ::= (BLOCK-ENTRY block_node?)+ -// *********** * -func yaml_parser_parse_indentless_sequence_entry(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool { - token := peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - - if token.typ == yaml_BLOCK_ENTRY_TOKEN { - mark := token.end_mark - prior_head_len := len(parser.head_comment) - skip_token(parser) - yaml_parser_split_stem_comment(parser, prior_head_len) - token = peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - if token.typ != yaml_BLOCK_ENTRY_TOKEN && - token.typ != yaml_KEY_TOKEN && - token.typ != yaml_VALUE_TOKEN && - token.typ != yaml_BLOCK_END_TOKEN { - parser.states = append(parser.states, yaml_PARSE_INDENTLESS_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_STATE) - return yaml_parser_parse_node(parser, event, true, false) - } - parser.state = yaml_PARSE_INDENTLESS_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_STATE - return yaml_parser_process_empty_scalar(parser, event, mark) - } - parser.state = parser.states[len(parser.states)-1] - parser.states = parser.states[:len(parser.states)-1] - - *event = yaml_event_t{ - typ: yaml_SEQUENCE_END_EVENT, - start_mark: token.start_mark, - end_mark: token.start_mark, // [Go] Shouldn't this be token.end_mark? - } - return true -} - -// Split stem comment from head comment. -// -// When a sequence or map is found under a sequence entry, the former head comment -// is assigned to the underlying sequence or map as a whole, not the individual -// sequence or map entry as would be expected otherwise. To handle this case the -// previous head comment is moved aside as the stem comment. -func yaml_parser_split_stem_comment(parser *yaml_parser_t, stem_len int) { - if stem_len == 0 { - return - } - - token := peek_token(parser) - if token == nil || token.typ != yaml_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_START_TOKEN && token.typ != yaml_BLOCK_MAPPING_START_TOKEN { - return - } - - parser.stem_comment = parser.head_comment[:stem_len] - if len(parser.head_comment) == stem_len { - parser.head_comment = nil - } else { - // Copy suffix to prevent very strange bugs if someone ever appends - // further bytes to the prefix in the stem_comment slice above. - parser.head_comment = append([]byte(nil), parser.head_comment[stem_len+1:]...) - } -} - -// Parse the productions: -// block_mapping ::= BLOCK-MAPPING_START -// ******************* -// ((KEY block_node_or_indentless_sequence?)? -// *** * -// (VALUE block_node_or_indentless_sequence?)?)* -// -// BLOCK-END -// ********* -// -func yaml_parser_parse_block_mapping_key(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t, first bool) bool { - if first { - token := peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - parser.marks = append(parser.marks, token.start_mark) - skip_token(parser) - } - - token := peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - - // [Go] A tail comment was left from the prior mapping value processed. Emit an event - // as it needs to be processed with that value and not the following key. - if len(parser.tail_comment) > 0 { - *event = yaml_event_t{ - typ: yaml_TAIL_COMMENT_EVENT, - start_mark: token.start_mark, - end_mark: token.end_mark, - foot_comment: parser.tail_comment, - } - parser.tail_comment = nil - return true - } - - if token.typ == yaml_KEY_TOKEN { - mark := token.end_mark - skip_token(parser) - token = peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - if token.typ != yaml_KEY_TOKEN && - token.typ != yaml_VALUE_TOKEN && - token.typ != yaml_BLOCK_END_TOKEN { - parser.states = append(parser.states, yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE) - return yaml_parser_parse_node(parser, event, true, true) - } else { - parser.state = yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE - return yaml_parser_process_empty_scalar(parser, event, mark) - } - } else if token.typ == yaml_BLOCK_END_TOKEN { - parser.state = parser.states[len(parser.states)-1] - parser.states = parser.states[:len(parser.states)-1] - parser.marks = parser.marks[:len(parser.marks)-1] - *event = yaml_event_t{ - typ: yaml_MAPPING_END_EVENT, - start_mark: token.start_mark, - end_mark: token.end_mark, - } - yaml_parser_set_event_comments(parser, event) - skip_token(parser) - return true - } - - context_mark := parser.marks[len(parser.marks)-1] - parser.marks = parser.marks[:len(parser.marks)-1] - return yaml_parser_set_parser_error_context(parser, - "while parsing a block mapping", context_mark, - "did not find expected key", token.start_mark) -} - -// Parse the productions: -// block_mapping ::= BLOCK-MAPPING_START -// -// ((KEY block_node_or_indentless_sequence?)? -// -// (VALUE block_node_or_indentless_sequence?)?)* -// ***** * -// BLOCK-END -// -// -func yaml_parser_parse_block_mapping_value(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool { - token := peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - if token.typ == yaml_VALUE_TOKEN { - mark := token.end_mark - skip_token(parser) - token = peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - if token.typ != yaml_KEY_TOKEN && - token.typ != yaml_VALUE_TOKEN && - token.typ != yaml_BLOCK_END_TOKEN { - parser.states = append(parser.states, yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_MAPPING_KEY_STATE) - return yaml_parser_parse_node(parser, event, true, true) - } - parser.state = yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_MAPPING_KEY_STATE - return yaml_parser_process_empty_scalar(parser, event, mark) - } - parser.state = yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_MAPPING_KEY_STATE - return yaml_parser_process_empty_scalar(parser, event, token.start_mark) -} - -// Parse the productions: -// flow_sequence ::= FLOW-SEQUENCE-START -// ******************* -// (flow_sequence_entry FLOW-ENTRY)* -// * ********** -// flow_sequence_entry? -// * -// FLOW-SEQUENCE-END -// ***************** -// flow_sequence_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)? -// * -// -func yaml_parser_parse_flow_sequence_entry(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t, first bool) bool { - if first { - token := peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - parser.marks = append(parser.marks, token.start_mark) - skip_token(parser) - } - token := peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - if token.typ != yaml_FLOW_SEQUENCE_END_TOKEN { - if !first { - if token.typ == yaml_FLOW_ENTRY_TOKEN { - skip_token(parser) - token = peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - } else { - context_mark := parser.marks[len(parser.marks)-1] - parser.marks = parser.marks[:len(parser.marks)-1] - return yaml_parser_set_parser_error_context(parser, - "while parsing a flow sequence", context_mark, - "did not find expected ',' or ']'", token.start_mark) - } - } - - if token.typ == yaml_KEY_TOKEN { - parser.state = yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_MAPPING_KEY_STATE - *event = yaml_event_t{ - typ: yaml_MAPPING_START_EVENT, - start_mark: token.start_mark, - end_mark: token.end_mark, - implicit: true, - style: yaml_style_t(yaml_FLOW_MAPPING_STYLE), - } - skip_token(parser) - return true - } else if token.typ != yaml_FLOW_SEQUENCE_END_TOKEN { - parser.states = append(parser.states, yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_STATE) - return yaml_parser_parse_node(parser, event, false, false) - } - } - - parser.state = parser.states[len(parser.states)-1] - parser.states = parser.states[:len(parser.states)-1] - parser.marks = parser.marks[:len(parser.marks)-1] - - *event = yaml_event_t{ - typ: yaml_SEQUENCE_END_EVENT, - start_mark: token.start_mark, - end_mark: token.end_mark, - } - yaml_parser_set_event_comments(parser, event) - - skip_token(parser) - return true -} - -// -// Parse the productions: -// flow_sequence_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)? -// *** * -// -func yaml_parser_parse_flow_sequence_entry_mapping_key(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool { - token := peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - if token.typ != yaml_VALUE_TOKEN && - token.typ != yaml_FLOW_ENTRY_TOKEN && - token.typ != yaml_FLOW_SEQUENCE_END_TOKEN { - parser.states = append(parser.states, yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE) - return yaml_parser_parse_node(parser, event, false, false) - } - mark := token.end_mark - skip_token(parser) - parser.state = yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE - return yaml_parser_process_empty_scalar(parser, event, mark) -} - -// Parse the productions: -// flow_sequence_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)? -// ***** * -// -func yaml_parser_parse_flow_sequence_entry_mapping_value(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool { - token := peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - if token.typ == yaml_VALUE_TOKEN { - skip_token(parser) - token := peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - if token.typ != yaml_FLOW_ENTRY_TOKEN && token.typ != yaml_FLOW_SEQUENCE_END_TOKEN { - parser.states = append(parser.states, yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_MAPPING_END_STATE) - return yaml_parser_parse_node(parser, event, false, false) - } - } - parser.state = yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_MAPPING_END_STATE - return yaml_parser_process_empty_scalar(parser, event, token.start_mark) -} - -// Parse the productions: -// flow_sequence_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)? -// * -// -func yaml_parser_parse_flow_sequence_entry_mapping_end(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool { - token := peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - parser.state = yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_STATE - *event = yaml_event_t{ - typ: yaml_MAPPING_END_EVENT, - start_mark: token.start_mark, - end_mark: token.start_mark, // [Go] Shouldn't this be end_mark? - } - return true -} - -// Parse the productions: -// flow_mapping ::= FLOW-MAPPING-START -// ****************** -// (flow_mapping_entry FLOW-ENTRY)* -// * ********** -// flow_mapping_entry? -// ****************** -// FLOW-MAPPING-END -// **************** -// flow_mapping_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)? -// * *** * -// -func yaml_parser_parse_flow_mapping_key(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t, first bool) bool { - if first { - token := peek_token(parser) - parser.marks = append(parser.marks, token.start_mark) - skip_token(parser) - } - - token := peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - - if token.typ != yaml_FLOW_MAPPING_END_TOKEN { - if !first { - if token.typ == yaml_FLOW_ENTRY_TOKEN { - skip_token(parser) - token = peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - } else { - context_mark := parser.marks[len(parser.marks)-1] - parser.marks = parser.marks[:len(parser.marks)-1] - return yaml_parser_set_parser_error_context(parser, - "while parsing a flow mapping", context_mark, - "did not find expected ',' or '}'", token.start_mark) - } - } - - if token.typ == yaml_KEY_TOKEN { - skip_token(parser) - token = peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - if token.typ != yaml_VALUE_TOKEN && - token.typ != yaml_FLOW_ENTRY_TOKEN && - token.typ != yaml_FLOW_MAPPING_END_TOKEN { - parser.states = append(parser.states, yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE) - return yaml_parser_parse_node(parser, event, false, false) - } else { - parser.state = yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE - return yaml_parser_process_empty_scalar(parser, event, token.start_mark) - } - } else if token.typ != yaml_FLOW_MAPPING_END_TOKEN { - parser.states = append(parser.states, yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_EMPTY_VALUE_STATE) - return yaml_parser_parse_node(parser, event, false, false) - } - } - - parser.state = parser.states[len(parser.states)-1] - parser.states = parser.states[:len(parser.states)-1] - parser.marks = parser.marks[:len(parser.marks)-1] - *event = yaml_event_t{ - typ: yaml_MAPPING_END_EVENT, - start_mark: token.start_mark, - end_mark: token.end_mark, - } - yaml_parser_set_event_comments(parser, event) - skip_token(parser) - return true -} - -// Parse the productions: -// flow_mapping_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)? -// * ***** * -// -func yaml_parser_parse_flow_mapping_value(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t, empty bool) bool { - token := peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - if empty { - parser.state = yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_KEY_STATE - return yaml_parser_process_empty_scalar(parser, event, token.start_mark) - } - if token.typ == yaml_VALUE_TOKEN { - skip_token(parser) - token = peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - if token.typ != yaml_FLOW_ENTRY_TOKEN && token.typ != yaml_FLOW_MAPPING_END_TOKEN { - parser.states = append(parser.states, yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_KEY_STATE) - return yaml_parser_parse_node(parser, event, false, false) - } - } - parser.state = yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_KEY_STATE - return yaml_parser_process_empty_scalar(parser, event, token.start_mark) -} - -// Generate an empty scalar event. -func yaml_parser_process_empty_scalar(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t, mark yaml_mark_t) bool { - *event = yaml_event_t{ - typ: yaml_SCALAR_EVENT, - start_mark: mark, - end_mark: mark, - value: nil, // Empty - implicit: true, - style: yaml_style_t(yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE), - } - return true -} - -var default_tag_directives = []yaml_tag_directive_t{ - {[]byte("!"), []byte("!")}, - {[]byte("!!"), []byte("tag:yaml.org,2002:")}, -} - -// Parse directives. -func yaml_parser_process_directives(parser *yaml_parser_t, - version_directive_ref **yaml_version_directive_t, - tag_directives_ref *[]yaml_tag_directive_t) bool { - - var version_directive *yaml_version_directive_t - var tag_directives []yaml_tag_directive_t - - token := peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - - for token.typ == yaml_VERSION_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN || token.typ == yaml_TAG_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN { - if token.typ == yaml_VERSION_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN { - if version_directive != nil { - yaml_parser_set_parser_error(parser, - "found duplicate %YAML directive", token.start_mark) - return false - } - if token.major != 1 || token.minor != 1 { - yaml_parser_set_parser_error(parser, - "found incompatible YAML document", token.start_mark) - return false - } - version_directive = &yaml_version_directive_t{ - major: token.major, - minor: token.minor, - } - } else if token.typ == yaml_TAG_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN { - value := yaml_tag_directive_t{ - handle: token.value, - prefix: token.prefix, - } - if !yaml_parser_append_tag_directive(parser, value, false, token.start_mark) { - return false - } - tag_directives = append(tag_directives, value) - } - - skip_token(parser) - token = peek_token(parser) - if token == nil { - return false - } - } - - for i := range default_tag_directives { - if !yaml_parser_append_tag_directive(parser, default_tag_directives[i], true, token.start_mark) { - return false - } - } - - if version_directive_ref != nil { - *version_directive_ref = version_directive - } - if tag_directives_ref != nil { - *tag_directives_ref = tag_directives - } - return true -} - -// Append a tag directive to the directives stack. -func yaml_parser_append_tag_directive(parser *yaml_parser_t, value yaml_tag_directive_t, allow_duplicates bool, mark yaml_mark_t) bool { - for i := range parser.tag_directives { - if bytes.Equal(value.handle, parser.tag_directives[i].handle) { - if allow_duplicates { - return true - } - return yaml_parser_set_parser_error(parser, "found duplicate %TAG directive", mark) - } - } - - // [Go] I suspect the copy is unnecessary. This was likely done - // because there was no way to track ownership of the data. - value_copy := yaml_tag_directive_t{ - handle: make([]byte, len(value.handle)), - prefix: make([]byte, len(value.prefix)), - } - copy(value_copy.handle, value.handle) - copy(value_copy.prefix, value.prefix) - parser.tag_directives = append(parser.tag_directives, value_copy) - return true -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/readerc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/readerc.go deleted file mode 100644 index b7de0a89..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/readerc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,434 +0,0 @@ -// -// Copyright (c) 2011-2019 Canonical Ltd -// Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Kirill Simonov -// -// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of -// this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in -// the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to -// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies -// of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do -// so, subject to the following conditions: -// -// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all -// copies or substantial portions of the Software. -// -// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -// SOFTWARE. - -package yaml - -import ( - "io" -) - -// Set the reader error and return 0. -func yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser *yaml_parser_t, problem string, offset int, value int) bool { - parser.error = yaml_READER_ERROR - parser.problem = problem - parser.problem_offset = offset - parser.problem_value = value - return false -} - -// Byte order marks. -const ( - bom_UTF8 = "\xef\xbb\xbf" - bom_UTF16LE = "\xff\xfe" - bom_UTF16BE = "\xfe\xff" -) - -// Determine the input stream encoding by checking the BOM symbol. If no BOM is -// found, the UTF-8 encoding is assumed. Return 1 on success, 0 on failure. -func yaml_parser_determine_encoding(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool { - // Ensure that we had enough bytes in the raw buffer. - for !parser.eof && len(parser.raw_buffer)-parser.raw_buffer_pos < 3 { - if !yaml_parser_update_raw_buffer(parser) { - return false - } - } - - // Determine the encoding. - buf := parser.raw_buffer - pos := parser.raw_buffer_pos - avail := len(buf) - pos - if avail >= 2 && buf[pos] == bom_UTF16LE[0] && buf[pos+1] == bom_UTF16LE[1] { - parser.encoding = yaml_UTF16LE_ENCODING - parser.raw_buffer_pos += 2 - parser.offset += 2 - } else if avail >= 2 && buf[pos] == bom_UTF16BE[0] && buf[pos+1] == bom_UTF16BE[1] { - parser.encoding = yaml_UTF16BE_ENCODING - parser.raw_buffer_pos += 2 - parser.offset += 2 - } else if avail >= 3 && buf[pos] == bom_UTF8[0] && buf[pos+1] == bom_UTF8[1] && buf[pos+2] == bom_UTF8[2] { - parser.encoding = yaml_UTF8_ENCODING - parser.raw_buffer_pos += 3 - parser.offset += 3 - } else { - parser.encoding = yaml_UTF8_ENCODING - } - return true -} - -// Update the raw buffer. -func yaml_parser_update_raw_buffer(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool { - size_read := 0 - - // Return if the raw buffer is full. - if parser.raw_buffer_pos == 0 && len(parser.raw_buffer) == cap(parser.raw_buffer) { - return true - } - - // Return on EOF. - if parser.eof { - return true - } - - // Move the remaining bytes in the raw buffer to the beginning. - if parser.raw_buffer_pos > 0 && parser.raw_buffer_pos < len(parser.raw_buffer) { - copy(parser.raw_buffer, parser.raw_buffer[parser.raw_buffer_pos:]) - } - parser.raw_buffer = parser.raw_buffer[:len(parser.raw_buffer)-parser.raw_buffer_pos] - parser.raw_buffer_pos = 0 - - // Call the read handler to fill the buffer. - size_read, err := parser.read_handler(parser, parser.raw_buffer[len(parser.raw_buffer):cap(parser.raw_buffer)]) - parser.raw_buffer = parser.raw_buffer[:len(parser.raw_buffer)+size_read] - if err == io.EOF { - parser.eof = true - } else if err != nil { - return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser, "input error: "+err.Error(), parser.offset, -1) - } - return true -} - -// Ensure that the buffer contains at least `length` characters. -// Return true on success, false on failure. -// -// The length is supposed to be significantly less that the buffer size. -func yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser *yaml_parser_t, length int) bool { - if parser.read_handler == nil { - panic("read handler must be set") - } - - // [Go] This function was changed to guarantee the requested length size at EOF. - // The fact we need to do this is pretty awful, but the description above implies - // for that to be the case, and there are tests - - // If the EOF flag is set and the raw buffer is empty, do nothing. - if parser.eof && parser.raw_buffer_pos == len(parser.raw_buffer) { - // [Go] ACTUALLY! Read the documentation of this function above. - // This is just broken. To return true, we need to have the - // given length in the buffer. Not doing that means every single - // check that calls this function to make sure the buffer has a - // given length is Go) panicking; or C) accessing invalid memory. - //return true - } - - // Return if the buffer contains enough characters. - if parser.unread >= length { - return true - } - - // Determine the input encoding if it is not known yet. - if parser.encoding == yaml_ANY_ENCODING { - if !yaml_parser_determine_encoding(parser) { - return false - } - } - - // Move the unread characters to the beginning of the buffer. - buffer_len := len(parser.buffer) - if parser.buffer_pos > 0 && parser.buffer_pos < buffer_len { - copy(parser.buffer, parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos:]) - buffer_len -= parser.buffer_pos - parser.buffer_pos = 0 - } else if parser.buffer_pos == buffer_len { - buffer_len = 0 - parser.buffer_pos = 0 - } - - // Open the whole buffer for writing, and cut it before returning. - parser.buffer = parser.buffer[:cap(parser.buffer)] - - // Fill the buffer until it has enough characters. - first := true - for parser.unread < length { - - // Fill the raw buffer if necessary. - if !first || parser.raw_buffer_pos == len(parser.raw_buffer) { - if !yaml_parser_update_raw_buffer(parser) { - parser.buffer = parser.buffer[:buffer_len] - return false - } - } - first = false - - // Decode the raw buffer. - inner: - for parser.raw_buffer_pos != len(parser.raw_buffer) { - var value rune - var width int - - raw_unread := len(parser.raw_buffer) - parser.raw_buffer_pos - - // Decode the next character. - switch parser.encoding { - case yaml_UTF8_ENCODING: - // Decode a UTF-8 character. Check RFC 3629 - // (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3629.txt) for more details. - // - // The following table (taken from the RFC) is used for - // decoding. - // - // Char. number range | UTF-8 octet sequence - // (hexadecimal) | (binary) - // --------------------+------------------------------------ - // 0000 0000-0000 007F | 0xxxxxxx - // 0000 0080-0000 07FF | 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx - // 0000 0800-0000 FFFF | 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx - // 0001 0000-0010 FFFF | 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx - // - // Additionally, the characters in the range 0xD800-0xDFFF - // are prohibited as they are reserved for use with UTF-16 - // surrogate pairs. - - // Determine the length of the UTF-8 sequence. - octet := parser.raw_buffer[parser.raw_buffer_pos] - switch { - case octet&0x80 == 0x00: - width = 1 - case octet&0xE0 == 0xC0: - width = 2 - case octet&0xF0 == 0xE0: - width = 3 - case octet&0xF8 == 0xF0: - width = 4 - default: - // The leading octet is invalid. - return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser, - "invalid leading UTF-8 octet", - parser.offset, int(octet)) - } - - // Check if the raw buffer contains an incomplete character. - if width > raw_unread { - if parser.eof { - return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser, - "incomplete UTF-8 octet sequence", - parser.offset, -1) - } - break inner - } - - // Decode the leading octet. - switch { - case octet&0x80 == 0x00: - value = rune(octet & 0x7F) - case octet&0xE0 == 0xC0: - value = rune(octet & 0x1F) - case octet&0xF0 == 0xE0: - value = rune(octet & 0x0F) - case octet&0xF8 == 0xF0: - value = rune(octet & 0x07) - default: - value = 0 - } - - // Check and decode the trailing octets. - for k := 1; k < width; k++ { - octet = parser.raw_buffer[parser.raw_buffer_pos+k] - - // Check if the octet is valid. - if (octet & 0xC0) != 0x80 { - return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser, - "invalid trailing UTF-8 octet", - parser.offset+k, int(octet)) - } - - // Decode the octet. - value = (value << 6) + rune(octet&0x3F) - } - - // Check the length of the sequence against the value. - switch { - case width == 1: - case width == 2 && value >= 0x80: - case width == 3 && value >= 0x800: - case width == 4 && value >= 0x10000: - default: - return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser, - "invalid length of a UTF-8 sequence", - parser.offset, -1) - } - - // Check the range of the value. - if value >= 0xD800 && value <= 0xDFFF || value > 0x10FFFF { - return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser, - "invalid Unicode character", - parser.offset, int(value)) - } - - case yaml_UTF16LE_ENCODING, yaml_UTF16BE_ENCODING: - var low, high int - if parser.encoding == yaml_UTF16LE_ENCODING { - low, high = 0, 1 - } else { - low, high = 1, 0 - } - - // The UTF-16 encoding is not as simple as one might - // naively think. Check RFC 2781 - // (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2781.txt). - // - // Normally, two subsequent bytes describe a Unicode - // character. However a special technique (called a - // surrogate pair) is used for specifying character - // values larger than 0xFFFF. - // - // A surrogate pair consists of two pseudo-characters: - // high surrogate area (0xD800-0xDBFF) - // low surrogate area (0xDC00-0xDFFF) - // - // The following formulas are used for decoding - // and encoding characters using surrogate pairs: - // - // U = U' + 0x10000 (0x01 00 00 <= U <= 0x10 FF FF) - // U' = yyyyyyyyyyxxxxxxxxxx (0 <= U' <= 0x0F FF FF) - // W1 = 110110yyyyyyyyyy - // W2 = 110111xxxxxxxxxx - // - // where U is the character value, W1 is the high surrogate - // area, W2 is the low surrogate area. - - // Check for incomplete UTF-16 character. - if raw_unread < 2 { - if parser.eof { - return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser, - "incomplete UTF-16 character", - parser.offset, -1) - } - break inner - } - - // Get the character. - value = rune(parser.raw_buffer[parser.raw_buffer_pos+low]) + - (rune(parser.raw_buffer[parser.raw_buffer_pos+high]) << 8) - - // Check for unexpected low surrogate area. - if value&0xFC00 == 0xDC00 { - return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser, - "unexpected low surrogate area", - parser.offset, int(value)) - } - - // Check for a high surrogate area. - if value&0xFC00 == 0xD800 { - width = 4 - - // Check for incomplete surrogate pair. - if raw_unread < 4 { - if parser.eof { - return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser, - "incomplete UTF-16 surrogate pair", - parser.offset, -1) - } - break inner - } - - // Get the next character. - value2 := rune(parser.raw_buffer[parser.raw_buffer_pos+low+2]) + - (rune(parser.raw_buffer[parser.raw_buffer_pos+high+2]) << 8) - - // Check for a low surrogate area. - if value2&0xFC00 != 0xDC00 { - return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser, - "expected low surrogate area", - parser.offset+2, int(value2)) - } - - // Generate the value of the surrogate pair. - value = 0x10000 + ((value & 0x3FF) << 10) + (value2 & 0x3FF) - } else { - width = 2 - } - - default: - panic("impossible") - } - - // Check if the character is in the allowed range: - // #x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#x7E] (8 bit) - // | #x85 | [#xA0-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] (16 bit) - // | [#x10000-#x10FFFF] (32 bit) - switch { - case value == 0x09: - case value == 0x0A: - case value == 0x0D: - case value >= 0x20 && value <= 0x7E: - case value == 0x85: - case value >= 0xA0 && value <= 0xD7FF: - case value >= 0xE000 && value <= 0xFFFD: - case value >= 0x10000 && value <= 0x10FFFF: - default: - return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser, - "control characters are not allowed", - parser.offset, int(value)) - } - - // Move the raw pointers. - parser.raw_buffer_pos += width - parser.offset += width - - // Finally put the character into the buffer. - if value <= 0x7F { - // 0000 0000-0000 007F . 0xxxxxxx - parser.buffer[buffer_len+0] = byte(value) - buffer_len += 1 - } else if value <= 0x7FF { - // 0000 0080-0000 07FF . 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx - parser.buffer[buffer_len+0] = byte(0xC0 + (value >> 6)) - parser.buffer[buffer_len+1] = byte(0x80 + (value & 0x3F)) - buffer_len += 2 - } else if value <= 0xFFFF { - // 0000 0800-0000 FFFF . 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx - parser.buffer[buffer_len+0] = byte(0xE0 + (value >> 12)) - parser.buffer[buffer_len+1] = byte(0x80 + ((value >> 6) & 0x3F)) - parser.buffer[buffer_len+2] = byte(0x80 + (value & 0x3F)) - buffer_len += 3 - } else { - // 0001 0000-0010 FFFF . 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx - parser.buffer[buffer_len+0] = byte(0xF0 + (value >> 18)) - parser.buffer[buffer_len+1] = byte(0x80 + ((value >> 12) & 0x3F)) - parser.buffer[buffer_len+2] = byte(0x80 + ((value >> 6) & 0x3F)) - parser.buffer[buffer_len+3] = byte(0x80 + (value & 0x3F)) - buffer_len += 4 - } - - parser.unread++ - } - - // On EOF, put NUL into the buffer and return. - if parser.eof { - parser.buffer[buffer_len] = 0 - buffer_len++ - parser.unread++ - break - } - } - // [Go] Read the documentation of this function above. To return true, - // we need to have the given length in the buffer. Not doing that means - // every single check that calls this function to make sure the buffer - // has a given length is Go) panicking; or C) accessing invalid memory. - // This happens here due to the EOF above breaking early. - for buffer_len < length { - parser.buffer[buffer_len] = 0 - buffer_len++ - } - parser.buffer = parser.buffer[:buffer_len] - return true -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/resolve.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/resolve.go deleted file mode 100644 index 64ae8880..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/resolve.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,326 +0,0 @@ -// -// Copyright (c) 2011-2019 Canonical Ltd -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. - -package yaml - -import ( - "encoding/base64" - "math" - "regexp" - "strconv" - "strings" - "time" -) - -type resolveMapItem struct { - value interface{} - tag string -} - -var resolveTable = make([]byte, 256) -var resolveMap = make(map[string]resolveMapItem) - -func init() { - t := resolveTable - t[int('+')] = 'S' // Sign - t[int('-')] = 'S' - for _, c := range "0123456789" { - t[int(c)] = 'D' // Digit - } - for _, c := range "yYnNtTfFoO~" { - t[int(c)] = 'M' // In map - } - t[int('.')] = '.' // Float (potentially in map) - - var resolveMapList = []struct { - v interface{} - tag string - l []string - }{ - {true, boolTag, []string{"true", "True", "TRUE"}}, - {false, boolTag, []string{"false", "False", "FALSE"}}, - {nil, nullTag, []string{"", "~", "null", "Null", "NULL"}}, - {math.NaN(), floatTag, []string{".nan", ".NaN", ".NAN"}}, - {math.Inf(+1), floatTag, []string{".inf", ".Inf", ".INF"}}, - {math.Inf(+1), floatTag, []string{"+.inf", "+.Inf", "+.INF"}}, - {math.Inf(-1), floatTag, []string{"-.inf", "-.Inf", "-.INF"}}, - {"<<", mergeTag, []string{"<<"}}, - } - - m := resolveMap - for _, item := range resolveMapList { - for _, s := range item.l { - m[s] = resolveMapItem{item.v, item.tag} - } - } -} - -const ( - nullTag = "!!null" - boolTag = "!!bool" - strTag = "!!str" - intTag = "!!int" - floatTag = "!!float" - timestampTag = "!!timestamp" - seqTag = "!!seq" - mapTag = "!!map" - binaryTag = "!!binary" - mergeTag = "!!merge" -) - -var longTags = make(map[string]string) -var shortTags = make(map[string]string) - -func init() { - for _, stag := range []string{nullTag, boolTag, strTag, intTag, floatTag, timestampTag, seqTag, mapTag, binaryTag, mergeTag} { - ltag := longTag(stag) - longTags[stag] = ltag - shortTags[ltag] = stag - } -} - -const longTagPrefix = "tag:yaml.org,2002:" - -func shortTag(tag string) string { - if strings.HasPrefix(tag, longTagPrefix) { - if stag, ok := shortTags[tag]; ok { - return stag - } - return "!!" + tag[len(longTagPrefix):] - } - return tag -} - -func longTag(tag string) string { - if strings.HasPrefix(tag, "!!") { - if ltag, ok := longTags[tag]; ok { - return ltag - } - return longTagPrefix + tag[2:] - } - return tag -} - -func resolvableTag(tag string) bool { - switch tag { - case "", strTag, boolTag, intTag, floatTag, nullTag, timestampTag: - return true - } - return false -} - -var yamlStyleFloat = regexp.MustCompile(`^[-+]?(\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?$`) - -func resolve(tag string, in string) (rtag string, out interface{}) { - tag = shortTag(tag) - if !resolvableTag(tag) { - return tag, in - } - - defer func() { - switch tag { - case "", rtag, strTag, binaryTag: - return - case floatTag: - if rtag == intTag { - switch v := out.(type) { - case int64: - rtag = floatTag - out = float64(v) - return - case int: - rtag = floatTag - out = float64(v) - return - } - } - } - failf("cannot decode %s `%s` as a %s", shortTag(rtag), in, shortTag(tag)) - }() - - // Any data is accepted as a !!str or !!binary. - // Otherwise, the prefix is enough of a hint about what it might be. - hint := byte('N') - if in != "" { - hint = resolveTable[in[0]] - } - if hint != 0 && tag != strTag && tag != binaryTag { - // Handle things we can lookup in a map. - if item, ok := resolveMap[in]; ok { - return item.tag, item.value - } - - // Base 60 floats are a bad idea, were dropped in YAML 1.2, and - // are purposefully unsupported here. They're still quoted on - // the way out for compatibility with other parser, though. - - switch hint { - case 'M': - // We've already checked the map above. - - case '.': - // Not in the map, so maybe a normal float. - floatv, err := strconv.ParseFloat(in, 64) - if err == nil { - return floatTag, floatv - } - - case 'D', 'S': - // Int, float, or timestamp. - // Only try values as a timestamp if the value is unquoted or there's an explicit - // !!timestamp tag. - if tag == "" || tag == timestampTag { - t, ok := parseTimestamp(in) - if ok { - return timestampTag, t - } - } - - plain := strings.Replace(in, "_", "", -1) - intv, err := strconv.ParseInt(plain, 0, 64) - if err == nil { - if intv == int64(int(intv)) { - return intTag, int(intv) - } else { - return intTag, intv - } - } - uintv, err := strconv.ParseUint(plain, 0, 64) - if err == nil { - return intTag, uintv - } - if yamlStyleFloat.MatchString(plain) { - floatv, err := strconv.ParseFloat(plain, 64) - if err == nil { - return floatTag, floatv - } - } - if strings.HasPrefix(plain, "0b") { - intv, err := strconv.ParseInt(plain[2:], 2, 64) - if err == nil { - if intv == int64(int(intv)) { - return intTag, int(intv) - } else { - return intTag, intv - } - } - uintv, err := strconv.ParseUint(plain[2:], 2, 64) - if err == nil { - return intTag, uintv - } - } else if strings.HasPrefix(plain, "-0b") { - intv, err := strconv.ParseInt("-"+plain[3:], 2, 64) - if err == nil { - if true || intv == int64(int(intv)) { - return intTag, int(intv) - } else { - return intTag, intv - } - } - } - // Octals as introduced in version 1.2 of the spec. - // Octals from the 1.1 spec, spelled as 0777, are still - // decoded by default in v3 as well for compatibility. - // May be dropped in v4 depending on how usage evolves. - if strings.HasPrefix(plain, "0o") { - intv, err := strconv.ParseInt(plain[2:], 8, 64) - if err == nil { - if intv == int64(int(intv)) { - return intTag, int(intv) - } else { - return intTag, intv - } - } - uintv, err := strconv.ParseUint(plain[2:], 8, 64) - if err == nil { - return intTag, uintv - } - } else if strings.HasPrefix(plain, "-0o") { - intv, err := strconv.ParseInt("-"+plain[3:], 8, 64) - if err == nil { - if true || intv == int64(int(intv)) { - return intTag, int(intv) - } else { - return intTag, intv - } - } - } - default: - panic("internal error: missing handler for resolver table: " + string(rune(hint)) + " (with " + in + ")") - } - } - return strTag, in -} - -// encodeBase64 encodes s as base64 that is broken up into multiple lines -// as appropriate for the resulting length. -func encodeBase64(s string) string { - const lineLen = 70 - encLen := base64.StdEncoding.EncodedLen(len(s)) - lines := encLen/lineLen + 1 - buf := make([]byte, encLen*2+lines) - in := buf[0:encLen] - out := buf[encLen:] - base64.StdEncoding.Encode(in, []byte(s)) - k := 0 - for i := 0; i < len(in); i += lineLen { - j := i + lineLen - if j > len(in) { - j = len(in) - } - k += copy(out[k:], in[i:j]) - if lines > 1 { - out[k] = '\n' - k++ - } - } - return string(out[:k]) -} - -// This is a subset of the formats allowed by the regular expression -// defined at http://yaml.org/type/timestamp.html. -var allowedTimestampFormats = []string{ - "2006-1-2T15:4:5.999999999Z07:00", // RCF3339Nano with short date fields. - "2006-1-2t15:4:5.999999999Z07:00", // RFC3339Nano with short date fields and lower-case "t". - "2006-1-2 15:4:5.999999999", // space separated with no time zone - "2006-1-2", // date only - // Notable exception: time.Parse cannot handle: "2001-12-14 21:59:43.10 -5" - // from the set of examples. -} - -// parseTimestamp parses s as a timestamp string and -// returns the timestamp and reports whether it succeeded. -// Timestamp formats are defined at http://yaml.org/type/timestamp.html -func parseTimestamp(s string) (time.Time, bool) { - // TODO write code to check all the formats supported by - // http://yaml.org/type/timestamp.html instead of using time.Parse. - - // Quick check: all date formats start with YYYY-. - i := 0 - for ; i < len(s); i++ { - if c := s[i]; c < '0' || c > '9' { - break - } - } - if i != 4 || i == len(s) || s[i] != '-' { - return time.Time{}, false - } - for _, format := range allowedTimestampFormats { - if t, err := time.Parse(format, s); err == nil { - return t, true - } - } - return time.Time{}, false -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/scannerc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/scannerc.go deleted file mode 100644 index ca007010..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/scannerc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3038 +0,0 @@ -// -// Copyright (c) 2011-2019 Canonical Ltd -// Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Kirill Simonov -// -// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of -// this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in -// the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to -// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies -// of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do -// so, subject to the following conditions: -// -// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all -// copies or substantial portions of the Software. -// -// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -// SOFTWARE. - -package yaml - -import ( - "bytes" - "fmt" -) - -// Introduction -// ************ -// -// The following notes assume that you are familiar with the YAML specification -// (http://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html). We mostly follow it, although in -// some cases we are less restrictive that it requires. -// -// The process of transforming a YAML stream into a sequence of events is -// divided on two steps: Scanning and Parsing. -// -// The Scanner transforms the input stream into a sequence of tokens, while the -// parser transform the sequence of tokens produced by the Scanner into a -// sequence of parsing events. -// -// The Scanner is rather clever and complicated. The Parser, on the contrary, -// is a straightforward implementation of a recursive-descendant parser (or, -// LL(1) parser, as it is usually called). -// -// Actually there are two issues of Scanning that might be called "clever", the -// rest is quite straightforward. The issues are "block collection start" and -// "simple keys". Both issues are explained below in details. -// -// Here the Scanning step is explained and implemented. We start with the list -// of all the tokens produced by the Scanner together with short descriptions. -// -// Now, tokens: -// -// STREAM-START(encoding) # The stream start. -// STREAM-END # The stream end. -// VERSION-DIRECTIVE(major,minor) # The '%YAML' directive. -// TAG-DIRECTIVE(handle,prefix) # The '%TAG' directive. -// DOCUMENT-START # '---' -// DOCUMENT-END # '...' -// BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START # Indentation increase denoting a block -// BLOCK-MAPPING-START # sequence or a block mapping. -// BLOCK-END # Indentation decrease. -// FLOW-SEQUENCE-START # '[' -// FLOW-SEQUENCE-END # ']' -// BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START # '{' -// BLOCK-SEQUENCE-END # '}' -// BLOCK-ENTRY # '-' -// FLOW-ENTRY # ',' -// KEY # '?' or nothing (simple keys). -// VALUE # ':' -// ALIAS(anchor) # '*anchor' -// ANCHOR(anchor) # '&anchor' -// TAG(handle,suffix) # '!handle!suffix' -// SCALAR(value,style) # A scalar. -// -// The following two tokens are "virtual" tokens denoting the beginning and the -// end of the stream: -// -// STREAM-START(encoding) -// STREAM-END -// -// We pass the information about the input stream encoding with the -// STREAM-START token. -// -// The next two tokens are responsible for tags: -// -// VERSION-DIRECTIVE(major,minor) -// TAG-DIRECTIVE(handle,prefix) -// -// Example: -// -// %YAML 1.1 -// %TAG ! !foo -// %TAG !yaml! tag:yaml.org,2002: -// --- -// -// The correspoding sequence of tokens: -// -// STREAM-START(utf-8) -// VERSION-DIRECTIVE(1,1) -// TAG-DIRECTIVE("!","!foo") -// TAG-DIRECTIVE("!yaml","tag:yaml.org,2002:") -// DOCUMENT-START -// STREAM-END -// -// Note that the VERSION-DIRECTIVE and TAG-DIRECTIVE tokens occupy a whole -// line. -// -// The document start and end indicators are represented by: -// -// DOCUMENT-START -// DOCUMENT-END -// -// Note that if a YAML stream contains an implicit document (without '---' -// and '...' indicators), no DOCUMENT-START and DOCUMENT-END tokens will be -// produced. -// -// In the following examples, we present whole documents together with the -// produced tokens. -// -// 1. An implicit document: -// -// 'a scalar' -// -// Tokens: -// -// STREAM-START(utf-8) -// SCALAR("a scalar",single-quoted) -// STREAM-END -// -// 2. An explicit document: -// -// --- -// 'a scalar' -// ... -// -// Tokens: -// -// STREAM-START(utf-8) -// DOCUMENT-START -// SCALAR("a scalar",single-quoted) -// DOCUMENT-END -// STREAM-END -// -// 3. Several documents in a stream: -// -// 'a scalar' -// --- -// 'another scalar' -// --- -// 'yet another scalar' -// -// Tokens: -// -// STREAM-START(utf-8) -// SCALAR("a scalar",single-quoted) -// DOCUMENT-START -// SCALAR("another scalar",single-quoted) -// DOCUMENT-START -// SCALAR("yet another scalar",single-quoted) -// STREAM-END -// -// We have already introduced the SCALAR token above. The following tokens are -// used to describe aliases, anchors, tag, and scalars: -// -// ALIAS(anchor) -// ANCHOR(anchor) -// TAG(handle,suffix) -// SCALAR(value,style) -// -// The following series of examples illustrate the usage of these tokens: -// -// 1. A recursive sequence: -// -// &A [ *A ] -// -// Tokens: -// -// STREAM-START(utf-8) -// ANCHOR("A") -// FLOW-SEQUENCE-START -// ALIAS("A") -// FLOW-SEQUENCE-END -// STREAM-END -// -// 2. A tagged scalar: -// -// !!float "3.14" # A good approximation. -// -// Tokens: -// -// STREAM-START(utf-8) -// TAG("!!","float") -// SCALAR("3.14",double-quoted) -// STREAM-END -// -// 3. Various scalar styles: -// -// --- # Implicit empty plain scalars do not produce tokens. -// --- a plain scalar -// --- 'a single-quoted scalar' -// --- "a double-quoted scalar" -// --- |- -// a literal scalar -// --- >- -// a folded -// scalar -// -// Tokens: -// -// STREAM-START(utf-8) -// DOCUMENT-START -// DOCUMENT-START -// SCALAR("a plain scalar",plain) -// DOCUMENT-START -// SCALAR("a single-quoted scalar",single-quoted) -// DOCUMENT-START -// SCALAR("a double-quoted scalar",double-quoted) -// DOCUMENT-START -// SCALAR("a literal scalar",literal) -// DOCUMENT-START -// SCALAR("a folded scalar",folded) -// STREAM-END -// -// Now it's time to review collection-related tokens. We will start with -// flow collections: -// -// FLOW-SEQUENCE-START -// FLOW-SEQUENCE-END -// FLOW-MAPPING-START -// FLOW-MAPPING-END -// FLOW-ENTRY -// KEY -// VALUE -// -// The tokens FLOW-SEQUENCE-START, FLOW-SEQUENCE-END, FLOW-MAPPING-START, and -// FLOW-MAPPING-END represent the indicators '[', ']', '{', and '}' -// correspondingly. FLOW-ENTRY represent the ',' indicator. Finally the -// indicators '?' and ':', which are used for denoting mapping keys and values, -// are represented by the KEY and VALUE tokens. -// -// The following examples show flow collections: -// -// 1. A flow sequence: -// -// [item 1, item 2, item 3] -// -// Tokens: -// -// STREAM-START(utf-8) -// FLOW-SEQUENCE-START -// SCALAR("item 1",plain) -// FLOW-ENTRY -// SCALAR("item 2",plain) -// FLOW-ENTRY -// SCALAR("item 3",plain) -// FLOW-SEQUENCE-END -// STREAM-END -// -// 2. A flow mapping: -// -// { -// a simple key: a value, # Note that the KEY token is produced. -// ? a complex key: another value, -// } -// -// Tokens: -// -// STREAM-START(utf-8) -// FLOW-MAPPING-START -// KEY -// SCALAR("a simple key",plain) -// VALUE -// SCALAR("a value",plain) -// FLOW-ENTRY -// KEY -// SCALAR("a complex key",plain) -// VALUE -// SCALAR("another value",plain) -// FLOW-ENTRY -// FLOW-MAPPING-END -// STREAM-END -// -// A simple key is a key which is not denoted by the '?' indicator. Note that -// the Scanner still produce the KEY token whenever it encounters a simple key. -// -// For scanning block collections, the following tokens are used (note that we -// repeat KEY and VALUE here): -// -// BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START -// BLOCK-MAPPING-START -// BLOCK-END -// BLOCK-ENTRY -// KEY -// VALUE -// -// The tokens BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START and BLOCK-MAPPING-START denote indentation -// increase that precedes a block collection (cf. the INDENT token in Python). -// The token BLOCK-END denote indentation decrease that ends a block collection -// (cf. the DEDENT token in Python). However YAML has some syntax pecularities -// that makes detections of these tokens more complex. -// -// The tokens BLOCK-ENTRY, KEY, and VALUE are used to represent the indicators -// '-', '?', and ':' correspondingly. -// -// The following examples show how the tokens BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START, -// BLOCK-MAPPING-START, and BLOCK-END are emitted by the Scanner: -// -// 1. Block sequences: -// -// - item 1 -// - item 2 -// - -// - item 3.1 -// - item 3.2 -// - -// key 1: value 1 -// key 2: value 2 -// -// Tokens: -// -// STREAM-START(utf-8) -// BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START -// BLOCK-ENTRY -// SCALAR("item 1",plain) -// BLOCK-ENTRY -// SCALAR("item 2",plain) -// BLOCK-ENTRY -// BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START -// BLOCK-ENTRY -// SCALAR("item 3.1",plain) -// BLOCK-ENTRY -// SCALAR("item 3.2",plain) -// BLOCK-END -// BLOCK-ENTRY -// BLOCK-MAPPING-START -// KEY -// SCALAR("key 1",plain) -// VALUE -// SCALAR("value 1",plain) -// KEY -// SCALAR("key 2",plain) -// VALUE -// SCALAR("value 2",plain) -// BLOCK-END -// BLOCK-END -// STREAM-END -// -// 2. Block mappings: -// -// a simple key: a value # The KEY token is produced here. -// ? a complex key -// : another value -// a mapping: -// key 1: value 1 -// key 2: value 2 -// a sequence: -// - item 1 -// - item 2 -// -// Tokens: -// -// STREAM-START(utf-8) -// BLOCK-MAPPING-START -// KEY -// SCALAR("a simple key",plain) -// VALUE -// SCALAR("a value",plain) -// KEY -// SCALAR("a complex key",plain) -// VALUE -// SCALAR("another value",plain) -// KEY -// SCALAR("a mapping",plain) -// BLOCK-MAPPING-START -// KEY -// SCALAR("key 1",plain) -// VALUE -// SCALAR("value 1",plain) -// KEY -// SCALAR("key 2",plain) -// VALUE -// SCALAR("value 2",plain) -// BLOCK-END -// KEY -// SCALAR("a sequence",plain) -// VALUE -// BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START -// BLOCK-ENTRY -// SCALAR("item 1",plain) -// BLOCK-ENTRY -// SCALAR("item 2",plain) -// BLOCK-END -// BLOCK-END -// STREAM-END -// -// YAML does not always require to start a new block collection from a new -// line. If the current line contains only '-', '?', and ':' indicators, a new -// block collection may start at the current line. The following examples -// illustrate this case: -// -// 1. Collections in a sequence: -// -// - - item 1 -// - item 2 -// - key 1: value 1 -// key 2: value 2 -// - ? complex key -// : complex value -// -// Tokens: -// -// STREAM-START(utf-8) -// BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START -// BLOCK-ENTRY -// BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START -// BLOCK-ENTRY -// SCALAR("item 1",plain) -// BLOCK-ENTRY -// SCALAR("item 2",plain) -// BLOCK-END -// BLOCK-ENTRY -// BLOCK-MAPPING-START -// KEY -// SCALAR("key 1",plain) -// VALUE -// SCALAR("value 1",plain) -// KEY -// SCALAR("key 2",plain) -// VALUE -// SCALAR("value 2",plain) -// BLOCK-END -// BLOCK-ENTRY -// BLOCK-MAPPING-START -// KEY -// SCALAR("complex key") -// VALUE -// SCALAR("complex value") -// BLOCK-END -// BLOCK-END -// STREAM-END -// -// 2. Collections in a mapping: -// -// ? a sequence -// : - item 1 -// - item 2 -// ? a mapping -// : key 1: value 1 -// key 2: value 2 -// -// Tokens: -// -// STREAM-START(utf-8) -// BLOCK-MAPPING-START -// KEY -// SCALAR("a sequence",plain) -// VALUE -// BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START -// BLOCK-ENTRY -// SCALAR("item 1",plain) -// BLOCK-ENTRY -// SCALAR("item 2",plain) -// BLOCK-END -// KEY -// SCALAR("a mapping",plain) -// VALUE -// BLOCK-MAPPING-START -// KEY -// SCALAR("key 1",plain) -// VALUE -// SCALAR("value 1",plain) -// KEY -// SCALAR("key 2",plain) -// VALUE -// SCALAR("value 2",plain) -// BLOCK-END -// BLOCK-END -// STREAM-END -// -// YAML also permits non-indented sequences if they are included into a block -// mapping. In this case, the token BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START is not produced: -// -// key: -// - item 1 # BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START is NOT produced here. -// - item 2 -// -// Tokens: -// -// STREAM-START(utf-8) -// BLOCK-MAPPING-START -// KEY -// SCALAR("key",plain) -// VALUE -// BLOCK-ENTRY -// SCALAR("item 1",plain) -// BLOCK-ENTRY -// SCALAR("item 2",plain) -// BLOCK-END -// - -// Ensure that the buffer contains the required number of characters. -// Return true on success, false on failure (reader error or memory error). -func cache(parser *yaml_parser_t, length int) bool { - // [Go] This was inlined: !cache(A, B) -> unread < B && !update(A, B) - return parser.unread >= length || yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, length) -} - -// Advance the buffer pointer. -func skip(parser *yaml_parser_t) { - if !is_blank(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - parser.newlines = 0 - } - parser.mark.index++ - parser.mark.column++ - parser.unread-- - parser.buffer_pos += width(parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos]) -} - -func skip_line(parser *yaml_parser_t) { - if is_crlf(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - parser.mark.index += 2 - parser.mark.column = 0 - parser.mark.line++ - parser.unread -= 2 - parser.buffer_pos += 2 - parser.newlines++ - } else if is_break(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - parser.mark.index++ - parser.mark.column = 0 - parser.mark.line++ - parser.unread-- - parser.buffer_pos += width(parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos]) - parser.newlines++ - } -} - -// Copy a character to a string buffer and advance pointers. -func read(parser *yaml_parser_t, s []byte) []byte { - if !is_blank(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - parser.newlines = 0 - } - w := width(parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos]) - if w == 0 { - panic("invalid character sequence") - } - if len(s) == 0 { - s = make([]byte, 0, 32) - } - if w == 1 && len(s)+w <= cap(s) { - s = s[:len(s)+1] - s[len(s)-1] = parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] - parser.buffer_pos++ - } else { - s = append(s, parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos:parser.buffer_pos+w]...) - parser.buffer_pos += w - } - parser.mark.index++ - parser.mark.column++ - parser.unread-- - return s -} - -// Copy a line break character to a string buffer and advance pointers. -func read_line(parser *yaml_parser_t, s []byte) []byte { - buf := parser.buffer - pos := parser.buffer_pos - switch { - case buf[pos] == '\r' && buf[pos+1] == '\n': - // CR LF . LF - s = append(s, '\n') - parser.buffer_pos += 2 - parser.mark.index++ - parser.unread-- - case buf[pos] == '\r' || buf[pos] == '\n': - // CR|LF . LF - s = append(s, '\n') - parser.buffer_pos += 1 - case buf[pos] == '\xC2' && buf[pos+1] == '\x85': - // NEL . LF - s = append(s, '\n') - parser.buffer_pos += 2 - case buf[pos] == '\xE2' && buf[pos+1] == '\x80' && (buf[pos+2] == '\xA8' || buf[pos+2] == '\xA9'): - // LS|PS . LS|PS - s = append(s, buf[parser.buffer_pos:pos+3]...) - parser.buffer_pos += 3 - default: - return s - } - parser.mark.index++ - parser.mark.column = 0 - parser.mark.line++ - parser.unread-- - parser.newlines++ - return s -} - -// Get the next token. -func yaml_parser_scan(parser *yaml_parser_t, token *yaml_token_t) bool { - // Erase the token object. - *token = yaml_token_t{} // [Go] Is this necessary? - - // No tokens after STREAM-END or error. - if parser.stream_end_produced || parser.error != yaml_NO_ERROR { - return true - } - - // Ensure that the tokens queue contains enough tokens. - if !parser.token_available { - if !yaml_parser_fetch_more_tokens(parser) { - return false - } - } - - // Fetch the next token from the queue. - *token = parser.tokens[parser.tokens_head] - parser.tokens_head++ - parser.tokens_parsed++ - parser.token_available = false - - if token.typ == yaml_STREAM_END_TOKEN { - parser.stream_end_produced = true - } - return true -} - -// Set the scanner error and return false. -func yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser *yaml_parser_t, context string, context_mark yaml_mark_t, problem string) bool { - parser.error = yaml_SCANNER_ERROR - parser.context = context - parser.context_mark = context_mark - parser.problem = problem - parser.problem_mark = parser.mark - return false -} - -func yaml_parser_set_scanner_tag_error(parser *yaml_parser_t, directive bool, context_mark yaml_mark_t, problem string) bool { - context := "while parsing a tag" - if directive { - context = "while parsing a %TAG directive" - } - return yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, context, context_mark, problem) -} - -func trace(args ...interface{}) func() { - pargs := append([]interface{}{"+++"}, args...) - fmt.Println(pargs...) - pargs = append([]interface{}{"---"}, args...) - return func() { fmt.Println(pargs...) } -} - -// Ensure that the tokens queue contains at least one token which can be -// returned to the Parser. -func yaml_parser_fetch_more_tokens(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool { - // While we need more tokens to fetch, do it. - for { - // [Go] The comment parsing logic requires a lookahead of two tokens - // so that foot comments may be parsed in time of associating them - // with the tokens that are parsed before them, and also for line - // comments to be transformed into head comments in some edge cases. - if parser.tokens_head < len(parser.tokens)-2 { - // If a potential simple key is at the head position, we need to fetch - // the next token to disambiguate it. - head_tok_idx, ok := parser.simple_keys_by_tok[parser.tokens_parsed] - if !ok { - break - } else if valid, ok := yaml_simple_key_is_valid(parser, &parser.simple_keys[head_tok_idx]); !ok { - return false - } else if !valid { - break - } - } - // Fetch the next token. - if !yaml_parser_fetch_next_token(parser) { - return false - } - } - - parser.token_available = true - return true -} - -// The dispatcher for token fetchers. -func yaml_parser_fetch_next_token(parser *yaml_parser_t) (ok bool) { - // Ensure that the buffer is initialized. - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - - // Check if we just started scanning. Fetch STREAM-START then. - if !parser.stream_start_produced { - return yaml_parser_fetch_stream_start(parser) - } - - scan_mark := parser.mark - - // Eat whitespaces and comments until we reach the next token. - if !yaml_parser_scan_to_next_token(parser) { - return false - } - - // [Go] While unrolling indents, transform the head comments of prior - // indentation levels observed after scan_start into foot comments at - // the respective indexes. - - // Check the indentation level against the current column. - if !yaml_parser_unroll_indent(parser, parser.mark.column, scan_mark) { - return false - } - - // Ensure that the buffer contains at least 4 characters. 4 is the length - // of the longest indicators ('--- ' and '... '). - if parser.unread < 4 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 4) { - return false - } - - // Is it the end of the stream? - if is_z(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - return yaml_parser_fetch_stream_end(parser) - } - - // Is it a directive? - if parser.mark.column == 0 && parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '%' { - return yaml_parser_fetch_directive(parser) - } - - buf := parser.buffer - pos := parser.buffer_pos - - // Is it the document start indicator? - if parser.mark.column == 0 && buf[pos] == '-' && buf[pos+1] == '-' && buf[pos+2] == '-' && is_blankz(buf, pos+3) { - return yaml_parser_fetch_document_indicator(parser, yaml_DOCUMENT_START_TOKEN) - } - - // Is it the document end indicator? - if parser.mark.column == 0 && buf[pos] == '.' && buf[pos+1] == '.' && buf[pos+2] == '.' && is_blankz(buf, pos+3) { - return yaml_parser_fetch_document_indicator(parser, yaml_DOCUMENT_END_TOKEN) - } - - comment_mark := parser.mark - if len(parser.tokens) > 0 && (parser.flow_level == 0 && buf[pos] == ':' || parser.flow_level > 0 && buf[pos] == ',') { - // Associate any following comments with the prior token. - comment_mark = parser.tokens[len(parser.tokens)-1].start_mark - } - defer func() { - if !ok { - return - } - if len(parser.tokens) > 0 && parser.tokens[len(parser.tokens)-1].typ == yaml_BLOCK_ENTRY_TOKEN { - // Sequence indicators alone have no line comments. It becomes - // a head comment for whatever follows. - return - } - if !yaml_parser_scan_line_comment(parser, comment_mark) { - ok = false - return - } - }() - - // Is it the flow sequence start indicator? - if buf[pos] == '[' { - return yaml_parser_fetch_flow_collection_start(parser, yaml_FLOW_SEQUENCE_START_TOKEN) - } - - // Is it the flow mapping start indicator? - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '{' { - return yaml_parser_fetch_flow_collection_start(parser, yaml_FLOW_MAPPING_START_TOKEN) - } - - // Is it the flow sequence end indicator? - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ']' { - return yaml_parser_fetch_flow_collection_end(parser, - yaml_FLOW_SEQUENCE_END_TOKEN) - } - - // Is it the flow mapping end indicator? - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '}' { - return yaml_parser_fetch_flow_collection_end(parser, - yaml_FLOW_MAPPING_END_TOKEN) - } - - // Is it the flow entry indicator? - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ',' { - return yaml_parser_fetch_flow_entry(parser) - } - - // Is it the block entry indicator? - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '-' && is_blankz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+1) { - return yaml_parser_fetch_block_entry(parser) - } - - // Is it the key indicator? - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '?' && (parser.flow_level > 0 || is_blankz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+1)) { - return yaml_parser_fetch_key(parser) - } - - // Is it the value indicator? - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ':' && (parser.flow_level > 0 || is_blankz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+1)) { - return yaml_parser_fetch_value(parser) - } - - // Is it an alias? - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '*' { - return yaml_parser_fetch_anchor(parser, yaml_ALIAS_TOKEN) - } - - // Is it an anchor? - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '&' { - return yaml_parser_fetch_anchor(parser, yaml_ANCHOR_TOKEN) - } - - // Is it a tag? - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '!' { - return yaml_parser_fetch_tag(parser) - } - - // Is it a literal scalar? - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '|' && parser.flow_level == 0 { - return yaml_parser_fetch_block_scalar(parser, true) - } - - // Is it a folded scalar? - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '>' && parser.flow_level == 0 { - return yaml_parser_fetch_block_scalar(parser, false) - } - - // Is it a single-quoted scalar? - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '\'' { - return yaml_parser_fetch_flow_scalar(parser, true) - } - - // Is it a double-quoted scalar? - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '"' { - return yaml_parser_fetch_flow_scalar(parser, false) - } - - // Is it a plain scalar? - // - // A plain scalar may start with any non-blank characters except - // - // '-', '?', ':', ',', '[', ']', '{', '}', - // '#', '&', '*', '!', '|', '>', '\'', '\"', - // '%', '@', '`'. - // - // In the block context (and, for the '-' indicator, in the flow context - // too), it may also start with the characters - // - // '-', '?', ':' - // - // if it is followed by a non-space character. - // - // The last rule is more restrictive than the specification requires. - // [Go] TODO Make this logic more reasonable. - //switch parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] { - //case '-', '?', ':', ',', '?', '-', ',', ':', ']', '[', '}', '{', '&', '#', '!', '*', '>', '|', '"', '\'', '@', '%', '-', '`': - //} - if !(is_blankz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '-' || - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '?' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ':' || - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ',' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '[' || - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ']' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '{' || - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '}' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '#' || - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '&' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '*' || - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '!' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '|' || - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '>' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '\'' || - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '"' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '%' || - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '@' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '`') || - (parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '-' && !is_blank(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+1)) || - (parser.flow_level == 0 && - (parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '?' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ':') && - !is_blankz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+1)) { - return yaml_parser_fetch_plain_scalar(parser) - } - - // If we don't determine the token type so far, it is an error. - return yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, - "while scanning for the next token", parser.mark, - "found character that cannot start any token") -} - -func yaml_simple_key_is_valid(parser *yaml_parser_t, simple_key *yaml_simple_key_t) (valid, ok bool) { - if !simple_key.possible { - return false, true - } - - // The 1.2 specification says: - // - // "If the ? indicator is omitted, parsing needs to see past the - // implicit key to recognize it as such. To limit the amount of - // lookahead required, the “:†indicator must appear at most 1024 - // Unicode characters beyond the start of the key. In addition, the key - // is restricted to a single line." - // - if simple_key.mark.line < parser.mark.line || simple_key.mark.index+1024 < parser.mark.index { - // Check if the potential simple key to be removed is required. - if simple_key.required { - return false, yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, - "while scanning a simple key", simple_key.mark, - "could not find expected ':'") - } - simple_key.possible = false - return false, true - } - return true, true -} - -// Check if a simple key may start at the current position and add it if -// needed. -func yaml_parser_save_simple_key(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool { - // A simple key is required at the current position if the scanner is in - // the block context and the current column coincides with the indentation - // level. - - required := parser.flow_level == 0 && parser.indent == parser.mark.column - - // - // If the current position may start a simple key, save it. - // - if parser.simple_key_allowed { - simple_key := yaml_simple_key_t{ - possible: true, - required: required, - token_number: parser.tokens_parsed + (len(parser.tokens) - parser.tokens_head), - mark: parser.mark, - } - - if !yaml_parser_remove_simple_key(parser) { - return false - } - parser.simple_keys[len(parser.simple_keys)-1] = simple_key - parser.simple_keys_by_tok[simple_key.token_number] = len(parser.simple_keys) - 1 - } - return true -} - -// Remove a potential simple key at the current flow level. -func yaml_parser_remove_simple_key(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool { - i := len(parser.simple_keys) - 1 - if parser.simple_keys[i].possible { - // If the key is required, it is an error. - if parser.simple_keys[i].required { - return yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, - "while scanning a simple key", parser.simple_keys[i].mark, - "could not find expected ':'") - } - // Remove the key from the stack. - parser.simple_keys[i].possible = false - delete(parser.simple_keys_by_tok, parser.simple_keys[i].token_number) - } - return true -} - -// max_flow_level limits the flow_level -const max_flow_level = 10000 - -// Increase the flow level and resize the simple key list if needed. -func yaml_parser_increase_flow_level(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool { - // Reset the simple key on the next level. - parser.simple_keys = append(parser.simple_keys, yaml_simple_key_t{ - possible: false, - required: false, - token_number: parser.tokens_parsed + (len(parser.tokens) - parser.tokens_head), - mark: parser.mark, - }) - - // Increase the flow level. - parser.flow_level++ - if parser.flow_level > max_flow_level { - return yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, - "while increasing flow level", parser.simple_keys[len(parser.simple_keys)-1].mark, - fmt.Sprintf("exceeded max depth of %d", max_flow_level)) - } - return true -} - -// Decrease the flow level. -func yaml_parser_decrease_flow_level(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool { - if parser.flow_level > 0 { - parser.flow_level-- - last := len(parser.simple_keys) - 1 - delete(parser.simple_keys_by_tok, parser.simple_keys[last].token_number) - parser.simple_keys = parser.simple_keys[:last] - } - return true -} - -// max_indents limits the indents stack size -const max_indents = 10000 - -// Push the current indentation level to the stack and set the new level -// the current column is greater than the indentation level. In this case, -// append or insert the specified token into the token queue. -func yaml_parser_roll_indent(parser *yaml_parser_t, column, number int, typ yaml_token_type_t, mark yaml_mark_t) bool { - // In the flow context, do nothing. - if parser.flow_level > 0 { - return true - } - - if parser.indent < column { - // Push the current indentation level to the stack and set the new - // indentation level. - parser.indents = append(parser.indents, parser.indent) - parser.indent = column - if len(parser.indents) > max_indents { - return yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, - "while increasing indent level", parser.simple_keys[len(parser.simple_keys)-1].mark, - fmt.Sprintf("exceeded max depth of %d", max_indents)) - } - - // Create a token and insert it into the queue. - token := yaml_token_t{ - typ: typ, - start_mark: mark, - end_mark: mark, - } - if number > -1 { - number -= parser.tokens_parsed - } - yaml_insert_token(parser, number, &token) - } - return true -} - -// Pop indentation levels from the indents stack until the current level -// becomes less or equal to the column. For each indentation level, append -// the BLOCK-END token. -func yaml_parser_unroll_indent(parser *yaml_parser_t, column int, scan_mark yaml_mark_t) bool { - // In the flow context, do nothing. - if parser.flow_level > 0 { - return true - } - - block_mark := scan_mark - block_mark.index-- - - // Loop through the indentation levels in the stack. - for parser.indent > column { - - // [Go] Reposition the end token before potential following - // foot comments of parent blocks. For that, search - // backwards for recent comments that were at the same - // indent as the block that is ending now. - stop_index := block_mark.index - for i := len(parser.comments) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { - comment := &parser.comments[i] - - if comment.end_mark.index < stop_index { - // Don't go back beyond the start of the comment/whitespace scan, unless column < 0. - // If requested indent column is < 0, then the document is over and everything else - // is a foot anyway. - break - } - if comment.start_mark.column == parser.indent+1 { - // This is a good match. But maybe there's a former comment - // at that same indent level, so keep searching. - block_mark = comment.start_mark - } - - // While the end of the former comment matches with - // the start of the following one, we know there's - // nothing in between and scanning is still safe. - stop_index = comment.scan_mark.index - } - - // Create a token and append it to the queue. - token := yaml_token_t{ - typ: yaml_BLOCK_END_TOKEN, - start_mark: block_mark, - end_mark: block_mark, - } - yaml_insert_token(parser, -1, &token) - - // Pop the indentation level. - parser.indent = parser.indents[len(parser.indents)-1] - parser.indents = parser.indents[:len(parser.indents)-1] - } - return true -} - -// Initialize the scanner and produce the STREAM-START token. -func yaml_parser_fetch_stream_start(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool { - - // Set the initial indentation. - parser.indent = -1 - - // Initialize the simple key stack. - parser.simple_keys = append(parser.simple_keys, yaml_simple_key_t{}) - - parser.simple_keys_by_tok = make(map[int]int) - - // A simple key is allowed at the beginning of the stream. - parser.simple_key_allowed = true - - // We have started. - parser.stream_start_produced = true - - // Create the STREAM-START token and append it to the queue. - token := yaml_token_t{ - typ: yaml_STREAM_START_TOKEN, - start_mark: parser.mark, - end_mark: parser.mark, - encoding: parser.encoding, - } - yaml_insert_token(parser, -1, &token) - return true -} - -// Produce the STREAM-END token and shut down the scanner. -func yaml_parser_fetch_stream_end(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool { - - // Force new line. - if parser.mark.column != 0 { - parser.mark.column = 0 - parser.mark.line++ - } - - // Reset the indentation level. - if !yaml_parser_unroll_indent(parser, -1, parser.mark) { - return false - } - - // Reset simple keys. - if !yaml_parser_remove_simple_key(parser) { - return false - } - - parser.simple_key_allowed = false - - // Create the STREAM-END token and append it to the queue. - token := yaml_token_t{ - typ: yaml_STREAM_END_TOKEN, - start_mark: parser.mark, - end_mark: parser.mark, - } - yaml_insert_token(parser, -1, &token) - return true -} - -// Produce a VERSION-DIRECTIVE or TAG-DIRECTIVE token. -func yaml_parser_fetch_directive(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool { - // Reset the indentation level. - if !yaml_parser_unroll_indent(parser, -1, parser.mark) { - return false - } - - // Reset simple keys. - if !yaml_parser_remove_simple_key(parser) { - return false - } - - parser.simple_key_allowed = false - - // Create the YAML-DIRECTIVE or TAG-DIRECTIVE token. - token := yaml_token_t{} - if !yaml_parser_scan_directive(parser, &token) { - return false - } - // Append the token to the queue. - yaml_insert_token(parser, -1, &token) - return true -} - -// Produce the DOCUMENT-START or DOCUMENT-END token. -func yaml_parser_fetch_document_indicator(parser *yaml_parser_t, typ yaml_token_type_t) bool { - // Reset the indentation level. - if !yaml_parser_unroll_indent(parser, -1, parser.mark) { - return false - } - - // Reset simple keys. - if !yaml_parser_remove_simple_key(parser) { - return false - } - - parser.simple_key_allowed = false - - // Consume the token. - start_mark := parser.mark - - skip(parser) - skip(parser) - skip(parser) - - end_mark := parser.mark - - // Create the DOCUMENT-START or DOCUMENT-END token. - token := yaml_token_t{ - typ: typ, - start_mark: start_mark, - end_mark: end_mark, - } - // Append the token to the queue. - yaml_insert_token(parser, -1, &token) - return true -} - -// Produce the FLOW-SEQUENCE-START or FLOW-MAPPING-START token. -func yaml_parser_fetch_flow_collection_start(parser *yaml_parser_t, typ yaml_token_type_t) bool { - - // The indicators '[' and '{' may start a simple key. - if !yaml_parser_save_simple_key(parser) { - return false - } - - // Increase the flow level. - if !yaml_parser_increase_flow_level(parser) { - return false - } - - // A simple key may follow the indicators '[' and '{'. - parser.simple_key_allowed = true - - // Consume the token. - start_mark := parser.mark - skip(parser) - end_mark := parser.mark - - // Create the FLOW-SEQUENCE-START of FLOW-MAPPING-START token. - token := yaml_token_t{ - typ: typ, - start_mark: start_mark, - end_mark: end_mark, - } - // Append the token to the queue. - yaml_insert_token(parser, -1, &token) - return true -} - -// Produce the FLOW-SEQUENCE-END or FLOW-MAPPING-END token. -func yaml_parser_fetch_flow_collection_end(parser *yaml_parser_t, typ yaml_token_type_t) bool { - // Reset any potential simple key on the current flow level. - if !yaml_parser_remove_simple_key(parser) { - return false - } - - // Decrease the flow level. - if !yaml_parser_decrease_flow_level(parser) { - return false - } - - // No simple keys after the indicators ']' and '}'. - parser.simple_key_allowed = false - - // Consume the token. - - start_mark := parser.mark - skip(parser) - end_mark := parser.mark - - // Create the FLOW-SEQUENCE-END of FLOW-MAPPING-END token. - token := yaml_token_t{ - typ: typ, - start_mark: start_mark, - end_mark: end_mark, - } - // Append the token to the queue. - yaml_insert_token(parser, -1, &token) - return true -} - -// Produce the FLOW-ENTRY token. -func yaml_parser_fetch_flow_entry(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool { - // Reset any potential simple keys on the current flow level. - if !yaml_parser_remove_simple_key(parser) { - return false - } - - // Simple keys are allowed after ','. - parser.simple_key_allowed = true - - // Consume the token. - start_mark := parser.mark - skip(parser) - end_mark := parser.mark - - // Create the FLOW-ENTRY token and append it to the queue. - token := yaml_token_t{ - typ: yaml_FLOW_ENTRY_TOKEN, - start_mark: start_mark, - end_mark: end_mark, - } - yaml_insert_token(parser, -1, &token) - return true -} - -// Produce the BLOCK-ENTRY token. -func yaml_parser_fetch_block_entry(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool { - // Check if the scanner is in the block context. - if parser.flow_level == 0 { - // Check if we are allowed to start a new entry. - if !parser.simple_key_allowed { - return yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "", parser.mark, - "block sequence entries are not allowed in this context") - } - // Add the BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START token if needed. - if !yaml_parser_roll_indent(parser, parser.mark.column, -1, yaml_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_START_TOKEN, parser.mark) { - return false - } - } else { - // It is an error for the '-' indicator to occur in the flow context, - // but we let the Parser detect and report about it because the Parser - // is able to point to the context. - } - - // Reset any potential simple keys on the current flow level. - if !yaml_parser_remove_simple_key(parser) { - return false - } - - // Simple keys are allowed after '-'. - parser.simple_key_allowed = true - - // Consume the token. - start_mark := parser.mark - skip(parser) - end_mark := parser.mark - - // Create the BLOCK-ENTRY token and append it to the queue. - token := yaml_token_t{ - typ: yaml_BLOCK_ENTRY_TOKEN, - start_mark: start_mark, - end_mark: end_mark, - } - yaml_insert_token(parser, -1, &token) - return true -} - -// Produce the KEY token. -func yaml_parser_fetch_key(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool { - - // In the block context, additional checks are required. - if parser.flow_level == 0 { - // Check if we are allowed to start a new key (not nessesary simple). - if !parser.simple_key_allowed { - return yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "", parser.mark, - "mapping keys are not allowed in this context") - } - // Add the BLOCK-MAPPING-START token if needed. - if !yaml_parser_roll_indent(parser, parser.mark.column, -1, yaml_BLOCK_MAPPING_START_TOKEN, parser.mark) { - return false - } - } - - // Reset any potential simple keys on the current flow level. - if !yaml_parser_remove_simple_key(parser) { - return false - } - - // Simple keys are allowed after '?' in the block context. - parser.simple_key_allowed = parser.flow_level == 0 - - // Consume the token. - start_mark := parser.mark - skip(parser) - end_mark := parser.mark - - // Create the KEY token and append it to the queue. - token := yaml_token_t{ - typ: yaml_KEY_TOKEN, - start_mark: start_mark, - end_mark: end_mark, - } - yaml_insert_token(parser, -1, &token) - return true -} - -// Produce the VALUE token. -func yaml_parser_fetch_value(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool { - - simple_key := &parser.simple_keys[len(parser.simple_keys)-1] - - // Have we found a simple key? - if valid, ok := yaml_simple_key_is_valid(parser, simple_key); !ok { - return false - - } else if valid { - - // Create the KEY token and insert it into the queue. - token := yaml_token_t{ - typ: yaml_KEY_TOKEN, - start_mark: simple_key.mark, - end_mark: simple_key.mark, - } - yaml_insert_token(parser, simple_key.token_number-parser.tokens_parsed, &token) - - // In the block context, we may need to add the BLOCK-MAPPING-START token. - if !yaml_parser_roll_indent(parser, simple_key.mark.column, - simple_key.token_number, - yaml_BLOCK_MAPPING_START_TOKEN, simple_key.mark) { - return false - } - - // Remove the simple key. - simple_key.possible = false - delete(parser.simple_keys_by_tok, simple_key.token_number) - - // A simple key cannot follow another simple key. - parser.simple_key_allowed = false - - } else { - // The ':' indicator follows a complex key. - - // In the block context, extra checks are required. - if parser.flow_level == 0 { - - // Check if we are allowed to start a complex value. - if !parser.simple_key_allowed { - return yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "", parser.mark, - "mapping values are not allowed in this context") - } - - // Add the BLOCK-MAPPING-START token if needed. - if !yaml_parser_roll_indent(parser, parser.mark.column, -1, yaml_BLOCK_MAPPING_START_TOKEN, parser.mark) { - return false - } - } - - // Simple keys after ':' are allowed in the block context. - parser.simple_key_allowed = parser.flow_level == 0 - } - - // Consume the token. - start_mark := parser.mark - skip(parser) - end_mark := parser.mark - - // Create the VALUE token and append it to the queue. - token := yaml_token_t{ - typ: yaml_VALUE_TOKEN, - start_mark: start_mark, - end_mark: end_mark, - } - yaml_insert_token(parser, -1, &token) - return true -} - -// Produce the ALIAS or ANCHOR token. -func yaml_parser_fetch_anchor(parser *yaml_parser_t, typ yaml_token_type_t) bool { - // An anchor or an alias could be a simple key. - if !yaml_parser_save_simple_key(parser) { - return false - } - - // A simple key cannot follow an anchor or an alias. - parser.simple_key_allowed = false - - // Create the ALIAS or ANCHOR token and append it to the queue. - var token yaml_token_t - if !yaml_parser_scan_anchor(parser, &token, typ) { - return false - } - yaml_insert_token(parser, -1, &token) - return true -} - -// Produce the TAG token. -func yaml_parser_fetch_tag(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool { - // A tag could be a simple key. - if !yaml_parser_save_simple_key(parser) { - return false - } - - // A simple key cannot follow a tag. - parser.simple_key_allowed = false - - // Create the TAG token and append it to the queue. - var token yaml_token_t - if !yaml_parser_scan_tag(parser, &token) { - return false - } - yaml_insert_token(parser, -1, &token) - return true -} - -// Produce the SCALAR(...,literal) or SCALAR(...,folded) tokens. -func yaml_parser_fetch_block_scalar(parser *yaml_parser_t, literal bool) bool { - // Remove any potential simple keys. - if !yaml_parser_remove_simple_key(parser) { - return false - } - - // A simple key may follow a block scalar. - parser.simple_key_allowed = true - - // Create the SCALAR token and append it to the queue. - var token yaml_token_t - if !yaml_parser_scan_block_scalar(parser, &token, literal) { - return false - } - yaml_insert_token(parser, -1, &token) - return true -} - -// Produce the SCALAR(...,single-quoted) or SCALAR(...,double-quoted) tokens. -func yaml_parser_fetch_flow_scalar(parser *yaml_parser_t, single bool) bool { - // A plain scalar could be a simple key. - if !yaml_parser_save_simple_key(parser) { - return false - } - - // A simple key cannot follow a flow scalar. - parser.simple_key_allowed = false - - // Create the SCALAR token and append it to the queue. - var token yaml_token_t - if !yaml_parser_scan_flow_scalar(parser, &token, single) { - return false - } - yaml_insert_token(parser, -1, &token) - return true -} - -// Produce the SCALAR(...,plain) token. -func yaml_parser_fetch_plain_scalar(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool { - // A plain scalar could be a simple key. - if !yaml_parser_save_simple_key(parser) { - return false - } - - // A simple key cannot follow a flow scalar. - parser.simple_key_allowed = false - - // Create the SCALAR token and append it to the queue. - var token yaml_token_t - if !yaml_parser_scan_plain_scalar(parser, &token) { - return false - } - yaml_insert_token(parser, -1, &token) - return true -} - -// Eat whitespaces and comments until the next token is found. -func yaml_parser_scan_to_next_token(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool { - - scan_mark := parser.mark - - // Until the next token is not found. - for { - // Allow the BOM mark to start a line. - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - if parser.mark.column == 0 && is_bom(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - skip(parser) - } - - // Eat whitespaces. - // Tabs are allowed: - // - in the flow context - // - in the block context, but not at the beginning of the line or - // after '-', '?', or ':' (complex value). - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - - for parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ' ' || ((parser.flow_level > 0 || !parser.simple_key_allowed) && parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '\t') { - skip(parser) - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - } - - // Check if we just had a line comment under a sequence entry that - // looks more like a header to the following content. Similar to this: - // - // - # The comment - // - Some data - // - // If so, transform the line comment to a head comment and reposition. - if len(parser.comments) > 0 && len(parser.tokens) > 1 { - tokenA := parser.tokens[len(parser.tokens)-2] - tokenB := parser.tokens[len(parser.tokens)-1] - comment := &parser.comments[len(parser.comments)-1] - if tokenA.typ == yaml_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_START_TOKEN && tokenB.typ == yaml_BLOCK_ENTRY_TOKEN && len(comment.line) > 0 && !is_break(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - // If it was in the prior line, reposition so it becomes a - // header of the follow up token. Otherwise, keep it in place - // so it becomes a header of the former. - comment.head = comment.line - comment.line = nil - if comment.start_mark.line == parser.mark.line-1 { - comment.token_mark = parser.mark - } - } - } - - // Eat a comment until a line break. - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '#' { - if !yaml_parser_scan_comments(parser, scan_mark) { - return false - } - } - - // If it is a line break, eat it. - if is_break(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - if parser.unread < 2 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 2) { - return false - } - skip_line(parser) - - // In the block context, a new line may start a simple key. - if parser.flow_level == 0 { - parser.simple_key_allowed = true - } - } else { - break // We have found a token. - } - } - - return true -} - -// Scan a YAML-DIRECTIVE or TAG-DIRECTIVE token. -// -// Scope: -// %YAML 1.1 # a comment \n -// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -// %TAG !yaml! tag:yaml.org,2002: \n -// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -// -func yaml_parser_scan_directive(parser *yaml_parser_t, token *yaml_token_t) bool { - // Eat '%'. - start_mark := parser.mark - skip(parser) - - // Scan the directive name. - var name []byte - if !yaml_parser_scan_directive_name(parser, start_mark, &name) { - return false - } - - // Is it a YAML directive? - if bytes.Equal(name, []byte("YAML")) { - // Scan the VERSION directive value. - var major, minor int8 - if !yaml_parser_scan_version_directive_value(parser, start_mark, &major, &minor) { - return false - } - end_mark := parser.mark - - // Create a VERSION-DIRECTIVE token. - *token = yaml_token_t{ - typ: yaml_VERSION_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN, - start_mark: start_mark, - end_mark: end_mark, - major: major, - minor: minor, - } - - // Is it a TAG directive? - } else if bytes.Equal(name, []byte("TAG")) { - // Scan the TAG directive value. - var handle, prefix []byte - if !yaml_parser_scan_tag_directive_value(parser, start_mark, &handle, &prefix) { - return false - } - end_mark := parser.mark - - // Create a TAG-DIRECTIVE token. - *token = yaml_token_t{ - typ: yaml_TAG_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN, - start_mark: start_mark, - end_mark: end_mark, - value: handle, - prefix: prefix, - } - - // Unknown directive. - } else { - yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a directive", - start_mark, "found unknown directive name") - return false - } - - // Eat the rest of the line including any comments. - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - - for is_blank(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - skip(parser) - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - } - - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '#' { - // [Go] Discard this inline comment for the time being. - //if !yaml_parser_scan_line_comment(parser, start_mark) { - // return false - //} - for !is_breakz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - skip(parser) - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - } - } - - // Check if we are at the end of the line. - if !is_breakz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a directive", - start_mark, "did not find expected comment or line break") - return false - } - - // Eat a line break. - if is_break(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - if parser.unread < 2 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 2) { - return false - } - skip_line(parser) - } - - return true -} - -// Scan the directive name. -// -// Scope: -// %YAML 1.1 # a comment \n -// ^^^^ -// %TAG !yaml! tag:yaml.org,2002: \n -// ^^^ -// -func yaml_parser_scan_directive_name(parser *yaml_parser_t, start_mark yaml_mark_t, name *[]byte) bool { - // Consume the directive name. - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - - var s []byte - for is_alpha(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - s = read(parser, s) - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - } - - // Check if the name is empty. - if len(s) == 0 { - yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a directive", - start_mark, "could not find expected directive name") - return false - } - - // Check for an blank character after the name. - if !is_blankz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a directive", - start_mark, "found unexpected non-alphabetical character") - return false - } - *name = s - return true -} - -// Scan the value of VERSION-DIRECTIVE. -// -// Scope: -// %YAML 1.1 # a comment \n -// ^^^^^^ -func yaml_parser_scan_version_directive_value(parser *yaml_parser_t, start_mark yaml_mark_t, major, minor *int8) bool { - // Eat whitespaces. - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - for is_blank(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - skip(parser) - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - } - - // Consume the major version number. - if !yaml_parser_scan_version_directive_number(parser, start_mark, major) { - return false - } - - // Eat '.'. - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] != '.' { - return yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a %YAML directive", - start_mark, "did not find expected digit or '.' character") - } - - skip(parser) - - // Consume the minor version number. - if !yaml_parser_scan_version_directive_number(parser, start_mark, minor) { - return false - } - return true -} - -const max_number_length = 2 - -// Scan the version number of VERSION-DIRECTIVE. -// -// Scope: -// %YAML 1.1 # a comment \n -// ^ -// %YAML 1.1 # a comment \n -// ^ -func yaml_parser_scan_version_directive_number(parser *yaml_parser_t, start_mark yaml_mark_t, number *int8) bool { - - // Repeat while the next character is digit. - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - var value, length int8 - for is_digit(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - // Check if the number is too long. - length++ - if length > max_number_length { - return yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a %YAML directive", - start_mark, "found extremely long version number") - } - value = value*10 + int8(as_digit(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos)) - skip(parser) - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - } - - // Check if the number was present. - if length == 0 { - return yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a %YAML directive", - start_mark, "did not find expected version number") - } - *number = value - return true -} - -// Scan the value of a TAG-DIRECTIVE token. -// -// Scope: -// %TAG !yaml! tag:yaml.org,2002: \n -// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -// -func yaml_parser_scan_tag_directive_value(parser *yaml_parser_t, start_mark yaml_mark_t, handle, prefix *[]byte) bool { - var handle_value, prefix_value []byte - - // Eat whitespaces. - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - - for is_blank(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - skip(parser) - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - } - - // Scan a handle. - if !yaml_parser_scan_tag_handle(parser, true, start_mark, &handle_value) { - return false - } - - // Expect a whitespace. - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - if !is_blank(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a %TAG directive", - start_mark, "did not find expected whitespace") - return false - } - - // Eat whitespaces. - for is_blank(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - skip(parser) - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - } - - // Scan a prefix. - if !yaml_parser_scan_tag_uri(parser, true, nil, start_mark, &prefix_value) { - return false - } - - // Expect a whitespace or line break. - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - if !is_blankz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a %TAG directive", - start_mark, "did not find expected whitespace or line break") - return false - } - - *handle = handle_value - *prefix = prefix_value - return true -} - -func yaml_parser_scan_anchor(parser *yaml_parser_t, token *yaml_token_t, typ yaml_token_type_t) bool { - var s []byte - - // Eat the indicator character. - start_mark := parser.mark - skip(parser) - - // Consume the value. - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - - for is_alpha(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - s = read(parser, s) - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - } - - end_mark := parser.mark - - /* - * Check if length of the anchor is greater than 0 and it is followed by - * a whitespace character or one of the indicators: - * - * '?', ':', ',', ']', '}', '%', '@', '`'. - */ - - if len(s) == 0 || - !(is_blankz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '?' || - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ':' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ',' || - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ']' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '}' || - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '%' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '@' || - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '`') { - context := "while scanning an alias" - if typ == yaml_ANCHOR_TOKEN { - context = "while scanning an anchor" - } - yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, context, start_mark, - "did not find expected alphabetic or numeric character") - return false - } - - // Create a token. - *token = yaml_token_t{ - typ: typ, - start_mark: start_mark, - end_mark: end_mark, - value: s, - } - - return true -} - -/* - * Scan a TAG token. - */ - -func yaml_parser_scan_tag(parser *yaml_parser_t, token *yaml_token_t) bool { - var handle, suffix []byte - - start_mark := parser.mark - - // Check if the tag is in the canonical form. - if parser.unread < 2 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 2) { - return false - } - - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+1] == '<' { - // Keep the handle as '' - - // Eat '!<' - skip(parser) - skip(parser) - - // Consume the tag value. - if !yaml_parser_scan_tag_uri(parser, false, nil, start_mark, &suffix) { - return false - } - - // Check for '>' and eat it. - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] != '>' { - yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a tag", - start_mark, "did not find the expected '>'") - return false - } - - skip(parser) - } else { - // The tag has either the '!suffix' or the '!handle!suffix' form. - - // First, try to scan a handle. - if !yaml_parser_scan_tag_handle(parser, false, start_mark, &handle) { - return false - } - - // Check if it is, indeed, handle. - if handle[0] == '!' && len(handle) > 1 && handle[len(handle)-1] == '!' { - // Scan the suffix now. - if !yaml_parser_scan_tag_uri(parser, false, nil, start_mark, &suffix) { - return false - } - } else { - // It wasn't a handle after all. Scan the rest of the tag. - if !yaml_parser_scan_tag_uri(parser, false, handle, start_mark, &suffix) { - return false - } - - // Set the handle to '!'. - handle = []byte{'!'} - - // A special case: the '!' tag. Set the handle to '' and the - // suffix to '!'. - if len(suffix) == 0 { - handle, suffix = suffix, handle - } - } - } - - // Check the character which ends the tag. - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - if !is_blankz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a tag", - start_mark, "did not find expected whitespace or line break") - return false - } - - end_mark := parser.mark - - // Create a token. - *token = yaml_token_t{ - typ: yaml_TAG_TOKEN, - start_mark: start_mark, - end_mark: end_mark, - value: handle, - suffix: suffix, - } - return true -} - -// Scan a tag handle. -func yaml_parser_scan_tag_handle(parser *yaml_parser_t, directive bool, start_mark yaml_mark_t, handle *[]byte) bool { - // Check the initial '!' character. - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] != '!' { - yaml_parser_set_scanner_tag_error(parser, directive, - start_mark, "did not find expected '!'") - return false - } - - var s []byte - - // Copy the '!' character. - s = read(parser, s) - - // Copy all subsequent alphabetical and numerical characters. - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - for is_alpha(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - s = read(parser, s) - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - } - - // Check if the trailing character is '!' and copy it. - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '!' { - s = read(parser, s) - } else { - // It's either the '!' tag or not really a tag handle. If it's a %TAG - // directive, it's an error. If it's a tag token, it must be a part of URI. - if directive && string(s) != "!" { - yaml_parser_set_scanner_tag_error(parser, directive, - start_mark, "did not find expected '!'") - return false - } - } - - *handle = s - return true -} - -// Scan a tag. -func yaml_parser_scan_tag_uri(parser *yaml_parser_t, directive bool, head []byte, start_mark yaml_mark_t, uri *[]byte) bool { - //size_t length = head ? strlen((char *)head) : 0 - var s []byte - hasTag := len(head) > 0 - - // Copy the head if needed. - // - // Note that we don't copy the leading '!' character. - if len(head) > 1 { - s = append(s, head[1:]...) - } - - // Scan the tag. - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - - // The set of characters that may appear in URI is as follows: - // - // '0'-'9', 'A'-'Z', 'a'-'z', '_', '-', ';', '/', '?', ':', '@', '&', - // '=', '+', '$', ',', '.', '!', '~', '*', '\'', '(', ')', '[', ']', - // '%'. - // [Go] TODO Convert this into more reasonable logic. - for is_alpha(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ';' || - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '/' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '?' || - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ':' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '@' || - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '&' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '=' || - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '+' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '$' || - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ',' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '.' || - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '!' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '~' || - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '*' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '\'' || - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '(' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ')' || - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '[' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ']' || - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '%' { - // Check if it is a URI-escape sequence. - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '%' { - if !yaml_parser_scan_uri_escapes(parser, directive, start_mark, &s) { - return false - } - } else { - s = read(parser, s) - } - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - hasTag = true - } - - if !hasTag { - yaml_parser_set_scanner_tag_error(parser, directive, - start_mark, "did not find expected tag URI") - return false - } - *uri = s - return true -} - -// Decode an URI-escape sequence corresponding to a single UTF-8 character. -func yaml_parser_scan_uri_escapes(parser *yaml_parser_t, directive bool, start_mark yaml_mark_t, s *[]byte) bool { - - // Decode the required number of characters. - w := 1024 - for w > 0 { - // Check for a URI-escaped octet. - if parser.unread < 3 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 3) { - return false - } - - if !(parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '%' && - is_hex(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+1) && - is_hex(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+2)) { - return yaml_parser_set_scanner_tag_error(parser, directive, - start_mark, "did not find URI escaped octet") - } - - // Get the octet. - octet := byte((as_hex(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+1) << 4) + as_hex(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+2)) - - // If it is the leading octet, determine the length of the UTF-8 sequence. - if w == 1024 { - w = width(octet) - if w == 0 { - return yaml_parser_set_scanner_tag_error(parser, directive, - start_mark, "found an incorrect leading UTF-8 octet") - } - } else { - // Check if the trailing octet is correct. - if octet&0xC0 != 0x80 { - return yaml_parser_set_scanner_tag_error(parser, directive, - start_mark, "found an incorrect trailing UTF-8 octet") - } - } - - // Copy the octet and move the pointers. - *s = append(*s, octet) - skip(parser) - skip(parser) - skip(parser) - w-- - } - return true -} - -// Scan a block scalar. -func yaml_parser_scan_block_scalar(parser *yaml_parser_t, token *yaml_token_t, literal bool) bool { - // Eat the indicator '|' or '>'. - start_mark := parser.mark - skip(parser) - - // Scan the additional block scalar indicators. - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - - // Check for a chomping indicator. - var chomping, increment int - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '+' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '-' { - // Set the chomping method and eat the indicator. - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '+' { - chomping = +1 - } else { - chomping = -1 - } - skip(parser) - - // Check for an indentation indicator. - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - if is_digit(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - // Check that the indentation is greater than 0. - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '0' { - yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a block scalar", - start_mark, "found an indentation indicator equal to 0") - return false - } - - // Get the indentation level and eat the indicator. - increment = as_digit(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) - skip(parser) - } - - } else if is_digit(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - // Do the same as above, but in the opposite order. - - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '0' { - yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a block scalar", - start_mark, "found an indentation indicator equal to 0") - return false - } - increment = as_digit(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) - skip(parser) - - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '+' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '-' { - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '+' { - chomping = +1 - } else { - chomping = -1 - } - skip(parser) - } - } - - // Eat whitespaces and comments to the end of the line. - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - for is_blank(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - skip(parser) - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - } - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '#' { - if !yaml_parser_scan_line_comment(parser, start_mark) { - return false - } - for !is_breakz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - skip(parser) - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - } - } - - // Check if we are at the end of the line. - if !is_breakz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a block scalar", - start_mark, "did not find expected comment or line break") - return false - } - - // Eat a line break. - if is_break(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - if parser.unread < 2 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 2) { - return false - } - skip_line(parser) - } - - end_mark := parser.mark - - // Set the indentation level if it was specified. - var indent int - if increment > 0 { - if parser.indent >= 0 { - indent = parser.indent + increment - } else { - indent = increment - } - } - - // Scan the leading line breaks and determine the indentation level if needed. - var s, leading_break, trailing_breaks []byte - if !yaml_parser_scan_block_scalar_breaks(parser, &indent, &trailing_breaks, start_mark, &end_mark) { - return false - } - - // Scan the block scalar content. - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - var leading_blank, trailing_blank bool - for parser.mark.column == indent && !is_z(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - // We are at the beginning of a non-empty line. - - // Is it a trailing whitespace? - trailing_blank = is_blank(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) - - // Check if we need to fold the leading line break. - if !literal && !leading_blank && !trailing_blank && len(leading_break) > 0 && leading_break[0] == '\n' { - // Do we need to join the lines by space? - if len(trailing_breaks) == 0 { - s = append(s, ' ') - } - } else { - s = append(s, leading_break...) - } - leading_break = leading_break[:0] - - // Append the remaining line breaks. - s = append(s, trailing_breaks...) - trailing_breaks = trailing_breaks[:0] - - // Is it a leading whitespace? - leading_blank = is_blank(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) - - // Consume the current line. - for !is_breakz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - s = read(parser, s) - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - } - - // Consume the line break. - if parser.unread < 2 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 2) { - return false - } - - leading_break = read_line(parser, leading_break) - - // Eat the following indentation spaces and line breaks. - if !yaml_parser_scan_block_scalar_breaks(parser, &indent, &trailing_breaks, start_mark, &end_mark) { - return false - } - } - - // Chomp the tail. - if chomping != -1 { - s = append(s, leading_break...) - } - if chomping == 1 { - s = append(s, trailing_breaks...) - } - - // Create a token. - *token = yaml_token_t{ - typ: yaml_SCALAR_TOKEN, - start_mark: start_mark, - end_mark: end_mark, - value: s, - style: yaml_LITERAL_SCALAR_STYLE, - } - if !literal { - token.style = yaml_FOLDED_SCALAR_STYLE - } - return true -} - -// Scan indentation spaces and line breaks for a block scalar. Determine the -// indentation level if needed. -func yaml_parser_scan_block_scalar_breaks(parser *yaml_parser_t, indent *int, breaks *[]byte, start_mark yaml_mark_t, end_mark *yaml_mark_t) bool { - *end_mark = parser.mark - - // Eat the indentation spaces and line breaks. - max_indent := 0 - for { - // Eat the indentation spaces. - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - for (*indent == 0 || parser.mark.column < *indent) && is_space(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - skip(parser) - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - } - if parser.mark.column > max_indent { - max_indent = parser.mark.column - } - - // Check for a tab character messing the indentation. - if (*indent == 0 || parser.mark.column < *indent) && is_tab(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - return yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a block scalar", - start_mark, "found a tab character where an indentation space is expected") - } - - // Have we found a non-empty line? - if !is_break(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - break - } - - // Consume the line break. - if parser.unread < 2 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 2) { - return false - } - // [Go] Should really be returning breaks instead. - *breaks = read_line(parser, *breaks) - *end_mark = parser.mark - } - - // Determine the indentation level if needed. - if *indent == 0 { - *indent = max_indent - if *indent < parser.indent+1 { - *indent = parser.indent + 1 - } - if *indent < 1 { - *indent = 1 - } - } - return true -} - -// Scan a quoted scalar. -func yaml_parser_scan_flow_scalar(parser *yaml_parser_t, token *yaml_token_t, single bool) bool { - // Eat the left quote. - start_mark := parser.mark - skip(parser) - - // Consume the content of the quoted scalar. - var s, leading_break, trailing_breaks, whitespaces []byte - for { - // Check that there are no document indicators at the beginning of the line. - if parser.unread < 4 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 4) { - return false - } - - if parser.mark.column == 0 && - ((parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+0] == '-' && - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+1] == '-' && - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+2] == '-') || - (parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+0] == '.' && - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+1] == '.' && - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+2] == '.')) && - is_blankz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+3) { - yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a quoted scalar", - start_mark, "found unexpected document indicator") - return false - } - - // Check for EOF. - if is_z(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a quoted scalar", - start_mark, "found unexpected end of stream") - return false - } - - // Consume non-blank characters. - leading_blanks := false - for !is_blankz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - if single && parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '\'' && parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+1] == '\'' { - // Is is an escaped single quote. - s = append(s, '\'') - skip(parser) - skip(parser) - - } else if single && parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '\'' { - // It is a right single quote. - break - } else if !single && parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '"' { - // It is a right double quote. - break - - } else if !single && parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '\\' && is_break(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+1) { - // It is an escaped line break. - if parser.unread < 3 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 3) { - return false - } - skip(parser) - skip_line(parser) - leading_blanks = true - break - - } else if !single && parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '\\' { - // It is an escape sequence. - code_length := 0 - - // Check the escape character. - switch parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+1] { - case '0': - s = append(s, 0) - case 'a': - s = append(s, '\x07') - case 'b': - s = append(s, '\x08') - case 't', '\t': - s = append(s, '\x09') - case 'n': - s = append(s, '\x0A') - case 'v': - s = append(s, '\x0B') - case 'f': - s = append(s, '\x0C') - case 'r': - s = append(s, '\x0D') - case 'e': - s = append(s, '\x1B') - case ' ': - s = append(s, '\x20') - case '"': - s = append(s, '"') - case '\'': - s = append(s, '\'') - case '\\': - s = append(s, '\\') - case 'N': // NEL (#x85) - s = append(s, '\xC2') - s = append(s, '\x85') - case '_': // #xA0 - s = append(s, '\xC2') - s = append(s, '\xA0') - case 'L': // LS (#x2028) - s = append(s, '\xE2') - s = append(s, '\x80') - s = append(s, '\xA8') - case 'P': // PS (#x2029) - s = append(s, '\xE2') - s = append(s, '\x80') - s = append(s, '\xA9') - case 'x': - code_length = 2 - case 'u': - code_length = 4 - case 'U': - code_length = 8 - default: - yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while parsing a quoted scalar", - start_mark, "found unknown escape character") - return false - } - - skip(parser) - skip(parser) - - // Consume an arbitrary escape code. - if code_length > 0 { - var value int - - // Scan the character value. - if parser.unread < code_length && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, code_length) { - return false - } - for k := 0; k < code_length; k++ { - if !is_hex(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+k) { - yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while parsing a quoted scalar", - start_mark, "did not find expected hexdecimal number") - return false - } - value = (value << 4) + as_hex(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+k) - } - - // Check the value and write the character. - if (value >= 0xD800 && value <= 0xDFFF) || value > 0x10FFFF { - yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while parsing a quoted scalar", - start_mark, "found invalid Unicode character escape code") - return false - } - if value <= 0x7F { - s = append(s, byte(value)) - } else if value <= 0x7FF { - s = append(s, byte(0xC0+(value>>6))) - s = append(s, byte(0x80+(value&0x3F))) - } else if value <= 0xFFFF { - s = append(s, byte(0xE0+(value>>12))) - s = append(s, byte(0x80+((value>>6)&0x3F))) - s = append(s, byte(0x80+(value&0x3F))) - } else { - s = append(s, byte(0xF0+(value>>18))) - s = append(s, byte(0x80+((value>>12)&0x3F))) - s = append(s, byte(0x80+((value>>6)&0x3F))) - s = append(s, byte(0x80+(value&0x3F))) - } - - // Advance the pointer. - for k := 0; k < code_length; k++ { - skip(parser) - } - } - } else { - // It is a non-escaped non-blank character. - s = read(parser, s) - } - if parser.unread < 2 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 2) { - return false - } - } - - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - - // Check if we are at the end of the scalar. - if single { - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '\'' { - break - } - } else { - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '"' { - break - } - } - - // Consume blank characters. - for is_blank(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) || is_break(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - if is_blank(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - // Consume a space or a tab character. - if !leading_blanks { - whitespaces = read(parser, whitespaces) - } else { - skip(parser) - } - } else { - if parser.unread < 2 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 2) { - return false - } - - // Check if it is a first line break. - if !leading_blanks { - whitespaces = whitespaces[:0] - leading_break = read_line(parser, leading_break) - leading_blanks = true - } else { - trailing_breaks = read_line(parser, trailing_breaks) - } - } - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - } - - // Join the whitespaces or fold line breaks. - if leading_blanks { - // Do we need to fold line breaks? - if len(leading_break) > 0 && leading_break[0] == '\n' { - if len(trailing_breaks) == 0 { - s = append(s, ' ') - } else { - s = append(s, trailing_breaks...) - } - } else { - s = append(s, leading_break...) - s = append(s, trailing_breaks...) - } - trailing_breaks = trailing_breaks[:0] - leading_break = leading_break[:0] - } else { - s = append(s, whitespaces...) - whitespaces = whitespaces[:0] - } - } - - // Eat the right quote. - skip(parser) - end_mark := parser.mark - - // Create a token. - *token = yaml_token_t{ - typ: yaml_SCALAR_TOKEN, - start_mark: start_mark, - end_mark: end_mark, - value: s, - style: yaml_SINGLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE, - } - if !single { - token.style = yaml_DOUBLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE - } - return true -} - -// Scan a plain scalar. -func yaml_parser_scan_plain_scalar(parser *yaml_parser_t, token *yaml_token_t) bool { - - var s, leading_break, trailing_breaks, whitespaces []byte - var leading_blanks bool - var indent = parser.indent + 1 - - start_mark := parser.mark - end_mark := parser.mark - - // Consume the content of the plain scalar. - for { - // Check for a document indicator. - if parser.unread < 4 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 4) { - return false - } - if parser.mark.column == 0 && - ((parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+0] == '-' && - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+1] == '-' && - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+2] == '-') || - (parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+0] == '.' && - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+1] == '.' && - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+2] == '.')) && - is_blankz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+3) { - break - } - - // Check for a comment. - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '#' { - break - } - - // Consume non-blank characters. - for !is_blankz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - - // Check for indicators that may end a plain scalar. - if (parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ':' && is_blankz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+1)) || - (parser.flow_level > 0 && - (parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ',' || - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '?' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '[' || - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ']' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '{' || - parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '}')) { - break - } - - // Check if we need to join whitespaces and breaks. - if leading_blanks || len(whitespaces) > 0 { - if leading_blanks { - // Do we need to fold line breaks? - if leading_break[0] == '\n' { - if len(trailing_breaks) == 0 { - s = append(s, ' ') - } else { - s = append(s, trailing_breaks...) - } - } else { - s = append(s, leading_break...) - s = append(s, trailing_breaks...) - } - trailing_breaks = trailing_breaks[:0] - leading_break = leading_break[:0] - leading_blanks = false - } else { - s = append(s, whitespaces...) - whitespaces = whitespaces[:0] - } - } - - // Copy the character. - s = read(parser, s) - - end_mark = parser.mark - if parser.unread < 2 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 2) { - return false - } - } - - // Is it the end? - if !(is_blank(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) || is_break(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos)) { - break - } - - // Consume blank characters. - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - - for is_blank(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) || is_break(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - if is_blank(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - - // Check for tab characters that abuse indentation. - if leading_blanks && parser.mark.column < indent && is_tab(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a plain scalar", - start_mark, "found a tab character that violates indentation") - return false - } - - // Consume a space or a tab character. - if !leading_blanks { - whitespaces = read(parser, whitespaces) - } else { - skip(parser) - } - } else { - if parser.unread < 2 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 2) { - return false - } - - // Check if it is a first line break. - if !leading_blanks { - whitespaces = whitespaces[:0] - leading_break = read_line(parser, leading_break) - leading_blanks = true - } else { - trailing_breaks = read_line(parser, trailing_breaks) - } - } - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - } - - // Check indentation level. - if parser.flow_level == 0 && parser.mark.column < indent { - break - } - } - - // Create a token. - *token = yaml_token_t{ - typ: yaml_SCALAR_TOKEN, - start_mark: start_mark, - end_mark: end_mark, - value: s, - style: yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE, - } - - // Note that we change the 'simple_key_allowed' flag. - if leading_blanks { - parser.simple_key_allowed = true - } - return true -} - -func yaml_parser_scan_line_comment(parser *yaml_parser_t, token_mark yaml_mark_t) bool { - if parser.newlines > 0 { - return true - } - - var start_mark yaml_mark_t - var text []byte - - for peek := 0; peek < 512; peek++ { - if parser.unread < peek+1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, peek+1) { - break - } - if is_blank(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+peek) { - continue - } - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+peek] == '#' { - seen := parser.mark.index+peek - for { - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - if is_breakz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - if parser.mark.index >= seen { - break - } - if parser.unread < 2 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 2) { - return false - } - skip_line(parser) - } else if parser.mark.index >= seen { - if len(text) == 0 { - start_mark = parser.mark - } - text = read(parser, text) - } else { - skip(parser) - } - } - } - break - } - if len(text) > 0 { - parser.comments = append(parser.comments, yaml_comment_t{ - token_mark: token_mark, - start_mark: start_mark, - line: text, - }) - } - return true -} - -func yaml_parser_scan_comments(parser *yaml_parser_t, scan_mark yaml_mark_t) bool { - token := parser.tokens[len(parser.tokens)-1] - - if token.typ == yaml_FLOW_ENTRY_TOKEN && len(parser.tokens) > 1 { - token = parser.tokens[len(parser.tokens)-2] - } - - var token_mark = token.start_mark - var start_mark yaml_mark_t - var next_indent = parser.indent - if next_indent < 0 { - next_indent = 0 - } - - var recent_empty = false - var first_empty = parser.newlines <= 1 - - var line = parser.mark.line - var column = parser.mark.column - - var text []byte - - // The foot line is the place where a comment must start to - // still be considered as a foot of the prior content. - // If there's some content in the currently parsed line, then - // the foot is the line below it. - var foot_line = -1 - if scan_mark.line > 0 { - foot_line = parser.mark.line-parser.newlines+1 - if parser.newlines == 0 && parser.mark.column > 1 { - foot_line++ - } - } - - var peek = 0 - for ; peek < 512; peek++ { - if parser.unread < peek+1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, peek+1) { - break - } - column++ - if is_blank(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+peek) { - continue - } - c := parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+peek] - var close_flow = parser.flow_level > 0 && (c == ']' || c == '}') - if close_flow || is_breakz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+peek) { - // Got line break or terminator. - if close_flow || !recent_empty { - if close_flow || first_empty && (start_mark.line == foot_line && token.typ != yaml_VALUE_TOKEN || start_mark.column-1 < next_indent) { - // This is the first empty line and there were no empty lines before, - // so this initial part of the comment is a foot of the prior token - // instead of being a head for the following one. Split it up. - // Alternatively, this might also be the last comment inside a flow - // scope, so it must be a footer. - if len(text) > 0 { - if start_mark.column-1 < next_indent { - // If dedented it's unrelated to the prior token. - token_mark = start_mark - } - parser.comments = append(parser.comments, yaml_comment_t{ - scan_mark: scan_mark, - token_mark: token_mark, - start_mark: start_mark, - end_mark: yaml_mark_t{parser.mark.index + peek, line, column}, - foot: text, - }) - scan_mark = yaml_mark_t{parser.mark.index + peek, line, column} - token_mark = scan_mark - text = nil - } - } else { - if len(text) > 0 && parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+peek] != 0 { - text = append(text, '\n') - } - } - } - if !is_break(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+peek) { - break - } - first_empty = false - recent_empty = true - column = 0 - line++ - continue - } - - if len(text) > 0 && (close_flow || column-1 < next_indent && column != start_mark.column) { - // The comment at the different indentation is a foot of the - // preceding data rather than a head of the upcoming one. - parser.comments = append(parser.comments, yaml_comment_t{ - scan_mark: scan_mark, - token_mark: token_mark, - start_mark: start_mark, - end_mark: yaml_mark_t{parser.mark.index + peek, line, column}, - foot: text, - }) - scan_mark = yaml_mark_t{parser.mark.index + peek, line, column} - token_mark = scan_mark - text = nil - } - - if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+peek] != '#' { - break - } - - if len(text) == 0 { - start_mark = yaml_mark_t{parser.mark.index + peek, line, column} - } else { - text = append(text, '\n') - } - - recent_empty = false - - // Consume until after the consumed comment line. - seen := parser.mark.index+peek - for { - if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) { - return false - } - if is_breakz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) { - if parser.mark.index >= seen { - break - } - if parser.unread < 2 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 2) { - return false - } - skip_line(parser) - } else if parser.mark.index >= seen { - text = read(parser, text) - } else { - skip(parser) - } - } - - peek = 0 - column = 0 - line = parser.mark.line - next_indent = parser.indent - if next_indent < 0 { - next_indent = 0 - } - } - - if len(text) > 0 { - parser.comments = append(parser.comments, yaml_comment_t{ - scan_mark: scan_mark, - token_mark: start_mark, - start_mark: start_mark, - end_mark: yaml_mark_t{parser.mark.index + peek - 1, line, column}, - head: text, - }) - } - return true -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/sorter.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/sorter.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9210ece7..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/sorter.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,134 +0,0 @@ -// -// Copyright (c) 2011-2019 Canonical Ltd -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. - -package yaml - -import ( - "reflect" - "unicode" -) - -type keyList []reflect.Value - -func (l keyList) Len() int { return len(l) } -func (l keyList) Swap(i, j int) { l[i], l[j] = l[j], l[i] } -func (l keyList) Less(i, j int) bool { - a := l[i] - b := l[j] - ak := a.Kind() - bk := b.Kind() - for (ak == reflect.Interface || ak == reflect.Ptr) && !a.IsNil() { - a = a.Elem() - ak = a.Kind() - } - for (bk == reflect.Interface || bk == reflect.Ptr) && !b.IsNil() { - b = b.Elem() - bk = b.Kind() - } - af, aok := keyFloat(a) - bf, bok := keyFloat(b) - if aok && bok { - if af != bf { - return af < bf - } - if ak != bk { - return ak < bk - } - return numLess(a, b) - } - if ak != reflect.String || bk != reflect.String { - return ak < bk - } - ar, br := []rune(a.String()), []rune(b.String()) - digits := false - for i := 0; i < len(ar) && i < len(br); i++ { - if ar[i] == br[i] { - digits = unicode.IsDigit(ar[i]) - continue - } - al := unicode.IsLetter(ar[i]) - bl := unicode.IsLetter(br[i]) - if al && bl { - return ar[i] < br[i] - } - if al || bl { - if digits { - return al - } else { - return bl - } - } - var ai, bi int - var an, bn int64 - if ar[i] == '0' || br[i] == '0' { - for j := i - 1; j >= 0 && unicode.IsDigit(ar[j]); j-- { - if ar[j] != '0' { - an = 1 - bn = 1 - break - } - } - } - for ai = i; ai < len(ar) && unicode.IsDigit(ar[ai]); ai++ { - an = an*10 + int64(ar[ai]-'0') - } - for bi = i; bi < len(br) && unicode.IsDigit(br[bi]); bi++ { - bn = bn*10 + int64(br[bi]-'0') - } - if an != bn { - return an < bn - } - if ai != bi { - return ai < bi - } - return ar[i] < br[i] - } - return len(ar) < len(br) -} - -// keyFloat returns a float value for v if it is a number/bool -// and whether it is a number/bool or not. -func keyFloat(v reflect.Value) (f float64, ok bool) { - switch v.Kind() { - case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: - return float64(v.Int()), true - case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: - return v.Float(), true - case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr: - return float64(v.Uint()), true - case reflect.Bool: - if v.Bool() { - return 1, true - } - return 0, true - } - return 0, false -} - -// numLess returns whether a < b. -// a and b must necessarily have the same kind. -func numLess(a, b reflect.Value) bool { - switch a.Kind() { - case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: - return a.Int() < b.Int() - case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: - return a.Float() < b.Float() - case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr: - return a.Uint() < b.Uint() - case reflect.Bool: - return !a.Bool() && b.Bool() - } - panic("not a number") -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/writerc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/writerc.go deleted file mode 100644 index b8a116bf..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/writerc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -// -// Copyright (c) 2011-2019 Canonical Ltd -// Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Kirill Simonov -// -// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of -// this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in -// the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to -// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies -// of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do -// so, subject to the following conditions: -// -// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all -// copies or substantial portions of the Software. -// -// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -// SOFTWARE. - -package yaml - -// Set the writer error and return false. -func yaml_emitter_set_writer_error(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, problem string) bool { - emitter.error = yaml_WRITER_ERROR - emitter.problem = problem - return false -} - -// Flush the output buffer. -func yaml_emitter_flush(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) bool { - if emitter.write_handler == nil { - panic("write handler not set") - } - - // Check if the buffer is empty. - if emitter.buffer_pos == 0 { - return true - } - - if err := emitter.write_handler(emitter, emitter.buffer[:emitter.buffer_pos]); err != nil { - return yaml_emitter_set_writer_error(emitter, "write error: "+err.Error()) - } - emitter.buffer_pos = 0 - return true -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/yaml.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/yaml.go deleted file mode 100644 index bb6418db..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/yaml.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,708 +0,0 @@ -// -// Copyright (c) 2011-2019 Canonical Ltd -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. - -// Package yaml implements YAML support for the Go language. -// -// Source code and other details for the project are available at GitHub: -// -// https://github.com/go-yaml/yaml -// -package yaml - -import ( - "errors" - "fmt" - "io" - "reflect" - "strings" - "sync" - "unicode/utf8" -) - -// The Unmarshaler interface may be implemented by types to customize their -// behavior when being unmarshaled from a YAML document. -type Unmarshaler interface { - UnmarshalYAML(value *Node) error -} - -type obsoleteUnmarshaler interface { - UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error -} - -// The Marshaler interface may be implemented by types to customize their -// behavior when being marshaled into a YAML document. The returned value -// is marshaled in place of the original value implementing Marshaler. -// -// If an error is returned by MarshalYAML, the marshaling procedure stops -// and returns with the provided error. -type Marshaler interface { - MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error) -} - -// Unmarshal decodes the first document found within the in byte slice -// and assigns decoded values into the out value. -// -// Maps and pointers (to a struct, string, int, etc) are accepted as out -// values. If an internal pointer within a struct is not initialized, -// the yaml package will initialize it if necessary for unmarshalling -// the provided data. The out parameter must not be nil. -// -// The type of the decoded values should be compatible with the respective -// values in out. If one or more values cannot be decoded due to a type -// mismatches, decoding continues partially until the end of the YAML -// content, and a *yaml.TypeError is returned with details for all -// missed values. -// -// Struct fields are only unmarshalled if they are exported (have an -// upper case first letter), and are unmarshalled using the field name -// lowercased as the default key. Custom keys may be defined via the -// "yaml" name in the field tag: the content preceding the first comma -// is used as the key, and the following comma-separated options are -// used to tweak the marshalling process (see Marshal). -// Conflicting names result in a runtime error. -// -// For example: -// -// type T struct { -// F int `yaml:"a,omitempty"` -// B int -// } -// var t T -// yaml.Unmarshal([]byte("a: 1\nb: 2"), &t) -// -// See the documentation of Marshal for the format of tags and a list of -// supported tag options. -// -func Unmarshal(in []byte, out interface{}) (err error) { - return unmarshal(in, out, false) -} - -// A Decoder reads and decodes YAML values from an input stream. -type Decoder struct { - parser *parser - knownFields bool -} - -// NewDecoder returns a new decoder that reads from r. -// -// The decoder introduces its own buffering and may read -// data from r beyond the YAML values requested. -func NewDecoder(r io.Reader) *Decoder { - return &Decoder{ - parser: newParserFromReader(r), - } -} - -// KnownFields ensures that the keys in decoded mappings to -// exist as fields in the struct being decoded into. -func (dec *Decoder) KnownFields(enable bool) { - dec.knownFields = enable -} - -// Decode reads the next YAML-encoded value from its input -// and stores it in the value pointed to by v. -// -// See the documentation for Unmarshal for details about the -// conversion of YAML into a Go value. -func (dec *Decoder) Decode(v interface{}) (err error) { - d := newDecoder() - d.knownFields = dec.knownFields - defer handleErr(&err) - node := dec.parser.parse() - if node == nil { - return io.EOF - } - out := reflect.ValueOf(v) - if out.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && !out.IsNil() { - out = out.Elem() - } - d.unmarshal(node, out) - if len(d.terrors) > 0 { - return &TypeError{d.terrors} - } - return nil -} - -// Decode decodes the node and stores its data into the value pointed to by v. -// -// See the documentation for Unmarshal for details about the -// conversion of YAML into a Go value. -func (n *Node) Decode(v interface{}) (err error) { - d := newDecoder() - defer handleErr(&err) - out := reflect.ValueOf(v) - if out.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && !out.IsNil() { - out = out.Elem() - } - d.unmarshal(n, out) - if len(d.terrors) > 0 { - return &TypeError{d.terrors} - } - return nil -} - -func unmarshal(in []byte, out interface{}, strict bool) (err error) { - defer handleErr(&err) - d := newDecoder() - p := newParser(in) - defer p.destroy() - node := p.parse() - if node != nil { - v := reflect.ValueOf(out) - if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && !v.IsNil() { - v = v.Elem() - } - d.unmarshal(node, v) - } - if len(d.terrors) > 0 { - return &TypeError{d.terrors} - } - return nil -} - -// Marshal serializes the value provided into a YAML document. The structure -// of the generated document will reflect the structure of the value itself. -// Maps and pointers (to struct, string, int, etc) are accepted as the in value. -// -// Struct fields are only marshalled if they are exported (have an upper case -// first letter), and are marshalled using the field name lowercased as the -// default key. Custom keys may be defined via the "yaml" name in the field -// tag: the content preceding the first comma is used as the key, and the -// following comma-separated options are used to tweak the marshalling process. -// Conflicting names result in a runtime error. -// -// The field tag format accepted is: -// -// `(...) yaml:"[][,[,]]" (...)` -// -// The following flags are currently supported: -// -// omitempty Only include the field if it's not set to the zero -// value for the type or to empty slices or maps. -// Zero valued structs will be omitted if all their public -// fields are zero, unless they implement an IsZero -// method (see the IsZeroer interface type), in which -// case the field will be excluded if IsZero returns true. -// -// flow Marshal using a flow style (useful for structs, -// sequences and maps). -// -// inline Inline the field, which must be a struct or a map, -// causing all of its fields or keys to be processed as if -// they were part of the outer struct. For maps, keys must -// not conflict with the yaml keys of other struct fields. -// -// In addition, if the key is "-", the field is ignored. -// -// For example: -// -// type T struct { -// F int `yaml:"a,omitempty"` -// B int -// } -// yaml.Marshal(&T{B: 2}) // Returns "b: 2\n" -// yaml.Marshal(&T{F: 1}} // Returns "a: 1\nb: 0\n" -// -func Marshal(in interface{}) (out []byte, err error) { - defer handleErr(&err) - e := newEncoder() - defer e.destroy() - e.marshalDoc("", reflect.ValueOf(in)) - e.finish() - out = e.out - return -} - -// An Encoder writes YAML values to an output stream. -type Encoder struct { - encoder *encoder -} - -// NewEncoder returns a new encoder that writes to w. -// The Encoder should be closed after use to flush all data -// to w. -func NewEncoder(w io.Writer) *Encoder { - return &Encoder{ - encoder: newEncoderWithWriter(w), - } -} - -// Encode writes the YAML encoding of v to the stream. -// If multiple items are encoded to the stream, the -// second and subsequent document will be preceded -// with a "---" document separator, but the first will not. -// -// See the documentation for Marshal for details about the conversion of Go -// values to YAML. -func (e *Encoder) Encode(v interface{}) (err error) { - defer handleErr(&err) - e.encoder.marshalDoc("", reflect.ValueOf(v)) - return nil -} - -// Encode encodes value v and stores its representation in n. -// -// See the documentation for Marshal for details about the -// conversion of Go values into YAML. -func (n *Node) Encode(v interface{}) (err error) { - defer handleErr(&err) - e := newEncoder() - defer e.destroy() - e.marshalDoc("", reflect.ValueOf(v)) - e.finish() - p := newParser(e.out) - p.textless = true - defer p.destroy() - doc := p.parse() - *n = *doc.Content[0] - return nil -} - -// SetIndent changes the used indentation used when encoding. -func (e *Encoder) SetIndent(spaces int) { - if spaces < 0 { - panic("yaml: cannot indent to a negative number of spaces") - } - e.encoder.indent = spaces -} - -// CompactSeqIndent makes it so that '- ' is considered part of the indentation. -func (e *Encoder) CompactSeqIndent() { - e.encoder.emitter.compact_sequence_indent = true -} - -// DefaultSeqIndent makes it so that '- ' is not considered part of the indentation. -func (e *Encoder) DefaultSeqIndent() { - e.encoder.emitter.compact_sequence_indent = false -} - -// Close closes the encoder by writing any remaining data. -// It does not write a stream terminating string "...". -func (e *Encoder) Close() (err error) { - defer handleErr(&err) - e.encoder.finish() - return nil -} - -func handleErr(err *error) { - if v := recover(); v != nil { - if e, ok := v.(yamlError); ok { - *err = e.err - } else { - panic(v) - } - } -} - -type yamlError struct { - err error -} - -func fail(err error) { - panic(yamlError{err}) -} - -func failf(format string, args ...interface{}) { - panic(yamlError{fmt.Errorf("yaml: "+format, args...)}) -} - -// A TypeError is returned by Unmarshal when one or more fields in -// the YAML document cannot be properly decoded into the requested -// types. When this error is returned, the value is still -// unmarshaled partially. -type TypeError struct { - Errors []string -} - -func (e *TypeError) Error() string { - return fmt.Sprintf("yaml: unmarshal errors:\n %s", strings.Join(e.Errors, "\n ")) -} - -type Kind uint32 - -const ( - DocumentNode Kind = 1 << iota - SequenceNode - MappingNode - ScalarNode - AliasNode -) - -type Style uint32 - -const ( - TaggedStyle Style = 1 << iota - DoubleQuotedStyle - SingleQuotedStyle - LiteralStyle - FoldedStyle - FlowStyle -) - -// Node represents an element in the YAML document hierarchy. While documents -// are typically encoded and decoded into higher level types, such as structs -// and maps, Node is an intermediate representation that allows detailed -// control over the content being decoded or encoded. -// -// It's worth noting that although Node offers access into details such as -// line numbers, colums, and comments, the content when re-encoded will not -// have its original textual representation preserved. An effort is made to -// render the data plesantly, and to preserve comments near the data they -// describe, though. -// -// Values that make use of the Node type interact with the yaml package in the -// same way any other type would do, by encoding and decoding yaml data -// directly or indirectly into them. -// -// For example: -// -// var person struct { -// Name string -// Address yaml.Node -// } -// err := yaml.Unmarshal(data, &person) -// -// Or by itself: -// -// var person Node -// err := yaml.Unmarshal(data, &person) -// -type Node struct { - // Kind defines whether the node is a document, a mapping, a sequence, - // a scalar value, or an alias to another node. The specific data type of - // scalar nodes may be obtained via the ShortTag and LongTag methods. - Kind Kind - - // Style allows customizing the apperance of the node in the tree. - Style Style - - // Tag holds the YAML tag defining the data type for the value. - // When decoding, this field will always be set to the resolved tag, - // even when it wasn't explicitly provided in the YAML content. - // When encoding, if this field is unset the value type will be - // implied from the node properties, and if it is set, it will only - // be serialized into the representation if TaggedStyle is used or - // the implicit tag diverges from the provided one. - Tag string - - // Value holds the unescaped and unquoted represenation of the value. - Value string - - // Anchor holds the anchor name for this node, which allows aliases to point to it. - Anchor string - - // Alias holds the node that this alias points to. Only valid when Kind is AliasNode. - Alias *Node - - // Content holds contained nodes for documents, mappings, and sequences. - Content []*Node - - // HeadComment holds any comments in the lines preceding the node and - // not separated by an empty line. - HeadComment string - - // LineComment holds any comments at the end of the line where the node is in. - LineComment string - - // FootComment holds any comments following the node and before empty lines. - FootComment string - - // Line and Column hold the node position in the decoded YAML text. - // These fields are not respected when encoding the node. - Line int - Column int -} - -// IsZero returns whether the node has all of its fields unset. -func (n *Node) IsZero() bool { - return n.Kind == 0 && n.Style == 0 && n.Tag == "" && n.Value == "" && n.Anchor == "" && n.Alias == nil && n.Content == nil && - n.HeadComment == "" && n.LineComment == "" && n.FootComment == "" && n.Line == 0 && n.Column == 0 -} - - -// LongTag returns the long form of the tag that indicates the data type for -// the node. If the Tag field isn't explicitly defined, one will be computed -// based on the node properties. -func (n *Node) LongTag() string { - return longTag(n.ShortTag()) -} - -// ShortTag returns the short form of the YAML tag that indicates data type for -// the node. If the Tag field isn't explicitly defined, one will be computed -// based on the node properties. -func (n *Node) ShortTag() string { - if n.indicatedString() { - return strTag - } - if n.Tag == "" || n.Tag == "!" { - switch n.Kind { - case MappingNode: - return mapTag - case SequenceNode: - return seqTag - case AliasNode: - if n.Alias != nil { - return n.Alias.ShortTag() - } - case ScalarNode: - tag, _ := resolve("", n.Value) - return tag - case 0: - // Special case to make the zero value convenient. - if n.IsZero() { - return nullTag - } - } - return "" - } - return shortTag(n.Tag) -} - -func (n *Node) indicatedString() bool { - return n.Kind == ScalarNode && - (shortTag(n.Tag) == strTag || - (n.Tag == "" || n.Tag == "!") && n.Style&(SingleQuotedStyle|DoubleQuotedStyle|LiteralStyle|FoldedStyle) != 0) -} - -// SetString is a convenience function that sets the node to a string value -// and defines its style in a pleasant way depending on its content. -func (n *Node) SetString(s string) { - n.Kind = ScalarNode - if utf8.ValidString(s) { - n.Value = s - n.Tag = strTag - } else { - n.Value = encodeBase64(s) - n.Tag = binaryTag - } - if strings.Contains(n.Value, "\n") { - n.Style = LiteralStyle - } -} - -// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Maintain a mapping of keys to structure field indexes - -// The code in this section was copied from mgo/bson. - -// structInfo holds details for the serialization of fields of -// a given struct. -type structInfo struct { - FieldsMap map[string]fieldInfo - FieldsList []fieldInfo - - // InlineMap is the number of the field in the struct that - // contains an ,inline map, or -1 if there's none. - InlineMap int - - // InlineUnmarshalers holds indexes to inlined fields that - // contain unmarshaler values. - InlineUnmarshalers [][]int -} - -type fieldInfo struct { - Key string - Num int - OmitEmpty bool - Flow bool - // Id holds the unique field identifier, so we can cheaply - // check for field duplicates without maintaining an extra map. - Id int - - // Inline holds the field index if the field is part of an inlined struct. - Inline []int -} - -var structMap = make(map[reflect.Type]*structInfo) -var fieldMapMutex sync.RWMutex -var unmarshalerType reflect.Type - -func init() { - var v Unmarshaler - unmarshalerType = reflect.ValueOf(&v).Elem().Type() -} - -func getStructInfo(st reflect.Type) (*structInfo, error) { - fieldMapMutex.RLock() - sinfo, found := structMap[st] - fieldMapMutex.RUnlock() - if found { - return sinfo, nil - } - - n := st.NumField() - fieldsMap := make(map[string]fieldInfo) - fieldsList := make([]fieldInfo, 0, n) - inlineMap := -1 - inlineUnmarshalers := [][]int(nil) - for i := 0; i != n; i++ { - field := st.Field(i) - if field.PkgPath != "" && !field.Anonymous { - continue // Private field - } - - info := fieldInfo{Num: i} - - tag := field.Tag.Get("yaml") - if tag == "" && strings.Index(string(field.Tag), ":") < 0 { - tag = string(field.Tag) - } - if tag == "-" { - continue - } - - inline := false - fields := strings.Split(tag, ",") - if len(fields) > 1 { - for _, flag := range fields[1:] { - switch flag { - case "omitempty": - info.OmitEmpty = true - case "flow": - info.Flow = true - case "inline": - inline = true - default: - return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported flag %q in tag %q of type %s", flag, tag, st)) - } - } - tag = fields[0] - } - - if inline { - switch field.Type.Kind() { - case reflect.Map: - if inlineMap >= 0 { - return nil, errors.New("multiple ,inline maps in struct " + st.String()) - } - if field.Type.Key() != reflect.TypeOf("") { - return nil, errors.New("option ,inline needs a map with string keys in struct " + st.String()) - } - inlineMap = info.Num - case reflect.Struct, reflect.Ptr: - ftype := field.Type - for ftype.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - ftype = ftype.Elem() - } - if ftype.Kind() != reflect.Struct { - return nil, errors.New("option ,inline may only be used on a struct or map field") - } - if reflect.PtrTo(ftype).Implements(unmarshalerType) { - inlineUnmarshalers = append(inlineUnmarshalers, []int{i}) - } else { - sinfo, err := getStructInfo(ftype) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - for _, index := range sinfo.InlineUnmarshalers { - inlineUnmarshalers = append(inlineUnmarshalers, append([]int{i}, index...)) - } - for _, finfo := range sinfo.FieldsList { - if _, found := fieldsMap[finfo.Key]; found { - msg := "duplicated key '" + finfo.Key + "' in struct " + st.String() - return nil, errors.New(msg) - } - if finfo.Inline == nil { - finfo.Inline = []int{i, finfo.Num} - } else { - finfo.Inline = append([]int{i}, finfo.Inline...) - } - finfo.Id = len(fieldsList) - fieldsMap[finfo.Key] = finfo - fieldsList = append(fieldsList, finfo) - } - } - default: - return nil, errors.New("option ,inline may only be used on a struct or map field") - } - continue - } - - if tag != "" { - info.Key = tag - } else { - info.Key = strings.ToLower(field.Name) - } - - if _, found = fieldsMap[info.Key]; found { - msg := "duplicated key '" + info.Key + "' in struct " + st.String() - return nil, errors.New(msg) - } - - info.Id = len(fieldsList) - fieldsList = append(fieldsList, info) - fieldsMap[info.Key] = info - } - - sinfo = &structInfo{ - FieldsMap: fieldsMap, - FieldsList: fieldsList, - InlineMap: inlineMap, - InlineUnmarshalers: inlineUnmarshalers, - } - - fieldMapMutex.Lock() - structMap[st] = sinfo - fieldMapMutex.Unlock() - return sinfo, nil -} - -// IsZeroer is used to check whether an object is zero to -// determine whether it should be omitted when marshaling -// with the omitempty flag. One notable implementation -// is time.Time. -type IsZeroer interface { - IsZero() bool -} - -func isZero(v reflect.Value) bool { - kind := v.Kind() - if z, ok := v.Interface().(IsZeroer); ok { - if (kind == reflect.Ptr || kind == reflect.Interface) && v.IsNil() { - return true - } - return z.IsZero() - } - switch kind { - case reflect.String: - return len(v.String()) == 0 - case reflect.Interface, reflect.Ptr: - return v.IsNil() - case reflect.Slice: - return v.Len() == 0 - case reflect.Map: - return v.Len() == 0 - case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: - return v.Int() == 0 - case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: - return v.Float() == 0 - case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr: - return v.Uint() == 0 - case reflect.Bool: - return !v.Bool() - case reflect.Struct: - vt := v.Type() - for i := v.NumField() - 1; i >= 0; i-- { - if vt.Field(i).PkgPath != "" { - continue // Private field - } - if !isZero(v.Field(i)) { - return false - } - } - return true - } - return false -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/yamlh.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/yamlh.go deleted file mode 100644 index 40c74de4..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/yamlh.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,809 +0,0 @@ -// -// Copyright (c) 2011-2019 Canonical Ltd -// Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Kirill Simonov -// -// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of -// this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in -// the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to -// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies -// of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do -// so, subject to the following conditions: -// -// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all -// copies or substantial portions of the Software. -// -// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -// SOFTWARE. - -package yaml - -import ( - "fmt" - "io" -) - -// The version directive data. -type yaml_version_directive_t struct { - major int8 // The major version number. - minor int8 // The minor version number. -} - -// The tag directive data. -type yaml_tag_directive_t struct { - handle []byte // The tag handle. - prefix []byte // The tag prefix. -} - -type yaml_encoding_t int - -// The stream encoding. -const ( - // Let the parser choose the encoding. - yaml_ANY_ENCODING yaml_encoding_t = iota - - yaml_UTF8_ENCODING // The default UTF-8 encoding. - yaml_UTF16LE_ENCODING // The UTF-16-LE encoding with BOM. - yaml_UTF16BE_ENCODING // The UTF-16-BE encoding with BOM. -) - -type yaml_break_t int - -// Line break types. -const ( - // Let the parser choose the break type. - yaml_ANY_BREAK yaml_break_t = iota - - yaml_CR_BREAK // Use CR for line breaks (Mac style). - yaml_LN_BREAK // Use LN for line breaks (Unix style). - yaml_CRLN_BREAK // Use CR LN for line breaks (DOS style). -) - -type yaml_error_type_t int - -// Many bad things could happen with the parser and emitter. -const ( - // No error is produced. - yaml_NO_ERROR yaml_error_type_t = iota - - yaml_MEMORY_ERROR // Cannot allocate or reallocate a block of memory. - yaml_READER_ERROR // Cannot read or decode the input stream. - yaml_SCANNER_ERROR // Cannot scan the input stream. - yaml_PARSER_ERROR // Cannot parse the input stream. - yaml_COMPOSER_ERROR // Cannot compose a YAML document. - yaml_WRITER_ERROR // Cannot write to the output stream. - yaml_EMITTER_ERROR // Cannot emit a YAML stream. -) - -// The pointer position. -type yaml_mark_t struct { - index int // The position index. - line int // The position line. - column int // The position column. -} - -// Node Styles - -type yaml_style_t int8 - -type yaml_scalar_style_t yaml_style_t - -// Scalar styles. -const ( - // Let the emitter choose the style. - yaml_ANY_SCALAR_STYLE yaml_scalar_style_t = 0 - - yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE yaml_scalar_style_t = 1 << iota // The plain scalar style. - yaml_SINGLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE // The single-quoted scalar style. - yaml_DOUBLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE // The double-quoted scalar style. - yaml_LITERAL_SCALAR_STYLE // The literal scalar style. - yaml_FOLDED_SCALAR_STYLE // The folded scalar style. -) - -type yaml_sequence_style_t yaml_style_t - -// Sequence styles. -const ( - // Let the emitter choose the style. - yaml_ANY_SEQUENCE_STYLE yaml_sequence_style_t = iota - - yaml_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_STYLE // The block sequence style. - yaml_FLOW_SEQUENCE_STYLE // The flow sequence style. -) - -type yaml_mapping_style_t yaml_style_t - -// Mapping styles. -const ( - // Let the emitter choose the style. - yaml_ANY_MAPPING_STYLE yaml_mapping_style_t = iota - - yaml_BLOCK_MAPPING_STYLE // The block mapping style. - yaml_FLOW_MAPPING_STYLE // The flow mapping style. -) - -// Tokens - -type yaml_token_type_t int - -// Token types. -const ( - // An empty token. - yaml_NO_TOKEN yaml_token_type_t = iota - - yaml_STREAM_START_TOKEN // A STREAM-START token. - yaml_STREAM_END_TOKEN // A STREAM-END token. - - yaml_VERSION_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN // A VERSION-DIRECTIVE token. - yaml_TAG_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN // A TAG-DIRECTIVE token. - yaml_DOCUMENT_START_TOKEN // A DOCUMENT-START token. - yaml_DOCUMENT_END_TOKEN // A DOCUMENT-END token. - - yaml_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_START_TOKEN // A BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START token. - yaml_BLOCK_MAPPING_START_TOKEN // A BLOCK-SEQUENCE-END token. - yaml_BLOCK_END_TOKEN // A BLOCK-END token. - - yaml_FLOW_SEQUENCE_START_TOKEN // A FLOW-SEQUENCE-START token. - yaml_FLOW_SEQUENCE_END_TOKEN // A FLOW-SEQUENCE-END token. - yaml_FLOW_MAPPING_START_TOKEN // A FLOW-MAPPING-START token. - yaml_FLOW_MAPPING_END_TOKEN // A FLOW-MAPPING-END token. - - yaml_BLOCK_ENTRY_TOKEN // A BLOCK-ENTRY token. - yaml_FLOW_ENTRY_TOKEN // A FLOW-ENTRY token. - yaml_KEY_TOKEN // A KEY token. - yaml_VALUE_TOKEN // A VALUE token. - - yaml_ALIAS_TOKEN // An ALIAS token. - yaml_ANCHOR_TOKEN // An ANCHOR token. - yaml_TAG_TOKEN // A TAG token. - yaml_SCALAR_TOKEN // A SCALAR token. -) - -func (tt yaml_token_type_t) String() string { - switch tt { - case yaml_NO_TOKEN: - return "yaml_NO_TOKEN" - case yaml_STREAM_START_TOKEN: - return "yaml_STREAM_START_TOKEN" - case yaml_STREAM_END_TOKEN: - return "yaml_STREAM_END_TOKEN" - case yaml_VERSION_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN: - return "yaml_VERSION_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN" - case yaml_TAG_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN: - return "yaml_TAG_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN" - case yaml_DOCUMENT_START_TOKEN: - return "yaml_DOCUMENT_START_TOKEN" - case yaml_DOCUMENT_END_TOKEN: - return "yaml_DOCUMENT_END_TOKEN" - case yaml_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_START_TOKEN: - return "yaml_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_START_TOKEN" - case yaml_BLOCK_MAPPING_START_TOKEN: - return "yaml_BLOCK_MAPPING_START_TOKEN" - case yaml_BLOCK_END_TOKEN: - return "yaml_BLOCK_END_TOKEN" - case yaml_FLOW_SEQUENCE_START_TOKEN: - return "yaml_FLOW_SEQUENCE_START_TOKEN" - case yaml_FLOW_SEQUENCE_END_TOKEN: - return "yaml_FLOW_SEQUENCE_END_TOKEN" - case yaml_FLOW_MAPPING_START_TOKEN: - return "yaml_FLOW_MAPPING_START_TOKEN" - case yaml_FLOW_MAPPING_END_TOKEN: - return "yaml_FLOW_MAPPING_END_TOKEN" - case yaml_BLOCK_ENTRY_TOKEN: - return "yaml_BLOCK_ENTRY_TOKEN" - case yaml_FLOW_ENTRY_TOKEN: - return "yaml_FLOW_ENTRY_TOKEN" - case yaml_KEY_TOKEN: - return "yaml_KEY_TOKEN" - case yaml_VALUE_TOKEN: - return "yaml_VALUE_TOKEN" - case yaml_ALIAS_TOKEN: - return "yaml_ALIAS_TOKEN" - case yaml_ANCHOR_TOKEN: - return "yaml_ANCHOR_TOKEN" - case yaml_TAG_TOKEN: - return "yaml_TAG_TOKEN" - case yaml_SCALAR_TOKEN: - return "yaml_SCALAR_TOKEN" - } - return "" -} - -// The token structure. -type yaml_token_t struct { - // The token type. - typ yaml_token_type_t - - // The start/end of the token. - start_mark, end_mark yaml_mark_t - - // The stream encoding (for yaml_STREAM_START_TOKEN). - encoding yaml_encoding_t - - // The alias/anchor/scalar value or tag/tag directive handle - // (for yaml_ALIAS_TOKEN, yaml_ANCHOR_TOKEN, yaml_SCALAR_TOKEN, yaml_TAG_TOKEN, yaml_TAG_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN). - value []byte - - // The tag suffix (for yaml_TAG_TOKEN). - suffix []byte - - // The tag directive prefix (for yaml_TAG_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN). - prefix []byte - - // The scalar style (for yaml_SCALAR_TOKEN). - style yaml_scalar_style_t - - // The version directive major/minor (for yaml_VERSION_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN). - major, minor int8 -} - -// Events - -type yaml_event_type_t int8 - -// Event types. -const ( - // An empty event. - yaml_NO_EVENT yaml_event_type_t = iota - - yaml_STREAM_START_EVENT // A STREAM-START event. - yaml_STREAM_END_EVENT // A STREAM-END event. - yaml_DOCUMENT_START_EVENT // A DOCUMENT-START event. - yaml_DOCUMENT_END_EVENT // A DOCUMENT-END event. - yaml_ALIAS_EVENT // An ALIAS event. - yaml_SCALAR_EVENT // A SCALAR event. - yaml_SEQUENCE_START_EVENT // A SEQUENCE-START event. - yaml_SEQUENCE_END_EVENT // A SEQUENCE-END event. - yaml_MAPPING_START_EVENT // A MAPPING-START event. - yaml_MAPPING_END_EVENT // A MAPPING-END event. - yaml_TAIL_COMMENT_EVENT -) - -var eventStrings = []string{ - yaml_NO_EVENT: "none", - yaml_STREAM_START_EVENT: "stream start", - yaml_STREAM_END_EVENT: "stream end", - yaml_DOCUMENT_START_EVENT: "document start", - yaml_DOCUMENT_END_EVENT: "document end", - yaml_ALIAS_EVENT: "alias", - yaml_SCALAR_EVENT: "scalar", - yaml_SEQUENCE_START_EVENT: "sequence start", - yaml_SEQUENCE_END_EVENT: "sequence end", - yaml_MAPPING_START_EVENT: "mapping start", - yaml_MAPPING_END_EVENT: "mapping end", - yaml_TAIL_COMMENT_EVENT: "tail comment", -} - -func (e yaml_event_type_t) String() string { - if e < 0 || int(e) >= len(eventStrings) { - return fmt.Sprintf("unknown event %d", e) - } - return eventStrings[e] -} - -// The event structure. -type yaml_event_t struct { - - // The event type. - typ yaml_event_type_t - - // The start and end of the event. - start_mark, end_mark yaml_mark_t - - // The document encoding (for yaml_STREAM_START_EVENT). - encoding yaml_encoding_t - - // The version directive (for yaml_DOCUMENT_START_EVENT). - version_directive *yaml_version_directive_t - - // The list of tag directives (for yaml_DOCUMENT_START_EVENT). - tag_directives []yaml_tag_directive_t - - // The comments - head_comment []byte - line_comment []byte - foot_comment []byte - tail_comment []byte - - // The anchor (for yaml_SCALAR_EVENT, yaml_SEQUENCE_START_EVENT, yaml_MAPPING_START_EVENT, yaml_ALIAS_EVENT). - anchor []byte - - // The tag (for yaml_SCALAR_EVENT, yaml_SEQUENCE_START_EVENT, yaml_MAPPING_START_EVENT). - tag []byte - - // The scalar value (for yaml_SCALAR_EVENT). - value []byte - - // Is the document start/end indicator implicit, or the tag optional? - // (for yaml_DOCUMENT_START_EVENT, yaml_DOCUMENT_END_EVENT, yaml_SEQUENCE_START_EVENT, yaml_MAPPING_START_EVENT, yaml_SCALAR_EVENT). - implicit bool - - // Is the tag optional for any non-plain style? (for yaml_SCALAR_EVENT). - quoted_implicit bool - - // The style (for yaml_SCALAR_EVENT, yaml_SEQUENCE_START_EVENT, yaml_MAPPING_START_EVENT). - style yaml_style_t -} - -func (e *yaml_event_t) scalar_style() yaml_scalar_style_t { return yaml_scalar_style_t(e.style) } -func (e *yaml_event_t) sequence_style() yaml_sequence_style_t { return yaml_sequence_style_t(e.style) } -func (e *yaml_event_t) mapping_style() yaml_mapping_style_t { return yaml_mapping_style_t(e.style) } - -// Nodes - -const ( - yaml_NULL_TAG = "tag:yaml.org,2002:null" // The tag !!null with the only possible value: null. - yaml_BOOL_TAG = "tag:yaml.org,2002:bool" // The tag !!bool with the values: true and false. - yaml_STR_TAG = "tag:yaml.org,2002:str" // The tag !!str for string values. - yaml_INT_TAG = "tag:yaml.org,2002:int" // The tag !!int for integer values. - yaml_FLOAT_TAG = "tag:yaml.org,2002:float" // The tag !!float for float values. - yaml_TIMESTAMP_TAG = "tag:yaml.org,2002:timestamp" // The tag !!timestamp for date and time values. - - yaml_SEQ_TAG = "tag:yaml.org,2002:seq" // The tag !!seq is used to denote sequences. - yaml_MAP_TAG = "tag:yaml.org,2002:map" // The tag !!map is used to denote mapping. - - // Not in original libyaml. - yaml_BINARY_TAG = "tag:yaml.org,2002:binary" - yaml_MERGE_TAG = "tag:yaml.org,2002:merge" - - yaml_DEFAULT_SCALAR_TAG = yaml_STR_TAG // The default scalar tag is !!str. - yaml_DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_TAG = yaml_SEQ_TAG // The default sequence tag is !!seq. - yaml_DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG = yaml_MAP_TAG // The default mapping tag is !!map. -) - -type yaml_node_type_t int - -// Node types. -const ( - // An empty node. - yaml_NO_NODE yaml_node_type_t = iota - - yaml_SCALAR_NODE // A scalar node. - yaml_SEQUENCE_NODE // A sequence node. - yaml_MAPPING_NODE // A mapping node. -) - -// An element of a sequence node. -type yaml_node_item_t int - -// An element of a mapping node. -type yaml_node_pair_t struct { - key int // The key of the element. - value int // The value of the element. -} - -// The node structure. -type yaml_node_t struct { - typ yaml_node_type_t // The node type. - tag []byte // The node tag. - - // The node data. - - // The scalar parameters (for yaml_SCALAR_NODE). - scalar struct { - value []byte // The scalar value. - length int // The length of the scalar value. - style yaml_scalar_style_t // The scalar style. - } - - // The sequence parameters (for YAML_SEQUENCE_NODE). - sequence struct { - items_data []yaml_node_item_t // The stack of sequence items. - style yaml_sequence_style_t // The sequence style. - } - - // The mapping parameters (for yaml_MAPPING_NODE). - mapping struct { - pairs_data []yaml_node_pair_t // The stack of mapping pairs (key, value). - pairs_start *yaml_node_pair_t // The beginning of the stack. - pairs_end *yaml_node_pair_t // The end of the stack. - pairs_top *yaml_node_pair_t // The top of the stack. - style yaml_mapping_style_t // The mapping style. - } - - start_mark yaml_mark_t // The beginning of the node. - end_mark yaml_mark_t // The end of the node. - -} - -// The document structure. -type yaml_document_t struct { - - // The document nodes. - nodes []yaml_node_t - - // The version directive. - version_directive *yaml_version_directive_t - - // The list of tag directives. - tag_directives_data []yaml_tag_directive_t - tag_directives_start int // The beginning of the tag directives list. - tag_directives_end int // The end of the tag directives list. - - start_implicit int // Is the document start indicator implicit? - end_implicit int // Is the document end indicator implicit? - - // The start/end of the document. - start_mark, end_mark yaml_mark_t -} - -// The prototype of a read handler. -// -// The read handler is called when the parser needs to read more bytes from the -// source. The handler should write not more than size bytes to the buffer. -// The number of written bytes should be set to the size_read variable. -// -// [in,out] data A pointer to an application data specified by -// yaml_parser_set_input(). -// [out] buffer The buffer to write the data from the source. -// [in] size The size of the buffer. -// [out] size_read The actual number of bytes read from the source. -// -// On success, the handler should return 1. If the handler failed, -// the returned value should be 0. On EOF, the handler should set the -// size_read to 0 and return 1. -type yaml_read_handler_t func(parser *yaml_parser_t, buffer []byte) (n int, err error) - -// This structure holds information about a potential simple key. -type yaml_simple_key_t struct { - possible bool // Is a simple key possible? - required bool // Is a simple key required? - token_number int // The number of the token. - mark yaml_mark_t // The position mark. -} - -// The states of the parser. -type yaml_parser_state_t int - -const ( - yaml_PARSE_STREAM_START_STATE yaml_parser_state_t = iota - - yaml_PARSE_IMPLICIT_DOCUMENT_START_STATE // Expect the beginning of an implicit document. - yaml_PARSE_DOCUMENT_START_STATE // Expect DOCUMENT-START. - yaml_PARSE_DOCUMENT_CONTENT_STATE // Expect the content of a document. - yaml_PARSE_DOCUMENT_END_STATE // Expect DOCUMENT-END. - yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_NODE_STATE // Expect a block node. - yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_NODE_OR_INDENTLESS_SEQUENCE_STATE // Expect a block node or indentless sequence. - yaml_PARSE_FLOW_NODE_STATE // Expect a flow node. - yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_FIRST_ENTRY_STATE // Expect the first entry of a block sequence. - yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_STATE // Expect an entry of a block sequence. - yaml_PARSE_INDENTLESS_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_STATE // Expect an entry of an indentless sequence. - yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_MAPPING_FIRST_KEY_STATE // Expect the first key of a block mapping. - yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_MAPPING_KEY_STATE // Expect a block mapping key. - yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE // Expect a block mapping value. - yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_FIRST_ENTRY_STATE // Expect the first entry of a flow sequence. - yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_STATE // Expect an entry of a flow sequence. - yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_MAPPING_KEY_STATE // Expect a key of an ordered mapping. - yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE // Expect a value of an ordered mapping. - yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_MAPPING_END_STATE // Expect the and of an ordered mapping entry. - yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_FIRST_KEY_STATE // Expect the first key of a flow mapping. - yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_KEY_STATE // Expect a key of a flow mapping. - yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE // Expect a value of a flow mapping. - yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_EMPTY_VALUE_STATE // Expect an empty value of a flow mapping. - yaml_PARSE_END_STATE // Expect nothing. -) - -func (ps yaml_parser_state_t) String() string { - switch ps { - case yaml_PARSE_STREAM_START_STATE: - return "yaml_PARSE_STREAM_START_STATE" - case yaml_PARSE_IMPLICIT_DOCUMENT_START_STATE: - return "yaml_PARSE_IMPLICIT_DOCUMENT_START_STATE" - case yaml_PARSE_DOCUMENT_START_STATE: - return "yaml_PARSE_DOCUMENT_START_STATE" - case yaml_PARSE_DOCUMENT_CONTENT_STATE: - return "yaml_PARSE_DOCUMENT_CONTENT_STATE" - case yaml_PARSE_DOCUMENT_END_STATE: - return "yaml_PARSE_DOCUMENT_END_STATE" - case yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_NODE_STATE: - return "yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_NODE_STATE" - case yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_NODE_OR_INDENTLESS_SEQUENCE_STATE: - return "yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_NODE_OR_INDENTLESS_SEQUENCE_STATE" - case yaml_PARSE_FLOW_NODE_STATE: - return "yaml_PARSE_FLOW_NODE_STATE" - case yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_FIRST_ENTRY_STATE: - return "yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_FIRST_ENTRY_STATE" - case yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_STATE: - return "yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_STATE" - case yaml_PARSE_INDENTLESS_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_STATE: - return "yaml_PARSE_INDENTLESS_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_STATE" - case yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_MAPPING_FIRST_KEY_STATE: - return "yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_MAPPING_FIRST_KEY_STATE" - case yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_MAPPING_KEY_STATE: - return "yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_MAPPING_KEY_STATE" - case yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE: - return "yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE" - case yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_FIRST_ENTRY_STATE: - return "yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_FIRST_ENTRY_STATE" - case yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_STATE: - return "yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_STATE" - case yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_MAPPING_KEY_STATE: - return "yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_MAPPING_KEY_STATE" - case yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE: - return "yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE" - case yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_MAPPING_END_STATE: - return "yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_MAPPING_END_STATE" - case yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_FIRST_KEY_STATE: - return "yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_FIRST_KEY_STATE" - case yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_KEY_STATE: - return "yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_KEY_STATE" - case yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE: - return "yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE" - case yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_EMPTY_VALUE_STATE: - return "yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_EMPTY_VALUE_STATE" - case yaml_PARSE_END_STATE: - return "yaml_PARSE_END_STATE" - } - return "" -} - -// This structure holds aliases data. -type yaml_alias_data_t struct { - anchor []byte // The anchor. - index int // The node id. - mark yaml_mark_t // The anchor mark. -} - -// The parser structure. -// -// All members are internal. Manage the structure using the -// yaml_parser_ family of functions. -type yaml_parser_t struct { - - // Error handling - - error yaml_error_type_t // Error type. - - problem string // Error description. - - // The byte about which the problem occurred. - problem_offset int - problem_value int - problem_mark yaml_mark_t - - // The error context. - context string - context_mark yaml_mark_t - - // Reader stuff - - read_handler yaml_read_handler_t // Read handler. - - input_reader io.Reader // File input data. - input []byte // String input data. - input_pos int - - eof bool // EOF flag - - buffer []byte // The working buffer. - buffer_pos int // The current position of the buffer. - - unread int // The number of unread characters in the buffer. - - newlines int // The number of line breaks since last non-break/non-blank character - - raw_buffer []byte // The raw buffer. - raw_buffer_pos int // The current position of the buffer. - - encoding yaml_encoding_t // The input encoding. - - offset int // The offset of the current position (in bytes). - mark yaml_mark_t // The mark of the current position. - - // Comments - - head_comment []byte // The current head comments - line_comment []byte // The current line comments - foot_comment []byte // The current foot comments - tail_comment []byte // Foot comment that happens at the end of a block. - stem_comment []byte // Comment in item preceding a nested structure (list inside list item, etc) - - comments []yaml_comment_t // The folded comments for all parsed tokens - comments_head int - - // Scanner stuff - - stream_start_produced bool // Have we started to scan the input stream? - stream_end_produced bool // Have we reached the end of the input stream? - - flow_level int // The number of unclosed '[' and '{' indicators. - - tokens []yaml_token_t // The tokens queue. - tokens_head int // The head of the tokens queue. - tokens_parsed int // The number of tokens fetched from the queue. - token_available bool // Does the tokens queue contain a token ready for dequeueing. - - indent int // The current indentation level. - indents []int // The indentation levels stack. - - simple_key_allowed bool // May a simple key occur at the current position? - simple_keys []yaml_simple_key_t // The stack of simple keys. - simple_keys_by_tok map[int]int // possible simple_key indexes indexed by token_number - - // Parser stuff - - state yaml_parser_state_t // The current parser state. - states []yaml_parser_state_t // The parser states stack. - marks []yaml_mark_t // The stack of marks. - tag_directives []yaml_tag_directive_t // The list of TAG directives. - - // Dumper stuff - - aliases []yaml_alias_data_t // The alias data. - - document *yaml_document_t // The currently parsed document. -} - -type yaml_comment_t struct { - - scan_mark yaml_mark_t // Position where scanning for comments started - token_mark yaml_mark_t // Position after which tokens will be associated with this comment - start_mark yaml_mark_t // Position of '#' comment mark - end_mark yaml_mark_t // Position where comment terminated - - head []byte - line []byte - foot []byte -} - -// Emitter Definitions - -// The prototype of a write handler. -// -// The write handler is called when the emitter needs to flush the accumulated -// characters to the output. The handler should write @a size bytes of the -// @a buffer to the output. -// -// @param[in,out] data A pointer to an application data specified by -// yaml_emitter_set_output(). -// @param[in] buffer The buffer with bytes to be written. -// @param[in] size The size of the buffer. -// -// @returns On success, the handler should return @c 1. If the handler failed, -// the returned value should be @c 0. -// -type yaml_write_handler_t func(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, buffer []byte) error - -type yaml_emitter_state_t int - -// The emitter states. -const ( - // Expect STREAM-START. - yaml_EMIT_STREAM_START_STATE yaml_emitter_state_t = iota - - yaml_EMIT_FIRST_DOCUMENT_START_STATE // Expect the first DOCUMENT-START or STREAM-END. - yaml_EMIT_DOCUMENT_START_STATE // Expect DOCUMENT-START or STREAM-END. - yaml_EMIT_DOCUMENT_CONTENT_STATE // Expect the content of a document. - yaml_EMIT_DOCUMENT_END_STATE // Expect DOCUMENT-END. - yaml_EMIT_FLOW_SEQUENCE_FIRST_ITEM_STATE // Expect the first item of a flow sequence. - yaml_EMIT_FLOW_SEQUENCE_TRAIL_ITEM_STATE // Expect the next item of a flow sequence, with the comma already written out - yaml_EMIT_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ITEM_STATE // Expect an item of a flow sequence. - yaml_EMIT_FLOW_MAPPING_FIRST_KEY_STATE // Expect the first key of a flow mapping. - yaml_EMIT_FLOW_MAPPING_TRAIL_KEY_STATE // Expect the next key of a flow mapping, with the comma already written out - yaml_EMIT_FLOW_MAPPING_KEY_STATE // Expect a key of a flow mapping. - yaml_EMIT_FLOW_MAPPING_SIMPLE_VALUE_STATE // Expect a value for a simple key of a flow mapping. - yaml_EMIT_FLOW_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE // Expect a value of a flow mapping. - yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_FIRST_ITEM_STATE // Expect the first item of a block sequence. - yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_ITEM_STATE // Expect an item of a block sequence. - yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_MAPPING_FIRST_KEY_STATE // Expect the first key of a block mapping. - yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_MAPPING_KEY_STATE // Expect the key of a block mapping. - yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_MAPPING_SIMPLE_VALUE_STATE // Expect a value for a simple key of a block mapping. - yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE // Expect a value of a block mapping. - yaml_EMIT_END_STATE // Expect nothing. -) - -// The emitter structure. -// -// All members are internal. Manage the structure using the @c yaml_emitter_ -// family of functions. -type yaml_emitter_t struct { - - // Error handling - - error yaml_error_type_t // Error type. - problem string // Error description. - - // Writer stuff - - write_handler yaml_write_handler_t // Write handler. - - output_buffer *[]byte // String output data. - output_writer io.Writer // File output data. - - buffer []byte // The working buffer. - buffer_pos int // The current position of the buffer. - - raw_buffer []byte // The raw buffer. - raw_buffer_pos int // The current position of the buffer. - - encoding yaml_encoding_t // The stream encoding. - - // Emitter stuff - - canonical bool // If the output is in the canonical style? - best_indent int // The number of indentation spaces. - best_width int // The preferred width of the output lines. - unicode bool // Allow unescaped non-ASCII characters? - line_break yaml_break_t // The preferred line break. - - state yaml_emitter_state_t // The current emitter state. - states []yaml_emitter_state_t // The stack of states. - - events []yaml_event_t // The event queue. - events_head int // The head of the event queue. - - indents []int // The stack of indentation levels. - - tag_directives []yaml_tag_directive_t // The list of tag directives. - - indent int // The current indentation level. - - compact_sequence_indent bool // Is '- ' is considered part of the indentation for sequence elements? - - flow_level int // The current flow level. - - root_context bool // Is it the document root context? - sequence_context bool // Is it a sequence context? - mapping_context bool // Is it a mapping context? - simple_key_context bool // Is it a simple mapping key context? - - line int // The current line. - column int // The current column. - whitespace bool // If the last character was a whitespace? - indention bool // If the last character was an indentation character (' ', '-', '?', ':')? - open_ended bool // If an explicit document end is required? - - space_above bool // Is there's an empty line above? - foot_indent int // The indent used to write the foot comment above, or -1 if none. - - // Anchor analysis. - anchor_data struct { - anchor []byte // The anchor value. - alias bool // Is it an alias? - } - - // Tag analysis. - tag_data struct { - handle []byte // The tag handle. - suffix []byte // The tag suffix. - } - - // Scalar analysis. - scalar_data struct { - value []byte // The scalar value. - multiline bool // Does the scalar contain line breaks? - flow_plain_allowed bool // Can the scalar be expessed in the flow plain style? - block_plain_allowed bool // Can the scalar be expressed in the block plain style? - single_quoted_allowed bool // Can the scalar be expressed in the single quoted style? - block_allowed bool // Can the scalar be expressed in the literal or folded styles? - style yaml_scalar_style_t // The output style. - } - - // Comments - head_comment []byte - line_comment []byte - foot_comment []byte - tail_comment []byte - - key_line_comment []byte - - // Dumper stuff - - opened bool // If the stream was already opened? - closed bool // If the stream was already closed? - - // The information associated with the document nodes. - anchors *struct { - references int // The number of references. - anchor int // The anchor id. - serialized bool // If the node has been emitted? - } - - last_anchor_id int // The last assigned anchor id. - - document *yaml_document_t // The currently emitted document. -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/yamlprivateh.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/yamlprivateh.go deleted file mode 100644 index e88f9c54..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml/yamlprivateh.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,198 +0,0 @@ -// -// Copyright (c) 2011-2019 Canonical Ltd -// Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Kirill Simonov -// -// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of -// this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in -// the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to -// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies -// of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do -// so, subject to the following conditions: -// -// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all -// copies or substantial portions of the Software. -// -// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -// SOFTWARE. - -package yaml - -const ( - // The size of the input raw buffer. - input_raw_buffer_size = 512 - - // The size of the input buffer. - // It should be possible to decode the whole raw buffer. - input_buffer_size = input_raw_buffer_size * 3 - - // The size of the output buffer. - output_buffer_size = 128 - - // The size of the output raw buffer. - // It should be possible to encode the whole output buffer. - output_raw_buffer_size = (output_buffer_size*2 + 2) - - // The size of other stacks and queues. - initial_stack_size = 16 - initial_queue_size = 16 - initial_string_size = 16 -) - -// Check if the character at the specified position is an alphabetical -// character, a digit, '_', or '-'. -func is_alpha(b []byte, i int) bool { - return b[i] >= '0' && b[i] <= '9' || b[i] >= 'A' && b[i] <= 'Z' || b[i] >= 'a' && b[i] <= 'z' || b[i] == '_' || b[i] == '-' -} - -// Check if the character at the specified position is a digit. -func is_digit(b []byte, i int) bool { - return b[i] >= '0' && b[i] <= '9' -} - -// Get the value of a digit. -func as_digit(b []byte, i int) int { - return int(b[i]) - '0' -} - -// Check if the character at the specified position is a hex-digit. -func is_hex(b []byte, i int) bool { - return b[i] >= '0' && b[i] <= '9' || b[i] >= 'A' && b[i] <= 'F' || b[i] >= 'a' && b[i] <= 'f' -} - -// Get the value of a hex-digit. -func as_hex(b []byte, i int) int { - bi := b[i] - if bi >= 'A' && bi <= 'F' { - return int(bi) - 'A' + 10 - } - if bi >= 'a' && bi <= 'f' { - return int(bi) - 'a' + 10 - } - return int(bi) - '0' -} - -// Check if the character is ASCII. -func is_ascii(b []byte, i int) bool { - return b[i] <= 0x7F -} - -// Check if the character at the start of the buffer can be printed unescaped. -func is_printable(b []byte, i int) bool { - return ((b[i] == 0x0A) || // . == #x0A - (b[i] >= 0x20 && b[i] <= 0x7E) || // #x20 <= . <= #x7E - (b[i] == 0xC2 && b[i+1] >= 0xA0) || // #0xA0 <= . <= #xD7FF - (b[i] > 0xC2 && b[i] < 0xED) || - (b[i] == 0xED && b[i+1] < 0xA0) || - (b[i] == 0xEE) || - (b[i] == 0xEF && // #xE000 <= . <= #xFFFD - !(b[i+1] == 0xBB && b[i+2] == 0xBF) && // && . != #xFEFF - !(b[i+1] == 0xBF && (b[i+2] == 0xBE || b[i+2] == 0xBF)))) -} - -// Check if the character at the specified position is NUL. -func is_z(b []byte, i int) bool { - return b[i] == 0x00 -} - -// Check if the beginning of the buffer is a BOM. -func is_bom(b []byte, i int) bool { - return b[0] == 0xEF && b[1] == 0xBB && b[2] == 0xBF -} - -// Check if the character at the specified position is space. -func is_space(b []byte, i int) bool { - return b[i] == ' ' -} - -// Check if the character at the specified position is tab. -func is_tab(b []byte, i int) bool { - return b[i] == '\t' -} - -// Check if the character at the specified position is blank (space or tab). -func is_blank(b []byte, i int) bool { - //return is_space(b, i) || is_tab(b, i) - return b[i] == ' ' || b[i] == '\t' -} - -// Check if the character at the specified position is a line break. -func is_break(b []byte, i int) bool { - return (b[i] == '\r' || // CR (#xD) - b[i] == '\n' || // LF (#xA) - b[i] == 0xC2 && b[i+1] == 0x85 || // NEL (#x85) - b[i] == 0xE2 && b[i+1] == 0x80 && b[i+2] == 0xA8 || // LS (#x2028) - b[i] == 0xE2 && b[i+1] == 0x80 && b[i+2] == 0xA9) // PS (#x2029) -} - -func is_crlf(b []byte, i int) bool { - return b[i] == '\r' && b[i+1] == '\n' -} - -// Check if the character is a line break or NUL. -func is_breakz(b []byte, i int) bool { - //return is_break(b, i) || is_z(b, i) - return ( - // is_break: - b[i] == '\r' || // CR (#xD) - b[i] == '\n' || // LF (#xA) - b[i] == 0xC2 && b[i+1] == 0x85 || // NEL (#x85) - b[i] == 0xE2 && b[i+1] == 0x80 && b[i+2] == 0xA8 || // LS (#x2028) - b[i] == 0xE2 && b[i+1] == 0x80 && b[i+2] == 0xA9 || // PS (#x2029) - // is_z: - b[i] == 0) -} - -// Check if the character is a line break, space, or NUL. -func is_spacez(b []byte, i int) bool { - //return is_space(b, i) || is_breakz(b, i) - return ( - // is_space: - b[i] == ' ' || - // is_breakz: - b[i] == '\r' || // CR (#xD) - b[i] == '\n' || // LF (#xA) - b[i] == 0xC2 && b[i+1] == 0x85 || // NEL (#x85) - b[i] == 0xE2 && b[i+1] == 0x80 && b[i+2] == 0xA8 || // LS (#x2028) - b[i] == 0xE2 && b[i+1] == 0x80 && b[i+2] == 0xA9 || // PS (#x2029) - b[i] == 0) -} - -// Check if the character is a line break, space, tab, or NUL. -func is_blankz(b []byte, i int) bool { - //return is_blank(b, i) || is_breakz(b, i) - return ( - // is_blank: - b[i] == ' ' || b[i] == '\t' || - // is_breakz: - b[i] == '\r' || // CR (#xD) - b[i] == '\n' || // LF (#xA) - b[i] == 0xC2 && b[i+1] == 0x85 || // NEL (#x85) - b[i] == 0xE2 && b[i+1] == 0x80 && b[i+2] == 0xA8 || // LS (#x2028) - b[i] == 0xE2 && b[i+1] == 0x80 && b[i+2] == 0xA9 || // PS (#x2029) - b[i] == 0) -} - -// Determine the width of the character. -func width(b byte) int { - // Don't replace these by a switch without first - // confirming that it is being inlined. - if b&0x80 == 0x00 { - return 1 - } - if b&0xE0 == 0xC0 { - return 2 - } - if b&0xF0 == 0xE0 { - return 3 - } - if b&0xF8 == 0xF0 { - return 4 - } - return 0 - -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/qri-io/starlib/util/LICENSE b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/qri-io/starlib/util/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index 31f292dc..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/qri-io/starlib/util/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -The MIT License (MIT) - -Copyright (c) 2018 QRI, Inc. - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in -all copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN -THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/qri-io/starlib/util/doc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/qri-io/starlib/util/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 035b4792..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/qri-io/starlib/util/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -// The MIT License (MIT) - -// Copyright (c) 2018 QRI, Inc. - -// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - -// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in -// all copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN -// THE SOFTWARE. - -// Package util is forked from https://github.com/qri-io/starlib in order to prune -// excessive transitive dependencies from pulling in that library. -package util diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/qri-io/starlib/util/util.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/qri-io/starlib/util/util.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6bc4fba0..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/qri-io/starlib/util/util.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ -// The MIT License (MIT) - -// Copyright (c) 2018 QRI, Inc. - -// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - -// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in -// all copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN -// THE SOFTWARE. - -package util - -import ( - "fmt" - - "go.starlark.net/starlark" - "go.starlark.net/starlarkstruct" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" -) - -// // asString unquotes a starlark string value -// func asString(x starlark.Value) (string, error) { -// return strconv.Unquote(x.String()) -// } - -// IsEmptyString checks is a starlark string is empty ("" for a go string) -// starlark.String.String performs repr-style quotation, which is necessary -// for the starlark.Value contract but a frequent source of errors in API -// clients. This helper method makes sure it'll work properly -func IsEmptyString(s starlark.String) bool { - return s.String() == `""` -} - -// Unmarshal decodes a starlark.Value into it's golang counterpart -// -//nolint:nakedret -func Unmarshal(x starlark.Value) (val interface{}, err error) { - switch v := x.(type) { - case starlark.NoneType: - val = nil - case starlark.Bool: - val = v.Truth() == starlark.True - case starlark.Int: - val, err = starlark.AsInt32(x) - case starlark.Float: - if f, ok := starlark.AsFloat(x); !ok { - err = fmt.Errorf("couldn't parse float") - } else { - val = f - } - case starlark.String: - val = v.GoString() - // case starlibtime.Time: - // val = time.Time(v) - case *starlark.Dict: - var ( - dictVal starlark.Value - pval interface{} - kval interface{} - keys []interface{} - vals []interface{} - // key as interface if found one key is not a string - ki bool - ) - - for _, k := range v.Keys() { - dictVal, _, err = v.Get(k) - if err != nil { - return - } - - pval, err = Unmarshal(dictVal) - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("unmarshaling starlark value: %w", err) - return - } - - kval, err = Unmarshal(k) - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("unmarshaling starlark key: %w", err) - return - } - - if _, ok := kval.(string); !ok { - // found key as not a string - ki = true - } - - keys = append(keys, kval) - vals = append(vals, pval) - } - - // prepare result - - rs := map[string]interface{}{} - ri := map[interface{}]interface{}{} - - for i, key := range keys { - // key as interface - if ki { - ri[key] = vals[i] - } else { - rs[key.(string)] = vals[i] - } - } - - if ki { - val = ri // map[interface{}]interface{} - } else { - val = rs // map[string]interface{} - } - case *starlark.List: - var ( - i int - listVal starlark.Value - iter = v.Iterate() - value = make([]interface{}, v.Len()) - ) - - defer iter.Done() - for iter.Next(&listVal) { - value[i], err = Unmarshal(listVal) - if err != nil { - return - } - i++ - } - val = value - case starlark.Tuple: - var ( - i int - tupleVal starlark.Value - iter = v.Iterate() - value = make([]interface{}, v.Len()) - ) - - defer iter.Done() - for iter.Next(&tupleVal) { - value[i], err = Unmarshal(tupleVal) - if err != nil { - return - } - i++ - } - val = value - case *starlark.Set: - fmt.Println("errnotdone: SET") - err = fmt.Errorf("sets aren't yet supported") - case *starlarkstruct.Struct: - if _var, ok := v.Constructor().(Unmarshaler); ok { - err = _var.UnmarshalStarlark(x) - if err != nil { - err = errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "failed marshal %q to Starlark object", v.Constructor().Type()) - return - } - val = _var - } else { - err = fmt.Errorf("constructor object from *starlarkstruct.Struct not supported Marshaler to starlark object: %s", v.Constructor().Type()) - } - default: - fmt.Println("errbadtype:", x.Type()) - err = fmt.Errorf("unrecognized starlark type: %s", x.Type()) - } - return -} - -// Marshal turns go values into starlark types -// -//nolint:nakedret -func Marshal(data interface{}) (v starlark.Value, err error) { - switch x := data.(type) { - case nil: - v = starlark.None - case bool: - v = starlark.Bool(x) - case string: - v = starlark.String(x) - case int: - v = starlark.MakeInt(x) - case int8: - v = starlark.MakeInt(int(x)) - case int16: - v = starlark.MakeInt(int(x)) - case int32: - v = starlark.MakeInt(int(x)) - case int64: - v = starlark.MakeInt64(x) - case uint: - v = starlark.MakeUint(x) - case uint8: - v = starlark.MakeUint(uint(x)) - case uint16: - v = starlark.MakeUint(uint(x)) - case uint32: - v = starlark.MakeUint(uint(x)) - case uint64: - v = starlark.MakeUint64(x) - case float32: - v = starlark.Float(float64(x)) - case float64: - v = starlark.Float(x) - // case time.Time: - // v = starlibtime.Time(x) - case []interface{}: - var elems = make([]starlark.Value, len(x)) - for i, val := range x { - elems[i], err = Marshal(val) - if err != nil { - return - } - } - v = starlark.NewList(elems) - case map[interface{}]interface{}: - dict := &starlark.Dict{} - var elem starlark.Value - for ki, val := range x { - var key starlark.Value - key, err = Marshal(ki) - if err != nil { - return - } - - elem, err = Marshal(val) - if err != nil { - return - } - if err = dict.SetKey(key, elem); err != nil { - return - } - } - v = dict - case map[string]interface{}: - dict := &starlark.Dict{} - var elem starlark.Value - for key, val := range x { - elem, err = Marshal(val) - if err != nil { - return - } - if err = dict.SetKey(starlark.String(key), elem); err != nil { - return - } - } - v = dict - case Marshaler: - v, err = x.MarshalStarlark() - default: - return starlark.None, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized type: %#v", x) - } - return -} - -// Unmarshaler is the interface use to unmarshal starlark custom types. -type Unmarshaler interface { - // UnmarshalStarlark unmarshal a starlark object to custom type. - UnmarshalStarlark(starlark.Value) error -} - -// Marshaler is the interface use to marshal starlark custom types. -type Marshaler interface { - // MarshalStarlark marshal a custom type to starlark object. - MarshalStarlark() (starlark.Value, error) -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/byteio_reader.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/byteio_reader.go deleted file mode 100644 index 230ab891..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/byteio_reader.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,349 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package kio - -import ( - "bytes" - "fmt" - "io" - "regexp" - "sort" - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/kioutil" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -const ( - ResourceListKind = "ResourceList" - ResourceListAPIVersion = "config.kubernetes.io/v1" -) - -// ByteReadWriter reads from an input and writes to an output. -type ByteReadWriter struct { - // Reader is where ResourceNodes are decoded from. - Reader io.Reader - - // Writer is where ResourceNodes are encoded. - Writer io.Writer - - // OmitReaderAnnotations will configures Read to skip setting the config.kubernetes.io/index - // annotation on Resources as they are Read. - OmitReaderAnnotations bool - - // KeepReaderAnnotations if set will keep the Reader specific annotations when writing - // the Resources, otherwise they will be cleared. - KeepReaderAnnotations bool - - // PreserveSeqIndent if true adds kioutil.SeqIndentAnnotation to each resource - PreserveSeqIndent bool - - // Style is a style that is set on the Resource Node Document. - Style yaml.Style - - // WrapBareSeqNode wraps the bare sequence node document with map node, - // kyaml uses reader annotations to track resources, it is not possible to - // add them to bare sequence nodes, this option enables wrapping such bare - // sequence nodes into map node with key yaml.BareSeqNodeWrappingKey - // note that this wrapping is different and not related to ResourceList wrapping - WrapBareSeqNode bool - - FunctionConfig *yaml.RNode - - Results *yaml.RNode - - NoWrap bool - WrappingAPIVersion string - WrappingKind string -} - -func (rw *ByteReadWriter) Read() ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - b := &ByteReader{ - Reader: rw.Reader, - OmitReaderAnnotations: rw.OmitReaderAnnotations, - PreserveSeqIndent: rw.PreserveSeqIndent, - WrapBareSeqNode: rw.WrapBareSeqNode, - } - val, err := b.Read() - rw.Results = b.Results - - if rw.FunctionConfig == nil { - rw.FunctionConfig = b.FunctionConfig - } - if !rw.NoWrap && rw.WrappingKind == "" { - rw.WrappingAPIVersion = b.WrappingAPIVersion - rw.WrappingKind = b.WrappingKind - } - return val, errors.Wrap(err) -} - -func (rw *ByteReadWriter) Write(nodes []*yaml.RNode) error { - w := ByteWriter{ - Writer: rw.Writer, - KeepReaderAnnotations: rw.KeepReaderAnnotations, - Style: rw.Style, - FunctionConfig: rw.FunctionConfig, - Results: rw.Results, - } - if !rw.NoWrap { - w.WrappingAPIVersion = rw.WrappingAPIVersion - w.WrappingKind = rw.WrappingKind - } - return w.Write(nodes) -} - -// ParseAll reads all of the inputs into resources -func ParseAll(inputs ...string) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - return (&ByteReader{ - Reader: bytes.NewBufferString(strings.Join(inputs, "\n---\n")), - }).Read() -} - -// FromBytes reads from a byte slice. -func FromBytes(bs []byte) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - return (&ByteReader{ - OmitReaderAnnotations: true, - AnchorsAweigh: true, - Reader: bytes.NewBuffer(bs), - }).Read() -} - -// StringAll writes all of the resources to a string -func StringAll(resources []*yaml.RNode) (string, error) { - var b bytes.Buffer - err := (&ByteWriter{Writer: &b}).Write(resources) - return b.String(), err -} - -// ByteReader decodes ResourceNodes from bytes. -// By default, Read will set the config.kubernetes.io/index annotation on each RNode as it -// is read so they can be written back in the same order. -type ByteReader struct { - // Reader is where ResourceNodes are decoded from. - Reader io.Reader - - // OmitReaderAnnotations will configures Read to skip setting the config.kubernetes.io/index - // and internal.config.kubernetes.io/seqindent annotations on Resources as they are Read. - OmitReaderAnnotations bool - - // PreserveSeqIndent if true adds kioutil.SeqIndentAnnotation to each resource - PreserveSeqIndent bool - - // SetAnnotations is a map of caller specified annotations to set on resources as they are read - // These are independent of the annotations controlled by OmitReaderAnnotations - SetAnnotations map[string]string - - FunctionConfig *yaml.RNode - - Results *yaml.RNode - - // DisableUnwrapping prevents Resources in Lists and ResourceLists from being unwrapped - DisableUnwrapping bool - - // WrappingAPIVersion is set by Read(), and is the apiVersion of the object that - // the read objects were originally wrapped in. - WrappingAPIVersion string - - // WrappingKind is set by Read(), and is the kind of the object that - // the read objects were originally wrapped in. - WrappingKind string - - // WrapBareSeqNode wraps the bare sequence node document with map node, - // kyaml uses reader annotations to track resources, it is not possible to - // add them to bare sequence nodes, this option enables wrapping such bare - // sequence nodes into map node with key yaml.BareSeqNodeWrappingKey - // note that this wrapping is different and not related to ResourceList wrapping - WrapBareSeqNode bool - - // AnchorsAweigh set to true attempts to replace all YAML anchor aliases - // with their definitions (anchor values) immediately after the read. - AnchorsAweigh bool -} - -var _ Reader = &ByteReader{} - -// splitDocuments returns a slice of all documents contained in a YAML string. Multiple documents can be divided by the -// YAML document separator (---). It allows for white space and comments to be after the separator on the same line, -// but will return an error if anything else is on the line. -func splitDocuments(s string) ([]string, error) { - docs := make([]string, 0) - if len(s) > 0 { - // The YAML document separator is any line that starts with --- - yamlSeparatorRegexp := regexp.MustCompile(`\n---.*\n`) - - // Find all separators, check them for invalid content, and append each document to docs - separatorLocations := yamlSeparatorRegexp.FindAllStringIndex(s, -1) - prev := 0 - for i := range separatorLocations { - loc := separatorLocations[i] - separator := s[loc[0]:loc[1]] - - // If the next non-whitespace character on the line following the separator is not a comment, return an error - trimmedContentAfterSeparator := strings.TrimSpace(separator[4:]) - if len(trimmedContentAfterSeparator) > 0 && trimmedContentAfterSeparator[0] != '#' { - return nil, errors.Errorf("invalid document separator: %s", strings.TrimSpace(separator)) - } - - docs = append(docs, s[prev:loc[0]]) - prev = loc[1] - } - docs = append(docs, s[prev:]) - } - - return docs, nil -} - -func (r *ByteReader) Read() ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - if r.PreserveSeqIndent && r.OmitReaderAnnotations { - return nil, errors.Errorf(`"PreserveSeqIndent" option adds a reader annotation, please set "OmitReaderAnnotations" to false`) - } - - output := ResourceNodeSlice{} - - // by manually splitting resources -- otherwise the decoder will get the Resource - // boundaries wrong for header comments. - input := &bytes.Buffer{} - _, err := io.Copy(input, r.Reader) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.Wrap(err) - } - - // Replace the ending \r\n (line ending used in windows) with \n and then split it into multiple YAML documents - // if it contains document separators (---) - values, err := splitDocuments(strings.ReplaceAll(input.String(), "\r\n", "\n")) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.Wrap(err) - } - - index := 0 - for i := range values { - // the Split used above will eat the tail '\n' from each resource. This may affect the - // literal string value since '\n' is meaningful in it. - if i != len(values)-1 { - values[i] += "\n" - } - decoder := yaml.NewDecoder(bytes.NewBufferString(values[i])) - node, err := r.decode(values[i], index, decoder) - if err == io.EOF { - continue - } - - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.Wrap(err) - } - if yaml.IsMissingOrNull(node) { - // empty value - continue - } - - // ok if no metadata -- assume not an InputList - meta, err := node.GetMeta() - if err != yaml.ErrMissingMetadata && err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "[%d]", i) - } - - // the elements are wrapped in an InputList, unwrap them - // don't check apiVersion, we haven't standardized on the domain - if !r.DisableUnwrapping && - len(values) == 1 && // Only unwrap if there is only 1 value - (meta.Kind == ResourceListKind || meta.Kind == "List") && - (node.Field("items") != nil || node.Field("functionConfig") != nil) { - r.WrappingKind = meta.Kind - r.WrappingAPIVersion = meta.APIVersion - - // unwrap the list - if fc := node.Field("functionConfig"); fc != nil { - r.FunctionConfig = fc.Value - } - if res := node.Field("results"); res != nil { - r.Results = res.Value - } - - items := node.Field("items") - if items != nil { - for i := range items.Value.Content() { - // add items - output = append(output, yaml.NewRNode(items.Value.Content()[i])) - } - } - continue - } - - // add the node to the list - output = append(output, node) - - // increment the index annotation value - index++ - } - if r.AnchorsAweigh { - for _, n := range output { - if err = n.DeAnchor(); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - } - return output, nil -} - -func (r *ByteReader) decode(originalYAML string, index int, decoder *yaml.Decoder) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - node := &yaml.Node{} - err := decoder.Decode(node) - if err == io.EOF { - return nil, io.EOF - } - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "MalformedYAMLError") - } - - if yaml.IsYNodeEmptyDoc(node) { - return nil, nil - } - - // set annotations on the read Resources - // sort the annotations by key so the output Resources is consistent (otherwise the - // annotations will be in a random order) - n := yaml.NewRNode(node) - // check if it is a bare sequence node and wrap it with a yaml.BareSeqNodeWrappingKey - if r.WrapBareSeqNode && node.Kind == yaml.DocumentNode && len(node.Content) > 0 && - node.Content[0] != nil && node.Content[0].Kind == yaml.SequenceNode { - wrappedNode := yaml.NewRNode(&yaml.Node{ - Kind: yaml.MappingNode, - }) - wrappedNode.PipeE(yaml.SetField(yaml.BareSeqNodeWrappingKey, n)) - n = wrappedNode - } - - if r.SetAnnotations == nil { - r.SetAnnotations = map[string]string{} - } - if !r.OmitReaderAnnotations { - err := kioutil.CopyLegacyAnnotations(n) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - r.SetAnnotations[kioutil.IndexAnnotation] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", index) - r.SetAnnotations[kioutil.LegacyIndexAnnotation] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", index) - - if r.PreserveSeqIndent { - // derive and add the seqindent annotation - seqIndentStyle := yaml.DeriveSeqIndentStyle(originalYAML) - if seqIndentStyle != "" { - r.SetAnnotations[kioutil.SeqIndentAnnotation] = seqIndentStyle - } - } - } - var keys []string - for k := range r.SetAnnotations { - keys = append(keys, k) - } - sort.Strings(keys) - for _, k := range keys { - _, err = n.Pipe(yaml.SetAnnotation(k, r.SetAnnotations[k])) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.Wrap(err) - } - } - return n, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/byteio_writer.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/byteio_writer.go deleted file mode 100644 index ec4cafe3..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/byteio_writer.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,198 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package kio - -import ( - "encoding/json" - "io" - "path/filepath" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/kioutil" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// ByteWriter writes ResourceNodes to bytes. Generally YAML encoding will be used but in the special -// case of writing a single, bare yaml.RNode that has a kioutil.PathAnnotation indicating that the -// target is a JSON file JSON encoding is used. See shouldJSONEncodeSingleBareNode below for more -// information. -type ByteWriter struct { - // Writer is where ResourceNodes are encoded. - Writer io.Writer - - // KeepReaderAnnotations if set will keep the Reader specific annotations when writing - // the Resources, otherwise they will be cleared. - KeepReaderAnnotations bool - - // ClearAnnotations is a list of annotations to clear when writing the Resources. - ClearAnnotations []string - - // Style is a style that is set on the Resource Node Document. - Style yaml.Style - - // FunctionConfig is the function config for an ResourceList. If non-nil - // wrap the results in an ResourceList. - FunctionConfig *yaml.RNode - - Results *yaml.RNode - - // WrappingKind if set will cause ByteWriter to wrap the Resources in - // an 'items' field in this kind. e.g. if WrappingKind is 'List', - // ByteWriter will wrap the Resources in a List .items field. - WrappingKind string - - // WrappingAPIVersion is the apiVersion for WrappingKind - WrappingAPIVersion string - - // Sort if set, will cause ByteWriter to sort the nodes before writing them. - Sort bool -} - -var _ Writer = ByteWriter{} - -func (w ByteWriter) Write(inputNodes []*yaml.RNode) error { - // Copy the nodes to prevent writer from mutating the original nodes. - nodes := copyRNodes(inputNodes) - if w.Sort { - if err := kioutil.SortNodes(nodes); err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - } - - // Even though we use the this value further down we must check this before removing annotations - jsonEncodeSingleBareNode := w.shouldJSONEncodeSingleBareNode(nodes) - - // store seqindent annotation value for each node in order to set the encoder indentation - var seqIndentsForNodes []string - for i := range nodes { - seqIndentsForNodes = append(seqIndentsForNodes, nodes[i].GetAnnotations()[kioutil.SeqIndentAnnotation]) - } - - for i := range nodes { - // clean resources by removing annotations set by the Reader - if !w.KeepReaderAnnotations { - _, err := nodes[i].Pipe(yaml.ClearAnnotation(kioutil.IndexAnnotation)) - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - _, err = nodes[i].Pipe(yaml.ClearAnnotation(kioutil.LegacyIndexAnnotation)) - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - - _, err = nodes[i].Pipe(yaml.ClearAnnotation(kioutil.SeqIndentAnnotation)) - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - } - for _, a := range w.ClearAnnotations { - _, err := nodes[i].Pipe(yaml.ClearAnnotation(a)) - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - } - - if err := yaml.ClearEmptyAnnotations(nodes[i]); err != nil { - return err - } - - if w.Style != 0 { - nodes[i].YNode().Style = w.Style - } - } - - if jsonEncodeSingleBareNode { - encoder := json.NewEncoder(w.Writer) - encoder.SetIndent("", " ") - return errors.Wrap(encoder.Encode(nodes[0])) - } - - encoder := yaml.NewEncoder(w.Writer) - defer encoder.Close() - // don't wrap the elements - if w.WrappingKind == "" { - for i := range nodes { - if seqIndentsForNodes[i] == string(yaml.WideSequenceStyle) { - encoder.DefaultSeqIndent() - } else { - encoder.CompactSeqIndent() - } - if err := encoder.Encode(upWrapBareSequenceNode(nodes[i].Document())); err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - } - return nil - } - // wrap the elements in a list - items := &yaml.Node{Kind: yaml.SequenceNode} - list := &yaml.Node{ - Kind: yaml.MappingNode, - Style: w.Style, - Content: []*yaml.Node{ - {Kind: yaml.ScalarNode, Value: "apiVersion"}, - {Kind: yaml.ScalarNode, Value: w.WrappingAPIVersion}, - {Kind: yaml.ScalarNode, Value: "kind"}, - {Kind: yaml.ScalarNode, Value: w.WrappingKind}, - {Kind: yaml.ScalarNode, Value: "items"}, items, - }} - if w.FunctionConfig != nil { - list.Content = append(list.Content, - &yaml.Node{Kind: yaml.ScalarNode, Value: "functionConfig"}, - w.FunctionConfig.YNode()) - } - if w.Results != nil { - list.Content = append(list.Content, - &yaml.Node{Kind: yaml.ScalarNode, Value: "results"}, - w.Results.YNode()) - } - doc := &yaml.Node{ - Kind: yaml.DocumentNode, - Content: []*yaml.Node{list}} - for i := range nodes { - items.Content = append(items.Content, nodes[i].YNode()) - } - return encoder.Encode(doc) -} - -func copyRNodes(in []*yaml.RNode) []*yaml.RNode { - out := make([]*yaml.RNode, len(in)) - for i := range in { - out[i] = in[i].Copy() - } - return out -} - -// shouldJSONEncodeSingleBareNode determines if nodes contain a single node that should not be -// wrapped and has a JSON file extension, which in turn means that the node should be JSON encoded. -// Note 1: this must be checked before any annotations to avoid losing information about the target -// filename extension. -// Note 2: JSON encoding should only be used for single, unwrapped nodes because multiple unwrapped -// nodes cannot be represented in JSON (no multi doc support). Furthermore, the typical use -// cases for wrapping nodes would likely not include later writing the whole wrapper to a -// .json file, i.e. there is no point risking any edge case information loss e.g. comments -// disappearing, that could come from JSON encoding the whole wrapper just to ensure that -// one (or all nodes) can be read as JSON. -func (w ByteWriter) shouldJSONEncodeSingleBareNode(nodes []*yaml.RNode) bool { - if w.WrappingKind == "" && len(nodes) == 1 { - if path, _, _ := kioutil.GetFileAnnotations(nodes[0]); path != "" { - filename := filepath.Base(path) - for _, glob := range JSONMatch { - if match, _ := filepath.Match(glob, filename); match { - return true - } - } - } - } - return false -} - -// upWrapBareSequenceNode unwraps the bare sequence nodes wrapped by yaml.BareSeqNodeWrappingKey -func upWrapBareSequenceNode(node *yaml.Node) *yaml.Node { - rNode := yaml.NewRNode(node) - seqNode, err := rNode.Pipe(yaml.Lookup(yaml.BareSeqNodeWrappingKey)) - if err == nil && !seqNode.IsNilOrEmpty() { - return seqNode.YNode() - } - return node -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/doc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9c11a146..