We have several AddOn examples for user to understand how Addon works and how to develop an AddOn.
- the helloworld example is implemented using Go templates
- the helloworld_helm example is implemented using Helm Chart.
- the helloworld_hosted example is implemented using Go templateds, and support running the agent deployment on a hosting cluster cluster.
- the helloworld-template example is implemented using the AddOnTemplate API, it is managed by the global addon-manager, so there is no dedicated addon-manager pod running on the hub cluster for it.
- the kubernetes-dashboard is another addon implemented using the AddOnTemplate API to install a kubernetes dashboard for a managed cluster.
You can get more details in the docs.
These instructions assume:
- You have at least one running kubernetes cluster;
- You have already followed instructions from registration-operator and installed OCM successfully;
- At least one managed cluster has been imported and accepted;
Set environment variables.
export KUBECONFIG=</path/to/hub_cluster/kubeconfig>
Build the docker image to run the sample AddOn.
# get imagebuilder first
go get github.com/openshift/imagebuilder/cmd/imagebuilder@v1.2.3
export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin
# build image
make images
export EXAMPLE_IMAGE_NAME=<addon_image_name> # export EXAMPLE_IMAGE_NAME=quay.io/open-cluster-management/addon-examples:latest
If you are using kind, load image into kind hub cluster.
kind load docker-image $EXAMPLE_IMAGE_NAME --name <your-hub-cluster-name> # kind load docker-image $EXAMPLE_IMAGE_NAME --name cluster1
And then deploy the example AddOns controller on hub cluster.
make deploy-helloworld
make deploy-helloworld-helm
make deploy-helloworld-hosted
helloworld addon
The helloworld AddOn controller will create one ManagedClusterAddOn
for each managed cluster automatically to install
the helloworld agent on the managed cluster.
After a successful deployment, check on the managed cluster and see the helloworld AddOn agent has been deployed from the hub cluster.
kubectl --kubeconfig </path/to/managed_cluster/kubeconfig> -n default get pods
helloworld-agent-b99d47f76-v2j6h 1/1 Running 0 53s
helloworld_helm addon
The helloworld_helm AddOn controller cannot create ManagedClusterAddOn
We can create a ManagedClusterAddOn
in the managedCluster namespace on the Hub cluster to enable the installation of
the AddOn on the managed cluster.
export MANAGED_CLUSTER_NAME=<managed-cluster-name> && \
sed -e "s,cluster1,$MANAGED_CLUSTER_NAME," examples/deploy/addon-cr/helloworld_helm_addon_cr.yaml | \
kubectl apply -f -
We can check the helloworld_helm AddOn agent is deployed in the installNamespace
on the managed cluster.
helloworld_hosted addon
The helloworld_hosted AddOn controller also cannot create ManagedClusterAddOn
We can create a ManagedClusterAddOn
in the managedCluster namespace on the Hub cluster to enable the installation of
the AddOn on the managed cluster.
Note: when installing the addon in Hosted mode, the klusterlet installation mode of the managed cluster should also be in Hosted mode. here we should specify the HOSTING_CLUSTER_NAME, it should be a managed cluster of the hub and the same hosting cluster of the klustelet.
export MANAGED_CLUSTER_NAME=<managed-cluster-name> && \
export HOSTING_CLUSTER_NAME=<hosting-cluster-name> && \
sed -e "s,cluster1,$MANAGED_CLUSTER_NAME," -e "s,hosting1,$HOSTING_CLUSTER_NAME," examples/deploy/addon-cr/helloworld_hosted_addon_cr.yaml | \
kubectl apply -f -
Then create a helloworldhosted-managed-kubeconfig
secret containing the kubeconfig of the managed cluster in the
on the hosting cluster:
oc create secret generic helloworldhosted-managed-kubeconfig -n <installNamespace> --from-file=kubeconfig=<managed-cluster-kubeconfig-file>
We can check the helloworld_hosted AddOn agent is deployed in the installNamespace
on the hosting cluster.
helloworld_template addon
MANAGED_CLUSTER_NAME=<managed-cluster-name> make deploy-helloworld-template
kubernetes-dashboard addon
MANAGED_CLUSTER_NAME=<managed-cluster-name> make deploy-kubernetes-dashboard
The helloworld add-on supports configuring the nodeSelector and tolerations for its agent with AddOnDeploymentConfig
and the helloworld_helm add-on supports configuring image and imagePullPolicy for its agent with ConfigMap
and also supports configuring node selector and tolerations for its agent.
The helloworld add-on supported configuration types can be listed from the supportedConfigs
field in its ClusterManagementAddOn
kubectl get clustermanagementaddons helloworld -ojsonpath='{.spec.supportedConfigs}'
To configure the helloworld add-on agent
Create a
with nodeSelector and tolerations, there is an example inexamples/deploy/addon-config/addondeploymentconfig.yaml
Apply the
to a namespace, for example, to our managed cluster namespace
kubectl -n cluster1 apply -f examples/deploy/addon-config/addondeploymentconfig.yaml
- Reference this configuration to helloworld add-on, for example
kubectl -n cluster1 patch managedclusteraddons helloworld --type='json' -p='[{\"op\":\"add\", \"path\":\"/spec/configs\", \"value\":[{\"group\":\"addon.open-cluster-management.io\",\"resource\":\"addondeploymentconfigs\",\"namespace\":\"cluster1\",\"name\":\"deploy-config\"}]}]'
Then the helloworld add-on agent will be configured with this configuration.
The helloworld_helm add-on supported configuration types can be listed from the supportedConfigs
field in its ClusterManagementAddOn
kubectl get clustermanagementaddons helloworldhelm -ojsonpath='{.spec.supportedConfigs}'
To configure the helloworld_helm add-on agent
Create a
with nodeSelector and tolerations, there is an example inexamples/deploy/addon-config/addondeploymentconfig.yaml
Create a
with image and imagePullPolicy, there is an example inexamples/deploy/addon-config/configmap.yaml
Apply these two configurations to a namespace, for example, to our managed cluster namespace
kubectl -n cluster1 apply -f examples/deploy/addon-config/addondeploymentconfig.yaml
kubectl -n cluster1 apply -f examples/deploy/addon-config/configmap.yaml
- Reference these two configurations to helloworld_helm add-on, for example
kubectl -n cluster1 patch managedclusteraddons helloworldhelm --type='json' -p='[{\"op\":\"add\", \"path\":\"/spec/configs\", \"value\":[{\"group\":\"addon.open-cluster-management.io\",\"resource\":\"addondeploymentconfigs\",\"namespace\":\"cluster1\",\"name\":\"deploy-config\"},{\"resource\":\"configmaps\",\"namespace\":\"cluster1\",\"name\":\"image-config\"}]}]'
Then the helloworld_helm add-on agent will be configured with these two configurations.
Undeploy managedClusterAddons firstly.
make undeploy-addon
Undeploy example AddOn controllers from hub cluster after all managedClusterAddons are deleted.
make undeploy-helloworld
make undeploy-helloworld-helm
make undeploy-helloworld-hosted
make undeploy-helloworld-template
make undeploy-kubernetes-dashboard
Remove the AddOn CR from hub cluster. It will undeploy the AddOn agent from the managed cluster as well.
kubectl --kubeconfig </path/to/hub_cluster/kubeconfig> delete managedclusteraddons -n <managed_cluster_name> helloworld
Follow instructions from registration-operator to uninstall OCM if necessary;