Releases: kiwix/kiwix-js-pwa
Wikivoyage by Kiwix (Linux/Windows) 3.0.6
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WikiMed by Kiwix (Linux/Windows) 3.0.4
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Kiwix JS Linux/Windows 3.0.1
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We are proud to announce Kiwix JS PWA version 3!
Version 3 is a big milestone for the PWA and Electron apps. Highlights of this release include:
- Preliminary support for Zimit v2.0 archive types
- Provision of new packages for Windows on ARM64 and Linux on ARM64
- Ability to use built-in DarkReader with all Zimit-style ZIMs
- Fallback support for reading static content in any archive type (using jQuery mode)
For the full list of new and update features in v3, please see #556.
Wikivoyage by Kiwix (Linux/Windows) 2.9.6
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WikiMed by Kiwix (Linux/Windows) 2.9.4
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Kiwix JS Linux/Windows 2.9.2
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Wikivoyage by Kiwix (Linux/Windows) 2.8.8
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WikiMed by Kiwix (Linux/Windows) 2.8.2
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Kiwix JS Windows/Linux 2.7.8
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Wikivoyage by Kiwix (Windows/Linux) 2.7.6
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