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package kio contains libraries for reading and writing collections of Resources. -// -// Reading Resources -// -// Resources are Read using a kio.Reader function. Examples: -// [kio.LocalPackageReader{}, kio.ByteReader{}] -// -// Resources read using a LocalPackageReader will have annotations applied so they can be -// written back to the files they were read from. -// -// Modifying Resources -// -// Resources are modified using a kio.Filter. The kio.Filter accepts a collection of -// Resources as input, and returns a new collection as output. -// It is recommended to use the yaml package for manipulating individual Resources in -// the collection. -// -// Writing Resources -// -// Resources are Read using a kio.Reader function. Examples: -// [kio.LocalPackageWriter{}, kio.ByteWriter{}] -// -// ReadWriters -// -// It is preferred to use a ReadWriter when reading and writing from / to the same source. -// -// Building Pipelines -// -// The preferred way to transforms a collection of Resources is to use kio.Pipeline to Read, -// Modify and Write the collection of Resources. Pipeline will automatically sequentially -// invoke the Read, Modify, Write steps, returning and error immediately on any failure. -package kio diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/filters/filters.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/filters/filters.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8d7968b3..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/filters/filters.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,210 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package filters - -import ( - "fmt" - "sort" - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/kioutil" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// Filters are the list of known filters for unmarshalling a filter into a concrete -// implementation. -var Filters = map[string]func() kio.Filter{ - "FileSetter": func() kio.Filter { return &FileSetter{} }, - "FormatFilter": func() kio.Filter { return &FormatFilter{} }, - "GrepFilter": func() kio.Filter { return GrepFilter{} }, - "MatchModifier": func() kio.Filter { return &MatchModifyFilter{} }, - "Modifier": func() kio.Filter { return &Modifier{} }, -} - -// filter wraps a kio.filter so that it can be unmarshalled from yaml. -type KFilter struct { - kio.Filter -} - -func (t KFilter) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error) { - return t.Filter, nil -} - -func (t *KFilter) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error { - i := map[string]interface{}{} - if err := unmarshal(i); err != nil { - return err - } - meta := &yaml.ResourceMeta{} - if err := unmarshal(meta); err != nil { - return err - } - filter, found := Filters[meta.Kind] - if !found { - var knownFilters []string - for k := range Filters { - knownFilters = append(knownFilters, k) - } - sort.Strings(knownFilters) - return fmt.Errorf("unsupported filter Kind %v: may be one of: [%s]", - meta, strings.Join(knownFilters, ",")) - } - t.Filter = filter() - - return unmarshal(t.Filter) -} - -// Modifier modifies the input Resources by invoking the provided pipeline. -// Modifier will return any Resources for which the pipeline does not return an error. -type Modifier struct { - Kind string `yaml:"kind,omitempty"` - - Filters yaml.YFilters `yaml:"pipeline,omitempty"` -} - -var _ kio.Filter = &Modifier{} - -func (f Modifier) Filter(input []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - for i := range input { - if _, err := input[i].Pipe(f.Filters.Filters()...); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - return input, nil -} - -type MatchModifyFilter struct { - Kind string `yaml:"kind,omitempty"` - - MatchFilters []yaml.YFilters `yaml:"match,omitempty"` - - ModifyFilters yaml.YFilters `yaml:"modify,omitempty"` -} - -var _ kio.Filter = &MatchModifyFilter{} - -func (f MatchModifyFilter) Filter(input []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - var matches = input - var err error - for _, filter := range f.MatchFilters { - matches, err = MatchFilter{Filters: filter}.Filter(matches) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - _, err = Modifier{Filters: f.ModifyFilters}.Filter(matches) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return input, nil -} - -type MatchFilter struct { - Kind string `yaml:"kind,omitempty"` - - Filters yaml.YFilters `yaml:"pipeline,omitempty"` -} - -var _ kio.Filter = &MatchFilter{} - -func (f MatchFilter) Filter(input []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - var output []*yaml.RNode - for i := range input { - if v, err := input[i].Pipe(f.Filters.Filters()...); err != nil { - return nil, err - } else if v == nil { - continue - } - output = append(output, input[i]) - } - return output, nil -} - -type FilenameFmtVerb string - -const ( - // KindFmt substitutes kind - KindFmt FilenameFmtVerb = "%k" - - // NameFmt substitutes metadata.name - NameFmt FilenameFmtVerb = "%n" - - // NamespaceFmt substitutes metdata.namespace - NamespaceFmt FilenameFmtVerb = "%s" -) - -// FileSetter sets the file name and mode annotations on Resources. -type FileSetter struct { - Kind string `yaml:"kind,omitempty"` - - // FilenamePattern is the pattern to use for generating filenames. FilenameFmtVerb - // FielnameFmtVerbs may be specified to substitute Resource metadata into the filename. - FilenamePattern string `yaml:"filenamePattern,omitempty"` - - // Mode is the filemode to write. - Mode string `yaml:"mode,omitempty"` - - // Override will override the existing filename if it is set on the pattern. - // Otherwise the existing filename is kept. - Override bool `yaml:"override,omitempty"` -} - -var _ kio.Filter = &FileSetter{} - -const DefaultFilenamePattern = "%n_%k.yaml" - -func (f *FileSetter) Filter(input []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - if f.Mode == "" { - f.Mode = fmt.Sprintf("%d", 0600) - } - if f.FilenamePattern == "" { - f.FilenamePattern = DefaultFilenamePattern - } - - resources := map[string][]*yaml.RNode{} - for i := range input { - if err := kioutil.CopyLegacyAnnotations(input[i]); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - m, err := input[i].GetMeta() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - file := f.FilenamePattern - file = strings.ReplaceAll(file, string(KindFmt), strings.ToLower(m.Kind)) - file = strings.ReplaceAll(file, string(NameFmt), strings.ToLower(m.Name)) - file = strings.ReplaceAll(file, string(NamespaceFmt), strings.ToLower(m.Namespace)) - - if _, found := m.Annotations[kioutil.PathAnnotation]; !found || f.Override { - if _, err := input[i].Pipe(yaml.SetAnnotation(kioutil.PathAnnotation, file)); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if _, err := input[i].Pipe(yaml.SetAnnotation(kioutil.LegacyPathAnnotation, file)); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - resources[file] = append(resources[file], input[i]) - } - - var output []*yaml.RNode - for i := range resources { - if err := kioutil.SortNodes(resources[i]); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - for j := range resources[i] { - if _, err := resources[i][j].Pipe( - yaml.SetAnnotation(kioutil.IndexAnnotation, fmt.Sprintf("%d", j))); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if _, err := resources[i][j].Pipe( - yaml.SetAnnotation(kioutil.LegacyIndexAnnotation, fmt.Sprintf("%d", j))); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - output = append(output, resources[i][j]) - } - } - return output, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/filters/fmtr.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/filters/fmtr.go deleted file mode 100644 index 7f2acbda..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/filters/fmtr.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,314 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package yamlfmt contains libraries for formatting yaml files containing -// Kubernetes Resource configuration. -// -// Yaml files are formatted by: -// - Sorting fields and map values -// - Sorting unordered lists for whitelisted types -// - Applying a canonical yaml Style -// -// Fields are ordered using a relative ordering applied to commonly -// encountered Resource fields. All Resources, including non-builtin -// Resources such as CRDs, share the same field precedence. -// -// Fields that do not appear in the explicit ordering are ordered -// lexicographically. -// -// A subset of well known known unordered lists are sorted by element field -// values. -package filters - -import ( - "bytes" - "fmt" - "io" - "sort" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -type FormattingStrategy = string - -const ( - // NoFmtAnnotation determines if the resource should be formatted. - FmtAnnotation string = "config.kubernetes.io/formatting" - - // FmtStrategyStandard means the resource will be formatted according - // to the default rules. - FmtStrategyStandard FormattingStrategy = "standard" - - // FmtStrategyNone means the resource will not be formatted. - FmtStrategyNone FormattingStrategy = "none" -) - -// FormatInput returns the formatted input. -func FormatInput(input io.Reader) (*bytes.Buffer, error) { - buff := &bytes.Buffer{} - err := kio.Pipeline{ - Inputs: []kio.Reader{&kio.ByteReader{Reader: input}}, - Filters: []kio.Filter{FormatFilter{}}, - Outputs: []kio.Writer{kio.ByteWriter{Writer: buff}}, - }.Execute() - - return buff, err -} - -// FormatFileOrDirectory reads the file or directory and formats each file's -// contents by writing it back to the file. -func FormatFileOrDirectory(path string) error { - return kio.Pipeline{ - Inputs: []kio.Reader{kio.LocalPackageReader{ - PackagePath: path, - }}, - Filters: []kio.Filter{FormatFilter{}}, - Outputs: []kio.Writer{kio.LocalPackageWriter{PackagePath: path}}, - }.Execute() -} - -type FormatFilter struct { - Process func(n *yaml.Node) error - UseSchema bool -} - -var _ kio.Filter = FormatFilter{} - -func (f FormatFilter) Filter(slice []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - for i := range slice { - fmtStrategy, err := getFormattingStrategy(slice[i]) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - if fmtStrategy == FmtStrategyNone { - continue - } - - kindNode, err := slice[i].Pipe(yaml.Get("kind")) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if kindNode == nil { - continue - } - apiVersionNode, err := slice[i].Pipe(yaml.Get("apiVersion")) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if apiVersionNode == nil { - continue - } - kind, apiVersion := kindNode.YNode().Value, apiVersionNode.YNode().Value - var s *openapi.ResourceSchema - if f.UseSchema { - s = openapi.SchemaForResourceType(yaml.TypeMeta{APIVersion: apiVersion, Kind: kind}) - } else { - s = nil - } - err = (&formatter{apiVersion: apiVersion, kind: kind, process: f.Process}). - fmtNode(slice[i].YNode(), "", s) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - return slice, nil -} - -// getFormattingStrategy looks for the formatting annotation to determine -// which strategy should be used for formatting. The default is standard -// if no annotation is found. -func getFormattingStrategy(node *yaml.RNode) (FormattingStrategy, error) { - value, err := node.Pipe(yaml.GetAnnotation(FmtAnnotation)) - if err != nil || value == nil { - return FmtStrategyStandard, err - } - - fmtStrategy := value.YNode().Value - - switch fmtStrategy { - case FmtStrategyStandard: - return FmtStrategyStandard, nil - case FmtStrategyNone: - return FmtStrategyNone, nil - default: - return "", fmt.Errorf( - "formatting annotation has illegal value %s", fmtStrategy) - } -} - -type formatter struct { - apiVersion string - kind string - process func(n *yaml.Node) error -} - -// fmtNode recursively formats the Document Contents. -// See: https://godoc.org/gopkg.in/yaml.v3#Node -func (f *formatter) fmtNode(n *yaml.Node, path string, schema *openapi.ResourceSchema) error { - if n.Kind == yaml.ScalarNode && schema != nil && schema.Schema != nil { - // ensure values that are interpreted as non-string values (e.g. "true") - // are properly quoted - yaml.FormatNonStringStyle(n, *schema.Schema) - } - - // sort the order of mapping fields - if n.Kind == yaml.MappingNode { - sort.Sort(sortedMapContents(*n)) - } - - // sort the order of sequence elements if it is whitelisted - if n.Kind == yaml.SequenceNode { - if yaml.WhitelistedListSortKinds.Has(f.kind) && - yaml.WhitelistedListSortApis.Has(f.apiVersion) { - if sortField, found := yaml.WhitelistedListSortFields[path]; found { - sort.Sort(sortedSeqContents{Node: *n, sortField: sortField}) - } - } - } - - // format the Content - for i := range n.Content { - // MappingNode are structured as having their fields as Content, - // with the field-key and field-value alternating. e.g. Even elements - // are the keys and odd elements are the values - isFieldKey := n.Kind == yaml.MappingNode && i%2 == 0 - isFieldValue := n.Kind == yaml.MappingNode && i%2 == 1 - isElement := n.Kind == yaml.SequenceNode - - // run the process callback on the node if it has been set - // don't process keys: their format should be fixed - if f.process != nil && !isFieldKey { - if err := f.process(n.Content[i]); err != nil { - return err - } - } - - // get the schema for this Node - p := path - var s *openapi.ResourceSchema - switch { - case isFieldValue: - // if the node is a field, lookup the schema using the field name - p = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", path, n.Content[i-1].Value) - if schema != nil { - s = schema.Field(n.Content[i-1].Value) - } - case isElement: - // if the node is a list element, lookup the schema for the array items - if schema != nil { - s = schema.Elements() - } - } - // format the node using the schema - err := f.fmtNode(n.Content[i], p, s) - if err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -// sortedMapContents sorts the Contents field of a MappingNode by the field names using a statically -// defined field precedence, and falling back on lexicographical sorting -type sortedMapContents yaml.Node - -func (s sortedMapContents) Len() int { - return len(s.Content) / 2 -} -func (s sortedMapContents) Swap(i, j int) { - // yaml MappingNode Contents are a list of field names followed by - // field values, rather than a list of field pairs. - // increment. - // - // e.g. ["field1Name", "field1Value", "field2Name", "field2Value"] - iFieldNameIndex := i * 2 - jFieldNameIndex := j * 2 - iFieldValueIndex := iFieldNameIndex + 1 - jFieldValueIndex := jFieldNameIndex + 1 - - // swap field names - s.Content[iFieldNameIndex], s.Content[jFieldNameIndex] = - s.Content[jFieldNameIndex], s.Content[iFieldNameIndex] - - // swap field values - s.Content[iFieldValueIndex], s.Content[jFieldValueIndex] = s. - Content[jFieldValueIndex], s.Content[iFieldValueIndex] -} - -func (s sortedMapContents) Less(i, j int) bool { - iFieldNameIndex := i * 2 - jFieldNameIndex := j * 2 - iFieldName := s.Content[iFieldNameIndex].Value - jFieldName := s.Content[jFieldNameIndex].Value - - // order by their precedence values looked up from the index - iOrder, foundI := yaml.FieldOrder[iFieldName] - jOrder, foundJ := yaml.FieldOrder[jFieldName] - if foundI && foundJ { - return iOrder < jOrder - } - - // known fields come before unknown fields - if foundI { - return true - } - if foundJ { - return false - } - - // neither field is known, sort them lexicographically - return iFieldName < jFieldName -} - -// sortedSeqContents sorts the Contents field of a SequenceNode by the value of -// the elements sortField. -// e.g. it will sort spec.template.spec.containers by the value of the container `name` field -type sortedSeqContents struct { - yaml.Node - sortField string -} - -func (s sortedSeqContents) Len() int { - return len(s.Content) -} -func (s sortedSeqContents) Swap(i, j int) { - s.Content[i], s.Content[j] = s.Content[j], s.Content[i] -} -func (s sortedSeqContents) Less(i, j int) bool { - // primitive lists -- sort by the element's primitive values - if s.sortField == "" { - iValue := s.Content[i].Value - jValue := s.Content[j].Value - return iValue < jValue - } - - // map lists -- sort by the element's sortField values - var iValue, jValue string - for a := range s.Content[i].Content { - if a%2 != 0 { - continue // not a fieldNameIndex - } - // locate the index of the sortField field - if s.Content[i].Content[a].Value == s.sortField { - // a is the yaml node for the field key, a+1 is the node for the field value - iValue = s.Content[i].Content[a+1].Value - } - } - for a := range s.Content[j].Content { - if a%2 != 0 { - continue // not a fieldNameIndex - } - - // locate the index of the sortField field - if s.Content[j].Content[a].Value == s.sortField { - // a is the yaml node for the field key, a+1 is the node for the field value - jValue = s.Content[j].Content[a+1].Value - } - } - - // compare the field values - return iValue < jValue -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/filters/grep.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/filters/grep.go deleted file mode 100644 index 2eb8a888..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/filters/grep.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,117 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package filters - -import ( - "regexp" - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -type GrepType int - -const ( - Regexp GrepType = 1 << iota - GreaterThanEq - GreaterThan - LessThan - LessThanEq -) - -// GrepFilter filters RNodes with a matching field -type GrepFilter struct { - Path []string `yaml:"path,omitempty"` - Value string `yaml:"value,omitempty"` - MatchType GrepType `yaml:"matchType,omitempty"` - InvertMatch bool `yaml:"invertMatch,omitempty"` - Compare func(a, b string) (int, error) -} - -var _ kio.Filter = GrepFilter{} - -func (f GrepFilter) Filter(input []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - // compile the regular expression 1 time if we are matching using regex - var reg *regexp.Regexp - var err error - if f.MatchType == Regexp || f.MatchType == 0 { - reg, err = regexp.Compile(f.Value) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - - var output kio.ResourceNodeSlice - for i := range input { - node := input[i] - val, err := node.Pipe(&yaml.PathMatcher{Path: f.Path}) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if val == nil || len(val.Content()) == 0 { - if f.InvertMatch { - output = append(output, input[i]) - } - continue - } - found := false - err = val.VisitElements(func(elem *yaml.RNode) error { - // get the value - var str string - if f.MatchType == Regexp { - style := elem.YNode().Style - defer func() { elem.YNode().Style = style }() - elem.YNode().Style = yaml.FlowStyle - str, err = elem.String() - if err != nil { - return err - } - str = strings.TrimSpace(strings.ReplaceAll(str, `"`, "")) - } else { - // if not regexp, then it needs to parse into a quantity and comments will - // break that - str = elem.YNode().Value - if str == "" { - return nil - } - } - - if f.MatchType == Regexp || f.MatchType == 0 { - if reg.MatchString(str) { - found = true - } - return nil - } - - comp, err := f.Compare(str, f.Value) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - if f.MatchType == GreaterThan && comp > 0 { - found = true - } - if f.MatchType == GreaterThanEq && comp >= 0 { - found = true - } - if f.MatchType == LessThan && comp < 0 { - found = true - } - if f.MatchType == LessThanEq && comp <= 0 { - found = true - } - return nil - }) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if found == f.InvertMatch { - continue - } - - output = append(output, input[i]) - } - return output, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/filters/local.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/filters/local.go deleted file mode 100644 index bdac1a28..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/filters/local.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package filters - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -const LocalConfigAnnotation = "config.kubernetes.io/local-config" - -// IsLocalConfig filters Resources using the config.kubernetes.io/local-config annotation -type IsLocalConfig struct { - // IncludeLocalConfig will include local-config if set to true - IncludeLocalConfig bool `yaml:"includeLocalConfig,omitempty"` - - // ExcludeNonLocalConfig will exclude non local-config if set to true - ExcludeNonLocalConfig bool `yaml:"excludeNonLocalConfig,omitempty"` -} - -// Filter implements kio.Filter -func (c *IsLocalConfig) Filter(inputs []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - var out []*yaml.RNode - for i := range inputs { - meta, err := inputs[i].GetMeta() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - _, local := meta.Annotations[LocalConfigAnnotation] - - if local && c.IncludeLocalConfig { - out = append(out, inputs[i]) - } else if !local && !c.ExcludeNonLocalConfig { - out = append(out, inputs[i]) - } - } - return out, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/filters/merge.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/filters/merge.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5159052c..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/filters/merge.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,86 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package merge contains libraries for merging Resources and Patches -package filters - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/merge2" -) - -// MergeFilter merges Resources with the Group/Version/Kind/Namespace/Name together using -// a 2-way merge strategy. -// -// - Fields set to null in the source will be cleared from the destination -// - Fields with matching keys will be merged recursively -// - Lists with an associative key (e.g. name) will have their elements merged using the key -// - List without an associative key will have the dest list replaced by the source list -type MergeFilter struct { - Reverse bool -} - -var _ kio.Filter = MergeFilter{} - -type mergeKey struct { - apiVersion string - kind string - namespace string - name string -} - -// MergeFilter implements kio.Filter by merging Resources with the same G/V/K/NS/N -func (c MergeFilter) Filter(input []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - // invert the merge precedence - if c.Reverse { - for i, j := 0, len(input)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 { - input[i], input[j] = input[j], input[i] - } - } - - // index the Resources by G/V/K/NS/N - index := map[mergeKey][]*yaml.RNode{} - // retain the original ordering - var order []mergeKey - for i := range input { - meta, err := input[i].GetMeta() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - key := mergeKey{ - apiVersion: meta.APIVersion, - kind: meta.Kind, - namespace: meta.Namespace, - name: meta.Name, - } - if _, found := index[key]; !found { - order = append(order, key) - } - index[key] = append(index[key], input[i]) - } - - // merge each of the G/V/K/NS/N lists - var output []*yaml.RNode - var err error - for _, k := range order { - var merged *yaml.RNode - resources := index[k] - for i := range resources { - patch := resources[i] - if merged == nil { - // first resources, don't merge it - merged = resources[i] - } else { - merged, err = merge2.Merge(patch, merged, yaml.MergeOptions{ - ListIncreaseDirection: yaml.MergeOptionsListPrepend, - }) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - } - output = append(output, merged) - } - return output, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/filters/merge3.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/filters/merge3.go deleted file mode 100644 index de8bf6f6..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/filters/merge3.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,317 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package filters - -import ( - "fmt" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/kioutil" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/merge3" -) - -const ( - mergeSourceAnnotation = "config.kubernetes.io/merge-source" - mergeSourceOriginal = "original" - mergeSourceUpdated = "updated" - mergeSourceDest = "dest" -) - -// ResourceMatcher interface is used to match two resources based on IsSameResource implementation -// This is the way to group same logical resources in upstream, local and origin for merge -// The default way to group them is using GVKNN similar to how kubernetes server identifies resources -// Users of this library might have their own interpretation of grouping similar resources -// for e.g. if consumer adds a name-prefix to local resource, it should not be treated as new resource -// for updates etc. -// Hence, the callers of this library may pass different implementation for IsSameResource -type ResourceMatcher interface { - IsSameResource(node1, node2 *yaml.RNode) bool -} - -// ResourceMergeStrategy is the return type from the Handle function in the -// ResourceHandler interface. It determines which version of a resource should -// be included in the output (if any). -type ResourceMergeStrategy int - -const ( - // Merge means the output to dest should be the 3-way merge of original, - // updated and dest. - Merge ResourceMergeStrategy = iota - // KeepDest means the version of the resource in dest should be the output. - KeepDest - // KeepUpdated means the version of the resource in updated should be the - // output. - KeepUpdated - // KeepOriginal means the version of the resource in original should be the - // output. - KeepOriginal - // Skip means the resource should not be included in the output. - Skip -) - -// ResourceHandler interface is used to determine what should be done for a -// resource once the versions in original, updated and dest has been -// identified based on the ResourceMatcher. This allows users to customize -// what should be the result in dest if a resource has been deleted from -// upstream. -type ResourceHandler interface { - Handle(original, updated, dest *yaml.RNode) (ResourceMergeStrategy, error) -} - -// Merge3 performs a 3-way merge on the original, updated, and destination packages. -type Merge3 struct { - OriginalPath string - UpdatedPath string - DestPath string - MatchFilesGlob []string - Matcher ResourceMatcher - Handler ResourceHandler -} - -func (m Merge3) Merge() error { - // Read the destination package. The ReadWriter will take take of deleting files - // for removed resources. - var inputs []kio.Reader - dest := &kio.LocalPackageReadWriter{ - PackagePath: m.DestPath, - MatchFilesGlob: m.MatchFilesGlob, - SetAnnotations: map[string]string{mergeSourceAnnotation: mergeSourceDest}, - } - inputs = append(inputs, dest) - - // Read the original package - inputs = append(inputs, kio.LocalPackageReader{ - PackagePath: m.OriginalPath, - MatchFilesGlob: m.MatchFilesGlob, - SetAnnotations: map[string]string{mergeSourceAnnotation: mergeSourceOriginal}, - }) - - // Read the updated package - inputs = append(inputs, kio.LocalPackageReader{ - PackagePath: m.UpdatedPath, - MatchFilesGlob: m.MatchFilesGlob, - SetAnnotations: map[string]string{mergeSourceAnnotation: mergeSourceUpdated}, - }) - - return kio.Pipeline{ - Inputs: inputs, - Filters: []kio.Filter{m}, - Outputs: []kio.Writer{dest}, - }.Execute() -} - -// Filter combines Resources with the same GVK + N + NS into tuples, and then merges them -func (m Merge3) Filter(nodes []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - // index the nodes by their identity - matcher := m.Matcher - if matcher == nil { - matcher = &DefaultGVKNNMatcher{MergeOnPath: true} - } - handler := m.Handler - if handler == nil { - handler = &DefaultResourceHandler{} - } - - tl := tuples{matcher: matcher} - for i := range nodes { - if err := tl.add(nodes[i]); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - - // iterate over the inputs, merging as needed - var output []*yaml.RNode - for i := range tl.list { - t := tl.list[i] - strategy, err := handler.Handle(t.original, t.updated, t.dest) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - switch strategy { - case Merge: - node, err := t.merge() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if node != nil { - output = append(output, node) - } - case KeepDest: - output = append(output, t.dest) - case KeepUpdated: - output = append(output, t.updated) - case KeepOriginal: - output = append(output, t.original) - case Skip: - // do nothing - } - } - return output, nil -} - -// tuples combines nodes with the same GVK + N + NS -type tuples struct { - list []*tuple - - // matcher matches the resources for merge - matcher ResourceMatcher -} - -// DefaultGVKNNMatcher holds the default matching of resources implementation based on -// Group, Version, Kind, Name and Namespace of the resource -type DefaultGVKNNMatcher struct { - // MergeOnPath will use the relative filepath as part of the merge key. - // This may be necessary if the directory contains multiple copies of - // the same resource, or resources patches. - MergeOnPath bool -} - -// IsSameResource returns true if metadata of node1 and metadata of node2 belongs to same logical resource -func (dm *DefaultGVKNNMatcher) IsSameResource(node1, node2 *yaml.RNode) bool { - if node1 == nil || node2 == nil { - return false - } - if err := kioutil.CopyLegacyAnnotations(node1); err != nil { - return false - } - if err := kioutil.CopyLegacyAnnotations(node2); err != nil { - return false - } - - meta1, err := node1.GetMeta() - if err != nil { - return false - } - - meta2, err := node2.GetMeta() - if err != nil { - return false - } - - if meta1.Name != meta2.Name { - return false - } - if meta1.Namespace != meta2.Namespace { - return false - } - if meta1.APIVersion != meta2.APIVersion { - return false - } - if meta1.Kind != meta2.Kind { - return false - } - if dm.MergeOnPath { - // directories may contain multiple copies of a resource with the same - // name, namespace, apiVersion and kind -- e.g. kustomize patches, or - // multiple environments - // mergeOnPath configures the merge logic to use the path as part of the - // resource key - if meta1.Annotations[kioutil.PathAnnotation] != meta2.Annotations[kioutil.PathAnnotation] { - return false - } - } - return true -} - -// add adds a node to the list, combining it with an existing matching Resource if found -func (ts *tuples) add(node *yaml.RNode) error { - for i := range ts.list { - t := ts.list[i] - if ts.matcher.IsSameResource(addedNode(t), node) { - return t.add(node) - } - } - t := &tuple{} - if err := t.add(node); err != nil { - return err - } - ts.list = append(ts.list, t) - return nil -} - -// addedNode returns one on the existing added nodes in the tuple -func addedNode(t *tuple) *yaml.RNode { - if t.updated != nil { - return t.updated - } - if t.original != nil { - return t.original - } - return t.dest -} - -// tuple wraps an original, updated, and dest tuple for a given Resource -type tuple struct { - original *yaml.RNode - updated *yaml.RNode - dest *yaml.RNode -} - -// add sets the corresponding tuple field for the node -func (t *tuple) add(node *yaml.RNode) error { - meta, err := node.GetMeta() - if err != nil { - return err - } - switch meta.Annotations[mergeSourceAnnotation] { - case mergeSourceDest: - if t.dest != nil { - return duplicateError("local", meta.Annotations[kioutil.PathAnnotation]) - } - t.dest = node - case mergeSourceOriginal: - if t.original != nil { - return duplicateError("original upstream", meta.Annotations[kioutil.PathAnnotation]) - } - t.original = node - case mergeSourceUpdated: - if t.updated != nil { - return duplicateError("updated upstream", meta.Annotations[kioutil.PathAnnotation]) - } - t.updated = node - default: - return fmt.Errorf("no source annotation for Resource") - } - return nil -} - -// merge performs a 3-way merge on the tuple -func (t *tuple) merge() (*yaml.RNode, error) { - return merge3.Merge(t.dest, t.original, t.updated) -} - -// duplicateError returns duplicate resources error -func duplicateError(source, filePath string) error { - return fmt.Errorf(`found duplicate %q resources in file %q, please refer to "update" documentation for the fix`, source, filePath) -} - -// DefaultResourceHandler is the default implementation of the ResourceHandler -// interface. It uses the following rules: -// * Keep dest if resource only exists in dest. -// * Keep updated if resource added in updated. -// * Delete dest if updated has been deleted. -// * Don't add the resource back if removed from dest. -// * Otherwise merge. -type DefaultResourceHandler struct{} - -func (*DefaultResourceHandler) Handle(original, updated, dest *yaml.RNode) (ResourceMergeStrategy, error) { - switch { - case original == nil && updated == nil && dest != nil: - // added locally -- keep dest - return KeepDest, nil - case updated != nil && dest == nil: - // added in the update -- add update - return KeepUpdated, nil - case original != nil && updated == nil: - // deleted in the update - return Skip, nil - case original != nil && dest == nil: - // deleted locally - return Skip, nil - default: - // dest and updated are non-nil -- merge them - return Merge, nil - } -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/filters/modify.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/filters/modify.go deleted file mode 100644 index b1090302..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/filters/modify.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package filters diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/filters/stripcomments.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/filters/stripcomments.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8e9ecb3f..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/filters/stripcomments.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package filters - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -type StripCommentsFilter struct{} - -var _ kio.Filter = StripCommentsFilter{} - -func (f StripCommentsFilter) Filter(slice []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - for i := range slice { - stripComments(slice[i].YNode()) - } - return slice, nil -} - -func stripComments(node *yaml.Node) { - if node == nil { - return - } - node.HeadComment = "" - node.LineComment = "" - node.FootComment = "" - for i := range node.Content { - stripComments(node.Content[i]) - } -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/ignorefilesmatcher.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/ignorefilesmatcher.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0ba3d838..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/ignorefilesmatcher.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,105 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package kio - -import ( - "errors" - "os" - "path/filepath" - "strings" - - gitignore "github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/ext" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys" -) - -// ignoreFilesMatcher handles `.krmignore` files, which allows for ignoring -// files or folders in a package. The format of this file is a subset of the -// gitignore format, with recursive patterns (like a/**/c) not supported. If a -// file or folder matches any of the patterns in the .krmignore file for the -// package, it will be excluded. -// -// It works as follows: -// -// * It will look for .krmignore file in the top folder and on the top level -// of any subpackages. Subpackages are defined by the presence of a Krmfile -// in the folder. -// * `.krmignore` files only cover files and folders for the package in which -// it is defined. So ignore patterns defined in a parent package does not -// affect which files are ignored from a subpackage. -// * An ignore pattern can not ignore a subpackage. So even if the parent -// package contains a pattern that ignores the directory foo, if foo is a -// subpackage, it will still be included if the IncludeSubpackages property -// is set to true -type ignoreFilesMatcher struct { - matchers []matcher - fs filesys.FileSystemOrOnDisk -} - -// readIgnoreFile checks whether there is a .krmignore file in the path, and -// if it is, reads it in and turns it into a matcher. If we can't find a file, -// we just add a matcher that match nothing. -func (i *ignoreFilesMatcher) readIgnoreFile(path string) error { - i.verifyPath(path) - f, err := i.fs.Open(filepath.Join(path, ext.IgnoreFileName())) - if err != nil { - if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) { - i.matchers = append(i.matchers, matcher{ - matcher: gitignore.DummyIgnoreMatcher(false), - basePath: path, - }) - return nil - } - return err - } - defer f.Close() - - i.matchers = append(i.matchers, matcher{ - matcher: gitignore.NewGitIgnoreFromReader(path, f), - basePath: path, - }) - return nil -} - -// verifyPath checks whether the top matcher on the stack -// is correct for the provided filepath. Matchers are removed once -// we encounter a filepath that is not a subpath of the basepath for -// the matcher. -func (i *ignoreFilesMatcher) verifyPath(path string) { - for j := len(i.matchers) - 1; j >= 0; j-- { - matcher := i.matchers[j] - if strings.HasPrefix(path, matcher.basePath) || path == matcher.basePath { - i.matchers = i.matchers[:j+1] - return - } - } -} - -// matchFile checks whether the file given by the provided path matches -// any of the patterns in the .krmignore file for the package. -func (i *ignoreFilesMatcher) matchFile(path string) bool { - if len(i.matchers) == 0 { - return false - } - i.verifyPath(filepath.Dir(path)) - return i.matchers[len(i.matchers)-1].matcher.Match(path, false) -} - -// matchFile checks whether the directory given by the provided path matches -// any of the patterns in the .krmignore file for the package. -func (i *ignoreFilesMatcher) matchDir(path string) bool { - if len(i.matchers) == 0 { - return false - } - i.verifyPath(path) - return i.matchers[len(i.matchers)-1].matcher.Match(path, true) -} - -// matcher wraps the gitignore matcher and the path to the folder -// where the file was found. -type matcher struct { - matcher gitignore.IgnoreMatcher - - basePath string -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/kio.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/kio.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9e00509e..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/kio.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,447 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package kio contains low-level libraries for reading, modifying and writing -// Resource Configuration and packages. -package kio - -import ( - "fmt" - "strconv" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/kioutil" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// Reader reads ResourceNodes. Analogous to io.Reader. -type Reader interface { - Read() ([]*yaml.RNode, error) -} - -// ResourceNodeSlice is a collection of ResourceNodes. -// While ResourceNodeSlice has no inherent constraints on ordering or uniqueness, specific -// Readers, Filters or Writers may have constraints. -type ResourceNodeSlice []*yaml.RNode - -var _ Reader = ResourceNodeSlice{} - -func (o ResourceNodeSlice) Read() ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - return o, nil -} - -// Writer writes ResourceNodes. Analogous to io.Writer. -type Writer interface { - Write([]*yaml.RNode) error -} - -// WriterFunc implements a Writer as a function. -type WriterFunc func([]*yaml.RNode) error - -func (fn WriterFunc) Write(o []*yaml.RNode) error { - return fn(o) -} - -// ReaderWriter implements both Reader and Writer interfaces -type ReaderWriter interface { - Reader - Writer -} - -// Filter modifies a collection of Resource Configuration by returning the modified slice. -// When possible, Filters should be serializable to yaml so that they can be described -// as either data or code. -// -// Analogous to http://www.linfo.org/filters.html -type Filter interface { - Filter([]*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) -} - -// TrackableFilter is an extension of Filter which is also capable of tracking -// which fields were mutated by the filter. -type TrackableFilter interface { - Filter - WithMutationTracker(func(key, value, tag string, node *yaml.RNode)) -} - -// FilterFunc implements a Filter as a function. -type FilterFunc func([]*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) - -func (fn FilterFunc) Filter(o []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - return fn(o) -} - -// Pipeline reads Resource Configuration from a set of Inputs, applies some -// transformation filters, and writes the results to a set of Outputs. -// -// Analogous to http://www.linfo.org/pipes.html -type Pipeline struct { - // Inputs provide sources for Resource Configuration to be read. - Inputs []Reader `yaml:"inputs,omitempty"` - - // Filters are transformations applied to the Resource Configuration. - // They are applied in the order they are specified. - // Analogous to http://www.linfo.org/filters.html - Filters []Filter `yaml:"filters,omitempty"` - - // Outputs are where the transformed Resource Configuration is written. - Outputs []Writer `yaml:"outputs,omitempty"` - - // ContinueOnEmptyResult configures what happens when a filter in the pipeline - // returns an empty result. - // If it is false (default), subsequent filters will be skipped and the result - // will be returned immediately. This is useful as an optimization when you - // know that subsequent filters will not alter the empty result. - // If it is true, the empty result will be provided as input to the next - // filter in the list. This is useful when subsequent functions in the - // pipeline may generate new resources. - ContinueOnEmptyResult bool `yaml:"continueOnEmptyResult,omitempty"` -} - -// Execute executes each step in the sequence, returning immediately after encountering -// any error as part of the Pipeline. -func (p Pipeline) Execute() error { - return p.ExecuteWithCallback(nil) -} - -// PipelineExecuteCallbackFunc defines a callback function that will be called each time a step in the pipeline succeeds. -type PipelineExecuteCallbackFunc = func(op Filter) - -// ExecuteWithCallback executes each step in the sequence, returning immediately after encountering -// any error as part of the Pipeline. The callback will be called each time a step succeeds. -func (p Pipeline) ExecuteWithCallback(callback PipelineExecuteCallbackFunc) error { - var result []*yaml.RNode - - // read from the inputs - for _, i := range p.Inputs { - nodes, err := i.Read() - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - result = append(result, nodes...) - } - - // apply operations - for i := range p.Filters { - // Not all RNodes passed through kio.Pipeline have metadata nor should - // they all be required to. - nodeAnnos, err := PreprocessResourcesForInternalAnnotationMigration(result) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - op := p.Filters[i] - if callback != nil { - callback(op) - } - result, err = op.Filter(result) - // TODO (issue 2872): This len(result) == 0 should be removed and empty result list should be - // handled by outputs. However currently some writer like LocalPackageReadWriter - // will clear the output directory and which will cause unpredictable results - if len(result) == 0 && !p.ContinueOnEmptyResult || err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - - // If either the internal annotations for path, index, and id OR the legacy - // annotations for path, index, and id are changed, we have to update the other. - err = ReconcileInternalAnnotations(result, nodeAnnos) - if err != nil { - return err - } - } - - // write to the outputs - for _, o := range p.Outputs { - if err := o.Write(result); err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - } - return nil -} - -// FilterAll runs the yaml.Filter against all inputs -func FilterAll(filter yaml.Filter) Filter { - return FilterFunc(func(nodes []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - for i := range nodes { - _, err := filter.Filter(nodes[i]) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.Wrap(err) - } - } - return nodes, nil - }) -} - -// PreprocessResourcesForInternalAnnotationMigration returns a mapping from id to all -// internal annotations, so that we can use it to reconcile the annotations -// later. This is necessary because currently both internal-prefixed annotations -// and legacy annotations are currently supported, and a change to one must be -// reflected in the other if needed. -func PreprocessResourcesForInternalAnnotationMigration(result []*yaml.RNode) (map[string]map[string]string, error) { - idToAnnosMap := make(map[string]map[string]string) - for i := range result { - idStr := strconv.Itoa(i) - err := result[i].PipeE(yaml.SetAnnotation(kioutil.InternalAnnotationsMigrationResourceIDAnnotation, idStr)) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - idToAnnosMap[idStr] = kioutil.GetInternalAnnotations(result[i]) - if err = kioutil.CopyLegacyAnnotations(result[i]); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - meta, _ := result[i].GetMeta() - if err = checkMismatchedAnnos(meta.Annotations); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - return idToAnnosMap, nil -} - -func checkMismatchedAnnos(annotations map[string]string) error { - path := annotations[kioutil.PathAnnotation] - index := annotations[kioutil.IndexAnnotation] - id := annotations[kioutil.IdAnnotation] - - legacyPath := annotations[kioutil.LegacyPathAnnotation] - legacyIndex := annotations[kioutil.LegacyIndexAnnotation] - legacyId := annotations[kioutil.LegacyIdAnnotation] - - // if prior to running the functions, the legacy and internal annotations differ, - // throw an error as we cannot infer the user's intent. - if path != "" && legacyPath != "" && path != legacyPath { - return fmt.Errorf("resource input to function has mismatched legacy and internal path annotations") - } - if index != "" && legacyIndex != "" && index != legacyIndex { - return fmt.Errorf("resource input to function has mismatched legacy and internal index annotations") - } - if id != "" && legacyId != "" && id != legacyId { - return fmt.Errorf("resource input to function has mismatched legacy and internal id annotations") - } - return nil -} - -type nodeAnnotations struct { - path string - index string - id string -} - -// ReconcileInternalAnnotations reconciles the annotation format for path, index and id annotations. -// It will ensure the output annotation format matches the format in the input. e.g. if the input -// format uses the legacy format and the output will be converted to the legacy format if it's not. -func ReconcileInternalAnnotations(result []*yaml.RNode, nodeAnnosMap map[string]map[string]string) error { - useInternal, useLegacy, err := determineAnnotationsFormat(nodeAnnosMap) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - for i := range result { - // if only one annotation is set, set the other. - err = missingInternalOrLegacyAnnotations(result[i]) - if err != nil { - return err - } - // we must check to see if the function changed either the new internal annotations - // or the old legacy annotations. If one is changed, the change must be reflected - // in the other. - err = checkAnnotationsAltered(result[i], nodeAnnosMap) - if err != nil { - return err - } - // We invoke determineAnnotationsFormat to find out if the original annotations - // use the internal or (and) the legacy format. We format the resources to - // make them consistent with original format. - err = formatInternalAnnotations(result[i], useInternal, useLegacy) - if err != nil { - return err - } - // if the annotations are still somehow out of sync, throw an error - meta, _ := result[i].GetMeta() - err = checkMismatchedAnnos(meta.Annotations) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - if _, err = result[i].Pipe(yaml.ClearAnnotation(kioutil.InternalAnnotationsMigrationResourceIDAnnotation)); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -// determineAnnotationsFormat determines if the resources are using one of the internal and legacy annotation format or both of them. -func determineAnnotationsFormat(nodeAnnosMap map[string]map[string]string) (bool, bool, error) { - var useInternal, useLegacy bool - var err error - - if len(nodeAnnosMap) == 0 { - return true, true, nil - } - - var internal, legacy *bool - for _, annos := range nodeAnnosMap { - _, foundPath := annos[kioutil.PathAnnotation] - _, foundIndex := annos[kioutil.IndexAnnotation] - _, foundId := annos[kioutil.IdAnnotation] - _, foundLegacyPath := annos[kioutil.LegacyPathAnnotation] - _, foundLegacyIndex := annos[kioutil.LegacyIndexAnnotation] - _, foundLegacyId := annos[kioutil.LegacyIdAnnotation] - - if !(foundPath || foundIndex || foundId || foundLegacyPath || foundLegacyIndex || foundLegacyId) { - continue - } - - foundOneOf := foundPath || foundIndex || foundId - if internal == nil { - f := foundOneOf - internal = &f - } - if (foundOneOf && !*internal) || (!foundOneOf && *internal) { - err = fmt.Errorf("the annotation formatting in the input resources is not consistent") - return useInternal, useLegacy, err - } - - foundOneOf = foundLegacyPath || foundLegacyIndex || foundLegacyId - if legacy == nil { - f := foundOneOf - legacy = &f - } - if (foundOneOf && !*legacy) || (!foundOneOf && *legacy) { - err = fmt.Errorf("the annotation formatting in the input resources is not consistent") - return useInternal, useLegacy, err - } - } - if internal != nil { - useInternal = *internal - } - if legacy != nil { - useLegacy = *legacy - } - return useInternal, useLegacy, err -} - -func missingInternalOrLegacyAnnotations(rn *yaml.RNode) error { - if err := missingInternalOrLegacyAnnotation(rn, kioutil.PathAnnotation, kioutil.LegacyPathAnnotation); err != nil { - return err - } - if err := missingInternalOrLegacyAnnotation(rn, kioutil.IndexAnnotation, kioutil.LegacyIndexAnnotation); err != nil { - return err - } - if err := missingInternalOrLegacyAnnotation(rn, kioutil.IdAnnotation, kioutil.LegacyIdAnnotation); err != nil { - return err - } - return nil -} - -func missingInternalOrLegacyAnnotation(rn *yaml.RNode, newKey string, legacyKey string) error { - meta, _ := rn.GetMeta() - annotations := meta.Annotations - value := annotations[newKey] - legacyValue := annotations[legacyKey] - - if value == "" && legacyValue == "" { - // do nothing - return nil - } - - if value == "" { - // new key is not set, copy from legacy key - if err := rn.PipeE(yaml.SetAnnotation(newKey, legacyValue)); err != nil { - return err - } - } else if legacyValue == "" { - // legacy key is not set, copy from new key - if err := rn.PipeE(yaml.SetAnnotation(legacyKey, value)); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -func checkAnnotationsAltered(rn *yaml.RNode, nodeAnnosMap map[string]map[string]string) error { - meta, _ := rn.GetMeta() - annotations := meta.Annotations - // get the resource's current path, index, and ids from the new annotations - internal := nodeAnnotations{ - path: annotations[kioutil.PathAnnotation], - index: annotations[kioutil.IndexAnnotation], - id: annotations[kioutil.IdAnnotation], - } - - // get the resource's current path, index, and ids from the legacy annotations - legacy := nodeAnnotations{ - path: annotations[kioutil.LegacyPathAnnotation], - index: annotations[kioutil.LegacyIndexAnnotation], - id: annotations[kioutil.LegacyIdAnnotation], - } - - rid := annotations[kioutil.InternalAnnotationsMigrationResourceIDAnnotation] - originalAnnotations, found := nodeAnnosMap[rid] - if !found { - return nil - } - originalPath, found := originalAnnotations[kioutil.PathAnnotation] - if !found { - originalPath = originalAnnotations[kioutil.LegacyPathAnnotation] - } - if originalPath != "" { - switch { - case originalPath != internal.path && originalPath != legacy.path && internal.path != legacy.path: - return fmt.Errorf("resource input to function has mismatched legacy and internal path annotations") - case originalPath != internal.path: - if _, err := rn.Pipe(yaml.SetAnnotation(kioutil.LegacyPathAnnotation, internal.path)); err != nil { - return err - } - case originalPath != legacy.path: - if _, err := rn.Pipe(yaml.SetAnnotation(kioutil.PathAnnotation, legacy.path)); err != nil { - return err - } - } - } - - originalIndex, found := originalAnnotations[kioutil.IndexAnnotation] - if !found { - originalIndex = originalAnnotations[kioutil.LegacyIndexAnnotation] - } - if originalIndex != "" { - switch { - case originalIndex != internal.index && originalIndex != legacy.index && internal.index != legacy.index: - return fmt.Errorf("resource input to function has mismatched legacy and internal index annotations") - case originalIndex != internal.index: - if _, err := rn.Pipe(yaml.SetAnnotation(kioutil.LegacyIndexAnnotation, internal.index)); err != nil { - return err - } - case originalIndex != legacy.index: - if _, err := rn.Pipe(yaml.SetAnnotation(kioutil.IndexAnnotation, legacy.index)); err != nil { - return err - } - } - } - return nil -} - -func formatInternalAnnotations(rn *yaml.RNode, useInternal, useLegacy bool) error { - if !useInternal { - if err := rn.PipeE(yaml.ClearAnnotation(kioutil.IdAnnotation)); err != nil { - return err - } - if err := rn.PipeE(yaml.ClearAnnotation(kioutil.PathAnnotation)); err != nil { - return err - } - if err := rn.PipeE(yaml.ClearAnnotation(kioutil.IndexAnnotation)); err != nil { - return err - } - } - if !useLegacy { - if err := rn.PipeE(yaml.ClearAnnotation(kioutil.LegacyIdAnnotation)); err != nil { - return err - } - if err := rn.PipeE(yaml.ClearAnnotation(kioutil.LegacyPathAnnotation)); err != nil { - return err - } - if err := rn.PipeE(yaml.ClearAnnotation(kioutil.LegacyIndexAnnotation)); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/kioutil/kioutil.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/kioutil/kioutil.go deleted file mode 100644 index 510ecae1..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/kioutil/kioutil.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,420 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package kioutil - -import ( - "fmt" - "path" - "sort" - "strconv" - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -type AnnotationKey = string - -const ( - // internalPrefix is the prefix given to internal annotations that are used - // internally by the orchestrator - internalPrefix string = "internal.config.kubernetes.io/" - - // IndexAnnotation records the index of a specific resource in a file or input stream. - IndexAnnotation AnnotationKey = internalPrefix + "index" - - // PathAnnotation records the path to the file the Resource was read from - PathAnnotation AnnotationKey = internalPrefix + "path" - - // SeqIndentAnnotation records the sequence nodes indentation of the input resource - SeqIndentAnnotation AnnotationKey = internalPrefix + "seqindent" - - // IdAnnotation records the id of the resource to map inputs to outputs - IdAnnotation AnnotationKey = internalPrefix + "id" - - // Deprecated: Use IndexAnnotation instead. - LegacyIndexAnnotation AnnotationKey = "config.kubernetes.io/index" - - // Deprecated: use PathAnnotation instead. - LegacyPathAnnotation AnnotationKey = "config.kubernetes.io/path" - - // Deprecated: use IdAnnotation instead. - LegacyIdAnnotation = "config.k8s.io/id" - - // InternalAnnotationsMigrationResourceIDAnnotation is used to uniquely identify - // resources during round trip to and from a function execution. We will use it - // to track the internal annotations and reconcile them if needed. - InternalAnnotationsMigrationResourceIDAnnotation = internalPrefix + "annotations-migration-resource-id" -) - -func GetFileAnnotations(rn *yaml.RNode) (string, string, error) { - rm, _ := rn.GetMeta() - annotations := rm.Annotations - path, found := annotations[PathAnnotation] - if !found { - path = annotations[LegacyPathAnnotation] - } - index, found := annotations[IndexAnnotation] - if !found { - index = annotations[LegacyIndexAnnotation] - } - return path, index, nil -} - -func GetIdAnnotation(rn *yaml.RNode) string { - rm, _ := rn.GetMeta() - annotations := rm.Annotations - id, found := annotations[IdAnnotation] - if !found { - id = annotations[LegacyIdAnnotation] - } - return id -} - -func CopyLegacyAnnotations(rn *yaml.RNode) error { - meta, err := rn.GetMeta() - if err != nil { - if err == yaml.ErrMissingMetadata { - // resource has no metadata, this should be a no-op - return nil - } - return err - } - if err := copyAnnotations(meta, rn, LegacyPathAnnotation, PathAnnotation); err != nil { - return err - } - if err := copyAnnotations(meta, rn, LegacyIndexAnnotation, IndexAnnotation); err != nil { - return err - } - if err := copyAnnotations(meta, rn, LegacyIdAnnotation, IdAnnotation); err != nil { - return err - } - return nil -} - -func copyAnnotations(meta yaml.ResourceMeta, rn *yaml.RNode, legacyKey string, newKey string) error { - newValue := meta.Annotations[newKey] - legacyValue := meta.Annotations[legacyKey] - if newValue != "" { - if legacyValue == "" { - if err := rn.PipeE(yaml.SetAnnotation(legacyKey, newValue)); err != nil { - return err - } - } - } else { - if legacyValue != "" { - if err := rn.PipeE(yaml.SetAnnotation(newKey, legacyValue)); err != nil { - return err - } - } - } - return nil -} - -// ErrorIfMissingAnnotation validates the provided annotations are present on the given resources -func ErrorIfMissingAnnotation(nodes []*yaml.RNode, keys ...AnnotationKey) error { - for _, key := range keys { - for _, node := range nodes { - val, err := node.Pipe(yaml.GetAnnotation(key)) - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - if val == nil { - return errors.Errorf("missing annotation %s", key) - } - } - } - return nil -} - -// CreatePathAnnotationValue creates a default path annotation value for a Resource. -// The path prefix will be dir. -func CreatePathAnnotationValue(dir string, m yaml.ResourceMeta) string { - filename := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s.yaml", strings.ToLower(m.Kind), m.Name) - return path.Join(dir, m.Namespace, filename) -} - -// DefaultPathAndIndexAnnotation sets a default path or index value on any nodes missing the -// annotation -func DefaultPathAndIndexAnnotation(dir string, nodes []*yaml.RNode) error { - counts := map[string]int{} - - // check each node for the path annotation - for i := range nodes { - if err := CopyLegacyAnnotations(nodes[i]); err != nil { - return err - } - m, err := nodes[i].GetMeta() - if err != nil { - return err - } - - // calculate the max index in each file in case we are appending - if p, found := m.Annotations[PathAnnotation]; found { - // record the max indexes into each file - if i, found := m.Annotations[IndexAnnotation]; found { - index, _ := strconv.Atoi(i) - if index > counts[p] { - counts[p] = index - } - } - - // has the path annotation already -- do nothing - continue - } - - // set a path annotation on the Resource - path := CreatePathAnnotationValue(dir, m) - if err := nodes[i].PipeE(yaml.SetAnnotation(PathAnnotation, path)); err != nil { - return err - } - if err := nodes[i].PipeE(yaml.SetAnnotation(LegacyPathAnnotation, path)); err != nil { - return err - } - } - - // set the index annotations - for i := range nodes { - m, err := nodes[i].GetMeta() - if err != nil { - return err - } - - if _, found := m.Annotations[IndexAnnotation]; found { - continue - } - - p := m.Annotations[PathAnnotation] - - // set an index annotation on the Resource - c := counts[p] - counts[p] = c + 1 - if err := nodes[i].PipeE( - yaml.SetAnnotation(IndexAnnotation, fmt.Sprintf("%d", c))); err != nil { - return err - } - if err := nodes[i].PipeE( - yaml.SetAnnotation(LegacyIndexAnnotation, fmt.Sprintf("%d", c))); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -// DefaultPathAnnotation sets a default path annotation on any Reources -// missing it. -func DefaultPathAnnotation(dir string, nodes []*yaml.RNode) error { - // check each node for the path annotation - for i := range nodes { - if err := CopyLegacyAnnotations(nodes[i]); err != nil { - return err - } - m, err := nodes[i].GetMeta() - if err != nil { - return err - } - - if _, found := m.Annotations[PathAnnotation]; found { - // has the path annotation already -- do nothing - continue - } - - // set a path annotation on the Resource - path := CreatePathAnnotationValue(dir, m) - if err := nodes[i].PipeE(yaml.SetAnnotation(PathAnnotation, path)); err != nil { - return err - } - if err := nodes[i].PipeE(yaml.SetAnnotation(LegacyPathAnnotation, path)); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -// Map invokes fn for each element in nodes. -func Map(nodes []*yaml.RNode, fn func(*yaml.RNode) (*yaml.RNode, error)) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - var returnNodes []*yaml.RNode - for i := range nodes { - n, err := fn(nodes[i]) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.Wrap(err) - } - if n != nil { - returnNodes = append(returnNodes, n) - } - } - return returnNodes, nil -} - -func MapMeta(nodes []*yaml.RNode, fn func(*yaml.RNode, yaml.ResourceMeta) (*yaml.RNode, error)) ( - []*yaml.RNode, error) { - var returnNodes []*yaml.RNode - for i := range nodes { - meta, err := nodes[i].GetMeta() - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.Wrap(err) - } - n, err := fn(nodes[i], meta) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.Wrap(err) - } - if n != nil { - returnNodes = append(returnNodes, n) - } - } - return returnNodes, nil -} - -// SortNodes sorts nodes in place: -// - by PathAnnotation annotation -// - by IndexAnnotation annotation -func SortNodes(nodes []*yaml.RNode) error { - var err error - // use stable sort to keep ordering of equal elements - sort.SliceStable(nodes, func(i, j int) bool { - if err != nil { - return false - } - if err := CopyLegacyAnnotations(nodes[i]); err != nil { - return false - } - if err := CopyLegacyAnnotations(nodes[j]); err != nil { - return false - } - var iMeta, jMeta yaml.ResourceMeta - if iMeta, _ = nodes[i].GetMeta(); err != nil { - return false - } - if jMeta, _ = nodes[j].GetMeta(); err != nil { - return false - } - - iValue := iMeta.Annotations[PathAnnotation] - jValue := jMeta.Annotations[PathAnnotation] - if iValue != jValue { - return iValue < jValue - } - - iValue = iMeta.Annotations[IndexAnnotation] - jValue = jMeta.Annotations[IndexAnnotation] - - // put resource config without an index first - if iValue == jValue { - return false - } - if iValue == "" { - return true - } - if jValue == "" { - return false - } - - // sort by index - var iIndex, jIndex int - iIndex, err = strconv.Atoi(iValue) - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("unable to parse config.kubernetes.io/index %s :%v", iValue, err) - return false - } - jIndex, err = strconv.Atoi(jValue) - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("unable to parse config.kubernetes.io/index %s :%v", jValue, err) - return false - } - if iIndex != jIndex { - return iIndex < jIndex - } - - // elements are equal - return false - }) - return errors.Wrap(err) -} - -// CopyInternalAnnotations copies the annotations that begin with the prefix -// `internal.config.kubernetes.io` from the source RNode to the destination RNode. -// It takes a parameter exclusions, which is a list of annotation keys to ignore. -func CopyInternalAnnotations(src *yaml.RNode, dst *yaml.RNode, exclusions ...AnnotationKey) error { - srcAnnotations := GetInternalAnnotations(src) - for k, v := range srcAnnotations { - if stringSliceContains(exclusions, k) { - continue - } - if err := dst.PipeE(yaml.SetAnnotation(k, v)); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -// ConfirmInternalAnnotationUnchanged compares the annotations of the RNodes that begin with the prefix -// `internal.config.kubernetes.io`, throwing an error if they differ. It takes a parameter exclusions, -// which is a list of annotation keys to ignore. -func ConfirmInternalAnnotationUnchanged(r1 *yaml.RNode, r2 *yaml.RNode, exclusions ...AnnotationKey) error { - r1Annotations := GetInternalAnnotations(r1) - r2Annotations := GetInternalAnnotations(r2) - - // this is a map to prevent duplicates - diffAnnos := make(map[string]bool) - - for k, v1 := range r1Annotations { - if stringSliceContains(exclusions, k) { - continue - } - if v2, ok := r2Annotations[k]; !ok || v1 != v2 { - diffAnnos[k] = true - } - } - - for k, v2 := range r2Annotations { - if stringSliceContains(exclusions, k) { - continue - } - if v1, ok := r1Annotations[k]; !ok || v2 != v1 { - diffAnnos[k] = true - } - } - - if len(diffAnnos) > 0 { - keys := make([]string, 0, len(diffAnnos)) - for k := range diffAnnos { - keys = append(keys, k) - } - sort.Strings(keys) - - errorString := "internal annotations differ: " - for _, key := range keys { - errorString = errorString + key + ", " - } - return errors.Errorf(errorString[0 : len(errorString)-2]) - } - - return nil -} - -// GetInternalAnnotations returns a map of all the annotations of the provided -// RNode that satisfies one of the following: 1) begin with the prefix -// `internal.config.kubernetes.io` 2) is one of `config.kubernetes.io/path`, -// `config.kubernetes.io/index` and `config.k8s.io/id`. -func GetInternalAnnotations(rn *yaml.RNode) map[string]string { - meta, _ := rn.GetMeta() - annotations := meta.Annotations - result := make(map[string]string) - for k, v := range annotations { - if strings.HasPrefix(k, internalPrefix) || k == LegacyPathAnnotation || k == LegacyIndexAnnotation || k == LegacyIdAnnotation { - result[k] = v - } - } - return result -} - -// stringSliceContains returns true if the slice has the string. -func stringSliceContains(slice []string, str string) bool { - for _, s := range slice { - if s == str { - return true - } - } - return false -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/pkgio_reader.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/pkgio_reader.go deleted file mode 100644 index 609a791f..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/pkgio_reader.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,360 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package kio - -import ( - "fmt" - "os" - "path/filepath" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/kioutil" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/sets" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// requiredResourcePackageAnnotations are annotations that are required to write resources back to -// files. -var requiredResourcePackageAnnotations = []string{kioutil.IndexAnnotation, kioutil.PathAnnotation} - -// PackageBuffer implements Reader and Writer, storing Resources in a local field. -type PackageBuffer struct { - Nodes []*yaml.RNode -} - -func (r *PackageBuffer) Read() ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - return r.Nodes, nil -} - -func (r *PackageBuffer) Write(nodes []*yaml.RNode) error { - r.Nodes = nodes - return nil -} - -// LocalPackageReadWriter reads and writes Resources from / to a local directory. -// When writing, LocalPackageReadWriter will delete files if all of the Resources from -// that file have been removed from the output. -type LocalPackageReadWriter struct { - Kind string `yaml:"kind,omitempty"` - - KeepReaderAnnotations bool `yaml:"keepReaderAnnotations,omitempty"` - - // PreserveSeqIndent if true adds kioutil.SeqIndentAnnotation to each resource - PreserveSeqIndent bool - - // PackagePath is the path to the package directory. - PackagePath string `yaml:"path,omitempty"` - - // PackageFileName is the name of file containing package metadata. - // It will be used to identify package. - PackageFileName string `yaml:"packageFileName,omitempty"` - - // MatchFilesGlob configures Read to only read Resources from files matching any of the - // provided patterns. - // Defaults to ["*.yaml", "*.yml"] if empty. To match all files specify ["*"]. - MatchFilesGlob []string `yaml:"matchFilesGlob,omitempty"` - - // IncludeSubpackages will configure Read to read Resources from subpackages. - // Subpackages are identified by presence of PackageFileName. - IncludeSubpackages bool `yaml:"includeSubpackages,omitempty"` - - // ErrorIfNonResources will configure Read to throw an error if yaml missing missing - // apiVersion or kind is read. - ErrorIfNonResources bool `yaml:"errorIfNonResources,omitempty"` - - // OmitReaderAnnotations will cause the reader to skip annotating Resources with the file - // path and mode. - OmitReaderAnnotations bool `yaml:"omitReaderAnnotations,omitempty"` - - // SetAnnotations are annotations to set on the Resources as they are read. - SetAnnotations map[string]string `yaml:"setAnnotations,omitempty"` - - // NoDeleteFiles if set to true, LocalPackageReadWriter won't delete any files - NoDeleteFiles bool `yaml:"noDeleteFiles,omitempty"` - - files sets.String - - // FileSkipFunc is a function which returns true if reader should ignore - // the file - FileSkipFunc LocalPackageSkipFileFunc - - // FileSystem can be used to mock the disk file system. - FileSystem filesys.FileSystemOrOnDisk - - // WrapBareSeqNode wraps the bare sequence node document with map node, - // kyaml uses reader annotations to track resources, it is not possible to - // add them to bare sequence nodes, this option enables wrapping such bare - // sequence nodes into map node with key yaml.BareSeqNodeWrappingKey - // note that this wrapping is different and not related to ResourceList wrapping - WrapBareSeqNode bool -} - -func (r *LocalPackageReadWriter) Read() ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - nodes, err := LocalPackageReader{ - PackagePath: r.PackagePath, - MatchFilesGlob: r.MatchFilesGlob, - IncludeSubpackages: r.IncludeSubpackages, - ErrorIfNonResources: r.ErrorIfNonResources, - SetAnnotations: r.SetAnnotations, - PackageFileName: r.PackageFileName, - FileSkipFunc: r.FileSkipFunc, - PreserveSeqIndent: r.PreserveSeqIndent, - FileSystem: r.FileSystem, - WrapBareSeqNode: r.WrapBareSeqNode, - }.Read() - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.Wrap(err) - } - // keep track of all the files - if !r.NoDeleteFiles { - r.files, err = r.getFiles(nodes) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.Wrap(err) - } - } - return nodes, nil -} - -func (r *LocalPackageReadWriter) Write(nodes []*yaml.RNode) error { - newFiles, err := r.getFiles(nodes) - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - var clear []string - for k := range r.SetAnnotations { - clear = append(clear, k) - } - err = LocalPackageWriter{ - PackagePath: r.PackagePath, - ClearAnnotations: clear, - KeepReaderAnnotations: r.KeepReaderAnnotations, - FileSystem: r.FileSystem, - }.Write(nodes) - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - deleteFiles := r.files.Difference(newFiles) - for f := range deleteFiles { - if err = r.FileSystem.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(r.PackagePath, f)); err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - } - return nil -} - -func (r *LocalPackageReadWriter) getFiles(nodes []*yaml.RNode) (sets.String, error) { - val := sets.String{} - for _, n := range nodes { - path, _, err := kioutil.GetFileAnnotations(n) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.Wrap(err) - } - val.Insert(path) - } - return val, nil -} - -// LocalPackageSkipFileFunc is a function which returns true if the file -// in the package should be ignored by reader. -// relPath is an OS specific relative path -type LocalPackageSkipFileFunc func(relPath string) bool - -// LocalPackageReader reads ResourceNodes from a local package. -type LocalPackageReader struct { - Kind string `yaml:"kind,omitempty"` - - // PackagePath is the path to the package directory. - PackagePath string `yaml:"path,omitempty"` - - // PackageFileName is the name of file containing package metadata. - // It will be used to identify package. - PackageFileName string `yaml:"packageFileName,omitempty"` - - // MatchFilesGlob configures Read to only read Resources from files matching any of the - // provided patterns. - // Defaults to ["*.yaml", "*.yml"] if empty. To match all files specify ["*"]. - MatchFilesGlob []string `yaml:"matchFilesGlob,omitempty"` - - // IncludeSubpackages will configure Read to read Resources from subpackages. - // Subpackages are identified by presence of PackageFileName. - IncludeSubpackages bool `yaml:"includeSubpackages,omitempty"` - - // ErrorIfNonResources will configure Read to throw an error if yaml missing missing - // apiVersion or kind is read. - ErrorIfNonResources bool `yaml:"errorIfNonResources,omitempty"` - - // OmitReaderAnnotations will cause the reader to skip annotating Resources with the file - // path and mode. - OmitReaderAnnotations bool `yaml:"omitReaderAnnotations,omitempty"` - - // SetAnnotations are annotations to set on the Resources as they are read. - SetAnnotations map[string]string `yaml:"setAnnotations,omitempty"` - - // FileSkipFunc is a function which returns true if reader should ignore - // the file - FileSkipFunc LocalPackageSkipFileFunc - - // PreserveSeqIndent if true adds kioutil.SeqIndentAnnotation to each resource - PreserveSeqIndent bool - - // FileSystem can be used to mock the disk file system. - FileSystem filesys.FileSystemOrOnDisk - - // WrapBareSeqNode wraps the bare sequence node document with map node, - // kyaml uses reader annotations to track resources, it is not possible to - // add them to bare sequence nodes, this option enables wrapping such bare - // sequence nodes into map node with key yaml.BareSeqNodeWrappingKey - // note that this wrapping is different and not related to ResourceList wrapping - WrapBareSeqNode bool -} - -var _ Reader = LocalPackageReader{} - -var DefaultMatch = []string{"*.yaml", "*.yml"} -var JSONMatch = []string{"*.json"} -var MatchAll = append(DefaultMatch, JSONMatch...) - -// Read reads the Resources. -func (r LocalPackageReader) Read() ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - if r.PackagePath == "" { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("must specify package path") - } - - // use slash for path - r.PackagePath = filepath.ToSlash(r.PackagePath) - if len(r.MatchFilesGlob) == 0 { - r.MatchFilesGlob = DefaultMatch - } - - var operand ResourceNodeSlice - var pathRelativeTo string - var err error - ignoreFilesMatcher := &ignoreFilesMatcher{ - fs: r.FileSystem, - } - dir, file, err := r.FileSystem.CleanedAbs(r.PackagePath) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.Wrap(err) - } - r.PackagePath = filepath.Join(string(dir), file) - err = r.FileSystem.Walk(r.PackagePath, func( - path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error { - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - - // is this the user specified path? - if path == r.PackagePath { - if info.IsDir() { - // skip the root package directory, but check for a - // .krmignore file first. - pathRelativeTo = r.PackagePath - return ignoreFilesMatcher.readIgnoreFile(path) - } - - // user specified path is a file rather than a directory. - // make its path relative to its parent so it can be written to another file. - pathRelativeTo = filepath.Dir(r.PackagePath) - } - - // check if we should skip the directory or file - if info.IsDir() { - return r.shouldSkipDir(path, ignoreFilesMatcher) - } - - // get the relative path to file within the package so we can write the files back out - // to another location. - relPath, err := filepath.Rel(pathRelativeTo, path) - if err != nil { - return errors.WrapPrefixf(err, pathRelativeTo) - } - if match, err := r.shouldSkipFile(path, relPath, ignoreFilesMatcher); err != nil { - return err - } else if match { - // skip this file - return nil - } - - r.initReaderAnnotations(relPath, info) - nodes, err := r.readFile(path, info) - if err != nil { - return errors.WrapPrefixf(err, path) - } - operand = append(operand, nodes...) - return nil - }) - return operand, err -} - -// readFile reads the ResourceNodes from a file -func (r *LocalPackageReader) readFile(path string, _ os.FileInfo) ([]*yaml.RNode, error) { - f, err := r.FileSystem.Open(path) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - defer f.Close() - - rr := &ByteReader{ - DisableUnwrapping: true, - Reader: f, - OmitReaderAnnotations: r.OmitReaderAnnotations, - SetAnnotations: r.SetAnnotations, - PreserveSeqIndent: r.PreserveSeqIndent, - WrapBareSeqNode: r.WrapBareSeqNode, - } - return rr.Read() -} - -// shouldSkipFile returns true if the file should be skipped -func (r *LocalPackageReader) shouldSkipFile(path, relPath string, matcher *ignoreFilesMatcher) (bool, error) { - // check if the file is covered by a .krmignore file. - if matcher.matchFile(path) { - return true, nil - } - - if r.FileSkipFunc != nil && r.FileSkipFunc(relPath) { - return true, nil - } - - // check if the files are in scope - for _, g := range r.MatchFilesGlob { - if match, err := filepath.Match(g, filepath.Base(path)); err != nil { - return true, errors.Wrap(err) - } else if match { - return false, nil - } - } - return true, nil -} - -// initReaderAnnotations adds the LocalPackageReader Annotations to r.SetAnnotations -func (r *LocalPackageReader) initReaderAnnotations(path string, _ os.FileInfo) { - if r.SetAnnotations == nil { - r.SetAnnotations = map[string]string{} - } - if !r.OmitReaderAnnotations { - r.SetAnnotations[kioutil.PathAnnotation] = path - r.SetAnnotations[kioutil.LegacyPathAnnotation] = path - } -} - -// shouldSkipDir returns a filepath.SkipDir if the directory should be skipped -func (r *LocalPackageReader) shouldSkipDir(path string, matcher *ignoreFilesMatcher) error { - if matcher.matchDir(path) { - return filepath.SkipDir - } - - if r.PackageFileName == "" { - return nil - } - // check if this is a subpackage - if !r.FileSystem.Exists(filepath.Join(path, r.PackageFileName)) { - return nil - } - if !r.IncludeSubpackages { - return filepath.SkipDir - } - return matcher.readIgnoreFile(path) -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/pkgio_writer.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/pkgio_writer.go deleted file mode 100644 index ce6fa45a..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/pkgio_writer.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,150 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package kio - -import ( - "bytes" - "fmt" - "os" - "path/filepath" - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/kioutil" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// LocalPackageWriter writes ResourceNodes to a filesystem -type LocalPackageWriter struct { - Kind string `yaml:"kind,omitempty"` - - // PackagePath is the path to the package directory. - PackagePath string `yaml:"path,omitempty"` - - // KeepReaderAnnotations if set will retain the annotations set by LocalPackageReader - KeepReaderAnnotations bool `yaml:"keepReaderAnnotations,omitempty"` - - // ClearAnnotations will clear annotations before writing the resources - ClearAnnotations []string `yaml:"clearAnnotations,omitempty"` - - // FileSystem can be used to mock the disk file system. - FileSystem filesys.FileSystemOrOnDisk -} - -var _ Writer = LocalPackageWriter{} - -func (r LocalPackageWriter) Write(nodes []*yaml.RNode) error { - // set the path and index annotations if they are missing - if err := kioutil.DefaultPathAndIndexAnnotation("", nodes); err != nil { - return err - } - - if !r.FileSystem.Exists(r.PackagePath) { - return errors.WrapPrefixf(os.ErrNotExist, "could not write to %q", r.PackagePath) - } - if !r.FileSystem.IsDir(r.PackagePath) { - // if the user specified input isn't a directory, the package is the directory of the - // target - r.PackagePath = filepath.Dir(r.PackagePath) - } - - // setup indexes for writing Resources back to files - if err := r.errorIfMissingRequiredAnnotation(nodes); err != nil { - return err - } - outputFiles, err := r.indexByFilePath(nodes) - if err != nil { - return err - } - for k := range outputFiles { - if err = kioutil.SortNodes(outputFiles[k]); err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - } - - if !r.KeepReaderAnnotations { - r.ClearAnnotations = append(r.ClearAnnotations, kioutil.PathAnnotation) - r.ClearAnnotations = append(r.ClearAnnotations, kioutil.LegacyPathAnnotation) - } - - // validate outputs before writing any - for path := range outputFiles { - outputPath := filepath.Join(r.PackagePath, path) - if r.FileSystem.IsDir(outputPath) { - return fmt.Errorf("config.kubernetes.io/path cannot be a directory: %s", path) - } - - err = r.FileSystem.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(outputPath)) - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - } - - // write files - buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) - for path := range outputFiles { - outputPath := filepath.Join(r.PackagePath, path) - err = r.FileSystem.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(filepath.Join(r.PackagePath, path))) - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - - buf.Reset() - w := ByteWriter{ - Writer: buf, - KeepReaderAnnotations: r.KeepReaderAnnotations, - ClearAnnotations: r.ClearAnnotations, - } - if err = w.Write(outputFiles[path]); err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - - if err := r.FileSystem.WriteFile(outputPath, buf.Bytes()); err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - } - - return nil -} - -func (r LocalPackageWriter) errorIfMissingRequiredAnnotation(nodes []*yaml.RNode) error { - for i := range nodes { - for _, s := range requiredResourcePackageAnnotations { - key, err := nodes[i].Pipe(yaml.GetAnnotation(s)) - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - if key == nil || key.YNode() == nil || key.YNode().Value == "" { - return errors.Errorf( - "resources must be annotated with %s to be written to files", s) - } - } - } - return nil -} - -func (r LocalPackageWriter) indexByFilePath(nodes []*yaml.RNode) (map[string][]*yaml.RNode, error) { - outputFiles := map[string][]*yaml.RNode{} - for i := range nodes { - // parse the file write path - node := nodes[i] - value, err := node.Pipe(yaml.GetAnnotation(kioutil.PathAnnotation)) - if err != nil { - // this should never happen if errorIfMissingRequiredAnnotation was run - return nil, errors.Wrap(err) - } - path := value.YNode().Value - outputFiles[path] = append(outputFiles[path], node) - - if filepath.IsAbs(path) { - return nil, errors.Errorf("package paths may not be absolute paths") - } - if strings.Contains(filepath.Clean(path), "..") { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("resource must be written under package %s: %s", - r.PackagePath, filepath.Clean(path)) - } - } - return outputFiles, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/tree.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/tree.go deleted file mode 100644 index a1418157..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/tree.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,519 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package kio - -import ( - "fmt" - "io" - "os" - "path/filepath" - "sort" - "strings" - - "github.com/xlab/treeprint" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/kioutil" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -type TreeStructure string - -const ( - // TreeStructurePackage configures TreeWriter to generate the tree structure off of the - // Resources packages. - TreeStructurePackage TreeStructure = "directory" - - // TreeStructureOwners configures TreeWriter to generate the tree structure off of the - // Resource owners. - TreeStructureGraph TreeStructure = "owners" -) - -var GraphStructures = []string{string(TreeStructureGraph), string(TreeStructurePackage)} - -// TreeWriter prints the package structured as a tree. -// TODO(pwittrock): test this package better. it is lower-risk since it is only -// used for printing rather than updating or editing. -type TreeWriter struct { - Writer io.Writer - Root string - Fields []TreeWriterField - Structure TreeStructure - OpenAPIFileName string -} - -// TreeWriterField configures a Resource field to be included in the tree -type TreeWriterField struct { - yaml.PathMatcher - Name string - SubName string -} - -func (p TreeWriter) packageStructure(nodes []*yaml.RNode) error { - for i := range nodes { - if err := kioutil.CopyLegacyAnnotations(nodes[i]); err != nil { - return err - } - } - indexByPackage := p.index(nodes) - - // create the new tree - tree := treeprint.New() - tree.SetValue(p.Root) - - // add each package to the tree - treeIndex := map[string]treeprint.Tree{} - keys := p.sort(indexByPackage) - for _, pkg := range keys { - // create a branch for this package -- search for the parent package and create - // the branch under it -- requires that the keys are sorted - branch := tree - for parent, subTree := range treeIndex { - if strings.HasPrefix(pkg, parent) { - // found a package whose path is a prefix to our own, use this - // package if a closer one isn't found - branch = subTree - // don't break, continue searching for more closely related ancestors - } - } - - // create a new branch for the package - createOk := pkg != "." // special edge case logic for tree on current working dir - if createOk { - branch = branch.AddBranch(branchName(p.Root, pkg, p.OpenAPIFileName)) - } - - // cache the branch for this package - treeIndex[pkg] = branch - - // print each resource in the package - for i := range indexByPackage[pkg] { - var err error - if _, err = p.doResource(indexByPackage[pkg][i], "", branch); err != nil { - return err - } - } - } - - _, err := io.WriteString(p.Writer, tree.String()) - return err -} - -// branchName takes the root directory and relative path to the directory -// and returns the branch name -func branchName(root, dirRelPath, openAPIFileName string) string { - name := filepath.Base(dirRelPath) - _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(root, dirRelPath, openAPIFileName)) - if !os.IsNotExist(err) { - // add Pkg: prefix indicating that it is a separate package as it has - // openAPIFile - return fmt.Sprintf("Pkg: %s", name) - } - return name -} - -// Write writes the ascii tree to p.Writer -func (p TreeWriter) Write(nodes []*yaml.RNode) error { - switch p.Structure { - case TreeStructurePackage: - return p.packageStructure(nodes) - case TreeStructureGraph: - return p.graphStructure(nodes) - } - - // If any resource has an owner reference, default to the graph structure. Otherwise, use package structure. - for _, node := range nodes { - if owners, _ := node.Pipe(yaml.Lookup("metadata", "ownerReferences")); owners != nil { - return p.graphStructure(nodes) - } - } - return p.packageStructure(nodes) -} - -// node wraps a tree node, and any children nodes -type node struct { - p TreeWriter - *yaml.RNode - children []*node -} - -func (a node) Len() int { return len(a.children) } -func (a node) Swap(i, j int) { a.children[i], a.children[j] = a.children[j], a.children[i] } -func (a node) Less(i, j int) bool { - return compareNodes(a.children[i].RNode, a.children[j].RNode) -} - -// Tree adds this node to the root -func (a node) Tree(root treeprint.Tree) error { - sort.Sort(a) - branch := root - var err error - - // generate a node for the Resource - if a.RNode != nil { - branch, err = a.p.doResource(a.RNode, "Resource", root) - if err != nil { - return err - } - } - - // attach children to the branch - for _, n := range a.children { - if err := n.Tree(branch); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -// graphStructure writes the tree using owners for structure -func (p TreeWriter) graphStructure(nodes []*yaml.RNode) error { - resourceToOwner := map[string]*node{} - root := &node{} - // index each of the nodes by their owner - for _, n := range nodes { - ownerVal, err := ownerToString(n) - if err != nil { - return err - } - var owner *node - if ownerVal == "" { - // no owner -- attach to the root - owner = root - } else { - // owner found -- attach to the owner - var found bool - owner, found = resourceToOwner[ownerVal] - if !found { - // initialize the owner if not found - resourceToOwner[ownerVal] = &node{p: p} - owner = resourceToOwner[ownerVal] - } - } - - nodeVal, err := nodeToString(n) - if err != nil { - return err - } - val, found := resourceToOwner[nodeVal] - if !found { - // initialize the node if not found -- may have already been initialized if it - // is the owner of another node - resourceToOwner[nodeVal] = &node{p: p} - val = resourceToOwner[nodeVal] - } - val.RNode = n - owner.children = append(owner.children, val) - } - - for k, v := range resourceToOwner { - if v.RNode == nil { - return fmt.Errorf( - "owner '%s' not found in input, but found as an owner of input objects", k) - } - } - - // print the tree - tree := treeprint.New() - if err := root.Tree(tree); err != nil { - return err - } - - _, err := io.WriteString(p.Writer, tree.String()) - return err -} - -// nodeToString generates a string to identify the node -- matches ownerToString format -func nodeToString(node *yaml.RNode) (string, error) { - meta, err := node.GetMeta() - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - - return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s/%s", meta.Kind, meta.Namespace, meta.Name), nil -} - -// ownerToString generate a string to identify the owner -- matches nodeToString format -func ownerToString(node *yaml.RNode) (string, error) { - meta, err := node.GetMeta() - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - namespace := meta.Namespace - - owners, err := node.Pipe(yaml.Lookup("metadata", "ownerReferences")) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - if owners == nil { - return "", nil - } - - elements, err := owners.Elements() - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - if len(elements) == 0 { - return "", err - } - owner := elements[0] - var kind, name string - - if value := owner.Field("kind"); !value.IsNilOrEmpty() { - kind = value.Value.YNode().Value - } - if value := owner.Field("name"); !value.IsNilOrEmpty() { - name = value.Value.YNode().Value - } - - return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s/%s", kind, namespace, name), nil -} - -// index indexes the Resources by their package -func (p TreeWriter) index(nodes []*yaml.RNode) map[string][]*yaml.RNode { - // index the ResourceNodes by package - indexByPackage := map[string][]*yaml.RNode{} - for i := range nodes { - meta, err := nodes[i].GetMeta() - if err != nil || meta.Kind == "" { - // not a resource - continue - } - pkg := filepath.Dir(meta.Annotations[kioutil.PathAnnotation]) - indexByPackage[pkg] = append(indexByPackage[pkg], nodes[i]) - } - return indexByPackage -} - -func compareNodes(i, j *yaml.RNode) bool { - metai, _ := i.GetMeta() - metaj, _ := j.GetMeta() - pi := metai.Annotations[kioutil.PathAnnotation] - pj := metaj.Annotations[kioutil.PathAnnotation] - - // compare file names - if filepath.Base(pi) != filepath.Base(pj) { - return filepath.Base(pi) < filepath.Base(pj) - } - - // compare namespace - if metai.Namespace != metaj.Namespace { - return metai.Namespace < metaj.Namespace - } - - // compare name - if metai.Name != metaj.Name { - return metai.Name < metaj.Name - } - - // compare kind - if metai.Kind != metaj.Kind { - return metai.Kind < metaj.Kind - } - - // compare apiVersion - if metai.APIVersion != metaj.APIVersion { - return metai.APIVersion < metaj.APIVersion - } - return true -} - -// sort sorts the Resources in the index in display order and returns the ordered -// keys for the index -// -// Packages are sorted by package name -// Resources within a package are sorted by: [filename, namespace, name, kind, apiVersion] -func (p TreeWriter) sort(indexByPackage map[string][]*yaml.RNode) []string { - var keys []string - for k := range indexByPackage { - pkgNodes := indexByPackage[k] - sort.Slice(pkgNodes, func(i, j int) bool { return compareNodes(pkgNodes[i], pkgNodes[j]) }) - keys = append(keys, k) - } - - // return the package names sorted lexicographically - sort.Strings(keys) - return keys -} - -func (p TreeWriter) doResource(leaf *yaml.RNode, metaString string, branch treeprint.Tree) (treeprint.Tree, error) { - meta, _ := leaf.GetMeta() - if metaString == "" { - path := meta.Annotations[kioutil.PathAnnotation] - path = filepath.Base(path) - metaString = path - } - - value := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", meta.Kind, meta.Name) - if len(meta.Namespace) > 0 { - value = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s/%s", meta.Kind, meta.Namespace, meta.Name) - } - - fields, err := p.getFields(leaf) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - n := branch.AddMetaBranch(metaString, value) - for i := range fields { - field := fields[i] - - // do leaf node - if len(field.matchingElementsAndFields) == 0 { - n.AddNode(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", field.name, field.value)) - continue - } - - // do nested nodes - b := n.AddBranch(field.name) - for j := range field.matchingElementsAndFields { - elem := field.matchingElementsAndFields[j] - b := b.AddBranch(elem.name) - for k := range elem.matchingElementsAndFields { - field := elem.matchingElementsAndFields[k] - b.AddNode(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", field.name, field.value)) - } - } - } - - return n, nil -} - -// getFields looks up p.Fields from leaf and structures them into treeFields. -// TODO(pwittrock): simplify this function -func (p TreeWriter) getFields(leaf *yaml.RNode) (treeFields, error) { - fieldsByName := map[string]*treeField{} - - // index nested and non-nested fields - for i := range p.Fields { - f := p.Fields[i] - seq, err := leaf.Pipe(&f) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if seq == nil { - continue - } - - if fieldsByName[f.Name] == nil { - fieldsByName[f.Name] = &treeField{name: f.Name} - } - - // non-nested field -- add directly to the treeFields list - if f.SubName == "" { - // non-nested field -- only 1 element - val, err := yaml.String(seq.Content()[0], yaml.Trim, yaml.Flow) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - fieldsByName[f.Name].value = val - continue - } - - // nested-field -- create a parent elem, and index by the 'match' value - if fieldsByName[f.Name].subFieldByMatch == nil { - fieldsByName[f.Name].subFieldByMatch = map[string]treeFields{} - } - index := fieldsByName[f.Name].subFieldByMatch - for j := range seq.Content() { - elem := seq.Content()[j] - matches := f.Matches[elem] - str, err := yaml.String(elem, yaml.Trim, yaml.Flow) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - // map the field by the name of the element - // index the subfields by the matching element so we can put all the fields for the - // same element under the same branch - matchKey := strings.Join(matches, "/") - index[matchKey] = append(index[matchKey], &treeField{name: f.SubName, value: str}) - } - } - - // iterate over collection of all queried fields in the Resource - for _, field := range fieldsByName { - // iterate over collection of elements under the field -- indexed by element name - for match, subFields := range field.subFieldByMatch { - // create a new element for this collection of fields - // note: we will convert name to an index later, but keep the match for sorting - elem := &treeField{name: match} - field.matchingElementsAndFields = append(field.matchingElementsAndFields, elem) - - // iterate over collection of queried fields for the element - for i := range subFields { - // add to the list of fields for this element - elem.matchingElementsAndFields = append(elem.matchingElementsAndFields, subFields[i]) - } - } - // clear this cached data - field.subFieldByMatch = nil - } - - // put the fields in a list so they are ordered - fieldList := treeFields{} - for _, v := range fieldsByName { - fieldList = append(fieldList, v) - } - - // sort the fields - sort.Sort(fieldList) - for i := range fieldList { - field := fieldList[i] - // sort the elements under this field - sort.Sort(field.matchingElementsAndFields) - - for i := range field.matchingElementsAndFields { - element := field.matchingElementsAndFields[i] - // sort the elements under a list field by their name - sort.Sort(element.matchingElementsAndFields) - // set the name of the element to its index - element.name = fmt.Sprintf("%d", i) - } - } - - return fieldList, nil -} - -// treeField wraps a field node -type treeField struct { - // name is the name of the node - name string - - // value is the value of the node -- may be empty - value string - - // matchingElementsAndFields is a slice of fields that go under this as a branch - matchingElementsAndFields treeFields - - // subFieldByMatch caches matchingElementsAndFields indexed by the name of the matching elem - subFieldByMatch map[string]treeFields -} - -// treeFields wraps a slice of treeField so they can be sorted -type treeFields []*treeField - -func (nodes treeFields) Len() int { return len(nodes) } - -func (nodes treeFields) Less(i, j int) bool { - iIndex, iFound := yaml.FieldOrder[nodes[i].name] - jIndex, jFound := yaml.FieldOrder[nodes[j].name] - if iFound && jFound { - return iIndex < jIndex - } - if iFound { - return true - } - if jFound { - return false - } - - if nodes[i].name != nodes[j].name { - return nodes[i].name < nodes[j].name - } - if nodes[i].value != nodes[j].value { - return nodes[i].value < nodes[j].value - } - return false -} - -func (nodes treeFields) Swap(i, j int) { nodes[i], nodes[j] = nodes[j], nodes[i] } diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi/Makefile b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index c616a6c6..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -# Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. -# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -MYGOBIN = $(shell go env GOBIN) -ifeq ($(MYGOBIN),) -MYGOBIN = $(shell go env GOPATH)/bin -endif -KIND_VERSION := "v0.11.1" -API_VERSION ?= "v1.21.2" - -.PHONY: all -all: \ - kustomizationapi/swagger.go \ - kubernetesapi/swagger.go \ - kubernetesapi/openapiinfo.go - -.PHONY: clean -clean: - rm kustomizationapi/swagger.go - rm kubernetesapi/openapiinfo.go - -# This will remove all currently built-in schema, -# so think twice before deleting. -# To replace what this will delete typically requires the ability -# to contact a live kubernetes API server. -.PHONY: nuke -nuke: clean - rm -r kubernetesapi/* - -$(MYGOBIN)/go-bindata: - go install github.com/go-bindata/go-bindata/v3/go-bindata@latest - -$(MYGOBIN)/kind: - ( \ - set -e; \ - d=$(shell mktemp -d); cd $$d; \ - wget -O ./kind https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kind/releases/download/$(KIND_VERSION)/kind-$(shell uname)-amd64; \ - chmod +x ./kind; \ - mv ./kind $(MYGOBIN); \ - rm -rf $$d; \ - ) - -.PHONY: kubernetesapi/openapiinfo.go -kubernetesapi/openapiinfo.go: - ./scripts/makeOpenApiInfoDotGo.sh - -kustomizationapi/swagger.go: $(MYGOBIN)/go-bindata kustomizationapi/swagger.json - $(MYGOBIN)/go-bindata \ - --pkg kustomizationapi \ - -o kustomizationapi/swagger.go \ - kustomizationapi/swagger.json - -.PHONY: kubernetesapi/swagger.pb -kubernetesapi/swagger.pb: $(MYGOBIN)/kind $(MYGOBIN)/kustomize - ./scripts/fetchSchemaFromCluster.sh $(API_VERSION) - -.PHONY: kubernetesapi/swagger.go -kubernetesapi/swagger.go: $(MYGOBIN)/go-bindata kubernetesapi/swagger.pb - ./scripts/generateSwaggerDotGo.sh $(API_VERSION) - -$(MYGOBIN)/kustomize: - $(shell cd ../.. && MYGOBIN=$(MYGOBIN) make $(MYGOBIN)/kustomize) diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi/README.md b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3bffb952..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ -# Sampling New OpenAPI Data - -[OpenAPI schema]: ./kubernetesapi/ -[Kustomization schema]: ./kustomizationapi/ -[kind]: https://hub.docker.com/r/kindest/node/tags - -This document describes how to fetch OpenAPI data from a -live kubernetes API server. -The scripts used will create a clean [kind] instance for this purpose. - -## Replacing the default openapi schema version - -### Delete all currently built-in schema - -This will remove both the Kustomization and Kubernetes schemas: - -``` -make nuke -``` - -### Choose the new version to use - -The compiled-in schema version should maximize API availability with respect to all actively supported Kubernetes versions. For example, while 1.20, 1.21 and 1.22 are the actively supported versions, 1.21 is the best choice. This is because 1.21 introduces at least one new API and does not remove any, while 1.22 removes a large set of long-deprecated APIs that are still supported in 1.20/1.21. - -### Generating additional schema - -If you'd like to change the default schema version, then in the Makefile in this directory, update the `API_VERSION` to your desired version. - -You may need to update the version of Kind these scripts use by changing `KIND_VERSION` in the Makefile in this directory. You can find compatibility information in the [kind release notes](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kind/releases). - -In this directory, fetch the openapi schema, generate the -corresponding swagger.go for the kubernetes api, and update `kubernetesapi/openapiinfo.go`: - -``` -make all -``` - -If you want to run the steps individually instead of using `make all`, you can run -the following commands: - -``` -make kustomizationapi/swagger.go -make kubernetesapi/swagger.go -make kubernetesapi/openapiinfo.go -``` - -You can optionally delete the old `swagger.pb` and `swagger.go` files if we no longer need to support that kubernetes version of -openapi data. Make sure you rerun `make kubernetesapi/openapiinfo.go` after deleting any old schemas. - - -#### Precomputations - -To avoid expensive schema lookups, some functions have precomputed results based on the schema. Unit tests -ensure these are kept in sync with the schema; if these tests fail you will need to follow the suggested diff -to update the precomputed results. - -### Run all tests - -At the top of the repository, run the tests. - -``` -make prow-presubmit-check >& /tmp/k.txt; echo $? -``` - -The exit code should be zero; if not, examine `/tmp/k.txt`. - -## Partial regeneration - -You can also regenerate the kubernetes api schemas specifically with: - -``` -rm kubernetesapi/swagger.go -make kubernetesapi/swagger.go -``` - -To fetch the schema without generating the swagger.go, you can -run: - -``` -rm kubernetesapi/swagger.pb -make kubernetesapi/swagger.pb -``` - -Note that generating the swagger.go will re-fetch the schema. diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi/kubernetesapi/openapiinfo.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi/kubernetesapi/openapiinfo.go deleted file mode 100644 index e8b3d836..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi/kubernetesapi/openapiinfo.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Code generated by ./scripts/makeOpenApiInfoDotGo.sh; DO NOT EDIT. - -package kubernetesapi - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi/kubernetesapi/v1_21_2" -) - -const Info = "{title:Kubernetes,version:v1.21.2}" - -var OpenAPIMustAsset = map[string]func(string) []byte{ - "v1.21.2": v1_21_2.MustAsset, -} - -const DefaultOpenAPI = "v1.21.2" diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi/kubernetesapi/v1_21_2/swagger.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi/kubernetesapi/v1_21_2/swagger.go deleted file mode 100644 index b599e539..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi/kubernetesapi/v1_21_2/swagger.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,249 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by go-bindata. (@generated) DO NOT EDIT. - - //Package v1_21_2 generated by go-bindata.// sources: -// kubernetesapi/v1_21_2/swagger.pb -package v1_21_2 - -import ( - "bytes" - "compress/gzip" - "fmt" - "io" - "io/ioutil" - "os" - "path/filepath" - "strings" - "time" -) - -func bindataRead(data []byte, name string) ([]byte, error) { - gz, err := gzip.NewReader(bytes.NewBuffer(data)) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("read %q: %v", name, err) - } - - var buf bytes.Buffer - _, err = io.Copy(&buf, gz) - clErr := gz.Close() - - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("read %q: %v", name, err) - } - if clErr != nil { - return nil, err - } - - return buf.Bytes(), nil -} - -type asset struct { - bytes []byte - info os.FileInfo -} - -type bindataFileInfo struct { - name string - size int64 - mode os.FileMode - modTime time.Time -} - -// Name return file name -func (fi bindataFileInfo) Name() string { - return fi.name -} - -// Size return file size -func (fi bindataFileInfo) Size() int64 { - return fi.size -} - -// Mode return file mode -func (fi bindataFileInfo) Mode() os.FileMode { - return fi.mode -} - -// ModTime return file modify time -func (fi bindataFileInfo) ModTime() time.Time { - return fi.modTime -} - -// IsDir return file whether a directory -func (fi bindataFileInfo) IsDir() bool { - return fi.mode&os.ModeDir != 0 -} - -// Sys return file is sys mode -func (fi bindataFileInfo) Sys() interface{} { - return nil -} - -var _kubernetesapiV1_21_2SwaggerPb = []byte("\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xec\xfd\x79\x78\x1c\xd7\x79\xe0\x0b\x3f\xdd\x00\x45\xf2\x48\xb2\xa9\xa3\xc5\x51\x5b\x4b\xa9\x29\x11\x40\x13\x68\xb0\xc1\x1d\x5c\xd1\x00\x49\xa1\x09\x92\x30\x21\x91\xb6\x23\x89\x2a\x54\x1d\x34\x8a\xec\xae\x53\xaa\xaa\x06\x05\xe7\xf3\xcc\xc4\xb2\x3d\x9e\x6f\x1e\x3b\x1e\x27\x5e\xee\x38\xd7\xe3\x6c\x1e\x3b\xf1\xc8\x71\xe2\x3b\x49\x1e\x4f\x96\x9b\x1b\x67\x94\x91\xa3\xc4\x71\x66\x9c\x71\x12\x27\x4e\x9c\x79\x32\x9e\x9b\x9b\x78\x32\xb9\x71\x56\xdf\xe7\x2c\xb5\x75\x57\xa3\x1a\x60\x77\xa3\xc1\x7e\xff\x91\xc0\xae\xaa\x53\xa7\xce\xf2\x9e\xf7\xfc\xde\xe5\xa0\x81\x89\xfc\x3e\x7c\x3f\x42\xe7\x6b\x8b\xc4\x36\x89\x4b\x1c\xbc\x7d\xa5\x90\x9f\x28\xe4\x27\x8a\xbf\xff\xa7\x3f\x9c\xc2\x7f\xb1\x07\xdd\x3b\xae\x5a\xc6\xf8\x4a\x61\xbc\x62\x54\x0d\xd7\x56\xcd\x32\x71\xf0\xef\xec\xc1\x5f\x1c\x40\xdb\x35\x6a\x93\x6b\x2b\x85\xcc\x70\xc5\x70\x5c\x85\xda\xca\x4d\xd5\xd5\x96\x15\xba\x78\x9d\x68\xae\xa3\xd0\x25\xe5\x86\x61\xea\xca\x1c\x7b\xf2\x32\x7b\x32\xf7\x38\xbb\x73\x9a\xda\xe4\x4a\x21\xf8\xf5\x2c\xb5\xa7\x2a\x95\x8b\x6a\x95\x38\x96\xaa\x11\x67\x62\x97\x6a\x59\x15\x43\x53\x5d\x83\x9a\xe3\xd7\x1d\x6a\x46\x7f\x59\x55\xab\x95\x89\xdd\xe1\x5f\x56\x4c\x3d\x7f\xc3\xff\x88\xbc\x65\x53\x97\x2e\xd6\x96\x26\x1e\xae\x2f\xe8\x98\xe3\xda\x44\xad\x9e\xe0\x15\x9d\xd8\xd7\x42\x19\x91\x27\x26\x07\x72\xe3\xb9\xd2\xb3\xe8\x0d\x68\xe0\xc0\xbe\x02\xde\x85\x5e\x87\xee\x7a\xda\x54\x6b\xee\x32\xb5\x8d\xb7\x11\x1d\x15\xd1\xc0\xc4\xbe\x7d\xf8\x18\x3a\x8a\xd2\x97\xce\xe3\xfd\xa8\x80\xc6\x77\x8f\xeb\x64\xc9\x30\x0d\xf6\x16\x67\xdc\xa0\xf9\x1b\x47\x9c\xbc\x6a\x19\x79\xd6\x7c\xf9\x95\x42\x3e\x68\x89\x39\xc3\x71\x2f\x6f\x5b\x76\x5d\xcb\xb9\xfe\x08\xba\xf7\xc5\xb1\xa0\x42\x63\xaa\xc6\x0a\xc0\xdb\xf1\x36\xd6\x86\xe8\xfa\x1c\x7a\x34\x72\xbd\x6c\xd3\x9a\x35\xb6\x42\x6c\xc7\xa0\xe6\x18\x6b\x78\x3c\x82\x87\xd8\xff\x27\x43\x3d\x80\xe4\x0d\x93\xca\x4a\x01\xf1\x47\x26\x95\x6c\x16\x95\xde\x31\x88\xbe\x33\x80\xff\x7e\x20\xf3\x37\x03\x78\xdb\x0b\x35\x62\xaf\x66\x5e\x1b\x50\x2b\x15\x7a\xf3\x2a\xfb\xf0\x22\xa5\x37\xaa\xaa\x7d\xc3\x51\x6c\xf2\x42\x8d\x38\xae\x23\xfb\x9a\xac\x10\x93\xfd\xc3\x70\x97\x15\x77\xd5\x22\x4a\xb6\x78\xe9\xd2\xf9\x0b\x53\x97\xcf\x67\xf3\xca\x02\xb1\xd9\xeb\x14\x77\x59\x75\x15\x9d\x2a\x26\x75\x15\xa3\x6a\x55\x48\x95\x98\xae\xb2\xe8\x97\x59\x55\x57\x15\xa3\x6c\x52\x9b\x28\xee\xb2\xe1\x28\x4b\x15\xb5\xac\xa8\xa6\x1e\xba\x45\xb5\x89\xe2\xb0\xa7\x54\x57\x71\x97\xd9\xdf\xac\xe8\x21\x47\xd1\x0d\x47\xb3\x09\x6b\x9a\xbc\x32\x5d\x31\x78\x6d\x9c\x65\x5a\xab\xe8\xfc\x75\xaa\xe3\xd4\xaa\xa4\xae\x20\x9b\xb8\x35\xdb\x24\x3a\x2b\x4c\x35\x57\x15\xc7\x22\x9a\xb1\x64\x68\x8a\x61\xba\xc4\x5e\x51\x2b\xa3\x8a\x49\x6d\x5e\x2d\x77\x99\xac\x7a\x85\x04\xef\x55\x6e\x1a\x95\x0a\xab\x8f\xce\x9f\xf7\x3e\x59\xb4\x86\xa2\xd7\x6c\xc3\x2c\x2b\xaa\xe2\x10\xc7\xe1\x15\x9b\x5d\x12\x1f\x66\x38\xa2\x52\xa2\xf1\x46\xe5\xd7\x1a\xa4\xa2\xb3\x4b\xa2\x09\x74\x79\x3b\x51\x96\x88\xea\xd6\x6c\xa2\x94\x55\x97\x28\x75\xdd\x20\x4b\x22\xa6\xba\x58\x21\xba\x62\x98\x8a\x6a\x19\xa2\x72\xcd\x8a\xcd\xde\x1b\xd3\x9f\x13\xdb\x17\x29\xad\x10\xd5\xfc\x78\x2a\x55\xfa\xf3\x9d\xe8\xff\xde\x89\xff\xfb\xce\xcc\x7f\xdb\xe9\x0d\x82\xff\xb8\xf3\xa9\x65\xa2\x68\xd4\x74\x0d\xb3\x46\x14\x6a\xb1\x96\xf6\x1a\x78\x91\xb5\x87\xab\xdc\x5c\x26\x26\x6b\x53\xdb\x20\x2b\xec\xc3\xab\x94\xb7\xb1\x53\xab\xb8\x8e\xb2\x64\xd3\x6a\xa8\xe5\xf2\xca\x82\x61\x6a\xb2\x9f\x57\xd4\x4a\x8d\xb0\x2a\xca\x56\xe5\xf3\x84\xe8\xa3\x8a\x26\x3b\x92\xf5\x00\x35\x2b\xab\x4a\xcd\x11\xcd\xef\x57\x44\x3c\xca\x0b\x57\x15\xcb\x26\x2b\x06\xad\x39\x0a\xaf\xb3\x7c\xb5\x18\x93\x86\x4e\x4c\xd7\xd0\xd4\x8a\xbc\x66\xa9\xb6\x5a\x25\x2e\x1b\x95\xc3\xe4\x45\x8d\x58\xae\xb2\x44\x6d\x5e\xb6\x28\x92\x2e\xf9\x2f\x19\xe1\x63\x30\xd4\xeb\xac\x3a\x36\x61\xc2\x4d\x51\xeb\xab\x62\xb0\x11\x4e\x44\xaf\xd8\x44\xa3\x65\xd3\x78\x1b\xf1\xbb\x52\x8e\x30\xa2\x37\x3c\xc6\x9e\x50\x2a\xd4\x2c\x13\x9b\xfd\x64\xe8\xac\x39\xdd\x65\xd6\x1a\x35\xa2\xb8\x54\x21\x2f\x5a\x86\xcd\x45\x94\x32\x5c\x26\x26\xb1\xd5\x4a\x65\x55\x59\x32\x56\xf8\xd5\x25\x63\xc9\x25\xc4\x54\xaa\x86\x59\x73\x89\x33\xc2\xa4\x30\xaf\xdb\x92\x51\xae\xc9\xc7\xb4\x65\x36\xf3\x15\x6a\x86\xbe\x65\xb4\x61\x34\xdb\xc4\xb1\xa8\xa9\x8b\x66\x53\x95\x03\x85\x7d\xca\x65\xe2\xd0\x9a\xad\x91\x33\xac\x0a\x44\x57\x88\x6d\xb3\xb6\xa2\x65\x51\x41\x79\xa7\xff\x45\x2e\xbd\x41\x4c\xff\x93\x45\x1f\x2a\x26\x21\xba\x23\xee\x72\x0c\xc7\x65\x3f\x31\xf9\x35\xca\x1a\xac\x5a\x73\x58\x63\x39\xae\x6a\xf3\x59\x6d\xd8\xfc\x1a\x2f\x98\xd6\xdc\x68\x8f\xf3\xf1\x9c\x57\x2e\xb1\x57\xdf\x34\x1c\x32\x1a\x7e\x0b\xeb\x19\x39\x1d\x29\xaf\x1b\x2f\x47\xca\x2a\x29\x9d\x96\x65\x0d\x59\xf7\x10\x63\x85\xe8\xc1\xef\xec\x63\xf9\xc7\x25\x36\x0b\x2f\x97\x57\x98\x8d\x74\x7f\x70\x9b\xe4\x45\x57\xb9\x41\x56\x47\x95\xc5\x9a\x1b\xfc\x5c\x51\x5d\xf6\x7e\xc7\x54\x2d\x67\x99\xba\xa3\xca\xcd\x65\x43\x5b\xe6\x93\xd2\x0c\x35\x88\x7f\xbf\x3f\x90\x65\xf5\xc5\x14\x1a\xf3\x57\x54\x2e\x48\x99\x04\xd3\x6c\xa2\xba\x6c\xa6\x54\xa9\xce\xc7\xd5\x28\xeb\x78\x9d\x54\x88\xcb\xc4\xda\x92\x4b\xc4\x98\x5e\x32\x6c\xc7\xad\x6f\x8c\x4a\x85\xcd\x5c\xc3\xd4\x2a\x35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\x10\xef\xf7\x0e\xad\x6b\x1c\x1b\x12\x8d\xf3\x36\x8f\xb0\xbd\x96\x10\x23\x00\x40\x00\x80\x00\x00\x01\x00\x02\x00\x04\x00\x08\x00\x10\x00\x20\x00\x40\x00\x80\x00\x00\x01\x00\x02\x00\x04\x00\x08\x00\x10\x00\x20\x00\xc0\x6e\x01\xc0\xbf\x4f\xa3\x47\xa4\x47\x60\x7c\x22\xdd\x71\xfc\x5f\xd3\xf8\xbf\xa4\xd1\x2e\xb5\x2e\xc2\x3e\xf3\x86\x32\x71\xa3\x6b\xad\xf8\x8a\xdc\x23\x65\xe2\xd6\xc5\xd4\x4f\xcd\xcf\x7a\xbb\xbb\xf6\xe1\xb8\xc9\x86\x82\x26\x1b\x0a\x9a\x6c\xa5\xa0\x92\x85\x9e\x16\x04\xee\x22\x9a\xe3\x04\xee\x2c\x9a\x41\xc5\x0d\x10\xb8\xd0\x77\xb6\x92\xd6\x05\xff\xcd\x30\x9a\x13\xcd\xbf\x54\xa1\x37\xd9\x5a\x68\xd3\x4a\xde\x67\x2b\xf5\xf9\x8c\x05\x8d\xb5\x6c\x83\xda\x86\xbb\x5a\x21\x2b\xa4\x12\xd9\x7b\x3b\xf8\x93\xc3\xf8\x07\xb7\xa1\x87\x42\xa5\x4d\x79\x85\xf9\x59\x11\xde\x9d\x6a\x0d\xd8\xce\xcb\xf7\xcc\xb1\xf7\x4c\x87\xdf\xd3\x26\x8a\x7b\x92\x3f\x70\x36\xa6\xae\x32\x0b\x43\xf3\x1a\x6c\x0d\x07\xcf\xa6\x0e\xd2\x6d\x07\xbe\x1e\xd7\xfd\x9e\x64\xae\xfb\x66\x7c\x45\xc0\xdb\xe6\xad\xdb\xe8\xed\x2c\x49\xf0\x5a\xa3\x14\xd0\x2f\xa0\x5f\x40\xbf\x80\x7e\x01\xfd\x02\xfa\x05\xf4\x0b\xe8\x17\xd0\x2f\xa0\x5f\x40\xbf\x80\x7e\x01\xfd\x02\xfa\x05\xf4\x0b\xe8\x17\xd0\x6f\x6f\xa1\xdf\x0f\x8f\xa0\xb3\x82\x3d\x8a\xcc\x18\x75\x94\xb1\xc9\xd9\x69\x16\xd5\x75\xc3\xb1\x6b\x7c\x7b\xbe\x58\xd3\xcb\xc4\x75\xf0\x17\x87\xf1\xd7\x06\xd1\xeb\x44\x39\x3e\x67\xfc\xa7\x2d\x62\x46\xaa\xcf\xf8\x25\x16\x79\x89\x6d\xe2\x8b\xfb\xf9\x03\x22\x6b\x47\x43\xde\xe9\x98\xd7\x6e\x0d\xa8\xd8\xa3\x51\xe3\xcf\x25\x93\xc7\x63\xf8\xa8\xe4\x88\x62\xa4\x48\x27\xd2\x98\x9e\x88\x49\xb7\x00\xdc\x10\xb8\x21\x70\x43\xe0\x86\xc0\x0d\x81\x1b\x02\x37\x04\x6e\x08\xdc\x10\xb8\x21\x70\x43\xe0\x86\xc0\x0d\xbb\xcb\x0d\xb7\x5e\xda\x3b\x20\x93\x40\x26\x81\x4c\x6e\x21\x32\xf9\x81\x11\xb4\x8f\x75\xdd\xf8\x4a\xa1\x19\x86\x14\xfb\xc7\xaa\x6a\xc9\x9f\xdf\x8e\x7f\x7f\x18\x7f\x3d\x8d\xb6\x6b\xd4\x26\xd7\x56\x0a\x99\x87\x6c\xa2\xea\x75\x3b\x5b\xe1\xe3\x76\x41\xb5\x72\x0f\xb3\xab\xd3\xd4\x26\x57\x42\x44\xd0\xbf\xdc\xde\x43\x9e\x4a\x6f\x5e\xdf\x99\x5d\xec\x0b\xf2\x2b\x85\xbc\x5f\x9d\x44\x3e\xf7\x70\x3c\x9f\xbb\x03\x0f\x96\x89\x8b\xae\x9f\x4f\x26\x73\xc3\x78\x8f\x24\x73\xd9\xac\xa4\x72\xc1\xeb\xc3\xe1\xdd\x99\x4f\xee\x08\xda\xf8\x51\x9b\x58\x15\x55\x23\x4d\x9b\x59\x91\x37\x74\xa9\xa5\xd7\x7d\xf0\x5f\x43\x53\xc3\x41\x32\x70\xf0\xdf\x06\x0f\xfe\xfb\xc1\xd4\xad\x4e\xf3\xf5\x1f\xcd\xd7\x4e\x51\x61\xd5\xda\x2c\x2a\x72\xff\xf0\xfa\x40\x54\x60\x99\xc1\x5d\x0d\x49\x87\x47\xc5\x6f\xdd\x12\x0e\x9d\x39\x6b\x0f\x04\x46\x82\xc0\x80\xf3\x9e\xba\x72\xde\x13\x1c\xf4\x01\x07\x7d\xc0\x41\x1f\x9d\x3a\xe8\xa3\xf4\xf9\x54\x97\x4e\x3b\x40\x97\xc5\xe9\xc1\xe7\xd1\x6c\xe8\xf4\xe0\xf6\x9c\xa0\xa0\xc4\x2f\xfe\x3b\xf1\x76\xd1\x4c\xad\xae\xff\xe1\x55\xbe\xb9\x2e\x50\xfc\xc3\x3b\x83\xf5\x7f\xd8\x52\x6d\xd7\xe0\x86\x41\xb1\x57\x6c\xba\x67\x78\xc4\x12\xa9\xbd\x3a\xae\x14\xbc\xb1\xbe\xa0\x31\xfe\xe6\xbd\x3c\x90\xf0\xa1\xf0\xc5\x2a\xb1\xcb\x24\x7c\x75\x4f\xf8\x2a\xcf\x74\x4f\xca\x86\x36\xd6\x70\x5f\xa4\x14\xf6\xf7\xaa\xbc\xca\x6a\x59\xbc\x88\xe6\x50\xa9\x6e\xb7\x32\x89\x8e\x6c\xa0\x9b\xe7\xb9\xc5\x1c\x54\x91\x04\x55\xe4\x33\x03\xe8\xd3\x03\xf8\x53\x03\x99\x4f\xf8\xf2\xfc\xa5\x81\xfe\xd9\xbb\xd4\x19\x19\x58\x3b\x73\xa3\x39\x37\x84\xb1\xc1\x19\xb8\xce\x0c\x37\x19\xb8\x23\x7c\x59\x12\x3e\x16\x6a\x85\x3f\xc9\xf4\x2f\xf1\x34\xbf\x83\xeb\x42\x8e\x32\x5c\x72\xa8\x39\x2f\x7c\x48\x2e\xb0\x69\x21\xff\x5e\xf0\x26\x4b\xf0\xe3\x48\xf3\x4d\x55\xf1\xb5\x14\x7a\x35\x85\x5f\x49\x65\xbe\xe0\xd3\xab\x4f\xa6\xce\x52\x5b\xe3\x6a\x5a\x99\xf2\x66\xa7\x4a\x76\x89\xfd\x94\x55\xa6\x22\x5f\xc1\xb9\xa4\xd0\xa8\x6a\x4e\x60\x2d\x1f\x53\x35\xfe\xe1\xdc\x07\xa1\x62\x68\x72\xc5\x24\x15\xdd\x51\xe8\x4d\xd9\xa6\xc2\x46\x6f\x11\x6a\x55\x48\x5e\x11\x6f\xe4\x4e\x3f\x5e\x5f\x72\x3e\x18\xdb\x00\xfe\xeb\xb3\xdb\x78\xb5\x22\x0e\x2c\x1d\x67\x41\xed\xdc\xc1\x5d\x7f\x34\x7e\xc1\xd8\x81\xef\xe0\x9f\x8a\x4a\x87\xd0\x01\x3c\x91\xdd\xe7\x1b\x03\xee\xe7\x73\x47\x4e\x64\xbf\xd0\xec\x20\xfb\x39\x8c\xf8\xb7\x9e\x11\x01\xbf\x6f\x3b\x3a\x94\x00\x25\x2d\xaa\x7b\x38\x72\xdc\xa2\xb6\xbb\x44\xed\x9b\xaa\xad\xe3\x2f\xdf\x81\x7f\x2c\x84\x26\x73\x1a\x35\x4d\xf6\xb5\xe7\xce\x3c\x15\x4c\x39\x97\x2a\xa1\x67\xa4\x63\x64\x6e\x58\xde\x2b\xd6\xc3\x73\xc4\x8d\x38\x30\xce\x07\x0f\x4c\xb0\x3d\xae\xe0\x8d\x87\xd1\x43\x62\x8c\xdd\x8f\xee\xe5\x63\xec\x6e\x74\xe7\x4f\xa5\x76\x20\xf9\x31\x89\x43\xe8\x6a\xf2\x10\x3a\x80\x27\xea\x87\x90\xac\xce\x59\x51\x1d\xb9\x3d\x8e\x0e\xa7\xc7\xe2\x87\x13\xc2\x3b\xe4\x57\xa2\xec\xbf\x0d\xb5\xd3\x5e\xaf\x9d\xe6\x2f\x2d\x24\x36\xd4\x48\xa4\xa1\xe6\xa9\xd3\x5a\x4b\x35\x55\xea\xd6\x6c\xc2\x1e\x68\xa9\x52\x11\x9d\xc6\x27\xb3\xc7\xfd\x29\xf4\x58\x78\xea\xc5\xbe\x62\x33\xa6\xe1\x5b\xd0\x55\xfc\x74\x66\xc1\x9b\x86\x87\xe7\xa4\x5b\x08\xeb\x41\xde\x95\x5e\x37\x5e\xf6\x56\xa3\x90\xa9\xfa\x2a\x59\x5c\xa0\xda\x0d\xe2\x3a\xd9\x6d\xfc\x81\xf0\x8e\x17\xff\x64\x06\x15\x13\x26\xa4\x4d\xfc\x55\x4c\x46\xad\x57\x88\xed\x4f\x51\x47\x53\x2b\x04\xff\xf7\x07\xf1\xf7\x0d\x04\x83\xae\xc0\xed\x06\xfc\x92\xd7\x98\x81\x96\x7a\x39\x28\x6f\xda\x2f\x2f\x97\x8f\x33\x26\xc4\xde\xba\xc0\x8a\x6d\xb3\x75\xe1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\x76\x21\x78\x22\xbe\xf3\x60\xf0\xe6\x83\xb3\xce\x33\x0b\x0e\x06\xdc\x10\xb3\x88\x9b\x8f\x88\x1b\xcb\xc3\xe6\x3a\x4c\x92\x0e\xbe\x5e\x39\x97\xa5\xf3\x69\x24\x2e\x8a\x68\x85\x1f\xa1\x78\xc6\x49\x70\x49\x51\x8f\x1b\x8c\x39\xa5\x94\x63\x3e\xf1\xd6\xb4\x05\xac\xf4\x0e\x2a\xc6\x48\x47\x22\xe5\x02\x4d\xec\x10\xb5\xdd\x90\xfd\x6c\xd8\x5d\x33\x78\x0a\x49\x5f\x7f\x1c\xc9\x11\x14\x14\x6f\xe0\x0e\x46\x36\xd7\xce\x3a\x59\x92\xad\x65\x48\x6c\x4d\xd2\x0a\xd9\xd9\x51\x3d\x95\x15\x9a\xe3\x06\x31\x83\x4e\x9e\x01\xbb\x05\x59\x05\x92\xf5\x63\xb2\x81\x23\x83\xbd\xae\xf3\xe9\xc9\x9a\x9b\x59\x16\xa4\x25\x29\x8f\xa3\xba\x04\x49\xae\x4b\x7d\x9e\x9b\xad\x5a\x14\xa5\x0e\xed\xa0\x6c\xb3\xb3\x79\x84\xcd\x25\xb6\x98\x32\x63\xa4\xa3\xba\xe1\xac\xea\x98\x2d\x3d\x39\xb5\x21\x0b\x31\xe0\xe1\x05\xfb\x79\x05\x0b\x76\xc3\x3c\x4c\x12\x91\xc4\x45\xc7\xf8\x82\x25\x24\xa2\xa6\x72\xc7\x88\xe7\xf5\x30\xd7\xc5\xf4\xb1\x67\xdf\x34\x10\x56\xb4\x8b\x63\x42\x7d\x06\x7a\x65\x47\x2e\x21\xb1\xb7\x96\x0d\x83\x24\x69\x6b\x0f\x0b\x92\x54\x51\x6f\xb2\x2a\x2b\x5c\x30\x5b\x85\xa6\x0b\x1e\xda\x28\x29\xa5\x06\x6d\xd1\x1a\xa9\x9a\x36\x40\xab\x40\xc3\xf5\xb8\x5b\xe8\xb0\x3c\xc5\x31\x3d\x35\x5b\x75\xf8\x92\xdf\x1e\x67\x57\x59\x13\xed\xff\xca\xb8\xba\x2b\xde\x31\xbe\xa4\x8f\x2d\xe0\x29\x88\x02\x22\x2e\x0d\x38\x9b\xb3\xd4\xfa\x6a\x80\x24\xd9\xea\xa2\xb6\x92\x84\xf6\xd0\x3d\xaa\xc1\xff\x3f\xf6\xde\x05\x3a\x92\xec\xac\x0f\x3f\xd5\xd2\xbc\xee\xec\xc3\x2e\x13\xfe\x09\x10\xb8\x29\xaf\x19\x69\xd3\xdd\x92\xe6\xb9\xa3\x5d\xef\xa2\x91\x66\x76\x64\xcf\x43\x96\xb4\x6b\xbc\x0f\xef\x5c\x75\xdf\x96\xca\x53\x5d\xd5\xae\xaa\x96\xa6\xd7\xde\x84\x78\xb1\x79\xd8\x3c\x8c\x6d\x1e\x63\xcc\xcb\x76\x00\x1b\x42\x1c\xec\x04\x63\x07\x30\x8e\x71\x0e\x26\x86\x40\x0e\xe1\x61\x13\x63\xc0\xf8\x4f\x62\x20\x81\x84\xb0\xbc\xfe\xe7\x7e\xdf\x77\x6f\xdd\x5b\x5d\x2d\x69\x56\xbb\x6b\xfe\xe7\x8c\x0f\x9c\x1d\x55\x57\xdd\xf7\xfd\xee\x77\xbf\xc7\xef\xc7\x57\x90\x77\x4a\xcd\x47\x1c\x46\xe5\xbd\x40\xa5\xa2\x49\x6f\x80\x59\xbd\xe1\x7a\x2c\xa2\x6c\xe8\xe7\x28\x22\x3a\x73\x48\x61\x8f\xa2\x64\x0b\xc1\x4b\x69\x31\x80\xf5\x01\x02\x68\x10\x6e\x25\x04\xa6\x27\x58\x70\x6e\x2b\x66\xec\x36\xd8\x05\x00\xf6\x92\x21\xbf\x98\x31\x06\x50\xab\x11\x3a\x4f\x78\x54\x23\x69\x24\x9e\xdd\xe3\xdf\x11\xca\x1f\xdc\xc7\x6e\xeb\x8a\xb8\x2f\x0c\x61\xaf\xff\x2f\xf7\x05\xdf\xb5\xcf\x7d\xa6\x97\x4a\xa6\xe9\xda\xc8\x8c\xaa\xba\x42\x3c\x22\x90\x62\xa8\x7a\x46\x9f\x64\x4d\x7e\x01\x00\x87\xae\xb8\x45\x5d\x21\x14\x0d\x2b\x12\x10\x22\xdd\xe9\x16\x01\x49\xec\xfa\x61\x3b\x81\x74\x53\xd8\xfa\x08\xb9\x91\xa4\xf6\x41\x4a\x71\xb9\xbd\xb0\x75\x55\x37\x83\x18\xe1\x74\xd4\x9f\x5a\x56\x30\xdf\xbd\x1e\x30\xc7\xa1\x95\x85\xde\x25\x7b\xae\x0d\xae\xa9\xe3\xd7\x11\xd3\x05\x73\xd2\x47\x40\x7f\x85\x2d\x88\xfa\xa0\x0a\xad\x51\x40\xb1\x33\xd0\x96\x54\x3d\x20\x4d\x0e\xaa\x4e\x1f\x43\x1d\xa1\xcd\xc2\xf9\x1a\xac\xa8\x98\x61\x0c\x6d\x07\xf4\x02\x50\x97\xd4\x44\xc2\x06\x48\x72\xde\xe9\xc7\xe8\xbd\x03\xee\x8a\x56\x1e\x0d\x9a\x9c\x9f\x4f\xb6\x24\x18\xf6\x74\xd8\x5f\x26\x87\x06\xfe\xc5\xaa\x4f\x57\x94\x20\xc1\xe2\x40\x17\x95\x15\xc9\x30\x3c\x89\xda\xfc\x4a\x11\xa8\x3e\x45\xce\x83\x2b\x7c\x6e\x69\xf1\xd9\x5d\x9a\x2f\x2c\xc6\xae\x31\x48\xfa\x69\x23\xd9\x8a\x1b\xbd\xa4\xdd\xd0\x83\xe8\x64\x0a\xfe\xcb\x31\x76\xd8\xda\x80\xfe\x77\x1a\x71\xf4\x75\x25\x71\xa4\xd9\x6c\x86\xc5\x52\x95\x00\x82\x10\x53\xc4\x5d\x42\x2e\x7b\xa5\xe0\xe2\xe9\x26\x5a\xb9\x3a\x1c\x4a\xdf\x5b\x51\xc1\x10\xee\x3b\xa0\xfb\xb2\xd6\x0a\x8b\xe3\x05\x26\x96\xbe\x86\xe3\x70\xa2\xf2\x48\x6e\xe2\x05\xac\x59\x08\xcd\x49\x7e\x0f\x1f\x3a\xc0\x26\x31\x40\xb5\x48\x95\x56\x83\xcd\x23\xd9\xc9\x09\x39\x45\x89\x24\x53\x77\x57\x5c\xb3\xe5\xd5\x73\x28\x64\xde\x51\x63\x07\xf5\x0c\xfa\xdf\xfe\x4c\x90\x8a\x7f\xc2\x9b\xa3\x4d\x83\xf1\xa1\xc9\xa6\x4c\xf5\x5c\x16\x99\x42\x16\xeb\x29\x68\x5e\x80\x47\x78\x29\x49\xbb\x4a\xd7\x76\x44\x08\x44\x0b\x59\x0a\xb7\xda\xe1\x83\xa4\x7f\xc3\x63\xb4\x1b\xca\xa5\xa9\x17\xc2\x7f\xcd\x9a\xce\xd8\x5b\xf7\xb1\x03\x59\x3f\x53\x22\xca\xff\xc6\x7d\xc1\x5f\x8e\xaf\xe0\x1f\x96\x2e\x6c\xe7\xd3\x96\x4e\x7d\x37\x2d\x0a\xb5\xc3\x54\xc9\x0a\x50\x13\x84\xd1\xc8\xec\x6d\x9e\xe9\x0a\x6c\x08\xab\x38\xc1\xaf\xed\xcc\x23\x72\x1e\xb8\x55\xba\x05\x53\x59\xe6\x4e\x86\xa0\x53\xea\xb6\x07\x8b\x13\xd4\x96\x48\xac\xf3\xf5\x44\x92\x6b\x08\x65\x39\xd5\x3b\x59\xaf\xea\x14\x61\x77\x23\x81\x78\x14\x41\x34\xdf\x26\xf5\x6e\x98\x53\x2b\xcc\x40\x57\xe1\x0f\x64\x86\x9c\x47\x6d\xf5\x75\xd8\x15\x61\xca\xf5\xd2\x05\xcb\x72\x2a\x5a\x12\xd5\x10\x22\xf0\x51\xdf\x37\x39\x8d\x39\xde\xc1\xe1\x8a\x86\x36\xf4\x8c\x2c\xd1\x2b\xb9\x48\xf3\x55\x75\xd5\xc5\x25\x92\x18\x15\xac\xce\x65\xa7\x23\x5b\x88\x27\x85\x5f\x18\x3f\xda\x1c\x3c\x5e\x90\xa2\x1d\x85\xb1\xd4\x48\xe1\x4a\xa0\xa4\x3c\x4f\x92\xc2\xf9\xa1\x74\x78\xa5\x5a\x5a\xc8\x4e\x06\x8d\x02\xaa\xc7\xe6\x95\x95\x47\xba\xf1\x11\xb8\xc1\xdd\x16\x6c\x61\xee\x12\xea\x19\x5c\x35\x0b\x2f\x72\x61\x08\x23\xce\x91\xaf\x9f\xab\xb1\x7f\x20\xaa\xda\xef\xff\x52\x4d\xe3\xa0\xff\xdb\x5a\x49\xf1\xd3\xe0\xe7\x4a\x16\x52\x6f\xcb\xbc\x99\x99\x19\x49\xa3\xc7\x29\xe9\x4b\xa1\xed\x6a\x11\x84\x71\x3f\xe9\x67\xea\xd6\x8a\xd3\x4e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\x58\x35\x7b\x9e\xa6\xaf\x5f\x0b\x8e\xe0\xe2\x40\x7d\x09\xe0\xae\x75\x74\xf3\xf0\x95\xba\x75\x48\x51\x47\xa2\x98\x62\x2f\x7a\xe9\xe6\x7b\xc8\x69\xff\x49\x3a\x8e\x70\xa8\xa8\xd4\xa7\x32\xab\x7a\x03\xd3\x16\xbe\xb7\x8b\xfd\x98\xa9\x98\xc1\x99\x9f\x94\x5d\x88\x0a\xaf\xee\x50\xe7\x01\xb3\xd1\x74\xa5\xe8\x50\x81\x1e\x16\x2b\x70\xee\xbf\x69\x57\xf0\x94\xe1\xb7\x1d\xc1\x41\xe9\xdc\xc6\xe7\x9d\xdb\x4f\xca\xde\x76\x0b\x2a\x99\x86\x7f\x71\x8c\xfd\x95\xc7\xc6\xe0\x55\xff\x2b\x1e\x7b\xf6\xb0\xae\xbf\xa2\x2d\x04\x37\x5c\xb0\x8a\x15\x76\xb5\xd5\x3a\xbc\x63\x96\x2f\x89\x36\xf8\x20\x0f\xf9\xe2\x14\xbc\xb4\x68\x37\x13\xf7\x08\x3c\x7c\xc2\x16\xb2\x68\xf9\xc4\xa6\x56\x0f\x2e\x82\x93\x4e\x71\x1b\xd7\xd8\x27\x46\xb4\x5e\xfe\xbe\x11\xb6\xf2\xd0\xb4\x18\x15\xf8\x5f\xa9\xd0\x78\x6d\xb7\xd1\xf0\x96\xd3\x6a\xca\x1e\x26\x17\x26\xe0\x8c\x97\xf9\xe1\xcb\xc5\x76\xb2\xa8\x1d\x66\x3d\x23\xda\xa2\xe5\x44\xca\x26\x6b\x6f\x93\xaf\x2d\xea\xaf\x15\x61\x72\x4f\xa8\xc2\x3b\xd4\xa6\x73\x68\xf3\x0f\x0d\xac\xf0\x80\xaf\x85\x49\xaf\x80\xbc\xcf\x94\xe2\xaf\xc3\x64\x0b\x35\x60\x9f\xd9\xd3\x47\xc7\x8f\x59\x9d\xea\x00\xb5\x90\xae\x88\xc4\x09\xe4\x7d\xdd\x9e\xe0\x44\xdf\x55\xe5\xb8\x36\xa1\xbb\xe0\x01\x95\x8f\x71\xb7\x50\x9d\x41\xee\x2c\x9e\x4f\xed\x66\xaf\x1a\x63\xe3\x61\xb7\x01\xc6\x88\xdc\x7f\xc1\x58\xf0\xf5\xd1\x69\xf5\x13\x2d\xfd\xf4\xcb\xc2\xac\xcd\x79\xbd\x95\xe6\x42\x9f\xdc\xac\x4f\x29\x26\x27\xd4\x47\xda\x9d\xb0\x88\x96\x62\x04\xf5\xc7\xa0\x1a\xf9\xbc\xd5\x0e\x34\xda\xcb\xdf\x35\x3e\x9d\xd8\xb8\xb8\xa0\x4c\xf5\x9c\x2b\x89\x49\xff\xce\x0d\x96\x56\xa9\x44\x38\xee\x86\xa6\x09\xe4\x14\x80\x6f\x80\x75\x86\xee\xd4\xf8\xb4\xda\x15\xfb\x0b\x81\x63\x3f\x3a\x89\x44\x61\x22\x55\x6a\xa6\x5c\x8a\x3b\xc7\x79\xbe\x8a\x16\x30\xa1\xe2\xd9\xac\x96\x0f\xe8\x3e\x1e\x59\x61\xaa\x0a\x9f\x05\xc6\xb3\xaf\xfc\x22\xe5\x22\xc9\xbb\x99\x30\x5c\x5a\x76\x2d\x4d\x50\xb5\xfe\x4c\xb8\x06\xa0\x38\x40\xfb\x66\x3f\x6a\x49\x17\x64\xb1\x2f\x7d\x51\x91\x3e\x02\xcb\xbe\xbe\xa7\xc7\x55\x80\xe2\x12\x14\x59\x57\x04\x55\x6b\x96\x45\x39\xe5\x98\xd9\x08\x06\xba\x4c\xea\x58\x0b\x7d\xd6\x32\xa7\x6c\x10\xe9\xb6\xcc\xae\x76\xbe\xed\xdf\x15\xdc\x3e\xed\x56\xc6\x12\x3f\xd4\x31\x58\xa1\x35\x79\x2c\x29\xd1\xb2\x84\x7c\x25\x49\xd7\x12\xb0\x1b\xb8\x31\xb8\xb7\xb3\x31\x30\xc9\xf9\xb7\x06\x87\x30\xb6\x7a\x68\xc1\x75\x39\xd2\xc9\x3e\xd0\x93\x20\x18\xde\xc5\x81\x5e\x63\xa3\xb2\x78\x3f\xdd\x00\xf7\xa4\x7f\x9d\x9f\xcf\x45\x36\x93\x34\xd3\xe0\x46\xf9\x97\x5a\xce\xea\xea\x40\x7e\x19\xca\x32\x51\xab\x86\x3d\x7f\xcc\x46\x9f\xb4\xd8\x54\xd1\x19\x17\xa5\xc9\x71\xad\xd1\x6b\x44\x19\xff\xb3\xa3\xc1\xd2\xc6\x8f\x94\xe2\x01\x01\xd5\x86\x92\x03\xcc\x7b\xf6\x99\x03\x67\x3e\xf9\xda\xd1\x89\xbc\xee\x8d\x4a\xe5\x6e\xdd\xa3\xed\xca\x11\x3e\x9f\x19\x61\xa7\xf5\x3e\x76\x5b\x70\xbd\x0b\x22\xac\x41\x76\xaa\x0a\xba\x61\x01\x92\x3b\x4e\x85\x71\x2e\xaa\xfc\x7c\x02\x43\xea\xf8\xc7\x6f\x61\xf0\x35\xff\x68\x30\xb1\x40\x81\x4a\x43\xaa\xaa\x0b\x77\xde\x7f\xad\xc7\xfc\x38\xcc\x8b\x85\x2c\x04\x58\xd1\x34\x59\x88\xda\xc2\xff\x89\x4b\x87\x0e\x3d\xb1\xa0\x80\x0c\x0a\x85\x21\xaa\x3f\xcd\x0b\xfd\x19\x05\xd4\x21\x1b\x4a\xdb\x2b\xec\x2d\xb0\xa9\xd4\xd8\x53\x0c\xe6\xea\xd9\x60\x7a\x9a\xb7\xba\xed\x30\x81\xc0\x04\x80\x9a\xa7\x7b\x6a\xe6\x1a\x38\xd6\xdc\xb2\xf1\x99\x8f\x39\x4d\x3e\xc5\x76\xa1\x1d\xd8\xbf\x39\x98\x42\x0b\x38\x58\x85\x55\xf4\x93\xae\xed\xbe\x9c\xda\x31\xb8\x9c\xaf\x56\xd8\xbe\x01\x93\x10\x1d\x01\x67\xc2\xce\x1d\xa2\xa7\x1d\xf7\x1f\xae\x04\x3f\x8c\x3f\x72\xa2\xa6\xa4\xa4\x57\xfd\x74\x6d\xdd\x1b\x59\x11\x3d\x17\xc4\xaf\xc2\x7e\x94\xc9\xab\xfe\x0f\x07\xfe\x02\xf1\x6c\x02\x7f\xab\x2c\xc9\xa9\xcc\x0b\x3c\xa2\x51\xff\x8f\x41\x6a\xc3\xc2\x93\xed\xa2\xd8\x36\x03\x63\xba\x2a\x32\x29\x44\xa7\x08\x3f\x66\x52\x2e\xc6\x49\x82\xe4\x99\x02\x1f\xc2\xd4\xb5\xf0\x8f\x5d\x8d\x39\x8b\x7d\xf2\x54\x70\xe3\x20\xf6\x49\xdd\x62\x8b\x80\x72\x43\xfe\xc9\x5f\xdb\xcd\xaa\x1b\xf5\xf3\xd9\xb4\x21\xf0\x07\x31\x00\xbc\x76\x77\x10\x0f\xbd\xeb\x86\x62\x3a\xb1\xe1\xa9\xb1\xf4\xd8\x23\x83\x46\x1f\x8c\x1f\x53\xe1\x83\x6a\xae\xc8\xd2\x6b\xeb\xde\xb8\xf6\xa9\xac\x7b\x30\x0c\xeb\xde\x23\x65\xe7\xc6\xa2\xc0\x62\xee\x28\x8d\xec\xdf\x8c\xb1\x0f\x7b\xac\xef\x19\xff\xe7\xbc\xe0\x75\xde\x1d\xa5\xab\xbc\x21\xea\x71\x98\x69\x22\x0a\xd9\x61\xfd\x44\xae\xa6\xbe\x60\xf2\x87\x00\x45\xad\xeb\x39\x45\x92\x93\x4a\x1e\xc8\xbb\x70\x40\x2d\xa5\x92\x6a\xbc\x8c\x08\x83\x8b\xea\x61\xae\x4e\x20\x34\xcc\x1d\x9a\x6c\xad\xe0\x69\x67\x2d\x1a\x58\x7d\xba\x4c\xfa\x67\xa0\x53\xc5\x72\xf2\xea\xe6\x5f\xfc\x09\x66\xfa\xd8\xcf\x02\x88\x44\x42\x86\xd1\x41\xdf\xc6\x3b\x57\xb4\x02\xbf\xe0\xb1\x47\x28\xa5\x58\xd9\x86\xde\xec\x05\x2f\xd7\x29\x1a\xca\x40\x54\xae\x4f\xf9\xfe\x36\x6a\xd5\x4c\xb3\xa5\xa8\xd1\x90\x2a\x47\x82\x53\x4d\x2e\x28\xb4\xfc\xd8\x35\xc6\x5b\xa8\xbf\x38\x34\x0a\x1e\x1b\xe9\x46\x0d\xa0\x6c\x3d\x3f\x73\xa2\xaf\x6a\x16\x69\xc3\x43\x51\x9d\x2f\x8f\xb3\xfd\x83\x90\xeb\x10\xce\xfb\xdc\xbc\x43\xe3\xf1\xbe\xf1\xe0\x90\xc3\xe2\xa1\x1f\xe3\x1d\xd9\x93\x39\x70\x3a\x10\x78\xb7\x3e\x5e\x39\x8b\xec\x5b\x7b\xd8\x27\x3d\xb6\xab\x99\x03\xbc\xd2\x07\xbc\xe0\x1d\xde\xa9\x28\x16\xe8\xc2\xc3\xb8\xde\x22\x45\x3a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\x6b\x39\x42\xfd\x44\x83\xc7\xe2\x42\x54\x4f\x97\xb3\xb0\xd3\x42\x2c\xf3\x1a\x0f\xee\xe8\x2b\x21\x47\x1a\x70\xe5\xc4\x0f\x56\x03\x8a\x7b\x45\xaa\x08\x1a\x26\x88\x3e\x26\x98\x06\xc2\x01\x79\x76\x9a\xa9\x32\x26\xe8\x15\xe5\x8a\x8b\x29\xd9\x00\x5b\x17\x00\xca\x42\x20\xe7\x41\x20\x77\xed\x80\x32\x75\x30\x9c\xc7\x29\x34\x4a\xac\x42\x15\x8b\x3b\x88\x7f\x34\x88\x37\xa3\x2c\x87\x50\xe8\x27\x4e\xf3\x5b\x00\x82\x94\xdf\x42\x20\x0e\xfb\x31\xaa\xe2\x89\xd3\xa8\xfe\xab\xfe\x81\x66\x25\x29\xcf\xbb\x4d\x20\x0c\x20\x74\x31\x78\x35\xcd\xf0\xdd\x09\x05\xaa\x86\xd1\x36\x10\x58\x42\x14\x99\x56\x23\xa9\x8d\x4e\x1d\x21\x9e\x86\x28\xff\x55\x1d\xd5\xec\x53\xfd\x2b\x95\x95\x03\x55\xbe\x7a\xa8\xca\x57\x0f\xca\xff\x81\xea\x02\xbf\x0e\xc8\xbf\x0e\x57\xf9\xea\x61\xd0\x66\xe4\xa5\x43\x50\x23\x7c\x0e\xfe\x3c\x54\xe5\xcd\x34\x3d\x88\xff\x3d\xe0\x04\x74\x3c\x9b\xb5\x58\xf3\x41\xde\x81\x68\x49\xb0\x2f\x8e\xba\xe0\x88\xc3\x12\x27\x89\x04\x48\x1b\xe3\xfd\x37\x8f\x06\x8f\x2b\x5f\x54\x91\x9f\x96\xff\xb3\x48\x39\x3d\x55\x8b\xc5\x72\x58\xef\x91\x36\x38\xc0\xd7\xe9\xc2\xc7\x8f\xb0\x27\x90\x73\xf0\xc6\xe0\xb1\x8b\xf2\x8f\x45\x25\x07\x6c\x15\x40\x13\xfd\xcd\x91\xe3\xc8\x16\x29\xe7\x6c\x67\xdf\x6d\xc1\xf5\x8b\xfa\x97\x53\x96\xe3\xe5\xdb\xb0\xc0\x26\xf1\x90\x3c\x33\xb8\x73\x51\xfe\xb1\x58\x0e\x5b\xd7\x44\x16\xb8\x6c\x0d\x6e\x0b\xf2\x30\x84\x49\xcf\xb6\x9a\x52\x86\xbb\xc5\x96\x44\xdf\xf9\xa4\xc7\x46\x3b\x69\x56\xf8\x1f\xd2\x20\x45\x6f\xf3\x66\x9a\xb6\x93\x02\xcd\x37\x59\x61\xa7\xd0\x45\x2a\x1c\x52\x01\x29\xac\x61\x4e\xa1\x86\x03\x96\x1f\x3d\x72\xe4\x30\x6c\x11\x4b\x61\x7d\x65\x4d\x9e\xe9\x54\xc0\x15\xd0\x06\xd4\xf8\xa2\x2c\x75\xd1\xda\xd8\x43\x8a\x52\xea\x18\xb6\x7e\xbe\xff\xe0\xe4\xd1\xeb\xaf\x3f\x7c\x7d\x95\x47\x89\xdc\x10\xa2\x55\x31\x51\x02\xd5\xdd\xcd\x36\x06\x2a\x01\xb0\xff\x9c\x00\x67\xd0\x57\xf7\x92\xdd\xc1\x57\xbd\xf2\x55\x6b\x87\xa2\xf8\x7f\x8c\x1c\x05\x0a\x10\x82\x55\x21\x95\x1d\x0c\x58\xf2\x40\xd3\x49\xb5\xbe\xa2\x99\x8f\xe0\x25\x02\x38\xd9\x2f\x3b\x80\xd6\x77\x15\xe3\x32\x28\x43\x6a\xb2\x93\xa5\x72\xaf\x16\x8d\xc9\x8e\xc8\x26\x73\x51\x4f\x93\xc6\x84\x85\x10\x6e\xf9\x83\x10\x81\x47\xee\x23\xcb\xb8\x73\x2e\x89\xa6\x3c\x0e\xa3\x25\x0d\xc5\x8d\x81\x4b\xb1\xe1\x8d\x6a\xeb\x1e\xc3\xaa\x9f\x05\x27\xbf\x8f\x37\xa7\xb1\xc4\xbb\xfa\x70\xc6\xff\xd7\x28\xbb\x83\x59\x6f\xf8\x8f\x0f\x0e\x98\x5f\x83\xd6\x85\x02\xac\x49\x38\xcc\xb6\x28\x4d\xec\xf9\xf5\xc7\x15\xb6\x47\x21\x2b\xf8\x9f\xaf\x5c\x92\x31\xf8\x74\xb8\x24\x62\x15\x98\x12\xbc\xa4\x92\x5b\x50\x0c\x66\x97\x98\x14\x49\x3d\x6d\x48\x11\x0f\xf8\x81\x40\x0f\xa6\x8c\x09\x16\xa6\x08\x00\x4f\x68\xb0\x07\xad\xee\x2e\x47\xab\x52\x34\x63\x5b\x20\xe2\x15\xf2\x37\x90\xc0\xa4\x13\xe6\x04\x35\x1b\x26\x04\x5d\x0a\x6b\xb0\x13\x66\x61\x5b\x14\x22\x53\x3d\xaf\x91\x69\x30\xe2\x4f\x83\x35\x29\xfc\x2c\xf3\x00\x79\xa1\x14\x33\x8f\xfc\xd6\xb3\xbb\x14\x98\x67\xf5\xb7\x03\x75\x5b\xa4\x7c\x39\x84\xe1\xa7\x62\x6a\xec\xd3\x1e\x1b\x30\xa2\xfe\xbb\xb7\x93\x14\x5d\xd3\xea\xcb\x9d\xdd\x10\x8e\xf1\x41\xdc\x5f\xa6\xea\x6c\x07\x3b\x8b\xa6\x80\x42\x88\x72\x67\x84\x05\xe9\x95\x89\x58\xac\x86\x09\x41\x6a\xef\x87\xf0\x94\xbb\xe9\x63\x13\xec\x57\x1f\x65\x53\x5b\x6d\x21\x69\xdb\x7f\xf5\xa3\x82\x9f\xf5\xd4\x2f\xeb\x18\xad\x15\x78\x0c\x0a\xed\x25\x45\x4b\x14\x51\xdd\x3a\x09\x42\xd8\x4e\x2b\x04\xe4\xd9\x44\x41\x62\x20\x24\x09\x40\x72\x85\x59\x94\x76\x73\xcd\x5e\x86\xd6\x58\xe4\xe2\x21\xc5\xb4\x1d\x12\x04\x78\xaa\x80\x95\xd3\x26\x7f\x8e\x31\x62\x55\xb9\xaa\xd8\x73\x5d\xf7\xd2\x9f\x3e\x82\x7d\x65\x94\xed\xa9\xa7\x49\x11\x25\x5d\xe1\xff\xc1\x68\xf0\x99\x51\xf5\x4b\x39\x35\x72\xa1\xb9\x78\x10\x6e\x51\x14\x00\x22\xd1\x8e\xb4\xfc\x35\x58\x57\x80\x6b\xa0\x83\x54\xab\x7d\x49\x99\x14\x19\x49\xb3\xb1\x15\xe6\x38\x1b\xf1\x88\xa3\x61\xa1\x2c\x4e\x82\x28\xe7\x69\x27\xbc\x9b\x50\xd1\xa8\x4a\x6a\xee\x45\x79\x0e\x37\x50\xeb\x72\x36\x17\xc7\x90\x19\x16\x4a\xa3\x85\x5d\x07\xb4\x19\x88\x54\x2a\xb2\x48\x28\xe8\x74\x71\xa1\xd0\x19\xa3\xaa\x26\xa6\xbb\x8f\x63\xaf\x20\xe0\x0c\x20\x62\x63\xf0\x04\x66\xe8\x1b\x5c\x23\x82\xf5\x14\xaa\xcb\xa8\xa5\x75\x27\x68\x48\xb6\x1b\x83\xc1\x1b\x5c\x2d\x48\x08\x01\x0f\x79\x53\xac\x49\x75\xac\x0b\x22\x5f\x8e\x29\xae\x74\x95\x66\xee\x86\xc1\xe0\xc9\x4f\x87\x04\xc3\xd9\xd3\x02\x9f\xd1\x23\x89\x5d\xa9\x56\xae\x66\x02\x52\x3d\x45\x3d\x4d\x66\x03\x50\x47\x31\xf6\x29\x17\x55\xde\x4d\x00\xb3\xaf\x97\x76\xb1\x3e\x84\x3e\x4f\x5d\x89\x21\xae\x18\x87\xa7\x90\x82\x29\xae\xd0\xd9\xd4\xbf\x34\xc6\xfc\x4c\xb4\x31\x2c\x61\xa6\x10\xed\xe3\x69\x37\x29\xfc\xdf\x18\x83\x2d\xfe\xe8\x91\xe0\x17\xc7\xfa\x6f\x6b\xd9\xae\xa7\x17\x10\x51\xde\xdd\x05\x8d\x02\x66\x1a\x55\x1a\x46\xc1\x3d\xbc\xe3\x5a\x52\x67\x77\x35\xea\xaa\x5d\xfa\xd4\x42\x57\x71\xe6\x28\x8a\x9f\x06\xc9\x64\x29\x8d\x09\x26\x1c\x85\x73\x6e\xe5\xcf\xd9\x00\x6f\x54\x73\x55\xa9\x9c\xd3\xb1\x54\x47\x91\x53\x90\x34\x8d\x40\x2c\x9a\x05\xca\x58\x78\x20\x6d\x47\x45\x61\x32\xfa\x73\x91\x45\xa1\xc6\xb4\x73\x2a\x1a\xe5\x5c\x03\x09\xec\x17\x11\x6d\xbc\xe8\x80\x36\xcc\x56\xf5\x56\x37\x59\xa1\x74\x4a\xc3\x45\x6a\xa8\x05\x20\x20\x13\x1e\x9a\x30\xed\xc9\x04\x75\x1d\x4e\xc7\x72\x9b\xb0\x21\xda\xda\x70\x49\x2d\x51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\x36\xed\x8a\x55\xda\x61\x69\x93\x75\xb8\x5d\x9c\x62\x54\x22\x32\x5d\xcb\x49\x1c\x39\xc4\x67\x2a\xd2\x36\x7e\x84\xf1\xdc\xa9\x54\x8e\xa2\xb1\x06\x90\xb5\x16\xec\xf3\xea\x2c\x05\x47\x58\x88\xa0\x1b\xb1\x90\xd6\xb3\x3a\x72\x98\x6c\x69\x6b\xfe\x75\x0e\xa3\x5e\xfc\x53\x3a\xf5\xac\xf2\xb2\x06\x9d\x69\x49\x73\x12\xd2\x9b\xed\x7d\xe1\x00\x7e\xc3\x01\x3a\xa5\x24\xd6\x95\xe8\xec\x36\x7a\xe0\x18\x6b\x2d\x77\x52\x51\x24\xa1\xbc\x0b\xc3\xde\x10\x75\x74\x07\x4e\x40\x6c\x55\x29\x38\xb7\x11\xfd\x05\x4d\xd3\xd2\x6d\xf4\xc0\x49\x91\x72\xab\x59\xda\x62\x59\x8b\xa9\xc8\x5c\x49\xf3\x8d\xed\x61\xac\x72\xb8\xc1\xb6\x69\xa3\xe1\x24\x0d\xfe\x8f\xd7\xae\xef\xef\x78\xf6\xb5\xfe\xbf\x7f\xed\xa8\xbc\x41\xc7\x24\xab\xb8\x39\x4a\x0f\x49\xa8\x48\xc7\xab\x95\x03\x6b\x3f\x3d\x1e\x56\x6e\xc2\x06\x87\x3b\x80\xfc\x4d\xe9\x48\xe4\x9c\x8d\x7d\xca\x26\x5b\xc2\x0f\x99\x9a\xe0\x95\xe5\xc7\x3a\xc4\x60\xea\x55\x53\x6b\xfe\xba\x81\x8e\x94\xcd\x6c\x7e\x6c\x26\x7c\x19\x5d\xe7\x65\xe3\x38\xff\x6d\xff\xda\xb8\x09\x1e\x7f\xcf\xda\x5f\x3d\xf9\x63\xd7\x13\x87\x77\xba\x04\x76\xde\x9c\x1c\x6d\xb6\x09\xfd\x05\xa3\x87\x6a\x2d\x64\xa8\x71\x43\x37\xf9\x33\x6b\x0e\x65\x91\x8b\xac\xc5\x62\x69\x5c\x6c\x74\x24\x36\xf0\xe0\xf5\xc3\xdf\x7f\x3d\xce\x0e\x9d\xbc\x41\xf3\x6e\xe0\x8d\xd8\x58\x77\x27\x7e\xa4\x32\x3e\x56\x7e\xd9\x46\x96\xe9\x26\x56\xd7\xa8\x37\x95\xdd\x10\x22\x0d\x55\x92\xd3\xa6\x04\x77\x93\x0d\x6c\x42\xef\x0d\x61\x87\x4e\xad\x8b\x2a\x3a\xf9\x74\x40\x62\xc3\x06\x27\x62\xb3\x8f\x4e\xfc\xed\x95\x89\xb4\xc8\x26\x9d\xf5\xce\xe2\x7e\xd7\xbe\xcf\xce\x46\x2d\x89\x25\x27\x5b\xfd\x9b\x78\x76\xad\x61\x05\xb2\x08\x65\x45\x4d\xde\x88\xfa\xa0\xb2\x15\xe5\x04\xd9\x54\x8f\x4c\x63\x1b\x10\xb5\x21\xf2\xe5\x4d\xcc\xd6\xa8\x36\xf4\x4f\x22\x1c\x2a\x9a\x9c\x48\xd4\x36\xf8\x60\x75\x1c\x37\xf8\xf8\x26\xd6\x28\x4e\xf5\x9a\xb6\x9a\xba\x65\x1d\x39\x5c\x1f\xd8\x70\x62\x5b\xb1\xba\x3c\x36\xda\xf4\x5a\x1f\xb3\xf1\xb6\x36\x30\x98\x65\x56\xd9\x90\x04\x0d\xff\xb4\x11\x71\x18\xff\x3d\x93\xb6\xbb\x5e\x09\xf0\x44\xd2\xbc\xf1\x67\xab\x02\xbd\xf1\x16\x54\xdd\xf1\x7b\xa8\x93\xd0\xa5\x54\xf8\xca\xd1\xc6\x09\xf9\x97\xff\x97\xaf\x0f\x3e\xbd\x03\xfe\xd4\xf9\x1f\x18\x74\x04\x97\x2e\xdc\x0c\xc9\x76\x48\xfb\x38\x94\x77\x9f\xd3\x0e\x4f\x78\x0a\x59\x72\x21\x47\x56\x76\xc8\xcd\x43\xec\x1e\x84\xa9\x32\x61\x53\x1d\xf3\x83\x2e\x68\xdc\x8d\x38\xea\x45\x08\xaf\x98\xa3\xef\x06\x51\x01\xe1\xc4\x9a\x46\x9d\x8e\x3e\xbe\xaa\xaa\x65\x3c\x3c\xf3\x15\x11\xaf\xe8\xcc\x56\xf0\xec\x63\xab\xb4\x25\x92\xac\xe8\x59\xee\x67\x4c\xb7\x89\x07\x1a\x00\x23\x8f\x7a\xca\x13\x6a\xbe\x4f\x41\x97\x63\xe9\x88\xaa\xac\x4d\x79\x1b\x4e\xf9\x90\xfd\x22\x1b\x55\xe1\x1b\x40\xab\x8c\x07\xe0\x51\xc3\xde\x41\x02\x9a\x0a\x84\xe4\x51\x52\x00\x6b\x20\xdc\x8d\xd9\x5e\x38\xe0\x3a\x53\x94\xe5\xf4\xac\x29\x50\x5c\xb1\x31\xba\x9a\x1c\x59\x01\x75\xfd\x81\xaa\xfc\x5d\xe1\x75\xda\xe4\x59\x3e\xc5\xdb\x6d\x91\xe6\x75\x88\xac\x62\x6a\x21\x8b\x11\xff\xed\x82\xb7\x0f\x5e\xb2\x18\x55\xd2\xd8\x9e\x7d\x1d\x79\xce\x23\xd7\xe2\x94\x46\x49\x67\x2e\xc9\x72\x96\xb4\xb8\xff\xb4\x17\xfc\x9a\x37\x74\x59\xe7\x95\x94\x71\x2b\x2b\x19\x3f\x52\x37\xd5\x29\xa4\x56\x2e\xa9\x70\xf7\xd4\xf9\xc1\xc3\xed\x25\xa7\x76\xb2\xac\xbd\xc0\xd4\x33\x48\xca\xe3\xab\xfa\x73\xe5\x5c\x2a\x38\x38\x94\x80\x1c\x13\x65\x8f\x5e\x7f\x8b\x94\x97\x94\xb5\x72\x9e\xba\x49\x5c\x5f\xf2\xc8\x6e\x04\x56\xf4\x3f\xeb\x05\x9f\xf0\x14\x86\x63\xa4\x91\x4e\x95\x37\x86\x65\x50\xa4\x93\x1c\x56\x3c\x80\x29\xef\xb0\x54\x27\x58\xa2\xf7\x43\x5f\xd0\xb1\x0a\xc4\x3e\xab\x16\x76\xbf\xc2\x9f\xb3\xed\xbc\xdd\x46\x49\x73\x50\xd2\xbe\xec\x91\x3d\x29\x8f\xe5\x28\xcb\x6f\x5a\x3f\x69\xb7\xca\xc4\xf4\xa8\xa7\x1e\x37\x69\xff\xba\x00\x05\xc3\x2a\x2c\xd5\xe0\x2c\x20\xbe\x50\x54\xd0\x12\xbd\x7e\xcc\xcf\xab\xd5\x93\x35\xe8\x09\xb9\xae\x21\x92\x58\x5d\x27\x96\x22\x36\xbc\x3a\x52\xeb\x19\x7f\xac\x68\x53\xdd\x01\xb5\xb2\xc8\xa7\x3c\xf2\x1a\xa3\x61\xca\xd4\x20\xff\x83\x5e\xf0\x1e\x6f\xc4\x0f\xa3\xca\x70\x6c\x3e\x57\xb9\xd0\x39\x86\xfa\x15\x81\xd0\x0a\xc4\xdb\x4a\x6d\x54\x06\xc6\x95\x6e\xda\x88\x5a\xaa\x02\x2c\x5d\x5d\xba\xf2\x8f\x8b\x22\xb1\x39\x47\x2b\xbf\xe8\x8e\x5b\xbe\x7f\x95\x38\x9f\x65\x98\x9a\xde\x64\xad\xe5\x55\x29\x62\x72\xc8\x59\x1e\x21\xf0\x22\xee\x08\x6a\x46\xd5\xee\x05\x75\xe0\x4e\xa0\xe7\x09\x8f\x5c\x53\xb6\xac\x72\xa1\xde\xed\xad\x81\x87\xae\x65\x04\x5a\xc4\x07\x02\x56\x6d\xe2\x92\x77\x9a\x3c\x5e\xc2\x65\x7c\xc0\x0b\xde\xe5\xa9\xca\x76\xd0\xd1\xaa\x4c\xa6\xa2\xa6\xb5\xf6\x75\x11\x48\x5e\x61\xdd\x7b\xc1\x23\xbb\x33\x9e\x46\x3c\xf3\x1f\xf1\x48\x63\xec\x28\x56\xcc\xa4\x05\x78\x24\x78\x2b\x3e\x0a\x2e\x79\xc0\x1f\x00\x98\x6e\xf9\x71\x38\x14\xea\x67\x90\x4f\xb4\x2d\xac\x64\x09\xd9\xf7\x28\xc6\xf2\xe7\x03\x25\xc8\x6f\x2e\x12\x7c\xba\xb1\x1d\x9a\xdf\x6a\x68\xfe\x7d\x1e\x29\x4d\x21\xff\x17\x3c\x72\xfb\x26\xb6\x87\x53\x51\x2b\x15\xb2\x81\x60\xce\xb4\xa5\xd7\x0b\x98\xa6\x0a\xac\x59\xeb\x20\x90\x68\xa4\xb1\x17\x4d\x38\xb3\x87\x5a\xb4\x53\x53\x2e\xfa\xac\x47\x76\x4a\xf3\xd8\x7f\xc6\x0b\x9e\xf0\xe4\x5f\xb8\xe7\x6f\x01\x7e\x87\x9e\x62\xe7\xa3\x1e\x8b\x69\xcc\x93\x4e\xde\xd5\xf7\xeb\xb6\x8f\x2e\x1f\xc3\xe0\x52\x1c\x35\x53\x06\x72\x59\x5a\x9a\xfd\x94\xf7\x99\x4a\xa5\xeb\xb2\x24\x2c\xa3\x3d\x45\x5f\x5e\xbb\xf9\xc6\xe5\x63\xce\xba\xf9\x64\x8d\xec\x33\xdb\x82\xff\x64\x6d\x13\x9b\xd4\x5f\x78\xe5\xbe\x62\x2a\x47\xac\x38\xbf\x35\xa2\x72\x68\x9a\x18\xd9\x4b\x70\x49\xb7\x18\xf0\xc2\xc1\xc2\x49\x14\x3f\x3d\x35\xdb\x88\x63\xa8\x1a\xf0\x64\xb5\x39\x9c\xe5\xfd\x38\x6a\xb1\x05\x9e\x1f\x1f\x75\x97\xf5\x7b\x56\x96\x50\x70\xdd\x0f\xbd\xe7\x34\x39\x40\x52\x4b\x7d\xc3\x5a\x72\x35\x2b\xf8\x78\x0b\x89\x97\x59\x4d\x99\x7d\xf0\x13\x1e\xd9\x09\xd0\x01\x1f\xf1\x82\x5f\xf1\x74\x7a\x64\x6e\x31\xe4\x59\xef\x3b\x78\x5a\x1a\xfd\x71\x9d\x3e\xc0\x80\xbf\xff\x50\x1d\xd4\x1d\x72\xd5\xb5\xf4\xe4\x61\xe8\x57\x87\xb6\x00\xfe\xf7\x12\x58\xb2\xce\x74\x7f\xd6\x23\x7f\xbb\xdc\x1b\x4e\x4a\xe1\x96\xcb\x20\xcb\x59\xaf\xef\x3f\xee\x8d\xa7\x5f\x5a\x63\x5d\xc1\x92\x8a\xc6\xb5\x7a\xe9\x77\xa4\xff\xe4\x91\x1f\x29\x5b\xbb\x97\xd9\x9f\xf0\xaf\xb6\xf0\x09\xdd\x31\x8d\x5e\xf2\x2f\xb8\xe8\xfd\xc3\xf5\xc3\x93\x37\xf9\x37\x68\x4f\x0b\x3c\x3a\xce\xc3\xe2\xba\x6e\xc9\x6f\xec\x26\xf5\x91\x38\x7c\x0d\x4c\xb5\x9c\xc9\x73\xd6\xea\xf6\x8c\x09\xe1\xbf\x63\x77\xf0\x47\xde\xe8\xdf\x5c\xbc\x54\x3b\xe3\xb5\x54\x38\x0c\x9e\x91\x9a\xf1\x6c\xd4\xe9\xe6\x34\x11\xab\x98\x14\x6d\xb2\xb8\xef\x57\x69\xcf\x0a\x63\x53\x3f\x40\x57\x22\x56\x42\xa3\xaa\xab\x69\xdd\x42\xbe\x5e\x45\x76\x09\x0c\x38\x43\xa6\x76\x94\xc4\x51\xc2\x4d\x22\x75\x94\x40\xa5\x27\x64\xce\xb6\x72\x70\x05\x18\xa8\x12\xf5\x36\x84\x2e\xb2\x8e\xce\xff\x62\x27\xf9\xcc\x0e\x72\x0d\xb6\xa4\x12\xd1\xfb\xbc\xe5\x3f\xb5\x63\x02\xb6\xd4\x32\x33\xbd\x7c\x32\xf8\xf3\x5a\xb5\x31\xab\x7e\x2e\x8e\x41\x74\x6c\xbc\xaf\x84\xb7\x78\x96\x31\x2c\x46\xc4\xef\xc6\x34\x22\xed\x8a\x50\x03\x6d\xd5\x2a\x31\x05\xef\xa9\xbe\xdf\xce\x9f\xaf\xa2\x1b\xf5\x45\xbf\x50\x06\x7b\xa2\x30\xbf\x65\x07\x8e\x2f\xcc\x9d\x8a\x3a\x2a\x2b\xab\xcd\x99\xd1\x2d\xa5\xc2\x4e\x59\x92\xc5\xa5\x74\x67\x9a\xc2\x7d\xec\xab\x31\xff\x69\xd4\x98\x54\x3b\xd5\xe4\x39\x9b\x8a\xa5\x09\x80\xa6\x5d\x86\x9d\xeb\x0a\x44\x68\x50\x50\xab\x3c\x55\xb9\x75\x3c\x41\x28\x92\xb1\x1d\x27\xa7\xc8\xdf\xec\x57\xde\x0b\x10\x00\x37\x05\x07\xed\xa2\xbe\xe1\x41\x35\x43\xee\x68\xc5\x5f\xd9\x43\x5e\x3f\xca\xd2\x4e\x56\xee\x67\xa9\x5a\x27\x2f\xef\x0e\x6e\xb7\x2f\x54\xf8\x62\xf1\x9a\x1e\x6e\x53\x66\xcf\x12\x8a\x0f\xb9\x52\xf8\xd4\x6e\x12\x91\xab\x31\xc3\xf6\x14\xeb\xdf\xc3\x07\x67\x79\xdb\xbf\x7f\x02\x11\x3c\x6e\x3d\xb3\xc0\x31\xef\x22\xf8\xbb\xf8\x97\xec\xc8\x32\x1f\x20\x83\x8c\xb9\xb1\x41\x7e\xad\x46\xf6\xc2\x5c\xc8\x97\xbc\xbb\x46\x6e\x9c\x70\x8b\x07\xec\x03\xf3\x92\xaf\x79\xe5\x5b\x0c\x53\x8d\xaa\x9d\x9d\xd6\x75\x01\xd6\x29\x5b\x1e\xf8\xea\xee\xbf\xaa\xd4\x71\xc9\x5c\x44\x9e\xdb\x9f\x3c\x70\xfb\x3d\x27\x1e\xbc\xf3\xc0\x5b\x97\xec\xdf\x60\x53\xc3\xfc\x4a\xfb\x86\x4c\xca\x57\x22\x42\x98\x70\xf5\x6f\xe6\x94\xe8\xa9\x1f\x10\xd9\x03\xf1\x99\xcd\xbf\x7d\x11\x56\xff\xcb\x1a\xe4\xf1\x1a\xb9\x46\xdb\x9d\x27\xf5\x40\x3d\x52\x23\x37\xaf\x3b\x50\x67\xed\xa7\xcc\x50\xfd\xbe\x35\x54\xc6\xb3\x63\x9d\x7d\xa1\x16\x65\x1a\x17\x81\xb1\x77\xd1\x61\x9a\x29\x56\x00\xe5\xb1\x39\x88\x17\x1b\xad\x7e\x51\x57\x37\x34\x7a\xbc\x27\xd2\x81\xf9\x97\xf7\xbb\xbc\xc7\x53\x16\x4f\x29\x65\x5f\x37\x8f\xe3\x63\xe6\x3f\x7c\xd0\x79\xc1\xf0\xd3\x87\xc6\x71\xe7\x36\xc8\x0a\xb9\x02\x01\x34\x94\xbc\xb6\xc9\xf5\xeb\x0e\xd0\x82\x7e\xc0\x0c\xce\x91\x11\xc2\xaa\x70\x39\x22\x1b\xcb\xd8\x08\x0c\xf9\xe3\xfd\xe4\xef\x8c\x68\xda\xd4\xde\xfa\xcf\xed\x0f\x4e\x95\x95\xb8\x2a\x7b\x1a\x96\x65\x4b\xf4\x71\x55\xc2\xcf\x0d\x7a\x2e\x83\x89\x30\xc5\xdc\xe6\x25\x99\x0d\x0d\xe7\x2e\xd6\x47\x09\xf9\x56\x09\xa6\xf8\xc2\x24\x7e\x1c\xd3\x19\xc4\x20\x0b\x3e\xa4\xe1\x17\x5d\x84\x18\x35\xca\xd6\x51\x80\x51\xf3\xe8\xe5\x46\x5e\xdc\x3e\xa5\x6e\xf5\x94\xba\xed\xff\xdd\xf6\xff\x3a\xfe\xdf\xaf\x7a\x64\xa7\x5c\x65\xfe\xef\xad\xe5\x92\x1a\x56\x1a\xd2\xac\xbc\xe0\x29\xa4\xc1\x72\xd5\x35\x79\x97\xad\x44\x22\xd5\x5b\xc9\xab\xa6\x2a\x2e\x7a\xf7\xad\x7f\x80\x69\xf8\xf5\x51\xd9\x95\xa6\xd3\x95\x03\x4d\xf3\x5a\x72\x35\xd9\x7f\x8c\xb3\x94\xa7\x8b\x62\x99\x27\xfe\xdf\x78\xe8\x0c\x39\xe5\x5e\xba\xd3\xbf\x9d\xec\x66\xfd\xe8\x1e\x3e\xf0\xaf\x74\x62\xd6\xd7\xed\x46\x20\xa3\xe0\x75\x78\x3f\x85\x07\x2a\x39\x69\xff\x3f\x00\x00\xff\xff\x78\xfb\xb7\x2b\xa3\xf0\x34\x00") - -func kubernetesapiV1_21_2SwaggerPbBytes() ([]byte, error) { - return bindataRead( - _kubernetesapiV1_21_2SwaggerPb, - "kubernetesapi/v1_21_2/swagger.pb", - ) -} - -func kubernetesapiV1_21_2SwaggerPb() (*asset, error) { - bytes, err := kubernetesapiV1_21_2SwaggerPbBytes() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - info := bindataFileInfo{name: "kubernetesapi/v1_21_2/swagger.pb", size: 3469475, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1658180420, 0)} - a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info} - return a, nil -} - -// Asset loads and returns the asset for the given name. -// It returns an error if the asset could not be found or -// could not be loaded. -func Asset(name string) ([]byte, error) { - cannonicalName := strings.Replace(name, "\\", "/", -1) - if f, ok := _bindata[cannonicalName]; ok { - a, err := f() - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("Asset %s can't read by error: %v", name, err) - } - return a.bytes, nil - } - return nil, fmt.Errorf("Asset %s not found", name) -} - -// MustAsset is like Asset but panics when Asset would return an error. -// It simplifies safe initialization of global variables. -func MustAsset(name string) []byte { - a, err := Asset(name) - if err != nil { - panic("asset: Asset(" + name + "): " + err.Error()) - } - - return a -} - -// AssetInfo loads and returns the asset info for the given name. -// It returns an error if the asset could not be found or -// could not be loaded. -func AssetInfo(name string) (os.FileInfo, error) { - cannonicalName := strings.Replace(name, "\\", "/", -1) - if f, ok := _bindata[cannonicalName]; ok { - a, err := f() - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("AssetInfo %s can't read by error: %v", name, err) - } - return a.info, nil - } - return nil, fmt.Errorf("AssetInfo %s not found", name) -} - -// AssetNames returns the names of the assets. -func AssetNames() []string { - names := make([]string, 0, len(_bindata)) - for name := range _bindata { - names = append(names, name) - } - return names -} - -// _bindata is a table, holding each asset generator, mapped to its name. -var _bindata = map[string]func() (*asset, error){ - "kubernetesapi/v1_21_2/swagger.pb": kubernetesapiV1_21_2SwaggerPb, -} - -// AssetDir returns the file names below a certain -// directory embedded in the file by go-bindata. -// For example if you run go-bindata on data/... and data contains the -// following hierarchy: -// data/ -// foo.txt -// img/ -// a.png -// b.png -// then AssetDir("data") would return []string{"foo.txt", "img"} -// AssetDir("data/img") would return []string{"a.png", "b.png"} -// AssetDir("foo.txt") and AssetDir("notexist") would return an error -// AssetDir("") will return []string{"data"}. -func AssetDir(name string) ([]string, error) { - node := _bintree - if len(name) != 0 { - cannonicalName := strings.Replace(name, "\\", "/", -1) - pathList := strings.Split(cannonicalName, "/") - for _, p := range pathList { - node = node.Children[p] - if node == nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("Asset %s not found", name) - } - } - } - if node.Func != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("Asset %s not found", name) - } - rv := make([]string, 0, len(node.Children)) - for childName := range node.Children { - rv = append(rv, childName) - } - return rv, nil -} - -type bintree struct { - Func func() (*asset, error) - Children map[string]*bintree -} - -var _bintree = &bintree{nil, map[string]*bintree{ - "kubernetesapi": &bintree{nil, map[string]*bintree{ - "v1_21_2": &bintree{nil, map[string]*bintree{ - "swagger.pb": &bintree{kubernetesapiV1_21_2SwaggerPb, map[string]*bintree{}}, - }}, - }}, -}} - -// RestoreAsset restores an asset under the given directory -func RestoreAsset(dir, name string) error { - data, err := Asset(name) - if err != nil { - return err - } - info, err := AssetInfo(name) - if err != nil { - return err - } - err = os.MkdirAll(_filePath(dir, filepath.Dir(name)), os.FileMode(0755)) - if err != nil { - return err - } - err = ioutil.WriteFile(_filePath(dir, name), data, info.Mode()) - if err != nil { - return err - } - err = os.Chtimes(_filePath(dir, name), info.ModTime(), info.ModTime()) - if err != nil { - return err - } - return nil -} - -// RestoreAssets restores an asset under the given directory recursively -func RestoreAssets(dir, name string) error { - children, err := AssetDir(name) - // File - if err != nil { - return RestoreAsset(dir, name) - } - // Dir - for _, child := range children { - err = RestoreAssets(dir, filepath.Join(name, child)) - if err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -func _filePath(dir, name string) string { - cannonicalName := strings.Replace(name, "\\", "/", -1) - return filepath.Join(append([]string{dir}, strings.Split(cannonicalName, "/")...)...) -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi/kubernetesapi/v1_21_2/swagger.pb b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi/kubernetesapi/v1_21_2/swagger.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 910436fc..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi/kubernetesapi/v1_21_2/swagger.pb +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44195 +0,0 @@ - -2.0 - -Kubernetesv1.21.2BÝè¢ð& -/api/v1/limitrangesØ&Ì -core_v1(list or watch objects of kind LimitRange*$listCoreV1LimitRangeForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*J] - -401 - - Unauthorized -B -200; -9 -OK3 -1 -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.LimitRangeListRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jL -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind)'kind: LimitRange -version: v1 -group: "" -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ³( -)/api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/pods…(— -core_v1owatch individual changes to a list of Pod. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*watchCoreV1NamespacedPodList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jE -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind" group: "" -kind: Pod -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ñ( -@/apis/coordination.k8s.io/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/leases¬(¾ -coordination_v1qwatch individual changes to a list of Lease. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*&watchCoordinationV1NamespacedLeaseList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jX -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind53group: coordination.k8s.io -kind: Lease -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ÷\ -&/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1/storageclassesÌ\‘& - -storage_v1*list or watch objects of kind StorageClass*listStorageV1StorageClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Jb -G -200@ -> -OK8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.StorageClassList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jZ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind75group: storage.k8s.io -kind: StorageClass -version: v1 -"‰ - -storage_v1create a StorageClass*createStorageV1StorageClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BF -D -Bbodybody *2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.StorageClassBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jó -C -200< -: -OK4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.StorageClass -H -201A -? -Created4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.StorageClass -I -202B -@ -Accepted4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.StorageClass - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jZ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind75group: storage.k8s.io -kind: StorageClass -version: v1 -*Ø, - -storage_v1!delete collection of StorageClass*%deleteStorageV1CollectionStorageClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -jZ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind75group: storage.k8s.io -kind: StorageClass -version: v1 -JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Ê -/api/À½ -coreget available API versions*getCoreAPIVersions2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJl -Q -200J -H -OKB -@ ->#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIVersions - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttps©[ - /api/v1/nodes—[Ü% -core_v1"list or watch objects of kind Node*listCoreV1Node2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean JW -< -2005 -3 -OK- -+ -)#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jF -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind#!group: "" -kind: Node -version: v1 -"³ -core_v1 create a Node*createCoreV1Node2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B; -9 -7bodybody *' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JÒ -8 -2001 -/ -OK) -' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Node -= -2016 -4 -Created) -' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Node -> -2027 -5 -Accepted) -' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Node - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjF -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind#!group: "" -kind: Node -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpost -*®, -core_v1delete collection of Node*deleteCoreV1CollectionNode2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -jF -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind#!group: "" -kind: Node -version: v1 -JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ü( -;/api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/replicationcontrollers¼(Î -core_v1watch individual changes to a list of ReplicationController. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*.watchCoreV1NamespacedReplicationControllerList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: "" -kind: ReplicationController -version: v1 -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Ô) -@/apis/batch/v1beta1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/cronjobs/{name})ë - batch_v1beta1®watch changes to an object of kind CronJob. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*"watchBatchV1beta1NamespacedCronJob2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -jQ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind.,group: batch -kind: CronJob -version: v1beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J4 -20".pathname of the CronJob"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean —] -//apis/apps/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/daemonsetsã\ü% -apps_v1'list or watch objects of kind DaemonSet*listAppsV1NamespacedDaemonSet2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean J\ -A -200: -8 -OK2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DaemonSetList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjM -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind*(version: v1 -group: apps -kind: DaemonSet -j -x-kubernetes-actionlist -"â -apps_v1create a DaemonSet*createAppsV1NamespacedDaemonSet2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B@ -> -<bodybody *, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DaemonSetBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Já -C -202< -: -Accepted. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DaemonSet - -401 - - Unauthorized -= -2006 -4 -OK. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DaemonSet -B -201; -9 -Created. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DaemonSetRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jM -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind*(version: v1 -group: apps -kind: DaemonSet -*É, -apps_v1delete collection of DaemonSet*)deleteAppsV1CollectionNamespacedDaemonSet2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -jM -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind*(group: apps -kind: DaemonSet -version: v1 -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ó -;/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/serviceaccounts/{name}/token³ "ˆ -core_v1 create token of a ServiceAccount*)createCoreV1NamespacedServiceAccountToken2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BM -K -Ibodybody *9 -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authentication.v1.TokenRequestJˆ -P -202I -G -Accepted; -9 -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authentication.v1.TokenRequest - -401 - - Unauthorized -J -200C -A -OK; -9 -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authentication.v1.TokenRequest -O -201H -F -Created; -9 -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authentication.v1.TokenRequestRhttpsja -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind> -< -:#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ReplicationControllerList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: "" -kind: ReplicationController -version: v1 -"´ -core_v1create a ReplicationController*+createCoreV1NamespacedReplicationController2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BL -J -Hbodybody *8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ReplicationControllerBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J… -I -200B -@ -OK: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ReplicationController -N -201G -E -Created: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ReplicationController -O -202H -F -Accepted: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ReplicationController - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: "" -kind: ReplicationController -version: v1 -*ë, -core_v1*delete collection of ReplicationController*5deleteCoreV1CollectionNamespacedReplicationController2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -jW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: "" -kind: ReplicationController -version: v1 -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string õ -?/apis/apps/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/statefulsets/{name}/status±û -apps_v1(read status of the specified StatefulSet*%readAppsV1NamespacedStatefulSetStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*JZ -? -2008 -6 -OK0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.StatefulSet - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jO -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind,*group: apps -kind: StatefulSet -version: v1 -Æ -apps_v1+replace status of the specified StatefulSet*(replaceAppsV1NamespacedStatefulSetStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BB -@ ->bodybody *. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.StatefulSetBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J  -? -2008 -6 -OK0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.StatefulSet -D -201= -; -Created0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.StatefulSet - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jO -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind,*group: apps -kind: StatefulSet -version: v1 -Bú -apps_v14partially update status of the specified StatefulSet*&patchAppsV1NamespacedStatefulSetStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean JZ -? -2008 -6 -OK0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.StatefulSet - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jO -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind,*group: apps -kind: StatefulSet -version: v1 -J8 -64"2pathname of the StatefulSet"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ß -/apis/autoscaling/ÈÅ - autoscalingget information of a group*getAutoscalingAPIGroup2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJi -N -200G -E -OK? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIGroup - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsâ -/api/v1/nodes/{name}/statusÂÓ -core_v1!read status of the specified Node*readCoreV1NodeStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*JS -8 -2001 -/ -OK) -' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Node - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjF -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind#!group: "" -kind: Node -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionget - -core_v1$replace status of the specified Node*replaceCoreV1NodeStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B; -9 -7bodybody *' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J’ -8 -2001 -/ -OK) -' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Node -= -2016 -4 -Created) -' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Node - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jF -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind#!kind: Node -version: v1 -group: "" -BÒ -core_v1-partially update status of the specified Node*patchCoreV1NodeStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean JS -8 -2001 -/ -OK) -' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Node - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jF -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind#!group: "" -kind: Node -version: v1 -J1 -/-"+pathname of the Node"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ä' -/apis/apps/v1/watch/deploymentsÀ'´ -apps_v1vwatch individual changes to a list of Deployment. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*)watchAppsV1DeploymentListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjN -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind+)version: v1 -group: apps -kind: Deployment -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ‹^ -4/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1/clusterrolesÒ]½& -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1)list or watch objects of kind ClusterRole*'listRbacAuthorizationV1beta1ClusterRole2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Jc -H -200A -? -OK9 -7 -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.ClusterRoleList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsji -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindFDgroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: ClusterRole -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionlist -"¸ -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1create a ClusterRole*)createRbacAuthorizationV1beta1ClusterRole2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BG -E -Cbodybody *3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.ClusterRoleBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jö -I -201B -@ -Created5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.ClusterRole -J -202C -A -Accepted5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.ClusterRole - -401 - - Unauthorized -D -200= -; -OK5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.ClusterRoleRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -ji -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindFDkind: ClusterRole -version: v1beta1 -group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -*ƒ- -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1 delete collection of ClusterRole*3deleteRbacAuthorizationV1beta1CollectionClusterRole2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -ji -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindFDkind: ClusterRole -version: v1beta1 -group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ÷( ->/apis/apps/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/controllerrevisions´(Æ -apps_v1~watch individual changes to a list of ControllerRevision. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*+watchAppsV1NamespacedControllerRevisionList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk - -401 - - Unauthorized -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEventRhttpsjV -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind31group: apps -kind: ControllerRevision -version: v1 -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean …) -E/apis/coordination.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/leases»(Í -coordination_v1beta1qwatch individual changes to a list of Lease. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*+watchCoordinationV1beta1NamespacedLeaseList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: coordination.k8s.io -kind: Lease -version: v1beta1 -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean –( -'/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1/csinodes/{name}ê'ä - -storage_v1read the specified CSINode*readStorageV1CSINode2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*JY -> -2007 -5 -OK/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.CSINode - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jU -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind20group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSINode -version: v1 -­ - -storage_v1replace the specified CSINode*replaceStorageV1CSINode2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BA -? -=bodybody *- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.CSINodeBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jž -> -2007 -5 -OK/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.CSINode -C -201< -: -Created/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.CSINode - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jU -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind20version: v1 -group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSINode -*ã - -storage_v1delete a CSINode*deleteStorageV1CSINode2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string JŸ -> -2007 -5 -OK/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.CSINode -D -202= -; -Accepted/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.CSINode - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjU -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind20version: v1 -group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSINode -j -x-kubernetes-action delete -Bã - -storage_v1&partially update the specified CSINode*patchStorageV1CSINode2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean JY -> -2007 -5 -OK/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.CSINode - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjU -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind20group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSINode -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -J4 -20".pathname of the CSINode"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ¥) -1/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/limitranges/{name}ï(å -core_v1read the specified LimitRange*readCoreV1NamespacedLimitRange2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*JY -> -2007 -5 -OK/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.LimitRange - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jL -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind)'version: v1 -group: "" -kind: LimitRange -® -core_v1 replace the specified LimitRange*!replaceCoreV1NamespacedLimitRange2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BA -? -=bodybody *- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.LimitRangeBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jž -> -2007 -5 -OK/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.LimitRange -C -201< -: -Created/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.LimitRange - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jL -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind)'version: v1 -group: "" -kind: LimitRange -*€ -core_v1delete a LimitRange* deleteCoreV1NamespacedLimitRange2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjL -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind)'group: "" -kind: LimitRange -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-action delete -Bä -core_v1)partially update the specified LimitRange*patchCoreV1NamespacedLimitRange2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean JY -> -2007 -5 -OK/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.LimitRange - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jL -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind)'group: "" -kind: LimitRange -version: v1 -J7 -53"1pathname of the LimitRange"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Â* -@/apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/ingresses/{name}ý)‡ -extensions_v1beta1read the specified Ingress*&readExtensionsV1beta1NamespacedIngress2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Ja -F -200? -= -OK7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.extensions.v1beta1.Ingress - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jV -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind31group: extensions -kind: Ingress -version: v1beta1 -à -extensions_v1beta1replace the specified Ingress*)replaceExtensionsV1beta1NamespacedIngress2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BI -G -Ebodybody *5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.extensions.v1beta1.IngressBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J® -F -200? -= -OK7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.extensions.v1beta1.Ingress -K -201D -B -Created7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.extensions.v1beta1.Ingress - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjV -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind31group: extensions -kind: Ingress -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -*› -extensions_v1beta1delete an Ingress*(deleteExtensionsV1beta1NamespacedIngress2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - Unauthorized -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.StatusRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -jV -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind31kind: Ingress -version: v1beta1 -group: extensions -B† -extensions_v1beta1&partially update the specified Ingress*'patchExtensionsV1beta1NamespacedIngress2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Ja -F -200? -= -OK7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.extensions.v1beta1.Ingress - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjV -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind31group: extensions -kind: Ingress -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -J4 -20".pathname of the Ingress"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ƒ) -A/apis/policy/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/poddisruptionbudgets½(Ï - policy_v1watch individual changes to a list of PodDisruptionBudget. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*.watchPolicyV1NamespacedPodDisruptionBudgetList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjY -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind64group: policy -kind: PodDisruptionBudget -version: v1 -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ×' -/api/v1/watch/endpoints»'¯ -core_v1uwatch individual changes to a list of Endpoints. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*(watchCoreV1EndpointsListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjK -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind(&group: "" -kind: Endpoints -version: v1 -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ß - -0/apis/authentication.k8s.io/v1beta1/tokenreviewsª -"œ -authentication_v1beta1create a TokenReview*&createAuthenticationV1beta1TokenReview2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BQ -O -Mbodybody *= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authentication.v1beta1.TokenReviewJ” -N -200G -E -OK? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authentication.v1beta1.TokenReview -S -201L -J -Created? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authentication.v1beta1.TokenReview -T -202M -K -Accepted? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authentication.v1beta1.TokenReview - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsje -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindB@group: authentication.k8s.io -kind: TokenReview -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpost -Jž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string J– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string á] -9/apis/events.k8s.io/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/events£]& -events_v1beta1#list or watch objects of kind Event* listEventsV1beta1NamespacedEvent2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean J_ -D -200= -; -OK5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.events.v1beta1.EventList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: events.k8s.io -kind: Event -version: v1beta1 -"ÿ -events_v1beta1create an Event*"createEventsV1beta1NamespacedEvent2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BC -A -?bodybody */ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.events.v1beta1.EventBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jê - -401 - - Unauthorized -@ -2009 -7 -OK1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.events.v1beta1.Event -E -201> -< -Created1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.events.v1beta1.Event -F -202? -= -Accepted1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.events.v1beta1.EventRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: events.k8s.io -kind: Event -version: v1beta1 -*Ù, -events_v1beta1delete collection of Event*,deleteEventsV1beta1CollectionNamespacedEvent2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: events.k8s.io -kind: Event -version: v1beta1 -j* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ¬) -C/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/flowschemas/{name}ä(Ÿ -flowcontrolApiserver_v1beta1±watch changes to an object of kind FlowSchema. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.**watchFlowcontrolApiserverV1beta1FlowSchema2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -jk -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindHFkind: FlowSchema -version: v1beta1 -group: flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J7 -53"1pathname of the FlowSchema"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Ë( -//api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/configmaps—(© -core_v1uwatch individual changes to a list of ConfigMap. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*"watchCoreV1NamespacedConfigMapList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jK -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind(&version: v1 -group: "" -kind: ConfigMap -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean À) -D/apis/apiextensions.k8s.io/v1/watch/customresourcedefinitions/{name}÷(¤ -apiextensions_v1¿watch changes to an object of kind CustomResourceDefinition. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*,watchApiextensionsV1CustomResourceDefinition2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjl -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindIGgroup: apiextensions.k8s.io -kind: CustomResourceDefinition -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JE -CA"?path$name of the CustomResourceDefinition"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Ð) ->/apis/apps/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/statefulsets/{name})å -apps_v1²watch changes to an object of kind StatefulSet. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.* watchAppsV1NamespacedStatefulSet2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjO -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind,*group: apps -kind: StatefulSet -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J8 -64"2pathname of the StatefulSet"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Ú -/apis/storage.k8s.io/À½ -storageget information of a group*getStorageAPIGroup2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJi - -401 - - Unauthorized -N -200G -E -OK? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIGroupRhttps•' -#/apis/coordination.k8s.io/v1/leasesí&á -coordination_v1#list or watch objects of kind Lease*'listCoordinationV1LeaseForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*J` -E -200> -< -OK6 -4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.coordination.v1.LeaseList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjX -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind53group: coordination.k8s.io -kind: Lease -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean «\ - /apis/storage.k8s.io/v1/csinodes†\ý% - -storage_v1%list or watch objects of kind CSINode*listStorageV1CSINode2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean J] -B -200; -9 -OK3 -1 -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.CSINodeList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjU -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind20kind: CSINode -version: v1 -group: storage.k8s.io -j -x-kubernetes-actionlist -"æ - -storage_v1create a CSINode*createStorageV1CSINode2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BA -? -=bodybody *- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.CSINodeBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jä -> -2007 -5 -OK/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.CSINode -C -201< -: -Created/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.CSINode -D -202= -; -Accepted/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.CSINode - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjU -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind20group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSINode -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpost -*É, - -storage_v1delete collection of CSINode* deleteStorageV1CollectionCSINode2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjU -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind20version: v1 -group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSINode -j* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ñ& -/api/v1/componentstatusesÓ&Ç -core_v1$list objects of kind ComponentStatus*listCoreV1ComponentStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jb -G -200@ -> -OK8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ComponentStatusList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jQ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind.,version: v1 -group: "" -kind: ComponentStatus -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ä' -/apis/apps/v1/watch/replicasetsÀ'´ -apps_v1vwatch individual changes to a list of ReplicaSet. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*)watchAppsV1ReplicaSetListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjN -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind+)group: apps -kind: ReplicaSet -version: v1 -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Ä -group: scheduling.k8s.io -kind: PriorityClass -version: v1beta1 -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean * -N/apis/networking.k8s.io/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/networkpolicies/{name}®)„ - networking_v1´watch changes to an object of kind NetworkPolicy. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*(watchNetworkingV1NamespacedNetworkPolicy2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -j^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9group: networking.k8s.io -kind: NetworkPolicy -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J: -86"4pathname of the NetworkPolicy"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Ð\ -%/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/events¦\ê% -core_v1#list or watch objects of kind Event*listCoreV1NamespacedEvent2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean JX -= -2006 -4 -OK. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.EventList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjG -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind$"group: "" -kind: Event -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionlist -"Å -core_v1create an Event*createCoreV1NamespacedEvent2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B< -: -8bodybody *( -&#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.EventBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JÕ -9 -2002 -0 -OK* -( -&#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Event -> -2017 -5 -Created* -( -&#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Event -? -2028 -6 -Accepted* -( -&#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Event - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jG -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind$"group: "" -kind: Event -version: v1 -*», -core_v1delete collection of Event*%deleteCoreV1CollectionNamespacedEvent2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg - -401 - - Unauthorized -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.StatusRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -jG -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind$"group: "" -kind: Event -version: v1 -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string á -//api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/pods/{name}/exec­  -core_v1#connect GET requests to exec of Pod*!connectCoreV1GetNamespacedPodExec2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jP -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind-+group: "" -kind: PodExecOptions -version: v1 -"’ -core_v1$connect POST requests to exec of Pod*"connectCoreV1PostNamespacedPodExec2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjP -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind-+group: "" -kind: PodExecOptions -version: v1 -j! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -Ju -sqoqueryRCommand is the remote command to execute. argv array. Not executed within a shell."command2string J˜ -•’querypContainer in which to execute the command. Defaults to only container if there is only one container in the pod." container2string J; -97"5pathname of the PodExecOptions"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜Jq -omkqueryNRedirect the standard error stream of the pod for this call. Defaults to true."stderr2boolean Jq -omkqueryORedirect the standard input stream of the pod for this call. Defaults to false."stdin2boolean Jr -pnlqueryORedirect the standard output stream of the pod for this call. Defaults to true."stdout2boolean Jx -vtrqueryXTTY if true indicates that a tty will be allocated for the exec call. Defaults to false."tty2boolean ¨, -K/apis/autoscaling/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/horizontalpodautoscalers/{name}Ø+· -autoscaling_v1*read the specified HorizontalPodAutoscaler*2readAutoscalingV1NamespacedHorizontalPodAutoscaler2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Jm -R -200K -I -OKC -A -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.HorizontalPodAutoscaler - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=group: autoscaling -kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -version: v1 -¨ -autoscaling_v1-replace the specified HorizontalPodAutoscaler*5replaceAutoscalingV1NamespacedHorizontalPodAutoscaler2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BU -S -Qbodybody *A -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.HorizontalPodAutoscalerBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JÆ -W -201P -N -CreatedC -A -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.HorizontalPodAutoscaler - -401 - - Unauthorized -R -200K -I -OKC -A -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.HorizontalPodAutoscalerRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=group: autoscaling -kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -version: v1 -*¾ -autoscaling_v1 delete a HorizontalPodAutoscaler*4deleteAutoscalingV1NamespacedHorizontalPodAutoscaler2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -jb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=group: autoscaling -kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -version: v1 -B¶ -autoscaling_v16partially update the specified HorizontalPodAutoscaler*3patchAutoscalingV1NamespacedHorizontalPodAutoscaler2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Jm -R -200K -I -OKC -A -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.HorizontalPodAutoscaler - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=group: autoscaling -kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -version: v1 -JD -B@">path#name of the HorizontalPodAutoscaler"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Ú& -/apis/batch/v1/jobsÂ&¶ -batch_v1!list or watch objects of kind Job*listBatchV1JobForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*JW -< -2005 -3 -OK- -+ -)#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.JobList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jH -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind%#group: batch -kind: Job -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ü( -;/api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/persistentvolumeclaims¼(Î -core_v1watch individual changes to a list of PersistentVolumeClaim. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*.watchCoreV1NamespacedPersistentVolumeClaimList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42version: v1 -group: "" -kind: PersistentVolumeClaim -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Î- -C/apis/apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1/customresourcedefinitions/{name}†-ò -apiextensions_v1beta1+read the specified CustomResourceDefinition*0readApiextensionsV1beta1CustomResourceDefinition2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*J’ - -401 - - Unauthorized -w -200p -n -OKh -f -d#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.CustomResourceDefinitionRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jq -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindNLgroup: apiextensions.k8s.io -kind: CustomResourceDefinition -version: v1beta1 -¬ - -apiextensions_v1beta1.replace the specified CustomResourceDefinition*3replaceApiextensionsV1beta1CustomResourceDefinition2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Bz -x -vbodybody *f -d#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.CustomResourceDefinitionBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J - -401 - - Unauthorized -w -200p -n -OKh -f -d#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.CustomResourceDefinition -| -201u -s -Createdh -f -d#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.CustomResourceDefinitionRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jq -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindNLgroup: apiextensions.k8s.io -kind: CustomResourceDefinition -version: v1beta1 -*Ó -apiextensions_v1beta1!delete a CustomResourceDefinition*2deleteApiextensionsV1beta1CustomResourceDefinition2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -jq -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindNLgroup: apiextensions.k8s.io -kind: CustomResourceDefinition -version: v1beta1 -Bñ -apiextensions_v1beta17partially update the specified CustomResourceDefinition*1patchApiextensionsV1beta1CustomResourceDefinition2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean J’ -w -200p -n -OKh -f -d#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.CustomResourceDefinition - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jq -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindNLgroup: apiextensions.k8s.io -kind: CustomResourceDefinition -version: v1beta1 -JE -CA"?path$name of the CustomResourceDefinition"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ‚ -#/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/Ú× -flowcontrolApiserverget information of a group*getFlowcontrolApiserverAPIGroup2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJi -N -200G -E -OK? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIGroup - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsõ& -/api/v1/podtemplatesÜ&Ð -core_v1)list or watch objects of kind PodTemplate*%listCoreV1PodTemplateForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*J^ -C -200< -: -OK4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodTemplateList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjM -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind*(group: "" -kind: PodTemplate -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ¾) -6/api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/configmaps/{name}ƒ)Ý -core_v1°watch changes to an object of kind ConfigMap. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*watchCoreV1NamespacedConfigMap2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjK -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind(&group: "" -kind: ConfigMap -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J6 -42"0pathname of the ConfigMap"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ï( -I/apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1/watch/mutatingwebhookconfigurations¡(• -admissionregistration_v1ˆwatch individual changes to a list of MutatingWebhookConfiguration. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*createAdmissionregistrationV1beta1MutatingWebhookConfiguration2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Bi -g -ebodybody *U -S#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1beta1.MutatingWebhookConfigurationBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JÜ - -401 - - Unauthorized -f -200_ -] -OKW -U -S#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1beta1.MutatingWebhookConfiguration -k -201d -b -CreatedW -U -S#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1beta1.MutatingWebhookConfiguration -l -202e -c -AcceptedW -U -S#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1beta1.MutatingWebhookConfigurationRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -j} -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindZXgroup: admissionregistration.k8s.io -kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration -version: v1beta1 -*Á- -admissionregistration_v1beta11delete collection of MutatingWebhookConfiguration*HdeleteAdmissionregistrationV1beta1CollectionMutatingWebhookConfiguration2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -j} -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindZXgroup: admissionregistration.k8s.io -kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration -version: v1beta1 -JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string È' -/api/v1/watch/events¯'£ -core_v1qwatch individual changes to a list of Event. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*$watchCoreV1EventListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jG -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind$"group: "" -kind: Event -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Ï_ - -<bodybody *, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.RoleBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Já -C -202< -: -Accepted. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.Role - -401 - - Unauthorized -= -2006 -4 -OK. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.Role -B -201; -9 -Created. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.RoleRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: Role -version: v1beta1 -*ø, -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1delete collection of Role*6deleteRbacAuthorizationV1beta1CollectionNamespacedRole2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg - -401 - - Unauthorized -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.StatusRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -jb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: Role -version: v1beta1 -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Ž( -1/apis/apiregistration.k8s.io/v1/watch/apiservicesØ'Ì -apiregistration_v1vwatch individual changes to a list of APIService. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*$watchApiregistrationV1APIServiceList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -j` -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind=;kind: APIService -group: apiregistration.k8s.io -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean þ' -)/apis/coordination.k8s.io/v1/watch/leasesÐ'Ä -coordination_v1qwatch individual changes to a list of Lease. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*,watchCoordinationV1LeaseListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjX -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind53group: coordination.k8s.io -kind: Lease -version: v1 -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ü -/apis/authorization.k8s.io/v1/ÙÖ -authorization_v1get available resources*getAuthorizationV1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsù( -L/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/prioritylevelconfigurations¨(œ -flowcontrolApiserver_v1beta1†watch individual changes to a list of PriorityLevelConfiguration. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*>watchFlowcontrolApiserverV1beta1PriorityLevelConfigurationList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk - -401 - - Unauthorized -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEventRhttpsj{ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindXVkind: PriorityLevelConfiguration -version: v1beta1 -group: flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean —) -F/apis/policy/v1beta1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/poddisruptionbudgetsÌ(Þ -policy_v1beta1watch individual changes to a list of PodDisruptionBudget. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*3watchPolicyV1beta1NamespacedPodDisruptionBudgetList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -j^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9group: policy -kind: PodDisruptionBudget -version: v1beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ’) -0/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/configmaps/{name}Ý(á -core_v1read the specified ConfigMap*readCoreV1NamespacedConfigMap2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*JX -= -2006 -4 -OK. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ConfigMap - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jK -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind(&group: "" -kind: ConfigMap -version: v1 -¨ -core_v1replace the specified ConfigMap* replaceCoreV1NamespacedConfigMap2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B@ -> -<bodybody *, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ConfigMapBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jœ -= -2006 -4 -OK. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ConfigMap -B -201; -9 -Created. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ConfigMap - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jK -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind(&group: "" -kind: ConfigMap -version: v1 -*ý -core_v1delete a ConfigMap*deleteCoreV1NamespacedConfigMap2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» - -401 - - Unauthorized -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.StatusRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -jK -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind(&version: v1 -group: "" -kind: ConfigMap -Bà -core_v1(partially update the specified ConfigMap*patchCoreV1NamespacedConfigMap2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean JX -= -2006 -4 -OK. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ConfigMap - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjK -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind(&group: "" -kind: ConfigMap -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -J6 -42"0pathname of the ConfigMap"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Ž -6/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/pods/{name}/portforwardÓ¥ -core_v1*connect GET requests to portforward of Pod*(connectCoreV1GetNamespacedPodPortforward2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: "" -kind: PodPortForwardOptions -version: v1 -j! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -"§ -core_v1+connect POST requests to portforward of Pod*)connectCoreV1PostNamespacedPodPortforward2*/*:*/*J7 - -401 - - Unauthorized - -200 - -OK - ² -stringRhttpsjW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: "" -kind: PodPortForwardOptions -version: v1 -j! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -JB -@>"<path!name of the PodPortForwardOptions"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JY -WUSquery7List of ports to forward Required when using WebSockets"ports2integer ° -B/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/replicationcontrollers/{name}/scaleé -core_v11read scale of the specified ReplicationController*.readCoreV1NamespacedReplicationControllerScale2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*J[ -@ -2009 -7 -OK1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.Scale - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jP -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind-+group: autoscaling -kind: Scale -version: v1 -Ü -core_v14replace scale of the specified ReplicationController*1replaceCoreV1NamespacedReplicationControllerScale2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BC -A -?bodybody */ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.ScaleBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J¢ -@ -2009 -7 -OK1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.Scale -E -201> -< -Created1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.Scale - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjP -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind-+group: autoscaling -kind: Scale -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -BŽ -core_v1=partially update scale of the specified ReplicationController*/patchCoreV1NamespacedReplicationControllerScale2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean J[ -@ -2009 -7 -OK1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.Scale - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jP -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind-+group: autoscaling -kind: Scale -version: v1 -J2 -0.",pathname of the Scale"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Ï( -0/api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/limitrangesš(¬ -core_v1vwatch individual changes to a list of LimitRange. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*#watchCoreV1NamespacedLimitRangeList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jL -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind)'kind: LimitRange -version: v1 -group: "" -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Ó( --/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1/watch/csinodes/{name}¡(ß - -storage_v1®watch changes to an object of kind CSINode. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*watchStorageV1CSINode2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -jU -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind20group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSINode -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J4 -20".pathname of the CSINode"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Ì' -/api/v1/watch/secrets²'¦ -core_v1rwatch individual changes to a list of Secret. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*%watchCoreV1SecretListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk - -401 - - Unauthorized -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEventRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jH -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind%#group: "" -kind: Secret -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ¹` -C/apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1/mutatingwebhookconfigurationsñ_Š' -admissionregistration_v1:list or watch objects of kind MutatingWebhookConfiguration*7listAdmissionregistrationV1MutatingWebhookConfiguration2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean J€ -e -200^ -\ -OKV -T -R#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1.MutatingWebhookConfigurationList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jx -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindUSversion: v1 -group: admissionregistration.k8s.io -kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration -"Û - -admissionregistration_v1%create a MutatingWebhookConfiguration*9createAdmissionregistrationV1MutatingWebhookConfiguration2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Bd -b -`bodybody *P -N#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1.MutatingWebhookConfigurationBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JÍ -a -200Z -X -OKR -P -N#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1.MutatingWebhookConfiguration -f -201_ -] -CreatedR -P -N#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1.MutatingWebhookConfiguration -g -202` -^ -AcceptedR -P -N#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1.MutatingWebhookConfiguration - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jx -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindUSgroup: admissionregistration.k8s.io -kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration -version: v1 -*²- -admissionregistration_v11delete collection of MutatingWebhookConfiguration*CdeleteAdmissionregistrationV1CollectionMutatingWebhookConfiguration2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -jx -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindUSgroup: admissionregistration.k8s.io -kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration -version: v1 -JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string –` -7/apis/apiextensions.k8s.io/v1/customresourcedefinitionsÚ_÷& -apiextensions_v16list or watch objects of kind CustomResourceDefinition*+listApiextensionsV1CustomResourceDefinition2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean J‘ -v -200o -m -OKg -e -c#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceDefinitionList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jl -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindIGkind: CustomResourceDefinition -version: v1 -group: apiextensions.k8s.io -"û - -apiextensions_v1!create a CustomResourceDefinition*-createApiextensionsV1CustomResourceDefinition2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Bu -s -qbodybody *a -_#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceDefinitionBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J€ -r -200k -i -OKc -a -_#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceDefinition -w -201p -n -Createdc -a -_#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceDefinition -x -202q -o -Acceptedc -a -_#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceDefinition - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jl -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindIGgroup: apiextensions.k8s.io -kind: CustomResourceDefinition -version: v1 -*Ž- -apiextensions_v1-delete collection of CustomResourceDefinition*7deleteApiextensionsV1CollectionCustomResourceDefinition2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -jl -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindIGgroup: apiextensions.k8s.io -kind: CustomResourceDefinition -version: v1 -JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ô, ->/apis/apiextensions.k8s.io/v1/customresourcedefinitions/{name}±,Þ -apiextensions_v1+read the specified CustomResourceDefinition*+readApiextensionsV1CustomResourceDefinition2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*J - -401 - - Unauthorized -r -200k -i -OKc -a -_#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceDefinitionRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jl -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindIGgroup: apiextensions.k8s.io -kind: CustomResourceDefinition -version: v1 -Ž - -apiextensions_v1.replace the specified CustomResourceDefinition*.replaceApiextensionsV1CustomResourceDefinition2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Bu -s -qbodybody *a -_#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceDefinitionBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J† -r -200k -i -OKc -a -_#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceDefinition -w -201p -n -Createdc -a -_#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceDefinition - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jl -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindIGversion: v1 -group: apiextensions.k8s.io -kind: CustomResourceDefinition -*Ä -apiextensions_v1!delete a CustomResourceDefinition*-deleteApiextensionsV1CustomResourceDefinition2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -jl -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindIGgroup: apiextensions.k8s.io -kind: CustomResourceDefinition -version: v1 -BÝ -apiextensions_v17partially update the specified CustomResourceDefinition*,patchApiextensionsV1CustomResourceDefinition2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean J -r -200k -i -OKc -a -_#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceDefinition - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jl -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindIGgroup: apiextensions.k8s.io -kind: CustomResourceDefinition -version: v1 -JE -CA"?path$name of the CustomResourceDefinition"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string É) -0/apis/networking.k8s.io/v1/ingressclasses/{name}”)„ - networking_v1read the specified IngressClass*readNetworkingV1IngressClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Ja -F -200? -= -OK7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressClass - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: networking.k8s.io -kind: IngressClass -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionget -Ý - networking_v1"replace the specified IngressClass*replaceNetworkingV1IngressClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BI -G -Ebodybody *5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressClassBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J® -F -200? -= -OK7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressClass -K -201D -B -Created7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressClass - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: networking.k8s.io -kind: IngressClass -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -*˜ - networking_v1delete an IngressClass*deleteNetworkingV1IngressClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: networking.k8s.io -kind: IngressClass -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-action delete -Bƒ - networking_v1+partially update the specified IngressClass*patchNetworkingV1IngressClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Ja -F -200? -= -OK7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressClass - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: networking.k8s.io -kind: IngressClass -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -J9 -75"3pathname of the IngressClass"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ñ) -L/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/roles/{name} )ÿ -rbacAuthorization_v1«watch changes to an object of kind Role. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*&watchRbacAuthorizationV1NamespacedRole2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -j] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: Role -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J1 -/-"+pathname of the Role"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean §' -/api/v1/persistentvolumeclaims„'ø -core_v13list or watch objects of kind PersistentVolumeClaim*/listCoreV1PersistentVolumeClaimForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jh -M -200F -D -OK> -< -:#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeClaimList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: "" -kind: PersistentVolumeClaim -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Ã) -7/api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/limitranges/{name}‡)à -core_v1±watch changes to an object of kind LimitRange. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*watchCoreV1NamespacedLimitRange2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -jL -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind)'group: "" -kind: LimitRange -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J7 -53"1pathname of the LimitRange"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean µ( -3/apis/autoscaling/v1/watch/horizontalpodautoscalersý'ñ -autoscaling_v1ƒwatch individual changes to a list of HorizontalPodAutoscaler. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*=watchAutoscalingV1HorizontalPodAutoscalerListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=group: autoscaling -kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ×( -6/apis/apps/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/replicasetsœ(® -apps_v1vwatch individual changes to a list of ReplicaSet. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*#watchAppsV1NamespacedReplicaSetList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjN -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind+)group: apps -kind: ReplicaSet -version: v1 -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Ð - /apis/policy/¾» -policyget information of a group*getPolicyAPIGroup2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJi -N -200G -E -OK? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIGroup - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttps) -;/apis/networking.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/ingressclasses/{name}Í(† -networking_v1beta1³watch changes to an object of kind IngressClass. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*"watchNetworkingV1beta1IngressClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -jb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=group: networking.k8s.io -kind: IngressClass -version: v1beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J9 -75"3pathname of the IngressClass"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean “ -I/apis/policy/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/poddisruptionbudgets/{name}/statusÅ£ - policy_v10read status of the specified PodDisruptionBudget*/readPolicyV1NamespacedPodDisruptionBudgetStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Jd - -401 - - Unauthorized -I -200B -@ -OK: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1.PodDisruptionBudgetRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jY -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind64group: policy -kind: PodDisruptionBudget -version: v1 -‚ - policy_v13replace status of the specified PodDisruptionBudget*2replacePolicyV1NamespacedPodDisruptionBudgetStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BL -J -Hbodybody *8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1.PodDisruptionBudgetBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J´ -I -200B -@ -OK: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1.PodDisruptionBudget -N -201G -E -Created: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1.PodDisruptionBudget - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jY -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind64kind: PodDisruptionBudget -version: v1 -group: policy -B¢ - policy_v1<":pathname of the PodDisruptionBudget"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ( -./apis/policy/v1beta1/watch/podsecuritypoliciesÚ'Î -policy_v1beta1}watch individual changes to a list of PodSecurityPolicy. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*'watchPolicyV1beta1PodSecurityPolicyList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk - -401 - - Unauthorized -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEventRhttpsj\ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind97group: policy -kind: PodSecurityPolicy -version: v1beta1 -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ñ' -/api/v1/namespaces/{name}Ó'× -core_v1read the specified Namespace*readCoreV1Namespace2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*JX -= -2006 -4 -OK. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Namespace - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jK -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind(&group: "" -kind: Namespace -version: v1 -ž -core_v1replace the specified Namespace*replaceCoreV1Namespace2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B@ -> -<bodybody *, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NamespaceBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jœ -B -201; -9 -Created. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Namespace - -401 - - Unauthorized -= -2006 -4 -OK. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NamespaceRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jK -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind(&group: "" -kind: Namespace -version: v1 -*ó -core_v1delete a Namespace*deleteCoreV1Namespace2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjK -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind(&group: "" -kind: Namespace -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-action delete -BÖ -core_v1(partially update the specified Namespace*patchCoreV1Namespace2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean JX -= -2006 -4 -OK. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Namespace - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjK -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind(&group: "" -kind: Namespace -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -J6 -42"0pathname of the Namespace"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ¢( -/api/v1/watch/nodes/{name}ƒ(Ä -core_v1«watch changes to an object of kind Node. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*watchCoreV1Node2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -jF -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind#!group: "" -kind: Node -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J1 -/-"+pathname of the Node"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ð -/apis/discovery.k8s.io/v1/ÑÎ - discovery_v1get available resources*getDiscoveryV1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttps…) -E/apis/discovery.k8s.io/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/endpointslices»(Í - discovery_v1ywatch individual changes to a list of EndpointSlice. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*+watchDiscoveryV1NamespacedEndpointSliceList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -j] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8kind: EndpointSlice -version: v1 -group: discovery.k8s.io -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean å* -2/apis/apiregistration.k8s.io/v1/apiservices/{name}®*¥ -apiregistration_v1read the specified APIService*readApiregistrationV1APIService2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Jy -^ -200W -U -OKO -M -K#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1.APIService - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -j` -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind=;group: apiregistration.k8s.io -version: v1 -kind: APIService -® -apiregistration_v1 replace the specified APIService*"replaceApiregistrationV1APIService2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Ba -_ -]bodybody *M -K#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1.APIServiceBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JÞ - -401 - - Unauthorized -^ -200W -U -OKO -M -K#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1.APIService -c -201\ -Z -CreatedO -M -K#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1.APIServiceRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -j` -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind=;version: v1 -kind: APIService -group: apiregistration.k8s.io -*¡ -apiregistration_v1delete an APIService*!deleteApiregistrationV1APIService2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -j` -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind=;group: apiregistration.k8s.io -version: v1 -kind: APIService -B¤ -apiregistration_v1)partially update the specified APIService* patchApiregistrationV1APIService2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Jy - -401 - - Unauthorized -^ -200W -U -OKO -M -K#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1.APIServiceRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -j` -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind=;group: apiregistration.k8s.io -version: v1 -kind: APIService -J7 -53"1pathname of the APIService"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string í( -?/apis/events.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/events©(» -events_v1beta1qwatch individual changes to a list of Event. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*%watchEventsV1beta1NamespacedEventList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: events.k8s.io -kind: Event -version: v1beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Ž -$/apis/authentication.k8s.io/v1beta1/åâ -authentication_v1beta1get available resources*$getAuthenticationV1beta1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttps”] -'/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1beta1/csidriversè\™& -storage_v1beta1'list or watch objects of kind CSIDriver*listStorageV1beta1CSIDriver2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Jd -I -200B -@ -OK: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSIDriverList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj\ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind97group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSIDriver -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionlist -"— -storage_v1beta1create a CSIDriver*createStorageV1beta1CSIDriver2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BH -F -Dbodybody *4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSIDriverBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jù -E -200> -< -OK6 -4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSIDriver -J -201C -A -Created6 -4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSIDriver -K -202D -B -Accepted6 -4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSIDriver - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -j\ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind97kind: CSIDriver -version: v1beta1 -group: storage.k8s.io -*Þ, -storage_v1beta1delete collection of CSIDriver*'deleteStorageV1beta1CollectionCSIDriver2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -j\ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind97group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSIDriver -version: v1beta1 -JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ¿+ -7/apis/apiregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1/apiservices/{name}ƒ+¹ -apiregistration_v1beta1read the specified APIService*$readApiregistrationV1beta1APIService2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*J~ -c -200\ -Z -OKT -R -P#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1beta1.APIService - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsje -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindB@group: apiregistration.k8s.io -version: v1beta1 -kind: APIService -j -x-kubernetes-actionget -Ì -apiregistration_v1beta1 replace the specified APIService*'replaceApiregistrationV1beta1APIService2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Bf -d -bbodybody *R -P#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1beta1.APIServiceBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jè -c -200\ -Z -OKT -R -P#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1beta1.APIService -h -201a -_ -CreatedT -R -P#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1beta1.APIService - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsje -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindB@group: apiregistration.k8s.io -version: v1beta1 -kind: APIService -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -*° -apiregistration_v1beta1delete an APIService*&deleteApiregistrationV1beta1APIService2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsje -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindB@group: apiregistration.k8s.io -version: v1beta1 -kind: APIService -j -x-kubernetes-action delete -B¸ -apiregistration_v1beta1)partially update the specified APIService*%patchApiregistrationV1beta1APIService2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean J~ - -401 - - Unauthorized -c -200\ -Z -OKT -R -P#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1beta1.APIServiceRhttpsje -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindB@group: apiregistration.k8s.io -version: v1beta1 -kind: APIService -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -J7 -53"1pathname of the APIService"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ã( -9/apis/batch/v1beta1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/cronjobs¥(· - batch_v1beta1swatch individual changes to a list of CronJob. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*&watchBatchV1beta1NamespacedCronJobList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jQ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind.,group: batch -kind: CronJob -version: v1beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ƒ) -E/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/roles¹(Ë -rbacAuthorization_v1pwatch individual changes to a list of Role. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.**watchRbacAuthorizationV1NamespacedRoleList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk - -401 - - Unauthorized -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEventRhttpsj] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8version: v1 -group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: Role -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ö' -+/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/csinodesÆ'º -storage_v1beta1swatch individual changes to a list of CSINode. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*watchStorageV1beta1CSINodeList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jZ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind75version: v1beta1 -group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSINode -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean š] -*/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/limitrangesë\þ% -core_v1(list or watch objects of kind LimitRange*listCoreV1NamespacedLimitRange2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean J] -B -200; -9 -OK3 -1 -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.LimitRangeList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jL -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind)'group: "" -kind: LimitRange -version: v1 -"ç -core_v1create a LimitRange* createCoreV1NamespacedLimitRange2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BA -? -=bodybody *- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.LimitRangeBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jä -> -2007 -5 -OK/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.LimitRange -C -201< -: -Created/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.LimitRange -D -202= -; -Accepted/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.LimitRange - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jL -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind)'group: "" -kind: LimitRange -version: v1 -*Ê, -core_v1delete collection of LimitRange**deleteCoreV1CollectionNamespacedLimitRange2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg - -401 - - Unauthorized -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.StatusRhttpsjL -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind)'group: "" -kind: LimitRange -version: v1 -j* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ˆ] -./apis/batch/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/cronjobsÕ\ø% -batch_v1%list or watch objects of kind CronJob*listBatchV1NamespacedCronJob2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean J[ -@ -2009 -7 -OK1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.CronJobList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jL -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind)'group: batch -kind: CronJob -version: v1 -"Û -batch_v1create a CronJob*createBatchV1NamespacedCronJob2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B? -= -;bodybody *+ -)#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.CronJobBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JÞ -A -201: -8 -Created- -+ -)#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.CronJob -B -202; -9 -Accepted- -+ -)#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.CronJob - -401 - - Unauthorized -< -2005 -3 -OK- -+ -)#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.CronJobRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jL -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind)'group: batch -kind: CronJob -version: v1 -*Æ, -batch_v1delete collection of CronJob*(deleteBatchV1CollectionNamespacedCronJob2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -jL -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind)'version: v1 -group: batch -kind: CronJob -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Ò -E/apis/certificates.k8s.io/v1/certificatesigningrequests/{name}/statusˆÐ -certificates_v16read status of the specified CertificateSigningRequest*1readCertificatesV1CertificateSigningRequestStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Jp -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1.CertificateSigningRequest - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jl -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindIGgroup: certificates.k8s.io -kind: CertificateSigningRequest -version: v1 -Ç -certificates_v19replace status of the specified CertificateSigningRequest*4replaceCertificatesV1CertificateSigningRequestStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BX -V -Tbodybody *D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1.CertificateSigningRequestBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JÌ -Z -201S -Q -CreatedF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1.CertificateSigningRequest - -401 - - Unauthorized -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1.CertificateSigningRequestRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jl -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindIGgroup: certificates.k8s.io -kind: CertificateSigningRequest -version: v1 -BÏ -certificates_v1Bpartially update status of the specified CertificateSigningRequest*2patchCertificatesV1CertificateSigningRequestStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Jp - -401 - - Unauthorized -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1.CertificateSigningRequestRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jl -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindIGgroup: certificates.k8s.io -kind: CertificateSigningRequest -version: v1 -JF -DB"@path%name of the CertificateSigningRequest"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string  -J/apis/certificates.k8s.io/v1beta1/certificatesigningrequests/{name}/statusÎä -certificates_v1beta16read status of the specified CertificateSigningRequest*6readCertificatesV1beta1CertificateSigningRequestStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Ju -Z -200S -Q -OKK -I -G#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1beta1.CertificateSigningRequest - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jq -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindNLgroup: certificates.k8s.io -kind: CertificateSigningRequest -version: v1beta1 -å -certificates_v1beta19replace status of the specified CertificateSigningRequest*9replaceCertificatesV1beta1CertificateSigningRequestStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B] -[ -Ybodybody *I -G#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1beta1.CertificateSigningRequestBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JÖ -Z -200S -Q -OKK -I -G#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1beta1.CertificateSigningRequest -_ -201X -V -CreatedK -I -G#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1beta1.CertificateSigningRequest - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jq -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindNLkind: CertificateSigningRequest -version: v1beta1 -group: certificates.k8s.io -Bã -certificates_v1beta1Bpartially update status of the specified CertificateSigningRequest*7patchCertificatesV1beta1CertificateSigningRequestStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Ju -Z -200S -Q -OKK -I -G#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1beta1.CertificateSigningRequest - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jq -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindNLversion: v1beta1 -group: certificates.k8s.io -kind: CertificateSigningRequest -JF -DB"@path%name of the CertificateSigningRequest"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Û( -7/apis/apps/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/statefulsetsŸ(± -apps_v1wwatch individual changes to a list of StatefulSet. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*$watchAppsV1NamespacedStatefulSetList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jO -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind,*group: apps -kind: StatefulSet -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ´/ -/api/v1/namespaces/ð% -core_v1'list or watch objects of kind Namespace*listCoreV1Namespace2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean J\ -A -200: -8 -OK2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NamespaceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjK -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind(&group: "" -kind: Namespace -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionlist -"Ö -core_v1create a Namespace*createCoreV1Namespace2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B@ -> -<bodybody *, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NamespaceBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Já -= -2006 -4 -OK. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Namespace -B -201; -9 -Created. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Namespace -C -202< -: -Accepted. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Namespace - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjK -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind(&group: "" -kind: Namespace -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpost -JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Ð' -/api/v1/watch/servicesµ'© -core_v1swatch individual changes to a list of Service. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*&watchCoreV1ServiceListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjI -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind&$group: "" -kind: Service -version: v1 -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean  -S/apis/authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/localsubjectaccessreviewsê "ú -authorization_v1beta1!create a LocalSubjectAccessReview* -<bodybody *, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ConfigMapBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Já -= -2006 -4 -OK. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ConfigMap -B -201; -9 -Created. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ConfigMap -C -202< -: -Accepted. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ConfigMap - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjK -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind(&group: "" -kind: ConfigMap -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpost -*Ç, -core_v1delete collection of ConfigMap*)deleteCoreV1CollectionNamespacedConfigMap2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -jK -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind(&group: "" -kind: ConfigMap -version: v1 -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ¼) -O/apis/autoscaling/v2beta2/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/horizontalpodautoscalersè(ú -autoscaling_v2beta2ƒwatch individual changes to a list of HorizontalPodAutoscaler. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.* -< -OK6 -4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.node.v1beta1.RuntimeClass - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -j\ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind97group: node.k8s.io -kind: RuntimeClass -version: v1beta1 -× - node_v1beta1"replace the specified RuntimeClass*replaceNodeV1beta1RuntimeClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BH -F -Dbodybody *4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.node.v1beta1.RuntimeClassBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J¬ -E -200> -< -OK6 -4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.node.v1beta1.RuntimeClass -J -201C -A -Created6 -4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.node.v1beta1.RuntimeClass - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -j\ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind97group: node.k8s.io -kind: RuntimeClass -version: v1beta1 -*” - node_v1beta1delete a RuntimeClass*deleteNodeV1beta1RuntimeClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -j\ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind97group: node.k8s.io -kind: RuntimeClass -version: v1beta1 -Bÿ - node_v1beta1+partially update the specified RuntimeClass*patchNodeV1beta1RuntimeClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean J` -E -200> -< -OK6 -4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.node.v1beta1.RuntimeClass - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -j\ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind97group: node.k8s.io -kind: RuntimeClass -version: v1beta1 -J9 -75"3pathname of the RuntimeClass"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string å* -G/apis/networking.k8s.io/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/ingresses/{name}™*Ž -networking_v1beta1read the specified Ingress*&readNetworkingV1beta1NamespacedIngress2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Ja -F -200? -= -OK7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.Ingress - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: networking.k8s.io -kind: Ingress -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionget -ç -networking_v1beta1replace the specified Ingress*)replaceNetworkingV1beta1NamespacedIngress2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BI -G -Ebodybody *5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.IngressBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J® -F -200? -= -OK7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.Ingress -K -201D -B -Created7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.Ingress - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: networking.k8s.io -kind: Ingress -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -*¢ -networking_v1beta1delete an Ingress*(deleteNetworkingV1beta1NamespacedIngress2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: networking.k8s.io -kind: Ingress -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-action delete -B -networking_v1beta1&partially update the specified Ingress*'patchNetworkingV1beta1NamespacedIngress2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Ja -F -200? -= -OK7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.Ingress - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -j] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: networking.k8s.io -kind: Ingress -version: v1beta1 -J4 -20".pathname of the Ingress"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ´) -C/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/watch/clusterrolebindings/{name}ì(Ÿ -rbacAuthorization_v1¹watch changes to an object of kind ClusterRoleBinding. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.**watchRbacAuthorizationV1ClusterRoleBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -jk -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindHFgroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: ClusterRoleBinding -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J? -=;"9pathname of the ClusterRoleBinding"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ‘) - -< -OK6 -4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSIDriver - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj\ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind97group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSIDriver -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionget -× -storage_v1beta1replace the specified CSIDriver*replaceStorageV1beta1CSIDriver2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BH -F -Dbodybody *4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSIDriverBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J¬ -E -200> -< -OK6 -4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSIDriver -J -201C -A -Created6 -4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSIDriver - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj\ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind97group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSIDriver -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -*† -storage_v1beta1delete a CSIDriver*deleteStorageV1beta1CSIDriver2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J­ -E -200> -< -OK6 -4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSIDriver -K -202D -B -Accepted6 -4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSIDriver - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -j\ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind97group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSIDriver -version: v1beta1 -Bÿ -storage_v1beta1(partially update the specified CSIDriver*patchStorageV1beta1CSIDriver2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean J` -E -200> -< -OK6 -4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSIDriver - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -j\ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind97group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSIDriver -version: v1beta1 -J6 -42"0pathname of the CSIDriver"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ”) -;/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/volumeattachments/{name}Ô(‰ -storage_v1beta1·watch changes to an object of kind VolumeAttachment. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*#watchStorageV1beta1VolumeAttachment2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -jc -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind@>kind: VolumeAttachment -version: v1beta1 -group: storage.k8s.io -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J= -;9"7pathname of the VolumeAttachment"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean •] -(/apis/node.k8s.io/v1beta1/runtimeclassesè\™& - node_v1beta1*list or watch objects of kind RuntimeClass*listNodeV1beta1RuntimeClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Jd -I -200B -@ -OK: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.node.v1beta1.RuntimeClassList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -j\ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind97group: node.k8s.io -kind: RuntimeClass -version: v1beta1 -"— - node_v1beta1create a RuntimeClass*createNodeV1beta1RuntimeClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BH -F -Dbodybody *4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.node.v1beta1.RuntimeClassBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jù -K -202D -B -Accepted6 -4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.node.v1beta1.RuntimeClass - -401 - - Unauthorized -E -200> -< -OK6 -4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.node.v1beta1.RuntimeClass -J -201C -A -Created6 -4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.node.v1beta1.RuntimeClassRhttpsj\ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind97group: node.k8s.io -kind: RuntimeClass -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpost -*Þ, - node_v1beta1!delete collection of RuntimeClass*'deleteNodeV1beta1CollectionRuntimeClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg - -401 - - Unauthorized -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.StatusRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -j\ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind97group: node.k8s.io -kind: RuntimeClass -version: v1beta1 -JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ”* -S/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/rolebindings/{name}¼)” -rbacAuthorization_v1²watch changes to an object of kind RoleBinding. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*-watchRbacAuthorizationV1NamespacedRoleBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -jd -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindA?group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: RoleBinding -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J8 -64"2pathname of the RoleBinding"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean à' -/api/v1/watch/podtemplatesÁ'µ -core_v1wwatch individual changes to a list of PodTemplate. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.**watchCoreV1PodTemplateListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjM -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind*(kind: PodTemplate -version: v1 -group: "" -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ‚ - /apis/apiregistration.k8s.io/v1/ÝÚ -apiregistration_v1get available resources* getApiregistrationV1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttps‹ -#/apis/authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1/ãà -authorization_v1beta1get available resources*#getAuthorizationV1beta1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp - -401 - - Unauthorized -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceListRhttpsü* -H/apis/networking.k8s.io/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/networkpolicies/{name}¯*’ - networking_v1 read the specified NetworkPolicy*'readNetworkingV1NamespacedNetworkPolicy2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Jb -G -200@ -> -OK8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.NetworkPolicy - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -j^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9kind: NetworkPolicy -version: v1 -group: networking.k8s.io -í - networking_v1#replace the specified NetworkPolicy**replaceNetworkingV1NamespacedNetworkPolicy2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BJ -H -Fbodybody *6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.NetworkPolicyBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J° -G -200@ -> -OK8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.NetworkPolicy -L -201E -C -Created8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.NetworkPolicy - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -j^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9group: networking.k8s.io -kind: NetworkPolicy -version: v1 -*¤ - networking_v1delete a NetworkPolicy*)deleteNetworkingV1NamespacedNetworkPolicy2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -j^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9kind: NetworkPolicy -version: v1 -group: networking.k8s.io -B‘ - networking_v1,partially update the specified NetworkPolicy*(patchNetworkingV1NamespacedNetworkPolicy2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Jb -G -200@ -> -OK8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.NetworkPolicy - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9group: networking.k8s.io -kind: NetworkPolicy -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -J: -86"4pathname of the NetworkPolicy"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string †) -F/apis/networking.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/ingresses»(Í -networking_v1beta1swatch individual changes to a list of Ingress. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*+watchNetworkingV1beta1NamespacedIngressList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -j] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: networking.k8s.io -kind: Ingress -version: v1beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ˆ] -(/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/endpointsÛ\ú% -core_v1'list or watch objects of kind Endpoints*listCoreV1NamespacedEndpoints2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean J\ -A -200: -8 -OK2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.EndpointsList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jK -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind(&group: "" -kind: Endpoints -version: v1 -"Þ -core_v1create Endpoints*createCoreV1NamespacedEndpoints2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B@ -> -<bodybody *, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.EndpointsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Já -C -202< -: -Accepted. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Endpoints - -401 - - Unauthorized -= -2006 -4 -OK. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Endpoints -B -201; -9 -Created. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.EndpointsRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jK -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind(&group: "" -kind: Endpoints -version: v1 -*Ç, -core_v1delete collection of Endpoints*)deleteCoreV1CollectionNamespacedEndpoints2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -jK -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind(&version: v1 -group: "" -kind: Endpoints -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ¿( -,/api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/secretsŽ(  -core_v1rwatch individual changes to a list of Secret. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*watchCoreV1NamespacedSecretList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jH -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind%#group: "" -kind: Secret -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean é -=/apis/apps/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/deployments/{name}/scale§ù -apps_v1&read scale of the specified Deployment*#readAppsV1NamespacedDeploymentScale2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*J[ - -401 - - Unauthorized -@ -2009 -7 -OK1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.ScaleRhttpsjP -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind-+group: autoscaling -kind: Scale -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionget -Æ -apps_v1)replace scale of the specified Deployment*&replaceAppsV1NamespacedDeploymentScale2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BC -A -?bodybody */ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.ScaleBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J¢ -E -201> -< -Created1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.Scale - -401 - - Unauthorized -@ -2009 -7 -OK1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.ScaleRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jP -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind-+group: autoscaling -kind: Scale -version: v1 -Bø -apps_v12partially update scale of the specified Deployment*$patchAppsV1NamespacedDeploymentScale2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean J[ -@ -2009 -7 -OK1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.Scale - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjP -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind-+group: autoscaling -kind: Scale -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -J2 -0.",pathname of the Scale"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string î& -/apis/batch/v1/cronjobsÒ&Æ -batch_v1%list or watch objects of kind CronJob*"listBatchV1CronJobForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*J[ -@ -2009 -7 -OK1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.CronJobList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjL -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind)'group: batch -kind: CronJob -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ‰ -C/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/replicationcontrollers/{name}/statusÁ¡ -core_v12read status of the specified ReplicationController*/readCoreV1NamespacedReplicationControllerStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Jd -I -200B -@ -OK: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ReplicationController - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: "" -kind: ReplicationController -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionget -€ -core_v15replace status of the specified ReplicationController*2replaceCoreV1NamespacedReplicationControllerStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BL -J -Hbodybody *8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ReplicationControllerBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J´ -I -200B -@ -OK: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ReplicationController -N -201G -E -Created: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ReplicationController - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: "" -kind: ReplicationController -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -B  -core_v1>partially update status of the specified ReplicationController*0patchCoreV1NamespacedReplicationControllerStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Jd -I -200B -@ -OK: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ReplicationController - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42version: v1 -group: "" -kind: ReplicationController -JB -@>"<path!name of the ReplicationController"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ¦] -0/apis/apps/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/deploymentsñ\€& -apps_v1(list or watch objects of kind Deployment*listAppsV1NamespacedDeployment2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean J] - -401 - - Unauthorized -B -200; -9 -OK3 -1 -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DeploymentListRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jN -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind+)group: apps -kind: Deployment -version: v1 -"é -apps_v1create a Deployment* createAppsV1NamespacedDeployment2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BA -? -=bodybody *- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DeploymentBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jä -> -2007 -5 -OK/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.Deployment -C -201< -: -Created/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.Deployment -D -202= -; -Accepted/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.Deployment - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jN -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind+)group: apps -kind: Deployment -version: v1 -*Ì, -apps_v1delete collection of Deployment**deleteAppsV1CollectionNamespacedDeployment2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg - -401 - - Unauthorized -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.StatusRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -jN -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind+)version: v1 -group: apps -kind: Deployment -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ÷& -/apis/events.k8s.io/v1/eventsÕ&É - events_v1#list or watch objects of kind Event*!listEventsV1EventForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*JZ -? -2008 -6 -OK0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.events.v1.EventList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-group: events.k8s.io -kind: Event -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ’* -F/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/roles/{name}Ç)þ -rbacAuthorization_v1read the specified Role*%readRbacAuthorizationV1NamespacedRole2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*JS -8 -2001 -/ -OK) -' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.Role - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: Role -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionget -» -rbacAuthorization_v1replace the specified Role*(replaceRbacAuthorizationV1NamespacedRole2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B; -9 -7bodybody *' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.RoleBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J’ - -401 - - Unauthorized -8 -2001 -/ -OK) -' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.Role -= -2016 -4 -Created) -' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.RoleRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -j] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: Role -version: v1 -*Ÿ -rbacAuthorization_v1 delete a Role*'deleteRbacAuthorizationV1NamespacedRole2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -j] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: Role -version: v1 -Bý -rbacAuthorization_v1#partially update the specified Role*&patchRbacAuthorizationV1NamespacedRole2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean JS -8 -2001 -/ -OK) -' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.Role - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -j] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: Role -version: v1 -J1 -/-"+pathname of the Role"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ¢* -U/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/csistoragecapacities/{name}È)™ -storage_v1beta1¹watch changes to an object of kind CSIStorageCapacity. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*/watchStorageV1beta1NamespacedCSIStorageCapacity2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsje -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindB@group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSIStorageCapacity -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J? -=;"9pathname of the CSIStorageCapacity"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Ø' -/api/v1/watch/configmaps»'¯ -core_v1uwatch individual changes to a list of ConfigMap. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*(watchCoreV1ConfigMapListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk - -401 - - Unauthorized -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEventRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jK -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind(&group: "" -kind: ConfigMap -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Õ -=/apis/apps/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/daemonsets/{name}/status“ó -apps_v1&read status of the specified DaemonSet*#readAppsV1NamespacedDaemonSetStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*JX -= -2006 -4 -OK. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DaemonSet - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jM -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind*(kind: DaemonSet -version: v1 -group: apps -º -apps_v1)replace status of the specified DaemonSet*&replaceAppsV1NamespacedDaemonSetStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B@ -> -<bodybody *, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DaemonSetBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jœ - -401 - - Unauthorized -= -2006 -4 -OK. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DaemonSet -B -201; -9 -Created. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DaemonSetRhttpsjM -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind*(kind: DaemonSet -version: v1 -group: apps -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -Bò -apps_v12partially update status of the specified DaemonSet*$patchAppsV1NamespacedDaemonSetStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean JX -= -2006 -4 -OK. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DaemonSet - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jM -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind*(group: apps -kind: DaemonSet -version: v1 -J6 -42"0pathname of the DaemonSet"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ¼* -V/apis/autoscaling/v2beta2/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/horizontalpodautoscalers/{name}á)­ -autoscaling_v2beta2¾watch changes to an object of kind HorizontalPodAutoscaler. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*8watchAutoscalingV2beta2NamespacedHorizontalPodAutoscaler2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -jg -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindDBgroup: autoscaling -kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -version: v2beta2 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JD -B@">path#name of the HorizontalPodAutoscaler"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Û) -1/apis/scheduling.k8s.io/v1/priorityclasses/{name}¥)ˆ - scheduling_v1 read the specified PriorityClass*readSchedulingV1PriorityClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Jb -G -200@ -> -OK8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.scheduling.v1.PriorityClass - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -j^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9group: scheduling.k8s.io -kind: PriorityClass -version: v1 -ã - scheduling_v1#replace the specified PriorityClass* replaceSchedulingV1PriorityClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BJ -H -Fbodybody *6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.scheduling.v1.PriorityClassBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J° -G -200@ -> -OK8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.scheduling.v1.PriorityClass -L -201E -C -Created8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.scheduling.v1.PriorityClass - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9group: scheduling.k8s.io -kind: PriorityClass -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -*š - scheduling_v1delete a PriorityClass*deleteSchedulingV1PriorityClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -j^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9group: scheduling.k8s.io -kind: PriorityClass -version: v1 -B‡ - scheduling_v1,partially update the specified PriorityClass*patchSchedulingV1PriorityClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Jb -G -200@ -> -OK8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.scheduling.v1.PriorityClass - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -j^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9kind: PriorityClass -version: v1 -group: scheduling.k8s.io -J: -86"4pathname of the PriorityClass"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ò( -A/apis/networking.k8s.io/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/ingresses¬(¾ - networking_v1swatch individual changes to a list of Ingress. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*&watchNetworkingV1NamespacedIngressList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jX -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind53kind: Ingress -version: v1 -group: networking.k8s.io -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ´' -/api/v1/watch/nodesœ' -core_v1pwatch individual changes to a list of Node. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*watchCoreV1NodeList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jF -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind#!version: v1 -group: "" -kind: Node -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean á` -path#name of the HorizontalPodAutoscaler"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ô) -L/apis/coordination.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/leases/{name}£) -coordination_v1beta1¬watch changes to an object of kind Lease. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*'watchCoordinationV1beta1NamespacedLease2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -j] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8kind: Lease -version: v1beta1 -group: coordination.k8s.io -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J2 -0.",pathname of the Lease"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ¦( -3/apis/discovery.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/endpointslicesî'â -discovery_v1beta1ywatch individual changes to a list of EndpointSlice. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*6watchDiscoveryV1beta1EndpointSliceListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=group: discovery.k8s.io -kind: EndpointSlice -version: v1beta1 -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ¼^ -@/apis/networking.k8s.io/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/ingresses÷]§& -networking_v1beta1%list or watch objects of kind Ingress*&listNetworkingV1beta1NamespacedIngress2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Je - -401 - - Unauthorized -J -200C -A -OK; -9 -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.IngressListRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -j] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: networking.k8s.io -kind: Ingress -version: v1beta1 -"© -networking_v1beta1create an Ingress*(createNetworkingV1beta1NamespacedIngress2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BI -G -Ebodybody *5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.IngressBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jü -F -200? -= -OK7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.Ingress -K -201D -B -Created7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.Ingress -L -202E -C -Accepted7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.Ingress - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: networking.k8s.io -kind: Ingress -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpost -*ë, -networking_v1beta1delete collection of Ingress*2deleteNetworkingV1beta1CollectionNamespacedIngress2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -j] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: networking.k8s.io -kind: Ingress -version: v1beta1 -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ©0 -'/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/servicesý/ò% -core_v1%list or watch objects of kind Service*listCoreV1NamespacedService2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean JZ -? -2008 -6 -OK0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ServiceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jI -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind&$group: "" -kind: Service -version: v1 -"Ò -core_v1create a Service*createCoreV1NamespacedService2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B> -< -:bodybody ** -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ServiceBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JÛ -; -2004 -2 -OK, -* -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Service -@ -2019 -7 -Created, -* -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Service -A -202: -8 -Accepted, -* -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Service - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jI -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind&$group: "" -kind: Service -version: v1 -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string È' -/api/v1/watch/namespaces«'Ÿ -core_v1uwatch individual changes to a list of Namespace. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*watchCoreV1NamespaceList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jK -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind(&group: "" -kind: Namespace -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Ó( -1/api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/podtemplates(¯ -core_v1wwatch individual changes to a list of PodTemplate. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*$watchCoreV1NamespacedPodTemplateList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk - -401 - - Unauthorized -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEventRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jM -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind*(group: "" -kind: PodTemplate -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean À' -/api/v1/watch/pods©' -core_v1owatch individual changes to a list of Pod. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*"watchCoreV1PodListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjE -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind" kind: Pod -version: v1 -group: "" -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ¿( -=/apis/certificates.k8s.io/v1/watch/certificatesigningrequestsý'ñ -certificates_v1…watch individual changes to a list of CertificateSigningRequest. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*0watchCertificatesV1CertificateSigningRequestList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jl -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindIGgroup: certificates.k8s.io -kind: CertificateSigningRequest -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ÷ -N/apis/networking.k8s.io/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/ingresses/{name}/status¤ž -networking_v1beta1$read status of the specified Ingress*,readNetworkingV1beta1NamespacedIngressStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Ja -F -200? -= -OK7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.Ingress - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -j] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8kind: Ingress -version: v1beta1 -group: networking.k8s.io -÷ -networking_v1beta1'replace status of the specified Ingress*/replaceNetworkingV1beta1NamespacedIngressStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BI -G -Ebodybody *5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.IngressBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J® -F -200? -= -OK7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.Ingress -K -201D -B -Created7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.Ingress - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -j] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8version: v1beta1 -group: networking.k8s.io -kind: Ingress -B -networking_v1beta10partially update status of the specified Ingress*-patchNetworkingV1beta1NamespacedIngressStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Ja -F -200? -= -OK7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.Ingress - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8version: v1beta1 -group: networking.k8s.io -kind: Ingress -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -J4 -20".pathname of the Ingress"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Ÿ) -L/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/rolebindingsÎ(à -rbacAuthorization_v1wwatch individual changes to a list of RoleBinding. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*1watchRbacAuthorizationV1NamespacedRoleBindingList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk - -401 - - Unauthorized -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEventRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jd -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindA?group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: RoleBinding -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ‡( -0/apis/scheduling.k8s.io/v1/watch/priorityclassesÒ'Æ - scheduling_v1ywatch individual changes to a list of PriorityClass. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*"watchSchedulingV1PriorityClassList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9group: scheduling.k8s.io -kind: PriorityClass -version: v1 -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Ü( -*/apis/node.k8s.io/v1/runtimeclasses/{name}­(ì -node_v1read the specified RuntimeClass*readNodeV1RuntimeClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*J[ -@ -2009 -7 -OK1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.node.v1.RuntimeClass - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42version: v1 -group: node.k8s.io -kind: RuntimeClass -¹ -node_v1"replace the specified RuntimeClass*replaceNodeV1RuntimeClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BC -A -?bodybody */ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.node.v1.RuntimeClassBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J¢ -@ -2009 -7 -OK1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.node.v1.RuntimeClass -E -201> -< -Created1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.node.v1.RuntimeClass - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42version: v1 -group: node.k8s.io -kind: RuntimeClass -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -*… -node_v1delete a RuntimeClass*deleteNodeV1RuntimeClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -jW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: node.k8s.io -kind: RuntimeClass -version: v1 -Bë -node_v1+partially update the specified RuntimeClass*patchNodeV1RuntimeClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean J[ -@ -2009 -7 -OK1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.node.v1.RuntimeClass - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42version: v1 -group: node.k8s.io -kind: RuntimeClass -J9 -75"3pathname of the RuntimeClass"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Ç( -,/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/events/{name}–(Ñ -core_v1read the specified Event*readCoreV1NamespacedEvent2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*JT -9 -2002 -0 -OK* -( -&#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Event - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jG -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind$"version: v1 -group: "" -kind: Event - -core_v1replace the specified Event*replaceCoreV1NamespacedEvent2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B< -: -8bodybody *( -&#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.EventBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J” -9 -2002 -0 -OK* -( -&#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Event -> -2017 -5 -Created* -( -&#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Event - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjG -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind$"group: "" -kind: Event -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -*ò -core_v1delete an Event*deleteCoreV1NamespacedEvent2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - Unauthorized -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.StatusRhttpsjG -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind$"group: "" -kind: Event -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-action delete -BÐ -core_v1$partially update the specified Event*patchCoreV1NamespacedEvent2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean JT -9 -2002 -0 -OK* -( -&#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Event - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jG -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind$"group: "" -kind: Event -version: v1 -J2 -0.",pathname of the Event"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string à) -G/apis/coordination.k8s.io/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/leases/{name}”)ò -coordination_v1¬watch changes to an object of kind Lease. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*"watchCoordinationV1NamespacedLease2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -jX -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind53group: coordination.k8s.io -kind: Lease -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J2 -0.",pathname of the Lease"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ’( -./apis/coordination.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/leasesß'Ó -coordination_v1beta1qwatch individual changes to a list of Lease. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*1watchCoordinationV1beta1LeaseListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -j] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: coordination.k8s.io -kind: Lease -version: v1beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ã -/apis/networking.k8s.io/Æà - -networkingget information of a group*getNetworkingAPIGroup2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJi -N -200G -E -OK? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIGroup - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsÑ -/apis/node.k8s.io/º· -nodeget information of a group*getNodeAPIGroup2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJi -N -200G -E -OK? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIGroup - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsÍ& - /api/v1/pods¼&° -core_v1!list or watch objects of kind Pod*listCoreV1PodForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*JV -; -2004 -2 -OK, -* -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jE -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind" group: "" -kind: Pod -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Ì\ -*/apis/batch/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/jobs\è% -batch_v1!list or watch objects of kind Job*listBatchV1NamespacedJob2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean JW -< -2005 -3 -OK- -+ -)#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.JobList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjH -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind%#group: batch -kind: Job -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionlist -"¿ -batch_v1 create a Job*createBatchV1NamespacedJob2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B; -9 -7bodybody *' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.JobBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JÒ -8 -2001 -/ -OK) -' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.Job -= -2016 -4 -Created) -' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.Job -> -2027 -5 -Accepted) -' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.Job - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jH -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind%#group: batch -kind: Job -version: v1 -*º, -batch_v1delete collection of Job*$deleteBatchV1CollectionNamespacedJob2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -jH -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind%#group: batch -kind: Job -version: v1 -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Õ) -I/apis/certificates.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/certificatesigningrequests/{name}‡)³ -certificates_v1beta1Àwatch changes to an object of kind CertificateSigningRequest. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*1watchCertificatesV1beta1CertificateSigningRequest2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -jq -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindNLversion: v1beta1 -group: certificates.k8s.io -kind: CertificateSigningRequest -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JF -DB"@path%name of the CertificateSigningRequest"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Ä+ -K/apis/discovery.k8s.io/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/endpointslices/{name}ô*¢ -discovery_v1beta1 read the specified EndpointSlice*+readDiscoveryV1beta1NamespacedEndpointSlice2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Jf - -401 - - Unauthorized -K -200D -B -OK< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.discovery.v1beta1.EndpointSliceRhttpsjb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=kind: EndpointSlice -version: v1beta1 -group: discovery.k8s.io -j -x-kubernetes-actionget -… -discovery_v1beta1#replace the specified EndpointSlice*.replaceDiscoveryV1beta1NamespacedEndpointSlice2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.discovery.v1beta1.EndpointSliceBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J¸ -P -201I -G -Created< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.discovery.v1beta1.EndpointSlice - -401 - - Unauthorized -K -200D -B -OK< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.discovery.v1beta1.EndpointSliceRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=kind: EndpointSlice -version: v1beta1 -group: discovery.k8s.io -*± -discovery_v1beta1delete an EndpointSlice*-deleteDiscoveryV1beta1NamespacedEndpointSlice2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -jb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=group: discovery.k8s.io -kind: EndpointSlice -version: v1beta1 -B¡ -discovery_v1beta1,partially update the specified EndpointSlice*,patchDiscoveryV1beta1NamespacedEndpointSlice2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Jf -K -200D -B -OK< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.discovery.v1beta1.EndpointSlice - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=group: discovery.k8s.io -kind: EndpointSlice -version: v1beta1 -J: -86"4pathname of the EndpointSlice"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string  -6/apis/authorization.k8s.io/v1/selfsubjectaccessreviewsÔ -"Æ -authorization_v1 create a SelfSubjectAccessReview*,createAuthorizationV1SelfSubjectAccessReview2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BW -U -Sbodybody *C -A#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.SelfSubjectAccessReviewJ¦ -T -200M -K -OKE -C -A#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.SelfSubjectAccessReview -Y -201R -P -CreatedE -C -A#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.SelfSubjectAccessReview -Z -202S -Q -AcceptedE -C -A#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.SelfSubjectAccessReview - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jk -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindHFgroup: authorization.k8s.io -kind: SelfSubjectAccessReview -version: v1 -Jž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string J– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ¦ - /api/v1/componentstatuses/{name}ï -core_v1"read the specified ComponentStatus*readCoreV1ComponentStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*J^ -C -200< -: -OK4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ComponentStatus - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jQ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind.,group: "" -kind: ComponentStatus -version: v1 -J< -:8"6pathname of the ComponentStatus"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string á -/apis/node.k8s.io/v1/ÇÄ -node_v1get available resources*getNodeV1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttps°( -:/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/clusterrolesñ'å -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1wwatch individual changes to a list of ClusterRole. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*,watchRbacAuthorizationV1beta1ClusterRoleList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -ji -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindFDgroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: ClusterRole -version: v1beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ì( -./api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/services/{name}¹(Ù -core_v1read the specified Service*readCoreV1NamespacedService2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*JV -; -2004 -2 -OK, -* -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Service - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jI -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind&$kind: Service -version: v1 -group: "" -œ -core_v1replace the specified Service*replaceCoreV1NamespacedService2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B> -< -:bodybody ** -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ServiceBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J˜ -; -2004 -2 -OK, -* -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Service -@ -2019 -7 -Created, -* -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Service - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jI -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind&$group: "" -kind: Service -version: v1 -*÷ -core_v1delete a Service*deleteCoreV1NamespacedService2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjI -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind&$group: "" -kind: Service -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-action delete -BØ -core_v1&partially update the specified Service*patchCoreV1NamespacedService2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean JV -; -2004 -2 -OK, -* -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Service - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jI -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind&$group: "" -kind: Service -version: v1 -J4 -20".pathname of the Service"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string –] -4/apis/events.k8s.io/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/eventsÝ\û% - events_v1#list or watch objects of kind Event*listEventsV1NamespacedEvent2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean JZ -? -2008 -6 -OK0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.events.v1.EventList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-group: events.k8s.io -kind: Event -version: v1 -"Ü - events_v1create an Event*createEventsV1NamespacedEvent2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B> -< -:bodybody ** -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.events.v1.EventBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JÛ -@ -2019 -7 -Created, -* -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.events.v1.Event -A -202: -8 -Accepted, -* -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.events.v1.Event - -401 - - Unauthorized -; -2004 -2 -OK, -* -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.events.v1.EventRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-group: events.k8s.io -kind: Event -version: v1 -*Ê, - events_v1delete collection of Event*'deleteEventsV1CollectionNamespacedEvent2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -jR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-group: events.k8s.io -kind: Event -version: v1 -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string —( -4/apis/networking.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/ingressclassesÞ'Ò -networking_v1beta1xwatch individual changes to a list of IngressClass. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*&watchNetworkingV1beta1IngressClassList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=kind: IngressClass -version: v1beta1 -group: networking.k8s.io -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ë' -)/apis/node.k8s.io/v1/watch/runtimeclasses½'± -node_v1xwatch individual changes to a list of RuntimeClass. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*watchNodeV1RuntimeClassList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42version: v1 -group: node.k8s.io -kind: RuntimeClass -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean À( -)/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1/csidrivers/{name}’(ì - -storage_v1read the specified CSIDriver*readStorageV1CSIDriver2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*J[ -@ -2009 -7 -OK1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.CSIDriver - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSIDriver -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionget -¹ - -storage_v1replace the specified CSIDriver*replaceStorageV1CSIDriver2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BC -A -?bodybody */ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.CSIDriverBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J¢ -@ -2009 -7 -OK1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.CSIDriver -E -201> -< -Created1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.CSIDriver - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSIDriver -version: v1 -*í - -storage_v1delete a CSIDriver*deleteStorageV1CSIDriver2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J£ -F -202? -= -Accepted1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.CSIDriver - -401 - - Unauthorized -@ -2009 -7 -OK1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.CSIDriverRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -jW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSIDriver -version: v1 -Bë - -storage_v1(partially update the specified CSIDriver*patchStorageV1CSIDriver2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean J[ -@ -2009 -7 -OK1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.CSIDriver - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSIDriver -version: v1 -J6 -42"0pathname of the CSIDriver"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ÿ& -/api/v1/resourcequotasä&Ø -core_v1+list or watch objects of kind ResourceQuota*'listCoreV1ResourceQuotaForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*J` -E -200> -< -OK6 -4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ResourceQuotaList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjO -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind,*group: "" -kind: ResourceQuota -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean  ) -0/api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/pods/{name}ë(Ë -core_v1ªwatch changes to an object of kind Pod. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*watchCoreV1NamespacedPod2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk - -401 - - Unauthorized -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEventRhttpsjE -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind" group: "" -kind: Pod -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J0 -.,"*pathname of the Pod"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ÿ -/apis/authentication.k8s.io/v1/ÛØ -authentication_v1get available resources*getAuthenticationV1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp - -401 - - Unauthorized -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceListRhttpsŒ) -5/apis/batch/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/cronjobs/{name}Ò(ß -batch_v1read the specified CronJob*readBatchV1NamespacedCronJob2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*JW - -401 - - Unauthorized -< -2005 -3 -OK- -+ -)#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.CronJobRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jL -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind)'kind: CronJob -version: v1 -group: batch -¤ -batch_v1replace the specified CronJob*replaceBatchV1NamespacedCronJob2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B? -= -;bodybody *+ -)#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.CronJobBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jš -< -2005 -3 -OK- -+ -)#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.CronJob -A -201: -8 -Created- -+ -)#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.CronJob - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jL -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind)'group: batch -kind: CronJob -version: v1 -*ü -batch_v1delete a CronJob*deleteBatchV1NamespacedCronJob2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjL -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind)'group: batch -kind: CronJob -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-action delete -BÞ -batch_v1&partially update the specified CronJob*patchBatchV1NamespacedCronJob2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean JW -< -2005 -3 -OK- -+ -)#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.CronJob - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jL -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind)'group: batch -kind: CronJob -version: v1 -J4 -20".pathname of the CronJob"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ß( -4/api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/serviceaccounts¦(¸ -core_v1zwatch individual changes to a list of ServiceAccount. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*'watchCoreV1NamespacedServiceAccountList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jP -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind-+group: "" -kind: ServiceAccount -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Ã( --/api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/services‘(£ -core_v1swatch individual changes to a list of Service. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.* watchCoreV1NamespacedServiceList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jI -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind&$version: v1 -group: "" -kind: Service -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ‹ -#/apis/apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1/ãà -apiextensions_v1beta1get available resources*#getApiextensionsV1beta1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsö -/apis/events.k8s.io/v1beta1/ÕÒ -events_v1beta1get available resources*getEventsV1beta1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsù( -6/apis/networking.k8s.io/v1/watch/ingressclasses/{name}¾(÷ - networking_v1³watch changes to an object of kind IngressClass. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*watchNetworkingV1IngressClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -j] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: networking.k8s.io -kind: IngressClass -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J9 -75"3pathname of the IngressClass"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ”* -M/apis/policy/v1beta1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/poddisruptionbudgets/{name}Â)’ -policy_v1beta1ºwatch changes to an object of kind PodDisruptionBudget. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*/watchPolicyV1beta1NamespacedPodDisruptionBudget2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9group: policy -kind: PodDisruptionBudget -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J@ -><":pathname of the PodDisruptionBudget"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean €) --/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1/storageclasses/{name}Î(ø - -storage_v1read the specified StorageClass*readStorageV1StorageClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*J^ -C -200< -: -OK4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.StorageClass - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jZ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind75group: storage.k8s.io -kind: StorageClass -version: v1 -Ë - -storage_v1"replace the specified StorageClass*replaceStorageV1StorageClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BF -D -Bbodybody *2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.StorageClassBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J¨ -C -200< -: -OK4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.StorageClass -H -201A -? -Created4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.StorageClass - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jZ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind75group: storage.k8s.io -kind: StorageClass -version: v1 -*ü - -storage_v1delete a StorageClass*deleteStorageV1StorageClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J© -C -200< -: -OK4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.StorageClass -I -202B -@ -Accepted4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.StorageClass - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjZ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind75group: storage.k8s.io -kind: StorageClass -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-action delete -B÷ - -storage_v1+partially update the specified StorageClass*patchStorageV1StorageClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean J^ -C -200< -: -OK4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.StorageClass - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jZ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind75group: storage.k8s.io -kind: StorageClass -version: v1 -J9 -75"3pathname of the StorageClass"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ý] -./apis/storage.k8s.io/v1beta1/volumeattachmentsÊ]µ& -storage_v1beta1.list or watch objects of kind VolumeAttachment*"listStorageV1beta1VolumeAttachment2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.VolumeAttachmentList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jc -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind@>group: storage.k8s.io -kind: VolumeAttachment -version: v1beta1 -"È -storage_v1beta1create a VolumeAttachment*$createStorageV1beta1VolumeAttachment2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BO -M -Kbodybody *; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.VolumeAttachmentBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JŽ -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.VolumeAttachment -Q -201J -H -Created= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.VolumeAttachment -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.VolumeAttachment - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjc -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind@>group: storage.k8s.io -kind: VolumeAttachment -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpost -*ó, -storage_v1beta1%delete collection of VolumeAttachment*.deleteStorageV1beta1CollectionVolumeAttachment2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjc -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind@>group: storage.k8s.io -kind: VolumeAttachment -version: v1beta1 -j* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Ý) -5/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/serviceaccounts/{name}£)õ -core_v1!read the specified ServiceAccount*"readCoreV1NamespacedServiceAccount2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*J] -B -200; -9 -OK3 -1 -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ServiceAccount - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jP -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind-+version: v1 -group: "" -kind: ServiceAccount -Æ -core_v1$replace the specified ServiceAccount*%replaceCoreV1NamespacedServiceAccount2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BE -C -Abodybody *1 -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ServiceAccountBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J¦ -B -200; -9 -OK3 -1 -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ServiceAccount -G -201@ -> -Created3 -1 -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ServiceAccount - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jP -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind-+kind: ServiceAccount -version: v1 -group: "" -*ø -core_v1delete a ServiceAccount*$deleteCoreV1NamespacedServiceAccount2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J§ -B -200; -9 -OK3 -1 -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ServiceAccount -H -202A -? -Accepted3 -1 -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ServiceAccount - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjP -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind-+group: "" -kind: ServiceAccount -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-action delete -Bô -core_v1-partially update the specified ServiceAccount*#patchCoreV1NamespacedServiceAccount2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean J] -B -200; -9 -OK3 -1 -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ServiceAccount - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjP -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind-+group: "" -kind: ServiceAccount -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -J; -97"5pathname of the ServiceAccount"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string »( -+/api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/events‹( -core_v1qwatch individual changes to a list of Event. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*watchCoreV1NamespacedEventList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jG -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind$"group: "" -kind: Event -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Ë* -?/apis/apps/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/controllerrevisions/{name}‡*‡ -apps_v1%read the specified ControllerRevision*&readAppsV1NamespacedControllerRevision2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Ja -F -200? -= -OK7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ControllerRevision - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjV -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind31group: apps -kind: ControllerRevision -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionget -à -apps_v1(replace the specified ControllerRevision*)replaceAppsV1NamespacedControllerRevision2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BI -G -Ebodybody *5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ControllerRevisionBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J® -F -200? -= -OK7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ControllerRevision -K -201D -B -Created7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ControllerRevision - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jV -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind31kind: ControllerRevision -version: v1 -group: apps -*š -apps_v1delete a ControllerRevision*(deleteAppsV1NamespacedControllerRevision2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -jV -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind31group: apps -kind: ControllerRevision -version: v1 -B† -apps_v11partially update the specified ControllerRevision*'patchAppsV1NamespacedControllerRevision2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Ja -F -200? -= -OK7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ControllerRevision - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jV -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind31group: apps -kind: ControllerRevision -version: v1 -J? -=;"9pathname of the ControllerRevision"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string –' -$/apis/networking.k8s.io/v1/ingressesí&á - networking_v1%list or watch objects of kind Ingress*'listNetworkingV1IngressForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*J` -E -200> -< -OK6 -4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jX -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind53version: v1 -group: networking.k8s.io -kind: Ingress -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean å ->/apis/apps/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/replicasets/{name}/status¢÷ -apps_v1'read status of the specified ReplicaSet*$readAppsV1NamespacedReplicaSetStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*JY -> -2007 -5 -OK/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ReplicaSet - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jN -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind+)group: apps -kind: ReplicaSet -version: v1 -À -apps_v1*replace status of the specified ReplicaSet*'replaceAppsV1NamespacedReplicaSetStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BA -? -=bodybody *- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ReplicaSetBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jž -> -2007 -5 -OK/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ReplicaSet -C -201< -: -Created/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ReplicaSet - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjN -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind+)version: v1 -group: apps -kind: ReplicaSet -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -Bö -apps_v13partially update status of the specified ReplicaSet*%patchAppsV1NamespacedReplicaSetStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean JY -> -2007 -5 -OK/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ReplicaSet - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jN -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind+)group: apps -kind: ReplicaSet -version: v1 -J7 -53"1pathname of the ReplicaSet"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ó) -E/apis/apps/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/controllerrevisions/{name}©)ú -apps_v1¹watch changes to an object of kind ControllerRevision. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*'watchAppsV1NamespacedControllerRevision2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk - -401 - - Unauthorized -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEventRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -jV -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind31group: apps -kind: ControllerRevision -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J? -=;"9pathname of the ControllerRevision"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean æ' -#/apis/events.k8s.io/v1/watch/events¾'² - events_v1qwatch individual changes to a list of Event. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*&watchEventsV1EventListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-group: events.k8s.io -kind: Event -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ó -/apis/scheduling.k8s.io/v1/ÓÐ - scheduling_v1get available resources*getSchedulingV1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp - -401 - - Unauthorized -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceListRhttpsŒ -"/.well-known/openid-configuration/åâ - WellKnownWget service account issuer OpenID configuration, also known as the 'OIDC discovery doc'**getServiceAccountIssuerOpenIDConfiguration2application/jsonJ7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsö' -*/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/pods/{name}Ç'É -core_v1read the specified Pod*readCoreV1NamespacedPod2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*JR -7 -2000 -. -OK( -& -$#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Pod - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjE -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind" group: "" -kind: Pod -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionget -„ -core_v1replace the specified Pod*replaceCoreV1NamespacedPod2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B: -8 -6bodybody *& -$#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J -7 -2000 -. -OK( -& -$#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Pod -< -2015 -3 -Created( -& -$#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Pod - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjE -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind" group: "" -kind: Pod -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -*Á -core_v1 delete a Pod*deleteCoreV1NamespacedPod2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J‘ -7 -2000 -. -OK( -& -$#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Pod -= -2026 -4 -Accepted( -& -$#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Pod - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -jE -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind" group: "" -kind: Pod -version: v1 -BÈ -core_v1"partially update the specified Pod*patchCoreV1NamespacedPod2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean JR -7 -2000 -. -OK( -& -$#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Pod - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjE -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind" version: v1 -group: "" -kind: Pod -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -J0 -.,"*pathname of the Pod"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ­ -3/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/pods/{name}/evictionõ -"Î -core_v1create eviction of a Pod*!createCoreV1NamespacedPodEviction2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BF -D -Bbodybody *2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.EvictionJó - -401 - - Unauthorized -C -200< -: -OK4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.Eviction -H -201A -? -Created4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.Eviction -I -202B -@ -Accepted4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.EvictionRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jS -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind0.group: policy -kind: Eviction -version: v1beta1 -Jž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string J– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J5 -31"/pathname of the Eviction"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ª -;/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/services/{name}/proxy/{path}ê§ -core_v1(connect GET requests to proxy of Service*.connectCoreV1GetNamespacedServiceProxyWithPath2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jU -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind20kind: ServiceProxyOptions -version: v1 -group: "" -§ -core_v1(connect PUT requests to proxy of Service*.connectCoreV1PutNamespacedServiceProxyWithPath2*/*:*/*J7 - -401 - - Unauthorized - -200 - -OK - ² -stringRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jU -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind20group: "" -kind: ServiceProxyOptions -version: v1 -"© -core_v1)connect POST requests to proxy of Service*/connectCoreV1PostNamespacedServiceProxyWithPath2*/*:*/*J7 - -401 - - Unauthorized - -200 - -OK - ² -stringRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jU -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind20group: "" -kind: ServiceProxyOptions -version: v1 -*­ -core_v1+connect DELETE requests to proxy of Service*1connectCoreV1DeleteNamespacedServiceProxyWithPath2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jU -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind20group: "" -kind: ServiceProxyOptions -version: v1 -2¯ -core_v1,connect OPTIONS requests to proxy of Service*2connectCoreV1OptionsNamespacedServiceProxyWithPath2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jU -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind20group: "" -kind: ServiceProxyOptions -version: v1 -:© -core_v1)connect HEAD requests to proxy of Service*/connectCoreV1HeadNamespacedServiceProxyWithPath2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jU -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind20group: "" -kind: ServiceProxyOptions -version: v1 -B« -core_v1*connect PATCH requests to proxy of Service*0connectCoreV1PatchNamespacedServiceProxyWithPath2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jU -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind20group: "" -kind: ServiceProxyOptions -version: v1 -J@ -><":pathname of the ServiceProxyOptions"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜J5 -31"/pathpath to the resource"path*string˜JÐ -ÍÊÇquery¬Path is the part of URLs that include service endpoints, suffixes, and parameters to use for the current proxy request to service. For example, the whole request URL is http://localhost/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/elasticsearch-logging/_search?q=user:kimchy. Path is _search?q=user:kimchy."path2string û* -=/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/clusterrolebindings/{name}¹*¬ -rbacAuthorization_v1%read the specified ClusterRoleBinding*)readRbacAuthorizationV1ClusterRoleBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Ja -F -200? -= -OK7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.ClusterRoleBinding - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jk -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindHFgroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: ClusterRoleBinding -version: v1 -… -rbacAuthorization_v1(replace the specified ClusterRoleBinding*,replaceRbacAuthorizationV1ClusterRoleBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BI -G -Ebodybody *5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.ClusterRoleBindingBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J® -F -200? -= -OK7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.ClusterRoleBinding -K -201D -B -Created7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.ClusterRoleBinding - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jk -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindHFgroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: ClusterRoleBinding -version: v1 -*¿ -rbacAuthorization_v1delete a ClusterRoleBinding*+deleteRbacAuthorizationV1ClusterRoleBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjk -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindHFgroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: ClusterRoleBinding -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-action delete -B« -rbacAuthorization_v11partially update the specified ClusterRoleBinding**patchRbacAuthorizationV1ClusterRoleBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Ja -F -200? -= -OK7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.ClusterRoleBinding - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jk -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindHFgroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: ClusterRoleBinding -version: v1 -J? -=;"9pathname of the ClusterRoleBinding"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ¿^ -5/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/persistentvolumeclaims…^ª& -core_v13list or watch objects of kind PersistentVolumeClaim*)listCoreV1NamespacedPersistentVolumeClaim2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Jh -M -200F -D -OK> -< -:#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeClaimList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42version: v1 -group: "" -kind: PersistentVolumeClaim -j -x-kubernetes-actionlist -"´ -core_v1create a PersistentVolumeClaim*+createCoreV1NamespacedPersistentVolumeClaim2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BL -J -Hbodybody *8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeClaimBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J… - -401 - - Unauthorized -I -200B -@ -OK: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeClaim -N -201G -E -Created: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeClaim -O -202H -F -Accepted: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeClaimRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: "" -kind: PersistentVolumeClaim -version: v1 -*ë, -core_v1*delete collection of PersistentVolumeClaim*5deleteCoreV1CollectionNamespacedPersistentVolumeClaim2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -jW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: "" -kind: PersistentVolumeClaim -version: v1 -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Ó( -B/apis/certificates.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/certificatesigningrequestsŒ(€ -certificates_v1beta1…watch individual changes to a list of CertificateSigningRequest. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*5watchCertificatesV1beta1CertificateSigningRequestList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jq -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindNLgroup: certificates.k8s.io -kind: CertificateSigningRequest -version: v1beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ÿ -/apis/discovery.k8s.io/v1beta1/ÛØ -discovery_v1beta1get available resources*getDiscoveryV1beta1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttps¡' -"/apis/extensions/v1beta1/ingressesú&î -extensions_v1beta1%list or watch objects of kind Ingress*,listExtensionsV1beta1IngressForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Je -J -200C -A -OK; -9 -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.extensions.v1beta1.IngressList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jV -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind31group: extensions -kind: Ingress -version: v1beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean  ' -!/apis/apps/v1/controllerrevisionsú&î -apps_v10list or watch objects of kind ControllerRevision*,listAppsV1ControllerRevisionForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Je -J -200C -A -OK; -9 -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ControllerRevisionList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jV -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind31group: apps -kind: ControllerRevision -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean —( -0/apis/networking.k8s.io/v1/watch/networkpoliciesâ'Ö - networking_v1ywatch individual changes to a list of NetworkPolicy. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*2watchNetworkingV1NetworkPolicyListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9group: networking.k8s.io -kind: NetworkPolicy -version: v1 -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean —) -J/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/rolesÈ(Ú -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1pwatch individual changes to a list of Role. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*/watchRbacAuthorizationV1beta1NamespacedRoleList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=kind: Role -version: v1beta1 -group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ·* -5/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1beta1/volumeattachments/{name}ý)œ -storage_v1beta1#read the specified VolumeAttachment*"readStorageV1beta1VolumeAttachment2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.VolumeAttachment - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjc -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind@>group: storage.k8s.io -kind: VolumeAttachment -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionget - -storage_v1beta1&replace the specified VolumeAttachment*%replaceStorageV1beta1VolumeAttachment2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BO -M -Kbodybody *; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.VolumeAttachmentBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jº -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.VolumeAttachment -Q -201J -H -Created= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.VolumeAttachment - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjc -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind@>group: storage.k8s.io -kind: VolumeAttachment -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -*© -storage_v1beta1delete a VolumeAttachment*$deleteStorageV1beta1VolumeAttachment2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.VolumeAttachment -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.VolumeAttachment - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -jc -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind@>group: storage.k8s.io -kind: VolumeAttachment -version: v1beta1 -B› -storage_v1beta1/partially update the specified VolumeAttachment*#patchStorageV1beta1VolumeAttachment2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.VolumeAttachment - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjc -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind@>version: v1beta1 -group: storage.k8s.io -kind: VolumeAttachment -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -J= -;9"7pathname of the VolumeAttachment"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ª) -2/api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/events/{name}ó(Ñ -core_v1¬watch changes to an object of kind Event. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*watchCoreV1NamespacedEvent2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -jG -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind$"group: "" -kind: Event -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J2 -0.",pathname of the Event"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean »( -/api/v1/watch/namespaces/{name}—(Ó -core_v1°watch changes to an object of kind Namespace. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*watchCoreV1Namespace2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk - -401 - - Unauthorized -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEventRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -jK -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind(&kind: Namespace -version: v1 -group: "" -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J6 -42"0pathname of the Namespace"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean „ -#/apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/ÜÙ -admissionregistrationget information of a group* getAdmissionregistrationAPIGroup2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJi -N -200G -E -OK? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIGroup - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttps÷) -M/apis/networking.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/ingresses/{name}¥) -networking_v1beta1®watch changes to an object of kind Ingress. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*'watchNetworkingV1beta1NamespacedIngress2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -j] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: networking.k8s.io -kind: Ingress -version: v1beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J4 -20".pathname of the Ingress"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ù - /apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/ÔÑ -rbacAuthorizationget information of a group*getRbacAuthorizationAPIGroup2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJi -N -200G -E -OK? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIGroup - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsÝ( -//apis/storage.k8s.io/v1/watch/csidrivers/{name}©(å - -storage_v1°watch changes to an object of kind CSIDriver. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*watchStorageV1CSIDriver2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -jW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSIDriver -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J6 -42"0pathname of the CSIDriver"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ÿ' -*/apis/networking.k8s.io/v1/watch/ingressesÐ'Ä - networking_v1swatch individual changes to a list of Ingress. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*,watchNetworkingV1IngressListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jX -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind53group: networking.k8s.io -kind: Ingress -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ð] -./apis/networking.k8s.io/v1beta1/ingressclasses½]±& -networking_v1beta1*list or watch objects of kind IngressClass*!listNetworkingV1beta1IngressClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Jj -O -200H -F -OK@ -> -<#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.IngressClassList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=group: networking.k8s.io -kind: IngressClass -version: v1beta1 -" -networking_v1beta1create an IngressClass*#createNetworkingV1beta1IngressClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.IngressClassBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J‹ -K -200D -B -OK< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.IngressClass -P -201I -G -Created< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.IngressClass -Q -202J -H -Accepted< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.IngressClass - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=group: networking.k8s.io -kind: IngressClass -version: v1beta1 -*ð, -networking_v1beta1!delete collection of IngressClass*-deleteNetworkingV1beta1CollectionIngressClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=group: networking.k8s.io -kind: IngressClass -version: v1beta1 -j* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string …* -Q/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/roles/{name}¯)Ž -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1«watch changes to an object of kind Role. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*+watchRbacAuthorizationV1beta1NamespacedRole2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -jb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: Role -version: v1beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J1 -/-"+pathname of the Role"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ƒ) -N/apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/mutatingwebhookconfigurations°(¤ -admissionregistration_v1beta1ˆwatch individual changes to a list of MutatingWebhookConfiguration. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*AwatchAdmissionregistrationV1beta1MutatingWebhookConfigurationList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -j} -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindZXkind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration -version: v1beta1 -group: admissionregistration.k8s.io -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean É( -8/apis/autoscaling/v2beta1/watch/horizontalpodautoscalersŒ(€ -autoscaling_v2beta1ƒwatch individual changes to a list of HorizontalPodAutoscaler. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*BwatchAutoscalingV2beta1HorizontalPodAutoscalerListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jg -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindDBgroup: autoscaling -kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -version: v2beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean è -0/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/pods/{name}/proxy³“ -core_v1$connect GET requests to proxy of Pod*"connectCoreV1GetNamespacedPodProxy2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jQ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind.,group: "" -kind: PodProxyOptions -version: v1 -“ -core_v1$connect PUT requests to proxy of Pod*"connectCoreV1PutNamespacedPodProxy2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jQ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind.,group: "" -kind: PodProxyOptions -version: v1 -"• -core_v1%connect POST requests to proxy of Pod*#connectCoreV1PostNamespacedPodProxy2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jQ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind.,group: "" -kind: PodProxyOptions -version: v1 -*™ -core_v1'connect DELETE requests to proxy of Pod*%connectCoreV1DeleteNamespacedPodProxy2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jQ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind.,group: "" -kind: PodProxyOptions -version: v1 -2› -core_v1(connect OPTIONS requests to proxy of Pod*&connectCoreV1OptionsNamespacedPodProxy2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jQ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind.,version: v1 -group: "" -kind: PodProxyOptions -:• -core_v1%connect HEAD requests to proxy of Pod*#connectCoreV1HeadNamespacedPodProxy2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jQ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind.,group: "" -kind: PodProxyOptions -version: v1 -B— -core_v1&connect PATCH requests to proxy of Pod*$connectCoreV1PatchNamespacedPodProxy2*/*:*/*J7 - -401 - - Unauthorized - -200 - -OK - ² -stringRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jQ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind.,group: "" -kind: PodProxyOptions -version: v1 -J< -:8"6pathname of the PodProxyOptions"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜Ja -_][queryAPath is the URL path to use for the current proxy request to pod."path2string Ç] --/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/resourcequotas•]Š& -core_v1+list or watch objects of kind ResourceQuota*!listCoreV1NamespacedResourceQuota2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean J` -E -200> -< -OK6 -4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ResourceQuotaList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jO -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind,*group: "" -kind: ResourceQuota -version: v1 -"ü -core_v1create a ResourceQuota*#createCoreV1NamespacedResourceQuota2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BD -B -@bodybody *0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ResourceQuotaBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jí -G -202@ -> -Accepted2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ResourceQuota - -401 - - Unauthorized -A -200: -8 -OK2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ResourceQuota -F -201? -= -Created2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ResourceQuotaRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jO -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind,*group: "" -kind: ResourceQuota -version: v1 -*Ó, -core_v1"delete collection of ResourceQuota*-deleteCoreV1CollectionNamespacedResourceQuota2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjO -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind,*group: "" -kind: ResourceQuota -version: v1 -j* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ®' -(/apis/discovery.k8s.io/v1/endpointslices'õ - discovery_v1+list or watch objects of kind EndpointSlice*,listDiscoveryV1EndpointSliceForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Je -J -200C -A -OK; -9 -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.discovery.v1.EndpointSliceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -j] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: discovery.k8s.io -kind: EndpointSlice -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ¤( -3/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/rolesì'à -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1pwatch individual changes to a list of Role. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*5watchRbacAuthorizationV1beta1RoleListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: Role -version: v1beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Í - /version/¿¼ -versionget the code version*getCodeVersion2application/json:application/jsonJ` -E -200> -< -OK6 -4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.version.Info - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsü -/apis/apiextensions.k8s.io/v1/ÙÖ -apiextensions_v1get available resources*getApiextensionsV1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp - -401 - - Unauthorized -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceListRhttpsÀ( -1/apis/batch/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/jobs/{name}Š(Ï -batch_v1read the specified Job*readBatchV1NamespacedJob2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*JS -8 -2001 -/ -OK) -' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.Job - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjH -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind%#version: v1 -group: batch -kind: Job -j -x-kubernetes-actionget -Œ -batch_v1replace the specified Job*replaceBatchV1NamespacedJob2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B; -9 -7bodybody *' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.JobBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J’ -8 -2001 -/ -OK) -' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.Job -= -2016 -4 -Created) -' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.Job - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjH -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind%#group: batch -kind: Job -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -*ð -batch_v1 delete a Job*deleteBatchV1NamespacedJob2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - Unauthorized -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.StatusRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -jH -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind%#group: batch -kind: Job -version: v1 -BÎ -batch_v1"partially update the specified Job*patchBatchV1NamespacedJob2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean JS -8 -2001 -/ -OK) -' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.Job - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jH -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind%#group: batch -kind: Job -version: v1 -J0 -.,"*pathname of the Job"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ¼, -C/apis/certificates.k8s.io/v1beta1/certificatesigningrequests/{name}ô+Ô -certificates_v1beta1,read the specified CertificateSigningRequest*0readCertificatesV1beta1CertificateSigningRequest2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Ju -Z -200S -Q -OKK -I -G#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1beta1.CertificateSigningRequest - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jq -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindNLgroup: certificates.k8s.io -kind: CertificateSigningRequest -version: v1beta1 -Õ -certificates_v1beta1/replace the specified CertificateSigningRequest*3replaceCertificatesV1beta1CertificateSigningRequest2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B] -[ -Ybodybody *I -G#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1beta1.CertificateSigningRequestBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JÖ -Z -200S -Q -OKK -I -G#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1beta1.CertificateSigningRequest -_ -201X -V -CreatedK -I -G#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1beta1.CertificateSigningRequest - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjq -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindNLkind: CertificateSigningRequest -version: v1beta1 -group: certificates.k8s.io -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -*Ó -certificates_v1beta1"delete a CertificateSigningRequest*2deleteCertificatesV1beta1CertificateSigningRequest2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -jq -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindNLkind: CertificateSigningRequest -version: v1beta1 -group: certificates.k8s.io -BÓ -certificates_v1beta18partially update the specified CertificateSigningRequest*1patchCertificatesV1beta1CertificateSigningRequest2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Ju -Z -200S -Q -OKK -I -G#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1beta1.CertificateSigningRequest - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jq -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindNLgroup: certificates.k8s.io -kind: CertificateSigningRequest -version: v1beta1 -JF -DB"@path%name of the CertificateSigningRequest"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ‚ -/logs/{logpath}o8 -logs*logFileHandlerJ - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsJ3 -1/"-pathpath to the log"logpath*string˜` -I/apis/autoscaling/v2beta2/namespaces/{namespace}/horizontalpodautoscalersÏ_ä& -autoscaling_v2beta25list or watch objects of kind HorizontalPodAutoscaler*7listAutoscalingV2beta2NamespacedHorizontalPodAutoscaler2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Jv -[ -200T -R -OKL -J -H#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.HorizontalPodAutoscalerList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jg -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindDBgroup: autoscaling -kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -version: v2beta2 -"˜ - -autoscaling_v2beta2 create a HorizontalPodAutoscaler*9createAutoscalingV2beta2NamespacedHorizontalPodAutoscaler2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BZ -X -Vbodybody *F -D#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.HorizontalPodAutoscalerBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J¯ - -401 - - Unauthorized -W -200P -N -OKH -F -D#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.HorizontalPodAutoscaler -\ -201U -S -CreatedH -F -D#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.HorizontalPodAutoscaler -] -202V -T -AcceptedH -F -D#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.HorizontalPodAutoscalerRhttpsjg -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindDBgroup: autoscaling -kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -version: v2beta2 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpost -*—- -autoscaling_v2beta2,delete collection of HorizontalPodAutoscaler*CdeleteAutoscalingV2beta2CollectionNamespacedHorizontalPodAutoscaler2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg - -401 - - Unauthorized -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.StatusRhttpsjg -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindDBgroup: autoscaling -kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -version: v2beta2 -j* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string â' -&/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1/watch/csinodes·'« - -storage_v1swatch individual changes to a list of CSINode. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*watchStorageV1CSINodeList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jU -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind20group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSINode -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ù -/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1beta1/×Ô -storage_v1beta1get available resources*getStorageV1beta1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp - -401 - - Unauthorized -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceListRhttps‰ -C/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/persistentvolumeclaims/{name}/statusÁ¡ -core_v12read status of the specified PersistentVolumeClaim*/readCoreV1NamespacedPersistentVolumeClaimStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Jd -I -200B -@ -OK: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeClaim - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: "" -kind: PersistentVolumeClaim -version: v1 -€ -core_v15replace status of the specified PersistentVolumeClaim*2replaceCoreV1NamespacedPersistentVolumeClaimStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BL -J -Hbodybody *8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeClaimBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J´ -I -200B -@ -OK: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeClaim -N -201G -E -Created: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeClaim - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: "" -kind: PersistentVolumeClaim -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -B  -core_v1>partially update status of the specified PersistentVolumeClaim*0patchCoreV1NamespacedPersistentVolumeClaimStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Jd -I -200B -@ -OK: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeClaim - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: "" -kind: PersistentVolumeClaim -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -JB -@>"<path!name of the PersistentVolumeClaim"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ” -&/apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1/éæ -admissionregistration_v1get available resources*&getAdmissionregistrationV1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsÓ( -B/apis/apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/customresourcedefinitionsŒ(€ -apiextensions_v1beta1„watch individual changes to a list of CustomResourceDefinition. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*5watchApiextensionsV1beta1CustomResourceDefinitionList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjq -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindNLgroup: apiextensions.k8s.io -kind: CustomResourceDefinition -version: v1beta1 -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ¼* -V/apis/autoscaling/v2beta1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/horizontalpodautoscalers/{name}á)­ -autoscaling_v2beta1¾watch changes to an object of kind HorizontalPodAutoscaler. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*8watchAutoscalingV2beta1NamespacedHorizontalPodAutoscaler2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjg -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindDBgroup: autoscaling -kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -version: v2beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JD -B@">path#name of the HorizontalPodAutoscaler"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean õ' -2/apis/autoscaling/v2beta1/horizontalpodautoscalers¾'² -autoscaling_v2beta15list or watch objects of kind HorizontalPodAutoscaler*=listAutoscalingV2beta1HorizontalPodAutoscalerForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jv -[ -200T -R -OKL -J -H#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.HorizontalPodAutoscalerList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jg -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindDBgroup: autoscaling -kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -version: v2beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean à -G/apis/certificates.k8s.io/v1/certificatesigningrequests/{name}/approval”Ô -certificates_v18read approval of the specified CertificateSigningRequest*3readCertificatesV1CertificateSigningRequestApproval2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Jp -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1.CertificateSigningRequest - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjl -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindIGgroup: certificates.k8s.io -kind: CertificateSigningRequest -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionget -Ë -certificates_v1;replace approval of the specified CertificateSigningRequest*6replaceCertificatesV1CertificateSigningRequestApproval2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BX -V -Tbodybody *D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1.CertificateSigningRequestBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JÌ -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1.CertificateSigningRequest -Z -201S -Q -CreatedF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1.CertificateSigningRequest - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jl -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindIGgroup: certificates.k8s.io -kind: CertificateSigningRequest -version: v1 -BÓ -certificates_v1Dpartially update approval of the specified CertificateSigningRequest*4patchCertificatesV1CertificateSigningRequestApproval2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Jp -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1.CertificateSigningRequest - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jl -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindIGgroup: certificates.k8s.io -kind: CertificateSigningRequest -version: v1 -JF -DB"@path%name of the CertificateSigningRequest"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ¯' -$/apis/policy/v1/poddisruptionbudgets†'ú - policy_v11list or watch objects of kind PodDisruptionBudget*/listPolicyV1PodDisruptionBudgetForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jh -M -200F -D -OK> -< -:#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1.PodDisruptionBudgetList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jY -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind64group: policy -kind: PodDisruptionBudget -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ©] -+/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/podtemplatesù\‚& -core_v1)list or watch objects of kind PodTemplate*listCoreV1NamespacedPodTemplate2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean J^ -C -200< -: -OK4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodTemplateList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jM -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind*(group: "" -kind: PodTemplate -version: v1 -"î -core_v1create a PodTemplate*!createCoreV1NamespacedPodTemplate2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BB -@ ->bodybody *. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodTemplateBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jç -? -2008 -6 -OK0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodTemplate -D -201= -; -Created0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodTemplate -E -202> -< -Accepted0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodTemplate - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjM -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind*(group: "" -kind: PodTemplate -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpost -*Í, -core_v1 delete collection of PodTemplate*+deleteCoreV1CollectionNamespacedPodTemplate2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg - -401 - - Unauthorized -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.StatusRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -jM -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind*(version: v1 -group: "" -kind: PodTemplate -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ö* -"<path!name of the ReplicationController"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ’* -W/apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/validatingwebhookconfigurations/{name}¶)Ý -admissionregistration_v1beta1Åwatch changes to an object of kind ValidatingWebhookConfiguration. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*?watchAdmissionregistrationV1beta1ValidatingWebhookConfiguration2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind\Zgroup: admissionregistration.k8s.io -kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JK -IG"Epath*name of the ValidatingWebhookConfiguration"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ‡ -5/apis/authorization.k8s.io/v1/selfsubjectrulesreviewsÍ -"¿ -authorization_v1create a SelfSubjectRulesReview*+createAuthorizationV1SelfSubjectRulesReview2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BV -T -Rbodybody *B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.SelfSubjectRulesReviewJ£ - -401 - - Unauthorized -S -200L -J -OKD -B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.SelfSubjectRulesReview -X -201Q -O -CreatedD -B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.SelfSubjectRulesReview -Y -202R -P -AcceptedD -B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.SelfSubjectRulesReviewRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jj -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindGEgroup: authorization.k8s.io -kind: SelfSubjectRulesReview -version: v1 -Jž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string J– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ) -8/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/storageclasses/{name}Ä(ý -storage_v1beta1³watch changes to an object of kind StorageClass. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*watchStorageV1beta1StorageClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -j_ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind<:group: storage.k8s.io -kind: StorageClass -version: v1beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J9 -75"3pathname of the StorageClass"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ×) -;/api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/serviceaccounts/{name}—)ì -core_v1µwatch changes to an object of kind ServiceAccount. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*#watchCoreV1NamespacedServiceAccount2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjP -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind-+kind: ServiceAccount -version: v1 -group: "" -j -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J; -97"5pathname of the ServiceAccount"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ÷( -K/apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1/watch/validatingwebhookconfigurations§(› -admissionregistration_v1Šwatch individual changes to a list of ValidatingWebhookConfiguration. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*>watchAdmissionregistrationV1ValidatingWebhookConfigurationList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjz -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindWUgroup: admissionregistration.k8s.io -kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration -version: v1 -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean †_ -D/apis/discovery.k8s.io/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/endpointslices½^»& -discovery_v1beta1+list or watch objects of kind EndpointSlice*+listDiscoveryV1beta1NamespacedEndpointSlice2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Jj -O -200H -F -OK@ -> -<#/definitions/io.k8s.api.discovery.v1beta1.EndpointSliceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=group: discovery.k8s.io -kind: EndpointSlice -version: v1beta1 -"Ì -discovery_v1beta1create an EndpointSlice*-createDiscoveryV1beta1NamespacedEndpointSlice2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.discovery.v1beta1.EndpointSliceBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J‹ - -401 - - Unauthorized -K -200D -B -OK< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.discovery.v1beta1.EndpointSlice -P -201I -G -Created< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.discovery.v1beta1.EndpointSlice -Q -202J -H -Accepted< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.discovery.v1beta1.EndpointSliceRhttpsjb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=kind: EndpointSlice -version: v1beta1 -group: discovery.k8s.io -j -x-kubernetes-actionpost -*ú, -discovery_v1beta1"delete collection of EndpointSlice*7deleteDiscoveryV1beta1CollectionNamespacedEndpointSlice2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=kind: EndpointSlice -version: v1beta1 -group: discovery.k8s.io -j* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ©^ -6/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/clusterrolebindingsî]Å& -rbacAuthorization_v10list or watch objects of kind ClusterRoleBinding*)listRbacAuthorizationV1ClusterRoleBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Je -J -200C -A -OK; -9 -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.ClusterRoleBindingList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jk -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindHFgroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: ClusterRoleBinding -version: v1 -"Æ -rbacAuthorization_v1create a ClusterRoleBinding*+createRbacAuthorizationV1ClusterRoleBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BI -G -Ebodybody *5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.ClusterRoleBindingBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jü -F -200? -= -OK7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.ClusterRoleBinding -K -201D -B -Created7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.ClusterRoleBinding -L -202E -C -Accepted7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.ClusterRoleBinding - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jk -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindHFgroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: ClusterRoleBinding -version: v1 -*‰- -rbacAuthorization_v1'delete collection of ClusterRoleBinding*5deleteRbacAuthorizationV1CollectionClusterRoleBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -jk -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindHFkind: ClusterRoleBinding -version: v1 -group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ð* -"<path!name of the PersistentVolumeClaim"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ½- -J/apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1/mutatingwebhookconfigurations/{name}î,ð -admissionregistration_v1/read the specified MutatingWebhookConfiguration*7readAdmissionregistrationV1MutatingWebhookConfiguration2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*J| -a -200Z -X -OKR -P -N#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1.MutatingWebhookConfiguration - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jx -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindUSkind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration -version: v1 -group: admissionregistration.k8s.io -ÿ -admissionregistration_v12replace the specified MutatingWebhookConfiguration*:replaceAdmissionregistrationV1MutatingWebhookConfiguration2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Bd -b -`bodybody *P -N#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1.MutatingWebhookConfigurationBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jä -f -201_ -] -CreatedR -P -N#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1.MutatingWebhookConfiguration - -401 - - Unauthorized -a -200Z -X -OKR -P -N#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1.MutatingWebhookConfigurationRhttpsjx -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindUSkind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration -version: v1 -group: admissionregistration.k8s.io -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -*è -admissionregistration_v1%delete a MutatingWebhookConfiguration*9deleteAdmissionregistrationV1MutatingWebhookConfiguration2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -jx -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindUSgroup: admissionregistration.k8s.io -kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration -version: v1 -Bï -admissionregistration_v1;partially update the specified MutatingWebhookConfiguration*8patchAdmissionregistrationV1MutatingWebhookConfiguration2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean J| - -401 - - Unauthorized -a -200Z -X -OKR -P -N#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1.MutatingWebhookConfigurationRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jx -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindUSgroup: admissionregistration.k8s.io -kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration -version: v1 -JI -GE"Cpath(name of the MutatingWebhookConfiguration"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ä -E/apis/apiextensions.k8s.io/v1/customresourcedefinitions/{name}/statusšî -apiextensions_v15read status of the specified CustomResourceDefinition*1readApiextensionsV1CustomResourceDefinitionStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*J -r -200k -i -OKc -a -_#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceDefinition - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jl -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindIGkind: CustomResourceDefinition -version: v1 -group: apiextensions.k8s.io -ž - -apiextensions_v18replace status of the specified CustomResourceDefinition*4replaceApiextensionsV1CustomResourceDefinitionStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Bu -s -qbodybody *a -_#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceDefinitionBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J† -r -200k -i -OKc -a -_#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceDefinition -w -201p -n -Createdc -a -_#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceDefinition - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jl -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindIGkind: CustomResourceDefinition -version: v1 -group: apiextensions.k8s.io -Bí -apiextensions_v1Apartially update status of the specified CustomResourceDefinition*2patchApiextensionsV1CustomResourceDefinitionStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean J -r -200k -i -OKc -a -_#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceDefinition - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjl -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindIGgroup: apiextensions.k8s.io -kind: CustomResourceDefinition -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -JE -CA"?path$name of the CustomResourceDefinition"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string “( -//apis/networking.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/ingressesß'Ó -networking_v1beta1swatch individual changes to a list of Ingress. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*1watchNetworkingV1beta1IngressListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: networking.k8s.io -kind: Ingress -version: v1beta1 -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ²] -)/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1/volumeattachments„]¡& - -storage_v1.list or watch objects of kind VolumeAttachment*listStorageV1VolumeAttachment2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Jf -K -200D -B -OK< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.VolumeAttachmentList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -j^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9version: v1 -group: storage.k8s.io -kind: VolumeAttachment -"¥ - -storage_v1create a VolumeAttachment*createStorageV1VolumeAttachment2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BJ -H -Fbodybody *6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.VolumeAttachmentBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jÿ -G -200@ -> -OK8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.VolumeAttachment -L -201E -C -Created8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.VolumeAttachment -M -202F -D -Accepted8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.VolumeAttachment - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9group: storage.k8s.io -kind: VolumeAttachment -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpost -*ä, - -storage_v1%delete collection of VolumeAttachment*)deleteStorageV1CollectionVolumeAttachment2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9kind: VolumeAttachment -version: v1 -group: storage.k8s.io -j* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ä) -2/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1beta1/storageclasses/{name}­)Œ -storage_v1beta1read the specified StorageClass*readStorageV1beta1StorageClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Jc -H -200A -? -OK9 -7 -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.StorageClass - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -j_ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind<:group: storage.k8s.io -kind: StorageClass -version: v1beta1 -é -storage_v1beta1"replace the specified StorageClass*!replaceStorageV1beta1StorageClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BK -I -Gbodybody *7 -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.StorageClassBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J² -H -200A -? -OK9 -7 -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.StorageClass -M -201F -D -Created9 -7 -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.StorageClass - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -j_ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind<:group: storage.k8s.io -kind: StorageClass -version: v1beta1 -*• -storage_v1beta1delete a StorageClass* deleteStorageV1beta1StorageClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J³ -H -200A -? -OK9 -7 -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.StorageClass -N -202G -E -Accepted9 -7 -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.StorageClass - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -j_ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind<:group: storage.k8s.io -kind: StorageClass -version: v1beta1 -B‹ -storage_v1beta1+partially update the specified StorageClass*patchStorageV1beta1StorageClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Jc -H -200A -? -OK9 -7 -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.StorageClass - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj_ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind<:group: storage.k8s.io -kind: StorageClass -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -J9 -75"3pathname of the StorageClass"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Ý\ -/api/v1/persistentvolumes¿\Œ& -core_v1.list or watch objects of kind PersistentVolume*listCoreV1PersistentVolume2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Jc -H -200A -? -OK9 -7 -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-group: "" -kind: PersistentVolume -version: v1 -"‡ -core_v1create a PersistentVolume*createCoreV1PersistentVolume2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BG -E -Cbodybody *3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jö -D -200= -; -OK5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolume -I -201B -@ -Created5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolume -J -202C -A -Accepted5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolume - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-version: v1 -group: "" -kind: PersistentVolume -*Ò, -core_v1%delete collection of PersistentVolume*&deleteCoreV1CollectionPersistentVolume2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg - -401 - - Unauthorized -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.StatusRhttpsjR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-group: "" -kind: PersistentVolume -version: v1 -j* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Ê - /apis/apps/º· -appsget information of a group*getAppsAPIGroup2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJi -N -200G -E -OK? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIGroup - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttps¿( -0/apis/batch/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/jobsŠ(œ -batch_v1owatch individual changes to a list of Job. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*watchBatchV1NamespacedJobList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjH -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind%#group: batch -kind: Job -version: v1 -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean á* -F/apis/coordination.k8s.io/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/leases/{name}–*Ž -coordination_v1beta1read the specified Lease*&readCoordinationV1beta1NamespacedLease2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Ja -F -200? -= -OK7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.coordination.v1beta1.Lease - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -j] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: coordination.k8s.io -kind: Lease -version: v1beta1 -ç -coordination_v1beta1replace the specified Lease*)replaceCoordinationV1beta1NamespacedLease2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BI -G -Ebodybody *5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.coordination.v1beta1.LeaseBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J® -F -200? -= -OK7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.coordination.v1beta1.Lease -K -201D -B -Created7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.coordination.v1beta1.Lease - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -j] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: coordination.k8s.io -kind: Lease -version: v1beta1 -*¡ -coordination_v1beta1delete a Lease*(deleteCoordinationV1beta1NamespacedLease2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - Unauthorized -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.StatusRhttpsj] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: coordination.k8s.io -kind: Lease -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-action delete -B -coordination_v1beta1$partially update the specified Lease*'patchCoordinationV1beta1NamespacedLease2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Ja -F -200? -= -OK7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.coordination.v1beta1.Lease - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: coordination.k8s.io -kind: Lease -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -J2 -0.",pathname of the Lease"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ê& -/api/v1/endpointsÔ&È -core_v1'list or watch objects of kind Endpoints*#listCoreV1EndpointsForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*J\ -A -200: -8 -OK2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.EndpointsList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jK -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind(&group: "" -kind: Endpoints -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ×& -/api/v1/eventsÄ&¸ -core_v1#list or watch objects of kind Event*listCoreV1EventForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*JX -= -2006 -4 -OK. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.EventList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jG -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind$"group: "" -kind: Event -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ‹) -P/apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/validatingwebhookconfigurations¶(ª -admissionregistration_v1beta1Šwatch individual changes to a list of ValidatingWebhookConfiguration. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*CwatchAdmissionregistrationV1beta1ValidatingWebhookConfigurationList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -j -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind\Zgroup: admissionregistration.k8s.io -kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration -version: v1beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ˆ) -5/apis/policy/v1beta1/watch/podsecuritypolicies/{name}Î(‚ -policy_v1beta1¸watch changes to an object of kind PodSecurityPolicy. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*#watchPolicyV1beta1PodSecurityPolicy2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -j\ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind97group: policy -kind: PodSecurityPolicy -version: v1beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J> -<:"8pathname of the PodSecurityPolicy"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ì -/apis/apiextensions.k8s.io/ÌÉ - apiextensionsget information of a group*getApiextensionsAPIGroup2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJi -N -200G -E -OK? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIGroup - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttps„ -8/apis/batch/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/jobs/{name}/statusÇß -batch_v1 read status of the specified Job*readBatchV1NamespacedJobStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*JS -8 -2001 -/ -OK) -' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.Job - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jH -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind%#group: batch -kind: Job -version: v1 -œ -batch_v1#replace status of the specified Job*!replaceBatchV1NamespacedJobStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B; -9 -7bodybody *' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.JobBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J’ -= -2016 -4 -Created) -' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.Job - -401 - - Unauthorized -8 -2001 -/ -OK) -' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.JobRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jH -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind%#kind: Job -version: v1 -group: batch -BÞ -batch_v1,partially update status of the specified Job*patchBatchV1NamespacedJobStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean JS -8 -2001 -/ -OK) -' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.Job - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jH -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind%#group: batch -kind: Job -version: v1 -J0 -.,"*pathname of the Job"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ü -T/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1beta1/prioritylevelconfigurations/{name}/status£€ -flowcontrolApiserver_v1beta17read status of the specified PriorityLevelConfiguration*?readFlowcontrolApiserverV1beta1PriorityLevelConfigurationStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Ju -Z -200S -Q -OKK -I -G#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.PriorityLevelConfiguration - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -j{ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindXVgroup: flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io -kind: PriorityLevelConfiguration -version: v1beta1 - - -flowcontrolApiserver_v1beta1:replace status of the specified PriorityLevelConfiguration*BreplaceFlowcontrolApiserverV1beta1PriorityLevelConfigurationStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B] -[ -Ybodybody *I -G#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.PriorityLevelConfigurationBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JÖ -Z -200S -Q -OKK -I -G#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.PriorityLevelConfiguration -_ -201X -V -CreatedK -I -G#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.PriorityLevelConfiguration - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -j{ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindXVversion: v1beta1 -group: flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io -kind: PriorityLevelConfiguration -Bÿ -flowcontrolApiserver_v1beta1Cpartially update status of the specified PriorityLevelConfiguration*@patchFlowcontrolApiserverV1beta1PriorityLevelConfigurationStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Ju -Z -200S -Q -OKK -I -G#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.PriorityLevelConfiguration - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -j{ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindXVgroup: flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io -kind: PriorityLevelConfiguration -version: v1beta1 -JG -EC"Apath&name of the PriorityLevelConfiguration"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ( -*/apis/policy/v1/watch/poddisruptionbudgetsá'Õ - policy_v1watch individual changes to a list of PodDisruptionBudget. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*4watchPolicyV1PodDisruptionBudgetListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jY -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind64group: policy -kind: PodDisruptionBudget -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Ò) -:/api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/resourcequotas/{name}“)é -core_v1´watch changes to an object of kind ResourceQuota. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*"watchCoreV1NamespacedResourceQuota2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk - -401 - - Unauthorized -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEventRhttpsjO -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind,*group: "" -kind: ResourceQuota -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J: -86"4pathname of the ResourceQuota"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ¯) -3/api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/secrets/{name}÷(Ô -core_v1­watch changes to an object of kind Secret. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*watchCoreV1NamespacedSecret2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -jH -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind%#group: "" -kind: Secret -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J3 -1/"-pathname of the Secret"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Í - /apis/batch/¼¹ -batchget information of a group*getBatchAPIGroup2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJi -N -200G -E -OK? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIGroup - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttps‡* -A/apis/coordination.k8s.io/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/leases/{name}Á)ú -coordination_v1read the specified Lease*!readCoordinationV1NamespacedLease2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*J\ -A -200: -8 -OK2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.coordination.v1.Lease - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jX -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind53group: coordination.k8s.io -kind: Lease -version: v1 -É -coordination_v1replace the specified Lease*$replaceCoordinationV1NamespacedLease2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BD -B -@bodybody *0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.coordination.v1.LeaseBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J¤ -A -200: -8 -OK2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.coordination.v1.Lease -F -201? -= -Created2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.coordination.v1.Lease - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjX -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind53group: coordination.k8s.io -kind: Lease -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -*’ -coordination_v1delete a Lease*#deleteCoordinationV1NamespacedLease2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -jX -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind53group: coordination.k8s.io -kind: Lease -version: v1 -Bù -coordination_v1$partially update the specified Lease*"patchCoordinationV1NamespacedLease2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean J\ -A -200: -8 -OK2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.coordination.v1.Lease - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jX -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind53group: coordination.k8s.io -kind: Lease -version: v1 -J2 -0.",pathname of the Lease"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string –* -//apis/policy/v1beta1/podsecuritypolicies/{name}â)• -policy_v1beta1$read the specified PodSecurityPolicy*"readPolicyV1beta1PodSecurityPolicy2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodSecurityPolicy - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -j\ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind97group: policy -kind: PodSecurityPolicy -version: v1beta1 -ú -policy_v1beta1'replace the specified PodSecurityPolicy*%replacePolicyV1beta1PodSecurityPolicy2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BO -M -Kbodybody *; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodSecurityPolicyBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jº -Q -201J -H -Created= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodSecurityPolicy - -401 - - Unauthorized -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodSecurityPolicyRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -j\ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind97version: v1beta1 -group: policy -kind: PodSecurityPolicy -*¢ -policy_v1beta1delete a PodSecurityPolicy*$deletePolicyV1beta1PodSecurityPolicy2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodSecurityPolicy -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodSecurityPolicy - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -j\ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind97group: policy -kind: PodSecurityPolicy -version: v1beta1 -B” -policy_v1beta10partially update the specified PodSecurityPolicy*#patchPolicyV1beta1PodSecurityPolicy2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodSecurityPolicy - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj\ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind97group: policy -kind: PodSecurityPolicy -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -J> -<:"8pathname of the PodSecurityPolicy"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ú) -B/api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/persistentvolumeclaims/{name}³) -core_v1¼watch changes to an object of kind PersistentVolumeClaim. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.**watchCoreV1NamespacedPersistentVolumeClaim2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -jW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: "" -kind: PersistentVolumeClaim -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JB -@>"<path!name of the PersistentVolumeClaim"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean  ) -6/apis/apps/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/daemonsets/{name}å(ã -apps_v1read the specified DaemonSet*readAppsV1NamespacedDaemonSet2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*JX -= -2006 -4 -OK. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DaemonSet - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jM -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind*(group: apps -kind: DaemonSet -version: v1 -ª -apps_v1replace the specified DaemonSet* replaceAppsV1NamespacedDaemonSet2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B@ -> -<bodybody *, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DaemonSetBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jœ -= -2006 -4 -OK. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DaemonSet -B -201; -9 -Created. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DaemonSet - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jM -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind*(group: apps -kind: DaemonSet -version: v1 -*ÿ -apps_v1delete a DaemonSet*deleteAppsV1NamespacedDaemonSet2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjM -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind*(group: apps -kind: DaemonSet -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-action delete -Bâ -apps_v1(partially update the specified DaemonSet*patchAppsV1NamespacedDaemonSet2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean JX -= -2006 -4 -OK. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DaemonSet - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjM -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind*(group: apps -kind: DaemonSet -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -J6 -42"0pathname of the DaemonSet"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ¨* -Q/apis/autoscaling/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/horizontalpodautoscalers/{name}Ò)ž -autoscaling_v1¾watch changes to an object of kind HorizontalPodAutoscaler. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*3watchAutoscalingV1NamespacedHorizontalPodAutoscaler2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=group: autoscaling -kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JD -B@">path#name of the HorizontalPodAutoscaler"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ‚- -P/apis/autoscaling/v2beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/horizontalpodautoscalers/{name}­,Ë -autoscaling_v2beta1*read the specified HorizontalPodAutoscaler*7readAutoscalingV2beta1NamespacedHorizontalPodAutoscaler2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Jr -W -200P -N -OKH -F -D#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.HorizontalPodAutoscaler - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jg -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindDBversion: v2beta1 -group: autoscaling -kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -Æ -autoscaling_v2beta1-replace the specified HorizontalPodAutoscaler*:replaceAutoscalingV2beta1NamespacedHorizontalPodAutoscaler2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BZ -X -Vbodybody *F -D#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.HorizontalPodAutoscalerBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JÐ -\ -201U -S -CreatedH -F -D#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.HorizontalPodAutoscaler - -401 - - Unauthorized -W -200P -N -OKH -F -D#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.HorizontalPodAutoscalerRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jg -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindDBgroup: autoscaling -kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -version: v2beta1 -*Í -autoscaling_v2beta1 delete a HorizontalPodAutoscaler*9deleteAutoscalingV2beta1NamespacedHorizontalPodAutoscaler2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjg -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindDBgroup: autoscaling -kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -version: v2beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-action delete -BÊ -autoscaling_v2beta16partially update the specified HorizontalPodAutoscaler*8patchAutoscalingV2beta1NamespacedHorizontalPodAutoscaler2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Jr -W -200P -N -OKH -F -D#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.HorizontalPodAutoscaler - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjg -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindDBkind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -version: v2beta1 -group: autoscaling -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -JD -B@">path#name of the HorizontalPodAutoscaler"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string È) -A/apis/events.k8s.io/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/events/{name}‚)à - events_v1¬watch changes to an object of kind Event. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*watchEventsV1NamespacedEvent2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-group: events.k8s.io -kind: Event -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J2 -0.",pathname of the Event"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ÷' -,/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1/watch/storageclassesÆ'º - -storage_v1xwatch individual changes to a list of StorageClass. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*watchStorageV1StorageClassList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jZ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind75group: storage.k8s.io -kind: StorageClass -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ² - /api/v1/namespaces/{name}/statusç -core_v1&read status of the specified Namespace*readCoreV1NamespaceStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*JX -= -2006 -4 -OK. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Namespace - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jK -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind(&version: v1 -group: "" -kind: Namespace -® -core_v1)replace status of the specified Namespace*replaceCoreV1NamespaceStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B@ -> -<bodybody *, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NamespaceBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jœ -= -2006 -4 -OK. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Namespace -B -201; -9 -Created. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Namespace - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjK -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind(&group: "" -kind: Namespace -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -Bæ -core_v12partially update status of the specified Namespace*patchCoreV1NamespaceStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean JX -= -2006 -4 -OK. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Namespace - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jK -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind(&version: v1 -group: "" -kind: Namespace -J6 -42"0pathname of the Namespace"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ó& -/apis/apps/v1/daemonsetsÖ&Ê -apps_v1'list or watch objects of kind DaemonSet*#listAppsV1DaemonSetForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*J\ -A -200: -8 -OK2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DaemonSetList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjM -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind*(group: apps -kind: DaemonSet -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Ë) -=/apis/apps/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/replicasets/{name}‰)â -apps_v1±watch changes to an object of kind ReplicaSet. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*watchAppsV1NamespacedReplicaSet2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjN -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind+)group: apps -kind: ReplicaSet -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J7 -53"1pathname of the ReplicaSet"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Ó] -3/apis/batch/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/cronjobs›]Œ& - batch_v1beta1%list or watch objects of kind CronJob*!listBatchV1beta1NamespacedCronJob2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean J` -E -200> -< -OK6 -4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1beta1.CronJobList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jQ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind.,group: batch -kind: CronJob -version: v1beta1 -"þ - batch_v1beta1create a CronJob*#createBatchV1beta1NamespacedCronJob2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BD -B -@bodybody *0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1beta1.CronJobBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jí -G -202@ -> -Accepted2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1beta1.CronJob - -401 - - Unauthorized -A -200: -8 -OK2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1beta1.CronJob -F -201? -= -Created2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1beta1.CronJobRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jQ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind.,group: batch -kind: CronJob -version: v1beta1 -*Õ, - batch_v1beta1delete collection of CronJob*-deleteBatchV1beta1CollectionNamespacedCronJob2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg - -401 - - Unauthorized -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.StatusRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -jQ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind.,group: batch -kind: CronJob -version: v1beta1 -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ç -/apis/events.k8s.io/v1/ËÈ - events_v1get available resources*getEventsV1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsþ] -//apis/scheduling.k8s.io/v1beta1/priorityclassesÊ]µ& -scheduling_v1beta1+list or watch objects of kind PriorityClass*"listSchedulingV1beta1PriorityClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.api.scheduling.v1beta1.PriorityClassList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jc -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind@>version: v1beta1 -group: scheduling.k8s.io -kind: PriorityClass -"È -scheduling_v1beta1create a PriorityClass*$createSchedulingV1beta1PriorityClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BO -M -Kbodybody *; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.scheduling.v1beta1.PriorityClassBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JŽ -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.scheduling.v1beta1.PriorityClass -Q -201J -H -Created= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.scheduling.v1beta1.PriorityClass -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.scheduling.v1beta1.PriorityClass - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jc -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind@>group: scheduling.k8s.io -kind: PriorityClass -version: v1beta1 -*ó, -scheduling_v1beta1"delete collection of PriorityClass*.deleteSchedulingV1beta1CollectionPriorityClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -jc -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind@>version: v1beta1 -group: scheduling.k8s.io -kind: PriorityClass -JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ë& -/api/v1/configmapsÔ&È -core_v1'list or watch objects of kind ConfigMap*#listCoreV1ConfigMapForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*J\ -A -200: -8 -OK2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ConfigMapList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jK -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind(&group: "" -kind: ConfigMap -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ÿ - -2/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/pods/{name}/bindingÈ -"¢ -core_v1create binding of a Pod* createCoreV1NamespacedPodBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B> -< -:bodybody ** -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.BindingJÛ - -401 - - Unauthorized -; -2004 -2 -OK, -* -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Binding -@ -2019 -7 -Created, -* -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Binding -A -202: -8 -Accepted, -* -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.BindingRhttpsjI -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind&$group: "" -kind: Binding -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpost -Jž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string J– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J4 -20".pathname of the Binding"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string é -W/apis/autoscaling/v2beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/horizontalpodautoscalers/{name}/statusÛ -autoscaling_v2beta14read status of the specified HorizontalPodAutoscaler*=readAutoscalingV2beta1NamespacedHorizontalPodAutoscalerStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Jr -W -200P -N -OKH -F -D#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.HorizontalPodAutoscaler - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjg -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindDBgroup: autoscaling -kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -version: v2beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionget -Ö -autoscaling_v2beta17replace status of the specified HorizontalPodAutoscaler*@replaceAutoscalingV2beta1NamespacedHorizontalPodAutoscalerStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BZ -X -Vbodybody *F -D#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.HorizontalPodAutoscalerBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JÐ -W -200P -N -OKH -F -D#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.HorizontalPodAutoscaler -\ -201U -S -CreatedH -F -D#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.HorizontalPodAutoscaler - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jg -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindDBgroup: autoscaling -kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -version: v2beta1 -BÚ -autoscaling_v2beta1@partially update status of the specified HorizontalPodAutoscaler*>patchAutoscalingV2beta1NamespacedHorizontalPodAutoscalerStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Jr -W -200P -N -OKH -F -D#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.HorizontalPodAutoscaler - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjg -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindDBgroup: autoscaling -kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -version: v2beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -JD -B@">path#name of the HorizontalPodAutoscaler"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Ç' --/apis/discovery.k8s.io/v1beta1/endpointslices•'‰ -discovery_v1beta1+list or watch objects of kind EndpointSlice*1listDiscoveryV1beta1EndpointSliceForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jj -O -200H -F -OK@ -> -<#/definitions/io.k8s.api.discovery.v1beta1.EndpointSliceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=kind: EndpointSlice -version: v1beta1 -group: discovery.k8s.io -j -x-kubernetes-actionlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ý -/openid/v1/jwks/èå -openid\get service account issuer OpenID JSON Web Key Set (contains public token verification keys)*#getServiceAccountIssuerOpenIDKeyset2application/jwk-set+jsonJ7 - -401 - - Unauthorized - -200 - -OK - ² -stringRhttpsþ) -R/apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1/watch/validatingwebhookconfigurations/{name}§)Î -admissionregistration_v1Åwatch changes to an object of kind ValidatingWebhookConfiguration. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*:watchAdmissionregistrationV1ValidatingWebhookConfiguration2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjz -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindWUgroup: admissionregistration.k8s.io -kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JK -IG"Epath*name of the ValidatingWebhookConfiguration"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean · -;/apis/authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1/selfsubjectaccessreviews÷ -"é -authorization_v1beta1 create a SelfSubjectAccessReview*1createAuthorizationV1beta1SelfSubjectAccessReview2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B\ -Z -Xbodybody *H -F#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.SelfSubjectAccessReviewJµ -_ -202X -V -AcceptedJ -H -F#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.SelfSubjectAccessReview - -401 - - Unauthorized -Y -200R -P -OKJ -H -F#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.SelfSubjectAccessReview -^ -201W -U -CreatedJ -H -F#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.SelfSubjectAccessReviewRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jp -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindMKgroup: authorization.k8s.io -kind: SelfSubjectAccessReview -version: v1beta1 -Jž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string J– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Ï( -4/apis/batch/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/cronjobs–(¨ -batch_v1swatch individual changes to a list of CronJob. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*!watchBatchV1NamespacedCronJobList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk - -401 - - Unauthorized -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEventRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jL -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind)'group: batch -kind: CronJob -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean À) -;/apis/batch/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/cronjobs/{name}€)Ü -batch_v1®watch changes to an object of kind CronJob. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*watchBatchV1NamespacedCronJob2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -jL -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind)'group: batch -kind: CronJob -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J4 -20".pathname of the CronJob"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ž^ -8/apis/apps/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/controllerrevisionsá] & -apps_v10list or watch objects of kind ControllerRevision*&listAppsV1NamespacedControllerRevision2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Je - -401 - - Unauthorized -J -200C -A -OK; -9 -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ControllerRevisionListRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jV -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind31group: apps -kind: ControllerRevision -version: v1 -"¡ -apps_v1create a ControllerRevision*(createAppsV1NamespacedControllerRevision2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BI -G -Ebodybody *5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ControllerRevisionBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jü -F -200? -= -OK7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ControllerRevision -K -201D -B -Created7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ControllerRevision -L -202E -C -Accepted7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ControllerRevision - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjV -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind31group: apps -kind: ControllerRevision -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpost -*ä, -apps_v1'delete collection of ControllerRevision*2deleteAppsV1CollectionNamespacedControllerRevision2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -jV -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind31group: apps -kind: ControllerRevision -version: v1 -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Ü' --/apis/autoscaling/v1/horizontalpodautoscalersª'ž -autoscaling_v15list or watch objects of kind HorizontalPodAutoscaler*8listAutoscalingV1HorizontalPodAutoscalerForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jq -V -200O -M -OKG -E -C#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.HorizontalPodAutoscalerList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=version: v1 -group: autoscaling -kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -j -x-kubernetes-actionlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ü -D/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1beta1/flowschemas/{name}/status³À -flowcontrolApiserver_v1beta1'read status of the specified FlowSchema*/readFlowcontrolApiserverV1beta1FlowSchemaStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Je -J -200C -A -OK; -9 -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.FlowSchema - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjk -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindHFgroup: flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io -kind: FlowSchema -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionget -¡ -flowcontrolApiserver_v1beta1*replace status of the specified FlowSchema*2replaceFlowcontrolApiserverV1beta1FlowSchemaStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BM -K -Ibodybody *9 -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.FlowSchemaBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J¶ -O -201H -F -Created; -9 -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.FlowSchema - -401 - - Unauthorized -J -200C -A -OK; -9 -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.FlowSchemaRhttpsjk -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindHFkind: FlowSchema -version: v1beta1 -group: flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -B¿ -flowcontrolApiserver_v1beta13partially update status of the specified FlowSchema*0patchFlowcontrolApiserverV1beta1FlowSchemaStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Je -J -200C -A -OK; -9 -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.FlowSchema - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jk -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindHFgroup: flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io -kind: FlowSchema -version: v1beta1 -J7 -53"1pathname of the FlowSchema"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ­ -1/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/pods/{name}/attach÷ – -core_v1%connect GET requests to attach of Pod*#connectCoreV1GetNamespacedPodAttach2*/*:*/*J7 - -401 - - Unauthorized - -200 - -OK - ² -stringRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-group: "" -kind: PodAttachOptions -version: v1 -"˜ -core_v1&connect POST requests to attach of Pod*$connectCoreV1PostNamespacedPodAttach2*/*:*/*J7 - -401 - - Unauthorized - -200 - -OK - ² -stringRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-group: "" -kind: PodAttachOptions -version: v1 -Jœ -™–“querytThe container in which to execute the command. Defaults to only container if there is only one container in the pod." container2string J= -;9"7pathname of the PodAttachOptions"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜Jƒ -€~|query_Stderr if true indicates that stderr is to be redirected for the attach call. Defaults to true."stderr2boolean J -}{query_Stdin if true, redirects the standard input stream of the pod for this call. Defaults to false."stdin2boolean Jƒ -€~|query_Stdout if true indicates that stdout is to be redirected for the attach call. Defaults to true."stdout2boolean Jð -íêçqueryÌTTY if true indicates that a tty will be allocated for the attach call. This is passed through the container runtime so the tty is allocated on the worker node by the container runtime. Defaults to false."tty2boolean á& -/api/v1/servicesÌ&À -core_v1%list or watch objects of kind Service*!listCoreV1ServiceForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*JZ -? -2008 -6 -OK0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ServiceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjI -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind&$group: "" -kind: Service -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Ü -/apis/extensions/Æà - -extensionsget information of a group*getExtensionsAPIGroup2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJi -N -200G -E -OK? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIGroup - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsâ] -(/apis/policy/v1beta1/podsecuritypoliciesµ]®& -policy_v1beta1/list or watch objects of kind PodSecurityPolicy*"listPolicyV1beta1PodSecurityPolicy2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodSecurityPolicyList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -j\ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind97version: v1beta1 -group: policy -kind: PodSecurityPolicy -"Á -policy_v1beta1create a PodSecurityPolicy*$createPolicyV1beta1PodSecurityPolicy2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BO -M -Kbodybody *; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodSecurityPolicyBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JŽ -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodSecurityPolicy -Q -201J -H -Created= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodSecurityPolicy -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodSecurityPolicy - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -j\ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind97version: v1beta1 -group: policy -kind: PodSecurityPolicy -*ì, -policy_v1beta1&delete collection of PodSecurityPolicy*.deletePolicyV1beta1CollectionPodSecurityPolicy2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -j\ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind97group: policy -kind: PodSecurityPolicy -version: v1beta1 -JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string È) -4/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/resourcequotas/{name})ñ -core_v1 read the specified ResourceQuota*!readCoreV1NamespacedResourceQuota2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*J\ -A -200: -8 -OK2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ResourceQuota - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jO -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind,*version: v1 -group: "" -kind: ResourceQuota -À -core_v1#replace the specified ResourceQuota*$replaceCoreV1NamespacedResourceQuota2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BD -B -@bodybody *0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ResourceQuotaBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J¤ -A -200: -8 -OK2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ResourceQuota -F -201? -= -Created2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ResourceQuota - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jO -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind,*group: "" -kind: ResourceQuota -version: v1 -*ó -core_v1delete a ResourceQuota*#deleteCoreV1NamespacedResourceQuota2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J¥ -A -200: -8 -OK2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ResourceQuota -G -202@ -> -Accepted2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ResourceQuota - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -jO -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind,*group: "" -kind: ResourceQuota -version: v1 -Bð -core_v1,partially update the specified ResourceQuota*"patchCoreV1NamespacedResourceQuota2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean J\ - -401 - - Unauthorized -A -200: -8 -OK2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ResourceQuotaRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jO -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind,*group: "" -kind: ResourceQuota -version: v1 -J: -86"4pathname of the ResourceQuota"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ¿. -Q/apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1/validatingwebhookconfigurations/{name}é- -admissionregistration_v1beta11read the specified ValidatingWebhookConfiguration*>readAdmissionregistrationV1beta1ValidatingWebhookConfiguration2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Jƒ -h -200a -_ -OKY -W -U#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1beta1.ValidatingWebhookConfiguration - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -j -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind\Zgroup: admissionregistration.k8s.io -kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration -version: v1beta1 -© - -admissionregistration_v1beta14replace the specified ValidatingWebhookConfiguration*AreplaceAdmissionregistrationV1beta1ValidatingWebhookConfiguration2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Bk -i -gbodybody *W -U#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1beta1.ValidatingWebhookConfigurationBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jò - -401 - - Unauthorized -h -200a -_ -OKY -W -U#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1beta1.ValidatingWebhookConfiguration -m -201f -d -CreatedY -W -U#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1beta1.ValidatingWebhookConfigurationRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind\Zgroup: admissionregistration.k8s.io -kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -*ý -admissionregistration_v1beta1'delete a ValidatingWebhookConfiguration*@deleteAdmissionregistrationV1beta1ValidatingWebhookConfiguration2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -j -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind\Zgroup: admissionregistration.k8s.io -kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration -version: v1beta1 -BŒ -admissionregistration_v1beta1=partially update the specified ValidatingWebhookConfiguration*?patchAdmissionregistrationV1beta1ValidatingWebhookConfiguration2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Jƒ -h -200a -_ -OKY -W -U#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1beta1.ValidatingWebhookConfiguration - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -j -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind\Zgroup: admissionregistration.k8s.io -kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration -version: v1beta1 -JK -IG"Epath*name of the ValidatingWebhookConfiguration"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ¸( -group: scheduling.k8s.io -kind: PriorityClass -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionget - -scheduling_v1beta1#replace the specified PriorityClass*%replaceSchedulingV1beta1PriorityClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BO -M -Kbodybody *; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.scheduling.v1beta1.PriorityClassBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jº -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.scheduling.v1beta1.PriorityClass -Q -201J -H -Created= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.scheduling.v1beta1.PriorityClass - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jc -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind@>group: scheduling.k8s.io -kind: PriorityClass -version: v1beta1 -*© -scheduling_v1beta1delete a PriorityClass*$deleteSchedulingV1beta1PriorityClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjc -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind@>group: scheduling.k8s.io -kind: PriorityClass -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-action delete -B› -scheduling_v1beta1,partially update the specified PriorityClass*#patchSchedulingV1beta1PriorityClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.scheduling.v1beta1.PriorityClass - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjc -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind@>group: scheduling.k8s.io -kind: PriorityClass -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -J: -86"4pathname of the PriorityClass"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ³) -7/apis/apps/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/deployments/{name}÷(ç -apps_v1read the specified Deployment*readAppsV1NamespacedDeployment2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*JY -> -2007 -5 -OK/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.Deployment - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jN -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind+)group: apps -kind: Deployment -version: v1 -° -apps_v1 replace the specified Deployment*!replaceAppsV1NamespacedDeployment2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BA -? -=bodybody *- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DeploymentBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jž -C -201< -: -Created/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.Deployment - -401 - - Unauthorized -> -2007 -5 -OK/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DeploymentRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jN -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind+)kind: Deployment -version: v1 -group: apps -*‚ -apps_v1delete a Deployment* deleteAppsV1NamespacedDeployment2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjN -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind+)version: v1 -group: apps -kind: Deployment -j -x-kubernetes-action delete -Bæ -apps_v1)partially update the specified Deployment*patchAppsV1NamespacedDeployment2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean JY -> -2007 -5 -OK/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.Deployment - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjN -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind+)group: apps -kind: Deployment -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -J7 -53"1pathname of the Deployment"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ù -/apis/certificates.k8s.io/v1/×Ô -certificates_v1get available resources*getCertificatesV1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsé -/apis/coordination.k8s.io/ÊÇ - coordinationget information of a group*getCoordinationAPIGroup2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJi -N -200G -E -OK? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIGroup - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttps´' -*/apis/networking.k8s.io/v1/networkpolicies…'ù - networking_v1+list or watch objects of kind NetworkPolicy*-listNetworkingV1NetworkPolicyForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jf -K -200D -B -OK< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.NetworkPolicyList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -j^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9group: networking.k8s.io -kind: NetworkPolicy -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Â] -+/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1beta1/storageclasses’]¥& -storage_v1beta1*list or watch objects of kind StorageClass*listStorageV1beta1StorageClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Jg - -401 - - Unauthorized -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.StorageClassListRhttpsj_ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind<:group: storage.k8s.io -kind: StorageClass -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionlist -"¬ -storage_v1beta1create a StorageClass* createStorageV1beta1StorageClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BK -I -Gbodybody *7 -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.StorageClassBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J‚ -N -202G -E -Accepted9 -7 -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.StorageClass - -401 - - Unauthorized -H -200A -? -OK9 -7 -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.StorageClass -M -201F -D -Created9 -7 -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.StorageClassRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -j_ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind<:version: v1beta1 -group: storage.k8s.io -kind: StorageClass -*ç, -storage_v1beta1!delete collection of StorageClass**deleteStorageV1beta1CollectionStorageClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -j_ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind<:group: storage.k8s.io -kind: StorageClass -version: v1beta1 -JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Ü' -/api/v1/watch/limitranges¾'² -core_v1vwatch individual changes to a list of LimitRange. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*)watchCoreV1LimitRangeListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjL -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind)'version: v1 -group: "" -kind: LimitRange -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Û( -3/api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/resourcequotas£(µ -core_v1ywatch individual changes to a list of ResourceQuota. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*&watchCoreV1NamespacedResourceQuotaList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjO -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind,*kind: ResourceQuota -version: v1 -group: "" -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ê* -F/apis/discovery.k8s.io/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/endpointslices/{name}Ÿ*Ž - discovery_v1 read the specified EndpointSlice*&readDiscoveryV1NamespacedEndpointSlice2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Ja -F -200? -= -OK7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.discovery.v1.EndpointSlice - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -j] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: discovery.k8s.io -kind: EndpointSlice -version: v1 -ç - discovery_v1#replace the specified EndpointSlice*)replaceDiscoveryV1NamespacedEndpointSlice2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BI -G -Ebodybody *5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.discovery.v1.EndpointSliceBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J® -F -200? -= -OK7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.discovery.v1.EndpointSlice -K -201D -B -Created7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.discovery.v1.EndpointSlice - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -j] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: discovery.k8s.io -kind: EndpointSlice -version: v1 -*¢ - discovery_v1delete an EndpointSlice*(deleteDiscoveryV1NamespacedEndpointSlice2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -j] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: discovery.k8s.io -kind: EndpointSlice -version: v1 -B - discovery_v1,partially update the specified EndpointSlice*'patchDiscoveryV1NamespacedEndpointSlice2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Ja -F -200? -= -OK7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.discovery.v1.EndpointSlice - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: discovery.k8s.io -kind: EndpointSlice -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -J: -86"4pathname of the EndpointSlice"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ú' -(/apis/events.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/eventsÍ'Á -events_v1beta1qwatch individual changes to a list of Event. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*+watchEventsV1beta1EventListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: events.k8s.io -kind: Event -version: v1beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean © -5/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/services/{name}/statusïé -core_v1$read status of the specified Service*!readCoreV1NamespacedServiceStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*JV -; -2004 -2 -OK, -* -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Service - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jI -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind&$group: "" -kind: Service -version: v1 -¬ -core_v1'replace status of the specified Service*$replaceCoreV1NamespacedServiceStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B> -< -:bodybody ** -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ServiceBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J˜ -; -2004 -2 -OK, -* -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Service -@ -2019 -7 -Created, -* -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Service - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jI -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind&$group: "" -kind: Service -version: v1 -Bè -core_v10partially update status of the specified Service*"patchCoreV1NamespacedServiceStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean JV -; -2004 -2 -OK, -* -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Service - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjI -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind&$group: "" -kind: Service -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -J4 -20".pathname of the Service"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ã- -L/apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1/validatingwebhookconfigurations/{name}’-ø -admissionregistration_v11read the specified ValidatingWebhookConfiguration*9readAdmissionregistrationV1ValidatingWebhookConfiguration2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*J~ -c -200\ -Z -OKT -R -P#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1.ValidatingWebhookConfiguration - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jz -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindWUgroup: admissionregistration.k8s.io -kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration -version: v1 -‹ - -admissionregistration_v14replace the specified ValidatingWebhookConfiguration* -< -OK6 -4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjX -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind53kind: Ingress -version: v1 -group: networking.k8s.io -j -x-kubernetes-actionlist -"† - networking_v1create an Ingress*#createNetworkingV1NamespacedIngress2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BD -B -@bodybody *0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jí -A -200: -8 -OK2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.Ingress -F -201? -= -Created2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.Ingress -G -202@ -> -Accepted2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.Ingress - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jX -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind53group: networking.k8s.io -kind: Ingress -version: v1 -*Ü, - networking_v1delete collection of Ingress*-deleteNetworkingV1CollectionNamespacedIngress2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -jX -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind53group: networking.k8s.io -kind: Ingress -version: v1 -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ú) -B/api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/replicationcontrollers/{name}³) -core_v1¼watch changes to an object of kind ReplicationController. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.**watchCoreV1NamespacedReplicationController2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk - -401 - - Unauthorized -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEventRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -jW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42version: v1 -group: "" -kind: ReplicationController -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JB -@>"<path!name of the ReplicationController"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ·' --/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1/roles…'ù -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1"list or watch objects of kind Role*0listRbacAuthorizationV1beta1RoleForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*J\ -A -200: -8 -OK2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.RoleList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: Role -version: v1beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ` -I/apis/autoscaling/v2beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/horizontalpodautoscalersÏ_ä& -autoscaling_v2beta15list or watch objects of kind HorizontalPodAutoscaler*7listAutoscalingV2beta1NamespacedHorizontalPodAutoscaler2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Jv -[ -200T -R -OKL -J -H#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.HorizontalPodAutoscalerList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jg -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindDBversion: v2beta1 -group: autoscaling -kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -"˜ - -autoscaling_v2beta1 create a HorizontalPodAutoscaler*9createAutoscalingV2beta1NamespacedHorizontalPodAutoscaler2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BZ -X -Vbodybody *F -D#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.HorizontalPodAutoscalerBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J¯ -W -200P -N -OKH -F -D#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.HorizontalPodAutoscaler -\ -201U -S -CreatedH -F -D#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.HorizontalPodAutoscaler -] -202V -T -AcceptedH -F -D#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.HorizontalPodAutoscaler - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jg -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindDBgroup: autoscaling -kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -version: v2beta1 -*—- -autoscaling_v2beta1,delete collection of HorizontalPodAutoscaler*CdeleteAutoscalingV2beta1CollectionNamespacedHorizontalPodAutoscaler2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -jg -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindDBversion: v2beta1 -group: autoscaling -kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ó -/apis/networking.k8s.io/v1/ÓÐ - networking_v1get available resources*getNetworkingV1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttps¢_ -K/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/rolebindingsÒ^Ç& -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1)list or watch objects of kind RoleBinding*1listRbacAuthorizationV1beta1NamespacedRoleBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Jc -H -200A -? -OK9 -7 -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.RoleBindingList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -ji -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindFDgroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: RoleBinding -version: v1beta1 -" -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1create a RoleBinding*3createRbacAuthorizationV1beta1NamespacedRoleBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BG -E -Cbodybody *3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.RoleBindingBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jö -D -200= -; -OK5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.RoleBinding -I -201B -@ -Created5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.RoleBinding -J -202C -A -Accepted5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.RoleBinding - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -ji -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindFDversion: v1beta1 -group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: RoleBinding -*- -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1 delete collection of RoleBinding*=deleteRbacAuthorizationV1beta1CollectionNamespacedRoleBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -ji -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindFDkind: RoleBinding -version: v1beta1 -group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ‘ -%/apis/apiregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1/çä -apiregistration_v1beta1get available resources*%getApiregistrationV1beta1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsÓ( -5/apis/apps/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/daemonsets™(« -apps_v1uwatch individual changes to a list of DaemonSet. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*"watchAppsV1NamespacedDaemonSetList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjM -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind*(group: apps -kind: DaemonSet -version: v1 -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ×( -6/apis/apps/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/deploymentsœ(® -apps_v1vwatch individual changes to a list of Deployment. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*#watchAppsV1NamespacedDeploymentList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjN -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind+)group: apps -kind: Deployment -version: v1 -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ž -R/apis/autoscaling/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/horizontalpodautoscalers/{name}/statusÇÇ -autoscaling_v14read status of the specified HorizontalPodAutoscaler*8readAutoscalingV1NamespacedHorizontalPodAutoscalerStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Jm -R -200K -I -OKC -A -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.HorizontalPodAutoscaler - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -version: v1 -group: autoscaling -j -x-kubernetes-actionget -¸ -autoscaling_v17replace status of the specified HorizontalPodAutoscaler*;replaceAutoscalingV1NamespacedHorizontalPodAutoscalerStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BU -S -Qbodybody *A -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.HorizontalPodAutoscalerBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JÆ -R -200K -I -OKC -A -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.HorizontalPodAutoscaler -W -201P -N -CreatedC -A -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.HorizontalPodAutoscaler - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=version: v1 -group: autoscaling -kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -BÆ -autoscaling_v1@partially update status of the specified HorizontalPodAutoscaler*9patchAutoscalingV1NamespacedHorizontalPodAutoscalerStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Jm -R -200K -I -OKC -A -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.HorizontalPodAutoscaler - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=group: autoscaling -kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -version: v1 -JD -B@">path#name of the HorizontalPodAutoscaler"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string À] -//apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/clusterrolesŒ]©& -rbacAuthorization_v1)list or watch objects of kind ClusterRole*"listRbacAuthorizationV1ClusterRole2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean J^ -C -200< -: -OK4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.ClusterRoleList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jd -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindA?group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: ClusterRole -version: v1 -"• -rbacAuthorization_v1create a ClusterRole*$createRbacAuthorizationV1ClusterRole2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BB -@ ->bodybody *. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.ClusterRoleBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jç -E -202> -< -Accepted0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.ClusterRole - -401 - - Unauthorized -? -2008 -6 -OK0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.ClusterRole -D -201= -; -Created0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.ClusterRoleRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jd -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindA?group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: ClusterRole -version: v1 -*ô, -rbacAuthorization_v1 delete collection of ClusterRole*.deleteRbacAuthorizationV1CollectionClusterRole2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjd -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindA?version: v1 -group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: ClusterRole -j* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ³) -7/apis/apps/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/replicasets/{name}÷(ç -apps_v1read the specified ReplicaSet*readAppsV1NamespacedReplicaSet2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*JY - -401 - - Unauthorized -> -2007 -5 -OK/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ReplicaSetRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jN -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind+)group: apps -kind: ReplicaSet -version: v1 -° -apps_v1 replace the specified ReplicaSet*!replaceAppsV1NamespacedReplicaSet2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BA -? -=bodybody *- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ReplicaSetBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jž -> -2007 -5 -OK/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ReplicaSet -C -201< -: -Created/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ReplicaSet - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jN -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind+)kind: ReplicaSet -version: v1 -group: apps -*‚ -apps_v1delete a ReplicaSet* deleteAppsV1NamespacedReplicaSet2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjN -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind+)group: apps -kind: ReplicaSet -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-action delete -Bæ -apps_v1)partially update the specified ReplicaSet*patchAppsV1NamespacedReplicaSet2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean JY -> -2007 -5 -OK/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ReplicaSet - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jN -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind+)group: apps -kind: ReplicaSet -version: v1 -J7 -53"1pathname of the ReplicaSet"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ‡' -/apis/batch/v1beta1/cronjobsæ&Ú - batch_v1beta1%list or watch objects of kind CronJob*'listBatchV1beta1CronJobForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*J` -E -200> -< -OK6 -4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1beta1.CronJobList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjQ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind.,group: batch -kind: CronJob -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean £* -5/apis/networking.k8s.io/v1beta1/ingressclasses/{name}é)˜ -networking_v1beta1read the specified IngressClass*!readNetworkingV1beta1IngressClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Jf -K -200D -B -OK< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.IngressClass - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=group: networking.k8s.io -kind: IngressClass -version: v1beta1 -û -networking_v1beta1"replace the specified IngressClass*$replaceNetworkingV1beta1IngressClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.IngressClassBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J¸ -K -200D -B -OK< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.IngressClass -P -201I -G -Created< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.IngressClass - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=group: networking.k8s.io -kind: IngressClass -version: v1beta1 -*§ -networking_v1beta1delete an IngressClass*#deleteNetworkingV1beta1IngressClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=group: networking.k8s.io -kind: IngressClass -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-action delete -B— -networking_v1beta1+partially update the specified IngressClass*"patchNetworkingV1beta1IngressClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Jf -K -200D -B -OK< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.IngressClass - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=group: networking.k8s.io -kind: IngressClass -version: v1beta1 -J9 -75"3pathname of the IngressClass"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Ü+ -G/apis/policy/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/poddisruptionbudgets/{name}+§ -policy_v1beta1&read the specified PodDisruptionBudget*.readPolicyV1beta1NamespacedPodDisruptionBudget2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Ji -N -200G -E -OK? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodDisruptionBudget - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -j^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9group: policy -kind: PodDisruptionBudget -version: v1beta1 - -policy_v1beta1)replace the specified PodDisruptionBudget*1replacePolicyV1beta1NamespacedPodDisruptionBudget2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BQ -O -Mbodybody *= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodDisruptionBudgetBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J¾ - -401 - - Unauthorized -N -200G -E -OK? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodDisruptionBudget -S -201L -J -Created? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodDisruptionBudgetRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -j^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9group: policy -kind: PodDisruptionBudget -version: v1beta1 -*² -policy_v1beta1delete a PodDisruptionBudget*0deletePolicyV1beta1NamespacedPodDisruptionBudget2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» - -401 - - Unauthorized -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.StatusRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -j^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9version: v1beta1 -group: policy -kind: PodDisruptionBudget -B¦ -policy_v1beta12partially update the specified PodDisruptionBudget*/patchPolicyV1beta1NamespacedPodDisruptionBudget2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Ji -N -200G -E -OK? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodDisruptionBudget - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -j^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9group: policy -kind: PodDisruptionBudget -version: v1beta1 -J@ -><":pathname of the PodDisruptionBudget"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ‹( -1/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/storageclassesÕ'É -storage_v1beta1xwatch individual changes to a list of StorageClass. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*#watchStorageV1beta1StorageClassList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -j_ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind<:group: storage.k8s.io -kind: StorageClass -version: v1beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean û -/apis/extensions/v1beta1/ÝÚ -extensions_v1beta1get available resources* getExtensionsV1beta1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttps½^ -6/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1beta1/flowschemas‚^É& -flowcontrolApiserver_v1beta1(list or watch objects of kind FlowSchema*)listFlowcontrolApiserverV1beta1FlowSchema2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Ji -N -200G -E -OK? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.FlowSchemaList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jk -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindHFgroup: flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io -kind: FlowSchema -version: v1beta1 -"Ö -flowcontrolApiserver_v1beta1create a FlowSchema*+createFlowcontrolApiserverV1beta1FlowSchema2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BM -K -Ibodybody *9 -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.FlowSchemaBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jˆ -J -200C -A -OK; -9 -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.FlowSchema -O -201H -F -Created; -9 -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.FlowSchema -P -202I -G -Accepted; -9 -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.FlowSchema - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jk -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindHFgroup: flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io -kind: FlowSchema -version: v1beta1 -*‰- -flowcontrolApiserver_v1beta1delete collection of FlowSchema*5deleteFlowcontrolApiserverV1beta1CollectionFlowSchema2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -jk -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindHFgroup: flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io -kind: FlowSchema -version: v1beta1 -JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ˜ -(/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1/ëè -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1get available resources*'getRbacAuthorizationV1beta1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp - -401 - - Unauthorized -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceListRhttps( -./apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/watch/rolesÝ'Ñ -rbacAuthorization_v1pwatch individual changes to a list of Role. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*0watchRbacAuthorizationV1RoleListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk - -401 - - Unauthorized -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEventRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -j] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: Role -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ý& -/apis/apps/v1/statefulsetsÞ&Ò -apps_v1)list or watch objects of kind StatefulSet*%listAppsV1StatefulSetForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*J^ -C -200< -: -OK4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.StatefulSetList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jO -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind,*group: apps -kind: StatefulSet -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean à -/apis/discovery.k8s.io/ÄÁ - discoveryget information of a group*getDiscoveryAPIGroup2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJi -N -200G -E -OK? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIGroup - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttps™) -J/apis/discovery.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/endpointslicesÊ(Ü -discovery_v1beta1ywatch individual changes to a list of EndpointSlice. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*0watchDiscoveryV1beta1NamespacedEndpointSliceList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk - -401 - - Unauthorized -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEventRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=group: discovery.k8s.io -kind: EndpointSlice -version: v1beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ‹* -B/apis/networking.k8s.io/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/ingresses/{name}Ä)ú - networking_v1read the specified Ingress*!readNetworkingV1NamespacedIngress2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*J\ -A -200: -8 -OK2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.Ingress - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjX -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind53group: networking.k8s.io -kind: Ingress -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionget -É - networking_v1replace the specified Ingress*$replaceNetworkingV1NamespacedIngress2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BD -B -@bodybody *0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J¤ -A -200: -8 -OK2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.Ingress -F -201? -= -Created2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.Ingress - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jX -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind53group: networking.k8s.io -kind: Ingress -version: v1 -*“ - networking_v1delete an Ingress*#deleteNetworkingV1NamespacedIngress2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -jX -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind53version: v1 -group: networking.k8s.io -kind: Ingress -Bù - networking_v1&partially update the specified Ingress*"patchNetworkingV1NamespacedIngress2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean J\ -A -200: -8 -OK2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.Ingress - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjX -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind53kind: Ingress -version: v1 -group: networking.k8s.io -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -J4 -20".pathname of the Ingress"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Ô -/api/v1/ÇÄ -core_v1get available resources*getCoreV1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttps¦] -0/apis/apps/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/replicasetsñ\€& -apps_v1(list or watch objects of kind ReplicaSet*listAppsV1NamespacedReplicaSet2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean J] -B -200; -9 -OK3 -1 -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ReplicaSetList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjN -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind+)kind: ReplicaSet -version: v1 -group: apps -j -x-kubernetes-actionlist -"é -apps_v1create a ReplicaSet* createAppsV1NamespacedReplicaSet2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BA -? -=bodybody *- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ReplicaSetBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jä -> -2007 -5 -OK/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ReplicaSet -C -201< -: -Created/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ReplicaSet -D -202= -; -Accepted/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ReplicaSet - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjN -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind+)version: v1 -group: apps -kind: ReplicaSet -j -x-kubernetes-actionpost -*Ì, -apps_v1delete collection of ReplicaSet**deleteAppsV1CollectionNamespacedReplicaSet2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjN -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind+)version: v1 -group: apps -kind: ReplicaSet -j* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string â+ ->/apis/certificates.k8s.io/v1/certificatesigningrequests/{name}Ÿ+À -certificates_v1,read the specified CertificateSigningRequest*+readCertificatesV1CertificateSigningRequest2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Jp - -401 - - Unauthorized -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1.CertificateSigningRequestRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jl -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindIGgroup: certificates.k8s.io -kind: CertificateSigningRequest -version: v1 -· -certificates_v1/replace the specified CertificateSigningRequest*.replaceCertificatesV1CertificateSigningRequest2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BX -V -Tbodybody *D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1.CertificateSigningRequestBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JÌ -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1.CertificateSigningRequest -Z -201S -Q -CreatedF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1.CertificateSigningRequest - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jl -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindIGgroup: certificates.k8s.io -kind: CertificateSigningRequest -version: v1 -*Ä -certificates_v1"delete a CertificateSigningRequest*-deleteCertificatesV1CertificateSigningRequest2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -jl -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindIGgroup: certificates.k8s.io -kind: CertificateSigningRequest -version: v1 -B¿ -certificates_v18partially update the specified CertificateSigningRequest*,patchCertificatesV1CertificateSigningRequest2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Jp -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1.CertificateSigningRequest - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jl -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindIGgroup: certificates.k8s.io -kind: CertificateSigningRequest -version: v1 -JF -DB"@path%name of the CertificateSigningRequest"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string  ^ -9/apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/ingressesâ] & -extensions_v1beta1%list or watch objects of kind Ingress*&listExtensionsV1beta1NamespacedIngress2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Je -J -200C -A -OK; -9 -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.extensions.v1beta1.IngressList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jV -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind31group: extensions -kind: Ingress -version: v1beta1 -"¢ -extensions_v1beta1create an Ingress*(createExtensionsV1beta1NamespacedIngress2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BI -G -Ebodybody *5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.extensions.v1beta1.IngressBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jü -F -200? -= -OK7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.extensions.v1beta1.Ingress -K -201D -B -Created7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.extensions.v1beta1.Ingress -L -202E -C -Accepted7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.extensions.v1beta1.Ingress - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jV -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind31group: extensions -kind: Ingress -version: v1beta1 -*ä, -extensions_v1beta1delete collection of Ingress*2deleteExtensionsV1beta1CollectionNamespacedIngress2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -jV -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind31group: extensions -kind: Ingress -version: v1beta1 -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Þ( -&/api/v1/watch/persistentvolumes/{name}³(è -core_v1·watch changes to an object of kind PersistentVolume. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*watchCoreV1PersistentVolume2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk - -401 - - Unauthorized -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEventRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -jR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-group: "" -kind: PersistentVolume -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J= -;9"7pathname of the PersistentVolume"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ‰( -$/api/v1/watch/replicationcontrollersà'Ô -core_v1watch individual changes to a list of ReplicationController. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*4watchCoreV1ReplicationControllerListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: "" -kind: ReplicationController -version: v1 -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ø& -/apis/apps/v1/deploymentsÚ&Î -apps_v1(list or watch objects of kind Deployment*$listAppsV1DeploymentForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*J] -B -200; -9 -OK3 -1 -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DeploymentList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjN -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind+)version: v1 -group: apps -kind: Deployment -j -x-kubernetes-actionlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean é -/apis/certificates.k8s.io/ÊÇ - certificatesget information of a group*getCertificatesAPIGroup2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJi -N -200G -E -OK? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIGroup - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttps„_ -7/apis/certificates.k8s.io/v1/certificatesigningrequestsÈ^Ù& -certificates_v17list or watch objects of kind CertificateSigningRequest*+listCertificatesV1CertificateSigningRequest2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Jt -Y -200R -P -OKJ -H -F#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1.CertificateSigningRequestList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jl -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindIGgroup: certificates.k8s.io -kind: CertificateSigningRequest -version: v1 -"‡ - -certificates_v1"create a CertificateSigningRequest*-createCertificatesV1CertificateSigningRequest2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BX -V -Tbodybody *D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1.CertificateSigningRequestBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J© -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1.CertificateSigningRequest -Z -201S -Q -CreatedF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1.CertificateSigningRequest -[ -202T -R -AcceptedF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1.CertificateSigningRequest - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jl -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindIGkind: CertificateSigningRequest -version: v1 -group: certificates.k8s.io -*Ž- -certificates_v1.delete collection of CertificateSigningRequest*7deleteCertificatesV1CollectionCertificateSigningRequest2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjl -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindIGgroup: certificates.k8s.io -kind: CertificateSigningRequest -version: v1 -j* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ø( -?/apis/extensions/v1beta1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/ingresses´(Æ -extensions_v1beta1swatch individual changes to a list of Ingress. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*+watchExtensionsV1beta1NamespacedIngressList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk - -401 - - Unauthorized -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEventRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jV -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind31group: extensions -kind: Ingress -version: v1beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean à -/apis/policy/v1/ËÈ - policy_v1get available resources*getPolicyV1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsã -/apis/scheduling.k8s.io/Æà - -schedulingget information of a group*getSchedulingAPIGroup2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJi -N -200G -E -OK? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIGroup - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttps³) -Q/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/rolebindingsÝ(ï -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1wwatch individual changes to a list of RoleBinding. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*6watchRbacAuthorizationV1beta1NamespacedRoleBindingList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsji -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindFDgroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: RoleBinding -version: v1beta1 -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ´ -4/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/services/{name}/proxyûŸ -core_v1(connect GET requests to proxy of Service*&connectCoreV1GetNamespacedServiceProxy2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jU -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind20group: "" -kind: ServiceProxyOptions -version: v1 -Ÿ -core_v1(connect PUT requests to proxy of Service*&connectCoreV1PutNamespacedServiceProxy2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jU -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind20version: v1 -group: "" -kind: ServiceProxyOptions -"¡ -core_v1)connect POST requests to proxy of Service*'connectCoreV1PostNamespacedServiceProxy2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjU -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind20group: "" -kind: ServiceProxyOptions -version: v1 -j! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -*¥ -core_v1+connect DELETE requests to proxy of Service*)connectCoreV1DeleteNamespacedServiceProxy2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jU -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind20group: "" -kind: ServiceProxyOptions -version: v1 -2§ -core_v1,connect OPTIONS requests to proxy of Service**connectCoreV1OptionsNamespacedServiceProxy2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jU -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind20group: "" -kind: ServiceProxyOptions -version: v1 -:¡ -core_v1)connect HEAD requests to proxy of Service*'connectCoreV1HeadNamespacedServiceProxy2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjU -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind20group: "" -kind: ServiceProxyOptions -version: v1 -j! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -B£ -core_v1*connect PATCH requests to proxy of Service*(connectCoreV1PatchNamespacedServiceProxy2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjU -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind20kind: ServiceProxyOptions -version: v1 -group: "" -j! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -J@ -><":pathname of the ServiceProxyOptions"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JÐ -ÍÊÇquery¬Path is the part of URLs that include service endpoints, suffixes, and parameters to use for the current proxy request to service. For example, the whole request URL is http://localhost/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/elasticsearch-logging/_search?q=user:kimchy. Path is _search?q=user:kimchy."path2string Ü' -/apis/batch/v1/watch/cronjobsº'® -batch_v1swatch individual changes to a list of CronJob. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*'watchBatchV1CronJobListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jL -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind)'group: batch -kind: CronJob -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean × -/apis/events.k8s.io/¾» -eventsget information of a group*getEventsAPIGroup2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJi -N -200G -E -OK? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIGroup - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttps…( -(/apis/extensions/v1beta1/watch/ingressesØ'Ì -extensions_v1beta1swatch individual changes to a list of Ingress. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*1watchExtensionsV1beta1IngressListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jV -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind31group: extensions -kind: Ingress -version: v1beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ×^ -F/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/rolebindingsŒ^³& -rbacAuthorization_v1)list or watch objects of kind RoleBinding*,listRbacAuthorizationV1NamespacedRoleBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean J^ -C -200< -: -OK4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.RoleBindingList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjd -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindA?version: v1 -group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: RoleBinding -j -x-kubernetes-actionlist -"Ÿ -rbacAuthorization_v1create a RoleBinding*.createRbacAuthorizationV1NamespacedRoleBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BB -@ ->bodybody *. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.RoleBindingBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jç -D -201= -; -Created0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.RoleBinding -E -202> -< -Accepted0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.RoleBinding - -401 - - Unauthorized -? -2008 -6 -OK0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.RoleBindingRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jd -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindA?kind: RoleBinding -version: v1 -group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -*þ, -rbacAuthorization_v1 delete collection of RoleBinding*8deleteRbacAuthorizationV1CollectionNamespacedRoleBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -jd -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindA?group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: RoleBinding -version: v1 -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string œ( -5/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/watch/clusterrolesâ'Ö -rbacAuthorization_v1wwatch individual changes to a list of ClusterRole. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*'watchRbacAuthorizationV1ClusterRoleList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jd -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindA?version: v1 -group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: ClusterRole -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean æ( - /api/v1/persistentvolumes/{name}Á(ó -core_v1#read the specified PersistentVolume*readCoreV1PersistentVolume2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*J_ -D -200= -; -OK5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolume - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-group: "" -kind: PersistentVolume -version: v1 -È -core_v1&replace the specified PersistentVolume*replaceCoreV1PersistentVolume2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BG -E -Cbodybody *3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jª -D -200= -; -OK5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolume -I -201B -@ -Created5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolume - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-group: "" -kind: PersistentVolume -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -*ø -core_v1delete a PersistentVolume*deleteCoreV1PersistentVolume2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J« -D -200= -; -OK5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolume -J -202C -A -Accepted5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolume - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-group: "" -kind: PersistentVolume -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-action delete -Bò -core_v1/partially update the specified PersistentVolume*patchCoreV1PersistentVolume2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean J_ -D -200= -; -OK5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolume - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-group: "" -kind: PersistentVolume -version: v1 -J= -;9"7pathname of the PersistentVolume"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Æ) - -< -Created1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.node.v1.RuntimeClass -F -202? -= -Accepted1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.node.v1.RuntimeClass - -401 - - Unauthorized -@ -2009 -7 -OK1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.node.v1.RuntimeClassRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: node.k8s.io -kind: RuntimeClass -version: v1 -*Ï, -node_v1!delete collection of RuntimeClass*"deleteNodeV1CollectionRuntimeClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42kind: RuntimeClass -version: v1 -group: node.k8s.io -j* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ±\ -#/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/pods‰\â% -core_v1!list or watch objects of kind Pod*listCoreV1NamespacedPod2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean JV - -401 - - Unauthorized -; -2004 -2 -OK, -* -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodListRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jE -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind" group: "" -kind: Pod -version: v1 -"¶ -core_v1 create a Pod*createCoreV1NamespacedPod2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B: -8 -6bodybody *& -$#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JÏ - -401 - - Unauthorized -7 -2000 -. -OK( -& -$#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Pod -< -2015 -3 -Created( -& -$#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Pod -= -2026 -4 -Accepted( -& -$#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodRhttpsjE -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind" kind: Pod -version: v1 -group: "" -j -x-kubernetes-actionpost -*µ, -core_v1delete collection of Pod*#deleteCoreV1CollectionNamespacedPod2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -jE -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind" group: "" -kind: Pod -version: v1 -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Þ\ -&/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/secrets³\î% -core_v1$list or watch objects of kind Secret*listCoreV1NamespacedSecret2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean JY -> -2007 -5 -OK/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.SecretList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jH -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind%#group: "" -kind: Secret -version: v1 -"Ë -core_v1create a Secret*createCoreV1NamespacedSecret2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B= -; -9bodybody *) -'#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.SecretBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JØ -: -2003 -1 -OK+ -) -'#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Secret -? -2018 -6 -Created+ -) -'#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Secret -@ -2029 -7 -Accepted+ -) -'#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Secret - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jH -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind%#version: v1 -group: "" -kind: Secret -*¾, -core_v1delete collection of Secret*&deleteCoreV1CollectionNamespacedSecret2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -jH -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind%#group: "" -kind: Secret -version: v1 -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Á) -D/apis/certificates.k8s.io/v1/watch/certificatesigningrequests/{name}ø(¤ -certificates_v1Àwatch changes to an object of kind CertificateSigningRequest. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*,watchCertificatesV1CertificateSigningRequest2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -jl -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindIGgroup: certificates.k8s.io -kind: CertificateSigningRequest -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JF -DB"@path%name of the CertificateSigningRequest"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ï -/apis/policy/v1beta1/ÕÒ -policy_v1beta1get available resources*getPolicyV1beta1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttps–) -=/apis/apiregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/apiservices/{name}Ô( -apiregistration_v1beta1±watch changes to an object of kind APIService. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*%watchApiregistrationV1beta1APIService2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsje -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindB@version: v1beta1 -kind: APIService -group: apiregistration.k8s.io -j -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J7 -53"1pathname of the APIService"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Ù( -:/apis/events.k8s.io/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/eventsš(¬ - events_v1qwatch individual changes to a list of Event. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.* watchEventsV1NamespacedEventList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-group: events.k8s.io -kind: Event -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ú( -,/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1beta1/csinodes/{name}É(ø -storage_v1beta1read the specified CSINode*readStorageV1beta1CSINode2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*J^ -C -200< -: -OK4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSINode - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jZ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind75group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSINode -version: v1beta1 -Ë -storage_v1beta1replace the specified CSINode*replaceStorageV1beta1CSINode2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BF -D -Bbodybody *2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSINodeBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J¨ -C -200< -: -OK4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSINode -H -201A -? -Created4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSINode - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jZ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind75group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSINode -version: v1beta1 -*ü -storage_v1beta1delete a CSINode*deleteStorageV1beta1CSINode2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J© -I -202B -@ -Accepted4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSINode - -401 - - Unauthorized -C -200< -: -OK4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSINodeRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -jZ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind75group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSINode -version: v1beta1 -B÷ -storage_v1beta1&partially update the specified CSINode*patchStorageV1beta1CSINode2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean J^ -C -200< -: -OK4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSINode - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jZ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind75kind: CSINode -version: v1beta1 -group: storage.k8s.io -J4 -20".pathname of the CSINode"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ö) -6/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/clusterroles/{name}») -rbacAuthorization_v1read the specified ClusterRole*"readRbacAuthorizationV1ClusterRole2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*JZ -? -2008 -6 -OK0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.ClusterRole - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jd -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindA?group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: ClusterRole -version: v1 -Û -rbacAuthorization_v1!replace the specified ClusterRole*%replaceRbacAuthorizationV1ClusterRole2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BB -@ ->bodybody *. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.ClusterRoleBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J  -? -2008 -6 -OK0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.ClusterRole -D -201= -; -Created0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.ClusterRole - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjd -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindA?group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: ClusterRole -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -*ª -rbacAuthorization_v1delete a ClusterRole*$deleteRbacAuthorizationV1ClusterRole2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -jd -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindA?group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: ClusterRole -version: v1 -B -rbacAuthorization_v1*partially update the specified ClusterRole*#patchRbacAuthorizationV1ClusterRole2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean JZ -? -2008 -6 -OK0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.ClusterRole - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jd -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindA?kind: ClusterRole -version: v1 -group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -J8 -64"2pathname of the ClusterRole"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ž' -(/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/rolesñ&å -rbacAuthorization_v1"list or watch objects of kind Role*+listRbacAuthorizationV1RoleForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*JW -< -2005 -3 -OK- -+ -)#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.RoleList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -j] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: Role -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean À( -:/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/rolebindings(õ -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1wwatch individual changes to a list of RoleBinding. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*bodybody *. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.StatefulSetBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J  -? -2008 -6 -OK0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.StatefulSet -D -201= -; -Created0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.StatefulSet - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjO -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind,*group: apps -kind: StatefulSet -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -*… -apps_v1delete a StatefulSet*!deleteAppsV1NamespacedStatefulSet2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -jO -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind,*group: apps -kind: StatefulSet -version: v1 -Bê -apps_v1*partially update the specified StatefulSet* patchAppsV1NamespacedStatefulSet2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean JZ -? -2008 -6 -OK0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.StatefulSet - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jO -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind,*version: v1 -group: apps -kind: StatefulSet -J8 -64"2pathname of the StatefulSet"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string è' - /apis/apps/v1/watch/statefulsetsÃ'· -apps_v1wwatch individual changes to a list of StatefulSet. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.**watchAppsV1StatefulSetListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjO -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind,*group: apps -kind: StatefulSet -version: v1 -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean é -W/apis/autoscaling/v2beta2/namespaces/{namespace}/horizontalpodautoscalers/{name}/statusÛ -autoscaling_v2beta24read status of the specified HorizontalPodAutoscaler*=readAutoscalingV2beta2NamespacedHorizontalPodAutoscalerStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Jr -W -200P -N -OKH -F -D#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.HorizontalPodAutoscaler - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jg -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindDBgroup: autoscaling -kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -version: v2beta2 -Ö -autoscaling_v2beta27replace status of the specified HorizontalPodAutoscaler*@replaceAutoscalingV2beta2NamespacedHorizontalPodAutoscalerStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BZ -X -Vbodybody *F -D#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.HorizontalPodAutoscalerBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JÐ -W -200P -N -OKH -F -D#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.HorizontalPodAutoscaler -\ -201U -S -CreatedH -F -D#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.HorizontalPodAutoscaler - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjg -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindDBkind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -version: v2beta2 -group: autoscaling -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -BÚ -autoscaling_v2beta2@partially update status of the specified HorizontalPodAutoscaler*>patchAutoscalingV2beta2NamespacedHorizontalPodAutoscalerStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Jr -W -200P -N -OKH -F -D#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.HorizontalPodAutoscaler - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jg -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindDBgroup: autoscaling -kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -version: v2beta2 -JD -B@">path#name of the HorizontalPodAutoscaler"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Ý -/apis/batch/v1/ÉÆ -batch_v1get available resources*getBatchV1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsú -./api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/pods/{name}/logÇÄ -core_v1read log of the specified Pod*readCoreV1NamespacedPodLog2 -text/plain2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjE -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind" kind: Pod -version: v1 -group: "" -j -x-kubernetes-actionget -J -Š‡queryhThe container for which to stream logs. Defaults to only container if there is one container in the pod." container2string JW -USQquery4Follow the log stream of the pod. Defaults to false."follow2boolean JŒ -‰†ƒqueryÏinsecureSkipTLSVerifyBackend indicates that the apiserver should not confirm the validity of the serving certificate of the backend it is connecting to. This will make the HTTPS connection between the apiserver and the backend insecure. This means the apiserver cannot verify the log data it is receiving came from the real kubelet. If the kubelet is configured to verify the apiserver's TLS credentials, it does not mean the connection to the real kubelet is vulnerable to a man in the middle attack (e.g. an attacker could not intercept the actual log data coming from the real kubelet)."insecureSkipTLSVerifyBackend2boolean J€ -ýú÷queryÕIf set, the number of bytes to read from the server before terminating the log output. This may not display a complete final line of logging, and may return slightly more or slightly less than the specified limit." -limitBytes2integer J0 -.,"*pathname of the Pod"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jb -`^\query=Return previous terminated container logs. Defaults to false."previous2boolean JÍ -ÊÇÄquery A relative time in seconds before the current time from which to show logs. If this value precedes the time a pod was started, only logs since the pod start will be returned. If this value is in the future, no logs will be returned. Only one of sinceSeconds or sinceTime may be specified." sinceSeconds2integer JÈ -Å¿queryžIf set, the number of lines from the end of the logs to show. If not specified, logs are shown from the creation of the container or sinceSeconds or sinceTime" tailLines2integer J› -˜•’queryqIf true, add an RFC3339 or RFC3339Nano timestamp at the beginning of every line of log output. Defaults to false." -timestamps2boolean ×' -1/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1beta1/csistoragecapacities¡'• -storage_v1beta10list or watch objects of kind CSIStorageCapacity*4listStorageV1beta1CSIStorageCapacityForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jm -R -200K -I -OKC -A -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSIStorageCapacityList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -je -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindB@group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSIStorageCapacity -version: v1beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ³_ -H/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/csistoragecapacitiesæ^Ç& -storage_v1beta10list or watch objects of kind CSIStorageCapacity*.listStorageV1beta1NamespacedCSIStorageCapacity2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Jm -R -200K -I -OKC -A -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSIStorageCapacityList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -je -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindB@version: v1beta1 -group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSIStorageCapacity -"à -storage_v1beta1create a CSIStorageCapacity*0createStorageV1beta1NamespacedCSIStorageCapacity2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BQ -O -Mbodybody *= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSIStorageCapacityBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J” -N -200G -E -OK? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSIStorageCapacity -S -201L -J -Created? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSIStorageCapacity -T -202M -K -Accepted? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSIStorageCapacity - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsje -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindB@group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSIStorageCapacity -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpost -*ƒ- -storage_v1beta1'delete collection of CSIStorageCapacity*:deleteStorageV1beta1CollectionNamespacedCSIStorageCapacity2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsje -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindB@group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSIStorageCapacity -version: v1beta1 -j* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string · -!/api/v1/nodes/{name}/proxy/{path}‘” -core_v1%connect GET requests to proxy of Node*!connectCoreV1GetNodeProxyWithPath2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-group: "" -kind: NodeProxyOptions -version: v1 -” -core_v1%connect PUT requests to proxy of Node*!connectCoreV1PutNodeProxyWithPath2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-version: v1 -group: "" -kind: NodeProxyOptions -"– -core_v1&connect POST requests to proxy of Node*"connectCoreV1PostNodeProxyWithPath2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-version: v1 -group: "" -kind: NodeProxyOptions -*š -core_v1(connect DELETE requests to proxy of Node*$connectCoreV1DeleteNodeProxyWithPath2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-group: "" -kind: NodeProxyOptions -version: v1 -2œ -core_v1)connect OPTIONS requests to proxy of Node*%connectCoreV1OptionsNodeProxyWithPath2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-group: "" -kind: NodeProxyOptions -version: v1 -j! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -:– -core_v1&connect HEAD requests to proxy of Node*"connectCoreV1HeadNodeProxyWithPath2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-group: "" -kind: NodeProxyOptions -version: v1 -j! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -B˜ -core_v1'connect PATCH requests to proxy of Node*#connectCoreV1PatchNodeProxyWithPath2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-group: "" -kind: NodeProxyOptions -version: v1 -J= -;9"7pathname of the NodeProxyOptions"name*string˜J5 -31"/pathpath to the resource"path*string˜Jb -`^\queryBPath is the URL path to use for the current proxy request to node."path2string »^ -?/apis/discovery.k8s.io/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/endpointslices÷]§& - discovery_v1+list or watch objects of kind EndpointSlice*&listDiscoveryV1NamespacedEndpointSlice2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Je -J -200C -A -OK; -9 -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.discovery.v1.EndpointSliceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -j] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: discovery.k8s.io -kind: EndpointSlice -version: v1 -"© - discovery_v1create an EndpointSlice*(createDiscoveryV1NamespacedEndpointSlice2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BI -G -Ebodybody *5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.discovery.v1.EndpointSliceBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jü -F -200? -= -OK7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.discovery.v1.EndpointSlice -K -201D -B -Created7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.discovery.v1.EndpointSlice -L -202E -C -Accepted7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.discovery.v1.EndpointSlice - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -j] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: discovery.k8s.io -kind: EndpointSlice -version: v1 -*ë, - discovery_v1"delete collection of EndpointSlice*2deleteDiscoveryV1CollectionNamespacedEndpointSlice2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -j] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: discovery.k8s.io -kind: EndpointSlice -version: v1 -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ³] -*/apis/scheduling.k8s.io/v1/priorityclasses„]¡& - scheduling_v1+list or watch objects of kind PriorityClass*listSchedulingV1PriorityClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Jf -K -200D -B -OK< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.scheduling.v1.PriorityClassList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9group: scheduling.k8s.io -kind: PriorityClass -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionlist -"¥ - scheduling_v1create a PriorityClass*createSchedulingV1PriorityClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BJ -H -Fbodybody *6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.scheduling.v1.PriorityClassBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jÿ -G -200@ -> -OK8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.scheduling.v1.PriorityClass -L -201E -C -Created8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.scheduling.v1.PriorityClass -M -202F -D -Accepted8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.scheduling.v1.PriorityClass - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -j^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9group: scheduling.k8s.io -kind: PriorityClass -version: v1 -*ä, - scheduling_v1"delete collection of PriorityClass*)deleteSchedulingV1CollectionPriorityClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9group: scheduling.k8s.io -kind: PriorityClass -version: v1 -j* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ‚ - /apis/scheduling.k8s.io/v1beta1/ÝÚ -scheduling_v1beta1get available resources* getSchedulingV1beta1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttps¯ -J/apis/apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1/customresourcedefinitions/{name}/statusà‚ -apiextensions_v1beta15read status of the specified CustomResourceDefinition*6readApiextensionsV1beta1CustomResourceDefinitionStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*J’ -w -200p -n -OKh -f -d#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.CustomResourceDefinition - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jq -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindNLgroup: apiextensions.k8s.io -kind: CustomResourceDefinition -version: v1beta1 -¼ - -apiextensions_v1beta18replace status of the specified CustomResourceDefinition*9replaceApiextensionsV1beta1CustomResourceDefinitionStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Bz -x -vbodybody *f -d#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.CustomResourceDefinitionBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J -w -200p -n -OKh -f -d#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.CustomResourceDefinition -| -201u -s -Createdh -f -d#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.CustomResourceDefinition - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jq -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindNLversion: v1beta1 -group: apiextensions.k8s.io -kind: CustomResourceDefinition -B -apiextensions_v1beta1Apartially update status of the specified CustomResourceDefinition*7patchApiextensionsV1beta1CustomResourceDefinitionStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean J’ -w -200p -n -OKh -f -d#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.CustomResourceDefinition - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jq -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindNLversion: v1beta1 -group: apiextensions.k8s.io -kind: CustomResourceDefinition -JE -CA"?path$name of the CustomResourceDefinition"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ï -/apis/authentication.k8s.io/ÎË -authenticationget information of a group*getAuthenticationAPIGroup2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJi -N -200G -E -OK? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIGroup - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsñ( -4/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/csidrivers/{name}¸(ô -storage_v1beta1°watch changes to an object of kind CSIDriver. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*watchStorageV1beta1CSIDriver2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -j\ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind97group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSIDriver -version: v1beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J6 -42"0pathname of the CSIDriver"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ÷ -7/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1/volumeattachments/{name}/status»˜ - -storage_v1-read status of the specified VolumeAttachment*#readStorageV1VolumeAttachmentStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Jb -G -200@ -> -OK8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.VolumeAttachment - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -j^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9group: storage.k8s.io -kind: VolumeAttachment -version: v1 -ó - -storage_v10replace status of the specified VolumeAttachment*&replaceStorageV1VolumeAttachmentStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BJ -H -Fbodybody *6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.VolumeAttachmentBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J° -G -200@ -> -OK8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.VolumeAttachment -L -201E -C -Created8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.VolumeAttachment - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -j^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9group: storage.k8s.io -kind: VolumeAttachment -version: v1 -B— - -storage_v19partially update status of the specified VolumeAttachment*$patchStorageV1VolumeAttachmentStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Jb -G -200@ -> -OK8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.VolumeAttachment - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9kind: VolumeAttachment -version: v1 -group: storage.k8s.io -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -J= -;9"7pathname of the VolumeAttachment"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string í( -3/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1/watch/storageclasses/{name}µ(î - -storage_v1³watch changes to an object of kind StorageClass. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*watchStorageV1StorageClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjZ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind75group: storage.k8s.io -kind: StorageClass -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J9 -75"3pathname of the StorageClass"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ¢a -J/apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1/validatingwebhookconfigurationsÓ`¦' -admissionregistration_v1beta1listAdmissionregistrationV1beta1ValidatingWebhookConfiguration2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean J‡ -l -200e -c -OK] -[ -Y#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1beta1.ValidatingWebhookConfigurationList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -j -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind\Zgroup: admissionregistration.k8s.io -kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration -version: v1beta1 -"Œ -admissionregistration_v1beta1'create a ValidatingWebhookConfiguration*@createAdmissionregistrationV1beta1ValidatingWebhookConfiguration2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Bk -i -gbodybody *W -U#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1beta1.ValidatingWebhookConfigurationBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jâ -h -200a -_ -OKY -W -U#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1beta1.ValidatingWebhookConfiguration -m -201f -d -CreatedY -W -U#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1beta1.ValidatingWebhookConfiguration -n -202g -e -AcceptedY -W -U#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1beta1.ValidatingWebhookConfiguration - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -j -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind\Zgroup: admissionregistration.k8s.io -kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration -version: v1beta1 -*Ç- -admissionregistration_v1beta13delete collection of ValidatingWebhookConfiguration*JdeleteAdmissionregistrationV1beta1CollectionValidatingWebhookConfiguration2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -j -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind\Zkind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration -version: v1beta1 -group: admissionregistration.k8s.io -JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string · - -+/apis/authentication.k8s.io/v1/tokenreviews‡ -"ù -authentication_v1create a TokenReview*!createAuthenticationV1TokenReview2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BL -J -Hbodybody *8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authentication.v1.TokenReviewJ… -I -200B -@ -OK: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authentication.v1.TokenReview -N -201G -E -Created: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authentication.v1.TokenReview -O -202H -F -Accepted: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authentication.v1.TokenReview - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -j` -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind=;group: authentication.k8s.io -kind: TokenReview -version: v1 -Jž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string J– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string õ' -2/apis/autoscaling/v2beta2/horizontalpodautoscalers¾'² -autoscaling_v2beta25list or watch objects of kind HorizontalPodAutoscaler*=listAutoscalingV2beta2HorizontalPodAutoscalerForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jv -[ -200T -R -OKL -J -H#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.HorizontalPodAutoscalerList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jg -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindDBgroup: autoscaling -kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -version: v2beta2 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean –_ -@/apis/policy/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/poddisruptionbudgetsÑ^À& -policy_v1beta11list or watch objects of kind PodDisruptionBudget*.listPolicyV1beta1NamespacedPodDisruptionBudget2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Jm -R -200K -I -OKC -A -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodDisruptionBudgetList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9group: policy -kind: PodDisruptionBudget -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionlist -"Ù -policy_v1beta1create a PodDisruptionBudget*0createPolicyV1beta1NamespacedPodDisruptionBudget2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BQ -O -Mbodybody *= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodDisruptionBudgetBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J” - -401 - - Unauthorized -N -200G -E -OK? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodDisruptionBudget -S -201L -J -Created? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodDisruptionBudget -T -202M -K -Accepted? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodDisruptionBudgetRhttpsj^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9kind: PodDisruptionBudget -version: v1beta1 -group: policy -j -x-kubernetes-actionpost -*ü, -policy_v1beta1(delete collection of PodDisruptionBudget*:deletePolicyV1beta1CollectionNamespacedPodDisruptionBudget2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9group: policy -kind: PodDisruptionBudget -version: v1beta1 -j* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ô^ -;/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1/clusterrolebindings´^Ù& -rbacAuthorization_v1beta10list or watch objects of kind ClusterRoleBinding*.listRbacAuthorizationV1beta1ClusterRoleBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Jj -O -200H -F -OK@ -> -<#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.ClusterRoleBindingList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jp -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindMKgroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: ClusterRoleBinding -version: v1beta1 -"é -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1create a ClusterRoleBinding*0createRbacAuthorizationV1beta1ClusterRoleBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.ClusterRoleBindingBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J‹ -K -200D -B -OK< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.ClusterRoleBinding -P -201I -G -Created< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.ClusterRoleBinding -Q -202J -H -Accepted< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.ClusterRoleBinding - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjp -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindMKkind: ClusterRoleBinding -version: v1beta1 -group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -j -x-kubernetes-actionpost -*˜- -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1'delete collection of ClusterRoleBinding*:deleteRbacAuthorizationV1beta1CollectionClusterRoleBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -jp -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindMKkind: ClusterRoleBinding -version: v1beta1 -group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ´ - -'/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/bindingsˆ -"˜ -core_v1create a Binding*createCoreV1NamespacedBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B> -< -:bodybody ** -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.BindingJÛ -; -2004 -2 -OK, -* -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Binding -@ -2019 -7 -Created, -* -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Binding -A -202: -8 -Accepted, -* -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Binding - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jI -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind&$version: v1 -group: "" -kind: Binding -Jž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string J– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ô) -P/apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1/watch/mutatingwebhookconfigurations/{name}Ÿ)È -admissionregistration_v1Ãwatch changes to an object of kind MutatingWebhookConfiguration. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*8watchAdmissionregistrationV1MutatingWebhookConfiguration2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -jx -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindUSgroup: admissionregistration.k8s.io -kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JI -GE"Cpath(name of the MutatingWebhookConfiguration"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ¼) -O/apis/autoscaling/v2beta1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/horizontalpodautoscalersè(ú -autoscaling_v2beta1ƒwatch individual changes to a list of HorizontalPodAutoscaler. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.* -< -:#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1.PodDisruptionBudgetList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjY -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind64group: policy -kind: PodDisruptionBudget -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionlist -"¶ - policy_v1create a PodDisruptionBudget*+createPolicyV1NamespacedPodDisruptionBudget2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BL -J -Hbodybody *8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1.PodDisruptionBudgetBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J… - -401 - - Unauthorized -I -200B -@ -OK: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1.PodDisruptionBudget -N -201G -E -Created: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1.PodDisruptionBudget -O -202H -F -Accepted: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1.PodDisruptionBudgetRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jY -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind64group: policy -kind: PodDisruptionBudget -version: v1 -*í, - policy_v1(delete collection of PodDisruptionBudget*5deletePolicyV1CollectionNamespacedPodDisruptionBudget2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjY -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind64version: v1 -group: policy -kind: PodDisruptionBudget -j* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Ò_ -D/apis/autoscaling/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/horizontalpodautoscalers‰_Ð& -autoscaling_v15list or watch objects of kind HorizontalPodAutoscaler*2listAutoscalingV1NamespacedHorizontalPodAutoscaler2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Jq -V -200O -M -OKG -E -C#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.HorizontalPodAutoscalerList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=group: autoscaling -kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -version: v1 -"õ -autoscaling_v1 create a HorizontalPodAutoscaler*4createAutoscalingV1NamespacedHorizontalPodAutoscaler2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BU -S -Qbodybody *A -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.HorizontalPodAutoscalerBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J  -R -200K -I -OKC -A -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.HorizontalPodAutoscaler -W -201P -N -CreatedC -A -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.HorizontalPodAutoscaler -X -202Q -O -AcceptedC -A -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.HorizontalPodAutoscaler - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -version: v1 -group: autoscaling -*ˆ- -autoscaling_v1,delete collection of HorizontalPodAutoscaler*>deleteAutoscalingV1CollectionNamespacedHorizontalPodAutoscaler2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -jb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=group: autoscaling -kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -version: v1 -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ¬( -5/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/watch/rolebindingsò'æ -rbacAuthorization_v1wwatch individual changes to a list of RoleBinding. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*7watchRbacAuthorizationV1RoleBindingListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk - -401 - - Unauthorized -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEventRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jd -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindA?group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: RoleBinding -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean É\ -"/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1/csidrivers¢\…& - -storage_v1'list or watch objects of kind CSIDriver*listStorageV1CSIDriver2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean J_ -D -200= -; -OK5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.CSIDriverList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSIDriver -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionlist -"ô - -storage_v1create a CSIDriver*createStorageV1CSIDriver2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BC -A -?bodybody */ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.CSIDriverBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jê -@ -2009 -7 -OK1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.CSIDriver -E -201> -< -Created1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.CSIDriver -F -202? -= -Accepted1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.CSIDriver - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSIDriver -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpost -*Ï, - -storage_v1delete collection of CSIDriver*"deleteStorageV1CollectionCSIDriver2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -jW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42version: v1 -group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSIDriver -JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string å -"/api/v1/namespaces/{name}/finalize¾ ø -core_v1+replace finalize of the specified Namespace*replaceCoreV1NamespaceFinalize2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B@ -> -<bodybody *, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NamespaceJœ -= -2006 -4 -OK. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Namespace -B -201; -9 -Created. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Namespace - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jK -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind(&group: "" -kind: Namespace -version: v1 -Jž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string J– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J6 -42"0pathname of the Namespace"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string È -/apis/½º -apisget available API versions*getAPIVersions2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJm -R -200K -I -OKC -A -?#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIGroupList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsˆ* -U/apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/mutatingwebhookconfigurations/{name}®)× -admissionregistration_v1beta1Ãwatch changes to an object of kind MutatingWebhookConfiguration. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*=watchAdmissionregistrationV1beta1MutatingWebhookConfiguration2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk - -401 - - Unauthorized -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEventRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -j} -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindZXversion: v1beta1 -group: admissionregistration.k8s.io -kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JI -GE"Cpath(name of the MutatingWebhookConfiguration"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ¯ -:/apis/authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1/selfsubjectrulesreviewsð -"â -authorization_v1beta1create a SelfSubjectRulesReview*0createAuthorizationV1beta1SelfSubjectRulesReview2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B[ -Y -Wbodybody *G -E#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.SelfSubjectRulesReviewJ² -X -200Q -O -OKI -G -E#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.SelfSubjectRulesReview -] -201V -T -CreatedI -G -E#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.SelfSubjectRulesReview -^ -202W -U -AcceptedI -G -E#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.SelfSubjectRulesReview - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jo -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindLJgroup: authorization.k8s.io -kind: SelfSubjectRulesReview -version: v1beta1 -Jž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string J– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string É( -8/apis/autoscaling/v2beta2/watch/horizontalpodautoscalersŒ(€ -autoscaling_v2beta2ƒwatch individual changes to a list of HorizontalPodAutoscaler. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*BwatchAutoscalingV2beta2HorizontalPodAutoscalerListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk - -401 - - Unauthorized -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEventRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jg -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindDBgroup: autoscaling -kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -version: v2beta2 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ¡ -+/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1beta1/ñî -flowcontrolApiserver_v1beta1get available resources**getFlowcontrolApiserverV1beta1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsñ+ -R/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/rolebindings/{name}š+® -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1read the specified RoleBinding*1readRbacAuthorizationV1beta1NamespacedRoleBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*J_ - -401 - - Unauthorized -D -200= -; -OK5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.RoleBindingRhttpsji -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindFDversion: v1beta1 -group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: RoleBinding -j -x-kubernetes-actionget -ƒ -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1!replace the specified RoleBinding*4replaceRbacAuthorizationV1beta1NamespacedRoleBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BG -E -Cbodybody *3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.RoleBindingBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jª -D -200= -; -OK5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.RoleBinding -I -201B -@ -Created5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.RoleBinding - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -ji -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindFDgroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: RoleBinding -version: v1beta1 -*à -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1delete a RoleBinding*3deleteRbacAuthorizationV1beta1NamespacedRoleBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -ji -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindFDgroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: RoleBinding -version: v1beta1 -B­ -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1*partially update the specified RoleBinding*2patchRbacAuthorizationV1beta1NamespacedRoleBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean J_ -D -200= -; -OK5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.RoleBinding - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsji -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindFDgroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: RoleBinding -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -J8 -64"2pathname of the RoleBinding"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ™. -O/apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1/mutatingwebhookconfigurations/{name}Å-… -admissionregistration_v1beta1/read the specified MutatingWebhookConfiguration*deleteAdmissionregistrationV1beta1MutatingWebhookConfiguration2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -j} -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindZXversion: v1beta1 -group: admissionregistration.k8s.io -kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration -B„ -admissionregistration_v1beta1;partially update the specified MutatingWebhookConfiguration*=patchAdmissionregistrationV1beta1MutatingWebhookConfiguration2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean J -f -200_ -] -OKW -U -S#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1beta1.MutatingWebhookConfiguration - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj} -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindZXgroup: admissionregistration.k8s.io -kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -JI -GE"Cpath(name of the MutatingWebhookConfiguration"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string —+ -M/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/rolebindings/{name}Å*š -rbacAuthorization_v1read the specified RoleBinding*,readRbacAuthorizationV1NamespacedRoleBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*JZ -? -2008 -6 -OK0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.RoleBinding - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjd -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindA?group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: RoleBinding -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionget -å -rbacAuthorization_v1!replace the specified RoleBinding*/replaceRbacAuthorizationV1NamespacedRoleBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BB -@ ->bodybody *. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.RoleBindingBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J  -? -2008 -6 -OK0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.RoleBinding -D -201= -; -Created0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.RoleBinding - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjd -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindA?group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: RoleBinding -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -*´ -rbacAuthorization_v1delete a RoleBinding*.deleteRbacAuthorizationV1NamespacedRoleBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» - -401 - - Unauthorized -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.StatusRhttpsjd -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindA?group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: RoleBinding -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-action delete -B™ -rbacAuthorization_v1*partially update the specified RoleBinding*-patchRbacAuthorizationV1NamespacedRoleBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean JZ -? -2008 -6 -OK0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.RoleBinding - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjd -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindA?group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: RoleBinding -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -J8 -64"2pathname of the RoleBinding"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ì* -K/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/roles/{name}œ*’ -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1read the specified Role**readRbacAuthorizationV1beta1NamespacedRole2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*JX -= -2006 -4 -OK. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.Role - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=kind: Role -version: v1beta1 -group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -j -x-kubernetes-actionget -Ù -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1replace the specified Role*-replaceRbacAuthorizationV1beta1NamespacedRole2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B@ -> -<bodybody *, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.RoleBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jœ -= -2006 -4 -OK. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.Role -B -201; -9 -Created. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.Role - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: Role -version: v1beta1 -*® -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1 delete a Role*,deleteRbacAuthorizationV1beta1NamespacedRole2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: Role -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-action delete -B‘ -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1#partially update the specified Role*+patchRbacAuthorizationV1beta1NamespacedRole2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean JX -= -2006 -4 -OK. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.Role - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: Role -version: v1beta1 -J1 -/-"+pathname of the Role"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string þ' --/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/csidriversÌ'À -storage_v1beta1uwatch individual changes to a list of CSIDriver. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.* watchStorageV1beta1CSIDriverList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -j\ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind97group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSIDriver -version: v1beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Õ+ -B/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1/clusterrolebindings/{name}Ž+À -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1%read the specified ClusterRoleBinding*.readRbacAuthorizationV1beta1ClusterRoleBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Jf - -401 - - Unauthorized -K -200D -B -OK< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.ClusterRoleBindingRhttpsjp -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindMKgroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: ClusterRoleBinding -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionget -£ -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1(replace the specified ClusterRoleBinding*1replaceRbacAuthorizationV1beta1ClusterRoleBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.ClusterRoleBindingBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J¸ -P -201I -G -Created< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.ClusterRoleBinding - -401 - - Unauthorized -K -200D -B -OK< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.ClusterRoleBindingRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jp -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindMKversion: v1beta1 -group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: ClusterRoleBinding -*Î -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1delete a ClusterRoleBinding*0deleteRbacAuthorizationV1beta1ClusterRoleBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -jp -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindMKgroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: ClusterRoleBinding -version: v1beta1 -B¿ -rbacAuthorization_v1beta11partially update the specified ClusterRoleBinding*/patchRbacAuthorizationV1beta1ClusterRoleBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Jf -K -200D -B -OK< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.ClusterRoleBinding - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jp -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindMKgroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: ClusterRoleBinding -version: v1beta1 -J? -=;"9pathname of the ClusterRoleBinding"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ‰ -;/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/resourcequotas/{name}/statusÉ -core_v1*read status of the specified ResourceQuota*'readCoreV1NamespacedResourceQuotaStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*J\ -A -200: -8 -OK2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ResourceQuota - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jO -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind,*kind: ResourceQuota -version: v1 -group: "" -Ð -core_v1-replace status of the specified ResourceQuota**replaceCoreV1NamespacedResourceQuotaStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BD -B -@bodybody *0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ResourceQuotaBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J¤ -A -200: -8 -OK2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ResourceQuota -F -201? -= -Created2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ResourceQuota - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjO -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind,*version: v1 -group: "" -kind: ResourceQuota -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -B€ -core_v16partially update status of the specified ResourceQuota*(patchCoreV1NamespacedResourceQuotaStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean J\ -A -200: -8 -OK2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ResourceQuota - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jO -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind,*group: "" -kind: ResourceQuota -version: v1 -J: -86"4pathname of the ResourceQuota"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string å ->/apis/apps/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/deployments/{name}/status¢÷ -apps_v1'read status of the specified Deployment*$readAppsV1NamespacedDeploymentStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*JY -> -2007 -5 -OK/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.Deployment - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjN -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind+)group: apps -kind: Deployment -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionget -À -apps_v1*replace status of the specified Deployment*'replaceAppsV1NamespacedDeploymentStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BA -? -=bodybody *- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DeploymentBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jž -> -2007 -5 -OK/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.Deployment -C -201< -: -Created/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.Deployment - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jN -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind+)group: apps -kind: Deployment -version: v1 -Bö -apps_v13partially update status of the specified Deployment*%patchAppsV1NamespacedDeploymentStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean JY -> -2007 -5 -OK/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.Deployment - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jN -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind+)kind: Deployment -version: v1 -group: apps -J7 -53"1pathname of the Deployment"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ¨) -J/apis/autoscaling/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/horizontalpodautoscalersÙ(ë -autoscaling_v1ƒwatch individual changes to a list of HorizontalPodAutoscaler. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*7watchAutoscalingV1NamespacedHorizontalPodAutoscalerList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=group: autoscaling -kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler -version: v1 -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean œ) -;/apis/events.k8s.io/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/events/{name}Ü(â - events_v1read the specified Event*readEventsV1NamespacedEvent2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*JV -; -2004 -2 -OK, -* -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.events.v1.Event - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-group: events.k8s.io -kind: Event -version: v1 -¥ - events_v1replace the specified Event*replaceEventsV1NamespacedEvent2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B> -< -:bodybody ** -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.events.v1.EventBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J˜ - -401 - - Unauthorized -; -2004 -2 -OK, -* -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.events.v1.Event -@ -2019 -7 -Created, -* -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.events.v1.EventRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-group: events.k8s.io -kind: Event -version: v1 -* - events_v1delete an Event*deleteEventsV1NamespacedEvent2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - Unauthorized -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.StatusRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -jR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-kind: Event -version: v1 -group: events.k8s.io -Bá - events_v1$partially update the specified Event*patchEventsV1NamespacedEvent2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean JV -; -2004 -2 -OK, -* -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.events.v1.Event - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-group: events.k8s.io -kind: Event -version: v1 -J2 -0.",pathname of the Event"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ï] -:/apis/coordination.k8s.io/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/leases°]“& -coordination_v1#list or watch objects of kind Lease*!listCoordinationV1NamespacedLease2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean J` - -401 - - Unauthorized -E -200> -< -OK6 -4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.coordination.v1.LeaseListRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jX -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind53version: v1 -group: coordination.k8s.io -kind: Lease -"… -coordination_v1create a Lease*#createCoordinationV1NamespacedLease2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BD -B -@bodybody *0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.coordination.v1.LeaseBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jí - -401 - - Unauthorized -A -200: -8 -OK2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.coordination.v1.Lease -F -201? -= -Created2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.coordination.v1.Lease -G -202@ -> -Accepted2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.coordination.v1.LeaseRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jX -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind53group: coordination.k8s.io -kind: Lease -version: v1 -*Ü, -coordination_v1delete collection of Lease*-deleteCoordinationV1CollectionNamespacedLease2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -jX -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind53group: coordination.k8s.io -kind: Lease -version: v1 -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string È' -)/apis/policy/v1beta1/poddisruptionbudgetsš'Ž -policy_v1beta11list or watch objects of kind PodDisruptionBudget*4listPolicyV1beta1PodDisruptionBudgetForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jm -R -200K -I -OKC -A -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodDisruptionBudgetList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -j^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9group: policy -kind: PodDisruptionBudget -version: v1beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean €) -6/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1/watch/volumeattachments/{name}Å(ú - -storage_v1·watch changes to an object of kind VolumeAttachment. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*watchStorageV1VolumeAttachment2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9group: storage.k8s.io -kind: VolumeAttachment -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J= -;9"7pathname of the VolumeAttachment"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Þ -7/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/pods/{name}/proxy/{path}¢› -core_v1$connect GET requests to proxy of Pod**connectCoreV1GetNamespacedPodProxyWithPath2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jQ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind.,version: v1 -group: "" -kind: PodProxyOptions -› -core_v1$connect PUT requests to proxy of Pod**connectCoreV1PutNamespacedPodProxyWithPath2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjQ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind.,group: "" -kind: PodProxyOptions -version: v1 -j! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -" -core_v1%connect POST requests to proxy of Pod*+connectCoreV1PostNamespacedPodProxyWithPath2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jQ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind.,group: "" -kind: PodProxyOptions -version: v1 -*¡ -core_v1'connect DELETE requests to proxy of Pod*-connectCoreV1DeleteNamespacedPodProxyWithPath2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jQ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind.,group: "" -kind: PodProxyOptions -version: v1 -2£ -core_v1(connect OPTIONS requests to proxy of Pod*.connectCoreV1OptionsNamespacedPodProxyWithPath2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jQ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind.,kind: PodProxyOptions -version: v1 -group: "" -: -core_v1%connect HEAD requests to proxy of Pod*+connectCoreV1HeadNamespacedPodProxyWithPath2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jQ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind.,group: "" -kind: PodProxyOptions -version: v1 -BŸ -core_v1&connect PATCH requests to proxy of Pod*,connectCoreV1PatchNamespacedPodProxyWithPath2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jQ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind.,group: "" -kind: PodProxyOptions -version: v1 -J< -:8"6pathname of the PodProxyOptions"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜J5 -31"/pathpath to the resource"path*string˜Ja -_][queryAPath is the URL path to use for the current proxy request to pod."path2string „' -/api/v1/serviceaccountsè&Ü -core_v1,list or watch objects of kind ServiceAccount*(listCoreV1ServiceAccountForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Ja -F -200? -= -OK7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ServiceAccountList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjP -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind-+version: v1 -group: "" -kind: ServiceAccount -j -x-kubernetes-actionlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean º^ -+/apis/apiregistration.k8s.io/v1/apiservicesŠ^¾& -apiregistration_v1(list or watch objects of kind APIService*listApiregistrationV1APIService2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean J} - -401 - - Unauthorized -b -200[ -Y -OKS -Q -O#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1.APIServiceListRhttpsj` -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind=;group: apiregistration.k8s.io -version: v1 -kind: APIService -j -x-kubernetes-actionlist -"ˆ - -apiregistration_v1create an APIService*!createApiregistrationV1APIService2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Ba -_ -]bodybody *M -K#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1.APIServiceBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JÄ -^ -200W -U -OKO -M -K#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1.APIService -c -201\ -Z -CreatedO -M -K#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1.APIService -d -202] -[ -AcceptedO -M -K#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1.APIService - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -j` -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind=;kind: APIService -group: apiregistration.k8s.io -version: v1 -*ê, -apiregistration_v1delete collection of APIService*+deleteApiregistrationV1CollectionAPIService2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -j` -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind=;group: apiregistration.k8s.io -version: v1 -kind: APIService -JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string « -L/apis/certificates.k8s.io/v1beta1/certificatesigningrequests/{name}/approvalÚè -certificates_v1beta18read approval of the specified CertificateSigningRequest*8readCertificatesV1beta1CertificateSigningRequestApproval2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Ju -Z -200S -Q -OKK -I -G#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1beta1.CertificateSigningRequest - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjq -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindNLgroup: certificates.k8s.io -kind: CertificateSigningRequest -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionget -é -certificates_v1beta1;replace approval of the specified CertificateSigningRequest*;replaceCertificatesV1beta1CertificateSigningRequestApproval2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B] -[ -Ybodybody *I -G#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1beta1.CertificateSigningRequestBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JÖ -Z -200S -Q -OKK -I -G#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1beta1.CertificateSigningRequest -_ -201X -V -CreatedK -I -G#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1beta1.CertificateSigningRequest - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjq -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindNLgroup: certificates.k8s.io -kind: CertificateSigningRequest -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -Bç -certificates_v1beta1Dpartially update approval of the specified CertificateSigningRequest*9patchCertificatesV1beta1CertificateSigningRequestApproval2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Ju -Z -200S -Q -OKK -I -G#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1beta1.CertificateSigningRequest - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jq -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindNLversion: v1beta1 -group: certificates.k8s.io -kind: CertificateSigningRequest -JF -DB"@path%name of the CertificateSigningRequest"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ç( -2/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/csinodes/{name}°(î -storage_v1beta1®watch changes to an object of kind CSINode. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*watchStorageV1beta1CSINode2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -jZ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind75group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSINode -version: v1beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J4 -20".pathname of the CSINode"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ¯' -)/apis/networking.k8s.io/v1beta1/ingresses'õ -networking_v1beta1%list or watch objects of kind Ingress*,listNetworkingV1beta1IngressForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Je - -401 - - Unauthorized -J -200C -A -OK; -9 -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.IngressListRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -j] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: networking.k8s.io -kind: Ingress -version: v1beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean €* -H/apis/policy/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/poddisruptionbudgets/{name}³)ƒ - policy_v1ºwatch changes to an object of kind PodDisruptionBudget. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.**watchPolicyV1NamespacedPodDisruptionBudget2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -jY -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind64version: v1 -group: policy -kind: PodDisruptionBudget -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J@ -><":pathname of the PodDisruptionBudget"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Þ -N/apis/policy/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/poddisruptionbudgets/{name}/status‹· -policy_v1beta10read status of the specified PodDisruptionBudget*4readPolicyV1beta1NamespacedPodDisruptionBudgetStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Ji -N -200G -E -OK? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodDisruptionBudget - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -j^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9group: policy -kind: PodDisruptionBudget -version: v1beta1 -  -policy_v1beta13replace status of the specified PodDisruptionBudget*7replacePolicyV1beta1NamespacedPodDisruptionBudgetStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BQ -O -Mbodybody *= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodDisruptionBudgetBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J¾ -N -200G -E -OK? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodDisruptionBudget -S -201L -J -Created? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodDisruptionBudget - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -j^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9group: policy -kind: PodDisruptionBudget -version: v1beta1 -B¶ -policy_v1beta1<":pathname of the PodDisruptionBudget"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ’) -group: scheduling.k8s.io -kind: PriorityClass -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J: -86"4pathname of the PriorityClass"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ˆ -"/apis/coordination.k8s.io/v1beta1/áÞ -coordination_v1beta1get available resources*"getCoordinationV1beta1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsã) -H/apis/networking.k8s.io/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/ingresses/{name}–)ò - networking_v1®watch changes to an object of kind Ingress. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*"watchNetworkingV1NamespacedIngress2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -jX -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind53group: networking.k8s.io -kind: Ingress -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J4 -20".pathname of the Ingress"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Š) -G/apis/networking.k8s.io/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/networkpolicies¾(Ð - networking_v1ywatch individual changes to a list of NetworkPolicy. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*,watchNetworkingV1NamespacedNetworkPolicyList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9kind: NetworkPolicy -version: v1 -group: networking.k8s.io -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ‰ -#/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/áÞ -rbacAuthorization_v1get available resources*"getRbacAuthorizationV1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsé -1/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/pods/{name}/status³Ù -core_v1 read status of the specified Pod*readCoreV1NamespacedPodStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*JR -7 -2000 -. -OK( -& -$#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Pod - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jE -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind" group: "" -kind: Pod -version: v1 -” -core_v1#replace status of the specified Pod* replaceCoreV1NamespacedPodStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B: -8 -6bodybody *& -$#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J -7 -2000 -. -OK( -& -$#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Pod -< -2015 -3 -Created( -& -$#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Pod - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jE -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind" version: v1 -group: "" -kind: Pod -BØ -core_v1,partially update status of the specified Pod*patchCoreV1NamespacedPodStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean JR -7 -2000 -. -OK( -& -$#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Pod - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjE -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind" kind: Pod -version: v1 -group: "" -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -J0 -.,"*pathname of the Pod"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ì' -/api/v1/watch/serviceaccountsÊ'¾ -core_v1zwatch individual changes to a list of ServiceAccount. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*-watchCoreV1ServiceAccountListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jP -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind-+kind: ServiceAccount -version: v1 -group: "" -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean µ] -1/apis/apps/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/statefulsetsÿ\„& -apps_v1)list or watch objects of kind StatefulSet*listAppsV1NamespacedStatefulSet2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean J^ -C -200< -: -OK4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.StatefulSetList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jO -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind,*group: apps -kind: StatefulSet -version: v1 -"ð -apps_v1create a StatefulSet*!createAppsV1NamespacedStatefulSet2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BB -@ ->bodybody *. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.StatefulSetBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jç - -401 - - Unauthorized -? -2008 -6 -OK0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.StatefulSet -D -201= -; -Created0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.StatefulSet -E -202> -< -Accepted0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.StatefulSetRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jO -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind,*group: apps -kind: StatefulSet -version: v1 -*Ï, -apps_v1 delete collection of StatefulSet*+deleteAppsV1CollectionNamespacedStatefulSet2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjO -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind,*kind: StatefulSet -version: v1 -group: apps -j* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string þ -/apis/autoscaling/v2beta2/ßÜ -autoscaling_v2beta2get available resources*!getAutoscalingV2beta2APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttps¨* -X/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/rolebindings/{name}Ë)£ -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1²watch changes to an object of kind RoleBinding. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*2watchRbacAuthorizationV1beta1NamespacedRoleBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsji -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindFDgroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: RoleBinding -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J8 -64"2pathname of the RoleBinding"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ³( -7/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/csistoragecapacities÷'ë -storage_v1beta1~watch individual changes to a list of CSIStorageCapacity. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*9watchStorageV1beta1CSIStorageCapacityListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsje -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindB@group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSIStorageCapacity -version: v1beta1 -j# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean H -/logs/>< -logs*logFileListHandlerJ - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsÿ+ -O/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/csistoragecapacities/{name}«+® -storage_v1beta1%read the specified CSIStorageCapacity*.readStorageV1beta1NamespacedCSIStorageCapacity2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Ji -N -200G -E -OK? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSIStorageCapacity - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -je -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindB@group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSIStorageCapacity -version: v1beta1 -— -storage_v1beta1(replace the specified CSIStorageCapacity*1replaceStorageV1beta1NamespacedCSIStorageCapacity2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BQ -O -Mbodybody *= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSIStorageCapacityBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J¾ -N -200G -E -OK? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSIStorageCapacity -S -201L -J -Created? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSIStorageCapacity - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -je -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindB@kind: CSIStorageCapacity -version: v1beta1 -group: storage.k8s.io -*¹ -storage_v1beta1delete a CSIStorageCapacity*0deleteStorageV1beta1NamespacedCSIStorageCapacity2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -je -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindB@version: v1beta1 -group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSIStorageCapacity -B­ -storage_v1beta11partially update the specified CSIStorageCapacity*/patchStorageV1beta1NamespacedCSIStorageCapacity2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Ji -N -200G -E -OK? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSIStorageCapacity - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsje -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindB@version: v1beta1 -group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSIStorageCapacity -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -J? -=;"9pathname of the CSIStorageCapacity"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Ö] -./api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/serviceaccounts£]Ž& -core_v1,list or watch objects of kind ServiceAccount*"listCoreV1NamespacedServiceAccount2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Ja - -401 - - Unauthorized -F -200? -= -OK7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ServiceAccountListRhttpsjP -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind-+version: v1 -group: "" -kind: ServiceAccount -j -x-kubernetes-actionlist -"ƒ -core_v1create a ServiceAccount*$createCoreV1NamespacedServiceAccount2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BE -C -Abodybody *1 -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ServiceAccountBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jð -B -200; -9 -OK3 -1 -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ServiceAccount -G -201@ -> -Created3 -1 -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ServiceAccount -H -202A -? -Accepted3 -1 -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ServiceAccount - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jP -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind-+kind: ServiceAccount -version: v1 -group: "" -*Ö, -core_v1#delete collection of ServiceAccount*.deleteCoreV1CollectionNamespacedServiceAccount2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -jP -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind-+group: "" -kind: ServiceAccount -version: v1 -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Á -/api/v1/nodes/{name}/proxy¢Œ -core_v1%connect GET requests to proxy of Node*connectCoreV1GetNodeProxy2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-kind: NodeProxyOptions -version: v1 -group: "" -Œ -core_v1%connect PUT requests to proxy of Node*connectCoreV1PutNodeProxy2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-group: "" -kind: NodeProxyOptions -version: v1 -"Ž -core_v1&connect POST requests to proxy of Node*connectCoreV1PostNodeProxy2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -jR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-group: "" -kind: NodeProxyOptions -version: v1 -*’ -core_v1(connect DELETE requests to proxy of Node*connectCoreV1DeleteNodeProxy2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-group: "" -kind: NodeProxyOptions -version: v1 -j! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -2” -core_v1)connect OPTIONS requests to proxy of Node*connectCoreV1OptionsNodeProxy2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-group: "" -kind: NodeProxyOptions -version: v1 -j! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -:Ž -core_v1&connect HEAD requests to proxy of Node*connectCoreV1HeadNodeProxy2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-group: "" -kind: NodeProxyOptions -version: v1 -j! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -B -core_v1'connect PATCH requests to proxy of Node*connectCoreV1PatchNodeProxy2*/*:*/*J7 - -200 - -OK - ² -string - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-kind: NodeProxyOptions -version: v1 -group: "" -j! -x-kubernetes-action -connect -J= -;9"7pathname of the NodeProxyOptions"name*string˜Jb -`^\queryBPath is the URL path to use for the current proxy request to node."path2string ­` -F/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1beta1/prioritylevelconfigurationsâ_‰' -flowcontrolApiserver_v1beta18list or watch objects of kind PriorityLevelConfiguration*9listFlowcontrolApiserverV1beta1PriorityLevelConfiguration2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Jy - -401 - - Unauthorized -^ -200W -U -OKO -M -K#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.PriorityLevelConfigurationListRhttpsj{ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindXVgroup: flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io -kind: PriorityLevelConfiguration -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionlist -"Æ - -flowcontrolApiserver_v1beta1#create a PriorityLevelConfiguration*;createFlowcontrolApiserverV1beta1PriorityLevelConfiguration2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B] -[ -Ybodybody *I -G#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.PriorityLevelConfigurationBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J¸ -Z -200S -Q -OKK -I -G#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.PriorityLevelConfiguration -_ -201X -V -CreatedK -I -G#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.PriorityLevelConfiguration -` -202Y -W -AcceptedK -I -G#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.PriorityLevelConfiguration - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -j{ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindXVversion: v1beta1 -group: flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io -kind: PriorityLevelConfiguration -*¹- -flowcontrolApiserver_v1beta1/delete collection of PriorityLevelConfiguration*EdeleteFlowcontrolApiserverV1beta1CollectionPriorityLevelConfiguration2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -j{ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindXVgroup: flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io -kind: PriorityLevelConfiguration -version: v1beta1 -JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ¤( -//apis/policy/v1beta1/watch/poddisruptionbudgetsð'ä -policy_v1beta1watch individual changes to a list of PodDisruptionBudget. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*9watchPolicyV1beta1PodDisruptionBudgetListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -j^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9group: policy -kind: PodDisruptionBudget -version: v1beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean î] -?/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/rolesª]—& -rbacAuthorization_v1"list or watch objects of kind Role*%listRbacAuthorizationV1NamespacedRole2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean JW - -401 - - Unauthorized -< -2005 -3 -OK- -+ -)#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.RoleListRhttpsj] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: Role -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionlist -"î -rbacAuthorization_v1 create a Role*'createRbacAuthorizationV1NamespacedRole2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B; -9 -7bodybody *' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.RoleBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JÒ - -401 - - Unauthorized -8 -2001 -/ -OK) -' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.Role -= -2016 -4 -Created) -' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.Role -> -2027 -5 -Accepted) -' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.RoleRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -j] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: Role -version: v1 -*é, -rbacAuthorization_v1delete collection of Role*1deleteRbacAuthorizationV1CollectionNamespacedRole2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: Role -version: v1 -j* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ’( -./apis/discovery.k8s.io/v1/watch/endpointslicesß'Ó - discovery_v1ywatch individual changes to a list of EndpointSlice. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*1watchDiscoveryV1EndpointSliceListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -j] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: discovery.k8s.io -kind: EndpointSlice -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ¥] -)/apis/networking.k8s.io/v1/ingressclasses÷\& - networking_v1*list or watch objects of kind IngressClass*listNetworkingV1IngressClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Je -J -200C -A -OK; -9 -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressClassList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -j] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: networking.k8s.io -kind: IngressClass -version: v1 -"Ÿ - networking_v1create an IngressClass*createNetworkingV1IngressClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BI -G -Ebodybody *5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressClassBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jü -F -200? -= -OK7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressClass -K -201D -B -Created7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressClass -L -202E -C -Accepted7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressClass - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: networking.k8s.io -kind: IngressClass -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpost -*á, - networking_v1!delete collection of IngressClass*(deleteNetworkingV1CollectionIngressClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8group: networking.k8s.io -kind: IngressClass -version: v1 -j* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ž) -2/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/podtemplates/{name}ç(é -core_v1read the specified PodTemplate*readCoreV1NamespacedPodTemplate2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*JZ -? -2008 -6 -OK0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodTemplate - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jM -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind*(version: v1 -group: "" -kind: PodTemplate -´ -core_v1!replace the specified PodTemplate*"replaceCoreV1NamespacedPodTemplate2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BB -@ ->bodybody *. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodTemplateBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J  -? -2008 -6 -OK0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodTemplate -D -201= -; -Created0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodTemplate - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jM -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind*(group: "" -kind: PodTemplate -version: v1 -*é -core_v1delete a PodTemplate*!deleteCoreV1NamespacedPodTemplate2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J¡ -E -202> -< -Accepted0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodTemplate - -401 - - Unauthorized -? -2008 -6 -OK0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodTemplateRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -jM -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind*(group: "" -kind: PodTemplate -version: v1 -Bè -core_v1*partially update the specified PodTemplate* patchCoreV1NamespacedPodTemplate2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean JZ -? -2008 -6 -OK0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodTemplate - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjM -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind*(version: v1 -group: "" -kind: PodTemplate -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -J8 -64"2pathname of the PodTemplate"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Ù( --/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/secrets/{name}§(Õ -core_v1read the specified Secret*readCoreV1NamespacedSecret2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*JU -: -2003 -1 -OK+ -) -'#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Secret - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jH -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind%#kind: Secret -version: v1 -group: "" -– -core_v1replace the specified Secret*replaceCoreV1NamespacedSecret2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B= -; -9bodybody *) -'#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.SecretBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J– -: -2003 -1 -OK+ -) -'#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Secret -? -2018 -6 -Created+ -) -'#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Secret - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jH -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind%#group: "" -kind: Secret -version: v1 -*ô -core_v1delete a Secret*deleteCoreV1NamespacedSecret2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -jH -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind%#version: v1 -group: "" -kind: Secret -BÔ -core_v1%partially update the specified Secret*patchCoreV1NamespacedSecret2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean JU -: -2003 -1 -OK+ -) -'#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Secret - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jH -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind%#group: "" -kind: Secret -version: v1 -J3 -1/"-pathname of the Secret"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ‰( -$/api/v1/watch/persistentvolumeclaimsà'Ô -core_v1watch individual changes to a list of PersistentVolumeClaim. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*4watchCoreV1PersistentVolumeClaimListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: "" -kind: PersistentVolumeClaim -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Ã ->/apis/apiregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1/apiservices/{name}/status€É -apiregistration_v1beta1'read status of the specified APIService**readApiregistrationV1beta1APIServiceStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*J~ -c -200\ -Z -OKT -R -P#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1beta1.APIService - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsje -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindB@group: apiregistration.k8s.io -version: v1beta1 -kind: APIService -j -x-kubernetes-actionget -Ü -apiregistration_v1beta1*replace status of the specified APIService*-replaceApiregistrationV1beta1APIServiceStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Bf -d -bbodybody *R -P#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1beta1.APIServiceBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jè -c -200\ -Z -OKT -R -P#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1beta1.APIService -h -201a -_ -CreatedT -R -P#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1beta1.APIService - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsje -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindB@group: apiregistration.k8s.io -version: v1beta1 -kind: APIService -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -BÈ -apiregistration_v1beta13partially update status of the specified APIService*+patchApiregistrationV1beta1APIServiceStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean J~ -c -200\ -Z -OKT -R -P#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1beta1.APIService - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsje -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindB@group: apiregistration.k8s.io -version: v1beta1 -kind: APIService -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -J7 -53"1pathname of the APIService"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Ü& -/api/v1/secretsÈ&¼ -core_v1$list or watch objects of kind Secret* listCoreV1SecretForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*JY -> -2007 -5 -OK/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.SecretList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jH -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind%#kind: Secret -version: v1 -group: "" -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Ê^ -A/apis/networking.k8s.io/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/networkpolicies„^«& - networking_v1+list or watch objects of kind NetworkPolicy*'listNetworkingV1NamespacedNetworkPolicy2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Jf -K -200D -B -OK< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.NetworkPolicyList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -j^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9kind: NetworkPolicy -version: v1 -group: networking.k8s.io -"¯ - networking_v1create a NetworkPolicy*)createNetworkingV1NamespacedNetworkPolicy2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BJ -H -Fbodybody *6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.NetworkPolicyBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jÿ -G -200@ -> -OK8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.NetworkPolicy -L -201E -C -Created8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.NetworkPolicy -M -202F -D -Accepted8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.NetworkPolicy - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -j^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9group: networking.k8s.io -kind: NetworkPolicy -version: v1 -*î, - networking_v1"delete collection of NetworkPolicy*3deleteNetworkingV1CollectionNamespacedNetworkPolicy2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9group: networking.k8s.io -kind: NetworkPolicy -version: v1 -j* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ¢ -'/api/v1/persistentvolumes/{name}/statusöƒ -core_v1-read status of the specified PersistentVolume* readCoreV1PersistentVolumeStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*J_ -D -200= -; -OK5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolume - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-group: "" -kind: PersistentVolume -version: v1 -Ø -core_v10replace status of the specified PersistentVolume*#replaceCoreV1PersistentVolumeStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BG -E -Cbodybody *3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jª -D -200= -; -OK5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolume -I -201B -@ -Created5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolume - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-group: "" -kind: PersistentVolume -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -B‚ -core_v19partially update status of the specified PersistentVolume*!patchCoreV1PersistentVolumeStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean J_ -D -200= -; -OK5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolume - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-kind: PersistentVolume -version: v1 -group: "" -J= -;9"7pathname of the PersistentVolume"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Ð* -;/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1/clusterroles/{name}*¤ -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1read the specified ClusterRole*'readRbacAuthorizationV1beta1ClusterRole2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*J_ - -401 - - Unauthorized -D -200= -; -OK5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.ClusterRoleRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -ji -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindFDgroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: ClusterRole -version: v1beta1 -ù -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1!replace the specified ClusterRole**replaceRbacAuthorizationV1beta1ClusterRole2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BG -E -Cbodybody *3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.ClusterRoleBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jª -D -200= -; -OK5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.ClusterRole -I -201B -@ -Created5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.ClusterRole - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -ji -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindFDgroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: ClusterRole -version: v1beta1 -*¹ -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1delete a ClusterRole*)deleteRbacAuthorizationV1beta1ClusterRole2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -ji -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindFDgroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: ClusterRole -version: v1beta1 -B£ -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1*partially update the specified ClusterRole*(patchRbacAuthorizationV1beta1ClusterRole2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean J_ -D -200= -; -OK5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.ClusterRole - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsji -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindFDgroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: ClusterRole -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -J8 -64"2pathname of the ClusterRole"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Ó) -0/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1/volumeattachments/{name}ž)ˆ - -storage_v1#read the specified VolumeAttachment*readStorageV1VolumeAttachment2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Jb - -401 - - Unauthorized -G -200@ -> -OK8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.VolumeAttachmentRhttpsj^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9group: storage.k8s.io -kind: VolumeAttachment -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionget -ã - -storage_v1&replace the specified VolumeAttachment* replaceStorageV1VolumeAttachment2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BJ -H -Fbodybody *6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.VolumeAttachmentBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J° -L -201E -C -Created8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.VolumeAttachment - -401 - - Unauthorized -G -200@ -> -OK8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.VolumeAttachmentRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -j^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9group: storage.k8s.io -kind: VolumeAttachment -version: v1 -* - -storage_v1delete a VolumeAttachment*deleteStorageV1VolumeAttachment2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J± -G -200@ -> -OK8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.VolumeAttachment -M -202F -D -Accepted8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.VolumeAttachment - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -j^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9version: v1 -group: storage.k8s.io -kind: VolumeAttachment -B‡ - -storage_v1/partially update the specified VolumeAttachment*patchStorageV1VolumeAttachment2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Jb -G -200@ -> -OK8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.VolumeAttachment - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -j^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9group: storage.k8s.io -kind: VolumeAttachment -version: v1 -J= -;9"7pathname of the VolumeAttachment"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string §' -/api/v1/replicationcontrollers„'ø -core_v13list or watch objects of kind ReplicationController*/listCoreV1ReplicationControllerForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jh -M -200F -D -OK> -< -:#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ReplicationControllerList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: "" -kind: ReplicationController -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ö\ -%/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1beta1/csinodesÌ\‘& -storage_v1beta1%list or watch objects of kind CSINode*listStorageV1beta1CSINode2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean Jb - -401 - - Unauthorized -G -200@ -> -OK8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSINodeListRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jZ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind75group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSINode -version: v1beta1 -"‰ -storage_v1beta1create a CSINode*createStorageV1beta1CSINode2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BF -D -Bbodybody *2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSINodeBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jó - -401 - - Unauthorized -C -200< -: -OK4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSINode -H -201A -? -Created4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSINode -I -202B -@ -Accepted4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSINodeRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jZ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind75version: v1beta1 -group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSINode -*Ø, -storage_v1beta1delete collection of CSINode*%deleteStorageV1beta1CollectionCSINode2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -jZ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind75group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSINode -version: v1beta1 -JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ê -/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1/ÍÊ - -storage_v1get available resources*getStorageV1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsÔ) -I/apis/apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/customresourcedefinitions/{name}†)³ -apiextensions_v1beta1¿watch changes to an object of kind CustomResourceDefinition. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*1watchApiextensionsV1beta1CustomResourceDefinition2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk - -401 - - Unauthorized -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEventRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -jq -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindNLversion: v1beta1 -group: apiextensions.k8s.io -kind: CustomResourceDefinition -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JE -CA"?path$name of the CustomResourceDefinition"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean †_ -0/apis/apiregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1/apiservicesÑ^Ó& -apiregistration_v1beta1(list or watch objects of kind APIService*$listApiregistrationV1beta1APIService2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*B‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Bï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer B± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean J‚ -g -200` -^ -OKX -V -T#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1beta1.APIServiceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -je -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindB@group: apiregistration.k8s.io -version: v1beta1 -kind: APIService -"« - -apiregistration_v1beta1create an APIService*&createApiregistrationV1beta1APIService2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Bf -d -bbodybody *R -P#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1beta1.APIServiceBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JÓ - -401 - - Unauthorized -c -200\ -Z -OKT -R -P#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1beta1.APIService -h -201a -_ -CreatedT -R -P#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1beta1.APIService -i -202b -` -AcceptedT -R -P#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1beta1.APIServiceRhttpsje -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindB@version: v1beta1 -kind: APIService -group: apiregistration.k8s.io -j -x-kubernetes-actionpost -*ù, -apiregistration_v1beta1delete collection of APIService*0deleteApiregistrationV1beta1CollectionAPIService2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string Bž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer B‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Bú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string Bû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string BÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Bž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer Jg - -401 - - Unauthorized -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.StatusRhttpsj* -x-kubernetes-actiondeletecollection -je -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindB@group: apiregistration.k8s.io -version: v1beta1 -kind: APIService -JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string à' -/apis/apps/v1/watch/daemonsets½'± -apps_v1uwatch individual changes to a list of DaemonSet. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*(watchAppsV1DaemonSetListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jM -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind*(group: apps -kind: DaemonSet -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean š -N/apis/authorization.k8s.io/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/localsubjectaccessreviewsÇ "× -authorization_v1!create a LocalSubjectAccessReview*7createAuthorizationV1NamespacedLocalSubjectAccessReview2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BX -V -Tbodybody *D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.LocalSubjectAccessReviewJ© -[ -202T -R -AcceptedF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.LocalSubjectAccessReview - -401 - - Unauthorized -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.LocalSubjectAccessReview -Z -201S -Q -CreatedF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.LocalSubjectAccessReviewRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jl -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindIGgroup: authorization.k8s.io -kind: LocalSubjectAccessReview -version: v1 -Jž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string J– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ò -/apis/apiregistration.k8s.io/ÐÍ -apiregistrationget information of a group*getApiregistrationAPIGroup2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJi -N -200G -E -OK? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIGroup - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsì -/apis/batch/v1beta1/ÓÐ - batch_v1beta1get available resources*getBatchV1beta1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsø -9/apis/apiregistration.k8s.io/v1/apiservices/{name}/statusºµ -apiregistration_v1'read status of the specified APIService*%readApiregistrationV1APIServiceStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Jy -^ -200W -U -OKO -M -K#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1.APIService - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj` -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind=;group: apiregistration.k8s.io -version: v1 -kind: APIService -j -x-kubernetes-actionget -¾ -apiregistration_v1*replace status of the specified APIService*(replaceApiregistrationV1APIServiceStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Ba -_ -]bodybody *M -K#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1.APIServiceBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JÞ - -401 - - Unauthorized -^ -200W -U -OKO -M -K#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1.APIService -c -201\ -Z -CreatedO -M -K#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1.APIServiceRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -j` -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind=;group: apiregistration.k8s.io -version: v1 -kind: APIService -B´ -apiregistration_v13partially update status of the specified APIService*&patchApiregistrationV1APIServiceStatus2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Jy -^ -200W -U -OKO -M -K#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1.APIService - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -j` -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind=;group: apiregistration.k8s.io -version: v1 -kind: APIService -J7 -53"1pathname of the APIService"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ì -/apis/authorization.k8s.io/ÌÉ - authorizationget information of a group*getAuthorizationAPIGroup2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJi -N -200G -E -OK? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIGroup - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsá( -0/apis/node.k8s.io/v1/watch/runtimeclasses/{name}¬(å -node_v1³watch changes to an object of kind RuntimeClass. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*watchNodeV1RuntimeClass2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -jW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42kind: RuntimeClass -version: v1 -group: node.k8s.io -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J9 -75"3pathname of the RuntimeClass"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ÿ' -./apis/node.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/runtimeclassesÌ'À - node_v1beta1xwatch individual changes to a list of RuntimeClass. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.* watchNodeV1beta1RuntimeClassList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -j\ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind97group: node.k8s.io -kind: RuntimeClass -version: v1beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ’' -/api/v1/nodes/{name}ù&à -core_v1read the specified Node*readCoreV1Node2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*JS -8 -2001 -/ -OK) -' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Node - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jF -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind#!group: "" -kind: Node -version: v1 -€ -core_v1replace the specified Node*replaceCoreV1Node2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*B; -9 -7bodybody *' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J’ -8 -2001 -/ -OK) -' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Node -= -2016 -4 -Created) -' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Node - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjF -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind#!group: "" -kind: Node -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -*ä -core_v1 delete a Node*deleteCoreV1Node2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» - -401 - - Unauthorized -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.StatusRhttpsjF -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind#!group: "" -kind: Node -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-action delete -B -core_v1#partially update the specified Node*patchCoreV1Node2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean JS -8 -2001 -/ -OK) -' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Node - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jF -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind#!kind: Node -version: v1 -group: "" -J1 -/-"+pathname of the Node"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Ú -/apis/apps/v1/ÇÄ -apps_v1get available resources*getAppsV1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsï - -2/apis/authorization.k8s.io/v1/subjectaccessreviews¸ -"ª -authorization_v1create a SubjectAccessReview*(createAuthorizationV1SubjectAccessReview2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BS -Q -Obodybody *? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.SubjectAccessReviewJš -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.SubjectAccessReview -U -201N -L -CreatedA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.SubjectAccessReview -V -202O -M -AcceptedA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.SubjectAccessReview - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpost -jg -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindDBversion: v1 -group: authorization.k8s.io -kind: SubjectAccessReview -Jž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string J– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string — -7/apis/authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1/subjectaccessreviewsÛ -"Í -authorization_v1beta1create a SubjectAccessReview*-createAuthorizationV1beta1SubjectAccessReview2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BX -V -Tbodybody *D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.SubjectAccessReviewJ© -[ -202T -R -AcceptedF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.SubjectAccessReview - -401 - - Unauthorized -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.SubjectAccessReview -Z -201S -Q -CreatedF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.SubjectAccessReviewRhttpsjl -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindIGkind: SubjectAccessReview -version: v1beta1 -group: authorization.k8s.io -j -x-kubernetes-actionpost -Jž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string J– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string æ) -:/apis/batch/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/cronjobs/{name}§)ó - batch_v1beta1read the specified CronJob*!readBatchV1beta1NamespacedCronJob2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*J\ -A -200: -8 -OK2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1beta1.CronJob - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jQ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind.,group: batch -kind: CronJob -version: v1beta1 - - batch_v1beta1replace the specified CronJob*$replaceBatchV1beta1NamespacedCronJob2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BD -B -@bodybody *0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1beta1.CronJobBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J¤ -F -201? -= -Created2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1beta1.CronJob - -401 - - Unauthorized -A -200: -8 -OK2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1beta1.CronJobRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jQ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind.,group: batch -kind: CronJob -version: v1beta1 -*‹ - batch_v1beta1delete a CronJob*#deleteBatchV1beta1NamespacedCronJob2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» - -401 - - Unauthorized -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.StatusRhttpsjQ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind.,group: batch -kind: CronJob -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-action delete -Bò - batch_v1beta1&partially update the specified CronJob*"patchBatchV1beta1NamespacedCronJob2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean J\ -A -200: -8 -OK2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1beta1.CronJob - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jQ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind.,group: batch -kind: CronJob -version: v1beta1 -J4 -20".pathname of the CronJob"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ¸( - -<bodybody *, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.EndpointsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string Jœ -= -2006 -4 -OK. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Endpoints -B -201; -9 -Created. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Endpoints - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjK -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind(&group: "" -kind: Endpoints -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -*û -core_v1delete Endpoints*deleteCoreV1NamespacedEndpoints2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjK -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind(&group: "" -kind: Endpoints -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-action delete -Bà -core_v1(partially update the specified Endpoints*patchCoreV1NamespacedEndpoints2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean JX -= -2006 -4 -OK. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Endpoints - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjK -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind(&group: "" -kind: Endpoints -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -J6 -42"0pathname of the Endpoints"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Ì' -/apis/batch/v1/watch/jobs®'¢ -batch_v1owatch individual changes to a list of Job. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*#watchBatchV1JobListForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jH -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind%#group: batch -kind: Job -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ö) -@/apis/events.k8s.io/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/events/{name}±)ö -events_v1beta1read the specified Event* readEventsV1beta1NamespacedEvent2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*J[ -@ -2009 -7 -OK1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.events.v1beta1.Event - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionget -jW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: events.k8s.io -kind: Event -version: v1beta1 -à -events_v1beta1replace the specified Event*#replaceEventsV1beta1NamespacedEvent2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BC -A -?bodybody */ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.events.v1beta1.EventBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J¢ -@ -2009 -7 -OK1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.events.v1beta1.Event -E -201> -< -Created1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.events.v1beta1.Event - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42kind: Event -version: v1beta1 -group: events.k8s.io -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -* -events_v1beta1delete an Event*"deleteEventsV1beta1NamespacedEvent2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -jW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: events.k8s.io -kind: Event -version: v1beta1 -Bõ -events_v1beta1$partially update the specified Event*!patchEventsV1beta1NamespacedEvent2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean J[ -@ -2009 -7 -OK1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.events.v1beta1.Event - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: events.k8s.io -kind: Event -version: v1beta1 -J2 -0.",pathname of the Event"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ‚+ -B/apis/policy/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/poddisruptionbudgets/{name}»*“ - policy_v1&read the specified PodDisruptionBudget*)readPolicyV1NamespacedPodDisruptionBudget2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*Jd -I -200B -@ -OK: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1.PodDisruptionBudget - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjY -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind64group: policy -kind: PodDisruptionBudget -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionget -ò - policy_v1)replace the specified PodDisruptionBudget*,replacePolicyV1NamespacedPodDisruptionBudget2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BL -J -Hbodybody *8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1.PodDisruptionBudgetBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J´ -I -200B -@ -OK: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1.PodDisruptionBudget -N -201G -E -Created: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1.PodDisruptionBudget - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jY -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind64group: policy -kind: PodDisruptionBudget -version: v1 -*£ - policy_v1delete a PodDisruptionBudget*+deletePolicyV1NamespacedPodDisruptionBudget2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BT -R -Pbodybody*B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptionsBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string Bä -áÞÛquery±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately."gracePeriodSeconds2integer BÑ -ÎËÈquery Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both."orphanDependents2boolean Bˆ -…‚ÿquery×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground."propagationPolicy2string J» -L -200E -C -OK= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status -R -202K -I -Accepted= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Status - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-action delete -jY -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind64group: policy -kind: PodDisruptionBudget -version: v1 -B’ - policy_v12partially update the specified PodDisruptionBudget**patchPolicyV1NamespacedPodDisruptionBudget2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean Jd -I -200B -@ -OK: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1.PodDisruptionBudget - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjY -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind64group: policy -kind: PodDisruptionBudget -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -J@ -><":pathname of the PodDisruptionBudget"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ×` -E/apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1/validatingwebhookconfigurations`’' -admissionregistration_v1/apis/apps/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/statefulsets/{name}/scale­û -apps_v1'read scale of the specified StatefulSet*$readAppsV1NamespacedStatefulSetScale2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*J[ -@ -2009 -7 -OK1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.Scale - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjP -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind-+group: autoscaling -kind: Scale -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionget -È -apps_v1*replace scale of the specified StatefulSet*'replaceAppsV1NamespacedStatefulSetScale2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BC -A -?bodybody */ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.ScaleBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J¢ -@ -2009 -7 -OK1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.Scale -E -201> -< -Created1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.Scale - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjP -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind-+group: autoscaling -kind: Scale -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionput -Bú -apps_v13partially update scale of the specified StatefulSet*%patchAppsV1NamespacedStatefulSetScale2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean J[ -@ -2009 -7 -OK1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.Scale - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jP -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind-+version: v1 -group: autoscaling -kind: Scale -J2 -0.",pathname of the Scale"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string ' -"/apis/events.k8s.io/v1beta1/eventsé&Ý -events_v1beta1#list or watch objects of kind Event*&listEventsV1beta1EventForAllNamespaces2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*J_ -D -200= -; -OK5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.events.v1beta1.EventList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionlist -jW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: events.k8s.io -kind: Event -version: v1beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ‚ - /apis/networking.k8s.io/v1beta1/ÝÚ -networking_v1beta1get available resources* getNetworkingV1beta1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsê' -(/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1/watch/csidrivers½'± - -storage_v1uwatch individual changes to a list of CSIDriver. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*watchStorageV1CSIDriverList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42group: storage.k8s.io -kind: CSIDriver -version: v1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean ‚) -8/apis/apiregistration.k8s.io/v1/watch/apiservices/{name}Å(€ -apiregistration_v1±watch changes to an object of kind APIService. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.* watchApiregistrationV1APIService2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -j` -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind=;group: apiregistration.k8s.io -version: v1 -kind: APIService -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J7 -53"1pathname of the APIService"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean þ -/apis/autoscaling/v2beta1/ßÜ -autoscaling_v2beta1get available resources*!getAutoscalingV2beta1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsˆ -"/apis/certificates.k8s.io/v1beta1/áÞ -certificates_v1beta1get available resources*"getCertificatesV1beta1APIResources2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json:application/yaml:#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobufJp -U -200N -L -OKF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceList - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsü) -S/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/prioritylevelconfigurations/{name}¤)Ï -flowcontrolApiserver_v1beta1Áwatch changes to an object of kind PriorityLevelConfiguration. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*:watchFlowcontrolApiserverV1beta1PriorityLevelConfiguration2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk - -401 - - Unauthorized -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEventRhttpsj{ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindXVgroup: flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io -kind: PriorityLevelConfiguration -version: v1beta1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JG -EC"Apath&name of the PriorityLevelConfiguration"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean È) -H/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/clusterrolebindings/{name}û(® -rbacAuthorization_v1beta1¹watch changes to an object of kind ClusterRoleBinding. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.*/watchRbacAuthorizationV1beta1ClusterRoleBinding2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -jp -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindMKgroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -kind: ClusterRoleBinding -version: v1beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J? -=;"9pathname of the ClusterRoleBinding"name*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean È) -8/api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/podtemplates/{name}‹)ã -core_v1²watch changes to an object of kind PodTemplate. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.* watchCoreV1NamespacedPodTemplate2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionwatch -jM -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind*(version: v1 -group: "" -kind: PodTemplate -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer J8 -64"2pathname of the PodTemplate"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean é -=/apis/apps/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/replicasets/{name}/scale§ù -apps_v1&read scale of the specified ReplicaSet*#readAppsV1NamespacedReplicaSetScale2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*J[ -@ -2009 -7 -OK1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.Scale - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsjP -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind-+group: autoscaling -kind: Scale -version: v1 -j -x-kubernetes-actionget -Æ -apps_v1)replace scale of the specified ReplicaSet*&replaceAppsV1NamespacedReplicaSetScale2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:*/*BC -A -?bodybody */ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.ScaleBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B– -“queryêfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint." fieldManager2string J¢ -@ -2009 -7 -OK1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.Scale -E -201> -< -Created1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.Scale - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionput -jP -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind-+group: autoscaling -kind: Scale -version: v1 -Bø -apps_v12partially update scale of the specified ReplicaSet*$patchAppsV1NamespacedReplicaSetScale2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf:application/json-patch+json:application/merge-patch+json:&application/strategic-merge-patch+json:application/apply-patch+yamlBN -L -Jbodybody *: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.PatchBž -›˜•queryøWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed"dryRun2string B¯ -¬©¦queryƒfieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint. This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch)." fieldManager2string BÎ -ËÈÅquery¨Force is going to "force" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests."force2boolean J[ -@ -2009 -7 -OK1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.Scale - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj -x-kubernetes-actionpatch -jP -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind-+group: autoscaling -kind: Scale -version: v1 -J2 -0.",pathname of the Scale"name*string˜J` -^\"Zpath:object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects" namespace*string˜JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string š( -4/apis/storage.k8s.io/v1beta1/watch/volumeattachmentsá'Õ -storage_v1beta1|watch individual changes to a list of VolumeAttachment. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.*'watchStorageV1beta1VolumeAttachmentList2application/json2application/yaml2#application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf2application/json;stream=watch20application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch:*/*Jk -P -200I -G -OKA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEvent - -401 - - UnauthorizedRhttpsj# -x-kubernetes-action  -watchlist -jc -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind@>group: storage.k8s.io -kind: VolumeAttachment -version: v1beta1 -J‚ -ÿüùqueryÎallowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type "BOOKMARK". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. If the feature gate WatchBookmarks is not enabled in apiserver, this field is ignored."allowWatchBookmarks2boolean Jï -ì é æ queryÇ The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the "next key". - -This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications."continue2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything." fieldSelector2string J‡ -„query\A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything." labelSelector2string Jú - -÷ -ô -ñ -queryÔ -limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. - -The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned."limit2integer JO -MKIquery-If 'true', then the output is pretty printed."pretty2string Jû -øõòqueryÌresourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersion2string JÚ -×ÔÑquery¦resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-versions for details. - -Defaults to unset"resourceVersionMatch2string Jž -›˜•querypTimeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity."timeoutSeconds2integer J± -®«¨query‹Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion."watch2boolean J½÷0 -§ -"io.k8s.api.core.v1.NFSVolumeSource€"€Represents an NFS mount that lasts the lifetime of a pod. NFS volumes do not support ownership management or SELinux relabeling.šserveršpath² -objectÊÞ -€ -pathx"kPath that is exported by the NFS server. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#nfs² -string -à -readOnly¶"§ReadOnly here will force the NFS export to be mounted with read-only permissions. Defaults to false. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#nfs² -boolean -’ -server‡"zServer is the hostname or IP address of the NFS server. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#nfs² -string -È -$io.k8s.api.discovery.v1beta1.ForZoneŸ"LForZone provides information about which zones should consume this endpoint.šname² -objectÊ< -: -name2"%name represents the name of the zone.² -string -¦ -io.k8s.api.events.v1beta1.Event‚"¾Event is a report of an event somewhere in the cluster. It generally denotes some state change in the system. Events have a limited retention time and triggers and messages may evolve with time. Event consumers should not rely on the timing of an event with a given Reason reflecting a consistent underlying trigger, or the continued existence of events with that Reason. Events should be treated as informative, best-effort, supplemental data.š eventTime² -objectÊÆ -| -reasonr"ereason is why the action was taken. It is human-readable. This field can have at most 128 characters.² -string -Ñ -relatedÅ -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ObjectReference"related is the optional secondary object for more complex actions. E.g. when regarding object triggers a creation or deletion of related object. -¹ -reportingController¡"“reportingController is the name of the controller that emitted this Event, e.g. `kubernetes.io/kubelet`. This field cannot be empty for new Events.² -string -¦ -action›"action is what action was taken/failed regarding to the regarding object. It is machine-readable. This field can have at most 128 characters.² -string -ˆ -deprecatedCountuint32"`deprecatedCount is the deprecated field assuring backward compatibility with core.v1 Event type.² -integer -¿ -deprecatedLastTimestamp£ -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"hdeprecatedLastTimestamp is the deprecated field assuring backward compatibility with core.v1 Event type. -Ò -metadataÅ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -Á -deprecatedFirstTimestamp¤ -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"ideprecatedFirstTimestamp is the deprecated field assuring backward compatibility with core.v1 Event type. -— - eventTime‰ -<#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.MicroTime"IeventTime is the time when this Event was first observed. It is required. -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¦ -deprecatedSource‘ -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.EventSource"adeprecatedSource is the deprecated field assuring backward compatibility with core.v1 Event type. -¶ - regarding¨ -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ObjectReference"óregarding contains the object this Event is about. In most cases it's an Object reporting controller implements, e.g. ReplicaSetController implements ReplicaSets and this event is emitted because it acts on some changes in a ReplicaSet object. -Ÿ -series” -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.events.v1beta1.EventSeries"]series is data about the Event series this event represents or nil if it's a singleton Event. -½ -note´"¦note is a human-readable description of the status of this operation. Maximal length of the note is 1kB, but libraries should be prepared to handle values up to 64kB.² -string - -reportingInstance¬"žreportingInstance is the ID of the controller instance, e.g. `kubelet-xyzf`. This field cannot be empty for new Events and it can have at most 128 characters.² -string -† -type~"qtype is the type of this event (Normal, Warning), new types could be added in the future. It is machine-readable.² -stringú] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8- group: events.k8s.io - kind: Event - version: v1beta1 - -î -?io.k8s.api.certificates.v1beta1.CertificateSigningRequestStatusª² -objectÊ› -˜ - certificateˆbyte"OIf request was approved, the controller will place the issued certificate here.² -stringú# -x-kubernetes-list-type atomic - -ý - -conditionsî">Conditions applied to the request, such as approval or denial.² -arrayºT -R -P#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1beta1.CertificateSigningRequestConditionú' -x-kubernetes-list-map-keys - type -ú -x-kubernetes-list-typemap - -® - -"io.k8s.api.core.v1.ComponentStatus‡ -"yComponentStatus (and ComponentStatusList) holds the cluster validation info. Deprecated: This API is deprecated in v1.19+² -objectÊ£ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -Î - -conditions¿"%List of component conditions observed² -arrayº7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ComponentConditionú' -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keytype -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge - -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ò -metadataÅ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadataúW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42- group: "" - kind: ComponentStatus - version: v1 - -˜ -*io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeSelectorRequirementé"wA node selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.škeyšoperator² -objectÊÐ -û -valuesð"ÓAn array of string values. If the operator is In or NotIn, the values array must be non-empty. If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist, the values array must be empty. If the operator is Gt or Lt, the values array must have a single element, which will be interpreted as an integer. This array is replaced during a strategic merge patch.² -arrayº - ² -string -? -key8"+The label key that the selector applies to.² -string -Ž -operator"tRepresents a key's relationship to a set of values. Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists, DoesNotExist. Gt, and Lt.² -string -’5 -'io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeSpecæ4"APersistentVolumeSpec is the specification of a persistent volume.² -objectÊ”4 -¥ -portworxVolume’ -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PortworxVolumeSource"YPortworxVolume represents a portworx volume attached and mounted on kubelets host machine -¦ -scaleIOš ->#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ScaleIOPersistentVolumeSource"XScaleIO represents a ScaleIO persistent volume attached and mounted on Kubernetes nodes. - - storageosó -@#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.StorageOSPersistentVolumeSource"®StorageOS represents a StorageOS volume that is attached to the kubelet's host machine and mounted into the pod More info: https://examples.k8s.io/volumes/storageos/README.md -î - mountOptionsÝ"ÀA list of mount options, e.g. ["ro", "soft"]. Not validated - mount will simply fail if one is invalid. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#mount-options² -arrayº - ² -string -Á -nfs¹ -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NFSVolumeSource"„NFS represents an NFS mount on the host. Provisioned by an admin. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#nfs -– -cephfs‹ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.CephFSPersistentVolumeSource"JCephFS represents a Ceph FS mount on the host that shares a pod's lifetime -½ -gcePersistentDisk§ ->#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.GCEPersistentDiskVolumeSource"äGCEPersistentDisk represents a GCE Disk resource that is attached to a kubelet's host machine and then exposed to the pod. Provisioned by an admin. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#gcepersistentdisk -ä - nodeAffinityÓ -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.VolumeNodeAffinity"›NodeAffinity defines constraints that limit what nodes this volume can be accessed from. This field influences the scheduling of pods that use this volume. -± -awsElasticBlockStore˜ -A#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.AWSElasticBlockStoreVolumeSource"ÒAWSElasticBlockStore represents an AWS Disk resource that is attached to a kubelet's host machine and then exposed to the pod. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#awselasticblockstore -Ö -claimRefÉ -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ObjectReference"”ClaimRef is part of a bi-directional binding between PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim. Expected to be non-nil when bound. claim.VolumeName is the authoritative bind between PV and PVC. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes#binding -ª -fc£ -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.FCVolumeSource"pFC represents a Fibre Channel resource that is attached to a kubelet's host machine and then exposed to the pod. -í -flockerá -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.FlockerVolumeSource"¨Flocker represents a Flocker volume attached to a kubelet's host machine and exposed to the pod for its usage. This depends on the Flocker control service being running -… - glusterfs÷ -@#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.GlusterfsPersistentVolumeSource"²Glusterfs represents a Glusterfs volume that is attached to a host and exposed to the pod. Provisioned by an admin. More info: https://examples.k8s.io/volumes/glusterfs/README.md -| -locals -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.LocalVolumeSource"=Local represents directly-attached storage with node affinity -É - -volumeModeº"¬volumeMode defines if a volume is intended to be used with a formatted filesystem or to remain in raw block state. Value of Filesystem is implied when not included in spec.² -string -ð -capacityã"“A description of the persistent volume's resources and capacity. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes#capacityª? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantity² -object -Ú -cinderÏ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.CinderPersistentVolumeSource"Cinder represents a cinder volume attached and mounted on kubelets host machine. More info: https://examples.k8s.io/mysql-cinder-pd/README.md - -quobyteƒ -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.QuobyteVolumeSource"KQuobyte represents a Quobyte mount on the host that shares a pod's lifetime -œ - azureDiskŽ -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.AzureDiskVolumeSource"TAzureDisk represents an Azure Data Disk mount on the host and bind mount to the pod. -Õ -iscsiË -<#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ISCSIPersistentVolumeSource"ŠISCSI represents an ISCSI Disk resource that is attached to a kubelet's host machine and then exposed to the pod. Provisioned by an admin. -¨ -storageClassName“"…Name of StorageClass to which this persistent volume belongs. Empty value means that this volume does not belong to any StorageClass.² -string -¼ - accessModes¬"AccessModes contains all ways the volume can be mounted. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes#access-modes² -arrayº - ² -string -õ -hostPathè -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.HostPathVolumeSource"®HostPath represents a directory on the host. Provisioned by a developer or tester. This is useful for single-node development and testing only! On-host storage is not supported in any way and WILL NOT WORK in a multi-node cluster. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#hostpath -Ó -rbdË -:#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.RBDPersistentVolumeSource"ŒRBD represents a Rados Block Device mount on the host that shares a pod's lifetime. More info: https://examples.k8s.io/volumes/rbd/README.md -¶ - -flexVolume§ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.FlexPersistentVolumeSource"hFlexVolume represents a generic volume resource that is provisioned/attached using an exec based plugin. -¼ -persistentVolumeReclaimPolicyš"ŒWhat happens to a persistent volume when released from its claim. Valid options are Retain (default for manually created PersistentVolumes), Delete (default for dynamically provisioned PersistentVolumes), and Recycle (deprecated). Recycle must be supported by the volume plugin underlying this PersistentVolume. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes#reclaiming² -string -Î -photonPersistentDiskµ -A#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PhotonPersistentDiskVolumeSource"pPhotonPersistentDisk represents a PhotonController persistent disk attached and mounted on kubelets host machine -¬ - vsphereVolumeš -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.VsphereVirtualDiskVolumeSource"WVsphereVolume represents a vSphere volume attached and mounted on kubelets host machine -© - azureFile› -@#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.AzureFilePersistentVolumeSource"WAzureFile represents an Azure File Service mount on the host and bind mount to the pod. -– -csiŽ -:#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.CSIPersistentVolumeSource"PCSI represents storage that is handled by an external CSI driver (Beta feature). -¶ -io.k8s.api.core.v1.Pod› "wPod is a collection of containers that can run on a host. This resource is created by clients and scheduled onto hosts.² -objectÊÅ - -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ò -metadataÅ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -Ö -specÍ -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodSpec" Specification of the desired behavior of the pod. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status -— -statusŒ -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodStatus"ÝMost recently observed status of the pod. This data may not be up to date. Populated by the system. Read-only. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-statusúK -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind(&- kind: Pod - version: v1 - group: "" - -— -io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodConditionó"DPodCondition contains details for the current condition of this pod.štypešstatus² -objectÊŽ -X -messageM"@Human-readable message indicating details about last transition.² -string -^ -reasonT"GUnique, one-word, CamelCase reason for the condition's last transition.² -string -· -status¬"žStatus is the status of the condition. Can be True, False, Unknown. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#pod-conditions² -string -“ -typeŠ"}Type is the type of the condition. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#pod-conditions² -string -n - lastProbeTime] -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time""Last time we probed the condition. -‘ -lastTransitionTime{ -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"@Last time the condition transitioned from one status to another. -é -/io.k8s.api.authentication.v1.TokenRequestStatusµ"4TokenRequestStatus is the result of a token request.štokenšexpirationTimestamp² -objectÊÒ -– -expirationTimestamp -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"DExpirationTimestamp is the time of expiration of the returned token. -7 -token."!Token is the opaque bearer token.² -string -© -0io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.MetricValueStatusô"6MetricValueStatus holds the current value for a metric² -objectÊ­ -ì -averageUtilizationÕint32"¿currentAverageUtilization is the current value of the average of the resource metric across all relevant pods, represented as a percentage of the requested value of the resource for the pods.² -integer -· - averageValue¦ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantity"gaverageValue is the current value of the average of the metric across all relevant pods (as a quantity) - -valuex -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantity"9value is the current value of the metric (as a quantity). -¼ -!io.k8s.api.core.v1.SELinuxOptions–"shortNames is a list of suggested short names of the resource.² -arrayº - ² -string -Ì -storageVersionHashµ"§The hash value of the storage version, the version this resource is converted to when written to the data store. Value must be treated as opaque by clients. Only equality comparison on the value is valid. This is an alpha feature and may change or be removed in the future. The field is populated by the apiserver only if the StorageVersionHash feature gate is enabled. This field will remain optional even if it graduates.² -string -« -verbs¡"„verbs is a list of supported kube verbs (this includes get, list, watch, create, update, patch, delete, deletecollection, and proxy)² -arrayº - ² -string -= -name5"(name is the plural name of the resource.² -string -T - -namespacedF"8namespaced indicates if a resource is namespaced or not.² -boolean -d -kind\"Okind is the kind for the resource (e.g. 'Foo' is the kind for a resource 'foo')² -string -ž - singularName"ÿsingularName is the singular name of the resource. This allows clients to handle plural and singular opaquely. The singularName is more correct for reporting status on a single item and both singular and plural are allowed from the kubectl CLI interface.² -string -‰ -versioný"ïversion is the preferred version of the resource. Empty implies the version of the containing resource list For subresources, this may have a different value, for example: v1 (while inside a v1beta1 version of the core resource's group)".² -string -} - -categorieso"Scategories is a list of the grouped resources this resource belongs to (e.g. 'all')² -arrayº - ² -string -Ç -group½"¯group is the preferred group of the resource. Empty implies the group of the containing resource list. For subresources, this may have a different value, for example: Scale".² -string -Ÿ -=io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelectorRequirementÝ"xA label selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.škeyšoperator² -objectÊà -š -key’"2key is the label key that the selector applies to.² -stringú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge -ú& -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keykey - -Ž -operator"toperator represents a key's relationship to a set of values. Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists and DoesNotExist.² -string -’ -values‡"êvalues is an array of string values. If the operator is In or NotIn, the values array must be non-empty. If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist, the values array must be empty. This array is replaced during a strategic merge patch.² -arrayº - ² -string -µ -6io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.NonResourceAttributesú"{NonResourceAttributes includes the authorization attributes available for non-resource requests to the Authorizer interface² -objectÊo -8 -path0"#Path is the URL path of the request² -string -3 -verb+"Verb is the standard HTTP verb² -string -° -Xio.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceSubresourceStatusÓ"ÅCustomResourceSubresourceStatus defines how to serve the status subresource for CustomResources. Status is represented by the `.status` JSON path inside of a CustomResource. When set, * exposes a /status subresource for the custom resource * PUT requests to the /status subresource take a custom resource object, and ignore changes to anything except the status stanza * PUT/POST/PATCH requests to the custom resource ignore changes to the status stanza² -object -Ð - -.io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.HPAScalingRules -"”HPAScalingRules configures the scaling behavior for one direction. These Rules are applied after calculating DesiredReplicas from metrics for the HPA. They can limit the scaling velocity by specifying scaling policies. They can prevent flapping by specifying the stabilization window, so that the number of replicas is not set instantly, instead, the safest value from the stabilization window is chosen.² -objectÊ÷ -Ì -stabilizationWindowSeconds­int32"—StabilizationWindowSeconds is the number of seconds for which past recommendations should be considered while scaling up or scaling down. StabilizationWindowSeconds must be greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 3600 (one hour). If not set, use the default values: - For scale up: 0 (i.e. no stabilization is done). - For scale down: 300 (i.e. the stabilization window is 300 seconds long).² -integer -‘ -policies„"³policies is a list of potential scaling polices which can be used during scaling. At least one policy must be specified, otherwise the HPAScalingRules will be discarded as invalid² -arrayºA -? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.HPAScalingPolicy -‘ - selectPolicy€"sselectPolicy is used to specify which policy should be used. If not set, the default value MaxPolicySelect is used.² -string -Ò -4io.k8s.api.core.v1.ScopedResourceSelectorRequirement™"A scoped-resource selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a scope name, and an operator that relates the scope name and values.š scopeNamešoperator² -objectÊà -ƒ -operatorw"jRepresents a scope's relationship to a set of values. Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists, DoesNotExist.² -string -M - scopeName@"3The name of the scope that the selector applies to.² -string -ˆ -valuesý"àAn array of string values. If the operator is In or NotIn, the values array must be non-empty. If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist, the values array must be empty. This array is replaced during a strategic merge patch.² -arrayº - ² -string -À -Wio.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceSubresourceScaleä "^CustomResourceSubresourceScale defines how to serve the scale subresource for CustomResources.šspecReplicasPathšstatusReplicasPath² -objectÊÍ -á -labelSelectorPathË"½labelSelectorPath defines the JSON path inside of a custom resource that corresponds to Scale `status.selector`. Only JSON paths without the array notation are allowed. Must be a JSON Path under `.status` or `.spec`. Must be set to work with HorizontalPodAutoscaler. The field pointed by this JSON path must be a string field (not a complex selector struct) which contains a serialized label selector in string form. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-kubernetes-api/custom-resources/custom-resource-definitions#scale-subresource If there is no value under the given path in the custom resource, the `status.selector` value in the `/scale` subresource will default to the empty string.² -string -ã -specReplicasPathÎ"ÀspecReplicasPath defines the JSON path inside of a custom resource that corresponds to Scale `spec.replicas`. Only JSON paths without the array notation are allowed. Must be a JSON Path under `.spec`. If there is no value under the given path in the custom resource, the `/scale` subresource will return an error on GET.² -string -€ -statusReplicasPathé"ÛstatusReplicasPath defines the JSON path inside of a custom resource that corresponds to Scale `status.replicas`. Only JSON paths without the array notation are allowed. Must be a JSON Path under `.status`. If there is no value under the given path in the custom resource, the `status.replicas` value in the `/scale` subresource will default to 0.² -string -ì -*io.k8s.api.authentication.v1beta1.UserInfo½"ZUserInfo holds the information about the user needed to implement the user.Info interface.² -objectÊÒ -n -extrae"9Any additional information provided by the authenticator.ª -² -arrayº - ² -string² -object -Q -groupsG"+The names of groups this user is a part of.² -arrayº - ² -string -® -uid¦"˜A unique value that identifies this user across time. If this user is deleted and another user by the same name is added, they will have different UIDs.² -string -\ -usernameP"CThe name that uniquely identifies this user among all active users.² -string -ü -5io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.CrossVersionObjectReferenceÂ"bCrossVersionObjectReference contains enough information to let you identify the referred resource.škindšname² -objectÊÁ -˜ -kind"Kind of the referent; More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds"² -string -l -named"WName of the referent; More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/identifiers#names² -string -6 - -apiVersion("API version of the referent² -string -Ü -"io.k8s.api.apps.v1.StatefulSetListµ"0StatefulSetList is a collection of StatefulSets.šitems² -objectÊ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -F -items=² -arrayº0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.StatefulSet -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -I -metadata= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMetaúY -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind64- group: apps - kind: StatefulSetList - version: v1 - -ã -io.k8s.api.storage.v1.CSIDriver¿ "ÎCSIDriver captures information about a Container Storage Interface (CSI) volume driver deployed on the cluster. Kubernetes attach detach controller uses this object to determine whether attach is required. Kubelet uses this object to determine whether pod information needs to be passed on mount. CSIDriver objects are non-namespaced.šspec² -objectÊø -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -™ -metadataŒ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ÊStandard object metadata. metadata.Name indicates the name of the CSI driver that this object refers to; it MUST be the same name returned by the CSI GetPluginName() call for that driver. The driver name must be 63 characters or less, beginning and ending with an alphanumeric character ([a-z0-9A-Z]) with dashes (-), dots (.), and alphanumerics between. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -] -specU -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.CSIDriverSpec" Specification of the CSI Driver.ú] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8- group: storage.k8s.io - kind: CSIDriver - version: v1 - -½ --io.k8s.api.extensions.v1beta1.HTTPIngressPath‹ "oHTTPIngressPath associates a path with a backend. Incoming urls matching the path are forwarded to the backend.šbackend² -objectÊ -¤ -backend˜ -:#/definitions/io.k8s.api.extensions.v1beta1.IngressBackend"ZBackend defines the referenced service endpoint to which the traffic will be forwarded to. -ž -path•"‡Path is matched against the path of an incoming request. Currently it can contain characters disallowed from the conventional "path" part of a URL as defined by RFC 3986. Paths must begin with a '/'. When unspecified, all paths from incoming requests are matched.² -string -¶ -pathType©"›PathType determines the interpretation of the Path matching. PathType can be one of the following values: * Exact: Matches the URL path exactly. * Prefix: Matches based on a URL path prefix split by '/'. Matching is - done on a path element by element basis. A path element refers is the - list of labels in the path split by the '/' separator. A request is a - match for path p if every p is an element-wise prefix of p of the - request path. Note that if the last element of the path is a substring - of the last element in request path, it is not a match (e.g. /foo/bar - matches /foo/bar/baz, but does not match /foo/barbaz). -* ImplementationSpecific: Interpretation of the Path matching is up to - the IngressClass. Implementations can treat this as a separate PathType - or treat it identically to Prefix or Exact path types. -Implementations are required to support all path types. Defaults to ImplementationSpecific.² -string -¤ - -=io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.PriorityLevelConfigurationListâ "OPriorityLevelConfigurationList is a list of PriorityLevelConfiguration objects.šitems² -objectÊñ -â -metadataÕ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"•`metadata` is the standard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -Œ -items‚"(`items` is a list of request-priorities.² -arrayºK -I -G#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.PriorityLevelConfiguration -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -stringú… -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindb`- group: flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io - kind: PriorityLevelConfigurationList - version: v1beta1 - - -(io.k8s.api.core.v1.ContainerStateWaitingã"8ContainerStateWaiting is a waiting state of a container.² -objectÊš -O -messageD"7Message regarding why the container is not yet running.² -string -G -reason="0(brief) reason the container is not yet running.² -string -» -#io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolume“ "±PersistentVolume (PV) is a storage resource provisioned by an administrator. It is analogous to a node. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes² -objectÊõ - -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ò -metadataÅ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -Š -spec -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeSpec"ÇSpec defines a specification of a persistent volume owned by the cluster. Provisioned by an administrator. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes#persistent-volumes -“ -statusˆ -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeStatus"ÌStatus represents the current information/status for the persistent volume. Populated by the system. Read-only. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes#persistent-volumesúX -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind53- group: "" - kind: PersistentVolume - version: v1 - -Á ->io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.HorizontalPodAutoscalerBehaviorþ"™HorizontalPodAutoscalerBehavior configures the scaling behavior of the target in both Up and Down directions (scaleUp and scaleDown fields respectively).² -objectÊÓ -° - scaleDown¢ -<#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.HPAScalingRules"áscaleDown is scaling policy for scaling Down. If not set, the default value is to allow to scale down to minReplicas pods, with a 300 second stabilization window (i.e., the highest recommendation for the last 300sec is used). - -scaleUp‘ -<#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.HPAScalingRules"ÐscaleUp is scaling policy for scaling Up. If not set, the default value is the higher of: - * increase no more than 4 pods per 60 seconds - * double the number of pods per 60 seconds -No stabilization is used. -þ -$io.k8s.api.batch.v1beta1.CronJobListÕ")CronJobList is a collection of cron jobs.šitems² -objectʵ -Ë -metadata¾ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -h -items_"items is the list of CronJobs.² -arrayº2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1beta1.CronJob -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -stringú[ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind86- group: batch - kind: CronJobList - version: v1beta1 - -Õ -!io.k8s.api.core.v1.LimitRangeItem¯ "SLimitRangeItem defines a min/max usage limit for any resource that matches on kind.štype² -objectÊÄ -² -default¦"WDefault resource requirement limit value by resource name if resource limit is omitted.ª? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantity² -object -Ó -defaultRequestÀ"qDefaultRequest is the default resource requirement request value by resource name if resource request is omitted.ª? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantity² -object -‹ -maxƒ"4Max usage constraints on this kind by resource name.ª? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantity² -object -× -maxLimitRequestRatio¾"îMaxLimitRequestRatio if specified, the named resource must have a request and limit that are both non-zero where limit divided by request is less than or equal to the enumerated value; this represents the max burst for the named resource.ª? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantity² -object -‹ -minƒ"4Min usage constraints on this kind by resource name.ª? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantity² -object -A -type9",Type of resource that this limit applies to.² -string -Ä -"io.k8s.api.storage.v1.StorageClass"ãStorageClass describes the parameters for a class of storage for which PersistentVolumes can be dynamically provisioned. - -StorageClasses are non-namespaced; the name of the storage class according to etcd is in ObjectMeta.Name.š provisioner² -objectÊ· -n -allowVolumeExpansionV"HAllowVolumeExpansion shows whether the storage class allow volume expand² -boolean -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -ì - mountOptionsÛ"¾Dynamically provisioned PersistentVolumes of this storage class are created with these mountOptions, e.g. ["ro", "soft"]. Not validated - mount of the PVs will simply fail if one is invalid.² -arrayº - ² -string -ø -volumeBindingModeâ"ÔVolumeBindingMode indicates how PersistentVolumeClaims should be provisioned and bound. When unset, VolumeBindingImmediate is used. This field is only honored by servers that enable the VolumeScheduling feature.² -string -Š -allowedTopologiesô"«Restrict the node topologies where volumes can be dynamically provisioned. Each volume plugin defines its own supported topology specifications. An empty TopologySelectorTerm list means there is no topology restriction. This field is only honored by servers that enable the VolumeScheduling feature.² -arrayº9 -7 -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.TopologySelectorTerm -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ò -metadataÅ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -‘ - -parameters‚"eParameters holds the parameters for the provisioner that should create volumes of this storage class.ª - ² -string² -object -N - provisioner?"2Provisioner indicates the type of the provisioner.² -string -— - reclaimPolicy…"xDynamically provisioned PersistentVolumes of this storage class are created with this reclaimPolicy. Defaults to Delete.² -stringú` -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind=;- group: storage.k8s.io - kind: StorageClass - version: v1 - -  - -=io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1.APIServiceÞ "[APIService represents a server for a particular GroupVersion. Name must be "version.group".² -objectʉ -K -metadata? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta -¢ -spec™ -O#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1.APIServiceSpec"FSpec contains information for locating and communicating with a server -— -statusŒ -Q#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1.APIServiceStatus"7Status contains derived information about an API server -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -stringúf -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindCA- kind: APIService - version: v1 - group: apiregistration.k8s.io - -Ó -"io.k8s.api.apps.v1.StatefulSetSpec¬"8A StatefulSetSpec is the specification of a StatefulSet.šselectorštemplateš serviceName² -objectÊ¿ - -replicas‚int32"ìreplicas is the desired number of replicas of the given Template. These are replicas in the sense that they are instantiations of the same Template, but individual replicas also have a consistent identity. If unspecified, defaults to 1.² -integer -­ -revisionHistoryLimit”int32"þrevisionHistoryLimit is the maximum number of revisions that will be maintained in the StatefulSet's revision history. The revision history consists of all revisions not represented by a currently applied StatefulSetSpec version. The default value is 10.² -integer -¨ -selector› -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelector"Öselector is a label query over pods that should match the replica count. It must match the pod template's labels. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/#label-selectors -û - serviceNameë"ÝserviceName is the name of the service that governs this StatefulSet. This service must exist before the StatefulSet, and is responsible for the network identity of the set. Pods get DNS/hostnames that follow the pattern: pod-specific-string.serviceName.default.svc.cluster.local where "pod-specific-string" is managed by the StatefulSet controller.² -string -¬ -templateŸ -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodTemplateSpec"êtemplate is the object that describes the pod that will be created if insufficient replicas are detected. Each pod stamped out by the StatefulSet will fulfill this Template, but have a unique identity from the rest of the StatefulSet. -å -updateStrategyÒ -:#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.StatefulSetUpdateStrategy"“updateStrategy indicates the StatefulSetUpdateStrategy that will be employed to update Pods in the StatefulSet when a revision is made to Template. -þ -volumeClaimTemplateså"›volumeClaimTemplates is a list of claims that pods are allowed to reference. The StatefulSet controller is responsible for mapping network identities to claims in a way that maintains the identity of a pod. Every claim in this list must have at least one matching (by name) volumeMount in one container in the template. A claim in this list takes precedence over any volumes in the template, with the same name.² -arrayº: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeClaim -¹ -podManagementPolicy¡"“podManagementPolicy controls how pods are created during initial scale up, when replacing pods on nodes, or when scaling down. The default policy is `OrderedReady`, where pods are created in increasing order (pod-0, then pod-1, etc) and the controller will wait until each pod is ready before continuing. When scaling down, the pods are removed in the opposite order. The alternative policy is `Parallel` which will create pods in parallel to match the desired scale without waiting, and on scale down will delete all pods at once.² -string -¶ -,io.k8s.api.authentication.v1.TokenReviewSpec…"ETokenReviewSpec is a description of the token authentication request.² -objectʯ -ó - audienceså"ÈAudiences is a list of the identifiers that the resource server presented with the token identifies as. Audience-aware token authenticators will verify that the token was intended for at least one of the audiences in this list. If no audiences are provided, the audience will default to the audience of the Kubernetes apiserver.² -arrayº - ² -string -7 -token."!Token is the opaque bearer token.² -string -† -io.k8s.api.core.v1.ServicePortã"3ServicePort contains information on service's port.šport² -objectʘ -â - -targetPortÓ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.util.intstr.IntOrString"‘Number or name of the port to access on the pods targeted by the service. Number must be in the range 1 to 65535. Name must be an IANA_SVC_NAME. If this is a string, it will be looked up as a named port in the target Pod's container ports. If this is not specified, the value of the 'port' field is used (an identity map). This field is ignored for services with clusterIP=None, and should be omitted or set equal to the 'port' field. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#defining-a-service -½ - appProtocol­"ŸThe application protocol for this port. This field follows standard Kubernetes label syntax. Un-prefixed names are reserved for IANA standard service names (as per RFC-6335 and http://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names). Non-standard protocols should use prefixed names such as mycompany.com/my-custom-protocol. This is a beta field that is guarded by the ServiceAppProtocol feature gate and enabled by default.² -string -² -name©"›The name of this port within the service. This must be a DNS_LABEL. All ports within a ServiceSpec must have unique names. When considering the endpoints for a Service, this must match the 'name' field in the EndpointPort. Optional if only one ServicePort is defined on this service.² -string -‚ -nodePortõint32"ßThe port on each node on which this service is exposed when type is NodePort or LoadBalancer. Usually assigned by the system. If a value is specified, in-range, and not in use it will be used, otherwise the operation will fail. If not specified, a port will be allocated if this Service requires one. If this field is specified when creating a Service which does not need it, creation will fail. This field will be wiped when updating a Service to no longer need it (e.g. changing type from NodePort to ClusterIP). More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#type-nodeport² -integer -K -portCint32".The port that will be exposed by this service.² -integer -j -protocol^"QThe IP protocol for this port. Supports "TCP", "UDP", and "SCTP". Default is TCP.² -string -ç -*io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.UserSubject¸"=UserSubject holds detailed information for user-kind subject.šname² -objectÊd -b -nameZ"M`name` is the username that matches, or "*" to match all usernames. Required.² -string -Ÿ -$io.k8s.api.node.v1beta1.RuntimeClassö"ØRuntimeClass defines a class of container runtime supported in the cluster. The RuntimeClass is used to determine which container runtime is used to run all containers in a pod. RuntimeClasses are (currently) manually defined by a user or cluster provisioner, and referenced in the PodSpec. The Kubelet is responsible for resolving the RuntimeClassName reference before running the pod. For more details, see https://git.k8s.io/enhancements/keps/sig-node/runtime-class.mdšhandler² -objectÊ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -Ð -handlerÄ"¶Handler specifies the underlying runtime and configuration that the CRI implementation will use to handle pods of this class. The possible values are specific to the node & CRI configuration. It is assumed that all handlers are available on every node, and handlers of the same name are equivalent on every node. For example, a handler called "runc" might specify that the runc OCI runtime (using native Linux containers) will be used to run the containers in a pod. The Handler must be lowercase, conform to the DNS Label (RFC 1123) requirements, and is immutable.² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -µ -metadata¨ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"gMore info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -ô -overheadç -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.node.v1beta1.Overhead"´Overhead represents the resource overhead associated with running a pod for a given RuntimeClass. For more details, see https://git.k8s.io/enhancements/keps/sig-node/20190226-pod-overhead.md This field is alpha-level as of Kubernetes v1.15, and is only honored by servers that enable the PodOverhead feature. -› - -schedulingŒ -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.node.v1beta1.Scheduling"×Scheduling holds the scheduling constraints to ensure that pods running with this RuntimeClass are scheduled to nodes that support it. If scheduling is nil, this RuntimeClass is assumed to be supported by all nodes.úb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=- group: node.k8s.io - kind: RuntimeClass - version: v1beta1 - -Ø -io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.Role¼"hRole is a namespaced, logical grouping of PolicyRules that can be referenced as a unit by a RoleBinding.² -objectÊÝ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -h -metadata\ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"Standard object's metadata. -t -rulesk"-Rules holds all the PolicyRules for this Role² -arrayº/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.PolicyRuleúc -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind@>- version: v1 - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io - kind: Role - -µ -]io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.CustomResourceSubresourceStatusÓ"ÅCustomResourceSubresourceStatus defines how to serve the status subresource for CustomResources. Status is represented by the `.status` JSON path inside of a CustomResource. When set, * exposes a /status subresource for the custom resource * PUT requests to the /status subresource take a custom resource object, and ignore changes to anything except the status stanza * PUT/POST/PATCH requests to the custom resource ignore changes to the status stanza² -object -à -?io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.HorizontalPodAutoscalerConditionÿ"eHorizontalPodAutoscalerCondition describes the state of a HorizontalPodAutoscaler at a certain point.štypešstatus² -objectÊù -« -lastTransitionTime” -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"YlastTransitionTime is the last time the condition transitioned from one status to another -g -message\"Omessage is a human-readable explanation containing details about the transition² -string -P -reasonF"9reason is the reason for the condition's last transition.² -string -S -statusI"int64")min is the start of the range, inclusive.² -integer -C -max<int64"'max is the end of the range, inclusive.² -integer -— -Qio.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.WebhookClientConfigÁ "WWebhookClientConfig contains the information to make a TLS connection with the webhook.² -objectÊÙ -à -caBundle¶byte"¢caBundle is a PEM encoded CA bundle which will be used to validate the webhook's server certificate. If unspecified, system trust roots on the apiserver are used.² -string -› -service -\#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.ServiceReference"®service is a reference to the service for this webhook. Either service or url must be specified. - -If the webhook is running within the cluster, then you should use `service`. -ò -urlê"Üurl gives the location of the webhook, in standard URL form (`scheme://host:port/path`). Exactly one of `url` or `service` must be specified. - -The `host` should not refer to a service running in the cluster; use the `service` field instead. The host might be resolved via external DNS in some apiservers (e.g., `kube-apiserver` cannot resolve in-cluster DNS as that would be a layering violation). `host` may also be an IP address. - -Please note that using `localhost` or `` as a `host` is risky unless you take great care to run this webhook on all hosts which run an apiserver which might need to make calls to this webhook. Such installs are likely to be non-portable, i.e., not easy to turn up in a new cluster. - -The scheme must be "https"; the URL must begin with "https://". - -A path is optional, and if present may be any string permissible in a URL. You may use the path to pass an arbitrary string to the webhook, for example, a cluster identifier. - -Attempting to use a user or basic auth e.g. "user:password@" is not allowed. Fragments ("#...") and query parameters ("?...") are not allowed, either.² -string -ð -4io.k8s.api.certificates.v1.CertificateSigningRequest·"¬CertificateSigningRequest objects provide a mechanism to obtain x509 certificates by submitting a certificate signing request, and having it asynchronously approved and issued. - -Kubelets use this API to obtain: - 1. client certificates to authenticate to kube-apiserver (with the "kubernetes.io/kube-apiserver-client-kubelet" signerName). - 2. serving certificates for TLS endpoints kube-apiserver can connect to securely (with the "kubernetes.io/kubelet-serving" signerName). - -This API can be used to request client certificates to authenticate to kube-apiserver (with the "kubernetes.io/kube-apiserver-client" signerName), or to obtain certificates from custom non-Kubernetes signers.šspec² -objectÊý -K -metadata? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta -« -spec¢ -F#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1.CertificateSigningRequestSpec"×spec contains the certificate request, and is immutable after creation. Only the request, signerName, and usages fields can be set on creation. Other fields are derived by Kubernetes and cannot be modified by users. -‚ -status÷ -H#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1.CertificateSigningRequestStatus"ªstatus contains information about whether the request is approved or denied, and the certificate issued by the signer, or the failure condition indicating signer failure. -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -stringúr -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindOM- group: certificates.k8s.io - kind: CertificateSigningRequest - version: v1 - -· -"io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodTemplateSpec"QPodTemplateSpec describes the data a pod should have when created from a template² -objectÊ® -Ö -specÍ -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodSpec" Specification of the desired behavior of the pod. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status -Ò -metadataÅ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -ì -#io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeConfigStatusÄ"WNodeConfigStatus describes the status of the config assigned by Node.Spec.ConfigSource.² -objectÊÜ -Á -active¶ -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeConfigSource"€Active reports the checkpointed config the node is actively using. Active will represent either the current version of the Assigned config, or the current LastKnownGood config, depending on whether attempting to use the Assigned config results in an error. -ù -assignedì -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeConfigSource"¶Assigned reports the checkpointed config the node will try to use. When Node.Spec.ConfigSource is updated, the node checkpoints the associated config payload to local disk, along with a record indicating intended config. The node refers to this record to choose its config checkpoint, and reports this record in Assigned. Assigned only updates in the status after the record has been checkpointed to disk. When the Kubelet is restarted, it tries to make the Assigned config the Active config by loading and validating the checkpointed payload identified by Assigned. -  -error–"ˆError describes any problems reconciling the Spec.ConfigSource to the Active config. Errors may occur, for example, attempting to checkpoint Spec.ConfigSource to the local Assigned record, attempting to checkpoint the payload associated with Spec.ConfigSource, attempting to load or validate the Assigned config, etc. Errors may occur at different points while syncing config. Earlier errors (e.g. download or checkpointing errors) will not result in a rollback to LastKnownGood, and may resolve across Kubelet retries. Later errors (e.g. loading or validating a checkpointed config) will result in a rollback to LastKnownGood. In the latter case, it is usually possible to resolve the error by fixing the config assigned in Spec.ConfigSource. You can find additional information for debugging by searching the error message in the Kubelet log. Error is a human-readable description of the error state; machines can check whether or not Error is empty, but should not rely on the stability of the Error text across Kubelet versions.² -string -ö - lastKnownGoodä -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeConfigSource"®LastKnownGood reports the checkpointed config the node will fall back to when it encounters an error attempting to use the Assigned config. The Assigned config becomes the LastKnownGood config when the node determines that the Assigned config is stable and correct. This is currently implemented as a 10-minute soak period starting when the local record of Assigned config is updated. If the Assigned config is Active at the end of this period, it becomes the LastKnownGood. Note that if Spec.ConfigSource is reset to nil (use local defaults), the LastKnownGood is also immediately reset to nil, because the local default config is always assumed good. You should not make assumptions about the node's method of determining config stability and correctness, as this may change or become configurable in the future. -• -0io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIVersionsà "APIVersions lists the versions that are available, to allow clients to discover the API at /api, which is the root path of the legacy v1 API.šversionsšserverAddressByClientCIDRs² -objectÊà -Y -versionsM"1versions are the api versions that are available.² -arrayº - ² -string -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -è -serverAddressByClientCIDRsÉ"éa map of client CIDR to server address that is serving this group. This is to help clients reach servers in the most network-efficient way possible. Clients can use the appropriate server address as per the CIDR that they match. In case of multiple matches, clients should use the longest matching CIDR. The server returns only those CIDRs that it thinks that the client can match. For example: the master will return an internal IP CIDR only, if the client reaches the server using an internal IP. Server looks at X-Forwarded-For header or X-Real-Ip header or request.RemoteAddr (in that order) to get the client IP.² -arrayºP -N -L#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ServerAddressByClientCIDRúS -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind0.- group: "" - kind: APIVersions - version: v1 - -• -&io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.VolumeErrorê"DVolumeError captures an error encountered during a volume operation.² -objectÊ• -® -message¢"”String detailing the error encountered during Attach or Detach operation. This string may be logged, so it should not contain sensitive information.² -string -b -timeZ -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"Time the error was encountered. -È -Sio.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.JSONSchemaPropsOrBoolq"oJSONSchemaPropsOrBool represents JSONSchemaProps or a boolean value. Defaults to true for the boolean property. - -!io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DeploymentListç"(DeploymentList is a list of Deployments.šitems² -objectÊË -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -h -items_"!Items is the list of Deployments.² -arrayº/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.Deployment -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -b -metadataV -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"Standard list metadata.úX -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind53- group: apps - kind: DeploymentList - version: v1 - -Ö -.io.k8s.api.policy.v1.PodDisruptionBudgetStatus£"ŠPodDisruptionBudgetStatus represents information about the status of a PodDisruptionBudget. Status may trail the actual state of a system.šdisruptionsAllowedšcurrentHealthyšdesiredHealthyš expectedPods² -objectÊÁ -â -observedGenerationËint64"µMost recent generation observed when updating this PDB status. DisruptionsAllowed and other status information is valid only if observedGeneration equals to PDB's object generation.² -integer -ô - -conditionså"ôConditions contain conditions for PDB. The disruption controller sets the DisruptionAllowed condition. The following are known values for the reason field (additional reasons could be added in the future): - SyncFailed: The controller encountered an error and wasn't able to compute - the number of allowed disruptions. Therefore no disruptions are - allowed and the status of the condition will be False. -- InsufficientPods: The number of pods are either at or below the number - required by the PodDisruptionBudget. No disruptions are - allowed and the status of the condition will be False. -- SufficientPods: There are more pods than required by the PodDisruptionBudget. - The condition will be True, and the number of allowed - disruptions are provided by the disruptionsAllowed property.² -arrayº@ -> -<#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Conditionú' -x-kubernetes-list-map-keys - type -ú -x-kubernetes-list-typemap -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keytype -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge - -E -currentHealthy3int32"current number of healthy pods² -integer -M -desiredHealthy;int32"&minimum desired number of healthy pods² -integer - - disruptedPodsû"¯DisruptedPods contains information about pods whose eviction was processed by the API server eviction subresource handler but has not yet been observed by the PodDisruptionBudget controller. A pod will be in this map from the time when the API server processed the eviction request to the time when the pod is seen by PDB controller as having been marked for deletion (or after a timeout). The key in the map is the name of the pod and the value is the time when the API server processed the eviction request. If the deletion didn't occur and a pod is still there it will be removed from the list automatically by PodDisruptionBudget controller after some time. If everything goes smooth this map should be empty for the most of the time. Large number of entries in the map may indicate problems with pod deletions.ª; -9 -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time² -object -` -disruptionsAllowedJint32"5Number of pod disruptions that are currently allowed.² -integer -[ - expectedPodsKint32"6total number of pods counted by this disruption budget² -integer -á -io.k8s.api.core.v1.Capabilities½"targetValue is the target value of the metric (as a quantity). -¶ - averageValue¥ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantity"faverageValue is the target value of the average of the metric across all relevant pods (as a quantity) -L - -metricName>"1metricName is the name of the metric in question.² -string - -)io.k8s.api.extensions.v1beta1.IngressListá"'IngressList is a collection of Ingress.šitems² -objectʾ -Ð -metadataà -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -l -itemsc"Items is the list of Ingress.² -arrayº7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.extensions.v1beta1.Ingress -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -stringú` -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind=;- group: extensions - kind: IngressList - version: v1beta1 - -ç -%io.k8s.api.authentication.v1.UserInfo½"ZUserInfo holds the information about the user needed to implement the user.Info interface.² -objectÊÒ -n -extrae"9Any additional information provided by the authenticator.ª -² -arrayº - ² -string² -object -Q -groupsG"+The names of groups this user is a part of.² -arrayº - ² -string -® -uid¦"˜A unique value that identifies this user across time. If this user is deleted and another user by the same name is added, they will have different UIDs.² -string -\ -usernameP"CThe name that uniquely identifies this user among all active users.² -string -„ - -io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeAffinityà ";Node affinity is a group of node affinity scheduling rules.² -objectÊ” -Þ -/preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecutionª"ÞThe scheduler will prefer to schedule pods to nodes that satisfy the affinity expressions specified by this field, but it may choose a node that violates one or more of the expressions. The node that is most preferred is the one with the greatest sum of weights, i.e. for each node that meets all of the scheduling requirements (resource request, requiredDuringScheduling affinity expressions, etc.), compute a sum by iterating through the elements of this field and adding "weight" to the sum if the node matches the corresponding matchExpressions; the node(s) with the highest sum are the most preferred.² -arrayº< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PreferredSchedulingTerm -° -.requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecutioný --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeSelector"ËIf the affinity requirements specified by this field are not met at scheduling time, the pod will not be scheduled onto the node. If the affinity requirements specified by this field cease to be met at some point during pod execution (e.g. due to an update), the system may or may not try to eventually evict the pod from its node. -‡ -$io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressListÞ"'IngressList is a collection of Ingress.šitems² -objectʹ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -g -items^"Items is the list of Ingress.² -arrayº2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.Ingress -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ð -metadataà -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadataúb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=- group: networking.k8s.io - kind: IngressList - version: v1 - -À -!io.k8s.api.core.v1.ContainerImageš"Describe a container imagešnames² -objectÊç -¡ -names—"{Names by which this image is known. e.g. ["k8s.gcr.io/hyperkube:v1.0.7", "dockerhub.io/google_containers/hyperkube:v1.0.7"]² -arrayº - ² -string -A - sizeBytes4int64"The size of the image in bytes.² -integer -¼ -&io.k8s.api.core.v1.GitRepoVolumeSource‘"÷Represents a volume that is populated with the contents of a git repository. Git repo volumes do not support ownership management. Git repo volumes support SELinux relabeling. - -DEPRECATED: GitRepo is deprecated. To provision a container with a git repo, mount an EmptyDir into an InitContainer that clones the repo using git, then mount the EmptyDir into the Pod's container.š -repository² -objectÊû -‹ - directoryý"ïTarget directory name. Must not contain or start with '..'. If '.' is supplied, the volume directory will be the git repository. Otherwise, if specified, the volume will contain the git repository in the subdirectory with the given name.² -string -) - -repository"Repository URL² -string -@ -revision4"'Commit hash for the specified revision.² -string -¿ -.io.k8s.api.discovery.v1beta1.EndpointSliceListŒ"6EndpointSliceList represents a list of endpoint slicesšitems² -objectÊÎ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -k -itemsb"List of endpoint slices² -arrayº< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.discovery.v1beta1.EndpointSlice -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -b -metadataV -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"Standard list metadata.úl -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindIG- kind: EndpointSliceList - version: v1beta1 - group: discovery.k8s.io - - -&io.k8s.api.networking.v1.NetworkPolicy— "INetworkPolicy describes what network traffic is allowed for a set of Pods² -objectÊÖ -Ò -metadataÅ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata - -specy -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.NetworkPolicySpec"=Specification of the desired behavior for this NetworkPolicy. -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -stringúd -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindA?- kind: NetworkPolicy - version: v1 - group: networking.k8s.io - -à -!io.k8s.api.batch.v1.CronJobStatus"9CronJobStatus represents the current state of a cron job.² -objectÊÓ -¡ -active–"-A list of pointers to currently running jobs.² -arrayº4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ObjectReferenceú# -x-kubernetes-list-type atomic - -– -lastScheduleTime -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"FInformation when was the last time the job was successfully scheduled. -“ -lastSuccessfulTime} -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"BInformation when was the last time the job successfully completed. -Ö -io.k8s.api.batch.v1.JobList¶" JobList is a collection of jobs.šitems² -objectʨ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -[ -itemsR"items is the list of Jobs.² -arrayº) -' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.Job -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ë -metadata¾ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadataúR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-- group: batch - kind: JobList - version: v1 - -ˆ - -/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.SubjectAccessReviewÔ "PSubjectAccessReview checks whether or not a user or group can perform an action.šspec² -objectÊü -§ -statusœ -C#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.SubjectAccessReviewStatus"UStatus is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -K -metadata? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta -… -spec} -A#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.SubjectAccessReviewSpec"8Spec holds information about the request being evaluatedúm -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindJH- group: authorization.k8s.io - kind: SubjectAccessReview - version: v1 - -‰ -1io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.HorizontalPodAutoscalerÓ -"-configuration of a horizontal pod autoscaler.² -objectʪ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ð -metadataà -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"Standard object metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -Ù -specÐ -C#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.HorizontalPodAutoscalerSpec"ˆbehaviour of autoscaler. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status. -| -statusr -E#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.HorizontalPodAutoscalerStatus")current information about the autoscaler.úh -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindEC- version: v1 - group: autoscaling - kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler - -ƒ -0io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.FSGroupStrategyOptionsÎ"YFSGroupStrategyOptions defines the strategy type and options used to create the strategy.² -objectÊä -÷ -rangesì"©ranges are the allowed ranges of fs groups. If you would like to force a single fs group then supply a single range with the same start and end. Required for MustRunAs.² -arrayº3 -1 -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.IDRange -h -rule`"Srule is the strategy that will dictate what FSGroup is used in the SecurityContext.² -string -³ -'io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.RoleBindingList‡ "¤RoleBindingList is a collection of RoleBindings Deprecated in v1.17 in favor of rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 RoleBindingList, and will no longer be served in v1.22.šitems² -objectÊÓ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -l -itemsc"Items is a list of RoleBindings² -arrayº5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.RoleBinding -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -f -metadataZ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"Standard object's metadata.ús -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindPN- group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io - kind: RoleBindingList - version: v1beta1 - -˜ - -Wio.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceColumnDefinition¼ "KCustomResourceColumnDefinition specifies a column for server side printing.šnameštypešjsonPath² -objectÊÇ - -priority€int32"êpriority is an integer defining the relative importance of this column compared to others. Lower numbers are considered higher priority. Columns that may be omitted in limited space scenarios should be given a priority greater than 0.² -integer -¯ -type¦"˜type is an OpenAPI type definition for this column. See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/master/versions/2.0.md#data-types for details.² -string -W - descriptionH";description is a human readable description of this column.² -string -¸ -format­"Ÿformat is an optional OpenAPI type definition for this column. The 'name' format is applied to the primary identifier column to assist in clients identifying column is the resource name. See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/master/versions/2.0.md#data-types for details.² -string -ª -jsonPath"jsonPath is a simple JSON path (i.e. with array notation) which is evaluated against each custom resource to produce the value for this column.² -string -B -name:"-name is a human readable name for the column.² -string -è -=io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.GroupVersionForDiscovery¦"wGroupVersion contains the "group/version" and "version" string of a version. It is made a struct to keep extensibility.š groupVersionšversion² -objectÊ… -i - groupVersionY"LgroupVersion specifies the API group and version in the form "group/version"² -string -— -version‹"~version specifies the version in the form of "version". This is to save the clients the trouble of splitting the GroupVersion.² -string -Æ -)io.k8s.api.authentication.v1.TokenRequest˜":TokenRequest requests a token for a given service account.šspec² -objectÊÜ -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -K -metadata? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta -E -spec= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authentication.v1.TokenRequestSpec -I -status? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authentication.v1.TokenRequestStatus -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -stringúg -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindDB- group: authentication.k8s.io - kind: TokenRequest - version: v1 - -– -3io.k8s.api.core.v1.PhotonPersistentDiskVolumeSourceÞ"8Represents a Photon Controller persistent disk resource.špdID² -objectÊŽ -I -pdIDA"4ID that identifies Photon Controller persistent disk² -string -À -fsTypeµ"§Filesystem type to mount. Must be a filesystem type supported by the host operating system. Ex. "ext4", "xfs", "ntfs". Implicitly inferred to be "ext4" if unspecified.² -string -£ -:io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.HorizontalPodAutoscalerListä"KHorizontalPodAutoscalerList is a list of horizontal pod autoscaler objects.šitems² -objectÊŒ -˜ -itemsŽ"7items is the list of horizontal pod autoscaler objects.² -arrayºH -F -D#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.HorizontalPodAutoscaler -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -r -metadataf -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"'metadata is the standard list metadata. -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -stringúq -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindNL- group: autoscaling - kind: HorizontalPodAutoscalerList - version: v2beta2 - -ž -8io.k8s.api.certificates.v1.CertificateSigningRequestSpecá"?CertificateSigningRequestSpec contains the certificate request.šrequestš -signerName² -objectÊú -ò -requestæbyte"¬request contains an x509 certificate signing request encoded in a "CERTIFICATE REQUEST" PEM block. When serialized as JSON or YAML, the data is additionally base64-encoded.² -stringú# -x-kubernetes-list-type atomic - - - -signerName"ósignerName indicates the requested signer, and is a qualified name. - -List/watch requests for CertificateSigningRequests can filter on this field using a "spec.signerName=NAME" fieldSelector. - -Well-known Kubernetes signers are: - 1. "kubernetes.io/kube-apiserver-client": issues client certificates that can be used to authenticate to kube-apiserver. - Requests for this signer are never auto-approved by kube-controller-manager, can be issued by the "csrsigning" controller in kube-controller-manager. - 2. "kubernetes.io/kube-apiserver-client-kubelet": issues client certificates that kubelets use to authenticate to kube-apiserver. - Requests for this signer can be auto-approved by the "csrapproving" controller in kube-controller-manager, and can be issued by the "csrsigning" controller in kube-controller-manager. - 3. "kubernetes.io/kubelet-serving" issues serving certificates that kubelets use to serve TLS endpoints, which kube-apiserver can connect to securely. - Requests for this signer are never auto-approved by kube-controller-manager, and can be issued by the "csrsigning" controller in kube-controller-manager. - -More details are available at https://k8s.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/certificate-signing-requests/#kubernetes-signers - -Custom signerNames can also be specified. The signer defines: - 1. Trust distribution: how trust (CA bundles) are distributed. - 2. Permitted subjects: and behavior when a disallowed subject is requested. - 3. Required, permitted, or forbidden x509 extensions in the request (including whether subjectAltNames are allowed, which types, restrictions on allowed values) and behavior when a disallowed extension is requested. - 4. Required, permitted, or forbidden key usages / extended key usages. - 5. Expiration/certificate lifetime: whether it is fixed by the signer, configurable by the admin. - 6. Whether or not requests for CA certificates are allowed.² -string -™ -uid‘"ƒuid contains the uid of the user that created the CertificateSigningRequest. Populated by the API server on creation and immutable.² -string -„ -usagesù"¶usages specifies a set of key usages requested in the issued certificate. - -Requests for TLS client certificates typically request: "digital signature", "key encipherment", "client auth". - -Requests for TLS serving certificates typically request: "key encipherment", "digital signature", "server auth". - -Valid values are: - "signing", "digital signature", "content commitment", - "key encipherment", "key agreement", "data encipherment", - "cert sign", "crl sign", "encipher only", "decipher only", "any", - "server auth", "client auth", - "code signing", "email protection", "s/mime", - "ipsec end system", "ipsec tunnel", "ipsec user", - "timestamping", "ocsp signing", "microsoft sgc", "netscape sgc"² -arrayº - ² -stringú# -x-kubernetes-list-type atomic - -¤ -username—"‰username contains the name of the user that created the CertificateSigningRequest. Populated by the API server on creation and immutable.² -string -Å -extra»"Žextra contains extra attributes of the user that created the CertificateSigningRequest. Populated by the API server on creation and immutable.ª -² -arrayº - ² -string² -object -Ý -groupsÒ"groups contains group membership of the user that created the CertificateSigningRequest. Populated by the API server on creation and immutable.² -arrayº - ² -stringú# -x-kubernetes-list-type atomic - -â -'io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeList¶ "9PersistentVolumeList is a list of PersistentVolume items.šitems² -objectÊ… -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -³ -items©"eList of persistent volumes. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes² -arrayº5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolume -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ï -metadata -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"‚Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kindsú\ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind97- group: "" - kind: PersistentVolumeList - version: v1 - -¢ -Kio.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1beta1.APIServiceConditionÒ"NAPIServiceCondition describes the state of an APIService at a particular pointštypešstatus² -objectÊã -X -messageM"@Human-readable message indicating details about last transition.² -string -^ -reasonT"GUnique, one-word, CamelCase reason for the condition's last transition.² -string -Z -statusP"CStatus is the status of the condition. Can be True, False, Unknown.² -string -7 -type/""Type is the type of the condition.² -string -‘ -lastTransitionTime{ -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"@Last time the condition transitioned from one status to another. -° -1io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.NonResourceAttributesú"{NonResourceAttributes includes the authorization attributes available for non-resource requests to the Authorizer interface² -objectÊo -8 -path0"#Path is the URL path of the request² -string -3 -verb+"Verb is the standard HTTP verb² -string -Î -7io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec’"¦SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec is a description of the access request. Exactly one of ResourceAuthorizationAttributes and NonResourceAuthorizationAttributes must be set² -objectÊÚ -ª -nonResourceAttributes -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.NonResourceAttributes"MNonResourceAttributes describes information for a non-resource access request -ª -resourceAttributes“ -<#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.ResourceAttributes"SResourceAuthorizationAttributes describes information for a resource access request -ÿ -!io.k8s.api.storage.v1.CSINodeListÙ"/CSINodeList is a collection of CSINode objects.šitems² -objectʯ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -c -itemsZ"items is the list of CSINode² -arrayº/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.CSINode -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ê -metadata½ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"~Standard list metadata More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadataú_ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind<:- group: storage.k8s.io - kind: CSINodeList - version: v1 - -Á -Vio.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.CustomResourceConversionæ -"MCustomResourceConversion describes how to convert different versions of a CR.šstrategy² -objectÊý -œ -conversionReviewVersionsÿ"âconversionReviewVersions is an ordered list of preferred `ConversionReview` versions the Webhook expects. The API server will use the first version in the list which it supports. If none of the versions specified in this list are supported by API server, conversion will fail for the custom resource. If a persisted Webhook configuration specifies allowed versions and does not include any versions known to the API Server, calls to the webhook will fail. Defaults to `["v1beta1"]`.² -arrayº - ² -string -Ñ -strategyÄ"¶strategy specifies how custom resources are converted between versions. Allowed values are: - `None`: The converter only change the apiVersion and would not touch any other field in the custom resource. - `Webhook`: API Server will call to an external webhook to do the conversion. Additional information - is needed for this option. This requires spec.preserveUnknownFields to be false, and spec.conversion.webhookClientConfig to be set.² -string -‡ -webhookClientConfigï -_#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.WebhookClientConfig"‹webhookClientConfig is the instructions for how to call the webhook if strategy is `Webhook`. Required when `strategy` is set to `Webhook`. -ð -"io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodAffinityTermÉ "ßDefines a set of pods (namely those matching the labelSelector relative to the given namespace(s)) that this pod should be co-located (affinity) or not co-located (anti-affinity) with, where co-located is defined as running on a node whose value of the label with key matches that of any node on which a pod of the set of pods is runningš topologyKey² -objectÊÊ - -Ž - labelSelector} -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelector"9A label query over a set of resources, in this case pods. -õ -namespaceSelectorß -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelector"šA label query over the set of namespaces that the term applies to. The term is applied to the union of the namespaces selected by this field and the ones listed in the namespaces field. null selector and null or empty namespaces list means "this pod's namespace". An empty selector ({}) matches all namespaces. This field is alpha-level and is only honored when PodAffinityNamespaceSelector feature is enabled. -Å - -namespaces¶"™namespaces specifies a static list of namespace names that the term applies to. The term is applied to the union of the namespaces listed in this field and the ones selected by namespaceSelector. null or empty namespaces list and null namespaceSelector means "this pod's namespace"² -arrayº - ² -string -ö - topologyKeyæ"ØThis pod should be co-located (affinity) or not co-located (anti-affinity) with the pods matching the labelSelector in the specified namespaces, where co-located is defined as running on a node whose value of the label with key topologyKey matches that of any node on which any of the selected pods is running. Empty topologyKey is not allowed.² -string -¬ -1io.k8s.api.networking.v1.NetworkPolicyIngressRuleö"´NetworkPolicyIngressRule describes a particular set of traffic that is allowed to the pods matched by a NetworkPolicySpec's podSelector. The traffic must match both ports and from.² -objectÊ° -Ù -fromÐ"„List of sources which should be able to access the pods selected for this rule. Items in this list are combined using a logical OR operation. If this field is empty or missing, this rule matches all sources (traffic not restricted by source). If this field is present and contains at least one item, this rule allows traffic only if the traffic matches at least one item in the from list.² -arrayº< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.NetworkPolicyPeer -Ñ -portsÇ"ûList of ports which should be made accessible on the pods selected for this rule. Each item in this list is combined using a logical OR. If this field is empty or missing, this rule matches all ports (traffic not restricted by port). If this field is present and contains at least one item, then this rule allows traffic only if the traffic matches at least one port in the list.² -arrayº< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.NetworkPolicyPort -Ý - -&io.k8s.api.core.v1.ScaleIOVolumeSource² -":ScaleIOVolumeSource represents a persistent ScaleIO volumešgatewayšsystemš secretRef² -objectÊÈ -Ð - secretRef -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.LocalObjectReference"ˆSecretRef references to the secret for ScaleIO user and other sensitive information. If this is not provided, Login operation will fail. -’ - storageMode‚"uIndicates whether the storage for a volume should be ThickProvisioned or ThinProvisioned. Default is ThinProvisioned.² -string -¡ -fsType–"ˆFilesystem type to mount. Must be a filesystem type supported by the host operating system. Ex. "ext4", "xfs", "ntfs". Default is "xfs".² -string -D -gateway9",The host address of the ScaleIO API Gateway.² -string -` - -sslEnabledR"DFlag to enable/disable SSL communication with Gateway, default false² -boolean -[ - storagePoolL"?The ScaleIO Storage Pool associated with the protection domain.² -string -O -systemE"8The name of the storage system as configured in ScaleIO.² -string - - -volumeNames"fThe name of a volume already created in the ScaleIO system that is associated with this volume source.² -string -f -protectionDomainR"EThe name of the ScaleIO Protection Domain for the configured storage.² -string -x -readOnlyl"^Defaults to false (read/write). ReadOnly here will force the ReadOnly setting in VolumeMounts.² -boolean - -"io.k8s.api.core.v1.SecurityContextè"ÜSecurityContext holds security configuration that will be applied to a container. Some fields are present in both SecurityContext and PodSecurityContext. When both are set, the values in SecurityContext take precedence.² -objectÊú -¥ - -privileged–"‡Run container in privileged mode. Processes in privileged containers are essentially equivalent to root on the host. Defaults to false.² -boolean -Š - procMountü"îprocMount denotes the type of proc mount to use for the containers. The default is DefaultProcMount which uses the container runtime defaults for readonly paths and masked paths. This requires the ProcMountType feature flag to be enabled.² -string -½ - runAsNonRoot¬"Indicates that the container must run as a non-root user. If true, the Kubelet will validate the image at runtime to ensure that it does not run as UID 0 (root) and fail to start the container if it does. If unset or false, no such validation will be performed. May also be set in PodSecurityContext. If set in both SecurityContext and PodSecurityContext, the value specified in SecurityContext takes precedence.² -boolean -° - runAsUser¢int64"ŒThe UID to run the entrypoint of the container process. Defaults to user specified in image metadata if unspecified. May also be set in PodSecurityContext. If set in both SecurityContext and PodSecurityContext, the value specified in SecurityContext takes precedence.² -integer -ô -seLinuxOptionsá -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.SELinuxOptions"­The SELinux context to be applied to the container. If unspecified, the container runtime will allocate a random SELinux context for each container. May also be set in PodSecurityContext. If set in both SecurityContext and PodSecurityContext, the value specified in SecurityContext takes precedence. -ç -seccompProfileÔ -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.SeccompProfile" The seccomp options to use by this container. If seccomp options are provided at both the pod & container level, the container options override the pod options. -Õ -allowPrivilegeEscalation¸"©AllowPrivilegeEscalation controls whether a process can gain more privileges than its parent process. This bool directly controls if the no_new_privs flag will be set on the container process. AllowPrivilegeEscalation is true always when the container is: 1) run as Privileged 2) has CAP_SYS_ADMIN² -boolean -Æ - capabilitiesµ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Capabilities"ƒThe capabilities to add/drop when running containers. Defaults to the default set of capabilities granted by the container runtime. -Ä -windowsOptions± ->#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.WindowsSecurityContextOptions"îThe Windows specific settings applied to all containers. If unspecified, the options from the PodSecurityContext will be used. If set in both SecurityContext and PodSecurityContext, the value specified in SecurityContext takes precedence. -q -readOnlyRootFilesystemW"IWhether this container has a read-only root filesystem. Default is false.² -boolean -“ - -runAsGroup„int64"îThe GID to run the entrypoint of the container process. Uses runtime default if unset. May also be set in PodSecurityContext. If set in both SecurityContext and PodSecurityContext, the value specified in SecurityContext takes precedence.² -integer -† - io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IPBlocká"ãIPBlock describes a particular CIDR (Ex. "","2001:db9::/64") that is allowed to the pods matched by a NetworkPolicySpec's podSelector. The except entry describes CIDRs that should not be included within this rule.šcidr² -objectÊå -v -cidrn"aCIDR is a string representing the IP Block Valid examples are "" or "2001:db9::/64"² -string -ê -exceptß"ÂExcept is a slice of CIDRs that should not be included within an IP Block Valid examples are "" or "2001:db9::/64" Except values will be rejected if they are outside the CIDR range² -arrayº - ² -string -· - io.k8s.api.coordination.v1.Lease’ "Lease defines a lease concept.² -objectÊ‚ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -µ -metadata¨ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"gMore info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -Ê -specÁ -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.coordination.v1.LeaseSpec"ŠSpecification of the Lease. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-statusú^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9- group: coordination.k8s.io - kind: Lease - version: v1 - -“ -"io.k8s.api.core.v1.NamespaceStatusì"GNamespaceStatus is information about the current status of a Namespace.² -objectÊ” -õ - -conditionsæ"LRepresents the latest available observations of a namespace's current state.² -arrayº7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NamespaceConditionú' -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keytype -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge - -™ -phase"Phase is the current lifecycle phase of the namespace. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/namespaces/² -string -‘ -io.k8s.api.batch.v1.JobStatusï"0JobStatus represents the current state of a Job.² -objectÊ® -¶ - -conditions§"ëThe latest available observations of an object's current state. When a Job fails, one of the conditions will have type "Failed" and status true. When a Job is suspended, one of the conditions will have type "Suspended" and status true; when the Job is resumed, the status of this condition will become false. When a Job is completed, one of the conditions will have type "Complete" and status true. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/jobs-run-to-completion/² -arrayº2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.JobConditionú# -x-kubernetes-list-type atomic -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keytype -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge - -M -failedCint32".The number of pods which reached phase Failed.² -integer -å - startTime× -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"›Represents time when the job controller started processing a job. When a Job is created in the suspended state, this field is not set until the first time it is resumed. This field is reset every time a Job is resumed from suspension. It is represented in RFC3339 form and is in UTC. -S - succeededFint32"1The number of pods which reached phase Succeeded.² -integer -C -active9int32"$The number of actively running pods.² -integer -Ü -completedIndexesÇ"¹CompletedIndexes holds the completed indexes when .spec.completionMode = "Indexed" in a text format. The indexes are represented as decimal integers separated by commas. The numbers are listed in increasing order. Three or more consecutive numbers are compressed and represented by the first and last element of the series, separated by a hyphen. For example, if the completed indexes are 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7, they are represented as "1,3-5,7".² -string - -completionTime¯ -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"óRepresents time when the job was completed. It is not guaranteed to be set in happens-before order across separate operations. It is represented in RFC3339 form and is in UTC. The completion time is only set when the job finishes successfully. -à -4io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.NonResourcePolicyRuleŠ"·NonResourcePolicyRule is a predicate that matches non-resource requests according to their verb and the target non-resource URL. A NonResourcePolicyRule matches a request if and only if both (a) at least one member of verbs matches the request and (b) at least one member of nonResourceURLs matches the request.šverbsšnonResourceURLs² -objectʧ -Ð -nonResourceURLs¼"ü`nonResourceURLs` is a set of url prefixes that a user should have access to and may not be empty. For example: - - "/healthz" is legal - - "/hea*" is illegal - - "/hea" is legal but matches nothing - - "/hea/*" also matches nothing - - "/healthz/*" matches all per-component health checks. -"*" matches all non-resource urls. if it is present, it must be the only entry. Required.² -arrayº - ² -stringú -x-kubernetes-list-typeset - -Ñ -verbsÇ"‡`verbs` is a list of matching verbs and may not be empty. "*" matches all verbs. If it is present, it must be the only entry. Required.² -arrayº - ² -stringú -x-kubernetes-list-typeset - -û - -[io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.CustomResourceDefinitionNames› -"XCustomResourceDefinitionNames indicates the names to serve this CustomResourceDefinitionšpluralškind² -objectÊ¢ -ô - -categorieså"Ècategories is a list of grouped resources this custom resource belongs to (e.g. 'all'). This is published in API discovery documents, and used by clients to support invocations like `kubectl get all`.² -arrayº - ² -string -¾ -kindµ"§kind is the serialized kind of the resource. It is normally CamelCase and singular. Custom resource instances will use this value as the `kind` attribute in API calls.² -string -q -listKinde"XlistKind is the serialized kind of the list for this resource. Defaults to "`kind`List".² -string - -plural‚"ôplural is the plural name of the resource to serve. The custom resources are served under `/apis///.../`. Must match the name of the CustomResourceDefinition (in the form `.`). Must be all lowercase.² -string -á - -shortNamesÒ"µshortNames are short names for the resource, exposed in API discovery documents, and used by clients to support invocations like `kubectl get `. It must be all lowercase.² -arrayº - ² -string -€ -singulart"gsingular is the singular name of the resource. It must be all lowercase. Defaults to lowercased `kind`.² -string -Ì -%io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DaemonSetCondition¢"IDaemonSetCondition describes the state of a DaemonSet at a certain point.štypešstatus² -objectʸ -‘ -lastTransitionTime{ -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"@Last time the condition transitioned from one status to another. -Y -messageN"AA human readable message indicating details about the transition.² -string -F -reason<"/The reason for the condition's last transition.² -string -L -statusB"5Status of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown.² -string -1 -type)"Type of DaemonSet condition.² -string -ž -io.k8s.api.batch.v1.Job‚ "1Job represents the configuration of a single job.² -objectÊï -Ò -metadataÅ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -Õ -specÌ -)#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.JobSpec"žSpecification of the desired behavior of a job. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status - -status· -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.JobStatus"‡Current status of a job. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -stringúN -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind+)- group: batch - kind: Job - version: v1 - -Òg -io.k8s.api.core.v1.ServiceSpec¯g"FServiceSpec describes the attributes that a user creates on a service.² -objectÊØf -× -loadBalancerClassÁ"³loadBalancerClass is the class of the load balancer implementation this Service belongs to. If specified, the value of this field must be a label-style identifier, with an optional prefix, e.g. "internal-vip" or "example.com/internal-vip". Unprefixed names are reserved for end-users. This field can only be set when the Service type is 'LoadBalancer'. If not set, the default load balancer implementation is used, today this is typically done through the cloud provider integration, but should apply for any default implementation. If set, it is assumed that a load balancer implementation is watching for Services with a matching class. Any default load balancer implementation (e.g. cloud providers) should ignore Services that set this field. This field can only be set when creating or updating a Service to type 'LoadBalancer'. Once set, it can not be changed. This field will be wiped when a service is updated to a non 'LoadBalancer' type.² -string -ã -loadBalancerIPÐ"ÂOnly applies to Service Type: LoadBalancer LoadBalancer will get created with the IP specified in this field. This feature depends on whether the underlying cloud-provider supports specifying the loadBalancerIP when a load balancer is created. This field will be ignored if the cloud-provider does not support the feature.² -string -“ -loadBalancerSourceRangesö"ÙIf specified and supported by the platform, this will restrict traffic through the cloud-provider load-balancer will be restricted to the specified client IPs. This field will be ignored if the cloud-provider does not support the feature." More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/configure-cloud-provider-firewall/² -arrayº - ² -string -« -selectorž"€Route service traffic to pods with label keys and values matching this selector. If empty or not present, the service is assumed to have an external process managing its endpoints, which Kubernetes will not modify. Only applies to types ClusterIP, NodePort, and LoadBalancer. Ignored if type is ExternalName. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/ª - ² -string² -object -¥ -sessionAffinity‘"ƒSupports "ClientIP" and "None". Used to maintain session affinity. Enable client IP based session affinity. Must be ClientIP or None. Defaults to None. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#virtual-ips-and-service-proxies² -string -Õ - topologyKeysÄ"§topologyKeys is a preference-order list of topology keys which implementations of services should use to preferentially sort endpoints when accessing this Service, it can not be used at the same time as externalTrafficPolicy=Local. Topology keys must be valid label keys and at most 16 keys may be specified. Endpoints are chosen based on the first topology key with available backends. If this field is specified and all entries have no backends that match the topology of the client, the service has no backends for that client and connections should fail. The special value "*" may be used to mean "any topology". This catch-all value, if used, only makes sense as the last value in the list. If this is not specified or empty, no topology constraints will be applied. This field is alpha-level and is only honored by servers that enable the ServiceTopology feature. This field is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.² -arrayº - ² -string -Á -externalTrafficPolicy§"™externalTrafficPolicy denotes if this Service desires to route external traffic to node-local or cluster-wide endpoints. "Local" preserves the client source IP and avoids a second hop for LoadBalancer and Nodeport type services, but risks potentially imbalanced traffic spreading. "Cluster" obscures the client source IP and may cause a second hop to another node, but should have good overall load-spreading.² -string -ë - -clusterIPsÜ "™ ClusterIPs is a list of IP addresses assigned to this service, and are usually assigned randomly. If an address is specified manually, is in-range (as per system configuration), and is not in use, it will be allocated to the service; otherwise creation of the service will fail. This field may not be changed through updates unless the type field is also being changed to ExternalName (which requires this field to be empty) or the type field is being changed from ExternalName (in which case this field may optionally be specified, as describe above). Valid values are "None", empty string (""), or a valid IP address. Setting this to "None" makes a "headless service" (no virtual IP), which is useful when direct endpoint connections are preferred and proxying is not required. Only applies to types ClusterIP, NodePort, and LoadBalancer. If this field is specified when creating a Service of type ExternalName, creation will fail. This field will be wiped when updating a Service to type ExternalName. If this field is not specified, it will be initialized from the clusterIP field. If this field is specified, clients must ensure that clusterIPs[0] and clusterIP have the same value. - -Unless the "IPv6DualStack" feature gate is enabled, this field is limited to one value, which must be the same as the clusterIP field. If the feature gate is enabled, this field may hold a maximum of two entries (dual-stack IPs, in either order). These IPs must correspond to the values of the ipFamilies field. Both clusterIPs and ipFamilies are governed by the ipFamilyPolicy field. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#virtual-ips-and-service-proxies² -arrayº - ² -stringú# -x-kubernetes-list-type atomic - -• -healthCheckNodePortýint32"çhealthCheckNodePort specifies the healthcheck nodePort for the service. This only applies when type is set to LoadBalancer and externalTrafficPolicy is set to Local. If a value is specified, is in-range, and is not in use, it will be used. If not specified, a value will be automatically allocated. External systems (e.g. load-balancers) can use this port to determine if a given node holds endpoints for this service or not. If this field is specified when creating a Service which does not need it, creation will fail. This field will be wiped when updating a Service to no longer need it (e.g. changing type).² -integer -ö -internalTrafficPolicyÜ"ÎInternalTrafficPolicy specifies if the cluster internal traffic should be routed to all endpoints or node-local endpoints only. "Cluster" routes internal traffic to a Service to all endpoints. "Local" routes traffic to node-local endpoints only, traffic is dropped if no node-local endpoints are ready. The default value is "Cluster".² -string -ˆ -ipFamilyPolicyõ"çIPFamilyPolicy represents the dual-stack-ness requested or required by this Service, and is gated by the "IPv6DualStack" feature gate. If there is no value provided, then this field will be set to SingleStack. Services can be "SingleStack" (a single IP family), "PreferDualStack" (two IP families on dual-stack configured clusters or a single IP family on single-stack clusters), or "RequireDualStack" (two IP families on dual-stack configured clusters, otherwise fail). The ipFamilies and clusterIPs fields depend on the value of this field. This field will be wiped when updating a service to type ExternalName.² -string -¬ -publishNotReadyAddresses"€publishNotReadyAddresses indicates that any agent which deals with endpoints for this Service should disregard any indications of ready/not-ready. The primary use case for setting this field is for a StatefulSet's Headless Service to propagate SRV DNS records for its Pods for the purpose of peer discovery. The Kubernetes controllers that generate Endpoints and EndpointSlice resources for Services interpret this to mean that all endpoints are considered "ready" even if the Pods themselves are not. Agents which consume only Kubernetes generated endpoints through the Endpoints or EndpointSlice resources can safely assume this behavior.² -boolean -‰ -allocateLoadBalancerNodePortsç"ØallocateLoadBalancerNodePorts defines if NodePorts will be automatically allocated for services with type LoadBalancer. Default is "true". It may be set to "false" if the cluster load-balancer does not rely on NodePorts. allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts may only be set for services with type LoadBalancer and will be cleared if the type is changed to any other type. This field is alpha-level and is only honored by servers that enable the ServiceLBNodePortControl feature.² -boolean -š -sessionAffinityConfig€ -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.SessionAffinityConfig"FsessionAffinityConfig contains the configurations of session affinity. -ñ - -ipFamiliesâ"ŸIPFamilies is a list of IP families (e.g. IPv4, IPv6) assigned to this service, and is gated by the "IPv6DualStack" feature gate. This field is usually assigned automatically based on cluster configuration and the ipFamilyPolicy field. If this field is specified manually, the requested family is available in the cluster, and ipFamilyPolicy allows it, it will be used; otherwise creation of the service will fail. This field is conditionally mutable: it allows for adding or removing a secondary IP family, but it does not allow changing the primary IP family of the Service. Valid values are "IPv4" and "IPv6". This field only applies to Services of types ClusterIP, NodePort, and LoadBalancer, and does apply to "headless" services. This field will be wiped when updating a Service to type ExternalName. - -This field may hold a maximum of two entries (dual-stack families, in either order). These families must correspond to the values of the clusterIPs field, if specified. Both clusterIPs and ipFamilies are governed by the ipFamilyPolicy field.² -arrayº - ² -stringú# -x-kubernetes-list-type atomic - -ò - externalIPsâ"ÅexternalIPs is a list of IP addresses for which nodes in the cluster will also accept traffic for this service. These IPs are not managed by Kubernetes. The user is responsible for ensuring that traffic arrives at a node with this IP. A common example is external load-balancers that are not part of the Kubernetes system.² -arrayº - ² -string -¸ - externalName§"™externalName is the external reference that discovery mechanisms will return as an alias for this service (e.g. a DNS CNAME record). No proxying will be involved. Must be a lowercase RFC-1123 hostname (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1123) and requires `type` to be "ExternalName".² -string -• -ports‹"ŸThe list of ports that are exposed by this service. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#virtual-ips-and-service-proxies² -arrayº0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ServicePortú2 -x-kubernetes-list-map-keys- port -- protocol -ú -x-kubernetes-list-typemap -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keyport -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge - -‹ -type‚"ôtype determines how the Service is exposed. Defaults to ClusterIP. Valid options are ExternalName, ClusterIP, NodePort, and LoadBalancer. "ClusterIP" allocates a cluster-internal IP address for load-balancing to endpoints. Endpoints are determined by the selector or if that is not specified, by manual construction of an Endpoints object or EndpointSlice objects. If clusterIP is "None", no virtual IP is allocated and the endpoints are published as a set of endpoints rather than a virtual IP. "NodePort" builds on ClusterIP and allocates a port on every node which routes to the same endpoints as the clusterIP. "LoadBalancer" builds on NodePort and creates an external load-balancer (if supported in the current cloud) which routes to the same endpoints as the clusterIP. "ExternalName" aliases this service to the specified externalName. Several other fields do not apply to ExternalName services. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#publishing-services-service-types² -string -á - clusterIPÓ"ÅclusterIP is the IP address of the service and is usually assigned randomly. If an address is specified manually, is in-range (as per system configuration), and is not in use, it will be allocated to the service; otherwise creation of the service will fail. This field may not be changed through updates unless the type field is also being changed to ExternalName (which requires this field to be blank) or the type field is being changed from ExternalName (in which case this field may optionally be specified, as describe above). Valid values are "None", empty string (""), or a valid IP address. Setting this to "None" makes a "headless service" (no virtual IP), which is useful when direct endpoint connections are preferred and proxying is not required. Only applies to types ClusterIP, NodePort, and LoadBalancer. If this field is specified when creating a Service of type ExternalName, creation will fail. This field will be wiped when updating a Service to type ExternalName. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#virtual-ips-and-service-proxies² -string -™ --io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantityç"ÙQuantity is a fixed-point representation of a number. It provides convenient marshaling/unmarshaling in JSON and YAML, in addition to String() and AsInt64() accessors. - -The serialization format is: - - ::= - (Note that may be empty, from the "" case in .) - ::= 0 | 1 | ... | 9 ::= | ::= | . | . | . ::= "+" | "-" ::= | ::= | | ::= Ki | Mi | Gi | Ti | Pi | Ei - (International System of units; See: http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/binary.html) - ::= m | "" | k | M | G | T | P | E - (Note that 1024 = 1Ki but 1000 = 1k; I didn't choose the capitalization.) - ::= "e" | "E" - -No matter which of the three exponent forms is used, no quantity may represent a number greater than 2^63-1 in magnitude, nor may it have more than 3 decimal places. Numbers larger or more precise will be capped or rounded up. (E.g.: 0.1m will rounded up to 1m.) This may be extended in the future if we require larger or smaller quantities. - -When a Quantity is parsed from a string, it will remember the type of suffix it had, and will use the same type again when it is serialized. - -Before serializing, Quantity will be put in "canonical form". This means that Exponent/suffix will be adjusted up or down (with a corresponding increase or decrease in Mantissa) such that: - a. No precision is lost - b. No fractional digits will be emitted - c. The exponent (or suffix) is as large as possible. -The sign will be omitted unless the number is negative. - -Examples: - 1.5 will be serialized as "1500m" - 1.5Gi will be serialized as "1536Mi" - -Note that the quantity will NEVER be internally represented by a floating point number. That is the whole point of this exercise. - -Non-canonical values will still parse as long as they are well formed, but will be re-emitted in their canonical form. (So always use canonical form, or don't diff.) - -This format is intended to make it difficult to use these numbers without writing some sort of special handling code in the hopes that that will cause implementors to also use a fixed point implementation.² -string -Ù -1io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.ObjectMetricSource£"‰ObjectMetricSource indicates how to scale on a metric describing a kubernetes object (for example, hits-per-second on an Ingress object).šdescribedObjectštargetšmetric² -objectÊä -] -describedObjectJ -H#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.CrossVersionObjectReference -ƒ -metricy -=#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.MetricIdentifier"8metric identifies the target metric by name and selector -} -targets -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.MetricTarget"6target specifies the target value for the given metric -® -(io.k8s.api.core.v1.AzureFileVolumeSource"WAzureFile represents an Azure File Service mount on the host and bind mount to the pod.š -secretNameš shareName² -objectÊ€ -x -readOnlyl"^Defaults to false (read/write). ReadOnly here will force the ReadOnly setting in VolumeMounts.² -boolean -^ - -secretNameP"Cthe name of secret that contains Azure Storage Account Name and Key² -string -$ - shareName" -Share Name² -string -ƒ -,io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeClaimSpecÒ "PersistentVolumeClaimSpec describes the common attributes of storage devices and allows a Source for provider-specific attributes² -objectÊ¿ -Ë - accessModes»"žAccessModes contains the desired access modes the volume should have. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes#access-modes-1² -arrayº - ² -string -Ô - -dataSourceÅ -:#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.TypedLocalObjectReference"†This field can be used to specify either: * An existing VolumeSnapshot object (snapshot.storage.k8s.io/VolumeSnapshot) * An existing PVC (PersistentVolumeClaim) * An existing custom resource that implements data population (Alpha) In order to use custom resource types that implement data population, the AnyVolumeDataSource feature gate must be enabled. If the provisioner or an external controller can support the specified data source, it will create a new volume based on the contents of the specified data source. -Þ - resourcesÐ -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ResourceRequirements"–Resources represents the minimum resources the volume should have. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes#resources -ƒ -selectorw -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelector"3A label query over volumes to consider for binding. -¤ -storageClassName"Name of the StorageClass required by the claim. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes#class-1² -string - - -volumeModeŽ"€volumeMode defines what type of volume is required by the claim. Value of Filesystem is implied when not included in claim spec.² -string -j - -volumeName\"OVolumeName is the binding reference to the PersistentVolume backing this claim.² -string -Æ --io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.FlowSchemaList” "/FlowSchemaList is a list of FlowSchema objects.šitems² -objectÊÔ -Þ -metadataÑ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"‘`metadata` is the standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -t -itemsk"!`items` is a list of FlowSchemas.² -arrayº; -9 -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.FlowSchema -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -stringúu -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindRP- group: flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io - kind: FlowSchemaList - version: v1beta1 - -Ó -$io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressRuleª "ìIngressRule represents the rules mapping the paths under a specified host to the related backend services. Incoming requests are first evaluated for a host match, then routed to the backend associated with the matching IngressRuleValue.² -objectʬ -â - -hostÙ -"Ë -Host is the fully qualified domain name of a network host, as defined by RFC 3986. Note the following deviations from the "host" part of the URI as defined in RFC 3986: 1. IPs are not allowed. Currently an IngressRuleValue can only apply to - the IP in the Spec of the parent Ingress. -2. The `:` delimiter is not respected because ports are not allowed. - Currently the port of an Ingress is implicitly :80 for http and - :443 for https. -Both these may change in the future. Incoming requests are matched against the host before the IngressRuleValue. If the host is unspecified, the Ingress routes all traffic based on the specified IngressRuleValue. - -Host can be "precise" which is a domain name without the terminating dot of a network host (e.g. "foo.bar.com") or "wildcard", which is a domain name prefixed with a single wildcard label (e.g. "*.foo.com"). The wildcard character '*' must appear by itself as the first DNS label and matches only a single label. You cannot have a wildcard label by itself (e.g. Host == "*"). Requests will be matched against the Host field in the following way: 1. If Host is precise, the request matches this rule if the http host header is equal to Host. 2. If Host is a wildcard, then the request matches this rule if the http host header is to equal to the suffix (removing the first label) of the wildcard rule.² -string -E -http= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.HTTPIngressRuleValue -º -%io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.Ingress "€Ingress is a collection of rules that allow inbound connections to reach the endpoints defined by a backend. An Ingress can be configured to give services externally-reachable urls, load balance traffic, terminate SSL, offer name based virtual hosting etc.² -objectʘ - -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ò -metadataÅ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -Ý -specÔ -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.IngressSpec"˜Spec is the desired state of the Ingress. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status -ã -statusØ -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.IngressStatus"šStatus is the current state of the Ingress. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-statusúc -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind@>- group: networking.k8s.io - kind: Ingress - version: v1beta1 - -ä - io.k8s.api.core.v1.EndpointsList¿"%EndpointsList is a list of endpoints.šitems² -objectÊ© -Ï -metadata -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"‚Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -X -itemsO"List of endpoints.² -arrayº. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Endpoints -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -stringúU -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind20- version: v1 - group: "" - kind: EndpointsList - -Ä -"io.k8s.api.core.v1.ObjectReference "]ObjectReference contains enough information to let you inspect or modify the referred object.² -objectʯ -„ -name|"oName of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names² -string -Ž - namespace€"sNamespace of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/² -string -æ -resourceVersionÒ"ÄSpecific resourceVersion to which this reference is made, if any. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#concurrency-control-and-consistency² -string - -uidz"mUID of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#uids² -string -7 - -apiVersion)"API version of the referent.² -string -Ô - fieldPathÆ"¸If referring to a piece of an object instead of an entire object, this string should contain a valid JSON/Go field access statement, such as desiredState.manifest.containers[2]. For example, if the object reference is to a container within a pod, this would take on a value like: "spec.containers{name}" (where "name" refers to the name of the container that triggered the event) or if no container name is specified "spec.containers[2]" (container with index 2 in this pod). This syntax is chosen only to have some well-defined way of referencing a part of an object.² -string -— -kindŽ"€Kind of the referent. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -° -.io.k8s.api.core.v1.ReplicationControllerStatusý"VReplicationControllerStatus represents the current status of a replication controller.šreplicas² -objectÊ‹ - -availableReplicas{int32"fThe number of available replicas (ready for at least minReadySeconds) for this replication controller.² -integer -Ž - -conditionsÿ"YRepresents the latest available observations of a replication controller's current state.² -arrayºC -A -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ReplicationControllerConditionú' -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keytype -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge - -— -fullyLabeledReplicasint32"jThe number of pods that have labels matching the labels of the pod template of the replication controller.² -integer -‹ -observedGenerationuint64"`ObservedGeneration reflects the generation of the most recently observed replication controller.² -integer -c - readyReplicasRint32"=The number of ready replicas for this replication controller.² -integer -× -replicasÊint32"´Replicas is the most recently oberved number of replicas. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/replicationcontroller#what-is-a-replicationcontroller² -integer -Û -*io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.IngressClass¬ "óIngressClass represents the class of the Ingress, referenced by the Ingress Spec. The `ingressclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class` annotation can be used to indicate that an IngressClass should be considered default. When a single IngressClass resource has this annotation set to true, new Ingress resources without a class specified will be assigned this default class.² -objectʼ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ò -metadataÅ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -ç -specÞ -<#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.IngressClassSpec"Spec is the desired state of the IngressClass. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-statusúh -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindEC- version: v1beta1 - group: networking.k8s.io - kind: IngressClass - -æ -'io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.HostPortRangeº"HostPortRange defines a range of host ports that will be enabled by a policy for pods to use. It requires both the start and end to be defined.šminšmax² -objectÊŒ -C -max<int32"'max is the end of the range, inclusive.² -integer -E -min>int32")min is the start of the range, inclusive.² -integer -î -4io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResourceListµ "¦APIResourceList is a list of APIResource, it is used to expose the name of the resources supported in a specific group and version, and if the resource is namespaced.š groupVersionš resources² -objectʈ -§ - resources™"Hresources contains the name of the resources and if they are namespaced.² -arrayºB -@ ->#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIResource -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -_ - groupVersionO"BgroupVersion is the group and version this APIResourceList is for.² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -stringúW -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind42- version: v1 - group: "" - kind: APIResourceList - -Í -io.k8s.api.core.v1.EventList¬"EventList is a list of events.šitems² -objectÊ¡ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -P -itemsG"List of events² -arrayº* -( -&#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Event -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ï -metadata -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"‚Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kindsúQ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind.,- group: "" - kind: EventList - version: v1 - -õ -#io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodReadinessGateÍ":PodReadinessGate contains the reference to a pod conditionš conditionType² -objectÊs -q - conditionType`"SConditionType refers to a condition in the pod's condition list with matching type.² -string -Å -\io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.CustomResourceSubresourceScaleä "^CustomResourceSubresourceScale defines how to serve the scale subresource for CustomResources.šspecReplicasPathšstatusReplicasPath² -objectÊÍ -€ -statusReplicasPathé"ÛstatusReplicasPath defines the JSON path inside of a custom resource that corresponds to Scale `status.replicas`. Only JSON paths without the array notation are allowed. Must be a JSON Path under `.status`. If there is no value under the given path in the custom resource, the `status.replicas` value in the `/scale` subresource will default to 0.² -string -á -labelSelectorPathË"½labelSelectorPath defines the JSON path inside of a custom resource that corresponds to Scale `status.selector`. Only JSON paths without the array notation are allowed. Must be a JSON Path under `.status` or `.spec`. Must be set to work with HorizontalPodAutoscaler. The field pointed by this JSON path must be a string field (not a complex selector struct) which contains a serialized label selector in string form. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-kubernetes-api/custom-resources/custom-resource-definitions#scale-subresource If there is no value under the given path in the custom resource, the `status.selector` value in the `/scale` subresource will default to the empty string.² -string -ã -specReplicasPathÎ"ÀspecReplicasPath defines the JSON path inside of a custom resource that corresponds to Scale `spec.replicas`. Only JSON paths without the array notation are allowed. Must be a JSON Path under `.spec`. If there is no value under the given path in the custom resource, the `/scale` subresource will return an error on GET.² -string -† -0io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.StatusCauseÑ"xStatusCause provides more information about an api.Status failure, including cases when multiple errors are encountered.² -objectÊÈ -¶ -field¬"žThe field of the resource that has caused this error, as named by its JSON serialization. May include dot and postfix notation for nested attributes. Arrays are zero-indexed. Fields may appear more than once in an array of causes due to fields having multiple errors. Optional. - -Examples: - "name" - the field "name" on the current resource - "items[0].name" - the field "name" on the first array entry in "items"² -string - -messaget"gA human-readable description of the cause of the error. This field may be presented as-is to a reader.² -string -‹ -reason€"sA machine-readable description of the cause of the error. If this value is empty there is no information available.² -string -ª -io.k8s.api.core.v1.SecretŒ"‚Secret holds secret data of a certain type. The total bytes of the values in the Data field must be less than MaxSecretSize bytes.² -objectʧ -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ò -metadataÅ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -Ê - -stringData»"stringData allows specifying non-binary secret data in string form. It is provided as a write-only input field for convenience. All keys and values are merged into the data field on write, overwriting any existing values. The stringData field is never output when reading from the API.ª - ² -string² -object -M -typeE"8Used to facilitate programmatic handling of secret data.² -string -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -Î -dataÅ"¡Data contains the secret data. Each key must consist of alphanumeric characters, '-', '_' or '.'. The serialized form of the secret data is a base64 encoded string, representing the arbitrary (possibly non-string) data value here. Described in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648#section-4ª -byte² -string² -object -å - immutable×"ÈImmutable, if set to true, ensures that data stored in the Secret cannot be updated (only object metadata can be modified). If not set to true, the field can be modified at any time. Defaulted to nil.² -booleanúN -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind+)- version: v1 - group: "" - kind: Secret - -å -2io.k8s.api.core.v1.StorageOSPersistentVolumeSource® "2Represents a StorageOS persistent volume resource.² -objectÊë -À -fsTypeµ"§Filesystem type to mount. Must be a filesystem type supported by the host operating system. Ex. "ext4", "xfs", "ntfs". Implicitly inferred to be "ext4" if unspecified.² -string -x -readOnlyl"^Defaults to false (read/write). ReadOnly here will force the ReadOnly setting in VolumeMounts.² -boolean -Ê - secretRef¼ -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ObjectReference"‡SecretRef specifies the secret to use for obtaining the StorageOS API credentials. If not specified, default values will be attempted. -‹ - -volumeName}"pVolumeName is the human-readable name of the StorageOS volume. Volume names are only unique within a namespace.² -string -Ð -volumeNamespace¼"®VolumeNamespace specifies the scope of the volume within StorageOS. If no namespace is specified then the Pod's namespace will be used. This allows the Kubernetes name scoping to be mirrored within StorageOS for tighter integration. Set VolumeName to any name to override the default behaviour. Set to "default" if you are not using namespaces within StorageOS. Namespaces that do not pre-exist within StorageOS will be created.² -string -ñ -io.k8s.api.node.v1.RuntimeClassÍ"ËRuntimeClass defines a class of container runtime supported in the cluster. The RuntimeClass is used to determine which container runtime is used to run all containers in a pod. RuntimeClasses are manually defined by a user or cluster provisioner, and referenced in the PodSpec. The Kubelet is responsible for resolving the RuntimeClassName reference before running the pod. For more details, see https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/runtime-class/šhandler² -objectʆ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -Ð -handlerÄ"¶Handler specifies the underlying runtime and configuration that the CRI implementation will use to handle pods of this class. The possible values are specific to the node & CRI configuration. It is assumed that all handlers are available on every node, and handlers of the same name are equivalent on every node. For example, a handler called "runc" might specify that the runc OCI runtime (using native Linux containers) will be used to run the containers in a pod. The Handler must be lowercase, conform to the DNS Label (RFC 1123) requirements, and is immutable.² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -µ -metadata¨ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"gMore info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -â -overheadÕ -)#/definitions/io.k8s.api.node.v1.Overhead"§Overhead represents the resource overhead associated with running a pod for a given RuntimeClass. For more details, see - https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/pod-overhead/ -This field is in beta starting v1.18 and is only honored by servers that enable the PodOverhead feature. -– - -scheduling‡ -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.node.v1.Scheduling"×Scheduling holds the scheduling constraints to ensure that pods running with this RuntimeClass are scheduled to nodes that support it. If scheduling is nil, this RuntimeClass is assumed to be supported by all nodes.ú] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8- group: node.k8s.io - kind: RuntimeClass - version: v1 - -û -io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeAddressØ"8NodeAddress contains information for the node's address.štypešaddress² -objectÊ -) -address"The node address.² -string -R -typeJ"=Node address type, one of Hostname, ExternalIP or InternalIP.² -string -› - -,io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeClaimListê "CPersistentVolumeClaimList is a list of PersistentVolumeClaim items.šitems² -objectʪ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -Ø -itemsÎ"„A list of persistent volume claims. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes#persistentvolumeclaims² -arrayº: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeClaim -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ï -metadata -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"‚Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kindsúa -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind><- kind: PersistentVolumeClaimList - version: v1 - group: "" - -ž -*io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DaemonSetUpdateStrategyï"XDaemonSetUpdateStrategy is a struct used to control the update strategy for a DaemonSet.² -objectʆ -o -typeg"ZType of daemon set update. Can be "RollingUpdate" or "OnDelete". Default is RollingUpdate.² -string -’ - rollingUpdate€ -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.RollingUpdateDaemonSet"ERolling update config params. Present only if type = "RollingUpdate". -ä -,io.k8s.api.core.v1.CSIPersistentVolumeSource³"RRepresents storage that is managed by an external CSI volume driver (Beta feature)šdriverš volumeHandle² -objectʸ -­ -controllerPublishSecretRefŽ -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.SecretReference"ÙControllerPublishSecretRef is a reference to the secret object containing sensitive information to pass to the CSI driver to complete the CSI ControllerPublishVolume and ControllerUnpublishVolume calls. This field is optional, and may be empty if no secret is required. If the secret object contains more than one secret, all secrets are passed. -² - volumeHandle¡"“VolumeHandle is the unique volume name returned by the CSI volume plugin’s CreateVolume to refer to the volume on all subsequent calls. Required.² -string -Ž -fsTypeƒ"vFilesystem type to mount. Must be a filesystem type supported by the host operating system. Ex. "ext4", "xfs", "ntfs".² -string -• -nodePublishSecretRefü -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.SecretReference"ÇNodePublishSecretRef is a reference to the secret object containing sensitive information to pass to the CSI driver to complete the CSI NodePublishVolume and NodeUnpublishVolume calls. This field is optional, and may be empty if no secret is required. If the secret object contains more than one secret, all secrets are passed. -¡ -nodeStageSecretRefŠ -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.SecretReference"ÕNodeStageSecretRef is a reference to the secret object containing sensitive information to pass to the CSI driver to complete the CSI NodeStageVolume and NodeStageVolume and NodeUnstageVolume calls. This field is optional, and may be empty if no secret is required. If the secret object contains more than one secret, all secrets are passed. -x -readOnlyl"^Optional: The value to pass to ControllerPublishVolumeRequest. Defaults to false (read/write).² -boolean -U -volumeAttributesA"$Attributes of the volume to publish.ª - ² -string² -object -× -controllerExpandSecretRef¹ -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.SecretReference"„ControllerExpandSecretRef is a reference to the secret object containing sensitive information to pass to the CSI driver to complete the CSI ControllerExpandVolume call. This is an alpha field and requires enabling ExpandCSIVolumes feature gate. This field is optional, and may be empty if no secret is required. If the secret object contains more than one secret, all secrets are passed. -Y -driverO"BDriver is the name of the driver to use for this volume. Required.² -string -Ù -Bio.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.PriorityLevelConfigurationCondition’"LPriorityLevelConfigurationCondition defines the condition of priority level.² -objectʵ -g -message\"O`message` is a human-readable message indicating details about last transition.² -string -l -reasonb"U`reason` is a unique, one-word, CamelCase reason for the condition's last transition.² -string -f -status\"O`status` is the status of the condition. Can be True, False, Unknown. Required.² -string -C -type;".`type` is the type of the condition. Required.² -string -® -lastTransitionTime— -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"\`lastTransitionTime` is the last time the condition transitioned from one status to another. -• -/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.VolumeAttachmentSpecá"HVolumeAttachmentSpec is the specification of a VolumeAttachment request.šattacheršsourcešnodeName² -objectÊé -— -attacherŠ"}Attacher indicates the name of the volume driver that MUST handle this request. This is the name returned by GetPluginName().² -string -H -nodeName<"/The node that the volume should be attached to.² -string -‚ -sourcex -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.VolumeAttachmentSource"5Source represents the volume that should be attached. -û -%io.k8s.api.discovery.v1.EndpointSliceÑ"ÜEndpointSlice represents a subset of the endpoints that implement a service. For a given service there may be multiple EndpointSlice objects, selected by labels, which must be joined to produce the full set of endpoints.š addressTypeš endpoints² -objectÊã -ð - addressTypeà"ÒaddressType specifies the type of address carried by this EndpointSlice. All addresses in this slice must be the same type. This field is immutable after creation. The following address types are currently supported: * IPv4: Represents an IPv4 Address. * IPv6: Represents an IPv6 Address. * FQDN: Represents a Fully Qualified Domain Name.² -string -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -ß - endpointsÑ"jendpoints is a list of unique endpoints in this slice. Each slice may include a maximum of 1000 endpoints.² -arrayº2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.discovery.v1.Endpointú# -x-kubernetes-list-type atomic - -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -h -metadata\ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"Standard object's metadata. -¤ -portsš"®ports specifies the list of network ports exposed by each endpoint in this slice. Each port must have a unique name. When ports is empty, it indicates that there are no defined ports. When a port is defined with a nil port value, it indicates "all ports". Each slice may include a maximum of 100 ports.² -arrayº6 -4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.discovery.v1.EndpointPortú# -x-kubernetes-list-type atomic -úc -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind@>- group: discovery.k8s.io - kind: EndpointSlice - version: v1 - -å -'io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.TokenRequest¹": will be created for the connection.² -string -0 -iqn)"Target iSCSI Qualified Name.² -string -n -iscsiInterface\"OiSCSI Interface Name that uses an iSCSI transport. Defaults to 'default' (tcp).² -string -4 -lun-int32"iSCSI Target Lun number.² -integer -³ -portals§"ŠiSCSI Target Portal List. The Portal is either an IP or ip_addr:port if the port is other than default (typically TCP ports 860 and 3260).² -arrayº - ² -string -k -readOnly_"QReadOnly here will force the ReadOnly setting in VolumeMounts. Defaults to false.² -boolean -z - secretRefm -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.SecretReference"9CHAP Secret for iSCSI target and initiator authentication -¤ - targetPortal“"…iSCSI Target Portal. The Portal is either an IP or ip_addr:port if the port is other than default (typically TCP ports 860 and 3260).² -string -R -chapAuthSession?"1whether support iSCSI Session CHAP authentication² -boolean -â - io.k8s.api.core.v1.NamespaceList½ "&NamespaceList is a list of Namespaces.šitems² -objectʦ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -Ô -itemsÊ"ŒItems is the list of Namespace objects in the list. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/² -arrayº. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Namespace -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ï -metadata -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"‚Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kindsúU -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind20- kind: NamespaceList - version: v1 - group: "" - -¥ -0io.k8s.api.networking.v1.NetworkPolicyEgressRuleð"ÐNetworkPolicyEgressRule describes a particular set of traffic that is allowed out of pods matched by a NetworkPolicySpec's podSelector. The traffic must match both ports and to. This type is beta-level in 1.8² -objectÊŽ -¯ -ports¥"ÙList of destination ports for outgoing traffic. Each item in this list is combined using a logical OR. If this field is empty or missing, this rule matches all ports (traffic not restricted by port). If this field is present and contains at least one item, then this rule allows traffic only if the traffic matches at least one port in the list.² -arrayº< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.NetworkPolicyPort -Ù -toÒ"†List of destinations for outgoing traffic of pods selected for this rule. Items in this list are combined using a logical OR operation. If this field is empty or missing, this rule matches all destinations (traffic not restricted by destination). If this field is present and contains at least one item, this rule allows traffic only if the traffic matches at least one item in the to list.² -arrayº< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.NetworkPolicyPeer -Ž -6io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpecT² -objectÊF -D - namespace7"*Namespace to evaluate rules for. Required.² -string -ú -io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeListÚ"ONodeList is the whole list of all Nodes which have been registered with master.šitems² -objectÊŸ -Ï -metadata -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"‚Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -N -itemsE" List of nodes² -arrayº) -' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Node -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -stringúP -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind-+- group: "" - kind: NodeList - version: v1 - -• -$io.k8s.api.core.v1.LocalVolumeSourceì"LLocal represents directly-attached storage with node affinity (Beta feature)špath² -objectʈ -€ -fsTypeõ"çFilesystem type to mount. It applies only when the Path is a block device. Must be a filesystem type supported by the host operating system. Ex. "ext4", "xfs", "ntfs". The default value is to auto-select a fileystem if unspecified.² -string -‚ -pathz"mThe full path to the volume on the node. It can be either a directory or block device (disk, partition, ...).² -string -Ý -)io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.IngressRule¯ "ìIngressRule represents the rules mapping the paths under a specified host to the related backend services. Incoming requests are first evaluated for a host match, then routed to the backend associated with the matching IngressRuleValue.² -objectʱ -â - -hostÙ -"Ë -Host is the fully qualified domain name of a network host, as defined by RFC 3986. Note the following deviations from the "host" part of the URI as defined in RFC 3986: 1. IPs are not allowed. Currently an IngressRuleValue can only apply to - the IP in the Spec of the parent Ingress. -2. The `:` delimiter is not respected because ports are not allowed. - Currently the port of an Ingress is implicitly :80 for http and - :443 for https. -Both these may change in the future. Incoming requests are matched against the host before the IngressRuleValue. If the host is unspecified, the Ingress routes all traffic based on the specified IngressRuleValue. - -Host can be "precise" which is a domain name without the terminating dot of a network host (e.g. "foo.bar.com") or "wildcard", which is a domain name prefixed with a single wildcard label (e.g. "*.foo.com"). The wildcard character '*' must appear by itself as the first DNS label and matches only a single label. You cannot have a wildcard label by itself (e.g. Host == "*"). Requests will be matched against the Host field in the following way: 1. If Host is precise, the request matches this rule if the http host header is equal to Host. 2. If Host is a wildcard, then the request matches this rule if the http host header is to equal to the suffix (removing the first label) of the wildcard rule.² -string -J -httpB -@#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.HTTPIngressRuleValue -‚ - io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.RoleListÝ"RoleList is a collection of Roles Deprecated in v1.17 in favor of rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 RoleList, and will no longer be served in v1.22.šitems² -objectÊÅ -f -metadataZ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"Standard object's metadata. -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -^ -itemsU"Items is a list of Roles² -arrayº. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.Role -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -stringúl -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindIG- group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io - kind: RoleList - version: v1beta1 - -Ž -&io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSINodeListã"/CSINodeList is a collection of CSINode objects.šitems² -objectÊ´ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -h -items_"items is the list of CSINode² -arrayº4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSINode -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ê -metadata½ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"~Standard list metadata More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadataúd -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindA?- kind: CSINodeList - version: v1beta1 - group: storage.k8s.io - -Í -3io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.SubjectAccessReviewSpec•"¢SubjectAccessReviewSpec is a description of the access request. Exactly one of ResourceAuthorizationAttributes and NonResourceAuthorizationAttributes must be set² -objectÊá -ª -nonResourceAttributes -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.NonResourceAttributes"MNonResourceAttributes describes information for a non-resource access request -ª -resourceAttributes“ -<#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.ResourceAttributes"SResourceAuthorizationAttributes describes information for a resource access request -> -uid7"*UID information about the requesting user.² -string -« -user¢"”User is the user you're testing for. If you specify "User" but not "Groups", then is it interpreted as "What if User were not a member of any groups² -string -Æ -extra¼"Extra corresponds to the user.Info.GetExtra() method from the authenticator. Since that is input to the authorizer it needs a reflection here.ª -² -arrayº - ² -string² -object -N -groupsD"(Groups is the groups you're testing for.² -arrayº - ² -string - -io.k8s.api.core.v1.EventSeriesÞ"qEventSeries contain information on series of events, i.e. thing that was/is happening continuously for some time.² -objectÊÜ -` -countWint32"BNumber of occurrences in this series up to the last heartbeat time² -integer -x -lastObservedTimed -<#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.MicroTime"$Time of the last occurrence observed -Ò -)io.k8s.api.extensions.v1beta1.IngressSpec¤ ";IngressSpec describes the Ingress the user wishes to exist.² -objectÊØ -º -backend® -:#/definitions/io.k8s.api.extensions.v1beta1.IngressBackend"ïA default backend capable of servicing requests that don't match any rule. At least one of 'backend' or 'rules' must be specified. This field is optional to allow the loadbalancer controller or defaulting logic to specify a global default. -´ -ingressClassNameŸ"‘IngressClassName is the name of the IngressClass cluster resource. The associated IngressClass defines which controller will implement the resource. This replaces the deprecated `kubernetes.io/ingress.class` annotation. For backwards compatibility, when that annotation is set, it must be given precedence over this field. The controller may emit a warning if the field and annotation have different values. Implementations of this API should ignore Ingresses without a class specified. An IngressClass resource may be marked as default, which can be used to set a default value for this field. For more information, refer to the IngressClass documentation.² -string -Ø -rulesÎ"ƒA list of host rules used to configure the Ingress. If unspecified, or no rule matches, all traffic is sent to the default backend.² -arrayº; -9 -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.extensions.v1beta1.IngressRule -† -tlsþ"´TLS configuration. Currently the Ingress only supports a single TLS port, 443. If multiple members of this list specify different hosts, they will be multiplexed on the same port according to the hostname specified through the SNI TLS extension, if the ingress controller fulfilling the ingress supports SNI.² -arrayº: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.extensions.v1beta1.IngressTLS -§ -*io.k8s.api.networking.v1.NetworkPolicyListø"5NetworkPolicyList is a list of NetworkPolicy objects.šitems² -objectÊ¿ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -r -itemsi""Items is a list of schema objects.² -arrayº8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.NetworkPolicy -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ë -metadata¾ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadataúh -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindEC- group: networking.k8s.io - kind: NetworkPolicyList - version: v1 - -Ò -=io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.JSON"JSON represents any valid JSON value. These types are supported: bool, int64, float64, string, []interface{}, map[string]interface{} and nil. -µ -2io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelectorþ"ËA label selector is a label query over a set of resources. The result of matchLabels and matchExpressions are ANDed. An empty label selector matches all objects. A null label selector matches no objects.² -objectÊü -É -matchExpressions´"VmatchExpressions is a list of label selector requirements. The requirements are ANDed.² -arrayºO -M -K#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelectorRequirement -­ - matchLabels"ÿmatchLabels is a map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the matchLabels map is equivalent to an element of matchExpressions, whose key field is "key", the operator is "In", and the values array contains only "value". The requirements are ANDed.ª - ² -string² -objectú" -x-kubernetes-map-type atomic - -Š -&io.k8s.api.core.v1.ResourceQuotaStatusß"FResourceQuotaStatus defines the enforced hard limits and observed use.² -objectʈ -à -hard×"‡Hard is the set of enforced hard limits for each named resource. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/policy/resource-quotas/ª? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantity² -object -¢ -used™"JUsed is the current observed total usage of the resource in the namespace.ª? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantity² -object -Ú -*io.k8s.api.core.v1.WeightedPodAffinityTerm«"vThe weights of all of the matched WeightedPodAffinityTerm fields are added per-node to find the most preferred node(s)šweightšpodAffinityTerm² -objectʉ -u -weightkint32"Vweight associated with matching the corresponding podAffinityTerm, in the range 1-100.² -integer - -podAffinityTerm| -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodAffinityTerm"HRequired. A pod affinity term, associated with the corresponding weight. -¹ -1io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.ResourcePolicyRuleƒ" ResourcePolicyRule is a predicate that matches some resource requests, testing the request's verb and the target resource. A ResourcePolicyRule matches a resource request if and only if: (a) at least one member of verbs matches the request, (b) at least one member of apiGroups matches the request, (c) at least one member of resources matches the request, and (d) least one member of namespaces matches the request.šverbsš apiGroupsš resources² -objectʱ -´ - clusterScope£"”`clusterScope` indicates whether to match requests that do not specify a namespace (which happens either because the resource is not namespaced or the request targets all namespaces). If this field is omitted or false then the `namespaces` field must contain a non-empty list.² -boolean -÷ - -namespacesè"¨`namespaces` is a list of target namespaces that restricts matches. A request that specifies a target namespace matches only if either (a) this list contains that target namespace or (b) this list contains "*". Note that "*" matches any specified namespace but does not match a request that _does not specify_ a namespace (see the `clusterScope` field for that). This list may be empty, but only if `clusterScope` is true.² -arrayº - ² -stringú -x-kubernetes-list-typeset - -Í - resources¿"ÿ`resources` is a list of matching resources (i.e., lowercase and plural) with, if desired, subresource. For example, [ "services", "nodes/status" ]. This list may not be empty. "*" matches all resources and, if present, must be the only entry. Required.² -arrayº - ² -stringú -x-kubernetes-list-typeset - -Ì -verbsÂ"‚`verbs` is a list of matching verbs and may not be empty. "*" matches all verbs and, if present, must be the only entry. Required.² -arrayº - ² -stringú -x-kubernetes-list-typeset - -Þ - apiGroupsÐ"`apiGroups` is a list of matching API groups and may not be empty. "*" matches all API groups and, if present, must be the only entry. Required.² -arrayº - ² -stringú -x-kubernetes-list-typeset - -÷ --io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodDisruptionBudgetÅ "hPodDisruptionBudget is an object to define the max disruption that can be caused to a collection of pods² -objectÊå -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -K -metadata? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta - -spec„ -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodDisruptionBudgetSpec"ASpecification of the desired behavior of the PodDisruptionBudget. -ˆ -status~ -A#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodDisruptionBudgetStatus"9Most recently observed status of the PodDisruptionBudget.úd -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindA?- group: policy - kind: PodDisruptionBudget - version: v1beta1 - -…, -:io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1beta1.ValidatingWebhookÆ+"`ValidatingWebhook describes an admission webhook and the resources and operations it applies to.šnameš clientConfig² -objectÊ¿* -é -objectSelectorÖ -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelector"‘ObjectSelector decides whether to run the webhook based on if the object has matching labels. objectSelector is evaluated against both the oldObject and newObject that would be sent to the webhook, and is considered to match if either object matches the selector. A null object (oldObject in the case of create, or newObject in the case of delete) or an object that cannot have labels (like a DeploymentRollback or a PodProxyOptions object) is not considered to match. Use the object selector only if the webhook is opt-in, because end users may skip the admission webhook by setting the labels. Default to the empty LabelSelector, which matches everything. -î -rulesä"‡Rules describes what operations on what resources/subresources the webhook cares about. The webhook cares about an operation if it matches _any_ Rule. However, in order to prevent ValidatingAdmissionWebhooks and MutatingAdmissionWebhooks from putting the cluster in a state which cannot be recovered from without completely disabling the plugin, ValidatingAdmissionWebhooks and MutatingAdmissionWebhooks are never called on admission requests for ValidatingWebhookConfiguration and MutatingWebhookConfiguration objects.² -arrayºM -K -I#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1beta1.RuleWithOperations -œ -timeoutSeconds‰int32"óTimeoutSeconds specifies the timeout for this webhook. After the timeout passes, the webhook call will be ignored or the API call will fail based on the failure policy. The timeout value must be between 1 and 30 seconds. Default to 30 seconds.² -integer -° -admissionReviewVersions”"÷AdmissionReviewVersions is an ordered list of preferred `AdmissionReview` versions the Webhook expects. API server will try to use first version in the list which it supports. If none of the versions specified in this list supported by API server, validation will fail for this object. If a persisted webhook configuration specifies allowed versions and does not include any versions known to the API Server, calls to the webhook will fail and be subject to the failure policy. Default to `['v1beta1']`.² -arrayº - ² -string -ž - clientConfig -J#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1beta1.WebhookClientConfig"?ClientConfig defines how to communicate with the hook. Required -— - matchPolicy‡"ùmatchPolicy defines how the "rules" list is used to match incoming requests. Allowed values are "Exact" or "Equivalent". - -- Exact: match a request only if it exactly matches a specified rule. For example, if deployments can be modified via apps/v1, apps/v1beta1, and extensions/v1beta1, but "rules" only included `apiGroups:["apps"], apiVersions:["v1"], resources: ["deployments"]`, a request to apps/v1beta1 or extensions/v1beta1 would not be sent to the webhook. - -- Equivalent: match a request if modifies a resource listed in rules, even via another API group or version. For example, if deployments can be modified via apps/v1, apps/v1beta1, and extensions/v1beta1, and "rules" only included `apiGroups:["apps"], apiVersions:["v1"], resources: ["deployments"]`, a request to apps/v1beta1 or extensions/v1beta1 would be converted to apps/v1 and sent to the webhook. - -Defaults to "Exact"² -string -Ø - sideEffectsÈ"ºSideEffects states whether this webhook has side effects. Acceptable values are: Unknown, None, Some, NoneOnDryRun Webhooks with side effects MUST implement a reconciliation system, since a request may be rejected by a future step in the admission chain and the side effects therefore need to be undone. Requests with the dryRun attribute will be auto-rejected if they match a webhook with sideEffects == Unknown or Some. Defaults to Unknown.² -string -® - failurePolicyœ"ŽFailurePolicy defines how unrecognized errors from the admission endpoint are handled - allowed values are Ignore or Fail. Defaults to Ignore.² -string -ç -nameÞ"ÐThe name of the admission webhook. Name should be fully qualified, e.g., imagepolicy.kubernetes.io, where "imagepolicy" is the name of the webhook, and kubernetes.io is the name of the organization. Required.² -string -Ü -namespaceSelectorÆ -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelector" NamespaceSelector decides whether to run the webhook on an object based on whether the namespace for that object matches the selector. If the object itself is a namespace, the matching is performed on object.metadata.labels. If the object is another cluster scoped resource, it never skips the webhook. - -For example, to run the webhook on any objects whose namespace is not associated with "runlevel" of "0" or "1"; you will set the selector as follows: "namespaceSelector": { - "matchExpressions": [ - { - "key": "runlevel", - "operator": "NotIn", - "values": [ - "0", - "1" - ] - } - ] -} - -If instead you want to only run the webhook on any objects whose namespace is associated with the "environment" of "prod" or "staging"; you will set the selector as follows: "namespaceSelector": { - "matchExpressions": [ - { - "key": "environment", - "operator": "In", - "values": [ - "prod", - "staging" - ] - } - ] -} - -See https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels for more examples of label selectors. - -Default to the empty LabelSelector, which matches everything. -… -$io.k8s.api.coordination.v1.LeaseListÜ"%LeaseList is a list of Lease objects.šitems² -objectʹ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -l -itemsc""Items is a list of schema objects.² -arrayº2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.coordination.v1.Lease -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ë -metadata¾ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadataúb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=- version: v1 - group: coordination.k8s.io - kind: LeaseList - -« -io.k8s.api.core.v1.SecretList‰ "SecretList is a list of Secret.šitems² -objectÊü -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -ª -items "fItems is a list of secret objects. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/secret² -arrayº+ -) -'#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Secret -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ï -metadata -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"‚Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kindsúR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-- group: "" - kind: SecretList - version: v1 - - -#io.k8s.api.node.v1.RuntimeClassListè"3RuntimeClassList is a list of RuntimeClass objects.šitems² -objectʸ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -k -itemsb""Items is a list of schema objects.² -arrayº1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.node.v1.RuntimeClass -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ë -metadata¾ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadataúa -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind><- group: node.k8s.io - kind: RuntimeClassList - version: v1 - -Ÿ -3io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.ExternalMetricStatusç"nExternalMetricStatus indicates the current value of a global metric not associated with any Kubernetes object.š -metricNameš currentValue² -objectÊÌ -Ž - currentValue~ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantity"?currentValue is the current value of the metric (as a quantity) -d - -metricNameV"ImetricName is the name of a metric used for autoscaling in metric system.² -string -§ -metricSelector” -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelector"PmetricSelector is used to identify a specific time series within a given metric. -¨ -currentAverageValue -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantity"QcurrentAverageValue is the current value of metric averaged over autoscaled pods. -ì -+io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.MetricStatus¼">MetricStatus describes the last-read state of a single metric.štype² -objectÊæ -Ë -containerResourceµ -J#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.ContainerResourceMetricStatus"æcontainer resource refers to a resource metric (such as those specified in requests and limits) known to Kubernetes describing a single container in each pod in the current scale target (e.g. CPU or memory). Such metrics are built in to Kubernetes, and have special scaling options on top of those available to normal per-pod metrics using the "pods" source. -ô -externalç -A#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.ExternalMetricStatus"¡external refers to a global metric that is not associated with any Kubernetes object. It allows autoscaling based on information coming from components running outside of cluster (for example length of queue in cloud messaging service, or QPS from loadbalancer running outside of cluster). - -object· -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.ObjectMetricStatus"tobject refers to a metric describing a single kubernetes object (for example, hits-per-second on an Ingress object). -• -podsŒ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.PodsMetricStatus"Êpods refers to a metric describing each pod in the current scale target (for example, transactions-processed-per-second). The values will be averaged together before being compared to the target value. -™ -resourceŒ -A#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.ResourceMetricStatus"Æresource refers to a resource metric (such as those specified in requests and limits) known to Kubernetes describing each pod in the current scale target (e.g. CPU or memory). Such metrics are built in to Kubernetes, and have special scaling options on top of those available to normal per-pod metrics using the "pods" source. -¥ -typeœ"Žtype is the type of metric source. It will be one of "ContainerResource", "External", "Object", "Pods" or "Resource", each corresponds to a matching field in the object. Note: "ContainerResource" type is available on when the feature-gate HPAContainerMetrics is enabled² -string -î -#io.k8s.api.core.v1.FlexVolumeSourceÆ"hFlexVolume represents a generic volume resource that is provisioned/attached using an exec based plugin.šdriver² -objectÊÄ -Ä -fsType¹"«Filesystem type to mount. Must be a filesystem type supported by the host operating system. Ex. "ext4", "xfs", "ntfs". The default filesystem depends on FlexVolume script.² -string -O -optionsD"'Optional: Extra command options if any.ª - ² -string² -object -‚ -readOnlyv"hOptional: Defaults to false (read/write). ReadOnly here will force the ReadOnly setting in VolumeMounts.² -boolean -Ó - secretRefÅ -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.LocalObjectReference"‹Optional: SecretRef is reference to the secret object containing sensitive information to pass to the plugin scripts. This may be empty if no secret object is specified. If the secret object contains more than one secret, all secrets are passed to the plugin scripts. -O -driverE"8Driver is the name of the driver to use for this volume.² -string -¥ -?io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.PriorityLevelConfigurationStatusá"VPriorityLevelConfigurationStatus represents the current state of a "request-priority".² -objectÊú -÷ - -conditionsè"8`conditions` is the current state of "request-priority".² -arrayºT -R -P#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.PriorityLevelConfigurationConditionú' -x-kubernetes-list-map-keys - type -ú -x-kubernetes-list-typemap - -Œ -%io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.ClusterRoleBindingâ -"ŸClusterRoleBinding references a ClusterRole, but not contain it. It can reference a ClusterRole in the global namespace, and adds who information via Subject.šroleRef² -objectʳ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -h -metadata\ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"Standard object's metadata. - -roleRef¶ -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.RoleRef"‰RoleRef can only reference a ClusterRole in the global namespace. If the RoleRef cannot be resolved, the Authorizer must return an error. -„ -subjectsx"=Subjects holds references to the objects the role applies to.² -arrayº, -* -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.Subjectúq -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindNL- group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io - kind: ClusterRoleBinding - version: v1 - -ý - -io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.PolicyRuleÛ -"¡PolicyRule holds information that describes a policy rule, but does not contain information about who the rule applies to or which namespace the rule applies to.šverbs² -objectÊ  -ó - apiGroupså"ÈAPIGroups is the name of the APIGroup that contains the resources. If multiple API groups are specified, any action requested against one of the enumerated resources in any API group will be allowed.² -arrayº - ² -string -¼ -nonResourceURLs¨"‹NonResourceURLs is a set of partial urls that a user should have access to. *s are allowed, but only as the full, final step in the path Since non-resource URLs are not namespaced, this field is only applicable for ClusterRoles referenced from a ClusterRoleBinding. Rules can either apply to API resources (such as "pods" or "secrets") or non-resource URL paths (such as "/api"), but not both.² -arrayº - ² -string -¨ - resourceNames–"zResourceNames is an optional white list of names that the rule applies to. An empty set means that everything is allowed.² -arrayº - ² -string -† - resourcesy"]Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to. ResourceAll represents all resources.² -arrayº - ² -string -´ -verbsª"Verbs is a list of Verbs that apply to ALL the ResourceKinds and AttributeRestrictions contained in this rule. VerbAll represents all kinds.² -arrayº - ² -string -à -7io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.SelfSubjectRulesReview¤"ˆSelfSubjectRulesReview enumerates the set of actions the current user can perform within a namespace. The returned list of actions may be incomplete depending on the server's authorization mode, and any errors experienced during the evaluation. SelfSubjectRulesReview should be used by UIs to show/hide actions, or to quickly let an end user reason about their permissions. It should NOT Be used by external systems to drive authorization decisions as this raises confused deputy, cache lifetime/revocation, and correctness concerns. SubjectAccessReview, and LocalAccessReview are the correct way to defer authorization decisions to the API server.šspec² -objectÊ‹ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -K -metadata? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta - -spec† -I#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec"9Spec holds information about the request being evaluated. -¬ -status¡ -G#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.SubjectRulesReviewStatus"VStatus is filled in by the server and indicates the set of actions a user can perform.úu -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindRP- group: authorization.k8s.io - kind: SelfSubjectRulesReview - version: v1beta1 - - -io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.Scalež "2Scale represents a scaling request for a resource.² -objectÊ‚ - -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ñ -metadataÄ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"‚Standard object metadata; More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata. -Ñ -specÈ -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.ScaleSpec"’defines the behavior of the scale. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status. -Ú -statusÏ -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.ScaleStatus"—current status of the scale. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status. Read-only. -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -stringúV -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind31- group: autoscaling - kind: Scale - version: v1 - -è -Iio.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.ServiceReferenceš";ServiceReference holds a reference to Service.legacy.k8s.ioš namespacešname² -objectÊ» -> -name6")name is the name of the service. Required² -string -M - namespace@"3namespace is the namespace of the service. Required² -string -Y -pathQ"Dpath is an optional URL path at which the webhook will be contacted.² -string -Î -portÅint32"¯port is an optional service port at which the webhook will be contacted. `port` should be a valid port number (1-65535, inclusive). Defaults to 443 for backward compatibility.² -integer -Ò -Cio.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1.ServiceReferenceŠ";ServiceReference holds a reference to Service.legacy.k8s.io² -objectʾ -4 -name,"Name is the name of the service² -string -C - namespace6")Namespace is the namespace of the service² -string -À -port·int32"¡If specified, the port on the service that hosting webhook. Default to 443 for backward compatibility. `port` should be a valid port number (1-65535, inclusive).² -integer -¾ --io.k8s.api.authentication.v1.TokenRequestSpecŒ "HTokenRequestSpec contains client provided parameters of a token request.š audiences² -objectʧ -• - audiences‡"êAudiences are the intendend audiences of the token. A recipient of a token must identitfy themself with an identifier in the list of audiences of the token, and otherwise should reject the token. A token issued for multiple audiences may be used to authenticate against any of the audiences listed but implies a high degree of trust between the target audiences.² -arrayº - ² -string -Ž -boundObjectRefû -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authentication.v1.BoundObjectReference"·BoundObjectRef is a reference to an object that the token will be bound to. The token will only be valid for as long as the bound object exists. NOTE: The API server's TokenReview endpoint will validate the BoundObjectRef, but other audiences may not. Keep ExpirationSeconds small if you want prompt revocation. -û -expirationSecondsåint64"ÏExpirationSeconds is the requested duration of validity of the request. The token issuer may return a token with a different validity duration so a client needs to check the 'expiration' field in a response.² -integer -æ -8io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressClassParametersReference©"}IngressClassParametersReference identifies an API object. This can be used to specify a cluster or namespace-scoped resource.škindšname² -objectÊ - - namespace´"¦Namespace is the namespace of the resource being referenced. This field is required when scope is set to "Namespace" and must be unset when scope is set to "Cluster".² -string -Þ -scopeÔ"ÆScope represents if this refers to a cluster or namespace scoped resource. This may be set to "Cluster" (default) or "Namespace". Field can be enabled with IngressClassNamespacedParams feature gate.² -string -Ú -apiGroupÍ"¿APIGroup is the group for the resource being referenced. If APIGroup is not specified, the specified Kind must be in the core API group. For any other third-party types, APIGroup is required.² -string -C -kind;".Kind is the type of resource being referenced.² -string -C -name;".Name is the name of resource being referenced.² -string - -io.k8s.api.core.v1.Probeä"€Probe describes a health check to be performed against a container to determine whether it is alive or ready to receive traffic.² -objectÊÒ -‘ -execˆ -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ExecAction"YOne and only one of the following should be specified. Exec specifies the action to take. -§ -failureThreshold’int32"}Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded. Defaults to 3. Minimum value is 1.² -integer -k -httpGet` -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.HTTPGetAction".HTTPGet specifies the http request to perform. -} - periodSecondslint32"WHow often (in seconds) to perform the probe. Default to 10 seconds. Minimum value is 1.² -integer -â -timeoutSecondsÏint32"¹Number of seconds after which the probe times out. Defaults to 1 second. Minimum value is 1. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes² -integer -â -initialDelaySecondsÊint32"´Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes² -integer -Î -successThreshold¹int32"£Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed. Defaults to 1. Must be 1 for liveness and startup. Minimum value is 1.² -integer -‘ - tcpSocketƒ -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.TCPSocketAction"OTCPSocket specifies an action involving a TCP port. TCP hooks not yet supported -ö -terminationGracePeriodSecondsÔint64"¾Optional duration in seconds the pod needs to terminate gracefully upon probe failure. The grace period is the duration in seconds after the processes running in the pod are sent a termination signal and the time when the processes are forcibly halted with a kill signal. Set this value longer than the expected cleanup time for your process. If this value is nil, the pod's terminationGracePeriodSeconds will be used. Otherwise, this value overrides the value provided by the pod spec. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates stop immediately via the kill signal (no opportunity to shut down). This is an alpha field and requires enabling ProbeTerminationGracePeriod feature gate.² -integer -Ü -,io.k8s.api.storage.v1.VolumeAttachmentStatus«"CVolumeAttachmentStatus is the status of a VolumeAttachment request.šattached² -objectÊÌ -æ - attachErrorÖ -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.VolumeError"¢The last error encountered during attach operation, if any. This field must only be set by the entity completing the attach operation, i.e. the external-attacher. -± -attached¤"•Indicates the volume is successfully attached. This field must only be set by the entity completing the attach operation, i.e. the external-attacher.² -boolean -à -attachmentMetadata¬"ŽUpon successful attach, this field is populated with any information returned by the attach operation that must be passed into subsequent WaitForAttach or Mount calls. This field must only be set by the entity completing the attach operation, i.e. the external-attacher.ª - ² -string² -object -æ - detachErrorÖ -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.VolumeError"¢The last error encountered during detach operation, if any. This field must only be set by the entity completing the detach operation, i.e. the external-attacher. -‰ -'io.k8s.api.core.v1.HostPathVolumeSourceÝ"vRepresents a host path mapped into a pod. Host path volumes do not support ownership management or SELinux relabeling.špath² -objectÊÏ -Å -path¼"®Path of the directory on the host. If the path is a symlink, it will follow the link to the real path. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#hostpath² -string -„ -type|"oType for HostPath Volume Defaults to "" More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#hostpath² -string -Æ -$io.k8s.api.core.v1.ISCSIVolumeSource "’Represents an ISCSI disk. ISCSI volumes can only be mounted as read/write once. ISCSI volumes support ownership management and SELinux relabeling.š targetPortalšiqnšlun² -objectÊÞ -n -iscsiInterface\"OiSCSI Interface Name that uses an iSCSI transport. Defaults to 'default' (tcp).² -string -4 -lun-int32"iSCSI Target Lun number.² -integer - - secretRefr -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.LocalObjectReference"9CHAP Secret for iSCSI target and initiator authentication -0 -iqn)"Target iSCSI Qualified Name.² -string -³ -portals§"ŠiSCSI Target Portal List. The portal is either an IP or ip_addr:port if the port is other than default (typically TCP ports 860 and 3260).² -arrayº - ² -string -k -readOnly_"QReadOnly here will force the ReadOnly setting in VolumeMounts. Defaults to false.² -boolean -¤ - targetPortal“"…iSCSI Target Portal. The Portal is either an IP or ip_addr:port if the port is other than default (typically TCP ports 860 and 3260).² -string -V -chapAuthDiscoveryA"3whether support iSCSI Discovery CHAP authentication² -boolean -R -chapAuthSession?"1whether support iSCSI Session CHAP authentication² -boolean -µ -fsTypeª"œFilesystem type of the volume that you want to mount. Tip: Ensure that the filesystem type is supported by the host operating system. Examples: "ext4", "xfs", "ntfs". Implicitly inferred to be "ext4" if unspecified. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#iscsi² -string -Ô - initiatorNameÂ"´Custom iSCSI Initiator Name. If initiatorName is specified with iscsiInterface simultaneously, new iSCSI interface : will be created for the connection.² -string -– -'io.k8s.api.core.v1.PortworxVolumeSourceê";PortworxVolumeSource represents a Portworx volume resource.švolumeID² -objectÊ“ -Í -fsTypeÂ"´FSType represents the filesystem type to mount Must be a filesystem type supported by the host operating system. Ex. "ext4", "xfs". Implicitly inferred to be "ext4" if unspecified.² -string -x -readOnlyl"^Defaults to false (read/write). ReadOnly here will force the ReadOnly setting in VolumeMounts.² -boolean -G -volumeID;".VolumeID uniquely identifies a Portworx volume² -string -¬ -@io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1.MutatingWebhookConfigurationç -"‚MutatingWebhookConfiguration describes the configuration of and admission webhook that accept or reject and may change the object.² -objectÊÒ -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ñ -metadataÄ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"‚Standard object metadata; More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata. -þ -webhooksñ"IWebhooks is a list of webhooks and the affected resources and operations.² -arrayºE -C -A#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1.MutatingWebhookú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keyname - -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -stringú~ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind[Y- group: admissionregistration.k8s.io - kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration - version: v1 - -¼ -)io.k8s.api.coordination.v1beta1.LeaseSpecŽ"(LeaseSpec is a specification of a Lease.² -objectÊÕ -e -holderIdentityS"FholderIdentity contains the identity of the holder of a current lease.² -string -È -leaseDurationSeconds¯int32"™leaseDurationSeconds is a duration that candidates for a lease need to wait to force acquire it. This is measure against time of last observed RenewTime.² -integer -r -leaseTransitions^int32"IleaseTransitions is the number of transitions of a lease between holders.² -integer -  - renewTime’ -<#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.MicroTime"RrenewTime is a time when the current holder of a lease has last updated the lease. -‰ - acquireTimez -<#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.MicroTime":acquireTime is a time when the current lease was acquired. -¸ -,io.k8s.api.apps.v1.StatefulSetUpdateStrategy‡"ÏStatefulSetUpdateStrategy indicates the strategy that the StatefulSet controller will use to perform updates. It includes any additional parameters necessary to perform the update for the indicated strategy.² -objectʦ -¹ - rollingUpdate§ -A#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.RollingUpdateStatefulSetStrategy"bRollingUpdate is used to communicate parameters when Type is RollingUpdateStatefulSetStrategyType. -h -type`"SType indicates the type of the StatefulSetUpdateStrategy. Default is RollingUpdate.² -string -² -=io.k8s.api.certificates.v1beta1.CertificateSigningRequestSpecð"¾This information is immutable after the request is created. Only the Request and Usages fields can be set on creation, other fields are derived by Kubernetes and cannot be modified by users.šrequest² -objectÊ– -¤ -usages™"ÖallowedUsages specifies a set of usage contexts the key will be valid for. See: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section- - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section- -Valid values are: - "signing", - "digital signature", - "content commitment", - "key encipherment", - "key agreement", - "data encipherment", - "cert sign", - "crl sign", - "encipher only", - "decipher only", - "any", - "server auth", - "client auth", - "code signing", - "email protection", - "s/mime", - "ipsec end system", - "ipsec tunnel", - "ipsec user", - "timestamping", - "ocsp signing", - "microsoft sgc", - "netscape sgc"² -arrayº - ² -stringú# -x-kubernetes-list-type atomic - -d -usernameX"KInformation about the requesting user. See user.Info interface for details.² -string -† -extra}"QExtra information about the requesting user. See user.Info interface for details.ª -² -arrayº - ² -string² -object -ž -groups“"QGroup information about the requesting user. See user.Info interface for details.² -arrayº - ² -stringú# -x-kubernetes-list-type atomic - -c -requestXbyte"Base64-encoded PKCS#10 CSR data² -stringú# -x-kubernetes-list-type atomic - -’ - -signerNameƒ"õRequested signer for the request. It is a qualified name in the form: `scope-hostname.io/name`. If empty, it will be defaulted: - 1. If it's a kubelet client certificate, it is assigned - "kubernetes.io/kube-apiserver-client-kubelet". - 2. If it's a kubelet serving certificate, it is assigned - "kubernetes.io/kubelet-serving". - 3. Otherwise, it is assigned "kubernetes.io/legacy-unknown". -Distribution of trust for signers happens out of band. You can select on this field using `spec.signerName`.² -string -c -uid\"OUID information about the requesting user. See user.Info interface for details.² -string -õ -#io.k8s.api.core.v1.VolumeProjectionÍ"HProjection that may be projected along with other supported volume types² -objectÊô -’ -serviceAccountToken{ ->#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ServiceAccountTokenProjection"9information about the serviceAccountToken data to project -t - configMapg -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ConfigMapProjection"/information about the configMap data to project -z - downwardAPIk -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.DownwardAPIProjection"1information about the downwardAPI data to project -k -secreta -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.SecretProjection",information about the secret data to project -¹ -Eio.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1beta1.MutatingWebhookConfigurationï "ÿMutatingWebhookConfiguration describes the configuration of and admission webhook that accept or reject and may change the object. Deprecated in v1.16, planned for removal in v1.19. Use admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1 MutatingWebhookConfiguration instead.² -objectÊ× -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ñ -metadataÄ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"‚Standard object metadata; More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata. -ƒ -webhooksö"IWebhooks is a list of webhooks and the affected resources and operations.² -arrayºJ -H -F#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1beta1.MutatingWebhookú' -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keyname -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge -úƒ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind`^- group: admissionregistration.k8s.io - kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration - version: v1beta1 - -È -Gio.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1beta1.ValidatingWebhookConfigurationü "ˆValidatingWebhookConfiguration describes the configuration of and admission webhook that accept or reject and object without changing it. Deprecated in v1.16, planned for removal in v1.19. Use admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1 ValidatingWebhookConfiguration instead.² -objectÊÙ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ñ -metadataÄ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"‚Standard object metadata; More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata. -… -webhooksø"IWebhooks is a list of webhooks and the affected resources and operations.² -arrayºL -J -H#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1beta1.ValidatingWebhookú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keyname -ú… -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindb`- version: v1beta1 - group: admissionregistration.k8s.io - kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration - -© -+io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.StorageClassListù"4StorageClassList is a collection of storage classes.šitems² -objectÊÀ -Ê -metadata½ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"~Standard list metadata More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -t -itemsk"#Items is the list of StorageClasses² -arrayº9 -7 -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.StorageClass -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -stringúi -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindFD- group: storage.k8s.io - kind: StorageClassList - version: v1beta1 - -´ - -Bio.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1beta1.APIServiceí "[APIService represents a server for a particular GroupVersion. Name must be "version.group".² -objectÊ“ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -K -metadata? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta -§ -specž -T#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1beta1.APIServiceSpec"FSpec contains information for locating and communicating with a server -œ -status‘ -V#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1beta1.APIServiceStatus"7Status contains derived information about an API serverúk -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindHF- group: apiregistration.k8s.io - kind: APIService - version: v1beta1 - -± -3io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.ExternalMetricSourceù"ÐExternalMetricSource indicates how to scale on a metric not associated with any Kubernetes object (for example length of queue in cloud messaging service, or QPS from loadbalancer running outside of cluster).šmetricštarget² -objectÊ… -ƒ -metricy -=#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.MetricIdentifier"8metric identifies the target metric by name and selector -} -targets -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.MetricTarget"6target specifies the target value for the given metric -Ž - -*io.k8s.api.networking.v1.NetworkPolicyPeerß "lNetworkPolicyPeer describes a peer to allow traffic to/from. Only certain combinations of fields are allowed² -objectÊâ -« -ipBlockŸ -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IPBlock"mIPBlock defines policy on a particular IPBlock. If this field is set then neither of the other fields can be. -Ú -namespaceSelectorÄ -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelector"ÿSelects Namespaces using cluster-scoped labels. This field follows standard label selector semantics; if present but empty, it selects all namespaces. - -If PodSelector is also set, then the NetworkPolicyPeer as a whole selects the Pods matching PodSelector in the Namespaces selected by NamespaceSelector. Otherwise it selects all Pods in the Namespaces selected by NamespaceSelector. -Ô - podSelectorÄ -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelector"ÿThis is a label selector which selects Pods. This field follows standard label selector semantics; if present but empty, it selects all pods. - -If NamespaceSelector is also set, then the NetworkPolicyPeer as a whole selects the Pods matching PodSelector in the Namespaces selected by NamespaceSelector. Otherwise it selects the Pods matching PodSelector in the policy's own Namespace. -è -(io.k8s.api.core.v1.EphemeralVolumeSource» "JRepresents an ephemeral volume that is handled by a normal storage driver.² -objectÊà -Ý -volumeClaimTemplateÅ ->#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeClaimTemplate"‚Will be used to create a stand-alone PVC to provision the volume. The pod in which this EphemeralVolumeSource is embedded will be the owner of the PVC, i.e. the PVC will be deleted together with the pod. The name of the PVC will be `-` where `` is the name from the `PodSpec.Volumes` array entry. Pod validation will reject the pod if the concatenated name is not valid for a PVC (for example, too long). - -An existing PVC with that name that is not owned by the pod will *not* be used for the pod to avoid using an unrelated volume by mistake. Starting the pod is then blocked until the unrelated PVC is removed. If such a pre-created PVC is meant to be used by the pod, the PVC has to updated with an owner reference to the pod once the pod exists. Normally this should not be necessary, but it may be useful when manually reconstructing a broken cluster. - -This field is read-only and no changes will be made by Kubernetes to the PVC after it has been created. - -Required, must not be nil. -ö -io.k8s.api.core.v1.LifecycleÕ "ªLifecycle describes actions that the management system should take in response to container lifecycle events. For the PostStart and PreStop lifecycle handlers, management of the container blocks until the action is complete, unless the container process fails, in which case the handler is aborted.² -objectÊ™ - - postStartó -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Handler"ÆPostStart is called immediately after a container is created. If the handler fails, the container is terminated and restarted according to its restart policy. Other management of the container blocks until the hook completes. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/container-lifecycle-hooks/#container-hooks -’ -preStop† -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Handler"ÙPreStop is called immediately before a container is terminated due to an API request or management event such as liveness/startup probe failure, preemption, resource contention, etc. The handler is not called if the container crashes or exits. The reason for termination is passed to the handler. The Pod's termination grace period countdown begins before the PreStop hooked is executed. Regardless of the outcome of the handler, the container will eventually terminate within the Pod's termination grace period. Other management of the container blocks until the hook completes or until the termination grace period is reached. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/container-lifecycle-hooks/#container-hooks -Ü -*io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.AllowedCSIDriver­"RAllowedCSIDriver represents a single inline CSI Driver that is allowed to be used.šname² -objectÊD -B -name:"-Name is the registered name of the CSI driver² -string -Š -*io.k8s.api.storage.v1.VolumeAttachmentSpecÛ"HVolumeAttachmentSpec is the specification of a VolumeAttachment request.šattacheršsourcešnodeName² -objectÊã -— -attacherŠ"}Attacher indicates the name of the volume driver that MUST handle this request. This is the name returned by GetPluginName().² -string -H -nodeName<"/The node that the volume should be attached to.² -string -} -sources -:#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.VolumeAttachmentSource"5Source represents the volume that should be attached. -º -Bio.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1.ValidatingWebhookConfigurationó -"‰ValidatingWebhookConfiguration describes the configuration of and admission webhook that accept or reject and object without changing it.² -objectÊÔ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ñ -metadataÄ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"‚Standard object metadata; More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata. -€ -webhooksó"IWebhooks is a list of webhooks and the affected resources and operations.² -arrayºG -E -C#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1.ValidatingWebhookú' -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keyname -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge -ú€ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind][- group: admissionregistration.k8s.io - kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration - version: v1 - -Ø -3io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.ResourceMetricStatus  "ÝResourceMetricStatus indicates the current value of a resource metric known to Kubernetes, as specified in requests and limits, describing each pod in the current scale target (e.g. CPU or memory). Such metrics are built in to Kubernetes, and have special scaling options on top of those available to normal per-pod metrics using the "pods" source.šnamešcurrentAverageValue² -objectÊ” -× -currentAverageUtilization¹int32"£currentAverageUtilization is the current value of the average of the resource metric across all relevant pods, represented as a percentage of the requested value of the resource for the pods. It will only be present if `targetAverageValue` was set in the corresponding metric specification.² -integer -ó -currentAverageValueÛ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantity"›currentAverageValue is the current value of the average of the resource metric across all relevant pods, as a raw value (instead of as a percentage of the request), similar to the "pods" metric source type. It will always be set, regardless of the corresponding metric specification. -B -name:"-name is the name of the resource in question.² -string -‘ -%io.k8s.api.core.v1.VolumeNodeAffinityç"^VolumeNodeAffinity defines constraints that limit what nodes this volume can be accessed from.² -objectÊy -w -requiredk --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeSelector":Required specifies hard node constraints that must be met. -µ - io.k8s.api.node.v1beta1.Overhead"ROverhead structure represents the resource overhead associated with running a pod.² -objectÊ­ -ª -podFixed"NPodFixed represents the fixed resource overhead associated with running a pod.ª? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantity² -object -˜ -$io.k8s.api.apps.v1.StatefulSetStatusï "@StatefulSetStatus represents the current state of a StatefulSet.šreplicas² -objectÊ“ -ù - -conditionsê"NRepresents the latest available observations of a statefulset's current state.² -arrayº9 -7 -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.StatefulSetConditionú' -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keytype -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge - -¤ -currentRevision"‚currentRevision, if not empty, indicates the version of the StatefulSet used to generate Pods in the sequence [0,currentReplicas).² -string -¯ -updatedReplicas›int32"…updatedReplicas is the number of Pods created by the StatefulSet controller from the StatefulSet version indicated by updateRevision.² -integer -f -replicasZint32"Ereplicas is the number of Pods created by the StatefulSet controller.² -integer -± -updateRevisionž"updateRevision, if not empty, indicates the version of the StatefulSet used to generate Pods in the sequence [replicas-updatedReplicas,replicas)² -string -þ -collisionCountëint32"ÕcollisionCount is the count of hash collisions for the StatefulSet. The StatefulSet controller uses this field as a collision avoidance mechanism when it needs to create the name for the newest ControllerRevision.² -integer -° -currentReplicasœint32"†currentReplicas is the number of Pods created by the StatefulSet controller from the StatefulSet version indicated by currentRevision.² -integer -Ü -observedGenerationÅint64"¯observedGeneration is the most recent generation observed for this StatefulSet. It corresponds to the StatefulSet's generation, which is updated on mutation by the API Server.² -integer -Œ - readyReplicas{int32"freadyReplicas is the number of Pods created by the StatefulSet controller that have a Ready Condition.² -integer -“ -;io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpecT² -objectÊF -D - namespace7"*Namespace to evaluate rules for. Required.² -string -„ -=io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.PriorityLevelConfigurationSpecÂ"OPriorityLevelConfigurationSpec specifies the configuration of a priority level.štype² -objectÊø -ì -limitedà -N#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.LimitedPriorityLevelConfiguration"`limited` specifies how requests are handled for a Limited priority level. This field must be non-empty if and only if `type` is `"Limited"`. -† -typeý"ï`type` indicates whether this priority level is subject to limitation on request execution. A value of `"Exempt"` means that requests of this priority level are not subject to a limit (and thus are never queued) and do not detract from the capacity made available to other priority levels. A value of `"Limited"` means that (a) requests of this priority level _are_ subject to limits and (b) some of the server's limited capacity is made available exclusively to this priority level. Required.² -stringú` -x-kubernetes-unionsIG- discriminator: type - fields-to-discriminateBy: - limited: Limited - -› -2io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.RunAsUserStrategyOptionsä"_RunAsUserStrategyOptions defines the strategy type and any options used to create the strategy.šrule² -objectÊí -ý -rangesò"¯ranges are the allowed ranges of uids that may be used. If you would like to force a single uid then supply a single range with the same start and end. Required for MustRunAs.² -arrayº3 -1 -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.IDRange -k -rulec"Vrule is the strategy that will dictate the allowable RunAsUser values that may be set.² -string -Ù -io.k8s.api.core.v1.HTTPHeader·">HTTPHeader describes a custom header to be used in HTTP probesšnamešvalue² -objectÊZ -* -name""The header field name² -string -, -value#"The header field value² -string -ð -&io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeDaemonEndpointsÅ"FNodeDaemonEndpoints lists ports opened by daemons running on the Node.² -objectÊo -m -kubeletEndpointZ -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.DaemonEndpoint"'Endpoint on which Kubelet is listening. -˜ -!io.k8s.api.core.v1.AttachedVolumeò"4AttachedVolume describes a volume attached to a nodešnameš -devicePath² -objectÊ™ -e - -devicePathW"JDevicePath represents the device path where the volume should be available² -string -0 -name("Name of the attached volume² -string -Ö -(io.k8s.api.core.v1.DownwardAPIVolumeFile© "XDownwardAPIVolumeFile represents information to create the file containing the pod fieldšpath² -objectʹ -î -resourceFieldRefÙ -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ResourceFieldSelector"žSelects a resource of the container: only resources limits and requests (limits.cpu, limits.memory, requests.cpu and requests.memory) are currently supported. -¦ -fieldRef™ -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ObjectFieldSelector"aRequired: Selects a field of the pod: only annotations, labels, name and namespace are supported. -» -mode²int32"œOptional: mode bits used to set permissions on this file, must be an octal value between 0000 and 0777 or a decimal value between 0 and 511. YAML accepts both octal and decimal values, JSON requires decimal values for mode bits. If not specified, the volume defaultMode will be used. This might be in conflict with other options that affect the file mode, like fsGroup, and the result can be other mode bits set.² -integer -Þ -pathÕ"ÇRequired: Path is the relative path name of the file to be created. Must not be absolute or contain the '..' path. Must be utf-8 encoded. The first item of the relative path must not start with '..'² -string -¦ -!io.k8s.api.core.v1.ServiceAccount€"ºServiceAccount binds together: * a name, understood by users, and perhaps by peripheral systems, for an identity * a principal that can be authenticated and authorized * a set of secrets² -objectÊÛ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -× -automountServiceAccountToken¶"§AutomountServiceAccountToken indicates whether pods running as this service account should have an API token automatically mounted. Can be overridden at the pod level.² -boolean -å -imagePullSecretsÐ"‡ImagePullSecrets is a list of references to secrets in the same namespace to use for pulling any images in pods that reference this ServiceAccount. ImagePullSecrets are distinct from Secrets because Secrets can be mounted in the pod, but ImagePullSecrets are only accessed by the kubelet. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images/#specifying-imagepullsecrets-on-a-pod² -arrayº9 -7 -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.LocalObjectReference -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ò -metadataÅ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -Ä -secrets¸" Secrets is the list of secrets allowed to be used by pods running using this ServiceAccount. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/secret² -arrayº4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ObjectReferenceú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keyname -úV -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind31- kind: ServiceAccount - version: v1 - group: "" - -® -"io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.ClusterRoleList‡"/ClusterRoleList is a collection of ClusterRolesšitems² -objectÊÎ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -g -items^"Items is a list of ClusterRoles² -arrayº0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.ClusterRole -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -f -metadataZ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"Standard object's metadata.ún -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindKI- version: v1 - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io - kind: ClusterRoleList - -à -Zio.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.CustomResourceDefinitionListä"KCustomResourceDefinitionList is a list of CustomResourceDefinition objects.šitems² -objectÊ‚ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -· -items­"6items list individual CustomResourceDefinition objects² -arrayºh -f -d#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.CustomResourceDefinition -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -I -metadata= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMetaú{ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindXV- group: apiextensions.k8s.io - kind: CustomResourceDefinitionList - version: v1beta1 - -§ -6io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1.RuleWithOperationsì "‚RuleWithOperations is a tuple of Operations and Resources. It is recommended to make sure that all the tuple expansions are valid.² -objectÊØ -¼ - apiVersions¬"APIVersions is the API versions the resources belong to. '*' is all versions. If '*' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required.² -arrayº - ² -string -  - -operations‘"ôOperations is the operations the admission hook cares about - CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE, CONNECT or * for all of those operations and any future admission operations that are added. If '*' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required.² -arrayº - ² -string -– - resourcesˆ"ëResources is a list of resources this rule applies to. - -For example: 'pods' means pods. 'pods/log' means the log subresource of pods. '*' means all resources, but not subresources. 'pods/*' means all subresources of pods. '*/scale' means all scale subresources. '*/*' means all resources and their subresources. - -If wildcard is present, the validation rule will ensure resources do not overlap with each other. - -Depending on the enclosing object, subresources might not be allowed. Required.² -arrayº - ² -string -£ -scope™"‹scope specifies the scope of this rule. Valid values are "Cluster", "Namespaced", and "*" "Cluster" means that only cluster-scoped resources will match this rule. Namespace API objects are cluster-scoped. "Namespaced" means that only namespaced resources will match this rule. "*" means that there are no scope restrictions. Subresources match the scope of their parent resource. Default is "*".² -string -´ - apiGroups¦"‰APIGroups is the API groups the resources belong to. '*' is all groups. If '*' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required.² -arrayº - ² -string -¼ -3io.k8s.api.apps.v1.RollingUpdateStatefulSetStrategy„"kRollingUpdateStatefulSetStrategy is used to communicate parameter for RollingUpdateStatefulSetStrategyType.² -objectʈ -… - partitionxint32"cPartition indicates the ordinal at which the StatefulSet should be partitioned. Default value is 0.² -integer -Ü -io.k8s.api.core.v1.ServiceList¹"%ServiceList holds a list of services.šitems² -objectÊ¥ -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ï -metadata -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"‚Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -T -itemsK"List of services² -arrayº, -* -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ServiceúS -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind0.- kind: ServiceList - version: v1 - group: "" - -Î -"io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSINode§ "ÊDEPRECATED - This group version of CSINode is deprecated by storage/v1/CSINode. See the release notes for more information. CSINode holds information about all CSI drivers installed on a node. CSI drivers do not need to create the CSINode object directly. As long as they use the node-driver-registrar sidecar container, the kubelet will automatically populate the CSINode object for the CSI driver as part of kubelet plugin registration. CSINode has the same name as a node. If the object is missing, it means either there are no CSI Drivers available on the node, or the Kubelet version is low enough that it doesn't create this object. CSINode has an OwnerReference that points to the corresponding node object.šspec² -objectÊá -| -metadatap -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"/metadata.name must be the Kubernetes node name. -d -spec\ -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSINodeSpec"$spec is the specification of CSINode -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -stringú` -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind=;- group: storage.k8s.io - kind: CSINode - version: v1beta1 - -· -$io.k8s.api.coordination.v1.LeaseSpecŽ"(LeaseSpec is a specification of a Lease.² -objectÊÕ -‰ - acquireTimez -<#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.MicroTime":acquireTime is a time when the current lease was acquired. -e -holderIdentityS"FholderIdentity contains the identity of the holder of a current lease.² -string -È -leaseDurationSeconds¯int32"™leaseDurationSeconds is a duration that candidates for a lease need to wait to force acquire it. This is measure against time of last observed RenewTime.² -integer -r -leaseTransitions^int32"IleaseTransitions is the number of transitions of a lease between holders.² -integer -  - renewTime’ -<#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.MicroTime"RrenewTime is a time when the current holder of a lease has last updated the lease. -¦ -io.k8s.api.core.v1.HostAlias…"oHostAlias holds the mapping between IP and hostnames that will be injected as an entry in the pod's hosts file.² -objectÊ… -L - hostnames?"#Hostnames for the above IP address.² -arrayº - ² -string -5 -ip/""IP address of the host file entry.² -string -ƒ -3io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.ResourceMetricStatusË"ÝResourceMetricStatus indicates the current value of a resource metric known to Kubernetes, as specified in requests and limits, describing each pod in the current scale target (e.g. CPU or memory). Such metrics are built in to Kubernetes, and have special scaling options on top of those available to normal per-pod metrics using the "pods" source.šnamešcurrent² -objectÊË -„ -currenty ->#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.MetricValueStatus"7current contains the current value for the given metric -B -name:"-Name is the name of the resource in question.² -string -ð -(io.k8s.api.core.v1.ContainerStateRunningÃ"8ContainerStateRunning is a running state of a container.² -objectÊ{ -y - startedAtl -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"1Time at which the container was last (re-)started -‚ -+io.k8s.api.networking.v1.ServiceBackendPortÒ"8ServiceBackendPort is the service port being referenced.² -objectʉ - -number„int32"oNumber is the numerical port number (e.g. 80) on the Service. This is a mutually exclusive setting with "Name".² -integer -u -namem"`Name is the name of the port on the Service. This is a mutually exclusive setting with "Number".² -string -Ë -,io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.IngressBackendš"DIngressBackend describes all endpoints for a given service and port.² -objectÊÅ -ø -resourceë -:#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.TypedLocalObjectReference"¬Resource is an ObjectRef to another Kubernetes resource in the namespace of the Ingress object. If resource is specified, serviceName and servicePort must not be specified. -I - serviceName:"-Specifies the name of the referenced service.² -string -} - servicePortn -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.util.intstr.IntOrString"-Specifies the port of the referenced service. -´ -io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.Subject"ÆSubject contains a reference to the object or user identities a role binding applies to. This can either hold a direct API object reference, or a value for non-objects such as user and group names.škindšname² -objectʪ -à -apiGroup¶"¨APIGroup holds the API group of the referenced subject. Defaults to "" for ServiceAccount subjects. Defaults to "rbac.authorization.k8s.io" for User and Group subjects.² -string -à -kind×"ÉKind of object being referenced. Values defined by this API group are "User", "Group", and "ServiceAccount". If the Authorizer does not recognized the kind value, the Authorizer should report an error.² -string -9 -name1"$Name of the object being referenced.² -string -à - namespaceµ"§Namespace of the referenced object. If the object kind is non-namespace, such as "User" or "Group", and this value is not empty the Authorizer should report an error.² -string -” -Aio.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1.APIServiceSpecÎ"£APIServiceSpec contains information for locating and communicating with a server. Only https is supported, though you are able to disable certificate verification.šgroupPriorityMinimumšversionPriority² -objectÊð -ì -caBundleßbyte"¥CABundle is a PEM encoded CA bundle which will be used to validate an API server's serving certificate. If unspecified, system trust roots on the apiserver are used.² -stringú# -x-kubernetes-list-type atomic - -C -group:"-Group is the API group name this server hosts² -string -± -groupPriorityMinimum˜int32"‚GroupPriorityMininum is the priority this group should have at least. Higher priority means that the group is preferred by clients over lower priority ones. Note that other versions of this group might specify even higher GroupPriorityMininum values such that the whole group gets a higher priority. The primary sort is based on GroupPriorityMinimum, ordered highest number to lowest (20 before 10). The secondary sort is based on the alphabetical comparison of the name of the object. (v1.bar before v1.foo) We'd recommend something like: *.k8s.io (except extensions) at 18000 and PaaSes (OpenShift, Deis) are recommended to be in the 2000s² -integer -Í -insecureSkipTLSVerify³"¤InsecureSkipTLSVerify disables TLS certificate verification when communicating with this server. This is strongly discouraged. You should use the CABundle instead.² -boolean -ô -serviceè -Q#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1.ServiceReference"’Service is a reference to the service for this API server. It must communicate on port 443. If the Service is nil, that means the handling for the API groupversion is handled locally on this server. The call will simply delegate to the normal handler chain to be fulfilled. -X -versionM"@Version is the API version this server hosts. For example, "v1"² -string -ä -versionPriorityÐint32"ºVersionPriority controls the ordering of this API version inside of its group. Must be greater than zero. The primary sort is based on VersionPriority, ordered highest to lowest (20 before 10). Since it's inside of a group, the number can be small, probably in the 10s. In case of equal version priorities, the version string will be used to compute the order inside a group. If the version string is "kube-like", it will sort above non "kube-like" version strings, which are ordered lexicographically. "Kube-like" versions start with a "v", then are followed by a number (the major version), then optionally the string "alpha" or "beta" and another number (the minor version). These are sorted first by GA > beta > alpha (where GA is a version with no suffix such as beta or alpha), and then by comparing major version, then minor version. An example sorted list of versions: v10, v2, v1, v11beta2, v10beta3, v3beta1, v12alpha1, v11alpha2, foo1, foo10.² -integer -ö - -name6")name is the name of the service. Required² -string -M - namespace@"3namespace is the namespace of the service. Required² -string -Y -pathQ"Dpath is an optional URL path at which the webhook will be contacted.² -string -Î -portÅint32"¯port is an optional service port at which the webhook will be contacted. `port` should be a valid port number (1-65535, inclusive). Defaults to 443 for backward compatibility.² -integer -Ñ - io.k8s.api.core.v1.ScopeSelector¬"nA scope selector represents the AND of the selectors represented by the scoped-resource selector requirements.² -objectÊ­ -ª -matchExpressions•"@A list of scope selector requirements by scope of the resources.² -arrayºF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ScopedResourceSelectorRequirement -Å -/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.VolumeAttachmentList‘ "AVolumeAttachmentList is a collection of VolumeAttachment objects.šitems² -objectÊÇ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -{ -itemsr"&Items is the list of VolumeAttachments² -arrayº= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.VolumeAttachment -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ê -metadata½ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"~Standard list metadata More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadataúm -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindJH- group: storage.k8s.io - kind: VolumeAttachmentList - version: v1beta1 - -ð - -"1metricName is the name of the metric in question.² -string -÷ -selectorê -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelector"¥selector is the string-encoded form of a standard kubernetes label selector for the given metric When set in the ObjectMetricSource, it is passed as an additional parameter to the metrics server for more specific metrics scoping. When unset, just the metricName will be used to gather metrics. -€ -targetv -H#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.CrossVersionObjectReference"*target is the described Kubernetes object. -€ -/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.PodsMetricStatusÌ"šPodsMetricStatus indicates the current value of a metric describing each pod in the current scale target (for example, transactions-processed-per-second).šmetricšcurrent² -objectÊ -„ -currenty ->#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.MetricValueStatus"7current contains the current value for the given metric -ƒ -metricy -=#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.MetricIdentifier"8metric identifies the target metric by name and selector -² -0io.k8s.api.core.v1.WindowsSecurityContextOptionsý"OWindowsSecurityContextOptions contain Windows-specific options and credentials.² -objectÊ -m -gmsaCredentialSpecNameS"FGMSACredentialSpecName is the name of the GMSA credential spec to use.² -string -¿ - runAsUserName­"ŸThe UserName in Windows to run the entrypoint of the container process. Defaults to the user specified in image metadata if unspecified. May also be set in PodSecurityContext. If set in both SecurityContext and PodSecurityContext, the value specified in SecurityContext takes precedence.² -string -é -gmsaCredentialSpecÒ"ÄGMSACredentialSpec is where the GMSA admission webhook (https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/windows-gmsa) inlines the contents of the GMSA credential spec named by the GMSACredentialSpecName field.² -string -¢ -io.k8s.api.node.v1.Scheduling€"TScheduling specifies the scheduling constraints for nodes supporting a RuntimeClass.² -objectÊ› -ç - nodeSelectorÖ"¸nodeSelector lists labels that must be present on nodes that support this RuntimeClass. Pods using this RuntimeClass can only be scheduled to a node matched by this selector. The RuntimeClass nodeSelector is merged with a pod's existing nodeSelector. Any conflicts will cause the pod to be rejected in admission.ª - ² -string² -object -® - tolerationsž"¹tolerations are appended (excluding duplicates) to pods running with this RuntimeClass during admission, effectively unioning the set of nodes tolerated by the pod and the RuntimeClass.² -arrayº/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Tolerationú# -x-kubernetes-list-type atomic - -‡ -3io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.OwnerReferenceÏ"ÇOwnerReference contains enough information to let you identify an owning object. An owning object must be in the same namespace as the dependent, or be cluster-scoped, so there is no namespace field.š -apiVersionškindšnamešuid² -objectÊÕ -l -named"WName of the referent. More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/identifiers#names² -string -i -uidb"UUID of the referent. More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/identifiers#uids² -string -7 - -apiVersion)"API version of the referent.² -string -Î -blockOwnerDeletion·"¨If true, AND if the owner has the "foregroundDeletion" finalizer, then the owner cannot be deleted from the key-value store until this reference is removed. Defaults to false. To set this field, a user needs "delete" permission of the owner, otherwise 422 (Unprocessable Entity) will be returned.² -boolean -V - -controllerH":If true, this reference points to the managing controller.² -boolean -— -kindŽ"€Kind of the referent. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -« -&io.k8s.api.core.v1.ConfigMapProjection€ "åAdapts a ConfigMap into a projected volume. - -The contents of the target ConfigMap's Data field will be presented in a projected volume as files using the keys in the Data field as the file names, unless the items element is populated with specific mappings of keys to paths. Note that this is identical to a configmap volume source without the default mode.² -objectʉ -ª -items "âIf unspecified, each key-value pair in the Data field of the referenced ConfigMap will be projected into the volume as a file whose name is the key and content is the value. If specified, the listed keys will be projected into the specified paths, and unlisted keys will not be present. If a key is specified which is not present in the ConfigMap, the volume setup will error unless it is marked optional. Paths must be relative and may not contain the '..' path or start with '..'.² -arrayº. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.KeyToPath -„ -name|"oName of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names² -string -S -optionalG"9Specify whether the ConfigMap or its keys must be defined² -boolean -¨ -#io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeConfigSource€"uNodeConfigSource specifies a source of node configuration. Exactly one subfield (excluding metadata) must be non-nil.² -objectÊ{ -y - configMapl -:#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ConfigMapNodeConfigSource".ConfigMap is a reference to a Node's ConfigMap -æ -+io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.MetricTarget¶"aMetricTarget defines the target value, average value, or average utilization of a specific metricštype² -objectʽ -€ -valuew -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantity"8value is the target value of the metric (as a quantity). -™ -averageUtilization‚int32"ìaverageUtilization is the target value of the average of the resource metric across all relevant pods, represented as a percentage of the requested value of the resource for the pods. Currently only valid for Resource metric source type² -integer -¶ - averageValue¥ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantity"faverageValue is the target value of the average of the metric across all relevant pods (as a quantity) -c -type["Ntype represents whether the metric type is Utilization, Value, or AverageValue² -string -ï --io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSIStorageCapacity½"ÞCSIStorageCapacity stores the result of one CSI GetCapacity call. For a given StorageClass, this describes the available capacity in a particular topology segment. This can be used when considering where to instantiate new PersistentVolumes. - -For example this can express things like: - StorageClass "standard" has "1234 GiB" available in "topology.kubernetes.io/zone=us-east1" - StorageClass "localssd" has "10 GiB" available in "kubernetes.io/hostname=knode-abc123" - -The following three cases all imply that no capacity is available for a certain combination: - no object exists with suitable topology and storage class name - such an object exists, but the capacity is unset - such an object exists, but the capacity is zero - -The producer of these objects can decide which approach is more suitable. - -They are consumed by the kube-scheduler if the CSIStorageCapacity beta feature gate is enabled there and a CSI driver opts into capacity-aware scheduling with CSIDriver.StorageCapacity.šstorageClassName² -objectÊÌ -Ç - nodeTopology¶ -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelector"ñNodeTopology defines which nodes have access to the storage for which capacity was reported. If not set, the storage is not accessible from any node in the cluster. If empty, the storage is accessible from all nodes. This field is immutable. -Ô -storageClassName¿"±The name of the StorageClass that the reported capacity applies to. It must meet the same requirements as the name of a StorageClass object (non-empty, DNS subdomain). If that object no longer exists, the CSIStorageCapacity object is obsolete and should be removed by its creator. This field is immutable.² -string -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -Ò -capacityÅ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantity"…Capacity is the value reported by the CSI driver in its GetCapacityResponse for a GetCapacityRequest with topology and parameters that match the previous fields. - -The semantic is currently (CSI spec 1.2) defined as: The available capacity, in bytes, of the storage that can be used to provision volumes. If not set, that information is currently unavailable and treated like zero capacity. -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -¶ -maximumVolumeSize  -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantity"àMaximumVolumeSize is the value reported by the CSI driver in its GetCapacityResponse for a GetCapacityRequest with topology and parameters that match the previous fields. - -This is defined since CSI spec 1.4.0 as the largest size that may be used in a CreateVolumeRequest.capacity_range.required_bytes field to create a volume with the same parameters as those in GetCapacityRequest. The corresponding value in the Kubernetes API is ResourceRequirements.Requests in a volume claim. - -metadata -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ÎStandard object's metadata. The name has no particular meaning. It must be be a DNS subdomain (dots allowed, 253 characters). To ensure that there are no conflicts with other CSI drivers on the cluster, the recommendation is to use csisc-, a generated name, or a reverse-domain name which ends with the unique CSI driver name. - -Objects are namespaced. - -More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadataúk -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindHF- group: storage.k8s.io - kind: CSIStorageCapacity - version: v1beta1 - -ì -!io.k8s.api.core.v1.SeccompProfileÆ"fSeccompProfile defines a pod/container's seccomp profile settings. Only one profile source may be set.štype² -objectÊÓ -¯ -localhostProfileš"ŒlocalhostProfile indicates a profile defined in a file on the node should be used. The profile must be preconfigured on the node to work. Must be a descending path, relative to the kubelet's configured seccomp profile location. Must only be set if type is "Localhost".² -string -ž -type•"‡type indicates which kind of seccomp profile will be applied. Valid options are: - -Localhost - a profile defined in a file on the node should be used. RuntimeDefault - the container runtime default profile should be used. Unconfined - no profile should be applied.² -stringúr -x-kubernetes-unions[Y- discriminator: type - fields-to-discriminateBy: - localhostProfile: LocalhostProfile - -è -%io.k8s.api.discovery.v1beta1.Endpoint¾"FEndpoint represents a single logical "backend" implementing a service.š addresses² -objectÊÛ -” -hintsŠ -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.discovery.v1beta1.EndpointHints"Nhints contains information associated with how an endpoint should be consumed. -Î -hostnameÁ"³hostname of this endpoint. This field may be used by consumers of endpoints to distinguish endpoints from each other (e.g. in DNS names). Multiple endpoints which use the same hostname should be considered fungible (e.g. multiple A values in DNS). Must be lowercase and pass DNS Label (RFC 1123) validation.² -string -Ú -nodeNameÍ"¿nodeName represents the name of the Node hosting this endpoint. This can be used to determine endpoints local to a Node. This field can be enabled with the EndpointSliceNodeName feature gate.² -string - - targetRef‚ -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ObjectReference"NtargetRef is a reference to a Kubernetes object that represents this endpoint. -ó -topologyæ"Ètopology contains arbitrary topology information associated with the endpoint. These key/value pairs must conform with the label format. https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels Topology may include a maximum of 16 key/value pairs. This includes, but is not limited to the following well known keys: * kubernetes.io/hostname: the value indicates the hostname of the node - where the endpoint is located. This should match the corresponding - node label. -* topology.kubernetes.io/zone: the value indicates the zone where the - endpoint is located. This should match the corresponding node label. -* topology.kubernetes.io/region: the value indicates the region where the - endpoint is located. This should match the corresponding node label. -This field is deprecated and will be removed in future api versions.ª - ² -string² -object -î - addressesà" addresses of this endpoint. The contents of this field are interpreted according to the corresponding EndpointSlice addressType field. Consumers must handle different types of addresses in the context of their own capabilities. This must contain at least one address but no more than 100.² -arrayº - ² -stringú -x-kubernetes-list-typeset - -™ - -conditionsŠ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.api.discovery.v1beta1.EndpointConditions"Iconditions contains information about the current status of the endpoint. -Ÿ -(io.k8s.api.node.v1beta1.RuntimeClassListò"3RuntimeClassList is a list of RuntimeClass objects.šitems² -objectʽ -p -itemsg""Items is a list of schema objects.² -arrayº6 -4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.node.v1beta1.RuntimeClass -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ë -metadata¾ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -stringúf -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindCA- group: node.k8s.io - kind: RuntimeClassList - version: v1beta1 - -» -,io.k8s.api.policy.v1.PodDisruptionBudgetListŠ "@PodDisruptionBudgetList is a collection of PodDisruptionBudgets.šitems² -objectÊË -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ð -metadataà -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -y -itemsp"'Items is a list of PodDisruptionBudgets² -arrayº: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1.PodDisruptionBudgetúc -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind@>- group: policy - kind: PodDisruptionBudgetList - version: v1 - -á -"io.k8s.api.storage.v1.TokenRequestº"": { - "token": , - "expirationTimestamp": , - }, - ... -} - -Note: Audience in each TokenRequest should be different and at most one token is empty string. To receive a new token after expiry, RequiresRepublish can be used to trigger NodePublishVolume periodically. - -This is a beta feature and only available when the CSIServiceAccountToken feature is enabled.² -arrayº9 -7 -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.TokenRequestú# -x-kubernetes-list-type atomic - -³ -volumeLifecycleModesš"ýVolumeLifecycleModes defines what kind of volumes this CSI volume driver supports. The default if the list is empty is "Persistent", which is the usage defined by the CSI specification and implemented in Kubernetes via the usual PV/PVC mechanism. The other mode is "Ephemeral". In this mode, volumes are defined inline inside the pod spec with CSIVolumeSource and their lifecycle is tied to the lifecycle of that pod. A driver has to be aware of this because it is only going to get a NodePublishVolume call for such a volume. For more information about implementing this mode, see https://kubernetes-csi.github.io/docs/ephemeral-local-volumes.html A driver can support one or more of these modes and more modes may be added in the future. - -This field is immutable.² -arrayº - ² -string -É -attachRequired¶"§attachRequired indicates this CSI volume driver requires an attach operation (because it implements the CSI ControllerPublishVolume() method), and that the Kubernetes attach detach controller should call the attach volume interface which checks the volumeattachment status and waits until the volume is attached before proceeding to mounting. The CSI external-attacher coordinates with CSI volume driver and updates the volumeattachment status when the attach operation is complete. If the CSIDriverRegistry feature gate is enabled and the value is specified to false, the attach operation will be skipped. Otherwise the attach operation will be called. - -This field is immutable.² -boolean -Û - fsGroupPolicyÉ"»Defines if the underlying volume supports changing ownership and permission of the volume before being mounted. Refer to the specific FSGroupPolicy values for additional details. This field is alpha-level, and is only honored by servers that enable the CSIVolumeFSGroupPolicy feature gate. - -This field is immutable.² -string -Î -'io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.StorageClass¢"ãStorageClass describes the parameters for a class of storage for which PersistentVolumes can be dynamically provisioned. - -StorageClasses are non-namespaced; the name of the storage class according to etcd is in ObjectMeta.Name.š provisioner² -objectÊ· -n -allowVolumeExpansionV"HAllowVolumeExpansion shows whether the storage class allow volume expand² -boolean -Š -allowedTopologiesô"«Restrict the node topologies where volumes can be dynamically provisioned. Each volume plugin defines its own supported topology specifications. An empty TopologySelectorTerm list means there is no topology restriction. This field is only honored by servers that enable the VolumeScheduling feature.² -arrayº9 -7 -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.TopologySelectorTerm -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -ì - mountOptionsÛ"¾Dynamically provisioned PersistentVolumes of this storage class are created with these mountOptions, e.g. ["ro", "soft"]. Not validated - mount of the PVs will simply fail if one is invalid.² -arrayº - ² -string -Ò -metadataÅ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -‘ - -parameters‚"eParameters holds the parameters for the provisioner that should create volumes of this storage class.ª - ² -string² -object -N - provisioner?"2Provisioner indicates the type of the provisioner.² -string -— - reclaimPolicy…"xDynamically provisioned PersistentVolumes of this storage class are created with this reclaimPolicy. Defaults to Delete.² -string -ø -volumeBindingModeâ"ÔVolumeBindingMode indicates how PersistentVolumeClaims should be provisioned and bound. When unset, VolumeBindingImmediate is used. This field is only honored by servers that enable the VolumeScheduling feature.² -stringúe -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindB@- group: storage.k8s.io - kind: StorageClass - version: v1beta1 - -¬ -Zio.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.JSONSchemaPropsOrStringArrayN"LJSONSchemaPropsOrStringArray represents a JSONSchemaProps or a string array. -ì -7io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1.WebhookClientConfig° "VWebhookClientConfig contains the information to make a TLS connection with the webhook² -objectÊÉ -Å -caBundle¸byte"¤`caBundle` is a PEM encoded CA bundle which will be used to validate the webhook's server certificate. If unspecified, system trust roots on the apiserver are used.² -string -‡ -serviceû -B#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1.ServiceReference"´`service` is a reference to the service for this webhook. Either `service` or `url` must be specified. - -If the webhook is running within the cluster, then you should use `service`. -ô -urlì"Þ`url` gives the location of the webhook, in standard URL form (`scheme://host:port/path`). Exactly one of `url` or `service` must be specified. - -The `host` should not refer to a service running in the cluster; use the `service` field instead. The host might be resolved via external DNS in some apiservers (e.g., `kube-apiserver` cannot resolve in-cluster DNS as that would be a layering violation). `host` may also be an IP address. - -Please note that using `localhost` or `` as a `host` is risky unless you take great care to run this webhook on all hosts which run an apiserver which might need to make calls to this webhook. Such installs are likely to be non-portable, i.e., not easy to turn up in a new cluster. - -The scheme must be "https"; the URL must begin with "https://". - -A path is optional, and if present may be any string permissible in a URL. You may use the path to pass an arbitrary string to the webhook, for example, a cluster identifier. - -Attempting to use a user or basic auth e.g. "user:password@" is not allowed. Fragments ("#...") and query parameters ("?...") are not allowed, either.² -string -„ -+io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.NonResourceRuleÔ"LNonResourceRule holds information that describes a rule for the non-resourcešverbs² -objectÊï -Ë -nonResourceURLs·"šNonResourceURLs is a set of partial urls that a user should have access to. *s are allowed, but only as the full, final step in the path. "*" means all.² -arrayº - ² -string -ž -verbs”"xVerb is a list of kubernetes non-resource API verbs, like: get, post, put, delete, patch, head, options. "*" means all.² -arrayº - ² -string -¡ - io.k8s.api.core.v1.EnvFromSourceü":EnvFromSource represents the source of a set of ConfigMaps² -objectʱ -c - configMapRefS -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ConfigMapEnvSource"The ConfigMap to select from -n -prefixd"WAn optional identifier to prepend to each key in the ConfigMap. Must be a C_IDENTIFIER.² -string -Z - secretRefM -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.SecretEnvSource"The Secret to select from -› -io.k8s.api.core.v1.ExecActionù"1ExecAction describes a "run in container" action.² -objectÊ· -´ -command¨"‹Command is the command line to execute inside the container, the working directory for the command is root ('/') in the container's filesystem. The command is simply exec'd, it is not run inside a shell, so traditional shell instructions ('|', etc) won't work. To use a shell, you need to explicitly call out to that shell. Exit status of 0 is treated as live/healthy and non-zero is unhealthy.² -arrayº - ² -string -ù -io.k8s.api.core.v1.LimitRange× "OLimitRange sets resource usage limits for each kind of resource in a Namespace.² -objectÊ¢ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ò -metadataÅ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -Í -specÄ -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.LimitRangeSpec"Spec defines the limits enforced. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-statusúR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-- group: "" - kind: LimitRange - version: v1 - -É -.io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.IngressClassList–"3IngressClassList is a collection of IngressClasses.šitems² -objectÊÛ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -x -itemso"$Items is the list of IngressClasses.² -arrayº< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.IngressClass -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -b -metadataV -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"Standard list metadata.úl -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindIG- group: networking.k8s.io - kind: IngressClassList - version: v1beta1 - -ˆ --io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIGroupÖ"YAPIGroup contains the name, the supported versions, and the preferred version of a group.šnamešversions² -objectʇ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -3 -name+"name is the name of the group.² -string -Ç -preferredVersion² -K#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.GroupVersionForDiscovery"cpreferredVersion is the version preferred by the API server, which probably is the storage version. -è -serverAddressByClientCIDRsÉ"éa map of client CIDR to server address that is serving this group. This is to help clients reach servers in the most network-efficient way possible. Clients can use the appropriate server address as per the CIDR that they match. In case of multiple matches, clients should use the longest matching CIDR. The server returns only those CIDRs that it thinks that the client can match. For example: the master will return an internal IP CIDR only, if the client reaches the server using an internal IP. Server looks at X-Forwarded-For header or X-Real-Ip header or request.RemoteAddr (in that order) to get the client IP.² -arrayºP -N -L#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ServerAddressByClientCIDR - -versions"2versions are the versions supported in this group.² -arrayºO -M -K#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.GroupVersionForDiscoveryúP -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind-+- group: "" - kind: APIGroup - version: v1 - -Ø -$io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.version.Info¯"TInfo contains versioning information. how we'll want to distribute that information.šmajoršminorš -gitVersionš gitCommitš gitTreeStateš buildDateš goVersionšcompileršplatform² -objectÊä - - buildDate ² -string - - gitCommit ² -string - - gitTreeState ² -string - - -gitVersion ² -string - -major ² -string - -compiler ² -string - - goVersion ² -string - -minor ² -string - -platform ² -string -È -&io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DeploymentCondition"KDeploymentCondition describes the state of a deployment at a certain point.štypešstatus² -objectʱ -Y -messageN"AA human readable message indicating details about the transition.² -string -F -reason<"/The reason for the condition's last transition.² -string -L -statusB"5Status of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown.² -string -2 -type*"Type of deployment condition.² -string -‘ -lastTransitionTime{ -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"@Last time the condition transitioned from one status to another. -v -lastUpdateTimed -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time")The last time this condition was updated. -Õ& -io.k8s.api.batch.v1.JobSpecµ&"7JobSpec describes how the job execution will look like.štemplate² -objectÊâ% -Û -templateÎ -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodTemplateSpec"™Describes the pod that will be created when executing a job. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/jobs-run-to-completion/ -ó -ttlSecondsAfterFinished×int32"ÁttlSecondsAfterFinished limits the lifetime of a Job that has finished execution (either Complete or Failed). If this field is set, ttlSecondsAfterFinished after the Job finishes, it is eligible to be automatically deleted. When the Job is being deleted, its lifecycle guarantees (e.g. finalizers) will be honored. If this field is unset, the Job won't be automatically deleted. If this field is set to zero, the Job becomes eligible to be deleted immediately after it finishes. This field is alpha-level and is only honored by servers that enable the TTLAfterFinished feature.² -integer -¿ -completionMode¬"žCompletionMode specifies how Pod completions are tracked. It can be `NonIndexed` (default) or `Indexed`. - -`NonIndexed` means that the Job is considered complete when there have been .spec.completions successfully completed Pods. Each Pod completion is homologous to each other. - -`Indexed` means that the Pods of a Job get an associated completion index from 0 to (.spec.completions - 1), available in the annotation batch.kubernetes.io/job-completion-index. The Job is considered complete when there is one successfully completed Pod for each index. When value is `Indexed`, .spec.completions must be specified and `.spec.parallelism` must be less than or equal to 10^5. - -This field is alpha-level and is only honored by servers that enable the IndexedJob feature gate. More completion modes can be added in the future. If the Job controller observes a mode that it doesn't recognize, the controller skips updates for the Job.² -string -Ð - completionsÀint32"ªSpecifies the desired number of successfully finished pods the job should be run with. Setting to nil means that the success of any pod signals the success of all pods, and allows parallelism to have any positive value. Setting to 1 means that parallelism is limited to 1 and the success of that pod signals the success of the job. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/jobs-run-to-completion/² -integer -¹ -manualSelector¦"—manualSelector controls generation of pod labels and pod selectors. Leave `manualSelector` unset unless you are certain what you are doing. When false or unset, the system pick labels unique to this job and appends those labels to the pod template. When true, the user is responsible for picking unique labels and specifying the selector. Failure to pick a unique label may cause this and other jobs to not function correctly. However, You may see `manualSelector=true` in jobs that were created with the old `extensions/v1beta1` API. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/jobs-run-to-completion/#specifying-your-own-pod-selector² -boolean -¦ - parallelism–int32"€Specifies the maximum desired number of pods the job should run at any given time. The actual number of pods running in steady state will be less than this number when ((.spec.completions - .status.successful) < .spec.parallelism), i.e. when the work left to do is less than max parallelism. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/jobs-run-to-completion/² -integer - -selector -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelector"ËA label query over pods that should match the pod count. Normally, the system sets this field for you. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/#label-selectors -” -suspendˆ"ùSuspend specifies whether the Job controller should create Pods or not. If a Job is created with suspend set to true, no Pods are created by the Job controller. If a Job is suspended after creation (i.e. the flag goes from false to true), the Job controller will delete all active Pods associated with this Job. Users must design their workload to gracefully handle this. Suspending a Job will reset the StartTime field of the Job, effectively resetting the ActiveDeadlineSeconds timer too. This is an alpha field and requires the SuspendJob feature gate to be enabled; otherwise this field may not be set to true. Defaults to false.² -boolean -æ -activeDeadlineSecondsÌint64"¶Specifies the duration in seconds relative to the startTime that the job may be continuously active before the system tries to terminate it; value must be positive integer. If a Job is suspended (at creation or through an update), this timer will effectively be stopped and reset when the Job is resumed again.² -integer -r - backoffLimitbint32"MSpecifies the number of retries before marking this job failed. Defaults to 6² -integer -’ -Xio.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceDefinitionVersionµ"//...` if `served` is true.² -string -Þ -schemaÓ -_#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceValidation"pschema describes the schema used for validation, pruning, and defaulting of this version of the custom resource. -h -served^"Pserved is a flag enabling/disabling this version from being served via REST APIs² -boolean -ª -storagež"storage indicates this version should be used when persisting custom resources to storage. There must be exactly one version with storage=true.² -boolean -Î - subresources½ -a#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceSubresources"Xsubresources specify what subresources this version of the defined custom resource have. -¹ -Fio.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1beta1.APIServiceListî"/APIServiceList is a list of APIService objects.šitems² -objectÊ´ -j -itemsa² -arrayºT -R -P#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1beta1.APIService -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -I -metadata= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -stringúo -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindLJ- kind: APIServiceList - version: v1beta1 - group: apiregistration.k8s.io - - -/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.PodsMetricStatusÜ"šPodsMetricStatus indicates the current value of a metric describing each pod in the current scale target (for example, transactions-processed-per-second).š -metricNamešcurrentAverageValue² -objectÊ -Å -currentAverageValue­ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantity"ncurrentAverageValue is the current value of the average of the metric across all relevant pods (as a quantity) -K - -metricName="0metricName is the name of the metric in question² -string -õ -selectorè -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelector"£selector is the string-encoded form of a standard kubernetes label selector for the given metric When set in the PodsMetricSource, it is passed as an additional parameter to the metrics server for more specific metrics scoping. When unset, just the metricName will be used to gather metrics. -ð -/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.FlowSchemaStatus¼">FlowSchemaStatus represents the current state of a FlowSchema.² -objectÊí -ê - -conditionsÛ";`conditions` is a list of the current states of FlowSchema.² -arrayºD -B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.FlowSchemaConditionú' -x-kubernetes-list-map-keys - type -ú -x-kubernetes-list-typemap - -¹ -%io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.ScaleStatus"AScaleStatus represents the current status of a scale subresource.šreplicas² -objectʲ -Z -replicasNint32"9actual number of observed instances of the scaled object.² -integer -Ó -selectorÆ"¸label query over pods that should match the replicas count. This is same as the label selector but in the string format to avoid introspection by clients. The string will be in the same format as the query-param syntax. More info about label selectors: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/labels#label-selectors² -string -à -)io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeStatus•"DPersistentVolumeStatus is the current status of a persistent volume.² -objectÊÀ -j -message_"RA human-readable message indicating details about why the volume is in this state.² -string -» -phase±"£Phase indicates if a volume is available, bound to a claim, or released by a claim. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes#phase² -string -“ -reasonˆ"{Reason is a brief CamelCase string that describes any failure and is meant for machine parsing and tidy display in the CLI.² -string -¿ -'io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.AggregationRule“"VAggregationRule describes how to locate ClusterRoles to aggregate into the ClusterRole² -objectʬ -© -clusterRoleSelectors"¼ClusterRoleSelectors holds a list of selectors which will be used to find ClusterRoles and create the rules. If any of the selectors match, then the ClusterRole's permissions will be added² -arrayºD -B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelector -± -'io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.ClusterRoleList… "¢ClusterRoleList is a collection of ClusterRoles. Deprecated in v1.17 in favor of rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 ClusterRoles, and will no longer be served in v1.22.šitems² -objectÊÓ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -l -itemsc"Items is a list of ClusterRoles² -arrayº5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.ClusterRole -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -f -metadataZ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"Standard object's metadata.ús -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindPN- group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io - kind: ClusterRoleList - version: v1beta1 - -˜ -io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DaemonSet÷ "7DaemonSet represents the configuration of a daemon set.² -objectÊÙ - -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ò -metadataÅ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -Ó -specÊ -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DaemonSetSpec"—The desired behavior of this daemon set. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status -® -status£ -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DaemonSetStatus"îThe current status of this daemon set. This data may be out of date by some window of time. Populated by the system. Read-only. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -stringúS -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind0.- group: apps - kind: DaemonSet - version: v1 - -• -io.k8s.api.apps.v1.Deploymentó"@Deployment enables declarative updates for Pods and ReplicaSets.² -objectÊË -o -statuse -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DeploymentStatus"0Most recently observed status of the Deployment. -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -f -metadataZ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"Standard object metadata. -s -speck -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DeploymentSpec"8Specification of the desired behavior of the Deployment.úT -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind1/- group: apps - kind: Deployment - version: v1 - -í[ -io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodSpecÎ[""PodSpec is a description of a pod.š -containers² -objectÊŽ[ -ÿ -ephemeralContainersç"ÌList of ephemeral containers run in this pod. Ephemeral containers may be run in an existing pod to perform user-initiated actions such as debugging. This list cannot be specified when creating a pod, and it cannot be modified by updating the pod spec. In order to add an ephemeral container to an existing pod, use the pod's ephemeralcontainers subresource. This field is alpha-level and is only honored by servers that enable the EphemeralContainers feature.² -arrayº7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.EphemeralContainerú' -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keyname -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge - -† -hostnamez"mSpecifies the hostname of the Pod If not specified, the pod's hostname will be set to a system-defined value.² -string -‰ -initContainersö"äList of initialization containers belonging to the pod. Init containers are executed in order prior to containers being started. If any init container fails, the pod is considered to have failed and is handled according to its restartPolicy. The name for an init container or normal container must be unique among all containers. Init containers may not have Lifecycle actions, Readiness probes, Liveness probes, or Startup probes. The resourceRequirements of an init container are taken into account during scheduling by finding the highest request/limit for each resource type, and then using the max of of that value or the sum of the normal containers. Limits are applied to init containers in a similar fashion. Init containers cannot currently be added or removed. Cannot be updated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/init-containers/² -arrayº. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Containerú' -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keyname -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge - -û -setHostnameAsFQDNå"ÖIf true the pod's hostname will be configured as the pod's FQDN, rather than the leaf name (the default). In Linux containers, this means setting the FQDN in the hostname field of the kernel (the nodename field of struct utsname). In Windows containers, this means setting the registry value of hostname for the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters to FQDN. If a pod does not have FQDN, this has no effect. Default to false.² -boolean -ö - dnsPolicyè"ÚSet DNS policy for the pod. Defaults to "ClusterFirst". Valid values are 'ClusterFirstWithHostNet', 'ClusterFirst', 'Default' or 'None'. DNS parameters given in DNSConfig will be merged with the policy selected with DNSPolicy. To have DNS options set along with hostNetwork, you have to specify DNS policy explicitly to 'ClusterFirstWithHostNet'.² -string -Û -enableServiceLinksÄ"µEnableServiceLinks indicates whether information about services should be injected into pod's environment variables, matching the syntax of Docker links. Optional: Defaults to true.² -boolean -“ -serviceAccount€"sDeprecatedServiceAccount is a depreciated alias for ServiceAccountName. Deprecated: Use serviceAccountName instead.² -string -ý -terminationGracePeriodSecondsÛint64"ÅOptional duration in seconds the pod needs to terminate gracefully. May be decreased in delete request. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates stop immediately via the kill signal (no opportunity to shut down). If this value is nil, the default grace period will be used instead. The grace period is the duration in seconds after the processes running in the pod are sent a termination signal and the time when the processes are forcibly halted with a kill signal. Set this value longer than the expected cleanup time for your process. Defaults to 30 seconds.² -integer -” -priorityClassNameþ"ðIf specified, indicates the pod's priority. "system-node-critical" and "system-cluster-critical" are two special keywords which indicate the highest priorities with the former being the highest priority. Any other name must be defined by creating a PriorityClass object with that name. If not specified, the pod priority will be default or zero if there is no default.² -string -ñ -runtimeClassNameÜ"ÎRuntimeClassName refers to a RuntimeClass object in the node.k8s.io group, which should be used to run this pod. If no RuntimeClass resource matches the named class, the pod will not be run. If unset or empty, the "legacy" RuntimeClass will be used, which is an implicit class with an empty definition that uses the default runtime handler. More info: https://git.k8s.io/enhancements/keps/sig-node/runtime-class.md This is a beta feature as of Kubernetes v1.14.² -string -g -affinity[ -)#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Affinity".If specified, the pod's scheduling constraints -À - hostNetwork°"¡Host networking requested for this pod. Use the host's network namespace. If this option is set, the ports that will be used must be specified. Default to false.² -boolean -R -hostPIDG"9Use the host's pid namespace. Optional: Default to false.² -boolean -Ï -priorityÂint32"¬The priority value. Various system components use this field to find the priority of the pod. When Priority Admission Controller is enabled, it prevents users from setting this field. The admission controller populates this field from PriorityClassName. The higher the value, the higher the priority.² -integer -q - tolerationsb"$If specified, the pod's tolerations.² -arrayº/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Toleration -» - hostAliases«"›HostAliases is an optional list of hosts and IPs that will be injected into the pod's hosts file if specified. This is only valid for non-hostNetwork pods.² -arrayº. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.HostAliasú% -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keyip -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge - -R -hostIPCG"9Use the host's ipc namespace. Optional: Default to false.² -boolean -× -imagePullSecretsÂ"¥ImagePullSecrets is an optional list of references to secrets in the same namespace to use for pulling any of the images used by this PodSpec. If specified, these secrets will be passed to individual puller implementations for them to use. For example, in the case of docker, only DockerConfig type secrets are honored. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images#specifying-imagepullsecrets-on-a-pod² -arrayº9 -7 -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.LocalObjectReferenceú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keyname - -œ - nodeSelector‹"íNodeSelector is a selector which must be true for the pod to fit on a node. Selector which must match a node's labels for the pod to be scheduled on that node. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/ª - ² -string² -object -„ -preemptionPolicyï"áPreemptionPolicy is the Policy for preempting pods with lower priority. One of Never, PreemptLowerPriority. Defaults to PreemptLowerPriority if unset. This field is beta-level, gated by the NonPreemptingPriority feature-gate.² -string -ô -shareProcessNamespaceÚ"ËShare a single process namespace between all of the containers in a pod. When this is set containers will be able to view and signal processes from other containers in the same pod, and the first process in each container will not be assigned PID 1. HostPID and ShareProcessNamespace cannot both be set. Optional: Default to false.² -boolean -þ -topologySpreadConstraintsà"ÐTopologySpreadConstraints describes how a group of pods ought to spread across topology domains. Scheduler will schedule pods in a way which abides by the constraints. All topologySpreadConstraints are ANDed.² -arrayº= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.TopologySpreadConstraintúB -x-kubernetes-list-map-keys$"- topologyKey -- whenUnsatisfiable -ú -x-kubernetes-list-typemap -ú. -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-key topologyKey -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge - -• -automountServiceAccountTokenu"gAutomountServiceAccountToken indicates whether a service account token should be automatically mounted.² -boolean -Æ - dnsConfig¸ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodDNSConfig"†Specifies the DNS parameters of a pod. Parameters specified here will be merged to the generated DNS configuration based on DNSPolicy. -Î - subdomainÀ"²If specified, the fully qualified Pod hostname will be "...svc.". If not specified, the pod will not have a domainname at all.² -string -á - restartPolicyÏ"ÁRestart policy for all containers within the pod. One of Always, OnFailure, Never. Default to Always. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle/#restart-policy² -string -£ - schedulerName‘"ƒIf specified, the pod will be dispatched by specified scheduler. If not specified, the pod will be dispatched by default scheduler.² -string -ó -readinessGatesà"›If specified, all readiness gates will be evaluated for pod readiness. A pod is ready when all its containers are ready AND all conditions specified in the readiness gates have status equal to "True" More info: https://git.k8s.io/enhancements/keps/sig-network/0007-pod-ready%2B%2B.md² -arrayº5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodReadinessGate -Ð -serviceAccountName¹"«ServiceAccountName is the name of the ServiceAccount to use to run this pod. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-service-account/² -string -Ô -nodeNameÇ"¹NodeName is a request to schedule this pod onto a specific node. If it is non-empty, the scheduler simply schedules this pod onto that node, assuming that it fits resource requirements.² -string -ð -overheadã"“Overhead represents the resource overhead associated with running a pod for a given RuntimeClass. This field will be autopopulated at admission time by the RuntimeClass admission controller. If the RuntimeClass admission controller is enabled, overhead must not be set in Pod create requests. The RuntimeClass admission controller will reject Pod create requests which have the overhead already set. If RuntimeClass is configured and selected in the PodSpec, Overhead will be set to the value defined in the corresponding RuntimeClass, otherwise it will remain unset and treated as zero. More info: https://git.k8s.io/enhancements/keps/sig-node/20190226-pod-overhead.md This field is alpha-level as of Kubernetes v1.16, and is only honored by servers that enable the PodOverhead feature.ª? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantity² -object -ó -securityContextß -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodSecurityContext"§SecurityContext holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings. Optional: Defaults to empty. See type description for default values of each field. -¬ -volumes "†List of volumes that can be mounted by containers belonging to the pod. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes² -arrayº+ -) -'#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Volumeú' -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keyname -ú2 -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge,retainKeys - -ü -activeDeadlineSecondsâint64"ÌOptional duration in seconds the pod may be active on the node relative to StartTime before the system will actively try to mark it failed and kill associated containers. Value must be a positive integer.² -integer -¼ - -containers­"›List of containers belonging to the pod. Containers cannot currently be added or removed. There must be at least one container in a Pod. Cannot be updated.² -arrayº. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Containerú' -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keyname -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge - -º -)io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressClassListŒ"3IngressClassList is a collection of IngressClasses.šitems² -objectÊÖ -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -b -metadataV -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"Standard list metadata. -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -s -itemsj"$Items is the list of IngressClasses.² -arrayº7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressClassúg -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindDB- group: networking.k8s.io - kind: IngressClassList - version: v1 - -î -"io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.PolicyRuleÇ "¡PolicyRule holds information that describes a policy rule, but does not contain information about who the rule applies to or which namespace the rule applies to.šverbs² -objectÊŒ - -ó - apiGroupså"ÈAPIGroups is the name of the APIGroup that contains the resources. If multiple API groups are specified, any action requested against one of the enumerated resources in any API group will be allowed.² -arrayº - ² -string -¼ -nonResourceURLs¨"‹NonResourceURLs is a set of partial urls that a user should have access to. *s are allowed, but only as the full, final step in the path Since non-resource URLs are not namespaced, this field is only applicable for ClusterRoles referenced from a ClusterRoleBinding. Rules can either apply to API resources (such as "pods" or "secrets") or non-resource URL paths (such as "/api"), but not both.² -arrayº - ² -string -¨ - resourceNames–"zResourceNames is an optional white list of names that the rule applies to. An empty set means that everything is allowed.² -arrayº - ² -string -ò - resourcesä"ÇResources is a list of resources this rule applies to. '*' represents all resources in the specified apiGroups. '*/foo' represents the subresource 'foo' for all resources in the specified apiGroups.² -arrayº - ² -string -´ -verbsª"Verbs is a list of Verbs that apply to ALL the ResourceKinds and AttributeRestrictions contained in this rule. VerbAll represents all kinds.² -arrayº - ² -string -Ï -!io.k8s.api.storage.v1.CSINodeSpec©"\CSINodeSpec holds information about the specification of all CSI drivers installed on a nodešdrivers² -objectʲ -¯ -drivers£"Šdrivers is a list of information of all CSI Drivers existing on a node. If all drivers in the list are uninstalled, this can become empty.² -arrayº5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.CSINodeDriverú' -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keyname -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge - -í -Oio.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.JSONSchemaPropsOrArray™"–JSONSchemaPropsOrArray represents a value that can either be a JSONSchemaProps or an array of JSONSchemaProps. Mainly here for serialization purposes. -Æ -2io.k8s.api.core.v1.AzureFilePersistentVolumeSource"WAzureFile represents an Azure File Service mount on the host and bind mount to the pod.š -secretNameš shareName² -objectÊŽ -x -readOnlyl"^Defaults to false (read/write). ReadOnly here will force the ReadOnly setting in VolumeMounts.² -boolean -^ - -secretNameP"Cthe name of secret that contains Azure Storage Account Name and Key² -string -‹ -secretNamespacex"kthe namespace of the secret that contains Azure Storage Account Name and Key default is the same as the Pod² -string -$ - shareName" -Share Name² -string -£ -io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodList„ "PodList is a list of Pods.šitems² -objectÊÿ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -­ -items£"lList of pods. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md² -arrayº( -& -$#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Pod -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ï -metadata -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"‚Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kindsúO -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind,*- group: "" - kind: PodList - version: v1 - -‚ -#io.k8s.api.events.v1beta1.EventListÚ"%EventList is a list of Event objects.šitems² -objectʸ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -k -itemsb""items is a list of schema objects.² -arrayº1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.events.v1beta1.Event -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ë -metadata¾ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadataúa -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind><- version: v1beta1 - group: events.k8s.io - kind: EventList - -à -@io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.LimitedPriorityLevelConfiguration› "èLimitedPriorityLevelConfiguration specifies how to handle requests that are subject to limits. It addresses two issues: - * How are requests for this priority level limited? - * What should be done with requests that exceed the limit?² -objectÊ¡ -ö -assuredConcurrencySharesÙint32"Ã`assuredConcurrencyShares` (ACS) configures the execution limit, which is a limit on the number of requests of this priority level that may be exeucting at a given time. ACS must be a positive number. The server's concurrency limit (SCL) is divided among the concurrency-controlled priority levels in proportion to their assured concurrency shares. This produces the assured concurrency value (ACV) --- the number of requests that may be executing at a time --- for each such priority level: - - ACV(l) = ceil( SCL * ACS(l) / ( sum[priority levels k] ACS(k) ) ) - -bigger numbers of ACS mean more reserved concurrent requests (at the expense of every other PL). This field has a default value of 30.² -integer -¥ - limitResponse“ -:#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.LimitResponse"U`limitResponse` indicates what to do with requests that can not be executed right now -´ -$io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressSpec‹";IngressSpec describes the Ingress the user wishes to exist.² -objectÊ¿ -ß -defaultBackendÌ -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressBackend"’DefaultBackend is the backend that should handle requests that don't match any rule. If Rules are not specified, DefaultBackend must be specified. If DefaultBackend is not set, the handling of requests that do not match any of the rules will be up to the Ingress controller. -´ -ingressClassNameŸ"‘IngressClassName is the name of the IngressClass cluster resource. The associated IngressClass defines which controller will implement the resource. This replaces the deprecated `kubernetes.io/ingress.class` annotation. For backwards compatibility, when that annotation is set, it must be given precedence over this field. The controller may emit a warning if the field and annotation have different values. Implementations of this API should ignore Ingresses without a class specified. An IngressClass resource may be marked as default, which can be used to set a default value for this field. For more information, refer to the IngressClass documentation.² -string -ù -rulesï"ƒA list of host rules used to configure the Ingress. If unspecified, or no rule matches, all traffic is sent to the default backend.² -arrayº6 -4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressRuleú# -x-kubernetes-list-type atomic - -§ -tlsŸ"´TLS configuration. Currently the Ingress only supports a single TLS port, 443. If multiple members of this list specify different hosts, they will be multiplexed on the same port according to the hostname specified through the SNI TLS extension, if the ingress controller fulfilling the ingress supports SNI.² -arrayº5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressTLSú# -x-kubernetes-list-type atomic - -ƒ -(io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSINodeDriverÖ "]CSINodeDriver holds information about the specification of one CSI driver installed on a nodešnamešnodeID² -objectÊØ -¨ - allocatable˜ -<#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.VolumeNodeResources"Xallocatable represents the volume resources of a node that are available for scheduling. -ª -name¡"“This is the name of the CSI driver that this object refers to. This MUST be the same name returned by the CSI GetPluginName() call for that driver.² -string -¸ -nodeID­"ŸnodeID of the node from the driver point of view. This field enables Kubernetes to communicate with storage systems that do not share the same nomenclature for nodes. For example, Kubernetes may refer to a given node as "node1", but the storage system may refer to the same node as "nodeA". When Kubernetes issues a command to the storage system to attach a volume to a specific node, it can use this field to refer to the node name using the ID that the storage system will understand, e.g. "nodeA" instead of "node1". This field is required.² -string - - topologyKeys±"”topologyKeys is the list of keys supported by the driver. When a driver is initialized on a cluster, it provides a set of topology keys that it understands (e.g. "company.com/zone", "company.com/region"). When a driver is initialized on a node, it provides the same topology keys along with values. Kubelet will expose these topology keys as labels on its own node object. When Kubernetes does topology aware provisioning, it can use this list to determine which labels it should retrieve from the node object and pass back to the driver. It is possible for different nodes to use different topology keys. This can be empty if driver does not support topology.² -arrayº - ² -string -§ -Uio.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.JSONSchemaPropsOrStringArrayN"LJSONSchemaPropsOrStringArray represents a JSONSchemaProps or a string array. -– -4io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.LocalSubjectAccessReviewÝ "çLocalSubjectAccessReview checks whether or not a user or group can perform an action in a given namespace. Having a namespace scoped resource makes it much easier to grant namespace scoped policy that includes permissions checking.šspec² -objectÊè -§ -statusœ -C#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.SubjectAccessReviewStatus"UStatus is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -K -metadata? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta -ñ -specè -A#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.SubjectAccessReviewSpec"¢Spec holds information about the request being evaluated. spec.namespace must be equal to the namespace you made the request against. If empty, it is defaulted.úr -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindOM- group: authorization.k8s.io - kind: LocalSubjectAccessReview - version: v1 - - -3io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.ResourceAttributeså"tResourceAttributes includes the authorization attributes available for resource requests to the Authorizer interface² -objectÊà -‚ -namez"mName is the name of the resource being requested for a "get" or deleted for a "delete". "" (empty) means all.² -string -ô - namespaceæ"ØNamespace is the namespace of the action being requested. Currently, there is no distinction between no namespace and all namespaces "" (empty) is defaulted for LocalSubjectAccessReviews "" (empty) is empty for cluster-scoped resources "" (empty) means "all" for namespace scoped resources from a SubjectAccessReview or SelfSubjectAccessReview² -string -X -resourceL"?Resource is one of the existing resource types. "*" means all.² -string -^ - subresourceO"BSubresource is one of the existing resource types. "" means none.² -string -ƒ -verb{"nVerb is a kubernetes resource API verb, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy. "*" means all.² -string -S -versionH";Version is the API Version of the Resource. "*" means all.² -string -M -groupD"7Group is the API Group of the Resource. "*" means all.² -string -ü -&io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressStatusÑ"8IngressStatus describe the current state of the Ingress.² -objectʈ -… - loadBalanceru -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.LoadBalancerStatus">LoadBalancer contains the current status of the load-balancer. -Û -3io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodDisruptionBudgetStatus£"ŠPodDisruptionBudgetStatus represents information about the status of a PodDisruptionBudget. Status may trail the actual state of a system.šdisruptionsAllowedšcurrentHealthyšdesiredHealthyš expectedPods² -objectÊÁ -ô - -conditionså"ôConditions contain conditions for PDB. The disruption controller sets the DisruptionAllowed condition. The following are known values for the reason field (additional reasons could be added in the future): - SyncFailed: The controller encountered an error and wasn't able to compute - the number of allowed disruptions. Therefore no disruptions are - allowed and the status of the condition will be False. -- InsufficientPods: The number of pods are either at or below the number - required by the PodDisruptionBudget. No disruptions are - allowed and the status of the condition will be False. -- SufficientPods: There are more pods than required by the PodDisruptionBudget. - The condition will be True, and the number of allowed - disruptions are provided by the disruptionsAllowed property.² -arrayº@ -> -<#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Conditionú' -x-kubernetes-list-map-keys - type -ú -x-kubernetes-list-typemap -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keytype -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge - -E -currentHealthy3int32"current number of healthy pods² -integer -M -desiredHealthy;int32"&minimum desired number of healthy pods² -integer - - disruptedPodsû"¯DisruptedPods contains information about pods whose eviction was processed by the API server eviction subresource handler but has not yet been observed by the PodDisruptionBudget controller. A pod will be in this map from the time when the API server processed the eviction request to the time when the pod is seen by PDB controller as having been marked for deletion (or after a timeout). The key in the map is the name of the pod and the value is the time when the API server processed the eviction request. If the deletion didn't occur and a pod is still there it will be removed from the list automatically by PodDisruptionBudget controller after some time. If everything goes smooth this map should be empty for the most of the time. Large number of entries in the map may indicate problems with pod deletions.ª; -9 -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time² -object -` -disruptionsAllowedJint32"5Number of pod disruptions that are currently allowed.² -integer -[ - expectedPodsKint32"6total number of pods counted by this disruption budget² -integer -â -observedGenerationËint64"µMost recent generation observed when updating this PDB status. DisruptionsAllowed and other status information is valid only if observedGeneration equals to PDB's object generation.² -integer -Ý -$io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSIDriver´"¹CSIDriver captures information about a Container Storage Interface (CSI) volume driver deployed on the cluster. CSI drivers do not need to create the CSIDriver object directly. Instead they may use the cluster-driver-registrar sidecar container. When deployed with a CSI driver it automatically creates a CSIDriver object representing the driver. Kubernetes attach detach controller uses this object to determine whether attach is required. Kubelet uses this object to determine whether pod information needs to be passed on mount. CSIDriver objects are non-namespaced.šspec² -objectÊý -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -™ -metadataŒ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ÊStandard object metadata. metadata.Name indicates the name of the CSI driver that this object refers to; it MUST be the same name returned by the CSI GetPluginName() call for that driver. The driver name must be 63 characters or less, beginning and ending with an alphanumeric character ([a-z0-9A-Z]) with dashes (-), dots (.), and alphanumerics between. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -b -specZ -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSIDriverSpec" Specification of the CSI Driver.úb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=- group: storage.k8s.io - kind: CSIDriver - version: v1beta1 - -… -9io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.SubjectRulesReviewStatusÇ "çSubjectRulesReviewStatus contains the result of a rules check. This check can be incomplete depending on the set of authorizers the server is configured with and any errors experienced during evaluation. Because authorization rules are additive, if a rule appears in a list it's safe to assume the subject has that permission, even if that list is incomplete.š resourceRulesšnonResourceRulesš -incomplete² -objectÊž -Œ -evaluationErrorø"êEvaluationError can appear in combination with Rules. It indicates an error occurred during rule evaluation, such as an authorizer that doesn't support rule evaluation, and that ResourceRules and/or NonResourceRules may be incomplete.² -string -Ý - -incompleteÎ"¿Incomplete is true when the rules returned by this call are incomplete. This is most commonly encountered when an authorizer, such as an external authorizer, doesn't support rules evaluation.² -boolean -› -nonResourceRules†"´NonResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on non-resources. The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.² -arrayºB -@ ->#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.NonResourceRule -Ž - resourceRulesü"­ResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources. The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.² -arrayº? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.ResourceRule - -(io.k8s.api.networking.v1.HTTPIngressPathâ "oHTTPIngressPath associates a path with a backend. Incoming urls matching the path are forwarded to the backend.šbackend² -objectÊØ - -Ÿ -backend“ -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressBackend"ZBackend defines the referenced service endpoint to which the traffic will be forwarded to. -ž -path•"‡Path is matched against the path of an incoming request. Currently it can contain characters disallowed from the conventional "path" part of a URL as defined by RFC 3986. Paths must begin with a '/'. When unspecified, all paths from incoming requests are matched.² -string -’ -pathType…"÷PathType determines the interpretation of the Path matching. PathType can be one of the following values: * Exact: Matches the URL path exactly. * Prefix: Matches based on a URL path prefix split by '/'. Matching is - done on a path element by element basis. A path element refers is the - list of labels in the path split by the '/' separator. A request is a - match for path p if every p is an element-wise prefix of p of the - request path. Note that if the last element of the path is a substring - of the last element in request path, it is not a match (e.g. /foo/bar - matches /foo/bar/baz, but does not match /foo/barbaz). -* ImplementationSpecific: Interpretation of the Path matching is up to - the IngressClass. Implementations can treat this as a separate PathType - or treat it identically to Prefix or Exact path types. -Implementations are required to support all path types.² -string -Þ - io.k8s.api.events.v1.EventSeries¹"èEventSeries contain information on series of events, i.e. thing that was/is happening continuously for some time. How often to update the EventSeries is up to the event reporters. The default event reporter in "k8s.io/client-go/tools/events/event_broadcaster.go" shows how this struct is updated on heartbeats and can guide customized reporter implementations.šcountšlastObservedTime² -objectʤ -n -counteint32"Pcount is the number of occurrences in this series up to the last heartbeat time.² -integer -± -lastObservedTimeœ -<#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.MicroTime"\lastObservedTime is the time when last Event from the series was seen before last heartbeat. -‹ -#io.k8s.api.storage.v1.CSIDriverListã"3CSIDriverList is a collection of CSIDriver objects.šitems² -objectʳ -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ê -metadata½ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"~Standard list metadata More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -g -items^"items is the list of CSIDriver² -arrayº1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.CSIDriverúa -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind><- group: storage.k8s.io - kind: CSIDriverList - version: v1 - -ñ -Sio.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.ExternalDocumentation™"YExternalDocumentation allows referencing an external resource for extended documentation.² -objectÊ0 - - description ² -string - -url ² -string -ÿ -5io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.HorizontalPodAutoscalerSpecÅ"-specification of a horizontal pod autoscaler.šscaleTargetRefš maxReplicas² -objectÊè -× -targetCPUUtilizationPercentage´int32"žtarget average CPU utilization (represented as a percentage of requested CPU) over all the pods; if not specified the default autoscaling policy will be used.² -integer - - maxReplicas~int32"iupper limit for the number of pods that can be set by the autoscaler; cannot be smaller than MinReplicas.² -integer -ò - minReplicasâint32"ÌminReplicas is the lower limit for the number of replicas to which the autoscaler can scale down. It defaults to 1 pod. minReplicas is allowed to be 0 if the alpha feature gate HPAScaleToZero is enabled and at least one Object or External metric is configured. Scaling is active as long as at least one metric value is available.² -integer -† -scaleTargetRefó -C#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.CrossVersionObjectReference"«reference to scaled resource; horizontal pod autoscaler will learn the current resource consumption and will set the desired number of pods by using its Scale subresource. -º - -#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.MetricValueStatus"7current contains the current value for the given metric -] -describedObjectJ -H#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.CrossVersionObjectReference -ƒ -metricy -=#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.MetricIdentifier"8metric identifies the target metric by name and selector -™ -io.k8s.api.core.v1.EnvVarû"AEnvVar represents an environment variable present in a Container.šname² -objectÊ¢ -N -nameF"9Name of the environment variable. Must be a C_IDENTIFIER.² -string -» -value±"£Variable references $(VAR_NAME) are expanded using the previous defined environment variables in the container and any service environment variables. If a variable cannot be resolved, the reference in the input string will be unchanged. The $(VAR_NAME) syntax can be escaped with a double $$, ie: $$(VAR_NAME). Escaped references will never be expanded, regardless of whether the variable exists or not. Defaults to "".² -string -‘ - valueFromƒ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.EnvVarSource"RSource for the environment variable's value. Cannot be used if value is not empty. -ä - io.k8s.api.core.v1.HTTPGetAction¿"=HTTPGetAction describes an action based on HTTP Get requests.šport² -objectÊê -7 -path/""Path to access on the HTTP server.² -string -Ç -port¾ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.util.intstr.IntOrString"}Name or number of the port to access on the container. Number must be in the range 1 to 65535. Name must be an IANA_SVC_NAME. -R -schemeH";Scheme to use for connecting to the host. Defaults to HTTP.² -string -} -hostu"hHost name to connect to, defaults to the pod IP. You probably want to set "Host" in httpHeaders instead.² -string -‘ - httpHeaders"CCustom headers to set in the request. HTTP allows repeated headers.² -arrayº/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.HTTPHeader -ž -.io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeClaimStatusë"OPersistentVolumeClaimStatus is the current status of a persistent volume claim.² -objectÊ‹ -Ò - accessModesÂ"¥AccessModes contains the actual access modes the volume backing the PVC has. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes#access-modes-1² -arrayº - ² -string -• -capacityˆ"9Represents the actual resources of the underlying volume.ª? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantity² -object -Ç - -conditions¸"‘Current Condition of persistent volume claim. If underlying persistent volume is being resized then the Condition will be set to 'ResizeStarted'.² -arrayºC -A -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeClaimConditionú' -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keytype -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge - -R -phaseI""1Group to map volume access to Default is no group² -string -‚ -readOnlyv"hReadOnly here will force the Quobyte volume to be mounted with read-only permissions. Defaults to false.² -boolean -á -registryÔ"ÆRegistry represents a single or multiple Quobyte Registry services specified as a string as host:port pair (multiple entries are separated with commas) which acts as the central registry for volumes² -string -œ -tenant‘"ƒTenant owning the given Quobyte volume in the Backend Used with dynamically provisioned Quobyte volumes, value is set by the plugin² -string -ê? -Hio.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.JSONSchemaProps?"[JSONSchemaProps is a JSON-Schema following Specification Draft 4 (http://json-schema.org/).² -objectʱ> -$ - minPropertiesint64² -integer -p -anyOfg² -arrayºZ -X -V#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.JSONSchemaProps - - description ² -string -X -exampleM -K#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.JSON -h -items_ -]#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.JSONSchemaPropsOrArray - -maxItemsint64² -integer - - maxLengthint64² -integer -} -patternPropertieshªZ -X -V#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.JSONSchemaProps² -object -n - externalDocs^ -\#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.ExternalDocumentation -$ - maxPropertiesint64² -integer - -minItemsint64² -integer - -minimumdouble² -number -! - -multipleOfdouble² -number - -pattern ² -string - -$ref ² -string -d -enum\² -arrayºO -M -K#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.JSON -& -required² -arrayº - ² -string - -maximumdouble² -number - - minLengthint64² -integer - -type ² -string -‡ -x-kubernetes-int-or-stringè"Ùx-kubernetes-int-or-string specifies that this value is either an integer or a string. If this is true, an empty type is allowed and type as child of anyOf is permitted if following one of the following patterns: - -1) anyOf: - - type: integer - - type: string -2) allOf: - - anyOf: - - type: integer - - type: string - - ... zero or more² -boolean -Þ -x-kubernetes-list-typeÃ"µx-kubernetes-list-type annotates an array to further describe its topology. This extension must only be used on lists and may have 3 possible values: - -1) `atomic`: the list is treated as a single entity, like a scalar. - Atomic lists will be entirely replaced when updated. This extension - may be used on any type of list (struct, scalar, ...). -2) `set`: - Sets are lists that must not have multiple items with the same value. Each - value must be a scalar, an object with x-kubernetes-map-type `atomic` or an - array with x-kubernetes-list-type `atomic`. -3) `map`: - These lists are like maps in that their elements have a non-index key - used to identify them. Order is preserved upon merge. The map tag - must only be used on a list with elements of type object. -Defaults to atomic for arrays.² -string -w - definitionshªZ -X -V#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.JSONSchemaProps² -object -v - -propertieshªZ -X -V#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.JSONSchemaProps² -object - -title ² -string -« -x-kubernetes-list-map-keysŒ"ïx-kubernetes-list-map-keys annotates an array with the x-kubernetes-list-type `map` by specifying the keys used as the index of the map. - -This tag MUST only be used on lists that have the "x-kubernetes-list-type" extension set to "map". Also, the values specified for this attribute must be a scalar typed field of the child structure (no nesting is supported). - -The properties specified must either be required or have a default value, to ensure those properties are present for all list items.² -arrayº - ² -string -… - dependenciesuªg -e -c#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.JSONSchemaPropsOrStringArray² -object - -exclusiveMinimum ² -boolean -p -oneOfg² -arrayºZ -X -V#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.JSONSchemaProps -˜ -$x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fieldsï"àx-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields stops the API server decoding step from pruning fields which are not specified in the validation schema. This affects fields recursively, but switches back to normal pruning behaviour if nested properties or additionalProperties are specified in the schema. This can either be true or undefined. False is forbidden.² -boolean -q -additionalItems^ -\#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.JSONSchemaPropsOrBool -p -allOfg² -arrayºZ -X -V#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.JSONSchemaProps - -default‘ -K#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.JSON"Ádefault is a default value for undefined object fields. Defaulting is a beta feature under the CustomResourceDefaulting feature gate. Defaulting requires spec.preserveUnknownFields to be false. - -id ² -string - -nullable ² -boolean -Ó -x-kubernetes-embedded-resource°"¡x-kubernetes-embedded-resource defines that the value is an embedded Kubernetes runtime.Object, with TypeMeta and ObjectMeta. The type must be object. It is allowed to further restrict the embedded object. kind, apiVersion and metadata are validated automatically. x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields is allowed to be true, but does not have to be if the object is fully specified (up to kind, apiVersion, metadata).² -boolean -  -x-kubernetes-map-type†"øx-kubernetes-map-type annotates an object to further describe its topology. This extension must only be used when type is object and may have 2 possible values: - -1) `granular`: - These maps are actual maps (key-value pairs) and each fields are independent - from each other (they can each be manipulated by separate actors). This is - the default behaviour for all maps. -2) `atomic`: the list is treated as a single entity, like a scalar. - Atomic maps will be entirely replaced when updated.² -string - -$schema ² -string -v -additionalProperties^ -\#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.JSONSchemaPropsOrBool - -exclusiveMaximum ² -boolean -¶ -format«"format is an OpenAPI v3 format string. Unknown formats are ignored. The following formats are validated: - -- bsonobjectid: a bson object ID, i.e. a 24 characters hex string - uri: an URI as parsed by Golang net/url.ParseRequestURI - email: an email address as parsed by Golang net/mail.ParseAddress - hostname: a valid representation for an Internet host name, as defined by RFC 1034, section 3.1 [RFC1034]. - ipv4: an IPv4 IP as parsed by Golang net.ParseIP - ipv6: an IPv6 IP as parsed by Golang net.ParseIP - cidr: a CIDR as parsed by Golang net.ParseCIDR - mac: a MAC address as parsed by Golang net.ParseMAC - uuid: an UUID that allows uppercase defined by the regex (?i)^[0-9a-f]{8}-?[0-9a-f]{4}-?[0-9a-f]{4}-?[0-9a-f]{4}-?[0-9a-f]{12}$ - uuid3: an UUID3 that allows uppercase defined by the regex (?i)^[0-9a-f]{8}-?[0-9a-f]{4}-?3[0-9a-f]{3}-?[0-9a-f]{4}-?[0-9a-f]{12}$ - uuid4: an UUID4 that allows uppercase defined by the regex (?i)^[0-9a-f]{8}-?[0-9a-f]{4}-?4[0-9a-f]{3}-?[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-?[0-9a-f]{12}$ - uuid5: an UUID5 that allows uppercase defined by the regex (?i)^[0-9a-f]{8}-?[0-9a-f]{4}-?5[0-9a-f]{3}-?[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-?[0-9a-f]{12}$ - isbn: an ISBN10 or ISBN13 number string like "0321751043" or "978-0321751041" - isbn10: an ISBN10 number string like "0321751043" - isbn13: an ISBN13 number string like "978-0321751041" - creditcard: a credit card number defined by the regex ^(?:4[0-9]{12}(?:[0-9]{3})?|5[1-5][0-9]{14}|6(?:011|5[0-9][0-9])[0-9]{12}|3[47][0-9]{13}|3(?:0[0-5]|[68][0-9])[0-9]{11}|(?:2131|1800|35\d{3})\d{11})$ with any non digit characters mixed in - ssn: a U.S. social security number following the regex ^\d{3}[- ]?\d{2}[- ]?\d{4}$ - hexcolor: an hexadecimal color code like "#FFFFFF: following the regex ^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{3}|[0-9a-fA-F]{6})$ - rgbcolor: an RGB color code like rgb like "rgb(255,255,2559" - byte: base64 encoded binary data - password: any kind of string - date: a date string like "2006-01-02" as defined by full-date in RFC3339 - duration: a duration string like "22 ns" as parsed by Golang time.ParseDuration or compatible with Scala duration format - datetime: a date time string like "2014-12-15T19:30:20.000Z" as defined by date-time in RFC3339.² -string -_ -notX -V#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.JSONSchemaProps - - uniqueItems ² -boolean -Œ -7io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.HorizontalPodAutoscalerStatusÐ"-current status of a horizontal pod autoscaleršcurrentReplicasšdesiredReplicas² -objectÊî -ß -currentCPUUtilizationPercentage»int32"¥current average CPU utilization over all pods, represented as a percentage of requested CPU, e.g. 70 means that an average pod is using now 70% of its requested CPU.² -integer -f -currentReplicasSint32">current number of replicas of pods managed by this autoscaler.² -integer -f -desiredReplicasSint32">desired number of replicas of pods managed by this autoscaler.² -integer -Ù - lastScaleTimeÇ -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"‹last time the HorizontalPodAutoscaler scaled the number of pods; used by the autoscaler to control how often the number of pods is changed. -^ -observedGenerationHint64"3most recent generation observed by this autoscaler.² -integer -à -?io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.HorizontalPodAutoscalerConditionÿ"eHorizontalPodAutoscalerCondition describes the state of a HorizontalPodAutoscaler at a certain point.štypešstatus² -objectÊù -« -lastTransitionTime” -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"YlastTransitionTime is the last time the condition transitioned from one status to another -g -message\"Omessage is a human-readable explanation containing details about the transition² -string -P -reasonF"9reason is the reason for the condition's last transition.² -string -S -statusI"#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.MetricValueStatus"7current contains the current value for the given metric -B -name:"-Name is the name of the resource in question.² -string -b - containerU"HContainer is the name of the container in the pods of the scaling target² -string -ä -'io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressBackend¸"DIngressBackend describes all endpoints for a given service and port.² -objectÊã -± -resource¤ -:#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.TypedLocalObjectReference"åResource is an ObjectRef to another Kubernetes resource in the namespace of the Ingress object. If resource is specified, a service.Name and service.Port must not be specified. This is a mutually exclusive setting with "Service". -¬ -service  -<#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressServiceBackend"`Service references a Service as a Backend. This is a mutually exclusive setting with "Resource". -Ù -io.k8s.api.core.v1.Affinity¹"1Affinity is a group of affinity scheduling rules.² -objectÊ÷ -´ - podAffinity¤ -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodAffinity"tDescribes pod affinity scheduling rules (e.g. co-locate this pod in the same node, zone, etc. as some other pod(s)). -Å -podAntiAffinity± -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodAntiAffinity"}Describes pod anti-affinity scheduling rules (e.g. avoid putting this pod in the same node, zone, etc. as some other pod(s)). -v - nodeAffinityf --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeAffinity"5Describes node affinity scheduling rules for the pod. -æ -(io.k8s.api.core.v1.GlusterfsVolumeSource¹"‹Represents a Glusterfs mount that lasts the lifetime of a pod. Glusterfs volumes do not support ownership management or SELinux relabeling.š endpointsšpath² -objectʉ -« - endpoints"EndpointsName is the endpoint name that details Glusterfs topology. More info: https://examples.k8s.io/volumes/glusterfs/README.md#create-a-pod² -string -ƒ -path{"nPath is the Glusterfs volume path. More info: https://examples.k8s.io/volumes/glusterfs/README.md#create-a-pod² -string -Ò -readOnlyÅ"¶ReadOnly here will force the Glusterfs volume to be mounted with read-only permissions. Defaults to false. More info: https://examples.k8s.io/volumes/glusterfs/README.md#create-a-pod² -boolean -ë -%io.k8s.api.core.v1.ServiceAccountListÁ "6ServiceAccountList is a list of ServiceAccount objectsšitems² -objectÊ• -à -items¹"wList of ServiceAccounts. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-service-account/² -arrayº3 -1 -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ServiceAccount -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ï -metadata -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"‚Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -stringúZ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind75- version: v1 - group: "" - kind: ServiceAccountList - -Ò -)io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.IngressSpec¤ ";IngressSpec describes the Ingress the user wishes to exist.² -objectÊØ -´ -ingressClassNameŸ"‘IngressClassName is the name of the IngressClass cluster resource. The associated IngressClass defines which controller will implement the resource. This replaces the deprecated `kubernetes.io/ingress.class` annotation. For backwards compatibility, when that annotation is set, it must be given precedence over this field. The controller may emit a warning if the field and annotation have different values. Implementations of this API should ignore Ingresses without a class specified. An IngressClass resource may be marked as default, which can be used to set a default value for this field. For more information, refer to the IngressClass documentation.² -string -Ø -rulesÎ"ƒA list of host rules used to configure the Ingress. If unspecified, or no rule matches, all traffic is sent to the default backend.² -arrayº; -9 -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.IngressRule -† -tlsþ"´TLS configuration. Currently the Ingress only supports a single TLS port, 443. If multiple members of this list specify different hosts, they will be multiplexed on the same port according to the hostname specified through the SNI TLS extension, if the ingress controller fulfilling the ingress supports SNI.² -arrayº: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.IngressTLS -º -backend® -:#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.IngressBackend"ïA default backend capable of servicing requests that don't match any rule. At least one of 'backend' or 'rules' must be specified. This field is optional to allow the loadbalancer controller or defaulting logic to specify a global default. -˜ -.io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.ResourceAttributeså"tResourceAttributes includes the authorization attributes available for resource requests to the Authorizer interface² -objectÊà -ƒ -verb{"nVerb is a kubernetes resource API verb, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy. "*" means all.² -string -S -versionH";Version is the API Version of the Resource. "*" means all.² -string -M -groupD"7Group is the API Group of the Resource. "*" means all.² -string -‚ -namez"mName is the name of the resource being requested for a "get" or deleted for a "delete". "" (empty) means all.² -string -ô - namespaceæ"ØNamespace is the namespace of the action being requested. Currently, there is no distinction between no namespace and all namespaces "" (empty) is defaulted for LocalSubjectAccessReviews "" (empty) is empty for cluster-scoped resources "" (empty) means "all" for namespace scoped resources from a SubjectAccessReview or SelfSubjectAccessReview² -string -X -resourceL"?Resource is one of the existing resource types. "*" means all.² -string -^ - subresourceO"BSubresource is one of the existing resource types. "" means none.² -string -” -)io.k8s.api.coordination.v1beta1.LeaseListæ"%LeaseList is a list of Lease objects.šitems² -objectʾ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -q -itemsh""Items is a list of schema objects.² -arrayº7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.coordination.v1beta1.Lease -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ë -metadata¾ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadataúg -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindDB- group: coordination.k8s.io - kind: LeaseList - version: v1beta1 - -¨ -%io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodDNSConfigOption"9PodDNSConfigOption defines DNS resolver options of a pod.² -objectÊ6 - -name" Required.² -string - -value ² -string -Ö - io.k8s.api.core.v1.ResourceQuota± "FResourceQuota sets aggregate quota restrictions enforced per namespace² -objectÊ‚ - -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ò -metadataÅ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -à -specº -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ResourceQuotaSpec"ƒSpec defines the desired quota. https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status -ç -statusÜ -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ResourceQuotaStatus"£Status defines the actual enforced quota and its current usage. https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-statusúU -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind20- group: "" - kind: ResourceQuota - version: v1 - -¥ -%io.k8s.api.core.v1.SecretVolumeSourceû "íAdapts a Secret into a volume. - -The contents of the target Secret's Data field will be presented in a volume as files using the keys in the Data field as the file names. Secret volumes support ownership management and SELinux relabeling.² -objectÊü -ê - defaultModeÚint32"ÄOptional: mode bits used to set permissions on created files by default. Must be an octal value between 0000 and 0777 or a decimal value between 0 and 511. YAML accepts both octal and decimal values, JSON requires decimal values for mode bits. Defaults to 0644. Directories within the path are not affected by this setting. This might be in conflict with other options that affect the file mode, like fsGroup, and the result can be other mode bits set.² -integer -¤ -itemsš"ÜIf unspecified, each key-value pair in the Data field of the referenced Secret will be projected into the volume as a file whose name is the key and content is the value. If specified, the listed keys will be projected into the specified paths, and unlisted keys will not be present. If a key is specified which is not present in the Secret, the volume setup will error unless it is marked optional. Paths must be relative and may not contain the '..' path or start with '..'.² -arrayº. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.KeyToPath -P -optionalD"6Specify whether the Secret or its keys must be defined² -boolean -“ - -secretName„"wName of the secret in the pod's namespace to use. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#secret² -string -… -io.k8s.api.core.v1.Serviceæ "çService is a named abstraction of software service (for example, mysql) consisting of local port (for example 3306) that the proxy listens on, and the selector that determines which pods will answer requests sent through the proxy.² -objectÊ› - -þ -statusó -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ServiceStatus"ÀMost recently observed status of the service. Populated by the system. Read-only. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ò -metadataÅ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -Å -spec¼ -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ServiceSpec"‹Spec defines the behavior of a service. https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-statusúO -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind,*- group: "" - kind: Service - version: v1 - -Ý -)io.k8s.api.extensions.v1beta1.IngressRule¯ "ìIngressRule represents the rules mapping the paths under a specified host to the related backend services. Incoming requests are first evaluated for a host match, then routed to the backend associated with the matching IngressRuleValue.² -objectʱ -J -httpB -@#/definitions/io.k8s.api.extensions.v1beta1.HTTPIngressRuleValue -â - -hostÙ -"Ë -Host is the fully qualified domain name of a network host, as defined by RFC 3986. Note the following deviations from the "host" part of the URI as defined in RFC 3986: 1. IPs are not allowed. Currently an IngressRuleValue can only apply to - the IP in the Spec of the parent Ingress. -2. The `:` delimiter is not respected because ports are not allowed. - Currently the port of an Ingress is implicitly :80 for http and - :443 for https. -Both these may change in the future. Incoming requests are matched against the host before the IngressRuleValue. If the host is unspecified, the Ingress routes all traffic based on the specified IngressRuleValue. - -Host can be "precise" which is a domain name without the terminating dot of a network host (e.g. "foo.bar.com") or "wildcard", which is a domain name prefixed with a single wildcard label (e.g. "*.foo.com"). The wildcard character '*' must appear by itself as the first DNS label and matches only a single label. You cannot have a wildcard label by itself (e.g. Host == "*"). Requests will be matched against the Host field in the following way: 1. If Host is precise, the request matches this rule if the http host header is equal to Host. 2. If Host is a wildcard, then the request matches this rule if the http host header is to equal to the suffix (removing the first label) of the wildcard rule.² -string -ƒ -!io.k8s.api.core.v1.EndpointSubsetÝ"³EndpointSubset is a group of addresses with a common set of ports. The expanded set of endpoints is the Cartesian product of Addresses x Ports. For example, given: - { - Addresses: [{"ip": ""}, {"ip": ""}], - Ports: [{"name": "a", "port": 8675}, {"name": "b", "port": 309}] - } -The resulting set of endpoints can be viewed as: - a: [, ], - b: [, ]² -objectʘ -ë - addressesÝ"™IP addresses which offer the related ports that are marked as ready. These endpoints should be considered safe for load balancers and clients to utilize.² -arrayº4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.EndpointAddress -© -notReadyAddresses“"ÏIP addresses which offer the related ports but are not currently marked as ready because they have not yet finished starting, have recently failed a readiness check, or have recently failed a liveness check.² -arrayº4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.EndpointAddress -| -portss"3Port numbers available on the related IP addresses.² -arrayº1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.EndpointPort -ì -&io.k8s.api.core.v1.FlockerVolumeSourceÁ"ÃRepresents a Flocker volume mounted by the Flocker agent. One and only one of datasetName and datasetUUID should be set. Flocker volumes do not support ownership management or SELinux relabeling.² -objectÊì -ˆ - datasetNamey"lName of the dataset stored as metadata -> name on the dataset for Flocker should be considered as deprecated² -string -_ - datasetUUIDP"CUUID of the dataset. This is unique identifier of a Flocker dataset² -string -Œ -&io.k8s.api.storage.v1.VolumeAttachmentá "—VolumeAttachment captures the intent to attach or detach the specified volume to/from the specified node. - -VolumeAttachment objects are non-namespaced.šspec² -objectÊÊ -Ð -metadataà -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"Standard object metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -¤ -spec› -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.VolumeAttachmentSpec"_Specification of the desired attach/detach volume behavior. Populated by the Kubernetes system. -Ð -statusÅ -:#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.VolumeAttachmentStatus"†Status of the VolumeAttachment request. Populated by the entity completing the attach or detach operation, i.e. the external-attacher. -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -stringúd -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindA?- group: storage.k8s.io - kind: VolumeAttachment - version: v1 - - -!io.k8s.api.storage.v1.VolumeErrorê"DVolumeError captures an error encountered during a volume operation.² -objectÊ• -® -message¢"”String detailing the error encountered during Attach or Detach operation. This string may be logged, so it should not contain sensitive information.² -string -b -timeZ -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"Time the error was encountered. -í -1io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIGroupList·"RAPIGroupList is a list of APIGroup, to allow clients to discover the API at /apis.šgroups² -objectÊô -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -u -groupsk"groups is a list of APIGroup.² -arrayº? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIGroup -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -stringúT -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind1/- group: "" - kind: APIGroupList - version: v1 - -‡ -io.k8s.api.core.v1.Endpointsæ"ýEndpoints is a collection of endpoints that implement the actual service. Example: - Name: "mysvc", - Subsets: [ - { - Addresses: [{"ip": ""}, {"ip": ""}], - Ports: [{"name": "a", "port": 8675}, {"name": "b", "port": 309}] - }, - { - Addresses: [{"ip": ""}], - Ports: [{"name": "a", "port": 93}, {"name": "b", "port": 76}] - }, - ]² -objectʃ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ò -metadataÅ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -® -subsets¢"ßThe set of all endpoints is the union of all subsets. Addresses are placed into subsets according to the IPs they share. A single address with multiple ports, some of which are ready and some of which are not (because they come from different containers) will result in the address being displayed in different subsets for the different ports. No address will appear in both Addresses and NotReadyAddresses in the same subset. Sets of addresses and ports that comprise a service.² -arrayº3 -1 -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.EndpointSubsetúQ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind.,- group: "" - kind: Endpoints - version: v1 - -¢ - io.k8s.api.core.v1.ServiceStatusý"9ServiceStatus represents the current status of a service.² -objectʳ -” - -conditions…"Current service state² -arrayº@ -> -<#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Conditionú' -x-kubernetes-list-map-keys - type -ú -x-kubernetes-list-typemap -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keytype -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge - -™ - loadBalancerˆ -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.LoadBalancerStatus"QLoadBalancer contains the current status of the load-balancer, if one is present. - -!io.k8s.api.core.v1.LimitRangeSpec÷"NLimitRangeSpec defines a min/max usage limit for resources that match on kind.šlimits² -objectÊ -Œ -limits"?Limits is the list of LimitRangeItem objects that are enforced.² -arrayº3 -1 -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.LimitRangeItem -½ --io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.HTTPIngressPath‹ "oHTTPIngressPath associates a path with a backend. Incoming urls matching the path are forwarded to the backend.šbackend² -objectÊ -¤ -backend˜ -:#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.IngressBackend"ZBackend defines the referenced service endpoint to which the traffic will be forwarded to. -ž -path•"‡Path is matched against the path of an incoming request. Currently it can contain characters disallowed from the conventional "path" part of a URL as defined by RFC 3986. Paths must begin with a '/'. When unspecified, all paths from incoming requests are matched.² -string -¶ -pathType©"›PathType determines the interpretation of the Path matching. PathType can be one of the following values: * Exact: Matches the URL path exactly. * Prefix: Matches based on a URL path prefix split by '/'. Matching is - done on a path element by element basis. A path element refers is the - list of labels in the path split by the '/' separator. A request is a - match for path p if every p is an element-wise prefix of p of the - request path. Note that if the last element of the path is a substring - of the last element in request path, it is not a match (e.g. /foo/bar - matches /foo/bar/baz, but does not match /foo/barbaz). -* ImplementationSpecific: Interpretation of the Path matching is up to - the IngressClass. Implementations can treat this as a separate PathType - or treat it identically to Prefix or Exact path types. -Implementations are required to support all path types. Defaults to ImplementationSpecific.² -string -ý -+io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodSecurityPolicyÍ "˜PodSecurityPolicy governs the ability to make requests that affect the Security Context that will be applied to a pod and container. Deprecated in 1.21.² -objectʾ -j -specb -=#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodSecurityPolicySpec"!spec defines the policy enforced. -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ò -metadataÅ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadataúb -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind?=- group: policy - kind: PodSecurityPolicy - version: v1beta1 - -á -&io.k8s.api.scheduling.v1.PriorityClass¶"{PriorityClass defines mapping from a priority class name to the priority integer value. The value can be any valid integer.švalue² -objectÊ» -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ò -metadataÅ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -„ -preemptionPolicyï"áPreemptionPolicy is the Policy for preempting pods with lower priority. One of Never, PreemptLowerPriority. Defaults to PreemptLowerPriority if unset. This field is beta-level, gated by the NonPreemptingPriority feature-gate.² -string -¨ -valuežint32"ˆThe value of this priority class. This is the actual priority that pods receive when they have the name of this class in their pod spec.² -integer -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -‹ - description|"odescription is an arbitrary string that usually provides guidelines on when this priority class should be used.² -string -¦ - globalDefault”"…globalDefault specifies whether this PriorityClass should be considered as the default priority for pods that do not have any priority class. Only one PriorityClass can be marked as `globalDefault`. However, if more than one PriorityClasses exists with their `globalDefault` field set to true, the smallest value of such global default PriorityClasses will be used as the default priority.² -booleanúd -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindA?- group: scheduling.k8s.io - kind: PriorityClass - version: v1 - -ö -4io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.SubjectRulesReviewStatus½ "çSubjectRulesReviewStatus contains the result of a rules check. This check can be incomplete depending on the set of authorizers the server is configured with and any errors experienced during evaluation. Because authorization rules are additive, if a rule appears in a list it's safe to assume the subject has that permission, even if that list is incomplete.š resourceRulesšnonResourceRulesš -incomplete² -objectÊ” -Œ -evaluationErrorø"êEvaluationError can appear in combination with Rules. It indicates an error occurred during rule evaluation, such as an authorizer that doesn't support rule evaluation, and that ResourceRules and/or NonResourceRules may be incomplete.² -string -Ý - -incompleteÎ"¿Incomplete is true when the rules returned by this call are incomplete. This is most commonly encountered when an authorizer, such as an external authorizer, doesn't support rules evaluation.² -boolean -– -nonResourceRules"´NonResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on non-resources. The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.² -arrayº= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.NonResourceRule -‰ - resourceRules÷"­ResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources. The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.² -arrayº: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.ResourceRule -‰ -0io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.NonResourceRuleÔ"LNonResourceRule holds information that describes a rule for the non-resourcešverbs² -objectÊï -Ë -nonResourceURLs·"šNonResourceURLs is a set of partial urls that a user should have access to. *s are allowed, but only as the full, final step in the path. "*" means all.² -arrayº - ² -string -ž -verbs”"xVerb is a list of kubernetes non-resource API verbs, like: get, post, put, delete, patch, head, options. "*" means all.² -arrayº - ² -string -­ -:io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.HorizontalPodAutoscalerSpecî"_HorizontalPodAutoscalerSpec describes the desired functionality of the HorizontalPodAutoscaler.šscaleTargetRefš maxReplicas² -objectÊß -® -behavior¡ -L#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.HorizontalPodAutoscalerBehavior"Ðbehavior configures the scaling behavior of the target in both Up and Down directions (scaleUp and scaleDown fields respectively). If not set, the default HPAScalingRules for scale up and scale down are used. -© - maxReplicas™int32"ƒmaxReplicas is the upper limit for the number of replicas to which the autoscaler can scale up. It cannot be less that minReplicas.² -integer - -metricsõ"ªmetrics contains the specifications for which to use to calculate the desired replica count (the maximum replica count across all metrics will be used). The desired replica count is calculated multiplying the ratio between the target value and the current value by the current number of pods. Ergo, metrics used must decrease as the pod count is increased, and vice-versa. See the individual metric source types for more information about how each type of metric must respond. If not set, the default metric will be set to 80% average CPU utilization.² -arrayº; -9 -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.MetricSpec -ò - minReplicasâint32"ÌminReplicas is the lower limit for the number of replicas to which the autoscaler can scale down. It defaults to 1 pod. minReplicas is allowed to be 0 if the alpha feature gate HPAScaleToZero is enabled and at least one Object or External metric is configured. Scaling is active as long as at least one metric value is available.² -integer -† -scaleTargetRefó -H#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.CrossVersionObjectReference"¦scaleTargetRef points to the target resource to scale, and is used to the pods for which metrics should be collected, as well as to actually change the replica count. -» -"io.k8s.api.core.v1.EndpointAddress”" -type6")Type of replication controller condition.² -string -• -lastTransitionTime -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"DThe last time the condition transitioned from one status to another. -Y -messageN"AA human readable message indicating details about the transition.² -string -F -reason<"/The reason for the condition's last transition.² -string -å -'io.k8s.api.core.v1.ConfigMapKeySelector¹"Selects a key from a ConfigMap.škey² -objectʃ -& -key"The key to select.² -string -„ -name|"oName of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names² -string -R -optionalF"8Specify whether the ConfigMap or its key must be defined² -boolean -Æ -,io.k8s.api.core.v1.ConfigMapNodeConfigSource•"lConfigMapNodeConfigSource contains the information to reference a ConfigMap as a config source for the Node.š namespacešnameškubeletConfigKey² -objectÊò -¹ -kubeletConfigKey¤"–KubeletConfigKey declares which key of the referenced ConfigMap corresponds to the KubeletConfiguration structure This field is required in all cases.² -string -p -nameh"[Name is the metadata.name of the referenced ConfigMap. This field is required in all cases.² -string - - namespacer"eNamespace is the metadata.namespace of the referenced ConfigMap. This field is required in all cases.² -string -± -resourceVersion"ResourceVersion is the metadata.ResourceVersion of the referenced ConfigMap. This field is forbidden in Node.Spec, and required in Node.Status.² -string -Œ -uid„"wUID is the metadata.UID of the referenced ConfigMap. This field is forbidden in Node.Spec, and required in Node.Status.² -string -à -(io.k8s.api.core.v1.StorageOSVolumeSource³ "2Represents a StorageOS persistent volume resource.² -objectÊð -À -fsTypeµ"§Filesystem type to mount. Must be a filesystem type supported by the host operating system. Ex. "ext4", "xfs", "ntfs". Implicitly inferred to be "ext4" if unspecified.² -string -x -readOnlyl"^Defaults to false (read/write). ReadOnly here will force the ReadOnly setting in VolumeMounts.² -boolean -Ï - secretRefÁ -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.LocalObjectReference"‡SecretRef specifies the secret to use for obtaining the StorageOS API credentials. If not specified, default values will be attempted. -‹ - -volumeName}"pVolumeName is the human-readable name of the StorageOS volume. Volume names are only unique within a namespace.² -string -Ð -volumeNamespace¼"®VolumeNamespace specifies the scope of the volume within StorageOS. If no namespace is specified then the Pod's namespace will be used. This allows the Kubernetes name scoping to be mirrored within StorageOS for tighter integration. Set VolumeName to any name to override the default behaviour. Set to "default" if you are not using namespaces within StorageOS. Namespaces that do not pre-exist within StorageOS will be created.² -string -Û -"io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.Eviction´ "ÒEviction evicts a pod from its node subject to certain policies and safety constraints. This is a subresource of Pod. A request to cause such an eviction is created by POSTing to .../pods//evictions.² -objectÊô -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -r - deleteOptionsa -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptions"DeleteOptions may be provided -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -€ -metadatat -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"3ObjectMeta describes the pod that is being evicted.úY -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind64- group: policy - kind: Eviction - version: v1beta1 - -  -+io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.VolumeAttachmentð "—VolumeAttachment captures the intent to attach or detach the specified volume to/from the specified node. - -VolumeAttachment objects are non-namespaced.šspec² -objectÊÔ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ð -metadataà -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"Standard object metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -© -spec  -=#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.VolumeAttachmentSpec"_Specification of the desired attach/detach volume behavior. Populated by the Kubernetes system. -Õ -statusÊ -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.VolumeAttachmentStatus"†Status of the VolumeAttachment request. Populated by the entity completing the attach or detach operation, i.e. the external-attacher.úi -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindFD- group: storage.k8s.io - kind: VolumeAttachment - version: v1beta1 - -å -Uio.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceDefinitionSpec‹"PCustomResourceDefinitionSpec describes how a user wants their resource to appearšgroupšnamesšscopešversions² -objectʇ -¥ - -conversion– -_#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceConversion"3conversion defines conversion settings for the CRD. -å -groupÛ"Ígroup is the API group of the defined custom resource. The custom resources are served under `/apis//...`. Must match the name of the CustomResourceDefinition (in the form `.`).² -string -´ -namesª -d#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceDefinitionNames"Bnames specify the resource and kind names for the custom resource. -© -preserveUnknownFields"€preserveUnknownFields indicates that object fields which are not specified in the OpenAPI schema should be preserved when persisting to storage. apiVersion, kind, metadata and known fields inside metadata are always preserved. This field is deprecated in favor of setting `x-preserve-unknown-fields` to true in `spec.versions[*].schema.openAPIV3Schema`. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-kubernetes-api/custom-resources/custom-resource-definitions/#pruning-versus-preserving-unknown-fields for details.² -boolean -› -scope‘"ƒscope indicates whether the defined custom resource is cluster- or namespace-scoped. Allowed values are `Cluster` and `Namespaced`.² -string -ó -versionsæ"ìversions is the list of all API versions of the defined custom resource. Version names are used to compute the order in which served versions are listed in API discovery. If the version string is "kube-like", it will sort above non "kube-like" version strings, which are ordered lexicographically. "Kube-like" versions start with a "v", then are followed by a number (the major version), then optionally the string "alpha" or "beta" and another number (the minor version). These are sorted first by GA > beta > alpha (where GA is a version with no suffix such as beta or alpha), and then by comparing major version, then minor version. An example sorted list of versions: v10, v2, v1, v11beta2, v10beta3, v3beta1, v12alpha1, v11alpha2, foo1, foo10.² -arrayºj -h -f#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceDefinitionVersion -Ö -4io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1.ServiceReference";ServiceReference holds a reference to Service.legacy.k8s.ioš namespacešname² -objectʾ -@ -name8"+`name` is the name of the service. Required² -string -O - namespaceB"5`namespace` is the namespace of the service. Required² -string -f -path^"Q`path` is an optional URL path which will be sent in any request to this service.² -string -À -port·int32"¡If specified, the port on the service that hosting webhook. Default to 443 for backward compatibility. `port` should be a valid port number (1-65535, inclusive).² -integer -¾ -/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.PodsMetricSourceŠ"åPodsMetricSource indicates how to scale on a metric describing each pod in the current scale target (for example, transactions-processed-per-second). The values will be averaged together before being compared to the target value.š -metricNameštargetAverageValue² -objectÊñ -K - -metricName="0metricName is the name of the metric in question² -string -Ü -selectorÏ -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelector"Šselector is the string-encoded form of a standard kubernetes label selector for the given metric When set, it is passed as an additional parameter to the metrics server for more specific metrics scoping When unset, just the metricName will be used to gather metrics. - -targetAverageValue« -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantity"ltargetAverageValue is the target value of the average of the metric across all relevant pods (as a quantity) -Å --io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta“"£ListMeta describes metadata that synthetic resources must have, including lists and various status objects. A resource may have only one of {ObjectMeta, ListMeta}.² -objectÊÞ -ä -continue×"Écontinue may be set if the user set a limit on the number of items returned, and indicates that the server has more data available. The value is opaque and may be used to issue another request to the endpoint that served this list to retrieve the next set of available objects. Continuing a consistent list may not be possible if the server configuration has changed or more than a few minutes have passed. The resourceVersion field returned when using this continue value will be identical to the value in the first response, unless you have received this token from an error message.² -string -ß -remainingItemCountÈint64"²remainingItemCount is the number of subsequent items in the list which are not included in this list response. If the list request contained label or field selectors, then the number of remaining items is unknown and the field will be left unset and omitted during serialization. If the list is complete (either because it is not chunking or because this is the last chunk), then there are no more remaining items and this field will be left unset and omitted during serialization. Servers older than v1.15 do not set this field. The intended use of the remainingItemCount is *estimating* the size of a collection. Clients should not rely on the remainingItemCount to be set or to be exact.² -integer -¥ -resourceVersion‘"ƒString that identifies the server's internal version of this object that can be used by clients to determine when objects have changed. Value must be treated as opaque by clients and passed unmodified back to the server. Populated by the system. Read-only. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#concurrency-control-and-consistency² -string -ê -selfLinkÝ"ÏselfLink is a URL representing this object. Populated by the system. Read-only. - -DEPRECATED Kubernetes will stop propagating this field in 1.20 release and the field is planned to be removed in 1.21 release.² -string -ô -io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeØ "iNode is a worker node in Kubernetes. Each node will have a unique identifier in the cache (i.e. in etcd).² -objectÊ - -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ò -metadataÅ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -¿ -spec¶ -)#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeSpec"ˆSpec defines the behavior of a node. https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status -ø -statusí -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeStatus"½Most recently observed status of the node. Populated by the system. Read-only. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-statusúL -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind)'- group: "" - kind: Node - version: v1 - -ý -,io.k8s.api.core.v1.RBDPersistentVolumeSourceÌ "ˆRepresents a Rados Block Device mount that lasts the lifetime of a pod. RBD volumes support ownership management and SELinux relabeling.šmonitorsšimage² -objectÊŸ -€ -poolx"kThe rados pool name. Default is rbd. More info: https://examples.k8s.io/volumes/rbd/README.md#how-to-use-it² -string -´ -readOnly§"˜ReadOnly here will force the ReadOnly setting in VolumeMounts. Defaults to false. More info: https://examples.k8s.io/volumes/rbd/README.md#how-to-use-it² -boolean -ô - secretRefæ -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.SecretReference"±SecretRef is name of the authentication secret for RBDUser. If provided overrides keyring. Default is nil. More info: https://examples.k8s.io/volumes/rbd/README.md#how-to-use-it -‚ -userz"mThe rados user name. Default is admin. More info: https://examples.k8s.io/volumes/rbd/README.md#how-to-use-it² -string -³ -fsType¨"šFilesystem type of the volume that you want to mount. Tip: Ensure that the filesystem type is supported by the host operating system. Examples: "ext4", "xfs", "ntfs". Implicitly inferred to be "ext4" if unspecified. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#rbd² -string -r -imagei"\The rados image name. More info: https://examples.k8s.io/volumes/rbd/README.md#how-to-use-it² -string -« -keyringŸ"‘Keyring is the path to key ring for RBDUser. Default is /etc/ceph/keyring. More info: https://examples.k8s.io/volumes/rbd/README.md#how-to-use-it² -string -Ž -monitors"eA collection of Ceph monitors. More info: https://examples.k8s.io/volumes/rbd/README.md#how-to-use-it² -arrayº - ² -string -ë -%io.k8s.api.events.v1beta1.EventSeriesÁ"qEventSeries contain information on series of events, i.e. thing that was/is happening continuously for some time.šcountšlastObservedTime² -objectʤ -n -counteint32"Pcount is the number of occurrences in this series up to the last heartbeat time.² -integer -± -lastObservedTimeœ -<#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.MicroTime"\lastObservedTime is the time when last Event from the series was seen before last heartbeat. -ù -,io.k8s.api.policy.v1.PodDisruptionBudgetSpecÈ"BPodDisruptionBudgetSpec is a description of a PodDisruptionBudget.² -objectÊõ -Ç - minAvailable¶ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.util.intstr.IntOrString"ôAn eviction is allowed if at least "minAvailable" pods selected by "selector" will still be available after the eviction, i.e. even in the absence of the evicted pod. So for example you can prevent all voluntary evictions by specifying "100%". -µ -selector¨ -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelector"·Label query over pods whose evictions are managed by the disruption budget. A null selector will match no pods, while an empty ({}) selector will select all pods within the namespace.ú) -x-kubernetes-patch-strategy -replace - -ð -maxUnavailableÝ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.util.intstr.IntOrString"›An eviction is allowed if at most "maxUnavailable" pods selected by "selector" are unavailable after the eviction, i.e. even in absence of the evicted pod. For example, one can prevent all voluntary evictions by specifying 0. This is a mutually exclusive setting with "minAvailable". -ê -Sio.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceSubresources’"YCustomResourceSubresources defines the status and scale subresources for CustomResources.² -objectʨ -é -scaleß -e#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceSubresourceScale"vscale indicates the custom resource should serve a `/scale` subresource that returns an `autoscaling/v1` Scale object. -¹ -status® -f#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceSubresourceStatus"Ãstatus indicates the custom resource should serve a `/status` subresource. When enabled: 1. requests to the custom resource primary endpoint ignore changes to the `status` stanza of the object. 2. requests to the custom resource `/status` subresource ignore changes to anything other than the `status` stanza of the object. - -Fio.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1.APIServiceConditionÒ"NAPIServiceCondition describes the state of an APIService at a particular pointštypešstatus² -objectÊã -‘ -lastTransitionTime{ -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"@Last time the condition transitioned from one status to another. -X -messageM"@Human-readable message indicating details about last transition.² -string -^ -reasonT"GUnique, one-word, CamelCase reason for the condition's last transition.² -string -Z -statusP"CStatus is the status of the condition. Can be True, False, Unknown.² -string -7 -type/""Type is the type of the condition.² -string -Ù -io.k8s.api.batch.v1.CronJob¹ ":CronJob represents the configuration of a single cron job.² -objectÊ™ - -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ò -metadataÅ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -ö -specí --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.CronJobSpec"»Specification of the desired behavior of a cron job, including the schedule. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status -Ë -statusÀ -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.CronJobStatus"ŒCurrent status of a cron job. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -stringúR -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind/-- group: batch - kind: CronJob - version: v1 - -¦ -+io.k8s.api.core.v1.ContainerStateTerminatedö">ContainerStateTerminated is a terminated state of a container.šexitCode² -objectÊœ - - startedAtt -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"9Time at which previous execution of the container started -R - containerIDC"6Container's ID in the format 'docker://'² -string -W -exitCodeKint32"6Exit status from the last termination of the container² -integer -t - -finishedAtf -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"+Time at which the container last terminated -O -messageD"7Message regarding the last termination of the container² -string -P -reasonF"9(brief) reason from the last termination of the container² -string -P -signalFint32"1Signal from the last termination of the container² -integer -$ -io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodStatusï#"¶PodStatus represents information about the status of a pod. Status may trail the actual state of a system, especially if the node that hosts the pod cannot contact the control plane.² -objectʧ" -g -hostIP]"PIP address of the host to which the pod is assigned. Empty if not yet scheduled.² -string -Û - startTimeÍ -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"‘RFC 3339 date and time at which the object was acknowledged by the Kubelet. This is before the Kubelet pulled the container image(s) for the pod. -x -podIPo"bIP address allocated to the pod. Routable at least within the cluster. Empty if not yet allocated.² -string -› - -conditionsŒ"xCurrent service state of pod. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#pod-conditions² -arrayº1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodConditionú' -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keytype -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge - -¬ -containerStatuses–"ÒThe list has one entry per container in the manifest. Each entry is currently the output of `docker inspect`. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#pod-and-container-status² -arrayº4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ContainerStatus -‰ -ephemeralContainerStatusesê"¦Status for any ephemeral containers that have run in this pod. This field is alpha-level and is only populated by servers that enable the EphemeralContainers feature.² -arrayº4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ContainerStatus -ü -initContainerStatusesâ"žThe list has one entry per init container in the manifest. The most recent successful init container will have ready = true, the most recently started container will have startTime set. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#pod-and-container-status² -arrayº4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ContainerStatus -k -message`"SA human readable message indicating details about why the pod is in this condition.² -string -Í -nominatedNodeName·"©nominatedNodeName is set only when this pod preempts other pods on the node, but it cannot be scheduled right away as preemption victims receive their graceful termination periods. This field does not guarantee that the pod will be scheduled on this node. Scheduler may decide to place the pod elsewhere if other nodes become available sooner. Scheduler may also decide to give the resources on this node to a higher priority pod that is created after preemption. As a result, this field may be different than PodSpec.nodeName when the pod is scheduled.² -string -Æ -phase¼ "® The phase of a Pod is a simple, high-level summary of where the Pod is in its lifecycle. The conditions array, the reason and message fields, and the individual container status arrays contain more detail about the pod's status. There are five possible phase values: - -Pending: The pod has been accepted by the Kubernetes system, but one or more of the container images has not been created. This includes time before being scheduled as well as time spent downloading images over the network, which could take a while. Running: The pod has been bound to a node, and all of the containers have been created. At least one container is still running, or is in the process of starting or restarting. Succeeded: All containers in the pod have terminated in success, and will not be restarted. Failed: All containers in the pod have terminated, and at least one container has terminated in failure. The container either exited with non-zero status or was terminated by the system. Unknown: For some reason the state of the pod could not be obtained, typically due to an error in communicating with the host of the pod. - -More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#pod-phase² -string -‡ -podIPsü"ðpodIPs holds the IP addresses allocated to the pod. If this field is specified, the 0th entry must match the podIP field. Pods may be allocated at most 1 value for each of IPv4 and IPv6. This list is empty if no IPs have been allocated yet.² -arrayº* -( -&#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodIPú% -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keyip -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge - -ƒ -qosClassö"èThe Quality of Service (QOS) classification assigned to the pod based on resource requirements See PodQOSClass type for available QOS classes More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/design-proposals/node/resource-qos.md² -string -v -reasonl"_A brief CamelCase message indicating details about why the pod is in this state. e.g. 'Evicted'² -string -Ì -\io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.CustomResourceDefinitionStatusë"RCustomResourceDefinitionStatus indicates the state of the CustomResourceDefinition² -objectʈ -ù - acceptedNamesç -i#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.CustomResourceDefinitionNames"zacceptedNames are the names that are actually being used to serve discovery. They may be different than the names in spec. -ª - -conditions›"Nconditions indicate state for particular aspects of a CustomResourceDefinition² -arrayºq -o -m#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.CustomResourceDefinitionConditionú -x-kubernetes-list-typemap -ú' -x-kubernetes-list-map-keys - type - -Ü -storedVersionsÉ"¬storedVersions lists all versions of CustomResources that were ever persisted. Tracking these versions allows a migration path for stored versions in etcd. The field is mutable so a migration controller can finish a migration to another version (ensuring no old objects are left in storage), and then remove the rest of the versions from this list. Versions may not be removed from `spec.versions` while they exist in this list.² -arrayº - ² -string -´4 -3io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1.MutatingWebhookü3"^MutatingWebhook describes an admission webhook and the resources and operations it applies to.šnameš clientConfigš sideEffectsšadmissionReviewVersions² -objectÊÏ2 -œ -timeoutSeconds‰int32"óTimeoutSeconds specifies the timeout for this webhook. After the timeout passes, the webhook call will be ignored or the API call will fail based on the failure policy. The timeout value must be between 1 and 30 seconds. Default to 10 seconds.² -integer -– -admissionReviewVersionsú"ÝAdmissionReviewVersions is an ordered list of preferred `AdmissionReview` versions the Webhook expects. API server will try to use first version in the list which it supports. If none of the versions specified in this list supported by API server, validation will fail for this object. If a persisted webhook configuration specifies allowed versions and does not include any versions known to the API Server, calls to the webhook will fail and be subject to the failure policy.² -arrayº - ² -string -¬ - failurePolicyš"ŒFailurePolicy defines how unrecognized errors from the admission endpoint are handled - allowed values are Ignore or Fail. Defaults to Fail.² -string -é -objectSelectorÖ -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelector"‘ObjectSelector decides whether to run the webhook based on if the object has matching labels. objectSelector is evaluated against both the oldObject and newObject that would be sent to the webhook, and is considered to match if either object matches the selector. A null object (oldObject in the case of create, or newObject in the case of delete) or an object that cannot have labels (like a DeploymentRollback or a PodProxyOptions object) is not considered to match. Use the object selector only if the webhook is opt-in, because end users may skip the admission webhook by setting the labels. Default to the empty LabelSelector, which matches everything. -é -rulesß"‡Rules describes what operations on what resources/subresources the webhook cares about. The webhook cares about an operation if it matches _any_ Rule. However, in order to prevent ValidatingAdmissionWebhooks and MutatingAdmissionWebhooks from putting the cluster in a state which cannot be recovered from without completely disabling the plugin, ValidatingAdmissionWebhooks and MutatingAdmissionWebhooks are never called on admission requests for ValidatingWebhookConfiguration and MutatingWebhookConfiguration objects.² -arrayºH -F -D#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1.RuleWithOperations - -reinvocationPolicyù"ëreinvocationPolicy indicates whether this webhook should be called multiple times as part of a single admission evaluation. Allowed values are "Never" and "IfNeeded". - -Never: the webhook will not be called more than once in a single admission evaluation. - -IfNeeded: the webhook will be called at least one additional time as part of the admission evaluation if the object being admitted is modified by other admission plugins after the initial webhook call. Webhooks that specify this option *must* be idempotent, able to process objects they previously admitted. Note: * the number of additional invocations is not guaranteed to be exactly one. * if additional invocations result in further modifications to the object, webhooks are not guaranteed to be invoked again. * webhooks that use this option may be reordered to minimize the number of additional invocations. * to validate an object after all mutations are guaranteed complete, use a validating admission webhook instead. - -Defaults to "Never".² -string -õ - sideEffectså"×SideEffects states whether this webhook has side effects. Acceptable values are: None, NoneOnDryRun (webhooks created via v1beta1 may also specify Some or Unknown). Webhooks with side effects MUST implement a reconciliation system, since a request may be rejected by a future step in the admission chain and the side effects therefore need to be undone. Requests with the dryRun attribute will be auto-rejected if they match a webhook with sideEffects == Unknown or Some.² -string -™ - clientConfigˆ -E#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1.WebhookClientConfig"?ClientConfig defines how to communicate with the hook. Required -œ - matchPolicyŒ"þmatchPolicy defines how the "rules" list is used to match incoming requests. Allowed values are "Exact" or "Equivalent". - -- Exact: match a request only if it exactly matches a specified rule. For example, if deployments can be modified via apps/v1, apps/v1beta1, and extensions/v1beta1, but "rules" only included `apiGroups:["apps"], apiVersions:["v1"], resources: ["deployments"]`, a request to apps/v1beta1 or extensions/v1beta1 would not be sent to the webhook. - -- Equivalent: match a request if modifies a resource listed in rules, even via another API group or version. For example, if deployments can be modified via apps/v1, apps/v1beta1, and extensions/v1beta1, and "rules" only included `apiGroups:["apps"], apiVersions:["v1"], resources: ["deployments"]`, a request to apps/v1beta1 or extensions/v1beta1 would be converted to apps/v1 and sent to the webhook. - -Defaults to "Equivalent"² -string -ç -nameÞ"ÐThe name of the admission webhook. Name should be fully qualified, e.g., imagepolicy.kubernetes.io, where "imagepolicy" is the name of the webhook, and kubernetes.io is the name of the organization. Required.² -string -Ý -namespaceSelectorÇ -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelector"‚ NamespaceSelector decides whether to run the webhook on an object based on whether the namespace for that object matches the selector. If the object itself is a namespace, the matching is performed on object.metadata.labels. If the object is another cluster scoped resource, it never skips the webhook. - -For example, to run the webhook on any objects whose namespace is not associated with "runlevel" of "0" or "1"; you will set the selector as follows: "namespaceSelector": { - "matchExpressions": [ - { - "key": "runlevel", - "operator": "NotIn", - "values": [ - "0", - "1" - ] - } - ] -} - -If instead you want to only run the webhook on any objects whose namespace is associated with the "environment" of "prod" or "staging"; you will set the selector as follows: "namespaceSelector": { - "matchExpressions": [ - { - "key": "environment", - "operator": "In", - "values": [ - "prod", - "staging" - ] - } - ] -} - -See https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/ for more examples of label selectors. - -Default to the empty LabelSelector, which matches everything. -· - io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DaemonSetSpec’ "3DaemonSetSpec is the specification of a daemon set.šselectorštemplate² -objectʸ - -’ -minReadySecondsþint32"èThe minimum number of seconds for which a newly created DaemonSet pod should be ready without any of its container crashing, for it to be considered available. Defaults to 0 (pod will be considered available as soon as it is ready).² -integer -¿ -revisionHistoryLimit¦int32"The number of old history to retain to allow rollback. This is a pointer to distinguish between explicit zero and not specified. Defaults to 10.² -integer -Á -selector´ -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelector"ïA label query over pods that are managed by the daemon set. Must match in order to be controlled. It must match the pod template's labels. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/#label-selectors -„ -template÷ -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodTemplateSpec"ÂAn object that describes the pod that will be created. The DaemonSet will create exactly one copy of this pod on every node that matches the template's node selector (or on every node if no node selector is specified). More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/replicationcontroller#pod-template -“ -updateStrategy€ -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DaemonSetUpdateStrategy"DAn update strategy to replace existing DaemonSet pods with new pods. -Ö -io.k8s.api.core.v1.VolumeDevice²"JvolumeDevice describes a mapping of a raw block device within a container.šnameš -devicePath² -objectÊà -l - -devicePath^"QdevicePath is the path inside of the container that the device will be mapped to.² -string -S -nameK">name must match the name of a persistentVolumeClaim in the pod² -string -© -*io.k8s.api.scheduling.v1.PriorityClassListú"6PriorityClassList is a collection of priority classes.šitems² -objectÊÀ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -t -itemsk"$items is the list of PriorityClasses² -arrayº8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.scheduling.v1.PriorityClass -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ê -metadata½ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"~Standard list metadata More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadataúh -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindEC- version: v1 - group: scheduling.k8s.io - kind: PriorityClassList - -¶ -*io.k8s.api.storage.v1.VolumeAttachmentList‡ "AVolumeAttachmentList is a collection of VolumeAttachment objects.šitems² -objectÊ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -v -itemsm"&Items is the list of VolumeAttachments² -arrayº8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.VolumeAttachment -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ê -metadata½ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"~Standard list metadata More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadataúh -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindEC- group: storage.k8s.io - kind: VolumeAttachmentList - version: v1 - -« -Vio.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.CustomResourceDefinitionÐ "…CustomResourceDefinition represents a resource that should be exposed on the API server. Its name MUST be in the format <.spec.name>.<.spec.group>. Deprecated in v1.16, planned for removal in v1.22. Use apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 CustomResourceDefinition instead.šspec² -objectʸ -K -metadata? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta -® -spec¥ -h#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.CustomResourceDefinitionSpec"9spec describes how the user wants the resources to appear -º -status¯ -j#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.CustomResourceDefinitionStatus"Astatus indicates the actual state of the CustomResourceDefinition -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -stringúw -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindTR- kind: CustomResourceDefinition - version: v1beta1 - group: apiextensions.k8s.io - -Ü - --io.k8s.api.authentication.v1beta1.TokenReviewª -"§TokenReview attempts to authenticate a token to a known user. Note: TokenReview requests may be cached by the webhook token authenticator plugin in the kube-apiserver.šspec² -objectÊü -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -K -metadata? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta -ƒ -spec{ -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authentication.v1beta1.TokenReviewSpec"8Spec holds information about the request being evaluated -© -statusž -A#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authentication.v1beta1.TokenReviewStatus"YStatus is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request can be authenticated.úk -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindHF- group: authentication.k8s.io - kind: TokenReview - version: v1beta1 - -ì -+io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.MetricStatus¼">MetricStatus describes the last-read state of a single metric.štype² -objectÊæ -ô -externalç -A#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.ExternalMetricStatus"¡external refers to a global metric that is not associated with any Kubernetes object. It allows autoscaling based on information coming from components running outside of cluster (for example length of queue in cloud messaging service, or QPS from loadbalancer running outside of cluster). - -object· -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.ObjectMetricStatus"tobject refers to a metric describing a single kubernetes object (for example, hits-per-second on an Ingress object). -• -podsŒ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.PodsMetricStatus"Êpods refers to a metric describing each pod in the current scale target (for example, transactions-processed-per-second). The values will be averaged together before being compared to the target value. -™ -resourceŒ -A#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.ResourceMetricStatus"Æresource refers to a resource metric (such as those specified in requests and limits) known to Kubernetes describing each pod in the current scale target (e.g. CPU or memory). Such metrics are built in to Kubernetes, and have special scaling options on top of those available to normal per-pod metrics using the "pods" source. -¥ -typeœ"Žtype is the type of metric source. It will be one of "ContainerResource", "External", "Object", "Pods" or "Resource", each corresponds to a matching field in the object. Note: "ContainerResource" type is available on when the feature-gate HPAContainerMetrics is enabled² -string -Ë -containerResourceµ -J#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.ContainerResourceMetricStatus"æcontainer resource refers to a resource metric (such as those specified in requests and limits) known to Kubernetes describing a single container in each pod in the current scale target (e.g. CPU or memory). Such metrics are built in to Kubernetes, and have special scaling options on top of those available to normal per-pod metrics using the "pods" source. -  -%io.k8s.api.core.v1.ComponentConditionö"/Information about the condition of a component.štypešstatus² -objectʦ -s -messageh"[Message about the condition for a component. For example, information about a health check.² -string -z -statusp"cStatus of the condition for a component. Valid values for "Healthy": "True", "False", or "Unknown".² -string -N -typeF"9Type of condition for a component. Valid value: "Healthy"² -string -c -errorZ"MCondition error code for a component. For example, a health check error code.² -string -ž -(io.k8s.api.core.v1.ProjectedVolumeSourceñ"$Represents a projected volume source² -objectʼ -Î - defaultMode¾int32"¨Mode bits used to set permissions on created files by default. Must be an octal value between 0000 and 0777 or a decimal value between 0 and 511. YAML accepts both octal and decimal values, JSON requires decimal values for mode bits. Directories within the path are not affected by this setting. This might be in conflict with other options that affect the file mode, like fsGroup, and the result can be other mode bits set.² -integer -i -sources^"list of volume projections² -arrayº5 -3 -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.VolumeProjection - -*io.k8s.api.discovery.v1beta1.EndpointHintsà"KEndpointHints provides hints describing how an endpoint should be consumed.² -objectÊ„ - -forZonesô"ˆforZones indicates the zone(s) this endpoint should be consumed by to enable topology aware routing. May contain a maximum of 8 entries.² -arrayº6 -4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.discovery.v1beta1.ForZoneú# -x-kubernetes-list-type atomic - -Ÿ -3io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.QueuingConfigurationç -"CQueuingConfiguration holds the configuration parameters for queuing² -objectÊ“ - -¢ -handSize•int32"ÿ`handSize` is a small positive number that configures the shuffle sharding of requests into queues. When enqueuing a request at this priority level the request's flow identifier (a string pair) is hashed and the hash value is used to shuffle the list of queues and deal a hand of the size specified here. The request is put into one of the shortest queues in that hand. `handSize` must be no larger than `queues`, and should be significantly smaller (so that a few heavy flows do not saturate most of the queues). See the user-facing documentation for more extensive guidance on setting this field. This field has a default value of 8.² -integer -“ -queueLengthLimitþint32"è`queueLengthLimit` is the maximum number of requests allowed to be waiting in a given queue of this priority level at a time; excess requests are rejected. This value must be positive. If not specified, it will be defaulted to 50.² -integer -Õ -queuesÊint32"´`queues` is the number of queues for this priority level. The queues exist independently at each apiserver. The value must be positive. Setting it to 1 effectively precludes shufflesharding and thus makes the distinguisher method of associated flow schemas irrelevant. This field has a default value of 64.² -integer -š -&io.k8s.api.storage.v1.StorageClassListï"4StorageClassList is a collection of storage classes.šitems² -objectÊ» -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ê -metadata½ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"~Standard list metadata More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -o -itemsf"#Items is the list of StorageClasses² -arrayº4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.StorageClassúd -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindA?- group: storage.k8s.io - kind: StorageClassList - version: v1 - -ú -.<.spec.group>.šspec² -objectÊ® -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -K -metadata? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta -© -spec  -c#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceDefinitionSpec"9spec describes how the user wants the resources to appear -µ -statusª -e#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceDefinitionStatus"Astatus indicates the actual state of the CustomResourceDefinition -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -stringúr -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindOM- group: apiextensions.k8s.io - kind: CustomResourceDefinition - version: v1 - -” --io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.FieldsV1â"ÔFieldsV1 stores a set of fields in a data structure like a Trie, in JSON format. - -Each key is either a '.' representing the field itself, and will always map to an empty set, or a string representing a sub-field or item. The string will follow one of these four formats: 'f:', where is the name of a field in a struct, or key in a map 'v:', where is the exact json formatted value of a list item 'i:', where is position of a item in a list 'k:', where is a map of a list item's key fields to their unique values If a key maps to an empty Fields value, the field that key represents is part of the set. - -The exact format is defined in sigs.k8s.io/structured-merge-diff² -object -» -1io.k8s.api.authentication.v1beta1.TokenReviewSpec…"ETokenReviewSpec is a description of the token authentication request.² -objectʯ -ó - audienceså"ÈAudiences is a list of the identifiers that the resource server presented with the token identifies as. Audience-aware token authenticators will verify that the token was intended for at least one of the audiences in this list. If no audiences are provided, the audience will default to the audience of the Kubernetes apiserver.² -arrayº - ² -string -7 -token."!Token is the opaque bearer token.² -string -… -6io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.HorizontalPodAutoscalerÊ "ÎHorizontalPodAutoscaler is the configuration for a horizontal pod autoscaler, which automatically manages the replica count of any resource implementing the scale subresource based on the metrics specified.² -objectÊú -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -à -metadataÓ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"‘metadata is the standard object metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -„ -specû -H#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.HorizontalPodAutoscalerSpec"®spec is the specification for the behaviour of the autoscaler. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status. - -status… -J#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.HorizontalPodAutoscalerStatus"7status is the current information about the autoscaler.úm -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindJH- group: autoscaling - kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler - version: v2beta2 - -È -(io.k8s.api.core.v1.ResourceFieldSelector›"ZResourceFieldSelector represents container resources (cpu, memory) and their output formatšresource² -objectÊ¥ -Y - containerNameH";Container name: required for volumes, optional for env vars² -string - -divisor„ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantity"ESpecifies the output format of the exposed resources, defaults to "1" -5 -resource)"Required: resource to select² -string -‚ -'io.k8s.api.core.v1.ResourceRequirementsÖ"AResourceRequirements describes the compute resource requirements.² -objectÊ„ -ö -limitsë"›Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers/ª? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantity² -object -ˆ -requestsû"«Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required. If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified, otherwise to an implementation-defined value. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers/ª? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantity² -object -¨ -3io.k8s.api.core.v1.TopologySelectorLabelRequirementð"~A topology selector requirement is a selector that matches given label. This is an alpha feature and may change in the future.škeyšvalues² -objectÊÒ -? -key8"+The label key that the selector applies to.² -string -Ž -valuesƒ"gAn array of string values. One value must match the label to be selected. Each entry in Values is ORed.² -arrayº - ² -string -ƒ -2io.k8s.api.extensions.v1beta1.HTTPIngressRuleValueÌ"£HTTPIngressRuleValue is a list of http selectors pointing to backends. In the example: http:///? -> backend where where parts of the url correspond to RFC 3986, this resource will be used to match against everything after the last '/' and before the first '?' or '#'.špaths² -objectÊ -Œ -paths‚"4A collection of paths that map requests to backends.² -arrayº? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.extensions.v1beta1.HTTPIngressPath -¦ - io.k8s.api.networking.v1.Ingress "€Ingress is a collection of rules that allow inbound connections to reach the endpoints defined by a backend. An Ingress can be configured to give services externally-reachable urls, load balance traffic, terminate SSL, offer name based virtual hosting etc.² -objectÊŽ - -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ò -metadataÅ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -Ø -specÏ -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressSpec"˜Spec is the desired state of the Ingress. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status -Þ -statusÓ -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressStatus"šStatus is the current state of the Ingress. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-statusú^ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind;9- group: networking.k8s.io - kind: Ingress - version: v1 - -Ö -&io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ReplicaSetCondition«"LReplicaSetCondition describes the state of a replica set at a certain point.štypešstatus² -objectʾ -• -lastTransitionTime -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"DThe last time the condition transitioned from one status to another. -Y -messageN"AA human readable message indicating details about the transition.² -string -F -reason<"/The reason for the condition's last transition.² -string -L -statusB"5Status of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown.² -string -3 -type+"Type of replica set condition.² -string -¼ -(io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.ResourceRule"¬ResourceRule is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources. The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.šverbs² -objectÊÉ -¹ - resourceNames§"ŠResourceNames is an optional white list of names that the rule applies to. An empty set means that everything is allowed. "*" means all.² -arrayº - ² -string -ä - resourcesÖ"¹Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to. "*" means all in the specified apiGroups. - "*/foo" represents the subresource 'foo' for all resources in the specified apiGroups.² -arrayº - ² -string - -verbs“"wVerb is a list of kubernetes resource API verbs, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy. "*" means all.² -arrayº - ² -string -ƒ - apiGroupsõ"ØAPIGroups is the name of the APIGroup that contains the resources. If multiple API groups are specified, any action requested against one of the enumerated resources in any API group will be allowed. "*" means all.² -arrayº - ² -string -ð -8io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.SelfSubjectAccessReview³ "öSelfSubjectAccessReview checks whether or the current user can perform an action. Not filling in a spec.namespace means "in all namespaces". Self is a special case, because users should always be able to check whether they can perform an actionšspec² -objectÊ« -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -K -metadata? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta -¯ -spec¦ -J#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec"XSpec holds information about the request being evaluated. user and groups must be empty -¬ -status¡ -H#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.SubjectAccessReviewStatus"UStatus is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or notúv -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindSQ- group: authorization.k8s.io - kind: SelfSubjectAccessReview - version: v1beta1 - - -:io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.CrossVersionObjectReferenceÂ"bCrossVersionObjectReference contains enough information to let you identify the referred resource.škindšname² -objectÊÁ -˜ -kind"Kind of the referent; More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds"² -string -l -named"WName of the referent; More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/identifiers#names² -string -6 - -apiVersion("API version of the referent² -string -Ç -0io.k8s.api.core.v1.GCEPersistentDiskVolumeSource’ "ÁRepresents a Persistent Disk resource in Google Compute Engine. - -A GCE PD must exist before mounting to a container. The disk must also be in the same GCE project and zone as the kubelet. A GCE PD can only be mounted as read/write once or read-only many times. GCE PDs support ownership management and SELinux relabeling.špdName² -objectʶ -² -pdName§"™Unique name of the PD resource in GCE. Used to identify the disk in GCE. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#gcepersistentdisk² -string -¾ -readOnly±"¢ReadOnly here will force the ReadOnly setting in VolumeMounts. Defaults to false. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#gcepersistentdisk² -boolean -Á -fsType¶"¨Filesystem type of the volume that you want to mount. Tip: Ensure that the filesystem type is supported by the host operating system. Examples: "ext4", "xfs", "ntfs". Implicitly inferred to be "ext4" if unspecified. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#gcepersistentdisk² -string -ù - partitionëint32"ÕThe partition in the volume that you want to mount. If omitted, the default is to mount by volume name. Examples: For volume /dev/sda1, you specify the partition as "1". Similarly, the volume partition for /dev/sda is "0" (or you can leave the property empty). More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#gcepersistentdisk² -integer -ä -io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodDNSConfigÀ"_PodDNSConfig defines the DNS parameters of a pod in addition to those generated from DNSPolicy.² -objectÊÐ -Ä - nameservers´"—A list of DNS name server IP addresses. This will be appended to the base nameservers generated from DNSPolicy. Duplicated nameservers will be removed.² -arrayº - ² -string -µ -options©"âA list of DNS resolver options. This will be merged with the base options generated from DNSPolicy. Duplicated entries will be removed. Resolution options given in Options will override those that appear in the base DNSPolicy.² -arrayº7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodDNSConfigOption -Î -searchesÁ"¤A list of DNS search domains for host-name lookup. This will be appended to the base search paths generated from DNSPolicy. Duplicated search paths will be removed.² -arrayº - ² -string -ë - -0io.k8s.api.core.v1.ScaleIOPersistentVolumeSource¶ -"DScaleIOPersistentVolumeSource represents a persistent ScaleIO volumešgatewayšsystemš secretRef² -objectÊ -[ - storagePoolL"?The ScaleIO Storage Pool associated with the protection domain.² -string - - -volumeNames"fThe name of a volume already created in the ScaleIO system that is associated with this volume source.² -string -f -protectionDomainR"EThe name of the ScaleIO Protection Domain for the configured storage.² -string -x -readOnlyl"^Defaults to false (read/write). ReadOnly here will force the ReadOnly setting in VolumeMounts.² -boolean -` - -sslEnabledR"DFlag to enable/disable SSL communication with Gateway, default false² -boolean -’ - storageMode‚"uIndicates whether the storage for a volume should be ThickProvisioned or ThinProvisioned. Default is ThinProvisioned.² -string -O -systemE"8The name of the storage system as configured in ScaleIO.² -string -  -fsType•"‡Filesystem type to mount. Must be a filesystem type supported by the host operating system. Ex. "ext4", "xfs", "ntfs". Default is "xfs"² -string -D -gateway9",The host address of the ScaleIO API Gateway.² -string -Ë - secretRef½ -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.SecretReference"ˆSecretRef references to the secret for ScaleIO user and other sensitive information. If this is not provided, Login operation will fail. -³ -,io.k8s.api.core.v1.TypedLocalObjectReference‚"~TypedLocalObjectReference contains enough information to let you locate the typed referenced object inside the same namespace.škindšname² -objectÊå -Ú -apiGroupÍ"¿APIGroup is the group for the resource being referenced. If APIGroup is not specified, the specified Kind must be in the core API group. For any other third-party types, APIGroup is required.² -string -B -kind:"-Kind is the type of resource being referenced² -string -B -name:"-Name is the name of resource being referenced² -string -Û -9io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1beta1.ServiceReference";ServiceReference holds a reference to Service.legacy.k8s.ioš namespacešname² -objectʾ -@ -name8"+`name` is the name of the service. Required² -string -O - namespaceB"5`namespace` is the namespace of the service. Required² -string -f -path^"Q`path` is an optional URL path which will be sent in any request to this service.² -string -À -port·int32"¡If specified, the port on the service that hosting webhook. Default to 443 for backward compatibility. `port` should be a valid port number (1-65535, inclusive).² -integer -“ -%io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DeploymentStrategyé"HDeploymentStrategy describes how to replace existing pods with new ones.² -objectÊ -h -type`"SType of deployment. Can be "Recreate" or "RollingUpdate". Default is RollingUpdate.² -string -£ - rollingUpdate‘ -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.RollingUpdateDeployment"URolling update config params. Present only if DeploymentStrategyType = RollingUpdate. -“ -*io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Patche"XPatch is provided to give a concrete name and type to the Kubernetes PATCH request body.² -object -Ú -io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeStatus¸"=NodeStatus is information about the current status of a node.² -objectÊê -q -imagesg"%List of container images on this node² -arrayº3 -1 -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ContainerImage -¯ -nodeInfo¢ -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeSystemInfo"oSet of ids/uuids to uniquely identify the node. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/nodes/node/#info -d - volumesInUseT"8List of attachable volumes in use (mounted) by the node.² -arrayº - ² -string -¥ - -conditions–"€Conditions is an array of current observed node conditions. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/nodes/node/#condition² -arrayº2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeConditionú' -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keytype -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge - -t -daemonEndpointsa -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeDaemonEndpoints")Endpoints of daemons running on the Node. -â -capacityÕ"…Capacity represents the total resources of a node. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes#capacityª? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantity² -object -‘ -config† -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeConfigStatus"QStatus of the config assigned to the node via the dynamic Kubelet config feature. -Í -phaseÃ"µNodePhase is the recently observed lifecycle phase of the node. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/nodes/node/#phase The field is never populated, and now is deprecated.² -string -ƒ -volumesAttachedp".List of volumes that are attached to the node.² -arrayº3 -1 -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.AttachedVolume -¦ - addresses˜"„List of addresses reachable to the node. Queried from cloud provider, if available. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/nodes/node/#addresses Note: This field is declared as mergeable, but the merge key is not sufficiently unique, which can cause data corruption when it is merged. Callers should instead use a full-replacement patch. See http://pr.k8s.io/79391 for an example.² -arrayº0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeAddressú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keytype - -Æ - allocatable¶"gAllocatable represents the resources of a node that are available for scheduling. Defaults to Capacity.ª? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantity² -object -º -"io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.AggregationRule“"VAggregationRule describes how to locate ClusterRoles to aggregate into the ClusterRole² -objectʬ -© -clusterRoleSelectors"¼ClusterRoleSelectors holds a list of selectors which will be used to find ClusterRoles and create the rules. If any of the selectors match, then the ClusterRole's permissions will be added² -arrayºD -B -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelector -à -"io.k8s.api.core.v1.SecretReference¹"lSecretReference represents a Secret Reference. It has enough information to retrieve secret in any namespace² -objectʼ -V -nameN"AName is unique within a namespace to reference a secret resource.² -string -b - namespaceU"HNamespace defines the space within which the secret name must be unique.² -string -¤ - -Iio.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1beta1.MutatingWebhookConfigurationListÖ "KMutatingWebhookConfigurationList is a list of MutatingWebhookConfiguration.šitems² -objectÊç -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -• -items‹"%List of MutatingWebhookConfiguration.² -arrayºW -U -S#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1beta1.MutatingWebhookConfiguration -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ï -metadata -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"‚Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kindsú‡ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kinddb- version: v1beta1 - group: admissionregistration.k8s.io - kind: MutatingWebhookConfigurationList - -Ø -Cio.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1.APIServiceStatus"AAPIServiceStatus contains derived information about an API server² -objectʾ -» - -conditions¬"$Current service state of apiService.² -arrayºX -V -T#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1.APIServiceConditionú' -x-kubernetes-list-map-keys - type -ú -x-kubernetes-list-typemap -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keytype -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge - -ê -%io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodSecurityContextÀ"ôPodSecurityContext holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings. Some fields are also present in container.securityContext. Field values of container.securityContext take precedence over field values of PodSecurityContext.² -objectʺ -È -fsGroup¼int64"¦A special supplemental group that applies to all containers in a pod. Some volume types allow the Kubelet to change the ownership of that volume to be owned by the pod: - -1. The owning GID will be the FSGroup 2. The setgid bit is set (new files created in the volume will be owned by FSGroup) 3. The permission bits are OR'd with rw-rw---- - -If unset, the Kubelet will not modify the ownership and permissions of any volume.² -integer -° -fsGroupChangePolicy˜"ŠfsGroupChangePolicy defines behavior of changing ownership and permission of the volume before being exposed inside Pod. This field will only apply to volume types which support fsGroup based ownership(and permissions). It will have no effect on ephemeral volume types such as: secret, configmaps and emptydir. Valid values are "OnRootMismatch" and "Always". If not specified, "Always" is used.² -string -À - runAsUser²int64"œThe UID to run the entrypoint of the container process. Defaults to user specified in image metadata if unspecified. May also be set in SecurityContext. If set in both SecurityContext and PodSecurityContext, the value specified in SecurityContext takes precedence for that container.² -integer -… -seLinuxOptionsò -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.SELinuxOptions"¾The SELinux context to be applied to all containers. If unspecified, the container runtime will allocate a random SELinux context for each container. May also be set in SecurityContext. If set in both SecurityContext and PodSecurityContext, the value specified in SecurityContext takes precedence for that container. -Í -windowsOptionsº ->#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.WindowsSecurityContextOptions"÷The Windows specific settings applied to all containers. If unspecified, the options within a container's SecurityContext will be used. If set in both SecurityContext and PodSecurityContext, the value specified in SecurityContext takes precedence. -£ - -runAsGroup”int64"þThe GID to run the entrypoint of the container process. Uses runtime default if unset. May also be set in SecurityContext. If set in both SecurityContext and PodSecurityContext, the value specified in SecurityContext takes precedence for that container.² -integer -º - runAsNonRoot©"šIndicates that the container must run as a non-root user. If true, the Kubelet will validate the image at runtime to ensure that it does not run as UID 0 (root) and fail to start the container if it does. If unset or false, no such validation will be performed. May also be set in SecurityContext. If set in both SecurityContext and PodSecurityContext, the value specified in SecurityContext takes precedence.² -boolean -~ -seccompProfilel -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.SeccompProfile"9The seccomp options to use by the containers in this pod. -ç -supplementalGroupsÐ"«A list of groups applied to the first process run in each container, in addition to the container's primary GID. If unspecified, no groups will be added to any container.² -arrayº -int64² -integer -Ñ -sysctlsÅ"ŠSysctls hold a list of namespaced sysctls used for the pod. Pods with unsupported sysctls (by the container runtime) might fail to launch.² -arrayº+ -) -'#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Sysctl -œ -$io.k8s.api.core.v1.SecretKeySelectoró",SecretKeySelector selects a key of a Secret.škey² -objectÊ° -„ -name|"oName of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names² -string -O -optionalC"5Specify whether the Secret or its key must be defined² -boolean -V -keyO"BThe key of the secret to select from. Must be a valid secret key.² -string -‘ -(io.k8s.api.core.v1.SessionAffinityConfigä"HSessionAffinityConfig represents the configurations of session affinity.² -objectÊ‹ -ˆ -clientIP| -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ClientIPConfig"IclientIP contains the configurations of Client IP based session affinity. -  -)io.k8s.api.storage.v1.VolumeNodeResourcesò"JVolumeNodeResources is a set of resource limits for scheduling of volumes.² -objectÊ— -” -countŠint32"ôMaximum number of unique volumes managed by the CSI driver that can be used on a node. A volume that is both attached and mounted on a node is considered to be used once, not twice. The same rule applies for a unique volume that is shared among multiple pods on the same node. If this field is not specified, then the supported number of volumes on this node is unbounded.² -integer -ç -3io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.ResourceMetricSource¯"ÊResourceMetricSource indicates how to scale on a resource metric known to Kubernetes, as specified in requests and limits, describing each pod in the current scale target (e.g. CPU or memory). The values will be averaged together before being compared to the target. Such metrics are built in to Kubernetes, and have special scaling options on top of those available to normal per-pod metrics using the "pods" source. Only one "target" type should be set.šnameštarget² -objectÊà -B -name:"-name is the name of the resource in question.² -string -} -targets -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.MetricTarget"6target specifies the target value for the given metric -È -&io.k8s.api.batch.v1beta1.CronJobStatus"9CronJobStatus represents the current state of a cron job.² -objectÊÓ -“ -lastSuccessfulTime} -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"BInformation when was the last time the job successfully completed. -¡ -active–"-A list of pointers to currently running jobs.² -arrayº4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ObjectReferenceú# -x-kubernetes-list-type atomic - -– -lastScheduleTime -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"FInformation when was the last time the job was successfully scheduled. - --io.k8s.api.core.v1.FlexPersistentVolumeSourceÝ"ƒFlexPersistentVolumeSource represents a generic persistent volume resource that is provisioned/attached using an exec based plugin.šdriver² -objectÊ¿ -O -driverE"8Driver is the name of the driver to use for this volume.² -string -Ä -fsType¹"«Filesystem type to mount. Must be a filesystem type supported by the host operating system. Ex. "ext4", "xfs", "ntfs". The default filesystem depends on FlexVolume script.² -string -O -optionsD"'Optional: Extra command options if any.ª - ² -string² -object -‚ -readOnlyv"hOptional: Defaults to false (read/write). ReadOnly here will force the ReadOnly setting in VolumeMounts.² -boolean -Î - secretRefÀ -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.SecretReference"‹Optional: SecretRef is reference to the secret object containing sensitive information to pass to the plugin scripts. This may be empty if no secret object is specified. If the secret object contains more than one secret, all secrets are passed to the plugin scripts. -„ -io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.RoleListä"!RoleList is a collection of Rolesšitems² -objectÊÀ -f -metadataZ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"Standard object's metadata. -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -Y -itemsP"Items is a list of Roles² -arrayº) -' -%#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.Role -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -stringúg -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindDB- group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io - kind: RoleList - version: v1 - - -:io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.CrossVersionObjectReferenceÂ"bCrossVersionObjectReference contains enough information to let you identify the referred resource.škindšname² -objectÊÁ -l -named"WName of the referent; More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/identifiers#names² -string -6 - -apiVersion("API version of the referent² -string -˜ -kind"Kind of the referent; More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds"² -string -ƒ -io.k8s.api.core.v1.EndpointPortß"5EndpointPort is a tuple that describes a single port.šport² -objectÊ’ -b -protocolV"IThe IP protocol for this port. Must be UDP, TCP, or SCTP. Default is TCP.² -string -½ - appProtocol­"ŸThe application protocol for this port. This field follows standard Kubernetes label syntax. Un-prefixed names are reserved for IANA standard service names (as per RFC-6335 and http://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names). Non-standard protocols should use prefixed names such as mycompany.com/my-custom-protocol. This is a beta field that is guarded by the ServiceAppProtocol feature gate and enabled by default.² -string -¬ -name£"•The name of this port. This must match the 'name' field in the corresponding ServicePort. Must be a DNS_LABEL. Optional only if one port is defined.² -string -= -port5int32" The port number of the endpoint.² -integer -º - -'.² -string -z -imageq"dThe image the container is running. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images² -string -¿ - restartCount®int32"˜The number of times the container has been restarted, currently based on the number of dead containers that have not yet been removed. Note that this is calculated from dead containers. But those containers are subject to garbage collection. This value will get capped at 5 by GC.² -integer -9 -imageID."!ImageID of the container's image.² -string -y - lastStatel -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ContainerState"9Details about the container's last termination condition. -r -namej"]This must be a DNS_LABEL. Each container in a pod must have a unique name. Cannot be updated.² -string -V -readyM"?Specifies whether the container has passed its readiness probe.² -boolean -° -started¤"•Specifies whether the container has passed its startup probe. Initialized as false, becomes true after startupProbe is considered successful. Resets to false when the container is restarted, or if kubelet loses state temporarily. Is always true when no startupProbe is defined.² -boolean -l -statec -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ContainerState"0Details about the container's current condition. -© -&io.k8s.api.core.v1.LoadBalancerIngressþ"LoadBalancerIngress represents the status of a load-balancer ingress point: traffic intended for the service should be sent to an ingress point.² -objectÊÜ -{ -hostnameo"bHostname is set for load-balancer ingress points that are DNS based (typically AWS load-balancers)² -string -{ -ipu"hIP is set for load-balancer ingress points that are IP based (typically GCE or OpenStack load-balancers)² -string -ß -portsÕ"qPorts is a list of records of service ports If used, every port defined in the service should have an entry in it² -arrayº/ -- -+#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PortStatusú# -x-kubernetes-list-type atomic - -‚ -*io.k8s.api.core.v1.PreferredSchedulingTermÓ"®An empty preferred scheduling term matches all objects with implicit weight 0 (i.e. it's a no-op). A null preferred scheduling term matches no objects (i.e. is also a no-op).šweightš -preference² -objectÊý -‚ - -preferencet -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeSelectorTerm"?A node selector term, associated with the corresponding weight. -v -weightlint32"WWeight associated with matching the corresponding nodeSelectorTerm, in the range 1-100.² -integer -› -.io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.VolumeNodeResourcesè"JVolumeNodeResources is a set of resource limits for scheduling of volumes.² -objectÊ -Š -count€int32"êMaximum number of unique volumes managed by the CSI driver that can be used on a node. A volume that is both attached and mounted on a node is considered to be used once, not twice. The same rule applies for a unique volume that is shared among multiple pods on the same node. If this field is nil, then the supported number of volumes on this node is unbounded.² -integer -•4 -8io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1beta1.MutatingWebhookØ3"^MutatingWebhook describes an admission webhook and the resources and operations it applies to.šnameš clientConfig² -objectÊÓ2 -° -admissionReviewVersions”"÷AdmissionReviewVersions is an ordered list of preferred `AdmissionReview` versions the Webhook expects. API server will try to use first version in the list which it supports. If none of the versions specified in this list supported by API server, validation will fail for this object. If a persisted webhook configuration specifies allowed versions and does not include any versions known to the API Server, calls to the webhook will fail and be subject to the failure policy. Default to `['v1beta1']`.² -arrayº - ² -string -ž - clientConfig -J#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1beta1.WebhookClientConfig"?ClientConfig defines how to communicate with the hook. Required -ç -nameÞ"ÐThe name of the admission webhook. Name should be fully qualified, e.g., imagepolicy.kubernetes.io, where "imagepolicy" is the name of the webhook, and kubernetes.io is the name of the organization. Required.² -string -Ý -namespaceSelectorÇ -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelector"‚ NamespaceSelector decides whether to run the webhook on an object based on whether the namespace for that object matches the selector. If the object itself is a namespace, the matching is performed on object.metadata.labels. If the object is another cluster scoped resource, it never skips the webhook. - -For example, to run the webhook on any objects whose namespace is not associated with "runlevel" of "0" or "1"; you will set the selector as follows: "namespaceSelector": { - "matchExpressions": [ - { - "key": "runlevel", - "operator": "NotIn", - "values": [ - "0", - "1" - ] - } - ] -} - -If instead you want to only run the webhook on any objects whose namespace is associated with the "environment" of "prod" or "staging"; you will set the selector as follows: "namespaceSelector": { - "matchExpressions": [ - { - "key": "environment", - "operator": "In", - "values": [ - "prod", - "staging" - ] - } - ] -} - -See https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/ for more examples of label selectors. - -Default to the empty LabelSelector, which matches everything. -é -objectSelectorÖ -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelector"‘ObjectSelector decides whether to run the webhook based on if the object has matching labels. objectSelector is evaluated against both the oldObject and newObject that would be sent to the webhook, and is considered to match if either object matches the selector. A null object (oldObject in the case of create, or newObject in the case of delete) or an object that cannot have labels (like a DeploymentRollback or a PodProxyOptions object) is not considered to match. Use the object selector only if the webhook is opt-in, because end users may skip the admission webhook by setting the labels. Default to the empty LabelSelector, which matches everything. - -reinvocationPolicyù"ëreinvocationPolicy indicates whether this webhook should be called multiple times as part of a single admission evaluation. Allowed values are "Never" and "IfNeeded". - -Never: the webhook will not be called more than once in a single admission evaluation. - -IfNeeded: the webhook will be called at least one additional time as part of the admission evaluation if the object being admitted is modified by other admission plugins after the initial webhook call. Webhooks that specify this option *must* be idempotent, able to process objects they previously admitted. Note: * the number of additional invocations is not guaranteed to be exactly one. * if additional invocations result in further modifications to the object, webhooks are not guaranteed to be invoked again. * webhooks that use this option may be reordered to minimize the number of additional invocations. * to validate an object after all mutations are guaranteed complete, use a validating admission webhook instead. - -Defaults to "Never".² -string -î -rulesä"‡Rules describes what operations on what resources/subresources the webhook cares about. The webhook cares about an operation if it matches _any_ Rule. However, in order to prevent ValidatingAdmissionWebhooks and MutatingAdmissionWebhooks from putting the cluster in a state which cannot be recovered from without completely disabling the plugin, ValidatingAdmissionWebhooks and MutatingAdmissionWebhooks are never called on admission requests for ValidatingWebhookConfiguration and MutatingWebhookConfiguration objects.² -arrayºM -K -I#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1beta1.RuleWithOperations -œ -timeoutSeconds‰int32"óTimeoutSeconds specifies the timeout for this webhook. After the timeout passes, the webhook call will be ignored or the API call will fail based on the failure policy. The timeout value must be between 1 and 30 seconds. Default to 30 seconds.² -integer -® - failurePolicyœ"ŽFailurePolicy defines how unrecognized errors from the admission endpoint are handled - allowed values are Ignore or Fail. Defaults to Ignore.² -string -— - matchPolicy‡"ùmatchPolicy defines how the "rules" list is used to match incoming requests. Allowed values are "Exact" or "Equivalent". - -- Exact: match a request only if it exactly matches a specified rule. For example, if deployments can be modified via apps/v1, apps/v1beta1, and extensions/v1beta1, but "rules" only included `apiGroups:["apps"], apiVersions:["v1"], resources: ["deployments"]`, a request to apps/v1beta1 or extensions/v1beta1 would not be sent to the webhook. - -- Equivalent: match a request if modifies a resource listed in rules, even via another API group or version. For example, if deployments can be modified via apps/v1, apps/v1beta1, and extensions/v1beta1, and "rules" only included `apiGroups:["apps"], apiVersions:["v1"], resources: ["deployments"]`, a request to apps/v1beta1 or extensions/v1beta1 would be converted to apps/v1 and sent to the webhook. - -Defaults to "Exact"² -string -Ø - sideEffectsÈ"ºSideEffects states whether this webhook has side effects. Acceptable values are: Unknown, None, Some, NoneOnDryRun Webhooks with side effects MUST implement a reconciliation system, since a request may be rejected by a future step in the admission chain and the side effects therefore need to be undone. Requests with the dryRun attribute will be auto-rejected if they match a webhook with sideEffects == Unknown or Some. Defaults to Unknown.² -string -… -6io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.HorizontalPodAutoscalerÊ "ÎHorizontalPodAutoscaler is the configuration for a horizontal pod autoscaler, which automatically manages the replica count of any resource implementing the scale subresource based on the metrics specified.² -objectÊú -„ -specû -H#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.HorizontalPodAutoscalerSpec"®spec is the specification for the behaviour of the autoscaler. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status. - -status… -J#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.HorizontalPodAutoscalerStatus"7status is the current information about the autoscaler. -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -à -metadataÓ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"‘metadata is the standard object metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadataúm -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindJH- group: autoscaling - kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler - version: v2beta1 - -Ó -7io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ManagedFieldsEntry— "sManagedFieldsEntry is a workflow-id, a FieldSet and the group version of the resource that the fieldset applies to.² -objectÊ“ - -fieldsV1 -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.FieldsV1"QFieldsV1 holds the first JSON version format as described in the "FieldsV1" type. -W -managerL"?Manager is an identifier of the workflow managing these fields.² -string -² - operation¤"–Operation is the type of operation which lead to this ManagedFieldsEntry being created. The only valid values for this field are 'Apply' and 'Update'.² -string -¦ -time -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"bTime is timestamp of when these fields were set. It should always be empty if Operation is 'Apply' -– - -apiVersion‡"ùAPIVersion defines the version of this resource that this field set applies to. The format is "group/version" just like the top-level APIVersion field. It is necessary to track the version of a field set because it cannot be automatically converted.² -string -  - -fieldsType‘"ƒFieldsType is the discriminator for the different fields format and version. There is currently only one possible value: "FieldsV1"² -string -¨A -/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMetaô@"lObjectMeta is metadata that all persisted resources must have, which includes all objects users must create.² -objectÊ÷? -¢ - namespace”"†Namespace defines the space within which each name must be unique. An empty namespace is equivalent to the "default" namespace, but "default" is the canonical representation. Not all objects are required to be scoped to a namespace - the value of this field for those objects will be empty. - -Must be a DNS_LABEL. Cannot be updated. More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/namespaces² -string -³ -uid«"UID is the unique in time and space value for this object. It is typically generated by the server on successful creation of a resource and is not allowed to change on PUT operations. - -Populated by the system. Read-only. More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/identifiers#uids² -string -À - annotations°"’Annotations is an unstructured key value map stored with a resource that may be set by external tools to store and retrieve arbitrary metadata. They are not queryable and should be preserved when modifying objects. More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/annotationsª - ² -string² -object - - clusterName"ÿThe name of the cluster which the object belongs to. This is used to distinguish resources with same name and namespace in different clusters. This field is not set anywhere right now and apiserver is going to ignore it if set in create or update request.² -string -î -creationTimestampØ -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"œCreationTimestamp is a timestamp representing the server time when this object was created. It is not guaranteed to be set in happens-before order across separate operations. Clients may not set this value. It is represented in RFC3339 form and is in UTC. - -Populated by the system. Read-only. Null for lists. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -Þ - -finalizersÏ"ˆMust be empty before the object is deleted from the registry. Each entry is an identifier for the responsible component that will remove the entry from the list. If the deletionTimestamp of the object is non-nil, entries in this list can only be removed. Finalizers may be processed and removed in any order. Order is NOT enforced because it introduces significant risk of stuck finalizers. finalizers is a shared field, any actor with permission can reorder it. If the finalizer list is processed in order, then this can lead to a situation in which the component responsible for the first finalizer in the list is waiting for a signal (field value, external system, or other) produced by a component responsible for a finalizer later in the list, resulting in a deadlock. Without enforced ordering finalizers are free to order amongst themselves and are not vulnerable to ordering changes in the list.² -arrayº - ² -stringú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge - -¶ - generateName¥"—GenerateName is an optional prefix, used by the server, to generate a unique name ONLY IF the Name field has not been provided. If this field is used, the name returned to the client will be different than the name passed. This value will also be combined with a unique suffix. The provided value has the same validation rules as the Name field, and may be truncated by the length of the suffix required to make the value unique on the server. - -If this field is specified and the generated name exists, the server will NOT return a 409 - instead, it will either return 201 Created or 500 with Reason ServerTimeout indicating a unique name could not be found in the time allotted, and the client should retry (optionally after the time indicated in the Retry-After header). - -Applied only if Name is not specified. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#idempotency² -string -‚ -labels÷"ÙMap of string keys and values that can be used to organize and categorize (scope and select) objects. May match selectors of replication controllers and services. More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/labelsª - ² -string² -object -ê -selfLinkÝ"ÏSelfLink is a URL representing this object. Populated by the system. Read-only. - -DEPRECATED Kubernetes will stop propagating this field in 1.20 release and the field is planned to be removed in 1.21 release.² -string -ð -deletionGracePeriodSecondsÑint64"»Number of seconds allowed for this object to gracefully terminate before it will be removed from the system. Only set when deletionTimestamp is also set. May only be shortened. Read-only.² -integer -¤ -deletionTimestampŽ -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"Ò -DeletionTimestamp is RFC 3339 date and time at which this resource will be deleted. This field is set by the server when a graceful deletion is requested by the user, and is not directly settable by a client. The resource is expected to be deleted (no longer visible from resource lists, and not reachable by name) after the time in this field, once the finalizers list is empty. As long as the finalizers list contains items, deletion is blocked. Once the deletionTimestamp is set, this value may not be unset or be set further into the future, although it may be shortened or the resource may be deleted prior to this time. For example, a user may request that a pod is deleted in 30 seconds. The Kubelet will react by sending a graceful termination signal to the containers in the pod. After that 30 seconds, the Kubelet will send a hard termination signal (SIGKILL) to the container and after cleanup, remove the pod from the API. In the presence of network partitions, this object may still exist after this timestamp, until an administrator or automated process can determine the resource is fully terminated. If not set, graceful deletion of the object has not been requested. - -Populated by the system when a graceful deletion is requested. Read-only. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -’ - -generationƒint64"nA sequence number representing a specific generation of the desired state. Populated by the system. Read-only.² -integer -ø -ownerReferencesä"¼List of objects depended by this object. If ALL objects in the list have been deleted, this object will be garbage collected. If this object is managed by a controller, then an entry in this list will point to this controller, with the controller field set to true. There cannot be more than one managing controller.² -arrayºE -C -A#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.OwnerReferenceú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge -ú& -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keyuid - -ƒ - managedFieldsñ"˜ManagedFields maps workflow-id and version to the set of fields that are managed by that workflow. This is mostly for internal housekeeping, and users typically shouldn't need to set or understand this field. A workflow can be the user's name, a controller's name, or the name of a specific apply path like "ci-cd". The set of fields is always in the version that the workflow used when modifying the object.² -arrayºI -G -E#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ManagedFieldsEntry -õ -nameì"ÞName must be unique within a namespace. Is required when creating resources, although some resources may allow a client to request the generation of an appropriate name automatically. Name is primarily intended for creation idempotence and configuration definition. Cannot be updated. More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/identifiers#names² -string -‘ -resourceVersioný"ïAn opaque value that represents the internal version of this object that can be used by clients to determine when objects have changed. May be used for optimistic concurrency, change detection, and the watch operation on a resource or set of resources. Clients must treat these values as opaque and passed unmodified back to the server. They may only be valid for a particular resource or set of resources. - -Populated by the system. Read-only. Value must be treated as opaque by clients and . More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#concurrency-control-and-consistency² -string -Ê -#io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ReplicaSetStatus¢"?ReplicaSetStatus represents the current status of a ReplicaSet.šreplicas² -objectÊÇ -Ø -replicasËint32"µReplicas is the most recently oberved number of replicas. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/replicationcontroller/#what-is-a-replicationcontroller² -integer -… -availableReplicaspint32"[The number of available replicas (ready for at least minReadySeconds) for this replica set.² -integer -ø - -conditionsé"NRepresents the latest available observations of a replica set's current state.² -arrayº8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ReplicaSetConditionú' -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keytype -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge - -‹ -fullyLabeledReplicassint32"^The number of pods that have labels matching the labels of the pod template of the replicaset.² -integer - -observedGenerationiint64"TObservedGeneration reflects the generation of the most recently observed ReplicaSet.² -integer -X - readyReplicasGint32"2The number of ready replicas for this replica set.² -integer -Œ -#io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeSelectorTermä"¥A null or empty node selector term matches no objects. The requirements of them are ANDed. The TopologySelectorTerm type implements a subset of the NodeSelectorTerm.² -objectÊ­ -– -matchExpressions"6A list of node selector requirements by node's labels.² -arrayº< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeSelectorRequirement -‘ - matchFields"6A list of node selector requirements by node's fields.² -arrayº< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeSelectorRequirement -å -.io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.ClusterRoleBindingList² "ºClusterRoleBindingList is a collection of ClusterRoleBindings. Deprecated in v1.17 in favor of rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 ClusterRoleBindingList, and will no longer be served in v1.22.šitems² -objectÊá -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -z -itemsq"&Items is a list of ClusterRoleBindings² -arrayº< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.ClusterRoleBinding -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -f -metadataZ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"Standard object's metadata.úz -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindWU- group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io - kind: ClusterRoleBindingList - version: v1beta1 - -½ -Wio.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceDefinitionStatusá"RCustomResourceDefinitionStatus indicates the state of the CustomResourceDefinition² -objectÊþ -¥ - -conditions–"Nconditions indicate state for particular aspects of a CustomResourceDefinition² -arrayºl -j -h#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceDefinitionConditionú' -x-kubernetes-list-map-keys - type -ú -x-kubernetes-list-typemap - -Ü -storedVersionsÉ"¬storedVersions lists all versions of CustomResources that were ever persisted. Tracking these versions allows a migration path for stored versions in etcd. The field is mutable so a migration controller can finish a migration to another version (ensuring no old objects are left in storage), and then remove the rest of the versions from this list. Versions may not be removed from `spec.versions` while they exist in this list.² -arrayº - ² -string -ô - acceptedNamesâ -d#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceDefinitionNames"zacceptedNames are the names that are actually being used to serve discovery. They may be different than the names in spec. -• - -Dio.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1.MutatingWebhookConfigurationListÌ "KMutatingWebhookConfigurationList is a list of MutatingWebhookConfiguration.šitems² -objectÊâ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string - -items†"%List of MutatingWebhookConfiguration.² -arrayºR -P -N#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1.MutatingWebhookConfiguration -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ï -metadata -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"‚Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kindsú‚ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind_]- group: admissionregistration.k8s.io - kind: MutatingWebhookConfigurationList - version: v1 - -¶ - -!io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ReplicaSetSpec -"4ReplicaSetSpec is the specification of a ReplicaSet.šselector² -objectÊÀ -ƒ -minReadySecondsïint32"ÙMinimum number of seconds for which a newly created pod should be ready without any of its container crashing, for it to be considered available. Defaults to 0 (pod will be considered available as soon as it is ready)² -integer -¡ -replicas”int32"þReplicas is the number of desired replicas. This is a pointer to distinguish between explicit zero and unspecified. Defaults to 1. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/replicationcontroller/#what-is-a-replicationcontroller² -integer -ý -selectorð -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelector"«Selector is a label query over pods that should match the replica count. Label keys and values that must match in order to be controlled by this replica set. It must match the pod template's labels. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/#label-selectors -“ -template† -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodTemplateSpec"ÑTemplate is the object that describes the pod that will be created if insufficient replicas are detected. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/replicationcontroller#pod-template -Ù -%io.k8s.api.core.v1.LoadBalancerStatus¯"/? -> backend where where parts of the url correspond to RFC 3986, this resource will be used to match against everything after the last '/' and before the first '?' or '#'.špaths² -objectÊ -Œ -paths‚"4A collection of paths that map requests to backends.² -arrayº? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.HTTPIngressPath - - -\io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.CustomResourceColumnDefinition¼ "KCustomResourceColumnDefinition specifies a column for server side printing.šnameštypešJSONPath² -objectÊÇ -ª -JSONPath"JSONPath is a simple JSON path (i.e. with array notation) which is evaluated against each custom resource to produce the value for this column.² -string -W - descriptionH";description is a human readable description of this column.² -string -¸ -format­"Ÿformat is an optional OpenAPI type definition for this column. The 'name' format is applied to the primary identifier column to assist in clients identifying column is the resource name. See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/master/versions/2.0.md#data-types for details.² -string -B -name:"-name is a human readable name for the column.² -string - -priority€int32"êpriority is an integer defining the relative importance of this column compared to others. Lower numbers are considered higher priority. Columns that may be omitted in limited space scenarios should be given a priority greater than 0.² -integer -¯ -type¦"˜type is an OpenAPI type definition for this column. See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/master/versions/2.0.md#data-types for details.² -string -í -io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ReplicaSetË "YReplicaSet ensures that a specified number of pod replicas are running at any given time.² -objectÊŠ -õ -specì -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ReplicaSetSpec"¸Spec defines the specification of the desired behavior of the ReplicaSet. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status -Ç -status¼ -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ReplicaSetStatus"†Status is the most recently observed status of the ReplicaSet. This data may be out of date by some window of time. Populated by the system. Read-only. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -È -metadata» -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ùIf the Labels of a ReplicaSet are empty, they are defaulted to be the same as the Pod(s) that the ReplicaSet manages. Standard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadataúT -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind1/- group: apps - kind: ReplicaSet - version: v1 - -ó -io.k8s.api.events.v1.EventListÐ"%EventList is a list of Event objects.šitems² -objectʳ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -f -items]""items is a list of schema objects.² -arrayº, -* -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.events.v1.Event -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ë -metadata¾ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadataú\ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind97- group: events.k8s.io - kind: EventList - version: v1 - -ª - io.k8s.api.batch.v1.JobCondition…".JobCondition describes current state of a job.štypešstatus² -objectʶ -? -type7"*Type of job condition, Complete or Failed.² -string -p - lastProbeTime_ -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"$Last time the condition was checked. -Œ -lastTransitionTimev -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time";Last time the condition transit from one status to another. -X -messageM"@Human readable message indicating details about last transition.² -string -J -reason@"3(brief) reason for the condition's last transition.² -string -L -statusB"5Status of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown.² -string -à -io.k8s.api.discovery.v1.ForZoneŸ"LForZone provides information about which zones should consume this endpoint.šname² -objectÊ< -: -name2"%name represents the name of the zone.² -string -Ó -*io.k8s.api.networking.v1.NetworkPolicySpec¤"?NetworkPolicySpec provides the specification of a NetworkPolicyš podSelector² -objectÊÆ -Ï -egressÄ"òList of egress rules to be applied to the selected pods. Outgoing traffic is allowed if there are no NetworkPolicies selecting the pod (and cluster policy otherwise allows the traffic), OR if the traffic matches at least one egress rule across all of the NetworkPolicy objects whose podSelector matches the pod. If this field is empty then this NetworkPolicy limits all outgoing traffic (and serves solely to ensure that the pods it selects are isolated by default). This field is beta-level in 1.8² -arrayºB -@ ->#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.NetworkPolicyEgressRule -ã -ingress×"„List of ingress rules to be applied to the selected pods. Traffic is allowed to a pod if there are no NetworkPolicies selecting the pod (and cluster policy otherwise allows the traffic), OR if the traffic source is the pod's local node, OR if the traffic matches at least one ingress rule across all of the NetworkPolicy objects whose podSelector matches the pod. If this field is empty then this NetworkPolicy does not allow any traffic (and serves solely to ensure that the pods it selects are isolated by default)² -arrayºC -A -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.NetworkPolicyIngressRule -Û - podSelectorË -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelector"†Selects the pods to which this NetworkPolicy object applies. The array of ingress rules is applied to any pods selected by this field. Multiple network policies can select the same set of pods. In this case, the ingress rules for each are combined additively. This field is NOT optional and follows standard label selector semantics. An empty podSelector matches all pods in this namespace. -­ - policyTypes"€List of rule types that the NetworkPolicy relates to. Valid options are ["Ingress"], ["Egress"], or ["Ingress", "Egress"]. If this field is not specified, it will default based on the existence of Ingress or Egress rules; policies that contain an Egress section are assumed to affect Egress, and all policies (whether or not they contain an Ingress section) are assumed to affect Ingress. If you want to write an egress-only policy, you must explicitly specify policyTypes [ "Egress" ]. Likewise, if you want to write a policy that specifies that no egress is allowed, you must specify a policyTypes value that include "Egress" (since such a policy would not include an Egress section and would otherwise default to just [ "Ingress" ]). This field is beta-level in 1.8² -arrayº - ² -string -…" -Zio.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.CustomResourceDefinitionSpec¦!"PCustomResourceDefinitionSpec describes how a user wants their resource to appearšgroupšnamesšscope² -objectÊ­ -Ñ -preserveUnknownFields·"¨preserveUnknownFields indicates that object fields which are not specified in the OpenAPI schema should be preserved when persisting to storage. apiVersion, kind, metadata and known fields inside metadata are always preserved. If false, schemas must be defined for all versions. Defaults to true in v1beta for backwards compatibility. Deprecated: will be required to be false in v1. Preservation of unknown fields can be specified in the validation schema using the `x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true` extension. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-kubernetes-api/custom-resources/custom-resource-definitions/#pruning-versus-preserving-unknown-fields for details.² -boolean -´ -scopeª"œscope indicates whether the defined custom resource is cluster- or namespace-scoped. Allowed values are `Cluster` and `Namespaced`. Default is `Namespaced`.² -string -à - subresources² -f#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.CustomResourceSubresources"Çsubresources specify what subresources the defined custom resource has. If present, this field configures subresources for all versions. Top-level and per-version subresources are mutually exclusive. -ª - -conversion› -d#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.CustomResourceConversion"3conversion defines conversion settings for the CRD. -å -groupÛ"Ígroup is the API group of the defined custom resource. The custom resources are served under `/apis//...`. Must match the name of the CustomResourceDefinition (in the form `.`).² -string -¹ -names¯ -i#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.CustomResourceDefinitionNames"Bnames specify the resource and kind names for the custom resource. - -versions"‘versions is the list of all API versions of the defined custom resource. Optional if `version` is specified. The name of the first item in the `versions` list must match the `version` field if `version` and `versions` are both specified. Version names are used to compute the order in which served versions are listed in API discovery. If the version string is "kube-like", it will sort above non "kube-like" version strings, which are ordered lexicographically. "Kube-like" versions start with a "v", then are followed by a number (the major version), then optionally the string "alpha" or "beta" and another number (the minor version). These are sorted first by GA > beta > alpha (where GA is a version with no suffix such as beta or alpha), and then by comparing major version, then minor version. An example sorted list of versions: v10, v2, v1, v11beta2, v10beta3, v3beta1, v12alpha1, v11alpha2, foo1, foo10.² -arrayºo -m -k#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.CustomResourceDefinitionVersion -Å -additionalPrinterColumns¨"ªadditionalPrinterColumns specifies additional columns returned in Table output. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#receiving-resources-as-tables for details. If present, this field configures columns for all versions. Top-level and per-version columns are mutually exclusive. If no top-level or per-version columns are specified, a single column displaying the age of the custom resource is used.² -arrayºn -l -j#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.CustomResourceColumnDefinition -Î - -validation¿ -d#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.CustomResourceValidation"Övalidation describes the schema used for validation and pruning of the custom resource. If present, this validation schema is used to validate all versions. Top-level and per-version schemas are mutually exclusive. -Ï -versionÃ"µversion is the API version of the defined custom resource. The custom resources are served under `/apis///...`. Must match the name of the first item in the `versions` list if `version` and `versions` are both specified. Optional if `versions` is specified. Deprecated: use `versions` instead.² -string -Õ -5io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.HorizontalPodAutoscalerList›"*list of horizontal pod autoscaler objects.šitems² -objectÊé -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -… -items|"*list of horizontal pod autoscaler objects.² -arrayºC -A -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.HorizontalPodAutoscaler -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -b -metadataV -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"Standard list metadata.úl -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindIG- group: autoscaling - kind: HorizontalPodAutoscalerList - version: v1 - -é -The certificate request itself and any additional information. - -statusw -M#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1beta1.CertificateSigningRequestStatus"&Derived information about the request.úw -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindTR- group: certificates.k8s.io - kind: CertificateSigningRequest - version: v1beta1 - -þ -io.k8s.api.core.v1.Bindingß "¡Binding ties one object to another; for example, a pod is bound to a node by a scheduler. Deprecated in 1.7, please use the bindings subresource of pods instead.štarget² -objectÊÑ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ò -metadataÅ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -} -targets -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ObjectReference"?The target object that you want to bind to the standard object.úO -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind,*- group: "" - kind: Binding - version: v1 - -¢ -'io.k8s.api.core.v1.EmptyDirVolumeSourceö"uRepresents an empty directory for a pod. Empty directory volumes support ownership management and SELinux relabeling.² -objectÊð -… -mediumú"ìWhat type of storage medium should back this directory. The default is "" which means to use the node's default medium. Must be an empty string (default) or Memory. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#emptydir² -string -å - sizeLimit× -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantity"—Total amount of local storage required for this EmptyDir volume. The size limit is also applicable for memory medium. The maximum usage on memory medium EmptyDir would be the minimum value between the SizeLimit specified here and the sum of memory limits of all containers in a pod. The default is nil which means that the limit is undefined. More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/volumes#emptydir -à -0io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeClaimTemplateŽ"sPersistentVolumeClaimTemplate is used to produce PersistentVolumeClaim objects as part of an EphemeralVolumeSource.šspec² -objectʃ -è -metadataÛ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"™May contain labels and annotations that will be copied into the PVC when creating it. No other fields are allowed and will be rejected during validation. -• -specŒ -:#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec"ÍThe specification for the PersistentVolumeClaim. The entire content is copied unchanged into the PVC that gets created from this template. The same fields as in a PersistentVolumeClaim are also valid here. -õ -0io.k8s.api.core.v1.ServiceAccountTokenProjectionÀ"ìServiceAccountTokenProjection represents a projected service account token volume. This projection can be used to insert a service account token into the pods runtime filesystem for use against APIs (Kubernetes API Server or otherwise).špath² -objectÊ» -’ -audience…"÷Audience is the intended audience of the token. A recipient of a token must identify itself with an identifier specified in the audience of the token, and otherwise should reject the token. The audience defaults to the identifier of the apiserver.² -string -¹ -expirationSeconds£int64"ExpirationSeconds is the requested duration of validity of the service account token. As the token approaches expiration, the kubelet volume plugin will proactively rotate the service account token. The kubelet will start trying to rotate the token if the token is older than 80 percent of its time to live or if the token is older than 24 hours.Defaults to 1 hour and must be at least 10 minutes.² -integer -h -path`"SPath is the path relative to the mount point of the file to project the token into.² -string -× -3io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.ExternalMetricStatusŸ"nExternalMetricStatus indicates the current value of a global metric not associated with any Kubernetes object.šmetricšcurrent² -objectÊ -„ -currenty ->#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.MetricValueStatus"7current contains the current value for the given metric -ƒ -metricy -=#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.MetricIdentifier"8metric identifies the target metric by name and selector - -/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.PodsMetricSourceŽ"åPodsMetricSource indicates how to scale on a metric describing each pod in the current scale target (for example, transactions-processed-per-second). The values will be averaged together before being compared to the target value.šmetricštarget² -objectÊ… -ƒ -metricy -=#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.MetricIdentifier"8metric identifies the target metric by name and selector -} -targets -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.MetricTarget"6target specifies the target value for the given metric -¢9 -io.k8s.api.core.v1.Volume„9"[Volume represents a named volume in a pod that may be accessed by any container in the pod.šname² -objectÊ‘8 - -quobyteƒ -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.QuobyteVolumeSource"KQuobyte represents a Quobyte mount on the host that shares a pod's lifetime -Ÿ - azureFile‘ -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.AzureFileVolumeSource"WAzureFile represents an Azure File Service mount on the host and bind mount to the pod. -Ð -cinderÅ -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.CinderVolumeSource"Cinder represents a cinder volume attached and mounted on kubelets host machine. More info: https://examples.k8s.io/mysql-cinder-pd/README.md -ˆ - configMap{ -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ConfigMapVolumeSource"AConfigMap represents a configMap that should populate this volume -Ä -nfs¼ -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NFSVolumeSource"‡NFS represents an NFS mount on the host that shares a pod's lifetime More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#nfs -Î -photonPersistentDiskµ -A#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PhotonPersistentDiskVolumeSource"pPhotonPersistentDisk represents a PhotonController persistent disk attached and mounted on kubelets host machine -» - ephemeral­ -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.EphemeralVolumeSource"òEphemeral represents a volume that is handled by a cluster storage driver. The volume's lifecycle is tied to the pod that defines it - it will be created before the pod starts, and deleted when the pod is removed. - -Use this if: a) the volume is only needed while the pod runs, b) features of normal volumes like restoring from snapshot or capacity - tracking are needed, -c) the storage driver is specified through a storage class, and d) the storage driver supports dynamic volume provisioning through - a PersistentVolumeClaim (see EphemeralVolumeSource for more - information on the connection between this volume type - and PersistentVolumeClaim). - -Use PersistentVolumeClaim or one of the vendor-specific APIs for volumes that persist for longer than the lifecycle of an individual pod. - -Use CSI for light-weight local ephemeral volumes if the CSI driver is meant to be used that way - see the documentation of the driver for more information. - -A pod can use both types of ephemeral volumes and persistent volumes at the same time. - -This is a beta feature and only available when the GenericEphemeralVolume feature gate is enabled. -Ø - glusterfsÊ -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.GlusterfsVolumeSource"Glusterfs represents a Glusterfs mount on the host that shares a pod's lifetime. More info: https://examples.k8s.io/volumes/glusterfs/README.md -É -rbdÁ -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.RBDVolumeSource"ŒRBD represents a Rados Block Device mount on the host that shares a pod's lifetime. More info: https://examples.k8s.io/volumes/rbd/README.md -œ - azureDiskŽ -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.AzureDiskVolumeSource"TAzureDisk represents an Azure Data Disk mount on the host and bind mount to the pod. -ž - downwardAPIŽ -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.DownwardAPIVolumeSource"RDownwardAPI represents downward API about the pod that should populate this volume -É -gitRepo½ -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.GitRepoVolumeSource"„GitRepo represents a git repository at a particular revision. DEPRECATED: GitRepo is deprecated. To provision a container with a git repo, mount an EmptyDir into an InitContainer that clones the repo using git, then mount the EmptyDir into the Pod's container. -œ -scaleIO -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ScaleIOVolumeSource"XScaleIO represents a ScaleIO persistent volume attached and mounted on Kubernetes nodes. -” -hostPath‡ -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.HostPathVolumeSource"ÍHostPath represents a pre-existing file or directory on the host machine that is directly exposed to the container. This is generally used for system agents or other privileged things that are allowed to see the host machine. Most containers will NOT need this. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#hostpath -® -name¥"—Volume's name. Must be a DNS_LABEL and unique within the pod. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names² -string -¬ -persistentVolumeClaim’ -B#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource"ËPersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource represents a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes#persistentvolumeclaims -¤ -gcePersistentDiskŽ ->#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.GCEPersistentDiskVolumeSource"ËGCEPersistentDisk represents a GCE Disk resource that is attached to a kubelet's host machine and then exposed to the pod. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#gcepersistentdisk -í -iscsiã -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ISCSIVolumeSource"¬ISCSI represents an ISCSI Disk resource that is attached to a kubelet's host machine and then exposed to the pod. More info: https://examples.k8s.io/volumes/iscsi/README.md -Å -secretº -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.SecretVolumeSource"‚Secret represents a secret that should populate this volume. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#secret -¬ - -flexVolume -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.FlexVolumeSource"hFlexVolume represents a generic volume resource that is provisioned/attached using an exec based plugin. -± -awsElasticBlockStore˜ -A#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.AWSElasticBlockStoreVolumeSource"ÒAWSElasticBlockStore represents an AWS Disk resource that is attached to a kubelet's host machine and then exposed to the pod. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#awselasticblockstore -º -csi² -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.CSIVolumeSource"~CSI (Container Storage Interface) represents ephemeral storage that is handled by certain external CSI drivers (Beta feature). -‹ - projected~ -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ProjectedVolumeSource"DItems for all in one resources secrets, configmaps, and downward API -¬ - vsphereVolumeš -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.VsphereVirtualDiskVolumeSource"WVsphereVolume represents a vSphere volume attached and mounted on kubelets host machine -™ - storageos‹ -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.StorageOSVolumeSource"QStorageOS represents a StorageOS volume attached and mounted on Kubernetes nodes. -Œ -cephfs -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.CephFSVolumeSource"JCephFS represents a Ceph FS mount on the host that shares a pod's lifetime -Ö -emptyDirÉ -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.EmptyDirVolumeSource"EmptyDir represents a temporary directory that shares a pod's lifetime. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#emptydir -ª -fc£ -/#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.FCVolumeSource"pFC represents a Fibre Channel resource that is attached to a kubelet's host machine and then exposed to the pod. -È -flocker¼ -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.FlockerVolumeSource"ƒFlocker represents a Flocker volume attached to a kubelet's host machine. This depends on the Flocker control service being running -¥ -portworxVolume’ -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PortworxVolumeSource"YPortworxVolume represents a portworx volume attached and mounted on kubelets host machine -ó -"io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DaemonSetStatusÌ">DaemonSetStatus represents the current status of a daemon set.šcurrentNumberScheduledšnumberMisscheduledšdesiredNumberScheduledš numberReady² -objectʨ -˜ - numberReadyˆint32"sThe number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod and have one or more of the daemon pod running and ready.² -integer -Å -numberUnavailable¯int32"™The number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod and have none of the daemon pod running and available (ready for at least spec.minReadySeconds)² -integer -õ - -conditionsæ"LRepresents the latest available observations of a DaemonSet's current state.² -arrayº7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DaemonSetConditionú' -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keytype -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge - -ã -currentNumberScheduledÈint32"²The number of nodes that are running at least 1 daemon pod and are supposed to run the daemon pod. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/daemonset/² -integer -Ê -numberAvailable¶int32" The number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod and have one or more of the daemon pod running and available (ready for at least spec.minReadySeconds)² -integer -Ý -numberMisscheduledÆint32"°The number of nodes that are running the daemon pod, but are not supposed to run the daemon pod. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/daemonset/² -integer -ä -collisionCountÑint32"»Count of hash collisions for the DaemonSet. The DaemonSet controller uses this field as a collision avoidance mechanism when it needs to create the name for the newest ControllerRevision.² -integer -ô -desiredNumberScheduledÙint32"ÃThe total number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod (including nodes correctly running the daemon pod). More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/daemonset/² -integer -l -observedGenerationVint64"AThe most recent generation observed by the daemon set controller.² -integer -l -updatedNumberScheduledRint32"=The total number of nodes that are running updated daemon pod² -integer -Ç -#io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v1.ScaleSpecŸ":ScaleSpec describes the attributes of a scale subresource.² -objectÊU -S -replicasGint32"2desired number of instances for the scaled object.² -integer -ê - -(io.k8s.api.policy.v1.PodDisruptionBudget½ -"hPodDisruptionBudget is an object to define the max disruption that can be caused to a collection of pods² -objectÊâ -Ò -metadataÅ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -‡ -spec -:#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1.PodDisruptionBudgetSpec"ASpecification of the desired behavior of the PodDisruptionBudget. -ƒ -statusy -<#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1.PodDisruptionBudgetStatus"9Most recently observed status of the PodDisruptionBudget. -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -stringú_ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind<:- kind: PodDisruptionBudget - version: v1 - group: policy - -¯ -*io.k8s.api.apps.v1.RollingUpdateDeployment€ "7Spec to control the desired behavior of rolling update.² -objectʸ -å -maxSurgeØ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.util.intstr.IntOrString"–The maximum number of pods that can be scheduled above the desired number of pods. Value can be an absolute number (ex: 5) or a percentage of desired pods (ex: 10%). This can not be 0 if MaxUnavailable is 0. Absolute number is calculated from percentage by rounding up. Defaults to 25%. Example: when this is set to 30%, the new ReplicaSet can be scaled up immediately when the rolling update starts, such that the total number of old and new pods do not exceed 130% of desired pods. Once old pods have been killed, new ReplicaSet can be scaled up further, ensuring that total number of pods running at any time during the update is at most 130% of desired pods. -Í -maxUnavailableº -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.util.intstr.IntOrString"øThe maximum number of pods that can be unavailable during the update. Value can be an absolute number (ex: 5) or a percentage of desired pods (ex: 10%). Absolute number is calculated from percentage by rounding down. This can not be 0 if MaxSurge is 0. Defaults to 25%. Example: when this is set to 30%, the old ReplicaSet can be scaled down to 70% of desired pods immediately when the rolling update starts. Once new pods are ready, old ReplicaSet can be scaled down further, followed by scaling up the new ReplicaSet, ensuring that the total number of pods available at all times during the update is at least 70% of desired pods. -ø -3io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.ResourceMetricSourceÀ"ÊResourceMetricSource indicates how to scale on a resource metric known to Kubernetes, as specified in requests and limits, describing each pod in the current scale target (e.g. CPU or memory). The values will be averaged together before being compared to the target. Such metrics are built in to Kubernetes, and have special scaling options on top of those available to normal per-pod metrics using the "pods" source. Only one "target" type should be set.šname² -objectÊÝ -B -name:"-name is the name of the resource in question.² -string -ð -targetAverageUtilizationÓint32"½targetAverageUtilization is the target value of the average of the resource metric across all relevant pods, represented as a percentage of the requested value of the resource for the pods.² -integer -£ -targetAverageValueŒ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantity"ÌtargetAverageValue is the target value of the average of the resource metric across all relevant pods, as a raw value (instead of as a percentage of the request), similar to the "pods" metric source type. -´ -io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.RoleBinding‘ "·RoleBinding references a role, but does not contain it. It can reference a Role in the same namespace or a ClusterRole in the global namespace. It adds who information via Subjects and namespace information by which namespace it exists in. RoleBindings in a given namespace only have effect in that namespace.šroleRef² -objectÊÑ -à -roleRefÔ -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.RoleRef"§RoleRef can reference a Role in the current namespace or a ClusterRole in the global namespace. If the RoleRef cannot be resolved, the Authorizer must return an error. -„ -subjectsx"=Subjects holds references to the objects the role applies to.² -arrayº, -* -(#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.Subject -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -h -metadata\ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"Standard object's metadata.új -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindGE- group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io - kind: RoleBinding - version: v1 - -° - -Kio.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1beta1.ValidatingWebhookConfigurationListà "OValidatingWebhookConfigurationList is a list of ValidatingWebhookConfiguration.šitems² -objectÊë -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -™ -items"'List of ValidatingWebhookConfiguration.² -arrayºY -W -U#/definitions/io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1beta1.ValidatingWebhookConfiguration -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ï -metadata -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"‚Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kindsú‰ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindfd- group: admissionregistration.k8s.io - kind: ValidatingWebhookConfigurationList - version: v1beta1 - -„ -:io.k8s.api.certificates.v1.CertificateSigningRequestStatusÅ"ŽCertificateSigningRequestStatus contains conditions used to indicate approved/denied/failed status of the request, and the issued certificate.² -objectÊ¥ -Š - certificateú -byte"À -certificate is populated with an issued certificate by the signer after an Approved condition is present. This field is set via the /status subresource. Once populated, this field is immutable. - -If the certificate signing request is denied, a condition of type "Denied" is added and this field remains empty. If the signer cannot issue the certificate, a condition of type "Failed" is added and this field remains empty. - -Validation requirements: - 1. certificate must contain one or more PEM blocks. - 2. All PEM blocks must have the "CERTIFICATE" label, contain no headers, and the encoded data - must be a BER-encoded ASN.1 Certificate structure as described in section 4 of RFC5280. - 3. Non-PEM content may appear before or after the "CERTIFICATE" PEM blocks and is unvalidated, - to allow for explanatory text as described in section 5.2 of RFC7468. - -If more than one PEM block is present, and the definition of the requested spec.signerName does not indicate otherwise, the first block is the issued certificate, and subsequent blocks should be treated as intermediate certificates and presented in TLS handshakes. - -The certificate is encoded in PEM format. - -When serialized as JSON or YAML, the data is additionally base64-encoded, so it consists of: - - base64( - -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- - ... - -----END CERTIFICATE----- - )² -stringú# -x-kubernetes-list-type atomic - -• - -conditions†"[conditions applied to the request. Known conditions are "Approved", "Denied", and "Failed".² -arrayºO -M -K#/definitions/io.k8s.api.certificates.v1.CertificateSigningRequestConditionú' -x-kubernetes-list-map-keys - type -ú -x-kubernetes-list-typemap - - -+io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.IngressStatusÑ"8IngressStatus describe the current state of the Ingress.² -objectʈ -… - loadBalanceru -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.LoadBalancerStatus">LoadBalancer contains the current status of the load-balancer. -š -(io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSIDriverListí"3CSIDriverList is a collection of CSIDriver objects.šitems² -objectʸ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -l -itemsc"items is the list of CSIDriver² -arrayº6 -4 -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSIDriver -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ê -metadata½ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"~Standard list metadata More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadataúf -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindCA- version: v1beta1 - group: storage.k8s.io - kind: CSIDriverList - -ö - -Vio.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceDefinitionNames› -"XCustomResourceDefinitionNames indicates the names to serve this CustomResourceDefinitionšpluralškind² -objectÊ¢ -q -listKinde"XlistKind is the serialized kind of the list for this resource. Defaults to "`kind`List".² -string - -plural‚"ôplural is the plural name of the resource to serve. The custom resources are served under `/apis///.../`. Must match the name of the CustomResourceDefinition (in the form `.`). Must be all lowercase.² -string -á - -shortNamesÒ"µshortNames are short names for the resource, exposed in API discovery documents, and used by clients to support invocations like `kubectl get `. It must be all lowercase.² -arrayº - ² -string -€ -singulart"gsingular is the singular name of the resource. It must be all lowercase. Defaults to lowercased `kind`.² -string -ô - -categorieså"Ècategories is a list of grouped resources this custom resource belongs to (e.g. 'all'). This is published in API discovery documents, and used by clients to support invocations like `kubectl get all`.² -arrayº - ² -string -¾ -kindµ"§kind is the serialized kind of the resource. It is normally CamelCase and singular. Custom resource instances will use this value as the `kind` attribute in API calls.² -string -Ù -.io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Condition¦ "TCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource.štypešstatusšlastTransitionTimešreasonšmessage² -objectʉ - -L -statusB"5status of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown.² -string -T -typeL"?type of condition in CamelCase or in foo.example.com/CamelCase.² -string -¸ -lastTransitionTime¡ -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"ålastTransitionTime is the last time the condition transitioned from one status to another. This should be when the underlying condition changed. If that is not known, then using the time when the API field changed is acceptable. - -messagev"imessage is a human readable message indicating details about the transition. This may be an empty string.² -string -È -observedGeneration±int64"›observedGeneration represents the .metadata.generation that the condition was set based upon. For instance, if .metadata.generation is currently 12, but the .status.conditions[x].observedGeneration is 9, the condition is out of date with respect to the current state of the instance.² -integer -Ø -reasonÍ"¿reason contains a programmatic identifier indicating the reason for the condition's last transition. Producers of specific condition types may define expected values and meanings for this field, and whether the values are considered a guaranteed API. The value should be a CamelCase string. This field may not be empty.² -string - -/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.util.intstr.IntOrStringŽ int-or-string"ñIntOrString is a type that can hold an int32 or a string. When used in JSON or YAML marshalling and unmarshalling, it produces or consumes the inner type. This allows you to have, for example, a JSON field that can accept a name or number.² -string -ž -io.k8s.api.apps.v1.StatefulSetû -"ŸStatefulSet represents a set of pods with consistent identities. Identities are defined as: - - Network: A single stable DNS and hostname. - - Storage: As many VolumeClaims as requested. -The StatefulSet guarantees that a given network identity will always map to the same storage identity.² -objectÊò -K -metadata? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta -t -specl -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.StatefulSetSpec"8Spec defines the desired identities of pods in this set. -¯ -status¤ -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.StatefulSetStatus"nStatus is the current status of Pods in this StatefulSet. This data may be out of date by some window of time. -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -stringúU -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind20- group: apps - kind: StatefulSet - version: v1 - -¿ -"io.k8s.api.core.v1.SecretEnvSource˜"¹SecretEnvSource selects a Secret to populate the environment variables with. - -The contents of the target Secret's Data field will represent the key-value pairs as environment variables.² -objectÊÍ -„ -name|"oName of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names² -string -D -optional8"*Specify whether the Secret must be defined² -boolean -ë -io.k8s.api.core.v1.EventSourceÈ".EventSource contains information for an event.² -objectʉ -F - component9",Component from which the event is generated.² -string -? -host7"*Node name on which the event is generated.² -string -‹ -&io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.Subjectà"´Subject matches the originator of a request, as identified by the request authentication system. There are three ways of matching an originator; by user, group, or service account.škind² -objectÊ -D -group; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.GroupSubject - -kind"Required² -string -V -serviceAccountD -B#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.ServiceAccountSubject -B -user: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.UserSubjectúŽ -x-kubernetes-unionswu- fields-to-discriminateBy: - group: Group - serviceAccount: ServiceAccount - user: User - discriminator: kind - -Ž - -io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeSpecî ">NodeSpec describes the attributes that a node is created with.² -objectÊŸ -Ï - unschedulable½"®Unschedulable controls node schedulability of new pods. By default, node is schedulable. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/nodes/node/#manual-node-administration² -boolean -Ö - configSourceÅ -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeConfigSource"If specified, the source to get node configuration from The DynamicKubeletConfig feature gate must be enabled for the Kubelet to use this field -† - -externalIDx"kDeprecated. Not all kubelets will set this field. Remove field after 1.13. see: https://issues.k8s.io/61966² -string -Q -podCIDRF"9PodCIDR represents the pod IP range assigned to the node.² -string -¬ -podCIDRsŸ"ØpodCIDRs represents the IP ranges assigned to the node for usage by Pods on that node. If this field is specified, the 0th entry must match the podCIDR field. It may contain at most 1 value for each of IPv4 and IPv6.² -arrayº - ² -stringú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge - - - -providerIDs"fID of the node assigned by the cloud provider in the format: ://² -string -c -taintsY" If specified, the node's taints.² -arrayº* -( -&#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Taint -ó -'io.k8s.api.core.v1.TopologySelectorTermÇ"‘A topology selector term represents the result of label queries. A null or empty topology selector term matches no objects. The requirements of them are ANDed. It provides a subset of functionality as NodeSelectorTerm. This is an alpha feature and may change in the future.² -objectʤ -¡ -matchLabelExpressions‡"3A list of topology selector requirements by labels.² -arrayºE -C -A#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.TopologySelectorLabelRequirement -ð -6io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.PolicyRulesWithSubjectsµ "•PolicyRulesWithSubjects prescribes a test that applies to a request to an apiserver. The test considers the subject making the request, the verb being requested, and the resource to be acted upon. This PolicyRulesWithSubjects matches a request if and only if both (a) at least one member of subjects matches the request and (b) at least one member of resourceRules or nonResourceRules matches the request.šsubjects² -objectʃ -Ù - resourceRulesÇ"Î`resourceRules` is a slice of ResourcePolicyRules that identify matching requests according to their verb and the target resource. At least one of `resourceRules` and `nonResourceRules` has to be non-empty.² -arrayºC -A -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.ResourcePolicyRuleú# -x-kubernetes-list-type atomic - - -subjectsô"†subjects is the list of normal user, serviceaccount, or group that this rule cares about. There must be at least one member in this slice. A slice that includes both the system:authenticated and system:unauthenticated user groups matches every request. Required.² -arrayº8 -6 -4#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.Subjectú# -x-kubernetes-list-type atomic - -  -nonResourceRules‹"`nonResourceRules` is a list of NonResourcePolicyRules that identify matching requests according to their verb and the target non-resource URL.² -arrayºF -D -B#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.NonResourcePolicyRuleú# -x-kubernetes-list-type atomic - -· -/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodSecurityPolicyListƒ "=PodSecurityPolicyList is a list of PodSecurityPolicy objects.šitems² -objectÊÄ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -w -itemsn""items is a list of schema objects.² -arrayº= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodSecurityPolicy -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ë -metadata¾ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadataúf -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindCA- version: v1beta1 - group: policy - kind: PodSecurityPolicyList - -å. -/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodSecurityPolicySpec±."2PodSecurityPolicySpec defines the policy enforced.šseLinuxš runAsUseršsupplementalGroupsšfsGroup² -objectʹ- -¤ -allowPrivilegeEscalation‡"yallowPrivilegeEscalation determines if a pod can request to allow privilege escalation. If unspecified, defaults to true.² -boolean -· -allowedFlexVolumes "ÓallowedFlexVolumes is an allowlist of Flexvolumes. Empty or nil indicates that all Flexvolumes may be used. This parameter is effective only when the usage of the Flexvolumes is allowed in the "volumes" field.² -arrayº= -; -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.AllowedFlexVolume -¿ -allowedHostPathsª"`allowedHostPaths is an allowlist of host paths. Empty indicates that all host paths may be used.² -arrayº; -9 -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.AllowedHostPath -’ -defaultAddCapabilities÷"ÚdefaultAddCapabilities is the default set of capabilities that will be added to the container unless the pod spec specifically drops the capability. You may not list a capability in both defaultAddCapabilities and requiredDropCapabilities. Capabilities added here are implicitly allowed, and need not be included in the allowedCapabilities list.² -arrayº - ² -string -· -defaultAllowPrivilegeEscalation“"„defaultAllowPrivilegeEscalation controls the default setting for whether a process can gain more privileges than its parent process.² -boolean - -forbiddenSysctlsø"ÛforbiddenSysctls is a list of explicitly forbidden sysctls, defaults to none. Each entry is either a plain sysctl name or ends in "*" in which case it is considered as a prefix of forbidden sysctls. Single * means all sysctls are forbidden. - -Examples: e.g. "foo/*" forbids "foo/bar", "foo/baz", etc. e.g. "foo.*" forbids "foo.bar", "foo.baz", etc.² -arrayº - ² -string -p - hostNetworka"ShostNetwork determines if the policy allows the use of HostNetwork in the pod spec.² -boolean -_ - -privilegedQ"Cprivileged determines if a pod can request to be run as privileged.² -boolean -ö -readOnlyRootFilesystemÛ"ÌreadOnlyRootFilesystem when set to true will force containers to run with a read only root file system. If the container specifically requests to run with a non-read only root file system the PSP should deny the pod. If set to false the container may run with a read only root file system if it wishes but it will not be forced to.² -boolean -Í - runtimeClass¼ -C#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.RuntimeClassStrategyOptions"ôruntimeClass is the strategy that will dictate the allowable RuntimeClasses for a pod. If this field is omitted, the pod's runtimeClassName field is unrestricted. Enforcement of this field depends on the RuntimeClass feature gate being enabled. -¥ -volumes™"}volumes is an allowlist of volume plugins. Empty indicates that no volumes may be used. To allow all volumes you may use '*'.² -arrayº - ² -string -² -allowedCapabilitiesš"ýallowedCapabilities is a list of capabilities that can be requested to add to the container. Capabilities in this field may be added at the pod author's discretion. You must not list a capability in both allowedCapabilities and requiredDropCapabilities.² -arrayº - ² -string -î -allowedUnsafeSysctlsÕ"¸allowedUnsafeSysctls is a list of explicitly allowed unsafe sysctls, defaults to none. Each entry is either a plain sysctl name or ends in "*" in which case it is considered as a prefix of allowed sysctls. Single * means all unsafe sysctls are allowed. Kubelet has to allowlist all allowed unsafe sysctls explicitly to avoid rejection. - -Examples: e.g. "foo/*" allows "foo/bar", "foo/baz", etc. e.g. "foo.*" allows "foo.bar", "foo.baz", etc.² -arrayº - ² -string -¥ -fsGroup™ ->#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.FSGroupStrategyOptions"WfsGroup is the strategy that will dictate what fs group is used by the SecurityContext. -d -hostPIDY"KhostPID determines if the policy allows the use of HostPID in the pod spec.² -boolean -œ - hostPortsŽ"FhostPorts determines which host port ranges are allowed to be exposed.² -arrayº9 -7 -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.HostPortRange -­ - runAsUserŸ -@#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.RunAsUserStrategyOptions"[runAsUser is the strategy that will dictate the allowable RunAsUser values that may be set. - -seLinux‘ ->#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.SELinuxStrategyOptions"OseLinux is the strategy that will dictate the allowable labels that may be set. -Ò -supplementalGroups» -I#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.SupplementalGroupsStrategyOptions"nsupplementalGroups is the strategy that will dictate what supplemental groups are used by the SecurityContext. -” -allowedCSIDriversþ"²AllowedCSIDrivers is an allowlist of inline CSI drivers that must be explicitly set to be embedded within a pod spec. An empty value indicates that any CSI driver can be used for inline ephemeral volumes. This is a beta field, and is only honored if the API server enables the CSIInlineVolume feature gate.² -arrayº< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.AllowedCSIDriver -´ - -runAsGroup¥ -A#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.RunAsGroupStrategyOptions"ßRunAsGroup is the strategy that will dictate the allowable RunAsGroup values that may be set. If this field is omitted, the pod's RunAsGroup can take any value. This field requires the RunAsGroup feature gate to be enabled. -ú -allowedProcMountTypesà"ÃAllowedProcMountTypes is an allowlist of allowed ProcMountTypes. Empty or nil indicates that only the DefaultProcMountType may be used. This requires the ProcMountType feature flag to be enabled.² -arrayº - ² -string -d -hostIPCY"KhostIPC determines if the policy allows the use of HostIPC in the pod spec.² -boolean -Ç -requiredDropCapabilitiesª"requiredDropCapabilities are the capabilities that will be dropped from the container. These are required to be dropped and cannot be added.² -arrayº - ² -string -â -Hio.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1beta1.APIServiceStatus•"AAPIServiceStatus contains derived information about an API server² -objectÊà -À - -conditions±"$Current service state of apiService.² -arrayº] -[ -Y#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1beta1.APIServiceConditionú -x-kubernetes-list-typemap -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keytype -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge -ú' -x-kubernetes-list-map-keys - type - -ÿ -%io.k8s.api.core.v1.CephFSVolumeSourceÕ "Represents a Ceph Filesystem mount that lasts the lifetime of a pod Cephfs volumes do not support ownership management or SELinux relabeling.šmonitors² -objectÊ« -˜ -user"Optional: User is the rados user name, default is admin More info: https://examples.k8s.io/volumes/cephfs/README.md#how-to-use-it² -string -¦ -monitors™"}Required: Monitors is a collection of Ceph monitors More info: https://examples.k8s.io/volumes/cephfs/README.md#how-to-use-it² -arrayº - ² -string -e -path]"POptional: Used as the mounted root, rather than the full Ceph tree, default is /² -string -Î -readOnlyÁ"²Optional: Defaults to false (read/write). ReadOnly here will force the ReadOnly setting in VolumeMounts. More info: https://examples.k8s.io/volumes/cephfs/README.md#how-to-use-it² -boolean -¾ - -secretFile¯"¡Optional: SecretFile is the path to key ring for User, default is /etc/ceph/user.secret More info: https://examples.k8s.io/volumes/cephfs/README.md#how-to-use-it² -string -ë - secretRefÝ -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.LocalObjectReference"£Optional: SecretRef is reference to the authentication secret for User, default is empty. More info: https://examples.k8s.io/volumes/cephfs/README.md#how-to-use-it -ú -(io.k8s.api.core.v1.ConfigMapVolumeSourceÍ "ÅAdapts a ConfigMap into a volume. - -The contents of the target ConfigMap's Data field will be presented in a volume as files using the keys in the Data field as the file names, unless the items element is populated with specific mappings of keys to paths. ConfigMap volumes support ownership management and SELinux relabeling.² -objectÊö -ê - defaultModeÚint32"ÄOptional: mode bits used to set permissions on created files by default. Must be an octal value between 0000 and 0777 or a decimal value between 0 and 511. YAML accepts both octal and decimal values, JSON requires decimal values for mode bits. Defaults to 0644. Directories within the path are not affected by this setting. This might be in conflict with other options that affect the file mode, like fsGroup, and the result can be other mode bits set.² -integer -ª -items "âIf unspecified, each key-value pair in the Data field of the referenced ConfigMap will be projected into the volume as a file whose name is the key and content is the value. If specified, the listed keys will be projected into the specified paths, and unlisted keys will not be present. If a key is specified which is not present in the ConfigMap, the volume setup will error unless it is marked optional. Paths must be relative and may not contain the '..' path or start with '..'.² -arrayº. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.KeyToPath -„ -name|"oName of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names² -string -S -optionalG"9Specify whether the ConfigMap or its keys must be defined² -boolean -= -io.k8s.api.core.v1.Containerî<"AA single application container that you want to run within a pod.šname² -objectÊ•< -‚ - livenessProbeð -&#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Probe"ÅPeriodic probe of container liveness. Container will be restarted if the probe fails. Cannot be updated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes -¡ -readinessProbeŽ -&#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Probe"ãPeriodic probe of container service readiness. Container will be removed from service endpoints if the probe fails. Cannot be updated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes -â - resourcesÔ -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ResourceRequirements"šCompute Resources required by this container. Cannot be updated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers/ - -securityContextü -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.SecurityContext"ÇSecurity options the pod should run with. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/policy/security-context/ More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/ -Ô - startupProbeà -&#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Probe"˜StartupProbe indicates that the Pod has successfully initialized. If specified, no other probes are executed until this completes successfully. If this probe fails, the Pod will be restarted, just as if the livenessProbe failed. This can be used to provide different probe parameters at the beginning of a Pod's lifecycle, when it might take a long time to load data or warm a cache, than during steady-state operation. This cannot be updated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes -Å -terminationMessagePathª"œOptional: Path at which the file to which the container's termination message will be written is mounted into the container's filesystem. Message written is intended to be brief final status, such as an assertion failure message. Will be truncated by the node if greater than 4096 bytes. The total message length across all containers will be limited to 12kb. Defaults to /dev/termination-log. Cannot be updated.² -string -ñ - volumeMountsà"HPod volumes to mount into the container's filesystem. Cannot be updated.² -arrayº0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.VolumeMountú, -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-key  -mountPath -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge - -Ö -envFromÊ"ˆList of sources to populate environment variables in the container. The keys defined within a source must be a C_IDENTIFIER. All invalid keys will be reported as an event when the container is starting. When a key exists in multiple sources, the value associated with the last source will take precedence. Values defined by an Env with a duplicate key will take precedence. Cannot be updated.² -arrayº2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.EnvFromSource -Ï -stdinÅ"¶Whether this container should allocate a buffer for stdin in the container runtime. If this is not set, reads from stdin in the container will always result in EOF. Default is false.² -boolean - -ttyz"lWhether this container should allocate a TTY for itself, also requires 'stdin' to be true. Default is false.² -boolean -ó - volumeDevicesá"GvolumeDevices is the list of block devices to be used by the container.² -arrayº1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.VolumeDeviceú- -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-key  devicePath -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge - -À - -workingDir±"£Container's working directory. If not specified, the container runtime's default will be used, which might be configured in the container image. Cannot be updated.² -string - -imageƒ"õDocker image name. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images This field is optional to allow higher level config management to default or override container images in workload controllers like Deployments and StatefulSets.² -string -ß -env×"IList of environment variables to set in the container. Cannot be updated.² -arrayº+ -) -'#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.EnvVarú' -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keyname -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge - -¨ - lifecycleš -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Lifecycle"lActions that the management system should take in response to container lifecycle events. Cannot be updated. -• -nameŒ"Name of the container specified as a DNS_LABEL. Each container in a pod must have a unique name (DNS_LABEL). Cannot be updated.² -string -û -commandï"ÒEntrypoint array. Not executed within a shell. The docker image's ENTRYPOINT is used if this is not provided. Variable references $(VAR_NAME) are expanded using the container's environment. If a variable cannot be resolved, the reference in the input string will be unchanged. The $(VAR_NAME) syntax can be escaped with a double $$, ie: $$(VAR_NAME). Escaped references will never be expanded, regardless of whether the variable exists or not. Cannot be updated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/inject-data-application/define-command-argument-container/#running-a-command-in-a-shell² -arrayº - ² -string -‡ -imagePullPolicyó"åImage pull policy. One of Always, Never, IfNotPresent. Defaults to Always if :latest tag is specified, or IfNotPresent otherwise. Cannot be updated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images#updating-images² -string -” -portsŠ"ŠList of ports to expose from the container. Exposing a port here gives the system additional information about the network connections a container uses, but is primarily informational. Not specifying a port here DOES NOT prevent that port from being exposed. Any port which is listening on the default "" address inside a container will be accessible from the network. Cannot be updated.² -arrayº2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ContainerPortú; -x-kubernetes-list-map-keys- containerPort -- protocol -ú -x-kubernetes-list-typemap -ú0 -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keycontainerPort -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge - -× - stdinOnceÉ"ºWhether the container runtime should close the stdin channel after it has been opened by a single attach. When stdin is true the stdin stream will remain open across multiple attach sessions. If stdinOnce is set to true, stdin is opened on container start, is empty until the first client attaches to stdin, and then remains open and accepts data until the client disconnects, at which time stdin is closed and remains closed until the container is restarted. If this flag is false, a container processes that reads from stdin will never receive an EOF. Default is false² -boolean -æ -terminationMessagePolicyÉ"»Indicate how the termination message should be populated. File will use the contents of terminationMessagePath to populate the container status message on both success and failure. FallbackToLogsOnError will use the last chunk of container log output if the termination message file is empty and the container exited with an error. The log output is limited to 2048 bytes or 80 lines, whichever is smaller. Defaults to File. Cannot be updated.² -string -ß -argsÖ"¹Arguments to the entrypoint. The docker image's CMD is used if this is not provided. Variable references $(VAR_NAME) are expanded using the container's environment. If a variable cannot be resolved, the reference in the input string will be unchanged. The $(VAR_NAME) syntax can be escaped with a double $$, ie: $$(VAR_NAME). Escaped references will never be expanded, regardless of whether the variable exists or not. Cannot be updated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/inject-data-application/define-command-argument-container/#running-a-command-in-a-shell² -arrayº - ² -string -Ê - io.k8s.api.core.v1.NamespaceSpec¥"6NamespaceSpec describes the attributes on a Namespace.² -objectÊÞ -Û - -finalizersÌ"¯Finalizers is an opaque list of values that must be empty to permanently remove object from storage. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/namespaces/² -arrayº - ² -string -Ì -%io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressClass¢ "óIngressClass represents the class of the Ingress, referenced by the Ingress Spec. The `ingressclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class` annotation can be used to indicate that an IngressClass should be considered default. When a single IngressClass resource has this annotation set to true, new Ingress resources without a class specified will be assigned this default class.² -objectÊ· -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ò -metadataÅ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -â -specÙ -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressClassSpec"Spec is the desired state of the IngressClass. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-statusúc -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind@>- version: v1 - group: networking.k8s.io - kind: IngressClass - -Ò -io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.Role± "ÒRole is a namespaced, logical grouping of PolicyRules that can be referenced as a unit by a RoleBinding. Deprecated in v1.17 in favor of rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 Role, and will no longer be served in v1.22.² -objectÊâ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -h -metadata\ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"Standard object's metadata. -y -rulesp"-Rules holds all the PolicyRules for this Role² -arrayº4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.PolicyRuleúh -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindEC- kind: Role - version: v1beta1 - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io - -Ï -$io.k8s.api.batch.v1beta1.CronJobSpec¦ "YCronJobSpec describes how the job execution will look like and when it will actually run.šscheduleš jobTemplate² -objectÊ£ - -¿ -successfulJobsHistoryLimit int32"ŠThe number of successful finished jobs to retain. This is a pointer to distinguish between explicit zero and not specified. Defaults to 3.² -integer -  -suspend”"…This flag tells the controller to suspend subsequent executions, it does not apply to already started executions. Defaults to false.² -boolean -Ì -concurrencyPolicy¶"¨Specifies how to treat concurrent executions of a Job. Valid values are: - "Allow" (default): allows CronJobs to run concurrently; - "Forbid": forbids concurrent runs, skipping next run if previous run hasn't finished yet; - "Replace": cancels currently running job and replaces it with a new one² -string -· -failedJobsHistoryLimitœint32"†The number of failed finished jobs to retain. This is a pointer to distinguish between explicit zero and not specified. Defaults to 1.² -integer -‰ - jobTemplatez -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1beta1.JobTemplateSpec"@Specifies the job that will be created when executing a CronJob. -] -scheduleQ"DThe schedule in Cron format, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron.² -string -Ç -startingDeadlineSeconds«int64"•Optional deadline in seconds for starting the job if it misses scheduled time for any reason. Missed jobs executions will be counted as failed ones.² -integer -Î -%io.k8s.api.core.v1.ConfigMapEnvSource¤"ÂConfigMapEnvSource selects a ConfigMap to populate the environment variables with. - -The contents of the target ConfigMap's Data field will represent the key-value pairs as environment variables.² -objectÊÐ -„ -name|"oName of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names² -string -G -optional;"-Specify whether the ConfigMap must be defined² -boolean -Ì -io.k8s.api.core.v1.VolumeMount©"@VolumeMount describes a mounting of a Volume within a container.šnameš mountPath² -objectÊÅ -: -name2"%This must match the Name of a Volume.² -string -t -readOnlyh"ZMounted read-only if true, read-write otherwise (false or unspecified). Defaults to false.² -boolean -ƒ -subPathx"kPath within the volume from which the container's volume should be mounted. Defaults to "" (volume's root).² -string -¿ - subPathExpr¯"¡Expanded path within the volume from which the container's volume should be mounted. Behaves similarly to SubPath but environment variable references $(VAR_NAME) are expanded using the container's environment. Defaults to "" (volume's root). SubPathExpr and SubPath are mutually exclusive.² -string -q - mountPathd"WPath within the container at which the volume should be mounted. Must not contain ':'.² -string -Õ -mountPropagationÀ"²mountPropagation determines how mounts are propagated from the host to container and the other way around. When not set, MountPropagationNone is used. This field is beta in 1.10.² -string -´ -.io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressServiceBackend"CIngressServiceBackend references a Kubernetes Service as a Backend.šname² -objectʦ -x -namep"cName is the referenced service. The service must exist in the same namespace as the Ingress object.² -string -© -port  -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.ServiceBackendPort"cPort of the referenced service. A port name or port number is required for a IngressServiceBackend. -· -1io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.VolumeAttachmentSource"ÝVolumeAttachmentSource represents a volume that should be attached. Right now only PersistenVolumes can be attached via external attacher, in future we may allow also inline volumes in pods. Exactly one member can be set.² -objectÊ’ -À -inlineVolumeSpec« -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeSpec"ñinlineVolumeSpec contains all the information necessary to attach a persistent volume defined by a pod's inline VolumeSource. This field is populated only for the CSIMigration feature. It contains translated fields from a pod's inline VolumeSource to a PersistentVolumeSpec. This field is beta-level and is only honored by servers that enabled the CSIMigration feature. -M -persistentVolumeName5"(Name of the persistent volume to attach.² -string -£ -Zio.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceDefinitionConditionÄ"YCustomResourceDefinitionCondition contains details for the current condition of this pod.štypešstatus² -objectÊÊ -e -messageZ"Mmessage is a human-readable message indicating details about last transition.² -string -j -reason`"Sreason is a unique, one-word, CamelCase reason for the condition's last transition.² -string -Z -statusP"Cstatus is the status of the condition. Can be True, False, Unknown.² -string -q -typei"\type is the type of the condition. Types include Established, NamesAccepted and Terminating.² -string -¥ -lastTransitionTimeŽ -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"SlastTransitionTime last time the condition transitioned from one status to another. -ö6 -%io.k8s.api.core.v1.EphemeralContainerÌ6"ƒAn EphemeralContainer is a container that may be added temporarily to an existing pod for user-initiated activities such as debugging. Ephemeral containers have no resource or scheduling guarantees, and they will not be restarted when they exit or when a pod is removed or restarted. If an ephemeral container causes a pod to exceed its resource allocation, the pod may be evicted. Ephemeral containers may not be added by directly updating the pod spec. They must be added via the pod's ephemeralcontainers subresource, and they will appear in the pod spec once added. This is an alpha feature enabled by the EphemeralContainers feature flag.šname² -objectÊ°1 -Ö -envFromÊ"ˆList of sources to populate environment variables in the container. The keys defined within a source must be a C_IDENTIFIER. All invalid keys will be reported as an event when the container is starting. When a key exists in multiple sources, the value associated with the last source will take precedence. Values defined by an Env with a duplicate key will take precedence. Cannot be updated.² -arrayº2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.EnvFromSource -‡ -imagePullPolicyó"åImage pull policy. One of Always, Never, IfNotPresent. Defaults to Always if :latest tag is specified, or IfNotPresent otherwise. Cannot be updated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images#updating-images² -string -© -name "’Name of the ephemeral container specified as a DNS_LABEL. This name must be unique among all containers, init containers and ephemeral containers.² -string - -securityContextl -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.SecurityContext"8SecurityContext is not allowed for ephemeral containers. -í -targetContainerNameÕ"ÇIf set, the name of the container from PodSpec that this ephemeral container targets. The ephemeral container will be run in the namespaces (IPC, PID, etc) of this container. If not set then the ephemeral container is run in whatever namespaces are shared for the pod. Note that the container runtime must support this feature.² -string -ó - volumeDevicesá"GvolumeDevices is the list of block devices to be used by the container.² -arrayº1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.VolumeDeviceú- -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-key  devicePath -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge - -ß -argsÖ"¹Arguments to the entrypoint. The docker image's CMD is used if this is not provided. Variable references $(VAR_NAME) are expanded using the container's environment. If a variable cannot be resolved, the reference in the input string will be unchanged. The $(VAR_NAME) syntax can be escaped with a double $$, ie: $$(VAR_NAME). Escaped references will never be expanded, regardless of whether the variable exists or not. Cannot be updated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/inject-data-application/define-command-argument-container/#running-a-command-in-a-shell² -arrayº - ² -string -û -commandï"ÒEntrypoint array. Not executed within a shell. The docker image's ENTRYPOINT is used if this is not provided. Variable references $(VAR_NAME) are expanded using the container's environment. If a variable cannot be resolved, the reference in the input string will be unchanged. The $(VAR_NAME) syntax can be escaped with a double $$, ie: $$(VAR_NAME). Escaped references will never be expanded, regardless of whether the variable exists or not. Cannot be updated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/inject-data-application/define-command-argument-container/#running-a-command-in-a-shell² -arrayº - ² -string -À - -workingDir±"£Container's working directory. If not specified, the container runtime's default will be used, which might be configured in the container image. Cannot be updated.² -string -Á - resources³ -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ResourceRequirements"zResources are not allowed for ephemeral containers. Ephemeral containers use spare resources already allocated to the pod. -j - startupProbeZ -&#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Probe"0Probes are not allowed for ephemeral containers. -ñ - volumeMountsà"HPod volumes to mount into the container's filesystem. Cannot be updated.² -arrayº0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.VolumeMountú, -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-key  -mountPath -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge - -ß -env×"IList of environment variables to set in the container. Cannot be updated.² -arrayº+ -) -'#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.EnvVarú' -x-kubernetes-patch-merge-keyname -ú' -x-kubernetes-patch-strategymerge - -l -readinessProbeZ -&#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Probe"0Probes are not allowed for ephemeral containers. -Ï -stdinÅ"¶Whether this container should allocate a buffer for stdin in the container runtime. If this is not set, reads from stdin in the container will always result in EOF. Default is false.² -boolean -× - stdinOnceÉ"ºWhether the container runtime should close the stdin channel after it has been opened by a single attach. When stdin is true the stdin stream will remain open across multiple attach sessions. If stdinOnce is set to true, stdin is opened on container start, is empty until the first client attaches to stdin, and then remains open and accepts data until the client disconnects, at which time stdin is closed and remains closed until the container is restarted. If this flag is false, a container processes that reads from stdin will never receive an EOF. Default is false² -boolean -æ -terminationMessagePolicyÉ"»Indicate how the termination message should be populated. File will use the contents of terminationMessagePath to populate the container status message on both success and failure. FallbackToLogsOnError will use the last chunk of container log output if the termination message file is empty and the container exited with an error. The log output is limited to 2048 bytes or 80 lines, whichever is smaller. Defaults to File. Cannot be updated.² -string - -ttyz"lWhether this container should allocate a TTY for itself, also requires 'stdin' to be true. Default is false.² -boolean -m - lifecycle` -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Lifecycle"2Lifecycle is not allowed for ephemeral containers. -k - livenessProbeZ -&#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.Probe"0Probes are not allowed for ephemeral containers. -Å -terminationMessagePathª"œOptional: Path at which the file to which the container's termination message will be written is mounted into the container's filesystem. Message written is intended to be brief final status, such as an assertion failure message. Will be truncated by the node if greater than 4096 bytes. The total message length across all containers will be limited to 12kb. Defaults to /dev/termination-log. Cannot be updated.² -string -i -image`"SDocker image name. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images² -string -y -portsp"/Ports are not allowed for ephemeral containers.² -arrayº2 -0 -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ContainerPort -· -'io.k8s.api.core.v1.LocalObjectReference‹"sLocalObjectReference contains enough information to let you locate the referenced object inside the same namespace.² -objectʇ -„ -name|"oName of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names² -string -° -Bio.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.PriorityLevelConfigurationReferenceé"jPriorityLevelConfigurationReference contains information that points to the "request-priority" being used.šname² -objectÊh -f -name^"Q`name` is the name of the priority level configuration being referenced Required.² -string -¹ -#io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.RoleBinding‘ "¨RoleBinding references a role, but does not contain it. It can reference a Role in the same namespace or a ClusterRole in the global namespace. It adds who information via Subjects and namespace information by which namespace it exists in. RoleBindings in a given namespace only have effect in that namespace. Deprecated in v1.17 in favor of rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 RoleBinding, and will no longer be served in v1.22.šroleRef² -objectÊÛ -‰ -subjects}"=Subjects holds references to the objects the role applies to.² -arrayº1 -/ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.Subject -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -h -metadata\ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"Standard object's metadata. -å -roleRefÙ --#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.RoleRef"§RoleRef can reference a Role in the current namespace or a ClusterRole in the global namespace. If the RoleRef cannot be resolved, the Authorizer must return an error.úo -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindLJ- group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io - kind: RoleBinding - version: v1beta1 - -– -2io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Preconditionsß"ZPreconditions must be fulfilled before an operation (update, delete, etc.) is carried out.² -objectÊu -- -uid&"Specifies the target UID.² -string -D -resourceVersion1"$Specifies the target ResourceVersion² -string -ç -io.k8s.api.core.v1.ConfigMapÆ"7ConfigMap holds configuration data for pods to consume.² -objectʪ -˜ - -binaryData‰"åBinaryData contains the binary data. Each key must consist of alphanumeric characters, '-', '_' or '.'. BinaryData can contain byte sequences that are not in the UTF-8 range. The keys stored in BinaryData must not overlap with the ones in the Data field, this is enforced during validation process. Using this field will require 1.10+ apiserver and kubelet.ª -byte² -string² -object -Ï -dataÆ"¨Data contains the configuration data. Each key must consist of alphanumeric characters, '-', '_' or '.'. Values with non-UTF-8 byte sequences must use the BinaryData field. The keys stored in Data must not overlap with the keys in the BinaryData field, this is enforced during validation process.ª - ² -string² -object -è - immutableÚ"ËImmutable, if set to true, ensures that data stored in the ConfigMap cannot be updated (only object metadata can be modified). If not set to true, the field can be modified at any time. Defaulted to nil.² -boolean -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ò -metadataÅ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -stringúQ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind.,- group: "" - kind: ConfigMap - version: v1 - -Ó -1io.k8s.api.core.v1.VsphereVirtualDiskVolumeSource"%Represents a vSphere volume resource.š -volumePath² -objectÊÚ -À -fsTypeµ"§Filesystem type to mount. Must be a filesystem type supported by the host operating system. Ex. "ext4", "xfs", "ntfs". Implicitly inferred to be "ext4" if unspecified.² -string -x -storagePolicyIDe"XStorage Policy Based Management (SPBM) profile ID associated with the StoragePolicyName.² -string -V -storagePolicyNameA"4Storage Policy Based Management (SPBM) profile name.² -string -C - -volumePath5"(Path that identifies vSphere volume vmdk² -string -´ -4io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSourceû"žPersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource references the user's PVC in the same namespace. This volume finds the bound PV and mounts that volume for the pod. A PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource is, essentially, a wrapper around another type of volume that is owned by someone else (the system).š claimName² -objectÊ¿ -á - claimNameÓ"ÅClaimName is the name of a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace as the pod using this volume. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes#persistentvolumeclaims² -string -Y -readOnlyM"?Will force the ReadOnly setting in VolumeMounts. Default false.² -boolean -° -)io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressClassSpec‚"DIngressClassSpec provides information about the class of an Ingress.² -objectÊ­ -¦ - -controller—"‰Controller refers to the name of the controller that should handle this class. This allows for different "flavors" that are controlled by the same controller. For example, you may have different Parameters for the same implementing controller. This should be specified as a domain-prefixed path no more than 250 characters in length, e.g. "acme.io/ingress-controller". This field is immutable.² -string - - -parametersò -F#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressClassParametersReference"§Parameters is a link to a custom resource containing additional configuration for the controller. This is optional if the controller does not require extra parameters. -¬ -;io.k8s.api.admissionregistration.v1beta1.RuleWithOperationsì "‚RuleWithOperations is a tuple of Operations and Resources. It is recommended to make sure that all the tuple expansions are valid.² -objectÊØ -´ - apiGroups¦"‰APIGroups is the API groups the resources belong to. '*' is all groups. If '*' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required.² -arrayº - ² -string -¼ - apiVersions¬"APIVersions is the API versions the resources belong to. '*' is all versions. If '*' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required.² -arrayº - ² -string -  - -operations‘"ôOperations is the operations the admission hook cares about - CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE, CONNECT or * for all of those operations and any future admission operations that are added. If '*' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required.² -arrayº - ² -string -– - resourcesˆ"ëResources is a list of resources this rule applies to. - -For example: 'pods' means pods. 'pods/log' means the log subresource of pods. '*' means all resources, but not subresources. 'pods/*' means all subresources of pods. '*/scale' means all scale subresources. '*/*' means all resources and their subresources. - -If wildcard is present, the validation rule will ensure resources do not overlap with each other. - -Depending on the enclosing object, subresources might not be allowed. Required.² -arrayº - ² -string -£ -scope™"‹scope specifies the scope of this rule. Valid values are "Cluster", "Namespaced", and "*" "Cluster" means that only cluster-scoped resources will match this rule. Namespace API objects are cluster-scoped. "Namespaced" means that only namespaced resources will match this rule. "*" means that there are no scope restrictions. Subresources match the scope of their parent resource. Default is "*".² -string -² - io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeCondition"8NodeCondition contains condition information for a node.štypešstatus² -objectÊ´ -, -type$"Type of node condition.² -string -€ -lastHeartbeatTimek -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"0Last time we got an update on a given condition. -Œ -lastTransitionTimev -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time";Last time the condition transit from one status to another. -X -messageM"@Human readable message indicating details about last transition.² -string -J -reason@"3(brief) reason for the condition's last transition.² -string -L -statusB"5Status of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown.² -string -Ú -8io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.SubjectAccessReviewSpec"¢SubjectAccessReviewSpec is a description of the access request. Exactly one of ResourceAuthorizationAttributes and NonResourceAuthorizationAttributes must be set² -objectÊé -Æ -extra¼"Extra corresponds to the user.Info.GetExtra() method from the authenticator. Since that is input to the authorizer it needs a reflection here.ª -² -arrayº - ² -string² -object -M -groupD"(Groups is the groups you're testing for.² -arrayº - ² -string -¯ -nonResourceAttributes• -D#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.NonResourceAttributes"MNonResourceAttributes describes information for a non-resource access request -¯ -resourceAttributes˜ -A#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.ResourceAttributes"SResourceAuthorizationAttributes describes information for a resource access request -> -uid7"*UID information about the requesting user.² -string -ª -user¡"“User is the user you're testing for. If you specify "User" but not "Group", then is it interpreted as "What if User were not a member of any groups² -string -â -io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.RoleRefÃ"?RoleRef contains information that points to the role being usedšapiGroupškindšname² -objectÊÚ -P -apiGroupD"7APIGroup is the group for the resource being referenced² -string -B -kind:"-Kind is the type of resource being referenced² -string -B -name:"-Name is the name of resource being referenced² -string -›, -#io.k8s.api.storage.v1.CSIDriverSpecó+"2CSIDriverSpec is the specification of a CSIDriver.² -objectÊ°+ -€ -storageCapacityì"ÝIf set to true, storageCapacity indicates that the CSI volume driver wants pod scheduling to consider the storage capacity that the driver deployment will report by creating CSIStorageCapacity objects with capacity information. - -The check can be enabled immediately when deploying a driver. In that case, provisioning new volumes with late binding will pause until the driver deployment has published some suitable CSIStorageCapacity object. - -Alternatively, the driver can be deployed with the field unset or false and it can be flipped later when storage capacity information has been published. - -This field is immutable. - -This is a beta field and only available when the CSIStorageCapacity feature is enabled. The default is false.² -boolean -å - tokenRequestsÓ"éTokenRequests indicates the CSI driver needs pods' service account tokens it is mounting volume for to do necessary authentication. Kubelet will pass the tokens in VolumeContext in the CSI NodePublishVolume calls. The CSI driver should parse and validate the following VolumeContext: "csi.storage.k8s.io/serviceAccount.tokens": { - "": { - "token": , - "expirationTimestamp": , - }, - ... -} - -Note: Audience in each TokenRequest should be different and at most one token is empty string. To receive a new token after expiry, RequiresRepublish can be used to trigger NodePublishVolume periodically. - -This is a beta feature and only available when the CSIServiceAccountToken feature is enabled.² -arrayº4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1.TokenRequestú# -x-kubernetes-list-type atomic - -ê -volumeLifecycleModesÑ"‘volumeLifecycleModes defines what kind of volumes this CSI volume driver supports. The default if the list is empty is "Persistent", which is the usage defined by the CSI specification and implemented in Kubernetes via the usual PV/PVC mechanism. The other mode is "Ephemeral". In this mode, volumes are defined inline inside the pod spec with CSIVolumeSource and their lifecycle is tied to the lifecycle of that pod. A driver has to be aware of this because it is only going to get a NodePublishVolume call for such a volume. For more information about implementing this mode, see https://kubernetes-csi.github.io/docs/ephemeral-local-volumes.html A driver can support one or more of these modes and more modes may be added in the future. This field is beta. - -This field is immutable.² -arrayº - ² -stringú -x-kubernetes-list-typeset - -É -attachRequired¶"§attachRequired indicates this CSI volume driver requires an attach operation (because it implements the CSI ControllerPublishVolume() method), and that the Kubernetes attach detach controller should call the attach volume interface which checks the volumeattachment status and waits until the volume is attached before proceeding to mounting. The CSI external-attacher coordinates with CSI volume driver and updates the volumeattachment status when the attach operation is complete. If the CSIDriverRegistry feature gate is enabled and the value is specified to false, the attach operation will be skipped. Otherwise the attach operation will be called. - -This field is immutable.² -boolean -Û - fsGroupPolicyÉ"»Defines if the underlying volume supports changing ownership and permission of the volume before being mounted. Refer to the specific FSGroupPolicy values for additional details. This field is alpha-level, and is only honored by servers that enable the CSIVolumeFSGroupPolicy feature gate. - -This field is immutable.² -string -© -podInfoOnMount– "‡ If set to true, podInfoOnMount indicates this CSI volume driver requires additional pod information (like podName, podUID, etc.) during mount operations. If set to false, pod information will not be passed on mount. Default is false. The CSI driver specifies podInfoOnMount as part of driver deployment. If true, Kubelet will pass pod information as VolumeContext in the CSI NodePublishVolume() calls. The CSI driver is responsible for parsing and validating the information passed in as VolumeContext. The following VolumeConext will be passed if podInfoOnMount is set to true. This list might grow, but the prefix will be used. "csi.storage.k8s.io/pod.name": pod.Name "csi.storage.k8s.io/pod.namespace": pod.Namespace "csi.storage.k8s.io/pod.uid": string(pod.UID) "csi.storage.k8s.io/ephemeral": "true" if the volume is an ephemeral inline volume - defined by a CSIVolumeSource, otherwise "false" - -"csi.storage.k8s.io/ephemeral" is a new feature in Kubernetes 1.16. It is only required for drivers which support both the "Persistent" and "Ephemeral" VolumeLifecycleMode. Other drivers can leave pod info disabled and/or ignore this field. As Kubernetes 1.15 doesn't support this field, drivers can only support one mode when deployed on such a cluster and the deployment determines which mode that is, for example via a command line parameter of the driver. - -This field is immutable.² -boolean -ÿ -requiresRepublishé"ÚRequiresRepublish indicates the CSI driver wants `NodePublishVolume` being periodically called to reflect any possible change in the mounted volume. This field defaults to false. - -Note: After a successful initial NodePublishVolume call, subsequent calls to NodePublishVolume should only update the contents of the volume. New mount points will not be seen by a running container. - -This is a beta feature and only available when the CSIServiceAccountToken feature is enabled.² -boolean -ì -Nio.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.ExternalDocumentation™"YExternalDocumentation allows referencing an external resource for extended documentation.² -objectÊ0 - -url ² -string - - description ² -string -ƒ -Jio.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.WebhookConversion´""1metricName is the name of the metric in question.² -string -§ -metricSelector” -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelector"PmetricSelector is used to identify a specific time series within a given metric. -Ë -targetAverageValue´ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantity"utargetAverageValue is the target per-pod value of global metric (as a quantity). Mutually exclusive with TargetValue. -¹ - targetValue© -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantity"jtargetValue is the target value of the metric (as a quantity). Mutually exclusive with TargetAverageValue. -Ï -*io.k8s.api.networking.v1.NetworkPolicyPort "6NetworkPolicyPort describes a port to allow traffic on² -objectÊÙ -™ -endPortint32"÷If set, indicates that the range of ports from port to endPort, inclusive, should be allowed by the policy. This field cannot be defined if the port field is not defined or if the port field is defined as a named (string) port. The endPort must be equal or greater than port. This feature is in Alpha state and should be enabled using the Feature Gate "NetworkPolicyEndPort".² -integer -¶ -port­ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.util.intstr.IntOrString"ëThe port on the given protocol. This can either be a numerical or named port on a pod. If this field is not provided, this matches all port names and numbers. If present, only traffic on the specified protocol AND port will be matched. - -protocolu"hThe protocol (TCP, UDP, or SCTP) which traffic must match. If not specified, this field defaults to TCP.² -string -ý -io.k8s.api.core.v1.Taintà"`The node this Taint is attached to has the "effect" on any pod that does not tolerate the Taint.škeyšeffect² -objectÊà -  -effect•"‡Required. The effect of the taint on pods that do not tolerate the taint. Valid effects are NoSchedule, PreferNoSchedule and NoExecute.² -string -D -key="0Required. The taint key to be applied to a node.² -string -­ - timeAddedŸ -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"dTimeAdded represents the time at which the taint was added. It is only written for NoExecute taints. -E -value<"/The taint value corresponding to the taint key.² -string -° -)io.k8s.api.discovery.v1.EndpointSliceList‚"6EndpointSliceList represents a list of endpoint slicesšitems² -objectÊÉ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -f -items]"List of endpoint slices² -arrayº7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.discovery.v1.EndpointSlice -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -b -metadataV -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"Standard list metadata.úg -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindDB- group: discovery.k8s.io - kind: EndpointSliceList - version: v1 - - -+io.k8s.api.extensions.v1beta1.IngressStatusÑ"8IngressStatus describe the current state of the Ingress.² -objectʈ -… - loadBalanceru -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.LoadBalancerStatus">LoadBalancer contains the current status of the load-balancer. -˜ -5io.k8s.api.authorization.v1.SubjectAccessReviewStatusÞ"SubjectAccessReviewStatusšallowed² -objectʪ -c -allowedX"JAllowed is required. True if the action would be allowed, false otherwise.² -boolean -‚ -denied÷"èDenied is optional. True if the action would be denied, otherwise false. If both allowed is false and denied is false, then the authorizer has no opinion on whether to authorize the action. Denied may not be true if Allowed is true.² -boolean -Þ -evaluationErrorÊ"¼EvaluationError is an indication that some error occurred during the authorization check. It is entirely possible to get an error and be able to continue determine authorization status in spite of it. For instance, RBAC can be missing a role, but enough roles are still present and bound to reason about the request.² -string -] -reasonS"FReason is optional. It indicates why a request was allowed or denied.² -string -— -"io.k8s.api.core.v1.TCPSocketActionð"=TCPSocketAction describes an action based on opening a socketšport² -objectÊ› -Ç -port¾ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.util.intstr.IntOrString"}Number or name of the port to access on the container. Number must be in the range 1 to 65535. Name must be an IANA_SVC_NAME. -O -hostG":Optional: Host name to connect to, defaults to the pod IP.² -string -³ -]io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.CustomResourceDefinitionVersionÑ"//...` if `served` is true.² -string -é -+io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.GroupSubject¹"?GroupSubject holds detailed information for group-kind subject.šname² -objectÊâ -ß -nameÖ"Èname is the user group that matches, or "*" to match all user groups. See https://github.com/kubernetes/apiserver/blob/master/pkg/authentication/user/user.go for some well-known group names. Required.² -string -Ú -+io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.AllowedFlexVolumeª"LAllowedFlexVolume represents a single Flexvolume that is allowed to be used.šdriver² -objectÊE -C -driver9",driver is the name of the Flexvolume driver.² -string - -1io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeClaimConditionÙ"BPersistentVolumeClaimCondition contails details about state of pvcštypešstatus² -objectÊö -n - lastProbeTime] -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time""Last time we probed the condition. -‘ -lastTransitionTime{ -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"@Last time the condition transitioned from one status to another. -X -messageM"@Human-readable message indicating details about last transition.² -string -é -reasonÞ"ÐUnique, this should be a short, machine understandable string that gives the reason for condition's last transition. If it reports "ResizeStarted" that means the underlying persistent volume is being resized.² -string - -status ² -string - -type ² -string -Ú - -io.k8s.api.core.v1.Toleration¸ -"The pod this Toleration is attached to tolerates any taint that matches the triple using the matching operator .² -objectÊ™ -¸ -effect­"ŸEffect indicates the taint effect to match. Empty means match all taint effects. When specified, allowed values are NoSchedule, PreferNoSchedule and NoExecute.² -string -Ó -keyË"½Key is the taint key that the toleration applies to. Empty means match all taint keys. If the key is empty, operator must be Exists; this combination means to match all values and all keys.² -string -ö -operatoré"ÛOperator represents a key's relationship to the value. Valid operators are Exists and Equal. Defaults to Equal. Exists is equivalent to wildcard for value, so that a pod can tolerate all taints of a particular category.² -string -ç -tolerationSecondsÑint64"»TolerationSeconds represents the period of time the toleration (which must be of effect NoExecute, otherwise this field is ignored) tolerates the taint. By default, it is not set, which means tolerate the taint forever (do not evict). Zero and negative values will be treated as 0 (evict immediately) by the system.² -integer -¢ -value˜"ŠValue is the taint value the toleration matches to. If the operator is Exists, the value should be empty, otherwise just a regular string.² -string -± -,io.k8s.api.core.v1.ReplicationControllerSpec€ "KReplicationControllerSpec is the specification of a replication controller.² -objectʤ - -ƒ -minReadySecondsïint32"ÙMinimum number of seconds for which a newly created pod should be ready without any of its container crashing, for it to be considered available. Defaults to 0 (pod will be considered available as soon as it is ready)² -integer -  -replicas“int32"ýReplicas is the number of desired replicas. This is a pointer to distinguish between explicit zero and unspecified. Defaults to 1. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/replicationcontroller#what-is-a-replicationcontroller² -integer -¸ -selector«"Selector is a label query over pods that should match the Replicas count. If Selector is empty, it is defaulted to the labels present on the Pod template. Label keys and values that must match in order to be controlled by this replication controller, if empty defaulted to labels on Pod template. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/#label-selectorsª - ² -string² -object -½ -template° -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodTemplateSpec"ûTemplate is the object that describes the pod that will be created if insufficient replicas are detected. This takes precedence over a TemplateRef. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/replicationcontroller#pod-template -Ê -io.k8s.api.core.v1.Sysctl¬"+Sysctl defines a kernel parameter to be setšnamešvalue² -objectÊb -0 -value'"Value of a property to set² -string -. -name&"Name of a property to set² -string -Ž -+io.k8s.api.core.v1.TopologySpreadConstraintÞ"XTopologySpreadConstraint specifies how to spread matching pods among the given topology.šmaxSkewš topologyKeyšwhenUnsatisfiable² -objectÊÉ -Ì -maxSkewÀint32"ªMaxSkew describes the degree to which pods may be unevenly distributed. When `whenUnsatisfiable=DoNotSchedule`, it is the maximum permitted difference between the number of matching pods in the target topology and the global minimum. For example, in a 3-zone cluster, MaxSkew is set to 1, and pods with the same labelSelector spread as 1/1/0: | zone1 | zone2 | zone3 | | P | P | | - if MaxSkew is 1, incoming pod can only be scheduled to zone3 to become 1/1/1; scheduling it onto zone1(zone2) would make the ActualSkew(2-0) on zone1(zone2) violate MaxSkew(1). - if MaxSkew is 2, incoming pod can be scheduled onto any zone. When `whenUnsatisfiable=ScheduleAnyway`, it is used to give higher precedence to topologies that satisfy it. It's a required field. Default value is 1 and 0 is not allowed.² -integer -§ - topologyKey—"‰TopologyKey is the key of node labels. Nodes that have a label with this key and identical values are considered to be in the same topology. We consider each as a "bucket", and try to put balanced number of pods into each bucket. It's a required field.² -string -Ï -whenUnsatisfiable¹"«WhenUnsatisfiable indicates how to deal with a pod if it doesn't satisfy the spread constraint. - DoNotSchedule (default) tells the scheduler not to schedule it. - ScheduleAnyway tells the scheduler to schedule the pod in any location, - but giving higher precedence to topologies that would help reduce the - skew. -A constraint is considered "Unsatisfiable" for an incoming pod if and only if every possible node assigment for that pod would violate "MaxSkew" on some topology. For example, in a 3-zone cluster, MaxSkew is set to 1, and pods with the same labelSelector spread as 3/1/1: | zone1 | zone2 | zone3 | | P P P | P | P | If WhenUnsatisfiable is set to DoNotSchedule, incoming pod can only be scheduled to zone2(zone3) to become 3/2/1(3/1/2) as ActualSkew(2-1) on zone2(zone3) satisfies MaxSkew(1). In other words, the cluster can still be imbalanced, but scheduler won't make it *more* imbalanced. It's a required field.² -string -û - labelSelectoré -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelector"¤LabelSelector is used to find matching pods. Pods that match this label selector are counted to determine the number of pods in their corresponding topology domain. -ˆ -.io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.MicroTimeV date-time">MicroTime is version of Time with microsecond level precision.² -string -„ -io.k8s.api.core.v1.KeyToPathã",Maps a string key to a path within a volume.škeyšpath² -objectÊ™ -' -key "The key to project.² -string -» -mode²int32"œOptional: mode bits used to set permissions on this file. Must be an octal value between 0000 and 0777 or a decimal value between 0 and 511. YAML accepts both octal and decimal values, JSON requires decimal values for mode bits. If not specified, the volume defaultMode will be used. This might be in conflict with other options that affect the file mode, like fsGroup, and the result can be other mode bits set.² -integer -¯ -path¦"˜The relative path of the file to map the key to. May not be an absolute path. May not contain the path element '..'. May not start with the string '..'.² -string -” -%io.k8s.api.core.v1.NamespaceConditionê"=NamespaceCondition contains details about state of namespace.štypešstatus² -objectÊŒ - -message ² -string - -reason ² -string -L -statusB"5Status of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown.² -string -< -type4"'Type of namespace controller condition.² -string -O -lastTransitionTime9 -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time -á -&io.k8s.api.core.v1.ComponentStatusList¶ "Status of all the conditions for the component as a list of ComponentStatus objects. Deprecated: This API is deprecated in v1.19+šitems² -objectʽ -l -itemsc" List of ComponentStatus objects.² -arrayº4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ComponentStatus -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ï -metadata -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"‚Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -stringú[ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind86- group: "" - kind: ComponentStatusList - version: v1 - - -(io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeClaim• "NPersistentVolumeClaim is a user's request for and claim to a persistent volume² -objectÊÖ - -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ò -metadataÅ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -ø -specï -:#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec"°Spec defines the desired characteristics of a volume requested by a pod author. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes#persistentvolumeclaims -† -statusû -<#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeClaimStatus"ºStatus represents the current information/status of a persistent volume claim. Read-only. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes#persistentvolumeclaimsú] -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind:8- kind: PersistentVolumeClaim - version: v1 - group: "" - - -(io.k8s.api.extensions.v1beta1.IngressTLSâ"MIngressTLS describes the transport layer security associated with an Ingress.² -objectÊ„ -š -hosts"óHosts are a list of hosts included in the TLS certificate. The values in this list must match the name/s used in the tlsSecret. Defaults to the wildcard host setting for the loadbalancer controller fulfilling this Ingress, if left unspecified.² -arrayº - ² -string -ä - -secretNameÕ"ÇSecretName is the name of the secret used to terminate SSL traffic on 443. Field is left optional to allow SSL routing based on SNI hostname alone. If the SNI host in a listener conflicts with the "Host" header field used by an IngressRule, the SNI host is used for termination and value of the Host header is used for routing.² -string -Ÿ --io.k8s.api.networking.v1.HTTPIngressRuleValueí"£HTTPIngressRuleValue is a list of http selectors pointing to backends. In the example: http:///? -> backend where where parts of the url correspond to RFC 3986, this resource will be used to match against everything after the last '/' and before the first '?' or '#'.špaths² -objectÊ° -­ -paths£"4A collection of paths that map requests to backends.² -arrayº: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.networking.v1.HTTPIngressPathú# -x-kubernetes-list-type atomic - -™ -1io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodDisruptionBudgetListã"@PodDisruptionBudgetList is a collection of PodDisruptionBudgets.šitems² -objectÊŸ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -U -itemsL² -arrayº? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.policy.v1beta1.PodDisruptionBudget -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -I -metadata= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMetaúh -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindEC- kind: PodDisruptionBudgetList - version: v1beta1 - group: policy - -Õ -Qio.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceConversionÿ"MCustomResourceConversion describes how to convert different versions of a CR.šstrategy² -objectÊ– -Å -strategy¸"ªstrategy specifies how custom resources are converted between versions. Allowed values are: - `None`: The converter only change the apiVersion and would not touch any other field in the custom resource. - `Webhook`: API Server will call to an external webhook to do the conversion. Additional information - is needed for this option. This requires spec.preserveUnknownFields to be false, and spec.conversion.webhook to be set.² -string -Ë -webhook¿ -X#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.WebhookConversion"cwebhook describes how to call the conversion webhook. Required when `strategy` is set to `Webhook`. -Æ -%io.k8s.api.coordination.v1beta1.Leaseœ "Lease defines a lease concept.² -objectʇ -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -µ -metadata¨ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"gMore info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -Ï -specÆ -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.coordination.v1beta1.LeaseSpec"ŠSpecification of the Lease. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -stringúc -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind@>- group: coordination.k8s.io - kind: Lease - version: v1beta1 - -Ÿ -(io.k8s.api.core.v1.AzureDiskVolumeSourceò"TAzureDisk represents an Azure Data Disk mount on the host and bind mount to the pod.šdiskNamešdiskURI² -objectÊø -À -fsTypeµ"§Filesystem type to mount. Must be a filesystem type supported by the host operating system. Ex. "ext4", "xfs", "ntfs". Implicitly inferred to be "ext4" if unspecified.² -string -à -kind×"ÉExpected values Shared: multiple blob disks per storage account Dedicated: single blob disk per storage account Managed: azure managed data disk (only in managed availability set). defaults to shared² -string -x -readOnlyl"^Defaults to false (read/write). ReadOnly here will force the ReadOnly setting in VolumeMounts.² -boolean -K - cachingMode<"/Host Caching mode: None, Read Only, Read Write.² -string -F -diskName:"-The Name of the data disk in the blob storage² -string -A -diskURI6")The URI the data disk in the blob storage² -string -û -)io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.MetricSpecÍ"|MetricSpec specifies how to scale based on a single metric (only `type` and one other matching field should be set at once).štype² -objectʹ - -object· -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.ObjectMetricSource"tobject refers to a metric describing a single kubernetes object (for example, hits-per-second on an Ingress object). -• -podsŒ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.PodsMetricSource"Êpods refers to a metric describing each pod in the current scale target (for example, transactions-processed-per-second). The values will be averaged together before being compared to the target value. -™ -resourceŒ -A#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.ResourceMetricSource"Æresource refers to a resource metric (such as those specified in requests and limits) known to Kubernetes describing each pod in the current scale target (e.g. CPU or memory). Such metrics are built in to Kubernetes, and have special scaling options on top of those available to normal per-pod metrics using the "pods" source. -£ -typeš"Œtype is the type of metric source. It should be one of "ContainerResource", "External", "Object", "Pods" or "Resource", each mapping to a matching field in the object. Note: "ContainerResource" type is available on when the feature-gate HPAContainerMetrics is enabled² -string -  -containerResourceŠ -J#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.ContainerResourceMetricSource"»container resource refers to a resource metric (such as those specified in requests and limits) known to Kubernetes describing a single container in each pod of the current scale target (e.g. CPU or memory). Such metrics are built in to Kubernetes, and have special scaling options on top of those available to normal per-pod metrics using the "pods" source. This is an alpha feature and can be enabled by the HPAContainerMetrics feature flag. -ô -externalç -A#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta1.ExternalMetricSource"¡external refers to a global metric that is not associated with any Kubernetes object. It allows autoscaling based on information coming from components running outside of cluster (for example length of queue in cloud messaging service, or QPS from loadbalancer running outside of cluster). -û -)io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.MetricSpecÍ"|MetricSpec specifies how to scale based on a single metric (only `type` and one other matching field should be set at once).štype² -objectʹ -™ -resourceŒ -A#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.ResourceMetricSource"Æresource refers to a resource metric (such as those specified in requests and limits) known to Kubernetes describing each pod in the current scale target (e.g. CPU or memory). Such metrics are built in to Kubernetes, and have special scaling options on top of those available to normal per-pod metrics using the "pods" source. -£ -typeš"Œtype is the type of metric source. It should be one of "ContainerResource", "External", "Object", "Pods" or "Resource", each mapping to a matching field in the object. Note: "ContainerResource" type is available on when the feature-gate HPAContainerMetrics is enabled² -string -  -containerResourceŠ -J#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.ContainerResourceMetricSource"»container resource refers to a resource metric (such as those specified in requests and limits) known to Kubernetes describing a single container in each pod of the current scale target (e.g. CPU or memory). Such metrics are built in to Kubernetes, and have special scaling options on top of those available to normal per-pod metrics using the "pods" source. This is an alpha feature and can be enabled by the HPAContainerMetrics feature flag. -ô -externalç -A#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.ExternalMetricSource"¡external refers to a global metric that is not associated with any Kubernetes object. It allows autoscaling based on information coming from components running outside of cluster (for example length of queue in cloud messaging service, or QPS from loadbalancer running outside of cluster). - -object· -?#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.ObjectMetricSource"tobject refers to a metric describing a single kubernetes object (for example, hits-per-second on an Ingress object). -• -podsŒ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.api.autoscaling.v2beta2.PodsMetricSource"Êpods refers to a metric describing each pod in the current scale target (for example, transactions-processed-per-second). The values will be averaged together before being compared to the target value. -¦ -%io.k8s.api.core.v1.CinderVolumeSourceü"ëRepresents a cinder volume resource in Openstack. A Cinder volume must exist before mounting to a container. The volume must also be in the same region as the kubelet. Cinder volumes support ownership management and SELinux relabeling.švolumeID² -objectÊô -ƒ -fsTypeø"êFilesystem type to mount. Must be a filesystem type supported by the host operating system. Examples: "ext4", "xfs", "ntfs". Implicitly inferred to be "ext4" if unspecified. More info: https://examples.k8s.io/mysql-cinder-pd/README.md² -string -Á -readOnly´"¥Optional: Defaults to false (read/write). ReadOnly here will force the ReadOnly setting in VolumeMounts. More info: https://examples.k8s.io/mysql-cinder-pd/README.md² -boolean -ž - secretRef -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.LocalObjectReference"WOptional: points to a secret object containing parameters used to connect to OpenStack. -† -volumeIDz"mvolume id used to identify the volume in cinder. More info: https://examples.k8s.io/mysql-cinder-pd/README.md² -string -Æ -#io.k8s.api.core.v1.SecretProjectionž"Adapts a secret into a projected volume. - -The contents of the target Secret's Data field will be presented in a projected volume as files using the keys in the Data field as the file names. Note that this is identical to a secret volume source without the default mode.² -objectÊÿ -¤ -itemsš"ÜIf unspecified, each key-value pair in the Data field of the referenced Secret will be projected into the volume as a file whose name is the key and content is the value. If specified, the listed keys will be projected into the specified paths, and unlisted keys will not be present. If a key is specified which is not present in the Secret, the volume setup will error unless it is marked optional. Paths must be relative and may not contain the '..' path or start with '..'.² -arrayº. -, -*#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.KeyToPath -„ -name|"oName of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names² -string -O -optionalC"5Specify whether the Secret or its key must be defined² -boolean -´ -)io.k8s.api.discovery.v1beta1.EndpointPort† "7EndpointPort represents a Port used by an EndpointSlice² -objectʾ -Ù - appProtocolÉ"»The application protocol for this port. This field follows standard Kubernetes label syntax. Un-prefixed names are reserved for IANA standard service names (as per RFC-6335 and http://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names). Non-standard protocols should use prefixed names such as mycompany.com/my-custom-protocol.² -string -Å -name¼"®The name of this port. All ports in an EndpointSlice must have a unique name. If the EndpointSlice is dervied from a Kubernetes service, this corresponds to the Service.ports[].name. Name must either be an empty string or pass DNS_LABEL validation: * must be no more than 63 characters long. * must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters or '-'. * must start and end with an alphanumeric character. Default is empty string.² -string -³ -portªint32"”The port number of the endpoint. If this is not specified, ports are not restricted and must be interpreted in the context of the specific consumer.² -integer -b -protocolV"IThe IP protocol for this port. Must be UDP, TCP, or SCTP. Default is TCP.² -string -± -/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.WatchEventý"6Event represents a single event to a watched resource.štypešobject² -objectÊ× -¿ -object´ -:#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.runtime.RawExtension"õObject is: - * If Type is Added or Modified: the new state of the object. - * If Type is Deleted: the state of the object immediately before deletion. - * If Type is Error: *Status is recommended; other types may make sense - depending on context. - -type ² -stringúË -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind§¤- group: "" - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1 -- version: v1 - group: admission.k8s.io - kind: WatchEvent -- group: admission.k8s.io - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1beta1 -- group: admissionregistration.k8s.io - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1 -- group: admissionregistration.k8s.io - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1beta1 -- group: apiextensions.k8s.io - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1 -- kind: WatchEvent - version: v1beta1 - group: apiextensions.k8s.io -- group: apiregistration.k8s.io - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1 -- group: apiregistration.k8s.io - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1beta1 -- group: apps - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1 -- group: apps - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1beta1 -- group: apps - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1beta2 -- kind: WatchEvent - version: v1 - group: authentication.k8s.io -- group: authentication.k8s.io - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1beta1 -- kind: WatchEvent - version: v1 - group: authorization.k8s.io -- group: authorization.k8s.io - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1beta1 -- group: autoscaling - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1 -- kind: WatchEvent - version: v2beta1 - group: autoscaling -- group: autoscaling - kind: WatchEvent - version: v2beta2 -- group: batch - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1 -- group: batch - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1beta1 -- group: certificates.k8s.io - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1 -- group: certificates.k8s.io - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1beta1 -- group: coordination.k8s.io - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1 -- group: coordination.k8s.io - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1beta1 -- group: discovery.k8s.io - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1 -- group: discovery.k8s.io - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1beta1 -- group: events.k8s.io - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1 -- group: events.k8s.io - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1beta1 -- group: extensions - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1beta1 -- kind: WatchEvent - version: v1alpha1 - group: flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io -- group: flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1beta1 -- group: imagepolicy.k8s.io - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1alpha1 -- kind: WatchEvent - version: v1alpha1 - group: internal.apiserver.k8s.io -- group: networking.k8s.io - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1 -- group: networking.k8s.io - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1beta1 -- group: node.k8s.io - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1 -- version: v1alpha1 - group: node.k8s.io - kind: WatchEvent -- group: node.k8s.io - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1beta1 -- version: v1 - group: policy - kind: WatchEvent -- version: v1beta1 - group: policy - kind: WatchEvent -- kind: WatchEvent - version: v1 - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io -- version: v1alpha1 - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io - kind: WatchEvent -- group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1beta1 -- group: scheduling.k8s.io - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1 -- group: scheduling.k8s.io - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1alpha1 -- group: scheduling.k8s.io - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1beta1 -- group: storage.k8s.io - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1 -- group: storage.k8s.io - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1alpha1 -- group: storage.k8s.io - kind: WatchEvent - version: v1beta1 - -Á --io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.ResourceRule"¬ResourceRule is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources. The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.šverbs² -objectÊÉ -ƒ - apiGroupsõ"ØAPIGroups is the name of the APIGroup that contains the resources. If multiple API groups are specified, any action requested against one of the enumerated resources in any API group will be allowed. "*" means all.² -arrayº - ² -string -¹ - resourceNames§"ŠResourceNames is an optional white list of names that the rule applies to. An empty set means that everything is allowed. "*" means all.² -arrayº - ² -string -ä - resourcesÖ"¹Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to. "*" means all in the specified apiGroups. - "*/foo" represents the subresource 'foo' for all resources in the specified apiGroups.² -arrayº - ² -string - -verbs“"wVerb is a list of kubernetes resource API verbs, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy. "*" means all.² -arrayº - ² -string - -:io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.SubjectAccessReviewStatusÞ"SubjectAccessReviewStatusšallowed² -objectʪ -‚ -denied÷"èDenied is optional. True if the action would be denied, otherwise false. If both allowed is false and denied is false, then the authorizer has no opinion on whether to authorize the action. Denied may not be true if Allowed is true.² -boolean -Þ -evaluationErrorÊ"¼EvaluationError is an indication that some error occurred during the authorization check. It is entirely possible to get an error and be able to continue determine authorization status in spite of it. For instance, RBAC can be missing a role, but enough roles are still present and bound to reason about the request.² -string -] -reasonS"FReason is optional. It indicates why a request was allowed or denied.² -string -c -allowedX"JAllowed is required. True if the action would be allowed, false otherwise.² -boolean -ž -Fio.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1beta1.APIServiceSpecÓ"£APIServiceSpec contains information for locating and communicating with a server. Only https is supported, though you are able to disable certificate verification.šgroupPriorityMinimumšversionPriority² -objectÊõ -ì -caBundleßbyte"¥CABundle is a PEM encoded CA bundle which will be used to validate an API server's serving certificate. If unspecified, system trust roots on the apiserver are used.² -stringú# -x-kubernetes-list-type atomic - -C -group:"-Group is the API group name this server hosts² -string -± -groupPriorityMinimum˜int32"‚GroupPriorityMininum is the priority this group should have at least. Higher priority means that the group is preferred by clients over lower priority ones. Note that other versions of this group might specify even higher GroupPriorityMininum values such that the whole group gets a higher priority. The primary sort is based on GroupPriorityMinimum, ordered highest number to lowest (20 before 10). The secondary sort is based on the alphabetical comparison of the name of the object. (v1.bar before v1.foo) We'd recommend something like: *.k8s.io (except extensions) at 18000 and PaaSes (OpenShift, Deis) are recommended to be in the 2000s² -integer -Í -insecureSkipTLSVerify³"¤InsecureSkipTLSVerify disables TLS certificate verification when communicating with this server. This is strongly discouraged. You should use the CABundle instead.² -boolean -ù -serviceí -V#/definitions/io.k8s.kube-aggregator.pkg.apis.apiregistration.v1beta1.ServiceReference"’Service is a reference to the service for this API server. It must communicate on port 443. If the Service is nil, that means the handling for the API groupversion is handled locally on this server. The call will simply delegate to the normal handler chain to be fulfilled. -X -versionM"@Version is the API version this server hosts. For example, "v1"² -string -ä -versionPriorityÐint32"ºVersionPriority controls the ordering of this API version inside of its group. Must be greater than zero. The primary sort is based on VersionPriority, ordered highest to lowest (20 before 10). Since it's inside of a group, the number can be small, probably in the 10s. In case of equal version priorities, the version string will be used to compute the order inside a group. If the version string is "kube-like", it will sort above non "kube-like" version strings, which are ordered lexicographically. "Kube-like" versions start with a "v", then are followed by a number (the major version), then optionally the string "alpha" or "beta" and another number (the minor version). These are sorted first by GA > beta > alpha (where GA is a version with no suffix such as beta or alpha), and then by comparing major version, then minor version. An example sorted list of versions: v10, v2, v1, v11beta2, v10beta3, v3beta1, v12alpha1, v11alpha2, foo1, foo10.² -integer -· -!io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeSystemInfo‘ "CNodeSystemInfo is a set of ids/uuids to uniquely identify the node.š machineIDš -systemUUIDšbootIDš kernelVersionšosImagešcontainerRuntimeVersionškubeletVersionškubeProxyVersionšoperatingSystemš architecture² -objectÊ¢ -H -kubeProxyVersion4"'KubeProxy Version reported by the node.² -string -D -kubeletVersion2"%Kubelet Version reported by the node.² -string -ß - machineIDÑ"ÃMachineID reported by the node. For unique machine identification in the cluster this field is preferred. Learn more from man(5) machine-id: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man5/machine-id.5.html² -string -I -operatingSystem6")The Operating System reported by the node² -string -þ - -systemUUIDï"áSystemUUID reported by the node. For unique machine identification MachineID is preferred. This field is specific to Red Hat hosts https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_subscription_management/1/html/rhsm/uuid² -string -n - kernelVersion]"PKernel Version reported by the node from 'uname -r' (e.g. 3.16.0-0.bpo.4-amd64).² -string -4 -bootID*"Boot ID reported by the node.² -string -‡ -containerRuntimeVersionl"_ContainerRuntime Version reported by the node through runtime remote API (e.g. docker://1.5.0).² -string -n -osImagec"VOS Image reported by the node from /etc/os-release (e.g. Debian GNU/Linux 7 (wheezy)).² -string -B - architecture2"%The Architecture reported by the node² -string -¥ ->io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ServerAddressByClientCIDRâ"ServerAddressByClientCIDR helps the client to determine the server address that they should use, depending on the clientCIDR that they match.š -clientCIDRš serverAddress² -objectʦ -€ - -clientCIDRr"eThe CIDR with which clients can match their IP to figure out the server address that they should use.² -string -  - serverAddressŽ"€Address of this server, suitable for a client that matches the above CIDR. This can be a hostname, hostname:port, IP or IP:port.² -string -Ô -(io.k8s.api.core.v1.DownwardAPIProjection§"™Represents downward API info for projecting into a projected volume. Note that this is identical to a downwardAPI volume source without the default mode.² -objectÊ} -{ -itemsr")Items is a list of DownwardAPIVolume file² -arrayº: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.DownwardAPIVolumeFile -‚ -*io.k8s.api.core.v1.DownwardAPIVolumeSourceÓ"“DownwardAPIVolumeSource represents a volume containing downward API info. Downward API volumes support ownership management and SELinux relabeling.² -objectÊ® -¬ - defaultModeœint32"†Optional: mode bits to use on created files by default. Must be a Optional: mode bits used to set permissions on created files by default. Must be an octal value between 0000 and 0777 or a decimal value between 0 and 511. YAML accepts both octal and decimal values, JSON requires decimal values for mode bits. Defaults to 0644. Directories within the path are not affected by this setting. This might be in conflict with other options that affect the file mode, like fsGroup, and the result can be other mode bits set.² -integer -} -itemst"+Items is a list of downward API volume file² -arrayº: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.DownwardAPIVolumeFile -« -/io.k8s.api.core.v1.CinderPersistentVolumeSource÷"ëRepresents a cinder volume resource in Openstack. A Cinder volume must exist before mounting to a container. The volume must also be in the same region as the kubelet. Cinder volumes support ownership management and SELinux relabeling.švolumeID² -objectÊï -Á -readOnly´"¥Optional: Defaults to false (read/write). ReadOnly here will force the ReadOnly setting in VolumeMounts. More info: https://examples.k8s.io/mysql-cinder-pd/README.md² -boolean -™ - secretRef‹ -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.SecretReference"WOptional: points to a secret object containing parameters used to connect to OpenStack. -† -volumeIDz"mvolume id used to identify the volume in cinder. More info: https://examples.k8s.io/mysql-cinder-pd/README.md² -string -ƒ -fsTypeø"êFilesystem type to mount. Must be a filesystem type supported by the host operating system. Examples: "ext4", "xfs", "ntfs". Implicitly inferred to be "ext4" if unspecified. More info: https://examples.k8s.io/mysql-cinder-pd/README.md² -string -å -,io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.LimitResponse´"PLimitResponse defines how to handle requests that can not be executed right now.štype² -objectÊé -à -queuing· -A#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.QueuingConfiguration"r`queuing` holds the configuration parameters for queuing. This field may be non-empty only if `type` is `"Queue"`. -  -type—"‰`type` is "Queue" or "Reject". "Queue" means that requests that can not be executed upon arrival are held in a queue until they can be executed or a queuing limit is reached. "Reject" means that requests that can not be executed upon arrival are rejected. Required.² -stringú` -x-kubernetes-unionsIG- discriminator: type - fields-to-discriminateBy: - queuing: Queuing - -´ -Uio.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceDefinitionListÚ"KCustomResourceDefinitionList is a list of CustomResourceDefinition objects.šitems² -objectÊý -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -² -items¨"6items list individual CustomResourceDefinition objects² -arrayºc -a -_#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceDefinition -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -I -metadata= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMetaúv -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindSQ- group: apiextensions.k8s.io - kind: CustomResourceDefinitionList - version: v1 - -Ç - -(io.k8s.api.authentication.v1.TokenReviewš -"§TokenReview attempts to authenticate a token to a known user. Note: TokenReview requests may be cached by the webhook token authenticator plugin in the kube-apiserver.šspec² -objectÊñ -K -metadata? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta -~ -specv -:#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authentication.v1.TokenReviewSpec"8Spec holds information about the request being evaluated -¤ -status™ -<#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authentication.v1.TokenReviewStatus"YStatus is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request can be authenticated. -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -stringúf -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindCA- version: v1 - group: authentication.k8s.io - kind: TokenReview - -ª -9io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.LocalSubjectAccessReviewì "çLocalSubjectAccessReview checks whether or not a user or group can perform an action in a given namespace. Having a namespace scoped resource makes it much easier to grant namespace scoped policy that includes permissions checking.šspec² -objectÊò -ö -specí -F#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.SubjectAccessReviewSpec"¢Spec holds information about the request being evaluated. spec.namespace must be equal to the namespace you made the request against. If empty, it is defaulted. -¬ -status¡ -H#/definitions/io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.SubjectAccessReviewStatus"UStatus is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -K -metadata? -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMetaúw -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindTR- group: authorization.k8s.io - kind: LocalSubjectAccessReview - version: v1beta1 - -“ - -,io.k8s.api.core.v1.ReplicationControllerListâ "EReplicationControllerList is a collection of replication controllers.šitems² -objectÊ  -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ï -metadata -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"‚Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -Î -itemsÄ"{List of replication controllers. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/replicationcontroller² -arrayº: -8 -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ReplicationControllerúa -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind><- kind: ReplicationControllerList - version: v1 - group: "" - -¾ -%io.k8s.api.extensions.v1beta1.Ingress”"‹Ingress is a collection of rules that allow inbound connections to reach the endpoints defined by a backend. An Ingress can be configured to give services externally-reachable urls, load balance traffic, terminate SSL, offer name based virtual hosting etc. DEPRECATED - This group version of Ingress is deprecated by networking.k8s.io/v1beta1 Ingress. See the release notes for more information.² -objectʘ - -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ò -metadataÅ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -Ý -specÔ -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.extensions.v1beta1.IngressSpec"˜Spec is the desired state of the Ingress. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status -ã -statusØ -9#/definitions/io.k8s.api.extensions.v1beta1.IngressStatus"šStatus is the current state of the Ingress. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-statusú\ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind97- group: extensions - kind: Ingress - version: v1beta1 - -à -Nio.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.JSONSchemaPropsOrBoolq"oJSONSchemaPropsOrBool represents JSONSchemaProps or a boolean value. Defaults to true for the boolean property. -ø - -,io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.runtime.RawExtensionÇ -"¹ -RawExtension is used to hold extensions in external versions. - -To use this, make a field which has RawExtension as its type in your external, versioned struct, and Object in your internal struct. You also need to register your various plugin types. - -// Internal package: type MyAPIObject struct { - runtime.TypeMeta `json:",inline"` - MyPlugin runtime.Object `json:"myPlugin"` -} type PluginA struct { - AOption string `json:"aOption"` -} - -// External package: type MyAPIObject struct { - runtime.TypeMeta `json:",inline"` - MyPlugin runtime.RawExtension `json:"myPlugin"` -} type PluginA struct { - AOption string `json:"aOption"` -} - -// On the wire, the JSON will look something like this: { - "kind":"MyAPIObject", - "apiVersion":"v1", - "myPlugin": { - "kind":"PluginA", - "aOption":"foo", - }, -} - -So what happens? Decode first uses json or yaml to unmarshal the serialized data into your external MyAPIObject. That causes the raw JSON to be stored, but not unpacked. The next step is to copy (using pkg/conversion) into the internal struct. The runtime package's DefaultScheme has conversion functions installed which will unpack the JSON stored in RawExtension, turning it into the correct object type, and storing it in the Object. (TODO: In the case where the object is of an unknown type, a runtime.Unknown object will be created and stored.)² -object -õ - -io.k8s.api.batch.v1.CronJobSpecÑ -"YCronJobSpec describes how the job execution will look like and when it will actually run.šscheduleš jobTemplate² -objectÊÎ -Ç -startingDeadlineSeconds«int64"•Optional deadline in seconds for starting the job if it misses scheduled time for any reason. Missed jobs executions will be counted as failed ones.² -integer -— -successfulJobsHistoryLimityint32"dThe number of successful finished jobs to retain. Value must be non-negative integer. Defaults to 3.² -integer -  -suspend”"…This flag tells the controller to suspend subsequent executions, it does not apply to already started executions. Defaults to false.² -boolean -Ì -concurrencyPolicy¶"¨Specifies how to treat concurrent executions of a Job. Valid values are: - "Allow" (default): allows CronJobs to run concurrently; - "Forbid": forbids concurrent runs, skipping next run if previous run hasn't finished yet; - "Replace": cancels currently running job and replaces it with a new one² -string - -failedJobsHistoryLimituint32"`The number of failed finished jobs to retain. Value must be non-negative integer. Defaults to 1.² -integer -„ - jobTemplateu -1#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.JobTemplateSpec"@Specifies the job that will be created when executing a CronJob. -] -scheduleQ"DThe schedule in Cron format, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron.² -string -à -#io.k8s.api.batch.v1.JobTemplateSpec¸"QJobTemplateSpec describes the data a Job should have when created from a template² -objectÊÖ -ù -metadataì -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ªStandard object's metadata of the jobs created from this template. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -× -specÎ -)#/definitions/io.k8s.api.batch.v1.JobSpec" Specification of the desired behavior of the job. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status -ø -"io.k8s.api.core.v1.RBDVolumeSourceÑ "ˆRepresents a Rados Block Device mount that lasts the lifetime of a pod. RBD volumes support ownership management and SELinux relabeling.šmonitorsšimage² -objectʤ -‚ -userz"mThe rados user name. Default is admin. More info: https://examples.k8s.io/volumes/rbd/README.md#how-to-use-it² -string -³ -fsType¨"šFilesystem type of the volume that you want to mount. Tip: Ensure that the filesystem type is supported by the host operating system. Examples: "ext4", "xfs", "ntfs". Implicitly inferred to be "ext4" if unspecified. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#rbd² -string -r -imagei"\The rados image name. More info: https://examples.k8s.io/volumes/rbd/README.md#how-to-use-it² -string -« -keyringŸ"‘Keyring is the path to key ring for RBDUser. Default is /etc/ceph/keyring. More info: https://examples.k8s.io/volumes/rbd/README.md#how-to-use-it² -string -Ž -monitors"eA collection of Ceph monitors. More info: https://examples.k8s.io/volumes/rbd/README.md#how-to-use-it² -arrayº - ² -string -€ -poolx"kThe rados pool name. Default is rbd. More info: https://examples.k8s.io/volumes/rbd/README.md#how-to-use-it² -string -´ -readOnly§"˜ReadOnly here will force the ReadOnly setting in VolumeMounts. Defaults to false. More info: https://examples.k8s.io/volumes/rbd/README.md#how-to-use-it² -boolean -ù - secretRefë -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.LocalObjectReference"±SecretRef is name of the authentication secret for RBDUser. If provided overrides keyring. Default is nil. More info: https://examples.k8s.io/volumes/rbd/README.md#how-to-use-it - -*io.k8s.api.discovery.v1beta1.EndpointSliceà"ÜEndpointSlice represents a subset of the endpoints that implement a service. For a given service there may be multiple EndpointSlice objects, selected by labels, which must be joined to produce the full set of endpoints.š addressTypeš endpoints² -objectÊí -ð - addressTypeà"ÒaddressType specifies the type of address carried by this EndpointSlice. All addresses in this slice must be the same type. This field is immutable after creation. The following address types are currently supported: * IPv4: Represents an IPv4 Address. * IPv6: Represents an IPv6 Address. * FQDN: Represents a Fully Qualified Domain Name.² -string -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -ä - endpointsÖ"jendpoints is a list of unique endpoints in this slice. Each slice may include a maximum of 1000 endpoints.² -arrayº7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.discovery.v1beta1.Endpointú# -x-kubernetes-list-type atomic - -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -h -metadata\ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"Standard object's metadata. -© -portsŸ"®ports specifies the list of network ports exposed by each endpoint in this slice. Each port must have a unique name. When ports is empty, it indicates that there are no defined ports. When a port is defined with a nil port value, it indicates "all ports". Each slice may include a maximum of 100 ports.² -arrayº; -9 -7#/definitions/io.k8s.api.discovery.v1beta1.EndpointPortú# -x-kubernetes-list-type atomic -úh -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindEC- version: v1beta1 - group: discovery.k8s.io - kind: EndpointSlice - -µ -#io.k8s.api.networking.v1.IngressTLS"MIngressTLS describes the transport layer security associated with an Ingress.² -objectʯ -À -hosts¶"óHosts are a list of hosts included in the TLS certificate. The values in this list must match the name/s used in the tlsSecret. Defaults to the wildcard host setting for the loadbalancer controller fulfilling this Ingress, if left unspecified.² -arrayº - ² -stringú# -x-kubernetes-list-type atomic - -é - -secretNameÚ"ÌSecretName is the name of the secret used to terminate TLS traffic on port 443. Field is left optional to allow TLS routing based on SNI hostname alone. If the SNI host in a listener conflicts with the "Host" header field used by an IngressRule, the SNI host is used for termination and value of the Host header is used for routing.² -string -® -"io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.RoleBindingList‡"/RoleBindingList is a collection of RoleBindingsšitems² -objectÊÎ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -g -items^"Items is a list of RoleBindings² -arrayº0 -. -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.RoleBinding -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -f -metadataZ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"Standard object's metadata.ún -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindKI- group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io - kind: RoleBindingList - version: v1 - -å -2io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.StatusDetails® "éStatusDetails is a set of additional properties that MAY be set by the server to provide additional information about a response. The Reason field of a Status object defines what attributes will be set. Clients must ignore fields that do not match the defined type of each attribute, and should assume that any attribute may be empty, invalid, or under defined.² -objectʳ - -kind„"öThe kind attribute of the resource associated with the status StatusReason. On some operations may differ from the requested resource Kind. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -— -nameŽ"€The name attribute of the resource associated with the status StatusReason (when there is a single name which can be described).² -string -— -retryAfterSecondsint32"ëIf specified, the time in seconds before the operation should be retried. Some errors may indicate the client must take an alternate action - for those errors this field may indicate how long to wait before taking the alternate action.² -integer -¥ -uid"UID of the resource. (when there is a single resource which can be described). More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/identifiers#uids² -string -à -causesÕ"ƒThe Causes array includes more details associated with the StatusReason failure. Not all StatusReasons may provide detailed causes.² -arrayºB -@ ->#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.StatusCause -b -groupY"LThe group attribute of the resource associated with the status StatusReason.² -string -ˆ -%io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ControllerRevisionÞ"±ControllerRevision implements an immutable snapshot of state data. Clients are responsible for serializing and deserializing the objects that contain their internal state. Once a ControllerRevision has been successfully created, it can not be updated. The API Server will fail validation of all requests that attempt to mutate the Data field. ControllerRevisions may, however, be deleted. Note that, due to its use by both the DaemonSet and StatefulSet controllers for update and rollback, this object is beta. However, it may be subject to name and representation changes in future releases, and clients should not depend on its stability. It is primarily for internal use by controllers.šrevision² -objectʱ -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ò -metadataÅ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -b -revisionVint64"ARevision indicates the revision of the state represented by Data.² -integer -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -y -dataq -:#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.runtime.RawExtension"3Data is the serialized representation of the state.ú\ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind97- group: apps - kind: ControllerRevision - version: v1 - -Þ - io.k8s.api.core.v1.ContainerPort¹">ContainerPort represents a network port in a single container.š containerPort² -objectÊÚ -A -hostIP7"*What host IP to bind the external port to.² -string -å -hostPortØint32"ÂNumber of port to expose on the host. If specified, this must be a valid port number, 0 < x < 65536. If HostNetwork is specified, this must match ContainerPort. Most containers do not need this.² -integer -Æ -name½"¯If specified, this must be an IANA_SVC_NAME and unique within the pod. Each named port in a pod must have a unique name. Name for the port that can be referred to by services.² -string -Y -protocolM"@Protocol for port. Must be UDP, TCP, or SCTP. Defaults to "TCP".² -string -ˆ - containerPortwint32"bNumber of port to expose on the pod's IP address. This must be a valid port number, 0 < x < 65536.² -integer -¨ - -1io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSIStorageCapacityListò "ECSIStorageCapacityList is a collection of CSIStorageCapacity objects.šitems² -objectÊ¢ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -Õ -itemsË"0Items is the list of CSIStorageCapacity objects.² -arrayº? -= -;#/definitions/io.k8s.api.storage.v1beta1.CSIStorageCapacityú' -x-kubernetes-list-map-keys - name -ú -x-kubernetes-list-typemap - -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ê -metadata½ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"~Standard list metadata More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadataúo -x-kubernetes-group-version-kindLJ- group: storage.k8s.io - kind: CSIStorageCapacityList - version: v1beta1 - -¬ -+io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Statusü"CStatus is a return value for calls that don't return other objects.² -objectÊ× -U -messageJ"=A human-readable description of the status of this operation.² -string -Ï -metadata -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"‚Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds -ä -reasonÙ"ËA machine-readable description of why this operation is in the "Failure" status. If this value is empty there is no information available. A Reason clarifies an HTTP status code but does not override it.² -string -À -statusµ"§Status of the operation. One of: "Success" or "Failure". More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status² -string -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -V -codeNint32"9Suggested HTTP return code for this status, 0 if not set.² -integer -¬ -details  -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.StatusDetails"ÛExtended data associated with the reason. Each reason may define its own extended details. This field is optional and the data returned is not guaranteed to conform to any schema except that defined by the reason type. -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -stringúN -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind+)- group: "" - kind: Status - version: v1 - - --io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.FlowSchemaSpecë "GFlowSchemaSpec describes how the FlowSchema's specification looks like.špriorityLevelConfiguration² -objectÊö - -ô -rulesê"ì`rules` describes which requests will match this flow schema. This FlowSchema matches a request if and only if at least one member of rules matches the request. if it is an empty slice, there will be no requests matching the FlowSchema.² -arrayºH -F -D#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.PolicyRulesWithSubjectsú# -x-kubernetes-list-type atomic - -¦ -distinguisherMethodŽ -D#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.FlowDistinguisherMethod"Å`distinguisherMethod` defines how to compute the flow distinguisher for requests that match this schema. `nil` specifies that the distinguisher is disabled and thus will always be the empty string. - -matchingPrecedenceøint32"â`matchingPrecedence` is used to choose among the FlowSchemas that match a given request. The chosen FlowSchema is among those with the numerically lowest (which we take to be logically highest) MatchingPrecedence. Each MatchingPrecedence value must be ranged in [1,10000]. Note that if the precedence is not specified, it will be set to 1000 as default.² -integer -Á -priorityLevelConfiguration¢ -P#/definitions/io.k8s.api.flowcontrol.v1beta1.PriorityLevelConfigurationReference"Í`priorityLevelConfiguration` should reference a PriorityLevelConfiguration in the cluster. If the reference cannot be resolved, the FlowSchema will be ignored and marked as invalid in its status. Required. -” -(io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.IngressTLSç"MIngressTLS describes the transport layer security associated with an Ingress.² -objectʉ -š -hosts"óHosts are a list of hosts included in the TLS certificate. The values in this list must match the name/s used in the tlsSecret. Defaults to the wildcard host setting for the loadbalancer controller fulfilling this Ingress, if left unspecified.² -arrayº - ² -string -é - -secretNameÚ"ÌSecretName is the name of the secret used to terminate TLS traffic on port 443. Field is left optional to allow TLS routing based on SNI hostname alone. If the SNI host in a listener conflicts with the "Host" header field used by an IngressRule, the SNI host is used for termination and value of the Host header is used for routing.² -string -¾ -io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodAffinity› "?Pod affinity is a group of inter pod affinity scheduling rules.² -objectÊË - -ì -/preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution¸"ìThe scheduler will prefer to schedule pods to nodes that satisfy the affinity expressions specified by this field, but it may choose a node that violates one or more of the expressions. The node that is most preferred is the one with the greatest sum of weights, i.e. for each node that meets all of the scheduling requirements (resource request, requiredDuringScheduling affinity expressions, etc.), compute a sum by iterating through the elements of this field and adding "weight" to the sum if the node has pods which matches the corresponding podAffinityTerm; the node(s) with the highest sum are the most preferred.² -arrayº< -: -8#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.WeightedPodAffinityTerm -Ù -.requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution¦"âIf the affinity requirements specified by this field are not met at scheduling time, the pod will not be scheduled onto the node. If the affinity requirements specified by this field cease to be met at some point during pod execution (e.g. due to a pod label update), the system may or may not try to eventually evict the pod from its node. When there are multiple elements, the lists of nodes corresponding to each podAffinityTerm are intersected, i.e. all terms must be satisfied.² -arrayº4 -2 -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodAffinityTerm -¯ -io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.Subject"ÆSubject contains a reference to the object or user identities a role binding applies to. This can either hold a direct API object reference, or a value for non-objects such as user and group names.škindšname² -objectʪ -9 -name1"$Name of the object being referenced.² -string -à - namespaceµ"§Namespace of the referenced object. If the object kind is non-namespace, such as "User" or "Group", and this value is not empty the Authorizer should report an error.² -string -à -apiGroup¶"¨APIGroup holds the API group of the referenced subject. Defaults to "" for ServiceAccount subjects. Defaults to "rbac.authorization.k8s.io" for User and Group subjects.² -string -à -kind×"ÉKind of object being referenced. Values defined by this API group are "User", "Group", and "ServiceAccount". If the Authorizer does not recognized the kind value, the Authorizer should report an error.² -string -« -)io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ControllerRevisionListý"UControllerRevisionList is a resource containing a list of ControllerRevision objects.šitems² -objectʬ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -w -itemsn"(Items is the list of ControllerRevisions² -arrayº7 -5 -3#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ControllerRevision -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -³ -metadata¦ -;#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ListMeta"gMore info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadataú` -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind=;- group: apps - kind: ControllerRevisionList - version: v1 - -† -3io.k8s.api.core.v1.AWSElasticBlockStoreVolumeSourceÎ -"¡Represents a Persistent Disk resource in AWS. - -An AWS EBS disk must exist before mounting to a container. The disk must also be in the same AWS zone as the kubelet. An AWS EBS disk can only be mounted as read/write once. AWS EBS volumes support ownership management and SELinux relabeling.švolumeID² -objectÊ -Ä -fsType¹"«Filesystem type of the volume that you want to mount. Tip: Ensure that the filesystem type is supported by the host operating system. Examples: "ext4", "xfs", "ntfs". Implicitly inferred to be "ext4" if unspecified. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#awselasticblockstore² -string -¨ - partitionšint32"„The partition in the volume that you want to mount. If omitted, the default is to mount by volume name. Examples: For volume /dev/sda1, you specify the partition as "1". Similarly, the volume partition for /dev/sda is "0" (or you can leave the property empty).² -integer -ä -readOnly×"ÈSpecify "true" to force and set the ReadOnly property in VolumeMounts to "true". If omitted, the default is "false". More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#awselasticblockstore² -boolean -´ -volumeID§"™Unique ID of the persistent disk resource in AWS (Amazon EBS volume). More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#awselasticblockstore² -string -ð -!io.k8s.api.core.v1.ClientIPConfigÊ"QClientIPConfig represents the configurations of Client IP based session affinity.² -objectÊè -å -timeoutSecondsÒint32"¼timeoutSeconds specifies the seconds of ClientIP type session sticky time. The value must be >0 && <=86400(for 1 day) if ServiceAffinity == "ClientIP". Default value is 10800(for 3 hours).² -integer -ò, -2io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.DeleteOptions»,":DeleteOptions may be provided when deleting an API object.² -objectÊ‹ -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -  -dryRun•"øWhen present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed² -arrayº - ² -string -Þ -gracePeriodSecondsÇint64"±The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately.² -integer -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ä -orphanDependents¯" Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both.² -boolean - - preconditions° -@#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Preconditions"lMust be fulfilled before a deletion is carried out. If not possible, a 409 Conflict status will be returned. -û -propagationPolicyå"×Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground.² -stringúá -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind½º- group: "" - kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1 -- group: admission.k8s.io - kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1 -- version: v1beta1 - group: admission.k8s.io - kind: DeleteOptions -- group: admissionregistration.k8s.io - kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1 -- group: admissionregistration.k8s.io - kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1beta1 -- kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1 - group: apiextensions.k8s.io -- group: apiextensions.k8s.io - kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1beta1 -- group: apiregistration.k8s.io - kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1 -- kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1beta1 - group: apiregistration.k8s.io -- version: v1 - group: apps - kind: DeleteOptions -- group: apps - kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1beta1 -- group: apps - kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1beta2 -- group: authentication.k8s.io - kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1 -- group: authentication.k8s.io - kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1beta1 -- version: v1 - group: authorization.k8s.io - kind: DeleteOptions -- group: authorization.k8s.io - kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1beta1 -- group: autoscaling - kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1 -- group: autoscaling - kind: DeleteOptions - version: v2beta1 -- version: v2beta2 - group: autoscaling - kind: DeleteOptions -- group: batch - kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1 -- group: batch - kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1beta1 -- group: certificates.k8s.io - kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1 -- kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1beta1 - group: certificates.k8s.io -- group: coordination.k8s.io - kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1 -- group: coordination.k8s.io - kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1beta1 -- kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1 - group: discovery.k8s.io -- group: discovery.k8s.io - kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1beta1 -- group: events.k8s.io - kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1 -- group: events.k8s.io - kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1beta1 -- kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1beta1 - group: extensions -- version: v1alpha1 - group: flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io - kind: DeleteOptions -- group: flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io - kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1beta1 -- group: imagepolicy.k8s.io - kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1alpha1 -- group: internal.apiserver.k8s.io - kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1alpha1 -- kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1 - group: networking.k8s.io -- kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1beta1 - group: networking.k8s.io -- group: node.k8s.io - kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1 -- group: node.k8s.io - kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1alpha1 -- group: node.k8s.io - kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1beta1 -- kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1 - group: policy -- version: v1beta1 - group: policy - kind: DeleteOptions -- group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io - kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1 -- version: v1alpha1 - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io - kind: DeleteOptions -- version: v1beta1 - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io - kind: DeleteOptions -- kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1 - group: scheduling.k8s.io -- group: scheduling.k8s.io - kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1alpha1 -- version: v1beta1 - group: scheduling.k8s.io - kind: DeleteOptions -- group: storage.k8s.io - kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1 -- group: storage.k8s.io - kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1alpha1 -- group: storage.k8s.io - kind: DeleteOptions - version: v1beta1 - -“ -io.k8s.api.events.v1.Eventô"¾Event is a report of an event somewhere in the cluster. It generally denotes some state change in the system. Events have a limited retention time and triggers and messages may evolve with time. Event consumers should not rely on the timing of an event with a given Reason reflecting a consistent underlying trigger, or the continued existence of events with that Reason. Events should be treated as informative, best-effort, supplemental data.š eventTime² -objectʽ - -reportingInstance¬"žreportingInstance is the ID of the controller instance, e.g. `kubelet-xyzf`. This field cannot be empty for new Events and it can have at most 128 characters.² -string -Ì -actionÁ"³action is what action was taken/failed regarding to the regarding object. It is machine-readable. This field cannot be empty for new Events and it can have at most 128 characters.² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ò -metadataÅ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -Ñ -relatedÅ -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ObjectReference"related is the optional secondary object for more complex actions. E.g. when regarding object triggers a creation or deletion of related object. -¹ -reportingController¡"“reportingController is the name of the controller that emitted this Event, e.g. `kubernetes.io/kubelet`. This field cannot be empty for new Events.² -string -ˆ -deprecatedCountuint32"`deprecatedCount is the deprecated field assuring backward compatibility with core.v1 Event type.² -integer -¦ -deprecatedSource‘ -,#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.EventSource"adeprecatedSource is the deprecated field assuring backward compatibility with core.v1 Event type. -¤ -reason™"‹reason is why the action was taken. It is human-readable. This field cannot be empty for new Events and it can have at most 128 characters.² -string -š -series -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.events.v1.EventSeries"]series is data about the Event series this event represents or nil if it's a singleton Event. -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -— - eventTime‰ -<#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.MicroTime"IeventTime is the time when this Event was first observed. It is required. -½ -note´"¦note is a human-readable description of the status of this operation. Maximal length of the note is 1kB, but libraries should be prepared to handle values up to 64kB.² -string -¶ - regarding¨ -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ObjectReference"óregarding contains the object this Event is about. In most cases it's an Object reporting controller implements, e.g. ReplicaSetController implements ReplicaSets and this event is emitted because it acts on some changes in a ReplicaSet object. -³ -typeª"œtype is the type of this event (Normal, Warning), new types could be added in the future. It is machine-readable. This field cannot be empty for new Events.² -string -Á -deprecatedFirstTimestamp¤ -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"ideprecatedFirstTimestamp is the deprecated field assuring backward compatibility with core.v1 Event type. -¿ -deprecatedLastTimestamp£ -7#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.Time"hdeprecatedLastTimestamp is the deprecated field assuring backward compatibility with core.v1 Event type.úX -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind53- kind: Event - version: v1 - group: events.k8s.io - -² -,io.k8s.api.storage.v1.VolumeAttachmentSource"ÝVolumeAttachmentSource represents a volume that should be attached. Right now only PersistenVolumes can be attached via external attacher, in future we may allow also inline volumes in pods. Exactly one member can be set.² -objectÊ’ -À -inlineVolumeSpec« -5#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeSpec"ñinlineVolumeSpec contains all the information necessary to attach a persistent volume defined by a pod's inline VolumeSource. This field is populated only for the CSIMigration feature. It contains translated fields from a pod's inline VolumeSource to a PersistentVolumeSpec. This field is beta-level and is only honored by servers that enabled the CSIMigration feature. -M -persistentVolumeName5"(Name of the persistent volume to attach.² -string -œ -io.k8s.api.core.v1.EnvVarSourceø"']`, `metadata.annotations['']`, spec.nodeName, spec.serviceAccountName, status.hostIP, status.podIP, status.podIPs. -¤ -resourceFieldRef -6#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.ResourceFieldSelector"ÔSelects a resource of the container: only resources limits and requests (limits.cpu, limits.memory, limits.ephemeral-storage, requests.cpu, requests.memory and requests.ephemeral-storage) are currently supported. -v - secretKeyReff -2#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.SecretKeySelector"0Selects a key of a secret in the pod's namespace -ã -io.k8s.api.core.v1.Namespace "MNamespace provides a scope for Names. Use of multiple namespaces is optional.² -objectÊ - -â -status× -0#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NamespaceStatus"¢Status describes the current status of a Namespace. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status -¾ - -apiVersion¯"¡APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources² -string -¹ -kind°"¢Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds² -string -Ò -metadataÅ -=#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"ƒStandard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata -Ö -specÍ -.#/definitions/io.k8s.api.core.v1.NamespaceSpec"šSpec defines the behavior of the Namespace. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-statusúQ -x-kubernetes-group-version-kind.,- group: "" - kind: Namespace - version: v1 -b - - BearerTokenjO -M - BearerToken>< -apiKey authorizationheader"Bearer Token authentication \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi/kustomizationapi/swagger.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi/kustomizationapi/swagger.go deleted file mode 100644 index 49647be4..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi/kustomizationapi/swagger.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,248 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Code generated for package kustomizationapi by go-bindata DO NOT EDIT. (@generated) -// sources: -// kustomizationapi/swagger.json -package kustomizationapi - -import ( - "bytes" - "compress/gzip" - "fmt" - "io" - "os" - "path/filepath" - "strings" - "time" -) - -func bindataRead(data []byte, name string) ([]byte, error) { - gz, err := gzip.NewReader(bytes.NewBuffer(data)) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("Read %q: %v", name, err) - } - - var buf bytes.Buffer - _, err = io.Copy(&buf, gz) - clErr := gz.Close() - - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("Read %q: %v", name, err) - } - if clErr != nil { - return nil, err - } - - return buf.Bytes(), nil -} - -type asset struct { - bytes []byte - info os.FileInfo -} - -type bindataFileInfo struct { - name string - size int64 - mode os.FileMode - modTime time.Time -} - -// Name return file name -func (fi bindataFileInfo) Name() string { - return fi.name -} - -// Size return file size -func (fi bindataFileInfo) Size() int64 { - return fi.size -} - -// Mode return file mode -func (fi bindataFileInfo) Mode() os.FileMode { - return fi.mode -} - -// Mode return file modify time -func (fi bindataFileInfo) ModTime() time.Time { - return fi.modTime -} - -// IsDir return file whether a directory -func (fi bindataFileInfo) IsDir() bool { - return fi.mode&os.ModeDir != 0 -} - -// Sys return file is sys mode -func (fi bindataFileInfo) Sys() interface{} { - return nil -} - -var _kustomizationapiSwaggerJson = []byte("\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xe4\x56\xc1\x6e\xdb\x30\x0c\xbd\xe7\x2b\x04\x6d\xc7\xd8\x45\x6e\x43\x6e\xc3\x0e\x3b\x14\x05\x0a\x74\xb7\xa1\x07\xc6\xa1\x5d\xce\x8e\xa4\x51\xb4\xb1\x6c\xc8\xbf\x0f\xd6\x62\xd7\x4a\xec\x75\x0b\x1a\xac\x4b\x0f\x06\x0c\x99\x7c\x4f\xe4\x7b\x24\xfc\x63\xa6\x94\x5e\x63\x4e\x86\x84\xac\xf1\x7a\xa9\xda\x23\xa5\x34\xd9\xb4\x7c\xe7\x53\x70\x94\x82\x73\x3e\x6d\x16\xe9\x07\x6b\x72\x2a\x6e\xc0\xbd\xe7\xe2\x31\x52\x29\xed\xd8\x3a\x64\x21\x1c\x9e\x2a\xa5\x3f\xa2\x41\x06\xb1\x7c\x90\x10\x3e\xbe\x65\xcc\xf5\x52\xe9\x37\x57\x03\xfe\xab\x11\xda\x18\xa5\x87\xd8\xed\xdf\x76\xf3\xee\x1a\xb0\x5e\x07\x14\xa8\x6e\x87\x17\xca\xa1\xf2\xd8\x07\xc9\xd6\x61\x4b\x6b\x57\x5f\x30\x13\xdd\x9f\x7f\x4b\xca\x7a\x85\x6c\x50\xd0\x27\x05\xdb\xda\x25\x0d\xb2\x27\x6b\x92\x92\xcc\x5a\x2f\xd5\xe7\x9e\x3a\xaa\x23\xc4\xb6\x88\x65\xed\xc5\x6e\xe8\x3b\xa6\x59\x68\x54\x28\x84\x6c\x4f\x11\xa2\xf7\x58\x3a\xee\x65\x14\xb2\xa7\x6d\xa3\x9a\xc5\x0a\x05\x16\xc7\x45\xdf\xcf\x06\xa5\x8f\x69\x75\x87\x19\xa3\xbc\x0c\xa1\x1e\xab\xeb\xba\x1f\xe1\x77\x8a\x78\x61\x32\xc5\xa5\x08\x3c\x10\xe0\xf9\xd5\x9d\xd2\x6b\x52\x60\x03\x1b\xf4\x0e\xb2\x3f\x6f\xfe\x3c\x4e\x3e\x25\x6f\x85\x0f\xd0\x90\xe5\x53\x72\xaf\x9b\x5b\x20\xbe\xb3\x35\x67\x78\xba\x23\x63\x94\x0b\x71\x56\x2c\xfe\xf3\x9b\xeb\x7a\x7f\x19\x90\x5f\x50\xbd\xb9\x18\xbf\xd6\xc4\x18\x17\xa4\x3f\x6d\x1d\xde\xa0\x40\xc7\x74\x3f\x7f\xca\x8c\x59\xb7\xfb\xfa\x4a\x0e\x05\x26\xc1\xcd\xa1\xea\x7f\xa3\x7b\xbc\x5d\x07\x20\xbb\xf9\x98\x11\x81\x19\xb6\x71\x27\x23\x4d\x1d\x48\xf6\x90\x6c\x90\x0b\x4c\x4a\xdc\xb6\x29\x61\x26\x9e\xca\xf0\xc2\x20\x58\x84\x84\x90\x3d\xee\x75\x1f\x56\xc5\xd9\x9a\x31\xd8\x44\x2f\xb2\x13\xff\xf5\x30\xc6\xc3\x72\x86\x61\x9c\xd8\x83\x93\xc3\x55\x91\x20\x43\x75\xb4\x33\x27\x5c\x34\xb5\x8b\x7f\x6f\x90\x51\x1b\xe7\x54\x1d\xaf\xea\xf3\xd3\xa2\x69\xfe\x0d\xeb\xeb\xf8\x8f\x89\x0d\x78\xaa\xc1\x67\xed\xb3\xfb\x19\x00\x00\xff\xff\x2f\x39\x79\xd0\x6e\x0c\x00\x00") - -func kustomizationapiSwaggerJsonBytes() ([]byte, error) { - return bindataRead( - _kustomizationapiSwaggerJson, - "kustomizationapi/swagger.json", - ) -} - -func kustomizationapiSwaggerJson() (*asset, error) { - bytes, err := kustomizationapiSwaggerJsonBytes() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - info := bindataFileInfo{name: "kustomizationapi/swagger.json", size: 3182, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1615228558, 0)} - a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info} - return a, nil -} - -// Asset loads and returns the asset for the given name. -// It returns an error if the asset could not be found or -// could not be loaded. -func Asset(name string) ([]byte, error) { - cannonicalName := strings.Replace(name, "\\", "/", -1) - if f, ok := _bindata[cannonicalName]; ok { - a, err := f() - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("Asset %s can't read by error: %v", name, err) - } - return a.bytes, nil - } - return nil, fmt.Errorf("Asset %s not found", name) -} - -// MustAsset is like Asset but panics when Asset would return an error. -// It simplifies safe initialization of global variables. -func MustAsset(name string) []byte { - a, err := Asset(name) - if err != nil { - panic("asset: Asset(" + name + "): " + err.Error()) - } - - return a -} - -// AssetInfo loads and returns the asset info for the given name. -// It returns an error if the asset could not be found or -// could not be loaded. -func AssetInfo(name string) (os.FileInfo, error) { - cannonicalName := strings.Replace(name, "\\", "/", -1) - if f, ok := _bindata[cannonicalName]; ok { - a, err := f() - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("AssetInfo %s can't read by error: %v", name, err) - } - return a.info, nil - } - return nil, fmt.Errorf("AssetInfo %s not found", name) -} - -// AssetNames returns the names of the assets. -func AssetNames() []string { - names := make([]string, 0, len(_bindata)) - for name := range _bindata { - names = append(names, name) - } - return names -} - -// _bindata is a table, holding each asset generator, mapped to its name. -var _bindata = map[string]func() (*asset, error){ - "kustomizationapi/swagger.json": kustomizationapiSwaggerJson, -} - -// AssetDir returns the file names below a certain -// directory embedded in the file by go-bindata. -// For example if you run go-bindata on data/... and data contains the -// following hierarchy: -// data/ -// foo.txt -// img/ -// a.png -// b.png -// then AssetDir("data") would return []string{"foo.txt", "img"} -// AssetDir("data/img") would return []string{"a.png", "b.png"} -// AssetDir("foo.txt") and AssetDir("notexist") would return an error -// AssetDir("") will return []string{"data"}. -func AssetDir(name string) ([]string, error) { - node := _bintree - if len(name) != 0 { - cannonicalName := strings.Replace(name, "\\", "/", -1) - pathList := strings.Split(cannonicalName, "/") - for _, p := range pathList { - node = node.Children[p] - if node == nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("Asset %s not found", name) - } - } - } - if node.Func != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("Asset %s not found", name) - } - rv := make([]string, 0, len(node.Children)) - for childName := range node.Children { - rv = append(rv, childName) - } - return rv, nil -} - -type bintree struct { - Func func() (*asset, error) - Children map[string]*bintree -} - -var _bintree = &bintree{nil, map[string]*bintree{ - "kustomizationapi": &bintree{nil, map[string]*bintree{ - "swagger.json": &bintree{kustomizationapiSwaggerJson, map[string]*bintree{}}, - }}, -}} - -// RestoreAsset restores an asset under the given directory -func RestoreAsset(dir, name string) error { - data, err := Asset(name) - if err != nil { - return err - } - info, err := AssetInfo(name) - if err != nil { - return err - } - err = os.MkdirAll(_filePath(dir, filepath.Dir(name)), os.FileMode(0755)) - if err != nil { - return err - } - err = os.WriteFile(_filePath(dir, name), data, info.Mode()) - if err != nil { - return err - } - err = os.Chtimes(_filePath(dir, name), info.ModTime(), info.ModTime()) - if err != nil { - return err - } - return nil -} - -// RestoreAssets restores an asset under the given directory recursively -func RestoreAssets(dir, name string) error { - children, err := AssetDir(name) - // File - if err != nil { - return RestoreAsset(dir, name) - } - // Dir - for _, child := range children { - err = RestoreAssets(dir, filepath.Join(name, child)) - if err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -func _filePath(dir, name string) string { - cannonicalName := strings.Replace(name, "\\", "/", -1) - return filepath.Join(append([]string{dir}, strings.Split(cannonicalName, "/")...)...) -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi/kustomizationapi/swagger.json b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi/kustomizationapi/swagger.json deleted file mode 100644 index 7441a5ee..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi/kustomizationapi/swagger.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,130 +0,0 @@ -{ - "definitions": { - "io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ConfigMapArgs": { - "properties": { - "GeneratorArgs": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.GeneratorArgs" - } - }, - "additionalProperties": false, - "type": "object", - "x-kubernetes-group-version-kind": [ - { - "group": "kustomize.config.k8s.io", - "kind": "ConfigMapArgs", - "version": "v1beta1" - } - ] - }, - "io.k8s.api.apps.v1.SecretArgs": { - "properties": { - "GeneratorArgs": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.GeneratorArgs" - }, - "type": { - "type": "string" - } - }, - "additionalProperties": false, - "type": "object", - "x-kubernetes-group-version-kind": [ - { - "group": "kustomize.config.k8s.io", - "kind": "SecretArgs", - "version": "v1beta1" - } - ] - }, - "io.k8s.api.apps.v1.GeneratorArgs": { - "properties": { - "namespace": { - "type": "string" - }, - "name": { - "type": "string" - }, - "behavior": { - "type": "string" - }, - "KvPairSources": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.KvPairSources" - } - }, - "additionalProperties": false, - "type": "object", - "x-kubernetes-group-version-kind": [ - { - "group": "kustomize.config.k8s.io", - "kind": "GeneratorArgs", - "version": "v1beta1" - } - ] - }, - "io.k8s.api.apps.v1.Kustomization": { - "required": [ - "TypeMeta" - ], - "properties": { - "configMapGenerator": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.ConfigMapArgs" - }, - "type": "array", - "x-kubernetes-patch-merge-key": "name", - "x-kubernetes-patch-strategy": "merge" - }, - "secretGenerator": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/io.k8s.api.apps.v1.SecretArgs" - }, - "type": "array", - "x-kubernetes-patch-merge-key": "name", - "x-kubernetes-patch-strategy": "merge" - } - }, - "additionalProperties": false, - "type": "object", - "x-kubernetes-group-version-kind": [ - { - "group": "kustomize.config.k8s.io", - "kind": "Kustomization", - "version": "v1beta1" - } - ] - }, - "io.k8s.api.apps.v1.KvPairSources": { - "properties": { - "literals": { - "items": { - "type": "string" - }, - "type": "array" - }, - "files": { - "items": { - "type": "string" - }, - "type": "array" - }, - "envs": { - "items": { - "type": "string" - }, - "type": "array" - }, - "env": { - "type": "string" - } - }, - "additionalProperties": false, - "type": "object", - "x-kubernetes-group-version-kind": [ - { - "group": "kustomize.config.k8s.io", - "kind": "KvPairSources", - "version": "v1beta1" - } - ] - } - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi/openapi.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi/openapi.go deleted file mode 100644 index eb5396d8..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi/openapi.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,776 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package openapi - -import ( - "encoding/json" - "fmt" - "os" - "path/filepath" - "reflect" - "strings" - "sync" - - openapi_v2 "github.com/google/gnostic-models/openapiv2" - "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto" - "k8s.io/kube-openapi/pkg/validation/spec" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi/kubernetesapi" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi/kustomizationapi" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" - k8syaml "sigs.k8s.io/yaml" -) - -var ( - // schemaLock is the lock for schema related globals. - // - // NOTE: This lock helps with preventing panics that might occur due to the data - // race that concurrent access on this variable might cause but it doesn't - // fully fix the issue described in https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/issues/4824. - // For instance concurrently running goroutines where each of them calls SetSchema() - // and/or GetSchemaVersion might end up received nil errors (success) whereas the - // seconds one would overwrite the global variable that has been written by the - // first one. - schemaLock sync.RWMutex //nolint:gochecknoglobals - - // kubernetesOpenAPIVersion specifies which builtin kubernetes schema to use. - kubernetesOpenAPIVersion string //nolint:gochecknoglobals - - // globalSchema contains global state information about the openapi - globalSchema openapiData //nolint:gochecknoglobals - - // customSchemaFile stores the custom OpenApi schema if it is provided - customSchema []byte //nolint:gochecknoglobals -) - -// openapiData contains the parsed openapi state. this is in a struct rather than -// a list of vars so that it can be reset from tests. -type openapiData struct { - // schema holds the OpenAPI schema data - schema spec.Schema - - // schemaForResourceType is a map of Resource types to their schemas - schemaByResourceType map[yaml.TypeMeta]*spec.Schema - - // namespaceabilityByResourceType stores whether a given Resource type - // is namespaceable or not - namespaceabilityByResourceType map[yaml.TypeMeta]bool - - // noUseBuiltInSchema stores whether we want to prevent using the built-n - // Kubernetes schema as part of the global schema - noUseBuiltInSchema bool - - // schemaInit stores whether or not we've parsed the schema already, - // so that we only reparse the when necessary (to speed up performance) - schemaInit bool -} - -type format string - -const ( - JsonOrYaml format = "jsonOrYaml" - Proto format = "proto" -) - -// precomputedIsNamespaceScoped precomputes IsNamespaceScoped for known types. This avoids Schema creation, -// which is expensive -// The test output from TestIsNamespaceScopedPrecompute shows the expected map in go syntax,and can be copy and pasted -// from the failure if it changes. -var precomputedIsNamespaceScoped = map[yaml.TypeMeta]bool{ - {APIVersion: "admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1", Kind: "MutatingWebhookConfiguration"}: false, - {APIVersion: "admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1", Kind: "ValidatingWebhookConfiguration"}: false, - {APIVersion: "admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1", Kind: "MutatingWebhookConfiguration"}: false, - {APIVersion: "admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1", Kind: "ValidatingWebhookConfiguration"}: false, - {APIVersion: "apiextensions.k8s.io/v1", Kind: "CustomResourceDefinition"}: false, - {APIVersion: "apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1", Kind: "CustomResourceDefinition"}: false, - {APIVersion: "apiregistration.k8s.io/v1", Kind: "APIService"}: false, - {APIVersion: "apiregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1", Kind: "APIService"}: false, - {APIVersion: "apps/v1", Kind: "ControllerRevision"}: true, - {APIVersion: "apps/v1", Kind: "DaemonSet"}: true, - {APIVersion: "apps/v1", Kind: "Deployment"}: true, - {APIVersion: "apps/v1", Kind: "ReplicaSet"}: true, - {APIVersion: "apps/v1", Kind: "StatefulSet"}: true, - {APIVersion: "autoscaling/v1", Kind: "HorizontalPodAutoscaler"}: true, - {APIVersion: "autoscaling/v1", Kind: "Scale"}: true, - {APIVersion: "autoscaling/v2beta1", Kind: "HorizontalPodAutoscaler"}: true, - {APIVersion: "autoscaling/v2beta2", Kind: "HorizontalPodAutoscaler"}: true, - {APIVersion: "batch/v1", Kind: "CronJob"}: true, - {APIVersion: "batch/v1", Kind: "Job"}: true, - {APIVersion: "batch/v1beta1", Kind: "CronJob"}: true, - {APIVersion: "certificates.k8s.io/v1", Kind: "CertificateSigningRequest"}: false, - {APIVersion: "certificates.k8s.io/v1beta1", Kind: "CertificateSigningRequest"}: false, - {APIVersion: "coordination.k8s.io/v1", Kind: "Lease"}: true, - {APIVersion: "coordination.k8s.io/v1beta1", Kind: "Lease"}: true, - {APIVersion: "discovery.k8s.io/v1", Kind: "EndpointSlice"}: true, - {APIVersion: "discovery.k8s.io/v1beta1", Kind: "EndpointSlice"}: true, - {APIVersion: "events.k8s.io/v1", Kind: "Event"}: true, - {APIVersion: "events.k8s.io/v1beta1", Kind: "Event"}: true, - {APIVersion: "extensions/v1beta1", Kind: "Ingress"}: true, - {APIVersion: "flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1beta1", Kind: "FlowSchema"}: false, - {APIVersion: "flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1beta1", Kind: "PriorityLevelConfiguration"}: false, - {APIVersion: "networking.k8s.io/v1", Kind: "Ingress"}: true, - {APIVersion: "networking.k8s.io/v1", Kind: "IngressClass"}: false, - {APIVersion: "networking.k8s.io/v1", Kind: "NetworkPolicy"}: true, - {APIVersion: "networking.k8s.io/v1beta1", Kind: "Ingress"}: true, - {APIVersion: "networking.k8s.io/v1beta1", Kind: "IngressClass"}: false, - {APIVersion: "node.k8s.io/v1", Kind: "RuntimeClass"}: false, - {APIVersion: "node.k8s.io/v1beta1", Kind: "RuntimeClass"}: false, - {APIVersion: "policy/v1", Kind: "PodDisruptionBudget"}: true, - {APIVersion: "policy/v1beta1", Kind: "PodDisruptionBudget"}: true, - {APIVersion: "policy/v1beta1", Kind: "PodSecurityPolicy"}: false, // remove after openapi upgrades to v1.25. - {APIVersion: "rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1", Kind: "ClusterRole"}: false, - {APIVersion: "rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1", Kind: "ClusterRoleBinding"}: false, - {APIVersion: "rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1", Kind: "Role"}: true, - {APIVersion: "rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1", Kind: "RoleBinding"}: true, - {APIVersion: "rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1", Kind: "ClusterRole"}: false, - {APIVersion: "rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1", Kind: "ClusterRoleBinding"}: false, - {APIVersion: "rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1", Kind: "Role"}: true, - {APIVersion: "rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1", Kind: "RoleBinding"}: true, - {APIVersion: "scheduling.k8s.io/v1", Kind: "PriorityClass"}: false, - {APIVersion: "scheduling.k8s.io/v1beta1", Kind: "PriorityClass"}: false, - {APIVersion: "storage.k8s.io/v1", Kind: "CSIDriver"}: false, - {APIVersion: "storage.k8s.io/v1", Kind: "CSINode"}: false, - {APIVersion: "storage.k8s.io/v1", Kind: "StorageClass"}: false, - {APIVersion: "storage.k8s.io/v1", Kind: "VolumeAttachment"}: false, - {APIVersion: "storage.k8s.io/v1beta1", Kind: "CSIDriver"}: false, - {APIVersion: "storage.k8s.io/v1beta1", Kind: "CSINode"}: false, - {APIVersion: "storage.k8s.io/v1beta1", Kind: "CSIStorageCapacity"}: true, - {APIVersion: "storage.k8s.io/v1beta1", Kind: "StorageClass"}: false, - {APIVersion: "storage.k8s.io/v1beta1", Kind: "VolumeAttachment"}: false, - {APIVersion: "v1", Kind: "ComponentStatus"}: false, - {APIVersion: "v1", Kind: "ConfigMap"}: true, - {APIVersion: "v1", Kind: "Endpoints"}: true, - {APIVersion: "v1", Kind: "Event"}: true, - {APIVersion: "v1", Kind: "LimitRange"}: true, - {APIVersion: "v1", Kind: "Namespace"}: false, - {APIVersion: "v1", Kind: "Node"}: false, - {APIVersion: "v1", Kind: "NodeProxyOptions"}: false, - {APIVersion: "v1", Kind: "PersistentVolume"}: false, - {APIVersion: "v1", Kind: "PersistentVolumeClaim"}: true, - {APIVersion: "v1", Kind: "Pod"}: true, - {APIVersion: "v1", Kind: "PodAttachOptions"}: true, - {APIVersion: "v1", Kind: "PodExecOptions"}: true, - {APIVersion: "v1", Kind: "PodPortForwardOptions"}: true, - {APIVersion: "v1", Kind: "PodProxyOptions"}: true, - {APIVersion: "v1", Kind: "PodTemplate"}: true, - {APIVersion: "v1", Kind: "ReplicationController"}: true, - {APIVersion: "v1", Kind: "ResourceQuota"}: true, - {APIVersion: "v1", Kind: "Secret"}: true, - {APIVersion: "v1", Kind: "Service"}: true, - {APIVersion: "v1", Kind: "ServiceAccount"}: true, - {APIVersion: "v1", Kind: "ServiceProxyOptions"}: true, -} - -// ResourceSchema wraps the OpenAPI Schema. -type ResourceSchema struct { - // Schema is the OpenAPI schema for a Resource or field - Schema *spec.Schema -} - -// IsEmpty returns true if the ResourceSchema is empty -func (rs *ResourceSchema) IsMissingOrNull() bool { - if rs == nil || rs.Schema == nil { - return true - } - return reflect.DeepEqual(*rs.Schema, spec.Schema{}) -} - -// SchemaForResourceType returns the Schema for the given Resource -// TODO(pwittrock): create a version of this function that will return a schema -// which can be used for duck-typed Resources -- e.g. contains common fields such -// as metadata, replicas and spec.template.spec -func SchemaForResourceType(t yaml.TypeMeta) *ResourceSchema { - initSchema() - rs, found := globalSchema.schemaByResourceType[t] - if !found { - return nil - } - return &ResourceSchema{Schema: rs} -} - -// SupplementaryOpenAPIFieldName is the conventional field name (JSON/YAML) containing -// supplementary OpenAPI definitions. -const SupplementaryOpenAPIFieldName = "openAPI" - -const Definitions = "definitions" - -// AddSchemaFromFile reads the file at path and parses the OpenAPI definitions -// from the field "openAPI", also returns a function to clean the added definitions -// The returned clean function is a no-op on error, or else it's a function -// that the caller should use to remove the added openAPI definitions from -// global schema -func SchemaFromFile(path string) (*spec.Schema, error) { - object, err := parseOpenAPI(path) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - return schemaUsingField(object, SupplementaryOpenAPIFieldName) -} - -// DefinitionRefs returns the list of openAPI definition references present in the -// input openAPIPath -func DefinitionRefs(openAPIPath string) ([]string, error) { - object, err := parseOpenAPI(openAPIPath) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return definitionRefsFromRNode(object) -} - -// definitionRefsFromRNode returns the list of openAPI definitions keys from input -// yaml RNode -func definitionRefsFromRNode(object *yaml.RNode) ([]string, error) { - definitions, err := object.Pipe(yaml.Lookup(SupplementaryOpenAPIFieldName, Definitions)) - if definitions == nil { - return nil, err - } - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return definitions.Fields() -} - -// parseOpenAPI reads openAPIPath yaml and converts it to RNode -func parseOpenAPI(openAPIPath string) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - b, err := os.ReadFile(openAPIPath) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - object, err := yaml.Parse(string(b)) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.Errorf("invalid file %q: %v", openAPIPath, err) - } - return object, nil -} - -// addSchemaUsingField parses the OpenAPI definitions from the specified field. -// If field is the empty string, use the whole document as OpenAPI. -func schemaUsingField(object *yaml.RNode, field string) (*spec.Schema, error) { - if field != "" { - // get the field containing the openAPI - m := object.Field(field) - if m.IsNilOrEmpty() { - // doesn't contain openAPI definitions - return nil, nil - } - object = m.Value - } - - oAPI, err := object.String() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - // convert the yaml openAPI to a JSON string by unmarshalling it to an - // interface{} and the marshalling it to a string - var o interface{} - err = yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(oAPI), &o) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - j, err := json.Marshal(o) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - var sc spec.Schema - err = sc.UnmarshalJSON(j) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - return &sc, nil -} - -// AddSchema parses s, and adds definitions from s to the global schema. -func AddSchema(s []byte) error { - return parse(s, JsonOrYaml) -} - -// ResetOpenAPI resets the openapi data to empty -func ResetOpenAPI() { - schemaLock.Lock() - defer schemaLock.Unlock() - - globalSchema = openapiData{} - customSchema = nil - kubernetesOpenAPIVersion = "" -} - -// AddDefinitions adds the definitions to the global schema. -func AddDefinitions(definitions spec.Definitions) { - // initialize values if they have not yet been set - if globalSchema.schemaByResourceType == nil { - globalSchema.schemaByResourceType = map[yaml.TypeMeta]*spec.Schema{} - } - if globalSchema.schema.Definitions == nil { - globalSchema.schema.Definitions = spec.Definitions{} - } - - // index the schema definitions so we can lookup them up for Resources - for k := range definitions { - // index by GVK, if no GVK is found then it is the schema for a subfield - // of a Resource - d := definitions[k] - - // copy definitions to the schema - globalSchema.schema.Definitions[k] = d - gvk, found := d.VendorExtensible.Extensions[kubernetesGVKExtensionKey] - if !found { - continue - } - // cast the extension to a []map[string]string - exts, ok := gvk.([]interface{}) - if !ok { - continue - } - - for i := range exts { - typeMeta, ok := toTypeMeta(exts[i]) - if !ok { - continue - } - globalSchema.schemaByResourceType[typeMeta] = &d - } - } -} - -func toTypeMeta(ext interface{}) (yaml.TypeMeta, bool) { - m, ok := ext.(map[string]interface{}) - if !ok { - return yaml.TypeMeta{}, false - } - - apiVersion := m[versionKey].(string) - if g, ok := m[groupKey].(string); ok && g != "" { - apiVersion = g + "/" + apiVersion - } - return yaml.TypeMeta{Kind: m[kindKey].(string), APIVersion: apiVersion}, true -} - -// Resolve resolves the reference against the global schema -func Resolve(ref *spec.Ref, schema *spec.Schema) (*spec.Schema, error) { - return resolve(schema, ref) -} - -// Schema returns the global schema -func Schema() *spec.Schema { - return rootSchema() -} - -// GetSchema parses s into a ResourceSchema, resolving References within the -// global schema. -func GetSchema(s string, schema *spec.Schema) (*ResourceSchema, error) { - var sc spec.Schema - if err := sc.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(s)); err != nil { - return nil, errors.Wrap(err) - } - if sc.Ref.String() != "" { - r, err := Resolve(&sc.Ref, schema) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.Wrap(err) - } - sc = *r - } - - return &ResourceSchema{Schema: &sc}, nil -} - -// IsNamespaceScoped determines whether a resource is namespace or -// cluster-scoped by looking at the information in the openapi schema. -// The second return value tells whether the provided type could be found -// in the openapi schema. If the value is false here, the scope of the -// resource is not known. If the type is found, the first return value will -// be true if the resource is namespace-scoped, and false if the type is -// cluster-scoped. -func IsNamespaceScoped(typeMeta yaml.TypeMeta) (bool, bool) { - if res, f := precomputedIsNamespaceScoped[typeMeta]; f { - return res, true - } - return isNamespaceScopedFromSchema(typeMeta) -} - -func isNamespaceScopedFromSchema(typeMeta yaml.TypeMeta) (bool, bool) { - initSchema() - isNamespaceScoped, found := globalSchema.namespaceabilityByResourceType[typeMeta] - return isNamespaceScoped, found -} - -// IsCertainlyClusterScoped returns true for Node, Namespace, etc. and -// false for Pod, Deployment, etc. and kinds that aren't recognized in the -// openapi data. See: -// https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces -func IsCertainlyClusterScoped(typeMeta yaml.TypeMeta) bool { - nsScoped, found := IsNamespaceScoped(typeMeta) - return found && !nsScoped -} - -// SuppressBuiltInSchemaUse can be called to prevent using the built-in Kubernetes -// schema as part of the global schema. -// Must be called before the schema is used. -func SuppressBuiltInSchemaUse() { - globalSchema.noUseBuiltInSchema = true -} - -// Elements returns the Schema for the elements of an array. -func (rs *ResourceSchema) Elements() *ResourceSchema { - // load the schema from swagger files - initSchema() - - if len(rs.Schema.Type) != 1 || rs.Schema.Type[0] != "array" { - // either not an array, or array has multiple types - return nil - } - if rs == nil || rs.Schema == nil || rs.Schema.Items == nil { - // no-scheme for the items - return nil - } - s := *rs.Schema.Items.Schema - for s.Ref.String() != "" { - sc, e := Resolve(&s.Ref, Schema()) - if e != nil { - return nil - } - s = *sc - } - return &ResourceSchema{Schema: &s} -} - -const Elements = "[]" - -// Lookup calls either Field or Elements for each item in the path. -// If the path item is "[]", then Elements is called, otherwise -// Field is called. -// If any Field or Elements call returns nil, then Lookup returns -// nil immediately. -func (rs *ResourceSchema) Lookup(path ...string) *ResourceSchema { - s := rs - for _, p := range path { - if s == nil { - break - } - if p == Elements { - s = s.Elements() - continue - } - s = s.Field(p) - } - return s -} - -// Field returns the Schema for a field. -func (rs *ResourceSchema) Field(field string) *ResourceSchema { - // load the schema from swagger files - initSchema() - - // locate the Schema - s, found := rs.Schema.Properties[field] - switch { - case found: - // no-op, continue with s as the schema - case rs.Schema.AdditionalProperties != nil && rs.Schema.AdditionalProperties.Schema != nil: - // map field type -- use Schema of the value - // (the key doesn't matter, they all have the same value type) - s = *rs.Schema.AdditionalProperties.Schema - default: - // no Schema found from either swagger files or line comments - return nil - } - - // resolve the reference to the Schema if the Schema has one - for s.Ref.String() != "" { - sc, e := Resolve(&s.Ref, Schema()) - if e != nil { - return nil - } - s = *sc - } - - // return the merged Schema - return &ResourceSchema{Schema: &s} -} - -// PatchStrategyAndKeyList returns the patch strategy and complete merge key list -func (rs *ResourceSchema) PatchStrategyAndKeyList() (string, []string) { - ps, found := rs.Schema.Extensions[kubernetesPatchStrategyExtensionKey] - if !found { - // empty patch strategy - return "", []string{} - } - mkList, found := rs.Schema.Extensions[kubernetesMergeKeyMapList] - if found { - // mkList is []interface, convert to []string - mkListStr := make([]string, len(mkList.([]interface{}))) - for i, v := range mkList.([]interface{}) { - mkListStr[i] = v.(string) - } - return ps.(string), mkListStr - } - mk, found := rs.Schema.Extensions[kubernetesMergeKeyExtensionKey] - if !found { - // no mergeKey -- may be a primitive associative list (e.g. finalizers) - return ps.(string), []string{} - } - return ps.(string), []string{mk.(string)} -} - -// PatchStrategyAndKey returns the patch strategy and merge key extensions -func (rs *ResourceSchema) PatchStrategyAndKey() (string, string) { - ps, found := rs.Schema.Extensions[kubernetesPatchStrategyExtensionKey] - if !found { - // empty patch strategy - return "", "" - } - - mk, found := rs.Schema.Extensions[kubernetesMergeKeyExtensionKey] - if !found { - // no mergeKey -- may be a primitive associative list (e.g. finalizers) - mk = "" - } - return ps.(string), mk.(string) -} - -const ( - // kubernetesOpenAPIDefaultVersion is the latest version number of the statically compiled in - // OpenAPI schema for kubernetes built-in types - kubernetesOpenAPIDefaultVersion = kubernetesapi.DefaultOpenAPI - - // kustomizationAPIAssetName is the name of the asset containing the statically compiled in - // OpenAPI definitions for Kustomization built-in types - kustomizationAPIAssetName = "kustomizationapi/swagger.json" - - // kubernetesGVKExtensionKey is the key to lookup the kubernetes group version kind extension - // -- the extension is an array of objects containing a gvk - kubernetesGVKExtensionKey = "x-kubernetes-group-version-kind" - - // kubernetesMergeKeyExtensionKey is the key to lookup the kubernetes merge key extension - // -- the extension is a string - kubernetesMergeKeyExtensionKey = "x-kubernetes-patch-merge-key" - - // kubernetesPatchStrategyExtensionKey is the key to lookup the kubernetes patch strategy - // extension -- the extension is a string - kubernetesPatchStrategyExtensionKey = "x-kubernetes-patch-strategy" - - // kubernetesMergeKeyMapList is the list of merge keys when there needs to be multiple - // -- the extension is an array of strings - kubernetesMergeKeyMapList = "x-kubernetes-list-map-keys" - - // groupKey is the key to lookup the group from the GVK extension - groupKey = "group" - // versionKey is the key to lookup the version from the GVK extension - versionKey = "version" - // kindKey is the to lookup the kind from the GVK extension - kindKey = "kind" -) - -// SetSchema sets the kubernetes OpenAPI schema version to use -func SetSchema(openAPIField map[string]string, schema []byte, reset bool) error { - schemaLock.Lock() - defer schemaLock.Unlock() - - // this should only be set once - schemaIsSet := (kubernetesOpenAPIVersion != "") || customSchema != nil - if schemaIsSet && !reset { - return nil - } - - version, versionProvided := openAPIField["version"] - - // use custom schema - if schema != nil { - if versionProvided { - return fmt.Errorf("builtin version and custom schema provided, cannot use both") - } - customSchema = schema - kubernetesOpenAPIVersion = "custom" - // if the schema is changed, initSchema should parse the new schema - globalSchema.schemaInit = false - return nil - } - - // use builtin version - kubernetesOpenAPIVersion = version - if kubernetesOpenAPIVersion == "" { - return nil - } - if _, ok := kubernetesapi.OpenAPIMustAsset[kubernetesOpenAPIVersion]; !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("the specified OpenAPI version is not built in") - } - - customSchema = nil - // if the schema is changed, initSchema should parse the new schema - globalSchema.schemaInit = false - return nil -} - -// GetSchemaVersion returns what kubernetes OpenAPI version is being used -func GetSchemaVersion() string { - schemaLock.RLock() - defer schemaLock.RUnlock() - - switch { - case kubernetesOpenAPIVersion == "" && customSchema == nil: - return kubernetesOpenAPIDefaultVersion - case customSchema != nil: - return "using custom schema from file provided" - default: - return kubernetesOpenAPIVersion - } -} - -// initSchema parses the json schema -func initSchema() { - schemaLock.Lock() - defer schemaLock.Unlock() - - if globalSchema.schemaInit { - return - } - globalSchema.schemaInit = true - - // TODO(natasha41575): Accept proto-formatted schema files - if customSchema != nil { - err := parse(customSchema, JsonOrYaml) - if err != nil { - panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid schema file: %w", err)) - } - } else { - if kubernetesOpenAPIVersion == "" { - parseBuiltinSchema(kubernetesOpenAPIDefaultVersion) - } else { - parseBuiltinSchema(kubernetesOpenAPIVersion) - } - } - - if err := parse(kustomizationapi.MustAsset(kustomizationAPIAssetName), JsonOrYaml); err != nil { - // this should never happen - panic(err) - } -} - -// parseBuiltinSchema calls parse to parse the json or proto schemas -func parseBuiltinSchema(version string) { - if globalSchema.noUseBuiltInSchema { - // don't parse the built in schema - return - } - // parse the swagger, this should never fail - assetName := filepath.Join( - "kubernetesapi", - strings.ReplaceAll(version, ".", "_"), - "swagger.pb") - - if err := parse(kubernetesapi.OpenAPIMustAsset[version](assetName), Proto); err != nil { - // this should never happen - panic(err) - } -} - -// parse parses and indexes a single json or proto schema -func parse(b []byte, format format) error { - var swagger spec.Swagger - switch { - case format == Proto: - doc := &openapi_v2.Document{} - // We parse protobuf and get an openapi_v2.Document here. - if err := proto.Unmarshal(b, doc); err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("openapi proto unmarshalling failed: %w", err) - } - // convert the openapi_v2.Document back to Swagger - _, err := swagger.FromGnostic(doc) - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - - case format == JsonOrYaml: - if len(b) > 0 && b[0] != byte('{') { - var err error - b, err = k8syaml.YAMLToJSON(b) - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - } - if err := swagger.UnmarshalJSON(b); err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - } - - AddDefinitions(swagger.Definitions) - findNamespaceability(swagger.Paths) - return nil -} - -// findNamespaceability looks at the api paths for the resource to determine -// if it is cluster-scoped or namespace-scoped. The gvk of the resource -// for each path is found by looking at the x-kubernetes-group-version-kind -// extension. If a path exists for the resource that contains a namespace path -// parameter, the resource is namespace-scoped. -func findNamespaceability(paths *spec.Paths) { - if globalSchema.namespaceabilityByResourceType == nil { - globalSchema.namespaceabilityByResourceType = make(map[yaml.TypeMeta]bool) - } - - if paths == nil { - return - } - - for path, pathInfo := range paths.Paths { - if pathInfo.Get == nil { - continue - } - gvk, found := pathInfo.Get.VendorExtensible.Extensions[kubernetesGVKExtensionKey] - if !found { - continue - } - typeMeta, found := toTypeMeta(gvk) - if !found { - continue - } - - if strings.Contains(path, "namespaces/{namespace}") { - // if we find a namespace path parameter, we just update the map - // directly - globalSchema.namespaceabilityByResourceType[typeMeta] = true - } else if _, found := globalSchema.namespaceabilityByResourceType[typeMeta]; !found { - // if the resource doesn't have the namespace path parameter, we - // only add it to the map if it doesn't already exist. - globalSchema.namespaceabilityByResourceType[typeMeta] = false - } - } -} - -func resolve(root interface{}, ref *spec.Ref) (*spec.Schema, error) { - if s, ok := root.(*spec.Schema); ok && s == nil { - return nil, nil - } - res, _, err := ref.GetPointer().Get(root) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.Wrap(err) - } - switch sch := res.(type) { - case spec.Schema: - return &sch, nil - case *spec.Schema: - return sch, nil - case map[string]interface{}: - b, err := json.Marshal(sch) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - newSch := new(spec.Schema) - if err = json.Unmarshal(b, newSch); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return newSch, nil - default: - return nil, errors.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("unknown type for the resolved reference")) - } -} - -func rootSchema() *spec.Schema { - initSchema() - return &globalSchema.schema -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/order/syncorder.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/order/syncorder.go deleted file mode 100644 index 57bc8650..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/order/syncorder.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,121 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2021 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package order - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// SyncOrder recursively sorts the map node keys in 'to' node to match the order of -// map node keys in 'from' node at same tree depth, additional keys are moved to the end -// Field order might be altered due to round-tripping in arbitrary functions. -// This functionality helps to retain the original order of fields to avoid unnecessary diffs. -func SyncOrder(from, to *yaml.RNode) error { - // from node should not be modified, it should be just used as a reference - fromCopy := from.Copy() - if err := syncOrder(fromCopy, to); err != nil { - return errors.Errorf("failed to sync field order: %q", err.Error()) - } - rearrangeHeadCommentOfSeqNode(to.YNode()) - return nil -} - -func syncOrder(from, to *yaml.RNode) error { - if from.IsNilOrEmpty() || to.IsNilOrEmpty() { - return nil - } - switch from.YNode().Kind { - case yaml.DocumentNode: - // Traverse the child of the documents - return syncOrder(yaml.NewRNode(from.YNode()), yaml.NewRNode(to.YNode())) - case yaml.MappingNode: - return VisitFields(from, to, func(fNode, tNode *yaml.MapNode) error { - // Traverse each field value - if fNode == nil || tNode == nil { - return nil - } - return syncOrder(fNode.Value, tNode.Value) - }) - case yaml.SequenceNode: - return VisitElements(from, to, syncOrder) // Traverse each list element - } - return nil -} - -// VisitElements calls fn for each element in a SequenceNode. -// Returns an error for non-SequenceNodes -func VisitElements(from, to *yaml.RNode, fn func(fNode, tNode *yaml.RNode) error) error { - fElements, err := from.Elements() - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - - tElements, err := to.Elements() - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - for i := range fElements { - if i >= len(tElements) { - return nil - } - if err := fn(fElements[i], tElements[i]); err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - } - return nil -} - -// VisitFields calls fn for each field in the RNode. -// Returns an error for non-MappingNodes. -func VisitFields(from, to *yaml.RNode, fn func(fNode, tNode *yaml.MapNode) error) error { - srcFieldNames, err := from.Fields() - if err != nil { - return nil - } - yaml.SyncMapNodesOrder(from, to) - // visit each field - for _, fieldName := range srcFieldNames { - if err := fn(from.Field(fieldName), to.Field(fieldName)); err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - } - return nil -} - -// rearrangeHeadCommentOfSeqNode addresses a remote corner case due to moving a -// map node in a sequence node with a head comment to the top -func rearrangeHeadCommentOfSeqNode(node *yaml.Node) { - if node == nil { - return - } - switch node.Kind { - case yaml.DocumentNode: - for _, node := range node.Content { - rearrangeHeadCommentOfSeqNode(node) - } - - case yaml.MappingNode: - for _, node := range node.Content { - rearrangeHeadCommentOfSeqNode(node) - } - - case yaml.SequenceNode: - for _, node := range node.Content { - // for each child mapping node, transfer the head comment of it's - // first child scalar node to the head comment of itself - if len(node.Content) > 0 && node.Content[0].Kind == yaml.ScalarNode { - if node.HeadComment == "" { - node.HeadComment = node.Content[0].HeadComment - continue - } - - if node.Content[0].HeadComment != "" { - node.HeadComment += "\n" + node.Content[0].HeadComment - node.Content[0].HeadComment = "" - } - } - } - } -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/resid/gvk.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/resid/gvk.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0289cadd..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/resid/gvk.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,255 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package resid - -import ( - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// Gvk identifies a Kubernetes API type. -// https://git.k8s.io/design-proposals-archive/api-machinery/api-group.md -type Gvk struct { - Group string `json:"group,omitempty" yaml:"group,omitempty"` - Version string `json:"version,omitempty" yaml:"version,omitempty"` - Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty" yaml:"kind,omitempty"` - // isClusterScoped is true if the object is known, per the openapi - // data in use, to be cluster scoped, and false otherwise. - isClusterScoped bool -} - -func NewGvk(g, v, k string) Gvk { - result := Gvk{Group: g, Version: v, Kind: k} - result.isClusterScoped = - openapi.IsCertainlyClusterScoped(result.AsTypeMeta()) - return result -} - -func GvkFromNode(r *yaml.RNode) Gvk { - g, v := ParseGroupVersion(r.GetApiVersion()) - return NewGvk(g, v, r.GetKind()) -} - -// FromKind makes a Gvk with only the kind specified. -func FromKind(k string) Gvk { - return NewGvk("", "", k) -} - -// ParseGroupVersion parses a KRM metadata apiVersion field. -func ParseGroupVersion(apiVersion string) (group, version string) { - if i := strings.Index(apiVersion, "/"); i > -1 { - return apiVersion[:i], apiVersion[i+1:] - } - return "", apiVersion -} - -// GvkFromString makes a Gvk from the output of Gvk.String(). -func GvkFromString(s string) Gvk { - values := strings.Split(s, fieldSep) - if len(values) < 3 { - // ...then the string didn't come from Gvk.String(). - return Gvk{ - Group: noGroup, - Version: noVersion, - Kind: noKind, - } - } - k := values[0] - if k == noKind { - k = "" - } - v := values[1] - if v == noVersion { - v = "" - } - g := strings.Join(values[2:], fieldSep) - if g == noGroup { - g = "" - } - return NewGvk(g, v, k) -} - -// Values that are brief but meaningful in logs. -const ( - noGroup = "[noGrp]" - noVersion = "[noVer]" - noKind = "[noKind]" - fieldSep = "." -) - -// String returns a string representation of the GVK. -func (x Gvk) String() string { - g := x.Group - if g == "" { - g = noGroup - } - v := x.Version - if v == "" { - v = noVersion - } - k := x.Kind - if k == "" { - k = noKind - } - return strings.Join([]string{k, v, g}, fieldSep) -} - -// stableSortString returns a GVK representation that ensures determinism and -// backwards-compatibility in testing, logging, ... -func (x Gvk) stableSortString() string { - stableNoGroup := "~G" - stableNoVersion := "~V" - stableNoKind := "~K" - stableFieldSeparator := "_" - - g := x.Group - if g == "" { - g = stableNoGroup - } - v := x.Version - if v == "" { - v = stableNoVersion - } - k := x.Kind - if k == "" { - k = stableNoKind - } - return strings.Join([]string{g, v, k}, stableFieldSeparator) -} - -// ApiVersion returns the combination of Group and Version -func (x Gvk) ApiVersion() string { - if x.Group != "" { - return x.Group + "/" + x.Version - } - return x.Version -} - -// StringWoEmptyField returns a string representation of the GVK. Non-exist -// fields will be omitted. This is called when generating a filename for the -// resource. -func (x Gvk) StringWoEmptyField() string { - var s []string - if x.Group != "" { - s = append(s, x.Group) - } - if x.Version != "" { - s = append(s, x.Version) - } - if x.Kind != "" { - s = append(s, x.Kind) - } - return strings.Join(s, "_") -} - -// Equals returns true if the Gvk's have equal fields. -func (x Gvk) Equals(o Gvk) bool { - return x.Group == o.Group && x.Version == o.Version && x.Kind == o.Kind -} - -// An attempt to order things to help k8s, e.g. -// a Service should come before things that refer to it. -// Namespace should be first. -// In some cases order just specified to provide determinism. -var orderFirst = []string{ - "Namespace", - "ResourceQuota", - "StorageClass", - "CustomResourceDefinition", - "ServiceAccount", - "PodSecurityPolicy", - "Role", - "ClusterRole", - "RoleBinding", - "ClusterRoleBinding", - "ConfigMap", - "Secret", - "Endpoints", - "Service", - "LimitRange", - "PriorityClass", - "PersistentVolume", - "PersistentVolumeClaim", - "Deployment", - "StatefulSet", - "CronJob", - "PodDisruptionBudget", -} -var orderLast = []string{ - "MutatingWebhookConfiguration", - "ValidatingWebhookConfiguration", -} -var typeOrders = func() map[string]int { - m := map[string]int{} - for i, n := range orderFirst { - m[n] = -len(orderFirst) + i - } - for i, n := range orderLast { - m[n] = 1 + i - } - return m -}() - -// IsLessThan returns true if self is less than the argument. -func (x Gvk) IsLessThan(o Gvk) bool { - indexI := typeOrders[x.Kind] - indexJ := typeOrders[o.Kind] - if indexI != indexJ { - return indexI < indexJ - } - return x.stableSortString() < o.stableSortString() -} - -// IsSelected returns true if `selector` selects `x`; otherwise, false. -// If `selector` and `x` are the same, return true. -// If `selector` is nil, it is considered a wildcard match, returning true. -// If selector fields are empty, they are considered wildcards matching -// anything in the corresponding fields, e.g. -// -// this item: -// -// -// is selected by -// -// -// but rejected by -// -// -func (x Gvk) IsSelected(selector *Gvk) bool { - if selector == nil { - return true - } - if len(selector.Group) > 0 { - if x.Group != selector.Group { - return false - } - } - if len(selector.Version) > 0 { - if x.Version != selector.Version { - return false - } - } - if len(selector.Kind) > 0 { - if x.Kind != selector.Kind { - return false - } - } - return true -} - -// AsTypeMeta returns a yaml.TypeMeta from x's information. -func (x Gvk) AsTypeMeta() yaml.TypeMeta { - return yaml.TypeMeta{ - APIVersion: x.ApiVersion(), - Kind: x.Kind, - } -} - -// IsClusterScoped returns true if the Gvk is certainly cluster scoped -// with respect to the available openapi data. -func (x Gvk) IsClusterScoped() bool { - return x.isClusterScoped -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/resid/resid.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/resid/resid.go deleted file mode 100644 index cddbcdde..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/resid/resid.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,145 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package resid - -import ( - "reflect" - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// ResId is an identifier of a k8s resource object. -type ResId struct { - // Gvk of the resource. - Gvk `json:",inline,omitempty" yaml:",inline,omitempty"` - - // Name of the resource. - Name string `json:"name,omitempty" yaml:"name,omitempty"` - - // Namespace the resource belongs to, if it can belong to a namespace. - Namespace string `json:"namespace,omitempty" yaml:"namespace,omitempty"` -} - -// NewResIdWithNamespace creates new ResId -// in a given namespace. -func NewResIdWithNamespace(k Gvk, n, ns string) ResId { - return ResId{Gvk: k, Name: n, Namespace: ns} -} - -// NewResId creates new ResId. -func NewResId(k Gvk, n string) ResId { - return NewResIdWithNamespace(k, n, "") -} - -// NewResIdKindOnly creates a new ResId. -func NewResIdKindOnly(k string, n string) ResId { - return NewResId(FromKind(k), n) -} - -const ( - noNamespace = "[noNs]" - noName = "[noName]" - separator = "/" - TotallyNotANamespace = "_non_namespaceable_" - DefaultNamespace = "default" -) - -// String of ResId based on GVK, name and prefix -func (id ResId) String() string { - ns := id.Namespace - if ns == "" { - ns = noNamespace - } - nm := id.Name - if nm == "" { - nm = noName - } - return strings.Join( - []string{id.Gvk.String(), strings.Join([]string{nm, ns}, fieldSep)}, separator) -} - -func FromString(s string) ResId { - values := strings.Split(s, separator) - gvk := GvkFromString(values[0]) - - values = strings.Split(values[1], fieldSep) - last := len(values) - 1 - - ns := values[last] - if ns == noNamespace { - ns = "" - } - nm := strings.Join(values[:last], fieldSep) - if nm == noName { - nm = "" - } - return ResId{ - Gvk: gvk, - Namespace: ns, - Name: nm, - } -} - -// FromRNode returns the ResId for the RNode -func FromRNode(rn *yaml.RNode) ResId { - group, version := ParseGroupVersion(rn.GetApiVersion()) - return NewResIdWithNamespace( - Gvk{Group: group, Version: version, Kind: rn.GetKind()}, rn.GetName(), rn.GetNamespace()) -} - -// GvknEquals returns true if the other id matches -// Group/Version/Kind/name. -func (id ResId) GvknEquals(o ResId) bool { - return id.Name == o.Name && id.Gvk.Equals(o.Gvk) -} - -// IsSelectedBy returns true if self is selected by the argument. -func (id ResId) IsSelectedBy(selector ResId) bool { - return (selector.Name == "" || selector.Name == id.Name) && - (selector.Namespace == "" || selector.IsNsEquals(id)) && - id.Gvk.IsSelected(&selector.Gvk) -} - -// Equals returns true if the other id matches -// namespace/Group/Version/Kind/name. -func (id ResId) Equals(o ResId) bool { - return id.IsNsEquals(o) && id.GvknEquals(o) -} - -// IsNsEquals returns true if the id is in -// the same effective namespace. -func (id ResId) IsNsEquals(o ResId) bool { - return id.EffectiveNamespace() == o.EffectiveNamespace() -} - -// IsInDefaultNs returns true if id is a namespaceable -// ResId and the Namespace is either not set or set -// to DefaultNamespace. -func (id ResId) IsInDefaultNs() bool { - return !id.IsClusterScoped() && id.isPutativelyDefaultNs() -} - -func (id ResId) isPutativelyDefaultNs() bool { - return id.Namespace == "" || id.Namespace == DefaultNamespace -} - -// EffectiveNamespace returns a non-ambiguous, non-empty -// namespace for use in reporting and equality tests. -func (id ResId) EffectiveNamespace() string { - // The order of these checks matters. - if id.IsClusterScoped() { - return TotallyNotANamespace - } - if id.isPutativelyDefaultNs() { - return DefaultNamespace - } - return id.Namespace -} - -// IsEmpty returns true of all of the id's fields are -// empty strings -func (id ResId) IsEmpty() bool { - return reflect.DeepEqual(id, ResId{}) -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/runfn/runfn.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/runfn/runfn.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6b36d7d3..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/runfn/runfn.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,549 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package runfn - -import ( - "fmt" - "io" - "os" - "os/user" - "path" - "path/filepath" - "sort" - "strconv" - "strings" - "sync/atomic" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/container" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/exec" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/runtimeutil" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fn/runtime/starlark" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/kio/kioutil" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// RunFns runs the set of configuration functions in a local directory against -// the Resources in that directory -type RunFns struct { - StorageMounts []runtimeutil.StorageMount - - // Path is the path to the directory containing functions - Path string - - // FunctionPaths Paths allows functions to be specified outside the configuration - // directory. - // Functions provided on FunctionPaths are globally scoped. - // If FunctionPaths length is > 0, then NoFunctionsFromInput defaults to true - FunctionPaths []string - - // Functions is an explicit list of functions to run against the input. - // Functions provided on Functions are globally scoped. - // If Functions length is > 0, then NoFunctionsFromInput defaults to true - Functions []*yaml.RNode - - // GlobalScope if true, functions read from input will be scoped globally rather - // than only to Resources under their subdirs. - GlobalScope bool - - // Input can be set to read the Resources from Input rather than from a directory - Input io.Reader - - // Network enables network access for functions that declare it - Network bool - - // Output can be set to write the result to Output rather than back to the directory - Output io.Writer - - // NoFunctionsFromInput if set to true will not read any functions from the input, - // and only use explicit sources - NoFunctionsFromInput *bool - - // EnableStarlark will enable functions run as starlark scripts - EnableStarlark bool - - // EnableExec will enable exec functions - EnableExec bool - - // DisableContainers will disable functions run as containers - DisableContainers bool - - // ResultsDir is where to write each functions results - ResultsDir string - - // LogSteps enables logging the function that is running. - LogSteps bool - - // LogWriter can be set to write the logs to LogWriter rather than stderr if LogSteps is enabled. - LogWriter io.Writer - - // resultsCount is used to generate the results filename for each container - resultsCount uint32 - - // functionFilterProvider provides a filter to perform the function. - // this is a variable so it can be mocked in tests - functionFilterProvider func( - filter runtimeutil.FunctionSpec, api *yaml.RNode, currentUser currentUserFunc) (kio.Filter, error) - - // AsCurrentUser is a boolean to indicate whether docker container should use - // the uid and gid that run the command - AsCurrentUser bool - - // Env contains environment variables that will be exported to container - Env []string - - // ContinueOnEmptyResult configures what happens when the underlying pipeline - // returns an empty result. - // If it is false (default), subsequent functions will be skipped and the - // result will be returned immediately. - // If it is true, the empty result will be provided as input to the next - // function in the list. - ContinueOnEmptyResult bool - - // WorkingDir specifies which working directory an exec function should run in. - WorkingDir string -} - -// Execute runs the command -func (r RunFns) Execute() error { - // make the path absolute so it works on mac - var err error - r.Path, err = filepath.Abs(r.Path) - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - - // default the containerFilterProvider if it hasn't been override. Split out for testing. - (&r).init() - nodes, fltrs, output, err := r.getNodesAndFilters() - if err != nil { - return err - } - return r.runFunctions(nodes, output, fltrs) -} - -func (r RunFns) getNodesAndFilters() ( - *kio.PackageBuffer, []kio.Filter, *kio.LocalPackageReadWriter, error) { - // Read Resources from Directory or Input - buff := &kio.PackageBuffer{} - p := kio.Pipeline{Outputs: []kio.Writer{buff}} - // save the output dir because we will need it to write back - // the same one for reading must be used for writing if deleting Resources - var outputPkg *kio.LocalPackageReadWriter - if r.Path != "" { - outputPkg = &kio.LocalPackageReadWriter{PackagePath: r.Path, MatchFilesGlob: kio.MatchAll} - } - - if r.Input == nil { - p.Inputs = []kio.Reader{outputPkg} - } else { - p.Inputs = []kio.Reader{&kio.ByteReader{Reader: r.Input}} - } - if err := p.Execute(); err != nil { - return nil, nil, outputPkg, err - } - - fltrs, err := r.getFilters(buff.Nodes) - if err != nil { - return nil, nil, outputPkg, err - } - return buff, fltrs, outputPkg, nil -} - -func (r RunFns) getFilters(nodes []*yaml.RNode) ([]kio.Filter, error) { - var fltrs []kio.Filter - - // fns from annotations on the input resources - f, err := r.getFunctionsFromInput(nodes) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - fltrs = append(fltrs, f...) - - // fns from directories specified on the struct - f, err = r.getFunctionsFromFunctionPaths() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - fltrs = append(fltrs, f...) - - // explicit fns specified on the struct - f, err = r.getFunctionsFromFunctions() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - fltrs = append(fltrs, f...) - - return fltrs, nil -} - -// runFunctions runs the fltrs against the input and writes to either r.Output or output -func (r RunFns) runFunctions( - input kio.Reader, output kio.Writer, fltrs []kio.Filter) error { - // use the previously read Resources as input - var outputs []kio.Writer - if r.Output == nil { - // write back to the package - outputs = append(outputs, output) - } else { - // write to the output instead of the directory if r.Output is specified or - // the output is nil (reading from Input) - outputs = append(outputs, kio.ByteWriter{Writer: r.Output}) - } - - var err error - pipeline := kio.Pipeline{ - Inputs: []kio.Reader{input}, - Filters: fltrs, - Outputs: outputs, - ContinueOnEmptyResult: r.ContinueOnEmptyResult, - } - if r.LogSteps { - err = pipeline.ExecuteWithCallback(func(op kio.Filter) { - var identifier string - - switch filter := op.(type) { - case *container.Filter: - identifier = filter.Image - case *exec.Filter: - identifier = filter.Path - case *starlark.Filter: - identifier = filter.String() - default: - identifier = "unknown-type function" - } - - _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(r.LogWriter, "Running %s\n", identifier) - }) - } else { - err = pipeline.Execute() - } - if err != nil { - return err - } - - // check for deferred function errors - var errs []string - for i := range fltrs { - cf, ok := fltrs[i].(runtimeutil.DeferFailureFunction) - if !ok { - continue - } - if cf.GetExit() != nil { - errs = append(errs, cf.GetExit().Error()) - } - } - if len(errs) > 0 { - return fmt.Errorf(strings.Join(errs, "\n---\n")) - } - return nil -} - -// getFunctionsFromInput scans the input for functions and runs them -func (r RunFns) getFunctionsFromInput(nodes []*yaml.RNode) ([]kio.Filter, error) { - if *r.NoFunctionsFromInput { - return nil, nil - } - - buff := &kio.PackageBuffer{} - err := kio.Pipeline{ - Inputs: []kio.Reader{&kio.PackageBuffer{Nodes: nodes}}, - Filters: []kio.Filter{&runtimeutil.IsReconcilerFilter{}}, - Outputs: []kio.Writer{buff}, - }.Execute() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - err = sortFns(buff) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return r.getFunctionFilters(false, buff.Nodes...) -} - -// getFunctionsFromFunctionPaths returns the set of functions read from r.FunctionPaths -// as a slice of Filters -func (r RunFns) getFunctionsFromFunctionPaths() ([]kio.Filter, error) { - buff := &kio.PackageBuffer{} - for i := range r.FunctionPaths { - err := kio.Pipeline{ - Inputs: []kio.Reader{ - kio.LocalPackageReader{PackagePath: r.FunctionPaths[i]}, - }, - Outputs: []kio.Writer{buff}, - }.Execute() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - return r.getFunctionFilters(true, buff.Nodes...) -} - -// getFunctionsFromFunctions returns the set of explicitly provided functions as -// Filters -func (r RunFns) getFunctionsFromFunctions() ([]kio.Filter, error) { - return r.getFunctionFilters(true, r.Functions...) -} - -// mergeContainerEnv will merge the envs specified by command line (imperative) and config -// file (declarative). If they have same key, the imperative value will be respected. -func (r RunFns) mergeContainerEnv(envs []string) []string { - imperative := runtimeutil.NewContainerEnvFromStringSlice(r.Env) - declarative := runtimeutil.NewContainerEnvFromStringSlice(envs) - for key, value := range imperative.EnvVars { - declarative.AddKeyValue(key, value) - } - - for _, key := range imperative.VarsToExport { - declarative.AddKey(key) - } - - return declarative.Raw() -} - -func (r RunFns) getFunctionFilters(global bool, fns ...*yaml.RNode) ( - []kio.Filter, error) { - var fltrs []kio.Filter - for i := range fns { - api := fns[i] - spec, err := runtimeutil.GetFunctionSpec(api) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get FunctionSpec: %w", err) - } - if spec == nil { - // resource doesn't have function spec - continue - } - if spec.Container.Network && !r.Network { - // TODO(eddiezane): Provide error info about which function needs the network - return fltrs, errors.Errorf("network required but not enabled with --network") - } - // merge envs from imperative and declarative - spec.Container.Env = r.mergeContainerEnv(spec.Container.Env) - - c, err := r.functionFilterProvider(*spec, api, user.Current) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - if c == nil { - continue - } - cf, ok := c.(*container.Filter) - if ok { - if global { - cf.Exec.GlobalScope = true - } - cf.Exec.WorkingDir = r.WorkingDir - } - fltrs = append(fltrs, c) - } - return fltrs, nil -} - -// sortFns sorts functions so that functions with the longest paths come first -func sortFns(buff *kio.PackageBuffer) error { - var outerErr error - // sort the nodes so that we traverse them depth first - // functions deeper in the file system tree should be run first - sort.Slice(buff.Nodes, func(i, j int) bool { - if err := kioutil.CopyLegacyAnnotations(buff.Nodes[i]); err != nil { - return false - } - if err := kioutil.CopyLegacyAnnotations(buff.Nodes[j]); err != nil { - return false - } - mi, _ := buff.Nodes[i].GetMeta() - pi := filepath.ToSlash(mi.Annotations[kioutil.PathAnnotation]) - - mj, _ := buff.Nodes[j].GetMeta() - pj := filepath.ToSlash(mj.Annotations[kioutil.PathAnnotation]) - - // If the path is the same, we decide the ordering based on the - // index annotation. - if pi == pj { - iIndex, err := strconv.Atoi(mi.Annotations[kioutil.IndexAnnotation]) - if err != nil { - outerErr = err - return false - } - jIndex, err := strconv.Atoi(mj.Annotations[kioutil.IndexAnnotation]) - if err != nil { - outerErr = err - return false - } - return iIndex < jIndex - } - - if filepath.Base(path.Dir(pi)) == "functions" { - // don't count the functions dir, the functions are scoped 1 level above - pi = filepath.Dir(path.Dir(pi)) - } else { - pi = filepath.Dir(pi) - } - - if filepath.Base(path.Dir(pj)) == "functions" { - // don't count the functions dir, the functions are scoped 1 level above - pj = filepath.Dir(path.Dir(pj)) - } else { - pj = filepath.Dir(pj) - } - - // i is "less" than j (comes earlier) if its depth is greater -- e.g. run - // i before j if it is deeper in the directory structure - li := len(strings.Split(pi, "/")) - if pi == "." { - // local dir should have 0 path elements instead of 1 - li = 0 - } - lj := len(strings.Split(pj, "/")) - if pj == "." { - // local dir should have 0 path elements instead of 1 - lj = 0 - } - if li != lj { - // use greater-than because we want to sort with the longest - // paths FIRST rather than last - return li > lj - } - - // sort by path names if depths are equal - return pi < pj - }) - return outerErr -} - -// init initializes the RunFns with a containerFilterProvider. -func (r *RunFns) init() { - if r.NoFunctionsFromInput == nil { - // default no functions from input if any function sources are explicitly provided - nfn := len(r.FunctionPaths) > 0 || len(r.Functions) > 0 - r.NoFunctionsFromInput = &nfn - } - - // if no path is specified, default reading from stdin and writing to stdout - if r.Path == "" { - if r.Output == nil { - r.Output = os.Stdout - } - if r.Input == nil { - r.Input = os.Stdin - } - } - - // functionFilterProvider set the filter provider - if r.functionFilterProvider == nil { - r.functionFilterProvider = r.ffp - } - - // if LogSteps is enabled and LogWriter is not specified, use stderr - if r.LogSteps && r.LogWriter == nil { - r.LogWriter = os.Stderr - } -} - -type currentUserFunc func() (*user.User, error) - -// getUIDGID will return "nobody" if asCurrentUser is false. Otherwise -// return "uid:gid" according to the return from currentUser function. -func getUIDGID(asCurrentUser bool, currentUser currentUserFunc) (string, error) { - if !asCurrentUser { - return "nobody", nil - } - - u, err := currentUser() - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", u.Uid, u.Gid), nil -} - -// ffp provides function filters -func (r *RunFns) ffp(spec runtimeutil.FunctionSpec, api *yaml.RNode, currentUser currentUserFunc) (kio.Filter, error) { - var resultsFile string - if r.ResultsDir != "" { - resultsFile = filepath.Join(r.ResultsDir, fmt.Sprintf( - "results-%v.yaml", r.resultsCount)) - atomic.AddUint32(&r.resultsCount, 1) - } - if !r.DisableContainers && spec.Container.Image != "" { - // TODO: Add a test for this behavior - uidgid, err := getUIDGID(r.AsCurrentUser, currentUser) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - // Storage mounts can either come from kustomize fn run --mounts, - // or from the declarative function mounts field. - storageMounts := spec.Container.StorageMounts - storageMounts = append(storageMounts, r.StorageMounts...) - - c := container.NewContainer( - runtimeutil.ContainerSpec{ - Image: spec.Container.Image, - Network: spec.Container.Network, - StorageMounts: storageMounts, - Env: spec.Container.Env, - }, - uidgid, - ) - cf := &c - cf.Exec.FunctionConfig = api - cf.Exec.GlobalScope = r.GlobalScope - cf.Exec.ResultsFile = resultsFile - cf.Exec.DeferFailure = spec.DeferFailure - return cf, nil - } - if r.EnableStarlark && (spec.Starlark.Path != "" || spec.Starlark.URL != "") { - // the script path is relative to the function config file - m, err := api.GetMeta() - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.Wrap(err) - } - - var p string - if spec.Starlark.Path != "" { - pathAnno := m.Annotations[kioutil.PathAnnotation] - if pathAnno == "" { - pathAnno = m.Annotations[kioutil.LegacyPathAnnotation] - } - p = filepath.ToSlash(path.Clean(pathAnno)) - - spec.Starlark.Path = filepath.ToSlash(path.Clean(spec.Starlark.Path)) - if filepath.IsAbs(spec.Starlark.Path) || path.IsAbs(spec.Starlark.Path) { - return nil, errors.Errorf( - "absolute function path %s not allowed", spec.Starlark.Path) - } - if strings.HasPrefix(spec.Starlark.Path, "..") { - return nil, errors.Errorf( - "function path %s not allowed to start with ../", spec.Starlark.Path) - } - p = filepath.ToSlash(filepath.Join(r.Path, filepath.Dir(p), spec.Starlark.Path)) - } - - sf := &starlark.Filter{Name: spec.Starlark.Name, Path: p, URL: spec.Starlark.URL} - - sf.FunctionConfig = api - sf.GlobalScope = r.GlobalScope - sf.ResultsFile = resultsFile - sf.DeferFailure = spec.DeferFailure - return sf, nil - } - - if r.EnableExec && spec.Exec.Path != "" { - ef := &exec.Filter{ - Path: spec.Exec.Path, - WorkingDir: r.WorkingDir, - } - - ef.FunctionConfig = api - ef.GlobalScope = r.GlobalScope - ef.ResultsFile = resultsFile - ef.DeferFailure = spec.DeferFailure - return ef, nil - } - - return nil, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/sets/string.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/sets/string.go deleted file mode 100644 index d590e532..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/sets/string.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package sets - -type String map[string]interface{} - -func (s String) Len() int { - return len(s) -} - -func (s String) List() []string { - val := make([]string, 0, len(s)) - for k := range s { - val = append(val, k) - } - return val -} - -func (s String) Has(val string) bool { - _, found := s[val] - return found -} - -func (s String) Insert(vals ...string) { - for _, val := range vals { - s[val] = nil - } -} - -func (s String) Difference(s2 String) String { - s3 := String{} - for k := range s { - if _, found := s2[k]; !found { - s3.Insert(k) - } - } - return s3 -} - -func (s String) SymmetricDifference(s2 String) String { - s3 := String{} - for k := range s { - if _, found := s2[k]; !found { - s3.Insert(k) - } - } - for k := range s2 { - if _, found := s[k]; !found { - s3.Insert(k) - } - } - return s3 -} - -func (s String) Intersection(s2 String) String { - s3 := String{} - for k := range s { - if _, found := s2[k]; found { - s3.Insert(k) - } - } - return s3 -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/sets/stringlist.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/sets/stringlist.go deleted file mode 100644 index 2d75978f..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/sets/stringlist.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package sets - -// StringList is a set, where each element of -// the set is a string slice. -type StringList [][]string - -func (s StringList) Len() int { - return len(s) -} - -func (s StringList) Insert(val []string) StringList { - if !s.Has(val) { - return append(s, val) - } - return s -} - -func (s StringList) Has(val []string) bool { - if len(s) == 0 { - return false - } - - for i := range s { - if isStringSliceEqual(s[i], val) { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -func isStringSliceEqual(s []string, t []string) bool { - if len(s) != len(t) { - return false - } - for i := range s { - if s[i] != t[i] { - return false - } - } - return true -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/sliceutil/slice.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/sliceutil/slice.go deleted file mode 100644 index 23e3ad7c..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/sliceutil/slice.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2021 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package sliceutil - -// Contains return true if string e is present in slice s -func Contains(s []string, e string) bool { - for _, a := range s { - if a == e { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -// Remove removes the first occurrence of r in slice s -// and returns remaining slice -func Remove(s []string, r string) []string { - for i, v := range s { - if v == r { - return append(s[:i], s[i+1:]...) - } - } - return s -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/utils/pathsplitter.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/utils/pathsplitter.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6ce1f899..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/utils/pathsplitter.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2021 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package utils - -import "strings" - -// TODO: Move these to kyaml - -// PathSplitter splits a delimited string, permitting escaped delimiters. -func PathSplitter(path string, delimiter string) []string { - ps := strings.Split(path, delimiter) - var res []string - - // allow path to start with forward slash - // i.e. /a/b/c - if len(ps) > 1 && ps[0] == "" { - ps = ps[1:] - } - - res = append(res, ps[0]) - for i := 1; i < len(ps); i++ { - last := len(res) - 1 - if strings.HasSuffix(res[last], `\`) { - res[last] = strings.TrimSuffix(res[last], `\`) + delimiter + ps[i] - } else { - res = append(res, ps[i]) - } - } - return res -} - -// SmarterPathSplitter splits a path, retaining bracketed elements. -// If the element is a list entry identifier (defined by the '='), -// it will retain the brackets. -// E.g. "[name=com.foo.someapp]" survives as one thing after splitting -// "spec.template.spec.containers.[name=com.foo.someapp].image" -// See kyaml/yaml/match.go for use of list entry identifiers. -// If the element is a mapping entry identifier, it will remove the -// brackets. -// E.g. "a.b.c" survives as one thing after splitting -// "metadata.annotations.[a.b.c] -// This function uses `PathSplitter`, so it also respects escaped delimiters. -func SmarterPathSplitter(path string, delimiter string) []string { - var result []string - split := PathSplitter(path, delimiter) - - for i := 0; i < len(split); i++ { - elem := split[i] - if strings.HasPrefix(elem, "[") && !strings.HasSuffix(elem, "]") { - // continue until we find the matching "]" - bracketed := []string{elem} - for i < len(split)-1 { - i++ - bracketed = append(bracketed, split[i]) - if strings.HasSuffix(split[i], "]") { - break - } - } - bracketedStr := strings.Join(bracketed, delimiter) - if strings.Contains(bracketedStr, "=") { - result = append(result, bracketedStr) - } else { - result = append(result, strings.Trim(bracketedStr, "[]")) - } - } else { - result = append(result, elem) - } - } - return result -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/alias.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/alias.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5f45424d..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/alias.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,109 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package yaml - -import ( - "bytes" - "io" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml" -) - -const ( - WideSequenceStyle SequenceIndentStyle = "wide" - CompactSequenceStyle SequenceIndentStyle = "compact" - DefaultIndent = 2 - // BareSeqNodeWrappingKey kyaml uses reader annotations to track resources, it is not possible to - // add them to bare sequence nodes, this key is used to wrap such bare - // sequence nodes into map node, byteio_writer unwraps it while writing back - BareSeqNodeWrappingKey = "bareSeqNodeWrappingKey" -) - -// SeqIndentType holds the indentation style for sequence nodes -type SequenceIndentStyle string - -// EncoderOptions are options that can be used to configure the encoder, -// do not expose new options without considerable justification -type EncoderOptions struct { - // SeqIndent is the indentation style for YAML Sequence nodes - SeqIndent SequenceIndentStyle -} - -// Expose the yaml.v3 functions so this package can be used as a replacement - -type Decoder = yaml.Decoder -type Encoder = yaml.Encoder -type IsZeroer = yaml.IsZeroer -type Kind = yaml.Kind -type Marshaler = yaml.Marshaler -type Node = yaml.Node -type Style = yaml.Style -type TypeError = yaml.TypeError -type Unmarshaler = yaml.Unmarshaler - -var Marshal = func(in interface{}) ([]byte, error) { - var buf bytes.Buffer - err := NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(in) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return buf.Bytes(), nil -} -var Unmarshal = yaml.Unmarshal -var NewDecoder = yaml.NewDecoder -var NewEncoder = func(w io.Writer) *yaml.Encoder { - e := yaml.NewEncoder(w) - e.SetIndent(DefaultIndent) - e.CompactSeqIndent() - return e -} - -// MarshalWithOptions marshals the input interface with provided options -func MarshalWithOptions(in interface{}, opts *EncoderOptions) ([]byte, error) { - var buf bytes.Buffer - err := NewEncoderWithOptions(&buf, opts).Encode(in) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return buf.Bytes(), nil -} - -// NewEncoderWithOptions returns the encoder with provided options -func NewEncoderWithOptions(w io.Writer, opts *EncoderOptions) *yaml.Encoder { - encoder := NewEncoder(w) - encoder.SetIndent(DefaultIndent) - if opts.SeqIndent == WideSequenceStyle { - encoder.DefaultSeqIndent() - } else { - encoder.CompactSeqIndent() - } - return encoder -} - -var AliasNode yaml.Kind = yaml.AliasNode -var DocumentNode yaml.Kind = yaml.DocumentNode -var MappingNode yaml.Kind = yaml.MappingNode -var ScalarNode yaml.Kind = yaml.ScalarNode -var SequenceNode yaml.Kind = yaml.SequenceNode - -func nodeKindString(k yaml.Kind) string { - return map[yaml.Kind]string{ - yaml.SequenceNode: "SequenceNode", - yaml.MappingNode: "MappingNode", - yaml.ScalarNode: "ScalarNode", - yaml.DocumentNode: "DocumentNode", - yaml.AliasNode: "AliasNode", - }[k] -} - -var DoubleQuotedStyle yaml.Style = yaml.DoubleQuotedStyle -var FlowStyle yaml.Style = yaml.FlowStyle -var FoldedStyle yaml.Style = yaml.FoldedStyle -var LiteralStyle yaml.Style = yaml.LiteralStyle -var SingleQuotedStyle yaml.Style = yaml.SingleQuotedStyle -var TaggedStyle yaml.Style = yaml.TaggedStyle - -const ( - MergeTag = "!!merge" -) diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/compatibility.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/compatibility.go deleted file mode 100644 index a4711400..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/compatibility.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,100 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package yaml - -import ( - "reflect" - "strings" - - y1_1 "gopkg.in/yaml.v2" - "k8s.io/kube-openapi/pkg/validation/spec" - y1_2 "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml" -) - -// typeToTag maps OpenAPI schema types to yaml 1.2 tags -var typeToTag = map[string]string{ - "string": NodeTagString, - "integer": NodeTagInt, - "boolean": NodeTagBool, - "number": NodeTagFloat, -} - -// FormatNonStringStyle makes sure that values which parse as non-string values in yaml 1.1 -// are correctly formatted given the Schema type. -func FormatNonStringStyle(node *Node, schema spec.Schema) { - if len(schema.Type) != 1 { - return - } - t := schema.Type[0] - - if !IsYaml1_1NonString(node) { - return - } - switch { - case t == "string" && schema.Format != "int-or-string": - if (node.Style&DoubleQuotedStyle == 0) && (node.Style&SingleQuotedStyle == 0) { - // must quote values so they are parsed as strings - node.Style = DoubleQuotedStyle - } - case t == "boolean" || t == "integer" || t == "number": - if (node.Style&DoubleQuotedStyle != 0) || (node.Style&SingleQuotedStyle != 0) { - // must NOT quote the values so they aren't parsed as strings - node.Style = 0 - } - default: - return - } - - // if the node tag is null, make sure we don't add any non-null tags - // https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/kpt/issues/2321 - if node.Tag == NodeTagNull { - // must NOT quote null values - node.Style = 0 - return - } - if tag, found := typeToTag[t]; found { - // make sure the right tag is set - node.Tag = tag - } -} - -// IsYaml1_1NonString returns true if the value parses as a non-string value in yaml 1.1 -// when unquoted. -// -// Note: yaml 1.2 uses different keywords than yaml 1.1. Example: yaml 1.2 interprets -// `field: on` and `field: "on"` as equivalent (both strings). However Yaml 1.1 interprets -// `field: on` as on being a bool and `field: "on"` as on being a string. -// If an input is read with `field: "on"`, and the style is changed from DoubleQuote to 0, -// it will change the type of the field from a string to a bool. For this reason, fields -// which are keywords in yaml 1.1 should never have their style changed, as it would break -// backwards compatibility with yaml 1.1 -- which is what is used by the Kubernetes apiserver. -func IsYaml1_1NonString(node *Node) bool { - if node.Kind != y1_2.ScalarNode { - // not a keyword - return false - } - return IsValueNonString(node.Value) -} - -func IsValueNonString(value string) bool { - if value == "" { - return false - } - if strings.Contains(value, "\n") { - // multi-line strings will fail to unmarshal - return false - } - // check if the value will unmarshal into a non-string value using a yaml 1.1 parser - var i1 interface{} - if err := y1_1.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &i1); err != nil { - return false - } - if reflect.TypeOf(i1) != stringType { - return true - } - - return false -} - -var stringType = reflect.TypeOf("string") diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/const.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/const.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6a2cc451..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/const.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package yaml - -const ( - // NodeTagNull is the tag set for a yaml.Document that contains no data; - // e.g. it isn't a Map, Slice, Document, etc - NodeTagNull = "!!null" - NodeTagFloat = "!!float" - NodeTagString = "!!str" - NodeTagBool = "!!bool" - NodeTagInt = "!!int" - NodeTagMap = "!!map" - NodeTagSeq = "!!seq" - NodeTagEmpty = "" -) - -// Field names -const ( - AnnotationsField = "annotations" - APIVersionField = "apiVersion" - KindField = "kind" - MetadataField = "metadata" - DataField = "data" - BinaryDataField = "binaryData" - NameField = "name" - NamespaceField = "namespace" - LabelsField = "labels" -) diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/datamap.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/datamap.go deleted file mode 100644 index f4b7e666..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/datamap.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,121 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package yaml - -import ( - "encoding/base64" - "sort" - "strings" - "unicode/utf8" -) - -// SortedMapKeys returns a sorted slice of keys to the given map. -// Writing this function never gets old. -func SortedMapKeys(m map[string]string) []string { - keys := make([]string, len(m)) - i := 0 - for k := range m { - keys[i] = k - i++ - } - sort.Strings(keys) - return keys -} - -func (rn *RNode) LoadMapIntoConfigMapData(m map[string]string) error { - for _, k := range SortedMapKeys(m) { - fldName, vrN := makeConfigMapValueRNode(m[k]) - if _, err := rn.Pipe( - LookupCreate(MappingNode, fldName), - SetField(k, vrN)); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -func (rn *RNode) LoadMapIntoConfigMapBinaryData(m map[string]string) error { - for _, k := range SortedMapKeys(m) { - _, vrN := makeConfigMapValueRNode(m[k]) - // we know this is binary data - fldName := BinaryDataField - if _, err := rn.Pipe( - LookupCreate(MappingNode, fldName), - SetField(k, vrN)); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -func makeConfigMapValueRNode(s string) (field string, rN *RNode) { - yN := &Node{Kind: ScalarNode} - yN.Tag = NodeTagString - if utf8.ValidString(s) { - field = DataField - yN.Value = s - } else { - field = BinaryDataField - yN.Value = encodeBase64(s) - } - if strings.Contains(yN.Value, "\n") { - yN.Style = LiteralStyle - } - return field, NewRNode(yN) -} - -func (rn *RNode) LoadMapIntoSecretData(m map[string]string) error { - mapNode, err := rn.Pipe(LookupCreate(MappingNode, DataField)) - if err != nil { - return err - } - for _, k := range SortedMapKeys(m) { - vrN := makeSecretValueRNode(m[k]) - if _, err := mapNode.Pipe(SetField(k, vrN)); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -// In a secret, all data is base64 encoded, regardless of its conformance -// or lack thereof to UTF-8. -func makeSecretValueRNode(s string) *RNode { - yN := &Node{Kind: ScalarNode} - // Purposely don't use YAML tags to identify the data as being plain text or - // binary. It kubernetes Secrets the values in the `data` map are expected - // to be base64 encoded, and in ConfigMaps that same can be said for the - // values in the `binaryData` field. - yN.Tag = NodeTagString - yN.Value = encodeBase64(s) - if strings.Contains(yN.Value, "\n") { - yN.Style = LiteralStyle - } - return NewRNode(yN) -} - -// encodeBase64 encodes s as base64 that is broken up into multiple lines -// as appropriate for the resulting length. -func encodeBase64(s string) string { - const lineLen = 70 - encLen := base64.StdEncoding.EncodedLen(len(s)) - lines := encLen/lineLen + 1 - buf := make([]byte, encLen*2+lines) - in := buf[0:encLen] - out := buf[encLen:] - base64.StdEncoding.Encode(in, []byte(s)) - k := 0 - for i := 0; i < len(in); i += lineLen { - j := i + lineLen - if j > len(in) { - j = len(in) - } - k += copy(out[k:], in[i:j]) - if lines > 1 { - out[k] = '\n' - k++ - } - } - return string(out[:k]) -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/doc.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index b58811cf..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package yaml contains libraries for manipulating individual Kubernetes Resource -// Configuration as yaml, keeping yaml structure and comments. -// -// Parsing Resources -// -// Typically Resources will be initialized as collections through the kio package libraries. -// However it is possible to directly initialize Resources using Parse. -// resource, err := yaml.Parse("apiVersion: apps/v1\nkind: Deployment") -// -// Processing Resources -// -// Individual Resources are manipulated using the Pipe and PipeE to apply Filter functions -// to transform the Resource data. -// err := resource.PipeE(yaml.SetAnnotation("key", "value")) -// -// If multiple Filter functions are provided to Pipe or PipeE, each function is applied to -// the result of the last function -- e.g. yaml.Lookup(...), yaml.SetField(...) -// -// Field values may also be retrieved using Pipe. -// annotationValue, err := resource.Pipe(yaml.GetAnnotation("key")) -// -// See http://www.linfo.org/filters.html for a definition of filters. -// -// Common Filters -// -// There are a number of standard filter functions provided by the yaml package. -// -// Working with annotations: -// [AnnotationSetter{}, AnnotationGetter{}, AnnotationClearer{}] -// -// Working with fields by path: -// [PathMatcher{}, PathGetter{}] -// -// Working with individual fields on Maps and Objects: -// [FieldMatcher{}, FieldSetter{}, FieldGetter{}] -// -// Working with individual elements in Sequences: -// [ElementAppender{}, ElementSetter{}, ElementMatcher{}] -// -// Writing Filters -// -// Users may implement their own filter functions. When doing so, can be necessary to work with -// the RNode directly rather than through Pipe. RNode provides a number of functions for doing -// so. See: -// [GetMeta(), Fields(), Elements(), String()] -package yaml diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/filters.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/filters.go deleted file mode 100644 index e7d4b5f7..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/filters.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,146 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package yaml - -import ( - "fmt" - "regexp" - "sort" - "strings" -) - -// Filters is the list of serializable Pipeline Filters -var Filters = map[string]func() Filter{ - "AnnotationClearer": func() Filter { return &AnnotationClearer{} }, - "AnnotationGetter": func() Filter { return &AnnotationGetter{} }, - "AnnotationSetter": func() Filter { return &AnnotationSetter{} }, - "LabelSetter": func() Filter { return &LabelSetter{} }, - "ElementAppender": func() Filter { return &ElementAppender{} }, - "ElementMatcher": func() Filter { return &ElementMatcher{} }, - "FieldClearer": func() Filter { return &FieldClearer{} }, - "FilterMatcher": func() Filter { return &FilterMatcher{} }, - "FieldMatcher": func() Filter { return &FieldMatcher{} }, - "FieldSetter": func() Filter { return &FieldSetter{} }, - "PathGetter": func() Filter { return &PathGetter{} }, - "PathMatcher": func() Filter { return &PathMatcher{} }, - "Parser": func() Filter { return &Parser{} }, - "PrefixSetter": func() Filter { return &PrefixSetter{} }, - "ValueReplacer": func() Filter { return &ValueReplacer{} }, - "SuffixSetter": func() Filter { return &SuffixSetter{} }, - "TeePiper": func() Filter { return &TeePiper{} }, -} - -// YFilter wraps the Filter interface so the filter can be represented as -// data and can be unmarshalled into a struct from a yaml config file. -// This allows Pipelines to be expressed as data rather than code. -type YFilter struct { - Filter -} - -func (y YFilter) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error) { - return y.Filter, nil -} - -func (y *YFilter) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error { - meta := &ResourceMeta{} - if err := unmarshal(meta); err != nil { - return err - } - filter, found := Filters[meta.Kind] - if !found { - var knownFilters []string - for k := range Filters { - knownFilters = append(knownFilters, k) - } - sort.Strings(knownFilters) - return fmt.Errorf("unsupported Filter Kind %s: may be one of: [%s]", - meta.Kind, strings.Join(knownFilters, ",")) - } - y.Filter = filter() - - if err := unmarshal(y.Filter); err != nil { - return err - } - return nil -} - -type YFilters []YFilter - -func (y YFilters) Filters() []Filter { - f := make([]Filter, 0, len(y)) - for i := range y { - f = append(f, y[i].Filter) - } - return f -} - -type FilterMatcher struct { - Kind string `yaml:"kind"` - - // Filters are the set of Filters run by TeePiper. - Filters YFilters `yaml:"pipeline,omitempty"` -} - -func (t FilterMatcher) Filter(rn *RNode) (*RNode, error) { - v, err := rn.Pipe(t.Filters.Filters()...) - if v == nil || err != nil { - return nil, err - } - // return the original input if the pipeline resolves to true - return rn, err -} - -type ValueReplacer struct { - Kind string `yaml:"kind"` - - StringMatch string `yaml:"stringMatch"` - RegexMatch string `yaml:"regexMatch"` - Replace string `yaml:"replace"` - Count int `yaml:"count"` -} - -func (s ValueReplacer) Filter(object *RNode) (*RNode, error) { - if s.Count == 0 { - s.Count = -1 - } - switch { - case s.StringMatch != "": - object.value.Value = strings.Replace(object.value.Value, s.StringMatch, s.Replace, s.Count) - case s.RegexMatch != "": - r, err := regexp.Compile(s.RegexMatch) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("ValueReplacer RegexMatch does not compile: %v", err) - } - object.value.Value = r.ReplaceAllString(object.value.Value, s.Replace) - default: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("ValueReplacer missing StringMatch and RegexMatch") - } - return object, nil -} - -type PrefixSetter struct { - Kind string `yaml:"kind"` - - Value string `yaml:"value"` -} - -func (s PrefixSetter) Filter(object *RNode) (*RNode, error) { - if !strings.HasPrefix(object.value.Value, s.Value) { - object.value.Value = s.Value + object.value.Value - } - return object, nil -} - -type SuffixSetter struct { - Kind string `yaml:"kind"` - - Value string `yaml:"value"` -} - -func (s SuffixSetter) Filter(object *RNode) (*RNode, error) { - if !strings.HasSuffix(object.value.Value, s.Value) { - object.value.Value += s.Value - } - return object, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/fns.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/fns.go deleted file mode 100644 index ae63d258..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/fns.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,878 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package yaml - -import ( - "fmt" - "regexp" - "strconv" - "strings" - - "github.com/davecgh/go-spew/spew" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml" -) - -// Append creates an ElementAppender -func Append(elements ...*yaml.Node) ElementAppender { - return ElementAppender{Elements: elements} -} - -// ElementAppender adds all element to a SequenceNode's Content. -// Returns Elements[0] if len(Elements) == 1, otherwise returns nil. -type ElementAppender struct { - Kind string `yaml:"kind,omitempty"` - - // Elem is the value to append. - Elements []*yaml.Node `yaml:"elements,omitempty"` -} - -func (a ElementAppender) Filter(rn *RNode) (*RNode, error) { - if err := ErrorIfInvalid(rn, yaml.SequenceNode); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - for i := range a.Elements { - rn.YNode().Content = append(rn.Content(), a.Elements[i]) - } - if len(a.Elements) == 1 { - return NewRNode(a.Elements[0]), nil - } - return nil, nil -} - -// ElementSetter sets the value for an Element in an associative list. -// ElementSetter will append, replace or delete an element in an associative list. -// To append, user a key-value pair that doesn't exist in the sequence. this -// behavior is intended to handle the case that not matching element found. It's -// not designed for this purpose. To append an element, please use ElementAppender. -// To replace, set the key-value pair and a non-nil Element. -// To delete, set the key-value pair and leave the Element as nil. -// Every key must have a corresponding value. -type ElementSetter struct { - Kind string `yaml:"kind,omitempty"` - - // Element is the new value to set -- remove the existing element if nil - Element *Node - - // Key is a list of fields on the elements. It is used to find matching elements to - // update / delete - Keys []string - - // Value is a list of field values on the elements corresponding to the keys. It is - // used to find matching elements to update / delete. - Values []string -} - -// isMappingNode returns whether node is a mapping node -func (e ElementSetter) isMappingNode(node *RNode) bool { - return ErrorIfInvalid(node, yaml.MappingNode) == nil -} - -// isMappingSetter returns is this setter intended to set a mapping node -func (e ElementSetter) isMappingSetter() bool { - return len(e.Keys) > 0 && e.Keys[0] != "" && - len(e.Values) > 0 && e.Values[0] != "" -} - -func (e ElementSetter) Filter(rn *RNode) (*RNode, error) { - if len(e.Keys) == 0 { - e.Keys = append(e.Keys, "") - } - - if err := ErrorIfInvalid(rn, SequenceNode); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - // build the new Content slice - var newContent []*yaml.Node - matchingElementFound := false - for i := range rn.YNode().Content { - elem := rn.Content()[i] - newNode := NewRNode(elem) - - // empty elements are not valid -- they at least need an associative key - if IsMissingOrNull(newNode) || IsEmptyMap(newNode) { - continue - } - // keep non-mapping node in the Content when we want to match a mapping. - if !e.isMappingNode(newNode) && e.isMappingSetter() { - newContent = append(newContent, elem) - continue - } - - // check if this is the element we are matching - var val *RNode - var err error - found := true - for j := range e.Keys { - if j < len(e.Values) { - val, err = newNode.Pipe(FieldMatcher{Name: e.Keys[j], StringValue: e.Values[j]}) - } - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if val == nil { - found = false - break - } - } - if !found { - // not the element we are looking for, keep it in the Content - if len(e.Values) > 0 { - newContent = append(newContent, elem) - } - continue - } - matchingElementFound = true - - // deletion operation -- remove the element from the new Content - if e.Element == nil { - continue - } - // replace operation -- replace the element in the Content - newContent = append(newContent, e.Element) - } - rn.YNode().Content = newContent - - // deletion operation -- return nil - if IsMissingOrNull(NewRNode(e.Element)) { - return nil, nil - } - - // append operation -- add the element to the Content - if !matchingElementFound { - rn.YNode().Content = append(rn.YNode().Content, e.Element) - } - - return NewRNode(e.Element), nil -} - -// GetElementByIndex will return a Filter which can be applied to a sequence -// node to get the element specified by the index -func GetElementByIndex(index int) ElementIndexer { - return ElementIndexer{Index: index} -} - -// ElementIndexer picks the element with a specified index. Index starts from -// 0 to len(list) - 1. a hyphen ("-") means the last index. -type ElementIndexer struct { - Index int -} - -// Filter implements Filter -func (i ElementIndexer) Filter(rn *RNode) (*RNode, error) { - // rn.Elements will return error if rn is not a sequence node. - elems, err := rn.Elements() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if i.Index < 0 { - return elems[len(elems)-1], nil - } - if i.Index >= len(elems) { - return nil, nil - } - return elems[i.Index], nil -} - -// Clear returns a FieldClearer -func Clear(name string) FieldClearer { - return FieldClearer{Name: name} -} - -// FieldClearer removes the field or map key. -// Returns a RNode with the removed field or map entry. -type FieldClearer struct { - Kind string `yaml:"kind,omitempty"` - - // Name is the name of the field or key in the map. - Name string `yaml:"name,omitempty"` - - IfEmpty bool `yaml:"ifEmpty,omitempty"` -} - -func (c FieldClearer) Filter(rn *RNode) (*RNode, error) { - if err := ErrorIfInvalid(rn, yaml.MappingNode); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - var removed *RNode - visitFieldsWhileTrue(rn.Content(), func(key, value *yaml.Node, keyIndex int) bool { - if key.Value != c.Name { - return true - } - - // the name matches: remove these 2 elements from the list because - // they are treated as a fieldName/fieldValue pair. - if c.IfEmpty { - if len(value.Content) > 0 { - return true - } - } - - // save the item we are about to remove - removed = NewRNode(value) - if len(rn.YNode().Content) > keyIndex+2 { - l := len(rn.YNode().Content) - // remove from the middle of the list - rn.YNode().Content = rn.Content()[:keyIndex] - rn.YNode().Content = append( - rn.YNode().Content, - rn.Content()[keyIndex+2:l]...) - } else { - // remove from the end of the list - rn.YNode().Content = rn.Content()[:keyIndex] - } - return false - }) - - return removed, nil -} - -func MatchElement(field, value string) ElementMatcher { - return ElementMatcher{Keys: []string{field}, Values: []string{value}} -} - -func MatchElementList(keys []string, values []string) ElementMatcher { - return ElementMatcher{Keys: keys, Values: values} -} - -func GetElementByKey(key string) ElementMatcher { - return ElementMatcher{Keys: []string{key}, MatchAnyValue: true} -} - -// ElementMatcher returns the first element from a Sequence matching the -// specified key-value pairs. If there's no match, and no configuration error, -// the matcher returns nil, nil. -type ElementMatcher struct { - Kind string `yaml:"kind,omitempty"` - - // Keys are the list of fields upon which to match this element. - Keys []string - - // Values are the list of values upon which to match this element. - Values []string - - // Create will create the Element if it is not found - Create *RNode `yaml:"create,omitempty"` - - // MatchAnyValue indicates that matcher should only consider the key and ignore - // the actual value in the list. Values must be empty when MatchAnyValue is - // set to true. - MatchAnyValue bool `yaml:"noValue,omitempty"` -} - -func (e ElementMatcher) Filter(rn *RNode) (*RNode, error) { - if len(e.Keys) == 0 { - e.Keys = append(e.Keys, "") - } - if len(e.Values) == 0 { - e.Values = append(e.Values, "") - } - - if err := ErrorIfInvalid(rn, yaml.SequenceNode); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if e.MatchAnyValue && len(e.Values) != 0 && e.Values[0] != "" { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("Values must be empty when MatchAnyValue is set to true") - } - - // SequenceNode Content is a slice of ScalarNodes. Each ScalarNode has a - // YNode containing the primitive data. - if len(e.Keys) == 0 || len(e.Keys[0]) == 0 { - for i := range rn.Content() { - if rn.Content()[i].Value == e.Values[0] { - return &RNode{value: rn.Content()[i]}, nil - } - } - if e.Create != nil { - return rn.Pipe(Append(e.Create.YNode())) - } - return nil, nil - } - - // SequenceNode Content is a slice of MappingNodes. Each MappingNode has Content - // with a slice of key-value pairs containing the fields. - for i := range rn.Content() { - // cast the entry to a RNode so we can operate on it - elem := NewRNode(rn.Content()[i]) - var field *RNode - var err error - - // only check mapping node - if err = ErrorIfInvalid(elem, yaml.MappingNode); err != nil { - continue - } - - if !e.MatchAnyValue && len(e.Keys) != len(e.Values) { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("length of keys must equal length of values when MatchAnyValue is false") - } - - matchesElement := true - for i := range e.Keys { - if e.MatchAnyValue { - field, err = elem.Pipe(Get(e.Keys[i])) - } else { - field, err = elem.Pipe(MatchField(e.Keys[i], e.Values[i])) - } - if !IsFoundOrError(field, err) { - // this is not the element we are looking for - matchesElement = false - break - } - } - if matchesElement { - return elem, err - } - } - - // create the element - if e.Create != nil { - return rn.Pipe(Append(e.Create.YNode())) - } - - return nil, nil -} - -func Get(name string) FieldMatcher { - return FieldMatcher{Name: name} -} - -func MatchField(name, value string) FieldMatcher { - return FieldMatcher{Name: name, Value: NewScalarRNode(value)} -} - -func Match(value string) FieldMatcher { - return FieldMatcher{Value: NewScalarRNode(value)} -} - -// FieldMatcher returns the value of a named field or map entry. -type FieldMatcher struct { - Kind string `yaml:"kind,omitempty"` - - // Name of the field to return - Name string `yaml:"name,omitempty"` - - // YNode of the field to return. - // Optional. Will only need to match field name if unset. - Value *RNode `yaml:"value,omitempty"` - - StringValue string `yaml:"stringValue,omitempty"` - - StringRegexValue string `yaml:"stringRegexValue,omitempty"` - - // Create will cause the field to be created with this value - // if it is set. - Create *RNode `yaml:"create,omitempty"` -} - -func (f FieldMatcher) Filter(rn *RNode) (*RNode, error) { - if f.StringValue != "" && f.Value == nil { - f.Value = NewScalarRNode(f.StringValue) - } - - // never match nil or null fields - if IsMissingOrNull(rn) { - return nil, nil - } - - if f.Name == "" { - if err := ErrorIfInvalid(rn, yaml.ScalarNode); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - switch { - case f.StringRegexValue != "": - // TODO(pwittrock): pre-compile this when unmarshalling and cache to a field - rg, err := regexp.Compile(f.StringRegexValue) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if match := rg.MatchString(rn.value.Value); match { - return rn, nil - } - return nil, nil - case GetValue(rn) == GetValue(f.Value): - return rn, nil - default: - return nil, nil - } - } - - if err := ErrorIfInvalid(rn, yaml.MappingNode); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - var returnNode *RNode - requireMatchFieldValue := f.Value != nil - visitMappingNodeFields(rn.Content(), func(key, value *yaml.Node) { - if !requireMatchFieldValue || value.Value == f.Value.YNode().Value { - returnNode = NewRNode(value) - } - }, f.Name) - if returnNode != nil { - return returnNode, nil - } - - if f.Create != nil { - return rn.Pipe(SetField(f.Name, f.Create)) - } - - return nil, nil -} - -// Lookup returns a PathGetter to lookup a field by its path. -func Lookup(path ...string) PathGetter { - return PathGetter{Path: path} -} - -// LookupCreate returns a PathGetter to lookup a field by its path and create it if it doesn't already -// exist. -func LookupCreate(kind yaml.Kind, path ...string) PathGetter { - return PathGetter{Path: path, Create: kind} -} - -// ConventionalContainerPaths is a list of paths at which containers typically appear in workload APIs. -// It is intended for use with LookupFirstMatch. -var ConventionalContainerPaths = [][]string{ - // e.g. Deployment, ReplicaSet, DaemonSet, Job, StatefulSet - {"spec", "template", "spec", "containers"}, - // e.g. CronJob - {"spec", "jobTemplate", "spec", "template", "spec", "containers"}, - // e.g. Pod - {"spec", "containers"}, - // e.g. PodTemplate - {"template", "spec", "containers"}, -} - -// LookupFirstMatch returns a Filter for locating a value that may exist at one of several possible paths. -// For example, it can be used with ConventionalContainerPaths to find the containers field in a standard workload resource. -// If more than one of the paths exists in the resource, the first will be returned. If none exist, -// nil will be returned. If an error is encountered during lookup, it will be returned. -func LookupFirstMatch(paths [][]string) Filter { - return FilterFunc(func(object *RNode) (*RNode, error) { - var result *RNode - var err error - for _, path := range paths { - result, err = object.Pipe(PathGetter{Path: path}) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.Wrap(err) - } - if result != nil { - return result, nil - } - } - return nil, nil - }) -} - -// PathGetter returns the RNode under Path. -type PathGetter struct { - Kind string `yaml:"kind,omitempty"` - - // Path is a slice of parts leading to the RNode to lookup. - // Each path part may be one of: - // * FieldMatcher -- e.g. "spec" - // * Map Key -- e.g. "app.k8s.io/version" - // * List Entry -- e.g. "[name=nginx]" or "[=-jar]" or "0" or "-" - // - // Map Keys and Fields are equivalent. - // See FieldMatcher for more on Fields and Map Keys. - // - // List Entries can be specified as map entry to match [fieldName=fieldValue] - // or a positional index like 0 to get the element. - (unquoted hyphen) is - // special and means the last element. - // - // See Elem for more on List Entries. - // - // Examples: - // * spec.template.spec.container with matching name: [name=nginx] - // * spec.template.spec.container.argument matching a value: [=-jar] - Path []string `yaml:"path,omitempty"` - - // Create will cause missing path parts to be created as they are walked. - // - // * The leaf Node (final path) will be created with a Kind matching Create - // * Intermediary Nodes will be created as either a MappingNodes or - // SequenceNodes as appropriate for each's Path location. - // * If a list item is specified by a index (an offset or "-"), this item will - // not be created even Create is set. - Create yaml.Kind `yaml:"create,omitempty"` - - // Style is the style to apply to created value Nodes. - // Created key Nodes keep an unspecified Style. - Style yaml.Style `yaml:"style,omitempty"` -} - -func (l PathGetter) Filter(rn *RNode) (*RNode, error) { - var err error - fieldPath := append([]string{}, rn.FieldPath()...) - match := rn - - // iterate over path until encountering an error or missing value - l.Path = cleanPath(l.Path) - for i := range l.Path { - var part, nextPart string - part = l.Path[i] - if len(l.Path) > i+1 { - nextPart = l.Path[i+1] - } - var fltr Filter - fltr, err = l.getFilter(part, nextPart, &fieldPath) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - match, err = match.Pipe(fltr) - if IsMissingOrError(match, err) { - return nil, err - } - match.AppendToFieldPath(fieldPath...) - } - return match, nil -} - -func (l PathGetter) getFilter(part, nextPart string, fieldPath *[]string) (Filter, error) { - idx, err := strconv.Atoi(part) - switch { - case err == nil: - // part is a number - if idx < 0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("array index %d cannot be negative", idx) - } - return GetElementByIndex(idx), nil - case part == "-": - // part is a hyphen - return GetElementByIndex(-1), nil - case part == "*": - // PathGetter is not support for wildcard matching - return nil, errors.Errorf("wildcard is not supported in PathGetter") - case IsListIndex(part): - // part is surrounded by brackets - return l.elemFilter(part) - default: - // mapping node - *fieldPath = append(*fieldPath, part) - return l.fieldFilter(part, getPathPartKind(nextPart, l.Create)) - } -} - -func (l PathGetter) elemFilter(part string) (Filter, error) { - name, value, err := SplitIndexNameValue(part) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.Wrap(err) - } - if !IsCreate(l.Create) { - return MatchElement(name, value), nil - } - - var elem *RNode - primitiveElement := len(name) == 0 - if primitiveElement { - // append a ScalarNode - elem = NewScalarRNode(value) - elem.YNode().Style = l.Style - } else { - // append a MappingNode - match := NewRNode(&yaml.Node{Kind: yaml.ScalarNode, Value: value, Style: l.Style}) - elem = NewRNode(&yaml.Node{ - Kind: yaml.MappingNode, - Content: []*yaml.Node{{Kind: yaml.ScalarNode, Value: name}, match.YNode()}, - Style: l.Style, - }) - } - // Append the Node - return ElementMatcher{Keys: []string{name}, Values: []string{value}, Create: elem}, nil -} - -func (l PathGetter) fieldFilter( - name string, kind yaml.Kind) (Filter, error) { - if !IsCreate(l.Create) { - return Get(name), nil - } - return FieldMatcher{Name: name, Create: &RNode{value: &yaml.Node{Kind: kind, Style: l.Style}}}, nil -} - -func getPathPartKind(nextPart string, defaultKind yaml.Kind) yaml.Kind { - if IsListIndex(nextPart) { - // if nextPart is of the form [a=b], then it is an index into a Sequence - // so the current part must be a SequenceNode - return yaml.SequenceNode - } - if IsIdxNumber(nextPart) { - return yaml.SequenceNode - } - if nextPart == "" { - // final name in the path, use the default kind provided - return defaultKind - } - - // non-sequence intermediate Node - return yaml.MappingNode -} - -func SetField(name string, value *RNode) FieldSetter { - return FieldSetter{Name: name, Value: value} -} - -func Set(value *RNode) FieldSetter { - return FieldSetter{Value: value} -} - -// MapEntrySetter sets a map entry to a value. If it finds a key with the same -// value, it will override both Key and Value RNodes, including style and any -// other metadata. If it doesn't find the key, it will insert a new map entry. -// It will set the field, even if it's empty or nil, unlike the FieldSetter. -// This is useful for rebuilding some pre-existing RNode structure. -type MapEntrySetter struct { - // Name is the name of the field or key to lookup in a MappingNode. - // If Name is unspecified, it will use the Key's Value - Name string `yaml:"name,omitempty"` - - // Value is the value to set. - Value *RNode `yaml:"value,omitempty"` - - // Key is the map key to set. - Key *RNode `yaml:"key,omitempty"` -} - -func (s MapEntrySetter) Filter(rn *RNode) (*RNode, error) { - if rn == nil { - return nil, errors.Errorf("Can't set map entry on a nil RNode") - } - if err := ErrorIfInvalid(rn, yaml.MappingNode); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if s.Name == "" { - s.Name = GetValue(s.Key) - } - - content := rn.Content() - fieldStillNotFound := true - visitFieldsWhileTrue(content, func(key, value *yaml.Node, keyIndex int) bool { - if key.Value == s.Name { - content[keyIndex] = s.Key.YNode() - content[keyIndex+1] = s.Value.YNode() - fieldStillNotFound = false - } - return fieldStillNotFound - }) - if !fieldStillNotFound { - return rn, nil - } - - // create the field - rn.YNode().Content = append( - rn.YNode().Content, - s.Key.YNode(), - s.Value.YNode()) - return rn, nil -} - -// FieldSetter sets a field or map entry to a value. -type FieldSetter struct { - Kind string `yaml:"kind,omitempty"` - - // Name is the name of the field or key to lookup in a MappingNode. - // If Name is unspecified, and the input is a ScalarNode, FieldSetter will set the - // value on the ScalarNode. - Name string `yaml:"name,omitempty"` - - // Comments for the field - Comments Comments `yaml:"comments,omitempty"` - - // Value is the value to set. - // Optional if Kind is set. - Value *RNode `yaml:"value,omitempty"` - - StringValue string `yaml:"stringValue,omitempty"` - - // OverrideStyle can be set to override the style of the existing node - // when setting it. Otherwise, if an existing node is found, the style is - // retained. - OverrideStyle bool `yaml:"overrideStyle,omitempty"` -} - -func (s FieldSetter) Filter(rn *RNode) (*RNode, error) { - if s.StringValue != "" && s.Value == nil { - s.Value = NewScalarRNode(s.StringValue) - } - - // need to set style for strings not recognized by yaml 1.1 to quoted if not previously set - // TODO: fix in upstream yaml library so this can be handled with yaml SetString - if s.Value.IsStringValue() && !s.OverrideStyle && s.Value.YNode().Style == 0 && IsYaml1_1NonString(s.Value.YNode()) { - s.Value.YNode().Style = yaml.DoubleQuotedStyle - } - - if s.Name == "" { - if err := ErrorIfInvalid(rn, yaml.ScalarNode); err != nil { - return rn, err - } - if IsMissingOrNull(s.Value) { - return rn, nil - } - // only apply the style if there is not an existing style - // or we want to override it - if !s.OverrideStyle || s.Value.YNode().Style == 0 { - // keep the original style if it exists - s.Value.YNode().Style = rn.YNode().Style - } - rn.SetYNode(s.Value.YNode()) - return rn, nil - } - - // Clear the field if it is empty, or explicitly null - if s.Value == nil || s.Value.IsTaggedNull() { - return rn.Pipe(Clear(s.Name)) - } - - field, err := rn.Pipe(FieldMatcher{Name: s.Name}) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if field != nil { - // only apply the style if there is not an existing style - // or we want to override it - if !s.OverrideStyle || field.YNode().Style == 0 { - // keep the original style if it exists - s.Value.YNode().Style = field.YNode().Style - } - // need to def ref the Node since field is ephemeral - field.SetYNode(s.Value.YNode()) - return field, nil - } - - // create the field - rn.YNode().Content = append( - rn.YNode().Content, - &yaml.Node{ - Kind: yaml.ScalarNode, - Value: s.Name, - HeadComment: s.Comments.HeadComment, - LineComment: s.Comments.LineComment, - FootComment: s.Comments.FootComment, - }, - s.Value.YNode()) - return s.Value, nil -} - -// Tee calls the provided Filters, and returns its argument rather than the result -// of the filters. -// May be used to fork sub-filters from a call. -// e.g. locate field, set value; locate another field, set another value -func Tee(filters ...Filter) Filter { - return TeePiper{Filters: filters} -} - -// TeePiper Calls a slice of Filters and returns its input. -// May be used to fork sub-filters from a call. -// e.g. locate field, set value; locate another field, set another value -type TeePiper struct { - Kind string `yaml:"kind,omitempty"` - - // Filters are the set of Filters run by TeePiper. - Filters []Filter `yaml:"filters,omitempty"` -} - -func (t TeePiper) Filter(rn *RNode) (*RNode, error) { - _, err := rn.Pipe(t.Filters...) - return rn, err -} - -// IsCreate returns true if kind is specified -func IsCreate(kind yaml.Kind) bool { - return kind != 0 -} - -// IsMissingOrError returns true if rn is NOT found or err is non-nil -func IsMissingOrError(rn *RNode, err error) bool { - return rn == nil || err != nil -} - -// IsFoundOrError returns true if rn is found or err is non-nil -func IsFoundOrError(rn *RNode, err error) bool { - return rn != nil || err != nil -} - -func ErrorIfAnyInvalidAndNonNull(kind yaml.Kind, rn ...*RNode) error { - for i := range rn { - if IsMissingOrNull(rn[i]) { - continue - } - if err := ErrorIfInvalid(rn[i], kind); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -type InvalidNodeKindError struct { - expectedKind yaml.Kind - node *RNode -} - -func (e *InvalidNodeKindError) Error() string { - msg := fmt.Sprintf("wrong node kind: expected %s but got %s", - nodeKindString(e.expectedKind), nodeKindString(e.node.YNode().Kind)) - if content, err := e.node.String(); err == nil { - msg += fmt.Sprintf(": node contents:\n%s", content) - } - return msg -} - -func (e *InvalidNodeKindError) ActualNodeKind() Kind { - return e.node.YNode().Kind -} - -func ErrorIfInvalid(rn *RNode, kind yaml.Kind) error { - if IsMissingOrNull(rn) { - // node has no type, pass validation - return nil - } - - if rn.YNode().Kind != kind { - return &InvalidNodeKindError{node: rn, expectedKind: kind} - } - - if kind == yaml.MappingNode { - if len(rn.YNode().Content)%2 != 0 { - return errors.Errorf( - "yaml MappingNodes must have even length contents: %v", spew.Sdump(rn)) - } - } - - return nil -} - -// IsListIndex returns true if p is an index into a Val. -// e.g. [fieldName=fieldValue] -// e.g. [=primitiveValue] -func IsListIndex(p string) bool { - return strings.HasPrefix(p, "[") && strings.HasSuffix(p, "]") -} - -// IsIdxNumber returns true if p is an index number. -// e.g. 1 -func IsIdxNumber(p string) bool { - idx, err := strconv.Atoi(p) - return err == nil && idx >= 0 -} - -// IsWildcard returns true if p is matching every elements. -// e.g. "*" -func IsWildcard(p string) bool { - return p == "*" -} - -// SplitIndexNameValue splits a lookup part Val index into the field name -// and field value to match. -// e.g. splits [name=nginx] into (name, nginx) -// e.g. splits [=-jar] into ("", -jar) -func SplitIndexNameValue(p string) (string, string, error) { - elem := strings.TrimSuffix(p, "]") - elem = strings.TrimPrefix(elem, "[") - parts := strings.SplitN(elem, "=", 2) - if len(parts) == 1 { - return "", "", fmt.Errorf("list path element must contain fieldName=fieldValue for element to match") - } - return parts[0], parts[1], nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/labels/copied.deepcopy.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/labels/copied.deepcopy.go deleted file mode 100644 index 52f32be8..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/labels/copied.deepcopy.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by k8scopy from k8s.io/apimachinery@v0.19.8; DO NOT EDIT. -// File content copied from k8s.io/apimachinery@v0.19.8/pkg/labels/zz_generated.deepcopy.go - -//go:build !ignore_autogenerated -// +build !ignore_autogenerated - -/* -Copyright The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package labels - -// DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil. -func (in *Requirement) DeepCopyInto(out *Requirement) { - *out = *in - if in.strValues != nil { - in, out := &in.strValues, &out.strValues - *out = make([]string, len(*in)) - copy(*out, *in) - } - return -} - -// DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Requirement. -func (in *Requirement) DeepCopy() *Requirement { - if in == nil { - return nil - } - out := new(Requirement) - in.DeepCopyInto(out) - return out -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/labels/labels.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/labels/labels.go deleted file mode 100644 index 300014ea..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/labels/labels.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,192 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by k8scopy from k8s.io/apimachinery@v0.19.8; DO NOT EDIT. -// File content copied from k8s.io/apimachinery@v0.19.8/pkg/labels/labels.go - -/* -Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package labels - -import ( - "fmt" - "sort" - "strings" -) - -// Labels allows you to present labels independently from their storage. -type Labels interface { - // Has returns whether the provided label exists. - Has(label string) (exists bool) - - // Get returns the value for the provided label. - Get(label string) (value string) -} - -// Set is a map of label:value. It implements Labels. -type Set map[string]string - -// String returns all labels listed as a human readable string. -// Conveniently, exactly the format that ParseSelector takes. -func (ls Set) String() string { - selector := make([]string, 0, len(ls)) - for key, value := range ls { - selector = append(selector, key+"="+value) - } - // Sort for determinism. - sort.StringSlice(selector).Sort() - return strings.Join(selector, ",") -} - -// Has returns whether the provided label exists in the map. -func (ls Set) Has(label string) bool { - _, exists := ls[label] - return exists -} - -// Get returns the value in the map for the provided label. -func (ls Set) Get(label string) string { - return ls[label] -} - -// AsSelector converts labels into a selectors. It does not -// perform any validation, which means the server will reject -// the request if the Set contains invalid values. -func (ls Set) AsSelector() Selector { - return SelectorFromSet(ls) -} - -// AsValidatedSelector converts labels into a selectors. -// The Set is validated client-side, which allows to catch errors early. -func (ls Set) AsValidatedSelector() (Selector, error) { - return ValidatedSelectorFromSet(ls) -} - -// AsSelectorPreValidated converts labels into a selector, but -// assumes that labels are already validated and thus doesn't -// perform any validation. -// According to our measurements this is significantly faster -// in codepaths that matter at high scale. -func (ls Set) AsSelectorPreValidated() Selector { - return SelectorFromValidatedSet(ls) -} - -// FormatLabels convert label map into plain string -func FormatLabels(labelMap map[string]string) string { - l := Set(labelMap).String() - if l == "" { - l = "" - } - return l -} - -// Conflicts takes 2 maps and returns true if there a key match between -// the maps but the value doesn't match, and returns false in other cases -func Conflicts(labels1, labels2 Set) bool { - small := labels1 - big := labels2 - if len(labels2) < len(labels1) { - small = labels2 - big = labels1 - } - - for k, v := range small { - if val, match := big[k]; match { - if val != v { - return true - } - } - } - - return false -} - -// Merge combines given maps, and does not check for any conflicts -// between the maps. In case of conflicts, second map (labels2) wins -func Merge(labels1, labels2 Set) Set { - mergedMap := Set{} - - for k, v := range labels1 { - mergedMap[k] = v - } - for k, v := range labels2 { - mergedMap[k] = v - } - return mergedMap -} - -// Equals returns true if the given maps are equal -func Equals(labels1, labels2 Set) bool { - if len(labels1) != len(labels2) { - return false - } - - for k, v := range labels1 { - value, ok := labels2[k] - if !ok { - return false - } - if value != v { - return false - } - } - return true -} - -// AreLabelsInWhiteList verifies if the provided label list -// is in the provided whitelist and returns true, otherwise false. -func AreLabelsInWhiteList(labels, whitelist Set) bool { - if len(whitelist) == 0 { - return true - } - - for k, v := range labels { - value, ok := whitelist[k] - if !ok { - return false - } - if value != v { - return false - } - } - return true -} - -// ConvertSelectorToLabelsMap converts selector string to labels map -// and validates keys and values -func ConvertSelectorToLabelsMap(selector string) (Set, error) { - labelsMap := Set{} - - if len(selector) == 0 { - return labelsMap, nil - } - - labels := strings.Split(selector, ",") - for _, label := range labels { - l := strings.Split(label, "=") - if len(l) != 2 { - return labelsMap, fmt.Errorf("invalid selector: %s", l) - } - key := strings.TrimSpace(l[0]) - if err := validateLabelKey(key); err != nil { - return labelsMap, err - } - value := strings.TrimSpace(l[1]) - if err := validateLabelValue(key, value); err != nil { - return labelsMap, err - } - labelsMap[key] = value - } - return labelsMap, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/labels/selector.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/labels/selector.go deleted file mode 100644 index 73c5ae6a..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/labels/selector.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,925 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by k8scopy from k8s.io/apimachinery@v0.19.8; DO NOT EDIT. -// File content copied from k8s.io/apimachinery@v0.19.8/pkg/labels/selector.go - -/* -Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package labels - -import ( - "bytes" - "fmt" - "sort" - "strconv" - "strings" - - "log" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/selection" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/util/sets" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/util/validation" -) - -// Requirements is AND of all requirements. -type Requirements []Requirement - -// Selector represents a label selector. -type Selector interface { - // Matches returns true if this selector matches the given set of labels. - Matches(Labels) bool - - // Empty returns true if this selector does not restrict the selection space. - Empty() bool - - // String returns a human readable string that represents this selector. - String() string - - // Add adds requirements to the Selector - Add(r ...Requirement) Selector - - // Requirements converts this interface into Requirements to expose - // more detailed selection information. - // If there are querying parameters, it will return converted requirements and selectable=true. - // If this selector doesn't want to select anything, it will return selectable=false. - Requirements() (requirements Requirements, selectable bool) - - // Make a deep copy of the selector. - DeepCopySelector() Selector - - // RequiresExactMatch allows a caller to introspect whether a given selector - // requires a single specific label to be set, and if so returns the value it - // requires. - RequiresExactMatch(label string) (value string, found bool) -} - -// Everything returns a selector that matches all labels. -func Everything() Selector { - return internalSelector{} -} - -type nothingSelector struct{} - -func (n nothingSelector) Matches(_ Labels) bool { return false } -func (n nothingSelector) Empty() bool { return false } -func (n nothingSelector) String() string { return "" } -func (n nothingSelector) Add(_ ...Requirement) Selector { return n } -func (n nothingSelector) Requirements() (Requirements, bool) { return nil, false } -func (n nothingSelector) DeepCopySelector() Selector { return n } -func (n nothingSelector) RequiresExactMatch(label string) (value string, found bool) { - return "", false -} - -// Nothing returns a selector that matches no labels -func Nothing() Selector { - return nothingSelector{} -} - -// NewSelector returns a nil selector -func NewSelector() Selector { - return internalSelector(nil) -} - -type internalSelector []Requirement - -func (s internalSelector) DeepCopy() internalSelector { - if s == nil { - return nil - } - result := make([]Requirement, len(s)) - for i := range s { - s[i].DeepCopyInto(&result[i]) - } - return result -} - -func (s internalSelector) DeepCopySelector() Selector { - return s.DeepCopy() -} - -// ByKey sorts requirements by key to obtain deterministic parser -type ByKey []Requirement - -func (a ByKey) Len() int { return len(a) } - -func (a ByKey) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] } - -func (a ByKey) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].key < a[j].key } - -// Requirement contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values. -// The zero value of Requirement is invalid. -// Requirement implements both set based match and exact match -// Requirement should be initialized via NewRequirement constructor for creating a valid Requirement. -type Requirement struct { - key string - operator selection.Operator - // In huge majority of cases we have at most one value here. - // It is generally faster to operate on a single-element slice - // than on a single-element map, so we have a slice here. - strValues []string -} - -// NewRequirement is the constructor for a Requirement. -// If any of these rules is violated, an error is returned: -// (1) The operator can only be In, NotIn, Equals, DoubleEquals, NotEquals, Exists, or DoesNotExist. -// (2) If the operator is In or NotIn, the values set must be non-empty. -// (3) If the operator is Equals, DoubleEquals, or NotEquals, the values set must contain one value. -// (4) If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist, the value set must be empty. -// (5) If the operator is Gt or Lt, the values set must contain only one value, which will be interpreted as an integer. -// (6) The key is invalid due to its length, or sequence -// of characters. See validateLabelKey for more details. -// -// The empty string is a valid value in the input values set. -func NewRequirement(key string, op selection.Operator, vals []string) (*Requirement, error) { - if err := validateLabelKey(key); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - switch op { - case selection.In, selection.NotIn: - if len(vals) == 0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("for 'in', 'notin' operators, values set can't be empty") - } - case selection.Equals, selection.DoubleEquals, selection.NotEquals: - if len(vals) != 1 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("exact-match compatibility requires one single value") - } - case selection.Exists, selection.DoesNotExist: - if len(vals) != 0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("values set must be empty for exists and does not exist") - } - case selection.GreaterThan, selection.LessThan: - if len(vals) != 1 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("for 'Gt', 'Lt' operators, exactly one value is required") - } - for i := range vals { - if _, err := strconv.ParseInt(vals[i], 10, 64); err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("for 'Gt', 'Lt' operators, the value must be an integer") - } - } - default: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("operator '%v' is not recognized", op) - } - - for i := range vals { - if err := validateLabelValue(key, vals[i]); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - return &Requirement{key: key, operator: op, strValues: vals}, nil -} - -func (r *Requirement) hasValue(value string) bool { - for i := range r.strValues { - if r.strValues[i] == value { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -// Matches returns true if the Requirement matches the input Labels. -// There is a match in the following cases: -// (1) The operator is Exists and Labels has the Requirement's key. -// (2) The operator is In, Labels has the Requirement's key and Labels' -// value for that key is in Requirement's value set. -// (3) The operator is NotIn, Labels has the Requirement's key and -// Labels' value for that key is not in Requirement's value set. -// (4) The operator is DoesNotExist or NotIn and Labels does not have the -// Requirement's key. -// (5) The operator is GreaterThanOperator or LessThanOperator, and Labels has -// the Requirement's key and the corresponding value satisfies mathematical inequality. -func (r *Requirement) Matches(ls Labels) bool { - switch r.operator { - case selection.In, selection.Equals, selection.DoubleEquals: - if !ls.Has(r.key) { - return false - } - return r.hasValue(ls.Get(r.key)) - case selection.NotIn, selection.NotEquals: - if !ls.Has(r.key) { - return true - } - return !r.hasValue(ls.Get(r.key)) - case selection.Exists: - return ls.Has(r.key) - case selection.DoesNotExist: - return !ls.Has(r.key) - case selection.GreaterThan, selection.LessThan: - if !ls.Has(r.key) { - return false - } - lsValue, err := strconv.ParseInt(ls.Get(r.key), 10, 64) - if err != nil { - log.Printf("ParseInt failed for value %+v in label %+v, %+v", ls.Get(r.key), ls, err) - return false - } - - // There should be only one strValue in r.strValues, and can be converted to an integer. - if len(r.strValues) != 1 { - log.Printf("Invalid values count %+v of requirement %#v, for 'Gt', 'Lt' operators, exactly one value is required", len(r.strValues), r) - return false - } - - var rValue int64 - for i := range r.strValues { - rValue, err = strconv.ParseInt(r.strValues[i], 10, 64) - if err != nil { - log.Printf("ParseInt failed for value %+v in requirement %#v, for 'Gt', 'Lt' operators, the value must be an integer", r.strValues[i], r) - return false - } - } - return (r.operator == selection.GreaterThan && lsValue > rValue) || (r.operator == selection.LessThan && lsValue < rValue) - default: - return false - } -} - -// Key returns requirement key -func (r *Requirement) Key() string { - return r.key -} - -// Operator returns requirement operator -func (r *Requirement) Operator() selection.Operator { - return r.operator -} - -// Values returns requirement values -func (r *Requirement) Values() sets.String { - ret := sets.String{} - for i := range r.strValues { - ret.Insert(r.strValues[i]) - } - return ret -} - -// Empty returns true if the internalSelector doesn't restrict selection space -func (lsel internalSelector) Empty() bool { - if lsel == nil { - return true - } - return len(lsel) == 0 -} - -// String returns a human-readable string that represents this -// Requirement. If called on an invalid Requirement, an error is -// returned. See NewRequirement for creating a valid Requirement. -func (r *Requirement) String() string { - var buffer bytes.Buffer - if r.operator == selection.DoesNotExist { - buffer.WriteString("!") - } - buffer.WriteString(r.key) - - switch r.operator { - case selection.Equals: - buffer.WriteString("=") - case selection.DoubleEquals: - buffer.WriteString("==") - case selection.NotEquals: - buffer.WriteString("!=") - case selection.In: - buffer.WriteString(" in ") - case selection.NotIn: - buffer.WriteString(" notin ") - case selection.GreaterThan: - buffer.WriteString(">") - case selection.LessThan: - buffer.WriteString("<") - case selection.Exists, selection.DoesNotExist: - return buffer.String() - } - - switch r.operator { - case selection.In, selection.NotIn: - buffer.WriteString("(") - } - if len(r.strValues) == 1 { - buffer.WriteString(r.strValues[0]) - } else { // only > 1 since == 0 prohibited by NewRequirement - // normalizes value order on output, without mutating the in-memory selector representation - // also avoids normalization when it is not required, and ensures we do not mutate shared data - buffer.WriteString(strings.Join(safeSort(r.strValues), ",")) - } - - switch r.operator { - case selection.In, selection.NotIn: - buffer.WriteString(")") - } - return buffer.String() -} - -// safeSort sort input strings without modification -func safeSort(in []string) []string { - if sort.StringsAreSorted(in) { - return in - } - out := make([]string, len(in)) - copy(out, in) - sort.Strings(out) - return out -} - -// Add adds requirements to the selector. It copies the current selector returning a new one -func (lsel internalSelector) Add(reqs ...Requirement) Selector { - var sel internalSelector - for ix := range lsel { - sel = append(sel, lsel[ix]) - } - for _, r := range reqs { - sel = append(sel, r) - } - sort.Sort(ByKey(sel)) - return sel -} - -// Matches for a internalSelector returns true if all -// its Requirements match the input Labels. If any -// Requirement does not match, false is returned. -func (lsel internalSelector) Matches(l Labels) bool { - for ix := range lsel { - if matches := lsel[ix].Matches(l); !matches { - return false - } - } - return true -} - -func (lsel internalSelector) Requirements() (Requirements, bool) { return Requirements(lsel), true } - -// String returns a comma-separated string of all -// the internalSelector Requirements' human-readable strings. -func (lsel internalSelector) String() string { - var reqs []string - for ix := range lsel { - reqs = append(reqs, lsel[ix].String()) - } - return strings.Join(reqs, ",") -} - -// RequiresExactMatch introspect whether a given selector requires a single specific field -// to be set, and if so returns the value it requires. -func (lsel internalSelector) RequiresExactMatch(label string) (value string, found bool) { - for ix := range lsel { - if lsel[ix].key == label { - switch lsel[ix].operator { - case selection.Equals, selection.DoubleEquals, selection.In: - if len(lsel[ix].strValues) == 1 { - return lsel[ix].strValues[0], true - } - } - return "", false - } - } - return "", false -} - -// Token represents constant definition for lexer token -type Token int - -const ( - // ErrorToken represents scan error - ErrorToken Token = iota - // EndOfStringToken represents end of string - EndOfStringToken - // ClosedParToken represents close parenthesis - ClosedParToken - // CommaToken represents the comma - CommaToken - // DoesNotExistToken represents logic not - DoesNotExistToken - // DoubleEqualsToken represents double equals - DoubleEqualsToken - // EqualsToken represents equal - EqualsToken - // GreaterThanToken represents greater than - GreaterThanToken - // IdentifierToken represents identifier, e.g. keys and values - IdentifierToken - // InToken represents in - InToken - // LessThanToken represents less than - LessThanToken - // NotEqualsToken represents not equal - NotEqualsToken - // NotInToken represents not in - NotInToken - // OpenParToken represents open parenthesis - OpenParToken -) - -// string2token contains the mapping between lexer Token and token literal -// (except IdentifierToken, EndOfStringToken and ErrorToken since it makes no sense) -var string2token = map[string]Token{ - ")": ClosedParToken, - ",": CommaToken, - "!": DoesNotExistToken, - "==": DoubleEqualsToken, - "=": EqualsToken, - ">": GreaterThanToken, - "in": InToken, - "<": LessThanToken, - "!=": NotEqualsToken, - "notin": NotInToken, - "(": OpenParToken, -} - -// ScannedItem contains the Token and the literal produced by the lexer. -type ScannedItem struct { - tok Token - literal string -} - -// isWhitespace returns true if the rune is a space, tab, or newline. -func isWhitespace(ch byte) bool { - return ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\n' -} - -// isSpecialSymbol detect if the character ch can be an operator -func isSpecialSymbol(ch byte) bool { - switch ch { - case '=', '!', '(', ')', ',', '>', '<': - return true - } - return false -} - -// Lexer represents the Lexer struct for label selector. -// It contains necessary informationt to tokenize the input string -type Lexer struct { - // s stores the string to be tokenized - s string - // pos is the position currently tokenized - pos int -} - -// read return the character currently lexed -// increment the position and check the buffer overflow -func (l *Lexer) read() (b byte) { - b = 0 - if l.pos < len(l.s) { - b = l.s[l.pos] - l.pos++ - } - return b -} - -// unread 'undoes' the last read character -func (l *Lexer) unread() { - l.pos-- -} - -// scanIDOrKeyword scans string to recognize literal token (for example 'in') or an identifier. -func (l *Lexer) scanIDOrKeyword() (tok Token, lit string) { - var buffer []byte -IdentifierLoop: - for { - switch ch := l.read(); { - case ch == 0: - break IdentifierLoop - case isSpecialSymbol(ch) || isWhitespace(ch): - l.unread() - break IdentifierLoop - default: - buffer = append(buffer, ch) - } - } - s := string(buffer) - if val, ok := string2token[s]; ok { // is a literal token? - return val, s - } - return IdentifierToken, s // otherwise is an identifier -} - -// scanSpecialSymbol scans string starting with special symbol. -// special symbol identify non literal operators. "!=", "==", "=" -func (l *Lexer) scanSpecialSymbol() (Token, string) { - lastScannedItem := ScannedItem{} - var buffer []byte -SpecialSymbolLoop: - for { - switch ch := l.read(); { - case ch == 0: - break SpecialSymbolLoop - case isSpecialSymbol(ch): - buffer = append(buffer, ch) - if token, ok := string2token[string(buffer)]; ok { - lastScannedItem = ScannedItem{tok: token, literal: string(buffer)} - } else if lastScannedItem.tok != 0 { - l.unread() - break SpecialSymbolLoop - } - default: - l.unread() - break SpecialSymbolLoop - } - } - if lastScannedItem.tok == 0 { - return ErrorToken, fmt.Sprintf("error expected: keyword found '%s'", buffer) - } - return lastScannedItem.tok, lastScannedItem.literal -} - -// skipWhiteSpaces consumes all blank characters -// returning the first non blank character -func (l *Lexer) skipWhiteSpaces(ch byte) byte { - for { - if !isWhitespace(ch) { - return ch - } - ch = l.read() - } -} - -// Lex returns a pair of Token and the literal -// literal is meaningfull only for IdentifierToken token -func (l *Lexer) Lex() (tok Token, lit string) { - switch ch := l.skipWhiteSpaces(l.read()); { - case ch == 0: - return EndOfStringToken, "" - case isSpecialSymbol(ch): - l.unread() - return l.scanSpecialSymbol() - default: - l.unread() - return l.scanIDOrKeyword() - } -} - -// Parser data structure contains the label selector parser data structure -type Parser struct { - l *Lexer - scannedItems []ScannedItem - position int -} - -// ParserContext represents context during parsing: -// some literal for example 'in' and 'notin' can be -// recognized as operator for example 'x in (a)' but -// it can be recognized as value for example 'value in (in)' -type ParserContext int - -const ( - // KeyAndOperator represents key and operator - KeyAndOperator ParserContext = iota - // Values represents values - Values -) - -// lookahead func returns the current token and string. No increment of current position -func (p *Parser) lookahead(context ParserContext) (Token, string) { - tok, lit := p.scannedItems[p.position].tok, p.scannedItems[p.position].literal - if context == Values { - switch tok { - case InToken, NotInToken: - tok = IdentifierToken - } - } - return tok, lit -} - -// consume returns current token and string. Increments the position -func (p *Parser) consume(context ParserContext) (Token, string) { - p.position++ - tok, lit := p.scannedItems[p.position-1].tok, p.scannedItems[p.position-1].literal - if context == Values { - switch tok { - case InToken, NotInToken: - tok = IdentifierToken - } - } - return tok, lit -} - -// scan runs through the input string and stores the ScannedItem in an array -// Parser can now lookahead and consume the tokens -func (p *Parser) scan() { - for { - token, literal := p.l.Lex() - p.scannedItems = append(p.scannedItems, ScannedItem{token, literal}) - if token == EndOfStringToken { - break - } - } -} - -// parse runs the left recursive descending algorithm -// on input string. It returns a list of Requirement objects. -func (p *Parser) parse() (internalSelector, error) { - p.scan() // init scannedItems - - var requirements internalSelector - for { - tok, lit := p.lookahead(Values) - switch tok { - case IdentifierToken, DoesNotExistToken: - r, err := p.parseRequirement() - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to parse requirement: %v", err) - } - requirements = append(requirements, *r) - t, l := p.consume(Values) - switch t { - case EndOfStringToken: - return requirements, nil - case CommaToken: - t2, l2 := p.lookahead(Values) - if t2 != IdentifierToken && t2 != DoesNotExistToken { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("found '%s', expected: identifier after ','", l2) - } - default: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("found '%s', expected: ',' or 'end of string'", l) - } - case EndOfStringToken: - return requirements, nil - default: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("found '%s', expected: !, identifier, or 'end of string'", lit) - } - } -} - -func (p *Parser) parseRequirement() (*Requirement, error) { - key, operator, err := p.parseKeyAndInferOperator() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if operator == selection.Exists || operator == selection.DoesNotExist { // operator found lookahead set checked - return NewRequirement(key, operator, []string{}) - } - operator, err = p.parseOperator() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - var values sets.String - switch operator { - case selection.In, selection.NotIn: - values, err = p.parseValues() - case selection.Equals, selection.DoubleEquals, selection.NotEquals, selection.GreaterThan, selection.LessThan: - values, err = p.parseExactValue() - } - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return NewRequirement(key, operator, values.List()) - -} - -// parseKeyAndInferOperator parse literals. -// in case of no operator '!, in, notin, ==, =, !=' are found -// the 'exists' operator is inferred -func (p *Parser) parseKeyAndInferOperator() (string, selection.Operator, error) { - var operator selection.Operator - tok, literal := p.consume(Values) - if tok == DoesNotExistToken { - operator = selection.DoesNotExist - tok, literal = p.consume(Values) - } - if tok != IdentifierToken { - err := fmt.Errorf("found '%s', expected: identifier", literal) - return "", "", err - } - if err := validateLabelKey(literal); err != nil { - return "", "", err - } - if t, _ := p.lookahead(Values); t == EndOfStringToken || t == CommaToken { - if operator != selection.DoesNotExist { - operator = selection.Exists - } - } - return literal, operator, nil -} - -// parseOperator return operator and eventually matchType -// matchType can be exact -func (p *Parser) parseOperator() (op selection.Operator, err error) { - tok, lit := p.consume(KeyAndOperator) - switch tok { - // DoesNotExistToken shouldn't be here because it's a unary operator, not a binary operator - case InToken: - op = selection.In - case EqualsToken: - op = selection.Equals - case DoubleEqualsToken: - op = selection.DoubleEquals - case GreaterThanToken: - op = selection.GreaterThan - case LessThanToken: - op = selection.LessThan - case NotInToken: - op = selection.NotIn - case NotEqualsToken: - op = selection.NotEquals - default: - return "", fmt.Errorf("found '%s', expected: '=', '!=', '==', 'in', notin'", lit) - } - return op, nil -} - -// parseValues parses the values for set based matching (x,y,z) -func (p *Parser) parseValues() (sets.String, error) { - tok, lit := p.consume(Values) - if tok != OpenParToken { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("found '%s' expected: '('", lit) - } - tok, lit = p.lookahead(Values) - switch tok { - case IdentifierToken, CommaToken: - s, err := p.parseIdentifiersList() // handles general cases - if err != nil { - return s, err - } - if tok, _ = p.consume(Values); tok != ClosedParToken { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("found '%s', expected: ')'", lit) - } - return s, nil - case ClosedParToken: // handles "()" - p.consume(Values) - return sets.NewString(""), nil - default: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("found '%s', expected: ',', ')' or identifier", lit) - } -} - -// parseIdentifiersList parses a (possibly empty) list of -// of comma separated (possibly empty) identifiers -func (p *Parser) parseIdentifiersList() (sets.String, error) { - s := sets.NewString() - for { - tok, lit := p.consume(Values) - switch tok { - case IdentifierToken: - s.Insert(lit) - tok2, lit2 := p.lookahead(Values) - switch tok2 { - case CommaToken: - continue - case ClosedParToken: - return s, nil - default: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("found '%s', expected: ',' or ')'", lit2) - } - case CommaToken: // handled here since we can have "(," - if s.Len() == 0 { - s.Insert("") // to handle (, - } - tok2, _ := p.lookahead(Values) - if tok2 == ClosedParToken { - s.Insert("") // to handle ,) Double "" removed by StringSet - return s, nil - } - if tok2 == CommaToken { - p.consume(Values) - s.Insert("") // to handle ,, Double "" removed by StringSet - } - default: // it can be operator - return s, fmt.Errorf("found '%s', expected: ',', or identifier", lit) - } - } -} - -// parseExactValue parses the only value for exact match style -func (p *Parser) parseExactValue() (sets.String, error) { - s := sets.NewString() - tok, lit := p.lookahead(Values) - if tok == EndOfStringToken || tok == CommaToken { - s.Insert("") - return s, nil - } - tok, lit = p.consume(Values) - if tok == IdentifierToken { - s.Insert(lit) - return s, nil - } - return nil, fmt.Errorf("found '%s', expected: identifier", lit) -} - -// Parse takes a string representing a selector and returns a selector -// object, or an error. This parsing function differs from ParseSelector -// as they parse different selectors with different syntaxes. -// The input will cause an error if it does not follow this form: -// -// ::= | "," -// ::= [!] KEY [ | ] -// ::= "" | -// ::= | -// ::= "notin" -// ::= "in" -// ::= "(" ")" -// ::= VALUE | VALUE "," -// ::= ["="|"=="|"!="] VALUE -// -// KEY is a sequence of one or more characters following [ DNS_SUBDOMAIN "/" ] DNS_LABEL. Max length is 63 characters. -// VALUE is a sequence of zero or more characters "([A-Za-z0-9_-\.])". Max length is 63 characters. -// Delimiter is white space: (' ', '\t') -// Example of valid syntax: -// "x in (foo,,baz),y,z notin ()" -// -// Note: -// (1) Inclusion - " in " - denotes that the KEY exists and is equal to any of the -// VALUEs in its requirement -// (2) Exclusion - " notin " - denotes that the KEY is not equal to any -// of the VALUEs in its requirement or does not exist -// (3) The empty string is a valid VALUE -// (4) A requirement with just a KEY - as in "y" above - denotes that -// the KEY exists and can be any VALUE. -// (5) A requirement with just !KEY requires that the KEY not exist. -// -func Parse(selector string) (Selector, error) { - parsedSelector, err := parse(selector) - if err == nil { - return parsedSelector, nil - } - return nil, err -} - -// parse parses the string representation of the selector and returns the internalSelector struct. -// The callers of this method can then decide how to return the internalSelector struct to their -// callers. This function has two callers now, one returns a Selector interface and the other -// returns a list of requirements. -func parse(selector string) (internalSelector, error) { - p := &Parser{l: &Lexer{s: selector, pos: 0}} - items, err := p.parse() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - sort.Sort(ByKey(items)) // sort to grant determistic parsing - return internalSelector(items), err -} - -func validateLabelKey(k string) error { - if errs := validation.IsQualifiedName(k); len(errs) != 0 { - return fmt.Errorf("invalid label key %q: %s", k, strings.Join(errs, "; ")) - } - return nil -} - -func validateLabelValue(k, v string) error { - if errs := validation.IsValidLabelValue(v); len(errs) != 0 { - return fmt.Errorf("invalid label value: %q: at key: %q: %s", v, k, strings.Join(errs, "; ")) - } - return nil -} - -// SelectorFromSet returns a Selector which will match exactly the given Set. A -// nil and empty Sets are considered equivalent to Everything(). -// It does not perform any validation, which means the server will reject -// the request if the Set contains invalid values. -func SelectorFromSet(ls Set) Selector { - return SelectorFromValidatedSet(ls) -} - -// ValidatedSelectorFromSet returns a Selector which will match exactly the given Set. A -// nil and empty Sets are considered equivalent to Everything(). -// The Set is validated client-side, which allows to catch errors early. -func ValidatedSelectorFromSet(ls Set) (Selector, error) { - if ls == nil || len(ls) == 0 { - return internalSelector{}, nil - } - requirements := make([]Requirement, 0, len(ls)) - for label, value := range ls { - r, err := NewRequirement(label, selection.Equals, []string{value}) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - requirements = append(requirements, *r) - } - // sort to have deterministic string representation - sort.Sort(ByKey(requirements)) - return internalSelector(requirements), nil -} - -// SelectorFromValidatedSet returns a Selector which will match exactly the given Set. -// A nil and empty Sets are considered equivalent to Everything(). -// It assumes that Set is already validated and doesn't do any validation. -func SelectorFromValidatedSet(ls Set) Selector { - if ls == nil || len(ls) == 0 { - return internalSelector{} - } - requirements := make([]Requirement, 0, len(ls)) - for label, value := range ls { - requirements = append(requirements, Requirement{key: label, operator: selection.Equals, strValues: []string{value}}) - } - // sort to have deterministic string representation - sort.Sort(ByKey(requirements)) - return internalSelector(requirements) -} - -// ParseToRequirements takes a string representing a selector and returns a list of -// requirements. This function is suitable for those callers that perform additional -// processing on selector requirements. -// See the documentation for Parse() function for more details. -// TODO: Consider exporting the internalSelector type instead. -func ParseToRequirements(selector string) ([]Requirement, error) { - return parse(selector) -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/selection/operator.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/selection/operator.go deleted file mode 100644 index 29c443df..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/selection/operator.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by k8scopy from k8s.io/apimachinery@v0.19.8; DO NOT EDIT. -// File content copied from k8s.io/apimachinery@v0.19.8/pkg/selection/operator.go - -/* -Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package selection - -// Operator represents a key/field's relationship to value(s). -// See labels.Requirement and fields.Requirement for more details. -type Operator string - -const ( - DoesNotExist Operator = "!" - Equals Operator = "=" - DoubleEquals Operator = "==" - In Operator = "in" - NotEquals Operator = "!=" - NotIn Operator = "notin" - Exists Operator = "exists" - GreaterThan Operator = "gt" - LessThan Operator = "lt" -) diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/util/errors/errors.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/util/errors/errors.go deleted file mode 100644 index 24d040e0..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/util/errors/errors.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,252 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by k8scopy from k8s.io/apimachinery@v0.19.8; DO NOT EDIT. -// File content copied from k8s.io/apimachinery@v0.19.8/pkg/util/errors/errors.go - -/* -Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package errors - -import ( - "errors" - "fmt" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/util/sets" -) - -// MessageCountMap contains occurrence for each error message. -type MessageCountMap map[string]int - -// Aggregate represents an object that contains multiple errors, but does not -// necessarily have singular semantic meaning. -// The aggregate can be used with `errors.Is()` to check for the occurrence of -// a specific error type. -// Errors.As() is not supported, because the caller presumably cares about a -// specific error of potentially multiple that match the given type. -type Aggregate interface { - error - Errors() []error - Is(error) bool -} - -// NewAggregate converts a slice of errors into an Aggregate interface, which -// is itself an implementation of the error interface. If the slice is empty, -// this returns nil. -// It will check if any of the element of input error list is nil, to avoid -// nil pointer panic when call Error(). -func NewAggregate(errlist []error) Aggregate { - if len(errlist) == 0 { - return nil - } - // In case of input error list contains nil - var errs []error - for _, e := range errlist { - if e != nil { - errs = append(errs, e) - } - } - if len(errs) == 0 { - return nil - } - return aggregate(errs) -} - -// This helper implements the error and Errors interfaces. Keeping it private -// prevents people from making an aggregate of 0 errors, which is not -// an error, but does satisfy the error interface. -type aggregate []error - -// Error is part of the error interface. -func (agg aggregate) Error() string { - if len(agg) == 0 { - // This should never happen, really. - return "" - } - if len(agg) == 1 { - return agg[0].Error() - } - seenerrs := sets.NewString() - result := "" - agg.visit(func(err error) bool { - msg := err.Error() - if seenerrs.Has(msg) { - return false - } - seenerrs.Insert(msg) - if len(seenerrs) > 1 { - result += ", " - } - result += msg - return false - }) - if len(seenerrs) == 1 { - return result - } - return "[" + result + "]" -} - -func (agg aggregate) Is(target error) bool { - return agg.visit(func(err error) bool { - return errors.Is(err, target) - }) -} - -func (agg aggregate) visit(f func(err error) bool) bool { - for _, err := range agg { - switch err := err.(type) { - case aggregate: - if match := err.visit(f); match { - return match - } - case Aggregate: - for _, nestedErr := range err.Errors() { - if match := f(nestedErr); match { - return match - } - } - default: - if match := f(err); match { - return match - } - } - } - - return false -} - -// Errors is part of the Aggregate interface. -func (agg aggregate) Errors() []error { - return []error(agg) -} - -// Matcher is used to match errors. Returns true if the error matches. -type Matcher func(error) bool - -// FilterOut removes all errors that match any of the matchers from the input -// error. If the input is a singular error, only that error is tested. If the -// input implements the Aggregate interface, the list of errors will be -// processed recursively. -// -// This can be used, for example, to remove known-OK errors (such as io.EOF or -// os.PathNotFound) from a list of errors. -func FilterOut(err error, fns ...Matcher) error { - if err == nil { - return nil - } - if agg, ok := err.(Aggregate); ok { - return NewAggregate(filterErrors(agg.Errors(), fns...)) - } - if !matchesError(err, fns...) { - return err - } - return nil -} - -// matchesError returns true if any Matcher returns true -func matchesError(err error, fns ...Matcher) bool { - for _, fn := range fns { - if fn(err) { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -// filterErrors returns any errors (or nested errors, if the list contains -// nested Errors) for which all fns return false. If no errors -// remain a nil list is returned. The resulting silec will have all -// nested slices flattened as a side effect. -func filterErrors(list []error, fns ...Matcher) []error { - result := []error{} - for _, err := range list { - r := FilterOut(err, fns...) - if r != nil { - result = append(result, r) - } - } - return result -} - -// Flatten takes an Aggregate, which may hold other Aggregates in arbitrary -// nesting, and flattens them all into a single Aggregate, recursively. -func Flatten(agg Aggregate) Aggregate { - result := []error{} - if agg == nil { - return nil - } - for _, err := range agg.Errors() { - if a, ok := err.(Aggregate); ok { - r := Flatten(a) - if r != nil { - result = append(result, r.Errors()...) - } - } else { - if err != nil { - result = append(result, err) - } - } - } - return NewAggregate(result) -} - -// CreateAggregateFromMessageCountMap converts MessageCountMap Aggregate -func CreateAggregateFromMessageCountMap(m MessageCountMap) Aggregate { - if m == nil { - return nil - } - result := make([]error, 0, len(m)) - for errStr, count := range m { - var countStr string - if count > 1 { - countStr = fmt.Sprintf(" (repeated %v times)", count) - } - result = append(result, fmt.Errorf("%v%v", errStr, countStr)) - } - return NewAggregate(result) -} - -// Reduce will return err or, if err is an Aggregate and only has one item, -// the first item in the aggregate. -func Reduce(err error) error { - if agg, ok := err.(Aggregate); ok && err != nil { - switch len(agg.Errors()) { - case 1: - return agg.Errors()[0] - case 0: - return nil - } - } - return err -} - -// AggregateGoroutines runs the provided functions in parallel, stuffing all -// non-nil errors into the returned Aggregate. -// Returns nil if all the functions complete successfully. -func AggregateGoroutines(funcs ...func() error) Aggregate { - errChan := make(chan error, len(funcs)) - for _, f := range funcs { - go func(f func() error) { errChan <- f() }(f) - } - errs := make([]error, 0) - for i := 0; i < cap(errChan); i++ { - if err := <-errChan; err != nil { - errs = append(errs, err) - } - } - return NewAggregate(errs) -} - -// ErrPreconditionViolated is returned when the precondition is violated -var ErrPreconditionViolated = errors.New("precondition is violated") diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/util/sets/empty.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/util/sets/empty.go deleted file mode 100644 index ef404add..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/util/sets/empty.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by k8scopy from k8s.io/apimachinery@v0.19.8; DO NOT EDIT. -// File content copied from k8s.io/apimachinery@v0.19.8/pkg/util/sets/empty.go - -/* -Copyright The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package sets - -// Empty is public since it is used by some internal API objects for conversions between external -// string arrays and internal sets, and conversion logic requires public types today. -type Empty struct{} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/util/sets/string.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/util/sets/string.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8af1bac2..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/util/sets/string.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,206 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by k8scopy from k8s.io/apimachinery@v0.19.8; DO NOT EDIT. -// File content copied from k8s.io/apimachinery@v0.19.8/pkg/util/sets/string.go - -/* -Copyright The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package sets - -import ( - "reflect" - "sort" -) - -// sets.String is a set of strings, implemented via map[string]struct{} for minimal memory consumption. -type String map[string]Empty - -// NewString creates a String from a list of values. -func NewString(items ...string) String { - ss := String{} - ss.Insert(items...) - return ss -} - -// StringKeySet creates a String from a keys of a map[string](? extends interface{}). -// If the value passed in is not actually a map, this will panic. -func StringKeySet(theMap interface{}) String { - v := reflect.ValueOf(theMap) - ret := String{} - - for _, keyValue := range v.MapKeys() { - ret.Insert(keyValue.Interface().(string)) - } - return ret -} - -// Insert adds items to the set. -func (s String) Insert(items ...string) String { - for _, item := range items { - s[item] = Empty{} - } - return s -} - -// Delete removes all items from the set. -func (s String) Delete(items ...string) String { - for _, item := range items { - delete(s, item) - } - return s -} - -// Has returns true if and only if item is contained in the set. -func (s String) Has(item string) bool { - _, contained := s[item] - return contained -} - -// HasAll returns true if and only if all items are contained in the set. -func (s String) HasAll(items ...string) bool { - for _, item := range items { - if !s.Has(item) { - return false - } - } - return true -} - -// HasAny returns true if any items are contained in the set. -func (s String) HasAny(items ...string) bool { - for _, item := range items { - if s.Has(item) { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -// Difference returns a set of objects that are not in s2 -// For example: -// s1 = {a1, a2, a3} -// s2 = {a1, a2, a4, a5} -// s1.Difference(s2) = {a3} -// s2.Difference(s1) = {a4, a5} -func (s String) Difference(s2 String) String { - result := NewString() - for key := range s { - if !s2.Has(key) { - result.Insert(key) - } - } - return result -} - -// Union returns a new set which includes items in either s1 or s2. -// For example: -// s1 = {a1, a2} -// s2 = {a3, a4} -// s1.Union(s2) = {a1, a2, a3, a4} -// s2.Union(s1) = {a1, a2, a3, a4} -func (s1 String) Union(s2 String) String { - result := NewString() - for key := range s1 { - result.Insert(key) - } - for key := range s2 { - result.Insert(key) - } - return result -} - -// Intersection returns a new set which includes the item in BOTH s1 and s2 -// For example: -// s1 = {a1, a2} -// s2 = {a2, a3} -// s1.Intersection(s2) = {a2} -func (s1 String) Intersection(s2 String) String { - var walk, other String - result := NewString() - if s1.Len() < s2.Len() { - walk = s1 - other = s2 - } else { - walk = s2 - other = s1 - } - for key := range walk { - if other.Has(key) { - result.Insert(key) - } - } - return result -} - -// IsSuperset returns true if and only if s1 is a superset of s2. -func (s1 String) IsSuperset(s2 String) bool { - for item := range s2 { - if !s1.Has(item) { - return false - } - } - return true -} - -// Equal returns true if and only if s1 is equal (as a set) to s2. -// Two sets are equal if their membership is identical. -// (In practice, this means same elements, order doesn't matter) -func (s1 String) Equal(s2 String) bool { - return len(s1) == len(s2) && s1.IsSuperset(s2) -} - -type sortableSliceOfString []string - -func (s sortableSliceOfString) Len() int { return len(s) } -func (s sortableSliceOfString) Less(i, j int) bool { return lessString(s[i], s[j]) } -func (s sortableSliceOfString) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] } - -// List returns the contents as a sorted string slice. -func (s String) List() []string { - res := make(sortableSliceOfString, 0, len(s)) - for key := range s { - res = append(res, key) - } - sort.Sort(res) - return []string(res) -} - -// UnsortedList returns the slice with contents in random order. -func (s String) UnsortedList() []string { - res := make([]string, 0, len(s)) - for key := range s { - res = append(res, key) - } - return res -} - -// Returns a single element from the set. -func (s String) PopAny() (string, bool) { - for key := range s { - s.Delete(key) - return key, true - } - var zeroValue string - return zeroValue, false -} - -// Len returns the size of the set. -func (s String) Len() int { - return len(s) -} - -func lessString(lhs, rhs string) bool { - return lhs < rhs -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/util/validation/field/errors.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/util/validation/field/errors.go deleted file mode 100644 index 20229a5b..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/util/validation/field/errors.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by k8scopy from k8s.io/apimachinery@v0.19.8; DO NOT EDIT. -// File content copied from k8s.io/apimachinery@v0.19.8/pkg/util/validation/field/errors.go - -/* -Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package field - -import ( - "fmt" - "reflect" - "strconv" - "strings" - - utilerrors "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/util/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/util/sets" -) - -// Error is an implementation of the 'error' interface, which represents a -// field-level validation error. -type Error struct { - Type ErrorType - Field string - BadValue interface{} - Detail string -} - -var _ error = &Error{} - -// Error implements the error interface. -func (v *Error) Error() string { - return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", v.Field, v.ErrorBody()) -} - -// ErrorBody returns the error message without the field name. This is useful -// for building nice-looking higher-level error reporting. -func (v *Error) ErrorBody() string { - var s string - switch v.Type { - case ErrorTypeRequired, ErrorTypeForbidden, ErrorTypeTooLong, ErrorTypeInternal: - s = v.Type.String() - default: - value := v.BadValue - valueType := reflect.TypeOf(value) - if value == nil || valueType == nil { - value = "null" - } else if valueType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - if reflectValue := reflect.ValueOf(value); reflectValue.IsNil() { - value = "null" - } else { - value = reflectValue.Elem().Interface() - } - } - switch t := value.(type) { - case int64, int32, float64, float32, bool: - // use simple printer for simple types - s = fmt.Sprintf("%s: %v", v.Type, value) - case string: - s = fmt.Sprintf("%s: %q", v.Type, t) - case fmt.Stringer: - // anything that defines String() is better than raw struct - s = fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", v.Type, t.String()) - default: - // fallback to raw struct - // TODO: internal types have panic guards against json.Marshalling to prevent - // accidental use of internal types in external serialized form. For now, use - // %#v, although it would be better to show a more expressive output in the future - s = fmt.Sprintf("%s: %#v", v.Type, value) - } - } - if len(v.Detail) != 0 { - s += fmt.Sprintf(": %s", v.Detail) - } - return s -} - -// ErrorType is a machine readable value providing more detail about why -// a field is invalid. These values are expected to match 1-1 with -// CauseType in api/types.go. -type ErrorType string - -// TODO: These values are duplicated in api/types.go, but there's a circular dep. Fix it. -const ( - // ErrorTypeNotFound is used to report failure to find a requested value - // (e.g. looking up an ID). See NotFound(). - ErrorTypeNotFound ErrorType = "FieldValueNotFound" - // ErrorTypeRequired is used to report required values that are not - // provided (e.g. empty strings, null values, or empty arrays). See - // Required(). - ErrorTypeRequired ErrorType = "FieldValueRequired" - // ErrorTypeDuplicate is used to report collisions of values that must be - // unique (e.g. unique IDs). See Duplicate(). - ErrorTypeDuplicate ErrorType = "FieldValueDuplicate" - // ErrorTypeInvalid is used to report malformed values (e.g. failed regex - // match, too long, out of bounds). See Invalid(). - ErrorTypeInvalid ErrorType = "FieldValueInvalid" - // ErrorTypeNotSupported is used to report unknown values for enumerated - // fields (e.g. a list of valid values). See NotSupported(). - ErrorTypeNotSupported ErrorType = "FieldValueNotSupported" - // ErrorTypeForbidden is used to report valid (as per formatting rules) - // values which would be accepted under some conditions, but which are not - // permitted by the current conditions (such as security policy). See - // Forbidden(). - ErrorTypeForbidden ErrorType = "FieldValueForbidden" - // ErrorTypeTooLong is used to report that the given value is too long. - // This is similar to ErrorTypeInvalid, but the error will not include the - // too-long value. See TooLong(). - ErrorTypeTooLong ErrorType = "FieldValueTooLong" - // ErrorTypeTooMany is used to report "too many". This is used to - // report that a given list has too many items. This is similar to FieldValueTooLong, - // but the error indicates quantity instead of length. - ErrorTypeTooMany ErrorType = "FieldValueTooMany" - // ErrorTypeInternal is used to report other errors that are not related - // to user input. See InternalError(). - ErrorTypeInternal ErrorType = "InternalError" -) - -// String converts a ErrorType into its corresponding canonical error message. -func (t ErrorType) String() string { - switch t { - case ErrorTypeNotFound: - return "Not found" - case ErrorTypeRequired: - return "Required value" - case ErrorTypeDuplicate: - return "Duplicate value" - case ErrorTypeInvalid: - return "Invalid value" - case ErrorTypeNotSupported: - return "Unsupported value" - case ErrorTypeForbidden: - return "Forbidden" - case ErrorTypeTooLong: - return "Too long" - case ErrorTypeTooMany: - return "Too many" - case ErrorTypeInternal: - return "Internal error" - default: - panic(fmt.Sprintf("unrecognized validation error: %q", string(t))) - } -} - -// NotFound returns a *Error indicating "value not found". This is -// used to report failure to find a requested value (e.g. looking up an ID). -func NotFound(field *Path, value interface{}) *Error { - return &Error{ErrorTypeNotFound, field.String(), value, ""} -} - -// Required returns a *Error indicating "value required". This is used -// to report required values that are not provided (e.g. empty strings, null -// values, or empty arrays). -func Required(field *Path, detail string) *Error { - return &Error{ErrorTypeRequired, field.String(), "", detail} -} - -// Duplicate returns a *Error indicating "duplicate value". This is -// used to report collisions of values that must be unique (e.g. names or IDs). -func Duplicate(field *Path, value interface{}) *Error { - return &Error{ErrorTypeDuplicate, field.String(), value, ""} -} - -// Invalid returns a *Error indicating "invalid value". This is used -// to report malformed values (e.g. failed regex match, too long, out of bounds). -func Invalid(field *Path, value interface{}, detail string) *Error { - return &Error{ErrorTypeInvalid, field.String(), value, detail} -} - -// NotSupported returns a *Error indicating "unsupported value". -// This is used to report unknown values for enumerated fields (e.g. a list of -// valid values). -func NotSupported(field *Path, value interface{}, validValues []string) *Error { - detail := "" - if validValues != nil && len(validValues) > 0 { - quotedValues := make([]string, len(validValues)) - for i, v := range validValues { - quotedValues[i] = strconv.Quote(v) - } - detail = "supported values: " + strings.Join(quotedValues, ", ") - } - return &Error{ErrorTypeNotSupported, field.String(), value, detail} -} - -// Forbidden returns a *Error indicating "forbidden". This is used to -// report valid (as per formatting rules) values which would be accepted under -// some conditions, but which are not permitted by current conditions (e.g. -// security policy). -func Forbidden(field *Path, detail string) *Error { - return &Error{ErrorTypeForbidden, field.String(), "", detail} -} - -// TooLong returns a *Error indicating "too long". This is used to -// report that the given value is too long. This is similar to -// Invalid, but the returned error will not include the too-long -// value. -func TooLong(field *Path, value interface{}, maxLength int) *Error { - return &Error{ErrorTypeTooLong, field.String(), value, fmt.Sprintf("must have at most %d bytes", maxLength)} -} - -// TooMany returns a *Error indicating "too many". This is used to -// report that a given list has too many items. This is similar to TooLong, -// but the returned error indicates quantity instead of length. -func TooMany(field *Path, actualQuantity, maxQuantity int) *Error { - return &Error{ErrorTypeTooMany, field.String(), actualQuantity, fmt.Sprintf("must have at most %d items", maxQuantity)} -} - -// InternalError returns a *Error indicating "internal error". This is used -// to signal that an error was found that was not directly related to user -// input. The err argument must be non-nil. -func InternalError(field *Path, err error) *Error { - return &Error{ErrorTypeInternal, field.String(), nil, err.Error()} -} - -// ErrorList holds a set of Errors. It is plausible that we might one day have -// non-field errors in this same umbrella package, but for now we don't, so -// we can keep it simple and leave ErrorList here. -type ErrorList []*Error - -// NewErrorTypeMatcher returns an errors.Matcher that returns true -// if the provided error is a Error and has the provided ErrorType. -func NewErrorTypeMatcher(t ErrorType) utilerrors.Matcher { - return func(err error) bool { - if e, ok := err.(*Error); ok { - return e.Type == t - } - return false - } -} - -// ToAggregate converts the ErrorList into an errors.Aggregate. -func (list ErrorList) ToAggregate() utilerrors.Aggregate { - errs := make([]error, 0, len(list)) - errorMsgs := sets.NewString() - for _, err := range list { - msg := fmt.Sprintf("%v", err) - if errorMsgs.Has(msg) { - continue - } - errorMsgs.Insert(msg) - errs = append(errs, err) - } - return utilerrors.NewAggregate(errs) -} - -func fromAggregate(agg utilerrors.Aggregate) ErrorList { - errs := agg.Errors() - list := make(ErrorList, len(errs)) - for i := range errs { - list[i] = errs[i].(*Error) - } - return list -} - -// Filter removes items from the ErrorList that match the provided fns. -func (list ErrorList) Filter(fns ...utilerrors.Matcher) ErrorList { - err := utilerrors.FilterOut(list.ToAggregate(), fns...) - if err == nil { - return nil - } - // FilterOut takes an Aggregate and returns an Aggregate - return fromAggregate(err.(utilerrors.Aggregate)) -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/util/validation/field/path.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/util/validation/field/path.go deleted file mode 100644 index 44cdf997..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/util/validation/field/path.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,94 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by k8scopy from k8s.io/apimachinery@v0.19.8; DO NOT EDIT. -// File content copied from k8s.io/apimachinery@v0.19.8/pkg/util/validation/field/path.go - -/* -Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package field - -import ( - "bytes" - "fmt" - "strconv" -) - -// Path represents the path from some root to a particular field. -type Path struct { - name string // the name of this field or "" if this is an index - index string // if name == "", this is a subscript (index or map key) of the previous element - parent *Path // nil if this is the root element -} - -// NewPath creates a root Path object. -func NewPath(name string, moreNames ...string) *Path { - r := &Path{name: name, parent: nil} - for _, anotherName := range moreNames { - r = &Path{name: anotherName, parent: r} - } - return r -} - -// Root returns the root element of this Path. -func (p *Path) Root() *Path { - for ; p.parent != nil; p = p.parent { - // Do nothing. - } - return p -} - -// Child creates a new Path that is a child of the method receiver. -func (p *Path) Child(name string, moreNames ...string) *Path { - r := NewPath(name, moreNames...) - r.Root().parent = p - return r -} - -// Index indicates that the previous Path is to be subscripted by an int. -// This sets the same underlying value as Key. -func (p *Path) Index(index int) *Path { - return &Path{index: strconv.Itoa(index), parent: p} -} - -// Key indicates that the previous Path is to be subscripted by a string. -// This sets the same underlying value as Index. -func (p *Path) Key(key string) *Path { - return &Path{index: key, parent: p} -} - -// String produces a string representation of the Path. -func (p *Path) String() string { - // make a slice to iterate - elems := []*Path{} - for ; p != nil; p = p.parent { - elems = append(elems, p) - } - - // iterate, but it has to be backwards - buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) - for i := range elems { - p := elems[len(elems)-1-i] - if p.parent != nil && len(p.name) > 0 { - // This is either the root or it is a subscript. - buf.WriteString(".") - } - if len(p.name) > 0 { - buf.WriteString(p.name) - } else { - fmt.Fprintf(buf, "[%s]", p.index) - } - } - return buf.String() -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/util/validation/validation.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/util/validation/validation.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5e1ddbc4..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/util/validation/validation.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,506 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by k8scopy from k8s.io/apimachinery@v0.19.8; DO NOT EDIT. -// File content copied from k8s.io/apimachinery@v0.19.8/pkg/util/validation/validation.go - -/* -Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -package validation - -import ( - "fmt" - "math" - "net" - "regexp" - "strconv" - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/util/validation/field" -) - -const qnameCharFmt string = "[A-Za-z0-9]" -const qnameExtCharFmt string = "[-A-Za-z0-9_.]" -const qualifiedNameFmt string = "(" + qnameCharFmt + qnameExtCharFmt + "*)?" + qnameCharFmt -const qualifiedNameErrMsg string = "must consist of alphanumeric characters, '-', '_' or '.', and must start and end with an alphanumeric character" -const qualifiedNameMaxLength int = 63 - -var qualifiedNameRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("^" + qualifiedNameFmt + "$") - -// IsQualifiedName tests whether the value passed is what Kubernetes calls a -// "qualified name". This is a format used in various places throughout the -// system. If the value is not valid, a list of error strings is returned. -// Otherwise an empty list (or nil) is returned. -func IsQualifiedName(value string) []string { - var errs []string - parts := strings.Split(value, "/") - var name string - switch len(parts) { - case 1: - name = parts[0] - case 2: - var prefix string - prefix, name = parts[0], parts[1] - if len(prefix) == 0 { - errs = append(errs, "prefix part "+EmptyError()) - } else if msgs := IsDNS1123Subdomain(prefix); len(msgs) != 0 { - errs = append(errs, prefixEach(msgs, "prefix part ")...) - } - default: - return append(errs, "a qualified name "+RegexError(qualifiedNameErrMsg, qualifiedNameFmt, "MyName", "my.name", "123-abc")+ - " with an optional DNS subdomain prefix and '/' (e.g. 'example.com/MyName')") - } - - if len(name) == 0 { - errs = append(errs, "name part "+EmptyError()) - } else if len(name) > qualifiedNameMaxLength { - errs = append(errs, "name part "+MaxLenError(qualifiedNameMaxLength)) - } - if !qualifiedNameRegexp.MatchString(name) { - errs = append(errs, "name part "+RegexError(qualifiedNameErrMsg, qualifiedNameFmt, "MyName", "my.name", "123-abc")) - } - return errs -} - -// IsFullyQualifiedName checks if the name is fully qualified. This is similar -// to IsFullyQualifiedDomainName but requires a minimum of 3 segments instead of -// 2 and does not accept a trailing . as valid. -// TODO: This function is deprecated and preserved until all callers migrate to -// IsFullyQualifiedDomainName; please don't add new callers. -func IsFullyQualifiedName(fldPath *field.Path, name string) field.ErrorList { - var allErrors field.ErrorList - if len(name) == 0 { - return append(allErrors, field.Required(fldPath, "")) - } - if errs := IsDNS1123Subdomain(name); len(errs) > 0 { - return append(allErrors, field.Invalid(fldPath, name, strings.Join(errs, ","))) - } - if len(strings.Split(name, ".")) < 3 { - return append(allErrors, field.Invalid(fldPath, name, "should be a domain with at least three segments separated by dots")) - } - return allErrors -} - -// IsFullyQualifiedDomainName checks if the domain name is fully qualified. This -// is similar to IsFullyQualifiedName but only requires a minimum of 2 segments -// instead of 3 and accepts a trailing . as valid. -func IsFullyQualifiedDomainName(fldPath *field.Path, name string) field.ErrorList { - var allErrors field.ErrorList - if len(name) == 0 { - return append(allErrors, field.Required(fldPath, "")) - } - if strings.HasSuffix(name, ".") { - name = name[:len(name)-1] - } - if errs := IsDNS1123Subdomain(name); len(errs) > 0 { - return append(allErrors, field.Invalid(fldPath, name, strings.Join(errs, ","))) - } - if len(strings.Split(name, ".")) < 2 { - return append(allErrors, field.Invalid(fldPath, name, "should be a domain with at least two segments separated by dots")) - } - for _, label := range strings.Split(name, ".") { - if errs := IsDNS1123Label(label); len(errs) > 0 { - return append(allErrors, field.Invalid(fldPath, label, strings.Join(errs, ","))) - } - } - return allErrors -} - -// Allowed characters in an HTTP Path as defined by RFC 3986. A HTTP path may -// contain: -// * unreserved characters (alphanumeric, '-', '.', '_', '~') -// * percent-encoded octets -// * sub-delims ("!", "$", "&", "'", "(", ")", "*", "+", ",", ";", "=") -// * a colon character (":") -const httpPathFmt string = `[A-Za-z0-9/\-._~%!$&'()*+,;=:]+` - -var httpPathRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("^" + httpPathFmt + "$") - -// IsDomainPrefixedPath checks if the given string is a domain-prefixed path -// (e.g. acme.io/foo). All characters before the first "/" must be a valid -// subdomain as defined by RFC 1123. All characters trailing the first "/" must -// be valid HTTP Path characters as defined by RFC 3986. -func IsDomainPrefixedPath(fldPath *field.Path, dpPath string) field.ErrorList { - var allErrs field.ErrorList - if len(dpPath) == 0 { - return append(allErrs, field.Required(fldPath, "")) - } - - segments := strings.SplitN(dpPath, "/", 2) - if len(segments) != 2 || len(segments[0]) == 0 || len(segments[1]) == 0 { - return append(allErrs, field.Invalid(fldPath, dpPath, "must be a domain-prefixed path (such as \"acme.io/foo\")")) - } - - host := segments[0] - for _, err := range IsDNS1123Subdomain(host) { - allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(fldPath, host, err)) - } - - path := segments[1] - if !httpPathRegexp.MatchString(path) { - return append(allErrs, field.Invalid(fldPath, path, RegexError("Invalid path", httpPathFmt))) - } - - return allErrs -} - -const labelValueFmt string = "(" + qualifiedNameFmt + ")?" -const labelValueErrMsg string = "a valid label must be an empty string or consist of alphanumeric characters, '-', '_' or '.', and must start and end with an alphanumeric character" - -// LabelValueMaxLength is a label's max length -const LabelValueMaxLength int = 63 - -var labelValueRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("^" + labelValueFmt + "$") - -// IsValidLabelValue tests whether the value passed is a valid label value. If -// the value is not valid, a list of error strings is returned. Otherwise an -// empty list (or nil) is returned. -func IsValidLabelValue(value string) []string { - var errs []string - if len(value) > LabelValueMaxLength { - errs = append(errs, MaxLenError(LabelValueMaxLength)) - } - if !labelValueRegexp.MatchString(value) { - errs = append(errs, RegexError(labelValueErrMsg, labelValueFmt, "MyValue", "my_value", "12345")) - } - return errs -} - -const dns1123LabelFmt string = "[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?" -const dns1123LabelErrMsg string = "a DNS-1123 label must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters or '-', and must start and end with an alphanumeric character" - -// DNS1123LabelMaxLength is a label's max length in DNS (RFC 1123) -const DNS1123LabelMaxLength int = 63 - -var dns1123LabelRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("^" + dns1123LabelFmt + "$") - -// IsDNS1123Label tests for a string that conforms to the definition of a label in -// DNS (RFC 1123). -func IsDNS1123Label(value string) []string { - var errs []string - if len(value) > DNS1123LabelMaxLength { - errs = append(errs, MaxLenError(DNS1123LabelMaxLength)) - } - if !dns1123LabelRegexp.MatchString(value) { - errs = append(errs, RegexError(dns1123LabelErrMsg, dns1123LabelFmt, "my-name", "123-abc")) - } - return errs -} - -const dns1123SubdomainFmt string = dns1123LabelFmt + "(\\." + dns1123LabelFmt + ")*" -const dns1123SubdomainErrorMsg string = "a DNS-1123 subdomain must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters, '-' or '.', and must start and end with an alphanumeric character" - -// DNS1123SubdomainMaxLength is a subdomain's max length in DNS (RFC 1123) -const DNS1123SubdomainMaxLength int = 253 - -var dns1123SubdomainRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("^" + dns1123SubdomainFmt + "$") - -// IsDNS1123Subdomain tests for a string that conforms to the definition of a -// subdomain in DNS (RFC 1123). -func IsDNS1123Subdomain(value string) []string { - var errs []string - if len(value) > DNS1123SubdomainMaxLength { - errs = append(errs, MaxLenError(DNS1123SubdomainMaxLength)) - } - if !dns1123SubdomainRegexp.MatchString(value) { - errs = append(errs, RegexError(dns1123SubdomainErrorMsg, dns1123SubdomainFmt, "example.com")) - } - return errs -} - -const dns1035LabelFmt string = "[a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?" -const dns1035LabelErrMsg string = "a DNS-1035 label must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters or '-', start with an alphabetic character, and end with an alphanumeric character" - -// DNS1035LabelMaxLength is a label's max length in DNS (RFC 1035) -const DNS1035LabelMaxLength int = 63 - -var dns1035LabelRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("^" + dns1035LabelFmt + "$") - -// IsDNS1035Label tests for a string that conforms to the definition of a label in -// DNS (RFC 1035). -func IsDNS1035Label(value string) []string { - var errs []string - if len(value) > DNS1035LabelMaxLength { - errs = append(errs, MaxLenError(DNS1035LabelMaxLength)) - } - if !dns1035LabelRegexp.MatchString(value) { - errs = append(errs, RegexError(dns1035LabelErrMsg, dns1035LabelFmt, "my-name", "abc-123")) - } - return errs -} - -// wildcard definition - RFC 1034 section 4.3.3. -// examples: -// - valid: *.bar.com, *.foo.bar.com -// - invalid: *.*.bar.com, *.foo.*.com, *bar.com, f*.bar.com, * -const wildcardDNS1123SubdomainFmt = "\\*\\." + dns1123SubdomainFmt -const wildcardDNS1123SubdomainErrMsg = "a wildcard DNS-1123 subdomain must start with '*.', followed by a valid DNS subdomain, which must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters, '-' or '.' and end with an alphanumeric character" - -// IsWildcardDNS1123Subdomain tests for a string that conforms to the definition of a -// wildcard subdomain in DNS (RFC 1034 section 4.3.3). -func IsWildcardDNS1123Subdomain(value string) []string { - wildcardDNS1123SubdomainRegexp := regexp.MustCompile("^" + wildcardDNS1123SubdomainFmt + "$") - - var errs []string - if len(value) > DNS1123SubdomainMaxLength { - errs = append(errs, MaxLenError(DNS1123SubdomainMaxLength)) - } - if !wildcardDNS1123SubdomainRegexp.MatchString(value) { - errs = append(errs, RegexError(wildcardDNS1123SubdomainErrMsg, wildcardDNS1123SubdomainFmt, "*.example.com")) - } - return errs -} - -const cIdentifierFmt string = "[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*" -const identifierErrMsg string = "a valid C identifier must start with alphabetic character or '_', followed by a string of alphanumeric characters or '_'" - -var cIdentifierRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("^" + cIdentifierFmt + "$") - -// IsCIdentifier tests for a string that conforms the definition of an identifier -// in C. This checks the format, but not the length. -func IsCIdentifier(value string) []string { - if !cIdentifierRegexp.MatchString(value) { - return []string{RegexError(identifierErrMsg, cIdentifierFmt, "my_name", "MY_NAME", "MyName")} - } - return nil -} - -// IsValidPortNum tests that the argument is a valid, non-zero port number. -func IsValidPortNum(port int) []string { - if 1 <= port && port <= 65535 { - return nil - } - return []string{InclusiveRangeError(1, 65535)} -} - -// IsInRange tests that the argument is in an inclusive range. -func IsInRange(value int, min int, max int) []string { - if value >= min && value <= max { - return nil - } - return []string{InclusiveRangeError(min, max)} -} - -// Now in libcontainer UID/GID limits is 0 ~ 1<<31 - 1 -// TODO: once we have a type for UID/GID we should make these that type. -const ( - minUserID = 0 - maxUserID = math.MaxInt32 - minGroupID = 0 - maxGroupID = math.MaxInt32 -) - -// IsValidGroupID tests that the argument is a valid Unix GID. -func IsValidGroupID(gid int64) []string { - if minGroupID <= gid && gid <= maxGroupID { - return nil - } - return []string{InclusiveRangeError(minGroupID, maxGroupID)} -} - -// IsValidUserID tests that the argument is a valid Unix UID. -func IsValidUserID(uid int64) []string { - if minUserID <= uid && uid <= maxUserID { - return nil - } - return []string{InclusiveRangeError(minUserID, maxUserID)} -} - -var portNameCharsetRegex = regexp.MustCompile("^[-a-z0-9]+$") -var portNameOneLetterRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("[a-z]") - -// IsValidPortName check that the argument is valid syntax. It must be -// non-empty and no more than 15 characters long. It may contain only [-a-z0-9] -// and must contain at least one letter [a-z]. It must not start or end with a -// hyphen, nor contain adjacent hyphens. -// -// Note: We only allow lower-case characters, even though RFC 6335 is case -// insensitive. -func IsValidPortName(port string) []string { - var errs []string - if len(port) > 15 { - errs = append(errs, MaxLenError(15)) - } - if !portNameCharsetRegex.MatchString(port) { - errs = append(errs, "must contain only alpha-numeric characters (a-z, 0-9), and hyphens (-)") - } - if !portNameOneLetterRegexp.MatchString(port) { - errs = append(errs, "must contain at least one letter or number (a-z, 0-9)") - } - if strings.Contains(port, "--") { - errs = append(errs, "must not contain consecutive hyphens") - } - if len(port) > 0 && (port[0] == '-' || port[len(port)-1] == '-') { - errs = append(errs, "must not begin or end with a hyphen") - } - return errs -} - -// IsValidIP tests that the argument is a valid IP address. -func IsValidIP(value string) []string { - if net.ParseIP(value) == nil { - return []string{"must be a valid IP address, (e.g."} - } - return nil -} - -// IsValidIPv4Address tests that the argument is a valid IPv4 address. -func IsValidIPv4Address(fldPath *field.Path, value string) field.ErrorList { - var allErrors field.ErrorList - ip := net.ParseIP(value) - if ip == nil || ip.To4() == nil { - allErrors = append(allErrors, field.Invalid(fldPath, value, "must be a valid IPv4 address")) - } - return allErrors -} - -// IsValidIPv6Address tests that the argument is a valid IPv6 address. -func IsValidIPv6Address(fldPath *field.Path, value string) field.ErrorList { - var allErrors field.ErrorList - ip := net.ParseIP(value) - if ip == nil || ip.To4() != nil { - allErrors = append(allErrors, field.Invalid(fldPath, value, "must be a valid IPv6 address")) - } - return allErrors -} - -const percentFmt string = "[0-9]+%" -const percentErrMsg string = "a valid percent string must be a numeric string followed by an ending '%'" - -var percentRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("^" + percentFmt + "$") - -// IsValidPercent checks that string is in the form of a percentage -func IsValidPercent(percent string) []string { - if !percentRegexp.MatchString(percent) { - return []string{RegexError(percentErrMsg, percentFmt, "1%", "93%")} - } - return nil -} - -const httpHeaderNameFmt string = "[-A-Za-z0-9]+" -const httpHeaderNameErrMsg string = "a valid HTTP header must consist of alphanumeric characters or '-'" - -var httpHeaderNameRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("^" + httpHeaderNameFmt + "$") - -// IsHTTPHeaderName checks that a string conforms to the Go HTTP library's -// definition of a valid header field name (a stricter subset than RFC7230). -func IsHTTPHeaderName(value string) []string { - if !httpHeaderNameRegexp.MatchString(value) { - return []string{RegexError(httpHeaderNameErrMsg, httpHeaderNameFmt, "X-Header-Name")} - } - return nil -} - -const envVarNameFmt = "[-._a-zA-Z][-._a-zA-Z0-9]*" -const envVarNameFmtErrMsg string = "a valid environment variable name must consist of alphabetic characters, digits, '_', '-', or '.', and must not start with a digit" - -var envVarNameRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("^" + envVarNameFmt + "$") - -// IsEnvVarName tests if a string is a valid environment variable name. -func IsEnvVarName(value string) []string { - var errs []string - if !envVarNameRegexp.MatchString(value) { - errs = append(errs, RegexError(envVarNameFmtErrMsg, envVarNameFmt, "my.env-name", "MY_ENV.NAME", "MyEnvName1")) - } - - errs = append(errs, hasChDirPrefix(value)...) - return errs -} - -const configMapKeyFmt = `[-._a-zA-Z0-9]+` -const configMapKeyErrMsg string = "a valid config key must consist of alphanumeric characters, '-', '_' or '.'" - -var configMapKeyRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("^" + configMapKeyFmt + "$") - -// IsConfigMapKey tests for a string that is a valid key for a ConfigMap or Secret -func IsConfigMapKey(value string) []string { - var errs []string - if len(value) > DNS1123SubdomainMaxLength { - errs = append(errs, MaxLenError(DNS1123SubdomainMaxLength)) - } - if !configMapKeyRegexp.MatchString(value) { - errs = append(errs, RegexError(configMapKeyErrMsg, configMapKeyFmt, "key.name", "KEY_NAME", "key-name")) - } - errs = append(errs, hasChDirPrefix(value)...) - return errs -} - -// MaxLenError returns a string explanation of a "string too long" validation -// failure. -func MaxLenError(length int) string { - return fmt.Sprintf("must be no more than %d characters", length) -} - -// RegexError returns a string explanation of a regex validation failure. -func RegexError(msg string, fmt string, examples ...string) string { - if len(examples) == 0 { - return msg + " (regex used for validation is '" + fmt + "')" - } - msg += " (e.g. " - for i := range examples { - if i > 0 { - msg += " or " - } - msg += "'" + examples[i] + "', " - } - msg += "regex used for validation is '" + fmt + "')" - return msg -} - -// EmptyError returns a string explanation of a "must not be empty" validation -// failure. -func EmptyError() string { - return "must be non-empty" -} - -func prefixEach(msgs []string, prefix string) []string { - for i := range msgs { - msgs[i] = prefix + msgs[i] - } - return msgs -} - -// InclusiveRangeError returns a string explanation of a numeric "must be -// between" validation failure. -func InclusiveRangeError(lo, hi int) string { - return fmt.Sprintf(`must be between %d and %d, inclusive`, lo, hi) -} - -func hasChDirPrefix(value string) []string { - var errs []string - switch { - case value == ".": - errs = append(errs, `must not be '.'`) - case value == "..": - errs = append(errs, `must not be '..'`) - case strings.HasPrefix(value, ".."): - errs = append(errs, `must not start with '..'`) - } - return errs -} - -// IsValidSocketAddr checks that string represents a valid socket address -// as defined in RFC 789. (e.g or [::]:10254)) -func IsValidSocketAddr(value string) []string { - var errs []string - ip, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(value) - if err != nil { - errs = append(errs, "must be a valid socket address format, (e.g. or [::]:10254)") - return errs - } - portInt, _ := strconv.Atoi(port) - errs = append(errs, IsValidPortNum(portInt)...) - errs = append(errs, IsValidIP(ip)...) - return errs -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/kfns.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/kfns.go deleted file mode 100644 index 2ae8c166..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/kfns.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,137 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package yaml - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml" -) - -// AnnotationClearer removes an annotation at metadata.annotations. -// Returns nil if the annotation or field does not exist. -type AnnotationClearer struct { - Kind string `yaml:"kind,omitempty"` - Key string `yaml:"key,omitempty"` -} - -func (c AnnotationClearer) Filter(rn *RNode) (*RNode, error) { - return rn.Pipe( - PathGetter{Path: []string{MetadataField, AnnotationsField}}, - FieldClearer{Name: c.Key}) -} - -func ClearAnnotation(key string) AnnotationClearer { - return AnnotationClearer{Key: key} -} - -// ClearEmptyAnnotations clears the keys, annotations -// and metadata if they are empty/null -func ClearEmptyAnnotations(rn *RNode) error { - _, err := rn.Pipe(Lookup(MetadataField), FieldClearer{ - Name: AnnotationsField, IfEmpty: true}) - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - _, err = rn.Pipe(FieldClearer{Name: MetadataField, IfEmpty: true}) - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - return nil -} - -// k8sMetaSetter sets a name at metadata.{key}. -// Creates metadata if does not exist. -type k8sMetaSetter struct { - Key string `yaml:"key,omitempty"` - Value string `yaml:"value,omitempty"` -} - -func (s k8sMetaSetter) Filter(rn *RNode) (*RNode, error) { - _, err := rn.Pipe( - PathGetter{Path: []string{MetadataField}, Create: yaml.MappingNode}, - FieldSetter{Name: s.Key, Value: NewStringRNode(s.Value)}) - return rn, err -} - -func SetK8sName(value string) k8sMetaSetter { - return k8sMetaSetter{Key: NameField, Value: value} -} - -func SetK8sNamespace(value string) k8sMetaSetter { - return k8sMetaSetter{Key: NamespaceField, Value: value} -} - -// AnnotationSetter sets an annotation at metadata.annotations. -// Creates metadata.annotations if does not exist. -type AnnotationSetter struct { - Kind string `yaml:"kind,omitempty"` - Key string `yaml:"key,omitempty"` - Value string `yaml:"value,omitempty"` -} - -func (s AnnotationSetter) Filter(rn *RNode) (*RNode, error) { - v := NewStringRNode(s.Value) - // some tools get confused about the type if annotations are not quoted - v.YNode().Style = yaml.SingleQuotedStyle - if err := ClearEmptyAnnotations(rn); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return addMetadataNode(rn, AnnotationsField, s.Key, v) -} - -func SetAnnotation(key, value string) AnnotationSetter { - return AnnotationSetter{Key: key, Value: value} -} - -// AnnotationGetter gets an annotation at metadata.annotations. -// Returns nil if metadata.annotations does not exist. -type AnnotationGetter struct { - Kind string `yaml:"kind,omitempty"` - Key string `yaml:"key,omitempty"` - Value string `yaml:"value,omitempty"` -} - -// AnnotationGetter returns the annotation value. -// Returns "", nil if the annotation does not exist. -func (g AnnotationGetter) Filter(rn *RNode) (*RNode, error) { - v, err := rn.Pipe( - PathGetter{Path: []string{MetadataField, AnnotationsField, g.Key}}) - if v == nil || err != nil { - return v, err - } - if g.Value == "" || v.value.Value == g.Value { - return v, err - } - return nil, err -} - -func GetAnnotation(key string) AnnotationGetter { - return AnnotationGetter{Key: key} -} - -// LabelSetter sets a label at metadata.labels. -// Creates metadata.labels if does not exist. -type LabelSetter struct { - Kind string `yaml:"kind,omitempty"` - Key string `yaml:"key,omitempty"` - Value string `yaml:"value,omitempty"` -} - -func (s LabelSetter) Filter(rn *RNode) (*RNode, error) { - v := NewStringRNode(s.Value) - // some tools get confused about the type if labels are not quoted - v.YNode().Style = yaml.SingleQuotedStyle - return addMetadataNode(rn, LabelsField, s.Key, v) -} - -func addMetadataNode(rn *RNode, field, key string, v *RNode) (*RNode, error) { - return rn.Pipe( - PathGetter{ - Path: []string{MetadataField, field}, Create: yaml.MappingNode}, - FieldSetter{Name: key, Value: v}) -} - -func SetLabel(key, value string) LabelSetter { - return LabelSetter{Key: key, Value: value} -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/mapnode.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/mapnode.go deleted file mode 100644 index 31b41b40..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/mapnode.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package yaml - -// MapNode wraps a field key and value. -type MapNode struct { - Key *RNode - Value *RNode -} - -// IsNilOrEmpty returns true if the MapNode is nil, -// has no value, or has a value that appears empty. -func (mn *MapNode) IsNilOrEmpty() bool { - return mn == nil || mn.Value.IsNilOrEmpty() -} - -type MapNodeSlice []*MapNode - -func (m MapNodeSlice) Keys() []*RNode { - var keys []*RNode - for i := range m { - if m[i] != nil { - keys = append(keys, m[i].Key) - } - } - return keys -} - -func (m MapNodeSlice) Values() []*RNode { - var values []*RNode - for i := range m { - if m[i] != nil { - values = append(values, m[i].Value) - } else { - values = append(values, nil) - } - } - return values -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/match.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/match.go deleted file mode 100644 index 1749d387..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/match.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,333 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package yaml - -import ( - "fmt" - "regexp" - "strconv" - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml" -) - -// PathMatcher returns all RNodes matching the path wrapped in a SequenceNode. -// Lists may have multiple elements matching the path, and each matching element -// is added to the return result. -// If Path points to a SequenceNode, the SequenceNode is wrapped in another SequenceNode -// If Path does not contain any lists, the result is still wrapped in a SequenceNode of len == 1 -type PathMatcher struct { - Kind string `yaml:"kind,omitempty"` - - // Path is a slice of parts leading to the RNode to lookup. - // Each path part may be one of: - // * FieldMatcher -- e.g. "spec" - // * Map Key -- e.g. "app.k8s.io/version" - // * List Entry -- e.g. "[name=nginx]" or "[=-jar]" or "0" - // - // Map Keys and Fields are equivalent. - // See FieldMatcher for more on Fields and Map Keys. - // - // List Entries are specified as map entry to match [fieldName=fieldValue]. - // See Elem for more on List Entries. - // - // Examples: - // * spec.template.spec.container with matching name: [name=nginx] -- match 'name': 'nginx' - // * spec.template.spec.container.argument matching a value: [=-jar] -- match '-jar' - Path []string `yaml:"path,omitempty"` - - // Matches is set by PathMatch to publish the matched element values for each node. - // After running PathMatcher.Filter, each node from the SequenceNode result may be - // looked up in Matches to find the field values that were matched. - Matches map[*Node][]string - - // StripComments may be set to remove the comments on the matching Nodes. - // This is useful for if the nodes are to be printed in FlowStyle. - StripComments bool - - // Create will cause missing path parts to be created as they are walked. - // - // * The leaf Node (final path) will be created with a Kind matching Create - // * Intermediary Nodes will be created as either a MappingNodes or - // SequenceNodes as appropriate for each's Path location. - // * Nodes identified by an index will only be created if the index indicates - // an append operation (i.e. index=len(list)) - Create yaml.Kind `yaml:"create,omitempty"` - - val *RNode - field string - matchRegex string -} - -func (p *PathMatcher) stripComments(n *Node) { - if n == nil { - return - } - if p.StripComments { - n.LineComment = "" - n.HeadComment = "" - n.FootComment = "" - for i := range n.Content { - p.stripComments(n.Content[i]) - } - } -} - -func (p *PathMatcher) Filter(rn *RNode) (*RNode, error) { - val, err := p.filter(rn) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - p.stripComments(val.YNode()) - return val, err -} - -func (p *PathMatcher) filter(rn *RNode) (*RNode, error) { - p.Matches = map[*Node][]string{} - - if len(p.Path) == 0 { - // return the element wrapped in a SequenceNode - p.appendRNode("", rn) - return p.val, nil - } - - if IsIdxNumber(p.Path[0]) { - return p.doIndexSeq(rn) - } - - if IsListIndex(p.Path[0]) { - // match seq elements - return p.doSeq(rn) - } - - if IsWildcard(p.Path[0]) { - // match every elements (*) - return p.doMatchEvery(rn) - } - // match a field - return p.doField(rn) -} - -func (p *PathMatcher) doMatchEvery(rn *RNode) (*RNode, error) { - if err := rn.VisitElements(p.visitEveryElem); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - return p.val, nil -} - -func (p *PathMatcher) visitEveryElem(elem *RNode) error { - fieldName := p.Path[0] - // recurse on the matching element - pm := &PathMatcher{Path: p.Path[1:], Create: p.Create} - add, err := pm.filter(elem) - for k, v := range pm.Matches { - p.Matches[k] = v - } - if err != nil || add == nil { - return err - } - p.append(fieldName, add.Content()...) - - return nil -} - -func (p *PathMatcher) doField(rn *RNode) (*RNode, error) { - // lookup the field - field, err := rn.Pipe(Get(p.Path[0])) - if err != nil || (!IsCreate(p.Create) && field == nil) { - return nil, err - } - - if IsCreate(p.Create) && field == nil { - var nextPart string - if len(p.Path) > 1 { - nextPart = p.Path[1] - } - nextPartKind := getPathPartKind(nextPart, p.Create) - field = &RNode{value: &yaml.Node{Kind: nextPartKind}} - err := rn.PipeE(SetField(p.Path[0], field)) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - - // recurse on the field, removing the first element of the path - pm := &PathMatcher{Path: p.Path[1:], Create: p.Create} - p.val, err = pm.filter(field) - p.Matches = pm.Matches - return p.val, err -} - -// doIndexSeq iterates over a sequence and appends elements matching the index p.Val -func (p *PathMatcher) doIndexSeq(rn *RNode) (*RNode, error) { - // parse to index number - idx, err := strconv.Atoi(p.Path[0]) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - elements, err := rn.Elements() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - if len(elements) == idx && IsCreate(p.Create) { - var nextPart string - if len(p.Path) > 1 { - nextPart = p.Path[1] - } - elem := &yaml.Node{Kind: getPathPartKind(nextPart, p.Create)} - err = rn.PipeE(Append(elem)) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "failed to append element for %q", p.Path[0]) - } - elements = append(elements, NewRNode(elem)) - } - - if len(elements) < idx+1 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("index %d specified but only %d elements found", idx, len(elements)) - } - // get target element - element := elements[idx] - - // recurse on the matching element - pm := &PathMatcher{Path: p.Path[1:], Create: p.Create} - add, err := pm.filter(element) - for k, v := range pm.Matches { - p.Matches[k] = v - } - if err != nil || add == nil { - return nil, err - } - p.append("", add.Content()...) - return p.val, nil -} - -// doSeq iterates over a sequence and appends elements matching the path regex to p.Val -func (p *PathMatcher) doSeq(rn *RNode) (*RNode, error) { - // parse the field + match pair - var err error - p.field, p.matchRegex, err = SplitIndexNameValue(p.Path[0]) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - primitiveElement := len(p.field) == 0 - if primitiveElement { - err = rn.VisitElements(p.visitPrimitiveElem) - } else { - err = rn.VisitElements(p.visitElem) - } - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if !p.val.IsNil() && len(p.val.YNode().Content) == 0 { - p.val = nil - } - - if !IsCreate(p.Create) || p.val != nil { - return p.val, nil - } - - var elem *yaml.Node - valueNode := NewScalarRNode(p.matchRegex).YNode() - if primitiveElement { - elem = valueNode - } else { - elem = &yaml.Node{ - Kind: yaml.MappingNode, - Content: []*yaml.Node{{Kind: yaml.ScalarNode, Value: p.field}, valueNode}, - } - } - err = rn.PipeE(Append(elem)) - if err != nil { - return nil, errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "failed to create element for %q", p.Path[0]) - } - // re-do the sequence search; this time we'll find the element we just created - return p.doSeq(rn) -} - -func (p *PathMatcher) visitPrimitiveElem(elem *RNode) error { - r, err := regexp.Compile(p.matchRegex) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - str, err := elem.String() - if err != nil { - return err - } - str = strings.TrimSpace(str) - if !r.MatchString(str) { - return nil - } - - p.appendRNode("", elem) - return nil -} - -func (p *PathMatcher) visitElem(elem *RNode) error { - r, err := regexp.Compile(p.matchRegex) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - // check if this elements field matches the regex - val := elem.Field(p.field) - if val == nil || val.Value == nil { - return nil - } - str, err := val.Value.String() - if err != nil { - return err - } - str = strings.TrimSpace(str) - if !r.MatchString(str) { - return nil - } - - // recurse on the matching element - pm := &PathMatcher{Path: p.Path[1:], Create: p.Create} - add, err := pm.filter(elem) - for k, v := range pm.Matches { - p.Matches[k] = v - } - if err != nil || add == nil { - return err - } - p.append(str, add.Content()...) - return nil -} - -func (p *PathMatcher) appendRNode(path string, node *RNode) { - p.append(path, node.YNode()) -} - -func (p *PathMatcher) append(path string, nodes ...*Node) { - if p.val == nil { - p.val = NewRNode(&Node{Kind: SequenceNode}) - } - for i := range nodes { - node := nodes[i] - p.val.YNode().Content = append(p.val.YNode().Content, node) - // record the path if specified - if path != "" { - p.Matches[node] = append(p.Matches[node], path) - } - } -} - -func cleanPath(path []string) []string { - var p []string - for _, elem := range path { - elem = strings.TrimSpace(elem) - if len(elem) == 0 { - continue - } - p = append(p, elem) - } - return p -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/merge2/merge2.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/merge2/merge2.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8b328ab9..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/merge2/merge2.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,188 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package merge2 contains libraries for merging fields from one RNode to another -// RNode -package merge2 - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/walk" -) - -// Merge merges fields from src into dest. -func Merge(src, dest *yaml.RNode, mergeOptions yaml.MergeOptions) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - return walk.Walker{ - Sources: []*yaml.RNode{dest, src}, - Visitor: Merger{}, - MergeOptions: mergeOptions, - }.Walk() -} - -// MergeStrings parses the arguments, and merges fields from srcStr into destStr. -func MergeStrings(srcStr, destStr string, infer bool, mergeOptions yaml.MergeOptions) (string, error) { - src, err := yaml.Parse(srcStr) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - dest, err := yaml.Parse(destStr) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - - result, err := walk.Walker{ - Sources: []*yaml.RNode{dest, src}, - Visitor: Merger{}, - InferAssociativeLists: infer, - MergeOptions: mergeOptions, - }.Walk() - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - - return result.String() -} - -type Merger struct { - // for forwards compatibility when new functions are added to the interface -} - -var _ walk.Visitor = Merger{} - -func (m Merger) VisitMap(nodes walk.Sources, s *openapi.ResourceSchema) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - if err := m.SetComments(nodes); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if err := m.SetStyle(nodes); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if yaml.IsMissingOrNull(nodes.Dest()) { - // Add - ps, _ := determineSmpDirective(nodes.Origin()) - if ps == smpDelete { - return walk.ClearNode, nil - } - - // If Origin is missing, preserve explicitly set null in Dest ("null", "~", etc) - if nodes.Origin().IsNil() && !nodes.Dest().IsNil() && len(nodes.Dest().YNode().Value) > 0 { - // Return a new node so that it won't have a "!!null" tag and therefore won't be cleared. - return yaml.NewScalarRNode(nodes.Dest().YNode().Value), nil - } - - return nodes.Origin(), nil - } - if nodes.Origin().IsTaggedNull() { - // clear the value - return walk.ClearNode, nil - } - - ps, err := determineSmpDirective(nodes.Origin()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - switch ps { - case smpDelete: - return walk.ClearNode, nil - case smpReplace: - return nodes.Origin(), nil - default: - return nodes.Dest(), nil - } -} - -func (m Merger) VisitScalar(nodes walk.Sources, s *openapi.ResourceSchema) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - if err := m.SetComments(nodes); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if err := m.SetStyle(nodes); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - // Override value - if nodes.Origin() != nil { - return nodes.Origin(), nil - } - // Keep - return nodes.Dest(), nil -} - -func (m Merger) VisitList(nodes walk.Sources, s *openapi.ResourceSchema, kind walk.ListKind) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - if err := m.SetComments(nodes); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if err := m.SetStyle(nodes); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if kind == walk.NonAssociateList { - // Override value - if nodes.Origin() != nil { - return nodes.Origin(), nil - } - // Keep - return nodes.Dest(), nil - } - - // Add - if yaml.IsMissingOrNull(nodes.Dest()) { - return nodes.Origin(), nil - } - // Clear - if nodes.Origin().IsTaggedNull() { - return walk.ClearNode, nil - } - - ps, err := determineSmpDirective(nodes.Origin()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - switch ps { - case smpDelete: - return walk.ClearNode, nil - case smpReplace: - return nodes.Origin(), nil - default: - return nodes.Dest(), nil - } -} - -func (m Merger) SetStyle(sources walk.Sources) error { - source := sources.Origin() - dest := sources.Dest() - if dest == nil || dest.YNode() == nil || source == nil || source.YNode() == nil { - // avoid panic - return nil - } - - // copy the style from the source. - // special case: if the dest was an empty map or seq, then it probably had - // folded style applied, but we actually want to keep the style of the origin - // in this case (even if it was the default). otherwise the merged elements - // will get folded even though this probably isn't what is desired. - if dest.YNode().Kind != yaml.ScalarNode && len(dest.YNode().Content) == 0 { - dest.YNode().Style = source.YNode().Style - } - return nil -} - -// SetComments copies the dest comments to the source comments if they are present -// on the source. -func (m Merger) SetComments(sources walk.Sources) error { - source := sources.Origin() - dest := sources.Dest() - if dest == nil || dest.YNode() == nil || source == nil || source.YNode() == nil { - // avoid panic - return nil - } - if source.YNode().FootComment != "" { - dest.YNode().FootComment = source.YNode().FootComment - } - if source.YNode().HeadComment != "" { - dest.YNode().HeadComment = source.YNode().HeadComment - } - if source.YNode().LineComment != "" { - dest.YNode().LineComment = source.YNode().LineComment - } - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/merge2/smpdirective.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/merge2/smpdirective.go deleted file mode 100644 index f38b188e..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/merge2/smpdirective.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,101 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package merge2 - -import ( - "fmt" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// A strategic merge patch directive. -// See https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/sig-api-machinery/strategic-merge-patch.md -// -//go:generate stringer -type=smpDirective -linecomment -type smpDirective int - -const ( - smpUnknown smpDirective = iota // unknown - smpReplace // replace - smpDelete // delete - smpMerge // merge -) - -const strategicMergePatchDirectiveKey = "$patch" - -// Examine patch for a strategic merge patch directive. -// If found, return it, and remove the directive from the patch. -func determineSmpDirective(patch *yaml.RNode) (smpDirective, error) { - if patch == nil { - return smpMerge, nil - } - switch patch.YNode().Kind { - case yaml.SequenceNode: - return determineSequenceNodePatchStrategy(patch) - case yaml.MappingNode: - return determineMappingNodePatchStrategy(patch) - default: - return smpUnknown, fmt.Errorf( - "no implemented strategic merge patch strategy for '%s' ('%s')", - patch.YNode().ShortTag(), patch.MustString()) - } -} - -func determineSequenceNodePatchStrategy(patch *yaml.RNode) (smpDirective, error) { - // get the $patch element - node, err := patch.Pipe(yaml.GetElementByKey(strategicMergePatchDirectiveKey)) - // if there are more than 1 key/value pair in the map, then this $patch - // is not for the sequence - if err != nil || node == nil || node.YNode() == nil || len(node.Content()) > 2 { - return smpMerge, nil - } - // get the value - value, err := node.Pipe(yaml.Get(strategicMergePatchDirectiveKey)) - if err != nil || value == nil || value.YNode() == nil { - return smpMerge, nil - } - v := value.YNode().Value - if v == smpDelete.String() { - return smpDelete, elideSequencePatchDirective(patch, v) - } - if v == smpReplace.String() { - return smpReplace, elideSequencePatchDirective(patch, v) - } - if v == smpMerge.String() { - return smpMerge, elideSequencePatchDirective(patch, v) - } - return smpUnknown, fmt.Errorf( - "unknown patch strategy '%s'", v) -} - -func determineMappingNodePatchStrategy(patch *yaml.RNode) (smpDirective, error) { - node, err := patch.Pipe(yaml.Get(strategicMergePatchDirectiveKey)) - if err != nil || node == nil || node.YNode() == nil { - return smpMerge, nil - } - v := node.YNode().Value - if v == smpDelete.String() { - return smpDelete, elideMappingPatchDirective(patch) - } - if v == smpReplace.String() { - return smpReplace, elideMappingPatchDirective(patch) - } - if v == smpMerge.String() { - return smpMerge, elideMappingPatchDirective(patch) - } - return smpUnknown, fmt.Errorf( - "unknown patch strategy '%s'", v) -} - -func elideMappingPatchDirective(patch *yaml.RNode) error { - return patch.PipeE(yaml.Clear(strategicMergePatchDirectiveKey)) -} - -func elideSequencePatchDirective(patch *yaml.RNode, value string) error { - return patch.PipeE(yaml.ElementSetter{ - Element: nil, - Keys: []string{strategicMergePatchDirectiveKey}, - Values: []string{value}, - }) -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/merge2/smpdirective_string.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/merge2/smpdirective_string.go deleted file mode 100644 index b4f937f0..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/merge2/smpdirective_string.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by "stringer -type=smpDirective -linecomment"; DO NOT EDIT. - -package merge2 - -import "strconv" - -func _() { - // An "invalid array index" compiler error signifies that the constant values have changed. - // Re-run the stringer command to generate them again. - var x [1]struct{} - _ = x[smpUnknown-0] - _ = x[smpReplace-1] - _ = x[smpDelete-2] - _ = x[smpMerge-3] -} - -const _smpDirective_name = "unknownreplacedeletemerge" - -var _smpDirective_index = [...]uint8{0, 7, 14, 20, 25} - -func (i smpDirective) String() string { - if i < 0 || i >= smpDirective(len(_smpDirective_index)-1) { - return "smpDirective(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")" - } - return _smpDirective_name[_smpDirective_index[i]:_smpDirective_index[i+1]] -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/merge3/merge3.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/merge3/merge3.go deleted file mode 100644 index 664270e5..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/merge3/merge3.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package merge contains libraries for merging fields from one RNode to another -// RNode -package merge3 - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/walk" -) - -func Merge(dest, original, update *yaml.RNode) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - // if update == nil && original != nil => declarative deletion - - return walk.Walker{ - Visitor: Visitor{}, - VisitKeysAsScalars: true, - Sources: []*yaml.RNode{dest, original, update}}.Walk() -} - -func MergeStrings(dest, original, update string, infer bool) (string, error) { - srcOriginal, err := yaml.Parse(original) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - srcUpdated, err := yaml.Parse(update) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - d, err := yaml.Parse(dest) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - - result, err := walk.Walker{ - InferAssociativeLists: infer, - Visitor: Visitor{}, - VisitKeysAsScalars: true, - Sources: []*yaml.RNode{d, srcOriginal, srcUpdated}}.Walk() - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - return result.String() -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/merge3/visitor.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/merge3/visitor.go deleted file mode 100644 index 978deff0..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/merge3/visitor.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,172 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package merge3 - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/walk" -) - -type ConflictStrategy uint - -const ( - // TODO: Support more strategies - TakeUpdate ConflictStrategy = 1 + iota -) - -type Visitor struct{} - -func (m Visitor) VisitMap(nodes walk.Sources, s *openapi.ResourceSchema) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - if nodes.Updated().IsTaggedNull() || nodes.Dest().IsTaggedNull() { - // explicitly cleared from either dest or update - return walk.ClearNode, nil - } - if nodes.Dest() == nil && nodes.Updated() == nil { - // implicitly cleared missing from both dest and update - return walk.ClearNode, nil - } - - if nodes.Dest() == nil { - // not cleared, but missing from the dest - // initialize a new value that can be recursively merged - return yaml.NewRNode(&yaml.Node{Kind: yaml.MappingNode}), nil - } - - // recursively merge the dest with the original and updated - return nodes.Dest(), nil -} - -func (m Visitor) visitAList(nodes walk.Sources, _ *openapi.ResourceSchema) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - if yaml.IsMissingOrNull(nodes.Updated()) && !yaml.IsMissingOrNull(nodes.Origin()) { - // implicitly cleared from update -- element was deleted - return walk.ClearNode, nil - } - if yaml.IsMissingOrNull(nodes.Dest()) { - // not cleared, but missing from the dest - // initialize a new value that can be recursively merged - return yaml.NewRNode(&yaml.Node{Kind: yaml.SequenceNode}), nil - } - - // recursively merge the dest with the original and updated - return nodes.Dest(), nil -} - -func (m Visitor) VisitScalar(nodes walk.Sources, s *openapi.ResourceSchema) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - if nodes.Updated().IsTaggedNull() || nodes.Dest().IsTaggedNull() { - // explicitly cleared from either dest or update - return nil, nil - } - if yaml.IsMissingOrNull(nodes.Updated()) != yaml.IsMissingOrNull(nodes.Origin()) { - // value added or removed in update - return nodes.Updated(), nil - } - if yaml.IsMissingOrNull(nodes.Updated()) && yaml.IsMissingOrNull(nodes.Origin()) { - // value added or removed in update - return nodes.Dest(), nil - } - - values, err := m.getStrValues(nodes) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - if (values.Dest == "" || values.Dest == values.Origin) && values.Origin != values.Update { - // if local is nil or is unchanged but there is new update - return nodes.Updated(), nil - } - - if nodes.Updated().YNode().Value != nodes.Origin().YNode().Value { - // value changed in update - return nodes.Updated(), nil - } - - // unchanged between origin and update, keep the dest - return nodes.Dest(), nil -} - -func (m Visitor) visitNAList(nodes walk.Sources) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - if nodes.Updated().IsTaggedNull() || nodes.Dest().IsTaggedNull() { - // explicitly cleared from either dest or update - return walk.ClearNode, nil - } - - if yaml.IsMissingOrNull(nodes.Updated()) != yaml.IsMissingOrNull(nodes.Origin()) { - // value added or removed in update - return nodes.Updated(), nil - } - if yaml.IsMissingOrNull(nodes.Updated()) && yaml.IsMissingOrNull(nodes.Origin()) { - // value not present in source or dest - return nodes.Dest(), nil - } - - // compare origin and update values to see if they have changed - values, err := m.getStrValues(nodes) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if values.Update != values.Origin { - // value changed in update - return nodes.Updated(), nil - } - - // unchanged between origin and update, keep the dest - return nodes.Dest(), nil -} - -func (m Visitor) VisitList(nodes walk.Sources, s *openapi.ResourceSchema, kind walk.ListKind) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - if kind == walk.AssociativeList { - return m.visitAList(nodes, s) - } - // non-associative list - return m.visitNAList(nodes) -} - -func (m Visitor) getStrValues(nodes walk.Sources) (strValues, error) { - var uStr, oStr, dStr string - var err error - if nodes.Updated() != nil && nodes.Updated().YNode() != nil { - s := nodes.Updated().YNode().Style - defer func() { - nodes.Updated().YNode().Style = s - }() - nodes.Updated().YNode().Style = yaml.FlowStyle | yaml.SingleQuotedStyle - uStr, err = nodes.Updated().String() - if err != nil { - return strValues{}, err - } - } - if nodes.Origin() != nil && nodes.Origin().YNode() != nil { - s := nodes.Origin().YNode().Style - defer func() { - nodes.Origin().YNode().Style = s - }() - nodes.Origin().YNode().Style = yaml.FlowStyle | yaml.SingleQuotedStyle - oStr, err = nodes.Origin().String() - if err != nil { - return strValues{}, err - } - } - if nodes.Dest() != nil && nodes.Dest().YNode() != nil { - s := nodes.Dest().YNode().Style - defer func() { - nodes.Dest().YNode().Style = s - }() - nodes.Dest().YNode().Style = yaml.FlowStyle | yaml.SingleQuotedStyle - dStr, err = nodes.Dest().String() - if err != nil { - return strValues{}, err - } - } - - return strValues{Origin: oStr, Update: uStr, Dest: dStr}, nil -} - -type strValues struct { - Origin string - Update string - Dest string -} - -var _ walk.Visitor = Visitor{} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/order.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/order.go deleted file mode 100644 index 4e01c648..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/order.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,107 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package yaml - -// fieldSortOrder contains the relative ordering of fields when formatting an -// object. -var fieldSortOrder = []string{ - // top-level metadata - "name", "generateName", "namespace", "clusterName", - "apiVersion", "kind", "metadata", "type", - "labels", "annotations", - "spec", "status", - - // secret and configmap - "stringData", "data", "binaryData", - - // cronjobspec, daemonsetspec, deploymentspec, statefulsetspec, - // jobspec fields - "parallelism", "completions", "activeDeadlineSeconds", "backoffLimit", - "replicas", "selector", "manualSelector", "template", - "ttlSecondsAfterFinished", "volumeClaimTemplates", "service", "serviceName", - "podManagementPolicy", "updateStrategy", "strategy", "minReadySeconds", - "revision", "revisionHistoryLimit", "paused", "progressDeadlineSeconds", - - // podspec - // podspec scalars - "restartPolicy", "terminationGracePeriodSeconds", - "activeDeadlineSeconds", "dnsPolicy", "serviceAccountName", - "serviceAccount", "automountServiceAccountToken", "nodeName", - "hostNetwork", "hostPID", "hostIPC", "shareProcessNamespace", "hostname", - "subdomain", "schedulerName", "priorityClassName", "priority", - "runtimeClassName", "enableServiceLinks", - - // podspec lists and maps - "nodeSelector", "hostAliases", - - // podspec objects - "initContainers", "containers", "volumes", "securityContext", - "imagePullSecrets", "affinity", "tolerations", "dnsConfig", - "readinessGates", - - // containers - "image", "command", "args", "workingDir", "ports", "envFrom", "env", - "resources", "volumeMounts", "volumeDevices", "livenessProbe", - "readinessProbe", "lifecycle", "terminationMessagePath", - "terminationMessagePolicy", "imagePullPolicy", "securityContext", - "stdin", "stdinOnce", "tty", - - // service - "clusterIP", "externalIPs", "loadBalancerIP", "loadBalancerSourceRanges", - "externalName", "externalTrafficPolicy", "sessionAffinity", - - // ports - "protocol", "port", "targetPort", "hostPort", "containerPort", "hostIP", - - // volumemount - "readOnly", "mountPath", "subPath", "subPathExpr", "mountPropagation", - - // envvar + envvarsource - "value", "valueFrom", "fieldRef", "resourceFieldRef", "configMapKeyRef", - "secretKeyRef", "prefix", "configMapRef", "secretRef", -} - -type set map[string]interface{} - -func newSet(values ...string) set { - m := map[string]interface{}{} - for _, value := range values { - m[value] = nil - } - return m -} - -func (s set) Has(key string) bool { - _, found := s[key] - return found -} - -// WhitelistedListSortKinds contains the set of kinds that are whitelisted -// for sorting list field elements -var WhitelistedListSortKinds = newSet( - "CronJob", "DaemonSet", "Deployment", "Job", "ReplicaSet", "StatefulSet", - "ValidatingWebhookConfiguration") - -// WhitelistedListSortApis contains the set of apis that are whitelisted for -// sorting list field elements -var WhitelistedListSortApis = newSet( - "apps/v1", "apps/v1beta1", "apps/v1beta2", "batch/v1", "batch/v1beta1", - "extensions/v1beta1", "v1", "admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1") - -// WhitelistedListSortFields contains json paths to list fields that should -// be sorted, and the field they should be sorted by -var WhitelistedListSortFields = map[string]string{ - ".spec.template.spec.containers": "name", - ".webhooks.rules.operations": "", -} - -// FieldOrder indexes fields and maps them to relative precedence -var FieldOrder = func() map[string]int { - // create an index of field orderings - fo := map[string]int{} - for i, f := range fieldSortOrder { - fo[f] = i + 1 - } - return fo -}() diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/rnode.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/rnode.go deleted file mode 100644 index 7406c525..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/rnode.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1368 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package yaml - -import ( - "encoding/json" - "fmt" - "log" - "os" - "regexp" - "strconv" - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/sliceutil" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/utils" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg/labels" -) - -// MakeNullNode returns an RNode that represents an empty document. -func MakeNullNode() *RNode { - return NewRNode(&Node{Tag: NodeTagNull}) -} - -// IsMissingOrNull is true if the RNode is nil or explicitly tagged null. -// TODO: make this a method on RNode. -func IsMissingOrNull(node *RNode) bool { - return node.IsNil() || node.YNode().Tag == NodeTagNull -} - -// IsEmptyMap returns true if the RNode is an empty node or an empty map. -// TODO: make this a method on RNode. -func IsEmptyMap(node *RNode) bool { - return IsMissingOrNull(node) || IsYNodeEmptyMap(node.YNode()) -} - -// GetValue returns underlying yaml.Node Value field -func GetValue(node *RNode) string { - if IsMissingOrNull(node) { - return "" - } - return node.YNode().Value -} - -// Parse parses a yaml string into an *RNode. -// To parse multiple resources, consider a kio.ByteReader -func Parse(value string) (*RNode, error) { - return Parser{Value: value}.Filter(nil) -} - -// ReadFile parses a single Resource from a yaml file. -// To parse multiple resources, consider a kio.ByteReader -func ReadFile(path string) (*RNode, error) { - b, err := os.ReadFile(path) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return Parse(string(b)) -} - -// WriteFile writes a single Resource to a yaml file -func WriteFile(node *RNode, path string) error { - out, err := node.String() - if err != nil { - return err - } - return errors.WrapPrefixf(os.WriteFile(path, []byte(out), 0600), "writing RNode to file") -} - -// UpdateFile reads the file at path, applies the filter to it, and write the result back. -// path must contain a exactly 1 resource (YAML). -func UpdateFile(filter Filter, path string) error { - // Read the yaml - y, err := ReadFile(path) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - // Update the yaml - if err := y.PipeE(filter); err != nil { - return err - } - - // Write the yaml - return WriteFile(y, path) -} - -// MustParse parses a yaml string into an *RNode and panics if there is an error -func MustParse(value string) *RNode { - v, err := Parser{Value: value}.Filter(nil) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return v -} - -// NewScalarRNode returns a new Scalar *RNode containing the provided scalar value. -func NewScalarRNode(value string) *RNode { - return &RNode{ - value: &yaml.Node{ - Kind: yaml.ScalarNode, - Value: value, - }} -} - -// NewStringRNode returns a new Scalar *RNode containing the provided string. -// If the string is non-utf8, it will be base64 encoded, and the tag -// will indicate binary data. -func NewStringRNode(value string) *RNode { - n := yaml.Node{Kind: yaml.ScalarNode} - n.SetString(value) - return NewRNode(&n) -} - -// NewListRNode returns a new List *RNode containing the provided scalar values. -func NewListRNode(values ...string) *RNode { - seq := &RNode{value: &yaml.Node{Kind: yaml.SequenceNode}} - for _, v := range values { - seq.value.Content = append(seq.value.Content, &yaml.Node{ - Kind: yaml.ScalarNode, - Value: v, - }) - } - return seq -} - -// NewMapRNode returns a new Map *RNode containing the provided values -func NewMapRNode(values *map[string]string) *RNode { - m := &RNode{value: &yaml.Node{ - Kind: yaml.MappingNode, - }} - if values == nil { - return m - } - - for k, v := range *values { - m.value.Content = append(m.value.Content, &yaml.Node{ - Kind: yaml.ScalarNode, - Value: k, - }, &yaml.Node{ - Kind: yaml.ScalarNode, - Value: v, - }) - } - - return m -} - -// SyncMapNodesOrder sorts the map node keys in 'to' node to match the order of -// map node keys in 'from' node, additional keys are moved to the end -func SyncMapNodesOrder(from, to *RNode) { - to.Copy() - res := &RNode{value: &yaml.Node{ - Kind: to.YNode().Kind, - Style: to.YNode().Style, - Tag: to.YNode().Tag, - Anchor: to.YNode().Anchor, - Alias: to.YNode().Alias, - HeadComment: to.YNode().HeadComment, - LineComment: to.YNode().LineComment, - FootComment: to.YNode().FootComment, - Line: to.YNode().Line, - Column: to.YNode().Column, - }} - - fromFieldNames, err := from.Fields() - if err != nil { - return - } - - toFieldNames, err := to.Fields() - if err != nil { - return - } - - for _, fieldName := range fromFieldNames { - if !sliceutil.Contains(toFieldNames, fieldName) { - continue - } - // append the common nodes in the order defined in 'from' node - res.value.Content = append(res.value.Content, to.Field(fieldName).Key.YNode(), to.Field(fieldName).Value.YNode()) - toFieldNames = sliceutil.Remove(toFieldNames, fieldName) - } - - for _, fieldName := range toFieldNames { - // append the residual nodes which are not present in 'from' node - res.value.Content = append(res.value.Content, to.Field(fieldName).Key.YNode(), to.Field(fieldName).Value.YNode()) - } - - to.SetYNode(res.YNode()) -} - -// NewRNode returns a new RNode pointer containing the provided Node. -func NewRNode(value *yaml.Node) *RNode { - return &RNode{value: value} -} - -// RNode provides functions for manipulating Kubernetes Resources -// Objects unmarshalled into *yaml.Nodes -type RNode struct { - // fieldPath contains the path from the root of the KubernetesObject to - // this field. - // Only field names are captured in the path. - // e.g. a image field in a Deployment would be - // 'spec.template.spec.containers.image' - fieldPath []string - - // FieldValue contains the value. - // FieldValue is always set: - // field: field value - // list entry: list entry value - // object root: object root - value *yaml.Node - - Match []string -} - -// Copy returns a distinct copy. -func (rn *RNode) Copy() *RNode { - if rn == nil { - return nil - } - result := *rn - result.value = CopyYNode(rn.value) - return &result -} - -var ErrMissingMetadata = fmt.Errorf("missing Resource metadata") - -// IsNil is true if the node is nil, or its underlying YNode is nil. -func (rn *RNode) IsNil() bool { - return rn == nil || rn.YNode() == nil -} - -// IsTaggedNull is true if a non-nil node is explicitly tagged Null. -func (rn *RNode) IsTaggedNull() bool { - return !rn.IsNil() && IsYNodeTaggedNull(rn.YNode()) -} - -// IsNilOrEmpty is true if the node is nil, -// has no YNode, or has YNode that appears empty. -func (rn *RNode) IsNilOrEmpty() bool { - return rn.IsNil() || IsYNodeNilOrEmpty(rn.YNode()) -} - -// IsStringValue is true if the RNode is not nil and is scalar string node -func (rn *RNode) IsStringValue() bool { - return !rn.IsNil() && IsYNodeString(rn.YNode()) -} - -// GetMeta returns the ResourceMeta for an RNode -func (rn *RNode) GetMeta() (ResourceMeta, error) { - if IsMissingOrNull(rn) { - return ResourceMeta{}, nil - } - missingMeta := true - n := rn - if n.YNode().Kind == DocumentNode { - // get the content is this is the document node - n = NewRNode(n.Content()[0]) - } - - // don't decode into the struct directly or it will fail on UTF-8 issues - // which appear in comments - m := ResourceMeta{} - - // TODO: consider optimizing this parsing - if f := n.Field(APIVersionField); !f.IsNilOrEmpty() { - m.APIVersion = GetValue(f.Value) - missingMeta = false - } - if f := n.Field(KindField); !f.IsNilOrEmpty() { - m.Kind = GetValue(f.Value) - missingMeta = false - } - - mf := n.Field(MetadataField) - if mf.IsNilOrEmpty() { - if missingMeta { - return m, ErrMissingMetadata - } - return m, nil - } - meta := mf.Value - - if f := meta.Field(NameField); !f.IsNilOrEmpty() { - m.Name = f.Value.YNode().Value - missingMeta = false - } - if f := meta.Field(NamespaceField); !f.IsNilOrEmpty() { - m.Namespace = GetValue(f.Value) - missingMeta = false - } - - if f := meta.Field(LabelsField); !f.IsNilOrEmpty() { - m.Labels = map[string]string{} - _ = f.Value.VisitFields(func(node *MapNode) error { - m.Labels[GetValue(node.Key)] = GetValue(node.Value) - return nil - }) - missingMeta = false - } - if f := meta.Field(AnnotationsField); !f.IsNilOrEmpty() { - m.Annotations = map[string]string{} - _ = f.Value.VisitFields(func(node *MapNode) error { - m.Annotations[GetValue(node.Key)] = GetValue(node.Value) - return nil - }) - missingMeta = false - } - - if missingMeta { - return m, ErrMissingMetadata - } - return m, nil -} - -// Pipe sequentially invokes each Filter, and passes the result to the next -// Filter. -// -// Analogous to http://www.linfo.org/pipes.html -// -// * rn is provided as input to the first Filter. -// * if any Filter returns an error, immediately return the error -// * if any Filter returns a nil RNode, immediately return nil, nil -// * if all Filters succeed with non-empty results, return the final result -func (rn *RNode) Pipe(functions ...Filter) (*RNode, error) { - // check if rn is nil to make chaining Pipe calls easier - if rn == nil { - return nil, nil - } - - var v *RNode - var err error - if rn.value != nil && rn.value.Kind == yaml.DocumentNode { - // the first node may be a DocumentNode containing a single MappingNode - v = &RNode{value: rn.value.Content[0]} - } else { - v = rn - } - - // return each fn in sequence until encountering an error or missing value - for _, c := range functions { - v, err = c.Filter(v) - if err != nil || v == nil { - return v, errors.Wrap(err) - } - } - return v, err -} - -// PipeE runs Pipe, dropping the *RNode return value. -// Useful for directly returning the Pipe error value from functions. -func (rn *RNode) PipeE(functions ...Filter) error { - _, err := rn.Pipe(functions...) - return errors.Wrap(err) -} - -// Document returns the Node for the value. -func (rn *RNode) Document() *yaml.Node { - return rn.value -} - -// YNode returns the yaml.Node value. If the yaml.Node value is a DocumentNode, -// YNode will return the DocumentNode Content entry instead of the DocumentNode. -func (rn *RNode) YNode() *yaml.Node { - if rn == nil || rn.value == nil { - return nil - } - if rn.value.Kind == yaml.DocumentNode { - return rn.value.Content[0] - } - return rn.value -} - -// SetYNode sets the yaml.Node value on an RNode. -func (rn *RNode) SetYNode(node *yaml.Node) { - if rn.value == nil || node == nil { - rn.value = node - return - } - *rn.value = *node -} - -// GetKind returns the kind, if it exists, else empty string. -func (rn *RNode) GetKind() string { - if node := rn.getMapFieldValue(KindField); node != nil { - return node.Value - } - return "" -} - -// SetKind sets the kind. -func (rn *RNode) SetKind(k string) { - rn.SetMapField(NewScalarRNode(k), KindField) -} - -// GetApiVersion returns the apiversion, if it exists, else empty string. -func (rn *RNode) GetApiVersion() string { - if node := rn.getMapFieldValue(APIVersionField); node != nil { - return node.Value - } - return "" -} - -// SetApiVersion sets the apiVersion. -func (rn *RNode) SetApiVersion(av string) { - rn.SetMapField(NewScalarRNode(av), APIVersionField) -} - -// getMapFieldValue returns the value (*yaml.Node) of a mapping field. -// The value might be nil. Also, the function returns nil, not an error, -// if this node is not a mapping node, or if this node does not have the -// given field, so this function cannot be used to make distinctions -// between these cases. -func (rn *RNode) getMapFieldValue(field string) *yaml.Node { - var result *yaml.Node - visitMappingNodeFields(rn.Content(), func(key, value *yaml.Node) { - result = value - }, field) - return result -} - -// GetName returns the name, or empty string if -// field not found. The setter is more restrictive. -func (rn *RNode) GetName() string { - return rn.getMetaStringField(NameField) -} - -// getMetaStringField returns the value of a string field in metadata. -func (rn *RNode) getMetaStringField(fName string) string { - md := rn.getMetaData() - if md == nil { - return "" - } - var result string - visitMappingNodeFields(md.Content, func(key, value *yaml.Node) { - if !IsYNodeNilOrEmpty(value) { - result = value.Value - } - }, fName) - return result -} - -// getMetaData returns the *yaml.Node of the metadata field. -// Return nil if field not found (no error). -func (rn *RNode) getMetaData() *yaml.Node { - if IsMissingOrNull(rn) { - return nil - } - content := rn.Content() - if rn.YNode().Kind == DocumentNode { - // get the content if this is the document node - content = content[0].Content - } - var mf *yaml.Node - visitMappingNodeFields(content, func(key, value *yaml.Node) { - if !IsYNodeNilOrEmpty(value) { - mf = value - } - }, MetadataField) - return mf -} - -// SetName sets the metadata name field. -func (rn *RNode) SetName(name string) error { - return rn.SetMapField(NewScalarRNode(name), MetadataField, NameField) -} - -// GetNamespace gets the metadata namespace field, or empty string if -// field not found. The setter is more restrictive. -func (rn *RNode) GetNamespace() string { - return rn.getMetaStringField(NamespaceField) -} - -// SetNamespace tries to set the metadata namespace field. If the argument -// is empty, the field is dropped. -func (rn *RNode) SetNamespace(ns string) error { - meta, err := rn.Pipe(Lookup(MetadataField)) - if err != nil { - return err - } - if ns == "" { - if rn == nil { - return nil - } - return meta.PipeE(Clear(NamespaceField)) - } - return rn.SetMapField( - NewScalarRNode(ns), MetadataField, NamespaceField) -} - -// GetAnnotations gets the metadata annotations field. -// If the annotations field is missing, returns an empty map. -// Use another method to check for missing metadata. -// If specific annotations are provided, then the map is -// restricted to only those entries with keys that match -// one of the specific annotations. If no annotations are -// provided, then the map will contain all entries. -func (rn *RNode) GetAnnotations(annotations ...string) map[string]string { - return rn.getMapFromMeta(AnnotationsField, annotations...) -} - -// SetAnnotations tries to set the metadata annotations field. -func (rn *RNode) SetAnnotations(m map[string]string) error { - return rn.setMapInMetadata(m, AnnotationsField) -} - -// GetLabels gets the metadata labels field. -// If the labels field is missing, returns an empty map. -// Use another method to check for missing metadata. -// If specific labels are provided, then the map is -// restricted to only those entries with keys that match -// one of the specific labels. If no labels are -// provided, then the map will contain all entries. -func (rn *RNode) GetLabels(labels ...string) map[string]string { - return rn.getMapFromMeta(LabelsField, labels...) -} - -// getMapFromMeta returns a map, sometimes empty, from the fName -// field in the node's metadata field. -// If specific fields are provided, then the map is -// restricted to only those entries with keys that match -// one of the specific fields. If no fields are -// provided, then the map will contain all entries. -func (rn *RNode) getMapFromMeta(fName string, fields ...string) map[string]string { - meta := rn.getMetaData() - if meta == nil { - return make(map[string]string) - } - - var result map[string]string - - visitMappingNodeFields(meta.Content, func(_, fNameValue *yaml.Node) { - // fName is found in metadata; create the map from its content - expectedSize := len(fields) - if expectedSize == 0 { - expectedSize = len(fNameValue.Content) / 2 //nolint: gomnd - } - result = make(map[string]string, expectedSize) - - visitMappingNodeFields(fNameValue.Content, func(key, value *yaml.Node) { - result[key.Value] = value.Value - }, fields...) - }, fName) - - if result == nil { - return make(map[string]string) - } - return result -} - -// SetLabels sets the metadata labels field. -func (rn *RNode) SetLabels(m map[string]string) error { - return rn.setMapInMetadata(m, LabelsField) -} - -// This established proper quoting on string values, and sorts by key. -func (rn *RNode) setMapInMetadata(m map[string]string, field string) error { - meta, err := rn.Pipe(LookupCreate(MappingNode, MetadataField)) - if err != nil { - return err - } - if err = meta.PipeE(Clear(field)); err != nil { - return err - } - if len(m) == 0 { - return nil - } - mapNode, err := meta.Pipe(LookupCreate(MappingNode, field)) - if err != nil { - return err - } - for _, k := range SortedMapKeys(m) { - if _, err := mapNode.Pipe( - SetField(k, NewStringRNode(m[k]))); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -func (rn *RNode) SetMapField(value *RNode, path ...string) error { - return rn.PipeE( - LookupCreate(yaml.MappingNode, path[0:len(path)-1]...), - SetField(path[len(path)-1], value), - ) -} - -func (rn *RNode) GetDataMap() map[string]string { - n, err := rn.Pipe(Lookup(DataField)) - if err != nil { - return nil - } - result := map[string]string{} - _ = n.VisitFields(func(node *MapNode) error { - result[GetValue(node.Key)] = GetValue(node.Value) - return nil - }) - return result -} - -func (rn *RNode) GetBinaryDataMap() map[string]string { - n, err := rn.Pipe(Lookup(BinaryDataField)) - if err != nil { - return nil - } - result := map[string]string{} - _ = n.VisitFields(func(node *MapNode) error { - result[GetValue(node.Key)] = GetValue(node.Value) - return nil - }) - return result -} - -// GetValidatedDataMap retrieves the data map and returns an error if the data -// map contains entries which are not included in the expectedKeys set. -func (rn *RNode) GetValidatedDataMap(expectedKeys []string) (map[string]string, error) { - dataMap := rn.GetDataMap() - err := rn.validateDataMap(dataMap, expectedKeys) - return dataMap, err -} - -func (rn *RNode) validateDataMap(dataMap map[string]string, expectedKeys []string) error { - if dataMap == nil { - return fmt.Errorf("The datamap is unassigned") - } - for key := range dataMap { - found := false - for _, expected := range expectedKeys { - if expected == key { - found = true - } - } - if !found { - return fmt.Errorf("an unexpected key (%v) was found", key) - } - } - return nil -} - -func (rn *RNode) SetDataMap(m map[string]string) { - if rn == nil { - log.Fatal("cannot set data map on nil Rnode") - } - if err := rn.PipeE(Clear(DataField)); err != nil { - log.Fatal(err) - } - if len(m) == 0 { - return - } - if err := rn.LoadMapIntoConfigMapData(m); err != nil { - log.Fatal(err) - } -} - -func (rn *RNode) SetBinaryDataMap(m map[string]string) { - if rn == nil { - log.Fatal("cannot set binaryData map on nil Rnode") - } - if err := rn.PipeE(Clear(BinaryDataField)); err != nil { - log.Fatal(err) - } - if len(m) == 0 { - return - } - if err := rn.LoadMapIntoConfigMapBinaryData(m); err != nil { - log.Fatal(err) - } -} - -// AppendToFieldPath appends a field name to the FieldPath. -func (rn *RNode) AppendToFieldPath(parts ...string) { - rn.fieldPath = append(rn.fieldPath, parts...) -} - -// FieldPath returns the field path from the Resource root node, to rn. -// Does not include list indexes. -func (rn *RNode) FieldPath() []string { - return rn.fieldPath -} - -// String returns string representation of the RNode -func (rn *RNode) String() (string, error) { - if rn == nil { - return "", nil - } - return String(rn.value) -} - -// MustString returns string representation of the RNode or panics if there is an error -func (rn *RNode) MustString() string { - s, err := rn.String() - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return s -} - -// Content returns Node Content field. -func (rn *RNode) Content() []*yaml.Node { - if rn == nil { - return nil - } - return rn.YNode().Content -} - -// Fields returns the list of field names for a MappingNode. -// Returns an error for non-MappingNodes. -func (rn *RNode) Fields() ([]string, error) { - if err := ErrorIfInvalid(rn, yaml.MappingNode); err != nil { - return nil, errors.Wrap(err) - } - var fields []string - visitMappingNodeFields(rn.Content(), func(key, value *yaml.Node) { - fields = append(fields, key.Value) - }) - return fields, nil -} - -// FieldRNodes returns the list of field key RNodes for a MappingNode. -// Returns an error for non-MappingNodes. -func (rn *RNode) FieldRNodes() ([]*RNode, error) { - if err := ErrorIfInvalid(rn, yaml.MappingNode); err != nil { - return nil, errors.Wrap(err) - } - var fields []*RNode - visitMappingNodeFields(rn.Content(), func(key, value *yaml.Node) { - // for each key node in the input mapping node contents create equivalent rNode - rNode := &RNode{} - rNode.SetYNode(key) - fields = append(fields, rNode) - }) - return fields, nil -} - -// Field returns a fieldName, fieldValue pair for MappingNodes. -// Returns nil for non-MappingNodes. -func (rn *RNode) Field(field string) *MapNode { - if rn.YNode().Kind != yaml.MappingNode { - return nil - } - var result *MapNode - visitMappingNodeFields(rn.Content(), func(key, value *yaml.Node) { - result = &MapNode{Key: NewRNode(key), Value: NewRNode(value)} - }, field) - return result -} - -// VisitFields calls fn for each field in the RNode. -// Returns an error for non-MappingNodes. -func (rn *RNode) VisitFields(fn func(node *MapNode) error) error { - // get the list of srcFieldNames - srcFieldNames, err := rn.Fields() - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - - // visit each field - for _, fieldName := range srcFieldNames { - if err := fn(rn.Field(fieldName)); err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - } - return nil -} - -// visitMappingNodeFields calls fn for fields in the content, in content order. -// The caller is responsible to ensure the node is a mapping node. If fieldNames -// are specified, then fn is called only for the fields that match the given -// fieldNames. -func visitMappingNodeFields(content []*yaml.Node, fn func(key, value *yaml.Node), fieldNames ...string) { - switch len(fieldNames) { - case 0: // visit all fields - visitFieldsWhileTrue(content, func(key, value *yaml.Node, _ int) bool { - fn(key, value) - return true - }) - case 1: // visit single field - visitFieldsWhileTrue(content, func(key, value *yaml.Node, _ int) bool { - if key == nil { - return true - } - if fieldNames[0] == key.Value { - fn(key, value) - return false - } - return true - }) - default: // visit specified fields - fieldsStillToVisit := make(map[string]bool, len(fieldNames)) - for _, fieldName := range fieldNames { - fieldsStillToVisit[fieldName] = true - } - visitFieldsWhileTrue(content, func(key, value *yaml.Node, _ int) bool { - if key == nil { - return true - } - if fieldsStillToVisit[key.Value] { - fn(key, value) - delete(fieldsStillToVisit, key.Value) - } - return len(fieldsStillToVisit) > 0 - }) - } -} - -// visitFieldsWhileTrue calls fn for the fields in content, in content order, -// until either fn returns false or all fields have been visited. The caller -// should ensure that content is from a mapping node, or fits the same expected -// pattern (consecutive key/value entries in the slice). -func visitFieldsWhileTrue(content []*yaml.Node, fn func(key, value *yaml.Node, keyIndex int) bool) { - for i := 0; i < len(content); i += 2 { - continueVisiting := fn(content[i], content[i+1], i) - if !continueVisiting { - return - } - } -} - -// Elements returns the list of elements in the RNode. -// Returns an error for non-SequenceNodes. -func (rn *RNode) Elements() ([]*RNode, error) { - if err := ErrorIfInvalid(rn, yaml.SequenceNode); err != nil { - return nil, errors.Wrap(err) - } - var elements []*RNode - for i := 0; i < len(rn.Content()); i++ { - elements = append(elements, NewRNode(rn.Content()[i])) - } - return elements, nil -} - -// ElementValues returns a list of all observed values for a given field name -// in a list of elements. -// Returns error for non-SequenceNodes. -func (rn *RNode) ElementValues(key string) ([]string, error) { - if err := ErrorIfInvalid(rn, yaml.SequenceNode); err != nil { - return nil, errors.Wrap(err) - } - var elements []string - for i := 0; i < len(rn.Content()); i++ { - field := NewRNode(rn.Content()[i]).Field(key) - if !field.IsNilOrEmpty() { - elements = append(elements, field.Value.YNode().Value) - } - } - return elements, nil -} - -// ElementValuesList returns a list of lists, where each list is a set of -// values corresponding to each key in keys. -// Returns error for non-SequenceNodes. -func (rn *RNode) ElementValuesList(keys []string) ([][]string, error) { - if err := ErrorIfInvalid(rn, yaml.SequenceNode); err != nil { - return nil, errors.Wrap(err) - } - elements := make([][]string, len(rn.Content())) - - for i := 0; i < len(rn.Content()); i++ { - for _, key := range keys { - field := NewRNode(rn.Content()[i]).Field(key) - if field.IsNilOrEmpty() { - elements[i] = append(elements[i], "") - } else { - elements[i] = append(elements[i], field.Value.YNode().Value) - } - } - } - return elements, nil -} - -// Element returns the element in the list which contains the field matching the value. -// Returns nil for non-SequenceNodes or if no Element matches. -func (rn *RNode) Element(key, value string) *RNode { - if rn.YNode().Kind != yaml.SequenceNode { - return nil - } - elem, err := rn.Pipe(MatchElement(key, value)) - if err != nil { - return nil - } - return elem -} - -// ElementList returns the element in the list in which all fields keys[i] matches all -// corresponding values[i]. -// Returns nil for non-SequenceNodes or if no Element matches. -func (rn *RNode) ElementList(keys []string, values []string) *RNode { - if rn.YNode().Kind != yaml.SequenceNode { - return nil - } - elem, err := rn.Pipe(MatchElementList(keys, values)) - if err != nil { - return nil - } - return elem -} - -// VisitElements calls fn for each element in a SequenceNode. -// Returns an error for non-SequenceNodes -func (rn *RNode) VisitElements(fn func(node *RNode) error) error { - elements, err := rn.Elements() - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - - for i := range elements { - if err := fn(elements[i]); err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err) - } - } - return nil -} - -// AssociativeSequenceKeys is a map of paths to sequences that have associative keys. -// The order sets the precedence of the merge keys -- if multiple keys are present -// in Resources in a list, then the FIRST key which ALL elements in the list have is used as the -// associative key for merging that list. -// Only infer name as a merge key. -var AssociativeSequenceKeys = []string{"name"} - -// IsAssociative returns true if the RNode contains an AssociativeSequenceKey as a field. -func (rn *RNode) IsAssociative() bool { - return rn.GetAssociativeKey() != "" -} - -// GetAssociativeKey returns the AssociativeSequenceKey used to merge the elements in the -// SequenceNode, or "" if the list is not associative. -func (rn *RNode) GetAssociativeKey() string { - // look for any associative keys in the first element - for _, key := range AssociativeSequenceKeys { - if checkKey(key, rn.Content()) { - return key - } - } - - // element doesn't have an associative keys - return "" -} - -// MarshalJSON creates a byte slice from the RNode. -func (rn *RNode) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - s, err := rn.String() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - if rn.YNode().Kind == SequenceNode { - var a []interface{} - if err := Unmarshal([]byte(s), &a); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return json.Marshal(a) - } - - m := map[string]interface{}{} - if err := Unmarshal([]byte(s), &m); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return json.Marshal(m) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON overwrites this RNode with data from []byte. -func (rn *RNode) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { - m := map[string]interface{}{} - if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &m); err != nil { - return err - } - r, err := FromMap(m) - if err != nil { - return err - } - rn.value = r.value - return nil -} - -// DeAnchor inflates all YAML aliases with their anchor values. -// All YAML anchor data is permanently removed (feel free to call Copy first). -func (rn *RNode) DeAnchor() (err error) { - rn.value, err = deAnchor(rn.value) - return -} - -// deAnchor removes all AliasNodes from the yaml.Node's tree, replacing -// them with what they point to. All Anchor fields (these are used to mark -// anchor definitions) are cleared. -func deAnchor(yn *yaml.Node) (res *yaml.Node, err error) { - if yn == nil { - return nil, nil - } - if yn.Anchor != "" { - // This node defines an anchor. Clear the field so that it - // doesn't show up when marshalling. - if yn.Kind == yaml.AliasNode { - // Maybe this is OK, but for now treating it as a bug. - return nil, fmt.Errorf( - "anchor %q defined using alias %v", yn.Anchor, yn.Alias) - } - yn.Anchor = "" - } - switch yn.Kind { - case yaml.ScalarNode: - return yn, nil - case yaml.AliasNode: - result, err := deAnchor(yn.Alias) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return CopyYNode(result), nil - case yaml.MappingNode: - toMerge, err := removeMergeTags(yn) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - err = mergeAll(yn, toMerge) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - fallthrough - case yaml.DocumentNode, yaml.SequenceNode: - for i := range yn.Content { - yn.Content[i], err = deAnchor(yn.Content[i]) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - return yn, nil - default: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot deAnchor kind %q", yn.Kind) - } -} - -// isMerge returns if the node is tagged with !!merge -func isMerge(yn *yaml.Node) bool { - return yn.Tag == MergeTag -} - -// findMergeValues receives either a MappingNode, a AliasNode or a potentially -// mixed list of MappingNodes and AliasNodes. It returns a list of MappingNodes. -func findMergeValues(yn *yaml.Node) ([]*yaml.Node, error) { - if yn == nil { - return []*yaml.Node{}, nil - } - switch yn.Kind { - case MappingNode: - return []*yaml.Node{yn}, nil - case AliasNode: - if yn.Alias != nil && yn.Alias.Kind != MappingNode { - return nil, errors.Errorf("invalid map merge: received alias for a non-map value") - } - return []*yaml.Node{yn.Alias}, nil - case SequenceNode: - mergeValues := []*yaml.Node{} - for i := 0; i < len(yn.Content); i++ { - if yn.Content[i].Kind == SequenceNode { - return nil, errors.Errorf("invalid map merge: received a nested sequence") - } - newMergeValues, err := findMergeValues(yn.Content[i]) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - mergeValues = append(newMergeValues, mergeValues...) - } - return mergeValues, nil - default: - return nil, errors.Errorf("map merge requires map or sequence of maps as the value") - } -} - -// getMergeTagValue receives a MappingNode yaml node, and it searches for -// merge tagged keys and return its value yaml node. If the key is duplicated, -// it fails. -func getMergeTagValue(yn *yaml.Node) (*yaml.Node, error) { - var result *yaml.Node - var err error - visitFieldsWhileTrue(yn.Content, func(key, value *yaml.Node, _ int) bool { - if isMerge(key) { - if result != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("duplicate merge key") - result = nil - return false - } - result = value - } - return true - }) - return result, err -} - -// removeMergeTags removes all merge tags and returns a ordered list of yaml -// nodes to merge and a error -func removeMergeTags(yn *yaml.Node) ([]*yaml.Node, error) { - if yn == nil || yn.Content == nil { - return nil, nil - } - if yn.Kind != yaml.MappingNode { - return nil, nil - } - value, err := getMergeTagValue(yn) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - toMerge, err := findMergeValues(value) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - err = NewRNode(yn).PipeE(Clear("<<")) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return toMerge, nil -} - -func mergeAll(yn *yaml.Node, toMerge []*yaml.Node) error { - // We only need to start with a copy of the existing node because we need to - // maintain duplicated keys and style - rn := NewRNode(yn).Copy() - toMerge = append(toMerge, yn) - for i := range toMerge { - rnToMerge := NewRNode(toMerge[i]).Copy() - err := rnToMerge.VisitFields(func(node *MapNode) error { - return rn.PipeE(MapEntrySetter{Key: node.Key, Value: node.Value}) - }) - if err != nil { - return err - } - } - *yn = *rn.value - return nil -} - -// GetValidatedMetadata returns metadata after subjecting it to some tests. -func (rn *RNode) GetValidatedMetadata() (ResourceMeta, error) { - m, err := rn.GetMeta() - if err != nil { - return m, err - } - if m.Kind == "" { - return m, fmt.Errorf("missing kind in object %v", m) - } - if strings.HasSuffix(m.Kind, "List") { - // A list doesn't require a name. - return m, nil - } - if m.NameMeta.Name == "" { - return m, fmt.Errorf("missing metadata.name in object %v", m) - } - return m, nil -} - -// MatchesAnnotationSelector returns true on a selector match to annotations. -func (rn *RNode) MatchesAnnotationSelector(selector string) (bool, error) { - s, err := labels.Parse(selector) - if err != nil { - return false, err - } - return s.Matches(labels.Set(rn.GetAnnotations())), nil -} - -// MatchesLabelSelector returns true on a selector match to labels. -func (rn *RNode) MatchesLabelSelector(selector string) (bool, error) { - s, err := labels.Parse(selector) - if err != nil { - return false, err - } - return s.Matches(labels.Set(rn.GetLabels())), nil -} - -// HasNilEntryInList returns true if the RNode contains a list which has -// a nil item, along with the path to the missing item. -// TODO(broken): This doesn't do what it claims to do. -// (see TODO in unit test and pr 1513). -func (rn *RNode) HasNilEntryInList() (bool, string) { - return hasNilEntryInList(rn.value) -} - -func hasNilEntryInList(in interface{}) (bool, string) { - switch v := in.(type) { - case map[string]interface{}: - for key, s := range v { - if result, path := hasNilEntryInList(s); result { - return result, key + "/" + path - } - } - case []interface{}: - for index, s := range v { - if s == nil { - return true, "" - } - if result, path := hasNilEntryInList(s); result { - return result, "[" + strconv.Itoa(index) + "]/" + path - } - } - } - return false, "" -} - -func FromMap(m map[string]interface{}) (*RNode, error) { - c, err := Marshal(m) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return Parse(string(c)) -} - -func (rn *RNode) Map() (map[string]interface{}, error) { - if rn == nil || rn.value == nil { - return make(map[string]interface{}), nil - } - var result map[string]interface{} - if err := rn.value.Decode(&result); err != nil { - // Should not be able to create an RNode that cannot be decoded; - // this is an unrecoverable error. - str, _ := rn.String() - return nil, fmt.Errorf("received error %w for the following resource:\n%s", err, str) - } - return result, nil -} - -// ConvertJSONToYamlNode parses input json string and returns equivalent yaml node -func ConvertJSONToYamlNode(jsonStr string) (*RNode, error) { - var body map[string]interface{} - err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonStr), &body) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - yml, err := yaml.Marshal(body) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - node, err := Parse(string(yml)) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return node, nil -} - -// checkKey returns true if all elems have the key -func checkKey(key string, elems []*Node) bool { - count := 0 - for i := range elems { - elem := NewRNode(elems[i]) - if elem.Field(key) != nil { - count++ - } - } - return count == len(elems) -} - -// GetSlice returns the contents of the slice field at the given path. -func (rn *RNode) GetSlice(path string) ([]interface{}, error) { - value, err := rn.GetFieldValue(path) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if sliceValue, ok := value.([]interface{}); ok { - return sliceValue, nil - } - return nil, fmt.Errorf("node %s is not a slice", path) -} - -// GetString returns the contents of the string field at the given path. -func (rn *RNode) GetString(path string) (string, error) { - value, err := rn.GetFieldValue(path) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - if v, ok := value.(string); ok { - return v, nil - } - return "", fmt.Errorf("node %s is not a string: %v", path, value) -} - -// GetFieldValue finds period delimited fields. -// TODO: When doing kustomize var replacement, which is likely a -// a primary use of this function and the reason it returns interface{} -// rather than string, we do conversion from Nodes to Go types and back -// to nodes. We should figure out how to do replacement using raw nodes, -// assuming we keep the var feature in kustomize. -// The other end of this is: refvar.go:updateNodeValue. -func (rn *RNode) GetFieldValue(path string) (interface{}, error) { - fields := convertSliceIndex(utils.SmarterPathSplitter(path, ".")) - rn, err := rn.Pipe(Lookup(fields...)) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if rn == nil { - return nil, NoFieldError{path} - } - yn := rn.YNode() - - // If this is an alias node, resolve it - if yn.Kind == yaml.AliasNode { - yn = yn.Alias - } - - // Return value as map for DocumentNode and MappingNode kinds - if yn.Kind == yaml.DocumentNode || yn.Kind == yaml.MappingNode { - var result map[string]interface{} - if err := yn.Decode(&result); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return result, err - } - - // Return value as slice for SequenceNode kind - if yn.Kind == yaml.SequenceNode { - var result []interface{} - if err := yn.Decode(&result); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return result, nil - } - if yn.Kind != yaml.ScalarNode { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected ScalarNode, got Kind=%d", yn.Kind) - } - - switch yn.Tag { - case NodeTagString: - return yn.Value, nil - case NodeTagInt: - return strconv.Atoi(yn.Value) - case NodeTagFloat: - return strconv.ParseFloat(yn.Value, 64) - case NodeTagBool: - return strconv.ParseBool(yn.Value) - default: - // Possibly this should be an error or log. - return yn.Value, nil - } -} - -// convertSliceIndex traverses the items in `fields` and find -// if there is a slice index in the item and change it to a -// valid Lookup field path. For example, 'ports[0]' will be -// converted to 'ports' and '0'. -func convertSliceIndex(fields []string) []string { - var res []string - for _, s := range fields { - if !strings.HasSuffix(s, "]") { - res = append(res, s) - continue - } - re := regexp.MustCompile(`^(.*)\[(\d+)\]$`) - groups := re.FindStringSubmatch(s) - if len(groups) == 0 { - // no match, add to result - res = append(res, s) - continue - } - if groups[1] != "" { - res = append(res, groups[1]) - } - res = append(res, groups[2]) - } - return res -} - -type NoFieldError struct { - Field string -} - -func (e NoFieldError) Error() string { - return fmt.Sprintf("no field named '%s'", e.Field) -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/schema/schema.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/schema/schema.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9ee592f8..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/schema/schema.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -// Package schema contains libraries for working with the yaml and openapi packages. -package schema - -import ( - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// IsAssociative returns true if all elements in the list contain an -// AssociativeSequenceKey as a field. -func IsAssociative(schema *openapi.ResourceSchema, nodes []*yaml.RNode, infer bool) bool { - if schema != nil { - return schemaHasMergeStrategy(schema) - } - if !infer { - return false - } - for i := range nodes { - node := nodes[i] - if yaml.IsMissingOrNull(node) { - continue - } - if node.IsAssociative() { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -func schemaHasMergeStrategy(schema *openapi.ResourceSchema) bool { - tmp, _ := schema.PatchStrategyAndKey() - strategies := strings.Split(tmp, ",") - for _, s := range strategies { - if s == "merge" { - return true - } - } - return false -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/types.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/types.go deleted file mode 100644 index 897e2eda..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/types.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,299 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package yaml - -import ( - "bytes" - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/sets" -) - -// CopyYNode returns a distinct copy of its argument. -// Use https://github.com/jinzhu/copier instead? -func CopyYNode(n *yaml.Node) *yaml.Node { - if n == nil { - return nil - } - c := *n - if len(n.Content) > 0 { - // Using Go 'copy' here doesn't yield independent slices. - c.Content = make([]*Node, len(n.Content)) - for i, item := range n.Content { - c.Content[i] = CopyYNode(item) - } - } - return &c -} - -// IsYNodeTaggedNull returns true if the node is explicitly tagged Null. -func IsYNodeTaggedNull(n *yaml.Node) bool { - return n != nil && n.Tag == NodeTagNull -} - -// IsYNodeEmptyMap is true if the Node is a non-nil empty map. -func IsYNodeEmptyMap(n *yaml.Node) bool { - return n != nil && n.Kind == yaml.MappingNode && len(n.Content) == 0 -} - -// IsYNodeEmptySeq is true if the Node is a non-nil empty sequence. -func IsYNodeEmptySeq(n *yaml.Node) bool { - return n != nil && n.Kind == yaml.SequenceNode && len(n.Content) == 0 -} - -// IsYNodeNilOrEmpty is true if the Node is nil or appears empty. -func IsYNodeNilOrEmpty(n *yaml.Node) bool { - return n == nil || - IsYNodeTaggedNull(n) || - IsYNodeEmptyMap(n) || - IsYNodeEmptySeq(n) || - IsYNodeZero(n) -} - -// IsYNodeEmptyDoc is true if the node is a Document with no content. -// E.g.: "---\n---" -func IsYNodeEmptyDoc(n *yaml.Node) bool { - return n.Kind == yaml.DocumentNode && n.Content[0].Tag == NodeTagNull -} - -func IsYNodeString(n *yaml.Node) bool { - return n.Kind == yaml.ScalarNode && - (n.Tag == NodeTagString || n.Tag == NodeTagEmpty) -} - -// IsYNodeZero is true if all the public fields in the Node are empty. -// Which means it's not initialized and should be omitted when marshal. -// The Node itself has a method IsZero but it is not released -// in yaml.v3. https://pkg.go.dev/gopkg.in/yaml.v3#Node.IsZero -func IsYNodeZero(n *yaml.Node) bool { - // TODO: Change this to use IsZero when it's avaialable. - return n != nil && n.Kind == 0 && n.Style == 0 && n.Tag == "" && n.Value == "" && - n.Anchor == "" && n.Alias == nil && n.Content == nil && - n.HeadComment == "" && n.LineComment == "" && n.FootComment == "" && - n.Line == 0 && n.Column == 0 -} - -// Parser parses values into configuration. -type Parser struct { - Kind string `yaml:"kind,omitempty"` - Value string `yaml:"value,omitempty"` -} - -func (p Parser) Filter(_ *RNode) (*RNode, error) { - d := yaml.NewDecoder(bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(p.Value))) - o := &RNode{value: &yaml.Node{}} - return o, d.Decode(o.value) -} - -// TODO(pwittrock): test this -func GetStyle(styles ...string) Style { - var style Style - for _, s := range styles { - switch s { - case "TaggedStyle": - style |= TaggedStyle - case "DoubleQuotedStyle": - style |= DoubleQuotedStyle - case "SingleQuotedStyle": - style |= SingleQuotedStyle - case "LiteralStyle": - style |= LiteralStyle - case "FoldedStyle": - style |= FoldedStyle - case "FlowStyle": - style |= FlowStyle - } - } - return style -} - -// Filter defines a function to manipulate an individual RNode such as by changing -// its values, or returning a field. -// -// When possible, Filters should be serializable to yaml so that they can be described -// declaratively as data. -// -// Analogous to http://www.linfo.org/filters.html -type Filter interface { - Filter(object *RNode) (*RNode, error) -} - -type FilterFunc func(object *RNode) (*RNode, error) - -func (f FilterFunc) Filter(object *RNode) (*RNode, error) { - return f(object) -} - -// TypeMeta partially copies apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1.TypeMeta -// No need for a direct dependence; the fields are stable. -type TypeMeta struct { - // APIVersion is the apiVersion field of a Resource - APIVersion string `json:"apiVersion,omitempty" yaml:"apiVersion,omitempty"` - // Kind is the kind field of a Resource - Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty" yaml:"kind,omitempty"` -} - -// NameMeta contains name information. -type NameMeta struct { - // Name is the metadata.name field of a Resource - Name string `json:"name,omitempty" yaml:"name,omitempty"` - // Namespace is the metadata.namespace field of a Resource - Namespace string `json:"namespace,omitempty" yaml:"namespace,omitempty"` -} - -// ResourceMeta contains the metadata for a both Resource Type and Resource. -type ResourceMeta struct { - TypeMeta `json:",inline" yaml:",inline"` - // ObjectMeta is the metadata field of a Resource - ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty" yaml:"metadata,omitempty"` -} - -// ObjectMeta contains metadata about a Resource -type ObjectMeta struct { - NameMeta `json:",inline" yaml:",inline"` - // Labels is the metadata.labels field of a Resource - Labels map[string]string `json:"labels,omitempty" yaml:"labels,omitempty"` - // Annotations is the metadata.annotations field of a Resource. - Annotations map[string]string `json:"annotations,omitempty" yaml:"annotations,omitempty"` -} - -// GetIdentifier returns a ResourceIdentifier that includes -// the information needed to uniquely identify a resource in a cluster. -func (m *ResourceMeta) GetIdentifier() ResourceIdentifier { - return ResourceIdentifier{ - TypeMeta: m.TypeMeta, - NameMeta: m.NameMeta, - } -} - -// ResourceIdentifier contains the information needed to uniquely -// identify a resource in a cluster. -type ResourceIdentifier struct { - TypeMeta `json:",inline" yaml:",inline"` - NameMeta `json:",inline" yaml:",inline"` -} - -// Comments struct is comment yaml comment types -type Comments struct { - LineComment string `yaml:"lineComment,omitempty"` - HeadComment string `yaml:"headComment,omitempty"` - FootComment string `yaml:"footComment,omitempty"` -} - -func (r *ResourceIdentifier) GetName() string { - return r.Name -} - -func (r *ResourceIdentifier) GetNamespace() string { - return r.Namespace -} - -func (r *ResourceIdentifier) GetAPIVersion() string { - return r.APIVersion -} - -func (r *ResourceIdentifier) GetKind() string { - return r.Kind -} - -const ( - Trim = "Trim" - Flow = "Flow" -) - -// String returns a string value for a Node, applying the supplied formatting options -func String(node *yaml.Node, opts ...string) (string, error) { - if node == nil { - return "", nil - } - optsSet := sets.String{} - optsSet.Insert(opts...) - if optsSet.Has(Flow) { - oldStyle := node.Style - defer func() { - node.Style = oldStyle - }() - node.Style = yaml.FlowStyle - } - - b := &bytes.Buffer{} - e := NewEncoder(b) - err := e.Encode(node) - errClose := e.Close() - if err == nil { - err = errClose - } - val := b.String() - if optsSet.Has(Trim) { - val = strings.TrimSpace(val) - } - return val, errors.Wrap(err) -} - -// MergeOptionsListIncreaseDirection is the type of list growth in merge -type MergeOptionsListIncreaseDirection int - -const ( - MergeOptionsListAppend MergeOptionsListIncreaseDirection = iota - MergeOptionsListPrepend -) - -// MergeOptions is a struct which contains the options for merge -type MergeOptions struct { - // ListIncreaseDirection indicates should merge function prepend the items from - // source list to destination or append. - ListIncreaseDirection MergeOptionsListIncreaseDirection -} - -// Since ObjectMeta and TypeMeta are stable, we manually create DeepCopy funcs for ResourceMeta and ObjectMeta. -// For TypeMeta and NameMeta no DeepCopy funcs are required, as they only contain basic types. - -// DeepCopyInto copies the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil. -func (in *ObjectMeta) DeepCopyInto(out *ObjectMeta) { - *out = *in - out.NameMeta = in.NameMeta - if in.Labels != nil { - in, out := &in.Labels, &out.Labels - *out = make(map[string]string, len(*in)) - for key, val := range *in { - (*out)[key] = val - } - } - if in.Annotations != nil { - in, out := &in.Annotations, &out.Annotations - *out = make(map[string]string, len(*in)) - for key, val := range *in { - (*out)[key] = val - } - } -} - -// DeepCopy copies the receiver, creating a new ObjectMeta. -func (in *ObjectMeta) DeepCopy() *ObjectMeta { - if in == nil { - return nil - } - out := new(ObjectMeta) - in.DeepCopyInto(out) - return out -} - -// DeepCopyInto copies the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil. -func (in *ResourceMeta) DeepCopyInto(out *ResourceMeta) { - *out = *in - out.TypeMeta = in.TypeMeta - in.ObjectMeta.DeepCopyInto(&out.ObjectMeta) -} - -// DeepCopy copies the receiver, creating a new ResourceMeta. -func (in *ResourceMeta) DeepCopy() *ResourceMeta { - if in == nil { - return nil - } - out := new(ResourceMeta) - in.DeepCopyInto(out) - return out -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/util.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/util.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8c943934..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/util.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2021 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package yaml - -import ( - "strings" -) - -// DeriveSeqIndentStyle derives the sequence indentation annotation value for the resource, -// originalYAML is the input yaml string, -// the style is decided by deriving the existing sequence indentation of first sequence node -func DeriveSeqIndentStyle(originalYAML string) string { - lines := strings.Split(originalYAML, "\n") - for i, line := range lines { - elems := strings.SplitN(line, "- ", 2) - if len(elems) != 2 { - continue - } - // prefix of "- " must be sequence of spaces - if strings.Trim(elems[0], " ") != "" { - continue - } - numSpacesBeforeSeqElem := len(elems[0]) - - // keyLine is the line before the first sequence element - keyLine := keyLineBeforeSeqElem(lines, i) - if keyLine == "" { - // there is no keyLine for this sequence node - // all of those lines are comments - continue - } - numSpacesBeforeKeyElem := len(keyLine) - len(strings.TrimLeft(keyLine, " ")) - trimmedKeyLine := strings.Trim(keyLine, " ") - if strings.Count(trimmedKeyLine, ":") != 1 || !strings.HasSuffix(trimmedKeyLine, ":") { - // if the key line doesn't contain only one : that too at the end, - // this is not a sequence node, it is a wrapped sequence node string - // ignore it - continue - } - - if numSpacesBeforeSeqElem == numSpacesBeforeKeyElem { - return string(CompactSequenceStyle) - } - - if numSpacesBeforeSeqElem-numSpacesBeforeKeyElem == 2 { - return string(WideSequenceStyle) - } - } - - return string(CompactSequenceStyle) -} - -// keyLineBeforeSeqElem iterates through the lines before the first seqElement -// and tries to find the non-comment key line for the sequence node -func keyLineBeforeSeqElem(lines []string, seqElemIndex int) string { - // start with the previous line of sequence element - i := seqElemIndex - 1 - for ; i >= 0; i-- { - line := lines[i] - trimmedLine := strings.Trim(line, " ") - if strings.HasPrefix(trimmedLine, "#") { // commented line - continue - } - // we have a non-commented line which can have a trailing comment - parts := strings.SplitN(line, "#", 2) - return parts[0] // throw away the trailing comment part - } - return "" -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/walk/associative_sequence.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/walk/associative_sequence.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5cea8d92..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/walk/associative_sequence.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,385 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package walk - -import ( - "strings" - - "github.com/go-errors/errors" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/sets" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// appendListNode will append the nodes from src to dst and return dst. -// src and dst should be both sequence node. key is used to call ElementSetter. -// ElementSetter will use key-value pair to find and set the element in sequence -// node. -func appendListNode(dst, src *yaml.RNode, keys []string) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - var err error - for _, elem := range src.Content() { - // If key is empty, we know this is a scalar value and we can directly set the - // node - if keys[0] == "" { - _, err = dst.Pipe(yaml.ElementSetter{ - Element: elem, - Keys: []string{""}, - Values: []string{elem.Value}, - }) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - continue - } - - // we need to get the value for key so that we can find the element to set - // in sequence. - v := []string{} - for _, key := range keys { - tmpNode := yaml.NewRNode(elem) - valueNode, err := tmpNode.Pipe(yaml.Get(key)) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if valueNode.IsNil() { - // no key found, directly append to dst - err = dst.PipeE(yaml.Append(elem)) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - continue - } - v = append(v, valueNode.YNode().Value) - } - - // When there are multiple keys, ElementSetter appends the node to dst - // even if the output is already in dst. We remove the node from dst to - // prevent duplicates. - if len(keys) > 1 { - _, err = dst.Pipe(yaml.ElementSetter{ - Keys: keys, - Values: v, - }) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - - // We use the key and value from elem to find the corresponding element in dst. - // Then we will use ElementSetter to replace the element with elem. If we cannot - // find the item, the element will be appended. - _, err = dst.Pipe(yaml.ElementSetter{ - Element: elem, - Keys: keys, - Values: v, - }) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - return dst, nil -} - -// validateKeys returns a list of valid key-value pairs -// if secondary merge key values are missing, use only the available merge keys -func validateKeys(valuesList [][]string, values []string, keys []string) ([]string, []string) { - validKeys := make([]string, 0) - validValues := make([]string, 0) - validKeySet := sets.String{} - for _, values := range valuesList { - for i, v := range values { - if v != "" { - validKeySet.Insert(keys[i]) - } - } - } - if validKeySet.Len() == 0 { // if values missing, fall back to primary keys - return keys, values - } - for _, k := range keys { - if validKeySet.Has(k) { - validKeys = append(validKeys, k) - } - } - for i, v := range values { - if v != "" || validKeySet.Has(keys[i]) { - validValues = append(validValues, v) - } - } - return validKeys, validValues -} - -// mergeValues merges values together - e.g. if two containerPorts -// have the same port and targetPort but one has an empty protocol -// and the other doesn't, they are treated as the same containerPort -func mergeValues(valuesList [][]string) [][]string { - for i, values1 := range valuesList { - for j, values2 := range valuesList { - if matched, values := match(values1, values2); matched { - valuesList[i] = values - valuesList[j] = values - } - } - } - return valuesList -} - -// two values match if they have at least one common element and -// corresponding elements only differ if one is an empty string -func match(values1 []string, values2 []string) (bool, []string) { - if len(values1) != len(values2) { - return false, nil - } - var commonElement bool - var res []string - for i := range values1 { - if values1[i] == values2[i] { - commonElement = true - res = append(res, values1[i]) - continue - } - if values1[i] != "" && values2[i] != "" { - return false, nil - } - if values1[i] != "" { - res = append(res, values1[i]) - } else { - res = append(res, values2[i]) - } - } - return commonElement, res -} - -// setAssociativeSequenceElements recursively set the elements in the list -func (l *Walker) setAssociativeSequenceElements(valuesList [][]string, keys []string, dest *yaml.RNode) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - // itemsToBeAdded contains the items that will be added to dest - itemsToBeAdded := yaml.NewListRNode() - var schema *openapi.ResourceSchema - if l.Schema != nil { - schema = l.Schema.Elements() - } - if len(keys) > 1 { - valuesList = mergeValues(valuesList) - } - - // each element in valuesList is a list of values corresponding to the keys - // for example, for the following yaml: - // - containerPort: 8080 - // protocol: UDP - // - containerPort: 8080 - // protocol: TCP - // `keys` would be [containerPort, protocol] - // and `valuesList` would be [ [8080, UDP], [8080, TCP] ] - var validKeys []string - var validValues []string - for _, values := range valuesList { - if len(values) == 0 { - continue - } - - validKeys, validValues = validateKeys(valuesList, values, keys) - val, err := Walker{ - VisitKeysAsScalars: l.VisitKeysAsScalars, - InferAssociativeLists: l.InferAssociativeLists, - Visitor: l, - Schema: schema, - Sources: l.elementValueList(validKeys, validValues), - MergeOptions: l.MergeOptions, - }.Walk() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - exit := false - for i, key := range validKeys { - // delete the node from **dest** if it's null or empty - if yaml.IsMissingOrNull(val) || yaml.IsEmptyMap(val) { - _, err = dest.Pipe(yaml.ElementSetter{ - Keys: validKeys, - Values: validValues, - }) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - exit = true - } else if val.Field(key) == nil && validValues[i] != "" { - // make sure the key is set on the field - _, err = val.Pipe(yaml.SetField(key, yaml.NewScalarRNode(validValues[i]))) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - } - if exit { - continue - } - - // Add the val to the sequence. val will replace the item in the sequence if - // there is an item that matches all key-value pairs. Otherwise val will be appended - // the sequence. - _, err = itemsToBeAdded.Pipe(yaml.ElementSetter{ - Element: val.YNode(), - Keys: validKeys, - Values: validValues, - }) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - - var err error - if len(valuesList) > 0 { - if l.MergeOptions.ListIncreaseDirection == yaml.MergeOptionsListPrepend { - // items from patches are needed to be prepended. so we append the - // dest to itemsToBeAdded - dest, err = appendListNode(itemsToBeAdded, dest, validKeys) - } else { - // append the items - dest, err = appendListNode(dest, itemsToBeAdded, validKeys) - } - } - - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - // sequence is empty - if yaml.IsMissingOrNull(dest) { - return nil, nil - } - return dest, nil -} - -func (l *Walker) walkAssociativeSequence() (*yaml.RNode, error) { - // may require initializing the dest node - dest, err := l.Sources.setDestNode(l.VisitList(l.Sources, l.Schema, AssociativeList)) - if dest == nil || err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - // get the merge key(s) from schema - var strategy string - var keys []string - if l.Schema != nil { - strategy, keys = l.Schema.PatchStrategyAndKeyList() - } - if strategy == "" && len(keys) == 0 { // neither strategy nor keys present in the schema -- infer the key - // find the list of elements we need to recursively walk - key, err := l.elementKey() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if key != "" { - keys = append(keys, key) - } - } - - // non-primitive associative list -- merge the elements - values := l.elementValues(keys) - if len(values) != 0 || len(keys) > 0 { - return l.setAssociativeSequenceElements(values, keys, dest) - } - - // primitive associative list -- merge the values - return l.setAssociativeSequenceElements(l.elementPrimitiveValues(), []string{""}, dest) -} - -// elementKey returns the merge key to use for the associative list -func (l Walker) elementKey() (string, error) { - var key string - for i := range l.Sources { - if l.Sources[i] != nil && len(l.Sources[i].Content()) > 0 { - newKey := l.Sources[i].GetAssociativeKey() - if key != "" && key != newKey { - return "", errors.Errorf( - "conflicting merge keys [%s,%s] for field %s", - key, newKey, strings.Join(l.Path, ".")) - } - key = newKey - } - } - if key == "" { - return "", errors.Errorf("no merge key found for field %s", - strings.Join(l.Path, ".")) - } - return key, nil -} - -// elementValues returns a slice containing all values for the field across all elements -// from all sources. -// Return value slice is ordered using the original ordering from the elements, where -// elements missing from earlier sources appear later. -func (l Walker) elementValues(keys []string) [][]string { - // use slice to to keep elements in the original order - var returnValues [][]string - var seen sets.StringList - - // if we are doing append, dest node should be the first. - // otherwise dest node should be the last. - beginIdx := 0 - if l.MergeOptions.ListIncreaseDirection == yaml.MergeOptionsListPrepend { - beginIdx = 1 - } - for i := range l.Sources { - src := l.Sources[(i+beginIdx)%len(l.Sources)] - if src == nil { - continue - } - - // add the value of the field for each element - // don't check error, we know this is a list node - values, _ := src.ElementValuesList(keys) - for _, s := range values { - if len(s) == 0 || seen.Has(s) { - continue - } - returnValues = append(returnValues, s) - seen = seen.Insert(s) - } - } - return returnValues -} - -// elementPrimitiveValues returns the primitive values in an associative list -- eg. finalizers -func (l Walker) elementPrimitiveValues() [][]string { - // use slice to to keep elements in the original order - var returnValues [][]string - seen := sets.String{} - // if we are doing append, dest node should be the first. - // otherwise dest node should be the last. - beginIdx := 0 - if l.MergeOptions.ListIncreaseDirection == yaml.MergeOptionsListPrepend { - beginIdx = 1 - } - for i := range l.Sources { - src := l.Sources[(i+beginIdx)%len(l.Sources)] - if src == nil { - continue - } - - // add the value of the field for each element - // don't check error, we know this is a list node - for _, item := range src.YNode().Content { - if seen.Has(item.Value) { - continue - } - returnValues = append(returnValues, []string{item.Value}) - seen.Insert(item.Value) - } - } - return returnValues -} - -// fieldValue returns a slice containing each source's value for fieldName -func (l Walker) elementValueList(keys []string, values []string) []*yaml.RNode { - keys, values = validateKeys([][]string{values}, values, keys) - var fields []*yaml.RNode - for i := range l.Sources { - if l.Sources[i] == nil { - fields = append(fields, nil) - continue - } - fields = append(fields, l.Sources[i].ElementList(keys, values)) - } - return fields -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/walk/map.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/walk/map.go deleted file mode 100644 index 998af6d3..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/walk/map.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,173 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package walk - -import ( - "sort" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fieldmeta" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/sets" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// walkMap returns the value of VisitMap -// -// - call VisitMap -// - set the return value on l.Dest -// - walk each source field -// - set each source field value on l.Dest -func (l Walker) walkMap() (*yaml.RNode, error) { - // get the new map value - dest, err := l.Sources.setDestNode(l.VisitMap(l.Sources, l.Schema)) - if dest == nil || err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - // recursively set the field values on the map - for _, key := range l.fieldNames() { - var res *yaml.RNode - var keys []*yaml.RNode - if l.VisitKeysAsScalars { - // visit the map keys as if they were scalars, - // this is necessary if doing things such as copying - // comments - for i := range l.Sources { - // construct the sources from the keys - if l.Sources[i] == nil { - keys = append(keys, nil) - continue - } - field := l.Sources[i].Field(key) - if field == nil || yaml.IsMissingOrNull(field.Key) { - keys = append(keys, nil) - continue - } - keys = append(keys, field.Key) - } - // visit the sources as a scalar - // keys don't have any schema --pass in nil - res, err = l.Visitor.VisitScalar(keys, nil) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - - var s *openapi.ResourceSchema - if l.Schema != nil { - s = l.Schema.Field(key) - } - fv, commentSch := l.fieldValue(key) - if commentSch != nil { - s = commentSch - } - val, err := Walker{ - VisitKeysAsScalars: l.VisitKeysAsScalars, - InferAssociativeLists: l.InferAssociativeLists, - Visitor: l, - Schema: s, - Sources: fv, - MergeOptions: l.MergeOptions, - Path: append(l.Path, key)}.Walk() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - // transfer the comments of res to dest node - var comments yaml.Comments - if !yaml.IsMissingOrNull(res) { - comments = yaml.Comments{ - LineComment: res.YNode().LineComment, - HeadComment: res.YNode().HeadComment, - FootComment: res.YNode().FootComment, - } - if len(keys) > 0 && !yaml.IsMissingOrNull(keys[DestIndex]) { - keys[DestIndex].YNode().HeadComment = res.YNode().HeadComment - keys[DestIndex].YNode().LineComment = res.YNode().LineComment - keys[DestIndex].YNode().FootComment = res.YNode().FootComment - } - } - - // this handles empty and non-empty values - _, err = dest.Pipe(yaml.FieldSetter{Name: key, Comments: comments, Value: val}) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - - return dest, nil -} - -// valueIfPresent returns node.Value if node is non-nil, otherwise returns nil -func (l Walker) valueIfPresent(node *yaml.MapNode) (*yaml.RNode, *openapi.ResourceSchema) { - if node == nil { - return nil, nil - } - - // parse the schema for the field if present - var s *openapi.ResourceSchema - fm := fieldmeta.FieldMeta{} - var err error - // check the value for a schema - if err = fm.Read(node.Value); err == nil { - s = &openapi.ResourceSchema{Schema: &fm.Schema} - if fm.Schema.Ref.String() != "" { - r, err := openapi.Resolve(&fm.Schema.Ref, openapi.Schema()) - if err == nil && r != nil { - s.Schema = r - } - } - } - // check the key for a schema -- this will be used - // when the value is a Sequence (comments are attached) - // to the key - if fm.IsEmpty() { - if err = fm.Read(node.Key); err == nil { - s = &openapi.ResourceSchema{Schema: &fm.Schema} - } - if fm.Schema.Ref.String() != "" { - r, err := openapi.Resolve(&fm.Schema.Ref, openapi.Schema()) - if err == nil && r != nil { - s.Schema = r - } - } - } - return node.Value, s -} - -// fieldNames returns a sorted slice containing the names of all fields that appear in any of -// the sources -func (l Walker) fieldNames() []string { - fields := sets.String{} - for _, s := range l.Sources { - if s == nil { - continue - } - // don't check error, we know this is a mapping node - sFields, _ := s.Fields() - fields.Insert(sFields...) - } - result := fields.List() - sort.Strings(result) - return result -} - -// fieldValue returns a slice containing each source's value for fieldName -func (l Walker) fieldValue(fieldName string) ([]*yaml.RNode, *openapi.ResourceSchema) { - var fields []*yaml.RNode - var sch *openapi.ResourceSchema - for i := range l.Sources { - if l.Sources[i] == nil { - fields = append(fields, nil) - continue - } - field := l.Sources[i].Field(fieldName) - f, s := l.valueIfPresent(field) - fields = append(fields, f) - if sch == nil && !s.IsMissingOrNull() { - sch = s - } - } - return fields, sch -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/walk/nonassociative_sequence.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/walk/nonassociative_sequence.go deleted file mode 100644 index 91b187e5..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/walk/nonassociative_sequence.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package walk - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -// walkNonAssociativeSequence returns the value of VisitList -func (l Walker) walkNonAssociativeSequence() (*yaml.RNode, error) { - return l.VisitList(l.Sources, l.Schema, NonAssociateList) -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/walk/scalar.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/walk/scalar.go deleted file mode 100644 index 1a26f6df..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/walk/scalar.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package walk - -import "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" - -// walkScalar returns the value of VisitScalar -func (l Walker) walkScalar() (*yaml.RNode, error) { - return l.VisitScalar(l.Sources, l.Schema) -} diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/walk/visitor.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/walk/visitor.go deleted file mode 100644 index 153ac294..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/walk/visitor.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package walk - -import ( - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" -) - -type ListKind int32 - -const ( - AssociativeList ListKind = 1 + iota - NonAssociateList -) - -// Visitor is invoked by walk with source and destination node pairs -type Visitor interface { - VisitMap(Sources, *openapi.ResourceSchema) (*yaml.RNode, error) - - VisitScalar(Sources, *openapi.ResourceSchema) (*yaml.RNode, error) - - VisitList(Sources, *openapi.ResourceSchema, ListKind) (*yaml.RNode, error) -} - -// ClearNode is returned if GrepFilter should do nothing after calling Set -var ClearNode *yaml.RNode diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/walk/walk.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/walk/walk.go deleted file mode 100644 index 68de1324..00000000 --- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/walk/walk.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,186 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. -// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 - -package walk - -import ( - "fmt" - "os" - "strings" - - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/fieldmeta" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/openapi" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml" - "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml/schema" -) - -// Walker walks the Source RNode and modifies the RNode provided to GrepFilter. -type Walker struct { - // Visitor is invoked by GrepFilter - Visitor - - Schema *openapi.ResourceSchema - - // Source is the RNode to walk. All Source fields and associative list elements - // will be visited. - Sources Sources - - // Path is the field path to the current Source Node. - Path []string - - // InferAssociativeLists if set to true will infer merge strategies for - // fields which it doesn't have the schema based on the fields in the - // list elements. - InferAssociativeLists bool - - // VisitKeysAsScalars if true will call VisitScalar on map entry keys, - // providing nil as the OpenAPI schema. - VisitKeysAsScalars bool - - // MergeOptions is a struct to store options for merge - MergeOptions yaml.MergeOptions -} - -// Kind returns the kind of the first non-null node in Sources. -func (l Walker) Kind() yaml.Kind { - for _, s := range l.Sources { - if !yaml.IsMissingOrNull(s) { - return s.YNode().Kind - } - } - return 0 -} - -// Walk will recursively traverse every item in the Sources and perform corresponding -// actions on them -func (l Walker) Walk() (*yaml.RNode, error) { - l.Schema = l.GetSchema() - - // invoke the handler for the corresponding node type - switch l.Kind() { - case yaml.MappingNode: - if err := yaml.ErrorIfAnyInvalidAndNonNull(yaml.MappingNode, l.Sources...); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return l.walkMap() - case yaml.SequenceNode: - if err := yaml.ErrorIfAnyInvalidAndNonNull(yaml.SequenceNode, l.Sources...); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - // AssociativeSequence means the items in the sequence are associative. They can be merged - // according to merge key. - if schema.IsAssociative(l.Schema, l.Sources, l.InferAssociativeLists) { - return l.walkAssociativeSequence() - } - return l.walkNonAssociativeSequence() - - case yaml.ScalarNode: - if err := yaml.ErrorIfAnyInvalidAndNonNull(yaml.ScalarNode, l.Sources...); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return l.walkScalar() - case 0: - // walk empty nodes as maps - return l.walkMap() - default: - return nil, nil - } -} - -func (l Walker) GetSchema() *openapi.ResourceSchema { - for i := range l.Sources { - r := l.Sources[i] - if yaml.IsMissingOrNull(r) { - continue - } - - fm := fieldmeta.FieldMeta{} - if err := fm.Read(r); err == nil && !fm.IsEmpty() { - // per-field schema, this is fine - if fm.Schema.Ref.String() != "" { - // resolve the reference - s, err := openapi.Resolve(&fm.Schema.Ref, openapi.Schema()) - if err == nil && s != nil { - fm.Schema = *s - } - } - return &openapi.ResourceSchema{Schema: &fm.Schema} - } - } - - if l.Schema != nil { - return l.Schema - } - for i := range l.Sources { - r := l.Sources[i] - if yaml.IsMissingOrNull(r) { - continue - } - - m, _ := r.GetMeta() - if m.Kind == "" || m.APIVersion == "" { - continue - } - - s := openapi.SchemaForResourceType(yaml.TypeMeta{Kind: m.Kind, APIVersion: m.APIVersion}) - if s != nil { - return s - } - } - return nil -} - -const ( - DestIndex = iota - OriginIndex - UpdatedIndex -) - -// Sources are a list of RNodes. First item is the dest node, followed by -// multiple source nodes. -type Sources []*yaml.RNode - -// Dest returns the destination node -func (s Sources) Dest() *yaml.RNode { - if len(s) <= DestIndex { - return nil - } - return s[DestIndex] -} - -// Origin returns the origin node -func (s Sources) Origin() *yaml.RNode { - if len(s) <= OriginIndex { - return nil - } - return s[OriginIndex] -} - -// Updated returns the updated node -func (s Sources) Updated() *yaml.RNode { - if len(s) <= UpdatedIndex { - return nil - } - return s[UpdatedIndex] -} - -func (s Sources) String() string { - var values []string - for i := range s { - str, err := s[i].String() - if err != nil { - fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err) - } - values = append(values, str) - } - return strings.Join(values, "\n") -} - -// setDestNode sets the destination source node -func (s Sources) setDestNode(node *yaml.RNode, err error) (*yaml.RNode, error) { - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - s[0] = node - return node, nil -}